#junkyard friends
grandthefoxdelusion · 5 months
Junkyard Friends
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Nightmare Gang before they were Nightmare Gang.
This is an AU I might turn into an askblog... Maybe
Basically, the Bendy in Nightmare Run bosses are baby
Company staff couldn't care about their existence
Dewey tends to protect the other three
Chester gets into the most trouble
Gasette gets kicked around
And Canoodle is fragile emotionally
... They'll grow out of this behaviour though
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"What were these three doing out there? And why do they seem anxious about something outside? Is it the storm?"
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nartothelar · 1 year
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him ✨
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xxautumnivyxx · 1 year
Junkyard dog to cute dog
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dog-woman · 6 months
sorry but why has no one done a house edit to no children. house and cuddy and wilson and their stupid fucked up entanglement.
'and i hope i never get sober'
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tarczar · 8 months
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realized way too late that pongorma's head is actually a helmet (skimming the fandom wiki trivia page when I got distracted) meh. I does what I wants and I personally think the party having a wrinkly old bum in it is awesome
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helmet gormas
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milf-harrington · 1 year
For the made-up fic title prompt:
"Just another normal doomsday"
Just Another Normal Doomsday
Hawkins, 1987.
"I'm just saying, punk rock gay sex is different to hippy gay sex."
Robin shrugged, stirring her straw through her milkshake before lifting the whole cup to her mouth to drink it. "It's sexier."
She was sitting with her legs crossed underneath her, back leaning against the bus window so she could face where he was sitting across the aisle. The bus was pleasantly dim, but watery sunlight streamed through a gap on her side and bathed her face in blue shadows while her hair lit up with bronze at the ends.
Steve snorted, leaning sideways with one leg stretched over the aisle, muddy sneaker propped up on the edge of Robin's bench. A cardboard tray filled with chips was nestled in his lap, the corners darkened with grease and grainy with salt.
"You're just saying that because your parents are hippies."
From Steve's backpack, their walkie (one they shared, with masking tape scribbled over in colourful markers stuck to the back, their names written in each others handwriting) crackled to life, codes carried out in a cloud of static that made them both sigh in unison.
Robin burped, dropping her empty milkshake cup back into the bag their food had come in. "No," She protested, milk lining her upper lip before she wiped it away. "I'm saying it because it's true."
"They're both gay!"
"But being punk rock is gayer!"
He flicked a chip crumb at her when she reached for her bag, watching it dodge her flailing attempts at a block and get stuck in her hair. "I'm telling Eddie you called him gay."
She blinked at him, face scrunched up in the same expression she used to give him whenever he opened his mouth at Scoops. "Eddie is gay, and I'm telling him that you called him punk rock-"
Something outside shrieked, high and rattling like broken glass against a sheet of metal. They shared a look like the ones they used to share at Family Video, when customers were being unreasonable and they couldn't say anything about it or they'd get fired.
Steve leaned down to grab his bat from the floor, wiping the grease off of his hands onto his jeans as Robin stood and stretched. There was still a deep purple bruise tucked into the inner corner of her eye from a demo-bat attack on patrol a few days ago, and Steve felt the matching one on his shoulder twinge when he hauled the nail-bat over it.
"He won't do anything," He told her, stepping in front to take the lead as they moved towards the front of the bus. The windows were still sloppily boarded up from a night that felt like a hundred years ago, just Steve and a bunch of kids who were in over their head. "I call him punk all the time, I think he's grown immune to it."
They stopped at the door, Robin squeezing past to stand on the other side, where the controls were. They stayed quiet, peering through the dirty glass to get a grasp of the how many and where. Dustin's code said three, but they'd been wrong before.
"Yeah, but if he hears you've been spreading that around?" Robin whispered, reaching behind her to wrap bandaged fingers around the lever. She whistled low, mostly breath, and Steve rolled his eyes. "You won't have to worry about demodogs, is all I'm saying."
"Yeah, yeah." He muttered, tightening his grip on the bat as the door shuttered open and a gust of warm air hit his face.
He crept outside, second-hand work boots crunching lightly on the gravel as he listened to Robin hurry up the ladder to the roof. She was going to yell directions and throw molotov cocktails while he did the actual hard shit. Technically the lookout part was supposed to be Eddie's job, and Robin was meant to be at Steve's back with her axe, but apparently they were at a crucial stage of the campaign and he "couldn't miss it".
Part of Steve hoped he'd get eaten, if only to get his boyfriend to reorganise his priorities a bit.
A half hour later, Steve leaned against the side of the bus, sweaty and panting while Robin offered him her water-bottle. She reeked of cheap alcohol and the sharp smell of burning, glittering shards of glass caught in her fringe. Gore dripped from the nails in his bat, and one of the dogs had gotten a good swipe at his shin, but he remained mostly un-grievously-injured. He still hurt everywhere though, body complaining about all the diving over and around and behind random bits of junk and machinery.
"Metal gay sex is probably gayer than punk rock gay sex." He decided, and Robin hummed thoughtfully.
"You'd know."
He shrugged, tilting his head with an ehh. "I've never slept with a punk so I can't be sure, but you've met Eddie."
"I have indeed. Speaking of- are we having dinner at Wayne's tonight?"
Steve groaned - not in complaint, it's just that his everything hurt and he'd forgotten about their dinner plans - and ran a hand through his hair. It was greasy and damp with sweat and monster blood. Overhead, a flock of demobats shrieked and weaved among each other, not bothering with the two of them as they headed off towards the quarry.
"Yeah, I said we'd pick up mince for that chuck-in he makes, but that was before the butcher got eaten this morning and I don't think Melvald's is open today."
Robin sighed, scooping up her bag and shrugging it over her shoulder. She held out a hand, fingers spread and wiggling expectantly, and he grinned as he clasped their hands together.
The headed off towards the tracks, a short-cut to the trailer park, and swung their hands back and forth between them.
"I could make that pasta my mum taught me?" Robin offered. "Pretty sure the Munson's will have all of that."
He groaned, this time in delight, and swung their hands a bit higher like a kid on the swings excited to touch the clouds. "God yes, please."
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eternaljunkyard · 2 years
obsessed with the mechs fandom affinity for putting ‘sp-’ in front of everything because it’s ‘space’ and then elaborating there is absolutely nothing funnier
hey do you wanna go grab a spcoffee (space coffee) at a spstarbucks (space starbucks) with me and my splover (space lover) yeah you’d be the third spwheel (space wheel) but idk I think we’re pretty chill about it
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joybeantown · 9 months
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The guy
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Double Mutated Mikey: teenager, seen some awful things, been through even more awful things, could easily kill me if he wanted
Me: baby boy, precious little meow meow
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grandthefoxdelusion · 5 months
Little idea
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Loved @ghostly-idiot aftermath AU so much, did an AU crossover where the three meet the Junkyard Friends
I just have to say, awesome AU
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Twisted intentions
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"You weren't meant to be this damn small, im taking you to that machine so it'll correct you..."
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pey-up · 3 months
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Yayyyyy :D
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findafight · 2 years
You might see Steve in s2 giving Dustin bad advice about girls and see him being a trashy teenage boy, I on the other hand see him having had a major fight with his girlfriend and her refusing/unable to say she loves him after he has been visibly clingy and wanting to hang out with her all the time since the beginning of season 1 and say he was actively trying to back peddle his own desperate need for affection and attention and figured him being clingy and caring in his way might've been where things went wrong for them, as he tell Dustin he's too young for heartbreak and is trying to help him. Who, by the way, kidnapped Steve when Steve was trying to apologize with roses even though he didn't think he was the one in the wrong. Sure Steve. Act like you don't care. Ok.
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queenofbaws · 3 months
uh oh. sos. did too much today, used up all my spoons, got sad and started thinking about them.*
*tragic supermassive siblings that never had a chance
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solradguy · 2 years
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NO WAY there's an official keychain of one of the Ky illustrations of all time
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