#bakerinator story
bakerinator · 2 years
Be a Hero with Me
"I just want to be loooooooved! By him!" Touya screamed. Blue flames covered his body.
"I just want to be his chosen one." Touya fell down to his knees and cried.
"I just want to be a hero.."
"You want to be a hero?" An unknown voice said.
"Who's there?!" Touya looked around but he couldn't see anyone.
"Up here."
Touya looked up. There was a young(around Touya's age) blond boy flying above him. He had big red wings on his back.
"I heard that you want to be a hero. I also want to be a hero."
The boy landed on the ground and stomped a flame out. He then looked at Touya. "I'm Keigo."
"Want to go back to my hideout? We can be heros together!"
"My dad... He might... come back."
So they waited.
And waited.
And waited.
But none of Touya's family came.
Nightfall was closing in.
"Want to take up my offer?"
Touya looked at a treehouse(?) in front of him.
Keigo flew up to the top and landed on the roof. "This is my hideout! I have a birds eye view in case something comes near!"
"But you have wings." And the treehouse wasn't high enough to go over the trees, but he wasnt gonna say that.
"Yeah but being high up is always good."
"Why are you here? What about your parents?"
Keigo sighed. "Truth is... I ran away."
"My dad was kinda shitty, and mom never cared. So yeah."
Keigo flew down and struck a heroic pose in front of Touya. "They were stopping me from my dream, to be a hero! And save people in need!"
Keigo looked back at Touya. "I'm assuming yours were as well."
Keigo put his arm around Touya. "We don't need 'em! We're runaways to heros!"
Touya smiled. "Yeah."
"Is it okay if I ice your burns?"
Keigo put ice on his arm. His whole arm started healing. Huh?
"That's not how my wounds heal. Maybe you have a healing quirk?"
"But the fire is my quirk."
Touya put ice on his leg, and sure enough it healed.
"Looks like your cooler than I thought!" Keigo smirked.
"Birdbrain." Touya huffed.
"Want to practice training? We're gonna need to to become heros." Keigo asked.
"Uh sure."
"Okay. Try to hit me with your fire."
"What?! No I'm not doing that!"
"C'mon you're gonna need to learn how to use it. And my feathers grow back."
"Okay fine but I'm going real small."
Touya summoned a small fireball in his hand. He threw at Keigo.
It fell on the ground a few feet in front of him.
"Wow that was.... "
"Its harder when you're trying not to hit someone!"
"Its ok, how about we try training with trees instead?"
"But I might burn the house."
"I'll make sure that doesn't happen."
And so they trained.
For years.
"Ever thought about what you want your hero name to be? Mines gonna be Hawks!"
"Because you're a bird."
"Am not! I have wings."
"Like a bird."
Keigo pouted.
He's still so cute.
Wait what? Touya shook his head. This is Keigo, not a girl. He was a boy, boys weren't cute.
But Touya still couldn't help his growing feelings for Keigo even if he lied to himself.
"Hawks my daughter is trapped in a burning building!"
Hawks flew out to find her. Flamefrost(Touya) by his side.
"I'll go in and save the girl!" Flamefrost said.
Flamefrost landed and walked into the building. There was fire everywhere. After searching for a bit, he found the girl. She was trapped in a corner surrounded by flames. She was not small, like he thought, she looked like she was late teens/early adult age. She was around his age. He approached her.
"Hello, I'm here to bring you out."
She cried out, he assumed it was because she was happy. He picked her up and jumped out the nearest window. He lessened the fall by using his flames to float.
"There you go we-"
He was stopped by her grabbing his face and kissing his cheek.
"Thank you for saving me." She said and was brought into an ambulance.
He was suddenly pulled along by Keigo. His grip was strong.
Touya blushed slightly. Why was Keigo being so forceful? And why did he kinda like it?
Keigo eventually stopped in front of a restaurant. Touya thought they were gonna go in but then he was yanked into a dark alleyway.
Touya stumbled and fell to the ground.
He didn't answer. He just stared at Touya.
"Keigo what-"
Keigo grabbed his shirt and pulled him in to kiss him. Touya's brain shortcircuted.
They were kissing hungrily. And it lasted for a while, until Touya ran out of breath.
He pulled away. They both sat there, panting.
"What the fuck." Touya eventually said.
"Mine." Was all Keigo could force out.
Touya wondered if he suddenly stumbled into a different universe. The universe he lived in, Keigo didn't like him that way.
He pulled Keigo into another kiss.
Keigo smiled into the kiss. Touya felt assured. This was his Keigo. He didn't know what they were now, but he assumed more than friends.
Keigo pulled away first this time.
"Please be my boyfriend!" Keigo said very loud.
Touya laughed. "Yes, birdbrain."
Keigo smiled. He snuggled into Touya's arms. "I love you."
"I love you too Keigo."
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lol @ bakerinator's latest bulletin "if you block me i'll block you back"? way to sound like a child "I came on toyhouse for a reason to gush about my ocs" but you still post your sob story that nobody cares about in the general forums after people call you out on your bs behaviour
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bakerinator · 2 years
Uh oh they're kids now, Part 1
Vylad was carrying a box of potions for Lucinda.
"Is that too heavy?"
"No." said Vylad struggling.
He walked forward
and tripped over the carpet.
Zane and Garroth ran to catch him and the potions.
They got them all and sighed relieved.
Except they didn't get them all as one potion fell and broke on the floor.
Vylad looked up at them. "That can't be bad, right?"
Dante was being called by Lucinda. Lucinda didn't call him much. He answered.
"Hi Dante. Um I have a problem."
"What's the problem?"
"Um well... come and you'll see."
Dante arrived at Lucinda's house. He knocked on the door.
"Come in!"
Dante opened the door
and proceeded to see Lucinda chasing after 3 toddlers.
One of the toddlers ran into him. He looked up at Dante
and Dante froze. He knew those eyes.
"Hello!" Vylad? waved happily.
Dante looked up at Lucinda. "What happened?" He said in shock.
"So they're stuck like this?"
"Yeah there isn't really a way to reverse the potion, you kinda just have to wait for it to wear off."
"For how long?"
"Well the amount of time differs with how strong the potion is. The least I can say is 6 hours."
"6 hours?!"
"At the least, yeah."
Dante groaned and rubbed his head. Great now he was gonna have to babysit. He pulled out his phone.
"Hey man what's up?"
"Travis I need a favor."
"No way!" Travis ran to the toddlers.
"They're all so cute!" He picked up Vylad and rubbed his cheek against his. Vylad stuck his tongue out and pushed away. Vylad managed to escape Travis and ran and hid behind Dante. He stuck his tongue out at Travis.
Travis picked up Zane. He giggled as Travis bounced him.
"He likes me!" Travis said with teary eyes.
Laurence looked over at Dante. "So they have their personalities and parts of their memories?"
"Seems like it. Vylad is very attached to me, almost like he knows I'm his boyfriend."
Laurence looked at baby Garroth. "I assume the same is true for all of them. Do you happen to know when it'll wear off?"
"At the least 6 hours." He looked down at Vylad who was hugging his leg.
Laurence clicked his tongue. "Well I'll get my baby stuff out."
They brought the boys back to their house. Well Travis, Garroth, Laurence, and Dante's house, Zane and Vylad's was out of the question since they were so small.
"Daddy! Look!"
Dante cringed. "Ew no, you are not calling me that."
Vylad tilted his head. "Sir?"
"Just call me Dante."
"Okay!" Vylad exclaimed happily. "Look Dante! A chicken!"
Dante looked at the Tv screen. There was a chicken. However Dante didn't remember leaving it on. He glared at Travis.
"Heh. Sorry. I was in a rush."
The boys ran around for a bit, playing and watching Tv. Dante was tired already.
He walked to the kitchen and poured a cup of coffee. Apparently Vylad followed him because he heard him speak behind him.
"What's that?"
Dante looked down at him. Not really any different then normal, Vylad was very short already.
"Can I have some?"
"No. Kids and coffee is a nightmare."
Vylad tilted his head. "Then why do you drink it?"
"Cause I'm a grown up. And I need it."
Dante didn't answer. He sipped his coffee. The bags on his eyes was enough proof but he wasnt sure if Vylad understood that, he is a toddler after all. He's not sure how much of their memory was still active in their little bodies.
After he finished his coffee he looked at the clock. He groaned. Only 1 hour went by? He walked into the living room.
Garroth ran into him as he walked in. For a toddler, he barely moved. Holy shit, he's still strong as a toddler? Laurence ran to pick him up.
"Boys were gonna need to do something."
They looked at him.
"We can't just keep them confined in here."
"But are we capable of keeping them near us outside?" Laurence asked.
Dante thought. He looked over at the closet door. Laurence had pulled baby stuff like bottles, pacifiers, diapers, etc. He saw a baby carrier and got a great idea.
They put Vylad on Dante's chest carrier. He wiggled his little feet. Then Garroth in Laurence's. He giggled and waved his hands. And lastly Zane in Travis's.
"So heavy!" Travis complained.
"Lift weights ever."
Travis pouted and tickled Zane's belly. Zane giggled and Travis smiled.
"Alright boys! Operation: Entertain the kids!" Dante said, while some of the toddlers clapped.
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bakerinator · 1 year
Secretly a Werewolf
Garroth Ro'meave was a normal human teenager. He was popular in school, had great friends, had two brothers he loved very much, and had a crush on a girl in his class.
Everything was great.
Chapter 1. Werewolf Problems
"Garroth! Can you come with me to move the supplies?" Aphmau yelled out to him.
Garroth grinned. 'Great! Aphmau needs my help! I'll show her what a capable and reliable person I am!'
'And maybe I can show off my muscles too' Garroth giggled.
He was carrying boxes into one of the club rooms.
As he was moving one he dropped a potion out of one, luckily it didn't break.
He looked at the label. Turn into Werewolf potion?
"Aphmau what room are we in?"
"The Werewolf Club room, why?"
"Why do werewolves need "turn into werewolf" potions?"
"Maybe it works the opposite for them?"
He set the box down and went to grab another.
Suddenly he heard the splashing sound of a potion.
He whipped around. Aphmau was holding the ''turn into werewolf" potions. One of them was on the floor, broken.
At his feet.
"What? I kinda wanna see you with furry ears and tail." Aphmau said, smirking.
Garroth blushed. But he waited. He didn't feel any different.
"Huh? Why didn't it work?" Aphmau said disappointed.
Garroth was looking where the tail and ears were supposed to be, but nothing was there.
"Maybe you gotta do it a couple times?" Aphmau said.
Garroth grabbed a potion and threw it on her.
In a few seconds furry ears popped out of her hair. When she turned around he saw there was a tail to match.
"Huh?" Aphmau said, confused.
Suddenly it clicked in Garroth's head. He wasn't turning into a werewolf, because he already was a werewolf!
Garroth looked at Aphmau. The realization on his face. She was confused, but soon understood as well.
Garroth needed to talk with his parents.
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bakerinator · 2 years
Love on Mystreet, Vylante
Vylad looked around his apartment. Everything was in the same place as it always was. A cat plush from Aph. He remembered the day he got it. Aph and him were fighting over where to go after dinner. After a (unfair) vote Aph won. She picked the arcade. Vylad wasn't much of a game person, but Aph gave it to him with puppy dog eyes to make up for the vote. He's kept it ever since. He looks at a picture of him and Dante.
Why was his heart beating so fast? He's known Dante forever. He used to hang out with him when he went to visit his brother. At some point they became friends. Yes he did laugh at every joke Dante made. Yes he was more excited about seeing Dante then his brother. Yes he dreamed about kissing him.
Holy shit. He was in love with Dante?! When did that happen?! He furiously blushed. What was he supposed to do now?
Vylad breathed in and out. He hadn't visited Dante in a while. He needed an excuse to see him. Something that was normal. He looked at his oven. Hmm....
Vylad was standing in front of Dante's door, well Dante and his friends' door. He was too afraid to knock. What was happening? He's never been scared to see him before. Is this because he found out he loved him? What a pain.
The door opened. Garroth looked surprised to see him.
"Hey Garroth." Vylad wanted to hit himself for being so awkward, this is his brother after all.
"You haven't visited in a while! I missed you baby brother!"
Still the same old Garroth. Vylad was calming down now.
"Who's there?" Vylad died inside. It was Dante.
"It's Vylad! Want to come in Vylad?"
Vylad couldn't take his eyes off Dante. He was wearing an undershirt that fit him loosely. Suddenly Vylad was feeling very warm.
Vylad looked back at Garroth, who was talking to him.
"Uh yeah?"
Suddenly Garroth's eyes darkened, but only for a second. He grabbed Vylad's arm and pulled him in. While doing that Vylad dropped the box behind his back on the floor. He grabbed it back immediately, however not before Garroth saw it.
"Is that for us?" It was just supposed to be Dante's, but Vylad was afraid getting him alone would worry his brother.
"Yeah." He said instead.
"Cool! I'll put it on the table. Thanks!"
Vylad's heart beat faster. Garroth was going towards the kitchen, this was his chance to talk to Dante! He looked over at Dante.
He tried to say words but nothing would come out. Dante noticed him mouthing something and came closer to hear.
Vylad was staring right at Dante. He was close! Vylad felt like he was on fire.
Suddenly his legs collapsed. He fell to the ground. Garroth must've heard the thump because he ran to Vylad's side.
"Vylad are you okay?!"
"Yeah Garroth, just my legs."
"I'll go get a crutch for you, Dante can you carry him to your room?"
Dante nodded and grabbed Vylad in his arms. Vylad was definitely blushing now, if not already.
Once in Dante's room, Vylad was laid down on his bed. Vylad was trying not to explode.
"You haven't visited in a while."
Vylad looked down. "I know I just had some things to deal with."
"Is it because of your legs? I heard you're not in a wheelchair anymore."
"Heh, yeah that was rough but no that's not why."
Dante seemed like he wasn't going to pry, but Vylad had enough of beating around the bush.
"Do you like boys?"
Dante was taken aback at first, I mean that was out of the blue.
"I do."
Vylad gulped. It was now or never. "Okay I wanted to know because-"
He stared at Dante's beautiful blue eyes. "Because- Because..."
Fuck it. He grabbed Dante's head and slammed his lips onto his. After a second he pulled away.
Suddenly Dante's lips were on his again. He closed his eyes.
However all of a sudden he heard a thump behind him. He opened his eyes. Garroth was standing there with the now dropped crutch, he did not look happy.
Vylad pulled away immediately. "Garroth I-!"
But Dante already bolted out of the room, with Garroth close behind.
Vylad crawled over to get the forgotten crutch. He figured he'd better make sure his new boyfriend doesn't die.
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bakerinator · 2 years
Mermaid Au
In a world of magic and mystery, there lived a kingdom of merpeople. The king, Garte, and queen, Zianna rule over the merpeople with their sons, Prince Garroth, Zane, and Vylad.
Vylad looked out the window of the castle. He was thinking what life was like on the surface. He had heard humans were dangerous, but he still longed for the surface. He really wanted to see all the human houses. He really wanted to see what the sky felt like. Ever since he was young he was told of young mermaids being rescued by princes. He really wanted a prince or even just a strong man to save him from his kingdom. He had a dopey grin on his face when Garroth swam in.
"Vylad it's-" He stopped when he saw Vylad's face.
Vylad snapped out of his fantasies. "Huh? What?"
"What were thinking about?" Garroth said with a questioning glare.
"Oh just stuff. Also I told you to knock before barging into my room."
Garroth looked over to the non-existent door. "Uh huh."
"Dinner ready? I'll go see-"
"Actually no, father has requested you."
Vylad gulped. Garte never liked him. Zianna had been pregnant with him but when he was born it was obvious he wasn't Garte's. Garte was furious and never acknowledged Vylad as his kid. He treated Vylad like he didn't exist. Vylad didn't really mind that too much. He had Zianna and his brothers who loved him. However being called by Garte was never good. Because he was invisible to him, that only meant he called him when he did something wrong.
He approached the door to the throne room. He inhaled then exhaled. He swam in.
"Hey dad... you needed me?"
Garte turned around. He did not look happy. Uh oh, he was in trouble.
"Yes, as you may know it's almost Zane's pearl ceromony. I'm asking you to be on your best behavior. Do not make us look bad."
Vylad figured that the 'asking' wasn't asking but demanding and that 'us' meant Garte himself.
"Yes father I promise."
Garte looked like he didn't believe him. Before Vylad turned away Garte spoke again. "You will never be my son."
Vylad swam away. He didn't care about Garte. In his eyes he was fatherless. Just like it should be. But why did that hurt so much? All he ever wanted was a father's love. Vylad clenched his fists. He was sick of it. He was sick of all the pampering Garroth and Zane got, and him treated like an outsider. He was queen Zianna's kid! But it really didn't feel like his mother had much power at all. Vylad swam off to his room.
"Yeah but don't tell dad okay?"
Vylad leaned in. Garroth was talking to someone. Vylad grinned micheviously. Perfect Garroth with a dirty secret?
However all those thoughts stopped when Garroth continued.
"Yeah I met him on the surface. It was a little weird getting used to legs. However I am grateful for the pearl. It's just that well-"
Suddenly Vylad fell off his bed. He apparently leaned too far. He thought a bit. The pearl gives the option of the surface? How? And what are legs?
Zane was receiving his pearl. Vylad kept his face blank. Inside he was screaming.
Vylad looked at Zane sleeping in his room. He swam in slowly. On Zane's desk was what he wanted, the pearl. He snuck past Zane and grabbed it-
And nothing.
Vylad looked at it. Why was there no transformation? Where were his legs?
Maybe there was a button or something? He went to click the pearl but suddenly Zane shifted. Vylad scurried out of the room almost dropping the pearl. Whew. That was close. He needed to leave fast before Zane noticed the pearl was gone.
Swimming up to the surface of the water, he never looked back. This was his time for freedom. Away from his broken family, his royal duties, his old life.
He got out of the water. Suddenly his tail started to change. It turned into two arms? Or at least that's what he thought they looked like. Apparently these were legs. He didn't know how to use them though. He tried to swim but he wasn't moving. He was getting frustrated. How the fuck do you use these?!
"Need help there bud?"
Vylad looked up. There was a merman- wait no, human in front of him.
Vylad was mesmerized. First off the guy was very attractive. Second, it was his first time ever seeing a human.
Vylad realized he hasn't spoken yet. "I'm Vylad!" He shouted.
"Hi. Um do you need help?"
Vylad blushed looking at his legs. He couldn't figure out how to walk. "Yeah I do."
"Can you not walk?"
"No I can't."
Vylad was expecting something but certainly not what happened next. Suddenly the man picked him up. His legs dangled uselessly. However Vylad didn't even notice. All he was thinking about was how nice it felt. Is this what those mermaids felt?
The man carried Vylad to a building. Once inside he placed Vylad on a bed.
Vylad looked up at him.
"Wait here one of my friends has a wheelchair still."
Vylad definitely wasn't planning on going anywhere, he can't even if he wanted to anyway.
After some time the man came back with a strange device. Vylad assumed this was a wheelchair.
He picked Vylad up and put him in the wheelchair.
"There. Sorry it took so long. Do you need help moving it?"
Vylad looked down at the 'wheelchair'. "Yes."
Suddenly the man was pushing him out the door. Vylad looked around in amazement. Everything looked so much better than when he was on the ground!
"Wooaah." He accidently said out loud.
The man looked at him. "Not from around here?" Then he stilled. He looked around. Suddenly he was pushing Vylad closer to the water.
Vylad liked this wheelchair it was-
Suddenly Vylad was pushed into the water. He panicked as his tail started to appear. He looked up at the man.
"Damn I owe Gene 20 bucks."
Vylad was confused. Why was he not screaming? Vylad was a merman in front of him. Also what are bucks? Who is Gene?
The man extended his hand to Vylad.
"I'm Dante." He said with a smile.
Vylad, blushing, grabbed his hand and smiled. He didn't want to go back.
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bakerinator · 1 year
Snippet of Emi and Ruko's story
"Haha!" Ruko heard girls giggling and snickering approach him.
He tried to get out of the way before they saw him but one grabbed him.
"Where do you think you're going loser?"
"Yeah creep! You were probably watching us!"
"I-I wasn't I swear!" Ruko stuttered.
"Whatever guys." Emi approached Ruko.
"A loser like him wouldn't do anything to us." She smirked, winking.
The girls giggled.
After the girls left Emi grabbed Ruko's hand, pulling him up.
"I don't know why they're so mean to you."
Ruko smoothed his shirt. "I don't either."
Emi blushed and looked away. "Well just be glad that I saved you."
Ruko chuckled. "Of course."
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bakerinator · 2 years
Gay Dads
Jade and Damien were playing at the park.
Jade tackled Damien down, laughing she rolled over onto the grass.
"I'm gonna miss playing with you." She said.
"Huh?" Damien asked confused.
"You know, when we're both older and have girlfriends."
"Why girlfriends?"
"Because we're boys silly." She said giggling.
Damien looked uncomfortable. "I don't want a girlfriend."
Jade looked at him. "Huh?"
Jade remembered Iziki telling her about how she will find a nice girl and settle down with one day. While he was looking at Arigaulf. Wait...
Jade blushed. "My dads' are gay?!"
"Yeah they're your dads?"
"No way! I thought.. omg. Honey! My dads' are gay!"
Honey rolled his eyes. "So am I."
"Are you gay with my dads?"
"No! I'm not with your dads!"
Jade all of a sudden gasped. With stars in her eyes she grabbed Damien's hand.
"Me and Damien are gay Honey!"
Damien blushed smiling. 
(Btw Jade is a trans woman that's why I'm using she/her pronouns)
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