#Aywas Bullshit
leonidas1754 · 4 years
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Thank you,,,,?
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simonsaysastory · 6 years
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Took my first crack at edits today! The cape and glasses are 100% custom. I tried doing the shading, but I can’t get the opacity thing to work on Sai. I’ve seen various things around, like density being opacity and specific brush settings, but nothing’s worked. Ah well. I tried. This funky little bastard doesn’t look too terrible anyways.
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neganium · 6 years
Me: I need to stop buying HA shit from the usershops; I’ve put myself pretty deep in the hole :(
Also me: hurrhurr... DressUp™
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casixtonpetsites · 3 years
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NOT ME BACK ON MY AYWAS BULLSHIT.... IN THIS THE YEAR OF OUR LORD 2021?? anyway hi i made a tester set, gonna see if maybe theyll be accepted, a bit last minute but. still.
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kandria293 · 7 years
The us vs them mentality is getting out of hand...
and I’m going to take one of the lone stances on this because this is in regards to USER behavior. Not all the negativity that people are lobbing at the staff.
The problem at least from what I’ve seen, is that users drew and us vs them line. A small sect jumped on the bandwagon, and a few, have crossed the TOS line in outright attacking staff, then try to defend it with “well we just got blunt”. No, trust  me if staff wasn’t already aware of the comments and dealing with them, I would have reported some of those comments to a mod. Since they way breached the line of attacking at the staff. The fact that so many feel the need to voice off site where they know there are no repercussions also solidify my thoughts that users need to take a hard step back and think about what they are saying.
Users went way overboard with comments, living with Kaiyo I always have to filters what I say or do because I want her to feel comfertable talking in her own home, but at times things are relayed that are staff-level need to know. So if this feels like I’m curbing what I say, I am, because I don’t want to ever put her in a position she can’t speak out when she needs to.
However, that said, this last event started with so much love and planning. Yasu was outright giddy, he almost NEVER gets into events and he was so into this one he was on a leader board. By the end, there was talk of just ending the event early, users over the span of a short time got so attacking and the staff took it. My personal opinion in that regard is staff bends over backwards and allows people to attack them so much that users are to the point they think they can say anything, even attack them outright with things that would get you warned or banned if you did it to a user, because they are trying to understand users are frustrated. However by doing so it’s created such a entitlement that users push that too far and then when they finally DO get told to stop they riot with no regard to consider their own behavior was tolerated for a very long time until they got told to stop.
I think the polls, speak for themselves, the vast majority of the site loved the event, even with it’s glitches or issues. However the vast majority are not the ones that speak up because the small handful of vile people on the site start backhanded vindette agienst them.
This is long so I’m cutting the rest for the sake of space, but more under the cut
At this point, I know even I have people who have done things to try to get in in trouble with real life people. Yes I’m aware of what you did, yes I could have retaliated or sought legal restraining orders that would have forced you off Aywas (and before someone says bull shit, go read up on Minnesota Harassment Orders, they cover digital/internet/social media. I’m not bullsihtting you).
I didn’t because I’m not a petty person, and I didn’t let it effect my life. I proved to who I needed to what was said about me was a lie, and it ended there. I’m sure you had a good laugh thinking you got me in trouble but you never did. Trust me, people came to me to warn me what your doing, even your inner circle, and friends, hate what you do so much they warn users when you pick a target.
However the reason i say this is not because I want pity or to even point anything at myself, I say it to point out how toxic a handful of people are. I don’t name names for a reason, I feel they don’t deserve attention, even negative, to what they do. They’ve done the same thing to staff members, and still do, I know at least 2 staff members refuse to join/post on the Aywas Facebook so people can’t start to dig into where they live. I know another did join but locked down thier FB profile so that unless they friend you first, you can’t even find their profile and when they do post their name is black and unclickable.
I don’t name where I live now, for Kaiyo’s sake, though I know people do know where about it is, I still won’t do anything that would possibly lead to real life retaliation agienst her.
However I want users to step back and think if staff has to so closely guard themselves in real life, to avoid what users DO over a virtual  game that no one is being forced to play... what abuse really is going on that users never see?
How many of YOU have to fear what friends, family, or EMPLOYERS, will be told about you, because someone doesn’t like the way a sale is going, or whatever you can compare in your real life job to an event on Aways?
NO ONE should have to fear what happens at a job, will follow them home and cause undue stress and what many staff and even some users do. However that is the toxic level the site gets to when even one or two users feel the event or site is not catering to them this -moment-. Kaiyo has a full time job now, and I guarantee on BREAKS where she’s supposed to be able to relax and clear her head she’s dealing with the bullshit the users lobbed at staff, meaning she gets no time to be herself.
Also before anyone goes “Well that’s what she’s paid for” she’s not. She’s never said it but I’ll say it for her. She is the LAST person that gets paid on staff. So if artists payments are behind? she doesn’t get paid. If the funds are 0, they go to back debt FIRST. Kaiyo sacrifices everything, to make sure the site, coder, artists ect get paid. If anyone isn’t up to date SHE DOESN’T GET PAID. This is not a condition of her position this is a personal choice she has made to keep Aywas afloat and not be part of the drain.
This means to my knowlage she usually only gets paid when everything is 100% caught up, such at, around black Friday. Even then, it takes a lot of convincing from friends and Slash/staff/whoever for her to take any payments. It’s just as hard for anyone to convince her to supplement, by paying herself in site currency. She just won’t do it, she 250% undervalues her worth and I admire her for it but I feel like someone has to say it even if she hates me later for doing so. The reason she has a full time job now, is because one can’t go /without/ pay while working a job. So her updates might be slower but she still works her ass off now, doing one job that pays her, and one that in essence, doesn’t.
I’m a bit off topic but I wanted to show why staff is starting to close ranks, it’s not because they want a us vs them mentality, the current comment locked news post is so users can talk to staff openly, look at how MANY comments there currently are. Compare it to public comment posts, users are coming out of the woodwork to voice how they feel where it’s safe, where other users can’t bicker or argue or put them down.
The community has gotten so toxic people won’t TALK anymore about this stuff because they get attacked or worse. Now that they have a forum to talk to staff one-on-one, look at how MANY are talking. Take a step back and ask yourself why it takes a “only staff can see” type of post, for this many users to feel safe talking.
Clearly it’s not STAFF they’re scared to talk to.
Clearly they want to talk to staff and staff wants to talk to them.
Every time the staff tries to word things one way, one group goes “they offends us, that’s attacking” so they change it over to a softer tone and another group comes out and says “it’s confusing when it’s not straight forward”. There will always be a group that complains, and just because staff is making sure users are aware they’re breaking TOS and it needs to stop. Doesn’t mean they’re making a us vs them. It means they’re trying to rein things back into a professional sense.
Just because they’re enforcing rules, and trying to make aywas less hostile doesn’t mean they’re not listening, not caring, or trying to make it a war. They’re trying to make users own up to their behavior and act like the adults they are, not like children throwing tantrums.
I can’t think of anything else to say that isn’t going to spiral down into the abyss of -me- starting to single out users so I’ll stop typing now.
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teknekolor · 7 years
i’m so tired
like I am so fucking done with things being stolen from me or from people I worked trades out with I ended up hiding my entire Toyhouse and I wish I could hide my customs on Aywas too now this is just utter bullshit and I don’t get why people think it’s okay
I’ve started developing migraine symptoms and I’m not entirely sure the two are unrelated, which is really sad because I went for SO long without that suffering migraines run in my family (grandmother->mom/aunt->now me? not sure about anyone past grandmother either.) so it’s no surprise but is still terrifying to think about and I always feared migraines after seeing my mom endlessly struggle with them
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felisfire-blog · 7 years
Exhibit A
[5/24/2015 11:22:54 PM] *** Chibi Lyro added ddyyuu, Feeshy, Femisis R, The Alpha (Kym), ..., TIME4BUENO, Thunderess ***
[5/24/2015 11:23:16 PM] Chibi Lyro: So here is what I got:
1. A secret chat I am not a part of.
2. Staff teaming up against each other. Divided.
3. Staff using violent words, like stabbing the dumbass and things like that.
4. Bullshit that is consuming the time we could be using to enhance felisfire...
Explain please? ... hopefully in a prfessional matter... I mean we are all adults here...
[5/24/2015 11:24:29 PM] ddyyuu: 1. Secret chat is between myself, Thunderess, Sin, Tricky, Ry and Feesh, started out by us doing the scav hunt last year on Aywas~
[5/24/2015 11:25:38 PM] ...: Wasn't aware that Feesh was on our team for scav last year.
[5/24/2015 11:25:48 PM] ddyyuu: She was wasn't she?
[5/24/2015 11:25:50 PM] ddyyuu: Then left?
[5/24/2015 11:26:42 PM] Chibi Lyro: I will be in and out, still gotta do work for Slashs other site.
[5/24/2015 11:26:43 PM] Feeshy: To clear the air - nope, I was never a part of the scav team. Nor was Syachi. And I told Lyro because some of the things happening in that chat were disgusting and made me wonder whether I can trust you guys. You certainly don't trust each other, so I felt it was a larger issue among staff. So I felt Lyro needed to be informed, because this isn't okay.
[5/24/2015 11:26:47 PM] TIME4BUENO: Feesh was added recently
[5/24/2015 11:27:19 PM] TIME4BUENO: But the chat was made back during Scav planning
[5/24/2015 11:27:35 PM] Chibi Lyro: So...like... what did the issue stem from?
[5/24/2015 11:27:48 PM] ddyyuu: All sorts of things I think
[5/24/2015 11:28:00 PM] TIME4BUENO: Fem and Kym not doing their damn jobs, I'll own up to what I've said.
[5/24/2015 11:28:39 PM] Chibi Lyro: So why does this piss you off so?
[5/24/2015 11:28:50 PM] Chibi Lyro: Like why not directly address the issue on staff chat?
[5/24/2015 11:29:13 PM] TIME4BUENO: Because we've talked with Tricky about it before and nothing happened so we just decided to talk with each other when we had the chance and let it be
[5/24/2015 11:29:18 PM] TIME4BUENO: like civil adults
[5/24/2015 11:29:19 PM] Femisis R: I won't for a second deny I've been slacking (it's part of the reason I've been considering resigning), but Kym has been doing quite a bit of work around here.
[5/24/2015 11:29:20 PM] ddyyuu: ^
[5/24/2015 11:29:26 PM] ddyyuu: I mean we vent and then it's done
[5/24/2015 11:29:29 PM] TIME4BUENO: Work together professionally and bitch about it to eachother
[5/24/2015 11:29:34 PM] TIME4BUENO: So if I can't vent?
[5/24/2015 11:29:37 PM] TIME4BUENO: I'm sorry but that's bullshit.
[5/24/2015 11:30:40 PM] Femisis R: If you have something to say, say it to my face. I'm not perfect, I'm not always available or feel like being here, so maybe if someone said 'hey, I don't think you're doing your share of the work' I'd think 'you know, they're right, maybe I need to call it quits or put in more effort'
[5/24/2015 11:30:50 PM] Chibi Lyro: Venting privately means shit to me but it was brought to my attention so I am addressing it.
[5/24/2015 11:31:20 PM] ...: I don't talk shit behind people's backs.  Especially not people I consider friends.
[5/24/2015 11:31:34 PM] ...: It doesn't matter how much I disagree with any of you.
[5/24/2015 11:31:53 PM] ...: And I like to think if you had a problem to fucking grow up and say it to my face.  So I can fix it.
[5/24/2015 11:31:56 PM] TIME4BUENO: Fem we went through an entire official avenue and made an official report to Tricky, when she decided it was out of the question we dropped it.
[5/24/2015 11:32:15 PM] TIME4BUENO: Cat you talk to Kuro about it all the time
[5/24/2015 11:32:17 PM] TIME4BUENO: Don't even say that.
[5/24/2015 11:32:35 PM] ...: I don't talk about it all the time.
[5/24/2015 11:32:49 PM] ...: I had a single conversation.  Once.
[5/24/2015 11:32:53 PM] TIME4BUENO: But if you have a problem with me venting w/e I'll just talk to Josh about this shit
[5/24/2015 11:33:40 PM] ...: And it involved Kuro
[5/24/2015 11:33:52 PM] ...: Mainly how I felt about it.
[5/24/2015 11:34:10 PM] ddyyuu: Okay I'm going to give a run down of what I see going on and it may be long so talk over me while I type, I don't mind
[5/24/2015 11:34:28 PM] Feeshy: My problem is that there are these huge issues that no one is telling anyone about.  If  someone isn't doing their part, or they aren't contributing due to laziness or life, and you feel you can do it better, it's better to bring it up with them.  "Hey, you've been slacking on this, would you like me to take over for you?" or something, because some of this stuff is completely out of the blue.
[5/24/2015 11:35:02 PM] ...: Additionally I don't vehemently talking about stabbing people with knives.
[5/24/2015 11:35:52 PM] ddyyuu: I know that as a group we can work well together. Venting is what we've done because not everyone will get along. I for one, am not fond that we've had to wait forever for the masks but I know Cat know's we're reaching the end of our patience. I wonder what Fem does because I see her post sometimes but not a lot, I know Kym does things in the background and so we don't see her a lot and sometimes that feels like she's not doing anything. We've got people that want the site to move forward but we cant because some people like to give second chances and some want to move forward quickly
[5/24/2015 11:36:04 PM] ddyyuu: Slash was brought up and I mean it's not like I'm ACTUALLY GOING TO GO STAB HIM
[5/24/2015 11:36:23 PM] TIME4BUENO: Not to mention the actual stabbing was of your eyes
[5/24/2015 11:36:24 PM] ddyyuu: So it wasn't like I was planning out how to do it
[5/24/2015 11:36:27 PM] TIME4BUENO: Yours
[5/24/2015 11:36:28 PM] ddyyuu: Yeah
[5/24/2015 11:36:34 PM] ddyyuu: I stabbed out my eyes too in that vent
[5/24/2015 11:36:44 PM] ddyyuu: Guess I'm going to actually stab out my eyes next? XD
[5/24/2015 11:37:03 PM] The Alpha (Kym): It took me a bit of time to work up the nerve to talk, but I'll say it now.
I thought you people were my damned friends.
You guys could of CAME TO ME about this damned shit and I would of asked where to improve. When I'm here, I help with data gathering whenever there's thought on an MA, I accept and deny apps, lock threads that go over (Tricky assigned me this solo job quite some time back when I was still in school back when I didn't have the time to spend here and nobody complained then) and do odd jobs nobody else wants to do.
Venting is good and all, but when you don't TELL THE PEOPLE and say this stuff BEHIND OUR BACKS, trust is broken guys.
[5/24/2015 11:37:14 PM] The Alpha (Kym): I've thrown up three times tonight over this.
[5/24/2015 11:37:29 PM] The Alpha (Kym): Physically ill because I didn't know how to feel knowing this inside.
[5/24/2015 11:37:35 PM] Chibi Lyro: [Sunday, May 24, 2015 11:36 PM] ddyyuu:
<<< Slash was brought up and I mean it's not like I'm ACTUALLY GOING TO GO STAB HIM
Hard to believe that if you ever ran into him... XD Just joking, even though the matter is serious... just who I ams.
[5/24/2015 11:37:52 PM] TIME4BUENO: Lyro Tori's a pastry puff she couldn't stab a man XD
[5/24/2015 11:37:57 PM] ddyyuu: XD
[5/24/2015 11:38:04 PM] ddyyuu: I'd probably be like "YOUR MEAN"
[5/24/2015 11:38:07 PM] ddyyuu: And then run away
[5/24/2015 11:38:38 PM] Feeshy: I'd probably give you a marshmallow knife for effect or something.  That said, we have a huge communication issue p:
[5/24/2015 11:38:38 PM] TIME4BUENO: But literally none of you can say you've NEVER vented to someone about someone on staff
[5/24/2015 11:38:45 PM] TIME4BUENO: Or a user
[5/24/2015 11:38:52 PM] TIME4BUENO: Or hell lets take it out of FF
[5/24/2015 11:39:03 PM] TIME4BUENO: You can't begin to tell me you've never vented to someone about another person
[5/24/2015 11:39:06 PM] ddyyuu: Because lets face it, I know I'm talked about behind backs for this reason right here
[5/24/2015 11:39:07 PM] TIME4BUENO: Like seriously?
[5/24/2015 11:39:11 PM] Femisis R: It's not the venting so much as no one brought these things to our attention.
[5/24/2015 11:39:15 PM] ddyyuu: But I mean, yee, it's just a vent
[5/24/2015 11:39:20 PM] Feeshy: I don't think venting is the main issue, it's just the one that hurts most.
[5/24/2015 11:39:27 PM] Femisis R: If you think I'm slacking, tell me.
[5/24/2015 11:39:33 PM] TIME4BUENO: If any of y'all were talking about me behind my back w/e I don't care. Think what you think I literally could not give less shits.
[5/24/2015 11:39:39 PM] Femisis R: If you think I'm not invested in the site, say so.
[5/24/2015 11:39:54 PM] Femisis R: But venting won't fix the problem.
[5/24/2015 11:40:13 PM] ...: That didn't make it any less hurtful to read.  I told Tricky weeks ago I couldn't finish the masks.  I gave her what I'd done, because she wanted to find someone else to do them.  Now I'm fixing it by giving back the items.  See, in my eyes the issue was resolved.  I'm only human.
[5/24/2015 11:40:32 PM] TIME4BUENO: Fem we literally went through Tricky to do this as I've said, we filed an official friggin' report. We dropped it after that, we let the boss know like what was protocol dude. That's how things went, that's how she /told/ us things were supposed to go. It was to stem any fighting.
[5/24/2015 11:41:02 PM] Chibi Lyro: So we need a system of who does what and due dates then?
[5/24/2015 11:41:06 PM] Femisis R: In any case, I'm officially resigning as staff effective as soon as I can get Lyro to do it. I've come to terms with the fact that as much as I want to help Felisfire, I've lost touch with the site and I'm not in to it anymore, so I'm not very much use around here.
[5/24/2015 11:41:08 PM | Edited 11:41:26 PM] The Alpha (Kym): On staff, I can say I haven't until tonight (and I actually stopped Fem).
Users, I admit I have (Nabiki, Pigeon and Cats) being the key targets I ever have.
The last time Tricky came to me was a while back, which is when she put me on a lighter workload. She's given me many odd jobs whenever I'm locking threads.
[5/24/2015 11:42:16 PM] Chibi Lyro: Like I mean what is the resolve we can all agree on?
[5/24/2015 11:42:53 PM] Chibi Lyro: So problems are:
1. Venting.
2. Staff not pulling their load.
and now trust issues?
[5/24/2015 11:43:04 PM] ddyyuu: Trust issues stemming from venting I think
[5/24/2015 11:43:12 PM] ddyyuu: and we didn't want to tell people to do more work
[5/24/2015 11:43:19 PM] TIME4BUENO: If we decide we can't vent I'm sorry but that's utter bs
[5/24/2015 11:44:08 PM] Chibi Lyro: Maybe openly vent? And keep it non violent when it comes to other staff members?
[5/24/2015 11:44:16 PM] The Alpha (Kym): The thing here for me is that I would of been more okay with you guys venting if you had openly vented, instead of behind my back.
[5/24/2015 11:44:50 PM] Feeshy: Not venting is utter BS. It isn't my preferred method of anger relief nor is it something I regularly participate in, but I think the problem is both the nature, intent and that none of these problems were immediately obvious to those being vented about.
[5/24/2015 11:44:55 PM] TIME4BUENO: Openly vent and then fight?
[5/24/2015 11:44:59 PM] TIME4BUENO: Yeah that'll work.
[5/24/2015 11:45:07 PM] ...: If people have a problem with someone, either bring it up with them or suck it up.  None of this talking behind people's backs bullshit.  Vent to people outside of staff because otherwise this is going to turn into highschool cliques.
[5/24/2015 11:45:26 PM] Chibi Lyro: [Sunday, May 24, 2015 11:44 PM] TIME4BUENO:
<<< Openly vent and then fight?
Yeah that'll work.
As long as you do it with marshmallows...
[5/24/2015 11:45:30 PM] Femisis R: I'm not going to start a fight over something that's true.
[5/24/2015 11:45:32 PM] ddyyuu: XD Lyro
[5/24/2015 11:45:41 PM] ddyyuu: (At least you're trying to keep things light)
[5/24/2015 11:45:47 PM] Femisis R: I might be a bit miffed, but I'm an adult and I'll handle it like an adult.
[5/24/2015 11:46:33 PM] ...: Staff should be together as one and be professional.  We're only human, we make mistakes.  I don't say to other people what I don't say to the person themselves.
[5/24/2015 11:47:09 PM] ddyyuu: ^ That isn't true for everyone though
[5/24/2015 11:47:26 PM] ddyyuu: Some vent to avoid these things because it's just a one time thing that'll be forgotten later
[5/24/2015 11:47:32 PM] ddyyuu: and they don't like fights
[5/24/2015 11:47:35 PM] TIME4BUENO: We're professional in professional spaces
[5/24/2015 11:47:43 PM] TIME4BUENO: I don't see how venting changes that at all
[5/24/2015 11:48:10 PM] ...: Oh so 'what someone doesn't know can't hurt them' then?  Is that it?
[5/24/2015 11:48:18 PM] ddyyuu: In my case yes
[5/24/2015 11:48:20 PM] ddyyuu: Because you know what
[5/24/2015 11:48:23 PM] ddyyuu: I hate fighting
[5/24/2015 11:48:25 PM] ddyyuu: I hate this
[5/24/2015 11:48:28 PM] ddyyuu: this breaks my fucking heart
[5/24/2015 11:48:31 PM] ddyyuu: you want to know the truth
[5/24/2015 11:48:35 PM] ddyyuu: I vent and then I'm done
[5/24/2015 11:48:38 PM] TIME4BUENO: ^
[5/24/2015 11:48:44 PM] ddyyuu: People will be people
[5/24/2015 11:48:49 PM] Femisis R: It breaks my heart knowing that people think poorly of me and won't tell me to my face.
[5/24/2015 11:48:55 PM] The Alpha (Kym): ^^^
[5/24/2015 11:49:03 PM] Femisis R: I've had enough of people doing it to me in real life, I don't need to deal with it online.
[5/24/2015 11:49:11 PM] ddyyuu: It's not in my nature to just go and talk to people face to face because I'll be yelled at and then a fight breaks out
[5/24/2015 11:49:14 PM] ddyyuu: and then what?
[5/24/2015 11:49:19 PM] TIME4BUENO: ^
[5/24/2015 11:49:19 PM] ddyyuu: This is my viewpoint
[5/24/2015 11:49:37 PM] ...: That's your insecurities.  Have I ever yelled at anyone?  Ever?
[5/24/2015 11:49:49 PM] ddyyuu: Well my insecurities play into WHO I am
[5/24/2015 11:50:15 PM] TIME4BUENO: Like literally I don't say shit to people's faces because I can't. I respect people too much so I vent, get it the hell out of my system and move on. If it comes up again, I get it out again, and it's over.
[5/24/2015 11:50:24 PM] ddyyuu: ^
[5/24/2015 11:51:48 PM] ...: Then perhaps if one cannot communicate properly then one should question whether being staff in a context that requires openness and honesty is something one should really be doing.
[5/24/2015 11:52:07 PM] ddyyuu: I cant even right now
[5/24/2015 11:52:09 PM] TIME4BUENO: I can communicate just fine
[5/24/2015 11:52:15 PM] TIME4BUENO: That was extremely rude
[5/24/2015 11:52:18 PM] ddyyuu: Fuck you cat
[5/24/2015 11:52:21 PM] TIME4BUENO: and I'm stepping away now so I don't say something
[5/24/2015 11:52:22 PM] TIME4BUENO: like that
[5/24/2015 11:52:23 PM] ...: No, that was honest.
[5/24/2015 11:52:28 PM] ddyyuu: So was that
[5/24/2015 11:52:30 PM] Feeshy: Venting isn't a free out for everything, though.  It's true that I shouldn't have told lyro what was going on in your private conversation, because that's a breech of trust. But at the same time, how you handle conflict with other staff members is one of the questions on the mod application for a reason.
[5/24/2015 11:52:30 PM] TIME4BUENO: no that was fucking rude
[5/24/2015 11:52:51 PM] TIME4BUENO: And llike I fucking said we went through the avenue that TRICKY TOLD US TO USE
[5/24/2015 11:52:55 PM] TIME4BUENO: WHEN IT HAPPENDD
[5/24/2015 11:52:58 PM] TIME4BUENO: So I'm SORRY
[5/24/2015 11:53:00 PM] TIME4BUENO: that I did THAT
[5/24/2015 11:53:07 PM] TIME4BUENO: Like fucking hell
[5/24/2015 11:53:20 PM] TIME4BUENO: I'm going to step out before my anxiety attack gets any worse.
[5/24/2015 11:53:28 PM] TIME4BUENO: I'm already having trouble breathing as is.
[5/24/2015 11:53:33 PM] ...: I'm not sorry for being honest.
[5/24/2015 11:53:43 PM] ddyyuu: Me neither
[5/24/2015 11:53:52 PM] ...: I'm not sorry that you feel that way about me.
[5/24/2015 11:53:59 PM] ddyyuu: Me neither~
[5/24/2015 11:55:14 PM] ...: I already vented my fuck yous
[5/24/2015 11:55:16 PM] ddyyuu: Someone shouldn't be staff if they cant do their jobs
[5/24/2015 11:55:35 PM] Feeshy: Then that would probably be for the best. I can't speak for anyone else, but I still consider you all people I love, despite how you all feel about big pandabears rolling on you. But it's something we need to get worked out to fix the disconnect on staff, isn't it?  If it isn't, just grab a few pikes and get me out of here now, because I wanted to see it worked out.
[5/24/2015 11:55:45 PM] *** TIME4BUENO has left ***
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leonidas1754 · 4 years
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Here we go again. Do I dare contact a member of staff about this? (As far as I can tell the appropriate member is Juke, and if I’ve interacted with him, I don’t recall)
Honestly it’s just kind of a mess. It’s probably nothing/fine/something got lost/artist having a rough time, but like... I’ve been burned enough that it makes me wary of contacting basically any member of staff for anything. Which is kind of depressing, to me at least. And the last time something like this happened, It took 3 months and several attempts of contact for me to get my breeding back. Poking the staff member about it could be entirely harmless or it could get me in trouble yet again. While the first is probably far more likely, is it worth risking the second? The breeding itself isn’t a huge deal, just... something I was looking forward to. Because time and again I let myself get excited over Aywas things and time and again it bites me in the ass in one way or another.
And then there’s the rest of the coins. A HBC submitted 3.5 years ago, a BC submitted 2 years ago, and an RBC submitted earlier this year, for god knows what reason. Mostly it’s the HBC/BC I had been the most eager about, as well as being the ones I might never get back. I’d take them down and try to sell them, but there’s nothing on Aywas I’d actually WANT because everything comes back to customs and breeding, and god help me if I wanted Flight Rising currency or something.
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leonidas1754 · 5 years
Imagine posting to a confessions blog that’s known to be 95% drama and telling them to knock it off with the drama.
This isn’t an insult to the user, just kind of a question of the exercise in futility and the point of the blog. That’s just kinda what it’s there for. Writing up a message telling them to shut up is just as pointless and purely catharsis as the stuff that’s being told to shut up.
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leonidas1754 · 5 years
Mistakes happen, and this is always true. It was an honest mistake on Yasu’s part, and it was an honest mistake on Juke’s part.
If this was the first time, it would be frustrating, sure, but hey, shit happens, right? The problem is this isn’t the first mistake. This isn’t the first BIG mistake. It keeps happening, and while some of the Staff do genuinely care, for the most part, things are pretty fucked, both with Staff who actually have the power to change things and the site overall.
It’s resulted in this perpetual cycle, I think. Much of the userbase is fed up. Promises have been broken over and over, things have gotten worse and worse, and a lot of times we’re not even actually getting what we’re paying for. Breeding is the biggest thing, obviously, but even things like the panels and customs are kind of screwy. And there really just... isn’t a fix.
Slash still owns the site (last I knew at least) and he does not give a flying fuck. If the site dies and he stops getting money from it, he’ll just move on. Hell, he already has, it’s basically a free source of money at this point if he does indeed still own it. And the site’s model was never sustainable in the first place, really. The requirements for art of Aywas’s caliber without suitable pay just does not work at all. It was a matter of time artists left for one reason or another.
I honestly don’t think Aywas can get the reboot it needs to truly be able to survive. It doesn’t have the money, it doesn’t have the willing staff, it doesn’t have the artists, or almost ANY goodwill with the majority of the userbase anymore. The first and foremost thing would have to be getting it out of Slash’s hands, which I honestly just don’t think will happen. Even if it did, the problem comes back to money. The best bet would be a kickstarter of some sort, but there’s no telling how much support it would get from the userbase after everything that’s happened. So many have spent so much on the site already and seen almost nothing for it, it’s kind of hard to blame them if they refuse to put any more money toward it.
(As for those pointing out that you technically don’t buy the exotics so it’s not about getting what you paid for:
Exotics are a massive draw of Black Friday/Mayday and a huge incentive for people to spend. They’re half of the point of the sale entirety, as well as being super rare pets by amazing artists that are highly desired. There are plenty of people who spend on the sale specifically to get the bonus credit to get those exotics. If you could buy the exotics directly, or buy the eggs to get them directly, we all know plenty of people would jump at that)
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leonidas1754 · 5 years
Now I do not have full context for this situation with the word “Hermaphrodite” being a problem, but here’s what I DO know:
A user apparently came back after 4 years of being gone and threw a fit about the word Hermaphrodite being an option for pet genders, devolving into petty insults after. Someone (maybe the same user maybe not) also decided to go out and say “you don’t get to decide what’s hurtful to people of an identity that isn’t yours you don't get a say.” Which is... Yes, don’t talk over these people about the problems and what’s hurtful, but also people are ALLOWED to have an opinion on these things.
From what I’ve seen, at least, no one’s arguing that the word Hermaphrodite is not hurtful to intersex people. It is, I know it is, we all should know it is.
The problem is that it’s also a word with an actual scientific meaning that is applicable in this scenario. Unlike say, the N-slur against black people, which is not a word anyone has any excuse to use except perhaps for black people themselves trying to reclaim it.
However, these are animal pets. Hermaphrodite is something that actually can apply to them. Especially in the cases of people treating said pets like non-sentient animals. If you find the word hurtful, don’t use it. If you can’t stand to even look at it, either get off Aywas or use a word replacement app/add-on/etc. There’s a few out there, I know.
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leonidas1754 · 5 years
Like seriously, with Lunar Meteor-
Last year, people submitted items and they were accepted only to be thrown into the area. Lunar Meteor was always a small event as it was, with just the area and a BP shop, but last year they didn’t even do that much and this year they’re doing even LESS. Literally it’s just gonna be opening the area with a few new pets and having a new HA outfit, which is unlikely to be entirely space themed because it’s just the HA contest as usual and if they do voting as usual, it’s unlikely to win bc that sort of thing usually doesn’t.
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leonidas1754 · 5 years
Wow they are... not even pretending to care about Lunar Meteor this year.
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leonidas1754 · 5 years
Why does it feel like Aywas Staff specifically did nothing about the Metal Mudslide event so they could have the perk as part of PPP.
Like seriously. And it kind of feels like an extra slap in the face because now any MBC submitted before PPP started can get a perk of their choice, so like... Not only do you have to make your own baby/pay for one made, but you don’t even have the perk of having the special stuff for metal mudslide. ANYONE can get the Metal Mudslide stuff now, under the guise of “chosing a perk”.
They make their own event moot in a sense without any recompense to those who waited this long on due to their shite planning and refusal to help with the absurd wait. Just... Come on. Come the fuck on.
It’s just frustrating because for some of these problems there are... incredibly simple solutions. And they manage to fuck it up anyways. Like, for some of these MBC coins, they’re gonna have to pick a specific perk anyways (namely the hybrids being able to breed perk), and all in all it’s just...
It genuinely feels like a slap in the face.
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leonidas1754 · 5 years
While I do feel like people should lay off the breeding team overall, Siver is definitely that exception to me. Their art is... Okay. Not terrible, but not great, especially since they can’t seem to do much in the way of variety. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. But it’s their attitude that genuinely bothers me a lot. Now been there, done that, taking criticism is hard especially when some people are just plain jackasses about it. But also, like... They’re taking this job, they’re getting paid for it, whether in site currency or actual money. If they have THAT much a problem with how people treat them, why the hell are they still on the breeding team? If breeding is that hard for them, why do they do it? I can’t imagine it’s for the money, considering as far as I know, even those being paid cash aren’t paid that much. But hey, I’m a writer, and we don’t get paid for shit unless we get lucky, so I don’t have the same context.
Also there’s just. They say they’ve blocked Aywas Confessions but felt the need to go put a message up about how they’ve blocked it and how much they don’t care about it. Doing that kind of... says the opposite, even if it was someone else that told them about it.
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leonidas1754 · 5 years
I’m considering just making my Silver species free to use/breed, since I’m just not on Aywas much anymore and all I really enjoy is seeing new colorations of my favorite silvers. Can’t really decide.
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