#juno aspects in composite chart
astrocafecoffee · 1 month
Juno aspects in composite chart
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🍁 For entertainment purposes only, enjoy my lovelies 🍁
Conjunct/Trine/Sextile aspects
( I have compiled this aspects cause according to me, they nearly all affect relationships in a similar way)
🍁 Juno conjunct/ trine/sextile sun :
☞ it's a marriage indicator to me. This relationship might feel as if it has a significant ,destined quality. There is a sense of purpose and direction , with both partners feeling that they are meant to be together for a reason. Both partners respect and honor each other's individuality Creating a balanced and respectful dynamic where personal and shared goals are aligned. The couple might find joy in expressing their relationship through creative or joint endeavours. Both partners are deeply invested in each other and partnership's future.
🍁 Juno conjunct/trine/sextile moon:
☞ Both partners are deeply invested in meeting each other's emotional needs and providing mutual support. This aspect indicates a strong sense of emotional security and comfort within the relationship. Both partners likely feel safe expressing their vulnerabilities and nurturing one another. There may be a shared desire for a stable home environment and possibly an interest in family related matters. The combination points to a lasting emotional connection that feels nurturing and fulfilling.
🍁 Juno conjunct/trine/sextile Venus:
☞ This placement suggests a deep and , affectionate connection where both partners are likely to experience a strong and enduring bond. The alignment highlights a shared desire for a committed , long term relationship. Both partners are likely to view their connection as a significant and serious commitment. The relationship often involves enjoying shared activities and pleasures. There's likely to be a focus on creating joy and beauty together.
🍁 Juno conjunct/trine/sextile mercury :
☞ In this case, the relationship benefits from a harmonious blend of communication and commitment. This aspect suggests that Both partners are likely to share similar views on commitment and find it easy to discuss their expectations and plans for the future. This alignment can enhance their ability to work through challenges together, making the relationship feel more cohesive and supportive.This aspect also indicates that the partners might engage in meaningful conversations that strengthen their bond, as they are likely to have a natural way of expressing their commitment and desires. However, it’s important to ensure that the communication remains balanced and that both partners feel heard.
🍁 Juno conjunct/trine/sextile Jupiter:
☞ marriage indicator to me.This aspect suggest a relationship marked by optimism and a shared vision for the future. Both partners are likely inspire and uplift each other, fostering a positive outlook . Partners may support each other's ambitions and seek opportunities for shared experiences and development. Both partners may feel like that they are on a significant and Rewarding journey together. There's a shared love for exploration and adventure , whether in travel , learning or new experiences.
🍁 Juno conjunct/trine/sextile Mars :
☞Juno’s commitment combined with Mars' action-oriented nature suggests a relationship where both partners actively work on strengthening and maintaining their bond.There is often a strong physical and emotional attraction, with intense, passionate interactions that keep the relationship vibrant and engaging.Both partners may be assertive in expressing their needs and desires, contributing to a relationship where both feel their voices are heard and respected. Potential conflicts, if managed well, leading to growth and understanding.
🍁 Juno conjunct/trine/sextile Saturn:
☞The relationship is likely to be viewed with a high level of seriousness and responsibility. Both partners may prioritize stability and long-term planning.The combination may bring challenges that test the relationship, but these challenges often lead to significant growth and a deeper understanding between partners. Both partners are likely to support each other in a practical and realistic manner, helping each other navigate responsibilities and long-term goals.The relationship often involves working together to build a solid foundation for the future, emphasizing reliability and commitment.
🍁 Juno conjunct/trine/sextile Pluto :
☞The relationship is likely to be deeply transformative, with both partners experiencing significant personal growth and change through their connection.There may be intense power dynamics or control issues that need to be navigated carefully. This aspect can bring up deep-seated emotional patterns that challenge the relationship. There might be a powerful shared sense of purpose or mission, driving both partners towards significant life changes or shared ambitions.Despite challenges, there is strong potential for healing and regeneration within the partnership, allowing both partners to evolve and grow together.
🍁 Juno conjunct/trine/sextile Uranus:
☞The relationship is likely to be unique and unconventional, with both partners embracing new and innovative approaches to commitment and partnership.There is often a strong emphasis on personal freedom within the relationship. Both partners value their independence and may seek to balance it with their commitment to each other.The relationship can have an unpredictable or erratic quality, with both partners needing to adapt to changing circumstances and each other’s evolving needs.There is a potential for mutual growth through unconventional experiences and new perspectives. The relationship encourages breaking away from traditional patterns.
🍁 Juno conjunct/trine/sextile Neptune:
☞ The relationship is likely characterized by a shared sense of idealism and a deep, often spiritual connection. Both partners may view their bond as something special or destined.There is a profound emotional and spiritual depth, with a focus on exploring and understanding each other’s inner worlds and emotional needs.This aspect can sometimes bring confusion or unrealistic expectations about the relationship. Partners might need to navigate idealistic fantasies versus practical realities.The connection can be highly creative and inspiring, with both partners encouraging each other’s dreams and aspirations.
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Square/ opposition aspects
( I have compiled this aspects cause according to me, they nearly all affect relationships in a similar way)
🍁 Juno Square/ Opposite sun : ☞In a composite chart, when Juno square/ opposite the Sun, the relationship is characterized by a unique interplay of growth and tension. This aspect creates a dynamic where the partners might often find themselves at odds over issues related to personal goals and commitments. On one hand, the this aspect introduces a powerful drive for both individuals to align their personal ambitions with the partnership's direction. This can lead to a mutual desire for significant achievements and self-improvement, where each partner sees the other as a catalyst for pushing boundaries and evolving.The unique challenge of this aspect lies in its potential for transformation. The conflict generated by the square/ opposition aspect often forces both partners to confront their own limitations and to negotiate their roles within the relationship. To overcome these challenges, it’s crucial for both individuals to approach conflicts with an open mind and a willingness to adapt. Embracing the tension as a source of potential rather than seeing it as a barrier can help them turn the friction into a powerful force for positive change.
🍁 Juno Square / opposite moon:
☞ This relationship often experiences a deep emotional push-pull. This aspect suggests a strong desire for emotional connection and commitment but also reveals underlying tensions related to security and emotional needs. This tension can manifest as recurring emotional disagreements or feelings of being misunderstood. Each partner may have different ways of expressing or needing emotional reassurance, which can lead to feelings of frustration or disconnection. For instance, one partner might require more emotional validation or nurturing, while the other might struggle to meet these needs consistently.The unique opportunity presented by this aspect is the potential for deep emotional growth. As conflicts arise, they can serve as a mirror reflecting each partner’s vulnerabilities and unmet needs.To manage this aspect constructively, both partners should focus on fostering open communication and exploring the root causes of their emotional needs. They must work to understand each other’s emotional responses and strive to meet each other halfway, finding a balance between their needs for security and their commitment to the relationship.
🍁 Juno Square/opposite Venus:
☞ The relationship is marked by a complex interplay between commitment and affection. This aspect often brings intense focus on how romantic ideals and expectations align or clash within the partnership. On the one hand, there is a strong drive for a deep, committed bond that feels fulfilling and meaningful. This aspect can also create friction in how romantic desires and commitments are negotiated. One partner might have high expectations for romance and loyalty, while the other may struggle to meet these ideals consistently, leading to potential feelings of dissatisfaction or disconnection. This tension can result in occasional conflicts about the nature of their relationship or how affection is demonstrated and received.Unique to this aspect is the potential for the relationship to act as a crucible for redefining what love and commitment mean to each partner. The friction can push both individuals to reassess their values around intimacy and partnership, leading to a deeper understanding of each other’s needs and expectations. To navigate this aspect effectively, it’s essential for both partners to engage in honest conversations about their desires and boundaries. Cultivating mutual understanding and flexibility in expressing love and commitment can help bridge gaps and create a more harmonious and fulfilling relationship.
🍁 Juno Square/opposite Jupiter :
☞ This relationship is often characterized by expansive aspirations and potential for growth, but it can also face challenges related to balancing personal freedoms and commitments. This aspect signifies a strong desire for a meaningful and significant partnership, where both individuals are motivated by shared ideals and goals. This aspect can also bring an optimistic outlook and a strong belief in the partnership's potential.However, the challenge lies in managing the sometimes conflicting desires for expansion and freedom. One partner might have grand visions or a strong desire for personal growth that can sometimes conflict with the other’s need for stability and commitment. This friction can lead to disagreements about priorities, lifestyle choices, or the direction of the relationship.The unique opportunity here is for both partners to channel their differences into a constructive dialogue about their shared vision for the future. By addressing these conflicts with an open mind and a willingness to compromise, they can find a balance between their individual aspirations and their collective goals.
🍁 Juno Square/opposite mars:
☞This relationship experiences a dynamic interplay of passion and potential conflict. This aspect often brings a strong drive for commitment and a desire to assert one’s needs within the partnership. The energy of Mars injects enthusiasm and vigor, but it can also lead to clashes over how to achieve shared goals or handle conflicts.This aspect can make the relationship highly stimulating, with both partners motivated to pursue their ambitions and fight for their values together. There’s a powerful drive to make the relationship work and to push through challenges. The unique aspect of this dynamic is that the conflicts, though challenging, can catalyze significant growth and change. The friction created by this square/opposite forces both partners to confront their differences head-on and to learn how to negotiate their needs and desires constructively. By channeling the energy of Mars into productive dialogue and mutual understanding, the relationship can develop a deeper level of commitment and resilience.To manage this aspect effectively, it’s important for both partners to approach disagreements with patience and a willingness to compromise.
🍁 Juno Square/opposite saturn:
☞ This relationship often faces significant challenges related to commitment and responsibility. this aspect can provide a strong sense of duty and seriousness toward the relationship. Both partners might be driven to work through difficulties with determination and a sense of responsibility. This aspect can also foster a deep respect for each other’s boundaries and personal growth.However, the square can bring about tension regarding how each partner handles commitment and responsibility. One or both may feel that the relationship demands more than they are able to give or that their individual needs are being overshadowed by the demands of the partnership. This can lead to feelings of frustration, rigidity, or even resentment.The unique opportunity here lies in the potential for significant growth through overcoming these challenges. By addressing the sources of tension and finding ways to support each other’s needs and boundaries, the relationship can become more resilient. Open communication and a willingness to adapt can help both partners navigate the constraints and build a stronger, more enduring connection.
🍁Juno Square/opposite mercury
☞This relationship is marked by intellectual stimulation and communication challenges. this aspect can infuse the relationship with lively debates and a strong drive to intellectually engage with each other. Both partners might find themselves constantly re-evaluating their beliefs and expectations, which can lead to personal growth and a deeper understanding of each other's perspectives. The relationship may thrive on stimulating conversations that challenge and refine their views on commitment and partnership.However, this aspect also suggests potential communication hurdles. Disagreements might arise over how to express or negotiate commitments and future plans. Each partner may have differing opinions on what is necessary for a stable and fulfilling relationship, leading to misunderstandings or conflicts about expectations.The unique aspect of Juno square Mercury is that it forces both partners to confront and clarify their thoughts on commitment and partnership. To navigate these challenges effectively, they need to focus on improving their communication skills and being open to each other's viewpoints.
🍁Juno Square/opposite pluto:
☞This relationship often experiences intense transformative energy and power struggles. This aspect can drive both individuals to undergo profound personal and relational growth. The intense interactions between partners can lead to significant self-awareness and transformation as they work through deep-seated issues and power dynamics. This aspect has the potential to push both partners towards a more authentic and deeply committed relationship, provided they can navigate the intensity constructively.However, this aspect can also manifest as power struggles or conflicts over control and influence within the relationship. One partner might attempt to dominate or manipulate, while the other might resist or challenge this behavior. This friction can lead to profound but challenging confrontations that test the strength of their bond.The unique aspect of this aspect is its ability to force both partners to face and address hidden fears and control issues. To overcome these challenges, they need to approach conflicts with a willingness to understand and transform underlying power dynamics. Open, honest communication and mutual support can help harness the transformative potential of this aspect, leading to a more resilient and deeply connected partnership.
🍁 Juno Square/opposite Uranus
☞ This relationship is often characterized by a strong drive for independence and freedom within the commitment. This aspect can bring a sense of novelty and dynamism to the relationship. The partners may inspire each other to explore new ideas and embrace unconventional approaches to commitment. This aspect often fosters an environment where both individuals feel encouraged to pursue their unique interests and personal growth, leading to a vibrant and ever-evolving connection.However, this aspect can also create tension due to frequent changes or unexpected shifts in the relationship. The desire for personal freedom might clash with the need for stability and structure, causing periods of unpredictability or rebelliousness. This can lead to conflicts about the level of commitment and how much each partner is willing to adapt to each other’s needs.The unique challenge of this aspect is finding a balance between maintaining individual freedom and nurturing a stable relationship. To manage this aspect effectively, both partners need to embrace flexibility and be open to renegotiating their expectations as the relationship evolves.
🍁Juno Square/opposite Neptune
☞ This relationship is often grapples with idealism versus reality. On one hand, Juno square Neptune can imbue the relationship with a dreamy, idealistic quality, where both partners feel a profound, almost mystical bond. This can inspire a deep sense of shared purpose and emotional connection. However, This aspect often brings to light discrepancies between how each partner envisions the relationship and the actual dynamics. Misunderstandings, unmet expectations, or feelings of betrayal can occur when the relationship fails to live up to the idealized image each person has. This can lead to feelings of disappointment or confusion about the true nature of the commitment.To navigate these challenges, it’s important for both partners to ground their expectations in reality and engage in clear, honest communication.
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Ah..it ends here...(I am tired asf😭)
Thank you guys for reading ❤️
- Piko ✨
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elysiansparadise · 1 month
Composite chart observations
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🤎When Mercury is in the 4th house it makes you feel that with this person you have opened up like no one else. Both feel that they can say what they really think without feeling judged or criticised and they will have that particularity that their words will have a strong emotional impact on the other, mostly in a positive way. They will have the tendency to say what the other needs without meaning to and talking to the other will be comforting after a tense or stressful day.
🤎If Saturn and Jupiter are in conjunction in the 4th house or both of them are in that house, both people will take each other's emotional world seriously, take the time to understand each other's needs and seek to lower their defences little by little. . They can make a beautiful home and/or make the relationship a safe place for both of them that they know they can retreat to if the world out there becomes overwhelming. Strong trust in each other, a feeling of comfort and contentment in which they work and invest.
🤎When Mars is aspecting Neptune [especially conjunction, trine, sextile] it makes it more likely that the couple will actively do things to fulfil the dreams they have together. You can support each other not only in achieving what you always dreamed of in a relationship, but also in pursuing your individual dreams and aspirations. This couple dreams of achieving things together, of sharing their achievements, including them in their dreams and growing together in every way.
🤎Aries rising in this chart tells us about a playful relationship in which both can be their true selves and feel comfortable in their own skin. Authenticity, adventures and a lot of joy. It is likely that both of them are people with a strong temperament and it can lead them to arguments, but with patience in the relationship [or placements in 2nd, 4th or 6th house] it is very likely that they will resolve their issues easily. They are direct with each other, they can tell each other everything and rely on each other for their strong connection and personal values.
🤎With Juno in the 4th house, it suggests that the relationship is meant to provide a deep sense of security and emotional stability for both partners in the relationship. The couple can actively work to create an environment in which they both feel protected, loved and safe. This mutual commitment to emotional security can be a central pillar of the relationship and the main reason why both natives consider taking this relationship further or at least see it lasting in the long term.
🤎The position of the North Node in the composite charts can reveal karmic lessons and the spiritual purpose of the relationship. These positions may indicate areas where people are destined to grow together. For example, in the 1st house both will grow a lot on a personal level and will discover parts of themselves that they had no idea about. In the 2nd house you will learn to value the things that you consider important, you will reconsider priorities and you will understand which things are really valuable to you. In the 3rd house you will learn a lot next to the other, from the most mundane things to more complex concepts. Likewise, you’ll be able to better communicate your ideas without fear of being judged.
🤎When Pallas is in the 1st house, this couple can have a peaceful and logical approach when issues, conflicts or problems of all kinds arise. They will always validate the other's opinion and feelings before jumping to conclusions. Furthermore, when there are differences between them, they do not seek to "beat" or crush the other by showing that they are right, rather their love and respect for the other is so great that they will seek to reach a resolution that they both feel comfortable with. Great admiration, respect and fascination with the other and their personality.
🤎If Vesta is conjunct Sun, Moon or Rising tells us about a relationship where there is a lot of devotion, this is because Vesta is a representative of that term. They will not only demonstrate devotion by being faithful to the other, but by investing time, energy and effort in the relationship. There will be a strong fascination between both of them and they will feel that the other is worthy of all the efforts and affection they have to give.
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🤎When Pluto aspects either the Sun or Venus it makes this relationship something totally new for both of us. They will help each other to have a different perception of relationships, changing old mindsets. A strong attraction will bring them together, the intrigue and curiosity about the other will keep them hooked from the first interaction and the glimpse into the depths of the other will make them end up deciding to take a more intimate approach to the relationship. A powerful, intense and very transformative union.
🤎If Uranus is conjunct the Midheaven or in the 10th house, it is very likely that, regardless of the relationship, people will perceive a strong sense of unity and friendship in both. Their relationship falls into the description of fresh, positive, unusual but full of trust and support. You will both encourage each other to pursue your individual goals and celebrate each other's achievements as your own. For this couple, each other's individual success is important and they will play an important role in the path that the other travels as far as pursuing their goals is concerned.
🤎With Moon in the 1st house, not only will love and support abound between both of you, but individually you will feel the need to encourage the other to be authentic, not to wear masks when you are together, and you will have the ability to make each other feel safe. There will be familiarity between the two and it is very likely that they are a couple or friends, there is a bond of the type 'I choose you as family'.
🤎With Ceres in the 6th house, the couple nurtures and cares for each other, this not only refers to physical care, but also emotional and psychological support. Both individuals feel safe and supported in the relationship and, in turn, try to be reciprocal with the other by giving what they receive. They will support each other in all areas, from being a strong emotional support, a safe place for the other or even taking care of the other in their most vulnerable moments. They really enjoy doing things for each other and many times they won't even have to ask for it, since both will easily sense these needs.
🤎With the trine or sextile between Moon-Uranus, this couple can feel that spark between them, feeling not only fascinated by the other, but also very inspired. They will allow themselves to feel freely, they will not bind the other or seek to control them in any way and they will feel an affinity and genuine affection towards the other and their uniqueness.
🤎The favourable aspects between Moon-Saturn or if they are in mutual reception [Capricorn or Aquarius moon + Cancer saturn] help a lot if both want to take the step of living together, since it gives them not only affinity in terms of lifestyles, but also a strong sense of responsibility regarding the relationship. There is a lot of commitment, similar priorities and future planning [Saturn] for a domestic life together [Moon].
🤎When Pluto and Mars are conjunct or opposing, beyond showing a powerful attraction and a desire that seems to grow more and more, it also shows us a couple who is willing to do whatever it takes to guarantee not only the security of the relationship, but of the other person. They can be fiercely protective of each other and be very intense about each other. There is also an intense fascination for the other and, although many people do not usually associate it with this aspect, there can also be a strong admiration and fixation for the other.
🤎When there is a stellium in the 2nd house it shows that both have a strong need to be close to the other, many times even their mood seems to radiate in the presence of the other. This couple will seek to be there for each other and work together for the stability of the relationship. The comfort of the other and that they do not lack anything they want will be important to them. They can have a tendency to spoil each other very frequently and if Venus or Jupiter are there, it can often be excessive.
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astrobydalia · 10 months
Your present... Relationship observations pt. IV
I know you guys love these so here's more! As always, enjoy and happy holidays!
work by astrobydalia
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long post!
A common thing I've seen in the charts of people who are firmly monogamous is moon-mercury aspects (this is not the only indicator ofc). Their decisions and interests are guided by what they feel so once they set their heart on someone... that's it for them
A very interesting lesson that I took from doing so many synastry/composite readings is that the "like attracts like" trope is WAY more powerful than the "opposites attract" trope. Here are some of the most common similarities I've spotted:
couples sharing the same ASC (this one is SO common)
Very similar aspects to the moon: I’ve noticed many couples have each of their moons aspecting the same planets, specially, outer planets, usually in similar (sometimes even the same) aspects. For example person A has Moon Square Pluto and person B has moon opposite Pluto (both harsh aspects)
A common thing I've seen in many couples synastry is Venus square Venus aspect
On the other hand I’ve noticed that flings or really passionate relationships tend to have Moon square moon in synastry
Moon sextile Moon relationships are so perfect imo. They have the easy understanding of the trine and the passion of the square/opposition
I’ve seen a lot of unrequited love situations have Venus square/opposite Moon. The moon person is attached to and idolizes the Venus person. The Venus person enjoys moon’s company but they aren’t that romantically involved or interested
Earth Moons are very fond of stability what is known to them but they secretly want someone who takes them out of their comfort zone and opens them up to deep and exciting emotional experiences. I've noticed they usually end up with partners who are more sensitive, expressive and spontaneous
I’ve noticed Venus-Pluto natives (square, opposition, conjunction) end up building some kind of resentment towards their long-term partners overtime and won’t let them go. The type to spend years married to some they secretly hate and also the type of person who demonizes every single one of their exes. It’s like they tend to attract relationships that wake up a dark side in them
Something I keep seeing over and over is that Cancer placements are playerssssss (both men and women). They will treat you like you’re “the one” but that doesn’t necessarily mean they have an actual intention to settle with you😭 they're just getting carried away by what they feel in moment so I guess they are unintentional players???
Leo and Libra placements on the other hand are intentional players imo. They love the romance and chasing just for the validation it gives them
In order to keep a Cardinal Venus/Moon interested you need to keep showing up like your relationship is brand new. Doesn’t matter how long you’ve be together or how comfortable you are with each other, they want their partner to still make an effort to impress and romance them like it’s the first date and they're bound to do the same
Women with Libra Mars I've noticed tend to attract mamas boys or child-like men with mommy issues. These women are always the dominant or mature ones in their relationships
Capricorn Mars women are dominant too and have a strong character but they chase men who are equally as independent as them if not more
Something I’ve noticed with Pisces/Neptune 7th house (and also Pisces Venus/Juno to an extent) is that yeah they put their partner on a pedestal but they also low-key tend to take their partner for granted? I’ve noticed they expect their partner to be indulgent, permissive and basically tolerate their bs. Little is talked about how their tendency to ignore red flags goes both ways; they want their partner to ignore their red flags too and forgive all their behaviors
What is up with Aquarius and Pisces placements attracting each other all the damn time?
Water Venus/Mars win the award for most obsessive lovers out there
I’ve seen a lot of people with Mars in the 7th house who were divorced or never married. One friend of mine who has this placement says she doesn’t want to marry at all or have a relationship cause she’s too independent
Women with fixed Mars are attracted to men who have rough or bold characteristics such as beard, tattoos, toned body, deep voice, etc. or just a very bold presence in general. They also have a thing for men who have a very confident, understated and nonchalant demeanor/personality to them
Women with mutable Mars and their attraction to flighty and chaotic men who don’t give them the time of day. I’ve seen this countless times 😭😭😭
I've seen harmonious aspects between Mars-Moon in people that work very well together! This aspect typically means fertility which in a work environment translates into a fruitful relationship. The two people wanting to create/initiate things together with lots of motivation
Who came up with the idea that Aries Moon/Venus are disloyal and flighty? All I keep seeing irl is these natives tend to have a strong attachment to their partners. Once they're in your corner they won't ever let you go fr. They could have a tendency to get attached to the wrong people tho
I’ve seen many many couples having 7th house Mars in synastry but this overlay is super chaotic imo, creates a back and forth dynamic that ends nowhere. The house person is the chaser here, they are always pushing commitment on the Mars person cause they don’t want the mars person to “slip away” or something. The mars person enjoys the eagerness of the house person and finds it very attractive and could enjoy challenging the house person’s interest. Eventually if the mars person isn’t that interested they get bored and are often the first ones to walk away
A very similar outcome I've seen happens with 7th house Mars in Composite. This could make the bond between the two a bit "forced" and dragged out. This also means the connection will really be put to the test, you guys may have to fight for your connection a lot which can either bond you more or exhaust you, could eventually become tired of the relationship and how much energy it takes to keep it alive.
I have a theory that your preferred house overlays could be indicated by your Venus/7th house/Juno. For example if you have Leo Venus you might enjoy 5th house synastry, if you have Neptune or Pisces in the 7th house you might feel comfortable with 12th house synastry, etc. Let me know what you think about this
I’ve noticed that 8th house synastry results in a lot of physical touch going on so people who have this as their love language might be specially fond of this overlay. This is the couple that literally can’t keep their hands off each other
Scorpio Moons 🤝 sabotaging the few healthy relationships they have in their life. They eventually learn to keep the right people after really going through it tho
With 7th house synastry you can really feel like something's missing when you don't have that person around.
When moon falls in fire houses in synastry the two people are always excited to see each other
Moon in 1st house in synastry is the only 1st house overlay that is not superficial. The connection is usually very genuine while it lasts. This person likely sparks a lot of nostalgia and you remember them fondly
When someone’s personal planets fall in your 4th house, you feel like this person can see you for who you truly are deep down
Gemini Venus/Juno/7th house: the people they date tend to have almost identical characteristic, there's always this blatant "twin" factor in the people they date or attract. For example all their exes worked in the same industry, have the exact same personality, etc
Venus Observations...
Libra Venus has the rep for being big flirts and charmers but this is actually a Cardinal Venus thing tbh cause, as I've said in a past post, they love the chase, they just all do it in different ways
It's true Virgo Venus are picky but this doesn't necessarily mean they have high standards. Yes, stay with me here. These natives have a very clear series of characteristics they want a partner to meet and that's how they are picky/critical (earth) but if those boxes are checked, they don't care much about anything else (mutable) and can be quite flexible. They don’t really care if their partner is not the most sought after person
In contrast, Capricorn Venus are picky AND have high standards. They want the best of the best, the perfect partner
Virgo Venus wants a partner that doesn’t need validation however they want their partner to validate them all the time
Aquarius Venus will only commit if they see a future with that person. Not only they are ruled by Saturn (which rules longevity) but they are also ruled by Uranus which rules innovation, Aquarius is the visionary of the zodiac so Aquarius Venus people need to feel like their partner will help them evolve or "upgrade" as a person in some way (not in a materialistic way like Capricorn but rather mentally). That's why they are attracted to people who are "different", intelligent or eccentric
The reason why Aquarius Venus is "flighty" as per my observation is because they tend to go for partners who are radically different from them and as a result they often stumble upon many incompatible partners
Leo Venus is very underrated when it comes to acts of service, I’ve noticed this is a very common love language for them
In my experience Pisces Venus natives are SO deceitful and immature. I'm sorry I really wanted to like this placement but they always make me cringe and are only cute on the surface imo. The type to lead everyone on by saying things they don’t mean and exaggerating compliments. They’re very passive in love and romanticize bare minimum. This means they don't expect their partner to take accountability but the native never takes accountability themselves either. They ignore issues in relationships and instead of working things through they expect everything to be fixed with lovebombing and/or pretending like nothing happened. Men with this placement tend to be emotionally unavailable and always want to date a doormat girl. Women with this placement are childish and tend to have princess complex
The only Venus sign that doesn't care much about looks from what I've seen is Scorpio Venus. They care more about the bond and chemistry over their partner fitting a certain type.
Also, what is up with Scorpio Venus and dating people they don’t actually like that much or at all? 🤨 They be dating people that low-key annoy them
Libra, Leo, Capricorn and Taurus Venus very much care about looks in a partner. Taurus/Capricorn Venus natives I've noticed pay special attention to how a potential partner dresses and grooms themselves
All Fixed Venus natives are pretty obsessive to honest, it's not just Scorpio. I've noticed they like the idea of having some sort hold or control over their partner. Their love language is making themselves indispensable in some way cause they enjoy feeling like they're partner will always need them and won't get away from them
Men with Pisces/Libra/Cancer/Taurus Venus have a thing for women who are people pleasers or stereotypically feminine and charming. They like it when a woman is kind, gentle, understanding, accommodating, etc
Men with Fire Venus are attracted to confident and independent women who have this it girl vibe to them
Something else I’ve noticed with Fixed Venus natives is that they have a thing for partners that have a mysterious or reserved vibe to them. Not necessarily introverted, but people who protect their privacy or keep to themselves a lot.
Mutable Venus fall for partners that have this very open and outgoing vibe to them. Again, not necessarily extroverted, but people who have a more bubbly personality
Cardinal Venus natives will only fall in love with someone who they deeply admire. They commit to people who have this put together/respectable vibe to them
Juno Observations...
I've actually observed Juno synastry is very significant in business relationships not just romantic ones. In fact, those married couple I've seen with heavy Juno synastry also tended to be involved in business together
Sagittarius Juno I've seen manifests mostly as the native getting a spouse that is very permissive and gives them a lot of freedom, a spouse that never says no to anything. This placement overall gives a very respectful and supportive spouse. However because of this the Sag Juno native will have a tendency to cross boundaries in the marriage and take their spouse for granted
In general both Sagittarius and Pisces Juno have a tendency to "abandon" their spouses either physically or emotionally and kinda forget about them from time to time. This doesn't necessarily have to mean disloyalty tho.
Sag Juno natives want to feel like they have the freedom to go and do their own thing, like they'll leave for days or weeks on end and their spouse won't mind and will indeed support the native. They don’t like to feel like marriage hinders their desire to live freely but rather encourages it. Side note: I have seen some cases in which Sag Juno natives actually did abandon their spouses/families either for another partner or because they were perusing better opportunities
Pisces Juno natives will give a more sacrificial energy kinda like "babe I love you but I have to go, I'm sorry". There's something that stops the native from actually being there for their spouse, but this placement indicates the spouse is bound to be very forgiving because they'll see is not your fault in a way
Cancer/Capricorn Juno is an indicator of having a marriage with traditional gender roles or traditional values.
I’ve noticed Scorpio Juno natives or Scorpio ASC in the Juno PC have a marriage that REALLY rubs people the wrong way. Others could see your relationship as toxic or even predatory in nature. People believe that you landed your spouse (or vice versa) through manipulation, abuse, deceit, stalking, controlling behavior, etc. This placement also means you met when either of you were going through a hard time so there could be some case of trauma bonding here
I’ve seen that soulmate relationships tend have their Junos in the same element (most common case). Honorary mentions: Juno in opposite signs or signs ruled by the same planet
Leo Juno natives are a bit flighty and afraid of commitment. They just want a partner for the sake of the romance and feeling spoiled. They want the relationship to stay fun and playful and really dislike the sense of seriousness and "settlement" that can come with marriage sometimes
With Juno in the 7th house either you or your spouse will be in a relationship when you meet
When looking at the Juno PC, Capricorn placements/Saturn in the angels/Saturn conjunct inner planets indicates long-lasting marriage
Fixed Juno natives will have a spouse that is completely fascinated and obsessed with them. You want your spouse to worship you specially with Leo and Taurus Juno. The way your spouse will love you will boost your ego thus acting more confidently after marriage. The energy of the marriage could be a little overbearing or suffocating depending on other aspects
I've observed this in virtually all cases with Virgo Juno have a tendency to attract very inconsiderate partners that make them feel like they're not good enough (the opposite can be true). They had unsuccessful first marriage that drained the shit out of them but they eventually find someone who is very modest and nurturing
Cancer/4th house Juno natives have a VERY hard time moving on from their exes if they ever saw that person as marriage material.
From what I've seen Capricorn Juno doesn't create that much of a delay or age gap in marriage. It can of course, but in most cases these natives marry in their late 20s to their first serious bf/gf and they usually have an age difference of 2-5 years approximately. This placements I’ve seen manifests mostly as “I married my high school/collage sweetheart and we’ve been together forever” kinda scenario OR marrying someone from your past you reconnect with later in life
Scorpio, Pisces, Capricorn and Aquarius Juno indicates you'll marry your soulmate or your relationship with your fs is karmic or from a past life. You might meet your spouse after fulfilling some karmic lesson or some life milestone
Cardinal Juno/Juno in the angles tend to be very proud of their spouses or being married in general. Could be the type to be very invested in finding a life partner cause they tend to turn marriage into a very essential part of their lives and themselves
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work by astrobydalia
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astroismypassion · 9 months
Astrology observations 🐕💜🐕
Credit goes to @astroismypassion
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🐕 People with Capricorn Mars, Mars in the 10th house, Mars at a Capricorn degree or Mars Saturn aspect could have a tendency to stay in a partnership, because the sex is good, even if other aspects of partnership are not working anymore.
💜 Similarly, with Mars in the other's 10th house in a Synastry chart, the Mars person can stay in a partnership just because the sex is too good.
🐕 I noticed Cancer Sun often has cheapness as a trait. They really like cheap things unless they have some Taurus in the chart or things that would indicate otherwise.
💜 Taurus Suns have Venusian (what you find attractive) influence over their Sun (personality traits). So they are prone to go for partners that they find have an attractive personality and not so often looks. They fall in love with personality traits, identity. Usually the Taurus Sun ends up being the one more attractive in the couple, not the partner, because they go for a "pretty" identity, personality, because they find own self worth (Venus) through their partner's identity, personality (Sun).
🐕 I still haven’t figured out why, but I noticed a lot of Cancer Juno natives are in “a working” couple or working marriage, so they work with their partner.
💜 8th house sign or planets show which body area, body part you pay the most attention when you shower. If you have Leo over the 8th house you likely wash your back and hair the most. If you have Mars in the 8th house you probably pay special attention to your hair and face.
🐕 I was researching on which celebrities would be aligned best strictly astrologically speaking, so based on the placement in their Natal chart. He has Gemini over the 7th house where her Gemini Sun falls into, he has Cancer Venus with falls on her Cancer Rising. He's a Scorpio Moon, she's an Aries Moon. He also has Scorpio Ascendant at a Cancer degree (28) and she has Cancer Ascendant. I think they would actually look so good together, I'm not gonna lie and astrological compatibility is definitely there too.
💜 Another unlikely match, but also astrologically nicely compatible are Brad Pitt and Charlize Theron. He has Capricorn Moon and she has Sagittarius and Capricorn over the 4th house and Moon at a Capricorn degree, they both had to grow up quickly. Both Venus at an Aquarius degree. She has Mars at an Aries degree (25) the same as the degree of his Sun (25 degree). The both have their Jupiter conjunct, in Aries, with him being Sun at an Aries degree and having Aries over the 4th house. They seem astrologically quite in sync.
🐕 I think it's really nice when a couple has one's Venus sitting on the other's Jupiter. It gives this "we are so lucky to have found each other" type of love. It's also great for making more money together, feeling jovial, happy and bright around each other, you just feel so fortunate to be with each other.
💜 I think Cancer Sun Taurus Sun pairing as a romantic couple is really nice, like you get this "high school sweethearts at any age" love due to Gemini placements that are usually found in their Composite chart. But those Gemini placements might also very well be the reason why they are just friends and not a couple haha. You guys take a while to come together (if ever).
🐕 Degrees that show the age sometimes happened are better represented by your SIDEREAL Natal chart I gathered. Saturn degree that shows the age when you had to "grow up", mature and become more responsible. Pluto degree shows when a major life transformation happened, your parents divorce or when a traumatic event occured.
💜 I understand why Aries Sun Taurus Sun couple work, because Taurus Sun is basically Sidereal Aries Sun. But when is used celebrity example David Beckham (Taurus Sun) and Victoria Beckham (Aries Sun) I must say that there are other really compatible placements in their Natal charts. Victoria actually has her Sun at a Taurus degree. David has Sun at an Aquarius degree which is great with Victoria's Aquarius Moon. They both have compatible Moon sign, David's Capricorn Moon and Victoria's Aquarius Moon. They both are Saturnian/Uranian in emotional nature. So I wouldn't say that they are the best example for an Aries Sun Taurus Sun couple, because it's more like two Taurus Suns in their case.
🐕 Venus in a Composite chart indicates what you both find pleasure in. So the sign of Venus indicates which music artists both of you like, enjoy or might listen in the connection. Gemini Venus indicate that both might start listening to music made by Gemini Sun. If it's at a Leo degree (5, 17, 29) you might also enjoy music by Leo Sun. If Venus is located in the 9th house, you could also enjoy music by Sagittarius Sun.
💜 I noticed in Cancer Sun Cancer Sun couples usually the woman was the one initiating the partnership or proposing to his fiance.
🐕 I think the second sign after Scorpio that has the ability to REINVENT at any period, time or age is Gemini, especially Gemini Sun.
💜 Venus sign, house and degree indicate body parts you take care of, groom the most. Such as Venus in the 6th house takes care of their nails, skin. Wear nail polish and puts on body lotion, hand cream, face cream etc. Taurus Venus takes really good care of their lips.
🐕 I noticed the sign that washes their hair very regularly almost to the point of too often is Sun in the 6th house, Aries Sun and Leo over the 8th house or Sun in the 8th house. These people tend to obsess over hair and washing it daily.
💜 Taurus Venus is really unstoppable when they learn self love before pouring love into anyone else. If you have this placement your love life could actually improve once you start giving yourself gifts, spending money on yourself, taking yourself out to eat. Too often these people wait to treat their partner out for a meal first, buy them an expensive gift instead of actually gifting those things to themselves like it is meant to be with this Venus sign. Otherwise they pamper their partner to the point they themselves end up looking drained and their bank account broke. Also, don’t expect lavish gifts from your partner if you have this placement, they might be more passive and lazy with gift giving. They are much likely to give you a gift in form of food.
🐕 Pisces Moon, Moon in the 12th house, Pisces Mars and Neptune in the 8th house to some extent use sleep or sleep more to avoid any negative memories, intrusive thoughts or flashback coming up randomly during the day. When they are more in their feelings or alone this is more like to happen just randomly during the day, so they nap or sleep longer to avoid that.
💜 Virgo MC women often shave daily. While I noticed with men that have Virgo MC they either rock a clean shaved look or just grow out their hair, it’s either one extreme or another.
🐕 Pluto in the 12th house and Scorpio over the 12th house people, even Neptune in the 8th house to certain extent always listen to music when alone to avoid feeling alone, having some negative past experiences come up in their mind or negative remarks and criticism. They are incomfortable in their own presence until they learn.
Credit goes to @astroismypassion
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saturnian-venus · 11 months
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astro notes pt. v [composite & synastry edition part ii]
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ღ taurus stellium is such a glue factor in the composite chart it's found in charts of happily together couples.
ღ mars in the 7th house overlay the mars person wants to get married to the house person right away they see them as marriage material and for some people they will wait until marriage to have sex with the house person.
ღ there are numerous blissfully married couples with south node conjuncting inner planets I think it's a myth that this aspect makes a relationship temporary or short lived.
ღ 8th house overlays are not for everyone particularly if they have an empty 8th house or don't have strong pluto influence/many aspects with pluto they wouldn't like any planets there.
ღ many actors/actresses who meet their spouses on set have 8th house placements in combination with 5th house placements in their composite chart it makes sense cause acting is a talent and a type of transformation.
ღ composite saturn in the 4th house is an indicator of being a small family with one or two children.
ღ moon square uranus in composite means that they are attached to each other because of the absolute freedom they have in the relationship.
ღ composite north node in the 2nd house is the get rich together couple.
ღ composite chiron in the 5th house is an indicator of being parents to an only child.
ღ composite moon opposite juno is found in many childless marriages.
ღ pisces venus in composite chart is so lovely to have the couples that have this are fairytale couples they seem unreal with the amount of love and romance they have with one another.
ღ synastry sun square uranus the more independent the uranus person the more attention they get from the sun person.
ღ in composite the ruler of the 9th house in the 6th house could mean that the couple lead a busy life and travelling for work is like a routine for them.
ღ in composite the ruler of the 1st/10th house in the 8th house people be gossiping about their sex life cause they give the energy of we have a mind blowing sex life die mad about it b*tch hahaha.
ღ many people with aries/1st house placements love to have similar planet houses with their love interest and they like conjunctions and squares in their synastry/composite ex: if they have venus in the 4th house they might be attracted to people with 4th house sun/moon/venus/jupiter plus aspects between the same planets mars conjunct mars, moon square moon etc.
ღ individuals with moon/venus in the 11th house love uranus trine/sextile moon or venus in synastry them being the uranus person it makes them feel loved for their quirkiness.
ღ composite glo [3268] in the 1st/10th house or conjunct ascendant/midheaven lovers with this placement glow like swarovski crystals they catch attention from others immediately the it couple for sure.
ღ aeternitas [446] conjuct/trine/sixtile jupiter in composite is so marvelous. lovers with eternal blessings, ultimate expansion and never ending happiness ahhhh living the dream.
ღ the word fiducia means trust or faith so when we have the asteroid fiducia [380] in the 7th house in composite we get a couple that believes in the relationship and put a lot of trust in each other.
ღ priapus [h22] in the 1st house/conjunct the ascendant listen this is scary af the priapus person is going feral for the the asendant person they want them badly it's crazy it seems like they unlocked a new level of sexuality within them because of the ascendant person on the other hand the ascendant person might get scared by the intensity of the priapus person, although they will feel the attraction too but gradually more and more over time until paaam they are both insane about each other.
ღ sun trine/sextile jupiter double whammy between two lovers is great they are happy when they are around the other person and there is a limitless generosity between them.
ღ I love seeing venus conjunct/square saturn in composite charts cause even if It's difficult to love one another and in a way the world tries to keep you apart but there is faithful love there is no giving up on each other no cheating we love to see it.
ღ in a healthy relationship sun conjunct pluto synastry would be so good the sun person will elevate their self worth and be empowered by the pluto person. the pluto person will find their inner spiritual wealth and they'II end any toxic behaviors to be with the sun person the sun person will take pride in the fact that they had this big imbact on the pluto person seeing them radiant and less heavy energy wise.
ღ composite pluto in the 9th/12th house there will be some kind of spiritual even religious transformation in this relationship someone may change their religion or include some spiritual practices in their life.
ღ lilith [1181]/black moon lilith [h13] conjunct mercury in synastry ufff some heavy sh*t the lilith person is obsessed with the mercury person's mind they want to know them mentally like they want to invade their brain and the mercury person cannot stop thinking of the lilith person they live rent free in their mind the lilith person gets turned on by the mercury person's way of speaking/voice and the mercury person is making sexual fantasies about the lilith person. sexy voice notes and sexting are their cup of tea.
ღ joya [7899] conjunct venus the asteroid person is joyful around the planet person and gets happier by the love they receive from them the planet person is attracted to the asteroid person's gleeful personality and feels loved by the happiness they get from them.
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harmoonix · 11 months
🐞A love journey in your birth chart
🐞 • Astro Observations • 🐞
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(Synastry/Composite and Natal Chart observation)
🐞 (Composite/Synastry observations) 🐞
🐞 - Having 8th house synastry with your partner can indicate that you and they are very intimate with eachother.
🐞 - Venus/Sun/Mercury in the 7th house in the composite chart indicate you 2 can get along good and the relationship is healthy (Composite and Synastry chart are for couples)
🐞 - Pluto in the 7th house in the composite chart can indicate that relationships with that specific person can be transformative for both of you
🐞 - Taurus/Libra/Scorpio/ Leo ascendant in the composite chart, you look great together as a couple, very romantic and full of love
🐞 - Having 6th/10th house placements in your dynasty chart indicates a strong fundamental relationship, loyal and serious partners
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🐞 - Capricorn Venus/Capricorn 7th house in composite chart can show that both of you look for a serious relationship
🐞 - Juno in the 9th house/Juno in Sagittarius in composite chart can indicate that you may travel together or just going together in a lot of places
🐞 - Juno/Venus in the 12th house in synastry can mean that you may have a karmic bound with eachother
🐞 - Jupiter in the 8th house in synastry chart can indicate that you may be spoiled by them either they by you (spoiled with anything)
🐞 - Mars/Venus/Neptune in the 8th house in composite chart = Breaking bed stages, very intense and intimate and very hot
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🐞 - Ascendant - Mercury aspects in composite chart you can communicate everything with them, you feel safe to talk with them about everything
🐞 - Cancer Ascendant in your composite chart can indicate a nurturing relationship where both of you take care of eachother
🐞 - Having Placements in the 5th house in synastry chart indicates you really like to be eachothers company a lot. You may stay together a lot
🐞- Moon in Scorpio/Capricorn/Aquarius/Virgo in composite chart can indicate problems with having a hard time to tell your feelings to your partner or sometimes even trust isuses
🐞 - Jupiter - Juno harmonious aspects in the composite chart have a really great luck in relationships and with their partners (really good aspects in composite chart)
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(Natal Chart Observations)
🐈‍⬛🐞 - Pluto - Venus aspects love really hard, in a breakup stage is really hard for them to let the person they love to go
🐞🐈‍⬛ - Capricorn/Leo/Aquarius in the 7th house shows that you may want someone who can be loyal in a relationship and loyal to you
🐞🐈‍⬛ - Neptune in the 7th house/7th house in Pisces can end up idolize their partners a lot, like for them their partners might be their entire world
🐈‍⬛🐞 - Virgo Moons/Venus/Mars can end up teaching their partners things, like being the teacher and student kind of thing?. Yes they can do that
🐞🐈‍⬛ - Gemini/Sagittarius/Leo/Scorpio Venus/Mercury might be really flirty in chatty in their relationship. One thing is for sure with them. They literally love to make jokes about everything
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🐞🐈‍⬛ - Cancer/Libra/Pisces Moons may be the ones who fall in love the first but you can end up loving them way more. Something like they fell for you first but you fell harder for them
🐈‍⬛🐞 - Juno/Venus in Aquarius can end up crushing for their friends or vice versa (sometimes can even mean that you may have crushes you don't know about)
🐈‍⬛🐞 - Taurus Moons/Mercury/Venus may have the most charming voices, people can first fall in love with their voices before everything
🐞🐈‍⬛ - Juno aspecting Neptune can create an spiritual bounding with their partners, and thus can also indicate that you may feel everything in the same way
🐞🐈‍⬛ - Juno aspecting Saturn/Pluto can sometimes be too overprotective over their partners, and omg they can get so jealous for you
🐈‍⬛🐞 - Juno sextile/trine/conjunct Mars. Intensity level 1000%, Probably seeking for someone dominant and fierce in their lives
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🐞🐈‍⬛ - Sun/Moon in the 4th house, your family will be the most important for you ever. The family you wanna create and your own family will be big priorities in your life
🐞🐈‍⬛ - Venus/Juno in the 6th/8th or 10th house can end up working together in the same place, especially in the 10th house is giving career relationship
🐈‍⬛🐞 - For Aries Venus/Juno/Mars their partners are their soft spot 100%. It's so cute but in a way it can aslo be challenging since they can be attached to you too hard
🐞 - People with North Node in the 7th house/North Node in Libra are the people who really seek for a relationship. They can get sad or just in a depressed state if they are single
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🗼 Hello everybodyyyy. I hope everyone reading my notes has a good day full of blessings and new beginnings to start 🗼 a new day a new chapter opens for us 🐞
🐞 Have a miraculous day for everyone 🐞
- Harm🐞🐞nix
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astropookie · 4 months
asteroids related to love 💝
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ao haru ride
ik this is too cheesy for my style but hope it may help :) these asteroids are just a few compared to the existing.
self love
hygeia (10): how to maintain a healthy relationship between body and soul.
medea (212): represents our healing ability. archetype of Pluto/scorpio. where we make mistakes again and again, vengeful, practically process of healing.
fated connections
devine (3561): if it has aspects with other’s person planets/asteroids could indicate a trascendental connection.
libby (5672): represents fated connections.
aura (1488): represents an intuitive connection.
karma (3811): indicates you’re destined to meet with these person due to past-life unfinished business.
destinn (6583): strong connection, destiny like.
pholus (5145): if it’s in synastry/composite chart, indicates unexpected events that would change the trajectory of your life -that has to do with this connection-.
sposetti (22354): means “married couple” in Italian. marriage potential, past life marriages or special connections.
oenone (215): indicates people where you have been cheated on/ left by lovers or simply felt betrayal.
love synonyms
paeonia (1061): represents a flower that symbolizes love, honor and wealth.
olathe(18984): lovely, beautiful.
loving (432971): loving emotions.
ask (4894): represents the way you love someone, “love” in turkish.
liebe (7696): “love” in german. romantic expectations and needs.
pure/unconditional love
ceres (1): unconditional love, depth we’re willing to go for the ones we love.
alma (390): represents the desire of expanding our heart while time passes, optimism for love and romance.
agapenor (5023): simple appreciation. unconditional love that can last through ages, not only romantic. altruistic love.
valentine (447): sacrificial type of love, deep bonds between two people. indicates the urge to give our all without asking anything in return.
child (4580): represents our inner child. pure, unfiltered, innocent love.
isis (42): desire to nurture/protect the ones we love and care about. also may represent leadership qualities. loyalty, devotion, between others.
romantic love
amor (1221): means love in spanish. represents what we need to show/break patterns to commit with the person we want to love.
cupido (763): represents how you fall in love. I’ll think on this asteroid more like a “crush” type of “love”, innocent at first.
juno (3): can represent our romantic boundaries, what we will do for romantic -not necessarily- relationships and I have a post of juno series if you’d like an interpretation of your juno sign.
union (1585): inner need of deep and meaningful connections -any type-. indicates qualities of the relationship in composite charts.
adonis (2101): ideal type, plus if you like masculine.
groom (5129): indicates how do we approach role of marriage -long term commitment- in their life. who you may end up having this relationship, depending on your preferences.
briede (19029): like asteroid groom, associated with commitment, etc. like the name, dependa in preferences.
companion (8490): shows wanting to be all the time with that person. what are you looking for in a long term connection (romantic or not).
anteros (1943): manner which you reciprocate love, requited love.
luda (1158): where do people adore/love you.
link (3505): indicates the type of connection -close- between partners.
lovelock (51663): obsessive love, like the name.
galatea (74): imo idealization of our type of a person.
akashi (5881): requires introspection/exploration. hidden knowledge and potential. has to do with how our past relationships affects our present and future.
(*ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ꕤ૮꒰ྀི⸝⸝> . <⸝⸝꒱ྀིა ∗ ࣪ ˖༺ ♡ ༻˖ ࣪ ∗ */ᐠ - ˕ -マ✩ (˶˃ᆺ˂˶)∗ ࣪ ( ๑ ˃̵ᴗ˂̵ )و ✩
♡ Based on personal experience and I’ve analyzed in my surroundings.
♡ English is not my first language.
♡ I’m not a profesional astrologer.
Thank youu. baibaiii🫣🫶🏼💋
Do not copy. Please give me credits.
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botanicalsword · 5 months
Indicators for Marriage
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In Composite Chart ♡ For Further Development of a relationship
✧ Composite Chart ➔ Davison Chart
The Composite Chart can be seen as the initial condition when two meet and start developing a relationship
The Davison Chart represents the long-term direction of the relationship. In essence, the Davison chart provides a more accurate understanding of the true nature of a relationship over time.
✧ Indicators for Marriage / long-term relationship
Sun in 1 / 4 / 7 / 10H
Sun conjunct / Sextile / Trine Venus
Venus in 10H
Venus / Jupiter in 1st House
Jupiter in 7th House
Harmonious aspect between Venus and Jupiter
Ascendant in Libra / Taurus
Harmonious aspect between 1st and 7th House House Ruler
Pluto conjunct Asc / MC
Venus / Juno conjunct Vertex
Vertex conjunct Dsc
Aspect between 1st / 7th House Ruler and Juno / Chiron
Juno Conjunct / Sextile / Trine Sun / Venus / Jupiter
Juno in same house / planet as Sun 
❥ Composite Chart / Davison Chart
>> Davison Chart • will there be reconciliation? >> ☽ Observations on Composite Chart / Davison Chart (extended) >> Indicators for relationship that are “difficult to break”
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Exclusive access : Patreon
/ instagram : @le.sinex / @botanicalsword
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princessjojo-x · 10 months
Synastry Notes
💝 the reasons you sometimes harmonise well with men, despite it not making sense astrologically... A) people you’ve spent a considerable amount of time with, your family & friends, have similar placements to him. as a consequence, you’re very familiar & comfortable with that signs energy, despite not necessary being the most astrologically compatible with it. therefore, it’s useful to check the sun signs of the people closest to him, to learn what energy he is accustomed too. B) despite having a disappointing synastry chart, you have hopeful & balanced composite chart. B) one of his placements falls into one of your following houses: 1H - energy you give off. 4H - emotional wellbeing & comfort. 5H - love, happiness & inner child. 7H - partnerships & relationships.
💝 it doesn’t matter how attractive other girls are compared to you, as long as you & him have mutual attraction written in your synastry chart. however, it doesn’t matter how pretty you are compared to other girls, he will still cheat on you if betrayal is written in your synastry chart.
💝 in regards to your natal chart, fifth house shows how you act in the beginning of rxships & your dating style (first dates, first kisses). eighth house shows how you act when feeling real connection & how you behave sexually.
💝 our preferred house overlays could be indicated by our venus sign. for example, leo venus may enjoy 5th house synastry or scorpio venus may feel comfortable with 8th house synastry.
💝your best match will not have similar placements to you but instead opposite energy to balance one another out. find someone with the energy you’re lacking.
💝 chart ruler conjunct seventh house within synastry is a marriage indicator. chart ruler is the planet that rules your ascendant sign. for example, my ascendant is cancer so my chart ruler is moon. my moon is in aries so they would be libra ascendant.
💝 having many oppositions within synastry can feel like you lust over each other but there’s always something stopping you from being with each other. it’s important to have patience & faith in these rxships. without maturity results won’t be see.
💝 in order to get over your ex using astrology, meet someone new who has their south node conjunct your ex’s moon, ascendant or venus.
💝 a lot of married couples have their ascendant in neighboring signs.
💝 many couples share similar moon aspects in their natal chart. for example, partner A has moon square rising & partner B has moon opposite rising, both harsh aspects.
💝 often cancer & taurus placements end up together.
💝 the least compatible signs are taurus & virgo. the spark dies quickly & partners get irritated with each other as time goes on. but partners stay together bc the rxship “works” practically.
💝 starting a new rxhsip during venus rx is guaranteed to teach you a karmic lesson with a karmic partner.
💝 oddly enough, the same placements that indicate potential of becoming a stalker are the same placements that indicate being a victim of stalking. if you look at the charts of real stalkers & their victims, there's often similar aspects.
💝 high chance of compatibility if theres more harmonic aspects (trines, sextiles) than hard aspects (oppositions, squares) within synastry chart. however, you NEVER want a rxship with no challenging aspects bc that would be so boring & you’d both lose interest quick asf. we need that spice, that challenge, that potency.
💝 trine = the most positive aspect
💝 sextile = harmonious & ease
💝 square = challenge & action
💝 opposite = attraction & instability
💝 moon = represents a man’s spouse.
💝 venus = how we love & want to be loved. the type of woman men are attracted to
💝 mars = the type of man women are attracted to
💝 juno = venus & mars shows what partner we think we want but juno shows what marriage partner we need & will get. (leo)
💝 rising of your juno persona chart = shows what partner you‘re destined to marry (capricorn)
💝 lust = represents desires & uncontrollable turn ons. lusts energy is not related to love or romance, no emotions involved, it’s abt our instincts.
💝 lust conjuct asc, venus, even neptune - lust is sexually attracted to planets physical appearance. neptune especially will be lusts ideal sexual partner bc neptune represents ideals & dreams.
💝 knowing which house of theirs your moon falls in, is the key to understanding how they perceive your emotional world & what area of life you give them comfort/nurture.
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astrocafecoffee · 2 months
Astro observation (part 2)
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✨ For entertainment purposes only, enjoy ✨
🔥 Taurus sun individuals usually eat slowly and savor their food enjoying each bite. They dislike being rushed during meals.
🔥 Sagittarius rising peoples thrive on variety in their excercise routine. They might regularly switch between different types of workouts to keep things interesting.
🔥 Capricorn rising peoples might enjoy dishes like roasted meats , stews and well balanced meals that provide both comfort and nourishment.
🔥 Sagittarius sun - very good in mathematics and calculation.
🔥 Groom conjunct your vertex/ Hera asteroid in draconic synastry can indicate they being your spouse/ you have a soul tie with them.
🔥 I have seen many Libra 12th house peoples often have people pleasing tendencies and have problems with creating healthy boundaries.
🔥 11th House mars people's communication style with friends can be direct and assertive, which can sometimes come across as agressive if not managed carefully.
🔥 Mercury in its debilitated sign ( Pisces) individuals may struggle with tasks that require precision, detailed analysis or strict logic.
🔥 I have seen when someone's 9th lord in their 12th house or vice versa , they often marry people from other states, cultures, and countries .
🔥 Aries moons can be quick to anger but also quick to forgive and forget.
🔥 juno in 7th house of Groom persona chart means your fs is your wish fulfilment, ( dreams come true 👀)
🔥 Virgo placements may excel in stock market.
🔥 Aries placements tend to tackle problems head on with immediate action. They prefer to address issues rather than letting them linger or escalate.
🔥 water placements are obsessed with beaches and coastal environments , where Earth signs with mountains.
🔥 I have also seen this many water placements either love water areas or hate it. There's no in between. I have seen cancer moons/ Pisces rising peoples having thalassophobia.
🔥 in Vedic astrology, Rahu in 7th house / rahu conjunct Venus/ rahu conjunct 7th lord indicates foreign spouse.
🔥 Webb asteroid in natal 11th house is self explanatory 🙃.
🔥 prey Asteroid ( 6157) in 4th house individuals often see their home as refuge where they can shield themselves from outside world. If it's negative side manifests in someone's life then there might be themes of feeling vulnerable or taking advantage within the family and home environment.
🔥 Gemini placements individuals are often misunderstood by peoples.
🔥 cancer moons emotional up and downs can weaken their immune system , making them more vulnerable to infections.
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🔥 Scorpio placements likes to feel in control of their surroundings and emotions and they fear situations where they feel powerless.
🔥 Aquarius mars peoples value their independence highly and can be quite stubborn about doing things their way.
🔥 Jupiter in Aquarius people may involved in activism , volunteering or supporting charitable organisations.
🔥water moons , Capricorn placements often prone to depression.
🔥 Venus in Capricorn peoples may fear being vulnerable or getting hurt , which is why they often appear guarded more in relationships.
🔥 Aries mars often have fear of rejection . If they sense any hint of rejection they might quickly pull back or move on to avoid facing their fear.
🔥Pluto in Sagittarius peoples maybe fascinated by esoteric subjects, occult and hidden truths. This interest in the mystical and unknown can lead them to explore astrology, tarot or other metaphysical studies.
🔥 Asteroid Medusa conjunct midheaven in natal chart means this individual's career may dealing with controversial and taboo subjects , leading to transformation and growth. They could work in fields related to psychology, healing, crisis management or any area that requires confronting difficult truths.
🔥 Asteroid Born conjunct juno in synastry suggest a relationship that feels spiritually significant , with a strong sense of being " meant to be" or karmic linked.
🔥 Hera asteroid conjunct sun in synastry means the Hera person might view the sun person as an ideal partner, seeing them as someone can commit to for the long term . This aspect can indicate a relationship that has potential to lead to marriage or a deep , committed relationship.
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Thanks for reading 🖤
- piko ✨
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loveemagicpeace · 7 months
Synastry & Composite chart Part 2 🍬💍🍒
🦋Composite Chart🦋
☁️ASC : How the relationship started & how others / environment see you
☁️ASC ruler : Area of focused expression
☀️Sun : Indicates what brought you together and what goal you have in life
☀️Aspects to Sun : Shows purpose of the relationship supported or not
🌙Moon : Emotional connection & the soul of the relationship
🌱Mercury: communication, thinking and how they fit together in mindset
🍒Venus: how u two love and your love language together
🥨Mars: drive, anger & power, sexual attraction
🔥Jupiter: luck , gift, wisdom, traveling, exploration, growth
🪐Saturn: karmic things, honesty, responsibility, maturity of the relationship
❄️Uranus: difference, uniqueness, unpredictability, rebellion
🫀Pluto: intensity, depth, transformation
🧚🏼‍♀️Neptune: dream, fantasy, confusion, obscurity, illusion, lies
🍬Northnode : Indicates in what direction you should grow as couple
💕1st, 5th and 7th : Important houses in Composite
Conjunction : Binding force, depending on the planets combined
Sextile : Harmonic union, comforting
Square : Challenge, No break-ups when you understand each other
Trine : Harmonic union, cooperating well together
Opposition : More prone to break-ups, attraction
💍7th houe shows what’s needed to make the relationship work.
☀️Sun : Need for balance in ego’s inorder to make it work. It’s a good placement for marriage, but it can quickly evolve into becoming open enemies if you are not willing to compromise and listen to each other.
🌙Moon : Emotional involvement is a strong theme. Giving security to each other is needed aswell as balancing the emotions of both people. Safe place and home of relationship.
🌱Mercury : Equally sharing is a theme. Communication is strong, but also the point that needs to be balanced inorder for it to work.
🍒Venus : A very good placement for all love relationships aswell as business related relationships. It’s important to find balance in giving & receiving.
🦋Venus & Neptune placed within the 7th house can indicate a relationship where it will feel so familiar, it’ll feel as though it is unreal and goes beyond this realm. Soulmate energy, especially in tribes, but any aspect. It could be hard to stay angry at one another.
🍬Neptune Conjunct Juno can indicate a twin flame/ soulmate energy. It could also feel as though you’ve been with this person before within past lives if you believe in that kind of thing. The connection will not be easy to let go of and will have something for the natives to learn.
🫐North Node in the 12th house can indicate a connection that may feel like a spiritual connection or could feel as though there is a significant purpose for the connection itself. Both can have dreams about each other that may reveal things about the relationship itself.
🥐Jupiter is in Conjunction to Saturn in a composite chart, it is normal to expect that you will never forget the connection whether it’s romantic or platonic. It could be an indication of staying together for a very long time or for even a short amount of time.
🐚Synastry chart🐚
💕Venus & mars are the most important indicators in relationship because Venus represents love and mars represent drive and passion and when the couple don't have aspects with the venus and mars. It's hard for relationship to survive.
🎡Moon square Mars -It can be challenging aspect because it suggests an emotionally intense nature. Two people can get along very well at one time, and hate each other intensely at other times. Sometimes they can't find a common point of emotions and energy.
🌁Asc square Venus- many times it indicates that when you see a person for the first time, you don't like them. Energy can be very strange and challenging. Later, emotions can develop and it becomes more calming.
🌆Pluto & mars in 4th house synastry -it shows the home you want to create with the person, how you want to live and how you see their family and they see you. Pluto can represent a great transformation that the person brings to your home, and you yourself can transform a lot through this relationship. You can also see how you really want to live with this. Many times, however, the pluto indicates that the mother of the 4th house person can be intense, mysterious and possibly treacherous. A lot of times she can do things in secret. Mars, on the other hand, can represent some internal conflict and more direct energy. That you may notice right away whether their family accepts you or not. Both planets together can represent a more combative side of the family and that many times you feel that things are going too far. Many times mom can be the reason for a fight between you.
🌱Moon in 10th house synastry- can be good or not. Depending on aspects. It can lead to responsible, serious emotions, but at the same time emotions can only come from success, career, practicality and you can feel that in this relationship and passion. You may have reservations before fully expressing yourself to the person and you may have the feeling that the person does not understand how you feel.
🛼Venus in 12th house- a spiritual connection, maybe a love meant to be found. You can meet a person in interesting circumstances. Many times, however, a person may be covering up their real relationships from before or certain secrets about money. A person may come forward in a completely different way than they really are. Love can be covered up, it can mean that no one really knows what is really going on. Sometimes it can lead to the person having you, delusions, or wanting to have you in any way.
✨Lilith in 12th house -lilith shows where the relationship can be the darkest and how the person wants to control you. This connection can bring about dramatic change and transformation. Lilith person may just seem to be out of control in their emotional expression. This can seem overwhelming and dramatic for House 12 person to deal with.
🪐North node conj saturn- karmic relationship means that you have a mission with this person in this life, which you have to complete.
🥨A lot of aspects with saturn means that this relationship is not necessarily something that you want, that will bring you something passionate or happy. It can mean a lot of responsibilities and lessons that can be very difficult. Maybe a relationship in which you can feel trapped.
🦋If relationship don’t have any 1st, 7th, 8th house it can mean that the relationship will not be so successful and you will always feel like you made the wrong decision.
🎸For personal readings u can sign up here: https://snipfeed.co/bekylibra 🎸
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cupidlovesastro · 1 year
astrology observations #4
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❥people with a lot of air and water can be very spiritual and have a soft heart when it comes to humanity and children
❥moon in 11th house people can automatically make you feel so close to them even if you guys have known each other for a week. you can feel like besties or like you can trust them easily.
❥sagittarius stelliums can be so loud when voicing their opinions or things they enjoy. they can be pretty loud in general, and they love joking. i also noticed even when they’re being serious, people will laugh at what they’re saying because they’re known for being the funny friend 😭
❥if you ever wanna know what someone’s rising sign is, but you can’t tell by how they look, listen to what they say, what they care about, and what they do or enjoy doing. i noticed that a lot of your personality is filtered through your rising and when you start listening to the things they say, or notice the things they do it’ll start to add up. for example, i know a taurus rising, he talks about how much he loves his children a lot, he enjoys cooking and eating, he buys a lotttt of things, and he has 3 college degrees but loves his lazy days where he lays in bed all day watching thriller movies😭
❥leo in ceres will ride or die for their children. they will defend them no matter what and have the hugest heart in the world for their children
❥chiron in 12th house can have a conflicting and hard time with spirituality. wether it be believing in it, scared of it, or worried that your not good enough for a higher entity. you could also have been forced into religion
❥capricorn, taurus, libra, aries, and leo in juno, definitely love princess treatment from their soulmate 🫶🏽
❥the most hardworking people i know have taurus,sag, capricorn, and aqua in their chart
❥people with fire mercury in 1st house can be giggly and smiley when talking to them, or when they’re talking
❥having virgo in big 6 in your composite chart can indicate you and your partner care about being hygienic around one another. if it’s in venus, mars, or moon, it might be held at a even more higher standard. it could also mean that you both care about keeping your space clean if you live together
❥mercury positively aspecting venus can mean people feel attracted to you just by your voice and you could be good at flirting or smooth talking 😭
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astroismypassion · 5 months
Astrology observations 🏕🚐⛺️
Credit goes to @astroismypassion
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🚐🏕 Pisces Juno can outlive their committed partner, marriage spouse.
⛺️🚐 Libra MC might be well-known for promoting self-love, wellness and well-being. These are the natives that remind those around them to take care of themselves in a caring, compassionate way.
🏕🚐 Wherever there is Gemini over your Natal chart is very duality is present. If you have Gemini over the 5th house, you could crush or develop a romantic interest on two people. If you have Gemini over the 7th house, you could feel tempted to be in a partnership with two people. If you have Gemini over the 4th house, you could have two mothers or mother figures. If you have Gemini over the 3rd house, you may not be able to choose between two best friends to make one your true best friend, so you could have two best friends instead. If you have Gemini over the 9th house you could have 2 marriage partners in your life. If you have Gemini over the 1st house, you could be consciously or not put in situations in your life where you are the second person in some scenario. If you have Gemini over the 8th house, you could have 2 people you are physically intimate with or/and you share a deep trusted bond. If you have Gemini over the 11th house you could belong to two friend groups. If you have Gemini over the 2nd house, you attract people that could date two people at once.
🏕🚐 Libra Chiron or Chiron in the 7th house, even some Venus Chiron aspects are sometimes trying to “buy” love by overextending themselves, such as doing acts of service, giving gifts in attempt to win a romantic interest over.
🚐⛺️ Sagittarius Ascendant either is overdoing it in a romantic partnership or »underperforming«. These natives either give a lof attention, affection, care, gifts to their partner or they are withdrawing that energy and not doing enough.
🏕🚐 Based on real life patterns, I noticed that often you make fun of your Jupiter sign, house, degree, even Jupiter aspects to other planets. So if you have Jupiter in the 2nd house, you may try to mimic words, gestures, actions in a humorous manner and make fun of Taurus Sun.
🚐⛺️ If you have Taurus Juno, you could attract a committed partner, spouse that collects things just in case they will use it later. Huge »hoarder spouse« placement.
🏕🚐 I mentioned before in answers to mailbox questions, but 4th house Synastry really is much more clingy than 12th house. With 12th house Synastry there is occasional ghosting, you're ignoring each other due to misinterpreted actions or words, you forget to answer the other person or you pretend you didn't see them or you are just a bit oblivious or unaware. But with 4th house is non-stop clingy energy. People you have 4th house Synastry will want you attention, be in your energy or around you daily. So it can really get tiring, much more than it is with 12th house Synastry.
⛺️🚐 I think it's not talked enough how Libra Chiron people attract a lot of people who abuse substances or/and narcissistic romantic partners.
🚐🏕 Gemini Juno people get very, very quickly embarassed by something their partner did or said. But to be fair, Gemini Juno natives quite often do or say something to embarass themselves too.
⛺️🚐 Pisces North Node and North Node in the 12th house people often sacrifice their own health and well-being by being dedicated to something, which can in the long run cause them ilness or health issue, condition.
🚐🏕 In Composite charts, the woman and how she feels about the connection, acts is represented by the Moon placement. The man, the more masculine energy is represented by the Sun placement. But the second thing I noticed interpreting Composite charts is also that Venus placement serves as »a second Composite Moon« which also shows further the traits of the woman, feminine in the connection. And Mars placement is »the second Composite Sun« which shows the traits of the man more in-depth.
🚐⛺️ I think Juno house really shows more the location of meeting your partner rather than their traits. Juno house shows circumstances, where you meet them, what was happening around. So Juno in the 6th house would point to meeting at work. I would say Juno sign more so indicates traits rather than getting along with person who has planets in that sign. For example, you could have Gemini Juno and wish for a talkative partner who is active and present in conversations, but you may prefer more stability than person with Gemini placements can offer. Most often I think people don't really like the typically personality of their Juno sign, but more so just bits of it. So if you have Gemini Juno, you may not like someone who gossips, but more so you like that they are able to keep the conversation going with stimulating topics.
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Credit goes to @astroismypassion
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d4rkpluto · 9 months
𝔧𝔲𝔭𝔦𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔣𝔲𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔢 𝔰𝔭𝔬𝔲𝔰𝔢 𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔬𝔯𝔶
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follow for more content! plus i said to my friend that if i reach 9,500+ i'll do a sexual observation post, we're almost there :) like we have 96 followers left till we reach it.
paid chart readings here :) composite and synastry readings are allowed.
plus this post was because i reached 9,000+? right, i forgot it's been some time since i've been here, but im back lmao.
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♇ i believe this post and theory needs an introduction, you have to read this very carefully because my time here has proven to me that a lot of people here lack media literacy, so i am here to say that this post was inspired by Alyssa Sharpe and i dove into the matter with my own research and i'm here to say that 99.5% of my own specific research for this topic was correct.
♇ if you have watched one of alyssa sharpe's videos, especially the future spouse videos on her tiktok, she said moon, juno or groom can convey and inform someone about their future spouse, but they're not strong enough, thus, the only thing that can talk about the wife and the husband is jupiter.
♇ there's many arguments that jupiter is only about the husband and the wife is venus, or that jupiter is not the sole indicator for the husband or future spouse, and i respect their perspectives, but this one specifically is my own, which is influenced by alyssa sharpe.
♇ i have gone through mostly 30+ couples, specifically celebrity couples and i have been able to identify that jupiter had almost correlated with all of their future spouse's big 6; and if their jupiter sign did not correlate within the signs in their spouse's big six, then it had meant that it likely connected with their ascendant, sun, moon or jupiter, specifically with conjunct aspects.
♇ plus, they dont need to be currently married, they can be divorced.
♇ example, person A has jupiter in leo which means person B would have leo in one of their big six.
♇ if person B does not have leo in one of their big six it would mean they would likely have the sun in their first house or one of their dominant planets.
♇ however person B could also have the sun aspecting the core planets or jupiter because it is the spouse planet :).
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chrissy teigen has jupiter in aquarius and john is a saturanian sun.
john legend has jupiter in leo and chrissy has sun in the first house.
david beckham has jupiter in aries and victoria is an aries sun and mercury.
victoria beckham has jupiter in pisces and david is a pisces mars.
jay-z has jupiter in libra and beyonce is a libra ascendant, libra venus, libra dominant and venus dominant.
beyonce has jupiter in libra and jay is a libra moon and libra dom.
brenda has jupiter in taurus and macaulay is a venusian mars.
macaulay has jupiter in virgo and brenda has mercury conjunct the ascendant.
kourtney has jupiter in cancer and travis is a cancer and moon dominant. he has the ascendant in cancer and in his mars.
travis has jupiter in aries and kourtney is an aries sun, mercury and is aries dominant.
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kate middleton has jupiter in scorpio and prince william is a scorpio dom.
prince william has jupiter in scorpio and kate has jupiter in scorpio and has her sun square pluto.
justin has jupiter in scorpio and hailey has sun conjunct pluto.
hailey has jupiter in capricorn and justin has the sun conjunct saturn.
nicola has jupiter in sagittarius and brookly is jupiter dom.
brooklyn has jupiter in aries and nicolae has an aries moon and has her sun aspecting mars.
whitney has jupiter in aries and bobby is an aries venus.
bobby has jupiter in libra and whitney is a libra mars.
ryan has jupiter in taurus and blake is a jupiter in taurus and has her sun conjunct venus.
blake is a jupiter in taurus and ryan is a jupiter in taurus and has a libra mercury.
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george has jupiter in aquarius and amal is an aquarius sun, venus and aquarius dom.
amal has jupiter in gemini and george has his sun conjunct mercury.
gwen has jupiter in libra and blake has his sun conjunct venus.
blake has jupiter in taurus and gwen is a libra dom and has sun in libra.
ariana has jupiter in libra and dalton is a libra mars.
dalton has jupiter in sagittarius and ariana has moon conjunct jupiter.
kim has jupiter in virgo and kanye is a gemini dom and sun.
kanye has jupiter in gemini and kim is a virgo venus.
michael has jupiter in libra and lisa has her venus trine jupiter. [jupiter the planet of the future spouse].
lisa has jupiter in virgo and michael is a virgo sun and virgo dom.
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nene has jupiter in virgo and gregg has sun conjunct mercury
gregg has jupiter in cancer and nene is a moon dominant.
laruen has jupiter in capricorn and nipsey has his sun square saturn.
nipsey has jupiter in aquarius and lauren is an aquarius dominant and has mars in aquarius.
my mother has jupiter in scorpio and my father has jupiter conjunct pluto.
my father has jupiter in libra and my other has a taurus moon and has venus conjunct jupiter.
ru paul has jupiter in capricorn and george has venus and his jupiter in capricorn.
george has jupiter in capricorn and ru paul also has his venus and jupiter in capricorn, and is also a capricorn dominant.
tom has jupiter in virgo and rita is a virgo dominant, has venus and jupiter in virgo.
rita has jupiter in virgo and tom has his ascendant in virgo and is also virgo and mercury dom.
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goldie has jupiter in libra and kurt has venus sextile ascendant.
kurt has jupiter in pisces and goldie is a jupiter dom.
meryl has jupiter in aquarius and don has his sun opposition uranus.
don has jupiter in scorpio and meryl has moon square pluto.
millie has jupiter in virgo and jake is a gemini stellium, has gemini in mars, venus and mercury and is a mercury dominant.
jake has jupiter in cancer and millie has sun conjunct moon.
tana has jupiter in pisces and jake has sun conjunct neptune and sun conjunct jupiter.
jake has jupiter in capricorn and tana has sun sextile her saturn.
cindy has jupiter in gemini and rande has almost all his big six placements in the 6°.
range has jupiter in pisces and cindy is a pisces stellium, sun, mercury, moon and mars an is clearly a pisces dominant.
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prince phillip had jupiter in virgo and queen elizabeth had her moon trine mercury.
queen elizabeth had jupiter in auqarius and prince phillip had sun square saturn.
princess diana had jupiter in aquarius and king charles has jupiter opposition uranus.
king charles has jupiter in sagittarius and princess diana was a sagittarius ascendant.
queen victoria had jupiter in aquarius and prince albert also has jupiter in aquarius.
prince albert had jupiter in aquarius and queen victoria had jupiter in aquarius.
joe jonas has jupiter in cancer and sophie has her moon conjunct the ascendant.
sophie turner has jupiter in capricorn and joe has capricorn and saturn dominance.
priyanka has jupiter in scorpio and nick has his moon opposition pluto, and his sun and jupier sextile pluto.
nick has jupiter in virgo and priyanka has venus, her ascendant and her moon in gemini and is mercury dominant.
kris jenner has jupiter in leo and robert had jupiter in leo.
robert kardashian had jupiter in leo and kris has her sun aspecting the ascendant and has leo jupiter.
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astrosky33 · 10 months
Astrology Observations by Astrosky Part 17
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Venus at 5° can indicate being known as a sex symbol. This is because Venus represents attraction/beauty and 5 in numerology rules over beauty/sexual energy -> Ex’s: Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley (in their sidereal chart)
The 12th house represents selflessness/self-sacrifice so often 12th housers are constantly doing things for others even without anything in return
People with Pluto in the 7th house don’t only attract obsessive partners but obsessive people in general that have crushes on them and often refuse to leave them alone, following them everywhere - one of my friends that has this literally had 3 dudes that went up to her window stalking her, all on separate occasions, and that’s just the ones that she knows of
People with their Sun at 1° can gain fame from being the first to do things. This is because the Sun represents attention/spotlight and 1° represents leadership
Juno at 5/14/23 degrees can indicate your spouse is very good looking
When you have Mercury in the 1st/10th house in Composite with someone, people may often say you two look like siblings
11th house Synastry and Composite placements are actually way better for romance than people think. Yes it’s the house of friendship but also connection, teamwork, and desire most importantly. It can really make you desire to be with one another all the time, make you resolve conflict really well, and indicate a strong connection
Asteroid Memoria - Ascendant Synastry can indicate the asteroid person has a very hard time forgetting the ascendant person and getting them out of their mind in general -> code: 1247
Asteroid Leal in the 7th house in Composite Charts can indicate loyalty on both ends (in both platonic and romantic relationships) -> code: 19426
Asteroid Link in the 7th house or aspecting Venus in Composite can indicate a romantic relationship occurring and that you were meant to meet and be together romantically -> code: 3550
Asteroid Knight in Composite can show how you protect one another (ex: in the 2nd house can mean you’re each other’s emotional security) -> code: 29391
Asteroid Memoria in the 7th house in Composite Charts can indicate a relationship that’s very hard to forget (mutually) -> code: 1247
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© 𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐤𝐲 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝
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hoseoksssangels · 2 months
“The other woman” synastry-composite placements/aspects 🥀
[DISCLAIMER: everything I’ve written comes from personal experience and observation. It may not resonate with you and it’s totally fine! tysm and stay safe!]
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Also another disclaimer, these are placements and aspects I often see in charts between people who had affairs while being in a relationship or when the relationship between two people was extremely complicated, just because you could have these aspects or placements it doesn’t automatically mean the relationship is doomed or bad or there will for sure be cheating involved, love you guys‼️
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🩸 Lust conjunct Venus/Moon/Asc.
🩸 Lilith 1st house/conj.Asc/Dsc Lilith square/conjunct Venus/Moon/Neptune.
🩸 Chiron in the 7th house/5th house.
🩸 Pluto conjunct the Asc/Dsc or in the 1st/5th/7th house.
🩸 Venus conjunct the Asc from the 12th house ‼️
🩸 Lilith in the 12th house.
🩸 Mars conjunct the Asc from the 12th house.
🩸 Mars square Venus.
🩸 Pluto in the 12th house.
🩸 Lilith in the 10th house.
🩸 Eros conjunct Venus in the 8th or 12th house.
🩸 Eros conjunct Lilith.
🩸 Saturn in the 12th house.
🩸 Pluto conjunct the MC/IC.
🩸 Pluto conjunct Juno.
🩸 Juno square Venus.
🩸 Juno conjunct Lilith.
🩸 Lilith square the Asc.
🩸 Nessus conjunct Venus/Asc/Moon.
🩸 Lilith conjunct Sun in the 1st/5th/7th house.
🩸 Neptune conjunct Lilith/Juno/Venus/Asc/Dsc/Mars.
🩸 Neptune in the 8th house.
🩸 Neptune in the 7th house‼️‼️
🩸 Neptune conjunct Venus in the 12th/8th house.
🩸 Lust in the 12th house conjunct the Asc‼️‼️‼️‼️
🩸 Lust in the 12th house.
🩸 Saturn square Venus/Moon.
🩸 Saturn conjunct the MC.
🩸 Vertex conjunct Lilith.
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Composite 🩻
📌 Scorpio rising.
📌 Pluto in the 1st house.
📌 Chart ruler in the 12th house.
📌Neptune conjunct the Asc.
📌 Sun in the 8th/12th house.
📌 Lilith conjunct the Asc/Dsc/Mc.
📌 Pisces moon in the 12th house.
📌 Scorpio moon in the 7th/8th/12th house.
📌 Pluto conjunct Sun in the 10th house.
📌 Lilith in the 10th/1st house.
📌 Pluto in the 1st house opposite Venus in the 7th house.
📌 Moon in the 1st house square the Sun in the 10th house.
📌 Venus in the 12th house.
📌 Mars-Pluto conjunction in the 1st/7th house.
📌 Lilith conjunct Venus in the 7th/10th house.
📌 Scorpio 5th house.
📌 Pluto in the 5th house.
📌 Saturn in the 1st house.
📌 Saturn in the 10th house square Venus in the 7th house.
📌 Virgo rising (Leo will be in the 12th house) and Pisces in the 7th ‼️
📌 Taurus rising (Scorpio in the 7th house) ‼️
📌 Lilith in the 12th house conjunct the Asc.
📌 Moon in the 10th house.
📌 Venus in the Scorpio.
📌 Venus in Pisces.
📌 Pisces rising with Neptune in the 1st house/conjunct the Asc.
📌 Juno in the 12th house.
📌 Saturn in the 5th house.
📌 Moon conjunct Pluto in the 2nd house.
📌 Moon square/conjunct 10th house ruler.
📌 10th house ruler conjunct 1st house/chart ruler in the 8th house.
📌 Lilith conjunct North node in the 1st/7th/12th/4th/8th house.
📌 North node conjunct Pluto.
📌 North node in the 12th house.
📌 North node square Venus.
📌 Venus-Pluto-Neptune conjunction in the 8th house.
📌 Lilith conj. Neptune in the 7th house.
📌 Lust conj. Venus in the 1st house.
📌 Karma in the 1st/10th/8th/12th house.
📌 Scorpio rising with Scorpio sun in the 1st house.
📌 Scorpio mercury in the 8th house.
So far these are the placements and aspects I’ve seen occurring the most, let me know if you know any other! Thank you 🖤
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