#just UGHHHH the years i spent not listening to my body when it said it wanted sugar and salt so i couldnt hear when it wanted something els
whoviandoodler · 1 year
Actually eating food to feel better or to lift your mood or 'drown your troubles' or whatever is great!!! It's amazing and good and does help!!! Like yes obviously you should think abt the cause of your bad emotions if you haven't and stuff, but there's not a single thing wrong with eating food- including carbs, sugar, and everything seen as 'bad' by diet culture- to cope with them. Eating is good and morally neutral always and forever, and fuck diet culture for making me think for years that it's a moral failing to eat when I'm down. Sometimes you just need to have some chips or some pasta or some chocolate or literally whatever, food is love, food is comfort, let it be there for you when you can't deal with something in the moment.
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akp-1327 · 4 years
dear diary // chapter three
Hey! Long time, no see! I am so, so, so sorry that this chapter is late. I’ve been having a bit of a busy time recently and haven’t had many opportunities to write/edit like usual. But now I have a looser schedule so updates to the series should go back to normal! 😄 I hope you are all doing okay wherever you are! :)
Find the series masterlist here to catch up on the previous chapter!
Word count: 4.6k
(*) Warnings: mentions of bankruptcy and emotional abuse
All I could see was red. The anger that flowed through my veins was terrifyingly smooth, leaving my entire body shaking. The news that my mom just told me, well, sobbed to me, left me in awe. In terrible, heart-wrenching, shocking...awe.
Sweetie, my mom’s sweet and clear voice bellowed through my memory, I’m so sorry. So, so, so sorry, darling.
“Charlotte, you need to calm down. Seriously. I don’t know what’s--” Leila said softly, her hands firm on my shaking shoulders.
At a time like this, I didn’t need her soothing me. I needed her to slap me out of this impending doom that I thought would tear me apart. I needed to get a grip on reality, to comprehend that this entire nightmare was actually happening.
“Leila, do you know what my mom just told me?” I huffed, throwing my phone onto the tidy bed that I had just made. Our first night in New York had started off amazingly, as if it was taken straight out of a movie; we met new and amazing people, found Leila’s wayward bag, explored the dorm building...
Then, when called my mom once we got back to our dorm...everything came crashing down like a colossal, teetering tower of Jenga blocks.
Leila scowled at me then, squeezing my shoulders harder. Her eyes, usually a coffee bean brown, looked inky black when her entire demeanor changed from confused to quite ticked off. I immediately regretted the tone I used, though there was no going back now.
“Does it look like I do? God, you can be so dense sometimes!” Leila stated, glaring right into my eyes with a look that sent a chill down my spine. “Something’s up and you need to tell me immediately.”
This wasn’t something that I thought I could even have the guts to say. But, sooner than I though, words started forming on the tip of my tongue at the speed of light; but one stood out in particular, one chilling me to the bone.
This set her back, making her hands falter a bit on my shoulders.
“What? Charlotte, I need deta--”
“The diner, Leila.”
The words slowly tore my heart into microscopic pieces. Every notable memory I had from my childhood took place at the diner. I could distinctly remember the scent of buttermilk pancake batter being mixed and the sounds of plates being stacked. I could remember the outside, the bright yellow paint standing out against the lifeless gray colors of the neighborhood that it’s surrounded by.
“T-The Golden Griddle?” Leila asked, confusion consuming her features once more. The intense look in her eyes slowly fizzled out and turned into pure fret. As she’d always been, Leila was not well-composed in these types of situations.
“Yes. There’s just too many complications with the building, too many expenses and so little money...” I sighed sadly. Tears welled in my eyes, though I didn’t need to show Leila that. And so, with a deep breath, I sniffled and shook my head to clear the emotions away. “My dad spent what he could to fix the cheaper things like the light fixtures and seats, but then he got carried away with fixing the rest of the bigger issues. It all added up over time, Leila. Now the diner...the diner doesn’t have anything left.”
The diner had so, so many issues for such a long time. The interior, for as long as I could remember, was small. There were only ten tables, half of those being booths that lined the walls, in total. The kitchen was also considerably compact for the amount of business that the diner would face. My parents always wanted to get around to renovate properly, but could never keep up with the overwhelming amounts of money spent on necessities like ingredients, napkins, utensils, advertisements...so DIY projects and repairs it was.
“But your parents still own it, right? They can bounce back?”
My heart yearned to be at home with my family. Why would I leave? God, I really am dense. Forget school, forget dreams. Home is where I should’ve been when that news was unveiled, not thousands of miles away.
“No. I guess the health inspector said that there were so many things with the building that set off a lot of red flags. He condemned it right on the spot.”
Leila’s eyebrow’s furrowed in thought. It was never easy for me to talk about these things - the serious things - with her. Of course, though, she knew almost everything about me; she knew that I was never the “open book” type and would always need a bit of encouragement to work my way up to talking things through. I’d rather sit and wallow in my misery than get help. The whole mindset had definitely not been ideal for anyone, but that was always the least of my worries.
The moment Leila looked back into my eyes was the moment she started to speak, her voice soft like it was before; again, I didn’t need to be sympathized, I needed to be able to see reason. This whole thing caught me completely off-guard.
Leila whispered, shaking her head, “How did this even happen?”
In high school, a very wise teacher of mine once said that there is no such thing as a stupid question, only stupid people who ask questions. However, by the looks of it, this was definitely an exception. Even with her ingenious, Leila had just asked one of the stupidest questions known to man. 
She knew exactly how this happened, and has known for years. The Golden Griddle’s financial instability had never, ever been able to be kept secret in a town such as Ceder Cove, no matter how many times my parents tried.
“Oh, wait. Sorry.” Leila stammered, looking up at the ceiling to collect herself.
“It’s fine. I just can’t fathom what my parents are going through right now. Henry, too.” I sighed, stepping back from Leila and letting my shoulders deflate. I slowly sat on the edge of my bed and crossed my legs, my gaze trained on the aged wood floor. “Even if I should, I’m not calling my mom back with more details tonight. This...this is just too much for me to handle right now.”
Leila was silent and I looked up to see her scrolling through her phone. 
Seriously? I cleared my throat to get her attention...but she didn’t even flinch.
“Leila. Are you even listening to me? Or...are you texting Skye?”
Leila’s eyes immediately averted from her phone to look at me. The smallest hint of a blush crept into her cheeks, though she played it off and rolled her eyes.
“Actually, Erin wants to take us shopping for the party next week when we’re available. Check your phone.” Leila stated, a defensive edge in her tone. I was the one to roll my eyes this time.
Now, let’s get this straight; I am not fond of parties. Leila had dragged me to each homecoming, each winter formal, and the two prom nights that we had. My date to prom both years, a guy named Harold Longhorn (a total snob), would not shut up about politics or the “oh-so-stupid” stock market. I only went with him because he said he’d tutor me for free with my AP Euro and AP Chem homework in collateral. Oh, and did I mention that his dad is a major entrepreneur in the Portland area? Wait, that’s unimportant; just like every single party I’ve ever been to in my life. 
“Do I have to go? I’d rather stay here and reread Pride & Prejudice for the millionth time or something that I actually enjoy. Dancing the night away doesn’t sound as interesting to me as my daily dose of Mr. Darcy.”
Leila scoffed and looked over at me again, her eyebrow quirked in such a way that left me a bit uneasy.
“News flash, Charlotte Parker, but Mr. Darcy is fictitious and will not save you from this.” Leila scolded, though she was playful about it. “I’m not letting you stay here because you’re a college girl now and you need to socialize with people other than me!”
“Ughhhh,” I groaned, laying down onto my bed and turning away from her and burying my face into my pillow that sadly smelt like home, “you sound just like my mom!”
Leila burst out into laughter that sent a faint chill down my spine. Whatever her plans were, she knew I’d loathe them.
“I’m glad.”
August 10th, 2020
Dear Diary...
Okay. Sorry for the radio silence. Lots has happened over the course of a couple weeks that I need to get off my chest. As Scar would say, be prepared...
First off, NYU is amazing. I’ve already met lots of (!!) people, though 4 have become friends! Two girls, two guys: Skye, Erin, Rory, and Ajay. They’re all really down-to-earth and genuinely cool people that I’m getting along with! 
Rory and Leila are really like two peas in a pod, and so are Skye and Leila. Leila is just a social butterfly, so she honestly gets along with everyone. Erin and Ajay, though, are more mellow and easy-going. Erin is so...laid back? Like she’s the type of person that you could spill your life story to. She’s just so, I don’t know... nonchalant? - definitely in a good way.
However, I feel more drawn to Ajay; we share similar interests and outlooks on life. He even saw my performance at Spotlite! He’s also a student director here at NYU, so if I do somehow wind up in the show, I’d probably work with him. It even helps that he’s kinda cute, but you didn’t hear that from me.
Overall, though, the campus is absolutely stunning and the view from our dorm window takes my breath away each and every morning.
Second, The Golden Griddle is doomed right now due to both bankruptcy and condemnation. My parents are all torn up about it, and to be blatantly honest, so am I. The diner has always been a home away from home, and now that I may have to face losing it forever...
Third, I HATE PARTIES. With a deep, burning passion.
Leila, if you’re reading this, then you can call me George Eacker: piss off because I’m watching this show - also known as Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist - now...well..when you’re at the party! There’s no way in hell that I’m stepping foot into anything resembling a disco or a dance or even, god forbid, a hoedown like that one during our sophomore year. Nope, nope, nope. Over my dead body.
All in all, I’m having a wonderful time settling into my new life in New York. Of course I miss home, but I also feel like it was time for me to spread my wings and learn to fly!
Alright. I gotta run. I’m going shopping. And, yes, it’s regrettably for this pointless party that I’m being forced to go to against my will. 
Talk, er, write soon!
Charlotte :)
“Ooo, what’re you writing about?” Leila asked, barging back into our slightly messy dorm after finishing with her morning routine. I hastily closed my diary and forced a smile.
“Um, it’s just the address of my uncle’s new house! Mom said to write it down somewhere in case I lost my phone.”
Shoot. Thank God Leila wasn’t really paying much attention to catch how bad of an excuse that was; she just turned her back to me and scavenged through a pile of dirty clothes already heaped in the corner by her closet. It’s been six days since we’ve moved in. I still haven’t really organized nor have I gotten around to calling my parents or Henry with updates about the diner.
“Right, right. He moved a couple days ago. Though, with our plans today, are you ready to go? Erin and Skye are already waiting for us downstairs.” Leila said, grabbing her purse. I gave her a scowl and grabbed my own, sighing as I slung it on my shoulder.
“Ready as I’ll ever be, I guess. But I have one quick question,” I said, finally catching her attention, “why are you wearing those?”
My eyes went to the unscuffed black stilettos on her feet; they had to have been at least 5 inches tall. She laughed and instinctively brought one of her ankles up to rub it as if she’d been in pain. The stilettos were paired with a pair of skinny and holey whitewash jeans and a black Shinedown sweatshirt with a crow and a butterfly printed in white; from what I remember, that was one of the band’s songs.
“I’m wearing these to the party so I figured I’d break them in a little first. And I need to find a dress that looks good with them, so why not?”
“Fair warning, you might actually break something else before you walk a block in those death traps.” I teased, making her huff. This was obviously not something she wanted to hear, but let’s remember who was dragging me to this stupid party in the first place. My sarcasm comes with the territory!
“Jesus, you make it sound like I’m breaking a law! They’re just heels!” Leila laughed, shaking her head. Her hair had been in two Dutch braids, making her outfit even more unique. To each their own, I suppose.
“Just heels that might put you on crutches,” I mumbled, rolling my eyes as I slipped my (comfortable) light pink flip flops on. We headed down to the lobby and quickly spotted Erin, chatting with Rory and Ajay, and Skye standing a little off to the side.
“Ah, there you guys are!” Erin grinned, running over and leading us over to the group.
“I thought this was a girl trip?” I asked, playfully eyeing the guys. Ajay gave a tight-lipped smile and rolled his eyes.
“Oh, don’t worry, it is. We were just heading out to find Rory another outfit that he apparently needs because his six other ones aren’t enough.” Ajay explained, making direct eye contact with me. I could see the different blends of brown tinges in his eyes - the light from both the windows and the bulbs above hitting just the right angles - shimmer behind his glasses. I also noticed that he was wearing a simple green t-shirt and a pair of khaki shorts with black Nike’s. 
Wait, what?
“I may have a slight obsession with shopping,” Rory said sheepishly, slowly creeping away from the group, “but I also need something fresh. I can’t be seen in the same maroon shirt that I wore to--”
Ajay’s groan interrupted him but he followed in Rory’s footsteps with a small shrug. “We’ll be going now. Have fun.”
I immediately felt myself missing his eyes. The brown sparkles that caught my own. Was it so wrong to find his eyes...gorgeous? Didn’t think so.
As they waved goodbye, Leila migrated from my side to Skye’s. The redhead looked particularly sad today, but let out the slightest trace of a smile when Leila started talking to her.
“So, where’re we going to go first, o’ wise Erin?” I asked, turning to her. She looked a bit lost in thought, a bit dazed when our eyes met, but I could tell she regained herself before she answered.
“Well, I thought we’d take a trip to The Shops today,” Erin said smugly, her hand resting on her hip, “we can take an Uber in case we want to make other stops along the way!”
Skye visibly revolted at the thought, her arms tightening around her chest and her glower intensifying. The way her blue eyes darkened was just a bit unsettling, too.
“Okay. Sounds good...” I sighed, gripping my leather purse strap a bit tighter.
“Sure,” Skye groaned, “good. Great. Grand. Just how I wanted to spend my day.”
The nearby mall, The Shops, had a wide array of stores that we buzzed in and out of, Erin and Leila eagerly leading the way.
“You know,” I said, looking over at Skye, “I really don’t understand why we need new clothes for this party.”
Skye shrugged. “Me neither. I never really had to get new clothes for the banquets that I went to as a kid with my parents.” 
I instantly noticed that her hands were in tight fists at her sides.
“What do your parents do?” I asked, trying to keep her talking. I really wanted to get to know her better; she was still such a mystery and I was destined to change that.
Though, the bitter grimace she gave at the question was all the hint that I needed to know that I’d said something wrong, maybe even crossed a line.
“They do nothing but make a lot of money and prioritize themselves over anything else, even their own kids.”
Oh, wow. I blinked rapidly, willing my brain to say, something, anything, to break the agonizing silence building between us.
“Oh. I’m sorry I brought it up.” I stammered, though she shook her head.
“It’s okay. It’s just...not something I really like to talk about.” Skye sighed, almost ruefully. Despite my pending curiosity, I left the topic be.
“What’re you here in New York to do, Skye?” I asked instead, hoping to lighten her spirits a little. When she looked back over at me, she gave me a neutral expression.
“Graphics,” Skye stated, her tone firm and assured, “I want to be a graphics designer.”
“That’s really interesting. Have you designed anything yourself?”
Sadly, before I could hear her answer, Erin and Leila gasped in unison and pointed to a store. A quick glance at the shop name was enough to make me roll my eyes.
“Windsor! Yes!” Leila squealed, bolting into the store without a second thought. Erin rushed after her, gesturing for Skye and I to follow.
Several racks of dresses filled the store and even lined the walls, some popping with bright color and some glittering with infinite sparkle. I watched Leila pluck several dresses off their racks and fold them over her arm, shaking my head.
“Wow, look at this abomination.” Skye murmured, plucking a dress made of plastic (well, not literally, but basically) off the rack. It was a flamingo pink and looked like something a Barbie doll would wear. A laugh escaped her as she sifted through and pulled out the other options, the colors ranging from a vibrant cobalt to a neon yellow.
“I’ve always wanted to be Barbie disguised as a highlighter! Skye, how’d you know?” I giggled, taking a resembling green one off the same rack. My poor eyes ached at the sight of all the vivid colors.
“Pure intuition, obviously.” Skye responded, putting the dresses back on the rack. “Jeez, I could never wear any of these.”
I could agree; I would never be able to pull any of these off. Also, it didn’t help that they were so effervescent and looked severely uncomfortable. (I mean, how do you even move in that kind of material?)
“Me neither,” I said wistfully, plucking another dress off a nearby rack. It was a black sweetheart-necklined dress that cut off at (what I’d say) the knee. It had some lace detailing on the straps and a few sparkles scattered across both the bodice and the skirt. It wasn’t over-the-top, nor was it boring...
I held it up to Skye, making her jump back a little with surprise. I giggled and closed an eye, coming to a conclusion about how this dress would look incredible on her.
“Whoa, what’re--” Skye asked, her eyes widening. I smiled warmly and laid it over her arm.
“I think this is a good option for you, and I’m guessing your a 4?” I smirked, watching her gape in both confusion and amusement.
“How’d you...know?”
“Pure intuition, obviously.” I playfully mocked, making her crack a tiny smile. As we continued throughout the store, we came across a few more ridiculously bright options, thankfully not made out of a faux plastic. 
About five minutes into our little exploration, I spotted a dress; it was a silvery mauve skater dress with a flowing skirt and spaghetti straps. By some sort of force, it spoke to me.
“That’s pretty,” Skye said, nodding in approval as I held it up, “ it definitely speaks ‘girl who can read minds’ to me.”
Oh jeez, she’s cool. She’s really cool.
“Perfect, it’s just what I’m looking for, then,” I joked, folding the dress over my arm and walking further into the store. Erin and Leila, practically having the time of their lives, had their arms brimming with dresses that ranged from super glittery to extremely bright. I could swear I could see a familiar highlighter yellow in Leila’s stack, but that could just be my mind playing tricks on me.
Speaking of Leila, I stifled a giggle as I watched her wobble around in her stilettos, grimacing whenever she walked too fast. Not to say I told you so, Leila, I thought, but...I told you so.
“Ladies!” Erin squealed, pointing back to the dressing room area with her free hand. “Let’s go try these on!”
“How about this masterpiece?” Leila giggled, sauntering out of the dressing room. Erin burst into laughter, Skye rolled her eyes, and I, well...
“Oh my God, Leila...” I playfully gagged, covering my eyes. Turns out that she really did pick out a highlighter dress to try on. After a few laughs, she turned around and changed into a royal blue dress with a deep V neckline. It was sparkly, sassy, and overall...very Leila.
“Wow, you look great, Skye!” I cheered, giving her two thumbs-up as she examined herself in the mirror. The dress was a perfect fit and she seemed to be comfortable in it. Her hands idly fiddled with the skirt, experimentally flicking it back and forth in thought.
“It seriously looks amazing on you!” Erin smiled, nodding with approval. Skye gave me a small, appreciative smile in the mirror.
I took a quick glance over at Leila and was met with her wide eyes and deep red cheeks.
“Charlotte, phew, you look hot!” Leila whistled, gesturing for me to spin around. I didn’t really gush over the “dream dress” as much as I had hoped. In fact, the more I looked at it, the more I disliked it.
“Maybe we can find a different color?” I said, looking back at Erin’s face; she definitely did not like it. She shot up out of her chair and came back a moment later with a similar option. It was the same style of dress but in a jade green shade instead. It was also not as shimmery, but more dull and had ruffles on the neckline.
I ducked back into the dressing room and quickly changed. With just a glance at myself now, I knew I found the one. I stepped back out and saw everyone’s face light up.
“Yup,” Erin said smugly as she crossed her legs, “that’s the one.”
Erin walked out in a tight-fitting midi white dress that popped against her flawless chocolate brown skin. It had a plunging V-neck and a small slit on the left side that climbed all the way up toward the middle of her thigh. Needless to say...she was killing it.
“Now I just need some hoops...” Erin mumbled as she examined herself. Leila looked over at me and just gaped.
“Stunning!” I said, and Erin gave me a warm and self-satisfied smile.
Finally, we were heading home in an Uber. But because of how long the shopping took, we decided to stop and get some ice cream from a local parlor; all after persuading the driver to wait for us with a hefty tip.
Erin munched on a mixture of raspberry and vanilla, Leila got creamsicle all over her face, Skye picked at her brownie swirl, and I delightfully ate two scoops of cake batter.
“So. Are you two excited about going to this party now?” Erin asked, eyeing Skye and I. At the same time, we both shook our heads.
“New dress, same feelings.” Skye sighed, looking down into her dish. I nodded in agreement only to hear a dramatic sigh from Leila.
“You two will have fun. We’ll find fun things for you guys!” Leila grinned, glancing at Erin. The two shared a look that, like all the times before, sent a chill down my spine.
“You guys can’t make us have fun.” Skye said, figuring her face was serious; but I looked over to see a teasing smirk on her face.
“Well, we can sure as hell try! Besides, what do you guys have against parties?” Erin said, her tone a bit more tame then it was before. My eyes averted from theirs, and without looking, I could tell Skye was doing the same.
Awkward silence wracked the table for what seemed like hours before Skye spoke up.
“You can thank my parents for being the pessimistic and narcissistic assholes that they are. My distaste originates from them.” Skye said, her teasing tone completely replaced with a hiss. She spoke in a mumbled tone, as if she wished she didn’t want to speak.
“I’ve just never been really...happy with the ones I’ve gone to in the past.” I added awkwardly. I thought about the one good party I went to...and of course it had to be from the diner. Emotions bubbled in my throat and were about to escape before Leila (thankfully) interjected with a disapproving groan.
Then, right after, all three of us got looks of unbridled hope and amusement from Erin.
“That’s going to change because, dearest freshmen, you’ve never experienced a party quite like a college party.”
And it can stay that way, I thought.
The rest of the ice cream was eaten alongside lighter conversation, and then, FINALLY, we were back in the dorms.
The afternoon flew as I decided to buckle down and unpack the remainder of my things. Leila went to hang out with Erin and Skye (without heels, if you were wondering) as I slaved away at stacking my t-shirts in my closet, that is until I got a knock at my door.
As soon as I opened it, I saw a familiar pair of gorgeous eyes lock onto mine.
“Hi, I know this is kinda weird,” Ajay said casually, “ but I have a question for you.”
I leaned against the door, praying I didn’t look like an uncoordinated mess. “It’s not weird at all, actually. Shoot.”
God, his eyes are just breathtaking in any and every way. Was it weird to be obsessing over an acquaintance’s eyes like this? Yes, I thought, yes it was.
“Well, since we really don’t want to go to the party, I was hoping we could try to get something out of it?”
What does he mean? If we didn’t want to go, what good would we be able to get out of it?
I tipped my head a bit to the side in curiosity and felt some of my blonde hair come loose from its bun.
“Let me escort you. To the party.”
Wait, was that an actual thing? An escort to a college party? No way. It sounded so childlike, almost like something an elementary kid would say.
“Hang on. Do you mean, like, as a date?” I asked, my tone packing more intensity than I had hoped. His eyes widened and he shook his head.
“No, no. I just want to get to know you better. I thought that this would be a better option than hunting you down in a huge mass of drunk people and ending up not being able to find you.” Ajay explained, a light smile tugging at his lips. “So...?”
Maybe spending the night with someone with the same ideals as me would make the night less dreadful, perhaps even fun. I barely gave the idea a thought before words left my mouth. 
“Sure, Ajay, I’ll be your escort.”
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transboygenius · 4 years
Season 4 promo
After overcoming some abuse, anxiety, and depression issues, I FINALLY have it finished.
Three months ago, a huge ceremony took place for the graduation of Lindbergh's fifth grade students. All children were dressed in caps and gowns, receiving their diploma one by one. Cindy earned an academic award along with her diploma. Fortunately, for Jimmy, he earned quite some more, which made him fall over with all that weight. Cindy looked over to him in envy, while Nick helped him pick up some of those awards. Miss Fowl was crying tears of freedom, for she was finally free from Sheen's shenanigans. While the ceremony was still going on, Jimmy gave an inspirational speech about what he learned. Not just about geometry, history, or science, but socialization, and how it changed him. He even gave a sincere shoutout to Nick.
Cindy watched in all bitterness. She was upset. Was it because Jimmy managed to outdo her achievements? Yes. Was it because she still misses him in her life? Also yes. She still loves him, but she is also jealous of him. Why can't she just be one of those? Despite that her and Jimmy vowed to each other that they would be friends instead, she could never move on from him. Ever since him and Nick escaped fron the medieval century, he has redeemed himself from his arrogant and egotistic ways, putting friendship before science. Cindy doesn't get it. She has tried for months to bring him into common sense, even tried beating it out of him, and he does it for some kid he used to have minimal interactions with.
Not only that, but they also became really close friends after that time warp trip. Something about their relationship really made Cindy feel envious. They're always happy with each other, as well as supportive. Even when they find something either of them disagree on, they still search for a way to cooperate. Also, the way Jimmy's always bedazzled by Nick brings her with a lot of questions. Why doesn't he ever look at me like that? Compared to his friendship with Carl and Sheen, he definitely had some "weird" subtext going on with Nick. Cindy lost two goals in this year. While in her gloomy state, her mother began to comfort her. Or at least that's what she thought.
"Oh, don't let the agony of defeat weigh you down, Cynthia! This is only the beginning! That big headed whippy dip may have won the battle, but I guarantee you will win the war! We'll just have to try HARDER this time! I'll help you, and make sure you stay on track!" "Gee. Thanks, Mom. I really appreciate that." "Anything to bring the Vortex image up!"
It was another fun summer vacation for children, especially for Jimmy and his gang, along with Nick. Sometimes they would go off into far adventures. Sometimes Jimmy would give a new experiment to present. Sometimes they would do normal summer activities such as going to the beach, or Retroland. Or sometimes they would lie around at home all day like couch potatoes. Nick has never had such a productive summer before! He was so happy, he even did his chores whenever he was told to. Well, occasionally. While everyone was making the most of their vacation, Cindy would continue researching and studying until her brain melts.
Most of Nick's summer days were spent with Jimmy, because of course. He spent some time with Libby, since they surprisingly had a lot in common. He at least put his best to hang out with Carl. Even though Nick doesn't consider Sheen much as a friend, Sheen can't help but get a little clingy over a new amigop. Just for Jimmy, he tolerated all of his actions, even when he starts to infodump about how much he knows about Ultralord. When Nick feels he isn't doing a good job being pal-friendly to Jimmy's two comrades, he cooks them up lunch, takes special recipe requests, and gave free cooking lessons. He'd cook for Libby too, only to test out new vegetarian recipes. The only member of the squad Nick interacted with the least would be Cindy.
After three months of summer, it eventually went down to a bummer. When the first back-to-school commercial airs, every child is met with horror. Speaking of which, on the third of August, it was time to face a new beginning. Goodbye Elementary School, and hello to Middle School. Nick was gazing into the mirror, grooming his curtain cut with care. Although he's not popular anymore, keeping his own hair perfect has become a habbit to him. He also decided to try a new casual, comfortable wardrobe: white long sleeved shirt, blue t-shirt over it, teared loose jeans, and purple converse. The ring around his neck never left him. After he finished admiring his own reflection, he took his backpack and ran towards the door.
"Nick, would you like me to drive you there?" Shouted his mom from another room. "It's cool, Mom! I'll just take my scooter!" Replied Nick. "Well, you better not be late on your first day! Love you, honey!" “Love you too, Mom."
So on the scooter ride to school, he met with a few friends on the way. Libby and Cindy took the bus, but he only waved to Libby. Sheen was passing by in his dad's car, constantly trying to get Nick's attention while Nick did his best to ignore him. Then came Bolbi on a unicyc- Wait a minute, he's not a friend. Lastly, up in the sky, there was Jimmy in his hovercar, greeting Nick from above. Then there was Carl in the backseat, catching the breeze in his face, then a splattered bug. All of the squad met at the front entrance of Gelaway's Middle School. Even though summer was over, some were eagar to move to a new school level where they'll no longer be regarded as little kids.
"Ahhhhhhhhhhh... Can't believe we're in middle school now! The place where practices to being a teenager begins! Pretty soon we'll be driving in our parents' cars, and attending R-rated movies!" Cooed Libby. "I can't wait to wear body jewelry!" Said Carl. "Sooooooooo, looks like this is a new stage in our growing life. It feels like only yesterday we were doing show 'n tell, and macaroni art. Now there's... ...here. Wow." Spoke Nick.
Jimmy gave his tall buddy a light nudge on the shoulder, then grinned at him. 
"Shall we... ...go inside now?" Asked Jimmy. “YES, LET'S GO INSIDE NOW! I've been surrounded by babies for too long! PEAK OF ADULTHOOD, HERE I COME!" Shouted Sheen, then dashed on ahead.
The rest of the gang followed behind. When they made it inside, it felt like opening a door to a whole new world. The inside was full of older and maturer kids, all in a different multicultural range. Most of them were just fooling around on their phones. Libby had her eyes on a couple of teens playing music and then dancing to it. Sheen had his eyes on a couple of dudes having a casual conversation about science fiction. Carl had his eyes on... ...a Llama Lovers club? Nick had his eyes on something that made him wanna act fast. He quickly hid behind a really tall, blocky kid while the gang continued to chat amongst themselves.
A trio walked down the hall, in an intimating fashion. The lead of the trio was a blonde boy who wore fingerless gloves, a snapback, baggy pants, sneakers, and a t-shirt that had a ravenous spike collared bulldog on it. Not to mention he had a (fake) tattoo on his left arm that read "Beast." He appeared to look the most intimating, and seemed to be at Nick's height. The kid on his left was a lanky boy, who wore a red and yellow tank top, with matching shorts, plain white sneakers, and his hair was braided. He was the tallest, and looked like a friendly kid at heart. The last one was a short redhead with a fringe hairstyle. He wore a blue sweatshirt, long jeans, and a pair of crocs. The boy was the shortest of the bunch, but still a little taller than Jimmy, and he looked like he was trying way too hard to be intimating.
The three happened to be approaching the gang, and then the short one tripped.
"AARON!" Shouted the blonde lead. “Uh, uh- Sorry, chief!" The redhead soon got back up to his feet.
The front blonde kid then snapped his fingers to get everyone's attention. As he did, he gazed down upon Jimmy.
"Well, looks like we have some new fish in this joint! Hey squirt, you must be Neutron!" “Uhhhh... The pleasure is-" “I'm not done talking yet, nerd! *AHEM*"
The blonde grabbed Jimmy by his hair, and lifted him up to make direct eye contact.
"You and I will be getting to know each other very well."
He then released and just dropped Jimmy, leaving his soft served ice cream hair now out of shape. The gang just stood in silence as they waited for this blonde kid to say something else.
"What? I'm done talking!" Said the blonde. “Who are you jerks, anyways?" Asked Cindy. "Ah, I'm glad you asked, doll! They call me 'Tony!' You BETTER remember that! You are prohibited to call me anything else besides 'Tony!' Understand, huh?" "Chief?" Asked the short redhead. "YOU WERE EVEN LISTENING- Oh. Whaddya want, Aaron?” “I thought you were done talking.” “UGHHHH-“ “And don’t we get an introduction?" "*Sigh* And this is my crew, Mike and Aaron. Call them anything you want, I'm sure they don't mind." "I'm Mike, btw." The tall kid declared. "Coooool! A real school gang! Do you guys have a super cool gang name??" Asked Sheen. “Of course we do, needle-neck! Otherwise we wouldn't be a gang! It may sound simple, but it still manages to strike fear into the weaks' hearts. We call ourselves: Tony Mike n Aaron!" "Oh. Well, it sure is easy to remember." "Dang straight! And you better not forget! As for you, nerd. I'll be seeing you around soon."
With business now done, Tony turned the opposite direction and walked away. Mike fixed Jimmy's hair before catching up with Tony. Aaron just continued to stare at the squad aggressively, trying not to give away a blink. Eventually, he had to stop when Tony called him up. As soon as they were gone, Nick came out of hiding, and got back in place like he never left. And it's a good thing the gang hasn't noticed, otherwise he'd make himself look like a wuss. He was in no mood to deal with those three right now. 
"Uhhhh, Jimmy. Shouldn't we be collecting our schedules?" Nick tried to change the subject. "Huh? Oh YEAH! C'mon, team! We don't wanna make a bad impression by being tardy on our first day!" 
Homeroom was with English class. The teacher was a man who looked like he hasn't gotten enough sleep, and talked in a stoic monotone voice. His expression was blank.
"Welcome, class. My name is Mr. Nite. Here we will be learning the art of literature English and how it will build up your doctoral level. Also for other stuff that's very important in the future, bluhblubbluhbluh. Now, can each student stand up from their desk one at a time, and present themselves to me?" “Salutations! My name is Cynthia Vort-" "That will do for now. Thank you all for giving me the chance to know each and every one of you. Now, to start the day, please turn to page 13 in the textbook in front of you. We will be going through Sonata For Harp And Bicycle. When you are finished, there are questions you shall answer at the end of the story. You are also proposed to write a five paragraph summary for Sonata For Harp And Bicycle. We will be reviewing the story tomorrow, write an essay report on the author's background, taking notes on what you learned, and then comes the big test on Friday. Begin now."
Mr. Nite slumped his head down on his desk to take a nap. All the students hesitated for a moment, before opening their textbooks. First day of middle school, and already their week is busy. Well, first day of school is not supposed to be a party. Carl and Sheen went through at least one page. They both started to get a migraine from all the big fancy vocabulary they're never used to, not even when hanging around with Jimmy for years. 
The other classes were just as bizarre and stressful. In music class, the teacher was a grown man with a purple dyed mohawk, visor sunglasses, and other stereotypical attire from the 1980s, also talking in outdated slang. His name was Mr. Beatz. He played his guitar, loud enough to sting the students' ears, and break windows. Libby seemed to be the only one taking a liking to him. They're first assignment was to recreate they're own cover of Do Re Me. He didn't feel like starting with something simple, since "That's so early 2000s." 
In home economics class, the teacher was a plain lady who wore chef attire. She also appeared to act like two characters in one. One minute, she's a sweet housewife gently instructing the basics to culinary skills, then the next she turns into a strict food teacher with the cooking arts of a five-star chef, also bearing a British accent. Her name was Mrs. Rosemerry. Their first assignment was to fix up something without a recipe. Lucky for Nick, he could easily survive.
In P.E. class, their coach was some buff, toned women. Right before anyone could introduce themselves, she blew on her whistle and started the first assignment: Run fifty laps around the field. Anyone who gives up, or pukes, has to do a hundred pushups. Her name was Ms. Barbell, by the way.
Everyone became quite exhausted from this long first day. They didn't expect middle school to be quite a challenge. Then again, nobody said growing up was easy. To add insult to injury, all of them had homework. Homework on the first day. Feels like being punished for no reason. Thank goodness lunch has arrived. The squad took their trays and waited in line to be served. Nick, however, brought his own lunch, but he made sure to reserve a table for his friends. Then, Carl and Sheen came in contact with the lunch lady. She looked nothing like a stereotypical lunch lady. In fact, this dollface sweetheart looked like someone who walked out of their dreams. The two boys couldn't help but gaze upon her remarkable beauty. They eventually snapped out of it when she scooped some unidentified glop onto their trays. She was attractive, but not her cooking.
The squad all sat at the table Nick held for them. None of them ate. They just stared at the mystery glop on their trays. Carl gave a taste. It was so revolting, even he couldn't work it down. Libby felt there was meat products cooked into the stuff, so she refused to touch it. Nick, about the only kid at the table who packed something edible, looked at the poor, hungry boy genius. Caring for his best friend, he offered him half of his lunch on a napkin. Then, he started getting hungry stares from Carl and Sheen. He knew that giving Jimmy some of his own lunch would give them the wrong idea that he's just giving out free eats, but he would never let the little guy starve like that. They were drooling down on the table, begging Nick with big, gapping eyes.
"Please, Nick. I gotta keep my blood sugar up." Whined Sheen. "(You say that like it's a bad thing)"
Nick wasn't feeling any sorry for them, but the only way they'd leave him alone is that he gives them what they want. So, he put out his lunchbox and told them to take a little. The two boys helped themselves, feasting greedily like a bunch of animals. After they were done, they wiped off their faces clean with napkins, then slid the lunchbox back to Nick. There was nothing left for him but an empty milk bottle, which had a big mark bitten out of it.
"Thank you very much! Now how am I gonna keep my blood sugar up?" Said frustrated Nick. "Hey, lighten your mood, gang! Sure, the classes are pushy, the teachers are looney, and the food here stinks! Quite literally, too. But, at least there's some good to come out of this!" Exclaimed Sheen. "Like WHAT?” "Recess! GERONIMO!"
Sheen flew towards the door that's suppose to lead to the playground. He crashed with a loud thud, then Jimmy came up to point out the the print on the door says “Pull.” Unfortunately, all he found were students lounging outside; Enjoying their packed lunches, gossiping with each other, reading, or being on their phones and tablets.
"Whoops! This isn't the playground!"
All the outside students overheard Sheen's statement. Some got up from their sitting positions to give him a taste of reality.
"Sounds like you're new around here." "Sorry, we don't have any of that 'little kid' stuff anymore." "No teeter-totter, no slides, no monkey bars, *Sighs* no swings." "Welcome to phase one of growing up. ...sir."
Now this has gone too far. First all this work, no edible nourishment, and now they can't have the one escapism that helped them pull through elementary school.
The others then met with Sheen outside, surprised themselves to find no recess playground. Just big kids doing "big kid" things. Sheen crawled on his knees and begged to Jimmy.
"Jimmy, could you invent something that would shrink down ages? The peak of adulthood is scary!" "C'mon now, Sheen. An age reversal process isn't gonna fix anything."
Nick then separated the Ultralord fanboy from his short friend, giving him some comfort.
"Don't worry about that, little bud. Sure, this first year has gone through a rocky start, and it'll probably get much worse in the future, but... ...with all our effort, we'll make it through together." "Thanks, Nick. Although, that doesn't seem to make me feel any better." "Oh, buck up, will ya?"
Nick then pulled Jimmy close to him as they decided to find some spot to longue outside, which made Jimmy just blush a bit. And from his tall friend's cheesy motivational speech, he wonders what he's implying when he mentioned "we'll" and "together." Together as in the whole squad as a group, or together as just him and Nick as a pair. Cindy, following behind, watched with indifference on Jimmy and Nick's closeness.
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darlingpetao3 · 5 years
Wells Trash Trio (Harry Wells x Reader, Part 2)
Rating: T
Summary: While out with your friends, you all spot the mega-handsome Doctor Harrison Wells, your ex-professor for a semester. Should you approach him at the bar…?
A/N: I would like to dedicate this fic to my very best friends, who became so shortly after I wrote the first part of this story almost 2 years ago. I love you @central-city-meta-pocalypse and @letyourimaginationrun - this one’s for you! May we live in our little trash can forever ❤️
(Sorry, I freaking love this spork and I had to add this gif XD)
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“It’s him!”
“It is not.”
“I’m telling you, it’s himmmm!”
“How can you be sure?”
“We spent a whole freaking semester staring at the man, you think I don’t know his body’s every outline?!”
“Wow, we really are trash, aren’t we?”
“And you know, it’s not like he wears a suit every hour of the day.”
“Don’t remind me…”
“Like in the-”
“-Don’t say it-”
“She said it!”
You and your two friends let out a lusty “ughhhh” in perfect unison, which is of course followed by quiet giggles and groans.
What has got you three so worked up? None other than your ex-professor at CCU - Harrison Wells. He may be wearing a classy black sweater rather than a sleek suit, but there’s no denying it. The man, and it’s clearly him, sits at the bar with his back to you, nursing what appeared to be an expensive scotch.
The three of you really needed to pull yourselves together. Especially in public. Tonight is cocktail night at Jitterbugs and the place is filled with patrons to listen to talented singers lined up for the evening to go along with a good drink.
The dark, wispy-haired head of the genius turns slightly at the bar at your noises.
“Shhhhhh, shhhhh, shut ittttt!” your one friend hushes.
“Should we just leave before we embarrass ourselves further?” you suggest.
“Slip through the back?” prompts the other mischievously.
“Jesus,” you shake your head.
“(Y/N), you should order us another round. Go up there by him. You’re brave.”
“I am not brave!” you whisper-hiss.
“But you’re going to work for him, right? The great Doctor Harrison Wells? He chose you, which means he likes you! Go spark up a conversation with your future boOOOooss.”
“First, it wouldn’t be because he likes me. It would be because I’m right for the company. Second, I only just got the employment letter! I haven’t accepted yet, remember? He is not my boOOOooss yet.”
Your friends give you a look.
“Fine. I’ll go, I’ll go.”
Taking a deep breath, you make your way over to the bar to place a drink.
“Miss (Y/L/N)?”
Ugh, that voice. You’ve missed it. With the best fake-surprised expression you can manage, you turn to face the man of your affections.
“Oh! Doctor Wells, hello. How are you?”
“I’m well, thank you,” he replies. “And yourself?”
“Good, yes, very good.”
Can I not say anything more articulate than ‘very good’?
“Here with friends, are you?” the dashing scientist asks, leaning on his elbow on the bar.
“That’s right…” Wow, what are words? You give a bit of an awkward laugh. “I’m sorry, I have to say it’s a little strange to see you off-campus.”
He smiles kindly at you. “It usually is for most.”
There’s a short pause wherein you mentally freak out a tad. Thankfully, Doctor Wells continues. “Have you given any thought to the position?”
Don’tdon’tdon’tdon’t, you scold yourself at the potential for an inappropriate innuendo.
“I have... and it’s a yes,” you tell him, trying to hold back a massive grin. “I would love to work for you, Sir.”
“I’m glad to hear it. Truly,” the man says. He hesitates in something but at last asks, “Might I buy you a drink in celebration?”
It’s quite possible all the air has escaped from your lungs. Harrison Wells wants to buy you a drink. Surely not in the way you want it to be, but still!
“Oh! Yes, thank you.”
He puts in an order to the bartender of what you were previously drinking, and you pay for the next round for your pals too. Doctor Wells glances down at the counter to where you’re resting your phone. A tiny smirk plays on his lips.
“But I won’t keep you any longer from your friends.”
You yourself look to your phone, now glowing in your hand and blowing up with notifications from the most lovely yet embarrassing people you know.
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Could they be anymore mortifying?! He totally saw those messages, didn’t he? You may need to change your name and move to Keystone. How does one fake their own death?
“Okay, yes, right,” you fumble, and take your drinks off the counter. “Um, thank you so much! Again!” You start to head back, but Doctor Wells’ voice causes you to freeze.
“Miss (Y/L/N)?”
You turn to him. “Yes?”
“May I say you look very nice tonight?”
...Life complete.
You blush profusely at his compliment and try not to act too caught off-guard.
“You may. Thank you. And you do as well. Okay, bye!”
Your friends are going to die when you tell them.
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lilacflamesss · 6 years
shattered 10 preview
im sleepy and tired, but this is probably the last one for this chapter
“Where did this suddenly come from?” he asks slowly.
She looks up at him, eyes wide. She seems surprised, like she hadn’t expected this reaction, as if she had expected him to start jumping in joy the moment he heard those words out of her mouth.
“I…” She tries to speak but stops, looking away. The water continue to falls on them, though it starts to run cold. He’s overwhelmed with nostalgia-- this is just like that night, the night she had promised that things would be different only for nothing to change for the next few months.
It’s happening again.
He had given in then. He had given her a chance. He gave her an opportunity to love him the way he wanted her to. Yet it hadn’t worked out, not until now apparently. Kirishima Ayato isn’t the smartest person around. But he’s definitely not dumb.
“You want me to fuck you, don’t you?” he sighs. He pushes her away, wrenching her hands off his t-shirt. Hinami watches him-- she looks bewildered-- as he turns off the shower and steps out. “I told you, Hinami, we can’t be doing this.”
He needs to go. He knows themselves well enough to know that he can’t trust himself alone with her. He will give in.
“Where are you going?” Hinami asks. He doesn’t reply initially, walking out of the bathroom and to his closet. He hears her following behind him. She’s probably still naked and she’s probably still wet. He really shouldn’t look at her. But she comes all the way up to him, grabbing him by his arm and turning him to look at her. “Ayato! What are you doing?”
“I’m going to Touka’s,” he says. “If I stay here, I know I’d end up giving in. You were right. This is a bad idea.”
“What about me?”
“You can stay here for the night. Just leave in the morning when the dorms are open,” he replies. He tries to keep his distance even till now, to remain as emotionless as he can while he speaks. His heart is still pounding in his chest from what she had said but he knows better than to hold on to any kind of hope when it comes to this. When it comes to her.  
“What? You’re leaving me alone here?” Hinami sounds partly offended and partly confused. “Ayato, did you… hear me just now?”
“I did,” he says flatly.
“And what?”
Hinami blinks. Once. Twice. And then she shakes her head. “You’re going to just ignore it?”
“Yes I am.”
Hinami frowns. She looks like she’s on the verge of tears but perhaps the whole unexpectedness of this situation must be what’s keeping her from crying right now. He almost feels bad. There probably is a better way to deal with this. But he knows that nothing good is going to come out of getting too invested. They’ve messed each other up far too much for them to simply be just friends anymore. He can’t support her and be there for her without it becoming something more.
They’re neither friends but definitely not lovers. They can never go back to being friends. They’ll never become lovers. This is their fate now. The moment he suggested the arrangement two years ago, he signed the end to their friendship.
“But fine, I’ll tell you this one thing. You’re wrong, Hinami,” he continues. “You don’t love me. You can’t love me.”
Hinami’s eyes go wide. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“It means I’ve given up, Hinami. I’m done with waiting for you. I’m done with hoping. I had enough so please, let me go.”
“No,” she says. “I’m not lying or anything, Ayato. I’m serious.”
“Where did this suddenly come from?”
“I was talking to Big Brother and he told me that I’m in love with you and then I thought hard. He’s right—”
“So you decide that you love me because Kaneki told you that you do?” he scoffs. Ayato doesn’t think he’s been more disappointed in something than he feels right now. He had told himself not to keep any hope, but it seems like somewhere in there, perhaps he had been hoping it was real.
“Yes, but—”
“So it’s Kaneki again?” He thought he’d be angrier. But there’s no fury in his voice at all. It’s cold, almost devoid of emotion. If anything, he sounds tired and that’s probably because he is tired. With everything that has gone on with Hinami, he feels fucking exhausted. He wants to go back to an hour ago, sitting on the couch with Touka, being held by his sister as she spoke words of comfort to him. It’s funny; he’s avoided that house for so long, worried about the bad memories that had been lingering there. Right now, he wants to be back there. He wants to take up Touka’s offer. Moving back home doesn’t sound half as bad as he thought it was initially.
“Kaneki was just being honest about what he thought and I think it makes sense,” Hinami argues.
But it doesn’t make sense to Ayato, especially not after he’s spent weeks convincing himself that she’s not in love with him and will never be in love with him. What does he do now that she’s suddenly back into his life telling him the words that at one point, he had wanted to hear more so than anything else? There’s no way this can be real.
“You’re just listening to him again,” Ayato growls. He tries to walk away but Hinami moves in front of him, hands stretched out to her sides as she fumes at him.
“It’s not like that at all!”
“Move, Hinami.”
“No!” She frowns, looking at him with a determined glare. “I’m not leaving. I’m not letting you leave.”
She’s never been this desperate for it before, but it doesn’t look like she’s going to give him a choice right now. He sighs but steps towards her nonetheless. He supposes one more time wouldn’t hurt. Hinami’s eyes are wide as he picks her up, the speed taking her by surprise as she grabs his shoulders tightly. Her body is still wet from the shower and so are his clothes, he realises. He’s being washed by nostalgia right now— him, in drenched clothes, carrying a dripping wet Hinami out of the shower and to his bed. She had said something back then to him too and he had bought completely into those words. But that was then and now is now; he’s not going to be a fool and fall for the same thing twice.
He throws her on the bed and crawls over her. Hinami is looking up at him. He doesn’t make a move, waiting for her to start. He’s not going to do anything unless she really wants him to. She’s going to have to push him to the very edge before he even starts.
Hinami simply watches him for a moment. When she eventually does move, all she does is cup his face as a small smile surfaces on hers.
“I’ve missed you,” she admits. She doesn’t pull him into a kiss, doesn’t try to remove his clothes and doesn’t push him down to crawl over him. He remains silent and still— responseless— as he watches her. It doesn’t seem like Hinami is doing anything at all. She’s just staring at him.
He gives in. “What do you want me to do?”
“I just wanted you to know what I truly feel,” she says.
He shakes his head. “Those aren’t your true feelings, Hinami. The only one who has your heart is Kaneki.”
“But weren’t you the one who said that one day someone will come and sweep me off my feet?” Hinami points out.
“Yes but that person is not me,” Ayato hisses. He pushes her hands away from his face and pins them down. “We’ve done too much and gone too far for something like that to happen to us.”
“It’s only because all of those things happened that something like this is happening now,” Hinami insists. “I know I can trust you, Ayato. I know what kind of person you are and I know that I have nothing to fear being by your side.”
“So you’re just here for the security I give you,” he scoffs.
Hinami smirks. “If it’s security I wanted, I’d have pretended to be in love with you from the very beginning.”
IM EXCITED FOR THIS CHAPTER SO MUCHHHH, and the next one too ughhhh
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