#b.a.p fics
cxttlefishcxller · 3 months
Honestly for the like. Four of you that actually see my shit pass you by on your dash, I have to DEEPLY apologize because I normally reblog my strange myriad of interests but right now all of my brain is hell-bent on * Fallout shit * Fallout shit * Ghoulposting on main * Occasional meme * Here's something else about Cooper * B.A.P IS HAVING A COMEBACK, I'M SO NOT NORMAL ABOUT IT * Lucy is a precious murder-angel and I will protect her with my life * Baldur's Gate is here somewhere * Hey, remember that month and a half I did nothing but post about Far Cry? * Even more ghoulposting * And yet more memes
Like. I'm so sorry y'all jfdkl;sajfkdl;asfd
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shibuinni3 · 1 year
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Nós merecemos mais
21/08/23; Pedido de capa.
Bang Youngguk, Jung Daehyun, Yoo Youngjae, Moon Jongup e Choi Junhong, B.A.P.
Link; ☁️
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daebakinc · 2 years
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Pairing: Daehyun x Reader (G) Prompt: Alien Word Count: 2.4K
~Admin V
            Daehyun was pissing off your boss again. He took “all you can eat” seriously at the all-you-can-eat buffet you worked at. Your boss wanted to charge him double.
            “He’s not doing anything wrong.”
            “He’s eating twice as much as every other customer! I lose money every time he comes in!”
            It took herculean strength to hide your smile.
            “Just get him out.”
            You nodded as the boss went back into his office. Once you were sure he was behind the closed door, you grabbed a bag full of crab Rangoon and walked to Daehyun’s table.
            “How’s everything today?”
            He stuffed a Chinese donut in his mouth. “Delicious.”
            You chuckled and stealthily handed him the bag. “For you, but you have to leave.”
            He swallowed the food in his mouth and smirked. “Captain Cheapskate angry again?”
            “Oh yeah.”
            “It’s not my fault he has such delectable foods at such a low price.”
            Another chuckle escaped you.
            Daehyun popped the last of the food on his plate into his mouth and smiled triumphantly.
            You’d been working the courage to ask him for weeks, but it was finally now or never to go through with it.
            “Hey, how would you like to have food even better than this for free?”
            His eyes were wide and full of excitement as he looked up at you.
            Forcing the lump in your throat down, you continued. “My brother is getting married Saturday. If you’re interested, you’re welcome to come.”
            It was silent for a moment as he gazed at you. “I don’t know your brother.”
            “But you know me,” you nervously tucked hair behind your ear.
            “So, it would be like a date?”
            The blush spreading across your cheeks was beyond your control. “It -it doesn’t have to be. My brother and his fiancé have a bunch of food trucks coming to the venue. I just thought maybe you’d like to enjoy food without my boss glaring at you.”
            He stroked his chin, pretending to consider it. “The food is better, you say?”
            “And free,” you added.
            A large smile appeared on his face. “Count me in! Where should we meet?”
            It was difficult to keep from fidgeting the day of the wedding. It would be the first-time seeing Daehyun outside of work. The two of you agreed to meet after the ceremony at the reception, which happened to be your brother’s back yard. Would he recognize you out of your uniform?
            Someone cleared their throat next to you.
            Surprise filled you when you turned and saw it was Daehyun. Of course, you knew you’d look different in formal attire, but you weren’t entirely prepared for how he would look.
            He wore a black suit with gray pinstripes and a pink satin tie. His brown hair was still fluffy and chaotic, but he looked like a rockstar nonetheless.
            A smirk formed on his face as you gaped at him. “A little different than when I’m stuffing my face?”
            You nodded shyly.
            He visibly took in your appearance as well. “I’m feeling lucky myself with a date as gorgeous as you on my arm.”
            A blush darkened your skin. “Thank you.”
            He offered his arm. “Shall we, before all the good food is taken?”
            Shaking with laughter, you took his arm and led him into the reception.
            Daehyun looked like a kid entering a candy store for the first time. The venue was outside and as promised, surrounded by multiple food trucks. Tables were strategically placed around the trucks leaving space in the middle for a dance floor and DJ. He insisted getting food from every single truck. When you sat down at a table it actually didn’t look that farfetched from the all-you-can-eat buffet.
            The smile never left your face as you watched him try each dish. Lots of happy moans and closed eyes came from Dae every time he took a bite.
            Carefully, you took small bites from your taco, making sure not to spill any of the contents on yourself.
            “How does that taste?” He was very focused on watching you eat.
            Your cheeks were once again red. You finished chewing then swallowed before answering. “It’s really good. The meat is flavored just the right amount and it’s really juicy.”
            Daehyun licked his lips and looked over his pile of food. “Do I have that?”
            You gave him a sheepish smile. “I think I stole it from you.”
            He gasped in false horror. “How dare you.”
            You both giggled. He gladly took the rest of the taco as you offered the plate to him. He didn’t even bother to bite from the opposite end. He shoved the whole thing in his mouth, slightly resembling a chipmunk with full cheeks.
            Mouth full, he responded, “You’re right.” Once the food was down, he continued. “I think I might love you for inviting me today.”
            As he went back to other food in his hoard, you sneaked a plate he was ignoring and enjoyed eating with him. When you were finished with the plate, Daehyun also seemed to be finished, sitting back in his chair with his hand resting on his belly.
            “Wow, Jung Daehyun full? I never thought I’d see the day.”
            His hand waved in dismissal. “I’m not full. Just letting things digest a bit before I go for seconds.” He cleared his throat and sipped at his drink.
            His napkin was tossed in your direction as he continued drinking and hemming.
            Now that neither of you were focused on the food, you enjoyed the music coming from the DJ.
            Standing, you walked to Daehyun and offered him your hand. “Wanna dance?”
            The smile he revealed was contagious. He took your hand and led you both to the dance floor. You were envious at how much better he was at dancing than you. He spun you and pulled you close to him. You both swayed to the music. He even started to sing along to the music.
            “I didn’t know you sang.”
            “How could you? Can’t exactly sing and eat at the same time.” He coughed again, something he ate must not have been going down smoothly.
            “You okay?”
            “Just itchy suddenly.”
            “Itchy?” You stopped dancing and looked at him carefully. “Did it get worse since we started dancing?”
            He looked a little worried but nodded.
            “I think you’re having an allergic reaction. Are you allergic to anything?”
            “Allergic? I’ve never had problems with human food before.”
            Human food?
            Dae cleared his throat again, starting to scratch at his neck a little.
            Suddenly, his skin started having a pink glow to it.
            “Oh god, that can’t be good.”
            “What?” his eyes were wide now.
            You wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pulled him in the direction of your brother, who was allergic to bees.
            Your brother was smiling and sipping from a champagne glass, then noticed the two of you. “Hey, is he okay?”
            “I think he’s having an allergic reaction to some of the food. Do you still have epipens?”
            “Yeah, take him to the guest bedroom, I’ll grab one.”
            Daehyun was becoming short of breath as you walked him to the downstairs bedroom. His throat was closing up.
            Concern filled your voice when you told him to lay on the bed. He was gasping, which had you worry, but you knew your brother was on his way with the epinephrine.
                 Your fear grew as the pink glow started becoming unnatural. That’s when you noticed the ears. The glow grew above his hair and formed what looked like two rabbit ears.
                 “Daehyun?” your voice shook.
                 “Mato,” he mumbled.
                 Your brother walked in then with the epipen and without looking too closely at the other man, jabbed it into his thigh.
                 The glow instantly disappeared from his skin and he deeply sucked in air.
                 “He should be alright.”
                 “Yeah,” you breathed. “Thanks.”
                 “Just had to make a scene on my wedding day.”
                 You waved him off so it was just you and Daehyun. “Can you hear me? Are you okay?”
                 His eyes stayed closed. “I don’t know. I feel dizzy.” There was sweat forming on his forehead.
                 “It’s your body’s reaction to the epinephrine. You should rest here. I’ll get you some water. Do you want me to call someone?”
                 He reached for your wrist. “Stay.”
                 “Just let me get you some water. You might feel better after drinking.”
                 The grip tightened. “Don’t leave me.” He pulled on you until you lay in the bed next to him.
                 His heart was beating quickly because of the adrenaline. You pushed his slick hair out of his face.
                 “What’s Mato?”
                 His eyes opened then and he stared at you with shock. “What did you say?”
                 “Mato . . . you muttered it before you got the shot.”
                 Terror was on his face. He hadn’t meant to say it. You knew you shouldn’t pry, but now you had to know.
                 Speaking in a whisper, you asked, “What are you?”
                 His voice was shaky now. “What do you mean?”
                 “You were glowing. At first, I thought it was just your skin from the allergic reaction, but then . . .”
                 It sounded crazy, but you knew what you saw. “You had ears. Like a rabbit. Also glowing.”
                 Daehyun sat up and quickly moaned in response to the sudden action.
            You helped him to lay back down.
            “You can never repeat that.”
            He looked hard into your eyes. “What you said just now, it can never leave your mouth again.”
            “Daehyun, what’s going on?”
            His eyes closed once more and he scrunched his forehead, clearly trying to come up with an explanation.
            A knock sounded on the door. Two men you didn’t recognize stood in the doorway.
            Suddenly embarrassed to be seen laying with Daehyun, you sat up and rested at the edge of the mattress.
They weren’t dressed for a wedding. They both wore all black, though the taller, leaner man had hints of red in his apparel. The shorter man had hints of yellow in his.
            The taller man spoke. “Thank you for caring for our brother. We will take him home now.”
            “I don’t think so.” You squeezed Daehyun’s hand. A look of panic was on his face.
            “He is ill, is he not? That’s why he called for us. You’ve done all you can. He needs to come with us.” His deep voice sent goosebumps up your arms.
            But there it was again, like when Daehyun said “human food.” He called for us. As soon as you realized he was having an allergic reaction, you never left his side. Dae never took out a phone to call or message anyone. And even if he did, they couldn’t have gotten here so quickly.
            “Who are you?”
            The man in yellow huffed. “We already told you, we’re his brothers.”
            Daehyun slowly sat up again. “I thought you were working on your manners, Youngjae.”
                The shorter man glowered in response.
                The feeling that something strange was happening was hard to shake, and you didn’t want to leave Daehyun with these two strangers, despite their claims of being family.
                His hand rubbed circles in your back as he sensed your unease. “It’s okay.” He grabbed your hand for support as he got off the bed.
                “Daehyun,” it was almost a whisper.
                “I’ll call you later and explain everything.”
                “Not likely,” Youngjae sneered.
                Ignoring him, Dae lifted you from the bed and pulled you so you were face to face. “I’ll be okay. I’ll call you later. I promise.” He kissed your cheek.
                You tried to give a slight smile, but it didn’t hide your discomfort of the situation well. Looking back at the other men to try and reassure yourself only made your mouth drop. There weren’t hints of color in their black clothing like you thought. They were glowing, just like Dae was moments ago. Your eyes scanned to the tops of their heads, where sure enough you saw faint outlines of rabbit like ears.
                This didn’t go unnoticed by the two men. Youngjae quicky grabbed Daehyun and the taller man glared down at him. “What did you do?” His deep voice gave you goosebumps again. He pointed in your direction. “What do they know?”
                Daehyun was at a loss for words, stuttering as he scrambled for an explanation. “Guk, please.”
                The taller man, Guk, nodded at Youngjae. The shorter man tightened his hold on Daehyun, which caused him to squirm and thrash. Dae was begging and pleading, but your focus was solely on Guk who was walking towards you.
                “He-he,” you couldn’t control your voice or body from shaking. “He didn’t do anything. He just had a reaction to some food.”
                Guk was very clearly disinterested in your words. His hand came up to your face. He allowed two fingers to stroke from your chin, up the side of your cheek, then stopped at your temple. “I’m sorry.”
                It was instant that you felt dizzy and confused. You were pushed back onto the bed and fell asleep.
                A knock woke you. You felt groggy and desperately wiped at the sleep in your eyes. Your sister-in-law walked from the doorway and sat next to you on the bed.
                “Hey, you okay? Your date left a while ago.”
                “My date?” You were still trying to wake up. You weren’t sure where you were or what was happening.
                “Yeah. After not seeing you, I wanted to come check on you.” She paused and looked you over. “You must’ve had the same thing that made him sick. What was it, I’ll go ream out the food truck vendor.”
                All you could do was lean forward with your head in your hands and groan.
                “Hold on.” She left the room momentarily and came back with a glass of water and ibuprofen. After you swallowed the pills, she pulled out her phone. “I was lucky enough to get a picture of you two dancing.” She handed you the phone.
                You stared at the picture as she continued talking. “He’s hot. And he was good at dancing. Almost made me jealous.” But you couldn’t respond to her. You didn’t recognize the man in the photo, but it was you dancing with him. A shiver crept up your spine the longer you looked at it. “What was his name?”
                The longer to observed the picture, it seemed to change. A pink glow was appearing around the man. The glow stretched longer above his head. You gasped. “Mato.”
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goopeculiar · 8 months
room for six daehyun-centric (ot6), PG, 4563 words. There are only six Hufflepuffs left in the castle over the winter holiday. Naturally, Daehyun decides a sleepover in the common room is in order.
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yamilethxz · 1 year
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Spencer Reid
Derek Morgan
Aaron Hotch
Jason Gideon
David Rossi
Penelope Garcia
Elle Greenway
Jennifer "JJ" Jareau
Emily Prentiss
Ashley Seaver
Alex Blake
Kate Callahan
Tara Lewis
Luke Alvez
Stephen Walker
Matt Simmons
Y/N x Criminal Minds:
Falsey Accussed (Spencer x Y/N) [ONGOING]
My Own Works:
Interactive Fics:
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Leonardo Splinterson/Hamato
Donatello Splinterson/Hamato
Raphael Splinterson/Hamato
Michelangelo Splinterson/Hamato
Casey Jr
Baxter Stockman (2003 only)
That worm from rise
Shredder (1987, 2003, 2012 only)
Karai / Miwa
Foot Clan
Mona Lisa
Big Mama
Venus Splinterson/Hamato
Jennika Splinterson/Hamato
My Own Works:
Family. (w/ Ferris and Kit) [AO3]
Interactive Fics:
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Rock Lee
MY Own Works:
Interactive Fic's:
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Vacation Day ( Seungkwan & Vernon ) [ Requested by: @zenyukifanficblogs ]
My Own Works:
Interactive Fic's:
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ONE SHOTS / IMAGINES ( DNI: Asuna R*p3, incest, Bondage )
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DEATH NOTE (Anime Only)
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Romance Bundle - $3.50 [USD] per month (BOOKS INCULDED) (COMING SOON)
Wildside Tier - $5.50 [USD] per month (BOOKS INCULDED) (COMING SOON)
TRAPPED IN AN ONLINE GAME [VIDEOGAME SERIES BOOK 1] (INKITT - FREE TO READ) . Action . Sci-fi . Video Games . Adventure . Anime
UPDATED: September 17th 2023-10:00pm
UPDATED: July 23rd, 2022-5:31pm
SQUAD35 - SEASON ONE (INKITT - FREE TO READ) . Sci-fi . Horror . Mystery . Thriller . Action . Adventure . Anime UPDATED: April 25th, 2023-6:58pm
UNIT 0000 STORY (INKITT - FREE TO READ) . Fantasy . Adventure
UPDATED: July 31st 2021-4:00pm
MAGIC; only in fairy tales [BOOK 1] (COMING SOON ~ INKITT - FREE TO READ)
PUBLISHED: August 4th 2023-10:36pm
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This has been bothering me forever but I usually forget about it when I'm reading your story but in the ceo au is B.A.P pronounced bap(like tap) or is it spelt out like Bee Ay Pee
Love ur fics, I've read all of them
Phonetically BEE AY PEEEEE, I can’t remember how I wrote it in but I’ll double check and see if I can make it any clearer 🤣 bap would be the funniest company name.
Thank you for reading my stuff lovely 💜
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bapdaydreams · 1 year
Would anyone be down if I started writing B.A.P ship fics again? Like DaeJae or BangUp or JongLo?
Of course, I will slowly get into writing y/n fics too cuz I really am missing our B.A.P bbys.
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jnnul · 10 months
AYO YOURE AN '04 please I literally celebrate when I find someone the same age as me this is so crazy!! and that masterlist is looking like a binge read pre bedtime tonight 🤭🤭 AND YOUR STAN LIST dude I'm about to fangirl over you so hard WHAT
also I'm assuming you're desi?? from the whole jaanu thing which btw is so cute but I could be completely wrong 💀, a lot of my irl's are desi so it was j a thought
a) YES I AM AN 04 LINER!! back when i was using a different blog, i was in a gc w a bunch of other ‘04 liners it was rlly fun!! maybe we should start one again <33
b) THAT’S CRAZY CAUSE THATS WHAT I WAS THINKING SBT YOUR MASTERLISR??? ESPECIALLY after the jeno fic, i’m seated w a cup of tea for the rest of your masterlist you’re a rlly talented writer!!
also!! do you have an animal that you like/prefer for your moot tag?
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sanjoongie · 11 months
Hello! Out of curiosity, I was wondering if you had any sci-fi fic inspiration from other authors here for your alien series. I’ve read it numerous times and I think it’s so fun to write about.
Aliens, I mean, because you honestly do get the most creative freedom in this genre. It’s fun to come up with all sort of species and creatures and places with no chance of being told you’re wrong because you made it all up yourself! Don’t you think?
Hi hi 👋 to answer your first question, no I did not draw any inspiration from other authors on Tumblr for my alien series (I think you mean breed? Cuz I also have my sci-fi medley au with multiple aliens from movies) for me, when I got into K-pop, my two top groups were exo and b.a.p, who both had alien concepts, so this is almost my bread and butter, honestly. And also, I enjoy the genre as a whole and wanted for more fics to be out there with the sci-fi influence.
I do agree, though. Writing aliens is oh so fun. Being able to have the freedom to create worlds and types of creatures within the genre is great. But also that way that they're learning about the human world gives them a different level as a character and that's very fun to play around with.
Even within my sci-fi medley, deciding what I want to include for Scott ridleys Aliens, the furyans from chronicles of Riddick and the Predators, is a lot of fun. Researching but embellishing what I want, it's a fun blend of fiction and my own imagination.
I'm happy to hear you read my alien stuff and that it provokes these kinds of thoughts. I love these kinds of discussions 😍😍😍
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sehodreamsthoughts · 3 months
ok ur soo real for that though, ik what u mean cuz only if for a night is similar it’s like… goddess entity.. it’s very haunting and i love that, i think “haunting” is a good way to describe some music i like… like to me hydraganeas (i did not spell this right) sounds haunting.. but also i like a lot of more hip hop/rap and then rnb style things… but yeah ppl can like whatever they like and that’s why there are so many different styles of music, there’s truly something for everyone<3
i forgot about cosmic love!!! i rly like that one too and dog days i think was my first florence song… some of the others sound familiar too, i will try to listen to them too!!
i think if i did an angst series id do it for tall line with n,n’s “crave”, “honey”, and “buck”… and do like one song per member.. im thinking anton, eunseok, and sungchan in that order with those songs but also idrk because sometimes im too ambitious. cuz i really don’t even know what the plot would be, likely just a lot of yearning lmao.
for kpop songs i love a lot of older songs too… i see u reblog f(x), i loved f(x)…😥.. i liked red light era the most possibly… some of my faves were nu(abo) or wtv it’s called😭😭, and i loved everything on red light, pink tape, and 4 walls😭😭😭 i loved shinee too :(, exo as we talked about… um also some random groups i liked were secret, dal shabet, fiestar, tiny g, madtown, c-clown (i was shocked to learn that rome is dpr ian i had no idea they were the same person), ukiss, i liked i.o.i a lot when they were around😓😓 gugudan, pristin😭😭 i was into twice a lot too at the time, really obsessed with my wife nayeon :((
now i like sooo many groups but they’re all pretty much 4th and 5th gen.. and mostly bgs :( ive been listening a lot to the new all (h)ours album lately, nct wish’s songbird, ateez, tws, and wayv!
what about u?
- 🥟 anon
HAUNTING YES, It's such a great word to describe how I like my music.
Hahahaaha I totally get what you mean, I have a ton of ideas but actually writing them is a whole different thing. I have storylines, I have plots, I have things that I simply want to make fics, and then they just stay like mere ideas because I move onto the next idea 😭, I have like 50 songs I've been meaning to make fics too, there's one I particularly feel sad for not doing which is touch tank by quinnie, it was the perfect song for an Anton fic but I left it abandoned too 💀, it also had a ton of yearning and it was just all about swimming (because oh surprise I was a swimmer) and I wanted to put one of my most precious childhood memories because I KNOW it was romantic as fuck even if I never had nothing with my irl friend, it was purely a fic for me but that I was sure a ton of my big girlies would've loved.
I wanted to put a lot of things about growing up with a swimmer body because I was literally the nightmare for both athletes and chubby young girls, I started becoming broader but at the same time I wasn't losing weight and to add more pain I was also always the tallest kid there, not only between girls but with everyone my age 💀 (you can see why I'm so into talking about beauty standards 💀💀💀)
Wtv I just hope that I get to read one story from you I'm sure you'd do a great job with your ideas and your great mind ❤️‍🔥
I loved f(x) so much, I've always been a SM Stan so I suffered so much when I saw my babies not releasing anything anymore, 4 walls is still one of my favorite songs ever and I remember being obsessed with the MV! I don't know tiny g, mad town or c-clown but I loved secret and fiestar too 🩷, U-kiss was such a special group for me too, they, B.A.P, MBLAQ, teen top and Nu'est would always sound in my playlists 😭, then I liked Winner and Ikon but we all now how YG is... (I still miss 2ne1).
Lately I've been really into Ateez, I never expected to like them this much, I heard about them more than once but they never caught my attention until I saw a reading about this mingi guy and it really sounded like me so I started to think who the fuck are these guys and THANK GOD BECAUSE I LOVE THEM (Yeosang is my current bias wrecker 😭). I haven't listened to their entire albums but I know the most popular songs and I've been putting those long fan playlists to find what I like the most. From other groups I've been listening to Boy next door, but I don't really like them like them, they're not really my style 😭 but I like their music a lot, it's really fresh and I have to admit, they know how to follow a concept! Zb1 is been on my radar too but my problem is I can't say I stan a group unless I find a charm on each member and in both cases I'm just there for the music 🫠, I like certain members (in bonedo no one tho, in zb1 Zhang, Hanbin and Matthew) but just liking a few is not enough for me, in Riize's case I didn't doubt to fall in love with all of them from the minute I saw them, however I have to admit that lately I've been getting a bit distant (maybe that's also a reason for my block?), idk, I miss Seunghan a lot and I haven't liked much their recent songs (boom boom bass is dope tho, I finally adore the song and have been repeating it every day), and I just... I just need more. I need to feel obsessed, to feel my body burning when I see them, my heart jumping when they dance and this desperate yearn to see more of them, but with the pass of time I've just felt the flame going down 😭.
I miss having more of everything. I'm not into moderation at all, so I'm the kind that is all of nothing, once I truly enjoy something I need it until I hate it or until I can't like anything anymore, if I like a tea you'll see me buying 20 bottles to have in storage, if I like a book I'll read everything else the same author writes, if I like a brand I'll go and get what I want, so in terms of k-pop i also need all of it until I can't digest anything else, I need more songs, constant fiction, long stories, a bunch of interactions between them, I just need to be satiated and I haven't been feeling it these days 😭, I still like them of course, I Stan them, but I still think there could be more 🥺.
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paperkrane · 5 months
hello! hope ur doing well and sorry to bother u but a long time ago i read this b.a.p, a/b/o daehyun-centric fic where he was the only omega and the rest were alphas and betas and i think they saved him from an abusive pack and took him in and there was a manipulative kind of dark undertone to the whole story? and in a sequel daehyun and zelo met near a frog pond but i think that was like a remake of the og fic and i was wondering if u wrote it/know who wrote it? i've been looking everywhere and i remember reading ur fics back in the day! thank u so much x
Ah sorry it's not ringing a bell. I hope you find the fics though!
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hwaightme · 6 months
i'm popping in again to tell you it's about 6 am here and i am halfway thru your fic (will explode once in the reblogs but as always, i'm on my knees for the artistic piece that it is) and i just saw your bias story--
park chanyeol. mamamoo. lino. jayb- JAYB?! B.I?? DK??? we're literally almost the same person ahaha i'm so glad to see we have so many favourites in common idk why it always makes me happy when i see the older groups (i really dont know what else to call them other than old) like exo, mamamoo and got7. i'm the biggest jayb simp out there btw we girlies really love him 😔✌️
i literally love you so much you cannot beLIEVE *i will be screaming right back at you VERY SOON <33 did i tear up? yes, yes i did-*
yES!!! honestly it was super fun pondering, and HELLO THERE TWIN, FELLOW GIRLIE OF CULTURE; no really i was grinning when i saw your bias list!!
older groups really did so... so much; many things that were unheard of before have come about because of them, and even if someone did not bias any member out of an older group, i sure hope they shall respect what has been achieved <33 (we girlies do love jayb; smth that lives in my mind rent free is his photo collection that he used to lay out and look at to inspire himself ;~;)
oh!!! wait i did not mention in the post but, another kpop bias i had - and honestly he will always mean a lot is bang yongguk!! from b.a.p... to solo work... iconic
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creabirds · 6 months
good morning love!! 🍓 and 🦴 please
hi baby thanks for asking!!!
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction? 
i honestly don't know what really started it but to me it always just came hand in hand with being in fandom. like i've always loved to consume fanart whenever i was part of a fandom and whenever i had an idea i would begin writing myself. i think i posted my first fanfic when i was 13 and it was kpop rpf (b.a.p if you want specifics)
🦴 ⇢ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing?
pretty much anything and everything i consume!! for rpf i am often inspired by just behind the scenes stuff or memes that go around. for like, plot and vibes etc. it's often tv shows, books, movies or songs (which is why all my fic titles are lyrics from songs)
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goopeculiar · 9 months
That's Christmas to Me daehyun/youngjae + junhong/yongguk + himchan/jongup, PG-13, 1890 words. It had been snowing since the night before.
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🙅‍♀️ What is one trope you refuse to ever write?
That's hard to answer! I simply only write what I want to and don't write what I don't want to. I haven't taken requests or comissions in years, and the only things I turned down were kinks I literally didn't know about/was squicked out by. I guess I really hate when a character is used as a 2-dimensional villain for the main ship - it's just not that interesting and conflict can come from better places. so that's probably the thing i avoid the most.
🤡 What’s the dumbest thing you’ve written?
Oh my GOD dot even get me STARTED I have a now-abandoned drunk diary B.A.P. fic that I literally did get drunk to write and it's just nonsense. its physically painful for me to read so i simply don't, but i also refuse to delete it. but i dont doubt a lot of my old fic is just gonna bite me in the ass one day. anyway 0/10 on that one. OH the other dumb thing i wrote was an april fools prank chapter in Pretty Boy but in my defense that was the funniest thing ive ever done
☀️ Has anyone ever left you a comment that made your day? What did it say?
buddy EVERY COMMENT makes my day. every single time someone reads my work, and takes the time to let me know they're still there, still supporting it, still enjoying it... buddy i am EMOTIONAL. some of my readers leave just little 'i love this' type comments and those are wonderful. some people leave full essays and those are phenominal. some people leave just the word 'smoke' and I am following them with a semi-automatic sniper rifle just waiting for the right time to take them out and drag their body behind a shed anyway my point is, the people who take the time to give me any sort of feedback, i adore and love and i am immensely grateful for.
with all that said, the first comment i ever recieved also holds a place as one of my favs
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jiminscaramel · 5 years
[4:34am] “Jongup, this is silly,” you huff, frustrated at your own inability to follow the steps correctly, but happy to hold him close.
He shushes you gently, stroking your waist and helping you sway in time to the slow music. “It’s not. If you practice with me now, you’ll ace it on the day. I promise.”
“But I can’t get the steps right,” you mutter a little sadly.
Jongup leans in and kisses the crook of your neck ever so tenderly, lingering a little longer than he’d like to admit. “What if,” – another kiss, this time higher – “I kiss you,” – behind your ear – “to the tempo of the music? Would that help?”
You smile and nod as he nestles into your neck, peppering kisses all over your skin. “It would help a lot.”
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