#just an excuse for me to draw the gang being CUTIES
three-eyed-shrimp · 1 month
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Trick question, I detest everything about all of them! We defeat a few demons together and they think we’re “friends”! Idiots!!
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One thing that sucks about being a darkshipper is it seems that every series I get into that centers around dark topics, the creator themself is an awful person. Example: Both the creator of Psycho Cuties & BtD both drew nazi fanart, and Canihavepromo (lolicon artist) drew fanart of real animal torture videos.
Like c'mon guys, can we stop playing into the hands of antis and proving their point? If you're gonna be an awful person, stop posting it publicly and giving the Fandom Fascists™ a reason to harass us (not like they wouldn't do it anyway, but it'd be nice if people like this would stop giving them excuses to).
I don't think this is specifically a darkfic creator thing, though, it just seems like everyone who makes content and gets popular is awful. The worst ones I've seen are typically antis that cry "thought crimes are real crimes!!" and then go draw their little sister getting gang-raped by gigantic orcs (but at least they're not an evil pr0sh1tt3r!!!).
Maybe I'll just have to do it myself LMAO, hopefully racism doesn't start calling to me like the green goblin mask as soon as I reach over 1k followers on my loli art account.
Valid and fair.
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love-toxin · 4 years
excuses; makoi azumako.
request: “Could I get King w/ a f!darling who is extremely petite and submissive/shy? Pwease? 🥺👉👈”
warnings: smoking, PDA, public groping, manipulation/gaslighting, excessive cursing. 
words: 903
Walking out on the streets together was one thing, your boyfriend's arm slung over your shoulders and his eyes freezing anyone in place that dared to come more than a few feet towards you. The night brought out all the creeps and stalkers, not to mention the wandering eyes of those who wondered what you were doing in the arms of a yakuza. But somehow, it got even worse when you cut through an alley to meet up with his so-called "brothers", all of whom Makoi insisted were the best men you'd ever have the pleasure of meeting.
What a big, fat, terrifying lie that was. 
"Ain't she a cutie, huh? How'd King snag such a pretty lil' princess?"
One of the closest beside you reached out to brush a lock of hair from your face, only for the group of them to snicker and laugh when you recoiled and buried yourself deeper under Makoi's arm. He hadn't mentioned that most of his friends were well into their thirties and forties, with only a few being even close to his own age. The majority was overwhelming so you couldn't exactly compare, but having a group of grown men ogle you and tease your boyfriend about how good you must look under all those clothes...it felt like you were living one of your darkest, deepest nightmares, and you wanted out. 
You clung to his jacket, his forearm bumping against your mouth as he lit the cigarette that dangled between his lips. He took a puff, and the smoke burned through your nose and caused you to cough when he blew it over your head, despite knowing how sick the smell would make you. You weren't sure if he didn't remember, or just didn't care. 
"Huh? Spit it out."
With a free hand, he ruffled your hair with all five fingers--though for him, it was more a show of grabbing you by the head and tugging through your locks even if it hurt. Especially if it hurt. 
"I..I w-wanna go home, Mako...can you please take me home?" 
At that, Makoi's friends shared a few glances between each other, and you didn't understand what they were thinking until you heard a few wolf whistles arise, and your boyfriend yanked you closer to him by the hip. That wasn't what you meant at all, but it didn't stop the blush from rising to your cheeks as you were forced to listen to the lewd taunts of his gang, and it brought tears to your eyes as you prayed that Makoi would just take you home and forget about it. 
How you so wished for that to be the case. And yet…
"I ain't touched you yet, and you're already fuckin' crying. Smarten up, princess."
His nicknames weren't affectionate in the least, they were just another way for him to jeer at you and have a good laugh at your expense. Makoi pinched the bridge of your nose just to grab your attention, and once he got it, you thanked the gods that he bid his cronies farewell and tugged you off further down the other end of the back alley.
Getting away from the other yakuza didn't necessarily mean you were safe, but at least you didn't have to worry about Makoi flipping your skirt up for them all to see, or slipping you some tongue while he groped you just to show off his dominance. Being with those people brought a different side of him out, one that forgoed almost any sense of shame and only cared about using you as a trophy. But deep, deep inside your heart, you felt a twisted sort of guilt upon thinking those things--you loved Mako after all, even if he was a bit...rough around the edges. And rude. And violent. And...
"...I want pork. There's a place down the street that's open."
...Hungry. Whatever had overtaken your boyfriend in that time had passed now, and you jumped at the sound of his stomach rumbling at your side, his appetite enough to cull his mood and draw his interests towards satiating himself. 
"I-I didn't bring my money, Mako.."
It was half an excuse, and half the truth. He always expected you to eat with him when you went out together, always saying one thing or another about it making you taller or some other ridiculous comment. Even if you were a little hungry now, it would be a convenient excuse to get him to bring you home, no matter how grumpy he’d be about not filling his cravings. 
"Fuck off. You're not paying for a damn thing anyways. Just decide what you want before we go in so I can fuckin' eat." 
With that, Makoi grabbed you by the back of the neck and tilted your head up, his lips smothering any and all retorts while the double tips of his tongue stroked your own and drew you into an even deeper kiss. In the dim light of a back alley, in the middle of a crowded street, there seemed to be no place that he wouldn’t remind you who your heart belonged to. He was crude, and a bully, and so full of hot air his head might explode...but he was yours, and that was all you needed to be happy. He was all you needed. 
At least, that’s what Mako told you. 
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Seating plan au part 7
Sins the last update had quite a bit of Adrian/felix drama I decided this update would show more of the gangs (Mari, Felix, Alix, Kim, Max and luka) friendship because I love them
link to part 6
Marinette doodles a lot in class, she has a little notepad full of em, sometimes when the class is going mad Mari and Felix draw little cartoons of the stupidity...Felix has a few masterpieces in said notepad of Chloe and Lila yelling at each other
Felix getting a weeks detention because of an “incident” at lunch *cough cough* Lila *cough* Marinette was in the art room helping Nathaniel and marc with a project and max was outside filming Alix teach Kim some skating tricks so Felix was reading in the lunchroom alone...and sins this was a rare Occurrence Lila jumped at the opportunity “Adrian you should go ask Felix to sit with us, he’s all by himself, you don’t want to leave him all alone do you?” So obviously Adrian being Adrian smiles and get up to ask Felix who just says he’s happy alone, Lila expecting this response says “well I’m gonna go sit with him” so she waltzes over and sits next to him “hey Felix, I couldn’t bear seeing you over here all alone, I know we haven’t been the best of friends and that hurts me deeply felix, so so much, so I thought I’d come over to make a fresh start” Felix give her an emotionless look and says “no thanks” Lila- “excuse me?” Felix-“I don’t need a friend like you” genuinely shocked Lila quickly puts on a fake hurt face “did I do something to hurt you? I genuinely don’t understand why you hate me so much, Felix? Everyone else in the class is so nice to me apart from you, what did I do?” “I just don’t like compulsive liars lie-la, now if you don’t mind I’d like to get back to my book in peace” annoyed Lila snaps “well then if you don’t wanna be my friend I guess that makes you my enemy *cue Evil smirk* wich probably Make your precious Marinette my enemy too...Doesn't it” Felix looks up with a murderous glare “leave Marinette out of this” Lila just laughed all fake nice “leave her out of what Felix? Where just talking” Felix gets up slamming his food tray down and spilling his drink all over Lila “you don’t even look at Marinette, if you even breath in her direction we really will have a problem” then he leaves and Lila tells everyone she was just talking about classwork and trying to cheer him up because he seemed down when Felix flipped out and threw his drink in her...so Felix got detention, once Mari heard about everything she was ready to throw hands
After the whole detention mess Alix convinces Marinette they should get payback on lila for felix (okay its more like she mentions it once and Marinette is totally game) so after school they wait back in the locker room and alix goes into lilac locker to set up a paint bomb that would set of once the door is open, the next morning alix (who’s secretly filming) and Mari wait eagerly, Lila opens her locker and her face is instantly covered in green paint, and thanks to the schools uselessness they couldn’t prove who did it, alix sent the video to the gangs group chat, felix will never tell them this (he will eventually...he just doesn’t know that) them being the gang, Alix, Kim, Max and luka when he’s around (damn it luka why don’t you go to their school) but he’s thankful every day that he found them, before starting public school (sins he moved in with the Agreste's as a child he was also homeschooled like Adrian) he never had a real friend apart from Adrian and even their relationship has issues, but the gang has taught him what real friendship is, true support and he’s determined to never let anyone *cough* Lila *cough* hurt them
Mari made a doll version of all the hero’s so far, herself LB, chat noir, bunnix, Renard arctique (Fox Felix) carapace and viperion, and because she a cutie on one of chat noirs visits she gives him the dolls and asks him to give each of the heroes’s there doll as a thank you for saving Paris so many times (she forgot at the time this meant Chat would be giving the lb one back to her in costume) Chat Definitelyasked Marinette to also make him an LB doll as he “wants the original due”
The gang never misses one of Kim’s swimming competitions, Mari made a massive sign with his name, Kim pretends to hate it but really he loves it, and always insists Luka and Felix hold it because there the tallest and they have to make sure Kim sees them “if he can’t see us he might think we didn’t show up which might make him think we don’t care which might make him sad and might make him lose the competition and we just can’t let that happen guys!” So they hold the sign and they all cheer Kim on and after they go back to the dupain-cheng bakery for celebratory sweets
It’s when Mari and Kagami go for one of there coffee catch-ups that Mari admits her feelings for Felix for the first time, Kagami admits her feelings for Adrian in return, Mari jokes that there both In Love with two oblivious idiots and Kagami says she’s glad to have Marinette as a friend, that she has someone to talk to about this stuff
Felix is on a pretty tight leash like Adrian, not as badly as Adrian, he’s still forced to model and do music etc but because Gabriel is an asshole and sees Felix as less of a priority because he’s not actually his blood, he’s not actually an agreste (Emilie will kick your ass when she wakes up for treating her nephew/adopted son like he’s not really part of the family hawkbitch) so when the gang are having sleepovers or going to the zoo he can’t always join, luckily Over the years he’s realised if he tells Natalie he’s studying no one actually checks to see if he’s actually there studying so he can leave and come a few hours later and nobody notices he was gone, he mentions this to the gang on one occasion and they all just go silent for a moment and then hug him, after that they all start doing little things to make sure he knows they notice him, and that they care, Alix sends him cat videos if he’s not replying in the group chat, she knows that most likely means somethings gong down in the agreste mansion so she sends them as a dissertation, Kim will ask felix to help him train at the pool because he knows felix likes being out of the house as much as possible, max goes over to “study” meaning they tell Natalie that and then max and felix read in silence, max knows felix isn’t much of a talker and for him (felix) just being there in the room is enough, sometimes talking isn’t needed, luka dose something similar, except insted of silence he uses music, once a week felix goes over to the house boat and they have a jam session, luka finds that sometimes music expresses how you feel a lot better than words, that was one of the first things they bonded over, Mari has felix over for tea multiple times a week, originally it was only once but after THAT day, realising just how neglected Felix really felt (even if he didn’t realise it yet himself) she was determined to make sure he knew he had a home, that he was always welcome in the dupain-cheng house, Felix noticed after a few weeks what they were doing, he asked Marinette about it and she caved and told him “we just wanted you to know we see you, we always notice when your not there....and I wanted you to know you always have a home with me” Felix then realised something that he would tell Marinette later, once they officially got together, he realised he does have a home, she’s his home
Sins Marinette is in charge of giving out the miraculous to people when they need the extra help (this is before the part-time hero’s become full part-time hero’s with patrols and stuff) she has a password-protected document on her pc full of graphs and lists of potential miraculous that would fit people, she thought about all the miraculous and who would be most compatible with who, who could she trust most, who would be able to put the needs of Paris first, who was good and honest, some people she thought about as potential miraculous holders where Adrian using the dog miraculous, Nathaniel using the rooster miraculous and aroura with the bee, and Marc with the mouse miraculous, this is how she made the decision for Alix to have the bunny miraculous, Felix to have the fox, Nino to have the turtle, luka to have the sake and for Kagami to eventually have the dragon, Kim the monkey and max the horse
Part 8
@7-sage-7 @spicybelladonna @akana-sama
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eb-the-gamer · 6 years
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@bendysstudio @themeatly--official
I have played Bendy and the Ink Machine in full now. What do I think?
The game was good, for sure, you can tell they put a ton of love, especially now with the polish added by updates, the incorporation of fan music, and the attempts at keeping everything engaging throughout the chapters. 
However, It could be really improved upon...
STORY - By far the strongest of Bendy’s points is its narrative, old cartoons are Organically creepy in a lot of ways because of a few factors, among these are the contrasting aspects of the imperfections of movement and the oftentimes unnoticed details in things like wrinkles and textures (as examples, Pete chewing Tobacco from Steamboat Willie, and the infamous cab colloway dancing ghost from Betty Boop.), so it makes a ton of sense to utilize that as a horror concept. The game throws us a steady stream of questions from almost the start of the first chapter, but while a lot is answered, there is a lot unanswered or not followed through on and it can be hard to ignore when you think about it ESPECIALLY by the end. Were the employees really all corrupted by the ink, what is Henry’s purpose, why did henry not know about his own messages if he’s written them while looping everything over and over, and how could he see or write them without the glass tool (and what with?), what is up with the animatronics and cages you set up. the game kind of shrugs at a lot; its by no means a dealbreaker because of what the story does explore about the studio, but it is noticeable.
9/10 - Amazing - The game’s big draw, though some questions are not all answered in a meaningful way, what the story does cover is still really interesting and worth playing through.
 DESIGN - Bringing actual life to something like a cartoon but failing so hard is a really great idea, and a lot of the time the game shows us the hubris in the want vs. the reality of the consequence; the monsters and places the game creates reflect it well. Everything looks like its made from the sunbleached, aged paper artists used and everything is a wonderfully messed up reflection of life at the studio and the cartoons within, particularly with the projectionist, butcher gang and the unnamed giant hand (I’ll call him Lil’ Handful). the world of Joey Drew productions is a really cool, realized one. simple but slightly barren and “off” work offices giving way for the bigger, detailed and mysterious places in the lower levels. I will however knock some of the update decisions, particularly with Sammy and Bendy himself. they originally looked blobby, as the updates came, they both got more defined in shape - respectively looking more muscular and emaciated looking, which took away from the toonish aspect of the it. Where once were feet that looked like strange melted stubs going into the floor, are just...solid feet and where once was something that looked like a melting candle trying to retain a shape is what is more or less a thin ink zombie (complete with limp). Bendy’s final form is also lackluster for me, I love the Muggshot (Sly Cooper series) tiny dangle-legs and walking around on hands thing; but its threatening, not as scary or horrifying as something that's stopped trying to be likable could’ve been taken. Everyone else is pretty good though especially the butcher gang and boris, who stayed pretty much the same and kept design elements in all forms through the production. Text for audio logs could have been bigger at times too. all in all, design is solid, but something was definitely lost as more polygons and detail were added for certain characters.
9/10 - amazing!- a great use of elements from animations of the past used in a 3d space, just the right amount of cartoon goofiness and uncanny details, though some designs were fixed when they weren’t broken.
CHARACTERS - Not much to say, I like em all, (Henry is delightfully levelheaded to the extreme, Boris is a cutie, Bendy is a threatening silent presence...) except maybe that one obnoxious guy in recordings, Wally Franks, and even then, he’s not AWFUL (I’d compare him to Fleem from Smallfoot, intentionally made to get on a nerve at least a little), the most interesting character for me Bertrum, the architect who calls Joey out on his bullcrap, and Alice Angel, both versions of her - but the manic first variant you meet first is interesting to listen to and learn about in particular. Boris is kind of lackluster, while he is nice and the reveal of him and other toons being made en masse is awesome, it also means we don’t get much time with them. Sammy sort of just comes and goes twice, and Tom!Boris and Allison I felt got the shaft and should have been established earlier for a connection. Joey is a jerk who suddenly becomes somewhat good in the last acts, which confuses me - since there was no in between those two points that's explained...
7/10 -  Good - characters are great to listen to and watch, and if the game had had more time to focus on a lot of them, that might have made them feel more complete.
SOUND - sound, music and voiceacting is well done, lots to appreciate from the creepy gurgles, to the odd stuttery sound of a projector. though there are occasionally some bad bits of soundmixing and audio. some recordings that you can find in the game stand out, there’s one that's really hard to listen to in chapter 5 because the character speaks in a really gravelly voice, in addition to the fuzzy audio effect and the ambient noise surrounding it.
8/10 - Great! - I only wish there was more! aside from one or two recordings, everything and one sounded nice, and the unease of silence is used equally well.
CONTROLS AN’ GAMEPLAY - They’re standard first person fair, responsive for sure, though sometimes the sensitivity of the controls can raise by themselves (I don’t know if that's by design, since it was at the same point as markiplier, right before a section involving being stealthy is taken on, which might actually be really clever if its true. Combat can also be wonky, but Its passable since its not a main focus, except for one REALLY obnoxious enemy gauntlet in the last chapter, if there were defined checkpoints between each wave, I’d be more inclined to let it go. Puzzles are pretty standard as well, lots of fetching, but other stuff such as playing minigames and stealth crop up to shake it up. Stuff is unlocked after everything is said and done in the story, and while it is cool narratively (messages written by henry on previous loops) and as a view of the progress the game (though, the Archives are missing a lot of info on characters like Alice and Bertrum), it just feels like its not enough for a repeat playthrough, difficulty settings and maybe achievements for unconventional but creative actions in-game, working towards something big at the end might’ve helped in that regard (here’s hoping that's the case for the console releases next month)
7/10 - Good! - its standard stuff with an occasional misshap, but there is variety to it and its simply fun for me to play.
OVERALL - The gameplay is serviceable, and aside from the main story there’s not too much reason to play the game again, but its still a solid experience the whole way through, and the time and effort of the people who made the game really shines and makes it worth playing. maybe wait for the console release, in case they add anything to that, but theres not one excuse not to play it.
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amandebw · 7 years
Stories Ideas
Akafuri - God akashi x priest furihata - Child akashi x babysitter furihata and when Akashi is older he meets Kouki again and decides that he'll be his. - Child furihata x fox demon Akashi Acelu - reincarnation au - they are soulmates and ace is a dragon - demons - gangs Kagehina - Hinata dresses up as Santa to lift Kageyama spirit and to show him what Christmas is about. Usuk - Werewolf America x vampire or warlock England - America times travels back to when England was a pirate due to one of Arthur's spells. Cue America being so confused because since when is Arthur this hot and rude? - Big brother America x child England Ereri - Possessive Levi x dense cutie named Eren - Host club snk Nalu - Demon/dragon Natsu x Lucy - Halloween demon Natsu x angel Lucy - Pirate Natsu x princess, mermaid, or peasant Lucy Russia x reincarnated Anastasia Hannigram - Will finds out - Alpha Hannibal x Omega Will - Wendigo Hannibal x Will - AU where Will's first meeting with Hannibal is when he is the Chesapeake Ripper and not Dr. Hannibal Lecter. - Demon Hannibal x Will - A/B/O dynamic where omega Will only loved one man, the Chesapeake Ripper - due to his empathy even though he's never met him- , until he meets Alpha Hannibal. They fall in love and at the end, during Will's heat, he figures out that Hannibal and the Chesapeake Ripper are the same person and finally succumbs to his own dark nature as he tells Hannibal his feelings for all of him and that he knows. - Hannibal as the Cheasapeake Ripper tries to court FBI Empath, Will Graham, by killing people that have offended him as gifts. What a delightful surprise he has when Will answers with his own murder. (Of course Will hasn't told anyone that all the dead corpses appearing are due to the Ripper and him courting and Jack thinks Will could never murder anyone due to the breakdown he fakes when he kills criminals on cases) - mafia Hannibal x Will - Will meets Hannibal for the first time without his encephalitis an it takes him about two second to realize the man in front of him is not only a killer but The Cheasapeake Ripper. Hannibal is charmed. Hartwin - Mafia boss Harry x Eggsy - Dark Harry x Eggsy - Soulmate tattoo AU where Eggsy sees Harry's tattoo when he's in a coma and is too scared to tell him they're Soulmates. When Harry gets shot by Valentine and is believed to be dead, Eggsy tells Merlin after V Day that he and Harry where Soulmates and showing him his tattoo as he cries. Cue Merlin awkwardly telling him that Harry is not dead and was on the computer watching the scene. Eggsy, remembering Harry's disappointment after their fight, runs only for Harry to run after him. - Alpha Harry who is the chief of a nomadic tribe rests at a village which he is allied to and meets Omega Eggsy. As he falls for the Omega he finds out about Eggsy's abusive step-dad and steps in (and by that we all know I mean that he viciously kills him because no one hurts his omega). Eggsy then leaves with Harry and they come back for holidays to see Daisy and Eggsy's mom. Gramander - mummy!Newt and daddy!Percy where Newt's creatures want their mummy to be happy and he seems to really like the nice man who let them stay in his house and they like him and want him to be their daddy too. Spideypool - Peter going to a convention dressed as Spider-Man and participates in a Spider-Man costume contest. Ironically, he looses to Wade who, at the end, goes to Peter to tell him his costume is pretty cool and Peter is like, "Shut up Wade, I can't believe I lost to Deadpool of all people." And Wade realizes that oh shit it's the real Spidey and he's so fuckin cute. Merthur - future au where both Merlin and Arthur are reincarnated with their memories and they meet again... While Arthur is the leader of the Round Table, the most feared mafia in England. Cue everyone with no memories of the past being so confused about why their big bad boss is so nice to this random guy who actually called him a prat. Tomarry - young Harry, after being beaten, gets teleported to the future in the middle of a battle with old Harry and Voldemort. Old Harry and Voldemort call a truce as old Harry heals young Harry as he knows exactly where all his wounds are- you don't forget the day the word Freak was engraved on you. Dumbledore tries to attack young Harry hence the truce since all magical children are precious, the only reason it was remotely acceptable for Voldemort to attack Harry was because of the prophecy. When young Harry wakes up, Voldemort finds out that this abused boy is Potter and when the child recognizes him as Tom it is revealed that Dumbledore obliviated him of his childhood memories and that he is a horcrux. - Tom and Harry love each other even if they won’t admit it and are, technically, enemies. But the thing is that Tom is really possessive of things he considers his so when another Dark Lord wannabe pops up and kidnaps Harry he finds the location and saves Harry using the excuse that Harry is his to kill, justifying his actions. Cue Harry thinking Tom is adorable for trying to excuse himself with a clearly fake lie and, before he 'escapes' Tom, he kisses him. A few months later, Tom takes over Wizarding Britain and claims Harry as his consort. - Hadrian Ciaràn Peverellus (Harry) is the son of the king of gryffindor and unknown to the Slytherin emperor becomes one of his ninjas as part of the squad the gryffindor kingdom gifts him. He goes by Ainon during that time. - Soulmates au where whatever you write on your skin appears on your other half too. Cue young abused Harry writing for help and Tom, who is either a mafia boss or a powerful politician/ceo, comes to the rescue. Then Tom dealing with the small boy who is his soulmate- and shit he doesn't know how to act with kids what is he supposed to do?- and raising Harry. - Makai Ouji Au where Harry/William (reincarnation of King ?/Solomon), Tom/Dantalion, Nagini/Mamon & Amon, Draco/Sitri, Bellatrix/Lamia, Dumbledore/Michael, Sirius/Uriel aka Kevin, Remus/S. Mathers, Luna/Isaac, Cedric/M. Swallow, - VR game, Harry has 2 avatars (one OP hero type, one crossdressing that specializes in the weirdest stuff) and meets Lord Voldemort the leader of a PK guild when he’s in his ‘girl’ avatar. - Time travel where Harry just tells everyone he s from the future and becomes the new loony love good since no one believes him... But Tom isn't quite sure that it s all lies and there's just something about Harry that draws him in. Danny Fenton x Danny Phantom - Danny was supposed to be an omega, but every ghosts are alphas. So, his human and ghost half came to an agreement and he becomes a beta. Cue Fenton and Phantom being separated and gaining their true classification and all they want is to be one again... But not necessarily to be the same person. Peter Pan - Abused Peter Pan who treats Hook like shit because he thinks that the pirate will be like all the adults he's ever known and by the time he realizes that Hook isn't like the others he's suceeded in making the pirate hate him. What happens when Hook finds out why Peter acted like an arrogant brat with him? Batman - Damian gets kidnapped and Bruce saying that he please doesn't kill him and when the kidnapper says he won't Bruce says he was talking to Damian. Random Prompt Ideas - Villains being protective of their hero. Ex: there's this new villain and he hurts the hero (The Flash, Harry Potter) and their villain (Len/Mick, Voldemort) get pissed and hurt the new villain saying that they're the only ones allowed to hurt the hero. - Villain finds out that the hero is a kid and suddenly becomes overprotective. Villain is like, "You're a kid, you should be doing homework. Go hang out with your friends." And just being a mother hen while the hero is like, "I'm a hero. Stop coddling me, I can take care of myself." - Villain is an abused teen whose parents are influential people, all his 'evil' plans were attempts to get rid of them. One day, the hero finds out when he attacks the villain and notices certain bruises and cuts that he most certainly didn't put on him. After all, what kind of hero would carve the word 'trash' into someone?
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