#just fuck)
foone · 8 months
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scarlettblip · 9 months
Clint: just come out already
Natasha: umm okay, so I’m bisexual and i think I’m in love with Maria
Clint: of the dressing room Nat. Come out of the dressing room.
Natasha: oh right my bad.
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alcestas-sloboda · 1 year
"Why is Ukrainian literature so fundamentally relatable? Everyone is a fighter. A fighter who fights in his own way but never gives up. The author is also definitely a fighter who had to serve a prison sentence for writing in his own language. We're all fighters"
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the-final-knight · 5 months
I’ll be honest it was a complete guess that I guessed it was your account that commented the stuff
I'm shooting you anon. This is my gun 🔫.
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cometrose · 5 months
episode 12 is probably the biggest emotional rollecoaster episode so far like the highs and lows have been insane they owe me money
Like i audibly gasped when he gave her that ring and i gasped when she put it back. Or Haein getting back into that car with Eunsung. But Dahye is back and she’s with us but gramps?????? And Haein is getting worse but her and Hyunwoo’s love is stronger than ever, i feel so SICK
at first i was fine if haein died as long as it had good writing that is no longer a possibility there is too much at stake i refuse to cry through the end credits of another drama YOU BETTA WORK BITCH
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nutria--oscura · 1 year
Actual depiction of my expression whilst walking around my room for the past 20mins after listening to 'When Terry Met Terry'
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"holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit holy sh-"
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bucketsofgiggles · 2 years
Ellie really just watched a second friend end up infected after getting bitten and staying with them until it happened
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mountsmase · 1 year
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cljordan-imperium · 1 year
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If you could not guess from my post earlier, I have a slight issue with clowns causing some serious anxiety...like shaking and hyperventilating..it's not a joke, whoever did this is seriously sadistic and fucked in the head to not consider there are people with real issues. Due to the fact that the site has made it so I cannot get the cursed image off of the desktop version and being on my phone is not an option while I'm at work, I'm sorry but I'll be scarce today. I will miss you my lovely mutuals. I am going to use this time to work on the next chapter for Anna & Rose (which will include Jasper & Alfie), the next chapter of Magical Mistakes, and finish the revision of Bending the Law. The next chapter of BB&BA needs HEAVY revisions because of a change I made later on in the story, so that one I'm putting last. And I have to check who is up next in Imperium. Inbox is open for Asks. DM's are open for chat, and I will do that faster than anything else on here because it's like texting.
UGH...I hate clowns...fuck this...
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koriauditore · 8 days
Guys please help me i'm watching attack on titan just what the fuck is this why is it so fucking epic and why is eren a fucking ass psychopath like hey bro are you ok?
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effervescentdragon · 4 months
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well. fuck.
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absentsaber · 5 months
My doctor-friend called me overweight and said I should go on ozempic, and it honestly sucks how much it's put me in a downer. When medical professionals say it, it just hurts me more.
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raventhekittycat · 6 months
hownmany times is this movie foing to make me cry fuck you
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loevhyuck · 1 year
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irisbleufic · 8 months
Oh no. Not this, not now. You are the last word-bound world I needed to wake from dreaming. Why do I even bother trying to shrug off the quicksilver jolt, the scorching down my spine. You lost too much in the years I turned away; you know all it takes is showing me the cost.
I’ll try my best to tell it in glimpses, in snatches. It will not be the same. I was dying when I gave you that last labored push, all my nights as I spiraled into the sickness, that weary, pain-spiked haze.
(But there’s a catch, isn’t there. I lived.)
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nice-bright-colors · 1 year
And now, for my next trick…
…there are about to be major electrical problems in all of the buildings on that Texas project.
So I’m not exactly done with all that yet. To be determined if I need to go back down there.
I just wanted one day when I didn’t have to function for anyone. One day where I can just turn everything off and stay in bed and fuck half the day away.
No. I don’t get to do that. Ever.
I almost long for the pandemic times when I was unemployed, couldn’t afford things, and walked around for hours at a time.
Don’t ever get into the solving problems business, you’ll never be done with your work.
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