#junmyeon pairing
captain-joongz · 6 months
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Cream soda
Pairing: non-idol!Baekhyun x f!reader
Genre: annoyances to lovers, friends to lovers, smut, fluff
Word count: 6.6k
Summary: Baekhyun eats your pussy in the backseat of his car. That's pretty much it.
Warnings: reader is a little bratty at first, subby reader, dom-ish Baekhyun, dirty talk (i am so weak for this man, i didn't even have control over what came outta his mouth), some allusions to slight humiliation, overuse of petnames, fingering, oral (both f and m receiving), deepthroating, face fucking, cum eating
A/N: okay, this was a little unplanned. i was just watching exo cream soda moments and then suddenly thoughts of this man wouldn't leave me until i put this into words, so enjoy this impromptu piece as a little gift inbetween the scheduled content
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„Ugh, I should have hitched a ride with Kai and Sehun,” I muttered under my breath as I side-eyed Baekhyun behind the wheel loudly belting out effortless high notes along to some pop song playing on the radio. The man in question giggled with his high voice and continued singing even louder, throwing amused looks my way with a mischievous smirk.
“Come on, princess, I know you love spending time with me,” he teased, lips shaping into a sly grin and eyes flitting between me and the road. I scoffed and folded my arms over my chest and looked out of the window sulkily.
“Yeah, when you’re quiet,” I murmured, which made Baekhyun laugh at me again and continue amusing himself with singing. I wouldn’t admit it to him out loud, lest I inflate his already humongous ego even more, but I did find myself awed with his voice every time he just casually started singing as if he was paid to do it. Outwardly I scowled, but I did like to listen to him when he did, which was always, as it seemed the man was incapable of shutting up.
Me and Baekhyun were kind of distaste at first sight. I’d gotten to know Kai in a dance class I took up in my free time and he occasionally came in to teach, and we made friends right away, the young dancer’s shy and genuine personality making it impossible to not love him. Before I knew it, I spent most of my Wednesday’s classes giggling away in a corner with him, trading stupid jokes and laughing at tom-foolery we came up with. I was kind of hopeless at dancing, but Kai made it so much fun I just loved coming back every week even though I knew I would definitely never learn to dance as he did. He was the one who taught me having fun and loving that I’m moving is more important than trying to be perfect, and I approached those classes with a free spirit and desire for a good time.
In time I started hanging out with Jongin even outside of those Wednesday’s evenings and gradually was introduced to most of his friend group, most of the time hanging out with him and Sehun, occasionally Chanyeol tagging along.
When I finally met all eight of them, it was at Jongin’s birthday party. I was sat next to Junmyeon, holding polite conversation with him about our respective careers, when Baekhyun arrived. Really, I could hear him long before the door even opened, but when it did, it was pure chaos. He waltzed in, dressed to the nines, screaming something and immediately running over to the youngsters and hugging them. For the whole evening, no matter where I was sitting or who I was talking to, there seemed to be a constant Baekhyun hum in the background. I could just always hear him and even though I barely talked to him, I knew everything he said to every single person in the room, because he was just incapable of speaking at a lower volume. And even worse, his energy and aura just drew my eyes and I found myself slipping and watching him interact with others, all wide smiles, silly antics and loud laughs. By the time I was walking home through the night city, the sound of his teasing voice and carefree giggles were ingrained into my brain, ringing like an echo even though I was long gone from his company.
So, the next time I was invited to another event with all of Jongin’s hyungs, I went in already a little annoyed with the man, which was made even worse by the fact that I got stuck sitting next to him. He would tease me, joke about everything I said and randomly butt into conversations I had with others. After hours of sitting next to him, I was at my Baekhyun limit.
Now, with time as we hung out more as a group, I’d gotten more used to him and even found myself laughing at his shenanigans, but my pride didn’t allow me to show it, especially since he started teasing me about being so uptight and never joking around with them. I would just find myself immediately ticked off anytime I could see his eyes fall onto me and that infuriating self-pleased smirk spread on his lips, brain already coming up with ways to embarrass me (I wasn’t actually embarrassed, and I had a feeling Baekhyun knew that otherwise he’d stop, but I wouldn’t say that out loud. I guess there’s just a lot of things I wouldn’t admit to him.). I enjoyed our little “rivalry” and learnt to balance Baekhyun’s wild energy with cold stares and deadpan delivery of sarcastic remarks. All in all, we actually worked quite well together.
That being said, I still did find him annoying. Especially when he rolled into events dressed in a way that accentuated every little attractive detail about him (and there were many) and threw his trademark smirks with hints and teases of tongue at anyone he pleased. I’d seen him in so many white or black tees that either perfectly showed off his biceps or teased his chiselled chest, with pretty necklaces and chains that drew attention to his neck and sharp jawline. More often than not I found myself going absolutely crazy with just one look at him, only to immediately want to smack him the moment he opened his mouth. Being around him was always just a whirlwind of confused lust and irritation.
Tonight was no exception.
Around new years there started to be talks of taking one extended weekend in the spring, renting out a nice loft somewhere in the woods and going there to drink and have fun. When the time came, we only had to decide who would ride with who. I originally was meant to go with Kai and Sehun, but they both wanted to take their girlfriends and in the end I couldn’t squish into the car with them, even though we tried. I attempted to ask the other boys, but mostly their cars were completely full with either people or supplies and couldn’t take on more baggage and an extra person. At this point Baekhyun stepped in and offered, because he had a car (I did not, I rode a bike most days and didn’t get a license for cars) and even though he originally planned to go with Chanyeol, it would be easier for him to go in his own and take me too. I reluctantly agreed. It was one thing to be spending time with him when there were other people present, but being shut in the car with him for hours, I had no idea how much I would be able to take.
I knew I was in for a wild ride (pun not intended) when he showed up dressed in washed out jeans with white streaks and splashes, white tee and a black lather jacket with snakeskin motive, his usual chains and necklaces contrasting with his smooth skin, teasing his neck and collarbone, and his white and black hair styled perfectly around his sharp beautiful face. He was leaning against his sleek black car with a smug grin and my knees were weak the moment I spotted him. So here I was, hours later, listening to him sing his heart out while looking like a fucking model and annoying the shit out of me.
It was already dark outside and I was getting antsy. We should have been getting closer but somehow our destination was still god knows how many kilometres away. I was hoping we could get there in time for dinner and a good night’s sleep, as tomorrow we a had lot planned, but several hours and two turn-backs later I started giving up hope.
“Are we even getting closer or are you just going to keep me in this car listening to your singing for the entire night?” I grumbled sharply and Baekhyun turned to me with a self-assured grin.
“Don’t worry, we’ll be there soon,” he answered with a wink, “you’re pretty grumpy when you get hungry, I’d prefer to feed you before I get my head bitten off.” Just then his phone beeped and the maps app started flashing a warning that he was no longer getting any signal and couldn’t be tracked. I groaned loudly while Baekhyun just cursed at it and pulled over at the first available spot. We were currently somewhere in the mountains, on the tiny little winding roads with little space. According to the surroundings, we should be close to the cabin, but for the love of god we just couldn’t find our way there, and the reason was the stupid fucking phone Baekhyun was currently furiously tapping while cursing under his breath. I sighed again and watched him lose a battle to the piece of technology.
“I swear I’m usually a really responsible chauffeur, it’s just because my phone is broken,” the white haired man said with a little nervous laugh, “It seems to be having trouble getting signal and therefore the GPS doesn’t work.” I just looked at him wordlessly, tired and annoyed, and raised my eyebrow.
“Okay, Miss Mad-at-the-world, pull out your phone then, let’s use your GPS,” Baekhyun joked, but I could hear an undertone of annoyance in his voice, which made me instantly angry. I did pull my phone out and unlocked it and then tapped with my finger to the right top corner. It read 10 % battery. This time it was Baekhyun who groaned loudly and then hit his head lightly on the top of the steering wheel.
“Well, then this might be the end of our journey,” he admitted sheepishly, “at least until my phone starts cooperating again.”
“You’re fucking kidding me,” I growled, the anger finally getting the better of me. Baekhyun looked at me sharply, his squinted eyes showing displeasure at my tone.
“I’m not happy about it either, you think I wanna be stuck in a car?” he spit back, just as fired up, “I’m hungry and I wanna sit down on a couch and watch a movie.” I threw a glare at him and then turned around to stubbornly look out the window, continuing my grumbling.
“God, I knew that driving with you was going to be trouble, I should have just pushed my way into Sehun’s car,” I mumbled petulantly, admittedly acting just a tiny bit like a little kid, “This is all because of you and your stupid broken phone.”
At this, Baekhyun groaned, his head thrown back hitting the seat as his hands flexed into the steering wheel. I watched it unfold in the reflection of the window and suddenly found a spark of a different heat running through my veins. I shuddered and squeezed my thighs together, surprised by the force of the unexpected arousal. Baekhyun was none the wiser, as he launched into an angry spiel.
“God, why do you always get so angry with me?!” he asked incredulously, “Every time I think we’re finally getting better, you go and get annoyed with me for no fucking reason! Even Jongin came to me and asked if I did something to you and you just didn’t want to tell him! I had to very embarrassingly explain to him that I didn’t know either why you just seem to hate me and only me!” Shame flooded me at my behaviour and I realised that of course everyone else seemed to pick up at my weird attitude when it came to this man. I truly found myself regretful at how genuinely upset Baekhyun seemed to be about not knowing what he did to irk me, especially since it was mostly my problem with how he made me feel than him actually doing anything irksome, but at that moment my brain was so overridden by lust that I couldn’t even tell him anything, because it felt as if I was melting and I couldn’t muster up a single thought except for how much I wanted to fucking jump him, months of repressed longing coming to the surface after I’d had to spend hours watching him be effortlessly attractive while driving.
“So tell me, what did I ever do to you?” Baekhyun exclaimed and turned to look at me, only to promptly freeze. I was already looking at him, having abandoned the window the moment he started talking, and suddenly anxiousness filled me at his expression. I was breathing quite hard and hoped it wasn’t as loud as I feared, the blush spilling over my face down my neck.
Baekhyun must have seen something in my unguarded expression, because suddenly he was relaxing into his seat, his previous anger and frustration melting into a smug smirk. I nervously fiddled with the edge of my skirt, embarrassment flooding me.
“I see,” he purred, his eyes flitted over my figure and filled with desire, “I understand now.” Then he abruptly leaned over to my side, one of his hands falling onto my thigh and gently squeezing, the other leaning onto the top of my seat, fingers tangling softly into my hair. Before I could stop myself, I let out a quiet little whimper, thighs squeezing on instinct, trapping his hand halfway between my legs. It felt as if our faces were just millimetres apart, breath mingling and lips almost brushing each other. I was entranced by his eyes, darkened by lust, expression suddenly sharpened by the arousal that was palpable in the air.
Then he chuckled, a shit-eating grin slipping onto his face, and pulled away. I took a deep breath, suddenly realising I stopped when he descended into my personal space. Baekhyun gave me a cheeky wink and started unbuckling his seat belt. Before I even processed what was happening, he was stepping out of the car into the dark.
When I wasn’t moving, he bent down a little and looked at me through the open door, the grin still held fast on his face.
“What are you waiting for, princess? Get into the back seat.” His voice kept the teasing lilt, but there was a rough undertone to it and it did something to me, heat spreading rapidly through every pore of my being. He stepped back and the door slammed shut. Before I could think about it, I unbuckled as well and launched myself back through the little gap between the seats. When Baekhyun opened the door, I was already sitting there, waiting for him with wide eyes and mouth agape, hair and clothes messed up from the struggle and breathing heavily. He froze for a second and then started laughing as he crawled in onto the furnishing.
“How eager,” Baekhyun purred, his beautiful face twisting with a little twinge of aroused savageness, clearly getting off on my obedience and lust. I felt my pussy throb at his words and the tone of his voice, fingers digging into the flesh of my thighs in anticipation.
“Lay down on your back, princess,” Baekhyun instructed me and started taking off his leather jacket, his gaze following my every movement as I started shuffling to make enough space. I ended up having to spread my thighs to make enough space for the kneeling man, but still had to awkwardly lean my head in a sharp angle on the door behind me. This had my skirt falling back and basically revealing my black underwear to his hungry eyes.
I whimpered again, hands flexing in my lap, inadvertently bunching up the fabric of the skirt even more. At the sound Baekhyun’s gaze snapped to my face, a predatory smirk on his lips painting him in a completely different light than I’d been used to. For some reason I was expecting him to keep his light-hearted teasing persona even in bed, so I was wholly unprepared for this sudden dark lustful aura that seemed to consume him from the inside out.
Knowing he had my full attention, his hands suddenly grasped my ankles, startling a gasp out of me at the unexpected contact, and then his fingers lightly, teasingly made their way up to my knees. He tapped there a few times, watching their journey fascinated, before they continued on down the inside of my thighs. My legs twitched a little, a gush of wetness hitting my now completely soaked panties, while I waited with bated breath for his next move.
“You should have told me sooner, baby, I would have fucked the attitude out of you months ago,” Baekhyun’s voice rough with arousal suddenly rung out through the silent car and hit me to my core, cunt tightening around nothing at the lewdness of his words.
Before I could even reply, his hand pressed onto my wet clothed heat, fingers teasing the slit with slight pressure, and I moaned loudly, back arching off of the seats. My body was reacting to his presence and touch so viscerally it would almost scare me if I had the mental capacity to think about anything else than his fingers near my pussy.
I watched as his tongue darted out to lick his lips, his eyes trained on his hand playing with my panties, a whimper falling out of me when I imagined it between my legs. Baekhyun didn’t seem to be paying me much attention, rather focused on feeling out my pussy through my underwear. His other hand discreetly moved down his own body and squeezed his crotch, a shudder wracking through his body, eyes falling close with a pleased little sigh. I replied to the sight with a moan of my own, my mouth falling open as the last of my thoughts trickled out of my mind and were completely replaced by the vision that was Baekhyun pleasuring himself in front of me.
He peeked at me, watching me from under half-lidded eyes, the smirk on his face turning a little sharper. I was a little embarrassed by how easy it was for him to completely deconstruct me to a whimpering mess, and he barely even did anything, but clearly it was doing wonders for Baekhyun’s ego as he was exuding smugness while looking down on me. It made him look so powerful, like me and my pleasure were beneath him and I should be glad that he was even touching me in the first place, and that thought made me moan again, eyes rolling back into my head as I arched and pressed my pussy more onto his fingers.
He chuckled and obliged, pushing my panties to the side and running his fingers through my wet slit, thumb circling my clit while two of his fingers played with my entrance. I moaned and gasped, my whole body trembling with delicious tension as the waves of pleasure finally hit me full force.
“Please,” I gasped out, pussy pulsing with Baekhyun’s incessant teasing, “God, Baekhyun, please do something.” His fingers suddenly plunged in, but I was so wet and ready, they went in with no problem at all. A high pitched moan left my mouth and I gripped the edge of the seat. Everything seemed to spin along with the circles Baekhyun’s thumb was doing on my clit and I felt my sanity slowly slipping away, as the tingling feeling filled my whole body.
His fingers were just perfect, thick and a little bony, pretty and elegant, filling me in a way I was craving for months, and as he started unhurriedly pumping them in and out, I gasped and sighed and moaned with the mounting pleasure. For a moment I let myself be carried by the wave, eyes closed mouth opened just riding the burning feeling coiling in my belly, but then he stopped and pulled his hand away. Before I could stop myself I whined, long and drawn pitiful sound that made Baekhyun teasingly sneer at me with delight.
“Don’t cry, princess,” he whispered, voice rough and deeper than usual, “I’m just trying to figure out what you need.” With that he shifted and my attention was brought back to the bulge in his own pants, but he snapped his fingers, drawing my eyes back to his face. I felt myself blush at the open hunger and amusement in his gaze, knowing what I’d been looking at.
“Tell me, pretty girl,” Baekhyun continued, leaning a bit forward so he could look down on me with more of an impact. I whimpered and my thighs spasmed. His hand grabbed onto one and stabilised it with a soft caress. “Do you want my fingers? Hmm?” he asked with a faux curiosity on his handsome sharp face, “Or maybe something else?” His tongue poked out of his mouth again and unwittingly I gasped and nodded slightly before I could even think about it.
Baekhyun’s face crumpled into a smug smirk again, all sympathy draining out and getting replaced by pure hunger and lust. A bolt of desire pulsed through my entire body so strong I was surprised I didn’t physically jerk. Then he bent slightly over, kissing the skin of my knee. His eyes, ever so vigilant, watched hungrily for my reaction, and when I gasped slightly and tensed in his hold, it seemed to satisfy him enough. Slowly his lips made their way down the inside of my thigh, leaving wet open-mouthed kisses in their wake, until he reached my quivering centre, still covered by underwear.
He latched onto my clothed pussy, tongue pressing into the slit, putting pressure on my clit and licking around the edges of my panties. I tensed again, whole body shaking and anticipation and excitement flooding through my veins. But Baekhyun was suddenly in his teasing mood again and after a few moments of playing around with my clit with the tip of his tongue, he pulled away again. I didn’t even have time to whine though, as he immediately grabbed my underwear and swiftly pulled it off, leaving my pussy bared to him.
Instead of diving in, he chose to take the same path down the other thigh, but this time he was a lot less gentle, rushing down the expanse of the skin, leaving little bites and groaning lightly into the flesh, until he once again found himself buried in my pussy. The shock of his tongue licking a long stripe from my entrance up to my clit made me heave out a loud breath on a groan, body convulsing.
Now he wasted no time, suddenly seemingly as desperate to have me cumming as I was, his tongue wreaked havoc on me, sliding through my folds until it was lightly circling my clit before his lips latched onto it and sucked harshly. I was mindlessly laying there, twitching and shuddering, mouth open on a constant stream of quiet moans as he ate me out wildly.
He alternated between playing with my clit with his tongue and sucking on it with such force it left me breathless, before he slid lower and circled my entrance, moaning loudly into my cunt as his hands gripped my thighs tighter, leaving red indents of his nails. His head moved with the motion, bobbing excitedly as he licked me to my clit again before plunging his tongue in my hole without any warning.
It was such an onslaught of sensations I found myself barely hanging on, the fire in my lower belly consuming everything in its path and filling my veins with molten gold. I stopped caring about what kind of noises leave my mouth and gave myself over to the feeling of his tongue fucking into me in rough motions, nose bumping into my clit making me see stars. Blindly I reached over and grabbed his hair, tugging on it harshly and that had Baekhyun loudly groaning into my pussy, hands massaging my thighs as if he was holding on for dear life.
It was such a hot experience I could feel myself hurling closer to the edge, but I just needed an extra push. I used the grip on the hair as leverage and pulled Baekhyun away from my cunt. He looked at me, his fucked out expression bleeding into slight annoyance at getting interrupted. He looked a mess, the lower half of his face wet with my juices, lips shiny and red, tongue peeking out like he was a dog in heat. A blush was spread over his face, but spilled lower over his collarbones which were visible in the stretched out collar.
I pulled his head and pushed his mouth to my clit again. Without thinking, he immediately latched on and started sucking on it in between flicking it with his tongue, circling it and playing with it before giving it some rougher treatment. I moaned loudly, barely holding onto any thought, hand still holding him in place. When he wanted to move lower, his hair got pulled again and a debauched groan left his lips before he smirked at me.
“Suddenly turned all demanding, huh?” he said and teasingly licked through my folds as far as he could reach, “What is it baby, am I not doing enough?” I attempted to look at him, but I was already half gone, just desperately needing to come as soon as possible.
“Your fingers too, please,” I gasped out and with a single grin the man obliged immediately. Before I could process his lips on my cunt again, two fingers were plunged as deep as they could go into my heat. I nearly screamed out, but managed to turn it into a drawn out moan, legs falling open as far as I could push them. Baekhyun groaned in answer and then started harshly fucking me with them, curling them slightly to hit the sweet spot. Which he did, again and again and again. With a couple of flicks he had me losing my mind in the damn backseat of his car, on the cusp of cumming just from seeing his eyes drink up my own lust.
The car was suddenly filled with the sound of his muffled moaning, wet squelching of his fingers pumping furiously into my cunt and my own moans and sighs. I arched again, pushing my pussy into his face, into his fingers, so close to falling over that edge. I could barely think, barely hear, barely see, walls of my cunt spasming around him and milking his fingers of all their worth.
Baekhyun moaned again, hips moving on their own against one of my legs. I could feel his hard cock straining through the jeans and I loved knowing this was driving him just as wild, but I couldn’t hold that thought for long because suddenly he paired a couple of harsh pumps of his fingers with a hard flick and a long drawn-out sucking on my clit and I was launched into my climax, crashing into it so hard my hands flexed and had him groaning in pain and pleasure, hips stuttering against me.
The added vibration of his pleasured sounds carried me through it hard and I cried out, hips jerking against his face, the orgasm washing through my body in one huge tidal wave, white spots dancing behind my lids as I pressed them shut. The pleasure wrecked through me with a few quieter moans, leaving my thighs trembling. Then my whole body slumped down, the muscles relaxing and turning me into a rag doll.
I could hear Baekhyun breathing loudly, licking lightly at my spent pussy until I used my hand to pull him away again. He smirked at me, pulling my hand away from his white and black hair and sat back on his heels. His hands worked fast on his belt and zipper and I watched him utterly fascinated as he pulled his cock out, his hand frantically moving up and down the length as he chased his own pleasure.
I loved the sight, his cock was just as pretty as Baekhyun himself was, thick and curved with a tip flushed red, wet from pre-cum. I felt the fire burn low in my belly again, excitement making itself known through the tingling feeling spreading through my cunt. I moved faster than I was able to comprehend, suddenly kneeling in front of him with Baekhyun pushed against the door. I looked at him once with a mischievous expression and that was all the warning he got before I pulled his hand away and put his cock halfway down my throat.
He groaned loudly, hands immediately flying to my hair, tugging on it just as harshly as payback, and I moaned just as loudly in return, the sensation making him choke on a whimper. I was too eager, pushing myself to take him further into my mouth and in the process choking on his length, but I didn’t care. I just wanted to feel him in my throat. Baekhyun released a few raggedy moans, hands flexing in my hair and hips stuttering slightly, before he seemed to regain back some composure and decided to take control again.
His hand grabbed onto my hair a little harsher, getting a more solid grip before he stopped me from aimlessly choking on him. I looked up, completely ruined by lust and needing him to cum just as hard as I did. He smirked at me, pleased at my obedience.
“Gonna fuck your mouth, yeah princess?” he whispered roughly, hands once again getting a good grip, but his eyes waited for my confirmation. I blinked at him and tried to nod, which was pretty hard given my position but he seemed to understand.
His hips jumped a little forward as he was preparing himself to move and I cherished the feeling of his cock sliding deeper into my mouth, touching the edge of my throat. I breathed loudly through my nose, getting used to the feeling before Baekhyun started thrusting.
When he did, he started slow, with measured shallow thrusts that had barely half of his cock sliding into my mouth, but once I moaned and pushed against his hands holding me still, he got the memo and started earnestly fucking into mouth, hips languidly moving in elegant swerves and each thrust punching a high moan out of him. He tried to keep his eyes on me, but soon was too overwhelmed by the sensation and threw his head back as his hips kept relentlessly jerking forward, until I was choking on him on every thrust.
I concentrated on my breathing, but the throbbing trembling between my legs was making me delirious, moaning around the intrusion in my mouth and welcoming it back with every plunge, driving Baekhyun absolutely insane.
The car moved with the motion of his hips, swinging wildly from left to right, and if anybody passed by us, they would definitely know what was currently taking place inside. I could hear a quiet creaking of metal, lost behind the cacophony of Baekhyun’s long high pitched moans. His thrusts had gotten slower but harder, pushing into me until my face was smushed into his lower abdomen, the cock pulsing in my throat. I tried to swallow around it and a pitiful groan was punched out of Baekhyun’s mouth. I could feel he wouldn’t last much longer, his fingers digging into my hair tightly, hips losing rhythm and chasing after an orgasm, moans getting higher and higher.
I grabbed onto his thighs and my nails digging into the fabric of the jeans were no doubt felt through to his skin. His hands started guiding my head along his thrusts, pushing me into him on ever slide in. Drool dribbled out of my mouth, all over my chin and onto him, but he didn’t seem to mind.
With a few deep thrusts I could hear his stuttering breaths, the tightening of his balls before he stilled, cock pushed as deep as it could go pumping hot salty liquid down my throat. Baekhyun let out one last long moan, cumming in few hot squirts as his hips trembled and jerked lightly. I struggled to swallow around his length, stimulating the already sensitive head, punching out some whimpers out of him as his cum slipped out my lips and dribbled down my chin. My own cunt spasmed and throbbed with arousal, and I could feel the wetness sliding down my thighs, making me groan slightly.
He finally pulled out and his head lolled back to look at me. I barely had the presence of mind to look at him, eyes teary and face a mess of drool and cum. Something passed over his eyes and then he was suddenly pushing me down onto the seat, descending over me and kissing me harshly. I gasped and he immediately stuck his tongue into my mouth, no doubt tasting his release, but that didn’t seem to bother him, especially since he kissed me like a starved man.
I was so ready to cum again, too turned on from having him fuck my mouth to even pretend I didn’t need him again and he seemed to understand. With one hand he pulled up my shirt, lips migrating down my neck to mouth at my tits, while the other pressed between our bodies and without much preamble he plunged two fingers inside my hole again.
I whimpered, back arching and pushing my tits into his mouth, while my hips gyrated against his fingers attempting to ride them to completion. The madness at that point truly hit the boiling point as I didn’t need much at all and after a few rough well aimed thrusts combined with slight scraping of his teeth over my nipple I was cumming once again, this time my whole body spasmed and the pleasure was enough to tear a desperate scream out of my throat as I clamped down on his fingers, the ecstasy tearing through me with even more force than the first time. Baekhyun groaned a few times too, attempting to let me ride out the climax with some gentler strokes, before we both slumped down, the pleasant boneless feeling after a good orgasm getting us both.
Sound of harsh breathing was the only sound in the car as we both tried to get it back under control, our bodies cooling down. I was suddenly aware just how much cold wet release was all over my cunt and thighs, as well as a slight tick in my jaw was making itself known. Baekhyun pushed himself back on his knees and tucked himself back into his pants, tee haphazardly hanging off of him.
He gave me a winning smile with a touch of that smugness from before and then launched into motion. I rolled my eyes at him fondly, but let him do the aftercare, as I was still too drained to even move. Just as he was leaning over to the front seat trying to grab the packet of handkerchiefs to wipe me down, his phone suddenly started blaring through the silence of the car, scaring the both of us.
Baekhyun grabbed it and looked at it, then looked at me and said cheekily: “It seems that the signal is working again.” I just stuck my tongue out at him, to which he in turn started gesturing lewdly with his until I kicked him with a barely held back laugh.
The phone was still blaring, so he clicked the accept button and suddenly Jongin’s worried rambling was filling the silence of the car.
“Jesus christ, hyung!” he exclaimed, “We were so fucking scared! You were supposed to be here hours ago and none of us could reach either of you and we had no idea where you were!”
“Sorry, bear,” Baekhyun replied, though he didn’t sound nor looked very sorry, grinning at me while leisurely wiping my centre. I flushed with embarrassment, suddenly feeling shy now that Jongin was on the call. “My phone’s broken and Y/N’s died a while ago. We seem to be quite lost.”
“Are you anywhere close? I might be able to come and get you,” came Kai’s sweet reply, his voice full of relief now that we established we were alive and well. “I’m not sure, I think so,” Baekhyun told him and looked out the window. It was pointless, it was already dark outside and barely anything could be seen beyond the few dingy streetlights.
“My GPS kept fucking up, so we stopped by the side of the road for a little bit to see if it jumps back on, but I think we’re in the vicinity,” the man carried on explaining and I started searching for my discarded panties. When I bent over to fish them from underneath the driver’s seat, a hand made its way to my ass and caressed it gently. I flushed and ducked further to avoid looking at the smug bastard.
There was silence on the line, stretching until I started nervously twitching and turned back to sit next to Baekhyun. He watched me with a teasing glint to his eye and then winked.
“Uh-huh,” drawled out Jongin finally as an answer. I could hear in his voice he was suspicious and really, who could blame him. We disappeared, didn’t pick up phone calls and then Baekhyun tells him totally laid-back “oh yeah, phone’s broken and we’re somewhere on the side of the road” as if he was talking about what he was doing yesterday. I blushed again and slapped his shoulder lightly, earning a quiet amused chuckle.
“Okay hyung, stay there and send me your location while your phone works,” Jongin said, deadpan and clearly done with his shit, “and for fuck’s sake, be fully clothed when I get there.”
Baekhyun started loudly cackling while I slapped his shoulder some more in embarrassment. He snaked an arm around my waist and pulled me flush to his chest, giggling at me playfully.
“Got it! Thank you, Jonginnie~”
The man sighed and grumbled something about Baekhyun being a menace and then hung up. I immediately groaned and pushed my face into the white-haired man’s shoulder.
“They’ll never shut up about this,” I mumbled and melted into the feeling of Baekhyun’s fingers gently carding through my hair. He chuckled lightly, reverting back to his happy persona.
“Just be really shameless, it will be less fun for them to tease you,” he laughed, “Walk in like ‘yeah I sucked his dick, what of it?’” He made some crude gestures with his free hand and then laughed when I slapped it again.
“Let’s get back to the front seats before Kai gets here, or he’ll be traumatised,” I told him and pulled myself back through the gap. When I turned back, Baekhyun was giving me a hungry stare again and I shuddered, my body valiantly trying to get aroused again.
“You forgot something,” he whispered and suddenly my black panties were hanging in the space between our faces, tangled around his beautiful fingers. I flushed, realising I must have flashed him when I clambered back to the passenger seat, but I could already feel the beginnings of a fresh wet heat between my legs.
I gave Baekhyun a look, which he seemed to understand judging by the annoyingly hot self-assured smirk making its way back onto his face.
“How long do you think we have before Kai gets here?”
I guess we were going to find out.
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hope you enjoyed yourself <3
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shmooooo · 4 months
hi isa <3 really curious on what type of dom you think the exo members are 😻👀
The way you sent this while I was going through my exo album looking for a new profile pic-
exo as doms
pairing: exo x reader (no chen, read my guidelines for info)
genre: smut
warnings: reader has a hand kink (this is very self-indulgent), mentions of degradation, spanking, edging, overstimulation, (aftercare isn’t explicitly mentioned for most of them but just know that all of them would be adamant about taking good care of you after, especially if they were rough)
word count: 851
notes: special thanks to @rose-sereniteeth for helping me! ♡ funny how we struggled with minseok and then in typical fashion his part became one of the longest 💀 i'm not super happy with this but despite having stanned exo for the past seven years, i never quite embraced them like this until somewhat recently so there's still time to figure this out - also reblogs are always appreciated!
Minseok (Xiumin)
Hard dom. He has rules in place and expects you to follow them. And while he’s sweet outside of the bedroom, during scenes he loves degrading you. He’s also a huge fan of teasing and sometimes he’ll just tease you with light touches (sometimes even with a feather) for hours until you get desperate enough. But if you dare to show your impatience by being a brat, he’ll scold you and either prolong your suffering or give you exactly what you wanted but tenfold until it’s almost too much. Cleanliness and tidiness are also very important to him so I feel like he would make you fold your clothes after undressing and be very adamant about cleaning you up afterwards.
Junmyeon (Suho)
Dom. Honestly ultimate daddy dom. Everything he does is to make you feel good. Whether that is making sure you eat and sleep enough or giving you what you need in the bedroom. He will absolutely spoil you in all aspects of life but in return he expects you to follow the rules you agreed on. And while he is sweet, he’s also very strict when it comes to the rules so you better not break them or he will put you over his knees and make you count.
Yixing (Lay)
Hard dom. Have you seen what he’s like when he’s working? All focused and hot? That’s how I imagine him as a dom. He’s more of a "master" type, especially during punishments. During scenes he acts cold and sometimes even angry with you. He doesn’t smile and when he does, that is absolutely not a good sign since it usually means he will edge or overstimulate you to heaven and back. But during aftercare he does a 180 and becomes very nurturing and caring. 
Dom. He’s an experimentalist and probably the kinkiest out of the bunch. I absolutely see him owning a toy box with all kinds of stuff in there (mostly for you). He definitely enjoys giving directions and is generally very vocal about what he wants you to do (are we surprised). He will also tease you relentlessly, both verbally and physically - he’ll call you all kinds of degrading names (usually mixed with praise, like “my pretty little whore”) and first edge you until you beg him to let you cum and then overstimulate you until you beg him to stop. Will definitely play innocent after as if he just didn’t take your body apart at the seems. 
Soft dom. I feel like unless you either fuck up or specifically ask him to be rough, he’ll generally be sweeter and less strict. That doesn’t mean he won’t tease the hell out of you though. He knows you love his hands and he’ll absolutely use that against you. Whether it’s with light touches anywhere but where you actually need him or by giving you orgasm after orgasm with only his fingers because “if you like my hands so much, surely you don’t need my cock” (bastard). But just because he isn’t usually rough with you (both verbally and physically), doesn’t mean you should underestimate him. Question his authority and he will put you in your place. 
Kyungsoo (D.O)
Dom. He’s a soft lover and that usually carries over into the bedroom. He loves spoiling you because he’s a simp at heart but he never lets you forget who’s in control when you’re doing a scene. He’s strict about you following the rules you two have established, and if you don’t, he will definitely make you pay for it. I also don't really see him as a toy guy? Like he has a vibrator and maybe one, two other things but he usually relies on his own body and the vibrator if he wants to make you squirm, something he generally enjoys but especially when he’s punishing you.
Jongin (Kai)
Soft dom. He will absolutely do anything to make you happy and praise non-stop (read: simp - affectionately). Buys you pretty lingerie but he’s too impatient to take it off before fucking you so he usually fucks you with it on. What he does have the patience for though is worshipping every part of your body. He almost has too much patience for that though, so you often end up whining for him to hurry up, which more often than not leads to him shushing you and pushing his fingers into your mouth to shut you up. 
Dom. He’s a sweet guy and can absolutely be down for a more light-hearted dynamic with jokes and teasing but once he's in dom mode, he changes. He’s firm and expects you to obey but he also rewards you for listening with praise. I feel like he’s surprisingly vocal during sex. He tells you what he's going to do, what he expects of you, and he wants you to respond too, no matter how fucked out you are. It just brings him great enjoyment to see you struggle to form the words he wants to hear because lbr, he’s a brat even when he doms. 
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seullovesme · 7 months
slow dancing in the dark » bae irene
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pairing ⥬ joohyun x reader
genre ⥬ angst (fluff + smut)
summary ⥬ on her date, joohyun comes to the realization that there's nobody that she wants other than you. hopefully, she's not too late.
warnings ⥬ dom reader, sub irene, oral (idol receiving)
WC ⥬ 5.5k
part 1 | part 2
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joohyun watched junmyeon's lips move as he talked on and on about his business deals at work. she would say she was listening to him, but she knows better than to lie. to be completely honest, her mind was in a different place.
this date was way different than the first.
their first date had felt so much more easygoing and fun, but only now she could tell the romance was missing. it felt like he was only talking about himself. she adjusted her hair and her dress, feeling oddly uncomfortable. this is not the same sweet charming guy she talked over phone with, and she was starting to see through his facade.
she was thinking of inviting you to join them earlier, before she had left, but obviously she wasn't going to make you tag along on their date because she didn't want you to actually meet him until they were officially dating like she had done with her other relationships. seeking your approval was always her number one priority because you knew her more than she did herself, and you were a little protective. nevertheless, you always closely examined each guy she brought to you, making sure that they had good intentions, checking if she had misjudged their motives. you were like the shield to her warrior.
maybe that's why she felt a little more awkward, or uncomfortable. she knew your presence made her feel safer and she was starting to feel uneasy with the man, sensing that he was slowly getting cockier and more rude as time passed. you never made her feel like this, never made her feel so little or inferior. clearly, he was trying to do that by flaunting big business words and bringing up his famous clients.
she knows that if you were here, you would've set him straight and told him off for making her feel upset. she blushed as she thought about you defending her like you usually did, always being straightforward and scolding someone if they even dared to hurt her. you were always the one to protect her, so of course she would've wanted you here tonight. she also would've enjoyed the dinner more if she could hear you talk about something dumb rather than this snooze-fest of a topic.
she also thought about whether you did want to come and were just afraid to ask. she's brought you on dates before, usually when she meets up with someone she doesn't know well. though, those relationships never lasted, they always ended it because they "knew her heart belonged to someone else".. anyway, you usually did everything together so it wasn't that odd for that to be the case. you did look quite down when you left her place.
"joohyun? you okay?" startled, she was brought back into the moment when she heard him.
joohyun locked eyes with the man in front of her, "hm? yeah i'm fine, why do you ask?" she put on a forced smile, trying to pretend like she wasn't ignoring his rambles.
he inspected her face. "it didn't look like you were really listening." because she really wasn't. this entire time she had been trying to figure out why this date was just boring. she hated to admit it, but this was not what she expected the date to be like. she thought it would be like the movies where she'd come to the conclusion that she had finally found her soulmate.
she could tell that he wasn't anywhere near to having that title. she needed a way out of this, any second longer hearing about how his business clients tried to finesse him and she may go crazy. "junmyeon, you're a good person but i really can't sit here and waste your time." she sighed at his shocked face, his ego clearly damaged. "i don't think this is working out for me."
"what? wait hyun—"
"don't call me that, there's only one person who's allowed to call me that." she said sternly. his eyebrows shifted and he wore an upset expression, but she didn't care. that was the nickname you gave her, so she never allowed anyone but you to call her that. not even her parents. it ticked her that he did, she always made sure that the precious nickname was reserved for you.
"joohyun," he corrected himself, "can't you just give me a chance? for me, this date has been great and i think ending things here would be stupid! i'm really the perfect boyfriend for you." he pleaded before reaching for her hand, but she dodged it, scoffing at his childish behavior.
she begins gathering her belongings, trying so hard to not roll her eyes at him. "who are you to decide what the 'perfect boyfriend' is for me? maybe i'm not wasting your time but rather my own." she stood up, looking down on him like he was scum.
he clicked his tongue in annoyance. "should've known a girl like you was only good for her looks." he muttered under his breath and leaned back in his chair.
she's fuming. "don't call me or contact me, or else." joohyun took her bag off the chair and began to speed walk away.
"or else what? you're going to get your loyal puppy you call your best friend to come and fight me?" that made her pause and she could hear him getting closer as he followed. "she'd probably do whatever you command her to. after all, she clearly just wants to get in your pants just like the rest of us."
a slap echoes in the now silent restaurant.
everyone watched as joohyun struck junmyeon right across the face, the sound of her hyperventilating and a couple of murmurs the only audible noises to her. she was mad, livid even.
"it is not your business what y/n does, nor is it okay for you to judge her like you know anything about her. you must have some nerve to think everyone is as much of an asshole as you. i've known her for years. i've been her best friend for years, and i've seen every side of her. i'll decide what her intentions are with me." junmyeon held his hand right over the cheek she slapped, bewildered by how hard she hit and how defensive she was of you. she muttered some other insults under her breath as she collected herself.
she took a deep breath and looked around, realizing that everyone was looking at the two of them. she felt a little embarrassed, not about defending you, but because she was disturbing the innocent bystanders who were just enjoying their dinners. she gave a small bow to apologize for making a scene, and glared at the man who was still standing there not saying anything.
she needed to leave asap. she felt so angry that she wanted to cry, so upset that she got involved with someone like this. at times like this, your consolation was all she needed to make the anger dissipate. "once again, don't try to contact me." joohyun made clear before storming off.
the moment she reached home, she took off her heels, switching them with house slippers, and threw her purse onto her counter after she got her phone from inside of it. she called her only pinned contact and waited to hear your voice.
instead, she heard her own voice in the form of a custom voicemail, the same one she made for you when you both were still in high school. "hello! if you are trying to reach y/n, she can't pick up the phone probably because she's too lazy to... anyway leave a voicemail or call again later!" why was it sending her straight to voicemail? joohyun was confused because you would always wait for her call, especially if you knew she was going out with someone in case of an emergency. it wasn't like her calling you was out of the blue, it was a regular thing. she could even recall the days you stayed up all night, saying you couldn't sleep because she didn't call.
she called once more and ended up with the same outcome. at this point she was already extremely upset, mostly with what went down at the date, and she wanted your comfort. she grabbed her keys and decided she would just go to you. either way, she wanted your presence, no, she needed it. it was like an urge that she could just not brush off, she needed to talk to you. without changing into her shoes or even changing her outfit, she got into her car and drove off.
once she reached your street, the first thing she noticed was that your car wasn't in your driveway. when she typed in your passcode to your door, she also noticed your shoes were also missing. usually when she came over, she would scold you for leaving your shoes all over the place as she put them away.
but this time, there weren't any shoes for her to pick up.
where could you have possibly been at 9 pm? the fact that you were more of a homebody made it even more odd.
joohyun went to your bedroom to lay on your bed, planning on just waiting for you to return. minutes that felt like hours passed and she felt herself nodding off, your comforting scent on your pillow lulling her to sleep. she was out cold by 11, still in her red dress as she didn't bother changing because she thought you'd be back sooner. otherwise, she would've just slipped into one of your baggy tees.
but as the sun rose and shone through the window of your room, you were still nowhere to be found. she shot up in a daze, looking around to see any trace of your return. nothing. you were still missing and she was starting to get nervous.
joohyun opened her phone and tried your number again, the same outcome. she called your parents, thinking it was probably the only place you would have been overnight, but even they said they had no clue where you were and that you weren't answering their calls either. joohyun apologized for calling so early in the morning and it was probably nothing to worry about, hanging up. she didn't want to drag them in and make them worried too, ultimately deciding to search for you on her own.
she was out of ideas, she had no idea where you were and joohyun was sick to her stomach just thinking about what dangers you could be in. you could be lying dead on the floor for all she knew. she curled up in your sheets and snuggled close to your pillow again, seeking comfort in it by hugging it and smelling it, imagining it was you. praying you were safe, she took a nap despite having just woken up.
five days had passed and joohyun was still in your bed. she only ever got up to cook something to eat using what you had, which was mainly instant foods because you relied on joohyun as she loved to cook you your favorites. when she met your mom for the first time when you were younger and she learned about all of your favorite dishes, she promised that she'd make all of them for you even if you grew up and learned how to cook on your own.
great. now she was crying again, it's like she was reminiscing memories of someone dead. she hugged her knees to her chest and sobbed. her worries got the best of her and she was not only worried now but also scared. it had been almost a week and there was still no sign of you anywhere, on your socials, your dms, nowhere. she felt like she was dying not being able to do anything but wait in your home.
she already called the people she knew and they didn't know, called your favorite places to go and they couldn't recall you ever showing up, and she didn't know what to do other than wait. was she supposed to report you as a missing person? joohyun was so lost, not knowing what to do. she sniffled as her tear ducts were completely drained and a wave of sleepiness hit her like a truck. your pillow was decorated by her tear stains and she just hugged it closer, wishing you would just send her a message that you were okay.
she fell into a deep slumber as it felt like the only thing she knew how to do in this state of mind. not even the sound of the front door being opened woke her.
when you had returned, you spotted joohyun's car in your driveway almost instantly having seen it so many times. what was she doing at your place? why wasn't she out with her boyfriend?
you quietly entered through the main entrance. even if it was your house and you could've come in as loud as you wanted, you wanted to avoid startling your sensitive best friend, assuming she was somewhere in here. there, you were at it again, unconsciously caring for the girl who belonged to another. reality sucked and you felt embarrassed that you cared so much when she didn't reciprocate your feelings after all.
the house was dead silent so with soft footsteps, you walked around in search of joohyun. as you passed the hall leading to your bedroom, you noticed how the door was wide open when you remembered shutting it when you left. for a second, you thought about the possibility that she had brought him to your house, but she knew you rarely let people into your house, let alone a total stranger.
you peered through the open door and saw a joohyun sized lump in your bedsheets with one of your pillows missing. silently, you fought the urge to just jump on top of her and throw away the five days of your friend's "therapy sessions" (you just cried on their couch and explained everything in incoherent words). you were supposed to be working on moving on, but seeing her again made it feel impossible.
you approached her as quietly as possible as she was quite the light sleeper, sitting on the empty space beside her. you gently peeled the blanket from her face, praying you won't be stepping over any new boundaries. she was just as pretty as you thought she was, but her eyes were puffy and a little red and there were faint tear streaks on her cheeks. you found your missing pillow, but it was stained with tears as well. not only that, but joohyun was still wearing that red dress she looked so beautiful in. that was what she was wearing when you last saw her though..?
before you put the puzzle pieces together, joohyun began stir awake. she felt the bed had sunken into and turned around to see you sitting there with a confused look. she stared at you blankly for a moment. "hyun?" it took a second for her to process that you were finally home and when she did, she launched herself at you, wrapping her arms tightly around your torso. you were taken aback by the force of her tight embrace, but you melted in her arms, rubbing her back as she started to cry into your shirt.
"you're back.." she mumbled into the fabric, inhaling your natural scent mixed with the scent of fresh laundry.
in a sudden burst, she put both her hands on your chest and shoved you back, forcing you to get up off the bed and stand as her breathing got heavier. her sweet expression quickly switches to an angry one and you are so confused by the change in her demeanor. you try to get closer to her given the distance she made, but she moves farther away on your bed.
shit, you should've known you were getting too cozy when she's already taken. you've gone and made her uncomfortable. nice one, dummy.
"hyun, i'm.. i'm s–"
"how could you..?" joohyun asked, her voice quivering as her eyes brim with tears. you felt a tightening sensation in your chest at the sight of the distressed girl. and to even think that you had hurt her when you worked so hard to protect her heart from all pain.
"hyun, i'm sorry. i–i truly didn't mean to make you uncomfortable, i was just thinking about myself."
she furrowed her brows. "what?"
"there's obviously a line and i didn't mean to overstep it, nor did i mean to disrespect junmyeon. i was just so used to our usual skin-ship that i wasn't thinking about it" once you say that, joohyun begins seething.
"are you stupid?! that's not the problem!" she blows up. "the problem here is that you decided to leave out of nowhere without even calling me or messaging me once! i called everyone, even your parents!! and i felt so hopeless not knowing what to do."
she had it wrong, you didn't think it was going to be this hard on her. you just wanted to fix yourself and heal your broken heart. "hyun, i wasn't–"
"i was here panicking when you were probably frolicking around, partying with other people, enjoying yourself. you just disappeared and i was worried.. i was so worried." the tears spill over, and she's now a crying mess. the gears in your head went into overdrive trying to understand her. she thought you were out having a blast, being a party animal? you..?
now you're upset. "me? 'frolicking around'? what, you think i was out clubbing or going to bars, doing something fun?" you asked with a mad tone.
the switch in your vocal tone caught her off guard."yes.."
you scoff. "seriously? that's not even close to what i was doing, but okay, whatever you want to believe joohyun." you ran your hand through your hair, sighing deeply, trying not to get mad with the way she accused you of something stupid. she was clearly not okay and you weren't going to get upset at her. "i'm going to leave, call me when you want to talk."
she fist tightened, her nails digging into her palms. "of course you are, you're good at leaving." she felt a surge of emotion through her veins. anger, sadness, she felt it all when you said that and she gave up. you bit your lip, feeling like you were about to boil over. she read into your expression of disbelief, "you know how hurt i was?"
"you were hurt?!" you yelled. joohyun flinched at your volume, which you noticed, but you couldn't just bottle this up forever and act like you were okay just to protect her. "what about me? i was hurt too when you made me sit through that date, watching you flirt and laugh with some man you met a few days ago. i was hurt when i watched you talk to him over the phone when we were supposed to be hanging out. i was hurt that someone you spent so little time with managed to steal you away from me so easily, even though i've been by your side for years."
you quickly tried to wipe the streams coming from your eyes, but they just kept pouring. joohyun sat there so lost, perplexed by your shouts.
"what.. what are you–"
"for years, i've been in love with you, joohyun."
joohyun's eyes widen and her arm that was holding her up gave out for a split second. her puzzled face made you want to laugh in pain. you spun around and made your way out of the room, desperate to get out as quickly as possible.
you snatched your keys off your kitchen table and stuffed them into your pocket, slipping on your favorite pair of shoes that you left randomly placed at the front door.
before you could even put on the first one, joohyun slammed you into the wall, pinning you against it. if it were any normal day, you would have let her do her thing and just stood there flustered, but you were over it. "joohyun, move." you command, trying to gently pry her off of you.
"no!" she cried, doing her best to prevent you from slipping out of her grip. she was really afraid that you were going to leave her this time.
"so stupid.." she mumbles and you furrow your eyebrows. soon, you were going to get wrinkles.
"me, stupid?"
"you are! you really think i want that bumbling idiot?" she growled.
"well, yes? i saw how bright your eyes sparkled when you talked to him. you love him, i can tell." you remembered how stoked she was after the first date, spending her days on her phone, talking to him.
obviously, that's not how she recalls it. "how are you going to tell how i feel?"
"i'm not stupid joohyun."
"well maybe you are because i'm in love with you too."
you both just gaze into each other's eyes, feeling the tension lingering in the air. your eyes slowly shifted down to her lips that were slightly apart, listening to her breathing pick up its pace. you wanted to kiss her so badly, her plump lips so tempting to taste. seeing that you weren't going to make the first move, joohyun placed both of her hands on your cheeks and inched forward, capturing your lips into a kiss.
the leisurely kiss slowly turned into a heated make out. the sounds of your wet kisses were deafening, the entire place dead silent otherwise. she was starting to pin you more by leaning her body onto yours, pressing you completely into the wall as her hands snaked around your neck. it was making you dizzy, feeling her body on yours. you tilted your head and bit her lip, allowing you to slip your tongue in to explore her mouth. joohyun let out a small moan in return, surprising you.
you broke the kiss, your lungs crying for air as you try to figure out if this was going the way you hoped it was. scared she did something wrong, joohyun looked down and frowned. you put a hand on her chin, lifting her head up so you could continue. "joohyun. do you really want this?" she nods eagerly, her excitement showing through how quick she responded. "i need you to say it out loud."
"yes, please, i want this." she pleaded. without wasting a second, you latched onto her neck, sucking and biting, leaving purple marks behind. she tried not to moan in fear of making you stop again, which she did not want at all. the pleasure was overwhelming for her, overwhelmingly good at least. you picked her up and she yelped as she wrapped her legs around your waist, your hands supporting her underneath her thighs. while you carried her to your room, she pushed back your hair and pressed kisses on a sensitive spot under your ear.
you opened your door with your foot and went straight to the bed, laying her down on her back. "turn over." she listens to you and flips onto her stomach. you go for the zipper of the dress and slowly pull it down, revealing her silky skin and pink laced bra. you hum in approval of her choice on undergarments, enjoying the view from behind. she whines, protesting your speed, urging you to hurry up.
she brings her hand to yours on her back to take over, but you slap it away. "don't rush me, joohyun." the authority in your voice makes her quiver, the heat between her legs intensifying. "i'll make sure you know how to be patient by the time we finish here." you say with smirk, loving how you can affect her so easily as she lets out a breathy sigh.
once the metal reached the end of the zipper, you placed your palm on the lower part of her back, making her flinch at the contact. you pulled down the sleeves of the dress and undressed her, revealing her pink lingerie set which amuses you. you toss the dress to a corner, careful not to ruin it as it was a cherished gift of yours. your eyes traced her fame, admiring how gorgeous her body was in pink.
"you wore this to your date with that douche? you got all prettied up for him?" you ask, a little mad just thinking about her wearing such a lewd thing for someone other than you. she nodded and pushed herself up with her elbows, shifting to face you, a little shy that you were seeing her in this. she puts her arms over her chest and groin. you grab her arms firmly and move them out of the way, allowing you to see her completely. "funny you think he deserved any of this."
you let go of her arms and grope her right breast, to which she lets out a squeak. "this," you give her a squeeze, making her moan out. "is mine. understood?" she just nods again, eyes closed as she focuses on the works of your hand. you move your hand around to her back and feel for the hook of her bra, undoing it with one hand. you tugged it off, the sight of a topless joohyun absolutely one of your favorites.
you forced her back until she was laid down flat, latching your lips around her perky nipple. the new sensation made her throw her head back, her nipples very sensitive. she felt your teeth gently bite on her nub and soothe it with a swipe of your tongue. at some point, she stopped caring about being loud or not, it was very obviously going to be impossible to be quiet when you knew how to pleasure her so well.
your lips left her chest and slowly worked its way down to her stomach, leaving a trail of kisses every inch of the way. you looked through your eyelashes and saw that she was just watching you so intensely, clearly waiting for you to relieve the ache that was only growing the farther down you went. just to tease a little more, you started to go the opposite way of where she wanted you to go.
joohyun whined for the nth time and pushed your shoulders back until you were face to face with her clothed pussy. there was already a wet spot forming on her underwear, the smell of her arousal intoxicating. with your pointer finger, you press onto the wet patch. her whole body seems to react as she tenses up, crying out, and you snicker at how sensitive her body was.
"stop teasing me, please." she begged.
"fine." you began rubbing her heated cunt through the fabric, and all the tension left her body. her small whimpers fueled you to get straight to the main course. you take her panties and rip them, tearing them off of her so you could have full access to her sopping pussy.
"hey!" she sits up halfway using her elbows, "do you know how much this set was?!" it was like steam was coming out of her ears. joohyun always valued everything and took care of her stuff with care so that they would last longer. you just laugh and look at her, the fact that you didn't give a shit was written all over your face.
you hold up her torn underwear with one finger, "baby. i can buy you as many as you want, but you are not keeping this." you take the pink laced set and tossed it to the side. "as if i would let you wear this lingerie after you bought it with the intention of having someone else take it off of you." you muttered.
your eyes take in the sight of her fully nude with her legs spread open, her wetness glistening in the light. once again, she felt shy under your gaze and forgot that she was even mad in the first place. she tried to close her legs, but you palmed her crotch, your hand getting covered in her juices. the pressure you apply makes her moan as she slowly begins moving her hips, grinding against your hand.
you let her do her own thing for a moment, taking the chance to get impossibly closer. you remove your hand and replace it with your tongue, giving small kitten licks to her bundle of nerves, each paired with a small whine. joohyun gasped as you sucked her clit and swirled your tongue around it.
"fuck! h-haah, why are you so good at this.." she asked between breathy sighs. you let go of her nub with a small pop before dragging your tongue down her slit. she was soaked. you slurped up her wet, slick juices and dipped your tongue into her, making her emit sounds at a pitch you didn't even know she could reach. you pick her thighs up and put them on your shoulders. as you devour her, you circled her clit with your thumb.
her mind is foggy, the unholy thoughts of having you ravish her all day, every day being the only thing she can think about. no one knew how to treat her like you do, how to pleasure her, how to make her feel good. comparing you to her past relationships and few one-night stands, there was really no one better than you.
you pausing made her perk up, unhappy with the loss of contact. "no one better than me, hm?" your teasing smirk infuriated her, realizing that she let her last thought slip out. she put her hand on your head and pushed you back down.
"shut up, i didn't say that." she lied.
you took it as a challenge, a taunt. "oh really? so you need me to prove that there will never be anyone to please you like i do? consider it done, bae joohyun." you stopped talking and dove in, clamping your lips around her engorged bud. without warning, you plunged two fingers into her sopping pussy. she screamed out in surprise by the complete 180, going from soft and gentle to rough in the blink of an eye. the mix of your fingers thrusting in and out of her with the biting and licking of her clit brought her closer to her climax within minutes.
"fuck-!!" she put both of her hands onto your head, raising her hips trying to press herself harder against your face. "gonna cum, i'm gonna cum!" she warns, but her higher pitched tone with her antsy movements gave it away already. you sped up and curled your fingers into the spongy flesh. you pressing onto her g-spot sent her over the edge, her back arching as she gasped.
she went silent before her body started shaking violently, her soft, warm thighs crushing your skull in order to keep you in place and she came. you removed your fingers, but continued to lap up her gushing juices, making sure not to let a single drop go to waste. coming back down from cloud 9, she loosened her hold on your head, scared she hurt you because she needed an outlet for the pleasure.
all worry was wiped clean as you came upon with the biggest smile on your face, looking like a kid on a sugar rush. around your mouth and on your chin were the remnants of her orgasm, the thin coat shining in the light. she hummed, "i think you got a little something on your face." she joked, pointing to you. you poke your tongue and cleaned your lips, wiping the spots you couldn't reach with the back of your hands.
"all gone?" you ask. she shakes her head no and leans in, licking a strip on your face.
"there, all gone." she says innocently as she bats her eyelashes at you. she was so close that you could feel her breath on your face. she was so clearly staring right at your lips so you close the gap, smashing your lips into hers, allowing your lust and love take over. when you broke it to prevent yourself from suffocating, you saw how she's surprised by your energy. "what?"
"you thought i was done with you, hyun? i still have years of daydreams and fantasies that i need to fulfill. unless you're too tired?"
her surprised face transitioned to a snarky one, her energy matching yours now. "i'm never too tired to make up for lost time." she shoots back before pouncing onto you like a hungry fox hunting its prey.
the whole night was dedicated to you showing joohyun just how much you needed her, wanted her, and she got your message. she felt it in every touch and in every whisper.
you finally got the chance to express your deep and unwavering love for her. no more slow dancing in the dark.
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marshmallow-phd · 3 months
A Manor of Shadow and Blood
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Genre: Regency Gothic AU
Pairing: EXO x Reader
Summary: A stormy night brought you to the manor in the middle of the woods. Nine strange men occupied its halls. They won’t let you leave. A dangerous secret haunts this estate. Learning it might either be your saving grace or it could lead to the last breath you ever take.
Part: 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5
The grand hall was lit as bright as midday. Every surface was polished to perfection, reflecting the candlelight at a greater force. Brilliant brass and gold surrounded you as you made your way through the dancing couples, their movements in perfect sync. Wrapped in each other's arms, they spin around without a care for your wandering presence. 
While all who surrounded you were decorated in blacks and whites, your own dress was the color of freshly spilled blood. The heavy skirts that hug from your waist made it difficult to navigate the ballroom. Their fullness was of an older fashion, one that maybe your grandmother would have worn in her youth. The dropped shoulders left you exposed, your skin chilled despite the amount of bodies in here. 
You kept navigating the dance floor, on the look out for something, though you didn’t know what. Then you felt the familiar burn of eyes boring into your back, which sent a shiver down your spine. You whirled around to find the source, the dress brushing at your feet with the sudden motion. Through the crowd, you spotted Baekhyun leaning against the wall. With a single finger, he beckoned you over. And you obeyed. 
Breaking through the sea of dancers, you took in his elegant suit, the hems lined with gold thread that shimmered against black velvet. 
"You shouldn't dance alone," he purred. Arms crossed over his chest, he smirked at you with a grin even the devil wouldn't wear.
"I have no partner," you retorted. He held out a lazy hard. Hardly the romantic gesture. "No, thank you." 
"How about me?" asked a sweet voice in your ear. 
You turned your head to find Junmyeon at your back. He laid a soft hand on your hip to keep you from escaping out of propriety. When you didn’t shove him away, the hand slyly moved to your stomach, pulling your bare shoulder blades into his chest. With the fingers of his left hand, he tilted your chin towards him. 
"Am I a suitable partner?" 
No answer passed your lips. You could think of nothing to say. The thought of him twirling you around the dance floor was not… unpleasant. 
Junmyeon neither needed nor cared for a reply. He dipped his head to your shoulder and pressed a kiss to the skin. A small gasp passed your lips. And then he pressed another. More and more as he climbed up the curve of your neck. Heat rose from every inch of you as you sighed into the affectionate touches. You relaxed into his touch, welcoming each new contact of his lips. 
"It's rude not to share, Junmyeon.”
Your attention snapped back to Baekhyun, who you had forgotten was there. He pushed himself off the wall and stepped closer to you so he stood in front of the minor. 
No, not a mirror. There was no reflection. 
Except… there was. The mirror reflected the floor, the ceiling, the candlelight. You. 
But not Baekhyun. Not Junmyeon. And not the dancers still spinning behind you. 
Fingers snaked through your hair and pulled your head back, your vulnerable neck exposed. From the gallery above, Kyungsoo watched as elongated fangs flashed behind Junmyeon’s lips and plunged into your neck. 
You woke with a start, the blanket flying off of you as you sat up in a fury. Sweet drenched every pore of your skin. Your day old dress clung to your skin in a way that felt suffocating. Each breath was a struggle for your lungs. 
Vampires. The nightmarish tale that had kept you up as a child until you were convinced they weren't real turned out to be true. But how could they be real? 
Creatures of the night. Blood drinkers. Horror stories meant to keep children from wandering about after dark. 
Curling your legs to your chest and encasing them in your arms, you tried to think of a way out. To escape. With what strength you possessed, you slid off the bed and walked over to the window. The sun, so bright and full of life, was just beginning its descent towards the horizon. Night–their domain–was hours away. If the legends were true, then they would all be asleep at this moment. Any risk that was to be taken had to be taken now. 
After changing into a sturdier dress, you retrieved your still mud-covered boots and, keeping them in one hand, you carefully pushed away the pathetic barrier and snuck out of the room. 
Each step was taken with unmatched caution. You tested every board with your foot before fully committing. Any squeak of a floor or stumble down a stair could alert them to your escape. But by the grace of a miracle, you made it to the front door. Fingers trembling, you pulled on the boots and tied up the laces before opening the door only wide enough for you to slink through. 
The next breath taken outside was like the first breath of life. But there was no time to take it in. 
Gathering your skirts in your grip, you took off into the trees. The dirt was dry and sturdy under your feet. Branches and leaves crunched with the weight of your boots. A lady’s delicacy was out of the question as you ran without abandon. You didn't know what direction you were running. But vampires needed blood to survive and they weren’t drinking yours. And Jongdae had brought those buns from a bakery, not their own kitchen. You doubted any of them knew how to cook. That meant a village or town had to be nearby. Junmyeon had lied about the isolation of the manor. If you just kept going, you could find freedom. 
However, your stamina was running out. This was never your preferred activity. Your lungs and throat burned in an unfamiliar way. The sun still shined above. A short respite could be spared. 
You leaned against a tree trunk for support. In your boots your feet pulsed. Only now did you realize that you had run away without food or water. Not knowing where the kitchen was located, you didn't have time to waste on it. You could survive, you told yourself. Just a little farther. The town couldn’t be too far. Unless you were headed in the wrong direction. 
A rustling rippled through the silent forest. You snapped to attention, trying to find the source. 
“The wind,” you gasped between ragged breaths. “It had to be the wind.” 
A low, rumbling growl said it wasn't wind. 
In the distance, large silhouettes emerged. Wolves. Nearly a dozen of them. 
You ran as fast as your crying legs could take you. With their superior nature built for the hunt, the wolves caught up to you within seconds. Their growls and howls grew louder and more threatening behind you. Running from the manor had been easy. Running from the wolves was to be your end. 
Powerful paws slammed into your back. You were thrown to the ground, rolling across the ground as a scream ripped at your throat. The momentum stopped you on your stomach. Hair covered your face, but you could still see your death through the strands. 
Wolves of gray and black gathered in a half moon circle. They had their prey in perfect position. The middle wolf pounced. All you had time to do was throw up your arms to protect your face. Claws raked across your forearm. Another scream echoed through the merciless trees. The wolf landed on the other side of you with pride. Now you were surrounded. A second wolf leapt. 
A blur appeared in front of you and collided with the wolf midair. The two bodies tumbled across the forest floor. A human and the wolf. 
Not a human. 
Chanyeol. The wolf trapped within his grasp, Chanyeol tightened his grip–
The wolf fell limply to the ground, its tongue hanging from its jaw. 
The others appeared seconds later. Not understanding what they were up against, the wolves let you go to attack the newest threat. 
"Are you alright?" Junmyeon knelt down in front of you. His hands were outstretched as if you were the wild animal on the verge of attack. Behind him, snarls and whimpers told of the fight–and who was winning. Despite not answering him, he caught sight of your bleeding arm. "We need to get back to the manor." 
He didn't ask permission before picking you up into his arms and sprinting through the forest. Everything blurred past you, your loose hair whipping at your face. He burst through the manor doors and didn't stop until he was able to set you down in the largest chair. Once you were safe, he fell to his knees, only his palms keeping him upright. The others soon stumbled in behind him, heaving and collapsing onto the floor. Only then did you notice the smoke floating up from each of their backs. Patches of burnt, red skin sizzled on their knuckles and faces. Anything that had been exposed to the sun. 
"Baekhyun," Junmyeon gasped. 
"I already have it." Kyungsoo came into the parlor with bottles stacked in his arms. He quickly passed them around, waiting until the others were quenching their thirst before pulling the cork out of his own bottle and chugging the contents. 
With his bottle empty, Junmyeon tossed it to the side and wiped his mouth with his sleeve. Red smears stained the ivory fabric. You shrank back in the chair as he turned towards you. 
"What hell were you thinking!" He growled. "I warned you about the wolves!" 
"Junmyeon, she's shaken up enough," Jongdae defended. Before your eyes, his burnt skin healed to be like new.
"She could have been killed!" 
Your head was pounding. He was… concerned about your life? The legends said that the sun was a vampire's deadliest enemy. It was why they thrived in the darkness. But they had all risked a final death to come after you. 
"Did you hear me scream?" you whispered. You could barely feel your own lips moving. All heads tuned to you. 
Yixing was the one to answer. "Yes. We all heard you." 
"Why were you out there?" Sehun asked aggressively.
You sucked in a sharp breath. There was no escaping the truth now. You stared at Jongdae. "I figured it out.” 
Baekhyun laughed. "At least we don't have to walk around delicately anymore." 
"When exactly did you do so?" Minseok mocked.
"Then you should remember what I said to you before was true. Harm would not come to you within these walls." Junmyeon crouched down next to the chair. His eyes... there was something behind the darkness that tugged at your still wildly beating heart. "I know you were running away. And if you're desperate to get away enough to get yourself killed, then the choice can be yours. We can send you on your way with every provision. Or," he cleared his throat, "you stay here. With us." 
A choice? He was giving you a choice?
Your gaze drifted over the faces that stared back at you. Even Kyungsoo refused to look away while he waited. There was almost a plea in his expression, a subtle beg. But was it to stay? Or for you to run as far away as possible? 
Junmeyon took your attention away when he picked up your wounded arm with delicate fingers. His pleading was much more clear. 
To leave would be the better choice. The more sane choice. But what would happen afterwards? You could claim being lost in the woods. With evidence of the carriage and the missing driver, what else could they believe? After a few days on bed rest, you would be back by your aunt's side, following her every whim. Including indulging her on a "perfectly adequate" suitor because you had no other option, no other path. That suitor who would then become your future. But you didn't want it. You refused to give in to it. 
Already within these few days, you were… changed in a way. They might not be human, but these men would forever be burned into your memory. Who could move you with music the way Chanyeol had? What silent strength could match the aura of Junmyeon? You had been promised that none of them would harm you. The chance for something extraordinary was right in front of you. The kind of chance you had only read about. It just had to be taken.
"I think… I think I want to stay."
The moon became an ever changing friend. You hardly saw the sun anymore. Like the men you had given yourself over to, you lived under the stars. It was oddly beautiful. This time was often forgotten about by you and many others. The night was only a background to your time within your dreams. But now it was your entire world. 
Every evening, you awoke to the dying orange light of the day. Breakfast always waited for you outside the door. It was the rule that no one broke; none could enter your room without explicit permission from you. Those walls remained your safe haven when things grew too overwhelming. 
Despite your decision to stay, discovering that other creatures walked the earth required a step away once in a while. Especially now, with you aware of their true nature, the men were refusing to hold back. 
Dropping from the roof, running around with spectacular speed, and lifting objects that ten men couldn't hold. It was remarkable. Except for the diet and inability to walk in the sun, the… condition seemed more like a blessing.
"You're rather thoughtful this evening,” Jongdae commented. He walked beside you like he did every twilight. 
After you finished your breakfast, you met Jongae at the front doors to go on a walk around the manor grounds. Often others would join you as well. Junmyeon was the most frequent, though Yixing, Changed, and Jongin made many appearances over the past week and a half. Boundaries were constantly tested, but one word from you and they retreated.
"I guess you could say I am thoughtful tonight," you finally sighed. You hadn’t realized that you were being so obviously quiet. Funny, since you would have thought Jongdae would enjoy the silence. You typically had many questions or comments of your own to make. 
"Should I go steal a penny from Sehun?" 
You laughed. "I'd like to think my thoughts are worth more than a single penny.”
"They must be if you've become so skilled in deflecting from them." He crossed over to block your path. Gaze narrowed, he studied your carefully guarded expression. "What are you thinking about so hard? Regretting your decision to stay already?" 
"No," you insisted. "Not at all."
He raised an eyebrow that simply asked, "Then what?" 
"Do you always stay here?" you countered. "At the manor, I mean." 
"We travel," Jongdae answered with a nod. "Not too often. It’s a bit difficult, you see."
"But we like traveling north.” Minseok dropped from who-knew-where, landing with barely bent knees and hands folded behind his back. "In the winter, the night lasts longer. Junmyeon has a small hunting lodge up there. 
A hunting lodge? "Then why do you stay here?" 
Minsoek shrugged. "This manor is bigger." 
"Having nine of us in one household can be a bit volatile,” Jongdae added. He stepped aside to continue the stroll. "We need the room to separate so we don't level a building." 
Your foot caught on an invisible lump in the grass. "You could destroy a building while fighting?" 
Minseok snickered as he caught your stumble and helped steady your stance. His hand lingered at your waist until your sharpened glare made him remove it. "We haven’t crumbled a wall in a few years."
You scoffed at the casual tone. "What sort of fight caused that?" 
"I can't remember." Minseok leaned forward slightly to look at Jongdae for help. But he didn't seem to recall either. 
"Who knows what started it between Chanyeol and Kyungsoo.”
Your mouth dropped open in shock. Kyungsoo and Chanyeol had fought over something to the point of destroying a wall to crumble? It didn't feel plausible. Neither seemed like the hot-headed sort. You wanted to know the igniting incident so desperately. 
Both Jongdae and Minseok suddenly whipped their heads towards the front of the manor. 
"What is it?" you asked when neither offered an explanation. 
"Junmyeon's calling for us." Jongdae scooped you up into his arms without warning. At your confused expression, he explained, "We're not leaving you alone out here." Remember your last adventure in the woods lingered in the silence.
The short lived wind whipped at your hair that you still wore loose to cover your neck. As soon as he stopped running, you wiggled out of his arms to be back on your feet. Everyone else was already gathered just outside the door. Several eyed you and Jongdae with suspicious and annoyed glares. You took a step away from him for some separation. 
Clearing his throat, Junmyeon called everyone to attention. "We have to go hunting–real hunting. Now, normally, we all go together, but now that we have our guest," he nodded towards you, "some will have to stay behind with her until the first party… comes back." 
"If you all need to go,” you couldn't quite speak the word feed, "then I'll be alright. For a few hours, at least." You weren't sure how long this excursion would take.
Junmyeon's features softened. "No. We'll go in groups. Chanyeol, Kyungsoo, Minseok and I will go first. We shouldn't be gone long." He reached out and patted the top of your head before disappearing into the trees. Kyungsoo gave no goodbye as he followed suit. The last two playfully shoved each other while taking off. 
"Come." Yixing took hold of your hand and started pulling you inside. "I want to show you something."
"But–" You had wanted to ask Jongdae a question, but the traitor was already gone, off somewhere to do something he would never tell you about. So, you let Yixing take you into the manor and up the main staircase at the end of the hallway. At least he let you stay on your own feet instead of insisting on going at his speed. 
Going down an unfamiliar hallway, you were reminded how big this place was and how much you still had to explore. The men occupied most of your time, vying for your attention and pulling you this way and that so you didn’t have much time on your own. It was odd and overwhelming at times. 
During your seasons in town, you were hardly a well-sought after prize. There were prettier girls with grander dowries. You had accepted that fact. Now you were the center of a courting dance to which you knew none of the steps and possessed endless partners. 
Yixing paused in front of a door that looked identical to all the others. He kept his fingers tight around yours as he slowly turned the knob with his free hand. The door swung open. 
The gasp inhaled through your parted lips wasn't enough to convey your awe. 
Maps of all the places you'd heard of and dozens more you hadn't covered the walls like homemade wallpaper. Slipping out of Yixing's grip, you walked further into the study, spinning slowly around to take it all in. The maps were varying degrees of tan, some as light as his skin, others as dark as animal leather. 
Instead of bookshelves, doorless cabinets waist high lined three of the walls. Their squared shelves were stuffed full of parchment and ink and quills. A lone sketcher's desk sat in the middle, an unfinished drawing laying against the tilted surface. 
"What is this place?"
"It's my personal study," Yixing answered as he laid a hand on the edge of the desk. "Kyungsoo gave it to me after I had accidentally taken over one of the parlors." 
Your awe increased ten-fold. Your initial assumption was that he was a collector, not the original artist. "You drew all of these?" 
He nodded almost... shyly. "I did. I was a cartographer. Before." 
"Before?" You understood what he meant, but you didn't know how to ask for the story. 
Turning his eyes to the parchment, he pinched it between his fingers. "I didn't just love traveling. I loved capturing it on paper. I wanted to make these places into art, but not like every other painting. I wanted them to be perfect. Exact replicas as if you were staying at them from God’s point of view. And I wanted to be the best. I couldn't be, though. I wasn’t good enough." 
You moved closer to him, entranced in the story. "What happened?"
A rueful smile tightened at his lips. "I was given a chance to become perfect. What I didn't know was that I traded everyone knowing my maps for the talent to make it happen." Sorrow rolled from him like the tide warning of an oncoming storm. 
Feeling the pull to comfort him, you reached out and covered his fidgeting hand with your own steady fingers.
"People will be able to know your work some day," you whispered. "I’m sure of it." 
Perhaps you had been a bit too forward, a bit too open. 
Yixing moved gracefully forward to eliminate most of the space between you. A smooth thumb that once must have been calloused when it was human caressed the edge of your jaw. His flickering eyes made intentions obvious. 
Clearing your throat, you stepped out of the touch. "Why isn't this one finished?" You pointed to the drawing on the desk. It was an aerial view of the manor, with the top half of the parchment containing the beginning edges of the garden hedges. Disappointed, Yixing sighed and went along with your distraction. 
"I'm still working out the maze. It is intricate. Much more than I was prepared for." 
"Goodness." You were thankful that you hadn't wandered in there yet, especially on your own.
Both of you turned towards the door to find Sehun standing under the frame. 
"Yes, Sehun?" Yixing said through somewhat gritted teeth. The young vampire wasn't phased. 
"I need to speak with you." 
"Fine." None of you moved. 
Sehun looked at you with a pointed glare.
You received the hint loud and clear. "I'll leave you, then.” 
With more relief than you cared to admit, you scurried out of the room and down the hallway. 
Around the corner, you pressed your back against the wall and forced yourself to take deep breaths that filled your lungs to capacity. Panic had been the response at Yixing's closeness. You didn't mean for that to be the response. You didn't want to be closed off to any of them. But you couldn't help it. Maybe it was merely the closeness of the situation. 
Giving yourself a small amount of grace, you pushed off the wall and made your way downstairs. So used to your time being absorbed by the men that you weren't sure what to do with yourself. Two of the ones that remained behind were currently occupied. As for the three others, they could have been anywhere. 
You wandered around the main floor with a fleeting hope that one would come to find you. Then you saw them. A row of grand doors evenly spaced along the north wall called you forward.
The grand ballroom took your breath away. Not so dissimilar to the one in your dream, though this one’s lack of warmth and light left you heartbroken. Memories of dancing figures and lively music haunted these walls. In the corner, you could imagine a small orchestra strumming their instruments in delight. 
You walked to the center where dozens of pairs used to twirl and bow and embrace each other in time with the melody. Ghostly laughter echoed in your ears. What had once been  bright and golden and full of life was dull, dark, and covered in cobwebs that swayed in the breeze of unknown origin. 
Glancing around, you confirmed that you were truly alone before closing your eyes, lifting your arms, and began a soft hum. 
You danced with an invisible partner in the fashion that your grandfather had taught you as a small child. It was more intimate than the choreographed dances currently popularized. You had always imagined your first ball like this, instead of the disappointment you really experienced. You had pictured a boy you didn’t know catching your eye. As the music was struck up, he laid a hand on your waist.
Just like now. 
Hm. Your imagination was running wild, even pretending the weight of a palm was there on your lower back. And now in your lifted left hand. 
No. That wasn’t your imagination. 
Your eyes snapped open. 
Jongin had taken the place of your imagined partner. He smiled down at you with a feline smirk as his hands tightened around you, refusing to let you slip away. There was no choice in leaving this musicless dance. You had stopped humming but he continued to whirl you around the marble floor. He controlled the dance, in charge of every step. He led with an expertise he shouldn’t have possessed–if he were a man of this age. 
In one final move, he slipped his arm fully around your waist, pulling you so close that no room remained between you. Without breaking the spin, he lifted you from the floor as if you were no more than a kitten and whirled you around like the heroine from your favorite novel.
When the spin came to a close, he set you back on your feet, but didn’t let go. Your lungs heaved from the exercise–and from the way your bodies pressed together. Each rise of your chest brought you even closer to Jongin. He kept your gaze like a stablehand trying to calm a wild horse. His right hand slipped from your fingers, softly tracing the delicate inside of your arm. The touch left behind a fire you couldn’t explain. A cold, simmering fire.
He cupped your jaw as his eyes drifted down to your lips. This was a different reaction to Yixing’s wandering gaze. Not panic, but something similar. 
Jongin held you in place as he leaned down, his lips pressing gently into the corner of yours. The thin breath in your lungs hitched. He lifted his lips only to find a new patch of skin. The delicate skin covering your pulse. Every muscle in your body froze. He kissed the skin softly. Surely, he could feel the race of your blood. 
“Whenever you need a partner,” he said in a hush against your neck, “just whisper my name.”
And then, he was gone. 
You stared off at the empty path left behind Jongin. The sheer hubris.
His name lingered on your lips, wondering if he would really come back like he said. But you kept the whisper inside and left the ballroom just the same. 
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gamerwoo · 9 months
[Tales from the Pack] Jeonghan: Sold (Part One)
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Characters: Jeonghan x female reader (this part has no mention of reader tho hehe sorry!!)
Genre/warnings: werewolf au, fantasy, angst, loooots of mentions of the black market/human trafficking, people in cages, just a lot of bad things happening here lmao
Word count: 1,555
Summary: If Jooyeon and Baekhyun never went snooping around the black market, they would’ve never discovered the human trafficking ring and wanted to help. They would’ve never discovered you inside one of the many cages full of people, and Jeonghan would’ve never went against the alphas and demanded they help. But for you, Jeonghan would do anything, even if it means bringing back trouble from a past he never knew about.
a/n: everyone thought i gave up on tftp BUT I DIDN'T i just haven't gotten a chance to really sit down and work on anything BUT FINALLY HERE IT IS!!!! updates will be slow btw please be patient with me <3
Next | Sold Masterlist
Wonwoo told her no. Hell, even Danbi told her no. But what were they supposed to do when Baekhyun scoffed and said, “It’s fine, I’ll go with her. Let’s go, kid.”
So now they were awkwardly standing toward the edge of the market, acting like they were perusing the stands but they were actually keeping an eye out to see if Baekhyun and Jooyeon would return. It wasn’t that they didn’t trust Baekhyun to keep the younger girl safe, but it was that anything could happen to them where they’d gone. The black market was a lawless land.
“What’s that over there?” Jooyeon had pointed out as they group got closer toward the secluded area of the market that nobody really went toward.
There was a slight disconnect between the market the pack typically browsed in, and the illegal and shady one. If one wasn’t paying attention, they might wander straight into the black market – which had already happened before and was why Jooyeon became so curious in the first place – but it was clear that a lot of people didn’t go over toward the black market, and a lot of things were being kept hidden for a reason.
Such as the large tent made out of tarps that was put up toward the back corner, and it had caught Jooyeon’s eye since it was something different.
“I don’t know, but there’s a lot of sound coming from inside,” Baekhyun mumbled as he tried to focus in on the tarps.
And now they were off investigating while Wonwoo and his sister worried sick over them. Wonwoo was doing his best to try and stay focused on their sounds, but it was difficult with them so far away and a lot going on between them. There were too many people and things that were starting to drown them out.
The Jeon siblings thought it was a nice coincidence that they had run into Baekhyun at the market. He said he was just wandering around, trying to find something to do to pass the time because he was bored out of his mind. But they should’ve considered that the older wolf and the young thief would’ve been a match made in Hell. Then again, neither sibling thought Jooyeon would want to suddenly go investigate the black market of all things.
Wonwoo spotted them first, and his head fully whipping around to watch them was what caught Danbi’s attention. The pair were hurrying back toward them, Jooyeon in front even though Baekhyun was definitely faster, but he seemed to be gently pushing her to go faster. The looks on their faces said it all: they saw something they shouldn’t have.
That, or, Danbi and Wonwoo also needed to run.
“We need to get to Junmyeon,” Baekhyun said hurriedly before the pair were even close enough for Danbi to hear them.
But Wonwoo heard and his eyebrows furrowed, “Why, what’s wrong? What happened?”
“I’ll explain later,” the older man gestured with his head for the siblings to follow before he started in the direction of his home. “Let’s go.”
But Jooyeon didn’t catch the conversation and told Danbi and Wonwoo with wide eyes, “There’s people in cages in there. A lot of them.”
“Are they alive?” Wonwoo questioned.
“Yeah,” Baekhyun’s short laugh was dry and void of any humor, “and that’s kinda scaring me more than if they were dead.”
A knock at the door. Seungcheol was already dreading it because it was a knock. It wasn’t just somebody coming right in like Jooyeon and the Jeon siblings would if it was them coming home from the market. A knock meant a stranger or it meant the trio got themselves into trouble.
He recognized Junmyeon’s scent, and he probably would’ve sensed his arrival had he not been helping calm Jiwoo down after a meltdown over her toy wooden train getting stuck underneath the couch. He also sensed Jooyeon, and he could sense the siblings as well.
He let out a deep sigh as he swung open the door.
Before Junmyeon could even say anything, the younger alpha’s golden eyes landed on his mate, “What did you do?”
“Oh, don’t worry,” Junmyeon chuckled, “Baekhyun did it, too.”
“We didn’t do anything,” Danbi assured him before breezing by him and into the house with her brother following, slightly bowing his head toward his alpha as he went.
“Can we come in?” Junmyeon asked, Dae by his side with you and Baekhyun standing there looking like children in trouble. “This news might be…a lot.”
Seungcheol stood to the side and gestured for the quad to enter, shooting his mate a scolding look as she followed Junmyeon and Daisy into the house. 
“I didn’t even get in trouble!” she huffed. “Why are you mad at me?”
“You were escorted home by Junmyeon. That’s reason enough. That means something happened.”
“Something did happen, yes,” Junmyeon confirmed as they went to sit in the living room.
Of course, hearing the commotion, the rest of the pack began to gather.
“Thankfully, they weren’t spotted or followed,” he continued. 
“The fact that he said that means you did something you weren’t supposed to,” Seungcheol pointed out to his mate.
As Junmyeon took a seat on one of the couches, he let out a sigh. Dae sat down beside him, silently waving to some of the wolves and mates as they entered, still smiling despite what Baekhyun had told their pack when they arrived at his house.
“Jooyeon and Baekhyun may have discovered a human trafficking ring,” Junmyeon stated bluntly.
Everyone was shocked hearing that. It was the last thing they expected to hear, actually. Some let out soft gasps and others began murmuring, wondering what kind of trafficking and how they could’ve found it.
Seungcheol’s eyes widened, threatening to bulge out of his head. Then his widened eyes went to Jooyeon.
“What were you thinking?!” he exclaimed. “How many times have I had to explicitly tell you not to go anywhere near the black market?! Why the hell would you go against me?! Shin Jooyeon, you could’ve been caught and thrown into it!”
Baekhyun held up a hand to get Seungcheol to stop yelling, “To be fair, I wasn’t the best influence. She wanted to go and I said I’d go with her.”
“And what, I’m supposed to tell Baekhyun no?” Wonwoo asked.
“How did you discover this…trafficking ring?” Jihoon wondered.
“I noticed this big tent made out of tarps that wasn’t there before. I got curious,” she shrugged. “So we snuck over and there was a little tear in one of them and Baekhyun peeked through and saw all these people in cages.”
“There was maybe…about six people to a cage? Their clothes looked dirty and they all looked like hell,” Baekhyun elaborated. “I think they’re just barely being kept alive. And they all have collars on.”
“As sad as that is,” Minghao began, “...why did you come here to tell us about it?”
Jeonghan nodded with a shrug, “Respectfully, if it doesn’t have to do with us, we’d rather stay away from trouble. We’ve been in enough of it.”
“Well, that’s kind of exactly why,” Junmyeon chuckled. “I wanted to see if your pack would be willing to help them escape, or if we decide the situation should be left alone. I’d hate to let a bunch of innocent people go through that, but I also don’t know if I’m willing to risk my pack’s lives for something that doesn’t really involve us. Getting caught in the Capitol is even more dangerous than getting caught in any old town.”
“Especially in the black market,” Jihoon added.
“But…” Kyung paused like she knew she would get backlash for what she was about to say, “can we live with ourselves knowing there’s a human trafficking ring going on and we did nothing to stop it?”
“No offense, but didn’t a ton of your old pack die from trying to help people?” Soonyoung asked a little too bluntly, but it was apparent he wasn’t purposefully trying to sound snappy.
Kyung looked at him, “Remind me who helped your pack at your old house and even died for one of your brothers?”
Soonyoung’s cheeks dusted pink as he realized how rude he sounded and he mumbled a, “Right, sorry…”
“Okay, Kyung has a point,” Seungcheol admitted. “Honestly…I’d feel really shitty if we didn’t try to help.”
“I get that, but is it even worth the risk?” Jihoon asked.
“Maybe we go scope it out,” Hansol suggested with a shrug. “See how difficult it would be to execute a giant prison breakout. If it’s too dangerous, we can sleep better at night knowing we wouldn’t have been able to handle it.”
Seungcheol looked to the other three alphas. They all looked between each other and shrugged before looking to Junmyeon for his take.
“Sounds alright to me,” he decided. “When should we go?”
“Probably as soon as possible,” Jihoon guessed. “Who knows how long they’ll be kept there, right? They might be getting sold one at a time or maybe somebody already bought them all and they’re there for safe keeping until they can get picked up.”
“So, tonight?” Soonyoung asked.
Seungcheol looked back at Junmyeon, “Tonight?”
“Tonight works,” he nodded. “We’ll meet you there at midnight.”
»»————-  ————-««
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minniepetals · 1 year
cry me a river | the apologies
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— summary: how many apologies have you heard in your life? too many to count
— pairing: bts x reader
— genre: angst, mafia!au
— word count: 5.7k
— warnings: none
— PART 21 / previous post / masterpost
“Do you know how much we panicked when you didn’t come home and fell out of the radar?” When Namjoon finally gets a moment amidst the whole chaos of Yoongi finally back with you still unconscious even after the successful surgery, the door is closed and locked, and no one except the seven of them stands in the room of the hospital that is still hosting you. They can finally confront Yoongi about what happened.
“I thought I knew Min Yoongi but the moment you were kidnapped, everything that I thought I knew about you fell out of place when I tried connecting everything to see what happened, who you angered, the people you were around before you joined me, but I came up with nothing. You’re not someone who’ll go out there secretly meeting up with leaders and pissing them off, I know that, and I trust the person that you are now, right in front of me, so I knew whoever was trying to hurt you couldn’t possibly be someone we know, and that’s when I figured there’s been something you haven’t told us. Perhaps it doesn’t matter now, and perhaps it’s all in the past for you, but Min Yoongi, I have to know everything because the moment you get hurt again, I won’t stand for it.”
“There isn’t anyone else,” Yoongi says, quick but truthful, and so they listen in to what he has to say. Yoongi hesitates for a moment, remembering what you asked him in the alleyway a few days ago, how you asked whether Namjoon would care now, and because he knows the answer, he takes a deep breath to let the truth tell itself. “I am,” he pauses, “was, the heir of the Viper gang.”
They react with dumbfounded expressions, and Yoongi knows it’s a shock because how would anyone have figured that out? He’s always been quiet, stood back to let others handle things, dislikes watching people getting tortured, and does everything the opposite of what an heir does.
Every child that’s born under a mafia ruler is taught to stand formidable, act a certain way, and talk a certain way. No one has ever been an exception, so of course it comes out as a shock when Yoongi reveals to them that not only is he related to the Vipers but was the son of Min Junmyeon.
And he had a sister.
“Junmyeon never said anything because I was like a child thrown out of the throne that was meant to be his. Although I wasn’t kicked out.” He looks up, a small, bitter smile curling up just slightly. “I didn’t lie when I said I ran away from the life I was born into. I did run. I ran because I was invisible and because no one cared. They didn’t care to search for me and force me back so I didn’t return. For some time I was content with that life. I wasn’t happy but I wasn’t sad. I was okay with it. When Nari was born, Junmyeon took a whole 180-degree turn and flipped his switch. His whole life was dedicated to her but I never came to resent the way she stole the attention of everyone in the gang. I didn’t care, but I did want to seek approval. What sort of child wouldn’t? I was a good brother, protected her when needed, but eventually I grew tired of being invisible to everyone and just ran. When no one came searching for me, I returned once to see how things were, to see if they had cared but just had a hard time looking for me. But in the end, no one sought out for the lost heir, they probably didn’t even notice, so I took off to the streets and decided it was better there than to live a doll life, invisible to everyone.”
When he speaks of his past, the sort of person he was before he met them, Yoongi doesn’t speak with emotions. He isn’t that man who was filled with emotions days ago when they brought you here, when he didn’t want anyone close enough to touch you, when he took his promise to you to heart. 
Perhaps it was his guilt toward you, perhaps it was his way of apologizing, and no one would blame him for that.
Yet this Yoongi is different. This Yoongi is the usual Yoongi everyone sees, the Yoongi who looks so lifeless, who looks as if he has no heart or anything he desires in this life.
“We were enemies then,” he tells Namjoon, and this time there’s a bit of life, a small little crease in between his brows. “Your gang and the Vipers didn’t get along and, I knew who you were when you saved me that day from those thugs, yet I still followed you because you were the first person who saw me. You saw me and you saved me, while back in the Viper’s manor, I was kidnapped along with Nari and took a scar down my back for her but no one cared. They never cared, and when I received my first kindness…I decided to follow you. But I was too guilty to tell you the truth about who I was and where I came from. That’s why I never said anything.”
“But the Vipers stopped mattering to me a few years after we met,” Namjoon points out. “Why did you never tell me then?”
“I…” He catches himself, pausing, and takes a brief glance at the others. “Everyone else…went through something much worse than I,” he says. Softly. They watch him with confusion though let him keep speaking. “I grew up alright. I grew up privileged. The only thing about me was Junmyeon’s neglect and being invisible to everyone in that manor. Compare that to what everyone else went through? I didn’t want to bring my problems in, I didn’t want to inconvenience anyone with my useless worries. You all had people after you, wanting to actively hunt you down and hurt you.”
“Just because you didn’t have people actively trying to kidnap you doesn’t mean you were safe from the abuse,” Hoseok cuts in as he strolls down to take Yoongi’s hands. He was there when Namjoon saved him, he was right there to have seen the scars Yoongi retained and the pain in the little boy’s expression that night. Yoongi may act like he never cared back then but he did. And both Namjoon and Hoseok have seen it to remember the story otherwise.
“In the end, you were still kidnapped. They showed up years too late but you still ended up hurt.” Seokjin places a hand on his face, brows creased when he runs a smooth thumb over the bandage wrapped around his eye.
“This wasn’t because they went out of their way to hurt me,” Yoongi admits, the good eye meeting the floor with a little tilt in his head. “I actually got hurt because Nari was about to kill Y/N and stepped forth trying to stop her and in the process, she got my eye.”
So they really did have intentions to kill you.
“You watched her too, didn’t you?” Taehyung asks. “It wasn’t just Sunoo. You saw it too.”
He wonders how he would have felt being in his hyung’s position, watching the woman he once loved going through such torture right before his eyes, all the while knowing he could do nothing. In the end, Yoongi was able to save you. In the end, Yoongi carried you out and ran you to safety with the little kid who had been the reason the both of you couldn’t get out that soon.
You both sacrificed something.
Namjoon holds Yoongi’s face in his hands and presses their foreheads together, closing his eyes as he tries to envision the pain. Yoongi will only be able to use one eye from now on, and although it will take a moment, he’ll adjust and he’ll get used to it. But for now, they’re here for him, through and through.
“From now on, no more secrets,” he whispers into the silence that walks in. “I don’t want to know how it feels to lose someone else. I can’t.”
Silence saved by the beeping on the monitor that indicates you still live, that your heart is still racing. Yuna, still seated on the floor but now on the floor of the room you’ve been relocated to, sits still to hear the sound, not moving an inch because if she cannot see, she can hear. It’s the only thing that’s keeping her sane.
Mingyu sits on a chair by your bedside. Dasom stands against a wall beside the door, arms crossed, eyes closed. Yeonjun sits on the couch along a wall, watching Sunoo who had refused to leave until he sees you wake, and in his stubbornness to sleep when needed, he’s finally managed to fall asleep with the sleeping dose Yeonjun used on him.
A few more Reapers stand outside the door, watching, waiting.
A finger twitches, subtly, but it doesn’t leave the hawk eyes of your right hand man. 
“Boss?” He calls, standing.
A heartbeat.
Then before he realizes, an arm extends out of nowhere, leaving him in a chokehold with a grip that has lost much of her strength after the event she’s gone through.
“Boss, it’s Mingyu,” Dasom quickly says when she runs to your side and Yuna has followed along.
Your eyes which had been deadly and alerted with suspicion, loses their glare once you realize who the person that had been by your side was. 
You loosen your grip around Mingyu’s neck, brows furrowing slightly as you take a look at your hand, realizing there are white bandages wrapped all the way up to your neck You stare at your fingers, noticing the pain in your wake, before something hits you and you feel a strong headache pounding hard.
You look over at Mingyu when you get up with the help from Dasom, feeling some sense of deja vu, though you can’t explain why.
“Have I…choked you..before?” You ask. As ridiculous as it sounds — because you’d never lay a hand on your Reapers — something about it just feels a bit…familiar, for some reason. Maybe you’re still dreaming, maybe the madness is spreading and you’re just making things up now but why, for some reason, do you feel as if you’ve held Mingyu by the neck before?
Mingyu doesn’t hesitate nor does he look away when he answers; “No.”
You have your reply and yet it still feels odd when you bring your hand to your head, slowly and gently rubbing your temples as you close your eyes. But then something suddenly hits you and you open your eyes again.
“Where am I?” This isn’t the manor or any place that belongs to you. You’d recognize it if it was.
“It’s a small hospital that belongs to Bangtan,” Mingyu explains. “It was the closest place they could get you to for help.” Your eyes widen in alertness but he’s quick to continue before your heart rate can increase. “As far as I know, Mr. Min was the only one to have touched you. He fended off anyone that tried to get close.”
Yoongi went to the extent for you?
You look down at yourself again, dressed in something you’ve never worn before and it almost feels as if you’re playing some patient in a mental ward. Father never cared to send you to hospitals when you were hurt, you were always taken care of by the medic team or during times when he’d punish you by not enlisting their help, it was your Reapers that had to find what they could to help you.
You’ve never been bedridden in a hospital bed before.
What a sight to behold.
You hate it.
When you throw the blanket off you and try to pull the uncomfortable IVs from your wrist, Mingyu takes your hand to stop you. “Look at your legs, boss, you can’t walk. And you’re still in pain everywhere.”
Wrapped legs. Wrapped arms, torso, and chest.
You look like a mummy.
“I’m not in pain,” you deny. “I can walk—”
“No, you can’t.” He stands tall, refusing to let you do what you wish and you know Mingyu only does this when you’re putting your health at risk otherwise he’d never go against you.
Still, you shake your head when he tries to put you back and they hear the way your heart rate increases. You look over at the sound of the monitor, falling with even more loathe because that thing is like a window to the things you want to hide. You try to push Mingyu off, a lump in your throat because it feels like you’re a prisoner and you don’t want to be here.
You don’t want to be here.
“I don’t like this,” you breathe out but Mingyu holds your shoulders and leans in close.
“That isn’t for you to say and this isn’t the place to panic,” he reminds you in a low tone and you know. You know this isn’t the place, you aren’t safe here, you aren’t safe to express and panic and get upset and do whatever it is you want to do but that’s exactly why you don’t want to be here.
You aren’t safe.
“I want to go home.” A shudder comes through you, a tremor in your hands.
The monitor continues updating.
Beep. Beep. Beepbeep—
“Stop it. Please, stop it. Don’t let them come in.” You know it’s alerting whoever can hear it outside this room. You know the door is about to open because you’re a patient and patients mean listening to what the doctors say and what the nurses say and what everyone else says. “Don’t let them come. Don’t let them come.”
“Yeonjun.” He takes Sunoo in his arms upon Mingyu’s command, leaving out the door. “Yeong.” Mingyu speaks into an earpiece and Lisa, Haneul, and Yiseul rush in.
Mingyu, Dasom, and Yuna back off to let them do their job while outside the door, Yeong and Jae have stepped up to stand guard.
“What’s going on?” Namjoon asks when the two Reapers hold their hands up, refusing to let anyone else in. From where he stands, along with the curtain covering the one window of the door, he can’t see what’s going on.
“We cannot let you in,” Yeong says strictly. “Please. For our boss’s privacy.”
“Is she hurting again?” Sunoo, who had woken up amidst the chaos, asks with worry shaking him once again.
“It’s not what you’re imagining,” Yeonjun tells him straightforwardly in a blunt tone, before looking up at the group that has gathered as if telling Namjoon he should know exactly what he means.
Upon that subtle confirmation, Namjoon backs down, nodding at his people to leave you be, before he walks off with Yoongi and Jungkook following behind.
On the other side of the wall, you must be awake and not taking things well. You’re panicking perhaps, losing your composure, and only the Reapers are allowed to see anything of that relating to you. No one else.
Back in the manor when you had confronted him and pretended to be the bad guy in his life, he saw a brief moment of you losing your composure. They all did. 
The moment you realized you had touched Namjoon, the moment everything started coming down so you walked over to a corner away from them all. You held yourself well despite everything threatening to tear you apart and Mingyu came in time to get you out of there, but in this hospital where you’ve undergone surgery and cannot move around so carelessly, there is only so little your mind can do to trick you out of panic.
And perhaps because it’s failing to protect you from the eyes of strangers, from the eyes of people you don’t trust, maybe that’s why the Reapers have all come into defense mode and have refused anyone to go near you.
“I want to go home.” Meanwhile, you repeat those words inside the room, feeling your throat clogging up and something scratching it so hard you wish to just tear it out. “I want to go home. Take me home.”
The monitor is still going off while you try to shake the hands that try to hold you down, kicking off the blanket, struggling to stay still.
“I want to go home..” Soon your voice dies down, quieting, quieting, until it turns completely silent and you’re simply doing nothing but trembling uncontrollably. You let your knees kick up to your chest, head lowered into them, hands coming around to cover your ears and they know. They know what’s happening.
You’ve never been loud. Not ever.
And although the silence, coldness, and the dark scares you more than anything else in this life, it is the only thing you succumb to when you feel as if everything has gone out of control.
Your silence tears your Reapers apart because it is your silence that tells them you aren’t okay.
That you’re in your most frightened state.
Lisa lets Mingyu come close when you succumb to the silence and they all stand back to watch him work his magic.
He dips the bed when he takes a seat, and when he reaches out to give your arm a tentative touch and you don’t flinch away, he allows himself closer. He puts both his legs onto the bed and pulls you in like you’re nothing but a small little child who needs calming down. Mingyu brings you into his lap and takes your hand from your ear, letting your head rest against his chest so you can hear the beat of his heart, and wraps his arms around you in a soft, soft embrace.
It takes time but eventually, the shaking stops. Eventually, the tension falls away and you allow yourself to welcome the embrace and let your limbs fall loose.
Too tired to hold up.
Too tired to keep strength.
Your heartbeat slows as it follows after the one you’re listening to as if it is the only sound in this world that can save you from the depth of the sea.
The sound of the whale singing you a lullaby and bringing you to fall asleep once again.
“Deal with them. I don’t know what Yoongi wants but it’s not my call to have them dead.”
Days after sending that letter off to Namjoon once things started to calm down on your end, you hear news of the remaining members of the Vipers completely wiped out. You’d been back at your manor for a good time now, ever since waking up for the second time and finding relief in knowing you weren’t at some unknown place. Luckily. 
Your Reapers always know just what to do when a situation calls for it and you’re glad you have them by your side.
With you bedded and unable to walk and do much on your own, you let them follow you through words alone. The Academy is to set up training lessons on both combat and weapon skills. Initially, when building the school you thought against the idea, but since Sunoo’s been used against you as leverage, you figure giving them some life skills should come in handy in the future. They won’t become your little assassins per se but if they want to survive in this world, they have to learn how to fight it. It’s for their own survival, you can’t have a situation with Sunoo repeating again. They should at least know how to defend themselves if anything.
You’ve also told your Reapers the names of the people that have hurt you before, the ones they don’t know of, the ones from before Yuna arrived. It’s a secret you’ve always kept in the back of your memories, not wanting them to return, but if another situation comes out in a similar fashion, you’d rather be prepared.
They have to know, even if it’s just names.
At least then they won’t be led into the dark if you’re taken away again and will have a better chance at suspecting who.
When you’re good enough to stand on your feet and when Mingyu stops becoming so overbearing, the first place you visit is The Academy where Sunoo stays in his dorm alone, isolated from the rest.
“What’re you doing not playing with your friends?” His head perks up when he hears your familiar voice, that look of dread and loneliness brightened up if even for a moment. You see the way his eyes light up, widening, his feet meeting the floor when he jumps down from his bed, quick on his knees with a head lowered down to the floor before anyone can tell him anything.
You freeze in the moment, silent, before signaling to Yeong to have the door closed so that only you and Mingyu remain.
Your second in command walks off to the side, leaning against the wall to give you space when you approach the little boy whose shoulder trembles when lowered before you.
“Sunoo,” you call, and he flinches a little. “It is during times like this you should surround yourself with your peers, otherwise—”
“I’m sorry,” he cuts you off and you simply stand there again, not approaching any further.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” Yuna, age thirteen, tears rolled down her working eyes when you ran to room 157. “I just…I just want to make it all better.” Apologizing because she was incompetent.
“I’m sorry.” Mingyu, age twenty-six, uttered the only words he could find when you told him one could not break a broken person. “I want to save you.” But he can’t.
“I’m sorry.” Yeonjun, age ten, handing you a cup of rose water, his jaws clenched after your father’s Reapers left the room. “It’s tea,” he says. “It isn’t poisoned,” he says. And you drink it.
“I’m sorry.” Dasom, age twenty-four, blood on her face, blood on her hands, knelt before you with a head lowered, shoulders trembling. “I won’t make the same mistake as he did.” Killed the first Reaper that almost spilled your secrets.
“I’m sorry.” Nakyum, age seventeen, accepts his fate with a smile, eyes only looking your way with the rest of your Reapers surrounding him. The first to lose control, the first unable to restrain himself. “I hope in my next life, I can run to your side without having to hold myself back. May we meet again…in that life.” Dead.
Someone apologizes when they can do nothing. Someone apologizes when they’ve done something. In the end, fate will always pull the people around you into the hell you’ve been born into. No matter how much you push them away to escape it, to live the life they so deserve, they remain still and stubborn, vowing to always stay by your side no matter what.
Yuna lost her eyes. Nakyum lost his life.
No one else.
No one else.
You sit on the floor in front of Sunoo, crossing your legs together and close your eyes. You take in a deep breath, in and out, head tilted to the sky as if sending a prayer to Nakyum, asking him to continue his duties in watching over you all. You’re still selfish to this day, wanting to hold onto the dead.
“You did well,” you say into the silence. “You did well.”
Sunoo shakes his head, still unable to look you in the eyes. Perhaps feeling unworthy to do so. “You almost died.”
“But I didn’t,” you affirm and you see the way his hands ball into fists, turning knuckle white. “One day, perhaps, you can be like that gentleman that stepped in to take the blade for me. One day you will be strong to protect the ones you care about. But until that day comes, you have to accept the fact that you’re weak. Do not dwell on what could have been, dwell on how you could have done better. You acted well and played your part. Nari wanted you to scream and lose control, she wanted you to beg her to not hurt me, she wanted to watch you fall apart. If you had fallen victim to her play, she would have done worse on me, Sunoo, I know she would have. There are people who exist to make things harder on others. There are people who exist to laugh in the face of tears.”
“Even still—”
“Even still,” you cut him off, repeating those two words with more emphasis, “you are a child. And you cannot expect to do anything more than to stand and watch. Sometimes being a good bystander is all there is to do. Sometimes being a good bystander is all you can do. You protected me, Sunoo, so do not apologize for doing what I had asked you to do. But if you find yourself still dwelling on the fact that you should have done better,” you lift his head from where it sits, resting a cold hand on his face when he tries so hard to keep the tears back for your sake, “get stronger.”
Sunoo bites onto his lower lip, eyes kept wide and unblinking because he knows that if he wishes to not cry, a single blink will allow the rain to fall. “Yes, my lady.”
You pat him on the head and stand from your seat before simply walking off. 
When the door closes behind you, only then does he finally allow himself to cry.
“I’m sorry,” his voice breaks when Mingyu approaches him on the floor, hands rushing to wipe his tears yet they keep on coming. “I’m sorry I…I don’t know how to stop. The lady hates tears and yet—”
“You did well.”
Sunoo shakes his head. “I still showed her my tears. I..I-I’m not supposed to—”
“Boss was born in an environment that forced her to block all her emotions out. Her own father was a manipulating man who is incompetent of feeling. You are seven.” He places a hand on Sunoo’s shoulder and gives him a gentle squeeze. “Boss built you a place under her rule so that children like you do not have to live the life she led. She will forgive you if you cry.”
And so he does.
He cries. 
This time without hands pushing the tears away, this time with snot and hiccups and sounds. And as Mingyu watches the little kid who was forced to hold a weight upon those shoulders, he wishes he could see the same with you.
And not succumbing to the silence.
“Should you be walking on your feet so casually like that?”
One question still remains. One question that has you questioning everything else.
Why the hell does Namjoon seem so cool about everything?
I mean you didn’t provoke him any further and made jabs at him but why are the two of you okay enough to send letters to each other regarding the Viper situation? Isn’t he supposed to be mad at you for Jungwon? And the fact that you got Yoongi hurt to the point of him only being able to see through one eye now? Namjoon’s protective when it comes to his loved ones getting hurt so why aren’t you being yelled at? And why was he cool enough to send you to their private hospital and even had doctors on standby? You didn’t use them but that’s beside the point.
Is it because you were on the verge of death? But Namjoon never cared about that when it came to his enemies.
You look over at Yoongi not so discreetly, a tilt in your head, confusion plastered on your face, and in his own confusion as to why you turned to him in the first place, he simply gives you no response.
So you turn back to Namjoon, shrugging at his question. “It’s been over a month, I wouldn’t let just anyone take me down like that.”
He hums, agreeing, and you take another look at Yoongi who doesn’t avoid eye contact. The last time you saw him he was all bloody, blood dripping past the wet cloth you placed over his eye. The last time was when you were in that alleyway, telling him to not let anyone touch you.
He kept his promise, according to Mingyu, and perhaps that was his showing of apology for what he’d done to you all those years ago. You wouldn’t deem Yoongi as someone to have ignored the little trust you had put in him.
“I have a question, Kim Namjoon.” You turn to the man in charge. “Did what happened the last time we met each other fly past your head? Because it awfully feels as if it’s not affecting you one bit. Unless this is all just a ploy to lure me in and kill me afterwards.”
He raises a brow. “You think I like playing things out in the long run?”
Right. When it comes to Namjoon, whatever he wants, whoever he wants dead, they usually die within a week of his declaration. He doesn’t do the waiting game.
“Then why am I still alive?” You ask so casually it’s as if you were speaking of the weather. “Are you a fool?”
“I’m not a fool, Y/N, and that’s precisely why I will not kill you, whether you try to force my hands or not.” He gives you a pointed stare and you look away, arms crossing over your chest. Namjoon continues under your silence. “Did you know that in a moment of weakness, you let your mask fall? Did you really think I’d continue believing you so easily? After that act you played and went into madness?”
You ball your hand into a fist, ready to cut back. “I—”
“You didn’t kill Jungwon, but you know exactly who did it.” Those eyes of his, when you look at them, dares for you to refute the claim he just made and it brings a shiver down your spine. He’s never been one to play around, rarely cracks jokes, is always aloof, and has that resting glare on his face. Perhaps you shouldn’t have chanted those words so much you brought yourself into madness.
It was your fault your mask fell.
“And until you’re willing to tell me, I won’t accept your deal in wanting to cut Bangtan off your allied forces.”
You frown at his proposition, confused. “Wha—”
“You need me, Y/N,” he cuts you off, getting straight to the point and you sit there, simply staring with a dumbfounded expression. “I have more power and influence than the Reapers do. I have ways to get dirt over anyone and I have connections. That’s why you approached me in the first place; because you needed to use my power. I will continue to give you that. I’ll allow you to use me. And when you’re done using me, you can throw me out after giving me the truth to who killed Jungwon.”
Seokjin, who had stood beside Yoongi this whole time, slides a paper over to you and when you look at it, you realize it’s a contract. A new one.
You only have to glance at it for a brief moment to understand the words that are written there. “You’re giving me quite the advantage, Namjoon.”
Total control to be able to use him whenever, as long as you’re able to provide him information on his brother’s death once you are done with him. In translation: he was allowing you to treat him as a pawn.
“You know all I want is the truth about my brother, and you’re the only one who can provide me with that.”
The last person to have seen Kim Jungwon. The only person besides Namjoon to have been close to him.
You raise a brow his way, suspicious. “All for some information, you’re willing to become my pawn.”
“You believed I had treated you as such all those years ago, would it not be fair?”
He doesn’t say it straight out but you know just what he’s trying to imply. You were once a pawn in the chess game he played with your father, used as a leverage, and free to ask anything of you. And being the sort of person that you were all those years ago, you could never say no to what Namjoon asked of you. Three years passed, he grew tired of you, and discarded you to be eaten up by the enemy.
This is, in unspoken words, his apology.
You take the pen from the table to scribble out your signature before standing up to walk out without another word.
Though you pause right before you can open the door, turn a step around to address Yoongi, giving him a small bow. “Thank you.” And walk out.
Yoongi’s way of apology meant a lot more. You don’t want some discreet way of apology, you don’t want to play fire with fire even though that had been your intention from the very beginning. But even then, it was never your intention to take revenge back on Namjoon just to use him as a pawn.
It’s not what you want.
You want him begging on his knees the way you had done. You want him begging you for forgiveness and actually mean it.
You can accept Yoongi’s apology. You won’t forgive him yet but you can accept it. He stepped up when you were on the verge of death, stood in front of a blade, and had his own eye blinded. He then picked both you and Sunoo up in his arms and took revenge back on the Vipers, successfully killing them off in one go. And with the little trust you gave him in your moment of weakness, he kept his word and warded off anyone that tried to get close to you.
The Reapers were contacted, rushed to your side, and took care of you.
In the beginning, Yoongi was just a victim who had to fall prey into making a decision he hadn’t wanted to make.
Kim Namjoon’s taking a step but he’s still lightyears away from forgiveness.
Feelings cannot be forced, feelings are something you will not blame him for, but because he lied to you and betrayed your trust, you know you won’t let him off easily.
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lunaflowers · 1 year
jealousy (dom!junmyeon)
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pairing: kim junmyeon x reader genre: smut, pwp word count: 2.1k synopsis: you make junmyeon jealous so he punishes you in his favourite way warnings: sadist dom!junmyeon, masochist sub!reader, established relationship, jealousy, whipping, degradation, name calling, piv, pussy slapping
author's note: this is unedited, i'm sorry!
☆*: .。. o💘o .。.:*☆
“This is what you fucking wanted, isn’t it?” Junmyeon said, anger in every syllable. “You wanted to make me jealous so I would act like this?” He shoved you against the wall, pinning you there.
“No, I swear,” you replied, your voice a strained whimper. 
“Liar,” he spat at you. “You’ve been trying to drive me crazy all night.”
“It’s not true.” You really hadn’t been trying to make him jealous. The two of you had been together at an SM Entertainment company party, celebrating the launch of some new business venture along with his fellow members as well as many others. Everyone seemed to be having a great time. The drinks were flowing and Baekhyun had been in a particularly jovial mood, regaling you with stories of his latest vacation. The two of you were huddled in a corner while he was showing you the pictures on his phone.
And sure, maybe he had been flirting a little. He was Baekhyun, it was what he did. He just was a flirt. It didn’t mean anything. He’d linger a little too long on any vacation photos where he was on the beach, wet and topless, waggling his eyebrows at you jokingly while you giggled and rolled your eyes.
You hadn’t realised that Junmyeon was watching the two of you, seething the entire time. He hadn’t shown it. No, he was far too dignified and professional to lose his shit in public like that, not to mention he had his perfect idol image to maintain. Instead he merely ignored you when you would try to get his attention. But as soon as the two of you got home, it was like a switch had been flipped.
You were against the wall with Junmyeon’s arms on both sides of you. He was staring you down and you felt yourself shrink underneath his hard gaze.
“Junmyeon, baby, I wasn’t trying to make you jealous,” you said soothingly. You tried to reach out and put a comforting hand on his cheek but he grabbed you by the wrist. 
“Did I say you were allowed to touch me, you fucking slut?”
The harsh words had you at once feeling chagrined and aroused. “I’m sorry, sir.”
“You’re gonna be,” Junmyeon said, taking a step back. “Take off your panties.”
“I- I’m not wearing any,” you stammered in response. You cast your eyes down on the floor, not even able to look him in the face. “For you, not anyone else. I thought it would be a fun little thing for after the party. I would’ve told you during the party but you would barely talk to me.”
You finally looked up at him and you saw the muscle in his jaw twitch ever so slightly. He snapped his fingers, pointing to the bedroom you shared. “Get in there and bend over the bed. Now.”
You didn’t need to be told twice. You ran to your room and did as you were told, bent over the bed with your ass in the air. It was a few minutes before Junmyeon entered the room, presumably because he knew the anticipation would only serve to make you wetter. He got behind you and lifted the skirt of your dress up over your ass, exposing you. He gave you one quick, hard spank and you yelped at the pain.
“Put your hands behind your back.”
You did, and he began to tie them up with what you knew was his tie from the way the soft silk of it felt on your wrists. He then reached down and stuck two fingers deep into your already sopping wet cunt. It made you moan to finally have something inside you.
“Desperate whore,” he said, pulling his fingers out of you and wiping them on your dress. You heard the jingle of his belt and you knew he was taking it off. “Brace yourself.” 
Brace myself for what? You thought, seconds before you felt his belt whipping you across the ass. You yelped loudly and he chuckled. 
“Junmyeon!” You cried, tears already forming in your eyes.
“That- It really hurt,” you said, pathetically.
“That’s the point, love,” he said, but he gave your ass cheek a comforting rub anyway. “Do you want me to stop?” You two had never used a safe word. If you ever wanted to stop, you just told him and he would.
You shook your head. “No… I liked it. You buried your head into the sheets, embarrassed at your confession.
“I know,” Junmyeon said, whipping you again, but lighter this time. “Spread your legs more. I can see by the way your slutty pussy is gushing for this, you little pain slut.”
You whined out, but didn’t protest, spreading your legs as he asked. He whipped you again, and again, and again. Every time he saw those little pink welts criss-crossing your ass, he got more excited. Seeing your pussy drip down your thighs as he marked you up was making his cock twitch in his pants and he couldn’t wait until the moment it was buried inside your cunt.
He whipped you again and you kept on making delicious little pained noises that only served to arouse him further. “Do you want more?”
“Yes, sir,” you whined, “I’ve been such a whore today. I deserve to be punished. Whip me more, please.”
“Good girl. I like when you know your place,” Junmyeon replied. He began whipping you again, focusing more on your thighs now, as your ass didn’t look like it could take much more. “Desperate sluts deserve to be hurt, don’t they?”
“Yes, sir,” you repeated, revelling in the pain and pleasure. You heard Junmyeon throw his belt down onto the hardwood floor behind you. He came up right behind you and put two fingers in your cunt again. It was shameful how easy he was able to enter you. He pumped your pussy a few times, and took his fingers out, leaning forward and showing you his slick soaked fingers.
“Do you think it’s normal to get this wet when a man hurts you? Don’t you think that’s a little fucked up?”
Shame spread throughout your body at what he said, “I’m sorry,” you apologised as his degrading words only made your desire for him stronger.
Junmyeon wiped his soaked fingers on your face and you winced, feeling the coolness of your arousal on your cheek. Your hands were still tied behind your back so you couldn’t wipe it off, not that you would’ve tried without Junmyeon’s permission.
“So,” Junmyeon said, grabbing you by the hair and pulling you up off the bed. You looked him in the eyes and he slapped you across the face. “Did I say you could look at me?”
“No, sir, sorry, sir,” you babbled, your cheek now smarting as well as your ass. You looked down at your feet so you didn’t see Junmyeon’s smirk.
He picked you up and threw you on the bed. You landed with a gentle thump on your belly and you squealed, although it didn’t actually hurt. Junymeon got on the bed and untied your wrists. He then flipped you over onto your back and tied them to the headboard instead. Your freedom had been so fleeting and always under his control.
He looked down at you and you closed your eyes, not that you would’ve minded getting slapped again, but you didn’t want to test him. You heard him chuckle, and he leaned down, sucking a hickey onto your breast. “You’re such a good, obedient slut for me when it’s just us. So why do you have to act like such a whore in public?”
You bit your lip, “I’m sorry, sir,” you repeated.
“Sorry, sir,” he mocked, a girlish imitation of your voice. “That’s all you can say for yourself. You’re so pathetic.”
You were going to apologise again, an automatic reflex at this point, but you stopped yourself. Junmyeon ran his hand down over your body, between your breasts, down your belly button and finally stopping when he got to your cunt, his fingers deftly rubbing your clit.
“Look at me,” he ordered, and you did, opening your eyes to meet his dark ones. He looked at you with amusement, enjoying the way you were falling apart underneath him. Without warning, he pulled his hand back and gave your cunt a smack. You yelped in pain, and he did it again.
“Tell me how much you love it when I hurt you.”
“I love it so much, sir,” you said, as tears filled your eyes when he smacked your pussy again. You were struggling against your restraints but it was no use. He smacked you once more. You cried out and he smiled sadistically.
“You’re so pretty when you cry, you know that?” He meant it. Something about your swollen eyes and lips always made him want to fuck you senseless. He smacked your cunt again and you screamed. 
“Please stop… No more,” you said, trying to close your legs. 
“Has my baby had enough?” Junmyeon asked, his voice softening considerably. He was always in tune with you and he never wanted to push you beyond your limits.He rubbed you between the legs in a gesture meant to comfort.
You nodded and he kissed you on the lips soothingly.
“Please Junmyeon… I need you…” you whined when he broke the kiss. “Please?”
“Does my baby wanna be fucked now? After she’s been such a bad girl?”
“Yes, please,” you said, stopping yourself from apologising again. 
“Fine. You’ve been taking your punishment so well that I think you deserve a little treat.” Junmyeon positioned himself on top of you, getting in between your legs and pressing the tip of his cock to your wet folds, teasing you as you squirmed. “You’ll never fucking do that again, will you? Hmm? I won’t catch you in the corner of some room giggling away with Baekhyun or anyone again?”
“No, I won’t. It won’t happen again, I promise,” you replied. Just fuck me already, you wanted to scream, but you didn’t dare.
“Good girl,” Junmyeon said, as he pushed himself into you. Both of you moaned as he entered your body.
He began moving inside you while kissing you at the same time. You knew he wanted this as much as you did and you felt ecstatic at finally, finally being fucked. 
“Does it feel good?” Junmyeon asked, continuing to kiss your face.
“Yes… God, so good,” you said, giving a little gasp of pleasure as he hit all your sweet spots.
“Your pussy always feels amazing,” he said with a groan. He moved deeper inside you, and you arched your back at the intrusion. You want to grab him, to hold on to him, or to something but your restraints wouldn’t allow it so you just released a frustrated moan.
Junmyeon smirked, slowing down and allowing you to gather yourself. “Is something the matter?”
“I just want to touch you, sir. Please…” You shook your wrists, gesturing to where you were tied to the headboard. You wanted desperately for him to remove them.
He looked at your tied wrists, as though he was contemplating whether or not to do it. He seemed to come to a swift decision though.
With that, he sped up his pace again, his hands on either side of you as he looked you in the eyes. He liked how helpless and vulnerable you were underneath him. And he especially liked watching you struggle so pitifully, resulting in those pretty pink marks on your wrists. 
“I’ve been too fucking nice to you already, you little slut,” he said, breathlessly, “You need to learn you don’t get to have everything you want.”
“But sir,” you began to protest, but they died in your throat once he began using his thumb to play with your clit. In a split second you were close. “Gonna cum,” you managed to squeak out seconds before you did.
You came with a moan all over his cock. He hadn’t said you could, and you usually asked permission but he let it slide considering how far gone he was too. Groaning, he soon came inside of you, like he always did.
The two of you laid in the bed, catching your collective breaths. Junmyeon untied you and you tucked yourself into his warm body. He gave you a kiss on your forehead.
“Learned your lesson?” he asked, teasingly.
“Hmm… I think I might need a reminder eventually,” you quipped back.
“Well, I’ll always be here to give it to you.”
☆*: .。. o💘o .。.:*☆
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jongbross · 1 year
A headcanon with Exo:
How would they express their feelings for the reader?
a/n: thank you for requesting <3 i did this thinking about love languages, i hope it's okay!
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acts of service.
minseok has a beautiful way with words, but most of the times he gets awkward to say them out loud, so he learned his love language is acts of service. whenever he sees you're feeling down, he'll do something nice for you, so more often than not you'll get home to him cleaning up the house, finishing that task you've been trying to do for weeks but work just wouldn't let you, or all dressed up waiting for you so he can take you out and treat you with a nice meal.
he always says "i love you" at the end of a phone call or before leaving, but more than that, he tends to show you he loves you through his acts.
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i know we all (fans and members) joke about junmyeon being rich and spending all his money as he wants, but somehow he learned that giving gifts is also a love language.
don't get me wrong, he doesn't think he can win people over with that. but if you see and like a nice little pair of earrings, what's the matter with him buying it for you? if you complain to him that you're having a shitty day, is really that bad for him to buy you your favorite desert and get it delivered at your work? if you're the love of his life, the one he's sure he wants to spend the eternity with, can't he buy a new house for the two of you where you can start a family together?
think about it...
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physical touch.
zhang yixing is one of the softest boys out there. he has a busy schedule and he always puts work first, so sometimes he can't be around you as much as he'd want. so whenever he has some time to spend with you, believe me - he'll be all over you. he will kiss you every chance he have, hug you even if all you're doing is brushing your teeth, lean on your shoulder while you're watching your favorite show.
yixing always makes you feel loved, wanted. he's forever grateful for all the support you give him, for all the times you let him go with a smile on your face because he needed to persue his dreams. he may write a few songs about the way he feels about you, but he rather show you through his touch.
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quality time.
baekhyun knows exactly what he wants and how he wants, so he has confessed to you before. but the funny thing you've realized is, baekhyun is so full of love but has been hurt so many times, that he tries not to talk about his feelings a lot - he's lowkey scared it will all happen again if he wear them on his sleeve.
so, to always remind you how much he loves you and how he cares about you, he learned to just spend some time with you. and it's so natural to him, to turn off the world and just focus on you, give you his full attention; watching your every move, listening to your every word, doing whatever makes you happy - always with a smile on his lips and eyes overflowing with tenderness.
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words of affirmation.
have you seen jongdae? he's the walking form of words of affirmation. he is always reminding you how amazing you are, how he's grateful for all the things you do for him, how he knows you're capable of anything you want.
he might not be the one to give you the best birthday gift ever, for an example, but he will always be the one to make you cry at his beautiful words. he might not always be around when you need a hug, but he's always just a call away whenever you're facing some trouble and needs someone to tell you "i love you" and "i believe in you" - and jongdae does, from the bottom of his heart.
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acts of service & physical thouch.
chanyeol is a mix of both, i think. he's the human definition of a golden retriever, i swear! whenever you're sad or need some reassurance, chanyeol hugs you and pulls you closer to his chest because he solemly believe - but won't ever admit it - that how much he loves you emanates from his body and it can heal you.
apart from that, he also likes to shows you that he loves you through his actions rather than words, so don't be surprised if you ever come home and oh, that photo you two took together last month on a trip is now hanging on your wall. (:
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acts of service.
if you think kyungsoo isn't good with his words, you're right. he has some trouble talking about his feelings, so very early on his life he learned that he can show gratitude and love through his actions. he tends to care for those around him, especially the ones who has done a lot for him too, so of course it wouldn't be different with you.
you also realized this as soon as you two got together. it isn't unusual for kyungsoo to only smile and nod when you tell him you love him, followed by either him bringing you food because you're so busy with work or letting you sleep till noon even though it's his day off and you were supposed to be together - you deserve that rest and he worries about your health because he loves you, so it's okay.
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physical touch.
there's a very specific moment in one of superm's lives that jongin holds baekhyun's fingers and keeps playing with them for such a long time... that's how he acts with you too.
jongin does say he loves you, very often actually, but you feel that everytime he touches you - which he also does a lot. he's always touching you somehow, from pulling you close everytime he laughs to just touching shoulders while watching something on the couch. he needs that warmth, he craves that from his lover, and he can only hope that it's enough to show you that hey, he's so in love with you (spoiler alert: it is more than enough).
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poor baby doesn't know how to show love. perhaps, since he's not only exo's maknae but also the youngest from his family, he has always been spoiled and showered with love in so many ways that he doesn't know how to pay back. the only way he gets to do it, and that's also a little bit of junmyeon's fault, is through gift giving.
sehun showers you with gifts every chance he gets. anything you want, name it and it's yours - or don't name it, because sehun learned how to read you so everytime you see something, check the price and be like "hm, that's too expansive" DO NOT be fooled, give sehun barely two weeks and the thing you wanted it's on your hands. he'll spoil you rotten if you let him, but don't blame him, it's his way to say "i love you so much, thank you for taking care of me".
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eomayas · 1 year
nip slip • kjm
pairing: exhusband!junmyeon x exwife!reader
genre: smut 18+ MINORS DNI!!!
synopsis: one wrong angle on facetime leads two ex lovers back to the same bed.
warnings: pwp, dilfy suho, p in v, no foreplay, swearing
“daddy’s calling!” your daughter gasps, rushing to answer the facetime call from her father. you glance down at her and her ipad. “hi daddy!” jisoo yells, and you shush her because you’re in a dressing room.
“hi, baby! are you excited for tomorrow?” he asks, and you tune them out as you start getting undressed. jisoo and her dad go back and forth, and your interest is peaked when he says, “baby, is your mom there?”
jisoo says yes and shoves the ipad towards you, your bare chest on full display for the camera. “jisoo!” you shriek, crossing your arms over your chest and turning around. “oh my god, jisoo!” you cry, your back still turned away from her.
“sorry mommy,” she says and you squeeze your eyes shut. you quickly put your bra and shirt back on, taking the ipad from her, your skin on fire from embarrassment.
junmyeons face fills up the screen, and you can tell he’s trying not to smile. after many years together, you’ll never not notice some of his quirks. “stop. what do you need?” you ask.
“is this a bad time?” he asks, running a hand through his hair.
“yes, it is,” you say, and he pokes his tongue in his cheek. “could you just call me later?” you ask. he agrees and you pass the ipad back to your daughter, slightly mortified that your ex husband just saw you bare for the first time in nearly a year, against your will.
you sigh and pull your hair out of the tight bun it’s in, shaking it out and running your fingers through your hair. you toss your keys and work bag onto the island in your kitchen, and take a moment to stretch against it. rolling your shoulders, you step out of your heels and crack rotate your ankles and press your toes against the base of the island to stretch your calves.
you’re grateful for the silence; jisoo being gone with her dad and grandmother, thus you having the house to yourself for the weekend. it’s rare that you have this much silence, even when shes gone. if your phone isn’t ringing, an alarm is going off.
as if you summoned noise, your phone starts to ring. you let out a breath and pad over to your work bag and fish out your phone. you stare at his name on the screen and debate sending it to voicemail before you remember that it could be serious, so you answer. “hello?” you say into the phone. you haven’t talked to him since your nip slip the other day.
“hey. soo forgot her stuffed bear and is freaking out. can i come over and get it?” he asks. it sounds like he’s already in the car, probably already on his way over here.
“uh, yeah. are you on your way?” you ask, leaning against the counter.
it’s silent for a moment before he responds. “yes—i’ll be there in about seven minutes,” he says, and you only roll your eyes because his new house is twenty minutes away from you.
“fine. i’ll see you soon,” you say, hanging up and gathering all of your belongings and going upstairs. you drop your work stuff off in your home office, and then go into jisoos bedroom to search for her stuffed animal before your ex husband gets here.
by the time you find the stuffed animal, he’s knocking at your door. you quickly bound down the stairs, still in your work clothes and heels, to open the door for junmyeon.
“hi. here,” you say, pressing the plush toy into his chest. he’s taken aback by your abrupt greeting, taking a small step backwards when you push the toy at him.
“wow, um hi—thanks,” he says awkwardly, shaking his head and blinking a few times at you. you avoid eye contact with him, like you have ever since you filed the divorce papers. while you look away, he lets his eyes roam your frame, your curves on display from the formfitting skirt and blouse you wear.
“is that it?” you ask, your body wedged between the door so he can’t see in behind you. there’s nothing to hide—you lived in this house together back when you got accepted into law school and he was at the end of his residency.
“i mean, i guess. you’re not going to invite me in?” he asks, almost like he can’t believe it. you frown up at him and he scoffs. “we were married for twelve years, y/n. my fault for trying to forge some kind of relationship with you despite it all.” junmyeon adds. his voice has a bitter edge to it, and you can’t help but feel slightly guilty.
he’s still broken up about the divorce—he never wanted it in the first place, and it took coaxing from his mom and several screaming matches for him to just give up and sign the papers. the sad reality of the divorce is that there’s no love lost on either side. you’re just better at hiding it.
out of guilt, mostly, you move out of the way to let him in. junmyeon thanks you and walks through the foyer, looking at all of the things that have changed or stayed the same. the picture of you, him, and jisoo hangs in the same spot it has since the day you hung it up five years ago. the runner on the floor is the same—everything is the same, except for the empty hook where he’d typically hang up his keys and white coat.
junmyeon walks deeper into the house and you follow close behind. having here after months of him not being here feels strange, like there is something out place. and you know what’s out of place and what this home is missing: his constant presence.
“so,” you say, slipping into the kitchen when he takes a seat at the island. you lean against the far counter and cross your arms over you chest, glancing at him but not letting your eyes linger anywhere for too long. “what’s up?” you ask. you’ve never been good at small talk, especially not with him. you’d rather get straight to it.
junmyeon chuckles and waves vaguely in the air. “nothing… just life, i guess. nothings changed at the office,” he says and you snort. “what?” he questions, eyebrows furrowed.
you shake your head. “nothing,” you say, but it’s something. you’re shocked he didn’t decide to fire the receptionist that you complained to him about, after you felt like she lingered around his office for too long. he said it was fine, and that he wouldn’t fire her because she was good at her job.
junmyeon stares at you for a beat before standing up from his chair. “well, i guess i’ll get going,” he says. you nod and push yourself off of the counter and follow him to the door. “it was nice seeing you. again.” he says, glancing at you with a teasing look in his eye.
you cheeks flush as you remember your mishap with him on facetime. when he blatantly checks you out, you shift the weight on your feet and press your hands into your stomach. “you should probably bring that to jisoo,” you say, nodding with your head to the stuffed bear in his hands.
junmyeon shrugs casually. “she’ll get it,” he says, and you two have a silent stand off. you finally let your eyes settle on him, and somehow you manage to not fall to the floor. “y/n.” he says when you avert your gaze to the floor.
“hmm?” you say. you don’t like the feelings that are going on in your head, your chest, your stomach. you yearn for him in a way that nobody else can satisfy. there’s a junmyeon shaped hole in your heart, your life, that is waiting to be patched up, or filled.
he crosses the short distance between the two of you, and you brace yourself against the wall. he reaches his hand out to touch you, but hesitates and drops it to his side. you wish he would just grab you, take you into his arms.
you lift your head to look at him, and his eyes give it away. you grab his arm and pull him towards you, noses only centimeters apart. you grab ahold of his biceps, pulling him closer. “just this once,” you whisper, and press your lips to his.
the kiss is rushed and messy, hands sliding everywhere. he presses you into the wall and you tangle your hands in his hair when he slides a hand up your leg and hooks it behind your knee.
his lips move down your neck in a hurry, but they don’t get far because of the turtleneck you’re wearing. you gently push him off and pull your shirt over your head and let it fall to the floor. he’s at your neck again, his hands sliding up your back to unhook your bra. “guest room,” you gasp, your bra hanging onto the last hook.
junmyeon nods and grabs your hand, dragging your down the hallway and into the spare room. you’re on the bed in seconds, pulling off your bra and holding onto the back of his neck as he takes one of your nipples into his mouth. “jun,” you sigh, putting an arch in your back and pressing your chest further into him. he fondles with your other breast before switching sides.
when he’s satisfied, he pulls away and pulls off his jacket and shirt. you unzip your skirt and slide it off, and when you’re bare in front of him, he stops and stares at you as if he’s trying to burn this image of you in his brain one last time. “junmyeon,” you call, curling your finger and beckoning him to you. he crawls back on top of you, still in his boxers and you pull them down. “now, i need you now.” you breathe into his ear. you feel him tense before he’s stepping out of his briefs and pressing you back into the bed.
junmyeon likes himself up with you and pushes in slowly, both of you letting out shaky breaths. you hold onto his side as he keeps moving in slowly, letting you get used to the stretch again. “you alright?” he grunts when he sees the look on your face: mouth open but no sound coming out, and your eyes screwed shut.
you only nod hurriedly. “yes, more!” you pant, and he speeds up his thrusts. when you cry out his name, nails pressing into his side, he can’t help but pull almost all of the way out and slam back in.
“y/n, fuck,” he groans, squinting as he looks down to see where the two of you connect. there is already a white ring around the base, and he moans out your name. “i missed this.” he pants out, his hips ramming into you.
you only whimper every time he pushes inside and hits that spot repeatedly. “oh-“ you cut yourself off with a moan and you clench around him once, twice, and he twitches inside of you. “fuck, i’m there, myeonie!” you cry, reaching down to rub at your clit.
you chase your release, and it comes crashing down on you. you cling to him as your hips buck, matching his thrusts until he releases inside of you, his strokes faltering slightly but he keeps fucking you and pushing his cum back inside.
it’s not enough for either of you. you pull him down to you so he’s resting on his forearms, and kiss him sloppily. both of your juices slip down your thighs, but you don’t care. you hook a leg around his hip and flip your position so you’re on top.
he remains hard inside of you, and you don’t waste time bouncing up and down on him, taking him all the way. you keep going until your thighs burn and your legs shake, and he coaches you through it. “that’s it, just like that—shit,” he groans, his grip on your hips tightening.
you brace yourself against his thighs, rotating your hips. he gropes one of your breasts with his left hand and presses his other thumb against your clit, moving it in circles. “junmy!” you mewl, your legs starting to feel like jelly.
“i’m close, y/n,” his chest rises and falls rapidly. he plants his feet on the bed, your hold on his thighs slipping and lurching your forward. you catch yourself on his chest, and the air is pushed out of your lungs briefly when he starts driving his hips up into you, making your scream out his name and claw at his chest.
all that can be heard is skin on skin, heavy breathing, and his name leaving your lips. that same white hot feeling comes back, and when you come for the second time, you’re seeing spots. his final and hardest thrust comes with his own release, and he elicits the sweetest moan into your ear.
your body crumples on his, and you rest your check against his shoulder. he wraps one arm around you, gently stroking your back.
that junmyeon-sized hole definitely got filled.
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jaemmphilia · 1 year
★ 𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚖 𝚜𝚘𝚍𝚊 ★ || kim j.mn
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★ summary: you and junmyeon decide to celebrate the end of finals week by giving yourselves to each other for the first time.
★ pairing: suho x male!reader
★ warnings and rating: porn with very little plot (18+ only), virgins suho n reader, they fuck the stress out of each other lol, sexy times with ur college boyf
★ word count:
★ binnie's thoughts: i have no thoughts, just suho and the cream soda vid
★ requested?: yup, by @jaehyuncocksleeve
★ disclaimer: this fic in absolutely NO WAY represents suho as a person. this is simply a work of fiction for entertainment purposes. please enjoy!
© triplejracha, 2023. please do not copy to any other platform.
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“Finally! All the pain and suffering is over!” [Name] exclaims as he collapses onto the bed behind him, landing on his back. He allows the mattress to sink under his weight as he exhales.
Junmyeon chuckles as he watches his boyfriend visibly relax before him. He copies the male, falling backward onto the mattress beside [Name]. “That’s right. We’re one step closer to graduating. It’s a surreal feeling, no?”
[Name] hums in agreement, turning his head toward Junmyeon with a smile on his face, “It is, and as exciting as it sounds, I know I’ll be sad when it’s all over.” 
“That makes sense. A bittersweet feeling.” Junmyeon says, lacing his hand with [Name]’s, bringing it to his lips, and placing a gentle kiss on the top. 
“Bittersweet indeed.” [Name] says, rolling his body over so that his chest is flush against Junmyeon’s arm. Junmyeon also moves his body so he’s laying on his side, propping his body up with his elbow. He stares into [Name]’s [EC] eyes, and the color easily becomes his favorite color in the world. Junmyeon just stares at his boyfriend without saying anything, making [Name] chuckle.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” [Name] asks, breaking the comfortable silence and snapping Junmyeon out of his lovesick-puppy trance. 
“Like what?” Junmyeon tries to play dumb, his perfectly shaped eyebrow cocking upward, hoping [Name] doesn’t catch on to his little act.
“Like you want to, I don’t know, eat me?” [Name] laughs, his hand reaching up to brush Junmyeon’s loose strands of hair away from his face.
Junmyeon pauses, his eyes flitting back and forth, looking at [Name]’s eyes and back to his lips. Junmyeon’s tongue comes out to lick his bottom lip before he speaks:
“And what if I did?” 
His response catches [Name] by surprise. Of course, he and Junmyeon have gotten intimate, but it never went further than naked petting and heavy kissing. A lot of kissing. The two of them have wanted to go further, but the impending anxiety always cuts the moment short. Neither of the two males wanted to rush things in their relationship, even if the said relationship was going four years strong. 
[Name] and Junmyeon met in their final year of high school, through mutual friends. Well, in this case, it was through [Name]’s younger cousin Jongdae. [Name] was sent to live with Jongdae’s family after [Name]’s parents passed in a freak accident. When [Name] was having a rough day with the grieving process, Junmyeon would be right there with an iced coffee and a shoulder to cry on. 
To [Name], Junymeon was easy to fall in love with. He had a gentle smile paired with kind eyes that sucked you in. [Name] made the first move, when the two of them attended the town’s yearly festival. They had gone with Jongdae and some other friends, but [Name] dragged Junmyeon away to a secluded area. [Name] had placed his hands on Junmyeon’s cheeks, tugging the male in for a kiss. The kiss was chaste and soft, but as Junmyeon got over the initial shock, his hands found purchase on [Name]’s hips. Neither of them had ever kissed anyone in their entire lives, but in that moment, it was perfect for them. 
“[Name], I think I’m ready to take this further. Only if you are, too.” Junmyeon says, his voice dripping with sincerity, his eyes scanning [Name]’s face for any discomfort or hesitancy. He’s surprised when he finds none.
“Junnie, I’ve been waiting for the right moment to tell you that I’m ready to take this further with you. I wouldn’t do it with anyone but you.” [Name] says leaning forward to press a soft peck on Junmyeon’s lips. Junmyeon doesn’t allow [Name] to pull away as he wraps his arms around the male’s waist, deepening their kiss.
Their lips dance together like the way fish move freely in the water, the air around them quickly becoming humid and sticky with arousal. [Name] pulls away, softly snickering at Junmyeon’s whine of protest. [Name] tugs off his graphic tee, tossing it onto the floor. Junmyeon’s eyes flit down to his boyfriend’s bare chest. He’s seen the naked flesh about a million times now, but it always feels like the first time. 
“God, every time you take off your shirt it makes my stomach flip,” Junmyeon says, his large hands feeling up on the warm flesh. [Name] lets out a sigh at the feeling, goosebumps pebbling on his arms, giving him a full-body shiver.
Jumyeon chuckles at the sight, enjoying the effect he has on his inexperienced boyfriend (he is also inexperienced, don’t let him fool you.). 
Junmyeon’s lips leave gentle kisses and rough sucks along the damp flesh of [Name]’s chest. [Name] bucks his hips upward, a moan escaping his throat as his clothed cock rubs against Junmyeon’s clothed cock. Junmyeon bites his bottom lip as the pleasure climbs up his spine. He lets out a curse before he’s hurriedly stripping, not wasting any time. 
[Name] laughs at his boyfriend’s desperation, but then his stomach drops when he realizes what’s about to go down. Is he sure he wants this? He’s thought about it plenty of times, but that doesn’t stop the anxious thoughts from plaguing his mind. 
Is it going to hurt? How long will it hurt if it does? What if I’m bad in bed? Do I stink? Are there any … visitors down there? Those are only a few impending questions that [Name] has and fears about. Junmyeon notices [Name]’s sudden silence and he lightly taps the male’s cheek. [Name]’s eyes move to look at Junmyeon with uncertainty in his pools of [EC]. 
“Is everything alright? You spaced out on me for a sec.” Junmyeon jokes, hoping to see his boyfriend’s pretty smile again. [Name] nods, but Junmyeon is not convinced, he sits back on his heels with his arms crossed. [Name] looks at the older male before he snorts a laugh. 
“I can’t take you seriously when your dick is just hanging there!” [Name] laughs, throwing his head back onto the pillow behind him. Junmyeon looks down and for sure, his dick is hard. The poor thing is just there, the tip is angry and red. 
Junmyeon covers his dick and shakes his head, “This isn’t about my dick! This is about you! You looked uncertain just a second ago!” Junmyeon says, pointing his finger at [Name].
“Well, yeah. It’s our first time together, and I don’t want to be… bad.” [Name] confesses, turning his head away so Junmyeon won’t see the embarrassed expression on his face. 
Junmyeon softens, his hand reaching out to gently grip [Name]’s jaw, making the male look at him. Junmyeon leans down and presses a quick kiss on [Name]’s lips. He chuckles when [Name] chases his lips as he pulls away, “It’s our first time together. It’s not going to be like the porn videos you watch.” 
[Name]’s jaw drops and he pelts Junmyeon with a nearby pillow. He ignores Junmyeon’s laughs and pleads for mercy, just pelting his poor boyfriend with the pillow. 
“Alright, alright! I’m sorry, please!” Junmyeon cries out, laughing the entire time. He pants as he regains his composure, his chest heaving. [Name] has his arms crossed, not looking at Junmyeon. “Pretty boy, look at me.”
“No. I thought we agreed to never bring that up again.” [Name] says, his cheeks and ears burning hot.
“I saw an opportunity and I took it! Can you really blame me for that?” Junmyeon says, his hands coming up to tug [Name]’s sweatpants down to his knees. [Name] doesn’t stop him, so he just continues until the clothes are discarded behind him somewhere. 
“Yes, I can! It was embarrassing for me!” [Name] cries out, watching Junmyeon rub his large hands over his thighs. He watches Junmyeon’s hands inch closer to his half-hard dick, knowing that Junmyeon is waiting for him to protest. The protest never comes.
Junmyeon wraps his hand around [Name]’s dick, giving it a few short strokes to test the waters. [Name]’s hips twitch at the feeling of soft flesh touching his sensitive cock. He lets out a soft whine when Junmyeon wraps his lips around the tip, his tongue licking his slit. That drives [Name] over the edge, his eyes closing as he throws his head back. Junmyeon never expected his boyfriend to be that sensitive, but he’s not complaining at all. 
Junmyeon blows his boyfriend for a bit, until [Name] announces that he’s close. Junmyeon pulls away and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. He smirks at [Name] as he grabs the male’s thighs, tugging him so he’s flush against Junmyeon’s skin. Junmyeon reaches over to the bedside table and takes out the lube and condoms he’s had stored there for times like this. Junmyeon looks down at [Name] again, making sure there’s no hesitancy or rejection. 
“Are you ready, pretty boy? I’m lubed up and ready for you.” Junmyeon says, and [Name] can’t help but notice how unserious his boyfriend is. He rolls his eyes and nods, his hands gripping the comforter below him, bracing for the pain to come.
Junmyeon chuckles to himself and he slips his lubed index finger past the puckered rim. He watches [Name]’s face scrunch up from what he assumes is discomfort. Junmyeon doesn’t push his finger further, allowing his boyfriend to get over the initial feeling. 
“That feels super weird,” [Name] says, making Junmyeon chuckle, his thumb rubbing circles on [Name]’s hip bone. “You can keep going, it’s actually starting to feel good.”
Junmyeon obeys, slipping his middle finger inside. He hears [Name] sigh at the stretch. Junmyeon keeps his eyes on [Name]’s face, his stomach clenching at the way the male’s face twinges. He thinks [Name] looks the best like this; a light sheen of sweat coating his face and chest, his chest rising as he pants out little whines, and his strong brows furrowed downward. 
Once Junmyeon is sure that [Name] is stretched enough for him, he lines his cock up with [Name]’s hole. “Are you ready? It isn’t too late to back out, pretty boy.” 
[Name] nods, his arms wrapping around Junmyeon’s neck, “I’ve been ready for a while. I love you, Junnie.”
Junmyeon smiles as he pushes past the puckered rim. He takes it slow, not wanting to hurt [Name]. His hips want to buck forward, but he holds back as best as he can. He bottoms out completely and just waits for the green light from the male below him. Once [Name] begs Junmyeon to move, Junmyeon snaps his hips back and forth. He keeps the pace average, not wanting to over-exert himself. 
The two males moan and pant as they give themselves to each other for the first time in their relationship. [Name] was clawing at Junmyeon’s back, his moans syncing up with every push of Junmyeon’s hips. Junmyeon’s head is in the crook of [Name[‘s neck, leaving dozens of marks on his skin. Junmyeon’s hips begin to stutter, signaling his impending release. Junmyeon uses his free hand to jerk [Name] off, his thrusts picking up the pace. It isn’t much longer when the two males spill their releases all over themselves. Junmyeon pulled out and took off the condom and came all over [Name]’s stomach and chest. 
Junmyeon allow his tired body to collapse next to [Name]. He’s all sweaty and tired, but he’s also on cloud nine (get it?). He pulls the younger male close, peppering kisses all over the side of his face. [Name] chuckles and allows himself to be smothered by his boyfriend. Their first time together was everything the two males wanted and more.
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aqupistau · 1 year
— ☕️ⸯⸯ : the way back home﹙bbh﹚
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warning: mentions of alcohol (but it's just wholesome fluff)
genre & trope: fluff and established relationship
pairing: byun baekhyun x gn!reader
word count: 0.97k (edited)
synopsis. "if i were a sleepy sea otter and you were also a sleepy sea otter, would you hold my hand so that we won't float away from each other?"
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Baekhyun wasn't the greatest soldier alive when it came to alcohol tolerance; he himself had great self-awareness of it. This resulted in him never drinking furthermore in your presence once he knew he was tipsy. At first, you didn't mind this at all, although, after receiving the first-ever emergency call from one of his friends, this changed your mind.
The call consisted of the first few seconds of a proper conversation with the said friend, and then a minute later to Baekhyun stealing the phone, who was then drunkenly flirting with you. Clearly losing the battle between alcohol and his sobriety.
Baekhyun's friend that called you, who seemingly was the only person sober, got his phone back and pleaded you to get him ASAP before he lost his marbles dealing with a bunch of lousy drinkers.
You obliged, mindlessly arriving at the destination a lot quicker than you thought, almost snickering at the thought of a crimson-cheeked boyfriend just smiling like a fool at you. Junmyeon, the caller, his face of weariness turned into a relieved one as he greeted you at the front door, booming noises of drunken men singing karaoke inside and the strong smell of assorted liquor exuding from him.
"Hi, Y/N! Here to pick up Baekhyun, right?" he questioned, which honestly sounded more like it had only one valid answer.
"Yes, though it looks like I'll be spoiling his fun if I pick him up while all of you are having so much fun." You politely replied just for formality.
Junmyeon chuckled and firmly added, dead in the eyes, begging, "I promise you that you aren't. Please come inside, Y/N. Please?"
"Y/N? Is that Y/N? Y/N!" A familiar bright, boyish voice slurred in excitement from the inside. You looked at Junmyeon for assurance, and he nodded, encouraging you to enter the living room. You gulped in nervousness, thinking of how to deal with the new kind of Baekhyun you'd never met before. It was like helplessly walking on a field of tall grass full of wild Pokemons.
Before leaving your shared home with Baekhyun, you've researched the effects of alcohol, and one struck you: repressed emotions and thoughts will be set free in a drunken state. You weren't sure if that was true since no reliable sources proved this fact, but you still wondered, almost in a way of contemplation. Doubtful if you can even deal with a wasted Baekhyun.
"It's me, Baek—Oh my god."
There he was. And you were right about one thing: his cheeks would go red when he was drunk but based from the research about repressed feelings when in a drunken state, you can tell that this Baekhyun will be a handful.
"Y/N~" The last syllable of your name dragged on as he attempted to wiggle up from his seat. "I missed you so much, Y/N." You quickly ran up to support him from standing, relieved that you caught him on time.
"But we were together like… four hours ago, baby." He nodded in reply.
"Exactly." Oh, well.
After bidding goodbye to the rest of his friends, who were thrilled to see you, you got help from Junmyeon to put Baekhyun on the passenger seat, bidding him farewell and good luck as you set off to go back home.
Surprisingly, the first couple of minutes of the drive were quiet, and your boyfriend was just sleeping peacefully, thankfully, not causing a ruckus silently. You didn't try to pry him from his peace and just continued driving, waiting for him to mumble anything you could tease him about once he woke up. You admired this very moment of comfortable silence, wondering of the antics that would happen by the next morning and planning to prepare ahead a good hangover soup to lighten the weight of your lover.
"Baby?" He's awoken.
"Can I hold your hand? It's quite cold," he requested groggily.
"I can't, baby. I'm driving us back home."
"Oh...then, can I borrow your jacket?" Baekhyun tested again, opting for a different consolation.
"Yes, of course. It's on the backseat, Baek."
He struggles to look for it in the back seat, carefully but clumsily putting his arms inside the armholes of the jacket when he does.
A few minutes pass, and he complains again, "...I still wanna hold your hand, Y/N."
"Let's hold hands when we're under a stop light, okay?" You turned the car to the highway, and coincidentally, the red light from the traffic light stopped you. In reaction, Baekhyun reached out for your hand and interlocked his cold fingers with yours.
"Y/N?" he called out again.
"Your hand is very warm. I love holding your hand."
You beamed with a snicker, looking down at your entwined hands. His hands that easily get cold and would always seek refuge for yours that were always cozy and warm. These hands that would always cup your cheeks and kiss you plushly in the wake of the morning. You noticed the difference of temperature of his and your hand, and you grasp slightly harder, attempting to warm his faster.
"I love holding your hand too, Baek."
The traffic lights turned green, and you gently removed your tightly held hand from him, leaving his hand to reach out to yours with dismay.
"Y/N?" Baekhyun asks for you again from just a few miles.
"Mhm?" You hummed softly, never troubled by his constant wants to hear your voice and attention even if he asks for the vainest demands.
"I need you to answer a question."
"If I was a sleepy sea otter," he yawned, the sign of the need to sleep displaying, "And you were also a sleepy sea otter…."
"Will you hold my hand so we'll not drift away from each other when we're sleeping?"
"Baek?" It was your turn to ask, "You do know that we always snuggle when we sleep, right?"
"...Oh. Then, can I hold you all night when we're finally home?" There were remotely a small number of cars driving, so you turned the car, almost near your home and took the opportunity, interlocking the hand that rested on his thigh with yours, holding it near your lips, and kissed lovingly the back of his hand.
"When it involves loving you, then it's always a yes."
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© aqupistau. all rights reserved. ↬ masterlist
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kjmcotton · 1 year
December on the couch | Kjm
Kim Junmyeon x fem!reader
Plot:you and your best friend,Junmyeon,decide to entertain yourselves in a different way
Warnings:dom!Junmyeon,fingering, unprotected sex (don’t do this at home!!),18+
Author’s notes:the first Junmyeon os is finally out!! I couldn’t wait anymore to write for my ultimate bias. This story has been in my drafts for a while but now here we are. Enjoy!
Tumblr works with reposts:if you enjoyed my story please repost and leave a feedback! Help me growing!♡
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“We’re best friends,we love each other completely”
The sun was disappearing behind the buildings of a cold Seoul. It was December:the month of presents and Christmas trees,but also of snow and fever;that was why,after studying all day with your best friend,Junmyeon,you had decided to cook pizza to warm yourselves up;and,since it had been snowing for days,you also proposed him to sleep on your couch that night.
After accepting your offer,Junmyeon sat next to you,welcoming your legs on his lap while scrolling through his phone.
“Aren’t you cold?” he asked,his fingers stroking the soft skin of your ankles:the only things protecting you from the low temperatures were an oversized sweater and a pair of white socks,but you were more than okay with that,your house was a warm place.
“I’m used to it,and it’s not cold in here” you replied
Junmyeon nodded,putting his phone on the table in front of you
“Anything we can do to pass the time while we wait for our dinner to be ready?” he then asked.
You started thinking,giving a glance to the ceiling
“I’ve got Monopoly,Cluedo,Uno…” you counted the games with your fingers,stopping any now and then to think about what you had in the house.
In the meantime,Junmyeon was staring at you,still stroking his fingers along your legs,going as high as he could
“Stop” you giggled. He was tickling you.
“Why would I?”
“I don’t like being tickled,you know”
“That’s why I’m not stopping” he moved his body weight in order to top you. His hands slipped along your legs,sliding under your sweater,up to your tummy
“Stop! I said stop!” you were laughing in front of a satisfied Junmyeon who knew he was playing with your weak spot.
You grabbed his shoulders,trying to push him away,but you achieved the opposite as you dragged him closer.
Suddenly the laughters stopped.
Junmyeon looked into your eyes,licking his lips. His breath was warming up the skin of your cheeks while the delicate smell of his fresh clean clothes filled your nostrils. How much you liked it. You didn’t remember the last time you were that close;maybe it happened only once,in high school,when,without even knowing why,the two of you ended up kissing in the backyard of the school. It was your first kiss…and also the best you had ever received.
“I’ve got something better in mind than Monopoly” the boy whispered with his usual silky voice.
“W-what is it?” your breath was stuck in your throat. The distance between your lips got shorter, until they touched.
Junmyeon’s thumb found his place on your chin and tilted your had on the side. The kiss was tender,as tender as Junmyeon himself had always been. It seemed like he had no rudeness in his body.
“Junmyeon-you mumbled his name in the kiss as he distanced himself of a few inches to let you speak-we’re supposed to be best friends…”
“We are. We’re best friends,we love each other completely” he talked,sliding his hand underneath your sweater to satisfy his need of skinship.
At those words you bit your lips,with your breath getting heavier. You immediately understood what he had in his mind,but it had been a while since you had sex,which made you feel unconfident,that was why you were reluctant in fucking with someone you knew so well. You were scared of being judged. However,on the other hand,you couldn’t deny that your whole self was screaming its attraction to the boy:your lower body tingled as soon as your skins touched and a not unusual need of feeling him close had risen inside you.
“Everything will be fine,I promise you” Junmyeon whispered into your hear,kissing the side of your chin before reaching your neck. You instinctively moved your head aside to give him access,thinking about how easy it was for him to read you. You were an open book to him,which was incredible considering you had never been someone whose feelings were easy to understand.
The boy’s lips started sucking on your skin,drawing purple marks everywhere. Behind your hear,under your chin;he even lowered the neck of your sweater to leave hickeys on your collarbone . He was the painter while you were his canvas,and you liked it,damn if you liked it.
Your hand interwove in his hair. Eyes shut as you were enjoying his fingers wandering all over your body. He started drawing lines on your skin,going up,until he touched your breasts. A whine of yours filled the air.
“You like it,angel?” he demanded,looking at you from under his lashes. You nodded:flushed cheeks and a slightly open mouth were already adorning Junmyeon’s painting,it didn’t matter if he was just at the beginning.
“You look so pretty when we cross our lines. I wish I could do this more often” he said,lifting your sweater up to kiss the skin above your white pants. Another moan escaped your mouth.
“Take this off for me,you don’t need it” he said,and with that you were now naked under a needy Junmyeon. Embarrassed,you blushed and tried to cover yourself,but the brunette shook his head and moved your arms aside.
“There’s no need to hide:you’re so beautiful. I wanna se everything” he gently kissed your lips,while his hands found their way to your breasts,touching your soft flesh. The contact of his skin with yours seemed unreal and perfect,how much you liked him.
“F-fuck-you panted,throwing your head back-I-need you Myeon”
“I need you too sweetheart-he grabbed your hand,squeezing it in his palm before letting you touch the buldge in his gym trousers-look what you’ve done to me”
“Ohw” that was everything you were able to say. Junmyeon was slowly and gently driving you to the edge. It was so much in character for him:he had never been bossy,he spent his entire life leading people with calm and knowledge.
“I’ll do it for you” you talked in a breath of sound,stroking your fingers against the cloth of his trousers,but Junmyeon shook his head,blocking your hands above your had.
“No angel,I didn’t tell you so. Be a good girl”
“I’m-I’m sorry-“ you tried to talk, but you got interrupted by his free hand sliding in between your legs.
“You’re so soft” he whispered,caressing your entrace. You squeezed your thighs around his wrist,trying to find some relief as your lower body was tingling like crazy. You also tried to free your hands,but his grip was too tight.
“Don’t make me mad,princess” he whispered,glancing at your fingers
“I’m s-sorry…I just…Myeon-“ your voice was low,small as you made eye-contact,noticing how eagerly and sweetly he was looking at you. There was something with him in that moment,something that you couldn’t understand but that made you believe that no man in the world was as beautiful as Kim Junmyeon was.
“What is it angel,you don’t like it?” he kept moving the palm of his hand up and down,along the cloth of your pants. You shivered as your chest became heavier and your breath shorter. Saying that you had never touched yourself without thinking about him doing that for you would’ve been a lie,because you did,unwillingly maybe,but you surely did many times.
“No…I like it. I think I like it too much,Myeon. Please I-“
“Don’t be impatient-he interrupted you,moving your slip aside as he started stroking your clit-good girls are always rewarded”.
Your mouth widened as he started drawing circles with his index. You threw your head back,shutting your eyes. Your body was slowly getting filled by pleasure. You weren’t used to that feeling anymore.
“I know what you’re looking for,princess” he whispered to your hear. His butter voice embraced you,rising your body temperature so much that you felt like melting. You whined,then the boy slid his fingers inside you.
“Myeon-“ you could barely talk as his index hit the right spot,the one which sent you on cloud nine. He was so great at making you feel good.
“We’re almost there babygirl,do it for me” he murmured as you were getting wetter and wetter,until you reached your release.
Junmyeon looked at you from above,a smirk appeared on his lips as he licked his index:
“You’re so tasty princess. Shall we carry on?”
You were panting so much that you couldn’t answer,you just bit your lips and stared at the boy with your big needy eyes that spoke for you. Junmyeon’s hand grabbed your chin as his thumb caressed your pinky lips;he then took his shirt and your pants off,spreading your legs to eat you.
“Myeon-” a loud moan escaped your mouth as his tongue started playing with your clit. His fingers deep dug in the flesh of your thighs while yours interwove in his brown hair. He seemed scared of losing you,as if you would’ve ran away and left,but you would’ve never been able to do such a thing,not with him pleasing you so well.
You were a mess of whines and moans while begging the boy do to more:you wanted everything he could give you.
Junmyeon’s head rose as he licked his lips,getting on top of you once again.
“You’re everything I’ve ever wanted-he whispered,taking off his trousers-but now you have something to do for me. Will you,beautiful angel?”
“I will do anything…-you panted-anything you ask me,Myeon”
“Good girl-he grabbed your chin-from now on I want you to look at me. Will you do that,sweetheart?”
“I-I will”
“That’s what I wanted to hear-he kissed your lips-you’ll like it,I promise”
Junmyeon held you by the hips. His hands perfectly fitting your waist,making you believe that no one else in the world should’ve taken his place on that couch,nor on your bed.
“Are you ready,angel?” he asked in a whisper;you nodded,and with that he finally slid inside you.
“Oh my God..” you whined,staring in his beautiful chocolate eyes. You could see the lust in his dilated pupils while he thrusted inside you. His pace was slow,precise,and gentle. He went deep,hitting the right spot.
You held onto his well built shoulders,scratching them a few times while breathing faster and faster.
“Tell me you belong to me sweetheart” the boy talked,his eyes still chained to yours
“I-I do Junmyeon. I-I belong to you and no one else”
At those words shivers of pleasure went along his spine,making his movements sloppier. You knew he was close,and so were you.
He gave a few more thrusts,they were rough this time,but you liked them:they took your breath away.
“I don’t-I don’t wanna hurt you…” he murmured,without breaking eye-contact
“But-I-I really like it…” you replied,feeling Junmyeon’s grip tighten on your body before a loud moan escaped his mouth,preceding his release
“Fuck…-he whined as his seed filled you. He couldn’t hold on if you talked to him like that,with the soft needy voice of yours that made his head spin-now-he stuttered still on his orgasm -now one more time angel,come one more time for me…”
“Oh my God…” you moaned out loud,following him with your climax. The idea of you being his and him being yours,only yours,was your biggest weakness,but you had realised it only on the spot.
The two of you started at each other for a few more seconds before you moved your body aside,letting Junmyeon lay down next to you.
His chest was moving up and down,fast,as he was trying to catch his breath. His forehead was sweaty and his hair were messy,but you swore he was ethereal.
With a gentle shift of his body,Junmyeon stretched one of his arms out so you could rest your head on his shoulder. You did so,wrapping yours around his waist while a hand of his rested on your back,caressing your skin.
Junmyeon looked at you,there still was a hint of lust in his eyes:
“How much I wanted this…” he whispered in your hear,making your heart skip a bit
“Have you?” you asked,in a breath of sound
He gently grabbed your face,making eye-contact
“You’re all I dream about” he talked,placing a kiss on top of your head before hearing the timer for your pizza go off in the kitchen.
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seullovesme · 9 months
slow dancing in the dark » irene
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pairing ⥬ bae joohyun x reader
genre ⥬ angst
summary ⥬ you're in love with irene, but she's in love with someone else.
unrequited love
part 1 | part 2
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you watched the girl talk so animatedly with the guy across from her. this was stupid. you should not have agreed to sit on the other side of the cafe from your best friend, who was currently on her date. she had asked you to stay in case something were to happen and of course being wrapped around her finger, you caved in and did as she asked.
it was clearly unnecessary because she was enjoying herself, and you were just sitting there like an idiot. an idiot watching the one she loves fall for a different person.
you weren't going to deny it for a second. you are in love with bae joohyun, the only woman who was ever able to increase your heart rate with a simple touch or make your head spin at the thought of her smile. she was your soulmate, someone who you knew would be there for you no matter the circumstance, your best friend. you watched her laugh at whatever that man said as if it was the funniest joke on planet earth. it made your eyes roll into the back of your head in annoyance, it could not have been that funny.
so lost in your own head, you didn't even notice their date coming to an end. joohyun stood up, the guy following after her, and she thanked him with a kiss on the cheek. it lit a fire in your stomach, the feeling of jealousy was something you were familiar with. after all, you were in love with possibly the most beautiful girl. but it was not your place to feel this way. it's not like you were her girlfriend or anything.
her date walks away with a huge smile on his slightly pink face, exiting through the main door of the cafe. you turn to your best friend who remained standing in the same spot, seeing her looking down and biting her index finger with a smile on her face as well. her smile was gorgeous, too bad she was thinking of another person as she gladly showed her pearly white teeth.
your eyebrows furrowed. you were lounging on joohyun's couch, mindlessly scrolling through your instagram that was ironically filled with image and pictures posted by couples. was the world playing some joke on you? you turned your phone off and put it down with a huff. how annoying.
the sound of clattering catches your attention and you stand up in a panic, making your way to the room of the other girl where the sound had came from.
"hyun, are you okay?" you ask in a worried tone as you opened the door, revealing your best friend picking up her makeup from off the floor. "ah, sorry if i disturbed you. i just dropped my makeup bag." she responded, glancing up at you once or twice in between words. you examined her figure, specifically her outfit.
"what are you so dressed up for?" you questioned. she completed collecting her items and zipped it closed before placing it back onto her vanity. she sighed in relief and grinned. " junmyeon asked for a second date and i said yes! i'm so excited to see him again after our first date. he's such a great guy and i really hope things work out between us, i've never met anyone quite like him."
at first you felt a little upset or hurt, but seeing how happy she was made it hard for you to maintain such a negative emotion. if you couldn't be happy, at least she was and if her being happy meant giving her up then you were content with your decision. hopefully he treats her like a princess, how she really deserves to be treated.
"i hope you enjoy your date joohyun-ah. i'll be heading to my place right now." you gave her a hug which caught her off guard for a split second, but she returned your comforting embrace. you closed your eyes and tried to memorize the feeling of her body against yours, and how great it felt to be so close to her. when you backed away, you looked directly into her dark brown eyes and engraved the image of them into your mind.
you thought you were being a bit over the top, but there was no way you'd be able to face her after this. not without experiencing those same butterflies you had when you were with her. she would be better off without being burdened by your feelings, and you were better off letting her go.
"i'll call you tonight like we usually do and tell you about our date when i come back home, y/n."
you nodded and turned to leave. once you reached the front door, you held the knob but the call of your name caused you to pause. "thank you for being there for me. i could have never asked for a better friend." your heart clenched at her words but you could only smile. it was just a reminder that you were just her friend.
"any time, unnie." you reply after facing her direction, seeing her stand a few feet away in a stunning red dress that you had bought her for her birthday. "let's call later?" she asked, and you nodded eagerly.
"talk to you later, hyun." you swung the door open and stepped out, closing it behind you. as you made your way to your car, you pulled out your phone and messaged a close friend that you were going to stay over for the night. after sending the text, you completely shut down your phone not planning to turn it back on later today, or maybe even for the rest of the week for that matter.
you'll probably also throw out the bouquet of red tulips you have in your car, there's no way you'll able to go with your plan and confess anytime soon anyways. not when she's found someone who makes her happier than you, it's just not possible. but her happiness over yours, right?
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im contemplating on making a pt. 2 where they end up together or leaving it open like this
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marshmallow-phd · 5 months
A Manor of Shadow and Blood
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Genre: Regency Gothic AU
Pairing: EXO x Reader
Summary: A stormy night brought you to the manor in the middle of the woods. Nine strange men occupied its halls. They won’t let you leave. A dangerous secret haunts this estate. Learning it might either be your saving grace or it could lead to the last breath you ever take.
Part: 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5
Leaning against the faded brick of the manor inspecting his cuticles was the one you remembered as Baekhyun.
"You've hardly cared in the past," Jongdae said drily. He shifted so subtly and minutely that you would have missed it if you hadn't been looking at him, silently pleading for protection. And, for some reason, he'd given it to you. That small shift was enough for him to come between you and Baekhyuon. 
"We haven't had this kind of excitement for a while." Baekhyun leaned to his left so he could see you. "Enjoying the moonlight?"
"That seems to be a normal activity in this place,” you murmured. Jongdae sent a rather pointed look in your direction. The message was clear. Speaking was not wise. 
The left corner of Baekhyun's mouth curled upwards. "Mind if I join you?" 
"You don't have an errand to run?" Jongdae raised an expectant brow. 
A deep, rumbling chuckle slowly escaped from Baekhyun's lips. He leaned forward menacingly. "Already done." 
Jongdae released a sigh full of resignation. His gaze moved to you. If protest was to be given, then it had to come from you. But fear kept the two-letter word from passing your lips. 
Gathering your skirt in your hands, you said nothing as you passed both of the men and continued on your walk. They quickly fell into step on either side of you. No one spoke, letting the silence become the norm as you took in the manor from a new angle. But it was difficult to focus. 
On your right, you could feel Baekhyun's closeness. One inch separated an accidental brush of fingers. The flutter of his loose sleeve continuously caught your attention. A wind had picked up, moving the distracting fabric even more. Giving in to your peripheral, you watched Baekhyun as he stretched his neck from side to side, his grin now gone. The long lithe fingers of his right hand gently massaged the soft skin. 
"Are you injured?" 
The idiotic question was out before you could think it through. Jongdae, apparently done with the protector role, shook his head with a huff and roll of his eyes. Baekhyun's earlier demeanor returned in force. No longer walking, Baekhyun shifted his body and gradually leaned in. 
"Why? Do you want to... take care of me?" 
"No," you said sharply, trying to make your voice a cracking whip. It was the wrong approach. His grin grew and something flashed behind his lips. Your eyes refused to leave his own. He came closer. No matter how hard you willed it, your feet refused to move. 
At the soft, confident call of his name, Baekhyun backed away, a rather... grumpy expression on his face. 
Junmyeon approached the group with his usual authoritative air, hands clasped behind his back and hair somewhat tousled. "Will I have to keep an eye on all of you at all times?" he asked in a very exasperated voice. His gaze narrowed in on Baekhyun. "Don't you have an errand to run?" 
Baekhyun straightened, gleefully replying, "Already done." 
Junmyeon didn’t waver. "Go find another." 
Slackjawed, Baekhyun glanced at Jongdae for a possible retort. When he gave no protest, Baekhyun turned to you, as if you would protest his dismissal. Quite the contrary, you were thankful for it. 
Knowing he'd lost, Baekhyun whirled quickly on his boots before stomping away. 
"Jongdae," Junmyeon moved in closer. "I'd like to speak to her alone." 
Not caring for this sudden dismal towards him, Jongdae shrugged and held the bag of buns out for you.
"No, thank you,” you said bitterly. He was abandoning you to the most terrifying wolf. The food already in your stomach churned and threatened to come up again at the thought of being alone with Junmyeon. What would he do with no witnesses to intervene?
Your acidic response slid right off of Jongdae. Swinging the bag by his side, he walked away without a second thought for you.
"There's still some path around the house,” Junmyeon said, suddenly appearing by your side, his elbow offered out for you. When you didn't accept his elbow, he took possession of your hand and held it hostage in the crook of his arm.
You would be going with him whether you found it agreeable or not. 
"I want to apologize for keeping you here," he said rather cooly, as if he were apologetic about missing dinner.
You scoffed at the heartless comment. "The only true apology would be to let me go."
"That was my original intention." 
You stopped just before the turn around the corner. With the hold he had on your hand, Junmyeon's steps also came to a halt."You– You were going to let me go?" Your throat constricted. What had happened to snatch your freedom away so quickly? "Then why keep me?" 
Junmyeon sighed and forced you to continue the walk. "We took care of you for the days you were sick with fever and realized we've been missing a feminine touch around here. It brings out the better sides of us." 
You didn’t believe him for a second. "The better side of you? I hate to see the lesser side." 
He leveled his eyes with you, his features hardened like stone. "No one is to touch you." 
"Really?" You scoffed. "Should I list the few incidents just in the past twenty-four hours?" 
Junmyeon’s eyes flashed. "Sehun has been reprimanded. That won't happen again." 
"And Mr. Yixing?" 
"Mr. Yixing? What about him?" He blinked, confused.  
"He was in my room last night." 
"What!" His voice cracked like the lightning before the storm rolled in. You flinched at his severe reaction. Realizing your face was full of fear, he composed himself. His voice came out more gentle. "He will be reprimanded. No one is to go into your room without permission." A frown knitted his brow. "Is that why you fortified the door?" 
You swallowed, forgetting that he had tried to enter earlier this evening. "Yes. Yes, it is." 
The way he nodded gave you reason to believe that…. Well, that he might actually be listening. 
"No one will ever enter your room without permission again," he promised. His leveled gaze made you believe him. 
"Even you?" you asked. 
His throat visibly constricted, but he didn't argue. "Even me." 
As relieved as you were for that promise, you couldn't be entirely ecstatic. "Why keep me here? 
The earlier coolness and arrogance of his demeanor had washed away. "I told you. We need a companion."
"We?" You pulled away from him, disgusted. For reasons unknown, he let you slip from his grasp this time. "I'm not something to be passed around for you all to play with." 
"Of course not." A ghost of a smile began to cut in the corners of his lips. "You'll choose. In time. Whoever you wish, we are at your disposal. Until then, you’re all our guest."
"That doesn't make any sense,” you pushed. "You're all fine gentlemen." In looks anyway. Manners was an entirely different  discussion. "Surely by the end of the season in town, you can all find a suitable wife." 
"We... have our reasons," he said slowly. "Your traditional ways aren't suited for us." 
"My traditional ways?" What could that possibly mean? 
Junmyeon didn’t explain. He merely took your hand and pressed cool lips to your knuckles.
"In time, you will come to see the truth. Until then, no harm will come to you." He turned your hand over and gave another kiss to your wrist. Letting you go, he walked away, his promise still lingering behind. 
On the edge of the gardens, a small swing made of a simple plank of wood and two long ropes hung from a mighty tree. It whispered a minute comfort. Not having been on one since your childhood, you were wary of sitting on the sun faded seat, unsure if the fringed ropes would hold your grown woman weight. 
There was no governess or wealthy aunt around to warn you of snagging your dress with such unladylike behavior. With cautious movements, you slowly turned and sat on the swing. The ropes didn't snap. 
Not wanting to test your luck, you didn't push yourself into full motion. No, you simply kept your toes on the ground, shifting only slightly from side to side. 
It was peaceful here, in this tucked away corner between the manor and maze-like hedges of the garden. No one else seemed to be around and that allowed you space to think. This was to be your home for... a longtime, it would appear. The negatives were more than obvious. So much that dwelling on them was pointless. That meant you needed to try and find a good thing in this situation. 
Your aunt. 
Well, that was easy. 
While she wasn't really a terrible human being, having to serve as her companion wasn't pleasant. Every whim of hers had to be met, the truth of your dowry hung over your head. And she could be as demanded as the Queen. Her holiday was not to be your holiday. 
And then there was the matter of your future. 
It wasn't that you didn't want to get married–you did. But you wanted love, passion. You wanted fire in your blood and yearning that could never be quenched. You wanted to know what it was like to be desperate for another person’s touch. Someone who looked at you with a gaze that sent your heart racing. Perfectly adequate was not what you wanted. 
Perfectly adequate was what your aunt was planning for you. Perhaps even less than adequate.
The rustling of nestled branches pulled you from your depressive, lonely thoughts. Kyungsoo had emerged from the garden hedges, his boots crunching to a halt on the rocky path. He stared at you with a horrified expression. The first bit of emotion you'd seen from him and it was accompanied by widened eyes and tightened lips. Was there something wrong with you merely sitting here? 
The one called Chanyeol appeared behind him. His gaze was more on the friendly side, something resembling a smile sent over to you. He took a step to start your way, but Kyungsoo grabbed a hold of his sleeve and dragged him away.
"Don't mind Kyungsoo, he avoids us all at one time or another." 
Jongdae suddenly chopped from the branches, landing on his feet beside you. Standing from the seat, you glowered at him. "You've come back, have you?" 
"If Junmyeon wishes to speak with you alone, then I'll give him that wish." His tone suggested that Junmyeon's wishes were met more like commands. 
"Well," you huffed, "then please obey my wish to be alone right now." 
Jongdae bowed deeply yet mockingly. He stayed behind, watching as you retreated back into the house.
Shoving the door closed, you leaned back against the wooden barrier that separated the main hall from the outside world. Only a few days ago, you had stumbled through those very doors, desperate for sanctuary. As insane as it sounded, perhaps you were given a bit more of a sanctuary than you had asked for. 
With a new resignation, you continued forward until you reached the main parlor on your left. 
The room was empty. Signs of recent usage were scattered amongst the furniture. Red stained goblets, chairs pushed away from the card table, a blanket half falling from an armchair. Thin slivers of moonlight broke through the heavy curtains, cutting across the floor like knives shattering the darkness. 
You stepped in further, drawn in by the grand piano off in the far left corner. It was so large it took up nearly a fourth of the room. Its black coat shimmered, even with your dull eyes. Someone loved this instrument, that was certain. They kept it polished and tuned. The ivory keys beckoned to create music. 
But you didn’t know how. Of all of the lessons to educate you that you latched onto, the piano had not been one. Still….
You jumped at the piercing sound of the plucked cord, a quiet gasp passing your lips. Your finger had pressed down on its own accord. Eyes frantically searched behind you, but none of the men appeared. You brushed your fingers along the keys, astonished by their softness. If only you could play the songs you knew in your heart. 
A hand suddenly covered yours. Several keys screeched at your second jump. 
Chanyeol didn’t apologize for scaring you or say anything gentle at all. Your mouth went dry in worry as he removed his cool hand from yours. You watched as he rolled the sleeves of his black silk shirt up to his elbows. He didn’t look up at you. He sat down on the bench and began to play. 
For a moment, you simply stood and listened. But you needed to be closer. Closer to the music, to the beauty that was being created before you. The remainder of the bench was under you before he could second guess. Your eyes fluttered close as the notes drifted up from the piano and wrapped around you, protective, whispering sweet nothings in your ear like nothing you had heard before. They were a lover, a comfort. You could lose yourself in that melody forever. 
The song too soon faded to an end. Your eyes remained closed, desperate to hold on. 
“Did you like it?” Chanyeol whispered. His deep voice was so low you almost missed it. All you could do to answer was nod. Coldness touched your cheek. Your eyes snapped open. 
Chanyeol was only an inch or so away, his dark eyes staring not at your own gaze, but lower. He ran his tongue over his lips. All you could do was breathe. 
You'll choose. In time. Whoever you wish, we are at your disposal.
The fingers against your cheek drifted down and brushed against your collar bone. 
In a blink, he was gone, only the ghost of his touch and the echo of the melody left behind.
Your breath quickened in panic. Jumping from the bench, you ran out into the hallway. The barely visible back of Chanyeol was on the edge of darkness. 
“Wait!” you called out to him. “Mr. Chanyeol, wait!”
He paused. Then slowly turned around so his face, half covered in shadow, was to you. 
“Play it again,” you begged. You wanted to hear more. Needed to hear more. And, he didn’t scare you. Not in this moment. You had been wanting to discover a story for yourself that you had read a thousand times. Perhaps, this could be the beginning. 
A shining smile growing on his face, Chanyeol nodded and came back to you for another song. 
Chanyeol played for hours, never tiring or stumbling over the keys. Every note came from within himself. He never pulled out a single piece of sheet music. Each time one song ended, he paused only long enough to seek approval from you for another before beginning the next. 
For most of the concert, you sat in silent appreciation, but occasionally, you risked speaking to ask about the piece he was currently playing. Nearly all were his own compositions.
"How have you had time to write all of these?" you asked as the newest song came to a close. 
His fingers paused on the last keys, elongating the notes in a way that felt out of place. Throughout his playing, he had looked at you to gauge your reactions. But now he kept his eyes on the instrument, his brow furrowed. 
"I've had a lot of time," he said quietly. "All the time I could have asked for." He lifted his hand from the keys and stretched his fingers, curling them inward and then back out again. 
You laughed light-heartedly." You look hardly eight and twenty,"
"Have you been composing your whole life?" A forced smile pulled tightly at his lips. 
"For a very long time." 
You frowned at the cryptic answer. But your stomach prevented you from pushing another question onto him. The gurgling sound was soft, but enough to bring your hand to your stomach. 
"Oh, that's right," Chanyeol chuckled softly. "I forgot you have to eat." 
"Yes, I do that on occasion." The memory of his lack of dinner the other night brewed in your mind. And he said “you have to eat”. Not “we”. Was it merely a slip of the tongue? "Will you show me the kitchen?" 
"The kitchen?" he echoed. 
You nodded. "Yes. I don't need a full meal. Some bread, cheese, and salted meat would suffice." 
"Oh, erm." He stood from the bench somewhat clumsily. "Actually, you stay here and I’ll fetch you some food." 
He was gone before your tongue could click on the “T”. 
"Well, humph." That was abrupt. It wasn’t as if you had asked to see the coffers. You merely asked to go to the kitchen. 
Many times at home you had prepared your own midday meal. There were obviously no servants around here. What could be wrong with you entering a measly kitchen? You had half a mind to go try and find it yourself, but... you were hungry. And if you got lost, it could be a decent amount of time before you were able to eat. You could always search another time. 
Standing up from the bench, you wandered over to one of the tables still holding a dirty goblet. Remnants of deep red wine stained the inside of the glass.
At first glance, the drying liquid looked like any dry red wine you'd seen a hundred times. But there was something odd about the way it coated the glass. The thick red stain it left behind....
You wiped a finger around the inside and brought the coating closer to your vision. There was a stickiness to it that was different from your previous experiences with spilling the nightly drink. And the color... it was richer, more striking red than a deep purple. A color you had seen time and time again. You pressed the finger to your tongue. And immediately spat the taste out. 
It was undeniably blood mixed in the wine. What the hell were these men? 
"Do you insist on being everywhere?" 
You stumbled back from the deep voice, your hand colliding with the goblet. The delicate cup flew off the table towards the hardwood floor. Before it could shatter As a million pieces, a hand snatched hold off the goblet. 
Kyungsoo didn't replace the goblet onto the table. He stared at you with a hardened expression. His dark eyes like hickory seemed filled with shadow. 
"What are you?" you whispered, your heart beating so fast it was traveling up your throat. 
Blood, reflexes, cold breath. 
Things that weren't human yet familiar to you anyway. Somewhere in the back crevices of your childhood. 
Kyungsoo leaned in, forcing you back until you stumbled into one of the chairs. 
"What are we?" he scoffed mockingly. His top lip curled upward, revealing unnaturally long canines. "Figure the monster out for yourself." 
Fear charged through you like a prized stallion. You scrambled past him to get away, tripping over the hem of your dress as you fled. Chanyeol reappeared in the entrance, two others by his side and a tray of the exact morsels you had asked for laid out in an intricate picture in his hands. But you didn't pause long enough to appreciate it. You ran from the room, their confusion in your wake.
You ran until you reached the sanctuary of your room. You shoved all you could in front of your door to keep them out, keep them all out. 
Reflexes, grace fullness, nighttime. 
Blood, cold breath... fangs. 
Not human. 
That was what Kyungsoo had said. Had called himself. You were in a house of monsters. But what kind of monsters? 
Gathering the blanket from the floor, you crawled onto the bed and buried yourself under the fabric shield. Immediately, the air grew hot, but still you folded in on yourself, your arms tight around your shoulders. Eyes squeezed shut, you wondered how you ended up here, what you had done to deserve it. 
You prayed silent prayers that you make it simply through the night.
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❃EXO's chances of surviving a zombie apocalypse❃
A/N: because why have your first post be romantic or suggestive when it can be unserious and downright weird.
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Xiumin/Minseok: 9/10
✾ Let’s be honest, this man is way too good at sports not to survive far into a zombie apocalypse. Pretty sure those skills will translate and be useful in some way. He can outrun them so easily that he never truly finds himself in any danger.
✾ Xiumin actually possesses functional brain cells and a good dose of common sense which means he makes good, well thought out, decisions. Unlike the beagle line, he won’t get himself stupidly killed.
✾ Despite all the chaos, he is incredibly organized, keeping precise track of what he has and needs.
✾ He can properly take care of himself and could run this thing solo. He is not dependent on others to do things for him and he strikes me as someone who is perfectly content to be on his own. The only reason he would team up with the others is for the company and because he finds their idiocy amusing.
✾ He has the added bonus that the zombies think he is adorable, like a pet, so they will keep him alive even when he does get caught.
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Suho/Junmyeon: 5/10
✾ Remember that time when Suho fell asleep during carting? Yeah, he is beyond exhausted before the apocalypse even starts and will probably die by accidentally falling asleep. Suho will try to ‘rest his eyes’ and before he knows it a zombie is gnawing on his arm.
✾ Honestly trying his hardest to keep the rest of the members from dying, but instead of appreciating his efforts, they keep making fun of him for it. They are really testing his patience but he feels too responsible for their safety to leave them to fend for themselves.
✾ Not that anything he says matters, they never truly listen to him so instead he has to be the one to get them out of the dangerous situations they get themselves in.
✾ If he doesn’t get eaten due to his permanent exhaustion, he would be the type to accept his fate. The members will drive him insane to the point where he will simply give up and walk into a hoard of zombies with open arms.
✾ If you pair him up with his babies Kai and Sehun his survival rate somehow increases. Nobody touches his babies.
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Baekhyun: ?/10
✾ Okay, so he either survives until the end or does something stupid and gets himself killed.  His survival rate is either 10/10 or 0/10, there is no in-between.
✾ Like Baekhyun is an ace in most games so he has the ability to outsmart the apocalypse if he puts in the effort. He is competitive enough to take it seriously, too.
✾ His survival truly depends on whether he gives in to his intrusive thoughts and let’s be fair, he has many and zero impulse control.
✾ He would, for instance, believe that he can successfully pretend to be a zombie to blend in with them. He has a lot of dumb ideas and will either act on it himself or get someone else to try it out.
✾ Obviously, his plans wouldn’t work and he, or his chosen guinea pig, would get eaten. Then again, it is Baekhyun and somehow he always manages to come out on top, so who knows, he might survive.
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Chen/Jongdae: 6.5/10
✾ Okay, this man is a father so he gets to enjoy the father buff. If his family is with him, he is near unstoppable. Chen can be competitive and has a lot of energy, so technically his chances aren’t too bad.
✾ His main issue is that, well, every zombie and their mother can hear him from the other side of the planet. He is absolutely oblivious as to why the zombies keep finding him.
✾ Like Chen, please use your inner voice, zombies are not deaf and you are giving them your location whenever you talk.
✾ Will ‘accidentally’ push Chanyeol into a zombie when he jokes about being the C in CBX and finally find peace. At this point, he kind of deserves it.
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Chanyeol: -10/10
✾ Hear me out, this man is a mess.
✾ Technically, he could survive but he is another one that for sure will listen to his intrusive thoughts. Like let’s be fair, Chanyeol has mastered an array of weird skills just because he can’t stand being bad at something; he will be just as determined to figure out how to survive during an apocalypse.
✾ The type to “I saw this in a film” and try it. He will quickly discover that most of it won’t work because those are movies and not real life. Still, he will have the biggest motivation to figure things out, even if most of his sources are fiction.
✾ The problem is that he is way too much into this whole apocalypse scenario. He will try to out-apocalypse the others or will make up some sort of stupid competition to kill time because sitting still for five minutes is for losers.
✾ He comes up with the “Who can get closest to the zombie without getting killed” game. Baekhyun might have helped.
✾ To be honest, it doesn’t quite matter how good his cards are in the context of a zombie apocalypse, he will probably die within a day because he has two left feet and a very intimate relationship with the floor.
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D.O./Kyungsoo: 7/10
✾ Pair him up with another member, and suddenly their chances increase.
✾ His cooking skills make him so incredibly valuable. He will make sure no one starves, and can make a decent meal out of pretty much anything you give him.
✾ The others try their hardest to keep him alive because being in an apocalypse does not mean one has to eat grass.
✾ Then again, he would not hesitate to sacrifice the others to the zombies if they annoy him.
✾ The only one able to keep the beagle line from doing stupid shit with his threats.
✾ You can’t really count on him outrunning the zombies, though. We have all seen this man attempt to play soccer, he is not made for physical activity. He will not survive with his physical skills and will absolutely accept his fate rather than try.
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Kai/Jongin: -100000000/10
✾ Listen, this man will die within the first five seconds of the apocalypse.
✾ It is not a question of whether he dies, more so than how. There are so many ways that he can get himself killed, even without the apocalypse playing a major factor.
✾ He could give himself food poisoning when he tries to cook or trip over his own feet when he tries to run away from the zombies. He does not really have a great sense of self-preservation.
✾ 10000% the type to think that they could befriend the zombies because “zombies are people too.” Luckily for him, the zombies do think he is adorable and won’t immediately eat him when he gets too close.
✾ But yeah, if it isn’t for the others constantly monitoring him, he is dead.
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Sehun: 1000/10
✾ Last to die because his members will do everything they can to keep him alive. Maknae privileges and whatnot.
✾ He is very much dependent on his members to do basically anything, but the thing is, they would do it without question.
✾ He will complain the entire time and whine constantly.
✾ If Suho dies, you might as well kill him too. How is he supposed to sleep without his emotional-support-hyung??? So yeah, the only way to really decrease his survival rate is to eliminate his members.
✾ Honestly, we all are simply living in his world, what Sehun wants, Sehun gets. It might even extend to the zombies. He would just ask them to stop trying to eat him and they would oblige because, well, Sehun asked.
✾ He is 1000% responsible for the cure being found. It has nothing to do with Sehun finding it himself. Instead, when/if he gets bitten, the members will stop at nothing to find a way to rid him of the disease. Sleep? Who needs sleep when Oh Sehun is dying!?
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minniepetals · 1 year
cry me a river | the watchers
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— summary: sometimes to not protect is the best form of protection
— pairing: bts x reader
— genre: angst, mafia!au
— word count: 7.0k
— warnings: torture, arson
— PART 20 / previous post / masterpost
No one is coming to save you. Get up.
A splash of cold water and you’re awake once again. Back to reality. Back to being conscious. Reliving a loop that repeats and repeats until Nari is done having her fun and decides to finally end your life.
Your head is a mess, foggy with a pounding ache that refuses to leave. Beside you stands a man with chains holding his wrists together, sitting on a metal chair, his eyes alive and well, not a scratch on his face while he holds a glare watching you in the state you’re in.
Yoongi never did like watching people getting tortured whether they were his enemies or not.
He’s safe though, unlike you, because the Mins have been smart enough not to lay a finger on his hair, knowing if they were to return Yoongi in a state like you, Bangtan would have his head. 
You admit your exes are quite scary when they’re upset, and anyone that touches any one of them would feel their wrath. You’ve witnessed it before, seen it during times when enemies would feel arrogant enough to put a hand on you. Although Namjoon is known as a calm and collected man who keeps his composure, he’s also quite possessive and overprotective. Anyone who tics him off would rather wish they went through hell and back instead.
So Junmyeon is smart in knowing not to touch Yoongi despite his initial offering in trying to please his daughter.
In the end, you’re the only one dying and getting tortured.
“Ah, I’m bored. Won’t you just kill me already?” You spit out a lump of blood from your mouth, licking at your teeth upon the dirty metal taste, and it only aggravates Nari.
You understand her.
She won’t kill you unless she’s had the pleasure of seeing you in pain and begging her for mercy, but you know better than anyone to go on your knees and beg to a wall. It’ll do you more harm than good.
“Why, why, why?!” Nari complains, her feet stomping as she clenches her hands into fists, throwing another annoying tantrum. “Why won’t you just cry?! Do you enjoy getting tortured so much?!”
“Yeah.” You chuckle in her face. “Who would have thought I was such a masochist? You should keep going, little celery.”
“Stop!!” She covers both her ears with her hands, trembling with anger, before deciding to turn to Sunoo who’s been in the room this entire time, doing the task that you’ve given him well, and pushes him forward. 
He stumbles on his feet, knees hitting the floor, and for a moment Nari flinches before she puts on her brave act once again. “Hey kid, don’t you hate to see your little lady getting hurt?”
She’s switching her play once again, trying to aggravate Sunoo despite the other times she’s failed. What a smart kid, learning to read her and understanding that if he were to give her any reaction, she’d only continue hurting you even more.
“You really don’t care one bit about her?” She grabs him by the collar, dragging him on the floor to throw him right before you, forcing him up on his feet.
Sunoo meets your eyes where you stand, chains still holding you up without allowing your legs to rest one bit, and you see the way they falter for a split moment.
He wants to help, to do anything to ease the pain and have this whole thing shut down but he knows that the only way he can help is to not do anything. So Sunoo stays still even as Nari approaches you from behind, a dagger dragging up your neck and towards your face. More blood pools yet Sunoo doesn’t flinch.
Good boy.
She turns the blade to your nape, painting a scene down to your back which has the chains on you chattering loudly upon your trembling state. Your teeth clench tight, jaw ready to break as your pupils dilate, a breath wheezing out of you as Sunoo is forced to watch, his own eyes wanting to betray his facade.
You see the way his arms shake unsteadily from his side and warn him with your eyes to continue playing the act.
This is a play. You have to act the part or it’ll end.
He bites his inner cheek, hands balled into fists, but in the three seconds he takes to calm himself down, they release and the tension on his shoulders follows along. Sunoo looks away, rolling his eyes.
And Nari takes the blade from your skin.
“Why won’t any of you entertain me?!” She stomps around you, pushing Sunoo away, her eyes a murderous gaze as her grip on the hilt of the dagger clenched so tight to see veins popping. “You want to die so badly? I’ll gladly fulfill your wish, buttercup.”
The blade hovers in the air, Sunoo’s eyes widening, the light reflecting off the silver weapon, and when it comes right down before you, someone pushes her out of the way. Hard. And yet he wasn’t fast enough to push her out in time because Yoongi faces the consequence when he clutches onto his eye, blood dripping from his hand.
You stand there, frozen, as Nari screeches once again for things not going her way, and when her men make a move and Junmyeon walks in hearing her scream, your savior extends his free arm out to the side, displaying a phone with a certain number written in white.
His thumb hovers over the green call button, glaring up at them with a threat, and your brows furrow at how this came to be.
He was just chained up a few moments ago and how did he get his hand on a phone? Is that his or…
You take a look to the left just as Junmyeon follows along to find a dead man on the floor.
No way.
Yoongi’s always been a quiet man but you never expected he was this deadly. He broke out of the chains himself as well, and with both you and Sunoo on his side and the enemies on the other, perhaps he had been waiting for just the right moment to strike all along.
What a man.
You see his head tilted slightly your way and you catch the signal.
Min Yoongi, former heir to the Viper throne, doesn’t need your brain to figure out an escape route. He knows the escape route.
You give him a single nod and he clicks his thumb onto the call button, the phone immediately going into call mode, ringing up who you assume to be Namjoon. He flings it off to the side once it’s no longer useful, believing in the fact that your ex-husband will know what to do, just as the snakes come at him in full force, knowing if he’s getting Namjoon involved now, they’ll have no way out if they don’t kill him now.
While Yoongi busies himself with the enemies, Sunoo is quick to run to your side, his eyes panicking all over.
“Hey kid, think you can grab an axe and break these chains out for me?”
When one of the enemies falls to the floor with his axe sliding right before Sunoo’s feet, you give him a grin.
What great timing. It’s as if Yoongi heard you amidst the chaos he’s gotten himself into.
Little Sunoo picks the axe up with both his hands, and although it’s a bit heavy for him, you trust in him when he swings the blade right onto the pole that’s keeping you hanging. A few hits against them and the chains and you’re immediately folding onto your knees now that you’re no longer forced to stand.
Sunoo’s quick to catch you and help you with the fall when you go down.
“We have to go.” Yoongi returns to your side seconds later.
You look around the room, fascinated at the sight. Yoongi doesn’t like killing as much as the others do and yet he’s filled a whole room with bodies. His father is dead, his sister crouches in a corner, trembling uncontrollably, and you hear a hoard of footsteps and shouts closing in.
You take one look at Yoongi and immediately start fuming.
“Why the hell would you let yourself get hurt in my stead? You do realize that we’re back to being enemies now that Namjoon knows I killed his brother, right?” You punch his chest. “Are you mad?”
He observes you with confusion when you go to tear off a part of his shirt. “...You’re upset.”
“Of course I am. I hate owing anyone favors,” you say when you reach up to wrap the cloth over his bloody eye, tying it tightly behind him.
“You don’t have to owe me anything,” his voice is quiet. “This was…my apology.”
You stare at him as if he has two heads. “What? For what?”
“...You were right. We were still in love with you.” In love. Eleven years ago. When you walked out of their lives. “But we did nothing,” he continues. “We chose Namjoon and…as a result, you were left in a hard place. And I feel like, in some ways, whatever you’ve gone through in all the years after the divorce, perhaps a part of that was our fault.” He pauses. “For letting you leave.”
He has no idea.
But why is he bringing this up? Now? When your lives are about to die if he doesn’t make a move? Still, you say; “You don’t know anything.”
He nods. “I know but—”
“We’ll talk later.” You force the conversation to an end, grabbing the confused and awkward Sunoo so you can pull him into your arms. “For now, carry us,” you command and he blinks, unsure of what you’re trying to get at. “I’ve been tortured for who knows how long, I’m too weak to run. But you,” you beckon your head over at the broken chains, “you’re still strong.”
“My lady, I can run on my—”
“No, you can’t,” you immediately shut Sunoo’s suggestion down, “you’ll slow both of us down.” It’s cold but it’s the truth, and it’s the only way to get him to back off. Once you’ve dealt with him, you turn back to Yoongi, raising a brow his way, so he gets on his feet again but not before grabbing a gun from one of the dead enemies and handing it to you.
After that, Yoongi takes you in his arms where you’re holding Sunoo in yours, and he runs out of the room.
You give Nari a little scare by purposely missing when you shoot a bullet at her feet, smirking at her flinching, and once Yoongi’s out of the room and begins heading down a line of hallways you’ve never seen before, you prepare yourself by putting one arm around his neck, eyes pointed and alerted to guard his back.
Sunoo sits still in his place, not moving an inch, and when you hear footsteps approaching, you ready yourself.
Their bullets come flying past but never hit their targets. It only grazes the skin of both you and Yoongi though that doesn’t stop the two of you from doing your job.
You hold your strength, eyes blinking tightly one moment to keep your eyes from blurring up, and shooting down your enemies the next.
A headshot.
Someone stumbles and slows the crowd down on this narrow path.
“Hit that button up ahead, will you?” At Yoongi’s command, you use the long chain still wrapped around your wrist to swing it forward, hitting the red button to open up a door leading down three pathways.
Yoongi takes his pick and you keep your eyes on his back, taking down whoever is within your line of sight.
After a few more loops and turns, you come into a kitchen from a secret door, and once you’ve taken down the servants there with three bullets to each of their heads, Yoongi puts you down on a counter.
“What are you doing?” You ask when he runs to a lower cabinet, looking for something.
“Burning this place down,” he says when he picks up a red gas can and begins to pour the liquid all over the floor and toward the entrance of the secret passageway where the three of you came from.
“I never knew you were one to seek out revenge.” Whatever happened between the Vipers and him you sure weren’t good.
Nothing good comes out of being a child of a mafia leader.
“I’m not, it’s for you.”
“Me?” Your ears pick up more noise. “You’re wrong, the Vipers were never on my list.”
“Maybe not, but they did want you dead just a few minutes ago, didn’t they?”
No use arguing with that.
Once he’s done decorating the place with gasoline and adding a few metal cans into the microwave (deadly arsenic things, you’re sure), and has timed it for two minutes, Yoongi places a gas can in Sunoo’s lap before taking you from the counter, on the run once again.
You hear the microwave starting as you signal to Sunoo to pour the content of the gas can on the trail of Yoongi. He does so without hesitation, careful to not pour too much in one setting, all the while Yoongi leads with his run and you watch the back.
Once the can empties out, he throws it off to the side and you see your exit.
There’s a loud boom to indicate the microwave has gone off and just seconds later, the explosion and fire follow.
Yoongi bounces off on his feet, hurling the three of you onto the ground upon the impact of the fire, and you hear a loud screech ringing in your ears.
The two boys scramble to you after the initial shock, eyes staring with concern.
“I…” You hit your ear a few times, scrunching your face up. “I’m alright,” you say after a few seconds. “We have to hide though.”
So Yoongi picks you up once again, this time without Sunoo, and the little one follows closely behind when the man runs off. 
You aren’t sure how long it takes them to find a good alleyway where Yoongi’s sure is safe, but you don’t have the energy to think when he places you down against the dirty ground. You lean against the wall from behind, breathing quickening when you finally have the chance to catch up to the torture your body had to endure.
“Just how long will Namjoon take?” You ask through clenched teeth.
“The manor’s an hour away.”
You let out a curse and Yoongi hurries to rip a piece of cloth off his shirt and wrap it over your torso in the same way you had done for his eye. He ties it more tightly, applying great pressure while you’re bleeding out, right before he wipes his hands of blood on his pants to take out a few greens.
“Run to the nearest drugstore. Find anything useful,” he tells Sunoo with a small wipe over the boy’s cheek, ridding off the blood there.
Sunoo doesn’t hesitate to obey.
“You’ve got a good soldier there.” Once he’s gone, Yoongi turns back to you to pay attention to your needs. “Have you been training the kids? I thought you didn’t want them involved.” He grabs ahold of a hand, inserting a thin piece of needling into the lock of the chain still wrapped around your wrist.
“I don’t,” you reconfirm his thoughts, “though I admit the kid did great not giving into Nari’s ploy despite it tearing him apart.” You take your time breathing in and out before speaking again. “Why have you kept all of it a secret?”
“My involvement with those snakes?” You don’t have to answer him for him to understand just what you mean. “I didn’t lie entirely about my past.”
“No. You’re not one to lie.” The chain releases from one hand and you breathe in a harsh breath of air upon the stinging sensation of your wrist. Yoongi moves onto the other one. “You were indeed someone who ran away, but who would have thought it was the Vipers you ran away from. Who would have thought you were a secret heir.”
He keeps silent for a moment. “You saw it yourself,” he says, “Nari’s adored by Junmyeon.” He doesn’t call him by father, you notice. “Ever since she was born, he spoiled her to no end, all the while his first son was neglected and left to waste.” Your father would have killed to have his firstborn a son. “I did all that I could to get his attention but in the end, it was futile.”
“So you ran away?”
He chuckles at that but shakes his head. “I simply gave up and blended into the shadows like how he wanted me to. Nobody acknowledged my presence and that’s when I left. They never cared to search for me. All their attention was on Nari.”
“Did you resent her?” You ask and he shakes his head once again.
It makes sense. Yoongi isn’t one to hate anyone.
“I played my role as the older brother, I protected her from harm and got her the things she wanted. The scar on my back was from me protecting her on the night the two of us were kidnapped by an enemy.”
“You sure love to jump in front of a blade, don’t you?”
He ignores your comment. “Nari was always greedy for more. She wanted the world.”
“Of course she did, that’s just who she is.” You adjust yourself on the wall, trying your best to not let it touch the blade trails from Nari. Everything hurts and stings and aches. “So why didn’t you tell them?” You ask, looking up at him. “They wouldn’t have cared.”
Every one of the boys went through something after all, so why did Yoongi feel the need to keep his connection to the Vipers a secret?
“Bangtan were enemies with Vipers back then,” he explains, a bitter smile resting on his face. “Namjoon saved me, as I told you. He picked up a discarded trash and raised it. If I had told him then that I was the son of his enemy, you think he would have allowed me to stay? Much less save me?”
“You think he would care now?” 
It’s a question he knows the answer to, and yet something has still stopped him from giving his truth to them. Perhaps it’s his fear of the uncertain, because despite how much he knows the boys care for him, perhaps Namjoon would see it as a betrayal.
Yet he’s given his life unto him, even chose him when he had to choose between him and you.
Namjoon wouldn’t care now. No, he wouldn’t. And yet telling the truth has never been easy.
“What about you?” He turns the questions to you. “What’s your relationship with the Vipers?”
You chuckle at the changing of the subject but let it be for now. It’s not as if he owes you any answer. “Nari hated my pretty face,” you say simply. “Why do you think I’ve been beaten up so bad my face is a mess?”
“You’re still..-” Yoongi stops himself from finishing the sentence and you raise a brow, thinking you know just what he was automatically trying to say, but Sunoo returns just in time.
“I’d say between the time I called and our escape to here, it should be around half an hour or so.” He takes the plastic bag from Sunoo who takes a seat beside you, concern written all over his tiny face so you place a hand on his head, reassuring him. “Knowing them, they’re probably speeding down as we speak so they should be here soon but for now, keep conscious. Kid, talk to her so she won’t pass out.”
He takes something out.
Medicine, supplies, bandages.
“You’ll be alright, my lady.”
Perhaps it’s the fact that you know help will arrive soon so your body is catching up to the long-needed rest that’s coming. You feel each blink you take slowing down even as the treatment Yoongi is beginning on you should sting.
“Keep conscious, Y/N,” he warns with furrowed brows, and you watch the way he rips your sleeves to tend to the knife cuts there. Your heart rate picks up and you’re immediately alerted as you suddenly move to grab ahold of his hand, stopping him from doing anything more. Yoongi persists. “You need to—”
“Don’t let them touch me,” you say quickly. Quietly. “I don’t trust anyone, Yoongi, I’m only letting you do this because I know you’d rather have someone else kill a body than do it yourself, and in those three years I knew you, you’re not the type to caress another so easily, but don’t let anyone touch me. Don’t.”
When you look him dead in the eyes while using the last of your strength to grip his hand so tight it hurts you, Yoongi knows not to take your request lightly.
Only after you hear the promise leaving his mouth do you finally let your consciousness slip away.
It’s funny how you still hold onto his words.
Every once in a while, Yoongi will glance at where you’re lying against the wall with Sunoo by your side, while he keeps his eyes steady on the street, keeping an eye out for any familiar vehicles.
His feet jumps up and down consistently, feeling anxious as every second pass by. The longer this takes, the harder it will be on you, and even he himself can feel the fatigue trying to catch up on him.
The good eye he has left shakes, trying to keep clear, despite the ever so often images of flashes of blur, his legs threatening to give in.
Only when he finds a black van that rushes down the street to where the old mansion of the Viper lies, burning still, does he finally feel some sense of relief.
“Sunoo.” He turns to the kid, quick, and when Sunoo runs to his side, Yoongi points at where Namjoon walks out of a vehicle, standing a few yards away from the fire, observing with pointed eyes so as to not draw attention to the crowd that had gathered around.
There are sirens all around and Sunoo will have to run a good amount but someone has to stay with you and he can’t, not with his injured eye. Someone will catch sight of him and he can’t get in trouble with the law enforcement.
“Run to that man. Tell him you know where Yoongi is.” He makes sure the kid looks presentable, fixing his ruffled hair, wiping the dirt from his cheek, and cleaning down his clothes with his hands. There’s some blood on his clothes from where he was held by you but there’s not much he can do about that. “Be careful. Be discreet, don’t let the police see you. If they do, they’re going to question you and we don’t want that. You want your lady to get out of here safe and sound, don’t you?”
Sunoo nods and runs off and Yoongi takes a moment to look back at where you sit, just to make sure you’re still there, before watching the kid run over to where the fire is, now dying down. The Vipers aren’t completely destroyed, but with the death of their leader and heir now dead, nothing can be done to have them raise up to power again.
Not unless the living subordinates turn to him.
But he scoffs at the idea, knowing he’d never put himself in a position where he’ll rule a gang, much less his father’s mafia. They’ve abandoned him so why should he feel responsible to pick them up when they’re down?
He’s no longer associated with them, not since the moment he decided to run away.
All is dead and gone, and he knows you’ll make sure the members who’re still alive won’t continue that way once you’re awake.
They did kidnap you after all, and who can ever forgive that?
His head perks up at the call and before he can register it, Namjoon’s body is slamming against him in a tight hold as if all those moments he’s been away from them have been the most horrifying thing he’s ever gone through.
They’ve never been good at dealing with one of them out of their sight after all, not that Yoongi can blame them. He’s just the same. So he welcomes the hold, feeling more arms coming around his other sides, and when the leader presses his hands onto his face, his eyes are quick to turn from that worried stare to a deadly glint.
“I’ll kill him,” his voice lowers.
“It’s alright, I’ve already done it.”
“What happened to you? How-”
“Before that,” he cuts Jungkook off to turn to the dark alleyway where you still lie, and rush over to your side without concern for his eye. “We have to get Y/N help. Now.”
The first reaction was initial confusion, before their brows furrow in recognition of the face of the woman they once loved years ago, lying against a wall all battered up and beaten, still holding onto life.
Yoongi takes you in his arms, careful to not hurt you too much, and Taehyung tries to stop him. “What’re you doing? You’re still hurt, let someone else—”
“No,” he says, voice so formidable that declaration alone is something he isn’t willing to back down for anyone. The six of them stare at him with confusion, shocked at this quiet man who doesn’t usually talk back. And when Yoongi adjusts you even closer to him with such a careful approach, it takes them back even more. “Don’t you remember back in London? When she broke down mad the last time we saw her? She’s afraid of strangers touching her. Men.”
Yoongi’s right.
They’ve seen it with their own eyes how much a touch can affect you, trigger you, but it doesn’t clear them of suspicion on why you’re in this mess in the first place and why Yoongi is the one taking care of you.
“What about you?” Jimin asks. “She ran away from us too.”
“We were kidnapped together and even though she’s still frightened, she’s given me a bit of trust and it’s my job to make sure I can fulfill that trust.” He picks you up and walks over to the vehicle that finally slid up. “I owe her that much, don’t I?”
No one can refute that and so they let him go, before silently following along.
Sunoo who had stood aside, silent as he watched over everything, hesitates when they all climb in behind Yoongi, his eyes shaking, hands trembling by his side, unsure of what to do until Hoseok, who was the last in line, crouches down in front of him.
“What’re you doing, kid? We can’t leave you alone here now can we?” He says, a hand coming over to ruffle his hair. He recognizes the little boy who had been amongst the crowd of kids you saved the night you went after Jummy and Ying. “Frightened, were you? It’s alright now, we’ll get your dear lady to safety.”
“Will she be alright?” His voice breaks a little, knowing now that it’s alright to let a bit of that brave face off his facade. “I…I watched her…and…and I couldn’t do anything.”
What a ruthless world for a child to grow up in.
He was forced to watch the very person who saved him getting hurt and beaten, and catching a brief moment of what you looked like in Yoongi’s arms, Hoseok knows that must not have been easy to watch. Not for a child. Not for him.
He doesn’t know what to say so he takes the kid’s hand and they climb into the van together.
The whole ride, after Namjoon phones Mingyu to let him know you were with them, is silent to the max. There are a lot of questions Yoongi knows they wish to ask. For example, why was he kidnapped? Why was it the Vipers? What sort of relationship did he have with them and why hadn’t they know anything? There were always chances of someone in the group getting harmed by previous abusers but they’ve all been dealt with, Namjoon took care of all of them, yet Yoongi has been the only one who never spoke on anyone who could be out for him.
For all they knew, he didn’t have anyone in particular. For all they knew, he was just a poor little kid who needed the world to treat him better.
So why the Vipers?
And why were you kidnapped as well? They can excuse whatever your story is because it isn’t much of their business to know every little detail about you, but Yoongi? They’ve known him almost their entire life and yet this one detail he failed to share with him was the very reason they couldn’t find him.
And if he was kidnapped, wouldn’t that mean getting more injuries than he’s showing right now?
The bloody eye is bad but compared to the knife trails and gash marks and wounds cutting so deep they still bleed out almost everywhere, Yoongi’s treatment by the Vipers was clearly much better than yours.
They have many questions to ask him but knowing the number one priority is to get you to safety, they keep silent for the moment.
You’re rushed into a small hospital under Bangtan, and while Yoongi needs to prioritize his eye, he makes sure to be there when you’re brought into the surgery room and tells everyone off so they don’t touch you. 
You need help, he knows. He knows it more than anyone really, because for a lot of the torture you went through, he saw it with his very own eyes, and yet the fact that you trusted him enough to fall asleep before his eyes and let him touch you, Yoongi knows not to betray that trust.
He can’t.
He can’t.
So Namjoon allows his people to back off, and the seconds tick by once more while they wait for your crew to arrive.
Yoongi makes sure to follow procedures that’ll help you ease a bit, to slow down your time under the doctors’ instructions, and it’s in this moment do the boys come to see the rare times Yoongi stops allowing himself to blend into the background and do something. He usually keeps himself invisible, quiet, off to the side, keeping his expression at a standstill so no one who doesn’t know him well would be able to tell what’s on his mind.
This Yoongi panics. This Yoongi doesn’t know what expressionless means.
This Yoongi fears.
Only when Mingyu shows up do they finally convince him to get himself treated.
He sits in the room across the emergency room with Hoseok and Seokjin standing off to the side, getting treated by a doctor of their own, while the rest of them stand around outside, waiting for the hours that they know it’ll take to treat you.
Yuna, your blind warrior, sits on the floor of the hospital, her arms hugging her knees with anxiety rocking her body back and forth. She doesn’t say a word but everyone can hear the little sniffles she does ever so often.
She’s like a child waiting on the news of her mother’s accident and everyone knows if it’s bad news, she won’t take it well.
Yeonjun has a book in hand while he sits on a chair beside her, eyes scanning the text though no pages flip no matter how much time has passed.
“I’m sorry,” little Sunoo says when Mingyu crouches down to his level, finally allowing himself to shed the tears he’s been unable to shed in a room full of strangers. “I’m so sorry,” he tells your right hand man, fists knuckle white when he clutches onto his blazer. “I couldn’t protect her.”
Such little shoulders carrying a heavy weight. He worries more about your wellbeing than his own, than the fact that he had to see a whole building catching on fire with people still inside, hear gunshots and people dying, being held at gunpoint, the fact that he could have died and he worries only for you.
Mingyu places a hand on those shoulders, shaking his head. “No one will blame you for that, Sunoo. Not even boss.”
“You don’t understand, I…” He pauses to catch his voice that threatens to bury down the lump in his throat. “Do you remember what you told me when my lady finally completed her rescue plan? When I told you I wanted to be a Reaper?” How can Mingyu forget? “You told me I had to first learn how to manipulate my feelings, that I had to hide them well, and that I needed to learn how to restrain myself during times that’ll force me to act against my will. You told me I had to be a good bystander first and initially, I couldn’t figure out what you meant. Being a good bystander? It..”
More tears fall down those precious eyes, trailing down his cheeks, hanging onto his chin before they inevitably fall to the floor. “I understand now,” his voice breaks. “I know…I know what it means and I…I never want to do it ever again.” His feelings overwhelm him so much he’s unable to stand on his two feet. Sunoo’s knees buckle underneath him and it meets the floor yet he continues to speak. “Lady Y/N was hurting and she…she was chained up and she couldn’t even sit. They forced her to stand the whole time they tortured her. She screamed and…and yet she laughed when that evil lady taunted her and every time I wanted to give up, to yell at the lady to stop, Lady Y/N always warned me not to. It was like she was saying…as if she was saying ‘It’s alright. It’s alright, I can take this. Just play your part, just pretend you don’t care about me, and I’ll be alright.’”
“You must never show them you care. Father will have you dead and I will pay more of the consequences.”
“If you stay silent, it will hurt less.”
“Do not move even a muscle when they hurt me. Do not stand in father’s way or our whole secret will be blown and none of us will survive.”
“This is the only way we can live.”
Yuna’s eyes lost.
Yuna’s eyes are lost.
You reminded them constantly of what could happen to them were the truth to be revealed due to a mishap, due to their carelessness. Sunoo had to go through days watching you hurt, the Reapers spent years in silence. Watching.
And no day was easier than the other. There was not a day they wanted to step in, to defend you, to take the whips and blades and all the torture tools from the hands of your perpetrators and shove it up their asses, doing the same they’ve done to you. There was not a day Mingyu wanted to smash his fists onto their faces until they were dead. No, he’d continue even after they were dead.
There was not a day they wanted the revolt to happen so soon.
The day after?
“No,” you’d say. “Be patient. Hold on.”
But they didn’t want to hold on, they didn’t want to see more of you having to go through all those pains and agony and yet they had to. If they wanted to save you, if they wanted you to live, they had to.
They had to stay silent.
They had to watch.
They had to do nothing.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t protect her,” Sunoo says.
“I wish I can protect her,” Yuna screams. “Why can’t I protect her?!”
“You know why.”
“You did well.” Mingyu squeezes his shoulders tight, lips pressed into a thin line. “You not protecting her protected her. You did well.” He places a hand behind his head, pressing him into an embrace and the kid cries and cries, his screams buried against Mingyu’s chest. “You did well,” Mingyu repeats. “They would have hurt her more if you had done something so you did well. You did so, so well.”
No one ever told them that but the Reapers know that they, too, had done well.
Everyone in the room knows just what Mingyu means when he said not protecting meant protecting because they’ve all been through it. Namjoon has the power to never go through such things ever again but he’s seen it time after time when he was younger.
Those days his brother still lived with him — still lived — with their abusive father, both of them unable to do a thing but watch when one would get hurt. Those days when times were rougher, when his brother left for a mission and his close subordinates had to keep still and not go against his father when he was hurt otherwise they’d die. Those days when he was powerless.
“Save me,” you begged Seokjin in a moment of madness.
So broken but so full of life before it all disappeared within a split second, turning dull and lifeless like a corpse inside a living body.
You’ve never uttered that in your entire life, have you? He’s sure you haven’t, not with the way you are. Even the you then was stubborn to call for help because she was too insecure, too hesitant and always overthought everything, walls built so high even the people she loved were unable to break through.
You were too broken to ask for help and they’ve been too dumb to realize it until now.
“Save me.”
Seokjin can never forget that day, he can never forget the way you froze when he held you, trying to reel you back into reality after your initial explosion. The way you shakily reached out for him, bloody hands dirtying his white button-up shirt, and looked up at him as if he was the only one you could trust in that moment.
Perhaps a memory flashed into your mind then, perhaps you remembered the way he used to care for you, the way he used to be the one to ground you when you broke down and were having panic attacks. He held onto you when the two of you still loved and you looked for him to calm down, to settle back into the peace he’d always give you when you saw him. He’d be the fastest to help you escape from those nightmares and return you from where your mind would go.
He’d sing lullabies to help you sleep and you’d rely on him the most when it came to nightmares because Seokjin was an insomniac. He didn’t sleep. So during times when you’d awake from a nightmare or needed someone to pull you out of it, it was Seokjin that was always there.
Perhaps in your moment of weakness, you remembered those times and perhaps that’s why you turned to him. That’s why you asked him to save you.
But he knows that right now, you’d get upset if he were to bring it up and take responsibility for you uttering those words to him. The things you’ve gone through after you left them, after the divorce with Namjoon, are things he can only imagine in his head. Seokjin has gone through his fair share of trauma and one traumatic patient can see it in another who wants to hide it well.
You’ve been through stuff, horrible stuff, with Daejung, Ying, Jummy, Leehyung, and so many more on your list. At first, he thought you taking over the throne of your father was just an act of rebellion, but through the times he’s spent with you, he realizes, as do the rest of the members, that the people on your hit-list, the people you’re going after, are only the people that have done you wrong.
Seokjin should have known that someone who was as kind and gentle as you were all those years ago couldn’t have just changed without reason. No one changes that drastically without reason.
But it’s clear as day to all of them that you’d rather they rot in hell than find out the truth to those reasons. That’s why Namjoon refuses to investigate anything involving you and that’s why they’ve all agreed that it’s best to simply leave it at that.
Namjoon wants to know more than anyone what happened to his brother but if finding out about him means knowing more about you, then he’d rather wait and let you tell him instead. Because through their experience, they know more than anyone that figuring out the truth of something when it’s unwanted will only hurt that person, and as much as Namjoon felt infuriated with you at first, he understands.
They all do.
And you would hate them more than you do now if they were to figure out something you’ve been keeping a secret your entire life. No one should ever force an answer out of anyone, and they know that because of your silence, they do not deserve to know.
So until you can trust them, if it ever comes to that point, they will remain ignorant to the fact on purpose. Because why find out when there is no reason to?
Seokjin can’t be your anchor, he won’t, because you no longer trust him enough to even touch you. You’re scared of the world, the whole world, and the only one who can now calm you down as fast as he had done then, is Mingyu, your second in command.
For now, his role is to only stand to the side and watch. Though he knows watching in itself is something you won’t allow him to do. You won’t let him see your weaknesses anymore, you won’t let him near, and you won’t ask him for help.
And all of that is entirely his fault.
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