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tryingahandinholdingapen Ā· 2 months ago
I kind of want to either write or read a time travel fix-it fic where it's Tobirama who travels back in time - BUT it's not Tobirama's POV. He's only a side character. It's mainly focused on Madara and Hashirama. Occasionally Mito, Izuna, Touka
This post got real fucking long so here's a read more
Just a really funny fic where you never quite get to see what Tobirama is doing, because he's not the POV character and the other characters don't know/don't pay attention to what he's up to. But like he is doing important stuff yk he's taking advantage of that future knowledge
For example:
Madara and Hashirama meeting at the river. They've figured out/confessed to their respective clans and are discussing peace and who in their clan might or might not support them
Madara asks about Tobirama and Hashirama is like "Hm? Tobirama? Honestly I don't think he cares about the Senju-Uchiha war at all. He's far too occupied with his own war against the mold youkai."
"....The what?"
(It's not too obvious from Hashirama's POV that Tobirama keeps sneakily fucking up Zetsu's machinations, but what's significantly more difficult to ignore is that Tobirama is increasingly getting ambushed by White Zetsu drones ('mold youkai') - that he eliminates with extreme prejudice and alarming fury)
Just, stuff like that. Main plot is making peace, focused on most of the main family EXCEPT Tobirama (who is otherwise occupied and is thus rarely focused on much) and possibly Izuna. So it's all stuff about battles between the Senju and Uchiha, probably having to deal with internal issues as well (Butsuma/Tajima? Elders? Coup/assassination attempts?) and plotting how they could possibly get peace, it's stuff like negotiating with the Uzumaki + Mito's marriage to Hashirama, it's the Uchiha having to deal with one of their allied clans turning on them (barely noticed sub-plot during this where Tobirama is trying to prevent/rectify the sabotage Zetsu did to the Uchiha's fancy tablet), it's about planning for their eventual village (Hashirama finds notes on plumbing on his desk, written in Tobirama's hand - when the fuck did he have time for that? where did he even learn about plumbing?), it's about trying to get the Daimyo on side, it's about all the politics of trying to get other clans to move into the village too, it's about ah fuck bloodline thieves discovered there were plans for a shinobi village in the works and are doing a frantic attempt to kidnap/'harvest' as much as possible before the bloodline clans are too protected in the planned village so now we have to deal with this fucking trafficking ring...
The sub-plot is an Tobiizu fic where Izuna is (correctly) CONVINCED that Tobirama is Up To Something, and (incorrectly) decided it's malicious to the Uchiha et al, and has taken it upon himself to investigate and Stop Tobirama's Evil Plans At All Costs
Longsuffering Tobirama is far too busy for Izuna's bullshit. He's attempting to prevent/stop/counteract Zetsu's machinations, he's trying to kill Zetsu, he's trying to destroy the big old statue (yk the one I mean, idk what it's called, if it has a name), he's trying to make sure the bijuu are all safe and Won't get sealed into jinchuuruki OR the aforementioned statue...
(he gets distracted for a bit with a side project wherein he decides actually it would be really funny for him to convert the cave the big statue was in, into a place for the kyuubi to hang out. that takes him quite a while since he has to run Zetsu out (so many White Zetsu drones...), destroy the statue, alter the place accordingly, and then find and convince the kyuubi that actually this is a great idea - without the kyuubi just fucking eating him)
...he's trying to make life easier for Madara and Hashirama (oh, Butsuma died from a mysterious illness right before he could enact his incredibly stupid plan against the Uchiha? damn. what a shame. anyway-), he's having to reinvent everything he remembers from last time he lived through this shit because whilst some of those jutsus/techniques/inventions (cough, Edo Tensei, cough) aren't strictly necessary, some of them are VERY MUCH NEEDED
That takes. So much time. Luckily Tobirama doesn't have to do all the research over again, since he remembers it and it's incredibly unlikely anyone will call him out on it (....except Mito with regards to certain seals. he very begrudgingly does research and writes notes and invents plausible-mistakes-that-could-have-been-a-first-attempt) so for the most part he can skip straight to inventing or writing out the final project/knowledge
Some of Zetsu's machinations are incredibly annoying to counter, actually. Like at some point the blasted weed installed/had nearly installed a puppet ruler in Land of Water which, what? Why? Urgh
(Please imagine the absolutely incredible amounts of suspicion and incredulous disbelief and paranoia etc that Izuna is aiming Tobirama's way once he (eventually) discovers that the 'White Demon' is seemingly MESSING WITH POLITICS RE: WHO RULES A FOREIGN NATION?!?!?! is nobody else seeing this!! Izuna is NOT CRAZY look at this bullshit somebody needs to stop him-!)
So long story short Tobirama has a LOT on his plate and he is so so incredibly stressed. Somebody help this man. None of this shit is helped by the fact that
a) Zetsu realised very rapidly that someone was fucking with his plans, and promptly started trying to kill Tobirama off, or failing that, sabotage Tobirama's plans in turn
(thus the years long and increasingly violent 'war against mold youkai' that starts when Tobirama is like, ridiculously young, and Hashirama casually mentions to Madara)
b) Izuna. Just, Izuna. He's fucking obsessed with Tobirama (why) and also the most paranoid person ALIVE it sometimes seems, and he just, won't stop, sticking his nose in Tobirama's business, how does he seem to be fucking EVERYWHERE doesn't he have anything else to do it's not like Izuna even knows the shadow clone jutsu how is he doing this why-
(Izuna like. What could possibly be more important to my rival than ME. And anyway he can't possibly be doing anything GOOD so it's for the best I intervene really this is entirely altruistic-)
c) amongst all this, Tobirama still has to somehow maintain at least a vague, plausibly deniable, belief that he's like. A regular person, involved in only normal things. Because if anyone finds out what he's really doing, or what Zetsu really is, or that he's from the future (IZUNA GET YOUR NOSE OUT OF-), then that introduces just. SO MANY new moving parts and this is already fucking complicated enough as it is, alright? Yeah yeah yeah teamwork makes the dream work, two heads are better than one, etc, but this is essentially a war of information and manipulation between Zetsu and Tobirama and when your main power is info+manipulation the fucking LAST thing you want is more moving parts + more people who could leak info/know your info/unintentionally fuck up your (future) knowledge. No. As much as possible he has to do this on his own. Which means he needs to act like he's doing nothing at all. Actually spend time with his family, be seen running normal missions sometimes, help in clan matters, attend the Senju-Uchiha battles when relevant...
Which is all really really hard when there's only so much time in the day. And Zetsu doesn't have to worry about 'spending time with family' or anything so any time Tobirama spends doing that instead of working towards destroying Zetsu's shit is-
(thank fuck Tobirama still remembers how he invented shadow clones, is all he can say. thank fuck for that)
Over time Tobirama increasingly gets a handle on his terrifyingly long to-do list, which means that 'Izuna is being really annoying and following me almost all the time' moves up his priority list. Eventually Tobirama figures out that the easiest way to get Izuna to stop GETTING IN THE GODDAMN WAY is to just. Humour him. Give him attention. Yes yes you are the most important person in my life and all this inconvenient shit is just stopping me from devoting my energy to fighting you now if you could just put that lady over there under a genjutsu and- (Tobirama trying to get Izuna to help un-fuck Land of Water, it only sort of works)
At some point they fuck because Tobirama's stress levels are at an all-time high and he needs SOME sort of outlet. (Could be entirely sane+consensual (relatively. given who we're talking about) or it could be dubcon) and Izuna actually chills the fuck out for an entire ten hours afterwards. Amazing. Clearly they'll have to do this again
So they do
(yandere4yandere tobiizu for the win. Tobirama starts out normal (again, relatively, considering who we're talking about) whilst Izuna approached everything about Tobirama in a completely sideways obsessive way from the start, but Tobirama gradually starts to also get more obsessive/possessive over time. Like what do you mean the one person who has followed me unquestioningly for years and wants to kill me and kissed me yesterday and volunteered to help me fight a bijuu might LEAVE?? no. fuck you)
(Izuna with a hiraishin marker tattoo-)
anyway back to 'things even further complicating Tobirama's life':
optional letter d) Tobirama is trying so hard to seem normal and not like he's from the future or fighting an evil mold-plant-creature that wants to revive his mom from the moon. So, so hard. But alas, facts work against him
Like, I mean, imagine from an in-universe perspective. There's this guy with really weird colouring, he's known as the 'White Demon', he's better at suiton than anyone else alive and if you've seen him even SLIGHTLY try it's terrifying (think: drowning on dry land, sudden rain/storm/tsunami, blood ripped from a dozen bodies in half as many seconds-), there's? more than one of him? HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE and he's so fucking hard to kill but even when you kill him he just. doesn't. die. (friendly reminder that Tobirama is abusing shadow clones like nobody's business in an attempt to stay on top of his insane amount of work to do -> yk, the jutsu he invented, that doesn't work like any other clone jutsu, and that in this timeline he has thus far told nobody about. someone destroys a shadow clone and is incredibly alarmed that theres 1) no corpse 2) the White Demon is STILL ALIVE after they KNOW they killed him?!)
There's also rumours about him fighting/negotiating with bijuu, and quite a few witnesses to his ongoing war with 'mold youkai'
The majority of people (excepting like, people he's close to in his own clan, plus Izuna and possibly a few others) aren't sure he ever sleeps or eats or drinks, and wounds don't seem to last long (healing jutsu from the future + whilst he's sleeping/eating his shadow clone(s) are still out and about)
Then there's the insane amount of knowledge and jutsu and inventions he offers-
Long story short on top of everything else, Tobirama doesn't have to deal with people knowing he's from the future or about the whole issue with Zetsu
....He DOES have to deal with basically svery person in existence being 100% convinced he's not human, though
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loolilyumm Ā· 1 month ago
I got curious about Margot so I went looking for lore and there I got it on a silver platter eheheeheee
I've liked your art for a while but hadn't had time to look into the lore bits but I am so glad I did so thankuuuu~~~
found family is SO good and I especially like the bits with her egg hunting friend Millie :3
AHHH THANK YOU SO MUCHā€¦.Iā€™m so happy you liked it omg!! I canā€™t believe people actually read my crazy ramblingsā€¦I CARE SO MUCH FOR FOUND FAMILY AND MARGOT AND MILLIEEE I could talk about them for hours and I swear one day I will organize my thoughts and create comprehensible lore for themā€¦ONE DAYā€¦!!
BUT FOR NOW I have some silly doodles of them!!!! Iā€™m so happy you liked the bits with Millie!!
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(Millie and Margot were actually initially created to just be salmon run ocs - I created Margot and @paninipanem created Millie and then I decided that I love Margot so much that I should make her my Neo agent 3 and the rest is history!!!)
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mossyeyeballs Ā· 6 months ago
TW: mentions of pretty much everything terrible. šŸ‡, trafficking, all of the above.
Ok not my usual post (Iā€™ve posted twice ik but shush) but what the freak was the flip side??ā€¦.. I was a huge fan of class of 09 + the re up but this game was so.. whatā€™s the wordā€¦.. dog shit? Even if we ignore half of the game being about the creators weird foot fetish, the sl@ve ending was so unnecessary. I feel like the only thing in that route that was worth writing was the issue in retail work and that wasnā€™t even the star focus, let alone side focus. The main plot of that route was the counselor having some weird illegal šŸŒ½ warehouse, jecka finding it, and then him blackmailing her into human šŸš™ šŸš™ ing?
The only ending I thought was necessary IF THAT was when Jecka found Nicole after the sue a side ending from re up. I thought it did a decent job at talking about sue a side victims, and how nobody really cares about them until itā€™s too late, And even then they only care for a week or so and then move on.
But the Jeffery dying one was the most out of place in my opinion (unfortunately it beats the foot ending.) For starters, Nicole was really out of character imo, like yeah sheā€™s talked about wishing Jeffery was dead before, but her actually killing him just out of boredom is so odd. Her entire character is ā€œI donā€™t put effort into anything unless it benefits me.ā€ Killing Jeffrey was not only ALOT of effort, but she gained absolutely nothing. On top of that, saying itā€™s different than doing. Like how she talked about wishing her mom was dead, but then when she had a heart attack, she panicked. Plus, she PLANNED on making Jecka take some of the blame on his death, which she stated in past games she wouldnā€™t do. She literally never put Jecka in harms way, let alone jail if it didnā€™t also benefit them both. But this didnā€™t, she just did it to do it.
While weā€™re talking about Nicole being out of character, I feel it valid to mention her and Jeckas dad. For obvious (and gross) reasons, I wonā€™t be detailing this, but her doing that to Jecka wasnā€™t fully out of character, but still odd. Like I mentioned earlier, Nicole never really did anything to spite Nicole, so I find it odd that she did in this game. You could blame it on ā€œoh sheā€™s a sociopath she doesnā€™t care.ā€ But I donā€™t think thatā€™s inherently true. Yeah, I guess itā€™s canon sheā€™s a sociopath, but in that case they do a bad job at consistency. Sheā€™s shown in both games 1 and 2 caring about people sheā€™s close with, whether itā€™s Jecka, her mom, or even Emily in one segment. So I find it completely random that she did this to Jecka over something as small as not sharing how she got into foot work. Jeckas done much worse stuff to Nicole, and Nicole just didnā€™t care because they were friends, or didnā€™t feel the need to put effort into doing something if she did care. So yeah, Nicole basically screwing Jeckas dad over something so little felt out of character.
One of the few things that bothered me the least, but I feel the need to mention was the foot work stuff. Not because it was out of character, i fear Iā€™ve seen worse stuff mentioned in that game. But I guess the way it was portrayed as less of a story plot and more of the creator trying to live out his fantasies. He himself has stated Jeffrey is basically a self insert, so the whole being sexually obsessed with Jecka and her feet felt REALLY weird. Compared to Nicoleā€™s my space favor thing, this just felt dirty. For comparison. Both Jecka and Nicole took up sex work to keep a home life or lackthereof, they both got money from strangers to do sexual things, and they both hated doing it. But why did Jeckas feel so much more personal and gross? Because the actual sex work was shown. In graphic detail. And all of Jeffreyā€™s (the creators) personal thoughts were stated with no backlash. Jeffery literally asked Jecka if she would šŸ’feed him, and he was excused. When Nicole was asked the same hing from the same guy, he was insulted, yelled at, even told to leave.
So, creepy creator whoā€™s obsessed with his barely legal characters, Jecka being sold to šŸš™ šŸš™ing agaisnt her will, Jeffrey being murdered for no reason other than a giggle or two from his haters, Jecka accidentally killing Ari cause she was drunk driving, feet fan service, and fan service in general aside, the game is left only with the regular drug and alcohol abusage we always see. which in the game that was advertised as a new experience felt really stale and honestly left me bored. The ONE SINGULAR time during this game that I giggled was when the hat man appeared in the Ari route.
If youā€™ve fully ignored everything I said in this, maybe didnā€™t care, or didnā€™t even read it. Id just like to mention for everyone that the creator of this game said that anybody who disliked him, his games, his writing, or his humor were kid diddlers. In full seriousness. So yeah, no shock this game was bad, but I guess I shouldnā€™t have expected better from someone who thinks his haters are all child likers. All this being said, I enjoyed class of 09, and the re up. Iā€™m hoping the anime episode that comes out soon with be a decent save. all of THAT being said, I donā€™t support this creator. I donā€™t support his actions, I think heā€™s a shitty person whoā€™s made some shitty jokes, but made some not so shitty games that I decently enjoyed. I also havenā€™t bought them, so none of my money has gone towards him or his projects. I in NO WAY support him. Thanks for reading.
Feel free to comment down some of your own opinions if you feel so inclined, Iā€™m interested in what everyone else thought of this game :))
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rintoki Ā· 1 year ago
i just want to mark up dr ratioā€™s pretty little body, his probably flawless skin coloured red with bite marks, almost purple from bruising. how pretty his butt would redden after just a few spanks, a cute blush on his pale skin.
heā€™d try his best to swallow down the whines that threaten to escape, forcing himself not to look away as if it admits defeat. but thatā€™s fine, because youā€™d prefer to look into his eyes as you push yourself into him. excruciatingly slow and bigger than what you told him; your grip keeps him from turning away, shuddering breaths as he feels his walls stretching to accommodate the size.
ā€œyou lied,ā€ his voice quivered, eyes flickering down between your bodies and back up to your piercing gaze.
ā€œjust because the truth isnā€™t what you expected doesnā€™t mean itā€™s a lie,ā€ you laughed. ā€œveritas, you know that.ā€
he grits his teeth, sucking in air when you push the remaining length fully into him, relishing in the way he struggles to get used to the feeling. but you donā€™t give him time, instead pulling out and thrusting back in in one fluid motion. the high-pitched moan that escapes his mouth surprises even the Guild member himself, an arm flying up to cover his mouth.
ā€œwell,ā€ you breathed out, voice filled with amusement, ā€œyou wouldā€™ve knownā€”ā€
a wicked smile on your lips as you thrusted your hips, again and again, ā€œthat the arrogant.ā€
ā€œself-centred.ā€ another hard push.
ā€œdoctor.ā€ and another.
ā€œveritas.ā€ and another.
ā€œratio.ā€ a final thrust directly hitting his prostate, the throbbing bundle of nerves sending shocks up his body. every buck of your hips eliciting yet another whiny moan, shaky breaths as he tries to compose himself to no avail. and finally, you give him a break, cock pressed deep inside him while the doctor squeezes his eyes shut.
ā€œcould make such cute sounds,ā€ you sneered, ripping his arm from over his face to expose how red heā€™s gotten.
for all his intelligence and knowledge gathered from his studies, veritas ratio could not utter a single word against youā€”afraid that the only thing that would leave his lips is begs for you to keep going.
but his hips trembled terribly, his walls twitching and squeezing around you. you didnā€™t need words to know how badly he ached; his body was honest enough, with the way his cock leaked a puddle of precum onto his belly already.
slowly, you started moving again, dragging against his sensitive walls. relief floods his face at the crumbs of stimulation, already feeling the familiar heat in his lower belly building up quickly.
his mouth hangs open, panting heavily as he nears the high he so badly craves. with hands nearly tearing the sheets, the venerable doctor arches his back, toes curling tight as a searing heat fills his lower body. the whimpers that left his throat are barely registered, rapidly losing control of his own body with every push of your hips. he grits his teeth andā€¦
he nearly chokes from the anticipation, and now itā€™s been violently ripped from him as all traces of your touch leaves his body. the timing was perfect. his cock drips with cum and yet his body felt cold, twitching.
you watched on with a cruel chuckle; how he writhes on the bed, how pathetic he looks after having his orgasm ruined. a slap to his still hard and aching cock jolts him back to reality, wondering just what else do you plan to do to him.
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cent-scratchnsniff Ā· 2 months ago
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green apple flavor
#library of ruina#lobotomy corporation#lobcorp#lobotomy corp spoilers#lobcorp spoilers#couldnt help it. the box. the meltdownerr (going though severe mental agony manifesting in a form bursting forth from metal)#i have ao mant sketches... i havent finished.... lor angela floor of lit drawinfs.... but my motivation is ASS and most of what ive made#recently also feels like shit. mind empty doodles w netz to try and get myself out of the gutter#.... murky. gutter wky dont ask me w#trying to find time... ahhhh the time. the TIME .#anyways. netz :)#actually i forgot to tag him#Netzach#netzach lor#netzach lobotomy corporation#netzach lobcorp#covers it i think. yippee wahoo aghhbvabnamkpeiu#right giovanni too o guess. hey king. itty bitty tiny one. littlr guy.#the goodbye tender one was just because i was listening to it and dongdang kills the cover per normal#i really love fragment of the universe. one of my favorite abnos. i got it on day 6 ish in lobcorp. its not hostile or meaning to cause harm#it wishes to communicate and to be heard to to share knowledge and thoughts. yet it is also persistsnt and insistent to communicate the#whole of it. wanting the other to know and learn the entirety of it. to be heard and understood in full. the ways of doing so is forceful#and causes harm. which then causes a dynamic of it wishing to have full knowledge and understanding while the other party rightfully shuts#it out and refuses to listen. in the ego and in lor mentioning ignoring it and not paying it any mind. even though it trys to go out of its#way to communicate itself as friendly and around ideas of joy such as a childs scribble of hearts. plus with the sounds of something akin to#a whale iirc. then tying together with the line of singing and song. i love u fragment of the universe
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lotus-pear Ā· 5 months ago
would nana and nanaā€™s ship name be nana šŸ¤Ø
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sukibenders Ā· 4 months ago
To me personally, R*ck could've done more for Percy's and Nico's relationship better than just the "You're not my type." Not only because it just felt like a rush fill-in for closure and not even being true, and the irrepetible damage it did to the fandom who wore the line out among many other things, but also because it felt so lackluster (but many things in HOO felt that way). Like R*ck could've done so much more with these two and their history rather than just brushing it off with this dumb line and Percy being confused in the end like he had any control over the situation. R*chard, I'm in your walls!
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drunkonduty Ā· 9 months ago
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solomo-n Ā· 1 year ago
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symbolism of the flowers that Barbatos is preparing in his most recent UR+ animation
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a-big-chicken-nerd Ā· 26 days ago
its so crazy that aspheera not only knew about the never realm, but had a staff that specifically was for banishing people to it?? like its this realm that nobody in the entire world has ever even heard of and even wu knows basically nothing about it besides it being a place you more than likely will never come back from . and aspheera just has a staff for it????
i know its also just like a general sorcery staff but seeing as pixal was able to use it to send the ninja to the never realm without any knowledge on spells OR the never realm so it kind of seems like that was . its main purpose??
like aspheera WAS training to be a sorceress working directly for the king so maybe the serpentine used to just do that back then.... send all their bad guys to the scary faraway realm that was too cold for snakes to survive in LOL idk. kind of like the way humans were banishing people to the cursed realm
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ficauthor Ā· 20 days ago
Was there ever a reason that Dani was younger than Danny? Like we fannoned the why of her being a girl with such ease its basically cannon. Idk if we ever solved her being two years younger... Did we? Like Dan gets to be same age as Danny at least with his clone body. All of the other (Failed) clones are the same age as Danny too. Why is Dani like so much younger?
The science of Vlads Danny clones do baffle me.
Like we could have Danny, Dani, and Dan basically be triplets with extra steps. I'm imagining the absolute hijinks that could occur if Dan and Dani just started befriending people at Amity Park and went to school with Danny. They'd have to gaslight the entire school into believing he always had triplet siblings. Imagine them telling Mr. Lancer with a straight face that they're named Danny, Dani, and Dan. And the latter two are in custody of the ex-mayor bc don't worry about it?
Why is she younger? I don't understand.
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autistic-katara Ā· 2 months ago
me personally i think every american who wants to write fanfic about british media should be legally obligated to do extensive research on what terms are used over hear before posting it
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twilightakiishi Ā· 7 days ago
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made that template for three :3 venchiya rundown!!! more in tags if u care
#i have lots of aus for us but this is the og venchiya au#where i have a studio and work downtown and they live downtown so i actually see them all the time#i would watch them from 3 stories up bc they intrigued me#always thought they were a cute couple but the red guy looked like he was being followed against his will even tho they did everything tgtr#heard a commotion one late night in the studio and saw the red guy beating the fuck out of someone in the alley across the street#locked eyes with black haired guy and he waved and smiled like a freak and i just kept drawing#started doing sketches of them when i was supposed to be working on bigger projects#passed by them one day on my way to work and black haired one said hello. i ignored him#one day i'm asked to give a private tour at the gallery and i come downstairs and it's them#red hair guy does not gaf#black haired guy asks thoughtful questions and seems to care about art but is a bit unsettling to me#i dont think much of it until he starts showing up more frequently and alone#the interactions are pleasant but i cant shake what i saw that one time so i tell security to be wary of him from then on#and i stop staying late in the studio for a few weeks#fast forward 8 months and we're not friends not dating but some secret third thing where i'm always at their apartment#we kiss cuddle and have sex but theres no labels but i refuse to see anyone else and i know neither of them are either#also to touch on takiishis sexuality he did not know that and doesnt gaf that is my conclusion after spending lots of time with him#his closet is in no way gendered he wears whatever he wants and if he gave af to label it he'd be nb#i think hes very cool and he intrigues me and i like going shopping with him and getting our nails done together#i stay at theirs a lot despite having my own place bc i like spending mornings with takiishi#and i assume if he didnt like to then he wouldnt sit at the table with me...or maybe hes just food motivated#i like his mystery#we are alone together in the mornings because endo goes to the gym in the morning and then he comes back all sweaty and sexy#ok ive exhausted everything i wanted to talk about thank u for ur time and for reading if u made it this far#mwah love u all#venchiya <3#wait also to be clear endo is still using random women's cards in this au i'm def not giving that man my money#LOL
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bietrofastimoff23 Ā· 8 months ago
"I canā€²t believeĀ that it's finally me and you, and you and me, just us...
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- and your BIG EGO."
i came across the reels "when you date a narcissist" in inst, and i realized that i need to draw it with gwaynston.
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wyervan Ā· 2 months ago
Hiya! Osha Anon here!
I tried to send this ask before but I fear Tumblr may have eaten it so I'll try again.
We all know Sunta's workshop ain't passing an Osha inspection, but what about the Slasher AU boy's arcade?
Everything up to code? šŸ“‹šŸ¤”
-Osha Anon šŸ‘·
Sun: Ah! Osha Anon!! šŸ˜¬šŸ˜¬ I wasnā€™t expecting you todayā€¦ oh no! Itā€™s perfectly fine, fine, fine! Go aheadā€¦. have a look around! šŸ‘€ We keep everything in TIP-TOP shape for our patrons and staff alike, I assure you! šŸ‘ No exposed wiring, no skeletons in the closetā€”at least not in that closest. Ah ha haā€¦. haā€¦ ehem. Have you seen the vintage carpet? šŸ¤© Marvelous isnā€™t it? Hyponotic even.
You want to talk to our employees šŸ˜… oh suuuureā€¦ yes, I suppose you have to, donā€™t you. They say theā€¦ quirkiest things sometimes, just so you know šŸ˜¬ LOVE to joke about my colleague Mr. Moon and me. Have this running silly fantasy that weā€™re murderer clowns that go out hunting at night! Hee heeā€”such creativity! We play along sometimes šŸ¤­ chase them around the arcadeā€”UHā€”VERY SAFELY, that is, very safelyā€¦ only got stuck in the play tunnels ONE TIME ā˜ļø.
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kyoukorpse Ā· 1 month ago
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hey so I was actually thinking about my last drawing and started wondering if the lamb had like a battle outfit for when they went on crusades, here's a concept with some weapons I think it'd fit chirin.
Also I wasn't happy with my selection of colors on the other 2 so here's the line art version
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im definitely gonna draw over my dressup chirin png for that outfit WAAHHH
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