#just aywas things
casixtonpetsites · 2 years
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some bases i have from the last few weeks
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hapalopus · 1 year
So do you need to be an artist to join Aywas or do you just need to prove you're not twelve
Not at all, the only thing you need is an inhuman resilience and an uncanny ability to navigate a website with a thousand pages and no sitemap!
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gemtopia · 2 years
Avatar: The Way of Water Review
This is my opinionated movie review of Avatar 2 and will contain many spoilers… So, here’s what I got.
For starters, I have been a hardcore Avatar fan from the beginning. The first movie came out when I was in 5th grade! I am now 24 years old and have literally been waiting for this movie for 13 years! And just like the first one, I give this movie a full 5 star rating.
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I absolutely loved this movie and felt that this one was way better than the first one. The acting was great, the story was great, and as always the world of Pandora was breathtaking. However, with this being said, there were a few things about the movie that frustrated me and left me over all confused. So here some things that I loved and hated about the movie.
Spider/Miles Quaritch - HATED
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For me, Spider wasn’t a terrible character. He had the potential to be an amazing character but I almost felt like the writers just didn’t really know what to do with him. In a lot of ways you can’t help but feel bad for him because really doesn’t have anyone and feels connected to the Sullys and is very close to Jake and especially Kiri. He seems to be very kind and understanding and only wishes to be apart of a family but part of me also kinda wished he wasn’t a character. Spider is a little too much for my taste and has too much of a Tarzan vibe. I was rooting for him at first, that is, till he started to “bond” with his father and the other soldiers. Then, when it came to the scene where Spider saves his father from drowning my husband and I just looked at each other and agreed we were done with him. Overall I personally wish they had killed Spider off instead of Neteyam but I guess he’s here for a reason or at least I hope he is.
Kiri - LOVED
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There’s so much to be said about Kiri. She is kindhearted, loving, beautiful, strong, and is most definitely my favorite character. Not only do I relate to her on a spiritual level for being strange and different than most Na’vi but I also love what she represents. A lot of reviewers have been referring to Kiri as a “Jesus-like” character which isn’t entirely wrong. While everyone else is confused on who Kiri’s father is and how her mother Grace even got pregnant, I think it’s pretty obvious where Kiri came from- Aywa. Kiri is not only Grace’s daughter she is also the embodiment of Aywa herself just in Na’vi form. I find this to be very beautiful and can’t wait to see what James Cameron has in store for her.
Omatikaya/Metkayina Clan - LOVED
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One of my husband’s favorite things about the movie was the beautiful representation of Pacific Islanders. My husband is half Comanche and has always loved the idea of all the different Native cultures put together in the Na’vi tribes and we were both fascinated with how they represented the Islanders. I’m very curious to see what the other clans of Pandora are like and what cultures they will represent.
Neteyam’s Death - HATED
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All I have to say is this… Neteyam was a precious boy who deserved better and was taken far too soon and far too easily. His death was a travesty that brought out a barbaric side of Neytiri and I would have done the same.
The Tulkun - LOVED
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Despite it being hard to watch at times, I absolutely loved the Tulkun. They were such beautiful and majestic creatures and I hate the way they were so brutally hunted in the movie but at the same time I loved that James Cameron shed a light on the exploitation and near extinction of animals. I’m a huge animal lover and animal right activist and some scenes with the Tulkun were very hard to watch. It’s nothing new to see James Cameron drawing attention to protecting the earth and preserving wildlife but he always seems to do it in a way that really breaks your heart as makes you think about things. This is an important part of Avatar that I hope he continues in the future.
If I had to sum this movie up in one word it would be
So if you haven’t seen it yet, I highly suggest you go see it for yourself. Yes, it’s a three hour movie but if your a true Avatar fan you won’t be disappointed. Also, keep in mind that there are always going to be critics who say the movie is “racist” and should be “boycott” but just ignore all that shit. Avatar was never about “who plays who” or any specific culture, it has always been about how we as humans need to start treating each other as brothers and sisters and start taking care of our planet. James Cameron just wanted to show us this in a really epic way and I think he’s achieved that goal.
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jessrising · 2 years
clanhart story
ok so i came onto tumlr today to talk about a story i still enjoy from clanheart. i was pretty active in the clanheart alpha because tbh i thought the concept was neat and i wanted to see it get somewhere. i was pretty actively posting threads and giving feedback. then i noticed the dev and owner stopped replying to me. keep in mind the dev replied to EVERY bug report thread made within a few hours during regular working times (aka not overnight). but i noticed mine starting to go under the radar. not be responded to when 5-10 threads would be answered. someone else would post my problem and it'd be acknowledged very quickly. i was like... am i cr*zy? am i analyzing this too much? but then it happened a few more times and i'm like hmm. hmmmmm. that's weird. granted i was also a little clout chaser that responded well to praise also but i'm fairly certain i wasn't overt about it. i just like being given gold stars to show i did good today ok
eventually the site kinda slowly dies because shit keeps happening, the dev leaves, etc etc it's a mess. however true to pet site tumblr there was a drama blog. and there was a post on the drama blog mentioning slash as the owner of the website. if you don't know slash he's made several pet sites over the last 15ish years and they're all kinda notorious for flopping or not delivering on certain things.
anyway that's when it clicked
well at first i was like, no fucking way, i actually like this person, how could it be slash. then i went on whatever the big petsite forum was and found the thread about it. and yup. slash is the owner. this is his idea. i'm over here pissing myself. why? because at some point within a week or two prior to me noticing i was being ignored, someone posted a thread titled "what pet sites do you not like?", paraphrased. and i posted a whole got damn rant about aywas. how much i fucking hated aywas for being a trash site. (i still hate aywas for being a trash site, if it's even alive still.) if u don't know. aywas was slash's biggest success. i straight up talked shit about this man's work to his face and i didn't even fucking realize. and believe me he was very active on the forums and reading every thread posted, because it's not like there was much being posted between like 30-50 people. and i thought to myself well gee that makes sense now and i don't necessarily blame you for ignoring me but i'd still appreciate if you weren't petty to someone actually trying to help you
so yeah i still think about that from time to time. once every 1 to 2 years. and get a good laugh out of it every time
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salt-volk · 2 years
Kudos to you anon for worrying about staff, because I’m just angry lmao
How can you “passionately” develop a game that is just wrong decision after wrong decision. It’s not the user base that is running this site into the ground, it’s staff. We all keep hoping for the best for it but?? When is it coming?? When will they learn from what Users are saying?? Best Time would have been during the Alpha & Beta but quis just … didn’t?? Sure, you can run a game/site with a minimal amount of user base, but if you don’t retain or actually gain new users, then the whole thing is fucked. Idk man, I miss the early days of DV, and idk how we’re ever going to get back to that. Quis made a game for grinders and gatekeepers imo - you either grind to collect, or miraculously strike it lucky and get a custom, and are welcomed into the club of the few who then basically only trade between themselves. Honestly, besides all the neo nazi shit (which is 😬), she just seems like a shitty person even without the antisemitism. The way she behaved on Aywas?? Idk idk
Maybe at my core I really am just a hater /jk
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aysaltmine · 1 year
In todays youtube age I sincerely wished someone would make a videoessay on aywas . Not even with malicious intend to the site! I just would find it interresting to see how an outsider looks at all the things that happened to cause its downward throttle of the past 6 years, and if the behavior of some old staffers was justified or if they truely where selfrightious pricks like Frey (You fucked up, little F. You traumatized users! Be an adult, owe up, give the users what you owe them for years and then move on to better things! And no, just dropping out of Staff like you did is not enough. You are a grown adult for christs sake! And how Slash at the time hid your actions was outrageous at best and lost the site many members at worst) Again: It is always healthy to have outside perspectives and it could clear up with a good lot of rumors, false accusations against staff/the site and legalities. I think aywas could actually profit from such a clarifying videoessay. Not in money, of course, but with a cleaner name usually comes more interractions. And a good essay would spread the word that the site even exists. Additionally, I would love to watch it for the nostalgia sake. I have been part of this website almost since its inception, and I would love to dwell into stuff like the many scavenger hunts (maybe with highlights of submissions), the introduction of hybrids, the pet timeline, the positive development of the NPCs, the many events, the introduction of the pool parties and why they are a good addition. There is so much to talk about here! Maybe it could even help staff trying to find a focus or to figure out how to gain the funds needed to implement features that are dearly needed on aywas. Like the site games or finally hiring someone as support to get the new version of the site running and optimize adventure. I am sorry that I rambled, but I remain with my opinion that such a video could help a good bit and could maybe help bring a website back to life that I saw being created and simply dont want to see die so soon. As far as I am aware aywas is very unique among petsites. And I think that uniqueness is worthy to be preserved, no?
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kingtwolf-fang · 2 years
Everyone has kept the company of a Jezebel spirited woman in their life. May it have been a lover, a sister, a friend etc. What is a Jezebel spirit you ask? Or who is Jezabel? Webster dictionary says
Also Douay Bible, Jez·a·bel . the wife of Ahab, king of Israel. 1 Kings 16:31.
(often lowercase) a wicked, shameless woman.
I had a Jezabel spirit in my life for the past 9 years. I didn't discover she was a Jezabel until the past two years. Her shameless treatment toward me, or what she has become shamelessness about her actions. However the Jezabel spirit has inspired me to write before. Back in 2015 I wrote a song titled Jezabel however I've given it some re-workings especially now that I have matured in my music and literary writing.
Living in lust betraying the men and women's company you kept trust. A shameless wicked woman casting her spells. May God deal with you accordingly and cast you into deepest part of hell.
Your Jezabel spirit a charade to any mortal man
A siren singing her hypnotizing song with a caressing hand
Shameless diverting in adulterous affairs
A irresistible spirit a man to fight it one would not dare
The Gemini spirit a mistress Jekyll a woman's version of a Dr. Hyde
Tortured souls finally free the day your spirit is crucified
Your sins will be a art gallery all over town
Accompanied with my uneasiness of you playing me like a clown
My tribe and I are ready for your vanquish
Causing my thoughts to be full of anguish
Pre-Chorus (chanting)
Aywa aywa aywa oooooooooo ya (eagle screech sound)
Ja-ja-ja-jayuwa ja-ja-ja-jayuwa
Jezabel, jezabel, jezabel
aywa aywa, aywa
The tribe has spoken Jezabel this is your fate
Our ancestors fiery flames await
Na-lusa-chi the great shadow to eat your soul
A memory that will haunt me in my nights sleep
Something any mortal man would not wish to keep
Verse 2
Memories of you fill me with rage. The only cleanse smudging of the red man's sage.
You were cruel watching my spirit burn from the flames of hell.
Your face filled with maniacal emotion knowing these tribulations apart of your spell.
The soul's you've tormented collectively gather a congregation.
Luring good natured men to ruin with a subtle invitation.
Leaving them lay awake at night.
While you are out dancing past the stroke of midnight.
Fraternizing and fornicating with the Afro-Italian like two animals in the wild.
Gate keeping new of your enceinte, you suddenly vanish and hide his child.
Repeat Chorus
Verse 3
Even God doesn't know what to do with you.
His own creation lacks any empathy and virtue.
Behind the concealer, and eye shadow your a fury a dog faced woman from hell.
I have only myself to blame for 10 years of you playing me like a puppet on a string.
Your company is a streak of Friday the 13th with no good fortune to bring.
ELO once said there's an open road that leads no where.
So just make some miles between you and there.
Poisonous red wine you poured it fucked me up.
The tables have turned it's your turn to drink it all up.
Remember Lady Karma never loses a address.
When she arrives she will hold up a mirror of all that you refuse to confess.
While you are dancing at the Roosevelt Room.
Lady Karma in her five inch red heels coming to serve you deserved doom.
Me necromanced from the dead thanks to the hands of father time.
Cheating Jezebel's antics a protection spell and it's perfected rhymes.
(Instrumentals for 2 min, and pre-chorus line.)
(Yi-yi-yi-ay-ye- heyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
King Ahab your equal as a scorned lover
The holy book kept score of your sins things that can't be kept under cover.
A unsub missive succubus on a full moon sizzling night of summer the jasmines in bloom.
(A evil woman laugh inserted)
Not a nice lady (In a mocking dramatic tone)
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skidget · 3 years
mothman hooti mOTHMAN hOOTI
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moons-rising · 6 years
sad timing for fr to do this right now when life’s gonna get busy for me... probably going to focus more on aywas than fr in my free time for the next few months at least? will still log in daily and maybe buy a dragon or do some dress up, and lurk on tumblr when i have time but... in all honesty moderation on aywas simply feels more open and receptive to criticism :/
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leonidas1754 · 6 years
“Aywas is a Business” - A Pointless Ramble
”Aywas is a business!”
Well... Duh.
This is a reasoning I’ve seen a few times in regards to certain issues on Aywas. But really, if you look at it, the fact that Aywas is a business in the end actually makes their actions even more baffling.
Plush Series 11 was outright theft as they’ve taken our money without giving the promised product, ruining more than one user’s faith in the site and convincing them not to spend any more money. Year+ wait times on breedings means you’re less likely to bother with it, since you’re not about to get your product any time soon. Even when you receive a product, there’s no real guarantee on whether it will actually be something you like, and there’s no safety net for buyers.
So many buyers leave unhappy, and with it, their anger, frustration, and upset is directed at the artists, as that’s where the site places that responsibility. No refund policy, no safety net, no responsibility on the site.
Someone bought a Holiday Fertility Potion to add to a breeding that was up for a while. Apparently, you can’t add Fert. potions after a breeding is submitted, even if you can prove you own both parents. You can’t get a refund on the item, you can’t have it added to your breeding. You can only HOPE you can sell/trade it in a site economy where trading is almost dead in the water and users aren’t buying much for each other with an item that’s almost useless now that there’s not really any Holiday coins left or being sold.
But it’s not Staff’s fault, remember? Despite the fact that they’re compounding the issues by placing the site’s entire focus on breeding instead of fixing other site features and doing events.
At the end of the day, these issues, they’ve been going on for years. And I’m seeing things starting to get worse by the day, more and more users leaving for good and some artists are at the ends of their wits due to negative feedback.
Maybe V4 recode will fix some of the site features, but there’s no light at the end of the tunnel there because we haven’t really had news on it. It was never even formally announced on site, so I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of users don’t know about it. Maybe it’ll fix things, maybe it won’t. Maybe it’s the savior of the site, but there’s no guarantee it’ll even come in time. And I’m not saying Yasu needs to hurry up, coding is hard and takes time. I’m more saying that Staff really should be trying to fix what they can NOW. Execute events properly, actually announce that a recode is coming, stop trying to force breeding so much.
Do I have suggestions? Of course I do! Let people get refunds for USD purchases, have a safety net if you don’t like the results of your breeding (as in you can refund it for something, and put the pet towards a fitting event or Monthly Customs so you don’t have to entirely rely on the userbase for all your generated content) But really... I think at this point, it’s beyond help.
I used to think that the site could recover and fix its issues. But at the end of the day, fixing the site’s issues is on the staff, not on users. Staff entirely rely on users to generate content for any events and say “if not enough is submitted we just won’t have it :)” without actually drawing attention to it, and even when the events go through, they feel half-assed unless they’re breeding. We keep getting told that the site has money issues (or at the very least, it’s a quick go to excuse) but what does the money the site makes even go towards besides paying Yasu? What is the site actually doing right now?
I don’t know, I guess I’m just waiting to see what happens. I’ve already resolved not to spend any more money on the site, if I’m spending anything, it’s paying artists directly. (Though of course, you can’t pay them offsite, it has to be onsite so site gets the fee from it) There’s only two reasons I’m still around. I have breedings submitted years ago that I’m waiting on. And really? I’m just morbidly curious. What’s going to happen? Will staff actually manage to salvage the site? And if not, how exactly are things going to fall apart, what’s going to be the breaking point?
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allthesetrolls · 3 years
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it says i have a message but there’s nothing? even when i turn off x kit and tumblr savior? 
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aberrance-of-aywas · 7 years
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A bunch of ‘firsts’ here, though they are older now. ;u;  These are the earliest custom pets that I submitted to Aywas. The last 3 are my pets, the orbkin was for someone else, and the ryba was a site pet submission.
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hapalopus · 3 years
Aywas is a superior pet site, because instead of just dogs and cats and ponies, some of the most common pet types include crocodiles, bug hybrids, lindworms, ghosts, nudibranchs, and jackalopes
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Also you can fight these things in a Battledome:
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(yes my lvl 82 toxic space lion is nameless, I'm a terrible owner)
Also, while the pet genders are randomized, they have no effect on breeding (so two males can create an egg), you can change it at any time with a Gender Potion, and the list of genders is extensive
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xilacs · 5 years
Reposting for visibility
When I reblogged the post this was replying to, it didn’t show in the tags or notes as the confession blog preemptively blocked me. This is in response to this confession post which was grossly incorrect. I’m reposting so it’s visible in several tags, so as to provide the truthful side of what actually occurred.
here’s the actual story, from calix
Leef made a mistake by pricing colorations at $14 each. That was a mistake that I pointed out. Literally no sites ever pay that much for just basic colorations. Evocality didn’t even pay that much, and it was still way too much for just colorations. I talked to Leef about this, and said how this price point was terrible for actually making a big number of colorations. So we lowered the price point, and let artists set their own prices. Nobody, to my knowledge, is doing them for $4. Our current pay prices vary from $5 to $10+, depending on the artist’s personal choices. As of right now, unless I’m mistaken, all artists have been paid in full for their work.
Juke, who made this blog/confession, joined our team at, I believe, $3 per item. After we lowered the overall prices for pet colorations, Juke demanded to be paid $5, the price they are paid on some other petsite, for their items. We refused as this price is, to be frank, ridiculous for items. We hired on @reviro at $3.50 per item, at a much much higher quality than Juke’s items. We literally never expected Juke to do work at a price point that they felt was unfair to them. It was not pushed in any way. We offered that we could pay you MORE than your initial rate that YOU set($4 rather than your initial agreement of $3), and you declined. So we let you go, and you left with some obvious anger and salt that has overflowed here, and onto Aywas. I’m sorry you’re bitter over this, but that’s no excuse to spread hurtful lies.
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salt-volk · 2 years
would it be possible to get the archived content of anjis past behavior (aywas, quislings, slur and else) in a pinned post or separate page on this blog? not necessarily in a callout format, i just think it would be nice to have the information easily available for people to look at their leisure and make their own conclusions. its hard to dig around this blog for the proof all the time and i think anji's actions are questionable enough to put it lightly that people deserve to know if they want
[ I can see what I can do. I can log in from a computer now (I was 100% on my phone before, because backend things, not important) so I’ll do some digging about and compile things. If there’s anything you all want me to include for sure, please let me know. I’m not sure if I can find the AYWAS but I’ll do some poking. ]
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corvidan · 3 years
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just throwing it out there that once again aywas site staff has behaved abominably and, once again, has faced no public punishment nor has any reassurance that this kind of behavior is unacceptable been given. this is not the first time that kandria- who is a site moderator- has behaved like this towards users and i doubt it will be the last, as every time it’s happened nothing has been done, nor has site staff acknowledged that this behavior is unacceptable.
i would like to emphasize that i am “that user” mentioned in kandria’s original post, which she has since edited in the discord.
this entire conversation took place in the semi-public breeding artist discord. blatantly criticizing a member of the community- let alone someone who has worked as a breeding artist- for doing things that the site allows- for fixes that were approved- is not a good look. i genuinely do not care if people don’t like me, but the gall to say such a thing in a public discord that i am a part of is actually mind-boggling.
site staff has swept this entire situation under the rug. i’ve heard nothing about it since the day it occurred, and given previous experiences with this staff member in particular, i doubt anything will be done anyway.
i’m stepping away from aywas permanently due to this event. i would heavily recommend users to be cautious about asking for breeding fixes in any capacity as apparently it is acceptable for site staff to publicly berate users for doing so, even when fixes are warranted.
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