Still sort of blundering around and I try to not be on tumblr constantly. This is a fan blog, mostly Hiddleston, Battlestar Galactica, Avengers, Game of Thrones, and other fun stuff. You can find my fanfiction at and other links on my About page
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On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love gave to me,

Hope you enjoyed!
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"A lot of people ask, if this is an adventure or a love story. And to me, I think, it’s a love story at heart. Because there wouldn’t have been a story if Will didn’t love Elizabeth. It would have been Elizabeth being kidnapped, and that would be the end of it. But because he loves her, he goes to all these lengths. That’s what drives him, and that’s what drives the story. At the end of the day, I think it’s a love story between these two people. Separated by class, then the worst thing in the world happens, and it ends up being the one thing they needed to get them together."
Stuard Beattie, Ted Elliott & Terry Rossio and Jay Wolpert - Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl audio commentary
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as a sinclair girlie “by any means necessary” is one of my favorite one-off b5 episodes. it expands the world of the station so much! labor rights!!! and guild rep neoma connelly gets her own little shrine in my fave guest character hall of fame, i fucking love her

not to mention that all this is happening while g’kar and londo have a delightfully harmless shenanigan in the background (not pictured, but well worth the price of admission).
meanwhile my man sinclair gets scruffier and scruffier by the hour god bless him

until he personally slam dunks a rare, unqualified Good Ending™️ onto both the A and B plots. undisputed king of winning by technicality.

“never hand someone a gun unless you’re sure where they’ll point it” says man who has been up for 48 hours reading the Terms and Conditions.

if you’ll go with me for a second into the Alternate Sinclair Universe, the episode becomes less of a one-off, because it’s the perfect foundation for “severed dreams.”
the “and respect the chain of command” technicality is exactly the way sinclair solves problems, but this also gives a good reason for why the civilian workforce on babylon 5 would back the secession. he has proven that he will listen to them and understands their importance, and diverting money away from the military budget is a public statement that he prioritizes civilian needs. they have a reason to trust him as a governor and believe he will take care of them after the shooting stops.

(damn, remember the lost hollywood art of packing a warehouse full of real live human extras for crowd scenes? pepperidge farm remembers)
10/10 episode, no notes except:

she should have gotten to kill him for this.
#Babylon 5#jeffrey sinclair#always forever#and YES it dovetails so well with SD#by any means necessary
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Every Dragon in House of the Dragon Season 2
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House of the Dragon’s Historical Inspiration
╰─▸ The Anarchy (1138 - 1153) was a civil war that broke out in England when Stephen of Blois seized the throne after his uncle Henry I’s death. Henry I’s heir apparent, his daughter Empress Matilda, traveled to England and waged war against her cousin with the help of her uncle, King David of Scotland. Though Matilda’s army captured Stephen, she was never officially crowned and the war entered a stalemate. Stephen was released on the agreement that after his reign, Matilda’s sons and not his own would gain the throne, thus ending the feud.
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(Almost) Every Costume Per Episode + Elizabeth Woodville's light blue gown with printed skirt and ermine trim in 1x02,6,7
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period drama + summer vibes ☀️🌊
ANNE WITH AN E (2017 - 2019)
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Must a sci-fi show have a thought-out plot? Is it not enough to have hot robots, rampant sexual tension, confusing religious themes, and a soundtrack by Bear McCreary?
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so i was interested in ao3's stats and found a post from 2013 where they were celebrating breaking 200,000 registered users. that number according to the ao3 homepage is now over 7 million! personally my account was founded 10/10/2012, so im curious:
feel free to reblog with your founding date in the tags (can be found in your profile info)
im purposefully making the non registered answers more vague bc bby why... get an account!
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Thinking about the Vast Span of recorded time in The Wheel of Time and decided to do a comparison of the timeline to our world to get an idea of how ancient these histories are. I started at 998 NE, when the Eye of the World begins, and set that as 2024, trying to choose noteworthy historical events that corresponded in "distance in time" to book events. Lots of years on Wikipedia mostly recorded battles between European nobles I have barely (or never) heard of so if more history conscious readers have good analogues put them in the notes or reblogs! Sometimes I've generalized if a big event happened a couple years off of the precise date, and as I go back of course the dates get more and more general.
As for the WoT timeline events, I tried to stick to major political events or personal events that seem to have resonated culturally, like false Dragons.
998 NE - 2024 AD. The events of The Eye of the World begin. Now.
978 NE - 2004 AD. Rand al'Thor born on Dragonmount. Aiel War ends. Facebook launches.
955 NE - 1981 AD. Malkier falls to the Blight. IBM launches the first desk-sized computer.
849 NE - 1875 AD. Verin Mathwin born. Tchaikovsky, Saint-Saens and Bizet all release new works. The Battle of Little Bighorn, the Impressionist Movement begins with Claude Monet.
586 NE - 1612 AD. Alivia born in Seanchan. English witch trials and hangings. Macbeth written. Galileo observes moons of Jupiter.
1135 FY/0 NE - 1026 AD. The New Era begins since the 100 Years War fucked up the world so bad no one is 100% sure what year it actually is. Vikings establish colony in Newfoundland.
1021 FY - 912 AD. Children of the Light founded. Ongoing Viking raids in the British Isles. Various Byzantine wars in Asia Minor.
(I didn't realize the White Cloaks were this old, they are as established a presence in the Westlands as England is in our world.)
1117 FY - 1008 AD. The 100 Years War ends, Arad Doman, Ghealdan and Altara founded around this time. The Kingdom of England emerges from the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms.
992-4 FY - 885 AD. Seanchan colonized. Artur Hawkwing dies without an heir, precipitating the 100 Years War. Tear, Cairhien and Andor founded. Golden Age of the Muslim world, dominated by the Abbasid Caliphate. Seeds of the schism between the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church are planted. Classic Maya civilization begins its decline.
939 FY - 830 AD. Artur Hawkwing crowned king. Vikings cause widespread problems in the British Isles and present-day France.
1350 AB/0 FY - 109 BC. The Trolloc Wars end leaving the entire Westlands consumed by political strife. The Free Years begin. The Han Empire rules China, the Ptolemies rule Egypt, the Roman Republic is a thing.
1200 AB - 259 AD. Manetheren falls in the Trolloc Wars while Aridhol retreats into isolation and becomes Shadar Logoth. The Amyrlin Tetsuan is stilled and deposed for her betrayal of Manetheren. Rome wars with Carthage. Construction begins on the Great Wall of China. The Septuagint is translated in Alexandria. The Lion Capital of Ashoka is carved.
(I included Tetsuan here cause this is one of those events that the Red Ajah is still mad about 2300 years later at the time of the main series! And the events of Manetheren are as remote to Emond's Fielders as the Punic Wars are to us.)
~1000 AB - 459 BC. The Trolloc Wars begin. The Jews return to Jerusalem from Babylon. Aeschylus writes The Oresteia and the temple of Zeus at Olympia is completed, becoming one of the 7 Wonders of the World.
335 AB - 1,124 BC. Raolin Darksbane falsely declares himself as the first Dragon Reborn. The Iliad and the destruction of Troy probably set (not written down) around this time.
False Dragon drama is older than the Iliad.
202 AB - 1,257 BC. Tar Valon completed. The Exodus from Egypt, Mycenae built in Bronze Age Greece, earliest surviving Chinese writing.
(I think this is so cool, living in the White Tower is like living in a 60 story Bronze Age palace with no elevators built by extra dimensional giant cat people.)
0 AB - 1,459 BC. The Breaking of the World ends with the death of the last male channeller. Egypt defeats Canaan in history's first recorded battle.
The trauma of the Breaking and male channelling is as ancient as the very beginnings of recorded history in this Age.
300 years earlier - 1,760 BC. The Breaking of the World begins as saidin is tainted. Hammurabi reigns in Babylon.
110BB - 1,970 BC. Mierin and Beidomon drill the Bore at the Collam Daan. Minoan palaces are built on Crete, China has its Bronze Age, Stonehenge is constructed.
400 BB - 2,260 BC. Lewis Theron Telamon is born. The Indus Valley civilization thrives, Enheduanna, priestess of the moon god Nanna, is born in Sumerian Ur.
741 BB - 2600 BC. The Age of Legends. The Great Pyramid of Giza is built - still older than anything Robert Jordan imagined (!!)
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Some with Traps 2/2
Some With Traps
Chapter 2
When Frigga tells Thor than only Loki might save Jane from the aether, Thor descends to the dungeon to find out if this is true. But there is more than one dark truth hidden in a bright cell.
Canon Divergence of TDW (Frigga lives, among other things) and some revelations are had. Family members are dismayed. And real power needs no magazine.
"Some Cupid kills with arrows, some with traps" - Much Ado About Nothing (emphasis more on the kills, not the Cupid in this one)
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They’ll kill you. You’ll die here. You know that.
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Thor Fic: Some with Traps 1/2
Some with Traps
Gen, 10k words
When Frigga tells Thor than only Loki might save Jane from the aether, Thor descends to the dungeon to find out if this is true. But there is more than one dark truth hidden in a bright cell.
Thor, Loki, Frigga and Odin have some happy bonding family time! (j/k. no. It's not that. )
What if Frigga lived? was the prompt way back in the dark ages. No idea who, sorry, if it was you! But I was finally getting some writing mojo back after spine surgery last year, and I thought - you know what I need to do? Finish this WIP where Loki and Thor talk while Loki's in a cell (again. It's a theme).
also, Hey all! It's been awhile. :D
#loki fanfic#thor fanfic#my writing#holy mackerel#it's been a year since I posted fic at all#:(( sad
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The exact moment the penguin realised…
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Zawe and Tom leaving the red carpet
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Six Eight Favorite Moments: Tricia Helfer & emotionally damaging faces, Battlestar Galactica suggested by derevko, who is an actual monster
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