#junhong au
jeongyunhoed · 2 years
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Past-Present-Future   Black Dahlia   RED: Rogue, Extremely Dangerous
The fourth and final installment to the superpowers AU. San’s past comes catching up to him as he is targeted by an old colleague turned foe. With everyone else caught in the crossfire, San is forced to reveal what happened to him in the years before going on the search for his sister.
group: ATEEZ member: San pairing: yunho/oc, san/oc (in flashbacks) t/w (in this chapter): blood, some light destruction
things to note: second to the last chapter, you guys! Get ready for the 10th and final chapter ahead. Also, hello to Mark Lee again! I also included parts of the “Two Mutants are Better than One” story I once posted on here as part of San’s flashback scene. 
listen to: Side by Side - Bewhy word count: 3901
tagging: @kflixnet
Chapter 9
Junhong pulled the van up in front of the meat packing factory later that night. Yunho, who was sitting in the passenger seat, looked out. “So, we’re here?” He said. 
“Yeah,” Junhong replied. He glanced at Yunho, then looked over at the rest of them. “While we’re trying to figure out what we’ll see there, as much as I hate it, we’ll eventually have to accept that she’s gone…”
“But we don’t know that, do we?” San muttered, blinking a few times. “We still have to try. I refuse to believe that I lost her just like that.” 
“We lost her,” Hongjoong corrected him. “Jungwoo was more powerful than we thought somehow.” 
“He caught her off-guard, she couldn’t turn into that light thing in time,” Yunho argued. “It’s a good thing San killed him, or else I would’ve.” 
“Let’s just get out of here and go down there before we get suspected of stuff,” Hongjoong said, opening the door 
The eight of them got down, Junhong leading the way into what was the back entrance of the factory, where the employees would enter. There was something in the doors that always seemed to unlock, with Junhong having figured out the combination, later on telling Mirae, Hyuk, and Chanyeol about it. 
The factory was cold and smelled like raw meat, with carcasses hanging in one part of where they entered, of both cows and pigs. Some of the carcasses appeared to be preserved in vacuum cases the more Junhong led them inside. “Do you still remember where the entrance is?” San said. 
“Yeah, vividly. It’s hard to forget something like this once you’ve been down here,” Junhong opened the door to an office. The tall male made a beeline for the bookshelf behind the desk, pulling on a green book, the rest of them making sure to observe his actions in case they needed to return next time. 
The bookshelf moved aside, revealing a dark spiral staircase that was filled with cobwebs and torches. They looked at the passage in awe as they followed Junhong, with Mingi lighting up one torch to fully illuminate the place as the shelf closed behind them. “Even when Jungwoo went here, he didn’t even clear out these webs?” San wiped the cobweb that got caught in his hand on his pants. 
“Apparently not. How long has this place been here?” Jongho scraped off the web that got on his shoes upon climbing down. 
“For a very long time. The first owners of this place knew of the secret passage, so they built an office around it to keep it hidden from prying eyes. They were friends of Professor Jang, the one who found Mirae, Hyuk, Chanyeol, and me,” Junhong explained as they reached a large door and with some help from Jongho and Yunho, they slid the door just enough for them to be able to go inside. “Here we are, the Esteholm.” 
The seven of them looked at the place in awe. The Esteholm resembled the bustling night markets, with colorful lanterns hanging above the shops, stalls and hanging kaftans that reminded Yunho of Morocco, even the busy crowds made up of different creatures that they could’ve only imagined in fairy tales, movies, and tv shows.
“Wow…” Hongjoong muttered as they started walking again. “It looks like you could get lost in here.” 
“Yeah, and I would advise all of you not to touch anything. We’re the weird ones in here,” Junhong looked over at them. “The witches you see look human now, but they’ve got square feet and claws for hands. They like eating birds too,” He muttered, discreetly gesturing to the group of old women leering over several cages of canaries. 
“It could take us forever to find where Jungwoo got the vial,” San sighed, scanning the stores and stalls that they passed. “Hyung, would you know where it is?” He asked. 
“Unfortunately, I do,” Junhong pointed to the shop at the very end that seemed a little darker compared to the other shops. “It was a place we investigated back then at the center.” 
“So many memories in here,” Wooyoung shuddered from what he was picking up. 
They carefully stepped inside the dimly-lit shop, immediately noticing the shelves full of vials in different shapes, sizes, and colors. Some vials seemed to glow in their bottles. “Hello?” Junhong called out. 
“Who goes there?” Hissed a black figure whose face was obscured yet the only thing that was visible of the figure was an arm, its pointy fingers gesturing to them. “Humans!” It shrieked, reverberating throughout the room, making them cover their ears as the figure was frantically moving about the shop. 
“We don’t mean any harm!” Junhong replied. “We have been here before!” 
The figure slowed down, gliding across the room and towards the tall male. Even Junhong could not see the face of the creature up close. “You have been here before…? The goblin prince…” It hissed. 
“Yes. We defeated the goblin prince years ago..” Junhong nodded. 
“What brings you here..? Oh… I sense a lot of loss, of grief, of death,” The figure hissed as it turned its form toward the rest of them. “So much death…of enemies, of friends, of family,” It rounded on San. 
“There was someone who went here not too long ago,” San spoke. “He took vials that gave him power.” 
“Only one of those gave him power, the temporary power, to make one see the worst,” The figure hissed. “To control people, to destroy people. The other vial brought someone back to life…” 
“To make people see the worst?” 
“Yes…fear makes one envision the worst and think it true…leading to death…” The figure said. “One who drinks from that vial cannot stay powerful for long, it is not something one can handle so easily…” 
“What about the other vial? And how could you link someone to you? The one who came here, linked himself to someone else, so they could feel what they feel, hurt when they get hurt” Junhong asked this time. 
“That…is a process no one can know…” The figure said. “There are consequences to everything…Absolute power corrupts absolutely…” 
“I don’t understand what it’s saying…” Mingi muttered to Jongho, who shrugged as well. 
San sighed. “My sister was killed by that person who drank those vials. She was blown up, shattered, something like it. I want to know if there is a way to bring her back…” He said.
“To bring about something from nothing…is impossible,” The figure said. “Fear makes one envision the worst…” 
“Yes it does, but why is she gone when she-” Junhong stared at the figure, as if having figured it out. “...Oh.” 
“The ones you love, never truly go away…” The figure hissed. 
“...You mean she’s not really dead?” Yunho asked. 
The figure pointed to his heart, and Yunho’s expression fell. “Fear makes one envision the worst…” 
“The worst has already happened,” San said, frustration evident in his tone. He turned to Junhong. “Hyung..” 
“How could she be gone this long?” Junhong was prompted to ask as he saw the figure slowly backing away from them. “What happened to her?” 
“Only time will tell…” The figure hissed before slinking away completely until it was out of sight. 
“That was confusing…” Wooyoung commented. 
Junhong turned to them. “...There might be some hope after all. It only means that Jungwoo’s powers were similar to Midam’s….perhaps more powerful,” He said. 
“Midam? Hyuk hyung’s cousin?” Hongjoong stared at the taller male, realizing what he meant. He gaped. “...You mean that bastard was lying this whole time?” 
Junhong shook his head. “No, not entirely, because why would Mirae still not be here if he didn’t kill her?” He questioned. “Unless Jungwoo was a late bloomer like the rest of you…He just didn’t realize that it was really him, he kept thinking that it was what he was drinking from here that was the reason why he could do what he could.” 
“So what you’re saying is that Jungwoo didn’t tap into the actual extent of his powers?” Yunho asked, looking puzzled. “So, what he thought he could do was actually because he had powers himself after all and he just didn’t realize it?” 
“It makes you think what if people had powers and never used them properly…they’d be dangerous,” Jongho said. 
“Very dangerous,” Seonghwa agreed. “Jungwoo destroyed Mirae just like that…He was that powerful.”
“But not powerful enough if San could kill him. He doesn’t know how to multitask.” 
San looked down, not wanting to remember what Jungwoo was telling him, how he could torture her until he caved. He didn’t know what else to do. Only going down to the Esteholm made them understand what happened, but didn’t give them an answer. Yunho noticed the shorter male and put his hand on his shoulder, as if to let him know that the rest of them were grieving as well. 
“Not even executive Kang could help and if he could, I don’t think it would be very easy either,” Hongjoong said. 
Junhong nodded. “Even if we got a hold on the vial that could bring people back to life, we don’t exactly know how to bring her back, especially if she was disintegrated into pieces.” 
They turned to leave, going back the way they entered, up the staircase and out of the office until they stepped outside the factory. San got in the passenger seat of the van as the rest of them except for Junhong climbed into the back. Maybe he could come back to the Esteholm on his own and perhaps convince the shop owner to tell him what to do. That seemed like the plan for now. 
They returned to the building that night after visiting the scene of the crime of a tycoon that was killed in the middle of dinner. Just when they met each other again, Mirae received a call from who turned out to be the son of the said tycoon, hoping that she or anyone else she was working with could help them. It took a little convincing for Mirae to agree to have him tag along. 
Mirae led the way up to their apartment. “Who else lives on this floor?” San asked curiously. 
“Uh, no one else really, just me and Jihoon,. At least I think it’s just me and Jihoon on this floor, I don’t know who else lives in this building,” Mirae replied, pressing the code to the door of the apartment she shared with Jihoon. “The door at the very end is the extra unit I turned into a training room” She added, opening the door for them to go inside. 
The two of them took their shoes off and San carefully walked further into the apartment as if trying to take in everything he was seeing. To him, it felt more like home than his own apartment, and he figured it was only because she was his family. He noticed some of the photos on the wall of her and the guy she mentioned, including their certificates saying that they were somewhat cured of their mental disability from the sanitarium. He also noticed the other photos on the walls of the two of them, and along with another group of guys whom he figured were her colleagues and friends with the backdoor of the store behind them. 
“I’ll just move some things in Jihoon’s closet so you can put your stuff in there,” Mirae said, following him into the apartment. “...Make yourself at home, I guess…” 
San just nodded and sat down, opening his bag to sort out some of his things. He watched Mirae go into her room and close the door. He saw the light reflecting from the silver object that was in Mirae’s bag on the counter. It made him look down at his harpoon gun, and it made him think about the white streak in her hair. He couldn’t fault her for snapping, as he pondered over their argument at the restaurant. He probably reminded her of their father even if he wasn’t exactly the splitting image of him. But he was prepared to make things right and be the brother he always wanted to be, or at least have some family even if the circumstances were like this. 
They weren’t that different, and that gave him something to look forward to. The door from one room opened and Mirae stepped out. “There are towels in that closet by the kitchen,” Mirae suddenly said. “I’ve also made space in the closet too, you can put your stuff in there now.”
“Thanks, I just need to sort out my things” San sat up straight and looked through the rest of his bags again, peeling off the bottom part of his bag to reveal wads of cash and a few guns that he owned in case his harpoon wasn’t enough and cartridges of bullets. 
“If you’re taking classes too, you can just make yourself something to eat,” Mirae shrugged. 
“I’m not,” San shook his head. He wondered what else to say. “This is a nice place you have here,” He said. 
“Thanks” She replied, looking through her bag. “Lived here for years, I actually used to live where you saw me, and then I had a small place away from the store, and there I gave the only room to Jihoon until we could get a bigger place and each have our own rooms.” 
“You and Jihoon seemed to be very close,” He said. 
“We were interned in the same asylum together,” Mirae glanced at him. “He was my only friend there, he was practically like a brother to me. I promised him that when both of us got out, we’d stick together. He got out not long after the Seoul attack, and I said he should stay with me, I’d be able to raise him, and…he was supposed to go to university on scholarship…” She said quietly. 
San nodded. “You’ve come a long way.”
“I guess I have,” She said. “In a way, I’m kind of glad I got interned, I wouldn’t be where I am now. Anyway, make yourself comfortable, I’ll figure out our next move tomorrow.” 
“Why don’t we figure it out now? Together? I did interrogate them, you know” San pointed out.
A silver car pulled up in front of the Papillon Hotel later that night and Yeosang got out, tossing the keys to the valet as he entered the building. His presence was met with stares coming from the clerks including the guests, likely due to his appearance. After using his magic that day at the cemetery, Yeosang didn’t bother to feed, and his appearance was becoming more vampiric; incredibly pale, translucent skin that exposed the blue and purple veins on his face and his hands. His hair was also lightening, revealing an ash-blonde hue.
Yeosang didn’t bother to greet them and instead made a beeline toward the elevator that led to the casino. He wondered if his hunch was right. It had been gnawing at him for some time since the funeral, of the possibility. He didn’t doubt San and the others didn’t have a feeling as well, but Yeosang was determined not to give up. 
He got in the elevator, realizing that the place didn’t look any different from before the events several weeks ago. Yeosang would see to it that the hotel go through a change in personnel since he bought the hotel. He didn’t want anyone else to lose their jobs, but he needed to make sure the hotel was being operated by people he could trust, or at the very least, did not know what was going on. 
As soon as the doors opened, Yeosang noticed that everything was still in its place, and perhaps this was the part of the establishment that wasn’t cleaned up, likely for the authorities to take a look at. Yeosang knew who was investigating and he made sure they were paid handsomely. 
The slot machines were busted down and so were the tables. There were splatters of blood on the walls along with piles of dust, and the machine that was connected to the platforms they were made to stand on and endure. The more he walked inside, the more he stopped when he saw something else. A woman, lying on the ground and her clothes had splatters of blood and cuts. 
The more Yeosang walked into the room, the more he realized who the woman was, more so when he noticed the partially light ends and the very evident white streak. Before his mind could register anything, he sprinted toward the body, kneeling beside her. He almost couldn’t believe it as he gently touched her hand.  
Yeosang looked at her face. Nothing seemed to change, yet her expression looked peaceful. He gently held her hand, in the hopes he could feel a pulse. His heart skipped a beat when he realized that there was a pulse. Her heart was beating. 
“...My dear?” He managed to whisper, treating her as if she was made of glass. “...My dear?” 
Yeosang looked around. He wanted to get her out of the place. A disk appeared beneath them, bringing them into his penthouse apartment. Mirae’s body was floating toward the guest room, where he settled her on the bed. He knelt down beside her, watching for any sign of movement. His hair lightened even more from his spell to bring them back. 
He was faced with a dilemma on whether to inform San and Yunho that Mirae was back, that she was alive. There was only one other person he could speak to about it aside from them. 
Yeosang reached for his phone to dial a number. “I understand you might not want to see me, but-” He paused. “Oh…you will…alright then.” 
Soon enough the figure of Mark Lee, an immortal chaebol and a powerful psychic and teleporter, appeared in the room. “Didn’t think I’d be the one you’d call, ah,” He stopped upon seeing her unconscious form. 
“Would you rather I’d call Lucas in here instead of you? He would kill her if he had the chance, the rest of your group would,” Yeosang pointed out. “I’m afraid I’ve caught myself in quite a dilemma too.” 
“Whether or not to tell those men she is affiliated with?” Mark asked, and he nodded. “If you ask me, and I know what you’re thinking. She will likely not remember them, if what you’re thinking has happened is what indeed took place.” 
“I highly doubt it,” Yeosang shook his head. “So, would you care to tell me what was so important that you cut me off?” 
Mark’s expression turned serious as he glanced at the vampiric mutant, then at Mirae. “I hear whispers, I’ve been seeing visions. There is something else coming, and we, and I do mean our immortal group, need to be prepared in case it does.” 
“What do you think is coming?” 
“The word is that the statues have broken,” Mark replied, and Yeosang stared at him, knowing what he meant. 
“That’s impossible.” 
“Apparently, it is possible,” Mark pointed out. “The statues have woken up, mankind and mutantkind is at risk.” 
“Do the rest of your colleagues know?” 
“Why, of course they do. So does Ino. Ino has been trying to find the location of those statues for some time. Where those have been is lost in the centuries. When was the last time you’ve seen them?” 
Yeosang stood up. “Not too long ago, in Japan.” 
“How long ago?” 
“Around 1935 in Tokyo,” Yeosang replied. “I couldn’t not remember it. It was around the time of the Sada Abe scandal.” 
“The statues have gone to other places since then, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was in eastern Europe by now,” Mark muttered. He looked back at Mirae’s form. “We’ll need Yunho’s help, and maybe hers too.” 
“As you can see, she is still quite unconscious,” Yeosang gestured to her. “She has a pulse, but she isn’t conscious yet. Unless you might know what to do?” 
Mark shook his head. “All we can do is wait, but unfortunately, I must leave for Europe. There are people I must speak to about this.” 
Yeosang watched Mark disappear then turned back to Mirae. “My dear…if you’ve heard us just now, then your help is unfortunately needed,” He whispered. Yeosang looked around again, as if checking if someone was nearby and could hear him before he leaned closer, studying her features. “My dear…I was rather heartbroken to see you gone before my eyes, thinking that you were destroyed permanently.. But my heart leaps in joy to see you here…” 
“You have helped me in an extraordinary way, my dear as I have tried to help you,” He continued. “I want you to live, I want you to wake up. If you can’t wake up for me, wake up for them, for everyone else…” 
A bright light flashed, making Yeosang fall back on the floor as he saw Mirae’s form float off the bed, her form glowing as if she was turning into the bright spirit-like being he remembered. A blast of energy soon erupted from her, breaking down the room, the beam of light flashing in the sky. Yeosang stood up, observing what was taking place in front of him as her form glowed brighter and brighter until- 
She fell back on the bed. Everything soon went back to normal, the room putting itself back together, including whatever was destroyed above them. Yeosang approached her again, only to see that her hair had turned fully blonde, almost white. 
“My dear?” He said. 
Mirae’s eyes shot open, her eyes glowing red until it subsided. She lay still, eyes scanning the room, seeing Yeosang looking over at her. She slowly sat up, looking down at herself, seeing what she was wearing. She looked up at the vampiric mutant again. “...I-I kept hearing your voice…” She spoke. Yeosang nodded. “I-I was dead…” 
“You were. They held a funeral for you,” He replied. 
“They did?” Mirae still looked confused. “But…but how am I here?” 
Yeosang shrugged. “That is something I do not understand myself. One day you were gone, a few weeks later I find you where you died…” 
“”I heard you talking to Mark,” Mirae said quietly, curiously. “There’s trouble ahead, and it’s up to us to save the world…” 
That was when Yeosang realized the gravity of what Mark told him. “It’s a long story, my dear, and something I can tell you on the way to Japan. We will need to move quickly before Ino and the others get to it.” 
Mirae could only nod. “There’s no other way, is there?” 
Yeosang shook his head. “I will have my assistants bring you a change of clothes and packed bags. Mark may already be there, so we will need to catch up. For now, what would you like to do?” 
Mirae looked around then down at her clothes. “I would like to freshen up,” She said. 
“As you wish, my dear Mirae,” Yeosang turned around to leave. “Make yourself comfortable while you wait for the clothes to arrive. I will make a few calls.” 
Yeosang stepped out of the room and as soon as he closed the door, a disk appeared under his feet and in moments, he disappeared. 
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jinterlude · 6 years
And So I Did...
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↳ header is made by yours truly. I do not own the rights to the image used.
» Pairing: Choi Junhong x Reader (female OC)
» Genre(s): High School!AU, Friends turned Lovers Trope, Fluff, Friendship, Romance, & Slight-Angst
» Warning(s): low self-esteem // tiny hints of bullying // swearing
» Words: 4.6K
» Summary: You and Junhong. Two peas in a pod. You always have his back. He’ll always have yours. However, there has to be something going on between the two of you. After all, you know that saying, “a guy and a girl can’t be just friends”. Well, sorry to burst the bubble, but that’s all you two are. Just friends. Right? 
To think it all starts with a simple phrase,
           “Is this seat taken?”
Then, it evolves into a long-term friendship that no one expects. Two complete opposites have form a bond that nothing and no one dares break. You, this little meek girl, with your signature black thick rimmed glasses and hair in a high ponytail always believes that you are destined to be single for the rest of your life. Comparing to the other girls in your school, you consider yourself to be a negative fifteen while the others are in the hundreds. But a certain someone begs to differ. While you don’t know it, the person firmly believes that you’re incredibly breathtaking. Better than every single girl at school. You have this natural beauty that radiates warmth and happiness. You aren’t fake when it comes to your words and actions. You don’t sugar coat your feelings when you finally choose to lay it all out there. You’re just…you…and that’s why your best friend has fallen so hard in love with you to the point that he has to do something.
But what?
You have been friends since middle school that trying to get out of the good old “friend-zone” is quite impossible. Basically a challenge. However, that doesn’t stop him from trying. He always loves a challenge and never backs down from one.
It’s the start of a new school week, you, as always, have your nose buried in between the pages of your favorite book—Pride and Prejudice. God, you’re just enamored with the way Jane Austen words the obvious romantic tensions between two people. Both who come from different social backgrounds and allow said differences to cloud their judgments, preventing them from confessing their undying love for one another. What a great love story.
Turning the page, your eyes scan word after word, inching closer to your favorite scene throughout the entire book. The scene where Mr. Darcy first proposes to Miss Elizabeth. You’re absolutely captivated how – while he essentially insults her at first – he ends up telling how much he loves her and that he wants to marry her.
You wonder what you’d do if you’re in that type of situation. Ha. Like that’ll ever happen.
You flip the page as you internally squeal in delight. Alas…you’ve reached your favorite scene.
         "In vain I have struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you." You mumble, shaking your head slightly as if you’re offended for Elizabeth. You continue on your little adventure, taking in each word and rooting for the fact that she doesn’t accepts his “beautiful” proposal.
           “Seriously…who would accept his proposal?” You think out loud to yourself, chuckling softly.
           “Well…apparently she does at the end of the novel,” You hear an all too familiar voice point out followed by the sound of a chair scraping against the tiled floors. The annoying squeak echoes throughout the library. You aren’t facing the check out desk, but you know that the library is giving you and your best friend, Choi Junhong, a dirty look.
A smile forms on your face as you lower your book and place your bookmark in between the pages. You close the book and place it aside.
You raise your brow, leaning against your chair, as you ask him what’s he doing in the library.
Junhong mimics your actions but has an interesting smirk painting his lips.
           “What? I need a reason to hang out with my best friend in the library?” He asks, turning his head away.
           “When it’s you? Yes. I would like a reason as to why you want to hang out with little old me when there’s a thousand of other girls who’d love your company.”
           “I wish you stopped doing that.”
           “Doing what?”
           “Comparing yourself to irrelevant pebbles whenever I’m with you.”
You stifle your laughter, “pebbles?” You question with an amused gleam in your eyes.
           “Beside the point! I don’t want to hang out with anyone but you.” He says, close to spilling his hidden adoration for you.
           “Okay. Okay. No need to be all extra.” You tell him, holding your hands up in surrender.
Junhong smiles in victory, uttering a quick, “good”, before the two of you begin talking about everything and anything that comes to mind. You guys do have time to kill before the first bell rings. You guys talk about the latest episode of your shared favorite show. Then, it eventually becomes a heated battle over which “ship” is better. You’re on team “Ray x Nora” while Junhong’s stupidly on team “Constantine x Nora” which by the way makes no sense. You even go into great lengths to letting your idiotic best friend know that.
Rolling his eyes, Junhong too pulls out evidence on why Nora is meant to be with John Constantine. You, on the other hand, refutes his claims, citing that she only saves the Legend’s resident magic dictionary because she wants to prove that she’s good.
           “Oh, come on shorty! It’s painfully obvious that Nora is slowly falling in love with Constantine!” shouts Junhong, though, careful to make sure that the librarian doesn’t shush you guys.
You gawk, “Excuse me, you stupid string bean, but she only does it for Ray. If it wasn’t for him, then she wouldn’t have gone aboard the Legend’s ship!”
Junhong purses his lips; his eyes narrow on you. Secretly, he’s only arguing with you because not only amuses him, but he personally loves seeing passionately arguing about something. That’s one trait he absolutely loves. Well, he loves second. The first is how loyal and caring you are. He honestly can’t remember a time when you aren’t there for him whenever he desperately needs you the most. Then, a goofy smile graces his face as your argument fades into the background while he recalls the moment, he has fallen in love with you…
It’s been raining nonstop. The winds have been harsh. Branches falling from the trees every five seconds. It doesn’t help that the rain has become heavy after each boom that followed each lightning strike.
He doesn’t even know where this stupid storm came from. One moment it’s quite beautiful. The sun is shining. The skies are this breathtaking blue with gigantic white puffs of clouds that moved with the Earth’s rotation. Well…it moves because of the winds, but that’s beside the point. It goes from a nice spring day to a dramatic scene from a romantic-drama movie.
Trying his hard to get out of the harsh conditions, Junhong uses his skateboard as cover. Though, it’s essentially pointless as he’s drenched from head to toe. He looks as if he just jumped into the community pool with his clothes and shoes on. That’s how soaked he currently is.
           “Fuck…” He curses, unaware of what time it is or even where he is. He can pull out his phone but with the current weather conditions, he’ll unintentionally destroy it and will have to revert back to his prehistoric, flip phone.
Releasing this long, defeated sigh, Junhong squints his eyes, surveying his surroundings. He says a silent prayer, hoping that someone – anyone – would come to his aid.
His head hangs low as he feels close to giving up. Maybe he’s doomed to catch pneumonia and then more than likely die from it.
           “Jell-O?” His ears perk up. He recognizes your voice. Your oh-so-melodious voice. Wait a minute. What are you doing out in this stormy weather? He quickly whips around; drops of water flinging away from his locks of hair.
His eyes widen. He practically beams at the sight of you.
           “Short cake!” He shouts, running up to you, taking coverage under your umbrella.
You smile warmly, holding your sturdy umbrella higher, so it shields the two of you.
           “Why the Hell are you out in this awful weather?”
           “I could ask you the same thing, Y/N? Why are you out here?”
           “Well…I noticed a familiar face standing outside my house, and he looked quite frankly miserable and lost.”
Junhong makes a face, mumbling something along the lines of, “I wasn’t lost…”
You shoot him a knowing look, finding it a bit amusing that your best friend of two years refuses to admit when he’s in trouble. That boy. What will you do with him?
           “I don’t know…love me forever and perhaps get me some dry clothes to wear?” Your body flinches. Your eyes trail up, meeting his puppy like stare. A faint blush penetrates your cheeks. Not because you have a crush on him but because of how close he is. Yeah. It’s only because he’s extremely close to you. And that’s it. Nothing more.
So why’s your heart racing like you just ran a marathon?
Choosing to ignore your rather confusing feelings, you guide Junhong into your house, shouting to your parents that he’s hanging out until the storm subsides enough for him to go home. You lead him upstairs, down a hallway, and stopping in front of your older brother’s room. You instruct Junhong to wait outside while you raid your brother’s closet. The joys of him attending a college out-of-state. You have free reign over his room.
Minutes later, you come out with a pair of black sweats and a plain white t-shirt. You hand the clothes over to your drenched guy friend and direct him to the bathroom. You then tell him to meet you in your bedroom once he’s done.
His intrigued gaze almost burns a hole on the back of your head as his eyes can’t help but trail downward. His stare becomes fixated with the way your hips move. How incredibly sexy you look sauntering away from him.
The hormonal teenage boy releases a long, heavy sigh as he musters every single unsexy thought. He thinks about how his friend Daehyun looks funny when he stuffs his face. How his cheeks puff out whenever he takes a big bite out of his hamburger. Like how your cheeks bubble whenever you fight against your better judgment when it comes to facing the queen bee of your school. Wait…that’s not what he’s supposed to be thinking about.
           “Come on, Junhong…think about something else…” He chants repeatedly. His fingers graze over the soft fabric of both the sweatpants and shirt. “There we go. Focus on the softness of her brother’s clothes. How smooth it feels against your callused fingers. Like how Y/N’s delicate skin felt against your hands when she accidentally toppled over you while trying to ride your skateboard…Oh, God damn it!” Once again, he fails. Maybe his friends are right. He has a crush on you and while he can’t have said feelings in fear that your friendship will sever once you find out, he can’t help it. He’s the victim of the wonderful cliché of “falling in love with your best friend”.
Fuck. His. Life.
Sighing in defeat, he finally heads to the bathroom to get out of his uncomfortable, clingy, drenched clothes. Though, his mind drifts off to you, wondering what you’re doing. Yet he has an inkling. You’re more than likely reading one of your favorite books. Just like he always observes you doing whenever he and friends trek around your neck of the woods.
Wow. He sounds like an obsessed stalker.
Turning the page, you remain focus on what the great William Shakespeare has to say about the famous star-crossed lovers. You, yourself, are a mere stranger to love, that doesn’t stop you from reading about it. Though, your mom has wondered why you never pursue it. She can never know that you’re left traumatized after your first and last attempt. A few weeks ago, Junhong motivated you enough to confess your feelings to the school’s resident heartthrob, Kim Seokjin. Up until the verbal confession, you have left sweet, innocent love notes in his locker, dropping hints as to his secret admirer is. And on the day the two of you met face-to-face, the disappointment in his eyes will forever be a nightmare in your dreams. His cruel words piercing both your heart and soul.
           “Wow. I was honestly expecting someone hotter but obviously has a great mind because of the words written on those notes. But then I get this ugly, plain looking girl. Man…why do I always attract the wall-flower types?”
Since that day, you have grown to fear love for yourself. You want others to experience it or witness it, but you will never experience it yourself. You refuse to have your heartbroken again.
Feeling a tear cascade down your cheek, you quickly wipe it away, not wanting Junhong to see you cry pathetically over someone. Someone who’s not worthy of them.
You take a moment to compose yourself before turning the page. Good thing that you did because you hear his voice cite the famous line,
“But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks?
It is the east, and Y/N is the sun.”
You quickly cover your mouth – even though the book’s already covering your face – stifling the laughter that erupts from your chest.  Though, it only fuels him to continue—especially after seeing your hand covering your mouth.
“See, how she leans her cheek upon her hand!
O, that I were a glove upon that hand,
That I might touch that cheek!”
Not wanting to hear him butcher “Romeo & Juliet” any longer, you set your book down and reach for your pillow. Without a warning, you chuck at him, hoping that it hits him. Sadly, it doesn’t. Curse his fast reflexes.
Junhong grabs the pillow and makes his way towards you, smiling brightly.
“O, speak again, bright angel! for thou art
As glorious to this night, being o'er my head
As is a winged messenger of heaven…” He says softly. His gaze piercing your own.
You can swear that your heart has skipped a beat. What is this boy doing to you? Lately, he’s been shamelessly flirting with you. It’s quite odd to be honest.
           “Okay, Romeo. What do you want?”
           “You, my precious Juliet. Tis you that is making me spout nonsense. My heart is sure to burst if I do not find a cure soon.”
You perk a brow up, “And what cure is that I pray you tell me?”
           “Accompany me to the ball of the homecoming.”
           “Junhong, you know I can’t do that.”
           “Oh…we’re dropping our Shakespeare speak? Dang it, I was hoping to keep it going.” Junhong crawls his lengthy self over to you, leaning against the wall. “But why won’t you go to the dance? Is it because of He who-shall-not-be-named?” questions he as he looks at you with utter concern.
Your eyes become wet forcing you to muster a quick smile and crack a joke about not wanting to dance with Lord Voldemort. Unfortunately, Junhong doesn’t buy it. He knows you better than you know yourself. He’s been your companion long enough to know all your signals. When you’re furious with something or someone. When you’re about to laugh uncontrollably. Even when you’re about to cry. You either force a smile and jokingly say something or your lips quiver and your eyes look away. Then, it’s followed by unnecessary tears. He deems them unnecessary because no one shall have the luxury of knowing that you’re shedding tears over them. No. He wants you to hold your head up high and show those assholes that you’re an unbothered queen.
And…it just breaks his heart knowing that he can’t prevent them swift enough.
Without a second thought, he wraps a warm around you and forces you close. Your tear streaked cheek presses against his broad chest. Then, you begin to sob. Just that one friendly gesture is enough for you to break down, releasing the pent-up sadness and frustrations.
           “Y/N…” He begins softly. The corners of his mouth turn up. “You, my amazing friend, need to stop releasing tears for men who are too dumb to realize what they are missing.” He says sincerely, gently using his thumb to wipe away your tears. He observes your silence and then places his index finger underneath your damp chin. He tilts your head towards him. Your gazes bore right into each other’s.
           “I’m serious. I’m not telling you this because I’m your friend. I’m spouting these things because I want you to realize your worth as a person. Specifically, how beautiful you are.” He confesses with a full-blown blush invading his cheeks.
Your stubbornness refuses to give in. A short scoff escapes your lips in response. He’s obviously blind. You’re not beautiful nor will you ever be. You’ve seen the type of girls he flirts with. You’re nothing in comparison. And you have no shame in letting him know that.
Then, out of nowhere, he grabs your face. His hands cupping your cheeks. His forehead practically presses against yours.
           “Will you please stop that?! You have no idea how much it hurts me to hear you put yourself down like that? And for what? Because of some stupid ass prick who doesn’t even know what he’s missing? You are worth of being loved. You are worth every compliment that myself or the rest of our friends have given you. Please…Why can’t you believe that I’m being sincere…genuine…when I tell how gorgeous you are?”
You remain quiet. Your bottom lip almost disappearing as you nibble on it. You don’t want to cry again after you’ve stopped a few seconds ago.
How did you get so lucky to have someone so dedicated to you?
How did you get the honor of having Junhong as your best friend?
You will never know…
After what seems like forever, you remove his hands from your face. Then, a warm yet soft smile graces your face.
           “Thanks, Jell-O. I needed to hear that.”
           “Anytime short cake. I’ll forever be at your service to slap you with the harsh truth.”
Ever since he had the opportunity of seeing your vulnerable side, his admiration has grown tenfold. Since that day, he has made a vow to make sure you never shed a tear again. You’re always caring and loyal to him, so why not return the favor?
Question is…how? How can he return the favor? Then, as if it’s a sign from Gods of Romance, he hears a few giggly girls gossip about who’s taking them to the upcoming dance.
           “Bingo.” He thinks before tuning in back to the conversation, “Say, shorty. You don’t have a date to the dance, right?” He inquires.
You look at him oddly, “No. Why?”
           “Good. You and I are going.”
           “Wouldn’t it be weird to take your friend to a love theme dance?”
He bitterly thinks, “Crush but alright…” before responding that he has seen others take their friends all the time. It’s not that big of a deal.
You hum in response, thinking about his explanation. He has a point. Shit. Even your brother has taken his lady friend to a dance, so it’s not weird. Though, granted, he wound up dating her afterwards, but that’s beside the point.
           “Okay fine. I’ll be your date to the dance, but if something goes horribly wrong, I am punching you in the dick and never speaking to you again.”
           “Fair enough.”
In a blink of an eye, it’s the night of the dance. You, wearing a pastel blue short dress, currently wait for Junhong by the main entrance. You clutch your satin white wrap around your bare shoulders, hoping that it’ll keep you chattering your teeth any longer.
You glance in both directions, smiling politely at your fellow classmates. Airy chuckles leave your lips here and there as you find it quite hilarious that you’re being acknowledged by the people who have ridiculed you. You even got a few compliments by former crushes. Your lips curve upwards as you amusingly think about what will happen if you break out your signature glasses. Will these assholes act the same?
           “Looking for someone?” You hear someone ask. And speaking of asshole. You focus your attention towards his direction. Yup. There he stands. Kim Seokjin.
           “I’m actually waiting for someone. Thank you, though.” You kindly reply, smiling sweetly, masking the underlying hatred you feel towards him.
Seokjin simply smiles. That smug smile he always wear. Why did you ever have a crush on him? God. A moment of stupidity. He suddenly wraps an arm around your shoulders.
           “Well, how about I keep you warm until he comes?”
           “Or how about you let go of me since you, and I quote, ‘do not like plain, wall-flower looking types of girls’?”
The look on his face is priceless. His eyes widen. A look of utter dread wash over him as he scans your body up and down. No way. This can’t be the nerd he rejected a two years ago?
Damn…you clean up nicely…
           “Well, that’s before I knew you could look quite breathtaking.”
           “Sorry. I don’t take empty compliments from arrogant pricks like you.”
Seokjin becomes taken back. Not because he’s called a prick since he’s been called worse but by the fact that you suddenly have a backbone.
Kind of hot actually.
           “Come on. Don’t be like that. I promise, I’ll make it up to you.”
That’s it. He’s slowly severing the last string that holds your sanity. Just as you open your mouth, someone else beats you to it.
           “Or, how about I punch you right in your fucking smug face if you don’t release my date?”
Choi fucking Junhong. That best friend of yours always has wonderful timing.
Seokjin stares him down. His jaw tightens. Then, he backs suddenly backs off.
He utters a quick, “Whatever…” before disappearing inside the decorated gymnasium. He isn’t about to be jumped by Junhong’s older friends.
Junhong, on the other hand, is blissfully unaware that his friends were right behind him before going inside themselves. He smiles in victory. This sense of pride surges throughout his veins. He honestly feels that he can do anything.
Maybe he should…
Before his confidence evaporates into thin air and taking advantage of the fact that the entire body are currently inside the lively gym, he decides it’s time to confess to you. Until tonight, he has been rehearsing with both his friends and mom on what to say. You deserve the perfect confession, so he has revised his speech until it’s deemed worthy.
Now, all what’s left to do is execute it. He just hopes he doesn’t mess it up.
           “Y/N, before we go inside, can I tell you something?”
           “Sure. What’s on your mind?”
Damn your warm smile. Why do you have to smile at him like that? Now, his mind is muddled mess and all the rehearsing he has done has gone to waste.
           “Okay. Okay. Just say what’s in your heart.” He chants mentally, calming his frenzied nerves. He takes a deep breath, releasing it nice and slow. Then, he takes your hands, taking note of how frozen they must be. He lifts them up to his lips and breathes warm air on them. He then rubs them in between his hands, creating friction in hopes to transfer his body heat to you.
You nod, thanking him for warming up your almost frost-bitten hands. In which, Junhong argues that it’s not cold enough outside for you to experience frost-bite, so your response is invalid.
           “And you call me a nerd?”
           “Well, you are a nerd, but you’re my nerd.”
His comment catches you off guard. You feel a warm sensation creep on you slowly.
           “Very funny. Okay. Let’s go inside. I want to see your awesome dance moves.” You tell him, pivoting your body away from his. And just as you take a step towards the gym, you feel a pair of arms around your shoulders. Then, something heavy on your shoulder.
           “J-Junhong…what are you doing?”
           “Throwing four days’ worth of rehearsals and winging it.”
           “Come again?”
           “You know the saying that you should date someone who’s like your best friend?”
You nod as forming a coherent sentence is impossible right now. The only thing your mind can focus on is your racing heart and sporadic breathing.
Junhong smiles, pressing his cheek against yours, “Well, I thought to myself…why date someone who’s like your best friend when I can just date my best friend?” He says, turning you around so now that your chests touch one another. His face tilting towards you. Adoration glows in his eyes. But why’s he looking at you like how your dad stares at your mom?
           “You have a crush on me?!” You shriek. Your eyes widening to the size of dinner plates. Your mouth falling open.
Junhong laughs at your cute reaction.
           “Yes, shorty. I, Choi Junhong, am head over in heels in love with my best friend.”
           “You love me?!”
           “Well, you don’t have to shout it like that…”
           “But. But. But.”
           “Yes, I do have a cute butt. And, as my girlfriend, you have daily access to it.”
You shake your head firmly, refusing his confession with every fiber of your being. Not because you don’t return his feelings. Oh, how you do, but your lingering fears are besting you right now.
You fake a convincing smile, but Junhong knows better. How long have you guys been friends now? Almost five years. You need to try harder.
           “What’s so bad about being my girlfriend? Don’t tell me you like that arrogant twat!”
           “Are you kidding me? He didn’t like me when I was a mess, so what makes you think he deserves me at my best?”
Junhong grins and chuckles, “Okay good because for a second there, I was worried.”
Now, it’s your turn to chuckle.
           “Don’t worry, string bean. You never have to worry about me crushing on other guys when I’ll forever keep comparing them to you.” You accidentally confess. Realizing what has come out of your mouth, the color drains from your face. You quickly cover your face, berating yourself for revealing one of your most hidden secrets.
Junhong beams, loving this newly found information.
           “So…you compare potential boyfriends to me?”
           “Oh, don’t act like you haven’t done that with potential girlfriends.”
           “Never denied that I didn’t, princess.”
You can’t help but groan, questioning him what exactly is going on between the two of you.
Junhong shrugs, “Well, I’m trying to convince you that we should be more than best friends, but you’re being quite stubborn.”
You gawk, “I am not being stubborn!”
           “Yes, you are, woman!”
           “If I am, then would I say, ‘yes, I would love to be your girlfriend?’!”
Junhong smirks and says, “Finally”, before cupping your cheeks and pulling you in for a kiss.
To say that you’re currently experiencing fireworks will be quite the understatement. You honestly feel more than that.
You just feel happy.
The two of you pull away, though, your foreheads remain touching. Goofy grins appear on your faces as you guys simply enjoy the moment. Who needs to be sandwiched by a bunch of sweaty people?
           “Do you want to skip the dance?”
           “You’ve read my mind.”
           “Well, we have been friends since middle school, so it’s only natural that I’m your personal mind reader.”
           “And you’ve ruined it…”
            “Also, part of my job description.”
You and Junhong bicker back and forth until he captures your lips once more. He pours every ounce of love he has developed for you over the years. He’ll never grow tire of your sweet lips.
           “Thank you for agreeing to be my girlfriend.”
           “Well, you did say why should I date someone who’s like my best friend when I can simply date you.”
           “That I did. That I did."
A/N: I am ashamed that I haven’t released anything new for my soulmate ;-; how dare I not give this man all my love and attention? I am a disgrace! But in all seriousness, in honor of B.A.P celebrating their seventh anniversary of debuting, I thought...why not write a one shot about my no.1 ultimate bias, Choi Junhong! Can’t wait to celebrate more years with you and the rest of B.A.P! #FOREVERWI7HBAP
Don’t forget to leave a comment/like/reblog/a message in my inbox! I love hearing your thoughts! :)
- Kim
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lunnanunna · 4 years
Yoori’s B-Day Post to Jongho
ATEEZ Extra Member AU
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Yoori’s Masterlist
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squirrelly831 · 5 years
Kidnapped [Youngjae, Jongup, and Junhong]
There will be violence obviously. Not angst. This will be labeled with a trigger because it’s a gang!au. The note below will be for every single gang!au I write so head’s up!
Note: This is JUST a reaction. I do not think you should EVER be in a violent relationship. NEVER let yourself get abused by another [mentally or physically]. You’re worth more than that kind of life.
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In order for Youngjae to date the woman of his dreams, Hailey, he swore to her that he would never involve her in his gang affairs. It was the only way he could get her to agree to even date him and for two years, Youngjae was diligent about keeping that promise. His rivals were unaware of her presence in his life and as a hacker, he made sure to keep an eye on anything in the dark web of any rumors of his relationship. So in all that security and diligent work, how did she still end up taken?
Youngjae was looking over a blueprint of a museum B.A.P had planned to break into later in the week when he got a call. “Yea?” He answered not once looking at the ID. There was a whimper, but no response. He pulled the phone from his ear to look at the caller id and saw Hailey’s name. “Hailey?” He called out in the speaker, “Are you okay?”
There was a feminine yelp in his ear and his eyes darkened, “Talk bitch.” A grunt sounded in his ear.
Hailey sniffled, “You promised, Jae…” Her voice cracked. “You promised” she cried.
Youngjae’s heart dropped as he realized what was happening, “Hailey, where–” before he could ask the question the phone hung up. He got up from his seat as his blood raced through his body. He ran a hand through his hair as he looked down at the table. Hie phone vibrated signaling a text message. He immediately picked it up and opened the text. “FUCK!” He threw his phone across the room as it shattered. The picture was Hailey tied to a chair with a blindfold over her eyes, tear stains on her cheeks, a gag wrapped tightly in her mouth, and a gun pressed to her head with a price tag in the gun holder’s hand. He rushed out of his room to the others to tell them about her kidnapping. He used his other computer to try to ping her location from the phone and they planned out a way to attack.
That night, after discovering the location of the picture, B.A.P decided to strike before the enemies knew they found them. They entered, guys drawn, and fired at the startled enemies as they stormed the building. Off in a side room, Youngjae found Hailey bound and gagged just like in the picture, but there didn’t seem to be any injuries on her. Youngjae put his gun away as he approached her and touched her shoulder. She muffled a panicked cry and shook her head. “Relax, it’s just me, babe.”
His voice was an electric shock through her body. Her eyes watered as he took the blindfold off and she adjusted to the lighting. He tugged off her gag and she let out a cough, “You promised…” Was all she could say.
Youngjae cut the ropes that ties her to the arms of the chair. As soon as she was free, she flew into his arms and cried. “I know… I know.” He pressed a hard kiss on her head. “I’m sorry. I’m so fucking sorry, babe.” He ran his hand over her hair.
“Aw, that’s cute. Her knight in shining armor came to save her after all.” They heard the hammer of a gun and Youngjae pulled away from her as he pulled out his own gun.
Youngjae didn’t wait as he pulled the trigger, “Come on!” He grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the room into the combat zone. “Fuck….” He pulled out a second gun and put it in her hand, “Find somewhere to hide. DON’T come out until I say otherwise, understand?” She nodded fearfully. Youngjae kissed her forehead, “Go. Hurry.” He pushed her away gently just as two men ran at them. He shot them both before he joined in the battle of guns while Hailey ran for cover.
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Jongup wasn’t a soft man. At least he wasn’t until he met Savannah. She saw a side of him that no one in his line of work would ever see in the light of day. He’d never voice or show his worry about his girlfriend and that was especially true when he was in front of a Hong Kong mafia leader. Jongup was in Hong Kong with Youngjae who was in charge of making the alliance with the mafia and Zelo. Jongup and Zelo were just the bodyguards. The ones to make sure if things got fucked up, they would take out the whole group if need be.
However, there was lingering anxiety that built up inside him as he glanced at the clock while he guarded the meeting doors. He had sent Savannah texts and calls for the past two days and she had yet to respond to them. It was unlike her as she knew his line of work and knew if she didn’t reply he would assume the worse, so she always replied back. He knew she had work, but she always found time to answer hims. Millions of red flags rose in his head, but he couldn’t get the others to check on her. They were in Japan scouting.
After the meeting, Jongup called Yongguk and told him he was going back to Seoul. It wasn’t a question. It was a fact. Yongguk knew he couldn’t fight him as Jongup was one member who did what he wanted and Yongguk just gave him an okay. Jongup took the first flight back to Seoul and headed straight to their shared home.
Immediately, Jongup was greeted by three dead bodyguards, his men he put up to protect Savannah, in the entrance of the house. Jongup’s heart pounded as she grabbed his gun and entered the house cautiously. He walked into the living room and saw it trashed. “SAVANNAH!” His sanity began to slipped as he ran through the house looking for her before he made it to their bedroom.
The bedroom door hung on the last hinges with multiple boot prints on it. He walked inside with his gun ready to shoot. However, his hand slipped off the trigger when he saw the blood splatter on the wall with a bullet hole. A bloody hand print dragged partially through the trashed room.
As if on cue, his phone with off and he saw Savannah’s name flash on his phone as he pulled it out. He opened the text to see her unconscious figure up against a concrete wall with her hands raised above her tied by a chain. The right side of her shirt soaked in her blood from the gun wound.
Welcome home.
Underneath was a caption of the time, place, and what they wanted in exchange for Savannah. He snapped. It wasn’t a snap of a physical reaction from him. It was internal. The blood curled and boiled as he stared at the image. He wanted blood. His eyes darkened as his hand tightened on the guy. He stormed out of the house as he placed a call to Yongguk about the ransom. When Yongguk said he would send some of the others, Jongup declined. He didn’t need anyone’s help. He was going to string up the bodies as a reminder of why no one fucked with him.
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Andrea and Junhong were out on a date for the first time in a month. The two spent the time shopping at the mall, eating, and just having fun for the day. He held her shopping bags in one hand and her hand in the other.
Andrea leaned against his shoulder with a large smile, “This was a lot of fun, babe! Thanks for taking me here.” Junhong gave her a quick peck on her lips. “You sure I can’t carry some of those bags?”
“I’m positive. You don’t need to carry these, love” he chuckled as he pressed a kiss on her forehead. They exited the mall as the night covered the sky. They headed through the parking lot to their car when Junhong stopped in his track. “Get behind me” he growled as he released her hand and pushed her back. He dropped the shopping bags as he pulled out his hidden gun. Andrea peeked around him to see three men approach them in the barely lit parking lot. “The fuck do you want?”
The middle man smirked as he held up his hands as if in surrender, “Relax, kid. We aren’t here to fight you on a date.” His eyes met Andres and she jerked back to hide her face. “I’m just here to see your kitten. Rumor has it she’s a beauty. Seems like those rumors were true.” The middle man licked his lips as the formed into a smirk. “Maybe she wouldn’t mind being in our company for a few hours, yea Zelo?”
Junhong’s face reddened in rage as he grabbed his keys from his pocket and shoved them into her hands blindly. “Get to the car!” She shakily reached out and took the keys before she darted off past the three men. “I thought you said you weren’t here to fight?” He snarled.
The man in the middle shrugged as the two beside him made no effort to move. “We’re not here to fight. We’re just here to take a little collateral.”
Junhong’s eyes widened as he realized what he meant just as Andrea let out a shriek. “LET ME GO!” The keys in her hands fell to the asphalt as a man grabbed her from behind. She tried to fight him off, “Junhong! JUNHONG!” She slammed the back of her head into the man’s face and he dropped her. She tried to gather herself together as she meant to run only to be knocked out by another man who whacked her with the butt of his gun.
It felt like everything went in slow motion as Junhong watched the attack and kidnapping of his girlfriend. Junhong went to run to her but the three men in front of him held him back. “You want her back? I want my shipment that your group took from my men.” The middle man snapped his fingers as three more men appeared. “Until I get what I want. Hope you don’t mind that I get familiar with your kitten” he chuckled as he walked away with a wave of his hand. “Don’t kill him. We need a messenger.” The man got into the van and it drove off just as the group attacked Junhong.
Even though he held up a good fight, Junhong got his ass handed to him. He drove back to his hyungs a bloody mess and he was surprised he made it home without crashing as his brain was hazy. Youngjae was the first one to spot him as he pulled himself from his car.
After he was patched, he sat in the kitchen as the others planned out how to get her back. He had a drink in his hand as her screams echoed in his head, “I couldn’t save her…” He took a chug of his drink before slamming the glass to the counter, “I couldn’t fucking save her!”
Yongguk walked up to him before he set out with the others, “We’ll bring her back. She’ll be fine. She’s a fighter.” He patted his shoulder with a heavy hand before he left.
Part I
Credit to gif owners
Written & revamped by Squirrelly831
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jae-bummer · 5 years
Stick Around (Harry Potter AU)
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Request: Would you be able to do a Zelo X Hufflepuff? I’m not even sure if you’re like really into Harry Potter and I’m not quite sure what house he’d be either (possibly Slytherin but also maybe a Hufflepuff???? I don’t even know). Thank you so much tho!!
Pairing: BAP Zelo x Reader
Genre: Fluff
You plopped into the grass near the whomping willow and heaved a large sigh. Perhaps if you moved just a hair closer, it would crush you to death.
Death had to be better than this feeling in your stomach.
Picking idly at a few strands of grass, you looked up wearily to the groups of students waddling off into the distance.
Hogsmeade weekend.
You turned your gaze to the lake, thinking maybe if you threw yourself into its depths, you’d be rid of the anxiousness clutching your chest.
It wasn’t fair.
You were muggle born, which was a difficult enough situation to handle at a wizarding school, but you were also a muggle born who could never convince your parents to sign any permission slip you brought home from “that school.”
They didn’t understand why you wanted to blend in with “those people” so badly, just like you didn’t understand why they had such an issue with your participation. Either way, it was a losing situation (mostly for you) so here you sat.
Chewing on your lip, you looked up again to various couples wandering off into the distance.
And then there was him.
Squinting your eyes to better focus, you recognized the face of the older boy, but only vaguely. He was much taller than you, sporting bright, honey-colored hair, and a forest green jumper. The small stud in his nose reflected the sunlight, making his already handsome face dazzle just a little bit more. What was his name again?
He remained unmoving as he narrowed his eyes at you, the one buoy in the ocean of students around him. Why wasn’t he heading in the direction of Hogsmeade, and more importantly, why was he looking at you?
After a stalemate between the two of you simply sizing each other up from afar, he made forward motion in your direction, causing your heart to stall. Your eyes darted back and forth to further confirm that you were the only person positioned this far toward the Forbidden Forest. Surely, he thought you to be someone else. Your mind worked tirelessly to find any interaction you may have had with him but kept coming up blank.
Just as you thought you were going to have to deal with some sort of confrontation (judging by the look of sheer determination on his features) he stopped again. Spinning on his heel, he was greeted by several of his friends patting him on the back and pointing him back toward the direction in which everyone was travelling. Glancing over his shoulder at you once last time, he nodded to them before matching them in step.
How strange.
You shook your head, trying to rid your thoughts of the odd interaction. Yes, he thought you were someone else, and by closer inspection realized that.
But then why didn’t he stop until his friends called him?
You picked at your breakfast sleepily and stifled a yawn. Only barely able to follow along with the conversation your friends were having, you glanced lazily to the ceiling as the owl post began to arrive. You tried to keep your eyes from rolling as you focused more closely on your food.
The other perk of being a muggle in the wizarding world with unsupportive parents was very little mail. You had come to terms with that situation years ago. It bothered you much more as a first year, but now it was a morning routine you chose to ignore. On occasion, your wizarding friends would send you things through the in-school mail system, or their parents would send you fresh baked treats from home. If only your parents understood how kind the families of your friends had been, maybe they’d understand a fraction of the warmth you experienced daily. Maybe they’d even send you some comforts from home as well.
If you kept your hopes low, you were always pleasantly surprised when something did drop short of your dining plate.
Just like today.
A package thudded softly before you, causing you to breath in sharply. Narrowing your eyes, you quickly noticed there was no return address. You gave a sidelong glance to your friends who were still caught in their own conversation, no parcels landing near them.
Picking up the light box, carefully wrapped in brown paper, you surveyed it for any signs of where it may have come from. Judging by the stamps and scrawl across the front, it looked to be sent in-house.
It wasn’t your birthday and the holidays were still months away. Why would any of your friends be sending you things through the owl post that they couldn’t just give you?
With trembling fingers, you began to pluck at the paper and reveal the box beneath. By this point, your friends had stopped talking and decided to focus on you instead.
“Who’s that from?” your closest friend asked, lifting her brows. You gave a small shrug as you lifted the lid of the parcel, revealing the contents.
“What is this?” you grumbled, sifting through packing paper. You pulled out one item after another. Small gifts quickly peppered the table. You recognized some items to be wizarding sweets, but you were at a complete loss for half of the others.
“A pygmy puff!” your friend squeaked, poking happily at a small cage you had pulled out. Tilting it to the side, you noticed the large, purple poof of hair rolling around the cage and squeaking frantically.
“A pygmy what?” you croaked.
“It’s a miniature puffskein!” your friend grinned. “They sell them at the joke shop!”
Your friend lifted a few more items closer to her face. “Matter of fact, it looks like a lot of these items are from the joke shop. And Honeydukes!”
“Can we backtrack?” you sighed. “So, you’re telling me I was just delivered a living creature I am now caring for?”
You wiggled your finger into the cage with the pygmy who gave a delighted squeak. You couldn’t help but smile as you patted it lightly on what you thought to be its head.
“They’re really adorable pets,” your friend nodded. “I have one in the common room. His name is Tobias.”
“Right,” you chuckled. “So, you were saying? Joke shop? Honey smokes?”
“Honeydukes,” she corrected. “They’re shops in Hogsmeade.”
“Hogsmeade?” you asked, lifting your brows. “I’ve never been. Why would someone send me things from Hogsmeade?”
Your friend gave you a sly smile. “Maybe because you’ve never been.”
You leaned back onto the grass and sighed, letting your pygmy puff roll around in the grass. He was a happy, little companion, and you couldn’t thank your secret gift giver enough.
Whoever it was must have known how lonely things could get when you were left alone.
And you were absolutely no closer to figuring out who that gift giver was. After ruthlessly harassing your friends, all of them insisted that they had no hand in the package that had been sent to you that day. And even under the suspicious circumstances, the parcels continued to come.
Against your better judgement, you continued to accept them.
You chuckled to yourself as you heard your pygmy enter a squeaking frenzy as he scurried up your arm and buried himself into your neck. Only until the sun shining down on you had been blocked, did you bother to open your eyes.
“Mind if I sit?” an unfamiliar voice questioned.
You opened one eye, squinting through the sun to only be able to make out a dark figure looming above you.
“You don’t have to ask my permission,” you sighed as you hoisted yourself up to lean on your elbows. Blinking a few times, your eyes finally settled on the face of the blonde boy you had all but forgotten from weeks before.
“I thought it may be polite since I’m sitting so closely,” he grinned, plopping beside you.
“It’s you,” you croaked, knowing you must have sounded ridiculous.
“And who am I exactly?” he asked, lifting his brows. You immediately felt hot with embarrassment.
“No idea,” you managed, inspecting every inch of his face. It was a Hogsmeade weekend, so you had assumed that’s where he should be instead of lounging beside you.
“Zelo,” he said shortly. “My name is Zelo. I’m a seventh year, Hufflepuff.”
So that’s why he smelled like baked goods.
You nodded in response, unsure of how you should continue. Introduce yourself? Your house?
“And you’re Y/N,” he said softly. He looked down to his hands, nervously fidgeting with his fingers as the words escaped his mouth.
“I am,” you hummed, furrowing your brows. “And how do you know that?”
“I’ve seen you around,” he continued quietly. “I guess you noticed me coming over to talk to you the other day?”
“I did,” you nodded. “You looked…concerned?”
“I was wondering why you were out on the lawn,” he admitted. “And not heading to Hogsmeade with everyone else. See, when I said I’ve seen you around…maybe I’ve…paid more attention to you when you are around?”
“And that means…?” you trailed.
“I don’t know really,” he chuckled, rubbing a hand across his neck. He was nervous, you could tell by his movements.
And it was so endearing.
“If I had to guess,” he continued. “I may have…accidentally taking an interest in you.”
“Accidentally?” you coughed. “That makes it sound like a bad thing.”
“Oh no!” he gasped. “No, no, I mean, I didn’t intend to really take an interest in anyone at school. It just seems easier that way, but when I saw you…well, I couldn’t help myself.”
“Is that so?” you chuckled, amused by his small confession.
“And then when I saw you not heading to Hogsmeade, I realized you must not have had your permission slip signed,” he sighed. “And I had heard from some friends that your parents were…nonwizarding folk…so I then also realized that you had never experienced some of the wonderful things that you could have been experiencing.”
“The packages,” you said slowly, your eyes growing wide with realization. You subconsciously reached up to pat your pygmy puff. “It was you.”
Zelo looked down with an embarrassed smile. “Guilty.”
“You didn’t have to send me gifts,” you whispered. You suddenly felt like a charity case. “If you were feeling sorry for me…”
“I’ve never felt sorry for you,” he said quickly, his head snapping up to look at you. “You send the person you like small gifts when you’re trying to date them, don’t you? So, I thought I’d wow you with things you’ve never seen before.”
“You’re…you’re trying to date me?” you croaked. Your face was growing hot again.
“I…well, uh,” he stammered, his cheeks red with blush. “I guess, yeah. That’s kind of what I’ve been building up to this whole time.”
After a moment of silence that seemed to go on for an eternity, you finally offered up a reprieve.
“Thank you for Aberforth,” you said quietly. “He’s good company.”
“Aberforth,” Zelo chuckled quietly. “Are you…are you may be looking for other types of company as well?”
“Meaning, non-purple-haired, human company?” you smiled softly as you glanced his way. He was smiling as well.
“Exactly what I mean.”
“Perhaps,” you nodded. “But I would love to get to know that company a little better first.”
“Sounds reasonable,” Zelo grinned. “You think Aberforth would allow us a stroll around the lake?”
“Aren’t you supposed to be leaving for Hogsmeade soon?” you questioned.
“Worried you won’t get another package?” Zelo laughed.
“No!” you gasped, pushing him lightly on the arm. “I don’t want to hold you up.”
“You never have,” he nodded. “I don’t know if you’ve heard about us Hufflepuffs, but we’re incredibly good finders…and once we’ve found what we want, we tend to stick around awhile.”
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yehet-me-up · 5 years
Hell or High Water
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Pairing: Zelo/Junhong x reader (female)
Genre: Smut, pirates!AU, because I wanted to write some and then you sent this in and I was like ‘okay, yes, perfect’  😂 😂
Rating: (M) - language and explicit sex
Word Count: 1,723
Request: Oh mrs. Suho!!! Can I request "First I blame you, then I want you" / angst/smut (that just screams angst lol) / b.a.p Zelo? My soulmate no.1 needs attention after I've been crushing on my coworker lol Here you are Mrs. Choi ;) I hope you enjoy!
The ship rocks on the high seas. Not harshly enough to do damage, but violent enough that you’re forced to hold onto the wall to stay upright. 
Through the wide back window of the Captain’s cabin you watch as lightning streaks the sky. It looks like the end of the world, and with what’s coming for you it feels like it.
A man opens the door and ducks inside, shaking water off his shoulders and hair. The buttons on his long black coat glimmer in the candlelight. He meets your gaze with passion and heat warring in his eyes.
You fist your free hand in the folds of your skirt. ‘Well?’
He shakes his head, pulling at his jacket. ‘The storm might delay them, but they will be upon us by tomorrow afternoon.’
Dismay lances through you and you reach for him reflexively. ‘So soon?’
With a sad smile he walks to you and pulls you into his arms. You sink against him, wrapping your arms around his waist and savoring the way he always smells of salt and the sea. In the weeks you’ve been on his ship he’s become your world and you swear to yourself that tonight won’t be the last night you get to spend with him.
‘I have to go back.’ The words are quiet, muffled against his shirt.
He presses a kiss to your head, rubbing down your back to trace your hips as though memorizing your outline. ‘I don’t want you to.’
You sigh, knuckles turning white as you grasp his shirt and think of all that waits for you back home. ‘I know. If there were any other way to keep you safe… But they’ll think I’m a hostage. If I don’t meet them, they’ll attack the ship. They’ll take what’s most precious to me.’
He pulls back to regard you, emotions running across his face like a wave. ‘I’ll get you back. However I can. This won’t be the last of us,’ he says intently, brushing your hair behind your ear.
Tears form at the corners of your eyes and you blink them away. ‘I’ll find you again my love, come hell or high water.’
His expression softens and he reaches out for one of the bottles of amber liquid on the side table. He uncorks it and takes a big drink. When he holds it out to you there’s a wildness in his eyes.
‘Once more. For old times’ sake?’
‘Yes, please.’ You brush the tears with the backs of your hands with a laugh. ‘Let’s not think of them tonight. Let’s pretend like we have all the time in the world.’
He nods, arm tightening at your waist. When he bends down to capture your lips you can taste the burn of alcohol on his tongue. Perfect. For if you have to return to Bristol and don the guise of a nobleman’s daughter once again you want to be drunk on him. You want to keep the taste and the smell and the feel of him locked away inside your memory until you can be with him again.
You pull back and grasp the bottom of the bottle, putting it to your lips and tilting, swallowing a mouthful. It burns all the way down your throat, stoking a fire in your gut that’s been raging since day your boat was overtaken by his crew.
He sets down the bottle with a thud and roughly lifts you into his arms, depositing you onto the side table with a groan. He finds the soft skin where your jaw meets your neck and tastes it with his tongue. He’s not gentle as he explores you; he never is. He takes all you have to give and more, exposing parts of your heart and soul that you hadn’t known existed.
With him all you want is more, you want to rip apart everything of the person you used to be and remake yourself as the person you’ve come to be on this ship and at his side.
‘From the first time I laid eyes on you, I wanted you,’ he breathes against you, kneading the flesh of your hips with firm hands. ‘I blamed you for days for ruining my concentration.’
You laugh and reach for his jacket, desperately pushing it off his shoulders. ‘And now?’
He shrugs out of the fabric and cups your face in his hands, pressing a hot, insistent kiss against your mouth. ‘Now all I do is want you.’
His hands slide under your dress and up your thighs, rough and strong, trailing heat and desire in their wake. You moan and press closer to him, desperate to have your fill of him tonight.
‘And what of me? Did you think it was my intent to fall in love with a pirate?’ you tease, unbuttoning his shirt.
‘A proper girl like you?’ he counters with a chuckle.
His hands stroke the tops of your stockings, heading upward. When his palms find your core he meets no resistance, only your center that already aches to have him inside you.
He pulls back with heat in his eyes. ‘Or maybe not so proper.’
You laugh and lean into his hand, capturing his lips with yours. ‘You’ve made me wild, like you.’
You tug his lower lip between your teeth and he groans deep in his chest. With one hand he gently strokes the sensitive flesh at the meeting of your thighs and you whine against him. Always he builds the fire inside you until you’re consumed with need. Only then will he take you the way you want him to.
‘Perhaps you’ve made me tame in response,’ he says with amusement.
The last button comes free and he helps you pull the shirt off, revealing his toned chest and abdomen. Arousal floods you as you remember all the times over the past month you’ve gotten to taste them. A red mark on his collar holds the fading outline of your teeth.
But tonight you’re far too impatient.
He reaches for his trousers and shoves them to his ankles, freeing his length and making you bite your lip in anticipation. He holds your gaze, running his nails down the inside of your thighs, possessiveness in his every breath. 
If only you’d known that men could be like this - raw and passionate and deliciously rough - you would have taken to the seas years ago.
‘No. I think you’ve only become more untamed since you rescued me,’ you say with a laugh. The sound turns keening as he spreads your legs wider and sinks a finger into your drenched folds.
‘Are you ready for me then, love?’ he asks, leaning forward and licking along the seam of your lips.
You kiss him as if it was your last night on earth, desperate and full of promises. As he works the digit against you heat blooms in your core. You can sense his need as strongly as your own, it radiates off him as strongly as the scent of the ocean. With sure and capable hands you take his length and begin stroking, feeling him buck into your palms.
‘Take me. Now,’ you command against his jaw.
He grunts in agreement and removes his hand from you. Before you can miss the delicious friction he pulls you forward by your thighs and positions himself at your entrance.
In one fluid motion he grasps your hips and sheaths himself inside you. He fills you so fully and completely you want to scream. After a moment he begins to move, rocking into you steady and deep. You reach for his hair, tangling in the damp strands and holding his face to yours.
‘I want you to come so many times for me tonight that you forget that anyone else ever touched you,’ he says, resting his forehead against yours.
‘There’s no one but you.’ 
As your release builds this is the only thing you know for certain; there is nothing in the world aside from the two of you. Nothing else that matters.
He holds you so close your every breath pushes your breasts against his hard chest, protecting you from seeing anything but him. You know soon he will rid you of this dress. Soon he will take your nipple into his mouth and tease them with his tongue. Soon you will be as naked as him and feel him everywhere.
Before the night is over he will have you on his bed on your back, your thighs spread around his hips. He will have you with your face in one of the many silk-covered pillows, gasping and pleading to come as he fucks you from behind. 
He will have you over and over tonight, but for now he pulls you against him with rough motions until your eyes want to roll from sheer pleasure.
‘Come for me, darling,’ he commands with a grunt, speeding up his thrusts.
He watches you intently, breath coming in pants. You nod and cling to him as your orgasm rolls over you, consumes you like a squall in the deep ocean consumes anything in its path. 
He doesn’t slow, drawing every inch of pleasure from you and riding out your release.
Finally you still, sucking in air as though you were drowning. Instead of sating you, this first orgasm only makes you desperate for more. 
Thinking of the long nights ahead of you without him, you suddenly need him everywhere. You pull him down to capture his lips, kissing him with everything you have.
When you wake in his bed hours later the dawn is teasing the horizon, scattering reds and golds along the water. For long minutes you let yourself admire his sleeping form. The graceful curve of his lips, parted in slumber. The mess of his hair. The way you fit perfectly in the curve of his body, safe in his arms.
One day you’ll be together for good. You pray to the goddess of the ocean, hoping her will is as strong and untamable as yours has become. In silence you slip from his arms and dress. With a final lingering kiss to his forehead you turn and stride through the door.
If this fate is to be yours you have a long way to go.
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iwritekpopthings · 6 years
Characters: You, Choi Junhong Genre/ Warnings: Werewolf!AU, romance Word Count: 3814
A chill went through you as you walked home one night. The wind blew and fallen leaves scattered across the pavement in front of you. The full harvest moon was out in all its glory, shining with enough light to let you see the path beneath your feet. You had decided to take the shortcut through the forest home and now you were regretting that choice. It wasn’t even much of a forest, you could get through it in 5 minutes, 10 tops.
In the distance a wolf howled and you froze. Wolves had been getting more brave recently; they came out of the forest and all the way to some people’s backyards. You paused at the entrance to the forest. You could still go back. The moonlight didn’t reach through the canopy so well here.
You shook your head. No, you were a capable adult and it was only a short walk. The wolves were probably out in the larger part of the forest to the west; nothing to concern yourself about. With that helping your resolve, you took a deep breath and entered the grove of trees. The flashlight on your phone helped illuminate your path and you were able to see relatively well. The wind blew through the trees and you shivered, pulling your coat around you tighter.
Suddenly the air was still. The abrupt change in air pressure startled you and you tripped, dropping your phone in the process. You were able to recover without falling all the way to the ground, but the same could not be said for the phone. A crack ran across the screen as well as across the camera lens and flashlight. The light was now dimmed to an almost-pointless brightness. You knelt down to pick it up with a sigh and turned the phone through your hands.
Rustling came abruptly from your left and you froze, your eyes wide. A low growl was heard and you knew you were done for. You looked out of the corner of your eyes and could see a huge paw right next to you. You felt it’s breath on your back. It’s whole presence loomed over you.
“It’s late. You shouldn’t be out this late, human.” You could hear a gentle but stern voice in your head and you jumped, falling back onto your butt. You looked up and shook slightly as the massive wolf looked down at you with electric blue eyes. A small gold hoop adorned his nose and glimmered in the light. You couldn’t see much else, but it was enough. This was no ordinary wolf.
“Um, I’m sorry. I’ll leave right away..” You scooted backwards, away from the giant form.
He tilted his head to the side. “You don’t have to be that scared of me, come on. I’m not gonna eat your or something.” Was that an amused look in his eyes? You were too scared to tell. However, as if to prove his point, the werewolf lay down, settling on his stomach and watching you, his head at your level now.
You took a few breaths to calm yourself as you looked him over. “You’re.. A werewolf, right? Or am I imagining this?”
He let out a little sneeze/ snicker before looking at you with definite amusement. “No, I’m a vampire. Of course I’m a werewolf! What else would I be?”
“A regular wolf?”
“Nah, no fun.”
“Oh. Okay then.” You began to stand up and he stood with you. “I’m gonna go. Sorry for coming in here and I’ll never do it again.”
“Don’t do that. That’s no fun, either.” He frowned and pawed at the ground a bit. “I’m the guardian for this part of the forest. My brothers are looking after the other areas. I’m all alone, there’s no one to play with meeee.” He whined and gave you the saddest puppy dog eyes you had ever seen and you laughed.
“Oh no, that’s horrible! What are you going to do about it? Why not play with the other animals?” You grinned, already anticipating his answer.
He gave you a flat, deadpan look. “No fun.”
You nodded and laughed. “I’ll think about it, okay?” You picked up your phone, not believing that you were actually talking to a real werewolf right now.
He huffed, but gave you a nod. “Come on, I’ll walk you to the other side. Just to make sure you’re safe.” He began to lead the way before you even knew what was happening. “Human, come on! Slow poke!”
“I’m coming, sorry.” You jogged to catch up with him. He really was massive. His shoulder was a little higher than your head. His paws crunched lightly through the dirt and you could hear the occasional swish of his tail. “How long have you been out here?” You felt like some kind of conversation would be less awkward than the silence right now.
“Hmm.. maybe 2 weeks? It’s hard to keep track of the days when I’m in this form all the time.”
“Whoa.. So that’s why the howls have been increasing? I can hear wolves almost every night from my bedroom.”
“Yes, my presence unfortunately riles up the local wolves. Occasionally the howls are mine, though. Sending signals to my brothers and whatnot.” He paused as the two of you came to the exit of your path.
You turned to look at him and were stunned into silence. His eyes practically sparkled in the moonlight. His two-toned fur was illuminated to show a yellowish color on top and darker underlayers. It shone and was ruffled slightly as the wind came through again.
He tilted his head to the side. “You okay?”
“Huh? Um, yeah. I’m.. I’ll be fine.” You looked away and tried to collect yourself. “I’ve gotta go. Thank you for not eating me.” You grinned playfully at him.
“There’s always next time.” His words made you lose your smile real quick. Then he let out his light snort of a laugh. “I’m teasing. I don’t eat people. But there will be a next time, right?”
You bit your lip lightly, not sure if that was a good idea. “We’ll see, Mr..?”
“You can just call me Junhong.” He bowed his head slightly.
“Thank you, Junhong.” You smiled and gave him your name as well.
“I like that name, but calling you ‘human’ is so much more fun. So I might do both.” He laughed again while you rolled your eyes and smiled.
“Good night, Junhong.”
“Good night, __.”
The next time, you came prepared with a little flashlight in your bag. You entered the forest a little apprehensively, aware that there was still some dangerous animals in the forest. You took out your flashlight and went in anyway.
You had only been there for a minute when there was the feeling of a large presence behind you. You whirled around and looked back, only to find the path empty. You shivered and turned around and kept walking. The bushes moved on your left and you froze. When you looked, there was nothing there. You were starting to get a bit nervous. There was something out there.
When you turned your attention back to the path in front of you, you gave a small squeak of surprise. The large werewolf was back, blocking your path.
“Hey! I've been waiting for you!” He bowed down, his wagging tail in the air as his head lowered and he moved into a playful stance.
“Junhong, you startled me.” You couldn't help but smile a little at him when he tilted his head to the side a bit.
“Sorry. I was just having fun. You're here to play with me, right?” He seemed to smile, his bright blue eyes watching you.
“Maybe…” You picked up a large branch as an idea came to you. You showed him the stick before throwing it away into the brush. Junhong sprang into action, going to fetch the stick for you. He pranced back, his head high with the branch in his mouth.
“I don't usually fetch.” He dropped the stick at your feet and nudged your hand with his giant nose. “But I'll do it for you.”
You grinned and picked it up again. “Let's play then.” You threw the branch and he dashed off to go get it.
You threw it countless times until your arms were too tired to throw it anymore. You sat down on the path to rest and Junhong came to join you. He lay down next to you and a thought occurred to you. You looked over at him, admiring his fur. “Hey, can I.. pet you?”
The giant snickered a little. “Go for it. Sounds like fun.”
Tentatively, you reached out. His shoulder was closest and as your hand made contact with him you smiled. “You're so soft!” You pet down from his shoulder, to his back and then his front legs. The texture was like fluffy silk, smooth and soft. You reached up behind his ear and sighed. It was even softer there.
Junhong let you pet him for a while, amused by your fascination with his fur. This was the first time a human had touched him while he was in this form and it wasn't unpleasant. He leaned into your hand, trying to get you to scratch harder. “Oh, that's a good spot, i like that spot.”
You laughed but obliged him, scratching the area around his ears. The two of you began to talk about yourselves and you found it easy to confide in him. He had been a werewolf for a while, but his pack had only recently come here. He wanted to keep the forest safe, so he patrolled around at night.
“What do you do during the day?”
“Sleep, mostly.”
“As a werewolf?”
He rolled his eyes at you playfully. “Sometimes. Usually I change back and go home.”
“Can I see your human form?”
“Unfortunately no. My brothers don't want humans to know we even exist. If they knew we were friends-”
“We're friends?? Awww” You leaned in and hugged him by wrapping one arm around his shoulders and the other around his neck. You buried your face in his fur to hide that you were actually ecstatic to be considered a friend so quickly.
He wiggled a little, not used to so much human contact. “Of course. You played with me. That's all I need. I'm a simple werewolf.”
You laughed and pulled back. “I think we're going to be great friends.”
The next time you were a little tipsy. After a party at your friend's house, you left to go find Junhong.
As you came to the forest entrance you tried to sober up; which you did, a little bit. You walked in, no longer worried about the rustling brush around you.
“Whoa, why do you smell like that?”
“Junhonggie!” You turned around to find him standing next to you. Everything about his body language showed confusion. “I came from my friend's house. I came to tell you a thing.”
He tilted his head to the side. “Oh?”
“I came to tell you a secret.” You moved in and hugged him, trying to whisper in his ear.
“Maybe you should hold onto that secret until you're sober.” He advised. When you shook your head, he rolled his eyes and bent down a bit so you could talk to his ears.
“The secret is.. Are you ready? The secret is..” You smiled. “I like you. I like like you. Like, a lot.”
Junhong snickered a little. “You're just saying that because of the alcohol.”
You shook your head. “No, I love talking to you, I love being with you. You make me feel safe.” You curled your fingers into his fur, hugging him tighter. Then you leaned up even further and kissed his cheek, his whiskers tickling you slightly.
“Human.. I'm a werewolf. You're supposed to fear me, not love me.” He let out a low warning rumble from his chest and you pulled away.
You stepped back completely and folded your arms over your chest. “I think I know danger when I see it.” He rolled his eyes. “Besides, you're not scary and I love you, so I can't fear you.” You smiled at him whole he shook his head. You were sure that your logic was solid.
“__, you're making dangerous choices.”
“I live on the edge.”
At this he snickered, giving up on dissuading you. “I guess I should just give in, huh?” He bent down, pressing his forehead to yours.
You laughed and nodded, bringing your hands up to hold the sides of his face. “Yep.” You were sobered up by now and you were becoming fully aware of what was happening.
He booped your nose with his. “I like you, too.” You smiled, your face heating up. “I think we can talk about this when you're completely coherent next time.”
“No fun.” You pouted and he let out a barking laugh.
He nudged you. “Come on, human. Time for bed.” You sighed but followed along. You looked over at him and reached out, placing your hand on his shoulder as you walked. He glanced at you with a shyly amused look.
At the edge of the forest you let go of him and stood back. “Thanks for walking with me. I'll see you tomorrow.” You hugged him and this time he bent his head down onto your shoulder to hug you back. The two of you stayed like that for several moments before you pulled away.
“Sleep well, __.” He booped his nose on yours again and you smiled.
“You, too.”
For the rest of the week, you would spend your nights in the forest. Junhong was usually waiting for you, tail wagging upon sighting you. He loved playing and talking to you and you felt the same way. It was easy, effortless.
On the night of the new moon, you really had to use your flashlight. The stars were out and bright, but the moon was nowhere to be found. As you entered the forest, a chill went through you and you froze. Something was different.
“Junhong?” You called out tentatively as you continued down the path. Bushes rustled on your right and you raised your voice a bit more. “Junhong? This isn't funny…”
You aimed your flashlight at the bushes and nearly dropped it. Two real wolves were there. Their eyes flashed in your light, teeth gleaming. You backed up only to freeze again as you heard a growl behind you. It wasn't the growl you had come to know. You were surrounded.
You turned and walked backwards, deeper into the forest. The wolves followed, getting uncomfortably close. One lunged forward and grabbed your leg, it's powerful jaws coming together just enough to make you lose your balance. You let out a scream as you fell flat on your back. The wolves followed, one landing on top of you. You tried to push it away, but you were quickly overpowered.
Then the weight was gone as the wolf was knocked off of you by a massive force. You gasped for air.
“Are you hurt?” His tone was angry.
“I'm fine.” You looked around, only really able to see a minimal amount of activity since your flashlight had fallen to the side. The wolves were still there, watching the werewolf apprehensively.
“Stay here.” Junhong left your side, lunging at the wolves with his jaws wide and ready to attack. He knocked them all back and the group tumbled through the brush.
You scrambled to your flashlight, grabbing it up quickly. You stood up, aiming the beam in the direction of yelps and snapping jaws. They were too far away for you to see, but you knew better than to go after them right now. Instead, you waited until it was silent once again.
“Junhong..?” You took a few steps forward.
“I'm.. I'm here.” You saw him slowly emerge from the darkness and your eyes went wide. There was a giant gash on his shoulder. “During the new moon, my energy levels are low… I'm sorry I took so long. Are you sure you're okay?” He looked at you with worry and pain.
“Forget about me, Junhong, your shoulder!” You went to him, looking at the wound more closely. With a groan, the werewolf collapsed to the ground.
“You have to leave. I can't stay in this form much longer.”
You glared at him, holding eye contact fiercely. “Like hell I'll leave. I don't care, I'm staying with you.”
The weakness took over and his eyes fluttered closed, his head dropping to the ground as he lost consciousness. After a moment his body shuddered and began to shrink. Fur and muscle disappeared, leaving a tall bare man face down on the ground. He groaned but otherwise made no movement.
“Junhong, we have to get you help. I need you to stand up..” You touched his back, feeling his warm skin for the first time. His shoulder was bleeding still and his breathing was ragged.
“No hospitals…” You could barely hear him, but his voice resonated with you.
“Alright, we'll go to my house. Come on.” You lifted his good arm and put it around your shoulders. It was an arduous process, but you were somehow able to get him up. You set off toward the path with him barely conscious beside you.
Thankfully, your house wasn't too far away from the forest. You made it home and got Junhong to the couch just in time for your strength to give out. You sat there for a minute, looking at the face of the person you had come to love. It was strong, yet childish at the same time. His two toned hair was a little longer than you imagined it would be. You reached out and touched it, finding it just as soft as the werewolf's fur. His little nose ring caught your eye and you smiled.
Then you snapped back to the present, realizing there was a naked man on your couch. You quickly grabbed a blanket and threw it over him, careful not to touch his shoulder.
You left him there for a moment to go get your first aid kit, some towels, and clean water. You took off your jacket, unsurprised to find claw marks and rips in the material. When you returned, his eyes were still closed and you sighed. “I hope you don't wake up and attack me.” You mumbled as you got to work. You cleaned up the wound as best you could, applied a healing cream, and bandaged it up as neatly as possible.
You sat back on your heels and admired him again as you let your adrenaline leave your body. Dizziness and exhaustion hit like a ton of bricks and it was all you could do to wrap a blanket around yourself before you fell forward. You were passed out before your head even landed on the edge of the couch cushion.
Junhong slowly opened his eyes to unfamiliar surroundings. He looked around, slowly becoming aware that someone was near him. He saw your hair and immediately felt safe. He remembered the events of last night and reached out with one hand to touch your head.
“Hey..” He called your name out softly, his voice thick with sleep.
You stirred and woke up rather quickly in your uncomfortable position. You looked up and into Junhong's eyes, getting lost in their depth. You reached out and touched his cheek, feeling the smooth skin beneath your fingertips. “You're awake.. Good morning.”
He grinned. “Good morning to you, too.” He reached up and grabbed your hand, holding it in his against his cheek. “Thank you for last night. You saved my butt.”
You could feel a blush heat up your face. “Of course, what else was I to do when you saved me so heroically? I can't just let the man I love die of blood loss.” You looked away, not intending to say such things out loud.
He smiled and leaned in. He closed his eyes and touched his nose to yours. “Still, thank you. I love you.” He closed the rest of the distance and pressed his lips to yours. You eyes fell closed as you kissed him back. His hand moved to your cheek, stroking it slowly. When he finally moved away, you felt rather breathless. You looked at him to see that he was still very close to your face. He nuzzled his nose against your cheek and you laughed. He was too cute.
“Do you want some food? Or clothes?” You asked, pulling back to look at him properly.
“I dunno, do you think I need clothes~?” He winked and you felt your face heat up again.
“You at least need some pants.” You mumbled, letting your gaze travel down is uncovered torso. He let out his little laugh and you pushed his chest lightly. “I'll be back. Stay.” You had to get up slowly since your body had been stuck in that position for so long. Your joints cracked and you sighed. You gave him a stern look before leaving to go find any bottoms that would fit him.
You came back with some basketball shorts and a couple cups of instant ramen. “I know you're probably hungrier, but at least start off with this.” You set the cups on the floor along with chopsticks before tossing him the shorts. “I'll let you get changed.” You left quickly before he could call you back.
“You can come back in.” Junhong called out a few minutes later. You walked in while eating your own ramen. He was standing up and the shorts fit well enough. He watched you approach with an odd look in his eyes. “I.. Can I hug you?” You blushed but nodded, walking into his open arms. His warm skin was soft and felt so real. His arms around you made you feel more safe than you had ever felt before. You trusted that he would save you from anything. It was the same for him; having someone hold him like this was a new experience, but now he didn't ever want it to end. “I've dreamt about this.” He said quietly in your ear.
You shivered slightly and pulled back to kiss his cheek. “Really?” He nodded, kissing your cheek in return.
“Since we met, it's been all I wanted. But I thought it would never happen; we're from two very different worlds.” He pulled back to look in your eyes.
You pecked him on the lips. “What you are is not that important to me. You could turn into a capybara and I wouldn't care. I love who you are.”
Your reassurance was all he needed.
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moved-summrluv · 6 years
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strong woman do bong soon!au ; jonglo
where Moon Jongup who was born with super strength is hired by the CEO of a gaming company, Choi Junhong, to be his body guard.
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bapcult · 6 years
My Fanboy Banghim social media AU
My Fanboy (Banghim) Social Media AU
Au where a collab YouTube channel (4roses) that consists of Models Daehyun and Youngjae, Dancer and part-time photographer Junhong, Dancer and fashion designer Jongup and Himchan who is a fanboy of tattoo artist and part-time rapper Bang Yongguk.
Chapter 1          Chapter 11         Chapter 21        
Chapter 2          Chapter 12         Chapter 22        
Chapter 3          Chapter 13         Chapter 23        
Chapter 4          Chapter 14         Chapter 24        
Chapter 5          Chapter 15         Chapter 25        
Chapter 6          Chapter 16         Chapter 26
Chapter 7          Chapter 17         Chapter 27
Chapter 8          Chapter 18         Chapter 28
Chapter 9          Chapter 19         Chapter 29
Chapter 10        Chapter 20         Chapter 30
Chapter 31         Chapter 41
Chapter 32         Chapter 42
Chapter 33         Chapter 43
Chapter 34         Chapter 44
Chapter 35         Chapter 45
Chapter 36        Chapter 46
Chapter 37        Chapter 47
Chapter 38        Chapter 48
Chapter 39        Chapter 49
Chapter 40
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killjoy-loveit · 6 years
Hack This Part 10
A/N: You may or may not know the drill by now, but here it is anyways: this is in 1st POV (like my other stuff), I hope it will be 10 parts (if it isn’t I will make it very clear), and I would also like to clarify that everything written in this story is complete fiction. I didn’t proofread this or have someone else go over it like I typically do, so as mistakes are found I will edit it. Sorry for the long wait, I lost inspiration for this story for some reason but I managed to gain some back to finish it.
Summary: Reina devises a plan to get them both out from the boss’ influence.
Word Count: 3, 952
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9
Bonus Scene
***Warning violence and gore?
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    Finally, it was done. I had accumulated the necessary funds to free Z from this life, to erase the debt that bound him to the mafia. All that was left to do was actually get it to the boss, with the message of what the money was for. That was going to be the hardest part. There was no way Z would be let go willingly, even if his family’s debt was cleared. They would try to find anything else to get him to stay, threaten him, or kill him if they couldn’t convince him to stay. He needs to disappear once I do this. He won’t ever get to stay in one place again, he’ll be on the run for the rest of his life. This is something that I can do only with his permission.
    Hesitantly I step out of my room into the living area, immediately spotting Z slouched over on the couch. I know he wants to be free of this life, but I’m not sure how he’ll react knowing that he finally has an out. Treading softly I make my way over to him, plopping down beside him on the couch. He smiles widely at me, wrapping an arm around me to pull me in close.
    “What’s with the face?” Z questions, muting the show on the tv.
    I bite my lip, looking away from him for a second before the words come tumbling from my lips. “I did it. There’s enough money to clear your family’s debt.”
    “What?” He asked, freezing.
    “I put my hacking to use and gathered enough money to clear your debts. The only problem being is I need your permission to go through with it and send it in to the boss because when I do it, you’re going to have to run. I don’t believe that he’ll-.” I get cut off by his lips on mine.
    It was a brief, almost chaste kiss, one that showed his excitement and gratitude. But it also showed that he’d stopped listening about halfway through. With a gentle push, I moved him away from me, earning a confused look.
    “It might help if you actually listened and let me finish speaking before you celebrate, Z. This isn’t going to be what you might expect, you know, finally being out of their grasp.”
    “What do you mean?”
    “I mean there’s no way they’re going to let you go without a fight! Before I even send in the money, you need to be gone, completely disappeared. A new identity, new appearance, new everything. There’s no telling what they’d try to do to have you stay. So, before I do anything, I need your decision.” My words seemed to stunt the excitement that had been building in his eyes, causing it to fade away.
    “What about you?” He asked quietly.
    I furrowed my brows at his question. “What about me?”
    “In all of this planning about how I need to disappear, you never mentioned anything about you other than sending the money in. Where are you planning to be when all of this goes down?”
    I sigh quietly, wishing he hadn’t asked that question. Although knowing him, it was almost inevitable and I really should’ve seen it coming. “I… Have to stay behind. Both of us can’t just disappear, someone needs to be here to maintain a cover. I have to make sure you can get out safely.”
    Z jumps to his feet, looking at me like I just said the stupidest thing he’d ever heard. “No! There’s no way in hell I’m letting you do that, Reina. I won’t leave you behind, we leave together or we stay. There is no splitting up. If you think something could happen to me for trying to leave, what do you think they’d do to you for helping me?”
    “I don’t care.”
    “Reina, what the fuck? How could you say that? I care about what happens to you, how could you even think I wouldn’t?”
    “It’s not that I didn’t think you’d care, I was more hoping you wouldn’t ask.” I mutter, looking away from his searing gaze.
    Z scoffs at my response. “You didn’t really think I was that dense did you?”
    “No, Z, I don’t think you’re dense. I just… I didn’t want you to realize I wasn’t part of the plan. I knew you wouldn’t agree to it, but there’s no other way.”
    “There’s got to be another way. Nothing’s happening until we find a way for both of us to get out.”
    Z meant what he said. Nothing happened for weeks, at least, not in regards to getting out from under the thumb of the mafia. Life carried on as it had been, what with Z going back to do work for the boss. It felt like no progress had been made and we were just back to existing. Except this time I knew there was a way out, and it was killing me not to do anything. There was nothing I hated more than feeling like I was at a stand-still, or trapped. Essentially that’s what the situation had become. We were trapped, unable to think of a plan that could free both of us.
    Each plan we came up with was flawed, in such a way that only one of us could safely make it out alive. Of course Z preferred to stay right where we were if it meant I’d be safe, this did not suit me at all though. He thought I didn’t see it- the pain in his eyes, the hatred he felt for himself burning like an all-consuming fire. This pain, this hate, was brought on by the work he was forced to do. Everytime he came back, sometimes with little bits of blood on his clothes, I could tell how much he abhorred it. There was only so much I could do, short of turning in the entire operation to the authorities, which Z wouldn’t let me do.
    His rationale is that we have friends within that are doing good things. To a point I can agree with him, as I’ve gone through the files so I know that the majority of people taken out have done some despicable things. But this also raises the question of what makes this group any different from those they kill? Are they better because they only kill those deserving of it? If so then that brings up that, by their own logic, eventually they too will be taken out due to their misdeeds and criminal actions.
    But I’ve had enough of our run-around conversations, I don’t want more excuses for why we can’t do something. I need action to be taken before I lose my mind doing such menial tasks and remaining stagnant. I came up with a plan over the past few days that could manage to get us both out safely, albeit a few potential risk factors linger. Simplified, the idea is to get him out before I send the money in, afterwards I wait a day or so then cause a distraction that would allow me to escape and meet up with Z.
    Storming out of my room, I make my way to Z’s, where I know he’s probably conked out but I can’t stay quiet anymore. “Z!” I yell out in front of his door, slamming my hand on the wood a few times for effect.
    It takes a minute for him to reach and open the door, during which I hear him clambering and bumping into things. “Yes?” He blinks slowly, reaching a hand up to rub at his eyes.
    “I can’t do this anymore. Either you agree to this new idea or I will turn in the entire organization to the authorities- friends and all.”
    Even tired as he was from being abruptly pulled from sleep, he understood my threat instantly, causing his eyes to widen. “What?”
    “You heard me.”
    “Well then tell me the plan I have to agree to.”
    I explained it to him in detail. It’s a lot like my original plan, where I stay behind only this time I create a diversion of some kind to drag their focus off me so that I have adequate time to escape. Throughout the explanation I could tell he wanted to protest, but he apparently decided to hold all of his objections in until the end. Leading to him to all but explode at me once I finished my final sentence.
    “That plan has too many holes, Reina and you are completely aware of that! Firstly, there’s no guarantee they’ll even let you close enough to a computer so that you could set up a distraction. Then you’re also assuming they’ll leave you completely guardless once your diversion takes effect, which they won’t. If you thought there’s no way they’ll let me go without a fight, I know there’s not a chance in hell they’ll let you live if they can’t have you.”
    “I can’t live like this! Something needs to be done. You remember my threat, so it’s either this or the whole operation. Choose, Z.” I state, raising my voice to denote my anger at this situation.
    “Fine, I’ll go along with your stupid plan but the second something goes wrong it’s canned.”
    “No. Either you go with this to the end and trust me, or I turn everyone in.”
    Z ran his hands through his hair in frustration. “Fuck! Fine, Reina, have it your way.”
    “Good. Tomorrow we start setting everything up.” I respond, effectively ending the conversation.
    It didn’t take more than a few days to set everything up. Fake IDs and passports were acquired easily, as well as plane tickets to get us both out of dodge. Z’s hair was cut and dyed, he also had to get rid of his piercings and gather a new wardrobe. Other than leaving me behind, that was the other part of the plan he disliked, claiming that the clothes I chose were “boring and lame”. My rebuttal was that boring and lame blends in to the crowd, and that’s exactly what we needed. With everything ready, there was nothing holding us back from setting the plan into motion.
    But Z was still putting up a bit of a fight. “I just don’t want to leave you here, you could get hurt.”
    I sighed and shook my head at him. “I’ll be fine, but you will get hurt, by me, if you don’t leave now. I already set a time for the money to be delivered electronically a few hours from now, and if you aren’t out of here soon you won’t have enough time to disappear and could ruin the entire plan.”
    “Alright, alright. But I hope you know if you aren’t at the airport, I will wage war to get to you.” He said, voice wavering with emotion.
    “I’m aware, now go.” I murmur, lightly pushing him forward.
    With a chaste kiss as his parting, he finally left. Now all I had to do was wait. This would be the boring part, seeing as I’d already set up a program in advance to detect when his face was caught on security cameras and erase the footage immediately. The program was completely untraceable and practically invisible, which would allow him to move freely without fear of being caught digitally. Hours passed by slowly, my heart rate not lowering a bit due to the anxiousness I was experiencing. Thirty minutes past the time the money was sent, a knock sounded at the door. It was time for me to start lying.
    I opened the door quickly, seeing no point in trying to drag out the inevitable. The boss barged in with numerous men behind him, and two people I recognized: Jongup and Noah. I wasn’t expecting to see them, so I was slightly thrown off when the first question came at me.
    “Where is he?”
    “What?” I asked, turning my head to find the person who’d asked the question.
    “Where is Z?” The nameless guy rephrased and stepped forward in what I suppose was meant to be an intimidating manner.
    “I don’t know.”
    The guy cracked his knuckles stepping forward once more, towering over me. “That’s a lie.”
    I glanced at Noah briefly, her face was blank, completely devoid of emotion. “I truly don’t know where he is.”
    No one believed this response, thus when the boss spoke it came as no shock to me. “Take her and search the apartment.”
    With that command two guys with muscles obnoxiously large grabbed me by each arm and practically dragged me out of the apartment. I was shoved into a large dark vehicle and both men took a seat on either side of me to prevent an escape. The time in which I waited allowed me to think through why Jongup and Noah had been brought along. Obviously they were closest to him, aside from myself, so the boss must have figured they’d be useful in this situation. All I know is that if they reveal anything, I will destroy them- friends or not.
    It wasn’t long before the boss and another man got into the vehicle with us and it was set in motion. I knew where we were going, it was clear based on the way each man had his shoulders set stiffly. They were mentally preparing themselves for something, which leads me to believe that either they’re going to torture me to reveal information on Z’s whereabouts or torture me until I agree to track him. This option revelation wasn’t too shocking to me, I’d prepared myself for this. After a certain point in the torture process, I was going to agree to track him- I could plant a false lead that would make everyone run off to catch him, allowing me the perfect chance to run.
    Once we reached the warehouse I’d been to once before, I was ever so gracefully removed from the car. Being dragged through hallways I had already deemed cold and oddly clean from my previous visit was a new experience, one I wasn’t too fond of. I kept my eyes trained ahead of me, occasionally making eye contact with people we passed on our way. Unsurprisingly, they took me up the stairs to the room Z had been tortured in. The scene was about to be recreated, only with a substitution as the person being beaten.
    As the boss made his way over to an ornate chair that screamed of its importance, he asked me the question I’d been asked a mere hour prior. “Where is he?”
    My answer remained the same. “I don’t know.”
    The boss was expecting this of course and with a simple wave of his hand, one of the brutes beside me slammed his fist into my ribs. “Do you have anything to say?”
    I shook my head, glaring at his confident expression. A slightly different hand motion gained me a flurry of hits, each with a significant impact which would have cause me to fall if one of the men hadn’t stepped forward and held me up. This cycle continued, blow after blow landing in attempts to make me talk. I didn’t budge, even after they started using spiked brass knuckles. Each new blow resulted in ripped skin and fabric, leaving my shirt in tatters. A small pool of my blood was beginning to form on the floor below me, to the point I could see my reflection in it. Tears began to flow from my face against my will, joining the puddle of blood.
    “Now do you have anything you want to share?” The boss asked, a leering grin present on his face.
    I glared at him, my hate of him shining through my eyes. “I don’t know where he is.”
    His hand raised immediately to get the men to continue their abuse, but my voice had him freeze. “But I can help you track him, just stop, please.”
    “This is… Unexpected. Fine, they’ll stop. Though I can’t expect you could track him in your current state. You’ll get some basic care by the doctors downstairs, and an hour or so of rest. Then you will find him for me.”
    The boss stayed true to his word, and maybe three hours later after being fixed up and having two hours of restless sleep, I was sat in front of a computer. Time for me to start the diversion. Normally, I’d have no trouble creating a false trail, even while being watched, but my brain wasn’t letting me focus. Everything was distracting me, and time was ticking by faster and faster. The code in front of me blurred together as my head throbbed. I ran my hands through my hair in annoyance, I need to get this done. I can’t let them find him, and he will come after me if I don’t manage to get out of here- which could lead to his death. That can’t happen.
    With a new sense of urgency and determination, my hands fly over the keyboard, typing furiously. I don’t think I’ve ever done anything so fast in my life, but I went over it multiple times, checking for errors that could be deadly. A small smile came to my face as I found it was free of mistakes, this was it. It’s go time.
    “I found him.” The lie passed my lips with ease.
    Two hours later the warehouse was devoid of most people. So many people were taken as they had taken the bait that Z had decided to hole up with a rival of theirs, and they needed to prepare for a fight to get to him. Of course this wasn’t true and I’d just led them to start a full-on war. To my surprise the boss only left one man to guard me, though he was the beefiest looking brute from what I could tell. Now I had to disarm him and get out.
    I stood up quietly, my voice soft as I spoke. “Could- could I lay down somewhere? I feel faint.”
    The man nodded as I made my way over to him. When he turned around to lead me from the small room we were in, I stumbled into him apologizing profusely as my hand freed his gun from the holster on his hip. Without hesitation I pressed the barrel of the gun against the back of his head.
    “I know there’s got to be a spare vehicle around here, tell me where.”
    He froze, caught completely by surprise at the gun pressed against his head. “There’s a garage near where we brought you in, a lot of vehicles around there along with keys.” He choked out.
    The boss may have chosen the strongest guy to keep watch over me, but he also chose the stupidest. I averted my gaze from him because of what I was about to do. I pulled the trigger, and felt his blood spray back on my face as the shot rang out. His body hit the floor with a dull thud and ran. I sprinted through the halls, quickly making my way back to where I’d been brought in. Minutes later I found the garage, eerily I hadn’t even run into anybody.
    Hooks lined the wall by the door, keys dangling from each one. My hand shook as I reached out and grabbed the first one I saw. I pressed the unlock button on the key fob and watched as a small nondescript car lit up. Before rushing over to the car I hit the button on the wall beside the keys to open the garage. My heart pounded as I put the car in reverse and sped out of there. I was surprised that no one had come to investigate the shot, I knew there were still people in the building. It almost felt too easy, but I can’t worry about that now. I need to get somewhere to clean myself off so that I can get to the airport to meet Z.
    A small gas station twenty minutes from the warehouse is where I stopped. The gun I had taken from the guard tucked into the back of my jeans, the safety on of course. I tried to keep my hair covering my face, but it was difficult seeing as I have relatively short hair. Inside the gas station I was greeted by a cool blast of air which managed to make me shiver as I made my way to the bathrooms. As expected of a gas station bathroom it was a little shoddy, but I made do. It took five minutes of scrubbing to get all the blood off my face and out of my hair. Through the speckled mirror I could tell I looked haggard, my eyes were red and my skin dull.
    Relief surged through me as the thought that we were almost free entered my mind. I just had to make it to the airport where Z was waiting for me. A fresh burst of adrenaline surged through my veins making the exhaustion I was feeling almost nonexistent. All I had to do was get to him. That’s the only thing, and then we’d disappear.
    People were rushing about the airport when I arrived, everyone bumping into each other without a care as they raced to their destination. I scanned the crowd, looking for Z, who despite being quite tall was appearing difficult to find. I almost jumped out of my skin when I felt a hand land on my shoulder, and my heart raced in my chest as I turned to face whoever it was. As I laid eyes on the person, my pulse calmed and I let out the breath I’d been holding.
    “You were almost late.” Z complained. “Let’s go.”
    After I changed, we made our way through security, joining the large crowd of people trying to rush through. I kept feeling like it was too easy as we moved through the airport to our flight departure gate. I’m certain that my heart won’t stop racing until we’re on that plane and it’s taken off. While I recognized that Z and I blended in seamlessly, I still was afraid that we stood out, what with our height difference. Maybe we should have taken separate flights. That would have been safer, and would turn less eyes if anyone managed to recognize one of us. Though now it’s too late and I also don’t think that Z would have gone along with that, seeing as how he barely let me stay behind in the first place.
    “You need to give her your ticket.” Z murmured, lightly pushing me forward.
    I smiled at the attendant and handed her my ticket and passport. With a quick check she verified the ticket and my passport and waved me through, though I did stand and wait for Z to get passed too. Walking the ramp onto the plane eased my anxiety, we’re almost out. At our seats, as I tried to put my bag in the overhead compartment, my shirt rode up revealing bandaged skin. Z’s hand shot out, tracing the edges of the bandages.
    “You didn’t tell me.” He whispered.
    I sighed, giving up on my attempt to put my bag up, handing it to him before sitting down. “It wasn’t urgent.”
    Z scoffed at my words as he quickly shoved both of our bags into the overhead compartment. “That doesn’t matter, you still should have told me. How bad is it?”
    “Well, let’s just say I’m going to need a lot of help once the adrenaline leaves my system.”
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jeongyunhoed · 2 years
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Past-Present-Future   Black Dahlia     RED: Rogue, Extremely Dangerous
The fourth and final installment to the superpowers AU. San’s past comes catching up to him as he is targeted by an old colleague turned foe. With everyone else caught in the crossfire, San is forced to reveal what happened to him in the years before going on the search for his sister.
group: ATEEZ member: San pairing: yunho/oc, san/oc (in flashbacks) t/w (in this chapter): fear of heights, mentions of death, funerals, just ominous themes all around.
things to note: And this, marks the end of our superpowers au. This has been a years-long AU that I've been writing, both the original canon and the remade one. I hope you enjoyed this as much as I have for the past...nine years or so because I started the first story back in 2013. I'm excited for the other WIPs I've got to write and finish. Also, the final sequence is like a post-credits scene, haha. 
word count: 2648
tagging: @kflixnet
Chapter 10 - Final 
San got out of bed later that night. He heard the weird rumbling coming from the middle of the city and it didn’t help his efforts in trying to sleep. It was especially loud, and he figured that it was probably some construction mishap, or a demolition that was taking place at this hour, when there were the least cars on the roads and people in the streets. 
Stepping out of his room, he glanced at the one other room in the apartment. Yunho was sleeping in his own apartment for the night. San would have to deal with being the only one living there for a while. For a while, he reminded himself, refusing to accept the only other scenario. 
The apartment felt unusually bigger without her, and everything remained the same. As San walked through the apartment, he stopped whenever he saw something of hers. The pairs of shoes that were lined by the door, the bag hanging on the coat rack, along with the khaki green jacket that she wore whenever the weather got a little chilly. 
San stopped at the pictures that were hanging on the wall, and the certificates that were hanging above them. The pictures grew in number since then, from being mostly of her and Jihoon, to the two of them, to her and Yunho, to the three of them, pictures with Hyuk and Chanyeol, with Junhong, and then all of them together, including their first Christmas. There were even pictures with Ino that even Mirae didn’t want to take down after what happened the previous year. 
His eyes scanned through the pictures and he stopped again when he saw the staff leaning against the wall. San sniffled, blinking back the tears that were poised to fall, as his mind kept replaying the last moments he had. Jungwoo wanting to keep torturing her until he caved, all the while torturing everyone else all because he wanted more power, more mutant power. 
The doorbell suddenly rang and San approached the monitor to see who it was. There was no one there, and it only meant one thing. San went down to the door and opened it, seeing Yeosang standing behind. “A little late for you to be here, isn’t it?” He said, stifling a look of surprise at how Yeosang looked now. 
“Where is Yunho?” He said, sidestepping San to enter the apartment. San closed the door behind them only to step back when Yunho suddenly appeared, looking a little frazzled. 
“I’m right here,” He said, San following him back into the apartment. “I had an insane dream, something about statues.” 
“Then you have received the vision,” Yeosang stared at the taller male.  
San looked confused. “Okay, what the hell is going on? Why are both of you here?” He asked. “No, why are you here, Yeosang?” 
“I am here because I will need Yunho’s help. I spoke with Mark not too long ago-” 
“Mark? Mark Lee?” San and Yunho looked surprised, and Yeosang nodded. “What does that guy want now? We beat him last year, remember?” 
“That may be so, but alas, what Mark and I have found out and what Yunho has dreamt about, is something much bigger than us,” Yeosang’s expression remained stern. “If you two keep staring at me like that, it is because I haven’t fed.” 
“Okay, so what was that about?” Yunho said. 
Yeosang studied their expressions for a moment. “The statues have broken, they have woken up, and mutantkind, humanity, is at risk. Those statues have traveled all across the world over the centuries, the last time I saw them was in Tokyo in 1935. There’s also a chance those could be in eastern Europe, at least that is what Mark thinks.” 
“Statues? Like mutant statues?” San asked. 
Yeosang shook his head. “Something else entirely. If you ever wonder what the very first of our kind was like, this might give you an idea. Mark and his entire cabal of bastards are aware, as does the very man who betrayed Mirae.” 
Yunho and San exchanged looks. “Ino…” They said at the same time. 
“Yes. Ino is looking for those statues as well. We must get to those statues before Ino does, especially as Ino may still bear a grudge,” Yeosang said. “But we will need to be sure so we must go to Japan tonight.” 
Yunho nodded. “Okay then, I’ll wake Seonghwa up-” 
“That is also something I must point out. Just because I told the two of you doesn’t mean you two will bring the rest of them along, only the two of you can go, the rest cannot follow,” Yeosang gave them a look. “At least for now, but I doubt their…services are needed as much as yours,” He pointed to the taller male. 
“Alright, alright, I won’t tell them, but they will wonder where we’ve gone so I have to at least tell Seonghwa this,” Yunho pointed out, and Yeosang nodded in defeat. 
“I shall inform you of where to meet as we will take my jet to go there. You two must pack some belongings immediately,” Yeosang told them before rushing out of the door, closing it behind him. 
San turned to Yunho, trying to process what Yeosang told them. “So, we’re going?” He asked. 
“I don’t think we have a choice if what Yeosang’s saying is true, and if what I dreamt of was true…” Yunho shrugged. “It’s going to be hard, doing this all without her, but we’ll have to do it. No one else can.” 
“If Yeosang turns out to be a liar, I can’t promise you I won’t try to kill him,” San said. 
“Hey, you’re talking to me, I’d gladly kill him,” Yunho assured him. 
As soon as Yunho disappeared in the hallway, San looked over to the pictures, his eyes traveling towards the staff that was leaning against the wall. He picked up the silver object, retracting it to its shorter form. Somehow he felt he might need it, and he brought it with him to his room. 
Seonghwa felt his legs shake from nervousness and fright as he was standing on the ledge of the roof of the record store. It was four stories high and Seonghwa felt himself freezing, unable to look down. Mirae was standing next to him, and Yunho was standing by the fire escape ladders, his appearance obscured enough for him to be able to teleport. Hongjoong was standing by as well, as was San, both of them looking up at them from the ground. 
Wooyoung, Mingi, and Jongho were standing behind Mirae and Seonghwa, watching what they were about to do. Junhong was also standing by, clipboard in hand and ready to take notes. 
“Why are we up here?” He asked nervously. 
“Because, if you want to better learn about your powers, what better way to use it in a situation like this?” Mirae said. “Hyuk would’ve taught you this, but he isn’t, so it’ll be me. Who knows, you might actually be a stronger telekinetic than you thought.” 
Seonghwa swallowed hard. “This is insane,” He said, trying his hardest not to look down. 
“You’ll be fine. You have five seconds to break our fall and keep us afloat, if you hesitate, Yunho will pop in and out to get us down safely. If not Yunho, Hongjoong will. Think of it as another way to train how fast you can be,” Mirae glanced at the speedster, who nodded. 
“Worst case scenario, Wooyoung will get us out,” Junhong chimed in. 
“Hey!” Wooyoung gave them a look. Mingi and Jongho laughed. 
“How about, to make even more challenging, Jongho’s standing down here with his spikes out?” San yelled. 
“Good idea,” Mirae grinned, and Jongho ran down the stairs. “You’ll be fine,” She assured Seonghwa, who nodded. “There will come a time that you can’t use the bow and arrows, or you have nothing at all. Not even what we know might help, so your powers can come in.”
“I really hope you’re right,” Seonghwa said. 
Mirae patted his shoulder then held his hand. “You ready? Five seconds,” She said, and grabbed onto him as they jumped down the ledge. 
Seonghwa let out a yelp as he held onto Mirae, his eyes and fingertips immediately emitting a green glow. Mirae was under him and she was inches above Jongho’s spiked form, barely touching the ends of the spikes that were coming from his arm. “Not bad!” Hongjoong called out to them, San cheering as well. 
Seonghwa sighed in relief, only for the two of them to collapse on the ground just when Jongho put his arm down. “Couldn’t hold it that long?” San chuckled as they stood up. 
Junhong pulled the van up to the airport later that night. “I still don’t understand why Yeosang only needed the two of you, but okay, if he says so,” He said. 
“Worried?” Yunho asked. 
“Well, I haven’t been on this kind of mission, you’ll need my help,” Junhong pointed out, making the two of them chuckle. “But, I guess I’ll tell the others what’s going on. I’ve already outfitted your bags with things you might need anyway.” 
San stared at the taller male. “Heol…you could seriously make it as a pickpocketer, you know,” He said. 
Junhong grinned. “Hey, before Professor Jang found me, I might’ve done a few things as a kid,” He said. “If the fighting spills over here, we’ll be at the ready.” 
“Good, from the looks of this, it might be,” San said. 
Junhong nodded, and the two of them got out of the van, giving the taller male an assuring wave. Junhong drove away, and Yunho and San turned to enter the airport. “I would’ve thought we’d be at a private airport hangar if we’re taking Yeosang’s jet over there,” Yunho muttered. 
The two of them walked in the direction of what looked like the first-class lounge, but was actually the lounge for clients and associates of the Kang Organization to wait for the jet to be ready. 
“The last time I was in this kind of lounge was when Mirae and I flew to the south of France for a vacation,” San recalled as they were served drinks upon sitting down on the plush couches. “We went on a cruise afterwards. Yeosang invited us. Then again, he found out we were on the same flight as him so he upgraded our seats.” 
“That was the one thing I wasn’t able to do with her,” Yunho said, looking down at the glass of gin and tonic that he was given. “Thinking about it now, we weren’t able to do a lot of things together.” 
San sipped his drink, staring at the bubbles as they waited. He was relieved they didn’t have to go through those security checkpoints or else they would really need Yeosang’s help in getting out of the endless hours of questioning, even more so when they arrived. Both of them were heavily armed. 
Yunho’s eyes widened as he took another drink, a familiar feeling coming over him. It was the same kind of feeling he got when he sensed Mirae for the first time, only it wasn’t just because he sensed her. He put his glass down and stood up, his expression hopeful yet surprised when he saw the woman who entered the lounge, only she looked different with her blonde, almost-white hair.
He took a few steps, seeing her stop at the sight of him as well. Yunho noticed how calm she looked, even as she was wearing what seemed like incredibly expensive clothes. “Mirae?” He said softly. 
“Hello,” She said. 
Yunho took another step closer, while she stayed put. “Is it-is it really you?” He said. 
“I guess so,” She replied. 
“But-but how? How are you alive?” Yunho was still trying to process seeing her. “You-you even look different too.” 
“I feel different,” Mirae said. “I was wondering the same thing, actually. How I’m alive…” 
Yunho took another step forward until he was right in front of her. “Did-did Yeosang bring you back to life?” He asked, trying to fight the urge to pull her in his arms until he was sure. 
“He couldn’t understand why either,” She said. “He found me where I died.” 
Yunho kept trying to read her mind. He wanted to be sure it was her. Mirae looked up at him, then noticed her brother having the exact same expression as him. “Mirae?” He said, his eyes almost welling with tears. 
“Hello Sanie,” She said. 
San moved past Yunho and hugged her tightly, sniffling as he tried to keep himself from breaking down. “Mirae…” He sniffled as he pulled away. 
“Yeah, it’s me,” She said, looking back at Yunho, who moved to hug her as well. 
San blinked back his tears. “Looks like we were right, we should’ve waited for you to come back somehow.” 
“I heard about the funeral,” She said. 
“So, I guess you’re here for the same reason we are?” San looked hopeful, and she nodded. He hugged her again, a little longer than before. 
They heard someone’s throat clear, and Yeosang was standing by the entrance, with some of his assistants already lugging what looked like two suitcases. “I trust this little reunion is satisfactory? We won’t have time once we land in Japan, we won’t have time for this at all seeing as it’s quite a short flight,” He said. 
Mirae pulled away. “Yes it is,” She said. 
“My dear, our bags are to be loaded onto the plane at any moment, shall we?” Yeosang said. “Don’t worry, Yunho, I did nothing of what you are speculating to your beloved, but we must go.” 
San and Yunho picked up their bags, as they followed Mirae out of the lounge, the three of them following Yeosang down the hall that led to the doors of his plane.
The End.
From the place where the graves of Hyuk and Chanyeol were located, a bright beam of light shot down from the sky near the tree. A figure was falling down from the sky, followed by another, and three more. They were young men, dressed in blue, wearing black tactical vests, jackets, and boots. 
One of them had red hair, his left eye was black but had a white pupil in the shape of a star. 
“Where are we?” He said. 
The tallest one from the five of them, whose ear pieces were pointed, shrugged. “From the looks of this place, we must be on Earth,” He said. 
“Earth? We’re on Earth?” asked the male with brown curly hair and had mechanical wings sticking out of his back. “…Wait a minute, we’re in this solar system?” 
“I believe we are,” said the male with small horns sticking out of his helmet. He took out a device from his pocket to scan the area. “Yes, we are on Earth.” 
“Then we went in the wrong galaxy, there’s no stars here,” said the male whose tactical jacket had metal spikes. “There’s nothing of value here, Taehyun, didn’t you check the coordinates?” 
“I did, but I must have miscalculated,” Said the male with the black eye. “We should probably get back to our ship.” 
“Maybe this is a blessing in disguise,” the male with the horned helmet chimed in. “There’s probably a star here somewhere. I bet we can fetch ourselves a pretty penny, bringing back something from Earth. No one’s going to be able to know we got something from here anyway.” 
“I hope you’re right about that Yeonjun,” the tall male with pointed earpieces said. 
They took another step, and found something glinting in the ground. Yeonjun bent down to take a look at what was glinting. It was a diamond. He picked it up and showed it to them. “You were saying, Soobin?” 
Satisfied smiles played across their faces.
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jinterlude · 6 years
To The One Who's Irreplaceable:
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» gif credits: Stop It MV
↳ Pairing(s): Choi Junhong x Reader (Female OC)
↳ Genre(s): High School!AU, To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before!AU, Romance, Humor, First Love Trope, & Fluff
↳ Warning(s)/Rating: Swearing / PG-13
↳ Words: 3K
↳ Summary: 5 letters. That’s all you have ever written throughout your life…well…your life as a high school student. 5 different fellas came into your life and has made a memorable impact in your heart that you honestly needed to unleash those feelings. So, you grab a pen, some paper, and envelopes and simply write. You write how it is because of them that you experience that love comes in different forms. Some noticeable and some you need to take a magnifying glass to. You’re honestly and truly thankful towards them, and the best part is that they will never know about your hidden feelings…right?
«  Last Letter | Next Letter »
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Your eyes focus on every single letter, hanging on to each emotion that you have poured into it. A faint smile slowly makes an appearance as you reach a memorable moment. It’s the day you’ve first met him. Well. Actually. More like when he crashed into you, and you gave him quite an earful.
You can’t help but chuckle as you recall how pissed off you were that day…
Strolling along the sidewalk, you feed off the warmth that the sun radiates on this fine Spring morning. A cool, relaxing breeze fans your face as you close your eyes, drinking  in the peaceful atmosphere. You inhale the natural scent from what Mother Nature has to offer to the world. As you exhale, your eyes flutter open. Then, they grow wide. A look a panic washes over your once tranquil appearance as you see this lanky teen skateboard towards you. You notice how he’s rapidly waving his arms, shouting something that you can barely make out.
Just as you open your mouth to see if he needs help, his body collides right into yours. You question why you didn’t move out of the way as every single part of your body aches. Seriously. How the Hell can a boy, appearing to be around your age, maybe older, be able to cause an incredible amount of pain? Your body feels like a truck just hit you. That’s how bad it is.
Well. A slight exaggeration, but it’s still painful.
A faint groan leaves your lips. You struggle to get back up – well at least into the sitting position – when you still feel the weight from this idiotic fool.
To say you’re agitated is an understatement. You want to grab his skateboard and break it over his head.
Well…there goes your peaceful, stress free morning.
           “What is your fucking problem?!”
The equally injured teen scoffs at your words, “Mine? You’re the idiot that didn’t move out of my way!”
           “I shouldn’t have to move out of the way when you’re obviously skateboarding on the wrong side of the sidewalk, you dumb ass!” You shout as you roughly push him off you. You stand up, dusting off the skirt of your uniform.
The stranger looks at your uniform, though angered eyes, and finds it amusing that him, being a new student to this city, manages to collide into a person that so happens to be a student at the same school.
Talk about fate.
He eventually stands up, dusting off his uniform slacks, and grabs his skateboard that’s surprisingly in one piece. He then extends his hand, smiling brightly.
           “We got off the wrong foot,” His warm gaze pierces your cold ones, “I’m Choi Junhong, and I just moved here last month.” He introduces, patiently waiting for you to shake his hand.
You raise your brow, still obviously annoyed with him. However, your parents have always said that it takes a bigger person to forgive. So…that’s what you do…
You extend your hand, forcing a smile, and wrap it around his. The second your hands come into contact, you feel this jolt of electricity but choose to ignore it. You’ve just met this fella. There’s no way you can be physically attracted to him.
           “I’m L/N Y/N. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” You say; your eyes soften just a bit. No longer feeling agitated with the lanky teen.
Junhong’s smiles widen, “So…I’m guessing you go to the School of Performing Arts judging by your uniform.”
Your eyes flicker downwards, looking at your uniform. Then, it clicks. Junhong also dawns the same color scheme on his uniform.
           “And I’m guessing that you’re the new student that everyone’s talking about.”
           “People talked about me? Damn. I didn’t think I made quite the impression and I haven’t done anything yet.”
           “Careful. Your ego might grow in size if you keep dwelling on it.”
An airy chuckles leaves his lips. You got sass. He personally likes it when a girl can clap back.
He then walks over to you, standing right next to you, before throwing a friendly arm over your shoulder.
           “I have a feeling you and I are going to get along swimmingly.”
           “Oh joy…”
Your words from that eventful day echoes throughout your mind. You can’t help but shake your head as you find it hard to believe that you and Junhong became the best of friends a few days later. Everything that you do, he’s there to experience it with you. When you’re going through your many crushes, he’s there to concoct the “perfect” plan to gain their attention.
Some have worked. And some…not so much…
           “I’m telling you, you annoying prepubescent person, I’m not kissing you in order to get Mark Tuan jealous.” You tell your obnoxious best friend, Junhong, for the millionth time. All you want to do is study in peace. Is that too much to ask for?
Junhong rolls his eyes before giving you look that says, “What’s the harm in kissing me?” Sure, it kills him whenever he helps you with whoever is your crush of the month, but if you’re happy, then that’s all that matters to him. Though, he wants you to be happy with him but minor details.
Noticing that your nose is buried deep inside your notebook, he shoots out his hand and snatches it away, ignoring your demands and profanities. He then tosses it over his shoulder and leans forward. Your noses practically bump into each other. You can feel the warmth of his breath fan your cheeks. If they aren’t red from the heat, then they surely are now. Lately, you have been feeling a bit odd around Junhong. He’s been preoccupying your thoughts every single day. He’s the first thing you think of when you awake, and the  last thing you think of before you slumber.
What’s is your best friend doing to you? You can’t have feelings for him or else you’ll be fulfilling that cliché. However, everything that you two do is one giant romantic cliché.
And that’s why you can’t allow yourself to date him.
All romantic clichés end with a broken heart. You rather be his friend than lose him for good.
So that’s how it will always be. Just friends.
           “Can you back up?” You ask, pressing your hands against his firm chest. “Damn…when did he start working out?” You think as your eyes widen.
Junhong raises a brow. An interesting gleam enters his eyes. Then, a smirk soon forms as he slowly enjoys the fact that you’re admiring his newly formed muscles. He silently praises himself for joining the soccer team, and it’s thanks to that that he has muscles in all the right places. Oh. He also has dance to thank.
Slowly, he raises his hand and places it on top of yours. Love glows in his eyes as the corners of his mouth curves upward. His heart pounds against his chest and of course, you feel it. His heart racing, almost matching the pace of yours.
This is wrong. You have to do something.
You struggle to get out of his hold before the two of you do something that you might regret.
           “Junhong…can you let go of my hand? I want to get back to studying.”
           “Are you sure?”
           “That I want to study? Yes. I’m sure.”
           “Really? Because the cute blush on your cheeks begs to differ.”
Suddenly, he closes the gap even more. Your lips hover over each other. Your lips part just a bit as your breathing becomes heavier. Your eyes dart to his lips and then back to his eyes, hoping that Junhong doesn’t notice. Unfortunately, he does. And that’s what breaks his restraints.
He gently cups your chin and tilts his head before capturing your lips. The electricity you’ve felt on the day you first met him returns. You feel your entire body light up as he snakes his other hand behind your neck and pushes you forward. He wants you closer to him even though the two of you are already as close as you can be.
He needs you.
He swipes his tongue across your bottom lip, praying that you’ll grant him access. Luckily, you do. You part your lips enough for him. At first, it feels strange for someone else’s tongue to be in your mouth but eventually, you become used to it. How his tongue explores every crevice. How it massages against yours. God. You feel something strange form in the back of your throat. This feeling of pleasure that is desperate for release.
Then…it does…
You release this airy like moan as you surrender yourself more into the kiss.
Hearing your moan alone is enough to send his hormones into a wild frenzy that if he doesn’t break the kiss now, the two of you will more than likely lose your virginities to each other. And he wants to be your boyfriend when you do.
He wants to show you how much he has grown to love you; however, the rational side is telling him to wait.
And so he does…
He slowly breaks the kiss; his lips swollen and red. Lust and adoration glazes over his eyes as he stares you down. He notes how well-kissed you look and feels a sense of pride. Though, it soon disappears when he becomes confused. He’s unsure of your feelings for him. You’ve kissed him back, so that should mean something.
Unless…you only returned the kiss out of pity. You must’ve found out about his pathetic little crush on you and don’t return them. So, you just kiss him because you just want to get out the pent up sexual frustration.
One of the many joys of being a hormonal teen.
Out of frustration, he pushes back his hair and tears his gaze away from yours. More specifically, he tears it away from your lips or else he might just kiss you again.
A heavy sigh escapes his lips as he rubs his hand over his face a few times.
           “Do you like me, Y/N?”
           “Of course I do. You’re my best friend. Would I honestly put up with your antics if I didn’t?”
Another sigh exits his lips. That’s not the answer he’s looking for. He turns his heads towards you. This look of anguish ever so visible.
           “Not in a friendly nature, but in a romantic one. Do you see yourself as my girlfriend?” He asks; his voice almost a whisper. “Because I can see myself as your boyfriend.” He adds, smiling sadly.
You gasp. Your eyes widen. You feel the oxygen leave your lungs.
Is he confessing to you?
Your mind becomes a jumbled mess at the mere thought.
           “Y/N?” You hear him call out. He can’t take your silence. He wants to her you say either yes or no. If you say no, then he can move on with his love life. Though, it will be quite the task. You are someone who’s not easily forgettable.
You shake your head, mentally slapping yourself back into reality.
           “Did you hear what I said?”
You nod your head, “I did, and to answer your question…I have thought about it. Us being a couple but then I bury them deep inside the depths of my brain because I don’t want to lose you as my friend, Junhong. I honestly don’t know what I’d do if I lost you…” You confess, releasing the worries you bottled up for almost two years.
Junhong sighs softly as he gently takes your hands into his; his thumbs caress the back of your hands.
           “You’ll never lose me…no matter what…”
           “Cross my heart and hope to die.”
You giggle a little, loving the boyish smile on his face. You then lean forward; your lips hover his.
           “Well. You better hold true to your word then.”
You feel the tears pool in the brim of your eyes. Your heart aches as you near the climax of your letter. Up until this part, it has been essentially sunshine and rainbows. You have written about your first kiss…your first date…the first time you said “I love you”…the night you lost your virginities to each other…and of course…the first time you say goodbye….
You close your eyes as your fingers tremble, causing the three-paged letter to shake. A few tears trickle down your precious cheeks as you don’t want to relive the day you and Junhong broke things off…
The day you experience your first heartbreak…
           “Hey, Jell-O!” You shout happily, running up to him. Earlier, you receive a text message from him, asking you to meet him at the place where you first met. From the tone of his text, it sounds urgent, so without a second thought you threw on some casual clothing and dash out of your house.
Junhong perks up the sound of your voice. He musters a soft smile, holding on to any ounce of strength he has left. He refuses to break down in front of you. He doesn’t want your last memory of him to be of him crying over the fact that the two of you have to break up.
He wants you to remember him as the happiest teen alive. He wants you to remember him as the boy you fell in love with and vice versa.
No tears at all.
He continues to smile as he watches you close the gap swiftly. As soon as you’re within arm’s reach, he wraps them around you and pulls you closer. He rests his head on top of yours, inhaling in your sweet scent as if he wants to memorize it for as long as he can.
After what seems like an hour of simple hugging, Junhong pulls back; his eyes beaming from happiness.
           “So, what’s up? You sound like you were in distress when you sent me that text message.” You question, swiftly taking note of the instant change in emotion in his eyes. Why is he sad?
Junhong sighs, silently hating the fact that you always like diving right into things.
           “Do you love me?”
           “With all my heart…why?”
           “Promise me that you’ll never forget me, but I want you to move on.”
Your breath hitches. Your lips press together. You don’t like where this conversation is going.
A disadvantage of being his friend for almost three years now…
           “You’re not dying, are you?” You joke, trying to ease away your sadness. Though, it fails. You feel anxious.
Junhong chuckles a little, “No. I’m not dying…” He trails on, trying to figure out how to break the news to you.
           “But….? There’s a but in there.”
           “I can never pull the wool over your eyes, huh?” He shakes his head as his smile slowly fades, “But, I am moving.”
Your smile drops, “Moving? Moving where?”
           “Out of the country. My mom got a job in England, and we’re flying out tomorrow.”
You do a double-take, trying to process his news. Wait a minute…that explains why he’d cancel dates or only spend a few hours with you. It makes sense now…
The love of your life is moving away…
           “Y/N?” You hear him say as you look towards the ground. You don’t want him to see you cry.
You always want your break up to be on mutual, happy terms. But, obviously, the plans change.
Your eyes well up. Your mouth quivers as you bite down hard, fighting back the urge to cry.
Once you got it under control, you fake a smile and tell him that you’re happy for his mom.
You add that you’re excited to hear about his adventures in England. Though, it’s a lie. You rather hear about his day with his friends���in South Korea—where he belongs with you.
Junhong eyes you sadly. He hates how you’re never considerate of your own feelings but always with others. He wants you tell him that you don’t want him to go. He wants you to suggest long distance dating.
He just wants you.
Without a second thought, he embraces you, and that’s what breaks you down. You smell his strong aroma and then the tears start streaming down your cheeks. Neither you nor Junhong care that his shirt is becoming soaked with your tears.
You just want him to hold you.
And he wants to hold you.
           “No matter what…I’ll always love you…but I want you to move on from me and date other guys.”
You honestly want to slap him for saying that. Technically, you guys just broken up, and he’s talking about dating other people.
This fool.
           “How can I move on so quickly when you’re hugging me right now and telling me that you’ll always love me?” You manage to choke out, though, it took a few attempts.
Junhong laughs sadly, “Because I want you happy, dork.” He pecks your temple, “Even though, I’m no longer the source of it.” He states softly, eyeing you with nothing but love.
You sniffle, “And I want you to be happy too…” You tell him, pulling back enough to see his handsome face one last time.
           “As long as I hold onto our memories, I will be…” He says before cupping your tear-stained cheeks and kissing your lips sweetly. One…last…time…
           “I love you so much, Choi Junhong…”
           “And I love you so much, L/N Y/N…”
And then, holding true to his words, he and his family flown out the next day. It’s been almost a year since that day. You can’t believe how much time has flown on by since you said goodbye to your first love. At first, forgetting about him and moving on has been difficult. You’ve gone through a short mourning period. You barely slept. You barely ate.
You’ve honestly worried your friends. That is…until one of them decided that enough was enough.
You close up Junhong’s letter and then reach for the next person…
Code name: “To the One Who Nursed a Broken Heart”. You pick up the pastel pink colored envelope and open it up. It’s not as long as Junhong’s but it’s still lengthy.
            “To the One Who Nursed My Broken Heart…”
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A/N: And there we have it folks! The first guy, Zelo, is complete! This kind of broke my heart to be honest, especially with the whole saying of “You never forget your first love.” That’s true for me. I still think about mine here and there and still hope that he’s happy. 
Anyway...you ready for the next guy? Any guesses on who it is? Let me know!
Don’t forget to leave a comment/like/reblog/a message in my inbox! I love hearing your thoughts! :)
- Kim
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beibei-girl · 6 years
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Bad Boy Choi Junhong
This is yours, have a taste
Bad Boy BAP: [YJ] [JU]
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im-whatchamccallit · 6 years
Personal Opinion
B.A.P recently said they may not be OT6 once it comes time to renew their contracts so, all I have to say is, if some members choose to not renew: fight me, TS 🙃
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junhongsprincess · 6 years
I don’t think you all understand tho..like..I love Choi Junhong with all my heart and then some, he’s the most precious being on the planet. He’s charismatic, he’s intelligent, he’s open minded, he’s got a gentle soul, he loves animals (incluDING BUGS AS WELL LIKE WHO LIKES BUGS EW GROSS RIGHT?? BUT NO HES ALL LIKE ‘WOW FASCINATING’!!) he’s passionate about his dance and music, he just straight up makes my heart melt every time I see him. His parents raised him well, Yongguk raised him well. What a nice upstanding gentleman he is like!!?!?? The pERFecT HuMAN?!?!!! yES!!?!?
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jae-bummer · 6 years
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Request: Could I request a tooth-achingly sweet soulmate!au for Zelo (B.A.P)? Like the kind where they have the tattoo of each other’s names? Also, I’m so so happy you’re back!! 💖💖
Pairing: BAP’s Zelo x Reader
Genre: Fluff
You grumbled to yourself as you scratched at the irritated patch of skin on your forearm. “Maybe I can just get it covered up.” 
“Don’t you dare!” your best friend gasped, smacking you lightly on the shoulder. “That’s your destiny!” 
“A person is not my destiny,” you argued. “I decide my own destiny.” 
“Right, you just don’t decide the person you share your destiny with,” she chuckled, looking over the edge of her glasses. 
Shooting her a glare, you looked back down to your coffee, eager to end this conversation and down the cup. “So where are you going on holiday?” 
“Spain - what’s your tattoo say?” she asked, setting her own cup down with a smile. 
You rolled your eyes before gingerly tucking the skin into your body and away from her. “Zel. He sounds like a Power Rangers villain.” 
“I was thinking more Dragon Ball Z,” she nodded, her grin growing more ferocious by the moment. “But calm down, I’m certain it isn’t done yet.” 
“Whoever decided one letter would appear at a time didn’t truly know the meaning of cruel and unusual punishment,” you muttered. “And how did you get so lucky?”
Your best friend giggled as she looked down at her tattoo, her soulmate’s name etched in it’s completion. Her attention then diverted to the fat engagement ring balanced on her finger. “Everyone in my family got their tattoos early. I guess it’s an inherited trait.” 
Chewing on your lip, you tried to avoid eye contact. Not only were you privileged to live in a society that’s romantic policies seemed to operate based off of systematic genetic mutations, but those mutations also appeared at different times for different people. 
Imagine your shock and horror when all of your friends had their soulmates names begin to show up at your twelfth birthday party. 
But your skin remained untouched. 
It wasn’t until recently that your own black scribble had begun to appear, and in recent days, had been picking up letters with speed. 
“Where are you going on holiday?” your friend asked, noticing your silence.
You let out a sigh before giving a small nod. “South Korea.”
“But why does it hurt?” Zelo pouted, draping his arm over Yongguk’s leg. 
“Because it’s a tattoo,” his older, former member chuckled, patting his arm in return. 
“But it’s not like...a tattoo, tattoo,” he muttered, eying the letters on his arm. “It doesn’t feel the same.” 
“You’re right,” Yongguk nodded. “It feels worse.” 
“You know, there’s a flaw in the system,” Zelo groaned. “What if someone has the same name? Then what?” 
“Then you hope you find the right one,” Yongguk chuckled. “I’ve never heard of that happening though. The universe has it’s ways.”
“It would be just my luck if I found the wrong someone with the right name,” Zelo groaned, glancing down to his tattoo. The words written so plainly in English eluded him. He wasn’t entirely certain of the pronunciation, but knew it was definitely someone who used English as one of their primary languages. That’s how the tattoos normally worked. They would appear as a native tongue, or at least in a language your soulmate spoke. It gave you the opportunity to learn it as well before meeting for the first time and becoming terribly confused. 
“Think about it this way,” Yongguk sighed. “It’s not the wrong person, it’s just you taking a little control of the situation.” 
“I feel like that was meant to be comforting,” Zelo grumbled. “Can’t you give me better wise words than that?” 
“Trust the system,” Yongguk smiled. “That’s the only option we have.” 
“Come on!” Zelo gasped. “Don’t you want to give me some speech about disregarding the system and finding your own true soul mate and falling in love your own way?” 
“And then what?” Yongguk laughed. “Sure, you find someone you think you’re in love with, but then you bump into the person who is, in all actuality, the person who’s name is written on your arm. Talk about unnecessary complication.” 
Zelo furrowed his brows before leaning back into the couch again. “You’ve grown soft in your old age.”
“Nope,” Yongguk hummed. “I’ve just grown more wise. Why create complication and heartache for yourself when you can just follow how things are meant to be?” 
“But don’t you ever wonder about the what if?” 
“When you meet your soul mate...” Yongguk nodded. “The what if won’t matter.” 
You couldn’t tell your best friend that there was a very specific reason for your holiday in Korea. Granted, the food was mouth watering, the history and culture was mesmerizing, and the fashion scene was incredible, but you had another reason to go. Sure, you had mentioned that your tattoo said “Zel,” but that was the only portion of it that you could actually read. 
The rest of it was in a very different language. 
A very different language that you had determined was Hangul. 
You were already in your second day of visiting Seoul when another letter appeared on your arm, an “o” following the “Zel” you were already familiar with. 
“Zelo,” you murmured to yourself, shimmying down your shirt sleeve before picking up your coffee from the Starbucks counter. “If that’s his English name...what a strange one to choose.” 
Lost in thought as you wandered out of the coffee shop and towards the street, you hardly noticed when a man passed by maybe a little too closely. You felt the pull before your legs could stop you. The uncomfortable feeling of falling took over as your unknowingly untied shoelace was caught under the stranger’s foot. 
You let out a noise somewhere between a squawk and a shout, tumbling toward the ground before a pair of strong hands caught you. Spinning your body, and pouring your coffee haphazardly across his white, button down, he grabbed you just as you were about to slam into the concrete. 
“Aish,” he groaned, standing you up on your own feet again. He winced as he looked down at you, struggling to find his words. “Are...you okay?” 
You winced as you glanced at his shirt, which was very much not okay. “I am, but your shirt.” 
“Shirt?” he laughed looking down. “It’s okay...just a shirt.” 
You watched as he began to unbutton the fabric around his wrists and roll his shirt sleeves up, his tan skin becoming more and more unclothed by the moment. 
You would have missed it if you weren’t watching, but just as you considered thanking him and turning away, a small, black scribble on his arm caught your attention. 
“Why...why is my name...why is my name on your arm?” you whispered. 
“Sorry,” the tall man said with a small bow. “My English...not so great.” 
You took a deep breath and shut your eyes for a moment before opening them again. “H-hello,” you stuttered out in uncertain Korean. “My name is Y/N.” 
“Y/N,” he said quietly, letting the words marinate on his lips. His eyes grew wide as he repeated it again, the understanding slowly coating his features. This time, he spoke in quiet, but clear english. “You are...?” 
“I think so,” you nodded, your ability to speak his language shaky at best. 
With slow fingers, he reached toward his sleeve, and began to fold the fabric further upwards towards his arm. Resting directly below the ditch of his elbow, sat your name in clear, block print. A small smile formed on his lips as he glanced shyly toward you. He was hesitant as he moved, stopping his hand several times before it finally met yours. As if static was waiting behind every touch, his fingertips shocked yours, but not enough to cause either of you to retreat. 
You allowed him to move your hands slowly, only stopping once your palm was wrapped around his forearm and your thumb brushed against the moniker you had written for decades now. 
“Soul mates...” Zelo said quietly. 
You gave him an encouraging nod, noting his English, or at least his English pertaining to this situation, was pretty effective. Taking your hand from his arm, you pulled up your sleeve as well, glancing at it fondly for the first time in your life. 
“My name?” he gasped, his eyes lighting up at the words. Without waiting he took your forearm in his grasp. As he eyed the lettering curiously, it gave you the opportunity to examine him more closely. He stood taller than you with short, dark hair, sticking out sharply from his forehead. His eyes were dark as well, so intensely brown that they were nearly black. A small stud sat in his perfect, button nose, adding another interesting facet to a face you could already stare at for hours. Your focus traced down his profile and toward his hand where his pointer finger trailed along your tattoo. 
“Zelo,” he nodded. “My stage name. I am rap...I am a rapper. ” He tapped at the word proudly, only moving on once you nodded as well. He moved on to the next letters, written in tight Hangul. “Choi-”
“Junhong,” you finished with a smirk. “Choi Junhong.”
Zelo leaned back, hardly able to contain the happiness in his expression. “I feel...so amazing...right now.” 
His hand slid down your arm, allowing himself the chance to let his fingers interlace with yours. “Mine,” he said quietly. “My soulmate.” 
“Yours,” you echoed in Korean. “Forever.” 
A small smile emerged on his lips before he looked up toward you. “Forever.” 
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