#junho / tasks
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junhorhee · 2 years ago
Where were you last night, June 27th? Can anyone confirm this?
"I was in surgery. The nurses and anesthesiologist in the room can confirm." He'd been working when Azra was brought into the hospital, prompting his shift to last longer for the care of an important patient. Her family had the money to cover every possible test they wanted to be conducted, and Jun supposed it was better safe than sorry. It did however mean, that hours later, he'd only finished work, giving the police his statement before heading home.
How do you know Azra Nadir?
"I'm one of her doctors. She hit her head when she fell, so we want to take precautions to make sure she didn't sustain any serious brain or spinal injuries." It was routine for Jun, part of his job, and even if the younger was likely attacked by one of the killers, he couldn't say anything more for the sake of confidentiality. Not without her consent at the very least. "Beyond that, I don't know her well. She's friends with my younger cousin."
When and where did you last see her, or speak to her?
"I can't remember, I don't think I've ever directly spoken with her." He'd never exactly had a reason to, given that not only was she a decade or so younger than him, but they didn't have anything remotely similar in common.
Do you know anyone at all that she did not get along with?
Jun lets out a sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Seeing as you should be working an equally demanding job, you understand that I don't have time to invest myself in whatever problems a young girl has with people around town. I'm far more interested in seeing that she recovers well." He sets the file of Azra on the counter for a moment, growing angry, perhaps because he could smell the incompetence off of the questioning police officer, or maybe because he'd been working for 14 hours straight. "I'm doing my job, you should do yours too. You shouldn't be stupid enough to think this is something as simple as bad blood between two people." His words were said harshly, but genuine, picking up the file and walking off before he said anything more.
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lostoneshq · 8 months ago
Boa tarde, xuxus! Eu estava pensando em lançar o evento esse final de semana porque, como eu brinquei com vocês, eu queria fazer no meu aniversário (que será na Segunda). O problema é que tenho visto muitos de vocês com interações recém feitas e calls também, então eu decidi prorrogar o nosso próximo evento e continuação do plot para o começo de Junho. Outra coisa, eu gostaria de lembrar vocês que o nosso RP não tem nem dois meses ainda! E aconteceu bastante coisa já para um mês de RP e vai continuar acontecendo. Eu não tenho pretensão nenhuma de fazer o plot parar, eu só não quero ficar apressando as coisas e enchendo vocês de situações para serem desenvolvidas ao ponto de se tornar algo que gere ansiedade ou faça com que se percam. Nós tivemos o primeiro evento e drop que foi o inicio e agora as coisas vão começar a ter mais ligação uma com as outras e também teremos extras como tasks, contos e blogs secundários... Mas para isso acontecer, eu preciso estabelecer um terreno primeiro, e é o que estaremos fazendo no próximo evento. Quem conhece as dinâmicas dos meus antigos RPs, deve lembrar que cada evento é um plot point e desse plot point surgem outros mini plots. "Ai mod, por que ficar falando disso, que chatice!" Eu estou explicando porquê chegaram algumas asks ontem comentando sobre preocupação do RP ficar parado em relação ao plot por conta das minhas dificuldades nesse momento, mas eu garanto que mesmo se eu tivesse com tudo 100% por aqui, ainda teríamos esse mesmo cronograma! E também espero que a decisão de colocar o evento para o início de Junho não chateie vocês porque eu estou vendo o RP cheio de atividade e jogos; então lançar um super evento agora meio que atrapalharia o desenvolvimento que vocês mesmos estão fazendo! Por enquanto é só!
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ethyella · 4 months ago
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Ꮺ⠀⠀⠀TASK #02⠀⠀⠀:⠀⠀⠀missões⠀⠀⠀!
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⸻⠀⠀⠀but i've seen this episode and still love the show.
evangeline estava sentada em sua cama, com as pernas cruzadas em posição de borboleta e o caderno em suas mãos. as instruções eram simples, precisava apenas focar tudo que tinha naquele momento e o único lugar que considerava calmo o suficiente era seu próprio chalé. para a jovem, a tarefa era árdua, pelo simples fato de não saber identificar os sentimentos daquela missão. podia ser considerada extrovertida, despreocupada, quase nunca demonstrava o que de fato sentia. e se nem ela mesma sabia reconhecer seus sentimentos, como poderia transferi-los para um papel? e o pior, como fazer aquilo sem abrir feridas que deveriam ficar fechadas, soterradas o mais fundo possível? o local estava tão silencioso que o barulho da brisa atravessando entre as frestas da janela podia ser ouvido, se prestasse atenção o suficiente. encarou a página em branco, brincando com a caneta dentro os dedos, incerta de como iniciar. divagou até a missão que considerava mais importante, aquela que mais guardava medos. respirou fundo, aproximando a ponta da caneta do papel. com cautela, escreveu tudo que sentia enquanto as cenas vinham em sua cabeça: pânico, angustia, incerteza.
** a leitura a seguir menciona temas como sangue, dilaceração de pele e músculo, morte, cabeça perfurada, desmembramento. caso seja sensível à qualquer um dos tópicos, a leitura é desencorajada e, até mesmo, não indicada.
fort bragg, califórnia. junho, 2017.
tirou os fios de cabelo da frente do rosto ao fazer um rabo de cavalo no cabelo. era uma tarefa simples, ponderou. precisavam apenas explorar as ruínas e trazer o que achassem relevante ser estudado, nada mais. fort bragg era uma cidade pequena, sem muitos registros, mas haviam informado que precisavam de novas avaliações e eva se ofereceu, sem pensar muito. ela tinha uma profecia que a mandava para o oeste, afinal, e seu pai era o deus do vento oeste. o que podia dar de errado?
o clima na cidade pequena era agradável e, apesar de ser um mês seco, estava chovendo naquele dia, sem a presença do sol. o vento transpassava a vestimenta e lhe agarrava a pele, mas evangeline mantinha-se focada em seu objetivo. com a lanterna em mãos, estava em uma pequena ruína, perto da praia, onde poucos se aventuravam a explorar. era necessário quarenta minutos de subida íngreme, passar por um descampado e descer uma escada velha - tudo tranquilo até então para uma dupla de semideuses.
assim que entrou nas ruínas, um arrepio percorreu toda a espinha, a fazendo estremecer. o silêncio era ensurdecedor, apenas com os passos deles ecoando no local. segurou a pulseira do pulso esquerdo com força. era apenas um balançar. com passos firmes, avançou na frente, enquanto o outro semideus ficou na retaguarda. não sabia explicar, mas seu sentido de semideus dizia que havia algo de errado. estava em alerta por conta daquilo. podia ser pela atmosfera que estava pesada, como se o ar no local fosse denso e difícil de respirar, com a poeira subindo conforme avançava. o som das gotículas de chuva batendo no mármore trazia um aspecto ainda mais assustador. cada passo era uma dose da sorte que gastavam, pois sequer sabia o que tinha embaixo daquilo.
evangeline, por ser mais rápida, ia na frente com a lança aposta e logo atrás, seguindo-a, vinha kimberly, uma filha de hebe, alguns anos mais velha. quando estavam no centro das ruínas, um barulho na extremidade a nordeste delas chamou a atenção, fazendo com que eva pusesse a ponta da lança mais a frente. ouviu-se um sibilar que fez a filha de zéfiro congelar. viu-se a silhueta de uma cauda de cobra, porém o corpo... era humano. uma lâmia. era grande, ágil e os olhos pareciam que iriam devorá-las. sem pensar muito, kimberly partiu para cima do monstro, usando seu poder de teletransporte e velocidade acima do normal para desferir alguns golpes na criatura, que parecia estar sofrendo. enquanto isso, eva permaneceu estática.
ao que parecia, o combate não duraria mais muito tempo, já que kimberly, com maestria, parecia ter tudo sobre controle. talvez a criatura não estivesse pronta para alguém tão novo e tão experiente. a lâmia não fazia mais esforço para se defender dos golpes ágeis da semideusa. uma dor aguda sua perna fez evangeline gritar e cair de joelhos. algo havia perfurado sua perna, fundo, passando pelo músculo e chego no osso. havia outra lâmia, mas essa, mais velha e com uma expressão de ainda mais ódio nos olhos.
a dor era tamanha, que mal conseguia mais embainhar a lança para se defender. kimberly, do outro lado, não tinha como a ajudar sem antes finalizar seu combate. sentia o sangue escorrendo para fora de seu corpo e nada podia fazer. o ataque a pegou de surpresa, mas ainda fazia força para levantar, a dor excruciante tomando conta do seu ser. sabia que precisava levantar, e assim o fizera, após soltar um berro de dor, atraindo a atenção da segunda lâmia.
a criatura tentou novamente acertar eva, dessa vez com a ponta da cauda, que desviou, se abaixando. a dor era tamanha, que agia por instinto de sobrevivência. virou a lança, batendo no peito da lâmia com a base da lança, a jogando em um canto das ruínas, rugindo de dor. a perna ainda sangrava, formando agora uma pequena poça no chão. se continuasse perdendo sangue daquele jeito, logo não conseguiria andar e quem dirá batalhar. sabia que precisava continuar, ao menos até que kimberly finalizasse com a lâmia maior.
enquanto a semideusa analisava as possibilidades, a lâmia se levantou e avançou em sua direção, mas eva fora mais rápida. virou a ponta da lança contra ela, e em um movimento rápido, cravou a lâmina no meio da cabeça da criatura. tudo fora rápido demais. a força do impacto contra o crânio da lâmia arremessou evangeline para longe, a obrigando a fazer força com a perna machucada para impedir que caísse sentada. a lâmia soltou um urro, uma mistura de dor agonizante por conta do metal com raiva pelo ferimento. sua arma presa no meio da cabeça da criatura a queimava. demorou mais um tempo enquanto a criatura se contorcia, lentamente ficando mais fraca, até cair no chão.
evangeline precisava ignorar a dor em sua perna. respirou fundo, ainda vendo kimberly lutando com a primeira lâmia, que parecia aguentar os golpes desferidos contra, usando todos os truques que podia com a sua cauda. ao voltar sua atenção para o ferimento, rasou a manga da camisa e usou para fazer um torniquete improvisado em sua perna. ainda não havia terminando a missão e estavam longe de encontrar o objeto. estava terminando o nó quando som medonho do metal rasgando a carne atravessou seus ouvidos.
aterrorizada pela crueldade presente nos olhos de kimberly, evangeline não deu um passo sequer enquanto ela finalizava o desmembramento, apenas observava e uma sensação de alívio a invadiu. brevemente, pois um estrondo chamou sua atenção. a colega de missão havia pisado em alguma coisa, que ativou algumas armadilhas ocultas. os pilares, antes de beleza intocada, davam espaço em seu meio para um sistema de gatilhos armados com flechas. ela não queria saber do que eram, por isso, tentou correr ao máximo para onde haviam entrado, arrastando a perna feria junto.
de costas, pode ouvir um guincho de dor vindo atrás de si. kimberly havia sido atingida pelas flechas. a vontade de virar contrastava com o instinto de manter-se a salvo. ao chegar na ponta, virou-se, apenas para flagrar a imagem de kimberly e seus olhos arregalados de dor. quis gritar, mas a dor excruciante em sua perna a mantinha presa, tamanho esforço que a adrenalina havia feito para tirá-la do raio de ataque, agora cobrava o preço de não poder salvar a companheira, que estava morrendo diante de seus olhos. com o suspiro final, seu corpo despencou lentamente, atingindo o chão com um estrondo.
a visão alterou conforme a sua vontade. agora via ela deitada no lugar de kimberly, depois de ter ido enfrentar a primeira criatura, assim, teria salvo a companheira. nunca desejara que ela morresse, ainda mais por algo que deveria ser fácil. era como se estivesse assistindo um episódio mais triste da temporada ser gravado em tempo real.
era atingida pela flecha no mesmo lugar onde havia sido ferida pela lâmia, caindo de joelhos. kimberly lutou para tentar chegar até ela, mas a salva de flechas não a permitiu. o cheiro metálico do sangue permeava o ar, trazendo um ar melancólico na despedida delas. por mais que estivesse ferida, não sentia dor alguma.
quando a folha de louro terminou de queimar, evangeline estava com os olhos inchados e o rosto molhado, tomado pelas lágrimas que escorriam livremente. por mais que tivesse desejado que fosse diferente, sabia que nada mudaria o que já havia acontecido. era tomada por uma culpa cada vez que revisitava as memórias. juntou as cinzas que restaram, colocando-as sobre o pergaminho que havia escrito e enrolou tudo, colocando a conta agora em seu colar.
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@silencehq @hefestotv
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morphcode · 6 months ago
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hi again angels ! it's kina ( @wickedhours ) once again coming to introduce my newest brain - child, a confidential informant for villains ( aka their real "clients" ) with an agenda to get rid of the aeternal utopia that only ever uses their sense of justice to benefit aeternals. under the cut you'll find all the links needed to get you acquainted with them, and if you're interested in plotting pls like this post & i'll dm yall as soon as i can !!
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their backstory contains topics of familial death, parental neglect, survivor's guilt, and slight-descriptive violence. when the aforementioned topics come up in their backstory i will give a brief warning!
⤷ junho was born on november 15, 1997 to a seemingly normal family. thier parents were both elementary school teachers in the city, and their family lived a humble beginning. they were the second-oldest child, having an older brother and two younger sisters, and they were just a normal, happy family...
⤷ ( tw : familial death ) tragedy would strike when junho was eight years old, just a couple months after their youngest sister was born. an aeternal by the name ARCHANGEL ( flight via angel wings + minor light manipulation ) was having an intense fight with his nemesis across the city, and it was just unfortunate that the yang family's home was caught in the crossfire with junho's family inside while they were away at a friend's house that afternoon. everyone in the house was pronounced dead and junho was by themself.
⤷ it was a hectic couple days for poor ARCHANGEL, who had a squeaky clean image with zero civilian deaths since their enlistment into the aeternal task force decades earlier. public opinion really turned on him the moment video surveillance came out showing that the destruction of family's house could've been avoided twenty minutes earlier when his initial mission was completed instead of chasing after the villain. it was probably the first time he's ever acted so irrationally, and now he was reaping what he sowed.
⤷ the task force's pr team suggested that he should adopted the newly-orphaned junho to help save face. to be clear, ARCHANGEL had never wanted children because they only cared about their career. taking care of a child was never something he wanted to do, much less take care of a child he's never met before whose only knowledge of him was the fact that he's the reason they were now an orphan.
⤷ he still ends up adopted junho, mostly due to the pressure of the public after news outlets released articles of his alleged guilt, and that he wanted to adopt them as a way to make peace with what had happened.
⤷ ( tw : parental neglect ) they do not get along behind the scenes. junho is uncooperative when they aren't in front of cameras and the aeternal is not interested in the child at all. he leaves junho in the care of various nannies who either only gush about how lucky they were for being adopted by someone so handsome and rich, or were in it for the large sum of payment given for providing them with the necessities. junho hated them all.
⤷ junho's ability manifests suddenly when he's thinking about his family one night at the age of ten. he only had three blurry photos of them all, somehow ninety-nine percent preserved despite the ruins of his family's home that surrounded them. he wished he could see them again, so imagine his surprise when he could see his brother's reflection in the mirror as if he were alive!
⤷ but no, sadly it's only junho, and the shift only lasts a few seconds. he studies his reflection in the mirror for almost an hour, slightly changing his features to test the waters. he realises he could completely change his eye color to hide the gold streak that had appeared in them and decides that he can't tell those around him — especially ARCHANGEL — about his ability. if he's right, he feels ARCHANGEL will take use the revelation to his advantage, and junho did not want that under any circumstances.
⤷ it takes a while for them to learn how to keep their eyes changed for longer than a couple seconds at a time, and there are a couple times nannies have done a double-take when they turned towards junho suddenly. when they manifest their first minor ability, sleep inducement, they stop hiding the real colour of their eyes and reveal that as their primary ability at thirteen. it's nothing as grandiose as ARCHANGEL's powers, but it sure was unexpected! the aeternal promised he would personally train his "son" but we all know how that went... junho trained themself.
⤷ junho decides to live a "humble life" in spite of the reality that they're a new addition to the nepo baby club. they graduate high school, gets their bachelors for psychology, and more recently got their masters in psychology. their "dad" can't really be upset with the direction they've taken in life, but if only their ability was better suited for the life of an aeternal... right?
⤷ behind the scenes, junho was busy making connections to get themself acquainted with various villains across the city. their views very much align with them, and being well acquainted with aeternals through ARCHANGEL has made it easier for them to gain the fragile trust of those who required the information. they go by the alias 'ATLAS', for no reason other than the fact it sounds cool, but also what kind of villain ( if they could be really be called that... ) goes by their full name?
⤷ ( tw: violence ) four years ago, ARCHANGEL was on a mission and tasked to capture a small-time villain hiding out at an abandoned cabin. it turned out to be a trap, and he was ambushed by four other villains that had been off the grid for weeks. in the fight, although the villains had not killed him, instead they had incapacitated the aeternal by cutting off his wings and stealing them. they left him to die but thankfully more aeternals showed up to aid him, but the damage was done. although ARCHANGEL still had power, they couldn't find the will to continue being a hero. all according to junho's plan, of course... they wanted ARCHANGEL alive for a reason.
⤷ they started staying at silver line three years ago while they were interning at the wellness center, but they only became a sleep therapist within the last year with the use of his ability as well as making the right connections. sometimes they do work at han pharmaceuticals as well, both has themself but mostly shifted, typically morphed into someone that already works there.
⤷ after ARCHANGEL was decommissioned, junho momentarily believed that they have gotten their revenge. it didn't last very long because there were countless stories of civilians suffering physically, mentally and / or financially at the hands of aeternals without them facing too much repercussion for their actions. so junho continues working with any villains needing information, both new clients and their good ol' regulars alike!
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⤷ junho uses any pronouns, mostly influenced by the fact that they're a shapeshifter, and thus have no preferences when it comes to pronouns. you'll see me interchange between they / them and he / him a lot but feel free to use any !
⤷ junho is two-faced. point blank. he is constantly wearing a mask unless he really trusts you and not many people have that privilege.
⤷ on the surface, he comes off as someone very friendly, easy to get along with and easy to speak to. he's confident in his skin without being vain, and he's known for helping others whenever they need someone, regardless if they know each other or not. he has a gentle personality that isn't quick to anger, and they're someone who seems to really care about the community around him. and you should never be friend with your therapist, but junho makes it so easy to forget that's an unspoken rule.
⤷ he is still all of these things with the villains that he works with ... but there are many, many layers to his identity. unless he's been working with someone for a long time or if they're likeminded individuals who want to see the aeternal task force fall off the face of the earth, he doesn't make any real friendships with someone. for someone who doesn't fit the aforementioned criteria, they need to have connections that junho can eventually connect himself to in order to be deemed useful to him. keeping those he barely cares about at an arms length is his norm.
⤷ as a villain, junho is someone who stays behind the scenes. he hires others or relies on others to get blood on their hands for him, and in return he gives them valuable information. he may know hand-to-hand combat but he is not versed in fighting with his abilities. his abilities are used as a defense mechanism and he's not too interested on using brute force to get what he wants and / or needs.
⤷ as expected, he's highly vengeful, and has a corrupt sense of justice. he could've simply had ARCHANGEL killed, but he realised that he would be taking the easy way out instead of showing remorse for his mistakes. maybe junho would've learned to forgive the man if more innocent civilians hadn't became collateral damage in more conflicts around the city when the aeternal was involved... but here we are.
⤷ worry not, junho is not completely heartless! he really does have a soft-spot for others who have been wronged by aeternals. he has been in their shoes, and regardless of what happened, he knows they deserve better than the reimbursement they were given. his stories harden his resolve and remind him that his cause his just... regardless of the methods.
⤷ not sure where else this would fit, but junho is secretly obsessed with their reflection. over the years with the use of their ability, shapeshifting has always made them feel like they have a tendency to forget what certain features of their own are actually theirs or if they've made a subtle change that they hadn't noticed until now. sometimes they doubt if their face is even their natural face, and they're trying to convince themself that it doesn't matter. they're a shapeshifter after all, their appearance changes at their own will anyway.
⤷ not sure where to place this either but junho is a fish parent ! they have 4 female bettas, their daughters, no real names and instead called by the color they are lol. they also have two males in separate tanks. they really like fish and often go to like the nearest pet store to contemplate buying another betta. they even have a tattoo dedicated to their first betta ( and its their only tattoo as well, they're a firm believer that their own tattoos should be meaningful ).
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⤷ no plots page ready bc i'm a flop... hopefully these ideas below will suffice for now but praying that within the week i'll be able to get an actual page done! i'm always up for brainstorming as well so if none of these fit don't worry!
fellow villains or morally grey muses for them to work with or befriend pls ...... could be someone newer to their circle or someone they have been acquainted with for a long time.
patients at the wellness center ... junho can and will help your muses fall asleep if they're having trouble. they can either come to the center themselves or his apartment is always open for anyone to come take a nap. just one tap to the wrist and he can get most ppl to sleep!
you shouldn't be friends with your therapists but this is not the real world so it should be ok if muses are "friends" with him!! it's probably better if they're not his patients but yk whatever snfjkdsnfjs we'll work out the kinks when we get there,,
sometimes they go to daemon to meet clients for information while shifted, sometimes they go to bet on fighters or sometimes they go simply for a drink. they're kinda the wrong person to trust with private information or drunken confessions but what better place to accidentally gain info than at a place were ppl get drunk......
he has resident complaints against him for dreamwalking. it's somewhat of a newer ability to him and he can control it maybe 70% of the time. sometimes he intends to go to a certain person's dreams and ends up completely different... either way it's considered an invasion of privacy... so... he's sorry? ( would be soooo down to have threads inside someone's dreams! )
they're usually very meticulous of shapeshifting in their apartment or in hidden alleys or public restrooms where no one would see them, but they're not perfect and mistakes are made. they can play it off as a recently developed minor ability but maybe they're suspicious of how natural their shift is... who is the real junho, the person they see leave their apartment or the person they just shifted into?
his "regular" social circle... like people who genuinely thinks they're a group of besties... and maybe somewhere deep deep deep deep down he also considers them friends. it's just a shame that he can't really trust them with his true personality but he cares for them more than he cares for most people he keeps at arms length for sure!
exes, fwbs, one night stands whatever... all i'll say is that junho can figuratively ( and literally... but they don't know that ) become whatever someone wants out of a partner, just know that if they were in a committed relationship at any point in time, junho was most likely using them due to any connections they may have anjfnhjsfb
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greenteabelle · 7 months ago
finished watching d.p. (2021) yesterday , and i can't help but wonder : what if cho seokbong was part of the d.p. team ?
sergeant park beomgu was well aware of seokbong's fighting abilities , given his extensive history in judo . additionally , he knew of seokbong's interest in art and anime , which he had to know that it would make him an even bigger target for bullying . maybe the team was already full , so he couldn't be added .
but what if park beomgu said fuck it and added him anyway ?
maybe cho seokbong could have been a substitute member , tasked to fill in for a missing member or extra manpower is required for particularly dangerous deserters . maybe he could be dispatched on mentally precarious missions , where they need someone who can comfort and empathise with the deserter to bring them back safely .
sure , maybe he would still spend more time at the base compared to the rest of the team , but i like to hope that sergeant park would occasionally summon him to the office , for nothing more than a reprieve from his abuse . that han hoyeol would drop by every so often , warding off the bullies with nonchalance . even if the bullying continues , he at least has something to look forward for now .
then when ahn junho arrives , their team finally feels complete .
especially after he beats up park sungwoo .
i just really wish that there was something that they could have done to give seokbong a sense of hope . that there were people standing by his side , understanding and accepting , no matter what he experiences at the base .
i just wish kind people would get their happy ending .
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anotherfanaccount · 1 year ago
Celebrity had its moments for sure. Public opinion really can change things overnight. But swaying the public is also not a difficult task.
The best part as per me was the character of bbbfamous. The story going with an anonymous person till the end was actually genius. Because people like them really do exist. Having an internet connection and a keypad to type out another human's downfall while your own life might be in a rat's hole was pathetic. You feel bad for them but not enough to actually care for them now. Because whatever your condition, it never gives you a free rein to ruin someone else's life.
And I also wished they fleshed out the romance a bit more. Kinda liked the ML but he didn't have enough to work on.
And what was Junho doing at the end. What was that smirk for?? I need answers.
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be-events · 2 years ago
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congrats on surviving episode two of next gen! updated rankings can be found here. no eliminations were announced in this episode, however the next episode’s teamwork evaluation will be the first elimination round. participants in the bottom ranks have been warned that they may not survive to the third episode if they do not show marked improvement.
for participating in the auditions and appearing in the second episode of NEXT GEN, all wannabes who submitted their participation may collect points as outlined on this spreadsheet. points were awarded based on the writing requirements submitted and the optional extra threads. no verification is required; you may link back to this post on your spreadsheets.
for the next episode of NEXT GEN, all participants will be divided into singing, dancing, and rapping groups, and then those groups split in two for a total of six teams. each skill will go head to head with the winning team receiving immunity from elimination while the members of the losing team are at the mercy of the judges to stay in the competition. the teams and their assigned songs can be found below. the singing teams will be practicing at the LIME ENTERTAINMENT building with help from BOM and are given special access to certain practice rooms for the week. dance teams will have practice rooms at SR MEDIA assisted by YOOJUNG and rap teams at STUDIO DELTA with J-YOON. independent practice will be expected of them between lessons and participants are welcome to work together with their teams to rehearse.
the teams and performances for episode three are as follows:
DANCE TEAM A - performing FINESSE by bruno mars
DANCE TEAM B - performing SALUTE by little mix
SINGING TEAM A - performing SPARK by taeyeon nana
SINGING TEAM B - performing MISSING YOU by btob
RAP TEAM A - performing WITCH by jang yeeun x jeon jiwoo x jamie x cheetah x hyoyeon
RAP TEAM B - performing ZOO by taeyong x jeno x hendery x yangyang x giselle
NOTE: for the singing and rapping groups, don’t worry too much about line distributions! you’re welcome to establish them with your team independently so long as everyone agrees with them but this is entirely optional. same with dance groups regarding center distributions.
during the next few days, all participants will be practicing at the LIME ENTERTAINMENT building to prepare for their mcountdown performance. this rehearsal will take up the majority of their morning and after lunch they will head to the various other locations. once the mcountdown performance is complete, participants will be at the separate locations full time.
this event is for next gen participants only. part 3 will run until march 17 at 11:59pm. any solos posted after the deadline will not be considered. please send in your submission before this deadline.
please use the hashtag #BE:NGS1P3 for all posts relating to this part of the event.
please write at least one 4-post thread with another participant in your team preparing for the mission. NOTE: this task may be completed multiple times.
please write a 300+ word solo about your muse’s performance in front of the judges
OPTIONAL: please write at least one 4-post thread with another participant from any team preparing for the mcountdown performance. NOTE: this task may be completed multiple times.
OPTIONAL: please write a 200+ word solo about your muse reflecting on their preparation and their performance in front of the judges. this should be treated as a verbal interview. what was the greatest challenge during this mission? was there another participant who was especially helpful? do they feel confident in their performance? etc. questions can be made up to prompt responses to specific events throughout practice and the performances.
please keep in mind that all threads and solos should be written with the assumption that cameras are on the participants at all times.
when you’ve completed these tasks, please send the following form to our events blog:
preparation: link to thread *may be completed multiple times; please include multiple links if so
mcountdown preparation: link to thread *may be completed multiple times; please include multiple links if so *optional
performance: link to solo 
reflection: link to solo *optional
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trashlie · 1 year ago
I was supposed to wash my hair today but then I did dishes and then my manager called me in for a special task this evening and then I accidentally started watching See You in My 19th Life bhxubidhojifih
Usually I do NOT want adaptations of stories - esp webtoons - I love but this one especially felt written to BE a drama. I ALWAYS had that sense with how it played out. (To no one's surprise, I always imagined Junho as Seoha LMAO he just handles that sad traumatized boy with mommy/daddy issues and vulnerability SO WELL lmaoooooooo)
Anyway I can't remember the last time I watched a drama it's probably 20/21 LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOO 💀💀💀💀💀
I love it so far. I'm sure there's gonna be things they change and maybe I'll grouse about it but I hope overall it stays true to the core of what I loved so much about this webtoon and my bold, charming Jieun and my tender Seoha and their sweet story that ended too soon
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claudiosuenaga · 2 years ago
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Um tanque chamariz de borracha (e claramente leve) projetado para enganar as forças alemãs na Segunda Guerra Mundial. Inglaterra, por volta de 1939. Foto: Roger Violett/Getty Images.
Mensageiros da Decepção: O Ghost Army da Segunda Guerra Mundial
Por Cláudio Tsuyoshi Suenaga
Uma das mais insólitas artimanhas levadas a efeito pelas Forças Armadas Norte-Americanas para levar vantagem sobre o inimigo na Segunda Guerra Mundial, o Ghost Army (Exército Fantasma) foi uma unidade de dissimulação tática do Exército dos Estados Unidos, oficialmente conhecido como 23rd Headquarters Special Troops. Composto por 1.100 homens, imitava operações britânicas anteriores e se passava por outras unidades do exército estadunidense para enganar o inimigo.
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Direitos de autor: © kacain — http://www.redbubble.com/people/kacai
Ardilosos expedientes de guerra psicológica já tinham sido usados durante a Primeira Guerra Mundial pelos alemães, que lançaram mão de fabricarem fumaça artificial e nela projetavam a imagem da Virgem Maria de braços abertos pedindo paz. O objetivo do “efeito especial” era a de confundir os inimigos cristãos ingleses e franceses, fazendo-os acreditar que a Virgem estivesse amparando e protegendo seus “filhos diletos”, os alemães.
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Um avião de mentira do Exército Fantasma. Fonte: Task & Purpose.
A lição foi aprendida e aperfeiçoada na Segunda Guerra Mundial. Desde quando chegaram a França, semanas após o desembarque na Normandia em 6 de junho de 1944, na chamada Operação Overlord, e até o fim da guerra, o Ghost Army realizou mais de vinte “apresentações itinerantes” usando tanques infláveis, caminhões de som, transmissões de rádio falsas e dissimulações, frequentemente operando próximo das linhas de frente. Munidos de compressores de ar e alguns soldados-atores, eram capazes de criar a ilusão de falsos comboios militares que aparentavam ter 30.000 homens.
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Foto: Keystone/Stringer.
A operação de maior sucesso foi a Operação Viersen, que aconteceu de 18 a 24 de março de 1945. Uma unidade fantasma do Exército Norte-Americano com pouco mais de mil homens desembarcou no norte da Normandia para colocar em movimento um verdadeiro road show usando 600 tanques e caminhões infláveis, amplificadores com sons pré-gravados de movimentação de tropas e caminhões, uniformes falsos para personificar soldados de outras unidades; gravações da construção de pontes flutuantes; e diversas ações e efeitos especiais cênico-teatrais para gerar impacto psicológico nas tropas nazistas e fazê-los acreditar que a 30ª Divisão de Infantaria e a 79ª Divisão de Infantaria estavam se preparando para cruzar o rio Reno. Os alemães moveram a maior parte das suas defesas através do rio a partir do local suspeito das duas divisões, bombardeando um exército que não existia.
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Tanque Sherman de borracha inflável. (H 42531 / Imperial War Museums).
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Apenas alguns dos muitos tanques infláveis do 603º Batalhão de Engenheiros de Camuflagem. Fonte: Task & Purpose.
As missões da Ghost Army, tema de um documentário da PBS em 2013, foram mantidas em segredo absoluto até 1996 e alguns detalhes ainda o são.
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asianvillehq · 6 months ago
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Caos Urbano: Trabalhadores do Transporte Público Entram em Greve Geral em Asianville
Asianville, 26 de junho de 2024 – O Distrito de Asianville, conhecido por seu trânsito caótico e seu sistema de transporte público essencial, enfrenta hoje um dia de desafios sem precedentes. Trabalhadores do setor de transporte público, incluindo motoristas de ônibus, operadores de metrô e trabalhadores de manutenção, entraram em greve geral por tempo indeterminado, reivindicando melhores condições de trabalho e aumentos salariais.
A greve, que começou às 9h da manhã, paralisou completamente o sistema de transporte da cidade. Estações de metrô estão fechadas e os ônibus permanecem estacionados em suas garagens. A ausência de transporte público afetou centenas de milhares de moradores que dependem diariamente desses serviços para se deslocar ao trabalho, escola e outros compromissos.
“Não temos escolha a não ser fazer essa greve. Nossas condições de trabalho são insustentáveis e nossos salários estão estagnados há anos”, declarou Kevin Liu, representante do sindicato dos trabalhadores do transporte público em Asianville. “Estamos pedindo um aumento salarial de 10%, melhores benefícios de saúde e mais segurança no trabalho.”
As autoridades da cidade estão pedindo calma à população e recomendam que os moradores trabalhem remotamente, se possível, ou usem modos alternativos de transporte, como caronas compartilhadas, bicicletas ou caminhadas. No entanto, a falta de opções viáveis de transporte gerou congestionamentos massivos nas principais vias da cidade.
“Estamos fazendo tudo o que podemos para resolver essa situação”, afirmou a Secretária do Transporte Lane Khum em uma coletiva de imprensa. “Iniciamos um diálogo com os representantes sindicais e esperamos chegar a um acordo em breve. Pedimos paciência e compreensão aos moradores durante este período difícil.”
Enquanto isso, a comunidade empresarial de Asianville expressou preocupações significativas sobre o impacto econômico da greve. “Nossos funcionários não conseguem chegar ao trabalho, o que afeta nossa produtividade e, consequentemente, nossa economia local”, comentou Lindsey Choi, presidente da Câmara de Comércio de Asianville.
A greve também trouxe à tona questões de infraestrutura e planejamento urbano de longo prazo. Especialistas afirmam que a dependência excessiva do transporte público sem alternativas eficientes em momentos de crise é um problema que precisa ser abordado pelas autoridades municipais.
“Essa greve é um sinal claro de que precisamos investir mais em nosso sistema de transporte e garantir que nossos trabalhadores sejam valorizados”, disse o analista de transporte urbano, Dr. Marco Sawa. “Além disso, precisamos desenvolver soluções de mobilidade urbana que possam suportar crises como esta.”
À medida que as negociações continuam, os moradores de Asianville enfrentam um período de incerteza e adaptação. A expectativa é que as conversas entre a administração do distrito e os representantes sindicais avancem rapidamente para que a cidade possa retomar sua rotina normal o mais breve possível.
Olá, players! Finalmente voltamos com algum agito por aqui! Como podemos ver, os trabalhadores do transporte público em Asianville estão em greve e isso vai trazer alguns transtornos para o distrito todo. Afinal é uma greve e greve é para incomodar.
Os personagens são totalmente livres para expressar seus descontentamentos com a situação mesmo sendo contrários a greve, afinal nem só de progressistas vive a sociedade, certo?
Seu personagem pode inclusive aderir a greve e ir protestar junto aos trabalhadores, vamos adorar ver isso acontecendo!
A task vai ser algo básico, gostaríamos de ver os personagens interagindo com essa situação através de tweets ou selfparas curtinhos, o que preferirem. Lembrem-se de mandar pra gente na DM do @asianvilleadm os tweets e/ou selfparas/headcanon que fizerem.
A data da finalização da greve ainda não vai ser divulgada, os transtornos vão continuar por um tempinho ainda.
Agradecemos desde já! Um beijo da Maddie e da Max ♥
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ambientalmercantil · 7 months ago
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pacosemnoticias · 1 year ago
Escassez de água no Algarve é a "pior de sempre"
A escassez de água no Algarve é a "pior de sempre" e a manter-se este cenário, no início de 2024 pode ser necessário impor limites ao consumo, admitiu o vice-presidente da Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente (APA).
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“Este ano, o Algarve está pior do que o ano passado, está na pior situação de sempre. Nunca estivemos assim. É um caminho novo que estamos a trilhar”, afirmou José Pimenta Machado no Encontro Nacional de Entidades Gestoras da Água (ENEG) que arrancou hoje e decorre até quinta-feira em Gondomar.
A situação é de “particular preocupação”, podendo levar “eventualmente” a APA a “tomar medidas difíceis”, em janeiro ou fevereiro, antecipou, revelando durante a sua intervenção que o conjunto de albufeiras na região do Algarve contabiliza neste momento menos 30 hectómetros cúbicos (hm3) do que em 2022.
À margem do evento, José Pimenta Machado esclareceu que a APA monitoriza diariamente o nível de água nas albufeiras, sendo com base nesta análise que são tomadas decisões.
“Tudo tem de ser avaliado em função das reservas de água. Nós estamos em pleno inverno e é no inverno que as albufeiras recuperam água. Vamos ter de fazer uma monitorização rigorosa e contínua daquilo que é evolução do nível das albufeiras e depois, eventualmente, em janeiro, fevereiro, temos de tomar medidas para que acima de tudo não falte água”, frisou.
O vice-presidente da APA aproveitou para apontar o controlo do consumo de água e o reforço da fiscalização das águas subterrâneas como possíveis medidas de mitigação da escassez de água.
O responsável disse, ainda, que a situação na Bacia do Rio Mira, no Alentejo, é semelhante à região do Algarve, contudo, naquele caso, o “consumo humano está mais do que salvaguardado”.
De acordo com o boletim semanal de albufeiras de 20 de novembro, o volume armazenado aumentou em três bacias hidrográficas do país e diminuiu em 12 face ao registado na semana anterior.
Segundo o mesmo documento, há cinco albufeiras com uma percentagem de armazenamento que não ultrapassa os 20%: Campilhas (6%), Monte da Rocha (8%), Vigia (16%), Arade (15%) e Bravura (8%), as duas últimas no Algarve.
José Pimenta Machado — que participou durante a tarde numa mesa-redonda sobre a adaptação às novas diretivas europeias em matéria de água -, mostrou-se, contudo, satisfeito com o trabalho desenvolvido pela ‘task force’ criada em junho para mitigar os efeitos da seca naquela região.
Nessa altura, o Governo decretou uma redução da quota de água para uso agrícola e para campos de golfe em 20% na barragem de Odeleite, em Castro Marim, no distrito de Faro.
No caso de os campos de golfe terem capacidade para reutilização de águas residuais, a limitação sobe para os 50%.
As medidas surgiram numa altura em que um terço do país se encontrava em seca severa e extrema, com Algarve e o Alentejo a suscitarem as maiores preocupações.
Isso mesmo foi confirmado pelo vice-presidente da APA, que referiu que em algumas estações das bacias do Cávado e do Lima, registaram-se valores de precipitação na ordem dos 1.000 litros: “isto é, choveu mais em 15 dias naquela zona do que chove em dois anos em toda a região do Algarve”, sublinhou, acrescentando que estes fenómenos trazem desafios acrescidos.
Aquele responsável lembrou ainda que na região do Algarve estão a ser feitos investimentos para encontrar fontes alternativas, como o projeto de construção de uma dessalinizadora no concelho de Albufeira, que está em consulta pública até 19 de dezembro.
Estão também previstos investimentos públicos na ordem dos 342 milhões de euros provenientes do Plano de Recuperação e Resiliência (PRR) e de fundos europeus, para aumentar resiliência na água.
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kyghq · 2 years ago
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E chegou a notícia que todos queriam dar, menos os estudantes do Kyonggi, que estão (ou deveriam estar) se ferrando para completar os projetos a tempo: o Festival Saessag está entre nós!
Vocês já estão cansados de ouvir falar sobre o Festival, certo? Bem, pois agradeçam, finalmente estamos caminhando diretamente para o término dessa etapa neste final de semana, dia 22 e 23 de Junho. Dessa vez, diferentemente do pré-festival, os alunos precisam apresentar o MELHOR do melhor, versões finalizadas e/ou aprimoradas do que trouxeram antes, sem espaço para erros. Essa é a última chance de mostrar ao público o seu potencial, como artista, estrela, estudante merecedor do Kyonggi Institute of Arts — o Festival Saessag é um festival de oportunidades para tudo aquilo que você quer ser.
No dia 23, a primeira parte do dia trata-se das exposições e palestras dos nossos estudantes do Departamento de Design e Escrita. Depois, o Fest segue para as apresentações de dança, atuação, música e cinema.
No dia 24, finalmente conheceremos o que os nossos Projetos prepararam para nós e poderemos julgar seus esforços para conquistarem a posição de fechamento do show. Ansiosos? Nós estamos!
Vale lembrar também que, depois do Saessag Fest, o instituto Kyonggi fecha suas salas de aula durante uma semana para que os alunos possam se recuperar — ou, caso você esteja preocupado, começar a se preparar para o fim do semestre que vem se aproximando. De qualquer forma, todos sabemos o que vocês vão escolher: quem trocaria 7 dias com as pernas para cima por 7 dias de mais estudo? Ew!
Boa noite, estrelinhas!
Como já era esperado, estamos lançando o evento oficial do Festival uma semana depois do planejado. O plano saiu bastante da rota, por sinal, dado que estamos lançando o post na mesma semana da data final e não duas semanas antes, como anteriormente foi feito; por isso, ao contrário do pré-fest, não transformaremos em obrigatório a missão de postar self-para, já que tá em cima da hora para aqueles que não tem tanto tempo assim — porém, ainda deixaremos como task obrigatória que postem algum tipo de conteúdo que represente o projeto do seu personagem!
Também pedimos que NOS ENVIEM UM RESUMINHO DA PERFORMANCE DO PERSONAGEM PARA NÓS MONTARMOS UM CRONOGRAMA COM AS APRESENTAÇÕES. Dessa vez, pediremos para TODOS os personagens, independente de curso. Aqueles que não enviarem terão seus personagens deixados de fora do Festival, ou seja, será concluído que eles NÃO APRESENTARAM, então avisem os seus amigos - não precisa ser nada além de um "performance com a música x" ou "curta com tema y".
Não precisa ser nada muito trabalhado, detalhado e que consuma muito tempo, como já explicamos para diversos players da última vez. Vocês estão liberados para fazerem como fica melhor dentro de suas próprias possibilidades, seja carrd, docs, vídeo do youtube, soundcloud, etc. Liberem a criatividade e lembrem-se: estamos aqui para qualquer dúvida! O Festival Saessag é, em IC, um evento realmente importante para o instituto e seus alunos, então tratem-o como tal, certo? É parte da interpretação dos personagens e, enquanto temos alguns que não se importam tanto com a vida acadêmica, entendemos o Kyonggi como um lugar de artistas esforçados e que querem o melhor para suas carreiras e vocês devem fazer o mesmo.
Mais instruções serão postadas nos dias do evento, como foi da última vez, assim como um post sobre o tempo de descanso que eles terão na próxima semana.
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univ3rs3-official · 2 years ago
Un!verse day log #3: Yun
I’m sorry everyone but things have not been very good recently. the news says that the mind-controlling virus outbreak has reached Korea and we are currently under lockdown. it’s very scary sinoda said that all of us would be fine but unfortunately, they were wrong. junho was a part of the infected the government said he might have been infected for a while now. they tried to take him away to quarantine him from everyone else but he attacked the police that arrived to take him. the news has been updating us about the virus and according to the news the people infected gain superhuman abilities and can hurt or kill anything in front of them. we don’t know what to do we currently have him locked away with daehyun-hyung keeping guard. I don’t know what this species' goal is but I’m scared for what is to come. I hope all of you stay safe right now we are trying our best to survive with daehyun keeping junho-hyung constricted to one side of the dorms, I was given the responsibility to protect rue and sinoda from any other danger, a task I will not fail I may be the youngest but I am the strongest. good luck to all of you hopefully someone finds a cure for this and things can go back to normal.
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sarayoon · 1 year ago
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At her friend's words, Sara couldn't help but to let out a laugh. She liked thinking she was good at multitasking, and she really was, but being a mother wasn't exactly a task. It was more of a job than a single task, and most of the times, she thought she did a lousy job at that. "I'd say being able to hold your liquor is half the job!" Sara teased. While she could drink like a cursed sailor, she also knew how did that line sound to someone who was trying to get in good graces with her child. "Which is why, today you're having fun. No work talk, promise?" She smiled, holding her pinky finger out so her friend could link it to hers. Sara then turned to the bartender and ordered two shots of tequila, which were quickly placed in front of them. "Drink it up, Nadi. C'mon!"
When she noticed her friend turning a bit sad, Sara chewed lightly on her bottom lip. She couldn't say she understood Boyd's reasons for keeping Nadia at arms length, at least, not out loud and especially not to Nadia, but she understood him. Sara would be acting the same if Junho all of a sudden showed up in their son's life, wanting to be part of it. Okay, she probably would be more scared Junho would try to take Hanbin away than wary of his presence, but still.
Drawing a breath, Sara took her friend's hands and gave it a light squeeze. "Listen... I know how much you want to be part of that little girl's life. Boyd just needs a bit of time to see it, too." Plus, if that little girl was anything like Sara was when she was younger, she would want to get to know her mother. It was going to be hard to wait, but she knew Nadia could do it. "What if you came with Bin and I to family nights Maisie hosts? Do you think Boyd would be angry? I mean, you'd be with us... but at least you'd be able to see her?" Again, Sara bit on her bottom lip, already shaking her head to dismiss her own thoughts. "No. Scratch that. Let's not ruin your chances with your kid. I'm dead sure she'll want to meet you."
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She admired the woman's ability to balance the art of motherhood and adulthood. It wasn't for everyone, but for once, it made Nadia realize just how badly she wanted it to be for her. "Care to share a little bit of that enthusiasm? Some of us weren't born with the natural talent," she teased with her bottom lip tucked between her teeth. She needed a good night out and after rattling off her drink order, she knew that it was the very thing she'd been getting in the other's company.
"It has everything to do with her." It was easy to admit to someone who's first reaction wasn't to call her a liar. She didn't blame Boyd for it, but it made opening up about her feelings a notch more difficult. "Honestly," she exhaled with a shrug and soft smile that radiated only half of the appreciation she felt towards the other, "I don't know. He finally said he'd tell her about me. That I was here... he's leaving it up to her now. I just want her to know that I'm sorry and that I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere. I appreciate the offer though. Really, it means a lot."
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zaffrin · 2 years ago
Super short little Wooho fic I wrote with my coffee this morning that I thought I’d share ☕️ T rated fluff 🐳
Yawning, Junho stirs his coffee in the Hanbada break room, mentally running over his list of tasks for today in his head.
There’s a group of women chattering just outside of the room round the corner, and their conversation is a low buzz in the background he isn’t really paying attention to, until suddenly he hears her name.
“Woo Young Woo? You’re serious?”
“For a few months now apparently. Haven’t you seen them leaving together?”
“I never really noticed - but why is he with her?”
Junho sets down his coffee spoon, hands balling into fists as he listens to the conversation.
“It’s weird, right? He could have anyone in this office if he wanted.”
“He could have me,” one of the women says lowly and they all giggle.
“It can’t be a normal relationship, right? He must be more like her carer than a boyfriend…”
“Maybe he just feels bad for her. He’s such a nice guy.”
“That’s true, he is. Ugh - and so handsome too, it’s not fair,” comes a sigh, and then a murmur of agreement.
Junho is gritting his teeth, trying to decide the best way to march right over there and set them all straight, when another voice sounds out a polite greeting to the women, and there’s a couple of gasps and stammers of reciprocation, and he turns to see Youngwoo rounding the corner into the break room.
Her face lights up when she sees him, and she bobs her head.
“Lee Junho ssi, did you know that a blue whale weighs as much as twenty four elephants?” She asks as she crosses the room to the fridge. She doesn’t seem to have heard any of the women’s conversation outside the room, and he’s glad. He musters up a smile for her.
“Aigo, twenty four? That’s heavy.”
“Yes,” she nods, closing the fridge with a water bottle. “Although nobody’s ever actually weighed a blue whale, but we can calculate their weight going by their size.” She crosses over to him and holds out the water bottle, and he smiles and takes it from her, opening the top before handing it back.
“Thank you,” she says and takes a sip. “It was very handy that you were here, otherwise I would have had to go to your desk so you could open it for me.”
He chuckles fondly, when he hears a titter of hushed voices again round the corner, and strains his ears to tune in to the whispers, just hearing ‘told you -‘, ‘more like a carer…’, ‘can’t actually be a real relationship…’
He can see them peeking round the corner out of the corner of his eye, and Youngwoo isn’t paying attention, chattering on about the correct formula to calculate the weight of a whale, but irritation and some other feeling he can’t identify rise inside of him, and determined to prove those nosy, ableist women wrong, he takes her water from her hands and sets it down on the side.
“Come here,” he tells her, motioning with his chin.
Halted mid-sentence, she glances at the water and then back up at him. “Huh?”
“Come here,” he repeats, dropping his voice a little, and when she steps hesitantly closer to him, Junho carefully takes hold of her face in his hands and leans down to kiss her deeply.
She makes a sound of surprise against his mouth as he coaxes her lips apart, and then she melts into him, small hands fluttering up to rest on his shoulders, body swaying into him until he can feel all of her tiny form pressed up against him.
He groans when they break apart, resting his forehead against her own.
“God, love, the things you do to me…” he murmurs loudly enough for their audience to hear.
“Junho ssi!” Youngwoo gasps, cheeks flushing delightfully. “We’re at work!”
He huffs softly, lowering his voice for only her to hear the next part; “Tell that to him.” A subtle nod downwards helps her catch his meaning and she looks briefly surprised - before she surprises him by leaning down suddenly, bringing her face right down level with his crotch.
“We’re at work,” she says quite firmly.
“Jagiya,” Junho can’t help but laugh, rubbing a hand over his face as he tugs her up with the other.
“I didn’t -“ he shakes his head. “Nothing, he chuckles, planting a kiss on her forehead before stepping back and retrieving her water for her. “I adore you,” he tells her earnestly as he hands her the bottle.
Her face lights up in the most brilliant smile, and his heart swells even more.
“Come on, I’ll walk you back to your office. What was that you were telling me about the blue whales?”
They leave the break room side by side as she happily launches back into her explanation, and Junho walks her from the room with a hand on the small of her back.
“Ah - sorry,” he apologies when they nearly bump into the group of women just round the corner. “Good morning,” he bows his head politely at them, keeping that hand on Youngwoo’s back as he guides her past them.
There’s dead silence behind them as they walk away, and Junho smiles smugly.
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