#just because hawks wasnt smiling at him
potahun · 1 month
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sorry, i AM a little obsessed with how hawks is just walking endeavor around the city like he's his massive, grumpy dog who follows him around obediently, making occasional faces at him
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gamblersdoll · 2 months
𝓳𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓫𝓪𝓻𝓮𝓵𝔂!- 2
the words with the question stuck out more than anything. ‘are you in a relationship?’ rung through his head for weeks at a time. he could have just said no, but then, couldnt it be disrespectful to you?
shit, now he sounds delusional since you aren’t dating him.
he sat in his office most of the day, just pondering on the question and the fact that he couldnt even respond right. he also fucked himself bad when he clicks on your ‘Instagram’ and sees you in your pretty bikini top.
only just the fact you had your arm around some other man, who just so happened to be a classmate. no biggie right? couldnt be.
yet, he kept staring at you. he stares at the birthmark right on your sternum, the small birth mark in your arm and throat. he’s seen them before, but its so much different now.
shit, he was off the deep end for you. and the whole thought process of how youre only a little bit younger than him, and the scandal he could put you in since you were in a mentorship with him. he needs to save people, he wants to. yet, he’s debating on if they mean that much like you.
he also hated how hot it can get in japan, weather sitting at a ninety nine degree temperature at night. both you and him were patrolling since tokoyami was underage and couldnt be out.
thank god that he brought water though, the good kind at that.
“so uh, how was the beach, little one?” hawks mindlessly asked, looking around while you did the same.
“it was fine, it was just somewhat crowded and hot. i dont even know why i went.” you say, you reminded everyone that depending on what temperature it was outside, you could go. heat wasnt one, you hated it.
“ah, well, it is a beach.” he replied back, gathering himself back next to you. “any fun this weekend?”
“i dont know yet. probably not.” you say, shrugging it off and walking beside him. the cool breeze goes through your hair, you sighing in relief that you could at least feel it through your clothes as well.
shit, she’s free this weekend? he thought to himself, ever so occasionally side eyeing you to see if you were looking at him, were you looking at him? no. damnit.
his hands get sweaty in his gloves, him feeling like some highschool kid in love with the popular pretty girl who just so happened to give him a chance. he clears his throat and looks away from you to see anything else.
fuck, you were actually shorter than him, so you were actually a little one… which only turns him on more. he wasnt a big build, but he was still somewhat bigger than you.
“you wanna.. grab something to eat?” he asked, pointing to the ramen shop up the street and smiled. “its on me this time since you basically saved my ass yesterday.”
but you practically saved him in general.
“yeah, sure!” you say, cheerful that they’ll have so much air conditioning inside the shop. plus, youre craving a good ramen.
he also gathers that you do a little ‘happy dance’ when you finally get food. you wiggle side to side in your seat, a relaxed sigh in your throat and, your mood increases. do you even know you do this? probably not. shit, you probably do, you do this just so he can say something about you.
the fuck is wrong with me? he questions that daily, and he can only think about that one question until your body spray wafts into his nose, causing a dopamine rush to his brain and he has to stop himself from his eyes rolling back into his head.
fuck, was he some damn addict?
there’s hints of some fruit, he doesnt get what though. he also smells coconut and now hes only curious, pausing on eating his food. hes gotta know what it is, he had to. he cant just ask you because thatll seem weird. it seem creepy for your mentor asking what body spray you use.
was he actually going to find a time to sneak in and find out for himself later?
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beah388love · 5 months
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When they introduce you to their friends
18+ Minors DNI!!!
Full Masterlist
Cobra Kai Masterlist
Miguel: You and miguel were quite popular in a way where everyons knew you two so when you started dating you both were a popular couple so anyway..it was lunch and miguel wanted to introduce you to his friends ,hes wanted to for ages but just hasnt had the chance so when he got all of his friends together at the lunch table and saw you he GRABBED you and pulled you to the table to show you all his friends
"Okay y/n this is hawk,aisha,tory and demetri" miguel said whilst pointing to everyone name by name(does that make sense?) "hey" you said whilst smiling to everyone.they all welcomed you and were very polite and nice too you.
Eli/hawk: hawks very protective of you so when he thought about you meeting his friends he was already kinda worried incase you liked one of them or they liked you a bit too much so he didnt let you for awhile until you came to the dojo to go see a movie with him but when you entered the dojo everyone was swarming around you because they knew of you but hawk wouldnt let them near you lol. But they were all really nice to you and aisha was now your new bestie.
Demetri: demetri wasnt worried for you to meet his friends and he wasnt that 'popular' so everyone he was friends with were close to him so he knew he could trust them. So he invited you to the dojo and introduced you to sam,robby,chris and he intoduced you to hawk at the party but after eli changed to hawk demetri asked you not to hang around with him.
Robby keene:Robby likes having you apart of his life so when you asked to meet his friends he obviously said yes but he was a bit worried about you meeting trey and cruz because well theyre trey and cruz. But besides that he doesn't mind you meeting any of his friends.
Young daniel larusso:He loved the idea of you meeting his friends and when you first suggested it he couldnt stop smiling and immediately introduced you to his friends as fast as he could.
Young johnny lawrence:he told his friends about you all the time and you saw them but johnny never actually introduced you to them so when you asked him to he did , but he was a lot more clingy and protective of you that week.
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marunalu · 1 year
Hawks: AFO has no emotions
Afo in recent chapter: *his face almost cracked due to emotions*
I wonder...why AFO hates All Might so much?
Do you think All Might will deafeat AFO in this fight? What will happen? What are your predictions?
Hawks was wrong so many times in the past, its mind boggling to me why so many people in this fandom still take everything that comes out of his mouth at face value. Just because a hero says something specific about someone else, doesnt mean they are right. Hawks doesnt understand afo. He is not an expert of afos person. Afo already debunked hawks words about him not able to feel human emotions because he has "no heart", long before he even stated them in the first place, in kamino.
The reason why afo showed less emotions back then was because as an adult he has them for the most part under control. The younger afo gets by rewinding himself and also by tomuras hate having an effect on him, the more emotional and reckless he becomes. The emotions afo shows now is who he deep down truly is, the person he is trying to suppress, because he sees it as a weakness. Thats why he is smiling all the time - because only the strongest can always smile. He is a man so full of hate and rage for the world he wants to steal everyones elses happiness, since it was (most likely) taken from him too.
We need to remember in what kind of time afo grew up in, people like him were hunted down and killed, how he lost the only person he loved (in his own messed up way) and IF dfo is true what was taken from him AGAIN. If our theorys are true and afo startet a family on his own accord to finally have some happiness in his life, its no wonder why he reacts to all might the way he does.
We saw hints of his hate and anger towards all might already in kamino, but back then he had it under control. Right now, he is letting everything out. Back in kamino he said: "while I killed your mentor, you took something away from me too. Thats why I want you to die in the most pathetic way possible." Its more or less confirmed that he wasnt talking about his empire here all might destroyed, because he explained to spinner that all might destroying his empire was "just a small lose" for him. Its not the reason why he hates all might so much. So if it has nothing to do with his empire, it has to be something as PERSONAL as killing nana was for all might - taking his most beloved person from him! It was nana for all might, his mother figure. Who is it for afo? Yoichi is dead afterall.
About my predictions: do I think all might will win? No, I dont think so. But I think it will at first look like it and he will give afo one hell of a fight. Do I think all might will die? Im 50:50 on it. Im still not convinced that afo is the villain killing all might in nighteyes vision. Nighteye knew what afo looked like, but even all might thought that if he didnt knew already he would never guessed that this "young man" is afo. So Im unsure how this will turn out. Do I think afo will win here? Yes, but not unscratched and most likely on the verge of death if not alone because of rewind. Will he make it to ua? Im not sure anymore to be honest, but we know he still needs to do something to make the fusion of tomura and his vestige complete and he needs to reach ua for that.
What do I want to happen? I want afo to go all out even more. I want his backstory to explain what the hell happend to this man to make him turn out like that! I want dfo confirmed in this fight out of afos own mouth, raging how all might destroyed his happiness the moment he was ready to leave his villain life behind him. I want him to use fire breath in this battle! Seriously if he uses fire breath I will run, jump and scream around my appartment like a maniac!
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bakerinator · 2 years
Be a Hero with Me
"I just want to be loooooooved! By him!" Touya screamed. Blue flames covered his body.
"I just want to be his chosen one." Touya fell down to his knees and cried.
"I just want to be a hero.."
"You want to be a hero?" An unknown voice said.
"Who's there?!" Touya looked around but he couldn't see anyone.
"Up here."
Touya looked up. There was a young(around Touya's age) blond boy flying above him. He had big red wings on his back.
"I heard that you want to be a hero. I also want to be a hero."
The boy landed on the ground and stomped a flame out. He then looked at Touya. "I'm Keigo."
"Want to go back to my hideout? We can be heros together!"
"My dad... He might... come back."
So they waited.
And waited.
And waited.
But none of Touya's family came.
Nightfall was closing in.
"Want to take up my offer?"
Touya looked at a treehouse(?) in front of him.
Keigo flew up to the top and landed on the roof. "This is my hideout! I have a birds eye view in case something comes near!"
"But you have wings." And the treehouse wasn't high enough to go over the trees, but he wasnt gonna say that.
"Yeah but being high up is always good."
"Why are you here? What about your parents?"
Keigo sighed. "Truth is... I ran away."
"My dad was kinda shitty, and mom never cared. So yeah."
Keigo flew down and struck a heroic pose in front of Touya. "They were stopping me from my dream, to be a hero! And save people in need!"
Keigo looked back at Touya. "I'm assuming yours were as well."
Keigo put his arm around Touya. "We don't need 'em! We're runaways to heros!"
Touya smiled. "Yeah."
"Is it okay if I ice your burns?"
Keigo put ice on his arm. His whole arm started healing. Huh?
"That's not how my wounds heal. Maybe you have a healing quirk?"
"But the fire is my quirk."
Touya put ice on his leg, and sure enough it healed.
"Looks like your cooler than I thought!" Keigo smirked.
"Birdbrain." Touya huffed.
"Want to practice training? We're gonna need to to become heros." Keigo asked.
"Uh sure."
"Okay. Try to hit me with your fire."
"What?! No I'm not doing that!"
"C'mon you're gonna need to learn how to use it. And my feathers grow back."
"Okay fine but I'm going real small."
Touya summoned a small fireball in his hand. He threw at Keigo.
It fell on the ground a few feet in front of him.
"Wow that was.... "
"Its harder when you're trying not to hit someone!"
"Its ok, how about we try training with trees instead?"
"But I might burn the house."
"I'll make sure that doesn't happen."
And so they trained.
For years.
"Ever thought about what you want your hero name to be? Mines gonna be Hawks!"
"Because you're a bird."
"Am not! I have wings."
"Like a bird."
Keigo pouted.
He's still so cute.
Wait what? Touya shook his head. This is Keigo, not a girl. He was a boy, boys weren't cute.
But Touya still couldn't help his growing feelings for Keigo even if he lied to himself.
"Hawks my daughter is trapped in a burning building!"
Hawks flew out to find her. Flamefrost(Touya) by his side.
"I'll go in and save the girl!" Flamefrost said.
Flamefrost landed and walked into the building. There was fire everywhere. After searching for a bit, he found the girl. She was trapped in a corner surrounded by flames. She was not small, like he thought, she looked like she was late teens/early adult age. She was around his age. He approached her.
"Hello, I'm here to bring you out."
She cried out, he assumed it was because she was happy. He picked her up and jumped out the nearest window. He lessened the fall by using his flames to float.
"There you go we-"
He was stopped by her grabbing his face and kissing his cheek.
"Thank you for saving me." She said and was brought into an ambulance.
He was suddenly pulled along by Keigo. His grip was strong.
Touya blushed slightly. Why was Keigo being so forceful? And why did he kinda like it?
Keigo eventually stopped in front of a restaurant. Touya thought they were gonna go in but then he was yanked into a dark alleyway.
Touya stumbled and fell to the ground.
He didn't answer. He just stared at Touya.
"Keigo what-"
Keigo grabbed his shirt and pulled him in to kiss him. Touya's brain shortcircuted.
They were kissing hungrily. And it lasted for a while, until Touya ran out of breath.
He pulled away. They both sat there, panting.
"What the fuck." Touya eventually said.
"Mine." Was all Keigo could force out.
Touya wondered if he suddenly stumbled into a different universe. The universe he lived in, Keigo didn't like him that way.
He pulled Keigo into another kiss.
Keigo smiled into the kiss. Touya felt assured. This was his Keigo. He didn't know what they were now, but he assumed more than friends.
Keigo pulled away first this time.
"Please be my boyfriend!" Keigo said very loud.
Touya laughed. "Yes, birdbrain."
Keigo smiled. He snuggled into Touya's arms. "I love you."
"I love you too Keigo."
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emotionalsupportrp · 1 year
“I can’t imagine you’ve made many enemies before joining the Lesgue and it’s not like you’ve had much of a chance to make any since,” he says as he ushers her into the apartment.
Binx strolls up to greet her, meowing as he butts his head against her leg.
“I’m involved now though.” That wasnt up for discussion. “I’m just wondering if they were wasting there expecting me or Hawks or if they were tailing you.”
He nods towards the couch and guides her towards it. “You should rest. Are you hungry?”
- 🔥
“Hi, buddy,” I say, smiling slightly as I bend down to greet Binx.
I move to sit on the couch without argument, pursing my lips as I consider his points. This person very well could have been after him or Hawks. It had just felt so personal, but that was probably because I’d never been shot before.
I take his hand and pull him down to sit beside me, then tuck myself under his arm, wrapping mine around his middle. “I’m okay. Thank you.”
I wasn’t okay, I was in shock, but at least I was still in one piece. I squeeze him tight, trying to hide how I was starting to shake. “What happened while I was out?”
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fl5793 · 1 year
Karini: What if…?
Part 6: Modelling mayhem
All Out series
Hawks x blasian OC
Part 5 part 7
A young girl was on an earth dragon flying in the air
An older woman looked away feom the child as if she wasnt her own
A villain were battling heroes nearby so they both went past as if nothing was going on
“HEY WATCH OUT!!” Someone shouted and the woman was suddenly engulfed in flames as a nomu came after her
The lady then burnt the nomu to nothing but ash as the others looked at her for a few seconds before continuing fighting
The woman then noticed how the child was missing
“God! Where did you go now?” The woman askedherself angrily
The child was standing over a criminal and untieing it’s victims one by one
The criminal smirked and was about to attack her but the child moved a away and flew right above it where it used a blade to stab it in the neck
“EMILY!” The woman shouted and the child looked up at her smiling
The woman flew towards her now not being engulfed in fire but instead smoke
“You could’ve hurt yourself. DON’T do that again!” The woman ordered and Emily didn’t listen instead he bowed at the people who were looking her
The woman took Emily and flew off
Present day
“Same place I fought the villain and was in fact the same place I realized I loved to entertain others,” Emily says putting her hand in her pockets while slouching in a cushion
Emily was inside a modeling agency with Hawks and they were both bragging to each other about what they accomplished
Hawks was interested but didn’t believe she did all of that
“So your telling me at the age of 5 you not only saved a bunch of people but defeated a criminal?” Hawks asked in denial
“Well yeah, what’s wrong with that being true?” Emily smirked
“Cause it’s not. The only reason I can tell it’s not cause if you ever did something like you wouldn’t brag about it or mention it at all,” Hawks admits and Emily was embarrassed
“Fine fine I’ll admit how it truly ended,” Emily gives in
Emily was tied up in a string and was being hung upside fown beside a building
The woman turns into what was looked to be a fire dragon
She flew towards the criminal before punching him and knocking him out
The woman was able to turn her right hand into water and help slip Emily out
“Weeee!” Emily said excitedly as she slipped out
Emily flew off and untied the rest of the people while the woman rolled her eyes
“That’s my mom and she’s a hero just like me,” Emily bragged and started walking backwards trying to moonwalk
“She’s just as cool as my dance just now,” Emily continuously brags but The woman grabs her by her shirt and flies off
Present day
Hawks was laughing at her
“Listen I five years old of course I’m not gonna be able to save the world,” Emily pouts while looking away from him
“ But you caused more drama and even thought of yourself as some hotshot just cause you was walking backwards,” Hawks laughs even harder
“My moonwalking is way better now. It has definetly improved over the years,” Emily says when a producer came by
“Okay, you two need to get in the car now. We have a new place to shoot the commercial,” The producer says smiling sheepishly
“Commercial?!!?” They both asked
“We were told it was only a photo shoot,” Emily says confused
“Yeah since our main guy is out Hawks will replace him, it’s the reason why you two were here for so long. The commercial needs at least one guy,” The producer said and brought them outside
“Never agreed to this,” Hawks states by the producer ignores him
“Wait what commercial are you talking about?” Emily asked
“That smoking kills awareness stuff. Something like that,” The producer said and they both got in the car
“I only came to do a simple photoshoot now I’m also doing a stupid commercial,” Emily put her hands on her head
“Yeah, sadly the concept of Hawks photoshoot AND yours is gonna take place in the same area, because we are temporarily banned from where the commercial woulda took place. But hey you two get to be closer right!” The producer said in a happy tone while Emily just looks at her
Someone escorts Hawks away and she sighs realizing this won’t be an easy day
Emily walks inside the cabin and it was pretty... Wait it’s a church
“There was an old abandoned church inside the cabin. We overall have no idea what it is but it closely resembles a church so you and your crew will be nuns. Take this costume and put it on cause it has nothing to do with what I just said,” The producer hurried, and soon enough Emily was in her costume
“Why am I little red riding hood? This has nothing to do with thd fact that there is a church inside of a cabin,” Emily asked not expecting someone to respond
“To get acknowledged and accepted by the black community. Also as soon as the director says action you will run and a camera will follow you,” Emily’s assistant said ignoring her second question and pushed her in front of the camera
A man was getting into a chair and Emily accidentally lost balance and started wobbling
“How funny. You act like there’s an earthquake just cause you see a fat guy,” The director said in a monotone like voice
“No no, you don’t understand I-” Emily was interrupted as the director shouted “Action!”
Emily ran away from the camera
Emily fell to the ground and backed away from the camera in fear
“Please don’t,” Emily said then screamed in fear
“CUT!” The director shouted
“That was pretty good acting! For someone who just came out of a comedy,” The director was angry with the way it turned out but Emily played it cool
“Then what do you want me to do?” Emily asked getting up
“I want you to act like your spreading awareness for smoking addiction and not how much of a bitch you are,” The director said and Emily rolled her eyes
“She went back towards the start,”
“Action!” The director shouted and Emily ran
“Cut! Why are you so close to the camera? Stop running like a child and run like your in danger,” The director commented and Emily clenched her teeth
You not running right
Your stance is off
Why do you fall like your getting pushed
What is wrong with your acting skills?
You don’t belong here among real actors and actresses
Get the hell out of here and go back to the trash you belong
Emily was a 8 years old sitting on the floor covered in bruises
“The next time you do something so stupid I will kill you,” Avery yelled and threw a fireball at her burning her arm
“I want you to fight him as if you was trying to kill him not as some training partner,” Avery yelled and kicked her in the face
Avery got on her knees and squeezed Emily’s face
“You see all the marks on my face. They were made by your father and all those people who wanted to hurt me. DON’T BECOME LIKE ME!” Avery yelled at her and Emily nodded
Avery through her against the wall hard and started coughing out blood
Emily had tears running down her face and but didn’t make a sound cause she knew there was hell to pay
“Don’t you ever let yourself feel weak. Ya hear me. Once you’ve proven to me your not weak I’ll stop this all. I’ll even take away your quirk,” Avery smirked not even looking at Emily
“I love you, Mommy!” Emily responded as Avery stood up and looked back at her
“Don’t call me mommy,” Avery said and left the room
Flashback over
“ACTION!” The director said and Emily ran as if she was in danger
Emily tripped over a rock and hit her head against a log and causing her head to bounce back (basically when All might threw Deku and he bounced off of the truck)
“ I always screw shit up,” Emily said to herself letting a tear run down her face
“Why am I not dead?” Emily asked
“Because I protected you from getting a concussion,” Mio said and Emily sighed but instead started coughing
“Why do I always... Do this?” Emily asked and just closed her eyes trying to take a break
“Cut...” The director said quietly
“That was perfect. You finally got what I wanted,” The director praised
Emily looked away and smiled
“Next time this happens I suggest you fight with violence,” A voice said
“Was that you Mio?” Emily asked
“I didn't say anything,” Mio responded
Emily turned to her left and saw some girl was staring at her
“Who the hell is that?” Emily asked
“Aw shit! That’s my fiance,” Mio cursed
“FIANCE!” Emily shouted in shock
Years Later
Everyone was quiet in the room and Courtney just looked at Emily then back at her notebook
Courtney sighed and prepared her questions
“While I ignore the fact that Mio has a potential wife. Emily are you sure that you are fully and I mean FULLY okay if we talk about your um… background?” Courtney asked hoping for a yes
Emily was quiet and looked away from her
“Uh yeah,” Emily responded
“Okay Emily I totally understand your resentment towards your mother don’t you believe that it is somewhat getting worse over the course of time?” Courtney asked
“My relationship with Avery hasn���t changed since I was born. I.hate.her and you can’t change my opinion on her,” Emily said in a serious tone
“Emily I can tell when your lying it’s my quirk and just cause you do something certain when you lie-“ Courtney was interrupted
“WHAT! I’m not lying I truly do resent Avery she ruined my childhood-” Emily was interrupted
“That’s why you always send her birthday cards, try your best to give her money, and even visited her when she was in jail,” Emily couldn’t deny that fact right then and there
“Also you forgot it’s my quirk to figure out when you lie and tell the truth,” Courtney continues and Emily just sighs
“Me and my mom has always had bad blood ever since I turned 4. Thought I was grown enough to the point I didn’t need to feel loved,” Emily admitted
“What made you feel like she stopped loving you?” Courtney asked
“Because she…hurt me. When I was a baby I was always treated with respect and was raised to be perfect. After I got my quirk she just started to hurt me and just dissect me,” Emily explained and Courtney was surprised by her words
“Wait what do you mean by-“ A timer went off and Emily got up to leave
“Wait where are you going we still need to finish this question,” Courtney told her but Emily just left the room
“That girl is still hiding something and I need to find out what. Maybe then I could figure out who she is? And how to fix her,” Courtney groaned to herself looking at the figure that was once on the couch
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inari-zaheer · 2 years
Heyy, so, as i've seen with your arcane fics you do Poly!ships, so could i please request some Eddie x Reader x Chrissy headcannons? Can't stop thinking ab them lol
The way I ditched all my other writing the moment I saw this lol, they deserve the world😭thank ya so much for the request
Poly!Eddssy x Reader
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Pairing:Eddie Munson x Reader x Chrissy Cunningham
A/N:This is an AU where there’s no weird stuff in Hawkings and Chrissy is alive, i just want them to be happy lol
How you guys met
I can see everything starting off as some random encounters
As Eddie was friends with the freaks, Chrissy with the popular kids and you with the drama kids
Not so weird to be considered a freak but not cool enough to be considered popular either
Just right in the middle
Maybe one day you were so anxious for an upcoming performance that you searched Eddie to get you something to help you relax
He immediatly took a liking in you as you treated him as a normal human being instead of some weird satanic worshipper of sorts
So you just religiously kept coming back not only for the stuff, but also because you couldn’t help but fall more for the boy each time
On the other hand, Chrissy was doing the same, at her first attempt on buying from Eddie, she ended up giving up after the talk the two of them had
But he insisted that if she really wanted to buy this kind of stuff that at least it was with him, as she should not trust random dealers
After a while she did wanted to try some stuff and became a regular too
Not on the same frequency as you, but still, she was a great costumer
And the both of you finally met when you coincidentally decided to meet with Eddie in the woods at the same time
It was kinda akward at first cause come on, it wasnt exactly a usual place to meet new people
But you guys somehow managed to keep a conversation and when Eddie arrived he caught you guys laughing as if you had known each other for years
He definitely made a joke about the both of you trading his services, but he joined the chat with a big grin
After that day it just became a habit, the three of you would meet at the table in the woods periodically, sometimes to smoke, other times to just talk the day away
It always made your heart warm to see how bright Chrissy's smile would get or how sparkly Eddie's eyes looked when you guys saw each other
And even if the only thing you ever got from them was that batween the little chats, you were happy
Until one day Chrissy just didn’t show up
Which considering all the times she said it was the highlight of her day it got you and Eddie worried
You tried calling, asking around, even you dared to ask her friends about her
And they surprisinlgy answered you by saying she just wasn’t fine after breaking up with Jason
You guys immediately went to her house after searching for her adress in the school files (which you still didn’t get how he knew where they were)
She answered the door, looking tired and lacking all the shine she alwyas had whenever she went
Clearly confused on why the both of you were there she let you guys in and asked if something had happened
You replied that you were the ones that should be asking if something had happened, as she hadn’t met with you guys for at least five days, and her friends told about Jason
Eddie immediatly said that if he had done something bad to her she could tell him that he would take care of it, but being Eddie it sounded way funnier than it should lol
Finally laughing a bit Chrissy answerd that he didn’t need to worry, cause she was the one that wanted to break up with him in the first place, but as she was going to explain why she went back to her shy and lost self that answered the door
You said that if anything was happening she could tell you guys as the both of you cared deeply for her and missed her everyday
That's when she admited that the only reason that she broke up with Jason was because she couldn’t stop thinking about the both of you
Telling that as weird as it sounded she coud not help but to fall more in love each time she met you
Eddie promptly said that it wasn’t weird at all and that he even saw it in a movie once, and asked if you were willing to try it out
And thats how you guys got togheter!
(That’s also where we pretend homophobia wasn’t a thing, my au my rules lol)
The Relationship
I think you’d all want to take things slowly at first
With Chrissy just ending her relationship and Eddie not having that much experience
It was easier to take the safest route
Having dates in your spot tm
But Eddie wanted to treat the both of you with a real date
So he saved all the money from his recent deals and took you guys to dinner
In your car obviously, so everyone could be comfortable
He’s definitely the type to lock the both of you in the car just to run to the other way and open the car doors
None of you were nervous on the date, cause even if it was the first oficial one it just looked like the forest dates
Having sleepovers at Chrissy’s as she had the bigger bed
Movie nights in each others arms
Eddie even conditioned himself to listen to your favorite songs, even if they were the total oppositions his style
When you guys went to school the next week oh boy
You guys were the literal power trouple lol
Just imagine the looks of Eddie’s bullies upon seeing him with the prettiest chicks in the whole school
Always walking around with Eddie’s arm around your shoulder caressing Chrissy’s hair as her head was in your arm while holding hands
The cutest fucking thing ever
Every day waiting for each other’s practice/rehearsal/campaign to be over and going home together
You and Chrissy helping Eddie with his grades
Siting on the freaks table and managing to bring some friends with you
Sharing kisses before class if y’all are not having the together
Always wishing good luck to Chrissy before a game, even if she’d just be cheering
After every play they’d be waiting for you with flowers to congratulate you
Watching the full campaign Eddie had planned in a corner specially arranged by you as you where in the drama club
Everything would be just so perfect
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shoot-the-oneshot · 2 years
Just a jacket
requested by @vampireatemycats​ 32 "you need to work on your people skills," 42 "is that mine?' "are you refurring to me or the shirt?" Derek hale x reader A/N i know this one is a little short i just wanted to get it out quick the others will be longer but i hope you like it
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He doesn't know when it started but Derek found himself not dreading the pack meetings in his loft once a week as Scott demanded be hosted there since Derek was the alpha, don't get it wrong he still hated the uncontrolled teenage hormones stenching up his home or how Stiles would bring over all the pieces of his wall of crazy and spread it across every inch available. but he always found it worth it when she'd walk in suddenly her scent stuck to everything she touched and the dusty old police files seemed like the most interesting thing when the contents fell from her lips as she read aloud. that's why he's leaning against the island watching the door like a hawk.
you were late, you were never late you always came early to help him set out snacks which he only had because they were your favorite not that he'd ever admit it. "Hey!" Stiles yelped when Derek reached out and yanked his arm. "Where's Yn?' "What!" rolling his eyes at the spazz he readly doent know how you deal with him, "Y/n isn't here where. is. she.?" he sighed out trying again making Stiles bristle up, he sensed Dereks' weird obsession over you no matter how many times Lydia and Alison say it's a normal crush he refuses to see it like that. No way sourwolf could have normal emotions, nope. "Why do you care? matter of fact while we are asking where things are where is the food? drinks? little dog treats you nibble on at night?" Lydia could see the older wolf getting irritated at the game Stiles was playing and decided to break it up. "She has dinner plans tonight in town." no longer than it took her to finish her sentence he was already out the door, the strawberry blonde smiled pulling her phone out to warn you, she was definitely your biggest shipper. in the center of downtown becon hills, you were sat at your favorite diner books laid open across the table being ignored as you laughed at some joke the young deputy told you the smile on his face slowly fell as he locked eyes on something behind you. before you could ask what was wrong two hands landed with a heavy thud on the table as Derek glared at Parrish, "Don't you have better things to do?" at the flash of Dereks eyes, Parrish just sighed and gathered his things. not without saying goodbye to you drawing out a low growl that only the two supernatural could hear. once he's out the door Derek drops into the empty chair and flipped through one of the books set out like nothing happened. raising your eyebrow at him gaining nothing but a shrug, "That was rude." "So is being late." he rebuttled, shooting you a look before going back the the book which you know he wasnt actully reading seeing as it was upside down. 'For the record, I texted Stiles and Scott that i was busy tonight," for some reason wanting him to know you didn't just ditch. "Next time text me." he hummed, meeting your eyes, a smirk pulled up of his face as he sat the book down and leaned in, eyes shooting to the jacket draped over the back of your chair. "Does your little sherrif know you brought my jacket on your date?" crap, he gave it to you weeks ago after a pack meeting and it was too cold outside you had almost forgotten it was his only the occasional whiff of his cologne reminding you but still hadn't stopped you from practically taking ownership of it, not that he needs to know you were nervous and it brought you comfort, the jacket, not Derek. "It wasn't a date and he's a deputy." you didn't notice your foot tapping under the table or the fact he could literally hear your heartbeat but you didn't want to give in that easily. Derek who was still leaned in sat back in his chair smiling not caring you defended the deputy one bit and nodded his head back at the leather jacket. "You didn't answer the question, is. that. mine?'' his tone slowed as it did in the loft but had a completely different meaning with you. the look in his eye gave you some unexpected confidence. you and Derek have always been close ever since Scott got bitten he never got irritated at you or withheld information and you were normally the middle man because of it. while you both knew you had feelings for each other and could often be found stuck to the other side or cuddling on his couch during a full moon when he was too afraid to leave you alone claiming you were safer there, regardless you had never crossed that line but the feeling tonight had you toeing that line. mimicking his previous position. "Are you refuring to me or the jacket?" You didn’t bother to hide the teasing tone your voice took sinking your teeth into your bottom lip when his eyes flash down to them. You knew you were being blunt but you were tired of waiting for him to make a move which came to a shock to your table companion but wasn’t objecting. Dereks smirk changed to a real smile as he met your eyes and took a breath as if preparing himself to speak the words aloud or preparing for what could be your reaction to them. But with the signs you’d given tonight, he felt more confident than he normally would around you. “The jacket.” He words or lack there off made your shoulders drop in defeat. Maybe Lydia was wrong maybe you were wrong. To far in your head you didn’t notice Derek lean forward in the table again, close enough to feel his breath fanning over your nose and lips. “I already know you’re mine.” Pulling away leaving you in your haze he stood, grabbing the jacket from your chair you thought he was carrying it for you until he took the one he was wearing off and held it open waiting for you to slide your arms through. Not fully understand why until you obliged the cologne and a scent that is solely Derek engulfed you. Laughing under your breath which you knew he heard. “Did you give me this because it smells more like you?” Derek didn’t even look ashamed for being so transparent, slinging his arm over your shoulder and pulling you further into his side. Loving the fact he could smell himself on you knowing that if he could so could every other supernatural in town.      “Have you make sure everyone knows who you belong to"
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i-cant-sing · 4 years
Yandere Rei hurting reader Pt 3
I couldn't write anything for Valentines, but I hope you like this. Enjoy!
Pt 1 here.
Pt 2 here.
Check out my MASTERLIST for more!
Enji wasn’t surprised at your funeral.
He wasn't surprised when Rei had begged him to have you frozen, keep your body encased in a glass box at home.
He wasn't surprised when the kids held her, letting him make proper funeral arrangements.
He wasn't surprised when Rei had a breakdown, punching his chest and thrashing around in Shotou's and Dabi's arms.
Enji wasnt surprised when the divorce papers came. He knew the kids were making her do this, but he didn't care. He signed them without hesitation.
He wasn't surprised when he heard the kids had sent Rei to an asylum. She kept escaping the house to run to the graveyard; she wanted to dig your body up. He understood why the kids sent her back.
He wasn't surprised when he heard Rei had killed herself in that place, 6 months after you had died.
He wasn't surprised when his kids didn't inform him of her death or funeral. If he was being honest, he wasn't even sure if he would've gone to pay his respects.
Enji poured himself another glass of vodka, taking the bottle with him as he sat on his recliner, almost tripping on a few empty bottles.
He wasn't an alcoholic, he was just trying to numb his pain. Its the only thing that helps him fall asleep.
Enji pulled out a cigarette and pushed it between his lips. He snapped his fingers to light it, closing his eyes as he inhaled the carcinogen.
"Again, dad?"
Enji didn't have to open his eyes to know its you.
"You know these things are not good for you."
Enji smiled. You were always so caring.
"Ah, so you do smile? I didn't think you were capable of doing that."
Enji opened his eyes. You were standing in front of him, a grin on your face.
"I smiled a lot more when you were around." Enji said.
You chuckled. "Me too." You sat next to him, before putting your head in his lap. "But you weren't around often."
Enji felt tears prick his eyes. "I'm sorry."
"I know."
Enji woke up the next morning with a massive headache. He went to his kitchen to get himself some coffee. He checked the calendar as he sipped the hot drink.
He finished his coffee quickly, before wearing a large coat. He grabbed his car keys and drove away from his house.
When he reached the graveyard, he made sure to wear his sunglasses and a baseball cap, before grabbing the bouquet of white lillies.
Your grave was a little away from the rest, he wanted you to have space, and his family to have privacy when they visited.
He stood in front of your grave. It was clean and the bed of grass of fresh as ever. He had paid the caretaker good money to regularly clean up your resting place.
Enji stared at your tombstone for some time.
Y/n Todoroki.
Heaven's brightest angel
A loving daughter
Now resting safe and at peace
Tears fell free from Enji's eyes at that. "Safe and at peace". Safe and at peace. Two things he failed to give you.
The image of your bloody face flashed in his mind for a moment. Blood coated your teeth and mouth, your gut was also bleeding heavily. Your face was contorted in pain, confusion and betra-
Enji needs to stop thinking.
He sat down beside your grave and pulled out the flask from his coat pocket. He knows he has to drive back. He knows he shouldn't drink, not in front of you at least, but he can't help it. "I'm sorry." Enji whispers before he started drinking. It didn't take long for him to finish the entire flask. It was getting dark and he knew he had to leave before the caretaker came.
Enji pressed a kiss to your tombstone before he turned on his heel to leave.
Enji was stunned to hear his hero name; nobody had called him that in a long time. God, he wished it wasn't the paparazzi. They had no respect for anyone, not even for the grieving or the dead.
But he looked up to see an old face.
Hawks smiled. "How are you?"
"Fine. What are you doing here?"
He scratched the back of his head nervously. "I've been meaning to talk to you." Hawks sighed. "I tried contacting you several times but you're impossible to track."
Enji knew that. He disappeared from the public eye after your death. He left his agency to Hawks, and got himself a home hidden in the woods. People assumed that he was just distraught over his wife's death or something. They didn't know about you. Nobody did. He paid off the hospital staff to keep their mouth shut because he didn't want his kids to suffer anymore because of his mistakes.
"What do you want?" Enji asked, gruffly.
"I just wanted to talk to you. Check up on you, y'know?"
"I'm doing great." Enji replied, stepping around him, about to walk away, but Hawks put a hand on his shoulder.
"Enji, its not your fault-"
"Shut up." Enji walked past him and made his way towards his car.
"Enji, listen to me-"
"I said. Shut. Up." He growled out. He didn't need anyone's pity. He reached his car with Hawks running up to him.
Enji tried to open his door but he suddenly felt lightheaded as he fell down.
"Enji! Are you okay?" Hawks kneeled beside him.
"I'm f-fine. Leave me alone." Enji was slurring.
Hawks grimaced when he smelled his breath. "God, you reek of alcohol. You weren't planning on driving in this state?"
Enji pushed him away. "I said I'm fine." Enji stood up before stumbling towards his car again, fumbling with the keys, his vision blurring the more he strained himself.
"Let me take you home, Enji." Enji felt his hands on his shoulder, but just as he tried to tell Hawks to fuck off, his vision faded to black.
Enji opens his eyes and finds himself in his house again. His old house. He's laying in bed when he hears laughter from outside. He gets out of bed and walks towards the source.
The kitchen.
He walks in and sees his family, the sun rays flooding the room, and the golden orange hues illuminating their faces. Rei is mixing something in a large bowl, Fuyumi is greasing up some pans. Natsuo and Touya are eating the chocolate chips from the bag, and Shotou is telling them to save some for the cake. And you. You're there too. Sitting beside Shotou, laughing as Touya sneakily gives you some chocolate chips too. Suddenly, they all turn towards him. Rei motions for him to come in. "Enji! Come in. We're making a cake!" Enji walks towards her, wrapping his arms around her. Rei kisses him, making his kids cringe and tell them to stop. They all laugh. Rei pours the batter into the pans, before raising the spoon. "Okay, who wants to lick the spoon?" And suddenly Touya, Natsuo and you yell "me!" before trying to reach for the spoon. Shotou freezes Natsuo's foot to the floor, while Enji pulls Touya back. Fuyumi grabs the spoon from her mom, and gives it to you, making you smile as you eagerly lick the spatula clean, while Touya and Natsuo whine how its not fair. Everyone laughs as Rei cleans up the batter smeared on your nose with a tissue. Its a heart warming scene. Its all he ever wanted.
But its not the reality he was given now, was it?
As Enji closes his eyes, basking in the warmth of his family, he suddenly hears someone crying. He snaps his eyes open, but the kitchen is empty and dark. He hears the crying again. He gets out of the kitchen quickly, trying to find the source. Its coming from Fuyumi's room. He bursts through the door, looking for Fuyumi, but finds you there instead. You're on the floor whimpering as you're trying to rub your arm with a towel. He kneels next to you. "What's wrong?" You cry when you remove the towel to reveal the huge ice burn on your arm. There were ice crystals littering all over the skin. Enji begins to heat up his palms as he melts the ice downs, slowly allowing the sensation in your arm to return. "What happened?" You sniffled. "F-fuyumi came to my room and said that she wants to go shopping with me, I told her I had to study for my test." You hiccuped. "She didn't like that, she- she said I'm ignoring her, blowing her off- I'm not!" You cried. Enji focused on your arm, heating it up slowly. "I know, you didn't do it on purpose. But maybe you could take some time off school? Think of it as a little break. You could spend more time with Fuyumi, with us." You looked at him in confusion. "B-but she hurt me-" "no, she was just a bit frustrated. You know she didn't mean it, right? She's your big sister, she loves you." You hesitantly nodded. "If you say so..." Enji smiled. "See, its all better now. Let me heat up the towel and wrap it around your arm." He turned to get the towel, but when he turned back, the room was empty.
He heard quiet sobs coming from your room. He made his way to your room and opened door and found you lying on the bed. "What happened?" He asked, taking a seat on your bed. "I saw him, I saw Natsuo put crushed pills- sleeping pills in my food! That's why I've been feeling so sleepy lately. When I confronted him, he told me its for my own good. B-but I know its because he doesn't want me to go out with my friends! He forcefully fed me the food, and then he took my phone away too! He said its because its not good to sleep with your phone but I know he took it because he wants to go through my stuff!" Enji hushed you. "Can you talk to him? Tell him to stop or something." Enji raised an eyebrow. "Natsuo is your big brother. He's just looking out for you. And he's not wrong about going through your phone either. Do you have something to hide?" You shook your head no. "But-!" "Natsuo wouldn't do anything to cause you pain, okay?" You closed your eyes. "Okay." You whispered. Enji closed the door as he left your room. But as soon as he did, he heard banging coming from the basement. He rushed down the stairs and found the door locked. Bursting through the door, he was suddenly engulfed by a small body. It was you again. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please, help me!" Enji pulled you away from him. "Hey, shh. Its okay. I'm here. What happened?" You sobbed into his chest. "I just went to the grocery store- just for 20 minutes!" Enji already knew what went wrong. "You didn't go with Shotou, did you? You didn't even inform him, right?" You shook your head no. "It slipped my mind. I promise I wasn't running away!" Enji sighed, petting your hair. "How long have you been down here?" You sniffled. "I dont know. It was Wednesday when Shotou pushed me in here." Three days. "Its okay. You've learnt your lesson, right?" You nodded. "Please, I don't want to be down here anymore." Enji led you out of the basement. "Just don't forget to tell Shotou next time, or tell us what you need. We'll bring whatever you want." Enji closed the basement door, but suddenly someone whimpered from inside. He opened the door again, but he found himself in the main bathroom. You were standing in front of the sink, putting some ointment on your shoulder. Enji looked closer and found burn marks on your skin. "Did Touya-" You turned around towards him. "Yes." Enji couldn't take his eyes off the red, burnt skin. "Why?" You shrugged your shoulders. "Does it matter?" You slammed the door shut in his face.
Enji didn't even realise he had begun walking away from the door and towards another one. He instinctively opened the door and found Rei and you. Rei had her arms raised, a sharp knife in her hand. "Rei- what are you doing? Put the knife down!" Suddenly, the rest of his kids appeared in the room. They stood between Rei and him, like a barrier. "Honey, its okay! We know whats best for her!" Rei spoke. Shotou nodded. "Yes. You said so yourself." Fuyumi spoke this time. "We're her family! We wouldn't hurt her!" Touya walked towards Enji. "Besides, if something happens, you promised you would save her, won't you?" Enji nodded. "Of course." "Then trust us. Like you always have." Natsuo said. Enji's eyes moved towards you. You opened your mouth to say something but all of a sudden, Enji was pushed out of the room and the door slammed closed. Enji jumped to the door when he heard your painful, gut wrenching screams. "DAD! STOP THEM! HELP ME! DAD!" Enji kept on banging his fists on the door but the door wouldn't budge.
Then it was silent. All too quiet. The door creaked open a bit. Enji didn't know if he wanted to see whats behind there anymore, but he still pushed the door open. How he wish he hadn't.
Lying on the floor, blood spilled from your mouth and your gut. Your body bore burns and scorch marks, the smell of burnt flesh wafting through the air. Enji fell to his knees. Its too late. "D-daddy? It- hurts."your voice was so quiet, so soft, he almost didn't hear you. "Save me?"you coughed out more blood, with each word. Enji started crying. "I-I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I-I can't." Your eyes dimmed when he said that, your chest finally stopped moving.
Enji finally woke up from his recurrent nightmare. He had been haunted by them ever since your death. Sad thing is, they didn't stray that far from reality. You had come to him many times, begging for help, but he turned you away, assuring you that they're just messing around, that it was an accident, or it was just a one time thing.
It wasn't.
Enji couldn't count how many times you had told him how his family had been hurting you, before you stopped asking all together when you realised he would always take their side.
It took a few minutes for Enji to register that he wasn't lying in his bed, or was in his home for that matter.
Enji groans as he sits up, rubbing his head. He remembers he was at the graveyard and then Hawks was there too. Hawks must've brought him to his home.
Stupid bird. He should just mind his own business.
Enji got up and left the room, leaning against the wall for support as he made his way around the house. Where was Keigo anyways?
He was passing by a garden when he saw someone move there. Enji focused his eyes and saw...you. He sighed. Enji sat down on the porch that opened into the garden. He realised he must've had drank a lot yesterday. Clearly, the effects of intoxication were still there.
You were sitting next to some bushes, trimming up their rough edges, your face turned away from him. You were humming to yourself as you worked.
You always did like plants, flowers especially. That's why he made sure you were buried where there was enough space for some flowers and grass to grow.
"I see you've found her." Hawks handed Enji a cup of coffee. He didn't even realise when he had walked-
"You can see her?" Enji asked. Was he still dreaming?
Hawks chuckled. "Of course. She's right there- Enji, did you drink again?"
Enji looked at you, then at Hawks, then back to you. "What?" There's no way. There's no way. Hawks looked at Enji weirdly before he called for you.
"Y/n! Sweetie, come here!" You whipped your head around at Hawks voice.
And Enji sees you.
He wasn't hallucinating. You're real.
You skipped towards them, smiling. And Enji didn't even realise it until you were right in front of them. You had eyes. They were different than your real ones. These new ones, they were the same colour as his. Sharp, turquoise blue.
Were you a doppelganger? Is this some kind of sick joke? He couldn't help but wonder, but some part of him knew that wasn't the case.
Enji stood up when you reached them, the cup falling from his hand.
"Hey, dad."
In a second, Enji had his arms wrapped around you. You're really there. You weren't dead. You're still alive. "Y/n? Is it really you?" Enji asked, tears falling from his eyes as he held you tighter, still in disbelief.
You hugged him back. "Yes. Who else would it be?" You chuckled.
He pulled you away from him, his eyes scanned your face. There was still some charring and faded scars around your eyes, but they were mostly healed. It really is you.
"B-but how?"
You smiled. "Hawks-"
It was like something snapped in him at the hero's name.
Enji suddenly pushed you behind him, taking a protective stance. "What the fuck did you do?!" He growled at Keigo.
Hawks held his arms up in surrender, trying to pacify the man in front of him. "Nothing. I just helped her." Enji pounced at Hawks, pushing him to the ground. He was going to murder Hawks if he even looked at you the wrong way. "Oh yeah? And what the fuck did you want in return, you sick bastard?!" Enji raised his hand to punch him, but he stopped when he felt your tiny hands pull on his arm. "Dad! Please, stop! He saved me! Please!" He could hear the fear in your voice. He got off Hawks and yanked you back to him. "Tell me. Did he threaten you? Harm you? Touch you?" Although Enji's eyes held concern for you, he was scaring you with his grip on your wrist turning painfully tight. "No! Please, stop." You replied, struggling as you tried to free your wrist.
"Enji, calm the fuck down! You're hurting her!" Hawks finally managed to pull his hand off of your wrist. As soon as he did, Enji saw his handprint around your wrist.
You moved behind Hawks, peeking at Enji from between his wings, your eyes pooling with unshed tears. Enji's heart sank.
Looking at your scared form, Enji couldn't help but recall how different it used to be before. How you used to run to him for help, seek his protection.
And now, you need to be saved from him.
"I-I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Y/n. I didn't mean to." He reached his hand out for yours. When you moved further behind Hawks, his heart broke. You were scared of him. Your eyes holding the same fear as they once held for the rest of his family.
"Y/n, darling, why don't you go tend to the bushes. I need to talk to your father." You scurried away as soon as Hawks said that.
"She's scared of me." Enji's voice held guilt.
Hawks patted his back. "Don't worry. She'll come around soon."
Hawks sat on the porch step, motioning Enji to sit beside him as well. He sat but kept his eyes towards your form. "What happened, Keigo?"
"Well, when you had called me, informing me how Rei had stabbed Y/n, I came as quickly as possible. I remember you were holding Rei back, stopping her from entering the hospital room. Once your kids had arrived and taken their mother away, you told me to keep guard while you sorted out some hospital forms." Hawks took a sip of his coffee before continuing. "Y/n had woken up a few minutes after you had left. And she started crying as soon as she was conscious. I tried calming her down, but she was- hysterical. She kept on saying how they were going to torture her again. I told her that Enji would make sure they wouldn't. She kept on insisting that you were going to take Rei's side." Hawks looked at Enji. "And you and I both know know, you would've." Enji held his head shamefully, because he was right. He would've taken his family's side yet again.
"She asked me to kill her, Enji."
Enji's eyes widened at that, turning his head to Hawks. "What?" Hawks nodded, his eyes stone cold. "She said she'd rather be dead than return to your house." Enji felt like someone had drove a spear through his chest. Oh god, how long had you been feeling like that? "Thats when I decided to take her."
"But how? We buried her." Hawks rolled his eyes.
"It isn't hard to find a body. You know that."
Enji nodded. Right. "And her eyes?"
"Got a quirk doctor to replace them."
Enji's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "But Natsuo said that they were irreplaceable-"
"Natsuo lied, Enji. All of your kids did. They were going to side with their mother, no matter what. And Rei wanted her to remain blind, so everyone made sure she did." He took another sip of his coffee. "You have a fucked up family."
Enji clenched his jaw at that, but it was the truth. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
Hawks raised his eyebrows in disbelief. "You're hard to track. You went into hiding and I had to run your agency, clean up your mess so that the public doesn't find out and I had a daughter at home to look after too. I guess you could say, I was a bit occupied."
"Oh. I'm sorry." Enji looked towards where you were, happily tending to your garden, completely oblivious to your surroundings. You looked so lively, so content. "Is...is she happy?" Hawks smiled at that. He still adores you. "Yes. She stays at home mostly, tending to the garden, but she occasionally goes out as well."
Enji looked at Hawks. "Alone? What if she runs away? What if something happens to her?"
Hawks shook his head. "She won't. Where's she going to go? She knows that your kids are still out there, and if they ever saw her, God knows what they'll do to her." Hawks crossed his arms against his chest. "Besides, I gave her a special bracelet. It has a tracking device in it and if she ever runs into trouble, all she needs to do is tap it and I'll be there!"
Hawks really had it all figured it out. Everything was under control, so why was he there? "Why did you bring me?"
"To save you." Enji stared at him in confusion. "You can't live without her, Enji. The past few months are evidence that you can't. You almost drank yourself to death." Hawks ran a hand through his hair, frustrated. "Look at yourself. Your eyes are bloodshot, you drink, you smoke, you're depressed as fuck. Is this the kind of hero you imagined yourself becoming? Is this the kind of father you want to be?"
"Keigo I-"
"You know, she never spoke ill of you once. Never. If anything, she told me that her good memories with your family, were mostly with you. Almost like she misses you."
"What do you want me to do, Keigo?" He asked helplessly, because Enji truly didn't know.
"I want you to stay here." He began. "Be the hero she needs; the father she needs."
"Keep your promise to her." Hawks eyes were full with fierce emotion as he reminded Enji of his promise.
I'll keep you safe. I promise.
Those word had been echoing in his mind forever, always accompanied by gore filled images of you.
"Raise the family you always dreamt of."
As if something had finally clicked, Enji nodded before he slowly made his way towards you. Hawks watched as Enji sat down beside you and talked to you. You smiled slowly before handing him a pair of gardening gloves as you taught him how to plant some flowers.
It was a good thing that Hawks cared about both of you deeply.
He was happy he was going to save his hero, Endeavour.
He was happy that he was going to start anew with you guys.
He was happy as he saw the love of his life and his goddaughter, now daughter, playing in the mud.
He was beyond ecstatic when he had slit Rei's throat in the asylum.
"What?" Hawks asks you, the person reading this story. He leans towards you, face mere inches away from yours, and smirks.
"That bitch had it coming."
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How was it?
Oh and yes, I will be taking asks for this (and answering some previous ones as well)
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taiyakiiwrites · 3 years
hihihi ~ hope you're doing well! would you mind doing some hcs for keigo with a quirkless s/o??? i was thinking of someone that it's a police officer or even a nurse??? btw hope you don't mind using g/n pronouns, please. take care <3
— keigo x quirkless!reader hcs
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pairing(s): keigo takami x gn!reader
wc: 1.4k+ words
content: how you met hawks, post confession headcanons, fluff because we love it here, cursing, small dashes of insecurity talk at the end
notes: i am doin pretty good!! and thank you for the request (and also tellin me my ask box wasnt open ;-;) i hope you enjoy what i cooked up for ya!! also, dw! the pronouns are always gender neutral when i write apart from requests and when people don’t specify in requests. i’m also fine if you or anyone wants your or their request written with specific pronouns too :)) you take care as well!! <3
⇉ requests are open!! || masterlist || rules
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keigo is rather fragile when it comes to relationships. he was taken in and started his training to be a hero very early on in his life, so he has no experience with deeper relationships, let alone romantic ones
his training covered assassination, spy missions, surprise attacks, and almost any possible scenario you could think of, which is even more insane considering quirks exist
but he was unprepared as shit for your first encounter with him
it was just another day and just another villain. he took care of them quickly and efficiently and the villain was dragged to the side. the bystanders that were watching before soon crowded him with questions and mics, papers and pens. but, like always, he had to talk to the officials first
reluctantly, he waved away his fans with a wink and smile, then turned the other way
and holy guacamole
you appeared at the scene and he got Got™️
was just struck with a solid 10 cupid arrows simultaneously
now, being the number two hero, he’s not usually nervous about talking to people—half of his job is that
but there was without a doubt hesitation present as he slowly made his way towards you and the group you were with
palms-sweaty-knees-weak-arms-heavy-mom’s-spaghetti type beat
walking over felt like an eternity with how much he was overthinking. why was he overthinking anyways? this was a completely normal situation after a completely normal fight and he was going over to talk to completely normal person (well, debatable)
he finally made it to the group and didn’t even need to clear his throat: they’d notice those bright, red wings anywhere, including you
“hey, what’s the situation?” he chimed after getting everyone’s attention, making eye contact with everyone and turning on his ✨hero charm✨
when he turned to you
oh my—
sparkles. sparkles flying around. his head. awestruck.
your coworker didn’t seem to notice:
“oh, nothing too unusual. we’ll take him back and deal with him.”
hawks nodded at the man, visibly absentminded as he continued to stare at you
for a moment, you thought you did something wrong somehow within the first two seconds of being in his presence, but you just laughed—this snapped him out of his daze
“also, thank you for what you did today,” you mentioned with those gorgeous eyes of yours staring back at him, oh my gosh what a pretty shade of—“we all appreciate what you do for the city.”
for some reason, this seemed to catch him off guard, but he collected himself quickly: “o-oh! well, i mean, all in a day’s work. you help out the city just as much as i do, y’know. heroes are only part of the puzzle.” what a #humbleking
you took a moment to process his words, but then smiled, appreciation glistening in your gaze. “ah, well, i do as much as i can as a quirkless citizen.”
oops does that count as oversharing—
but before he could ask further, you and your group unfortunately had to excuse yourselves.
never in a million years would he miss that one last goodbye smile you gave him, though
LUCKILY it’s procedure to check in with all the workers involved after a crime scene definitely yes 100% yup totally
so, he invites you to talk about the scene at his agency! how nice of him! definitely wasn’t a plot to get to know you better without your coworkers potentially getting in the way! and he books it the literal day after because this man is now intrigued with the one minute he spent with you!
of course, you gotta dress to impress for the number two hero. so, when the day comes, you throw on one of your sharpest outfits and make your way downtown walking fast to the agency
the workers’ direct you to hawks’ office as he waits in his chair, checking his phone every two seconds for the time. god, when were you going to get here?—
a knock echoed through the room and he has never ran out of his chair faster
he swings the door open and you smile at him, saying hello with the files of yesterday’s case in your hands.
turn on the charm again and—“hey there~”
,,, initiate youhaveaheartattack.exe
he welcomes you in and pulls up a chair for you, then sits down at his own chair and discreetly noticed your outfit hOW ARE YOU SO GOOD LOOKING
he makes a quick joke about how he wishes the chairs were equal quality for both him and the ones for others in his office and you laugh of course because it is obvious this man is trying his dang darnest best and—“oh! i didn’t even ask for your name!”
you realize this too and chuckle, then state it to him. he repeats after you and your name rolls off his tongue almost too easily. “nice ring to it.”
you nervously smile and avert your eyes for a moment, collecting yourself because this gorgeous man is right in front of you and did i mention he’s the number two hero because wow status is scary— “uh, should we get to the case?”
luckily, fate was in his favor today
the conversation started off professional, but after the basics were covered about the crime scene, he got to segway into something else: your quirkless-ness
it was a little out of left field, having someone like him ask about something like that, but you don’t ignore it. instead, you sigh and rub the back of your neck. you didn’t want things to get too unprofessional, so you hit the main points only:
you said it was hard growing up quirkless. all the other kids seemed to have such a huge advantage compared to you. even as you did your best in academics, there were moments in school that just seemed like a sign in big, bold letters that you were never going to be at their level, and all because you were born unlucky
though, you added, you decided that you still wanted to help people in the ways you could. so, you worked hard day in and day out, and now you were here
you finished up the story and hawks was feeling… surprisingly sentimental
hawks’ quirk was almost all of who he was, his whole identity. sometimes, he thinks he wouldn’t be able to live without it. sure, he’s met quirkless people before, but seeing something—someone—like this, up close and personal? hearing about it from someone who saw the silver lining and decided that was enough?
he didn’t think you could get any better, but you clearly proved him wrong
“wow.” he leaned back in his chair. “i’m startin to think you should be on this side of the desk.”
you were stunned. with a nervous laugh and a wave of your hand, you pushed it aside and continued with what little of the case there was to talk about
,,, yeah no, hawks wasn’t gonna let that happen
the questioning ended and he not-so-secretly slipped you a paper with an address, one you’re familiar with being a local cafe, and a time, one that’s far too soon for you to think that this was going to be just another questioning
headcanons, post confession!
when he comes homes from work, he stretches his arms open wide and calls out that he’s home—it’s second nature for you to run to the door instantly and tackle him in a hug. if he’s in a good mood, he’ll pick you up and spin you around, singing a small line of either one of his or your favorite songs, whichever one was stuck in his head during patrol
he is busy as a pro hero, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t busy too! so, you two still work out a schedule so you can spend as much time together as possible
the days you and him do get off are filled with bad jokes, good food, and plenty of kisses. he likes to unwind when he can, so dates include movie nights (both at home with tons of blankets and in theaters with tons of overpriced candy and popcorn), serene, 5 star restaurants (he gets deals from plenty of places as a hero), small picnics with probably burnt cookies (again, he’s trying his best), and more!
you sometimes feel insecure about being with him. he’s the number two hero with a one of a kind quirk—the spotlight is on him the second he arrives. and you just feel so small in comparison. but he can’t have any of this
he’ll comfort you any time you feel down, and reassure you that you being quirkless means nothing to him; he loves you for who you are. and he mentions to look on the bright side: how you’ve come so far even without one, and how that makes you all the more special. he admits that sometimes, he doesn’t feel worthy of you
a lot of people are shallow nowadays. clout chasers are everywhere. and so, he’s used to being used. his fame is good when he can have an impact on the world, but more times than it should, it stabs him in the back.
getting someone like you? someone who doesn’t use him like a puppet on a string for your own benefit? that alone would make him feel conflicted. but there’s so much more to you. he can’t help but feel unworthy too
and well, you can’t have any of this either, now can you?
you both are each others’ support systems and you help each other grow as individuals, leading to a healthy, loving relationship. it’s what both of you deserve <333
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kaz11283 · 3 years
Could I make a request: Reader is ill (fever, headache, etc) and Loki comes home to find her fast asleep whimpering in her sleep from being ill and burning up from the fever? Something along those lines, feel free to take creative liberty, haven’t been feeling great lately and would love some comfort. Love your work 💕
Yes my sweet dear! I really hope that you get to feeling better soon! Thank you for the request and for the support! I am sending you some comfort vibes right now as we speak as well as some Loki Love i truly hope this helps you to feel better!
Characters: Nat, Loki, Clint, you
(Loki x reader) (Clint x reader, brother)I know I've done this but I just love the idea of being siblings with Clint (Nat x reader, friends
Summary: After a beautiful snow fall you and the team decide to go outside and enjoy the day off, of course knowing your luck you would be the one who got sick.
Announcement: Individual request sent in, i am more that happy to write anything that is thrown my way (even though it might take some time) i inow what its like not feeling good and jusy wanting some comfort and to be loved on so I hope you truly enjoy this!
Loki Masterlist
Your nose was red as you made it back to the cabin were you and the team had decided to vacation for a little down time, of course it wasnt your normal run of the mile cabin not with Tony bank rolling the whole thing. It was a rustic 4 story cabin with 3 rooms on each floor, a huge fire place that literally sat in the middle of the house (you didnt really cared how it worked you just knew it looked cool), a huge kitchen and living room sat on the first floor.
"I cant believe i let him talk me into that." You mummbled making your way to the fire place. Clint, your wonderful older brother had decided that the team should have a snow ball fight, you know "team building exercise" as he called it. You had of course been on opposing sides since it would be fair for two Bartons to be on the same team as Tony had said.
"You should know his tricks by now y/n, you've only known him all your life." Nat laughed walking in the door after you shacking snow from her hair.
"I didnt expect him to peg me in the side of the damn head. OR tackle me to the ground and shove my face in the snow." You grumbled. "Hes lucky he ran before I could get up."
"I'm pretty sure he's hidding in a tree somewhere." She laughed again.
"Good, the bird can stay in his roost for all I care. I'm going to go take a nice hot shower and a nap. Let the others know please." You walked off toward the steps that lead to yours and your boyfriends room. "Hey Nat, try to make sure the others are nice to Loki? The only reason hes here is so that he could try to get closer to them."
"Yeah, him being able to spend as much time with you as possible was not his intentions at all." She stated rollingbher eyes.
"Thanks." You went and took the hottest shower you could stand enjoying the steam as it enveloped you before you got out wrapped yourself up in a big fluffy towle and made your way into the living area. This was another nice room, hell every inch of this place was nice though. It wasnt like your "mini apartment" as you liked to call your room at the tower, but it still had a seprate smaller living area with a couch and a recliner, the bed was on the oyher side of a patrician looking out of the floor to celing window. You didnt want to lay there because it was so bright so after digging around in your bag and pulling out a pair of black shorts and one of Lokis green pullovers you decided to crash on the couch. After a few minutes of watching some random cooking show you dozed off engulfed in your boyfriends sent lulling you to your dream world.
You woke with a start when you felt something pressong aginst your forehead, you felt like you hadnt been asleep for very long, lookinh atound you realized first that it was dark outside, and second your muscles all over was sore and stiff feeling.
"Shhhh, Its just me, my darling." Loki ran his hand down your cheek softly. "I came to check on you, I realized you must not be feeling good when you were whimpering in your sleep." You then noticed that your throat was sore.
"I dont whimper." It came out horse, youtried to clear your throat as much as you could.
"You did, it was adorable." He smiled. He walked around the couch to take a seat next to you. "Your not feeling well. I can feel it." He had a look of worry. He always went on and on about how vulnerable mortals were and you wasnt doing anything to prove him wrong at this moment.
"Loki, I promise the worst this is is a cold that I technically caught from my idiot brother. Ill be fine in a few days. The only thing that aucks is I'll be stuck in here while the rest of you are out having the time of your lives." You huffed pulling the pillow under your head better.
"The rest of you? My dove, I can promise there is no rest of you if your not going to be there. The only reason I came on this dreaded team building experience is because of you." He offered you his hand and helped you stand so that he could guide you to the bed. "Lets lay here and watch the snow fall." He pulled your side of the blankets down and help you under them.
"That sounds like a plan Loki. Although I am a little hungry." You sat in bed as you watched him strip from the clothes he had been wearing all day and changing into a pair of black sleep pants. He started digging again. "I have your hoodie on." He looked over and shook his head with a smile.
"It looks better on you anyways. Of course I should have known that you would try to get me naked." He laughed. "Your brother saod he would bring something up in a bit. I had text him and told him you wasnt feeling all that well."
You stared in shock, "Textjng my brother? Looks like you have made some new friends."
"I wouldnt go that far, he said that he was afraid of you even if you were sick and I was probably the safest one in the room. He is going to vring a peace offering though." He pulled the blankets up around him as he settled in bed.
"The hawk shouldnt have flown his roost. Ill kill him once I get to feeling better." You grumbled.
"Sleep now my darling, get some rest. When we wake in the morning, of you are feeling any better, we will plot domination over your brother then." You felt him wrap his arms around you and kiss the top of your head before drifting off once more.
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ablackfangirlwrites · 3 years
A/n: I'm not joking when I say I'm probably gonna write a fic with gojo like every other day...also hawks is here lol
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"You're too hot for your own damn good!" You shouted at the table
Making hawks smile, "Oh yeah? Tell me more?" He edged you on
"But you're annoying as hell," you paused, "You talk to much."
"I've been told I'm charming."
"They lied." You joked back with him
Hawks just watched you in awe as he saw your eyes looking heavy and your body seemed to be lose
And he tried his hardest not to laugh when you spoke and it all came out as a yell
And when you were clearly saying things you'd normally keep to yourself
To sum it up you were very much intoxicated
And this was completely out of character for you and hawks would be lying if he said he wasnt enjoying this new side of you
"Tell me more y/n?" He asked loving hearing you say what you really thought about him
Cause in your sober state you often told him how annoying he was and how unattracted you were too him
But turns out that wasnt exactly true
Besides the annoying part
"I think I'd like you a lot more of you shut up half the time." You told him honestly
Hawks was still all smiles, "I'll have to keep that in mind."
You stared at him something else clearly still on your mind that you wanted to say
"But you are really really hot." You tell him, "and I cant help but wonder what it would be like to make out with you."
Your honestly words there actually made him blush
But with a shake of his head he kept his smile up, "I'll have to remember that too."
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"Shut up and dance with me Satoru." You demanded as you swayed to the loud club music
He doesnt know how he convinced you to join him tonight
But he was really glad he did
Gojo had never seen this side of you before
"You are just too adorable," he said as he watched you
You had just down your forth drink and was back on the dance floor now
"Flirt all you want Satoru its never gonna happen." You told him with a smug look on your face
But the smile never left his
Gojo never knew you were this much of a light weight when it came to drinking
As a matter if fact you were the one who claimed they could handle it
But two drinks later it was obvious that that wasnt true
The whole night you paraded around as though you had no care in the world
It actually wasn't that unusual you were a pretty cheerful person
But what was odd for you was behaving this way in front of gojo your sworn rival
The realtionship between you two was friendly
But you were determined to be stronger then him and beat him one day
While he was more determined to make you fall for him
And because of that most of your relationship was filed with him flirting and you bickering at him
But all that was out the window along with your ambitious
And gojo was taking advantage of that, "So when are we going on that date?"
"When you stop being so perfect."
Your complement makes him smile harder, "So you think I'm prefect?"
Your body is pressed against him as the two of you were dancing, "I'd think you'd be more perfect if you kisses me right now."
Yeah y/n is really drunk he couldnt help but think cause there was no way sober you would say or do any of this
And Gojo was definitely planning on using all this against you in the future
"Tempting y/n, but I'll wait until you ask me and your not drunk outta your mind."
You pout but it doesn't change his mind, and with a laugh he shakes his head, "let's just get you home."
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Yandere Keigo wanting a family with you.
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Keigo and you had been dating for a year when your mother decided that it was time that she met the man who's stolen you away from them. She wasn't exaggerating, you used to spend so much time with your family, your cousins, nieces, and nephews but for the past few months....he had stolen you away.
Keigo of course knew that he had stolen you away, had seen the texts with your mom abd dad, had been closely listening in on the video calls with the babies of your family. So when you begged him to go to your family reunion, saying that he could go too he was... hesitant to say the least. You were HIS and his alone!
You both arrived early, as you two walked up he sneaked an arm around your waist and whispered into your ear.
"Stay close to me ok songbird?"
"Keigo it'll be ok." You said, worried that he was starting to get anxiety. "They're nice people and you won't have to worry about them hurting you."
"It's not me I'm worried about birdie."
Your smile was so soft and genuine that he couldn't help but peck your cheek making you roll your eyes with a smile.
You were right, your grandpa and grandma were so happy to meet him that they hugged him almost as tightly as they hugged you. Your mother had complimented his wings, his looks, and demanded that you both sit and eat.
"You look so thin that if someone cooked you up, they wouldn't have enough to make a chicken leg."
Keigo chuckled at that, and gladly ate anything your mother insisted he tried. Your siblings were very polite to him, though suspicious as to why they hadn't been allowed to see you recently.
Your aunts and uncles seemed to take a quick liking to him as well, and made sure he wasnt overwhelmed by the chaos going on around you both.
Your dad wasnt the type to wait by the door with a shotgun, instead he questioned Keigo about anything but you're relationship with him.
He was so comfortable around them, and it felt...nice. It felt nice to be welcomed like this and he honestly wasn't sure if they were faking or not.
You were relieved, maybe he would let you stay with them more, go outside with them with you, and maybe...maybe calm down his increasingly protective behavior.
He looked over at you within the glorious and loving chaos, and took your hand. His eyes were so soft and warm like the old Keigo you once knew.
You leaamed forward and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
"I'm going to go use the bathroom."
You left just as the doors burst open with four toddlers, one eight month old baby, and two seven year olds. They all stopped when they saw Hawks, even the baby who had been going after their siblings.
"Bird!" The youngest toddler said pointing to Hawks. "Birdie!"
You finished in the bathroom as quick as you could and coming from around the corner the youngest ones in your family all smiled and ran towards you, nearly knocking you off your feet.
"Hey guys!" You said hugging and kissing every last one of them. "You all got so big!"
Then your mother said it was time to eat, everyone got their plate and in the crowd Keigo lost you. He didn't grab a plate, his eyes searching for you in the crowd that is your entire family.
Finally he found you, surrounded by your younger family members, a toddler on your lap and several little ones eating around you.
The toddler of course didnt want to eat so they decided to share their food. With you, more specifically on you. Anyone else Kiego knew would be furious but instead you just laughed and lightly scolded the toddler and made sure they ate what they wanted to instead of getting it on you.
And then he was hooked:
Hooked on the idea of you being a mommy, of his being a daddy, of having your best full of baby chicks. He wanted to grab you from this house and take you home and make sure you would have his children
He wouldnt yet. Only because this was the first thing you had asked of him since he took you all those months ago and you had been a good little angel just for him.
You didn't notice how he looked at you the rest of the day, how he was watching you in a way that didnt even come off as weird to your family.
You noticed though when you got home, how he took you to bed and whispered how good of a mom you would, how much he wanted a family and the part that made you sick wasnt the fact that you knew you were trapped. It was the fact that:
You wanted a family with him too.
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xoxo-teddybear · 4 years
He’s Lost - Bakugou Katsuki - Part 3
Bakugou x f!reader
Warnings: fluff, sexual mentions, smut, 18+, daddy kink, fingering (fisting?), f!receiving, alcohol, cursing, LONG WRITING PIECE, Bakusquad a teensy wheensy bit ooc, BAKUGOU BEING A BIG ASS SIMP
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Summary: After the classroom moment, Katsuki’s been doing everything he can to get you back. You’ve both come to terms as friends who are mutually pining for one another, but how long will it take to finally be found by one another?
A/N: Y’all I just have to keep saying thank you to all of you. The love and support is incredible and I never expected my one shot to be so likeable. Anyways, this piece is what will bring the whole story together. Just HELLA fluff. Hope you enjoy!
A/N: If you guys are curious as to what I put for Y/N’s quirk, I’ve titled it Phoenix. She has all the abilities of a Phoenix, like fire powers, regeneration, and flight ability with beautiful wings of fire that can come out on command. Honestly, her quirk isn’t really a big deal in the story but if you wanted to know, there you go.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
“I fucked her in the classroom,” Bakugou so calmly said while taking a sip from his water bottle.
Kirishima felt like he was gonna faint. He told his friend to talk to her so they could make up. He didn’t expect him to dick her down.
“Wow Kacchan, didn’t know you were an exhibitionist,” The electric blonde said while nudging Bakugou in the arm with his elbow.
“I’m not......well-“
“Katsuki” Kirishima said with a warning tone because he did NOT want to hear about his friend’s kinks.
“Right. Anyway, it was fine. No one was there...actually why weren’t you guys there? We all had class you idiots.” Bakugou asked.
“Mr. Aizawa told us the day before that we were going to meet up in gym gamma for an all day training sesh. So we were all shocked when one of our best fighters didn’t show.” Kirishima explained.
“Well nobody told me we were having an all day session.” Bakugou complained.
The group then raised their phones showing the texts sent to the group chat the boys of the Bakusquad shared.
8:47 a.m.
🦈 : Bakugou, tmr is all day training in the gym. Make sure you’re there
11:21 a.m.
🕷: You gonna be in the gym wit us tmrw Bakugou?
2:10 a.m.
⚡️: Sooo we’ll see u in the gym tmr Kacchan?
After some silence and Bakugou’s soft “oh,” Bakugou asked another question. “Well why wasnt Y/N there then?”
“Just like you, the girl wasn’t in class the day before so she didn’t know. She spent the day interning with Hawks.” Sero stated while taking a break from his bag of chips.
‘Hawks huh? Guess it made sense. You both had bird-like quirks, so you guys go well together’ The blonde thought to himself.
“But enough of why you weren’t there, tell us what happened with Y/N,” Sero added on.
“The hell? Why are you so invested in how I fucked her?” Bakugou said with attitude.
“Not that man,” Kirishima intervened, “we wanna know what happened after.”
“We also wanna know which desk you fucked on so we could avoid the cum splatter.” Kaminari said, earning a wack to the back of his head from Sero.
“Well I thought we were gonna make up and get back together,” Bakugou started and the trio of boys stared right at him as if he was going to open some buried treasure.
“But I guess she’s not ready for the relationship again. At least not yet. She said she wanted some time and then she’ll come back to me. All I gotta do is wait.” Bakugou said while getting comfortable in his spot on the common room couch.
“Says who?” Kaminari added.
“ ‘scuse me?” Bakugou asked.
“Who says all you gotta do is wait?” Bakugou looked at his idiotic friend.
“She did, Dunce Face.”
“Well you could wait for her, but if I was you, I’d still treat her like my girlfriend.” The electric blonde stated.
“Huh?” The entire group asked.
“Bakugou look. Give Y/N the time she wants, but you could still treat her like your girlfriend. It’ll remind her of the times you had and it’l-“
“I’m gonna stop you right there Kaminari.”
As the group turned towards the doorway, they saw Y/N. She seemed to have gotten back from some extra training considering she was still wearing gym attire and her duffel bag was still on her shoulder.
“Hey Y/N, just got back from the gym?” Kirishima kindly started up a conversation with the girl.
“Yeah. Had to take a shower there too to save some time. I’m heading back out to go on a late night patrol with Hawks after I drop off my bag, but I can spend 2 minutes to explain something to you, dorks.” You started walking towards the group, more specifically behind Bakugou’s seat.
“I’m gonna make this real simple. Katsuki and I don’t need a grand plan to get back together. We just need some time,” when you finally made it behind Bakugou, you gently wrapped your arms around Katsuki’s neck area, “besides, Suki knows I’ll always come back to him. He’s my one and only after all, right?” You said the last part while looking at Bakugou.
“Right.” Katsuki proudly replied.
You leaned in to give him a little hug from behind and pecked his cheek before walking off to your room.
Katsuki couldn’t help but smile and watch as you walked away. He knew you guys would end up back together. All he has to do is wait. But his moment was ruined by a certain dunce face.
“Damn dude, what the fuck kinda dick did you give her to get her to act like that with you?” He shockingly asked.
“SHUT UP!” Bakugou screamed as his two other friends laughed.
Ever since, Bakugou and You grew closer and closer. To others, it looked like exes who stuck to being friends. Best friends, if anything. Y’all played together as best friends, fought and bickered like best friends and looked out for each other and loved one another like best friends. But in reality, you and Bakugou were just falling for each other even more day after day. Yes, it was clear to you both that you were already in love with each other, but damn y’all didn’t know love could grow so strong.
Bakugou stuck to his word though. He was doing whatever it took to get you back, and yeah. Maybe he took a little bit of Kaminari’s advice and continued to treat you as his girlfriend. The only difference was that he didn’t and couldn’t claim you so it kinda hurt him but he was ok because he knows what’ll happen in the end.
So now we have this Bakugou who’s at your every beck and call, even when you don’t call. Thirsty in the middle of class? Bakugou’s got your favorite drink with him on standby. Craving something special? Bakugou will learn how to make it for you. Tired after a hard day’s work? The angry Pomeranian was there to carry you back to the dorms. What a simp.
And there goes the bell for class. As students walked into their respective rooms, the students of 1-A notice the two entering.
“And here comes Bakugou holding the door for his lady,” Kaminari spoke aloud.
“Hey man, they’re not dating, remember?” Sero reminded him.
“Yet. That’s the exciting part. 2 lovers, patiently waiting for each other. And Bakugou being so willing to drop everything just for Y/N, and Y/N willing to tussle through challenges for Bakugou. Ohh it’s so romantic!!” Mina said with a squeal and excitement.
“Bakubro really doesn’t want anyone else but her....they’re gonna get through this!” Kirishima hopefully said. “If they don’t I’ll beat his ass myself after all the shit I went through for this relationship. You know, THE RELATIONSHIP IM NOT EVEN IN!” He said loud enough for Bakugou to hear.
“Those idiots,” Bakugou growled. “CANT A GUY JUST SPEND SOME TIME WITH HIS GIRL WITHOUT SOME CRACKHEADS WHISPERING ABOUT US?!” He yelled at the group. But with that last comment, you raised your brow.
“So I’m your girl, huh?” You said with a sly demeanor.
This caused Katsuki to blush like crazy. “You know what I meant you little dumbass!”
“Yeah, I’m a dumbass. But apparently I’m your dumbass.” Your snide remarks were beginning to drive Katsuki crazy.
“Ok, that’s it!” With that, Bakugou grabbed your arm and dragged you away from the classroom before Mr. Aizawa came. As the 2 left the room, the boys of the Bakusquad knew exactly what was about to happen.
“Annnddd they’re they go. Off to a place of sweat and ecstasy.” Kaminari sighed.
Ever since that time in the classroom, you and Bakugou have had sneaky links here and there for the past few weeks. A little make out session in the kitchen, a little grinding in the common area, some receiving in many different places. However you were both cautious and made sure it never went beyond that. No vaginal penetration with a penis!
Though you both said you weren’t dating yet, it was obvious where you both would end up.
“What do you mean?” Mina asked.
“It’s nothing you have to worry about, just let them do them.” Kirishima explained.
Fortunately, only the Bakusquad boys were aware of these secret meetings. Once Bakugou told them of the classroom sex, they could tell whenever you two were interested in doing the deed with one another. They also steered clear from Bakugou’s desk. When they found out you both had gone to town on it, they made sure to never go near it unless they knew Bakugou cleaned it up thoroughly.
“Mm...Suki..” you breathed out in between the heated kiss.
Here we are in the storage closet. Y/N seated on top of a small standing shelf with Katsuki standing over her and his fist deep inside her.
Katsuki was in the process of marking your exposed breast and enjoying the feeling of your soft walls around his hand. He couldn’t help but speed up his movements.
“P-please....slow down-“ you were cut off by your own moan and cry of pleasure as his fist hit a sensitive area.
“Oh c’mon, you know you love it. You also know you shouldn’t have given all that sass. You knew exactly where it would lead ya,” he spoke as he continued to bite and suck at your nipples. “But I bet you wanted this, didn’t you. You little slut.”
His fist sped up even more and went deeper than before earning loud cries to leave your mouth.
“Ahh...fuck! Y-yes! I wanted this so bad...ohh shit Suki!” You cried out. You felt the coil in your stomach tighten and Katsuki knew what was coming right from the look on your face. He quickly pulled his fist out and dropped his head down to meet your glistening cunt, and continued to finish you off.
“Shit....you taste so sweet.” Katsuki couldnt help but eat you out as if you were his last meal. He groaned as your hands went to tug at his hair to push him in deeper. As he stuck his tongue out to enter inside you, your hips moved on their own and began to grind against his face.
“Yes...yess oh my god..just like that Suki please,”
Katsuki was desperate for more and so his hand went to your clit. He viciously rubbed at it until your legs began to shake.
“F-FUCK!... oh yess...ah!” You let out.
“Let me taste you....come inside my mouth like a good girl and let daddy taste you.” Katsuki demanded.
And you did just that. You released the white honey all on his tongue and Katsuki lapped at every drop, sucking you dry. As he finished his meal he kissed your cunt and continued to kiss you up your body from you stomach to your chest to your neck until he reached your lips. He gave you a passionate kiss, all tongue and love, and you could taste yourself. He was right. You were sweet.
During lunch, the Bakusquad, including Y/N, all ate together and had friendly conversations and arguments as usual.
“Man that steak hit the spot!” Kirishima exclaimed with a breath of satisfaction.
“I bet your already full too, huh Kacchan. Bet you already had your fill of Y/-“
As the tray slowly slid off of Denki’s face after so rudely being thrown at him (curtousy of Sero) he was revealed to an angry Kacchan.
“Shut up dunce face!” Bakugou yelled.
“You’re one to talk Suki. If anyone should shut up, it should be the one with the booming voice.” You said as you ate your udon noodles.
“ME?!?” Bakugou exclaimed.
“Yes you ya dummy!” You retorted.
“You wanna go shitty woman?!?” Bakugou said while standing up now.
“Bring it on Blasty! I’ll take you on any day!” You replied while standing on top of your chair to beat his height.
‘Typical,’ the Bakusquad thought.
You guys would go from lovers to enemies in a split second with a besties vibe somewhere in between. The fun and teasing bickering went on like this for awhile and has been happening for awhile too. But at the end of the day, there was no real beef between you two of course. Just a mutual pining that involved some attitude.
“Man, you guys have so much energy. Cant you guys tone it down, we’re pretty sure you shouldn’t be so energized after you both just fu-“
Sero was shut up with a tray (revenge from Denki) before he could finish his sentence and expose the soon to be lovers’s dirty secrets.
“I KNOW!” Mina popped up. “How about a beach day?” The pink alien girl suggested.
“Huh?” The entire group said while Y/N and Bakugou sat down again.
“A beach day! We all have pent up energy and some of us wanna relax so why not get everything out at the beach? Oou! And let’s go at night, it’ll be way cooler and so much more fun. Plus, that’s the best time for us to sneak out!” Pinkie explained.
“The hell do you mean sneak out dumbass? It’s a Friday, if we wanna go the beach, we can just go on Saturday, tomorrow.” Bakugou said.
“Jeez you moron, wheres the fun in that. Look this may seem a little wild since we’re hero trainees and all but how about we take a car to get to the beach?” Mina proposed.
“Mina, we’re under 18. We can’t drive.” Kirishima said.
“Legally. But Bakugou here knows how to drive! Remember that one time Mr. Aizawa made him pull the travel bus around the corner because he was too tired to bring it himself?” The alien girl reminded the group.
“Not only that, but Denki’s parents are outta town!” The girl added on.
“Oh yeah! We could totally take my Dad’s car! There’s definitely enough room in there!” Kaminari said.
The group was now starting to get excited. Except for one blonde of course.
“No way. Like you said Pinkie, we’re hero trainees. We can’t risk ruining ours or UA’s reputation just for some trip to the beach.” Bakugou said while downing his rice bowl.
“Aww c’mon man!”
“Whaaat but pleaseee!”
“Seriously dude?”
“Awwww :(“
The group all said in unison. But Bakugou wasn’t cracking. He wasn’t going to risk his career as a future pro just for a quick trip to some sand and sea.
That is until he felt a tugging on his sleeve. When he looked to his left he saw Y/N holding onto his sleeve with a pout and puppy dog eyes. His heart was about to blow.
“Please Suki?” You whined.
You basically embodied the “🥺” emoji. Bakugou had to turn away so he could deny your request.
“Mm mm” he said while staring out the window next to the table.
You let out a huff of frustration while looking towards your group of friends that were staring at you in desperation. You guys were going to get that beach day.
So you pulled onto Bakugou’s arm and pulled his side into your soft pillowy breast. You reached up and whispered into his ear to make sure no would could hear your next words. With a seductive voice, you spoke.
“Please daddy?”
And now here we are. The Bakusquad currently on a road trip to the beach at 9:45 p.m. Y/N riding shotgun, Mina and Kirishima in the seats behind you, Kaminari and Sero in the third row right infront of the trunk, and Bakugou behind the wheel. He was just thankful that there was almost nobody driving around here or else they would’ve noticed this young group of teens driving late at night. He was also very thankful that during lunch yesterday, nobody noticed his raging boner after Y/N whispered in his ear.
“Oh my gosh!! We’re almost there!” Mina squealed from behind.
Although it was almost 10, the weather was still really warm so it would be a fun night. Just the moon, the stars, the sand and sea, and your best friends. Perfection.
“Oh! Suki, you missed the turn for the shortcut.” You pointed out.
“No I didn’t dumbass, we’re taking another shortcut.” Bakugou replied.
“Umm, says who exactly?” You retorted.
“The one driving this damn car, now settle your fine ass down before I kiss you.” Bakubitch replied with.
“Ok, just because you add a little flirt and flare to your reply doesn’t mean your in the right.” You stated.
“Oh but I think it does.” Bakugou came back with.
“Oh! Okay Bakubitch, I don’t know who you think you’re getting smart with-“
“I know exactly who I’m getting smart with, teddy bear.” Katsuki said with a smirk on his face.
“.....Fight me. Fight me right now.” You deadpanned while obviously joking.
“I’ll beat your ass any day of the week you shitty woman-“
“Except you’ll LOSE Bakubitch.” You added.
“You wanna fight that bad, huh shitty woman?!” Bakugou now started yelling in a very Bakugou manner.
“I do! I really do Katsuki! Bring it on Explosion boy!” You said
As you and Bakugou started going at it with your words in the car, the squad was starting to get a little tired of this endless pining. JUST DATE EACH OTHER ALREADY. Mina finally snapped.
“OKAY YOU KNOW WHAT?.....I’m just gonna say it.” Mina started with.
‘Huh’ You looked behind you while Bakugou took glances from time to time in his mirror to see Mina as she spoke.
“Why don’t you cut the horse shit, and get to the part where you admit your feelings for each other?” She added on.
“Excuse me?”
“Oh spare me, spare me, spare me!” Mina went on with. Then, Kirishima joined in.
“Yes yes Y/N, he’s a brute, I know-“
“Hey!” Bakugou interrupted but Kirishima just continued.
“He probably reminds you of a bad relationship and gosh you’d like a real nice man to settle down with,” he added on.
“But admit it! You’re real curious to know what he’s like in the sack nowadays!” Kaminari joined in.
“You idiots are dead meat,” Bakugou said.
“And you! HA!” Mina began to speak. “Well you’re just a big man baby who’d rather act tough then show his true feelings because the last time you opened your heart, you got hurt.....OWIE” Mina said in a baby voice.
“And now,” Sero began, “rather than admit these feelings, you’re dancing around one another with this mind numbing and frankly boorish mating ritual.”
Mina spoke once more.
“So PLEASE, for our sake, either quit your bickering, or PULL OVER, TEAR OFF THOSE CLOTHES, AND GET IT OVER WITH ALREADY!!!”
“Aye, I said what I said.” Mina concluded with her hands up at her side in defense.
As Bakugou and Y/N blushed ferociously, the squad behind them finally settled until Bakugou sped up, swerved the car and hit the brakes.....he was parking.
“Oh look, we’re here.” He said.
As he turned around to look at the group, he saw his friends all mixed up and thrown around the van.
“You guys good?” Y/N asked as she turned around in worry.
“Ugghhhhhh.” Her friends replied, clearly a little bruised.
“Alright then, let’s get going!” Y/N said with a sweet smile and exited the car.
After everyone had changed into their swim suits, everyone began setting up. The girls stayed behind with Denki to help set up the towels and seats and bring out the coolers, food, and tables. Bakugou, Kirishima, and Sero went out to collect firewood for the bond fire they were gonna make.
As you looked around the beach, you were glad that nobody was around. You guys could be as loud as you wanted, do what you wanted, and just have an awesome night. And the fact that this was a wild beach meant that there was so much more to do. You guys could go cliff diving, mountain climbing, or forest roaming. No lifeguards to stop you.
As the guys came back with fire wood, Mina and Denki pulled out the cooler.
“Hey guys~, guess what we have!” Mina said.
The group watched as Denki pulled out various beers, wine coolers, and a bottle of Hennessy and shot cups.
“Alcohol?” Kirishima asked, “where’d you guys get that.”
“We grabbed it outta my garage fridge. My family likes to turn up a lot so we also got some spares hanging around,” Kaminari explained.
You guys weren’t first time drinkers. You were high schoolers and you’ve been to parties so of course you guys have already had your first taste of alcohol. Hell, even Bakugou had some before. What can he say, he couldn’t help himself after he saw his friends seem to be enjoying themselves a little too much after getting drunk the first time.
As you started the fire with your quirk, everyone else began to get comfy near the blazing flame. Denki was the last to sit since he went to grab his acoustic guitar to play some tunes. When he finally sat down he began to sing a song.
“Let’s sit around the campfire and sing our campfire song! Our C-A-M-P—“
“NO!” The group all yelled.
“Oh alright!” The electric blonde huffed.
The group all laughed and Kaminari then began to play a chill melody on the instrument. The group was happy, laughing, enjoying themselves and having so much fun...well one of them did have something on their mind but nonetheless still enjoying themselves.
Faces were being stuffed with delicious food, alcohol was being passed around, rounds of shots were being downed like water, and everyone was having a good time. A little game of truth or dare started up and ended after Kaminari and Kirishima both threw up in separate bushes after being dared to kiss each other by Mina.
“Never again,” Kaminari said.
“Yeah I’m good with never having to get kisses from my bro again.” Kirishima sighed.
“Oh whatever you big wussies. It was a fun game while it lasted.”
Everyone laughed in agreement.
“Alright well,” Sero spoke, “we all came to the beach, why don’t we get to the main event. I’m gonna go for swim, you guys in?”
As everyone agreed they all started walking to the water. Well except for two people. As Y/N was walking to the shoreline, a hand stopped her as it grabbed onto her arm.
“You idiots go, me and Y/N are gonna join you later.” Bakugou said to the group and they all said their ok’s and went in. “You, come with me.”
As you and Bakugou walked back to the car, he asked you a question.
“So..you’re not drunk are you?” He asked precautiously.
“Just a little tipsy but I’m still in control. Still aware of everything, so no. I’m not drunk.” You answered.
“Ok cool.” He said as he got into the driver’s seat. Once you finally got in and buckled up, he drove off. In the middle of the drive, you asked him a question this time.
“Hey Suki? Where are we going?”
“I found a special place while I was looking for wood. I wanna show you.” He simply stated.
As he continued to drive off to wherever you rested your hand on the center between you and Bakugou and let your face sit in your right palm as you stared out the window. The songs playing throughout the car gave it a loving and chill vibe. You enjoyed the comfortable silence.
As you continued to stare off, you felt Bakugou’s hand intertwine with yours. You looked back and saw he was blushing while holding onto the steering wheel and staring at the road. Man, he was so hot. In nothing but his swimming trunks as he leaned into his chair and drove off. His defined abs and chiseled chest was definitely eye candy. His giant veiny hand gripped the wheel and his jaw was so sharp as he turned and looked around for other drivers. Yeah, Bakugou was definitely one of those people that looked attractive as hell when they began to drive. You looked down at your hands and squeezed his. You were really enjoying this car ride.
When the car came to a stop, you finally noticed how you were in the middle of the forest.
“Where are we Suki?” You asked him.
As he grabbed your hand he spoke, “just follow me teddy bear.”
You guys walked for what felt like a good thirty minutes until you came across.....a cave?
“I know it doesn’t seem like much but wait until you see the inside.” Bakugou said. As you walked in, you finally realized where he took you. A gorgeous crystal cave. Its colors were shining and its gems were sparkling. All the walls were covered except for the top where there seemed to be an opening. It was letting all the moonlight enter the cave causing the crystals to sparkle even more, including the giant pool of water at the center of the cave.
“Suki it’s beautiful,” you said in awe.
“Yeah, knew you’d like it,” He began.
You both sat down at the edge of the pool just dipping your legs in and enjoying each other’s company.
“Y/N.” Bakugou said.
“What’s up Suki?” You asked.
“I can’t help but keep thinking back to what Mina and the others said in the car.” He admitted.
“What? About pulling over and tearing off each other’s clothes?” You chuckled.
“No. About our feelings for each other.” Bakugou said as he just stared at the pool.
“Oh. That.” You calmly said with a hidden smile and soft blush.
Bakugou grabbed onto your hand before speaking again.
“Y/N I really, really, really, really, really love you....a lot. And I’m so sorry for everything I said and did,” Bakugou started.
“Suki....” you softly said while looking at him. You noticed he was staring down at your arm where your now tiny burn mark was. A scar that won’t be forgotten and a memory that was permanently burned into your skin. Literally.
You saw how Bakugou cringed at the sight of it.
“I am so, so sorry for everything. I don’t even know what I could say that could even make up for what I did. Every night memories of what happened keep coming back to me and I’m still in complete shock that I could even do that. To you of all people! The love of my life....I’m just really glad that you said you’d come back to me and that you gave me another chance to get close with you again. I know I said I would wait for you for as long as it takes but I don’t wanna wait anymor-“ Bakugou was cut off as you raised his head to give him a deep kiss. As he kissed you back, Bakugou put everything he couldn’t say as words into that kiss, hoping you’d understand.
When you finally pulled away, you leaned your forehead onto his while staring into his ruby eyes.
“I don’t want to wait anymore either, Suki.”
With that, Bakugou gave you the biggest smile you’ve ever seen. He pulled you in for another kiss and a tight hug.
“So....you’re mine again?” He asked.
“I was always yours Suki. You’re my one and only after all, right?” You teased.
“Right.” He proudly stated. Katsuki Bakugou finally got his girl back. He finally got his love of his life and his teddy bear. His world felt like it came back together again and he no longer felt lost.
After you both spent more time in the cave, exploring, finding all the gems, and enjoying your renewed and fixed love, you and Bakugou found yourselves back in the same spots you were sitting in when you first arrived.
With his eyes closed, chin resting on your head, and an arm wrapped around your waist, with you cuddled into his side and leaned onto his chest, you had a realization.
“Oh hey, Suki.” You said.
“What’s up teddy bear?” He asked with his eyes still closed.
“We never got to go swimming” you said with a pout.
As he opened one eye to look at you, he noticed your adorable pout and the simp in him came out along side with the devil.
“Alright then princess, let’s go for a swim. We have this crystal pool all to ourselves so why not?”
As you gleamed with excitement, you excitingly got up to jump into the water but before you could, Katsuki stopped you.
“Not so fast princess. Our little game of touch and tease is over now since your mine again. I wanna make up for lost time,” he said with a smirk.
“So you’re saying...?” Y/N asked confused.
“We’re going skinny dipping.”
At first it shocked you but then again, this is Katsuki we’re talking about. So you played his little game.
“Maybe your game of touch and tease is over but mine is still running.” You said with a smirk as you walk towards him. You placed your hand on his toned abs as you began speaking again.
“You wanna go skinny dipping Katsuki?” You then slowly went up to whisper in his ear.
“Then let’s get in daddy.”
As you walked away from him you started to undress yourself in a seductive manner. You started with your bikini top, pulled on the string to untie it and tossed it to the side. As you stepped to the pools edge, you did the same to your bikini bottoms and looked over at Katsuki. You didn’t fully face him as you spoke, but as you were holding up your chest pretending to cover yourself up, you showed just enough cleavage to get him riled up.
“You coming or not?” You teasingly asked before you stepped into the water letting its surprisingly warm temperature surrounded you. You had an idea and used your quirk to turn the pool into a hot spring. As the steam surrounded you, a blush from the heat began to show on your face and Bakugou couldnt hide his hard on inside his thin trunks. He undressed himself and entered the now spring.
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virtual-luvr · 4 years
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Pairing: Hawks x Reader
Pronouns: none used, gn
Content: like one curse word, fluff, kissing, pining, Hawks needing attention
Description: you better give this man attention before he dies
Note: paRT TWO FINALLY POGCHAMP. This is long overdue, im so sorry. I remember someone wanted me to tag them so ill em here :D @urlocalchangeling
Part one is here
Your pencil hit the white paper, the scratching being the only thing you hear throughout the whole room.
Well besides the rustling of a certain someones on your bed.
"Keigo, stop that please"
A groan emits from beneath the sheets and Hawks head pops up from underneath them.
"Im just trynna get comftorable sweet heart" His speech is slurred and his eyes are droopy. Almost completely closed and he wasnt even looking in the direction you were facing.
It was honestly a little bit funny.
You let out a small sigh, surprised hes even trying to sleep since its daytime.
"I have work bubbas, why are you even trying to sleep its daytime. You're ruining your own schedule."
"Well you aren't paying attention to me so I guess I'll just do what I like most" He says in a matter of a fact tone.
After that he huffs and pulls the blanket on top of him once again. His red wings peaking out a little, some of the feathers falling onto the ground.
The wind picked up through the open window in the room and some of the feathers flew up. The winding guiding them slowly, one even falling on your desk.
Picking it up the red color of the feather shined brightly and vibrant.
The feather suddenly gets a mind of its own and tickles your face, nose scrunched up you look back at where you last saw Keigo.
Son of a bitch layed there with a smirk on his face, sun shining on his face perfectly, illuminating his features and his eyes feeling like their piercing through you.
"Stop distracting me, I have to do this work, ill give you attention later okay?"
"Please just take a small break and give me some attention" He elongates his word and his voice goes up a pitch.
"Keigo, no"
"Keigo, yes"
And with that your ass is now out of your chair and you're in the middle of the room, Keigo hugging you tightly. Wings wrapped around you and Keigo nestling into the nape of your neck.
The movement of all of that was so swift and fast you barelt noticed when Keigo brought you out of your seat.
Without thinking he leaves a small kiss where his head was placed. The moment felt so intimate, even if your relationship was only platonic at the moment.
Of course, everyone else around you had noticed the pining that you both had for eachother. But neither of you said a word about it, a silent confirmations that it wouldn't be talked about for as long as possible.
But you can't really ignore it as much anymore.
You try to push away the butterflies in your stomach, his breath making it incredibly difficult when it hit your skin.
The sounds of his wings flapping brought you back to Earth. Hawks breath becoming a little bit shaky and he hugs you tighter.
Your hands held on to nothing and that probably made Keigo feel ignored.
Instantly you hug him back once you notice the sudden change in his demeanor.
Breath stilled, his wings and muscles no longer tensed up. 
Pressing a gentle kiss to the side of his head, you smile and give him a big bear hug.
Later on in the day you sat with your laptop once again. Since last time you werent very productive because of a certain someone.
Instead of at a desk this time you sat yourself somewhere that could give you more room to work with.
So living room it is !
The couch was comfy and soft and curhsioned well enough that you wouldnt hurt your back or anything if you stayed for long.
After your little 'moment' and hang out with Keigo he took a nap. So you took that opportunity and started doing work while he was out cold.
After an hour or so you had almost finished all your work and you were ready to get some rest.
That was until a sneaky bird man decided he wanted more attention. This time more impatient then the last.
He really woke up and chose violence.
The comftorable silence in the living room is gone as soon as you heart the thudding of Keigo's feet hitting the floor and running out of the room he was sleeping in.
"Hey, did you sleep we-"
Laptop has been taken away from you once again and this time Keigo makes it so hes on your lap instead.
When you look down his face is smushed into your stomach, somewhat, comftorably and his body is draped over the long sofa.
His arms hug your waist and he just sits there, eyes closing again and its almost like he was about to fall asleep again right then and there.
"Keigo what the hell"
"Shut up i got lonely"
"I was almost done with my work-"
"Yeah yeah whatever, cuddle me"
He moves his head so he can look at you and he glares at you when you dont pay attention to him.
You look to the side for one split second and suddenly Hawks grabs your face so he can make sure your giving him all tthe attention.
Both of you stared at one another for what felt like longer then it should have, the sheepishness you felt at the moment did not go unnoticed by Keigo.
He only gives you a stare full of love, his eyes left nothing but adoration for you. You didnt know it in that moment but yours did as well.
You both lean in hesitantly before going into a short, but passionate kiss.
Breaking off the kiss Keigo mutters a sentence that makes you roll your eyes in, fake, annoyance; "so can i get your attention now?"
[1006 words; Jan 15, 2021]
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