#jupi ramble
drkcatt · 26 days
actually i've noticed this a few times and im curious. what do you guys think dami's ffxiv race is ??
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sleepinginmygrave · 1 month
my shrug mesh top is finally done!! i found this yarn in my mum old knitting stuffs and i needed to do something with it
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i am really happy with the result it's so so comfy i love it and it was so easy i could do it again without a tutorial now!
tagging: @sweetnnaivete @daydream-of-a-wallflower @gentlehue @lostbuoyinblue @icarus-in-the-stars
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nagaruru · 1 year
id make a selfship blog but also im annoying enough on this one (im still considering)
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jupijej · 1 year
hiiyaa im jupi
18, any pronouns
ultimate lurker
i love being in peoples business ^.^ this is just me rambling about people that would probably hate me if they knew me !
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peach-m00n · 3 years
HAAAIIII I made this account for reblogs and just general posts !! Consider this like a personal acc !!
uhhh poot I'm a fool
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bishysnaps · 5 years
🌟 - Who was your very first rp muse?
Questions for the mun!
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Ooooo yes, I was hoping someone would ask this question! Mind you, I had TONS of muses prior, the one I’m about to talk about was one of the first I truly fleshed out and created an entire world around. In fact, I’ve been in the process of writing a book revolved around she, her two sisters, and the men in their lives.
(remember, you asked! xD)
Ahem. My first officially fleshed out muse was Jupiter Graves, Goddess of Earth. I’m going to give the abbreviated version of her story, since via docs, it’s over three pages worth.I’ll throw all the info under the cut, because even abbreviated, it’s a bit lengthy. So enjoy!
Thanks for the ask @madnessofthefirmament!
It started with Father Time growing bored in his universe and deciding to create children of his own. And so his first two sons, Kale (God of Light) + Rigel (God of Dark), were created. However, Father Time wasn’t aware of the competition between the two at first, and as things went on, their drive to get more than the other got worse. Father Time then created planets to gift to the boys in hopes of keeping them distracted, but that only made the competition worse. 
And so Father Time decided he needed a woman’s opinion on the matter. Pulling a part of his rib cage out, mixing it with a dash of bone dust and a fresh woven cloth, he would then create a young female that would be named later as Jupiter. She was gifted with the ability of Earth, for she would be the strength of the three sisters Father Time would create. She also would be the balance between the other two.
She also was connected to Kale, for their abilities would benefit one another. He was the Commander, and she was the loyal Lieutenant.
Not long after Jupiter was created, her sisters Eos and Deimos were created. Eos was gifted with the ability of Fire, while Deimos was gifted the ability of Water. All three had their own sorts of personalities, and it was Eos that started everything into a downward spiral. Not only does Eos wake Jupy to her emotions towards someone, but she also almost kills Jupiter in order to please her lover.
And in order for Jupiter and Deimos to save the world from Eos and her lover’s corruption, they must travel the world and find pure souls, or known as “Saviors”.
But to best describe Jupiter, she’s very level headed. She’s considered the tank of the group, but can also fight at long distance. While others may see her as sexual and alluring, she comes off as curious and full of life. Despite being thousands of years old, she is still new to her emotions. And so she has a lot to learn when it comes to strong emotions, such as LOVE and RAGE. And following her story (when it’s completely written and published! one day!), she learns not only how to use her newly discovered emotions, but also finds valuable people along the way.
So yeah! That’s my baby! While I don’t rp her as often anymore, I am still slowly writing her story as time goes on.
I have another two boys that are in a completely different universe, and I’ve been contemplating on trying to move them towards the ffxiv fandom. They’re brothers that are completely different. One ADORES puns and is best friends with cannibals, and the other is much more serious and has a life deep within CRIME. The only trouble of moving them to the fandom would be that they are skeleton-like creatures. But who knows! We shall see.
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Hello who ever reads this
I am always very awkward with personal blogs so... Here we go!
It was my 21st Birthday yesterday and although yes that's reason to celebrate. I realized that I went 21 years doing stuff that has always made me uncomfortable.
Now let me explain. I am on the autistic spectrum and although high functioning it still effects daily life.
I have let people poke and prod at me to my obvious disliking as a kid because my parents told me to. I was forced to hug people and against my permission, was given hugs, had my hair touched, or was touched in other varying degrees. This was like hell for me because I had a thing about being touched no matter who or what it was unless I fully knew and trusted them. Yet I grew up forced to face my phobia nonstop despite my plea for boundaries.
Another I am still dealing with is I get easily overwhelmed and listening to my playlist has always helped me with little to no distractions. At work we're not allowed to listen to music or else we get written up. I have sensory over loads hearing all the separate noises, people talking, blaring lights, other workers touching me, etc and the number of small breaks I take is jeopardizing my job.
Why is this all important? I was raised with my autism being treated like something I could just forget is there. It cannot be and even right now I am recovering from an emotional breakdown. There needs to be way more autism awareness without the use of charities that do more harm than good. To anyone else who is dealing with something similar. We've got this together! To anyone who is on the spectrum. We may be different but we deserve to be given respect, personal boundaries, distractions, and any accommodations to help us continue in life!
I will put these morals to my parenting as well. If my kid doesn't want to be touched don't force them and give that boundary to them. If they want to be interested in weird little niches or collections I will support and help them find stuff they like in that thing. If my kid cannot stand a certain thing despite how hard they try I will not force them unless it is for their better health.
Children, autistic or not deserve those respects. My parents never learned that lesson and even in my 20s have basic control over me. Want me to be this or that and I sometimes wonder if my mom curses my mental condition all together.
Sorry for these ramblings I hope I didn't bum anyone put or make it boring I just wanted to get my personal thoughts out there.
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dwagon-pwince-blog · 5 years
(crashes in) im back i think !
hey everyone, it’s me, dwagon-pwince! i know it’s been a while since i posted here but i think i’ll be back for a while awaiting the third season! a lot has changed personally, mostly that i’ve changed my name to Jupiter, so a few tags of mine will be changing
my rambling/original post tag will be “#jupi stop talking” general spoilers tag and reactionary post tag is “#jupiwatchestdp”
other than that, i havent been very plugged into tdp news or info on the new season, i’d love to be caught up if any kind souls wanna fill me in! i’ll be back to posting fanart again soon too, hopefully
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drkcatt · 4 months
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if anyone was wondering. some of MY favorite panels from the update
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drkcatt · 7 days
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between you and me... a little birdie told me theres only 10 hfta panels left to color 👀
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drkcatt · 5 months
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realizing that i can post a bunch of comic wips on tumblr because im not limited to FOUR IMAGES
anyway here's some ~secret~ info for the tumblr crowd! i've been working on another comic-- and this one is vertical scroll! most of my comic experience comes from making a nuzlocke comic when i was a teenager, all vertical scroll pages. i really love the format and its a fun way for me to make comics-- depending on how this one goes i may make a lot more of my ffxiv comics vert scroll! and... possibly make a long running collection 😳?
this one is a continuation on my "burial" comic that you can find here! i've always wanted to make comics to explain my au hehe
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drkcatt · 3 months
i wont be posting dawntrail spoilers for at LEAST 2 months, AT ALL. afterwards they will be tagged Heavily and accordingly. the most i will be posting is announcing if damicred is real. godbless
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sleepinginmygrave · 1 month
im crocheting a shrug mesh top rn and i only have the last half of the second sleeve left my goal is to finish it before going to bed 🫡
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drkcatt · 9 months
anon just saw your comic and h o l y shit, they love it
(but why wasnt thancred at the funeral??)
okay so here's the thing. i didnt do this quest for a really long time (fake minfilia fan, i know) and i didnt realize that it was from 5.1 and not 5.3, so the whole time i was like "wow thancred really could have come to her funeral and he DIDN'T? typical" (HE WAS IN ANOTHER WORLD.) and i went with that for my canon because of my misconception. i've actually written a pretty large script of how my au goes up to the beginning of 5.4, and I DID address why he wasn't there!
i'll hopefully make that comic another day, but the basis of it is that a'vaya and thancred have a historically rocky relationship, especially when it comes to minfilia. even though they've gotten back on the same page by the end of 5.0 and then even more with eden, they still give each other a really wide berth when it comes to her. Thancred has buried minfilia in his own way internally, so he decided that the one who should bury the cat's eye with f'lhaminn should be a'vaya. he does regret not going, a'vaya regrets not telling him to come directly. these two have a lot of regrets always. they never talk about how they feel it's horrible. and, haha, i will always bring this up,
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(from One Name, One Promise - Tales from the Shadows)
that last line! "he had seen the girl safely home" he saw ryne "home," helping her live in a better world, he saw minfilia home, letting her finally rest. but welcoming her back and putting her to rest with f'lhaminn? that's not for him. that's for a'vaya.
TL;DR, he did want to go but he psyched himself out into thinking he wasn't welcome. his presence was missed.
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bishysnaps · 8 years
Facts Galore~
5 cute facts!
Exactly what it says on the tin! Do not reblog. Repost and tell your followers five cute things about your muse then tag five people to see what cute things their muses do.
Tagged by: @knightswithoutfaith Tagging: @-tiviani- 
Since I already did my cute shit for my muse, I'll do five facts about myself, and/or about my life. If you want to see my muse one, go to @jupy-vore
1. Without shoes, I stand at exactly 5'1 ½/” My girlfriend is almost a head taller than me, and yes, I do have to climb the counters to reach the cabinets.
2. I am 24 years old, and I have a face full of piercings. I have a dragonbite (three piercings along my bottom lip), a septum (bull ring), and my left nostril. I used to have my eyebrow and belly button pierced, but those were ripped out forever ago.
3. I am currently practicing on how to use a tattoo gun. Surprisingly, I don't have any tattoos  yet, but I will hopefully soon! Just need to save up cash for them! But ya know, bills comes first.
4. Technically, I have three fur babies, but one passed away a few years back. The oldest was a siberian husky named Cosmo. My middle child is a pain in the ass, cat, named Mikio (we call him Meekers for short). My youngest is a red nose pitbull pup named Zazu at the age of 3.
5. Doodling is my jam. While at work and everything is already finished, I find myself a pen and tend to doodle over my hands and arms, that is if I can't find any paper.
There’s more I could ramble on about, but maybe next time.
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