#just a little existential crisis inducing
mirrorofliterature · 2 years
throws my whole story into the trash
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littlebigmouse · 1 year
No you don't understand. Reigen does not commit tax fraud or insurance fraud. He doesn't actually have psychic powers, not even a little, or empath powers or what you have it. His family are regular ass people with regular ass jobs and frankly, so is Arataka, a young, self-employed guy living pay-check to pay-check because that's what most people starting out self-employed do. He spends most of the day at work and then gets take-out not because he's bringing college-student energy to the table, but because that's what the average single and fresh member of the japanese work force does. Because holding on to friends at that age is hard enough without existential-crisis-induced self-loathing.
It is so, so important to me that Reigen is the most statistically average twenty something japanese man there is. He's literally just a guy. A perfectly average middle schooler who liked to slack off and forgot his lunch that one time and wanted to be someone one day, when he was filled with youthful optimism, before life got complicated, before he realized he was just another fish in a really, really big ocean with a LOT of other fishes. One perfectly average fish among thousands of other, average fishes that become perfectly average members of society.
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snorlaxlovesme · 8 months
what is your favorite line/section of your sick CXS fic? It is so good and I love when authors can share some of their thoughts!
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i feel so spoiled with these messages from you, thank you for being so kind my godd
(aforementioned sickfic)
it's hard to choose favorite lines bc genuinely i do love the whole fic so much. a lot of the time i'm writing off the cuff and it just flows out of me in one or two sittings (it's why i'm a one-shot writer) but this was a story that took me months to complete because of all the planning involved (and absolutely fruitless research into Chinese herbal soups, since literally NONE of that research made it into the fic lmao) and so the whole thing feels really special and different from my other stories just because of how much thought was put into it.
it took a long time, but i adored writing the second half, getting to write the same day over again and try to make it identical while FEELING totally different. having Lu Guang totally in pieces over every little change he accidentally makes to the timeline was mwaa *chef's kiss*
i think my favorite line was what i eventually pulling from to make the summary on AO3
"Lu Guang is so tired. He wishes he could freeze this conversation, this whole day, and go nap for a thousand hours. The stress of it all is sucking the marrow from his bones. He wishes he could do today over again. He doesn’t know if he’d have the strength to do today over again."
idk i just feel like it really encapsulates the struggle Lu Guang goes through in this fic and might literally go through on a day to day basis trying to re-live the timeline. like i'm sure every misstep feeling like something Lu Guang would want to do over, but how many times can he handle that, emotionally? like this day mentally broke him and it's literally the most nothing day. Lu Guang forgot to make one phone call and almost suffered cardiac arrest because of it.
plus its very sweet that Cheng Xiaoshi, sick as a dog and feeling down on himself for being left alone all day, comforts Lu Guang after this moment because he can see Lu Guang is going through like a panic-induced existential crisis and mistakes it for Lu Guang ALSO feeling ill, sweet boy ♥
i also really liked the simplicity of these lines (it includes spoilers so look away if you wanna read the fic first. )
But Lu Guang thinks of the tear-streaked smile after Cheng Xiaoshi took that first bite. Spending every waking moment agonizing over his next step won’t get him anywhere. Instead, Lu Guang folds up that smile and tucks it into a corner of his mind for safekeeping. Cheng Xiaoshi thanked him for today. Maybe that is enough.
that part wasn't in the original draft. these lines are in response to CXS thanking Lu Guang for caring for him and i think i had a bit of prose where LG internally laments that he spent half the day ignoring CXS and only took care of him when it was clear Qiao Ling wasn't going to be able to, so the thanks wasn't really deserved. or something self deprecating like that
i had sent my "final draft" to a friend after revising some bits in the flashback and said "i wanna post it but i feel like i need to mess with the ending still. it feels off" my friend insisted what i had was great but i didn't know if the last line of the fic ("Timeline be damned") felt earned. Lu Guang had been a slave to the timeline for the entirety of the story, allowing him to kind of/sort of say "fuck you" to the timeline for a brief moment felt like it was going against everything i had just established, of how IMPORTANT keeping to the timeline was to Lu Guang for the sake of being able to save Cheng Xiaoshi in the future.
it was my friend that gave me the idea to write a simple thesis line that shows what Lu Guang has learned from this. that disaster is definitely a potential outcome in Lu Guang's crazy plan, but seeing Cheng Xiaoshi at peace is enough to make him want to try. like you said in your comment on the fic, if you went back in time, you'd want to be kinder. those lines are Lu Guang reminding himself that seeing CXS at peace has an emotional effect on Lu Guang as well.
ALSO idk the "fold up his smile and tucks it in his mind" bit is cute okay? it's a very cute sentence and i'm proud i wrote it lol
this is very long so i'm gonna stop rambling but again THANK YOU so much for asking me this and for all your sweet messages. i truly can't get over how wonderful it's been talking about this story with you, it's only made me love it more and i already thought it was my magnum opus lmao
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mysticstarlightduck · 5 months
Vaguely Summarized WIP Tag!
Thank you so much for the tag, @talesofsorrowandofruin!!! (Here)
Rules: Summarize your WIP in 15 2-5 word bullet points (as if you were trying to summarize it in 15 seconds).
I'll go with my WIP Of Starlight and Beasts since its finally leaving the Plotting Stage and developing into a First Draft!
Hey... maybe we should be a bit more concerned about this amount of monsters... just maybe
Teen with unaddressed issues must save the world from a bunch of rich grownups' mistakes. Is disturbingly thrilled about it
Random kid lost in the woods with no memories and the power of✨Glowing Anime Magic ✨ has a terrible, horrible, no good very bad set of days. Also, he makes a friend.
Guess we're together on this now! (a.k.a. None of us should have ever, ever been left unsupervised and now it's your problem)
"The Insane Evil Queen been making a lot of sense lately and it makes me seriously uncomfy"
The power of friendship and bullshitting your way through potential war crimes
Dragon Girl Has Way Too Much Fun and Things Burn (:
Someone, please make the twins stop trying to kill each other
Turns out the "good plan" was not, in fact, "a good plan"
Jekyll and Hyde level existential crisis, yay
(game show voice)... And the "World's Worst Mother" Award goes to -!
"How to Survive: Dungeons, Misery, and All Things Not Nice With Your Bestie in 2 trauma-inducing steps, Second Edition".
... Who's gonna tell the King?
Breaking News: Local man has no idea how he has gotten stuck with these idiots but they're his idiots
Family Issues and Swordfights while the world crashes down
Tagging: @kaylinalexanderbooks @littleladymab @cabbojage @lassiesandiego @little-peril-stories @oh-no-another-idea @thepeculiarbird @rickie-the-storyteller @crowandmoonwriting @steh-lar-uh-nuhs @gummybugg @forthesanityofstorytellers @doublegoblin @aalinaaaaaa @starlit-hopes-and-dreams @elshells @clairelsonao3 @anyablackwood @tabswrites and OPEN TAG
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saltymongoose · 2 years
wuh ohs!! sum of task force 141 is now in nevada!! and with player!! whatever will happen??
this iz an exxcuse to talk about Ghost Soap and Price abouts their reaction to nevada and our token nevadeans™
( this is about call of duty if ur unsure just wanted to place thiz lil note )
Oo, I was wondering if I was gonna get an ask about these guys. :)
To start off with, I think a large part of the 141's reaction to this whole situation depends on if they're also self-aware to some extent. You only play as Gaz and Soap within the MWII remake's campaign, so they're the best contenders for this since you'd have direct control over them. However, you're also in close proximity with Price and Ghost when you play as them, so given the whole "being near the Player's vessel = feeling some warmth" rule, they'd have to be aware that something's up. Plus, who knows if they'd be self-aware themselves from the multiplayer (as everyone in the 141 is an operator).
(More Under the Cut - this got extremely long. Basically fic length lol. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
If they were, then you'd be met with less skepticism when you explain who you are, and they would probably grow to trust you within a shorter period of time. It's less of a shock because they know you've always been there, fighting by their sides.
However, we're not gonna go too far into that (for now anyway lol) as this is very unlikely; the only reason the grunts became aware of you was that the Auditor decided to strengthen your connection to Nevada, and the world of CoD doesn't have that. The Employers' growing need to be closer to you motivated the Auditor and the others to tether your realities together in a stronger way, while I can't think of any reason for that to be the case with Task Force 141's universe.
In any case, you're definitely going to be questioned by them when they find you because they know damn well this isn't normally what Nevada looks like - or any place on earth, for that matter. And as the only human being they've seen in this wasteland so far, you might have something to do with them being there.
That's the line of logic they're coming from, and while it's completely understandable, it's also false to some degree. (Yes, you know who they are. No, you don't know why they're here. No, you don't know how they got here either, etc, etc.) This is where you have to basically give them a summary of who you are and what your role technically is in games. While this definitely gives them something of an existential crisis (nothing like being told your reality is nothing but a short game made for another human's entertainment), it definitely clears the air. You even talk about how you have positively zero experience with combat (before now, anyway), and reveal all of your more supernatural abilities with little hesitancy. You're laying all your cards out on the table for Price and his men to pick through as they please, and your being an open book is enough to get them to steer the conversation away from the interrogation-like territory it began with.
This opens the door to actually forming bonds with the 141, and although it will take quite a while for all of them to trust you like they would one of their own (Ghost especially), it'll happen. However, the closer you get with the Task Force, the less your own grunts feel the need to be amicable with them.
Even beginning their interactions, I don't think the boys would like them at all. Disdain would be a more fitting word; not only do these armored, dangerous people just decide to interrogate you (who's perfectly innocent), but they have the nerve to stick around afterward and get all buddy-buddy with you. It's annoying at best, and rage-inducing at worst.
To get to how they'd react to the Taskforce and vise-versa, we'll start with 2BDamned.
Doc is the leader of the four grunts you're with, and you're his superior in every way he believes possible. He's the first to praise your strategic expertise to the 141 in a way that's professional (he's sure you warranted more than the excited gloating of Deimos or Sanford), and will subtly brag about how much you've helped them. Yet, he finds himself getting unreasonably angry when the Captain of the 141, Price, does the same. And now that Price knows that you're the reason Gaz and Soap have managed to stay alive as long as they have (one of the reasons ofc - they're skilled, but he still likes ribbing on them), he's immensely grateful towards you, which translates into explicit trust and praise on his part. Not too much of the latter, but it's enough to convey how much he appreciates your help.
But Doc subconsciously takes Price's sort of mirroring of his own actions as something of a threat. Price has almost the same exact role in his group as Doc does with your group, so his doing all of this must be an attempt to sway you towards the 141 and himself. Plus, it's just not the same. Price's comments do not truly reflect how grateful he should be towards you, or how much value you have. So the fact that you take notice, even looking away bashfully before saying thank you whenever you're hit with a short compliment from the man, is enough to boil his blood. Even worse is that he knows what he's thinking is very slightly irrational, but the jealousy (and possessiveness) is enough to override any real rationality here.
Honestly, what makes it funnier is that Price actually respects 2B in his own way. It's obvious that you're the boss here, but he knows better than anyone how difficult it is to wrangle a group of very different people to get them to work together. So, both the Captain and 2BDamned view each other as similar, but for very different reasons. Where in one it inspires a sense of relatability, or even empathy, in the other it just fills them with jealousy.
As for Soap and Gaz, Doc finds them strikingly similar to Deimos and Sanford in how they'll joke around and be very open with you (Soap more so than Gaz). It's annoying because now he has to deal with two more outgoing people trying to get your attention all the time, and succeeding most of the time. While he's trying to find a way to peel them (and his own squad, to be frank) away from your side so you can get some time away with him to decompress, they're just content with trying to get to know you both better. It's not like Doc wants to make himself appear impolite, but he has zero patience for their antics. With Sanford and Deimos, he kind of has to have a good relationship with them for work, but the last thing 2B needs is two other people who have no consequence on his mission trying to impede it. Or at least, that's the justification he uses for being obtuse around them in response to their lackadaisical attitudes.
Although, it's not like Soap really cares about what opinion Doc has of him. In his eyes, their main priority is to (a) find a way to get home and (b) protect you (since you're not only their one ticket home but a really nice civilian who he wants to be friends with). So he'll just ignore whatever the tall grunt does, unless it comes out as a threat of course. Gaz feels a bit more threatened, probably because of all those parallels Doc has with his Captain, but he follows the lead of the others in his group by acting politely and disregarding any words and such against him. Plus, given how he's seen you chide Doc for being impolite (and the man give a rushed apology at that - which is really funny), he doubts anything more will come of it. Things are a bit tense, but that's alright.
With Ghost, I feel like the Lieutenant would instantly realize that there's some underlying reason why 2B has some restrained hostility towards the 141, and that it likely has to do with you. After being through what Ghost has in his history, he's got a pretty good "bullshit detector", so of course he'd notice how the grunt tenses up whenever you're mentioned, or how his grip tightens on whatever he's holding whenever you laugh with one of Soap's jokes. He thinks it's kind of weird, but it's obvious all of your grunts have a thing for you, so it makes enough sense. And he can put up with that. But what he can't deal with is any threats made to the 141. So he'll always be there watching, keeping an eye on things in case 2B or any of your little squad tries to do anything threatening. The 141's members can take care of themselves, but he's unwilling to let anything happen to them without his defense being there.
I think that in this case, Ghost is an even more menacing figure than Hank because at least Hank has a reason to keep Doc alive. This makes 2B a bit more hesitant to do anything rude, and I honestly think he kind of knows that Ghost is aware of what he feels for you. Perhaps not the complete depth of his affection, but enough to get an inkling as to why he acts the way he does. Which he can't tell is more or less threatening, since it just means they can be used for leverage. Although, it's not like he could do anything about the Task Force since it's obvious you like them and want to keep them around for now. So he'll continue being cordial and formal in all his interactions. It's what he does best, after all.
Moving on to Deimos and Sanford, they're more conflicted about this, because if this were any other circumstance, they might've even gotten along with the Task Force. They'd never admit it, but the Task Force is actually really easy to work with, and they can admire their skills. (And hey, at least Ghost bothers remembering which one of them is which, unlike a certain someone.)
However, like Doc, they feel like the Task Force is somehow threatening their own positions in your life, which sours their attitudes toward them. Deimos is kind of the unofficial "Funny Guy™️" in your life, so seeing Soap make you laugh and smile just makes it feel like something sharp is poking at his chest. God forbid if you laugh at Ghost's jokes too; once the masked man grows comfortable enough to tell his little quips it's over. You just find it so hilarious (especially with Soap's groaning about how bad they are), and you even follow up with your own. To Deimos, there's a sort of chemistry between you and the 141, and he doesn't like it. He isn't a very insecure person, but the fact that this whole situation is making him feel more uncertain about his future with you is something he hates.
With Sanford, he just disapproves of how close the 141 is getting to you. He respects Price, sure, and he can somewhat appreciate how the other three members of the 141 look out for you, but that's the thing; that is his job. It's Sanford's role to make your food, coffee, tea, whatever - not Gaz's or Ghost, or whoever else encroaches on his time with you. Protecting you from harm is something that he and Deimos do quite well, and they don't need anyone else trying to take their spotlight with that. Lord knows they have to deal with enough of that from Hank. Plus, there are some things regarding your friendship with the 141 that he (or any other grunt) can't compete with. You're all human. The 141 knows you better on a fundamental level because you come from a similar reality, and you are the same species. They probably are better at reading you and knowing what you like, and it pains him and Deimos whenever you make a reference to pop culture or something in your world and only the 141 understands. It makes him wonder how much he really knows you, and if he'd even be able to get everything about you. Because he really wants to; Sanford (and again, every other grunt in your entourage) seek to know you better than themselves, they want to have intimate knowledge about everything you are or want to be. And the fact that you're so different makes it difficult. The business with the 141 only makes it more painfully obvious.
Another issue for them is that it is generally hard to put a barrier between them and the 141. Sanford and Deimos are the more outgoing of your group, and as such, they're probably the first grunts that the Task Force feels comfortable trying to reach out to. Kind of like brothers in arms, except they're tall, grey Nevadans and not humans. (Hey, still better than Graves, right?) Soap and Gaz will be friendly with them, even Price in a more restrained way (professional, if you will), and Dei and San can't help themselves from responding in kind. Sure, they might kick themselves later when they find themselves getting really friendly, but it's hard to stop it from happening. Or they could convince themselves that becoming friends with the Task Force is a way to keep an eye on you when you're with the other team.
Either way, this won't prevent the lurking feelings of discomfort and envy they feel when they see you enjoying the company of the 141. But their hesitancy doesn't stop Soap and Gaz from treating them as they would any other combat team they work with, nor Price from including them in his strategies (that he works up with you, no doubt). This doesn't prevent Ghost from being more lax around them than with the other members of your group either, because he knows that Sanford and Deimos are the least likely to try anything. Not only because they want to do right by you, but because they're growing closer to the Task Force, albeit with great conflict. (He can relate; he felt much the same way when he had to work with Soap at first.)
For Soap and Gaz, they see San and Dei as sort of comrades (like the Los Vaqueros in a way), while Price kind of sees them as the sort of soldiers he'd worked with before. Perhaps not the types of people he'd hire for his own Task Force, but they remind him of those he interacted with in his time in the military. It's nostalgic, in a weird way. Especially since they're very far from human.
Now we have Hank. To put it shortly, compared to everyone else in your main group, Hank's approach is the direct opposite. He doesn't play nice with his own squad most of the time, why would he bother doing that with another group?
He doesn't see any benefit to having the 141 around and treats them as direct competition because that's what they are to him. To Hank, he can protect you and provide for you just fine on his own; you don't need anyone else, so he'll be there to whisk you away whenever they get too close. It doesn't matter if it's either of the Sergeants, Ghost, or Price, none of them should be spending large amounts time with you. There's no need. It's not like they have the same close bond that you share with him, nor do they have any deeper interest in you, so he doesn't see them as having any justifiable reason to be so buddy-buddy with you. It's a waste of your time for the benefit of theirs.
His behavior is centered around proving that he's better than them in nearly every conceivable way: more reliable than Price, more considerate and sweet than Gaz, better with combat than Soap and Ghost. He's obviously superior to them, so only pay attention to him, okay?
His mentality is very obvious, and it's insulting that the 141 find it more entertaining than anything. Soap will poke fun at you for having a guard dog, while Price will mention something about keeping him on a short leash. Gaz is more unsettled yet again, but confident that he won't do anything. He can't, not when you reprimand him every time he brings a knife or gun just too close to them. Ghost is significantly less amused, and the most likely to challenge his threats. In a rather smart move, he'll also point to you to show how much you disapprove of the tall grunt's actions, shaking his head at how Hank visibly wilts once he sees your disappointed stare.
You'd think that if he knew about how you wanted things to be nice with the 141, he'd care to put in more effort. But he won't, it's not in his nature. Instead, he'll just see to it that the threats happen behind closed doors. But Ghost will be there every step of the way, as a protector of his own squad and a helpful informant to you. Nobody likes a snitch, but seeing Hank try to make apologies to you is too good to pass up. A worthy punishment for threatening his squad, he'd say.
Besides, you're like the Captain of your grunts in a weird way, with how they listen to you. You might even deserve the title, with all your strategic expertise (which he knows he's seen now), and Soap has even taken to calling you that in jest a few times. And good Lieutenants always report to their superiors, right? So he's just acting according to the rules of the chain of command.
At the end of the day, for you, you have another group of individuals to help out, and ones that you've made friends with. Despite how much your grunts might dislike them, you've always been fond of Task Force 141, so getting to meet them is something you're excited about. Luckily for you, they quite like you as well. It's just those guard dogs of yours that seem to present a challenge, but they'd say you keep them trained well enough not to try anything too drastic. For now.
[Also, some general Nevada things regarding the 141 and their reaction:
They wouldn't like it there, it's too violent and they get enough of that at home. The landscape is fascinating but all of this stuff with the Nexus Core and the Employers is too complicated for them to want to deal with. Having you there makes it so much easier, so they appreciate you a lot (and want to protect you, since you're just an innocent civilian), but they would honestly much rather be home.
They're also somewhat horrified at the way grunts live. The only TV show that plays is Slaughter Time, and the predisposition to violence that all grunts seem to have is really concerning. It makes them more protective of you too, even throwing a few suspicious glances at your boys whenever they do something really harsh in combat. For once, they feel lucky that they're basically allies. Especially since Wimbleton can't die permanently, according to you. (Though Ghost is sure he can find a way to make that happen, if necessary lol.)]
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yakool-foolio · 1 year
i really love your death knight au for yakou‼️it’s super fun to read and think about
i’m just wondering about your perspective when it comes to yakou slowly putting together everything about the homunculus stuff in chapter 5. because, god, as far as i can tell that is absolute existential crisis material (like yakou figuring out he himself is a homunculus? and that his original is probably dead? like dude)
(i also imagine that the way he initially starts putting things together is like. through the whole pink blood thing. maybe yuma somehow gets (non-lethally) injured in the beginning of the chapter and sheds red blood, which leads into yakou realizing that something’s off?? don’t mind me i’m just rambling here)
There's a lot to take in when the revelation finally hits. While venturing through the abandoned village with Yuma, Yakou is mortified by the ghastly sight. Many citizens he'd known over the years, despite their passing, are husks of their former selves, mindlessly attacking him and the rookie. He fights back against them to protect Yuma, who they seem to suspiciously target more than Yakou. There's not much room to dwell on it as Makoto fires the arrow containing the threat of homunculi feasting on human flesh to survive. A pit in his stomach begins to form. While being chased down, the two fall down a cliff, both suffering some cuts and bruises. Yakou quickly takes action to clean off their blood for fear of attracting more homunculi. He takes note of the difference in their blood color, but doesn't comment on it, assuming Yuma hasn't been in the rain long enough for it to affect his body.
In the factory, Yakou confronts the zombified Hitman Zilch, newfound anger coursing through him. He wants to get back at the hitman for all the harm he caused, killing Yakou's wife and massacring the five detectives on the Amaterasu Express. Shinigami and Yuma manage to break him from his rage-induced trance, telling him Yomi and Huesca were the ones who gave the orders; he only followed their commands. Hitman Zilch confirms this during his drawn-out speech. As they discover the remains of each of the NDA detectives, Yuma immediately begins to panic. Yakou remains skeptical, trying to calm the rookie down by telling him they could be fakes. He's too deep in denial to say why.
It doesn't take long before a portion of the truth comes crashing down on him. Hearing strange noises in the freezer, Yakou instructs Yuma to stay behind so he can check. In the bone-biting cold, Yakou feasts his eyes upon the horrors of Kanai Ward. Frozen corpses are mushed into meat buns, the main food supply for the entire city's citizens. Shinigami turns away as he vomits from pure repugnance. Despite his disgusting display, he can't cough up all the lives he consumed. Exiting the freezer, Yuma rushes to him, fearful of what his chief could've seen. Yakou tells him not to worry; the bitter cold got to him, is all.
The two detectives head down into the old facility, shocked by the near cosmic terror of all the vacant pods lining the infinite walls. Holes in the ceiling reveal cloudless skies. Yuma steps into the strips of sunlight in relief, allowing himself a faint smile as he revels in what little warmth he can gain. Yakou instinctively avoids the holes, staying in the shade as he observes Yuma with sorrowful eyes. Shinigami advises her Sir to let the fledging enjoy it while it lasts.
In the bathhouse, Yuma curiously pokes and prods at the rainmaking machine while Yakou investigates. Suddenly, the rainmaker comes to a stop. Yakou and Yuma freeze up. The thick dark clouds dissipate, the blinding sun enveloping Kanai Ward. It's far from a welcoming embrace. Yakou feels his sense of self slipping away, his thoughts colliding together as a deep forgotten impulse claws up to the surface of his weakening mind. Using as much energy as he can muster, he yells at Yuma to turn the machine back on, but Yuma's anxiety flares. As he fruitless attempts to power the rainmaker, Makoto enters the building. Yuma backs up and clutches Yakou's hand, who barely clings to consciousness. When Makoto offers to help, Yuma takes his hand, allowing the three of them to connect. The rainmaker turns on, a brewing storm surrounding the city once more. Yakou regains what he had lost of himself while Shinigami recovers from her own stupor. Taking it all in is nigh impossible.
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king-there0f · 2 years
🖊️🖊️ for anyone you'd like to talk about!
I almost missed this one!
Last one before I retire to my bedchambers for the eve
I’ll give ya…🖊Astereaux and 🖊Deveter under the cut!
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Astereaux began as a self insert character who eventually just took on a life of his own and is fairly removed from me now. I continue to give him a fair bit in the way of my personal interests and traits just cuz it’s fun to have a character you can give all that stuff to. Which traits and interests are mine and which were just created for this character is for you to sus out for yourself 👀
Astereaux loves space. Is just utterly fascinated by it. Finds the feeling of being just a tiny speck of dust in the larger universe calming rather than existential crisis inducing. Thinks stars and their life cycles are beautiful and a little bit sad. Finds warmth in the romantic notion that you and your loved ones can look at the same moon and the same stars no matter how far apart you are. He feels a lot of anxiety in his daily life and found that meditation and stargazing has helped with this a lot.
He collects lots of things. Rocks, letters, and knives (or other sharp pointy things) being some of his favorites.
He has a terrible sense of direction.
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Formerly named Dismillien (Dis) this poor guy got absolutely suckered into Jormag’s corner. Dev was the kind of person who bored easily and generally thought of other people as not worth his time or skill. And skilled he was. He had a natural gift with a sword and used it, but when the only real challenges came coupled with responsibility and baggage he became wholly uninterested.
Jormag gave him something interesting to do and for a time he was able to stave off his boredom fulfilling the whims of the Elder Dragon. Of course the whole thing was his idea, and he was only sticking around until he got bored again. Uh, huh. Yeah. It didn’t go so great.
After everything, Dev struggles now with his priorities. He finds himself helping others begrudgingly and can’t decide if the tedium is worth the emotional payoff. His existence is reliant upon the aid of others and the echo of Dragon magic and if he tries to go it on his own for too long he literally starts coming apart at the seams. (The excess dragon magic in him behaving like some sort of magical radiation, constantly trying to undo the magic that holds him together)
Deveter’s concept is based on plants dying of frostbite, frost flowers, plant cell death and regeneration, and a very particular plot point in .hack//sign that just ended up suiting him nicely. (If ur familiar its the bit with Sora and Morgana) oh and also beelzemon.
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doctorweebmd · 9 months
same anon as the previous ask and i'm. so happy to read your answer skxjskkx i've just had a shitty piece of news and reading you really made me smile, i'm so glad i could convey how much i appreciate this fic. i think i'm gonna read it again and it'll help me finally get out of bed. thank you for the free serotonin sjfjkd promise if i manage to watch bsd i'll comment the fic. possibly i will even if i don't watch it (<- has read most of their mha fanfic before even reading the manga)
i hope you have a nice day and thank you for sharing your writing and continuing to write even when you feel like not many ppl are reading, it's everything to the few that are i promise ajdjjdjdjjd
i'm so sorry you got a shitty piece of news ahhhhhh please take care and be safe!!! (and i dont know if that fic gives serotonin!!!! its too depressing!!! i mean to be fair we're all a little masochistic when it comes to those boy but........)
:) :) :) thank you for your amazing ask anon you literally made my day i'm working night shift all this weekend which is essentially an insomnia-induced existential crisis waiting to happen so, like - you have grounded me. i love you and appreciate you and am kissing you 10000x
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 1 year
lost in the labyrinth of my mind
by burgundyshirts Jon hesitates, and thinks back to his Gotham-induced exhaustion, to how stretched thin his skin felt before he left the planet, to how tight his smiles yesterday in Metropolis were. Thinks back to how his dad told him it’s okay to be tired sometimes, and hums, blinking his eyes open. “It’s so heavy, Damian. Sometimes, it’s so heavy, and I just want to forget about it for a little bit, instead of spreading it all over every single aspect of my life.” Damian’s eyes soften, turning his eyes from daggers into brilliant jewels. “What is heavy, exactly? The world?” “The universe,” Jon shakes his head, not holding back a disbelieving snort. “It’s crushing. I think, lately, I’m just… everything is so big. I’m all burned out. Is it so bad that sometimes I just want to let things be and not involve you in this, this… vastness?” --------------------------- Immediately following Jon's brief case-solving with Batman and co., there are conversations to be had, consequences to be considered, and ideas to be developed. This stage is all about helplessness, love, and being scared of messing it all up. But ultimately, it's about hope. Words: 11405, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 2 of restless gotham nights, and the horrors of being known Fandoms: Super Sons (Comics), Superman: Son of Kal-El (Comics 2021), Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent, DCU (Comics), Batman - All Media Types, Superman - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Jonathan Samuel Kent, Damian Wayne, Bruce Wayne, Vicki Vale, Alfred Pennyworth, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Alfred the Cat (DCU), Gotham City Relationships: Jonathan Samuel Kent/Damian Wayne, Jonathan Samuel Kent & Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson & Jonathan Samuel Kent, Tim Drake & Jonathan Samuel Kent, Jonathan Samuel Kent & Bruce Wayne, Jonathan Samuel Kent & Alfred Pennyworth, Jonathan Samuel Kent & Jason Todd, Batfamily Members & Jonathan Samuel Kent, Jonathan Kent/Damian Wayne, Jonathan Samuel Kent & Kon-El | Conner Kent Additional Tags: Journalism, Gotham City is Terrible, Jonathan Samuel Kent is a Ray of Sunshine, Jonathan Samuel Kent is Superboy, Jonathan Samuel Kent is Superman, Identity Issues, Identity Porn, Introspection, Gossip, News Media, Arguing, Jonathan Samuel Kent-centric, Falling In Love, with a city, Jonathan Samuel Kent is So Whipped, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Canon is a Suggestion, Bisexual Jonathan Samuel Kent, Gay Damian Wayne, Smut, Hand Jobs, Making Out, Explicit Sexual Content, just a little bit though, Batfamily Dynamics (DCU), Comedy, Character Study, im not too up to date in damian or jon canon comic lore be gentle with me, jon has stockholm syndrome only its gotham city holding him hostage, im keeping this tag for the whole series, Inspired by Taylor Swift, Title from a Taylor Swift Song, Based on a Taylor Swift Song, Song: Labyrinth (Taylor Swift), Questioning, Soul-Searching, Existential Crisis, Hope, please read the previous part via https://ift.tt/AZlSgNj
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“ i’ll sit here, with my arms wrapped around you, all night. “
Roughly mid-era Joel/Tess, PG-ish, also on ao3.
Tess can’t sleep.
It’s one of those weird nights, too quiet for just a couple days too long, enough that she starts wondering how the actual hell she is still alive. Not because she has any irreplaceable value to the wider world, she’d accepted that well before everything went sideways, and probably not because she’s a pawn in some cosmic long game either, and… probably just really weird luck, when she bothers to think about it, and a little bit of being able to improvise whenever she has to, her most defining talent, and-
Honestly, if the actual end of the world is somehow just her and the cockroaches, if things somehow get even worse than they already are, she wouldn’t be surprised. That really does seem to be where her thirties are headed, and at a certain point a woman just has to shut up and accept the inevitable.
Tess can’t sleep, and lucky for her, her partner can’t either. She suspects the reasons there are a little darker than an existential crisis – something happened today, she can guess that much, something of a flashback-inducing flavor, but she won’t even ask that let alone-
Clearest proof she has a heart is when it’s breaking. She can’t take whatever this is, but she can take up space and be a distraction and-
If she weren’t also a little gone, she’d move her body on top of his and take, and that’d work well enough. Get her out of her head too, get her back into this mess of a body, get her-
No. Not like this. She’s still got some judgment left in her, and sex only solves most of her domestic problems, not all of them. Not this one. Dammit.
They’re curled up on opposite sides of the bed, and she knows this is how shared misery is supposed to work, but… goddamn she is not good at any of this. Can’t talk or fuck her way out, can’t make herself useful, can’t-
She’s hurting too, she can’t forget that, and she knows she could take advantage of that part. Something about that man needs something to take care of, and he should’ve gone and tethered himself to about any other living thing but instead he got her, self-sufficient feral cat of a woman and-
“Okay if I touch you?” she asks, because sometimes it isn’t, because sometimes the dark moods are-
She has this, she thinks as she drapes her body around his, as she slips an arm under his torso. She has… whatever the actual hell this is, too much and not enough, and-
“What are you up to?” Joel murmurs, not concerned just curious, that’s a good sign, that’s-
“Don’t know what else to do,” she counters – it would be more effective if he could actually see her dramatic facial expressions, but she’s working with what she’s got here. “Can’t take your pain, can’t take mine, but… I’ll stay here with my arms wrapped around you all night and-“
“You do that most nights anyways.”
“Don’t try me,” Tess laughs. “Don’t matter. Right now I…”
Maybe this is why her past relationships never worked out, she can’t help thinking. Maybe this is why she’ll never actually be anyone’s girlfriend. She doesn’t do the emotional side beyond the whole unspoken committed love problem, and now is really not the right time to make eye contact with that elephant, and-
“You’re good to me.”
She’s not sure if she’s getting anywhere on him, but at least she’s distracting herself. That feels like a win. Anything to get her out of her head, anything-
“I’m trying,” she says after a few heartbeats, leaning in to kiss his neck, far as she’s going to escalate this set of intimacies. “Don’t know what I’m doing, but-“
“Don’t let go. All I can ask for, okay?”
“Never do.”
That feels like enough closure to get her eyes shut, and… she drifts, eventually, well after time stops mattering. Hopefully he does too. Hopefully…
They both deserve better, maybe. They’ve got each other. Better than nothing.
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ladietblonde · 7 months
If you’re a uni student like me you’ll know that second-term midterm season is like the craziest week of the year, and I’m not talking like Tomorrowland, take-lots-of-MDMA-and-have-a-blackout-dance-party-and-chew-gum-until-your-jaw-moves-involuntarily-for-a-week type of crazy, I’m talking like suddenly you have five deadlines in five days and when it’s all over all you want to do is get drunk with frat boys you don’t like, eat a pizza, then buy all of the half-price Valentine’s chocolate at Duane Reade for yourself so you can gorge yourself until you don’t feel anymore then pass out at 9pm fully dressed with the lights on. Of course, at this time of year, nothing can go smoothly. Right before that last deadline you need to get a debilitating, life-shattering, existential crisis-inducing piece of news that destroys your entire Adderall-induced train of focus and forces you to run home, cry for three hours, and then use your last half-hour of time to somehow write the worst essay to ever exist and turn it in with two minutes to spare and with makeup just all over your face.
If you didn’t guess already, this is why I haven’t posted okay.
The thing about any chic girl, poor or not, is that she’s an absolute neurotic, unstable mess. Everything is planned, she’s a control freak, and when she’s forced to leave the house on a bad hair day, can’t possibly afford a pack of cigarettes, or has her plans destroyed in any way, she has a breakdown. This is where rock bottom comes in. Thankfully, for me, my breakdown fell conveniently on Valentine’s Day, so I spent some money on a bottle of sparkling rosé and a box of macarons, and enjoyed those whilst trying desperately to stay composed and sane for appearances (long-distance boyfriend, skype date, didn’t really want him to see me eating my feelings), and then the day after, I spent $6 on a pint of Ben & Jerry’s, two Toblerone bars, and a can of Pringles which basically became my only friends/emotions for the weekend. Now that it’s all gone, I won’t have an appetite for the week (because my poor little stomach isn’t equipped to hold much more than egg whites and the occasional salmon or celery stalk) and it’ll be like this filthy little weekend never happened.
Thank god I buy all of my clothes in black, white, or grey so I can still have designer clothes, but don’t have to worry about having that one blouse that only matches with one pair of (too big) leather leggings.
There really is no moral to this story, except that the breakdown teaches me one thing every time – I need an emergency fund big enough to afford two bottles of wine, chocolate, ice cream, cigarettes, and pizza. At least.
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boozy-the-ghost · 3 years
Not feeling well and everyone I know is asleep...
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aeonianarchives · 2 years
Why did I ever think I could outrun them
The Reader, is a Son of Fëanor, and they join the dwarves to reclaim Erebor, but when they see the Arkenstone they realise it is a silmaril, they have a existential crisis but it is also causing Thorin's Dragon Sickness.
A/n: yes i know i have written a Fëanorian reader but I just love writing these so much Technically Part two of Take these broken wings and learn to fly, Canon divergence about the silmarils by like a lot
Implied Reader x Glorfindel
"It's Dragon sickness I've seen it before, It befell his grandfather Thráin" Balin said, the Elf stood in the doorway as the hobbit and the dwarf talked.
"What does this Arkenstone look like" You questioned stepping in the two jumped having not heard you, you had joined the company after they travelled threw Imladris, you seemed to be a good friend of Gandalf and the Elven King Thranduil seemed slightly scared of you.
Balin nodded and you walked over to the book, The Arkenstone shone of its own inner light, and appeared a "little globe of pallid light" in darkness, and yet, cut and fashioned by the Dwarves, it took all light that fell upon it and changed it into "ten thousand sparks of white radiance, shot with glints of the rainbow".
The book read, "If you find it, keep it away from Thorin, The Arkenstone has cursed this gold, it is the reason for the Dragon sickness, do not say anything until i return" You said in worry the hobbit clearly saw it brought something up in your past you clearly wanted to outrun and forget.
Kili and Fili almost bumped into you, you span around to face them, "Do not find that Arkenstone whatever you do, it is more trouble than what it is worth" You said the Dwarves looked at each other and shrugged as they watch you disappear to find thorin.
You shoved the Large heavy oaken door's open, Thorin glared up at you, "The Arkenstone has cursed this gold, the dragon sickness is a warning Thorin the Stone is more trouble than it is worth" You said as you approached him and Dwalin.
"THAT IS NO HEIRLOOM OF DWARVES" You yelled back at the dwarf who fell back on his throne in shock, the anger in your eyes, how cold they where, it scared him.
"IT IS, IT IS THE KINGSTONE" Thorin yelled you sighed
"No it's not, it is cursed it induces dragon sickness and it has cursed the gold in this mountain" You said pinching the bridge of your nose not wanting a shouting contest.
"you have no proof" Thorin said
"look i don't want to fight over this stupid rock again, either believe me because i know what it actually is, or ask me to leave, i'm not going start a pissing contest nor am i going to fight in one, Thranduil is here for one thing, a thing you can easily give him yet this rock is making you greedy" You said shoving a finger into his chest
"Run back to your boyfriend in Rivendell i'm sure he will protect you" Thorin hissed you huffed and left the mountain, you managed to get into Dale without being detected.
"Mithrandir, we need to talk" You said to the Wizard who turned around to you.
"I thought you where still with Thorin my lord" Mithrandir said
"No not anymore, but this is important and about Thorin" You said the Wizard lead you to a tent and you followed him in, you looked to Bard and nodded he smiled and then you looked to Thranduil and rolled your eyes.
"The Arkenstone is not a heart of a mountain, mountains don't have rocks that can shine without any lights, the Arkenstone is a silmaril, it is inducing Thorin's Dragon sickness, it is better lost then found" You said
"No it's not if Thorin has it at least you don't have it Kinslayer" Thranduil said you ignored the elven king
"As long as Thorin is plagued by the sickness he's not letting any of that wealth leave the mountain and a battle isn't a good idea to get it, while the dwarves where stuck in Thranduil's prisons I made my way to Dol Guldur, where me and the rest of the white council drove the necromancer away, but legions of Orcs and wargs had left marching from the fortress i suspect more come fro gundabad, you would be able to face two fronts and Thorin has called for aid from the iron hills, if you want to get your gold to rebuild and your stupid gems of starlight then i suggest we solve this peacefully, the silmaril feed off of anger and emotion" You said
"And how are we meant to do that" Bard asked you looked down
"I do not know, I have not found a way to break it's hold, Emotions are a strong thing to break from and repress" You replyed
"What do you mean you haven't found a way i thought you just came up with this" Bard questioned
"Lord Y/N, has been on Middle Earth since before the Elves taught the trees to speak, before minis tirith was built" Gandalf said Bard whistled
"That's Old" Bard said in slight shock Bilbo came in and did a whole speech before showing the Arkenstone.
You Groaned "This is worse than giving it to Thorin Bilbo, but i suppose this may work" you said
"What are you doing here" Bilbo asked
"Thorin chucked me out of the mountain for saying the truth" You replied the hobbit snuck back and Thranduil and bard didn't even listen about the war.
"Either fight under my command, follow the Wizard or go back to Imladris" Thranduil said walking away from you, you groaned you were the prince of the Noldor and here you where taking orders from a sindar refuge king who you saved and still hates you.
You stood besides Gandalf, Bilbo soon came down to you both, "Bilbo stick by Lord Y/N" Gandalf said the hobbit nodded, the hobbit soon found out the elven lord had more skill than he originally thought.
And he really held a grudge against the Arkenstone, or whatever it was.
"What is the Arkenstone, you said it wasn't just a shiny rock" Bilbo asked
"Is a silmaril, Fëanor forged them long before elves where in middle earth, they are what lead to wars and kinslayings they are a bad omen for my people as much as they are the heirloom of my house, much like the rings of power are" you grunted blocking a sword
"The silmarils hold the light of the two trees of Valinor in them, they also hold curses to them, any mortal creature will fall to the greed of my father, and the gold they own will reek of the curse, However the Valar made it so it burns my family if we pick them up" You told the hobbit decapitating yet another orc
"They have a long and gory past, one was thrown into the ocean it's bearer wandered off and was never seen or heard of again, although Lindir looks awfully like him, the second was cast into what his now called mount doom, it's bearer was drove to insanity and threw himself in with it, the last was lost on a battle field and now the dwarves found it and claimed it as there kings stone, it is ridiculous" You said spinning around and slicing the chest of an orc who was about to kill bilbo.
The battle was soon over and you where glad to see the stone buried with Thorin, you placed a hand on bilbo's shoulder to comfort him making the hobbit turn and hug your leg crying you simply delt with the hobbit on your leg it reminded you of young Earendil who ran to you every time something went wrong more often than not he was hugging your leg crying,
A/n: kinda just felt like writing a the arkenstone is a silmaril and just combine it with a fic i already had going
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shadeswift99 · 3 years
Okay but seeing your HC and end secrets being contained in the eyes, I had this thought
What if, when a player looks into the eyes of an enderman, they are exposed to The Everything; the very essence of reality, and it has a Lovecraftian effect on their mind, slowly driving them insane. When endermen chase you down upon eye contact, they're not actually Trying to hill you; they're trying to help. They're just not very good at it, and the player physiology isn't compatible with their method of help.
The Endermen are trying to give the player a hard reboot - and it's working, in a way! They know that when one of their own falls into the Void, they get ripped apart and given a new body on a fundamental level that's actually completely painless due to the connection between them and the abyss. When they see the player go all pale and shaky from thousand-yard-stareing into the fabric of the Universe through their eyes, their instinct is to go "oh no I broke it" and try to induce that same reset. Manually. Which technically might work if the player was an Enderman, but usually players have bones, and skin, and other things that don't really like being enthusiastically dismantled in the name of "help". But at least the following respawn might help to clear up that good ol' fashioned existential crisis a little!
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horribleauthortm · 2 years
Oh hey it's day 1 and I'm already late lmao-
Prompt: Threads Of Fate || Self-Induced Disaster
Words: 992
IBVS belongs to @onebizarrekai
“Do you believe in soulmates?”
Isaac glanced at the taller boy sitting next him, who was looking back at him. He sighed, turning back to his sketchbook.
“Not really,” he shrugged, letting his pencil scribble random shapes around the white paper, “I think it’s something made up by sad lonely people who are into zodiacs to try and give hope to their miserable romantic lives.”
“Okay, another question: Do you believe in fate?”
They were sitting on the edge of the roof behind some water tanks. Some freshmen shouted from the ground, being in a heated argument over some soccer foul or whatever. Some students, sophomores probably, snuck past school grounds. Every now and then, a single car passed by.
”What’s with all these life questions? Are you having an existential crisis and trying to take me down with you?”
Chris chuckled, looking away for a moment before turning back to Isaac.
“No no no, I just remembered a screenshot of some Tumblr post I saw yesterday,” he said, “It was something like ‘what if soulmates’ atoms were close when the Big Bang happened and they try to get closer again and that’s why they’re attracted’ or something like that.”
Isaac turned to him, raising an eyebrow slowly. He let out a chuckle.
“Interesting theory but no.” He shook his head, still smiling slightly. “That’s a bit of a stretch.”
“Yeah, more of a plot for some cheesy romance book than anything.”
Isaac hummed in response, ditching the shapes and starting on what seemed to be a tree of some sort.
“You didn’t answer my question, though,” Chris looked back at him, “Do you believe in fate?”
“I dunno, to be honest, never thought of it much.” He shrugged and shook his head, “I think it’s also made up, so people can put the blame on something. People don’t like admitting that things might just-“he made air quotes-“’happen,' so they look for something to blame.”
Chris tilted his head slightly, then he turned to the street. “So you don’t believe in it, huh?”
“I guess you can say that.” He started on the leaves of the tree, then looked up at the other for a moment. “Do you?”
“I’m not sure either.” Chris leaned back and placed his hands on the ground behind him, letting them support his weight. He looked up at the sky. “Sometimes I think I don’t, but other times I find it the only explanation. Somethings just don’t make sense.”
“I don’t know, this whole supernatural thing? Why is everyone we’re meeting suddenly supernatural?”
“Ah, that,” Isaac clicked his tongue, making a finger gun in Chris’s direction, then letting his hand drop back to the notebook. “I thought about that before, but I don’t think it’s fate.”
“Then what is it?”
“You know how closeted kids subconsciously surround themselves with other closeted kids before they find out they’re also queer? Or how ADHD or autistic kids do the same? I think it's that.”
“That we’re subconsciously coming together?”
Isaac nodded. “That’d explain it.”
“Maybe that would explain how we became friends, but what about why I moved here for example? I so happened to move in and go to this school, where you and Edward happened to be. Same for Nevin and Drew.”
“I think that’s just coincidence.”
“Wait,” he turned to the other, who hadn’t looked up from his drawing. “So, you believe in coincidences but not in fate?”
“Maybe,” the other shrugged, “I mean, things happen, just because they happen consecutively doesn’t necessarily mean anything.”
“Aren’t they a little too many coincidences to be considered just that?”
“Isn’t that some probability rule? If you throw a coin 10 times, it might land 9 times on heads and that’s just coincidence? Same concept applies here.”
The blonde sighed, throwing his head back. “So you’re convinced it’s all coincidences?”
“That, or we’re in some Netflix series.”
Chris blinked. “…What now?”
Isaac looked away, gesturing with his free hand. “This sort of ‘string of coincidences’ always happens in shows, right? Plot convenience and all.”
The other stared at him blankly, then he laughed. “You think that’s the logical explanation?”
“Mhm,” Isaac nodded, “Why of course yes.”
“No, but seriously, don’t you find it weird?”
He shrugged. “Sure it is, but then again so is everything about the supernatural, right?”
“Okay, what about that thing with the kid that pulled Charlie out of me?”
“Also coincidence.”
Chris pushed himself upright, turning his body to face Isaac and crossing his legs, which promoted the other to put his sketchbook away.
“I was leaving, Isaac,” he said, stressing the word, “Isn’t it one heck of a ‘coincidence’? I was already in my car driving away when I ran into Edward then I went back.”
The artist sighed, rolling his eyes slightly. “Of course, it’s Edward. I’m starting to think it’s less fate and more that guy just entailing disasters wherever he goes.”
Chris chuckled slightly, “For real, it’s like he attracts it.”
“Yeah, so I think it’s him that should be worrying about fate, not us.”
“What if, hear me out, he’s the one behind everything?” He said, opening his hands as he spoke.
Isaac looked at him for a moment before bursting into laughter, and Chris laughed along with him.
“Damn, you should run a conspiracy theory account or something,” he said as he gathered his things. He stood up and stretched his back for a moment, then he looked back at the still-seated boy. “Get up-“ He pointed a thumb at the stairs “-next period is starting, we should get going.”
Chris got up, straightening his back then immediately slouching back over. “Frick, my butt feels like a tile.”
Isaac started to walk away, the other soon following behind him.
“Next time let’s get cushions.”
“Oh yeah, let’s bring cushions to school,” Chris repeated sarcastically, “Just stuff them in our bags like they can fit.”
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ryouverua · 2 years
DRV3 Liveblog Masterlist (Chapter 6)
It’s been 84 years...........
Finally (by surprising request!) I have gathered the Chapter 6 posts below. Behold.
Chapter 1 is here! Chapter 2 is here! Chapter 3 is here! Chapter 4 is here! Chapter 5 is here!
Similar to last time, drv3 asks are tagged ‘drv3 asks’ and so not all of them might show up among actual game posts. I did do a quick in the moment text thing that I’ll include in its own little section. Anyway, without further ado...
Chapter 6 (Introduction):
- and now for something completely different
Chapter 6 (Investigation):
Liveblog note: I did not get away with all the fluff text unscathed
K1-B0 does not support the fluff text search
It’s because I didn’t finish your FTEs isn’t it
Panic! At the Killing Game
Investigation... Start?
Furniture appreciation / Ultimate Supreme Leader’s Lab / I knew I recognized the ‘Ou’ character from somewhere
Saimota appreciation moment
(nice drv3 reference)
Kokichi Ouma’s (Lab) Room
The Greatest, Most Awful, Most Tragic Slappening in Human History
It’s organized chaos damnit
Return to the Boiler Room
A Certain Lab, Reprised
Notes on A Certain Lab, Reprised
Cold Sleep Room and Knox’s 10th Commandment
Something something humanity
Kaede Akamatu’s twin, the 17th Student, lying hidden somewhere in this school… the one they call the Ultimate Red Herring, Watch out for her,
Back to the Library
Sometimes a necklace is just a necklace
The Final Lab / Investigation Note
Dawn of a New Truth
The Monotaro callout I deserve
Declaration of War
One Last Time (Speculation post)
Chapter 6 (Trial Play-by-play)
Start! / The Checkmark
A retrial??? / Missing the trees for the forest
Kaede!twin theory / The key evidence
My Kaito-brain at work again
Sorry K1-B0 it’s for the greater good
Behold, my bonds!
Wow the mastermind really felt like that? Do tell / It’s a witch!!
Alibi review time!!! / V-counter / Cosplayers everywhere are offended
Bye-bye Monosuke
Rantaro :( / Junko Enoshima >:( / FINE you won me back
Time for a commercial break!
She bravely ran away! / sir that is my emotional support cosplay / 53rd aha moment / JUNKO ENOSHIMA IS ???
Tsumugi’s switches / these tiny posts are not enough / students scouting vs applying / Kokichi Ouma’s true identity / Flashback Lights
So who the hell are you? / OH NO I’VE MADE A GRAVE MISTAKE
hajimemed / cosplay / okay I might be a little jealous / Dangan... ronpa...? /
Happy ending? / NOT THE COMMENTERS / RIP Shuichi’s caffeine high / Meta on meta / the rabbit hole is deep / ULTIMATE MEGANE SPRITE / return of Shuichi hangover sprite / the hits keep coming / Clair de Lune BSoD / Saihara.exe
Korekiyo redemption arc / yet another Umineko reference
Remedy the situation? / K1-B0 cannot catch a break / K1-b0′s existential crisis combo / oh yeah DR3 happened / definitely misread that lol / DR1 is that you??
Flashback... light... / The true villain of drv3 / D: / Shuichi reborn / K1-B0′s character development / pros and cons of an emo protag / WHY CAN’T I HOLD ALL THESE PROTAGS - / Inconceivable / K1-B0′s turnaround
You can just call me the ultimate gamer / NOT K1-B0 / Underestimating Shuichi’s emo power level / I WEEP / KIBOU DA!!! ZETSUBOU DA!!! / SAIMOTA TIME 9′) / Monologuing / Report card
A flawless copy / Credits roll / Employee badge / From 5 to 3 / I DID IT
A collection of fun hindsight moments:
The benefits of hindsight / Kokichi you sonuva - / nerdmugi moment
Twitch plays K1-b0 moments / Survey says...! /
**** the terrible and despair-inducing sweetchi97
Chapter 6 (Trial):
Retrial (1) / Revisionist History, Pre-Accusation (2) / JUNKO ENOSHIMA IS??? / Shuichi’s Monokub showdown / (Fifty)-Third Time’s the Charm, Post-Accusation (3) / Flashfiction (4) / Oh, I am one yet many (5) / “hello, world!” (6) / My Will, Our Will (7) / Ghost in the Machine (8)
Pre-Execution / Post-Execution (End)
(the true drv3 ending)
Chapter 6 Illustrations
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