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little-pondhead · 11 months ago
Rick Astley Is Haunting You
Someone bets Tucker he can’t hack into a hero’s patrol playlist and sneak a Rick Roll in there. He does, easily, and finds that said hero has horrible music taste.
So he sets out to hijack every hero’s music playlist he can find and rate their music tastes on a chart, sometimes adding in his own music or joke songs he thinks they’d like. It only gets back to the heroes when Tucker posts a video with his rankings. Up until then, they thought it was another hero or new villain messing with them. Not a civilian??
(Nightwing’s playlist is sixth on the list, and he’s furious about it.)
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akkivee · 5 months ago
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the brighter the light, the darker the shadow
there’s a very large chance that kuukou’s backstory parallels sasara’s more than anyone’s, in that they had very normal-ish upbringings but handled them very poorly lmao, but i’m choosing to believe light and shadow, medication vs meditation, twin dudes with buddha imagery jakurai and kuukou are living their lives the way they are to atone for past mistakes
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proshipconfessions · 2 months ago
Responding to your response to my anon. I'm sorry for assuming. I just know I've sent confessions here a few times complaining about the ableism in this community. I'm a schizospec P-DID system & auDHD + cluster-b. I've been at the end of a lot of ableist abuse from other "proshippers," or I've been hurt by vague ableist statements made by other proshippers.
I can't recall if the few vents I made about ableism and abuse in the community were ever posted, and I took a hiatus from Tumblr and social media altogether. I figured I was one of those people who you refused to post/wanted to delete the confessions of.
That example that you replied with very much reads like an anti trying to troll. If these are the "confessions" you're getting, then you 100% reserve the right to delete those, and like I said, I think it should be case by case then. Bad faith anons get deleted. Actual concerns get posted.
I was referring to your comment/reply to someone else where you said these people should go to antiship blogs, which was why I got upset. And yes, I've seen a lot of similar shitty sentiments that I thought you were saying initially. I've had other proshippers tell me I'm not a proshipper then or that I should be anti-aligned if I really have so many issues with how some of the proship community behaves. I've been kind of on the fence on whether or not I want to consider myself a proshipper, neutral shipper, or just give myself an anti-ableism profiction microlabel. I'm definitely an anti-anti, but I've felt out of place in proship spaces. It's exhausting, and I'm sorry for thinking that you were doing the same thing.
It’s okay. I can kinda understand where you’re coming from and why that kinda thing could’ve stressed you out, especially if you took a hiatus and didn’t see any posts on my blog of people’s complaints about similar situations.
Especially considering I’ve gotten asks (that got anons blocked) about how “delusional” antis are and even one from someone about their theory that antis are having mass religious psychosis??? Which doesn’t even make sense. I also saw (luckily they didn’t have the audacity to send this to me. It was in its own post) someone say that antis have fetal alcohol syndrome as an insult. (Like omfg. Do people w/ FASDs not deal with fucking enough?)
Sorry for the misunderstanding and any hostility in my last answer. Have a great day.
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velvetwyrme · 1 month ago
i love that we never get to see pharma's holoform in idw because it allows me to continue imagining him as just. the medic from team fortress 2.
im not into tf2 and i have not played it to be clear. i dont know how this happened but they just. occupy the same space in my brain.
... this also has the side effect of me seeing pharma and going "hey. thats doctor sex" but thats a different matter
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every-sanji · 1 year ago
happy 4th anniversary to this blog! no introspection or anything this year just a simple noting of another year passing by
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0dotexe · 2 months ago
I made this my status on discord but I might as well put it here too. I'm going to be a bit busy for about a month or so because at the moment my MIL is in town. I have no problem with her, but she gets very loud and I get a bit overwhelmed by it. And then at the end of next month I'm going to have to go to my hometown and gods know how well I'm going to handle that experience.
So yeah, if I'm a bit MIA/offline a lot, that's probably why.
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eternityafraid · 15 days ago
@daftlads asked : don't move ... a fucking muscle . / thinking abt zombie au survivors sydvy... first meeting or sm 👀
she doesn't need to tell him twice, not with a gun pointed at his head and at least two more weapons visibly in reach. probably even more out of eyesight. he lifts his hands in front of his face, less to show off his harmlessness and more to hide his face. like being a kid and closing your eyes so that the monsters can't get you. he's not got a gun (he can't aim, can't keep steady), and the knives tucked into his belt are useless from this far away. like claws on a prey animal. not a threat.
the display doesn't relax her any, based on the glimpses he gets from peering through the spaces between his fingers. he can feel words getting wrapped around his tongue before he even forms them, and so he stays silent.
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paragonrobits · 1 year ago
"EWWW why would you feel empathy or compassion for the alien bugs that look gross and don't look relatable at all when you can identify with the super-cool military humans"
have you not considered the possibility that feeling compassion for something that looks dramatically different from you, or not having a bias in favor of blatantly evil or fascistic humans just because they're human, is a good thing
or that maybe some people don't particularly want to side with humans just because you assume everyone would automatically side with humans because you think that's supposed to be the team you pick, regardless of what they're actually doing?
It doesn't matter if the bugs look like actual literal giant bugs; if they're objectively sapient and being attacked by humans who won't shut up about PURGE THE XENOS or whatever the hardcore Imperium of Man fanatics are screaming about, they shouldn't NEED to look like me to have my empathy.
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akkivee · 10 months ago
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i’m not entirely sure if it counts, but the closest thing hypmic i think has gotten to this as a concept is the base line melody that loops throughout ore ga ichiro (underneath all the keyboard noises and synth) is the main melody in faces, except in faces it’s in reverse. ichiro may not have entirely been calling out rei but rei sure answered lol
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paula-of-christ · 10 months ago
really considering becoming catholic. the only thing holding me back is i haven’t gotten any paid posts on my dash telling me to
I can't tell if this was meant to be mean or not but lol
One of the reasons I paid for the post is because this blog is mostly serious. I joke around a bit with my mutuals, but I keep it relatively sane otherwise. I had a desire to support tumblr, and at the time had the financial means to pay the 5 or 10 dollars to blaze the post. It was a new and funky way to support tumblr, without paying a set amount every month (which I wouldn't necessarily be able to afford at the time). But, I also know that sometimes the only thing someone needs is a happenstance of a sign to look further into something like religion. I unfortunately made a grievous spelling error before checking my work, which is now immortalized on that post lol.
Overall, I think it's pretty on brand for me to 'trip upwards' so to speak. Plenty of people have told me they seriously looked into Catholicism, and it was the push they needed to look into their local parishes on my blog since that post. Usually anonymous and I've posted them all, so you can go back and see. I *am* sorry for any hurt that may have caused a few people, and its why I actually had canceled the blaze early, though I don't think anyone knew or realized I did. I'm happy for the people that I was able to help by posting it and since then posting resources for people that want to convert, and been able to encourage them in that.
But, I don't think I need to blaze the post again, I think it is still providing outreach to people that need it, and is able to be a source for people to follow to my blog should they need more encouragement. While not necessarily being the key reason someone converts, it was never meant to be that. It was meant to be the thing for people who were already thinking about it, to have confirmation that what their feeling is true. I paid for it monetarily -- and socially on this website, let's be real -- but I knew with a random algorithm of things, I was leaving it up to God to put it in front of people who needed it.
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mashbrainrot · 1 year ago
I think if you are the sort of person with Big Feelings when it comes to a certain piece of media (or just in general) you may have a tendency to read every post someone makes - and even posts they simply reblog - and assume they also have Big Feelings about it. Assume they have some sort of... dark agenda, are attempting to stir up drama, however you wanna frame it. The truth is, a lot of the time, people post things with very little feeling, and sometimes without much thought.
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victorluvsalice · 8 months ago
Happy Birthday Nebby!
@nebbychan -- As per your suggestion of doing something with your Modern AU takes on Dan and Kiya from MediEvil (specifically "Maybe the two chatting at a museum about their favorite time periods (Dan can brag about his minor degree in Medieval Studies and Kiya can do the same with her Egyptology studies)"), here's the pair at a museum, specifically chatting about Medieval European and Ancient Egyptian weaponry! Because, to be honest, the first things that popped into my head when thinking about the prompt were these two posts on wacky polearms by prokopetz. XD Hope you enjoy!
“...and that one, right there? That’s a Bohemian Ear-Spoon.”
Kiya raised a suspicious eyebrow at him. “You are definitely making that one up.”
“Nope,” Dan told her with his biggest, toothiest grin. “Completely real. Check out the label.”
Kiya squinted at him, then turned her attention to the identification tag plastered to the case. A moment later, her eyes went wide. “What even,” she declared, standing up straight.
“I know!” Dan said, laughing. “And you know what? That thing is not nearly the weirdest polearm out there. I’ve seen one that looked like one of those fancy pointy spikes you see on top of churches with a blender attachment on the side.”
“Seriously? European weapons are bizarre,” was Kiya’s opinion on that. She glanced up at him. “So – did they tell you in uni why that one’s called an ‘Ear-Spoon’ of all things?”
“Oh, this is one of those weird ones where the original name doesn’t translate well to English,” Dan explained. “But most people think it’s ‘cause they call those two triangular bits forming the guard the ‘ears.’”
“Ah – well, that’s better than what I originally thought.”
Dan tilted his head. “Do I want to know?”
Kiya made a motion like she was jamming something into her ear while pulling a face. “I think you can guess.”
Dan grimaced, his very teeth seeming to flex with the motion. “Yeah...kind of prefer to avoid that kind of ear-spooning,” he said, absently brushing his bangs a little more over his eye patch.
Kiya winced. “Yeah, I – sorry, I didn’t mean to–”
“No, no, it’s fine!” Dan assured her, holding up his hands with an awkward grin. “Shit happens, you know? It’s not a big deal or anything. I definitely don’t want it spoiling our date.”
“Me either.” Kiya took one of his hands, smiling warmly. “I’m having a really good time. I didn’t expect learning about the fifty million polearms Medieval Europe invented would be so interesting.”
Dan snorted. “Well, I gotta make sure someone other than me gets some use out of my minor,” he said, smile much more genuine now. “And it is pretty neat that they came up with so many different variations. You wouldn’t think there would be that many ways to change up ‘sharp pointy metal bit on stick.’” He regarded Kiya curiously. “You get anything like that with Ancient Egyptian weaponry?”
“Not really – Ancient Egypt honestly had something of a problem making any effective weapons until the New Kingdom period,” Kiya said, slipping into “curator” mode. “And even then, they mainly advanced because they’d been conquered by the Hyksos – foreign rulers who slipped into power while the main Egyptian dynasty was crumbling – and they were able to pilfer a lot of knowledge of arms off them before they drove them out.”
“Yeah? Like what?”
“Mainly, using bronze tips on their spears to help them hold an edge better and longer,” Kiya said with a little chuckle. “Though they also created the javelin in that time, and they used that to pretty great effect in their later campaigns. Honestly, though, my favorite Egyptian weapon from that time period is the Khopesh.”
“Oh?” Dan leaned in, intrigued. “What’s that? Guessing not a spear?”
“Nope – a large curved sword that looks something like a sickle,” Kiya told him, grinning. “Only with the sharp edge on the outside. Pharaohs from that time period are often depicted wielding it because it was known as a very dangerous and powerful weapon – one more than fit for a king.” She giggled. “And like your Ear-Spoon, the name might come from a body part – some scholars believe it was derived from the Egyptian word for ‘leg’ because it looks vaguely like a haunch of beef.”
Dan laughed. “That’s great!” He looked around the room. “You think they might have one of those here? I know they’ve got an Egyptian exhibit...”
Kiya linked her arm through his, face bright. “Let’s go and find out.”
Bohemian Ear-Spoon On Wikipedia
Ancient Egyptian Weapons: The Evolution of Warfare
Khopesh On Wikipedia
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ljf613 · 10 months ago
Friends. Comrades. Beloved mutuals of tumblr.
When you said me an ask for a fandom-related ask game, please make sure it's clear what fandom you're asking about.
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imjustanauthor · 2 years ago
“You’ll screw this investigation up without my help!” for Charlie, @imprvdente
Detective Sentences, Vol. 3
"No, Fish, you'll screw this investigation up! You're too close to it!"
Charlie no longer bothered trying to hide the frustration from his voice. Fish was being stupidly stubborn. Of course, this was utterly predictable - she was always stubborn, especially when it came to her work. There was no way at all that she would willing to step back when there was a serial killer obsessing over her, not even when she was removed from the case for her own safety.
"Why don't you go abroad for a week or two?" Charlie suggested, rubbing his forehead for a moment, already feeling the tell-tale signs of a headache coming on. A holiday was a good idea, no? Fish was in danger if she remained where she was. By now, they had to assume that the killer knew where she lived. Charlie had considered offering to let her stay at his place, but if the killer didn't already know where he lived too, then he didn't want to risk his address being discovered - not when it could put his daughter at risk. So, a trip abroad seemed like the best thing to do. She could have a little holiday, stay safe from being murdered by an obsessed fan, and then come back once it was all sorted out and safe again.
"You know that I can deal with this, right? This is my investigation now, and I'm perfectly capable of running it without you!"
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monstermoviedean · 1 year ago
thanks for being nice to me <3
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normaltothemax · 1 year ago
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∗ o8﹕ sender  shows  up  at  receiver’s  home  late  at  night . for max! just. finds him in her living room or w/e probably mid-eating a condiment with his fingers
“What the fuck.”
It wasn’t spoken like a question, but it sure as hell was one. Max gaped at the man sitting on her couch, practically wrist-deep in a jar of relish, her mind struggling to come up with something that would explain the bizarre scene playing out before her.
She had absolutely nothing.
She wasn’t even mad (for the moment, at least), just confused beyond belief. What was he doing here? How had he gotten in? Why relish, of all things? Why couldn’t he at least use a spoon? “You—” A blink, two, before letting out a long-suffering sigh, head falling back. She stared up at her ceiling for a long moment, silently regretting every choice she’d ever made in life, before muttering “Screw it” and kicking her shoes off.
This might as well happen.
She tried to ignore him as she put her stuff away, tried to ignore the headache that was steadily growing, but eventually came back to the living room brandishing a spoon. “That’s disgusting. And also, terrible manners. You don’t just break into someone’s house and then stick your dirty fingers in their condiments. That’s just rude.”
@ofkasterborous (x)
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