#jungkook miniseries x
ahgasegotarmy116 · 7 months
Just Take It | Jeon Jungkook | Part One
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Summary: Some of your closest friends betray you and somehow push you into the arms of someone unsuspected. Pairing: Inexperienced f!reader x Best Friend's Dad Jungkook (20 year age gap) Word Count: 5.7k Warnings: Mentions of cheating resulting in pregnancy and explicit language...I think that's it lol (Barely edited per usual lmao) a/n: You guys seemed really excited for this fic so I'm gonna make it a miniseries since even the poll results were so close so anyways I hope you enjoy! Requested by the lovely @kkusadmirer 💜
"Is everything ready?" I ask my best friend Jina for the hundredth time today. "Yes y/n calm down. This party is going to be perfect don't worry" she says with a smile that doesn't reach her eyes, making me even more apprehensive but decide it's best to just take her for her word instead of digging deeper. 
"You're right, I should probably just go back upstairs and get ready huh?" I say and start heading upstairs to take the curlers out of my hair and finish up my makeup in her old bedroom. "Let me know if you need help, I'll just be putting the finishing touches on everything in the meantime" she calls after me and I respond with a quick 'okay' before running up the rest of the steps I had been ascending.
I walk down the hallway lost in thought and am stopped in my tracks when I find myself bumping into someone, almost falling over but he luckily catches me before I even have a chance to stumble back more than a few steps. 
"Careful there" he teases and I look up and apologize immediately. "I'm sorry Mr. Jeon I wasn't watching where I was going" I say quickly and he smiles at my flustered state. "It's okay darling don't worry about it" he says in a deep tone that has always gotten to me. I take a quick step back to create some much needed distance and to cover up the awkwardness that had settled in. 
"Thank you again for letting us hold our engagement party in your home. Are you sure you still don't mind?" I ask him as well for the hundredth time as if we had time to change things with mine and my fiancé's relatives already on the way. 
"Y/n if I minded I would've said no a long time ago. Don't worry, I'd do anything for you, since you and Jared have been such amazing friends to my daughter. It truly means more to me than you know" he says placing his hand on my bicep to aide in showing his sincerity. 
"Of course Mr. Jeon. Moving to a new state in the middle of your Sophomore year of  college has gotta be difficult for anyone so I'm just happy we could be there for her" I say smiling up at him. He stares at me for a second, studying my features before breaking out of the slight trace he had caught himself in to continue the conversation. 
"I'm sorry you're probably wanting to finish getting ready and I'm holding you up" he says taking his hand off of me and stepping aside so I can walk down the hallway to my intended destination. 
"Don't worry about it. We've got plenty of time as it is so I'm in no rush. Thanks again Mr Jeon" I say, quickly wrapping up the conversation and walk into Jina's room. Before I'm able to close the door though he makes it a point to remind me of something I've always forgotten.
"Haven't we agreed upon calling me Jungkook? Mr. Jeon makes me feel so old" he teases and we both laugh at his words. "Thank you, Jungkook" I say and he smiles, satisfied with the change. "You're welcome" he replies with an heir of sensuality that leaves my brain buzzing and I close the door before either of us has the chance to say another word. 
He's always made me nervous but why does today feel different? It's not like his playful nature is anything new. He's acted like this since the first day I met him and when I had brought it up to Jina she just said he was being friendly so I never really gave it a second thought. 
There's no denying he's a handsome man and from what I can tell him and his ex wife had Jina when they were quite young so he's not anywhere near old enough to make it seem a bit strange but I tend to just deal with the butterflies by ignoring them as much as I can. 
He makes sure to be respectful when Jared's around and he hasn't crossed any lines to my knowledge so I don't mind it. It makes me feel confident more than anything and I don't think there's anything wrong with that. 
I shake off those thoughts and finish getting ready before I start to panic about being late and end up finishing up a lot sooner than I had planned and as I'm putting on my heels I hear a faint knock at the door. 
"Come in" I call out and my fiancé pops his head in from behind the door. "Aw I thought I would catch you while you were changing" he says with a fake pout leaving me smiling and shaking my head at him. "You'll get to do that plenty of times once we're married you pervert" I tease and he scoffs playfully. 
"You know, now that I think about it I kind of am a pervert aren't I?" he says while stalking towards me, making my breath hitch and my adrenaline start pumping but I have to tell myself to calm down before I do anything stupid. "After the wedding I warn and he backs off like he always does.
I smile and get up from the bed I had been sitting on and give him a quick kiss but he holds onto the back of my neck, keeping me there for a little while longer and deepening the kiss. "You look gorgeous" he whispers against my lips and I smile before giving him a quick peck and pulling back to look at him.
"You don't look half bad yourself" I taunt and he scoffs before granting me a sarcastic 'thank you'. "I'm kidding baby you look handsome as always" I say and he smiles at that and places a quick kiss on my cheek before taking my hand and leading me downstairs to where we're met with a few of our family and friends having already arrived. 
"You should've told me they were here sooner" I whisper to him while I wave at them as we walk downstairs. "I didn't want to rush you" he replies, giving my hand a gentle squeeze leaving my heart fluttering at how thoughtful he had been.
"Thank you love" I say looking at him as if he's the only one I need. "For what?" he chuckles, studying my features almost as if he's committing them to memory. "For wanting to marry me" I say and he laughs at my cute sentiment. "Thank you for saying yes" he replies and at that we start mingling together throughout the crowd and thanking everyone for coming. 
We part ways after a few more groups of people come in and around the time we're going to bring out the champagne I start to look around to see if I can find him so we can both be ready to make a toast once everyone's gotten a glass.
As I look around and ask a few people where he might be they point toward the far end of the house where not many people had wandered to and so I curiously make my way over to the room I had assumed he would be in but before I'm even able to put my hand on the door I hear the voices of not only Jared but Jina as well. 
"We have to tell her" I hear her say and stop short, my heartbeat immediately raising as I hold my breath, waiting for the response. "You told me you were on the pill though. How did this happen?" and at that my heart breaks. "I don't know I guess I forgot to take a couple of them and-" "And so what? You decided that screwing me without protection would work out just fine? Fuck Jina" Jared cuts her off and I hold my hand over my mouth to stop the sobs that I know are sure to come. 
"You were the one that said you wanted to stop using them" she defends. "Oh and so now it's my fault. Jina we both agreed to that and you know it" he says and at that the room falls silent for a moment before he speaks up again.
"What are we gonna do?" he mumbles, leaving the choice in her hands. "We need to tell her because I'm not getting rid of this baby. I don't care if you're going to be in our kid's life or not but either way we're telling her" she says, standing firm on what she thinks is right. 'She should've thought about that before she started fucking my boyfriend' I think to myself and wait for the conversation to continue.
"She deserves to know" she says in a hushed tone and they both agree moments later that they'll tell me after the party to avoid both of our families catching wind of it and at that I walk away as quietly as I can, heading to the bathroom across the house to collect myself before I even try to face anyone. 
'How the fuck could they do this to me? How could they do this to us? Did everything the three of us did together really not matter? All of this love that I gave Jared and he gave me made me feel like we were gonna last forever but I guess my wants and needs weren't enough for him. He wanted what he wanted and found that in my best fucking friend. 
I chuckle dryly at that thought and how ironic it sounds at the moment. The wants to avoid the drama of the rest of the family knowing? Well they don't have that kind of luxury anymore. 
I collect myself a few moments later and make my way out of the bathroom to intermingle again until I happen upon my soon to be ex fiancé in the crowd. 
"Hey honey" I say and I can see him trying to hold back the guilt at my words and I hold back from ripping his head off for the sake of what I'm about to do. "Should we go ahead and bring out the champagne and make a toast?" I ask and he nods his head agreeing wordlessly. 
"Great I'll ask Jina to help us out" I say and I can see how stiff his whole body becomes after I mention her name and he laughs it off and walks closer to me and I hold out my hand for him and guide us both over to where we've placed everything for the toasts. 
"Does everyone have a glass?" I call out and everyone says yes and Jina makes her way around, filling everyone's glasses but her own. "Okay great Jina go ahead and grab a glass and then if you guys don't mind we'd like to pose a toast!" I say and everyone places their full attention on both Jared and I who are standing side by side. 
I watch as Jina tentatively fills her glass half full knowing full well that she won't be drinking any of that but I singled her out as a way to make her even more uncomfortable. Serves her right honestly but it's only just begun. 
"Okay everyone, firsts things first I would just like to thank all of you for coming. It is just so wonderful we could all gather here together and the fact that you all made the effort to come and celebrate Jared and I is just something that I won't ever forget so thank you again from the bottom of my heart" I say and hear murmurs of 'You're welcome's and 'Thank you for inviting us' throughout the crowd and I continue on after those die down.
"Another person I would like to thank would be my best friend who I couldn't have any of this without her including being able to host this party in her's and her father's wonderful home so thank you both for that" I continue and I look for Jungkook in the crowd and see him raising his glass to me and I turn my attention to Jina moments later and see the forced smile on her face and I smile back at her and take a deep breath before continuing. 
"You know Jina has been such a great friend to both Jared and I and the countless memories we've made together are something that I'll always hold close to my heart. One memory in particular is one that I think we'll all remember for the rest of our lives is one that I would like to share with you all" I say and I watch as Jared and Jina make nervous glances at each other but I hear the room fill with words mentioning how cute our friendship is and how it's nice to have close friends that get along. Oh boy they're about to know just how well we all get along. 
"This one actually just happened not too long ago, in fact it was just today wasn't it guys?" I say making eye contact with the both of them and I can see as both of them realize that they've been caught. 
"Yeah it's funny I was looking for Jared not too long ago to try to find where he had scurried off to and low and behold I found him and Jina having a cute little chat together just over there" I say and motion to the secluded part of the house where they had been and I see the crowd go from happy to confused. 
"They had been talking about how they had a surprise and they needed to tell me after the party but I figured that I would just give them an opportunity to say it now so all of us can hear it together. Would you guys like to share it with everyone?" I ask the two of them and wait a few moments before Jared tries to shut me down. 
"I think that's probably a conversation we should have in private right Jina?" Jared says, pleading with her to back him up. "Oh are you guys too shy? Don't worry I can say it" I counter, brushing him off. "Y/n I don't really think that's necessary" Jina now tries to reason with me but I'm way too far gone by now.
"Why not? Doesn't everyone deserve to know that you're pregnant" I say, pausing for the rest of the family to smile at the surprise and some of them start to congratulate her but before they can get too far I continue on. 
"Yeah she's pregnant with Jared's baby! Isn't that so sweet?" I say and at that point the room goes so silent you would hear a pin drop and I break it by continuing to rub salt into the wound. 
"I know right? It's so crazy isn't it? It was a surprise to me too. Congratulations to the both of you" I say and down my drink while they stand there speechless as does the rest of the crowd. 
"So yeah anyways thank you all so much for coming and get home safe!" I say and make an exit into the backyard while Jared and Jina chase after me. 
"Y/n, y/n wait. Please" Jina calls after me first, following as I make my way over to the clearing behind the house and away from prying eyes. "Why should I wait huh? It's not like you waited and thought 'Hey maybe it's not the best idea to be raw doggin my best friend's boy friend' or were you guys still fucking by the time you asked me to marry you?" I ask the two of them and they both just stand there in silence. 
"You know what, you guys are perfect for each other. The whore I thought was my best friend and the whore who chased after her because neither of you could keep it in your pants. Thanks a lot, have a nice life" I say and storm off into the small clearing behind Jungkook's house, praying they won't follow me. 
"Oh and another thing" I say before walking too far, "I'm keeping the ring to compensate for emotional damage you bastard" I spit at my ex and his jaw drops, never having heard words like that come out of my mouth ever let alone directed at him. 
"Baby wait I can explain" he says trying a pathetic excuse of trying to get me to get him to hear him out. "Pretty sure I heard everything I needed to hear when you were having your little rendezvous earlier" I say, fully admitting to listening in on their conversation. 
"If I never see either of you again it'll be too soon" I say and continue on into the clearing, walking just far enough to be out of their view. "We really fucked up didn't we?" I hear Jina say and soon hear Jared scoff in return. "We fucked up? No you fucked up! You should've been more responsible" he throws back at her and storms off. "What the fuck Jared don't you dare walk away from me" she yells and chases after him, following him back into the house. 
After taking a few deep breaths and convincing myself over and over again that this is for the best and I'm better off without them I slowly make my way back into the yard and sit on the bench that's furthest away from everything, hoping no one finds me out here. Luckily it does the trick and I'm able to avoid facing anyone from the party and soon hear all of their cars leaving and the place falls silent. 
"They're all gone now if you want to come inside" Jungkook says, walking over to me tentatively, making sure he doesn't do something to make me run off. I look up at him with a tear streaked face and try to smile but ultimately end up hanging my head, hiding what little emotions I've let myself show and he walks over and sits on the far side of the bench I'm on. He doesn't say anything, he just sits with me and lets me ride the wave of emotions I'm feeling but also letting me know he's there if I need him.
I let out a few shaky breath after having let a few more tears fall before collecting myself and drying my eyes. "I'm sorry" I whisper and he turns towards me with a confused look on his face. "Whatever for?" he questions, puzzled as to why I could possibly be apologizing. 
"For the show I put on back there. I was just so mad when I overheard them talking and I don't know, I felt like I wanted to humiliate them since they decided to fuck behind my back like how fucked up can you be to sleep with your best friend's boyfriend?" I spout off and then look over and remember who I'm talking to. 
"I- I didn't mean. I'm sorry Mr. Jeon" I apologize again and hang my head in shame. I'm met with a chuckle as a response and when I look up at him I can see that he's clearly very amused. "What's so funny?" I question and he continues to laugh. 
"I'm sorry darling, just seeing how horrified you looked when you remembered that you were talking shit about Jina to her father was kind of hilarious and honestly adorable" he chuckles and I let out a breath and smile at him, happy he wasn't offended by it. 
"I wasn't thinking straight, I'm sorry" I apologize again, feeling so so guilty for bringing all of this drama to his house. "Hey, you have nothing to apologize for" he says softly, placing his hand on top on mine. The one that happens to be sitting on my thigh and I gulp at the sight of his big hand enveloping the sight of my hand and now has his fingers resting high up on the inside of my thigh. 
"It's not your fault that they're both fucked up and you got caught in the crossfire okay? So please don't apologize about that again" he says and I nod my head mindlessly, my eyes still focused on the hand that is now squeezing my thigh in reassurance but I can't get past the feeling of having his hands on me like this. 
He stands up a second later, taking his hand off of me and I look up at him, almost as if questioning why he stopped and he simply smiles at my cute reaction. "Let's head inside alright? It's gonna start getting cold out here soon" he says and I nod my head, wordlessly following him back into his home. 
"Did you want a drink?" he asks and I jump at the opportunity. "Yeah I'll just take this" I say while grabbing one of the barely opened champagne bottles. "Did you want a glass?" he chuckles, watching as I take a big gulp out of the bottle. "No need, this is fine. Might as well not let it go to waste right?" I say and he hums in acknowledgement while poring himself a drink. 
I walk around his living room and take in everything about it, reminiscing about all the memories and shared laughter there had been here over the last couple of years and find my mind wandering a bit. "I'm really gonna miss this place" I say, meaning to keep it to myself but accidentally voicing it loud enough for Jungkook to hear as well. 
"You're welcome to come back here anytime you'd like" he replies, startling me when I realize he's gotten closer and is now sitting on the couch directly behind where I stand, facing the mantle and looking at the various pictures placed on it. Pictures of Jina, Jared and I over the years, ones that no doubt Jungkook had taken. 
"I always hated this picture" I say mindlessly and I hear him get up off the couch so he can see which one I'm referring to. "Oh the one where I took all of you to the beach house a few years ago for your birthday? Why? Didn't you have fun?" Jungkook questions, genuinely surprised with my reaction to it. 
"No it's not that, I had a great time. I just feel like I look like a wet dog in that picture" I admit and I'm granted with a little chuckle beside me. "Hey" I whine and glance over at him, my breath hitching when I realize just how close he's gotten. 
"You know what? Now that I think about it I don't really like that picture either" he says and I turn my body to fully face him, highly offended and demanding he explain himself. "I didn't like the way that Jared was touching you that day. He couldn't keep his hands off you and I know that it was making you uncomfortable" he says, lowering his voice an octave and causing a shiver to run through my body. 
"How did you-" "When a man really pays attention and cares for you he can tell from the slightest change how their woman is feeling. I guess he just never got the memo" he says, glaring at Jared in the picture and how he unashamedly has his hand placed directly on my ass while I'm wearing a swimsuit that I had already felt uncomfortable in in the first place. 
My mind goes into overdrive with what those words could've possibly meant. 'Was he paying that close of attention to me that he noticed something small like that? Has he been jealous of Jared? Does he care for me?' are just some of the questions that start swirling around in my brain and before I can register what had happened next he's gone and sat on the couch and is suggesting I come sit down as well. 
"You've had a long day don't you think?" he asks and I nod my head and sit on the other side of the couch making sure to keep proper distance between us. "Yeah I guess you could say that" I chuckle dryly and take a drink from the champagne bottle I still have in my hand but end up spilling it on myself. 
"Shit" I say and Jungkook quickly grabs a napkin to help clean up having spilled some on the couch as well. "I'm sorry" I apologize, constantly finding more and more reasons to apologize and he shuts me down again. "A little champagne never hurt anybody don't worry about it" he says, brushing it off and leaving me feeling a little less guilty. 
"Why don't I grab you a glass and give you some of my clothes to wear so if we have another little mishap it won't be as big of a deal" he offers and before I can refuse he's already given me a glass and is halfway up the stairs. Gosh my brain really must be working in slow motion already. 
After Jungkook gives me a big t shirt and sweats I change into them and tie the drawstring tight to aide in keeping the pants up and look in the mirror of the bathroom I had been changing in and realize how much of a mess I look like right now with smudges of mascara under my eyes and my nose all red from all of the crying I had been doing earlier. 
I quickly wash and dry my face and throw my hair up and out of the way since at this point theres no saving this look and just accept defeat, walking out in my now more casual look and find him sporting an almost identical one. 
"Feel better?" he asks and I nod my head and walk towards where he's standing. "Come here" he says holding out his arm and pulling me into a hug. I melt in his embrace and almost start tearing up a bit again, but push back a little and softly break apart from his embrace before the two of us sit down. 
"I don't know how to feel honestly. I feel angry and sad and betrayed and relieved and heart broken and I don't know. I'm just confused" I start and he nods his head, encouraging me to continue and so I do. 
"We've been together since before Jina and I had ever met and things had always been so good between us and then when Jina came along it felt like things had gotten even better if that's makes sense. We had our three amigos group going and whenever we were together it felt like the rest of the world didn't matter. Or I guess at least that's how I felt" I say and take a shaky breath in and out before preparing to say the next part. 
"When Jared and I got together, I told him right off the bat that I wanted to save myself for marriage and he respected that. I will admit that we both had gotten close to breaking that boundary I set  once or twice but he always backed off when I asked him to and I was thankful for that. Guys my age or guys in general don't really respect that sort of outlook anymore so the fact that he was more or less willing to date me after knowing that gave me hope for us" I say, letting everything off my chest.   
I down my glass and pour myself another one before continuing on and I take into account that he's watching my every move. "I figured 'If he had a problem with it and got tired of it then he would've dumped me' or 'He's had really good self control all of these years so that must mean there's something special between us'. So when he asked me to marry him I said yes without thinking twice. I had my knight in shining armor, the one who waited for me and I couldn't be happier" I scoff, taking another gulp of champagne. 
"Looks like he waited to have me but got someone else to fulfill his needs on the side" I mumble and down the rest of my glass before pouring another and I can see the concern in Jungkook's eyes growing but I pay no mind to it. 
"You know after all that I just can't help but wonder 'Was it all worth it? Was saving myself and in the end losing the man I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with worth it?' At this point my virginity is becoming more of a hassle than anything and honestly I don't want it anymore" I say, finally voicing how I had been feeling about keeping myself pure for a while. 
"I feel like it would be best if I just got it over with and went on with my life you know?" I say, finally looking at Jungkook and I can see how dilated his pupils are and how ragged his breath has gotten, doing a horrible job at concealing it.
"Can I ask you something Mr. Jeon?" I question, leaning towards him, a new gained confidence flowing through me from all the alcohol that I had consumed in such a short time. Downing glass after glass throughout our whole evening. "Jungkook" he rasps and I feel a fluttery feeling building in my stomach. 
"I'm sorry, I always seem to forget. Jungkook, can I ask you something?" I repeat placing my hand on his thigh, feeling the muscle tense up at the contact but he nods nevertheless and waits for me to continue. "How old were you when you lost your virginity?" I question, wondering what his experience might've been like. 
"Um, when I was about eighteen I guess. It was right before I graduated high school" he answers truthfully and I nod my head, mulling over what I plan to say next.
"It seems like a man of your age has had his fair share of sex am I right?" I ask and see him gulp at my assumption. "I guess you could say that" he responds and leans back a bit when I get closer. "Mr. Jeon do you have a girlfriend right now? Someone you might be seeing?" I ask, making sure that in my tipsy state I won't make the same mistake my hopeless excuse of a best friend and ex made. 
"No, I uh I'm not seeing anyone" he says quickly and I nod my head and wait a moment to get my words together. "Do you think you would mind taking my virginity?" I ask and at that his jaw drops, not expecting to be asked something like that straight away but in this state I guess you could say I'm full of surprises. 
"I- What?" he asks, confused and concerned as to if I actually meant what I said and not only that but clarifying to make sure he's heard me right. "I'm asking you if you would take my virginity. You said you'd do anything for me remember?" reminding him of his words from earlier in the day. 
"Y/n I think you might've had a little bit too much to drink" he says scooting back from me to create some distance but I close that distance moments later. "No I'm fine, I haven't even had that much silly" I say, slowly starting to slur my words but still conscious enough to make them coherent. 
"Look I think that's something you should keep until you have a chance to give it to someone special. Someone who you care about and cares about you too" he says, trying to softly reject me but it falls of deff ears.
"I care about you though. Don't you care about me?" I pout and he shakes his head and tries hard to hide a smile but fails. "Of course I care about you darling but I think you're too confused and too drunk to be making this sort of decision" he say holding my shoulders at arms length to keep me from getting any closer to him.
"It's okay Mr. Jeon I know what I'm doing. Oh! I mean Jungkook" I say cutely, leaning in a bit more and his arms give in, letting me get a bit closer so as to not harm either one of us. "Don't worry I won't tell Jina" I say and he clears this throat at the sound of his daughter's name. 
"Y/n I really don't think this is a good idea" he says, watching almost helplessly as I place my hand on his shoulder and use it to anchor myself as I climb onto his lap and although his words have said otherwise, his hands are the ones that guide me by my hips to sit on his lap, giving me a boost of confidence in my decision.
"Can you do this for me?" I ask and his eyes ping pong between mine, seeing how blown out my pupils are and notices how hot my skin has become. He stays silent and just takes in all of my features and waits for my next move. I lean in closer to him and run my fingers through the hair on the nape of his neck. 
"Just take it" I say against his lips and without a seconds hesitation he grabs the back of my head and smashes his lips against mine. 
It's a mess of lips and tongue and teeth, accompanied by the sound of him groaning and pulling me closer and me moaning at the feeling of being desired by someone like him. Someone strong and confident and undeniably sexy. Someone who wants me just as much as I want him but before I can fully grasp what's about to happen I feel myself slipping away and lose control of my body. 
"Y/n?" Jungkook questions feeling my body slump against him after I had broken the kiss and rested my head on his shoulder. He smiles at the realization that I had fallen asleep in the midst of it all and wordlessly stands up, carrying me off into the guest bedroom and laying me down to sleep there for the night.
"Goodnight darling" he says, placing a kiss on my forehead before walking out of the room and slowly closing the door behind him.
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jungshookz · 10 months
smitten: y/n (reluctantly) agrees to go to jimin's big halloween bash and she forgot how much she actually hated parties
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➺ pairing; jeon jungkook x reader
➺ genre; smitten!miniseries!! bff!kook and smitten!y/n!! university!au!! honk honk humour!! the boohoo angsty wattpady fic of your dreams!! the pining and yearning is off the charts!! jimin’s still an asshole but what’s new!! 
➺ wordcount; 9.2k
➺ summary; putting on a smile while watching ji-eun cuddle up to jungkook is already hard enough, but when y/n is (reluctantly) invited to jimin’s massive halloween party, she can’t help but even more out of place. 
➺ what to expect; “you know, you’re my best friend and i wanna make sure that everything is… good between us.”
➺ currently playing on cee.fm; favourite crime [olivia rodrigo]
➺ smitten: part one [the almost confession]; part two [the incriminating note]; part three [the date]
»»————- 👻 ————-««
you’re pretty sure you’re in hell. 
you’re not sure what you did in your past life to have deserved this, but past-life y/n must’ve killed a baby or set an entire village on fire or something to that degree because you’re pretty sure that in this current timeline, you’re in hell 
you stay quiet as you munch on your (slightly soggy, unfortunately) sandwich, scrolling through your phone (but not really paying attention to your instagram feed because apparently you’re a glutton for punishment and you keep wanting to look up and just stare at jungkook and ji-eun in all their coupley glory) while your foot taps anxiously against the ground 
you know that if you say you can sit somewhere else to give the two of them some privacy that jungkook will insist that you stay, but you feel like the longer you sit here the faster the people around you will see that you’re just a big ol’ monster truck sized third wheel
you could lie and say that you have to go to the library to get some work done, but jungkook’s really good at knowing when you’re lying to him (apparently you have VERY obvious tells which you were very unaware of) so that’s not going to be a feasible plan either 
it’s just that being here is incredibly uncomfortable but it seems like the only option you have is to stay and sit through it — which, again, reiterates your point of you being pretty sure you’re being punished for something you did in your past life
“my handsome boy…” ji-eun giggles lightly, reaching over to adjust the collar of jungkook’s jacket before leaning over to kiss him on the cheek, “i like this jacket a lot.” 
“yeah?” he gives his girlfriend a boyish grin, looking down at his jacket before looking back up at her, “lucky for you, you can borrow it anytime you’d like-“ you glance up at them, the little voice in your brain stopping you from interrupting them to say that that is a nice jacket because you chose it for jungkook — and you feel like that comment could potentially lump you into the pick-me-girl-best-friend category which you’d very much like to avoid 
“borrow? no, i’m stealing it-“ 
“no way! i got this thrifted for, like, fifteen bucks, i’m not letting you steal it-“
“alright, then you better sleep with one eye open the next time i stay over at yours because this is a nice jacket-“ 
you can’t help but look over at the empty seat next to you on the bench as you let out a quiet sigh… you have never felt so horribly single in your entire life. 
and it doesn’t help that it’s cuffing szn this cuffing szn that all over your social media — your tiktok feed has not been very friendly to you as of late, the app flooded with countless videos of cute couples bundling up for the colder seasons
if anything you need to be cuffed to the wall before you go crazy and rip your eyelashes out from frustration 
unsurprisingly, jungkook and ji-eun are a couple now, but really, are you surprised? jungkook is great, ji-eun is great, they went on a great first date (thanks to you, let’s be honest) and all the dates after that went well too because it lead to jungkook asking ji-eun if she wanted to be exclusive with him 
you knew that things were going well when jungkook started hanging out with you less and less
and then when they officially got together, you didn’t think it could possibly get any worse but your already puny twice a week hangouts turned into two hours a week before he’d zip off to spend time with ji-eun
in fact, within the last two weeks, he’s only hung out with you once… which is fine, because you understand the honeymoon stage and you understand how giddy people can be when they get into a brand new relationship and just want to spend all their time with this new person 
you know for sure that if you were the one who’d gotten into a new relationship, you’d definitely want to spend as much time with your person because why wouldn’t you want to do that? you really can’t blame the guy 
you have other friends you can hang out with, but it’s just not as fun because even when you’re having a good time with them, your mind keeps wandering back to what jungkook is doing with ji-eun 
and of course, when jungkook mentioned to you over a quick lunch one afternoon that he was planning on asking ji-eun to make things official, it’s not like you could tell him that it was a horrible idea and that he shouldn’t be dating ji-eun without ruffling feathers and raising brows of suspicion 
the only person it would be a horrible idea for would be you, and you’re not enough of a dickhead to ruin a potentially good thing because of your own desires  
and obviously, she said yes because why wouldn’t she say yes?
you know, there really isn’t a way for you to talk about this situation without sounding like the most bitter person on the planet, so perhaps you should move on now  
“okay, i’m putting you two on drinks duty for the party!” jimin seems to appear out of thin air and you turn your head to look at him standing at the front of the table with an armful of flyers and the usual bossy, snarky persona that literally drains you every time you have an interaction with him, “unless you’re too busy making out to handle that.” 
“no, we can handle it-“ ji-eun rolls her eyes playfully, pulling away from jungkook before reaching over and plucking the list from jimin’s slim fingers, “jesus, jimin. twelve bottles of vodka??” 
“i’ll give you my credit card, just put all the charges on it-“ jimin shrugs, sliding in next to you before nudging you over a little, “this is going to be my greatest party yet. i’m charging $10 an admission and i’m renting out this huge house- i don’t think you can even comprehend how massive this party is going to be. it’s gonna be so much better than last year’s one.” 
“i remember hearing about your party last year!” you chime in, offering jimin a polite smile even though he’s not looking at you, “it sounded like it was super fun.” 
“so, you guys are on drinks, so that’s covered-“ jimin makes a tick on his clipboard before nodding to himself, “decor is covered, catering is covered, rent for the night is covered…” 
you poke your tongue against the inside of your cheek, slumping in your seat a little and resisting the urge to roll your eyes
you still have no clue what jimin’s problem is with you, but at this point you’ve gotten used to the way he acts like you literally do not exist at all 
you mentioned it to jungkook one time, wondering if maybe you were just looking too far into it and that there was nothing to take personally to which he responded with an enthusiastic nod and a “no, i also get the vibe that he doesn’t like you and i have no idea why… just let him be an ass if he wants to be one, don’t stoop to his level. life is too short to waste energy on weird people.” 
so if jimin wants to continue being an ass to you, you’re just gonna let it roll off you like water off a duck’s back 
“funny enough, y/n and i were gonna go to your party last year, but the kids in y/n’s building were trick or treating so we decided to stay home and watch horror movies and hand out candy instead-“ jungkook clears his throat, eyes flickering over to you for a brief second, “we also, like, decorated the doorway like it was a haunted apartment to freak the kids out. and y/n had this great idea to have a cauldron filled with warm spaghetti and she told the kids it was brain stew-“ 
“oh my god, i forgot about that-“ you snort, “i feel like we should’ve done, like, warm pudding instead or something, but the spaghetti kinda had the same effect and my kitchen smelled like an italian restaurant for two weeks after that-“ 
“let’s talk costumes!” jimin interrupts you, smacking his palm down on the table before pointing his pen at ji-eun and jungkook, “please don’t show up in anything tacky.” 
“we were thinking barbie and ken!” ji-eun grins, “not tacky, totally trendy — i know we probably won’t be the only barbie and kens in the room, but it’s just so trendy and i loved her pink sequinned cowboy outfit- or if that’s not available, i think the 80s skater costumes were a vibe-“ 
“i can’t whait to talk about horshes and capitahlism wiv a bunch of ovher kensj.” jungkook laughs lightly with a mouthful of sandwich, dabbing his mouth with his napkin before crumpling it up into a ball and tossing it at you
you scowl playfully when it bounces off your forehead and lands on the ground 
“you could go as allen, y/n. that’d be pretty funny.” jungkook swallows his bite, and you want to tell him that he doesn’t have to include you in every part of the conversation because you can practically see the pity for you radiating off of him in waves 
you know for a fact he feels bad that he’s not been able to hang out with you as much lately because every time you do hang out he always brings you a drink or a snack with sympathetic little puppy dog eyes
and every time you have lunch with him and ji-eun he’s always making an effort to include you in the conversation — especially when jimin is around because again, it’s pretty clear the guy doesn’t like you 
you and jungkook spent an entire afternoon trying to figure out why he didn’t like you so much, but you couldn’t come up with any conclusive results, so now whenever jimin is around, jungkook makes even more effort to include you in the conversation 
“allen was my favourite character, so that’s not even a bad idea.” you chirp, pulling out one of the flyers from jimin’s neat pile before looking at it for the details
“oh, right. yeah, you can come too, i guess.” jimin clears his throat quietly, taking the flyer back from you with a chuckle, “…you don’t seem like you’d have anything crazy going on on a friday night.”  
“i can come too? i thought that everyone was invited to this thing?” you raise an eyebrow, pointing to the little note on the flyer, “all it says is general admission.”
“…right.” jimin smiles sweetly at you, “and i suppose i’ll waive the fee for you since you’re… friends with jungkook.” 
“how sweet of you.” you respond curtly, offering a smile just as sweet before letting it drop as soon as he looks away
you are absolutely dreading having to go to this party. 
»»————- 👻 ————-««
“are you sure you don’t want us to come and pick you up? ji-eun has space in her car, you’d just have to sit in the back with all the drinks n stuff-“ 
“i’m good, jungkook, really-“ you mutter, pausing for a second to smudge out your lipstick before leaning back in your chair and turning side to side to look at your finished look 
not that this is jungkook’s fault, but the fact that the two of you really haven’t been hanging out as often gave you a lot of time to think about what you wanted to dress up as for jimin’s halloween costume, and after a solo spooky movie binge the other weekend, you decided that you wanted to dress up as emily from the corpse bride
sure, it’s been done so many times — but you love the movie and you love emily and you had so much time to get everything you needed for this costume so why not dress up as her?? 
you reach up to adjust your blue wig, tugging at it slightly to make sure it’s nice and secure 
“i’m just gonna uber there! plus, my place is kind of out of the way if you guys are already headed to jimin’s.” you clear your throat, “thank you for the offer though. make sure to let ji-eun know i really appreciate the gesture.” 
“okay, i will…” jungkook murmurs, and you can tell by the tone in his voice that he wants to say something but he’s holding himself back, “i guess i’ll see you at the party, then? we’ll probably be there in about forty minutes.” 
“yes, i’ll see you guys at the party.” you nod, wiping the leftover blue lipstick on your fingers on a tissue before reaching over to get ready to press the hangup button 
“y/n?” jungkook’s voice crackling out from your phone speaker makes you pause, and you pull your hand back 
“we’re- we’re good, right?” the question is somewhat of a surprise to you due to its weirdly serious, non-jungkook nature, your eyes flickering down to look at the contact photo you have set for your friend
he grins like a maniac at the camera, eyes wide and lit up with excitement at the cheesy corn dog he’s holding in front of him 
the corner of your mouth twitches in a fond smile at the memory of that day — jungkook was convinced he’d be able to eat three corn dogs in one sitting and the day ended with him basically destroying your toilet and then refusing to let you use it until the smell cleared out 
“what do you mean?” you clear your throat quietly, lips parting to say something else before you press them together and decide against it
“i mean- i know we haven’t been hanging out a lot lately so i just-“ jungkook coughs, “you know, you’re my best friend and i wanna make sure that everything is… good between us.” 
“i-“ you pause again, gaze averting to the side as you think about his comment 
if you’re being completely honest, you don’t think everything is good between the two of you — the first reason why being the fact that you are still completely and utterly head over heels in love with him, and the second reason being that he’s in a relationship with someone else and you’re really not sure how much more of this you can take before you go insane 
but this isn’t exactly something you can hash out over a crackly phone call, and you’re really not in the mood to potentially destroy two relationships at once 
you really don’t know what you’re going to do about this emotional mess, but what you do know is that you’re going to have to take it day by day until you’re eventually ready to face it head on — and tonight, your only job is to smile, enjoy being young, and have lots of fun at what you’re sure is going to be an amazing party despite it being hosted by someone who hates your guts for no reason 
“we’re- we’re good, kook.” you manage to push out, despite the words practically fighting their way out of your mouth, “you’re my best friend, too.” 
“okay. so i’ll see you soon?” 
“yea.” you look at yourself in the vanity mirror, wondering if the sadness in your eyes will make your costume that much more believable, “i’ll see you soon.” 
»»————- 👻 ————-«« 
the six pack of lime seltzer water (you got the fancy kinds in glass bottles) clinks in their cardboard carrier as you walk on the sidewalk, blue heels clicking against the pavement as you follow the path leading up towards the house that-
“holy shit.” your jaw drops at the sheer size of this literal mansion — what looks to be an endless number of burgundy bricks separated by neat, thin layers of cement that are stacked on top of each other, two large, white columns that cast identical shadows on the curved sidewalk leading up to the large, black front door, and not to mention, the insane halloween decorations: huge spider webs stretched over the door and windows, fairy lights wrapped around the columns, a stack of pumpkins sitting by the front steps kardashian-style 
you don’t like jimin but you have to hand it to him, he sure can throw a party 
“s’cuse us, sorry!” a trio of girls dressed up as sluttier versions of the powerpuff girls brush past you, bubbles turning around to shoot you a grin, “love your costume, by the way!”
“oh, thank you!” your face immediately breaks into a wide grin, “you guys look great, too-“ 
the random compliment lifts your mood up slightly — you know you’re more than capable of making friends anywhere you go, so if jungkook is too busy mingling with the other couples, you know you’ll be fine 
and hopefully jimin will be too busy playing host to give you any attitude tonight 
you lift your dress up as you make your way up the steps, the corners of your mouth lifting in an excited smile when you see taehyung standing by the door greeting people and collecting their $10 by… having them tuck the bills into the waistband of his boxers
“magic mike?” you laugh, taehyung’s right eye dropping in a wink before thrusts his hips towards you 
“you know it, baby-“ he coos, reaching over to pinch the fabric of your dress to pull you towards him, your cheeks flushing when you stumble into his chest, “be nice to me and i’ll give you a lil lap dance in one of the private rooms-“ 
“taehyung, i swear to god, do not let any of those bills fall into your boxers because i’m not touching anything that touched your penis-“ jimin pops up behind taehyung dressed in a veryaccurate joker costume, his usual blonde hair dyed completely green for the look 
“hi, welcome to the party, $10 an admiss-“ the sweet smile immediately drops from his face when he realises it’s you, jimin leaning back slightly, “wow, corpse bride!” jimin nods, looking you up and down, “seems fitting.” he mutters under his breath, watching as taehyung tapes the neon orange bracelet around your wrist 
“nice to see you too, jimin.” you raise an eyebrow, lifting the six pack up with your other hand, “i didn’t want to come empty-handed, so i brought some drinks!”
“you brought six drinks for a house party? six sparkly waters, too… interesting.” jimin scoffs lightly, plucking the carrier from you before offering you a saccharine sweet smile, “how thoughtful of you. drinks are in the kitchen - first two shots are free, and then it’s $15 a shot after that. cocktails are $5 each, mocktails are $3- you seem like a shirley temple girl anyway- and all of it can be paid through venmo. the bartender will answer any other questions you have. bathrooms are upstairs, and the results to the costume competition will be announced at the end of the night. there are fifteen winners, and the votes are made by everyone here, so you might have a shot at winning something here.” jimin steps aside, gesturing towards the party, “have fun!”
“thank you, jimin.” you smile politely, stepping into the house and immediately rolling your eyes as soon as you turn away from him
so you weren’t able to completely avoid his dickheadedness, but hopefully that’ll be your only interaction with him tonight considering he’s probably going to be busy playing businessman all night 
$15 a shot is kind of insane, though 
you keep your phone pressed flush to your chest as you manoeuvre your way through the packed floor, the neon lights flashing and disco ball glimmering from above making it damn near impossible to navigate this place without bumping into backs and stepping on toes  
the DJ pumps his arm up into the air as he continues spinning his fingers against the discs, the crowd going wild as the song builds up to the chorus 
you can already tell that most of the people here are drunk (you can smell it, too) and you know, if you can’t beat ‘em, why not join them? 
you can find jungkook later, and alcohol is definitely going to make this night a little easier to handle 
“hi!” you smack your hands down on the marble countertop when you finally make your way to the bar, the vampire bartender turning to glance at you over his shoulder before tossing a cloth over his shoulder, “i want- something. shots, a drink, anything-“ your voice is already straining from the way you’re basically screaming over the music but this seems to be the proper way to communicate at a party like this 
“wait, y/n?” your eyes light up when you realise that it’s none other than namjoon in charge of the drinks (and you wonder if your friendship with him will mean he gives you more drinks without charging you for it) and you let out a gasp as you lean over the counter to grasp onto his wrist
“namjoon!” you grin, “oh my god, thank god, finally someone i know at this damn party. why didn’t you tell me you were going to be here??”
“why didn’t you tell me you were gonna be here?! i haven’t seen you at the library at all, otherwise i definitely would’ve talked to you about it- what can i get for you?” 
“top-shelf tequila, baby. i saw the list of brands that jimin bought - i want the most expensive one.” you raise an eyebrow, namjoon laughing to himself before nodding 
“alright, i gotcha- you need any chasers with that?” 
“you got cranberry juice?” 
“for you, i’ve got anything-“ namjoon smirks, holding a finger up to excuse himself  
it’s five seconds later that you’re presented with not one, not two, but three shots of tequila, namjoon winking at you as he slides the cranberry juice chasers over to you as well
“you better take these before jimin realises i’ve given you a freebie- i’m about to take a break here, someone else is gonna come in a sec to replace me- you wanna dance?” 
“um, of course i do!” you can’t help but squeal excitedly, “take one with me!” you push a shot glass towards him, namjoon shrugging before picking up the shot and downing it in less than two seconds
you take your second shot, eyes squinting as the burn of alcohol trickles down your throat 
you immediately shudder, reaching for the cranberry juice and tossing it down the hatch 
“oh, jesus-“ you hiss, shuddering against before sticking your tongue out in disgust, “god, that cranberry juice does not help whatsoever-!” you don’t get much of a chance to say anything else before namjoon has his slender fingers wrapped around your wrist, giggles bubbling out of your mouth as he drags you towards the crowded dance floor to join the rest of the drunken crowd 
»»————- 👻 ————-«« 
okay, so maybe this party didn’t turn out to be as bad as you thought it was going to be! 
“that- oh my god-!” you throw your head back in laughter when namjoon pulls out the worst dance moves you’ve ever seen, your eyes pinching shut as you clutch at your stomach 
you’re not sure how much time has passed (to be fair, it’s gonna be hard to tell how much time has passed when you’re at a massive house party with flashing lights and nothing but the sound of speakers booming to guide you) but you know you’ve been having a lot more fun with namjoon than you’ve had with jungkook these last few weeks) ((in fact you’re having so much fun that you almost forgot you were supposed to be heartbroken that the love of your life is with someone else, but also, that could probably be the alcohol taking over)) 
you know at some point you’re going to have to go over and say hi to jungkook eventually because you don’t want him to think that you’re purposely ignoring him or something — after all, it’s not his fault that he likes ji-eun and it’s not something you can pin on him and grill him for — but for now, you’re going to dance a little more, sing a little more, and- 
“i gotta pee!” you gasp all of a sudden, realising that you haven’t peed once since coming here and there’s a lot of tequila sloshing around in your system
“what?” namjoon furrows his brows, reaching up to tap against his ear, “too loud, can’t hear you!” 
“i gotta go pee!” you repeat yourself, pointing towards the staircase leading upstairs, “’m gonna go pee n then ‘m gonna come right back-“ 
“oh, pee?” namjoon nods, finally catching your words before stepping aside a little, “okay, i’ll be right here!” 
»»————- 👻 ————-«« 
the silence of the bathroom is more than welcome as soon as you step in and flick the lights on, not at all surprised to see a pair of elegant looking wall sconces lighting up the space 
you squint your eyes as you lean into the mirror, double checking that your makeup is still somewhat intact and you don’t look insane 
“hm. not bad.” you mutter to yourself, turning your head from side to side before nodding, reaching down to pull the endless amounts of tulle up so you can hopefully not piss all over yourself in your tipsy state 
you set the lid down as the toilet flushes, turning the tap on and rinsing your hands underneath the cool water 
“oh, damn-“ you wince when you realise you’re washing some of the blue body paint away and you quickly turn the tap off, shaking the water off your hands before reaching for a neatly folded cotton towelette of course, because regular paper towels aren’t fancy enough for a park jimin party 
you give yourself one last glance in the mirror (you could use a little more lipstick but it’s dark down there so no one’s going to be able to tell anyway) before flicking the lights off 
“oops! i’m sorry-“ you apologise instinctively when you open the door and stumble right into someone, taking a few steps back before looking up to see that it’s jimin, “oh, hey…” you clear your throat quietly, standing up a little straighter before offering him a meek smile 
you always feel like you’re in trouble when you’re around jimin and it’s the worst feeling in the world 
like he’s the principal and you just got caught cheating on a test and he’s about to call home to tell your parents as punishment 
or he’s an officer and he’s about to test you with the breathalyser and you know you’re going to fail because you definitely can’t walk in a straight line right now 
“why am i not surprised that you clearly don’t know how to handle alcohol?” jimin snorts, holding his hands out in case you fall over, “you better not throw up all over me, this suit is custom made-“
“i wasn’t throwing up in the bathroom, i just went in there to pee-“ you roll your eyes, placing both hands on your hips before shaking your head, “you are ridiculous, you know that? even if i was throwing up in your stupid fancy toilets, the normal thing to do would be to ask if me i was okay and if i needed some water! you- you are just so self-centred and just-“
“yeah, uh-huh-“ jimin reaches up to pat the side of your face with a smile, “by the way, if you were looking for jungkook, he’s at the VIP booth with ji-eun and the rest of us.”
“oh, perfect!” you nod, thankful for the information, “i’ll pop over and say hi in a bit, i think it’d be good to sit down too because my heels are kind of killing me and i wouldn’t be surprised if i had, like, a million blisters right now-“ 
“woah, i never said you were allowed to be in the booth with us.” jimin scoffs, pressing a hand against your shoulder to keep you from moving, “silly girl.” 
your lips part slightly as you look at him, and for a moment the only thing that can be heard is the faint boom and bass of the music playing from downstairs 
“are you… serious?” you ask, unsure if jimin’s joking with you or not
the bored expression on his face tells you that he is indeed, super serious 
all of this just feels so incredibly cliquey and immature and stupid and you know that you’re supposed to be the bigger person because jimin clearly won’t be and you like to think that you’re ten times more emotionally mature than him but he’s making it harder and harder for you to not want to shred up his nice suit with a pair of scissors and cuss him out in front of everyone 
“i’m dead serious. i’m just telling you this so that you don’t embarrass yourself when your drunk ass stumbles over and tries to join us.” jimin says as if it’s the most obvious thing in the entire world, “enjoy the rest of the party, sweetheart.” he brushes past you to head into the washroom and-
“you’re a fucking dickhead, you know that?” you snap, jimin stopping in his tracks before turning his head slightly so you can just make out the side of his face, “i think i’ve been nothing but nice to you ever since i met you, and to be honest, i can’t even think of one reason why you are constantly so fucking rude and overall just unpleasant to me. i don’t say anything when you purposely cut me out of the conversation, i don’t nag when you ignore my questions and comments but respond to everyone else’s, and most importantly, i’ve never called you out for being a jackass when i think i’ve had every chance and opportunity to. if you have a problem with me, then just say so so that we can hash this stupid weird rivalry out and just get along. your best friend and my best friend are in a relationship, and i think it’s in everyone’s best interest that we at least try to get along-“
“oh, shut the fuck up, y/n.” jimin scoffs, turning around to face you, “you know, you always act like you’re better than everyone else, that’s why i don’t like you.”
you feel your shoulders stiffen at the comment before you shrug, crossing your arms over your chest, “well, i’m sorry if i’ve given you that impression but that’s not my intention, i don’t think i’m better than you, i don’t think i’m better than everyone else, and i can’t control how you feel about me but-“ 
“oh my god, even when you’re confronting me about being a dickhead to you you’re still being a sensible goddamn person, it’s like you’re purposely trying to piss me off-“ 
“okay, well, i’m not going to apologise to you for literally being myself because there’s nothing i can do about it. this is a you problem, not a me problem, so if you insist on being such an unreasonable drama queen for however long we’re going to have to spend time together, then i think the solution here is just for you to ignore me — which, you’re already doing a stellar job of, congratulations — and in return, i’ll happily ignore you.”
“i hate when people aren’t themselves. i pick up on that shit right away, and i gotta tell you, y/n, you might be the fakest person of them all.”
“what the hell are you talking about?” 
“i think we both know you’re hiding something from all of us. i think you’re hiding something from yourself, too. i think you’re lying to yourself.” 
there’s a pregnant pause in the conversation and for a second you want to ask him what exactly he’s implying here, but… 
“alright, jimin, well-“ you turn around to head towards the stairs, “you’re fuckin’ being weird, and i’m just trying to have a good time, so i’m just gonna go back down-“ 
“yeah, have a wonderful rest of your evening, corpse bride-“ 
you resist the very strong urge to whip around and literally just strangle the man, but you remind yourself that before you had this little interaction you were actually having a very good time 
“y/n!” jungkook stands at the bottom of the staircase as you make your way down, being careful not to trip over your heels, “hi!” 
“jungkook! oh, there you are- i was wondering where you were-“ you loop an arm with his as you drag him through the hoards of people and towards the bar (you really need a drink and it looks like namjoon is back on the clock)
“there you are!” he laughs lightly, reaching over to tap your hand gently, “i’ve been texting you all night trying to figure out where you were but- is your phone on do not disturb or something?“
“no, it’s not! i’m sorry, i should’ve checked my phone-“ you smile sheepishly, “i’ve been dancing with namjoon this whole time but- where are you guys sitting?”
“i don’t know, some area that jimin squared off for us and a few others- ji-eun’s been asking about you, she wanted to say hi-“ 
“oh! oh my god, yeah, i should probably go say hi to ji-eun-“ you gesture for namjoon to get you some water and he nods, grabbing a cup and filling it up for you, :your ken costume turned out great, by the way-“ you laugh, patting jungkook’s bare chest, “it’s, uh- it’s really giving horses and the patriarchy.”
“thank you, thank you- and your costume turned out so cool too, we should watch corpse bride again when we eventually have another movie night-“ 
“sure! sure, for sure.” you clear your throat quietly, a moment of awkward silence settling in between the two of you 
your friendship feels so… different now 
like there’s this unspoken air of something in between you and jungkook like an invisible brick wall 
and maybe it’s the liquid courage currently sloshing around in your body and the leftover exhilaration from finally calling jimin out on his bullshit, but now you have the urge to talk to jungkook about the weird tension 
“hey, kook, listen-“ you reach up to scratch the back of your neck, “there’s something i’ve been meaning to tell you but i’ve definitely been putting off for a while…” 
all of a sudden, a drum roll begins to boom from the speakers, the spotlights darting around the crowd before shining towards the main stage at the front of the room, whoops and cheers bouncing off the walls as jimin waltzes his way towards the microphone, a cocky smirk on his face as he raises his hand to get people to quiet down 
“oh, shit, the costume competition results!!” jungkook nudges your side as the two of you turn to face the front, “we can talk about it later, i wanna see who won what- i voted myself for best ken costume, so-“ 
you let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding and you nod, thankful for the interruption 
maybe it’s a good thing you were interrupted 
telling him in the middle of a party probably wasn’t the best idea, anyway
»»————- 👻 ————-«« 
once again, you really have to hand in to jimin 
the man truly knows how to throw a party, because it seems like just about everyone is having the time of their lives — and this costume competition just made things so much more fun
there are definitely a lot of good costumes here tonight and jimin decided to change it up with twenty-five different categories to go through so he’s kind of speed running through the names 
most scary costume, most realistic costume, most well-made costume: he’s got a lot of categories to get through 
you keep a content smile on your face as the costume contest continues to go on, enjoying jimin’s commentary to the point that you nearly forget that the two of you hate each other and he totally just disrespected you like he’s never disrespected you before twenty minutes ago 
“i wonder how that guy made it look like his head was floating… that shit was so cool.” jungkook claps his hands along with the crowd and you nod enthusiastically
“i know, right?! i’m sure he probably took it off tiktok or something - we can definitely look it up after the party and maybe we can try to recreate-“ you stop yourself mid-sentence, suddenly remembering that you guys haven’t exactly been the closest as of late so it feels weird to be offering to do something together, “um-“ you clear your throat, offering a half-hearted shrug, “yeah, we can, like, look it up later or something. maybe you and ji-eun can figure it out and let me know.” 
“yeah! or- you know, you and me-“ jungkook licks over his chapped lips, “like- you know, like- old times or whatever-“
“yeah, yeah- maybe! maybe-“ 
“now, before i announce this special category, i have something to read because-“ jimin sucks in a breath through his teeth before cocking his head to the side, “well, let’s just say it’s some context for the best simp costume of the night.”
you can’t help but frown at the strange category — out of all the halloween costume competitions you’ve been to, “best simp” has certainly never been one that you’ve seen before 
“just wanna remind everyone that this is just a costume competition, everything is based off the costume you’re wearing.” jimin adds, taking a slip of paper out of his back pocket before unfolding it with nimble fingers, “so, uh- you know. don’t take anything seriously, you know? just gotta loosen up and have fun.” 
your brows dip slightly at the weird disclaimer 
something about this doesn’t feel right.  
“dear j, this is something that i’ve wanted to tell you for a while but have never had the courage to until now. throughout our entire friendship, you’ve been so kind and loyal and honest with me, and i think that you deserve the same, so this is me being honest with you.” jimin speaks into the microphone, reading the words off the slip of paper with a tone of amusement laced in his powder-soft voice, “to be honest, i’ve liked you for nearly a year now, and i’ve tried so many times to push those feelings down but it’s clear that my feelings aren’t going anywhere anytime soon…” he recites, a smirk twitching at the corner of his mouth as he puts the piece of paper down, “any thoughts on who the winner could be? or should i keep going?” 
your eyelids flutter slightly at the weird change in mood of the lines and a strange feeling of familiarity of those words
“me at that one hot english professor.” a voice pipes out from the crowd and that gets a round of laughter 
you laugh along politely, but you can’t help but feel as though something is off 
something is off
something is very, very off
“i cherish you as a friend and the last thing i want to do is to make things weird, so… you don’t have to worry about my feelings, you know?” 
oh my god. 
you feel the blood immediately drain from your face when you finally realize why these lines are so familiar — it’s because they’re from the note you wrote for jungkook when you were going to tell him you liked him. 
your brain begins to work overtime to figure out how the hell jimin got his hands on that note and why the hell he’d think it’d be okay to read it aloud to this massive group of people and what the hell he’s even doing right now  
“what i’m trying to say is that i like you, j. i like you so much that i don’t know where to even put my feelings, and i’m sick of holding my feelings back and pretending that i’m fine with being just your friend.” 
you know that jimin’s never really been a fan of you, but even this seems like too much of a dickhead move even for him 
you pluck at the cuff of your sleeve anxiously, tracing your steps all the way back to the day you were going to tell jungkook about your feelings for him and the note that you’d accidentally given him that you were hoping was rotting away somewhere in a dump yard but clearly isn’t 
jungkook said he’d given ji-eun the note to spit her gum out into 
but what if she uncrumpled the paper and saw the note?
and what if jimin was there when she uncrumpled the note? 
and then they read it together and ji-eun mentioned that you were reciting this aloud in the bathroom and-
your heart starts to race in your chest and you feel the hairs prickle on your arms as anxiety begins to bubble in your stomach, and you know that no one’s looking at you but you feel like everyone’s looking at you 
you feel sick
you feel like you’re going to throw up and explode at the same time 
“how could you like someone for a year and not tell ‘em?” jungkook snorts, nudging you with his elbow, “who do you think the poor sucker is who said that?” 
“beats me.” you breathe out, feeling yourself shrink slightly when you notice jimin starting to scan the audience, clearly laser-focused on finding you, “i have to- um, i think i need some fresh air, it’s a little warm in here-“ 
“oh- okay-“ jungkook doesn’t get the chance to say much else before you’re turning around, pushing yourself through the crowd of people and trying your best to stay calm 
just breathe
in and out
in and out 
in and out in and out in and out oh my god HURRY UP MOVE MOVE MOVE-
you’re sure that no one will notice if you slink out through the back
and you can always text namjoon later and say that it was great spending time with him but you had a personal emergency and needed to leave the party earlier 
and if jimin decides to expose you, at least you’ll be gone and out of this house and nowhere near any of these people and you don’t have to look at their stupid sympathetic faces and you don’t have to deal with- 
“and the best simp of the night goes to our lovely corpse bride.” 
you freeze when the spotlight lands on you, your heart going a hundred miles a minute as it starts to beat harder and faster in your chest 
you only manage to turn your head weakly to glance over your right shoulder, catching jimin in your peripheral view before you’re slowly twisting around to face him, feet glued to the ground 
“why don’t you come up here and accept your sash, corpse bride?” jimin smirks, plucking the satin sash from (a shocked looking) taehyung’s arms before raising it up in the air slightly, “congratulations on winning, you get two free drinks from the bar. one for you and one for… well, probably also you. get on up here and claim your coupons!” 
you feel your face burning bright red in humiliation and you’re unable to tear your eyes away from jimin, your hands clenched into tight fists at your sides
this is a nightmare
this is actually a nightmare 
this is traumatising in so many ways 
the music seems to quiet down, a loud silence washing over the room as people look at you with expressions of confusion on their faces, everyone clearly a little thrown off at the weird category 
eyes, there are just a million pairs of eyes on you and you feel like you can’t move or breathe or even do anything but stand still in shock
it’s only then that you notice the calculating look on jungkook’s face, his eyelids fluttering slightly before his eyes widen and his head snaps up and over to look at you
his lips part slightly as his eyes dart over the features of your face and you feel your entire body flushing in humiliation and shame, forcing your eyes away from your friend and back to the dickhead on the stage 
“you are really something else, park jimin.” you manage to mutter out before turning on your heel and pushing your way through the crowd, people stepping aside to let you out 
“aw, where are you going? you had a great costume, that’s all we were trying to say!” jimin laughs, actually laughs into the microphone before shrugging, tossing the sash over his shoulder before moving on, “alright, well, more drinks for me, i guess. the next category is best couple’s costume-“ 
“y/n- y/n, wait!” jungkook’s voice is the one thing you hear among the music and bustle of the crowd but he’s the last person you want to talk to right now so you pick up your pace upon spotting the front door 
tears blur your vision as you finally burst out into the open air, your chin trembling as you try your best to keep your composure and not completely burst into tears
“oh my god, oh my fucking god-“ you whimper, sucking in large breaths of air 
run, run, run, the only instinct you have is to run, and you reach down to yank both heels off before taking off into a sprint, the grass slightly damp beneath your bare feet 
it feels very cliché to be running out of a mansion in a big poofy dress, but you can’t even take the moment to laugh at yourself because the only thing you can focus on is the fact that everything has changed completely and you’re forced to face reality a lot sooner than you would’ve liked 
“y/n, come on!” you turn to glance over your shoulder to see jungkook hot on your trail, “you can’t just run away from a discussion you don’t want to have, we need to talk because we both know that things have been off since i started dating ji-eun and now-“ 
“okay, well, now you know, then!” your chest heaves as you come to a stop to catch your breath (you have no idea why you thought running would be a good idea, you get winded after thirty seconds on the treadmill), spinning around to face your friend who skids to a stop, tripping over his feet a little before standing up straight, “the secret’s out, jungkook. we finally solved the puzzle. i love you. i’ve loved you for so long that i don’t even remember when i started feeling this way, but all i know is i love you. you’re the first person i think of when i wake up and you’re the last person i think about before i fall asleep. i would literally drop everything i was doing if you needed me, and you’re the only person i want to spend my free time with.” all the words that you’ve been holding in for the last who knows how long finally spill out, your mouth running uncontrollably, “i love you so much that i helped you set up your date with ji-eun, i love you so much that i’m willing to run in the rain just to get you a teddy bear and a bouquet that’s not even going to me, jungkook, i-“ you blubber, reaching up to wipe at your eyes, “i don’t know what to do. there is no one else in the world i’d rather be with than you, jungkook, and i- to be honest, maybe it’s a good thing that jimin did what he did because you do deserve to know the truth and you do deserve to know how i really feel about you. if this didn’t happen i think i’d just keep it to myself for the rest of my life, but you deserve to know this. i love you, jungkook. i love you and i don’t know if i can keep being friends with you if you’re dating someone else because it’s actually killing me on the inside-“ 
“i love you, y/n,” jungkook breathes out, and you feel yourself letting out a breath that you didn’t even know you were holding
for the first time in a long time, you feel relieved, like a massive weight’s just been lifted off your shoulders 
you feel your heart soar in your chest, and suddenly it’s like all the humiliation and shame has completely washed away, and suddenly you have the feeling to run back into the house to thank jimin for doing this because you know you wouldn’t have said anything if it weren’t for this slightly traumatising experience 
“i love you, i do, but… not in that way.” his shoulders droop slightly and you feel your heart beginning to crackle like a delicate glass sculpture, each splinter creating more damage than the last, “i love you like you’re the first person i call when i get good news because i know you’ll be proud of me, or when i get bad news because i know you’ll be there to comfort me. i love you, like i envision you standing next to me at my wedding fixing my tie or calming me down when whoever i end up marrying is walking down the aisle. i love you like you’ll be fun auntie y/n who spoils my kids with shopping sprees at the mall and who allows them an extra scoop of ice cream after dinner. i love you because you make me a better person, i love you because you encourage me to be the best version of myself i can possibly be. i love you because you remind me to be smart and kind and humble and honest and i trust you to be the one to put me in my place if i ever need it but i-“
“stop.” you feel nauseated hearing all of these words coming out of his mouth, telling you that he loves you because and he loves you because but not just i love you too. “just stop, jungkook.” you know that you can’t control someone else’s feelings but you can control your own reactions, and if jungkook would’ve kept rattling on you don’t know what you would’ve said but you know you probably would’ve lashed out at him 
and it’s good that you finally got your answer, right? he loves you, but not in that way — not in the way that you love him 
“y/n, please-“ jungkook whispers, reaching out for you, his eyebrows scrunching together when you take a small step back, wrapping your arms around yourself, “please, i can’t lose you as a friend, you mean so much to me-“ 
“i need some time.” you manage to force out, the sickening feeling of humiliation and shame and embarrassment and disappointment and frustration and anger swirling around in your stomach, “i just need some time.”
“how much time?” 
“you should probably go back to the party.” you clear your throat quietly, offering your friend a weak smile, “i heard you and ji-eun were up for best couple’s costume. not saying that jimin rigged the system or anything, but-“ 
“y/n, how much time?” jungkook’s looking at you with sad puppy-dog eyes, and though it breaks your heart to see him like that, you need to put yourself first for once 
every instinct inside of you screams to console jungkook, to reassure him and let him now that you’ll still be around but you just need some space from him and the whole situation 
your eyes begin to water again as you press your lips together, shaking your head quietly, “i’m gonna go see if i can catch the bus home.” 
»»————- 👻 ————-«« 
(- “the FUCK is wrong with you, huh?!” jungkook barks, slamming jimin up against the wall before grabbing two fistfuls of his shirt, “you sadistic fuck, who in their right mind would ever fucking do that to another human being?!” 
“i’m the sadistic one?” jimin laughs, reaching up to wrap his fingers around jungkook’s wrists, “are you fucking serious? you’re the one whose been dangling yourself in front of y/n like a damn carrot to a starved rabbit-“ 
“what are you talking about?”
“you can’t stand here and honestly say that you didn’t have an inkling that y/n liked you more than a friend. i’ve seen the way you talk to her, i’ve seen the way you look at her, i’ve seen the way you are around her- you think i’m the evil one? at least i don’t take advantage of my friends who are CLEARLY head over heels in love with me and would obviously do anything i wanted them to do and ask them to help me set up a date that i’m taking someone else out on-“ 
“get a fucking life and mind your own damn business for once, you motherf-“) 
🎙️ console y/n or call out jimin because what the hell was that?! (talk to my characters!) 
📚 why not explore the rest of the library while you're here? (go say hi to yoongi and y/n in la vie en bonsai!) 
💫 or perhaps you want something shorter to read? (drabbles and mini series!)
🌟 or something even shorter? (teeny tidbits!) 
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staytinyville · 4 months
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Daechwita (Burn It Pt. 2)
↣ Summary: You were only a decoy for all those who wanted your family off the throne. The real leader was your horrible sister who ruled with fear in their subjects. You only did what was told of you and if others came to assassinate you then so be it. 
↣ Characters/Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader, Slight Jungkook x Reader,
↣ Genre: Historical, Mature
↣ AU/Trope info: Historical!au, Queen!Reader, Rebel!Yoongi, 
↣ Word Count: 6.1k
↣ Warnings: Abuse, Toxic household, 
↣ A/N: This turned into a four part miniseries. I swear I can’t stick to anything bro. I still need to finish the other series. I swear I’m still on them. I just haven't gotten the energy to sit down and write full chapters. All I got is the conversations. 
Staytinyville’s Permanent Taglist
↣ Affiliates: @k-labels , @k-vanity
↣ Special Thanks: Thank you @saradika-graphics for the amazing banners! Please go check her out if you have specific banners in mind. She is great!
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“Hello, Jeongguk.” You smiled when the man bowed his head as he entered your room. 
You weren’t someone who took concubines in for the hell of it. You didn’t like to use people in that manner and especially not taking them from their home against their will. However with the way your parents saw themselves and wished to present the way you looked to the public they made you take the boy in. Even if you didn’t look for his company the same way your family looked at their concubines he was still forced to be at the palace. 
“Hello, your grace.” The boy gave you a large smile, his lips pulling over his teeth. 
“Such a lovely boy.” You cooed, squishing his cheeks together. 
He whined, trying to pull back from your ministrations but ultimately giggled at your doting nature. You had grown to love him. He was someone who looked at you with bright eyes and made you want to continue on going for his sake. It was you between him and the others who saved them from your family's wraths. You were the only one who truly cared about them. 
“How are the others?” You asked, giving him a smile. 
“They've been okay. Princess Munhee hasn't called for them. She's been too busy with some other men to pay them any mind. They are more than happy about that.” Jungkook explained. 
You sighed deeply, shaking your head. “I surely hope she doesn't gather more concubines.” 
Turning back to him, you gave him a kind smile, making him flush. “I've asked for you because I would like some information.” 
“Anything for you.” He quickly spoke. 
“There is a rebellion going on that plans on taking the throne from me.” You told him. 
“That can't be right—”
“Jeongguk.” You interrupted softly. “I want you to be honest with me.” 
You looked down, feeling upset over how you had asked something of him. “I know I took you from your home and brought you to this terrible life—”
“I wanted to come with you.” He stopped you, before you could continue. “You gave me the choice to come here–unlike Taehyung and Jimin.”
It had been an expedition your family had been taking when you came across all of them. Jungkook and Jimin were from one village and Taehyung from another. The expedition was meant to strengthen the royal family's ties to everyone in the kingdom. Showcase to everyone who would watch that they were proper rulers. 
All a lie it was for the people. Blindly following false words of kindness. Especially the families of the concubines. 
Jimin and Taehyung had been bought from their families. Munhee wanted the both of them the moment she laid eyes on each. Giving their families a hefty sum of money for each of the boys who didn't want to go with them. You remember those days clearly. If only because it was you who had gone to the families to ask for them as your own concubines. 
It made you cry on those nights. The way the two boys would look at you when they were placed in the hands of Munhee the first night. There was so much hatred in them–each bruise that was marred on their skin that you could see. It made you sick to your stomach to know that it wasn’t just you anymore who was left under the tyranny of your family. 
You tried your best to keep them from getting hurt–caring for their wounds and making sure they were well taken care of behind your sister’s back but there was only so much you could do. 
“They must hate me—”
“They could never!” Jungkook stopped you. “Maybe in the beginning but they know the real you now. The one who takes care of them after the princess was too rough.”
“They love you so much. I love you. I will do everything you ask of me.”
Your heart stopped for a moment, feeling like there was something grabbing a hold of it only to crush it. It was but a moment that you were brought back to the night Agust was going to kill you. The time when you wanted him to drag the knife along your neck. 
But yet here was this man who claims to love you enough to do anything you ask of him. You had never seen any of the concubines as more than just those you cared about. It wasn’t in your nature to fall in love with someone because of the life you used to live. 
Now you knew though, no matter what you had to stay to make sure these boys and the people would never fall into the hands of your family. Who would be there to save them if it wasn’t you?
“I don't need you to, Jeongguk.” You smiled softly. “I just need you to look like my pretty boy.”
“You asked me about the rebellion. Did something happen?” He asked with worry, his eyebrows pinching together. 
“Nothing that should worry you.” You told him. “However I do want to ask about a man who I believe might be part of it. I don't know his name but I have seen him before. He has a scar running down his right eye. He's young though, with long blonde hair. Namjoon told me you might know his name.”
“You must be talking about Min Yoongi. He goes by the name August so no one could find out his identity.” He easily answered you, no hesitation within his voice. 
“I see.” You mumbled to yourself. 
“Thank you Jeongguk.” You pulled his cheek so that you could lean in to give him a kiss. “You mean so much to me–all of you do.”
“You're our queen. We will make sure no harm comes to you.” The boy bowed his head, a bright flush along his cheeks that made you smile. 
After he left you alone, you began to scheme about how to start with your plans. The first task was getting that guard to understand you were on his side. As well, he was going about things all wrong. You had a kingdom to save and people to command. For once you were finally going to be the real queen you were meant to be. 
And the starting point was having Min Yoongi join the court. 
“Min Yoongi.” You spoke to yourself. 
“You're grace.” Yoongi bowed his head, turning to watch as the eunuch closes your study door. 
Once he is out of earshot, Yoongi relaxes his shoulders, striding over to the desk you were kneeling next to. 
“Good.” You spoke up, looking at him. “I would like to speak to you about something.” 
“I have decided to add another guard to my personnel. I wanted to know if you knew of anyone who was capable.” You spoke, looking over some documents.
It felt odd to finally start looking into the things the council shares with you without your father quickly taking them from your hold to do himself. However you took it upon yourself to do it all in secret. Helping the kingdom to thrive and send money where it needs to go. Go over trials that needed attention which you knew were going to easily go unpunished. 
It made you understand more just how much corruption was truly within the palace. And you first wanted to start with getting rid of your family before moving on to the council members on your father’s roster. 
“I might know some people.” He told you, making you nod. 
Your eyes moved along his face out of instinct, trying to find anything that might be wrong with him. There wasn’t any injury that you could see over his clothes–his scar was still the only thing that stared back at you. When you realized you had spent too much time looking over him, you cleared your throat and looked away. 
“How has my sister been treating you? You asked. 
“Like I'm not there–which I am grateful for.” He shrugged. “She is very—”
“Sinister. Evil. A tyrant.” You prattled off out of habit, rolling your eyes. “We all know.”
You didn’t really give him any reason to think about what you could’ve been like before he had entered your life. As far as he knew, you were only an emotionless doll that seemed to allow her family to speak over her at certain events. 
But he couldn’t help but be curious over who you were before he had tried to kill you. You were still you–it was clear in the way he would see you care for the other people within the palace court. You didn’t get upset when they would cower before you, trying to get away as fast as possible. So far the only ones who didn’t try to run from you were the concubines who claimed to be in love with you. 
The way you spoke though made him think that you weren’t someone who allowed others to walk all over them. You knew how to work people–how to get them to listen to you without having to cause fear in their hearts. It left him baffled to know that you were someone who waited for death with open arms. 
“Do you ever get tired? Of having to put up with them?” He asked. 
“That's why you're here isn't it?” You answered. 
“I thought the only way to escape their hands was by death. It was inevitable because I knew about the rebellion—even they knew. That's why I'm just the decoy for their schemes.” Your voice was soft, reminding Yoongi of your first meeting. 
“And the day you die though? They won't have that chance anymore.” He told you.
“They won't but that wouldn't be my issue now would it.” You smiled softly. 
Yoongi’s lips turned downward as your eyes took on something familiar to him. It left an ache in his chest making him feel uncomfortable with the way you looked at him. He couldn’t stand to see that kind of look pass behind your soul. It reminded him of his own ways that he was too scared to let go of. A reminder of his own feelings of hoping for a swift ending to his story. 
“So you'd rather leave your people in the hands of demons?” He frowned. 
“Don't they see me as a demon as well?” You asked him. “There are only two other people who know the truth about my position and you're one of them.”
“But the other staff? Don't they see your family beating you?” He wondered out loud.
“They just assume I'm a tyrant because I am treated poorly by my family. Lots of things are easier when you allow people to believe what they want.” You spoke calmly.
You had ideas brewing in your head. Ideas that you wanted to put into action. Yoongi knew that the moment you looked at him without emotions as you found him standing in line with the other warriors waiting to be chosen as a new royal guard. It seemed in the months he had been training to get the chance to stand in the palace courtyard you had changed your mind over the idea of death. 
It wasn’t something hard to do, but Yoongi did want to know why you chose to change things after almost being assassinated. 
“So why change now?” He questioned. 
“Because I thought about the people I'd leave behind without so much as a word. I'm not ready to give up yet. I learned that thanks to you.” 
Your words left him even more confused but he didn’t dare to question you further. “If you want me to put another knife to your throat for a new idea don't be afraid to ask.”
You had kept him in your study for a bit longer, pouring a drink for the both of you as you got to know your new companion. It had been a few weeks since he started to work with the others and you didn’t really got the chance to know how he worked. You figured it was best to know the person who was going to help kill your family. 
“Your name? Agust, what does it mean?” You asked him.
“I am from Daegu. It's a name I used to have backwards.” He waved you off, not giving him more about the life he lived before coming to the capital. 
“That's interesting.” You hummed, not wanting to make him uncomfortable. 
“What about you? Where do you get your personality from, if not your parents?”
His question made you look up with wide eyes, pressing your lips together as the alcohol in your system seemed to make you buzz. It wasn’t that you had a lot to drink, you only took a few sips every couple of minutes while he had already drowned three cups of soju. You weren’t going to be challenging him to a drink contest anytime soon. 
“I was taken care of by a nanny.” You answered. “I never really got the chance to be with my parents because they were too busy with Munhee. I was the smallest of us so naturally I was the weakest–at least in their eyes.”
For the past hour he had watched you make faces to yourself, acting like a child who was having an internal monologue. There were questions he knew you wanted to ask him but you would stop yourself for fear of overstepping. He saw you let go of your emotionless facade and take on the one he knew you hardly got the chance to show others. 
He wondered who your real friends were when you were an actual child. He knew your guard had been there for you for years from what Namjoon had told him. If he got the chance to see you act this way in private. It left a stale taste in his mouth to know that you have suppressed this part of you so much that you had to be inebriated in order to feel relaxed enough to show the wonder/curious part of you. 
“Being kind and gentle doesn't mean being weak.” He told you.
You looked up from under your lashes, catching his stare on your face. “It doesn't. Between Munhee and I though, I do believe I got the best brain.” You sat up straight with a smile on your face as you thought about yourself. 
“Let's hope your plans work out then.” Yoongi smirked. 
“If it doesn't, I hope you can continue.” You told him, making him frown. 
You might have been buzzed but there were parts that would go back to thinking about the present. You weren’t out of it completely but when Yoongi was able to catch you off guard he was able to see into the real you. So to hear you speak so depressing over something like this it made him want to bring back the person you were. 
“I promise nothing will happen to you.” He said without thinking. 
You completely froze, slowly looking up at him with wide eyes that seemed to almost have tears in them. You mouth fell open just a bit as you tried to keep from making your lips tremble. 
“Why make that promise?” You spoke softly. 
“Because there are people who care about you. Ones who want to see you rule the kingdom correctly.” He explained quickly. 
“You hardly know me.” You scoffed. “How do you know I'd do the right thing?”
“I’m expecting you to give me a reason.”
“This is Hoseok, your grace.” The man in question bowed his head and had a stiff smile on his face as he watched you look around the home. 
It was a typical home found throughout the capital, one that was meant for someone of noble status. Yoongi had told you and Namjoon on the way to his home that he shared it with two other men–one of which was going to be your new guard alongside Namjoon. 
WHen you finally turned to look at the man, you noticed how tense he was. The smile was forced, you realized, but a smile nonetheless. You gave him a kind on back, clasping your hands together as you were taught. Even if you weren’t properly trained to be queen you were trained in how to act like one. 
“I would hope Agust has told you how things are.” You immediately got to the point, seeing as you didn’t want to go through the process of waiting to explain things. 
The quicker the better.
“For the most part. Why do you want a member of the resilience to be your personal guard?” He asked, frowning his eyebrows. 
“Same reason you're in the resilience. I have people to get rid of.” You spoke out loud, causing him to furrow his eyebrows together. 
He tried not to turn his nose up, glare on his face that intimidated you just a bit. “You're willing to bloody your hands?”
“It's better than having them bruised.” Your voice was soft, causing him to suck in a quiet breath as he got caught in the look that passed behind your eyes. 
He glanced over to Yoongi who sighed deeply as he nodded his head slowly. 
“Your majesty?” A voice spoke up behind Hoseok as some people came out from the home. 
Taehyung looked at you with curious eyes, while Jimin held onto his arm to help him down the home’s patio. Jungkook softly shuffled behind a taller man who was watching with a confused look as the queen stood in his yard. 
“Boys? What are you all doing here? I thought I had sent you all to a physician?” You questioned, shoving past Hoseok who brought his arms in to keep from touching you.
The action made him even more confused as he looked over at Yoongi once more. Yoongi only chuckled, walking behind you to reach the concubines who had walked out with a broad shoulder man. Namjoon calmly walked closer to the younger boys, eyes scanning them for any signs of injuries as he usually did. 
“The doctor we go to is here.” Jimin spoke up, bowing his head when he made eye contact with you.
“Who?” You asked, looking over at the other man. 
“My name is Seokjin. It's nice to meet you, your majesty.” He bowed his head pursing his lips as he took in the guard that seemed to fuss over the boys. 
“Jeongguk told us to come here. He says Jin Hyung is a great doctor.” Taehyung answered, giving you a stunning smile as his hand rubbed at his ribs.
“Why thank you Jungkookie.” Seokjin cooed, pinching the younger boy's cheeks. 
“I'm glad to know you were all taken care of.” You smiled, bowing your head in thanks to the doctor. 
His eyes went wide as he stood up straight from seeing you smile at him and give him a compliment. 
“Right, wouldn't want the queen's concubines to be hurt.” He said stiffly. 
He suddenly sighed, looking between you and Taehyung with anxiousness. “I get they are yours to do as you please but I ask that you are careful with them for a bit—”
“We aren't her majesty's concubines.” Taehying stopped the doctor without manners. “It was Princess Munhee who broke my ribs.”
“She broke your ribs!?” You shouted, mouth falling open as the others flinched from your shout. “I just thought it was a normal bruise! Taehyung, why didn't you tell me how bad it actually was!?” You fussed, hands quickly pressing the boy's cheeks between your palms. 
Taehyung began to pout, his lips protruding out but he still basked in the attention you were giving him. 
“Jimin!?” You whined, turning to the round faced boy who gave you a soft look. 
“We didn't want to worry you.” He spoke softly as always. 
“Nonsense! You live in my home! You are mine to take care of.” You demanded, looking back over at Taehyung who looked at you with wide eyes. 
“We're yours?” Jungkook whispered, a blush settling on his face as he grew closer to you. 
You began to stutter, looking between all of the seven boys waiting for an answer from you. “Well, you live in my palace. I have to take care of you.”
“You don't–you just choose to.” Jimin sighed, quickly stepping in so as to not let the others hope for anything. 
“Come on, we'll see you at home.” He told you, nodding his head in a bow. 
Your eyebrows pinched together as you felt a pang in your chest over Jimin’s dismissive behavior. As he carefully moved Taehyung with the help of Jungkook, you shuffled your feet to follow after them but Namjoon spoke up. 
“We should get going as well. Don't stay for too long, Agust.” Namjoon spoke up, holding his arm out for you to take. 
“What is the queen up to? Asking us to be guards in the royal palace.” Hoseok sneered, glaring at the retreating figures of the royal court. 
“I would assume it's nothing good.” Jin sighed, worried about the concubines and their injuries. 
“Not for the queen.” Yoongi spoke up, turning to look at them. “I'm still going to finish my mission.”
“Are you sure about this?” Hobi asked. 
“I'm more positive now than I ever was.” Yoongi nodded his head. 
“Those men really care for her. I've never seen any concubines who are in love with their masters.” Jin explained, remembering about the conversations he had with all three of them over how you had sent them to see the doctors. 
It was Jungkook who had walked into his home asking for help for a fellow concubine. Teahyung was shuffling slowly with a hand on his ribs as he was being carried by Jimin. Jin had never had to treat Jungkook for injuries to the extent Taehyung had. Before they had begun to explain themselves he assumed Jungkook was just the favorite and hardly ever injured. 
But Taehyung had gone on and on over how you had fussed over the large bruise that was forming under his chest. Jungkook followed along with him, nodding and adding in his own statements over how kind the queen was. Jimin stayed quiet a majority of the time only making small comments about how (Y/N) was special to them all. 
“Things are not as they seem. That's what I'm coming to learn. I'll catch up with you later, Hobi.”
“Mother is sick. Surprised she hasn't died yet. She's so old. We'll see how she goes later.” Munhee talks to herself in front of her vanity mirror, you keeping her company because she had called for your audience. 
She has yet to get to the point but you stood off to the side, trying not to show any emotions as she continued on with her nighttime routine. However when she mentioned your mother, your shoulder straightened up, attention on her. 
“Does she need a physician?” You asked. 
“I don't know.” Munhee scoffed, waving you off. “I don't wanna get sick with whatever she has so I haven't even gone into that side of the palace.” 
“Where is that stupid maid? (Y/N) I need you to do my hair.” She demanded, slamming her hairbrush onto the table. 
You walked closer to her, taking the brush softly before combing through her long hair. Your lips twitched at how you wanted to pull on her scalp but you prevent yourself from doing that by thinking about your sickly mother. 
“I'll call for one.” You prattled off, talking about getting a doctor for your mother. 
“As if you know anyone.” Munhee rolled her eyes, picking at her nails. 
“I'm sure Namjoon must. I'll ask him.”
“That reminds me.” She turned in your hold, causing you to let go of her. “I want Namjoon to be my guard. I can't stand to look at that creature. If you picked him you can have him.”
Your eyes suddenly went wide, hands dropping to your sides. Namjoon had been there for you since before you were even queen. He was your one friend through your entire existence that didn't take your kindness for granted but rather appreciate who you were as a person. He was your person–the one who kept you from ending your own life. 
You couldn’t possibly give him up.
“I don't think Namjoon would—”
“I don't care what he thinks. I want him as my guard. You will do as I say or there will be consequences.” She threatened, coming to tower over you. 
“Of course.” You nodded your head, looking down from her eyes. 
You fast walked to the door, your nose twitching in irritation as you slammed the door open. Yoongi and Namjoon flinched as they waited for you to exit your sister's bedroom to take you back to your own. You couldn’t dare to look at Namjoon too angry with your sister to think about letting him. Tears pooled in your eyes as you thought about it. 
“What happened?” Namjoon asked, seeing your upset state. 
“Munhee wants you to be her guard.” You spat out. 
“What? But I can't—” Namjoon shook his head. 
“It's what she wants.” You turned to Yoongi, not wanting to think about Namjoon anymore then you had to less you wanted to cry. 
“Mother is sick–she needs a physician.” You told Yoongi. 
“I'll call for one—” Namjoon tried to reach out to you, but you pulled away from him.
“No. I'll do it.” You shook your head. 
Namjoon looked up at Yoongi, wanting to know what to do. He only shrugged, not getting what was going on. But Namjoon knew you better than anyone. He knew that you didn’t want to look at him for fear of breaking down. He was upset with the whole ordeal but he knew that if you wanted to finish what you started you should do as they ask to keep from raising suspicions. 
However that didn’t mean he was pleased with having to move from being your guard. 
“You want me to kill her? But that's—” Jin shook his head, sputtering. 
“What the rebellion wanted to do.” You told him. “So long as the royal family stands this kingdom will never be free. We will start with the easier ones first. Do what you must.”
With Jin sighing, you turned to take your leave.
“Are you sure you're fit to rule? Seems like you're rushing into this.” Yoongi spoke up, trying to keep up with you. 
“You have no idea of what I had to suffer at the hands of those people.” You told him over your shoulder. 
“I've lived in the kingdom my whole life. I know what it's like.” When you heard him stop, you turned to see what was keeping him. 
“Not when they are meant to be your blood.” You swallowed thickly. 
“Family doesn't always mean blood. I've come to learn that.” He told you.
You could imagine he was talking about Hoseok and Seokjin. You didn’t know the full extent of how close Jungkook was to all of them but you knew he cared enough for Jin to take care of them. But still it was nothing compared to what you have. 
“I want that. A family who will be there.” You told him. 
“Isn't Namjoon always there? The concubines?” He asked. 
“I took them from the lives they should've had.” You shook your head, looking down. 
“You didn't have a choice. They've each told me the stories of how they got to the palace. How you took them in when Munhee forced them to come with her. They care about you.” He grew closer to you.
“I don't deserve it.” You shook your head. 
“It wasn't your fault. You were a victim too.” He spoke quietly, catching your attention. 
“Why change your mind now?” You asked, looking up at him. 
You felt his body brushing against your hanbok, your fingers twitching at the fabric as you had to hold onto it. Your body began to sway, a cloud falling over your head from how close he was to you. 
“I've been here long enough to notice those kinds of things. I'll do whatever you need me to do.” He spoke up, catching you off guard. 
“I don't need you to.” You told him, swallowing thickly. 
“You can't tell me the same thing you always tell others.” He spoke against your lips, causing you to flinch just a bit. 
“We have the same enemy. That's all that matters.” 
“I've given her some tea for now. What you should do is hope for the best. I'll gather some herbs to help heal her from within.” Jin told you as he stood up from looking over your mother. 
“Where did you say you found this doctor again, (Y/N)?” Your mother asked, finally turning her eyes away from Jin. 
“He's the one who heals Munhee's concubines. If he can make it seem like none of them have broken ribs I'm sure he can do wonders.” You spoke up nonchalantly. 
“Yoongi, please escort him out.” You told the guard. 
The two men bowed their heads, turning to take their leave. As they walked out, you couldn’t help but catch the way your mother eyed Jin’s back with hunger. 
“I want him in the concubine quarters.” Your mother spoke up as the door finally closed. 
You looked at her appalled, lips turning up. “He's a physician for the town though—”
“I don't care. I want him here—with me.” She demanded, enunciating her words. 
You sighed deeply, jaw clenching. “Of course, mother.”
Once more Yoongi flinched as you slammed the door open. His shoulders dropped as he sighed from the way you were seething. Whatever had transpired between you and your mother had you angry like the time Munhee had asked you to give her Namjoon. 
“What are you giving her and how long will it take?” You demanded. 
Jin raised his brows, looking down at your angry expression. “A few days. The poison is slow acting but with her sickness it will be quicker.” He explained.
“Could I do that to the others?” You asked. 
“I don't have much of the tea. But I can see if I can get you more.” He answered. 
Your shoulders dropped as you realized the meant he would have to leave the palace. Sadly he no longer had that choice. It made you want to cry once more over how you were going to break it to him. 
“You won't be able to. I'm sorry, Seokjin.” The tension that had been clear in your shoulder seemed to go away as you apologized to the older man. 
“For what?” He asked. 
“My mother—she wants you to be one of her concubines.” You spoke looking down at the ground, tears welling in your eyes. 
Yoongi was quick to notice your tone of voice before he grew closer to you, shielding you away from Jin’s eyes. 
“Does everyone have concubines here except you? Disgusting, really.” Jin sneered, lips turned up. 
Yoongi made you look at him, fingers toying with your own. “We'll find other ways. Don't worry.”
You were woken up by a body suddenly crushing you in your sleep. You thrashed around for a moment before whoever was on top of you placed a knife to your neck. You began to gasp, trying to move your hands to claw at your attacker but they were ahead of you. They held you in their grasp tightly, ready to kill you at a moment’s notice.
It didn’t feel the same. It felt wrong to have the cold metal pressing into your skin. You weren’t ready for death to come at that moment. Not when there were people waiting for you to save them. 
“Yoongi.” You cried out. “Yoongi!” You screamed. 
The door was slammed open after your first call of his name. 
“Your grace!” Yoongi shouted, throwing the man off you. 
“Back off!” Yoongi pushed him away from your bed, grabbing at his sword. 
“What are you doing!?” The man sneered. 
“Me? What are you doing here? I told you all I had it covered.” Yoongi growled, sword held in front of him. 
“They sent me to come kill the queen. Something you couldn't seem to do.” The man retorted, looking between you and Yoongi. 
“Things have changed. I thought we talked about it. (Y/N) is not part of the assassination.” Yoongi tried to talk the man back down. 
“Anyone of the (L/N) family must be eliminated.” The man sneered. 
“Not her.” Your eyes flew to Yoongi crawling over the bed to get closer. 
“Don't tell me you've fallen for her? You are a disgrace to the rebellion. Just like all the others are.” 
He lunged towards Yoongi, knife ready as he tried his best to slash as the royal guard. However Yoongi was a trained assassin since he was a kid, no one could ever come close to what he had been trained to do. However just because he was trained didn’t mean the man wasn’t able to get a knick in. 
Once the man got tired, he charged forward with a grunt, ready to strike at Yoongi. However Yoongi wasn’t playing. Not when your life was in danger. So he took the sword and slashed it across the man’s torso ending his life in seconds. As he fell to the ground lifeless, Yoongi began to pant and place a hand over his bleeding arm hissing from the sting. 
“Yoongi! Are you okay?” You gasped, rushing to his side as he panted over the dead body. 
“I'm fine. It's just some scratches. I've been through worse.” Yoongi spoke quietly, looking over you. 
His eyes immediately fell to your neck, hoping that nothing had marred your skin. The scar from his own attempt stared back at him but at least it was reopened. His shoulders dropped their tensions glad to see you weren’t hurt.  
“Let me heal you.” You told him, moving him to your bedroll. 
You took the same supplies Namjoon had used on you all those months ago. However this time it was you using them on the man who tried to kill you. Yoongi allowed you to move the sleeve of his outfit. Your hands were soft, delicately pulling and pushing at the cut that didn’t seem that deep. 
He began to think about how you cared for the concubines. You must have grown to know how to heal others from the amount of times you had gone to them. 
“Why did you kill him?” You asked, not daring to meet his eyes. 
“He was going to kill you.” Yoongi spoke up, watching you with soft eyes as you cleaned at his wound. 
“And?” You questioned. 
He snapped his head to you, having thought that you were past wanting to end your life. When your eyes caught his, he saw that you were past that. It was doubt that seemed to be crawling into your head this time around. 
“You're a good queen. The people would be lucky to know the real you.” He spoke quietly. 
You swallowed thickly at his words. It wasn’t that you felt like you weren’t fit to rule. Rather it was that you weren’t properly educated to be one. You weren’t taught what your sister had been. The only thing you had to go off were your own morals and the ideas of those closest to you. You didn’t know the first thing it took to run a country but you wanted to try your best. 
“I don't feel like that.” You said, pulling away once you finished addressing his wound. 
“Take it from those closest to you.” 
“You included?” You asked, looking up at him. 
“I'm just the assassin who was sent to kill you.” He turned to the body that was bleeding out on the floor. “And yet here I am. Always the one who fails.”
He looked vulnerable to you. Like a little boy who missed out on his life because of some evil that came to take him. You didn’t know his past or what he wanted to do in the future but you knew that you wanted him in yours. 
“Redemption isn't impossible.” 
It took your mother four days to finally pass away. Her body was burned on top of a pile of wood for her funeral as was tradition. You watched as the flames swallowed her wrapped body whole. All seven of the boys stood behind you, watching with expressionless faces just like your father and sister. However, unlike them they knew this was the beginning of the end for the royal family's reign. 
Once everyone cried and prayed over the old queen's body, the rest of your family took their leave, leaving you and the boys. Yoongi walked up to your side, Hobi not far behind. You turned your head to look at him. 
“My mother was the easiest to get rid of but we still have more to accomplish.”
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Permanent Taglist: @hecateslittlewitchling , @ldysmfrst , @cryingpages , @rln-byg , @vampcharxter , @kenzie203 , @loveless-lie , @puppyminnnie , @marvel-potter-1d-korea , @emtrades22 , @wolfgurl2600-blog , @misshale21 , @lovelgirl22 @vicurious28 , @lizzymizzy-blogg
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candywife333 · 7 months
One of the guys
pairing: OT7? alphas X chubby wingwoman HYBE employee Y/N (omega in hiding)
NEW MINISERIES (almost resembles a series of just dribbles)
Summary: She's the man. No literally. She totally is. At least in the perception of everyone at HYBE. She hangs out with the guys like a pro , strategizes with them to get them any girl of their choice, gets rid of their one night stands with ease, convinces their FWBs to leave them alone, provides constructive criticism about their sexual techniques, and even counsels them when they are having mental breakdowns. In essence, she makes MEN out of boys. Is that her job description? Not exactly. But she does it anyway. Because Y/N just happens to be one of the guys.
Warning: cursing, crude language, eventual smut
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"Y/N, does this outfit look good for the date tonight?!!!", Taehyung paced around in a panicked fashion, worried about being late for his date.
Y/N turned around slowly in her revolving chair nursing a freshly baked croissant in her hand, quizzical expression on her face, right eyebrow propped up in a strong arch. She calmly advised, "Lose the ugly plaid shirt and replace it with a plain black turtle neck. Get rid of that thirsty look on your face and wipe the sweat on the nape of your neck. You don't want to look like you just ran a marathon. As much as old spice commercials try to convince guys that women like sweaty men, we don't like guys looking like drowning rats on first dates".
Taehyung opened his mouth open in shock and disbelief at her cutting words. Y/N questioned nonchalantly as she propped her sweat pant clad right leg on the coffee table, munching on her crispy treat, " Have I ever mislead you boi? Till now, have you not bagged a chick under my guidance"? Taehyung winced, because he very well knew that not only him, but all the other members never lost when Y/N advised them with regards to the workings of women. Especially in regards to the mindset of omegas.
They were all alphas and any girl, or omega for that matter that they chose to pursue, they got. Mainly because of Y/N. You could call her a lifestyle manager or a counselor. The words were not apt enough to describe her position completely. She was all encompassing in her role. Nobody would be able to replace her.
Y/N was originally one of their junior managers, till they slowly realized that she was worth more than just that job role. Taehyung remembered the day they had met her. When Jungkook had been bemoaning his lack of p***y at the time, Y/n had remained in her usual uniform of black sweatpants and baggy black shirt with a smirking expression on her quiet face. Side note: None of them knew how y/N even looked like under those baggy clothes, she never changed her clothes, ever. Under any circumstances.
She had taken one look at Jungkook's pitiful, pathetic little face propped up like Orphan Annie on a blue loveseat, and remarked in her usual quietly cutting manner, "You need to wash that BO off your armpits boy. Brush your teeth. Use some salicylic acid on that face. And learn what weights are. Girls don't like oily spaghetti. We like it in our mouth when we eat it, but we don't like f**king it". They had all been startled at the time.
But she had resolutely continued her tirade, "You can take the advice or leave it. But I guarantee that if you fix what I said, you will have girls falling all over themselves for you, like flies over lasagna". After her curt statement, she walked away, a baggy legend , without even a glance backwards.
Over the years, since their debut, she remained in the background, mostly staying in HYBE's main building, acting as a mix between manager, mental health counselor, life coach and sex therapist. If anyone had questions that they couldn't get figured out anywhere else, they came to Y/N. Cause she was just that good. New idols swore by her, even giving up time off some times, just to have appointments with her biweekly.
She was too good, to the point that even the jade rock statue that was Yoongi, would consult her when he was struggling. And he never even consulted his parents, so that was saying a lot. It was even more hilarious that their head of PR and sometimes even Bang PD were found creeping into her office. She was a magician and a queen and she knew it.
Taehyung nodded at her suggestions, not questioning her and got ready to head out the door as Y/N made her way out of his dressing room. She rarely did much strenuous activity, so she had this habit where she calculated her steps daily and would be found randomly pacing around the HYBE building with her tablet in hand.
As Y/N left his room, Jungkook walked in, smiling at y/n in glee, making grabby hands to try to hug her. She swatted him away with a smirk and walked away as he entered the room. He grunted, " Looking good Tae. Off to bag Ashley I see. You are pulling all the stops for this one". Taehyung shrugged , "No choice dude. She is super selective about who she dates. Which is why Y/N told me to go for a basic but chic look. And she told me to keep some gum on me, in case my breath stank. Because apparently classy girls hate garlic".
Jungkook nodded absently, clearly not interested in girls like Ashley, the daughter of a makeup corporation's CEO. He motioned for Taehyung to come closer, as if what he were about to say were a top secret, "Do you ever wonder what Y/n ACTUALLY looks like"? Taehyung, bopped him on his coconut head with his right hand. "The hell do you mean, what she actually looks like. Not like she is lying to us. The girl doesn't even wear makeup". Jungkook shook his head frantically, "That isn't what I mean. I mean, we don't even know her shape, she dresses so baggy she looks like a blob. And her face is obscured by her thick black specs that honestly look more like sunglasses because of the tinting. And her hair is always pulled up into a bun, so we don't even know the texture of her hair".
Taehyung pondered these sentiments. For sure, Y/N was very bland when it came to appearance. The only distinctive thing about her was her ocean breeze fragrance. Otherwise she blended into the background. "Why are you suddenly so curious Jungkook? She's worked for so long at HYBE. Why does it matter"? Jungkook looked uneasy as he proclaimed after a pregnant pause and gathered Taehyung even closer as if to divulge some national security threat, "I have a suspicion that she has a........please don't tell anyone my conjectures........big ........ASS".
Dumbfounded at his outlandish statement, Taehyung exclaimed in disbelief, "You mean a BADUNKADUNK, A G WAGON, A DUMP TRUCK? OUR Y/N"?!! He nervously tittered, "no way man, no way". Jungkook winced as he continued, "Well I am sort of curious, because you see...", he twiddled his thumbs with trepidation, "I sort of was looking when she bent over to pick up a pen...and her shirt sort of slid up and I saw something that looked massive. You know, of global proportions". He paused as if in deep concentration, finger on his head, "Worldwide, if I had to put it in the simplest terms. And the stranger thing, is that her scent smelled like strawberry cheesecake for all of 2 seconds till it switched back to her usual fragrance".
Both of them stood there, puzzled in a quandary. This may not seem like a big deal. But it definitely was. Because if Y/N was pretending to be someone else entirely, their world view and perception of life, may have just shifted drastically.
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minisugakoobies · 2 years
Closer - Masterlist | KNJ, JJK
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Pairing: Namjoon x Reader x Jungkook
Genre: smut, friends to lovers, there was only one bed!, Reunion!AU
Rating: M (18+)
Series Warnings: unrequited crushes becoming requited, 190811 Jungkook and platinum blonde Namjoon are the visuals, also both are gym rats so…. think “thick,”excessive use of “Noona,” needy Jungkook, “baby girl” Namjoon agenda, poly relationship, each chapter will have specific smut warnings
Word Count: 5k so far
Disclaimer: NSFW, obviously I don’t own BTS - they just inspire me
Summary: During your college reunion weekend, one unbelievably hot evening brings you and your old friends Namjoon and Jungkook together, in ways you've only dreamed of. Weeks later, you can't let the memory of that night go. Can the three of you get closer?
A/N: Thought I should make a little ML for this miniseries to keep them all together! 💕
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Part One: No Regrets
One hot night spent lying between your friends Jungkook and Namjoon brings old feelings to light. “Do you have any regrets, Noona?”
Part Two: Together
There’s no holding back tonight, as you and your old friends Jungkook and Namjoon decide to do something about your regrets. Together.
Part Three: No Looking Back
You can't forget the memory of that night. Neither can they. Can the three of you get closer?
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Masterlist 💜 Find me on AO3 💜 
© 2022-23 by sunshinerainbowsbts/minisugakoobies. Crossposted to AO3. Please do not copy or repost.
362 notes · View notes
sweetestofchaos · 1 year
WYA | BTS Miniseries
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I don’t need a reason. I just want you baby - ONE OK ROCK
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⋆ story info:
☾ pairing: bts x female reader ☾ genre: fluff | some humor maybe | strangers to lovers | slice of life ☾ rating: 18+ ☾ word count: 0 ☾ warnings: flirting | kissing | grinding | groping | alcohol | cursing | pet names | more in each chapter  ☾ summary: this is what happens when you catch their eye while out on a night of the town? 
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⋆ parts: (disclaimer: I do not own BTS. This is complete fiction.)
☾ Restaurant - Seokjin ☾ Museum - Namjoon ☾ Concert - Yoongi ☾ Improvised Dance - Hoseok ☾ Night Club - Jimin ☾ Jazz Club - Taehyung ☾ Night Market - Jungkook
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⋆ drabbles:
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⋆ important: @theharrowing​, wrote a BTS members approaching you in a nightlife setting and it spoke to my soul. Without their big brain, this miniseries wouldn’t have saw the light of day. Harrow, my love! Thank you so much for allowing me to run wild with your headcanons. I did change a few things to make it more my style but other than that, the basic idea is all Harrow!
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jungk0oksthighs · 2 years
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I posted 4,021 times in 2022
That's 4,021 more posts than 2021!
3,008 posts created (75%)
1,013 posts reblogged (25%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,896 of my posts in 2022
#ask - 618 posts
#replied on phone - 473 posts
#jungkook x reader - 117 posts
#jungkook - 110 posts
#oto spoilers - 102 posts
#jungkook series - 90 posts
#jungkook ff - 88 posts
#jungkook angst - 86 posts
#jungkook smut - 85 posts
#oto - 66 posts
Longest Tag: 131 characters
#pls if u don’t enjoy the series that’s okay!! honestly i’m not offended but please don’t interact with it if you’re not enjoying it
My Top Posts in 2022:
Pi Gasu Series Collection
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vampire!jungkook, donor!reader, explicit smut, angst, death, vampire au, fantasy au. 18+ content minors dni 🔞 new banner created by the magnificent @jkshandsomegirlfriend - thank u!
An introduction to Jungkook’s world
Divine Sinner
In which you encounter your first vampire, or five
Divine Sinner pt.2
Jungkook reconsiders your last conversation
Twin Roses Between Twin Thorns
You visit your family for the first time in a year
Memories That Last For Eternity
Jungkook needs you to donate, now
Damned If We Do, Dead If We Don’t
Donating blood for Jungkook is taking its toll on your body
The New World
You discover a shocking truth that leads you to Euphoria
One Of Me, Two Of Us
Jungkook doesn’t take your threat lightly and agrees to help
When Two Become One
Jungkook has been keeping a close eye on you since you learned about your lineage
1,977 notes - Posted June 23, 2022
Her | First Love 
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bestfriend!jungkook, tattooist!jungkook, F2L, angst, fluff, smut
Word Count - 7k
Jungkook has had it bad for you for a very long time. Warnings: swearing, mentions of puberty and sex, angst, unrequited love, high key very cute
Jungkook has been madly in love with you for as long as he can remember, from the moment he laid eyes on you in preschool he knew you were the one. Ridiculous isn’t it? How someone can know something of that magnitude at three years old. But he swears blind to this day that he’s known it his whole life. You were both playing in the sandbox, building what you deemed to be magnificent castles when in reality they were nothing more than sad looking piles of sand and dirt. It was the way you shared your spade with him without hesitation, the way your eyes lit up when he’d finished his castle, the way you hugged him goodbye even though you’d known him less than four hours. That was it, that was the moment Jungkook swore to himself that he would marry you one day. You’ve been best friends ever since.
Y/N Jeon. He wishes.
At the ripe age of thirty and several failed relationships later, here you both are – still best friends, still single, still not married to each other. He scoffs, his tattoo client visibly tensing from the sound.
“Sorry, I wasn’t laughing at you.” He chuckles, shaking you from his mind like he’s managed to do every other day since preschool, “Sometimes I get lost in thought and zone out when I work… It’s weird, I dunno. I’m sorry.”
The woman whose ribcage he’s currently drawing on smiles at him, she’s around his age but judging by the silver band and modest diamond on her ring finger she’s just being friendly. “What were you thinking about?”
At this he pauses, underneath his face mask he’s grinning but he doesn’t know for sure if his client can tell, “My first love… actually my only love.”
“How long have you been together?”
“Hmm…” Jungkook contemplates lying to save face, but perhaps a late night therapy session with a stranger paying him is what he needs right now, “Actually we’re not together… She’s been my best friend since we were three.”
The woman’s jaw is on the ground, eyes blown wide, “What?! How does that even happen? Does she know that you love her?”
“She does, I told her last week on a camping trip.” He nods once, briefly changing the needle he’s using to a thicker kind for shading.
The woman laid in front of him has a point, how does something like this even happen?
“So I guess I should start from the beginning…”
At three years old Jungkook was behind on a lot of milestones, he wasn’t wholly non-verbal but he was shy around new people and preferred not to speak what little words he did know at that point. To say he was nervous about being away from his parents for the afternoon for his preschool tester day would’ve been an understatement. He wailed, he sobbed, he screamed, he pretended to be sick… He did everything in his power not to go. But he’s sure glad he did.
“Hi Jungkookie!” The teacher clapped excitedly upon his arrival, “It’s nice to meet you!”
Jungkook shifted awkwardly in place with teary eyes, his mom had just left the building and he remembers clear as day how he struggled to keep it together. After he hung his coat up he decided to venture into the outdoor playing area, he figured it was probably quieter there. As an extremely introverted child he was disappointed to see that someone else had the same idea as him already, a girl, sat in the sand pit wearing a pink dress with sunflowers on the skirt. She was the cutest thing he’d ever seen, her hair in pigtails and her smile brighter than the sun itself when her gaze landed on his small body in the doorway.
“What’s your name?” Even her voice was pretty when she spoke, Jungkook recalls the way that was the first time he’d ever experienced butterflies. “My name is Y/N… It’s okay if you don’t want to say yours. I don’t mind. Do you want to play with me?”
Kook nodded shyly, he made his way over to the sandpit and it wasn’t long before he was totally engrossed in helping you build your ‘princess castle’ if he remembers correctly that’s what you’d called it. Even though he was too nervous to speak you kept rambling about anything and everything a three year old would know about. The sun, the sky, the way sand doesn’t taste very nice and you recommended that he doesn’t put his sandwich down onto the dirt. No, you offered to hold his sandwich instead when he needed to stand up for a moment. You were his first friend, his only friend at that point. And he already loved you.
When the afternoon came to an end Jungkook remembers how disappointed he was to say goodbye, your dad had arrived in a big silver car which looked expensive for the time. He was impressed, he liked cars. Your excitement upon noticing your father waiting for you in the reception was undeniable, you practically squealed until you realised that meant it was time to say goodbye. Your soft features made a frown, you even looked cute when you were sad.
“That’s my daddy!” You pointed to the man you vaguely resembled who wore a suit that day, “I have to go… Will I see you tomorrow?”
But Jungkook was too afraid to speak.
“It’s okay.” You reassured him with a smile, your nose scrunched slightly before you spoke again which made him smile back, “I hope I see you again! I had fun! Bye!”
As you made your way over to the door with messy steps he found himself chasing after you, his little legs carrying his weight fast enough to easily run ahead of you.
“My name is Jungkook.” He pouted, “I had fun too.”
The next thing he can remember was being pulled into a hug, your tiny chubby arms wrapped round his middle as though it was second nature. You were warm and your hair smelled like coconuts. It didn’t last long but the memory of your grin when you waved goodbye is something that’s forever engraved into the walls of his brain – even now.
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2,162 notes - Posted June 21, 2022
Stay With Me Series Collection *completed*
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exhusband!jungkook, singledad!jungkook, unplanned pregnancy, EX2L, angst, fluff, smut
all chapters and drabbles will be uploaded in chronological order
Drabble 1 | Preview 
Forgotten Memories
Hope pt.1
Hope pt.2
The Date
Take Two
Seven pt.1
Seven pt.2
A Star In Your Sky | Finale
2,866 notes - Posted June 12, 2022
Over The Odds Collection *completed*
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ceo!jungkook, sugardaddy!jungkook, smut, angst, fluff, S2L
All chapters & drabbles will be updated in chronological order (banner created by the multitalented @opaljm THANK U SM)
Teaser | 1.6k 
In which you first encounter billionaire Jungkook and his best friend Taehyung.
Terms and Conditions | 5k
Jungkook makes you an offer you’d be a fool to refuse 
The Contract | 4.k
Being different to his usual sugar baby, you convince Jungkook to make some changes to his contract
➳ Drabble 1 | Blank Cheque | 1.2k jk pov ➳ Drabble 2 | Best Friend | 1.4k jk pov
Publicity | 4.4k
You and Jungkook go on your first official date 
➳  Drabble 3 | Unrequited | 1.5k jk pov ➳  Drabble 4 | Regrets | 3k  
Do Your Worst | 6k
You and Jungkook go on a trip
➳ Drabble 5 | Best Friend pt.2 | 1.9k jk pov
The Confession | 5.5k
Jungkook reacts badly when you bump into your ex in the club
➳ Drabble 6 | Best Friend pt.3 | 1.6k jk pov  ➳ Drabble 7 | 134340 | 1.2k
파트너 | 6k
In which you meet Jungkook’s parents
➳  Drabble 8 | Fallout | 3k jk pov ➳  Drabble 9 | Outside | 1.4k ➳  Drabble 10 | The Argument | 1.4k
Between Us | 4.4k 
You drunkenly admit how you really feel about Jungkook to your best friend Jimin
➳  Drabble 11 | Weird | 2.3k ➳  Drabble 12 | Regrets Pt.2 | 2.5k ➳  Drabble 13 | Slow Down | 4k jk pov ➳  Drabble 14 | Ruthless | 1.8k jk pov
Celebration | 4.6k
Your family host a welcome home party for Ruth
➳  Drabble 15 | Relevance | 1.8k ➳  Drabble 16 | Best Friend pt.4 | 1.9k jkpov
The Pretender | 6k
The series of events that lead to the leak
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4,076 notes - Posted April 24, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
happy birthday loser; jjk x reader; 18+
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summary: after three years of simping over your roommate, you give him one hell of a birthday celebration. idiots to lovers pwp oneshot. literally zero plot
warnings: explicit smut, mutual thirsting, oral sex (f receiving), fingering, squirting, loud filthy (unprotected) sex. wrap before u tap
a/n: happy birthday jungkook! this is my first oneshot in 4+ years so be gentle w me please, usually i prefer to write series but i wanted to challenge myself and ofc write something special for everybody's favourite maknae's birthday. enjoy!
word count: 8k
On Thursdays you cook burgers for dinner.
But today isn’t just a regular Thursday.
It’s your roommates birthday, his twenty-fifth to be exact, so when you ventured to the grocery store last night you were sure to pick up the ingredients for his favourite meal in preparation for tonight. Samgyeopsal.
Pork belly is his favourite meat, you’ve been subjected to many a conversation about how tasty he finds it, how it’s the right balance of protein and fat, how it goes with anything, how he likes to wrap the succulent meat in lettuce leaves before submerging it into sauce and shoving it into his mouth.
It’s his favourite food without a shadow of a doubt. And so you’ve taken it upon yourself to cook it for him on his birthday. He is your favourite person after all, without a shadow of a doubt.
Jungkook moved in with you three years ago, at a very dark time in your life when you were wallowing in your post-breakup blues. You initially met the triple threat of tall, dark and handsome Jungkook at an open mic night when he struck up a conversation with you at the local bar.
As if being gorgeous isn’t enough, he’s a very talented singer and guitarist too, he and his grungy rock band like to play at bars and clubs on weekends. When he’s not busy at his nine to five as a software engineer, where he’s due to be leaving any minute now.
The more you got to know him you quickly realised he’s somewhat of a loser. Not a loser in the sense of having no friends and nothing significantly interesting about him – not in the slightest. Jungkook is a loser in the sense that he’s extremely introverted, painfully so, and lacks social skills.
He prefers to stay home after a gig, he doesn’t care for parties or girls or even much alcohol. He loves the quiet life, spending most evenings glued to his laptop to play videogames or sat beside you on the sofa binging something on Netflix. When he's not running his expert fingers over the nooks and crannies of his guitar.
Truthfully you’ve been kind of infatuated with him for a while now, he’s just so endearing and rib-shatteringly hilarious without even trying. It’s hard not to fall for him. His smile is earth-shatteringly perfect, his touch more so. You are but a woman after all, and a woman has needs and desires just like everybody else.
Jungkook being what you both need and desire daily.
At the time you met him a relationship was the last thing on your mind. Him moving into your spare bedroom was just a way to make up the rent and bill money your ex-boyfriend used to pay. But now you’re three years single save for the very occasional one night stand and Jungkook has never looked more appealing.
Maybe it’s the way he helps you reach snacks on the highest shelf when your tiptoes fail you. Perhaps it has a little something to do with the sweet melodies that flow from his pierced lips, flooding the apartment whenever he showers. It could be the fact he likes to ‘air-dry’ and parades around the place wearing nothing but a damp towel after said showers. Or it might have something to do with the way the supple skin beneath his big brown doe-eyes crinkles when he smiles.
But maybe, maybe, it’s because he’s everything you never realised you were looking for – until it quite literally showed up on your doorstep and moved in.
Okay so maybe you’re down bad for your roommate, but who in their right mind wouldn’t be? If you had to pick one word to describe Jungkook it would be… Perfect, handsome, funny, sweet, sentimental, ripped, gorgeous, talented. Any of those work just fine, it would be an insult to simply pick just one.
One of the many perks about living with Jungkook is that you’re both organised messy people, sure there’s some clutter here and there throughout the apartment but you both know damn sure what junk is where. Your personalities match, you don’t make the rules, they just do. All your friends say it, as do his friends. You'd be a show-stopping couple for sure.
It’s just that well… The man is somewhat emotionally constipated, can’t smell what’s right under his nose no matter how many hints you’ve given. Like a nose-blind lion on the prowl, there's a willing zebra right here, but he hasn't seemed to notice.
Wearing low-cut shirts at dinner, skirts that are a little too short, always making sure your makeup is clean and dewy looking even when wearing sweats. The innocent flirting that’s nowhere near innocent on your end. You shower him with compliments on the daily, being sure you don't appear too indifferent or nonchalant about it. You mean every compliment you've ever given him.
You like him, but you didn’t realise how frustrating that would prove to be giving his obliviousness.
But that all ends tonight.
You’re wearing a simple black slip dress, the smooth fabric ending just below the curve of your ass and the straps are so dainty that he’s bound to notice your exposed cleavage. Maybe even the lace trim of your sheer bra too, complete with a matching thong of course.
It’s not uncommon for you to get dressed up randomly, even before Jungkook moved in, you’ve always liked making an effort and looking pretty. It makes you feel good, confident even. You even went as far as to shave today, ensuring you're extra smooth, yknow just in case.
It's been a whole eleven months since you invited a guy back here, and the outcome was less than satisfying. Much like all your sexual endeavours, he got his and all you got was the ick. You haven’t seen the guy since.
It’s been a hot minute since Jungkook invited a girl back here too, maybe even over a year now. The way your roommate likes to saunter around half-dressed with long, messy brunette hair and a wicked smile has always affected you, made your mouth dry and your panties damp. Truthfully you don’t understand how a guy like that is single, well maybe it's because he doesn’t appear to have a radar for women, but you’re grateful nonetheless.
Black helium balloons fill your lounge, the big ‘25’ being the most obvious. You’ve spent the day mentally preparing for this, you want to show him how much you appreciate everything he does for you and celebrate his birthday properly. From him always prepping extra breakfast in the mornings just to make sure you’ve eaten, to his inked fingertips giving you back massages when you’ve hit the gym a little too hard. He’s usually the one to cook dinner most nights, so tonight you want to return the favour with a smile.
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5,990 notes - Posted August 31, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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secret-kpoplibrary · 3 years
Unexpected Pt. 1
Pairing: Jimin x Reader, Hoseok x Reader & Jungkook x Reader
Word Count: 2.4k
Warnings: underground fighting- mentions of injuries and blood but nothing too descript and no described violence
Genre: angst
Summary: Working as a medic for the police you've seen your fair share of interesting situations, to say the least. So when you find yourself tasked with helping 3 omegas following an underground fighting ring bust you absolutely don't think any of them would get attached to you, let alone all three. But now that they've decided you're their alpha it seems you've got a few changes to make.
You love your job. It's not the easiest and sometimes you see some pretty terrible things but overall you get to help people and that's why you love your job. You're a  doctor- but you primarily work as an on-call medic for the FBI.
You let out a breath as your leg bounces anxiously. You watch the entrance of the warehouse intently from the passenger seat of the ambulance.
"You have got to calm down dude." Your friend, and coworker, Jaehyun, says from the driver's seat.
"Jae, are you seeing the number of guys they're bringing out? This shit was huge." You look at him, you counted dozens of men in handcuffs being brought out of the building and placed in large transfer busses.
Tonight was a large underground fighting ring bust. Unfortunately, in your work as a medic for the city's Special Task Force, you'd seen too many of them. At least two teams of Medics are always required, in case of injury to officers and to help anyone seriously injured. You learned pretty early on that there were always a handful of fighters that needed medical attention specifically for underground ring busts.
You, along with three other medics, a beta named Jin, an alpha named Taehyung, and another beta named Mark, are currently waiting for news on anyone that might need assistance. Luckily, the raid happened right before the first fight of the night so no one seemed to have any serious injuries tonight so far. Any fighters with non-threatening, pre-existing wounds would be seen by doctors on stand-by at a secondary location after transport.
Out of habit, you unconsciously reapplied your scent-blocking gel to the inside of your nose.
As an alpha, your senses would go haywire if you were to step foot in the building without using it. During the fights omega heat pheromones were released inside the building to rile up the alpha fighters, in order to make the fights more brutal. Most ringmasters used clothes or rags drenched in the scent, passing it around the fighters in the pit. However, you've also seen ringmasters just have omegas in heat on hand during the fights for the same purpose, with the promise of a night of fun for the victor. It makes you sick to your stomach whenever you think about it. Knowing that those poor omegas were treated that way for the entertainment of people that view them as lesser. You were raised to believe that omegas were to be treasured. Your mother had been an omega, and your alpha father had always worshipped the ground she walked on. In fact, your father was never one to treat wolves according to rank. He was fair and just and kind to everyone who deserved it- regardless of their status.
Growing up your parents had told you many times that when you found a mate of your own, be they beta, omega, or even another alpha, it would be the best thing to ever happen to you, and they were to be cherished forever. That they would cherish you just the same. When you were little, you'd always dreamed of the day you would meet your mate. Wondered what they would be like and how you would meet them.
Now, though, at the age of 23, you've learned the harsh reality of being a female alpha; your options are few and far between. You had an urge to protect and care for your significant other that was too strong to hold back, somewhat in the same way male alphas have. It usually doesn't fare you too well when it comes to dating.
Alpha males want someone submissive to them, an omega or a beta. They typically don't take well to your dominant side and it's too difficult for you to fit into the role of submissive mate to another alpha outside of the bedroom.
Female betas and omegas usually don't want you because you can't impregnate them. For most of them, their instincts demand that they carry any young the two of you might possibly want to have, and they know you can't give them that. You've dated a couple but nothing promising.
Male betas, you find also have quite the issue submitting to a woman. Many of them have never met a female alpha as they're not common and they're not sure how to handle it.
Male omegas are the most likely to accept you. They usually don't have any problems with your more dominant behavior in the relationship, except perhaps during their heat. Unfortunately, they are rare, so much so that finding one is next to impossible.
All in all, you've learned enough to kind of give up hope on having a mate. You'd actually considered that if you ever decided to have children, you'd either adopt or get artificially inseminated. Perhaps you'll settle down with a human one day.
Resigning to the fact that you'd likely be mateless doesn't mean you don't get lonely, of course. You often feel like the third wheel around your friends and their mates but you've accepted that it's just part of the hand you've been dealt.
The sudden shout of your name snaps you out of your melancholic thoughts. Jumping into action, you and Jin throw open the ambulance doors and leap to the ground.
Looking towards the entrance, you see Yoongi, a fellow alpha, the Chief of Police, and the leader of tonight's bust- runs up to you.
What's wrong?" You ask as soon as he stops in front of you and Jin.
"We've cleared the building, but Namjoon found three omegas in heat in one of the back rooms. They're roughed up pretty bad. My guess is they were tonight's trophies." He explains, face twisting in disgust.
"Those poor wolves." Jin gasps.
"Alright, bring them out. Jin and I will take care of them. Taehyung and Mark should be able to handle things here since it doesn't seem like you'll be getting much else on the medical side of things." You say. You'd really prefer to go in yourselves, but medics aren't allowed to enter the building unless there's a life-threatening medical emergency. "Good. They should be on their way out soon." Yoongi nods, turning away from you two, to re-enter the building. Just then, Namjoon, Yoongi's second in command, comes rushing out of the building looking pale. Immediately, you go into high alert at the distressed look on his face. A quick glance at Yoongi tells you that he's alert as well.
"Chief, we've got- a bit of a problem." He huffs.
"What is it? What happened?" Yoongi asks.
"It's the omegas. They're putting up a fight. They won't let us take them out of the room. They've barricaded the door shut so we can't enter. All of us have tried releasing calming pheromones, but it's not working. If anything they seem to be getting more agitated." Namjoon explains. Yoongi lets out a curse under his breath.
"They must not be too far into their heats then if they're still lucid enough to be able to fight back. I really don't want to have to give them a command to get them outta there. Those poor guys must be terrified right now." Yoongi runs a hand through his hair as he blows out a breath.
So what do we do?" Namjoon asks.
"Let me try." You suggest.
"You know I don't like sending you guys in there but- we're running out of options with these guys. Go. Namjoon take her in." Yoongi says after a beat.
You're really hoping to coax them out without having to give them any commands but they've gotta come out of there one way or another.
"Here- you might need this." Jin says handing you the med bag he'd grabbed before jumping out of the ambulance.
"Thanks." You nod before following Namjoon into the building.
"I really hope you have better luck than us." Namjoon says when you arrive at the door the omegas are behind.
"Namjoon- you can stay but can you ask the others to clear out? This many people will probably only further intimidate them." You frown.
"You heard her- secure the perimeter and keep your distance." Namjoon orders the other officers in the room. You knock on the door gently before you speak.
"Hello, my name is y/n. I'm a medic. I heard you guys are pretty banged up. If you open the door I can help. I know you're scared. And look I dunno what they did to you- but, I know you guys would be better off coming out and getting some help." You say softly through the door. You're not sure if they'll respond well to you but you have to start somewhere.
"Go away." You hear a voice growl weakly. You can hear someone's breathing- unsteady and shallow but you're pretty sure it's a different person.
"I can't do that okay? At least one of you needs serious medical attention right? Don't let stubbornness kill you." You say.
"We'd rather stubbornness kill us than you guys do it." The same voice says.
"You don't have to die at all. Look the people that hurt you are gone okay? The police took them away. I'm just here to help you but you need to open this door. I don't want to force you but I will if I have to because at least one of you definitely needs medical attention." You keep your voice kind but make it firmer to make sure they understand. There's an extended pause followed by a bunch of movement and eventually, the door swings open. One of them is standing at the door and you just barely see two more behind him. One of them is laying on the ground and the other is kneeling beside him.
"You swear nothing bad will happen?" The one in front of you looks down at you.
"I swear. This is Namjoon, he's part of the police force. The other medics outside are Jin, Taehyung, and Mark- and my ambulance is driven by a man named Jaehyun." You say.
"I'm Hoseok." He says moving out of the doorway so you can see the other two. The one laying down is tall with dark hair, one arm is draped over his midsection and the other holds the hand of the third omega. His features are softer and his hair is blonde. The dark-haired one is clearly in the worst shape. His clothes have bloody tears, he's covered in bruises but it looks like most of his injuries are internal.
"Joon help get him onto the ambulance." You tell him but when he moves to come into the room Hoseok blocks his path.
"Hoseok, this boy needs to get to a medical facility, I can't treat him here." You say.
"We have to go with him." Hoseok demands.
"Fine, but you're both injured I don't want to agitate any of those injuries so let Namjoon carry him out of here. Please." You say.
"Hoseok-" the blonde says softly and Hoseok moves for Namjoon to come in.
"Be careful with him Joon." You warn as he lifts the dark haired man gently. The blonde keeps pace with Namjoon, still holding the other's hand while Hoseok follows with you. Namjoon sets the dark haired one onto the gurney in the ambulance.
"You'll be alright from here?" Namjoon asks.
"Yes Joon, thanks." You nod as he swings the doors clothes.
"Okay this is Jin, he's another medic. Jin this is Hoseok, please check his injuries while I try to stabilize this one."
"On it. Hi Hoseok, nice to meet you." Jin says.
"Hoseok play nice." You say when he growls at Jin. He lets out a protesting whine but settles enough for Jin to check him out.
"Uh- hi, I know your friend is worse off so I won't ask him anything for now but- can you tell me his name? And your yours?" You ask the blonde who's just been quietly watching everything going on.
"I- I'm Jimin and he's Jungkook. Can you help him?" Jimin blinks up at you from his seat.
"I'll do everything I can for him Jimin. I promise." You say looking at him sincerely.
"Okay." He nods.
"How are you doing though? I can get another medic to check you out before we leave if-"
"No. I can wait. Please just take care of Jungkook." Jimin shakes his head.
"Jin or I will tend to you soon okay hon?" You turn your attention back to Jungkook to properly prepare him for the trip to the medical facility. There's not much you can do for him in the ambulance but you check for anything that needs to be immediately tended to. By the time you're done Jin has started checking Jimin out and you slide up into the front seat with Jaehyun.
"How we doing?" Jaehyun asks.
"We can go. They'll be fine til we get there." You tell him.
"Got it." Jaehyun nods.
When you get to the medical facility Jin and Jaehyun carry Jungkook in while Hoseok and Jimin walk in with you.
"Play nice. Please. These people are here to help you. You'll be safe with them." You tell Hoseok and Jimin when nurses surround them to whisk them off to exam rooms.
"Hey- where are the others?" Jin asks.
"Nurses got them in exam rooms. I should-"
"Go home." Jin cuts you off and grabs your shoulders before you can go towards the rooms.
"What? No. I can't go home. I mean bringing them here-"
"Was more than enough on your part. They're in good hands here, you know that. Plus you've been on call for the past what? 48 hours and you're no use to anyone if you pass out frrom exhaustion. You need rest." Jin says.
"Jin- they're flighty I don't know if-"
"If it makes you feel better I'll personally stay here the rest of the night but you seriously need to go to sleep. As your coworker and friend, I'm asking you to please go home. You can check in with them in the morning it'll be fine." Jin assures you.
"I hate you." You glare at him.
"Love you too, sleep well, see you tomorrow!" He says practically shoving you towards the elevator to the garage. You know you could fight him on it but as they say you catch more bees with honey and your coworkers like you better when you don't use your alpha status for little battles. Tonight you'll sleep, tomorrow you'll worry about the omegas- if you need to.
Part 1/???
Tagged Users: @wickedblue34
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amoc94 · 3 years
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My Yandere BTS Fanfic Recommendation.
Read the warning carefully. As with any yandere story, expect some gory scenes, non consensual / dubious consensual sex, some dark kinks. (Everything under the term, you know the risk).
Minors DNI 🔞
If you hope for more stories from those authors, please do something to support them. By giving shout out, comments, and reblog their works. It's how tumblr works, people.
Damn, been a while since I updated this list. Now finally got the time to read again.
For non yandere recommendation, check full Navi here.
1. Allurement , Yandere Namjoon. Series of Drabbles, Slick and deceptive yandere CEO Namjoon.
2. Beloved, long oneshot. Yandere King Min Yoongi - My all time favorite, if you like asian historical dark romance, you'll love this.
3. Excitus Acta Probat, oneshot. Soft Yandere, Mafia Yoongi, feat. OT7.
4. The Tarot Series, A Collection of yandere oneshots based on Tarot Card.
5. Charming, oneshot. Cinderella AU, obsessive Prince Park Jimin. This is very beautiful the way the author describe the scenes and everything.
6. Ultimatum, miniseries. Yandere Sugar Daddy Taehyung, feat. Jimin.
7. Case Closed, miniseries. Yandere Detective Namjoon.
8. Boys Don't Cry, miniseries. Yandere husband Yoongi, feat. Hoseok.
9. Beastly Gods, oneshot. Yandere hybrid Taehyung, feat OT7.
10. Level of Restraint, long oneshot. Office AU, Yandere Jimin and Namjoon. BDSM undertone.
11. Something Wicked, series. Yandere CEO Seokjin.
12. Let The Villain Win, oneshot. Yandere thriller writer Namjoon.
13. Baby Mine, oneshot. Yandere mafia Yoongi with OC.
14. Poison Apple, mini series. Yandere Taehyung feat. Yoongi. This is not for the faint heart. Proceed with caution. Hard non con.
15. A Dangerous Game, Yandere Mob boss Namjoon x reader. Long series, there is sequel. Hard non con in one of the chapters.
16. Solar Eclipse, long oneshot. Yandere Hoseok, time travel / after life AU.
17. The Stranger, long oneshot. Yandere Doctor Seokjin.
18. Persephone, long oneshot. Yandere mafia leader Namjoon.
19. Bad Guy, ongoing series. Mafia boss Seokjin. This one is not really yandere, per se, but the way Seokjin loves the MC is quite you know...obsessive.
20. Addiction, long oneshot, yandere student Jungkook x reader. He was insanely lusting over you and just how much he was willing to pay for it?
21. See No Evil, long oneshot. Yandere ghost Taehyung, feat. Namjoon.
22. Nightcall, oneshot. Yandere Taehyung, mafia au.
23. Lovesick, oneshot. Yandere Taehyung is your sister's ex-boyfriend.
24. Trigger Happy, oneshot. Yandere mob Jungkook, undercover agent reader.
25. Visitation of a Lover, long oneshot. Yandere ghost Taehyung, feat. Jin.
26. Until I Saw You, oneshot. Yandere mob Namjoon.
27. Fucked Up, yandere OT7. Polyamorous - Idol AU. This is actually a series, look in the author's masterlist. The full version is in author's AO3. (Beware tho, the long version is just like the title says, pretty fucked up, lol.)
28. Illicit Photography, series with a sequel. Soft yandere Jungkook with reader as his teacher.
29. Promise, long oneshot. Yandere boyfriend Jimin.
30. Break My Mind's Eye, series. Jungkook as mob boss x fashion designer OC, yandere undertone.
31. Every Breath You Take , oneshot. Stalker Jungkook x reader, feat. Namjoon & Hoseok.
32. Butterfly, oneshot. Your stepson, Yoongi, fucks you in the kitchen while your husband eats breakfast. 
33. Actually, The Devil Wears Gucci, oneshot. Wicked CEO Taehyung with assistant reader.
34. Positive, quite long oneshot. Yandere richman Yoongi, waitress reader is pregnant.
35. Forbidden Fruit, long oneshot. Jhope as mafia member, reader has inability to feel fear.
36. Predator, oneshot. Vampire Jungkook stalked on reader. I felt goosebumps reading this, nothing too gory tho.
37. Brother Knows Best, ongoing short story. Yandere Jungkook, reader is his step sister.
38. Tea For Two, oneshot. Yandere Prince Namjoon x reader, arranged marriage AU.
39. Falling for A Lounge Singer, oneshot. Yandere mafia Taehyung, reader is a singer.
40. Black Swan, long one shot. Swan Prince Jimin x reader as a Princess. I'm not usually fond of story about faeries, this one is an exception. Hard to describe this, along with the hair that stood on my nape and that tingling feeling of fear and excitement while reading this. A truly masterpiece.
41. Making of A Lover, yandere Jungkook with his assistant reader. It's short but darkly entertaining.
42. Expectation x Reality, oneshot. Jungkook x reader, Taehyung x reader. Some hard dub con. With plot twist. 🤭
43. Delphinium, long oneshot, King Taehyung x queen reader. Soft yandere, angst. Beautiful with, ... again, plot twist.😈
44. In The Pain Of The Roses, long one shot, yandere king Yoongi x princess reader. Beautiful, poetic narrative. Read the tag warning, because it's really dark.
45. Anti Hero, long oneshot, yandere Yoongi x idol reader. Not many yandere story in idol universe, this one is not only one of the few, but also oh so so good.
46. Broken, oneshot. Seokjin x reader. Some dub con borderline to non con. Proceed with caution, because it's quite dark. I read this like a year ago, but everytime I read it again, it never failed to give me a shiver. It's on AO3.
47. Infatuation, series of one-shots. Light reading, darkly entertaining. Always fun to reread. It's on AO3.
48. Cardio, long oneshot. Personal trainer Jungkook x rich wife reader. Infidelity, angst, thriller. Very well written. On AO3.
49. War Lords, miniseries. Namjoon x Detective reader x Hoseok, both men were crime lords. Heavy angst, very well written. Totally NSFW! You probably soak your panties in front of your colleagues or classmates if you do read it during work.🤣
50. Deviant Affairs, long one-shot. Jimin was your stepbrother who was crazy in love with you.
51. Motive, long one shot. College AU. Jungkook x reader x another girl. Angst, thriller, love triangle. It will keep you on edge dragged by your curiosity before 💣💣 boom! There it go, the plot twist.😂
52. Still With You, one-shot. King Jungkook x servant reader.
53. The Mansion, long one-shot. Jimin x another man's wife reader. Very good, give you those old house horror scenes vibe.
54. Énouement, long one-shot. Doctor Taehyung x trophy wife reader. It's a part of interconnected stories with other members. Look at the author's masterlist. This is the one that I like the most.
55. Polarity, miniseries. Yandere Jungkook x reader. Infidelity around bestfriend relationship entangled with twisted obsession. It's really good!♥️
56. Arte Factum, long oneshot. Yandere android Jimin x reader. Jimin is a sub here.
57. Knight in Bloody Armor, club owner Hoseok x reader. Ongoing series. Very well written and chilling. It's on AO3, and you need to log in to be able to read it.
58. House of Serpents, ongoing series. OT7 x high class escort reader in organized crime AU. A shitload twisted men with twisted sex flavor. I have no words to say other than it put me on variety of different emotions until its latest chapter, and I have love and hate relationship with all of the men here. Polyamorous dynamic, heavy BDSM vibe. It's very well written on AO3. As always, read the warning.
59. Love Pages, long oneshot. Yandere Jimin x slight yandere reader, inspired by "Death Note".
60. Kill to Kiss You, long oneshot. Jungkook as mob boss x escort reader. I got cold hands and feet reading this. Chilling and put you on edge till the end.
61. Lesson Learnt, miniseries. CEO JK x ex gf reader. My ultimate weakness, BTS members as CEO with power and obsession. This one is pretty dark, read all the warning.
62. Code Red, one shot. Doctor Jimin x patient reader.
63. Saving You, short oneshot. Yandere husband Tae x reader.
64. Single Side Line, mini series. Yandere tennis player Tae x reader as ball girl. There are two alternate endings.
65. A Thriller Film, movie director Jungkook × reader as his stylist. It's well written and chilling.
66. Killing Me Softly, yandere OT7 x reader. Polyamorous AU but quite realistic thus give you chill to imagine what you would feel if this indeed is real.
67. Daffodil Dreams, yandere patient Taehyung, MC is his therapist. There are two parts - Dreams and Nightmare. Chilling and hair-raising.
68. Cruel Intentions, yandere mobster JK x reader in South Korea setting, my favorite AU. Love it❤️
69. Mindless, patient Hoseok x psychiatrist reader. Oneshot.
70. Roses, oneshot. Yandere dynamic between JK x reader. Just, wow.
71. Sinner, oneshot. Yandere fugitive Jungkook x detective reader. I reread like ... 6 times? That's just how good it is😙
72. The Broken Vow, attorney JK x reader as his ex wife. This one is so well written, leave you with mixed emotion, love and hate at the same time. Just ❤️
73. Cabin in The Woods, Jungkook as werewolf, reader as his mate and prisoner? Lol. Stockholm syndrome. I can't hate him here. Somehow he indeed protected her.
74. Cathexis, three parter, Jimin x reader. Based on Firestarter movie. 'There was no way in hell he would let anything happen to you and he would raise literal hell to make sure you were never hurt. If anyone tried to take you from him he’d burn the entire world down'.
75. Snatched, two parter ongoing. Yandere harpy Taehyung x nurse reader. Dystopian AU, dark and chilling. Very well written.
76. Obsesión, oneshot. Yandere pro rugby player Jungkook x sport journalist POC reader.
77. Code of Conduct, long series. Finally got the time to indulge in another long series. Just ♥️
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@sweetwolfcupcake @bang-tan-bitches @flowesona @bangtans-apollo @lemonjoonah @chaoticpuff17 @jooniyah @deepdarkdelights @sweetbunnykook @worldwidemochiguy @jingabitch @jkeuphoriadreamland @flowerwrites06 @junqkook @yandere-society @smileyoongle @nomnomsik @persephoneyss @chummywchimmy @ddaenqu @lovetalkhendery @chinkbihh @jessikahathaway @darkestcorners @99liners @yanderebts @jimlingss @smasmashie @bebejungkook @taechaos @girlmeetsliv3 @sombreboy @explicit-tae @lolabangtan @jungk0oksthighs @roses-ruby @lleldey @girl8890 @bahbah-bee @thvlouvre @go1denjeon
Let me know if I mistyped the tag list on author's name.
I still have a long list fics to read, need to catch up later.
5K notes · View notes
meltwonu · 3 years
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〚 💜 𝕕𝕠𝕦𝕓𝕝𝕖 ���𝕚𝕡 💜 〛| [CHAPTER 8]
this chapter pairing; florist!wonwoo x reader x tattoo-artist!jungkook
genre&warnings; florist/tattoo-artist!au, dom!jungkook, dom!wonwoo, threesome, blowjobs, face-fucking, masturbation, spit kink, dirty talk, degradation, name-calling, hair pulling, bukkake ☠️💕 Now when was the last time I updated DD huh kjdshfkjsdh 😭 LOL also sorry i switched up the days, this just worked better for me so 😭💕💕💕 Also I had this idea in my notes for a very long time, literally months so I’m glad i finally could bust it out !! It just… the jeons were too obvious of an idea i needed to bang out 😈🥲 And we all know they’re s-rank bias wreckers... 🥲🥲  And thank you, as always, for the continued support on this wild little miniseries!! I gotta make some… like, hybe office worker idol au fics for this one now that they share the same building… 😗 For next time~ Enjoy ch 8 for now and I’ll see u later!💕 I love u and stay hydrated! 💕💕
(this is if we had tattoo-artist!jungkook and fratboy!wonwoo meet levels nasty so u have been warned 😏)
*queued post.
word count; ~3100
chapters; 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - ?
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“Stop looking at him, I said.”
“I fucking can’t, he’s so cute!”
Jungkook rolls his eyes; slapping a pair of gloves on before picking up his tattoo gun. “See, this is why I don’t like bringing you into the shop with me. All you do is look at that florist across the street and tell me how you think he looks innocent and whatever the fuck else.”
You grin back at the tattooed male from your place behind the front table - eyes darting from the window to Jungkook who’s about to start tattooing Mingyu’s shoulder. “What else am I supposed to do then? I mean, I couuuuuld go over there and just talk to him while you work.”
Mingyu scoffs as he digs his nails into the tattoo bed when Jungkook doesn’t even bother to warn him that he’s started.
“Do that, I’d like to see you try.”
“Damn, Jungkook, ease up or you’ll fuck up my tattoo!”
The male rolls his eyes and wipes away the excess ink; dabbing on some vaseline before bringing the needle back onto Mingyu’s skin. 
“Shut up and let me work.”
You laugh lightly as they continue to banter, simultaneously admiring Jungkook’s sleeve of tattoos as he works.
The two of you had been dating for three years already and you’d seen the artwork add onto his skin as Jungkook had made a name for himself in the tattooing industry.
Recently, he’d relocated his studio on the other side of town - across from a small strip of stores, one being ‘Jeon’s Floral Arrangements’. And while the street was a rather quiet and less traveled one, he noticed the flower shop usually had a string of regulars coming by every other day.
‘Weird, it’s my last name too,’ he’d mumbled - lollipop precariously hanging from between his lips as he’d unloaded the moving van, ‘Maybe it’s an old grandma running it or somethin’. We should introduce ourselves just in case she needs help with some heavy lifting.’
And as the two of you’d quickly found out, it was definitely not an old grandma at all.
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“Ah, thank you so much for coming in again! Enjoy your weekend! And don’t forget to water your plants this time!”
Wonwoo beams at the chuckling man that leaves the store; the bell jingling above Namjoon who comes to replace the bonsai that he’d over trimmed again.
“Hmm.. what’s left to do.” Muttering to himself, Wonwoo undoes the apron around his waist to retie it before readjusting his glasses perched on his nose bridge.
He ran the shop alone and while most people asked if he ever felt the need for other employees - he’d often shrug them off and tell them he liked the quietness and calmness of the store when he was there alone.
‘I don’t have to worry about anyone but myself,’ he’d said; fingertips wrapped around a coral coloured rose as he inspected it for imperfections, ‘It lets me think and clear my head, to be honest.’
He takes a deep breath as he stretches from behind the register; arms above his head as he plans out the rest of his night as the sun starts to set in the distance.
“Oh! I should work on that arrangement so it’s ready for tomorrow…” Nodding, he walks to the front door and flips the ‘Open’ sign to ‘Closed’ before dimming the lights.
“Shouldn’t take me too long…”
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“I just need to do some highlighting with some white ink and we should be done, 'Gyu. Shouldn’t take more than 30 minutes.”
Mingyu grunts in return as you come by with a glass of water for each male, smiling as the tiredness becomes visible in their eyes.
“We’ll all be out of here and enjoying our weekends soon!”
Jungkook sets the tattoo gun down onto the table as he stretches and takes a break himself; yawning and cracking his knuckles before he stands and takes the glass of water from you.
“Oh look, your little lover boy in the flower shop is working on a huge project over there.”
You follow Jungkook’s line of vision to see Wonwoo in the window with, what had to be, three dozen roses. “Woooow, that’s so pretty! And it’s getting so late too, I hope he’s not overworked.”
“He’s!? Overworked!?” Jungkook guffaws, water spilling down his chin as he laughs and peers back at Mingyu who raises a brow from his position. “You hear that, 'Gyu? Mr. flower man over there might be overworked. His poor,  aching hands.”
“Yooo, if y’all have beef, leave me out of it. I just came for the ink, man.”
“We don’t have beef, my girlfriend just wants to fuck the florist, is all.”
“Hey!” You retort; slapping Jungkook’s arm as you pout. “I never said that!”
Jungkook leans down until his lips are ghosting against the shell of your ear; goosebumps rising on your skin as you gulp.
“So you’re telling me you don’t imagine his delicate hands all over your body with my rough ones? How he’d probably be soooo patient and slow when he fucks you while I ruin that cunt of yours? Hmm? Oh, how I bet you’d love for him to fuck you after I’ve already cum inside that filthy ‘lil pussy of yours.” He licks the shell of your ear as you let out a shaky breath and instantly clench around emptiness at his filthy whispers.
“N-no, but… Fuck, now I am, you asshole.”
He laughs and pulls away from you, downing the rest of the glass of water before handing it back to you and kissing you on the forehead.
“That’s very cute of you. We’ll invite him over for a light snack after I’m done, okay? I wanna have a chat with him, that’s all. Let him know a few things.”
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Wonwoo finishes the wedding arrangement that needs to be delivered for the next day; a soft content sigh falling from his lips as he takes in his work.
The couple had requested an arrangement of coral coloured roses mixed in with red ones and Wonwoo had painstakingly made sure to arrange them in a way that was pleasing to the eyes.
“Okay, let’s see, I--wh--” 
In the few seconds he lifts his head and peers out the window, he, very, panickedly looks down towards the countertop to make sure he didn’t accidentally see something he wasn’t supposed to.
What? No way, he thinks, I’m just tired, that’s all. I’ve been staring at the same arrangement for too long, I’m just seeing things.
He shakily looks back up and peers out the window to see that, yes, he was actually seeing what he thought he was.
“Holy… Fuck.”
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“Jung---Jungkook! Ah, s--slower, mmh, fuck, he’s w-watching…”
Your hands grip onto the glass countertop as hard as you can as Jungkook’s hips slam into your ass with each powerful thrust, but he makes no effort to slow down as he grins up at the man currently watching the two of you with his mouth agape.
“Slow down? You’ve never asked me to do that before… What’s wrong? Don’t want your loverboy to know you’re a needy ‘lil cockslut who likes it when I use your pussy to my liking? Hmm? Do you want him to think you’re a pure ‘lil vanilla angel?”
Your breasts press into the glass as you whine and drop your weight down harder onto the surface; teary eyes trying to focus on Wonwoo before rolling to the back of your head when the head of Jungkook’s cock slams right into your g-spot.
“O-oh, fuh--fuck, right there! Fuck me right there, h-harder!”
Jungkook scoffs, blunt fingernails digging into the skin of your ass as your pussy clamps down harder onto his cock.
“Whatever you want, baby.”
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Wonwoo tells himself he should look away but the stare that Jungkook sends him tells him that the other male wants him to see.
He gulps and quietly palms himself over his slacks; soft moans spilling from his lips as his shaky fingertips move towards the zipper.
No, wait, maybe I shouldn’t…
But he peers back up, hyper-focused on the way Jungkook’s now put three of his fingers into your mouth from behind as your body rocks against the glass countertop he’d bent you over - and Wonwoo can’t help but imagine that’s his cock in your mouth instead of those fingers.
“What the fuck, what the fuck…” He mutters softly; throwing all caution into the wind as he undoes the button and zipper of his slacks before shimmying his boxer briefs down just enough to wrap a delicate hand around his thick shaft.
“Oh, g-god… Fuck…” Wonwoo lets his head loll to the side as he spreads the precum down his shaft - eyes focused on you and Jungkook and timing the flicks of his wrist to match the thrusts of Jungkook’s hips.
His jaw clenches and he thinks about the first time the two of you had walked into his shop - cheery and inviting despite Jungkook’s inked and pierced body.
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“Howdy, neighbour.”
Wonwoo looked up to meet Jungkook’s grinning face only centimetres from his own - a soft gasp spilling from his lips as he took in the man’s eyebrow piercing and inked arm in a matter of milliseconds before pulling away and noticing you standing next to him.
“Sh--shit, sorry, I--I wasn’t paying attention. I didn’t even hear you guys come in! I’m so sorry!” He chuckles nervously before clearing his throat. “Can I help you find anything today?”
“Nah, we just moved in across the street!” Jungkook grins and points to the studio across the street - the minimalistic black building with a simple ‘JK STUDIOS’ in bold above the door. “We thought there’d be an old lady in here but it’s… you. Not that that’s a bad thing!”
“We just wanted to come introduce ourselves since our shops are right across from each other… Oh, and Jungkook noticed your store name has his last name too!”
Wonwoo smiles at you and readjusts his glasses, “Ah, yeah. My name is Jeon Wonwoo. It’s a pleasure to meet you! Funny how things work out, huh?”
You introduce yourself and shake his hand - already noticing how soft they were. “Your hands are so pretty!” Wonwoo blushes at your compliment just as Jungkook grins.
“And I’m Jeon Jungkook. It’s nice to meet you, man. Hope we get along well!”
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And now here Wonwoo stood, precum leaking from the tip of his cock as he fucked his enclosed fist in time with Jungkook’s quick thrusts.
He watches as Jungkook takes his fingers from out of your mouth - drool pooling onto the glass underneath you as the inked male makes a ‘come hither’ motion with his saliva coated fingertips.
Wonwoo furrows his brows in return, using his free, shaky hand to point at himself to which Jungkook just nods before planting his hand firmly onto the small of your back until your chin is touching the other end of the countertop.
And Wonwoo has never sprinted across the street that fast in his life.
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He thinks to knock but the way you and Jungkook pay him no mind lets him know that the door was unlocked the entire time.
“O-oh, go--god, fuck, your cock is s-so big, mmh, stretching my ‘lil p-pussy out so g-good…”
Goosebumps rise on Wonwoo’s skin the second he hears your whiny, filthy words and he makes sure the door is shut and locked behind him before he saunters over to the end of the counter where your head is.
“Well, howdy, neighbour. Hope you enjoyed our little show.”
Jungkook smirks, glittering eyes meeting Wonwoo’s blown out pupils through the lens of his glasses.
“This needy ‘lil cockwhore got her panties alllll wet earlier over a few things I might’ve said… My bad, I didn’t mean to bring you into it.”
“W-what did you say…?” Wonwoo whispers.
“Oh, y’know, just… She thinks you’re so… nice. And sweet… Told her maybe you’d fuck her nice and slow while I fucked her dumb ‘lil cunt into the shape of my cock. Y’know, praise her for being so good while I spit in her mouth ‘n all. We just wanted to see if that was true.”
Wonwoo threads a hand through your hair, soft and nice as you mewl and lean into his touch. He massages your scalp as soft sighs escape your lips despite the way your body rocks with each snap of Jungkook’s hips.
But it doesn’t last long.
The grip in your hair gets tighter - almost as tight as Jungkook when he’s being rough. “O-oh, W--Wonwoo!”
The bespectacled man smirks down at you before he returns Jungkook’s toothy grin.
“Maybe all Jeon’s think alike.”
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You can barely touch the ground with the way the two males have you bent over the glass countertop - body rocking between the two as they use your pussy and mouth to their liking.
“Fuck, if her pussy is as tight as her fuckin’ mouth, I might need to come over here more often,” Wonwoo licks his lips before drawing his hips back and thrusting into your mouth, “Or maybe she can come over and I’ll teach her a thing or two about arranging.”
Jungkook grins and slaps your ass once; the action making you whimper around Wonwoo’s cock and clench around Jungkook’s.
“Oh? Hear that, baby? Wonwoo’s gonna be nice and arrange some things for you. Isn’t he nice? Just like we thought, right?”
You gag around Wonwoo’s cock as he starts to fuck your face - tears streaming down your cheeks and messing up your makeup as both males thrust into you at the same time. 
Wonwoo’s cock thrusts into your mouth just as harsh and quick as Jungkook thrusts into your wet cunt and makes you think about just how rough the two of them would be fucking both your pussy and your ass at the same time.
The fullness makes you feel lightheaded and the way they both almost challenge each other on who can fuck you the roughest makes you want to cum already - except you know better than to cum without Jungkook’s permission.
“Fuck, her cunt is getting so tight… Mm, pretty baby wants to cum already~ But we’re not done with you just yet,” Jungkook grinds against you just as Wonwoo’s cock cuts off your air supply when he sinks his entire length into your mouth and throat.
“Can we both cum on her pretty face? And then we can take turns cumming in her pussy too,” Wonwoo grunts.
He holds you onto his cock for a few more seconds as you choke around his girth - Jungkook laughing cruelly behind you as you clench around his cock.
“Fuck, maybe all Jeon’s do really think alike.” They both share a laugh before they pull out of you - your pussy feeling painfully empty as the air returns to your lungs.
“We want you on your knees now, baby. Wanna give you a ‘lil treat.”
It takes a second for you to process anything the two males said and it’s only when Wonwoo starts to round the counter that you feel Jungkook starting to help you from your bent position over the glass.
The rug digs into your kneecaps, your makeup is smeared all across your face, and your clothes are bunched up around your waist from them not bothering to undress you properly - not that you care.
The ache between your legs to be filled and fucked has you obediently sticking your tongue out and closing your eyes as both males wrap a hand around their cocks before they step closer to you.
“Mm, such a good girl… You’re quite lucky you have such an obedient slut on your hands… Makes me a little jealous, to be honest.” Wonwoo teases.
“I don’t really like sharing but… Might be able to make a few exceptions here. I think she’s in good hands.”
Jungkook leans over your body - a glob of his own saliva hitting your tongue first as you whimper and swallow it down before sticking your tongue back out and waiting.
“So good, baby~”
All you can hear are their grunts and low moans as you rub your thighs together and try to alleviate the carnal need in your body.
“Oh, f-fuck, ‘m gonna cum...” Muttering, Wonwoo tightens his grip around his cock and aims straight for your face - rivulets of cum landing directly on your tongue and chin as he lets out a string of curses.
And Jungkook follows suit after a few more quick flicks of his wrist; cum landing everywhere from your hair to your breasts as both males continue to ride out their highs.
The warm cum slides down your skin and only makes you crave them more as you open mouth whine and start grinding against the air.
“Fuck, you’re such a ‘lil whore. Look at you grinding against fuckin’ nothing... Need us to ruin your pussy so fuckin’ bad, don’t you?” Wonwoo quips, “If Jungkook wants, I have all night too, we can do our worst~”
“I wanna see my pretty baby swallow down all that cum in her pretty mouth first~”
You immediately do as you’re told - swallowing down all the warm cum before you bring a shaky hand up to your eyes to wipe the cum from your eyelids.
“P-please… I--I--” You peer up to both males with teary eyes; the need in your body reaching a record high as they stare down at you with teasing, lustful eyes.
You take the cum on your fingertips and collect more of it from your body before reaching between your slicked thighs and smearing the combined loads of cum all over your soaked folds before repeating the process and easing two of your cum-soaked fingers into your pussy.
“N-need you b-both, a-ah, right here… Inside m-my pussy… p-please…” You all but beg; letting them watch you as you collect their drying cum on your skin and fuck it deeper into your own pussy as you finger yourself. “P-please! W-wanna feel you s-stretching my--my pussy out, mmnh, so good...”
Wonwoo lets out a whistle just as Jungkook scoffs - somehow knowing that this is exactly how things were going to pan out as he and Wonwoo take a second to tug their pants back up.
“I have a piercing room in the back. How about we take it back there, huh? I think we’re going to need more space for the things we’re gonna do to you, baby~” 
You nod feverishly before trying to get up on your shaky legs - your inner thighs slicked with your wetness and their cum as Wonwoo walks behind you and grins at the way you’re glued to Jungkook’s back. 
“Ah, think I can fuck her pussy first? I wanna teach her a thing or two about arranging, y’know? Give her a crash course.”
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jungshookz · 1 year
smitten: jungkook's date is tonight but y/n's more stressed about it than he is
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➺ pairing; jeon jungkook x reader
➺ genre; smitten!miniseries!! bff!kook & smitten!y/n!! university!au!! honk honk humour!! the boo hoo angsty wattpad-energy fic of your dreams!! unrequited love!! so much pining!! it hurts so bad but that's what makes it so good!! yoongi should really mind his own business!!
➺ wordcount; 6.5k
➺ summary; jungkook's dream date with ji-eun is tonight and y/n's going to do everything in her power to make sure everything goes perfectly.
➺ what to expect; "we've been planning and preparing for this date for the past week, jungkook. i'm going to do everything in my power to make sure that things go according to plan. your date is going to be perfect.”
➺ currently spinning on the record player; i wish [one direction]
➺ smitten: part one [the almost confession]; part two [the incriminating note]
»»————- ♥ ————-««
“pepperoni to garlic knot- pepperoni to garlic knot- come in- are you there?" 
the sound of the walkie talkie crackling to life makes you perk up and you reach behind to pull it out from your back pocket, pressing down on the side button with your thumb before bringing it up to your mouth
“garlic knot to pepperoni- i'm here." you bite back a grin at the silly nicknames jungkook insisted on using before speaking up again, "the last of the fairy lights have been strung up, by the way! over." 
“oh, sick!" jungkook gasps lightly, "okay, i need you to come down and help me because i've been trying to tie this tie for the last, like, half an hour and at this point i’m just going to have to wave a white flag and surrender. over.” 
"roger that. i'm coming down." you tuck the walkie talkie into your pocket again before letting out a sigh and looking around the rooftop setup with your hands on your hips 
you must admit it looks really good (as it should, because you've literally been setting everything up since this morning and it's about 5:30pm now)
the bubble tent's been blown up and you made it all comfy and cozy inside with fluffed up pillows and soft throw blankets 
you strung the fairy lights up on the clotheslines and you made sure to use fresh batteries for them so that they'll last all night 
and the little round table that jungkook and ji-eun will be eating dinner at was a little wobbly but that problem was easily fixed with some blu-tak 
the happy smile on your face twitches slightly when the realization that you spent the entire day setting up a date that you're not even a part of hits you
"…oh, you silly girl.” you can't help but snort as you shake your head and turn around to head towards the rooftop door so you can go to jungkook’s apartment, "you silly, silly girl-" 
all of this time
all of this effort
all of this everything for a boy you like who you know for sure doesn't like you back because if he liked you back he wouldn’t have asked someone else out
what exactly do you think the end result is here?
what exactly do you think you're gaining out of this?
literally nothing!!!!
so why are you doing all of this??
"because i'm a big ol' simp with no backbone, apparently-" you mutter under your breath as you open the door to jungkook's apartment, forcing the frown off your face and replacing it with an easygoing smile 
you may be a simp with no backbone but…
well, no
that’s it. there’s nothing else to say. 
"y/n? that you?" 
"yeah! sorry, probably should’ve knocked or something- also, not to toot my own horn or anything, but i did a fantastic job with the decorations! i could be a party planner or something if this whole school thing doesn’t work out-” you kick the door shut behind you before looking around for jungkook, "where are you?" 
"gimme a sec! i'm, like- i'm almost done, just wait-" 
you plop down on the couch and tilt your head back to look up at the ceiling before letting out another quiet sigh 
this is why you need to be constantly busy doing things, because if you get even a moment of peace, you start to think and think and think and you hate being alone with your thoughts because your brain starts to mock you and berate you and say things like hey, y/n? you have a paper due at midnight tonight that you're only halfway done with but instead you're prioritizing being a wingwoman to a boy who's head over heels in love with someone else-
"okay, hi!" you jolt in surprise at the sound of jungkook's voice from behind you and you're about to turn around when suddenly he speaks up again, "hold on! close your eyes until i tell you to open them."
"what? why?" you frown as you settle back against the couch again and shut your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest, “i already know what you’re going to wear, i’m the one that picked the outfit for you anyway-”
"i know, but surprises are fun-" you hear the shuffling of material and you resist the urge to turn around immediately as your impatience grows, "okay, i think that looks fine. turn around!" 
"i really don't know why you had to prepare me to see you in-" you twist your upper half around so you can finally look at jungkook and almost immediately you feel your heart skip a beat at the sight 
the crisp white button-up tucked into a pair of slacks are a stark contrast to the outfits you're so used to seeing jungkook in because most of the time he's drowning in a sweatshirt that's ten sizes too big for him and some slouchy cargo pants and a pair of chunky black stompers
but this? this is…
oh, wow.
"so?" jungkook's being uncharacteristically shy with you as he averts his gaze and reaches down to fiddle with one of the buttons on his shirt, "how… do i look?" 
"-handsome." you blurt out, shaking yourself out of your slight daze as you get up from the couch so you can go over to him, "you look- you look very handsome, jungkook. you- yeah, you look very handsome.” you press your lips together, unsure if you should say anything else because you’re not sure where the line is between being a supportive friend or just ogling your friend like he’s a piece of meat 
it's when you find yourself looking down at your own outfit (jeans and a t-shirt and socks with a hole on the right heel) that the little voice in the back of your head reminds you of the reality of the situation: that he's looking very handsome not for you, but for ji-eun, and in this moment you wish there was a way to just shut your brain off to cease all cruel thoughts 
jungkook looks very nice. just focus on one thing at a time. 
“oh my god-“ jungkook's nose immediately scrunches up before he lets out a little laugh, "you're totally hitting on me right now, you weirdo- you look very handsome, jungkook-” he mocks you in a higher voice and you can’t help but feel a little dejected that this is how he reacts to a genuine compliment from you 
if anything, it’s more confirmation you didn’t need that jungkook most definitely doesn’t feel the same way about you  
"well, i-" you stop yourself from walking any closer to him as you feel your entire face flush bright red, "i- well, i’m trying to be supportive here… you look nice, i’m not gonna be an asshole and say you look bad for this date-” you force out a nervous laugh as you reach up to rub the back of your neck, "whatever, you look fine-" 
“thank you, i just- i’m not used to compliments but anyway-” jungkook interrupts you (thankfully, otherwise you definitely would’ve continued to babble and babble and babble) to hold up a black tie, "you need to help me with this." 
"you know, i… i actually don't think you need the tie?" you tilt your head a little as you look over jungkook's outfit, "i think you'll look better without it on, and a tie seems a little too formal for the date- can i-" you shuffle forwards slightly before undoing a couple of buttons on jungkook's shirt and spreading the collar open a little, jungkook raising his head a bit so you can work your magic 
"you really think this looks better?” he asks quietly, and your eyes flicker up to meet his for a brief second before you quickly look back down at your fumbling fingers 
"yea,” you respond, pressing your lips together as you smooth out the collar before taking the tie from his hand, tossing it over your shoulder and stepping back to look at your work, "yeah. that's much better. okay, put the suit jacket on, lemme see the whole look-"
"dude, i've been, like- so nervous all day." jungkook lets out a breath as he pulls the suit jacket up off the back of the couch, "like- okay, obviously ji-eun and i get along really well in real life, but this is the first time we'll be in, like, a romantic setting, you know? like romantic on purpose.“ 
"it'll be fine. i mean, you already got through the hardest bit which was asking her out-" you shrug as you lean against the back of the couch and cross an ankle over the other, "and she said yes, so… obviously you're doing something right. you’re gonna be fine, you just have first date jitters! everyone gets the first date jitters.” 
"i know, but-" he smooths the sleeves of the suit jacket out before looking back over at you, "ah, i don't know. i just feel like i'm gonna screw up somehow, you know?" 
"you won’t,” you shake your head before offering him a smile, "just be yourself! don't put too much pressure on, like- on acting like how you think she wants you to act, you know what i mean? just be yourself. she likes you, jungkook. you're a total catch, so-" you cut yourself off before you wander into the ‘you’re a total catch which is actually the reason why i’m in love with you' portion of your pep-talk as you get up off the couch, "yeah! just- just relax. everything's going to go perfectly tonight. and like i was saying when i first walked in here, not to toot my own horn or anything but the rooftop looks immaculate.”  
“i’m sure it does! i can’t wait to see it-“ jungkook pauses all of a sudden, his eyes widening in realization, "oh, shit!"
you don't even get the chance to ask him what's wrong before he starts to spiral and you blink rapidly at the sudden change in behaviour 
"oh my god.” jungkook slaps his hand against his forehead, “i- fuck, i forgot to pick up the flowers and the- oh my god, i knew i forgot to do something today!" he gawks, pulling his phone out of his back pocket, "shit! shit, shit- damnit, i was gonna pick them up this morning and then i went to the gym and i forgot-" 
“i-" you’re slightly startled at how stressed he is over some flowers and you can’t help but chuckle, “there’s even a little sticky note on the fridge to remind you-”
"i know!” jungkook whines, “i know, i don't know, i guess it just slipped my mind because i've literally been thinking about this date all week-“ he sucks some air in through his teeth before shaking his head, “okay, i guess i can just head over there right now and then come back-”
"woah, woah-" you skid over and press a hand to jungkook's chest to keep him from bolting out the door, “what are you talking about? you can't leave now! it's- it's 5:45- and not to mention, it's literally rush hour so the highways are probably all clogged up right now and- ji-eun's going to be here in half an hour so you'll never make it back in time and your suit's going to get all wrinkled because you'll be all cramped up on the bus-" 
"y/n, the flowers and the teddy bear are two essential parts of the date,” jungkook looks at you with wide eyes, clearly desperate to leave the apartment, “i’m not gonna have anything to give her when she arrives, she can’t show up only for me to be empty handed-”
"hey, relax!” you snap, softening your tone when jungkook’s shoulders droop slightly, “listen, you are not going to leave the apartment because ji-eun is coming and i’m sure she’ll be disappointed if she finds me on the rooftop instead of you. this is what’s going to happen: you’re going to sit here and wait for ji-eun, i’m going to go and pick up the flowers and the teddy bear, and then you can give them to her after the date. it’s going to be fine, you are literally being so dramatic right now-”
"look, i'm sure ji-eun isn't going to throw a tantrum if you don't present her with a bouquet of flowers at the beginning of the date- if she did, that’d be kind of odd but that’s not the point- the point is, it'll be fine. you go on your date, i’ll pick them up." 
"yeah, but-!" 
"kook, i've got it, alright?" you back away from him slowly but you keep your arm extended to make sure he doesn't move, "i'll take care of everything, you know i can handle it- just- i'm gonna go now and then- i'll leave behind the rooftop door as soon as i get them, okay? and i'll text you so that you'll know they're there-" 
"y/n…" jungkook chews on the inside of his cheek anxiously, guilt swirling around in his eyes, "you've already done so much for me, i can't ask you to-"
"we've been planning and preparing for this date for the past week, jungkook. i'm going to do everything in my power to make sure that things go according to plan. your date is going to be perfect.”
“are you sure? i feel bad, i feel like you did so much and-”
“i’m sure, jungkook-" you interrupt him again before turning to grab your jacket off coat rack, “the only thing you have to think about tonight is how you’re going to charm ji-eun — and to be honest, you don’t even need to think about it because all you have to do is be yourself! now sit down and try to relax. and try not to wrinkle your shirt, i spent way too long ironing it earlier."
»»————- ♥ ————-««
your nose crinkles slightly as you look up at the sky, your brows knitting together in concern at the light grey clouds hanging in the air
the forecast did say it would be cloudy today (and it has been cool and cloudy all day) but you’re hoping it doesn’t rain because if it rains that’ll completely ruin the date and jungkook will probably be electrocuted by the fairy lights if he touched them 
of course, jungkook and ji-eun can take cover in that bubble tent if it starts to rain, but hopefully it doesn’t… (why are you so hellbent on making sure this date is going to go smoothly?! you might as well plan their wedding for them as well at this rate.) 
you perk up when you see the bus you’re supposed to take rounding the corner and you fumble in your purse for your bus card, stepping up to the stop eagerly
your phone buzzes in your pocket and you pull it out once you plop yourself down in a seat in the back  
from: jungkook (5:58pm) — Holy shit I’m acc so nervous 
from: jungkook (5:58pm) — What if this goes horribly 
you can’t help but roll your eyes at how panicky jungkook is being because he really has no reason to be nervous 
all he had to do was dress himself and make himself presentable because you were the one who did all the hard work of setting up (to be fair, you insisted on setting up alone because you like things done a certain way and jungkook seemed too jittery to focus) 
to: jungkook (5:58pm) — you’re literally going to be fine
to: jungkook (5:58pm) — it’s going to be fine 
to: jungkook (5:58pm) —  you already know she likes you 
to: jungkook (5:59pm)— just think of this as another one of your hangouts but you guys are dressed more fancy and you’re on a rooftop for some reason LOL 
from: jungkook (5:59pm) — Okay 
from: jungkook (5:59pm) — She says she’s almost here
from: jungkook (5:59pm) — Do you think I should’ve picked her up instead of her meeting me here 
to: jungkook (5:59pm) — …you rented out a rooftop for her i think she’ll survive 
you pause, setting your phone face down on your lap before letting out a yawn and leaning your head against the window
you got up far too early this morning and the gentle rumbling of the bus down the highway is very soothing
google maps said the journey to your stop was about 38 minutes which means you have approximately 35 minutes to take a quick nap and the remaining 3 minutes to wake yourself up so you won’t be too groggy after hopping off the bus 
you’ve worked hard today, so you deserve a little snooze! 
your right eye peels open when your phone buzzes again
from: jungkook (6:04pm) — Omg she’s here early 
from: jungkook (6:04pm) — Okay 
from: jungkook (6:04pm) — Wish me luck and also thank you for everything you are the best 
a smile twitches at the corner of your mouth and you can’t help but think to yourself that yes, i am kind of the best, aren’t i? 
to: jungkook (6:04pm) — yes yes 
to: jungkook (6:04pm) — good luck! 
to: jungkook (6:04pm)— :-) 
another yawn slips past your lips and you tuck your phone into your purse before leaning your head against the window again and shutting your eyes 
an additional benefit to getting some sleep on the bus is so that your brain won’t start to flood with reminders that jungkook doesn’t like you like that and that you are currently sitting on a bus going to get flowers for him to give to another girl- 
okay, that’s enough of that, your teeth grit together slightly and you clear your throat, crossing one leg over the other as you get settled into the stiff, itchy seats, a quick power nap and then the overthinking can begin again. 
»»————- ♥ ————-««
“excuse me-” 
your eyes open immediately at the feeling of someone shaking your shoulder and you sit up straight, clutching your purse tighter to your body as you look up to see the bus driver smiling down at you in mild concern 
“morning!” he jokes, raising an eyebrow before clicking his tongue and nodding towards the opened doors, “end of the line, miss. gonna have to ask you hop off.”
in your half-asleep state you can’t help but wonder what you’re doing on a bus and where you were meant to be going in the first place… is the date over? are you heading home? 
“end of the-“ your heart plummets to your stomach at the realization that you took more than just a little snooze because you are, in fact, at the end of the line when you were supposed to be at the flower shop and heading back to jungkook’s apartment now, “wait, end of the line?!”
“i’m guessing you missed your stop? happens a lot when people fall asleep on the bus.” 
“i- yes-“ you pull your phone out to check the time (and your heart nearly stops beating when you see that it’s 7:13), “i was supposed to get off at crown street, how far are we from crown street?” 
“not too far-“ the bus driver hums, “about fifteen-“
“minutes?” you get up from the seat, starting to make your way towards the door but still looking at the driver
“blocks.” he sucks some air in through his teeth, “fifteen blocks away. if you walk from here, it’ll probably take you about… twenty-ish minutes or so to get to the crown street stop-”
“twenty-ish minutes, twenty minutes is nothing, i can make it in ten if i sprint-“ you mutter to yourself, pulling your purse up over your shoulder and turning to smile at the bus driver before hopping off, “thank you, sir, enjoy the rest of your night-!” 
it’s only a second later that you find yourself sprinting down the sidewalk, your runners smacking loudly against the concrete as you keep your purse tucked tightly underneath your armpit
unbelievable! something just had to go wrong tonight, didn’t it?
and it certainly doesn’t help that it’s drizzling right now — you don’t even have an umbrella with you! 
“so stupid, shouldn’t have fallen asleep-“ you look up briefly when you hear a rumble of thunder, stopping at the crosswalk and slapping the button multiple times as if it’s going to make the walk sign appear faster, “c’mon, c’mon…”
you jolt when a flash of lightning lights up the sky before suddenly- 
“oh, come ON!” rain suddenly starts to pour down from the sky and you resist the urge to just fall to the ground and completely give up because it seems like the universe is actively trying to tell you that what you’re doing is clownish behaviour and you need to stand up 
of course, because one of your more prominent traits is your innate stubbornness, you pull your purse off your shoulder and raise it above your head as if it’s going to stop you from getting completely soaked 
rainwater starts to flood into your shoes as you jog across the street and the feeling of your socks increasingly getting wet sends a shiver up your spine 
you pull your purse back onto your shoulder and keep it tightly held under your armpit once your arms start to get sore — you’re already completely soaked so using your purse as an umbrella seems pretty redundant at this point 
“don’t know why i didn’t bring a stupid umbrella with me either!” you huff to yourself, wiping your hair away from your face as you cross another street after looking both ways (safety first), “fall asleep on the bus, gets caught in the rain- stupid, stupid-“ you grumble, reaching up to wipe under your eyes and pressing your lips together in frustration at the wet mascara ink staining your fingertips
just wonderful 
and now you probably look demonic as well 
you pick up in pace when you recognize the street the flower shop is on, speeding up even more when you notice someone standing in front of the doors with a set of keys in their hand looking very ready to close up shop for the night 
“woah, woah, wait! wait, please!” you call out and the person immediately stops, looking over at you and then taking a few steps back in what seems to be mild fear, “so sorry, i just need to pick a bouquet up, i know you’re closing but i really need this bouquet- and-“ 
“did you run here?” he asks, looking you up and down as he adjusts his grip on his umbrella, “…you do know it’s raining, right?” 
“yeah, i- woo, give me a second to catch my breath-“ you pant, bending over and putting both hands on your knees, wincing to yourself as your lungs constrict in your chest, “i don’t remember the last time i ran like this, jesus christ- i think i’m going to puke-“ you force yourself to stand up straight again, placing a hand on your hip as you continue to suck in puffs of air, “i need to pick up an order.” 
“oh, wait! you’re the girl who’s in love with her friend, now i remember who you are-“ his eyes light up briefly before the deadpan expression returns to his face, “sorry, champ. we close at 7:30.” 
“it’s 7:29,” you choose to ignore his first comment before holding your phone up to his face and he immediately deflates, “come on, yoongi- it’s yoongi, right? please. give me a break.” 
“i’m just tryna go home-“ 
“please, my friend’s date is tonight and he was supposed to pick up his flowers this morning but then he went to the gym so he forgot even though there was a sticky note on the fridge reminding him to-”
“wait, you’re picking up his flowers for him?!” yoongi asks, eyes widening again before he throws his head back in a laugh, “hah! oh my god, you- you’re actually kidding me, this has to be a joke-“
“i will give you five glowing stars on google reviews if you let me in-“ you pant, wiping strands of wet hair away from your forehead again, squinting slightly because the rainwater has now fully fucked up your vision and yoongi is starting to look like a dark blob, “even though your customer service skills suck because you’re clearly laughing at me and i really thought you’d have the decency to share your umbrella considering the fact that it’s pouring-“
“my customer service skills are fantastic, you should see the way i flirt with all the older ladies who come in-” yoongi jingles his keys in his hands before checking the time on his watch, “they always leave with $15 silk ribbons on their bouquets and a boost in their self-esteem-“
“we’re wasting time here, i’m supposed to be back at my friend’s place like, now-“ 
“alright, fine.” yoongi sighs, shoving the keys back into the lock before clicking his tongue, “but i’m only doing this because i feel like saying no to you is equivalent to, like, leaving a puppy out in the cold or something. or stealing candy from a baby and then shoving the baby off of its high chair. or, like, taking a chainsaw and destroying a nice old lady’s rosebush in front of her for no reason while she’s standing there with a pitcher of iced tea for you-”
“alright, i get it, you pity me, just let me into the store and give me my damn order.” 
“did you really run all the way here?” he asks, opening the door to let you in as he closes his umbrella and shakes the excess water off before shoving it into the holder
“i took the bus but i fell asleep and missed my stop. ended up at the end of the line and i thought running fifteen blocks would be faster than waiting for the next bus.” you breathe out, your shoes squeaking obnoxiously against the marble floors as you step into the shop and leave a generous trail of rainwater behind you 
yoongi deflates slightly at the mess you’re leaving behind you and he quickly reaches out to grab onto your elbow, “do not take another step. i literally mopped up before closing and you’re leaving a trail everywhere.”
“sorry, sorry…” you apologize sheepishly, taking a step back closer to the front door and looking down at the puddle growing around your feet 
you reach up to squeeze some water out of your air, freezing when you realize you’re just squeezing more water onto the ground for yoongi to mop up 
yoongi gives you an unimpressed, blank stare before shaking his head and flicking the lights on, “there is nobody in the world i would ever run in the rain for. hell, there’s nobody i would even ever run for in general.” 
“well, i’m sorry your heart is made out of literal ice and you don’t have the ability to feel love for another human being.” you respond sarcastically, yoongi turning around with raised eyebrows 
“hey, for someone with an icy cold heart, i didn’t have to let you in, i could very well kick you out right now because i already clocked out for the night-”
“okay, sorry, i’m sorry- just- if i could just pick up the order, i’ll get out of your hair, i’m sorry-“ 
“why are you doing this in the first place?” yoongi asks as he gets settled behind the front desk, switching the monitor back on, “also, i promise i’m not stalling because i also want to get out of here as soon as possible, i just need to check what your order number is-“
“because jungkook forgot to pick the order up this morning.” you respond as if it’s the most obvious answer in the entire world (because to you, it kind of is) 
“well, i get that, but you still didn’t answer the question.” yoongi hums, tapping on the keyboard and hitting the enter key obnoxiously 
“sure, i did.” you frown, “i answered your question. i’m here because jungkook forgot to pick up the order this morning. he’s on his date right now and i told him i could pick it up for him. he’s on a date.” 
“with another girl.” yoongi murmurs, propping his chin up on his palm, “you are picking up flowers for jungkook to give to another girl because…” 
“because i’m his friend.” you feel your eye twitch slightly out of a mixture of growing frustration and impatience, “you have that order number yet? i’m on a time crunch here.” 
“…okay, i think all the rainwater must’ve flushed the logic out of your head…” yoongi purses his lips as he gets up from the seat, offering you an overly polite customer service smile, “please wait here while i get your order from the back. i would offer you a glass of cucumber water and an apple rose whatever cinnamon pastry thing but we are technically closed, so you’re just going to have to stand here and wait.” 
“funny.” you raise an eyebrow, about to squeeze some water out of your top before stopping yourself (you’ll wait until yoongi disappears to the back and then you’ll do it) 
you’re picking up flowers for jungkook because you’re his friend
and on top of that, not only are you his friend, you’re a very good friend of his! 
he would do the same for you if the roles were reversed (well, if the roles were reversed, you would’ve never forgotten to pick up the flowers so jungkook would never have to run in the rain to pick them up for you) 
what does yoongi mean by why are you doing this? 
isn’t it obvious??
if anything, he’s the one with no logic in his head if he can’t grasp the simple answer to his simple question
you’re doing this because you’re jungkook’s friend, and this is what friends do when they care about each other 
“okay, one more time- what are you doing right now?” yoongi pops out from the back with a beautifully wrapped bouquet and an adorable little white teddy bear with a pink heart as its nose and you can’t help but pout sweetly at it 
you know you said the teddy bear would be a little much but looking at it now… you want one too! 
“picking up a bouquet and a teddy bear.” you point out, holding your hands out to take them from yoongi 
“picking up a bouquet and a teddy bear for…” 
“for my friend…” you trail off, making grabby hands at him only for him to pull back slightly
“for your friend jungkook because…” 
“why do you care so much about this? you don’t know me and what i do is none of your business, your job right now is to hand me a bouquet and that teddy bear and you’re not doing a super good job if i’m being honest-”
“you’re right, i don’t know you, but i’m nosy as hell and you seem nice even though you’re oblivious as hell- you’re so close to the answer, too! what are you doing right now and why are you doing what you’re doing?” 
“what are you doing right now? and why are you doing what you’re doing right now??” you snap, looking at the little clock sitting on the desk, “i’m running very late, just give me the damn flowers, man-“ 
“alright, fine.” yoongi deflates, handing you the bouquet and the little bear before shaking his head and turning around to grab the mop from the back, “guess you’ll figure out the answer on your own. by the way, let your friend know that if he wants to order another bouquet for you to pick up that we now have an online ordering form so he doesn’t even have to come in store anymore- by the way, i can lend you an umbrella if you didn’t wanna run in the rain again because like i said, our customer service is-” yoongi spins around and immediately clams up when the only indication that you were even here at all are the two dirty shoe marks staining the white marble floor and the puddle of water around them 
he shrugs to himself and clicks his tongue 
oh well 
…you still better give the store a five star review. 
»»————- ♥ ————-««
the journey back to jungkook’s apartment is a little less chaotic than the journey leaving his place, thankfully 
you managed to get to the bus stop right as the bus came, and if anything, you took that as a sign that the universe was now on your side 
it was rewarding you for being such a good friend! 
of course, you still got caught in the thunderstorm jogging back to jungkook’s building from the bus stop (according to the forecast, it’s supposed to rain all night long) and the bouquet is a little soggy and the little bear’s fur is kind of matted now, but you tried your best to keep them dry under your sopping wet jacket, “alright, kook, don’t worry, i’m coming-“ you mutter, going up the stairs two at a time and ignoring the fact that you’re leaving a wet trail behind you 
you can’t help but shiver at the feeling of cold, wet clothes clinging uncomfortably to your body, pausing when you accidentally use the bear as a makeshift towel to dry your face 
“shit, whoops-“ you pull the bear away instantly, relieved to see that you didn’t leave any streaks of makeup on it 
your legs slow down as you reach the steps leading up towards the door to the rooftop, and you pause at the top of the steps when you hear a melodic giggle from outside amongst the rhythmic pitter patter of chubby raindrops splashing against the cement
sucking your bottom lip in between your teeth as you slow your movements as to not make too much noise and ruin the moment, you press yourself against the side of the stairwell and crouch down on your hands and knees, placing the bouquet on the ground by the door and the little bear right next to it 
the only thing to do now is turn back and head home before you catch a cold from staying in your sopping wet clothes, but the sound of jungkook’s laugh makes your ears perk up and soon enough, you find yourself crawling up the additional three steps up so you can peek through the crack between the door and the frame and- 
almost instantly, your mouth goes dry and you feel a sharp pinch in your chest at the sight of jungkook and ji-eun kissing, their lips seeming to slot together perfectly as ji-eun curls up closer to jungkook and he reaches up to cup the side of her face, the two of them looking nice and warm (and dry) in the bubble tent as raindrops continue to bounce off the top of it 
your eyelids flutter slightly as your brain catches up to what you’re looking at, and just like that, everything hits you like a ton of bricks 
what the fuck am i doing?
you are crouched down in the stairwell like a creep, sopping wet from the heavy rain, still exhausted from sprinting fifteen blocks to get to the stupid flower shop before it closed, staring at the boy you love kissing someone else on a rooftop that you spent all day decorating and setting up  
you look down towards the bouquet and bear, swallowing the lump in your throat as your eyes begin to glaze over because oh my god, what are you doing? 
the bouquet of flowers is not for you 
the cute little bear is not for you 
the bubble tent and the fairy lights and the porcelain plates and fancy cutlery — all of it isn’t for you, it’s for someone else, it’s for ji-eun 
ji-eun is the one that’s kissing jungkook right now, not you 
in fact, it’ll never be you because jungkook doesn’t like you 
you turn around so you can sit on the steps properly, folding your arms over the tops of your knees and propping your chin up on top of them
jungkook does not like you back
you helped him plan this date and you helped him set up the rooftop for his romantic date with ji-eun and you ironed his shirt and you ran in the rain to get the bouquet and the bear not just because you’re a good friend — you did all of this because you are hopelessly, hopelessly in love with jungkook and you would pluck all the stars in the sky for him and put them in a jar if he’d asked 
“oh my god, y/n.” you breathe out, pinching the bridge of your nose as you shake your head in dejection, “what the fuck are you doing?”
you feel that all too familiar prickle in your nose as you get up onto your feet and head down the steps one by one, your heart heavy in your chest as you adjust the strap of your purse over your shoulder 
(and as you stare up at the ceiling when you’re in bed later that night after taking a nice, hot shower and shoving your cold, wet clothes into the hamper, you can’t help but wonder if perhaps you’ll be pining after jungkook for the rest of your life.) 
»»————- ♥ ————-««
from: jungkook (1:08am) — Thanks for getting the flowers and the bear for me you’re a lifesaver 
from: jungkook (1:08am) — Like actually the best
from: jungkook (1:08am) — So grateful to have a friend as good as you 
from: jungkook (1:09am) —The date went really well btw 
from: jungkook (1:09am) — Hope you’re sleeping well :) Will text you tomorrow 
🎙️ tell yoongi to mind his own business or console y/n (talk to my characters!)
📚 why not explore the rest of the library while you're here? (full fics!)
💫 or perhaps you want something shorter to read? (drabbles and mini series like smitten!)
🌟 or something even shorter? (teeny tidbits!)
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softbtsickies · 2 years
For a good a fate
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Where Fate reader Taehyung has to endure a brutal headache after overusing his abilities and ot7 are there for him. 
Or basically I wanted some good old fluffy caretaking and this is my attempt with an idea I had for a while but was unsure about.
♡ sickie: Taehyung 
♡caretakers: ot7: mainly 3Js (can be read as platonic or romantic) 
♡warnings: migraine like symptoms induced by overusing powers, emeto, nose bleeds, character with psychic powers, one sorta implied sex joke (NOT BETWEEN ANY OF THE MEMBERS), idk if it needs a warning but Jimin and Jungkook bath Taehyung if you are uncomfortable with that (he keeps his boxers on tho) 
*Based off season's greetings 2022*
Also, if seems like there’s random information or unneeded explanations that’s because I might make a really miniseries out of this but idk 
And ngl this is definitely not my best work but I really liked the concept and maybe I’m falling back into this, but it’s nearly 4 am and I just wanted to get this up.
anyways enjoy tho x
The cards laid in front of Taehyung blurred, his voice drawling off as his vision mimicked a camera losing focus and all the golds and glitters in the room blended into the same mesh, “The cards show…”
“They show…” Taehyung shut his eyes to stop the wince forming in his throat along with pinching his brows together for a second hoping to ease the pulse winding up behind them to get through this last reading over. The couple on the opposite end of the table held each other tightly with faces caved with uneasy desperation yet also anticipation and Taehyung could feel an edge of guilt make way between the pain working through his skull. Normally, the fate reader would turn every reading into an experience of wonder. Usually talking with a slower, even deeper voice and twisting his sentences into riddles or poetry to bring the most enchanting experience to his clients, but today he couldn’t even finish a sentence with cards that he already knew what was on them. 
The fate reader wasn’t sure why his little store had been so busy today. While preparing to lock up the familiar pressure and wooziness of over using his abilities had started to make their way now in his temple, telling that if he was to even think about working any more his body would be doing the complete opposite of rewarding him and sealed the warning with a couple of droplets of blood dripping from his nose. Right as he flicked them away, he looked out the window to see two figures  frantically making their way towards the entrance with a powerful enough sense of urgency that Taehyung could feel it himself.
It was a young couple. Begging the fate reader for a reading as they had driven two days after hearing about his perfect accuracy and them needing to know if there is a child in their future. While Taehyung found it hard to listen to them through the small waves of light headedness that were crashing over him the sympathetic side of him began to cloud over the voice telling him he was already having symptoms of overworking him self to step back, but he was taking the woman’s hand to sit down.
“The empress,” A spark of his energy finally returned. “Congratulations, strong fertility is in your future.” 
The couple's face stayed blank for a second before breaking into a shared squeal, leaping for each other. The scene did light something warm in Taehyung’s heart, but the noises also felt like a bullet to the brain if Tae was allowed to indulge in the dramatic tone in the room.
“God thank you, thank you so much.” The man turned to face him and the smile on his face was enough for Taehyung to feel the strain building behind his eyes was worth working past him limits. “While I guess we should try to quickly make it home then, thank you so much again.”
Slumping back into his chair, the fate reader was just greatfull he didn’t have to finish the rest of the reading and come up with an explanation for the rest of the cards sitting on the table. Maybe if had been a different day Tae would have willed the couple to stay, tell them that the cards were rigged and mostly for display (as well as if a bad reading was to happen all the blame fell on the cards or what ever the client wanted him to use in his readings) and the real fortune-telling came from the man himself when he touched the women’s hand when he led her to sit and actually saw a little baby bundle up in the man’s arms while a clear second one was on the way (It would have a priceless moment to see what could have been even more sparkles and joy in their eyes at what he actually saw.) Really he just put the cards with the empress first and hoped when they found out the card was associated with maternal influence that would be enough for them to leave because the idea of slamming his head onto the table to pass out for the rest of the week was getting too tempting. 
Looking into someone’s future for something specific always took way much 
energy than just getting a quick glance into their fortune.
And then it hit Taehyung that he still needed to finish locking up. Taehyung whined to himself, this will take a while. 
(I Did not mean for the intro to be this long, sorry) 
“Taetae you’re home!” Jimin was the first to notice Taehyung step into the living room entrance, being greeted by Jimin, Jungkook, Hoseok, a blasting tv and lights on everywhere in the house (pretty much a garage hide out)like it  had known of Taehyung’s carelessness for his limits and also wanted to join in the tournament plaguing his forehead. 
“Tae, it took you longer than usual to get home, is everything okay dear?” He didn’t even notice Hoseok had gotten up or that he was holding his face till the strategist spoke. 
His normal twenty-minute walk home had become a good forty minutes after having to stop every couple of minutes at different bus stops to sit because he felt if he continued on the word would slip away from underneath his feet, not including the five minutes it took for him to finally make up the courage to endure opening the garage door up plus adding another five minutes of him squatting on the floor and holding his head to stop himself from passing out from the throbbing induced from the noises of the door opening. 
Tae tried to gently shake his hands off, “Wanted to go past the river, m’m ok just tired.” He tried to turn away, feeling something start to drip down his nose again, but Hoseok still cupped his cheeks to inspect him.  
“Hey wait, you have a bit of…. oh.” the pad of the strategist’s thumb lightly grazed above Taehyung’s lip, while his expression faltered into serious yet concerned demeanour. Hoseok then brought his hand up to Tae’s temple for him to lean into. “You overused again.” Taehyung made a small whineand nodded to fall deeper into the older's palm with a sigh and closed eyes. He heard a gasp from Jimin and cracked one eye open enough to see Jimin ogle for the remote to turn the tv off while Jungkook swiftly got up to dim the lights.
Hoseok moved his hand away (much to Taehyung’s dismay) muttering a “Oh Taehyungie what are we going to do with you?” and wrapped it around the fate reader's waist to rest it on his stomach, taking Taehyung’s hand with his other one mouthing “Do you want to go to the couch?” stroking his thumb against Tae’s knuckles, who nodded back listlessly. 
“Mmm sorry, it was a young couple ann’d they drove two days to-see me.” Taehyung paused, the small journey was enough to make the room start feeling a little lopsided again. “They really wanted to know if there is children in their future.” 
Hoseok made a sympathetic hum and rubbed at Taehyung’s shoulder, helping him make his way to the last couple steps before the sofa, “Your hearts too big for your good.” Hoseok spoke softly, “Are you nauseous at all, still dizzy?” He whispered, with the news of him having a headache he could expect everyone to be speaking in hushed tones for the time being. 
“Still a little dizzy, I just want the world to stop for a moment.” Tae sat down, bringing his head to rest in his hands, and Jimin wrapped his arm loosely around Taehyung’s upper torso. 
“Do you perhaps want a bath Taehyungie, you know, to wash the dirt and fates of the day away?”  
Taehyung just nodded and felt Jimin’s hold slowly leave him, “Kook come help me.” Jimin whispered and the weight next to him disappeared, but he felt a hand softly pat his hair before the two completely left, “I wish there was more we could do to help you Hyungie.” 
It was true, there wasn’t much that could be down from a headache induced by over using his abilities. Namjoon had once spent hours slaved away try to come up with a remedy for both when Seokjin would get tension headaches after spending hours looking at his computer since no medication was working enough and to aid Taehyung’s overuse ‘migraines’ as no medication could do anything for him. Thankfully the treatment works wonders for Seokjin and even helps the others through their head pains, but to this day still remained as just a funny tasting liquid for Taehyung.
“My poor Taetae.” The weight in the cough was back, but now with Hobi next to him. Taehyung leaned over and rubbed his face into Hosoek’s upper arm like he could physically rub away the awareness of the fibres of his skin (and the room still felt way too bright.) 
“It’ll pass eventually, Hyung thinks you're so strong for going through this for the couple.” His hand was back on Tae’s shoulder, and Taehyung could only sigh in acknowledgement. “Hey don’t fall asleep yet.” To that the fate reader made another tiny whine and settled into the silence,  occasionally being broken by Taehyung shifting positions, Hoseok cooing at him and a “Tae, the bath is ready.”
The first thing the fate reader noticed about the bathroom was how steamy it had become and the natural light that would normally seep through the window above the bath had been sealed behind one of Taehyung’s canvases with it being just the right fit to leave a tiny bit of light to leak over the top of it to have enough lighting to still see through the room. 
The thought the two put in was honestly enough for Taehyung to want to cry and if it had been in a different circumstance Jimin and Jungkook would probably be making a show of their efforts with ‘Tadas,’ and Jazz hands, though a new surge of wooziness was enough for Taehyung to slightly sway and Jungkook had to grab his arm and slowly lead him over to the closed toilet lid to strip down to his boxers. 
The second Taehyung‘s skin touched the water he let out a shaky breath, a hint of tension left around his neck as he melted into the water, eagerly however still slowly leaning his head against the makeshift towel pillow. “Wait, don’t go too far in yet, Hyung.” Jungkook was grabbing an equally steamy flannel from the sink and kneeled down in front of the bath. He cupped Tae’s cheek and with the faintest movement tilted Taehyung’s face ever so slightly towards him and started to gently wipe at the glitters Tae used to cover the scratch running down his eye, continuing onto lightly scrub at the rest of his daily make up finishing by laying the mildly warm flannel onto Taehyung’s eyes. 
Jimin was next to act, sitting on the tiles that connected the bathtub to the wall, with the shower head on a low but pleasant temperature setting. Jimin began at the base of Taehyung’s forehead, massaging it with one hand then carding his fingers through’s Tae’s curls like they made of the most delicate strands of glass and let the water breeze through them before restarting the massage, occasionally muttering something along the lines of “You’re too kind to do that for the couple, let’s stop getting into this position yeah?” or simply humming a simple breathy tune, Jungkook kept leaning over to urge Taehyung to take a sip of a water bottle or to suck on ice chips the two had also brought up for him. Taehyung felt like he could drift off to the sweetness of it all, but as the water grew colder in the pits of his stomach he could start to feel the rise of the little breakfast he had that morning gradually turn into a churning sensation as well as his throat going a tiny bit warm. “Out now?” Tae could guess Jungkook must have taken notice of the small discomfort in Taehyung position from his sudden twisting to ease the fullness starting to present itself in his tummy. 
Taehyung breathed loudly in confirmation, not ready to jolt his stomach just yet, but Jimin’s hands were already finding their way around Taehyung’s torso, joined by Jungkook’s. “On three okay?” Taehyung nodded and put one arm around his stomach and the other into the side of the bath and pushed him up once Jimin whispered ‘3,’ not to his surprise his head buzzed along with the change in height.
Taehyung grimaced as the flannel fell off his eyes, letting the light still occupying the bathroom shock his eyes enough for him to just stagger a little bit and a hand caught him, stroking his back lovingly. “You did good, kookie brought some of his clothes for you to wear.” He must have zoned out so hard during the duration of the bath, he didn’t even notice the youngest leave. They sat him again onto the closed toilet lid. Jimin taking it upon himself to dry the fate reader while Jungkook put his folded clothes onto Taehyung’s lap, “the loosest I have and no scents.” 
‘They are so precious,’ a small smile formed on Taehyung’s lips. 
It felt hopeless for Taehyung to need Jimin and Jungkook to help him make his way to his bedroom, yet the pair still rubbed his head and patted his back through the hallway with no annoyance on their faces, rather concern, telling him with affection in their voices to sit and not lay down when he wanted to finally crash seeing his bed. 
“First this, then off to bed.” Hobi walked through holding a cup of fresh tea still steaming. Hoseok sweetly curled his lips in sympathy when Taehyung turned his head away from the feeling of his tummy becoming even more turby at the thought of adding anything to it’s already sloshing mixture. 
“Mm, nauseous.” The pain still painfully danced behind Taehyung’s eyes, he tried to suppress it by placing a palm to one of them, but it was no advil. Hoseok sat down next to him, sighing, “You didn’t eat much before you left for work, and you said it was a busy day, it’s better than throwing up bile later.” Taehyung hummed, still looking at the tea and imaging it not settling well at all in his stomach. “Plus, maybe it will actually calm down the nausea for once.“ They always made him drink tea as he had yet to not be left nauseated during an episode. 
Taehyung looked down at the tea, really not being able to stomach it, but if it would get him into his bed quicker with the other three to cuddle him, so be it. 
Everything was still blurry when he woke again, Taehyung’s eyes shut on instinct with a groan, feeling his head spin despite his eyes been closed again. The fate reader stopped squirming, feeling a hand brush through his hair, “are you up Tae-bear?” 
Taehyung felt his stomach flip, and he rolled over, smushing his face into presumably Seokjin’s thighs, the older’s hand still lacing through his hair. He could also hear the barely there sound of piano blend with a complementary rain noise. 
While Yoongi knew how to layer his music with frequencies and notes that could induce a number of symptoms into a person, he had yet to master music that could heal Taehyung’s aliments but it no stretch he knows how to sting along a peace that could at least ease Taehyung into a more comfortable feeling. It playing low enough that everyone in the room had to be quite enough to hear.
Opening one eye, he saw the brightness of Yoongi’s laptop lighting one corner of the room including his Hyung’s face and next to him was Namjoon who noticed the ill man’s glance and gave him a small smile. 
It had to be late now as the other three have a preference for working at night, the exchange must have taken place during Taehyung’s nap with enough care that the three men could untangle from Taehyung and swap with Seokjin to not wake him when they could have just left him for the night. 
He felt the need to whisper a small thank you and reached to hold any part of his Hyung he could, though the timing hit right as Taehyung’s stomach and head throbbed at the same time and his hand dipped to abdomen, it feeling sicker being able to feel his heartbeat under his palm. 
“Tae, how is it feeling?” Namjoon got up. Taehyung could only whimper in repose and squeeze the bedding while the room suddenly started to grow hotter and murky.
No, maybe it was just his throat heating, it gaining a taste of his breakfast at the back of it and his stomach was pacing up its thrashing of it’s contents, even tightening around his muscles. Taehyung pushed himself up into a sitting position, wavering when his forehead gained the same tightness.
Taehyung’s heart in his stomach suddenly leaned into his throat and he groaned, dropping his head to sallow down the feeling of wanting to puff his cheeks out from the taste of saliva filling his mouth. 
“Tae do you think you need…” Taehyung cut Seokjin off by shaking his head not meaning to and wanted to cry from the pulse it shot through his forehead, he just wanted to savour the moment before losing it all but his stomach clenched unsympathetically, and he had to wrap one arm around his stomach and placed the other hand into to his mouth wanting to catch the heave that came from him.
“Oh shit where’s the bin, oh shit sorry Tae.” Namjoon spoke loudly before dropping his voice to whisper, but the damage to Taehyung’s temple had been done, wincing from the exposure of his loud voice that he could compare to an explosion in his skull. He heaved as a reflex, only a tiny bit of drool pooled his mouth, but it was enough to trigger the next wet cough. 
“Okay, you’re okay.” The bin was finally pushed in front of Taehyung in time for the sound of vomit to gurgle up his throat and push him to gag a spray of liquid into it. He hated that the cramps forcing the vomit out of him were comparable to the pressure hitting behind his eye and god there was a second round that cut his breathing break off. 
Taehyung had to cling onto the bin if he didn’t want to fall in, and Seokjin reached for it and brought it closer to him. “Can you two go prepare a broth and flannel.” Jin’s free arm snaked around Taehyung’s stomach to keep him place as the next heave doubled him over in a choke. 
Taehyung made a pained noise when the next gag pulled the last of what ever his stomach could find into the bin, leaving him a now empty yet cramping tummy that Jin’s hand shifted slightly to trace circles over. “Done Taehyungie?” He spat the remaining saliva into the bin and nodded and leaned back, the world was starting to go black around his vision. 
“This one has got you bad.” Seokjin grabbed a glass for Taehyung off the counter, then laid him back down onto the bed once he finished taking a small sip. Jin shifted so his palm was still circling his stomach and the other under the younger head. “It’s so bad.” Taehyung squeezed his eyes for what must have been the hundredth time today, wetness making it down his cheeks. “Maybe it will just be a day long one.” Taehyung scoffed through his tears, “I Haven’t had one take only a day since I was a child.“ 
Fingers come to under his eyes, wiping gracefully, “I’m so sorry we can’t do anything to take the pain away-“
Taehyung butted in,“You being here is enough.” He thought back to how all of them spent the day with him and the loving touches, words of encouragement and the consecrated thought behind the way they cared for him despite him bringing this upon him, sure it couldn’t ease the actual pain in his body, but his heartfelt full enough to settle the discomfort of his headache. 
“That’s a sweet thought.” Seokjin’s finger traced the scratch on Taehyung’s eye, “who ever removed the glitter did a shit job.” He brought his hand back and looked at it with a mocked face of disgust, flicking the speck off, and then smiling when a hint of a giggle came from Taehyung.  
“Broth should be done soon.” Yoongi stood at the door, Namjoon poking his head through as well. 
“Then why are you standing there, come here.” Seokjin moved closer to Taehyung, freeing up space for the others. “And leave it to burn?” Yoongi mumbled back but still came to the bed, “You can sleep with us for a couple of minutes.” Yoongi huffed but still moved next to Seokjin and reached over his hand held onto Taehyung’s arm. 
“Here Tae.” Namjoon motioned for Taehyung to lift his head up and placed a wet cloth where the base of his head would be when he returned to a full laying position and draped the other across Taehyung’s eyes, this time the flannel was cold enough for Taehyung to moan as the hot stickiness of the vomiting spell had yet to part with him. The scientist also crawled into the bed, sure the bed was cramped, but Taehyung couldn't care less, it felt right to have them all with him, it felt too perfect. 
“I love you all.” He whispered and smiled to himself, hearing them all say it back, even if his head still felt on fire he felt fatigue take over his main sense. 
It felt okay, it felt like destiny or even fate that he would end up in his Hyung’s embrace. 
And he was more than fine with that. 
Idk how to end this sorry. 
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ratherbefangirling · 3 years
By ilike2dream
-> out of time (Jimin, Jungkook, Reader)
Miniseries [3/3] | Drama, Angst, Fluff
Navigating romantic relationships AU
* because adult life is hard and relationships are plants you don't know how to grow
-> threads of fate (Jungkook, Yoongi, Reader)
[2/2] | Drama, Angst, Fluff
Royalty AU
-> House of Cards (Seokjin, Yoongi , Reader)
Point drabble | Angst
-> You & I (unspecified member)
pt.1 || some love stories seem like dreams but end up as haunting nightmares
pt.2 || our love is a tug of war, you pull me closer and I push you away
-> Belong (ot7 x reader)
[8/?] | Fluff
Omegaverse AU
-> I need you (ot7 x reader)
Drabble | Yandere
-> mi casa (ot7 x reader)
2/? | hurt comfort
Omegaverse AU
-> Karz: the debt of love (Jin,Jungkook, Reader)
1/? | Drama, Fluff, Angst
Reincarnation Au Revenge
Kim Seokjin
Butterfly (Angst, Fluff, Drama)
Ongoing series ft. Platonic ot7 [11/?]
Slice of Life, BTS Universe AU
Min Yoongi
Miss Right
Mini series [3/3]
Mafia AU * aka twin swap AU
One-shot inspired by seasons greeting 2022
A long(ing) for love
One Shot
Friends/ idiots to lovers 💕
Jung Hoseok
Blue Side (Fluff, Comfort)
One Shot
Idol AU , Secret Relationship
Kim Namjoon
The Truth Untold (Angst, Yandere)
Ongoing series [12/?]
Mafia Au, Best friends to strangers to lovers.
Save Me (Yandere, Drama)
Mini Series (3/?)
Historic AU, Royal AU, Amnesia AU
Park Jimin
When the last petal falls (Angst)
one shot
Hanahaki Au, Soulmate Au
Betrayal (angst, soft yandere)
Come back to me
Kim Taehyung
Will you be mine ? (Yandere)
One Shot
Idol AU, Foreigner Bodyguard Reader
Blind for you (Yandere)
Drabble , mini series .....
Jeon Jungkook
In too deep (Yandere, Romance)
One Shot
Fake Relationship AU.
Turquoise Days (Fluff)
One Shot
Sickfic. Platonic ot7.
BTS as types of rich
Children of War
BTS Ships as Tropes/Storyline *looking for inspiration check this out
BTS Reaction: Ramadan Edition
BTS Reaction: Eid Edition
BTS in a group project
Every road leads to you (Jimin, Yoongi)
Love wins all: perfect imperfect
BTS Reaction: you ask for their credit card
BTS Reaction: travelling together
To be noted :
For more works not linked here check #drabble or #bts drabble
Fem reader.
SFW (ages 15+)
Rated T unless mentioned otherwise.
Please always read through warnings.
Yandere -> read it; don't live it
Just because I write it doesn't mean I personally agree with it..
Shipping Requests : part 1 || Part2 (open)
Normal Request: Request a story you'd like to read.
Asks are always open 💖✨️
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kittae · 3 years
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Pairing: Kim Taehyung x reader
Side characters: Min Yoongi
Summary: A drabble series where Taehyung is a successful artistic erotica actor but has to expand his areas of expertise in the rapidly evolving world of adult film. Lost and inexperienced in everything that doesn’t involve classy settings, flattering lighting and romantic scripts, he basically has to start from scratch to make it in the online porn community. As a highly demanded A-lister in that community, you take him under your wings (or better yet, between your legs).
Genre: Smut, fluff, a bit of comedy here and there. Maybe some angst, who knows.
words: 1256
Disclaimer: dialogue-heavy, foul language
A/N: things are being set in motion!
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“–All I’m saying is that you’re not Paul Walker in Fast and Furious and you only drive like that when you’re really upset about something, so why can’t you just tell me? What happened? You missed that cat by a hair, by the way, you almost killed that poor animal.”
Yoongi sighs as he shuts the door to his apartment behind them, keys rattling when he pulls it out of the lock. “You’ll get it when you see it for yourself.”
“What could be so bad that you were ready to drive us to our deaths–”
“Taehyung, for the love of god, stop being dramatic and sit down. Please.” Yoongi groans, a hand coming up to press against his pounding temple, his mind going a hundred miles an hour.
“I’m being dramatic? Wow, okay then.” Taehyung complies but raises his eyebrows, mildly offended by the hypocrisy. “Aren’t you even gonna ask about the seminar?”
“Later. I need you to see this first.”
Taehyung frowns when he sees the website opened on his manager’s phone. “Hyung, i just came back from a three hour seminar, I think I’ve watched enough porn for–”
“Just watch it!”
“Okay, okay! fine…” Tae takes the phone in his two hands and lets the video play. “Oh, he’s cute! So handsome… woah, look at that body!” He whistles in appreciation.
Yoongi only grits his teeth in response.
Taehyung watches the entire video, adding some commentary and making acknowledging noises from time to time. “Cool! I don’t think I’ve seen this guy before, is he new?”
“Yeah, he’s new alright.” Yoongi answers, a pinch of bitterness lacing his tone.
“Okay... What was so urgent about this, though?” Tae wonders out loud, still clueless.
His manager sighs from deep inside his chest. “Tae… please, think. What could be urgent about a young, hot, talented newcomer in a very competitive industry?”
Taehyung snorts, waving away his friend’s concern. “Hyung, new people get into porn every day. Does that mean we have to panic like this every day?”
“No, you don’t get it. He’s going to be your direct rival.” Yoongi presses. “Remember why we’re trying to expand your horizons so you can take on more versatile scripts and different genres. We’re trying to get you as many jobs as possible to increase your online presence.”
“Before a rookie with a 7 inch dick comes along?” Taehyung cites the lecture he remembers.
“Exactly. This guy, this Jungkook, is that rookie. He doesn’t shy away from any trope or genre and is already well on his way on catching up to your following on OnlyFans when you’ve been in the industry for a longer time. Look at the number of subscriptions on his video platform, too. He’s massively popular at the moment.”
Taehyung swallows hard, the gravity of the situation sinking in. His face must be an open book, because Yoongi quickly adds some nuance.
“He’s not better than you, Tae. He’s new, interesting, maybe a little different but not better. You’re at least as talented as him, but we have to step up our game. You just need to level the playing field. We have to make sure you’re not old news by the time this guy hits his peak.”
“But how can we do it fast enough? I’m trying but… I can’t take hard core degradation scripts and BDSM stuff on yet, you saw what happened yesterday!”
Yoongi goes to sit beside his friend, wrapping a slender arm around his shoulders to pull him closer. “Listen, there’s no need to freak out yet– yes, I know how I reacted and that doesn’t help but I’m just thinking ahead. I need to think about every possible outcome, everything that could happen so we can be prepared. That’s my job. Your job is just being you and doing your best, alright? Got that?”
“What if that’s not enough?” Taehyung murmurs, sadness seeping through his words. “What if I’m not enough anymore, hyung?”
“Stop that. You’re doing great, you’re still in the top 5 of most popular adult actors. You just continue to do what we planned and I’ll take care of the rest. You’re going to be very busy the next couple weeks.”
Tae’s eyebrows crease questioningly. “Why?”
“We need to get our asses in gear. We’re too outdated, too old school. You need to be more active on social media and make a lot more content. People want instant gratification, the ones who want exclusive, luxurious stuff will still pay the right price for it. But we can’t rely on those customers alone anymore.”
Taehyung’s face twists with distaste. “Hyung, please don’t tell me I’ll have to be a camboy…”
“What? No, of course not. I know that’s not romantic enough for you.” Yoongi winks, the younger visibly relaxing. “No, we’re going to do something different. And I know the perfect person to help us with it.”
“A miniseries? About what?” You squeeze your phone between your ear and your shoulder to prevent it from falling while you pour hot water into your favourite mug. “Yoongi, stop apologising. I can make time. Besides, things are a bit quiet since I’ve finished the Dom & Dommer series with Hoseok, so I could use something small and fun to keep me busy, actually.”
“Well, technically you’re not really asking me for a favour if I’m getting paid while doing it, right? So you can stop feeling bad for asking before you make me feel bad for accepting.” You chuckle, plopping down on your couch next to your cat, whom you absent-mindedly start petting as you listen to your old friend’s voice. You blow on your tea to cool it off while he speaks, Mochi purring happily underneath your fingers.
“No, I swear it’s no trouble at all. It sounds fun, I’m excited!” You shrug, a genuine smile playing on your lips. “Stop it! It’s a win-win situation. Um...what does Taehyung think? No! No, uh, you don’t have to put him through, I was just curious.”
Your cheeks feel hot and you catch yourself biting your nails for a second, an old habit you used to have when you felt nervous. “Okay, that’s good. Good to hear he’s looking forward to it, I’ll be too! Okay. Yeah, just send it to me or my agent when you’re done. Alright. Talk to you later! Bye, Yoongi.”
The call ends and you take a sip of your lavender tea. “Ow, fuck! Ugh…” You curse as the boiling hot water touches your tongue, simmering for a few seconds before the burn subsides. You weren’t paying attention, thoughts elsewhere.
Mochi meows, the sound somewhere between indignant and mocking.
“Watch it,” You warn him, your eyes narrowing to slits, which he only takes as a display of affection, returning the gesture before crawling into your lap.
Murmuring, you scratch Mochi behind his little ear. “A miniseries with Taehyung?”
Unaware of how your breathing becomes more shallow, or your heart beats a little faster than usual, you grab your phone to look him up online. Immediately, you’re met with an influx of images from the man you’ve only just seen yesterday. You don’t know why you’re doing this, but you find yourself browsing through his social media as well. It’s probably just because you haven’t done any new projects with a new co-star in a while.
“I should try to know more about him if we’re going to work together more often, right? I’m just being professional.” You mumble out loud, Mochi perking up questioningly.
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jmnjmnjmn · 4 years
latest: Dark Side of the Moon | Part 1 | BTSTwilight!AU and Run | Yandere!Jungkook Story next up: idk
✎ - ongoing
✓ - completed
® - requested
☛ all rights reserved. no part of my work is allowed to be reposted/translated/used on any kind of platform without my permission. ☚
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☛ ik i have bts plastered everywhere on here, but this isn’t strictly a bts blog. requesting stories with other idols and celebrities is okay!! ☚
personal updates  and asks 
drafts: in the works and talk to the characters tag
inspo boards
thirst tag and crack tag
prompt lists
ts lyrics inspired
joji lyrics inspired
anon partner
✓ The 1 | Anon x Reader Angsty story
✎ Long Story | Mafia!BTS x Reader Series Masterpost
✎ Yandere Alternative Universes | Yandere!BTS Masterpost
✎ Dark Side of the Moon | Part 1 | BTSTwilight!AU Masterpost
✎ There for you | Coworker!Jin x Reader Story ✦ (...part 2 incoming...) ✦ inspo board
✓ Bad Days Mean Nothing To Me | Idol!Seokjin x NonIdol!Reader Fluffy Story
✓ ® Girl Crush | Idol!Yoongi x NonIdol!Reader Story ✦ request ✦ inspo board ✦ teaser, story
✓ ® Mission Status … | Idol!Yoongi x NonIdol!Reader | Miniseries | Sequel to GC (works independently) ✦ request ✦ inspo board ✦ part one, part two, part three, part four , finale ✦ talking mission status with followers    ✦ ask the characters       ✦ to yg -  did you ever explain to the boys that it was a misunderstanding or did you just let them continue to be heartfelt idiots?
✓ Show Off | NonIdol!Yoongi x Reader | Fluffy Story
✓ Hope Dies Last | Hoseok x Reader | Fluffy Story
✓ To Plan Ahead | Idol!Hoseok x Reader | Fluffy Story
✓ Celebrity Crush | Idol!Jungkook x Celebrity!Reader x Idol!Namjoon | Masterpost
✓ Getting Home | Namjoon x Reader Fluffy Story
✓ Your Man | Jungkook/Taehyung/Namjoon x Reader Story Masterpost
✓ Being Friendly | Fratboy!Jimin x Reader x Fratboy!Jungkook Story ✦ inspo board ✦ teaser, one shot
✓ Observant | Idol!Jimin x NonIdol!Reader | Fluffy Story
✓ Reunion | Student!Taehyung x Student!Reader Fluffy Story
✓ Your Man | Jungkook/Taehyung/Namjoon x Reader Story Masterpost
✓ ® Mind Made Up | Idol!Taehyung x Nonidol!Reader Story ✦ request ✦ inspo board
✓ Set the scene: Taehyung reads Yn's diary
✎ Eternal beings | Vampire!Jungkook x Human!Reader Series Masterpost
✓ Being Friendly | Fratboy!Jimin x Reader x Fratboy!Jungkook Story ✦ inspo board ✦ teaser, one shot
✓ Celebrity Crush | Idol!Jungkook x Celebrity!Reader x Idol!Namjoon Masterpost
✓ ® Your Noona | Idol!Jungkook x NonIdol/Noona!Reader | Fluffy Story Masterpost
✓ ® Valentines Day Special | RomanticBf!Jungkook x CynicalGf!Reader Fluff Story ✦ Valentine’s Day Bonus
✓ Your Man | Jungkook/Taehyung/Namjoon x Reader Story Masterpost
✓ Morning After | Jungkook x Reader Fluffy Story
308 notes · View notes
jungk0oksthighs · 2 years
Her | First Dance
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bestfriend!jungkook, tattooartist!jungkook, F2L, fluff, smut
Word Count - 5k
Jungkook has other ideas for your first dance. Warnings: swearing, lots and lots of tooth rotting fluff. I cried writing this
Two whole years of dating Jungkook have flown by in a romantic blur. Your best friend and fiancé treats you with nothing but respect and love, every day you wake up and count your blessings that he’s yours. Especially when he tugs you into a tight embrace and tells you he loves you. Every morning. Without fail.
On your one year anniversary you moved in together into a large beautiful house just outside the city. Surrounded by fields and farm animals, chic interior and cosiness. It’s perfect. The open fireplace, the wooden beams adding a dash of character to the high ceilings. Thankfully you and Kook have mostly similar taste and agreed on pretty much everything in your home. Although he did get his own way with one element, the huge photo wall on the staircase, filled with pictures of you both together throughout the years. Turns out his emotional hoarding came in handy for interior design if nothing else.
Living in the middle of nowhere comes with it’s ups and downs. Jungkook had to chase a family of foxes out of your garden three months ago when he discovered they were the culprits behind his cabbages never growing. Yeah, cabbages. Your fiancé has turned into quite the farmer these days which is something you still can’t quite wrap your head around. Giving his huge, manly, heavily tattooed beefy body that does not resemble a farmer’s whatsoever.
But there he was in the middle of the night, wearing absolutely nothing to hide any shred of dignity he had left. Holding a rake he got excited about buying in Target one time. Chasing foxes in the fields. Completely naked. It's a good job you don't have neighbours.
Sometimes you struggle to get signal on your phone which isn’t ideal, especially at a time like this. You’re in bed alone, your girl-friend’s and family taking up all the spare rooms the luxurious cottage-style house has to offer. It’s almost midnight. It’s the night before your wedding, a wedding that you and Kook managed to plan in just under eight months because you just want to be married already.
Tomorrow is the big day and the nerves have kicked in.
You’re really doing this. You’re really marrying Jeon Jungkook. Your best friend.
He proposed to you in the sandpit of your old preschool one night, the playground filled with rose petals and candles and he even rented an ice cream truck for affect which both your parents hid inside, secretly filming your reaction.
You can still remember the way he looked up at you so hopeful, with doe-eyes swimming with adoration and relief when you said yes. How could you say anything else? You love him. You love him more than you thought would ever be possible, and here you are, less than twenty four hours away from being the one thing Jungkook promised himself you would be thirty years ago.
Mrs Jeon.
The lack of phone signal is proving to be a real pain in the ass, you want to message Jungkook and make sure he still wants to go ahead with tomorrow. Despite the fact you already know he wants nothing less. You’re nervous, excited, a little overwhelmed and you can’t physically get comfortable in bed without him here. The sheets are drowning you without him being hellbent on stealing them. You sigh.
You just want to talk to your best friend one last time before he becomes your husband. He’s at his parents’ house for the night, the whole wedding party is going straight to the venue tomorrow morning at seven am to begin getting ready. Or should you say seven am today, because according to your phone it’s now 00:02AM.
“Rapunzel, Rapunzel!” You hear it before you see it, the sound of stones hitting your bedroom window a little too hard for your liking. “Let down your hair! Julieeeeet! Come down! Romeo is here! Princess Fiona?! Wait no maybe not her, would that make me donkey or shrek? I don't really wanna be shrek I'm way hotter...” You hear him mutter to himself and you snort in bed, throwing your head back into the pillows.
You’d recognise that voice anywhere.
You’re giggling like a school girl when you head over to the window, feigning annoyance when you open it and glare down at the huge grassy garden and the man standing in it. As expected, it’s your fiancé.
Jungkook laughs brightly when he catches sight of you folding your arms over your chest with raised brows. He's shuffling his weight awkwardly between his thick legs, extending his arm up to wave at you. It’s like something from a movie, your fiancé pelting stones at your window the night before your wedding in grey sweatpants and an oversized black t shirt.
He definitely snuck out to do this, the idea alone makes you chortle aloud. A thirty two year old man, sneaking out of his parents house essentially just to go home.
“What are you doing here?” You whisper, face already aching from smiling.
Jungkook’s clutching his hand to his chest now, offended, eyes narrow and tinted with mischief, “I live here?”
You nod slowly, glancing round at the near pitch black atmosphere surrounding him. “Do you have any idea what time it is?”
“Do you? I’ve tried calling you but your phones switched off—”
“No signal.” You offer an apologetic smile and low chuckle, he wanted to talk to you too? Apparently you’re more alike than you realise, “Why’d you try to call me?”
Kook shrugs, burying his fists into his pockets with the phoniest frown you've ever seen him wear, “I wanted to make sure those foxes didn’t come back and eat everybody, dangerous creatures foxes yknow—”
“Jungkook.” You try to warn him, but you look less than threatening in your silk white ‘Bride To Be’ pyjama short sets. The fact you’re giggling doesn’t go in your favour either, it’s obvious you’re not really mad that he’s here. You could never be mad at him, point proven by your childlike grin. “Why are you really here?”
He’s gazing up at the bedroom window with a fond smile, sparkly eyes and a tiny sigh of defeat. “Okay fine, I wanted to see you. Come on I need to show you something.”
“It’s midnight you know!” You snort, playfully rolling your eyes, “I can’t come out at this time, it’s the day before my wedding!”
“Yes you can!” He frantically nods, mirroring your joyful expression, “I did! Please? Climb down the drain pipe—”
“I am not climbing down the drain pipe.” You scoff, kicking your head back with genuine laughter. “I’ll use the front door like a normal person, but give me ten minutes I need to get changed first.”
“No you don’t need to get changed! Y/N wait—" He shouts, but you close the window with a sigh of disbelief and head over to your closet. He really is something else, and you have a whole lifetime of this shit ahead of you.
But you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Jungkook is mindlessly kicking stones under his feet when you step outside into the garden, thankful that nobody in the house seems to be awake right now. When his eyes find yours they light up with a smile that hasn’t even tugged the corners of his lips yet. He holds out his hand for you to take and you do, your own hand is a lot heavier than it used to be with the addition of your engagement ring. A custom made diamond ring he spent way too much money on, just to have sand from the sandpit you first met in melted into the white gold band.
Further proving that Jungkook is the most romantic person you’ve ever known.
“Where are your bride to be pyjamas?” He quirks a brow, tugging you along to his car in hurried steps after giving your new outfit of blue jeans and one of his hoodies a second look. “You looked cute in them.”
“I wasn’t going to sneak out in pyjamas. Where are we going?” You laugh, messily attempting to keep up his fast pace down the driveway.
“It’s not sneaking out, we’re in our thirties.” He snorts, “I’ve just had the same conversation with my mom you can’t physically sneak out when you’re thirty two. I’m an adult and I’m capable of making my own decisions.” You finally reach his car and he slows down, turning round to face you with an unreadable expression.
Your brows raise expectantly when you let go of his hand, “Kook where are we going? This is kidnapping.”
“You came willingly so don’t even try that.” He grins, stepping closer and taking your face between his inked hands, pulling you into a gentle kiss that makes you weak at the knees. “Come on I don’t want to get stuck in traffic.”
Glancing round at the empty road ahead you can’t help but giggle, jokingly shoving him away with one hand. “It’s so dark I can barely see. Who’s crazy enough to be driving round at this hour?”
“We are. Come on let’s go.”
He kisses you again, teeth nearly clinking against your own because you’re both smiling so damn much. There’s no doubt about it, you’re crazy over your best friend. And tomorrow you’re going to be his wife. Finally.
The car journey takes around twenty minutes, you note you’re heading further into the city from all the buildings and street lights you recognise. The atmosphere feels…familiar, in a way. You’d grown up in the city, as did Jungkook, so you both know the area pretty well. When the car comes to a stop you glance around again, surprised when you register your old ballet building, which just so happens to be Jungkook’s old Taekwondo building too.
“Why are we at the sport centre?” Your brow quirks as you step out of the car, smiling contently when Kook drapes a strong arm over your shoulder.
“You’ll see.” He chuckles mostly to himself, planting a chaste kiss to your temple as you walk up to the main entrance. “All this time and you still don’t trust me. Kinda hurts.” He jokes, shaking his head.
After playfully pushing him away you sigh, “Is it even open?”
“Check for yourself.” He grins, tattooed arms folded over his strong chest, gesturing for you to open the door with his chin.
“I’m not going in there!” You scoff when you point to the door handle, a wide open smile tugging your mouth, “Is this some kind of set up? You get me to set the alarm off and then I get arrested and you get to eat the wedding cake all to yourself and—”
“Oh my god,” He groans with eyes squeezed shut, not so successfully stifling a loud laugh. “You’re soooo dramatic, move out the way.” His hip bumps yours with some force, almost knocking you over when he pushes the entrance open.
Candles. Rose petals. Music.
“Kook… What is all this?” You whisper, curious gaze flickering down the hallway, following a perfect trail of romance into the main sports hall where you’d both taken many lessons as children.
He’s smiling down at you, watching the way your eyes light up in awe at his creation with a fond hum of approval. “I had to pull some strings but, I think it’ll be worth it. Come on.” He extends his arm, and you happily take it.
The two of you walk in comfortable silence, your head resting on his shoulder as you drink in your surroundings. When you make it to the main hall you’re even more blown away, the room glows golden in the candlelight. Not a single corner, or space has been missed. There are pillar candles everywhere, crimson red rose petals scattered on the floor and the faintest sound of love songs softly thicken the air. The centre of the room is completely empty in a perfect circle, and that’s exactly where Jungkook takes you.
“You know… I already said yes to your proposal, you don’t need to do it again.” You whisper, turning to kiss his bicep gently as you walk.
“I know…” He hums, once you’re centred in the room he adjusts himself until he’s standing in front of you, large palms loosely gripping the bend of your waist. Instinctively your arms drape around his shoulders and he chuckles. “But I wanted to have one selfish moment with you before tomorrow, everybody’s going to be there and fighting for your attention all day. I mean why wouldn’t they?” His grin widens when he begins to sway his body from left to right, “You’re amazing.”
“Jungkook...” You sigh, gnawing your lip to suppress the biggest smile humanly possible. “Tomorrow is our day, not just mine.” You sway with him, blood rushing to your cheeks when Jungkook shouts from out of nowhere, glancing behind you.
“Alexa! Play Can’t Help Falling In Love by Elvis Presley!”
The song you’ve picked out for your first dance tomorrow.
When the intro to the song plays he moves with more purpose, dipping his head to your cheek where he kisses it sweetly. “Tomorrow is about you Y/N, every day has always been about you… and now everybody else gets to celebrate you the way I always have.” He pulls back to look down at you, his doe-eyes swimming with adoration and sincerity. “And the way I always will, for the rest of my life. So for me this is our first dance, nobody else, just you and me.”
Your heart bursts inside your chest, head nuzzling into his neck to hide your glassy eyes. Meeting Jungkook was the best thing that ever happened to you, he’s not only your best friend but the love of your life. Every day you love him more and more, and he never fails to surprise you or sweep you off your feet.
“I love you Kook.” You sniffle, overcome with emotions.
“I love you too baby, so damn much.” His grip tightens as the two of you dance in the centre of the sports hall, when a sudden memory flash back comes to mind.
You peel away from him, peppering his sharp jawline with dainty kisses, whispering, “Wasn’t our first kiss in here? At your first Taekwondo tournament?”
At this he laughs, a genuine sound that’s like music to your ears, “Mmm. Except a certain somebody said it wasn’t a proper kiss.”
“You know what I mean...” You tut, jokingly rolling your eyes, “It wasn’t a real kiss and I stand by that. But it was the first time our mouths connected.”
“I still count that as our first kiss,” He hums with a soft smile, continuing to sway with you in his hold, “Since you ruined me for all other women that day.”
“Who's being dramatic now? We were nine.” You snort.
“And I was madly in love with you even then. Fuck, I wish I could go back and tell baby Jungkook that he’s actually going to marry you one day. I almost gave up hoping for it a few times yknow? But luckily for me I didn’t.” He kisses your temple.
“Mmm.” You agree, tip toeing until your nose ghosts his, “Lucky me too.” Your lips meet in a gentle yet open-mouthed kiss that oozes love and sheer joy, your shadows becoming one in the candlelight. “I can’t wait to marry you tomorrow.” You sigh.
At this he fully envelops you in his arms, squeezing you tight, “Me too. Speaking of, I have something else for you. For tomorrow.” He clicks his tongue to the roof of his mouth, finding the strength to let you go and dig deep into his pocket. “Here. Your something old.”
You’re giggling nervously, head cocked to one side when you realise what he’s showing you. The neon pink and orange friendship bracelet you made him in elementary school, the one he hasn’t taken off since that very day. You take it from his grip curiously, opening your mouth but not knowing the right thing to say.
“But you never take this off…?” You remind him with an amused puff of air from your nostrils, brows furrowed.
His grin is bright and knowing when he shakes his head, “I can't now.” And he lifts up his arm.
Tattooed pink and orange beads decorate his wrist in the space between his favourite black snake artwork on his arm and the ones dotted about on his hand. The bracelet looks freshly done, shiny and dark. Your jaw is on the ground, eyes wide and in disbelief.
“Kook… What… You’ve…” You’re truly at a loss for words, overwhelmed by the gesture of him permanently marking his body with something of yours. Despite the fact he has hundreds of tattoos and they’ve never phased you, this one feels different. Sentimental.
“When I’m old and dying and you’ve shipped me off to a retirement home because you’re finally done with my shit…” He chuckles, pulling you back into his embrace, cupping your cheek with one hand, “And I forget everything about my senile self, I never want to forget that sweet girl who made me that bracelet. From tomorrow you might be my wife, but you’ll never stop being my best friend first. Not to me.”
It's a good job he didn’t spring this onto you at the wedding because you’re a goner, tears cascading down your cheeks and these aren’t even his vows. He’s so romantic, the most genuine and sincere person you’ve ever known. And he’s yours.
“I-, You’re my best friend too Jungkook.” You giggle through the cries, snaking your arms around him when you squeeze him as though your life depended on it, burying your face to his chest.
“I was going to get your name but I figured you’d probably call me an idiot.” He snorts, reassuringly rubbing the spans of your back with a large palm.
You nod with a wide grin he can’t see, “Yeah, probably...”
This is it. The moment Jungkook has spent every day since he was three years old thinking about. He’s standing at the top of the alter with a small yet excited smile, dressed in an all-white suit, the fabric contrasting against his tan dewy skin. Almost everybody he’s ever loved is in the room with him, his parents, your mother, friends and other family members. They’re all here, save for you and your father who are due to arrive any minute now, ready to celebrate the event everybody but you knew was coming one day.
“You good?” His older brother and best man asks with a pat on his back and Kook turns to face him.
He nods once, smile growing, “I’m great.”
“Ladies and gentleman will you please stand for the bride.”
The announcement has nothing but ecstasy coursing Jungkook’s veins, his heart hammering inside his chest as it always does when he knows he’s about to see you. This is it. This is everything he’s ever wanted, everything he ever dreamed about and it’s all happening right now.
The bridesmaids and groomsmen come first, holding onto large lilac and white bouquets, all wearing the same teary-eyed smile and pale purple floor length dresses. Your coordination is impeccable he notes, though he expected nothing less. He knows most of the girls are ex-ballet dancer friends of yours and judging by the low, barely audible whistle his brother makes they look good. But honestly? He’s not even looking at them. He’s looking past them, waiting for what feels like a life time.
And then the double doors open, and Jungkook struggles to catch his breath.
“Are you ready?” Your dad asks you with puffy features, he’s been crying all morning much like the rest of your bridal party. You nod, blinking back your own tears that threaten to ruin your makeup.
“I’m ready.” You breathe out, closing your eyes.
Your dad links your arm, noting the bracelet you’re wearing isn’t exactly on theme for your aesthetically pleasing wedding. His brow quirks, smile growing, “Isn’t that the bracelet you made for Jungkook?”
“Something old.” You chuckle, and your father releases a sound that sounds like ‘ahhh’ right before the doors finally open, and all eyes are on you. But there’s only one pair you’re drawn to, the same big brown doe-eyes that hold your heart standing at the top of the alter.
Jungkook takes one look at you and starts sobbing, which almost sets you off as you slowly walk towards him. His sharp chin quivers when he sucks in a breath, his pierced lip tucked between his teeth but somehow he’s still smiling through it. He’s blinking through the tears, stare not faltering from yours, not even for a split second. He looks awestricken, mesmerised, so overwhelmed by emotions that you feel too. You know everyone is gazing at you, but you can’t physically look anywhere else but him. He looks so... Happy. Before you know it the walk is over and you’re standing in front of the love of your life, your dad having just peeled back your veil and given you away.
After the standard wedding speeches and legalities are over it’s time for vows, and you clear your throat having asked if you could go first. Knowing whatever your almost husband has to say is going to make you cry. It always does.
“Jungkook…” You sigh lovingly, looking up at him through long eyelashes, feeling lightheaded as you forgot how good he looks with his hair pushed back. His smile is closed but wide, sincere as he listens to what you’ve prepared with his hands closed together in front of him.
“If someone had told me three years ago that I’d be standing here marrying you today I would’ve simply rolled my eyes and added them to the long list of people who already said that. You were my best friend, you’ve always been my best friend and for a long time that’s all I wanted you to be. But the night you told me you loved me that all changed, I started to see you in a different light, started to admire you in ways I never expected to. To this day you never fail to surprise me, you constantly and consistently show me that true love is real, and that it’s ours. I fell in love with my best friend when I least expected it, and I fell hard.”
Kook stifles a laugh at the way you add weight to your words, his eyes sparkly and his smile broadening with each passing word. Everybody else chuckles along, but the sound is nothing more than white noise in your ears.
“I promise to always be your best friend. To be there for you, to be with you, and to love you for the rest of our lives. I promise to be patient with you, to never go to bed angry with you, to hold and comfort you and live my life unapologetically with you. I can’t put into words what you mean to me, I’ve known you for almost thirty years and in my own way I’ve loved you for every single one. But now, standing here in front of you on our wedding day, I promise to love you the same way you’ve always loved me, thank you for being so patient with me. It may have taken a while to realise—”
“Twenty seven years.” Jungkook mouths with a smirk and raised brows and you giggle.
“But I’m here now, and I’m so grateful for how things have worked out. I love you so much Jungkookie. I’m proud to be your wife.” The return of your childhood nickname for him wins a collective ‘awww’ from the crowd, and Kook’s eyes squeeze shut in feigned annoyance but he soon gets over it.
“Y/N.” He’s grinning, doe-eyes swimming in adoration and tears that threaten to cascade down his cheeks at any given moment. He clears his throat, nodding to himself a few times before he carries on.
“When I say I’ve loved you my whole life, I mean it. Not a single day has gone by where you haven’t been at the forefront of my mind. Even though I was three years old when we met, the second I saw you sitting in the sandpit wearing that pink dress with sunflowers on the skirt I knew you were the one. It sounds impossible but believe me when I say I have adored you since day one. You make me the best version of myself, you lift me up, you challenge me, you call me out on my bullshit-, shit sorry! No I mean just sorry!” He stutters, eyes wide with panic when he turns to the vicar standing between you. You laugh, as does everybody else and he cocks his head to a side swiftly, briefly closing his eyes with a nervous sigh.
“Where was I? Oh! You complete me. When I’m with you I’m in utopia, and I don’t know about you but utopia seems like a pretty good place to spend the rest of our lives to me. All I’ve ever wanted was to spend my life with you, you are my life. My home. The only place I ever want to be is by your side. I promise to support you, to care for you, to always agree with you even when you’re wrong.”
You can’t help but playfully roll your eyes, and you’re pretty sure you hear your dad snort from the seat closest to you.
“But most importantly I promise to keep loving you with everything I have, to keep surprising you, to fight for you, to share everything I have with you. I’ve chosen you every day for my entire life and I promise to keep choosing you, to honour that choice. You’re my best friend. All my favourite memories are shared with you and I promise to keep making more of them, to fill more photo albums and cover the staircase walls with more hideous pictures that don't match your decor.” He grins, “I love you so much Y/N. Thank you for always being there for me when I needed you, best friend or otherwise. Thank you for making me the happiest man on earth and saying I do.”
You’re crying, but your smile remains bright and wide, mirroring his own.
“Do you Y/N Y/L/N take Jeon Jungkook to be your lawful wedded husband?”
You nod, brows pinching slightly with excitement when he slides the ring on your finger. “I do.” You exhale.
“Do you, Jeon Jungkook take Y/N Y/L/N to be your lawfully wedding wife?”
The vicar is old and looks equal parts glad this is over and so utterly done with Jungkook’s shit right now, he did just swear in a place of worship you guess. You’re trying your absolute best not to laugh at the elder man’s attempt of hiding a scowl, but Kook doesn’t even seem to notice. He's only looking at you.
“I do.” He chews his lip, sighing contently when you slip the white gold band onto his finger.
“I now pronounce you… Husband, and wife. You may kiss the bride.”
And he does.
When the sea of loved ones quickly gather round the white dancefloor adorned with lilac strobe lights to watch your first dance later that evening, you and Jungkook share a knowing smile. Both of you melting beneath the others touch while you sway to the lyrics that resonate more with you today than they did yesterday.
You couldn’t help falling in love with him, but you did, and you wouldn’t have it any other way.
Kook hums contently, one hand on your waist the other holding yours close to his shoulder as you slow dance, “I love you so much Mrs Jeon.” He kisses your temple, keeping his head resting atop of your own with a proud closed smile.
“I love you too Mr Jeon.” You sigh, feeling the happiest you’ve ever felt in your whole entire life.
All because of your best friend.
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