#just because he was so lost and full of rage toward Asgard and Thor and the world
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musclesandhammering · 2 years ago
Oooh this is so interesting.
You’re one of the few people I’ve seen who also thinks that Thanos’s… mistreatment, let’s say- of Loki was more subtle. And I think Loki had a tad bit more agency than just being kidnapped and used as a slave.
I always describe it as Loki going in kahoots with the scariest mafia boss in the galaxy (Thanos ofc). Like he chose to “ally” with him and he willingly went along with his plan, but he was terrified of him all the while.
And if you add this layer- that Loki actually came to see Thanos as a father figure at a time in his life when he desperately needed one- then this scenario makes even more sense.
Like he was hurt and lost and pissed so he started up this unequal partnership with Thanos, and even though he got put through hell in his time working with him, he never tried to break their partnership because- along with having his pain and lostness and anger heightened by the mind stone- he also was loyal to Thanos and looked up to him in this really twisted way. I just-
Wow. Emotions.
Loki attacking earth like his frost giant ancestors before him (I wonder if thanos knew he was a frost giant btw)
Loki really went "if you won't accept me as an Asgardian, I'll be as obnoxiously Jotun as I can" and I respect him for it.
Alternatively, one could say that in his quest to destroy that part of his identity, he solidified it, but that's slightly less great 😬
I definitely think that Thanos knew he was a Frost Giant. I don't know if there's anything to really back it up in canon or if it's just my headcanons getting the best of me, but I get the feeling Thanos knows a lot about Loki and his life and his grievances. I feel like The Avengers worked out too well for it to have all been a coincidence. In his grief and his anger and his confusion, it makes perfect sense for Loki to have latched onto that desire for a throne and that need to get back at Thor by taking over his beloved Earth, and the fact that Thanos chose Loki specifically for this task makes me think that he knew that. I know it's the common theme among Loki stans to say that Thanos did nothing but torture him and was a monster through and through, but I like to think that Thanos's manipulation was more subtle than that, and that while the Mind Stone was leeching away at what little sanity he had left, Loki almost trusted him. Because he was so desperate for a father figure and we know Thanos likes to play The Dad™ to orphans (usually after making them orphans but maybe he makes exceptions for people who latch onto him like lost kittens) and I think Loki absolutely would have confided in him because he thought he'd finally found someone who cares. And I don't think he realized until it was all over and he was free from the Mind Stone's hold on him that it was a bad idea, and by that point, there was nothing he could do but watch the world burn.
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bxckybarness · 4 years ago
What I Missed - Loki Laufeyson
summary: while in custody at the TVA, loki realizes what he misses from the future, only to be surprised by what he gets in the present
word count: 2100+
warnings: a little angsty, a little emotional, mention of loki’s death, episode 1 spoilers
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Today was certainly not Loki’s day.
Over the course of a few hours (or more, or less, this is the TVA, afterall) he had been in the custody of the Avengers, had happened upon the Tesseract and escaped from New York. It seemed too good to be true, and it was. Just when he thought he had truly outsmarted the Earthly heroes again, he was imprisoned and taken again.
Now here he was, under the supervision of the Time Variance Authority and one, Mobius, a bizarre administrator in charge of tracking down the most dangerous of variants. It all seemed like madness to Loki. He was used to silly games and grandiose tricks but this story of timelines and space lizards seemed beyond even his own trickery. It seemed downright absurd. And annoying.
He had been subject to what he would call an interrogation. Mobius, however, called it a simple conversation. A slideshow of his life, his “greatest hits” as Mobius had called it and a relentless fire of questions, the memory of which continued to burn in his memory:
Should you return, what are you going to do?
King of Midgard? Then what, happily ever after?
King of Space?
Why does someone with so much capability just want to rule?
Do you enjoy hurting people?
That one had burned most of all. Did he enjoy hurting people? Hardly. And it was upsetting to him that anyone would think that. But he also understood what he appeared to be to every other living creature. He had just relived the moment in which he killed that daft agent and his mother. His mother. He refused to believe he was at fault for that. Frigga was the only person who truly saw him and whom Loki cared for deeply. But it seemed so clear in the moving picture, he had led them right to her.
It was in that moment, with tears and rage in his eyes, he knew he needed to get out of the disastrous time circus. He no longer cared to be a monkey in this ring. If he could find the tesseract, he could escape and be free once again.
That plan had gone almost perfectly. The only thing that went wrong - there is no magic in the TVA. No matter how many times he held the tesseract in his hands, wishing it to take him back to Midgard or Asgard, he was met with nothing but the bland walls in this TVA Time Theater. There was no hope in escaping.
Feeling exhausted, Loki slowly moves toward the table in the center of the room. He sits down and admires the machine in front of him. As grim as the stories it held could be, it was still quite fascinating that it could replay the highlights from his life - in a weird way, at least. He reaches out and turns the knob, searching for the moment his mother dies. He finds it and watches in silence for a while, tears beginning to fall down his face.
He turns the knob again.
He sees a future version of himself sitting next to his father and Thor. He watches as his father declares his love for his sons. Sons, plural. Both Thor and him. A small smile graces Loki’s face before Odin disappears, leaving the two men behind. Loki holds back a sob as tears continue to flood from his eyes. His father did love him, did see purpose for him. He wasn’t just the mischievous son. He’s sad that it took this long to understand that, and sad that he never got to experience this himself, even if a future version of him did.
Another turn of the knob.
This scene immediately feels different. He sees a garden, full of life, beautiful flowers blooming in every direction. He sees himself, sitting under a tree smiling next to a young woman. As the scene progresses he realizes this version of him is smiling at you. He lets out a small gasp when he watches the pair share a kiss and wipes the quickly falling tears from his cheeks. He had always loved you, but had never gotten the chance to tell you. The two of you had met through Thor, when he brought both you and Jane to Asgard. He had taken to you quickly, enjoying your similar sarcasm and humor - something that was scarce within his home realm. You, like his mother, had always seen the good in him and had understood his struggle. It was something he would never understand, you being of Midgard. You knew what he had done and had been there to see the destruction, but still saw him not as the God of Mischief or Earth Enemy #1, only Loki. He aches for the fact that he never got to feel the happiness his future self did, especially when it was happiness with you.
Turn the knob.
Loki and Thor stand in a room together. Loki lets out a small laugh in the midst of his tears, wondering how his oaf of a brother managed to lose an eye. Maybe a dumb bet between the two of them, maybe there was a battle amongst the nine realms. He’s quickly pulled from his thoughts as he hears Thor speak.
“Maybe you’re not so bad after all, brother.”
“Maybe not,” the future Loki responds.
“Thank you,” Thor replies, “If you were here, I might even give you a hug.”
“I’m here.”
Loki smiles and nods to himself. From where he’s sitting now, it’s a wonder that he and his brother ever made up. He realizes now that the fighting and the sibling rivalry may have all been in his head. He, again, curses himself for leaving New York and allowing himself to miss these moments that he’s been waiting his whole life for.
He and you lay in a room, seemingly on the same ship as the previous scene. You lay snug against his chest, his arms wrapped tightly around you. You hum softly before speaking up.
“I love you, you know.”
By the look on both of your faces, it’s the first time this has been said out loud. There’s nervous tension in the room, Loki can feel it through this screen. He somehow knows the words his future self is going to say before he hears them.
“I love you too, darling. You bring out the best in me.”
You snuggle closer to him, if that’s even possible, and there’s a comfortable silence for a few seconds. Loki takes a moment to admire this picture. It was something he had wanted since he had first met you on Asgard. You had stuck out like a sore thumb, dressed in your casual Midgardian clothes. He couldn’t have missed you even if he tried, nobody could have. And boy was he glad about that now.
“Promise me something,” he watches himself say.
“Anything,” you whisper. “Anything for you, Loki.”
“Promise me, no matter what, you’ll always help me see the good in myself. I’ve too long suffered at the hands of those who desperately wish for me to see the bad.”
You let out a laugh and the Loki stuck in time laughs with you, “Oh, Loki. I wish you could see yourself as I see you. But I promise.”
“Thank you, my love.”
“You, Loki, may be a God, but you will always just be the man I fell in love with. The good, kind, and honorable man I call mine.”
Turn, again.
Loki sees himself kneeling and before he can question why, he watches as his future self moves to attack someone in front of him. When Loki realizes it's Thanos, he’s quickly on his feet, moving closer to the screen. The tears are gone now, and a silent rage burns behind his eyes. There was nothing from Loki but hate for the purple titan. He watches in horror as Thanos picks Loki up from the floor, a death grip on his neck. Loki wonders to himself how he would get himself out of this scenario had he been there. He assumes an illusion would do the trick. However, he notices your distraught figure behind the mad titan. He can hear your screams as you kneel next to Thor, who is imprisoned in cuffs. He hears you call out to him and he knows this will not end well. His suspicions are right when he watches his death. A shocked gasp comes from his throat as the tape in front of him runs out, nothing left to show.
Loki quickly sits back down and closes his eyes, trying his hardest to process the vision he saw. To one version of him, these would have been experiences and now memories. To him, though, these were all subtle tastes of a life he lost. He lost a touching moment with his father and a long awaited declaration of love from him. He lost the reconciliation with his brother and the confession that they had been more partners than rivals. Even though to him it had not yet happened, he missed it all, and it upset him deeply.
What hurt Loki the most was the idea that he lost his chance to feel his love reciprocated. Loki had never had much luck with romance. He was often seen as the sly younger brother and was usually too occupied to try and compete with Thor for the maidens at court. When he met you, he thought he had a chance. You were the first woman who saw him as his own person and not just as Thor’s brother. The relationship between the two of you had blossomed quickly and he found himself always sneaking away from his princely duties to see you. He had shown you his favorite places in Asgard and had opened up to you in ways he had never done before. He loved you and wanted you to be his. His one regret was not initiating a relationship before you had left for Midgard. And he thought his chances had been ruined by his actions in New York. Oh, how wrong he was.
Before Loki can dwell on his future more, Mobius comes bursting into the room.
“Ah Loki, glad you made your way back here. I have something for you,” he says.
“If this is another one of your tricks, I’m not currently in the mood,” Loki responds coolly.
“Just trust me on this one.”
Mobius shouts over his shoulder for someone to “bring her in.” Loki eyes the guards who walk in suspiciously until he notices who they bring with them. He can hardly believe his eyes. The gods in all the realms must be smiling down on him today, after all, because there you stand. He takes in your hideous red and white space suit, emblazoned with the Avengers logo, and he’s at least thankful he missed whatever battle this suit was required for.
He quickly stands and rushes over to you, a smile quickly gracing his face. You meet his gaze with a smile that is just as big and tears begin to flow from your eyes.
“Loki,’ you start. “Is that really you?”
He nods and speaks, although his words are barely audible, “It’s me, my love.”
“God, I thought I lost you forever. That’s why I went back in time to find you.”
Loki nods, now, unable to believe what he’s hearing, “You went back to find me?”
“Yes, but look what good that did me,” you say with a smirk. Loki’s heart pulls and he feels he could fall over right there. Norns, he missed you and your witty humor.
“Well,” he says, reciprocating your sly attitude, “You found me did you not? I might not be the same Loki as you knew, but I am still Loki.”
“The good, kind, and honorable Loki that I call mine.”
Loki smiles and you move forward to give him a hug. You’re cautious, though, because you aren’t exactly sure what part of the timeline this Loki came from. Maybe you had already been dating, maybe not. That was something to figure out another time though.
“Alright then,” Mobius says from behind you, “Let’s get you two caught up on what you missed with each other.”
Today was certainly not Loki’s day. And he had cursed all that was good that he had ended up at the TVA, taken from the life he knew. But now? He didn’t mind. He knew the relationships that were broken with his brother and father had been mended, he knew that one version of him had sacrificed himself for good and he had you, not only in memory but in the flesh. And sure, you had lots to rediscover within your relationship, but you would do that together.
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tokoyamisstuff · 4 years ago
Meant To Be - Loki x Fem! Reader
Summary: Much to your displeasure, your parents have promised you away to the God of Mischief of all people.
Tags: Arranged Marriage AU, Light Elf! Reader
Warnings: Aside from Loki hating himself, nothing.
Words: 2878
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I Masterlist I
A/N: Some good old-fashioned, ‘redeemed after The Avengers and the other movies didn’t happen’ Loki. Like, really cheesy, self-indulgent 2012 stuff. I just want to ignore all misery that happens in the series okay?
“Ew! Stop it!”
You were eight at the time when you and Loki first met, by means of negotiation between both your parents.
If only you knew that this encounter should be the first impression of what should be your husband in the near future...
Frigga and Odin could only plead for their son to be on his best behavior - but well, it’s the God of Mischief we’re talking about. Must be hard to inherit such a title from your very birth.
Just when you put the little bonquet of flowers he had picked up for you towards your face to admire it, several little spiders emerged from the blossoms.
“You’re no fun.” The raven-haired boy stood a safe distance away from you, arms crossed as his gleeful laughter turned into a broad sulk. "And your ears are weird.”
“I hate you!” you screeched in your childish rage, throwing the flowers to the ground and trampling onto them. “Where’s your brother? Thor is way nicer than you!”
“Well, why don’t you marry him then?!” he mocked to cover up his hurt pride, picking up a handful of dirt and throwing it in your direction. 
“I don’t need any friends anyway...” the little boy whispered to himself, running away from the scene with tears filling the corner of his eyes. 
“I don’t need anyone. I’m way better than all of them!”
Not even Frigga was fast enough to catch up with him, while Odin uttered some fake apologies to your parents, promising them that everything will go as planned.
You on the other hand were running towards your mother, tightly grabbing onto her dress. “He’s mean! I wanna go home!”
As Queen of the Light Elves, your mother was a being full of grace and composure - and you were hoping to one day become such a formidable person as well.
She bowed down to your height, petting your hair as you rubbed the mixture of tears and dirt from your cheeks. Just her bright smile alone would sometimes be enough to make you forget about your worries - but not today.
“My sweet child” she cooed, cradling you in her arms. “One day you’ll understand.”
However, this would be the last time you paid Asgard a visit - at least until now. Because no matter how deeply you wished to never meet him again, the words your mother spoke on that day haunted you all those years:
“For this is your duty as a princess.”
[Present Day - Asgard]
It felt so unreal when you stuck your head outside of the wooden carriage, the wind playing with your hair as your glare wandered over the rainbow bridge you were crossing.
Silence strained the air, your parents unable to do even so much as look into your eyes. Hel, how you wished this was only a dream.
Behind you was a whole company of Light Elves, transporting all of your belongings to what should be your homecountry from now on.
Now there was no way back, that much was sure.
You were supposed to meet your soon-to-be husband on that very same day, one day before your wedding to be precize.
One could only guess why you weren’t allowed to visit Asgard again for all those years, even though you were practically born just for this reason - for this person.
To become Loki’s bride was your involuntary purpose, and you couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to be truly free.
Maybe your parents thought the God of Mischief to have a bad influence on their growing daughter, pulling you into his harmless yet dishonorable schemes. Or they simply feared you to refuse marrying said man if you got to know him better, finding out just what kind of person you were promised to.
Not that your parents were pleased either...everyone in the Nine Realms knew the stories.
To Odin, there was no point in hiding the disgrace his adoptive son had brought over Asgard. Not only was he responsible for an attack on Midgard, sacrificing thousands of lives for his own sake, drunken by greed for power.
But all of you were shocked to hear that Loki Odinson - or rather Laufeyson - was never Asgardian to begin with.
A Frost Giant.
Among your kind, they were known to be one of the most terrible abominations in the nine realms, and murderer of countless of your kind - and this should be the father to your future children?
Only thinking about this cruel twist of fate made you want to vomit...
So why did you agree to proceed with the preparations as if nothing had happened? How in Alfheim’s name could you reject their offer to wed you to Thor instead of that lunatic?
Was it that through your upbringing and royal duties, you had lost your own free will? Or simply fear of stepping aside the path that everyone had prepared for you?
It was probably the fact that you didn’t want to get into true love’s way...you and Thor stayed in brief contact through Heimdall, and you just knew how much that human girl meant to him.
You were kinda jealous, though...the concept of being in love was foreign to you, having a vague idea of it from novels only. But real life just wasn’t meant to be that was, was it?
You couldn’t escape your fate, that was what it was - for this treaty would unite both kingdoms, bringing peace and wealth for all of their inhabitants.
No way you could be so selfish as to decline...even if it meant you had to suffer for the rest of your life.
“My Ladyship, we have arrived!” a guard spoke as he knocked on the carriage door, with your parents hinting that you needed to step out first.
The very same guard now yelled from the pit of his lungs, making you feel the whole Kingdom of Asgard could hear. “Now arriving: Lady Y/N Y/L/N, eldest Princess of Alfheim and heir to the throne.”
You heared the people whispering as you took your first, insecure steps, blinded by the bright daylight.
“She’s so pale, like ice” or “Why are her ears like that?” were rather nice comments compared to others plainly calling you ugly, scary or a ‘disgrace’.
Of course your Kingdoms had been in a war for several decades, but this was long in the past - before your very birth, even. So what’s the reason you should bear with such hostility in the place everyone expected you to call ‘home’ from now on?
One thing was clear from the very beginning: You would never belong here.
“May I?” a dark, husky voice interrupted your self-pitying. You blinked heavily, still trying to adjust to all those golden surroundings, until your blurry vision finally cleared up.
“C’mon.” The voice belonged to the man in front of you, looking gravely nervous with sweat dripping from his forehead. He was reaching out a hand for you to take, and you gladly accepted since you didn’t want to embarass yourself further by falling out of the carriage.
And still, you managed to somehow miss a step and fall right into his arms. “Oh my, so clumsy” the man snickered as he catched you, clearing his throat as you grabbed onto his chest to regain balance. "Not very graceful for someone of your status.”
“And you are-” The words got stuck in your throat when you stared back into those eyes, their emerald green awaking memories you’d rather forgotten entirely. “L-Loki!”
“Exactly, my dear. The one and only.” Smooth and calm, he  pecked a kiss on the back of your hand, andyou couldn’t help but admire just how well he had aged: His wild locks were combed back, sharp features complimenting his face as he tried his best to give you his most innocent smile.
Yet you kept your guard up, always expecting him to somehow embarass you just for the fun of it. “When it comes to him, always expect the unexpected” Thor once warned you, and you won’t forget about it that easily.
“It’s a pleasure finally meeting you” was your firm declaration, only to be rewarded with a scoff. “You are speaking to the God of Lies, Lady Y/N - there is no use in trying to deceive me” he whispered into your ear, making you shiver in unpleasant anticipation.
“Carry her belongings to my rooms” he dismissed the servants with a simple gesture of his hand, offering his other arm for you to cling on as he escorted you through the palace.
The giant halls were almost empty, nothing like back on Alfheim where you and your brethren would enjoy each other’s company in midst of nature. A sole tear escaped your eye when you thought back to those carefree days, which are now over.
“Are you alright, m’lady?” Much to your surprise, your fiancé sounded honestly concerned about your well-being. “If you are tired, we can postpone our tour of the palace until you’ve rested.”
 “May I speak from the heart?” You gulped after finishing that sentence, scaring yourself with all the stories you’ve heared about this mad troublemaker.
Somehow you had the feeling that if you were to overstep your boundaries with that brute, it would have consequences beyond your imagination. He might seem generous and polite right this moment, but what would someone like him do if you enrage him? Countless images were circling in your head, one worse than the other.
Loki furrowed his brows, exhalinge deeply. For him, your expression was an open book to what you were thinking right now.
“Y/N, my dear Lady, if you want it or not: Starting tomorrow, we share a bond. I am deeply sorry that a veritable flower as you are had to end up with someone like me, but I promise to treat you as well as possible.”
Turning around so you’d not detect how it hurt him to speak from the heart, he added with a shaky voice “Yet there is no reason for you to hold back your hatred for me. No harm will come your way, I swear upon the little honor I have left.”
Even though his words made you feel a deep sympathy with the god, you weren’t quite sure if you could decipher truth or deceit in them. Maybe he just wanted to lure you into saying what you truly thought of him?
He’s right - you will have to spend the rest of your life with him, so don’t mess this up from the very start!
“I-I don’t hate you!” was the first thing you blurted out, grabbing onto his cloak. Loki turned around, rising his eyebrow as he scanned your face for any hint of a lie.
Althrough it was the truth, at least to a certain extend. You’ve seen each other only once, when you were still little. The rest is all tales and rumours, but you personally don’t have a reason to despise him.
There was no way you could promise to accept his past or heritage, let alone forgive him - yet as long as he’d treat you with respect, you’d return the favour.
“T-There’s just a question on my mind this whole time...aren’t you mad? I-I mean someone like- well...like you...” you gestured around awkardly, almost making him crack a smile. “I mean...I thought you wouldn’t let your parents dictate your life.”
Another deep sigh escaping his mouth, this times with his eyes closed. “This isn’t about Asgard or my adoptive parents. I choose my own path.”
Suddenly, Loki wrapped one arm around you, flicking his fingers with the free one.
“Hold onto me” he ordered indifferent as he casted his spell, teleporting both of you away before you could even comprehend, let alone ask him what he was doing.
It happened in the fraction of a second, yet felt like hovering through an empty space for an eternity.
“Now open your eyes.” You hadn’t even realized that you squeezed them shut during the shift, slowly opening them while Loki lifted your chin with his index finger.
The environment was magnificent. Had you ever seen something this beautiful in your whole life?
Obviously you had no clue where you were, but this was the first time seeing so much untouched nature on Asgard. There were flowers blooming in all colours imagineable, clear rivers crossing the lands in between grassy hills, and animals nearby a small forrest.
“It’s not like I didn’t educate myself about the Light Elves and their way of living” Loki stammered, unconsciously intertwining your fingers with yours as he watched you admiring the view. “So I could make you comfortable here, I mean.”
He plummeted down on the grass, still a little wet from the morning dew, and gestured for you to do the same. It was weird, actually, but also somehow adorable - how the infamous ‘Silver Tongue’ had lost his ability with words. “I’ve done very little right in my life full of wrongs. Hurt a lot of people.”
“Mmmhh” you hummed approvingly, not knowing what else to say - yet for some reason, you didn’t let go off of his hand, squeezing it ever so slightly.
“And even though I can’t possibly redeem myself, I wish to change for the better.” he muttered, rubbing the back of his head. “I just never knew how to start.”
Loki Odinson really was full of surprises. He was nothing like the child you’ve met long ago, and the complete opposite of what you imagined the ‘God of Mischief’ to be.
You had expected a power-hungry, selfish and cruel man to wed you - and yet there he was: Insecure and broken, only a shell of the person he once was.
Just what had you missed all those years? What things happened to break someone’s will like this?
And was he truly beyond repair?
“Those past weeks, I have visited Alfheim more times than you could comprehend” he giggled nervously, avoiding your eyes. “Concealed, of course.”
Well, that sounded kind of weird, but you knew better than to talk someone down who was just opening up to you. So your sole answer was “What for?”
“There was no way a criminal like me would still be seemed fit for this ceremony - and yet I was given this chance anyway. My mother told me that it was you who insisted on carrying on the arrangement, so...I just wanted to know what person would be willingly ruin their life.”
Something different was shining through the god’s orbs, and you couldn’t quite decipher it. Was it hope? Hope, that if you had given him a chance, his life could lead into a different direction? To change himself from the burden that was his birth title?
“I-I guess I don’t want to mess this up like I always do” he whimpered barely audible, before staring at you in shock and embarassment. Until now, he hadn’t realized just how vulnerable he made himself.
Just what the hell would you think about him now? You probably had lost any respect, or thought himself to be crazy. How weak...
So he was quick to put on the confident facade again, wearing his smug grin as if that all was just part of a big joke only he’d understand. But even though you barely knew him, he couldn’t fool you.
“Sometimes it’s enough just to try.” Your head turned from the sight of nature to your fiancé and back several times, before you brought up the courage and put a hand on his shoulder, whispering “So you can’t really mess this up.”
“Gladly you don’t seem to know yet just how much misery I cause.” He kept that thought to himself, to not scare you away.
“I am aware that you could never love someone like me, Y/N. But I can provide for you, dedicate myself to making you content with being my wife. My newfound purpose.”
The purpose of a war criminal - that sure put yourself under a lot of pressure. And still, it made you somewhat proud, and grateful as well. Because it was the first time someone valued you as a person, and not the princess of Alfheim.
Unaware of how much time had passed, both of you would get used to each other’s presence in silence, enjoying the nature while you processed this eventful day.
Exhausted from the long travel and all that rollercoaster of emotion, you soon found yourself dazzling into sleep onto Loki’s shoulder. If only you could see him adore you, staring in awe that someone could actually feel so safe in his presence.
Carefully, the god picked you up, gently lifting you on his arms to make your way back to the palace, where everyone was frantically searching for both of you. Well, Loki was used to trouble -  but right now, it was worth it.
May it be right or wrong, and even though you couldn’t explain this sentiment, you had a good feeling when it came to the things that were just about to come.
“You won’t regret your decision, Y/N Y/L/N. On my side, I assure you a bright future.”
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axiomsend · 4 years ago
In a Crowd of Thousands
Loki x Gender Neutral!Reader, set in between Thor: The Dark World and Thor: Ragnarok. Loki is currently pretending to be Odin.
Word Count: 1,744
Contains: Reunions, Threats of Violence, Angst?, Fluff?
Inspiration: In a Crowd of Thousands from Anastasia.
As the child of one of Vanaheim’s two senators, you were expected to make appearances with your mother often- or as often as an 8-year-old would allow. People weren’t exactly expecting you to appear at every signing of a bill into law, but they were expecting to see you at fun things. The kind of events that kids dream of taking a part of, or at least look up at in wonder. This was one of those events: a parade celebrating the over thousand-year peace between Asgard and Vanaheim, cemented when Frigga and Odin were married.
You sat high on a carriage, next to your mother. You were dressed in fine Vanheimian silks, enshrouding your body and making a hot summer that much more unbearable. You began to fuss with the sleeves on your outfit when you took notice of something odd. A small child, extremely disheveled and dirty, staring directly at you from the crowd.
As your carriage moved by, you saw him begin to move, trying to catch up with you. The guards spot him, but they can’t catch him. He is able to dodge them and escape from the crowd into the parade. He begins to run towards you, shouting your name the whole time. Your mother realizes this boy is very persistent and elects to stop the carriage so that he doesn’t get run over by it. You smile at him as he bows. The guards finally catch up to him and take him away, and you wave goodbye to him as he is dragged away kicking. The parade starts up again, and you continue on the rest of your day thinking about that day.
You still think about that day now and then- even a thousand years later. Not much has changed since then- your homeworld is still a democracy, run by two main senators. The only real difference is the people in power- now, one of them is you. It’s your first term as a Senator, though you’ve had a lot of experience in the local politics of your homeworld. Unfortunately, that’s not very helpful when it comes to politicking with leaders of the other Nine Realms. The last time you left Vanheim, and subsequently met any kind of leader outside your own world, was that parade. But now, you're going back.
Five years had passed since Frigga was killed by the Dark Elf Algrim. The peace between Asgard and Vanheim was as strong as it ever was, but the people of Vanheim were weary. To appease your people, and to ensure that the peace remained strong, yearly visits to Asgard were implemented. It was more for keeping up appearances than anything, but you had been warned by your predecessor had informed you this usually came with in-depth philosophical discussions.
You knew something was off as soon as you arrived. You were not greeted by Heimdall. Instead, some man named Skurge had welcomed you. You might have been a child when you were last here, but you distinctly remembered the Bifrost Bridge being more colorful, shining more brilliantly, and having less stuff littering it. By the time you make it to the throne room, you are thoroughly convinced some trickery is afoot. The person pretending to be Odin, sitting atop his throne confirms this.
You can tell right away that it’s not Odin. Your people are one of old magic and trickery, and this is an obvious example of a well-crafted, almost perfected glamour. But you can see through the cracks. The puzzle now is figuring out who is pretending to be Odin- without causing the people of Asgard to panic at the fact their ruler is not who he says he is.
“Greetings, Senator Y/N of Vanheim. Welcome to Asgard. I trust your journey here went smoothly.” The false king states.
You bow your head in keeping with tradition. “Greetings, Odin, All-father, Protector of the Nine Realms. My journey was safe and swift, and I am thankful to have the honor to be in your presence once more.”
“You honor me, Senator, with your respect for my right as King. Come now, let us dine together.” You raise your head again and begin following the false Odin into the dining room.
Thankfully, another part of the tradition is for Odin to eat dinner with the Senator of Vanheim alone upon their arrival in Asgard. Which gives you the perfect opportunity to figure out who is masquerading behind the facade of Odin. As soon as you are alone together, you make your first move: Undoing the magic being done to pretend to be Odin. You are unsurprised to see who it is, but something now seems eerily familiar about him that hadn’t before.
“How did you do that?” He asks, puzzled that he looks like himself again.
“What are you doing, Loki?” Your voice is sharp but quiet, careful not to alert anyone who may be trying to listen to the huge secret you’ve just unveiled.
“What does it look like I’m doing? And you haven’t answered my question.”
You take a huge deep breath and let the air flow out slowly through your mouth so you don’t immediately fly into a rage. You are still a Senator, after all. “If you had studied the magics like you had been told too, maybe you would know the answer. Now, where is Odin?” You begin walking towards him, and he walks backward to keep the distance between you.
“I have no idea.” His answer sounds honest, but you know it’s a lie. He has backed himself into a corner, and you stand in front of him, about the block him in when he teleports to the other side of the room.
“Do not test me, Prince,” You begin, conjuring a gigantic ball of flame, “Where is your father? What have you done to him?”
“Senator, please calm down. We wouldn’t want a diplomatic incident, now would we?” Loki is smirking at you, thinking he’s got you in a bind. But he doesn’t realize he’s already lost.
You glare at him and put out the flame. “See, now that wasn’t that-” His speech is interrupted by you transforming into him, and reconjuring the flame.
“Do not trifle with me, Prince. I would be more than happy to kill you and replace you if it meant no one else must suffer at your hand. Now tell me. Where is your father?”
“He’s in a retirement home on Earth.” You transform back into yourself instantly upon this revelation and put out the flame once more.
“What in his name is he doing on Earth in a retirement home?” Your anger is gone, you are just tired now. Tired of the trickery, and games. And you really just want to eat.
“I put him under a spell. Wiped his memories.” You want to cry. Your first visit back to Asgard and it’s a total disaster.
You hesitate before asking, “How long have you been at this?”
“Five years” You look up at the ceiling and bite your lip to prevent yourself from screaming. When you look back at Loki you stop biting your lip and instead smile, and clap.
Through gritted teeth you shout, “Let’s Eat!” He opens his mouth to say something, but you are done with his nonsense. You cast a spell to temporarily prevent him from speaking. He glares at you, but you ignore him. You sit down next to each other at the table and eat the dinner you had been craving since you arrived.
After you finish the meal, you reverse the spell, and tell him, “You are the luckiest Prince in the Nine Realms, Loki.”
“I wouldn’t say it’s luck. I worked pretty hard to get here.”
“Loki. You do realize that had any other Vanheimian Senator, let alone any other ruler of any of the Nine Realms, found out your secret before me, they would have killed you on the spot?”
“Then why haven’t you killed me, Senator?”
“I’d rather not have to deal with the war that will come after that. Even if I am justified, it would destabilize all the Nine Realms. I will not sacrifice millennia of peace because you decided to rule Asgard for five years.” You reply.
“I am grateful.”
“You know,” You start, and you're not sure why you’re telling him this, “I’ve been waiting a millennium to come back here. And this is what I find now that all this time has passed. A Prince playing at being King.”
“A millennium?” There is a shift in his tone as he asked.
“Yes, a millennium. I keep thinking back to the day my mother and I came here. She was a Senator at that time, and we were in a parade. There was a boy-”
“That was you?” The realization hits him first, and his whole demeanor shifts.
“What do you mean that was me?” You are in denial.
“I was that boy. The one who made you smile and got dragged away by guards- that was me.”
“Are you telling me the day I couldn’t stop thinking about for centuries, that the boy I wanted to come back and find- that was you?” You really wish this was one of his tricks, but it’s not. It’s obvious it’s not. The way he’s looking at you like he’s just rediscovered the love of his life, tells you he’s not lying.
“You couldn’t stop thinking about it either?” He asks.
“I wanted to find you again.”
“So did I.” He chuckles, “It seems ridiculous now. I spent a decade looking for you, but my mother said-”
“Don’t worry, child. You will meet again one day when the fates allow?” You finish his sentence.
“Yes, exactly.” Loki smiles at the memory of Frigga.
“So what now?” You ask.
He reaches out for your hand and you give it to him. “We make up for lost time.” He kisses you, and you kiss him back. It is the kiss of a long-lost love, full of passion and relief. Of a spouse returning from war, years after the war has ended, long since presumed to be dead. As the kiss ends, you embrace each other. You saw each other in a crowd a thousand years ago. And a thousand years from now you will be in crowds together, happily married, with the peace between your realms secured for thousands more.
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modernpace · 4 years ago
Loki x Reader Chapter 4
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Chapter 4:
Thor led you to a lavish banquet hall. A long wooden table sat at the center of the room and was filled with men and women. They were talking and laughing, telling stories of their adventures. The two of you stopped as he scanned the room. His eyes landed on a beautiful woman standing off to the side. He guides you over to her and bows his head.
She smiled brightly and held her hand out to him. Her golden locks were pinned up, like a halo made of hair. Her gown was a dandelion yellow, with a sheer mesh-like neckline decorated with a mosaic of gems.
You quickly snap out of it and curtsy with your fist over your heart and your head bowed.
"This must be your friend," she said patting his arm.
"Y/n L/n, your majesty," you responded. Thank god Thor briefed you about introductions on your way here...who know what would happen if you were rude to the Queen.
She gently lay a hand on your arm, "Come, let me have a look at you, dear." You stand and look up, but avoid looking at her directly. I must look like an idiot. "The dress looks lovely on you. Compliments you well." She smiled kindly at you. You saw so much of Thor in her face: kind eyes, big smile.
You beamed at her, "I can't thank you enough, your majesty, for allowing me to come to Asgard. It's a beauty like no others."
Nodding she responded, "And as far as my husband is concerned, I'm the one who offered you this opportunity after my son confided in me." She winked at you, and without question, you nodded in agreement. She turned to Thor and laid a hand on his bicep and gave him a sympathetic smile.
They shared a knowing look before she excused herself, "I hope you enjoy the banquet, my dear. Tomorrow we'll discuss your training." Without another word, she left the banquet hall.
"Shall we?"
"Wait." He looked back at you. "What did she mean?"
He nodded, "She's probably going to bring Loki some books. I don't know why she entertains him. He--"
"No," you interrupted, "you know what I mean."
"My father..." you nodded for him to continue. "He doesn't believe Midgardians should be on Asgard."
Your mouth dropped slightly and you muttered, "Well that would've been great to know beforehand"
He gave you an apologetic look and began walking toward a different door. You followed closely behind him. He led you to a throne room. High pillars line the hall on both sides. On the opposite end you entered from, there were no walls, just a beautiful view of Asgard and its city. Standing under an archway, Odin stood and studied his kingdom.
"Father." Odin didn't flinch, or turn or even acknowledge your presence. He just stared out at Asgard. "I present Lady Y/n." You bow with your fist against your heart.
"Have you settled in nicely?" He inquired.
"Um," you instantly got your shit together, forgetting your nerves. "Yes, All-Father. Thank you for you opening your home to me, and allowing me the opportunity to hone my abilities, sir."
Your eyes remained at his feet and he chuckled. "Very well." He turned to his son and with a stern voice advised him, "During her stay on Asgard, she will be your responsibility. You are to ensure her safety, as well as maintain she stay out of trouble."
"Yes, of course, father," Thor responded with certainty.
"My dear," you daringly look up at him and he motions you to stand, "My wife tells me you possess the ability of illusions."
You cursed to yourself. Is it rude to correct the King? "That's definitely one way to put it. I hope to discover the full extent of my abilities so I can help people back home."
He gives a cautious smile, "I hope you remember that with great power, comes great responsibility. Any power can be used for good--or even bad for that matter. Carry that with you during your training." You hummed in understanding and he gestured for you two to head back to the banquet hall. "You may go, enjoy the banquet."
You both thanked him and made your way back to everyone.
"Definitely more intimidating than you said," you joked.
Thor had introduced you to his close friends: the Warriors Three, and Lady Sif. Volstagg was loud and hearty, Hogun was serious and silent, and Fandral was extremely polite and a little... flirtatious? Sif was bubbly but serious...definitely more bubbly when drinking.
They had welcomed you, asked you if you had any stories--which you didn't because you never actually went on a legitimate assignment. They still seemed warm and open to you. You were grateful for that.
Volstagg was telling a story about when he had come to Earth a few years back--when Thor had been cast out of Asgard. From Thor's hearty laugh and Sif's questionable smile, you could tell he was a very creative story-teller.
You weren't able to keep up with their high tolerance. And you thought Thor was an experienced drinker. Having all five of them guzzle down their ale, while you're not even done with your second mug. It didn't help that Asgardian alcohol was much more...intense.
Thor somehow lost track of your whereabouts while he and Volstagg were having a drinking contest. You found yourself stumbling into the dungeons, with a newfound sense of confidence. You wanted to confront Loki and his idiot face about his idiot remarks from earlier. You stumbled from cell to cell, forgetting where Loki was.
"You're not Loki," you moved to the next cell, "Ne-neither 're y-you." You looked around confused, the room spun a bit."Wherethehell isthat little--Oh!" You grinned like an idiot as you approached his cell.
He had an amused look on his face and mumbled, "This should be good."
You pointed your finger and narrowed your eyes, "You."
"You...you..." you forgot what you were going to say. You tried to study his face but he kept swaying. Why was he swaying?
"Not very lady-like for you to be wandering the halls drunk as an idiot on your first night in Asgard."
"W-willyoushutup," You growled as you leaned against the stone beam next to his cell. "You oweme an an ap-apopology." You tried to look fierce and angry...but this was an embarrassing sight. Your hair was frizzy, your dress was disheveled, your eyes were drooping.
He stifled a laugh, never had he thought a mortal would look so funny...stupid, yes, pathetic, yes, but funny? This was a first.
You continued your drunken rant.
"I camehere t-t-to help Muscles. Cuzthat's what friends arefor," you whined and stomped your foot. Your knees felt week and your body was tired but you ignored them. "Imgonna be 'ere for-for, well Idunno how long but" you burped, "I made a promise. And I nev-never break 'em."
You looked directly into his emerald eyes. "Never," you emphasized.
He raised an eyebrow, "Is that so?"
"Shuddup." You looked him over and huffed, "You're such a-an emo."
"What the bloody hell does that mean?" You waved your hand in dismissal.
"A-and a dra-drama queen." You giggle to yourself, imagining Loki like a 1950's actress, prim and dramatic...and so demanding. (I promise this isn't a dig at any actresses, just tryna emphasize Loki is a drama queen).
"You're quite pathetic," he said in a matter-of-fact one. You glared at him. Being done with your conversation you began to regain your balance. You wanted to leave him with one last gift before the night ended.
A malicious grin formed on your face.
Loki raised an eyebrow cautiously. You clumsily rubbed your hands together as your thought of your sweet revenge. He was completely dumbfounded by your strange actions, not knowing what was in store for him. You opened your eyes and giggled devilishly.
"I hope you and your new roommate get acquainted." A low growl from behind startled him. He slowly turned around and he paled when he saw a wolf twice his size standing opposite him. "I would hate to see you turned to dog-chow." Contentedly you turned around and happily stumbled a bit.
You stopped.
"Wait, you can't kill me. You won't kill me."
You glanced back, "Oh?"
The wolf inched closer, snarling at him.
"Wait wait wait wait."
He pleaded with you. How...out of character for the big bad wolf I heard about, you thought. You chuckled as the wolf growled and pounced. He flinched and turned his body away from it, waiting to be torn to shreds. But it never came.
You burst out laughing and lost your balance. You landed on the stone floor, gasping for air.
Loki looked at you with pure outrage. The wolf stood outside the cell now, circling you protectively.
"You deceived me."
You finally caught your breath. "Oh god, that was good." You finally felt a little more stable and stood up, "Didn't think the God of Mischief would fall for something like that.”
"You'll regret that you mewling quim," he growled like your wolf. You could practically see his aura around him: rageful, vengeful, out-of-his-mind angry. But you shrugged it off. Sweet sweet psychological torture.
"Doubtful. Totally worth it," you quipped shaking your head with a proud smile.
You waved your hand and the wolf dispersed into the air. "Gooooodniiiiight," you sang as you left Loki's cell.
A/N: Hi Everyone! I just finished this chapter at 4 AM!!!!!!!!I clearly don't get enough sleep lmao.I'm gonna work on chapter 5 tomorrow; my plan is to publish it tm but expect it for Monday evening.I hope you enjoy this chapter! Goodnight! (or Goodmorning lol). PLEASE LEAVE FEEDBACK
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firefly-in-darkness · 5 years ago
Forever More
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Forever More
Characters →Y/N, Thor & Other Marvel Characters
Summary → Y/N and Thor finally have their moment, after everything.
Word Count → 2.7k
Warnings → Swearing, a smidge of angst, fluff
Beta → the lovely @kalesrebellion​, all mistakes are my own
A/N → This for @stuckonjbbarnes​ writing challenge - I had to turn the angsty song Wicked Game into a fluffy story. Sorry it’s late, hope you like it! Italics are flashbacks.
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Your clothes hung over the edge of the changing panel whilst the attendant glided the zip up and placed pins into the dress’s material; adjustments to be made once you had left the boutique. You exited the changing area, a grin plastered on your face as the attendant offered their hand to help you step up onto the podium
A giddiness overwhelmed you. The navy-blue piece moulded to your figure. It was intricately embroidered down the bodice and the skirt descended from the night sky to a pale blue grey as it reached the hem. It was the one.
Your thoughts drifted to how far you and Thor had come in the last decade; the world was on fire and nobody could save you but him, and nobody could save him but you.
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Your heart thumped ferociously as you scampered towards the building, your momentum almost sending you tumbling as you tried to avoid the debris falling around you. It was unlike anything you’d ever seen before as explosions and screams rippled across the city. Parents running with babes clutched to their chests. Friends dragged one another out of the way of the flames that were licking the buildings bare. And motherfuckin’ robots shooting laser-like beams at the people around you. Your eyes widened in fear as you ducked into an alleyway, guiding the civilians out of sight from the machines that were raging across Novi Grad.
Peering around the corner of a building, you reloaded your weapons and flagged for the small group to rush over to the rescue crafts that floated beside the rapidly ascending city. Once everyone was onboard, you nodded at the other agent and returned to the city to aid the Avengers in the rescue mission.
An explosion threw you sideways through a window, the glass shattering on impact and lodging into your skin. Your head span and your ears rang as you tried to sit up, you could feel warmth trickling along your forearm and the side of your face. Your vision blurred as a giant figure entered through the window and scooped you into their arms, you could only focus on the blonde locks and red cape blowing in the wind as you felt weightless.
The giant placed you down, laid you out across a bench of some kind. Your ears muffled from the blast, you couldn’t make out the words falling from the man’s lips, you could only focus on the bright blue eyes that sparkled with concern and tinged with anger.
Darkness clouded your vision.
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The brash knock meant the King of Asgard had arrived and with a bright smile, you welcomed Brunnhilde into the apartment. You could see her pause as she eyed the little black dress hugging your figure tightly and the headband veil that fell to your shoulders. A smirk formed on her lips before she looked around the rest of the apartment; your friends giggling and dancing in the living room.
She opened her tailored suit jacket and pulled out a flask from the inside pocket, “You’re going to need this tonight.”
You brought the flask to your lips and took a sip; the honey soothed yet the spice burned as it flowed down your throat. Even after this many years, you still weren’t accustomed to Asgardian liquor and coughed a little as you passed it back.
Natasha snatched it from your hand, “Val! What are you doing? She’ll be hiccupping the entire way!”
The redhead scolded her, but you caught the playful glint hidden in her green eyes. Brunnhilde raised her eyebrow and swigged from the flask as if to prove a point. What the point was you had no clue, but you had an inkling as the pair smirked at one another.
“You don’t want to ruin this gown and we don’t want any incidents. No more, Y/N.” Nat wagged her finger at you then swept her red and blonde locks away from her face and checked her lipstick in the hallway mirror.
“Not after last time,” Sif added, handing you the purse you’d left in the kitchen.
“I know it wasn’t my finest moment…” You rolled your eyes.
A shriek came from Wanda, leaning out the living room window, “The limo is here!!”
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The public restroom at the Avengers Compound had been cleared by Wanda, the moment she saw you stumble through the doors, mascara dripping down your face. She immediately texted Natasha and Sif to help you as you inconsolably waved around some paper and whimpered Thor’s name.
“Why does he not love me?” You sobbed onto Natasha’s shoulder, her hand tentatively stroking your hair. “Why did he go back to her?”
“Desire is a strange thing Y/N, but I know that he loves you.” Wanda was beside you and pressed a kiss on the top of your head. “He’s a fool.”
“I’m going to fucking kill him.” Natasha gritted her teeth and mumbled in Russian.
“No! I didn’t want to fall in love with him. It just happened and now I feel like he was just playing a wicked game. Why else would he have led me to feel this way?” You hiccupped as Sif walked in, “Oh Sif, he’s gone back to her.”
Sif’s expression mirrored Natasha’s earlier statement, she knelt and passed you a flask, “This is strong but let’s get you back on your feet to enjoy the rest of Tony’s party.”
Minutes later, you were on the dancefloor without a care in the world; stumbling around with a bottle of very expensive champagne clutched at the neck as you swigged it and swung your shoes in the other hand.
A slow song started and Steve pulled you aside, he even managed to pry the alcohol from your hands and even though your vision was blurry, you almost retrieved it until you focused on the thunderous yet proud look of Tony Stark. You yelped at the sight and ducked back out of sight.
Steve held you close, propping you up in his arms as he gently swayed with you, “Are you okay Y/N?”
“Of course, I’m not okay.” You prodded his pec, “Whoa, they’re not as hard as I thought.”
You immediately pressed your cheek to his chest; a long sigh escaped your lips. His large arms circled around your back as you clung to his shirt. Once more, the tears began to form, but you were too far gone to care about your appearance or the way your make-up stained Steve’s crisp white shirt.
You glanced up at Steve and smashed your face to his, it wasn’t an awful kiss but there was no spark and as soft as his lips were, Steve wasn’t Thor. You pulled away, eyes wide and uncertain how to talk your way out of this one. His face was flushed and full of pity, it made your stomach churn and tears fall harder.
You were so wrapped up in the moment, you didn’t hear the crashing thunder and flickers of lightning in the windows, you didn’t register the sound of Thor’s booming voice until you were pushed behind Steve but you lost your balance, falling down to the floor. You rubbed at your buttocks and frowned at the intruder and met the icy blue eyes you loved, and they were filled with anger and sadness.
Thor lifted you over his shoulder, unrelenting as he walked out of the corridor. Unyielding to your squirming, kicking and huffing at the way he was manhandling you. Embarrassment crept up your cheeks as you heard the music switch back on once the doors had closed, everyone must have seen what happened with Steve and then your exit courtesy of Thor.
The cold air hit your skin as Thor opened the balcony doors and gently lowered you onto the bench. You couldn’t look at him, the guilt was deep in your bones and you knew it meant nothing to you, or Steve, but Thor looked genuinely hurt. You couldn’t help but wonder if he was jealous. But your thoughts wandered back to the letter still clutched in your hand and how he had left you for Jane.
Thor broke the silence, his voice a whisper in the tranquil night sky, “I go to tell Jane that I can no longer continue with our relationship, that I want one with you, and I come back to find you drunk and in the arms of another man. Did you even read my letter?”
Unfurling the screwed-up sheet in your hand, you glanced down and realised you hadn’t even got past the first sentence.
‘Dear Y/N,
I am going to New Mexico to see Jane. I know who I love and want to be with now.
I’ll be back in a few hours for Stark’s party.
Always yours, little Dove,
You gasped and threw your arms around his neck, embarrassment heating your skin and muffled into his hair, “I’m sorry, I thought-”
Thor pulled back and pecked your lips, apology accepted without a second thought.
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You’d managed to bring the traditional Asgardian braid into the Midgardian style you were used to; a combination of braids in a half up-do whilst the remaining locks curled around your shoulders. With an unexpected thanks to Lady Sif for helping clip in the silver ornate pins adorned with sparkling gems.
The shieldmaiden placed the last one in and looked at you in the mirror, her hands gripped your shoulders, “There you go, Thor won’t be able to breathe when he sees you.”
You placed your hand over hers, squeezed it slightly and looked into her reflected brown eyes, “Thank you, for everything.”
Sif pressed a light kiss to your temple, “I am forever grateful that Thor found you again.”
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He should have gone for the head.
Thor’s guilt was deeper than the Earth’s oceans combined, the current pulled him down further and further until he was drowning in despair. Then he became numb; his heart was shattered, his soul in shreds and his mind broken.
He lost his brother and his friends because of Thanos. Then he had watched you rush towards him as he collapsed in front of where the tyrant once stood, his heart swelled at the thought of your arms wrapped around him. Give him your love like you always did.
Thor had held his arms open wide to welcome you, and as you neared, he’d closed his eyes for a moment, ready to feel your warmth. But when he felt nothing, he opened his eyes to see your frightened face whilst you floated away on the Wakandan breeze.
A nightmare that would remain in his memories until the end of time.
He should have gone for the head.
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You climbed out of the car, the gravel crunching under your heels as you took in the view of the quaint house and then you spotted the red barn and how the outside had been transformed into something out of a fairy tale. From the gravelled drive, wooden slats and twinkling lights weaved along the canopy above led the way.
A soft giggle falling from your lips as you turned to face your best friends, the excitement bubbling in your chest.
“You’ll ruin your lipstick sestra.” Wanda squeezed your hand.
Nat opened her clutch, pulling out the lipstick and dabbing your lips and giving your cheeks a little pinch. You scoffed at her behaviour and waved her away from you. Everything was perfect as it was, and you couldn’t wait to see him.
A cough brought your attention to the rose arch at the beginning of the aisle, Clint Barton stood, in his finest suit and a pocket square the same shade as your dress. His lopsided smile had you grinning widely in response. He picked you up and twirled you around, and you chuckled at the worries expressed by your friends.
“Are you ready, little one?” He offered his arm and you immediately placed yours through his, your hand gripped the crook of his elbow.
The butterflies in your stomach started their somersaults in anticipation for what was just a few metres away. You took a deep breath and followed Natasha and Wanda as soft music drifted out from the barn.
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Thor scooped you up into his arms, carrying you over the threshold of your new home. Laughter pouring out of you both as he ran up the stairs, crashing through the bedroom door with you held gently in his arms.
“Dove, where’s the bed?” His frown made you chuckle more as he let you stand, his hands now on his hips in confusion.
You pulled out your phone and tapped on the app, “Look, the moving company will be about twenty minutes. Unfortunately, us Midgardians don’t have as advanced technology as your spaceships and the Bifrost.”
“Or my immense power.” His mischievous smirk had you almost rolling your eyes at him whilst he was pulling you into a hug, your hands resting on his chest.
The engagement ring was more prominent against the glowing tan on your hand and your thoughts began wandering back to your vacation. Spending fourteen days with your future husband on a secluded island, courtesy of Tony Stark.
“What are you thinking about?” Thor pulled his bottom lip between his teeth before leaning down to whisper in your ear, “Is it what we did after we went skinny dipping?”
Pleasure was rippling through you at his seductive tone, responding with kisses to his collarbone, “We did lots of things after we went skinny dipping.”
“We did have five years to make up for.”
Thor’s hands trailing down your back and leaving goose bumps in their wake. Leaning down and reaching the back of your thighs, you automatically jumped and wrapped your legs around his waist. His body aligning with yours perfectly as he pressed your back against the wall. His lips tracing along your skin, his erection growing beneath his jeans and your arousal pooling into your panties.
The doorbell chime rang through the building, your new home, making you both jump apart. Laughter bursting from your both whilst untangling from one another before heading downstairs to begin unloading the boxes.
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“My Dove, in the immeasurable expanse of the cosmos, we found each other. Time and time again. As I have given you my hand to hold and my life to protect. So, do I give you my heart to keep. I will be your shield, your sword and your armour. I shall honour you, respect you and cherish you. I will be your partner in this life and beyond. I promise to love you without restraint, through whatever life brings. This is my unwavering vow to you.”
Thor’s words drifted to you, his promises filling your soul with warmth and love. You couldn’t help the smile that bloomed, the tears that dropped or the laughter that echoed around the barn as he fumbled with gliding the wedding band to its final resting place.
“Thor, my heart and soul, since I met you, I have laughed, smiled and dared to dream more than I ever have before. Your family has become mine. I promise to be with you for the joy and the sorrow. I vow to share my happiness, my love and my pain, my fears, and I will seek to ease yours. You are, and always will be, the love of my life.”
You were surrounded by guests yet you could only see him; the way he looked in a suit, the lopsided smile on his soft plump lips and the glisten in his blue eyes as he tried to keep his emotions in check. The wedding band slipped over his knuckle and you held steady whilst you let the silent tears fall.
The officiant wrapped the corded braids around your joined hands, “Will you share the burdens of each so that your spirits may grow in this union?”
“We will.”
“And so, the binding is made.”
Fates intertwined, forever more. You’d dreamt of meeting someone special, of finding the one. But nothing compared to the reality of being in love with and loved by Thor Odinson.
the end, well, the start of something new.
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Everything Taglist:  @reann-loves-sebstan​ / @aroyaldarknessblr​ / @thefridgeismybestie​
Marvel Taglist: @natasha-danvers​
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samantha-thewinchester · 4 years ago
The God and the Stark fighting along side the Captain.
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|| Stiles POV ||
Hope and I, after a while of running, finally catch up to the Captain, the Asgardian, and the Stark. Quite a few trees had been knocked down, by the sonic boom type thing that happened.
When we got there, it looked as if the fight was over, which was a huge relief to me.  I don't have to fight 2 gods and a legend (Thor, Tony, and Rogers) but, Hope look kinda disappointed. Why does she love to fight people?
"Stop looking so disappointed." I whisper yell to her, as we lead Thor and Loki onto the Quinnjet.
"Shut up. I wanted a good fight to get my anger out." She whispers back.
"Oh, my, god, you're worse than Liam!" I whisper yell at her. She just shrugs, and gives me the middle finger.
I get back into the pilot seat, me and Natasha flying the Quinnjet back to the Helicarrier.
About 8 agents take Loki and lead him towards his new home, the cell build for the Hulk. We won't talk about that though. We have Loki's scepter though, meaning we have something to help us find out how to, de-mind control people. Meaning, getting our Wine Uncle Clint Barton back.
"In case it's unclear, if you try to escape, if you so much as scratch that glass,--" Fury says to Loki, over the camera feed we're all watching. Fury hits a few buttons, the drop sights opening below Loki to show him what will happen to him if he does the things Fury mentioned. "--it's 30, 000 straight down in a steel trap. You get how that works?" Fury finishes, shutting the hatch.
"Ant, boot." Fury dumbs down for Loki, who just starts chuckling.
"It's an impressive cage. Not buildt, I think, for me." Loki says, acting like an arrogant fuck.
"Built for something a lot stronger than you." Fury assures him.
"Oh, I've heard. Now, the question is, is it for the mindless beast, or the destoryer of the Mikaelsons? They both play like they're still humans. How desperate are you, that you call on such lost creatures to defend you?" Loki says. When he mentions Hope, I look over at her to see her looking at Loki over the camera footage like she was going to murder him, 5 times. She's probably murdered him 5 times in her head, let's be honest here.
"How desperate am I? You threaten my world with war. You steal a force you can't hope to control. You talk about peace, and you kill because it's fun. You have made me very desperate. You might not be glad that you did." Fury warns him.
"Ooh. It burns you to have come so close. To have the Tesseract, to have power, unlimited power. And for what? A warm light for all mankind to share? And then to be reminded what real power is."
"Well, let me know if 'real power' wants a magazine or something." Fury says, finally done with Loki, so he walks out. Before we close down the security cameras, Loki gets one last thing in, looking directly at us all.
"He really grows on you, doesn't he?" Bruce says, looking really uncomfortable.
"Loki's going to drag this out. So, Thor, what's his play?" The Captain questions the God of Thunder. Did I just think those words correctly?
"He had an army called the Chitauri. They're not of Asgard, nor any world known. He means to lead them against your people. They will win him the Earth, in return, I suspect, for the Tesseract." Thor explains to us.
"An army... from outer space." The Captain says, looking kinda confused.
"So, he's building another portal." Banner puts together.
"That's what he needs Erik Selvig for." I add onto Banner's though.
"Selvig?" Thor questions.
"He's an astrophysicist." Hope tells him.
"He's a friend." Thor tells us.
"It's good to have friends... but that isn't the point." I tell Thor sarcastically.
"Loki has him under some kind of spell. Along with one of ours." Nat says, looking down for a minute. Hope puts her head on Nat's shoulder, probably trying to comfort her.
"I wanna know why Loki let us take him. He's not leading an army from here." The Captain says, confused like the rest of us.
"I don't think we should be focusing on Loki. That guy's brain is a bag full of cats. You could smell crazy on him." Banner deadpans.
"Have care how you speak. Loki is beyond reason, but is of Asgard. And he is my brother." Thor repremends Banner.
"He killed 80 people in two days." Hope and Nat say at the same time.
"He's adopted." Thor says. I snort at the ridiculousness of the situation.
"I think it's about the mechanics. Irdium... What do they need iriduim for?" Banner questions.
"It's a stablizing agent." Tony Stark says, walking into the room with Coulson. "I'm just saying, like a weekend, I'll fly you to Portland. Keep love alive." We all hear Tony whisper to Coulson, before Coulson walks away.
"It means the portal won't be collapse on itself, like it did at S.H.I.E.L.D. No hard feelings, Point Break. You've got a mean swing." Tony tells Thor. "Also, it means the portal can open as wide and stay open as long, as Loki wants." Tony says, walking onto Fury's platform thing.
"Raise the mizzenmast. Jib the topsails." Tony says, acting like he's the captain of a ship. "That man is playing Galaga. Thought we wouldn't notice, but we did." Tony says, pointing at an agent. Stark than covers his eye and questions "How does Fury even see these?"
"He turns." Hill deadpans.
"Sounds exhausting. The rest of the raw materials, Agent Barton can get his hands on pretty easily. The only major componet he still needs is a power source of high-energy density. Something to kick-start the Cube." Tony finishes.
"When did you become an expert in thermonuclear astrophysics?" Hill asks him.
"Last night." Tony says.
"How? You were to busy getting your ass kicked by Point Break." I add, getting Hope, Nat, and Hill to laugh a little.
"You." Tony says, pointing at me, "I like you. Anyway, the packet, Selvig's notes, the extractuon theory papers. Am I the only one who did the reading?" Tony says, making me laugh.
"Does Loki need any particular kind of power source?" The Captain asks, looking done with Tony's antics, which I love.
"He wwould have to heat the Cube to 120-million Kelvin just to break through teh Coulomb barrier." Banner adds, breaking my mind at this point. I'm smart, but I'm not Lydia smart.
"Unless Selvig has figured out how to stabilize the quantun tunneling effect." Tony debates with Banner.
"Well, if he could do that, he could achieve heavy ion fusion at ay reactor on the planet." Banner continues.
"Finally, someone who speaks English." Tony tells Banner.
"Is that what just happened?" The Captain questions.
"Obseres palatum, Stark." Hope says, speaking.... Latin I think?
"The child speaks Latin?" He asks, looking at Hope surprised.
"Ты понятия не имеешь, на каких языках я говорю, тупица" She tells him, smirking. I hear Nat laugh from beside her.
"What did she just say to me?" Stark questions. I start to crack up now.
"Back in topic!" Nat scolds, still laughing a little.
"It's good to meet you, Dr. Banner. Your work on antielectron collisions is unparalleled. Adn I'm a huge fan of the way you lose control and turn into an enorous green rage-monster." Tony says.
"Thanks." Banner says.
"Dr. Banner is only here to track down the Cube. I was hoping you might join him." Fury says, finally looking back into the room.
"I would start with that stick of his: It may be magical, but it works an awful lot like a HYDRA weapon." The Captain says.
"I don't know about that, but it is powered by the Cube. And I would like to know how Loki used it to turn two of the sharpest men I know into his personal flying monkeys." Fury explains.
"Monkeys? I do not understand." Thor tells us.
"I do. I understoof that reference..." The Captain says, putting his hand up.
"Ha, Loki is a green color and so is the Wicked Witch of the West." I point out, laughing at my own joke.
"Shall we play, Doctor?" Tony asks Banner.
"This way, sir." Banner says, leading Tony to the lab.
"Well, that could have gone worse." Hope says.
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mostfacinorous · 4 years ago
Stoki Whumptober Day 17: I did not see that coming [1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16]
When Thor arrived, the sky announced his mood before the expression on his face did. Both could be described as stormy, and Loki whimpered a little and all but hid behind Steve. 
“That’s Thor?” He asked, voice hushed and a new fear taking root there. Steve swallowed-- this whole situation was messed up, and this new version of Loki felt like something he shouldn’t be seeing. He knew the Loki they knew would never want to be seen like this. 
It had been a revelation, the expressions he was capable of, the openness that a younger Loki in this body was capable of. Even his bearing was looser, less restrictive, less uptight. 
Steve hadn’t really realized how rigidly Loki held himself, both figuratively and literally, until he had this version in comparison. And, for all that he seemed vulnerable and innocent and all of Steve wanted to protect him, he couldn’t help but want the Loki he knew back. Which was a confusion sensation, and one that didn’t need to be scrutinized too closely. 
He was more helpful as a fully grown adult, was all. 
“Loki.” Thor’s greeting sounded more like a warning, and Steve found himself raising his hand to keep Thor back a pace or two. 
“There’s been an accident, Thor. He’s not who you think he is.” Steve spoke quickly, then paused, aware he’d already messed it up. “Well, he is, he’s Loki but…” 
“Thor, I messed with a timestone, and the things they’re saying-- none of it makes any sense. Mother dead and I’m banished and you-- what happened to your eye?”
Loki sounded plaintive and young, and from his position between them, Steve could see the way his words hit Thor like a slap. 
“What is this?” Thor demanded, pulling his gaze to meet Steve’s, then Tony’s, then finally Bucky’s. 
Bucky held up the time stone.
“No trick. Just what we said, an accident. He says he’s like, five hundred years old.” 
Loki, thankfully, didn’t correct him about the exact age. But Steve could feel him all but trembling behind him. 
“Thor?” Loki asked, voice small and lost sounding. “Why do they hate me? Why do you?” 
“We were hoping you’d know how to tell if he was faking it.” Tony said, suddenly, and Steve glared at him. 
He didn’t know how anyone thought Loki could be this good of an actor. 
That possibility seemed not to have occurred to Thor before then, but he turned a considering look back at Loki, and Steve knew he wouldn’t like whatever came next. But he figured Thor wouldn’t hurt his brother. Especially not if it was what it seemed like, and the brain in Loki’s head hadn’t done anything wrong, yet. 
“I cannot tell.” Thor said finally. “I have rarely been able to see through the best of my brother’s lies. But I can think of a test.”
“I’ll take it!” Loki said eagerly, stepping out from behind Steve. Steve wished he wouldn’t, wished he’d stayed back there, where he could keep him safe, but he fully acknowledged how ridiculous that was. The guy might be a kid inside, but he was at least a full inch taller than Steve, and could shoot magic out of his hands and probably still deadlift a semi truck. 
He caught Bucky staring at him, and shrugged, hoping that conveyed that they should go along with it. 
“Loki, what would you think if I told you that you were adopted?” Thor asked, and Steve felt his mouth fall open.
That was a hell of a way not to pull a punch, considering that was apparently the news that had sent Loki into a homicidal rage spiral in the first place. 
This version of Loki, though, younger, less grown into his powers, merely went still. 
“That’s not true.” He whispered. “I-- it can’t be.” He sounded doubtful, hurt, like he might cry again. Steve rolled his hand into a fist, telling himself to ride it out, wait and see where this was going. 
“It is. Father brought you home from Jotunheim after the last battle with Laufey. You are a Jotnar runt, who was left to freeze to death, and he felt sorry for you. My parents lied to you your entire life.”
Loki shook his head horrified, and took a few steps back, and still Steve let him be, let Thor do what he needed to-- trusted he was doing this for a reason. 
“Why are you saying this, Thor? I thought-- you can’t mean it. Mother’s dead, isn’t she? She wouldn’t have… she would have told me.” 
“Oh, she did.” Thor advanced, eyes skating across Loki’s face, looking for something. Steve hoped he found it soon; this was painful to hear, and much worse to watch. 
“She told you, Loki. Right before you killed her.” 
Loki backed into a wall, his hands pressed against it at his sides, and shook his head. “I didn’t. I wouldn’t. I-- please Thor, tell me this isn’t true.” He was begging now, pleading. 
“And then you killed Odin.” Thor continued, advancing ruthlessly. Steve didn’t think it was the truth, but for all he knew it could be. “And then you tried to take the throne. Tried to have me killed.” 
“No, not you, Thor, not Mother, not-- why? Why would I-- I couldn’t, I didn’t--” Loki had tears streaming down his face now, and he looked like he was going to be sick. 
“And when you were banished from Asgard for your treason-- allowed to live because I still thought of you as my brother--” 
“No--’ Loki moaned, the past tense clearly not having escaped him. 
“You came here, and brought an army of mercenaries, and you slaughtered-- how many, Stark? Hundreds? Thousands?” 
Loki slid down the wall to grasp at his knees, rolling into a ball and keening. 
“I don’t-- I’m sorry. I… If I did all of that, you should just kill me. I don’t know why I--” His words dissolved into gasping sobs, and Steve had had enough. 
“Okay, Thor, back off. Do you have your answer yet?” He demanded, putting a hand on Thor’s shoulder before he could take the last couple of steps toward Loki. 
Thor turned and sighed. 
“Aye. He is not lying. He does not know the truth of any of this, and he did not deny it or defend himself. This is my brother, though… from long ago.” 
“Great. Fantastic. Thanks for that,” Tony said, babbling through his own horrified reaction. 
Bucky was looking around as if he was weighing something, but Steve didn’t have time for that. 
He knelt beside the ball of misery that Loki had become. 
“Hey, Loki? Hey, listen, that was-- that was the test, okay? You passed, it’s okay now-- everyone believes you.” 
“But I’m a monster.” Loki moaned, and curled into himself more, if possible. 
Steve looked up and glared silently at Thor, demanding without words that he fix this. 
Thor heaved a sigh and sat down on the ground in front of his brother. 
“Loki?” He asked, the name now a soft rumble that was much less of a threat. “I need you to know that I lied.”
Loki looked up, his face streaked with tears and his nose running, his hair sticking to his face in wet tendrils that curled slightly in the damp.
“I’m not--?” He asked, looking hopeful, and Thor shook his head. 
“You are my brother.” He said firmly. “You did not kill our parents. I am sorry, Loki. I needed to tell these falsehoods because the older you would know the truth, and would not be able to resist the urge to clear his name.” 
Loki sobbed again, then launched himself forward and into his brother’s arms. 
Thor held him, and Steve felt again as if he was intruding. But after watching all of that, he didn’t feel like he should leave, either. 
“Thor?” Bucky asked, and they all looked up at him, surprised at the interruption, all but Steve probably having forgotten he was there. 
“If you have a sec, I need to talk to you about this time stone, and how we go about fixing this whole,” he waved his hand at Loki, then at his own arm, “thing. And I’d like to talk to you alone.” He gave Steve a significant glance that Steve didn’t know how to decode, but when Thor nodded and gently pushed Loki away, he realized it probably meant that he was on babysitting duty. 
And judging by the way Tony had retreated to the bar, he was probably on his own. 
“Why don’t you take a break, Tony, maybe pull up the tapes for them in case Thor has some insight on how to reverse what happened?” He framed it as a suggestion, btu Tony snapped off a salute and looked about as relieved as Loki had upon hearing the false accusations had been lies. 
“Yeah, I can do that. Cool.” Tony took off, carrying his glass with him, and Steve eased Loki back up and over to the couch before steering him into sitting down. 
“Alright there champ, that was… rough.” He winced, not sure what he was supposed to be doing, much less how to do it. 
“But I passed.” Loki said quietly, looking down at his hands in his lap. 
“You sure did. And now Thor’s here, with any luck, we’ll get it set to rights soon.” 
“He said he lied,” Loki said slowly, before looking up. “He didn’t say it was all lies. And he didn’t tell me the truth. You said my mother was dead. Is that true?” 
Steve swallowed, feeling very much out of his depth. 
“It is. I’m sorry.” he confirmed. Loki just nodded and looked down again. “Thor said it was a-- a dark elf, I think. During an attack on Asgard.” 
“But they are extinct.” Loki said, looking back up, his face full of distrust. 
“I don’t know the whole story.” Steve admitted, pulling out his stark phone and pulling up a video, “But I know that some of them came to Earth, and there’s some video of Thor from our news, fighting them.” 
Loki accepted the phone and watched the screen, a mingled look of fascination and horror on his face as he watched Thor fighting the dark elf leader. When the video ended, he passed it back to Steve delicately, as if he was afraid he would break it. 
“So Thor avenged her, at least.” He said, as if he was trying to find some comfort in that. He took a deep breath, then pushed on. “What of my father?” 
“That one I don’t know.” Steve admitted. “I just know that Thor has had to split his time between here and Asgard since his passing.” 
“So he is also dead.” Loki confirmed. Looking up this time, and Steve wondered if he was trying to get the tears to stay in his eyes by sheer force of gravity. 
“And me?” Loki asked, not looking back at Steve. “Is it true, what he said, about my being adopted?” 
“Seems like it.” Steve said, apologetically. “Sorry about that. And it sounds like… when you found out for real, when you were supposed to in the timeline… it was a bad time for it. Hit you hard. You uh… did some bad things.” He winced, wishing he knew better what all that entailed, beyond the vagaries of the reports they’d put together based on Thor’s rambling and nonlinear retelling. 
Loki’s mouth thinned into a tiny line, and Steve knew for certain he was trying not to cry. 
“Hey, it’s okay, all right? It’s done, it’s in the past.” He reached out to wrap his arm around Loki’s shoulders, trying to be comforting. 
“For you, maybe.” Loki muttered, pushing the arm away and launching himself up and to his feet to begin pacing around. “When I go back, I hope I get to keep all these memories. I’ll confront my mother-- in my time she still lives. And I will tell Odin, my father, that the dark elves yet live, and we can hunt them down and stop them before they kill her, and I won’t do… whatever it is I am supposed to. I won’t become whatever I was that made you fear me.” 
That gave Steve pause. 
Did he fear Loki? Mistrusted him plenty, for sure, had a healthy respect for his abilities and strength, but he was trying to think of the last time he actually feared him. Maybe back at the beginning of all of this, when he walked in and found him on his couch, drinking. He’d thought maybe he’d come to kill him, but that had quickly gone away. 
Steve didn’t know what to say to that realization, and was spared it by the return of Bucky, Thor, and Tony. 
“Alright, short stack, I think we’ve got it figured out.” Tony announced, and Steve saw him clearing the video of before from his tablet. 
“So the metal my arm is made of, vibranium, it takes power aimed at it, and bounces it back amplified. But the metal that Thor’s hammer is made out of, it sucks power in like a sponge, and Thor knows how to safely discharge it.” 
Steve frowned, considering the implications. 
“You’re going to use the hammer on Loki?” He asked, and Thor tipped his head a little in acknowledgement. 
“Gently,” he added, obviously a little amused by Steve’s defensiveness. “Mjolnir has never taken Loki’s power before, and I do not expect that it will begin to now. We tested on the stone itself, though, and it seems it can siphon the power from it. And so…” 
“And so the hammer’s going to suck all the time juice out of Loki, and if that doesn’t put him right, Thor can zap him with it.” 
Loki clasped his hands in front of himself, then nodded. 
“Do it.” He decided, and Steve wanted to argue, but the plan seemed to have some logic to it, and it wasn’t like he had anything else to offer. 
Thor took the hammer from his belt and held it out. 
Loki reached out, closing the distance, and laid his hand on it. 
“What do I--” he started to ask, and then his eyes rolled back in his head, and a green light arced from his head to his hand and into the metal below. 
Thor’s eyes glowed with restrained lightning, and Loki’s legs folded, letting him drop like a sack of potatoes. Steve was right there to catch him, though, and he helped him to the ground, making sure he didn’t his anything on his way down. 
The power stopped as soon as it had started, and Thor shook his head, replacing the hammer by his side. 
“That ought to be that,” He announced. “I could feel his years returning to him. But if you will excuse me, I would rather not be here when he wakes. I don’t imagine he’s going to be too pleased with any of us-- most especially me.” Thor looked around, but no one objected. 
Steve considered it, but in all honesty, he figured Loki might be better off without Thor hovering while he recovered from this one. 
“Yeah, I’ll walk you out.” Tony said instead, and Steve nodded. 
“Thanks, Thor. For everything.” He wasn’t sure he really meant it, but Thor didn’t seem to notice, or mind. He raised his hand in farewell, and headed outside with Tony in the lead. 
“Well.” Bucky said. “That was one helluva show. Bet no one saw that coming.”
Steve looked down at Loki’s unconscious face, and wondered if his life would have been easier if he had-- if the small version of him had actually been able to go back with the knowledge, and make the changes he wanted to, how much differently that might have turned out. 
How much differently it might be to know him now, the type of people they’d be…
“Nope.” Steve answered. “I did not see that coming.”
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bebraveridethedragon · 5 years ago
I’ve Got No Fucking Clue
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Warnings: There are no warnings for this chapter.
Chapter 3
All of the Avengers, plus Thor although he might be considered an Avenger now, were standing in a room with a monitor in it. They watched as Fury threatened Loki.
“In case it's unclear. You try to escape. You so much as scratch that glass.” Fury pressed a button that opened up the space beneath Loki’s glass cage.
“Thirty thousand feet, straight down in a steel trap. You get how that works?!” Fury asked. “Ant,” Fury points at Loki, “boot.” He points at the button.
“It’s an impressive cage. Not built, I think, for me.” Loki smirks.
“Built for things a lot stronger than you.” Fury says.
“Oh trust me I know.” Loki’s smirk turns towards the camera. In the observation room Douxie and Bruce tense up. Archie starts growling at the screen, at Loki or Fury, Douxie doesn’t know.
“The mindless beast and the last master wizard on Midgard. How desperate are you, that you call upon such lost beasts to defend you?” Loki asks, no longer looking at the camera.
“How desperate am I? You threaten my world with war. You steal a force you can't hope to control. You talk about peace and you kill ‘cause it's fun. You have made me very desperate. You might not be glad that you did.” Fury responds.
“Ooh. It burns you to come so close. To have the Tesseract, to have power, unlimited power. And for what? A warm light for all mankind to share, and then to be reminded what real power is. You would’ve come closer to power if you had used the wizard, his magic is extremely powerful.” Loki taunts.
“We thought about it once, I’m glad we didn’t, he’s a good kid. Let me know if Real Power wants a magazine.” With that Fury walks out of the room.
“Not a kid.” Douxie mumbles as the screen turns black.
“He really grows on you, doesn’t he?” Bruce asked sarcastically.
“Oh yeah, definitely.” Archie answers with even more sarcasm.
“Shit! I forgot you could talk.” Tony startles.
“Loki’s gonna drag this out. So, Thor, what’s his play?” Steve asked.
“He has an army called the Chitauri. They're not of Asgard or any world known. He means to lead them against your people. They will win him the earth. In return, I suspect, for the Tesseract.” Thor uncrosses his arms.
“An army? From outer space?” Steve looks incredulous.
“Wouldn’t be the first one I’ve seen, although the last one was fighting for us not against us.” Douxie says.
“Ignoring what Douxie said for a minute, this means Loki’s building another portal. That’s what he needs Erik Selvig for.” Bruce says.
“Selvig?” Thor asks.
“He’s an astrophysicist.” Bruce answers.
“He’s a friend.” And oh, Thor must’ve met him when he came to Earth a few years ago.
“Loki has him under some kind of spell, along with one of ours.” Nat says, she gets a regretful look on her face. The only ones who notices are Douxie and Archie.
“I want to know why Loki let us take him. He’s not leading an army from here.” Steve says.
“I don't think we should be focusing on Loki. That guy's brain is a bag full of cats, you could smell crazy on him.” Bruce says.
“Have care how you speak. Loki is beyond reason, but he is of Asgard, and he's my brother.” Thor says.
“He’s killed eighty people in two days.” Nat points out.
“He’s adopted.” Thor defends. Douxie gives out a little snort that cause Nat to look at him. She gives him a soft smile before looking away again.
“Iridium, what did they need the iridium for?” Bruce asks.
“It’s a stabilizing agent,” Tony says walking in, he turns to Coulson, “I’ll fly you there. Keep the love alive.” He turns back to everyone else, “Means the portal won’t collapse in on itself like it did at SHIELD.”
Tony turns to Thor, “No hard feelings, Point Break. You've got a mean swing. Also, it means the portal can open as wide, and stay open as long, as Loki wants.”
Tony turns to the crew on the Helicarrier before speaking again, “Uh, raise the mid-mast, ship the top sails. That man is playing GALAGA! Thought we wouldn't notice. But we did.” Tony put a hand around one of his eyes and looks around.
“How does Fury do this?” Tony questions.
“He turns.” Maria Hill says causing Douxie to snort.
“Well, that sounds exhausting. The rest of the raw materials, Agent Barton can get his hands on pretty easily. Only major component he still needs is a power source. A high energy density, something to kick start the cube.” Tony waves his hands around.
“When did you become an expert in thermonuclear astrophysics?” Maria asked.
“Last night. The packet, Selvig's notes, the Extraction Theory papers. Am I the only one who did the reading?” Tony asked.
“I read them, I understood most of it but some things were confusing.” Douxie said. Tony looked at him with approval.
“Does Loki need any particular kind of power source?” Steve asked.
“He's got to heat the cube to a hundred and twenty million Kelvin just to break through the Coulomb barrier.” Bruce answered.
“Unless, Selvig has figured out how to stabilize the quantum tunneling effect.” Tony contradicts.
“Well, if he could do that he could achieve Heavy Ion Fusion at any reactor on the planet.” Douxie says.
Tony smirks, “Finally! People who speak English.”
“Is that what just happened?” Steve asks.
“Yes, although you probably don’t understand it because your old.” Tony says.
“I don’t think age has anything to do with it, I think it has to do with the fact that he was trapped in ice for 70 years.” Douxie says.
“You think an old man could keep up with what we just talked about?” Tony asks.
“I mean I did, and I’m the second oldest person in this room.”
“Your like 19, that’s not old.”
“I’ve been 19 for 900 years.”
“What?!” Multiple people shouted.
“Wizards can choose to stop aging at any time.” Everybody but Nat and Thor looked surprised at this.
“Holy shit that’s so cool.” Nat rolled her eyes at Tony’s antics, even if it was a bit cool.
“Can we get back on topic? We can question the wizard later.” Bruce says.
“Right, it’s good to meet you, Dr. Banner. You're work on anti-electron collisions is unparalleled. And I'm a huge fan of the way you lose control and turn into an enormous green rage monster.” Tony shakes Bruce’s hand.
Bruce looks uncomfortable while he mutters a thanks.
“Dr. Banner is only here to track the cube. I was hoping you might join him.” Fury says walking in.
“Let's start with that stick of his. It may be magical, but it works an awful lot like a HYDRA weapon.” Steve says.
“I don't know about that, but it is powered by the cube. And I'd like to know how Loki used it to turn two of the sharpest men I know into his personal flying monkeys. That’ll be Hisirdoux’s job though.
Douxie nods, ignoring Tony’s snort of amusement when he heard his full name.
“Monkeys? I do not understand.” Thor says.
“I do! I understood that reference.” Steve exclaims. Tony rolls his eyes while Douxie claps his hands sarcastically.
“Shall we play doctor? Harry Potter your coming with us too.” Tony says before he grabs Douxie’s bicep and drags him out with Bruce following.
“Let’s play some.” Bruce says as they walk out.
“I can walk myself thank you.” Douxie says while taking his bicep out of Tony’s grip.
“I know, but we wouldn’t want the old man to throw out his hip while walking.” Tony smirks at him.
“I’m technically still 19, I’ve just stayed 19 for 900 years.” Douxie glared.
“Wait, so you’re physically 19 but mentally you’re 919?” Bruce asks.
“No, he’s physically and mentally 19. Even if he has acquired a lot of knowledge over the past 900 years he still has the maturity of a 19 year old.” Archie says.
“Excuse you, I am very mature.” Douxie tried to defend himself.
“Just last week you were arguing with Seamus and Claire about who had the coolest special magic.” Archie deadpanned.
“I was born with the ability to control fire and to see the future, that’s one more than either of them have by themselves.” Tony and Bruce looked confused as the wizard and familiar argued.
“Who’s Claire and Seamus?” This was Tony that asked.
“And what is special magic?” That was Bruce that asked.
“Claire and Seamus are my apprentices, they’re also like my little siblings. And special magic is magic that you have to be born with. Every wizard is born with regular magic, but there’s also certain magic that you have to be born with to do.
“There’s shadow magic, necromancy, elemental magic, healing magic, and future seeing magic. I was born with the ability to control fire and see the future. Claire can control shadows and even create portals with them. Seamus was born with healing magic.” Douxie said. They had arrived at the lab and were sitting down now.
“Wow, that’s kinda cool.” Tony says. He and Bruce start working on finding the Tesseract. Douxie walks over to the staff and holds his hands above it.
“This is weird.” Douxie states.
“What is?” Bruce asks.
“It doesn’t feel like magic, it feels more like raw energy.” Douxie looks confused. Bruce walks over with a scanner thing in his hands. He holds it out over the staff and moves it around. Tony hasn’t moved from where he’s solving equations.
“The gamma readings are definitely consistent with Selvig's reports on the Tesseract. But it's gonna take weeks to process.” Bruce says.
“If we bypass their mainframe and direct a reroute to the Homer cluster, we can clock this around six hundred teraflops.” Tony says.
“All I packed was a toothbrush.” Bruce states. Tony smiles at Bruce and Douxie.
“You two should come by Stark Tower some time. Top 10 floors, all R&D. You’d love it, and we could use magic to make the best inventions ever.” Tony says.
“If I come, I’m bringing a friend. He’s only 16 but he’s a genius when it comes to technology.” Douxie says.
“What’s his name?” Tony asks.
“Krel Tarron.” Douxie tells him.
“Hmm, I’ll have to look him up.”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“Why not? Has he done something terrible.”
“He’s not from around here.”
“Is he an immigrant?”
“Kind of.”
“I don’t think it’d be a good idea for me to go, the last time I was in New York I kind of broke...Harlem.” Bruce says, ending their conversation.
“Well, I promise a stress free environment. No tension. No surprises.” Tony says right before he pokes Bruce with a mini electrical rod. Right then, Steve walked in, looking pissed.
Bruce yelps in shock when Tony zaps him. Tony looks at him closely.
“Nothing?” Tony asks.
“Hey! Are you nuts?” Steve exclaims.
“You’ve really got a lid on it, haven’t you? What’s your secret? Mellow jazz? Bongo drums? Huge bag of weed?” Tony continued to question.
“Is everything a joke to you.” Steve asks Tony.
“Funny things are.” Tony deadpanned.
“Threatening the safety of everyone on this ship isn't funny. No offense, doctor.” Steve says.
“No, it's alright. I wouldn't have come aboard if I couldn't handle pointy things.” Bruce says.
“You're tiptoeing, big man. You need to strut.” Tony tells Bruce.
“And you need to focus on the problem, Mr. Stark.” Steve says annoyed.
“You think I'm not? Why did Fury call us and why now? Why not before? What isn't he telling us? I can't do the equation unless I have all the variables.” Tony says.
“You think Fury’s hiding something.”
“He's a spy. Captain, he's the spy. His secrets have secrets. It's bugging them too, isn't it?” Tony points at Douxie and Bruce.
“Uh...I just wanna finish my work here and...” Stammers Bruce.
“Doctor? Douxie?” Steve asks.
“I’m kinda with Tony on this one, sorry Spangles. He knows everything about me but all I know about him is his name.” Douxie shrugs his shoulders. Steve looks disappointed.
“A warm light for all mankind, Loki's jab at Fury about the cube.” Bruce begins.
“I heard it.” Steve cuts him off.
Bruce points at Tony, “Well, I think that was meant for you. Even if Barton didn't post that all over the news.”
“The Stark Tower? That big ugly,” Tony gives Steve a look, “...building in New York?”
“It’s powered by Stark Reactors, self-sustaining energy source. That building will run itself for what, a year?” Bruce turns towards Tony.
“That's just the prototype. I'm kind of the only name in clean energy right now.” Tony says with pride.
“So, why didn't SHIELD bring him in on the Tesseract project? I mean, what are they doing in the energy business in the first place?” Douxie asks, catching onto the point Bruce was trying to make.
“I should probably look into that once my decryption programmer finishes breaking into all of SHIELD's secure files.” Tony says to himself.
“I'm sorry, did you say...?” Steve asks.
“Jarvis has been running it since I hit the bridge. In a few hours we'll know every dirty secret SHIELD has ever tried to hide. Blueberry?” Tony holds out the bag towards Douxie and Bruce. Both of them take a couple and Douxie hands some to Archie.
“Yet you're confused about why they didn't want you around?” Steve says.
“An intelligence organization that fears intelligence? Historically, not possible.” Tony retorts.
“I think Loki's trying to wind us up. This is a man who means to start a war, and if we don't stay focused, he'll succeed. We have orders, we should follow them.” Steve, the good soldier he is, says.
“Following is not really my style.” Tony says.
“Not really mine either.” Douxie states.
“And you're all about style, aren't you?” Steve smiles condescendingly at Tony, completely ignoring Douxie.
“Of the people in this room, which one is; A. wearing a spangly outfit, and B. not of use?” Tony asks annoyed.
“Steve, tell me none of this smells a little funky to you?” Steve looks hesitant at Bruce’s question, but quickly shakes it off.
“Just find the cube.” Steve says before leaving.
“Well that was fun.” Douxie says sarcastically.
“That's the guy my dad never shut up about? Wondering if they shouldn't have kept him on ice.” Tony says.
“The guy's not wrong about Loki. He does have the jump on us.” Bruce points out.
“What he’s got us an ACME dynamite kit. It’s gonna blow up in his face, and I’m gonna be there when it does.” Tony says.
“And I’ll read all about it.” Bruce says back.
“Uh-huh. Or you’ll be suiting up like the rest of us.” Tony tells Bruce. Douxie’s starting to get bored of this conversation so he starts picking at his chipped nail polish.
“Ah, see. I don't get a suit of armor. I'm exposed, like a nerve. It's a nightmare.” Bruce mutters.
“You know, as awesome as this conversation is, I’m getting bored. So I’m going to go repaint my nails and call Claire.” Douxie sticks his tongue out and flashes devils horns before leaving. They wave at him as he leaves before starting their conversation again.
Douxie walks to Nat’s room. She’s just getting ready to leave when he walks in.
“Can I borrow your nail polish, I left mine at home.” Douxie asks. She nods and hands it to him before they both exit the room.
“Where’re you going?” Archie asks.
“To talk to Loki, see if I can get information out of him.” Nat replies. Douxie and Archie nod before they split paths with her.
Walking to his current room, Douxie sits down in the desk chair. He unscrews the bottle and starts to paint his nails. He also gets his phone out and calls Claire before putting it on speaker.
“Douxie! Finally, it’s been two days since you left. What happened to calling?” Claire asks as soon as she picks up.
“Sorry C-Bomb, it’s been a busy few days. We’ve captured the guy that stole the Tesseract but we still don’t know where it is.”
“Who stole it anyways?” Claire asked.
“Loki, Norse god of mischief. He plans to use it to make a portal and summon an army to take over Earth.” Douxie didn’t think he should be telling her this but he didn’t care.
“Shit, your not hurt are you?”
“No Claire, I’m fine. Although this team does not get along very well.”
“I’m fine too, thanks for asking.” Archie says.
“Oh! Sorry Archie I wasn’t aware I was on speaker.” Claire apologizes. Archie just chuckled.
“What are you doing right now?” Claire asks.
“I’m painting my nails, Archie’s trying to take a nap on my pillow I think. What are you doing.” Archie purred in response.
“Homework. Me, Jim, Krel, Seamus, Steve, and Toby are having a study session because we have a test tomorrow. They all say hi by the way.”
“Tell them I say hi too.”
“I did, Toby also needs an answer for his history homework and he can’t find it in his book.”
“What’s the question?”
“Hey Douxie!” Toby says over the phone.
“Hi Tobes, what’s you’re question?” Douxie smiles.
“How did the Black Death start? I can’t remember and I can’t find it in the book.”
“Have you tried googling it?”
“Yes! All it tells me is the number of deaths it caused.”
“Well, people think it was transmitted from rodents to humans by the bite of infected fleas.”
“Oh thanks! Your a life saver.”
“No problem Toby.” Douxie finished painting his last nail before using magic to dry them. He goes into the bathroom, taking his eyeliner pencil with him. He continues to talk to Claire for a few more minutes before they ended the call.
He looked into the mirror and sees bags under his eyes. He sighs before leaning forward and applying the eyeliner.
“How did you forget nail polish but remember eyeliner?” Nat asked. Douxie jumped, luckily not poking his eye or messing up his eyeliner.
“I’ve got no clue.” Douxie says before going back to his eyeliner.
“Hurry up we have a situation.” Nat says.
“What’s going on?” Douxie asks.
“Loki plans to unleash the hulk.”
“Fuzz buckets.” Douxie mutters. He quickly finishes his eyeliner before putting his pencil down and picking Archie up.
Archie yawns before going back to sleep in Douxie’s arms. Nat and Douxie walk out of his room and make their way to the lab.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
This fic is also on AO3 if you want to read it there.
I do not own anything other then the parts you don’t recognize.
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thorne93 · 5 years ago
Unforeseen Chasm (Part 12)
Prompt: Two sisters fall for men that are absolute enemies. The love they have could tear all of them apart, or it could bring them together.
Word Count: 1657
Warnings: Language, torture
Song: Fallen Angel - Three Days Grace
Note: This is by far the longest thing I’ve ever written (including my novels). It’s a collaboration with the amazing @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo​​. It started as a funny “What if…?” and it evolved and got huge. This took two years to write. We are both proud and happy and we hope you enjoy it. It follows from Thor 1 to Endgame in the MCU. Some of the timelines may be off in order to fit certain people, and some characters may show up earlier or in different ways than they have in the movie. But for the most part, it follows the MCU. It also has a bit of crossover with some other Marvel characters throughout the story.
Masterlist for Unforeseen Chasm
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Over two months you’d been on Asgard. Shannon hadn’t sent a letter since your last one, but you assumed she was just busy at Tony’s lab. A budding new romance and new job was probably a lot to take on. 
Except, on your end, your new best friend Loki was at his wits end. 
It was only yesterday Odin announced to his closest family and confidants that Thor was still going to be appointed to the throne soon. He was upset and you and he went riding in the forest to ease his mind. From the way he was acting afterward, you thought he had cooled down, but today… you asked where Loki was, and no one had seen him. None of his family, nor the elite warriors. You weren’t worried too much, until nightfall when he hadn’t been seen all.
It was only then that you thought you should seek the help of Heimdall. Spying on him felt wrong, but in this sense you were solely worried about his well being. But as you trekked your way down the rainbow bridge, you saw Thor and Loki fighting -- intensely. 
That’s when you started to jog, your mind reeling. What could he possibly doing? What was Thor doing? When you reached them, you cried out while Loki shoved Thor back with Odin’s staff -- what was he doing with that? Why didn’t Odin have it?
“Loki? What are you doing?” you desperately asked. 
“Taking what is rightfully mine!” he proclaimed, looking frenzied. “I thought I could handle it, Y/N. I can’t. I’m just as suited for the throne if not better. It’s only because I’m a Frost Giant!” he announced before glaring at Thor who stood at the ready with his hammer. 
“Loki, please. We can talk about this,” you tried, inching towards him. 
“There is nothing to talk about, darling,” he informed with a dark smirk before you realized that Loki had replaced himself with an illusion of himself in a split second -- you hadn’t seen the action. You glanced inside the Bifrost and saw Loki insert the staff and unleash the full power.
“What are you doing?!” Thor demanded as he ran forward. “You’ll destroy them!”
“Just doing what you once set out to do! Father will see that I can do the same thing you and he can,” Loki snarled before they fought some more. You begged them to quit, but you couldn’t physically stop them. Even the small bit of magic Loki had taught you wasn’t any use in this situation. 
Eventually, Thor kicked Loki out onto the bridge, effectively knocking his brother down before hitting Mjolnir into the bridge. 
“You’ll never see the human again!” Loki proclaimed to Thor. 
Panic started to dance around your heart. If Thor destroyed that bridge, the Bifrost… Your way back to Earth would be lost. Your way back to your friends, to Diane and Tom, to Lucky… And most importantly -- Shannon. Loki had once said he knew ways of leaving Asgard without the Bifrost… But did you believe him? Right now, as your portal was being destroyed… did you believe this maniacal, wonderful man? 
You weren’t so sure. 
Certainly he wouldn’t destroy your only way back home. No… Loki, who desired a home so desperately wouldn’t rob you of yours, you knew this. 
As you were about to look at him though, to gauge his rage, his heartbreak that drove him to do this, a supersonic boom overtook the three of you, throwing you into the air. 
Time seemed to stop as your body fell in free fall. Until you hit the rainbow bridge hard, your face slamming into the smooth surface of it. You groaned, but you frantically looked for your friends. As you lifted your throbbing head, you saw King Odin, leaning over the side, holding onto Thor’s boot, where Thor held Odin’s staff -- Loki hanging off the end. 
You stood on the edge, your heart in your throat, your stomach felt as if it weren’t there. 
“I could’ve done it, Father. I could’ve done it, for you, for all of us,” Loki tried, declaring his torment, his anguish to be loved -- to be seen as an equal. 
“No, Loki,” Odin responded softly, showing his disappointment.
In that moment, you saw resolve in Loki’s eyes. A sort of solemn, defeated calm fell over him as he let go.
Without thinking, you backed up on the bridge, took off into a short sprint, and swan-dove over the edge of the bridge to meet him, where you heard Thor yell your name. 
What came over you, you had no idea, but a life without Loki in that instant felt like hell. You couldn’t do it. There was no question in your mind that you wanted to be with him. And the idea of him being alone, facing death alone felt... wrong. 
In an instant, you met Loki. Before you could register what was happening, he wrapped his arms around you protectively as you fell toward the descending Bifrost. It’s a wonder you weren’t dead… But, according to your lineage, you were a God just as Loki, so this shouldn’t bother you. 
“What’s going to happen to us?” you asked with concern while the fall seemed to last a good while.
“I don’t know,” he admitted. His perfect brows knitted together as he peered at you. The two of you had never been this close. In fact, you had never touched each other. No handshake, no hug, nothing of the sort. “Why did you jump? You were safe on the bridge.”
“I need you in my life more than you may know. I’ll go wherever you are,” you vowed and his gaze hardened...and softened somehow.
From that, he kept quiet, the two of you just staring at each other, waiting for something to hit you, rip you apart, or elsewise. You were ready for an untimely, reckless death. But a world without Loki didn’t seem possible to you.
Silently, you said your goodbyes to your loved ones. To Diane and Tom for taking you in and giving you a home when you didn’t have one. To Lucky, for being the best dog anyone could have as a pet. To Jane, a great researcher who would do great things. To Darcy, a hilarious girl that would go places. To Tony, for always knowing how to make a joke. To Thor and the entire Odin family for giving you a place to learn about your true heritage… 
And to Shannon, your light in the dark. The fire in your soul. You told her you loved her, hoping it would reach through time and space and reach her heart as you clutched to Loki. 
But then...you hit ground. 
You assumed this was it, you were dead. But Loki and you were still together. His leather still in your fists. 
You let go of him and opened your eyes, your hands landing on cool dirt, the area dark around you.
“Where are we?” you asked, hoping he’d been here before.
“I don’t know,” he admitted, scanning his surroundings. “If I had to guess, I’d say anywhere, this looks closest to Sanctuary..”
“Sanctuary? What’s that?” you asked, the two of you still on the ground. “Well... Can you get us back to Asgard?” 
“Who dares trespass Sanctuary?!” a voice hissed as it stepped out from behind a pile of boulders, a small force beside them.
The voice made you retreat in on yourself while Loki positioned himself in front of you slightly.
“Our apologies, we simply… got lost and ended up here,” he tried. “We’ll be going,” he said, about to stand but they aimed some form of a weapon at you. It appeared to be an electrolyzed spear. 
“Halt! No one enters here by accident. How did you get here?” the man with grey-reptile skin asked. You didn’t know him, but you didn’t want to. Your blood felt like ice around him.
“Wait,” a different voice said. This voice was low… resonating… But it wasn’t from anyone standing around you. Finally, the man -- was he a man?--appeared. He stepped out from the same spot the other man did. “Perhaps they could be of use to us. Where are you from?” he asked. 
He was large, and purple. He was almost twice Loki’s size and had an imposing presence about him. 
“Asgard,” Loki stated. 
“Asgard… A formidable kingdom. Who were you there?”
“I was...A king, a prince…” Loki answered, the tiniest touch of sorrow in his voice.
“A prince? A king? Hmm… Tell me, would you like to be a true king? One that doesn’t question his power? I can give you power you’ve never dreamed of,” the man promised, leaning forward slightly.
Loki looked back to you and you flashed him a concerned look with an ever so slight shake of your head.
“We appreciate your offer, but we will just be leaving. No power or staying for us. We’ll be out of your realm in quicker than you can blink,” Loki promised as he turned to help you up.
“If you don’t want to help me, then you’ll just be in the way.” The man turned and started to walk away. “Kill them,” he ordered.
“Wait!” Loki cried out. A mischievous smile danced on his face. “Perhaps I spoke too quickly. I think we can be of use to you. What exactly do you need?”
“Now you’re talking,” the large man said before turning around. “I need willing participants…” he stated, looking at you two with a gleam in his eye.
The gleam made your heart hammer in your chest as you and Loki instinctively moved closer to each other, lacing your fingers with his, before the large man gave a confident half smile at you two.
Wherever you were, wherever you just landed, it would be the end of you. You were trapped, doomed, enslaved…
Tag List: @essie1876​ @magpiegirl80​ @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked​ @iamwarrenspeace​ @marvel-imagines-yes-please​ @superwholocked527 @missinstantgratification​ @thejemersoninferno​ @rda1989​ @munlis​ @thefridgeismybestie​​ @bubblyanarocks3​​ @igiveupicantthinkofausername​​ @kaliforniacoastalteens​ @feelmyroarrrr​​ @kaelingoodson​ @friendlyneighbourhoodweirdo​​ @damalseer​​ @heyitscam99​​ @yknott81​​ @sorryimacrapwriter​​ @glitterquadricorn​​ @xxqueenofisolationxx @little-dis-kaalista-pythonissama @bittersweetunicorm​​ @alyssaj23​​ @sea040561​​ @princess76179​​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​​ @sarahp879​​ @malfoysqueen14​​ @ellallheart​​ @breezy1415​​ @marvelmayo​​ @random-fluffy-pink-unicorn @cocosierra94 @hardcollectionworldtrash @capsmuscles @marvelloushamilton
Loki: @lostinspace33​​ @ultrarebelheart​​ @lenawiinchester​​ @esoltis280​​ @tngrayson​​ @wangdeasang​​ @harrymewmew @jayfantasyatyourservice​​
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hitbythunder · 4 years ago
Waking a Dangerous Curiosity
A Thranduil x Loki story -> read also on AO3
Summary: After their brief trip to Jotunheim, Odin punishes his both sons for breaking the peace treaty with Laufey: they get banished from Asgard and cast out to Middle Earth. Without their divine powers, Loki and Thor soon fall into the hands of the Mirkwood Elves and become slaves at Thranduil's court. As Loki decides to improve his, and his brother's situation, he wakes the curiosity of the Elvenking himself. Warnings: very explicit scenes between elf and Asgardian ;) ************************ The darkness of the night had already covered the sky with its black blanket, which only a few stars could breach with their light, when the Elvenking entered his study. The neatly arranged candles here and there, the large fireplace as well as the many rugs and furs covering the wooden floor composed a quite cozy atmosphere in the manageable room. Although not as secluded as his private chambers, the study was one of Thranduil's safe havens within the large palace which he sought out as often as possible. After pouring himself a well-earned glass of his favourite wine, the silver-haired elf sank graciously onto the soft couch in front of the fire place, the flames casting a warm glow over his dark-grey robe with the crimson mantle on top. While watching the dance of the flames, he could relax from the strain of the day. Dealing with both humans and dwarves on one day was too much to ask of an elf, even for him, and so Thranduil was overly glad to have some peace now. Little did he now it wouldn't last much longer.
Suddenly a knock came from the ornamented wooden door and with a sigh of annoyance, the king permitted entrance to whomever dared to interrupt him in his precious private time. “Adar, forgive my intrusion but this couldn't wait!” Legolas said as he approached the king, his father, who sipped casually at his wine and gestured lazily with his free hand for the younger elf to continue.
“Our rangers captured two men lost in the midst of the Greenwood, far from any known path.” the blonde elf began and Thranduil chuckled at the foolishness of the humans. Many had tried to pass the Greenwood, the largest forest in all of Middle Earth, and most of them had been led astray by the countless winding paths hidden in the thicket. Easy prey for the elvish hunters who would bring them to the palace. There was always some lower work for humans.
“And here I thought the mortals knew what happened to those who enter my kingdom without permission. Apparently they have not learned their lessons!” the king mused and took another sip, obviously finished with this topic and not interested into details. “Proceed as usual, Iôn, and do not disturb me again tonight!” Thanduil turned his gaze towards the flames and dismissed his son who refused to leave however.
“As you wish, but there is more I long to report to you.” Only when he felt the cold cerulean orbs resting on him again, Legolas continued. “Those two men claim to be princes of another realm and demand to be treated as such. Yet they refused to tell me their names as they would only speak with you.”
Thranduil's eyes narrowed and with one final gulp he rose from the couch. The silken clothing gliding down his tall figure and stretching out with a shy rustle. Apparently, the king wasn't finished for today, the spiked crown on his head calling for duty. “I will not tolerate any humans deeming themselves to be superior to our kind, especially if they disrespect my own flesh! Show me those men at once!”
With large strides, the Elvenking walked down the corridor of the palace towards the throne room, the crimson mantle atop his dark-grey robe floating behind him like flames with every step. Followed by Legolas, Thranduil graciously descended the steps to the platform in front of his throne while the prisoners were led in from another flight of stairs on the other side. One of them was blonde, tall and very well-built, the muscles stretching his navy-blue linen tunic in all the right places while the other was of a more athletic statue, with black hair past his shoulders contrasting his pale complexion. And when the two men beheld the silverly king in all his glory, their eyes widening at his dashing appearance, Thranduil chuckled mentally. He had a tremendous impact on other beings, regardless the race.
“Who dares to wander in my woods without my consent?” Thranduil's voice was smooth and vibrant, like luxurious silk brushing gently over one's skin, as it rang in the brothers' ears. Mesmerized by the outstanding looks of the king, they hesitated to answer until the raven-haired one found his tongue again.
“None other than the sons of Odin, the king of Asgard, your highness. I am Loki and this is my brother Thor!” the slim one replied in an almost equally rich voice, gesturing with his slender pale hands. Thranduil mustered the two 'princes' thoroughly from head to toe and the brother's could sense the intense gaze of cerulean orbs on them. Judging from their simple linen tunics, their slightly disheveled hair and some spots of dirt on their skin and clothes, neither of them looked royal to the elf's eyes.
“Neither the name of your father nor of this realm you claim to be from sounds familiar to me.” Thranduil then said and began to slowly pace in front of the men, his arms behind his back. “So spare me your lies, mortal!”
“This is the truth!!” Thor yelled out and as soon as he slightly stepped forward, the surrounding guards had their swords and lances pointed at both brothers. Thranduil turned to look at them with an ice-cold expression, the thick brows at the top of the perfectly straight nose knitting.
“My own valet appears more royal to me than you do. So tell me, 'princeling', why I should not let you two rot in my dungeon for wasting my time?!” the silver elf hissed at the blonde and Thor was so close to loose control and fight his way free – just to punch that haughty elf in his porcelain face.
Let's see if it shatters!
However, Loki was quick enough to pick up the word again before his brother could worsen the situation any more. Normally, those elves wouldn't stand a chance against the gods but in their current state, the brothers would most certainly loose. “Because our looks are not sufficient to judge our descent from, your highness. If you would con-” Loki tried to be as polite as possible yet he had no chance to finish. Thranduil didn't even listen properly as he was still in a glaring-battle with Thor, who refused to avert his gaze as a sign of defeat. And this blunt insolence enraged the Elvenking.
“Enough! I will not have more of your tainted words!” Thranduil stepped back and beheld the brothers one last time. “No one trespasses my land without punishment! Time has no meaning to an elf while you shall spend your days in a cell of my dungeon!”
Loki was shocked at this announcement, not resisting the guards who grabbed him while Thor fought with everything he got. Finishing the matter for today and hoping to return to his study, Thranduil turned away from the intruders and walked towards the stairs he had descended from earlier.
“Maybe you reconsider your story then!”
Two full moon-cycles had passed since the gods had arrived to the Woodland Realm. Still being imprisoned in separated cells, they had finally begun to accept their fate. Being cast out and stripped off their powers by their own father, the brothers had to adapt to mortality and this world they were now forced to live in. While it didn't take long for Loki to come to this simple (but painful) realization, Thor struggled considerably. The hurt of his father's repudiation and the loss of his beloved hammer Mjölnir was too much for him to cope with. The first days of their imprisonment, Thor had yelled and hammered against the bars with all his strength, he had ushered every curse he knew and raged like a storm inside the small cell. But time nagged at him until his stubbornness broke and he too resigned to his fate. The dungeons became quiet again.
As Thranduil had foreseen, the brothers didn't claim to be princes anymore after their stay in the dungeons and broken as they were, they finally could be used for work. Slavery was a common concept among the Silvan-Elves of Mirkwood and due to the mortality of humans, there was a constant need for labor-force. Thor was too crude and blunt to be around high-born elves, so he was put to the workers where his strength could be used ideally. His tasks stretched from chopping wood, carrying heavy bags of supplies or stocks, to simple stable work. In contrast, Loki's manners and outstanding wisdom had soon granted him a promotion to the position of a palace-servant, his eloquence and skills being a welcomed trait among the elves. Rarely did a human fit so well into their society as the raven-haired man did. Clad in a forest-green simple elvish robe and with his now middle-length hair combed back neatly, Loki could have been easily mistaken for an elf.
While being glad to be able to work instead of rotting in the dungeons, the brothers terribly missed their home and friends. Yet they would speak about other topics when Loki came for a quick visit to the stables whenever he could. At least their brotherly bond had been fortified by this dilemma.
Summer arrived and when the reports of the raven-haired servant's remarkable qualities became more and more frequent, Thranduil decided to see for himself if that was true. And against his expectations, Loki didn't fail to impress when he was assigned to be one of the king's valets. At first, he had seen his promotion as a well-earned reward but after some days in the silver elf's mesmerizing presence, it had turned out to be a torture instead. Shivers ran down Loki's spine whenever Thranduil addressed him with his intoxicating voice and the burning gaze of those cerulean orbs was hot on his skin. Loki couldn't deny that the king had gotten under his skin, much more than he anticipated, yet he had still to find out if the reverse case was also true.
Soon Loki caught himself staring at the other male longer than what was appropriate and he quickly looked away, hoping that no one had noticed. Unfortunately, Thranduil was a very perceptive being and within no time he was aware of the raven-haired man's interest in his person. With a sly smirk at the corners of his thin lips, Thranduil watched in amusement as Loki carefully (but very hasty) cleared the dining table in front of him. To say the elf's ego was flattered was needless to say. When the four valets had finished, the king decided to spend the early afternoon in the library and rose.
“You there, follow me!” he commanded and Loki slightly hesitated before he obeyed. Silently they walked through many corridors until they entered the grand library which was rather abandoned at the current hour, only two other elves were making copies of ancient books to preserve the knowledge. The literature Thranduil was seeking was stored in the back of the library where also a small living room suit and a wooden desk were arranged near a window. While Thranduil sat down at the desk and flipped through the pages, Loki stood at some distance and waited for instructions, not knowing why the king had requested his presence at all.
“Hand me that thick book with the blue cover!” the king then ordered, looking up from the text while Loki turned towards the shelf. Thranduil once again mustered the man, his tall and slim figure, his pale smooth skin and the onyx hair cascading down his shoulders. For a human, Loki was incredibly handsome, almost of elvish beauty, and for a split second Thrandui questioned the man's origin. When Loki had found the book and spun around again, he inhaled sharply because the king was suddenly standing in front of him. Even without his crown, the elf was taller by almost a head and staring intimidatingly down upon him but Loki stood his ground. Only when Thranduil's hand emerged from the folds of his aegean robe and reached his face, tracing along his cheek, Loki's calm composure faltered.
“I have never before seen a human such as you....” Thranduil whispered, his finger brushing over Loki's parted lips. “Waking my curiosity like you do is a rare and dangerous endeavor...” A little harshly, the elf grabbed the raven-haired man's chin, lifting it up and forcing him even closer, their faces barely apart as Thranduil leaned down and purred. “….because it demands for utter satisfaction!”
Another shiver rushed through the Trickster and his famous smirk appeared on his lips, his emerald orbs sparkling in excitement. Apparently, he had some impact on the elf as well and Loki was more than determined to use that for his advantage. Thus he grabbed the hand which held his chin and pulled it away a bit. “Then let me sate you!” Loki then purred and licked across Thranduil's palm with a mischievous grin. While his face didn't change at all, a wild flame of desire was sparking within the Elvenking, which could only be discovered through his hungry eyes.
“Adar? Are you in here?” A familiar voice suddenly called and Thranduil had to let go of the mortal, whispering barely audible into his ear before he did so. “I expect you in my chambers tonight!” And with that, the Elvenking withdrew and walked away towards his son, leaving Loki with a racing heart behind the shelf.
When Loki closed the large wooden door behind him he had already made up a plan in his mind: he would use his charms to gain power over the Elvenking and then free himself and his brother from slavery. They would live like royals again! Determinedly and self-consciously, Loki followed the faint glow of light coming from the adjacent chamber which turned out to be the master bedroom. A high wall of dark-brown wardrobes filled with more than just clothes stood tall on both sides of the entrance and the back of the room was filled almost entirely by the huge bed. Out of finest ebony wood with metal inlays, elvish engravings and antlers as decoration, the bed throned on a pedestal, its dark-grey silken cushions and blankets neatly arranged and inviting. The candle bearers here and there gave off a soft warm light and covered the entire room with a faint orange glow. To all the dark wood around him, Thranduil's silvery figure was a stark  contrast, his long hair floating past his shoulders as he turned around. The king still wore his dark-grey robe with the silver linings, yet the collar had been opened to reveal even more of the flawless skin beneath than usual, as Loki noted immediately as he approached. The king poured some drinks at a small table near the bed.
“Drink!” Thranduil commanded in a low voice as he handed his valet a goblet of wine, their fingers touching briefly during the handing over and sending sparks through both men. Their eyes met in a heated gaze, nothing but hungry desire clearly visible in those cerulean ones. With a triumphant smirk, Loki emptied the goblet in one go and 'accidentally' spilled some drops onto his chest, spoiling the robe. “Oh my, how clumsy of me!” he teased as he began to unbutton the top of the robe with his free hand, his slender fingers skilfully removing one after another while Thranduil watched every of his moves. When Loki's abdomen came into view, one remaining drop of wine gliding down the hills of his chest, the Elvenking couldn't restrain himself any longer and dashed forward.
In the next moment, he already had Loki in his grip, one hand snaking underneath the robe and around his waist while the other cupped the Trickster's face and pulled him closer. Pressed against the taller elf's chest, Loki didn't resist when Thranduil forced their lips to melt in a passionate kiss. Pleasant waves of delight rushed through him and when the elf's tongue intruded his mouth, Loki felt a warm tingling down his loins. In order to tease the king and make him desperate for more, Loki then took hold of Thranduil's right hand and guided it downwards, allowing the elf to cup his already growing arousal. Thranduil exhaled sharply and separated their lips, his breath already more laboured and his orbs clouded with lust as he stared down upon the smirking raven-haired man.
“What a minx you are...” The king said in a low husky voice and in full awareness of Loki's intentions, he began to massage him, adding just the right pressure. Loki couldn't help but moan. “... but I am the one in control here!” Suddenly, Thranduil grabbed a fist full of Loki's black hair and pulled, forcing his head back and leaving his throat exposed. Licking along his neck in turn with planting hot kisses along the way, the elf made his way to the Trickster's ear, licking and sucking at the lobe.
“Let's see if you can satisfy me thoroughly, little minx!” Thranduil purred seductively, delicately squeezing Loki's cock in his hand, before he rather roughly dragged him over to the bed.As soon as Loki landed on the soft mattress, he turned on his back and continued to unbutton himself – with both hands now since he sensed the king's impatience. The elf may have caught him off guard and managed to coax a moan out of him but Loki would win this battle of power and dominate the king himself. He had to, for his as well as for Thor's sake. The undressing wasn't fast enough for Thranduil, so he ripped his robe open with his hands, the buttons popping off and flying across the room. Slowly the dark silk slid past the elf's shoulders and glided down his body, past his hips until it pooled around his feet and Loki halted in his tracks at the sight. Naked and completely pure, Thranduil stood proudly at the end of the bed, his whole body glowing silverly and as Loki's gaze travelled south, his eyes widened.
With a predatory chuckle, Thranduil then knelt down over the other male and in one swift movement ripped the green robe apart and pulled it away from under the Trickster. Gathering his thoughts again, Loki then sat up and let his hands roam over the elf's broad chest, admiring the well-built figure in front of him. Thranduil wasn't as bulky as Thor but still much more muscular than Loki – a quite pleasing fact – and the elf too enjoyed being touched this way, his proud erection twitching whenever Loki's hands came a little closer.
“I shall quench every ounce of your desire before the night is over!” Loki declared ever so self-confidently, pulling the silverly elf down beside him and trying to align his cock properly. He would mount the haughty king and make him kneel eventually. Out of nowhere, Thranduil then used his elvish strength to grab Loki's arms, pin them over his head and put shackles around his wrists, the polished silver sparkling in the candle light. “W-what...??” Confused and quite surprised at the sudden turn of events, Loki tried to wriggle free but to no avail, while Thranduil chuckled darkly at his prey.
“What made you think I would let you reign over me?” Now all his true emotions came forth, no hiding anymore, and his face lit up with pure joy. “On the contrary, my dear princeling, I shall be ruling over every fibre of your body!” And with that, the elf dived down and closed his mouth around one of Loki's nipples, sucking and biting the nub delicately. Again Loki couldn't suppress a moan, louder and more wanton this time, his pulsating member poking against the elf's belly.
“So responsive to every touch...” Thranduil whispered more to himself as he tasted the other nipple and began to rub his hips against the male beneath him, pressing his length against the inside of Loki's thigh. With his heart racing and his chest heaving heavily, Loki now realized that he had totally underestimated the elf's subtleness and charm – not to mention his size! Maybe it had been a mistake to attract the king's attention. In awe Loki had to endure the purposeful caressing of the slender hands as they discovered his body, while Thranduil skilfully used his mouth and tongue to push all the right buttons of Loki's body. Thranduil bit down his neck, one hand massaging his balls while the other cupped his behind only to search for the desired entrance. Once found, the king didn't hesitate to shove a finger inside and oh, Thranduil had long digits.
“Aaah... Th..Thranduil!” Loki moaned between breaths when he felt another finger stretching him and when they hit the most sensitive spot within him, Loki arched his back as much as he could underneath the larger male. “Aaahhh!!!”
“There it is!” Thranduil purred in a low voice laden with so much lust, it would have let anybody faint yet somehow Loki was still there, his cock throbbing wildly and begging for release. Thus he tried desperately to rub himself against the elf on top to create some friction but then Thranduil hoisted himself up on both arms, his fingers slipping out of the god. Loki whimpered at the loss of body contact like a dirty whore but he was beyond caring. All he wanted was that elf to fill him deep and good, to be impaled like never before and serve the silverly king as a means for satisfaction, knowing that this would surely trigger his own release. With his hair already dishevelled from the wriggling, black strands framing the porcelain face tinted in a strong shade of crimson from the blush and his emerald eyes giving away all his current needs, Loki just lay there and looked up at the handsome elf.
“What a sight you are... all flustered and yearning for my cock!” Thranduil assessed, his long silver hair gliding past his shoulders as he moved his head a little to the side, his cerulean orbs sparkling brightly. “Since I am willing to grant you your wish....” the elf reached down and clasped his own erection, pumping a few times to harden even more, before he aligned himself in front of Loki's hole. “...you shall have it all!”
With that, Thranduil shoved himself deep into Loki, tremendously stretching his muscles so that the raven-haired man rung for air. While a little time for adjustment might have been necessary, the Elvenking began at once to move his hips, each thrust sending waves of pleasure through both men. In his former life as a prince of Asgard, Loki had already made some experiences regarding intimacies between men but never had it been so intense. He felt like a virgin all over again, and the fact that he was at the mercy of the Elvenking almost tipped him over the edge. All the while, Thranduil hadn't averted his intense gaze from the man beneath him, yet at the increasing pleasure building inside him, the king couldn't help but close them briefly and relish in the sensation of Loki's flesh around him.
“By the Valar!” Thranduil hissed when he felt Loki contracting around him and his one hand quickly flew to the untended cock between them, pinching the top in a distinct way. “Don't you dare to come without my permission!” the elf growled and spun the smaller man around with little effort between thrusts. Loki screeched out loud when Thranduil was at an angle that allowed him to go even deeper but the elf refrained from doing so. Instead he grabbed Loki by the hair and pulled his head up, forcing his back to arch, while he himself knelt behind the Trickster.
“Beg me to fuck you harder!” Thranduil commanded, emphasizing his order by a savoury slap on Loki's butt which was currently on splendid display. “Aaahhh!! P-Please, f-f-fuck me harder, T-Thranduil!” Loki somehow managed to say and oh, he would come so hard if not for this damned hand pinching his tip. Enjoying every minute, Thranduil then pressed Loki's upper body down while keeping the lovely behind up and resumed the penetration, sliding his long shaft all in up to his pubis.
“What...” - thrust - “...a salacious....” - thrust - “...princeling...” - thrust - “... you are!”
Sensing his own climax approaching, Thranduil increased his pace while smacking Loki's cheeks again, square across both, and then grabbed the smaller man at the back of the neck, forcing him further down and improving the angle of his thrusts. Loki's face was all distorted by lust, his whole body trembling and covered in pearls of sweat. He was a complete mess and such an arousing sight! Thranduil's eyes couldn't feast enough on it thus he made a simple decision.
“You are mine, Loki...” The Elvenking declared between laboured breaths, his hips slapping against the other male's soft butt. “And now come for your king!”
And with that the elf stopped pinching the tip and instead clutched the shaft of the Trickster while continuing to fuck him vigorously. With his name rolling off the king's tongue still ringing in his ears, Loki arched his back even more and pressed himself agains the king. Two more thrusts was all it took to trigger the long-yearned for wave of his apex and Loki held his breath as it washed over him with full force. Thranduil recognized the contraction around his throbbing pole with an animalistic grunt and rode it out as much as possible, milking Loki dry with his already slick hand. Then the Elvenking allowed himself to get lost in ecstasy, unleashing spurts of his hot semen into the raven-haired man and filling him until the juice gushed out again.Loki had already collapsed and lay paralysed on his belly, every limb heavy and numb, when Thranduil removed himself again and sat up. With a contempt sigh, the elf brushed through his slightly disarranged hair with his clean hand, removing the loose strands from his face, and then looked down at his panting valet with a sly smile.
“My curiosity is not satisfied as promised... so come here, little minx!” the Elvenking purred as he grabbed Loki's still parted legs and pulled him closer to his lap.
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mrs-dragneel-stark-solo · 5 years ago
Unforseen Chasm (part 12)
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Part 12 of Unforseen Chasm
Prompt: Two sisters fall for men that are absolute enemies. The love they have could tear all of them apart, or it could bring them together. Word Count: 1657  Note: This is by far the longest thing I’ve ever written (including my other fic series). first major Collab with my best friend @thorne93​​ what was first a simple “what if” moment turned into a two year writing session and I’ve never been more prouder of myself than when i started my first series. goes through most of the MCU plots there are some changes to accommodate for what we wanted and there is a bit of a crossover between the MCU and other characters. I hope you guys enjoy reading this just as much as I enjoyed writing it.
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Over two months you’d been on Asgard. Shannon hadn’t sent a letter since your last one, but you assumed she was just busy at Tony’s lab. A budding new romance and new job was probably a lot to take on. 
Except, on your end, your new best friend Loki was at his wits end. 
It was only yesterday Odin announced to his closest family and confidants that Thor was still going to be appointed to the throne soon. He was upset and you and he went riding in the forest to ease his mind. From the way he was acting afterward, you thought he had cooled down, but today… you asked where Loki was, and no one had seen him. None of his family, nor the elite warriors. You weren’t worried too much, until nightfall when he hadn’t been seen all.
It was only then that you thought you should seek the help of Heimdall. Spying on him felt wrong, but in this sense you were solely worried about his well being. But as you trekked your way down the rainbow bridge, you saw Thor and Loki fighting -- intensely. 
That’s when you started to jog, your mind reeling. What could he possibly doing? What was Thor doing? When you reached them, you cried out while Loki shoved Thor back with Odin’s staff -- what was he doing with that? Why didn’t Odin have it? 
“Loki? What are you doing?” you desperately asked. 
“Taking what is rightfully mine!” he proclaimed, looking frenzied. “I thought I could handle it, Y/N. I can’t. I’m just as suited for the throne if not better. It’s only because I’m a Frost Giant!” he announced before glaring at Thor who stood at the ready with his hammer. 
“Loki, please. We can talk about this,” you tried, inching towards him. 
“There is nothing to talk about, darling,” he informed with a dark smirk before you realized that Loki had replaced himself with an illusion of himself in a split second -- you hadn’t seen the action. You glanced inside the Bifrost and saw Loki insert the staff and unleash the full power.
“What are you doing?!” Thor demanded as he ran forward. “You’ll destroy them!”
“Just doing what you once set out to do! Father will see that I can do the same thing you and he can,” Loki snarled before they fought some more. You begged them to quit, but you couldn’t physically stop them. Even the small bit of magic Loki had taught you wasn’t any use in this situation. 
Eventually, Thor kicked Loki out onto the bridge, effectively knocking his brother down before hitting Mjolnir into the bridge. 
“You’ll never see the human again!” Loki proclaimed to Thor. 
Panic started to dance around your heart. If Thor destroyed that bridge, the Bifrost… Your way back to Earth would be lost. Your way back to your friends, to Diane and Tom, to Lucky… And most importantly -- Shannon. Loki had once said he knew ways of leaving Asgard without the Bifrost… But did you believe him? Right now, as your portal was being destroyed… did you believe this maniacal, wonderful man? 
You weren’t so sure. 
Certainly he wouldn’t destroy your only way back home. No… Loki, who desired a home so desperately wouldn’t rob you of yours, you knew this. 
As you were about to look at him though, to gauge his rage, his heartbreak that drove him to do this, a supersonic boom overtook the three of you, throwing you into the air. 
Time seemed to stop as your body fell in free fall. Until you hit the rainbow bridge hard, your face slamming into the smooth surface of it. You groaned, but you frantically looked for your friends. As you lifted your throbbing head, you saw King Odin, leaning over the side, holding onto Thor’s boot, where Thor held Odin’s staff -- Loki hanging off the end. 
You stood on the edge, your heart in your throat, your stomach felt as if it weren’t there. 
“I could’ve done it, Father. I could’ve done it, for you, for all of us,” Loki tried, declaring his torment, his anguish to be loved -- to be seen as an equal. 
“No, Loki,” Odin responded softly, showing his disappointment.
In that moment, you saw resolve in Loki’s eyes. A sort of solemn, defeated calm fell over him as he let go.
Without thinking, you backed up on the bridge, took off into a short sprint, and swan-dove over the edge of the bridge to meet him, where you heard Thor yell your name. 
What came over you, you had no idea, but a life without Loki in that instant felt like hell. You couldn’t do it. There was no question in your mind that you wanted to be with him. And the idea of him being alone, facing death alone felt... wrong. 
In an instant, you met Loki. Before you could register what was happening, he wrapped his arms around you protectively as you fell toward the descending Bifrost. It’s a wonder you weren’t dead… But, according to your lineage, you were a God just as Loki, so this shouldn’t bother you. 
“What’s going to happen to us?” you asked with concern while the fall seemed to last a good while.
“I don’t know,” he admitted. His perfect brows knitted together as he peered at you. The two of you had never been this close. In fact, you had never touched each other. No handshake, no hug, nothing of the sort. “Why did you jump? You were safe on the bridge.”
“I need you in my life more than you may know. I’ll go wherever you are,” you vowed and his gaze hardened...and softened somehow.
From that, he kept quiet, the two of you just staring at each other, waiting for something to hit you, rip you apart, or elsewise. You were ready for an untimely, reckless death. But a world without Loki didn’t seem possible to you.
Silently, you said your goodbyes to your loved ones. To Diane and Tom for taking you in and giving you a home when you didn’t have one. To Lucky, for being the best dog anyone could have as a pet. To Jane, a great researcher who would do great things. To Darcy, a hilarious girl that would go places. To Tony, for always knowing how to make a joke. To Thor and the entire Odin family for giving you a place to learn about your true heritage… 
And to Shannon, your light in the dark. The fire in your soul. You told her you loved her, hoping it would reach through time and space and reach her heart as you clutched to Loki. 
But then...you hit ground. 
You assumed this was it, you were dead. But Loki and you were still together. His leather still in your fists. 
You let go of him and opened your eyes, your hands landing on cool dirt, the area dark around you.
“Where are we?” you asked, hoping he’d been here before.
“I don’t know,” he admitted, scanning his surroundings. “If I had to guess, I’d say anywhere, this looks closest to Sanctuary..”
“Sanctuary? What’s that?” you asked, the two of you still on the ground. “Well... Can you get us back to Asgard?” 
“Who dares trespass Sanctuary?!” a voice hissed as it stepped out from behind a pile of boulders, a small force beside them.
The voice made you retreat in on yourself while Loki positioned himself in front of you slightly.
“Our apologies, we simply… got lost and ended up here,” he tried. “We’ll be going,” he said, about to stand but they aimed some form of a weapon at you. It appeared to be an electrolyzed spear. 
“Halt! No one enters here by accident. How did you get here?” the man with grey-reptile skin asked. You didn’t know him, but you didn’t want to. Your blood felt like ice around him.
“Wait,” a different voice said. This voice was low… resonating… But it wasn’t from anyone standing around you. Finally, the man -- was he a man?--appeared. He stepped out from the same spot the other man did. “Perhaps they could be of use to us. Where are you from?” he asked. 
He was large, and purple. He was almost twice Loki’s size and had an imposing presence about him. 
“Asgard,” Loki stated. 
“Asgard… A formidable kingdom. Who were you there?”
“I was...A king, a prince…” Loki answered, the tiniest touch of sorrow in his voice.
“A prince? A king? Hmm… Tell me, would you like to be a true king? One that doesn’t question his power? I can give you power you’ve never dreamed of,” the man promised, leaning forward slightly.
Loki looked back to you and you flashed him a concerned look with an ever so slight shake of your head.
“We appreciate your offer, but we will just be leaving. No power or staying for us. We’ll be out of your realm in quicker than you can blink,” Loki promised as he turned to help you up.
“If you don’t want to help me, then you’ll just be in the way.” The man turned and started to walk away. “Kill them,” he ordered.
“Wait!” Loki cried out. A mischievous smile danced on his face. “Perhaps I spoke too quickly. I think we can be of use to you. What exactly do you need?”
“Now you’re talking,” the large man said before turning around. “I need willing participants…” he stated, looking at you two with a gleam in his eye.
The gleam made your heart hammer in your chest as you and Loki instinctively moved closer to each other, lacing your fingers with his, before the large man gave a confident half smile at you two.
Wherever you were, wherever you just landed, it would be the end of you. You were trapped, doomed, enslaved…
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Unforseen Chasm Tag list- @reigningqueenofwords​ @oldfreakything​
Tag list- @cas-you-assbutt-dean-needs-you​ @winchester-writes​ @winchesterenthusiast​ @georgialouisea​ @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog​ ​ ​ @sammysbuttcheek​ @bran2015 @misz-adrii​ @sandlee44​ @womanxofletters​ @natsuccs​ @childishhoebinoo​ @depressed-moose-78 @expecteddifferent​ @girl-next-door-writes​ @fanaticfanfiction​ @dakotapaigelove​ @sassy-spn-knight-of-hell​ @weclassygirl​ @adefectivedetective​
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that-little-zebunny · 6 years ago
The Love We Lost (part two)
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AN: Here's our part two. ♡ Thank you for all the love the part one got. ~ Let's continue our adventure, shall we?
Pairing: Loki x Asgardian Warrior!Reader
Word count: 1,400+
Warning: Again I wrote it :'P, pain & violence.
Summary: You and Loki has been in a relationship for hundreds of years now. It was all good. He’s opening up to you. It was wonderful until the day of Thor’s coronation… sadly you were not enough.
You woke up gasping for air. Your hands went to check your neck. It was all healed now. You took you surrounding. It seems that you have returned to Asgard. You thanked the healer taking care of you and got up. You took a robe to hide the thin clothing you have and went to the room where your friends usually sits down every after a mission.
You got there and everyone's on edge.
"Where's Loki?" You asked upon your entry. Everyone's looking at you in shock.
"Why in Odin's name are you up and walking on your own!" Lady Sif rushed towards you checking your neck. "Are you well now (Y/N)?"
You nodded smiling at her.
"Stop making us worried like that you silly little lady." Hogun said ruppling your hair.
You pouted at him. You removed his hand on your already messy locks and searched the room.
"Where's Prince Thor and Loki?" You asked. Lady Sif guided you to sit on one of the golden chair. "Why are we back? What happened to Jotunheim?" Your questioning eyes met her troubled one.
"It really was a mistake. We almost died...you almost died if not…" she pinched her nose. 
"The Allfather came and rescued us. He's very furious that we went and fought with the Frost Giants that he banished…Thor to Midgard."
Your breath hitched. "No…" you said. "W-what about Loki? Where is he?" Your heart breaks for what happened to Thor but Loki needs you now. You remembered the scary scene earlier. Loki's skin turned to blue. "I must go and find him. I am worried." You said and went out to locate you lover.
"Guard, have you seen Prince Loki?" You asked the guard patrolling the halls.
"Lady (Y/N)" they bowed. "I saw him go down the vault." Thanking the guard you made your way towards Asgard's vault.
But what you saw upon opening it's door shocked your very existence. Loki was holding the Casket of Ancient Winters, his skin was of the color of the Frost giants. Marking appeared on his skin and his eyes were blood red.
"L-loki…" you said. Entering the now cold room. You slowly walked towards him eyes never leaving his frightened face.
"N-no! Why are you here?" He said. His voice shaking. Tears flowing from his red eyes. 
"Don't look at me!!!" He shouted but you continued until you are mere inches from him.
"My love…" you said. Voice full of love for him.
"Please don't look at me." He whispered eyes closing as you touched his blue skin. You removed your fingers as quick as you can when you felt the same burning feeling.
Seeing what happens to your fingers Loki took a step away from you putting the box back in its place. Once he let go of it his colors went back to normal and his eyes became their beautiful blue orbs.
"I-I have hurt you…" he said touching your frozen fingers.
"It's alright. They'll heal." You said wiping his tears with you other hand.
"Loki! What did you do!?" The two of you looked up towards the entrance of the volt. There stand the Allfather. "(YN) leave us!" He barked. Giving your respect to him you left the vault.
Nervous of what might happen you stayed at the other side of the vault's heavy doors. Waiting, heart racing… does the Allfather knows? Is Loki cursed? Did the Allfather had an affair with a Frost Giant? That last though was the most disturbing for you.
Would the Allfather dare do the act of infidelity having an amazing queen  by his side? You shake your head removing that disturbing thoughts out of your head.
It's been a minute now and you can hear them raise their voice but it was not clear because of the closed door. You were walking in circles biting your uninjured fingernail.
Lost in thought you were startled by Loki shouting for help. Guards went inside in a hurry and you followed them. You took a jugged breath seeing an unconscious Odin and Loki an emotional mess.
"I-I...please help him" Loki said holding the Allfather to his chest. You made a move ordering the guards to carry Odin towards the healing room then went to help Loki up.
"Let's follow them. Everything's going to be alright." You said. He pulled you to him to hug you tight and buried his face to your neck.
"My mind's a mess...I-I." He said.
"Shh…we can talk later. Let's hurry to your father." you said.
The Allfather had fallen to the Odin's sleep…
You still can't believe it.
Everything is in chaos. Frigga, locked herself inside Odin's chamber. Loki end up claiming the throne and your friends… they all left to go to Midgard in attempt to take Thor back.
You wanted to join them but choose not to because what worries you more is Loki.
Since the falling of Odin and their talk, Loki became distant. He seems to be always lost in thought. Face void of emotion. You still couldn't believe that he refused lifting Thor's banishment.
You had been waiting in the Throne room for his return from Odin's chamber hoping that you can convince him.
You saw him entering the room walking elegantly with Odin's spear in his hand and his horns stood proudly in his head. You can never be tired of how beautiful he is in your eyes. You love him so much and with that love you are hoping that he'll listen to you.
"Loki…" you said meeting him half way in the middle of the throne room. Looking at him with pleading eyes.
"If it's Thor's return you seek I cannot give you that." He said guiding you towards the Throne. He sat down and made you sit on his lap. "You know I will give you anything and everything you wish but not that… I cannot grant it." He continued.
"Why? He is you brother...he's my brother too. He frantically raised me, Loki." You said touching his face. You saw it change. Anger replacing his loving gaze.
"He is not my brother…" he mumbled gritting his teeth.
"W-what?" You asked not hearing him properly.
"I said,He is not my brother!" He shouted making you stand and take a few steps away from him. He is now breathing heavily.
"What are you saying...Loki are you hearing yourself? He is Thor! He's your brother. You both grew up together in this very castle." You tried calming him down. Your own heart is starting to beat loudly. This is not your Loki…you thought.
"Thor. Thor. Thor! All of you! You keep on asking for that brute when it is me standing in front of you!" He stood up too stalking you. "I'm so tired of people asking me to bring him back. Seeking him. Can't I be enough? I am now you king! I should be enough." He shouted in your face his own are red from rage. You gasp, tears starting to fall from your eyes. "Specially for you!" He said and he claimed you lips in a harsh and rough kiss.
You pushed him and wasn't able to stop yourself from slapping him. His face turned to its side, shocked with what you have done he stood frozen.
"I-I...Loki I'm so sorry…" you said crying hard.
"You slapped me… (YN), how dare you hurt your king!" He said. "All because of Thor." He looked at you with an anger filled eyes. Your heart is clenching. It pains you so much seeing him like this. He had always been level headed. He is the brain of this relationship.
Seeing him now, you couldn't see Him. Your Loki. The God that made you fall in love with him with his silly poems, funny tricks and his loving heart. You do not know this person standing in front of you.
"I'm so sorry…" you whispered. You started walking backward. "I don't know why you're being like this but this is not you Loki. This is not the man I love." You said covering your mouth.
"Then who is this!?" He said "who am I? No one knows me. Not me, not you...no one! It's all a lie." He snarled. "If you really want to see that Thor of yous by all means...go! GO! Remember this (YN) if you leave this room we are done and you will become an enemy of  Throne." He smirked.
This is too much. He is being irrational and you're scared of what he might do. You're scared that he might not be able to handle the put come of this actions.
Thinking of a plan you run.
Running towards the bifrost, running away from the man you love. Leaving you heart with him bringing hope to yourself, hope that whatever you are planning to do will let him see straight.
Calling Heimdall you asked passage toward Midgard.
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itsshortfurball20 · 6 years ago
Percy Jackson, The Avenger
Summary: Percy has an encounter with Nick Fury. A year later, he’s being called on to help protect the world… again. He’s not alone in this Avengers Initiative. A genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist; a super soldier; a green scientist; a Norse god; and two secret agents. What could go wrong?
1 2 3 4 
This chapter has 2,640 words
5 – The Continuum of Villains in Glass Prisons
It took them an hour to get back to the Helicarrier. An hour of Percy nervously glancing up at the ceiling. An hour of violently gripping the nearest surface every time they hit turbulence. An hour of wondering whether Zeus would strike the plane down.
Steve had sat by Percy and tried to make small talk. Percy gave short, quick answers, not in the mood to chit-chat. Steve left after a while, giving Percy some space. When the plane landed, Percy was the first one off. Being on the Helicarrier wasn’t the same as the ground, but Percy could feel the ocean below them, giving him a much-needed boost.
The others followed after Percy. Several agents had been waiting for their arrival, taking Loki and escorting him to presumably his cell. Percy watched him go, the unsettling feeling from his stomach still not gone.
Everyone made their way inside. They ended back up in the main area, where Dr. Banner was waiting, pacing back and forth. As soon as the group entered, Banner stopped his pacing. They all took places around the table. Romanoff managed to pull up a security feed of the holding cell that Loki was in for them to watch.
Percy found himself staring at Loki through a glass prison cell. The guards had taken off the cuffs, letting him wander around the small cell freely. Percy stared at the god, trying to figure out what his ulterior motive for coming here was. No man—or god, for that matter—would let themselves be captured without a plan of sorts.
Director Fury walked on screen, just as intimidating as he had been when Percy first met him. He didn’t spare Loki a glance until he was standing next to the control panel of the cell. “In case it's unclear,” his voice boomed. “You try to escape, you so much as scratch that glass—” Fury pressed one of the buttons on the panel. Percy figured that the button must have opened a hatch under the cage as the sound of gushing wind became almost deafening. Loki tried his best to peer down the glass without pressing himself to the window. “—Thirty thousand feet, straight down in a steel trap. You get how that works?”
Fury pressed the button again, and the hatch closed. With a pointed gesture at Loki, he said “Ant,” before gesturing to the panel. “Boot.”
Loki smirked. “It’s an impressive cage. Not built, I think, for me.”
“Built for something a lot stronger than you.”
“Oh, I’ve heard.” Loki turned to look into the camera. Around the table, the others took subtle glances at Banner, who was watching Loki intently, trying to ignore the others. “The mindless beast makes play he's still a man. How desperate are you that you call upon such lost creatures to defend you?
“How desperate am I? You threaten my world with war. You steal a force you can't hope to control. You talk about peace and you kill cause it's fun. You have made me very desperate.” Fury was walking closer and closer to Loki’s cage, illustrating each point with another step. “You might not be glad that you did.”
“Ooh. It burns you to come so close.” Loki nearly laughed. “To have the Tesseract, to have power, unlimited power. And for what? A warm light for all mankind to share, and then to be reminded what real power is.”
Fury stared at Loki, not backing down from the god. After a beat, he turned away, hiding a small smile. “Well, you let me know if ‘Real Power’ wants a magazine or something.”
The director left, leaving Loki by himself. With a smirk, Loki cast the camera another glance, before the monitor went dark. Everyone around the table was silent. Percy sat there, mulling over Loki’s words. The speech didn’t sound like what someone who had been captured would sound like. Loki sounded relaxed, confident. Even though he was the one in the cage, Loki sounded like the one with the upper hand.
Across from Percy, Steve sat in silence. Just to his left, Thor stood, looking torn. Percy remembered that Thor and Loki were brothers. Until this moment, the son of Poseidon realized that the Greek gods might not be the only immortal dysfunctional family out there.
Dr. Banner broke the silence first. “He really grows on you, doesn't he?”
“Loki's gonna drag this out,” Steve noted. The super soldier lifted his eyes to the blond god. “So, Thor, what's his play?”
“He has an army called the Chitauri. They're not of Asgard or any world known.” Thor uncrossed his arms and wandered closer to the table. “He means to lead them against your people. They will win him the earth. In return, I suspect, for the Tesseract.”
“An army? From outer space?” Steve repeated, tone sort of disbelieving.
Percy swiveled his chair towards the Captain. “Trust me on this, Cap. Space armies? Not the weirdest thing.”
“So he's building another portal.” Banner pieced together, ignoring Percy and Cap’s small conversation. “That's what he needs Erik Selvig for.”
Thor frowned. “Selvig?”
“He's an astrophysicist.” Banner explained to the god.
“He's a friend.”
“Loki has him under some kind of spell, along with one of ours,” Natasha spoke up for the first time. Percy gave a small jump, having forgotten that she was in the room with them. The demigod assumed that was just part of her nature from being a spy—don’t be noticed, blend into the background.
A troubling thought that had plagued Percy earlier popped back into his head. “Something’s up with Loki. Did anyone else notice how he actually sat and watched us like we something on Prime TV before letting us take him? Loki’s planning something.”
”I don't think we should be focusing on Loki.” Banner waved Percy’s concern off. “That guy's brain is a bag full of cats, you could smell crazy on him.”
Thor turned on Banner. “Have care how you speak. Loki is beyond reason, but he is of Asgard, and he's my brother.”
“He killed eighty people in two days,” Natasha informed him.
“He's adopted.”
Percy chuckled. Dysfunctional family all right. He stood up from his chair, walking closer to Thor. “Hey man, I get it. My cousin once told me families are messy. Immortal families are eternally messy.” Percy shrugged his shoulders. “The best thing to do is just remind yourselves that you’re related, for better or worse.” Thor’s shoulders slumped as Percy’s words moved over him. “He also said to try and keep the killing to a low, but…”
“Thank you, Perseus,” Thor told him. “I’m not sure things with Loki will go over smoothly, but I will keep your words in mind.”
Percy gave him a nod. Some of the uneasy air that had been between them seemed to melt away.
Banner looked deep in thought. “I think it’s about the mechanics.” He spoke up.  “Iridium. What do they need the iridium for?”
“It’s a stabilizing agent.”
Stark and Coulson walked into the room. Tony had answered Banner’s question before turning back to Coulson and finishing whatever conversation they had been having before walking into the room. When he finished, he turned back to them. “Means the portal won’t collapse on itself like it did at SHIELD” Tony walked by Thor and gave him a pat on the back. “No hard feelings, Point Break. You’ve got a mean swing.
“Also,” he switched back to Banner’s question. “it means the portal can open as wide, and stay open as long, as Loki wants.”
“Like to bring in a giant army from space,” Percy realized. He turned to Stark before he realized that the man had turned his attention to the agents that were milling around. Percy wondered if the man had ADHD. Stark reminded Percy of some of the kids at Camp Half-Blood, jumping from one conversation topic to the next without any logical solution behind it.
“Uh, raise the mid-mast, ship the top sails.” He commanded. “That man is playing GALAGA. Thought we wouldn’t notice, but we did.” Tony then proceeded to cover one of his eyes and look at the large monitors. “How does Fury even see these?”
“He turns.” Agent Hill answered.
“Sounds exhausting.” Tony turned back to Banner, but not before subtly placing something on the back of the monitor. Percy furrowed his brow as Stark continued talking. “The rest of the raw materials, Agent Barton can get on his hands pretty easily. Only major component he still needs is a power source. A high energy density, something to kick start the cube.”
“When did you become an expert in thermonuclear astrophysics?”
“Last night. The packet, Selvig’s notes, the Extraction Theory papers. Am I the only one who did the reading?”
“Pretty sure you’re the only one who got that,” Percy spoke up. “Unless I missed that in my skim through.”
Steve pipped up with a question. “Does Loki need any particular kind of power source?”
“He’s got to heat the cube to a hundred and twenty million Kelvin just to break through the Coulomb barrier.”
“The what now?” Percy asked, confused by what had just come out of the Doctor’s mouth. Only Tony seemed to understand his words because the two quickly launched into a conversation that Percy had trouble following.
“Finally, someone who speaks English,” Tony said.
Steve frowned. “Is that what just happened?”
“I don’t know, Cap.” Percy shrugged his shoulders. “Didn’t sound like it.”
Tony and Bruce shook hands. Percy could see what looked like mutual respect for each other as they introduced themselves to one another. “It’s good to meet you, Dr. Banner. Your work on anti-electron collisions is unparalleled.” Tony paused for a second. “And I’m a huge fan of the way you lose control and turn into a huge green rage monster.”
Banner looked away. “Thanks,” he muttered.
“Dr. Banner is only here to track the cube,” Fury announced to Stark. “I was hoping you might join him.”
“Let’s start with that stick of his,” Steve suggested. “It may be magical, but it works an awful lot like a HYDRA weapon.”
Percy frowned. “Hydras don’t need weapons.”
Everyone around the table seemed to look over at Percy. The son of Poseidon noticed the shocked and questioning looks from mainly everyone except from Agent Hill and Director Fury, the latter of who looked over at Percy. “Not Hydra as in the monster. HYDRA as in the secret organization that existed during World War Two. I’m not sure this is like them, but it is powered by the cube. And I’d like to know how Loki used it to turn two of the sharpest men I know into his personal flying monkeys.”
“Monkeys?” Thor asked. “I do not understand.”
“I do! I understood that reference.” Percy stifled a laugh at the proud looking Captain who finally wasn’t the clueless one on a pop culture reference.
Tony looked to Banner, ignoring Steve. “Shall we play, doctor?”
“Let’s play some.”
Tony and Bruce walked out, heading towards the lab. Percy headed off to his room, ready to make a call to Annabeth.
He made sure to close the door behind him before heading into his small bathroom. Percy stared at the shower, trying to figure out how to turn it on. Instead of a knob, there was a couple of buttons and a pad. Percy started pushing the buttons. It took him a couple tries before he got the water going. Taking the water, he bent it to the bathroom lights just right to get a small rainbow.
Percy tossed a drachma into the rainbow-colored water. “O Fleecy, do me a solid. Show me Annabeth Chase, Upper East Side, Manhattan.”
The rainbow started to shimmer, and the familiar sight of Percy’s living room came into focus. He saw Annabeth curled up on the couch, fast asleep. There was a stack of papers on the coffee table in front of her. Next to the stack of papers was a cup of coffee, half empty.
Percy paused. The last time that Annabeth had drunk coffee was when they were studying for their college finals. Prior to contrary belief, coffee actually made them better focused rather than bouncing off the walls. So when Annabeth was studying hard for something, she always had a little bit of coffee to help keep her on track. He tried to peer closer at the stack of papers. The IM, while great for getting general pictures across, was not good enough to help Percy see the words on the paper, that were just a small blur.
On the couch, Annabeth stirred. One of her eyes blinked open lazily. “Percy?” She asked, running her eyes as she sat up.
Percy smiled. “Hey, Wise girl.”
“Percy,” she sat up fully. “It’s like midnight.”
Percy glanced over at the clock that hung on the wall. “It’s two over here. Sorry that I woke you, I just wanted to check in on you.”
“I’m fine. I was just working on something.” She waved her hands dismissably towards the coffee table. “How are things going? Saved the world yet?”
Percy chuckled. “I’m not sure if getting by podex handed to me by a god with a heavy hammer counts.”
“Which god?” Annabeth asked.
“Thor,” Percy told her. “His brother Loki is the one we were going after. He’s in his cell right now while Stark and Banner are tracking down the cube that he stole from SHIELD so he could invade Earth with an army from outer space.” The son of Poseidon paused, replaying his last sentence and realizing how confusing that probably was.
Annabeth seemed to agree, if her furrowed brows were anything to go by. Percy was about to explain more when she asked a question that he didn’t expect.
“Did you say Thor and Loki?”
Percy froze. “Uh, yeah. Why? Do the names mean anything to you?”
Annabeth was visibly more awake than she had been moments before, leaning forward towards Percy. “Thor and Loki are famous Norse gods. If I remember correctly, Thor was the god of thunder while Loki was the god of mischief. I think stories also said that Loki killed an unkillable guy and his punishment was to have snake poison drip on him.”
“How does one kill an unkillable person?”
“That’s not logical Annabeth.” Percy pointed out. “If the guy’s unkillable, then how can someone kill them?”
“I think the guy was meant to be unkillable. I’m not up to speed on my Norse mythology. I may be smart, but I can’t remember something I read once in a book when I was six.” Annabeth took a deep breath. “Okay, I need you to tell me. Does Loki have any scarring on his face? Any marks whatsoever?”
Percy shook his head. “No. That guy could be a model if he, you know, wasn’t a murderer. But he can do illusions.” Percy added after a second. “Maybe he’s hiding something.” He shrugged. “Not all stories are true though, remember?”
“Yeah.” Annabeth agreed. “I know, just making sure.” She glanced at the clock behind her. “Listen, Percy, I got to get to bed, and so do you. You never know when you’ll get to sleep next.”
Percy didn’t want to go, it felt like they had just started talking, but Percy couldn’t deny his heavy eyelids or calling bed in the next room. “Okay,” he said simply. “I’ll IM you with another update soon. I love you, wise girl.”
“Love you too, seaweed brain.”
He swiped through the Iris-message and shut off the shower. Percy stared at the place Annabeth’s beautiful face had only just been before trudging back into his bedroom and falling into his small bed. Within minutes, he was fast asleep.
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realityhelixcreates · 5 years ago
Lasabrjotr Chapter 34: Breaking News
Chapters: 34/? Fandom: Thor (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe Rating: Teen And Up Warnings: Mentions of nudity. death, internet misogyny  Relationships: Loki x Reader (Someday) Characters: Loki (Marvel), Reader, Thor, Brunnhilde, Heimdall  Additional Tags: Post-Endgame: Best Possible Ending (Canon-Divergent), Loki Has Some Telling Dreams, Loki Has Some Legitimate Fears, This Is Why People Have A Low Opinion Of Journalists These Days, Clickbait More Like Clickhate Amirite Summary:  Fame can be particularly unpleasant
You stormed into the bathtub, naked as the day you were born, and the fury of you pushed him back against the wall. It was hard now to remember that you were mortal. Small. Helpless. It was hard to remember when you approached, wrapped in burning rage, like a force of nature. Thor could not help, for he too, was weak in the face of mortal women. Brunnhilde would not help, for she knew, as Loki now did, that he had made a terrible mistake. He looked to them for support anyway.
They were not there. There was only you and him, in a bath that seemed increasingly too small. The water lapped at your breasts as you splashed towards him. He had tried not to look, he had really tried. But you had demanded it. “Look at me!” You had snarled, and he had, and he remembered every inch of skin he had seen before your little fist had connected...
Not again. It wasn't that the strike had hurt exactly, he hadn't minded that. It was the anger, and the hurt underneath it. It was knowing that it was all because of how callous and thoughtless he had been, when he was supposed to be better than that.
“Look at me!” You demanded, and he did, resigned to what was to come. Your hand shot out and grasped the back of his head, fingers curling in his hair.
In a single, smooth movement, you closed the last of the distance between you and him, sliding up against his body and capturing his mouth in a searing kiss.
His entire mind blanked, and he just stood, dumbfounded for a few moments, until everything caught up with him. Then he flung his arms around you, crushing you to his chest and returning the kiss with equal fervor.
Oh, this...this was so much better than being punched...
He poured passion into you, wanting more, more, more. It had been so long since he'd had this, and even then, it was with suspicion and apprehension hanging over him. But this felt so pure, so true. He didn't want to ever stop.
He kissed you ceaselessly until the water went cold around him, and even then, he didn't want to stop. But the cold was creeping up his body, so, so cold. Cold and...hard...
He drew back suddenly, to stare into your unblinking, rime-covered eyes. Your face, your body, rigid like a perfectly detailed statue.
Loki tried to leap away, shouting in horror, but the bathwater was solid, trapping him from the hips down. He flailed, the blue of his skin catching his eye.
Odin was there, perched on the tiles on the other side of the tub. He was saying something, but Loki could not hear over his own screaming.
He opened his eyes to the false night created by the hotels blackout curtains, immediately rushing to your bedside. You were breathing softly, slowly, and he almost thew his arms around you in relief, only drawing back at the last moment, for fear that you would freeze at his touch.
What was getting into him? First, out on the island, he had almost...done something before that bird had interrupted. Had he almost kissed you? Why? Why was he dreaming about it now, why was he craving something like that? Such things were not for him, surely he was still too busy, surely he was not meant for trivialities like romance. That must be what the dream was about. He was still too broken, too untrustworthy, too dangerous. It would only end in disaster.
At least it was now obvious that you didn't share all of his dreams. You slept peacefully, unaware of the warnings his mind was providing him. A warning. He should heed it. Banish all thoughts of soft affections and closeness. It was just a warning to keep his hands to himself.
He had been getting too comfortable by far. Holding your hand out in public, putting his arms around you, dancing with you. Crawling right into bed with you, the instant you allowed it of him! He even tried running to you for comfort after this nightmare, even though he was the one who was supposed to be protecting you! Even though he was the one who was a danger to you.
That dream was incredibly unfair. He had never once lost control over his form, not ever. Only the touch of another frost giant, or their magic, could force him to revert, otherwise, he had perfect control. He had kissed others, and not frozen them.
None of them had been mortal though. Or rather, none of them had been as weak and lowly as a human. So soft, so delicate. So fragile. So brief.
He paused a moment to regain control of his breathing. There was something so appealing about your vulnerability, especially since you lived your life as if mostly unaware of it. All humans did, despite being the most frail of the peoples  in the Eight Realms.
Retreating to his bed, he settled down, but did not sleep, visions of forbidden intimacy swimming just behind his eyelids.
You awoke, well rested and fresh. What lovely dreams you'd had. Traveling the universe, bathed in blue light, like a fading star. Something was attempting to communicate with you, not in words, but in impressions. It showed you dozens of worlds, peoples, stars, and other wonders. You could visit all these places, it promised, you could see all these things and more. All you had to do was learn how.
Bolstered by that potential future, you greeted the morning, barely noticing how quickly Loki switched places with Saldis, neglecting to tease you at all. At least you now knew you didn't share all of your dreams with him, not that you would have minded sharing this one.
You went out for breakfast with Saldis and Borgliot, and showed off your new puffin charm, and the seeds you had bought at the botanical gardens. Both women cooed over the puffin, just as charmed by the silly birds as you were. Saldis showed you a patterned, wool sweater she had bought to bring back to Andsvarr and a box of salted licorice for herself, and Borgliot had a bottle of Brennivin and a pair of very nice hiking boots for her brother, whom she told you was trapped on Vanaheim. There were a lot of families that had been scattered that way, with family members offworld at the time of Ragnarok, who had no way now to return without the Bifrost.
“We two shall meet again, I am certain.” Borgliot said. “In time, the Bifrost shall be repaired, and restored to its former power. We hast only to wait.”
Borgliot had time. She was maybe a little younger than the king, just young enough to have missed being discovered by the Valkyries before their last flight. Plenty of time left to see the Bifrost returned to full strength. You might not though.
Shame that. You did want to explore space, just like in your dream, but unless there was some breakthrough in building it, the Bifrost would be no help.
Saldis and Borgliot were going home today, since the trial was over, and they were no longer needed. Thor was swamped with press, and meetings with the local authorities, but he and Brunnhilde planned on leaving tomorrow, if they could conclude all their business by the end of the day. That would leave you and Loki alone in the city for two days after that, if you wanted to stay.
There was still a waterfall to visit, and more whale watching to do. Plenty of museums to visit, plenty of history to learn. Surely you could fill two days with education.
You saw the girls off on their horses with many well-wishes on their return, then rejoined Loki and Thor before the latter had to run off to another meeting. Brunnhilde, however, had other plans for you, dragging you away with her to input numbers into your new phone.
Loki watched you go with some apprehension. The Valkyrie could be unpredictable as he was, and Loki was disinclined to fully trust anyone who reminded him of himself. Still, he was certain that she would not allow you to get yourself into any real trouble, and said nothing as the two of you left.
“So...” Thor said, a jovial tone in his voice that Loki recognized as meaning some kind of brotherly teasing was on its way.
“Yes?” He said testily, not really in the mood.
“You have been somewhat...indiscreet this week, don't you think?”
“I'm sure I have no idea what you mean.”
“Oh, well then, allow me to show you!”
Thor held out his phone with a majestic flourish. His newsfeed was clogged with article after article full of pictures; you and himself walking together, holding hands, eating meals, hugging, leaning on each other, just being together. Headlines speculated every possible thought, though most of them were centered on whether or not you were dating. There was one that showcased a picture taken of him carrying you in his arms, and leaping from the courthouse stairs. He looked terribly dashing to his own eyes. The headline shouted in bold text:
DEMON OR DISNEY PRINCE: Could the Controversial Prince of Asgard Have Rethought His Stance on Human Inferiority?
He snorted. Possibly. But it wasn't anybody's business but his.
Directly beneath that article was yet another-there were stacks and stacks of them-that featured you clinging to his arm with an unpleasant, clearly photoshopped expression.
HUSSIE OF THE MONTH: Supposed Victim Actually Shameless Social Climber? Pictured Here Brazenly Clutching The World's Most Eligible Villain!
“My, that one is unfriendly, isn't it?” Thor said, disapprovingly.
“I am not that eligible.” Loki protested.
“That's the part you're concerned about?”
“There's so many of them. They just go on and on; why are there so many? Look at this: 'Fantastic Frenemies? The Lady Doth Not Protest Too Much?' Ugh, 'Loki's Live-In Lady'? Look, this one calls her a doxie! How dare they publish that! Is there no oversight? I hope she hasn't seen these yet.”
“Uh, well...I'm pretty sure Brunnhilde was going to show her...”
“Oh no.”
“You have got to be kidding me!” You bellowed from where the Valkyrie had led you.
“Oh no.”
You stormed back up to him pointing at your new phone.
“Is this what you mean by PR?” You snapped. “I don't even recognize some of the words they're calling me!”
“I know, and I share your fury.” Loki assured. “I will find the addresses of these publishing houses, and I will utterly destroy them. No stone left atop another, I will raze them to the ground! I shall-”
“Loki!” Thor scolded.
“I shall write them a stern letter, detailing my disapproval!” Loki amended.
“It won't stop them.” You grumbled. “It's all clickbait, and it's all already out there. Once something's on the net, it's there forever. This is never going away.”
Loki placed his hands on your shoulders, leaning down to look you right in the face.
“Then we will do what those of us who are higher than they always do: ignore them. They are as ants to such as us, inconsequential and petty.”
You brushed his hands away. “That's easy for you to say, you aren't the one getting slut-shamed for no reason! Ugh! I need to take a walk or something.”
“Very well.” Loki said. “We can go-”
“I mean by myself.” You cut him off.
“My dear, I'm not sure that would be safe...”
“I just want some time to myself, is that too much? This shit is gonna spread like wildfire. By the end of the week, everyone's gonna see it. You get to be a prince, and I get to be a floozy. Great. I need to go stomp around a little. Meet me at the whale watching pier in a couple hours?”
“What? No, _____, I cannot advise-”
“See ya in a couple hours!” You stalked off, leaving him spluttering behind you. It was rude, and you knew it, but anger and distress burned through you, and you didn't want to take it out on him. Yeah, okay, Loki definitely had a bad reputation, but people weren't lambasting him sexually with no proof! You didn't need the added nonsense of dozens of news outlets accusing you of the same thing that murderer had!
So maybe you weren't a pure, untarnished virgin. But then again, as far as any of them knew, maybe you were! The point was, that it wasn't anybody's business but yours.
But they'd published it anyway, and were going to make a bunch of money off of it, and your dad, and Tara, and everyone you had ever known was going to see it, and so was everyone you hadn't even met yet. And it would inform their opinions of you, even if they didn't realize it, even if they tried not to let it.
And what would the people of Asgard make of it? You knew there were people there who already had a low opinion of you; you didn't want the general populace to get the impression that you were merely gold-digging trash.
“_____!” Someone called. “_____! You're _____, aren't you?”
You turned to face a small group of strangers, a few of whom you recognized from the courthouse steps. You drew back away from them. What did they want? Surely you couldn't have gotten yourself into danger so soon after blowing Loki off. That would just be embarrassing.
“Are you okay?” One of them, a young woman, asked. “Are you alone? Have you finally escaped the bastard? We can sneak you out, we think. Come with us, and we can get you home!”
Oh, they still thought Loki was some great, looming villain that you needed to be saved from. Well, it was several steps up from being threatened.
“It's...not that easy, you guys.” You said. It had been so long since you had spoken with someone who sounded like you, and these people at least seemed sympathetic.
“Has he threatened you? I'm sure there's somewhere you could go into hiding-”
“No, no, no, nothing like that. It's just that there's a lot going on, and I can't leave, I live here now-”
“And despite what you may have heard, I take very good care of her.” Loki said from directly behind you. He slid one hand smoothly over your shoulder, almost clutching, as the group of supportive protesters shrank away from him in fear.
“You wouldn't happen to have been following me while invisible, would you, your Highness?” You asked sourly.
You could practically feel his smugness falter, through the pressure of his hand.
“I might have.”
You tapped his fingers sharply, and he withdrew his hand.
“Just give me some time.” You entreated. He didn't say anything else, just walked back up the street with a barely perceptible hangdog expression.
“You can just...talk to him like that?” One of the terrified protesters whispered.
“Yeah, sometimes. He'll probably play some trick on me later, but it won't be so bad. Listen, you guys, there's been a lot of misunderstandings surrounding all this. C'mon, let's go talk about it...”
Sofie put her phone away in disgust.
“Ugh! If I didn't need to ferry supplies back and forth, I might not ever go back to civilization!” She exclaimed.
“The pictures looked nice.” Frodi said. “They seem happy.”
“That only makes this disrespect worse.” Fritjof grumbled as Savane stirred their stew.
“Poor _____. She's really getting the worst of it.”
“She's an easier target.” Frodi pointed out. “She's not a god, and she's not threatening. There's nothing she can really do to get them to stop. Not that they've exactly spared Loki, but they can get really nasty at her expense.”
“Actually, I would like to speak with you about that.”
All four heads whipped around to face the unfamiliar voice, as Heimdall approached from behind the tents, the fire reflected in his eyes.
All four worshipers wordlessly moved aside to make room. With an appreciative nod, he took a seat.
“These gatherings are inevitable, and they are not unwelcome.” He began. “Truthfully, I find it flattering that any of you remember us at all, unreliable storytelling not withstanding. But even in the times of your distant ancestors, not everyone was welcoming of us. This hostility and confusion is nothing new.
The span of it, however, is. News traveled much more slowly in those days; there was more time to plan and prepare, to fortify ones position and allies. Now, there is less time for preparation, and people, including enemies, can move much more quickly from place to place. Your people could not fly, the last time I walked these lands. Now, you can traverse the whole of Midgard in mere days.
And now, entire camps of potential enemies have set up outside my city, motivated by hostility for one man, and confusion over one woman. I cannot look everywhere at once, and there are many things that currently require my attention.”
Frodi nodded. “And you want us to keep an eye out for potential trouble.”
“I want you to be wary of potential trouble.” Heimdall corrected. “I cannot advise that you enter into any kind of conflict. I do not believe that the majority of these people came here seeking violence, but that the minority who did might spread their influence if you are perceived as a threat. Eventually, there will be mingling. That too is inevitable. Welcome those who come to you, learn what you can. Many of these people do not truly understand the situation, and I cannot go explain to them myself without being seen as dangerous. It seems my presence stirs unease in much of humankind.”
This last was said with a pointed glance at Fritjof, who dropped his gaze.
“It might have to do with people having secrets, and you being able to see everything.” Savane pointed out bluntly. Fritjof and Sofie shot her quick glances.
“Probably.” Heimdall said, unperturbed. “Now, I am not conscripting you, and there is no reward I have the authority to offer, however, if these new people prove to be dangerous to your camp, I can move guards out here to patrol the borders.”
“That is very gracious. I'll inform the others. You too, Sofie.” Frodi stood, brushed himself off, and motioned for Sofie to follow. The two of them walked off into the camp, to visit the fires of others.
“Savane, I feel the soup could use some of your special spice blend.” Heimdall said.
“Yes, you see, that is exactly what I was speaking of earlier.” She said, but went back to her tent anyway.
“Fritjof, son of Jor, will you tell me why you set that tent on fire? You knew there was no one inside.”
“You saw.” Fritjof said apprehensively. “Of course you did. I believed its owner was the man who attacked Loki's seidkona, and I wanted him to have no shelter among us.”
“Decisive, but dangerous, don't you think?”
“If you saw me do it then you should know I had it completely under control.”
“And no one else knows? No one ever notices that your fire never goes out?”
“No. Will you tell them?”
“I will not. It is not mine to tell. But if you value your friends, you should inform them of what you are capable of. I do not believe that they will shun you for your difference. But then again, I was born to a people who value those with such special abilities.”
“I will think about it.” Fritjof said, but would not promise anything further. The thing that drove him out here in the first place, the thing that made him obsessed with blood and heritage, that thing was his own, and he did not trust it with anyone else.
“-And she was so shy that it took her weeks just to hold my hand.” Todd was saying. A group of newcomers had gathered around his tent to hear his stories about the woman who was rapidly becoming legend.
“She's so sweet and innocent. I really worry about what that alien has been putting her through.”
“Why didn't you follow her to the city?” Someone asked.
“Oh, I'm no match for a horse's speed.” Todd admitted. “And she's doing something important there, that shouldn't be interrupted. Did you know someone actually tried to kill her? It's terrible! That never happened back home. She's gotta go witness at his trial, and I hope they put him away for good.”
“I wonder if it was one of those fanatic at the other camp?” Someone else mused. “They're creepy. You know they actually think these people are real, literal gods?”
“Yeah, it's a little weird. Don't know why you'd wanna worship someone like Loki. Thor, maybe, he seems like a decent dude, but he's definitely flesh and blood, not a god. Just an alien. This is like some Fifties pulp novel: Aliens Stole My Girl! Poor _____. She's got to be so confused.”
“Hey dude.” Said another camper, who had heard Todd's lament more than a few times. “If she's your girl, then what's all this?” She handed Todd her phone, and he scrolled down through all the articles that had made you so distressed, outrage plain on his face.
“This is bullshit.” He declared. “Whoever those reporters are, they sure don't know _____! She isn't like that at all. But him-oh, we all know what a liar and manipulator he is! He's definitely deceiving her; she's just kind and naive enough to be twisted around by him.”
“I bet he's using her just to make himself look good.” One of them said.
“Well, don't fall for it.” The other camper answered, taking her phone back. “He's still the same bastard he's always been. You don't just stop being a power hungry lunatic overnight. No matter how harmless or friendly he might seem right now, it's all part of a plan. If he was really serious about not being Earth's enemy, he'd have turned himself in to justice, or make reparations to the cities he terrorized, or even issued some kind of apology! He hasn't done any of that, and he doesn't intend to! He thinks if he just waits long enough, it'll all go away, and he can just do whatever he wants with impunity! He kidnapped a woman from her workplace and put her in harms way. No amount of cute pictures can change that. Never forget what he's done! Never forget! Never forget!”
The cry went up, a chorus audible from the gates of the city.
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that-shamrock-vibe · 6 years ago
Movie Review: Avengers Endgame (Spoilers)
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Spoiler Warning: I cannot stress this enough, if you have made it this far without seeing Avengers: Endgame yet and have avoided spoilers...DO NOT READ ON. If you have seen the movie then feel free but if you have not do not ruin it for yourself.
Time Travel Trouble:
Alright so I mentioned in my non-spoiler review that a sci-fi element of the movie frustrated me. This was the already established plot-device of time-travel used in the movie.
Now we knew that the Avengers were going to travel through time to some degree in the movie, however what was kept brilliantly secret was how they travelled, when they travelled and where they travelled.
In order to stop Thanos, the Avengers decide to travel in time via the Quantum Realm and retrieve the Infinity Stones before Thanos did, however because they have limited Pym Particles to travel with they decide to pick moments in their own history where the stones are most likely to be and split into three teams each picking a year and place.
All that is great and made for a very fun story, however as with any movie or TV series to deal in time-travel, which is even commented on in this movie with Rhodey and Ant-Man listing the amount of movies to fall victim to these tropes, there always seem to be a case of fixing one problem but causing another and...with the exception of one event back in the time of the first Avengers movie, these problems were apparently all resolved.
However, two big things happened in this movie that should have had lasting damage on the last 11 years of the MCU.
The first is that when the New York team went back to the events of the first Avengers movie, they intercepted the original Avengers team who had the Tesseract and Loki in custody, but because of some minor team malfunction, surprisingly not caused by the time-travelling team, Loki managed to escape custody with the Tesseract.
The second is that the main sightings of Thanos in this movie is from a past version back in 2014 at the time of the first Guardians movie travelling to the movie’s present day of 2023. However, because the epic end to this movie culminates in this Thanos being poetically dusted, everything that chronologically followed for Thanos after 2014 should have been erased. Infinity War should not have happened in this reality yet everyone still remembers everything.
I love time travel stories because they do kind of venture into the “What if” scenarios that I like to see, but to this day I do not think I have seen one play out where audiences haven’t left going “But shouldn’t this be different? or “Shouldn’t he not be around now?”, it drives me crazy.
I’m going to do a separate post focusing on the time travel ventures in this movie where I will definitely be going into more detail.
Alright so brace yourself because I am going in and going deep on these characters, again ranked both in order of my favourites and most important to the story.
Iron Man:
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We have to start with Tony Stark because not only was he the one who started off the entire MCU but his last words in this movie seemingly sent the Infinity Saga into full circle going from narcissistic billionaire to selfless superhero.
It was always going to be Cap or Iron Man as the big death of the movie and I don’t think Iron Man fans will have a reason to be disappointed in this because of the work RDJ has done not only in this movie but in the entire MCU.
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There are so many great moments for Iron Man in this movie that you can kind of tell he will meet his end by the end of the movie because that is what awaits the man who has everything.
When Tony and Nebula are rescued from the coldness of space, Tony freaks out at the loss they suffered during Infinity War and decides to quit being a superhero.
Five years pass and Tony is now married to Pepper and has a daughter, however when Cap and friends approach him about a way to fix reality, he eventually succumbs to the hubris and sets about helping to change destiny.
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RDJ’s classic whit and emotion that have helped shape this version of Iron Man are in full swing during the course of this movie. You believe Tony Stark would joke about selling his daughter’s toys if she didn’t go to bed, you believe after 6 years of trying to save the world only to be fought on every decision leading up to the world being destroyed that he hold resentment and hostility towards Cap and the team, you believe all of it.
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Also, Tony and Cap going back in time to 1970 and Tony coming face-to-face with his deceased father who cannot be much older than him at that point, was a heart-tugger as you kind of do want Tony to have that moment with his parent that Thor had.around the same time in the movie, but more so because we have learned of the hostile relationship Tony and Howard had throughout the past 11 years.
I did find it interesting that once they got all the Infinity Stones from the past, an Iron Man armour gauntlet was used as a replacement Infinity Gauntlet. I know the original Gauntlet was made out of the same metal that Thor’s weapons are made out of. but I was slightly confused on the fact Iron Man’s armor could take the power of all six stones.
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Tony’s insistence on making sure his current state of life stays the same even after the second snap was, I think, the pivotal moment where everyone realised Tony has real investment in his life and the life of others. He has always been saying about trying to protect the world dating back to the Ultron debacle, but now he is hammering that home due to his marriage and his daughter but also Peter.
I thought it so poetic that Iron Man was the last hero standing against Thanos after Thor and Cap had been knocked out. Recongizing the fact that without the suit, Tony is really just about his brain rather than physical fighting so for him to not only be the last one standing, but also the one who started it all back in 2008 was poetic justice at it’s finest.
Captain America:
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This is the first time in a long while I feel justified calling him Captain America, because he got the shield back, he shaved the beard, and he was in the blue which is Captain America for me.
I do enjoy Chris Evans in this role, not as much as everyone else seems to and I don’t see him as leading man material. However I do think, much like everyone else, he brought his best self to this movie.
I think right from the start when we see Cap trying to gather his team together even with Tony pretty much showing him up in front of everyone was very him. I did understand both sides of the argument but I do agree with Tony after Cap preaches after Ultron saying “Win lose we do it together” yet because of both their hubris after the Civil War incident, neither have communicated and thus Tony blames Steve for not being with him when everything went down.
Also Cap saying he doesn’t know what he’ll do if that confrontation with Thanos didn’t work out in their favour very much a last resorts moment, but then after Thanos was killed they still didn’t move on. This is very much Cap’s story all the way through the MCU and I love the fact it’s only really highlighted here.
He has never been able to move forward since coming out of the ice, he is the ultimate fish out of water but he masks it while there is still something to focus on. With no real mission or role anymore, Cap just becomes lost himself.
This is why I feel it’s great Natasha became the de facto leader of the Avengers while Cap becomes a support worker of sorts. He’s trying to find his place in the world now the world is no longer what is was.
For that reason, I understand why he was so willing to go along with the time travel angle. Bringing back everyone who they lost to the decimation is the best case scenario, however if for some reason they fail Cap doesn’t really have anything to lose.
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You can tell the mutual admiration he and Tony have for each other even when they’re at logger-heads. This is shown when Tony returns to the Avengers Compound in renegade style and Cap just stands there and doesn’t even eye-roll he’s so used to it by now. Also Tony returns his shield so he can’t really complain.
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When they went back in time and Cap, Tony, Bruce and Scott went to 2012, the fact Cap was smart in not only using his knowledge of Sitwell and Rumlow being HYDRA to obtain the scepter but then he was actually quite comedic in fighting himself only to then comment on his own arse.
I didn’t guess that when they went back in time to 1970 to get the Tesseract and Pym Particles that he was going to see Peggy, I know they didn’t see each other or interact but it didn’t clock that it was a possibility.
I also didn’t surmise that he would somehow find a way to end up staying with her, although I did think when Cap and Tony went back from 2012 to 1970 that Cap maybe wouldn’t make it back, I was wrong.
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That final battle when it was Cap, Thor and Iron Man against Thanos was the stuff of legend. Not only was the fight just simply stunning but Chris Evans particularly really delivers in the physical acting of it, portraying the rage and determination he has for stopping the Mad Titan.
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Then there’s the moment that got people clapping in the audience, Mjolnir is lifted from the ground and hurls towards Cap, Captain America can wield Mjolnir as many fans...and Thor...suspected from Avengers: Age of Ultron but to see it confirmed when he had the hammer and the shield was epic.
Also the fact that Falcon contacts him with that great throwback to that great banter they had during The Winter Soldier was such a sweet moment. Although it is weird that he then the first one to come through the portals but I digress.
It’s interesting that it was Cap who had to travel back in time and return the stones, maybe because Thor was so far gone he couldn’t be trusted or just because one of these stones was on Asgard, but I don’t know it served it’s purpose...and that is to give Steve Rogers his final send-off after Tony Stark had his.
It’s not quite “The Death of Captain America” that fans have wanted since Civil War but the fact he returns the stones but remains in 1970 to be with Peggy and live out their life together was a very touching way to say goodbye to the First Avenger.
The fact we see him as Old Man Cap on that bench overlooking the lake, and Falcon has that talk with him about how he finally got a life was almost like living out the last request of an old friend but also finally being able to live out his life.
I do think this is maybe the last time we see Steve Rogers as Captain America, especially now he’s passed on the shield and the mantle to Sam Wilson, if we do see him again it may just be a cameo or something but I think Chris Evans is done now with the MCU.
Black Widow:
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Yes, my top three characters involve deaths, in fact four but I’ll get to that. However, it not just because these characters all essentially died that make them the top of the list, it is the way they did it.
This movie was the best I have seen Black Widow since The Winter Soldier and I credit the Russo Brothers and Scarlet Johansson for both. She only really came to life for me after the five year gap when her blonde hair has grown out leaving the red. As I said with Cap, the fact that she has become essentially the de facto leader of whatever version of the Avengers this future team is supposed to be was really her.
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Let’s not forget Natasha is a former SHIELD agent and spy so she knows protocol and how to lead. As she said, the Avengers and SHIELD is really all the family she has ever known and so to lose essentially half of that is quite the blow. Also, let’s face it, the world doesn’t really need the Avengers anymore yet Nat is determined to keep the universe in order.
Also, Johansson’s acting in this movie just physically rather than verbally is the best I have seen from her. When Rhodey tells her about Clint and how he has been for several years, her reaction of trying to keep it all together until Rhodey hangs up was powerful for me.
The comedy she had as well here was rather good, her constant digs at Rocket were brilliant. From telling Scott that she can’t call him crazy because she gets emails from a raccoon to later when she and Hawkeye are on Vormir and she snaps when Hawkeye tries to correct her on him not being a raccoon by saying “Whatever, he eats garbage!” so funny.
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Speaking of Hawkeye, I have missed him for many reasons but his connection with Natasha is up there in my list. The fact that she was the one who found him and brought him round and then they went together to Vormir only to find out that one of them had to die to get the Soul Stone.
I thought, like most originally, that Hawkeye would be the one to die because let’s face it as much as I like him he’s not the most popular, however when you reach that realisation that both want to sacrifice themselves for different reasons and it becomes a question of who can get there first, the fact they were both hanging off the cliff and you knew Black Widow would be the one to die but it was just such a great scene between such good friends and such a powerful end to the original female Avenger in the MCU...I loved it.
Also, this may be slightly morbid and I don’t know if it was intentional, but when Nat died and you had the same overhead shot as you did with Gamora, that blood pouring from her head seemed to blend in with the red colour of her hair and made her look like she had the original red hair she had during Iron Man 2.
I will go into reasons why I think her death either isn’t permanent or shouldn’t be when I talk about the time travel stuff in a separate post but I know Black Widow has a solo movie on the horizon so I am curious to see what they do with that. But if anyone still needs evidence Black Widow deserves her own movie, this movie is it.
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I have loved this character since the first Guardians of the Galaxy. Karen Gillan has been an asset to this universe and one of its breakout stars along with Letitia Wright and Tom Holland.
I loved it during the beginning of the movie when Tony is teaching her about table football and he’s kind of acting like a carer or parent despite he’s the one who could easily die, in return she looks after him. It was a very touching montage of scenes in that opener.
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Also that little moment with Rocket when she and Tony were rescued by Captain Marvel was very sweet. This movie was choc-full of emotions and I did not mind.
The time travel element in this movie was best suited for her, yes she was a plot device in it but it was so unexpected and so brilliant that I for once was able to just see is as part of the movie rather than just its own thing.
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The fact that when Nebula travelled back to 2014, the Nebula of 2014 and her were linked and therefore shared the same memories was fecking genius. As a sci-fi geek, as a fan of cybernetics, I absolutely loved this scene and Karen Gillan sold the fact that it was two different Nebulas, the one we know in present day who has gone on this journey from villain to anti-hero and even possibly now hero, but then the 2014 Nebula who was full of rage and trying to please her father Thanos.
Past Thanos finding out about the Avengers’ plans this way was also rather organic. So when present-day Nebula was abducted by Thanos and 2014 Nebula convincingly traded places with her to return to the present. I didn’t even question the fact no one knew the difference because she would have had all the intel from present Nebula’s memories.
Past Gamora and present Nebula having a couple of chats about Gamora’s future and their relationship was very nice. Not only for seeing Zoe Saldana again but also because this Gamora was supposed to be the deadliest woman in the galaxy and as such Nebula’s equal.
I did find it interesting that Gamora needed almost no convincing to side with present Nebula and when they went to stop 2014 Nebula as she’s about to end Hawkeye’s life, the fact present Nebula has to kill her past self is also very poetic.
It does kind of bring into question if Nebula should still be alive because her past self is dead but she’s essentially a robot so I guess it doesn’t exactly count and also superhero logic so pass.
I do love she went back with the Guardians, I think if Tony had stayed alive she would have potentially stayed with him given their new friendship, but she belongs with the Guardians and I cannot wait to see her return in Guardians 3.
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Yes, Hawkeye finally gets something to do! I am so happy with how Hawkeye was treated in this movie. Not only do we start off with him and seeing what his life was like post-Civil War was rather quaint.
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Not only do I think watching Clint’s family all be dusted explains why Hawkeye went all Ronin, but also it solidifies the reason why his family was introduced in Avengers: Age of Ultron. I really enjoyed his family, I will get into his daughter’s future in a second separate post about the future of the MCU.
Jeremy Renner finally proves himself for me with his acting skills, I always liked Hawkeye for just being Hawkeye, but here Renner was dramatic and it worked.
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From losing his family, to reuniting with Natasha, to going back in time to his homestead, to losing Natasha at Vormir. All of it worked as a dramatic performance.
Speaking of Vormir, as I said with Black Widow, it was so intense waiting to see just who was going to die in order to get the Soul Stone. However, I had that fight or flight moment when you realise what you want because of your instant reaction and it was Hawkeye running in slow-motion after knocking Nat over and jumping off the cliff...I was instantly upset and vocally went “Nooo!” so I’m not happy Black Widow died but I think it is right and feel Hawkeye has more to give.
Having said that, I then thought he was going to die again only this time at the hands of Nebula...to which I would have had two of my favourite characters and one killing the other so I would not have been happy. Fortunately that wasn’t the case and one of my favourite characters just killed their past self, it’s all good.
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I did also love when the compound blew up and Hawkeye was at the bottom of the rubble with the new gauntlet and started running through the catacombs being chased by the Outriders was where the horror aspect came in for me because it felt like a scene out of Alien, I loved it when he finally got to the higher ground and zapped them away basically telling them to do one before collapsing from exhaustion, it was so good.
Then when it came to playing hot potato with the gauntlet on the battlefield, after he gave it to Black Panther I am not entirely sure what he did or even if he was on screen until Tony’s funeral where he and Wanda think about their lost loved ones.
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I know there’s a Hawkeye TV series planned for Disney+ and I do look forward to seeing what occurs on the series.
Oh my god Fat Thor is going to be a meme and gifset for years to come. Just when you think Chris Hemsworth cannot top what he did in Thor: Ragnarok, he cranks it up a notch or two here.
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I thought it was very realistic that after blaming himself for not ending Thanos’ life which led to the decimation, he would deliver the final blow at the start by lopping off his head as a kind of poetic irony.
However, the fact he then went into despair and isolation in New Asgard, Norway, when a lot like Cap, he has nothing else to do with his life and still half of reality is wiped out.
He just eats and drinks to his heart content, apparently with his roommates Korg and Meek, great seeing them again. Also Valkyrie, who gets a surprising amount of screen-time here.
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The Big Labowski reference was so funny and so fitting, you half expect him to have a shisha pipe it is that bewildering. He plats his hair and beard at the end of this movie when he goes into God of Thunder mode and despite everyone saying he looks like Odin, no he looks like Volstagg.
I loved loved loved when he and Rocket went back in time to Asgard 2013 and he was reunited with his mother. Rene Russo had more impact in this movie than either of the first two Thor movies.
But the fact he decided to talk with her and leave the mission of retrieving the Reality Stone from Jane to Rocket was also an interesting move. I never really felt the chemistry from Thor and Jane anyway. But it was really nice for him to have those last moments with Frigga because I don’t think they interacted at this point in the movie.
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Also, he got Mjolnir back, you can say anything you want about Fat Thor but was smart enough to think about it and it was glorious to see him wielding two weapons.
Thor was very gung-ho in thinking the new complete gauntlet would work, he was just so adamant in trying to right his wrong that he was willing to put the whole of reality at risk...again.
When Cap was shown wielding Mjolnir and Thor is thrilled by this apparently, the battle later when Cap has Stormbreaker and Thor has Mjolnir, Thor just saying “No no, you take the small one, I want the big one” was fantastic!
After the battle is won and Tony’s funeral is had, the fact Thor decides to leave New Asgard in the hands of Valkyrie and joins the Guardians was a very fitting move. He had his best scenes in Infinity War with them as a group and the fact he and Star-Lord are already squaring up to each other bodes well for Guardians 3.
I’m just going to skip straight to Professor Hulk here because this was both a shock and a pleasent surprise. I knew Professor Hulk would be turning up in this movie and that somehow Banner would find a way to merge him and Hulk in unison. I just didn’t know how Mark Ruffalo’s acting would resonate but it was absolutely brilliant.
The fact Professor Hulk simply looked like Mark Ruffalo just as the jolly green giant was slightly surreal but in the best way. I can’t decide if I thought he was really there because his movements and mannerisms felt a lot like Mr. Incredible from The Incredibles which is a Pixar movie.
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It does make sense that if Stark is the brainiest of the Science Bros. that Banner is second, however time travel he does not know. 1) He turned Scott into a child, baby and elder before managing to reverse the process. 2) He seemed adamant that the team would not make the mistakes of a list of time-travel movies...he didn’t actively make these mistakes but the team still made mistakes.
The fact that now Banner seems to be the brain in charge as opposed to Hulk, when they went back in time to 2012 and he saw his past self smashing and bashing, the fact Professor Hulk is so embarrassed by his former actions that he calls it gratuitous, it was so brilliant.
I did like how he had a reaction when Natasha was revealed to be dead, I would have liked to have seen a scene between the two of them either in Infinity War or here just to either get closure on their rocky romance or at least talk about it because it was left rather abruptly.
I agree that Hulk is the only one capable of wielding the gauntlet without dying because he is able to take the radiation, the fact it screwed his arm up is simply a battle scar I guess.
I’m curious to know if Bruce is going to stay as Professor Hulk going forward, or even if he has a future going forward. He does seem to be at peace with this new form and so maybe he will remain as he is.
Captain Marvel:
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I was very surprised by how little screen-time Carol Danvers had in this movie, I think it’s actually less than Black Panther in Infinity War.
I am glad she didn’t pull focus because she is so powerful that she would have made the rest of the team surplus.
She had a Tinkerbell quality to her in this movie particularly at the start with the soft music and the fact she appeared in a ball of light almost as Tony Stark’s guardian angel.
On that note, at the end of Captain Marvel in the post-credits Carol appeared to the Avengers when the team were trying to figure out what Fury’s pager meant, where was that scene in this movie? I appreciate false footage in an effort to throw the fans off but Carol goes from looking rugged and battle-beaten there to literally glowing here.
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Brie Larson still isn’t...clicking for me. I don’t know if it’s because I really wanted Charlize Theron in the role and therefore continue to see her rather than Brie but something about the voice or the wardrobe just isn’t adding up for me.
Also Brie Larson made some very distinct choices for the character when they’re in 2023, that short hair, I mean I know Carol Danvers famously has short hair in the comics, but this was a statement look and that statement is of the LGBT variety, especially now with Valkyrie in the mix.
Even Carol’s funeral outfit made a statement as it was clearly a pantsuit, not a dress. I am curious to see if this ever gets a mention on-screen or if it remains an unspoken thing.
When she showed up in the end battle, yes she had been gone for a long time, but she came back in style. I loved how after Thanos’ gun onslaught, they suddenly just stop and point upwards as they detect something entering the atmosphere. Honestly I almost forgot about her at that point because so much was going on, but when she came in and simply destroyed Thanos’ ship I was won over.
Even her interaction with Peter I loved, when he’s clutching the new gauntlet like he’s holding onto a tree and she descends and just says “You got something for me”, it was a cute interaction and I want more of that because it works for her.
Then there’s that A-Force tease which I will talk about in a separate post but my god I was living for that moment when all the living MCU women gathered around Carol to help her out. It was so good, I was fist pounding at that point.
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Alright so, one of the big mysteries of this movie is how Ant-Man was going to get out of the Quantum Realm...he got out by a fluke rat scurrying across the control panel...a rat!
Paul Rudd definitely has the comedic chops in this movie. He has about the same role as he does in Captain America: Civil War but it is still a good role.
When he is reacquainted with his daughter Cassie, who has aged by five years so he doesn’t initially recognise her, it is a tender moment because obviously she recognises him but because he’s been gone for five years there’s that initial heartache of not recognising your own child.
Cassie didn’t really do much else in this movie, despite my believing she was going to be Stature here, but it was a nice addition.
The fact Scott was so adamant in not breaking the rules of time travel, despite Tony, Bruce and Nebula all laughing him off, he was still okay with taking these stones out of history, even for a minute in their time, and not thinking it should destroy the timeline...again I’ll go into that in a separate post.
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Then as for Thanos, Kevin Feige made us wait 6 years but the MCU’s big bad has really paid off over these last two movies. I am really happy with how this movie treated Thanos, both in the opening of the movie and in the second to third acts with past Thanos.
This does create SO much drama in terms of time travel but I will get into reasons as to why it does in my next post. However, from a movie standpoint for what it was. I did think the movie did a great job at not cheapening his death at the beginning but still making his death at the end worth it.
Josh Brolin has been brilliant in this role and you cannot believe that a giant purple alien in gold armour can work but then you see him here.
Thanos is definitely the best MCU villain and after many years of the MCU having a villain problem it is brilliant to see their big bad finally pay off in these movies.
Other Heroes:
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Rocket and War Machine are great in this movie, I even have come around to Don Cheadle as War Machine after so many years and movies of him driving me crazy, but the two are still great yet they don’t have the same impact as other characters.
Returning Heroes:
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The end of this movie begins with almost every fallen hero from infinity War returning for the final battle. It was spectacular to see all of these heroes standing together and fighting alongside one another in ways we didn’t even see in Infinity War.
It is fascinating to see where these characters stories will go next, either in movies or on the streaming service.
I cannot begin to describe how much I enjoyed this movie. It was action-packed, dramatic, so emotional and full of surprises that I have already seen it twice just to try and ensure I catch everything and I still plan to see it at least a third time.
As being someone who has followed this film series practically since the start, I think the first movie I saw in cinemas was Captain America: The First Avenger, and to see all these movies and characters come together in this one juggernaut of a movie is glorious. 
I am fascinated to know where this universe goes next, who will be the next big bad and who else will be introduced into the MCU family.
Overall this is a 9.5/10 movie, I am not letting the time travel conundrums detract from my enjoyment of the film but I cannot call it a perfect movie for that reason. It is however the best MCU movie just because of the feelings and grandeur and closure for a couple of heroes.
So that’s my spoiler review for Avengers: Endgame, apologies it took me so long. What do you guys think? Post your comments and check out more Marvel Movie Reviews as well as other movie reviews and posts.
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