#jongdae fic
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Requested: No
Genre: Canon-AU, smut
Pairing: ? (at this stage undecided) x Reader or is it Baekhyun x Reader ?
Warnings: 18+ fic, minors DNI! angst, fluff, suggestive text, making out, confessions of feelings. Not many warnings for this one but she's deeply in her head for a decent portion of this chapter.
Word Count: 22,599
A/N: Here it is. The final chapter. Like most of my writing in the back half of this fic, it was supposed to be considerable shorter but then I let the brain worms control my fingers and now you get this behemoth of an ending. It's only had one very quick edit so I hope it makes sense and isn't a let down.
7 years ago I knew the ending for this fic, but when I was plotting out the chapter that ending simply didn't fit anymore so we've got a new ending and I hope it doesn't let you down.
The flight home left you with a lot of time to think. You had asked Minseok and Baekhyun to let the rest of the guys know about your meeting, telling them that Junmyeon could probably fill in more of the details that you’d left out when you’d broken the news to them. Your mind had been focused on getting to Minseok’s reward at the time, so discussing the feedback you’d received in great detail was not front of mind.
Feeling overwhelmed with your own thoughts, you’d also asked them to tell everyone that you had requested some space. From them. You just couldn’t handle any of them right now. You’d assured Minseok & Baek when you’d all woken up the next morning that they hadn’t overstepped or done anything, but that your mind was too busy and too much for you right now. The internal storm had been brewing for quite some time but you’d constantly pushed it down, too busy to deal with silly things like the future, feelings and relationships. But once the tour ended and the rewards were completed (inconveniently on the same night) it all came crashing down on you. The floodgates had been opened and you didn’t know how to act normal and not drown in your own mind at the same time. You needed space to simply exist. Space to sort out your mind before you did something utterly stupid and reckless. You’d promised to never disappear on them again without talking to them, and whilst you felt a bit guilty for withdrawing from them like that you had provided warning, and as much context as you could. Baekhyun refused to let you leave until you promised him you weren’t self-destructing. That you weren’t going to disappear and not respond to them.
“You said you wouldn’t do that again. You said you’d lean on at least one of us when you were struggling.” He said, his eyes full of concern as he watched you nervously pace around the room.
“It’s different this time. I’m not sad, or feeling lonely or headed to a dark place mentally.” You stopped in the middle of the room as you tried to hold off the panic attack that you could feel building within you. You needed to go. You needed to be away from it all. You needed them to understand. “It’s just loud. And overwhelming. And I need time to be by myself to sort through everything.”
“But you’re asking us to not contact you.” He looked down at his hands. “How will we know if you’re ok?”
“It won’t be for long. I hope. Just give me a week, then Minseok or Kyungsoo can check in to make sure I’m ok.” You said.
“Why not me?” He asked so quietly that you barely heard the words.
“Because I know they’ll just check in with me and nothing more until I’m ready to chat.” You smiled at him. “You wouldn’t be able to help yourself. You yap. It’s just part of who you are.”
“I hate this.” He grumbled.
“I don’t like it either, but I’ll do it.” Minseok replied. He looked worried for you as well, but he could tell you weren’t going to bend on this request. He didn’t want to back you into a corner. He knew if any of them did that, they ran the risk of you running from them. He hated to see you struggle with your thoughts but he hoped he knew you well enough to know that you’d reach out if you needed to lean on them. Even if you weren’t ready.
“Fine. I’ll do it as well, but know that I truly do not like this. Not one bit.” He sighed, resigned to your decision. He realised his words may have come across too harsh when he saw guilt flash across your features. “I’m sorry. I’m not mad. I’m just worried and wish I, or any of us, could help.”
You nodded. “I get it. I would hate it if any of you did this to me. Trust me I feel shitty about it, but I need to go deal with some stuff that I’ve been putting to the side because I simply didn’t have time to process it.” You shifted nervously on your feet, itching to leave the room. You felt your heart rate increase, and breathing was becoming difficult. You had to leave before your panic was obvious to them. You weren’t sure why you were so wound up this morning, but you knew you just needed to get away from the people who paid too much attention to you. “I’m sorry, but I have to go.”
You knew that they had conveyed your wishes when the group chat you’d been added to, one that had been busy that morning with members arguing over the best American breakfast sandwich, just stopped. The messages just abruptly ended. It left a bittersweet feeling in your heart. On one hand, they were only respecting your request for space to think, but on the other, having nine large personalities all fall quiet at the same time made you feel lonely. You hadn’t realised how much they had integrated themselves into your life, and you theirs until then. You might not see them every day but their presence was always felt. Through messages bickering with each other, reminding you to eat, dumb selfies, silly jokes, recommendations for movies or tv shows, unflattering photos of the others. They were always there. Until now. Now it was as though they’d all simply ceased to exist. It was weird. It felt wrong.
You’d travelled back to Korea with the other staff members. No one found that strange as there was no reason for any of the guys to request your presence for a lesson - the tour was over. You mindlessly watched movies until you fell asleep. Dealing with the onslaught of thoughts and feelings was not something you were going to do on a long haul flight. Having a breakdown 30,000 feet above the ocean was not on your bucket list. Did you shed a tear or two at certain scenes in the movies you watched because they reminded you of certain people? Maybe. But lucky for you the staff were all equally exhausted and happy to sleep for the majority of the return trip. Once you landed the guys were called to the company whilst you and multiple other staff members were told to go home and rest. You were beyond thankful to be told to go home because that was the only thing you wanted to do. You wanted the safety of the familiar four walls of your apartment. The comfort of your bed. Maybe all you needed was a really long sleep and then you’d be less of an emotional wreck. You didn’t think you’d overworked yourself but maybe you were wrong?
It was quiet in your apartment. Not that that was a new thing. No, the new thing was that you knew it would remain quiet. There would not be a knock on your door from a bored neighbour who wanted to raid your snack cupboard and hide from their roommates. There would be no flurry of messages to your phone or late night calls. It was probably a good thing. If this feeling that you were experiencing, like teetering on the edge of an abyss of panic, was anything to go by then you were probably deluding yourself if you thought it was purely related to being exhausted from work.
No, if you actually thought about it, you realised that it was the culmination of a few things. First there was the fact that your contract was over and you didn’t know what was next for you, or how their CEO would respond to the work you’d done. Second was the fact that you had been sexually intimate with each of the members. You thought you’d kept the interpersonal relationship side of things separate from the sex but now your mind was throwing every ‘what if’ in the book at you. Were they your friends?, were they colleagues?, did any of them now want nothing to do with you because you’d been with the others?, did any of them want more from you?, did you want more from any of them?, did you ruin everything? Your mind was in full spiral mode, with no exits in sight. You were unfortunately in for the ride, even if you did not want to be.
You knew you needed to sit down and dwell in your thoughts and work out what to do about the nine very special men who were woven into your heart, each one you had slept with, but did you feel something more than friendship and attraction to any of them? Was it simply a working relationship that you’d sprinkled some highly unprofessional fun into or did you have romantic interest in any or all of them? You’d avoided thinking about this very thing for weeks now, always telling yourself that you were too busy with lessons. Now you were forced to address it. No one would come distract you, and there was no work to be done, and if you didn’t address it? Well it seemed like you were destined for a full blown mental breakdown if you left it to fester.
You were officially off the clock until the CEO summoned you so you had nothing but time to sit and dwell on your thoughts and feelings. Naturally you decided to clean your apartment instead. Then reorganise the kitchen, do all of your washing, make your bed and organise your desk. It was when your thumb was hovering over the call button for your parents that you snapped out of your procrastination spiral and forced your brain to start unraveling the mess that was your relationship with the EXO members.
Like every other time you’d had to solve a seemingly large problem, you took out a notebook and pen and began to make notes. It wasn’t a pros and cons list, rather, it was your jumbled thoughts spewed out onto a page. You’d always worked best with problem solving when you had something to annotate. You needed visual logic cues if you were to concentrate on this long enough to deal with it. When you looked down at the page it was one very messy web of unfiltered thoughts. Seeing it all on the page didn’t ease your worries like it usually did. For some reason this felt bigger, like it was more important than you could perceive.
The crux of the issue still seemed to be that they were your friends before you took on the role of teaching them English, then after they became colleagues you rather quickly implemented the reward system. Then came the issue of involving sex, but honestly, apart from some prying and joking the guys hadn’t changed in how they acted towards you. If anything some were more affectionate with you but that was never in a sexual way. They understood that the system was there for the lessons and if you excluded Minseok and Baekhyun - all sex acts were contained within the lesson rewards or punishments. Yixing was playful, but only because he knew he could get away with it. He never tried for more than being close to you, and you knew he cared about you (especially since the day at the Han River, and because he wasn’t always around), but you didn’t think he was pining for you though it was sometimes difficult to gauge what he was feeling. Junmyeon was a gentleman and rarely brought up anything to do with the reward arrangement. Chanyeol, Jongdae and Sehun liked to make suggestive comments and jokes but that was mostly in. Sehun had been clingy before all of this anyway. Kyungsoo was another who was difficult to read. He’d never tried anything after the reward, but he was sweet to you, and very familiar with you in a way he hadn’t been beforehand. Jongin was a sweetheart before and after, and you were pretty sure his reward was just an experience for him and nothing more. Minseok and you… well that has basically been a friends with benefits situation however neither of you appeared to be trying to push that arrangement into something more at present. You were both more than capable of hanging out and not fucking.
Baekhyun presented a whole other problem. Your relationship with him had never been normal. The sexually charged banter had been there from the very beginning and only built as things went on. The day at the Han River proved that he cared about you enough to find you and help you. You enjoyed his company which wasn’t to say you didn’t enjoy all of their company, but with him it was different. Wasn’t it? You weren’t sure. The relationship that grew between the two of you had been sexually charged thanks to your drunken flirting very early on in the scheme of things but he’d never shied away from it - as long as you weren’t a drunken mess. The flirting had continued and your encounters always seemed to teeter on the precipice of taking that next step, but ended in delayed gratification so it was impossible for you to decipher if you had felt so strongly because you’d craved his body and his touch or if it was something more.
You paused in your deliberations to order some food. All this thinking was making you hungry and your mother had always told you to never make important decisions while hungry. It was something you’d lived by and you weren't about to stray from it now. A decision made while hungry could very well just be the impulsive choice rather than the choice you might make once hunger wasn’t making you impatient. Hangry was never a helpful state to be in.
What were you even trying to figure out? Did you want to date all of them? Was that even a possibility? It would be hard enough to date one idol, let alone nine of them. How would that work? You knew people back home who were in successful polycules but like, they were on the smaller side and had a more even split of gender. That and the fact that they weren’t also hugely famous in a highly conservative country and would receive backlash for anyone they dated. If you dated all nine of them, you would be the only woman and as far as you were aware, none of them were all that interested in exploring each other in that way. Did you feel that way about them? I felt like it had to be an all or nothing situation for it to be fair. You didn’t ask your brain what kind of logic that was because it made sense to you at the time. So would you be ok if you didn’t pursue anything more with any of them? Would remaining close friends with them be enough for you, or them? God you hadn’t even considered if any of them were romantically interested in you. How embarrassing would it be to make a decision only for it to be the opposite of their decision? Could your heart handle that rejection if you were dealing with freshly discovered feelings? You stood up and did a full body shake in a feeble attempt at releasing the building anxiety from your body. You needed to focus on one question at a time. Were you romantically interested in all of them?
You weren’t sure. It was complicated.
If you didn’t want all of them, would you be fine with just being friends with them?
Again, you weren’t sure. All this thinking was making your head hurt. The lack of answers you were providing yourself wasn’t helping your anxiety in the slightest. Maybe you should just finish your food, go to bed and try again in the morning? You probably had jet lag. That couldn’t be helping.
Did you want any of them in that way? Did any of them want you in that way? If you were just friends with them, would you be ok watching them date other people? Could you be happy for them? Your heart felt heavy and you were no closer to working out why. You closed your notebook and got into bed, hoping the cocoon of your blankets could wash away some of the worries and panic.
Sleep was elusive. You tossed and turned for what felt like the entire night because you could not switch your brain off. It wasn’t supplying any new information nor was it being productive in any way. No, instead it was showing you all of the worst case scenario outcomes from your possible decisions. Thoughts of being doxxed for dating any of them, sasaengs hurting you or any of them, calls from antis to have the group disband or certain members thrown out. All of it haunted your sleep deprived brain. When your thoughts drifted to the possibility of you being deported over dating any of them, you finally heaved a sigh, called your mind an idiot and somehow fell asleep. It was more likely that you passed out from exhaustion at that point, too drained mentally to remain conscious. The dreams were just snapshots of all these awful thoughts. Your subconscious must have felt bad for you as it sprinkled in small glimpses of the happy endings where everything worked out. Little bursts of colour surrounded these moments, like it was really trying its best to show you there could be good outcomes.
Warmth and laughter in their company, locked lips and entwined limbs, waking up in someone’s arms, secretive dates, happy smiles. Small glimpses of building a happy home together, of not dating but still hanging out and enjoying being with your friends. Feeling whole, and loved. Even dreaming you were no closer to a resolution than before.
A new day brought distractions. So be it if those distractions were ones you forced upon yourself, they were still distractions dammit. You took yourself out for a walk in a feeble attempt at clearing your mind only to find yourself standing in front of an aquarium in Gangnam. Water always grounded you when your thoughts became too loud, and since you couldn’t sit at the beach, staring out at the waves for hours like you could in your hometown, an aquarium was the next best thing. Something about walking through enclosures below the water with sea life surrounding you was calming. It was serene and quiet. You allowed your mind to go blank as you made your way through the different exhibits, reading the fun facts that were put next to each enclosure.
You learned about the sharks that could reproduce asexually, never needing the company of others to keep themselves afloat. Sharks were always so interesting to watch. A terrifying predator who seemingly feared nothing, but to you they were also these goofy looking creatures because of their teeth. There were too many and they were too sharp but it also made them look kind of ridiculous when they were simply existing. You had an appreciation for them. They were unbothered creatures, content to simply exist, only attacking for survival whether that be for sustenance or to defend themselves. They let specific creatures into their personal space, never attacking them, but seeming to simply coexist. Those suckerfish - that you now found out were actually called Remora - helped the sharks and in turn the sharks helped them. It seemed like a simple relationship. You imagined that one day they just attached themselves to the sharks and never let go and for some reason, the shark just let it happen.
The tropical exhibit was vibrant and massive. You had to stop yourself from reciting lines from Finding Nemo lest you appear like a crazy foreigner talking to themselves. You knew a lot of the facts about these creatures from your studies at school but there were some things they had left out of your textbooks, probably to avoid teachers having to explain certain concepts to children. Concepts like polyamorous fish. Yeah, those existed. Well, technically the marine biologists simply documented that certain species of tropical fish mated with multiple partners. So one couldn’t explicitly state that the fish were polyamorous, but maybe that term was better than saying the fish were swingers. It was a ridiculous concept to think about. The inner working relationships of fish. Maybe you were losing your mind.
You moved on to see the seals being fed. You always found them to be a deceptive creature. ‘Looks like a friend but is most definitely not a friend’ was the label you’d always associated with them. Growing up you’d been to a marine park and been in awe of the cute seals who did tricks for rewards in the form of fish. You even had a photo with a seal posed next to you. You remembered that it was heavy, very wet and its breath stank of fish, but it was pretty chill. Your cousin snuck you into a section you weren’t supposed to go to, where they were rehabilitating other animals - mainly dolphins and seals. He knew about a specific seal species that looked adorable and said he wanted to show it to you. He left out the part where this particular species ate penguins and other seals. He waited until you were home, talking to anyone who would listen about the world’s prettiest seal, about how they must be the sweetest and most amazing seals to ever exist. He waited until you were so enamoured by them that you were almost going to claim them as your new favourite animal to show you a section of a documentary of that specific species hunting. You had nightmares for weeks. Thankfully the seals in this enclosure were not the leopard seals of your childhood nightmares. It did remind you to call your cousin to catch up and remind him of how much he terrorised you as a child.
You spent way too long watching the penguins in the arctic exhibit. They appeared to be nesting, at least that was the conclusion you arrived at. There were penguins lying in little circles made of rocks and ice, a nest you supposed, while their mate searched the enclosure for the perfect pieces of ice and rocks before bringing them back and placing them in the nest (you assumed they were mates since they kept returning to the same nest, never straying to a different penguin. That and you knew penguins mated for life, so if they weren’t mates then they were definitely courting the penguin they thought could be their mate). It was such a simple act but you found that you simply couldn’t leave the viewing window, entranced by such a simple act of love.
When you finally left the aquarium a few hours later you felt more at peace than you had in weeks. By no means was your mind clear, but the chaotic tornado that had taken up residence in there was now more of a light breeze as all your worries quietened down, allowing you to logically sift through them. You allowed yourself to believe that you had in fact, been successful at teaching EXO English. The tour was successful and you hadn’t been required to step in very often during their ments or interviews. For a group with poor prior experience with learning English you had basically done the impossible. You managed to let go of the stigma that had clouded your mind for the past few weeks that was constantly telling you they were only succeeding because of the sex, but really if all they took from your lessons was the sex then they still would have failed miserably at their ments and interviews. Something you did stuck, and whether it was because you were someone they knew and trusted was kind of beside the point. You took the time to learn how each of them would learn the best from you, and tailored sessions to maximise their recall of their ments. And it fucking worked. You should really allow yourself to feel your oats more often than you did. The cloud of self depreciation that had been looming and trying to take root was dissolved. You did a good job. Others had told you so, you knew it to be true. You just had to be consistent in telling your self doubt to go fuck itself when it next tried to diminish your achievements. You felt a little lighter than you had this morning, one less voice causing chaos in your mind.
Riding on your good mood, you decided to take a walk through the nearby night markets, enjoying food from the street vendors and looking at the pretty wares others had on offer. You resisted the urge to buy gifts for the guys - this was a day for you, not a day for you to revert to stressing over if you would be giving a gift as a friend, as a romantic partner, or as a farewell. For now you simply took in the craftsmanship of the trinkets, clothing and jewellery on offer - deciding that you would go to more night markets in the future. The streets were so full of life, bustling with a palpable energy that was infectious. You loved it. The streets were illuminated with soft and pretty lights, making you feel like you were walking through a little fairytale rather than the streets of Seoul. It was an impressive feat for this small section of such a bright and bustling city to achieve.
Eventually you decided it was time to begin the journey back towards your apartment. You wanted to call your family, possibly a friend as well, just to update them on your life as a translator overseas. Now that you actually recognised the work that you had done you knew you could feel confident talking to them about it. Talking about it to someone outside of the business might also help bring other things you were worried about into focus. You headed home with your head held high, finally feeling good about the work you had done these past months.
Speaking with your parents and your closest friend back home helped you unpack more of your thoughts. Ones you wouldn’t have realised if you hadn’t had to conceal certain aspects of your life over here. Describing the boys as acquaintances then colleagues felt weird and wrong, but you knew you had to hide the friendship to an extent. After all, they didn’t know how damaging that kind of news could be if it got out and they would not feel the need to keep that information to themselves. You knew they’d just say you were overreacting if you told them not to tell anyone about it, so you simply kept that from them. It was easier this way even if it felt off. They meant more than you could tell your parents.
You’d always worried that your family wouldn’t be proud of you for taking a job in a foreign country and leaving as quickly as you did. You’d expected to cop an earful from your mother for not calling her more often but you were pleasantly surprised to hear how many questions she had about your work - how was your boss, how did they assign clients, were they treating you well, were the hours humane, were the conditions fair, did you get sufficient pay and time off. The list was endless. You answered all of her questions to the best of your ability without breaching your contract or giving away incriminating details. Your father wanted to know all about your living conditions, was it in a good neighbourhood, was the security good, were you safe, were you being smart when you left the house. You allowed him to nag you since that was his love language - fretting about his daughter's safety. He even convinced you to hang up and call again on video so you could show him your apartment and so they could see your face, to make sure you were being truthful about eating and sleeping well. Definitely not because they also missed you terribly. Once you had appeased them, promising no less than five times that you were keeping out of trouble, were eating well and getting enough sleep, did they allow you to ask them questions about life after you left home. It was comforting to talk to them, even if it made you miss them terribly - you longed for a warm hug from each of them more than you wanted to admit. You dodged questions of romance, citing that you were far too busy with work to date. You also had to explain how dating culture was different here, and once they knew how much faster relationships began your father was much happier to know that you weren’t dating. You’d die if he knew what you had been doing though.
You eventually told them that you were at the end of the current contract you were on and that you were awaiting a final evaluation to see if the company you had been on contract with wanted to keep you on for other projects or if your boss would be assigning you to a new company to work with new artists. Your father could tell from your voice that you were feeling anxious about being in limbo. He told you to rest assured that you did the best work you could, and that your successes would be noticed. He told you that if they renewed your contract that would be great because you already had rapport and knew your way around the company building, feeling comfortable with that environment but he also told you that if they didn’t, that it wouldn’t take long for your boss to find you a new company because of your achievements on your current contract, and that change wasn’t a bad thing. It could lead to bigger and brighter things. Your mother was always good at talking out the minutiae of a problem with you but your father could pinpoint what you needed to hear and ease your busy mind. It was a trait you were thankful he had because it was what you needed right now. You talked for a long time after that, catching up on everything you had missed in their lives, on tv shows, the news, gossip around town. Your mother could harp on about anything if you let her. Eventually you had to try and wind up the conversation, you did have another call to make after all. After promising to call more often they let you go so you could call your closest friend.
Speaking with her went exactly as you thought it would. First there was a lot of nagging about how you never called or told her anything, how you’d abandoned her for the rich and famous clients you had. That you’d probably snagged some uber rich and hot guy and forgotten all about little old her. Then came the endless I miss you’s followed by all the things she’d been dying to tell you. You got wildly sidetracked as you caught up on her life, her new boyfriend, her work, her plans and seemingly endless tangents. She was the kind of friend who could easily take over a conversation, something she had often had to do in the past. There were times where you just preferred to go quiet and let others lead the small talk. You preferred topics that interested you when meeting new people because you had something to contribute, and surface level conversation kind of bored you. You could do it, and did when work required it of you, but in your personal life you were often much more reserved in conversation with strangers. There was probably something to unpack there but you chose to ignore that for now.
You went through a similar interrogation about work and life in Korea with her, though she pressed for far more details than your parents did since she had some idea that you were working with idols. You managed to avoid incriminating yourself in any way but you knew this would not be the last time she pressed you for information. She had a knack for knowing when things were left unsaid, and boy did you leave a lot of things about your situation unsaid. When you got to the topic of your current employment potentially coming to an end she made similar points to your father, though she added that the more people you worked for in the entertainment sector, the more likely it was for you to meet some amazing guy. You almost choked on your laughter at that. Once again you had to promise to contact her more often before she would let you get off the phone with her.
[9:21PM] Your bestest friend in the world: Don’t think for a moment that I didn’t pick up on the fact that something is going on with you.
[9:21PM] Your bestest friend in the world: I won’t push you for an explanation yet, but know that I’m here for you love. Anytime.
She was too perceptive for her own good. You hated and loved her for it.
[9:21PM] You: Nothing gets past you does it? I should have known you’d pick up on it. I’m not ready to talk about it yet, still wading through my thoughts etc. But thank you bby. ILYSM <3
[9:21PM] Your bestest friend in the world: <3 Talk to me when you’re ready to unpack everything in that pretty little head of yours. ILYSM2
The calls left you feeling even more grounded and settled in your emotions. Your mind continued to be quiet and calm as you got ready for bed, hoping you would get a decent night's sleep and continue your ‘me’ time tomorrow. After all you still had to wade through your feelings about the guys, where everything between the lot of you stood now and where things were going. You weren’t sure that you could fully work out your feelings without talking to them, which could go horribly wrong but you were just too confused. You knew one thing for certain, you had to tell them that there had to be no more sex related things between any of you until this whole thing was worked out. That obviously meant no stress relief fucking with Minseok, but also had to include suggestive comments and jokes. You just weren’t sure if anything could be taken at face value, or if there was more to it.
You promised yourself that if you still felt calm and clear in your thoughts by tomorrow afternoon that you would reach out to the guys. Sure they were giving you space now, but you weren’t so naive to believe that this would continue if you reached a week with zero contact. Sure Minseok or Kyungsoo would message you but you’d rather not let it reach that point if you could help it. You knew them well enough to know that they’d start to worry, and then they’d jump to conclusions that it was somehow their fault that you weren’t talking to them. That was something you wanted to avoid. You weren’t the only one capable of spiralling in your thoughts.
Thankfully sleep came easily for you. The bed was comfy, the sheets a perfect texture and the room was cool, allowing you to snuggle into a blanket burrito and sleep deeply. You awoke the next day feeling well rested and more at peace than you’d felt in weeks. You promised to give yourself until the afternoon to make contact and you planned on honoring that self imposed promise so you headed out on another stroll since the weather was yet again pleasant. First stop was the coffee shop for your daily dose of sugar in liquid form (also known as an iced chocolate) and a flaky pastry. Today that was a blueberry danish. With your tasty treats in hand, you set off through the closest park, hoping to find a duck pond to sit by while you ate. There was no reason or tradition for the dunk pond, you just liked being near water when you wanted to get lost in thought.
As luck would have it, you did find a pond, sadly barren, with no ducks, but it still had the desired effect of being an idyllic backdrop for you. You made a mental list of the things you needed to complete before returning to your apartment. 1. Get groceries so you could cook yourself some meals for the next week. 2. Buy some new clothes and accessories before the season changes so you wouldn’t be caught out. 3. Visit a nearby corgi cafe so you could give some fluffballs your love. 4. Buy a couple of gifts to send home to your parents and closest friend. It wasn’t too overwhelming, but it should keep you occupied until it was time to reach out to the guys. You probably wouldn’t check off the final item today, that would require a future visit to the night markets.
Groceries were reasonably simple. After talking with your family you suddenly craved a simple western meal so you’d decided on some pan cooked chicken with roasted vegetables and a salad. If you seasoned each chicken breast slightly different it would change up your meals enough each night for you to not grow bored of them. You managed to successfully buy some new clothes and accessories to put away for the next season and then spent two blissfully happy hours at the corgi cafe. You were constantly being prodded with little paws or wet noses asking for pats and treats. You were quite literally covered in fur but you didn’t care. They were so cute and getting to spend time with them really filled the part of you that desperately wanted a pet. You’d have one one day, when the time was right and you could dedicate yourself to training and giving them all the affection in your being.
With a little tri-coloured corgi resting his head on your lap you let your thoughts drift. When would you get the call from Mr. Kim? At this point you just wanted to have your meeting so you could stop weighing up the uncertainty of your professional future. Once that was set then you knew you could much more easily discuss where things either should or should not progress with the guys. That moment of clarity for what you wanted in that respect remained elusive. You knew that you wanted them in your life, and whilst the thought of nothing more than friendship didn’t entirely sit well with you (you still couldn’t pinpoint why that was), you knew you could do that if that’s all they wanted from you. You felt something for each of them but you hadn’t fallen hard for anyone, a feat that you thanked your guarded heart for immensely. There was closeness, attraction and lust but no deep romantic love. You could see yourself falling if you opened your heart to it and if it was reciprocated by them, but for now you were safe from heartbreak if they didn’t have interest in you like that.
You’d thought about what you’d do if more than one, or oddly if all of them wanted some sort of arrangement with you. You’d decided that you weren’t opposed to the idea, but only if certain ground rules were in place to keep everyone safe. If they were opposed to a more polyamorous relationship then you would step back and remain their friend. You refused to allow them to fight and potentially damage their relationships with each other - both personally and professionally - over dating you. It could be seen as a clinical approach but the reality was that they were at the peak of their careers right now and you would not allow the prospect of dating you to get in the way of that. You weren’t that important, you couldn’t be. There was also the secretive nature of whatever relationship you all moved forward with. Male idols were not supposed to be close with other women, that only led to dating scandals which was another thing you wanted to avoid at all costs.
Ultimately you had to talk to the guys and lay all of your thoughts out for them. They had to know where you stood and then you had to give them time to work out where they stood and what they wanted. Would that be an awkward as fuck conversation? Yes. Was it necessary? Also yes. It was time. No more radio silence. No more dwelling. You quickly sent off a message before you could talk yourself into taking another day to sit with your thoughts.
[6:13PM] You: Are you guys busy?
The response was almost instantaneous. You hoped that didn’t mean they were hanging out by their phones waiting to hear from you.
[6:13PM] Junmyeon: Noona! It’s nice to hear from you :)
[6:13PM] Junmyeon: We all just got home. Do you need something?
His words calmed you a little. It was his usual routine to check his phone as soon as he got home. Then he did his best to ignore it for a few hours, only answering if a manager or family member called.
[6:14PM] You: I was hoping I could come up and have a chat with everyone?
[6:14PM] You: But like, only if you’re all free and ok to have me over. I’m sure you’re all still tired.
You might be offering to have this meeting but that did not mean you weren’t incredibly anxious about it. You’d kept your thoughts at bay for almost two days but as soon as you put the talk on the table all of your fears resurfaced. What if they were mad at you? What if you’d read too much into this relationship? What if you caused a rift in the group? You didn’t want to be EXO’s Yoko.
[6:14PM] Junmyeon: Nonsense. Come on up.
[6:14PM] Junmyeon: They’d kill me if I didn’t invite you up here and you know it.
[6:14PM] Junmyeon: All I’ve heard since we boarded the plane is whiny men. Get your ass up here and put me out of my misery!
You laughed at that. You could practically see him pouting as he typed the messages out to you. It didn’t seem like they were mad, but a small part of you also began to worry that they were too prone to overreacting. You shut that down when you reminded yourself that you’d basically cut them off cold turkey right at the end of the tour. The only people who had spent time with you after that final concert were Minseok and Baekhyun, and only them and Junmyeon knew about your meeting, unless they’d told the others about it. After all you had said they could do that.
[6:15PM] You: It’s barely been 36 hours. You guys are maybe a little too codependent on me.
[6:15PM] You: But fine, I’ll be up in like 30 mins. Is that enough time for you to round everyone up?
[6:15PM] Junmyeon: You know we love you, but it was the radio silence and request to not contact you that sent them in a tailspin.
[6:15PM] Junmyeon: Not that I’m mad, just to be clear. I get it, but they lowkey freaked out.
Yeah, that checked out. You needed to just get home and go see your ragtag bunch of idiots who seemed to care about you more than you ever thought they would. However you also need to stop whatever attempt at ‘down with the cool kids’ lingo Junmyeon was trying to achieve. He already got teased enough for being the old man of the group and poorly inserting lingo that was clearly out of place in his vernacular was not going to help him.
[6:15PM] You: Don’t say lowkey, that’s not who you are.
[6:15PM] You: Sehun is probably the only one of you who can get away with saying that. Chanyeol and Baekhyun think they can, but the jury is out on whether or not they can.
[6:15PM] Junmyeon: I’m going to ignore that slander of my character. I’m up on current slang.
You actually facepalmed. Why was he like this? WHY.
[6:16PM] You: Seriously. STOP. You are in no way helping yourself here.
[6:16PM] Junmyeon: 30 minutes is fine. See you soon.
[6:16PM] Junmyeon: Just to check though, should I be emotionally prepared for some heartbreaking and serious talk? You rarely ask to speak to all of us at once.
You supposed it could come off as a we need to talk moment given the lack of context you’d provided. And it kind of was that, but also not? You really didn’t want them to freak out. Nine guys fretting would be too overwhelming for you.
[6:16PM] You: Semi serious, but nothing heavy. I just want to explain myself and where my head has been at so you all understand why I kind of just disappeared.
[6:16PM] Junmyeon: Bet. See you soon then <3
[6:17PM] You: You are too old to be saying bet. Who is teaching you this shit? You know what. Don’t answer that. Just stop saying ‘trend’ words. We both know you’re not cool enough to pull them off. No offence.
[6:17PM] You: See you soon. <3
[6:17PM] Junmyeon: Wow noona. Harsh. My lingo is on fleek, it's rude of you to not realise that.
[6:17PM] You: I’m never going to speak to you again.
[6:17PM] You: And I might have to cause bodily harm to whoever taught you this lingo.
You locked your phone before you cringed at any further attempts at current slang were sent to you. It was go time for you. Whether you were ready or not (you were not), the conversation was happening. Time to get your butt home and face the music. So to speak. You just hoped you weren’t about to fuck it all up.
Nine pairs of eyes stared back at you from the various spots in the living room. You stood awkwardly in front of the tv as you contemplated whether or not to find yourself a chair or if you were just going to stand here and speak. The choice ended up being made for you as Yixing brought a chair in for you to sit on. It was still placed in the centre of the room facing all of them, but it felt a little less intimidating to sit before speaking. Yixing’s fingers brushed over your shoulder, giving it a light squeeze, before he moved back towards his place on the lounge.
You cleared your throat and decided to approach this as you would remove a bandaid - quickly. You knew the guys were all wondering what the cause of your no contact rule was and the sooner you put them out of their misery the better. It would be better for you as well because you would get at least this part of the conversation out of your brain. Your time at the aquarium had helped clear your thoughts, as had your walk through the city. You weren’t so sure if the evening sitting in your apartment spiralling in your thoughts helped, so this was your attempt at preventing that from happening again tonight while still putting some space between them and you while you sorted your shit out.
“I uh, I want to apologise for not speaking with any of you properly before we flew back from the tour.” You held up a hand to stop the immediate chorus of responses that were coming from the guys. “Please let me get all of this out before any of you speak otherwise I don’t know if I’ll be able to get through it.” Nine heads nodded at you and waited for you to continue.
“I got really in my head about everything and needed to take a step away from all of it, from everyone, while I tried to settle my thoughts.” You started. “First I worried that I hadn’t done a good job because I’d been unprofessional, but after I let myself spiral I realised that wasn’t true and that I had done a great job. I didn’t get to tell you after the last show ended but I could not be more proud of each and every one of you. Your English improved SO much and whilst a certain amount of that is on me, a huge part of that is on you for applying yourselves to the lessons and the study in order to make those improvements. You should also all be really proud of yourselves for the progress you’ve all made.” You couldn’t help but smile at them, pride shining through you. You were truly impressed at the work they’d put in and the results they’d shown in such a small timeframe. “Were part of the lessons and some of my conduct unprofessional? Yes, but I now believe that none of those things hindered your progress, nor were they the sole motivation for your improvements. Whether I’m wrong or right about this, I’m now choosing to believe that they were a pleasant bonus to all of this.”
Time for the big reveal. The thing that had been weighing on you, causing you to nearly have multiple panic attacks. The thing you were most scared about admitting to them. Would they thing you were overreacting or crazy? Would they understand? “My relationship with all of you also began to get muddled in my head by the end of the tour. We all met before I took on the role of teacher and prior to that we were all friends, and with more than one of you there was also an undercurrent of flirtation - regardless of whether any of us were going to act on it or not. Then I became someone who worked for you, who was quite literally on call for if you needed a lesson, in any setting and at any time of day. We were still friends but it did alter the relationship with you. Then I added in the reward/punishment system and that kind of threw a spanner in the works. We were all close, but inevitably when you add physical intimacy or sex to the equation it blurs the lines. My brain kept spiralling between ‘are we friends, colleagues, fuck buddies, in a relationship, did you never want to see me again, were you going to fight if any of us wanted a romantic relationship…’ so yeah, after the last night in America I withdrew into my head and just needed to be with my thoughts - as much as I really really really did not want to sift through them. I knew I needed to for the sake of my mental wellbeing. I hadn’t realised it but those thoughts had been building for quite some time and after all the lessons were over and all rewards or punishments received, those thoughts were relentless and overwhelming. I couldn’t ignore them any longer.”
You couldn’t stop talking. If you did, you were pretty sure you’d bottle everything up until you did what you were best at, running. It wasn’t a fair thought to have, but sadly you were in no state to control the cruelty of your thoughts. You just had to keep speaking and once you finished you hoped they understood. “As I’m sure Minseok and Baek told you, I had a meeting with the managers and Junmyeon to discuss my work and for feedback to be provided. Without going into too much detail, the meeting went well, but my future with SM hangs on your CEO. He was sent video of your ments and interviews while overseas to review as well as feedback from the managers, staff and yourselves. I will either be let go and my boss will find me a contract with another company - which will mean we won’t see each other as much or as freely - or I’ll be kept on one of two contracts with SM. Either an exclusive contract with EXO with allowances for freelance tutoring in my free time within SM, or a contract with SM where I would not be assigned any specific group but would be available at the company to provide lessons for existing artists and trainees. Either of those options would mean we would see more of each other, but the latter would mean we would not be able to speak as freely as we do now with each other.”
“I spent a lot of time stressing about what I wanted to happen and what possible scenarios could happen but I guess professionally any option is good for me as all options mean I remain working in this field and helping others improve their language skills. I stress over large changes in my life, not sure if that is something I’ve ever mentioned, but it’s a thing. Obviously.” You scoffed as you made a vague gesture at yourself and the clear state of stress you were in. “Personally, I don’t want to lose what we have. I cherish each of you and love that we’ve still been able to hang out and play around while we’re all working. I know we’d make it work if I have to go to another company but I know we would see each other significantly less than we do now.”
You took a deep breath. You hadn’t looked at any of them while you spoke. You knew if you saw their eyes you’d stop speaking. So you just couldn’t. Not yet. What if they looked at you with pity, anger, happiness, disgust, or worse - indifference. You could rationalise it if they felt something, but seeing them feel nothing when your mind had been fucking chaos might just be the straw that broke the camels back. You didn’t look at them. “So to sum up, I overthought everything, stressed, spiralled and withdrew from all of you which may or may not have been the right thing to do but I’m here now. I should know in a few days where my future lies work-wise but wanted to open the floor to discuss whatever this relationship we all have now is because I don’t think it is something I can resolve by myself. We don’t have to discuss it now, but I want you to think about it. I don’t know if you view me as a friend or as someone you want to pursue something with, or someone you no longer wish to see. I’m sorry to just dump all of this on you but I need to put it all out there, as much as I can right now anyway.”
You’d done it. You’d told them what had been going on in your mind. Mostly. You hadn’t discussed your feelings but you’d mentioned all possibilities so that had to count for something. You really just wanted to run and hide, to become invisible rather than be perceived right now, but you knew you had to remain in your spot and hear what they had to say. No matter what it was.
Chanyeol was the first to speak. He ran his hands through his hair as he tried to keep his tone even. “Not going to lie, this is a lot. I think I speak for all of us when I say that, and I think you know that. I appreciate you opening up to us about what was going on in your head, I'm sure we all do, even if it does leave us with more questions and discussions to have.”
You nodded. It was a lot. You knew it. You’d lived with all of it in your brain. It was only fair to give them time as well. That’s why you’d said you didn’t need to discuss it now.
Minseok was next to speak, he smiled softly at you, his own way of trying to calm your nerves even now. “I don’t think it’s something we should talk about tonight. You know as well as we do that we can be impulsive and that discussions can get heated quickly if we haven’t had time to choose our words. As weird as it will be I think we all need to take some time to think about what we want, and what will work best moving forward.”
You nodded again. You’d used all your words in speaking to them and now could bring yourself to speak.
“This is going to sound shitty noona, and for that I’m sorry but I don’t think there is a diplomatic way to put it, well at least not one that I can think of right now,” Junmyeon said, sighing as he had to be the guy to say it. “but we do need to consider how it might affect the group if one or more of us are interested in pursuing you, especially if it means some may be rejected. At the end of the day, EXO has to come first, and god I know that’s a shitty thing to say, but it’s something we need to think about and probably talk about amongst ourselves. No offence.” You knew someone would have to raise that point, and it was a valid one, one you’d thought about as well. It did make sense that it was their leader who was the one to say it. After all, he always did put the group above everything else.
You had to speak, nodding wouldn’t suffice in response to that. It would only make him feel like a jerk and that was the last thing you wanted him to feel. You cleared your throat and hoped you said the right things. “All valid points, and don’t worry, there’s no offence taken, Junmyeon. I’d also thought that you should all take some time away from me to think over what you want and to discuss with the group. If one or more of you wanting to pursue me would negatively affect the group then I don’t think anything more than friendship is possible.”
You paused. Would they think of this option if you didn’t raise it? You weren’t sure. But if it helped them with their deliberations then it was worth the level of embarrassment you were about to feel by simply suggesting it. “I guess the last thing for me to put out there is that after some thinking, I’m not opposed to exploring the possibility of a polyamorous type of situation if that is something you guys land on. However, I’m also not opposed to monogamy or just friendship with all of you. It might sound like I either don’t care that much or that I don’t know what I want, and the latter is somewhat true, but I did draw a line between what we were doing in the rewards versus hanging out outside of that and it prevented me from allowing too many feelings to take root. I’m not sure where any of you stand and I don’t want to know right now either since all of this” You gestured with your hand, waving it vaguely to indicate all of you. “Is so fresh and we all have a lot to consider, or not consider. I don’t know.” Breathe you told yourself. You had to breathe or you’d panic before this conversation ended. “I’ll hopefully have a follow up meeting in a couple of days and then will know what will be happening with the work aspect of my life. I think we should meet once I know that side of things and chat again? But if you need more time, I would completely understand.”
Not much was said after that. The air was tense and awkward as you all kind of forgot how to act around each other. You stayed for a little while to hear about the plans for their encore concert but as soon as that conversation topic dwindled, you said your goodbyes and headed back to your apartment.
It might be time to call your friend. You were more confused after that meeting and once again on the precipice of a breakdown. You couldn’t wade through this on your own and you couldn’t ask one of the guys for help because this was about them. You couldn’t tell your friend every detail, but you could tell her enough.
[10:49PM] You: So uh, are you free for that chat?
[10:49PM] Your bestest friend in the whole world: For you? Always.
You awoke the next morning to the sound of a text message notification on your phone. You rubbed your eyes as you tried to focus on the name of the contact who sent the message. You sat up in your bed as soon as your eyes managed to make out that the message was from your boss. Hopefully it was the message you’d been waiting for.
[7:42AM] Mr. Kim: Good morning, I hope you have had sufficient time to relax since returning from the overseas tour with EXO. I had a meeting this morning with SM’s CEO, Lee Soo Man about your performance under the current contract you have with SM and what his thoughts were for your potential future prospects at the company. I’ve scheduled a meeting for us at midday at my office. I’ll see you in a few hours to discuss.
If you were half awake at the start of that message, you were wide awake now. Of course a meeting is called the day after you dropped what felt like a literal bomb on your nine upstairs neighbours. You had just over four hours to freshen up and get yourself over to his office. Not that you were nervous… not at all… not even a little bit. It wasn’t like the outcome of this meeting determined the future of your career or anything. No, shut up. You tried telling your mind as it attempted to spiral before any form of carb or sugar entered your system. You repeated your father’s words over in your head as you picked out clothes for the meeting, a simple and professional outfit that you would not anxiety sweat through before you even reached Mr. Kim’s office. You showered and got yourself ready for the day and whatever it would bring. Maybe it would be better once it was all over, then you could stop overthinking and fretting about every possible outcome. That wasn’t how you liked doing things but it seemed to be what happened whenever it was important to you. When you cared.
Just before you left the apartment you sent a message to the group chat so that everyone was kept up to date.
[10:25AM] You: Hey, just a heads up that I’m on my way to a meeting now. LSM has made his decision and I’ll know my work fate in a couple of hours. I know I suggested meeting again after I had my meeting but given I literally only proposed everything to you last night, I’ll bench our talk until you guys have had time to deliberate and all that. Just reach out when you want to chat and I’ll make myself available.
It felt clinical and not how you’d ever spoken to them when there was no one to overhear your conversations. It felt like how you spoke to them when one of their managers was present. It felt wrong and something in your heart hurt. There was no response, but you could see the members slowly reading your message. Sehun reacted to it with a thumbs up message which then spurred everyone into chatting, mainly to scold Sehun but seeing the chat alive again felt right.
You put your phone on do not disturb mode as you approached Mr. Kim’s office, coffee in hand. Not the iced variety that was so popular among idols. No, the purpose of this coffee was not to keep you awake, rather it was to give you a caffeine hit as well as comfort you with its warmth. You were always nervous when it came time for a performance review, but unlike last time with Blackpink, you were a lot closer with the members of EXO and their staff. Unlike last time you knew that you had done your job successfully, you’d been present to witness the members grow in their language skills and watched them deliver their ments to their American audiences with little to no translation required. The only slip was the night Baekhyun forgot his lines, but the following shows he required no assistance.
Once you arrived, Mr. Kim’s secretary ushered you into his office, telling you he was just finishing up a meeting in another room and would be with you shortly. Thankfully you did not have to wait long before he entered the room. He smiled and greeted you warmly then moved to sit at his desk. You’d been in this room a few times now and it was always nerve wracking.
“Once again I can tell that you are eager to hear your evaluation.” He chuckled.
You nodded. “Apparently my face hides nothing from you.”
“Actually your face is not what gave you away, it was the fidgeting fingers this time.” He pointed at your free hand which was unfortunately fidgeting with the buckle on your handbag.
Your fingers stilled, but you itched to keep busy with something. Anything to get the frenetic energy out of your system. “You got me. Now please put me out of my misery already and give me my evaluation.”
Lucky for you, he prided himself on business and got right to it. You never had to endure too much small talk with him. It was a much more pleasant experience than the managers you had back before moving here. They seemed to want to spend up to ten minutes chatting about nothing before switching to business mode. That was not the Mr. Kim way. His way was better. For you at least. Mr. Kim pulled a file up on his computer and turned the screen so that you could see it as well. “As you already know from the last time we did this, we assess you in three areas. 1. How well the tasks were performed 2. How you worked with the clients and 3. Work ethic/professionalism. I’ve reviewed the recording of the last meeting you had during the tour as well as received feedback from the SM CEO.”
He clicked on a file and opened it. “This is a review of the tasks performed. As you can see, it was unanimous across the board that you have excelled in this area. You successfully prepared the members for their interviews and concert ments, improving their English significantly. You joined the group on tour and no issues were reported by staff or the members, nor did you appear in any fan reports or cause any scandals.” He paused to look at you, a knowing smile on his face. “But you already know this from your meeting with the managers and Junmyeon. I’ll only add the feedback from their CEO. He said he was impressed that someone of your young age was able to successfully complete these tasks to the level that you did, he made special mention of the tailored lessons as a genius move on your part. He noted that whilst it would be an arduous task for all clients, it worked for EXO in ways no one expected. They have not had this level of success in teaching a group that didn’t already have a member with a decent grasp on English or a native English speaker. He was also very impressed that you were able to fit in and work seamlessly with a well established team.” Mr Kim paused, signalling that you could now speak before he addressed the next criterion.
So far things were going well. Logically you knew that you had succeeded in your role, but it was always a relief to hear it. Hearing from your boss and the head of the group's company eradicated the last of the anxiety you felt about your ability as a teacher. “Thank you Mr Kim. I felt that I was succeeding in my role and I am glad to have that confirmed by the head of their company, but I do have to ask what he meant about my age?”
“Most translators or teaching staff that are brought in are older than you. Especially when it comes to English. There is a greater risk when idols are involved and most companies specifically request someone over 40 to be assigned so that there could never be any misunderstandings around the nature of the relationship.” He replied.
Your brow furrowed. “Then how did I get the job? I’m significantly younger than that, even if I’m still older than the members.”
He smiled smugly. “Ah well that was me. I know companies prefer older staff, especially when they are working with the opposite sex, but I had a hunch that you would succeed where others had failed with EXO. Their CEO reluctantly agreed to trial you and had to admit he was pleasantly surprised after receiving the one month evaluations of the members progress.”
Noticing that you weren’t going to add any more to that discussion, Mr. Kim moved on. He scrolled through the document until he reached the heading indicating the second criterion. “Before I move into discussing the external evaluations I would like to say that I am personally very impressed that you took on the feedback provided after your time with Blackpink and applied it to EXO. You managed to become more familiar with them and it shows in the reviews from the others. I strongly believe that this improvement is what made this job such a success for you.” He gestured towards you. “So I wanted to commend you on the large improvement in this area.”
You smiled. “Thank you Mr. Kim. Your advice was intrinsic to the development of the tailored lessons as well as my comfortability in becoming closer with the members so that we could work together to the best of our abilities.”
“As you know from the feedback from both managers and members, you exceeded expectations in this area, and everyone benefited from your approach. The CEO questioned whose idea it was for you to become closer to the members and expressed the concerns he had about it. Once I explained that it was feedback that you had been given from myself and the reasons why I felt it would improve outcomes, especially given your closeness in age to any 2nd or 3rd gen idols in comparison to the on staff teachers who were usually around the same age as the idols parents he understood. He stated that whilst he had his reservations about that kind of approach given the potential issues that could arise, dating scandals, sasaeng accusations, unprofessionalism etc. he could see how it worked in the members favour. The group had undergone quite a few hardships prior to this comeback, with members leaving and dating scandals damaging their public image. He stated that they were likely to be quite reserved and untrustworthy of someone new to their staff and that it would take a long time for them to begin to trust a new staff member. However, you managed to make them feel comfortable and not lose the authority you had over them as their teacher, whilst remaining respectful at all times. He said he was very pleasantly surprised by this.” He sat back in his chair while you processed his words. Mr. Kim had only had meetings with you a handful of times before this, but he already knew to let you take a moment while his words sunk in before having you respond.
A weight lifted off your shoulders. Yes, you recalled the nature of the meeting you had with the managers and Junmyeon whilst overseas, but your brain had managed to twist their inarguably positive feedback into statements that you had turned over in your mind repeatedly as you second guessed every moment you’d spent with the members. Knowing that the CEO was reviewing all of the work you had completed overseas had stressed you more than you had realised. It was as if you could feel the tension leaving your body every time Mr. Kim read out his feedback.
“I’m glad my efforts have been recognised, and that I’ve shown improvement in this area. I also understand the concerns their CEO had. We had meetings with the members and their managers regarding safety and security of both the members and myself to ensure no photos were snapped if we were not on a schedule. The last thing any of us wanted to do was bring negative attention to this working relationship. We also discussed at length the boundaries we should draw in order to not become overly familiar with each other and I believe that assisted greatly.” It wasn’t a lie as such. You really did have those meetings and you really did discuss those boundaries. It was just the managers weren’t present for the third meeting which involved you and the members working out how to put each other in line if any of you slipped and a glimpse of how close you really were slipped through. It was a miracle nothing ever happened in view of other staff or the public, but there were a couple of close calls. You’d all been very lucky in that regard.
Mr. Kim powered on. “On to the final point, we’ve never had any issues with your work ethic or professionalism, and neither have the members or managers. Their feedback was passed on to the CEO, who praised you for being available at short notice in order to fit with the members busy schedules. He was also very happy that the members did not abuse this clause in your contract but rather made sure the others were aware if one of them had required you early in the morning or late at night so that they could avoid overworking you.” Mr. Kim closed the document. “I’ll be honest, he got rather sidetracked at this point and spent a good ten minutes praising his EXO boys. I can assure you that he was very pleased with both your work ethic and professionalism. He agreed with the manager's statements that you clearly succeeded at your role, exceeding all expectations that were had of you.” He chuckled as he shook his head. “But once he starts talking about those boys it is hard to shut him up. You’d think they were his sons sometimes.”
You allowed yourself a pleased hum at the feedback you’d received. High marks in all areas of assessment. Exceeded expectations, exemplary results. “Thank you Mr. Kim. I’m very glad that my hard work paid off and that my approach was successful for the members.” You paused. “However, as much as I want to just bask in this feedback, I am too curious about my contract. Did their CEO happen to mention if he planned to renew my contract, or are you finding me a new group to work with?” You needed to know, and you needed to know like two weeks ago at this point.
Mr. Kim, to his credit, did not outright laugh at your impatience. Instead he opened a drawer and pulled out a manila folder. “I understand that this must have been weighing on your mind these past few weeks.”
You nodded. “You would be very correct.”
“He did come to a decision. I won’t draw this out as I can tell you just want me to get to the point. He was incredibly impressed by your determination and competency, and as we all know, the results speak for themselves. He does want to offer another contract, however it would differ from your current one.” He stated.
“How so?” You asked.
“Firstly, this contract would not commence until three months from now.” He explained. “They want you to continue your work with the company, working with all of their artists. EXO would take priority if and when they have any overseas schedules that would require them to speak English. The rest of the time you would assist whichever groups or artists he deems in need of your skills. You would also offer lessons in the company like you did whilst EXO were in Japan during your contract.” Mr. Kim slid the folder across the table for you to pick up and look over.
“I am grateful to have the opportunity to continue to work with SM. Like I said in my meeting overseas, I have been treated exceptionally well by their company, its staff and idols and welcomed the opportunity to continue working with EXO, be assigned to another group within the company or as an in-house teacher/translator.” Well there it was, they had offered another contract. You could keep working for SM, potentially with the guys as long as their schedules required English, but you’d still be in the same building as them. There was a decent break before commencement which was nice, but you did have concerns about your income. Not working for three months would be a struggle for you financially. “I do have questions regarding the three month break in between contracts though.”
“I believe my next statement should cover whatever concerns you have.” He directed your attention to another section of the new contract. “During that time, SM has stated that they will contact you for freelance work if/when required but that you are also not exclusively bound to the label during that time, so you can assist other companies and artists. This will allow you to continue to earn income and gain further experience in this field. I will also say that you will find in the proposed contract that your fees have increased. I did not consult you on that, but felt that you had every right to request a higher rate given the success of your work thus far. I would encourage you to take a break for a couple of weeks, more if you wanted to take this opportunity to visit home, before letting me know you are ready for some more work with other artists. I do have one group in particular that I think would work for this short timeframe. They have not yet debuted but they do have varying levels of proficiency in English, varying from fluency to what is taught in our schools here.” He waved a hand in front of his face as he realised he’d said too much. “But that is a discussion for another date, I’m getting ahead of myself.”
You smiled, genuinely too. This was wonderful news and it settled a large part of your anxiety to have secured more work, especially work that would require little change. “Thank you Mr. Kim. I’ll take this contract home to review but it sounds promising. I think I will take a couple of weeks off to rest and recuperate, but I would like to request a clause be added to this contract. I understand that I may have some further changes to request, but I’m reasonably certain this one won’t already be in there.”
“What would that request be?” He asked.
“An allowance for one or two weeks of consecutive leave within the next 6 months for me to visit my family. I’m not ready to make a trip home yet, but I know I will be during that time period and I don’t wish to be told that I cannot go. I would provide sufficient notice for the leave, unless there was an emergency, so as to not hinder the progress of their artists' lessons.” In your mind it sounded reasonable, and you’d heard of difficulties with obtaining leave from work in Korea, so you wanted to safeguard yourself as best as you could.
“I’ll have our lawyers make the addition. We’ll hold off sending it to SM until you’ve read through the contract and made any other amendments.” He stood and shook your hand. “You’ve done well so far, and I continue to be impressed with your work.”
The meeting ended shortly after that which you were glad for. The feedback was self esteem boosting, and proved to yourself that you had done a great job, that your hard work had not only paid off but had been noticed. You also managed to tell yourself that your closeness with the guys wasn’t the sole factor for your success, they really did suck at English before your lessons and whilst the sex during the rewards and punishments was great, you were pretty sure you couldn’t learn a language purely from fucking. Somewhere along the lines, your lessons struck a chord with them and they wanted to learn, so they did, and it stuck. That was a job well done by you.
After you left Mr. Kim’s office you put your phone back in normal mode.The group chat had been busy these past few hours. Message notifications flooded your phone as you began the commute home. They had pinned a message so that you wouldn’t miss it once you finally checked your phone.
[11:48AM] Minseok: Please tell us when you finish your meeting. Kyungsoo wants you to come up for dinner so you can tell all of us what the outcome was.
The messages after were a chorus of predictions and bickering.
[11:51AM] Jongin: I think SM will do another contract.
[11:51AM] Sehun: Well duh. They’d be stupid to let her help our competitors.
[11:52AM] Jongdae: Noona could make some sweet demands if they offer a new contract.
[11:52AM] Kyungsoo: Yeah, make SM work for it. Lord knows they’ve fucked over too many idols in contracts. If they offer a new one MAKE A LAWYER LOOK AT IT.
[11:53AM] Yixing: Make demands of your own too. Make that thing benefit you, coz if they offer a new contract it means they want to stop you from working with other companies.
[11:53AM] Chanyeol: MAKE. SM. WORK. FOR. YOU. You’ll have the upper hand and they don’t want you to know that.
[11:54AM] Baekhyun: Yeah, fuck SM!!!
[11:54AM] Junmyeon: Guys…
[11:54AM] Minseok: Idk man, all I see is valid points being made.
[11:55AM] Junmyeon: I… you were meant to be on my side Minseok.
[11:55AM] Minseok: I never promised that.
[11:55AM] Minseok: Fuck SM.
[11:56AM] Kyungsoo: So I think we might be doing the opposite of encouraging you to consider taking another contract with them if they offer. What we mean to say is, have someone look over the contract, make some demands (because they have to acknowledge your worth now) and know that our disdain for our company comes from the nature of idol contracts which are VERY different to the kind of contract you would be offered.
[11:56AM] Junmyeon: Thank you!
[11:57AM] Kyungsoo: Stop making me do your job man.
There were another 500 messages after that (which you did not read), but you made sure to send one as requested
[3:30PM] You: Holy crap that is a lot of messages. No offence but I am not reading through all of them. As requested, I’m letting you know that I’ve finished my meeting. I’m heading back to the apartment now. What time do you want me up there for dinner?
[3:30PM] Kyungsoo: Food should be ready at 7 PM.
[3:30PM] You: I’ll see everyone then.
“Noona, can we talk before you come up for dinner?” You’d picked up on the first ring when you’d seen Baekhyun’s name pop up.
He sounded unsure of himself, which was a rarity. “Sure Baek. Is everything ok?”
“I think so? I hope so.” He groaned in frustration. “Ugh I don’t know.”
Now you were getting concerned. Was he ok? “What’s going on?”
“I’ve been thinking about everything you talked about last night and I think I understand why you had to just unload everything all at once to us.” He took a deep breath. “My brain has been working too much and making too many scenarios for me to keep up with.”
Well that you could relate to. You really didn’t wish the clusterfuck that had been your thoughts over this past week on anyone, so you empathised with Baek if he was suffering with the downward spiral that too many thoughts inevitably brought. “I get that. Would it help if you just tell me everything?”
He was quiet for a moment as he thought over his options. Quite likely he was worried that speaking to you would only make things worse. That’s precisely what made you a nervous wreck before you word vomited all over their living room last night. “Maybe. Might make everything worse, I don’t know.”
You tried to sound reassuring. It was always easier for you to provide comfort in person or via text. Over the phone was some strange middle ground where you didn’t always stick the landing. “It’s just me. Since when have we ever not been able to talk to each other?”
“You’re right.” He said. “Fuck. Ok.” Yeah, he was nervous. Should you be nervous? Was he about to reject you? Was he going to confess? No. You needed to remain as calm as possible. He was the one allowed to freak out right now, not you.
You pushed your growing anxiety down and said as reassuringly as you could. “I’m right here. Promise.”
You heard him take a steadying breath before he started speaking. “I guess I’ve been trying to work out where things stand between us.” He said. “It’s never just been friendship between you and I. There was always flirtation and we only got bolder with it as time went on until we had sex, which I know was as a result of my lesson, but I don’t know, we only had the lesson because we were about to fuck and you stopped it from happening until after that. I guess it felt like more than just because of the reward stuff I guess. It felt like something that was inevitable, like we were orbiting each other until we would ultimately collide.” He took a breath, meanwhile your heart was hammering in your chest.
“I know we’ve discussed it and both agreed that there was something more there, some kind of feelings neither of us had addressed. I don’t know how you feel now, but for me, after we slept together those feelings only intensified. I still didn’t know what they were so I just assumed they were born from lust but when you asked for space and then went silent for days I realised that they weren’t feelings of lust. I realised that I care deeply for you and the very thought of you not being in my life hurt me to my very core. I know it was just sex for you and everyone else but for me, I can’t say for sure, but I think I like you as far more than a friend and would not be satisfied just being a fuck buddy. I know I said I would never entertain us ever being able to actually be a real thing but I want that so much that it is physically painful. I needed to tell you before we all talked tonight because I want to be selfish and pursue you myself but I don’t know where you stand. I don’t know if I’m making a fool of myself right now and you’re thinking of the nicest way to reject me or if you don’t know how you feel or if you feel the same. All I know is that I barely slept last night after I realised all of this and I had to say something.”
“Baek,” You started.
He didn’t let you get the words out, not that you even knew what those words would be. So maybe him interrupting you was for the best right now. “I know this is a lot to dump on you, I know that, but I needed to say it.”
You weren’t sure if you were ready to tell him everything you realised on your call last night. It was still too confusing. Still too fresh. But you also couldn’t leave him hanging with nothing after he just poured his heart out to you. “You know I have feelings for you, just that at the time I didn’t know what those feelings were.”
“Have you worked it out since then?” He all but whispered, as though he was scared of what your response would be.
You couldn’t say it yet. You couldn’t say it until you believed it yourself. It wasn’t fair to him, but you couldn’t bring yourself to utter the words back to him. Not yet. “I think so but I’m not sure. I am so scared of ruining everything Baek.”
“I’ll let you think some more, but I want you to know that for me it is about much more than sex now. So think about how you feel and ask yourself if you feel the way you feel about me with anyone else?” He tried his best not to sound deflated, but you didn’t miss the pang of hurt in his voice as he spoke. He’d just confessed to you and whilst you hadn’t rejected him, you hadn’t reciprocated his feelings. You felt overwhelmed. You needed to say something, but what? What could you possibly say when you weren’t ready to admit how you felt, when you were too terrified to ask for what you wanted.”
You had to say something. For him, you couldn’t just leave him with nothing. “I -”
He cut you off again, though this time it was probably out of fear that you would reject his confession. “Don’t answer now. Just think about it and we’ll talk later. Bye noona.” He hung up before you could attempt to speak again.
You hung your head in shame. Why couldn’t you just tell him? You didn’t realise you were crying until you felt a tear hit your hand. You sank to the floor and let yourself cry for a few minutes, too overwhelmed with emotion to even try to stop the tears from falling. You felt guilty for not being able to tell him how you felt, for feeling like you were toying with his heart. This sweet, funny and endearing man, who had been so good to you. When he needed you the most, you’d choked. You didn’t deserve the feelings he harboured for you, how could you if you couldn’t even respond to him. How could you be deserving of that love when you all but pushed him away.
By some stroke of luck your eyes weren’t too red or puffy when you checked them before leaving your apartment. You really hoped your night didn’t end with you returning to this apartment to cry over a ruined relationship. There was only one way to find out, and in order to do that, you needed to walk out your front door and head upstairs.
“Alright, how did the meeting go?” Sehun broke the silence that was permeating the dinner table. Everyone had greeted you when you’d arrived, and made some small talk about their day. That felt strange. You’d never lacked for conversation with these men, but now they seemed to be walking on eggshells around you and you weren’t sure if it was because they were trying to protect themselves or you from where this evening went.
Regardless, you decided to put on a brave face and do your best to hear them out without breaking down. You felt exposed, fragile and breakable. But you pretended otherwise as best as you could. You just hoped they couldn’t see through the facade. “Really well. The feedback was all very positive and everyone agreed that I did an excellent job. Your CEO expressed his concerns about my boss and the managers suggesting that we be more personable but he agreed that the fact that we did that probably served as a catalyst for the success of the lessons.”
“That’s fantastic news!” Jongin said, far louder than he or anyone else at the table were prepared for. Everyone, Jongin included, jumped a little at his volume. He muttered a bashful apology afterwards, stating that he was just really happy for you.
You smiled at him. He was so very different to what the general public saw when he was onstage. He was soft spoken and endearing beyond words. “I’m also really grateful for the feedback you guys provided. I didn’t get a chance to say it before so I’ll say it now, thank you. Your words meant so much to me.” It was the honest truth. You had no idea that they would be asked for feedback about your work, and while they could have provided generic positive feedback they didn’t. Instead they provided in depth feedback about your abilities and how well you had worked with them. You would be forever grateful for the kind words contained in their feedback.
Kyungsoo decided to add to the conversation, his soft yet commanding voice cutting through your thoughts. “Bias aside, you earned that feedback. We did our best to only give the facts and not let our friendship cloud our opinions of you.”
“You cannot deny that we sucked at English before you noona.” Chanyeol quipped, laughing as he spoke.
Junmyeon looked personally attacked by his words. “Speak for yourself!”
“No, he’s right. We were bad at it.” Minseok laughed. “Like really fucking awful.”
Yixing pushed the food around on his plate with his chopsticks. “Anyway, uh, not to be pushy or anything but did you talk about what’s next for you?” He briefly locked eyes with you before diverting his gaze back to his plate.
“Yeah we did. Uh, they offered me another contract.” You saw all nine heads suddenly turn towards you and felt their gazes on you. “I do have to read over it and make sure it's fair but essentially they want to put me on contract for another 2 years. If EXO has schedules requiring English, then me teaching you takes priority over other groups, otherwise I’m free to work with any artists under the SM umbrella. Your CEO may assign me a group to work with, or managers may request my help. If no one requests then I’m kind of an in-house teacher/translator.”
Jongdae grinned. “I’m not going to lie, I’m glad they offered you more work, they would have been idiots not to, but it does mean you won’t be a stranger.”
Minseok was more hesitant as he spoke.“What are your thoughts on it, just based on the offer given you haven’t read it yet.”
You sat back in your chair, contemplating your response. “I’ve only had good experiences with SM so far, so the offer sounds good to me. I know a lot of the staff, I know the building, the resources, I know some of the artists, obviously I know all of you and work well with you. It feels like a good choice over starting anew elsewhere and hoping that I’m treated as well as I am here.” You smiled a little. “Plus, I get to see you guys if I’m still here, that’s a bonus.”
A smile finally formed on Minseok’s face. “I know we may have come across a bit brash earlier but,”
“Oh don’t worry. I already had a copy sent to a lawyer to look over it, and I also made a request for a leave allotment to be added into the contract.” You cut him off, already guessing what he was referring to from the earlier flood of messages. “Once I read through it myself I’ll discuss it with my lawyer and make any other changes that need doing then return it to Mr. Kim to negotiate for me.”
The unanimous response that came from all of them was creepily synchronised. “Good.”
You thanked all of them for their kind words again. “The contract won’t start for a few months, so until then I’m likely going to be freelancing. Mr. Kim has an idea of another group I can work with briefly before I become exclusive to SM. I think I’m going to take a couple of weeks off before committing to any of that though. I need some time to recalibrate.”
“Uh I guess that brings us to the elephant in the room.” Junmyeon said.
You waved your hands in front of you, not sure you would ever be ready for this conversation, but after how well the contract renewal offer had just gone you were apprehensive about the ‘what are we’ conversation. “Oh, we really don’t have to talk about it yet. I only mentally unloaded on all of you last night so if you need to take more time before discussing with me, please do.”
He chuckled awkwardly. “That’s the funny thing I think. Without really realising it we have discussed it over the past few months as things progressed.”
He straightened in his seat and looked directly at you. “Yeah. We kind of realised that last night when we started trying to discuss it.” He shifted, trying to get comfortable in his head. That was the only sign you had that he was equally as nervous about this conversation as you were. “I think we should each just speak for ourselves and then go from there?” He offered.
All you could do was nod. “That seems fair.” This was happening. You weren’t sure you were prepared for it, regardless of what they said.
“As the leader I’ll go first.” He shifted again, this time his eyes looked everywhere but you as he spoke. “I, well, uh, I’ve actually just started seeing someone. It’s very early days but I really like her and want to pursue things with her. My parents introduced us and weirdly we kind of hit it off, which is not what usually happens when my parents play matchmaker.”
You thought you’d feel sad at being told someone wasn’t romantically interested in you, because that’s what this was right? He was dating someone and he really liked them. But rather than feeling like you’d been stabbed in the heart you felt happy for him. “So at present, pursuing anything other than friendship with you isn’t something I’m interested in. I also think we work better as friends and don’t want to lose the relationship we’ve got. We did have the least amount of sexual interaction so I don’t think it will have any impact on our friendship moving forward.” Once he finished speaking he lifted his gaze to you, apprehensively since he wasn’t sure how you’d react, but he visibly relaxed when he saw you beaming at him. “As long as a potential relationship with another member or members doesn’t leave anyone unsatisfied from the start then I give my blessings.”
“Are we going in age order?” Sehun asked.
Chanyeol replied. “That’s boring, just go in seating order.”
“Fine.” Sehun sighed, resigned to his fate of being the next to speak. “Noona, I cannot deny that my punishment was fun and that I experienced more than I ever thought I would. But for me it was never that deep I guess.” He shrugged. “The punishment/reward was an opportunity to explore some fantasies with no strings attached with a person who I trusted. I think I’d be a shitty boyfriend to you as well, I can barely take care of myself, and it wouldn’t be fair to you to put up with that burden. I’m not boyfriend material yet.” He wasn’t wrong about that. He always turned up unannounced, never read the room, stole all your chocolates and sulked if he wasn’t the centre of attention. Well, not always, but it happened more than it probably should. Maknae privileges. “However, I am excellent bestie material. So I’d like to remain a very good friend to you.” You’d been rejected as a romantic partner but once again, you didn’t feel sad. Sehun was an excellent friend to have. He loved chatting so he always had good gossip and he was so beloved that he could almost get away with murder. He smiled softly at you, hoping you weren’t disappointed in his choice.
Kyungsoo took a sip from his glass of water before grounding himself and speaking. “There are circumstances where I could see myself truly falling for you. You have a lot of the qualities that I look for in a partner. But I have to be truly honest with myself, and if I do that then I have to say that right now, I am so insanely career driven - both with music and acting. It doesn’t leave much time to fit in a relationship in a way that is fair to either person.” Logical reasoning. You understood that, but much like you had forced yourself to do last night, you wondered where his heart lay in this. “Our reward was incredibly fun, and something I would do again in a heartbeat, but it would be with no strings attached. I value your friendship above everything else and I also think that whilst you put poly on the table as an option, and it is not something I’m opposed to, I can’t ignore the fact that Baekhyun clearly has feelings for you that run deeper than I originally thought. So I think it would be unfair to pursue anything with you to see if feelings develop when one of us is already carrying that torch for you.”
You were shocked. Baekhyun barely even reacted to Kyungsoo’s words, something that unnerved you. You could feel him staring at you. Was he that obvious to them? Had he told them? Kyungsoo wanted to simply remain friends, and if he wasn’t so aware of how Baekhyun felt then he would have been fine to have a friends with benefits kind of situationship going on. You weren’t really sure what to do with that information. It was very flattering, but did you want to entertain someone who wasn’t sure if they had feelings for you?
Too impatient to wait to see if you were going to respond to anything that had just been said, Jongin began speaking. “You have been one of my closest friends since the start. You looked after me when the guys were on tour while I was injured and we hung out so much. I think we bonded over fried chicken and movies.” He smiled fondly at the memory. “You were one of the first people that I’ve met since we debuted who wanted to know me for me, not for who I was as an idol. I agree with hyung, there is a future where I could see myself falling for you under the right circumstances, you’re kind of loveable like that noona, but I would trade that possibility in an instant for your friendship. It means the world to me. I also think there’s one of us who has real feelings for you and it makes me giddy to think of the two of you together.” Did he also mean Baekhyun or was there another member harbouring feelings for you?
The chair next to Jongin scraped on the floor as Jongdae tried to adjust his sitting position. If he’d been going to cool, calm and collected - he’d failed. He looked stressed beyond belief. Was it him? Did he have feelings for you? “Ok so, like the others I cannot deny how highly I value your friendship,” Ok so not him then. “or the fact that I am a person with two working eyes and have spent too much time around Baekhyun to not notice his feelings for you.” You glanced at Baekhyun who still seemed to be checked out of the conversation, even with his eyes locked on you. His gaze was somehow blank and intense at the same time. Did he not care what anyone else was saying about you? Was he really going to be that selfish? He said he wanted you to himself but did that mean that if anyone else at this table confessed that you’d have to reject both of them? Because if he was going to be this indifferent, especially when they kept talking about his feelings for you, then surely picking one person would only lead to a rift forming within the group. “All of that said, I’ve also kind of been seeing someone. And I like her, like a lot, like an insufferable amount.
Minseok saw the opportunity to chime in. “He dreamt about having kids with her last night.” He smirked.
Jongdae looked mortified. “SHUT UP. Um, yeah. So that’s a thing and I just want my friend who I can ask questions to when I’m about to fuck everything up with my possible future wife. God I sound lame, I’m just going to stop talking now.” He sunk down in his chair, put his forehead on the table and banged it against the wood a few times. Minseok and a few others tried really hard not to laugh at him, but they failed miserably.
Chanyeol’s eyes darted around the table as he decided to try and pull focus from Jongdae, who appeared like he was waiting for the ground to open up and swallow him whole. “I uh, yeah I’m not dating anyone per se, but I’m also not looking to be tied down in a relationship right now.” Sehun snorted. “God, I sound like such a fuckboy saying that, but I think you kind of awoke some sort of confidence in me and I just want to play the field.” You heard a muttered “And absolutely no one is surprised you moron.” from Kyungsoo and had to stifle a laugh as Chanyeol continued to speak.
“I care for you a lot, and I know one of us cares deeply for you so I want to leave things with us as friends. You’re interesting and fun to be around, you’re competitive in silly games and aren’t a sore loser. Hah, I could probably learn a thing or two from you there. Anyway, yeah. That’s me done.” Again someone saying that another member had feelings for you, but not specifying who. So did he mean Baek or did Yixing or Minseok also harbour feelings for you? You were surprised how at peace you felt with everyone only wanting friendship from you - so far. Kyungsoo admitting he’d fuck you again in a heartbeat had shocked you. That man was usually much more reserved than that.
Yixing was sitting next to you so he turned to you as he spoke. “Ah my sweet lady. I like you a lot,” He took your hand, his thumb caressing the back of your palm gently. “and honestly if I let myself I could so easily fall for you, but I’m also a workaholic to a fault. I have such high ambitions and drive for myself that I tend to fill up every minute I’m not on a schedule with more work.” He laughed. “If it weren’t for these guys, I’d probably forget to sleep.” He paused and you felt the room somehow grow even quieter. What the fuck was he about to drop on you that everyone else this still? “I’m also headed back to China in a few weeks and, ah this sucks,” He hung his head, clearly upset about having to leave Korea again. “I don’t know when I’ll get to come back this time. The political climate has never been great between our two countries but right now it is really tense.”
Ah, that explained the feeling in the room. He was leaving and no one knew when or if he would return. You felt sad. You were going to miss him a lot, as were the rest of the guys. He always worked too hard when he was away from the group because no one on his team in China seemed to grasp how hard he would work himself unless they forced him to stop and take a rest. You returned your attention to the man in front of you. He sighed sadly. “So I’m going back and working on music as a soloist, working on some acting projects and would hopefully be back next year for our new album, but it's all kind of up in the air. I couldn’t burden you with any of the long distance crap and it wouldn’t be fair to either of us to even try to date and explore any feelings we may have when there would be such difficulty actually seeing each other. It will be a big enough strain on our friendship so whoever does end up dating you has my full support as long as they let me smother you with hugs when I return.” You were confused. His words made it seem like if it weren’t for returning to China, that he would want to date you, but he hadn’t said that he had feelings for you, just that he could see himself having feelings. Was it kind of like Kyungsoo’s situation? You let go of his hand as Chanyeol pulled him backwards into a big hug.
Minseok tapped you on the shoulder to get you to turn towards him. He smiled softly at you then took a deep breath. “Alright then.” He started. You knew he hated airing his business in front of others so regardless of what he was about to say, it was likely stressing him out. “Ah, well you and I probably had the most sex out of the group given the fuck buddy arrangement we’ve had going on. It was mostly stress relief and if we weren’t to have a physical relationship anymore, I don’t think it would drastically change our relationship. I value my movie nights with you over sex so ultimately I don’t want to lose my friendship with you. I trust you implicitly and we’ve both seen each other's ugly sides and haven’t run away from them. I could see circumstances where we pursue a romantic relationship, but like yourself, I haven’t really allowed my feelings to come into play so I’d be content just being your friend.” He glanced towards Baekhyun, who was staring at you. “Like the others, I also cannot ignore Baekhyun’s feelings towards you. I in no way want to come between what could be something beautiful between the two of you.”
Baekhyun doesn’t speak. He hasn’t said a word since you set foot in the dorm and he hasn’t averted his gaze from you the entire time. You could feel it boring into you while everyone spoke. He hadn’t said anything to correct anyone about his feelings for you and it seemed like he had no plans to speak in front of them either. You gave him a few moments to see if he was going to say anything, and noticed the way the others all looked towards him when he chose to remain silent.
You decided to respond to everyone else. Just because Baekhyun was choosing to be silent for the first time in his life didn’t mean it was fair to leave the eight other men in the lurch after they had all just told you how they felt. They needed to know how you were feeling about everything. “Well ok, this makes everything easier. After we spoke last night I did a lot more thinking about our relationships and where I wanted to stand with each of you. I came to the conclusion that your friendship means more to me than anything else and so with that, I was going to say that I think it is for the best that we don’t sleep together anymore. It kind of worked out well that all of you landed on that conclusion as well. Like some of you said, there are circumstances where I could see myself falling for you, but I’m also aware of how that would not be fair to explore, given everything. I love each of you in my own way, and I’m so happy that I get to keep my friends.” You could actually hear the en masse exhale that they let out once they heard you speak. They hadn’t hurt your feelings and everything was going to be ok. “The only thing I’ll ask, actually no - it’s more of a demand at this point - is that you stop being so awkward around me now. Things can go back to how they were, just don’t cross the line into being too inappropriate.”
They all laugh and agree, and just like that the strange tension that had surrounded the dorm disappears. However, one cloud of tension remains, concentrated solely around Baekhyun. He dropped his gaze when you’d spoken and hadn’t lifted it from the floor since. If anyone was worried about Baekhyun’s silence, they didn’t show it. You’d have to take him aside and speak with him soon enough. You’d promised to talk to him tonight.
You continued to tell everyone how happy you were that they all wanted to remain friends with you, whilst also pressing Junmyeon and Jongdae for details about their dating life. You can practically see the hearts in their eyes when they talk about the new women in their lives and honestly, you couldn’t be happier for them. Poly was a fun idea to put on the table but it was never going to work long term for these guys. Logistically, emotionally or publicly. So it was for the best that none of you decided to venture down that path.
Once everyone began to disperse you moved towards Baek and asked “Baek, can we speak privately?.” He shrugged but didn’t say no. He didn’t say anything. You walked towards his room and he followed you. You weren’t sure what the shift in him was from earlier this evening. Earlier he seemed like he wanted to date you, but now he wouldn’t even look at you and he looked so dejected and sullen, like he was fighting off tears. “Hey, Baek. Are you ok?” You asked. You wanted to reach out to comfort him but you weren’t sure if that would make matters worse. You had no idea what he was feeling.
He nodded in response, still not uttering a word.
“Sweetie, you need to speak to me if you want me to believe you.”
“I’m just.” He sighed, “I guess I’m just struggling. Like of course I want to keep you as a friend, not having you in my life would be too hard, but I guess I was really hoping you’d work out your feelings for me as more than that.” He stared at the ceiling as he tried to remain calm but you could tell he was beginning to crack. “I know it wouldn’t be easy dating me, not because of who I am as a person, but because I’m an idol. Like we’d have to be secretive and couldn’t be all couply and go on normal dates like normal couples and maybe you don’t want to date someone who has to hide you. It’s just hard coz I realised all these feelings recently and now I’ve gotta reconcile with them and stuff them away. Which I will do, you are too important to me to not still be friends, but not gonna lie, it’ll be hard for me for a while I think.”
He just wanted to be friends now? But when he’d spoken to you earlier, he said he wanted so much more than that. You were so confused. “Baek, what are you on about?”
His head snapped back to stare at you incredulously. “What am I on about?!” He exclaimed, clearly frustrated and hurt. “You just told all of us that you want to remain friends with us. After I told you about how I felt earlier. So I guess I am not doing great with the rejection ok?”
Oh. Oh. Oh no. He’d misunderstood horribly. You’d responded to the others because they’d spoken. None of what you said at the table was for him because he hadn’t spoken. “No, oh my god no, you’ve misunderstood.”
He looked so hurt, close to breaking as he responded. “What?”
You tried to remain calm, hoping it would make him calm. “Baek, I want to remain friends with the eight of them. I didn’t want to announce my feelings for you in front of them because you weren’t speaking. I didn’t know if you’d told any of them how you felt or if they’d all just worked it out, but then you didn’t speak. You stared at me the entire time but then you said nothing.” You paused as you took a step closer to him. “Plus my confession should be for your ears only first.”
He staggered backwards, not at all prepared for the words you’d said. “Wait, what are you saying?”
You locked eyes with him and did not break eye contact as you spoke. You needed to be certain that he heard you loud and clear. You’d been too weak to say it earlier, even though you knew how you felt. He deserved to hear it hours ago, but you couldn’t turn back time, so hearing it now would have to do. “Byun Baekhyun, I like you, a lot. Way more than is healthy for me I think. I want you in my life, I want to have you as one of my closest friends but I also want so much more. I want to be able to hold you, flirt with you, do domestic as fuck things with you, date you in whatever capacity we can date. I know that won’t be easy, I’m not naive about the secrecy that dating would require but to me you’re worth it. I want all of you, and I don’t want to share my romance with anyone but you. I’m not against bedroom scenarios that involve guests but I want you and only you as the person I fall even further for.”
“Fuck.” He whispered.
“Yeah. I want to do a lot of that too. You have no idea, but this is supposed to be romantic, not a confession from a horny teenager.” You both laughed. “I don’t know when my feelings changed or if I’d just ignored the way I felt about you for a long time but once I sat down and thought about my options with all of you, and spoke very discreetly with my best friend back home, I realised how sad I was every time I thought of not being able to be anything other than a friend to you. For every other member I was fine with the prospect of just friendship, but with you, it made me inexplicably sad.”
“Are you sure? Because don’t get me wrong, I want this, but it would be stupid of me to not understand the reality of it. Like you said, we won’t be able to go out on dates like a normal couple. We would have to be so careful. So unbelievably careful.” He paused as he took a couple of steps towards you, closing the distance between the two of you. “I think at this point a dating scandal wouldn’t ruin my career nor would it ruin EXO, but I’d be so worried about you.” He reached out to brush a stray strand of hair behind your ear, his hand lightly resting on your cheek afterwards. His eyes shone bright with emotion. He cared so much about you. “People can be so cruel, and I don’t want to see you hurt by their words should anything leak.”
You placed your hand over his, your eyes glistening with emotion. You knew his feelings for you, and he knew how you felt about him yet he still took the time to worry when he could be kissing you. “I don’t know that there is any way to prepare for the hate that would come my way if something got out about us, but I think that unless there was evidence of us in some compromising position it would be easy for SM to deny the rumours. In some ways working for the company and with the group allows for us to be seen together. We’d just have to keep things very work oriented when we aren’t in the safety of our homes.”
Baekhyun let out a shuddering breath. “I’m, fuck, why am I scared?”
You smiled. “Because. We really like each other. Fear is natural when you have something to lose but I think that just means trying to hang on to that special thing, or person in this instance, is worth anything that could be thrown at us. I’d like to think you wouldn’t just abandon me the moment a rumour comes out.”
He shook his head instantly. “I wouldn’t. I promise.”
“Then yeah, I’m all in on trying this thing. You and I. Exclusive. Together.”
His eyes widened at your words, like he still couldn’t quite believe this was happening. All the bravado you’d seen throughout the rest of your relationship with him was gone. The man who stood before you now was Baekhyun stripped bare. He was beautiful, inside and out. You don’t know how you denied yourself these feelings for so long, but if you continued to do so the sheer weight of what you felt might just consume you. “Is this really happening?” He asked.
“It is if you agree to it.” You replied. You stared up at him as you waited for him to accept your feelings and close the gap between you.
He leant in. “I can’t believe you actually like me. Didn’t you once say I was the most annoying person in the world?” He whispered. He was so close you could feel the ghost of the movement of his lips as he spoke.
“Maybe you’ll be less annoying if I get to call you mine.” Did he expect you to kiss him? Was he waiting for you to make the first move like you were waiting for him to do?
“Oh. No. That’s where you’re wrong.” He smiled against your lips, the sensation of them touching but not kissing you was driving you insane. “I will be even more annoying if I’m yours.” His hand moved from your cheek to the back of your head, holding you in place.
“Still a risk I’m willing to take.” Baekhyun’s fingers tightened against your neck, stretching up into the edges of your hairline. He felt like he was trying to bring his own body as close to yours as possible.
You waited for him to agree to date you, but he kept seemingly dodging a response. It was beginning to make your anxiety spike. What if he really liked you, admitted his feelings, yet still did not want to date you? Could you handle that? You didn’t think you could, not after laying your heart on the table for him like that. “Baek?” You asked.
“Yeah?” He replied as his free hand snaked around your waist, pressing your bodies against each other. You could feel your heart hammering in your chest as your breath hitched.
“Please don’t leave me hanging.” You pleaded. You needed to hear him say it now that he knew how you felt. You felt light headed, and like your knees might buckle.
“What?” He sounded confused. The butterflies in your stomach felt like they were caught in a hurricane for how tingly you felt.
“I’ve told you what I want, confessed my feelings to you. B-but, you. You haven’t -” You struggled to get the words out.
He must have realised what you were trying to say as his grip on you tightened. “Fuck! Sorry noona, shit. I want to date the hell out of you.” You could feel how hard he was miling against your mouth as he spoke. “I’m excited for all the silly domestic things we can do. I want to buy couple pyjamas for us. I want to smother you with kisses and affection as much as I can when we are alone. If I don’t, I don’t think I’ll be able to handle my shit in public. I’m scared. I’m so so soooo happy, also a bit horny but that’s nothing new, mostly I’m just waiting to wake up from this dream.” You could feel yourself tremble, all the pent-up anxiety and fear and self-loathing having no other way to exit your body. The physical manifestation of the nerves wasn’t something you could control.
“Well could you hurry up and kiss me then?”
“Gladly.” Baekhyun closed the nonexistent gap between you as he pressed his lips against yours. The kiss started out softly, carefully and full of what could be referred to as love. He was kissing you with all the pent up emotion that he was now allowed to set free. You’d never been kissed like this before. Never been kissed in such a way where you could feel the emotion being poured into you. You felt desperate for him. It felt so good.
Baekhyun pressed harder against you as he kissed away all of your worries and doubts. You could feel how much he wanted you, more than just sexually, as his tongue swept across your lips, requesting entrance. You granted it readily, equally needing to devour him and reciprocate how you felt about him through the kiss. The raging butterflies in your stomach had morphed into tingling sensations that fluttered across every nerve ending.
He pulled back just enough to cradle your face in his hands as he gazed at you with so much affection that you felt like you might combust. “I feel like I’ve gone crazy,” he chucked. “He didn’t allow you space to speak before jumping in to continue kissing you.
You continued to kiss and hold each other for a while, trying to make up for lost time as you attempted to express every emotion via kisses. Some soft and loving, others rough and demanding. It’s you who pulled away the next time, as you both tried to catch your respective breaths. “We should tell the others.”
Baekhyun nodded. “Yeah, and then can we please go to your apartment? I just want to spend time with you. I don’t care if we just hold each other and make out or if we do more, I just want to be close to you.”
“That sounds perfect to me.” You pressed a chaste kiss to his lips before you grabbed his hand. “Let’s go before we change our minds and they find us in here.”
The two of you headed back out towards the living area hand in hand. The others all appeared to be caught up in various discussions but they stop once someone notices yours and Baekhyun’s intertwined hands. Baekhyun cleared his throat, unable to keep the smile off his face as he exclaimed. “We’re dating, and I hope all of you can be happy for us because, speaking for myself here, I’m really happy right now. I thought I’d lost her earlier tonight but as usual I misunderstood.” He smiled down at you. “Thank fuck it was a misunderstanding, otherwise all of you would be dealing with me being mopey and heartbroken.”
One by one the members got up and came forward to embrace the two of you. You were over the moon with the outcome from this evening. You’d secured a new contract, didn’t have to move companies, got to keep some of the best friends you’d ever had and gained a boyfriend. Pretty productive night if you said so yourself. However, you couldn’t help but notice that neither Minseok or Kyungsoo had approached the two of you since Baekhyun’s announcement.
In fact, neither of them were even in the room. Suddenly the lights dimmed and the two missing members entered the room, holding a cake. It wasn’t anyone’s birthday. What was the cake for? As they got closer you heard the other members giggling and grew suspicious. Any of these men giggling was never a good sign. Finally the cake came into view as the two of them stood before you and Baekhyun. “Yah!” Baekhyun laughed as he tried his hardest to sound mad. “Did you fucking plan this?!”
“Dude, you could not have been more obvious in your affections as far as we were concerned. “Kyungsoo deadpanned. “After we all talked last night it became pretty obvious that none of us felt the same way you did, and whilst some of us could see ourselves reaching that point, we weren’t there now. We were always expecting you to confess, and well, noona, you were always closer to Baek than any of us. There was always something brewing under the surface there so we had faith that you’d reciprocate his feelings. So we figured baking a cake for the occasion was a sure bet.”
“You did have us worried when you didn’t say a single word at the table but I’m glad to see it all worked out. We did change the message on the cake just in case you hadn’t confessed to each other by the time you came back out of the room.” Minseok smirked. You finally diverted your gaze to the cake. And laughed. You laughed so hard that you struggled to breathe.
Hurry up and confess to each other so we can celebrate.
“This was your amendment?!” You managed to splutter in between laughs.
Kyungsoo grinned. “Yeah. The original message said Congratulations on realising your feelings.”
“I hate all of you, just so you know.” Baekhyun grumbled, though it was not even remotely convincing what with the huge smile on his face.
“You love us.” Minseok said. “And we’re very happy for you.”
“Now eat the damn cake. I baked it with love.” Kyungsoo said as he thrust the cake towards the two of you.
“You baked for us?” You asked as you smiled.
“Of course I did. I’d only let the others bake if I wanted you to be poisoned. I don’t know how he’d manage it but Junmyeon could give you food poisoning even if all the ingredients were in date. What do you take me for, a monster?” He replied, unable to wipe the smile off his face.
After the cake had been eaten,you and Baekhyun decided that it was time to take your leave and head down to your apartment for the night. You made your way around the room to bid each of the members goodnight, and to give each of them a warm hug. You held Yixing extra tight, promising to come have a movie day with him before he had to return to China. You also made him promise to schedule video calls with you so you could keep in touch. He swore that we would and you planned to hold him to that promise.
Minseok walked the two of you to the door. The three of you chatted easily as you and Baekhyun put your shoes on. You were enveloped in a strong embrace as Minseok held you and told Baekhyun to take good care of you because you now had eight friends who would gut him if he hurt you. The weight of his words was diminished when he posed the exact same threat to you. Baekhyun laughed at his protective hyung, cooing at how cute he was for threatening the two of you.
He didn’t let go of you as he reached out to playfully slap Baekhyun. To his credit, Baekhyun let the two of you have your moment as he watched you both silently.
You should have known better. Silence and Baekhyun were never a good mix. “So what if I want Minseok to join in every now and again?” He said as though he was talking about the weather.
“What?!” You both spluttered.
Baekhyun shrugged. “Noona, Hyung, you should see your faces.” He giggled. “I’m only half kidding though.”
“Yeah, you are going to have to say more than that dude.” Minseok groaned.
Baekhyun smiled at both of you. “I don’t know about either of you, but if I had to take a wild guess - we all had a better than good time during hyung’s reward. I’m just not opposed to something like that happening again, obviously not a frequent thing, but yeah. I’m sure you are more than capable of taking charge in the bedroom noona but it was really fucking hot watching both of you and being told what to do. So uh, yeah, just saying I’m happy to leave that door open for a future session.”
“Baek, you can’t just say things like that as though it's normal conversation.” You replied.
“What made you decide to bring that up now of all times?” Minseok asked as you spoke.
“To answer noona - Is that a no to my idea then? Coz like, that’s also fine. To answer hyung - I was reminded of it when the two of you were hugging.”
Minseok shook his head at the younger man. “You’re fucking weird dude.”
“You like it.” Baekhyun quipped.
“I don’t dislike it.” He agreed. “Look, I’m down as long as it doesn’t become weird. It was fun, it was deeply satisfying and it was hot, but not something I’d be willing to ruin our friendships over.”
You finally found some words, not quite believing where the night had taken you. “I feel the same. So uh, I guess at such a time when we want to involve a third, we know who to call…”
“This cannot be my life.” Minseok shook his head in disbelief and pointed towards the door. “Can you two leave already so I don’t get sprung with any more headache inducing conversation topics?”
Baekhyun grabbed your hand and led you through the door. “Let’s go angel.”
You were content, more than content as you stepped across the threshold with Baekhyun, who was now your boyfriend, you supposed. You’d have to discuss labels later. You wanted to spend the entire night in his arms, and like him you did not care if that was while you watched movies, played games, talked, or expressed your feelings for each other in a much more physical manner. All you knew was you felt right, you felt loved and cherished and you felt like you were in a state of utter bliss.
A/N: Thank you if you've stuck with me over the course of the past 7 years. I simply don't have the words to express my gratitude to everyone who made it to this point of my lil fic. Well it was supposed to be little. It was supposed to be 9 chapter of pwp and only take me a couple of months to write but then all of this happened. I grew as a writer through this fic and explored different aspects of what I could write. I'm proud of this fic and glad that it didn't become another one of those unfinished fics on the internet.
It would mean the world to me if you could leave a comment. I love you all.
#kwritersworldnet#ultkpopnetwork#exo fic#exo fanfic#exo fanfiction#exo smut#exo imagine#exo scenario#exo reverse harem#xiumin fic#xiumin smut#minseok fic#minseok smut#baekhyun fic#baekhyun smut#suho fic#junmyeon fic#lay fic#yixing fic#chanyeol fic#chen fic#jongdae fic#d.o fic#kyungsoo fic#kai fic#jongin fic#sehun fic#exo x reader#xiumin x reader
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hello may i request matching couple items headcanon with exo? thank you <3
minseok would have matching mugs with you. as a big fan of coffee, he would go shopping with you one day and lose himself at the store. when he's back, he has two grey mugs with little drawings that complete each other. "look what i found! it's cute, don't you think?"
junmyeon would definitely have matching phone cases with you. he has a good collection of cases, so it would only be natural for him to receive a package one day and say "love, come see it!" - and when you appear behind him, you see two star wars phone cases with the words "i love you" and "i know". 🥹
i think yixing would either have matching necklaces or matching earrings with you, it just fits him. maybe he would be preparing to travel for a press tour, and before he leaves, he takes you out on a date and gives you a little box with a cute silver necklace, a tiny, shiny pendant on it. when you look at him, he pulls his own necklace from inside his shirt. "we're matching", yixing would say, with a big smile on his face.
definitely matching shirts. baekhyun would tease you, looking online for corny matching shirts for couples - like those with bright colors and funny sayings. he would loooove to see you annoyed, rolling your eyes at him. in the end, baek would buy simple, minimalist matching shirts in a dark color - "we don't need to drought attention to our love, people would be jealous that you have me and they don't".
matching bracelets!!! the idea probably wouldn't be his, maybe jongdae would see someone doing it and just tell you "hey, what if we do it too?". next thing you know, you two would be at his couch on a sunday afternoon, making diy bracelets for each other - something that he would never, ever take it off.
this man screams matching sneakers to me. chanyeol loves buying new shoes, and at some point he would start to look at a few sneakers and think that maybe they would fit you - and then it hits him. what if you two had matching sneakers? it would be nice, right? and this new nike air force is just sooo cute, isn't it? 🤭
kyungsoo is a simple guy, he doesn't like to go too big for a lot of things - and one of them is matching items. i feel like he would maybe buy something small, like a keychain, at one of his trips. he would see the two keychains completing each other and instantly think about you. "i thought of you - and look, i have one too", kyungsoo would say, hoping you would like it.
soft, sooooft boy. jongin would definitely have matching pajamas with you, with cute little things all over it - his would probably have little brown bears, while yours would have little dogs or cats on it. jongin absolutely loves to sleep and to have comfortable clothes on, so the moment you said you needed a new pair of pajamas, he went "oh my god, i know just the place!"... and then you two left with two bags each.
where the fuck is gifs from sehun on at sg photoshoot?
deep inside, sehun is a child - we all know that. so i absolutely think he would love the idea of having matching toothbrushes with you! the idea would be yours, but he would laugh his ass off once he saw it. "i want the spongebob one" "nope, that's mine" - as he grabs and puts in his mouth. "sehun, you didn't wash it!!!"
#exo reactions#exo imagines#exo fanfic#exo scenarios#exo x reader#exo x you#exo fics#xiumin#suho#lay zhang#baekhyun#chen#jongdae#chanyeol#d.o#kyungsoo#kai#jongin#sehun#exo#kpop imagines#kpop scenarios#kpop fanfic
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yeolsaintlaurent's MASTERLIST
Nocturnal Reverie - PCY :ongoing: *:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚ Chapter 1: City of Shadows Chapter 2: Unveiling Secrets Chapter 3: A dangerous game begins Chapter 4: Unveiled Desires Chapter 5: Operation Shadow Veil Chapter 6: Threads of Deception and Dilemmas Chapter 7: Echoes of the Past Chapter 8: Unexpected Encounter Chapter 9: Harmony in Midnight melodies Chapter 10: Glimmers of recognition Chapter 11: The Message
Crimson Veins, Midnight Flames - BBH :paused: *:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・ Chapter 1: Freshman Impressions Chapter 2: Intoxicated Whispers of Realities
~New Series Coming Soon
#--yeolsaintlaurent#masterlist#exo fic#exo fluff#exo angst#exo drabbles#exo drabble#exo masterlist#exo imagines#exo scenarios#kpop fic#kpop fluff#kpop angst#kpop drabbles#kpop drabble#kpop masterlist#minseok#junmyeon#yixing#baekhyun#jongdae#chanyeol#kyungsoo#jongin#sehun#exo x reader#exo x you#exo x y/n#kpop scenarios#kpop imagines
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— declarações escritas na areia da praia | suchen
(feita em maio de 2021)
#jaelous#capa de fanfic#capa para social spirit#sf9feminist#capa de fic#pyromanick#cover#capa exo#suchen#suho#chen#jongdae#junmyeon
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[oneshot] those years, this time; zhang liyin
fandom: zhang liyin, k-pop, c-pop
pairing: (friendships, no romance) zhoumi/liyin, chen/liyin, junsu/liyin
genre: character study, canon universe, friendship/love, comfort/angst
“You’re allowed to be angry, Liyin.” He tells her sharply. “You’re allowed to be angry that SM fucked up your career and now you’re left in tatters trying to mend the damage.”
in other words: Zhang Liyin returns to South Korea and rediscovers a dream she thought had been lost forever.
Read it Here on AO3!
a/n: I don't know if anyone is still following Liyin but she made a mini-return to South Korea last year and I found out about it recently. Her return really altered my brain chemistry and I found myself stuck in this nostalgia that was my teenage years when I used to really like her. Anyway, I wrote this fic purely as a love letter for her and really just for myself even if I am aware not many people are still in the fandom.
#Zhang Liyin#Zhang Li Yin#my fic#Chen x Liyin#Junsu x Liyin#Zhou Mi x Liyin#ChenYin#SuYin#The fic isn't a romance at all though#more of a character study of Liyin's career trajectory in the past and the present and what is to come in the future#exo chen#jyj#Xia Junsu#Zhou Mi#Super Junior M#kim jongdae
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Pairing: none? (But you can take it as a Jongdae x gn reader)
Genre: birthday fic, there is a tiny bit of angst due to the situation that is developing, but there is of course a happy resolution.
Warnings: none, but if you see any, please let me know.
Summary: It’s Jongdae’s birthday and you wanted to throw a surprise party, but vendors have been cancelling and time is running out.
Word count: 1K
A/N: Hi! I didn’t intend to write this first since I am working on the Kyungsoo one-shot, but the idea came to mind and I had to write it down. It’s still the 21st here so Happy Birthday Jongdae!
“He won’t be upset, right?”
Minseok looked at you, but you couldn’t quite figure out what that look meant. It was getting too late already and no one had said anything to Jongdae or even looked at his texts.
“Yeah, okay, he totally would be upset, I’m not dumb! But once he sees all of that he will at least smile, yeah?”
“The fact that you are constantly trying to verify it speaks volumes. Look, Y/N, your intentions were good, but I’m afraid I would have to say I told you so,” Minseok shook his head.
You definitely hate a disappointed Minseok more than anything, but you know Jongdae will like this surprise. Somewhere deep inside you there’s still hope.
“Y/N! Y/N! Y/N! The neon lights came,” Baekhyun came running so fast that his heavy breathing was almost louder than his voice.
“See! We got some good news,” you exclaimed excitedly, but Minseok still wasn’t that amused.
Minseok couldn’t be mad for too long; he was also excited that at least something could be set for Jongdae’s surprise birthday party, but he did tell you to plan it with enough time. He knows that you’re busy too and that’s understandable, but a little more organization would have worked out this time.
“Y/N, Minseok hyung, are you here?” Junmyeon’s voice came from the other side of the door.
Kyungsoo opened it and you could see Junmyeon with a couple of boxes.
“Are those the lights?” Minseok asked.
Junmyeon shook his head and said, “Kyungsoo made some appetizers and I bought a cake.”
“Kyungsoo, I could kiss you right now,” you said as you looked at all of the food that he managed to make.
“Please don’t,” he said as he side-looked at you incredulously.
“I won’t, I won’t, don’t worry,” you giggled at his reaction.
“I would do so if you don’t mind, these look delicious,” Baekhyun commented once he helped set the food. Kyungsoo looked at him just the same way he had looked at you before.
“I bought the cake,” Junmyeon reiterated.
You looked at him, amused, and gave him a quick hug as a thank you. The five of you continued to help set the food when Sehun came in with the neon lights and a flower projector you hadn’t asked for, but it was Baekhyun who brought it. He had seen it for a music video that was being filmed in the building and stole it once they finished. It gave off the right vibe and surprisingly complemented the neon lights.
Once the lights were set, Chanyeol sent you a text asking if it was time to take Jongdae to the party. He had been asking him and Jongin to go for some drinks for the past twenty minutes, and he was running out of excuses.
You: I think you could, the party decorations are not coming and the catering reservation was denied.
Yeol: Then… should I? 🙊
You: You didn’t let me finish 🤣
Kyungsoo made appetizers and the neon lights did come
Oh and Junie is asking me to tell you that he bought a cake.
Yeol: Awesome! Go Exo! 🌟
We’ll take him for some drinks and I’ll buy some to take to the party
I’ll figure it out 🫡😉
You: Thank you so so so so much Yeol
You da best!🫰🏻
Minseok came close to where you were texting Chanyeol and surprised you, “sorry, Y/N.”
“It’s okay, I’m easily scared.”
“No, not about that. I’ve been pessimistic and haven’t even helped you at all. I’ll go get drinks for the party, and maybe some more food if we need it.”
“Oh, Minseok… you don’t need to apologize, I should have listened to you in the first place. Let’s go together! Chanyeol and Jongin will buy us some time.”
You informed Chanyeol about Minseok and you going to buy drinks and food, so you ended up deciding to split the money and buy all the drinks and extra food between the three of you and Jongin. In about twenty minutes, you had all you needed and went back to the party. Your eyes were watery when you saw how the room turned out with the help of everyone. They even managed to get a karaoke machine, but you decided not to ask how they did it. At least, it was good to know that the leader was there with them and couldn’t have let them steal something else.
Nini: We’re here 😎
What was the room number?
Jongin texted you this time. You sent the number of the room, and all of you waited expectantly for them to arrive.
In about ten minutes, the door opened. It was Chanyeol signing you all to be quiet, so the expectations grew. Next, Jongin came in with Jongdae right behind him. Kyungsoo turned the projector on and Sehun turned the music volume up.
“Surprise!” All of you shouted when Jongdae walked in.
The look on his face calmed every anxious thought you had and you could finally smile easily. Jongdae was jumping up and down looking around at how beautiful the room looked. All of the members ran to hug him and you stayed back, marveling at the love all of them share and the happiness that sparkled in Jongdae’s eyes.
Jongdae thanked all of his members and looked at you as he walked closer. His smile was so wide that it warmed you up just to know he was happily oblivious to all of the hard work that was put into this surprise party. Every little bad thing was forgotten now, the present was all that you expected it to be and more.
“This was your doing, wasn’t it?” Jongdae asked.
“Everyone helped.”
“But you are the mastermind. You even get our leader to follow your orders. Thank you so much, Y/N! What would I do without you? What would any of us do?” He hugged you tight, and it didn’t seem he would let go any time soon.
“Happy birthday, Jongdae!”
#happy birthday jongdae#exo#jongdae#happy chen day#chen exo#jongdae fanfic#sorry I didn’t include lay#chen fanfic#exouniverse#birthday fic
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EXO headcanon and drabble requests are now open across all genres (Smut, Angst, Fluff)
Details that are needed to be specified in order for the drabble to be written:
Member's name and the genre
the au or troupe you'd like it to have. eg: non idol au or a best friends to lovers or friends with benefits, etc.
the supposed prompt or storyline or plot you want it to follow
Any other necessary details you'd like me to add would be appreciated in the asks.
You can send me your requests through dms or anonymously.
- Katie
P.S:- Reblogs and comments regarding any doubts are welcome.
#exo#exo fanfic#exo fic#exo oneshot#exo kai#exol#exo scenarios#exo smut#kpop fic#kpop imagines#kpop fanfic#kpopidol#kpop#kpop boys#exo k#kim junmyeon#kim jongin#kim jongdae#kim minseok#park chanyeol#byun baekhyun#lay zhang#do kyungsoo#oh sehun#writerscorner#writer#writemekpop#writeblr#writers#suhosnet
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Terror and Tales Round 2: Sing ups
If you know T.E.R.R.O.R.—it's time we opened our doors! Want to report something uncanny or abnormal? Now's the time. Terror and Tales is ready to catalogue you and your work! Sign up today! We'll be in contact!
Sign-up Form (x)
#t&t round 2#sign ups#exo#fic#fic fest#fics#horror#minseok#junmyeon#yixing#baekhyun#jongdae#chanyeol#kyungsoo#jongin#sehun
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Xiuchen / Xiuchenhan on ao3
Sleepless Night is here! Xiuchen fans, xiuchenhan fans. YOUR RARE PAIR IS HERE. My baby got translated, horror and main character death implied! Dreams and Nightmare fanfic, give me kudos <3
Please check out my work, your support means a lot! Xiumin, Chen and Luhan ARE QUEERPLATONIC. IS IMPLIED
#exo#exo fanfic#exo fic rec#xiumin#xiuchen#jongdae#luhan#horror fiction#bnha and exo together my obssesions#exo are heroes#xiuchenhan#poly relationship#queerplatonic#read on a03#read on ao3#ao3 author#ao3 reader#ao3 recs
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Chapter 46 - White Noise

Requested: No
Genre: Canon-AU, smut
Pairing: ? (at this stage undecided) x Reader or is it Baekhyun x Reader ?
Warnings: 18+ fic, minors DNI! Smut, sexting, phone sex, masturbation (m & f), use of a vibrator, dirty talk, swearing, mention of threesome. We’re headed towards filth territory and this is the penultimate chapter okay?
Word Count: 6,958
A/N:I said two chapters to go last time but NOW there are two chapters left. Huge thanks to @way-of-the-sun for beta reading and fixing mistakes I missed. I’m putting all of it under the jump because it’s pretty spicy from the get go.
You had gotten the response you wanted. He wasn’t shying away from this. You pictured him in his room, the room where the two of you had thoroughly explored each other's bodies. Repeatedly. The room where you lost count of how many times you came. The room where, even a day later, you could still feel the ghost of his caress against your body. Desire bloomed within you.
[4:31pm] You: So tell me, what would you do to me?
[4:31pm] You: Because I am absolutely not thinking about you in a family friendly way right now.
[4:31pm] You: How would you touch me Baek?
His response came immediately, both saying everything and nothing at once. Your mind began to cloud over with desire. It’s not like you hadn’t sexted before and it absolutely was part of his request. You were doing this for him… at least that’s what you were telling yourself.
You wanted him to feel comfortable enough to get specific with you. Dancing around the details wasn’t going to get either of you anywhere. The need in you was growing faster than you cared to admit. You knew how adept he was with his words and now was the time to test the full extent of his skills.
[4:31pm] Baek: How would I touch you?
[4:31pm] You: You could always remind me ;)
You scoffed at his replies. The audacity of this man knew no bounds and the fact that you weren’t even remotely mad about it should have told you something.
[4:31pm] Baek: I think we both know how I’d touch you.
[4:32pm] Baek: Would it kill you to ask nicely?
[4:32pm] Baek: Since I am wonderful and amazing and kind and generous I’ll help you out.
[4:32pm] Baek: You already look pretty relaxed on the bed so how about this? I want you to follow my instructions and touch yourself like I tell you to, like I would if I were in the room.
[4:32pm] Baek: And what might that be?
[4:32pm] You: You forgot modest and humble.
[4:32pm] Baek: Don’t answer that.
[4:32pm] You: This bed is comfortable. It is missing something though.
[4:32pm] You: You on top of me.
You smiled as you sent the message, knowing the exact look that would pass over his features as he read it. You could practically hear his laugh.
[4:32pm] You: Ignore my previous retort. Please.
As you lay back on the bed you felt your body heat up in anticipation. Excitement crept through your veins, feeling increasingly like your nerve endings were live wires. You did as he instructed before sending your reply to him.
[4:32pm] Baek: Wow, that was such a cheesy line. I said listen to my instructions, not to make jokes like me.
[4:33pm] You: And then?
His reply did not take long, yet you were eagerly awaiting his reply already.
[4:32pm] Baek: I want you to lie back and spread your knees.
You sighed as your fingers made contact with your body. It wasn’t like this wasn’t an action that was foreign to you but somehow it felt different.
[4:33pm] Baek: Touch yourself, slowly at first.
[4:33pm] Baek: How does that feel?
[4:33pm] Baek: Are you wet noona?
[4:33pm] You: Feels good Baek.
[4:33pm] Baek: Let your nails graze over your skin and pretend it’s me.
Far more than you cared to admit. You had soaked through your panties before you’d even so much as touched yourself.
[4:33pm] You: Yes.
[4:33pm] You: Makes me want more.
[4:33pm] You: DCIM387523.jpg sent
[4:33pm] Baek: Show me.
Part of you was glad that you couldn’t see his face when he saw the image but a much needier, much hornier part of you wished you could see how much the image affected him.
You bit your lip as you stared at the image. It was clearly not his first dick pic because beginners luck with dick pics was not a thing. He was hard, the tip of his cock already leaking pre-cum. You were reminded of all that he could do with said cock, and exactly how it felt inside of you. How perfectly it fit and how it made you cry out in pleasure. It was taking far more self control than you had anticipated to refrain from getting yourself off. That wasn’t what this reward was about though. It was about following his instructions and so far you were succeeding.
[4:33pm] Baek: Please. Wanna see how much you want me.
[4:34pm] Baek: Your panties are ruined and I have barely begun.
[4:34pm] Baek: So needy for me.
[4:34pm] Baek: Look at what you’ve done to me baby.
[4:34pm] Baek: DCIM5932123.jpg sent
The flood of desire in you just kept growing. So much so that you did seriously consider putting on a bathrobe and booking it to his room so that you could sink down on his cock. You clenched around nothing, feeling so empty and all you wanted was to feel him inside you again. You were getting tremendously worked up, and you knew you wouldn’t last long.
[4:34pm] You: Fuck.
[4:34pm] Baek: Fuck that’s hot.
[4:34pm] You: Because I do.
[4:34pm] You: Feels so much better than my fingers ever will.
A whimper left your mouth as you closed your eyes and let the sensations overtake you. You let his words paint the picture of his hands digging into your sides as his mouth worked its way down your body, leaving a trail of love bites in its wake. Of his fingers pushing into your heat, drawing moan after moan out of you, stopping right before you came only to resume his actions with vigour as he watched you fall apart beneath him. Logically you knew that it was you touching yourself but with your eyes closed it was much easier to suspend disbelief and imagine that your hands were Baek’s, that you could feel his mouth on your skin and his voice in your ear. Even when he wasn’t physically present in the room, the man was overwhelming.
[4:34pm] Baek: Slow down baby. Don’t rush.
[4:34pm] You: Is it cheesy to say I miss your cock?
[4:34pm] Baek: Imagine I’m there with you.
[4:34pm] Baek: Think about my mouth on your neck, marking you up. Look at the mark on your hip and imagine me giving you a matching one on the other side.
[4:34pm] Baek: Think about my hand moving between your legs.
So much so that you had forgotten to respond to him. You were busy giving into the Baek your imagination had created that you had forgotten that the real Baek was present - even if it was just via text.
[4:36pm] Baek: Yah! Don’t leave me on read because you’re busy masturbating.
[4:34pm] Baek: Move your hands slowly down your body, like I would.
You heard the message notification but didn’t want to cease the motions of your fingers in order to answer it. One hand was busy tracing light patterns around your nipples, your nails occasionally grazing over the sensitive flesh before you squeezed it between your thumb and finger. The other hand traced down your body, caressing your skin as you got closer and closer to where you needed to touch the most.
Ring Riinnngg You jumped at the sound of your phone ringing, the sound shocking you back to reality. You saw Baek’s name and sucked in a breath as you realised that you had forgotten to continue texting him. But now he was calling, which meant you’d hear his voice and he’d hear how desperate you were for him to touch you. It would be embarrassing if he hadn’t heard you like this before… however that was in person. Lest you ignore his call as well and completely fail at providing the other half of his reward, you answered. “Baek.”
His voice was rough on the other end of the line. Hearing how affected he was made you clench around nothing, once again feeling far too empty. You let out a soft whine, a sound that was not missed by his ears. “Put me on speaker baby. Then your hands can keep occupied. You just have to listen to my voice.”
“This is much hotter than I thought it would be.” You admitted.
You heard his breathy laugh through the speaker. “I can’t disagree with you on that.” You could hear his laboured breathing as he jerked himself off. “You know what?” He asked.
“What Baek?” You replied, your voice breathier than you ever remembered hearing it.
“If I was there right now, I’d tease you until you begged me to let you cum.” He grunted. “You know I would.”
You whimpered, flashbacks of the hours you endured of him edging you flooding your brain. You licked your lips as you listened to the sound of his hand working his shaft. “God I want your cock in my mouth, to watch you come undone as I suck you off.” It wasn’t a lie, you had enjoyed every second of blowing his mind the first time you’d given him head.
You heard him pick up the pace, soft whines sounding through the speaker as he really started to imagine he was fucking into your mouth. “You look so good with my cock in your mouth as well. Fuck.” He was really getting into this fantasy, really giving himself over to it, just as you were. “You can use two fingers now. I know it’s not the same as my hands or cock but it’ll have to do for now.”
You plunged your fingers into your soaked heat, moaning loudly at the feeling of them. They weren’t enough though and they never would be. Not when you knew what all of him felt like, not when you knew exactly how he could make your body react. “Want. Fuck. Need more Baek.” You whimpered. “Wanna feel you.”
“I know you do baby, but you can’t have more right now. You’re just gonna have to fuck yourself on your fingers for me.” He moaned as he thought of stuffing you full of his cock, fucking you until you couldn’t form words. “Let me hear you.”
You moved the phone so it sat between your legs, hyper aware of how he could now hear exactly how wet you were for him. “Christ I’m so fucking hard for you, you know that right?” He groaned. “That sounds so fucking hot, holy shit. You’re dripping for me baby.”
You moaned again, hearing his voice like this was tearing you apart. “Tell me. Unf. Tell me what you’re doing.”
“I’m lying on the bed, pants around my ankles as I jerk myself off wishing I was fucking your mouth or your pussy instead of my fist. You feel amazing wrapped around my cock, like your body was made for me.”
“Shit.” You whimpered. “What I wouldn’t give to sink down on your cock right now.” You sped up your movements, chasing your high.
He groaned loudly. “Fuck. You have a filthy mouth, you know that noona?”
“I’m visiting the gutter at present.” You smiled.
He laughed, never ceasing his rapid movements. “How committed to the gutter are you right now?”
“I’m having phone sex, what do you think?” You chuckled, your breath hitching as your hand grazed your clit.
“Touche.” He replied, grunting as his body responded to the sounds you were making. “By chance did you bring any toys with you? Long shot I know.”
“I. Fuck.” You replied. “I brought my vibrator with me.”
“Shit. Go get it.” He slowed his movements while he waited for you to retrieve your toy. He really wanted to cum at the same time as you but if the sounds you were making with just your fingers were any indication, he was in for an impossible task. He heard you return to the bed and instructed. “Turn it on, low speed. Keep fucking yourself on your fingers for me. I want you to hold it just far enough from your clit that you have to grind into it to feel it.” He started moving his own hand again once he could hear the low buzz of your vibrator and the squelch of your fingers. He was matching his pace to yours and every time you moaned or whimpered his name, he felt his cock twitch. “Fuck noona, the sounds you’re making are so hot.”
You’d forgotten to respond to him but at this point he didn’t really care. He could hear everything you were doing, everything he had instructed you to do and the sounds you were making were driving him insane. “If I was there, I’d be fucking you into that mattress so hard you wouldn’t be able to walk properly. I can hear how wet you are for me baby.”
You cried out his name as you moved even faster, hearing him do the same. “Feels so good Baek, not as good as your cock but holy shit.” You could feel that familiar tingling in your core, and knew that you weren’t far from reaching your peak.
He cried out in ecstasy. “Shit. I don’t know how much longer I’m going to last noona. You’re making such sweet noises for me.”
You whimpered. “Baek, please.” It felt so good and like not enough all at once.
He panted, somehow still able to form coherent thoughts. “You wanna cum baby?”
“I’m so close, please, I need more.” You whined.
“Increase the speed and get yourself off baby. However you need to, just let me hear you as you come undone for me.” He listened as you increased the speed, crying out as you pressed the vibrator against your clit, holding it there while you fucked yourself on your fingers. “So good for me. Fuck I -”
“Baek.” You moaned. You were so close, so fucking close but you needed to hear him. To hear him lose it at the sound of you fucking yourself like he told you to.
“Mmmph, yes baby?” He moaned, so close to finishing, you could tell by the strain in his voice, the speed of his hand and the erratic breathing.
“I wanna hear you cum. Please.” Your final request was all that it took to throw him over the edge, and hearing him moan your name as he came hurtled you into your own orgasm which made you see stars.
For a few moments all that could be heard was erratic breathing. Baek broke the silence. “Holy shit.”
“No kidding.” You replied, a post orgasm smile forming on your face.
“You’re sure you messaged him?” Minseok asked as he paced around the room. He’d been doing this for the past five minutes and it was beginning to stress you out.
You reassured him. “Positive. I’m sure he’ll be here soon.” You could see that your words weren’t having the desired effect so you stood and moved to block the path he was wearing through the carpet.
He realised what you had done at the last possible moment and stopped before he walked smack bang into you. You grabbed his hand, your free hand cupping his cheek. “Hey, calm down. This dinner isn’t a big deal.”
Minseok narrowed his eyes at you as he fidgeted. “Maybe not for you, but I feel like I’m about to embarrass myself in front of someone I work with, and live with.”
“You seriously need to just trust me.” You sighed. “Plus the first part of this dinner isn’t even about you anyway.”
The sound of knuckles rapping on the door caused Minseok’s next words to freeze in his throat. You gestured at him to look normal as you moved to open the door. He did his best but anxiety was seeping out of him in waves. There was no way Baek wouldn’t know something was off about him.
Baekhyun stepped into the room, grinning and giving you a hug. “I’m sorry I’m late! I fell asleep earlier and only just woke up.”
“You must have been tired Baek.” You smirked.
“I was worn out.” He said with a glint in his eye.
You ignored his comment, knowing full well what would happen if the two of you indulged in banter for any length of time, and instead chose to lead both of them further into the room. You turned around when you reached the small multipurpose table that was going to serve as your dining table. “Organising dinner was on me and I figured that since the final tour date is in two days that you could both have a bit of a cheat meal.” You saw words of protest appear on both of their lips, Baek’s far less truthful than Minseok's. “Before you complain, I ordered Korean food. I know you’ve been missing it. I didn’t order the healthiest food imaginable but it’ll be delicious and hopefully comforting.”
Minseok smiled at you. “That actually sounds great.”
“And Baek, don’t worry, there’s no cucumbers this time.”
Baekhyun did a little happy dance which made both you and Minseok laugh. “Noona doesn’t hate me!” He sang.
You looked down at your phone as you checked the app and saw how far away the driver was. “It should be here soon. I’ll go down to the lobby to collect it while you two set up somewhere to eat. I’ll be back soon.” You gestured around the room to help them get the message that they needed to move things around so that you could all eat.
Minseok sent you a warning glare as you left the room. “Noona,” You ignored the complaint in his voice, knowing that if all went well you’d probably pay for that action later. Right now what mattered was getting some food into all of you.
Minseok set down his chopsticks after finishing a piece of chicken. “Alright, enough stalling. Tell us about your meeting.” You had been waiting for him to broach the topic, figuring maybe his nerves about the other conversation might have pushed this one out of the way.
Baekhyun was a little less gracious, immediately speaking whilst still trying to eat. The guy could sing and dance at the same time but he could not eat and talk simultaneously - no matter how hard he tried. “Yeah, what happened?” He started in between bites of his piece of chicken. “What did they say?” Another bite. “What did you say?” Another bite.
“Are you staying with us?” Minseok asked softly.
“Are they assigning you to another group?” Baekhyun asked with a certain amount of worry in his voice.
“Guys, calm down.” You set your own chopsticks down so you could talk to them before they bombarded you with questions. “The meeting went well. It was with two of the managers and Junmyeon was there as EXO’s representative. We all just discussed the criteria I was given when I took on the role. Feedback was provided from the staff as well as from you guys and then I provided my own opinions regarding my performance. Overall it was quite positive.” You smiled. It was the truth - the meeting was positive. Mostly.
Baek cheered as he engulfed you in a hug. “That’s great news! See we all told you how great you are at your job.”
Minseok however, was more reserved. He had a half smile on his face that said he knew there was more to the story than what you’d provided. “Why am I sensing a ‘it was quite positive, but’ moment?”
Baek stilled, refusing to detach himself from you. You sighed. “They have to send the performance discussion to the CEO and then he will make the final decision about my employment after your final performance. We won’t know the outcome until we’re back in Korea.”
“So you just get to stress about it until then? That doesn’t seem fair.” Baek muttered.
“I’m stressing about a few things.” You replied honestly. Maybe it was time to let them know what your brain had been wrestling with.
“Like what?” Minseok asked earnestly as he reached across the table and grabbed your hand. “You know you can tell us. No matter what it is.”
You nodded. “Of course I’m stressed about my job. If they don’t keep me working with you guys, will they assign me to another group at SM or will I be going back to Mr. Kim and waiting for him to find me another group to teach?”
Baek rubbed your shoulders, muttering to no one in particular about the tightness of your muscles. His touch was both calming and distracting, which was precisely your problem. He paused to reassure you. “I’m going to speak for all of us when I say that you are great at your job regardless of the reward system you implemented. It was a definite bonus but even without that aspect of the lessons, we all improved greatly.”
Minseok squeezed your hand as he stared at you, his eyes full of warmth and love. “You’ll land on your feet no matter what happens there. You’re an excellent teacher and the company would be dumb to let you go to their competition.”
“That is another thing I stressed about.” You said, soft voice thick with emotion. “Were you only so willing to learn because it wasn’t always exactly professional? Our relationship was blurred before I was employed as your teacher.” It was something you had been increasingly unsure of recently. Would they have been as attentive and willing to learn if you had been less familiar and suggestive with them? Had you taken advantage of the situation? Had you taken advantage of them? These were all questions you were beginning to ask yourself and the negative thoughts were growing louder by the day in your mind.
As if sensing the inner turmoil you were feeling, Minseok moved his chair closer to you so that he could grab your free hand. “If anything I think the fact that we knew you and got along with you before you were our teacher only helped make us feel more relaxed around you.” He smiled at the man who had resumed back hugging you. “Like Baek said, the less than professional side of the lessons was a bonus but at the end of the day you took our learning styles into consideration and adjusted the way you taught to suit each of us. That is not something every company assigned teacher does. They usually stick to their lesson plans rigidly and we have to work harder if their style of teaching is not beneficial for us.”
His words pierced through, causing you to feel far more emotional than you had planned to be this evening. “Thank you Minnie.” You said, your voice trembling slightly.
He released one of your hands to wipe away a stray tear that had escaped your eyes. “You are a phenomenal teacher. Don’t cheapen what you’ve accomplished just because you happen to have slept with us.” You choked out a laugh as he wiped a few more tears away. “We are all incredibly proud of our super talented friend and teacher for doing what no one else had been able to accomplish - teaching EXO English.” You smiled genuinely at that, thanking him for his words.
You tried to shrug but the act was harder to do with Baekhyun restricting your movement. “Pretty much.”
“Was that everything you’re stressing about?” Baek asked softly from behind you, his head resting on your shoulder.
You shook your head. “Nothing I feel like discussing at this time though.” He narrowed his eyes at you in concern while you felt Baek remove himself from behind you, dragging his chair closer to Minseok’s so he could see your face as well. You saw the concern in his eyes and all you wanted to do was get away from this conversation. You weren’t ready for that part of the conversation yet and they would both have to trust you enough to not try and push you for answers. “I promise I will tell you as soon as I’m ready. I won’t dwell on it or anything like that.”
Baek crossed his arms. “I’d better not have to find you by the Han River again after you’ve gotten too upset.”
Minseok wasn’t having it. “I can tell from your face that there’s more…”
“You won’t. I promise.” You assured him. You had no intention of feeling as lost as you had that day. He nodded, sharing a look with Minseok that told you that they believed you and would let it go for now, but that this conversation wasn’t over. You would tell them eventually but you needed to work out the answer yourself before you even brought it up with them. You took a sip of your drink and wondered how exactly the conversation had been derailed so much that you had shed tears. That was not what tonight was supposed to be about. “I’m changing the topic now.” You stated. “How do you feel about the tour coming to an end?”
Baek smiled. “It’s been a lot of fun actually getting to visit places where we never thought we’d have that many fans. We’re only done with the American leg of the tour though. We’ve got the encore show in Seoul to prepare for, then the tour will officially be finished.” He licked his lips. “And then I can eat all the pizza I want.”
Minseok laughed as he begrudgingly added. “But then we have to start to work on the next album as well as CBX’s Japanese debut.”
“No rest for the wicked.” You replied.
Minseok shook his head. “No rest on the horizon for us. Are we tired? Sure. Do we love what we do? Absolutely. I think we all realise that we kind of get to rest in a couple of years once we have to start enlisting. EXO will have to take a break then.”
Baek chuckled. “We’re all workaholics though. So we’ll rest but to most people we’ll still appear to have too many schedules.”
Minseok sighed as he shook his head. “Why do we keep moving to heavy topics of discussion? Can we stick to lighter things?”
“Pick a topic then.” You smiled.
“Hyung. I think you owe me an apology.” Baekhyun blurted out.
Minseok looked bewildered. “For what?” He asked.
Baek stood abruptly and pointed back and forth between you and Minseok vigorously. “I was right the whole time! You and noona were fucking, the entire time!”
“Baek, seriously?” You blurted.
“It’s ok.” Minseok smirked. An unexpected action given the man was a nervous wreck not even an hour ago but he was if anything, never to be underestimated. “Baek, tell me, when have I ever denied it?” He asked, his head cocked to the side.
“What? Yah! You did though! Every time I brought it up!” Baek’s voice was increasing in volume as he got worked up.
Minseok however, remained the picture of unbothered, leaning further back in his chair as he got comfortable. Every other time Baek had brought up the idea of you and Minseok fucking, the elder had always been one breath away from punching him, but now that there were no bystanders he was toying with Baek. “No. I just never confirmed it. I never said we weren’t though. You just assumed that since I never told you you were right.” He shrugged.
Baek’s mouth opened and closed rapidly as he tried to find a fault in Minseok’s reasoning. “I. But. You.”
Minseok raised a brow. “You know I’m right.” He said.
Baek nodded a few times as he realised he had never heard Minseok or you deny that you were sleeping together. “Smooth hyung, smooth.”
“Shut up.” Minseok muttered, laughing under his breath, light dancing in his eyes.
“Wait! I have a question then.” He blurted.
Minseok groaned, that light dimming slightly. “Why do I know I’m not going to like this question…”
“Don’t hate me. I’m just really curious.” Baek grinned.
“Fine.” He said.
“Since the two of you were fucking the whole time, how did a reward even work for you?”
“Baek.” You warned.
“What?” He exclaimed. “You told me everyone got a sexual reward, or punishment, and I get that. But if the two of you were already well acquainted with each other's bits then how could anything sexual still count as a reward for you?” It was a valid question, and the more you thought about it, it did lead to telling Baek about the threesome… and you were curious to see if Minseok would take the bait.
Minseok’s reply was guarded. The easygoing light was gone from his eyes, replaced by a wall. You willed him to just relax and tell Baek everything, knowing it would be better for Minseok’s confidence if it came from him rather than you. “I made a request.”
“But haven’t had it fulfilled yet?” He asked.
It was like trying to draw blood from a stone and Baek was doing his best to be respectful in how he asked. “Like, I don’t mean to pry but you have to know that kind of response only makes me more curious about what you asked for hyung.”
“Don’t play dumb Baek, you know what I asked for.” Minseok snapped. “She already told me that she accidentally spilled that information.” He groaned, embarrassed by the entire situation.
Baek took it in his stride as he continued the conversation as though Minseok wasn’t trying everything in his power to end it. “I have follow up questions.”
“Baek.” You tried. He shot you a look that said he’s my hyung and I know his moods better than you do sweetheart.
He pressed on with his questions. “Have you planned it yet?”
“What?” Minseok replied, growing exasperated but not surprised by the younger's antics.
“I don’t know hyung! I assume threesomes take planning?!” Baek threw his hands in the air, laughing nervously.
Minseok stilled, finally understanding that Baek was trying to make him feel at ease with the topic at hand. “I. No, it has not been planned yet.”
“Oh, ok.” He replied, unsure of where to go next.
Minseok put his head in his hands and grumbled. “Can we please stop talking about this?”
Baek smiled at Minseok lovingly. “Sorry hyung, I was just curious. Didn’t mean to make you self conscious.” He cleared his throat. “Just to be clear, there is absolutely no judgement from me, in case that was something you were now feeling weird about.”
Minseok had not removed his face from his hands but he still replied. “It’s fine. It’s just not a normal topic of conversation.”
It was time for you to step in and try to get this conversation to where it needed to go. Baek was closing in on it but had not asked the right question, nor did it seem like Minseok was going to provide the information required even if he had been asked the right question. “Baek, how do you feel about threesomes?” You asked.
Baek had not been expecting that question. “Well I’ve never had one noona, but I dunno, they sound like they could be good if the right people were involved.”
You pressed on, hoping that if you didn’t provide him room to think too much he wouldn’t make an ill-timed joke.“If you were to be involved in one, would you opt for two women or a man and a woman?”
He mulled over the question for a bit, taking it seriously. “As hot as two women sounds, it also seems like a lot of work,” he began and you heard a small laugh from Minseok. Okay maybe jokes weren’t the worst thing Baek could throw into this conversation. “and not gonna lie I’d probably just watch the two of them and cum embarrassingly fast.” He laughed nervously. “So I’d probably go for a man and a woman.” He saw the look in your eyes and exclaimed. “What?”
You shook your head. “Nothing. I just appreciate your honesty.”
“You’re welcome?” He replied, slightly confused and feeling rather exposed. He fidgeted for a moment before standing and pointing at the fridge. “I’m getting a drink.”
Once Baekhyun was out of earshot Minseok glared at you and hissed. “What are you doing noona?”
You smiled innocently. “What? This is the perfect way to introduce the idea to him.”
Minseok was wrestling with his anxiety and fear of rejection. “But. Shit, I don’t know. Why is this so nerve wracking?” He wanted to get it out there but he was so terrified of the response.
It was your turn to squeeze his hand in reassurance. “Just follow my lead now, then if things go like I think they might, I’ll follow your instructions later.” You winked.
“...Fine.” He replied, not entirely certain that this wasn’t all going to end in flames.
You leaned over and whispered in his ear. “Just so you know, if this topic of conversation hadn’t come up naturally I was just going to bring it up. This is a far better way to do it though. Plus, you are not blind, you can see he’s interested.” You kissed his cheek as you pulled away.
“Can the floor just open up and swallow me already?” He groaned, looking anywhere but at you or Baek..
“So Baekkie,” You smiled. “I have some questions now.”
“Why are you looking at me like that?” He asked suspiciously.
“Like what?” You replied.
He stared at you. “Like a cat circling a mouse.”
“No idea what you’re talking about.” You replied, cutting him off before he could say anything more. “Anyway, my questions. Will you answer five questions for me?”
“Um, ok.” He looked confused but he rarely refused games involving questions with you. “Does Minseokkie have to answer as well?” He asked.
“He doesn’t have to,” You replied as you brushed your hand over Minseok’s leg.. “but I think it would be more fun if he did.”
“Okay.” Baek replied.
“Maybe.” Minseok added.
Here went nothing. Things were about to either get really awkward or work out swimmingly. “Do you like to watch?” You asked.
Baekhyun replied slowly. “That’s very vague noona.”
You replied sarcastically. “Given the previous topic of discussion I felt like it didn’t need to be more specific.” Neither of the two men looked like they were opting to speak first which simply was not going to work for you. “Fine. I’ll rephrase. Does the idea of watching two people having sex appeal to you?”
Baekhyun nodded. “I’ve watched porn, so that feels like a given.” He said matter of factly.
“Yeah.” Minseok agreed.
“Does the idea of having someone tell you where to touch your partner, and how to fuck them turn you on?” You asked, hoping this question would elicit more of a response out of them.
Baek shifted in his seat, a slight blush tinting his ears. “I, um. That. Yeah, that does sound really hot actually.”
Minseok however, as you expected, was not as enthralled by the idea of giving up control. “Hmm, not really.” He replied succinctly.
“Does the image of you and another guy sharing a woman, fucking her at the same time, hearing her fall apart because of the pleasure you’re both giving her make you feel some type of way?” It definitely made you feel some type of way, and you knew both of them were interested in the idea of a threesome so this question should have been an easy one to respond to.
Baekhyun swallowed thickly. “Fuck.” He was a bit flustered, the tips of his ears turned slightly red. “Um, yes. That sounds really fucking hot.” He nodded.
Minseok still looked guarded but there was a fire in his eyes that told you all you needed to know. “Yes.” was the only reply you received.
Time for the final step. There was no taking this image back once you’d put it out there. “Would the idea of the woman being me, and the other guy being your hyung be a turn off?”
Baekhyun smiled softly, a complete dichotomy to the nature of the question you had asked. “Actually, not to expose myself here, but that’s what I’ve been imagining this whole time, and as long as it doesn’t get weird then no, it is absolutely not a turn off at all.” He avoided looking at either of you out of slight embarrassment.
Minseok stilled, his breathing rough. “Fuck.” Reality slammed into him as he finally knew that his request was possible and that he would not be rejected.
You pressed on, hoping to calm the tension that was growing in the room. Baekhyun had yet to look at either of you after admitting that he was turned on at the thought of sharing you with his hyung. “Would you believe that your hyung picked you to be the one he wanted involved in his reward?”
His head shot up, eyes wide. “What?”
Minseok suddenly felt very exposed. “Noona!” He yelled.
Baekhyun shook his head. “Wait really?” He pointed at himself. “Me?”
You nodded, grinning as you replied. “Yes. You.”
He sucked in a deep breath and looked at Minseok. “I want to preface this with, I am flattered and 100% down for this but I have a question.” Minseok waited. “Why me hyung?” He asked.
Minseok looked torn between being relieved that this request seemed within his grasp and hoping that the earth would crack open and swallow him whole so that he didn’t have to explain to Baekhyun why he chose him for a threesome with you. “Uh… do I have to answer?”
Baek narrowed his eyes at Minseok. “Yeah. You do.”
He took a deep breath and averted his gaze as he spoke, still embarrassed to be saying this in front of Baek. “You seem open minded, you have never shamed me when I’ve let a kink drop in a conversation.”
Baek nodded. “True.”
Minseok fidgeted with his hands as the anxiety worked its way out of him. “I also, uh this is embarrassing, I like to be in charge when it comes to sex. And I don’t think you’re the type who would challenge me on that.” He finally turned his gaze to Baek as he uttered his next sentence. “I also trust you not to fuck this up.”
“Thanks hyung.” Baek smiled brightly, laughing to himself right after. “Wow, what a fucking weird conversation.” He took a beat to centre himself before honestly replying. “Uh, you aren’t wrong though.” He shrugged. “I have no problem taking charge during sex but I also take instruction well and don’t care if I’m calling the shots or not.” Thay boyish grin returned to his face as he couldn’t help himself. “I’m just happy to be there.”
“Noona,” Minseok said as he waved his hand in front of your face. “Are you ok?” He asked.
“Hmm?” You shook your head as your eyes focused on the two men staring at you. “Sorry, I was just thinking about…” You replied, not realising how off with the fairies you had been.
“About what?” Baekhyun asked, a knowing gleam in his eyes.
Your breath shuddered as you spoke. “About both of you fucking me. Sorry, my brain is heavily distracted right now.” You bit your lip as you tapped your temple with your finger. “There are a lot of incredibly hot images taking place in there.”
“So uh, I guess the question of the hour is - are we doing this now?” Minseok asked quietly. Even though Baekhyun had all but jumped for joy at being selected as the third person, Minseok was still nervous about the whole thing. You remained silent while he posed the question, having led the discussion to this point, you were curious to see if he’d take over and lead from here. He gestured between all three of you before he continued speaking, his voice gaining in confidence the more he spoke. “Clearly we are all down for it, and none of us are unaffected right now. But do we need some time to consider it?”
You shook your head. He knew you were down bad for it since you kept drifting off into a daze whenever you thought about it. He all but smirked at you before turning his focus to Baek.
“I don’t need any time.” Baekhyun replied. It wasn’t a rushed response, just one he sounded very sure of. Both of your gazes focused on Minseok. His response would determine if you were fucking these two men tonight or if you were scheduling a threesome, which seemed like the strangest possible calendar entry you could make.
“I’m down,” He loosened a breath he hadn’t realised he’d been holding in. “I’ll just need a little bit of time to mentally prepare for it.” His gummy smile flashing as he realised the situation he was discussing. Baek raised his hand. “Uh, yes?” Minseok replied.
“I have more questions.” He paused, thinking over his next words carefully. “I’m completely up for this experience but we are going to have to talk about how it will work y’know. So we don’t overstep or make it weird.”
You smiled warmly at both of them, proud that Minseok had persevered through his nerves to get to this point. He hadn’t been rejected (and you knew he never had that to fear) and was actually manifesting going through with it tonight. Proud of Baek for having the forethought to ask about boundaries to make sure the experience was good for all involved. Rather than coo at them about any of that, you decided to try and act nonchalant in an attempt to hide how badly you wanted both of them. “Alright then how about you go prepare. We’ll know when you return if Xiumin is getting his reward tonight or not.” You looked at Baek. “And if Xiu comes out, we will discuss how things will proceed. It’s his reward - we’re just excited to be here.”
A/N: Now you all just have to wait for me to die from writing this threesome, resurrect myself, dies while editing it, be resurrected again and then I’ll unleash it upon you. We’re so close to the end and I honestly don’t know how to thank everyone who has stuck with this fic because it’s been a damn long time. Years! So thank you - I really, truly appreciate it.
Masterpost | Chapter 45 | Chapter 47
#kwritersworldnet#ultkpopnetwork#exo fic#exo fanfic#exo reverse harem#exo fanfiction#exo smut#xiumin fic#minseok fic#suho fic#junmyeon fic#baekhyun fic#baekhyun smut#chanyeol fic#yixing fic#lay fic#chen fic#jongdae fic#d.o fic#kyungsoo fic#kai fic#jongin fic#sehun fic#exo fluff#exo x reader#exo imagine
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hey, hello, hi, it's ya boi.
I finally managed to write ~*something*~ after 84 years of involuntary hiatus. :))))) please check it out!!
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im sorry for my young love ౨ৎ♡ chanbaek au
♡ masterlist ♡
Spotify playlist ♡ Pinterest Board ♡ moodboard master list ♡
𐙚 prologue
𐙚 chapter 1: it was enchanting to meet you....not
𐙚 chapter 2: s(he’s) a little bit dangerous
𐙚 chapter 3: A flower blooming in the darkness
𐙚 chapter 4: you got my heart beating like an 808
𐙚 Chapter 5: was I made from a broken mold?
𐙚 Chapter 6: i choose to keep no peace like
𐙚 Chapter 7: can't bring me down
𐙚 chapter 8: you can never bring me down
#byun baekhyun#chanbaek#park chanyeol#ao3#polarislex#alexis' writes#ao3 writer#new fic#fanfiction#exo fanfiction#chanbaek fanfiction#ao3 fic#ao3 feed link#oh sehun#kim kai#kim jongin#kim minseok#xiumin#doh kyungsoo#D.O#kim junmyeon#suho#kim jongdae#chen#zhang yixing#lay#fantasy#fae baekhyun#werewolf chanyeol#im sorry for my young love ౨ৎ♡
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the night changes
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: EXO (Band)
Relationship: Kim Jongdae | Chen/Kim Minseok | Xiumin
Word Count: 1000 words
Additional Tags: Grief/Mourning, Ghost/Human, Character Turned Into a Ghost, Grim Reapers, Afterlife, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Referenced Suicidal Thoughts, Depression, Angst with a Happy Ending, it’s actually quite soft i promise
“One night, Minseok is holding Jongdae tightly in his arms. And when the night changes, he’s embracing empty air shrouded in despair.”
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Surprise! - Moodboard • Jongdae’s birthday fic
#I just had to do moodboards for the fics that are already up#jongdae fanfic#kim jongdae#chen fanfic#chen#jongdae#jongdae moodboard#chen moodboard#kim jongdae moodboard#exo moodboard#moodboard
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EXO recs
most of the mentioned works is 18+ NSFW, MINORS DNI
tumblr is based on reblogs not likes, so please reblog and comment under works you like. Show love to the authors and appreciate their hard work
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pls don´t hesitate to hmu, if any of mentioned links doesn´t work or you have suggestions for more fics... thank you so much for all the love and comments

Exordia Academy by @kpopfanfictrash
Welcome to the Exodus Mall by @yehet-me-up
12 days of lust by @kwanisms
Gaurdian angel series by @marshmallow-phd (Kyungsoo, Sehun, Baekhyun, Jongin, Chanyeol, Junmeon)
Vampire series by @marshmallow-phd (Tao, Chanyeol, Yixing, Luhan, Minseok, Jongin, Kyungsoo, Baekhyun)
Crimson Aurora Hotel & Spa collab by @myeoning-call
meant to be by @galactichen
Kim Minseok
Kim Junmyeon
Zhang Yixing
Byun Baekhyun
Kim Jongdae
Park Chanyeol
Do Kyungsoo
Kim Jongin
Oh Sehun
#exo#exo recs#exo smut#xiumin#kim minseok#xiumin x reader#suho#kim junmyeon#suho x reader#lay zhang#zhang yixing#lay yixing x reader#baekhyun#baekhyun x reader#chen#kim jongdae#chen x reader#chanyeol#park chanyeol#chanyeol x reader#d.o#do kyungsoo#kyungsoo x reader#kai#kim jongin#kai x reader#sehun#sehun x reader
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Terror and Tales Round 2 — The Uncanny
Welcome to Terror and Tales Round 2—The Uncanny
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Sign-ups will remain open from July 31st to October 2nd.
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#T&T Round 2#exo#fanfics#fic fest#fics#horror#minseok#junmyeon#yixing#baekhyun#jongdae#chanyeol#kyungsoo#jongin#sehun#R2 info
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