#juro x reader
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frickingnerd · 1 year ago
watching kaiju movies with juro
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pairing: juro kurabe x gn!reader
summary: juro watches a kaiju movie, while you watch juro...
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you couldn't keep your eyes off juro. 
the boy you liked was currently explaining the plot to one of the kaiju movies he had picked out to show you today, talking over the tv, so that you couldn't even hear what was happening in the movie. but you couldn't even focus on the movie, as juro had captured your full attention. 
seeing his face light up as he talked about his favorite movies and seeing him wave around his hands as he tried to explain what was happening in the movie just made you stare at him, smiling softly, as you felt yourself falling even harder for the boy that had already stolen your heart…
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cncowitcher · 6 months ago
puta que pariu enzo vogrincic 😳😳😳😳😳😳😖😖😞😫😫😫🫦🫦🫦🫦 PUTA QUE PARIU ENZO VOGRINCIC 😨😰😭😭😭😭😭
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bnecaz · 7 months ago
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I need to finish this
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ghostreaderwazaa · 5 months ago
Scenes that describe the despair and sadness of seeing Chisaki crying in her last appearance:
I think many of us know the Fairy Oddparents cartoon, but there is an episode that I especially like because of one scene.
"Chip's teeth" in a part where Chip is interviewed, he tries to communicate even without having teeth, and the interviewer interprets it as there is a child in a well and says he is going to save him.
Exactly that would be me. I put the dialogue that is in Latin Spanish, but I imagine that the dialogue in English is similar (I think).
-"What?! A child in a well?! I will take the child out of the well!"
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On the other hand, I would put the Godfather scene, where Vito sees the body of his son:
-"Look how they massacred my boy..." :"(
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yoonstaxr · 4 months ago
Hello you guys, voltei😆 quem aí se lembra de mim?
Espero mesmo que nenhuma das minhas amiguitas daqui tenham se esquecido de mim ou saído da comunidade. Vou tentar me redimir pelo tempo que passei inativa e ir escrevendo algumas coisas e voltar a interagir com o pessoal daqui
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madame-fear · 7 months ago
Justo ayer estaba necesitando un buen fic (cofcofsmutcofcof) de Blas y hoy me levanto con esta notificación— ¿¡ERES BRUJA!? 🤭😍💗
Madre mía PERO QUE BUENO QUE ES ESTE SMUT, TE JURO QUE ME HE QUEDADO SIN PALABRAS Y SIN ALIENTO!! No puedo evitar decirlo, pero que delicioso es este smut... Me encantan los chicos insaciables, no puedo negarlo. Esto ya lo debo haber leído como 2 o 3 veces JAJAJSJD ufff 🤤 🙏
¿Simplemente? ¡El smut de Blas más perfecto que he leído! Me has dado años de vida con esto AAAAAAAAAA <333
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Calmar tu sed
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No tenía pensado escribir nada más hasta que acabase los exámenes pero anoche esta idea vino a mi cabeza y no pude contenerme, voy a suspender. Espero que tanto el anon que me lo pidió como las demás lo disfruteis ;)
💕Blas Polidori x f!reader
❤️‍🔥+18 sexo explícito, sleep kink, blas es insaciable, masturbación
Tu diferencia de edad con Blas no era tanta, o era eso lo que te querías decir a ti misma. Y en realidad no era tanta, técnicamente.
Pero las diferencias a ciertas edades, especialmente entre hombres y mujeres se hacían más evidentes.
Al fin y al cabo, Blas estaba en el principio de sus veintes, y tú ya los habías terminado.
Teníais una relación muy sana en la que él era bastante maduro y tú estabas embelesada por su dulzura y en ocasiones torpeza.
No eras ninguna desconectada de la realidad. Sabías perfectamente que tu novio veinteañero aprovechaba prácticamente siempre que tu salieses de casa para... Pasarlo bien a solas.
No era ningún secreto, a veces aún está acalorado cuando llegas. Diablos, hasta a veces aún está su portátil sobre el sofá, (y sabias que cuando lo usaba para trabajar o responder emails siempre lo ponía encima de la mesa). No era algo que te molestara para nada, pero no podías dejar de sentirte algo culpable.
Sabías perfectamente que el hecho de que alguien se masturbase no tiene nada que ver con que no desee a su pareja o que no se encuentre satisfecha. Simplemente Blas tenía 22 años y sus hormonas seguían en plena efervescencia.
La cosa es que tú tenias un trabajo muy cansado y, más veces de las que te gustaría llegabas a casa en un estado lamentable que solo te permitía ducharte, cenar un bowl de cereales y meterte en la cama totalmente derrotada.
Era más que probable que Blas te dejase dormir por empatía y no por falta de ganas de fiesta.
Pero eso no podía ser. Vale que no siempre sería posible, pero te prometiste a ti misma que serías más atenta en ese sentido para que vuestra relación fuera lo mejor posible.
Esa misma mañana, al poco de despertaros tu mano serpenteó por debajo de las sábanas, y, sin mucho preámbulo comenzaste a masturbarlo.
Fue demasiado fácil que Blas entrara en el mood, ya que, como la mayoria de los hombres de su edad se despertaba con una erección dia sí día también.
-Pero nena... Qué bien te despertaste... -suspiró
-Si, mi amor -dijiste con tono meloso- es que la vi tan dura que te tenía que ayudar... -al decir esto aumentase el ritmo de tu mano
-Ah... Sí, carajo...!
Conocías perfectamente sus puntos débiles, así que decidiste usar tus conocimientos para impresionarle. Mientras le masturbabas, empezaste a lamer su cuello presionando con tu lengua y haciéndole cosquillas con la punta.
-Ah! Pará! Me voy a veni-...! - A Blas no le dio tiempo de acabar la frase cuando acabó sobre su abdomen y su pecho- uffff.... Pero qué bicho te picó amor? -dijo incrédulo mientras te daba un beso en la frente y se levantaba para limpiarse.
-Ninguno, ��no puedo mimar a mi novio?
-por mi sí, preciosa, pero ahora te tengo que devolver el favor, dijo dirigiéndote una mirada traviesa desde la puerta del baño de vuestro dormitorio.
- me encantaría, pero me tengo que ir a trabajar dijiste con pena.
- Ah... Un día voy a matar a tu jefe para que te den el día libre - bromeó él.
- Pero en serio cariño, quiero que no te contengas cuando tengas ganas... De estar conmigo. -le habías acompañado al baño y te sentaste mientras el comenzaba a ducharse.
Al decir esto, el asomó la cabeza para mirarte
- ¿Lo sabés? – preguntó divertido.
- ¿Qué cosa?
- Lo mucho que me contengo y lo que tengo que “descontenerme” cuando vos no estás… - oías el agua corriendo y podías ver como tu novio se duchaba a través de la cortina semitransparente.
Semejante confesión te hizo sentir calor en las mejillas.
- Si sé, y me parece bien – aclaraste.
- Pero te prefiero a ti, lo sabés, ¿no?
- Hombre, eso espero…- te reíste.
- Entonces la próxima vez voy a por ti, ¿es eso?
- Eso es, quiero q- antes de que terminases la frase miraste la hora en la pantalla de tu móvil y tus ojos se abrieron como platos, llegabas terriblemente tarde – me voy volando cariño, te veo a la noche, ¡chau! – dicho esto le diste un breve beso en su carita mojada y saliste corriendo hacia tu oficina.
Esa noche a Blas se le alargó terriblemente la jornada de modelaje y después de terminar había ido a tomar unas cervezas con sus compañeros y su manager. Cuando llegó a casa tú ya estabas profundamente dormida en vuestra cama. Te contempló durante un momento, estabas tumbada sobre tu costado, acurrucada a su almohada, con un pijama de verano que dejaba ver gran parte de tus muslos, y tus pechos estaban a punto de escaparse de la fina camiseta de tirantes. No podías estar más preciosa. Blas notaba su erección formarse mientras se aflojaba la corbata y se quitaba los zapatos con cuidado de no hacer ruido. Una de tus manos se apoyaba en tu labio inferior. Tu boca entreabierta le estaba conduciendo a la locura.
Cuando se quedó en ropa interior, que era como solía dormir, tu novio se tumbó suavemente en la cama detrás de ti.
No fue hasta que comenzó a acariciar tu cadera que notaste su presencia, sin embargo, te encontrabas tan cansada que simplemente sonreíste levemente.
Su nariz estaba rozando tu pelo, estabas segura de que el aroma de tu champú estaba llenando sus fosas nasales volviéndolo loco. Sus brazos rodeándote y atrayéndote hacia sí mismo.
- Está dormidita esta muñeca… - susurró dejando claro que sabía que no era cierto. Decidiste seguir el juego y fingir seguir dormida – qué pena…
Sus caderas se adaptaron a la curva de tu culo, encajando su erección apenas contenida por la tela de su bóxer entre tus nalgas, moviéndose suavemente, como si de verdad no quisiera despertarte.
- Cariño…exhaló su aliento caliente sobre tu nuca, erizando tu piel. Él por su parte notaba perfectamente que la humedad que sentía en la punta de su miembro no era solo suya – cariño… -susurró en tu oído- tengo ganas, preciosa… ¿Puedo, mami?
Tuviste que morder fuertemente tu labio para no dejar salir un gemido al oír ese apodo por el que te llamaba cuando estaba realmente desesperado.
- Me lo voy a tomar como un sí.
Aunque no le podías ver, reconocías el sonido de sus movimientos y, sobre todo, el suspiro de alivio que soltó. Se había bajado la ropa interior y había hecho lo mismo con tus pantaloncitos cortos. Su punta estaba apoyada en una de tus nalgas, terriblemente caliente y mojada, mientras que, con su mano libre, la que no estaba acariciando tu pecho, ya libre de tu camiseta, hacía a un lado tus braguitas.
Su pulgar dibujo la línea de tu entrada, recogiendo tu excitación y haciéndole suspirar. No podías esperar a que colocase su pija en tu entrada. Por suerte, no te hizo esperar.
Entro lentamente en tu interior, viéndose asfixiado por tu estrechez y soltando el aire por la boca junto con un largo gemido en bajo.
Tú te estabas tapando la boca con todas tus fuerzas para no gemir. Era mucho más excitante continuar con el juego.
- Ay, muñeca, qué ganas tenía de estar aquí dentro tuya… no podía esperar a mañana…si no me hubieras dicho eso esta mañana me habría hecho una paja en la ducha, porque no puedo dormir con vos a mi lado tan preciosa…- dio una estocada más profunda- y no tocarme o cogerte…
Blas continuó un rato follándote de costado mientras susurraba todas las cosas sucias que normalmente no te diría, pero ahora estabas dormida ¿no?
- Sabés…eres mi gatita, y te tengo que dar mi leche todos los días, para que no pases hambre y no se me acumule… pobre gatita -gimió.
Por desgracia no pudiste más y te moviste para acelerar el ritmo de sus estocadas dolorosamente lentas y dejaste escapar un gemido agudo y muy alto.
- Blaaaaas…!!
- ¿Eh? ¿Pero la gatita estaba despierta? ¡No lo puedo creer, qué sucia…!
El fin del juego sólo significaba una cosa, sus movimientos lentos y moderados también se habían acabado. En un visto y no visto te dio la vuelta con sus grandes manos dejándote boca abajo en el colchón, se posicionó detrás de ti y tiró de tus caderas para hacerte estar a cuatro.
- Menos mal que despertó mi nena, ya la quería oír gritar…
Y vaya si te oyó gritar, te escuchó él y probablemente todo el edificio, ya que al ser verano las ventanas de vuestro piso y las de vuestros vecinos se hallaban abiertas de par en par para combatir el calor.
En esa posición notabas aún más los centímetros con los que tu novio había sido bendecido, de una forma casi dolorosa, al entrar una y otra vez en ti con brutalidad.
- Sos un puto adolescente, todo el día con la pija dura -dijiste sin poder parar de gemir.
- ¡Es culpa tuya de estar tan buena, carajo! Y encima me decís esas cosas esta mañana, y me hacés tremenda paja antes de irte a trabajar… no se vale nena.
Sabías perfectamente que mañana tendrías las marcas de sus dedos tatuadas en tus caderas, pero poco te importaba. Notabas tu orgasmo aproximarse, lo cual te obligó a cerrar los ojos con fuerza. Le hiciste un gesto con la mano sin girarte. Aunque él ya había notado por la estrechez de tu interior lo que le querías decir: Sigue con el mismo ritmo y en la misma posición o te asesino.
Él te obedeció y te agarro de ambas manos, dejándote solo sobre tus rodillas y con la espalda arqueada para poder recibir su cogida. No pasó ni un minuto cuando tu clímax llegó arrasando, haciéndote gritar y aprisionando el miembro de él de la manera más deliciosa. Esto último provocó lo inevitable.
- Me voy a venir preciosa, ¿puedo…?
No hacía falta que te dijera lo que quería, y tú también lo querías, así que, como respuesta, lanzaste tus brazos hacia atrás agarrándote a sus hombros.
Ahora fue su turno de llenar el aire con sus gritos, mucho más profundos y roncos que los tuyos, ahogando el sonido del ventilador de vuestro techo.
Blas era de los que cuando te llenaban, te llenaban. Todo su líquido caliente salía disparado manchando tus paredes de blanco, haciéndote saber todo lo que te había extrañado ese día.
Cuando lograsteis recuperar el aliento fuisteis a asearos al baño que estaba junto a vuestro cuarto. Todas las marcas que os habíais hecho mutuamente, y vuestro cabello desordenado ahora se reflejaba en el espejito bañándoos con luz fluorescente.
- Mañana nos levantamos más temprano para que nos dé tiempo, ¿ta? – dijo secándose con tu toalla.
Dios mío, ¿en qué te habías metido?
tags: @madame-fear @llorented @deepinsideyourbeing @andyrubei @loveinsprings @iamjustadoll @daniboosblog
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pinkhelados · 11 months ago
miguel x wife!reader 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。
includes: fem!reader, latina!reader, miggle being a simp, p in v sex, praise kink, very slight dacryphilia, not edited! Criticism is welcome!
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Miguel swore to you that he’s never make you cry. “Te lo juro, mi alma. Te hare la mujer más feliz del universo. No sentirás tristeza cuando estes en mis brazos.” He remembered saying and he meant it, what kind of a man would make a woman as beautiful as you cry? Miguel was a man of his word, after all.
Well, until now.
Miguel found himself balls deep in your pussy with his talons digging into the fat of your hips. He didn’t want to hurt you, but he just couldn’t help himself when your weeping cunt tightened around his girthy cock like a vice. “Fuck,” He groaned. “Eres- eres tan bonita,” Miguel said with each thrust. His chocolate rown hues stared lovingly into your pretty eyes. Those same pretty eyes that had fat tears of pleasure rolling down your skin as he pushed his dick further into your creamy pussy. “Too good, it’s too good,” You hiccuped. More tears dribbled down your cheeks which were quickly kissed away by your tender husband.
“Good, pretty girl,” You heard him grunt, his thrusts becoming sloppily. He was trying so hard not to cream inside that little cunt of yours. The same man who swore to you on your wedding night that he’d never want to see you weep was getting off on your tears. “Look at your pretty pussy, nena. It’s sucking me in,” He said between breaths, mesmerized by the sticky strings of arousal connecting you every time his hips pulled back. How could you be so pretty? “My wife, my perfect wife. I love you, baby.” Miguel was babbling and his head was churning out thoughts by the second. He could only focus on making you cum.
Slap, slap, slap.
“Miguel! Miguel! Mmngh~!” Saliva dripped down your chin and more gloopy tears spilled from your gorgeous eyes. Each thrust was a kiss to your sweetspot, pussy dripping sweet nectar which left a ring around the base on Miguel’s cock. “Te amo, cariño,” You squealed just as the knot in your tummy tightened as well as your legs around his waist. You were close, and Miguel would stop at nothing until he felt your cunt flutter around him. Despite drilling into your hole, his eyes were soft as he brushed your hair away from your eyes. He was drenched in passion with sweat sticking to his tan skin.
“M’ gonna cum~ C-Can’t hold it,” You whispered and you saw a switch in your husband flip.
Miguel’s talons retreated into his fingers and with strenght, he flipped you over on your stomach and went haywire. Kneading your ass, he whimpered as he chased so desperately after the pleasure. “Close- Cum- cum with me! Nena~” His plush lips fell open and his load filled your womb just as your own sticky fluids ran down the skin of your thighs. Your soaked pussy fluttered and a loud call of his name rang out. “Oh..oh god.”
Spent, Miguel flipped over next to you with labored breaths. His strong arms came around your waist and pulled you on top of his chest. “Miggy,” you purred and kissed his lips. The dim room lighting glinted of the glossy skin of your lover and you swore that your heartbeat had become impossibly fast. The two lovers panted heavily in each other’s arms, waiting for their energy to return so that they could do at all over again.
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jaquemuses · 11 months ago
𝜗𝜚⊹ ‧₊˚ excuses
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pairing: actor!enzo x actress!r
sinopsis: Enzo y vos estan teniendo dificultades para filmar una de las escenas en su nueva pelicula, por lo que una noche se aparece en tu puerta con la excusa de practicar.
contenido: SMUT !! insultos, thigh-riding, creampie, p en v, sexo sin condon, diferencia de edad (reader 22 y enzo 34), mirror sex, un poquito de breeding kink, reader es un poco innocente (kinda) smut con plot
word count: 5.3k me re inspire sepan disculpar
a/n: holis !! primero que nada PERDON por tardar tanto, soy bastante perfeccionista y cada vez que decia que iba a subir el fic no me convencia como quedaba, pero me parece que ahora esta bastante decente, espero que les guste, me inspire en tres reqs que me mandaron asi que muchas gracias, sigan mandando !!!
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"¡No, no, no, corten!" El director grito repetidamente, su creciente irritación coloreaba su voz por completo. "Chicos... Ya se los dije antes, pero..."
Te restregaste la cara con un suspiro, levantandote del regazo de Enzo, quien se masajeaba el puente de la nariz en una clara seña de agotamiento. "No veo chispa... no veo-"
"No veo pasión", terminaste la oracion de tu director, quien asintió con seriedad. Era la quinceava vez que estaban intentando repetir esta escena ese dia, el cansancio se hacia presente en el set, sin embargo todo el equipo seguia ahi, inalterable, esperando a que el director diera las ordenes para poder retirarse a descansar ya que, despues de todo, eran casi las doce de la noche.
"Les juro que esto es igual de agotador para mí como para ustedes.", continuó el con el guión entre las manos. "Necesito que quede bien. Simplemente imaginense que esta escena es la culminación de seis meses de espera entre los personajes. Seis meses de tabú, de tensión sexual implacable. Nada más que miradas en clase y breves caricias... se supone que estan al borde de la locura el uno por el otro, feroces el uno por el otro. Pero aca solo veo nervios e inexperiencia... Ustedes son profesionales, les pido por favor que se concentren... Cuanto antes se suelten mas rapido vamos a terminar."
Enzo y vos estaban rodando la primera escena de sexo de una película que relataba la enfermiza y prohibida relación amorosa entre una alumna de 18 años y su profesor quien era mucho mayor que ella. Bueno, no exactamente filmando —ya que no estaban llegando muy lejos con la escena.
Esto era dificil para los dos, simplemente no podían complacer a su director.
El papel ya de por si era increíblemente agotador, incluso sin contar el estrés extra de la escena de sexo: eran jornadas de rodaje de 15 horas, viviendo en el set en una ciudad lejos de tu casa, y la mitad de esas horas se dedicaban a filmar o practicar esta misma escena, tener a un director perfeccionista que se creia la reencarnacion de Kubrick no era facil.
El problema de la escena era su extensa duracion, y el director quería que se hiciera en una sola toma.
una. sola. toma.
Daniel era un director brillante, y tenía un amor incondicional por este proyecto y sus personajes que desearías que todos los directores tuvieran por el suyo, pero él era inflexible en que todo sea hecho a la perfección ya que en varias reuniones previas al rodaje hablo sobre como esta escena estaba destinada a ser la mas "icónica" de toda la película, porque era el quid de la cuestion, el punto de inflexion para los personajes, el punto de no retorno.
"Con todo respeto, Daniel..." empezaste "nunca me habia imaginado en un escenario así, y tampoco tengo experiencia en este tipo de situaciones. ¿A que te referis con que nos falta pasion?"
"Ese es tu trabajo: imaginar e interpretar". El director exigió. Obviamente frustrado con la situacion.
Justo antes de que pudieras retrucarlo, Enzo intervino con suavidad. "Creo que lo que ella quiere decir", dijo, viendo las venas de la frente del director casi por estallar "es que es difícil actuar porque no es una situacion que se viva cotidianamente. Es fácil actuar enamorado porque amor hay por todas partes, ¿no? Pero aca no tenemos mucho en lo que basarnos mas que en lo que podemos llegar a imaginarnos."
La mirada del director se turnaba rápidamente entre vos y enzo por un momento antes de suspirar cansado.
"Me vas a decir que nunca pensaste en alguien mas grande de esta manera?" te insistió, obviamente bromeando y tratando de aligerar el ambiente en el set.
Hiciste una pausa, y trataste de no mirar a Enzo, tu co-protagonista de unos treinta y tantos años.
Enzo habia sido casteado no solo por su impecable actuación sino que tambien por lo absolutamente precioso que era.
Su personaje era enfermizo y asqueroso, por eso sabias que el haberlo elegido a él era una decision calculada y previamente analizada. Querian que el publico bajara la guardia ante su belleza para poder darle un plot twist y que la inmoralidad del personaje los tomara por sorpresa mas tarde.
Estaba destinado a ser visto como un hombre encantador, guapo, totalmente fuera de los límites. El objeto de deseo completamente prohibido, la línea que tu personaje estaba desesperada por cruzar.
No era muy distinto en la vida real; la joven actriz inexperta que anhelaba pasar por alto las reglas sociales y expresar con total sinceridad su admiración por el actor de mediana edad con años de experiencia a sus espaldas.
No estabas enamorada ni nada, pero te deleitabas ante su presencia, despues de todo Enzo era todo lo contrario a su personaje; el mayor era paciente, amable y completamente comprensivo con tu falta de experiencia en el ambito cinematográfico, siempre te guiaba durante el rodaje y te daba tips para sobrevivir a un rodaje. Eran cosas basicas, tales como cuando podias quitarte el maquillaje y el vestuario o como pedir ciertas cosas en set y lenguaje especifico, todas las cosas que a él le hubiera gustado que alguien le diga cuando estaba empezando.
Siempre estaban esos tiempos libres en donde compartian risas sinceras y conversaciones tontas que nunca esperabas de un hombre tan imponente como Enzo, conversaciones en donde sus manos ásperas apenas rozaban tu cintura y su mirada recorria con atencion tu rostro y tu cuerpo, en donde su voz sonaba sensual y provocativa a pesar de que nada vulgar salia de su boca.
Enzo hacía que tus interiores palpitaran, con anticipacion especialmente cuando llegaba la hora de rodar las escenas más íntimas, y solo podías aferrarte a la fantasía de que él sintiera lo mismo.
Todavia te acordabas de la primera escena que hicieron juntos: en la película, sus personajes se encontraban después de clase para conversar sobre un examen desaprobado, el punto en donde comenzaria su atracción del uno por el otro. Enzo estaba presionado contra tu espalda, inclinándose sobre vos para mirar con insistencia el examen, con una de sus grandes manos agarrando tu hombro. El aire se sentía cargado, su cuerpo cálido, su voz baja haciéndote sentir mareada mientras recitaba sus líneas.
Te estremeciste al recordar el momento, y, volviendo a la realidad, respondiste a la pregunta del director con un enérgico asentimiento de cabeza.
El director soltó una risa ‐forzada- y golpeó suavemente el guion contra la palma de su mano. "Bien. Bueno, les parece si cortamos por hoy. Aprovechen este tiempo extra para imaginar, investigar, cualquier cosa, e intenten practicar la escena antes de mañana, ¿Si? La práctica hace al maestro."
Enzo y vos asintieron al unísono, intercambiándose una mirada que gritaba "que vamos a hacer?" antes de apartar la vista mutuamente y regresar a sus caravanas.
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Más tarde esa noche, estabas preparándote para irte a dormir, quitándote el pelo recién lavado de la toalla mientras veias el guión reposando sobre tu cama, la luz tenue te invitaba a relajarte, sin embargo un golpe en la puerta del trailer te saco del trance.
"Ahí va!!," exclamaste, mientras te ponías tus shorts de seda. Te percataste rapidamente de lo incómodo que podría ser ser vista en esos pijamas si el director o alguno de tus compañeros actores estaba detras de esa puerta, pero estabas demasiado cansada como para preocuparte.
Te importó, si, pero sin embargo, en vez de cambiarte cruzaste tus brazos de manera que estos estuvieran cubriendo tu pecho, el cual se encontraba ligeramente descubierto. Fue entonces cuando abriste la puerta y ahi, en los escalones, estaba tu compañero de reparto, Enzo.
Antes de hablar, te examinó de arriba a abajo, con sus oscuros ojos brillando detrás de un par de lentes de descanso, los cuales eran desconocidos para vos, no pudiste evitar pensar en lo lindos que le quedaban. "Uh, disculpame chiquita, ¿Te estabas por ir a dormir?" preguntó por lo bajo, su voz se escuchaba mas grave de lo normal. Ese tipo de apodos eran normales viniendo de Enzo, sin embargo hizo que tu piel se erizara, ¿O habia sido el frio aire del exterior? Sí, probablemente era eso.
Su mirada se paseo por tu cuerpo y se detuvo en la piel desnuda de tus piernas por unos segundos más, te moviste incómodamente, cruzando los tobillos en un intento pobre de esconderte. "Si... son casi las tres de la mañana En... ¿Pasó algo?" preguntaste con un tono un poco agresivo, un poco mas de lo que pretendías ser.
"Si ya se, disculpame", se corrigió, sacudiendo la cabeza y finalmente mirándote a los ojos. "Quería pasar antes... me quede pensando porque sé que esta escena nos está desconcertando, así que..." se interrumpió, levantando el guion que sostenía detrás de su espalda. "¿Estas muy cansada como para practicar un poco? Sino mañana temprano, no hay problema." Parpadeaste rápidamente ante la simple e inocente solicitud. Enzo estaba parado en tu puerta a las tres de la mañana preguntandote si podian ensayar. Solo un ensayo, no alguna travesura lasciva de última hora de las que te estabas imaginando. "Ah... sí, obvio, pasá que está frio.", asentiste entumecida, apartándote para dejarlo entrar.
Enzo asintio en forma de agradecimiento y te regalo una sonrisa, una vez dentro de la caravana se instaló en el borde de tu tocador, mirandote mientras cerrabas la puerta y te volteabas en su direccion. Se veia casual, tenia puestos unos joggings grises holgados y una camiseta blanca ajustada y desgastada.
Ya estaba todo predefinido en el guión, cada palabra que tenias que decir y cada acción que tenias que hacer, pero aún así. Decir y hacer cosas de esa índole después de las horas de trabajo parecia formar parte de una de tus fsntasias con el mayor. Sin embargo, te obligaste a despavilarte internamente -por segunda vez en menos de dos minutos-. Enzo había venido a ensayar la escena con intenciones profesionales y probablemente solo lo había hecho porque estaba cansado de que arruinaras la escena, despues de todo el podía hacer su parte magistralmente, y sabías que si hubiera estado acompañado por una actriz más experimentada, la filmación habría avanzado hace ya mucho tiempo. Caminaste temblorosamente hacia tu cama, acomodándote sentada como indiecito en la misma mientras lo veías hojear el guion; enzo levantó la vista y frunció el ceño con una sonrisa. "¿Qué estás haciendo ahí? Vení para aca", te indicó que te acercaras, casi como una orden sin embargo salil de su boca con amabilidad. "No tenemos un escritorio, así que podemos usar tu tocador. ¿Te parece?" Asentiste, mordiéndote el labio y obedeciendo nerviosamente a sus palabras. "¿Entonces, arrancamos desde el principio?" preguntaste, sintiendo de repente como tu voz y tus piernas se sentian débiles.
Sus ojos seguían fijos en el papel mientras respondía. "No, no creo que haga falta. La parte del sexo es lo único con lo que estamos teniendo problemas, ¿No?" Tragaste saliva, tu garganta estaba repentinamente seca.
"Sí, supongo que sí."
Con eso, Enzo termino de darle un último vistazo al guion antes de sumergirse en la escena.
Sus acciones ya eran familiares para vos ya que habian estado intentando filmar esta escena todos los días durante al menos tres dias. Su cuerpo se volvió hacia el tuyo, sus manos subieron a tu mandíbula y presionaron tu espalda ligeramente sobre la mesa. Te abrazó fuertemente y te hizo mirarlo, mientras recitaba sus líneas. Torpemente, hiciste lo mismo, recordando mal lo que necesitabas decir. "La puta madre, perdón, me puse nerviosa." dijiste de repente, apartándote de su contacto y suspirando. Él te dio una pequeña y cuidadosa sonrisa, rompiendo inmediatamente el personaje y dando un paso atrás del tocador. "No hay necesidad de ponerse nerviosa. La práctica hace al maestro, ¿te acordas?" Te burlaste de su cita al director.
"Sí, ya se... Es que no entiendo a qué se refiere con apasionado. Estoy tratando de ser una profesional al respecto, pero - pero nunca fui parte en una historia de amor de este tipo, me cuesta imaginarmelo..."
"No es muy raro igual viniendo de vos, es normal. Sos muy joven todavia, nena. Demasiado buena para este tipo de cosas... ¿No?" dijo, su mano subiendo a tu hombro, donde el tirante de tu pijama de seda se había resbalado, acariciándolo suavemente. Prácticamente te derretiste ante el apodo y cómo las yemas de sus dedos rozaban tu piel. Estabas tan cautivada que casi gemiste cuando se detuvo y levantó tu tirante caído, pero en cambio, tomaste en silencio el guion que se había caído sobre la mesa y encontraste una de las líneas, inhalando profundamente y preparándote para entrar en personaje.
Tu mano subió para tirar de la manga de la camisa de Enzo, según lo dictaba el guion. "Por favor", susurraste con la voz aguda de tu personaje, "Quiero que me toques."
"No, esto está mal... Soy tu profesor y..." respondió Enzo, rápidamente volviendo al personaje, el dorso de su mano rozando tu mejilla. "No te quiero romper el corazon."
Miraste a Enzo, las lagrimas nublaban tu vista, tal como lo indicaba el guión. "Por favor. Te necesito." Despues, una de tus temblorosas manos bajó por el pecho de Enzo mientras hablabas, tal como lo hacías en el set. "Pienso en vos todas las noches... Me mojé tanto el día que me regañaste enfrente de todos."
Escuchaste cómo a Enzo se le entrecortaba la respiracion.
No, Enzo no, su personaje, te recordaste a vos misma.
"Ay nena... Yo pienso en vos todos los dias, en clase, en mi casa...", gruñó despues de decir sus lineas.
Hasta ahora, todo bien, pensaste. No era incómodo y ya estaba siendo mucho mejor que las actuaciones mediocres que habías dado anteriormente. Continuaste inclinándote hacia Enzo, haciéndo que se siente en el tocador, esta era la parte de la escena a la que habían llegado antes de que el director les dijera que cortaran.
Esta vez, sin embargo, las acciones de Enzo difirieron de las que se suponía que tenia que realizar: en lugar de acariciar tu rostro, sus dedos bajaron por tus caderas, enviando escalofríos por tu espina dorsal.
"Te prometo que me voy a portar bien... Nunca le voy a contar a nadie...", recitaste, sintiendo calor en la cara mientras su mano se acercaba más a la curva de tu trasero. "Podes hacer lo que quieras conmigo".
La mirada de Enzo se oscureció recorriendo tus rasgos. No dijo su línea, y pensaste que se había perdido, por lo que retiraste tus manos de su cuerpo preocupada. "¿Enzo estás bien?"
Antes de que pudieras terminar tu oración, Enzo te agarró por el culo, cambiando sus lugares y colocándote en el borde del tocador.
"¡Enzo!" chillaste, era lo único que podías decir mientras procesabas lo que acababa de suceder. Tu mente divagaba en confusión - y anticipación - mientras él estaba de pie enfrente tuyo, con las piernas presionando a ambos lados de tus rodillas, su gran cuerpo atrapándote contra el tocador.
"Shh... un poquito de improvisacion nunca mató a nadie." musito en voz baja con su característico acento antes de que un guiño pícaro se dibujara en sus rasgos afilados.
Su mano luego acarició tu cabello, mientras que su otra mano subió a tu barbilla y te hizo mirar hacia arriba. "¿Todo lo que yo quiera?" murmuró, volviendo al guion.
Batiste las pestañas coquetamente. "Todo. Soy tuya".
Aca es donde pensabas que Enzo se detendría, porque después de tu línea venían los besos, los toques y las caricias intensas: todas las cosas que hasta ahora no habías filmado en absoluto, porque ni siquiera podías pronunciar el diálogo correctamente.
Pero en cambio, se inclinó y comenzó a besar vorazmente tu cuello, haciéndote jadear.
"¿Qué haces?"
"Seguime", exigió suavemente, "es todo parte de la escena, ¿te acordas?"
Parpadeaste aturdida, abriendo y cerrando la boca, incapaz de registrar un pensamiento o palabra coherente. Dijo que era parte de la escena, pero habías leído el guion, y sus dientes mordiendo ligeramente tu sensible piel no estaba escrito en ninguna parte.
Pero, te tragaste tus pensamientos y recitaste varias líneas más junto con las suyas. Sentias como su otra mano sostenia tu muslo tan fuerte que pensaste que podría dejar moretones, pars este entonces ya empezabas a creer que tal vez esto era una de esos sueños que tenias sobre el mayor, solo producto de tu imaginación.
Estabas siguiendo el guion, tal como él había dicho que harian, pero incluso así, era evidente lo sencillo que podria ser rendirte ante sus besos, después de todo, apenas te estabas reprimiendo para no entregarte por completo. Pero ¿cómo resistirse, con su hermoso rostro a escasos centímetros del tuyo? esa era la verdadera pregunta.
Actuando o no, estabas decidida a disfrutar cada minuto de esto.
Cuando una de sus manos comenzo a jugar con la cintura de tus diminutos shorts y sus labios succionaron levemente a piel de tu cuello -justo en ese punto-, no pudiste evitar el gemido que salió de tu boca.
Sin embargo, el ruido pareció asustarlo; lo sacudió, lo devolvió a la realidad, y tus sospechas se confirmaron cuando se apartó bruscamente de vos.
"Dios, perdon nena..." una mueca cubrió sus rasgos, mirándote de arriba abajo como si acabara de darse cuenta de lo que estaba haciendo. "No sé qué me pasó, yo... no tendria que haber venido tan tarde, perdón."
Lo miraste, tu cuerpo decepcionado por la falta de contacto, observándolo presionar sus labios rosados en una mueca conflictiva. "¿Qué - qué queres decir?"
Su mirada recorrió cada rasgo tuyo, tan intensamente que pensaste que estaba admirando tu rostro. "No puedo, no podemos. Sos mi compañera, sos... sos mas chica que yo y..."
"Entonces podemos parar. Si eso es lo que queres", murmuraste coqueta, levantando la mano para quitar un pequeño hilo de su delgada camisa. "Pero solo si lo decis, decime que no queres que esto siga." dijiste, peligrosamente cerca de sus labios.
Gruñó, mordiéndose el labio. "No me hagas esto. Por favor sabes que no puedo"
"Hacerte qué?" Inclinaste la cabeza hacia un lado mirandolo con ojos grandes, fingiendo inocencia.
"Provocarme asi, nena. Porque sabes que no te voy a decir que pares. Y porque lo haces sabiendo que no voy a poder controlarme", gruñó antes de darte un beso profundo y desesperado, bajandote del tocador y bajando los besos por tu pecho.
"Entonces no me lo pidas En." gemiste enredando tus dedos en su cabello, siguiendo cada movimiento suyo, derritiendote bajo su toque dominante. "Y cogeme de una vez."
Enzo jadeaba entre besos. "Decis todas esas cosas con esa boquita tan bonita... No sabes como me calentas."
Tus manos recorrían todo su cuerpo, te detuviste en el borde de su camiseta, levantando esta para quitarsela, Enzo se separo y se deshizo de la prenda el mismo. Estabas desesperada por sentirlo. Y él tenía pensamientos similares, sus largos dedos se sumergieron en tus pantalones de seda y acariciaron tu intimidad por encima de la tela de tu ropa interior.
"Te necesito tanto, Enzo", jadeaste, y, despues de escuchar tus palabras, te quito desesperadamente los shorts y las bragas, haciéndote estremecer ante la repentina exposicion.
Acto seguido, se sentó en la silla de tu tocador y te agarró bruscamente por las caderas para colocarte sobre uno de sus muslos. La gruesa tela de sus pantalones de jogging, absorbiendo tu humedad como una esponja.
"Dale entonces", exigió sombríamente, "Mostrame cuánto me necesitas y movete".
Te mordiste el labio, la cara ardiendo de vergüenza ante la orden. Pero había una necesidad dolorosa en tu centro, y la forma en la que cruzó los brazos, mirando y esperando a que te frotaras en su pierna, hizo que te apretaras contra su muslo.
Tus manos se aferraron a sus hombros, y comenzaste a mover tus caderas de adelante hacia atras lentamente, la suave tela de sus pantalones haciendo mal trabajo para complacerte, apretaste tu cara contra su hombro, molesta por la falta de fricción.
"No puedo yo sola", te quejaste, "por favor".
Él sonrió socarrón. "Dijiste que me necesitabas y ahora no te podes ni mover? Mira que vende humo que sos, hermosa.". Entonces, de repente movio su pierna hacia arriba haciendo que un gritito saliera de tu boca.
No habia nada que necesitaras mas que enzo adentro tuyo, pero ahi estabas, frotandote pateticamente en su muslo hasta que el te permitiera hacer otra cosa. Obedeciste con resignacion, comenzando a establecer un ritmo constante en tus caderas aumentando el calor en tu interior clavando tus uñas en sus hombros, buscando algo que sea tu cable a tierra ante el placer que te estabas inflingiendo.
Tus caderas se movian vigorosamente contra el muslo del mayor cada vez más fuerte, cada vez de una forma más necesitada, sintiendo la presión en tu coño crecer cada vez mas y más haciendo que te muevas desenfrenada.
"Enzo por favor... por favor te lo pido" hiciste una pausa al sentir una de las manos del mayor posicionarse en tu mejilla, acariciandola lentamente. "No puedo mas... te necesito adentro."
¿Te estas escuchando chiquita?" Preguntó, uno de sus dedos tomo tu barbilla, inclinandola hacia arriba para que lo miraras, acto seguido metio dos dedos dentro de tu boca abruptamente.
"¿Te das cuenta de lo necesitada que te escuchas? ¿De lo duro que me pone saber que estas asi... solo por mi y que todavia no te haya tocado ni un pelo?"
Asentiste extasiada mientras pasabas tu lengua por al rededor de sus gruesos dedos, pero en realidad no estabas prestando atención: estabas cerca de tu orgasmo a tan solo unos segundos de liberarte de toda esa presion en tu estomago que te estaba volviendo loca, tus caderas desincronizadas, buscando el alivio... "Basta."
Escuchaste la voz de Enzo cargada de deseo mientras posicionaba su otra mano en tus caderas, deteniendo la fricción. Lloriqueaste ante la perdida de tu climax, era casi como si te lo hiciera a proposito. El pelinegro se levanto y te giró, manteniendote presionada a su cuerpo con una mano en tu cintura y la otra todavia empujando sus dedos dentro de tu boca, quedaron de tal manera que tu cuerpo estaba mirando hacia el espejo de tu tocador, la vista de ambos siendo reflejada ante tus ojos, sin embargo no pudiste prestar mucha atencion a eso. La mirada de enzo bajo hacia sus pantalones, viendo la mancha que habias dejado en la zona del muslo "Mira como me enchastraste los pantalones, ¿Mh?" Musitó contra tu oido.
No respondiste, o mas bien no pudiste responder, ahora tus muslos estaban siendo presionados entre si, buscando la mas minima fricción entre ellos mientras te mordias el labio en un intento de ocultar los quejidos necesitados que amenazaban con salir de tus labios hinchados.
Él se dio cuenta de esto, sin embargo, en vez de hacer algo solamente sonrió y rápidamente presiono tu estomago contra la mesa que yacia enfrente de ambos, sus dedos salieron de tu boca y sostuvieron tu cara, obligandote a mirarte al espejo por primera vez desde que habias salido de la ducha, tus ojos estaban entreabiertos pero tus pupilas se encontraban dilatadas, tus labios rosados y humedos por la saliva, tu ceño ligeramente fruncido.
Te veias absolutamente destrozada, fue entonces cuando sentiste cómo Enzo alineaba la gruesa punta de su polla contra tu entrada, el momento en el que se deshizo de sus pantalones habia sido algo que te habia pasado desapercibido al estar tan absorta en tu expresion siendo reflejada en el espejo. Cerraste los ojos con anticipacion.
Y de repente, tomaste plena conciencia de la situación: te habías entregado por completo a tu compañero de reparto, quien era 12 años mas grande. Y ahora él sabía que no eras solo una talentosa aspirante a actriz, sino simplemente una chica desesperada y rogando por ser follada.
"Ey, ey, ey, no" dijo rapidamente, "abri los ojos y acordate de tus expresiones. Te va a servir para la escena". Gemiste sin poder evitarlo, obedenciendo a sus ordenes y abriendo los ojos mientras él introducía lentamente su miembro entre tus pliegues.
"E-En, Dios!", exclamaste cuando finalmente se adentró por completo. Te sentías tan llena, tus paredes estirandose hasta el límite para poder tomar su polla tan profundo que sus testículos rozaban tu clítoris.
"Dios, chiquita... Mira lo mojadita que estas, me vas a matar", comentó casi sin aliento desde atras, su expresion mlstraba lo extasiado que se sentia. Tus jugos facilitaban su entrada rápida, aunque su miembro seguía siendo una intrusión ajena para tu inexperiencia íntima. Eras joven y nunca habías sido del tipo de estar cogiendo por ahi- o al menos no tan intensamente como ahora.
Te contrajiste alrededor suyo, un gemido escapando de su boca debido a la presión en su miembro. Enzo comenzo a empujarse adentro tuyo con un ritmo moderado, haciendo que tu cuerpo presionado contra la mesa se moviera de adelante hacia atras, el tocador rechinaba ante la abrupta sacudida y tus labios se separaron ligeramente para dejar salir un dulce gemido.
Habías estado enfocada en su rostro en el espejo, te encantaba ver su ceño fruncido, como su cabello se pegaba a su frente, producto de su traspiracion, su boca levemente abierta, y como sus cachetes se volvian cada vez mas colorados, sin embargo la mano de enzo se enredó en tu cabello tomandote de sorpresa, agarrando un puñado y levantando tu cabeza para hacer que tu atencion vuelva a tu cara. "Te dije que te mires, nena" dijo con seguridad mientras sus caderas chocaban contra tu culo haciendo que la caravana se inunde en ese sonido acompañado de tus gemidos. "Mirate y aprende como tenes que actuar ante la cámara."
Su otra mano se posicionó en tus caderas, apretandola con fuerza mientras sus embestidas se volvian cada vez mas erraticas.
En cualquier otra situacion ya hubieras objetado por el repentino cambio de velocidad ya que apenas habías tenido tiempo para acostumbrarte a su largo miembro. Sin embargo, tu calentura era aún más intensa que antes, si eso era posible.
Tu boca estaba entreabierta, tu lengua afuera y estabas jadeando y gimiendo como si fueras un perro; tus ojos se ponian en blanco con cada fuerte embestida, y habia saliva cayendo por tu barbilla, sentias como Enzo te sacudía contra el pobre tocador y como estimulaba cada parte dentro tuyo. Los sonidos que emitías no hacían nada más que aumentar tu vergüenza, eran gemidos ininteligibles y quejidos necesitados, jamas pensaste en mostrarte asi adelante de un hombre, pero el simple hecho de ver lo grande que era a comparación de tu cuerpo y como te podia manejar a su antojo te excitaba de sobremanera.
Y sin duda los doce años de diferencia formaban parte de esa excitacion.
"¿Hace cuanto que necesitabas que te cogiera asi? ¿Te pensas que no me daba cuenta de lo desesperada que estabas? cuando te presionabas contra mi mientras filmabamos y como tus manos tocaban de mas... No perdias el tiempo vos tampoco preciosa.", se burló.
"Desde siempre En..."susurraste, con entusiasmo, apenas capaz de comprender lo que estabas haciendo con el placer que te envolvía y nublaba tus sentidos. "Dios me cojes ta-tan bien... No pares por dios que rico" Tu espalda se arqueaba hacia él, tus paredes tomaban su miembro con desesperacion experimentando un extasis casi desgarrador con cada embestida. Tus gemidos eran cada vez mas incoherentes, cada vez mas fuertes.
"Dios, mirate como gritas por mi, chiquita... ¿Queres que te coja y que mañana todos se enteren de lo desesperada que estas por mi pija? Mirate, mirate lo patetica que te ves, te encanta que te coja fuerte ¿O no?", murmuró, inclinándose para dar un beso en tu mejilla; dulce y encantador, una clara contradicción con sus embestidas freneticas y las palabras degradantes.
Gimiste ante sus palabras, pero sabías que eran ciertas: nunca te habías visto siendo penetrada ya que estabas ocupada, bueno, siendo penetrada. Ver tu reflejo en el espejo de esta manera te tenía inesperadamente más excitada que antes. Había algo en ello, tu rostro contorsionándose del placer, las manos de Enzo serpenteando por tu cuerpo mientras seguía embistiendote desde atras.
Era como ver tu propia pelicula porno, pensaste de pasada, y te preguntaste como seria grabaras a vos misma. Y si tenias suerte, con enzo.
Su otra mano se deslizó hacia tu coño, separando tus pliegues para poder ver cómo su miembro desaparecia en tu interiores. "Por dios mira como me tomas... Viviría adentro tuyo", gruñó, inclinando la cabeza hacia atrás, entregándose al placer.
El orgasmo que sentias venir no era como el que tuviste al restregarte contra su muslo, no, venía más rápido, haciéndote temblar debajo de su gran cuerpo.
"Enzo... más rápido" exclamaste "m-más fuerte",
"Por favor", rogaste sin muchas esperanzas de una respuesta, "dale, Enzo, p-por favor". lloriqueaste ante su indiferencia.
Sin embargo y para tu sorpresa, ambas manos agarraron tus caderas para mantenerse firme. "Mira lo necesitada que estas, bebé", gruñó, empujándose más profundo y rápido, sintiendo cómo las paredes de tu cavidad se adaptaban a su nuevo ritmo. "Llorando por que te de mas fuerte, ¿Mh? ¿Asi te gusta? ¿Queres que te coja hasta dejarte sin poder caminar?"
Con esas palabras, tu climax llegó tan rápido como un tren de carga, golpeándote y sacudiendote, haciéndote gritar su nombre. Tu orgasmo te destrozó, tu visión se volvió blanca y tus pensamientos se pararon por completo. Apenas distinguiste el suave murmullo de Enzo, diciendo "Muy bien chiquita, aca estoy... tranquila" en tu oído, sosteniendote con sus fuertes brazos, evitando que te cayeras.
Cuando volviste en sí, tenías la cabeza baja, los ojos desorbitados y los labios hinchados. Enzo seguía moviéndose adentro tuyo, pero esta vez sus estocadas eran más entrecortadas, inestables y necesitadas.
"Acabame adentro", rogaste de repente, agarrándote de la superficie, tus piernas temblando, tu voz debil de tanto gritar.
"¿Si? ¿Queres que te llene to-toda?", titubeo entre gemidos, dando una última embestida antes de correrse en tu interior, podias sentir su miembro latiendo adentro tuyo. Estaba tan adentro que podías sentir cómo su semen entraba directamente en tu cuello uterino, no estabas preocupada, despues de todo estabas tomando anticonceptivas.
Pero tampoco te molestaria si no fuera asi.
Después de un momento, retiró su miembro, de tu coño y te alzó por la cintura para colocarte en el tocador y evitar que cayeras al suelo.
"Gracias", susurraste, mirándolo a través de tus pestañas. Luego mordiste tu labio al sentir como su semilla se deslizaba lentamente fuera de tu coño.
Él también se percató, y soltando un gemido satisfecho, abrio ligeramente tus piernas para recoger parte de su semen con el dedo, empujándolo nuevamente dentro de tu coño. "Te portaste tan bien, chiquita", dijo, volviendo a ser tierno, acariciando tu cabello, mimando tu frágil figura y mirandote profundamente.
Te derretiste ante sus delicadas acciones. "¿Es un buen momento para decir que me gustas?"
Enzo se rió con ternura. "Es un buen momento, si. Y vos también me gustas."
"Pero dijiste que era muy joven" le recordaste, pasando tu mano por su cabello ligeramente transpirado
Él suspiró, desviando la mirada nerviosamente por un momento antes de regresar a vos "Sí, porque es verdad, pero si a vos no te va a molestar verme con un baston en un par de años lo podemos hacer funcionar...", se encogió los hombros, reprimiendo una sonrisa.
No pudiste evitar la risa que broto desde lo mas profundo de tu pecho ante sus palabras tan fantasiosas y alejadas de la realidad "Ah, bueno no voy a tener mucho problema con eso, mientras que te sigan funcionando las caderas" dijiste con una sonrisa socarrona.
Antes de que pudiera terminar de abrir la boca para decir algun otro chiste malo, tus brazos se envolvieron al rededor de su cuello y lo empujaste hacia vos, uniendolos en un suave beso.
"Me gustas de gustar, en serio..." le dijiste en un susurro, mirandolo a los ojos con sinceridad, Enzo no podia creer lo brillantes que se veia tu mirada.
Sus manos se acercaron a tu rostro, sosteniéndote suavemente, su mirada demostrando todo su aprecio "Ya se, bebé, a mi tambien me gustas de gustar". Dijo con suavidad antes de presionar un pequeño beso en tu frente.
"¡Corten!" exclamó el director, y sentiste cómo tu corazón se detenia. Mierda, pensaste, con la mente acelerada, ¿qué salió mal esta vez? ¿Fue el beso o las manos en el pelo? Capaz no le gusto la forma en la que estaban encuadrados...
Sin embargo, el director se acercó a Enzo y a vos y soltó un grito de deleite para nada característico de su persona. "Perfecto", dijo simplemente, bordeando lo catatónico por lo satisfecho que estaba.
Tus hombros se relajaron con alivio, y te inclinaste hacia Enzo, quien sutilmente acariciaba tus muslos. "¿Ya terminamos?" preguntaste, sin aliento de la emoción.
El director asintió. "Fue increible, eléctrico, necesitado y apasionado, muy, muy apasionado", continuó con un suspiro, juntando las manos con fuerza. "Ustedes dos son de los actores más increíbles con los que he trabajado; tienen un talento asombroso, fueron tan convincentes que por un momento pense que realmente habian mantenido relaciones sexuales". dijo seguido de una carcajada
Sonreíste con satisfacción ante sus palabras, pero no sin echarle un vistazo a Enzo, compartiendo una mirada complice tratando de mantener tu expresión contenta y neutral, y no delatarte al recordar los eventos de la otra noche.
Mientras el director divagaba sobre la obra maestra que sería la película, Enzo te siguió fuera del set, murmurando bajito en tu oído, "Al final la práctica sí hace al maestro".
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adrienneleclerc · 6 months ago
That’s Not My Name
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: Y/N decides to prank her boyfriend by not calling him by his nicknames
Warning: spelling and grammatical errors
A/N: I haven’t posted Charles Leclerc content in a while and I’m SORRY, i am working on them, te lo juro juradito por las haditas.
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Y/N was cooking dinner while Charles was working on a new song, gotta love his side quests. While she was cooking, she was on FaceTime with her friend, Vivian.
“Viv, I’m not gonna do that.” Y/N said.
“You should! My boyfriend freaked the fuck out when I called him by his government name.” Vivian replied.
“He’s gonna get all sad and I can’t handle that.” Y/N said.
“But it will be so funny. Besides, I think he deserves it after calling you Romina, don’t you think?” Vivian asked.
“But that was so long ago, and I don’t think I should be pulling pranks like this after what happened in the triple header.” Y/N said.
“Do it, do it, do it.” Vivian said
“Always the instigator.” Y/N said.
“Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please..” Vivian begged.
“Alright! Are you sure you weren’t the youngest child?” Y/N asked.
“Haha, I’ll call you later, tell me how it went.” Vivian hung up and Y/N charged her phone. She drained some of the past water but not all of it, mixed in the eggs and Parmesan cheese mix into the pot, added pancetta and pepper, and fettuccini carbonara was finished.
“Charles, dinner is ready!” Y/N yelled. Charles stopped playing piano and had a very confused look on his face. He did not move. “Charles, I made carbonara!” Y/N yelled but charles didn’t move so she went to him and saw his face. “Quita esa cara de tonto and come eat.” Wipe that dumb look off your face
“You called me Charles.” Charles said.
“Well duh, that’s your name, now please come into the kitchen to get your pasta before it gets cold and I eat without you.” Y/N says, walking back into the kitchen. Charles got up to follow her. Y/N served herself the carbonara and served some for charles, both walked into the dining room to sit. Y/N served herself soda and gave charles water.
“Did I do something?” Charles asked.
“No, why do you ask, Charles?” Y/N asked, eating the pasta. “Ugh, I love carbonara.”
“Because you keep calling me Charles!” Charles exclaimed.
“Because that’s your given name! Your name is Charles Marc Hervé Perceval Leclerc, which is such a pretentious name might I add, but it does suit you.” Y/N said, drinking some soda.
“Are you mad at me or something? How come you’re not calling me muñeco?” Charles asked with a pout.
“I Don’t know, did you do something to make me mad?” Y/N asked.
“I didn’t do anything.” Charles replied.
“Then I am not mad. Now drop it and eat, you love pasta.” Y/N said. They continued to eat in silence. Y/N then served herself more pasta because reheated carbonara is not good at all. Once both have finished eating, they put their plates in the sink.
“Is it because I don’t help around the house?” Charles asked, breaking the silence.
“Charles…” Y/N said exasperatedly.
“I’ll wash the dishes, Mon coeur.” Charles said, kissing her cheek.
“Thank you, Charles.” Y/N said. She went to the couch and when Charles finished the dishes, he sat next to Y/N. “What do you want to watch, Charles?”
“That’s not my name, Mon coeur.” Charles whined and Y/N laughed.
“What do you mean that’s not your name? Your name is Charles. It’s not like I’m calling you Eugene or something.” Y/N commented and that’s when it clicked for Charles.
“Is this because I pranked you?” Charles asked incredulously
“Yes it is, muñeco.” Y/N said and Charles hugged Y/N.
“You called me muñeco again. I thought I really did something.” Charles said.
“No, you didn’t do anything, Viv convinced me to pull this prank.” Y/N said,
“Your friend Vivian? Remind me to cancel her Prada order.” Charles said and Y/N laughed.
“Oh come on, mi vida, that’s for her birthday.” Y/N said.
“Then she won’t get a Christmas gift.” Charles said.
“Fair,” Y/N said, kissing Charles and they’ve chosen to watch Gossip Girl.
The End
Hope y’all liked it! Sorry for the lack of Charles content, I was busy posting for Lando, Logan, and Oscar if you ever want to read those, Masterlist for them coming soon!
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kenacoki · 4 months ago
Playing With Fire
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//Pairing// Eddie Diaz x Fem!Reader
//Summary// You and Eddie have never gotten along ever since you’ve joined the 118. When the two of you are forced to quarantine together after a sudden exposure to a possible virus while on a call, there’s only so much that can happen.
//Request// Smut prompts #1, #7, #12, #14, and #15
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//Word Count// 6.86k
//Warnings// MDNI (18+), smut (p in v), dirty talk
//Dividers// sister-lucifer
//a/n// This is my first time ever writing smut! If you guys have any constructive criticism feel free to let me know :)
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It was another early start at work. The fire station was rather peaceful during these hours; a few members were just waking up after late-night calls, and a few others were just finishing up breakfast.
As you arrive and head up to the loft, you can just barely make out the figure of a person hunched over in a chair at the kitchen island.
Eddie Goddamn Diaz.
He was half-sleep in his seat, slumped over on one arm and sipping on a quickly cooling cup of coffee, his eyelids half closed.
He didn't notice your approaching steps into the room for a few seconds, only stirring into consciousness upon hearing you get closer. Quickly jerking into a more awake state, he turns his head to look at you as you enter the kitchen.
"Oh, it's you." He mumbles.
His voice was low and rough from the early hour as he spoke, his eyes still partly closed and the look on his groggy face suggested he hadn't even registered his words properly. He yawned and took another small sip from his cup, before looking at you again.
"What time is it?" He asked in his half-conscious state.
“Time for you to go back to sleep,” you grumble, turning on the coffee maker and popping in a (f/f) coffee pod. “God knows you need all the beauty sleep you can get.”
Eddie lets out a low scoff as he hears your words, slowly turning his head to look at you. His brown eyes were half-open still, but he had mustered enough energy to form an annoyed expression.
"Haha, very funny." He responded dryly. "Maybe you should worry about your own face before commenting on mine."
Eddie takes another weary sip from his coffee, now eyeing you from across the kitchen as you get your drink ready.
It's been like this for several months now between you two, constantly butting heads and getting into small arguments at every opportunity. Everyone at the station has gotten fed up with the constant fighting by this point, especially considering both of you have to work so closely on calls.
But despite this, there was a part of both of you that actually enjoyed the arguing.
Each time you argued, something in the back of both of your minds enjoyed it. The tension between you both heightened with each heated exchange, and the adrenaline it brought felt almost...
He knew exactly how to push your buttons, and you knew how to get under his skin just as easily. It was almost a game to you both; to see who would snap first and give in.
But each time, nothing ever happened. The tension would rise and rise until someone was there to break up the argument, and both of you would be left to stew in the tension until the next time it happened.
It was like an endless cycle. You both knew the other's weaknesses and kept throwing little jabs at each other any chance you got.
“You know, sometimes I wonder if you were born an asshole, or if someone just hurt you so bad that—”
“Oh, here we go.” Eddie quickly cuts you off with a scoff, not letting you finish your jab at him. “I was wondering how long it would take you to start with your insults.”
He shifts in his seat, his muscles tensing just slightly in annoyance, "Can't you keep your mouth shut for more than two seconds?" Eddie retorted, an edge to his voice.
"And miss the chance to piss you off? Never." You spit with a smirk, leaning against the counter as you watch Eddie's tired expression.
Eddie lets out an exasperated sigh, running a hand over his face tiredly as he grumbles softly.
"Te juro que no eras tan atractiva—” He grumbles, the irritation building up inside him.
“I literally have no idea what you’re saying, so that literally affects me none.”
Eddie’s eye twitches as he hears your response, his annoyance shifting into anger.
His grip on his coffee cup tightens, clearly trying with all his might not to lose his temper. It’s probably a miracle that he hasn’t thrown it at you yet.
The tension in the room is almost tangible, both of you on the verge of another argument, even despite Eddie’s tired state.
“I swear to god,” He starts, his voice growing harsher. “If you don’t shut your mouth, I’m gonna—“
“Is it even possible for you both to not argue for once in your lives?”
You both jump in surprise to find Chimney standing at the top of the loft stairs, a mix of amusement and irritation on his face.
He crosses his arms and leans against the railing of the loft, eyes flickering between the both of you.
“It’s not even 8 a.m. and yet, and you two are already arguing like an old married couple.” He jokingly teases, a knowing smirk on his face.
Eddie’s eyes harden at Chimney’s words, while you can’t help but scoff at the comment.
“We are not a married couple.” Eddie retorts immediately, while you respond simultaneously.
“Yeah, to be married couples actually have to like each other.”
Chimney just chuckles and shakes his head, “Could’ve fooled me.” He pushes himself off the railing and walks further on into the kitchen, moving towards the coffee machine.
You stand there stewing about chimneys comment when the alarm on the side of the station wall starts ringing.
“Medic Unit needed…unconscious woman at Jameson Park.”
Chimney grins as he pours his coffee, “You two are handing the ambulance today—Bobby’s orders, not mine.”
You and Eddie share a look, “Looks like our shift just got started.” He mutters under his breath.
His tired demeanor quickly fades as he starts to move out of his seat, setting his now empty coffee cup on the counter.
The two of you quickly make your way down the loft stairs to the main floor of the station, Chimney watching the both of you leave.
“Please don’t kill each other before anyone’s been rescued!” He calls out to you both jokingly.
Eddie just rolls his eyes, not even bothering to respond to Chimney. The two of you climb into the ambulance, you hop in the passenger seat as Eddie starts it up. Swiftly pulling out of the station and driving towards the park.
The drive to Jameson Park is done mostly in silence, with both of you far too focused on getting to the scene to start getting snappy with each other. You can feel the remaining tension from your earlier argument bubbling beneath the surface, threatening to boil over at any moment though.
After a few minutes, the familiar area of the park comes into view. Eddie turns off the road and down into the park, the ambulance soon pulling up to the scene.
You immediately jump out, rushing over while Eddie quickly trails behind.
A small crowd of people gathered around a young woman sitting on a nearby park bench. She is sitting slumped over, looking dazed and confused.
Both of you quickly set to work, Eddie kneeling down in front of the woman to check her over while you start asking questions.
“What happened?” You ask the group, trying to get a general idea of the situation.
“We were just walking through the park, and suddenly she collapsed.” A young man in the crowd explains, his voice filled with worry. “She’s been kinda sick for the last few days, like uh a fever and some cramps but that—oh, and red eyes!”
You nod before glancing down at the woman.
“Are her pupils responsive?” You question, squatting down beside Eddie.
He glances at you from the corner of his eye as he checks the woman over
“They’re sluggish,” Eddie mutters, turning his gaze back to the young woman. “Ma’am, can you hear me? Do you know where you are?”
The woman raises her head slowly, her gaze unfocused and confused. She looks around her surroundings, her body swaying slightly as she tries to focus her vision.
Finally, her eyes fall on Eddie, and she looks up at him, her voice rough and raspy as she speaks.
“Huh…w-where I am?”
Eddie’s brow creases together in concern as he continues to check her over. It’s clear that whatever’s wrong with her is serious, and you guys need to act quickly.
“You’re in Jameson Park. You’ve just had a fall.” He responds, his voice firm. “We’re here to help you, alright? What’s her vitals?”
“Fever’s getting pretty bad…” You mutter, checking her temperature. “Blood pressure is through the roof, pupils are fully dilated and she’s struggling to focus. We need to get her to a hospital ASAP.”
Eddie nods in agreement, his expression tense, “Alright, ma’am, we’re going to have to take you to the hospital, all right? We need to get you checked out and taken care of.”
The woman nods slightly in response, her body still swaying as she struggles to stay conscious.
“I, uh, don’t feel very good-” She manages to mutter, her voice slurred and weak.
You two get her safely secured on the stretcher and roll her towards the back of the ambulance.
“I’ll sit back here with her.” You swing the door open, climbing into the back as you carefully pull the stretcher inside.
“Alright, I’ll drive.” He responds with a nod, heading up to the driver’s seat and starting up the engine.
You sit back with the woman on the stretcher, both of you strapped in securely as you watch Eddie begin to drive.
Eddie’s driving is even more focused than usual, weaving through traffic smoothly as he heads to the nearest hospital.
The woman’s breathing starts to become more labored, as both her fever and her heart rate continue to rise. You look up as the IV drips, gently placing the oxygen mask over her face.
“We’re almost there, okay? The doctors will be ready to help you.”
Eddie glances into the rearview mirror, noticing her struggling. He bites his lip, his hands gripping the wheel a little tighter as he focuses on the road.
"How's she holding up back there?"
“How about you just work on getting us to the hospital.” You snip at him, more than a little stressed from the current situation.
Eddie glares back at you through the mirror, an annoyed look on his face at your tone.
"I was just asking a question." He responds, his voice strained. "No need to be bitchy about it."
“I’m not being bitchy.” You retort, gesturing towards the woman on the stretcher. “I’m just a little bit focused on our patient if you can’t tell.”
You huff and return your attention to the woman, the air in the ambulance growing increasingly tense.
Thankfully, you see the hospital come into view through the front windshield. A sigh of relief escapes you.
Eddie pulls up outside the entrance of the Hospital’s ER, quickly getting out of the driver’s seat and pulling the ambulance bay door open.
Together, both of you quickly rush the woman into the emergency room, a team of doctors and nurses instantly descending on her to take her in.
You and Eddie stand a few feet back from the action, watching as the hospital medical team takes the woman in and starts to treat her.
Both of you let out a collective sigh.
Eddie glances at you, his eyes narrowing slightly as he struggles to hold back his comment. "So... you gonna apologize for earlier, or what?"
Surely he isn’t serious right now.
“And why should I?” you retort instantly, turning your gaze to look back at him. “Last time I checked, I didn’t have anything to apologize for.“
A mocking smile on your lips, your hand comes down on his shoulder as you start outside, “Don’t take everything to heart.”
Eddie scoffs, shrugging off your hand, his face hardening. “Are you kidding me right now?”
He steps closer to you, his voice low and pointed. “Why can’t you be professional for once and just answer a goddamn question without being a smartass?”
“Oh, so it's my fault you can't handle a simple answer?” You fire back, taking a step closer to him, your volume increasing. “And why should I be the one who has to be professional when you're always the one making snide jabs”
Eddie lets out a scoff, his eyes narrowing. “Yeah, because you’re always such a goddamn peach to work with.”
He moves even closer, practically towering over you now, irritation clear in his tone. “You’re the one who starts—”
“I am not arguing with you in the emergency bay of a hospital! Just, let’s go.” You storm past him, bumping his shoulder with yours as you climb into the passenger seat.
Eddie stands there for a moment, frustration and agitation written all over his face. He clenches his fists tightly, trying and failing to reign in his anger. After a moment, he lets out a huff and angrily stomps over to the driver's seat.
He gets in with a thud, slamming the door behind him.
The drive back to the station is done in complete silence, with both of you refusing to talk. The tension between you and Eddie is at an all-time high.
Finally, the station comes into view, and Eddie pulls the ambulance back into its space a bit more swiftly than necessary.
Both of you climb out of the ambulance, still refusing to even look at each other. The air between you is electric, full of anger and tension.
As you make your way towards the kitchen loft, you see Buck, Chimney, Hen, and Bobby standing around the island, watching you both with worried looks on their faces.
Bobby steps forward, his face etched with concern, "You two, can I speak with you for a moment?"
His tone is firm, making it clear that this isn’t a request. Both you and Eddie just glare, but neither of you argue, knowing he won’t take no for an answer.
He motions for you both to follow him, leading you to a secluded area away from the others. Both of you silently follow, clearly not wanting to talk but knowing you have no choice.
Bobby turns to face both of you, and his expression is serious, "Listen, I just got a call from the hospital.”
You and Eddie exchange a glance at that. Both of you shift in place, the tension still palpable, but now mixed with a bit of worry as well.
Bobby looks between the two of you, “The woman you brought in…it’s not looking good,” He continues, his voice serious. “They’re doing everything they can, but her condition is critical.”
Both you and Eddie go still at that, the tension in the air being replaced with a sense of worry and regret. Despite your argument, both of you clearly cared about the outcome. Both of you stay silent for a moment, struggling to find the right words.
“The CDC thinks she may have a new strain of Bird Flu.”
Both your eyes widen at that, the gravity of the situation suddenly hitting you full force.
Bird flu?
That’s…that’s a serious, possibly deadly virus.
You glance at Eddie, noticing his expression shift from anger to worry. Both of you stand there in silence, processing the information.
Bobby, noticing your reactions, continues, "The CDC requested blood work to be done on her to bring safe. Until we know for sure, everyone that came into contact with her during that call is going to quarantine as a precaution."
Both you and Eddie nod in understanding, the severity of the situation sinking in even more. If the woman does have Bird Flu, that means you and Eddie were directly exposed.
The tension in the air has shifted, now replaced with an uneasy feeling. Bobby looks between you two, "Until we know for sure what's going on, I need you two to be diligent. Watch for symptoms." He instructs, his voice serious.
“Now, that also means you two will be quarantined here—to minimize the risk of spreading.”
Your heart sinks at that. Being quarantined means being cooped up and separated from the world, unable to do anything except sit and wait. But to make matters worse, now you’re gonna be stuck with Eddie for god knows how long.
You glance at Eddie briefly, noticing the slight look of unease on his face as he registers the same thing.
Bobby continues, noticing your reactions, " I know this isn’t ideal, but this is for everyone's safety."
He pauses for a moment, looking around to make sure the coast is clear, "Listen, I know you two have uh, a complicated relationship. But I need you to set that aside right now." He lowers his voice even further as he says this.
Both you and Eddie shift uncomfortably, knowing exactly what he's referring to. Your argument from earlier is fresh in both of your minds, making the prospect of being stuck together even less appealing.
You nod in understanding, “How long are we going to be quarantined?” You ask, your voice laced with slight irritation.
Bobby winces slightly, knowing that the answer isn't going to be what you want to hear.
"I can't say for sure just yet," he replies, his tone sympathetic. "but hopefully just until the hospital gets her blood results back. I'll keep you both updated as much as I can."
You glance over at Eddie again, only to find his gaze already on you, the same resigned look on his face. He’s just as unhappy about this situation as you are.
“Alright then, come with me. There’s a room set up for you.” Bobby turns and begins to lead the way to the room that’s been prepared for your quarantine.
You and Eddie slowly follow behind Bobby, walking in complete, awkward silence.
As you two arrive at the room, you both give it once over. It’s not much, but it’ll have to do for the time being—
Why the hell is there only one bed?!
Both your and Eddie’s eyes widen as you see the single bed in the room, leaving no other sleeping option.
Bobby winces at your reaction, his hand coming down on your shoulder. “Trust me, kid, I tried to find another solution, but this is all I could manage on short notice.”
You exchange a glance with Eddie, a mix of annoyance and trepidation on both of your faces.
You’ve gotta be joking.
“I know it's not ideal," Bobby says, his voice sympathetic. “But you'll have to make do."
He glances between the two of you, his expression turning a bit more stern. “I don’t want any fighting or arguing in there, you hear me? You two need to get along and work together until this quarantine is up.”
You and Eddie glare at each other for a moment before silently nodding, knowing that you don’t have a choice in the matter.
Bobby gives a satisfied nod, “Alright then, I'll let you two get settled in. I'll come check on you both soon.”
With that, he steps out of the room, closing the door behind him.
The silence is deafening as both of you stand awkwardly on either side of the bed. The only sound is the hum of the air conditioning unit.
Eventually, you speak up, breaking the silence. “Hopefully we’re outta here before either of us get tired.”
Eddie lets out a huff, clearly still irritated about the situation, "Yeah, no kidding." He stands there for a moment, hands on his hips, looking around the small room.
You take a few steps of your own, trying to find something, anything to occupy yourself. You walk over to the window and pull out your phone. While leaning against the cold wall, you aimlessly scroll through your phone to try to pass the time.
Meanwhile, Eddie takes a seat on the edge of the bed, his face still showing his agitation. He’s clearly not happy about the situation either, but he’s restraining himself from saying anything. He rubs his hands over his tired face.
You glance at him out of the corner of your eye, noticing the tension in his shoulders. It's clear that he's fighting to keep his emotions in check, just like you are.
The silence between you both continues to stretch out, the only sound being the soft tapping of your fingers on the screen of your phone.
Tap…tap tap…tap
Tap tap…tap…tap tap
“Oh my God! Do you even realize how loud you’re being?” Eddie spits out
You look up at his sudden outburst, taken slightly aback by his irritation. You hadn’t realized you were being loud with your phone.
“Wow…excuse me, for trying to amuse myself.” You retort back, your annoyance rising. “It’s not my fault there’s nothing to do in this damn room.”
Eddie rolls his eyes at your response, his agitation growing further. “It’s like you’re purposefully trying to piss me off.”
You scoff at that, feeling your own irritation spike. “Did you just hear yourself? You actually sound insane.”
Eddie lets out a bitter laugh, the sound laced with contempt. “I don’t know. You seem to find pleasure in annoying me at every turn.”
“You are one of the most sensitive—” You volley back, your own irritation flaring up.
“Sensitive? That’s rich coming from you.” Eddie shoots back, his voice rising in volume. “You’re the one who’s always losing their temper and lashing out like a child.”
You feel your anger, at least you think it’s anger—to be fair, you can’t really focus on much when Eddie’s looking at you like this—reach a breaking point.
“Speaking of child—don’t you have one you need to call to inform of your condition—or did that just slip your mind.”
Eddie goes still at the mention of Christopher, his expression turning instantly cold. His jaw clenches tightly, a flicker of something unreadable flashing in his eyes.
He stands up in one swift motion, towering over you. “You really want to bring him into this?” His voice is sharp, laced with warning.
“I’m just saying, you have more important priorities than arguing with me.” You click your phone off and set it by the window, giving Eddie your undivided attention.
Eddie’s gaze hardens even further, his eyes like a storm. “I don’t need you telling me how to handle my own goddamn life.”
He takes a step closer to you, his body tense with anger. “You have no idea what it’s like to be me, so don’t you lecture me about talking to my son.”
You don’t even get the chance to speak before he continues, “—And, wha-what gives you the right to tell me what I should do? You’re not my boss, and you’re damn sure not my keeper.” Eddie’s voice is seething now, his anger palpable in the air.
You glare up at him, “I’m not trying to be your damn keeper, Eddie. I’m just pointing out that you need to handle your own life before coming at mine!”
You jab a finger into his chest, pushing him back slightly. “And if you don’t want me ‘poking my nose’ into your life, maybe you should stop being so damn infuriating all the time!”
Eddie’s expression turns cold, his gaze fixated on you. He looks...
“You want me to stop being infuriating?” He steps closer again, forcing you up against the wall. He cages you with his arms, his face just a few inches from yours.
Your heart is racing now, the intensity behind his brown eyes and the close proximity sending you into a frenzy. You’re hyperaware of everything:
The heat of his body…
The strain of his muscles…
The scent of his cologne…
He leans in further, his voice a mere whisper now. “Maybe you should find another way to shut me up.”
You can’t hold back anymore, the tension too high, “I’ll kiss you if that's what it takes to shut you up.”
Eddie goes completely still, the shock of your words washing over him. He stares at you intently, his eyes darkened and searching.
"Do it then." He challenges, his voice low, a mix of warning and need behind his words.
Your heart is racing even faster now, the challenge in his tone sends a thrill through you. You know this is a bad idea, horrible really, it’ll only lead to more trouble, but you can’t bring yourself to care.
You don't wait for him to second guess himself. You surge forward, your own need and desire taking over. You grab him by the collar of his shirt and pull his face down to you. Your lips crash against his in a hungry, urgent kiss.
Eddie gasps in surprise at your sudden attack, but he quickly recovers and returns the kiss with equal fervor. His hands grip your hips, pulling you closer to him, pressing you against the wall.
His mouth moves against yours with a mix of aggression and passion, his tongue slipping between yours to deepen the kiss.
The intensity between you both is like fire, burning up everything in its path. There's no more anger, no more animosity...just pure, unbridled desire.
Eddie's hands roam over your curves, seeking out every inch of skin he can find. You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him even closer, tangling your fingers in his hair.
The kiss turns more frantic, more desperate. Your teeth nip at his bottom lip, and he groans in response, the sound sending heat straight to your core.
His hips press against yours, pinning you fully to the wall. His hands slide under your shirt, fingers tracing your skin.
You shiver at the feel of his calloused fingers against your bare skin. You gasp as his mouth leaves yours to trail down your neck instead, leaving a trail of hot, wet kisses down to your collarbone.
He sucks softly on your pulse point, his teeth gently nipping at the sensitive skin. Your head falls back against the wall, a moan falls from your lips.
His hands continue to roam over your body, exploring every curve and dip. He seems determined to drive you completely crazy, and it's working.
His mouth moves back up your neck to your ear, his breath hot on your skin. “You wanted to shut me up,” he whispers, his voice rough with desire. He nips at your earlobe, causing a wave of pleasure to shoot straight through you.
You whimper in response, your body thrumming with need and desire. “Yo-You’re an a-ass.” You manage to gasp out, desperately trying to maintain some semblance of control.
But it’s a losing battle, you both know it.
“You’ve got quite the mouth on you, ya know? Someone should teach you what to do with it.” Eddie spits out, his fingers tugging at the hem of your shirt.
Your heart races at his words, the implication behind them clear. But your own stubbornness flares up, refusing to give him the upper hand.
You stare up at him, your gaze just as intense as his. “Oh yeah?” You retort, trying to sound defiant. “I’d like to see you try.”
Eddie's eyes darken even further, the challenge in your voice spurring him on.
He grabs the edge of your shirt and yanks it up, pulling it over your head in one quick motion. Your (f/c) laced bra sticks out like a sore thumb to him against your flushed complexion. His eyes roam over your newly exposed skin, appreciation clear in his gaze.
“I’m going to make you eat those words.” Eddie growls, his hands roaming over your exposed skin once again. His touch is everywhere—hot and needy.
He dips his head back down to your neck, his mouth working at your sensitive flesh. He sucks and nips at your skin, leaving behind a trail of marks that will no doubt be visible later.
You gasp and moan under his ministrations, your body responding to his touch with a ferocity that surprises even you. You arch your back, pushing yourself closer to him, wanting-needing more of his touch.
His mouth moves down to your chest, his lips and tongue trailing over your collarbone
He pushes your bra straps off your shoulders, his mouth following the movement of the fabric. His hands cup your breasts, his thumbs brush over your sensitive nipples through the thin fabric.
You let out another gasp, your hands gripping his shoulders tightly as your body trembles under his touch. “E-Eddie,” you gasp
“What happened to that attitude of yours?” Eddie teases in your ear, his voice low and rough. “Where’s that sharp tongue now?”
“Bite me.” You snip at him
“I mean, if you’re offering.”
True to his words, he sinks his teeth into the fleshy skin of your left breast. The sensation shoots right to your core as you gasp out in response. He soothes the bite with his tongue, before moving over and repeating the same action on the other.
His hands continue their exploration of your body, fingers trailing over your sides and hips before toying with the button on your pants.
Your breathing is coming in ragged gasps now, your body on fire under his touch. Every brush of his lips, every bite of his teeth, stoking the flames higher and higher.
He finally undoes the button and pulls your pants down, leaving you in just your underwear. His eyes roam hungrily over your exposed body. “God, you’re beautiful.” He mutters, his voice thick with honesty.
He presses his body against yours, the heat of his skin palpable against your own. You can feel his arousal pressing against you, the evidence of his own desire making your own need even more intense.
“I’m going to make you scream.” He promises, his voice a low, dangerous growl against your ear.
You can’t help but shiver at his words, your mind unable to form a coherent response. Your body is completely at his mercy now, every nerve ending on fire.
He captures your lips in another fierce, desperate kiss. His tongue slides between your lips, tasting and exploring.
He pushes one of his thighs between your legs, applying pressure against your heat. The friction makes you gasp into his mouth, your hips rolling against him involuntarily.
His hands grip your thighs, holding you tight as he continues to kiss you, his mouth moving over your face and neck.
Eddie spins you away from the wall and shoves you down onto the bed, his body following close behind. He towers over you, his eyes dark and intense as he looks down at you.
He reaches back and pulls off his own shirt and pants, revealing the toned muscles and tan skin underneath. He lowers himself down on top of you, his weight pressing you down into the mattress.
You’re completely engulfed in him now. Surrounded by his warmth, his scent, his presence.
His hands roam over your body, his touch is rougher now, less restrained. He grabs your wrists, pinning them to the mattress above your head. His eyes are still dark, his expression filled with complete lust.
“I’m not done with you yet,” he mutters, voice low and dangerous. “Not by a long shot.”
He nips and bites his way down your neck, his tongue tracing the marks he left there. His hands move back down to your hips, his thumbs hooking into the waistband of your underwear.
Eddie looks up at you. “Lift your hips.” He orders, his voice making you shiver.
You obey, lifting your hips as he instructs. He hooks his fingers into your underwear and slowly—achingly slow—pulls them down your legs.
He leans back down, his mouth trailing along your inner thighs. His hands grip your thighs, spreading them apart.
He positions himself between your legs, his eyes locked on yours. “You’re mine,” he growls, his voice rough and possessive as it fans against your soaked center. “All mine.”
Eddie…Eddie dives in like a man who’s been starving.
He attacks you with his mouth, his tongue and lips claiming you with fervor. You cry out, arching your back as the sensation of his mouth causes your eyes to momentarily roll back.
His hands keep your thighs held firmly in place, his grip tight. “Oh god,” you gasp, your hands clenching onto the bed sheets. “Eddie, please! Ah, I can’t—”
“You can,” he mutters against your sensitive flesh. “You will.”
you can’t help but moan deliriously out as his teeth gently nip at your sensitive bud. Your body jerks at the sensation, your hips straining against his grip. “Ed—please. I need—” your voice trembles as you gasp out.
He pushes himself up, his body hovering over yours once again. “Tell me.” He orders. “Tell me what you need.”
You’re breathless, your mind reeling from his assault. You can hardly form a coherent thought, “Y-you,” you gasp out, looking up at him. “I need you. Now, please…please, Eddie…I can’t take it anymore.”
His expression becomes even darker, his eyes almost black with desire. “That’s all I needed to hear,” he growls out.
He moves quickly, pulling off his underwear as he leaves himself exposed to you. It’s not fair really—how it looks like Eddie was carved by Michelangelo himself. You feel your heart flutter in your chest at the sight of him.
He positions himself at your entrance, his eyes locked with yours. “Look at me.” He says, his voice a low command.
You look up at him, your eyes meeting his. His eyes are full of need, of desire, of a primal hunger that makes your body shiver. Not to mention his face is covered with your juices—that’s really, really hot.
“I’ve wanted you for so long. You’ve got no idea.” He mutters, his voice rough with desire. “You drive me crazy, you’re all I can think about. Even when I don’t want to.”
“Oh, fuck me.” You gasp out at Eddie’s admission
You hear him softly chuckle, his light stubble rubbing against your skin, “That’s the plan.”
He looks at you for a moment longer, his eyes dark and intense, before finally lowering his mouth to yours in a hungry kiss.
You respond immediately, your hands clutching at his shoulders as you kiss him back with all the fire and need coursing through your body.
You can feel him press against you, his body strained and tense. He breaks the kiss, resting his forehead against yours.
His breathing is ragged as he looks down at you, “Promise me something.” He mutters, his eyes suddenly serious.
“Anything,” you breathe out, your body thrumming with need. “Just tell me.”
"Promise me you're mine," he growls out, his voice low and rough. "I want you to be mine, and no one else's." He pushes himself against you, his body barely restraining its own need.
You look up at him, your eyes meeting his. You can see the raw emotion in his gaze—
“I’m yours,” you breathe out, your voice shaky. “I’m all yours, Eddie. No one else’s.”
His eyes flash with something that looks a lot like satisfaction at your words. “Good,” he mutters, his voice rough. “Because I didn’t plan on sharing.”
He wastes no time thrusting in, your eyes rolling back in pleasure as your walls flutter around him.
You gasp out at the sudden intrusion, your body arching up against his. “Oh god, Eddie,” you gasp, the pleasure shooting through your body. “Little warning next time.”
Next time…
He lets out a low groan, his own body taut with need. He buries his face in your neck, “You feel so good,” he mutters, his voice low. “Like you were made for me.”
His thrusts are deep and slow, but the need behind them is undeniable. He’s claiming you, marking you as his own, and it only intensifies the pleasure coursing through you.
“You’re mine,” he growls out, his grip on your hips tightening. “You hear me?”
“Yes,” you gasp out, your body quivering beneath him. “Yours, only yours, Eddie! Oh god, don’t stop!”
He doesn’t respond, his focus completely on you and the pleasure coursing through your body. He leans down and captures your mouth in another rough kiss.
His thrusts pick up speed, becoming rougher, harsher.
You moan into his mouth, your hands roaming over his body, before seeking refuge in his soft dark hair. Your body is on fire, your insides clenching and tightening with every movement he makes.
“Eddie! Ah, oh god…I’m gonna—”
“Not yet,” he mutters against your lips. “Not until I say.”
He changes the angle of his thrusts, hitting you in just the right spot. Your body jerks in response, a guttural moan escaping your lips as your hips roll against him. “Oh god, Eddie! Please, I can’t hold on much longer!” You gasp out, your body quivering with need. He looks down at you, his pupils dark and blown.
“A little longer,” he mutters, his voice strained. “I’m close, so close…Me vuelves loco, pero Dios, cuánto te amo.”
You have no relative idea what he said, but ho-ly shit…You think you’d pay money to hear Eddie speak like that again.
“Eddie!” you cry out, your body arching up against his.
He looks down at you, his eyes dark and intense. “Let go,” he growls. “Let go, and say my name.”
You come apart, your body tightening and clenching around him as the pleasure engulfs you. “Eddie, Yes, yes, oh god, Eddie!” You moan out, your words becoming unintelligible as waves of pleasure crash over you. Your body trembles underneath him, your vision going white.
Eddie’s close behind, his body tensing as he follows you over the edge, quickly pulling out and finishing your stomach.
“Ugh, fuck (y/n)…tan perfecto...todo mío.”
For a moment, it’s almost as if you two become one; your bodies, breaths, and heartbeat falling into an almost perfect synchronicity.
“God. you’re so good for me, look at how much you came.”
You lay underneath him, your body trembling and spent. He leans down and presses his forehead against yours, his body still trembling from his own release.
A few moments pass before he speaks, his voice rough. “You okay?” he asks, his eyes searching your face.
“Yeah,” you breathe out, your body still quaking from your climax. “That…that was…”
You can’t continue, your brain is too fried to form a coherent sentence.
He lets out a low chuckle at your response, pushing himself up to look down at you. “I take it I did alright?” he asks, a hint of cocky confidence in his voice.
“Shut up,” you playfully grumble, smacking his chest lightly.
He laughs at your response, his cocky smirk still firmly in place. “Oh come on, give me a little credit. You didn’t seem too disappointed.”
You roll your eyes at his arrogance, but you can’t help the small smile that forms on your lips. “You’re insufferable, you know that?”
Out of the corner of your eye, you see Eddie’s phone light up.
He follows your gaze, his expression becoming a little more serious. “Hold on,” he murmurs, rolling and reaching over to grab his phone off the bedside table.
He looks down at it, his expression becoming even more serious as he reads whatever message he received.
“It’s Bobby.”
“Everything okay?” you ask, sitting up in the bed. The mention of Bobby’s name instantly puts you on alert.
“Yeah, it’s just—” he stops for a moment, his expression unreadable. “The girl we took to the hospital, her blood test came back negative. We’re uh, we’re good to go.”
“Oh…well that’s good, right?” You nervously start, rubbing your hands together anxiously. “We don’t have to stay in here anymore—”
“I just,” he stops abruptly, his brow furrowing in thought. “I don’t wanna go back to how we were.”
Your breath hitches at his words. “What do you mean?” you ask, your voice quiet.
“I mean,” he looks up at you, his eyes dark and serious. “I want this. I want you. I don’t wanna just go back to pretending like nothing happened.”
Your heart leaps in your chest at his words, your (e/c) eyes widening in surprise. “You-you do?”
“I do,” he says, voice firm. “I’m all in. I want you. I don’t wanna keep running or pretending, or whatever the hell we’ve been doing. I wanna be with you, really be with you.”
Your heart clenches at his words, tears pricking at your eyes. “I…me too,” you murmur, your voice thick with emotion. “I want that too. I want to be with you, in every way possible.”
Eddie lets out a sigh, the tension in his body easing slightly at your words. “Good,” he mutters, moving closer to you in the bed. He pulls you into his arms, his hands running soothingly up and down your back.
You lean into his touch, your body relaxing at the feel of his skin against yours. You rest your head on his chest, listening to the steady beat of his heart.
After a moment of comfortable silence, you speak up. “Hey, Eddie?” you murmur, your voice soft.
“Yeah?” he responds, his hand still running soothingly over your back
“You don’t…you don’t think the others heard us…right?”
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frickingnerd · 1 year ago
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim Masterlist
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Juro Kurabe
watching kaiju movies with juro - drabble
Iori Fuyusaka
dating iori fuyusaka - headcanons
Shu Amiguchi
shu amiguchi defending his s/o - headcanons
Yuki Takamiya
yuki takamiya with a sweet s/o - headcanons
Natsuno Minami
natsuno taking you to the future - headcanons
Ei Sekigahara
before the final battle - drabble
Keitaro Miura
keitaro miura crushing on you - headcanons
Nenji Ogata
arguments with nenji ogata - headcanons
Tomi Kisaragi
tomi shutting you up with a kiss - headcanons
Megumi Yakushiji
dating megumi yakushiji - headcanons
Ryoko Shinonome
ryoko shinonome revealing her past to her s/o - headcanons
Takatoshi Hijiyama
hijiyama crushing on you - headcanons
Renya Gouto
dating renya gouto - headcanons
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b14augrana · 4 months ago
You meet Kika for the first time
Kika Nazareth x teen!reader
Part of the Scrubber universe
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GIF credits: @a-lexia11
Warnings: ✖️
A/N: i love kika so much 🥹 her good vibes are off the charts and because of that i really think she’d get on with scrubber well so here’s a blurb of those two
for the sake of my own happiness lucy is still thriving in sunny cataluña.
You sat up rapidly as you heard Aitana speak, and the foam roller slipped out from beneath your leg and rolled away slowly. You looked around curiously, and everyone was spread out yet bunched together as they swarmed the three new additions to the team. You were just barely familiar with Ellie Roebuck from following each other on Instagram and you were more than familiar with Ewa Pajor through your mutual ties with her that existed through Frido and Ingrid. However, the girl that Aitana had beelined to, you hadn’t ever met her or known of her. A hand belonging to Mapi tugged you up from the ground and dragged you along to meet the new transfers, and you happily did so.
“You’ve grown so much from the last time I saw you!” Ewa gushed, smiling fondly at you to which you returned the gesture. The last time you had seen Ewa was during the 2023 Champions League final, when you weren’t a main player in the team but merely a reserve. It was an experience either way and Ewa was right — you had grown, physically and as a player. Throughout your entire little conversations with Ewa and Ellie, you could only think about meeting the unfamiliar one. You slunk away from the conversations with the Englishwoman and the striker before approaching Aitana and the final transfer.
“…miss Benfica a lot, actually, because this is my first time playing away from home,” she said to Aitana, who nodded along understandingly as you spoke, until you appeared by her side and her face lit up.
“Kika, I need to introduce you to (Y/N), mi pequeñita,” Aitana exclaimed, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. You smiled at the woman across from you, who grinned back. “Hola! I’m Kika,” she introduced herself. You already liked her; just the way she spoke and smiled at you gave the impression that she’d fit right into the team, and most importantly, get along with everyone. “I’m (Y/N),” you responded, but before you could continue and say anything else, you were engulfed in a warm hug by the Portuguese woman. It was yet another reason for you to like her, so you gratefully accepted the hug.
“I’ve watched you before, and all I can say is, I’m glad we’re on the same team,” Kika laughed, making your cheeks swell up with a rosy tint. Aitana nodded and squeezed your arm affectionately, “That means you’re already Barça. We feel like that everyday, ask Caroline.” She giggled and looked at Caro standing a little to the side of her, rolling her eyes with a smile.
“I’m alright…” you mumbled, shuffling around nervously with an awkward smile. To this day, you still weren’t the best at compliment-taking — especially from people way better and experienced than you — despite the amount of compliments you received often. It was still insane to you that the likes of Mapi and Irene complimented you on your defending, when they were the ones that deserved all the lauding more than anything.
“You’re more than alright, pequeñita,” Aitana scoffed, nudging you softly, “Te lo juro, Kika, sin ella no tendríamos la tercera Liga de Campeones.”
“Aitana, do you forget that you scored a goal in that final as well?” you laughed, and she shook her head earnestly. “No, and I definitely don’t forget who assisted me,” she responded with a light elbow to your side, which made you laugh even more. Kika joined in on the giggles until it all died down, and you invited them both back to your pre-workout stretches station. There, you three sat down and continued the conversation, until Aitana got up to do a workout with Fridolina and the weighted ball, leaving just you and Kika.
“You came from Benfica, right? Unless I’ve been hearing things,” you asked her, feeling relieved when she nodded. “Yeah, I’ve been there my entire career. It’s been a bit tough, adapting to Spain when I’ve lived in Portugal my whole life, but I love it here. What about you?” she explained.
You placed the foam roller back underneath your legs as you spoke, “I’ve more or less lived in Barna my entire life. I was in France for a couple years but I hated it so I kinda block it out from my memory. It sucked.” Kika laughed at your statement, inciting a smile from you. “Can you speak any French?” she asked, and you shook your head.
“Besides bonjour, au revoir, si vous plait and je suis (Y/N), I’m hopeless. If you ever want lessons, go to Lucy,” you replied, glancing at Lucy before nodding your head in her direction. Kika smiled and looked at Lucy as well, shooting her a charming grin before gazing back at you.
You liked her, a lot. She was nice and easy to get along with, she wasn’t super serious which was a big thing for you and she didn’t baby you any more than the others which was an even bigger thing. Kika was a very smart transfer for the club to have made, and you could see her becoming part of the family very soon. Her being close with Aitana was already a good start to that pursuit, and you knew it wouldn’t be long before the others warmed up to her.
“Are you any good at Catalan?” she asked you, and you hesitated before nodding, “I think so.” She sighed a breath of relief and lunged over to grab her own foam roller, placing it beneath her calf as she spoke, “Good, because I need a teacher for that. I’m not terrible, but I’m definitely not fluent yet. I tried to get Aitana to teach me but she talks too fast, it’s hard to keep up!”
With a lighthearted giggle, you nodded, moving the foam roller from your left leg to your right one. Kika continued rolling her left calf, bracing the floor for leverage and balance as she did so.
“How old are you, (Y/N)? Aita’s told me in the past but I can’t remember at all. You’re around my age, sí? 20, maybe 21 like me,” Kika spoke, shaking her head briefly at her own forgetfulness. You shrugged it off lightly, “Don’t worry about it. I’m– um, I’m actually 16,” you said nervously, smiling at the shocked expression on the woman’s face when you revealed your age.
“16 years old? Dios mío, and you’re a defender? What do they feed the kids at this club, gosh…” she muttered. Your cheeks flushed pink and your smile widened, tugging at your cheeks as you gazed down shyly, not a word coming out but your reaction spoke for itself. “Wait, so, where do you live? Do you go to school?” she questioned, intrigue capturing her facials expressions as she looked at you eagerly.
“My family don’t live in Barna, not anymore. I live with Irene most of the time but I just bounce around between apartments, and I attend classes at the academy,” you explained. “Oh, and I don’t think you’ll fully settle into the city unless you go to one of the cafés downtown. My favourite one is 5 minutes down the road, maybe we could go there after this?”
Kika was on board before you had even finished proposing your idea. After training, you pulled your hoodie over the top of your kit and left the grounds with your new friend, saying goodbye to everyone and explaining to them that you were steering her away from ‘guiri’ accusation territory.
You two walked down the streets, admiring the shops and cafés that were full of people, and on occasion, pointing out the Barça crests and flags displayed in the windows of buildings. You didn’t have a car yet, let alone a license, so you normally caught a ride with someone else, but it was nice to stroll down the streets of the city with Kika and introduce her to the place you called home. Eventually, your adventure came to a close when you found yourselves outside your favourite café of all time, before you walked into the entrance and took a seat right by the window.
The café was furnished with two-seat tables all around and a large display of everything you could imagine, from sandwiches, quiches and savoury muffins to decadent cakes and pastries. The comforting aroma of tea and other brews wafted through the air and only added to the warm atmosphere emitted from every corner of the room. You placed your bag down beside your chair, resting your hands on your thighs as Kika did a similar thing and relaxed her hands on the table. She looked around with an admiring gleam in her eyes before meeting your watchful gaze with an appreciative smile. “This is a lovely café, I can see why it’s your favourite.”
“Wait until you try the food, it’s even better,” you responded with a cheeky grin of your own, making the pair of you laugh simultaneously. “Do you want to go up and order first? I’ll stay here and watch our stuff and then I’ll order,” you said, gesturing for her to go up to the counter. She agreed, and you waited for a couple minutes until the woman returned to your table with her food; an iced tea, chocolate muffin and an apple danish. “I was going to order something healthy but I do not feel like vegetables right now,” she grimaced, placing her food down on the table slowly.
“I’ll be quick,” you said as you stood up and made your own way to the counter, ordering your own choice of food. You settled on an almond and icing sugar dusted croissant along with a cup of tea and a platter of mini donut bites. Once you received your order, you balanced your meal on your hands and carefully walked back to the table, talking slow steps until you reached Kika and placed it all down hurriedly, sinking into your seat once again. “Oh, yum,” she remarked, eyeing up your food before teasing you, “You’re making me regret getting this.”
You didn’t respond, because you knew from the moment she sunk her teeth into the chocolate muffin, her mind would change immediately, and you were correct — her eyes widened once she got a taste of the rich chocolatey goodness she possessed, and then they closed for a good minute as she savoured the taste. “Nevermind,” she mumbled between her mouthful, “You can keep it. This is th’ best thing ever!”
You looked at her with an ‘I knew it’ expression, which made her smile as she swallowed her bite and placed the muffin down atop its paper bag. You took a sip of your tea and then threw a donut bite in your mouth, offering one to Kika as you did so, who took one and thanked you with a nod of her head.
“So, you said you go to school at the academy. How is that?” she enquired. Unlike other teenagers who probably got sick and tired of being asked about how school is going, you actually didn’t mind. School was rarely a subject of interest for people when it came to your life, so it was kinda nice to know that someone was making the effort to know you outside of football. “It’s alright. Since the Champions League they’ve been letting me off easy with homework and stuff, so that’s pretty nice,” you answered with a shrug, “Some of the classes suck, like maths, but other than that it’s not too bad.”
“Any friends?” Kika continued, to which you nodded. “Well, I wouldn’t consider them friends, because I don’t talk to them outside of class since we’re all busy with our teams, but I’m okay with most of the people I take classes with. Some of them that play for the men’s first team, I’d call them my friends, but that’s it. I just hang out with the girls in our team,” you explained, “I love them all though, they’re the only friends I need.” Kika made an ‘oh’ expression to signify her understanding, and she nodded to further stress that.
“Yeah, I went to a regular school when I was still in school, and it’s much easier to take your classes in an academy like La Masia where everyone understands that your priorities are in football,” Kika said, taking another bite of her muffin. She paused for a minute to chew, and then she spoke again once she had swallowed it, “When you have friends that are always upset over you not having time to hang out because of football, it becomes a pain in the ass.”
You took a sip of your tea, wincing slightly as you adjusted to the piping hot temperature. “Yeah, I get that. I think we’re gonna get along really well, Kika,” you smiled warmly, invoking one on her own face. She was glad to have made a significant first impression, especially with you, the baby of the team. They undoubtedly loved you, and she was already on the path to joining them, enamoured with how friendly you were to her straight away.
The conversation strayed into talks about Portugal, and what it was like for Kika when she lived there. She told you about Benfica, her favourite restaurants in her hometown of Lisbon, her family and what made her want to play for Barça. You learnt a lot about her during that short café date, and in exchange, you told her more about your personal life and what you loved most; Vidić, slide tackles, your big sisters and Barcelona (the club and city). There were also the trivial things you loved that you decided to save for another day, like your love for Hay Day that she was sure to discover sooner or later.
You two shared the rest of the donut bites after you finished your muffin and croissant. She split her apple danish with you, which you gracefully accepted and thanked her for, and the conversation continued up until the last of the donut bites was gone and you were both stuffed.
“See why it’s my favourite café?” you said to the woman, and she nodded. “I’m definitely coming back, that chocolate muffin was delicious,” she groaned, scrunching her paper bag up. You both stood and grabbed your training bags, slinging them over your shoulders, and on the way out you tossed your rubbish into the bins, thanking the café owner. The pair of you strolled to Kika’s new apartment, and you learned that she was barely 5 minutes away from Irene’s home that was situated just around the corner: “That’s great!” she exclaimed happily as you two neared her home, “That means café dates can happen more often.”
Walking Kika up to the front door of her apartment, you peered inside and got a look of the cozy area. You were surprised at how furnished it was, because you were under the impression that she had only recently arrived in the city, but it didn’t seem that way anymore. “Your apartment is so nice…” you whispered, looking around a little bit more before pulling your head out, “I’ll see you tomorrow, thanks for coming with me!”
She embraced you in another warm hug before you left, smiling widely as she spoke, “I should be thanking you! It’ll be much easier at training tomorrow, knowing two people instead of just one.”
You waved goodbye to her and she returned the gesture before she shut the door. It didn’t take long you to be standing on Irene’s doorstep, unlocking the door with your key and slipping inside. She had known about your plans to go to the café with Kika, so she wasn’t alarmed when you came home particularly late, and instead she asked you about it.
“I love her, she’s great!” you lauded, flopping down beside her on the sofa, “I think we get along really well, and I can’t wait for her to meet Clau and Patri.”
“Oh no,” Irene groaned, shaking her head. “Do not introduce her into your trio of tontos,” she exclaimed. You shrugged, leaning back on the sofa, “I won’t, but the other two will probably do it on their own.”
She let out an exasperated sigh, looking at you with an eyebrow raised.
“Please don’t ban us from seeing each other again,” you begged, looking at her with a grimace. She shook her head, dismissing the idea. “No, because the last time we tried that, you three rode those jet skis at the Barceloneta.”
“Okay, that was not my idea, and you should blame Claudia for that��� but it was really fun and it would be nice if you let us go again,” you said quietly, looking at her with an indicative expression.
“…Fine. I guess it would be okay, only if the rest of us come and we make it a beach day.”
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hauntedhowlett-writes · 1 year ago
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i can see you (miguel o'hara's version)
pairing: professor/mentor!miguel o’hara x graduate assistant!female reader
rating: explicit (18+ MDNI)
word count: 4.5k
As Dr. Miguel O’Hara’s graduate teaching and research assistant, you’ve spent years pushing down the inappropriate thoughts you’ve had about the brilliant, gorgeous man.
But what happens when a late night at the lab and a scientific breakthrough leads to a breakthrough of a different kind?
author's note:
my first (but probably not my last) miguel o'hara fic based on taylor swift's song "i can see you" from speak now tv. if you enjoyed this, please consider reblogging or commenting and letting me know your thoughts!
content warnings/tags:
explicit sexual content (18+ MDNI), explicit language, no use of y/n, alternate universe - no powers, age gap (undefined), presence of power dynamics (teacher/student), author took scientific liberties (forgive her, its been 10 years since bio II lab), pineapple on pizza, potentially bad spanish translations, multiple orgasms, overstimulation, vaginal fingering, oral (f receiving), miguel picking reader up, unprotected p in v, size kink, choking, pet names, praise kink, competency kink, dirty talk. let me know if i've missed anything!
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Translations you may need:
Universidad Estatal de Nueva York - State University of New York
Sí - Yes
Dios mío - My god
El Origen de la Genética Mutante - The Origen of Mutant Genetics
Mierda - Shit
Te lo prometo - I promise you
Lo juro por Dios - I swear to god
Arañita - little spider
Cállate - be quiet
Mirame - look at me
te sientes tan bien - you feel so good
Perfecto - perfect
You’re sitting in the front row, in the seat you’ve claimed as your spot, watching Dr. O’Hara pace in front of the projector screen that displays today’s lesson notes. 
“And what is the hallmark of this mutant gene that demonstrates its incompatibility for transmutation?” He asks the silent room of undergraduates that have found themselves on the roster for his Mutation Genomics III course at Universidad Estatal de Nueva York. 
A few hands go up around the room and Dr. O’Hara points to a student in the back who says, “Uh, it’s got a spiked protein arrangement that can’t be modified?”
“Is that a question or an answer?” Dr. O’Hara asks. There’s a sprinkle of laughter in the room and a smirk tilts his lips briefly. 
“An answer,” the student says more confidently. Dr. O’Hara nods.
“Correct, but that’s not the whole picture,” he says. His eyes catch yours and he gestures for you to join him. Your eyes go wide as you stand and walk to his side at the front of the class. “I’m sure some of you that actually use your available resources to pass my class recognize my teaching assistant. And if you don’t, I recommend visiting her office hours during this section because this is her area of research.”
Your cheeks feel warm as everyone’s attention falls to you. Dr. O’Hara hands you the data pad and steps back, giving you an encouraging nod. You tap the screen, bringing the diagram up on the holo projector and making it larger.
“You’re correct that the spiked protein arrangement can’t be modified, but there’s something more limiting in this particular model. If you look at it from this angle—,” you spin the DNA diagram, “you’ll see something else hindering the modification process. What do you see?”
Hands go up. Dr. O’Hara points to another student who says, “There’s a gap jump. The spike protein would continue to travel across the gap jump and avoid any inserts.”
“Exactly. So, what’s the potential alternative?” 
“Fill the gap. Target the spike protein in your modification cycle,” Dr. O’Hara finishes. “That’s all for today. Your exam next Wednesday will include this presentation, so don’t act surprised when you see the questions.”
A few students stop to speak with Dr. O’Hara as you gather your bag from your desk. His low voice calls your name, the timbre of it sending a shiver down your spine as you step up to his desk.
“You’re running a sequence right now, sí?” He asks, shuffling a stack of papers into order. 
“Yes, it should finish around seven tonight. Sorry, I know that it's late for a Friday,” you reply. He waves a hand dismissively.
“I’ll see you in the lab.” His brown eyes flick to yours and your stomach swoops, heart skipping a beat, same as it always does when he looks at you. 
Dr. Miguel O’Hara makes you nervous. Not only because he’s one of the most notable researchers in the field of mutant genomics, but also because he’s so handsome he leaves you breathless. He’s tall, towering over most men you’ve met, with broad shoulders and a tapered waist that are always covered by a suit and tie in the classroom or a lab coat in the research lab. His tan skin is complemented by dark hair and brown eyes that make you lose your train of thought when you stare into them for too long.
Which…is exactly what you’re doing now.
You clear your throat, stepping back from his desk. Had you been leaning closer? Christ, you hope not. You give him a brief smile before responding, “Yeah, see you tonight. Thank you, Dr. O’Hara!”
“How many times do I have to tell you to call me Miguel?” He calls after you. 
“Maybe when I’ve cracked the sequence!”
Miguel watches your hips sway in the jeans you wore to class today, the denim hugging your curves so well he has to bite back a groan. The door to the lecture hall slams shut behind you and he sighs, rubbing a hand over his jaw in frustration.
You drive him crazy. Every class period you’re sitting in the front row, watching him as you tap your pen to your lips or leaning over your desk just enough to give him a glimpse down your blouse or dress. Or you’re in the lab, delicately handling samples and extractions with a level of competency beyond your years, your lip caught between your teeth as you analyze a sequencing output. 
He looks forward to and dreads your impending graduation in equal measure, being free from the constant temptation but losing the greatest researcher he’s met in years. 
Miguel finishes gathering his belongings as the door opens and the next lecturer comes in, nodding at him in greeting. As he steps out into the warm Nueva York air, he has a weird sense that something big is coming. 
He just doesn’t know what.
Miguel is waiting for you outside of his double locked research lab that evening, suit jacket hung over his arm and the sleeves of his dress shirt rolled up to reveal tan forearms dusted with dark hair. Your brain nearly short circuits at the sight, conjuring up images of those arms wrapped around your—
No, you think. He’s your mentor. Your handsome, intelligent, and very serious mentor. 
He looks up as you approach, corners of his lips tilting the slightest bit. Or maybe it’s a trick of the light, you can’t be sure, but he presses his palm to the biometric lock and the heavy metal doors slide open. He steps inside ahead of you, putting his face in the frame of the security camera. A red laser scans his face and a light above the second locked door goes from red to green, the click of the lock disengaging echoing in the anteroom. 
You follow him through the door and into his research lab. The fluorescent lights glimmer off the chrome equipment and pristine bench surfaces. A machine whirs, running the sequence analysis you’ve been waiting on. 
“LYLA, what’s the status?” Dr. O’Hara says as he sets his belongings on the desk in the corner.
“Sequence will complete on schedule. Also, your specimen delivery is available in the ultra low freezer,” Dr. O’Hara’s AI assistant, LYLA, announces, feminine voice carrying through the room. 
“I have a surprise for you,” Dr. O’Hara says, tugging on his lab coat as he walks towards the ultra low freezer. 
“A surprise?” You ask, setting your stuff down at the assistant’s work space. 
There’s the beep of a passcode being entered and the heavy freezer door being opened and shut. He’s holding a tray of cryovials, the contents varying in color. He sets the tray on a bench top near your desk and pulls one out, holding it up to the light.
“Isolated arachnoid mutagen,” he says. Your mouth drops open in shock. You rush forward, pressing in close to stare up at the vial with him. 
“You’re kidding,” you whisper. He hands the vial to you, fingers brushing yours. You hold it between your thumb and index finger to inspect the suspension, red in color with tiny flecks of black. “Dr. O’Hara, this is insane. How did you even get this?”
“A guy owed me a favor,” he says. You glance up at his face and you’re suddenly very aware of how close your bodies are. One deep breath and your chest would probably graze his, and did you just imagine his eyes dropping to your lips? 
“That’s one hell of a favor,” you murmur, stepping back. “You want me to work on the extraction?”
“If you don’t mind.”
“You say that like I’m not your research assistant. You can tell me to do anything.” Dr. O’Hara’s eyes go wide and you cough. “I mean, you know, lab related. Research stuff. Yeah. I’ll get started on this. LYLA? Power up the centrifuge and thermocycler, please.”
“Centrifuge is online. Thermocycler will reach optimal processing temperature in t-minus five minutes,” LYLA replies.
You set up all the necessary supplies and prepare the sample for the thermocycler, going through the motions that are now part of your muscle memory - extract, vortex, centrifuge, extract, wash, set in ice. You set your tray of samples into the thermocycler and remove your gloves to hit the start button.
Miguel watches you run the PCR test, fixated on the confidence with which you complete each step and your words from earlier continue to echo in his head.
“You can tell me to do anything.”
Dios mío, he thinks. He pinches the bridge of his nose, squeezing his eyes shut as he tries to will away the possibilities that anything could entail. 
“Sequence results are available. Would you like to review now?” LYLA asks. 
“Display,” Miguel says. You spin on your stool to view the hologram of the spliced DNA you prepared. He notices an issue immediately.
“Fuck,” you hiss, stepping up to the control screen and spinning the model. “There’s a deletion.”
“You knew there was a risk of that.” 
You zoom in on the model DNA strand, a broken gap shown in the mutation. “I know there was a risk, but it should have worked.”
Miguel crosses his arms and watches as you bring up the transillumination image of the DNA you had attempted to merge with a human sample. “You wanted it to work. Science is finite. There is no room for should.”
You glance at him. You look like you’re about to say something when the thermocycler beeps and he’s left to wonder what you would have said as you busy yourself with removing your tray of DNA samples. He leans against the bench as you assemble the agarose gel for electrophoresis. 
“Tell me, why do you think there was a deletion?” He asks. 
“The mutagen was incompatible with the human strand,” you murmur, adding dye to your vials. “Just the same as it has been the last dozen times.”
You’ve loaded the wells of the gel with your sample and set it in the tank, closing the lid and turning on the power supply. Miguel takes the remaining tray of arachnid samples to the freezer while your procedure runs. He understands your frustration, he’s run his fair share of failed experiments after all.
After about an hour, the hum of the electrical current from the electrophoresis tank shuts off. Miguel, who had been reviewing a journal submission for El Origen de la Genética Mutante, joins you at the bench as you remove your gel and set it on the UV transilluminator.
“LYLA, scan and project,” you ask the AI assistant. Miguel stands behind you, looking at the DNA bands you’ve generated. He’s momentarily distracted by the fact that he’s so close he can smell the sweet scent of your perfume, something citrusy that reminds him of summer.
You jump suddenly, back colliding with his chest. His hands come up to grip your waist, steadying you as you turn to face him, face lit up in the brightest grin.
“Miguel, look. This arachnid mutagen. It’s a potential match for insertion!” You say excitedly. “It has the same length as the deletion seen with the scorpion mutagen.”
“LYLA, show the current projection against the scorpion scan,” he says. The two images appear side by side and it’s clear that the band of arachnid mutagen fits definitively in a space that appears void in the scorpion samples. “Mierda.”
“You see it, right?” You ask. It’s then that Miguel realizes he’s still got his hands on your waist. He flexes his fingers experimentally, watching as your eyes go the slightest bit darker at the pressure.
“I can see it,” he murmurs. He wants so desperately to lean in closer, to back your body up until you’re pressed between the wall and his body, nowhere to go as his lips explore yours.
But he doesn’t. He drops his hands and puts much needed space between your bodies. He clears his throat.
“Prepare a combined sample,” Miguel says. You blink, checking your watch.
“It’s almost nine. Running a new combined sample would mean we’re here until close to midnight.”
“I’m familiar with how time passes, sí.”
“Are you sure you want—“
Miguel sighs, placing his hands on his hips. “You’re on the verge of one of the greatest scientific discoveries in the last decade. Do you think I give a shit about having to stay late? What kind of mentor would I be if I told you, ‘Oh just wait until Monday to change the scientific world’?”
“One with a work-life balance, probably,” you reply with a giggle. Miguel raises his eyebrows at you. “Okay, okay, combined sample. I’m on it.”
As you rush around the lab, it hits him that you called him Miguel. Not Dr. O’Hara. He’s not sure what that means but he’s certain he wants to hear his name from your lips again.
Dr. O’Hara orders food while your new combined sequence runs, begrudgingly agreeing to a half pineapple and half sausage pizza to split. You’re sitting outside of the lab in the empty hallway, pizza box between you as you eat the slices over grease stained napkins. 
“What are your plans for after graduation?” Dr. O’Hara asks. You shrug.
“Probably get my doctorate. No one takes you seriously in this field without one.”
He frowns. “You’re on the cusp of a major breakthrough, one that could change our understanding of genetic modifications and mutants as we know it.”
“Yeah, and it’s coming from your lab. You’ll get listed as the first author, that’s how this goes.” You pick at your pizza crust, tearing the bread into tiny pieces that you sweep back into the box. 
“I won’t let that happen. If this works, you’ll be the first name on that paper,” Dr. O’Hara says vehemently. “Te lo prometo.”
You smile, caught in his gaze for a brief moment before an alarm rings from his watch. LYLA announces, “Sequencing complete.”
Dr. O’Hara stands, holding a hand out to you. You grasp his broad palm and he pulls you up with ease, the force of it making you stumble slightly. You press a hand to his chest to steady yourself, marveling at how solid he feels beneath your palm. 
“Sorry. Slipped,” you murmur.
He doesn’t say anything, just stares at you with a crease between his brow and storms in his eyes. His watch beeps again and he releases your hand to silence it, the spell broken between you. 
He unlocks the lab doors and you join him at the holoprojector, taking a deep breath. Dr. O’Hara brings up the sequence analysis, the hologram coming to life in the space between you. Your eyes scan the model, checking for gaps, deletions, frayed nucleotides, anything that could mean your procedure didn’t work.
You turn the projection this way and that, looking at it from every angle. You scan the result output reading, eyes jumping to the green SEQUENCING SUCCESSFUL text at the bottom. 
You turn to face Dr. O’Hara, eyes wide with surprise. “It worked.”
“It did,” he replies. 
“It worked,” you say again. You’re bouncing on the balls of your feet, your grin so wide it hurts your cheeks as you rush forward shouting, “It worked!”
Dr. O’Hara’s arms open to catch you, wrapping around your waist as he lifts you from the ground and spins you. He’s smiling, a rare sight for such a serious man, and it makes your heart pound in your chest as you stare up into his face.
“Dr. O’Hara?” You ask as he sets you down, his arms still wrapped tight around your back. “What—“
His lips collide with yours, stealing your breath from your lungs and your words from your brain as you melt against his broad body. The kiss is anything but gentle, with Miguel acting like a man starved as his tongue sweeps into your mouth.
“Dr. O’Hara—“
“Lo juro por Dios, if you call me that one more time,” he growls, lips trailing down your neck with wet kisses, “Miguel. Say it.”
“M-Miguel,” you whimper. He smiles against your neck before sinking his teeth against your pulse point, making you gasp. 
“That’s right,” he says, lifting his head. His brown eyes have gone dark and he’s smirking as his hands find the hem of your blouse, fingertips ghosting across the skin of your abdomen and dipping beneath the waist of your jeans. “Tell me what you want, arañita.”
Rather than trust your voice, you bring your own hands to his shirt collar, working at the buttons of his dress shirt as he opens the fly of your pants. He slips his hand lower just as you reach the last button of his shirt, revealing the tight white t-shirt that outlines his impressive chest.
His fingers rub you over your panties and you feel your knees buckle at the delicious friction. Miguel chuckles, removing his hand to grip the backs of your thighs and lift you against him, your legs wrapping around his trim waist and your hands holding onto his shoulders. He sets you down by his desk, reaching around you to sweep the surface clean, pens and paper falling to the floor.
“In a rush are we?” You say with a laugh. Miguel raises an eyebrow at you.
“Cállate.” He kneels before you, lifting each foot to remove your shoes before turning you to face the desk with his hands on your hips. He grasps the waist of your jeans and shimmies the material down over your hips. When they’re pooled around your ankles, his warm palms grip each ass cheek roughly, spreading you open. “This pussy is even prettier than I imagined,” he groans.
“You think about my pussy a lot, Dr. O’Hara?” You ask innocently. A palm lands a smack to your ass cheek, heat blooming across your skin as you gasp.
“Don’t play dumb, baby, I know you’ve thought about this just as much. You think I can’t see it. Trust me, I can see you watching me in class with those pretty little lips wrapped around your pen, wishing it was something else. Isn’t that right?”
You gasp as he runs his thick fingers through your soaked folds, reaching forward only enough to graze your clit without giving it the attention you desperately want. He leans himself over you, his chest pressed to your back and his lips grazing your ear as he says, “Answer me.”
“Yes, yes,” you pant, the confession earning you that delicious friction, his fingers drawing messy circles around the sensitive nub. He withdraws too soon for your liking, a whine falling from your lips that he shushes, his warm breath on your pussy. You turn your head to look over your shoulder, surprised to find him on his knees.
As you watch, he spreads your cheeks once more before leaning in, licking from your clit to your entrance with a rough groan. Your head drops down, hitting the surface of the desk with a thump as he eats you out like a man who’s found water in a desert. The sounds echoing in the lab are downright indecent, deep groans of appreciation against your cunt and desperate whines from your lips.
“Miguel,” you moan, unable to keep your hips still as his tongue drives you closer to the cliff’s edge of release. “Miguel, I’m gonna cum!”
The man only grips your hips harder, fingers digging deep as he holds you still and doubles his efforts. The thread you’re hanging on by snaps, sending you falling into ecstasy as your muscles go tight and your breath leaves you in a shout of his name as you unravel. 
He pulls away only long enough to stand and turn you to face him, lifting you so that you’re sitting on the edge of the desk, legs spread by his body. He wastes no time slipping two thick fingers inside of your still fluttering cunt, his grin sharp as he sets a pace that has you trying to wiggle away to escape the overstimulation.
“Ah, Miguel!” You yelp, trying to shut your legs. His free hand shoves one thigh wide, pressing it to the desk. “What–”
“Cum for me again, I need to see your face this time,” he demands. He curls his fingers, pressing against your front wall with each drag of his hand from your body. 
“I can’t!”
“What was it you said to me earlier? I can tell you to do anything?” He curls his fingers harder, focusing his efforts on a spot that has you squirming, desperate to get away and to cum in equal measure. “I’m telling you to cum again, arañita, so be a good girl and do as I say.”
Your orgasm crashes over you in a wave, the tightness in your abdomen unraveling as you clench around his fingers. His movements slow as you try to catch your breath until he’s withdrawing, leaving you feeling disparagingly empty.
“Mirame,” Miguel says. You lift your head, pushing yourself up on your elbows and watching as he unbuckles his belt. “You made a mess, baby.”
You feel your cheeks heat with embarrassment as you notice the wet stains on the front of his gray slacks. The feeling is short lived, however, as Miguel unbuttons his pants and pushes them down his thighs along with his boxers, kicking them to the side as he reaches behind his head and pulls his t-shirt off. You’re blown away by how stunning he is, broad shoulders and chest that lead to sculpted abs and a defined adonis belt that draws your eyes to his thick and intimidatingly long cock.
“There’s no way that’s going to fit,” you tell him nervously.
“Why don’t we test that hypothesis?” He asks, taking himself in hand. You blink at him.
“Did…did you just make a joke?” Laughter bubbles up your chest until it’s spilling into the room, your shoulders shaking with the force of it. Miguel takes himself in hand, notching the broad head of his length to your dripping entrance and sliding inside the barest amount, just the tip, but it has your laughter morphing into gasps.
“Mierda,” he murmurs, gaze fixed where your bodies connect. “So fucking tight, arañita.”
You feel like he’s splitting you apart, the stretch deep and all consuming as he fits himself inside of you, drawing back after each inch and slowly thrusting back in and giving you more of his cock in the process.
“You’re so close,” he tells you. “You’re doing so good for me. Tell me how it feels.”
“It feels so fucking good, Miguel,” you answer honestly. “I’m so full.”
“Fucking right you are,” he growls. His hands shove your blouse up, bunching the fabric under your armpits to expose your breasts. He tugs the cups of your bra down before leaning forward, the last bit of his length slipping inside of you as his lips wrap around a pert nipple and his hand gropes the opposite breast. 
Your back arches at all the sensation - the fullness and stretch of him inside of you, the warmth of his mouth and the pinch of his fingers. He moves his mouth to your other breast and looks up at you through dark lashes with darker eyes as he licks the taut peak while holding your gaze.
His hips draw back, the drag of each inch from your body exquisite torture until he slams into you, the force of it sliding you up the desk. You cry out, your hands gripping his shoulders and your fingernails leaving crescent shaped indents as you cling to him.
Miguel stands, his arms looping beneath your thighs so that the backs of your knees rest across his forearms, spreading you open as he picks up his pace. He looks down at your body like it’s his greatest discovery.
“Fuck, fuck, te sientes tan bien,” he growls. 
“Miguel,” you moan, “please, please, please!”
“What are you begging for, arañita? Tell me.” 
“Wanna cum, please, Miguel,” you beg. He drops your legs, reaching up to wrap a hand around the back of your neck, urging you to sit up. You keep one hand planted on the desk behind you, the other diving into his thick, dark hair, pulling at the strands.
He drags his strong nose along your jaw as he murmurs, “Greedy girl, but I’ll give you what you need. Won’t I?”
“Uh huh,” you moan in response. His other hand settles at the base of your throat and his eyes hold a question that has your pussy clenching around him in anticipation.
His palm creeps up, strong fingers wrapping around your delicate throat, squeezing the sides the slightest bit. Your eyes roll back at the pressure.
“Look at me,” Miguel demands, “look at me while I make you cum again with my hand around your pretty throat.”
You gasp for air as he pounds into you, your release sparkling at the edges of your vision. It explodes like a supernova across your nerves, your muscles tightening around him and making him moan, a deep rumble that you echo as his movements grow erratic.
He slams deep inside of you, cock pulsing and filling you with warmth as he groans your name, head dropped to your shoulder. You’re both panting, trying to catch your breath as the sweat on your skin cools and you run your fingers through his hair.
“That was—“
“Perfecto,” he finishes, lifting his head and pressing a sweet kiss to your lips, one that has your heart pounding even harder than the lust filled ones from earlier. “It’s late. Let’s get this cleaned up and get you home. I’ll drive you.”
“You don’t have to do that,” you argue. He scowls at you as you continue to say, “No, seriously, you don’t need to go out of your way—“
“Will you shut up for a minute?” Miguel asks. He holds your face in his hands as he says, “Get dressed. I’m driving you home.”
He steps back, the absence of him making you feel empty as you carefully stand from the desk on shaky legs. He hands you your jeans and you look around in confusion.
“Have you seen my underwear?” You ask.
“Hm? No, I don’t see them,” he hums, buttoning his slacks. The stain from earlier has blessedly faded. 
You shrug, pulling your jeans on and fixing your blouse. Miguel cleans up the stuff he’d knocked from the desk, putting it all back in haphazard piles and grabbing his bag. He holds his hand out to you.
“Let’s get out of here,” he says. He must sense the hesitation you’re feeling when you don’t immediately grab his hand because he steps close, wrapping an arm around your waist and pulling you close. “No one will see us. It’ll be our secret.”
You nod, digging your teeth into your bottom lip. “Just this once?”
“Not if I have anything to say about it, arañita.”
The most fantastic fanart by narutoss.ramen on insta that fits the vibe of professor! miguel:
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2K notes · View notes
all444miles · 1 year ago
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— paring: e42!miles x fem!reader
— genre: fluff
— summary: halloween was just across the block, so why not start early and practice makeup on your boyfriend?
— a/n: YO WE SO CLOSE TO 1K AHH?? ilyasm ty !! also can we just imagine miles 42 w vamp makeup n blond braids/barrel braids for a sec.. 🤭🤭 this is kinda short bc im so sleepy but mostly this drabble is a bday gift to my pookie bestie aizie, so as long as she enjoys it idc + i hope you enjoy this when ya read it ! mwah, enjoyyy (*≧▽≦)
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it was the first day of october, and halloween wasn’t too far away, by your standards. And of course, a carti lover like yourself, decided to have a vamp theme. It just so happened that Miles suited that theme perfectly.
And that’s why you were on your boyfriend’s lap, makeup supplies on your counter, carefully applying black eyeliner around his eyes, Long Time Intro by Playboi Carti playing through the speakers placed in the corner of your room.
“I gotta blink, amor. Plus I cant really keep a straight face if you got your eyes on me like that.” he protested, trying his best to keep a straight face. “How do I look so far?”
“Trust the process, Miles! You look good, just lemme finish this oneee part then I’m done.” there wasn’t one part left. For you, you wanted to make sure everything looked right. Your lover, Miles, on the other hand, was eager to see the outcome. He just didn’t realise how tedious it was.
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“Maa, ¿lo hiciste? He estado sentado en esta silla durante años, lo juro.” (Maa, you done? I’ve been sitting on this chair for ages, I swear.) Miles asked, practically almost falling asleep because of how slow you were doing his makeup.
You chuckled. “Miles, you’re so impatient, beauty takes timeee. I’m almost done, for real.”
After 5 minutes, you were actually done. You got off his lap, giddily grabbing a mirror to show him the result of your hard work. “It’s done! Do you like it?”
Miles looked into the mirror, turning to his side to see how it looked from different angles. A small smile grew on his face, “Wow, princesa, this looks fire. I love it, that long ass wait was worth it.”
You grinned at his compliment, pulling out your phone to take a picture of him so you could look at it later. Miles was not a fan of pictures, but for this occasion, he didn’t mind all too much. He walked closer to and gave you a kiss a the forehead, the stain leaving a mark.
“Do i gotta take this off? Because I kind of wanna keep this on.”
“Keep it on! I need to remember this moment for as long as possible.”
“You just think I look fine, don’t you?”
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tagslist: @seraaphicss @laaailuh @mayearies @onginlove @laylasbunbunny @arielliio @milesmolasses @missusmorales @thatgirlmiah @paraccosm @tinkerbelle05 @fictarian @zalayni @whitejasmine @444morales @writings-ofthe-heart
© all444miles 2023. do not plagerize, copy, or repost my work in any way shape or form, without my permission.
likes, reblogs, comments and asks are always appreciated !
1K notes · View notes
yoonstaxr · 7 months ago
Oi gebte eu voltei
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Espero que não tenham se esquecido de mim
4 notes · View notes
axeoverblade · 1 year ago
Can she come over?
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Miles(s) Morales x fem! Reader
Synopsis! After seeing a Tiktok on your for you page, you persuaded your boyfriend to do it with you.
Genre: Fluff, pre established relationship, slight age up so it makes sense that they’re in a car
Warnings: none!
Word count: .8k
Authors comment: This was so cute and fun to write, hopefully this was what you were asking. Didn’t know which Miles you wanted so suprise it’s both! Small blurbs. Enjoy <3
Do not copy! All rights reserved to ©axeoverblade
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“Baby no I’m not doing that!” Miles whined. “Cmon!! It’s just a little jokey-joke!” You lightly pushed his shoulder, trying to persuade him for the umpteenth time. He looked at you and sighed, finally caving in, “you're so lucky I love you”. Giggling, you urged him to call his mom quicker, setting up your camera on the dashboard of the car to record.
“I’m blaming this on you” he said, phone ringing as he looked at you. “I’m willing to accept the consequences” you smiled.
“Yes hijo?” His mother said, you smiled wider, covering your mouth with your hand. “Hola mami” “Do u need something? Oh! Can you tell y/n she left her pajamas so I washed em’ for her.” “oh uh,” he looked at you, “I’m not with her, when I see her I’ll say something. What are you doing right now?” “Mmm nothing worth talking about, por que? Is something wrong?” She asked, becoming more concerned towards the end of her sentence. “Nah nothin’s wrong” Miles paused, “can I bring a girl over?” He winced, trying to stop his voice from cracking. “Que? I thought you said you weren’t with y/n? You don’t have to ask to bring her over anymore-” “uh actually it’s not her”
The phone went silent, “….eh?”, you stifled a laugh, looking at miles who was holding in a laugh himself. “It’s not her mami, ‘s another girl.” “So, what I’m hearing is,” she paused, taking a moment to process, “you want some random girl over that’s not y/n? Why?” “Oh well you know, I’m hanging out with her right now and she wants to come over” “does y/n know about this?” “Uhm nah, this girl is kinda..” Miles trailed off, insinuating he was hiding her from you. “Miles te lo juro que te asesinaré con mis propias manos.” you couldn’t hold it in anymore, throwing your head back as you cackled. Miles' eyes widened at your break of character as he laughed too, quickly muting himself, “You think this is funny Miles? Was that her laughing?” Rio yelled quickly, had you not been used to her voice you wouldn’t have understood what she said with how fast the words left her mouth. Miles unmuted himself, knowing if he didn’t stop the prank now he would get in serious trouble. “Cálmate mami, we’re kidding it’s a joke!”
“Hi Mrs.Morales!” You choked out through a laugh. “Ay-Y/n is that you?” “Yes ma’am” you giggled. Rio mumbled something under her breath, “you two play too much. I’ll see you both for dinner, don't be late.” With that she hung up. You looked at Miles who was shaking his head at you, “mi princesa, you’re gonna get me killed.” You giggled and gave him a kiss on the cheek, grabbing your phone off the dashboard and stopping the recording, “maybe thats my goal.”.
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“Baby Im not doing it, do you know how pissed she’s gonna be?” He looked at you skeptically. You set up your camera on the dashboard, pressing record. “Cmon querido it’s for memories” he sighed looking at your pleading expression. He rolled his eyes, “you owe me” you smiled wide, happy he finally agreed after a hefty amount of convincing. He dialed his mother, staring at you while it rang.
“Yes Hijo?” Ríos voice spoke through the phone speaker. “Hola mama, whatchu’ doin’?” “Uhm I’m on a five minutó break at the hospital, por que?” “Uhh nothin much, so I’m wit’ a girl n’ she wants to come over to the house, I was just letting you know-” “eh? Where's y/n? Is she already there or something?” You smiled. “Uh nah, just me n’ the girl.” “…Dónde está y/n?” “Uh” he looked at you for a split second, “I don’t know.” “Does she know this girl is coming over?” “Nah and I’m keeping it that way” Miles said, hinting something was going on with this mystery girl. “Miles, tu traes esa nena a casa y te lo juro.", you covered your mouth holding in a laugh, looking at Miles. He shook his head, “well I mean she’s kinda already with me,” “Is her name y/n” “que? no i just said it’s not y/n-” “then she can’t come over. I see you with another girl near our property and it’s not ending well for either of you, comprende?” You couldn’t hold it in any longer, letting out the laugh you had been keeping.
“Ella se acaba de reír de? Miles Morales-" “Mama we kid’, y/n is wit’ me. it’s a joke” he quickly cut her off before she could begin her rant. “Sorry Mrs.Morales” you said through a fit of giggles. “Cariño don’t do that, you had me worried.” She spoke to you through the phone.“Sorry mama” you replied using the nickname developed for Rio throughout your relationship with Miles. She clicked her teeth, “I’m gonna tell your ma on you little girl, eres malo.”. You let out a small laugh and apologized, saying your goodbyes so she could get back to work. You grabbed your phone off the dashboard stopping the recording, giving Miles a quick kiss on the cheek. “So about what you owe me” he said looking at you suggestively. You laughed, “you’re gross”
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