#just had to instal a flag pole for this
slavicdollie · 9 months
My bestfriends brother ⋆。‧˚ʚ♡ɞ˚‧。⋆
Summary: Things don't go as planned when your close friend invites you to watch the new Johnny Cage movie.
Notes: Post-mk1 story and Bi-hans betrayal never happened. AFAB reader isn't one of earthrealms champions just a cool girl Tomas started to become friends.
Content Warnings:NSFW, dub-con fingerbang, small temperature play ,female masturbation.
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Chinese culture was a beautiful sight but she still loathed her father for moving here, leaving behind her old friends and memories. She struggled to learn the language and felt outcasted amongst her peers all but one, a silver haired man named Tomas the same age as her. He knew what it felt like to be different from everyone else. A friendship began to spark between the two of them sharing stories of the past and present. Tomas was a good listener and sometimes she just needed to get things off her chest.
It had taken a lot of convincing to allow her at the fire temple Kuai liang was content with her visiting considering she looked as if she had never fought in her life, she put an end to that assumption when showing off her meteor hammer skills,she had shown interest in martial arts from a young age. Both Kuai Liang and Tomas looked impressed they had never seen a warrior move so beautifully and Tomas was practically drooling.
Bi-han however was not too fond of having a stranger enter their home let alone train with her brothers whilst not being lin kuei.
"I promise I am not a threat Grandmaster I simply enjoy the company of Tomas and practicing how to use my meteor hammer in a professional sense." Tomas felt his heart race at her statement.
Bi-han only grunted a popular gesture of his," You are no lin kuei do not presume to address me as Grandmaster." As he walked away stoicly, she began to admire him his handsome face and hot physique could not go unnoticed.
She became more comfortable around Tomas even making jests about wanting to fuck his brother, "Yeah I'd totally freeze my tongue on Bi-han's flag pole" Tomas laughed awkwardly hiding how uncomfortable he was and he looked almost...hurt?
She found herself becoming more comfortable around the lin kuei trio kuai liang appreciated her fire puns but Bi-han only shot her deathly glares.
"Are you ready to have your mind blown?" Tomas asked with a stupid grin he was excited to be apart of Johnny cage's new movie even if someone else was casted he was interested on how they would portray him. "Didn't know ninjas were allowed TV's" actually Tomas and Johnny had convinced Bi-han to install one.
Tomas and Y/n sat on the soft couch sharing popcorn. Tomas was blushing due to how close her leg were to his,she was wearing a skirt but he knew not to look at it she'd probably think he was some kind pervert and never want to speak to him again. Their faces were glued to the screen until interrupted by a deep voice. "What are you two morons doing?" Tomas jumped at the sound of Bi-hans voice but Y/n just smiled and replied "Watching the movie about you guys, the guy Johnny got to play you really captures your essence" The actor had been grumpy and mascular just like Bi-han.
Bi-han let out an annoyed grunt,"I told Cage our victory is not for entertainment" although he disproved of the movie being made he still wanted to see what the fuss was all about, motioning for Tomas to move up now sitting in the middle, between his adopted brother and his friend who he found to be alluring.
Bi-han removed the popcorn from her lap and gave it to Tomas that may have been the kindest thing Bi-han had done for him yet his only intention was to get a view of Y/N's skirt. It was a black plaid skirt with a pink ribbon around the middle that was above knee length. 'Why is he staring at me' Y/n began to think while Tomas was too focused laughing at the movie. Bi-han stared at her as a predator stared at it's prey. She looked at him for a split second making eye contact only to quickly look down and play with her fingers which was a common thing for her to do when nervous.
This action only annoyed the cryomancer next to her causing him to pull her hands apart placing them on her sides. He turned to look at Tomas seeing him stuck on the screen like a kid at a candy store, Bi-han rolled his eyes and looked back to the girl next to him. He begun rubbing his rough hands on her gentle thighs. His hands were cold she shivered at his touch. He put a lock of her hair behind her ear almost as a way to reassure her everything was going to be okay.
She subconsciously started rocking her hips and he slowly started to put his hand under her skirt reaching her cotton panties. Pushing her panties to the side and entering two fingers in her slit while she parted her legs, turning to look at Tomas who was oblivious to what was going on. The ninja used his cryomancer abilities to form solid ice on his fingertips. She whimpered softly at that, quickly covering her mouth to prevent Tomas from looking over. Bi-han started moving his fingers in and out of her wet pussy. She wanted to moan and tell him to fuck her right now,who cares if Tomas was there. She was a blushing and sweating mess Bi-han wanted to make fun of her for her reaction but did not want to draw attention to it.
Thank the elder gods for the volume of the TV or else Tomas would be hearing the sound of his friend's pussy as she was getting fingerbanged by his older brother. The finger fucking went from slow and gentle to rough and fast tears started to form from the inner corners of her eyes,Bi-han noticed this and wiped them away and started going slower and she tried to keep in her moans with her hand. She was about to cum and accidentally removed her hand from her mouth,"AAAERR THAT WAS A GOOD FIGHT SCENE" she tried to play her orgasm off as a reaction to the film. Bi-han smirked and Tomas only said "I know right!" not judging her reaction. Bi-han grabbed the popcorn bowl from Tomas and giving it to the girl he just dispoiled. His fingers were still covered in her juices she opened her mouth to put the popcorn in her mouth but instead was greeted with bi-hans jizzed covered fingers shoved in her mouth she need not be told what to do and started sucking her mess from his rough fingers.
She had completely forgotten the plot of the movie she was watching and only shooting smiles at Bi-han and wondering what other parts of his body are cold. After the movie, Tomas got up and offered Y/N to stay for dinner. "You know it's pretty late I should get going home." She refused awkwardly. "Did you enjoy the movie?" Bi-han asked with an unreadable expression.Tomas was taken aback since when does Bi-han care about the opinion of others especially on irrelevant things like a movie directed by Johnny but the girl about to leave knew he was not referring to the movie,"it was nice...I've never experienced something like that before" she smiled at him. Tomas offered to walk her home but she needed to be alone and given time to think.
'Did that really just happen??The always angry dude just fingered me while he was sitting next to his brother!!???' The whole scene felt like it came out of a bad porno. When she arrived home she went to straight to bed staring at her ceiling contemplating if this was a dream or if it actually happend. 'Of course it happend Y/N' she slightly hit herself on the head. Her mind begun to wander again thinking of Bi-han how he smirked at her after her release how good his fingers felt inside of her. She put her hands inside her underwear and tried to recreate Bi-hans movements her hands weren't as cold as his but you have to work with what you've got.
The skirt:
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cowboyjen68 · 11 months
Do the Republicans in your area give you any grief about being butch?
The first day my girlfriend (at the time) and I moved into our new house in rural Iowa in 1999 we ran a rainbow flag under our American Flag up the shiny new pole my dad and I installed in the front yard. (complete with a light to shine on them at night).
I have been in my home over 24 years and have not experienced any issues at all. I am pretty well known in my community from the Post Master to the Feed Store to the local shops in nearby towns and I only get greeted with "hi" or "good morning".
I work at a farm, I shop at the locker and raw dairy and small town hardware store. I eat at the breakfast cafe in the County seat . I have helped more that one idiot get their truck unstuck from the mud on the B level road next to my pasture.
I actually have no idea where any of my neighbors stand politically and really, it doesn't matter. When one of them needs help with something I am there and when it is time to put up my hay, Kevin from next door is always on hand to help. He takes Red's Apple Ale as payment for his time.
Perhaps it is because we are only 20 minutes from Cedar Rapids and 40 from Iowa City. Maybe because over the years I am just regular site and just one of the locals. I am no threat to their beliefs because I don't care to tell others how to feel and think about my presence in the community. The best gifts I given myself has been to be a good neighbor and customer, confident in who I am, a lesbian and butch woman and to smile and say "hello" when I am out and about.
I am sure it is a combination of being very lucky, living in just the right place and my personality.
There is no way they don't know I am a lesbian. I continue to hang up the rainbow flag in June, a labrys flag in May and one look at me is a dead giveaway with or without noticing my rainbow necklace. My social media is often tagged Iowa so I show up on the feeds of lots of people who don't know me but see me in public and say they follow me.
Iowa, the area of Iowa, I occupy is pretty much a live and let live mind set. No one wants to be told what to think. People appreciate others showing up to help and no one brings up politics during small talks or casual conversations with strangers in line at the DMV.
When the subject has come up or during election season (which seems very often in Iowa) every conversation I have had with others is respectful even in disagreement. I don't get worked up with I see the flaws in the politics of others. It is an argument I can't win if they are going off of false pretense and their minds are firm. So I don't spend the energy unless they really want to listen, which does happen. In turn I listen to them. Listening shows respect but there is no expectation of mind changing.
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dirtybackroad · 2 years
the cable guy
read on ao3 / tag list
outsider POV fic
word count: 2k
day 3 prompt: digital
Outsider POV fic. The bunker needs wifi. Enter Dave.
Dave knew this would be an odd job from the moment he got the assignment. If he was being honest, he didn’t predict that things would be quite this strange, but regardless, he saw the red flags from the jump. 
First of all, when his boss sent out the list of addresses for the day’s installations, one was listed as only a set of coordinates. Dave was a fuckin’ cable guy, not a sailor or a goddamned pilot. He was afraid of the ocean, and his coke bottle glasses were proof that he lacked the 20/20 needed for the latter profession. He was simply a cable guy, and honestly, he didn’t even know if his car’s GPS would accept the coordinates to help him make the drive. 
Shit, he was a cable guy, not some fuckin’ computer whiz. He claimed to be able to hook up some wires, turn on a few modems. Maybe climb a telephone pole if things got really rough, but for the most part, Dave was just a man in his sixties. Ready to retire and slightly confused by modern technology. 
A problem for later, Dave put it out of his mind and carried out his first two installations of the day. An apartment set-up that took seven minutes and cost the poor woman nearly two hundred in fees was first, followed by a new construction that took eight times as long. 
Then Dave was off towards the coordinates, the newfangled touchscreen map in his car easily adjusting to using such an antiquated navigational system. Where in the world was he headed that didn’t even have a goddamned street address?  
Every job he was assigned came with its own challenges. The clients could be rude, the hookups old, the tech malfunctioning. No amount of weird gigs could have prepared Dave for this. 
It officially started when the GPS took a sharp left off the highway onto an unincorporated dirt road. The city radio station was already getting spotty out this far, but after a few minutes on the drive, static took over. The tires kicked up vision-obscuring amounts of dust, and Dave was glad he was the only one on the road that day. 
The robotic voice of his car’s navigation system announced that his destination was coming up. After a mental checklist of the gear he would need to grab from the trunk, Dave refocused on peering down the road ahead for his destination. 
As he carried on down the road, a large industrial building came into view. Dave hoped he had somehow mistyped the coordinates or the GPS was wrong because if not, he feared he’d been lured out into the woods to die. 
What looked like either a factory or a prison growing out of the hillside was the only structure for what felt like miles, and the voice of the navigational system announced Dave’s arrival. He took out his phone and fumbled with his company’s app to pull up the client’s phone number. 
The phone was barely allowed to ring before the line was picked up with a click and a panicked voice asking for a “Dean?”
“No, this is Dave? From Comcast?” 
The man on the other line let out a loud puff of a breath. “Sorry, I’m waiting for a call.” 
Dave announced his arrival at the location, and the man announced his intent to meet at the door. The cable man grabbed his duffle bag from the trunk and headed off towards the only thing nearby that could be considered a doorway. 
A short staircase of steps was followed by the strangest introduction to the assumed man of the house, one Richie Sambora, who looked nothing like the guitarist and only made Dave think he was given an alias. It would make sense; only someone with a lot to hide would live in a place like this. 
The door, which was below ground level and opened directly into the hillside, let out onto an even bigger staircase and a cavernous room. Dave didn’t even want to think about how much wire he’d need to make the connections necessary. “Richie” led the way down the metallic staircase, and Dave realized that he most definitely was dealing with the mob. 
It had to be organized crime; there was no better explanation for what Dave was dealing with. He fought to keep an even expression on his face when “Richie” turned back to gauge his reaction. Taking a closer look, the man was definitely muscle, and judging by the holster on his hip, he was ready to go. Dave just smiled, glad he was here to install the wifi and not shakedown a rival gang. 
They were standing in what could only be described as a war room. A giant map covered the table in the center, a switchboard and telegraph off to the side. A telegraph. In 2013. 
Maybe this wasn’t the mob. Perhaps this was just terrorism. 
Should Dave call someone?  
“Where would you like to have the router?” Dave asked his normal questions in the face of a situation that was absolutely abnormal. 
The construction around them couldn’t be any more recent than the late 30s, and the furniture didn’t seem to have been updated since then either. That didn’t bode well for the modem they needed to connect. 
The man smiled almost sheepishly and directed off towards a long hallway off of the main room. Shit, things were gonna get weirder before things were gonna get done. The guy who was definitely not named Richie led Dave out of the war room, past the largest telescope Dave had ever seen (yeah, definitely terrorism), and into the corridor. A few suspiciously shut doors down was a doorway that opened to reveal a spaceship’s worth of control panels, various outlets, and inputs. 
Where was this place? What was this place? 
For lack of anything better to say, Dave dumbly asked, “Here?” and got a nod in response. 
They were so far underground and into this hillside that Dave was sure a call to 911 for help would be impossible. But, just as the thought crossed his mind, the client’s phone rang out. 
Large hands wrestled to answer so quickly that the phone was nearly dropped in the struggle. 
Pretending to be uninterested, Dave grabbed for his duffle-bag. The electric hum of the room and the space between the two men ensured that “Dean’s” response was inaudible, so Dave pulled out a few cables to start and went about his job. 
“Is everything fine?” A pause. “How about Cas?” A sigh. “Dude, how could I have known that? Gimme a minute; the Comcast guy is h-“ 
Dave fumbled with the modem while he pretended not to be so interested in what this Dean had to say on the other end. 
“But you got it?” The client asked emphatically, then immediately lowered his voice. “Salted and burned?”   
Dave managed to keep from looking over, but the phone call must have ended because the next words spoken were to him. 
“I’m going to be right down the hall if you need anything. I’ll let you work.” 
Great. Dave was now alone with his thoughts. He focused hard on the task at hand, stringing cables to and fro, arguing with himself about whether or not to notify homeland security. 
The usual routine for a cable guy, right?
It couldn’t have been more than twenty minutes before “Richie” was back, his floppy hair and big doe eyes at odds with the general air of uncertainty in the room. The suspicion seemed to go both ways, and Dave wondered how many outsiders were allowed in. He suspected he might be the first. 
The modem and router were both set up, but if Dave remembered correctly, the client asked for a signal booster to be installed in another room. 
“All set here; where would you like your extender?” His robotic customer service demeanor seemed to set aside some of the client’s nervous energy as well. 
A few moments later, “Richie” was guiding Dave back up the hallway they’d come down and into the room with the large map table. From there, Dave was led into some sort of library. Now he only had more questions. 
He was left right at the entrance to the library when the other man dashed up the stairs to answer a call. This part was easy, just a simple power cable and then a few configurations on his phone, and then Dave could be on his way. Hopefully, without being marked as an enemy of whatever state this guy represented. 
But no. Dave couldn’t just have a normal Wednesday. 
The sound of heavy footfalls on metal came ringing through the space. Dave looked up to see Richie had just let in two friends. One was wearing a tattered and burnt shirt, and the other looked nearly spotless like he was coming home from an office job. Dave was definitely going to be killed for seeing this, so he just pretended he didn’t, looking back down at the outlets in the library wall. 
Out of the corner of his eye, Dave saw the three men make their way down the stairs, their voices coming into earshot as he worked. 
“-fuckin told me that the oldest son had the pocketwatch, so we were in his damn basement for nearly an hour before the thing showed up, and it was pissed. Cas nearly got whacked, but-”
“Cable guy, remember?” 
“Whatever. We figured it out; no thanks to you. Had to go grave robbin’ for the watch, but-“
“Dean!” The first man reached out to smack at his shoulder, serving as a warning to keep quiet. 
Tattered shirt guy, who Dave now knew was the Dean from the phone call earlier, sauntered into the library and plopped down in a chair across from Dave. 
“So!  We're goin' digital.  Did Sa-“
Richie cleared his throat loudly enough that Dave startled. 
Dean restarted. “Did Richie offer you anything to drink?” 
So it was a fake name. Not that Dave needed proof, he knew Bon Jovi and how to spot a red flag, but it was nice to have more assurance that he wasn’t just paranoid. 
Gesturing to the bottled water that Dave brought in with his bags, he dismissed the offer. The next step was waiting for the configuration signal to connect, and Dave wanted to avoid small talk as much as possible. He thought his safest bet was to absorb as little information as possible to keep in these guys’ good graces. 
A peek at the titles on the bookshelf to his right didn’t ease his anxieties. De Occulta Philosophia libri III, Tryals of the Spirit, and A Magical Record of the Beast didn’t exactly sound like book-club-friendly novels, but they also didn’t sound like the collection of a mad terrorist cell either. 
“We’re thinking about offering library cards and a good kids story time.” Damnit, Dave was caught looking. When he looked up to see Dean’s reaction, the man was just wearing a self-assured smile. The man’s laid-back demeanor was at odds with the bizarre situation and the fact that he looked like he’d been through a house fire. 
Dave must have looked horrified because Dean gave a follow-up clarification. “Joking, joking.” 
Dave’s phone chimed to notify him that the setup was complete, and he had never stood up faster in his life. He had lost track of “Richie” and the businessman, but upon exiting the library, the two were seated at the map table, hunched over and whispering. 
Dave only heard the words “haunted” and “vessel” before the two were startled at his presence. The cable man fumbled for his usual phrases, anything brisk and easy to get him out the door, but he was truthfully at a loss for words. He gaped a bit, dumbly, at the cast of characters around him and grabbed his bag strap. 
“Thank you for choosing Comcast?” It came out as a question while Dave tried his best to give a customer service smile. Usually, he’d have the client check a device or something for the connection, but all Dave wanted was to be in his car, headed back towards safety on that damned dirt road. 
He did not get paid well enough for this shit. 
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candy-floss-crazy · 9 months
Wild West Photo Booth Hire
Hire Wild West Photo Booth, The Duke   Never approach a bull from the front, a horse from the rear, or a fool from any direction Hallelujah, your salvation is at hand. This will surely save yer from them there dull booths. The rootin, tootin unique Wells Fargo stagecoach photo booth system, the only one of its kind in the U.K. Complete with cowboy and Indian booth butlers, themed props, even cowboy music playing. Throw in a couple of cactus, a totem pole, even some tumble weed and you have a stunning centrepiece for your event, the envy of Jesse James. This booth is unbeatable for wild west themed events. We also offer a range of wild west themed games to accompany it. You can have your own little wild west town to entertain your guests.Our fantastic stagecoach comes with; •Booth Butlers Dressed As Cowboys. •Wild West Music Playing. •Cowboy & Indian Sound Effects. •Wild West Themed Props Box. •Wild West Accessories. •A Totally Unique Themed Booth. This isn't just a booth, it is a centrepiece for any wild west themed event, with cactus plants, a whiskey barrel an Indian totem pole and more for decoration at no extra charge. Our booth butlers wear real cowboy dress and even carry blank firing cowboy guns. Altogether a total league above any other booth on the market for an event like this. "The Duke" is a booth even John Wayne would have been proud of. Wild West Town To complement our wild west photo booth, we also offer a range of themed games. A Deadwood Saloon shooting gallery (using replica Winchester guns), cactus hoopla and Boot Hill graveyard horseshoe toss. We can supply a whisky wagon, or a chuck wagon with hot dogs. Taken all together we can provide you with a little replica town to entertain your guests. Our Stagecoach photo booth uses only the best equipment; •Professional Dye Sub Print Systems. •Canon DSLR Cameras. •Integrated Touch Screen Control System. •Cowboy Sound Effects. •Cowboy Music System. Every Booth Hire Is Provided With; •Guest Book. •Additional Set Of Prints. •Custom Themed Prints. SOCIAL MEDIA SHARING Our Stagecoach booth can be supplied with a range of social media tablets. Wirelessly connected to the booth they allow the guests to upload and share their images via Facebook, Twitter , Pinterest and via email. Spread your brands social media juice. Perfect for corporate parties, sales promotions and exhibitions. PERSONALISATION Any of our booths can be custom themed to suit your event. Whether its an appearance at an exhibition, or a sales promotion. We can add custom branding, personalised flags, themed prints, even cowboys dressed to match your colour scheme. YEEHAA It was a tough race of men and woman that won the West. The stories from yesteryear left us with many classic icons Winchester rifles, the Colt Peacemaker gun. Apache, Sioux and Comanche Indians, and the Wells and Fargo stagecoach. We commissioned the building of a totally one off custom replica stagecoach. Designed to install our photo booth in. Based on the plans for a Concord Stagecoach, our wild west stagecoach photo booth is a one off. The original Concord coach was designed by J Stephen Abbot, a coachbuilder and the wheelwright Lewis Downing. They were based in Concord, New Hampshire, hence the name. In its time the Concord was a high end, expensive coach, but one with long lasting build and ride properties that beat its competitors. Contrary to the many Hollywood movies, coaches didn't gallop across the west persued by Indians. The name comes from the fact that they travelled in stages. From one relay station to another at around 5 m.p.h In a day they would cover perhaps 60 to 70 miles. At each station or ‘stage’ the team of horses would be swapped for fresh ones, hence the name. The stage ours is based on would have had bench seating for 9 passengers inside, and could carry another 6 passengers on the roof.WHERE CAN I HIRE A WILD WEST PHOTO BOOTH NEAR ME; We cover the full U.K. with all of our services. CAN THIS BE USED INDOORS; It has been many times, but note that it is a full sized stagecoach so needs large industrial sized doors to get in. HOW MANY PEOPLE DOES IT HOLD; You can comfortably get 6 inside. DOES IT COME WITH HORSES; Sadly not! Wild West Photo Booths Hire, Our photo System Is Available For Hire. In Scotland, London, The Midlands, The North East, Lancashire, Yorkshire And The Rest Of The U.K. And Europe 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 Read the full article
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vvarhound · 1 year
So I was at my grandparents old house, although it was bigger than it had been in reality, like extra rooms were inserted between the rooms that actually existed. And one room that had been my grandpa's den, plus one of those extra rooms in between it and the kitchen, I was converting into rooms for myself. I had new carpet and wallpaper and was intimidated about how to install them since I've never done that before, but then realized that there was an automatic installation option like a video game hah. So I did that, and then went and got my grandma to show her. She was really impressed with how it looked at first, but then we both realized that the auto-installed wallpaper only had glue at the edges, and was coming loose in the middle of the sheets. I didn't want to have to peel it all off and have to do it again myself (since I'd already used the automatic installation I couldn't do it again and would have to do it myself manually, like this was a one-time use thing) so I was asking if I could maybe get away with using a syringe to inject glue underneath. My grandma thought that might work, and that my grandpa would have a syringe since he always had a bunch of random science / chemistry STUFF sitting around. So I was going upstairs to look for him and ask, but when I was going past the front door I saw something WEIRD outside
I thought it had to be a zeppelin, because it looked so huge I didn't think it could be that far off the ground, and it was almost motionless, just floating there. But it was made out of a bunch of cylindrical compartments, looked like a space station instead of a zeppelin. So I was like "WHAT THE FUCK is that a really weirdly shaped blimp or is it an actual space station that's just SO ENORMOUS that it looks like it's closer than it actually is" - because I couldn't get any sense of scale, right? And then it started slowly rotating so the nose was facing directly upwards - and when I looked at as steep an angle upwards as I could out the window (because I didn't want to go outside I had no idea what was going on lol) there were a bunch of other... planes? Spaceships? FLYING VEHICLES. Like smaller auxiliary ships. I couldn't see the colors of the BIG thing because it was like there was too much atmosphere in the way, I could only see the shape of it, but the smaller things were a bright blue and black. The blue was like the same shade as on the Estonian flag hah.
So I was no longer thinking about the wallpaper lol, but I still wanted to find my grandpa, because he had always been into aerospace and I figured either he would know what was going on, or even if he didn't then he would find it as interesting as I did. But I couldn't find him, probably because now I was in a different building. I was looking at my phone and was like "oh of course I'll call someone in this aerospace club that I apparently am in and have always been in because dreams lol". So I did, and the president was a woman who had such a... like a weirdly, incongruously casual manner of speaking that I wasn't sure if she really knew what she was talking about or what was going on. But she said she'd explain everything no problem, and was downstairs if I wanted to talk in person. I asked if she was on the first floor, because I was on the second floor, but she said "No, downstairs" like the basement. So I found this excessively steep, narrow spiral staircase - like only had a railing on the outside, and just a pole going down the center, with steps half the width and twice the height of an average spiral staircase, it sucked hah - and went down to a basement that looked like a mall (or maybe more like a museum) food court. I was going to buy a smoothie before looking for that club president but then I woke up equal parts because I had to PEE and I'd left the windows open so it is actually a little too cold in my place even for me lol it is 61° in here right now
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kazulmehto · 5 years
The “My neighbor just put up a Tr*mp flag” starter set
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Do you know what's going on with the flags? I swear when I read it it said that the Union Jack had to be flown IF there wasn't another UK nation flag already up. Which made the whole thing about having the Union Jack be higher even weirder, since doesn't that dissentivise flying both? Did I misunderstand?
In fact, the Westminster government themselves don't know what's going on with the flags. Different officials keep saying different things. Sometimes within the same statements.
But, what I'm specifically talking about is the practice of double flagging, which is where you put two flags on one pole because the country is poor and doesn't have the money to spare installing extras in small towns. Union flag has to go on top, or to put it the way they phrase it, "it must be flown in the superior position."
But, we may have another problem, which is whether or not we get classed as a nation. The official statements from Oliver Dowden are going hell for leather on stressing that there are THREE nations in the UK, which are Scotland, Northern Ireland, and "England and Wales". My suspicion is that it's to shut down the union flag representation issue - Wales being folded into England means we are technically on the union flag because, and do brace yourself for the taste of your own vomit on this one, we are therefore graciously represented by the St George’s Cross, i.e. the English flag. So when we say "Where's the fucken dragon" they can say "You're the boring stripes, Taffy, now shut up and eat your cheese".
But if they therefore want to be REAL dicks, they could make the argument that the Ddraig Goch is not a "national" flag - just a regional one, like a county. I'm not saying they will - but the seeds certainly feel like they've been sown for the option, and these days I'm jaded and cynical like a grizzled Scandinavian detective who is inexplicably lurking under the fancy streetlamps around Swansea marina.
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rare-props · 4 years
The making of Beedle!
The backpack prop for my Beedle cosplay had been a big hit across my social accounts and I have gotten a lot of questions about how I made it. So here we go! 
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I started off by making an EVA foam shell in the approximate shape I wanted the finished backpack to be. If you look inside you can see the pvc braces I installed to support the straps of the backpack. I flattened the ends of the pipe and riveted them through the foam with large washers on both sides of the foam. I also added rings inside made from air piping to help spread the weight and help the backpack keep its shape while being carried. 
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I covered the body of the backpack with inch and a half thick upholstery foam and used an electric knife to carve it into a more desired shape. I also worked on creating the "horns" of the beetle backpack. It was around this time I decided the top should be removable. And that the seam would be covered by a decorative fabric detail once everything was finished.
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I used a few different thicknesses of upholstery foam to cover and carve to create the rest of the shapes for the backpack. To make the flaps and the extra horns on the back of the backpack I use just upholstery foam. 
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Once I was happy with the shape I started covering everything with fabric. 
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After covering the main body I stated draping all the detail fabrics, and placing hook and loop to hold the purple role in place.
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I tacked down the fabric around the seam between the removable top and the body of the backpack to hide the gap and painted the detail onto the blue draping fabric. I also added in the D rings that would hold all the accessories and the fabric band to cover them. Each D ring is bent around a piece of pvc and has a strip of webbing around it through the foam layers and glued to the inside of the bag for extra support. I added the connections for the canopy and the sigh pole.
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With the canopy structure done I started making the table that would hide up underneath and pull down. I wasn’t able to find the right green on green checker pattern but I really liked the alternative I found. I used foamboard for the table and covered it in wood grain shelf paper. Magnets hold it to the underside of the canopy. 
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I use eva to make the body of the basket and braded up some macramé cord to create the bindings. The apples, chilies and foliage were all purchased from the floral section of the craft store. All the other accessories were made from upholstery foam and covered in fabric.
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The sigh was made using wonder under to make the triangle shapes and I painted the face on with craft acrylics and puffy paint.
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Last I added in all the little details like the flags across the back and buckles. And adding the padding and fabric to the straps.
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I still had to paint the reverse side of the sign and the pole when these were taken but that is it for the build! I love how it came out.
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I also made a mast to go with the costume because 2020 XD
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tsukishumai · 4 years
Haikyuu boys at a music festival / Rave
A/N: I’m still sad about Coachella being cancelled this year... the line up was perfect (◕︵◕)
Warnings: adult content, mentions of (hard) drug use, pls don’t do these things irl if ur a minor (or at all i guess?)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Kuroo Tetsuro, Iwaizumi Hajime, Hanamaki Takahiro, Semi Eita, Konoha Akinori, Suna Rintaro
Easily spotted due to the flag/totem pole they insist on carrying around. For some reason, knows all the security guards?? Won’t stop talking about how the festival three years ago in Shibuya was probably the best one he’s ever been to. The designated drug mule, cracks a joke or two about how the pills you’re taking was taped to his balls. Pre-game master, knows how to get everyone loose and having fun. You’ll catch them at the house or techno stage, shuffling the night away. You had no idea they even danced, but you don’t think he takes one break. Doesn’t drink, but won’t say no to some special k. He’ll 100% take his shirt off when his fav artists comes on stage. At multiple points in the night, he’ll throw his arms around his friends and say “I just love you guys.... soooooo fuckin much!”
Sugawara Koshi, Yaku Morisuke, Kai Nobuyuki, Ojiro Aran, Ennoshita Chikara, Akaashi Keiji
Constantly refilling the camelbak. Always always always reminding you to hydrate. Will be the one to make sure everyone’s together before moving on to the next stage. Wears one of those battery powered mini-fans around their neck to cool you down in case you get overheated. The one designated to carry the Vicks Inhaler(iykyk). First-aid kit on deck, complete with band-aids(you’re clumsy when you’re rolling), Tylenol, Pepcid (they be gettin Asian glow), Baby wipes and hand sanitizer at your beck and call. Will let you lay your head down on their lap while waiting for the artist to get on stage. Probably gives out free massages. Won’t roll or do any drugs, but will get smashed, maybe even a little cross-faded. “IF ANYONE GETS LOST, MEET UP AT THE FERRIS WHEEL!”
Hinata Shoyo, Haiba Lev, Goshiki Tsutomu, Koganegawa Kanji, Yamaguchi Tadashi, Komori Motoya
Dragged out by the professional raver, probably had to lie to their parents about where they really were that weekend. Wants to go to every single stage and carries around the schedule with them. Has a wide-eyed expression on his face the whole day, thinks that this might be the best day of his life. Gets a little flustered at the fact that so many people are walking around half naked. Insisted on trying molly for the first time, even though everyone kept telling him no. Someone finally gave him a sip of molly water, and he wouldn’t stop bouncing the rest of the night. Won’t stop saying, “I loooove this song, bro!”
Tanaka Ryunosuke, Nishinoya Yuu, Yamamoto Takinori, Oikawa Tooru, Tendou Satori, Miya Atsumu, Bokuto Kotaro , Terushima Yuuji
Took his pill too early, and started rolling in line. His roll wore off when everyone else was peaking, now he’s bugging everyone for an extra molly 😭 he said he’ll pay you back. Sporadically comes and goes. Promised a few other friend groups that he’d meet up with them for certain artists. Usually brings back a new person, becomes their best friend for one set, then leaves, only to come back with another stranger. Uses the term ‘rave bf/gf’. Has had their outfits planned out months in advance. All about the PLUR life – wears the brightest costumes, arms covered all the way up to their elbows in kandi, trading bracelets with any stranger that was willing to look their way. Considers themselves to be “part of the Art Installations.” Has 15365 new Instagram followers by the end of the weekend. “I’ll just meet you guys at the hotel later!” Comes back at 8 am.
Kageyama Tobio, Kozume Kenma, Shirabu Kenjiro, Ushijima Wakatoshi, Sakusa Kiyoomi, Futakuchi Kenji
Pays extra for VIP cause he’d rather die than be stuck in a crowd. Says he’s only there because “he knows someone in the band” (he doesn’t.) His outfit looks plain, but his shorts are actually $1,200 and the black t-shirt he’s wearing is $700. The only people he tags in his photos are the brands he’s wearing. Somehow gets invited to all the artist after parties. Only does expensive drugs, like cocaine and ecstasy. He says he can get you backstage, but won’t text you back the rest of the night. Has a ‘too cool to be here’ attitude, and will only lightly tap their finger to the rhythm. Really only went so they could say they were there.
Tsukishima Kei, Sawamura Daichi, Azumane Asahi, Matsukawa Issei, Kita Shinsuke, Miya Osamu
They’ve been there, done that – now all they really want is to enjoy the music. No longer interested in entering the mosh pit or head banging , perfectly content with being in the back of the crowd and next to the speakers (you can feel the bass better this way, anyway.) Doesn’t put too much thought into their outfits. Takes all his vitamins (B12, Calcium, D) before starting the day. He’ll pop a molly, and he might do shrooms if the vibe allows it. Will leave for the next stage before the set’s over in order to “avoid the crowd”.
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reliciron · 3 years
The goddamn telephone pole down the street from my house fell over last Wednesday, leaving us with a 12 hour blackout, and while the power company installed a new pole and got the power back on, they left the damaged internet lines literally laying on the ground and the box hanging from the lines. Very much a "bitch not our problem" thing.
I get it, there are probably legal reasons why they couldn't fix them, but they didn't even notify the internet company! WE had to do that, and they didn't believe us that the problem wasn't on our end. Everyone in our neighborhood who had our kind of internet was screwed too.
So we had to wait until today for the guy to come out, only for him to go to the wrong house and get huffy when no one answered. Thankfully one of our neighbors (who was also lacking internet) managed to flag him down and explain about the power line. Thankfully he believed her and I guess did a temporary fix (as in, zip ties and trash bags) but they're gonna have to replace the lines entirely on January 3rd. He never actually made it to our house either, just slunk off, fixed it, and left without letting us know.
Definitely gonna start looking for a new internet company, because we're so tired of our current one's shit.
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geekingbeautytx · 4 years
okay hear me out; harringrove (college au)
so basically it abruptly came to my knowledge at school that many frat boys have installed stripper poles in their rooms. so...
billy invites steve back to his room after a party or maybe just to study or something and eventually someone
I could never get myself to write this so 💗
Sorry life got in the way but here it is! It’s pretty short lol but enjoy!!
It’s not like this was my first study session...study date? I had studied with plenty of girls and boys. But I have to admit there was something different about Billy Hargrove. Maybe it was because he was a Pi Kappa Alpha. Or maybe because Billy offered to help in English Lit without me asking. Most likely though, it was probably because Billy was the hottest thing in Indiana besides the summer heat. Seriously, the guy was of “Greek God” status. I’m talking blonde curly hair, ocean blue eyes, and muscles for days. Billy also had the audacity to be confident enough to wear crop tops. 
So here I am standing on the front porch of the Pi Kappa Alpha house debating how to go in. Should I knock, text Billy, or just walk in. Before I can make any decision the front door opens. 
“Oh shit hey! You’re Steve right?” asks a very tired and hungover looking Tommy. 
I think that’s his name. 
“Yeah, I’m supposed to study with Billy today.” I reply nervously. 
“Yeah, um, he’s in his room. Third door on the left.” 
“Thanks.” I say smiling and stepping into the house. 
“No problem. Wow he kinda is a pretty boy.” 
 I barely hear the last part he whispers. 
“Pretty Boy.” I whisper as I walk towards the stairs. 
Is that what he thinks about me? I mean don’t get me wrong, I am pretty, but Billy said that? I can feel my cheeks heat up when I reach the stairs. The carpet is sticky, gross, which almost distracts me from my own thoughts racing at hundred miles per hour. But not for long.  Billy doesn’t think I’m pretty. No way. I’m pretty but there is no way that Billy thinks that. 
I finally reach the top of the stairs. It’s quiet and empty in the hallway. Which is pretty common for a Saturday at 12pm. I get to Billy's door which has a plaque with his name on it and it’s even got a little pride flag on it. He could be an ally I think to myself. I take one last breath and knock on the door. 
My hands begin to sweat waiting. When the door opens I feel like I got the wind knocked out of me. Billy answers wearing a “My Chemical Romance” crop top and the shortest black shorts I have ever seen. 
“Uhhh.” I tried to say words but it wasn’t happening. 
“Hey Harrington.” He greets smirking and leaning against the door frame.
“Hey.” I finally squeak out. 
“You gonna come in or you just gonna stand out there all day?” He asks, licking his lips. 
I nod and walk in making a beeline for his bed just so I take a moment to gather myself. I place my bag on his bed and let out a deep breath. 
“You want anything to drink?” He asks sauntering over to his mini fridge. 
I look up to answer and I swear for the hundredth time today I almost die. I look and on the right side of his room, next to a bean bag chair, is a stripper pole. Why am I being punished? Did I do something awful in a past life to be tortured like this? 
“Uhhh, water please. What’s with the pole?” I ask without even thinking. 
Smooth Steve. Very smooth. 
“Oh, the guy before me put it in. I just kept it cause it seemed like a pain in the ass to take it down. Plus, maybe the guy after me will get some use out of it. Also Tommy, my roommate, has a plan to get his girlfriend Carol to use it. Which between you and me, she’s never getting on it.” 
I nod awkwardly while pulling out my notebook and assignment paper. 
He walks over with the water and sits at the head of the bed leaning his back on the headboard. I turn to face him and sit crisscross at the foot of the bed. He holds out the water bottle to me and I take it trying my hardest not to touch his hand. 
“Alright pretty boy, what do you want to work on?” He asks, putting both of his hands behind his head. 
I stare for what feels like forever. 
“Um, well, I, uhhh...what was the question?” I say like the stuttering mess that I am. 
“Oh wow, yeah you definitely need my help.” He replies smiling and laughing only slightly. 
“I’m sorry it’s just, fuck, I gotta clear the air with you!” 
“Okay…” He says looking confused. 
Why is he confused I think to myself. He just called me pretty boy. Like you can’t just do that and not expect me to short circuit. 
“Sorry! But ummm, you just called me pretty boy.” 
“Oh yeah, is that not okay?” He asks, his whole demeanor has changed. 
“Yes it’s fine, but only if you mean it.” 
“I do mean it. You’re a pretty boy. Like you have beautiful brown hair, calming brown eyes, and the preppy clothes you wear make you look so soft. And honestly, that ass should already be twirling on that pole.” 
I sit there completely stunned. I have never had someone describe me like that. Nancy just always said I was cute. Never gave me specifics as to why I was cute. But Billy, he just put it out there without any hesitation. 
“Harrington, you good. I’m sorry if I made you un-” 
“No no no, you’re fine! You’re more than fine. Also, once I saw the pole I was waiting for you to tell me it was yours and you practice daily.” I say scooting to sit next to him.
“I mean I never said I don’t use it. I just said the guy before put it in and the guy after me can worry about taking it down. So you want to study or you want a show?” He asks, sitting up on knees.
My mouth falls open and without realizing it I pull him onto my lap. 
“Oh you want a lap dance first?” He teases putting his hands on both sides of my head leaning on the headboard. 
I grab behind his neck and pull him down for a kiss. I can feel him smiling as he kisses me. After a few minutes, seems like hours, he breaks the kiss and gets up off the bed. He struts, I repeat, struts to the pole. I can feel my cheeks heat up again and my mouth going drier than the Sahara Desert. 
He turns on his speaker and it’s immediately playing “Moment” by Victoria Monét. He had to have planned this. I can feel my whole body heat up as he takes his shirt off. I must look like such a loser cause I haven’t moved from my spot on the bed or my hands by my side. He puts his hand on the pole and walks in a circle. Before he can do anything the door flies open and we both fling our heads towards the door.
“What the fuck Billy?! You said you were gonna study. Not perform! Jesus Christ!” Tommy says covering his eyes. 
“Why the fuck are you covering your eyes you idiot? I just have my shirt off!” Billy replies while putting his shirt back on. 
“Because asshole I don’t know if your boy toy has a boner or hell if you have one. And I don’t need to be scarred for life, okay!” Tommy says cracking his fingers open to peek at the scene in the room.
“Just give me a minute shit head.” Billy says scooting him out of the room. 
I finally get up and pack my stuff up. As I finish and turn around, Billy is right in front of my face. 
“I’m sorry that went south.” He apologizes while rubbing the back of his head. 
“It’s fine, we can just study in my dorm later tonight. I don’t have a roommate so we can just chill after. Cause while I loved the strip tease, I really do need help with English.” I say smiling. 
“Sounds like a plan Pretty Boy. So can I kiss you...again?” He asks, licking and biting his lip. 
I answer with  me pulling him by his waistband and my other hand his hair. The door opens again. 
“Oh come on! You said a minute!” Tommy yells.
16 notes · View notes
ohkiyo · 4 years
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pairing: Semi Eita x Reader
warnings: slight manga spoiler, mentions of the characters' future occupation, alcohol consumption.
word count: 5.2k
a/n: This story was inspired by this picture I found on Pinterest. Also, try to see which part of the story my vocabulary decided to fail me.
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Pushing the glass door open, your heels click behind you as you walk through the hallway, your bag hanging on your shoulder, a cup of steaming hot coffee on one hand and your coat on the other. Greeting the workers who have arrived early and some of the utility workers you walk pass as they clean the office to prepare for the day.
Entering your office, you sat down on your desk placing your bag on one of the empty chairs beside you and arranging the papers on your desk as you finish your coffee. Swinging in your swivel chair side to side, watching through the glass divider as people walk past, chatting amongst each other as they ready themselves for another day at the office. 
You watch as your friend, Utsumi Himari, enters and sat herself down on her own desk, a sigh leaving her lips as she brushes her hair out of her eyes. Her hair looking disheveled, her face bare of any make-up she usually wore for work, and her blouse tucked halfway in.
"Did you slept in?" you ask, motioning to her state as she pulls out a brush from her bag. You stood up, walking over to her and taking the brush and combing her hair while she does her make-up.
"Sleep through all three of my alarms" she answered applying a red lipstick and topping it with some gloss then finishing her look by spritzing herself with her perfume as you tie her hair into a neat bun. Giving it a pat once you have finish tying it.
"Maybe we should really do buy that travelwey home LED digital alarm clock we saw on Amazon" you walk back to your desk, grab the remote and turned on the air conditioner “Let’s see if you’ll still sleep in then”
Your friend just laughs as she fully tucks in her blouse and slipping in her coat and turning on her computer.
"What were you even doing last night anyway?" you leaned back in your chair, clasping your hands together and resting it on your stomach. She types her password in her computer before she turned to you fully, a knowing look on her face and somehow you know what she's going to answer.
"Talking to some guys on my DMs" she grinned at you as you try to resist the groan from leaving your lips. Picking up a crumpled piece of paper and throwing it at her, only for her to catch it easily. "...and speaking of guys, I want you to meet some of them, they're really nice"
You let out a sigh, tuning her out as she starts rambling on about the men she had been talking to in the dead of the night, choosing to focus on your computer. She had been trying to set you up with some guys for the last couple of months, saying how you should be dating already now that you’re in your mid-twenties. 
You don't mind it really, she means well and you appreciate her effort because even you yourself couldn't deny the fact that you wanted to have a boyfriend as well. Unfortunately, the men she introduces to you weren't really clicking, there was just no spark, as what they would call it.
"Hey, (Y/n) are you listening?"
You straighten up in your chair and you nodded your head "Y-yeah" you didn't even realize you were just mindlessly refreshing your emails while your friend was talking earlier.
The door to your office opened, as one of your supervisors entered "Utsumi, do you have the reports Umeda sent?"
Himari nodded her head, pushing back her chair as she opens one of the drawers beside her desk and pulled out a thick banded paper and giving it to your superior.
"Thank you" she sat down on one of the chairs placed in front of the desk as she skimmed through the papers, humming once in a while when she sees something she likes and frowning when she reads something questionable or wrong.
"Oh right, our bonds are scheduled for renewal in two days and our usual representative is on leave" she looks up from the papers she was reading "Is there anyone you know that's available right now?"
"I'll go" you volunteered "I can go to the Finance Bureau right now. I've finished all my work yesterday, so I'm free"
"Thank you so much (L/n), the folder with all the requirements is in my office" she stood up from the chair walking out of your office as you followed after her. Waving your friend goodbye as she continues doing her work alone.
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The big white building came into view as the Japanese Flag hanging from the flag pole waves along with the wind. You parked your car, checking your appearance one last time before grabbing your needed things, and stepping out of the vehicle. Walking up the ramp and entering the air-conditioned building, soft instrumental music playing in one of the speakers, installed in the building's lobby.
There were two offices one on the right and one on the left, and since it was your first time you don’t really know which one to go, you could’ve asked the receptionist as the front desk but you could see that no one was there. Following your instinct, you chose the one on the left as it was the one with people going in and out with folders, envelopes, and some other documents in hand.
An intern greets you, a student intern to be exact, flashing you a smile as she gestured for you to take a seat at one of the chairs.
“Is this for the bonding?” you inquired, just to make sure you were in the right department.
"Yes ma'am, new or renewal?"
"Renewal" she gave you a pink-colored paper and your priority number, filling in the information needed while waiting for the man who you assume was the one in charge for bonding finish talking to his current client, once he was done. He called onto the next one and you stood up, walk over to his desk, and sat down on the chair the previous was occupying.
"From what agency ma'am?" he looked up from the paper he was reading and you were finally able to have a clear look at him. Your breath hitch in your throat as you stared at the beautiful man in front of you.
You cleared your throat, adjusting yourself in your seat "Japan National Bank"
He looks down on his paper again and started flipping through it, not noticing the barely noticeable blush on his cheeks as well. You look around the room for a moment, distracting yourself from this handsome man in front of you. He has ash-blond hair, neatly arranged on his head and piercing brown eyes, his facial features were sharp, a bit intense if you might say, but there’s just some sort of gentleness underneath it, and it was very attractive in your opinion.
"May I see your requirements" you pulled out all the papers from your folder and gave it to him. Watching as he laid them in front of him, checking everything especially the signatures. He returned them to you and started writing on the pink paper you gave him as you neatly place your documents back inside your folder.
"Kurokawa" he called and the student you were talking to a while ago stood up and walk over "Can you please look for Ma'am Takeuchi and have her signed these two" he gestured to the two spaces reserve for signatures with his pen as the girl nodded her head and went to do her task.
As you move to another chair, you notice that they have a lot of student interns here. In the department alone where you are right now, they have at least five, probably because they're always busy entertaining clients, and you saw at least three more walk pass.
You were confused at first but then you realize that this branch of the Finance Bureau was smaller. From what you remembered before when you came here for a meeting, there were only 20 employees working, and with it being a government agency, they are always busy and always processing documents, meaning paperwork after paperwork, so they need all the help they need.
Moments later the girl came back telling something to him as he called you over once again "The persons for the last two signatures are not here right now” he gave to you the paper as you look at the two names with no signatures “They're currently in Miyagi for a meeting. Can you come back again on Monday?"
You nodded your head, inwardly feeling happy at the fact that you have a valid reason to come back and see him again "Of course, so after I pay for this at the bank I can keep the paper?" you wave the pink paper in your hand.
"Yes, bring it again on Monday when you come back so we can have it signed"
He smiled at you, it was small, just a simple close lip smile but you felt your heart skip a beat. You had to will yourself to stand up and walk out, but the fact that there were no more clients in waiting were proving it very hard. However, you still have to go back and report to your supervisor, thanking him you walk out of the door.  
You look over your shoulder, just to have a look at him one last time but what you did not expect was for him to already be looking. His smile still on his face, he lifts his hand for a wave as you returned the gesture not noticing the glass door and accidentally hitting it with your whole body. Embarrass, you didn't even look up to see their reaction as you push the door open and sprint towards your car, heels be damned, you just want to hide yourself.
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“We’re still going to that newly opened bar tonight right?” you ask as both you and Himari walk towards your car, swinging your keys on your index finger.
“Yep” she chirp, a skip on her step as you opened your car “Remember that band I’ve been talking about?” 
You nodded, starting the engine and going out into the road “They’ll be performing at that bar tonight and I wanted to come see them live. Oh (Y/n) you’re going to love them, their frontman has a really good voice. Not to mention they’re all good looking too”
She pokes you on the arm while lifting her eyebrows up and down, you smiled shrugging your shoulders in response. Silently challenging her, now that it was Friday you were more than willing to indulge in your friend’s shenanigans, and who knows, you might find someone in that bar tonight. But you can still never forgot of the man you met this morning, his appearance etch into your mind.
You drove through the traffic back to your apartment, taking a shower and dressing yourselves up before going to the bar to start your Friday night escapades.
"It's nice" you commented, walking across the wooden floor and taking a seat on the table just in front of the stage. The waiter taking your orders as the staff prepares the stage for the night's performers. 
"Right? This might be my new favorite" she took her phone and snap a few photos and posting it on her socials. The tables being slowly filled up by people, tables filled with bottles or buckets of alcohol, and a plate of hot steaming food accompanying the cold drinks. 
"It's starting" you turned your chair so you could look at the stage properly, the lights going low as you can see silhouettes of the performers standing on stage.
Karadajuu no saibou ni hi wo okosu you ni Meippai ni kuuki wo suikonda
Your ears perked at the voice, it was smooth, a bit deep but it goes so well with the tune of the song.
Chi to ase wo nie ni  akogare wo seika ni FURU BORYUUMU de sakebe yo
You were familiar with the song; it was one of the many classics you play in your room during your college days while cleaning up, doing your chores, or studying.
Hikare are!
All the lights turned on and you were finally able to have a proper look at who was the frontman, and you have to say, he was pretty good looking. His hair was tousled, strands sticking out front each side. His choice of attire was a bit unusual, a long fur coat, black jeans, and blacks boots and you could even see a cross necklace hanging from his neck, but who were you to judge? It looks good on him anyway.
Himari pulled you from your seat and towards the open space in front of the stage where the other customers in the bar were already jamming to the song. Jumping and singing along, the both of you weave through the crowd. Standing at the very front and screaming along to the lyrics of the song.
One of the guitarists kneeled down at the area where your friend was standing and blew her a kiss, laughing at her dumbstruck reaction, you just pat her back as she slowly turns to you, mouth agape, her hands clutching her dress. Your eyes move to focus on the singer once again, to see that he was looking at you already. You two shared eye contact him singing the lyrics before he shot you a smile and a wink.
You grinned back at him, getting even more hyped up jumping along with the crowd, screaming the lyrics from the top of your lungs. You downed the last bit of your drink, you don’t even care anymore, it’s Friday, you were going to enjoy the night and no one was stopping you.
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You were now sitting in the bar counter, another drink in hand. You were feeling a bit tipsy now, but you can still think straight, you have no idea where your friend went though. You hum along to the song that another band was now performing; you took a sip of your drink, the cold drink going down smoothly in your throat.
You felt someone slid down in the seat beside you “Enjoying yourself?” the person asks as you turn your head to see the same guy that was just rocking it at the stage a while ago. 
“Yes” you smiled at him, turning your body to face him properly and sticking out your hand “I’m (L/n) Y/n) by the way”
He took your hand and giving it a firm shake “Semi Eita"
"That was a really good performance you know, your voice is really good"
"Really? Thank you" he smiled at you, now that you have a closer look at him, you could see that the tips if his hair were dyed black, which you find cool by the way since you could never pull it off. However, what really caught your attention was how he looks eerily similar to the guy you saw earlier, you can never be too sure, it was just probably the alcohol messing with you.
"You know, I feel like I've seen you from somewhere" you point your finger at him, racking your brain for anything.
"A look-alike probably" he offered as you nod your head in agreement.
After that, both of you just keep talking to each other, sharing some stories from when both of you were still students, and becoming quite surprised at some of the things you learned from each other.
"Wait, wait. So you're telling me you went to Shiratorizawa in high school? And was a part of the school's volleyball club?"
"What was I doing in high school?" you whispered as you run a hand through your hair and tugging on it "We were literally schoolmates and I've never heard of you? Members of the boys' VBC is famous around school!"
He snorts, waving his hand in dismissal "Shiratorizawa's a pretty big school, not everyone knows us"
"But still..." you trailed off, as you scrunch up your face thoughtfully. If only you were a bit more socially active back in high school, attending events, and whatnot, you would have probably met him years ago. You shook your head, finishing your final drink and placing the glass back on the counter.
"Hey..." he taps your arm then pointing to a table just at the corner; far away from other people "Is that your friend?"
He was referring to the couple making out at a table on a dimly lit part of the bar, you could not really see their face properly but the dress the girl was wearing and the hairstyle gave it away that it was your friend. Your jaw drops, watching as she sits on the guy's lap, his hand wrap around her waist, shamelessly sucking at each other’s faces at a crowded bar.
"...and that's your bandmate" you realize that it was the guitarist guy who blew her a kiss during their performance. 
Turning away from the scene, you stood up, collecting your bag and letting out a sheepish chuckle "Guess I'll be going home alone tonight then"
He stood up as well, pocketing his hands "I'll walk you out"
Both of you exited the bar, walking out into the crowded streets, maneuvering through the people walking by.
"I really enjoyed myself tonight, thank you" you smiled at him taking a piece of paper and a pen from your bag and writing down your number "Text me when you can?"
He took the paper, folding it neatly and pocketing it "Definitely"
Stepping back as a taxi pulled up in front of the both of you. You went in, waving him goodbye as the taxi drove back to your apartment.
You pulled out your phone from your bag, sending your friend a quick text before a message from an unknown number entered.
From: Unknown
Be safe, text me when you get home :)
You grinned, sending him a quick reply, and saving his number under the name Mr. Punk Rockstar
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Semi stared at the picture on his phone, a picture of him in his get-up when doing his gig before swiping to another picture of him at work. He kept swiping left and right, taking a proper look at each picture to see the difference.
'Do I really look that different?' he thought taking one last look before closing his phone and placing it on the table. His friends told him so many times before how he was like a completely different person when he’s at the office working and when he’s out doing his gigs.
He took out a mug from the lower drawers on his desk and a Tupperware from his bag before standing up and walking towards the pantry. The good thing though, both of you exchange many messages during the weekend, and you even sent him a good morning text moments after he woke up, which was a good way to start the day.
"Good morning Semi-san" he smiled at the students sitting at the table, greeting them back as he continued preparing his coffee before taking a seat.
"You guys are early" he said, opening the Tupperware he was carrying to reveal a very delicious stack of fried dumplings "Help yourselves"
"We didn't want to get caught in the morning rush" Kurokawa replied, as she took a dumpling and bit on it.
"It was already packed when we got to the station, it was so crowded" 
"It’s a good thing I have a car then" they laugh before he asks them again "So how's school?"
They all collective groan and he could only smile at them, listening as they rant about the stress they were currently experiencing, from their thesis, to their other academics, and to their other requirements. Just by listening to them he could feel just how exhausting it was, he was a student before and he knows just how demanding school can be.
'I wonder how Tsutomu's doing' he thought biting into a piece of dumpling 'Kenjirou and Taichi too, I told them to update me when they can'
He gave himself a mental note to call his three juniors later, even though they're not in the same school anymore nor playing in the same team. They still manage to keep their friendship going strong, they were a tight-knit group, after all the things they went through back in high school, and when everyone was free, they'd have a get-together and check how everyone's doing, giving each other updates on what’s happening in their lives.
They continued conversing with amongst themselves as more employees arrive and when it was near 8, they stood up, cleaned their mess, wash the mugs, and went to their respective departments, all ready to tackle the day.
It took his spot in his desk, calling the clients that were already waiting.
"Good morning" he smiled, as you took a seat.
"Good morning"
"I'm here to give this back for the signatures, and the receipt from the payment is also there" he nodded his head taking the paper from your hand.
"Okay, I'll give this to Ma'am Takeuchi. I'll be back"
With that he left, disappearing into the back where the table for the department’s head was placed. It was a good thing you decided to come in early because you were the only client there so far.
You notice that there was an organizational chart on the wall just above his computer, their pictures, names, and position displayed for everyone to see. You search for his picture, immediately reading his name.
Semi Eita it read and you remembered that you had met a person that is in a band with the same name. Your eyebrows furrowed, as you fish your phone from your bag and opened a photo you took with him last Friday. You leaned to the side, so you could have a proper look at him standing beside his superior’s table while she signed the papers. He had his back turned to you back you can clearly see the dyed tips, similar to the ones the guy on the picture has. 
The hair color was the same the only difference was the way they styled it. Their height was the same and body build, and when he turned around was when you finally realize.
It really was him.
"Okay here you go" he gave it back to you as you place it inside the folder you were carrying. Thanking him and walking out but not before sending him a quick text.
Semi felt his phone vibrate in his pocket,
From: (Y/n)
Imagine my surprise when I found out that this was you.
It read with a picture of him in his band get up attach below. Semi chuckled typing in his reply before going back to work.
Let's talk about it later, want to have dinner with me?
From: (Y/n)
I'd love to. :)
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You sat there an amused smile on your face, your eyes twinkling with mirth as Semi just stared back at you. 
You just shook your head, placing your elbow on the table and resting your chin on your palm "Now that I have a proper look at you, your face does look different. Like…" you gestured to his whole face "…just a few tweaks with your hair and you're already a completely different person"
"Oh really?" Semi cocks an eyebrow at you.
"Yes!" you exclaimed "I never realize I was actually talking to the same person" you chuckled, leaning back on your chair and crossing your legs.
Semi runs a hand through his hair, messing up its neat and arrange style as it goes back to its usual messy state "Still different?"
"Now you just look like a punk rockstar trying hard to look like a common salaryman" You leaned forward taking a lock of his hair and twirling it on your finger "Maybe I should start calling you Mr. Punk Rockstar"
Semi groaned, palming his face as he shook his head "God please no, my friend use to call me punk team mom"
"Well, now mom had an upgrade" You grinned at him watching as the server arrives with a tray filled with your order and carefully placing it on the table.
After that dinner date, both of you fell in the routine of having dinner together at least once a week, which later turned into twice a week, until he was coming over to your house and eating your homecooked meals. 
Staying over the night when the weekend comes and accompanying him to his gigs when he has any. It was safe to say that both of you were mutually attracted to each other.
Even your friend says so.
"He's definitely in love with you, he's just taking things slow to make sure you're comfortable" was what she had said one time when you talk to her about your relationship standing with Semi "It's hard to find guys like him these days, so don't let him get away"
So you headed her advice and waited.
Right now, both of you were in a bar. One that was in between a university and some corporate buildings. Walking towards the bar counter, both of you sat down, looking at the menu for the drinks they serve, some music playing in the background as the tables in the middle were already packed with stressed-out office workers concluding their week with numerous bottles of alcohol.
"Good evening, what can I get you?"
Semi almost wants to slap himself when he saw the bartender on duty 'I forgot Taichi works part-time here'
He took a glance at Kawanishi, who was already side-eyeing him his lips curling up into a smile as he waited for you to place your order.
"I'd like the margarita please" Kawanishi wrote it down on a notepad he’s holding as he turned his attention to Semi.
"The piña colada for me"
The ginger-haired boy nodded his head and started gathering the ingredients for the drinks.
"I'll be right back, I need to go the comfort room" Semi nodded his head as you walk away, disappearing into a corner.
"So..." Kawanishi started "Is she your girlfriend or just a friend?" pouring the drink into a glass and sliding it over to him before he starts preparing your drink.
Semi pause for a moment, realizing just now, what really is your relationship with him? Both of you were obviously beyond the territory of friendship, those countless nights of you two making out on his couch and in his bed, was definitely one of the many reasons "Honestly, I don't even know anymore"
"Well better put a label on it then before someone snatch her away"
Semi cocked an eyebrow at him, sipping his drink "Since when were you giving love advice?"
"It comes with the job apparently" Kawanishi place your drink in front of your seat, taking a clean rug and wiping his hand on it. Semi chuckled, finding it ironic how the most aloof member of the club, who refuses to talk to anyone aside from the first string members is working in a bar. A place where entertaining customers and talking to them is part of the job description.
College really did change them for the better from what he had noticed, Kawanishi's becoming more open with everyone, a bit more talkative in his opinion, Shirabu got a little nicer and Goshiki wasn't that overexcited, oblivious kouhai he used to remember. He was grown now and more mature, more aware of the things happening in the world.
"By the way, do you know where's Kenjirou?"
"I'm here" they snap there head to see the mentioned boy standing there, bags under his eyes, and his hair a mess.
"I thought you passed out in a coffee shop somewhere" Kawanishi teased "The usual?"
Shirabu nodded his head, letting out a yawn as he situated himself on the seat beside yours "I'm drinking all my problems away tonight" then he pointed at Semi "and since you're here you're paying"
He was wrong, Shirabu definitely did not become nicer.
"I’m back sorry I took long" you sat back down on your seat and taking a sip of your drink as Shirabu cock an eyebrow, tired eyes observing your interactions with his former teammate before turning his attention to Kawanishi for an explanation who only shook his head and passing him his drink.
So he stayed silent, he can ask for the details later opting to watch the both of you slowly get drunk, and hoping that something entertaining might happen. Drinks after drinks were ordered, some were alcoholic, some were not, and the funny thing is, you were the one mostly drinking it all. While Semi had settled himself with his second glass of piña colada.
"I think it's time we go home" you giggled, letting out a hiccup as you slowly stood up from your seat. Grabbing Semi’s hand for support as he took out his wallet and paid for the both of your drinks and Shirabus then leaving a hefty tip for Kawanishi, who was more than grateful with the extra income, whispering to himself "Finally, I can buy real food"
He waves them goodbye, as he escorts you out of the establishment. A hand on your waist as he carries your bag for you.
"Semi" you slurred, catching his attention as you stop walking. Turning your body to face him, holding both of his hands and giving it a squeeze "What are we? Like what do we call this?”
He frowned, biting his lip as he removes his hand from your hold and cupping your cheek, remembering what Kawanishi said to him a while ago “To be honest, I wanted to ask you the same thing but I’m scared you’ll run away” he rests his forehead on yours “So let me ask you”
He looks at you in the eye “Will you be my girlfriend?”
You smiled at him “Yes”
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The next morning you woke to your head pounding, a groan leaving your lips as the sunlight peeking through the curtains hurting your eyes. You sat up looking around the room and noticing that you were in Semi’s bedroom.
"Good morning" Semi greeted, walking into the room with a glass of water and a pill in hand. He sat on the edge of the bed, the mattress dipping at his weight “How are you feeling?”
“I feel like I got hit by a truck” you massage your temple, taking the water and pill from him. Hoping that it would at least alleviate your headache.
“Well, you did drink a lot last night” he reminded you, walking to the window and adjusting the curtains. The room becoming a bit darker as you let out a sigh of relief.
“Did I do something stupid?”
“Unfortunately, no”
 You punch him on the shoulder pulling his hand as you laid back down under the covers, too lazy to get out of bed and do something productive.
“Did you remember what happened last night?” he asks, looking at you as he rests his hand on your cheek caressing his with his thumb “Before we went home?”
“Of course” you scooted forward, pressing a kiss to his lips “I’m more than happy to call you my boyfriend”
He drops his hand to your waist, pulling you even closer as he captures your lips into a kiss.
«──────────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ────────────»
a/n: This one took a lot longer than expected, everytime I sat down so I could finish it. I always find myself getting distracted.
60 notes · View notes
thorne93 · 4 years
Inside the Criminal Mind (Part 26)
Prompt: You’re married to Dr. Spencer Reid of the BAU, and are a distinguished doctor yourself on the team. You’re sent down to Miami, Florida for teaching and as a side request from the FBI, to investigate a string of missing persons. When you think you’ve figured out who the unsub is, your life becomes more complicated than you ever could’ve imagined.
Word Count: 2662
Warnings: (throughout the fic –>) death, blood, gore, killings, language, disturbing mental notions, mentions of rapes/murder/etc (You know, Dexter and Criminal Minds related business)
Notes: Thank you so much to @arrow-guy​​​​​​, @carryonmyswansong​​​​​​, and @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo​​​​​​ - without each of you, I couldn’t have finished, written, or properly navigated this story. Each of you helped me fish out details that were incredibly important to me. Beta’d by @carryonmyswansong​​​​​​ and @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo​​​​​​… Aesthetic by @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo​​​​​​
This is a crossover of Criminal Minds x Dexter. First time writing Dexter.
Also, the timeline is after Season 1 of Dexter, but during season 14-ish of Criminal minds into Season 15. Enjoy!!!
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“Alright, the marine biologist is here, I want to take him to the tent,” Rossi said. “Luke, go get Masuka,” he ordered. 
Luke nodded, muttered an acknowledgement, and dashed off. 
“As for you two kids, I want you to go ahead and get me a list of marinas in the area, that way when they get a hit, we can go immediately.” 
“On it,” Spence replied. You to started to walk toward the bull pen to collect a map, and pins or markers but suddenly Luke was dashing back in. 
“Ugh,” he groaned, putting the back of his hand over his mouth. 
“Luke? What’s wrong?” you asked. 
“The bodies… The tent. The garbage men must’ve knocked the dumpster into the AC unit. The victims… they aren’t in tact anymore.” 
A sense of relief washed over you. You wanted to turn and look at Dexter, to signal a thank you, but you refrained. Clever, clever. You really should stop underestimating him. 
“Oh my god. That’s horrible,” Spencer said. “So what about the marine biologist? Can he do his work?” 
“We’ll see. Most of the algae was on the rocks. We think he weighed the bags down with rocks from his marina. Rossi had me put the rocks in a separate fridge, inside the tent. It still had power so I think it’s okay. I don’t think the heat would’ve gotten to it. Good thing he thought ahead, huh?” he asked with a smile before patting Spencer’s arm and walking off. 
Your face whipped to your husband’s immediately. 
“They stored the rocks separately?” you whisper-shouted. “So that was for nothing?” 
“Well, at least the victims aren’t as intact…” 
“Who cares? The victims weren’t telling us anything. Son of a bitch.” 
“Look, it’s fine. Maybe he won’t turn anything up,” he offered. 
You tried to let it go while you two worked on a list of all of the possible marinas. 
Around 2 PM, Dex stood in the doorway of the conference room, leaning in. “You two wanna grab some lunch?” he asked casually, but you could hear the faintest, most undetected current of panic in his tone. 
You turned to Spence before confirming, asking with your eyes if he wanted to go. Spencer seemed indifferent so you nodded and said, “Sure.” You stood up from the desk, told Rossi and Luke you’d be back soon and left with Dexter. No one said much of anything until you got to a nice outside restaurant. 
“Finally, an ocean breeze,” you stated, soaking up the warmth and cool air. 
“Yeah, it’s a hot one. Especially since it’s summer…” Dex noted. 
“So are we not going to talk about the fact that your plan didn’t work?” Spencer asked, his sunglasses on, but you could see he was throwing daggers at Dexter under the dark lenses. 
“What are you talking about? I destroyed the AC. There should be nothing left for the algae,” he countered, confused. 
“Except there is. The algae was from rocks you picked up, not the bags. Our boss told our team member to store the rocks in a separate place. You didn’t think to check that?” he pressed, leaning forward.
“You didn’t think to ask? I risked everything to sneak in last night.” 
“Do you want me to feel sorry for you?” Spence snapped. 
“Guys,” you interjected. “For one, cool it. Listening ears, remember? Secondly, none of us knew the rocks got moved. We didn’t even know it was the rocks. Masuka never mentioned it. It was just algae.” 
“Well, it doesn’t matter anyway,” Dexter noted. “Tracing it to one marina won’t matter.” 
“Why not?” you asked, frowning. 
“Because I’m not the only boat there. They’d have to find me doing something suspicious.” 
“Well if you move your boat it’ll be suspicious.” 
“Maybe not,” he said with a thoughtful look on his face. 
A week seemed to fly by and the marine biologist came back with three hits - and Coral Cove was on the list. 
“Alright, who wants to take each one?” Rossi asked. 
“I’ll take Coral Cove,” you volunteered.
Spence took one, and Luke took the last. The three of you set out to canvass the area and look for any clues. You were already aware of the clues at this dock: dark, secluded, crappy security, no rental booths. It was ideal for Dexter to do his work. 
Still, you played the part of an agent and walked up and down the dock, taking in everything. You made new mental notes as if you were seeing the space for the first time, and would report everything to Rossi. The catch 22 of this was you couldn’t hold anything back because of how good an agent you were. At the same time, the more information you fed your team and Miami PD, the more they closed in on Dexter. 
You got back to the precinct before Spencer did, but Luke was already back and giving all the info he could. 
Debra suddenly spoke up. “We could check with rental companies and run the dates boats were rented against the dates some of our vics went missing.” 
“Good idea,” you encouraged, knowing absolutely nothing would show up. “Okay, so I did Coral Cove. It’s dark, only a few light posts. No security at all. It’s pretty private.”
“Coral Cove? That’s where half the force puts their boats,” Batista stated. “Yeah it’s the only place they can still afford.” 
All you did was half shrug. “However, there isn’t a rental boot there, Morgan, sorry,” you said, turning back to Debra. “But I’d still run the others. I doubt our unsub would do his dirty work out where cops are.”
“That would be risky,” Rossi agreed. “But he’s been bold enough to abduct some of these people in broad daylight. Let’s not rule it out. I want a log of everyone who keeps their boats at all these docks.” 
Luke and Debra dashed off to get the logs while you stayed behind in the conference room. 
“What if we put security cams up at the docks?” Batista suggested.
“Then we run the risk of never seeing the unsub again. He’ll spook and move his boat,” you tried, hoping they’d shut the idea down. 
“Well, if anyone does move their boat, I mean that’s kind of a red flag. But we might catch this guy doing something weird, right?” Batista replied. 
“Yeah, you’re right. I think we should do it,” you agreed, nodding, meanwhile dying a little inside. There was no winning this one. If you fought the cameras too much, it’d set off alarms. But with the cameras up there, who knows what they’d catch. All you could do was warn him not to do anything suspicious for a while. 
When the room seemed to disperse with their new tasks, you tried to casually go to Dexter’s office. The good thing was nearly everyone on both teams knew you and Dexter were close, so spending a lot of time together in and outside work wouldn’t raise too many flags. You just didn’t want to do it too often. 
“So,” you began, dragging the word out as you got in his office. You closed the door behind you and leaned on it, your hands behind your back. “They’re installing security cams at your dock,” you informed. 
“What? Why?” he asked, dropping his task and turning to you. 
“The algae was traced back to three marinas, yours being one of them.” 
“Well, then I need to go clean my boat,” he slightly argued. 
You narrowed your eyes. “Did you not hear a word I just said? You can’t. If you do anything but drive the damned thing, it’ll look off.” 
“And if they find trace evidence of blood and DNA on my boat, I’ll really be fucked,” he said with a sarcastic smile. 
You crossed your arms. “Okay, fuckface,” you began, giving him an exasperated expression. One a tired mother might give her rebellious teen. “You could always drive the boat out to the ocean and clean it there.” 
“Won’t they see the cleaning supplies, and luminol, and black light and be suspicious?” he asked, pressing your idea. 
“Not if we both go. Hide everything in a tackle box and grab some fishing poles. We go way out, and clean. It’s not that suspicious to clean it in the middle of the ocean,” you tried. 
“And by we, you mean the three of us. Your husband who hates me to help cover evidence--”
“Spence will not be coming. It’d be best if he stayed behind and worked on the case,” you interjected quickly. “Plus I haven’t gotten any time alone with you. I miss our nights together,” you said, with a soft smile. 
“What part?” he asked with a coy grin. 
You glared at him. “The part where we drank beer and shot the shit.” 
He appeared thoughtful for a moment before smiling up at you and saying, “Alright. Yeah, I suppose it’d be fun. We’ll clean the boat and go fishing.” 
“Sounds good,” you cheered before skipping out of his office. 
“So how has he been doing this?” Luke asked as all of you sat at the conference room table, eating dinner. 
“Doing what?” Batastia responded.
“Abducting them,” he clarified. “I know he took some delinquents, but he also took some people that weren’t low risk.” 
“He’s either strong enough to subdue them,” Rossi started.
“Or he has a ruse,” Debra added. “You know, like Bundy, maybe?” 
“Or he knocks them out some other way,” another detective offered. “Like a sedative.” 
Jesus, was it hot in here or was it just the heat closing in on you and Dexter? 
“Let’s get the ME reports,” Rossi suggested. “Maybe we missed something. See if he checked for toxins or drugs in the body, or any sort of bludgeoning on the head.” 
Spencer jumped up. “On it.” 
He stepped out to head to the ME’s office and the rest of you kept spitballing ideas until he called. 
He called Rossi and then Rossi put him on speaker. “Hey, guys. I’ve got the ME on the phone.” 
“Hey there, so I found something unusual,” he noted. “I was going back through my notes of your bodies, trying to find evidence of sedation or how they were being taken -- I did find Etorphine in their system.” 
“And that’s unusual, why?” Rossi asked, his eyes touching on everyone around the table.
“Well, other than being a heavy dosage, nothing. It’s a strong sedative. That’s not what was confusing me.” 
“Well, do tell,” Batista encouraged. 
“The three newest victims, the ones that were dead the least amount of time -- they had rough cuts on them.” 
“What do you mean?” Luke pressed. 
“Well so the first fifteen, a knife penetrated their chest, one quick movement. No hesitation, and it goes deep. These other three had hesitation marks, and they barely went in compared to the others. The severing on the ends of the limbs wasn’t as clean.” 
Everyone frowned - you included. Fuck - this ME was good. 
“So what do you think that means?” Batista asked. 
“No idea. Unless this guy got unsure about what he was doing, these last three bodies weren’t his victims.” 
At that, Spencer said that was all the ME had and that he’d be back to the station with the reports. The phone call ended and everyone continued theorizing.
“But how could we have a copycat before we even discovered the bodies?” Debra asked. 
“What if it’s not a copycat?” Rossi suggested. “What if… it’s a partner?” 
“It could be, but why would he suddenly take up a partner?” you asked. Being silent for too long started to look bad when you were the star profiler. 
“It does seem strange. He’s killed fifteen people and just now decided to let his partner do the killing? Most of the time they bring them in earlier,” Rossi agreed. 
“Unless they couldn’t find someone,” Debra tried. 
“Nah, I think it’s something else,” Luke noted. “If you were thinking you were cleaning up the streets… Who would you teach that to?” he pressed. 
Everyone seemed stumped so you threw out a bogus answer. “What about a son, or a sibling? Maybe the guy is getting older, or their kid just came of the age. They figure they should show them the ropes, have them take over the legacy.” 
Debra sat back. “Holy fuck. A family of serial killers? That’s just fucking great.” 
“It’s a start on the profile though, maybe,” Rossi encouraged. “Let’s see if we can get Garcia to fish out any possible vigilante types in the area that have family. Y/N, when you were down here, did you have any suspects at all?” your boss directed at you. 
Fighting the hard urge to glance to Dexter, you tossed your pen on the desk before looking up at your boss and saying, “No, I hadn’t gotten that far yet.” 
“No problem, let’s see what Garcia can dig up,” Rossi said before dismissing everyone. “Everyone, let’s take a half day tomorrow. We’ve been at this non stop, maybe some distance will help us get some clarity.”
At this everyone got up and gathered their stuff and finished out the day. Spencer showed up after an hour. Silently, you and Spencer went back to your hotel room. Once you were safely inside, you decided to tell Spencer your plans. The half day couldn’t have come soon enough. 
“So, I was thinking of going out on Dexter’s boat with him tomorrow,” you cautiously informed as you dropped your bag on the floor.  
“You’re… I’m sorry, you’re going on a fishing trip while we’re trying to cover up your tracks? Cover evidence you created?” he asked, incredulous. 
“That’s exactly what we are doing. It isn’t some kind of fun outing. Dex needs to clean his boat and we can’t do it with the cameras mounted around there.”
“I suppose that’s true.”
“I know you hate it, for some reason. So you can either come along with us for hours, which I know you’ll hate… or you could spend time in Miami with the team.” 
“So that’s it? I either come along and be unhappy and uncomfortable, or I am forced to stay back in the city.” 
You shrugged, losing your patience. “I’m not sure what else you want, Spence. We need to clean his boat.”
“Can’t he do it alone?”
“Yeah but… to be honest, I wanted to spend some time with him. Time that isn’t about this investigation…”
“Oh, sorry, don’t let me interrupt your buddy time with him,” he responded as if he were offended while he got ready for bed. 
You clenched your fist and threw your pajama shirt on the bed as you faced Spencer. “Why do you hate him so much?” you demanded angrily. 
Your husband gave you a look that tore you apart inside, it was as if the answer should be obvious and even asking him to explain himself was a ridiculous request. 
“Why do you not?” he begged breathlessly. Disbelief colored his face. 
You were taken aback by his question. “Well… he’s my friend,” you began, somewhat stammering. 
“Yes, now he is, but a few months ago he would've been another unsub. and now... now we have to pretend to like him..."
“It’s not pretending for me, I really do enjoy his company.” 
He shook his head, disappointment replacing every feature on his expression. He stopped looking at you to busy himself with finishing his nightly routine. His voice got softer as he said, “It’s fine, Y/N, just go do what you have to.” 
You pursed your lips, wanting to make this easier on him somehow. This was exactly what you didn’t want. You were dancing in the line of fire here, but Spence wasn’t even guilty and he was going through the same stress you were. 
You sighed sadly before finishing your own routine and crawling into bed.
Forever Tag:
Spencer Reid
37 notes · View notes
candy-floss-crazy · 10 months
Wild West Photo Booth Hire
Hire Wild West Photo Booth, The Duke   Never approach a bull from the front, a horse from the rear, or a fool from any direction Hallelujah, your salvation is at hand. This will surely save yer from them there dull booths. The rootin, tootin unique Wells Fargo stagecoach photo booth system, the only one of its kind in the U.K. Complete with cowboy and Indian booth butlers, themed props, even cowboy music playing. Throw in a couple of cactus, a totem pole, even some tumble weed and you have a stunning centrepiece for your event, the envy of Jesse James. This booth is unbeatable for wild west themed events. We also offer a range of wild west themed games to accompany it. You can have your own little wild west town to entertain your guests.Our fantastic stagecoach comes with; •Booth Butlers Dressed As Cowboys. •Wild West Music Playing. •Cowboy & Indian Sound Effects. •Wild West Themed Props Box. •Wild West Accessories. •A Totally Unique Themed Booth. This isn't just a booth, it is a centrepiece for any wild west themed event, with cactus plants, a whiskey barrel an Indian totem pole and more for decoration at no extra charge. Our booth butlers wear real cowboy dress and even carry blank firing cowboy guns. Altogether a total league above any other booth on the market for an event like this. "The Duke" is a booth even John Wayne would have been proud of. Wild West Town To complement our wild west photo booth, we also offer a range of themed games. A Deadwood Saloon shooting gallery (using replica Winchester guns), cactus hoopla and Boot Hill graveyard horseshoe toss. We can supply a whisky wagon, or a chuck wagon with hot dogs. Taken all together we can provide you with a little replica town to entertain your guests. Our Stagecoach photo booth uses only the best equipment; •Professional Dye Sub Print Systems. •Canon DSLR Cameras. •Integrated Touch Screen Control System. •Cowboy Sound Effects. •Cowboy Music System. Every Booth Hire Is Provided With; •Guest Book. •Additional Set Of Prints. •Custom Themed Prints. SOCIAL MEDIA SHARING Our Stagecoach booth can be supplied with a range of social media tablets. Wirelessly connected to the booth they allow the guests to upload and share their images via Facebook, Twitter , Pinterest and via email. Spread your brands social media juice. Perfect for corporate parties, sales promotions and exhibitions. PERSONALISATION Any of our booths can be custom themed to suit your event. Whether its an appearance at an exhibition, or a sales promotion. We can add custom branding, personalised flags, themed prints, even cowboys dressed to match your colour scheme. YEEHAA It was a tough race of men and woman that won the West. The stories from yesteryear left us with many classic icons Winchester rifles, the Colt Peacemaker gun. Apache, Sioux and Comanche Indians, and the Wells and Fargo stagecoach. We commissioned the building of a totally one off custom replica stagecoach. Designed to install our photo booth in. Based on the plans for a Concord Stagecoach, our wild west stagecoach photo booth is a one off. The original Concord coach was designed by J Stephen Abbot, a coachbuilder and the wheelwright Lewis Downing. They were based in Concord, New Hampshire, hence the name. In its time the Concord was a high end, expensive coach, but one with long lasting build and ride properties that beat its competitors. Contrary to the many Hollywood movies, coaches didn't gallop across the west persued by Indians. The name comes from the fact that they travelled in stages. From one relay station to another at around 5 m.p.h In a day they would cover perhaps 60 to 70 miles. At each station or ‘stage’ the team of horses would be swapped for fresh ones, hence the name. The stage ours is based on would have had bench seating for 9 passengers inside, and could carry another 6 passengers on the roof.WHERE CAN I HIRE A WILD WEST PHOTO BOOTH NEAR ME; We cover the full U.K. with all of our services. CAN THIS BE USED INDOORS; It has been many times, but note that it is a full sized stagecoach so needs large industrial sized doors to get in. HOW MANY PEOPLE DOES IT HOLD; You can comfortably get 6 inside. DOES IT COME WITH HORSES; Sadly not! Wild West Photo Booths Hire, Our photo System Is Available For Hire. In Scotland, London, The Midlands, The North East, Lancashire, Yorkshire And The Rest Of The U.K. And Europe 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 Read the full article
0 notes
You can’t be my soulmate!
So, I kinda got a sugar rush when I was watching a tiktok compilation on youtube. And the idea of the first words but with multiple people popped in my head. So I decided to do a lil snippet. I may still have too much in my system but eehhhhhhh just makes my brain go zoom!
Warnings: Misgendering, manipulation, a mention of homophobia, mention of disownment
What are you laughing at hot topic? haunted each day that Virgil didn’t find his soulmate. 
I love the new outfit caused Roman to switch up his attire everyday he could, but being a well-known actor made that a common sentence. Not a very common first sentence luckily. 
Thanks, why wear those gloves? shamed Ethan every time they removed the aforementioned gloves. 
I fiddled with my newest piercing, the third on my ears. I had gotten it less than two months ago, which had gotten dirty looks from my parents when i saw them. They had disowned me several years prior after learning I was gay, and trans. With a shit-eating grin, I flipped them a double bird. After they turned away in horror, I mounted my motorcycle and roared down the streets. I parked it behind the restaurant I worked at, locking it up on a special pole my brother had installed when I got hired. 
“Reeem. Seen our parents lately?” I called as I shoved open the back door. He poked his head back, tilting his sunglasses down as I removed my patchwork hoodie.
“What parents. All you’ve got is me, babes. But, yes. I saw the people who birthed us a few days ago. I assume you ran across them and they disapproved?”
“Of what? My top surgery, new piercing? Answer to that one is all of it” I gave him a quick peck on the cheek and waved to one of his partners, Remus. I tapped my ear after tying on an apron. He pulled out his ear so I could see the blue pin in it. I shot a thumbs-up as I straightened my posture to wait on my first table. The first few hours passed in a blur of people I didn’t care to make note of. 
“Excuse me, sir. I believe we have a reservation?” A weedy man flagged me down. I raised an eyebrow as I checked the schedule. 
“Only one, and that’s for R. Roy. One sec-” I turned around and shouted over my shoulder “Re? What time was the reservation coming in?” 
“That’s for m-”
“Uh, 3 o’clock or so” Remus surfaced, cutting off the man. 
“I’m afraid I’m here on Mr. Roy’s beh-” The man tried again, this time I cut him off. 
“That was twenty minutes ago. And where did Brit go? They were supposed to be doing this” 
“EXCUSE ME. I AM HERE TO MAKE SURE MR. ROY’S TABLE IS READY” The man practically screamed, cutting off our conversation. 
“Ah, I’m afraid he’ll have to come himself. We only answer to our customers” Re cut in, smiling wide. 
“You and I both know that isn’t true you idiot” An almost-familiar voice accompanied the man himself. 
“RoRo!” My sibling-in-law immediately brightened, scooping the smaller man into a hug. I chuckled behind one hand as the man made breathless protests. When he was at last released, my laughter got louder because it was the Roman Roy, and his appearance was all mused up now. 
“I’m so sorry sir! I’ll go get your backup right now!” The assistant started to buzz nervously around the famous man, reminding me of a fly. 
“No, no. I’ll be fine. This is a family place, so it’s not a big deal if I look a little messed up” He soothed, waving the man out the door. My laughter had not ceased by the time he had turned his attention to me. 
“What are you laughing at hot topic?” I clasped my wrist as the words tattooed across it flared with heat. I shoved the discomfort down, offering my hand.
“Only your fly-like assistant. I’m Virgil Maelstrom. I’m the younger brother of that idiot’s partner. Or one of them at least” Mr Roy took my hand, shaking it briskly before following Remus to the table near the counter. I pulled down my sleeve to see a name written under my words. Roman. I was soulmates with ROMAN ROY the singer! How did I end up with him. Emile caught me staring numbly as new words appeared beneath the original ones. 
“So. Finally met your soulmate?” They asked, a soft smile gracing their features. The smile that had caused my crush all those years ago. I had long grown out of it, but it still held power for their partners and me. 
“One of them I guess. It’s Roman Roy” I whispered the last part, showing them my arm. They hummed thoughtfully, messaging their own wrist. Rem had told me about his own experiences all those years ago, but to actually experience it was insane. 
“Well, why don’t you go tell him?” 
“I...can’t. He didn’t react to me saying anything. It was like I was just another person, y’know?” 
“Well, as your sibling-in-law, I say we’re gonna tell him. C’mon” They pulled me after them. I tried to make excuses, but the doctor was in full help mode. There would be no stopping them. 
“Uh, what’s up honey?” Re asked, looking confused at the determined march. 
“Roman. Good to see you. I found you a soulmate” They yanked me forward as they spoke, lighting up in pride. 
“Look, I’m sorry. They’re just re-” I started babbling, reaching my exposed arm up, forgetting it was free for anyone to read. 
“That’s my name” A soft voice interrupted me. Then a whoop from Re shattered the shock. 
“Lil’ bro! Look at that, two siblings, two chance meetings in this restaurant!”
“What did you say your name was-ow!” He cried out as words burned into his arm. Only your fly-like assistant -Virgil appeared beneath another set of words.
“I- Virgil. I’m Virgil Maelstrom. And it looks like we have another soulmate” He scooted over, nodding for me to sit by him. I took it hesitatingly, watching as his hands started moving as Remus drew him back into a conversation. The shop was closed as Roman ate, and paid for the rest of us to join him. I buzzed nervously, playing my my earring once more. It wasn’t until we were cleaning up when Roman approached me. 
“So. Uh. Virgil? Would you. Would you w-. Wouldyoubemyboyfriend?” He stammered, so at odds with how he was when in the public eye. I nodded mutely, and he swept me into a hug. 
~Elsewhere, A few months later?~
My hands shook as I reached for the top shelf. I wobbled, leaning heavily on my cane. I snarled, planting my cane firmly and stretching for the stuff I had put up there. 
“Sir, do you need help?” A woman approached me. I nodded, and she got it down easily. 
“Thank you mx-”
“Oh, no. It’s Mrs. Smith. Have a good day sir!” She pranced off, ignoring my protest that I was not a ‘sir’. The fire that had scarred me burned away my gender too. I hoisted the bag onto my good shoulder and walked the opposite way. I did not look forward to returning to the place I was forced to call ‘home’. 
“I’m home” I called, opening the door slowly. My girlfriend ran around the corner, beaming. 
“Sweetie! I missed you so much! I was gonna be so sad if you hadn’t gotten back so soon!” She nearly yelled, her face dropping slightly at the thought. 
“No, I wouldn’t. You know I try to be home as soon as I can” I offered a soothing smile. She took my cane and dragged me after her. She ignored my winces, her face screwed up so she couldn’t see. I kept as quiet as I could until the tv concert of Double R. I beamed as he sung, his current outfit looking so much better on him than the previous. When it had finished, my girlfriend was fast asleep on the opposite side of the couch. On a complete whim, I stood up and limped to the door. Taking my cane, I set out on a walk. 
“Ro, be careful. You’re easily recognizable” Virgil begged as I stepped outside.
“Don’t worry my storm cloud. I promise to not draw unnecessary attention-” He snorted so I revised my statement with a glare “-I promise not to draw any attention to myself. I’ll be back soon” 
“Whatever. I’ll have my phone on me, so call if you get in trouble” He closed the door behind him. We had been dating for a few months, and they’d been the best (and safest, but don’t tell Virgil that) of my life. I couldn’t wait to meet the third member of our soulmate bond though. I drew the hood of my sweatshirt, borrowed from Virge, up over my head. I wandered aimlessly for a while before deciding to get some milkshakes before heading back. I bumped into someone as I was putting in my earbuds.
“Oh my gosh, are you ok?!” I asked them, and they waved me off. 
“Yea whatever” They mumbled to the ground. I offered them a hand up. They took it and when meeting my eyes, just stared. 
“I love the new outfit!” They finally blurted out. I let out a yelp as my arm suddenly got warm. 
“Thanks! I uh, I think you should know that you may be my second soulmate?” I said, drawing back my sleeve to show them my first message. Just like when Virgil’s message had finally appeared on my arm, there was a name there now. Blocky letters spelled out: Ethan. 
“I...yea. That’s my name. I’m Ethan! Ethan Snips. They/them please” they spoke hurriedly. I nodded, sweeping them up into a hug. 
“C’mon! You’ve gotta meet your other soulmate now” I smiled as they stared in disbelief when my own first sentence to them appeared with my name. 
I was soulmates with Roman. Roy! And there was a third person. I obviously needed to meet them as I had their message left. But I had two soulmates and one of them is famous!
“Wait I- nevermind. Please, just take me to meet them” I smiled, limping after him as quickly as possible. He bought three milkshakes, which he rudely refused to give me mine until we got back. We were near his trailer when I heard her. 
“She doesn’t sound happy” Roman turned nervously towards the sound.
“No, she isn’t. Hurry, please” I nearly shoved him in my haste to get away. 
“Bad?” He asked, meeting my eyes. I noticed he didn’t even seem to register my scars
“Very bad” I nodded, raising a hand up towards my blind eye as if it would keep her from coming. 
“HELP! SECURITY!” He screamed at the top of his lungs before scooping me up and running. I yelped, clinging to my cane and the arm wrapped around my chest. 
“Princey, you idiot, what did you do!” A dark haired man appeared, one hand already on his hip.
“Reeescued someone?” Roman smiled charmingly. 
“You idiot. He’s pretty, so I can see why you wanted to be knight in shining armor”
“No, you’re prettier. Handsome! Like the moon” I mumbled dazed. 
“Thanks, why wear those gloves?” I saw his frazzled gaze on my threadbare gloves. I clapped one hand to my arm where  warmth radiated suddenly. I raised my cane in answer.
“This is Ethan! Our second soulmate! Uh, they/them. I need to explain to the head of security why I uh...just screamed. Have fun!” Roman dashed out the door. 
“I’m Virgil. I’m assuming that was your mark suddenly warm, so my name should be under it” He sat a few feet away, playing with a small ball. I checked, and that was true. He didn’t move any closer or try to continue the conversation. It seemed like his question was more of a defense mechanism than him actually asking. 
“Hm? What’s up?” He looked up.
“What’s your family like?” There was a small chuckle as he picked up the ball and started tossing it between his hands.
“Well, I’m assuming you don’t want to hear about my parents. They disowned me a few years back. My older brother Remy basically raised me anyways. He married Ro’s older sibling, and Dr. Picani. I work at the restaurant they own. I met Ro a few months back when he came in, and we started dating” 
“Oh.” I traced the end of my shoe in thought. 
“Here. A secret for a secret? I’ll you something most people don’t know about me for something about you?” 
“Uh, sure. My middle name is Daniel”
“Ohhhh that’s kinda sweet! Well, I’m trans”
“Huh. And once again society has made equal exchange impossible”
“Ah! I see we have a philosopher” Roman came back in, kicking off his shoes and handing out replacement milkshakes.
“Yea. it happened aft-After a certain`”
“You don’t have to tell us if you’re not ready. We have time” Virgil interrupted me. 
“No. No, I want it in the open. I was caught in a fire, which caused serious damage to most of my left side, and my hands” I pulled off my gloves, showing the scars that across them. Virgil reached over, offering a hand in invitation. I shook my head and he withdrew it without comment. I already felt safer with these two than I had with anyone else. 
32 notes · View notes
The kids showing kakashi the new farm land, town hall, house, a new flag pole, grocery store / pharmacy, and new postal service. Kakashi and gai are just flipping out and how big it's gotten while their three kids are just unimpressed. "It's just a flagpole calm down...... You're embarrassing us"
Kakashi's practically in tears his small little village He grew up in is turning into a little town
Kakashi remmembers everything about the village he left behind, and seeing how it has grown and changed is really bringing up some major feels that he’s not sure how to deal with.
The kids may think he’s embaressing, but he just needs a moment. A chance to process everything that has changed while him and Gai were gone.
When the kids take him to the library he see’s the same building, but inside has changed so much. There’s now rooms where you can study, plus Hinata is the one standing behind the desk after school heloung people take out books and showing them how to use the computers. It was her idea to have the computers installed shortly after the school got them.
Plus the kids show Kakashi the new medical clinic that Rin and Shizune helped Mayor Tsunade put in. Tsunade was always the village doctor before, but she only had a one office room in her house to work from. Now Rin and Shizune have an actual medical clinic.
they also introduce Kakashi to Tenzo, who helps everyone build their hours/extentions, and gets him talking about an actual vet clinic instead of working from his home.
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