#just in case keep your luminosity low
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Another Voice - Chapter 1 - Part 2
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stinkysam · 1 year
Porco Galliard - With an autistic reader
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Warning : none
Genre : fluff
Synopsis : "can u make hcs specifically how porco would help autistic reader? like calming reader down when theyre on a meltdown, helping them socialize more, understand each other, etc" -anon
Reader : gender neutral (you/yours)
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You had to educate Porco on a lot of things because autism wasn't widely known back then. He's heard of it but only the non-verbal, bouncy type. He wasn't aware there are different types of autism.
You also had to be really patient with him because he is not patient and can be quite stubborn. Mainly when you are just friends, it gets better as he starts developing feelings for you though. He listens more, tries to be more patient and understanding.
He always panics a bit during your meltdowns and doesn't know what to do at first. His first thought is to touch you to lead you somewhere else. He quickly realizes this is not the way to go and correct himself, stopping himself from touching you.
With time, he'll get the hang of it and will be perfect, quickly getting your noise canceling headphones and swiftly accompanying you to a quiet place with low luminosity. He'll stop anyone from talking to you or touching you and will be quite aggressive with it, wanting to make sure people respect the boundaries. He'll know what room to go to at the training camp and will stay for the entirety of the meltdown with you to make sure nothing bad happens.
He has a pair of noise canceling headphones in his desk at the training camp for you and one in his room in his drawer by his bed. He knows exactly where they are and always puts them back on the same spot to never lose them.
He's bad at helping you socialize more. Because he'll either let you do what you want, leaving you alone, or make you talk to multiple people at once. It's mainly the first case scenario that happens because he's not very popular (unlike Pieck) so he doesn't have many friends apart from Pieck, Colt and a few others. Plus, he doesn't see what's the problem is with not being sociable. Unless you explicitly tell him you want to change that. If so, he's gonna make you talk to everyone by including you unnecessarily in the discussion which will be quite tiring.
The "said without saying it" can be a big problem, especially since he has trouble sharing his feelings. Giving you an apple or asking about your day could be equal to saying "I love you / I care about you.". He uses it a lot because you're supposed to know what it means. When you actually don't, because he's never told you what it means.
He doesn't like small talk. It's just a waste of time to him. So he won't make you participate in it, though, sometimes he likes to annoy you with it and talk about how sunny it is outside and how hot it is and how the flowers are gonna love it. He finds your short answers very funny for some reason.
You can hear things he cannot and he hates it. It's petty. Simply put. He just doesn't like that you can hear better than him. It's just his brain got used to the noise so it's no longer noticed. He says he wishes he had your hearing which indicates he doesn't know how annoying it can get.
He is photosensitive so he understands how the light can affect you. Though it's different, he only sneezes when the sun is bright while it can give you headaches. He's bought you sunglasses. He got a matching pair. He doesn't wear them often.
Sometimes he struggles with your food preferences but he says nothing because he can eat what remains on your plate. To his mom you're a challenge. She always tries to cook things you would like.
You introduced him to fidget toys, though not a lot existed back then. He doesn't want to admit it, but he loves them. He doesn't like the tangle toy because it keeps popping, and it breaks easily. But he likes skin picking rings. It gives him something to scratch discreetly. Or the good ol' stress ball, but it can't be a bright color or else it's too visible. He's so-so with weighted blankets. He likes them but sometimes they're too much. He likes to buy you new fidget toys so you can both try them.
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Color Contrast
If you’re someone who wants to make their blog more accessible to those with vision impairments (and honestly, even some without), I want to introduce you to the idea of color contrast and how to account for it in your layout design.
As a note, I included pictures in this guide for the sake of those who are visual learners like me, but I’ve made sure to speak to all important elements of the images in the text itself as well. If I could make the images invisible to a screen reader, I would, but Tumblr doesn’t allow that (as far as I know). In any case, rest assured you are not missing out on anything important if you cannot read the images. 
This post is a bit long, so I’m putting the bulk of it under a read more. I’ve separated it out into sections in case anyone only wants certain information, but I promise all of it is useful and worth a read!
What is Color Contrast?
Color contrast is a ratio of luminosity: the difference in light between font (or anything in the foreground) and its background. While this can be important to consider for some graphical elements that convey meaning, it’s most important for text, which pretty much ALWAYS conveys meaning. Some visual impairments make it difficult for people to read text that has a low contrast against it’s background, so it’s important to ensure anything you want people to see (which I hope is everything on your blog!) has high enough contrast. 
What is “High Enough”?
"High enough” is naturally somewhat arbitrary, but luckily for us, Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, or WCAG, provide a concrete definition of “high enough” for developing purposes. Now, even within  WCAG, there is a little variance on standards, but for the purposes of this post, I will be working with WCAG 2.0 AA color contrast standards. If you’re interested in going above and beyond that, feel free to look into AAA contrast standards on the WebAIM Color Contrast page.
WCAG 2.0 AA color contrast standards dictate that large text (text that is either 14pt font or greater if bold or 18pt font or greater if not bold) has a contrast of at least 3:1 against its background. Anything smaller than that is small text, which must have a contrast of at least 4.5:1 against its background. 
While you are not legally obligated to meet these exact standards (unless your content actually does fall under the scope of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act), it’s a handy threshold to work with for any digital content.  
How Can I Check For It?
Since the vast majority of us can’t determine the exact contrast ratio of two colors just by looking at them, there is a handy tool called Colour Contrast Analyser (CCA) you can use to help! This application is easy to download and absolutely free. 
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Once downloaded, you can manually type in a HEX code for your foreground (text would fall into this category) and your background color. You can also use the color Picker button to use an eyedropper tool to “pick” the color from a web page or anything else on your screen. The program then gives you the contrast ratio between the colors you picked, whether it passes or fails AA and AAA requirements for small and large text, and provides a preview of what text in the first color might look like against a background with the second color. In the above example, I used blue (#0077D9) text against an orange (#FF7400) background. While these two colors may seem very distinct when viewed on their own, you can probably see how much of an issue they are to read together with a contrast ratio of only 1.7:1. Keep in mind though, not all non-compliant combinations will be this painfully obvious.
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Here we have a pretty common color combo of white (#FFFFFF) text against a light blue (#5C9BD5) background. With a contrast ratio of 3.0:1, it technically meets AA requirements for large text (if only barely), but defintely fails for small text (and fails for both by AAA standards). Unlike with the orange and blue example, I’d be willing to bet that most people without visual impairments won’t immediately see a problem with this color combo, even with the text examples provided. But that’s why we have the tool, right?
How Do I Fix It?
There are lots of ways to go about fixing it, and many simply include trial and error. However, if you don’t feel like plugging in multiple color combos into the Colour Contrast Analyser, I have an easier alternative for you using a second tool called the Accessible Name & Description Inspector (ANDI). Unlike the first tool we talked about, this one is a browser extension used to test entire websites for Section 508 compliance, so it has a lot of different options in it. We’re only going to focus on one small part of it though: the color contrast playground.
Note: if you want to look into this tool in detail, it is fully accessible, so feel free to poke around with your mouse, keyboard, screen reader, whatever, once you install it.
The web page I linked up there has great instructions for installing this browser extension in your browser, whatever it might be, so I’m going to skip that part here. 
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Once you have it installed and open though, you might notice a dropdown menu near the top set to “focusable elements” by default. That’s the currently active section in the tool, the part that helps test for keyboard accessibility on a given web page, including tab order and title attributes. We’re going to ignore all that for now though, and select a different option from the dropdown menu: color contrast.
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Once you select this, you will be in the cANDI section of the tool.
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This section alone has a lot of different options, including testing certain parts of a page for color contrast automatically, setting the page to grayscale, and more, but you can read all about that in the ANDI user guide. So again, we’re going to ignore all that and select the “show contrast playground” to expand that section. You can select it again to hide it later on, if you wish.
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This section requires you to enter two HEX color values to get a contrast ratio, much like the Color Contrast Analyser tool. You can use the arrow keys to adjust the brightness of each color just a smidge up or down, and play around with it that way. 
But that’s not the coolest part. 
You see, unlike the Color Contrast Analyser tool, ANDI’s Contrast Playground has another feature: small text and large text suggestions. After entering the HEX codes in (here I used the same blue and orange from our first example), two new options will appear below those fields if the contrast ratio is too low. If the contrast ratio is below 4.5:1, the tool will provide a “get small text suggestion” button you can select to change the first color you entered to the closest possible color that will meet AA color contrast requirements. If your contrast ratio is below 3:1, you will get an option to “get large text suggestion” as well. Note that the tool always changes the first color, not the second, so make sure that’s the one you want to adjust between your two colors. In this case, the original combo of blue (#0077D9) and orange (#FF7400) gives us a color contrast ratio of 1.69:1, so we have both "suggestion” buttons to choose from.
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Selecting the “get large text suggestion” button will darken the blue color a bit (#004aad), and display the new contrast ratio of 3:1. If the text you are testing is small text though, you’ll want to select the “get small text suggestion” button instead. 
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Now the blue is even darker still (#002a8d), and the new updated contrast ratio is 4.52:1. This tool is an excellent way to keep your color scheme as close to your original vision as possible while still making it accessible to those with visual impairments. 
So there you have it! Now you can make your blog layout more accessible in terms of color contrast and still be plenty creative. This is also a great tool to use when picking the colors for your mobile layout and instant message layout as well.
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sigridhr · 3 years
Darcyverse Drabbles Round 2
Written for the Drabble Race game in the Darcyverse discord server. Hit me up if you want to join our cool Darcy-centric server, all about our favourite Marvel gal. ;)
Prompt 1: Magnetism
It’s hard to deny the pull even from across the room when she locks eyes. Valkyrie is so incredibly, unbelievably out of her league, and yet… there’s something promising in the way she’s looking at Darcy from the other side of the bar and for the first time, Darcy thinks maybe.
When they’re kissing later and maybe has become definitely, Darcy wonders aloud how she’d got so lucky.
“I was going to say the same,” says Valkyrie. “It just felt right.”
She pulls her closer and kisses her harder, and they fit, like magnets, together in the dark.
It’s several rounds before Monica figures out precisely how Darcy is doing it. It’s sad, really, that it look her this long. But ever since Monica had come down with a case of the superpowers, Darcy had started learning stage magic purely just to - as she put it - “keep up with you wizards.”
Darcy is making the card levitate, holding it out in front of her with panache and moving it through the air, wiggling her fingers. Wanda is laughing a little into her wine glass.
“I’ve got it,” says Monica. “Magnets.”
With a snap the card flies into Darcy’s hand and then she chucks one of the magnets at Monica. “Stop ruining the magic!”
Wanda sometimes wonders if trouble is drawn to her, pulled by some unseen force. Like the world bends around her as she moves, throwing danger and despair in her path. She worries about it when she looks at Darcy and thinks about the way everyone she has ever loved is gone. It’s a scary thing to love again, feeling like it might be the undoing of her.
Darcy’s asleep, one hand loosely curled next to her face, and Wanda wants to leave. But if danger is pulled to her, she is pulled to Darcy, and she’s helpless to let go.
There’s something magnetic about the way Darcy laughs, the way she smiles. It pulls Valkyrie in, until she finds she’s laughing too, smiling too, and hopelessly besotted. There’s a million little thoughtful things Darcy leaves dotted around Valkyrie’s life, that have become indelible now, pressed upon her over and over like little kisses. Morning coffees, errands run, dishes washed. A thousand tiny things that have kept Darcy at the forefront of Valkyrie’s mind, always present, always smiling, and always the light that Valkyrie turns towards.
It’s only later, stroking Darcy’s hair that Valkyrie realises she has come to think of Darcy - her Darcy - as home.
Prompt 2: Luminosity
“What is it?” Carol asked, looking more than a little confused, looking at the new aquarium set up in her room.
“Oh, boy,” said Darcy, “are you in for a treat.” With a huge flourish she reached over and flicked off the light. The fish glowed faintly in the dark, swimming around in circles. “Nightlight fish!”
“You bought me… nightlight fish?” Carol asked, flatly.
“They match you,” Darcy said, laughing. “They’re your fish buds.”
“This is about me keeping you awake at night isn’t it.”
“Your aquatic people! Your scaly counterparts! Your swimming siblings!”
“... sometimes I hate you.”
The water was lapping rhythmically against the beach, beating out a slow rhythm that Darcy found unbelievably soothing. By the dying light of the campfire she could just see Valkyrie slipping off her shoes, then peeling her socks off one by one.
“C’mon,” Valkyrie said softly, pulling Darcy to her feet. They came to the water’s edge, and Darcy noticed a faint glow along the waves, pale blue and sparkling. Valkyrie brushed sharply through the water with her foot, sending out a wave of blue sparkles into the night.
“Phosphorescent plankton,” she said, jumping into the water and splashing about, wreathed in pale blue glow. She grinned wildly, and Darcy leapt.
The power went out in the lab suddenly, machinery grinding to a halt, and the low, persistent whine of the lights dropping off to nothing. “Where’s the generator?” Jane snapped immediately. “The power shouldn’t be out.”
Rustling through the emergency cupboard, Darcy emerged victorious with the flashlight. Pointing it up at her face and flicking it on, she grinned maniacally. “Zere iz no generator, Doktor Foster, for tonight, you die!”
Jane smiled, whacking Darcy with her notes and shouting “stop it” even over the sound of Darcy’s dastardly “mwhahahaha!”
“You’re an idiot,” Jane said, affectionately.
Darcy passed her the flashlight. “Yeah, but I’m your idiot.”
“What is it?” Darcy asked, leaning forward and resting her head in her hands. The pale green glow of the substance lit up her face, casting odd shadows.
“We have no idea,” said Natasha, tapping the case. The green goo reacted, flinching away from her touch and rearing up. “But we’re pretty sure it’s alive.”
“So,” said Darcy slowly, “basically we discovered Flubber.”
Natasha shot her a flat look. “Space Flubber.”
As one they both stood up. “Above my paygrade,” they both said, laughing as they turned and fled the lab, leaving it for Tony to sort out. He seemed more the Flubber sort.
Morning broke over the cliffs, the first light of the sun, pale yellow and not yet warm, drifted in through Darcy’s window. Over the bed it lit up her white duvet, and landed in soft stripes across Valkyrie’s skin. Darcy traced them with her fingers, revelling in the way the light cast soft shadows across her body.
Valkyrie rolled over, smiling softly at her and curling up in the crook of Darcy’s arm. Her fingers were growing warm in the sunbeam, resting on Valkyrie’s hip. And in the early morning, she pulled her closer still, and waited for the sun to draw them out.
In between the street lamps, the path was absolutely pitch dark, overgrown on both sides, and it looked foreboding. Darcy found herself almost running from streetlight to streetlight, getting through the darkness as quick as she could. Out of habit, she slipped one of her keys between her fingers, clenching her hand tightly.
A sound from the bushes sent her heart racing, and she picked up the pace, almost running into the light of the next streetlamp. Turning, pulse racing, she came face to face with Valkyrie.
“Sorry,” she said. “Didn’t mean to scare you.”
Darcy breathed out, letting the tension drop from her body. “Walk me home?”
Prompt 3: Gravity
“I honestly never thought this would happen,” Darcy said, somewhat hysterically. “I mean, I know it comes up all the time in movies, but I really, really never thought this would happen.”
“I think we’re supposed to stop squirming,” Jane said nervously. “I can’t remember what we’re supposed to do.”
“I don’t know!” Darcy shouted. “I can’t remember any of the movies!”
They sunk a little further, Darcy caned her neck up. “Do I tread water?”
“I don’t think you can tread quicksand,” Jane said. “I think we’re just doomed.”
“We’re doomed!” Darcy howled, as they sunk to the deep.
There’s a push-pull to the way they’re moving around each other, dancing around the open secret between them. Flirting is all lingering touches and innuendoes, drawing nearer and nearer, and then pulling away, caught in an orbit and never quite touching. Darcy shivers as Valkyrie runs fingers up her back, listens for the soft exhale Valkyrie gives when Darcy fixes her hair, feels her pulse race when their fingers brush, swapping glasses.
They’re pulled, closer and closer, in a decaying orbit around each other. Until at last, one of them lets go, and they both fall.
Total: 12
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ryunochie · 3 years
MMD Cook Torrance shading tutorial + Dry Brush technique
Welcome to this tutorial on how to render images in MMD using my technique!
For this tutorial, we will use an extensive list of effects, but it is subject to change, as it was made especially for my black and white style with low-key lighting. Below is the list of MME used in this tutorial:
Cook Torrance (shader);
o_DisAlphaBlend (optional);
Object Luminous (optional);
PointLight (Cook Torrance);
SoftLightA (NCHL2 shader);
SoftLightB (NCHL2 shader);
Draw style;
Each listed effect redirects you to your download page. This tutorial refers to the following image:
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Results will vary according to the type of model used; this is a high poly model, so shading is better and much more detailed. I recommend adapting this tutorial to your project.
Before we start, I will give a brief explanation about the functionality of the shader, the main one of this tutorial: Cook Torrance is a powerful shader that allows us to create personalized lighting through points of light; it has variations for more shine (specular and テカテカ), skin (sakura R1 and blight for more shine), toon and normal map.
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The application of this shader removes outlines and SPA / SPH, so be careful with parts that depend entirely on SPH, such as metals. In the example below, specular variations were applied to the glove and eye patch, テカテ カ to the hair to enhance the highlights and R1 sakura on the skin; the other parts are with the base shader:
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Before and after adding the shader. Note the absence of glare in the glove and the greater definition of the model's shapes.
Inside the shader folder, we can find 5 point light files and another one called ShadowMap.x; I still don't know for sure what the latter does and I get an error message when loading, but, in my view, it makes no difference with or without. As for the point lights, the shader limits the use of 4 points simultaneously, the 5th will not work.
To activate the point light, it is necessary to change its Rx, Ry and Rz values, which work as RGB to give color to the lighting — 1, 1, 1 is the studio white color, standard and the one I use for all my images, since I work with black and white. It is preferable to change the light intensity by changing the Tr value instead of RGB. Move the point lights using the dummy bone (standard MMD model).
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In this case, our 1st point light, the main lighting will be stronger and will repeat the "movement" of the standard MMD lighting you set. In my case, I chose RGB = 100, 100, 100; X = +0.5; Y = - 0.5 and Z = +1.0. Uncheck the display box on the accessory handling panel to hide the point light's model.
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If the Si of the point light increases, the light will be stronger and it will be necessary to reposition it. In certain scenarios, it is preferable to use large point lights that cover more parts of the project. Examples below:
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Application of the 2nd point light, which is weaker because it is "auxiliary" light; it will give the glove and hair more shine, in addition to softening the shadows on the left side of the face for a smoother transition:
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For our 3rd point light, it will have the characteristic of the so-called rim light: this is a photography technique mainly used to separate the object from the background with a lamp behind the subject. In this case, we will use the point light just above the model to add details to the hair strands:
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Object Luminous is a versatile and easy-to-apply effect, the effect of which, as the name suggests, gives luminosity to the selected part. In this render, I loaded 2 Object Luminous and put one on the hair and beard, the other on the glove and jacket because they are dark parts that easily disappear when more effects are added.
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In the hair, the luminosity serves as an aid to the Cook Torrance (variation テ カ テ カ) and gives shape to the hair when configured in low intensity: Si = 0.1, Tr ≤ 0.4 - subject to change according to your needs. Application examples below:
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Preferably, move Object Luminous before any effect of changing the color of the screen, such as o_Tonemap and ikClut, otherwise the lighting will be highlighted, producing the very desirable black and white color effect: the so-called color splash.
One of the essential effects for the proper functioning and credibility of Cook Torrance, PostRimLighting creates the rim light, mentioned earlier in this tutorial, in the entire model and highlights its forms; it is important to set Si to at least ≥ 0.3 to support the light created by the light points — a value subject to change as more effects are added.
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As Majima's clothes are mostly quite dark, the initial 0.3 needed to be changed to 0.8 at the end of the render, as the image was getting darker.
For lights coming from behind the subject, start with a higher Si value. Example below:
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The role of this set is to soften the lighting and enhance its brightness, mainly because it is a type of "physical" lighting: objects with light properties.
The creator of Cook Torrance recommends combining the shader with Diffusion, but I preferred the results with LightBloom. Inside the effect folder, there is a controller called LightBloomController.pmx and the effect's own files: LightBloom.x and LightBloom with DirtMap.x.
The DirtMap variation serves for natural light and recreates imperfections in the camera lens; as my goal is to create studio lighting, I use the original effect.
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   When loading the controller, there will be 5 manipulation sliders, these are, according to the author's description: 
BloomThreshold: "seeks pixels higher than this brightness level";
BloomRadius: "controls the size of blurring effects as a percentage of the screen width";
BloomColorAllHSV: "scales the brightness and color of the entire bloom effect (linear color space with HSV color)";
Bloom 1st-5stHSV: "modify the brightness and color of bloom in each layer, if you need more bloom, use a higher layer";
DirtColorHSV: "scales the brightness and color of the entire DirtMap".
In short, the 1st step is to set BloomThreshold to 0.5 and adjust the intensity according to your need: the higher the number, the more parts will receive brightness. For low light, it is recommended to use it around 0.6, keep BloomRadius < 0.3 and decrease the intensity in BloomColorAllHSV, leaving ≥ 0.5.
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Place PostRimLighting and Object Luminous before LightBloom to soften their lights too.
Then, the shadow effects are added. I use 4 by default: AbSSAO, HgSAO, HgSSAO and SvSSAO — when in need of more shadows, I add o_SSAO with low Si. Each has a purpose in the overall composition, making it important to control the values ​​of Si and Tr according to the purpose of your lighting. I will not discuss how to configure each shadow in this tutorial. O_DLAA is an alternative to common anti-aliasing and reduces, to some extent, the knurling that post effects produce. O_disAlphaBlend serves to fix the alpha channels (transparency). It is important to put both at the top of the list of effects.
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The SoftLight A and B effects are part of the NCHL2 shader and act as a more manipulable version of o_BleachBypass, very useful to add contrast to the project. A lightens or darkens the image, while B works as an aid to control gray shades.
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It is important to maintain a smooth transition from shadows to less rough brush strokes of dry brush, mainly on the face, due to excessive contrast, as in the following example:
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The application of the BREAK THE COLOR effect is done exclusively by the characteristic of "false lighting", extremely useful in low-light or spot scenarios. It is recommended to use Tr ≤ 0.5; increase the Si to give much more contrast, but I don’t think it is necessary, since we have SoftLight and soon o_SelfOverlay. However, feel free to experiment with higher Si. LIGHT ME UP is my favorite variation, for both light and dark scenes, CHATEAU is a great alternative to lighten them up.
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Application of o_SelfOverlay in order to soften LIGHT ME UP and increase the Si of PostRimLighting to delimit body and clothing contours:
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Application of ScreenTex変 - パラ_フレア (variation 墨) for lighting correction. Important to place before PostRimLighting to preserve the edges:
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Now the render starts to take the 2D direction when applying Croquis改 and highlight the textures of the model and make smooth outlines; the value that interests us in this case is the Y, which affects the textures.
The goal is to delimit the Drybrush's area of ​​operation and avoid a very blurred and confused image, especially for portraits. In addition, the contours give a greater drawing aspect when rendering.
After many tests, I came to the conclusion that Y ≥ 1 values ​​in low perspective are sufficient for desirable results in the final render: the further you move the camera away, the stronger the lines become, needing to decrease the Tr. It is not recommended to rely on the render preview in MMD, as Croquis tends to weaken.
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It is good to place Croquis before any post effects for best results.
This effect applies a layer that imitates a canvas and has 18 variations, being 9.x more used by me to smooth out the Drybrush's strokes. Recommended to use Tr ≤ 0.4.
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Finally, the effect that creates our painting. When loading it, there are 4 variations of detail: cancel (removes the effect of a certain part), chara (default), face and skydome; it is possible to change the type when loading another FX. I don't mess with these settings, but feel free to experiment with the different types.
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To control the brush size, the value of Si is changed, which ranges from 0.5 to 2. Tr will decrease the visibility of the effect — I personally do not change this value.
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Like Croquis, the preview of the render will be different from the final result, making it essential for you to experiment with different values . I try to render 3 different files for 0.5; 1 and 2, because 0.5 usually the final image has white lines and dots with a smaller brush, but it is easily corrected when applying the Si 1 layer on top, as in the example below:
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It is up to you how you edit the finished render. I open the extra 2 layers (1 and 2) in GIMP and change their properties to "just darken", so only the dark strokes appear, hiding the white flaws.
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script-a-world · 4 years
I want a really cold place, with even the summer temperatures below 0°C at the equator ... but no snow. Not possible? It completely defies the freezing point of water, unless something else interferes with it ... ? Or make water not H2O but something similar but with a lower freezing point?? It's still got to be habitable for humans.
Feral: A lot of this answer depends on what you mean.
When you say “no snow,” do you mean “no precipitation”? Because that is absolutely going to be the case if no temperatures on the planet ever even reach 0 C. When you say “no snow,” do you mean no ice or frozen things? Then I really don’t see how that is going to be possible. If you want humans to live on this planet, then you’ve got to have water. And by water, I am obviously talking about water to drink, but I’m also referring to the water in the human body.
If you don’t want precipitation, which would come in the form of snow, then the climates you are looking at are tundras and polar deserts (or ice cap climates). You’ll notice that these are not particularly fit for human habitation (not least due to hypothermia and frostbite potential). The likeliest would be a tundra, which typically does thaw in the summer (in other words, goes above 0 C (32 F)), unless your humans live in structures similar to the research stations in the Arctic or Antarctica. But even then, you need to consider biodiversity and how people are gonna survive on your world.
And that brings us to my next “what do you mean?” What does “habitable for humans” in this context mean to you? Did humans evolve there? Did they settle there? Are they just living in small research or military bases? How do you expect them to get their food? When you say “humans” do you mean humans or do you mean humanoid aliens?
Ice planets have been proposed to exist, but they are generally considered completely inhospitable to any life at all, let alone human life which requires very specific conditions, like breathable air, water, and food sources. Also, keep in mind that while plenty of humans do live in harsh climates, the optimal temperature range for humans is 4.4-35 C (40-95 F).
In every solar system capable of supporting life, there is a habitable zone (other factors in whether a planet can support life also exist), which is the range of distances from the sun that a planet would have to orbit within to be considered inhabitable, which is generally thought to mean supporting some liquid water at the surface. The habitable zone is 95%-137% the square root of the star’s luminosity,* which is the star’s mass (your star should be between about .6 to 1.4 times the mass of Sol (our sun) for the solar system to be habitable) cubed.
*Please note that this has been super distilled for worldbuilding purposes by Edgar of Artefexian [video]. If you would like more information on the actual equations involved, feel free to check out these resources. Here’s a calculator!  
So if your star is on the upper limit of the habitable mass, which is 1.4 solar masses, then its luminosity is 2.477 the luminosity of Sol, and its habitable zone is between 1.574 times the distance of Sol to Earth and 2.269 times the distance of Sol to Earth, which comes to approximately 236.1 million - 340.35 million kilometers (146.706 million - 211.484 million miles) sun to planet. If you star is on the lower limit of the habitable mass, which is .6 solar masses, then its luminosity is 0.216 the luminosity of Sol, and its habitable zone is between 0.4415 times the distance of Sol to Earth and 0.6367 times the distance of Sol to Earth, which comes to approximately 66.225 million - 95.505 million kilometers (41.150 million - 59.344 million miles) sun to planet.
The planets that I know of that would be candidates for ice planets, do not meet this criteria. OGLE-2005-BLG-390Lb orbits a star that is estimated to have a mass of 0.22 Sol’s mass, and MOA-2007-BLG-192Lb orbits a brown dwarf at approximately 0.06 Sol’s mass, so neither of these even qualify as being in a solar system likely to support life. Unlike ice planets, planets like Hoth from Star Wars are likely terrestrial planets covered in snow and ice, but are unlikely to exist in our universe or support life if they did. Earth itself may have once been a Snowball, but that was long before humans existed and likely before multicellular life existed (though it could be the reason multicellular life exists). In general, what we see in very cold planets, are several factors that make human life, or in some cases any life as we understand it, rather impossible: suns that are too small, planets that are too far away, and atmospheres that have low to no oxygen and instead gasses that would be poisonous.
(Keep in mind that the habitability zone is for the evolution of life; it’s certainly possible that a more distant planet could become home for colonists, but consider what could make them choose such an inhospitable place.)
Finally, we’ve answered a few questions before dealing with desert climates, which could be helpful in brainstorming how your people will live without precipitation or liquid water, and single biome worlds.
Water Scarcity
Evolving on a Desert Planet
Single Biome Planets
Synth: Does the rest of the planet also have to be below freezing, or just this one area of it? If it’s the whole planet, well, Feral already touched on several points that you will have to resolve to make the place habitable. If it’s just this one place, I have four words for you: altitude and rain shadow.
High altitude (how far above sea level you are) affects a place in ways similar to high latitude (how far to the north or south on the globe* you are): it gets colder, and eventually you pass the tree line, the point past which trees don’t grow and there’s just small shrubs, scrub-brush, grasses and other low-lying vegetation. Even in tropical regions a mountain that is tall enough can have glaciers at the summit. A rain shadow occurs when winds encounter mountain ranges and are pushed upward by the terrain. The low pressures and temperatures at the higher altitudes basically force the air to dump its moisture as it rises, leaving very little water — sometimes none at all — to fall on the other side of the mountains. There are several deserts on Earth located in the rain shadows of mountains. The Atacama in Chile is especially notable as the driest place on Earth, due to part of it being located between two mountain ranges, blocking any potential rain from two directions and not just one. Stick your equatorial place really high up and between a bunch of mountains, and boom: cold place with little-to-no precipitation, while the rest of the planet can still be whatever. Although if the rest of the planet is much warmer but you still want people to be permanently living in this cold place, there should be a reason why. What is it about this chilly place that makes people want to tough it out instead of moving somewhere more hospitable?
*Only applies if the planet’s rotational axis is oriented vertical-ish. If your planet is rolling around on a near-horizontal axis like Uranus, things will be different.
Lockea: In the study of thermodynamics, there’s a relationship between melting point, pressure, and temperature. Ice becomes water at 0 C because the pressure on Earth is 1 atmosphere (atm) which is also 101.3 kPa. To simplify what can be a very complex calculation, the higher the pressure the lower the melting point. So, the easiest way for a planet to have very cold temperatures but not have ice is to have higher pressure.
According to this source at Engineering Toolbox, at  100 MPa (about 100 times more than Earth’s atmosphere), ice begins to melt at -8.94 C. So as long as your temperature is above -8.94 C then there will be no ice.
Your other thought that water could consist of a different molecular structure than H2O also has merit. On Earth, the reason why regular water freezes at 32 F is because 0 F is the freezing temperature of salt water, and when the Farenheit scale was created, 0 F was chosen as the point at which salt water froze. (100 F was chosen as the average temperature of the human body, by the way, so there IS actually a logic behind the Farenheit scale.) The simple addition of salt to the water lowers its melting point quite significantly.
Ammonia, for example, has a melting point at -77 C at 1 atm, meaning that a sea made of ammonia would be liquid at very low temperatures.
You have several different options for how your planet could exist with water in a liquid state at very low temperatures, but those conditions would be extremely hostile for the presence of life. A planet with this sort of extreme would likely exist outside the Goldilocks Zone. If that is not something that is relevant to your world, then you’re all set! If it is relevant, then you may need to consider additional steps for your characters to survive in such a hostile environment.
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acosmicgeek · 4 years
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Stars are born, and then they live. If a body is large enough and has enough pressure in its core, it will squeeze to fuse hydrogen. The hydrogen in a star's core fuses into helium, releasing photons and fueling the star. The heat created in this process attempts to expand the star, but as their gravity is so strong which threatens to collapse them (making it a problem once fusion stops - we'll get to this later!), this creates an equilibrium. And while stars have some things in common, they do have unique qualities of their own.
        Here are the properties that all main sequence stars share: hydrogen fusion, hydrostatic equilibrium ("the inward acting force, gravity, is balanced by outward acting forces of gas pressure and the radiation pressure"), the mass-luminosity relationship (in other words, the more massive a star, the brighter it is), it is the stage where stars spend the most of their lives, and a composition made almost entirely of hydrogen and helium (ATNF - Australia Telescope National Facility).
        Like the planets and our sun, stars have structure. The layers of a star are as follows, from the innermost to the outermost: the core, the radiative and convective zones, the photosphere, the chromosphere, and the corona. The structure of our Sun is illustrated above.
        The core of a star undergoes fusion in order to maintain hydrostatic equilibrium, and prevent the star from collapsing in on itself. As such, the core is the hottest and most dense region of a star (Universe Today). Thermonuclear energy spreads from the core through convection, the process by which heat moves: heat moves up and cold moves down because cold has a higher density than hot (Britannica: convection). Furthermore, some stars are fully convective, while others just have regions of convection. "The location of convection zones is strongly dependent on the star’s mass. Cool and low-mass stars are fully convective ... Stars slightly more massive and warmer than the Sun, also form a convective core." (Stellar Convection). I'll touch on this in the next chapter, where small stars such as Red Dwarfs are fully convective and are able to avoid the Red Giant phase, due to a lack of build-up of particles in their cores.
        In radiative zones, this energy is carried by radiation. In convective zones, it is carried by convection. These zones are not hot or dense enough to undergo nuclear fusion. The photosphere is the surface of a star, then the inner atmosphere (colored red due to the abundance of hydrogen) is the chromosphere, and the outermost atmosphere is the corona (space.com).
        In terms of stellar composition, they are mainly composed of hydrogen and helium (which also happen to be some of the most abundant elements in the universe and are the fuel behind a star's nuclear fusion), but also include heavier elements (such as carbon and oxygen). As observed by spectrums and other observations, stars with a greater amount of heavier elements are typically younger because older stars give these elements off due to mass-loss (ATNF - Australia Telescope National Facility).
        Stars also undergo atomic and molecular processes internally to maintain their hydrostatic equilibrium:
The Proton-Proton Cycle is the main source of energy for cool main-sequence stars, such as the Sun. This cycle fuses four hydrogen nuclei (aka, protons) into one helium nucleus and two neutrinos (some of the original mass is converted into heat energy). Two hydrogen nuclei combine and emit a positron (a positively charged electron) and a neutrino. The hydrogen-2 nucleus captures a proton to become hydrogen-3 and emit a gamma-ray. There are multiple paths after which, but it always results in the same (Britannica: proton-proton cycle).
The CNO Cycle (aka the Carbon-Nitrogen-Oxygen Cycle) is the main source of energy for warmer main-sequence stars. This cycle has the same resultants but the process is much different. *SKIP AHEAD TO AVOID MY NERD RANT* It fuses a carbon-12 nucleus with a hydrogen nucleus to form a nitrogen-13 nucleus and a gamma-ray emission.  The nitrogen-13 emits a positron and becomes carbon-13, which captures another proton/hydrogen nucleus and becomes nitrogen-14 and another gamma-ray. The nitrogen-14 captures a proton to form oxygen-15 and then ejects a positron and becomes nitrogen-15. This, of course, captures another proton and then breaks down into a carbon-12 nucleus and a helium nucleus (an alpha particle). *JUST IN CASE YOU SKIPPED AHEAD* TLDR, it ends up as helium. Nuclear fusion, folks, it's weird (Britannica: CNO cycle).
        The products of these processes aren't just automatically transferred and radiated away from the star. No, first they must make their way through the radiative and convective zones. Neutrinos travel almost at the speed of light, and so are the least affected. Photons also lose some energy during the journey, due to interactions with other particles. This energy heats up the surrounding plasma and keeps it flowing, in turn the convection currents transport energy to the surface (ATNF - Australia Telescope National Facility).
        Even though a star spends most of its life in the main-sequence stage, this cycle of processes and equilibrium ends eventually. In the next chapter, we'll be talking about what happens after a star runs out of hydrogen to fuse - Giant and Super-Giant Stars. 
        The rate at which a star runs through its hydrogen is proportional to its mass: the greater the mass, the faster it runs through hydrogen,  and vice versa (Britannica: star). Then the star will begin to fuse the heavier elements until it meets its match: iron. Then things get real ... explosive.
First -  Chapter 1: An Introduction
Previous -  Chapter 4: A Star is Born
Next -  Chapter 6: The End (But Not Really)
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lillaxtrigger · 5 years
Young hope: Chapter 22 (Pt1)
The mountain breeze brushes through a lush valley of elm below; a flock of birds flowing though the winds resting upon their branches. Those same birds swiftly resume their flight when a lime green blaze combusts right in the small clearing below them; the lime flames beginning to take the shape of a pair of people. The fires soon die down, revealing under their burning cover both the young Heylin witch paired alongside the demonic green teen. Letting loose a raspy sigh, the green demon questions how he: “Still don’t know what cracked Drake’s head open to make him think that pairin me up with his bratty bitch of a sister would end as well as a sexy smooth ass.” “This isn’t exactly a pleasure cruise for me either, you know. Almost certain that it’s simply a disguised ploy to get back at me for the times I’ve taunted him with my magical prowess. Honestly, I can’t help if my own skill surpass his.” the witch surmised. “Whatever, just what the hell are we doing here anyway?” “Easily the forgetful and dim, aren’t we Victor? If you paid a single iota of attention to the report, you know that we’re here to investigate the ruins of a lost society.” “Mind at least giving a name, Shen Mi.” Victor asks. “Couldn’t say, even if I wanted to. The report didn’t exactly give any basic details. Could hardly track any trace of history down either. Only a single mysterious gate could found. We could be uncovering a race of time traveling primates for all I know. All that matters is that we search through their ruins to see if they left behind any books or something that tells of their history.” “Guessing your teleportation magic ain’t all you bitch it is, then. All I’m seein is just a bunch a trees and mountains. Ain’t no sign of any ruins anywhere.” “And here I was thinking you couldn’t be any more dimwitted. Of course the ruins wouldn’t be out in the open like this. They’d be hidden away from the public eye; their secrets, tucked under the cervices of this valley. My warping magic was on the mark.” the sorceress enforces, floating away from her demonic partner.
Following the young witch through the mountain woods, Victor asks her that: “If ya say that, then why not just skip the gate and warp right in? It’d be less hell of a hassle.” “Maybe to someone as stupidly reckless as you; but for someone as elegant as I, it’d be just foolish. Who know’s what insidious defenses this unknown race has laid to counter such intrusions.” “Oh bullshit. Like any ruins this old would have any working traps left. You just don’t wanna admit your scared.” “That’s because I’m not.” “Yeah ya are. You just a frightened little brat pretending to be big on the verge of pissing herself. He he he he he.” “Hmph. Someone as so magically inclined such as myself has no need for fear. Even if we wind up triggering such primitive craft, a simple thought would be all I need to tear it apart. Though being so carelessly destructive may wind up putting at risk any historical evidence. Tis why I find it best to practice precaution. Not like you would understand.” Shen Mi enforces, gazing back towards her following partner. “You’re so full of shit. Just all bark and no bite, like the bitch you are.” After briefly chuckling off the insult, the Heylin witch approaches Victor and responds with: “You can be so endearing when your imbecilic.” Shen Mi turning back to continue her floating venture, the green demon lets out an angered huff as he trails after.
Their trek soon leads them out from the edge of the forest valley and facing the base of the tall, rocky mountain. After a short climb up its crag, the two soon come to the entrance of a cave. Inside the duo come to a stop, both facing away from the exit as Victor congratulates the witch with: “Oh wow! Holy shit! I can’t believe what you’ve led me to, Shen Mi!” Before them lay little more than the caverns dead end; Victor’s tone turning sarcastic as he finishes jesting with: “A fucking rock wall! Just a spectacular site! Truly, your navigation skill rival only your powerful magic!” “Ha, shows what little you know. To any simpleton such as you, this would appear to be nothing more than a dead end. But with a gifted eye for the arcane such as I, one can see past its simple illusion.” Prepared to demonstrate the truth in her statement, the sorceress hands begin to glow a shade of lime green; soon putting her magical palms up to her eyes. Opening the middle of her fingers to uncover her site, she casts her vision out to the dead end; revealing beyond its false rock a massive circular gate. Baring upon its ancient steel face be countless interconnecting swirls; blocky wings displayed above the swirls with all of it surrounding a smooth, reflective orb lying in the center of it all. “...Holy fuck.” Victor awes. “I know. Such a simple illusion can’t hope to resist my power.” “...I was going on about the door.”
“No matter. Did you at least remember to bring the key?” the witch asks him. “Tsk, hardly call it a key.” From that response does the demon dig into the satchel hanging off his shoulder, soon pulling out from its debts a rotting severed hand; its aged skin torn and struck with mold. “Still don’t know how some poor bastards jerk off hand is supposed to help us out.” the lime demon questions; the sorceress drawing the hand into hers. “Because, you crude oaf, this is the only biological remnant left of this civilizations existence. Do you know how long it took for the Alliance to find even a single trace of their corpses? Most of this long forgotten society’s remains have either been destroyed or kept away from even the most attune of eyes.” Shen Mi explains, Victor making talking motions with his mouth and hand.
The young Heylin witch then levitates the palm over her head; twirling her hands as she finishes mentioning how: “And at long last, those exhausting efforts shall pay off here and now!” Waving her glowing palms, her lime green magic soon envelopes the decayed hand; her arcane power beginning to bring back life into the corpse. From her enchanting power, Shen Mi rejuvenates the severed hand back to the living; soon hovering its palm over the gates orb.
The resurrected hand causes the orb to erupt a sea of colorful lights, both the demon and witch shielding their sights from the sudden flash. Once their eyes adjust to the heavenly glow; Victor and Shen Mi look to the gate once more; a rainbow of countless colors flowing through the etched swirls of the door. Those colors are soon drawn into the wings surrounding the illuminating orb held in the center; a cavalcade of brilliant lights illuminating the entire caverns behind the two. The orb dead in the center begins to crack; soon growing more and more fractured as the gates luminosity blooms. Finally, the orb shatters; the entire cave cast in a blanket of shadows.
The middle of the gate slowly begins to unveil; an intense glow floods out from the other side. Alongside the light, a primeval gale long forgotten by time bellows out; threatening to expel the duo out from the cavern. Though the demon is able to stand against the raging winds, the hovering witch fails to keep herself grounded; Shen Mi being careened away from the gate. In the midst of her forced flight, the sorceress feels something wrapping around her leg; soon halting her ejection altogether. He sorceress glances out to see herself being kept within the caverns by a thick bandage; the young witch trailing the wraps towards her demonic partner, who hold onto his wrapping tightly.
Soon, the bellowing air comes to a calming close; Shen Mi falling to the cavern floor below as the winds die down. The sorceress regains her composure and levitates off the rocky grounds; gazing ahead to see Victor stepping through the gate. Floating over to her demonic partner, she soon joined in his awe; both Victor and Shen Mi amazed by the wondrous site before them.
Dozens upon dozens of hovering structures overtake their sight that show their numbers to be as vast as the eye can see; taking the form of numerous geometric shapes that twist and bend into one another. All of them sat comfortably over a set of jagged rainbow crystals; some hovering right over the colorful stalagmite, other set high overhead. Set floating through the air spaces be revolving pillars; each piece of the spinning columns twirling in opposite directions. Sprouting from between the crystal below, twisting trees tower over the jagged ground below; some rivaling even the highest of buildings. Perched through their branches be plump fuchsia fruit baring black stripes that twist towards their bases. Above it all laid the bright blue sky, clear as day; countless animals, insects, even a few people could be seen traversing over the transparent ceiling, completely unaware of the shining city below them.
Taking in the overwhelming site all at once, a whistle passes between the demons lips; soon following with: “Hot damn, these guys knew how to make a crazy as fuck city. Bunch of twisting buildins and trees just towering over all this shit.” “Indeed. It’s certainly surprising how this glimmering metropolis has maintained such power and composure through out the countless millennia. Best proceed with caution in this case; their security may still be active.” “And what happened to being too powerful for fear? This place already makin ya shit yerself?” “Just wish to be careful with you at my side. It’s hardly predictable when your bumbling hide may trigger a trap and put us both at risk.”
The sorceress’s bratty insult causes the demon’s snarky attitude to sour; a low key growl escapes from under his breath before he wonder: “Where the hell should we look first?” Shen Mi’s gaze wonders towards the top of the gleaming city, the bizarrely shaped structures growing less cluster the closer they stand towards the top. “The crown of this city looks to be less cluttered than it bottom. It might be best to start at the top and work out way down.” “Sounds like a plan. Race ya!” Presenting this sudden challenge, Victor jumps up to transforms into a falcon; swiftly ascending over the witch and towards the top of the city. Though caught off guard by her partners sudden flight, Shen Mi chase after the green shape shifter.
In their rise towards the lost cities top, the duo skate across the hovering buildings smooth sliver sides; both trailing around the structures corners. Both swerve over and around several décor lying across their flight path; twirling pillars; orbs of foliage, statues depicting various men and women with twisted figures and bizarre body proportions, all of which the sorceress and demon weave through. The race soon leads them coming to buildings far more curvaceous and round; their reflections warping as they glide across across the silver surfaces. Morphing right from a falcon straight into a kangaroo; Victor leaps off the silver structures top and ascends towards the towering tree set along the side. Landing upon the tree’s twisted and warped bark, the green demon forms into an iguana and quickly starts scaling the spiraling wood;  the abstract buildings surrounding him slowly changing from silver to bronze. Soon, he finds his smug partner hovering beside him in his climb; a prideful chuckle escaping from her lungs before she pities him with: “It’s adorable how you think you even stand a chance outracing me. My skills in the arcane let me speed by even the fastest of jets. Observe.” Proclaiming such, the witch rockets away from the ascending demon; leaving behind a trail of lime green in her flight. Taking the shape of a hawk, Victor leaps off the twisting tree’s bark to pursues the ascending witch.
He finds the witch soon flying straight through a bronze circle planted along the side of a structure; the oddly placed ring sparking an idea in the demon’s head. Forming back to normal, Victor casts his bandages toward both sides of the ring; the wrappings firming enveloping their shinning steel. Once seeing his wraps holding onto the bronze, the shape shifter transforms into a hulking elephant; swiftly dropping down away from the ring. The demon see’s his newly formed weight starting to stretch the bandages; Victor biding his time until the moment was right. Wait for it…Wait for it.. Just when his wrapping were stretched to a string, the green shifter morphs into a daintily light rat; the sudden change in wait making the bandages fling their master through the bronze ring. In his swift ascension, Victor takes the form of a dove; his wings folded back as he begins rocketing towards the witch. Let’s see who gets outraced now, bitch.
In her flight, Shen Mi witnesses something white streak past; staring on as the pigeon sticks its tongue out at her. Turning back from the astonished sorceress below, the demon looks above to find himself ascending toward a lone structure; its boxed top smoothing out as it drops towards its bottom. Along the side of its bottom be a single hole making up the buildings entrance; Victor morphing back to normal as he careens right through.
Inside, Victor expects to land on solid flat ground and sticks his feet out; soon gazing down in alarm to find himself dropping towards a curved base. Shit! Can’t transform in time! In his flailing panic, the demon tumbles across the insides bronze bottom; eventually coming to a halt right in the center. Rising from the circular floor; he admits aloud how it was: “More of a rougher landing than I hoped. But...” Climbing back up to the way out, Victor peeks out from the hole and gazes down to the city below; shouting to his arcane partner that he: “Hope ya like the taste of defeat, because ya better get used to it!” “Should I?” Hearing a familiar voice at his back, the demon swiftly turns to find Shen Mi floating right behind him. “You fucking teleporting cheat!” “Cheat, me? Sorry, I’m not the one who didn’t set any rules before hastily taking off.” The sorceress poking Victors nose, she hears a quiet growl escape from his teeth.
After showing off her little victory, Shen Mi turns to gaze up towards the rest of the inside. “Now, lets see where we thrown ourselves into.” Floating up from the bottom of the bronze room, the witch find nothing bright blue platforms scattered throughout. Perched atop secluded ledges or hung across the curving wall; no other items or furnishings of any kind harbored within the room other than these blue boards. “Hmm. Rather peculiar decor set through here.” the witch admits. “Yeah, I know.” the demon below her states, leaping up towards one of the ledges. “Ain’t even a place sit in this brown shit hole.” Upon carelessly stepping onto the boards plainly flat surface; the platform beneath him glows a powerful bright light; said illumination rising from the board and flinging the demon up high. Coming back down, Victor is greeted with not the hard bronze floor; but rather comforting recliner. “The hell?” Victor looking to the comforter that he just plopped down onto, a bright smile beams across his face. “He-hey. Now we gettin down to business.” As he sinks into the chairs plush silk, a deep breath leaves past the demon’s lips. “Oh yeah. Forget the parlor tricks you pull. Now this is fuckin magic baby.”
Ignoring her demonic partners insult, the sorceress gazes upon his freshly formed recliner; her attention soon drifting towards a similar blue panel planted upon the curved wall. Hovering over towards the board, she slowly reaches her arm out to it; hesitating just a moment before tapping her finger on its blue surface. With just a single touch, the board shines bright blue; the light from it forming out before the Helyin witch. From its glow appears an asian inspired shelf with carved mahogany dragons acting as the supports. “Just like I pictured...” Closer inspection revealed the dragons along the ends having individually carved scales, making the sorceress add: “Even the details are correct.”
“No question about it.” she hers her demonic partner speak. Turning back, Shen Mi witnesses the green demon grab the new comforter by its base; declaring that: “This fluffy mofo comin home with me.” With all his strength, Victor tempts to lift the recliner from the bronze ledge; finding the chair harder to lift then he imagines. “C’mon…ya damn...chair...” Soon enough, the demon uproots his new favorite comforter from the floor; the sound of shattering stone echoing throughout the room. The victorious smile painted across Victor���s face quickly deflates upon witnessing his new recliner crumble in his arms; the stone blue pieces of the chair scattering along the ledge. Picking one of these pieces off the bronze floor, the demon watches as the shard turns to dust; the rest of the pieces following suit. “Ah dammit! The hell’s this stuff made of, anyway!?” “A question I’m curious of myself. Self constructing material is rather an extreme rarity now a days. Shame we don’t know a way to take it back with us. It’d be effective in slicing our research and development budget clean in half.” Throwing the dust of his destroyed recliner aside; Victor rises from the bronze ledge and wonders: “What else these guys got stashed in their closets.” Questioning such do the duo rise further through the abode; first chamber; ascending through a hole set along the ceiling.
While Shen Mi continues up the rising hallway, her demonic partner ventures away from her side from a fork in the hall. Best to just let him wonder for now. It’s doubtful that a small home such as this would have lenient security. Hell, at worst, Victor might just get himself stuck. Nothing that he can’t be painfully pried out of.
Cementing this in her head, the sorceress comes to a row of bronze buttons set along the smooth bronze walls; her attention baited towards one set at the very ceiling of the hallway. Curiosity taking her lead, the young witch firmly presses it; a hole forming from its middle that leads into another chamber. Floating within, Shen Mi found it to be structured a lot like as cylinder; proving to be smaller than the first room they entered. Strewn about the chamber be blue panels similar to said room, sporting numerous shapes and sizes. Hovering above the smaller one closest to the floor, the sorceress pictures the comfiest, most elegant bed of her dreams and places her palm upon its blue surface. From her touch, the board glows a radiant blue light; the glow reflecting across the shinning bronze chamber. The light soon starts to morph before Shen Mi’s very eyes; the heylin which relaxing over the transforming illumination. Feeling the boards hard surface soften like memory foam, a relaxing sigh leaves her lungs; but the same breath is swiftly cut off when she notices something amiss. Though the rest of her body feels the beds comforting bliss, her legs on the other hand touch nothing but open air. Rising from the mattress, the Heylin sorceress smacks her head against the beds top board; hissing from the unexpected blow. Warping out of the freshly formed bed, she takes a good look of what piece of furnishing she pictured. It looks exactly as she imagined it; lace drapes, dragon sheets, carved flames along the bottom of the frame, the design is perfect to be honest. There’s just one glaring issue with it all. It’s pathetically minuscule, rivaling the size of an infants crib. A result that the witch is not too ecstatic about.
Her frustrated gaze drifting away from the miniature bed, the young sorceress notices another button set in the midst of the curving wall. Floating over towards the bronze button, Shen Mi immediately presses it; the curved walls parting to reveal what seemed like a closet. Very little remained within this hidden wardrobe, say for a few articles of clothing floating along the side. Pulling one of these garments out revealed them to be nothing but simple robes; smaller than the witches own figure. What a dull eyesore. Judging from these horrid rags, this race must have been fashionably ignorant. Such garment aren’t fitting for even peasant’s skin. Held within her palms, Shen Mi ignites the foreign robes in a lime green blaze; the witch throwing the garment back inside the closet for it to burn.
Within another part of the abode; the green demon taps his beak upon a button of his own; a hole forming to reveal a small curving chamber tinier than the one before. Transforming back from a pigeon, Victor jumps straight inside to take a look around; the first site to catch his eye be three forming boards set along the sides of three curved openings. Aside from the one set over the circular mirror, the other two held piping attached to their base. Huh, guessin this place is a sort of bathroom. Just make whatever tub or toilet ya wanna piss in. Doesn’t really tell ya much on how these wierdo’s took shits; not like anything else in his bronze crap shoot. Practically can make anything with those weird morphing planks. Even freaky shit like-... These thoughts causes the demons wicked gears to rapidly turn; Victor approaching one of the boards with a devious giggle.
Hover through the bronze tunnels, the disappointed witch lets out a disappointed breath; her investigation through this home yielding little in terms of historical significance. Almost nothing except shape shifting furniture and hideously dull clothes hiding within this bronze dump. Still, its only one insignificant piece of this deserted city. There still could be some valuable pieces hiding among its cracks yet.
Along her gliding drift, a bright light coming from an open hole catches her attention; the witch floating over towards the source of the glow. No doubtingly that unholy moron messing around. Best tend to him before he winds up crushing his spine...again.
“Victor, seems there’s hardly worth anything within these wall. I suggest we move our search down towa-” she declares while hovering inside. In the midst of her proposition does the witch lay bare to an unruly site, causing a sharp gasp to escape from her lips. “Victor! What is the name of Hera did you do!?” “These transforming board things got my creative gears movin. Little bit of an artistic spark I’d call it. You like it?” Standing beside him be the statue of a bare ass that water floods out from between its cheeks; flowing down to a drain set between its legs. “Very mature, Victor. I’m sure your astounding masterpiece will join the ranks of the Venus de Milo.” After snickering upon the witches sarcastic praise, the demon adds: “Think its great now, just wait til you see what I’ll make of the toilet.” “Just quit clowning around and come on. We got a mission on our hands.” Shen mi demands. “Aw, do we gotta. Still got some stuff I wanna try.” “Now, Victor.” the witch commands. “Tsk! God, fine!”
Leaving the bizarrely built restroom, both the witch and demon drop back down to the bottom of the abode; Shen Mi ready to depart. Looking back up, the sorceress witnesses her demonic partner crawling towards a blue board hung along the wall. “Victor! Come on!” the sorceress orders. “Calm your tiny tits, kay? Wanna see what these assholes watch all day.” “The fuck did you say about my tits…” the witch whispers.
With a single touch of the demons finger, the board starts to emit a bright glow, soon forming out from the wall. Before their eyes, the growing board forms into a plasma widescreen; a small smile forming between the demons cheek. “We need to go.” the sorceress enforces. “In a second.” Victor insists, his finger reach for the button set along the TV’s side.
Right when the green demon pushes the widescreen on, a colorful multitude of bright lights emanates from the screen; accompanied alongside an ear piercing shrill. The harrowing screech bounces across the chambers bronze walls, the metal intensifying the shrill ten fold. Both Shen Mi and Victor cover their ears as the loud scream echoes through the room; the green demon plummeting down from the wall. Victor tumbling to her side, the young sorceress attempts to relay orders to her demonic partner; her screaming demands shrouded by the horrendous shrieks.
Hoping to end the audible agony, Victor rises from the bronze ground; departing his hand from his ear long enough to toss a bolt of lightning towards the screeching widescreen. The bolts course however is unexpectedly interrupted by a blue light; both him and his magical partner gaze around the room to find the forming boards going haywire and rapidly transforming into random, indescribable objects. Taking a second shot, Victor transforms into a giant spring and leaps out towards the ear piercing plasma screen. Ascending across the chamber, the demon swiftly changes into a narwhal; his newly formed horn aimed squarely towards the television. But again, his assault is spurned; a wayward piece of transforming light slamming back down towards the bottom.
Watching as her demonic comrade tumbles back to the curved bronze floor, Shen Mi takes matters in her own hands and rises from the shinning ground; warping away in a blaze of lime green flames. Teleporting to the top of the bronze chamber, the Helyin witch cast a ball of green flames towards the widescreen. Shen Mi soon finds her blazing orbs path tempting to be intercepted by the haywire forming light; the sorceress waving her hands about to redirect her flames path. The witch weaves her cast ball of fire through the rapidly transforming light surrounding her; the boards light drawing closer to both her and Victor. Thankfully, the sorceress enchanted flames strike the freshly formed widescreen; silencing it shrieking serenade once and for all. As its pieces fall to the floor, the forming light surrounding the duo slowly begins to withdraw back into the simple boards.
Uncovering his ears, Victor lets out a relieved sigh as he stands from the bronze flooring. Immediately after does he cast out out a bolt of electricity towards one of the blue boards; the panel shattering upon the bolts strike. “Sure as hell ain’t getting by ass kicked by some fuckin furniture.” “Well, perhaps they wouldn’t have fancied slamming you down like a pigskin if you hadn’t messed around with them like I ordered.” the witch scolds as she descends to his front. “Oh, gimme a break. How the hell was a supposed to know they’d scream bloody murder?”
“It might be a wise idea to skim past anymore of these home. Judging from how empty this one was, well likely not find anything worth a damn in the others.” Shen Mi suggests as she hovers towards the exit. “Aw come on. It can’t hurt to check a couple more of em. I wanna see what else I can make with these weird ass blue boards.” “Now, Victor. Don’t make me force you out.” the witch demands. “Pfft. Like to see ya try.” the demon whispers as he follows. As the two depart from the building, neither notice the board shards behind them glowing an eerie lime green; soon beginning to levitate off the bronze floor.
Descending through the hovering neighborhood of unconventional homes and unusual décor, the buildings surrounding the witch and demon begin to loose their bronze hue; their silver surfaces boasting more complex shapes and size the further they drop down. “So, do you even got a plan on where the hell we’re supposed to go, cause it seems like ya just flying down to whatever?” “Hmph, of course I know where I’m going. Though these sad excuses of abstract art boast no sign to speak of; their size and structure give away their significance. While the unimportant structures take the small form of pathetic regular shapes, the more noteworthy buildings possess much more impressive size and elaborate facilities.” “That’s a load of bullshit. You’re literally just guessing at this point.” “Perhaps. But it’s not too much of a risky gamble to bet on one thing. That the most remarkable buildings always hold the best stuff.” Near the end of her explanation, Shen Mi daintily lands upon a silver surface underneath; Victor having a much rougher landing in comparison. “Such as this one.”
The building they’ve just descended upon boasted a design of more geometric structure; the top sporting a point with a glowing halo set to the tip that draws in bits of light being drawn into it. The triad sides boasting angular corners that bend up and point towards the buildings top; their bottoms curving out until meeting back up dead center at the base to create a sharp tip. Held between the trio of rising points be an oval egg; the light from the halo pulsing through the surface like a heartbeat. The structure entire surface sporting a beautiful coat of shinning silver; the traveling light reflecting off the metal shell. “I’d wager a building this particularly assembled must hold some really good stash. Perhaps we may find some info on this city and the citizens it once held.” the sorceress finishes proclaiming. “And I wager that your full of shit. The only things were gonna find in that artistic nightmare is nothing but garbage and used dildo’s.” Upon that declaration do the duo leap off the side, gliding across the eggs pulsing silver surface as they swoop down. Both the demon and witch soon come to an oval hole set along side of the egg; Shen Mi and Victor swooping right inside.
While the Heylin sorceress floats in uninterrupted, the green demon proves trouble by the lack of solid ground; plummeting down towards the deep curving base below. Victor manages to save himself from the long drop with the help of his bandages, casting forth his wrapping back up towards the buildings entrance. The green demons binds hug the edge of the opening, halting Victors tumbling descent. Having saved his own rugged thick chops from falling flat on the shiny side of the silver platter, the lime green demon gazes back up towards his arcane partner in crime; finding the witch having hardly noticed his fall. “Way to warn me about the silver death pit, ya hoverin bitch! Course, it doesn’t make a damn difference to you, does it?” Though his ranting echo far, they draw not a single response from the sorceress; who simply continues to just hover in place. “Ugh, god dammit.” Victor curses as he begins to climb back up.
Swiftly ascending back to the buildings opening hole, the green demon looks back towards Shen Mi; questioning her if: “Your hearing going from all the magic crap in yer brain or what?” Again, his enchanted partner fails to respond, Victor seeing her doing little but stare out. “The hell you even lookin at any...anyway...” Finally sharing the witches site, the green demons speech stumbles to a halt; finding set before the two a wondrous site.
A boundless silver archive of massive white shelves stands before the two, hung in place by a web of piping overhead; the cases spiraling and weaving all through out the circular chamber. Bits of dazzling light flows through the pipes overhead, the luminescence traveling through the clear tubes and flowing right into the shelves. Within the enormous bookcases sleep countless sliver slates; individually coming alight in response to the glow intake. “God damn.” the demon utter. His arcane partner finally turns to Victor, a smug smile painted across her face as she wonders if: “So, does any of this look like garbage to you?” “Oh, don’t gimme that smug ass shit. That whole “the coolest buildings have the best stuff.” ain’t anything new. Any dumb ass with half a working brain can just explore a big as fuck buildin and find stuff. I on the other hand...” In midst of proclaiming this does Victor pull from his bag a fruit from one of the twisting tree’s outside. “Like to hunt for what I want.”
Just before Victor could take a bite of his plump fuchsia treasure, a lime green flame strikes the fruit out of his hands; the green demon glancing upon his burning grub splattered upon the silver wall behind him. Gazing back towards the witch, he finds her palm smoking lime green; Victor demanding to know: “Jeez! What the hell’s your deal!? You that pissed that I called ya out?” “You really should break the habit of stuffing your rancid mouth with whatever you find, else who knows when such a disgusting practice may spell your end.” “Oh and like you have any clue if it will?” Victor questions. All the witch could give as an answer was a vindicated grin; pointing over towards her demonic partners backside. Glancing behind him, the green demons anger quickly subsides when witnessing the result of the fruits splatter; its juices melting a fresh hole in the silvers surface. Victor looks back towards Shen Mi with a bitter glare; hearing the young sorceress chastise further with: “Seriously, try and keep in mind what you shove in your mouth next time.” Mentioning this does the witch glide towards the white shelves; Victor following as a quiet growl escapes fro his mouth.
Casting his bandages out to the piping above, the green demon swings through the library as his magical comrade slides her finger across the countless slates. Seeing Shen Mi halt her finger upon one of the slates spines, he withdraws his wraps from the pipes and lands upon a hovering cone table; four spherical chairs surrounding the counter. The young sorceress pulls the slate from the white shelves, revealing a translucent holographic page. “So, what do we got here?”Victor questions. “I’m not entirely sure.” Gazing upon the holo page, the witch finds nothing but bizarre symbols spread throughout the screen. “This doesn’t look like any language I’ve seen before.” she adds. “Think it might be alien?” “Perhaps. Though it hardly matters.” Turning over towards her demonic partner, the sorceress holds the slate with a single hand; boasting how: “No language in this or any other universe can hope to keep their secrets against my translation spell, no matter how complex or foreign it may be.”
Bragging such, she begins to demonstrate by hovering the holographic page overhead; her lime green aura enveloping the slate. Her confident sneer swiftly deflatse when seeing the tome start to violently tremble; soon overshadowing her magic in a white light. Right before her eyes does the slate suddenly explode; Shen Mi shielding herself from the flaming pieces. The sorceress soon hears the sound of crude laughter; gazing to her side to find Victor in a chortling fit. “And what are you finding so amusing?” she snidely questions. “Just the fact that your magic finally backfired on ya. Guess the arcane might of the legendary Heylin witch isn’t as great as she constantly bitches.” “My magic skill is always beyond par I’ll have you know. It must have been that stupid holo page. Probably has some kind of privacy protection installed on it. If the rest of them have it as well, then this entire archive is indecipherable. How annoying.” “Oh, of course. Nothin’s ever your fault, is it? You’re just perfect little magician, ain’t ya?” the demon states. “I am. And you prove to be a shining example of gentlemanly charm and boundless intelligence.” “...Fuck you.”
“Back on track. This archive has to have some form of info that isn’t encoded on these cursed tablets.” Drifting further through the shelves, her demonic partners follows with a vindictive glare; the table that Victor once stood upon unfolding its surface to reveal an eye.
Both the young witch and green demon fly through the libraries tight oval corridor; not a solid bit of floor to stand upon below them. Flapping his hawk wings across the silver hallway, Victors eyes soon lock onto another button lying across the reflective surface. Pressing this button with his beak, a majestic glow leaks out from the forming hole; enveloping the front of the demon with its luminescence. Transforming back, Victor stands on the holes circular base, beholding the source of the heavenly light.
Glancing back, Shen Mi witnesses her demonic comrade standing idle, staring upon a bright light like a dumbfounded moth to a crisp flame. “Hey, quit gawking and come on. We don’t have all day.” she orders. Right on that command, the witch watches the green demon leap through the hole; a groan escaping from her lips as she follows after. Gliding inside the curving chamber herself; the sorceress wonders: “Might I ask what’s got you so fascinated this...time?” The sorceress’s speech drags to a halt upon viewing the source of the luminescence; her mouth going agap upon viewing the answer to her question.
Before their eyes stood a pillar of multi colored lights; a spiraling cage surrounding the bottom of the column. “Damn. This make one hell of a backdrop.” Victor compliments. “It might not just be some meager backdrop.” Shen Mi corrects. Both her and the demon approach the stream of light; the witch tracing the symbols flowing down; recognizing them as the same kind of lettering from the tablet. “This must act as a constant feed of information, flowing down through those pipes over the shelves and distributing them down into those slate. The question being what kind of info its gathering?” Victor climbs up to the opening of the cage, proclaiming that: “Only one way to find out.” This claim makes the sorceress turn to her demonic partner, witnessing him lift his hand back over the pillar of light. “Wait! Don’t! You’ll-” Before Shen Mi could warn him any further, Victor pierces his entire arm into the illuminating column. From the pillars rainbow like glow does the demon begin to shake uncontrollably; letting out an agonizing wail as his eyes shine a brilliant light.
Swiftly acting upon her partners rash stupidity, the witch attempts to pull him out from the stream with her magic; soon finding her powers failing to retract him from the column. Finding Victor screams growing louder and his eyes glowing brighter, Shen Mi rams right into him; successfully uprooting his arm from the illuminating pillar. Both her and the demon tumble down the curving silver surface, coming to a halt upon the chambers base.
Victor and Shen Mi slowly begin to stand from the reflective floor; the green demon clasping the sides of his head as he lets out a weary groan. “Have you lost whatever mind you had left in your head!? You don’t just shove your hand in a constant flowing pipe of info like that! Do you want you head to explode!?” the sorceress chastises while rising in the air. “Nrr...Quit screamin so loud. This headache is a monstrous bitch.” “Ugh…Did you at least see anything worthwhile as you were deep inside it? Anything at all?” “Not really. Just a bunch of random words and pictures forcing themselves in my head. Think a good half of it might been porn. Definitely saw some dicks in there.”
In the midst of pondering his visions do both of them hear the slow blare of an alarm ring throughout the chamber; green demon covering his ears from the noise. “Ah! Come the fuck on!” “Just grab onto me to so we can teleport out.” the witch commands. “Fine, whatever. Get me outta here already! Victor complies, grabbing hold of his arcane partners shoulders. The green demon holding onto her, Shen Mi closes her eyes and lets her magic flow through both her and Victor; the witch picturing the floating buildings outside.
The green demon however sees not a single ember of the witches flames in site, Victor urging her to warp: “Anytime now, sister. Tick tock.” To the demons pushy statement does the Heylin Sorceress open her eyes once more; her shocked glare beholding the silver surface of the chamber. “I-...We’re still in here?...We-we should be outside by now...Why aren’t we outside!?” “I don’t know? You tell me.”
Shen Mi’s panicking is swiftly put on hold when both of them realize the curving floor beneath them begins quivering; the demon nearly loosing his footing from the trembling silver. Transforming into a pigeon, both Victor and her arcane partner ascend to the middle of the room, finding the entire chamber trembling; soon witnessing bubbles beginning to arise from the boiling surface. These bubbles soon take the form of what looked to be floating turrets, firing bright symbols towards the hovering duo. Shen Mi blocks the oncoming alphabet with an arcane shield of lime green; the symbols explosive power failing to outmatch the witches magical defenses. Victor on the other hand flies and weaves his way through the barrage of bright letters, glancing back to witness them explosively collide with the silver surface behind them; the smoke parting to reveal the chambers walls holding not a single scratch. Fleeing from the firing turrets, both the sorceress and the demon swoop right out of the bright pillar of light’s glow and takes off down the hallway.
Zooming through the tight oval corridor, a burning question racks against the young sorceress’s mind. “It doesn’t make any sense. My magic skills are beyond all measure. I should be able to teleport out of this bucket of worthless nonsense with no problem!. What’s happening!?” “Chill out bitch. You can have your little panic attack after we bail. Keep focused!” With these words does the witch shake away her panic and confusion, keeping her eyes to the tunnel ahead. Those same eyes see the halls side start protruding large sharp blades that tempt to block their escape. Both Victor and Shen Mi swerve through the countless silver swords as more pop out at the seems.
In his evasion, the green demon witnesses a pair of swords to his front attempt to halt his flight; knowing that stopping is all but wise. Dashing towards the swords, Victor quickly morphs into a tiny mouse ans squeeze right by; feeling not a single sting of their blade. Having passed through the metal gap, the green demon takes back the form of a falcon once more.
The witch’s flight proves to be less of a struggle, blasting through the countless blades with her green flames. In her dash, she soon finds a pair of silver swords threatening to pierce her in a pinching assault; their sharp tips inches from her shoulders. In a blaze of lime green, the sorceress warps out of danger; the twin blades crashing into one another with a sharp ting. Appearing in front of them, Shen Mi continues through; looking upon her palms as she’s relieved that: “Ah, thank Hera. Nothing’s wrong with my magic. But still, what’s keeping us in here?” That moment does an idea pop into the sorceress head, a devious smile stretching across her face. Without so much as a word, Shen Mi dashes towards Victor and snatches his feathered ass right out of the air; soon warping both him and the witch out from the hall of growing blades.
Reappearing between the silver shelves, the duo warp atop the hovering cone table; the sorceress dropping the demonic bird upon the tables polished surface. Transforming back to normal, Victor rubs the spot on his back his arcane partner so hastily seized; letting loose a groan as he mentions: “Thanks for the warning, by the way. Really sweet of ya to nab by feathered ass outta nowhere.” Alas, Shen Mi pays little attention to the green demons sarcastic remark, the witch’s attention baited towards the library’s ceiling. Slowly coating the massive archive from within be a growing cyan barrier; the field inching to trap the two inside by encroaching towards the exit. The sorceress wonders how such a measly barrier troubles her teleportation magic so; the growing cyan wall daring to disrupt her magic and attempting to halt their escape. “Ey! You even listenin? That shit hurt!” Victor wonders. “Come on, we gotta leave now.” the Heylin sorceress orders before dashing away. “Fucking bossy bitch, just ignoring me.” the green demon whispers as he forms in a hawk to follow. As both bolt towards the exit, the table they took off from begins to tremble; its surface opening to reveal a turquoise eye that stares out towards the departing duo.
In both Shen Mi and Victor’s flight towards the exit, the duo witness the cyan barricade growing ever closer to their escape; threatening to entrap them within this accursed archive for all eternity. Threatening to delay their leave, the silver table and its chair zoom right by the two, the witch and demon witnessing it block their only exit as its chairs encircle its side. Revolving around the table, the chairs soon protrude out curving blades from its top; the sharp swords aimed right at the intruders. “Finally, things are starting to get fun.” the green demon declares. “We don’t have any time to mess around. If that barrier closes, we’ll be trapped.” “Jeez, fine. Quit being so fuckin snippy.”
Swiftly dashing away from his magical comrades side, Victor takes charge towards the sentient silver table; trading the form of a hawk for a horned ram and pointing his horns forward. The horned demon slams into the turquoise eye with a hearty tackle, pushing the silver table away. Alas, his retaliation is cast aside; the teal eye launching Victor away with a powerful shove and throws him over the lime green spell caster. Careening through the airs of the archive, the green demon transforms back to his original form and tossing his wrappings towards the piping above. Once his binds have entangle the clear tubes, Victor swings across the silver library. Sweet hell and a half. Piece of furniture’s tougher than it looks. Gonna need something heavier to slam into it with. But how to drop down on its silver ass? Pondering such, the demon’s site soon rises to the top of the silver shelves; finding their roof lead all the way back towards the exit. The gears in his head turning, a devilish smile stretches across Victors face.
Amused on how the table threatens her with its dangerous chair blade, Shen Mi can’t help but admit allowed: “Hm hm hm hm. It’s honestly adorable how this tacky piece of furniture thinks it stands any chance against me.” Enraged by her stinging mockery, the teal eye casts its clawed chairs out towards the young sorceress; responding with: “And that’s just simply adorable.”
With two of the bladed chairs swiftly approaching, the Heylin witch possesses their flight path with her lime green aura and flings them overhead; tossing a ball of flames and blasting the two seats to pieces. After taking care of them, Shen Mi soon witnesses the other pair of seats speeding towards her sides; daring to threaten with a pinching assault. In response to this feeble counter, the young sorceress erects two portal between herself; swallowing both seats in their swirling green space. Having engulfed its chairs within her portals, the witch looks back towards the teal eyed table with a devious smirk. Shen Mi reopens her lime green portals between the defensive piece of furniture, crashing its own sharp chairs down upon the silver table.
Caught in the daze its own seats have caused, a loud call echoes out from above. “Time for the smack down, mofo’s!” Both gaze out towards the roof of the archive, witnessing Victor jumping from the top of the shelves as he transforms into a heavyweight rhino; his white horn aimed right towards the tables eye. Shaking off its dizzy spell, the teal eye attempts to flee from the descending demon; soon realizing a lime green aura keeping it in place. Glancing towards the Heylin witch, it finds her glowing palms aimed right at its surface; the table hearing her sarcastically wonder: “Now what’s the hurry for?” Ensnared within the sorceress’s magic grasp, it fails to escape from her lime green grasp; soon succumbing to Victors slamming onslaught. The green rhinoceros hammers the living table against the curved silver surface, both him and the shinning counter descending down in trail of scrapping sparks.
Rising from the silver furniture wreckage, Victor morphs back to normal to dance upon the gleaming tables remains; laughing upon its destroyed corpse. “Ah ha ha ha ha ha! You really thought that a piece of fucking furniture could beat the shit outta me!? You thought wrong bitches!” “Hey!” he hears his arcane partner call. Disrupting his fresh as fuck dance moves, the demon gazes above with an irritated glare; hearing the witch bitch continue with: “Can you stop making such an ass of yourself for one minute so we can bail. If this cyan shield close in on us, we might not make it out-”
Right in that moment does the descending pieces of broken chair fall over the complaining sorceress; the demon watching as both her and the seats debris crash down onto the smooth silver surface Oh shit! Having witnessed Shen Mi’s unexpected plummet, Victor rushes towards the crash site; hoping that her head injury wasn’t too severed. Please don’t be dead. Please don’t be dead. Please don’t be dead. Please don’t be dead. Please don’t be dead. Throwing the seats remains off her body, Victor lifts the sorceress off the silver floor; hearing a weak groan escape from her lungs. Oh thank god, she ain’t dead. Drake probably wouldn’t take it all too well showing back up only to say: “Hey, hate to break it to ya. But your sister’s kinda caught a bad case of head fracturing death. All well, she was kind of a bitch anyway, who the fuck cares?” He’d probably wind up shoving his foot right between the old intestines and colon in the midst of his shit fit.
Though relieved that his partner still lives, he has yet to relax; gazing back towards the exit to witness the cyan barricade threatening to close in. Transforming into a mighty pterodactyl, Victor rockets towards the exit with Shen Mi in his talons. Despite his wings being swift, the barrier starts showing to be swifter; beginning to close up the open hole leading outside. Boasting one final flap, the green demon transforms into a minuscule rat; riding along the witch’s careening body. Right when the door was on the verge of shutting them in, both him and the unconscious sorceress slip right through just before cyan barrier closes.
Dropping out from the library’s entrance, the demonic mouse holds onto Shen Mi’s dress as tight as he can; the Heylin witch plummeting deeper down into the glimmering floating city. Come on, wake up ya sleepin bitch. No better time to spring back awake and stop up from crashing into cold hard silver. In the midst of wishing such does Victor find them swiftly falling towards a silver trapezoid structure. Ugh, fine. Have to do every thing, huh? Releasing his mousy grip from the sorceress’s garbs, the green demon transforms into a vulture and swoop down towards the descending witch. Soon grabbing hold of his unconscious comrades arms, Victor pulls up; gently landing down to the silver surface below.
After saving his arcane partner from crashing down into the sharp corners of the silver structure, the green demon transforms back to look down upon Shen Mi; starting to see her awaking. Opening her eyes to Victors gaze, the sorceress lets out a painful groan; rubbing the top of her head and questioning: “What the hell happened?” “You got bonked on yer noggin by a chair and I had to carry your unconscious ass out.” “Oh, is that all. Don’t think that makes up for your blunder. We got a lot of city to cover, let’s hope your slow hide can keep up.” she informs whilst rising from the floor. Watching as the witch starts to drift away, all that the demon could do was just stand there, dumbfounded over her words.
After a vindictive growl, Victor finally speaks out and shouts: “What the hell is your problem!?” Halting in the middle of the air, the witch turns back towards her demonic partner and asks: “Pardon.” “I flat out saved your sorry ass and I don’t even get a single thanks! Just more shit talkin from your fucking bratty mouth!” “Well, perhaps if you hadn’t started it all by sticking your hands where they don’t belong, I wouldn’t need saving; maybe you’d be worthy of actual praise.” “God! That’s what I’m fucking talking about! I’ve been out here, helping your enchanted ass this whole time with searchin and fightin while you’ve just been doin nothing but berate me on how fucking stupid I am and how much of a magical goddess you are.” “Tsk, as if you’d call that help. As far as I’m concerned, you’ve been causing nothing but trouble while I’ve been doing all the work. Back in the bronze abode with the TV and tripping the alarm in the library.” the sorceress quickly reminds. “Oh, as if your not above makin mistakes; like over at the gate when you nearly got blown away cause you wouldn’t stop floating, or not destroying the chair completely before it smacked against your skull? Honestly, you’re more of an egotistical asshole than Drake is.”
Upon that comment does the witch begin to approach Victor, demand for the demon to: “Don’t you dare compare me to my incompetent brother.” I’ve spent countless years honing and perfecting the magical craft ever since I was a mere toddler. Growing so powerful that my mother entrapped me within a mystic puzzle box in fear I would surpass her. I’ve accomplished arcane feats the likes of which people like you can only dream of doing. That’s way more than what some orphaned freak can muster!”
The last insult takes the green demon aback, silenced by the personal jab as his eyes start to well with tears. He soon break from his hurt gaze and puts on a far more furious glare and says: “You know what…” Victor turns away from the young Heylin witch, proclaiming to her that: “Fuck this, I ain’t putting up with this shit no more.” Watching the green demon stomp over towards the edge of the silver buildings, she demands to know: “Where do you think you’re going?” “Somewhere where I don’t have to deal with your bratty ass bitchin in my ears all day. Gonna just go find shit myself.” Declaring this, the demon jumps off the edge of the roof; the young witch screaming that: “Fine! I don’t need your dirty ass around anyway!”
After the heated confrontation, Shen Mi turns away from where the demon dropped off; her gaze scanning through the city site floating under her. Honestly, the nerve of him. Does he not realize how much of burden he can be? He should count himself lucky to have such a gifted sorceress as a partner. With this in mind do her eyes lock towards a golden spiraling tower with a ring surrounding the middle; surging white light coursing down through the gold. A devious smile stretches across Shen Mi’s face, knowing exactly how to prove such.
Back again with another Alliance episode. I swear this one won't be as needlessly long as the last one.
Shen Mi and Victor belong to: @princesscallyie
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 Let see why you need a sponsor or a fulfilled love-life?
 Lovemaking on the bed is a key factor in sentimental connections. Actually, as per some therapeutic news, the "luminosity" which love bird couples feels for as long as 2 days subsequent to having sessions of having intercourse on the bed is related with more noteworthy conjugal fulfillment. At the point when the individuals occupied with the intercourse, they not just get private association without a doubt experience more fondness.
 Having intercourse on the bed in sentimental connections gives an important method to individuals to encounter a solid association with their accomplice. There are most men who don't encounter these advantages. Yet, why, in light of the fact that their body can't keep up great quality intercourse. Be that as it may, there are loads of ways by which they can improve their body's wellbeing. As should be obvious a helped or a fulfilled love-life is fundamental for sentimental or long-run connections. Furthermore, there is the path by which you can support your lovemaking sessions. The ways are improved safe framework, helped heart wellbeing, great circulatory strain in the body, appropriate or complete rest.
 Try not to stress you don't have to do anything you simply need to sit unwind, simply utilize our item Ling Booster. This will improve the body's general capacity to make amazing quality intercourse. Every one of these things which are portrayed above can be help by utilizing one item "Ling Booster". This will give never-forgettable intercourse.
 Why Ling Booster is a powerful answer for the majority of your adoration life issues?
 Safed Musli – Chlorophytum Borivilianum is a herb with lanceolate leaves, from the backwoods of tropical wet in peninsular India. We as a whole are very much aware of this nourishment, this is been developed and used to make delightful dishes. This nourishment has put away a ton of medical advantages in it, you don't envision. This is likewise been utilized in Ayurveda prescriptions.
 Ajwain – Ajwain, ajowan or Trachyspermum Ammi and furthermore known as ajowan caraway. It is a yearly herb in the family Apiaceae. We are additionally very much aware of this supplement. This is likewise been utilized in the dishes to make them delectable and scrumptious. Aside from adding flavors to our dishes, it serves numerous solid consequences for an individual's body, for example, help the general capacity of the body.
 Ashwagandha – Withania Somnifera this is generally known as ashwagandha. This is a plant in the Solanaceae or in the nightshade family. This nourishment is been utilized generally and the root and the bark of this plant are utilized to make medication. Ashwagandha has a great deal of employments. In this item, this nourishment goes about as an adaptogen to assistance the body adapt to day by day pressure.
 Garlic – Garlic is an animal categories in the onion family, Allium. It is a herb and disseminated generally around the globe. This has been will be valuable for those conditions which are identified with heart and blood framework. Garlic is likewise utilized broadly for enhancing of the dishes.
 This is the mystery behind the adequacy of the Ling Booster. These fixings are such a great amount of powerful as you don't quantify. We as a whole are very much aware of these added substances or supplements. They are generally been utilized in the dishes to make them flavorful or delectable. Other than seasoning, they likewise have a great deal of wellbeing valuable impacts for advancing the lovemaking capacity in the male body. We realize they are totally home grown and safe. Yet, they breezed through exacting therapeutic tests for making them sheltered and amazing.
 Let see its working for improving lovemaking capacity.
 For improving the individual's lovemaking capacity the primary need is the individual have a progressed or improved blood dissemination or stream in the body. However, because of the utilization of a great deal of low quality nourishment the individuals are not ready to keep the great blood dissemination in their body. In any case, the compound of Ling Booster purges all the hurtful substances or poisons from the body. At that point to keep legitimate blood stream in the body will be simple by the supply routes. The best possible course of blood as well as scatter the veins. This item guarantees the best possible or phenomenal blood stream over the penile zones.
 At that point, it starts activating other lovemaking hormones in the body. This will begin boosting the creation of testosterone in the male by which an individual goes for a considerable length of time on the bed during lovemaking sessions. At the point when the individuals reach at 30 years old or after, generation of testosterone in the male body will in general lessening. What's more, it brings about awful execution during the creation of adoration, too early or before discharge during the entrance. That is the reason the body needs to help the testosterone level.
 This additionally treats the issue of ED (Erectile Dysfunction). This doesn't just treats the issue yet in addition gives you the erections like an iron shaft. This iron post never gets adaptable until you arrive at the pinnacle execution of lovemaking sessions.
 With everything taken into account, this will take your lovemaking sessions at a level where you will feel an extraordinary sentiment of bliss, supported self-assurance and a never-finished inclination.
 Amazing increases from Ling Booster.
 Continue the best possible or propelled blood stream in the body just as over the penile territories.
 As we have seen above great or appropriate blood stream is important for a helped and fulfilled love-life. This item fills in as the purifier for the body and. Body purifier as well as a blood purifier. Which purge the body inside and expel all the unsafe waste from the body just as from the blood. Which results in legitimate and sound blood stream. This will ensure the best possible blood stream over the genital or penile territory.
 This will develop your testosterone level and moxie level.
 More often than not individuals are experiencing the low degree of testosterone in their body. Low testosterone level prompts low stamina and low vitality during having intercourse. Thus, it will influence your awful execution by which you won't ready to satisfy the need of your own and your partner's. Be that as it may, not any longer, in light of the fact that the Ling Booster is there to battle with these issues. You will get those capacities which you need during having intercourse.
 Amazingly battles with the issue of ED.
 We as a whole can see there are numerous individuals who experience the issue of Erectile Dysfunction (ED). In this condition, the male individual can't erect their penis. Those individuals attempted such a large number of items however tragically, every one of the endeavors were going disappeared. In any case, presently, you are at the correct spot where you get the viable and 100 percent working solution for your concern. Ling Booster treats your concern in the way that it doesn't occur again in as long as you can remember. Since this doesn't capacity like the other arrangement it legitimately set off the main driver.
 Prepare for the firmer erections, similar to an iron post.
 To start with, the item ensures the correct or propelled blood course or stream in the male body just as over the genital territories. What's more, brought testosterone generation up in the male body. At that point, for the male body getting firmer and longer erections will be overly simple. Indeed, even the item gives you erections like an iron shaft. Your penis doesn't lose erections until you arrive at pinnacle execution.
 100% protected and noteworthy item.
 As the supplements talk itself and as should be obvious the creation of this item doesn't contain any sort of counterfeit substance or fillers. We as a whole can realize that the safeness and viability lie just on the elements of the items. Also, this item is being viable and safe just by its supplement. The mix of this item is totally home grown. Individuals can go for Ling Booster without speculation more.
 Fill some eagerness and flash in your affection life just as in your lovemaking sessions.
 At the point when the male body has everything harder and longer erections, supported blood stream and testosterone generation. At that point, the male body can lead fantastic quality intercourse in w
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zenfulmockingbird · 4 years
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Years ago, there was two nobles worked for the king of Kalos. One as red as the setting sun and one blue as the endless sea...during the war, one of the nobles tried to kill the king, but the other one stopped him. They both fiercely battle each other but, in the end, the red noble lost and suffered serve injury. Before the red noble lost died, he places a curse on the blue noble and his children. Him and his decedents. At first, most of the children saw it as a blessing than a curse and took advantage of it, but soon they learned stumble upon two things. The feud between the family continues.
Ep.1: Hooked
The fool. The first card in every deck of tarot card. It means beginning and to walk into the unknown. It also meant surprises. That what the card I drawn from the deck means. But the thing about tarot cards are that they were taken from a card game and became part of a scam by someone wanting to make some quick cash. I only bought a deck for laughs.
Let me Introduce myself. My name is Itzal Chevalier. I am an 18 years old Kalosian male with orange eyes and messy blond hair.  Now you are probably wondering why I'm not a journey. There a reason for that.
I finished up unpacking the last of my stuff and decided to relax until mom come back from shopping.  I grabbed my violin from its case and opened the window to let cool winter Hoenn air in and let the sound of my violin echo out through the calm wilderness of Littleroot Town. Littleroot Town wasn't so bad. It was peaceful rural town. It was nothing special about it except for two things. The first was that it was the home Professor Birch, an expert on Pokemon habitat. The second one being also the home of the Petalburg City gym leader, Norman. Besides that, there not that much to do here as far as I know. Growing up in Luminose City, I spent my time doing a routine. Get a disguise, walk around, find something that catch my interest, do something, and then go home. Day in, day out. My boredom grew...but heck maybe this place will havesomething more to offer.
“AHHHHH! Help” My train of thought was broken by loud scream! I looked in the direction it was coming form. I dashed outside and followed where the scream it was coming from... Route and dashed toward location of the scream. When I got there, I saw it was a brown hair man getting attacked by a pack of Poochyena. It was Professor Birch.
“Help me!” He screamed as he dodged packs attack.
“Get back here!”
I looked around and saw grabbed saw a branch lying and swung it at them, but one of them snagged the branch and crushed it in its maw. “Listen!” Birch shouted from the branch of the tree he was hanging from, “In my bag. there are some Poke balls. Ahhh! I dashed toward the bag, dodging the Poochyena attacks.  I slowly opened it and my heart raced from the contents inside. Three Poke balls with the marking of each Pokemon.  I knew what the curse effects were, but I not taking it as my starter. I am just borrowing it, not keeping it. With that known, which do I choose knowing that nothing would happen. I grabbed the one to the right of me, I tossed it above the battlefield and a burst of energy shot from the capsule and took form of a Mudkip.   “Huh? What's going on?” I pointed at the Birch and when she let out a disappointed sigh “Looks like Birch in trouble with the Poochyena pack again.”
I looked at her, bewildered by what I just heard “Again. You mean this happened before.”
“Multiple time. From what I am heard, most trainers and their starters meet...” she stared at me in shock “You can understand me!”
“How is that even possible?”
“Then tell that bastard he’s so dead,” One of the Poochyena said “This is the 25th time that he crashed our nest.”
I looked at Birch “25 times...”
“They were all accidents,” Birch pleaded, “I swear!”
“Accidents my ass,” the Poochyena, “You wrecked our nest too many times. We’re sick of repairing our place for damages you caused, so now you’re going to pay.”
“Now, now. I’m sure we can all negotiate this like ci- EEK!” I quickly stepped to the side when one of them tried to bite.
The Mudkip launched stream of water from her and knocked Poochyena back. Mudkip firing stream of water at each one of them as they got near her. Still the situation was grim. We were outnumbered and while she manages to withstand some of their attacks, but at this rate We will be overpowered. We need to find the pack leader and take them out. Pooychena from the back barked orders “Omega, Gamma attack the blond hair human. Me and Yukkon will focus on the bearded one.” Omega Yes Balto! (“Well that was answered my question.”) I got near Manami and whispered to her, “Defeat the one on the right one heading toward Birch.”
Manami nodded. She dashed toward him till she was beside him and unleashed a stream of water at him.
Balto let out a low growl “You bitch. I’ll make you pay.” He lunged toward her
“Mudkip, use tackle.” She artfully sidestepped the attack and charged right into him Balto and knocked him down. He struggled to get up but gives up and passed out. The remaining Poochyena grabbed their fallen leader and ran away in terror.
So that what being in a battle was like. It was exciting. I wished it lasted a bit longer. I walked over to the Mudkip and bowed to her “Thank you milady.” She flashed me a cute smile “Your welcome.” Birch gave me a hardy pat on the back “Thank you...what your name?” “Itzal Chevalier. “Well Itzal, since you save met, I would like you to have that Mudkip as a reward.” My heart skipped a beat. I was being offered a Pokemon. I knew I was fine if I just borrowed it but accepting it... there were some loopholes to prevent it. I could become a trainer. I could stop it. But can I handle what would happen next? I looked outside as I watch Manami training with my mom Honchkrow Noire. She came over to visit and when she saw Noire, she asked him to train with him. She also asked mom's Purugly Melody to if she wanted battle, but she refused.  Her battle style was unique. She was not relying on her physical strength, but her speed and the surrounding. But if it was a real battle, she be out like a light in a few seconds. Still watching it, I could not help but recall that feeling. The same feeling from 4 days ago. I couldn't get out it out of my system. Every time to erase that memory, I just reform and the desire just burn stronger evertime. This was one of the reasons I came to my choice. My train of thought was interrupted by my mom’s voiec. “Itzal.” I turned around and saw her and dad standing there with a worried look on their faces. “Have you come to a choice?” “.... Yes.” My dad ran his hands through his unkempt black hair and let out a sigh. “You do know that once you start, there no going back? You can't live a normal life” “... Dad.  Remember how I told you how I battled with Manami against those Poochyena. It felt exciting, like I wasn't trapped in some boring routine. I want the other family members to feel that. To be free without fear.” They hesitated for a second and looked at each other. My dad nodded his head in agreement.” Very well. We shall ride Noire to the nearest the nearest center so you can get your license and register for the league.” “I'll do some research” my mom said  “and try to find a way to prevent the effects from kicking in.” “Thanks.” And like that. I entered Birch’s lab “Professor.” My old normal life ended. Some pieces died and buried and other kept. He looked at me “What is it?” I was already passed the line of no return. “About the offer.” The only way back to a normal life or anything similar to it. “I like to accept the Manami as my starter.” Was to break the curse.
To be continued
Got Manami Mudkip. lv:5, Nature: Adamant. Characteristic: Quick to flee.
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gyromitra-esculenta · 7 years
Synchronicity 13
F.E.A.R.!AU And we are out of the Talon blacksite by the end of this chapter. This is mostly combat porn. Also, introducing Sombra as Paxton and Jesse as Point Man. Jack's dissolution of reality is really fun to write. On the other hand, the most tedious (and secretly entertaining) thing is keeping track of his inventory.
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(...)Lips pressed against his back, just below his neck; a thumb lazily rubbing circles into his arm; their legs tangled together. 
Something skitters on his palm and Jack flicks it off absentmindedly.
“Have you ever thought about later?” (...)
A man with a grudge and a case
A man with intent on his face
And if a man walks into place
Let it be known I won't hesitate
The mechanical hiss makes him glance over the makeshift cover – one of the hatches in the ground opens giving way to the rising black matte container – big enough to contain a human, barely. The coffin. That’s how they call it. He can feel the visceral knowledge claw at his insides, the acidic panic, the claustrophobic pressure on his mind.
It stops with a jerk. Jack tightens his grip on the Seegert.
The container opens slowly, agonizingly so, and from the inside stumbles out a masked figure dressed in a strangely familiar uniform yet nondescript enough he cannot place the affiliation. There is an ‘S114’ printed on his left breast in bold white letters. The man almost trips and then straightens, his posture undergoing a complete shift in the split second between the actions.
Jack has his eyes on the rifle held ready in the enemy’s hands, waits for the barrel to swing away from his position as the man scans the room. There is only a slim window for action, growing even smaller with two other hatches activating.
He climbs over the wall in one fluid movement and launches himself at the enemy, sending them both sprawling to the ground, twisting his pistol to the man’s neck and firing several times, lets go of the grip and grasps for the rifle, tears it away from the twitching fingers.
“Enemy sighted.”
Shit. Jack clenches his teeth and ducks behind the coffin offering close to no protection. They will flank him, it’s the basic maneuver. Any movement will put him in the line of fire, and even this cover is fleeting, the whole container shudders when the lid closes, and it starts to sink back underneath the surface of the training range. Inhale.
He dashes to the right, not bothering with blind cover fire, to lean against the concrete partition. Ignoring such risks as negligible is well within the usually calculated simulation parameters. Soldiers like this are expendable. Exhale.
The rifle, Patten – he smirks, lines of it fluid under his touch, not their usual loadout, but he’s familiar with it – should have the full magazine in. Thirty rounds. Good stopping power, moderate armor piercing capability. Bad news if the others are armed with those, still more of a fighting chance for him.
Inhale. Listen. A crunch to the left. Around ten paces back. His hands are wet with sweat. Visualize the height and the posture. Reconstruct the room. A sound of fabric from the right side. Build the replica in your mind. Exhale.
Inhale, prepare, rise up. Hold your breath. Shoot. The man jerks back and breaks in half when the bullets from the short burst impact with his mask. Chips from the concrete brush Jack’s cheek. Duck behind the cover. Exhale.
His heart is thudding in his chest. Close, too close. Again, the whirr of the machinery, two more coffins. He won’t last here long. There is a touch of hysteria to those thoughts, he knows, but knowing is different from managing. His fingers are becoming jittery, spasming on their own without control. The Beast grips his left wrist. Grounds him.
“Remember, Sunshine,” the oily sound coils itself around his mind. Inhale. The magazine should have around twenty-six bullets now. Three targets. Exhale. Accumulate the tension in the muscles. Prepare. The sound of the coffins popping open simultaneously. Inhale.
Jack springs out of the cover to the left, keeping low. The sound of the gunfire chases him as he moves in a semicircle. He passes the body on the ground and flings himself behind another partition. The dead soldier lies halfway out of the cover, he grabs his leg and hauls him closer with a strong jerk of his arms. He snags the two grenades, pulls the pin on one, counts down, and throws it over the cover blindly. The other one follows just as the dust brought up by the first explosion flows over the concrete to his side.
“Compromised. Need reinforcements.”
This gives him the time to eject the magazine from the dead man’s rifle. Around fifty-six bullets now. Two targets. Inhale. Jack leans out of the cover. He can see one enemy, crawling on the ground, one leg torn off above the knee, the other just a bloody mess under the ragged fabric. Lucky throw. The second soldier is hidden from his view now.
The man manages to lift his gun with one hand, the other bracing for purchase on the ground. Fuck. Do they even feel pain? Do they even register it? Jack cannot wrap his mind around the concept. Exhale. Shoot. One bullet through the mask. Fifty-five left, rough estimate. He notices three more black shapes in the gaps between the obstacles, at least two of them already open. No time to panic. Need to change position. Four targets now, minimum. Inhale.
He maps out the layout, the explosions still ringing in his ears. Exhale. Move on the outer rim of the range, sprint along the wall, pass the car. Inhale. He moves with the purpose, changing position, in the open…
“Target sighted.”
With the electronic voice comes the impact. It feels like a jackhammer to his side, then a short blackout as he topples down. Desperately, he drags himself forward. Hyperventilating. He rips off the helmet – his head is buzzing, his vision swims – the thing is dented where the bullet hit.
Every breath hurts. The vest held on the chest. His left side is numb and cold. Don’t look. He traces his fingers over the hole, its ridges already wet. He’s going to die here. Jack cranes his neck down.
“Don’t look, Sunshine,” the voice stops him, ghostly fingers rest over his hand. Don’t look. Might stave off the shock. It’s still numb, does not bode well. He’s behind the damned burned out car frame, it offers little protection. He grasps for the dropped rifle. His hand is slick with blood. “Hold your breath.”
He can hear them converging on his position. He’s going to die here.
The screen on the wall, he can see it from here, and there is a movement that catches his eye, a swath of color, purple, violet, pink? The person – woman – stops before the nightmarish chair holding the misshapen twitching human. There is a snap of neon lines in the air and the creature is literally ripped apart into pieces that fall separately around the contraption raining blood.
His lungs begin to burn.
“Exhale,” the Beast orders and Jack does as he is told to do. The next breath comes slowly, unfurls in his chest at the same time the pain in his side slowly comes into focus, stabbing, living. Good. Pain means time.
“My Los Muertos, they dared, they dared to belittle them with… with this!?” The woman’s voice booms over the speakers. Jack pulls himself up a bit, to look back through the window of the frame. No, he won’t question why the soldiers now just stand in place, swaying lightly, like dormant hanging marionettes with no-one to pull their strings. “This fake?”
“Feeling obsolete, bitch?” Another voice, thick with the accent, joins in. His head snaps to the side, searching against reason. McCree.
“Oh. I’ll show you obsolete and shove it up your ass, dear brother. But first,” she turns to the screen, her movements somehow birdlike in how her limbs snap into place viciously, “you killed them, but now you will die because they are with me as they should be.”
“Proceed,” comes from behind before the hail of bullets rips into the car. Jack curls on himself. Bullets perforate the brittle metal, something singes his cheek. Metal shavings bite into his skin. He’s going to die here, there’s too many of them. There is a new side of aggression in their offense. No space to act.
“Do you remember your training, Sunshine?” The Beast whispers insistently, but the training won’t help him now. Only the rifle, almost two magazines. Last stand. Force down the panic. You’re going to die, take them down with you. All soldiers are is lambs led to slaughter. A future banquet for worms. “Remember your training, Sunshine,” the Beast paces restlessly along the old gnarled tree. “Don’t be afraid.”
“I’m not.” Jack feels the calm descend upon him, like a blanket, his breath slowing. His heart stills inside his chest. “You will take me with you when you go, won’t you?”
“It makes it easier, Sunshine,” the Beast smiles with all its fanged mouths, dark tongues lolling out in mirth. Clawed hand cups his bleeding cheek and for a moment Jack looks into crimson eyes. “You are always with me, and I, I am always with you.”
He glances to the side, at the bullet slowly sailing by his head, the air behind it stretching the prismatic luminosity in its wake, metal fragments exploding in points of unexpected brightness. All sounds distort and dampen. Jack inhales even as the wet stringy darkness tugs at the corners of his vision. He stands up with Patten braced against his shoulder.
Six targets total. Two shots per each, accuracy and precision. Watching the impact, the strange whiplash as he hits the targets – their bodies jerked violently with enough force to rip them apart at seams – is strangely satisfying. He feels the passing bullet ruffle his hair.
“This is it, Sunshine, this is how we are together, this is how we were meant to be, always,” the Beast coils between his fingers, nips at his neck, breathes the words into his ear, and he listens. “The hatch on the left,” its voice points out and Jack turns, runs, slides over the gravel and slips into the opening, his back contorting when he hits the lowering coffin. When he tumbles to the cold floor, the time and reality slam back into existence. Jack curls over the rifle, hands clutching at his side, the vicious stabs of pain bringing tears to his eyes. He feels saliva gathering in his mouth in reaction, and whimpers. No. Swallow even if it hurts only to think. He is dehydrated and bleeding. He cannot afford to… “I know, Sunshine,” claws rest on the nape of his neck almost non-threateningly, but the points dig into his skin deep, “you can’t rest here. You have to go.”
Yes. He can’t stay here, there are black coffins stacked on one another along the sides of the corridor, one of them actually being moved along the transportation line above him. It snaps into place below the hatch he used to escape the training range.
Jack moves to his knees, his grasp on the rifle faltering, and small whines of pain making it past the clenched teeth. With difficulty, he heaves himself up, left hand clasped over the bullet hole, and unsteadily follows forward. Each step burns. His breath shortens.
“You… you will take me with you… won’t you?” The darkness creeps into his vision as his right leg almost sinks under him. He manages to stabilize himself, leaning on the wall.
“I am always with you,” the Beast whispers back when he sinks into the grass, into the smell of a warm sunny afternoon – the richness of the green and the earth soothing in their onslaught. Lips pressed against his back, just below his neck; a thumb lazily rubbing circles into his arm; their legs tangled together.
Something skitters on his palm and Jack flicks it off absentmindedly.
“Have you ever thought about later?”
“You’d miss it.”
“Wouldn’t you?”
“Yeah, I guess.”
Too broken and too intertwined to ever find another way, yet here, in this place, at this time, perfect and content, wrapped in each other, breathing in and out in symmetry to the music of the buzzing insects. Jack closes his eyes.
“Turn around.” The voice, it’s wrong, doesn’t belong here – wherever and whenever here is – sends shivers of cold down his spine. Nails sink into the skin of his arm. “Turn around.”
“…no,” he answers, the word breaking in half on the hitch of a breath.
“Remember your…”
“No, please, don’t make me do this, don’t take this from me,” Jack pleads with the inevitable. His fingers dig into the dirt, into the clumps of roots below, into things slithering under the surface. Cold hands close around his throat.
“This does not belong to you,” his doppelganger snarls at him spitting blood. “It never did! It never will!”
No, this is not his, and when the pressure lessens he opens his eyes to artificial light and the smell of cordite and ozone in the air along with the stink of burning plastic and circuitry, and something else he cannot place due to the strange haze that makes his fingertips tingle. Railing, he’s leaning against the railing, on a slightly raised platform over the rest of the chamber, and to the left, there is a half empty IV bag hanging, hooked to the metallic balustrade, the needle feeding its contents into his arm. By his side lies an emptied field kit, bandages and tape strewn around, some stained with blood.
Jack clenches his hand and starts. Morphine syringe. Used.
His vest is open. He lets go of the syringe and cautiously feels around the wound. It’s dressed. The touch makes him inhale sharply in pain. Past the threshold. Movement is going to be troublesome. Slowly, hissing under his breath and bracing against the railing, Jack stands up. The strange alien tug inside his stomach… the bullet is still in.
Now he can see the bodies below and still-smoking remnants of a powered armor.
“Do you understand now, Sunshine?” The Beast purrs snugly pressed against his chest. “Together, we are unstoppable. We will bring about the end.”
His hand hovers for a moment over the blinking console. No other time than now. He touches the prompt and looks up when he hears the grind of machinery. The enormous hatch in the ceiling opens raining dust and the platform starts, then laboriously moves upwards.
He can hear the feedback from his comm unit grow stronger.
“I’ll just find…” Lena. She stutters. “Jack!? That bloody you?”
“Yes. I think so.” He can’t keep the weary smile out of his voice.
“Bloody hell, you daft bugger, I was getting bloody worried…!”
“Lena.” It’s Winston, still calm and composed. “If anyone was going to get out of there on their own it was Morrison.”
“Bloody fucking right, Papa Winston.” Jack can hear the gears in her head turning. “I managed to hail Bunny, she’s working on bringing the meat wagon around but it’s the bloody apocalypse out there and traffic is killer. GPS is dead as fuck, but I dare say you’ll find the bloody stadium, right?”
“We will tear, we will rend, we will feast, together,” the Beast chortles, its maw pushing against his cheek in a needy way, and his hand pets it eliciting little whines of contentment. “Nothing will stand in our way.”
“Yes,” Jack confirms.
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cursedgrave · 5 years
How Do Professional Photographers Edit & Manage Their Photos?
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Hello buddy, it seems you are related with photography and have interest on photo editing. Nowadays, photography and photo editing are knit in the same knot. Photography field is greatly dominated by photo editing. By editing photos properly attention of the viewers can be generated more effectively. That’s why every professional photographer in the world used to edit their photos. But only a few people know how to perform this with the perfection. Are you also enthusiastic about it? Then you are just at the right place.
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This is the article where you can get how do professional photographers edit their photos. So, this article is going to be helpful for every photography loving people. From my 5 years of experience, I have pointed out 10 techniques that professional photographers used to edit their photos.Among thousands of image editing techniques in Photoshop, I have observed these techniques really work. One more good news for you. At the end of these techniques, I will share a piece of secret information with you. Why we are making delay then? Let’s make a dive into the main content.
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01. Dealing with the Image in Raw
This is the main foundation of professional image editing. Without a solid foundation it is never possible to edit the photo professionally. To start your image editing with the raw file. In this way, you get most detail to customize a photo. But what is the first thing to adjust in this case? Though there are no specific rules for this. Different photo editors do it in their own different way. My suggestion is to start with the color temperature or you can also start with the exposure. After this, you have to make the image flatten. Contrast’s also a key thing consider at the primary level.If the photo doesn’t have proper contrast,you have to increase the level of the contrast. In case, the photo contains natural contrast then you don’t have to follow this step.Otherwise, it will affect the image badly.
02. Utilize Healing Brush Tool
Healing brush tool is a great features of adobe photoshop. Basically, there are two types of healing brush tool is available in photoshop. As per my suggestion, you ought to go for healing brush tool rather than spot healing brush tool.The advantage of using this tool is you select the source point by yourself. Especially, when you want to fix the area like Acnes, Pimple, dark spot healing brush tool is the best option. Professional photo editors use this tool to get rid of the unwanted marks. So, to do the editing like professional photo editor you have to master the art of using this tool.
If You Looking For Tips For Change Background Color In Photoshop
03. Use Clone stamp tool
It is another tool almost all photo editors love to use. I personally love this tool to set the lighten of my image.You will be surprised to know that I use this tool both for skin and background. One important point to note here. Don’t set the opacity too high when using this tool. But professional photo editors don’t use this tool repeatedly. Just use this tool, when proper details are missing from a portion.
Resource about how to use clipping mask in photoshop
04. Learn to use Dodge and Burn
Dodging and burning is another favorite tool of professional photographer In photoshop, there are several ways to do this. It is better to use in the non-destructive way. In this case, you can use curve adjustment layer. Shadow, mid-tones, highlight you can modify all of these with this tool.There are some facts that you should keep in mind when you are working with this tool. Try to bring a sense of depth in the image by make it lighten or darken.
05. Separate the frequency
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Do you want to make the skin smooth in the professional way? Then you have to separate the frequency. You can apply this technique on your cloths, background, sky etc.
06. Changing the blend mode of black and white layer
This an easy and elegant technique that professional photographers apply in their photo. Simply apply Black and White layer in the photo. After this,you have to change the blend mode into soft light. After doing that you may experience that there is too much contrast in the photo. Do you the solution of it? Set the opacity low as per your requirement.It brings a sharp look in the image.In this way, you can also control the luminescence of each color with this layer. Moreover, customizing the reds and yellows you can bring magnificent change in the skin color.Especially, this is a great technique to apply in the portrait and landscape photography.
07. Learn to use Level and Hue/Saturation layer
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Professional photo editors always use level and Hue/Saturation layer to adjust the light condition of the picture. Just adding the black & white layer and decreasing the opacity level may not satisfy you all the time. That’s why this additional step is needed.Let me tell you a hidden tips of this step how professional photographers actually apply a trick here. They add blue, magenta or cyan to the shadows, red, green for the shadow and green, yellow for the mid-tone this. Do you also want to effect highlights?Then change the red and yellow.
08. Highlights and Curves
Want to add contrast to make the look more elegant like professional? Enhance a curve adjust layer with your picture. The simple way to draw the curve in “S” form. But keep the shape of it small don’t make it too wide.To be honest, I love to humiliating my highlights.Move the top of the curves to right side. Also, move the bottom side to the left side. But this is not an obvious statistic. For some images, it might bring an odd look.
09. Layer Mask technique
This is one of the most important techniques that professional photo editor follows. At the time of image editing, most of us don’t want to make the changes universal. I often use this option for various portion of the image.Especially, when you editing modeling photo layer mask is must needed. Different parts of body contain different color. Add different hue/saturation adjustment layer for individual parts.After this, you need to mask out the area that you want to imply the effect.
10. Different types of Blending Mode
This is the last technique that professional photo editors follow. But unfortunately, this technique is underrated. There are some great blending modes available in photoshop. But most of the people are limited in using the soft light blending mode. Apart from this, other blending mode like soft light, luminosity can adjust contrast and saturation in a great way.Take different types of blending and change the opacity.Do you have any idea how many types of blending mode are available in photoshop?Photoshop offer 26 types of blending mode. It’s the time to show you creativity.
That’s it for today. I hope you have got the idea how do professional photographers edit their photos.By applying these techniques,you can sharpen your skill. If you don’t want to spend your time on photo editing, then you can take our photo editing service. Our professional photo editors will enhance the beauty of your photo. Want to see our quality? Let’s have a free trial now. At last Judge our best professional photoshop services
The post How Do Professional Photographers Edit & Manage Their Photos?
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dbrodosi · 5 years
Best Photography Lighting Kits
David Brodosi
Whether you're a professional photographer or an amateur videographer, one key component determines the quality of your projects: lighting. Having adequate lighting in your setup will help ensure that all of your images look breathtakingly professional. Lighting will also help fuel your creativity through what you choose to illuminate and what you choose to keep in the dark. We recommend the Fovitec Studio Pro 2500 Watt photography lighting kit. It has three different lighting sources and abilities to control individual bulbs through the easy flick of a switch.
Best Overall: Fovitec Studio Pro 2500 Watt
Best Value: Weifeng ePhoto Portrait Lighting Kit
Best for Experienced Users: LimoStudio 800 Watt
Best for Beginners: StudioFX 2400 Watt
Best for Product Photography: ESDDI Photo Studio Light Box
Best Overall: Fovitec Studio Pro 2500 Watt
The Fovitec Studio Pro is a great photography lighting kit for anyone who is looking to perfectly illuminate a small to medium-sized area such as an apartment or small studio. This kit comes equipped with two five socket head softboxes offering 2500 watts of power. The heights for these softboxes can be adjusted from 2'8'' to 7'6'' high to suit the needs of each photoshoot. The softboxes can also be tilted forward and backward with ease.
If you're interested in photographing portraits, products, or filming videos, the main light, boom hair light, and fill light offer a range of lighting abilities to capture the perfect picture. You can also adjust the lighting settings, down to which bulb you want to be powered, through an attached control panel.
Another benefit to this photography lighting set is that you can use any camera with it. There is no syncing needed at all to capture bold and unique images.
If you're someone who enjoys filming YouTube tutorials or taking photographs of portraits or products, then this is the perfect set for you. Some users have mentioned that the instructions included with this package can be confusing to follow, making set up difficult at first.
Can control individual bulbs through a control panel
Great for small to medium-sized areas
2500 watts
Set up can be confusing
Best Overall
Fovitec Studio Pro 2500 Watt
Lighting kit with a control panel to adjust brightness
The Favitek Studio Pro 2500 Watt photography lighting kit comes equipped with two five socket head softboxes that can be adjusted through a control panel.
$250 from Amazon
Best Value: Weifeng ePhoto Portrait Lighting Kit
The Weifeng ePhoto Portrait Lighting Kit is a great value bundle. It comes stocked with a multitude of equipment including two black umbrellas, two white umbrellas, four 45 watt bulbs, and three backdrops. The black and white umbrellas are used to accentuate shadows and modify light to make your portraits pop.
The backdrops come in three different colors, including green, black, and white, which are all perfect for taking portraits or filming scenes. Each backdrop measures at 6 x 9 feet and is made out of a thin fabric that is easy to manipulate.
The entire kit is pretty easy to set up as most of the equipment is reasonably straight forward. There isn't a need for syncing any devices to the tools for them to work correctly. Another plus to this kit is that when you're finished with your photoshoot, you can easily place all of the items back into the handy carrying case. The case also makes this photography lighting set easy to carry from project to project — a great feature for anyone who works in multiple studio spaces, including the outdoors.
The included four 45 watt bulbs are not as bright as some other lighting sets. Knowing about angles and positioning to illuminate the object of your project will come in handy.
Comes with black and white umbrellas
Has three backdrops
Great price for amount of equipment
Has a carry case
No power controls for the lighting
Not very bright
Best Value
Weifeng ePhoto Portrait Lighting Kit
A multitude of equipment for a great price
The WeiFeng ePhoto Portrait Lighting Kit comes with two black umbrellas, two white umbrellas, three backdrops, four 45 watt bulbs, and a carry case for an affordable price.
$120 from Amazon
Best for Experienced Users: LimoStudio 800 Watt
The LimoStudio 800 Watt lighting set is an excellent option for both experienced and beginner photographers and videographers. However, this set does not come with written and detailed instructions, which makes it better suited for a seasoned professional in the industry.
This lighting kit comes with two white nylon umbrellas intended to diffuse and soften any additional light. The height on the umbrella stands is adjustable so you can control the balance of light in your shoot. Attached to the umbrella stands is a double-head photo lighting holder that is universal. It can hold one or two 45 watt light bulbs. Each holder is conveniently equipped with its own power switch so that you can decide precisely how much luminosity you need.
Also contained in the LimoStudio 800 Watt photography kit are three 6 x 9-foot backdrops and a support that measures 10 feet across. The backdrops consist of three different colors: green, black, and white. This is excellent for controlling the setting of your production for both videographers and photographers.
This lighting system is excellent for use indoor and outdoor as it is equipped with enough support to balance out the light creating superb picture content. Another great feature is that this photography lighting kit can be carried around easily with the included carry bag.
Comes with three different colored backdrops
Double head photo lighting holder
Comes with carry case
No written instructions
Best for Experienced Users
LimoStudio 800 Watt
Double head universal lighting holder and three backdrops
The LimoStudio 800 Watt photography lighting kit comes ready with two double head universal lighting holders and three different colored backdrops.
$130 from Amazon
Best for Beginners: StudioFX 2400 Watt
An excellent choice for beginners, the StudioFX 2400 Watt is a three-piece photography lighting kit. It is comprised of three main softboxes, three light stands, and three light-heads. This kit is extremely straight forward. It makes it easy to figure out what each piece of equipment is used for and how to set it up. That makes it fantastic for anyone who is just starting in their videography or photography journey.
The softbox units measure at 16 x 24 inches and come equipped with their own diffusers and built-in control panels. That allows you to adjust the brightness of your set with ease during your photoshoot. Each softbox includes four 45 watt florescent bulbs, which are excellent for digital photography and DLSR cameras. A great feature of these bulbs is that they have low heat. You don't have to worry about them burning you or giving off excess heat on a hot day as some other bulbs can.
The three light stands feature a sturdy three-legged base and are adjustable from 53 inches to 84 inches. You don't have to worry about them tipping over, and you can adapt your lighting needs quickly for close and far ranged shoots.
Some customers have mentioned that although this is a great starter kit, the softboxes are smaller than expected. The entire kit weighs approximately 29 pounds, which can make it a little too heavy to carry around to sets.
Great for beginners
Bulbs are low heat
Easy to set up
Weighs approximately 29 pounds
Softbox smaller than expected
Best for Beginners
StudioFX 2400 Watt
Easy to set up lighting kit for beginners
The StudioFX 2400 Watt photography lighting set is excellent for beginners and is extremely straight forward in terms of setup.
$135 from Amazon
Best for Product Photography: *ESDDI Photo Studio Light Box *
Although the ESDDI Photo Studio Light Box isn't technically a photography lighting set, it is a fantastic piece of equipment to have when photographing products. If you sell items for a living and want to elevate your brand's digital appearance through amazing product photography, then this lightbox is a must-have for you.
Included in this bundle are 120 carefully placed LED lamps, which can be adjusted to the brightness level that suits your needs with a simple turn of a knob. The ESDDI Photo Studio Light Box also comes prepared with four different colored backboards. The black, white, grey, and orange backboards make isolating your products and creating captivating themes for your images as easy as pie. Although, some customers mention that it would be great if the backboards covered the entire cube rather than just one side.
The box itself is small enough to fit on a desk. The box also features an aluminum shell light plate that has excellent heat dissipation. That means you don't have to worry about damaging any electronic devices that you may be photographing due to overheating. The inside of the box also features a silver reflective fabric that is perfect for reflecting light and allowing you to take professional-looking photos from any camera or cellphone. If you're not happy with the placement of your object or the angle of your shot, you can reposition yourself through one of the multiple available openings.
The box is made from a one-piece structure that can be folded into a cube through velcro siding. When you're finished creating your project for the day, simply unstick the velcro, unfold your studio, and head out the door. The outer material is made from oxford cloth and is waterproof.
Excellent for product photography
Great for taking photos with any cellphone or camera
Extremely portable and easy to use
Backboard only covers one side of cube
Best for Product Photography
ESDDI Photo Studio Light Box
Portable light box for excellent product photography
This portable lightbox features four different backboards and allows you to take professional-looking photographs with any camera or cellphone effortlessly.
$70 from Amazon
Bottom line
Proper lighting can set your photographs apart from the amateurs. It emphasizes certain parts of an image through the strategic use of shadows and brightness. Lighting also sets the tone and mood for your projects. That's why it is so important to take your lighting needs seriously.
Investing in a good lighting kit is a great way to boost the quality of your images. We recommend the Fovitec Studio Pro 2500 Watt photography lighting kit because it offers everything you need to get started on your way to becoming a successful photographer. This set is excellent for anyone who is working in a small to a medium-sized room to film videos. You can easily create youtube tutorials, take portrait photographs, and even capture product images for your e-commerce
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Photo of David Brodosi a videographer. Hello, my name is David Brodosi and I’m a quality-driven and award-winning Videographer with 15+ years’ progressively responsible experience. Adept at filming, shooting and producing video content to meet different clients’ specific requirements. Ability to strategize brand teams to identify content needed to meet company goals. Artfully edits raw footages to create powerful videos using a variety of software products.
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https://digitalwondersolution.wordpress.com/2019/09/04/david-brodosis-tripod-guide/ https://digitalwondersolution.wordpress.com/2019/09/03/epic-guide-to-the-best-camera-bag/
https://digitalwondersolution.wordpress.com/2019/09/03/interview-of-david-brodosi-videographer/ https://digitalwondersolution.wordpress.com/2019/09/03/best-landscape-lenses/ https://digitalwondersolution.wordpress.com/2019/09/03/best-lenses-for-landscape/ https://digitalwondersolution.wordpress.com/2019/09/02/david-brodosi-reviews-sony-pxw-fs7m2-xdcam-super-35-camera-system/
https://dbrodosi.tumblr.com/post/187531751376/david-brodosi-best-dslr-camera-monitor https://dbrodosi.tumblr.com/post/187531501296/canon-launches-eos-90d-dslr-eos-m6-mark-ii
https://digital-wondersolution.blogspot.com/2019/09/hello-my-name-is-david-brodosi-and-im.html https://digital-wondersolution.blogspot.com/2019/09/interview-of-david-brodosi.html https://digital-wondersolution.blogspot.com/2019/09/digital-camera-ransomware.html https://digital-wondersolution.blogspot.com/2019/09/david-brodosi-reviews-sony-pxw-fs7m2.html https://digital-wondersolution.blogspot.com/2019/09/hackers-ransomware-your-fancy-digital.html
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jo-the-schmo · 7 years
Breaking... Ch.12
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11
A/N: This chapter took way too long because I wasn’t planning for it but it’s here now so let’s go y’all! I’ll get back to the main plot next chapter I swear!
Wordcount: 3609
Warnings: Blood, slut shaming, taunting, cursing
Tags!!: @iamnotthrowingawaymyshit @renae-writes @deltablue202 @literally-melonkitty @meunicorn @favouritefighting-frenchman @demi-godamit @gum-and-chips @sweaterkitty-fluff @pinkyiger7 @littlemissshortcakes@msageofenlightenment @unprofessional-inhumanbeing @fandom-panda-221@hummusandchips @spoopy-piineapple @ashwolfcub @myself-and-the-madman @sweet-fate @superwholockbooknerd526 @frozengal2013 @lmaodedhaha @itsmikayblr @sarmar29 @arya-durin-77 @phantastic-fandoms @hoshihime98 If anyone else would like to be tagged just shoot me an ask saying so! ^-^
Breaking Trust
You felt the impact send waves through your skull, they reverberated through your brain. Bouncing off the bone. You were falling past the ground, it seemed like the ground faded from under you. Varying shades of grey were around you and sticking out like jagged stone; but as it faded out to white you felt the familiar wrapping of silk around your body. Just as you saw the end of the gleaming fabric, one of the pieces wrapped itself around your leg and dangled you above your point of exit. You stared numbly into the light, you couldn’t see anything beyond it but you could hear something faint. “Miss, I’m going to need you to step back and leave the room! The doctor needs room to work.” It was a woman, she sounded older and frustrated. “No! Please, I need to be here with her! Y/N! Please, wake up!” Another woman said, she seemed much younger than the first and her ton was frantic. Her voice was familiar. “Damn it all! She’s drifting off! Miss L/N, do not fall back asleep!” An older male voice called. You tried to fight the silk and reach out towards the voices but it was no use. The silk raised you up as you struggled and flung you the way you fell. You flew through the air, past the white, past the rocks and into the light you came from.
             Your eyes shot open as you gasped for air. You were laying on some kind of couch and you felt the warmth and light from a fire nearby.
“Well, at least you’re finally up.” A female voice said curtly. You looked around to see a woman standing by a door. Her clothes were similar to yours, only her bodice was orange and had longer sleeves. “Honestly, you’re lucky to be alive at all. If Mr. Burr had not seen your horse, you would certainly be dead.” Mr. Burr? Her voice was cold, her hair, skin and eyes all matched that tone. Icy.
“Where am I?” You asked as your frantically sat up. She chuckled at your panic.
“I shall inform Mr. Burr of your current status. Wait here.” She ordered you and walked out of the room. What the hell happened? The last thing I remember… You touched the left side of your face and winced. You felt some sort of bandage along your left temple and although you couldn’t see it, you could feel how bruised your face was. There were footsteps coming toward the door so you stood up, you still felt a bit dizzy but you quickly steady yourself. In walked in a familiar man, dark skin, wearing a deep purple and a pleasant smile.
“I see that you are awake. What was your name? Titania, was it?” He asked.
“M-Mr. Burr, sir! Um, that’s what I am called yes?” Am I lying? He nodded and sensed your confusion about the situation.
“I heard a commotion outside my door at sun rise and saw a horse with gear standing on my lawn. I recognized it as belonging to Mr. Hamilton and decided I should send it back to his estate but it was acting rather strange.  It kept moving away from me whenever I approached and, although it was probably foolish for to think it, it seemed to want to show me something. Low and behold you were not even a twenty meters from my home. I brought you back and called for a doctor, you had a terrible head wound but he said that you would wake up soon. Luckily he was correct, the sun has just only begun to set.” He explained. That’s crazy! Seriously universe? Why do you have to be such a bitch to me?!
“I don’t know what to say… Thank you, Mr. Burr! You really saved my life! I don’t know how I can thank you enough let alone repay you for this!”
“No need for thanks, I couldn’t just leave you out to die now could I? And in terms of repayment, I shall talk with Alexander about that.” Talk with Alex…Fuck… He’s not supposed to know about what happened! And hell I’ve already caused them enough trouble, why do I have to be like this?! He’s going to have to pay money for my idiocy! Ugh! He could read your disappointment as if you were actually saying it to him.
“Is something the matter?” He asked. Fuck.
“No, no, no, no, no! That’s perfectly fine! It’s just… I don’t exactly like having other people pay my debts but I suppose I’ll have to just live with it.” This is going to be bad when they get back… He closed his eyes like he was thinking about something. You couldn’t read his expression at all, which was something that Alex frequently complained about him. He was elusive.
“I have a proposition for you then, Miss Titania.” What?
“A proposition?” You asked.
“My wife you see, has fallen quite ill and we are a bit short of staff. I am aware that the Hamiltons are up town for the winter. Perhaps, while they are away, you could lend your services to help around here.” He offered.
“Seriously? Thank you so much, Mr. Burr! I just really don’t want to cause any problems for Alex and I’ll work really hard to make sure my debt is paid-“ He shushed you.
“Talk less.” Wait, what? “I will take that as a yes, however there are some rules you must follow.”
“Oh, um, of course.”
“Things are done very differently around here than at Alexander’s. You are at the Burr estate now and you must behave as such. Based on how you have worked at the Hamilton’s I can tell that your personality is rather… loud. That will not be the case while you are with me. Talk less, smile more. That is how you shall operate. You will be expected to hold a demeanor of calm and collectiveness at all times. I will not tolerate anything less, is that clear?” You were surprised by how serious he was while speaking to you, you were actually taken aback. I suppose not everything could be as accepting as it is with them… Even with the terms being so out of character for you, you knew you had to try. So you agreed to the conditions.
             That night you were given back your horse and set out for the estate. You felt slightly uncomfortable with having to ride again after what happened but it was your only option. You were going to be a maid for the Burr’s and would have to leave at dawn every morning to get there on time for work. You got back home, led the horse back to the stables and went inside. You hastily prepared a fire to ward off the chill in your bones. You weren’t sure why but you didn’t have a good feeling about this.
Dear Starlight,
             It already feels as though I have been away from you a century, has it truly only been a month and a half since I have seen you? I miss you, I miss our conversations, I miss your lectures, I miss your voice, your spirit, your passion. I miss it all, everything down to the way you hold a teacup as though it could fall apart in your hands. It is very quiet uptown; I do not think I like the quiet though. It feels empty and, dare I say, a bit lonely without you by my side to share your thoughts on this world we live in. Everyone else misses you as well. Father and Mother have been telling Grandfather all about you, he seems to find you quite charming. Angelica says that studying is becoming a bore without you there to give her alternative methods of remembering her work. Even Alexander, James and John seem quite withdrawn; specifically, they long for one of your fairytales. I have no idea what they are talking about but it has something to do with a fruit that can show you everything you desire? Or was it about gaining knowledge from it? It sounds fascinating, then again, everything about you intrigues me. It is surprising to think that it has not even been an entire year since our first meeting, I feel as though I have known you my entire life. Although since we are on a similar subject, I have some rather exciting news. My birthday is next week! I shall be turning sixteen, soon enough I will no longer be considered a boy but instead a young man. However, I only care about that title when it comes to you. Your wit and luminosity may suggest you consider me an equal. Yet, does that mean your heart sees me as such? I wish not to be considered a child in thine eyes, a boy who becomes as red as a blooming rose over his frivolous romanticized fantasies. I do not think the word ‘different’ quite fits how I see you, perhaps extraordinary would be a better term? You are not like any of the other maidens I have encountered; you are bold, utterly silly and stubborn in every wondrous way. You are the brightest star is the sky, the North Star. Others gaze upon you and wonder where you shall lead them, while I can only hope that you will take pity on a soul deprived of your love, a soul left completely helpless. I see your eyes and smile in the night sky, Lord knows that I have prayed. I have prayed that you will leave your celestial heaven and keep beside me. Is it not embarrassing? Even on paper I cannot articulate what I am feeling without becoming muddled. Perhaps it is best if I wait to express myself when I meet you at the end of February. Until then ma cherié, please do not forget to write. I know you must be busy as to not have the time to write but that shall not stop my own writing tendencies, your words bring me more joy than you could possibly imagine.
Sincerely yours,
P. Ham, your sunshine.
Your mind and your heart were telling you two distinctly different things by the time you finished reading Philip’s letter. Why does everything have to be so complicated?! You held your head in your hands, trying to decide what to do next. It’s been two weeks since you started to work for Aaron Burr and to say you hated it would an understatement. You’ve never felt so restricted in your entire life, it was huge reality check for you. Not everything could be all feminism and modern like it was with Alexander. Proper etiquette hangs over your head constantly, you never expected Burr to be as uptight as he is. It isn’t all bad though, Mrs. Burr is actually quite lovely. She tells you many stories of her younger days when she’s well enough to speak cohesively. Honestly, the best times were when she was awake, it always gave you the chance to take a breather from Aaron. He wants to be by her side as often as time allows, he acts like a completely different person around her. He’s happy. That doesn’t last too long though, and Sarah doesn’t help much either. Sarah was the maid that was ‘by your side’ when you awoke at the Burr estate. She’s kind of, maybe, the worst person. She frequently taunts you for the position you’re in and tries to accuse you because of your relationship with the Hamilton’s. “I know what you did, who knew a man would actually defend his whore.” When you asked her what she was trying to imply she said. “I wonder how the son reacted to learn that his whore was also his father’s. I believe I would pay to see such an encounter!” No matter how many times you try to convince her of the truth, she just shuts you down and claims that a prostitute will do anything to hide her sins. First of all, I’ll do what I damn well please with my body! Second of all, I DID NOT have an affair with Alexander! Seriously, I thought this whole situation was over! You didn’t have time to read the letter before you had to leave for work, so you took it with you. You heard footsteps from beyond the door you were behind and quickly hid the letter in your bodice. You stood up from where you were sitting at the dining room table, taking your spare cloth off of your apron and using it to wipe the table. You know, to make it seem like you were working even though there was nothing to clean yet. Sarah, cold looking as ever, came bursting in.
“Good morning, Miss Home Wrecker. I will be taking care of Lady Burr today, which means you will be in charge of everything else for the day. I suggest you be on your best behavior, or else you shall receive quite a tongue lashing from Mr. Burr… Although you probably want that!” She snorted as she left you alone to fester in your anger. Fuck you too, Sarah! Okay Y/N, calm down. It’s only for another five or so weeks. I can do this! Just put on your best smile and suck it up, buttercup! You took a deep breath and left to take your normal rounds. Things were going relatively smoothly, at least until mid-day approached.
             You heard a carriage drawing into the ‘driveway’ as you started to call it. Ugh, a visitor… Normally, you wouldn’t mind having to greet a visitor, but you haven’t had to deal with any of Burr’s guest yet. You weren’t excited. Nevertheless, you did what you were taught, you walked over to the door and smiled sweetly. You heard footsteps and you opened the door, closing your eyes to block out the brightness from the light hitting the snow outside.
“Welcome to the Burr estate! What may I do for you today?” You asked in a bubbly voice.
“Well I’ll be damned.” Oh no. Please let it be a hallucination! Please let it be a hallucination! You slowly opened your eyes and to no surprise the first thing you see is a bright color. Magenta. The whole image started to fade in, Thomas Jefferson, in all his horridness, was standing in front of you. On top of that, you had to greet him with a smile and give him hospitality. I’d rather shut the door in his face… You bit your tongue and moved out of the way for him so that he could enter. “Well, well, well, Miss Titania! I would never guess I would find you here. What brings you? I thought Hamilton was away for the winter?” He gave you a mischievous grin as you shut the door behind him.
“Simply working, nothing worthy of noting.” You said through gritted teeth. He chuckled, but before he could retort, Burr’s voice echoed from the nearby staircase.
“Hello Thomas, forgive me but my wife is awake at the moment so I must focus on her. Miss Taylor, please make him some tea.” Can I pour the tea on him?! You nodded to the demand, you couldn’t exactly say no. You turned and began to walk towards the dining room.
“Take a seat, I’ll be back with your tea shortly.” You lashed, obviously annoyed. He smiled, but he didn’t sit down.
“Actually, I would much rather follow you. I hate not having company and personally, I’d say you make some pretty fine company.” He raised his eyebrows up slightly. This bitch… You shot him a thin smile and turned to walk into the kitchen, rolling your eyes as he trailed behind you. You began the tea preparations, hoping that he would at least give you the pleasure of not speaking. You were not granted that pleasure.
“How have you been Miss Titania?” He asked, your back turned to him.
“Fine.” You said insipidly. You began to heat up the water and turned to find Jefferson a few feet away from you.
“That’s a rather noxious injury you’ve got there.” He pointed and traced out in the air the slight crescent shape from the stitching on your left temple. You covered it up with your hand. “May I ask how that happened?” He asked with curiosity in his brown eyes, you spoke as you walked past him to grab the tea box.
“It seems that I am no equestrian, Mr. Jefferson.” You said with dun. He clicked his tongue.
“I see.” After that, things went silent for a moment. You got out the teapot and made the tea, now all that was left was for you to set up the tray and cups, you assumed Burr would join him shortly. You set the tray down, picked out he saucers, the cream and sugar as well. You grabbed one of the tea cups with both hands, careful not to drop it and as you picked up the second one, Thomas spoke up.
“How has Philip been recently.”
Crack, shatter, puncture, warm.
             Some glass fragments from the delicate cup began to trickle from your seizing hands, the pieces digging into your palms. You whipped your head around, shock was etched into his features and it only grew deeper when he saw the burning hatred on your own.
“Don’t ever! You do not have the right to ask me about him after what you did! You made him hate me! Even if it was only for a day, it killed me! You do not deserve the grace of hearing his effulgent name, let alone say it!” You spat, you had had enough. You couldn’t hold back anymore, you were tumultuous. You felt like crying, screaming, and being sick all at the same time. He doesn’t deserve to know how wonderful that family is! He almost ruined them! He threw his hands up to show peace.
“Whoa, perhaps it would be best to calm down.” He said in an oddly soothing voice. You wanted to yell, don’t tell me to calm down! But you realized something.
The cup
You opened your hands and the rest of the glass fell to the floor, there were tiny cuts on your hands and blood prickled out from the ends but that’s not what you cared about. Fuck! You crouched down onto the ground and frantically began to pick up the pieces, gathering them up in your apron cloth to hold them.
“No, no, no, no! Burr’s going to kill me!” You spoke breathlessly and then a voice you really didn’t want to hear.
“Why am I going to kill you?” Burr asked dryly. He looked down at what you were doing, his expression blank. You hated that look, it made you even more fearful than most things. The idea that he could be thinking of anything and you wouldn’t know terrified you enough as it was. But now it was directed at you. You were about to apologize, try to convince him it was an accident and that you were sorry but you were interrupted.
“I dropped my cup, you know me Burr, my senses are never quite right when I’m around a pretty lady! I’ll pay for it, don’t worry about it!” Jefferson laughed. What? What’s he doing? Burr sighed and shook his head, rubbing his temples, which he commonly did when he was stressed.
“Seriously, Thomas? You can’t stop your womanizing for even a second? Well… It’s not the good china so I suppose no harm was done. I came in here to tell you that we shall head to the cabinet in a moment, I just have to get properly dressed first. It’ll only be a moment. Taylor, please clean up this mess.” He said as he turned and left the two of you alone once more. You quickly gathered up the rest of the glass and stood up, making sure it wouldn’t fall out of the sides of your apron, the edges you holding lightly between your fingers. You turned to look at Jefferson.
“Why…? Why did you cover for me?” You were dumbfounded, he took a deep breath.
“I know how Burr can be, it was honestly just better to say that I did it. Besides, I’m not a scoundrel all the time you know?” You disposed of the glass as he stepped closer to you. He was only a foot away from you by the time you noticed, he held out his hand.
“May I see your hands?” He asked calmly. You reluctantly showed him your hands, he held one in each of his and inspected them closely. “Hm, you should be alright. Clean them up, use a cloth to stop the bleeding and if anyone asks, tell them you slipped on the ice outside.” He instructed, you nodded along, still a bit confused.
“Why would you help me? Don’t you hate me or what I stand for or something?” He sighed at your question.
“Listen, I will admit that my accusations were under a false pretense, that I apologize for. I wasn’t asking you about Philip to be antagonizing, I was genuinely curious. I talked to James a while back and he told me about what you said. ‘I don’t care about my name’ All you care about is everyone else’s wellbeing. You could say it put things into perspective for me. Why would a whore care about her ‘lover’ and not have it be about money? Why would Hamilton write an entire pamphlet to protect the dignity of one mistress but incriminate the other? It doesn’t make sense, unless I’m wrong and that you truly had nothing to do with it. It was presumptuous of me, and for that I am very sorry. When it comes to Philip however, I am rather close to Angelica and we have discussed the two of you the recently. So do not worry, I get it.” He let go of your hands and gave you a soft smile, walking past you towards the exit into the dining room. “I should meet with Burr, perhaps I shall meet with you again in the future, Titania? It would be a real shame to not see your pretty face again. Au revoir, mademoiselle.” He waved goodbye to you with that same grin on his face. What just happened? Is he not an asshole 24/7? You were left to stew in your questions for a bit, but you eventually followed the directions he gave you, pushing the questions to the back of your mind. Which then made new questions form.
What am I going to do when they get back?
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stephicness · 7 years
Some Useful Tips on Making Gifs (With Sony Vegas)
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Well hi there! :D Thanks for your nice comment~ And for taking the type to ask me something!
For me, making gifs is a bit different than the photoshop loading up and editing type thing, because I actually use Sony Vegas plus a third party website to convert my video files into gifs. c: It’s tedious to go from one thing to another, but I can describe my process of gif-making to you, if you like! It might give you an idea of how ideas form, and what things I do when editing it! If you’re not familar with Vegas, then it might seem like a bunch of mumbo jumbo, but it’ll get you a start on how to do it! 
Keep reading below since this is gonna get long, and be wary! Imma be using Chapter 13, Verse 2 as my example!
So like everything I make, I gotta start off with an idea, right? In this case, I’m starting with the idea that ‘Man, I really like Ravus. Imma make a self-indulgent gifs with, I dunno, the new cutscenes and stuff.’ So with an idea that simple, I fire up Vegas and drop the video file I want to take from, so I can cut it down!
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When I make my gif sets, I'm very exact when it comes to the timing on them. So they all are 2 seconds long. Rarely are they longer than that. So I trim down the clips that I want to make gifs of, and I have them in my timeline for editing and trimming! (In this case, I’m trimming the subtitles until I can get the cutscenes in HD without the subs). So after that’s all trimmed down, I’m able to have individual clips to trim down if needed, pan to what angle I want them in, and have stuff I can add and eliminate accordingly! Good stuff! Be sure to disable the resampling by selecting the clips and going to switches. It’ll prevent ghost-framing and make your clips look so clean and smooth when in motion!
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Now I can add my video effects to the clips, which basically act as my filter and coloring. Me personally, I like darker blacks and lighter lights, so I end up adding an effect known as ‘Levels’ to my clips, as well as the ‘HSL Adjust’ effect. Both of those will allow me to brighten my colors highlights while darkening the darks that I want. It’s a play with it, but I typically like the Preset ‘Studio to Computer RGB’ for levels and an HSL adjust with 1.21 points on saturation, and 1.05 on luminosity. I just drag and drop what I want onto the entire video track to apply it, and that gives me my base color. (I use these base settings on the ‘This Is...’ series. Basic color enhancement!) You can also use Levels and HSL adjust in Photoshop too in your adjustments panel as well!
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So now, I play around with some coloring, usually with nothing in particular for a set color, but for this case, Imma go with something violet. This is where I usually play with ‘Color Curves’ and ‘Color Corrector’ to get the tones that I want. Color curves is nice because you can play with the specific RGB spectrums you want, making some colors more apparent or others less. Kinda like the color sliders, only with a graph instead. You can anchor certain points and shift the color and lighting to your favor, making it a fun tool to experiment with! You can first edit all three at once to play with lights and shadows, and then you can go to each one individually to play with how much reds, blues, and greens appear.
Some examples of playing with it...
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It’s all about playing with the color curves, but you can make some pretty cool combinations! After you apply color curves, you can also try using the Color Corrector tool. (There’s secondary color corrector too, but that one’s more good for a sin-city effect.) This tool allows play on the colors too, but it’s not as manipulative as the Curves tool, and it’s a Vegas feature. But with Color Corrector, you can apply midtones and highlights of certain colors to your edit, while also playing with the lighting, saturation, and contrast of it. This one’s customizable by its low-lights, mid-tones, and high-lights, so it can be used to make things softer or apply almost a color wash over your edit. It’s really nice when wanting to try muting your clip, but not have it straight-up black and white. Like many of Vegas’s effects, this one’s all about play too! If it’s too bright too, you can desaturate it from the color corrector, or even apply the Black and White effect in Vegas to desaturate it even more.
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Once that’s done, you can add text with the Text Generator in Vegas! I use 10, so the text generator was pretty much the same since Vegas 7, but in versions like Vegas 13, you’d have to find the Legacy Text Generator for a more simple interface. Basically just type it in, add outlines, shadows, and the like there. It doesn’t have fancy text effects, but you can just add transitions and stuff with Vegas effects to do cool things with text in general! I’m simple with my text, so I enjoy using the ‘Times Sans Serif’ font with ‘Times New Roman’ to make more pretty looking edits. Don’t need fancy fonts, in my opinion, but they can look cool in some instances. Again, it’s experimentation in what you think looks cool! For quotes too, I usually come up with them from the top of my head. But in this case, I had a Dragon Age quote I wanted to use. c: So playing with some Graphic Design things, you can apply the text accordingly!
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And that’s pretty much all I wanted to do with my gifset! I’ll then render out what I have and then I can run over to my gif converter site to convert everything into a GIF format for Tumblr. When rendering though, I render in an HD 30p format, with a project template of 60 frames per second, so my things are a little bit clear. Depending on the converter sight, you can keep all of the frames, but Tumblr HATES large files. So, I keep it in an MP4 30p render file and call it good. c:
From there, I can trim down and optimize my gifs for a proper Tumblr format. The website I use only has a cap of 25 FPS, but it lets me optimize, crop, resize, and more after I upload my video file. It’s easy to use once you get the hang of it too! 
And that’s how I make my gifs. c: It’s really fun and simple once you get the hang of it! Photoshop is a different process for making gifs, but here’s how to do it with video editing software! I hope this helps you out a bit, despite my rambling and stuff, but it might help you if you figure out Photoshop gifing too, dear friend!
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automotivegearz · 4 years
Top 8 Best HID Conversion Kits: Innovited, XtremeVision or Kensun (2020 Reviews)
The HID headlights are known to be superior to the bulbs equipped with your car. The reason is that they are more powerful than halogen lights. Therefore, many people start to discover the benefit of using HID lights, whether for performance or show. 
However, there is a wide range of products with different advantages. It will be challenging to choose the best HID conversion kit yourself. 
At the moment, the best HID conversion kit is Kensun LED Headlight Conversion Kit in 2020 with many features and its longevity. 
There are also few other options to choose from Top 9 best HID conversion kits below if you have the time to scan through. Also, don’t forget to check out the factors you should know to choose one!
Top 8 Best HID Conversion Kits Reviews
#1 Best Overall: Kensun LED Headlight Conversion Kit
If you are looking for high quality HID conversion kit, then you should check out the Kensun New Technology All-in-One LED Headlight Conversion Kit. This product has premium features. Designed as a plug and play product, the HID Conversion kit from Kensun has a straightforward way to install. 
Usually, Kensun claims to install this product fairly quickly when it only takes 20 minutes. But you can also introduce it yourself as the process is straightforward. You won’t need a mechanic’s help.
Each lamp of this kit has a smart aluminum case on the outside. If you regularly lose things or leave items somewhere, you can keep all the parts (like extra bulbs or wiring) in this container.
Kensun New Technology All-in-One LED Headlight Conversion Kit operates with 30W and luminous output 9005. This product will be a profitable investment as it can work up to 30,000 hours.
With optimal water resistance and thermal protection, the Kensun HID headlights can glow under extreme conditions. The manufacturer also integrates a fan and cooling chip for each bulb to dissipate heat more efficiently.
Two different color filters
Easy to install and use
Not all applications are suitable
The Kensun LED Headlight Conversion Kit not only offers easy installation, but also offers its features effectively. With this product, you will find what you need.
#2 Best for Multiple Colors: Innovited AC Canbus HID Kit
With solid construction, Innovited Premium AC Canbus HID Kit will operate seamlessly without flicker or problems with the current. This premium AC adapter has the perfect cable length to fit into your car’s car adapters. It’s plug and play, so you will not have to buy any additional tools when installing it.
With three to four times the brightness of regular OEM lights, the Innovited Premium AC Canbus HID Kit has universal fitting capabilities, so it fits any vehicle. You can even install this kit on your motorcycle.
Its durability is highly appreciated thanks to its resistance to dust, water repellency, and external impact. It still works well regardless of the weather conditions.
With its beautiful crystal white color, the Innovited Premium AC Canbus HID Kit can add eye-catching to your car. Its capacity is quite strong, about 35W AC / 12V. Temperatures between -40 and 105 would be ideal for their best performance, without burning the powering components.
The design is simple, so that you can install it in your car quickly. Its lifespan is about 5500 hours.
Can emit a variety of colors
Suitable for most vehicles
Eye-catching white crystal color
Can self-warn unnoticeable errors
With the Innovited Premium AC Canbus HID Kit, you will not have to worry about choosing its right size and durability. Perhaps its great features will suit your needs.
#3 Best Durable: XtremeVision Headlight Conversion Kit
For those living in an area with no lights at night, the XtremeVision Headlight Conversion Kit is a perfect choice. You can use this light as a substitute for conventional pedestrian crosswalks. Its brightness is highly appreciated thanks to the DC power supply. 
XtremeVision Headlight Conversion Kit‘s internal design can handle the problems of heat overload. The combination of the heat dissipation system and the aluminum body makes this problem easier to solve than ever. This design will minimize the amount of heat impacted.
The XtremeVision Headlight Conversion Kit features a headlight kit that is three times brighter than a halogen bulb. Not only that, but it can also work ten times longer. Their average lifespan is 30000 hours. This number is staggering due to its waterproof, dustproof, and impact resistance features. 
Minimize the amount of heat
Suitable for all vehicles
Blinks sometimes
If you are looking for an HID conversion kit with excellent quality and stable structure, you should not skip XtremeVision Headlight Conversion Kit. Its durability and convenience will amaze you.
#4 Best Easy-to-Install: SDX HID Xenon DC Headlight Bulbs
For quick and easy installation by users, the manufacturer designed SDX HID Xenon DC Headlight Replacement Bulbs in the plug and play direction. Typically, the user should have no problems with the installation. But if you have any issues, contact Kensun customer service.
This product can produce a crystal white luminosity. With DC connection from your battery, it can glow quickly and powerfully. This connection helps the HID headlights work efficiently and without flicker.
With the ability to consume as little as 3 Amp of energy, SDX HID Xenon DC Headlight Replacement Bulbs will not be bottled. Although it doesn’t require a lot of electrical power from your car, this light bulb is still extremely bright.
SDX HID Xenon DC Headlight Replacement Bulbs operate at 35W. So they are three times brighter than conventional bulbs. Perfect brightness will help you drive more safely.
Installation is quick and easy
Not flashing
Optimal performance
Occasionally do not light up
The installation process can be a hassle for many customers. SDX HID Xenon DC Headlight Replacement Bulbs will do this job for you. It will be an excellent candidate.
#5 Best for Quality: Lumenon 55w HID Conversion Kit
If you want a set of headlights that emit impressive light, you should not miss the Lumenon 55w HID Conversion Kit. It works plug and play, so you do not need any tools to install it. It is excellent how quick and easy the installation is.
The brightness of this kit is quite intense and can cover a large area while you drive. It will help you drive safer and be aware of your surroundings at night. For people with night blindness, this product is the right choice.
Besides, each kit has a manual included, so you can refer to it when installing it. If you have a problem, contact Lumenon, and they will help you out.
User manual easy to understand
Impressive light
Few colors to choose from
One of the options that customers should not ignore is the Lumenon 55w HID Conversion Kit. Thanks to the outstanding advantages above, it is understandable to say that this product is very reliable.
#6 Best for Power Consumption: Kensun HID Kit with Xenon Lights
Kensun is a brand that produces high-quality headlights in the market. Although most of their products are self-service, installing them is very easy. Since they are plug and play black, you won’t need any extra professional tools to install them.
For each kit, an aluminum case is attached to the manufacturer. This addition is quite convenient as you can store sophisticated auto parts in it. With five times the brightness of conventional headlights, the Kensun HID Kit with Xenon Lights has received countless positive reviews.
It is designed as an AC product so you can integrate it into OEM wiring quickly. This wiring still ensures current to your headlights. During use, it will not blur or flicker. But be sure to check if your car is suitable for the Kensun HID Kit with Xenon Lights before buying as it may be too small or too large.
Low power consumption
User friendly
Many different colors
There have been cases where the light is not on
Customers often love energy-efficient and user-friendly products. The Kensun HID Kit with Xenon Lights can adequately fulfill these criteria.
#7 Best for Customer Service: XtremeVision 35W HID Xenon Kit
XtremeVision 35W HID Xenon Kit is a wise choice for amateurs. This kit is convenient as the manufacturer has included everything you need during installation.
Each kit will include a bulb, stand, zip lanyard, and ballast. A mounting bracket can solve this problem to prevent the weight from slipping around or affecting other parts.
Similar to the same XtremeVision product suite above, XtremeVision 35W HID Xenon Kit also follows the plug and play mechanism. It means you will not need to spend a lot of time installing it. A steady light ensures you shine in the dark.
Good customer service
Excellent light dispersion
Installation is easy
There may be a problem with the ballast current
XtremeVision always puts customers’ comfort first. So, besides developing their products, they also focus on customer care. Here, you will receive the most dedicated support.
#8 Best Value: H11 Morimoto Elite HID Kit
Thanks to the double power harness, the H11 Morimoto Elite HID Kit can fit most automotive wiring. Installing this HID headlight is also easy and quick as it just needs to be plugged in and will work. Therefore, professional support tools are not required.
Furthermore, H11 Morimoto Elite HID Kit is one of the products with the most extended warranty. For 35W bulbs, the manufacturer offers a five-year warranty. As for ballasts and 55W bulbs, the warranty is three years. During the warranty period, you can replace the bulb for free.
Remarkable light dispersion
Quick installation
The wire is shorter than usual
The H11 Morimoto Elite HID Kit strikes a delicate balance between affordable prices and great features. Perhaps you will want to experience its perfection.
#9 Best for Budget: Heavy Duty HID Xenon Headlight  Bulbs
If you’re looking for an affordable HID conversion kit, Heavy Duty HID Xenon Headlight Bulbs is the right candidate. Despite its affordable price tag, its quality is extremely excellent. This bulb meets OEM standards without mercury.
Besides, the sealed silicon bearing circuit board also ensures complete water resistance. Humidity or corrosion is also not a problem. Heavy Duty HID Xenon Headlight Bulbs has a lifespan of more than 5000 hours. This number is truly astonishing for products of the same type today.
Metal stents capsule provides a perfect light projection
Attentive customer service will make you satisfied
The installation can take time
The harmony between the reasonable price and the perfect features is the most prominent feature of Heavy Duty HID Xenon Headlight Bulbs. It converges all you need. Try it and maybe you will love it.
Features to Consider When Purchasing the Best HID Conversion Kits
1. Lumens
Usually, the halogen bulbs are inherently less intense than the HID conversion kits. This can cause a little confusion as the intensity will not often translate to a remarkable rise in illumination. Regard this problem, some manufacturers advertise that their HID kits are brighter than the halogen. 
It can be accurate, but you still do not know how well they can illuminate in use. That is why you have to see the number of lumens of each bulb. The lumens are not about the intensity that the light produces. It demonstrates the number of light particles or photons emitted by the bulb. 
So, you may want to buy a bulb, which is less intense as it will produce more lumens. The more lumens the bulb produces, the better it can illuminate. And by contrast, a bulb with more intense will put out fewer lumens and less brightness. 
2. Color
Another feature to think about is the bulb’s color. The color will show you the frequency that the light will be emitted. In reality, there are not many colors that are street legal, and white is the only color of HID is technically legal. So, anything color from light blue to golden yellow is ignored. 
Regarding scale, the kelvins used to measure gauge temperature will rate the HID lights’ colors. The high kelvins will generate cooler colors and vice versa. So, the low kelvins briefly will produce whites or yellows, and the high kelvins will generate purples or blues.
Besides, the color also has an influence on visibility. To be more specific, the visibility of cool colors will be less than the warm one. When the color of the light becomes cooler beyond white, there is more UV light generated by the HID bulbs. However, you will not see this spectrum of light.
3. Wattage
The bulb’s wattage is a controversial issue as the manufacturers often marketing wrongly. This misleading marketing strategy is aimed to persuade more consumers to purchase their products while they cannot function well as advertised. Basically, the HID bulb comes in 55w or 35w at 12v. 
However, not many of the 55w HID conversion kits actually use 55w bulbs. The bulb itself is still 35w or 40w, while the 55w refers to the ballasts more. As you can guess, the extra 5w will not improve the illumination of the bulb much.
4. Type of HID Conversion Kits
In general, there are four different types of kits, including Bi-Xenon kits, Single Beam kits, Telescope kits, and Hi/Low Beam kits. To choose the right model, you should contemplate about how you use the lights and your vehicle as well. 
Bi-Xenon kit: it comes in 2 HID bulbs and four ballasts on each bulb. 
Single Beam Kit: this kit has two pairs of HID bulbs with two ballasts.
Telescope kit: it comes with 2 HID bulbs and two ballasts. And it allows you to switch between low and high beams. 
Hi/Low Beam Kit: this kit will have two pairs of HID bulbs and two ballast as well. Additionally, the bulb comes with a halogen and an HID bulb to perform high and low beam functions.
5. Ballasts
AC ballast
The AC ballast can produce a consistent current better than the DC one. With the mechanism of sending power through the circuit alternating between the negative and positive voltages, the electricity can run in two directions. 
However, the AC kits need inductor coils and voltage regulators inside the ballast to switch the current. It means that the AC ballast is more expensive. 
DC ballast
By contrast, the DC ballast works as an electric current flowing in only one direction from the source of power. Although DC might reduce the light’s lifespan, many HID conversion kits use it. The reason is that DC is easy to manufacture, and it is also inexpensive. 
In general, you should choose a ballast whose lifespan is long. If not, you may have to spend more money to replace faulty products.
1. Why Should We Use the HID Conversion Kits?
As mentioned above, the HID conversion kits have light bulbs that are brighter than the halogen ones. Their illumination can reach a larger area, particularly when you drive at night. 
In other words, they help you to avoid obstacles in your way. Besides, other drivers also see your vehicle thanks to the lights’ brightness. It is so crucial that you can lower the risk of accidents when driving at night.
2. Are the HID Conversion Kits Expensive?
The HID conversion kits are ordinarily affordable. The HID headlight is also cheaper than the LED one. It is because the HID headlights are getting popular, leading to competitive prices among merchants. Therefore, you are able to own a kit that is cheap but still made of high-quality materials.
3. Can I Install the HID Conversion Kit Myself?
Yes, you can. The kit is mostly easy to install. You will not alter any components in your vehicle as the kit is plug and play product. In case you are not confident, some brands also offer customer service to instruct you to install the lights.
4. How Can I Test the Brightness of The Headlight?
Each country will have a unique regulation regarding the brightness of headlights. So, before purchasing, you should check these regulations to know the minimum and maximum allowed brightness. 
Typically, the required illumination of headlights is 115 feet, at least. Most HID lights can reach that distance without any issue. But you should also measure the brightness after installing new headlights. 
The optimal method to measure is to use a digital light meter. You first park your car in a dark place, getting rid of much artificial light as much as possible. Then, you point the lights at the meter. 
Another way you can apply is to put an object at 115 feet in the empty parking lot. After that, you turn on the headlights and check whether you can see that object or not.
Bottom Lines
Among the many products above, the top pick is the Kensun LED Headlight Conversion Kit. It is easy to install, and it also has excellent benefits that are waiting for you to explore. For those being budget-minded consumers, H11 Morimoto Elite HID Kit will be an ideal option. 
As you can see, there are many advantages when using the best HID conversion kit. After reading this article, you can confidently choose a suitable kit for your vehicle. Hopefully, you find this article helpful for your option. 
Bonus: How to Install HIDs
  source https://automotivegearz.com/best-hid-conversion-kits/
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