#Thor Fanfic
vilentia · 9 months
Canvas of Love
Thor x reader
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Summary: a fleeting shadow of jealousy tests the unyielding bond of two intertwined souls.
The storm outside mirrored the tempest in your heart as you sat on the edge of your bed, staring blankly at the rain streaking down your window. It had been a rough day, one that felt heavier because Thor wasn’t there to share the burden. He was away on a mission with the Avengers, something about a rogue Asgardian artifact that needed retrieving.
You missed him, more than you cared to admit. His absence left a gaping void in your life, a void you tried filling with work and friends, but nothing seemed to work.
It was on one of these lonely evenings that you met Alex. He was charming, funny, and most importantly, he was there. You two had hit it off instantly, and soon enough, he became a regular part of your life. A good friend, you reminded yourself. Just a friend.
Thor knew about Alex, of course. You'd mentioned him casually in your conversations. But what you hadn’t mentioned was how much time you were spending with him. It wasn’t intentional; it just never came up. Or maybe you were afraid of how Thor would react.
Your phone buzzed, snapping you out of your reverie. It was a message from Thor: “My love, I will be home tomorrow. I have missed you dearly.”
You smiled, a warm flutter in your heart. You typed a quick reply and set the phone aside, your thoughts drifting back to Alex. He had invited you to his art exhibition tomorrow. You were looking forward to it, but now Thor was coming home...
The conflict in your mind was like a knot, tightening with every passing moment.
Thor arrived the next day, his presence filling the apartment instantly. He was like a force of nature—strong, vibrant, and utterly captivating. You ran into his arms, the familiar scent of him enveloping you, bringing an instant sense of peace.
“I missed you,” you murmured against his chest.
“And I, you,” Thor replied, his voice a deep rumble. He pulled back, looking at you with those intense blue eyes. “Tell me about your week. Did anything interesting happen?”
You hesitated for a fraction of a second before answering. “It was the usual. Work, home... Oh, and I’m going to Alex’s art exhibition tonight. He’s really excited about it.”
Thor’s expression changed subtly, a flicker of something unreadable in his eyes before he masked it with a smile. “That sounds delightful. Would you mind if I join you?”
The question caught you off guard. “Of course not! I’d love for you to come.”
The rest of the day passed in a blur. Thor was his usual self, loving and attentive, but you couldn’t shake off the feeling that something was amiss.
The exhibition was lively, the gallery buzzing with the chatter of the city's art enthusiasts. Alex’s work was the center of attention—vibrant, abstract pieces that spoke of passion and chaos.
“Your friend is very talented,” Thor commented as you both stood before a particularly striking canvas.
“He is,” you agreed, watching Alex interact with the guests. He hadn’t seen you yet.
Just then, Alex spotted you and made his way over, his face lighting up. “You made it!” He hugged you, a little too long, a little too close.
Thor’s jaw tightened ever so slightly, but he extended his hand. “I am Thor. It is a pleasure to meet the man behind these extraordinary works.”
Alex shook his hand, a hint of challenge in his eyes. “Thanks, man. I’ve heard a lot about you.”
The evening progressed, but the tension between Thor and Alex was palpable. You tried to ease the atmosphere, laughing a little too loudly at jokes, and engaging in conversations a bit too enthusiastically.
As the night wound down, Thor’s mood seemed to darken. You couldn’t take it anymore. “Do you want to go home?” you asked.
Thor nodded, and you both excused yourselves.
The walk home was quiet, the silence a stark contrast to the noisy streets around you. You could feel Thor’s turmoil, his usually calm demeanor now a stormy sea.
Once inside, Thor finally spoke. “Do you have feelings for him?”
His question was direct, his voice steady but laced with an emotion you couldn’t quite place. Was it...jealousy?
“No, Thor, of course not. He’s just a friend,” you replied, your voice earnest.
Thor looked at you, his gaze searching. “I trust you, but tonight, seeing you with him... it stirred something within me. A feeling I have not known before.”
You moved closer, taking his hand in yours. “Thor, you have nothing to worry about. I love you. Only you.”
There was a vulnerability in Thor’s eyes that you had never seen before. He was a god, a warrior, but in that moment, he was just a man, in love and afraid of losing you.
He wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close. “I know, my love. It is I who must apologize. My reaction was unwarranted. You have given me no reason to doubt your love.”
You looked up at him, your heart swelling with love for this extraordinary man who had become your world. “It’s okay, Thor. I understand. But know this, no matter who comes into my life, you will always be the one I choose. Every time.”
Thor kissed you then, a kiss that spoke of love, trust, and a promise of forever. In his arms, you felt safe, loved, and home.
The next few days were blissful, as if the incident at the gallery had never happened. Thor was more attentive, more present, and you felt your bond strengthen.
You decided to talk to Alex, to set boundaries, to make sure he understood that your relationship was strictly platonic. Alex took it well, understanding and apologetic.
As you lay in bed that night, Thor’s arms wrapped around you, you realized how lucky you were. Love, true love, was hard to find, and you had found it with Thor. He was more than a partner; he was your best friend, your confidant, your home.
“You are everything to me,” Thor whispered, as if reading your thoughts.
“And you are my everything,” you whispered back, snuggling closer.
In that moment, everything felt perfect. The past was behind you, and the future was a canvas waiting to be painted, bright and full of love.
And as you drifted off to sleep, you knew that no matter what life threw at you, as long as you had each other, everything would be alright.
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queen-of-the-avengers · 8 months
In My Head
Pairing: Thor x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2k
Warnings: angst, fake dating but real feelings
Summary: In order for Thor to be King, he must be in a relationship with someone. He saw you. He chose you. You want him. He doesn't want you.
Squares Filled: fake dating (2023) for @thorbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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“What looks better? Pearls or Diamonds?” you ask and hold up two pairs of earrings.
“Diamonds. It matches the sparkles on your dress.”
Arendella watches you slip on the subtle sparkly dress for tonight’s dinner with the royal family. You slip on the earrings and fix your hair to give it more volume. Thor better melt when he sees you because you look hot.
“Do you think going to this dinner is a good idea?”
“I have to go. It’s for his parents. They’re getting on his ass about being in a steady relationship before he gets to be crowned King.”
“You’re okay with this arrangement still?”
Your mistake is hesitating before answering her. She raises one eyebrow and you turn away from her so you don’t see the judgement in her eyes.
“Have you told him how you felt about him?”
“It doesn’t matter, Del,” you sigh. “It’s all fake anyway.”
Arendella gets up and walks in front of you. She pushes some of your hair back behind your shoulders and makes you look better.
“Trust me, it does matter.”
“Not when it comes to him. He’s only doing this for one reason and one reason only: his parents. He wants to be King. That’s it.”
“One of these days this whole thing will blow up in your face.”
“It won’t be tonight.” Your doorbell rings and you look out the window to see the car Thor’s parents sent for you. “That’s the car. I gotta go.”
“Have fun. Tell me everything tomorrow.”
Arendella is right. You wish you could tell Thor just how much he means to you. In the beginning, this was purely a business relationship. Date Thor to get his parents off his back while he continues to do what he does best. His mother told him that in order to be King, he must be in a relationship with someone who is wife material. He saw you walking by the castle and decided you were going to play the part.
It was nice to be treated like royalty with riches beyond compare, eating out in fancy restaurants, wearing nice clothes, and meeting all sorts of people from different Worlds across the Nine Realms. It was a good thing because you got to play the doting girlfriend every so often when his parents were back on Asgard.
However, the time more you two spent together, the more you saw Thor for the man he is. You allowed yourself to fall for him even though you promised yourself you weren't going to do that. You’ve been playing the part for so long that you want to be in the role permanently. Maybe Arendella has a point. Maybe tonight is the night you come clean to Thor about your feelings for him.
His parents are hosting an important dinner with the other royal families of the Nine Realms excluding Midgard (Earth). There are so many rulers on Earth that it would be a hassle to get them all. Thor thinks that he is going to be announced as King tonight which is why you’re going.
You meet Thor outside with a smile. He pulls you into a hug and rubs your back in comfort. You’re not used to this kind of behavior from him since he’s usually at a distance from you. You hear the camera clicks from onlookers nearby and you understand why he’s being so affectionate toward you.
He opens the car door for you and allows you to go inside first, and he quickly follows. As soon as the doors are closed, he’s back to being cold Thor. He only cares about one thing and that’s to be King. He’ll do anything for it… and you though Loki was bad.
“Is your whole family going to be there?” you ask.
He takes out his phone and smiles as he texts someone. Earth has had such a huge impact on Asgard. Since returning from it, Thor has brough over cell phones, WiFi, cars, and other modern things.
“Is what I’m wearing okay?”
“You look fine,” he says without looking at you.
The hint he’s giving you is received. You decide to look out the window because you’re afraid if you stare at him, you’ll start to cry. The car gets to the castle, and you and thor walk hand-in-hand through the big golden gates. Frigga and Odin wait in the foyer eagerly for their son’s return.
“Lady Y/N! It’s so good to see you again,” Frigga smiles and brings you into a hug.
Odin stands next to her as stoic as ever and Loki is only there because he has to be.
“Frigga. It’s good to see you, too,” you smile.
“Come, the others are waiting.”
Thor, Odin, and Frigga walk off together, leaving you and Loki behind. Loki knows something is up between you and his brother but he’s not entirely sure. Though, when he sees him not even pay attention to you, he’s closer to his theory.
“My brother is an idiot if he doesn’t realize who he has on his arm.”
“Just saying. You’re worth more than that oaf.”
The dining room is filled with royal people and their bodyguards. The dinner starts off without a hitch, and you find yourself actually enjoying the presence of everyone. You look over at Thor to see him with a huge smile on his face as he tells his stories from battle. Sif is next to him with a big smile on her face as she adds in her own feats.
Thor is in a good mood. You decide that you’ll tell himhow you feel when the dinner is over with. Toward the end, Odin stands up and grabs everyone attention.
“As you all may know by now, I am nearing the end of my reign as King of Asgard. In my place shall be my first born, Thor. I have no doubt that he will make an excellent King. Please treat him as such.” Odin turns to Thor who smiles at him. “My dear boy, there will be many things you will need to do once you become King, but that may not start until you have become successful in your relationship.”
“We want you two to get married here tomorrow,” Frigga interrupts happily.
“What?” you say and look at Thor.
“You need a Queen to rule by your side,” Frigga says. “What better way than to have the wedding here with everyone in attendance?”
You have to keep up the facade while you’re in a room full of royals, so you place your hand on Thor’s muscular shoulder.
“We would be honored.”
“A toast, then.” Odin raises his glass and everyone follows suit. “To Thor and Y/N.”
“To Thor and Y/N!” everyone repeats.
You’re too busy thinking about the thought of marrying Thor to enjoy the rest of the dinner. Arendella would have a field day if she knew this is happening. At the end of dinner, Thor is trying to escort you out of the castle so he can talk to his parent privately but Frigga interrupts his plans.
“You must sleep over here tonight. You and Thor can have the big bedroom.”
“No, Mother, she needs to go home.”
“Nonesense! Please? It’ll be better for all of us if she stays here tonight.”
Thor and Frigga look at you with two very different looks. Thor looks like he doesn't want you here but Frigga lokos hopeful. You smile tightly and nod in agreement.
“One night won’t kill us.”
“I’m glad. Follow me.”
Thor hangs back slightly so he can talk to you as you follow his mother to the room you’ll be staying in.
“I thought you wanted to go home.”
“It’s one night, Thor. Plus, you need to talk to them. They think we’re getting married. I think we should talk.”
“Please, if you need something, don’t be a stranger. Odin and I are right down the hall and Loki is across the way.”
“Thank you, Mother, but I think we’ll be fine. I’ll see you and Father in the morning.” Thor kisses his mom on the head and she leaves you two alone. When the door closes, Thor becomes a different person again. He grabs one of the pillows and a blanket from the bed. “You can have the bed.”
“Where are you going to sleep?”
“The couch.”
“Thor, I think you’re being a bit dramatic. It’s just a bed, and we’re only going to be sleeping. Is being next to me so bad?”
Thor takes a moment too long to think about this.
“I guess not.”
Thor takes the right side of the bed while you take the left, and you get into bed next to him. It’s a nice California King bed with a lot of space, and he’s taking advantage of the fact that he doesn’t have to be near you.
“Thor, can we talk, please?” you whisper.
“Y/N, please go to bed. It’s late.”
The silence between you two is deafening. This should be your answer. He doesn’t want to talk to you. He doesn’t want to be with you. Maybe you’re doing yourself a favor by not saying anything. Or maybe he’ll realize what an amazing woman you are once you two are married. Regardless, you stare at his back until you fall asleep.
When you wake up, Thor isn’t besides you in bed. You sigh and grab your phone to see what time it is.
Tell Thor how you feel or else you’ll regret it.
You ignore the message from Arendella and fet up for the day. You get dressed in the clothes Frigga had laid out for you and walk aimlessly around the castle. She is inside the kitchen with a chef who is cooking her breakfast.
“Ah, Y/N, good morning.”
“Good morning. Where is Thor?”
“He’s out with Odin. They should be back soon. Are you excited?”
“For what?”
“Your wedding day, of course! I have a bunch of things planned for us to do. First, I want you to have breakfast and rest.”
“You’re too kind to me,” you smile and sit at the table.
“I’ve always wanted a daughter,” she winks at you.
Her knowing the secret between you two is going to break her heart. She has been nothing but kind to you since you first started dating Thor, and you don’t know if you have the heart to tell her the truth.
Thor and Odin return within the hour but neither of them look happy. Odin goes straight to Frigga without so much as a look at you so he can talk to her privately.
“Thor, I really need to talk to you.” Thor gestures for you to follow him so you do, but you frown when he keeps walking instead of stopping to face you. “Listen, I don’t even know how to say this, but--”
“This isn’t working out,” he cuts you off.
“I came clean to my father about us. He knows the relationship is fake.”
“Why would you do that? Don’t you want to be King?”
“I found someone else,” your heart cracks with every word he says, “someone who I love. Thank you for what you did but you’re no longer needed.”
And now your heart is on the floor in pieces.
“You’re done with me? Just like that?”
“I’m sorry for how this is ending.”
Thor doesn’t see any use in stickin around so he retreats to a different part of the castle. You’re standing in the middle of the hallway almost in tears because the man you love has tossed you on your ass. He decided you aren’t worth anything anymore, that he’s done using you, and is now not interested.
Things started off as fake but your feelings for him are very real. Would it make a difference if he knew you how in love with him? Doesn’t matter now. You’re sure that he maybe started to feel something for you, or maybe was all in your head. Either way, you’re all alone now.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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miserable-sarah · 2 years
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I've Missed You. 18+
Pairings: Thor x Reader Summary: Thor comes back from Asgard to see you, and shows you how much he's missed you. Warnings: 18+, NSFW, choking, oral (Male & Female), unprotected sex, rough but soft Thor, language, mentions of partying.
"Y/n!" Thor greets you, he puts his arm on the bar shelf but stumbles causing a bottle to fall. You giggle. "Uh, let's talk shall we?" Yod nod your head and follow Thor, Tony is throwing one of his parties and it's hard to talk while music is blasting and people are shouting. He takes you to his private room while he stays here.
He closes the door behind him and you smirk at him. "Hello, handsome."
"My love." Thor steps in front of you, you bring your hand up to his face.
"I've missed you." You smile at him, he lifts you up with ease.
"I've missed you." He kisses you softly. You kiss back, of course. Your body is pushed against the door, your legs wrap around his waist. His large hands feel up and down your body, he's taking his time memorizing your curves, again. "So beautiful." He mumbles against your lips.
You pull on his shirt, hinting that you want it off. He takes his shirt off quickly. You take a moment to look him up and down, his body is beautiful and literally sculpted from the Gods. He slowly slips your dress up letting it rest at your hips.
"I didn't know you were coming tonight." You say breathless.
"Of course I would. I knew you'd be here." He kisses your neck.
"Checking up on me?" You smirk.
"Just making sure you're still mine." He bites down, making you arch your back.
"I'll always be yours." He pulls back and looks into your eyes, you see the sparkle in his eyes and it almost makes you melt.
"Good." He kisses your lips again this time more rough. Your small hands moved down to his torso, you ran fingers down to the button on his jeans. You undid them and snaked your hand into his boxers. He growls quietly, you smirk into the kiss. He smirked against your lips and moved your panties to the side. You rest your forehead on his, you look him in the eyes while he starts to tease you.
"Thor" You moan softly. He still has the smirk on his face, he knows he can easily dominate you and make you fall apart. He slides in his finger making you jump. You feel a jolt of energy making your head fall back and a moan escapes your lips.
"Feels good?" He teases, you nod your head yes. His thumb works on rubbing your clit, he's still randomly sending jolts of energy throughout your body. "I missed the way you looked as you fell apart for me." You can hear the cockiness in his tone. "I love to see it. I could do this everyday." His words make you want to cum even faster. He slides in another finger. He pumps them in and out of you, his thumb still rubbing your clit. You can feel your legs shaking, your breathing becomes uneven, you make eye contact with Thor, of course he's got the biggest smirk on.
You slide your hand down to his huge cock, you hold it in your hand and start to pump him in his jeans. He lets out a groan and moves his fingers faster inside you. He removes your hand from his jeans and gets down on his knees. He lifts your one leg over his shoulder, the other he sets down so you can stand. You place your hands in his hair, his fingers still thrusting in and out of you, you feel his tongue lick your pussy. You throw your head against the door and let out a groan.
"Fuck" You whsiper. His tongue licks and sucks on your clit, your legs are shaking and it's getting harder to hold in your orgasm. You tighten your hands in his hair, he grunts sending vibrations throughout your body. "Thor" You shay shaking. He sushes you and continues. His free hand pinches, squeezes, and rubs your thigh. You bite your lip trying to hide all of your moans and groans. He sends another bundle of energy that you feel all throughout your body. "I'm" You stutter to find the words "Cumming!" You shout, you close your eyes tight, you feel tears fall from your eyes, your legs shake so bad he has to hold you up, you forget to breathe, you feel like you're gonna pass out because you're in so much pleasure. Thor slowly stops what he's doing, he helps you stand.
"Want more?" He asks proud of himself. You shake your head yes. Of course you do. You drop to your knees, he pulls your hair back and out of your face, he puts two fingers under your chin making you look up at him. He turns his head to the side, he studies your face looking at how much you'd do for him, how far you'd go to pleasure him and make him happy. He leans down and kisses your lips, he wipes away your tears with his thumb. Sometimes you feel pathetic but you don't care because you really would do everything and anything for him. He pulls down his boxers and jeans, his cock springs free. You glup, you know he's big but it surprises you every time you don't see him for a while. You look up at him with wide eyes.
"It's okay, you'll do good. Won't you?" He asks, looking down at you.
"Yes." You answer. He smiles at you and taps your bottom lip with his finger. You open up sticking out your tongue, he places his cock in your mouth, he moves his hips slowly. Your hand wraps around his base, he chuckles at how small your hand is compared to him. You pump and suck on his cock. You don't dare to take him all in your mouth, whatever you can't reach your hand does the work for you. Thor puts his hands in your hair, he pulls it back into a ponytail, he moves your head back and forth at a fast pace. You can hear his groans and grunts, which is making you even more wet. You look up at him, he has his head thrown back, his other hand is behind his back, his muscles are flexing, his whole body is glistening. You moan just looking at him, he looks down at you and smirks. You move your head at the pace he wants you to, you don't break eye contact.
"Y/n" He moans softly. You take a deep breath and try to take him all, you gag trying. You keep him at the back of your throat moving your head side to side. His hand stays on the back of your head, he pushes you further, you cough and try to move back but he doesn't let you. He watches you the whole time. He finally moves your head back letting you take a breath.
Thor leans down and picks you up, he throws you on the bed. You giggle as he crawls over you. He wastes no time, he pulls your dress up further and tosses your underwear somewhere in his room. He holds your hips and lines himself up with you, he looks at you and you nod your head biting your lip. He slowly pushes himself in you, you let out a loud gasp and moan. He's always so big and always stretches you out.
"Oh my" You bite your lip so hard you think you're bleeding, he gives you a second to adjust but he doesn't wait long. It's been a while and he misses this. He misses you.
"I love the way you feel around me." He grunts out, he lifts your legs over his shoulders, his one hand holds your hip, the other holds onto your leg rubbing up and down it trying to keep you relaxed. He knows he always stretched you out, but he never wants to hurt you. "Does that feel good?" He struggles to ask.
"Yes, Thor" You moan out to him. He picks up the pace, you can't help but moan loudly. His hips thrust in and out of you, his large hands hold you in place, you can hear your juices as he fucks you. Your one hand grips his arm, the other holds on the sheets. "You feel so good." You say to him. "You're so big." You tease. He grunts and thrusts faster, he watches you. You try not to break and stare back at him but it's too hard. He feels too good.
"You like when I fuck you? Hmm?" He asks with a rough tone. Both his hands hold down your hips, he goes crazy, fucking you even faster and deeper, you scream and grip the sheets.
"Thor!" You scream his name, that doesn't slow him down it makes him go even faster. Your body is moving with his, your back is arching and you don't even realize.
"I missed you, I missed fucking you like this." He says through his teeth. His grip is so tight on your hips there's definitely going to be marks there. He doesn't care and neither do you, his fingers find their way to your clit, he rubs it fast. His thrusts don't slow down. You clench round him tight. "Are you going to cum on me? Cum all over me." You feel your head getting dizzy, your hair sticking to your face from the sweat, his hair is doing the same to him, his body is glistening, so is yours. You bring your hands up to his face and pull him down into a sloppy kiss, he kisses you back with no problem.
His hand wraps around your neck, he pulls back from the kiss, you can see him grinding his teeth. "Cum. For. Me." He says stern. You get dizzy all over again, your legs shake, your body arching, your hands wrap around his wrist. His grip tightens around your neck, you try to speak but can't get anything out. He leans down and kisses you again, your vision gets blurry, and you try to scream his name but only pathetic wimpers leave your lips. His hand loosens on your neck, but he doesn't take it away.
"Thor." You whine.
"It's okay, love. Shhh." He says breathless, his trusts get slower, he removes his hand from your neck and places it on the side of your head. He leans down and rests his head on your shoulder.
"Cum inside me." You whisper seductively to him biting your lip. He groans loudly in your ear making your body shiver.
"Fuck. I love you." He whispers. His thrusts get sloppier and slow down even more. You hear him let out a few moans and cut off grunts. You feel him fill you up. You moan at the feeling. Thor kisses your shoulder then your forehead before pulling out and dropping on the bed beside you.
You and Thor lay there catching your breath. He pulls you closer to him and he rests his cheek on your head.
"I really have missed you." You say to him.
"Trust me, so have I."
"When are you leaving?"
"In a few days."
"Oh" Is all you can say, you hate that he always leaves you. He's always gone for too long and you feel so incomplete.
"But this time, I was thinking." He stops clearing his throat "You should come with me this time."
"To Asgard?" You ask confused.
"Yes, Asgard." He kisses the side of your head. You smile at him.
"I'd love to." He smiles back at you and kisses you sweetly. "I love you too, by the way." You smile shyly. He chuckles.
"Should we go back to that party?" He asks, you totally forgot about it.
"Nah, they'll understand." He smirks at you and pulls you on top of you.
"I do love you, Y/n." He pulls you down for a passionate kiss.
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takenbypeter · 1 year
Himbo Number Two
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Thor x reader
Words: 585
Number 5: “Why am I in your phone as ‘himbo number two’?”
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“Ugh where is it? I swear I just had it.”
You were on your knees, crouched beside your couch with a seat cushion in hand as you searched under the material.
“Do you want me to call it?” Asked Thor who stood at the kitchen table with a mug in his hand drinking his morning cup of coffee.
Having a phone wasn’t a necessity for him really, however after spending so much time on the planet earth he figured it wouldn’t be the worst idea to have one. He didn’t use it often but occasionally. And this would be one of those times.
“Yes please. I seriously cannot find it, thank you.”
Pulling out his phone he easily finds your number and hits the call button and you both wait for a ringing sound.
“My ringers low right now so just keep an ear out for it. I’ll look in the bedroom. Can you go look in the bathroom please?” You ask and he agrees while you two disperse.
Searching all cracks and crannies with your ear open to any of the familiar ringtone you hear nothing. But as you continue looking you finally hear it coming from out in the living room. Leaving your room you go and find Thor staring at your screen as the phone continues to ring.
“Awesome thank you,” you went to pull it out of his grip and he released it, standing there with confusion clear as day on his face.
“What? What’s wrong?” You asked while he stood there. He pointed at your phone, “why am I in your phone as ‘himbo number two’?”
“Oh, himbo? I don’t actually think that of you, I thought it was just a funny tease. If you don’t like it I’ll definitely change it.”
He waved his hands and shook his head, cutting you off, “no, not that. Why am I number two?”
Now it was your turn to be the confused one, “number two?”
“If I’m number two then, who’s number one?”
You shook your head, your hair following with. “No one Thor.”
He looked at you skeptically and you continued before he even tried to call you out, “I know that sounds like a lie but it’s not. I had this guy at work who’s nickname was himbo and in order to not get you confused I put you as himbo number two in my phone and just never changed it.”
That honestly didn’t seem to satisfy him too much, “well we’re going to change it right now,” he said, easily grabbing your phone.
“Relax, I'll give it right back.”
You watched slightly annoyed but also curious as he typed away on your phone before handing it back to you.
Your eyes left his oddly smug face while you take your phone and look at the new contact name.
The Charming Dashing Gent
“Yeah that’s not happening,” you say, deleting the self-title before typing in the name area. “How about this?”
You held the phone out to him and he read it.
“Prince Blondie Locks? That’s almost as bad as the nicknames Tony gives out.”
“What? I like it, it’s funny and cute just like you.”
Although he knew exactly what you were doing, a smile still spread on his face. “I’m the only one with this one right?”
“Yes, who else would have it?”
After some contemplating he nodded, “I like it.”
You wrapped your arms around his chest and hid your head under his chin, “me too.”
Dialogue Prompts
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michelleleewise · 2 years
Pairing: Dark!Thor x female reader
Warnings: nothing too bad in this one, creepiness, swearing, mentions of cheating, toxic relationship, sadness, mild depression, anxiety, therapy and counseling, smut at the end (not graphic), if i missed something please let me know. things will progress as we go, please heed the warnings)
Summary: After leaving a toxic relationship, you take the advice of a friend and seek help.....
A/n: This my very first dark anything, as well as Thor, be gentle with me lol im making this a small series for my lovely friend @springdandelixn 💙 like I mentioned it will progress....keep your flashlights handy..... love you guys!!!!
Part One-
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You scroll further down the page, unsure what exactly your looking for....someone to listen....someone who won't judge you. You sigh, you friend Maya's words echoing through your head "you need to talk to someone, this isn't healthy to bottle everything up." She had said over coffee "I am, I'm talkng to you." You laughed seeing her shake her head "a professional y/n." She said sternly making you frown. And here you were, scrolling the endless pages of the internet in search of a "professional."
You sighed again, your thumb sliding across the screen on your phone when it caught your eye "Odinison Health and Rehabilitation." You aren't sure what possessed you as you pressed your thumb to the name, their website popping up as you scrolled down seeing their services, counseling being among the many. "Hmm, this might work." You said to yourself, your thumb hovering over the number. You had always told yourself counseling was a joke, a ploy for doctors to get money from the weak..but everything you had been through the last year......
You quicky dialed the number before you changed your mind, your heart racing more with each ring when a lady picked up "Odinson Health, how may I help you." She asked. "Umm...hi, I was...well you see I saw your website.." you trailed off trying to get your thoughts together "were you interested in one of our services ma'am?" She asked a little too politely "uuhh yes....counseling?" You asked, dragging your nails across the table "yes, we have a few different counselors but I would highly recommend one of the owners." She said, you could hear her smile through the phone. "Oh..ok." you hesitated hearing her fingers pressing the keys on her keyboard "ok, so the Odinson's are brothers, one specializes in psychology and med management, the other specializes in crisis situations, as well as general and family counseling, which would you prefer?" She asks typing.
"Err...um the general counselor I suppose?" You asked looking out of the window seeing a bird land on your window sill. "Ok great, Dr Odinson has a few available spots open, let me just see.." She trailed off typing away. "ok, he has an opening tomorrow at three for a consultation, does that work?" She asked "yeah that should be fine." You said tapping your fingers on the table. "Ok your all set for tomorrow, and he will go over his treatment plan with you then." She said "ok thank you." You said quickly hanging up. Releasing the breath you were holding you set your phone down deciding to finally do the sink of dishes that had been staring at you for days wondering what tomorrow would bring.
You sat in your car staring at the building in front of you willing yourself to go inside, looking down seeing it was almost three you took a deep breath "ok...you can do this, what's the worst that could happen?" You asked yourself shutting your car off. You grabbed your keys and phone heading inside, seeing two ladies sitting behind either side of a long counter "hi! Can I help you?" The one looks up smiling, her like dark hair flowing past her shoulders "y..yes...I'm here to see Dr Odinson." You say fidgeting with your keys "which one?" The other lady snaps. "Um...counseling." you say quietly, afraid she'll bark at you again "oh great! Your in the right place then." The dark haired lady smiled.
You finished your paperwork, sitting in the waiting room absently scrolling through your phone when a text popped up. You wanted to ignore it, pretend you had never seen it. You had spent the last month pretending he never existed, the reason you were currently sitting waiting to talk to a compete stranger about your entire life. You sighed, deciding against your better judgment to open the message.
Shaun- Baby, why won't you talk to me? You know why I did what I did. If you had kept up with your responsibilities I wouldn't have looked elsewhere, I'm not the one to blame here. Now text me back and stop being childish.
You sat there staring at the screen, not sure how to react. It was true the last few months of your relationship had been rocky at best. Between you both working all the time and him hanging out with his friends you had no time together, let alone the energy for any intimacy. Somedays it took all you had to just climb into bed at night before doing it all over again. Hence the night you came home from work to another woman in your bed. A pang of sadness ran through you at the memory...
"That's it baby...mm God you feel so good." You heard Shaun moan through the door, the faceless woman moaning his name loudly as the headboard banged against the wall. You had told your boss you wanted to leave early to surprise your boyfriend with dinner, you weren't prepared for the surprise you had waiting for you. "Do i feel better then her daddy?" You heard the woman moan as tears welled in your eyes "so much better baby...she could never compare to this perfect cunt." You heard Shaun growl, hearing a loud thud against the wall.
You turned from the closed door, making you way to the kitchen you took the boxes of take out out of their bags, placing them in the fridge before sitting at the table, waiting. You weren't sure how long you sat there dazed when you heard voices coming down the hall "she's gonna be home soon, but I'll call you later baby. Maybe we can meet up again tomorrow?" You heard him ask opening the front door "anything for you..daddy." the woman replied before your heard the door shut, footsteps making their way into the kitchen stopping suddenly "how long have you been here?" Shaun asked. You looked up seeing his hair a mess, wearing nothing but a pair of boxers "long enough." You sighed looking down.
"Miss y/n?" You heard your name called, snapping you back to now, seeing a dark haired man standing in the doorway with a clipboard "I'm here, sorry." You said grabbing your keys following him. "So as you know you'll be seeing Dr odinson, this is strictly a consultation, so any questions you have feel free to ask ok?" He said smiling "ok, I will." You said as he led you to a closed door knocking on it "come in." You heard a deep booming voice on the other side sending a jolt through you "don't worry, he's a bit loud but he's really very nice." The man said opening the door. You took a deep breath, walking inside as the man closed the door behind you making you jump.
"Ah, you must me miss y/n, I'm Dr Odinson, but please, call me Thor." The man said standing from behind his desk. He smiled widely as he walked around, holding his hand out your eyes met the bluest ones you had ever seen, shining at you like diamonds through the glasses that seemed to frame his face perfectly "h..hi, I'm y/n." You stuttered, slowly reaching for his hand. "Yes, you are." He smiled "come, have a seat and we can talk." He said gesturing to the chair in front of his desk. You slowly sat down watching him walk around taking his seat, his large frame taking up a majority of the chair "so miss y/n, what brings you here today?" He asked, leaning his elbows on the desk, his large hands cupped together under his chin "Well, you see....I have a friend who said I needed to talk to someone, so here i am." You said looking down at your feet.
"Y/n, look at me." He said sternly making your eyes shoot to his "there you are." He smiled "now, I'm glad you have friends who are looking out for you but there must be a reason you decided to come today." He said watching you intently. "Umm...well i..." you trailed off, looking around the room seeing his diploma hung on the wall, as well as a painting of a lightning storm behind him. "Y/n..." he said making you look at him again "i...I recently left a bad relationship, a..and I'm having alot of issues." You said quietly seeing him nod "and well, I'm told I'm bottling it up." You said fidgeting with your keys again. "Do you feel like you are bottling it up?" He asked leaning forward a bit "I guess...maybe. I don't know." You sighed seeing him pick up a pen, writing something on his notepad.
"Can you briefly tell me what happened?" He asked looking up at you, his eyes boring into you "um, well i..I'd rather not." You said balling your fist "well y/n, in order for me to help you, we need to talk about it." He smiled. "I just..I don't think I'm ready. I'm sorry I wasted your time," you said, quickly getting to your feet as he did making your way to the door "wait y/n, please." He said, following you, placing a large hand on the door as you grabbed the handle "I apologize, I wasn't trying to force you." He said quietly, feeling the heat from his chest against your back, his frame towering over you making you crane your head to look at him, his cologne hitting your nose reminding you of sunshine and rain storms "please, let's sit back down hm?" He asked, not moving his hand from the door.
You took a deep breath, dropping your hand from the door you slowly walked back to your chair, this time he grabbed another chair setting it next to you as he sat down facing you, his knee brushing yours "I understand your apprehension, you don't know me as I don't know you, but you must understand I only wish to help you." He said, his eyes almost too bright to look at as you nodded. "Very good, now tell me..when was the last time you ate? And not junk food either." He asked leaning forward "oh...um a few days." You said seeing him nod "and the last time you truly relaxed, just let your mind go?" He continued "oh..never probably." You said with a small laugh.
You shifted in your seat feeling his gaze intensify. "Well y/n, I think your friend is right. I think you are trying to cope, but in an unhealthy manner." He said "but do not worry, I'm here for you." He smiled, his hand grazing your thigh as he shifted making you stiffen. "I will take very good care of you." He continued, placing his large hand on your knee squeezing "umm, well doctor odins...." you started "please, call me Thor." He said squeezing your knee again, his touch feeling electric as the door flew open, a dark haired man storming inside as Thor retracted his hand.
"I told you to meet me thirty minutes ago." The man snapped crossing his arms "as you can see, I am with a patient." Thor said standing up. "Yes, I can see that I'm not daft Thor, when will you be finished?" The man asked, his deep emerald eyes glaring at you "give me five minutes." Thor said walking around to the other side of his desk as the other man sighed, leaving the room. "Please, forgive my brother, he can be quite impatient." Thor laughed shifted through some papers "Brother?" You asked, looking at Thor's dark blonde hair and large build compared to the other man's raven hair and lithe build "yes..adopted." Thor said matter of factly as you nodded.
"Ok, y/n I would like to begin seeing you once a week to begin your treatment." Thor said writing something down "that often?" You asked furrowing your eyebrows "yes, I believe whatever happened with this.."relationship" has put a great deal on you, and I want to help you." He said air quoting. "I'm not sure I can afford that." You said as he stood, rounding the desk again "I told you y/n..I will take care of you. You have nothing to worry about" He smiled, handing you an appointment card, your fingers brushing his sending a shock through your finger tips. You looked down seeing your appointment was in a few days as you stood up, slipping it into your pocket "ok, thank you doct...Thor." You corrected seeing him smile "good girl, now come." He said, a shiver running through you at his praise making you feel uneasy.
He opened the door, waving you in front of him as he locked his door following behind you. "Now y/n, I want you to go home, take a nice hot bath, slip into your softest nightgown and...relax." He smiled, his eyes traveling up and down your body making you tense "are you ready Thor?" You heard the man before "family...am I right?" He smiled again as you chuckled nervously "I shall see you in a few days miss y/n." He said tilting his head "see you then." You said, hurrying towards the door, looking back seeing his eyes hadn't left you you quickly walked out, making your way to your car as fast as you could.
You drove home, thinking about the interaction with the doctor. Maybe he's a toucher...you thought to yourself getting out of the car, remembering the grip he had on your knee, his large hand splayed across the door when you tried to leave. You could still feel his eyes on you, sending a shiver down your spine as you walked into your apartment, dropping your keys in the bowl by the door. You looked around sighing as you took in the silence. It had been a month since you moved out of your shared apartment with Shaun and you still weren't used to it. You walked to your room, pulling out your silk night gown laying it out on your bed, grabbing a towel you headed to the bathroom, sitting on the tub you turned the water on, pouring in your favorite lilac scented bubble bath, watching the tub fill as you undressed, stepping in lowering yourself into the hot water you closed your eyes, laying back letting it work the tension from your muscles.
"That's it muffin...relax for me." he whispered in your ear making you sigh, feeling his large hand slowly run up your thigh. "I need to see if you taste as sweet as you sound." He cooed, his lips slowly trailing down your collarbone, his teeth grazing your skin making your back arch. "Ah ah, be a good girl and hold still." He said, his deep voice vibrating through you as he lowered himself between your legs, spreading his hand across your stomach. "Mm..you smell exquisite." He growled, placing a kiss on your inner thigh, nipping at the sensative skin as your fingers threaded through his hair, pulling him closer.
"Eager are we?" He laughed, hooking your legs over his wide shoulders. "Don't worry muffin...I'll take good care of you." He purred, placing a soft kiss on your hip bone. "Aaahh....y....yes.....please...." you moaned, trying to rock closer to him, whining as his hand on your stomach held you in place, his large biceps locking your legs around him "I thought you were going to be my good girl." He said, his breath grazing your flesh "i..I am..I'm s...sorry." you breathed, trying to hold as still as possible. "That's right....show me you are worthy..." he trailed off. You opened your eyes, seeing the white ceiling looking down your eyes met electric blue ones seeing him smile as his lips met you skin..
You jolted up, water splashing to the floor as you gripped the side of the tub. "Holy shit." You breathed, running a hand through your hair. You looked down seeing the bubbles had dissipated, still able to feel his hands on you...his warmth seeping into you. "I need a vacation." You muttered, standing up wrapping the towel around yourself heading into your bedroom. You quickly changed, laying in bed you stared at the ceiling, the dream about your doctor leaving an uneasy feeling inside you, deciding it might be best to look for a different therapist as you closed your eyes hoping for a dreamless sleep.
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I didn't know who else wanted to be tagged lol
@mochie85 @vbecker10
312 notes · View notes
welldonebeca · 2 years
Different (and all the same)
Summary: Years after your breakup, you encounter Thor in New Asgard, and while your ex-boyfriend looks a little different, your love and desire for him haven’t changed at all. Pairing: Thor x F!Reader WC: 3.8k words Warnings: Fluff. Smut. Praising kink. Canon Divergence. Hurt/Comfort. Body issues. A/N: This is my love letter to fat Thor, who the MCU tried to make us think wasn’t still one of the hottest men alive - but needed a little bit of therapy to figure himself out.
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You put your bags on the floor, relaxing and sitting down, finally alone after the long trip you'd just been through.
A long flight up to Europe, a car ride to a near town and then a bike ride the rest of the way - because Asgardians could have magic and all, but didn't think they needed to get their roads car-friendly even after years of living amongst humans - were quite the effort for a visit, but here you were.
Brunnhilde had invited you to stay for a while there. The town, your friend was late to realise, needed a bit of work to adapt to life on Earth, and she didn't quite know any human that could help with what they needed aside from you.
Of course, Mrs Potts-Stark was very nice at giving them electricity, but there was a lot to be done. Now that the Asgardians were friendly with humans, they wanted to use phones and the internet.
But she didn't know how to ask or who to talk to, which was why she had asked for your help.
As a former ambassador, you had worked enough with the government that you knew the basics of everything: Which people to contact, how things were supposed to be done, how to keep them from being exploited... that kind of work.
As payment, she got you a little house, all equipped with the best the New Asgardian people could offer. And plumbing.
It was strange to think of her as King of Asgard.
Before the whole mess - before the blip -  someone else was lined up to be King of Asgard. Well, someone else was also your boyfriend.
But a lot of things had happened.
And a lot of things had changed.
Honestly, you understood him well.
Your father was gone with the blip, and after your mother had died when you were a child, losing him was something very hard on you.
Thor, though, was going through even worse feelings, and blamed himself for everything that had happened.
Breaking up was his idea, even though you had had to chase him down to get him to even tell you about it instead of just avoiding you.
Now the blip was undone, and while that had still left some terrible emotional scars on every single person on Earth, things were as normal as they could be.
Your father was home, safe and sound, and you had taken a sabbatical from work to come to New Asgard, not just to work from them, but also maybe take things a little easier on yourself after five years of having work as the only thing you did with your life.
You heard a knock from across the house and raised your head, leaving your things aside and walking to check on whoever it was.
"Heya," Brunnhilde leaned against your door frame just when you opened the door. "Welcome committee."
You shot her a confused look, but quickly smiled when a woman moved to her side with a bix box in hand and supplies by her side.
"Food," she told you.
"Lots of it," you chuckled, stepping back so they could walk inside.
The woman walked inside, just saying a quick hello before striding to your kitchen and probably organising everything for you.
"Does she need help?" you looked back.
"Oh, don't worry, she volunteered to do it and stopped anyone else from trying," Brunnhilde assured you. "Organising is... her thing. It's a little weird."
You looked back, finding the brown-haired woman just looking very happy as she put things in your pantry and used the back door, probably to get what she had left outside.
"How did you find the way up?" she asked, taking your attention back to herself.
"Long," you confessed. "We need to get those roads paved."
She grimaced.
"And that's the first thing we will do at our meeting on Thursday," she scratched the back of her neck.
You blinked a little, confused.
"Thursday?" you asked. "I thought it'd be tomorrow."
You had arrived at the country in the late hours of Sunday and rode with a car at the break of dawn of Monday - which was today. Had you known you had extra days, you would have slept off the jetlag!
Brunnhilde blinked, looking surprised.
"No, I said Thursday. We wrote it down on Thursday."
You pinched the bridge of your nose.
"Maybe I heard it wrong," you decided. "It's alright."
"But you have time to explore town now," she remarked. "We have some good beer, good food... and there is a festival happening now, you could go!"
"Nice," you nodded. "What are you celebrating?"
"Life," she shrugged. "Everything that is good."
You smiled together. Yes, it made sense.
"There's a dress for you over there," she pointed to your room. "And you'll probably get a crown of flowers the moment you step into the square."
You shook your head.
"Thank you," you told her.
She gave your back a little pat, not on for physical affection.
"I gotta go now," she told you. "But just scream my name if you are in an emergency."
You gave her another tap and watched her leaving, crossing your arms as she did, and sat back on the nearest chair, seeing the woman she'd brought organising things.
You stepped back into your bedroom, and weren't surprised when you closed the door and found a cloth bag hanging right there, and grabbed it.
Half an hour later you were dressed and had your hair nicely braided as you left your house, still tired but excited about the festival.
When you were dating Thor, he had brought you to more than one of their festivals, and they were always great.
Just as your friend had told you, a girl by a table with flower crowns ran to you, giving you one, and you placed it over your head, clapping along with the music around.
It was nice seeing people this happy, and you could imagine they were elated to just celebrate life after so many years of grieving.
You stopped surprised when your eyes met a familiar face in the crowd.
The last you'd heard if him he had either disappeared or just hid away from the world, completely isolated.
He looked a little different: his hair wasn't short anymore, but very long, and his beard was just as long, braided and decorated with many flowers.
You smiled to yourself as you realised how concentrated he was on the group of little kids surrounding him, letting them touch his beard and his hair, and braid his long locks, knelt as they surrounded him.
He always loved children, and always said you'd have as many of them as possible.
It was a nice idea, it made you sad that it never came true.
But maybe having a bunch of half-god children wasn't a good idea in the end, after all.
And then he saw you, and promptly bolted away.
Thor in his finest.
You walked after him, shaking your head, and raised an eyebrow at the sight of his wide shoulders behind a column.
"I can see you," you informed him.
He clenched his hands in fists.
"You cannot," your ex-boyfriend answered back.
You shook your head.
"So this is a talking pillar with blond hair and big shoulders?"
There was a moment of silence before he answered, not moving.
"Yes, ma'am."
You chuckled, amused, but sighed, a little sad.
"Alright, talking pillar," you held your own hand, a little anxious and sad with his reaction, but not wanting to cross a boundary. "I'll go now. You don't have to talk to me."
You stepped back, ready to walk away, but his voice stopped.
"Wait," he called you. "I... I do. I want to talk to you."
When you turned back, he hadn't moved.
"Like this?" you asked. "Through the pillar?"
He sighed soundly.
"Can we?" he asked. "Please?"
You hesitated. Why didn't he want to face you?
"Of course," you answered at last.
Thor relaxed and then crossed his arms, and you waited for what he had to say.
"So," you cleared your throat, realising one of you had to break the ice.
"Sorry," he mumbled. "I... I own you an explanation."
You shook your head.
"Not really," you assured him. "I know everything was hard on you. You needed time."
You were never going to blame him for grieving.
"I wasn't the only one having a hard time," he pointed. "You had lost your father and I couldn't even..."
"It's alright," you assured him. "You had just gone through what happened with Loki, and you've known him for longer than I could ever know my dad."
He let out a little chuckle, and you shifted on your feet.
"I'm not upset with you anymore," you assured him. "I promise you."
Thor lowered his head, and you reached for his hand, touching it at his side, and he flinched a bit, pushing his own hand away from his body, but tangled his fingers with yours.
"I missed you," he confessed, a little quiet.
You smiled sadly, caressing his skin.
"What is it that you don't want me to see?" you asked him.
His hands flexed a little around yours.
"Why do you think I don't want you to see something?"
You laughed.
"Thor, I am talking to a pillar!" you pointed out, wanting to flick his ear.
He groaned, and then raised his hand to his face.
"I just... I have changed," he explained. "A little bit."
You rolled your eyes. That was it.
"When we met your hair was already long," you reminded him. "And the long beard is very hot."
Thor moved, uncomfortable.
"More than just my beard," he added.
You waited and then he dropped your hand, stepping away from the pillar and walking away from it slowly, finally standing in front of you.
You raised your eyebrows, waiting for whatever he had to show you that you hadn't seen before.
"What am I looking for?" you asked.
He signalled to his body, looking frustrated.
Still, you frowned.
He had a body. He wasn't a non-corporeal entity.
"I am..." he tried to explain. "I'm not the same man I was when we last saw one another."
You looked at his body, and finally got what he meant.
Thor had gained weight. That was it.
That was the change he was apparently so ashamed of he was hiding from you.
"Is that your weight?" you asked. "That's what you mean?"
He frowned.
"I'm all soft," he argued. "You know what Rocket called me? He called me chunky. "
You frowned in turn.
Who the fuck was Rocket? What kind of name was that?
"Ba-" you interrupted yourself before you could say the pet name. "Thor, I don't think I get your point."
"I was chiselled when we were together," he affirmed. "Strong and manly. You couldn't grab a single bit of me."
You tried not to roll your eyes as you shook your head.
A decade or so on Earth, and he was starting to show it.
"Are you mad?" you asked him. "You can be as manly as you want to be and you are still strong. You are a fucking god, I highly doubt you can ever be weak."
Thor scoffed and you laughed a little.
"Thor, are you afraid I don't think you are hot anymore?"
He crossed his arms.
You looked at him and chuckled.
"Let's go to your place," you decided.
Thor frowned, completely confused.
You laughed, and looked for words, looking around and finding some kids dangerous close.
"The things I want to say to you shouldn't be said around children," you decided.
His eyes widened, and Thor gulped.
"This way," he pointed, grabbing your hand and pulling.
You were giggling as you followed him, apparently not as fast as him cause Thor stopped and looked at you.
"Hop on my back," he offered.
You did, laughing so loudly you were almost breathless. Your relationship was always spontaneous, and you were used to Thor doing this in the past.
You missed him so much.
You tried to push the sad feeling away, putting your arms around his shoulders and kissing his earlobe, sucking softly right behind it the way you knew he liked quite much.
His fingers squeezed your knees a little tighter, and you chuckled as he walked up a hill.
"We both know those are also not things kids should see," he warned you.
You just giggled more, kissing his neck.
"I'm just being affectionate," you teased him. "Nothing to see here."
Thor grunted.
"I'll show you nothing to see," he mumbled.
Oh, you really wished he did.
Thor stopped in front of a white house and opened the door, holding you with a single hand and kicking it closed with his foot before letting you stand on your own.
"You!" he pointed at your face.
You just grabbed his hand and bit the top of his finger gently, playful.
"I've kept my hands to myself," you reminded him.
Thor grabbed your waist, pulling you closer, and you cut the distance between your lips, kissing him just as you moved your hands up, cradling his face.
Thor was delicate as he kissed you, slow as you savoured each second of being close to him again, of tasting him again.
Oh, how sweet it would be if he was your Thor again, not just Thor.
Your life was so quiet without him, so cold. Even after everything - especially after everything - coming close to him only showed you how much you still wanted him!
"Y/N," he sighed as you stepped away from him.
"You stupid man," you clenched your fingers, holding him by his shirt. "Thinking I could ever not want you."
Thor pulled you closer, big hands pushing your dress up as you pushed your fingers into his hair.
You waited for what he wanted to do, unsure of how far he really even wanted to take this.
It’d been a long time since you two even saw one another, much less had sex.
So you pulled back and looked at his face, and your ex-boyfriend looked at your face.
“Don’t you…” he tried to ask.
“I do,” you confirmed. “But I want to know what you want.”
He stopped, eyes on your face, and you reached for his hand, kissing his palm.
“You said you had things to say about me,” he whispered, flushing a little. “That no children should hear.”
You laughed and kissed your hand again, raising your chin to stare into his eyes.
“I want to kiss you all over,” you affirmed. “From your lips to your thighs, adore you and show you how much I want you.”
You pushed him to the couch, and he fell sat, letting out a little whimper, and you moved your hand to the front of his shirt, pushing it off of his body.
“And when I’m done with that,” you continued. “I want to climb on your lap and ride your cock. Maybe tease you, uh? Not letting you cum until you’re a stuttering mess for me?”
He gulped, speechless, and you giggled.
“Do you want me to do it here?” you asked, throwing his shirt away, caressing his chest and soft torso. “Or will you let me take you to your bed?”
Thor blinked, stunned, and you caressed his face slowly, waiting, knowing well to give him his time. He stood, grabbing you and picking you up, and you chuckled, letting your head fall on his shoulder as he moved you two, so quickly that you barely felt his movement, and Thor sat down on a large bed, raising his bright blue eyes to you, and you were quick to kiss him again.
You took off your flower crown, letting it fall somewhere you couldn’t see, pulling on his soft hair and smiling when he whimpered against your lips.
“My silly Norse god,” you cooed as you scratched his scalp, kissing his chin and jaw over his beard, then his cheek and his nose, placing pecks all over him. “Thinking I don’t think you are the sexiest man alive.”
He closed his eyes, and you kissed his lips gently, standing up as you did.
“Thinking I don’t get weak on my knees every time I see that smile of yours,” you pushed him to lay down. “That I don’t shiver when I hear your voice, that seeing you doesn’t make me remember how much I just want to be with you all the time.”
You caressed his cheeks, scratching his jaw under his beard, and he whimpered a little, and you kissed your way down his neck and his shoulders.
“The only way to make me stop loving you would be if you stopped being yourself,” you smiled a little.
Thor inhaled sharply, and you didn’t look up, kissing the middle of his chest, inhaling the rainy scent he always had, and you couldn’t even find anywhere else, and raised your head when he pulled you up.
“Myself?” he asked.
You stopped, looking at his face.
“Your essence, Thor,” you told him. “It is the most important thing. It is what made me love you.”
He shuddered, and you smiled.
“You could change your hair, become shorter, dress up different, lose your teeth,” you chuckled. “And as long as you were you, welcoming growth, eager to always be a good man with a good heart, so damn affectionate I never found myself feeling unloved and the many other qualities that make you yourself… then you’d still be the same man.”
Thor smiled, finally, a little bashful and with a glim in his eyes.
“Besides,” you moved down on your body, back to kissing his skin. “More of you means I have more skin to kiss…”
You took your hands to his pants, unlacing them, and pulled them down his legs along with his underwear.
“More skin to touch and tease,” you tossed his pants back, running your hands on his thighs, and his beautiful cock welcomed you, hard and ready. “To bite…”
You wrapped your fingers around it, slowly stroking him.
“I bet you didn’t think about that, uh?” you teased him.
Your ex-boyfriend grabbed you, pulling you up to his side and kissing your lips deeply, passionate.
“Which gods looked at me and thought I deserved someone like you?” he asked, looking at your face.
You smiled, resting your forehead on his.
“I think you might have heard of him,” you teased him. “Thor, god of thunder. A hero with a heart of gold. He found me and slowly showed me the most happiness I have ever felt in my life.”
He closed his eyes, positively looking like he was about to cry.
“And then he left you,” he mumbled, sad.
“To grow,” you caressed his cheek. “And come back once he was ready.”
Thor watched your face, soft and sweet, and caressed your face, kissing you again, and you moved your hands to his arms and his body as he pushed your dress down your shoulders, a single hand moving to untie it around our waist.
“I want to see you,” he bit your lower lip. “I’ve missed you so much.”
You let him push the dress off of you, eagerly kissing you, and Thor’s big hand squeezed one of your breasts.
“I want to feel your skin,” he panted. “Feel your cunt squeezing me, hear your sweet moans again.”
His fingers pinched your nipple, and you whimpered, sensitive.
“Thor,” you sighed.
“I love you so much,” he kissed your neck. “Should have never let you go.”
You pushed your underwear down your leg while he was still kissing you, and only pulled away from Thor to climb onto his hips. You sat back on his thighs, still just as ridable as ever, and took his cock again, stoking it as your cunt fluttered around nothing, eager for him.
“You want me to ride your cock, Thor?” you teased him.
He grabbed your hips, raising you.
“Wanna see you riding me,” Thor affirmed, and you adjusted his cock, pushing the head of his cock against your entrance. “Wanna watch your pretty tits bouncing as I make you jump on me the way I know you love to do.”
You smiled, gasping when you felt his tip inside you, and sank down to take his cock whole, throwing your head back.
Fuck, he was so big.
Five fucking years had made you forget how much of a stretch it was to have him inside you.
“Perfect,” he raised your hips. “So wet.”
You whined, rotating your hips each time he bottomed out inside you, not daring to tear your eyes from him.
“Did teasing me made your cunt wet, my love?” his fingers caressed your skin. “Making me dumb and mad with your lips like the brat you are.”
You giggled, and he pushed himself into you, brushing against your sweet spot and making you yelp.
“A teasing brat,” he added, hand moving to your cunt and his thumb pressing on your clit.
You rested your hands on his chest, both your legs and his hands guiding you to bounce on him, riding his hard cock.
“Want to make you cum,” he commanded in a deep growl. “Been missing that cunt for years, that sweet squeeze...”
You threw your head back and cried out when his fingers moved on you, driving you mad and closer and closer to the edge, but looked right back at him again, wanting to look at him and see him, show him that he was the one who was making you cum and making you feel this good.
“Please, Thor,” you whimpered. “Make me cum on your cock, make me cum for you.”
His fingers moved fast, and your legs weakened, your muscles trembling as your peak neared you, his cock brushing and brushing against your sweet spot as his thumb played with your bud with the knowledge of having gotten you off so many times over the years.
“Cum for me, my love,” he coaxed you, sweet and firm. “Milk my cock with that sweet cunt, show me how pretty you look when a make you peak.”
You came listening to his moans and he held you as you did, trembling and shaking, and Thor squeezed the side of your hip when he himself came, fucking you with shallow strokes and moaning deeply as he did.
You lied on his chest, catching your breath, and planted soft kisses on his skin as you did, smiling as he caressed your skin gently, placing a little kiss on your forehead.
“Are you staying?” he asked softly.  “In Asgard?”
You nodded in confirmation.
“For a year, at least,” you told him.
He breathed slowly under you, and you raised your head to look at his face.
“And you?”
Thor looked at your face, eyes watching yours, and his hand moved to your face, caressing your cheek.
“I didn’t know if I would before,” he told you. “But I think I can stay for a bit. To catch up.”
You squinted your eyes.
“Catch up?” you asked.
Thor nodded and you smiled a little.
“I will love to catch up with you.”
. . .
"Different (and all the same)" was posted on my Patreon back in August! To have early access to my work, consider subscribing! It's just $2 a month!
. . .
Forever Tags: @emoryhemsworth​​​ @amythyststorm33​​​ @shaelyn102​​​ @yknott81​​​ ​​@maximofftrash​​​ @kgbrenner​​​ @thefridgeismybestie​​​ @magpiegirl80​​​ @mogaruke​​​ @shadowhunter7​​​ @musicalcoffeebean​​​ @megasimpleplan4ever​​​ @deemoriarty​​​ @05spn18​​​ @malindacath​​​ @kdcollinsauthor​​​ @random-fandom-fangirl2112​​​ @widowsfics​​​ @frozenhuntress67​​​ @averyrogers83​​​ @notyourtypicalrose​​​ @nerdypinupcrystal​ @giruvega​
Marvel forever tags: @its-daydreamer23​​​​​​ ​​ @random-fandom-fangirl2112​​​ @tayrae515​​​? @indecisiondecisions​​​? @afanofmanystuffs​​​? @patzammit​​​? @thevanishedillusion​​​? @widowsfics​​​? @alexisshoto​​​ @princess-evans-addict​​​ @dreams-of-feysand​​​ @xoxabs88xox​​​ @dragonqueen0606​ @izbelross @isabelle-faith
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lizardbeths · 6 months
Thor Fic: Some with Traps 1/2
Some with Traps
Gen, 10k words
When Frigga tells Thor than only Loki might save Jane from the aether, Thor descends to the dungeon to find out if this is true. But there is more than one dark truth hidden in a bright cell.
Thor, Loki, Frigga and Odin have some happy bonding family time! (j/k. no. It's not that. )
What if Frigga lived? was the prompt way back in the dark ages. No idea who, sorry, if it was you! But I was finally getting some writing mojo back after spine surgery last year, and I thought - you know what I need to do? Finish this WIP where Loki and Thor talk while Loki's in a cell (again. It's a theme).
also, Hey all! It's been awhile. :D
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goodgirlofglory · 2 years
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⭐️✨️Welcome to my blog, this is my masterlist✨️⭐️
As of now, I've mostly written mcu, mainly Steve Rogers.
I love prompts and reblogs, replies, likes and asks are amazing🫶💗
🔞Basically everything I write has mature and sexual themes. Minors not welcome🔞
💦 = smut 🖤 = dark 🌸 = fluff 💥 = angst
Steve Rogers
That which lingered on his mind /Series (completed) - 💦🖤💥
In the balance /Series (ONGOING) - 💦🖤💥
Silver fox and the Captain /Series (completed) - 💦🌸💥
A hairy situation /One-shot - 💦
Who you belong to /One-shot - 💦🖤
Three times Steve defended you and one time you defended him /One-shot - 💦🌸
In the name of patriotism /One-shot - 💦🌸
By the herald of thunder /One-shot - 💦🌸
Like lightning in a bottle /One-shot - 💦🌸
Clouds before rain/ One-shot - 💦💥
Bucky Barnes
Ambrosial /One-shot - 💦
Occupied /One-shot - 💦
Big boy /One-shot - 💦
Sleeping in /One-shot - 🌸💥
Just perfect/ One-shot - 💦🌸💥
A successful trial run/ One-shot - 💦🌸
Ari Levinson
Cyber lovin' /One-shot - 💦
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peach-fiz · 2 months
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I supposed since I complain so much ab a lack of fosterson fics that include Fat Thor I'd just make my own :>
(I cannot for the life of me figure out how to link ao3)
Here's the link!!
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mirkwoodshewolf · 1 year
All we have; Thor x sister reader
*Author’s note*
So this fic took me some time but after a while I finally came up with how to come about this. To the anon who sent this all the way back close to the beginning of the year hope this story finds you and thank you for being so patient.
Warnings: ANGST!!! Events of infinity war, main character (death)? Reader was blipped, depression, denial. Sad Thor basically.
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*Thor’s POV*
Failure.  A feeling I never once felt before up until now. Even when I was banished by my father and lost my hammer, it was nothing compared to now.  My father, my home, nearly half of my people, my brother, and now—now my sister.
And only two of those things weren’t taken by the same person.  When Thanos came for us after Asgard was destroyed by Sutar in order to defeat Hela, we could only manage to send half of the people down to Earth before we were attacked, but even with those people safe the rest could not. Heimdell was one of my dear friends to die first after he used the last bit of strength to send Banner to warn the Avengers of Thanos.
My sister and I did our best but with him already in possession of the Power Stone, he had us badly outmatched and out strengthened.  Then he had Loki killed right before our eyes, the two of us helpless and could only watch as he snapped his neck.  For a brief moment I thought we were dead when our ship was destroyed but then we came across the Morons.  Led by a rabbit and his tree companion.
After getting Storm breaker forged for myself and my sister even obtaining a newly gifted gauntlets to harness her power of Starlight.  Next to me, I would say she’s the strongest Avenger (even though she never wanted to be one).  Her being the Goddess of the Stars, she is basically a star in human form with enhanced strength, speed, can fire star beams from her eyes and star bolts from her hands. That’s why some people on Earth called her ‘Star bolt’ or something along those lines.
Together we came to Earth with the rabbit and tree and we were on the verge of victory until Thanos arrived.  I had him, as did my little sister.  She fired with all her might as soon as he had completed the gauntlet and retrieved the last of the Infinity stones.  Then I used Storm-breaker to impale Thanos before he could do the snap.  I had shoved the blade of my newly forged axe into his chest, as deep as it could go and had the Mad Titan on his knees.
His final words were that I should’ve gone for the head, then he lifted the gauntlet and snapped his fingers as a bright light flashed before my eyes.  I had demanded him that he tell me what he had done when I saw the gauntlet burnt to a crisp, but the coward fled through a portal.  Next thing I knew, people were disappearing into dust.
“Brother?” I heard my sister say and when I turned to her I saw her clutching her stomach.  “I—I don’t feel so good.” I soon took notice of the same dusty flakes coming off of her.
“No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no hey. Hey (Y/n) come here, come here little sister.” I held her together burying my face into her neck.  “You’re right here. You’re right here with me, yes? Just like the old days, the two of us together. We’re okay, we’ll be okay.” She smiled solemnly as tears glistened in her eyes.
“Goodbye brother.” She whispered.
“No, no there’s no goodbyes not for us. Please my little starlight, stay with me. I-I can’t lose you too!” but soon she faded away and all that was left was dust in my hands.
All of that happened just 4 weeks ago.  The week before, we found Thanos and hoped we’d use the stones to bring everyone back only to find out that he used them to destroy them.
Not wanting to hear anymore, I did what I should’ve done at that very day I lost everything. I went for the head.
After that, I couldn’t take it.  Numbness and emptiness overtook me.  What was life on Earth without my only family left? She was my little sister, she was my best friend, my guiding star.  From the day she was born, I made an oath to always watch out for her.
I had promised mother and father that I’d never let anything happen to her.  Before Loki came along, it was just the two of us.  We got into the worst sort of trouble, but she was always there to get us out of it using her charm and wit.  Thinking back now, that’s probably how Loki learned to be the silver tongue he came to be.
But now they were both gone.  Leaving me as the last of Odin’s children.
*Present day 4 weeks after Blip*
The humans were calling it The Blip.  After half of the universe had been snapped away, that’s what they called this tragic event.  Their governments and politicians trying to get the records of everyone around the world who had been blipped, trying to rebuild, but there was nothing I could do to help them.
“Hey Thor.” Banner’s voice spoke up.  I didn’t respond.  “I managed to locate Valkyrie and Korg. They said they’ve settled all the remaining Asgardians in a small town in Norway called Tønsberg.” I remained sitting in my chair looking out the window.  “Look buddy, I know that—things hadn’t been easy. But don’t you think your people need you? Or at least let them know you’re okay?”
“And what do I tell them? Hmm? Can you-can you answer me that Banner? When I go there the first thing they’ll ask me is where is…..” I stopped and brushed away the tears from my eyes.  No scratch that, not tears I just have something in my eye.
“I get it. I miss her too man. Your sister was—someone really special. Remember she helped me after I found out that I had been the Hulk for two years.”
“I helped too you know.”
“Yeah but not as much as she did.” I shook my head softly chuckling.
“Yeah she—she always did like helping those who needed it. The stars seemed to have dimmed without her here.” There was silence before I finally stood up and turned to Banner. “Thank you for finding them for me Bruce.”
“You gonna be okay pal?” he asked me.
“Yeah, yeah I’ll be fine. I’ll be sure to keep in touch about how things are going.” I gave him a firm pat on the back before I took Storm breaker into my hands and flew off towards Norway.
When I got there, New Asgard was a small little town on the edge of some fishing docks where I saw the remaining few of my people all trying to rebuild our new home.  When they saw me, they bowed their heads but I didn’t acknowledge them.
“Hey Thor you’re alive!” up ahead I saw Korg, Meek and Valkyrie gathering up some kegs of beer. I walked up to them and hugged Korg (even though there was no emotion to said hug).
“Where’s (Y/n)?” asked Valkyrie.  I breathed heavily and asked her redirecting the question.
“How many of our people are left after the Statesman was attacked?” she looked at me skeptically but answered.
“We were just about to land our rescue ship when suddenly half of those that were saved turned to dust.” So even when half of the people managed to escape, they too were cut in half and Blipped away.  My sister’s escape plan for our people was in vain.
“Right well, you two continue doing what you were doing. I’m just going to uhh—” I took one of the kegs from Korg and walked off without another word.
I managed to find me a small cabin that hadn’t been claimed by anyone and decided that this would be my cabin from now on.  It was the furthest cabin than the rest of the village so thankfully no one should suddenly burst in on me.
I set the keg down before plopping myself down on the floor next to it.  I looked down at my wrist to see the old bracelet (Y/n) had made for me back when we were kids.  I took it off my right wrist and examined it.
It wasn’t much just made from the finest Asgardian thread and the jewels were of pure diamonds, rubies and a couple of emeralds.  In fact it was a sibling bracelet that she had made for all three of us. The ruby represented me, the emeralds were of Loki and she was the diamond.
I clenched it in my hand and raised it up ready to throw it as far as I could, hoping that it would be lost forever but something held me back.  My arm trembled before I brought the bracelet to my chest and held it over my heart as I felt tears falling down my face.
“I’m sorry (Y/n).” I wept.  “I’m so sorry little sister.” I continued to weep as the memories of my sister flashed through my mind like a film on constant repeat.
*1 month after The Blip*
I hadn’t really stepped out of my cabin since I had first claimed it.  I kept the windows shut and bolted, hardly any light really came into this cabin really.  Why should I deserve the light after my failure to kill Thanos? But I knew I had to step out because I had run out of beer from the keg I had taken a month ago.
So after restocking some more kegs, beer bottles, whiskey, tequila, whatever alcohol I could get my hands on at the time, I should be good for a couple of months or so, hopefully.  As I drank my fifth beer bottle a knock was heard at the door.
“Thor?” Valkyrie. “Thor come on open up it’s just me.”
“It’s unlocked as always.” I told her.  I heard the door open and she let out a cough.
“Geez what rolled up and died in here?”
“What are you doing here Valkyrie?” I asked her.
“Well our brewery ran out of whiskey and I figured only one person could be responsible for that so I came to collect some from you. Running this place is a lot harder than you think.” She said as she helped herself to some of my whiskey.
“Try dealing with keeping the peace of all nine realms on top of that.” I scoffed remembering after my first battle with the Avengers when I tried to keep the peace between the nine realms before father thought I was once again ready to take the throne.
“I can only imagine that. Definitely would take more than whiskey to take that hangover off.”
“Why have you really come Valkyrie?” she and I looked at each other and she said.
“To check on my friend who may I remind you hasn’t been outside in over a month except this past Tuesday to take most of our brewery.”
“I’ve told you as I have told everyone else, I’m fine.”
“Is that why you haven’t bathed in that time? No offense but you’re starting to smell worse than Sakaar.”
“Bathing is a lifestyle choice. If I choose the bathe or shower I will do so whenever I please.” She let out a heavy sigh.
“Thor, I know why you’re doing this.”
“No you don’t.”
“Yes I do.”
“No you don’t.”
“Yes I do. Did you honestly forget why I went to Sakaar in the first place?” I remained silent. “Drinking my own problems away because I lost all my sisters including the love of my life. Who sacrificed herself to save me. You’re not the only one who lost someone you love. Take it from me, drowning your sorrows can only do so much, eventually the call to action will find you and you’ll have no choice but to get off your ass and fight.”
“Thanos is already dead, but even killing him didn’t bring anyone back. Much less bring her back. What call to action will there be?” I said brokenly.
“How about instead of focusing on the broken past? You help your people? They need a king.”
“No one needs me.” I sat down in my chair and turned away from her as I grabbed an old bag of Doritos and ate whatever was left in the bag.  I heard Valkyrie let out a heavy sigh before she left my cabin slamming the door.
Leaving me once again alone in darkness and solitude.
*6 months after The Blip*
‘It has been six months since the Blip when an alien wiped out half of Earth’s population. World governments continue to find an equal consensus but with the world still grieving can we truly move on? Our team has tried to reach out to any remaining members of the Avengers who have all but seemed to disappear from the public eye. Tony Stark aka Ironman has…..’
“Korg you mind shutting that blasted thing off? I thought we were going to begin Fortnite?” I told him.
“Sorry Thor. Just so you know I didn’t turn the channel to the news, it was just on there. Earth seems to have nothing but bad news to tell.”
“Yeah that’s all they really have to say these days.”
“Earth news is depressing.”
“You don’t know the half of it.” I muttered.  As we got the gaming system started up, Korg told me.
“Speaking of, there were reporters that came over the other day wanting to talk to you about the battle you had with Thanos back in that Wakanda place.”
“Hopefully either you or Valkyrie told them to screw off and to never come back here again.”
“Valkyrie took care of them. And she even called them some very nasty things.”
“And another good reason to put her in charge.” I muttered.  As the menu opened up and we picked our avatars we proceeded with the game.
“Just asking out of pure curiosity Thor, will there be a time you come out that doesn’t imply you stealing half of the brewery’s supplies? We really do miss you out there.”
“Who wants to go out when there’s a whole lot to do in here? You can’t get all these video game time out there? And here you don’t have to pay for any alcohol. Sure the cable’s a bit of a pain in the ass but what more could you want right here?”
“It does sound like a load of fun and a huge convenience but at the same time you might probably be doing all of this due to the loss of your sister.” I rolled my eyes and blew a nonchalant raspberry.
“These are just life choices, I can go out whenever I want to for whatever reason I want. My sister—” I trailed off thinking about her.
Just what would she say in this moment? How would she even react to seeing me like this? Most likely she’d be disappointed, she never did like it when either Loki or I got into one of our ‘moods’ (whatever she means by that).  Felt like she had been stuck in the middle and having to be the problem solver out of the three of us.
But now she’s just—she’s gone.  In all honesty, I’m glad she’s not here to see me like this.  Like I said, she’d most likely be disappointed that I’ve shut everyone out and refuse to do anything to help rebuild our new home.
“My sister isn’t even here. So why even try to speak as if she’s still here?” Korg remained silent. I took a deep breath in before exhaling and spoke in a more optimistic manner (or at least tried to anyway. I just wanted this conversation to be done.)  “Now then, let’s hurry and beat this round before that little douchebag Noobmaster69 logs on.”
“Yeah. I still can’t believe he called me a dickhead.” Korg said as we continued to play our game long into the night and even until the next morning.
*1 year and 4 months after The Blip*
Today seemed so empty. Much more so than any other day because today should’ve been a day of remembrance, of birth, a milestone for Asgardian Gods. Today would’ve been (Y/n)’s birthday, but just any ordinary birthday.  Today she would’ve been 1500 years old.  The big 1500.
She could’ve participated on her first ever hunting party and claim a prized boar to be eaten at a feast worthy of Valhalla, music and dancers, and at the end of the night the very stars themselves would dance for her (all thanks to her powers).  But there will be no hunt, nor song in her name, for she was one of the many who Blipped away.
I did, however, ask Korg whenever he came up for our annual video game binge to bring up a cake that I knew (Y/n) would love.  She always had a weakness for sweet treats, especially when we first came to Earth after Loki tried to take the Tesseract.  Boy was that a wild time when she went on that sugar craze and Steve had to coax her down from it but she refused to surrender her candy to him.
“Hey Thor, Meek and I are here and we brought the cake like you asked of us.” Korg’s voice called out.
“Bring it in here my friends.” They came in and there it was.  A three layered chocolate cake with dipped chocolate strawberries.
“So Thor is this another one of your monthly big dessert binges?” asked Korg.
“Not for myself.” I answered as I went over and dug through the drawers until I found some old candles and put them on top of the cake.  “You know, today would’ve been (Y/n)’s 1500th birthday. A big milestone in Asgardian culture.”
“Really? Is 1000 not worthy?”
“It is but it’s the 1500th that’s even bigger. Compared to Earth I’d say it lines with one’s 16th birthday. Where Earth teens can drive legally and all that fun stuff, in Asgard, when a god turns 1500 they are honored to lead a hunting party to find and skewer a prized boar. To be eaten at a feast worthy of Valhalla itself. Oh I remember my 1500th birthday hunt so well, I made (Y/n) my lead scouter and she dreamed of the day of her birthday hunting party.”
“Oh I see. And your sister, she liked chocolate?”
“Probably one of the few things she loved about Earth. Oh Korg you should’ve seen it. The first time she tried chocolate, I thought her head was going to explode.”
“Thankfully it didn’t otherwise how can one function without a head?” Korg said.  I lit the candles up and stared at them for a bit before blowing them out in honor of my sister.
“Happy 1500th little sister. If only I could’ve done more.” I then blew them out in her stand before taking them off the cake.
“She would’ve been happy either way Thor. Hunting party or no hunting party, she would’ve loved it either way.”
“You speak as thought my sister is still here.”
“She is. In a way. Though she is not here physically, she is all around us. Being the goddess of the stars, it’s like she’s still watching over us every night. At least that’s what the Earthlings say about her in their stories, right?” I shook my head chuckling icily.
“I appreciate the words of comfort Korg, but we all know the real truth. She’s gone, and there’s no way of bringing her back. And it’s all my fault.”
“Sorry Korg, guess I don’t feel much like Fortnite tonight, sorry.” I started to walk off but I grabbed (Y/n)’s cake and left my cabin.
It was now nightfall and I had been standing looking over the cliff’s and the sea ahead.  I was at the last piece of my sister’s cake and I looked up at the stars that didn’t seem to shine as brightly as they used to. My heart felt heavy and tears built into my eyes and I wept.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t do more for you little sister. For anyone. It’s all because of me. It’s my fault. It’s my fault!” I stayed there for the rest of the night weeping under the very stars my sister once made shine.
Time just went by in a blur.  In fact time was irrelevant to me.  Only when I needed supplies like more alcohol did I ever show my face to my people. Valkyrie was proving to be a better King than I, I mean how can a King rule his people when he couldn’t even protect them? Let alone his own sister?
I was just—drifting at this point.  The only times I felt even the slightest bit of joy was video game nights with Korg and Meek.  Life may continue on, but I will always be burdened with the weight of my greatest failure and nothing was ever going to get me out of it.
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vilentia · 11 months
Whispers in the Stars
Thor x reader
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The debris of Asgard floated in the vast expanse of space, a silent testament to the events that had taken place. The spaceship carrying the surviving Asgardians hummed softly, cutting through the interstellar silence. Thor, now king, stood at the ship's observation deck, lost in thought, the weight of responsibility heavy on his shoulders. His gaze was fixed on the floating ruins of his homeland.
Behind him, a soft step echoed. It was you. You'd known Thor for what felt like eons, your bond with him strengthening with each challenge faced. You'd been by his side through his banishment to Earth, the dark days with Loki, and now the destruction of Asgard.
Seeing his somber reflection, you silently approached, wrapping your arms around his waist from behind and resting your head on his broad back. He took a deep breath, feeling your presence, a grounding reminder that he wasn't alone in this.
"Why do the stars seem more distant tonight?" you whispered, the melancholy evident in your voice.
"They carry the weight of our memories, stories, and dreams," Thor replied, his voice deep and resonant.
You moved to stand beside him, looking up to meet his blue eyes, clouded with sorrow. "Our stories are not over," you reassured him, "Asgard is not a place, it's the people. And as long as we have each other, its essence will never fade."
Thor looked down at you, the corners of his lips curving into a small smile. He appreciated your wisdom, always managing to find a silver lining even in the darkest of times. He leaned down, capturing your lips in a gentle kiss, tasting the promise of a new beginning.
"The universe has its ways of testing our mettle," Thor mused, pulling away but keeping you close. "But with you by my side, there's no challenge too great."
You grinned, threading your fingers through his. "Then let's face the future together, my king."
And as the ship journeyed onward, two souls stood united, their love a beacon of hope for all of Asgard. The stars might have whispered tales of tragedy, but they also sang songs of resilience, love, and new beginnings.
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queen-of-the-avengers · 11 months
A New Adventure
Pairing: Thor x Goddess!Reader
Word Count: ~2.5k
Warnings: naked thor, arrogant Zeus
Request by anon: What if with thor x reader. He was at olympus on a mission then he got caught and the snap hes nude then he notice y/n near ares in robe shes a demigodess , a child of hera and shes surprised while she misses him
Summary: You long to get out of Olympus and do something with your powers that actually means something, but your father won't let you leave. When a mysterious stranger shows up looking for Zeus, you figure he's the way to getting the hell out of there.
Squares Filled: free space (2022) for @thorbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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Most people know you as Hebe, the Goddess of youth but you like to be called Y/N. You have never left Olympus to explore other worlds and bestow your gift upon others. People come to you from all over for you to give them their youth back, but you can do so much more than that. You can restore youth for any living thing, which is why you’re in charge of restoring nature back to its glory days.
There are plentiful goddesses that deal with nature who can do a much better job than you, but you were tasked by your father, Zeus, to do this. No one disobeys him or questions him, so you have to do this. Not that you mind much since you love being out in nature and taking care of it.
You walk past some bushes that are wiltering a bit so you run your fingers over it to give them their life back. They bloom back to life as if they were years younger. The flowers on the bushes bloom with bright colors as they are restored to their youth. You do this to the trees in the area and watch as the leaves go from a sickly brown color to bright green.
There are thousands of other planets that can benefit from your powers but Zeus won’t let you leave. Your mother, Hera, has tried hundreds of times to get all of her children to leave but he won’t listen to her. So, instead of doing something meaningful with your life, you’re stuck on Olympus doing the same thing every single day. This place is filled with gods and goddesses that come and go while you’re stuck wishing for something more to happen.
You’ve just finished restoring life to a tree when something glints off the sunlight in the sky. You cover your eyes so you can see what’s going on when a large ship comes crashing to the surface of Olympus. You jump out of the way just as it crashes down on all the nature you’ve worked hard to restore. Two goats are on the outside of the bow. A rainbow bridge follows in their footsteps and disappears once they’ve landed.
Four people get out of the ship without a car that they’ve destroyed something as delicate as nature. They walk right past you despite the shocked look you’re giving them. No one else seems to care about the falling ship except for you.
“What the hell is your problem?” you ask and jog to catch up with them. “You ruined my garden.”
The second biggest of all of them turns around to tell you off but stops. He used to think Jane was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen but that all changes when he locks eyes on you. This is Olympus full of beautiful goddesses but you’re nothing like what he’d expected. He has a time-sensitive mission but he can put it on hold for five minutes just to talk to you.
“I’m sorry,” Thor stutters.
You have to admit, he is quite attractive but that doesn't mean he should get away with what he’s done.
“Who are you four?”
“My name is Thor, and this is Jane who is also a Thor but not the true Thor like I am. She used to be human, which she still is, but she is able to pick up Mjolnir which is why she can be a Thor,” Thor stutters.
“What he’s trying to say is that he’s Thor, she’s Jane, this is Korg and I’m a Valkyrie.”
“Ah, I’ve heard about you,” you say to Thor. “I heard you released Sutur to destroy your home. You aided in the fight against Thanos.”
“Yes, that was me,” Thor blushes.
“I’m going to scout this place out,” Jane says and takes off flying with Mjolnir.
Valkyrie and Korg leave Thor alone with you to scout on foot.
“Who are you?”
“People know me as Hebe but I like to go by Y/N. I’m the Goddess of youth. I was just restoring youth to that garden you so rudely smashed into.”
“Sorry about that,” he chuckles nervously. Something clicks in his head and it shows in the way his eyes light up. “Your father is Zeus.”
“That bastard,” you roll your eyes. “He’s practically everyone’s father around here but yes, he’s my biological father. I hate his guts.”
“Maybe you can help me then.”
“What are you guys doing here? It’s not every day that someone comes crashing out of the sky. Or did you just want to ruin my garden for nothing?”
“No,” he chuckles. “I need to talk to Zeus. Is there any way my friends and I can do that?”
“I’m sure there is but you can’t do it privately. He likes to host meetings with all the gods and goddesses as a sort of touch base. One is happening very shortly.”
“Great, let’s go,” Thor says and walks past you.
“Hold on hot shot,” you say and turn to face him. “It’s an invite-only.”
“Are you invited?”
“All the children of Zeus must attend so yes, I am.”
“Great! You can get us in.”
You walk toward Thor and put a hand on his very muscular chest.
“Why would I reward you for ruining my garden?”
“I’m sorry?”
“No, I don’t want your apology.”
“What do you want?”
“I want a kiss. Right here,” you point to your cheek.
“Really? Okay,” Thor shrugs.
Thor leans down to press a kiss to your cheek but you move your face at the last second so that your own lips capture his. He’s shocked but doesn’t pull away from you. He thought you were beautiful the second he laid eyes on you, so kissing you is a plus. Your mother is the Goddess of Marriage and Childbirth so naturally, flirting and romance come easily to you. You pull away from him after a couple of minutes and produce a ticket for him.
“Wait, I have three friends with me.”
“No, only you,” you smirk and walk away from him.
You should have known he was going to find some way to get his friends into the meeting. You’re sitting next to your siblings and mother but notice four people walk in wearing disguises. You can see past Thor’s disguise and can only assume his three friends are the other ones in disguise. Thor scans the area until his eyes land on yours. You smile and shake your head to which he shyly shrugs.
“Zeus! Zeus! Zeus!” everyone chants to welcome the most powerful God.
A thundercloud appears high in the room as he creates a platform for himself and his entourage. Everyone cheers when he makes an appearance but you roll your eyes in boredom. He conjures his special thunderbolt and throws it into the air. It splits into several smaller bolts and flies into the air all around the room.
As soon as the introduction is over, everyone falls silent so that they can hear what Zeus has to say.
“First order of business is where we should hold the orgy!” Disgust fills your face at the thought of participating. “The second order of business is to discuss the winners for the most human souls sacrificed in the name of a God.”
You groan and face plant into the palm of your hand wishing you could be anywhere but here. Thor’s whispers to his friends can be heard even from where you’re sitting, and that doesn’t go unnoticed by Zeus.
“Excuse me, who is talking?” Zeus asks and everyone looks at Thor. “You there! Why are you interrupting me?” Thor stands up to talk but is a bit quiet due to being put on the spot. “No, I can’t hear you. Please come up to the stage.”
Thor hates being put on the spot like that but knows this has to happen. He makes his way to the stage in front of everyone nervously. Now that he has everyone’s attention, he begins talking about the real reason why he’s here.
“Gods of the universe, I come here to ask for your help, to raise an army. Gorr, the God Butcher has made himself known and is slaughtering Gods in his path. He’s left nothing but chaos in his wake. With your help, we can crush him before he kills anyone else.”
As pressing as this issue is, Zeus isn’t interested in hearing about it.
“That guy killed a couple of low-level Gods. Boo-hoo. If that’s all, go back to your seat and be quiet.”
“Did you not hear what I just said? He’s murdering en masse.”
“I’ll tell you this one time. Sit down and be quiet or else you won’t get invited to the orgy.”
Of course, your dad will pass this off as nothing.
“Zeus, we must do something! You have to listen to us!”
Zeus gets impatient and sends bolts of lightning to Thor’s wrists which he shackles to the ground so he can’t go anywhere. Zeus’ platform lowers to the stage so he can be closer to him.
“I’m going to take off your disguise so I can see you for who you really are.” Zeus flicks the clothes off Thor but flicks too hard and ends up stripping him naked. Your mouth drops open at the sight of his cock. He’s really big for a God. It’s not surprising given his nature, and he’s not even hard. He looks over at you and you close your mouth to give him a smile and a thumbs up. “What about the others? Should I flick them too?”
“Nope! Disguise gone!”
All three of his friends stand and take off their disguises so the same thing won’t happen to them.
“Ah, Asgardians. I thought we’d seen the last of you when Odin died. You are Thor, the God of Thunder.”
“Zeus, this is bigger than us. He’s taken Asgardian children!”
“Who do you think we are? The God police? Every God watches over their own people so Asgardian problems are Asgardian problems.”
“Why won’t you listen to what he has to say?” you ask loudly and stand up. “People are dying and you don’t even care?”
“Sit down young lady,” your father points to you.
“Y/N, sit,” your mother says and yanks you back down to your seat.
“How the mighty have fallen. My hero, Zeus, afraid,” Thor glares.
Everyone gasps at the insult which Zeus doesn’t take lightly. He leaves his platform and steps onto the stage. He walks over to Thor to speak to him privately even though there are hundreds of eyes on them.
“A couple of things,” Zeus says quietly to Thor and gets really close to him. “Yes, I am scared. Gorr has the Necrosword which means he can kill us. Not good. Two, I know you’re trying to do the right thing. I understand and admire that about you, but all you’re going to do is cause panic and that’s not good. We are safe here. You, my friend, are safe here. Three, don’t talk back to me. I flicked too hard. I’ll put your clothes back on.”
Zeus steps back and uses his power to put clothes back on Thor, and you find yourself wishing he kept them off.
“If you’re not going to help us, then let us use your weapon,” Thor suggests. “We need your lightning bolt.”
“My lightning bolt is called Thunderbolt. If you’re going to use someone’s secret weapon then you should at least get the name right when you ask.”
“Fine, can I borrow Thunderbolt?”
Thunderbolt!” Zeus yells and summons his weapon. He begins showing off the thunderbolt by throwing it in the air, spinning it on his finger like a basketball, and snapping it in half only to slam it together. He turns and throws Thunderbolt into the backdrop where his throne sits. You roll your eyes at the way he’s behaving.
“No!” Zeus smirks. “Don’t worry, the God Butcher won’t reach Eternity!”
The smile is lost from your face at the mention of Eternity. Every universe in the multiverse compiles into one being called Eternity. Whoever reaches it first will be granted their desires. What might happen if the God Butcher reaches it first? What might be his desire?
“If he seeks the Eternity altar, that means he could wipe us out at once,” Thor says. “Zeus, we must act now.”
“He won’t reach it. He doesn't have the key.”
“Fine, then we’ll just have to go at this alone.”
“I don’t think so,” Zeus smirks. “This place is known only to Gods and if you leave, the God Butcher could use you to gain our location. This isn’t good. Now you must stay. Guards!”
Four guards walk onto the stage to take Thor prisoner and he looks over at his friends.
“Hey, can we go with my plan now?” Valkyrie asks.
“Hell yeah!” Jane shouts and throws her hammer at a guard, killing him.
All three of his friends and Thor attack the guards that come onto the stage, and you watch with shock at the fight. Thor and his friends seem to be doing okay at killing every guard that comes onto the stage, and Zeus takes this as a sign to step in. He grabs Thunderbolt and throws it at one of Thor’s friends, Korg. Thunderbolt penetrates his chest and is summoned back to Zeus.
“Korg!” Thor yells.
“Thor, I’m perishing!”
Korg crumbles to rocks and Thor turns to Zeus with anger in his eyes.
“You’re next Odinson!”
Zeus throws Thunderbolt at Thor but the God catches it in his hand. His eyes shine bright blue with electricity and turn Thunderbolt into a blue one. He throws it back at Zeus which goes straight through his heart. You gasp and stand up as you witness your father fall to the ground dead.
More guards come rushing in to avenge Zeus’ death as Thor goes to his rock friend. He’s not dead but he doesn’t have a body. He’s only a face that they can use. Valkyrie ties him to her back as she fights, and he sounds the mystical whistle to call for the goats. Seconds later the same boat that crashed into your garden comes crashing through the glass skylight. The goats fly around everywhere without a place to land.
This is it. This is your opportunity to get the hell out of Olympus. You use all your strength to jump onto the platform high in the sky and grab Thunderbolt. Thor jumps onto the platform to see you with the weapon he needs in your hand. Everyone else is already on the ship so it’s now or never.
You can either go with them or hand over the weapon.
“Well, what is it going to be?”
You look at your mother who gives you a thumbs up. That’s all you need to make a decision.
“I’m coming with you.”
“Let’s go,” he chuckles.
You two jump onto the boat just as Thor uses Stormbreaker to put his war clothes back on. This is it. This is the adventure you’ve been wishing for.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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severalforraelee · 11 months
Mystic Beauty: Thor x Reader
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Word count: 2,132
Posted Oct 23
Avengers Masterlist
“I cannot let you in,” the Hydra agent tells Steve. I watch through the trees as he narrows his eyes at the superhero. “And I suggest that you leave now so that it doesn’t get violent.”
“Violent?” A smirk tugs at Steve’s lips. “Why would it have to get violent?”
Just as the group of Hydra agents get ready to attack, Tony is the one to speak.
“You know what, I know just what will change your mind. Mystic, come out here, please.”
I take a deep breath, stepping out from behind the tree’s trunk with a soft smile on my face. Even though their faces are hidden behind their masks, I can tell that the Hydra agents' jaws drop at the sight of me.
I feel their eyes trail down my body, starting with my long, glimmering hair to the off the shoulder crop top that accentuates my collarbones, then onto the high-waisted shorts that show just a hint of my abs, the sheer cape attached to them highlighting the length and fitness of my legs, ending at the heeled boots that tie the entire gold outfit together.
My trademark smirk tugs at my lips, but my chest tightens as I see their eyes scan my body up and down.
“Morning, boys,” I say, taking careful steps closer to them. I watch the rest of the Avengers carefully watch the interaction out of the corner of my eye. “Listen, I’m really a lover, not a fighter. So if I just asked for us to enter the building, what would you say to that?”
They exchange glances with each other before quickly nodding, practically pushing each other out of the way of the entrance to the factory building being used to manufacture weapons.
“Thank you, boys,” I pat one of the guards on the shoulder as I walk past him. He faints behind me.
“Nice work, Mystic Beauty,” Spider-Man teases before running by me to explore.
I put on a smile for the rest of the superheroes at the mention of my superhero name. Mystic Beauty, because my beauty puts everyone into awe. I can do anything I want and get away with it because everyone is so fascinated by my beauty. I can get others to do things as well- that’s actually how I got into being a superhero. I started by using my beauty to influence high school boys into helping old women cross the street, or to influence couples into going on dates where they pick up litter.
Slowly my influence got bigger and bigger and when the Avengers picked me up, they gave me a uniform that highlights my beauty.
My outer beauty, that is. I don’t even know if they know what my inner beauty is.
“Come on, beauty,” Tony claps me on the back. “We have shit to get done.”
I love our Avengers dinners. I love sitting around a table with all of my friends, telling jokes and sharing stories with each other. It’s a chance to escape from the dangerous occupations that we’ve all chosen- it’s a chance to escape from Mystic Beauty and just be Y/N.
“Peter, how are things going with MJ?” Wanda asks the youngest member of the group.
“Oh, uh,” his gaze flickers to the plate in front of him and he pushes the small amount of food around with his fork. “Not good. We’re going through a bit of a rough patch right now.”
“Misgardian women can be so complex, Spider-Boy,” Thor teases.
I nudge him at the comment, giving him a stern look as he chuckles.
“What’s going on, Peter?” Natasha asks him gently.
She has a soft spot for the young boy. We all do.
“Oh, it’s, it’s nothing. I swear. I promise.”
His eyes remain on his plate and the fork scrapes loudly on the porcelain.
We all exchange looks around the table, trying to figure out if we should pry or not. Once our glances decide that we should pry, knowing that Peter needs some advice from wise adults, we exchange more glances to figure out who should be the one to ask.
“Peter…” Steve begins.
“Okay, fine, you want to know what happened?” The fork lands on the plate with a loud noise and he looks up at us with wild eyes. “She’s intimidated by how much time I spend with Y/N.”
My eyes widen, startled at the revelation. A blush begins to form on my cheeks as the other superheroes look over at me.
“She said it was just too hard for her to come to terms with the fact that I work with the most beautiful woman in the world. That she has shiny hair and the perfect body and it’s too much for MJ to come to terms with,” he explains.
It’s quiet, a tension forming in the air. I know that everyone is waiting for me to speak, react, or do anything to acknowledge Peter’s words. But truthfully, I don’t know how.
“Peter,” I speak slowly, forming the sentence in my head, “I’m- I’m sorry.”
We all wait for me to say more. To say something else, but I don’t know what to say. I don’t know what else I can say at this point.
“I um,” I swallow the lump in my throat, “I should be heading off to bed.”
My chair pushes out with a loud screech as I get up, hurrying down the hallway towards my room before anyone can say anything to me. I’m not sure that they would know what to say, though.
What do you say to the girl who has it all because of her looks? She can get her drinks paid for, get into any club she wants, she can get away with practically anything because of how beautiful she is.
But her beauty has a negative side, too. People treat her as just a pretty face, and that ruins her relationships and the relationships of her loved ones. She is valued only for her appearance, but she clearly wants to be known for more than that. It’s just difficult to figure out how to make that happen.
“Thank you again for your generous donation,” I smile sweetly at the older man, ignoring the way that his eyes drift down to the deep V-neck of the gold sequin evening gown I’m wearing.
“Anything for you, gorgeous,” he flirts.
“Well, I must get going, enjoy the rest of your evening,” I excuse myself before he can be the fourth man at this event to ask me on a date.
The charity event goes on and I feel more and more insecure in the fitted dress than I’m wearing, the thoughts from the other night echoing in my head. I can see the women looking down their noses at me and men staring at me with eyes of lust.
If I’ve ruined Peter’s relationship, it makes me wonder how many other relationships I’ve ruined. And how many I’m going to ruin today by simply existing.
“Y/N raised over $2 billion alone tonight,” Tony announces to the superheroes once all of the guests are gone.
They all begin to clap, turning towards me as I blush.
“It was for the kids,” I murmur, shifting uneasily on my feet.
“The men want her and the women want to be her. I’ve never met a person who doesn’t like you, Y/N,” Sam smiles at me.
I smile back, but my stomach twists at his words. I take a sip of my second wine glass of the night, trying to calm my nerves. Once I notice everyone sliding into conversations with each other and that they’re distracted, I move onto the balcony.
I’ve always loved to watch New York City at night. The hustle and bustle of the city never stops. There’s always flashing lights, car horns honking, and the sound of people laughing. I guess that’s why they call it the city that never sleeps.
It’s nice to be able to watch other people and not be the one to constantly be watched.
I rest my wrists on the railing, half-full glass of wine cupped between my fingers. The drop down to the street is a long one.
The sound of the door opening snaps me out of my thoughts and my head turns to see who it is. Thor stops in his tracks at the sight of me.
From the way the dim light glistens on my hair, highlighting my plump lips and long eyelashes, I already know what he’s thinking. I look beautiful.
I turn back to the view below, raising my hands to take a sip of the wine.
The feeling of fabric weighs down over my shoulders and I look down to see that Thor has given me his jacket.
“It’s a little too chilly to be out here in just a dress,” he half-explains, copying my pose.
“I guess,” I sigh.
I can feel the Asgardian glancing at me every once in a while. I don’t meet his gaze, mine remaining on the view in front of me.
Truthfully, I’m afraid to.
I’ve always felt more vulnerable around Thor than the other Avengers. While they stare at me with awe and admiration, he watches me with fascination. And it’s not fascination for my beauty, it’s more than that… it’s like fascination with my power.
It’s fascination with my ability to control others by the way that I carry myself and the charisma that I have. I secretly love missions with just Thor because of this. It makes me feel more confident and in control.
“What’s gotten you so down lately, Y/N?” He voices his question.
“It’s nothing,” I shake my head.
“It’s not nothing. You’ve had your hair down a lot lately and you only do that when you’re feeling insecure about something.”
I look over at him with a teasing smile, but my heart skips a beat at his words. “You've noticed?”
“Of course I’ve noticed,” he nudges my shoulder with his. “Now come on, tell me.”
I pause before downing the rest of my wine. Casually, I throw the glass over the edge of the balcony, followed by the gold bangles on my wrists. I pull out my earrings next and they go over as well.
Thor watches in confusion, but doesn’t stop me.
I throw my arms out dramatically. “Am I still beautiful?”
“Yes, you are.”
“Exactly,” I rest my back against the railing now. “That’s the problem.”
“Can you explain more clearly, please? I’m not sure that I understand,” he requests, but his eyebrows furrow at my behavior and words.
“No matter what I do, I’m beautiful, Thor. I’m not sweet or funny or smart or, or anything really! It’s always just beautiful. And it just fucks everything up,” I throw my hands up in the air, pacing the balcony ferociously. “I feel insecure because I’m always being praised for my looks, and I’m destroying my friends' relationships, and being pretty is all that I’m known for-”I pause, running my hands through my hair and running the perfect curls.
I bet I still look pretty, though.
“It’s just- my beauty scares me, Thor. Is this all that I was made for? Is this all that I will be known for?” I don’t realize that I’m crying until I wipe my face with the back of my hand and the black of my mascara imprints on it.
“Your beauty never ever scares me, Y/N,” he responds slowly. “And you were made to be so much more than just a pretty face. I see it. I wish you would see it too.” He reaches a hand out towards me. “I think you drank a little too much wine and it’s late. Let’s get you to bed.”
I take his hand.
I wake up in an oversized shirt, messy ponytail, makeup off, and a raging hangover. I lay in bed, soaking up the moments of peace and quiet.
That is until I remember the events of last night. The charity event, going out on the balcony, confessing all of my worries to Thor, Thor saying that my beauty never scares him.
Before I can even think, my feet carry me throughout the Avengers tower and I find myself in front of him in the living room where he’s watching TV.
“Thor,” I breathe out, my eyes meeting his. “Did you mean it?”
“I meant every word.”
My legs move to straddle him, arms winding around his neck as his hands rest on my hips, our lips attaching in a passionate kiss.
His lips portray his every thought.
I’m more to him than just a pretty face. I am sweet. I am funny. I am smart.
I am more than Mystic Beauty.
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As I mentioned earlier in the week, I wrote a little something for Thor a long while back and some of you have expressed interest in seeing a peek of it so here it is.
Let me know what you guys think. 😊
**It is NOT edited.
**This slides to the side of grey/dark Thor.
"Your majesty," Altheea began bowing as she spoke.
The man she was speaking to wasn't a man. He was a God. His back was turned to her as he gazed out over his kingdom and all that belonged to him, his birthright--Asgard. It had once been lost, destroyed, and ripped from him but as the saying went, what belonged to you always found its way back to you. With the magic of gods and the reshaping of time Asgard and its people were restored to its glory and was his once again. He was told to consider it his reward for his role in the Infinity War and payment for all he'd lost. A loss that had taken its toll.
He didn't acknowledge Altheea's presence. She hadn't expected him to. Altheea knew he was angry. How could he not have been?
"Are you just going to stand there or are you going to speak!”
His voice was loud and the way it bounced off the stone walls only made it echo that much more. After the walls stopped trembling she took a breath. From where she stood Altheea could see the heaving of his massive shoulders as he tried to grab the reins of his anger. It was an anger that was quick to rise and difficult to quell ever since the war.
"She's been found, my liege."
As soon as the words left her mouth the towering God turned to face her. For a moment she saw lightning crackle in the depths of his irises illuminating the blue that resided there, and for that extended moment, the air around them became humid and heavy. Outside, the skies darkened for a second as a flash of lightning decorated the space cracking it in half for a few seconds before the rift was mended. The clouds did nothing to dim the bright glow of the 3 lightning strikes that followed.
He took a step toward her and Altheea lowered her head not wanting to meet his gaze. She had seen many who tried or dared either get hypnotized by the electricity in them and convulse to be forever changed or struck by lightning for their effort. She did not want to experience either. When he stopped moving the skies returned to their normal blue for the beautiful day that was promised.
"Where is she?"
"Locked in her chambers as you requested, Altheea informed.
Without another word, he walked past her and out of the room. Silently Altheea hoped you were ready for everything that was coming your way because the God of Thunder was furious and he was ready to show you that everything in this kingdom belonged to him. He was the King of Asgard.
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michelleleewise · 2 years
Worthy Masterlist-
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Pairing: Dark! Thor x female reader
Warnings: manipulation, power imbalance, coercion, drugging, abduction, stalking, mentions of past trauma, forced imprisonment, swearing, mild violence, dubcon/subcon elements, unwanted touching, each chapter will have its own warnings. Please read them before proceeding.
Summary: After your recent breakup your self esteem is at an all time low, so you take your friends advice and seek professional help, not knowing what may lie ahead....
A/N- mood board made by the lovely and talented @mochie85!!! Thank you so much!!! This is my first venture into dark stories, let's see what happens.
Again, this is a dark fic and 18+. Do not proceed if any of the warnings are upsetting.
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Part One
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
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lokiandbuckysdoll · 1 year
enjoy my 4:30 AM nonsense writing. ( this is the first thing I’ve written in over a month)
Exhaustion filled your body as you lay down. The soft pillow against your heated cheek gives you somewhat of a relief, Soon your breathing starts to shorten as sleep takes over. 
Closing your eyes you feel relief as the darkness takes over, no stress, no worries, just pure quietness. The sound of the AC running helps you focus on staying in this one place. 
You feel the bed dip behind you, a warm body then lays next to you. You feel the warmth from their breathing as you fight the urge to wake up. “ Shh, it’s okay go back to sleep doll” you hear the familiar voice speak as an arm wraps around your midsection. 
You feel another presence of warmth from your front, pulling you deeper into your sleep. Another arm wraps around you, “ Sleep well my little dove” another familiar voice speaks as you feel their soft lips place a feather-light kiss on your forehead.
Still fighting the urge to open your eyes, you slowly release a deep breath of air, before falling back into the darkness. Feeling relaxed with the warmth that now envelopes you. 
• @hannibals-favourite-meal is responsible for my obsession and discovery of shipping Thundershield
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