#just 2 afghan hounds in love
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Anya Taylor Joy & Malcolm McRae
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basslinegrave · 6 months
i was being a completely sane person today (/s) and was creating a timeline tree for snm would anyone even be interested in that. and collecting my shipping thoughts (or specifics about them being a couple etc). know that i still consider my knowledge of the franchise as poor. its just tidying it up in my head so when i talk about something i can pinpoint a specific thing (i was too deep in fnaf theorizing so now i have to suffer thru a franchise that doesnt even have a canon)
in short/tldr the comics are the base that happened in every possible timeline and everything else is derived from that, happening after, except the cartoon, which shows some events the same way so that would be more intertwined; not everything is connected/within one timeline. and the cartoon is my most fav and where i see them as a true couple.
long rant ahead
on one hand i really like the time travel theory where its like comics -> ttg -> cartoon etc by them travelling back in time for that, however there are many holes especially thinking about their families and stuff so
i like the idea of things branching off. one branch is comics - htr - cartoon, as something more intertwined
second is comics -> ttg -> poker night 2 (since it references ttg events) (idk bout 1 i havent played/seen that)
third would be comics -> ttiv (or comics -> htr -> ttiv, i have no idea atm if bosco's is mentioned in the comics but it is in htr and mentioned in ttiv. ttiv is also set in the year it came out, so theres a huge gap inbetween ttiv and htr but i wouldnt say its where the ttg games happened!)
and i dont mean this in like a multiverse way, since the creator seems to dislike that, its simply just a very loose canon that differs with each installment (simply due to different people working on these imo. nothing too deep imo)
but the juicy part!! i even made brackets that im too lazy to remake digitally so i will just write it out for each bigger installment. im excluding poker night 1 as i havent played it nor watched much gameplay
M = married, BF = best friends (in all technically)
comics: M - unlikely; BF - yes absolutely
htr: M - possible; BF - yes
cartoons: M - i take it as canon here. BF - yes million percent
ttg all seasons: M - no; BF - yes.
poker night 2: M - not sure, implied dating, i take that as good enough; BF - yes
ttiv: M - absolutely not. not a couple at all. BF - they seem too tense, yes, but from my experience playing, their interactions were imo the worst in all of their media, so i wasnt buying it at some points
note - ttiv has to be like the straightest they ever were and i also see it in S.P.'s more recent work. im looking too deep into that, perhaps, but im just thinking were never gonna get anything similar to what we got from back in the 90s again, if theres any future projects
people are also saying they got married like 4 times and its making me a bit confused here. do people mean cartoon, htr dress up card, cake topper and tdph ring scene or am i missing something big?? because to me that is married once, other ones being just for jokes (first one as well but its less vague), and in the ttg games its so extremely vague i cant count that (being realistic here) that said its still fun to joke about them getting married several times, but in this case wouldnt it be more of a marriage per timeline?
and to end this, a personal tierlist
my most fave obviously is the cartoon. not only is it the easiest to work with for me, with the fast pacing and short watch time (but ofc i wish it was longer) i absolutely love how their relationship is depicted there, even if a lot of stuff there is just jokes, but if everything is a joke then its also fine to take everything as canon within this media, to me! like when haters say that people only take the wedding scene out of the intro and ignore the rest - as if the other stuff couldnt happen (isnt one of the shots them fighting a giant octopus, which they end up having an episode about too. like cmon. anything goes here) even if it was contained within this specific part of the franchise, im ok with calling them a couple here. and its S tier overall
another S tier is the comics. nothing else to say
HTR is like A tier to me, only taking off points because its soooo sloooowwww and playing it after watching the series took 3 years off my life immediately. otherwise gud game.
ttg is like A to B tier for me, because of some specifics and preferences but thats just me being nitpicky so, the games overall are good. A- it is. thats all
poker night 2 is fun, i watch the gameplay a lot lately when im too tired at midnight to do anything else, A tier
ttiv. oh how mixed i am about you. gameplay by itself and my first experience with the game - S tier. it made me so giddy more than one time and i kept wanting to come back until i finished the game fully. i dont mind the bugs, its just what i expect in VR games and even tho it made me a bit frustrated at times it wasnt all that bad. its also the only vr game i played for over an hour once and didnt get motion sick - the exception was the level at the store which seemed too bright and actually made me nauseous. which is a feeling that somehow comes back whenever i think about this game. what i dislike was the dialogue, while most of it was fun and fine, i had moments where i just burst out laughing, they (or max especially) were way too mean towards the player. i know its a joke and you could chalk it up to max being unhappy with us/jealous, but it got like, generally unpleasant very quickly. with stuff like good throw - "nice!" bad throw - *neverending insults* and the second was how painfully straight it was and like. the vibes i got from them two was like, oh theyre fed up with each other and my shipping self was just left quite disappointed. i did not get all lines during my gameplay which made it great but upon going thru every line manually after, i was just more and more uncomfortable with what they said in their banter. this drops the game to like C for me? maybe B if i squint. being generous. i also got sick of their talking animations over time... the models are fine just got to be too much. bonus points for max ragdoll physics tho. coming up with a conclusion that this is a completely separate timeline and has nothing to do with anything other than the comics and perhaps HTR. i talked so long about this one cause its the one thing that prompted all of this lol.
but its not that serious! i just knew this franchise for ages as "oh its the two animal guys that are married and its funny" and now that i got into it fully, i see a lot of the shippers are obviously daydreaming and taking things out of context - which is fun, i agree!! i also do that. but it just painted a completely different picture for me. so no. theyre not married, theyre not a couple, except for the cartoon, where its implied, which stays on top for me. but in ttg at least, they love each other, its not as romantic, but i can ship them there (so i ship them in the context of the cartoon and ttg basically)
anyway. nothing is canon for them, everything is canon for them, and everything they say or do is a joke so. its not that deep at all. they gay tho
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exaltedfuzz · 4 months
Oh my gosh, your Ace Attorney as dogs is so good. The Apollo is 200% on-model. Like they are all good choices, but that one just RADIATES Apollo-energy. I also love the Feys being (nine-tailed?) foxes!! Do you imagine them getting more tails as they age? :vc Slobbering Gant is EXTREMELY CURSED though. -10/5 stars. V. cute LanaMia. Any other characters you have breed-ideas for?
Ok! Few parts to this ask. First off, thank you! Glad you like Pupollo.
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Here's a little handy guide to the Feys. They're foxes in a yokai way because of the spirit channeling. Tail number is about spiritual power I think. So Dahlia and Iris are just normal.
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Agree with the Gant assessment.
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I'm a big lanamia fan. (Which can be pretty easily seen from my blog.) Here they are again. Glad you liked them!
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I have some more breed ideas, and I'll probably end up making a part 2. Don't want to spoil anything... Obviously Kristoph is an Afghan hound like his brother, though, so here he is.
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Thanks for the ask!
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hvnnibvni · 1 year
Together Again | JJK *part 2*
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Pairings: Jungkook/Reader
Genre: Mature themes. Romance. Angst. Arranged marriage AU. Childhood best friends to lovers AU.
Warnings: cheating, reader is a rope bunny (ALLEGEDLY), hard!dom JK, switch!reader, reader likes to be slutted out, drunken sex, unplanned pregnancy(this is in the end dw😅), cunnilingus, oral (both receiving), fighting (talk shit get hit) daddy!kink, praise!kink, dirty talk, spanking, hair pulling. Just all around nasty y’all.
Summary: After reader finds her long-term boyfriend in bed with their mutual friend. She moves back into her family home, but under one condition. She has to marry her childhood friend that has been arranged since their childhood. For a wedding gift they go to a mountainous getaway with a group of friends, reader is told that ex and mutual friend get invited, so reader and jk decide to pretend not to know each other to avoid any confusion or miscommunication.
Authors note: Heyyy~ how are you? Welcome back. I’m going to try to release once a day idk yet still trying to figure this app out 😭 I sound old asf bruh but we gone get through it lol. Anyways ENJOY BB🤍
�� Oh these bitches got me all the way fucked up’
“well I guess we could go back home for a while. Right my lovelies?” You ask your two afghan hounds, Cleo and Benji. You two babies you’d be damned if you’d let that piece of shit keep them. He can’t even keep himself.
As you drive home you think about what you’re going to say to you parents. You know they’re gonna be upset you left in the first place for someone who had ‘unknown origins’ but you never saw it that way. You really did love him, but you weren’t going to cry over a man. That just wasn’t in you. What would your mother say? You’d rather not think about what you father would say
when you pull up to the security gate the guard is surprised to see you, but none the less let’s you in and quickly gets in the phone. Most likely to tell your parents you were coming up no doubt. “Nothings changed,” you say to yourself as you drive through the landscape up to the manor. As you pull up to the mansion you see you mother running out to great you. “My baby! You’re home! I’ve missed you so much.” Your mother exclaimed as she kisses you all over your face. “Hey mama,” you laugh. “Where’s Dad?” You ask following her into the house. “Oh he’s up int the drawing room right now, he has a guess at the moment. Maybe it’s someone you might remember.” She says smirking to herself. “ I know that look mummy, who’s here?” “An old friends is all I’m going to say,” your mother had a cheeky look on her face when she said that. “Oh you’re up to something weird,” you say to her but ultimately you let it go.
“So are you going to tell you why you’ve come here all of a sudden after no contact for 5 years?” Your mother presses. “I doubt you don’t already know, I know you and daddy have been keeping tags on me since I left.” You answer her as she gives you an innocent face. “I do but I’d like to hear the story from you.” Your mother has been keeping tabs on you since you left, so she definitely knows the whole story. So you tell her everything. What they did and everything they’ve said about you. “Well good thing you didn’t have to deal with trivial matters like that anymore,” she says rolling her eyes at the thought of you ex. “What does that mean momma?” You ask catching the double meaning in her words. “It means you will have a chance to make things right for you and the family reputation.you know what we had to go though and cover up once you left.” She tells you low key reprimanding you at the same time.
*sigh* ”okay momma I’ll do whatever it takes to go back to being the head of the family, and kill those pieces of shit classily.” You tell your mom smirking. Your mom laughs at you change of mood, and leads you to the drawing room where you father is. You hear voices on the other side of the doors besides your fathers. Your mother open the door excited to show your father that you’re back home. When she does you dad looks like he expected to see you on the other side, while he looks at you but you’re focused on the man sitting across from him. “Jungkook,” You breathe out. “Hey y/n long no see,” he says with a breath taking smile. “ welcome home y/n we were actually just talking about you. Before we can accept you back we have one condition.” Your father explains to you. “And what is that daddy?” You ask already having an idea as you continue ti stare at Jungkook. Amazed at how much more mature he’s gotten.
“You have to agree to our previous arrangement, and marry Jungkook.” You father says not wasting anytime. Well at least he welcomed you back. You’d expected him to not speak to acknowledge your existence while you were there. “Okay. I’ll do it.” You rempli to your father watching him stand and make his way over to you. You weren’t expecting him to hug you, but he does. It’s the most loving hug you’ve ever received from you father. ”I’ve missed you babydoll,” he whispers kissing your forehead. “I’ve missed you too daddy,” you say hugging him back trying not to cry.
After a while your mother steps in “I’d hate to break up this touching moment, but we need to get y/n ready for tonight.” You look at her confused “what’s tonight?” “Your engagement party of course!” She says excitedly “why did I think I’d at least have a week to get settled in. You guys already had this planned out didn’t you? I bet you guys called the Jeon family as soon as you found out I was coming right?” You interrogate. Your father chuckles next to you as you look at you parents incredulously. “It was your fathers idea. I said we should wait at least a day.” You mother adds. “ of course it was,” you say as your father looks the other direction with a cheeky smile.
you turn to look at Jungkook who’s been unusually quiet. Watching the scene in front of him. “Were you in on this too?” You ask him looking past your parents. “I actually just found out the moment before you came in,” he responds with a small smile. “But I can say it’s been some of the best news I’ve gotten all week. I really missed you y/n.” He says scratching the nape of his neck. You and Jungkook have been arranged since childhood. He’s always had a crush on you, it broke his heart when you refused to marry him for someone else. But now that he has you he’s not going to let you go again. “I missed you too JK, you’ve grown up so much I barely even recognized you,” you say chuckling. “Yeah I know right. It’s crazy how much people can change over a short amount of time.” He says looking at you with a look you just couldn’t decipher.
Before you could respond you mother cuts in again “Ma fille, we really need to get you ready for tonight. Ah please take her bags up to her room and get her into the proper attire.” You mother asks the head maid. “Oh and burn whatever she’s wearing.” She points at your outfit , covering her face with a look of disgust. “Cheri what is this atrocity you’re wearing. It hurts to look at.” You were wearing white beach shorts, a stripped tee and a green cardigan. It’s not what you were used to wearing when you were home. But it was comfortable and made you stand out less. “Momma it’s not that bad,” you defend. “No babydoll your mothers right. That’s not something anyone in our family would wear, maybe if the cardigan wasn’t the same shade of puke it would pass as inside clothes. No scratch that no one would ever wear that in their entire lives.” You father adds looking slightly disgusted. You look at you parents shocked at them reading you to filth. Behind them you see Jungkook holding his laughter while covering his face. Before you could defend yourself further you’re already being ushered out of the room.
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cawthorntales · 8 months
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Won't be starting for a bit. Have a mini story of her childhood to do first and Johnny and Logan are my main focus. But with how long it takes me to get entries doing this part now.
"Are we ready?" Cherry excitedly asks.
The director nods. "Yes Ms. Sugarsurprise."
"Wonderful!" Cherry exclaims enthusiastically. "My name is Cherry Sugarsurpise. I was born and raised in Oasis Springs, but moved to Henford ten years ago. These lovely Afghan Hound is Beauty my best friend in the whole world.
She and I compete in dog shows and dog agility competitions. She's won several competitions and titles. But above all she is my very best friend. We're a package deal. So I hope you lovely gentlemen like dogs.
When I'm not competing in competitions with Beauty I spend my time writing fantasy books. I love loud bright colors, the rain, autumn, dogs, cosplaying, baking and I collect dolls.
I can be a bit much for some people so dating hasn't really worked out for me. Since I've always loved watching bachelorette shows I figured I could try it. Hopefully I can find my special someone. I look forward to meeting you all."
Rules and info
If you want you can have more than one slot(up to 2). Just let me know.
cc is fine.
I have Cats and Dogs, My First Pet, Cottage Living, Werewolves and Garden Romance packs.
Must have a picture.
Must have a bio. Can be as long or as short as you wish.
Must be male.
Each guy has a theme. Tell me which one you want.
2) @stargazer-sims
4) Claimed
6) Claimed
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sadkois · 1 year
hypothetically let's say nishiki had a fursona (like a secret one. he would die before admitting he has a fursona)
what species do you think it would it be
anon. listen. i would normally save this ask cause i def wanna draw somethin for this BUT.
i was literally JUST thinkin about what nishiki as a furr y would look like??? i came here to make a post about this exact topic but then OH AN ASK! and i click on the ask box AND IT WAS THIS. IM ACTUALLY SPOOKED ASGDHJK WHY ARE U IN MY MI N D
answerin ur question. well considerin i was about to ask everyone what they thought im not really sure lmao. but since u beat me to it...
UH it depends on two things. 1 how we usin fursona (in general or just animals with fur) and 2... what nishiki would BE vs what he would WANT to be? SEE IM OVERTHINKIN NOW.
okok options. well we obviously have koisona! its on theme! then im thinkin if nishki might draw himself as a koi dragon mayhaps? but try to be kinda subtle? cause kiruy u know....
HM if we wanna go for something different to the tattoos tho.... i've seen fox and otter goin around and really loved those! the last one i remember bein super cute... i also see him as a cat actually, he gives me those vibes.... i remember this au where shimano does more and actually gets nishiki to join him after that one talk in that alley... and so shimano now has both a dog and a cat :)
but anyways if we wanna go with doggos.... maybe somethin with afghan hound...? reminds me of his hair in y0 asgdhjk tho idk how to style it for kiwami hm... and he still gives me cat vibes.... IDK IDK. IDK MAN. so many options asfdghj
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bloodredfeathers · 2 years
Obey Me Characters As Dogs
This is merely my opinion, please comment or reblog and tell me if you would make any changes!
⚠ Some spoilers for the Obey Me storyline
Lucifer - Doberman Pinscher
One of my favorite breeds of dog, Doberman Pinschers are known to be intelligent, alert, loyal and fearless, among other things. I feel like this really fits Lucifer's character well for many reasons, one being how he led the rebellion that began the Celestial War because he was angry with his Father for wanting to execute Lilith. This reason, I feel, shows specifically his fearlessness and loyalty.
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Mammon - Standard Poodle
A luxurious and high maintenance breed, the Standard Poodle just SCREAMS Mammon to me. Poodles are typically owned by "higher class" people, or those with more money, and these dogs are where a lot of it goes to!
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Leviathan - Beauceron
The Beauceron is a shy, calm, protective, friendly and intelligent breed, and I feel these also relate to Leviathan. Maybe not so much the calmness, as he tends to freak out a LOT, especially around MC. But I feel the Beauceron is a good match for Leviathan, mostly due to its friendliness, calmness and shyness.
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Satan - Chow Chow
Very cute and fluffy, Chow Chows are sort of like large Pomeranians. They are known to be aggressive and territorial, but also quiet,, intelligent, independent and aloof. I'm sure though, once both Satan and the Chow Chow warms up to you, you'll survive your encounters.
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Asmodeus - Afghan Hound
Afghan Hounds are considered one of the most beautiful dog breeds. Their long flowy hairlike fur makes them incredibly expensive, high maintenance and they are confident and dignified dogs. Asmodeus, being obsessed with his appearance and wanting only the most expensive items, is a perfect fit for this breed.
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Beelzebub - Australian Shepherd
Breathtakingly beautiful, another favorite of mine. Australian Shepherds are active, protective, good natured and affectionate, these dogs absolutely live for being active. They fare best in places with wide open spaces and typically with something to occupy them, like herding cattle. Loving and energetic, this is definitely Beelzebub's spirit dog.
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Belphegor - Bernese Mountain
One of my least favorite brothers (I'm sorry I just do not like him that much 😭) gets another of my favorite breeds. Bernese Mountain dogs are very beautiful and large dogs, but they are also very lazy. They'd much rather lounge around than go to the park, which Belphegor does a lot of.
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That's all for now! Should I do a part 2 with the side characters?
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twinkwoman · 2 years
okay so as promised I’ve started my list of dogs that a wizard would own:
1. Borzoi
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Starting off strong with a classic. The elongated snout and limbs give this dog almost otherworldly proportions. Paired with the long flowing white hair, this dog takes on a spectral quality. It’s easy to see why this dog has gained such a cryptic reputation that puts them right at home with wizards.
2. Black Shepherd
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While technically just being a specific colour of German shepherd, the pitch black colouration of this dog gives it a completely different and much more mystical quality. It’s easy to imagine this dog sinking right into the shadows, or appearing out of them as if from thin air. The German shepherd is known for its intelligence and athleticism, which makes this dog suitable for a wide range of wizards. Points taken off as many German shepherds become police dogs, and everyone knows that cops are the sworn enemy of wizards.
3. Afghan Hound
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Similar to the Borzoi, this dog’s proportions and long white hair make it look almost ghostly. Plus it looks like it’s trying to cosplay as Saruman, making it well suited for aspiring wizards with that aesthetic. However, the long hair would certainly get in the way with the spilled potions and occasional fiery explosions that are so commonplace in a wizard’s life.
4. Newfoundland
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Contrary to popular belief, some wizards want a dog with some meat on their bones. If you’re a jacked, staff wielding wizard, or one who practices ice magic and lives in some remote tundra, a spindly little sighthound simply will not do. That’s where our beefy friend the Newfoundland comes in. While this dog certainly has more to love, it’s large and rambunctious nature does not make it well suited for the more academic of wizards.
5. Irish Wolfhound
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Oh yeah baby. That’s what I’m talking about. A beard and eyebrows that convey immense wisdom. A coat that looks like it was specifically bred to match unruly hermits. Their long legs give it a graceful stride which rivals some of the previous dogs, but with a sturdier build to protect it from the dangers the magical world has to offer. Plus who doesn’t love a dog the size of a small horse. This is the quintessential wizard dog.
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4truestory · 1 year
omg im so curious what does your odile tag mean… if youre ok with sharing (@lesbocannibal)
it's nto super interesting she is my oc ! all the random names i tag with are my ocs and 'st bones' is what the story/the city theyre in is called. Full of gore and eating people and um. dogs.
yes her name is based off of (idk of this is the rigth word its a chicken and the egg situation...but whatever) the ballet she is a rich british lady who plays lego with human beings. So i tag her in stuff that reminds me of that...
i put the rest under the cut since its just extra rambling !
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art by my friend noah ! she is 'strawverry blonde' but thats me lying and wanting pink hair evil women.
and her in her shift form by me ( an afghan hound)
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dw about what shes standing on its not ab him
her personality is supposed to be likeee. girl who loves science and testing the limit of humanity without really caring for who she hurts. she is supposed 2 be like a rich british lady complete with that accent who realises her place in society and takws full advantage for it. i guess shes the antagonist ! her husband ( arranged marriage with another rich guy) is a werewolf who eats people and she loves him int he way a toddler loves a piece of play doh. its like getting a science kit for christmas
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infogato · 1 year
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starsscribble · 2 years
How would you describe your OCs as cats? How would you describe them as dogs? Bonus points if you share what breed they would be
DC-Corinna: As a cat she is a Maine Coon because she is like 6′0. She is very loveable wants pets all the damn time. Will bite you to get more pets.
As a dog just a loveable. She is a Afghan Hound. She is 100% a show dog so give her all the attention. She had one toy and one toy only that she plays with. 
DC-Luana: Very quiet and shy as both a dog and cat. It would take time for her to trust people but once she does she is very loving. For Cat and dog breeds she a mutt.
BNHA-Kami: As a cat she would be that cat that hisses at everyone, claws at people, bites them. She's a menace that few can deal with. She is a white munchkin cat.
As a dog she is an American Eskimo Dog. Again a menace. No toys would live long with her. She would have to be crated if left alone and she HATES the crate.
BNHA-Shiko: For dog I can only see her as a Rottweiler. Like she looks big and bad but she is a sweetheart who loves kids. Kids could pull her on ears and she wouldn’t care.
For cats (100% not biased because I have 2) an Longhair American Bobtail. Again she is so sweet. Great with kids and other animals. She can be left alone for long periods of time.
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volterran-wine · 2 years
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Born: July 29th, around 424 BC, The Roman Republic. 
Turned: around 400 BC at the age of 24 by Aro.
Gift: None.
Joined The Volturi: around 400 BC after being turned by Aro.
Title: Leader/Queen
Height: 168 cm/5′5
Sulpicia’s Fancast
Zodiac: Leo (Generous, Patronising, Faithful)
MBTI: ENTJ-A: The Commander (Blunt, Fair, Imaginative)
Enneagram: 3: The Achiever (Motivating, Vain, Charming)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Pronouns: She/Her
D&D Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Tarot Card: The High Priestess — ( Intuition, higher powers, mystery. )
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𝐅𝐮𝐧 𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐬;
Sulpicia is scholarly in nature, and is endlessly clever and witty.
She was orphaned at an early age, but was taken in by other family.
Sulpicia together with Athenodora is considered to be a sort of of power behind the throne, ruling just as much as Caius, Aro and Marcus does.
Sulpicia is one of the best dressed in the coven.
Of the vampires in the coven she is one of the few that has an online presence, though it is anonymous of course. 
Her voice and tone can come off as quite posh. Sounds like someone who has their affairs in order but still is pleasant to talk to. Like Felix she was Roman and has stayed in Italy the last thousands of years, she has a softer accent derived from her Latin days when she talks; a lot of strong R’s.
Her favourite colour is gold.
Some of Sulpicia’s favourite musical acts are Madonna & BANKS.
Sulpicia’s love languages are as follows; Showing: Words of Affirmation, Receiving: Physical Touch.
Just what does Sulpicia do?
Her favourite eras of fashion is Baroque and Rococo.
Her favourite flower is a Yellow Jasmine.
Sulpicia is right handed. 
If she had to get a dog she would get an afghan hound.
No, Sulpicia does not sit around and get high off of Corin.
Her favourite book is 'Valley of The Dolls’ by Susann Jacqueline
Sulpicia & Aro; (1) - (2) - (3) - (4)
Sulpicia & Athenodora; (1) - (2)
Sulpicia enjoying one of her favourite traditions with Aro.
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A Very Volturi Christmas Party -  In true Volturi fashion the coven is gathered to celebrate Christmas Eve, blood-wine is flowing, music is playing and there is even snow falling from the sky. Follow along as we get a glimpse of the entire coven’s holiday cheer in 8 parts.
A Mother’s Love
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Check out my Sulpicia tag if you want all posts containing Sulpicia. (Last Update; 24.08.22)
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bulletballet-arch · 3 years
REALLY LONG  CHARACTER  SURVEY. RULES. repost ,   don’t  reblog !    tag 10 ! good  luck ! TAGGED. I took this from Minnie’s archived Bioshock blog. I’ve been looking for this meme all this month. TAGGING. @hammurabicomplex. @bluuxriising. @ Me - for Sal on @bulletsoverbensonhurst​. @immaterialed (charlie) @soypeor (bella) @svmmercmance​. @mrflayed. and you!
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BASICS. FULL  NAME :  Eve Delores Littlejohn NICKNAME : Evie, Little Evie (by her maternal side of the family), Delores, Didi NAME  MEANING / S  Eve is from the ancient Hebrew name  חַוָּה (Chawwah), which was derived from the Hebrew word חָוָה (chawah) meaning "to breathe" or the related word חָיָה (chayah) meaning "to live". Delores is a variant of Dolores, meaning "sorrows", taken from the Spanish title of the Virgin Mary María de los Dolores, meaning "Mary of Sorrows." Littlejohn is a surname that has historically been found in England and Scotland. With potential origins being either ‘to distinguish a beloved child that was not the eldest.’ Or, ‘a contradictory nickname for a large man.’ HISTORICAL  CONNECTION? : She’s named after her grandmother, Evelyn Hollins.
AGE : 42 BIRTHDAY :  June 2 ETHNIC  GROUP : Black-American. Meaning she’s mixed with a lot (Some of her relatives are respectively Creole and Italian) but uses Black as a catch-all term. NATIONALITY :  American LANGUAGE / S : English, Italian, Spanish, Latin, some French SEXUAL  ORIENTATION :   Bisexual ROMANTIC  ORIENTATION :  Biromantic RELATIONSHIP  STATUS : Verse dependent, usually married -or connected- to Salvatore Scozzari in some way. CLASS : Upper-Class HOME  TOWN / AREA :   Brooklyn. Spent time between Bedford-Stuyvesant - with her paternal grandfather and Park Slope - with her maternal grandparents.  CURRENT  HOME : In her childhood home in Bedford-Stuyvesant. PROFESSION : Ballet Instructor. Former Professional Ballerina. ( Other verses see her as a professional thief. )
PHYSICAL. HAIR : Black. In terms of her natural hair, Eve has springy, 3C hair she seldom shows off because she was raised in a family where straightened hair was deemed presentable and professional.  EYES : Thin almond eyes. Dark brown. NOSE : Straight and small. FACE :  She has a prominent, high forehead, that’s accented with high cheekbones and a pointy chin. LIPS :  Full. COMPLEXION : She has a light brown (tawny) complexion.  SCARS : None major. TATTOOS : None. HEIGHT : 5′4″ BUILD : Eve has a slender build. One of those people who have been small and petite since childhood. Despite this, she also stays skinny because she is obsessively conscious of the food she consumes. The older she gets the more she weighs, however. USUAL HAIR STYLE :  Her hair is cut short. Reaching her shoulders in a neat, even bob. She either curls it in a retro fashion or curls the tips. For work she wears it in a traditional, pinned bun. USUAL FACE LOOK : In public, she appears stoic for the most part. Any emotion shown (such as the length of a smile) is carefully calculated. She has to seem perfect.  USUAL  CLOTHING : Form fitting dresses. Incredibly chic and fashionable for the time. Shoes include heels - never open-toed, unless she has on stockings. Extravagant earrings. Jewelry that can include either necklaces, crosses, pearls, or dainty rings. Prone to wearing black sunglasses in public.
PSYCHOLOGY. FEAR / S : Thunderstorms, airplanes, creatures like weasels, snakes and ferrets, break-ins, men she doesn’t know, harm coming to her children ASPIRATION / S :  Formerly wanted to become a major [black] ballerina in the elite world of ballet, now she just wants to expose more [inner city children] to dance through her job. Personally, she wants her children to change the world in some form or fashion, too. Eve also has good ideas on improving the community, but at the moment has no idea how to go about these ideas. POSITIVE  TRAITS :  Generous, compassionate, patient, protective NEGATIVE  TRAITS : Strict, sullen, hard to read, represses her emotions, secretive MBTI :  Advocate - INFJ-T ZODIAC :  Cancer TEMPERAMENT :  Melancholic ANIMALS :  Lioness VICE / S :  Pride & Lust FAITH : Christian. Grew up Baptist, but Catholic influences have been around her since childhood. Attended a Catholic High School in Park Slope, her grandmother Evelyn was also a practicing Catholic.  GHOSTS ? : Yes and no. She feels that objects formerly owned by the deceased posses the essence of their previous owners and that they essentially live on through these pieces of property. AFTERLIFE ? : Yes. REINCARNATION ? :  No, but it’s a romantic concept. ALIENS ? : No. POLITICAL  ALIGNMENT :  Democratic ECONOMIC  PREFERENCE :  She likes being where she’s at now. But honestly, being upper class is all she’s ever known. SOCIOPOLITICAL  POSITION : Bourgeoisie, basically. The Littlejohn’s represent The Historical Black Elite.  EDUCATION  LEVEL : College level. FAMILY.
FATHER :  William ‘Bill’ Littlejohn MOTHER : Linda Littlejohn ( nee Hollins ) SIBLINGS : None EXTENDED  FAMILY : Amos Littlejohn (paternal grandfather) Liza Littlejohn (paternal grandmother) Evelyn Hollins (maternal grandmother) Giuseppe D’Aietti (maternal grandfather) and a wide host of cousins, aunts and uncles.
FAVOURITES. BOOK :  Night Song by Beverly Jenkins. The Color Purple by Alice Walker. Some sort of old, French erotic novel that was published before she was born. MOVIE : Eve watches films along the lines of...Waiting to Exhale, Beaches, The First Wives Club and Fatal Attraction. She loves Made-For-TV movies from the time period. In regards to plays, her favorite one is Sunday In The Park With George. 5  SONGS :  Meet Me On The Moon / Essence of Sapphire / No One In The World / People / The First Time I Saw Your Face  DEITY :  Persephone  HOLIDAY : New Years Eve, Christmas, Thanksgiving. Major holidays during the colder season. MONTH :  October SEASON :  Autumn PLACE :  The dance studio she works at. WEATHER : Sunny, but cool. SOUND : The voices of Anita Baker and Sarah Vaughn. A skilled hand running over piano keys. Soft trumpets. Running water. Cats making chipper little meows. SCENT / S :  Perfume, floral scented lotions, her partner’s cologne TASTE / S :  Caramel, the tang of dark chocolate, strawberries coated with either chocolate, or sprinkles of white sugar. Light Vinegar.  FEEL / S : Performing in front of an audience. Hot water engulfing your skin after a long day. Satin - whether it be the fabric of her clothes or sheets, your fingers tightly intertwined with another’s, feeling your significant other’s chest raise and lower against your skin with each breath they take. ANIMAL / S : Cocker Spaniels, Afghan Hounds, Cats, Birds - she loves all ( well, a majority ) of animals. NUMBER :  Doesn’t have one. COLOR :  White, Pink, Gold.
EXTRA. TALENTS :  Dance, Eve is trained in ballet when it comes to her main verse. She has attended ballet classes since the age of eight and ever since then she placed all of her focus into it. Similarly, Eve has always had the makings of a good artist - as a child she enjoyed drawing and had informal art lessons with a man who lived in the basement of her grandfather’s brownstone, but she never invested into that half of her. BAD AT : Singing, Being interviewed, Public Speaking (as in Speech Giving), Decision Making TURN  ONS :  Charisma, Leadership Skills, Temperature Play, Phone Sex, Heavy Kissing, Light Roleplay TURN  OFFS :  Public Sex, Tearing [ Her ] Clothes, Threesomes, Cruelty, Senseless Violence HOBBIES :  viewing plays & some musicals, reading romance novels, shopping, working out (she was into the whole celebrity VHS tape exercise trend), playing tennis, decorating AESTHETIC :  Vintage Black Glamour, Black Ballerinas, Champagne and Wine Glasses, Paintings by Melinda Byers and Edward 'Clay' Wright QUOTES :  "I'm bad with words, I hope you're good in reading eyes." / "There are truths I haven't even told God. And not even myself. I am a secret under the lock of seven keys."
FC INFO. MAIN  FC / S : Lynn Whitfield ( A Thin Line Between Love & Hate ) ALT  FC / S : Kylie Bunbury ( Twisted ) OLDER  FC / S :  Lynn Whitfield ( Greenleaf ) YOUNGER  FC / S : N/A VOICE  CLAIM / S : Lynn Whitfield
Q1 :   if  you  could  write  your  character  your  way  in  their  own  movie ,   what  would  it  be  called ,  what  style  would  it  be  filmed  in ,  and  what  would  it  be  about ?       A1 : Recently I decided that if/when I try to write anything serious about Eve again, it’ll center on her being a jewel thief because it presents me more fun, and emotionally diverse, opportunities. That and I have a very specific cover image in my mind. Ideally, her adventures would be a series of books. I have no title in mind, no idea about how ‘it would be filmed’ ( although a style replicating 90s films would be excellent, film grain and all. ) but, I do have a bunch of plots in mind that I really don’t feel like typing out here.  
Q2 :   what  would  their  soundtrack / score  sound  like ?         A2 :  Her score would have a vintage sound (or a jazzy Spike Lee sound, if you will) with instrumentals by Dorothy Ashby (a Jazz Harpist) the Ahmad Jamal Trio, Pharaoh Sanders, Yusef Lateef and Tarika Blue. For music with lyrics, the soundtrack would include the likes of Julie London, Sarah Vaughn, Ella Fitzgerald, and Dionne Warwick.
Q3 :   why  did  you  start  writing  this  character ?   + Q4 :   what  first  attracted  you  to  this  character ? A3 :  Whenever I make NPCs for my character’s lives I actually can’t just let them just be NPCs. I start thinking about them too much. Developing them too much. And then I’m like, ‘wow! I really like this character!’ Eve was a different character when I began writing her, and likely wouldn’t be considered the same character as she was previously, if I told someone in real life who knows about my writing (like my grandma) about all the changes she has undergone. Originally Delores was a university professor, because I thought it could lead to interesting interactions with college-age muses. And her previous history with the mafia was also something interesting to tap in. But then I started thinking about what was realistic, what wasn’t realistic, what did I feel comfortable/interested writing? What didn’t I feel comfortable/interested in writing?  So as time went on, things would alter about this character. And the new things I came up with attracted me more. 
Q5 :   describe  the  biggest  thing  you  dislike  about  your  muse.         A5 :  I have a love/hate relationship with Eve’s quiet demeanor. On one hand, I think quieter characters need love and the ability to be fully dimensional but on the other hand, writing louder characters has always been more fun for me. But really, Eve’s guarded behavior makes writing her stressful in some cases with others because sometimes...if I’m going to be honest...people don’t know how to carry a thread and interact with someone of her demeanor effectively. 
Q6 :   what  do  you  have  in  common  with  your  muse ?       A6 : We’re both black, we’re both into art (although our exact interests and aesthetics with art differ)
Q7 :   how  does  your  muse  feel  about  you ?         A7 : Realistically she would think I need to take better care of myself.
Q8 :   what  characters  does  your  muse  have  interesting  interactions with ?   A8 :  We skippin’ this question.
Q9 :   what  gives  you  inspiration  to  write  your  muse ?       A9 : Films such as, “Waiting to Exhale,” “The Kitchen” and “Widows.” Books by Alice Walker, like “The Third Life of Grange Copeland” as well as her short story, “Roselily.” The historical mob figure Stephanie St. Clair.
Q10 :   how  long  did  this  take  you  to  complete ?       A10 : A few hours.
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rudhira · 4 years
About me
I got tagged by @suratan-zir. Thanks!
Favorite color? Purple! It’s just objectively the best colour ever!
Last song I listened to? Probably Teeth by Lady Gaga.
Last film I watched? The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn - Part 2!
Last TV show I watched? Chernobyl, I think. Still kind of annoyed that it was in English.
Sweet, savory or spicy? Savory!
Bubbly water, tea or coffee? Oh I love both carbonated water, and tea, but if I had to choose I’d choose tea.
Pets? A cat! I’d also love to get chinchillas and an Afghan hound in the future, but I honestly don’t think I’d vibe with a dog. :(
Hmm, who hasn’t already been tagged? I’m tagging @illenlan, @esotheria-sims, @2fingerswhiskey, and anyone else who wants to do this! Feel free to ignore!
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hoidn · 4 years
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Daimones of the Tutelaries 'Verse      |      Longmire Daemons (1 /2)
One tradition of Greek thought, which found agreement in the mind of Plato, was of a daimon which existed within a person from their birth, and that each individual was obtained by a singular daimon prior to their birth.
     1. Thrasos (Crow) ▸ Vic      2. Isora (Grey wolf) ▸ Walt      3. Éše'he (Cinnamon bear — a subspecies of American black bear) ▸ Henry      4. Bia (Afghan hound) ▸ Branch      5. Poros (Anna's hummingbird) ▸ Ruby      6. Soter (Leopard gecko) ▸ Cady      7. Véhóná'e (Cougar) ▸ Mathias      8. Maahe (Loggerhead shrike) ▸ Jacob Nighthorse      9. Eirene (Black-tailed prairie dog) ▸ Ferg
photo credits:
Thrasos   |   Isora   |   Éše'he   |   Bia   |   Poros   |   Soter   |   Véhóná'e   |   Maahe   |   Eirene
name meanings:
(names are taken from Greek mythology and their descriptions from Wikipedia with the exception of the Cheyenne names; those are from Cheyenne Dictionary and links are in the descriptions which include sound files where you can hear the pronunciation of the words.)
Thrasos — the personification of boldness
Isora — an epithet of Artemis
Éše'he — the Cheyenne word meaning sun
Bia — the personification of force, anger, and raw energy
Poros — the personification of resourcefulness or expediency
Soter — the personification of safety, preservation, and deliverance from harm
Véhóná'e —  literally 'chief-woman'; according to Cheyenne Dictionary, "Cheyennes have not had queens, but 'queen' is a reasonable translation"
Maahe — the Cheyenne word meaning arrow
Eirene — the personification of peace
some explanatory notes this all came about because i love daemon fusion AUs and amongst the eleventy thousand other ideas in my head, i began considering what a longmire daemon 'verse would look like. the scene i started working on required daemons for vic and walt, as well as two other minor characters. once i'd decided on those daemons, there was something of a snowball effect as my brain kept asking, "what about [insert character]?" over and over. so here we are.
on daimon vs daemon as you may know, roman mythology is basically just greek mythology with different names. the latin word 'daemon' and its concept come from the greek 'daimon.' the word has various meanings, including lesser god, guiding spirit, tutelary deity, power, and fate. i became enamoured with the idea of daimones as slightly more extrinsic/autonomous than the HDM universe daemons. as the quote above explains, some ancient greeks believed that a person's daimon existed within them from birth because they'd "obtained" them. so a daimon is both of an individual and also other. that adds an extra dimension of depth beyond just the idea of a daemon being someone's soul, which i thought would be interesting to play with.
plus, there's actually a direct link with longmire. no, really! in 3x05, walt's voiceover references heraclitus of ephesus, saying "character is fate." apparently the original greek is "ēthos anthropōi daimōn," which translates to the character (ēthos) of a person (anthropōi) is the daimōn, or the character of a person is Fate, or an individual's character is their fate. so canon has already introduced, in a roundabout way, this wacky idea.
while tutelary spirits/deities only ever took human form in both greek and roman mythology, a lot of other cultures have animal or human/animal hybrid tutelaries, which accords with the HDM universe. if you're interested in the reasoning behind any of my choices, or just anything in this vein, really, i will happily babble at you. ngl, i'm pretty proud of these babies, even if i haven't actually finished the fic i did all this work for.
...yet. i haven't finished it yet. *cough*
last but not least, some references: 1 | 2 | 3
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anastasiaskarsgard · 5 years
Can I request a story about a girl that runs away from home angst angst angst! And then meets Andy and Bill but Bill has a gf but fights with her and he hits on the girl and maybe they even hook up but Bill is seen with his gf again and the girl feels stupid.... angst and smut and fluff. This might be like too much for one drabble. You are a 👸 and I 💕❤️😍🥰.
Gif is @godfreysteel
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This is a really involved request so I’m breaking it into 2 parts. Here’s PART 1.....
Randi has been my best friend since Junior High. We had been attached at the hip, right up to a little over a year ago, when her Aunt died and left her a house in Hollywood. She moved out there, begging me to come but I had a perfect boyfriend that begged me not to go, and since he was a new doctor, it wasn't as easy to move for him. As soon as Randi left, he insisted I move in with him since he was worried about me living alone and my lease was up. He had such a pretty house it was tempting, but i still was hesitant. He said he understood and just loved me so much that he worried. I was actually very flattered he held me in such high regard. He was a gorgeous wealthy doctor, from a prominent family, and I was nothing special.
When he bought me an Afghan Hound puppy I named Danger, I was overjoyed. Since my apartments didn't allow dogs and he was hardly ever home to keep Danger company, it was only logical to move to his home. I didn’t think twice about it. And he was being so accomodating and enthusiastic, I couldn’t help but get affected by it. He told me to donate all my old stuff, and we’d get all new stuff together to start our new life. He was from a really rich family, so money was not an issue for him. He actually called it a non-issue, which as time progressed I learned was his way of saying it wasn't up for discussion.
Non-issues could be positive or negative talking points where he had made the decision for us. Most of the time, they benefited me, or appeared to be for my best interest. For instance; my job.
I actually had met my boyfriend at my job. I worked at a gym checking people in, but considering our turn over, I was often called in to cover or train new hires. His time was limited and he felt very strongly about spending what little free time he had together. The entire month, I’d been forced to come in for one reason or another, and although he made it clear his displeasure, he still surprised me with a wonderful 1 year anniversary gift of two weeks in Hawaii. I was so excited to go until my job informed me it wasn’t possible. When I told my boyfriend the news, he told me to give notice and I could find something else when we returned. It was a bit crazy and irresponsible, but I threw caution to the wind and he was so happy I had chosen him. The trip also made me miss my first week of school, but my boyfriend said that a little time off wouldn’t kill me and I had thought he was kidding and enrolled anyway, willing to just make up my lost week. Not having a job or any bills, would make it that much easier to catch up on.
For the first time in my life, I felt like I had someone that was truly in my corner. My friends thought I was the luckiest girl in the world and even I felt like it was insane, driving up to my huge home on a golf course, that I had decorated with my doctor boyfriends money. The fact he looked like a model only made it that much more surreal, eventhough he was a bit intense. Intense might be the wrong word. Possessive maybe? But I didn’t think of it as a negative, more as a flattering positive trait.
He worries about me, and liked to always be in contact with me. Since he was often in surgery or unable to answer the phone, it was imperative I answered when he called. When he called while I was in class, I knew he’d be upset I ignored his call, but I was sure he’d be ok once I was out and explained why I pressed send to voicemail.
As soon as I got out, I tried to call him repeatedly, but got no answer. This wasn’t entirely unusual, although most Monday’s, he was more readily available since only emergency surgeries happened mondays. I was shocked when I arrived home and found his Range Rover home. The front door was open ajar so I parked behind him and wandered inside. I wasn’t ready for what I’d find.
It looked as though we had been robbed. Furniture was thrown about, the 75” flat screen had been pushed over and smashed. Several decorative items were smashed to pieces. The more I looked around though, the more clear it became that nothing was missing. Just broken. We’d been vandalized!
My poor baby Danger was hiding under the dining room table and upon realizing I had entered, was overjoyed to see me. I bent down and embraced him, giving him ear scratches and loving on him thankful he was unharmed. Things could be replaced, but not your loved ones.
I looked up to see my boyfriend storm out of the office.
”thats fucking rich! You greet the dog before me.” he spat.
”what happened here?” I asked cautiously, slowly rising to my feet to give him a hug and a kiss. He was acting rather aggressively but I was sure he felt violated in a way, by someone coming in our home and destroying it.
I froze. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know where this was coming from and he was looking at me like he expected an answer. When I didn't answer he grabbed a lamp and threw it against the wall, and then made a beeline straight for me. I still was in shock so I just stood there, staring dumbly, expecting to get slapped or pushed, when I heard a low growl.
My skinny little brave Danger was standing between me and my boyfriend, trying to protect me. My boyfriend froze, looked down and started to laugh like a maniac. This reaction was far more unsettling than it sounds, and Danger and I grew more restless if that's possible. I all of a sudden had an overwhelming urge to get out of there. I wasn’t concerned or interested in trying to understand my boyfriends words or behavior, I just wanted to be away from him.
”I’m gonna go. Come on Danger, ” I said as I slowly backed away. I didn't want Danger to bite him, or get kicked or something, and make an already volatile situation even worse.
”Hang on, just a moment. Can you answer me one question before you walk out of my life?” he asked me in a tone I’d never heard, dripping with sarcasm.
Normally I'd say you already asked it, but I didn't feel now was the time for jokes. I desperately wanted to leave but I wasn’t an idiot, and knew that playing along with an obviously bat shit ass crazy person, was safer than pissing them off more.
“Go ahead.”
”Do you know what the best thing about being a doctor is?”
I wasn't expecting that question and almost automatically answered with ”saving lives.”
He chuckled darkly, sending a chill up my spine. How was this the same man? How had I missed the potential lunatic that obviously was just beneath the surface? Lost in thought, I cried out when he suddenly lunged forward and seized Danger. Danger yelped, followed by the most awful crunching sound I’ll never forget. Dangers gangly little body, instantly fell limply to the ground and all I could do was stare in utter horror.
I looked up into his eyes and I didn’t even know who I was looking at. This was just incomprehensible to me. My mind kept spinning in circles, unable to grasp the situation at hand.
My boyfriend stepped over Dangers lifeless body and pulled me into a tight embrace. He sniffed my hair and growled in my ear, before biting me on my neck hard. I cried out and He chuckled before grabbing me by my hair, and dragging me in the restroom, where he made me flush my birth control pills.
“You’re going to marry me and be my perfect little housewife, and never hurt me again.” He cooed in my ear.
When I didn’t say anything he grabbed my chin and forced me to look up at him. I couldn’t get what he’d done to Danger out of my head and was terrified. He could see it in my eyes, but the look of concern and empathy he gave me made me want to scream. “I love that idea. I’m just sad about Danger.”
In reality, I wanted to vomit, but I let him lead me to the bed to lie down, trying to think of any way to escape. I was convinced I really would vomit if he tried to fuck me. He kissed me gently on the forehead and breathed a huge sigh.
“Will you feel better if I do something with the body? I promise to get you whatever dog you want to replace him, but with us about to have a family, we can’t have an aggressive dog. You understand right baby?”
I nod as he rubs my cheek, looking in my eyes adoringly. He tells me to sit tight while he takes care of Danger, and he’ll be right back.
I wait a beat and peer downstairs at him and watch as he puts Danger into a big black trash bag, and I wait till he goes into the garage before running downstairs. I didn’t care about any of my belongings, I just needed to get to my car.
I grabbed my purse, and I ran. I got in my car and pulled away just as he was running out trying to open my door. Thank God it lockswhen you put it into Drive. I drove off watching him in the rearview mirror running back inside. My phone started blowing up, and I became aware of location capabilities with cell phones so I threw it out the window. Looking back, that was a bit overzealous, but I was terrified.
Somehow I found myself on the highway and didn't stop till I reached Hollywood. I'd been to the house before, and thank goodness by the grace of God remembered how to get to Randi.
I told her everything and she insisted that I was home. She’d just been hired for a big horror film and she said I could be her assistant. She was supposed to meet the director the following morning and shed just bring me along, to introduce us. She was positive he’d hire me on too, so I was amped.
When she told me it was filming in Canada, I was even more enthusiastic. My ex knew Randi lived in Hollywood, so going away a few months to another country was ideal. That way when he inevitably went looking for me, he wouldn't be able to find me, and hopefully would give up.
The next morning Randi shared all her things with me to get ready. We are the same size shoe and since we are both thin, I can fit in her clothing for the most part. I’m taller and bustier, but for the most part, we can share.
I’m not very high maintenance, so the extent of my beauty routine is shower, brush my hair, light make up, and a spray of body spray or something, and I’m good. Randi said I could have a maxi dress since it had always been too long for her to wear, and was too form fitting for her taste.
I was surprised how close we were to the studios, and arrived in no time. Security gave us a little map and instructed us how to get to where we were supposed to go. I had never been to a movie studio, so I was as bad as a tourist looking around. We arrived at the proper building to find a photo shoot underway.
“There he is.” Randi said, pointing out a tall dark haired gentlemen in his late thirties, early forties, having an obvious problem with something. He turned and saw us and did a double take. He made a beeline for us with an enormous smile eventhough you could tell he was having a bad day. I liked him right away.
“Today has been a disaster, we have done all we can do without the model. She’s an hour late! Bill has limited time in LA, and it’s not like the man doesn’t have obligations.” He ranted at no one in particular.
I nodded with a sympathetic look on my face, although I had no idea who Bill was.
“Who have you brought us Randi?”
“Andy this is my best friend Liv. Liv this is our new boss, Andy. And this is a photo shoot for a magazine to promote Something Bill is doing, and Andy is his best friend so he’s here to complain.” Randi teased.
“I’m also good friends with the photographer and we are supposed to have lunch after this. Can you excuse me? Do not move. I’m serious.” Andy said and then rushed away
“He couldnt take his eyes off you! He’s not usually so obvious. He’s usually the most chill guy,” Randi mused.
“He’s just stressed out and I mean maybe I look familiar.” I guessed.
“Oh sure. It has nothing to do with being a living breathing Barbie. Old school big titty Barbie.” Randi chuckled.
Andy and a petite lady hussled over to us, and the lady grabbed me by my face and pulled me down to examine my features. She smiled and turned to Andy happily.
“Oh meu deus Andy! Como você encontrou um em tão pouco tempo? Ela é ainda melhor que a falecida! Ela é exatamente o que eu imaginava. ela é a mesma taxa? diga a ela para se preparar.” She tapped her wrist and rushed off.
“What just happened?” I asked.
“I hope you don’t mind, but you’re first job is right now. She said you were exactly what she envisioned for this shoot, and you need to go to hair and make up immediately.” Andy pleaded, putting his hands together in a prayer pose.
“WHAT? Oh no! I’m not a model. I never want to be famous.” as my stomach did backflips and I felt like the air had left the room.
“That’s something you don’t hear very often in this town but It pays $7500 and I’d owe you one.”
“$7500 to take a couple pictures? I’m wearing clothes right?” I have no desire to be in this industry, but I wasn’t crazy either! As long as I’m not naked, I’m game.
Andy let out a whole hearted laugh, “you’re wearing a gown even. Not that type of party. And you’re taking pictures with the star of the movie you’ll be working on with us. You did want to be Randi’s assistant correct?
I nodded vigorously, and got a thumbs up from Randi. Everything was falling into place! ”lead the way then sir!”
His face lit up and he led the way over to a room that had more make up in it then I’d ever seen. As soon as I walked in, three people pounced on me. One attacked my hair, saying they needed to straighten it, although it was straight. They set to work, raving about they could not believe I had so much hair, and that I was an actual natural blonde. When I told them I was growing it long to donate to cancer kids, they nearly fell over.
“Do you know how much thick natural blonde hair that reaches the lower back is worth?” The hairstylist exclaimed. “And your hair is silky and healthy, girl keep it.”
“I’ll just grow more. No biggie.”
“I think that’s very nice. Good for you, people should be so kind.” The girl working on my nails said, smiling warmly up at me.
“I can’t wait to see where your career goes!” The gentleman doing my make up surmised. “You are a true natural beauty.”
“I’m not doing any more of these. I don’t want to be famous, I just am doing it for Andy.” They all looked at me skeptically, but set to getting me where the photographer needed me to be. As the time pressed on, I could feel my self nodding off, but suddenly movement caught my eye. I couldn’t turn my head, but noticed a gorgeous man glaring at me in the mirror. I wasn’t sure how long he’d been there.
“If It were up to me, you’d never work again. Do you have anything to say for your disrespect?” The tall, statuesque man, with strikingly handsome facial features, and the greenest eyes I’d ever seen sneered.
”I literally just got hired forty five minutes ago and have no issue with never modeling again anyways. I'm doing this as a favor, for my new boss. Thanks for being a dick tho. Everyone has been such a joy, I was starting to think Hollywood had a bad rep for nothing.”
Everyone in the room was silent and all looked to the man for a reply.
”whos your new boss?” he inquired.
”I don’t feel comfortable giving his name to strange men, and since he’s a director it’ll sound like I’m name dropping and I’m not the type.” I said waving my hand dismissively.
He chuckled and rolled his bright green eyes. ”i think you're talking about my good friend Andy Muschetti. Does that sound right?”
”give this man a prize!” I joked. “Please don’t get me fired best friend. Are you Bill by chance?”
“You think I wear a tuxedo and bedazzle my face before i leave the house in the regular?” He asked incredulously.
I looked down at my lap so I didn't have to make eye contact with anyone.
I looked back up to the beautiful man, but he’d disappeared. I wasn’t surprised he was kind of an ass. Gorgeous men often are, I just hoped he wasn’t going to go talk shit.
A short time later they were done and had me put on a Zuhair Murad dress that was was worth more than my car. It was a beautiful charcoal velvet that looked like it’d been custom made for me. I couldn’t believe how awesome I looked, and ran out to find Randi, only being allowed to wave before they lead me to take my solo shots.
I looked around for the beautiful man, and found him standing next to a brunette woman, having a tense conversation, that was very quickly turning into an argument. He was trying to keep her calm, but she was not happy in the least, and I gasped when she struck him. Embarrassed, I put my full attention on the person translating instructions from the photographer, refusing to look back over at them, even as they began yelling at each other in some strange language. Did no one speak English here? He stormed outside with the woman hot on his trail.
“Ok someone go find Bill, we are just about ready for him.” My translator yelled, and I saw Andy and Randi, briskly walk outside to find him.
I felt kinda bad for snapping at him. I was going to be as nice as possible to him. Maybe I had judged him too harshly.
“Perfect honey! Sad confused, not sure look honey! Yes!” Several more people had shown up and were all talking about me like I wasn’t there.
Bill walked up looking like he’d rather be anywhere else, and looked down his cute little button nose at me. I know he was trying to be stuck up, but he was so fucking cute, I just wanted to boop his nose.
“Where do you want me?” He huffed.
“I need you to come up behind her, and embrace her around the waist, with one hand by her face. Sweetie you stand sideways with your back to Bill and look up arching your back a bit.” We were told as we got in our places. He was humming some unidentifiable tune in my ear. I was trying not to think about his hand on my waist, or his hot breath on my neck. I wasn’t sure if the bright lights were the only thing making me sweat.
“Touch up! They’re sweating!” Someone shouted.
“Do I make you sweat princess?” Bill growled.
“No.” I squeaked.
He firmly pulled me against him and when he felt me stiffen up, he chuckled mischievously.
I moaned sexually, causing him to sputter and cough a bit. I turned around grinning ear to ear. “Don’t start no stuff, won’t be no stuff.” I said playfully. I normally am not so confident, but his semi inappropriate behavior and the way he looked at me made me feel strange. Good strange I was pretty sure. He didn’t break our eye contact for far longer than was polite, before taking some hair and tucking it behind my ear tenderly.
“Bill stop giving this poor girl goosebumps! My Lord! And I’m not sure if you guys are aware of how obvious a moment you guys are having in front of all these people. One of them being your crazy girlfriend Bill.” He said as he touched us up. “I mean you’re both some of the most attractive people I’ve ever seen so I can’t blame either one of you, but thought I’d let you know.”
“It’s not me, its all the people staring at how gorgeous she is,” Bill scoffed.
“I doubt your girlfriend likes how you’re looking at her either. Normally I’d stay out of it, but you’re good people Bill, and I keeps it real with my people.”
“I told her it’s over, didn’t you hear us a few minutes ago?” He sneered. He winked and walked away.
“What a weird guy,” I mused aloud.
“Gorgeous though right? Every girl that meets him wants to fuck him but he’s always had a girlfriend. I’ve seen them fight a few times, but today is the first time he’s ever yelled. They’re Swedish so I don’t think they yell very often. ”
“I just got out of a terrible relationship yesterday so I feel his pain.”
“I’ve worked with him for years and have never seen him give anyone a second glance and yet today he can’t take his eyes off you.” He smirked.
“I’ve destroyed my lungs proficiently, she looks perfect, if you could just give me the once over, we can be done before lunch.” Bill said as he walked towards us. He plopped down in the chair beside me and squeezed my hand. “Please forgive my behavior up until now. It’s been a stressful day and flirting has never been my strong suit.”
I looked at him and he appeared to be sincere. I smiled weakly and told him I hadn’t even thought he’d been out of line. He’d put some space in between us when we returned to shooting, and was exceedingly respectful and careful. One of The last shots, they wanted me to be on my knees in front of him, reaching my hands up looking to the side, putting my face right against his crotch.
“I apologize in advance,” he drawled. At first I was confused why he was apologizing, but it became all too clear, the longer my face was pressed to his growing bulge. He shifted uncomfortably, and looked down at me as tho he was in pain. I mouthed the words ‘it’s ok’ and smiled up at him and that seemed to help him a great deal, although not so far as tame his prominent erection. I was actually firmly pressing my face against it now, to save him the embarrassment of his issue, and assuring we don’t have to stretch this out longer than needed. I’m sure It was all very artistic looking but it was hard not to laugh at how not artistic it felt. I looked to Randi, she was smiling with two thumbs up, blissfully unaware that I was battling Bills dick.
“Okay! The final shot is going to be her standing facing Bill but twisting her upper body away, facing the other way, while Bill I need you to press your body into hers with one hand at her chin with your thumb on her lower lip. Her eyes are closed and yours are fierce Bill. Determined but not angry.”
I felt my face heat up as we tried to do as we were instructed. This was all too much, I couldn’t help but giggle. I apologized and tried to look sexy again.
“No smiling honey. You’re a desirable sex goddess, and he wants you, but you know you shouldn’t.” The translator instructed passionately.
“It’s not too much of a stretch,” Bill said quietly so only I could hear. I felt my face flush and blush at the same time, if that’s even possible.
I heard that mischievous chuckle again, and it took all I had in me, not to knee him in his gut. I refused to look at him though. I don’t think I could handle it anyway. Far too much man-pretty had his body pressed against mine.
I’m going to kill this guy. I’m not looking.
“Are you ignoring me?” He whispered.
“Ok so then I guess that’s a yes.” He hummed.
He was impossible. I’m trying to maintain bitch face and he’s asking dumb questions and making various sound effects! I must say tho, for just having a pretty public break up, he was in a good mood.
When it finally was over, and Bill and I set off to change our clothes and get some make up off, I was surprised to see they’d all left already. The make up I was wearing felt more like ear paint, and soap and water wasn’t having too much of an effect on it.
“You look so helpless, can I help you?” I turned to see Bill standing there looking at me like I was pitiful. “I have make up remover pads.”
“Oh my goodness thank you!” I smiled. “You’re my hero.”
“Can I?” He asked, referencing using the pads on my face.
“Sure.” I said, eventhough I wasn’t sure why he wanted to do it. He was so gentle, I closed my eyes and waited till I was sure he was done. Europeans have way different personal boundaries than Americans, so this was probably normal.
“What’s your name?”
“What’s that short for?”
“Nothing. That’s my whole name.”
“Me too! I mean my name is Bill obviously but people always think it’s short for something but nope.” He chuckled. “You didn’t really even need any face make up. Your skin is flawless.i left your eye make up on but it looks pretty epic.”
I opened my eyes and we locked eyes for a moment, but Randi came bounding in the room, causing Bill to leap away from me. Randi didn’t appear to notice tho, as Andy and a few other people came in too.
“Everyone ready to eat. I insist that everyone let me buy them lunch at Morton’s.” Andy said.
Randi grabbed my hand and mouthed if I was ok, wiggling her eyebrows suggestively. Ok maybe she had picked up on something. I looked at her like she was crazy, and avoided looking in Bills direction again.
“Let’s go eat! I’m famished!” I said.
“You girls are coming? Yay!” Andy said enthusiastically. “Most models aren’t big fans of food.”
“She eats whatever she wants and doesn’t go to the salon or have any work done. Just keep her fed and she’s beautiful and sweet. Try to starve her and she’s the definition of hangry.” Randi teased.
I laughed till my face hurt as she told everyone about a party in highschool where everyone brought their own booze, but I brought a gallon of milk and a pound of Oreos and actually finished them. Late that evening, everyone wanted Jack in the Box and since I was the only sober person, I got nominated to drive. It was pretty uneventful, until I turned to get everyone’s money and they were all nude. Randi did a perfect imitation of my total over reaction. Thank god she left out the part about me crying. I really thought we were going to get arrested and they refused to put their clothes back on, so I thought any minute I’d hear sirens. Luckily the drive thru people thought it was hilarious too.
We all made our way out to where everyone was parked, and found Bills girlfriend waiting there. As we pulled out, I looked back in time to see Bill march past her, climb in his car, leaving her standing alone in the parking lot yelling something after him.
“Did you see that? What’s their deal?” I asked Randi.
“Who?” She asked me.
“Bill and I guess that’s his ex-girlfriend or I don’t know...”
I look at Randi and she’s looking at me funny, “Are you crazy? You need a nice guy, he’s like foreign and he’s a celebrity. And I know you, you’re not a rebound type and both of you have no business looking at each other like you were.”
“Oh my gosh! I’m not even asking like that. Last thing I want is a guy!” I sulked. “Was it that obvious?”
“Mmmhmm.” She smiled knowingly.
“He’s around beautiful women all the time and probably has 9 million fan girls. It’s not like he’s gonna follow me in the bathroom or something.”
Randi looks at me doubtfully.
“Don’t look at me like that! If he does, I’ll kick him.”
“I’m kidding. Actors only go for girls that throw themselves at their feet. Their egos don’t allow the risk of rejection.”
“Perfect. I hate feet.”
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