#just doin the dishes at my own pace
cringebutfree · 2 years
HAPPY BIRTHDAY 2 MEEEEEEEEE XDD ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️💞💞💞💞💞💞💞😩😩🥰🥰🥰🥰
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thecapricunt1616 · 5 months
The Bear & His Honey Chapter 3
Inspo: Quote - “All the lights couldn’t put out the dark that’s running through my heart ”  Summary: (18+ ONLY FIC!!!) Winnie & Richie meet for the first time, have a conversation about their love for Taylor Swift over a cigarette while Carmen fights through a panic attack in his office. W/C: 3,000 A/N: Oh my WORD!! I am so excited for this chapter, I hope you all like it!! I’m hoping my Carmy and Richie are doin’ it for ya! I’m feeling this pacing for the moment, but I promise there will be a time jump at some point. I just want to have the relationships build a little and have you guys get to know Winnie outside of who she is with Carmy!!  Warnings for BTC: Abuse (Verbal, Emotional, Physical), Swearing, Self Harm, Cigarettes, Mentions of alcohol, PTSD, Panic Attacks, Disassociation, Negative self talk, bad coping skills. (0 smut though, wow!!) 
𝒞𝒽𝑒𝒸𝓀 𝒪𝓊𝓉 𝑀𝓎 𝑀𝒶𝓈𝓉𝑒𝓇𝓁𝒾𝓈𝓉!
Chapter 2 Here!
“Don’t worry missy, mommy isn’t forgetting about you” I brush my hand over my cat, Persephone’s, supple fluffy white tail. “Jus’ give me a second ok?” I leaned into the mirror, finishing applying a mauve lip liner to the edges of my lips before filling them in with gloss. I give myself one final lookover, smoothing down my pale, buttercup-colored cardigan. I look like I should be freezing my ass off, but thanks to my fleece-lined nude tights- I am warm as can be. 
I head into the kitchen, Persephone weaving in and out of my legs as she usually did getting a giggle out of me. “Poor starving fluffy baby mm’?” I coo, grabbing her dish from the cabinet and emptying one of her favorite shrimp-flavored Friskies lil’ soups into the bowl, and setting it down for her. She dives right in and I scratch her head lovingly. “There, that is your bedtime snack ok? You got it early, so when it’s really time for bed later, don’t try and tell me I forgot somethin’ yea?” I go grab my ‘purse’ from the bedroom which was just the tote I’d gotten at Taylor Swift's concert a few months ago, as well as my white pleather platform boots, and sit in the entry hall, putting them on. 
I look at myself once more in the hall mirror, adjusting the white bow tying back my long locks that I’d curled. “Love y’ baby, Mama be home soon, be goods ok?” I called to Seph’ who was still chowing down in the kitchen. I slipped on my fur cape shawl-type garment over my shoulders and stepped out of my apartment. Locking my door, I headed back down a few blocks to The Bear. I put on my headphones as I walk, humming softly to the music blasting through them. 
As I approach the alleyway, I see light puffs of smoke coming out into the street. I hurried my pace, hoping it was Carmen out for a smoke before I showed up. But when I finally see around the corner, it's not Carmen, it’s some other man. Older, wearing a brown leather jacket. He nods in my direction and his lips move, his voice completely drowned out by the music that was still blasting in my ears. I pull my headphone away from my ear lightly “Sorry, wha’dya say?” I asked, taking them off and putting them in my bag.  
“I asked if you were in your Fearless Era? Nice sweater” he said and I smiled wide. “Shut up- you listen to Taylor Swift?” I walked up to him, leaning a few feet away on the brick wall. “Hell yeah! My daughter loves her, you saw the show too?” He takes another drag of his cigarette and I smile with an enthusiastic nod. “Mmhmm!!” I say proudly “Can you believe She played Death By A Thousand Cuts and Mad Woman?! Those are like, my favorites from those albums!” 
He blows the smoke past me and nods with a smile. “It really was fuckin’ fantastic. Broad puts on such a crazy show it was fire.” I looked closer and realized he was wearing chef's clogs “D’ you work here?” I questioned. Another nod “My cus’ owns it. You been?” He asked and my eyes widened before I let out a laugh, a real laugh. 
“I’m here for - for him!! Actually. He umm..invited me for a drink.” I said a shy smile dancing on my lips and my cheeks heating slightly.
“Holy shit” he laughs. “Holy fuckin’ shit” he shakes his head in disbelief. “What?” I giggle. “He has a secret girlfriend or somethin’?” I joked and that got another chuckle out of him. “No, no. Absolutely not- I just am- in shock and awe.” He snorts, taking another drag. 
“Why’s that? Am I ugly or somethin’?” I teased “oh no no quite the opposite actually, surprised he was able to talk to you. Kid gets all quiet around pretty girls.” I shrugged. “Hes….shy. But very funny.” I added. “Funny? Wow. I can’t wait to tell Sug’ t’morrow. Wait so how did you- how did he ask you out?” He questioned.
 I took a deep breath, a sheepish smile on my face “ok, so- he didn’t - he did ask, but he did it by making me ask. He was like ‘oh so you only go out with guys that have xyz’ and I was like ‘no you askin’ me out player?’ And he was like ‘nope but we can go out’ he’s such a dork” I smile at my feet and he snorts a laugh, rubbing his chin like Carmen does. 
“Yeee’ that’s Carmen’s style. He's very indirect- with girls that is. With family though- god. He’s too honest most of the time” I look back up at him. “So… how does this whole thing work, like- so Carmen is your cousin, and who is Sugar?” I asked “oh, yeah Sugars my cousin too, but she’s Carmy’s big-sis. That’s why if you decide to start comin’ ‘round more often don’t be surprised if you see her bossin’ him around even though he’s technically the boss” I giggle a bit. 
“Ohh no I saw it already. She’s- she can be scary. But she’s very pretty, so that makes up for it. She came in tellin’ him off about cups earlier” I said and he chuckles “Yeah. She was the torment today, it’s usually Carmen but he was ok for the most part. Except at the end of the day, oh! Shit!! Oh my god you” he said and I looked at him, confused. “Me?” I question, pointing at my chest. “You. Yeah you. That’s why he was sooo fuckin’ dead set on hauling everyone’s asses out the door at 9:40. Oh and that’s why he had Marcus deep clean the bar. I see.” He took another drag of his cigarette. A heat brushed my cheeks.
 Is he nervous to see me? 
I take my bottom lip between my teeth in thought. “How’d you meet?” He asked, bringing me back. My gaze meets his again, “ah- we met today? Actually? Well, I think I’ve seen him like- around, because I’ll take walks on my breaks so he’s probably been out smoking. But I was gonna come by the restaurant for lunch and he was in need of a light so, I gave him one. And then he found I work at the bookstore and figured that means I’m smart or something and with his pretty eyes he just… managed to rope me into editing your dessert menu” I said and he laughed. 
“That’s one thing about Carm’ this place?” He taps the brick with his finger “Is him, he will do anything to make something perfect about it. So I guess consider yourself smart since he trusted you to even suggest he does anything differently. That’s so much trust with him, he must really like you” he said and I blushed, my eyes meeting my boots again. 
Really like you. 
“So are all you Berzattos this charming, or is it just you and Carm?” I teased and he laughed, his head falling back “Oh, I like you” he pats my arm before stomping out the butt of his cigarette. “Here, you don’t have to walk all the way around - let me just let you in the kitchen” he dug keys out of his pocket, unlocking the large metal door. “Just realized, never got your name.” He said, opening the door and holding it ajar with his foot. 
“Winnie” I reply, and held out my hand. He shakes it, his hands were cold from the weather but his touch was gentle. “Richie” he said and I looked into the hall that leads into the kitchen, my heart beginning to hammer in my chest. “Well I’ll leave you kids at it. No fuckin’ in the kitchen it’s spotless “ he said, breaking the tension in my chest and earning a laugh from me. “No promises, know where he is?” I asked and he nodded with his chin down the hall “2nd door on the right, his office. He’s probably finishing up paperwork n’ shit.” He said and I gently kissed his cheek on my way through the door, a friendly gesture. 
“It was very nice to meet you, Richie.” I said sweetly, his cheeks were bright red. “You too, Winnie. Hopefully we see you around more- Carm can use the attitude adjustment you gave ‘em this afternoon a little more often.” He joked and my cheeks were the ones that now felt hot to the touch. 
He actually listened to what I’d said about being good. 
I nod “I’ll work on it” I said and he nodded with a smile, “night.” He said “g’night! Be safe!” I replied as he shut the door. 
The kitchen was completely silent, the only sound was the buzzing of the lights. It was literal night and day. The bookstore was always quiet unless we were doing story time for littles, and at night it was just as quiet. 
“Carmen?” I called out, my heels clicking as I made my way down the hall. “Hellooo? Hello hello?” I called, hoping he’d open up the office door. My heart picks up again, I feel it in my throat. Pounding, booming. I try to swallow the thick thumping, but it doesn’t help. I hear a hard thump against Carmen’s office door, causing my eyebrows to furrow. 
I get up to it, leaning in and I hear Carmen breathing, heavy and uncontrolled. I speak up, trying to find my confidence. He had invited me here. He wants me here. 
He trusted you to even suggest he does anything differently. That’s so much trust with him, he must really like you…
Richie’s words of encouragement bounce around in my mind. 
I took a deep breath, gently tapping on the door with my French tip. 
“Carmen? Carrrm? Ya’ in there? Hellooooo? I hear you breathing in there… Ok, well guess what- I just met your cousin Richie, and apparently? He listens to Taylor Swift too. So, unless you open up this door? I’ll like- totally go right back out there and flirt with him - and, you’ll positively 100% lose your super-duper smokin’ hot date to your awesome, super friendly cousin-“ 
Carm POV;
**10 minutes before Winnie shows up**
I lean against the office door, eyes screwed shut, so tightly my forehead was beginning to cramp up as my hand shakes uncontrollably next to me, my wrist cracking with every violent flick. I was desperately trying to feel something, but my entire body was numb. My chest heaves up and down rapidly, tears burning my eyes and I roughly rub over my forehead and cheeks. Clawing at my hair and pulling tightly, to feel something, anything at all. “Fuckin - get it together, fuck!” I muttered, desperate, my nails digging into my forearm so hard that if I had any mind to me at this moment, I’d realize I was drawing blood. She would be here any second, the first - first girl, the only girl I have ever had the balls to ask out, and of course one of these - these - episodes.. Just had to come on - right now. I bump my head against the door in a futile attempt to ground myself, but it doesn’t work. I still feel fucking nothing. 
All of a sudden, per usual to this bullshit- I’m transported back to New York, to Noma, in the bathroom, hurling my guts up before my regular night shift. The pang in my stomach though, was merciful compared to the fucking hell on earth that place was.
 Then, I was on line, making Julianne cuts to a carrot for the 3rd time since the previous 2 were ‘obviously done by a blind ape’, or ‘disgustingly amateur’ as per what I can only presume is the words of the demonic human incarnate of every, single, sin, in any life, I’ve ever fucking lived, coming back in this one to haunt me in to my grave. 
 “You fucking stupid sack of shit” he seeths in my ear. “You are pure shit. Hear me? You are nothing motherfucker, you are a fucking shitstain on my name. I swear, at this rate? You get outta’ here? You are done, Hear me? DONE!!!” he barks in my ear so vociferous that it circumscribes the furthest corners of my mind, my knife slipping when I twitch slightly at the pain of the volume in my ear and it shreds into my skin, deep. 
I hissed at the sting before the fire of pain, my hand jerking away on instinct and dropping the knife. It clattered to the floor loudly and before I could react he grabbed the collar of my whites brutely, dragging me somewhere, my feet stumbling and tripping over each other as he towed me like a ragdoll, before he was violently throwing me to the floor of the bathroom in a pathetic, bleeding heap. “Fucking pussy” he growled, digging his chef's clog in my side just enough to knock the remaining wind out of my lungs. “Clean yourself up, pathetic moron. There's fucking work to be done, or did you overlook that? You slothful, utterly useless, piece of garbage.” The door to the bathroom slams, and I’m left alone, my blood leaking into the tile. At least he didn’t spit on me this time. 
My first thought isn’t if I need stitches, or of the unbelievable pain coursing through my hand and wrist - of course not, why would I ever think of myself first? Instead, it’s of the fact that my blood pool has already grown so large that it’s leaking into the grout of the restroom floor. And if it stains with the remnants of my stupid mistake, I am fucked, done, and utterly screwed. I scramble up, wincing lightly as I try to take a breath, a sharp ache going through my left lung where his shoe had dug in. 
Suddenly, I’m ripped through the walls of space and time, the soft hum of the heater meeting my ears, as the sound of the sweetest voice I’d ever heard makes its way through the door, She’s here.
“Carmen? Carrrm? Ya’ in there? Hellooooo? I hear you breathing in there… Ok, well guess what- I just met your cousin Richie, and apparently? He listens to Taylor Swift too. So, unless you open up this door? I’ll like- totally go out there and flirt with him - and, you’ll positively 100% lose your super-duper smokin’ hot date to your awesome, super friendly cousin- I also brought my book since you were just sooo interested earlier. Maybe you can take some tips from the bat-boys for your flirting skills, handsome.” 
Her voice was like a tether, gently tugging me back into my body. It’s as if my soul snaps back into my physical self all at once, her words ringing through my mind like soothing white noise, not registering a single thing she’s saying, but relishing in the fact my feet were on the ground, and I was beginning to be able to feel them there again. I try to find focus on the sound of her sweet, sweet voice.
My face finally relaxes, and I force my eyes open. I’m back- Back at the bear. I let out a shaking sigh of relief, my entire body was trembling. Blood felt like it was pooling back into every one of my limbs in a tsunami. I suddenly felt so heavy, like I could just sink into the floor in a heap and die there.
“J-J-J” I stutter out, biting down on my cheek so hard I felt a sting of pain and the taste of metal filled my mouth, so embarrassed that I’m succumbing to my old habits, especially in front of her. Forcing a deep breath into my lungs, finding my head, find your head, find it, find it Carmen. 
I inhaled so deeply it felt for a moment like my lungs could pop like balloons, before focusing all of my energy into letting out the breath as controlled and light as I could, which finally centered me enough to be able to find my tongue. “Just One sec. M’ sorry” I managed to get out, rubbing over my face roughly to get rid of the remnants of any stray tears, before wiping my hands on my shirt and turning to open the door. 
Before my mind and my….brain? Could process my actions, I was pulling the door open, pulling her into my chest, and nuzzling my face into her neck. I held her to me tightly, as if we were hanging off the very edge of the earth, and she was my only tether to reality. I took a deep breath, my knees feeling weaker at the intoxicating scent of her, Jasmine, rose, orange? Maybe grapefruit…and…Honey.  
“Thank y’ for comin’, Winnie, I need a fuckin’ drink, now.” I mutter quietly into her supple skin.
Read Chapter 4 Here!
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tieronecrush · 1 year
🛍️ “You’ve been such a good girl today…I think you deserve a little treat” smut, fluff, BOTH??!!
Honestly thrilled with whatever you choose, your writing makes me smile and I’m so thrilled to be apart of this celebration. CONGRATS💗
thank you so much for sending somethin' in for me to write lovely!!
chose to do smut lol so drabble under the cut!
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free use!joel miller x f!reader
18+ ONLY MDNI, not putting any other warnings on these so read at your own risk
Your hips are digging into the edge of the counter in your kitchen, arms half submerged in the sudsy water that fills the sink. You’d been in the middle of doing all the dishes you’d dirtied spending the afternoon baking when Joel had come home from work early. He’d found you immediately, throwing his lunch bag onto the counter and stalking over to you, peppering kisses against your neck.
“Keep doin’ the dishes, darlin’, I’m just gonna take you right here, m’kay?” Joel tugs the waist of your leggings and panties down in one go, snapping them against your thighs when he lets them go. You do as you’re told, continuing to swirl the sponge around the bowl in the sink. The metallic clink of his belt comes from behind, a quick zip sound and a low groan telling you he’d pulled himself out of his jeans.
His fingers pet your clit, gathering your wetness on them and then reaching around your shoulder to present them in front of your lips.
“Open, baby.”
Two of his thick fingers slip into your mouth at the same moment that his hard cock splits your cunt open. You hold back from biting the skin of his fingers, a moan muffled around his hand at your mouth. He’s fucking you hard, the harsh slap of his skin on yours echoing in the silent house.
“Who does your pussy belong to, pretty girl?” His fingers slip from your mouth and leave a trail of saliva on your skin as he loosely circles his hand at the front of your neck, a soft squeeze to choke you for a moment.
“Y-You, only you, Joel.” Your hand is in a vice grip on the sponge under the water, task long forgotten as Joel thrusting into you at a pace that makes you fucked dumb. A hard slap to your ass jerks a gasp out of you, his large hand pawing at the supple skin there as he soothes the mark he left behind.
Your jaw falls open, your bliss stifling any sound you could make as Joel brings you to the edge until another slap to your ass clears your windpipe with a moan.
“Can have me any way you want.”
“That’s right, pretty girl. Just mine. No one else gets you whenever they want, you’re my good girl. Takes what she’s given happily, don’t you?”
“Yes, Joel, always want your cock.”
A groan rolls from his chest, and you can picture his head falling back as he moves his hands to your hips to roughly tug you back against him in time with each of his thrusts.
Without warning, he paints your walls with his come, duck twitching sensitively inside of you while he moans your name. He stays buried until he softens, pulling out of you with a hiss and humming satisfied as he watches his spend drip out of you.
“You’ve been such a good girl today…I think you deserve a little treat.” Before you can question him about what he means, he’s on his knees behind you and spreading your cheeks. His tongue gathers his come coating your entrance, pushing it back inside of you.
“Better keep that there while I taste you, baby. Don’t lose one drop.”
“Y-Yes, Joel.”
His mouth expertly thrusts his tongue in and out of you, your walls squeezing around him to keep his come inside. His fingers that were once in your mouth move against your clit in tight circles, and you’re pushed over the edge he’s brought you to with his cock after only a short time with his attention solely on you.
Joel pulls away, watching you tense and moaning his name, a groan coming from his chest as he watches your come mix with his as it spills out of you.
He stands behind you again, tucking himself in his pants and pulling your leggings and underwear up again. His arms circle your waist, gentle kisses pressed into the crook of your neck.
“How’s I get so lucky to have you, baby?” you laugh and brush away his rhetorical question, his arms tugging you away from I’m the sink.
“I’ll finish these, darlin’, you go relax on the couch. I’ll be right in and then we can watch that show you were talkin’ about.” A chaste kiss is planted with a smacking sound, two oats to your bum as he turns you toward the living room. You look back at him washing the dishes, smiling to yourself as you echo his question.
“How’d I get so lucky?”
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kohakhearts · 10 months
helllooo here to request some Goh and Gary moments. feel free to make it slash or gen or to include Ash as well!
wc: 2 279 read on ao3
The tension sets in long before Gary actually moves in, which is…expected, but still somewhat disappointing.
They talk about it over lunch together. It’s a temporary arrangement; Gary’s just in Vermilion City for a few months, or so he says, and he needs somewhere to stay. Ash figured Goh wouldn’t mind, so he agreed on behalf of them both.
“Of course I mind.” Goh bristles. “Are you out of your mind? I can’t spend two minutes around Gary without him being a jerk, and now I have to go home to him too?!”
Ash laughs nervously. He looks everywhere but Goh’s face. “Well… It’s not like you need to share a bed, right?”
“I’m going to kill you,” Goh mutters, and for a frightening moment Ash really believes it, too. But then—he relaxes. A hefty sigh draws Ash’s attention back to him properly. “Why couldn’t he talk to me about this, anyway? He really should have asked me in the first place, and you shouldn’t have said yes before he did. You’re both smarter than that.”
“He should’ve been here by now, actually.”
“He should’ve— Oh, you’re kidding me.”
Ash glances back to see what’s caught Goh’s eye so suddenly, and, yep. No confirmation needed, really; Ash has become rather familiar with that blazing look, and, though he’d never tell Goh, it’s half the reason he agreed to let Gary stay with them in the first place.
He smiles as Gary approaches. “Hey, Gary! You look great!”
It’s the truth, too; he’s not holding any of the tension he was the last time Ash saw him, just before he went off to Unova for some kind of conference on the origins of fossil Pokémon. Come to think of it, he’s seemed stressed for a while. Years, even. Maybe having housemates will be good for him, in that case.
“Good to see ya, Ash. Goh.” He takes up the chair next to Ash and flashes an easy grin across the table at a fuming Goh. “Long time no see.”
“That’s all you have to say?” Goh demands. “This isn’t very funny, you know. You and Ash going behind my back—it’s really rude, actually. I never asked—”
Gary puts his hands up, as if in surrender. “Hey, don’t go getting the wrong idea, Goh. You guys are doin’ me a huge favour, and I’ll be good, promise. Besides, Ash told me you were okay with it, so if anyone should be on the receiving end of this verbal lashing, it oughta be him, not me.”
Ash smiles sheepishly when Goh turns his glare on him. “It’s just for a while, right? Besides, you’re always saying stuff I can’t keep up with, and I know it frustrates you. Gary can match your pace, right?”
There’s that sigh again. It’s long-suffering, sure, but Ash knows a concession when he hears one.
Goh picks up his menu and grumbles out something that sounds like, “Fine.” When Gary looks his way, Ash just shrugs and reaches for his own menu. Things will work out. They always do.
They don’t work out right away, of course. Goh and Gary bicker over everything from the arrangement of the dishes (“The cups face down, not up!”) to Goh’s taste in books (“Couldn’t you have picked a more reputable author than this?”). Ash takes it in stride, content to let them squabble until they find a compromise, which despite Goh’s insistences otherwise, they usually do.
Gary brings a sort of balance to their daily routines, though. Like Goh, he is more of a night owl than Ash, and after dinner they find their quiet peace on either side of the couch where Ash can only assume they remain for hours even after he has gone to bed. In the morning, he often wakes before Goh and helps prepare breakfast, which Goh undoubtedly appreciates if only because he is a more versatile—and admittedly talented—cook than Ash.
Eventually, their compromises begin to outweigh their conflicts, and most of their arguing is more or less good-natured teasing (on Gary’s end, at least—“good-natured” may not be Goh’s first choice of word).
One evening, after Ash has cleaned up from dinner and then gone out for a brief training session with his Pokémon in preparation for an upcoming tournament, he returns to the apartment to find Goh and Gary not on opposite sides of the couch, but sat together in the middle. They don’t do much more than glance up when he enters, apparently engrossed in some kind of research paper laid out between them. They are so close their shoulders are touching.
Ash turns away to hide the smile it brings to his face, knowing neither of them would necessarily appreciate seeing it. He stands there for a while, though, just watching; every so often, one of them will comment on something, and the other will respond in that serious, academic voice they so rarely use with him.
Eventually, it is only exhaustion that pulls him away from the scene. But it stays in his head long after he has fallen asleep, a dream he’s had many times before that couldn’t possibly measure up to the real thing.
Though the tournament is nothing more than a local doubles competition, Gary and Goh both insist on coming to watch Ash compete. They have nothing better to be doing, apparently, a fact he is equal parts grateful for and annoyed by, because it turns out they are more distracting than he previously gave them credit for.
He boils it down to the fact that he’s never seen the both of them sit so close to each other for so long without Gary making one antagonistic jab or another or Goh getting fed up with him for breathing too arrogantly, or something. This isn’t completely true, because the scene from the couch last week has played out a few more times since, but maybe it’s the novelty of seeing it in the middle of the day, in public, knowing that a year ago they might have managed this only for his sake, but today their comfortable companionship is more than a series of simple compromises.
Still, he forces himself to focus as best he can; he is lucky, at least, that his Pokémon know him well enough to understand his intentions even when his attention isn’t all there. He wins the tourney, but narrowly; Pikachu chastises him for his distraction after the final battle, but, well…he can’t help it if he doesn’t quite hear it over the sounds of Gary and Goh cheering his name, in shocking unison, no less.
They both approach him after. Goh throws an arm around his shoulder while Gary pries the trophy from his hands to get a better look at it.
“That was great!”
Gary glances up with a wry smile. “You really pulled through there, Ashy-boy. What’s got you so distracted today, huh?”
Ash blinks. His grin falters, but he quickly covers it up with an awkward laugh. “I dunno. Guess I’m just a bit tired, is all.”
“You have been going to bed later than usual,” Goh remarks. “But if anything, that just makes your win more impressive, right?”
Ash scratches at the back of his neck. “I’m not so sure about that…”
“Well, either way.” Gary passes the trophy back to him with a brief, searching look. “Congratulations. Let’s go home and have something to eat.”
Ash feels Goh react to the word home, a clenching of his muscles and then…he relaxes. Smiles. Says, “Sounds like a great idea. I’m starving.”
On the way home, they walk on either side of him. Whatever Gary may or may not think, he says nothing more of it, but his arm brushes against Ash’s a few times as they walk, and he knows it doesn’t matter anyway. He’s proud of Ash. He’s just glad he was here to support him. He doesn’t have any easier of a time admitting than he does in admitting he’s glad Goh was beside him the whole time, too.
Gary keeps a closer eye on Ash during the evening hours, perhaps prepared to send him off to bed at a more respectable hour (he doesn’t point out that even his own mother wouldn’t enforce a bedtime anymore, if only because he’s finds Gary’s mother-henning the slightest bit endearing at the best of times), which unfortunately means he can’t spend quite as much time watching he and Goh curl up on the couch together and gossip about whatever budding researchers gossip about.
He finds other moments to watch them, though. Over dinnertime conversations when Goh leans over the table towards him without even realizing it. When they are cleaning up after the fact, dancing around each other in the kitchen with the ease of practice established by joint Project Mew missions many years ago, or when they occasionally don’t coordinate well enough and bump into each other, only to exchange light-hearted quips about the others lack of perception and laugh it off. Or when all three of them settle down in front of the TV, where Ash usually finds himself sandwiched between the two of them, and Gary stretches an arm across his shoulders until his fingers are brushing against Goh, as if that was his intention all along.
Weeks turn into months, and Gary still hasn’t gone anywhere, but Goh stopped asking when he was planning to quite some time ago. He’s still sleeping on the couch, though Ash has offered his bed many times. He’s always met with a scoff and a dismissive wave. “I’d rather not get punched in the face in my sleep, thanks.”
Once, Ash points out that Goh has slept beside him with no incident plenty of times, and Gary’s face turns a subtle shade of pink. He turns away and mutters, “Yeah, well, no accounting for sheer luck.” It is the end of the conversation; Ash keeps it in his head for a long time after the fact, wishing he could figure out how to make Gary that flustered again.
So he does think it’s a bit unfair when he wakes up one night to find the couch empty. Initially, he is concerned, but a quick look at the coffee table assures him Gary has left most of his things, Poké Balls included, behind, so he likely is still in the apartment somewhere. This suspicion is confirmed when he eases open Goh’s door to find them both curled up on the bed, sound asleep.
He only just manages to clamp down on the impulse to wake them up and demand they let him join long enough to take a photo. Gary’s arm is slung loosely over Goh’s chest, while Goh’s leg is crossed over Gary’s at the ankle. They are close enough together that their heads are touching.
With that out of the way, he feels little remorse for disturbing the peace. They begin to stir when he lifts their limbs out of his way, but don’t fully register what’s happening until Ash has flopped down in the narrow space between them.
“What the…?” Gary cranes his neck, squinting through the shadows at him. “Ash? What are you doing?”
Goh’s a bit quicker to react. His glare is surprisingly easy to make out in the pitch dark. “It’s the middle of the night!”
“Yeah, well.” Ash puts his head against the pillows, intent on relaxing even as they both radiate irritation. “I had that feeling like I was missing out on somethin’, that’s all.”
He feels the moment the situation registers for them both. Their muscles go tense, and then Goh shoots upright.
“It was an accident,” he says quickly. “We didn’t mean to fall asleep. We were just…”
It’s too dark to see it, but Ash has a feeling his cheeks have grown rather red.
“Making out,” Gary says. “Or whatever else you’re thinking. That.”
“No!” Goh shrieks. “Gross. Shut up, Gary. He was reading a book to me.”
Gary makes a small, pathetic noise from Ash’s other side. Inexplicably, it reminds Ash of the day he mentioned sharing a bed with Goh.
Ash pushes himself upright too, frowning. “Okay, well…either way, I mean—I’m just saying, I like your mouth too, Gary, whatever it’s doing, so…”
“Way to get to the point, Ashy,” Gary mutters.
“Ash, ew. You have the wrong idea.”
“Nah, I don’t.” He grabs a hold of Goh’s arm and tugs at it, until they both fall back down to Gary’s level. Even then, he doesn’t let go, and Goh doesn’t ask him to. “Sure, I’m not always the smartest, but I’m not blind, y’know.” He stops, briefly overtaken by a yawn, then glances over at Gary. “If I’m really wrong, you can tell me, but…”
Gary turns his head slightly, so their eyes meet through the dark.
“You’re not wrong,” he says quietly. “But you did choose a really stupid time to bring it up.”
Ash hears Goh swallow, the way he does sometimes when he gets nervous. But he still doesn’t push Ash away.
“Point taken,” Ash concedes. “So let’s just sleep now and talk about it in the morning.”
Goh melts into him, the tension finally draining out of his muscles again. “Okay. Yeah. Morning it is.”
A sigh from the other side, and then Gary’s head falls back against the pillow. “You’d better not punch me in my sleep.”
Ash brings his free hand down to find Gary’s, intertwining their fingers, and raises their joined hands up to rest against his own chest. He closes his eyes, lips turning up in a small smile. “Wouldn’t dream of it,” he says.
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foli-vora · 2 years
the punisher
frank castle x f!reader x matt murdock
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A/N: god that belt scene. right now i’m working on something completely unrelated to these two but i couldn’t focus until i got this little snippet down because it kept playing in my head like a fucking primetime movie. i’ve been playing around with Frank x f!reader x Matt for a while and this is a cheeky taste of a poly series i’ve got planned for the future.
Summary: Frank dishes out his punishments. (even though he’s giving it all that in this little drabble, i’m absolutely certain he would still melt like butter for these two every now and again)
Word count: tis but a filthy drabble, just over 500 words.
Warnings: SMUT 18+ ONLY. It’s filth right off the bat. Rough handling, rough p in v sex, purposeful finger gag, use of restraints, dom!Frank, illusions to a bratty!reader and softdom!Matty.
“You’re too damn soft on her,” Frank grunts, hips not faltering from their ruthless pace as they slam against yours. “You give in too easy. You think she doesn't know what she’s doin’? Nah, she knows. Don’t you, sweetheart?”
Your mouth opens to reply, mind rushing to keep up with the rough husk of his voice, but his fingers slide along your lips and dive into your mouth, swiping over your tongue and down your throat. You gag around the thick digits, face creasing with a muffled moan as the tang of his skin melts into your taste buds.
Matt grunts at the noise, his own expression tightening when another flood of your sweet arousal hits his senses. He inhales sharply, arms fighting the thick twist  of rope wrapped around his frame and keeping him tethered to the headboard. The thin frame creaks under his pull, but the bonds remain secure and he’s helpless to aid you in your blissful punishment.
He’d lost count of the amount of times Frank had dragged your body to the peak of climax, only to leave you hanging with a slowing of his pace, or a change of his patterns - refusing to yield to your breathless pleas, and merely chuckling at your pitiful whines whenever he stopped paying attention to your throbbing clit.
“Just give it to her, Frank, she’s been good -”
“Nah. See? That’s exactly what she wants, and you know it, Red.”
He tears himself away from you and you cry out at the sudden loss of his weight, your body automatically reaching for him as he moves back to rest on his heels. He bats your hands away, his own coming to grab at your body and roll you onto your front. His fingers dig into your hips as he pulls you up onto your knees, your sweat slicked forehead resting against the ground as he lines the blunt head of  his cock up to the entrance of your cunt. 
“She knows you’ll give in to her, but not me, hey sweetheart?”
Your reply fades into a broken cry when he slams forward, filling you to the brim and not giving you a chance to catch your breath as he restarts the punishing slam of his hips. Your fingers claw at the ground, nails catching along the hardwood and Matt groans again, tongue slipping out to run along his lips.
You feel so damn close, the heat of your body rolling over him and the erratic thud of your heart deafening in his ears, but you’re still too far. Frank had ripped you from the bed the second you had reached for Matt’s naked and bound form, desperate to feel him and hopefully loosen a knot or two. Your fingers barely grazed the tops of his thighs before you were dragged away.
Matt shifts on the tangled sheets, the drag of cotton rough and unforgiving against his skin. His painfully stiff cock sits untouched against his stomach, precum weeping from the tip and smearing against his skin with the more muffled cries that reach his ears. He was certain this was his punishment as much as yours.
His head tips back and hits the edge of the headboard, the crease between his brows deepening as his cock throbs with each slick slap of flesh. “Frank, please -”
“You think I’m gonna give in to you, Red? After all the shit you let her pull today? Not a damn chance in hell. You shut your mouth and wait your turn.”
didn’t bother with tags because it’s tiny & i didn’t want to bother anyone lmao. if you do want to be tagged for any matty and frank, please fill this form out and i’ll add you to my lists x
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Pairing: Tom Hiddleston/reader
Summary: Where you meet Tom Hiddleston accidentally after an adorable surprise in the park
Warnings: none
A/n: This is just a blurb I thought of after YouTube recommended me a video of actors playing with animals, tell me if you'd like to see any other actors /characters with this prompt!
I closed my laptop with a loud and drawn out huff. Eight whole hours I've been sitting in this chair and typing until my fingers hurt, my back and legs locked in the same rigid position.
I did a full body stretch, toes pointing, curling and hamstrings shuddering as various pops resounded through my body. I grabbed my mug and tipped the last remains of the tea I brewed down my throat, it had long gone cold considering I let it sit there for three hours. Meh, still tasted good to me.
I groaned as I made eye contact with the large pile of dishes in the sink, the stacks leaning against one another. It had been a product of my procrastination, one of many that I realized as my eyes wandered over the room. I let another groan slip past as I furiously rubbed at my face, the lack of sleep mixed with the days frustration gave me an overwhelmed feeling.
There wasn't any way I was getting anything done with my current mindset, I needed to relax before I threw myself at my domestic chores.
"Sadie" I called grabbing a jacket and leash off of the coat rack, I heard a rustling from the other room before a cacophony of clicks on the hard wood got closer. Sadie Marie, my senior Siberian husky, she was happy as she was chunky, appearing from the other room.
"What ya doin mama? We gonna go on a walk." I cooed as I clipped the leash onto her,
"My chunky potato.." I baby talked her as I squished her face, I'd probably sound like a crazy person for how much I baby talk to my dog, I could give less of a care really.
She couldn't be happier, her tail wagging at my words despite having no idea what I was saying, she's just happy to get attention.
We walked out of the building into the pleasant air, it was decently warm out, but a spring chill still lingered in the shadows. I set a leisurely pace and Sadie waddled next to me, her thick fur giving her all the temperature control she needed.
About ten minutes from my flat was a nice little dog park we frequented often, it had nice green grass and had just been remodeled. I liked to let Sadie stretch her legs a little in the fenced in area while I read on a bench just outside, it provided good scenery considering it was in the middle of a park.
I rubbed Sadie's face one last time before unclipping her leash, she waddled off to sniff a tree. I chuckled before making my way out and finding a bench, preferably one where I could keep an eye on the potato.
Half a chapter into my book, I felt a wet nudge on my knee. I jumped slightly before realizing it was a dog, a chocolate brown Cocker Spaniel to be specific.
"Aw hi sweetie. Wander off on your own did you?" I laughed finding him hooked to a leash, but no one on the other end. I combed through his fur repeatedly as I got a hold of his licence tag,
"Hello Bobby, of.... Oxfordshire." I laughed as his tail wagged happily, I petted him absently as I looked around for someone looking for their dog.
"Well Bobby, why don't you stay with me until we find your mama." I knew with him being a beautiful breed, many wouldn't hesitate to dog-nap him.
"Glad I found you before someone else did." I whispered. He was well groomed, I felt his middle, no pronounced ribs. Paws and teeth clean and no fleas or ticks to be found.
"Your one healthy mans Bobby." I cooed. Checking on Sadie, who was in a game of tug on a stick at the moment, I again surveyed the park around me.
“Bobby! Where'd you go bud! Bobby!" I heard the calls a little ways away, I sighed in relief.
"Come on Bud." I gripped his leash tightly as I stood, I didn't want to stray far from Sadie in fear of her getting dog-napped herself.
(If they could lift her that is..)
Bobby's owner appeared from down one of the dirt paths, looking frantic. He had sunglasses on and a guitar strapped to his back, his clothes slightly disheveled.
"Over here!" I called, waving to the man, Bobby wagged his tail as the man got closer. The man's body language was relieved, but still almost, suspicious.. In a way.
As he got closer I could see he was very attractive, strong jaw and handsomely combed hair. As he approached I realized he was very tall, much taller than I was for sure. And he was familiar. I brushed it off as possibly seeing him here before, though I'd notice such a handsome stranger...
"Oh my goodness, I can't thank you enough! Completely my fault, I wasn't paying attention and he got exited, and and.." He trailed off dropping down to pet and hold Bobby, I beamed, he definitely thought the world of him and vise versa.
"Oh no it's alright! Really, he came right up to me. I was a little shocked to see such a pretty boy, he was very well behaved." The end of my sentence morphing back into that baby voice as I scritched his back.
The man smiled widely at me, standing back up to tower over me. I swear I knew him from somewhere...
"I'm so glad you found him, who knows if someone else would have." I agreed with a knowing nod, I smiled again while securing his leash in the man's hand, blush rising with the close contact. He stared at me with a fond look for a moment before sticking out his hand to me,
I smiled and returned the gesture, his hand almost completely covering mine. I gave him my name with a small laugh, he then caught me off guard.
"Lovely to meet you." He said in a soft voice while brushing his lips over my knuckles, I gasped softly as my face turned bright red.
I retracted my hand with a shy smile,
"The dog park here, this is where our original destination was until-" he gestured to Bobby who was sitting on my feet,
"Decided to go off on an adventure." He said, we both laughed,
"Well, my Sadie is in there if Bobby would like to make friends." Tom nodded fondly, he gestured us forward.
After letting Bobby into the fenced yard, I started to make my way back to my bench.
"Mind if I join you?" Tom asked with a kind smile, I nodded and patted the spot next to me. He unclipped the guitar from his back while he sat,
"Do you play?" He asked noticing my interest in the instrument,
"Not as much as I used to" I admit sheepishly, he nods fondly before removing his sunglasses.
He had gorgeously blue piercing eyes and long lashes, which I'd admit made me a tad jealous. I wish to be half as pretty as this man before me. His eyes flit away from my own before fixing his gaze on the pen,
"Which is yours? " he asked nodding towards the group of canines running the fence line,
"Ahh.. Actually" I pointed to the lump laying under the tree from earlier, when I said stretching her legs I meant it in her own way.
Tom laughed quietly,
"Yea.. She's old, twelve years old and chunky." He asked her breed, temperament and such. Conversation seemed to flow freely between us as we watched our pets a few feet away.
"You take wonderful care of your dog Bobby." I said after a moment of comfortable silence,
He frowns for a moment,
"I'll be honest with you, my heart dropped when I realized I couldn't find him. That little scoundrel" he chuckled, I laughed as well,
"I can definitely tell you adore him, and he you." I turned to smile softly at him, he returned the expression before a small crease formed between his brows for a moment.
"This is going to sound absolutely crazy for the situation, but would you like to grab coffee after this, as a partial thanks?" I was slightly shocked, this handsomely beautiful man was asking me out to coffee?
"Oh you don't have to thank me with coffee, it was really no trouble-" he laughed slightly before I could finish,
"Partially as a thanks. I find you quite a beautiful young woman, and if you accepted the coffee invitation, it could maybe lead to a date or two.." His confidence didn't waiver during any of his speech, I gaped at him for a moment before composing myself with a smile and a blush.
"You've got this all planned out, don't you? "
He grinned,
“Why of course darling~"
Now that voice is something I've definitely heard before.....
A/n: Hope you liked it! It's the first one of my many saved drafts that I've decided to post, message me with ideas if you'd like, id love to hear from you!
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tommyhardyx · 3 years
Mr Solomons - Chapter Five
** Updated Version **
Pairing: Modern!Alfie Solomons Word Count: 4.4K Summary: It's finally time for your date with Alfie. Warnings: smut, swearing Note: And here we go it's time for the first date! I hope you enjoy and please let me know if you do!
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Ever since you agreed to the date with Alfie you’ve struggled to keep the man out of your mind.
The days leading up to Saturday begin to drag, work becomes boring and repetitive as you spend your days researching an upcoming article, and you find yourself constantly checking the clock hoping it’s getting closer and closer to the weekend so you can finally put all your focus into Alfie.
At coffee, with friends, you tune out unintentionally, your mind always going back to him. You had spoken to him a couple of more times since he asked you out, trying to coax the meaning behind why you need a leather jacket to go out to dinner with him but he never breaks, never gives you anything more to go on than ‘just trust me, you’ll need it’.
When Saturday finally rolls around, the mixture of excitement and anxiety for the night ahead wakes you earlier than intended and after a morning spent pacing around the house with nothing better to do than think about what might come from tonight Nancy finally has enough, dragging you out to your favourite coffee shop to take your mind off Alfie, refusing to address any mention of him and for the first time since you said yes you find yourself distracted, Alfie banished from your mind finally.
By the time you get home it’s late enough to start getting ready, Nancy blasts loud music to get you in a good mood while she helps you decide on your outfit for the night, helping with your makeup and hair, keeping you smiling and laughing until it’s only a few minutes to 7. She gives you one last tight hug before sending you out the door, a smile of luck and an encouragement not to come home tonight.
Waiting on the pavement outside your building, butterflies flying up a storm in your stomach, a smile pushes its way onto your face as the reason for Alfie’s confusing text asking you to wear a leather jacket finally makes sense.
He pulls up to the curb right in front of you, the motorbike he sits on loud enough to drown out your thoughts of worry as he turns off the engine and pulls off his helmet grinning at you, his eyebrows lifting as he looks over you.
“You look incredible,” he says, taking a moment to look over your body. “You ever ridden one of these?”
You shake your head as he offers a second helmet to you, his smile a comfort as you reach out a hesitant hand to take the helmet.
“All you gotta do, yeah, is hold on tight.”
Slipping the helmet over your hair, praying it won’t mess it up too much after all the time you and Nancy spent on it, you ease yourself onto the bike behind Alfie, your arms immediately slipping around his waist as you push your body against his back.
“Good to go?” he asks, and you nod. He must notice your anxiety, his hand moving to squeeze one of your own gently “Don’t worry love, I won’t let you get hurt yeah?”
Nodding slightly you rest your head against his back and say quietly. “I trust you.”
Your hands grip each other as Alfie revs the engine, your stomach doing a little flip as he pulls out onto the road and you swear you hear him chuckle when your arms tighten around his body.
It’s surprisingly easy to distract yourself from your fear as you focus on the feel of Alfie’s body beneath your arms, feeling his muscled torso this close to you has you thinking less about the possibility of crashing and more about what he might look like without his shirt off.
You’re so distracted by your thoughts that you don’t realise at first that you’ve slowed to a stop, and that Alfie has cut the engine until he speaks.
“So, how was that?”
It takes a minute for the question to sink in, and you’re sure he knows what has got you so distracted by the smirk on his face. He swings himself off the bike, waiting for you to take your helmet off to hold a hand out to you.
“Not as bad as I thought,” you admit, taking his offered hand as he helps you off the bike. “Still terrifying though.”
“Told ya I wouldn’t let you get hurt,” he says with a wink.
You smile up at him, enjoying the feeling of his large hand holding yours so much that you squeeze it tight when he tries to pull away, his smile mirroring yours at the motion.
“Right, well we’re in here,” he explains, pointing to a Jewish restaurant in front of you. “Hope you don’t mind.”
“Not at all! You’ll have to tell me what’s good though, I haven’t eaten much Jewish food before,” you admit.
He nods, holding the door open for you. “I can do that.”
The inside of the restaurant is small, cozy even, setting you at ease as a waiter guides you to your table and Alfie holds your chair out for you.
Both of you hang your leather jackets over the back of your chairs, Alfie’s outfit underneath finally showing itself properly. The crisp white shirt, combined with the black slacks and vest is a good look for him. He has the sleeves rolled up to expose his forearms, giving you a glimpse at some of the tattoos that litter his skin.
Alfie helps as you read through the menu, pointing out some of his favourite dishes always with little anecdotes of his mother making them for him when he was young, his love for her clear every time he speaks about her.
As your food is placed in front of you, you give him a look.
“I’m putting my trust in you, if I don’t like this it’s your fault,” you tease and he gives you one of his wide grins.
“Then I guess I’ll just have to make it up to ya if you don’t,” he promises with a wink.
“I’m holding you to that,” you tell him, pointing your fork at him before taking your first bite.
The food is delicious, the slight moan you let out on purpose causing a smirk to spread onto Alfie’s face and you’re sure you notice his tongue flick across his lips.
“Alright then?”
“It’s incredible,” you mutter, digging into the dish once again and enjoying the way Alfie smiles at you as you eat.
The conversation flows as the meal goes on, your nerves disappear the more he asks about your life and your family,
As dinner comes to an end and the two of you make your way back outside to his bike you realise you don’t want the night to end quite yet, though to come out and just say you’d like to go back to his place might sound a little desperate. He hands your helmet to you, the question on his lips as he intently looks you over, looking for any sign you might want to get out of this now.
“Do you want to come back to my place for a bit? I’m sure Cyril would like to see you again,” he says, the offer of his dog making the offer sound a little less like all he wants is to get you into bed.
“Yeah, I’d like that,” you almost whisper, slipping the helmet back on.
When you reach Alfie’s building, you have to make an effort not to allow your jaw to hang open. The massive brick building looks to be an old factory that has been converted into flats, and approaching the large brown metal door, you wait a step behind Alfie as he types in the code for the door.
“This is where you live?” you ask, and Alife smirks as he opens the door for you.
“It is,” he says, following you inside and guiding you through the foyer to wait by the elevator with a hand resting on your lower back.
Built into the exposed brick wall beside the elevator is a bench lined with red velvet and you sink into it while looking around the room, glad to get off your feet for a moment.
“This place is incredible,” you tell him, looking around in an attempt to take everything in.
Alfie watches you, one hand in his pocket while he twists one of his rings around his finger.
“Used to be a piano factory in the 1800s, then a photography space, and now apartments. I was one of the first to buy ‘ere. It’s close to the distillery and big enough for Cyril not to feel cramped,” he explains.
The elevator door opens, and he holds out a hand that you happily take as he helps you off the bench and into the elevator, your feet still burning from your shoes.
“Oh well Cyril is of course the most important,” you say, grinning at the man.
Inside the apartment you can’t help but look around in wonder, the place is huge with a gorgeous open kitchen and massive curved sofa facing a wall of bookshelves with a large TV in the middle. Just like the foyer the apartment is filled with exposed brick walls, and metal, all to great effect.
You’re so preoccupied with the apartment you almost miss the thumping sound of heavy paws on the wooden floors.
“Hello Cyril,” you say as the dog comes running over, his tail wagging madly behind him and Alfie holds onto the dog’s collar to keep him from tackling you to the ground. You reach to scratch behind the dog’s ears, smiling at the way he leans into your touch.
“Think he missed ya,” Alfie says, squatting down to the dog’s level.
Watching Alfie with Cyril never fails to make you smile, the man’s face lighting up at the mere sight of his dog, his chuckle making your stomach flip in the best possible way as he scratches under the dog’s chin.
“How’re you doin’ mate?”
You make your way to a wall of framed photos, there’s one of a woman you assume is Alfie’s mother holding a young boy which could be no one but Alfie himself in her arms, another more recent photo of Alfie and Ollie outside the distillery, and another of Alfie with his arm around a girl that must be his sister.
“Is this Hannah?” you ask as Alfie comes to stand by your side.
“Hm? Yeah, that’s her, made me take that photo with her,” he admits, running a hand over his beard.
“What’s she like?”
“She’s brilliant. Fucking smart, don’t know where she got that from, she’s an engineer. She’s also a pain in my arse, but I love her,” he explains, shoving his hands into his pockets.
“I’d love to meet her someday,” you say as you turn to the photo of him and Ollie. “When was this taken?”
“Day we opened the distillery. Fuck, I was terrified that day, had no fucking clue if we would fail or succeed. Ollie kept me from panicking. Yeah, he kept me calm. He’s good at that,” he explains.
He rubs a hand over the back of his head, a move that almost seems like nerves as he keeps his gaze on the photo in front of him.
“He encouraged me to ask you out, so if this goes well expect him to never fucking shut up about it,” he mutters, making you laugh.
The two of you make your way to the couch, the conversation flowing long enough that Cyril gets bored with the lack of attention and goes off to occupy himself some other way and you find yourself moving closer to Alfie, his arm resting along the top of the couch just beside your head.
As the two of you continue to talk, your eyes move from his face down his toned body and you begin to wonder just what he looks like underneath those clothes.
Alfie’s hand settles on your hip, his face mere inches from your own so close you can feel his warm breath on your skin. His eyes search your face, moving from your eyes down to your lips and your heart pounds with anticipation as you wait for him to make his move.
“Are you going to kiss me or stare at me all night?” you whisper.
He grins, his free hand reaching to cup your cheek as he finally presses his plump lips against your own. Your hands move slowly up his chest, fingers grasping the material of his shirt.
“Finally,” you whisper, mouth breaking into a grin as he rests his forehead against yours.
Alfie matches your grin, his hands settling firmly on your hips as he lifts you with ease, settling you onto his lap as his lips find yours again his tongue slipping into your mouth tangling with your own.
Your hands move up his muscular arms, the feeling of them beneath your fingers making you groan into his mouth.
“Let’s move to the bedroom yeah?” he asks, voice gruff as his lips press along your jaw.
“Yes,” is your breathless response, your fingers tangling in his hair as he stands, your legs wrapping around his waist.
His hands find your backside, squeezing the skin as he carries you to his bedroom, kicking the door closed before Cyril can find you and follow you in.
Alfie sets you down on your feet and you immediately reach for the buttons on his vest, desperate to see the body you’d felt beneath his clothes on his bike. You manage to get the vest off, pushing it down his arms and immediately do the same to his shirt, grinning at the sight of his muscular, tattoo-covered chest.
“See something you like?”
“I do indeed,” you tell him, reaching up to kiss his lips as your hands find the buckle on his belt, easily getting it open before unbuttoning his trousers and shoving them down his hips.
“Right, your turn then,” he says.
His hands are rough as he pulls off your clothes, the outfit you’d painstakingly picked out for tonight mixing with his own discarded on the floor.
Alfie groans at the sight of you in just your black lace underwear, and when you reach to hook your fingers in the waistband his hand is quick to cover your own.
“Leave ‘em on,” he mutters, his lips finding yours once again as he pulls your body against his.
His hands roam over your back, moving down to your lace covered backside, fingers digging into the skin as he lifts you up and carries you over to the bed, dropping you onto your knees.
Alfie watches, hungry expression on his face as you lie back against the mattress, your legs opening to give him a view that makes his cock twitch, but he ignores it as he climbs onto the bed, hands reaching for your legs as he pulls you closer to him.
“Fuckin’ hell,” he breathes, hooking your legs onto his shoulders.
His lips press a trail of kisses down the inside of your thighs, his beard brushing softly against your skin as his fingers brush along the lace of your panties, hooking a finger along the strip of material hiding your slit from view.
A gasp leaves your lips as his tongue first runs along your slit, flicking against your clit. He clearly knows what he’s doing, he’s well practised and you both know it so you let your head fall back and enjoy it, his tongue feeling incredible against the most sensitive part of you.
Your grip in his hair tightens as you feel your orgasm impending, his tongue working you faster as you move your hips rubbing yourself against his face.
The moan that escapes your lips as your orgasm crashes over you is louder than any you’ve let out during sex, and your fingers grasp his hair tighter as you come down from your high.
“Fuck,” you mumble, head tipped back as Alfie pulls away, wiping his mouth on the back of his hand watching you with a grin your grasp on his hair finally relaxing.
“Alright, there love?”
You groan, looking down at him and rolling your eyes at the smug grin on his face as he takes hold of the black lace between his teeth and slowly pulls them down your legs.
Discarding them, Alfie kisses his way up your body and once he’s close enough, you take his face in your hands, pulling him closer so you can kiss him, tasting yourself on his lips as his hands find your waist.
“You have condoms?” you whisper against his lips.
“In the drawer,” he mutters, pulling away to reach over to fish a condom out of the drawer. He stiffens as you reach down to grasp his already hard cock in your hand swearing as you begin to slowly stroke him.
Alfie settles onto his knees, fumbling with the condom while trying to get it open as you continue you stroke him grinning at how distracted he is with just one hand on his cock.
“Need some help?” you ask, earning a glare from him as he finally tears open the packet.
“Got it,” he mutters, swatting your hand away so he can roll the condom on himself, stroking his cock a few times as you lie back against the pillows, smiling up at him as he watches you, mesmerised by your body.
He lines himself up with you, rubbing himself along your slit as you reach for him, your arms wrapping around his neck as you pull him down closer to you.
“Fuck,” Alfie groans at the same time you let out a gasp as he finally slides into you, his thickness filling you up. He pauses for a minute, his lips finding your own once again and your nails dig into his back as he starts to thrust.
He feels perfect inside of you, much better than previous lovers. The way he holds you as he thrusts into you, his lips kissing every inch of your skin he can reach, your nails scratch paths down his back as you wrap your legs around his waist.
You try to match his pace, moving your hips back into him as he trusts, but soon enough he takes over, and you do nothing but lie there and let him, the feeling of him making your fingers grip him as tight as you can, your toes curl, and your lips unable to say anything other than his name.
His thumb finds your clit, rubbing the sensitive ball of nerves as you find yourself getting closer to the edge again.
Your lips collide with his as you both find your climax, your tongues tangling together as you moan into his mouth. He continues to thrust until you’re both spent, finally pulling out as he pulls his lips away from yours.
Alfie rests his forehead on your chest as he catches his breath, his hands holding your waist as you run your fingers through his hair, feeling guilty for how hard you pulled on it earlier.
Soon enough he sits up, pressing his lips to yours.
“I’ll be back in just a minute,” he says, his lips brushing yours.
He gets up and you watch his bare arse as he makes his way into the en suite.
Left alone with your thoughts, you sigh as you sink back into the pillows, slipping beneath the blankets as the cool air makes a shiver run through your naked body. This isn’t how tonight was supposed to go, you never do this on the first date, never go this far so quickly. But somehow, with Alfie, it doesn’t feel wrong. It feels right.
Alfie makes his way back into the room and climbs into bed beside you, those big arms reaching towards you to hold you tight against his body and tucking your head in under his chin.
“So you’re a cuddler are you?” you tease, settling into his chest.
“You can’t tell me this ain’t fucking nice,” he says, lips pressing against the top of your head.
It is nice, so nice that you don’t want to leave. But this is only the first date, you never intended to have sex on the first date and now you’re on the verge of already spending the night with him when all you intended for tonight was to have dinner.
You can already imagine the look on Nancy’s face if you come home tomorrow morning, still wearing the outfit you’d worn tonight. The idea of that smug look alone is enough for you to shift so you can kiss him softly.
“I should go,” you whisper against his lips.
“Stay the night,” he mutters, his arms tightening around you as you attempt to pull away. “I’ll cook ya breakfast in the morning.”
“Oh well that changes things,” you tease.
“Just stay.” Alfie’s eyes are drifting shut, his face softening as he holds you a little tighter and while you’re telling yourself to take this slow, that you really should leave and give yourself time to process the night’s events, everything about him is telling you to stay.
Gently you press a kiss to his chest, your hand gently rubbing his side as you settle in against him. His fingers brush softly along your arm and a tired smile stretches across your face.
“Alright, I’ll stay.”
The first thing you notice the following morning is Alfie’s arms still wrapped around you.
It takes you a minute to work out what’s going on, where you are and why arms are holding you against a solid chest, but soon enough the night before comes back to you. Alfie’s promise of breakfast and his tired voice asking you to stay the night brings a smile to your face as you glance up at him.
“Good morning.”
He’s awake but just, his eyes half open, a deep frown on his face as he reaches to rub his eyes with one hand.
“Mornin’,” he mutters, voice deep from sleep.
You press a kiss to his chest, earning a grumble from him as he throws his arm over his eyes to block out the light breaking through the gaps around the edges of the blinds.
“Not a morning person?” you ask, fingers curling in his beard.
“Didn’t I fucking warn you ‘bout that?”
“Nope. It’s cute though,” you tell him, laughing when he grunts in response.
You sit up, pulling out of his grip and glance around the room looking for wherever your clothes ended up last night.
“Third drawer, grab a shirt if you want,” he mutters, pointing to the chest of drawers on the other side of the room.
“Thanks,” you say, leaning in to kiss his cheek before sliding out of the bed.
As you approach the drawers, you hear the sound of scratching on the bedroom door followed by a loud whine. Cyril.
“Fucking hell,” Alfie mutters.
“Where do you keep the dog food? I’ll feed him,” you offer, slipping a grey t-shirt over your head and your underwear back up your legs.
“It’s in the kitchen. Can make yourself a cup of coffee while you’re out there if you want.”
“You want one?”
“I’ll get it when I’m awake,” he mutters, turning over to bury his face in the pillow. When he speaks again, his voice is muffled. “Don’t go making any fucking breakfast, told ya I’d do it.”
Opening the bedroom door, you manage to slip out without letting Cyril in to disturb Alfie and lead the large dog out into the kitchen. You fill up both his food and water dishes before making a cup of coffee, sinking into the couch with it and smiling when Cyril comes to join you, his head resting on your lap.
The morning is quiet, peaceful, as you sip your coffee and gently brush your fingers through the dog’s fur.
Soon enough Alfie emerges from the bedroom, dressed in a matching shirt, his hair a mess atop his head.
“You awake now?” you ask, watching as he makes his way over to you, his frown hidden partially behind a pair of glasses you’ve never seen him wearing before.
“Partially,” he says, stopping to pat Cyril’s head.
“I didn’t know you wear glasses,” you point out, smiling as he leans in to press a kiss to your head.
“I wear contacts when I go out. Too fucking tired this early in the morning to put ‘em in,” he explains, swiping your cup of coffee from your hand and taking a sip.
He twists his face up in disgust, handing the mug back to you as you laugh.
“Fucking sugar. How do you drink it so sweet?”
“It’s because I’m so sweet,” you joke, earning another kiss to the top of your head.
“That’s true. Now, breakfast,” he says, clapping his hands together startling Cyril who quickly lifts his head to see what the noise was. “Relax mate, only me. Pancakes sound good?”
“Sounds perfect. Do you want help?”
“Nope. You keep that pretty arse of yours right there, yeah?”
You grin up at him, angling your chin just right before speaking. “Okay, now come give me a kiss.”
He happily obliges you, leaning down to press his soft lips to yours before heading off towards the kitchen. You watch over the back of the couch as he cooks, looking content as he cooks and you decide to join him.
“Thought I told you to stay over there,” he says as you pull yourself up onto the benchtop.
“I wanted to be a little closer to you,” you tell him.
Alfie grins as he comes to stand between your legs, your hands finding his hips as you bring his face down to yours.
“If they burn them cause you’re fucking distracting me you’re eating the burnt ones,” he mumbles against your lips.
“Worth it.”
He chuckles against you, his chest rumbling with laughter as he presses a kiss to your forehead. With ease he pulls himself from your grip, so he can flip the pancake in the pan.
“Too bad you put your shirt back on, should have left it off,” you comment, grinning at the glare he shoots at you.
“You think so aye?”
You nod, grin widening as he sighs and strips off his shirt, playfully throwing it at you.
“Much better.”
Watching Alfie, his hair a mess, bleary eyes hidden behind his glasses, mouth stretched open in a yawn as he cooks you breakfast, you find yourself yearning for more of this in the future.
Tags: @tommymcartney @misselsbells06 @lauren-raines-x @innerpaperexpertcloud @lizyshores
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Diabolik Lovers VANDEAD CARNIVAL ;; Present from Mukami [PART 1]
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ー The scene starts in Yui’s bedroom
Yui: Today’s Christmas Eve, huh...?
( When I was still living with Father, we were always extremely busy during this time of year with preparations for the Christmas Mass. )
( We would decorate the church for the Mass...or make tons of sweets to hand out to the children as gifts... )
( Somehow that feels like part of a distant past now... )
ー Kou enters the room
Kou: Heya~! M-neko-chan~!
Yui: ...Kou-kun?
Kou: No need to act so surprised, right? What’s wrong? You seem kind of down?
Yui: Um, could you please knock on the door before entering? I’d really appreciate it...
Kou: Eh~~? Why bother going through the extra trouble?
Besides, I live here, remember? My house, my rules, no?
Yui: H-Hm...That might be the case, but...
( I have a feeling he won’t understand... )
So, why are you here? Is there anything you need from me...?
Kou: Hm~~? I only came to hang out because I was bored~
Yui: I see. Are you off from work today?
Kou: Exactly! Today’s my first free day in a long time!
Anyway, more importantly, M-neko-chan. You were talking about how it’s Christmas Eve today earlier...Right?
Yui: Yeah...I had a bit of an ‘oh, right!’ moment.
Kou: ‘Oh, right’...? You’re talking as if you only just noticed.
Yui: Yeah...But I really did recall only now. It totally slipped my mind...
Kou: To think you’d forget about such an important event! Is everything okay, M-neko-chan?
Yui: I mean, you guys don’t celebrate Christmas, do you?
Kou: Hmー Well, we’re Vampires after all. We obviously don’t feel like celebrating it, nor are we interested.
Yui: ...Figured as much. There aren’t any Christmas decorations inside the house either...
Besides, I haven’t gone out much as of late either...
Kou: Now that you mention it, you’ve just been going back and forth between here and school without making any additional stops, huh?
If you were to head out, you’d discover that the whole city is in a Christmas mood. 
There really is no way to look past it, whether you like it or not...
Yui: Yeah, but I haven’t gotten a chance to go look...So I completely forgot...
Kou: Hmー...
Ah, say, M-neko-chan? How have you spent your Christmas Eve in the past?
Yui: Eh...?
Kou: I mean, I don’t know how normal families celebrate the holidays.
Yui: Hm...Right. My personal experience might be a little different from the standard though.
Kou: Heeh? In what way?
Yui: You know that my Father works as a Priest, right?
Kou: Ahー I feel like I heard that somewhere before.
Yui: We hold a Mass at church on Christmas day, so we have to prepare for that the night before.
Kou: Prepare? Like the Christmas lights they put up in town?
Yui: Yeah. Ours weren’t quite as elaborate, of course.
On the day of the Mass, the visitors light a candle, take a seat and pray...
Then afterwards we read passages from the Bible.
At the very end, someone will play the orgle and everyone sings together.
It creates such a lovely medley of singing voices...I loved that part.
Kou: Hmm, I see...But is that actually fun?
Yui: Yeah, it is. It is an important day to me after all.
( It’s a day full of memories of the time I spent with Father as well, after all... )
Kou: Hmー So that’s how it is. I mean, I don’t really understand but...Oh, I know!
The other day, this one person at work told me that Christmas Eve is a special day you should spend with your lover. (1)
Have you ever spent Christmas Eve with a special someone before?
Yui: No...I was always helping out for the Mass at Church after all...
Kou: I see...
ー Ruki enters the room
Ruki: The two of you are making a ruckus. At least close the door when you’re talking.
Yui: Ah, Ruki-kun...Yuma-kun and Azusa-kun as well. What’s the matter?
Yuma: We just happened to run into each other in the hallway. Ya guys were talkin’ hella loud.
Yui: S-Sorry...
Azusa: Eve and Kou...The two of you seemed to be having a fun chat.
Kou: Really? It wasn’t anything special though.
Ruki: Anyway, Kou, come with me. Livestock, you stay in your room.
Yui: S-Sure...
Kou: Eh~~...? Oh well, whatever. I got to learn something new at least.
See you later, M-neko-chan~!
ー The four of them leave
Yui: They left...
( Somehow it suddenly got quiet. )
( ...Honestly, I wouldn’t have minded talking for a little longer... )
ー The scene shifts to the living room
Kou: ...Say, say, Ruki-kun. Why don’t the four of us throw a Christmas party?
Ruki: Haah...I was wondering what you would bring up all of a sudden.
Kou: I mean, M-neko-chan seemed kind of sad, you see~
She was raised at a Church, right?
So it seems like Christmas and such brings back a lot of memories for her.
Yuma: So that’s what the two of ya were talkin’ ‘bout earlier, huh?
Azusa: ...Say, what is...Christmas?
Kou: Ah, are you interested, Azusa-kun?
Christmas itself is on the 25th of December and the day before that is called ‘Christmas Eve’.
It’s the day on which they celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ~
Azusa: Heeh, then...Today is the 24th so it’s...Christmas Eve...right?
Kou: Exactlyー! So I was thinking we could hold a little celebration?
Ruki: Azusa, did you not celebrate Christmas back when you were still human?
Azusa: ...We did not have that kind of celebration...
Ruki: How about you, Yuma?
Yuma: Hmー... Now that ya mention it, I do feel as if the city was a lil’ more lively ‘round this time of year...I think...?
I might have celebrated it back when I was a child, but I forgot.
Kou: I’m pretty sure my answer should be obvious but...Ah, you must have celebrated it, right, Ruki-kun?
Ruki: Well, yes.
Kou: Makes sense. You are a rich boy after all~
Azusa: Say, Ruki? How exactly do you celebrate it...?
Ruki: You decorate the inside of the house, say your prayers to God and enjoy a meal with the whole family.
There’s special foods and snacks which are only enjoyed on that particular day of year...
Also, you would exchange presents...I suppose that about sums it up.
Azusa: ...Exchanging presents...I honestly don’t care about the exchanging part. I’d much rather just be on the receiving end of all the punches...
Kou: Ahaha...Putting your wishes aside for a second...
Don’t you want to try and hold a Christmas party?
We’ve never really done something like that with the whole family, right? Come on, why not?
Ruki: Family, huh...?
Yuma: That bein’ said, Vampires celebratin’ the birth of Christ is kinda fucked up, no?
Kou: Should we not? Do you think he’ll be upset with us?
Ruki: ...Well, while I doubt he will be thrilled about it, that man has connections to the Church of his own, so he might understand in a sense.
I doubt he will condemn us if we hold a small celebration at home.
Kou: Right~? In that case, let’s get this party rolling~!
Ruki: Yuma, Azusa. What do you two think?
Yuma: ...Ahー...
Azusa: ...
Yuma: Oi, Kou. The Sow’s havin’ a rough time, right?
Kou: Yeah, she is.
Azusa: I...personally don’t care much about the party itself but...I don’t want...Eve to be sad...
Yuma: Nnー Well, it’s not really for her sake, but I don’t see any harm in doin’ this sorta stuff for once?
Ruki: ...
Kou: Fufu~ In that case, we just need permission from Ruki-kun...~!
Ruki: Haah...You’ll all be helping out, including during the clean-up, understood?
Yuma: Oh! Which means...
Ruki: Exactly...I suppose it will make for a nice change of pace.
We haven’t really spent much time together as a family up until now after all.
Furthermore, pleasing Livestock is part of our duty as her masters.
Kou: Hooray~~!!
In that case, we need to get started with all of the preparations!
Azusa: ...
Ruki: Oi, Azusa. Where are you going?
Azusa: I figured I’d go...tell Eve that we’ve decided to hold a party...
Kou: Eh!? You’re going to tell her?
Yuma: Aah? Should we not?
Kou: Hmー Don’t you think this is a perfect chance to make it a surprise?
Yuma: Surprise...? The fuck’s that?
Ruki: It means to catch them by surprise. In other words, you keep it a secret until the very second they arrive at the party...
Kou: I’m sure she’ll be ten times happier than if she already knew about the party beforehand!
I’m an idol, remember?
So I’ve had people throw a surprise birthday party for me before. 
I felt so happy back then!
Yuma: Hm. Is that how it works? Well, fine by me.
Ruki: Azusa, you’ve heard us. You don’t need to go inform her.
Azusa: Mmh. Understood...
Kou: Hmー Holding a Christmas party is fine and all but...
Yuma: The problem’s how to prepare for it. We need to decorate the place, but I have no fuckin’ clue which decorations to pick.
Azusa: I wonder what kind of...dishes we should serve...?
Kou: Let’s leave that part to Ruki-kun.
Ruki: Right. Just leave the cooking up to me. Which leaves...
ー The scene shifts to Yui’s bedroom
Yui: ( Hm...It’s a little chilly in here... )
( I’m pretty sure quite some time has passed since the others left as well. I wonder what they’re up to...? )
( Right. I suppose I’ll check up on them while I go grab myself a hot beverage. )
ー The scene shifts to the hallway
Yui: ...
Kou: Let’s leave that part to Ruki-kun.
Ruki: Right. Just leave the cooking up to me. Which leaves...
Yui: ( Ah...Kou-kun and Ruki-kun’s voices... )
( I wonder what they’re talking about...? )
Excuse meーー
ー The scene shifts to the living room
Ruki: ...Oh...
Kou: Eh? M-neko-chan!?
Yuma: ...Ya sure have the worst timin’, huh...?
Yui: Eh!? I’m sorry. Should I not have come in...?
Azusa: No, it’s fine...We were just talking about throwing you a surprise Christmas party
Yui: Eh...?
Kou: Waiーー!! Azusa-kun! What are you saying!?
Azusa: I mean...It’s not like we can still cover it up at this point. If we try and hide it...We’ll only end up making her uncomfortable. ...Right?
Ruki: Yes, Azusa, you are absolutely right. We could have always sent her back to her room, but I’m sure she would have been worried about us secretly scheming something behind her back.
If we upset her, we’re basically rendering our intentions null.
Yuma: Haah, I mean, that’s true but...We could have at least tried to keep it a secret...
Kou: Haah...Guess there’s no point now...
ーー And with that being said, we shall now commence with the preparations of the Mukami family’s very own Christmas party~!
Yui: Eh...!? We’re holding a Christmas party together!?
Yuma: That’s what we said earlier, remember? Are yer ears still workin’?
Yui: No, they are but...I’m just shocked...
I’m just wondering if it’s okay for you all to celebrate Christmas even though you’re Vampires?
Ruki: You don’t need to worry about that.
Kou: Exactly! Don’t fret over the small details~!
Are you not happy? You get to celebrate with us!
Yui: Of course I am...! I’m just surprised, that’s all.
Kou: I don’t think there’s any time to be surprised though? We have to hurry up and  prepare or Christmas will be here before we know it!
Yui: Ah, right!
Kou: Okayー! Let’s get started with these preparations right away!
Azusa: Eve...We’ve never held a proper party before...Can you tell us what we should do...?
Kou: First off, it’d be a great help if you could give us some pointers on how to decorate the house.
Yui: Well, we have to make actual decorations first...
Ruki: I assume it would be much quicker to just head to the store rather than explaining it here first.
Yuma: Good point. I doubt I’ll understand from some explanation alone.
Azusa: ...Yeah...
Ruki: There you have it. We are heading out at once.
Yui: Sure!
ー The scene shifts to the department store
Yui: ( I never thought I’d one day go shopping with all of the guys like this... )
( That alone counts as a Christmas miracle. )
Yuma: Whatcha been grinnin’ ‘bout this whole time?
Yui: Ah, right. I’m just so happy we’re all able to go shopping like this...
Yuma: Heh, you’re gonna find yerself lost ‘gain if ya keep yer head in the clouds like that. Wouldn’t be the first time after all.
Yui: I...I’ll be careful.
Kou: Fufufu, so you’re aware of it at least.
Yui: Y-Yeah...
( It’s not that I actually walk away by myself though... )
Ruki: The food’s next on the list, huh? Oi, is there anything in particular you’d like to eat?
Azusa: ...I’d like something doused in plenty of red chili powder...
Ruki: ...Azusa, let’s try and stick to Christmas food this time.
Azusa: ...Fine...
But what exactly is ‘Christmas food’...?
Ruki: Hm...
Yuma: ...We don’t know if our personal preferences fit the holiday spirit after all.
So shouldn’t we just leave that choice up to the Sow?
Kou: Exactly. That’s why we called her over, so the two of you should talk it over and make a quick decision.
Ruki: ...I suppose it cannot be helped. That seems like the most time-efficient solution. 
Livestock, what did your family eat for Christmas?
Yui: Let’s see...I suppose Turkey or Roast Beef are both staples on any Christmas dinner table!
Ruki: You’re only naming meat...
Yui: Of course, we eat salad as well? Mixing in vegetables cut into cute shapes and such...
Yuma: The fuck does that mean? All veggies are the same, right?
Yui: You can use cutters to shape them like hearts or stars. I guess you’ll get an idea if we go to the deli counter...?
Yuma: Ready-made dishes?
Yui: Ah, I didn’t mean we have to buy anything, but I figured we could gather some inspiration.
Yuma: Geez, I thought ya were gonna take the easy way out. It’s a party after all.
So we’re obviously gonna make everythin’ at home from scratch, right?
Yui: Yeah! Of course.
Ruki: I suppose it’ll give us an idea of what we can make. Well then, let’s go buy the ingredients first.
Yui: I’m glad we got our hands on some delicious-looking meat!
Ruki: Yes. I’m looking forward to preparing it.
Yui: ( I managed to buy everything I need for the cake as well, so I’ll try my best at making it! )
( I hope they’ll like it... )
Kou: Say, let’s go pick out a tree next! The biggest one they have!
Yuma: Geez, are ya a lil’ kid or somethin’?
Yui: Fufu, you’re interested in decorating it, right?
Kou: I mean, it’s all sparkly and pretty, right? Just like me, no?
Azusa: Let’s buy lots of star-shaped decorations...
Kou: Come on, Azusa-kun. Don’t ignore me.
Azusa: Eh...? Ah, yeah...Sorry...
Yui: Do you like stars, Azusa-kun?
Azusa: Yeah...They’ve got these sharp and pointy ends...So I’m sure they’d hurt a lot...
Yui: S-So that’s why...
Ruki: Azusa, you better not think of tainting those stars with your blood.
Kou: Exactly! Today’s Christmas after all, a day you are meant to enjoy with your family!
Well then~ Which one to buy?
ー Kou runs off
Ruki: Oi, Kou. Don’t run off by yourself. 
I won’t allow for any extra purchases. We’ll only buy the necessities.
Kou: Eeeeeh~? Whaaat~? You cheapskate!
Ruki: I don’t mind being a cheapskate. This is important money we’ve received from that man.
I can’t be wasteful with it.
Kou: Well, I get where you’re coming from but...
Yui: ( Everyone seems to be having fun. )
( Like this, it almost seems like we’ve become an actual family... )
Yui: Phew, we bought more than I anticipated.
Yuma: That’s ‘cause Kou kept on wantin’ to buy all this shit, right?
Kou: Eeh~? You’re blaming me? Fufu, I won’t deny it. However, we didn’t buy anything we didn’t need, right?
Yuma: I mean, we didn’t, I guess...
Ruki: Let’s go over everything one more time. Is this pretty much everything we need for the tree and decorations...?
Yui: Yeah! We’re all set!
Yuma: We’ve got the vegetables I grew at home as well, so this should do.
Kou: Aah~ We’re actually celebrating Christmas. I can’t wait!
Ruki: Kou, you’re being way too excited. Mind your manners.
Kou: Oh come on, let me be! I never got to experience this as a child after all!
Yuma: Well then, we’re gonna be busy once we get home~!
Yui: Speaking of which...Where did Azusa-kun...? Ah, there he is!
( I wonder why he’s just standing there? )
Azusa: Say, Ruki...
Ruki: ...? What’s the matter?
Azusa: I want this knife...
Yui: K-Knife...?
( Why is he holding a knife...? )
Kou: Hold up, Azusa-kun, where did you get that?
Azusa: ...Why not? I want this to give me pain... 
Yui: A-Azusa-kun! What are you saying...!?
Ruki: Azusa, go return it to the store.
Azusa: Please? ...The shape of this blade is so pretty, and it looks very sharp as well...
Ruki: No means no. Azusa, you have to put it back where you found it.
Azusa: No way....But I want it so badly...I can’t give up on it...
Yui: Azusa-kun...
Azusa: ...Come on, I want it, no matter what...
Kou: Azusa-kun! You don’t need a knife on a fun day like this!
Azusa: No...This is special...
Yui: ( What to do? Azusa-kun’s not giving in at all. )
Yuma: Oi, at this rate we’ll never make it back home.
Azusa: Then...Can we buy it?
Yuma: Just listen to Ruki for today. Ya can buy that crap whenever, right?
Azusa: ...
Yuma: God, listen up...
Ruki: Azusa.
Yui: ( O-Oh no...Ruki-kun started getting angry as well. )
U-Um, Azusa-kun...
Yuma: Ya stay out of this.
Yui: B-But...
Yuma: Geez, guess it can’t be helped. I’ll go bring it back with him.
Ruki: My bad, Yuma.
Yuma: Yeah. ...Come on, Azusa, let’s go.
Azusa: ...No.
Yui: Ah! Yuma-kun! If you grab him by his collar like that, you’ll hurt him....
Azusa: Ah...It hurts...I can barely breathe...Haah...Amazing...Uu...
Yui: ( A-Azusa-kun is...happy? )
Ruki: Azusa, don’t cause Yuma too much trouble, okay?
Azusa: Yeah...
Yuma: Che! Ya say that but you’re already bein’ a pain in the ass! Come on, walk by yerself already!
Azusa: Nn, but...It’s suffocating...
Yuma: That’ll fix itself if ya just use yer own damn legs, no?
Azusa: It’d rather stay like this a little longer.
Yui: ( He’ll be okay, right? Yuma-kun’s with him after all... )
ー Yuma walks away with Azusa
Ruki: Let’s go. We’ll head back first and get everything ready.
ー Ruki starts walking away
Yui: Eh? Don’t we need to wait for them?
Kou: Yuma-kun may be with him, but knowing Azusa-kun...
Yui: ...?
Kou: Azusa-kun has a hard time letting go of things once they pique his interest.
Yui: I see...
( It might take a while until they get back... )
I hope it won’t turn into a fight.
Kou: Hmー I guess that’ll depend on Azusa-kun’s behavior?
Ruki: What are you two doing? Let’s go.
Kou: Roger~!
Yui: ( Yuma-kun’s actually quite good at looking after others, so we can leave this up to him, right...? )
 ー The scene shifts to the living room
Kou: Phew~ These were so heavyー
Ruki: Good grief, I’m exhausted...
Yui: ( We’ve got quite a lot of bags... )
Ruki: Well then, we’ve got no time to lose. Let’s start preparing.
If we procrastinate for too long, we’ll only waste time.
I’m heading towards the kitchen to get started on the food.
Kou: Gotcha~!
Guess I’ll get started with the decorations then.
Ruki: We’re counting on you.
Kou: Roger!
Yui: Ruki-kun, I’ll help out as well!
Ruki: Yeah, that would be great.
Kou: I’m looking forward to seeing what you’ll make for us!
Yui: Mmh! I’ll try my best to make something delicious, okay?
Yuma: Honestly, I went through fuckin’ hell and back!
I’m never cleanin’ up Azusa’s mess again!
Yui: S-Sounds like they’re back. He seems really upset though. I wonder what happened...?
Ruki: I assume Azusa threw one of his stubborn tantrums. Oi, Livestock.
Yui: Y-Yes!
Ruki: Go pass on this message to them. Please tell them they should get started with their own tasks.
Yui: Yeah, sure. I’ll go tell them.
ー The scene shifts to the hallway
Yui: Welcome back, you two.
Azusa: If I don’t get that knife, I’ll...I’ll...
Yuma: Aah, let it go already! What’s so damn nice ‘bout that knife anyway!?
Azusa: ...
Yui: ( Seems like they don’t even realize I’m here. )
( That being said, if I leave them be, they’ll run late with their preparations. )
Um, you guys! Welcome back!
Azusa: ...Wah...You startled me.
Yuma: Aah? The fuck, Sow? You’ve been standin’ there this whole time? 
Yui: Yeah...Um, Ruki-kun has already started preparing everything, so he’d like the two of you to help out as well. 
Azusa: But, the knifeーー
Yuma: Ya really don’t know when to give up, huh? We’re done talkin’ ‘bout that!
Azusa: ...You blockhead.
Yuma: Speak for yerself!!
Yui: ( O-Oh no... )
( I can’t leave things like this. I have to stop them somehow... )
Azusa-kun, Kou-kun has started on the decorations, so can I rely on you to help him with that?
Azusa: ...
Yui: Both me and Yuma-kun understand very well just how badly you want that knife...
But we have to get on with the Christmas preparations now, so I’d really appreciate it if you could help out...
Azusa: ...What about you?
Yui: Eh?
Azusa: What will you do?
Yui: I’m going to make the Christmas cake.
Azusa: ...Okay. I want to try your cake, so I’ll forget about the knife...For a while, at least...
Yuma: ‘For a while’, my ass! Forget ‘bout that thing forever!
Yui: Shh, calm down, Yuma-kun.
Azusa: I’ll go help Kou then.
Yui: Yeah, good luck.
ー Azusa walks away
Yuma: Heh. You’re really startin’ to get the hang of how to handle that guy, huh?
Yui: Y-You think so...?
Yuma: Well, whatever. Anyway, Ruki’s already in the kitchen, ya said?
Yui: Yeah, I think he’s getting everything ready to start cooking.
Yuma: I’ll go get some veggies from the garden then.
Yui: Ah, Yuma-kun! Could you maybe let me have some fruit to use for the cake?
Yuma: Roger. I’ll make sure to grab a few, so ya get yer ass over to the kitchen ‘kay?
Yui: Yeah, thanks!
ー Yuma walks away as well
Yui: Well then...
( I’ll try my best to bake the best cake ever as well! )
Translation notes
(1) While the holidays are often associated with family in the West, Christmas and especially Christmas Eve are strongly linked to couples in Japan. 
[ Part 2 ] →
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the--highlanders · 3 years
2. “You have no proof.”
on ao3.
He stood in the doorway, hesitating, his mouth half-open but his words reluctant to come out. Well, he thought, he could hardly blame them. They were not exactly pleasant words to have to speak. And he had no desire to inflict them on Jamie, of all people. A small part of him was still wondering if he couldn’t just turn around and walk away, never say anything at all. But it had to be done. The plan demanded it. And it was fairer to tell Jamie himself, rather than let it come from someone else.
His other option, of course, would be to go and tell Victoria first. An even harder proposition. No, he thought. Best to practice on Jamie, and leave Victoria for a little while longer.
Jamie had not yet looked up and seen him, thank goodness. He was sitting on the bed, turned slightly away from the doorway, hunched over something – a lump of wood, the Doctor guessed, from the flashing of a knife in his hand. Whittling away, totally innocently. Not knowing what was coming.
How he wished he didn’t have to do this. But it was too late now.
Who knew how long he would have stood there, debating what he ought to do. But luckily – or unluckily – enough, the universe took matters into its own hands. As he shifted his weight forwards a little, the floorboard beneath him creaked, and Jamie’s head jerked up. He hissed, holding out one hand before raising his finger to his lips, and the Doctor winced as the tang of blood floated up into the air. It would not be the last pain he would cause Jamie this afternoon.
Again he wondered if he should just turn and leave, but Jamie moved before he could even decide on what to do, twisting around to catch sight of him standing there hesitantly. His eyes lit up, and the knife of guilt twisted further into the Doctor’s stomach. “Ah – hello, Jamie,” he said. “I do hope I haven’t startled you.”
“Eh?” Jamie glanced down at his finger. The blood had been sucked away, revealing a mercifully narrow slash, but redness was welling up beneath the skin again. “Och, it’s just a scratch.” He grinned, shuffling over like he had to make room on the bed. But the Doctor made no move to sit next to him, and his face fell. “What’s wrong?”
“I need to tell you something.” Both the Doctor’s hearts were pounding, almost loud enough that he could not quite hear what was coming out of his mouth. He could only hope it was convincing. “Something you’re not going to like.”
Why on earth had he agreed to this? he wondered. To scapegoat himself? Oh, there had been a knife at his back when he had said yes – but could he not have been brave enough to take the fall? Not that Jamie and Victoria would have liked that any more. And with a little luck… well, a lot of luck, if he was completely honest with himself, his gamble might pay off, and this could all be sorted out rather neatly, without anyone getting hurt.
If he was wrong, though…
It was not so much the thought of punishment that bothered him. He could take anything dished out to him, so long as Jamie and Victoria were safe. It was the thought that they might believe the worst of him, and go on thinking that for the rest of their lives. If he failed to prove his innocence and ferret out the real killer, he would end up locked away, never knowing what they thought of him. Whether they could ever trust him again. Not that it would matter, with him mouldering away in some dark dungeon.
No time like the present, he supposed, drawing in a deep breath and closing his eyes. He could not bear to see Jamie’s face as he spoke. “It was me. I killed Thani’lar.”
Dead silence.
He had expected rage. Disappointment, maybe. To be thrown out of the room in anger. He had not thought about what he might do with silence.
“I’m going to hand myself in,” he carried on haltingly. Still not a syllable from Jamie, and still he did not dare to open his eyes. Perhaps seeing Jamie’s face would be better than the dark and the quiet – or perhaps not. “You won’t have to worry about me. There’ll be a trial – a formality, you understand, seeing as I’ll have confessed – and then they’ll lock me away. Everyone will be quite safe.”
More silence.
“They’ll look after you here.” What more was there to say? “The Cathions have one of the most advanced travel systems on this side of the galaxy, you know – they’ll be able to get you anywhere. Even back to Earth, if you so wish. I’m afraid you won’t be able to return to your own times – but I don’t suppose either of you would want to, anyway, so that’s rather a -”
He fell quiet, his mouth still opening and closing without a sound emerging. Had Jamie been agreeing that he would not like to return to his own time? Saying that he would not like to leave the planet? Something else entirely? How could he know?
Would it be safe to open his eyes?
Slowly, steadily, he opened them. Jamie was still not looking at him, staring down at the wooden block grasped loosely between his hands. His voice had been firm, but his expression was firmer, and the bottom dropped out of the Doctor’s stomach when he realised why he had said no with such certainty.
“I don’t believe it.” There he was, then. He had been right. “Ye wouldnae have killed him. It’s no’ – that’s no’ you.”
There was another thing he had failed to plan for. Jamie simply refusing to swallow the story. What on earth was he going to do about that?
“I can assure you, Jamie, I did,” he said gently. “I – I found him in the catacombs, and -” He had always thought nausea in the face of a simple idea to be a rather distinctly human reaction. Quite disgusting, and evolutionarily silly. But he had no other word for the feeling rising in his throat. “I broke his neck. It was all over very quickly.”
“No,” Jamie said again. “No, I don’t believe you. You’re – you’re just sayin’ it for some reason -” At some point, his hands had started shaking. The wood dropped to the floor with a clunk, rocking back and forth. “It’s no’ funny, aye? I’m no’ laughin’.”
“Neither am I.”
“Why?” Jamie snapped his head up to face him, his eyes blazing. “What reason would ye have for doin’ somethin’ like that?”
“He -” This was something he had prepared for, but it did not make it much easier to say aloud. “He wanted to stop me accessing the archives. I had to get past him.”
“Ye wouldnae do it like that. You’d talk to him. Break in there if ye had to. But ye wouldnae kill anyone to do it.”
Oh, Jamie. He always was a smart one. Too smart for his own good, in this case. “I didn’t plan to,” he said quietly. “He was just – in my way.”
“How did ye do it?” Oh, goodness, there were tears brimming in Jamie’s eyes, and in his voice. Whether they were tears of fright or anger or sadness he could not tell. Perhaps they were all three. “How did ye break his neck? With your bare hands?”
“Well – my people are rather stronger than humans, you know, Jamie. I’m perfectly capable of it, physically speaking.” Just not mentally speaking, as Jamie so clearly knew. But he could hardly say that.
“You’re no’.” All but launching himself up off the bed, Jamie strode over to take the Doctor’s hands, turning them over to inspect his palms. “You’re not – they’re no’ a killer’s hands. I know they’re not.” Seeing him up close was even worse. Don’t start blubbering away, the Doctor told himself sternly. His lie was apparently flimsy enough already. Crying wouldn’t help.
And then his hands were being lifted and fitted around Jamie’s neck, and his breath caught in his throat.
“Go on, then.” Jamie sounded like he was holding back tears himself. His grip on the Doctor’s hands was only just steady enough to hold them in place. “Do it. If ye can kill someone else, ye can kill me. But I’m bettin’ my life that ye couldnae do it.”
“Well – well -” He tried to wrench his hands away, but Jamie’s hold on his wrists was strong. “Jamie, be reasonable.”
“Ye couldnae do it!” Jamie cried, his voice full of something that could either have been elation or torment. Maybe a little of both. “Ye couldnae kill me, an’ ye didnae even have the strength tae throw me off.” Letting go of the Doctor’s hands, he swept away to pace across the room, gesturing wildly as he spoke. “Ye couldnae have killed him. I know ye wouldn’t have. I dinnae know why you’d say ye did.”
“Because I did kill him.
“Ye didn’t,” Jamie spat. “Ye have no proof. No proof.”
What more proof did Jamie need, besides his own word for it? What proof could he give, when none existed?
“Please, Jamie,” he said. “Don’t make this any harder than it has to be.”
“Ye have no proof,” Jamie repeated. “I know ye didnae kill him. I don’t know why you’re sayin’ that ye did, but I’m gonnae find out.”
That was the last thing he could afford. For Jamie to go poking around. Too smart for his own good, indeed. He was certainly clever enough to pick up the trail, perhaps even resourceful enough to follow it all the way to its root. And he would be killed for his trouble, without a doubt. The Doctor could not let that happen. He would never let that happen.
The one silver lining, he supposed, was that Jamie would not risk allowing Victoria to become mixed up in all this. If she ended up in danger, too – well, that would be far too much for the Doctor to bear. He would never forgive himself.
“Jamie,” he said again. When he reached out, Jamie backed away from him, so he paused, standing there lost and unanchored. “I know you’re hurting. I know you’re confused. But please – please, you must trust me. I’m doing what’s best for everyone.”
“Ye don’t always know what’s best,” Jamie snapped back. “Dinnae go tryin’ tae convince me, ‘cause it’s not going tae work. I’m never going tae believe ye. An’ I’m not going tae stop until I find out why you’re sayin’ this, an’ put an end to it.”
And the worst part was, he thought, that he had no doubt that Jamie was telling the truth. He knew the depths of Jamie’s loyalty, after all, and the depths of his determination. Never once had he imagined that it might turn against him like this.
Oh, dear.
This was going to be harder than he had thought.
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bokutoslittlebird · 3 years
Request : Hi! I hope you’re having a good day! I don’t know if you write for him, but I was wondering if you could something for Iwaizumi? All of the content for him is dom!Iwaizumi and I was wondering if you could do fem!reader topping him? Tying him down, overstimulation, pulling his hair, and maybe he’s not used to being bottom but he starts to like it 🥺 I’m sorry if that’s too much,,,,, pls take care!!
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I do write for Iwa-chan 😎 and I do usually write him as a dom and top but I can experiment! Except for Bokuto we ain’t doin that. I don’t think I’ll be doing anymore pegging at least for a while though (to be fair I made this request into pegging but still)
Includes: pegging, fingering (male receiving), sex toys [strap-on dildo, vibrating dildo, lube], overstimulation, brief hair pulling, handjob, bondage (just hands)
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Switching It Up
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The visit of the two guests in your house weren’t unwelcome, in fact they were almost always over. Your boyfriend seemed to act as if they were always unwelcome, but you had a feeling he’d be lonely if they avoided coming over. Matsukawa enjoyed the food and drinks you would have in stock simply because his large appetite was insatiable. Hanamaki enjoyed the booze you had in stock, able to use the hard earned money of his friends and he always had a place to spend the night, even if Iwaizumi told him to get out. He never did, just sleeping on the couch. You always made sure to make enough breakfast for him in the mornings, too.
Your playful tone of telling Iwaizumi to stop being mean to his friends had started a whole new topic for the men. It was a slightly uncomfortable one, but it wasn’t something for Mattsun and Makki to let go anytime soon.
“He’s a simp! Of course he bottoms for her!”
“You’re a simp, too! You don’t bottom for anyone,” Iwaizumi shot back. Makki snickered, trying to not choke on his morning omelet.
“I’d bottom for that fine ass, no questions about it,”
“You’re such a liar. You? Bottoming?”
“Okay, I wouldn’t. But,” Mattsun held up a finger, pointing it at Iwaizumi, “you would.”
“I’m her Daddy, what makes you think I’d bottom?” He grins, hearing your gasp of disbelief. Makki shrugs, snickering some more as he nudges Mattsun.
“You could call her Mommy. Switches exist, Iwa-chan,” Makki mocked Oikawa’s voice at the end, making Iwaizumi throw his spoon at his head.
“Alright, no throwing things, boys!” You shout at them, hand on your hip as you point. Each one of them bows their head and apologizes. Makki once more snickers at Iwaizumi, who picks up his spoon and puts his dirty dishes in the sink.
“I’ll do the dishes later, babe,”
“Okay, sweetie,”
“Ew, affection,” Mattsun groans, laughing as him and Makki erupt into a laughing fit. You roll your eyes and press a kiss to Iwaizumi’s jaw, leaving the room to do something else. With your departure, Makki and Mattsun are subjected to Iwaizumi’s wrath with no witnesses.
That night, after dinner, Hanamaki goes back to his own place and Matsukawa also leaves. With his early work schedule, Iwaizumi needs to go to bed early. Of course, with his hectic morning and afternoon, he was a bit tired. One thing never failed to put him to sleep, though, and that was fucking you into a stupor. When his hand against your hip squeezed, a thought came to mind.
“What if.. I did top you?”
“Wait, what? You’d want that?” His answer makes you feel silly for asking, turning over with a pout. He scoffs, but his arm goes over your waist. “You’re serious, aren’t you?”
“Is it too much?” You never really considered your relationship with him until now. It just naturally fell with Iwaizumi being the top and you being the bottom.
“Not— not necessarily,” he assures you. “I’ve never thought about it. We can try it, once at least,”
“Really?” Your bright eyes turn to him, full of hope. He smiles at you, brushing your hair out of your eyes. “You’d let me?”
“We’d need to prepare, research, and set down rules before we head into this. Diving head first without an understanding could be dangerous. How about for tonight, we’ll cuddle and tomorrow we can start getting ready to change things? We can start on my day off,”
“Aw, you’re the best!” You cheer, pressing a wet kiss to his cheek. He blushes and smiles, snuggling against you. “Simp,” you mutter. He growls and pinches your hip, telling you to stop. You smile, knowing you’re right.
Within the week that passes by, you and Iwaizumi do your own research on preventing any unseen consequences. Each day was a new thing to experience, pushing your fingers into him to let him get used to the feeling of being entered, sometimes pushing in a toy you came to own. Each day was something new but it was progress. Progress to the day when Iwaizumi was completely off, his day free to spend with you.
Another groan from him had you licking your lips, his cum dripping from your hand. His cock was turning red, the head swollen with sensitivity from his consecutive orgasms. Even though you didn’t blindfold him, his eyes were mostly closed, looking to the sides as he arms flexed with each tug of the binding rope. It wasn’t going to hurt him if he struggled, but it might hurt a bit with how strong he is. Once he’s finished, chest heaving as shaky breaths come out, you decide it’s time for the main event.
“Can you roll over? Or shall I do it?”
“I— I can do it,” he pants out, maneuvering himself. It’s the same position he’s been in twice the past week, but this time you’re in charge. With his face flush against the pillows, he raises his hips in the air as his cock hangs down. Rubbing your hands together, you warm up the lube and apply it to the silicone toy, the warm liquid glistening in the lamplight.
With a button, the buzzing silences you remove the purple toy, vibration finished as its left on the bed. Slick fingers delve into him, rubbing against his walls as he gasps, the massage more intense than he expected. “Is it warm enough? The lube, I mean,”
“Y-yeah,” with his word, you prepare to enter him. The feeling of having him under you gives you a sense of power, above him as you push into him. The dildo is thick in girth and long in length, stretching him out to his limits. His gasps are expected, a muffled moan as you continue to push into him. Once you’re flush against him, you start to gently thrust into him. More strained moans come from him, arms flexing as he tenses his arms.
“Relax, Hajime. I won’t break you,” you joke, picking up the pace. Once your thrusts are smooth, easily sliding in and out, you snap your hips to his as the squelching sounds come from his hole. With drenched fingers, you make sure to give his own cock some love as he push into him. Another moan comes from him, but you push his head back down against the pillows as your other hand keeps pumping him. In tandem with your thrusts, you find yourself being Iwaizumi closer and closer to his next orgasm, his final one of the night. Your hand on his head pulls his hair, bringing his head up as he lets out another groan, feeling your thumb tease his swollen slit as more of his cum shoots out, splashing against his abdomen and the sheets, dripping into a puddle.
The only sounds filling the room are the heavy pants from both of you, only to be replaced by Iwaizumi’s heavy breathing. As you put him on his side and undo the bindings, you see he’s passed out. With a test of his stamina, you’re not surprised. You won’t leave him like that, needing to properly clean him up, but one thing is certain for you.
“We should do this more often,”
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jstlikemagic · 4 years
nsfw alphabet: jeff wittek
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hiya everyone! so someone had asked if i could go in-depth on my bdsm breakdown of jeff but i had already gone through the acronym. SO! i remembered that the nsfw alphabet existed and thought it’d be put to great use on this blog. please reblog or like if you enjoyed! :)
a = aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
jeff is definitely very caring after sex. if he knew he pushed you and went a little too rough on you, i could 100% see him getting an ice pack for your welts or putting some cream on them just to make sure you’re okay. i also feel like after sex, he would check in to see if you enjoyed yourself because he believes he has to have a top performance. imagine he went to rough on you and you were having trouble walking, so he picks you up bridal style and carries you to the bathroom to make sure you pee (no uti’s in this bitch) and to make sure you’re cared for. then he’d carry you back to bed and tuck you in:,)
b = body part (their favorite body part of their partner’s)
i believe jeff is an ass guy. some may debate on this BUT even if you don’t have the thiccest of the thiccy, he would love it regardless. with or without the sex, he seems like the type to always have his hands on your ass no matter what. doing dishes? his hands smack your ass. y’all are kissing? his hands are on your ass. if you’re riding him, he would most definitely guide you with his hands on your probably already bright red cheeks. / if you wanna read a little bit more about this, read my bdsm breakdown! 
c = cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
he’d def want to finish on your ass or all over your tits. if he’s fucking you doggystyle and is about to come, he’d pull out and release his cum all over your ass. if he was finishing while y’all were in missionary, he’d instruct you to sit up on your knees and push your tits together. you’d put your tongue out just to see if you’d get a little taste of his cum and he’d jack himself off and aim at your tits.
d = dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
sometimes he’d like to pick fights with you because he knew the makeup sex would be BOMB AF. or even if y’all didn’t make up, the angry sex would be so rough and fulfilling. he’d love to have the chance to wrap his hand around your throat or manhandle you but you didn’t mind it at all because it was CONSENSUAL and you knew he wouldn’t push the boundary.
e = experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
i’d say he’s very experienced. he lost his virginity at the age of 12 so he’s had about 18 years of practice. plus his last girlfriend is spicy as hell so i wouldn’t surprised if they fucked all the time or had $picy sex :)
f = favorite position (this goes without saying)
g = goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
not really. not to say y’all would never be goofy but i’ve always thought that like if something went wrong during sex, you would laugh it off and he’d get embarrassed. imagine you and the vlog squad are taking a trip in an rv. so you and jeff are trying to get it on in the bunks, i could 100% see him fucking hit his head off the top bunk and you’re just laughing his ass off and he keeps on saying that it isn’t funny and to shut the fuck up lol
h = hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
he is 100% a ken doll down there. he cares a lot about his image so i’m sure he’s well maintained under there.
i = intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
“as far as making love, i can see him as extremely passionate but soft at the same time? like i feel like he would be soft in the way of talking to you. like i can imagine him gassing you up and just calling you beautiful and telling you how much he loves your certain features. like he’d just be a complete softie! his strokes would 100% send it home and he’d probably be gripping the headboard while thrusting into you passionately.“ (taken from one of my blurbs)
j = jack off (masturbation headcanon)
if you went on a business trip or a vacation, he is def relying on his hand. if you’re around, i can’t see him doing it often. maybe you had somewhere to be and he caught a glimpse of you and got horny. so while you’re gone, he decides to masturbate and you realize that you left something. so you walk back to the apartment and nerf comes tapping to you. hearing moans coming from the bedroom, you turn to nerf and say ”hey nerf, what is daddy doing?” you inch closer to the door and the moans become more prominent. slowly opening the door, you’re met with a naked jeff, abs well defined, and his hair sticking to his forehead due to all the sweat. “woah woah woah, y/n, what are ya doin’?” he’d panic. getting all shy, you’d tell him to continue and pretend you’re not even there as you search for the item you left behind lol
k = kink (one or more of their kinks)
“some kinks that i see jeff would have are: double penetration, dirty talk/degradation, and candle wax play. when it comes to double penetration, i don’t mean in the typical way of two people filling both holes. i don’t think jeff would want to share his partner so i envision more of his partner (who has a vagina) wearing a butt plug while he fucks his partner’s vagina. another kink we can explore is dirty talk with degradation. just like david, i can see him saying stuff like ‘can you take daddy’s cock like a good girl?’ (hehe daddy kink) and ‘do you like it when daddy fills your holes like the slut you are?’ dirty stuff like that ya kno?“ (taken from one of my blurbs)
l = location (favorite places to do the do)
it depends. if y’all are at a hotel for example (like the one in miami), it’s the balcony. i could see him fucking you from behind while pulling your hair and nipping at your neck. if it’s a casual day in the life; the bed, the couch, or maybe even the barber chair? when i think about having sex in the chair, i think of his partner first giving him head while he’s sitting in the chair, then transitioning to riding him in the chair, and maybe you’re holding onto the arms of the check and fucks you from the back. :,)
m = motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
what turns jeff on? every part of your being. as corny as it sounds, he seems like you could just make a funny joke and everyone laughing would turn him on????? that maybe sounds weird but he’d be so into you that something as simple as that could get him going. also when he catches you dancing at a party and just exuding confidence all over the place!
n = no (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
probably roleplay and every that’s too taboo. i could see him not enjoying roleplay because he’d think it’s “too cheesy”
o = oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
i believe he prefers to receive other than give. and no one come for my neck for saying that. it doesn’t make him selfish because his stroke games seems a1. 
p = pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
it depends. if y’all are making love, it’s slow and sensual. if it’s a hookup or just fucking, y’all are going fast and rough. (here’s a blurb where i talk about both of these)
q = quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
they wouldn’t happen often but if you did it, it was in a public place. i can totally see jeff and his partner hooking up really quick in david’s bathroom during a party because y’all literally couldn’t wait till y’all got home. other than that, i feel like he really wouldn’t like to rushed so quickies didn’t happy as often as with someone like david.
r = risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
i think he’s down to experiment but it depends. i don’t see him as OUTRAGEOUSLY kinky but say one night you’re like “hey wanna try anal?” he might be hesitant at first but try it after you beg him. i feel like if it’s what his partner wants, he’ll do it because he’s a sucker for them.
s = stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
he’s a pretty healthy guy so i’d say three rounds TOPS. and as far as how long does he last? i’d say 30-45 minutes! 
t = toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
the only toy i could envision him wanting to try on you is a butt plug. due to the fact i’ve stated that i think he’s an ass guy, i think he would go nuts to see his princess with a pink and glitter butt plug in all its glory. :,) 
u = unfair (how much they like to tease)
i don’t think he’s into teasing that much during sex. i think he’s clear, concise and to the point. however, i believe he’d be the biggest tease before sex. like imagine sitting on his lap in david’s tesla after leaving the club. and his hands are just stroking the inner part of thighs and he’d lean into your ear and say something like “can’t wait till we get home mmmm-” and then kiss your neck
v = volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
he’s definitely loud. matt king said he was loud when he masturbates and i believe it. i feel like he has more breathy moans and low moans???? definitely a grunter as well
w = wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
he’s definitely against threesomes with a male partner. he may be willing to share you with a female friend but i could see him still getting jealous over sharing you. if there was a threesome with you and another woman, he would be the one to dictate the situation. like telling you two to kiss and or feel each other’s tits or get the other woman off.
x = x-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
this has been a topic of discussion many of times on my blog but i’ve come to the conclusion; he may not be thick but he’s long.
y = yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
he definitely has a high sex drive. y’all remember that jeff’s barbershop episode when matt said he could hear jeff masturbate a lot? joke or not, i believe it. due to his flirty nature as well, i could see him definitely down to fuck 24/7.
z = zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
i feel like he would knock tf out. this guy gets up early in the morning and powers throughout the day so if y’all have sex late at night, he’s knocked. but if it’s early in the mornings, that’s just one way for him to start the day. he would probably lay in bed for like 30 minutes then take a shower and start his day.
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lu-undy · 3 years
Valentine’s Week Day 1
Hello Ladies and Folks,
I am participating in the Valentine’s week event held by @dontneedadispenser !
This is Day 1 and amongst the suggested themes Beginning/Ending/Family, I did not choose Family. Here is the link for it on AO3 or I copy-pasted it here under the cut, enjoy!
There was a knock at the door with the knife symbol. 
Dinner was done with and Sniper had taken his time washing the dishes. Oddly enough, Spy didn't stay with him in the kitchen to help. Mundy knew that the Frenchman was sometimes just a bit tired of everyone's chattering at the dinner table. 
"Huh?" Sniper frowned. His knocks received no answer. He knocked again. 
"Come in." 
Mundy pushed the door and entered. 
"Hey, darl'! Sorry for the wait, loads of dishes tonight and I kept daydreamin' away." Mundy removed his sleeveless jacket and put it on the coat hanger without thinking about it. He looked over to the sofa. Lucien was standing up, pacing the room in front of the fireplace. Mundy went on. "Well, to be honest, I was uh… I was thinkin' of you. Couldn’t wait to see you."
Mundy took a seat on the sofa but Lucien kept on walking left, right, left, right. 
The Frenchman stopped pacing the room and sighed. That's when Mundy noticed the overfilled ashtray on the coffee table and the bottle of wine of a non French château. That, in Lucien's language, was bad news. Mundy's eyes shot back up to his lover. He was maskless, the first few buttons of his shirt were open and he had rolled his sleeves up. He was smoking what looked like his billionth cigarette. 
"Somethin's wrong?" Mundy stood up and went to his lover. "Hey, Lu'?" He went to wrap his arms around the man who looked so handsome, even if his hair was ruffled and his brow furrowed. But Lucien pushed him back and took a step away from him. "Lucien?" 
Mundy's heart sank to his feet. He was used to Lucien having his moments of distress, of doubt, of frustration, especially when he thought back about his past days, or as he called it, his past life. But never before had he rejected Mundy's affection. On the contrary, Lucien always welcomed it warmly as he knew that it was in fact all he needed.
"Lu'...?" Mundy stayed there, his arms open for a hug that he never received. Lucien was giving him his back. "What is it? Did I do somethin'?"
"Non." Was the first word that the Frenchman finally uttered.
"What is it, then? Tell me." 
Lucien sighed and walking past Mundy, he crushed his cigarette butt in the ashtray on the coffee table.
"Take a seat, Sniper." 
Mundy's eyebrows jumped. Lucien never called him "Sniper" in private… He would at least use his name, if not a "mon amour" or another pet name. Mundy nonetheless obeyed while his eyes never left his lover. Lucien carded his hair back, still standing in front of the dancing flames of the fireplace. He took a deep breath and sighed.
"I… Think that the arrangement we have been having for months now should come to an end." 
Mundy's eyebrows jumped. 
"W-what? The arrangement?" The Aussie was not only distraught but almost disturbed by how cold-blooded the word was. Arrangement. They hadn’t signed a contract or anything, it just.... It just happened! 
Lucien turned and his ice blue eyes met with Sniper. Mundy's heart had stopped.
"I am sorry as this must come as a surprise to you. But I have thought it through, again and again. You see," Lucien started pacing the room again in front of a devastated Mundy. "At first it was only once here, once there. Physical needs, nothing personal. But it has grown into something that has now invaded my life." 
Lucien paused to take a deep breath. 
"I…" Mundy was speechless and utterly bewildered. "What…?" He was holding his tears back while Lucien walked back and forth in front of him, with his gloved hands in his pockets and his eyes glued to the ground. 
"Now, you have crossed a dangerous line, Sniper, the line of sentimentality. You hold feelings in your heart for me. Non, do not try to argue, I can see it in your eyes and in your body language. Long gone are the days in which you would wait for me to open the door for you, long gone are the days where I had to put your vest on the coat hanger for you. You now walk in this suite with baffling familiarity." 
"I'm sorry… Spook, please…?" 
"Non." Lucien stopped sharp and looked Mundy in the eye. "No more 'Spook'. And pray let me finish." 
Mundy put a hand on his mouth. His heart had either stopped completely or was about to burst out of his chest. His legs were unresponsive and his fingers trembled on their own. 
"You see, this arrangement could only last so long, here, in the middle of this base, both of us working to test weapons for a hat making company. None of this makes sense, but of course, neither do you or I. You, the solitary hunter, an exceptional sharpshooter; and me, the man of a million secrets whose very face remains one for most."
Lucien paused and went to take a seat on the armchair. Mundy's eyes stayed riveted on where he was standing. His heart was broken to smithereens. After all that time, after those battles, after all those evenings of silly drinking, all those getaways in the van, on the weekends, all those outings to town, the meals, the movies…?
"W-why? I… I understand you want more space, it's ok, I can give you that, I won't come here unless you ask if that's better, Spook, but please don’t destroy everything." He pleaded.
"Non. You do not understand." 
Lucien stood up again and walked around the sofa. 
"You do not understand." He headed to his bedroom and emerged again. Mundy was now standing up. He had removed his glasses and his hat. 
"You do not understand that I am tired of your knocks on my door."
"I do understand! And now what? You're leavin' me! After all we did and all! You're just… You just spent ages here telling me that I'm just invading your space, well, if that's the problem then I can see you less often, I'm sorry! I didn't know you didn't like it as much as I do!" Mundy answered. His heartbreak had turned to anger and frustration. 
"On that you are right, I do not enjoy your visits as much as you do." 
Mundy's jaw dropped but he quickly clenched it and frowned furiously. 
"Well then I won't come here again! Just… Just come to the van whenever you fancy!"
"Non. That will not be necessary." Lucien answered, still as cold-blooded as ever. 
"Doesn't it do anythin' to you?!" Mundy exclaimed. "Any bloody thing?"
"For fuck's sakes, we've been together for months now and out of the blue you snap at me and break up, and you expect me to just say ok and walk away?! I thought we were honest enough to understand each other! I thought…! Bloody hell!" Mundy punched the wall and clenched his jaw harder. The pain felt good, it poured cold water on his boiling nerves. "Why didn't you say anythin earlier? How the hell did you just turn like that? I mean… I don't get it…! I thought we were doin' very well and…ugh." Mundy covered his eyes with his sleeve to wipe the tears and hide his face. He turned his back to Lucien. 
He didn't answer. 
“I apologise for the suddenness of this. I understand that it does come as a surprise. I do admit it is rather impulsive of me.”
“Rather impulsive?! Rather imp - Mate!” Mundy snapped. “You’re telling me you just woke up this morning and thought ‘Oh yeah, let’s dump him!’ Is that what happened? Bloody hell! I was so wrong about you! I thought…!”
“Well if Scout had reacted that way, yeah, right, I guess he’s young and he is how he is, but you? You? You’re… You’re much more mature, you’re more calm, you think before you do stuff, right? You don’t just wake up with an impulse and act on it!” Mundy’s shoulders sank as he sighed. “Guess I was wrong about that… Guess I was wrong about everything… Fuck me…”
“No! Stop! It’s… It’s horrible. It’s just horrible.” Mundy looked up at Lucien. “And you smile? You bloody smile at me? Was that the plan all along? Get me in your bed a few nights, toy with me and throw me out? Oh you bloody…” Mundy clenched his fist and threw it at Lucien’s face. The Frenchman dodged it with ease.
"Mundy?" Lucien asked with a high-pitched voice and a smug grin on his lips.
Mundy's eyes snapped open and he turned to Lucien.
"Shut up!” He threw another fist but it met with Lucien’s shadow on the wall.
“Mundy, you don’t understand!”
“Of course I bloody do! You used me!” The Aussie leapt to Lucien and this time he managed to catch his collar. 
“Mundy, wait-!”
“No!” He pushed Lucien on the floor and headbutted him, straddling his body. “You have no idea how much I love you! And you went around makin’ me believe you felt the same but you were just playin’, you bastard! You heartless piece of shit!” He yelled, his hoarse voice trying to strangle down the cries and sobs through the punches he dealt.
“Mundy! Stop!”
Lucien’s shout made the Aussie's fist freeze mid-way to his jaw. His breath broke out of sync and his tears streamed down his face silently. There he was, on his knees, straddling a body that he used to be straddled by, at night, when no other eyes would see its beauty. Yeah, Lucien was gorgeous. The bastard was gorgeous, a lean body with shy muscles that Mundy used to touch, sometimes even scratch. Lucien liked his feral Bushman. He used to love him, or maybe he didn’t, eh?
Regardless, Mundy was now silently crying. He wasn’t one to usually let it show. Now that he recalled, everytime that he had been dumped, he’d go back to his van, drive far away and let his rage out on cacti, boulders, and game. Maybe he should do that, hop away and leave for his van?
No, he couldn’t. He looked down and saw the collar he was grasping firmly, his knuckles were bruised from the punches. Oh, Lucien’s nose was bleeding too and his eyes. Gosh his eyes… Even injured, the man had the bloody arrogance to look irresistible.
“Mundy?” Lucien asked and put his hands on Mundy’s.
“Shut up, please.”
“Non, you don’t… You don’t understand.”
“Repeat that one last time and I’ll make you eat your bloody teeth, ok?” Mundy’s voice was trembling. He closed his eyes and more tears were pushed to roll down his slender and rough cheeks. “You’re right.” Mundy sniffed. “I did fall in love with you. Fuck me, I did.”
Lucien smiled.
“But you’re wrong. I didn’t just fall for you recently.” The Aussie went on. “I’ve been in love with you since day one. Bah, doesn’t matter now I s’ppose.” Mundy wiped his face with his sleeve.
Lucien slipped his fingers inside Mundy’s palm before his hand flopped to the floor limply.
“What’s that?” Mundy frowned and opened his palm. “What?!” He exclaimed when he saw a silver shining key with a knife symbol carved on it. “What’s that mean? Lu’? Oh bugger...”
Lucien’s eyes were shut. When he opened them again, he was greeted with the view of Mundy’s jaw from underneath. He was lying on the sofa and his head was resting on the Aussie’s lap.
“Oh, you up now? Sorry… I hit you hard.”
Lucien smiled and it was sweet.
“Give me your hand, please.” He asked and Mundy obliged. 
“What’s that all about? You‘re breakin’ up with me but giving me a key to your place and now you’re holding my hand. What does that mean?”
“It means that - and please do not punch me more for this - non, you don’t understand.”
“Alright then, explain yourself.”
“Mon amour… When I said that what we have been having should come to an end, I was not breaking up with you. On the contrary… Argh, help me please.” Lucien sat up and Mundy helped him. “I meant that I wanted to take things one step further, if you so wish too.”
“What?” Mundy’s jaw dropped.
“I never thought that you had fallen for me since the first time, because I did and it was simply out of any kind of understanding that you should feel the same for the old man that I am.”
"A few decades ago, oui, I would have believed it. Back then, I looked lovable, the sort of man who would make men and women's hearts break at the simple blink of my eyes. But now? Tss…" Lucien shook his head.
"Hey, now… Y-you're gorgeous, ok?"
Lucien looked up at Mundy and grinned, albeit sadly. 
"I would love to believe so." 
"C'mon… But yeah, tell me." 
Lucien sighed.
“Mundy," He looked the Aussie in the eye. "I love you.” 
The Aussie’s jaw dropped. It was the first time he heard it from those thin lips.
“I love the time that we spend together.” Lucien looked at his lover’s lagoon blue eyes.
“But you said my comin’ and goin’ here was annoying?”
“It is annoying that I have to tell you to come in each time. I want you to come here and consider this your home as much as mine, at least for the winter. You can’t stay in your van, you will freeze to death.” Lucien explained. “So please, take this key and… my heart, once and for all.” He tightened the grip on Mundy's hand. "Please?" 
"B-But… Hold on. All the things you said…?"
"You chose to understand them the wrong way." 
"But you said you didn't like it when I come here…?"
Lucien chuckled. 
"Non, I did not say that. I said that I did not appreciate your visits as much as you do." 
"Well, same difference!"
"Not at all." The Frenchman explained and put a hand on his lover's cheek. "Hasn't it occurred to you that I enjoy your visits more than you do, and not less?"
Mundy fell silent.
"Of course, it did not."
"You never told me. You never showed…!" Mundy answered, out of breath under the surprise. 
"And you expect me," Lucien leaned back on the sofa. "The best secret intelligence expert that you ever had the privilege of meeting, and dare I say, the man you have fallen in love with, to simply show you my emotions?" 
"Why not?" 
"I am the Spy." Lucien answered. "I do not show what I feel."
"Why not?" 
"Would you still love me if I did? Would you have taken the risk of falling for me, if you knew what was in my heart; if through that infamous scope of yours you could see the contents of my heart?"
Mundy looked at Lucien with lovestruck eyes. His pupils dilated and his shoulders slowly sank. He relaxed and leaned back on the sofa. Oh how he loved the sound of Lucien's voice…! Mundy laid an arm on the sofa's back and like a reflex, Lucien snuggled up closer to him. 
"One of the reasons you fell for me, Mundy, is because you like the mysteries in me. You like the thrill of that leap of faith you take each time that you doubt my love for you and yet decide to follow your heart anyway. You like this doubt, it makes you vibrate with a curious warmth right here." Lucien gently tapped Mundy's chest, on his heart.
“How d’you do it?”
“How do I do what?”
“How d’you know me that well? Even my mum wouldn’t know what you just told me.” Mundy answered.
“Quite simply, because I am not your mother.” Lucien tapped the tip of Mundy’s nose and the Aussie smiled, making wrinkles appear on his nose and at the corner of his tired eyes. “I apply to be your lover.”
“You apply?” Mundy repeated with a chuckle. “It’s not a job or anythin’, eh?”
“Oh but you are wrong!” Lucien answered. “Look at my face that you disfigured a moment ago. Being your lover is a dangerous job, and a full time one!”
Mundy’s face beamed up with a smile.
“In that case, I’ll look at your application. You can leave it on my desk and I’ll call you back when I’ve looked at the hundreds of others, eh.”
“As if…” Lucien answered with a smirk.
“You think you’re the only one who looks up at me with those eyes of yours?” Mundy took his lover’s chin and stroked his cheek with his thumb. “Well, you’re wrong darl’. You’re not the only one to have some success, eh?”
“I do not doubt that, but you will find my application to be absolutely outstanding.”
“Ooh, is it, now?”
Lucien rolled on his side to straddle his lover’s lap.  
“I can give you a presentation, show you my skills. You may also have heard of my reputation in the field.” Lucien wrapped his arms around Mundy’s neck. 
“You arrogant Frenchie…” Mundy’s hands slid down his lover’s sides.
“And you love it.”
“I kinda do, yeah.”
“So, what do you think? Will you accept my key, and me?” Lucien asked.
“Get off of my lap one second.”
Lucien’s eyebrows jumped in surprise but he obeyed and stood  up off of the sofa. Mundy stood up too and Lucien watched as his lover kicked his boots away and got closer to him again.
“Sorry about your nose. Don’t think I broke it though.”
“Non, you did not, even though it still hurts.”
“Oh, c’mere then, I’ll take care of ya tonight.” Mundy cupped his lover’s face and pulled it to himself. He rested his forehead on Lucien’s and whispered. “Listen, love…”
“Oui…?” Lucien closed his eyes and let himself relax. His eyebrows rose and arched high up on his brow. It felt like his entire body was between the rough and calloused palms of the scruffy hunter.
“Don’t scare me like that ever again, ok?” Mundy asked.
“I cannot promise anything. It was mildly entertaining to see your distress. Besides, I had never heard you declare your love for me.”
“Stop smirkin’, you sexy devil. Look at you, even with your eyes closed, you look smug.”
They both chuckled.
“Does that mean I have got the position?” Lucien asked.
“Hold on, darl’, we gotta see how well you can do on the job, eh?” Mundy’s hands slid down to Lucien’s slim waist. “What d’you say to a first night on the job, as a test, see if you can handle it, hm?”
“I have been handling you for months, mon loup…” Lucien answered and pushed himself to the tip of his toes to kiss his lover.
[my wolf]
“Yeah, but I never knew you loved me back. Now I gotta up my game with ya. C’mere!”
The Aussie swept him off the floor and carried him away to their bedroom.
“Hold on, Mundy?”
Lucien was in his lover’s arms in a position that had his insides burn with a delicious flame. He had his arms wrapped around Mundy's neck and his feet dangling off of the Aussie's arms.
“Je t’aime.”
“Love you too, gorgeous."
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saxxxology · 4 years
Cosmo Says - 3
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PAIRING: Sam Winchester x Reader, Dean Winchester x Reader WARNINGS: smut: p/v sex, oral sex, some dom/sub themes, eventual threesome, exploration of kinks, and more NOTE: Do not save or repost my work without my consent. I don’t tag for spoilers, so feel free to message me with any questions you have. This work is 18+ only.
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The case is done in two days, and they’re home in two more. You’ve already got dinner ready, and both men inhale two servings of your famous spaghetti and tomato sauce. Sam doesn’t miss the way your hand slides over his shoulders and up into his hair, fingernails scraping lightly against his scalp.
Sam can’t take his eyes off you as you move around the kitchen, setting dirty dishes in the sink before sitting on the edge of the large metal counter, legs slightly spread as you cradle your own bowl of food in your lap.
He could step up right between those pretty thighs, push you back and spread you open for him to fuck. You’d be so tight and warm, and he could lean over, get a nipple in his mouth…
He jerks back to the present, blinking several times. “What?”
“You’re drooling.” Dean gestures to Sam’s mouth and grimaces.
You giggle as Sam reaches up to indeed find that there is a little dribble of saliva on his lower lip. He wipes it away, blushing, and clears his throat, hoping that someone can cover the awkward silence. 
You stretch a leg out and poke his knee with the tip of your sock-covered toes. “I’m gonna get to bed. You two mind cleaning up?”
Sam watches you saunter out of the room, mouth still watering at the thought of what he knows is coming. He’s got a brand new pack of condoms in his bag, and the minute his bowl and fork are stacked on the drying rack, he’s off, grabbing his bag from where he’d set it next to the table and heading down to your room. 
He knocks on your door, gets startled when you open it faster than expected, and lets out a quick breath of surprise when you grab him by the front of his shirt and pull him inside, locking the door behind him. Without waiting for you to speak, he drops his bag on the floor, cups your face in both hands, and kisses you hard enough to make you whimper as your fingers curl into the front of his shirt. 
“You have no idea how bad I’ve been wanting you to get back,” you purr, running your fingers up his chest. 
Sam slides his hands down your sides to grab handfuls of your ass. His heart’s racing, and when you pull him down for another kiss, fingers pushing up at the hem of his shirt, he lets out a soft moan in reply, stepping back to discard the clothing on the ground. He drags your own over your head, fumbling on your back as he unhooks the strap of your bra. 
Fuck, your tits are already one of the best things in his life, but they’re even better now. Soft under his palms, nipples firm between his fingers. He wants to get them in his mouth, but you have other plans. You’ve dropped your joggers to the ground, leaving you completely bare, and Sam’s cock throbs hard in his jeans as he lifts you off the floor and carries you the two steps to the bed. 
Your fingers press into his shoulders as he lowers you onto the mattress, and he can’t help but sigh at the plush give under his knees. Your bed is way better than his…
“I need a condom,” he whispers, “I got some in my—”
“I’m on the pill,” you whisper, “we’re good.”
He shakes his head and gives you another kiss. “Better to be safe.” Pressing another kiss to your lips, he goes to his backpack, tugging the box out of the front pocket. A gold foil packet drops easily into his palm, and he steps out of his jeans before coming back to the bed. You reach up as he kneels between your legs, and he lets you slide your fingers into his boxers to ease them down. 
Sam holds his breath when you gather his cock in one hand, closing your fingers around the thick shaft and deliver a long, gentle stroke. 
“You’re gonna destroy me with this thing,” you joke, looking up at him with a smile playing on your lips. 
“I doubt that.” He allows you to pluck the condom from his fingers and unwrap it. You roll it down, tucking the snug band down at the base before reaching up for him. He drapes himself over you, dipping his head to kiss along the column of your throat. You slide a hand down between your bodies, gripping him firmly as you try and wiggle into place. Sam’s heart is beating so fast, and his breath catches in his throat when he feels you slide him through your folds, trying to get him lined up with your entrance. 
“Here, baby, let me.” He replaces your hand with his and rolls his hips, searching blindly for the soft dip between your legs. Your hips push up when he finds it, taking the tip of him inside, and he keeps his hand fisted around his cock as he sinks deep, a solid groan of satisfaction muffled against the side of your neck.
“Oh, fuck—” you gasp out as he slumps down over you, “Sam…”
“Hmm?” Pleasure clouds Sam’s brain as he raises his head to look at you. “Something wrong?”
“No, just…” you hitch your legs up a little higher, arms wrapping around his shoulders, “fuck me.”
Sam breathes a sigh of what might just be relief and kisses you, shifting between your legs. You feel him brace on the mattress and bite your lower lip as he slowly drags back, waiting until he’s just a warm, firm pressure at your entrance before pushing back in. You whimper at the warm, heavy slide, and when he adds an experimental grind that makes his stomach rub against yours… ooh, fuck.
He runs a hand up your side, finally settling on the soft, warm swell of your breast. He kisses down your neck, allowing his body to fall into a steady rhythm, and gently squeezes. “Can I?”
He waits for you to nod, fingers trailing up into his hair, and he lowers his head to suck a nipple into his mouth. You arch up, taking pleasure from the wet heat of his lips and tongue rather than the friction it provides, and his hips stutter as he goes still, pressed deep inside you with a heavy groan that’s muffled by your tit. 
“Did you cum?” you ask, somewhat surprised. 
Sam pulls his lips away, shaking his head. “No. Just liked feeling how deep you’re taking it.”
“Oh.” You giggle and pull his head back down as he delivers a heavier, stronger thrust. His hips smack against your ass and he keeps that pace going until your breaths turning into high-pitched gasps, and his own body starts to shudder over yours. His kisses steal your breath away, and your legs wrap around his waist to hold him close. 
For Sam, this is a success—he’s made it past the awkward part, and now all he’s feeling is bliss and pleasure. His thrusts peak with his enthusiasm, and you squeak when he slips out, his cock falling along the back of your thigh. You laugh, panting as he holds himself up on surprisingly steady arms. 
“Here,” he huffs, running his hands up your legs to spread you open a little wider. He presses back in, watching your back arch, and holds your waist as his thrusts pick back up. You smack the bedsheets with your hands, lower lip caught between your teeth as the angle of his cock changes.
“Ahh… ah, yeah—” you tip your head back and pull the sheets into your fingers. “Right there, that’s it… fuck…”
Sam’s hands slide up your body until he’s cupping your tits, watching your body bounce on the mattress as he fights to keep fucking you exactly how you want it. He can feel you tensing and clenching around him, and your breathing is starting to hitch high in your throat. 
“Are you gonna cum?” he asks, pausing briefly to flick his hair out of his face.
You nod, clearing your throat and reaching down to rub your fingers over your clit. “Yeah… just keep doin’ that, baby, don’t stop.”
Sam resumes his strong, determined thrusts, eyes closing as he listens to your whimpers turn into cries, and then into a long, drawn out moan as you cum, mouth open as your fingers work between your legs. He thrusts through it, vision blurring as he staves off his own climax. You go lax underneath him, a smile stretching your lips as he comes back to hold himself over you. 
“You good?” he asks, teasing you with a gentle kiss. 
“Mmm.” You giggle when his cock gives a little pulse inside you. “You need to—?”
“Yeah.” Sam takes a deep breath and gazes down at you. “Do you want to switch, or…”
You shake your head, running your fingers up into his hair. “I like this a lot.”
Sam laughs, pressing his mouth to the side of your neck. “Me too… hang on, baby.” 
He rolls his hips slowly, dragging out the burning pleasure in his gut as his body quickly catches up to the point of orgasm. Your legs wrap tighter around his waist, and he grunts heavily into the crook of your neck when he feels your nails digging into his ass, pulling him deep on every inward thrust. 
“Fuck,” he grinds out, “I’m cumming, baby…”
You gasp when his body stutters and jolt forward, his body pressing heavy as he unloads into the condom. His groans and pants are hot against your shoulder, and you rock your hips up to try and drag his pleasure out as long as you can. 
Finally, he goes lax, propping himself over you and pressing a messy kiss to your lips. “Damn,” he breathes, chuckling against the side of your mouth before pulling away. He slumps down on his side next to you, his arm slung over your stomach.
“Yeah.” You close your legs and roll onto your side to face him. “Feel good?”
Sam nods and leans in, claiming you with another bruising kiss. “Real good… can’t believe we’ve never done that before.”
“I never thought you were interested,” you murmur.
“I never thought you were either.” He smiles and laces his fingers with yours. “Wanna share a shower?”
You allow him to pull you up, and he leads you down the hall and into the communal bathroom. He ties the condom off and tosses it in the trash can under the sink before joining you in your stall, where you pull him close and let him press you up against the tile. He steals the moments where you’re not cleaning each other with sweet, tender kisses that take your breath away, only stopping when the water starts to run cold. He offers you a towel and follows you back down to your room, standing just outside your door.
“Do you want me to stay?” He sounds somewhat anxious, as if torn between being relieved or dejected if you say no. 
You nod, holding a hand out for him. He takes it, breathing out a sigh as you close the door behind him. You pull back the covers and crawl underneath, allowing Sam to situate himself beside you. He loops an arm around your shoulders and reaches over to turn out the light, drowning both of you in darkness.
Well, except for the Avengers-logo night light that glows softly from the far wall.
“I get scared if it’s completely dark,” you explain before Sam can say anything. “Sorry.”
“Don’t apologize.” He kisses your forehead. “Truthfully, I can’t either. I keep the hall light on so it comes through the grating at the bottom of my door.”
You hum and close your eyes. “Smart.”
He breathes against your damp hair, inhaling the scent of your strawberry shampoo as you snuggle against him. “Sleep well, baby.”
You hum and settle a palm on his chest. “You too, Sam.”
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threeminutesoflife · 4 years
Cry Me a River?
Cutthroat Writing Challenge Pairings: Bucky x Reader word count: 1.5k warnings: 18+, unprotected sex, hormones, I don't really do angst- so humor it is.lol Summary: Reader’s annoyed w/ her boyfriend’s teasing abt being overly sensitive- asks Loki to play a trick on Bucky.
a/n: @sherrybaby14​  drabble challenge game- fun idea, Scream Queen- but damn- these prompts.lol you’re evil and fun, all rolled into one.
prompts:  Netflix and Chill with Bucky-- Sabotage one:  Bucky has to break down sobbing at some point, full on hysterics.  Sabotage two:  Can't use the word "and" at all. Anywhere.
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Bucky Barnes was an asshole.
You had it. Bucky Barnes was toast; charbroiled to a crisp. You'd crack him apart like a panini sandwich, making sure you'd get that satisfying crunching sound. You needed to hear him whimper as his insides strung themselves out like melted cheese. Yes, that’s just how you wanted him.
“Loki, I have a proposition for you.” “As much as I am enthralled at the vision of your legs wrapping around my scepter, I do not believe the ill-mannered Barnes would approve.” “Does that mean you're out?”  “Hardly. Clarify the proposition.” “Here's the thing, I need help with getting back at him.” “Propose away, darling.” “...Aren't you first going to ask me why, Loki? I mean, I'm only doing it because he's always calling my oversensitive-” “Don't make this conversation grow tiresome.”
Bucky was hot, horribly so. Uncomfortably, so. Standing in front of the fan set on high, air conditioner as low as possible, boxers only covering his rump- he found no relief.
His back hurt, his feet hurt. His stomach ached but he kept craving food. Salty food, sweet food, deep fried food. The pound of chocolate from earlier helped curb some of his cravings- momentarily. Pressing his forehead to the fan's guard, he couldn't help but wonder what the hell was wrong with him?
Bucky jolted away from the fan at the sound of your voice, quickly pulling on a pair of gym shorts, “Yeah- hey. Hi baby, what's going on?”
You quickly took in Bucky's uncomfortable, sweaty appearance, “Whatcha doin'?”
“Nothing. You still want to train? Or we could skip today, maybe watch a movie? Maybe skip the movie- I feel like we don't get to really talk much anymore. It'd be nice to have some time to reconnect. How about a walk, grab an ice cream, play a card game?”
Eyeing him, you smiled. Yep, Loki's hormonal trick seemed to working nicely.
“Nah, we talk enough,” you said casually. “Let's just stick to the training schedule.”
Bucky immediately scoffed, “What's that mean? Are you implying I talk too much?”
“Whoa,” your eyebrows furrowed. “No? I'm not saying that at all. I just meant-”
“What. What did you mean?”
Okay, maybe Loki gave too much Asgard hormones, you thought.
“Oh! That's really great, you're just going to stand there being silent now? Because I try, I try so hard. I try, so much. But it just feels like you're only taking, never giving.”
“You asking for head, Bucky?”
Your attempt to lighten the mood was not well-received.
“No y/n, I am not! Newsflash, I can control my urges. I'm not an animal. God, why does everything have to be about sex with you?”
Now you were thoroughly confused on what to say next and definitely losing ground quickly, “Okay, Okay. Just calm down, Bucky-”
“Are you seriously telling me to calm down, right now? That is so rude!”
You gulped, “I'm sorry?”
“Why- Why are you saying that like it's a question?! You're either sorry- or you're not. So are you? Are you sorry? Do you even know what you're sorry for, hmm?”
“Okay- okay. Can we please start over again, Bucky? I'm honestly, confused on what's happening.”
“God, that is just like you. Never listening. We are so far from okay!”
Bucky stormed past you, slamming the door behind him as he left you in the bedroom. You stood there in the aftermath of a confusing, chaotic argument. Jesus, it's freezing in here.
That was the only word for it. It was like Bucky was getting paid to mourn. Bucky cried, Bucky cried a lot. Throughout the whole week. Not surprisingly, Loki with his scepter were nowhere to be found.
Bucky's waterfall of tears started when you both sat down to watch the next movie on your list. That was a mistake. That was a terrible Disney mistake. Bucky saw Steve as the fox, Tod; him as the hound, Copper. They grew up together, elements forced them apart. It was a night filled of sorrow- accompanied by hair petting, his.
But today was filled with inconsolable sobbing, snot trails with red, crusted eyes.
“What is that?” Wanda came into the living room, “It sounds like animals being slaughtered.”
“My fault. All my fault,” you confessed. If you had a white flag, you would have waved it several days ago. “Mind zap me, Wanda. I can't even believe I brought this upon us.”
“Why is he crying this time?”
“I explained to him what boy bands were.”
“Told him Lance Bass was given an opportunity to go to the moon.”
Louder wailing bounced off the walls.
“You better fix this before Steve comes back from that mission,” Wanda hissed.
Sighing at the shit-filled mess of your own doing, you asked, “You think Thor will help even out Bucky's hormones? God of Fertility and all?”
Wanda shook her head, “Ugh, I want nothing to do with this but it's worth a try.”
“Up,” Bucky said. 
Your back against the wall, your ass in Bucky's hands. You wrapped your legs around his waist, ankles locked together as you circled your arms around his shoulders.
“Can't fucking believe you did that to me,” he grunted out, teasing his tip against your slit.
“You deserved it. Now, fuck me without tears.”
He had slowly begun caressing his tip along your wetness, parting your folds- but then stopped abruptly at your words. Bucky stood there with your ass cheeks in each of his hands, refusing to entering you any further.
Rocking your hips forward, trying to slide yourself down his length, “What are you doing? Why aren't you moving?”
“How bad do you want it?”
“Bucky, if you don't fucking fuck me right the fuck now-”
“You'll what? I literally have you in the palm of my hands,” he said by squeezing your ass.
Narrowing your eyes at him, you vised your thighs together around his waist. Shooting your hand forward, you grabbed his nipple to twist.
“Christ- Fuck- Stop!” Bucky let your bottom go as you scrambled closer to his torso so you wouldn't fall. “Damn, that hurts,” he whined as he wildly rubbed his chest.
“Oh, I'm sorry. Tits still sensitive?” you mocked.
Bucky only grumbled as he continued to rub the nipple back into its original place.
Biting your lip to quiet your moan, you took advantage of his distraction by sliding yourself down on him.
Bucky groaned at your tightness as he brought his hands back to cradle your ass. ���What am I, just a piece of meat to you?”
“Bucky, I love your voice but shut-”
Bucky cut you off with a thrust, causing you to tilt you head back with a moan, “Need to teach you a lesson, baby girl.”
You clenched your walls around him, “I apologized, I'm sorry.”
Bucky kneaded your ass, fingers sliding over your rim as he bent his legs for move leverage. “Lean back.”
Your shoulder blades pressured against the bedroom wall and your smooth, strong thighs wrapped around his waist. Your hands on his shoulders helped lift and lower yourself along Bucky's cock, your own pace took over his.
“How sensitive are your, baby?” Bucky's hand covered your breast, slowly rolling your nipple between his fingers. “So responsive. Feel you tightenin' on me.”
“Too much,” you panted, “talk.”
You raised yourself up to cover your mouth over his.
Biting your lip, Bucky squeezed your breast. “Chase the high, baby girl. Tighten those legs around me.”
Bucky cupped your face, kissing you again. His fingers trailed your jawline before he tapped them against your mouth, “Suck.”
Wet fingers passed over you chin, he moved his large hand down between your thighs. Damp fingers over your nub, he applied more pressure at your response.
“Come on, baby,” he whispered against your neck, “tell me you like it.”
“Love it, Bucky- so much,” you murmured breathlessly. Your core tightening, your release close.
“Know you do.” Bucky thrust hard up into you causing you to gasp. “Such a good, pretty girl. All fucking wet for me.”
You moaned at the feeling of him- hard inside you. You dug your fingers into his shoulders as you chanted his name.
“Close, baby?” Bucky's breath hot against your neck. “Is my good girl, going to cum on my cock?”
“Yes,” you whimpered, “so close.”
“Good.” Bucky removed his hand from your clit, and brought it up to unlatch your arms around his shoulders.
He unlocked your legs around his hip and slid his cock out. You watched it bob up against his stomach as he stepped away from you.
You stood there confused, aching for a release that was seconds away. Two more thrusts, you would have shattered.
Bucky palmed himself as he took in your confusion. Smirking at your reaction, he stroked himself faster. Your eyes wide, the bewildered angry expression had him make another stroke, another twist on his shaft. He pumped his cock at your naked rage.
Stepping up to you, he found his release as he painted your stomach with cum. Lightly circling his sensitive tip along your soft skin, he said, “Hell hath no fury...but revenge is a dish best served cold.”
Bucky Barnes was an asshole.
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Mr & Mrs. Donowitz (DonnyxFem!Reader)
Requested by @tremendousjudgesuitcasestudent
@owba-chan @war-obsessed @inglourious-imagines @tealaquinn @struggling-bee @frozenhuntress67 @kwyloz @sodapop182
Let me know if you wanna be added to the IB or OUATIH taglists! :)
Donny had never read a book in his life, but there he was, sitting on a recliner, holding one. A parenting book, no less, surrounded by stacks of pages filled with baby names, and warnings, diagrams and possible allergies.
He had always been the guy that never had to try real hard to be good at something...but he wanted to be the best at this.
He knew he could nail the whole 'game of catch' thing...but he wanted to be so much more than that. 
He wanted to be that dad.
So he got his hands on every thing he could, went with you to every single doctor's appointment.
Still, he'd never admit he was nervous.
"Come on, me? Psh..." He'd chuckle as he'd quickly rifle through the pages, quizzing himself. As the months went by, he got a bit too paranoid. "Come on doll, I'll do the dishes, don't-"
You laughed, "Donny, I'm a nurse, I know what I'm doin' love."
He'd sigh, and wonder why you were always so stubborn.
He was sitting on the couch, and you were stretched out over his lap. Both of you were just about ready for bed, when you felt a little kick.
You chuckled sleepily, "Guess who's up."
Donny laughed, "Oh we got a little rebel, huh?" You took Donny's hand, and put it over your stomach, just in time to feel another little kick.
Part of Donny's hand was scarred from the fire in the theater. He was proud of what he'd done, but he wondered if his skin was too rough to hold his baby... And sometimes, he didn't know his own strength, what if he-
"Hey..." You knew that look, "You're gonna be a great dad."
"What if...what if I'm not ready...."
You glanced at the mile high stack of baby books in the corner, and chuckled, "Don't sell yourself short, love."
He smirked, "Me? Never. Ain't that right, kid?"
He felt another kick, and laughed, "Well, Y/n, you thought I was bad, now I got a teammate."
You muttered, "Don't even start with that, you basterd." and Donny smirked, "Don’t curse in front of the baby!"
You sighed, and leaned back agaisnt his lap. Something told you that kid was going to take after Donny. The  baby was already restless enough.
You were just beginning to fall asleep, when you felt something else...
Not quite a kick, or turn...nothing like you'd felt before.
You shifted a little, and thought maybe it was nothing.
But you couldn't be wronger...
You felt it again, minutes later.
Your eyes shot open, "Oh..."
Donny mumbled, half asleep, "Yeah doll?"
"Oh no..." You sat up, and Donny shot to his feet. "What do ya mean 'oh no?' Are you alright?! What's ha-"
You suddenly groaned in pain and doubled over, as you managed to mumble through clenched teeth, "It's time..."
"Stay calm."
"I aAM calm."
You rolled your eyes,  and chuckled, "Stay calm. Breathe."
"Fucking....ok.... Donny, there's no time. Listen...this baby is-" You groaned again, and he reached for your hand.
You nearly broke his in your iron grip.
He didn’t really mind. "Doll?"
"Call the midwife. This kid is coming right now."
"Right now-right now? Or right-now in a few hours?"
He couldn't help but smile, "OK, I GOT IT."
"WHY ARE YOU SCRE....Oh right.... Ok, I'll be back, just...here," He helped you back down, and then rushed down the hall. It hurt his knee to run, a remnant from the night the war ended, but he knew you hurt so much more, so he ran. He ran for you.
He passed a room painted in pastel and bright colors, and he slowed down a little, his hand brushing against the doorway as he rushed to the phone, a little smile beginning to play on his lips, for a brief moment. 
You started controlling your breathing, looking down, you sighed, with a laugh "Just as impatient as your father." You could hear Donny, all the way on the other side of the house as he called the midwife.
Every other word that came out of his mouth was a four-letter-word.
The widwives understood, but, it was a bit embarassing for you.
It was then that you heard him say "I AM FUCKING CALM," just before hanging up.
He was in fact, not fucking calm.
It wasn't long before the midwife showed up.
"Mr. Donowitz, please."
He stopped in his tracks. He still wasn't used to being called that.
He still worked in his father's barber shop, and there, everyone still called him Donny.
Good old Donny. He hadn't changed a bit...everyone said so.
It was that, or a journalist or two popping by for an interview, and calling him sergeant out of respect.
But ‘mister’?
He still wasn't used to that...
But he was used to following orders, and in a way, it calmed him down. . "Hot water and clean towels. Go."
Donny brought everything in, and found that you were no longer in the living room.
He heard a pained and rather annoyed "WHAT?!"
He couldn't help but smile a little as he rushed to the bedroom, and set everything down.
And stood there.
The midwife shook her head, and tutted "Out out out out!"
Donny was a little taken back, "Out?"
"Nervous husbands always bungle something up!"
"I'm not nervous!" Donny got a bit defensive, and pouted a bit.
Any other moment you would’ve found that absolutely adorable...but not now.
The midwife rolled her eyes, "No. You're damn near shitting yourself."
In the blink of an eye, he found himself outside. That lady had quite some experience with doting husbands. And now, she had quite some experience with veterans, who all swore they weren’t nervous (and then ended up getting concussions or stitches from passing out).
The door slammed in his face, and he sighed.
He figured he'd get some air...he'd never admit it, but the midwife was right.
He made his way to the front yard and started pacing around.
He could hear the screams and somehow, his heart was racing faster than it ever did in the war.
Then he heard something he hadn't heard you say in years...and somehow this time it sounded like you meant it, "I'M GONNA KILL YOU. I'M GONNA FUCKING KILL YOU WHEN THIS IS OVER! FUCK!"
Donny couldn't help but grin a little. He made his way to the window, and peeked in, "Yeah? That's what you said in Lyo-"
The midwife grumbled something Donny only ever heard basterds and sailors say, as she grabbed the curtains and shut them.
Donny sighed, leaned against the wall, and lit a cigarette to calm his nerves.
He put the lighter back in his pocket, and felt a piece of paper.
He pulled it out, and smiled.
It was a letter from Aldo. It was addressed to both of you. A congratulations, and a few name suggestions (Aldo was a good name for a boy, ya know). And a promise to come visit the "lil 'un" soon.
Donny sighed and put the letter back in his pocket. He'd gotten a letter like that from each of the basterds. Each one giving some advice or name.
Each one being a bit of a cheeky basterd.
Donny smiled, he missed them, the way they all sat around together. All the things they lived through together... There were things he wished he could forget, but, he did miss those boys. Still, he wouldn't give up the life he had now for anything in the world.
Suddenly, the memories flew away and his feet were back on the ground.
He was back.
And he could hear the screaming intensify.
It was unsettling...
He furrowed his brow, and tried to get it together for your sake.
You'd gone through a whole war together. War came with bullets. It came with pain. It came with bombers and fear and grenades.
He'd never heard you like that before, and it terrified him.
He panicked.
He didn't give a fuck what the midwife said. He didn't care what anyone said.
Most fathers stood around with cigars in a waiting room.
But Donny had been with you, and you were with him, during the worst moments of the war. He was dead set on being with you in the scariest/best day of your lives.
He set out his cigarette, and matched back in, slamming the door open, as the midwife sputtered incredulously, "MR. DONOWITZ-"
"Look nurse," he rolled up his sleeves, "Me and Y/N been through a lot together. We went to war together, we came back together. Let me be here for this. Just tell me what to do."
"Alright! alright!" She turned to you and chuckled, "You're right, he is a stubborn one."
You managed to smile a little.
He did everyrhing he was told to do, but it didn't make it any less scary.
You looked like you were in so much pain, it killed Donny to not be able to do anything about it.
His heart tied a knot in his throat as he was thrown back to what was one of the darkest moments in the war. A grenade had been thrown, Utivich was holding you, you were covered in your own blood, and Donny was wide-eyed, demanding to know "IS SHE ALRIGHT?!"
Suddenly he heard an answer, back in the present.
Along with a chuckle.
"She's alright, Mr. Donowitz, just perfectly fine."
He smiled down ar you "Hear that, doll? You're doin great, just breathe..." He moved some hair away from your face as he held your hand and looked back at the midwife. "And the kid? How's my kid?"
You narrowed your eyes, "Your kid? Your fucking kid Donny are you fucking kidding me?!"
He laughed and kissed you on the forehead, "Sorry, sorry, our kid."
"I swear if you even THINK OF HAVING ANOTHER ONE..."
Donny smiled, "I know, doll, I know."
The midwife chuckled as she looked up, "One more push now, Mrs."
Donny smiled and looked down at you. For a moment, everything stood still...
Mrs. The word rang in his ear and he couldn't help but think of the first time he saw you, lined up with all the other basterds. His heart had skipped a beat and he grimaced as he tried to keep you out, thinking "Come on, now...that aint ever gonna happen..."
And here you were.
He smiled and snapped back, just in time to see a soft green towel being wrapped around a tiny little thing.
In that moment, there was music again in Donny’s world, no longer drowned out by engines, boots, and guns.
The first note was a loud, defenceless cry, and it broke his heart.
The moment he laid eyes on the baby, he knew that kid would break his heart every time he heard that little cry.
A part of him couldn't believe it, as the midwife held up the baby, he managed to blurt out, "B....baby..."
You laughed as a wave of relief and love like you'd never known before, as the midwife walked over with the baby. "Yeah, Don...a baby."
The midwife smiled, "Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Donowitz, it's a beautiful baby girl!" Mr. Donowitz...not a sergeant anymore... Mrs. Donowitz...not corporal L/N anymore.
She set the baby down in your arms and you couldn't bear to take your eyes off her, that tiny little thing. Your heart was heavy in that moment, knowing that baby would get hurt as she grew up. She'd scrape her knee, she'd lose a teddy bear, she'd fall off a bike, she'd fall in love, then fall out and back again.
You looked at Donny smiling, knowing you'd both be there for her along the way.
The moment the baby looked at Donny, she stopped crying.
You smiled and said, "You know you'll have to help eventually."
Donny chuckled as he planted a soft kiss on your forehead and said, "I know doll."
He hesitated a little.
She looked so small compared to his hand as he reached out. And.... He was known for his brute strength. A million questions and worries filled his head.
Then the midwife nudged him with a chuckle, "Go on then, dad."
He was barely getting used to being called Mr. Donowitz...
But his heart melted when he looked at the baby and he thought '...I'm a dad...'
You nodded at him and smiled, "it's ok, Don."
He then took his baby girl in his arms and his whole world lit up.
He sat on the bed by you, only then realizing his knees felt like jelly from all the emotion.
"So, what are we gonna name her?"
Donny smirked, "Ya know...Aldo suggested Aldora. Said it's 'respectable as all hell.'"
You laughed a little, "Maybe....not..."
Donny chuckled as he looked down at the baby, and softly rubbed the back of his finger on her cheek. She babbled and nestled into his arms.
"Maybe Leah?"
You smiled and nodded "Leah..."
Donny smiled softly, thinking of all the things he wanted to teach her.
As soon as she could walk he was planning on teaching her how to bat.
But...he sighed softly seeing just how tiny the baby was, and thought there would be enough time for that later.
"Hi Leah," he chuckled as he rocked her a little.
She wrapped her hand around his finger and his heart practically burst, but all he could say was a loving little "Lee..."
He wrapped an arm around you as you both looked at your baby, "Aldo’s gonna be real disappointed, huh?"
Donny chuckled as he watched Lee fall asleep, "Gee, that's too bad, huh doll..."
In that moment, his life was full. His knee didn't hurt. He didn't worry about hurting his baby. He realized he was just being paranoid all along.
In other words...he was just being a dad.
But... If anyone else ever hurt his baby, well then...he had a bat he could dust off.
But that's besides the point.
You were together now, back in Boston.
It was clear now that the war was over this time.
He looked around and saw what he was fighting for.
He didn't care what Aldo thought. Save that earful for the reunions.
He cared about you and Leah.
When he was with his family, nothing else seemed to matter.
Not Kino, not the war, nothing else.
Just you, and Leah... And he was sure he could convince you to have another one...maybe two...
Either way, this was enough.
The medals and the newspapers and history books would speak for themselves.
But for Donny, maybe the civilian life was something he could get used to again.
Just Mr. And Mrs. Donowitz, from now on, with a little one... or two...
To Donny, that was more than enough.
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ddixons-angel · 4 years
Fated: Season 3
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Summary: Gloria Rhee narrowly escapes Atlanta with her brother as the outbreak reaches the city. Luckily, they find a camp outside the city and together, they fend through encounters with the living and undead.
Starts a little before Season 1 and then follows the main storyline of the show.
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Glenn Sister!OC
Warnings: major TWD spoilers, language, violence (the typical TWD stuff)
A/N: I can’t believe there’s only two more chapters left of Season 3! Like I said before, I’m most likely going to go back to posting once a week once we hit Season 5, unless you guys want me to keep going with twice a week? Let me know~~ Enjoy the chapter!
Chapter 9
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The next day after Andrea had visited the prison, offering to set up a meeting with the Governor, Rick took Michonne and Carl out on a run. He had mentioned the night previously after Andrea had left that they needed to stock up supplies, more specifically weapons, for when the Governor attacks. Glenn, Hershel, Beth, and Judith were in the cell block while Maggie and Carol were both on watch. Daryl was outside having a smoke on the picnic table outside as Merle was lounging about in the connecting hallway of Cell Block D; Maggie and Glenn didn’t want Merle always hanging around outside their block so Rick and Daryl agreed to move him to another cell block. Gloria was at the kitchen area washing some dishes from lunch. As she put the last dish away to dry, she wipes her hands on a cloth before hanging it over the sink. She’s about to walk back to the cell block when she hears a whistle emitting from where Merle was. Gloria rolls her eyes as she looks over to the man who was already looking at her through the gate. 
“What?” she says, not amused.
“Listen, I jus’ wanna talk.” Merle tells her, he raises up his arms to show her that he’s not being hostile, “no tricks or nothin’.”
Gloria ponders for a moment before nodding and follows his lead to his own cell block. She knows that Merle can’t beat her in a fight, injured or not, Merle still only has one hand and Gloria was able to beat him up when he still had two. Plus, she had her daggers on her. 
Once in the cell block, Merle lets out a sigh and turns around to face Gloria but is met with her fist. He stumbles back at the punch, not at all expecting it. Before he’s able to shout for her to stop, she knees him in the stomach, knocking the wind out of his lungs.
“That was for beating up Glenn and taking Maggie to the Governor!” Gloria seethes in anger, she then strikes his back with her elbow then pushes him to the ground.
Merle groans in pain, “an’ what was that for?!”
“All the times you pissed me off.” Gloria huffs then leans on the wall, crossing her arms as she looks at him.
Instead of being angry, Merle laughs at her answer then sits on the ground, leaning back on his hands and pauses a bit before he starts talking, “‘M sorry. For what I did to your brother and that farmer girl. But I do have to let ya know, if it weren’t for me, Glenn’d be dead.”
Gloria rolls her eyes and scoffs at his words, “Do you actually think I’m going to believe that you saved Glenn by beating him up? You were going to execute them! You think I’m stupid?!”
“If it were anyone else, Glenn’d be dead. They woulda killed him, I jus’ dragged it out! Had to make it look realistic or they’d jus’ shoot him straight up!” Merle defends and Gloria eyes him, not knowing whether to believe him or not, seeing this, he sighs, “look, I didn’ want Glenn to die ‘cause o’ what ya did for me on the roof. Ya stayed. Even if it was for Daryl, ya still stayed.” 
Gloria’s face softens at his words, hearing the sincerity behind them, “you still threw a walker at Glenn...” 
“Come on, I knew he could take it! Kid’s a ninja!” Merle exclaims causing Gloria to scoff.
“Ninjas are Japanese, Merle.” Gloria corrects him.
Merle rolls his eyes at that, “hey I’m tryin’ ‘ere, a’right? Gimme a break.”
Gloria chuckles then lets out a breath, “is this what you wanted to talk to me about?”
“Nah,” he shakes his head, “I wanted to talk to ya about Daryl.”
Gloria frowns, confused. Why would he want to talk to her about his brother? She looks at him, Merle’s expression unreadable but serious as he looks back at her. 
“My baby brother,” he starts, “he cares a lot ‘bout ya. I know jus’ by the way he looks at ya, I’ve never seen that look in his eye before, not wit’ anyone. But you, you’re the reason he came back to this prison.”
Gloria ponders his words, “he... did he tell you that?”
“Hell nah! He’d never admit that shit!” Merle chuckles, covering up for Daryl, “but he didn’ need to, I jus’ know, I raised him after all!”
A sense of guilt raises inside Gloria, she doesn’t know what to think. A few days ago, she had yelled at Daryl for leaving, saying that he didn’t care at all about her or the group. Sure, they were words of anger but Gloria was trying to convince herself rather than him as a sense of protection in case he ever left without a word again. Now, Merle was here vouching for Daryl, telling her that he cares a lot about her in particular. 
“Jus’... take it easy on my brother, a’right?” Merle says with a heavy sigh, “he ain’ good with words an’ ain’ ever been good at relationships, hell, he doesn’ even know the love of a parent... but he’s tryin’, ya know? He’s tryin’ for you.”
Gloria looks up at him, a thoughtful look on her face, “why are you telling me all this?”
“‘Cause you’re the only broad I can see worthy o’ takin’ care o’ my brother. Ya sure can pack hell of a punch, and if ya can keep ol’ Merle in check, ya definitely can keep Daryl in check.” Merle says with a genuine smile. 
Gloria’s about to respond but both of their attention is taken away from each other as they hear quick paced footsteps emitting from the hallway. They turn their heads to look at the door and Daryl and Glenn emerge with worry written on both their faces. However, their look of worry is soon replaced by looks of confusion as they survey the scene in front of them. Gloria was leaning on the wall, unscathed, while Merle was sitting on the ground with a split lip and bloody nose. Glenn and Daryl glance at each other, communicating without words on who won the fight. Daryl makes his way over to help Merle up as Glenn goes over to Gloria who pushes herself off the wall.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Glenn says, his tone full of disapproval.
“Getting revenge for you.” Gloria shrugs then follows Glenn back to their cell block.
Daryl pulls Merle up to his feet and gives him a onceover, “she beat ya up again?” he asks, trying to hide a look of amusement.
“Ya got one hell of a woman there, little brother.” Merle chuckles as he watches the blush creep up on Daryl’s face, he then places his hand on Daryl’s shoulder, making the younger look at him, “she’ll come around, and when she does, ya hold on to her. She’s a keeper, that one!”
Wanting to hide his embarrassment, Daryl scoffs and pushes Merle’s arm off him, “shut up.” 
Merle laughs as he watches Daryl walk out of the cell block back to his own. He shakes his head at how flustered the younger man can get. Smiling to himself, Merle retreats to one of the many cells and rests.
The next day, Rick, Daryl, and Hershel had left the prison to meet with the Governor for possible negotiations. When Rick had come back from his run with Carl and Michonne, he had brought back a full artillery of weapons to fight the Governor. Andrea had told them that they were to meet up at noon the following day, but for precautions and to scope out the area, the three of them had left in the morning. Gloria and Carol were on watch together on the watch platform leaving everyone else back in either the cell block or main area. 
“How’s your shoulder?” Carol asks, giving Gloria a smile.
“It’s good,” Gloria glances over at her bandaged shoulder then back at Carol, also with a smile,  “doesn’t hurt anymore, so I’d say it’s healing well.”
“What about things with Daryl? Are they also healing well?” Carol asks, curious while also giving Gloria a knowing look.
Gloria blushes slightly at the question then looks away into the courtyard, “I had a chat with Merle about Daryl yesterday. He says that Daryl... he really cares about me and that I’m the reason he came back.”
“Do you believe him?” Carol questions, more for Gloria than her own curiosity.
“I don’t know... I mean, he didn’t sound like he was lying but...” Gloria lets out a sigh and looks down.
“It’s okay, give it time. I don’t think you should give up on Daryl, people and feelings are all we truly have these days. And what you have with Daryl is special,” Carol puts her hand on Gloria’s shoulder as Gloria nods, “have you forgiven him yet?”
“Honestly? I don’t even know.” Gloria purses her lips, “whenever I think about how he just left, I still feel mad, but I am glad he’s back. I’m happy he’s back with us. I just don’t know when I’ll stop being mad at him for leaving.”
Carol nods, understanding and gives Gloria’s shoulder a light pat but before she can say anything in reply, a gunshot sounds from the direction of the cell block. Both women glance at each other, exchanging looks of worry before bolting off to the cell block. Once they open the door to the prison to the main area outside of their cell block, they see Beth holding a gun aimed to the ceiling and Merle on the ground wrestling with Glenn. 
“What the hell is going on here?!” Gloria shouts, gaining everyone’s attention.
“Merle wants to intrude on the meeting with the Governor,” Maggie explains while glaring at Merle, “but Glenn isn’t letting him go.”
Gloria sighs and goes down the steps, “Merle, get off of Glenn, now!”
Merle, who is still pinning Glenn down on the ground, glances up at Gloria then back at Glenn and pushes himself off the ground, freeing her brother. He takes a few steps back from the other man as Glenn gets up as well, both men eyeing each other. 
“All o’ ya say ya wanna beat the damn Governor, but ya ain’t doin’ shit to beat him! We know where he is! We can ambush him and kill him there!” Merle shouts.
“Merle, you know that puts Daryl and the others in danger too, right?” Gloria asks rhetorically. 
“And them three goin’ doesn’ put ‘em in danger? How do we know that the Governor didn’t bring his entire army to this meetin’?” Merle yells back, his worry evident in his voice.
“You’re right, we don’t know that. But what you’re suggesting is too big a risk to take.” Gloria takes another step down on the steps so that she’s level with the others, “think about it, Merle. Regardless of whether the Governor took his entire army, if they have a lookout and catch us trying to ambush them, Daryl, Rick, and Hershel are still with the Governor. They could turn it into a hostage situation and it puts them in even more danger. You may not care about Rick or Hershel, but I know you care about Daryl and you want to look out for him, but wanting to ambush the Governor does the complete opposite of that.”
“Yeah, that’s what we’ve all been trying to tell him but he just doesn’t get it with that thick skull of his.” Glenn says, still glaring at Merle.
His words provoke Merle as he growls, lunging at Glenn but only to be stopped as Gloria unsheathes one of her daggers and presses it to Merle’s throat, making him freeze in place. 
“Keep moving and see what happens.” Gloria challenges him.
Merle glares at her but moves back, he can’t help but admit to himself that he’s quite impressed with how badass Gloria is. Still huffing in anger, he backs off from Glenn and the others. 
He then looks at Gloria, “I didn’ wanna cause trouble, like ya said, I only wanted to help Daryl.”
“You can help him by shutting up and waiting for them to come back.” Gloria says as she puts her dagger back into its sheath then turns to Glenn, “and no more bitter retorts from you either.”
Glenn crosses his arms and huffs, not saying anything else as he knows he was guilty of provoking Merle. He lets out another breath before making his way to the door and going outside to get some air. Merle goes to the hallway connecting his cell block to the main area and sits along the wall. Gloria looks over at Carol and they both sigh, glad that the damage of the altercation was somewhat minimal to say the least. 
Next Chapter
A lot of Merle in this chapter hehe so yeah I might have grown a soft spot for Merle, at first I hated him but after rewatching the show over, I grew to like him, in his own twisted way, he does care for Daryl! That and he’s also Mary Poppins hahaha sorry there wasn’t many Gloria Daryl moments, but I needed this chapter, what did you think of Merle’s interacts with Gloria though?? Let me know!!!
I hope everyone stays safe and healthy, please don’t panic, we will get through this!
And as always, I would really appreciate any comments left for me! I’ll be replying to any comments in a new post because this is a sideblog!
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