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! 𝖒𝖎𝖓𝖔𝖗 !call me taiyakii || any pronouns 𝖇𝖓𝖍𝖆 𝖜𝖗𝖎𝖙𝖊𝖗—main blog: taiyakiithoughts—
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taiyakiiwrites ¡ 3 years ago
um so literally got spoiled of a certain something something about bnha when i was planning on reading the manga 😀 im taking a break, im done, i cant do this, this is the worst timeline, bye bye
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taiyakiiwrites ¡ 3 years ago
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tagging anyone who wants to join !!
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taiyakiiwrites ¡ 3 years ago
actually i may just make a second blog. would that be better? it’d be easier to filter through everything, and i don’t really know people who both watch one piece and bnha. they’re two pretty different fandoms
*smacks table* i’m writing about one piece and theres nothing you can do to stop me
okay, real talk: i get that you all come here for bnha content, but i’ve been watching a lot of it and i want to write about some of those characters! and frankly, i haven’t interacted with the bnha’s source material in a long time. i will still write for bnha, but it just won’t be the only thing anymore. and no, this doesn’t mean i’m going to start doing other animes. bnha and one piece are the only animes that i’m interested in enough to do so (though there is samurai champloo, but that show’s fandom died a long time ago 💀). if you don’t want to see it, ill make a tag you guys can block.
cheers to new beginnings for this blog! 🥂
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taiyakiiwrites ¡ 3 years ago
*smacks table* i’m writing about one piece and theres nothing you can do to stop me
okay, real talk: i get that you all come here for bnha content, but i’ve been watching a lot of it and i want to write about some of those characters! and frankly, i haven’t interacted with the bnha’s source material in a long time. i will still write for bnha, but it just won’t be the only thing anymore. and no, this doesn’t mean i’m going to start doing other animes. bnha and one piece are the only animes that i’m interested in enough to do so (though there is samurai champloo, but that show’s fandom died a long time ago 💀). if you don’t want to see it, ill make a tag you guys can block.
cheers to new beginnings for this blog! 🥂
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taiyakiiwrites ¡ 3 years ago
Hello please reblog this if you’re okay with people sending you random asks to get to know you better
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taiyakiiwrites ¡ 3 years ago
we’re almost at 300 followers!! damn ! should i do an event? i have some time on my hands and i wouldn’t mind
should probably post at least one more thing before the milestone but that’s whether or not i get the motivation ㅠㅠ
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taiyakiiwrites ¡ 3 years ago
best part about writing fanfic? creative liberty. brb, gonna write what each bnha character would be like if they were into musical theatre
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taiyakiiwrites ¡ 3 years ago
im looking over hawks fandom wiki and legit i feel like guilty since theres so much i 1. don’t remember about 2. missed out on and 3. am still missing out on the bnha manga because i took a break from actually consuming the og material
help why am i kinda upset ㅠㅠ
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taiyakiiwrites ¡ 3 years ago
does anyone know how to make a carrd? if so, please hmu, i’m in desperate need to learn ㅠㅠ
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taiyakiiwrites ¡ 3 years ago
have a quiz that i made. build-your-own self-insert romance.
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taiyakiiwrites ¡ 3 years ago
i’m looking for a mha fanfiction if anyone can help!
the person was doing an event of sorts about bnha characters as dads? there was a bakugou, a kirishima, and one other one. i was reading the bakugou fic, in which he was a single dad, had a daughter, and the reader was his next door neighbor. i think the daughter’s name was similar to katsuki? like katsumi or something. and it was a five part series i think! i left off where the daughter was about to start planning to set katsuki and the reader up.
if anyone can find it, i’d be more than grateful !!
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taiyakiiwrites ¡ 3 years ago
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pairing(s): katsuki bakugou x gn!reader
content: what it’s like dating Great Explosion Murder God Dynamite™️, no bad vibes in this one, so don’t sweat it
notes: i was looking forward to this one HFJDKDKS— i love him so much and i’m glad i get this chance to rant about him and a fictional life with him
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your relationship is… hectic <33
constantly reeling in katsuki whenever he loses his temper or goes a bit too far with anything; it almost feels like you’re babysitting at times ㅠㅠ
but now that he’s in a relationship, he does try harder to keep a cool head
can’t look like a moron in front of the one person whose opinion he cares about
and if you’re the type, he’ll reel you in if you start to go off at someone or something
it’ll look weird as hell to others with katsuki in that position instead of you, but it’s what makes your relationship great
dates include…!
rock climbing and hiking! it was probably the first thing he wanted to do with you once you guys got closer, and he makes sure to get you outside at least once a week (hahaha i live in my bedroom—)
and even if the bugs annoy you and your feet hurt, it’s quality time between you two, and he’s happy that you want to participate in things he enjoys
cooking! he’ll constantly scowl you if you get an egg shell in the bowl or cut some ingredients wrong, but then he puts his hands over yours to guide you, and presses his chest against your back… sorry, what were we talking about—?
plus, the rest of class 1A isn’t complaining when you two make extra food for everyone 👀
and side note: if you do ever feel under the weather or just shitty in general, he’ll make you a comfort food or two of yours <33
which leads me toooo!
he’s a quiet lover, if anything
words are not his forte in the slightest, so he shows his love in other ways:
waking up with a blanket over you if you fell asleep on the couch, quietly sliding you notes from class when he sees you struggling with a topic, and random articles of clothing appearing on your bed when you coincidentally said you liked it when you two were at the mall once!
then you wear the clothes he bought then next day and he’ll just beam with pride
whenever you get anything right actually, he has trouble hiding his proud grin
you look over at him and catch his smile, and on rare occasion if he doesn’t look away instantly, he just rolls his eyes and gives you a thumbs up
that’s the only time he’s not quiet: when he brags about you to his friends in the most cocky and condescending way possible
it’s flattering tbh—
back to the favor thing: f you try to bring up the favors he does for you to him, he’ll deny ever doing it 💀
the best you’ll get out of him is a “tsk, whatever” or “it was nothing”
that’s how he always is: he hides the nice things he does for you with mean words (ie. “you’re an idiot if you think that outfit looks bad on you”, “you sometimes doubt that i actually love you? did your parents drop you on the head when you were a child?”)
he’ll push his favors to the side even if he did the most extra thing for you HFKDKJSJS
katsuki: “yeah, and?”
you: “how did you get these seats? and the tickets sell out in practically minutes, i—?
katsuki: “look, just GET READY, WE’RE LEAVING FOR DINNER AT 7!”
katsuki: “SHUT UP—!”
yeah it’s great
tho, be wary: if you get literally anything for him, he will shut down
just freeze
that is until he realizes how stupid he looks and then just averts his eyes and mutters “thank you” as he brings it close to his chest
anytime you want to do something cheesy and romantic with him, he immediately groans and slaps his face
but, and you didn’t hear this from me,
… he would not mind going on a bowling or ice skating date with you
squeeze everything you can out of those days though, because those dates are once in a blue moon
take soooo many pictures
send him them with a little heart emoji and he’ll pretend he doesn’t care, but you’ll see the next day that he set one of them as his lock screen <33
as for bad traits: he gets jealous easy, protective. he doesn’t like the idea that you could easily replace him or that there’s someone out there meant for you that isn’t him. sometimes he goes a little too far with it, like i said.
how to fix this? give him hugs, spend a little extra time with him. reassure him that he means the world to you and you wouldn’t trade him for anything else. he’ll hug you back and hold you tight, repeating your words in his head
you guys are a total power couple in the end. no one can get past you two or between you two in any situation. ♡
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taiyakiiwrites ¡ 3 years ago
Hellooo, I hope youre doing well, I love your work so much!
May I request a set of headcanons for Tokoyami if that's fine with you? His reaction/mental response after being informed of the (gn!)readers death after the 1st war arch (as in they died during the fight)(not sure if youre a manga reader tho so you can ignore this little detail if youre not :) ) Maybe how he'd act/feel at the funeral or if he didn't have the heart to go there at all, it's up to you.
(I apologize if this is too long or unspecific. Have a great day and thank you!<3)
“it’s what they would’ve wanted”
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pairing(s): tokoyami fumikage x gn!reader
wc: 0.5k+ words
content: death, messy grieving, poor coping mechanisms, isolation
notes: i have read the manga, but i unfortunately am not caught up ㅠㅠ so this is just going to be vague-ish. and don’t worry, you’ve given me all the details i need :)) be prepared tho because i always have too much fun write too much when it comes to characters responding to near death and/or death scenarios
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there was so much chaos around him already with the war. constantly on the move and helping others, while doing his best to survive himself. he was surprised he found out so soon. thankful, but surprised
or as thankful as you can be in that situation
when he first got the news, he froze
just absolutely speechless
it was almost like he didn’t even hear them, to the point where the person started to repeat what they said
but tokoyami held up a hand as a signal and turned his back to them. it could’ve been one of his closest friends telling him the news, he would still refuse to speak
to be honest, he didn’t process it at first—he didn’t process it for a while. someone as amazing as you was just here. and now you’re gone? now they’re saying you’re gone? it felt too surreal
but he knew he had to accept it. he was familiar with death, very familiar. once you’re dead, you’re dead.
his friends tried to comfort him, knowing how important you were in his life, and grieving you themselves beside him. he accepted their comfort, saying that he was thankful and wanted to continue moving on—“it’s what they would’ve wanted” he would say
dark shadow was a complete wreck throughout it all, so they grieved together
through tokoyami’s determination to not let himself go due to your death, he inspired his classmates and friends to do the same. they wanted you to live on in their memories, you would never be truly gone
it was almost confusing to him when he was so fine with it all—he wished he could play the role of the desperate lover, he felt like you deserved it. but that wasn’t who he was, and you loved him for him. so, he didn’t question it and went to your funeral with everyone else
emphasis on “was fine”
he thought he would be okay when the time came. all of his friends thought he would be too with how well he was handling the situation so far
but when he saw your still face in your casket
something in him shattered
it was physical proof you wouldn’t come back, and he had to stare at it right it the face—your face. the more he thought about it, the worse it got
he would never hear you laugh again. never see your smile. never get to hear you talk about the world as you saw it. everything that made you you was now only in his mind. it would never get to shine in the real world ever again
he isolated himself, not answering to anyone’s texts or calls. he couldn’t find the energy in him to eat unless dark shadow dragged him to the kitchen
first, dark shadow was the one out of control, now it was tokoyami
the only “productive” thing he would do was write poetry rampantly in his notebook about you in two ways:
who you were and why in god’s name he was so destroyed about you no longer being here
he will get over your death
but it’s going to be a long journey, and he won’t be the same afterwards
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taiyakiiwrites ¡ 3 years ago
i’m on vacation right now, but i swear ill get to the requests and posts i have planned !!
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taiyakiiwrites ¡ 3 years ago
3 slots are open for match ups if anyone’s interested!!
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taiyakiiwrites ¡ 3 years ago
— series masterlist
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“okay, i won't think about nothing but loving you.”
summary: this is a series is nothing but a collection of tooth-rottingly sweet relationship headcanons
pairing(s): any and all bnha characters! you are also allowed to suggest some prompts and characters for this series, so ask away!
status: ongoing!
warnings: there isn’t anything to worry about in this series. any content that could possibly be difficult will be mentioned beforehand, but there will be very few moments where it happens.
updates: whenever i update
additional info: this is all just for fun for me, i’m not going to be too harsh schedule-wise.
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✧・゚:* denki kaminari *:・゚✧
✧・゚:* izuku midoriya *:・゚✧
✧・゚:* katsuki bakugou *:・゚✧
coming soon:
✧・゚:* todoroki shoto *:・゚✧
✧・゚:* ejiro kirishima *:・゚✧
and more…
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taiyakiiwrites ¡ 3 years ago
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pairing(s): izuku midoriya x gn!reader
wc: 0.8k+ words
content: just some sappy relationship headcanons, literally nothing bad
notes: this is literally just me blabbering about every thought i have of this man, so don’t expect it to be too organized 💀 but i hope you enjoy it nonetheless, cause i had fun writing all of this
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fun fact: he used to learn about you with the excuse of being able to write about your skills in his notebook,, and still uses that excuse sometimes when he’s particularly shy, but it’s okay, we’ll work on it—
he’s a classic gentleman due to his mother: opening doors, pulling out chairs for you, giving you his jacket. he’s just so chivalrous and it is just adorable
midoriya works night and day on training and school, so you guys don’t go on the most “thrilling” dates since he doesn’t always have the energy. but they’re still fun!
you guys usually go to nearby cafes and parks, talking about anything and everything. izuku always has a lot on his mind, so don’t worry about not having a conversation topic
walks are a must!! he overworks himself a lot so you two agreed a while ago that if either of you are stressed out, one will always drag the other one outside to take a break from everything
plus, it’s nice to just go outside and hear the birds sing !!1!!
and yes, he will drag you to any showings of all might movies and ramble daily about what he knows about his favorite heroes
if you have any sort of fixation as well, whether a hero, hobby; or piece of media, feel free to rant about it to him as well and you guys can bounce thoughts off of each other
you two can bond through being nerds 💀
izuku’s training is really important to him—he needs to be the number 1 hero! but in the beginning, it was something that came in the way of quality time and your relationship. so how did you both solve this?
well, if you’re athletic, you two train together!! not only does your teamwork improve for school, but you learn so much about one another that you know exactly how to help each other
you two also constantly talk about how to improve your costumes or your moves
and if you’re not crazy athletic, don’t worry, i feel you ㅠㅠ so usually you just let him use you as a weight as he works out HSKJD
but as much as he’s a workaholic at times, you two goof off a lot together; it’s a big part of your relationship
a lot of times, he picks you up randomly and runs off with you, or you two bake something together and end up in a flour fight, or you two try to create a crazy combo power move with your quirks
midoriya also always makes sure you’re prepared for the day. he reminds you to bring an umbrella if the forecast says it’ll rain, gives you his extra hoodie when it’s chilly, and constantly sneaks bottles of water into your bag when you go out
if anything happened to you when he wasn’t around, he would go into a full-on panic, so he does his best to make it so you’re ready for anything for both of your sakes
keeps a polaroid of you and him in his phone case *:・゚✧ that is the sweetest thing anyone can do, and you cannot change my mind
izuku finds his motivation to become stronger through you! he wants to be able to protect the person he cares the most about if the time calls for it, but also because you’ve helped him so much before that he wants to give back
you’re the one that comforts him when he gets burnt out or upset, the one who gets him back up on his feet. you’re also his number 1 supporter, but you also remind him of his limits, and he could not be more grateful
and he’s your number 1 fan too! with any extracurricular activities you do or any hobbies you have, he is always there cheering you on—he believes that you can do anything
he puts a lot of trust in you. and i mean a lot.
if you asked him to do something risky, he would do it without hesitation, believing that you know what you’re doing. hell, even if it sounded like he would die, he would
he is a very dedicated man, let’s just say
but that’s the type of person he is !! once he trusts someone, it’s hard to change his mind about it
and at night, sometimes he gets nightmares that, due to his quirk, the LOV kidnaps you and tortures you... or worse.
those nights, he texts you the minute he wakes up and you two chat until he can fall asleep again
if you’re feeling risky, you sneak into his dorm and sleep beside him <33
tsuyu or mina have probably caught you once or twice, but they can keep a secret ;))
overall, you two have the sweetest damn relationship and izuku wouldn’t trade you for the world
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