#jung Hoseok fanfic
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Hungry for your love
Side Characters: Namjoon/doctor, Seokjin/doctor, Taehyung/Hybrid Tiger, Jungkook/Bunny Hybrid, Hoseok/assistant.
Warnings: Smut, mentions of blood, sharp objects, rut, beast behavior, yandere yoongi, possessive behavior.
Genre: Fantasy, hybrids au, smut.
SUMMARY》 Yoongi is a black mamba hybrid one of rarest species of hybrids, who’s about to be put down due to his lack of interest in living. But everything changes after the new medical assistance (y/n) takes a liking to him. Meeting after meeting he realise his feelings for her are not the only thing growing.
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I wanted to make sure any of my theories about what he heard before confronting him, knowing Hoseok his reaction could really surprise you. He would either be angry and mad maybe worry if you’re lucky or simply not care at all. At the same time I knew Hoseok, I didn’t. He was never one thing exactly but, had so many different sides it could take a hundred years to know him completely. And still you might not know all about him.
I didn’t have time to even begin to worry about what Hoseok might have heard while I was with Yoongi, on our way back to Yoongis room the security alert for red code started.
Just when I thought things couldn’t get more complicated.
I looked at Hoseok as he seemed to read my mind. We needed to get this done quickly.
By the time we rushed back to the second floor the entire clinic was in a commotion.
People running one way to the other, trying not to bump into each other as they walked in the corridor rushing their patients back to their rooms. Me and Hoseok made our ways to the source of the commotion after being called, my mind was trying to make out what it might have happened to start all of this. It didn’t took me any longer to find out.
I froze at the sight.
It wasn’t unusual to see such case happening in our clinic but, usually we always manage to put the patient to sleep before bringing them. I never liked to see them in such distress, I just couldn’t help but notice the things no one else seemed to, the tears under his eyes as he looked everywhere around him clearly scared from being in a different environment , blood on his lips and body shaking non stop. Marks under his ribs and arms forming a pattern you cold only see in a tiger but, different from the animal his looked almost like a scar, a fading brown color.
A tiger hybrid has just been admitted to our care. Although that shouldn’t be enough to start such fuss except, he must’ve been rescued or was in a dangerous environment before being taken here as he was trying to attack the staff in a defensive reaction.
From the looks of his behavior I could tell he felt threatened and was scared.
They had put the hybrid on a bed to bring him inside, his wrists and feet tied to ensure his own safety and our staff safety while they try to move him into a room to treat him.
Usually it wasn’t like this. Only rare cases happened in our clinic where the hybrid would be in so much distress that could make him agitated like this.
It’s not his fault, I know that. It just angers me to see it, how the ones at fault for making them react like that are usually humans, the things other people do to them hurts them to a point where they can’t see anything but darkness. To the point where they lose themselves and behave like complete animals, how they must feel guilty and lonely when finally coming back to their senses when they realized what they have done.
I watched as they brought him to a room, he kept moving trying to unleash himself from the ties groaning and roaring non stop, messy hair and naked torso full of injuries. He must’ve been in a fight before they brought him here, I wonder if maybe someone just did that to him.
A long sight left my lips as they closed the door behind me, fortunate for me they said the hybrid was in my care now.
They must have overestimated me.
I felt like I was in a dream the whole time. I don’t know when I got here, everything happened so fast. I simply followed everyone else as everything around felt like a long distant memory. As if I was underwater.
We where taking Yoongi back to his room when the alert started, we had to rush Yoongi back to his room to ensure his safety and go back to our floor as we where requested to assist with the situation.
Not long after I was told the new hybrid was in my care. Now I watched as two male doctors were trying their best to hold the tiger hybrid down to sedate him, but this kind was one of the strongest and hardest to work with when in a defensive mode. It took four people to put him on the bed and tie his arms and legs.
I could see how his yellow eyes were red from rage, I don’t know where he came from but one thing I was sure, he wasn’t safe there. I quickly shake my head trying my best not think about this. I needed to work fast.
Hoseok was beside me the entire time, one hand over my shoulder supporting me. He knew I hated when we had to be this way with the hybrids but, it was difficult to treat them if they are in this state. It could be dangerous for them and us.
The tiger kept yelling and moving trying to release himself, I quickly made my way towards him to figure out how we could do this without aggravating the situation.
- we can’t put the catheter on his veins if his like this - Hoseok said.
We truly can’t. From the looks of it he won’t be calming down soon and if we tried it could hurt him.
- you two hold him properly - I tell to the staff and Hoseok - I’ll do it manually.
Hoseok gave me a nod as he and the other staff tried their best to keep the hybrid from moving, I rushed to prepare the sedative. Taking a few breathes before I fill one syringe with the sedative, once I was done I made my way to the hybrid.
Hoseok was holding the hybrids arm for me to give him the sedative while one staff held the hybrids leg and the other his right shoulder, I quickly insert the sedative with the syringe on his shoulder. Once done I could feel both males leave a sight of relief as the hybrid slowly began to fall asleep.
We watched as the tiger hybrid calmed down, both the staff and Hoseok releasing him carefully and slowly.
A sight leaving my lips as well when I made eye contact with Hoseok, he gave me a small smile which I replied with one as well. But it was a mistake.
I should’ve know that.
I shouldn’t have left my guard down.
In a second the hybrid released his arm from the tie, i pushed Hoseok out his way as he aimed at him, getting in the way unfortunately for his claws to cut through my coat scratching my skin.
A groaned in pain holding my arm, my hand shaking from it as blood dropped on the white floor. The burning pain was almost unbearable, I had to bite my lip to hold a cry.
- Y/n! - Hoseok quickly rushed to me - are you okay?! You’re bleeding too much!
I look at the hybrid who now moved a bit slower as the sedative was still working, I used a small dose. To complete put him to sleep we would need someone else to do it manually.
- shit! Call Namjoon - I tell him, - quickly! The hybrid needs double dose of sedative!
- okay!
As Hoseok called Namjoon and the two staff went back to hold the hybrid down I made my way out of the room, the sedative I gave him would be enough to slow him down till Namjoon gets here and help with the situation. With my injured arm unfortunately I have to leave quickly. The smell of blood could only make things more difficult.
The hybrid being a predator smell of blood would bring his instincts to the surface, and all of us would be in deep trouble.
Once I was out the room one I rested my back on the wall, holding my arm with pressure to stop the bleeding, I couldn’t look at it I knew it would make me dizzy. I could give a patient some stitches but when it came to myself I was a mess at taking care of me, just looking at it made my vision blurry.
One of my female coworkers that was passing by rushed to me as soon as she realized the blood on my arm, a worried expression on her features.
- oh my, y/n! - she exclaimed.
- is okay - I assure her, although my arm was hurting like hell and the smell of blood was clear in the air - is just a scratch.
- just a scratch?! - she exclaimed indignantly - come with me I’ll give some stitches.
I fallowed her keeping the pressure over my arm, trying to stop the blood from coming. Feeling the warm red liquid run through my fingers, the smell of iron filling my nose was making me sick.
Just another day of work. I sight.
Namjoon won’t let this slide. I just know it.
Why did I told Hoseok to call him out of all people?
I know I can always count on him but, he never shuts up when I make mistakes or when I don’t take care of my self properly. Even though I’m an adult Namjoon still treats me like his little sister.
I just know he’ll lecture me later.
It wasn’t a deep cut, thanks to my coat so I didn’t had to get my arm stitched up but, I did had to get it treated and now half of my arm was covered in a white bandage. My coworker who helped me, kept telling me how lucky I was that it could’ve been worst. I only nodded and thanked her later after she was done, as much as I was the one getting treated the images of the hybrid in so much distress didn’t leave my mind, I still had to check up on the tiger hybrid and make sure he was well.
As I made my way out into the corridor that was my only thought, thankfully I was able to get treated at the same floor where the tiger hybrid was.
While I was being treated she told me I should go home and rest, working would only slower the recovery of my injury. But I just couldn’t find the will to do so and besides, right now it wasn’t that bad. At least I kept telling myself that.
Stoping in front of the tiger hybrids room i preyed Namjoon wouldn’t be there, I could take another scratch but not his nagging. I took one breath before opening the door only to find Hoseok and Namjoon stading in front of the hybrids bed, the tiger was asleep now thankfully.
Hoseok was the first to notice my presence, he look at me Incredulous. I just ignored his stare as I made my way inside.
- you should’ve gone home - he said, worry on his tired features as his eyes searched for my injury.
- yeah I heard that already - I smiled at him.
At the sound of my voice Namjoon turned to my direction, if Hoseok was incredulous he was more than that. But like Hoseok I also ignored his stare, noticing the papers he had in hands. I took a peek at them seeing the word tiger hybrid I quickly stole them from Namjoon.
I was right about them being the hybrids data information.
- seriously… - Namjoon said, a puff of air leaving his lips annoyed almost - you could’ve hurt yourself pretty badly, you can’t do manual work before it heals completely.
- aham… - I murmured, I knew this was coming but my patients health came first.
I kept that in mind as my eyes fallowed through every line on the paper I stole from him, trying my best to ignore Namjoons eyes over my figure. He was judging me. I know it. But for now I’ll let my patients data keep me busy.
Specie: Tiger hybrid. Male. Name: Taehyung.
Date of birth: unknown Code: RED Predator species
Rescued from an underground fighting club. No history of previous owners, hybrid was rescued after an anonymous call to the police. Stray hybrid. No data was found on the system, blood analysis will be taken to ensure any information about his previous location.
No more information about the hybrid on our data code.
So he was rescued. That confirms my assumption but, a fighting club? Was he in a fight before being brought here?
I could only wonder. My mind was racing with thoughts and possible scenarios, stomach doing flips at the thought of each.
He must have been so mistreated. No wonder he was behaving like that, he was afraid and probably in pain too.
- y/n?
- hum? - I look up, Namjoons voice bringing me back to reality.
- are you okay? - he asked, worry never looked good on his features. Apart from that he looked more tired then ever if someone needed rest it was him.
Right now, I didn’t have the correct answer to his question although I knew he only meant my injured arm. My mind was a misture of pain and confusion, I was worried about the hybrid and at the same time I was scared of him.
I didn’t want to bring more worry for Namjoon.
- yes… you worry too much about me.. - I brushed off, trying to distract myself from his eyes with the papers in my hand.
- of course I do - Namjoon said, a long sight leaving his lips as he gently held my arm - you mean a lot to me.
- sorry for giving you gray hair - I tell him, trying to change the atmosphere with a joke smiling at him.
He sighted but smiled back.
I looked back to the hybrid in front of me, he has a few injuries on his body, probably from being in a fight before being rescued.
- I’ll start treating him then - I said, giving one last smile to Namjoon.
Making my way to the balcony with the meds and bandages, I began to prepare everything I’ll need putting on the white gloves.
- will you be okay? - Namjoon asked behind me.
- yes, Hoseok will be here - I tell him, looking at him over my shoulder.
He nods giving me one last smile before leaving since he had his own schedule to fallow, Hoseok made his way towards me also putting on a pair of gloves helping me prepare the medicine and ointments to treat the hybrid. I try my best to ignore the burning sensation on my arm as I continue.
I procede to treat the hybrids injuries, starting from his face as Hoseok did his torso. One cut on his lip, on his check a few purple and yellowish marks on his ribs probably from getting punched. My heart weighed at the sight. The fact that so many hybrids would go through all of this just didn’t sit right with me.
Once I was done cleaning the cuts on his face, i began to help Hoseok with the injuries on his torso since he had so many there, after we are done Hoseok cleans up the dirty badges and cottons with blood. I throw my cloves away and take the hybrids form papers to schedule some exams and treatments for him.
Once we’re both done me and Hoseok walked out of the room making our way through the corridor as a few coworkers passed by.
- are you sure this is okay? - he said, pointing at my arm.
- oh my god - I laugh - you’re spending too much time with Namjoon, you’re starting to act like him.
- maybe if my friend didn’t make so many reckless decisions I wouldn’t have to - he said.
- I know but, someone has to do it - I tell him, he murmured.
We just walked through the corridor for a while in a comfortable silence, i didn’t where I was going now. Feeling Hoseoks presence after everything has calmed down I began to remember how he acted strange after i treated Yoongi. Did he perhaps truly heard us?
I was so distracted by my thoughts I didn’t even notice when he suddenly stopped, I turned back to him.
Did he?
- by the way are you going back to the snake hybrid? We didn’t get to finish his treatment after we left since… you know.
At the mention of Yoongi I sighted holding my forehead, of course I had to go back.
I was supposed to apply the medicine on his skin after we take him back to his room but, the tiger hybrid came and everyone was in alert, I was called over to get him since he was under my care and I had to rushed Yoongi back to his room.
If he wasn’t in that state I would have been able to take care of Yoongis injuries by now but, since he was very defensive and irritated I didn’t had the time.
- I have some time now so I think I’ll go treat him - I tell Hoseok.
- I’ll be busy now, will you be okay there without me? - he said, although he didn’t meant to I could see the way he looked at me. How his eyes shined.
- yes I’ll be fine.
I watched as he left after giving me one last smile, knowing how sneaky Hoseok was I’m sure he was hiding something. Maybe he did heard us. Maybe he did not. I could never guess what it could be without exposing me, I’ll forget about it for now.
We left so suddenly in the morning Yoongi must be so confused.
I looked at my arm one last time before pushing my coat down to cover the bandage, making my way towards the elevators.
When did things take such turn?
How did we end up like this?
My mind was a pool of confusion and feelings I have never felt before, it felt wrong of me to be so intimate with Yoongi. He wasn’t fully human, part of him maybe didn’t even know what he was doing. Maybe is just his heat.
Never once did it ever crossed my mind to have such feelings for a hybrid, it felt wrong to desire him like that. But at the same time, I wanted him.
I don’t know what to call this, his presence sends a burning desire through me like I’ve never felt before.
Maybe I’m just selfish?
I wish I could be with him but, we are completely different from one another. Or needs and views were completely opposites.
I took a deep breathe after stepping out of the elevators making my way through the corridor stoping at his door. I sighted before I opened the door to Yoongis room, my body being meet with the familiar warm temperature of his room. The light slowly turning back on like usual as I make my way towards him who was still laying over his bed, not moving even as I stoped in front of him.
I watched as his figure lay there calmly, hands under his head eyes close and lips slightly parted. His shirt was a mess open half way down, exposing his bellybutton and V line the scales on his hips shined a bit under the light now.
His exotic beauty was something I could never get used too, every day I find a little detail I haven’t before on him.
I catched his lips moving ever so slightly. Almost unnoticeable.
- I know your not sleeping - I tell him, I see the small smile on his lips as he opened his eyes.
Dark glossy eyes staring into mine. I wonder why the change in his eyes, could it be an allergy perhaps?
- you know me well - he said, voice low and raspy he must’ve just woke up from a nap - why don’t you joy me here?
His voice is laced with second intentions, an afrodisiac misture with poison. Instantly bringing a blush to my checks.
- sorry for leaving so suddenly early - I quickly changed the topic - there was a problem…. I was requeste to assist with the situation.
- I understand - he said.
I watched as he lazily smiled, eyes opening and closing slowly he licked his bottom lip before stretching his body, coming to a sitting position.
- oh… - he looked up at me, as if he just realized something.
In a second surprising me at how fast he took my hand in his to inspect it, the arm scratched by the tiger hybrid.
Yoongis demenor changed just as quick, he looked at it for a while before looking back at me.
- who did this to you? - eyebrows furred in a angry expression as he looked up to me.
I swallowed nervously. Why the fuss when it was just a scratch?
- it’s nothing…
- who? - he asked again, almost in a growl.
- one of my patients were a bit… in distress today - I tell him honestly, looking down at my feet - his fine now, I’m sorry…
I heard a heavy sight leave his lips before he stand up, still holding my hand.
- why are you apologizing when you’re the one who got hurt? - he said, more calm now.
- you seem angry at me… - I murmured, feeling my face warm up.
- not you… - he whispered lifting my hand up to his face as he left a small kiss over my fingers.
Eyes locked with mine as he caressed my hand with his thumb, he sighted looking at my arm again.
- I don’t care about your patients… you shouldn’t see who ever did this to you again.
- I can’t do that… - I tell him, feeling my heart beat through my entire body with warmth.
- already making me worry about you… - he murmured, a small pout forming on his lower lip.
- hey… I worry about you too - I chuckled.
- you do? - he looked up at me, dark eyes shining so bright under the lights as if his eyes held the entire universe in them. I nodded.
- that’s why I’m here, and by the way I still need to treat your skin.
I take my hand from his giving him a smile before turning around to make my way towards the small table close to his bed were the medicine was prepared earlier. A small silver container with the white ointment. I put on my cloves before taking the medicine and walking back to Yoongi.
- can you take off your shirt please - I ask him.
He nodded standing in front of me before taking his shirt, I watched him as he did so. The only visible injuries he had were on his back and shoulders.
- do you have any injury on your legs also? - I ask him.
- no… - he chuckled a bit taking off his shirt completely throwing over his bed - they stop at my hips.
I looked at him with hot checks. He meant his scales, he only had them till his hips. He seemed to know what I was thinking, a small smirk forming over his pink lips.
- okay… - I clear my throat - I’ll start with your back.
He just nodded as I made my way around him, stading behind him i began to carefully apply the medicine over his back, slowly starting from his left shoulder to his right. He had more scratches over them, carefully I applied the ointment over the mark on his spine fallowing down his ribs that looked pretty hurt.
The closer I got to his hips I notice he would moved slightly.
- does it hurt? - I asked him.
- no is… quiet nice - he murmured, looking at me from over his shoulder.
- oh… that’s okay then - I said, as I continued to apply the ointment.
No one said anything for a while, silence was beginning to grow thick enough to cut with a knife.
The scales on his hips seemed to be a sensitive spot, he kept moving every time I touched there. I wondered why. That was just another thing we didn’t know about him.
Once I was done I checked his back for a while making sure I didn’t miss any spot, making sure every cut and scratch was covered in ointment.
- you wanna feel them? - he suddenly said.
- what? - I was so caught up at his words I almost didn’t get its meaning.
My mind was running the engines, he had that effect over me. Taking me completely out of my mind.
- my scales… I bet you must be curious - he then said.
- I’m a bit but, I don’t want to make you uncomfortable - I tel him, ignoring the hot feeling rising up my face - I’m done with your back.
Turning around him I searched for any injury over his torso, he had one over his left shoulder. Coming closer I carefully apply the ointment over the small cut. Close enough to feel his body heat over mine, enough to see every little detail of his beautiful body.
- you don’t make me uncomfortable… - he said, his breath hitting my face.
I turned back to look at his eyes, face hot I swallowed nervously I’ve been feeling like this a lot lately. Nervous every time I was close to him, every time he looked at me like that.
My own eyes betraying me darting down to his lips, the memories from moments ago still clear in my mind. His touch left a mark at every part of my skin.
His taste still dancing over my lips.
I blinked taking my gloves off making my way to the small table, I put them over it clearing my throat. I took a deep breath trying my best to calm my nerves, not again. This is wrong, I know it happened once but I can’t keep doing this with him. I’m his doctor.
I sight turning around only to be meet with Yoongi centimeters way from me.
I gasped as he corned me against the table, both hands on my sides as he tilted his head slightly to the side scanning my face. I swallowed hard.
- are disgusted by me? - his question catched me completely out of guard.
- what?
- you heard me - he said. Still not moving an inch, caging me against the table.
- I don’t… - I nervously supported my body over the table with both hands behind me - I’m not disgusted by you Yoongi.
- then feel me… - he whispered, taking my right hand placing over his face.
My breath got stuck in my throat, carefully I caressed his check softly, fingers tracing the lines of his features his hand over mine guiding mine slowly down his jaw, to his neck touching the scales slightly. They were soft and warm like velvet, something completely out of this world.
He held my hand against his skin to slide it down over his chest, fingers brushing over his nipple as he moved my hand on his skin lips parting and eyes closing, he looked so dreamy. Moving my hand to his sides feeling the scales over his ribs and stoping at his hip.
Eyes closed he rested his forehead against mine.
- this is me… - he whispered over my lips, almost like he was in pain.
Was he self conscious about his appearance? Him out of everyone, but why?
- you’re beautiful - I breathless said, my selfish confession.
- you like this? - he whispered against my lips, eyes staring into mine. He meant him. Him as a hybrid.
I knew my next words would be the ones to define this. But at this point, what else was there to say? I couldn’t lie to him, with only a few days Yoongi manage to steal my mind away. I couldn’t stop thinking about him, worrying about him and craving him.
- I.. I do - I breathless told him. Body burning with want.
It was wrong.
- then don’t push me away y/n…
I’m his doctor. I’m here to save him.
- i want you too… just you - he whispered before holding me by the hips pushing me up to sit over the table as he stood between my legs.
Hands sliding up and down my thighs stoping at my hips, sliding under my shirt as he caressed my belly, finger tips dancing over my skin.
- you’re perfect… I need you - he said, voice laced with desire and poison, lips brushing lightly over mine I felt lightheaded at his touch.
I could stay like this forever, just with him slightly touching me. Teasing me till I lose myself completely. But the sound of the door clicking opening woke me up completely, I pushed yoongi away as I slide down the table turning back towards the door.
I clear my throat as I watched Namjoon making his way inside the room, he had a smile on his lips.
- hey, y/n - he said - are you done with his treatmeant?
- ah… yes - I said, making my way towards Namjoon stoping in front of him.
- that’s great then…. Monday we’ll introduce him to his partner - Namjoon said.
His words had a bitter feeling over me, a reminder that time was passing. Too fast.
It was supposed to be a month at least but, we are bearly over this month and the female snake hybrid was here already. In a week they would mate and she would be barring a new black mamba hybrid, just for them to take Yoongi down.
I must work faster.
- partner? - Yoongis voice brought me back, turning to him he had a confused expression eyes locked over my figure.
- You’ll soon be put into mating process - Namjoon answer, unaware of the hybrids confusion.
Yoongi stared at me in disbelief, I just kept quiet as Namjoon proceeded to tell Yoongi of the next procedures that will be taking action this week.
Too ashamed to even look at him. I bite into my lower lip.
- since you’ve been recovering well and showing sings of heat… - Namjoon proceeded - and lucky for you we found a good match, you’ll be able to meet her once your fully recovered.
- lucky me. - Yoongi spat, turning to put back his shirt.
Namjoon stared at me then Yoongi, confusion on his features. I just made a no sing to him, he mouthed a “is he not in a good mood” to which I answered “yeah”. He shook his head a knowing sing.
I looked back to Yoongi as he bottoms up his shirt, I could feel from here that he wasn’t happy at all with this. I just didn’t understand.
Most hybrids always felt so happy to finally be able to mate, I thought he would too.
- well I just came for this - Namjoon said - y/n Jin is asking for us.
- oh, of course I’ll come with you then - I tell him, making my way to leave with him.
I didn’t bother to turn around, I just couldn’t.
I couldn’t face Yoongi right now. One look into his deep dark eyes and it would be the end of me, this is for the best. He now has a chance to meet someone like him that will complete him, a chance to live after all of this.
There is no place for me in this.
Before I could walk through the door I feel a tug at the back of my coat, a sight leaves my lips and I look up to Namjoon.
- I’ll explain the mating process to Yoongi before I leave - I tell him, he looks behind me and then nods.
- I’ll wait for you at Jin’s office then - Namjoon replays leaving.
I close the door turning slowly to Yoongi who stands in front of me, I looked everywhere except him.
- mating process? - he spat - I thought I was clear…
- is a protocol… - I interrupted him, honestly I didn’t even know what I was saying at this point.
- protocol? - he chuckled bitterly - is that why you were so nice? Is this what I’m to you? A protocol?
He shout closing the distance completely between us, locking me against the wall with both his hands over the side of my head.
My breathing instantly becoming faster, heartbeat at the tip of my throat as I stared at his eyes dark orbs filled with rage.
- no, I just…. I … - I couldn’t find any words - I don’t have a choice… i…
I really don’t.
If he doesn’t do what they said, they’re going to put him down.
I didn’t even notice the tears forming under my eyes, at this point I didn’t know what else to say. Nothing can explain what we are doing to him, although my intentions were good after all that he went through and must have endured all this years, nothing I say can change his mind. I couldn’t feel anything. My whole body was shaking.
Fear. But not from him, from what is going to happen to him.
I became so attached to him in such a small period of time. I couldn’t take it if they put him down. That thought only brought a bitter taste to my mouth.
His face centimeters away from mine staring at me with so much hatred, softening slowly.
- I’m sorry… - I spoke. Bitting into my lower lip to stop the tears from coming..
He rested his forehead against mine, a sight leaving his lips.
- please… - he whispered - please, tell me you’re not one of them.
At his words I cried even more.
- I’m not… Yoongi - I said, hands closing into fists by my sides.
Mas stayed like that for a while, just in each other’s presence. He seemed to be in deep thought while I was simply trying not to cry my eyes out, being the center of his anger was a knife to my chest.
All I wanted was to keep him safe.
- I’ll try… for you - he said, hands falling from the wall to my face softly caressing it with his thumbs. - but I can’t promise anything.
With that he turned and walked back to his bed, sitting down as he stared at the floor.
I quickly cleaned the tears on my face before making my way out of his room with a heavy heart on my chest.
I took a deep breath before entering Jin’s office.
Namjoon sat over the chair in front of Jin’s table, they seemed to be in a fun conversation, as I entered they both share a laugh before noticing my presence.
Jin gives me smile and signal for me to take a sit at the second chair beside Namjoon. I try to give him my best smile, hiding my true feelings under it as I sit.
- well, I called you both here to discuss the next appointments for the week - Jin began explaining.
- yes, you mentioned the meting process to me as we where looking the exams of the female snake hybrid - Namjoon said.
- I thought it would be better if I start to observe the next procedures, today I have scheduled a lunch meal for Yoongi - Jin said - he will now have meals everyday just like a normal hybrid should.
- that’s good to hear - I tell him.
- thanks to you y/n - Jin said, eyes over mine - you’ll be in charge of it and I’ll participate, I want to be closer from now on.
- Namjoon mentioned they’ll meet soon - I said.
- yes, I scheduled it for Monday - Jin said - since Yoongi is showing great signs of recovery I think it would be nice to slowly introduce them.
- oh…
The mating process worked in two ways, on stage one the hybrids are introduced to a previous selected partner. Potential partners are selected according to their mating stages and recovery process, once is settled a meeting is scheduled for them.
If they accept each other as mates, they will be move to stage two. Where they will be able to proceed with their mating process, here at the clinic everything is prepared before hand so anything they might need for the process of mating, is done before any procedures begins.
- I would like to be with you y/n for the next procedures scheduled for Yoongi - Jin said - I want to make sure everything is going well with him.
- of course.
- I also scheduled a bath for him tomorrow morning, I saw in the exams his skin condition is not good - Jin said - we’ll take care of that before they mate.
- of course, Jin - I said - about the meals, do have an idea of how will start?
- yes, today we’ll introduce it to him - Jin answered - I selected a valence meal of fruits to begin, I don’t want anything happening to him.
- okay then.
Jin mentioned before how the clinic stopped bringing Yoongi meals, for months we would simply not eat it or throw it on the floor. It’s been months like that and he’s been getting vitamin shots to make up for it. But the sings are clear he was not in a good shape.
It only made me more worried about him, for now I’m happy he’s making the effort to eat. We’ll start slow. Small steps first. I’m sure he’ll be so much better from now on.
- well this was all, y/n and I will take his meal to him now - Jin said looking at Namjoon.
- I’ll continue with my schedule then Jin - he said.
We all got up from our seats, making our ways out to leave the office. Jin walked beside me as Namjoon fallowed us to the corridor, waiting for the elevator.
At one point as my eyes stared at the numbers coming up over the elevators, I thought it would be better to distance myself from Yoongi. Keeping our relationship professional while, especially now that Jin would be watching us is the perfect opportunity to do so.
Still the thought of not being able to be how I used to with him weighted my heart, I didn’t even know if wanted that as well.
It just didn’t feel good to me.
Jin’s presence as we walked to the kitchen to get Yoongis lunch was a good distraction. As my mind was still a mess from my discussion with Yoongi, the revelation of the mating process not making him so happy as I thought it would, to him losing his trust over me. I just tried my best not to show how much that affected me, even though I didn’t wanted, even though I shouldn’t care.
The way to the kitchen was filled with Jin’s silly dad jokes some were actually funny, some not so much and what really made it funny was his excruciating laugh through the corridors. I wished things would go back to how they used to, but at the same time I didn’t. I began to questions my reasons and thoughts, was I trying this hard for him? Or myself?
While we rushed back to deliver the lunch, I inspected the bowl I carry on the tray filled with all sorts of freshly cut fruits.
His meal would only consist in freash fruits from the beginning, since he is not used to eating full meals like a normal hybrid would, it should start by slowly introducing food again to him. Rushing this process could easily make him sick.
We made our way through the corridor to the sixth floor, not taking long after as we soon stop in front of the door to Yoongis room. Jin opened the door for me to walk in first, he closed behind him making his way in to stand beside me, the lights of the room slowly turning back on like usual.
My heart beating faster at the sight of Yoongi, not so long he looked at me like I was one of them. Those who hurted him.
I tried not to let it affect me as much, I couldn’t now that Jin was here. Still the effect Yoongi had on me was hard to hide.
He got up lazily into a sitting position, tired eyes looking into my figure confused before he lock them at seokjin.
His once tired features quickly changing into a hard expression.
- what is he doing here? - he said, emphasizing the he.
- don’t mind me here - Jin said - I’m just here to watch y/n.
Yoongi hissed staring at the floor, hands grabbing the sheets harder.
I looked at him surprised, I never once saw him hiss before. Him being a snake hybrid it was only natural he would do that but, It was almost cute if it wasn’t for his hard expression, like he was ready to take Jin down.
Memories from earlier this mornings ghosting my mind, I didn’t wanted a repeat from that. Now that Yoongi and I wasn’t on good terms like before, i don’t know if I would be able to calm him down, still I would have to try and at least stop him from focusing on Jin so much. I don’t know about their past but, Yoongi already doesn’t seem to like him that much.
I made my way to him calmly, sitting beside him still not so close to disturb him or cross any boundaries. His eyes looking up to mine instantly. I tried my best to give him a small smile putting the tray with food over my lap, despite our argument before i have to treat him like nothing happened.
I didn’t expect for him to sit closer to me though how confusion and unexpected he behaves was still a pinch into my heart, how he slowly and carefully moved closer suddenly, just like a snake would to it’s prey. He rested one arm behind me almost protective.
I genuinely thought he wouldn’t want to be closer to me anymore, not after he found out about the mating process. I felt guilt for hiding it from him for all this time, even more knowing what they intended to do after. He didn’t mean it. I’m sure he didn’t.
For now I just brushed off that thought, looking up from the food to him only to see how his eyes were glued at Jin. If looks could kill.
I don’t know their history but since his life was on the line, one step behind in his behavior in front of Jin could change the chances he had to not be put down.
- from now on you’ll be having lunch - I said cleaning my throat to get his attention - I’ll bring you some delicious food everyday.
At the sound of my voice he turned his gaze to me quickly head tilting slightly to the side, eyes going down at the food I held then up to me curiosity clear on his features.
- you remember the tangerines right? - I asked him, a small smile showing on his lips. - here are some as well as mangos and strawberries.
- have you tried them? - he said, I nodded.
- they are delicious - I tell him, taking a mango with the garf I hold it up for him to take it.
I honestly expecting him to eat it by himself, I didn’t made the inicial to feed him. Still he brought my hand towards his face taking a bite from the piece of mango on it, the juicy fruit spilling a bit from his lip down his chin.
He purposely groaned, closing his eyes as he swallows the mango. Like he just eat the best thing in the world. Dark glossy eyes locked in mine as slowly slide his hand off of mine, licking the juice from his lips he tilted his head to the side opening his mouth.
My checks burned hot. There’s no way he wasn’t doing this without the intention of it, Jin was watching this and I just wanted to put my head inside a whole out of embarrassment. Yoongi you little… a sight left my lips.
- is this revenge for ealier? - I whispered to him, noticing seokjin was walking around the room to inspect it . - embarrassing me in front of my boss?
- no… just… making sure he knows - he whispered back taking the one strawberry from the bowl he inspects it before biting into it.
- knows what? - i asked, getting only a smirk from him as he eat the strawberry.
- are you trying to build a nest? - Jin’s voice echoed from the other side as he looked over the room eyes stoping over the bed we sat on.
- why? - Yoongi spat, features changing at the sound of Jin’s voice to a bored one.
- is just… unusual to do so before meeting a potential partner since in your specie is done to impress your partner - Jin said stopping a few feet in front of us.
Now that Jin mentioned, Yoongi has been making this weird mess on his bed, I didn’t know it was a nest. How interesting, he stared making a nest over his bed ever since we started treating him. So that means his heat stared since then.
The male would make a nest to impress their potential partner to mate, how didn’t I saw this earlier?
“Why you don’t joy me here?”
I swallowed nervously at the thought. Was he trying to impress… me?
I looked from Jin to Yoongi, noticing the slight blush over his checks.
Now that is unusual.
- are you eager to meet your potential partner? - Seokjin asked. A smile over his lips.
I don’t know why this bitter feeling creep in my chest at the mention of his partner. I should be happy for him, yet I can’t. For now, I choose to ignore it. Close this bitter feeling down somewhere in my heart so it doesn’t bother me.
- soon you’ll be able to meet her - Jin continues - I’m so glad y/n is taking such good care of you, I’m sure you’ll give us great results.
Yoongi hissed again at Jin’s words, I looked at him surprised. Still not used to seeing him hiss like that. Trying to process this new behavior of his.
- what? - yoongi said, looking at me as he took another mango from the bowl.
- you hissed, again? - I said, still amazed.
- I’m a snake? - he said, as if it wasn’t anything special.
- you’ve never done that before though? - he blinked at me, not saying anything. - I’m sorry, I’m being noisy.
- you never deserved a hiss from me - he murmured, eating another fruit from the bowl.
- oh…
He chuckled taking a bite of the fruit on his hand, I watched as the juice wet his lips. Quickly brushing the not so pure thoughts from my mind.
It was nice to see him smile like that. My mind just seemed to move to dark places.
- y/n about his skin treatments, is he recovering well? - Jin asked.
- yes, he had his first bath today…. - I had to control my thoughts as I remember this morning events.
- I’ll prepare another bath for him tomorrow before his lunch then - Jin said making his way to the door - he needs to be ready for the meeting on Monday.
- yes, I’ll prepare him for it.
Two days before he meets the female snake hybrid. I know he said he would try but, I know he won’t have to. Once they meet both will mate instantly.
Jin made a sing for me to follow him, turned back to yoongi realizing he ate all the fruits. I smile at him taking the tray with the now empty bowl.
I know I have no right to feel this way about him, I’m just his doctor. I’m here to help him. And him having a mate to share his intimacy will be the best decision.
- good boy - I whispered to him, seeing how his checks turned red. I smiled before turning away to leave.
I can’t control my heart. I’m just as selfish.
Seokjin opened the door for me to leave first.
- are you doing anything tonight? - he asked, as I walked out the room.
- no why? - I turned to him as he exit, closing the door behind himself.
- wanna eat dinner with me? - he asked.
- sure, why not - I said - at your brothers restaurant?
- of course! is the best place to eat in the entire world.
- haha it sure is.
Jin’s brother owns a restaurant that serves the best bbq in the area. How could I refuse?
We walked quietly through the corridors till the elevators, Jin preses the bottom to go down and we wait till the elevator get over here.
- Yoongi seems very attached to you - Jin coments.
- yeah he’s been like that ever since we meet - I tell him, heat flow over my cheeks.
- that’s good to hear - he said - Yoongi… wasn’t always like this, I don’t know what happened to him but, I just hope he gets better.
- maybe he’s just tired… from being here for so long - I tell him - we all get lonely sometimes, he must feel trapped.
- I’m truly glad you’re the one helping him - he said - I know you’ll save him.
- is all I want. - tell him honestly, giving him a small smile.
All I want.
The sound of the elevator doors opening is what brings our attention back to our way, we entered quietly and leave it just as quietly.
All i want is him.
Weekends were the days we all worked half period, people who were in charge of hybrids with special needs would worked on weekends. Since Youngi’s bath was scheduled for this morning, I would work in the morning today and on Sunday in the afternoon. I honestly didn’t mind the extra work, hybrids with special needs cannot be left alone for longer then half a day.
Some needed special care and treatments as well as exams and such. No everybody worked on weekends. Depending on our schedules we would be separated into two teams, prey and predator hybrids. All the hybrids had their own unique and particular needs.
Last night was a very much needed hang out to loosen up all the tension and stress from this week events, we ate delicious food cooked by Jin’s brother and had a few drinks to end the night. I could finally relax after so much complicated situations at the clinic, it almost during seem real to me, how so many eventful days I was having at work.
From having to treat Yoongi the famous snake hybrid at the clinic for being an bitter with anyone who approached him, to treating a Bunny hybrid in heat which ended up by getting bitten by a snake hybrid. Not so short after I got scratched by a tiger hybrid, who’s now my patient. The fight with Yoongi for the mating process that the more I thought about it the more it didn’t make sense to me. Why wasn’t he happy about it? Why he kept coming to me?
Those were the only thoughts in my head as I got at the clinic earlier then usual this time, not because I had to but, I simply couldn’t go back to sleep as my mind was filled with thoughts about Yoongi. In this short period of time I also grew attached to him, I wanted to see him. I wanted to be with him one last time before I have to let him go. Before he leaves to mate with someone like him and realize I’m not the one for him.
I check myself in mirror on the staff bathroom before making my leave to check up on my schedule for this morning. I didn’t have much to do, mostly it was a few check ups on my patients and Yoongis bath and lunch today.
- y/n! You’re here - at the sound of my name being called I turned to see who it was, one of my coworkers rushed to me taking a few deep breath’s to calm down as he came running to see me.
- what is it? - I ask him worried, what could be the reason for such rush in the morning?
- yoongi… - he started, taken more breaths - he destroyed his room and he’s..
I didn’t let him finish rushing to the elevators.
Destroying his room? Just what happened last night while I was away?
I anxiously watched the number on the elevators coming up slowly, my heart beating faster I walked from side to side inside the elevator. Mind racing with thoughts, it could be anything from a small misunderstanding to him being hurt. What if he found out the truth?
One the elevator door opened at the sixth floor I rushed out of the elevators, running through the corridor to Yoongi’s room, from far away i could already hear the screams. But it wasn’t Yoongi who was screaming.
His door was completely opened and once I entered I was meet with Hoseok and two other male staff, nothing prepared me for what I was seeing certainly I didn’t expected to see Yoongi grabbing one of the male staff by the neck as Hoseok was trying to convince him to let man go.
- what happened here? - I said, loud and clear.
Hoseok finally sees me and rushed to me, worry filling his features and fear.
- I don’t know… y/n we were just following our routine this morning when we heard a loud noise - Hoseok explained - when I realized it was from Yoongis room I quickly came to check on him…. He trashed the whole room and when we tried to stop him he got one of the staff.
- oh god…. - I looked at yoongi.
His hair was a mess as well as his shirt, the entire room looked like a hurricane made a tour here. Covers ripped all over the place the bed was flipped over and the table broken on the other side of the room. He did all that but, why? Was it because our fight, did he somehow find out the truth about all of this?
I could see from here how his chest moved up and down as he breathed fast, anger clearly visible on his features and for the first time his eyes were not the pool of dark sky I was used to seeing but, a misture of grey and yellow his pupil was a thin line. Just like a snake.
He was hissing and I could see how he was ready to bite the man, fangs out to bite and insert his poison on him.
I had to do something. If he hurt this man things could turn really bad for Yoongi. I can’t let that happen not when Jin is willing to save him.
- yoongi…. Let him go - I slowly made my way towards him, stopping a few feet closer - Yoongi, listen to me.
At that he turned his attention to me, snake eyes glued on my figure now like he was hunting for a prey.
- I’m right here okay… let him go and come to me - I tell him, seeing how he seemed to slowly began to let the staff go, eyes going back to normal ever so slightly.
- y/n are you crazy? - Hoseok said beside me, holding my arm to pull me back - he’s not in his right mind he could-
- no I’ll - I interrupted him. But it was all too late.
I couldn’t finish my sentence as a scream filled the whole room, Yoongi sank his teeth on the staff shoulder. I gasped as I watched in horror, my heart sank at the sight. Seeing Yoongi like this was something I never wanted to happen. The man let an agonizing scream out, Yoongis grey eyes staring right into mine.
Everything became a blur, as if I was watching from a distance a story unfold. Hoseok shouting and running towards them as Yoongi let go of the man’s body a chance for Hoseok to quickly grab the man away from him.
I couldn’t hear anything.
Just stare at him. My body was frozen on the spot, how could I fix this?
What happened to him?
Yoongi only stood there, eyes looked over mine. Blood dripping down his lips.
A sight left my lips. Would I even be able to fix it this time?
- y/n! Quickly let’s leave! - Hoseok said, now closer to me he again grabbed my arm turning me away from Yoongi.
I honestly considered leaving like this.
But the hiss I heard behind me was a warning.
I can’t leave.
- you can go - I tell him, taking my arm from his hand. He looked at me incredibly.
- y/n….
- someone has to do it - I tell him - quickly your friend need s help fast.
He looked at me for a while, probably considering putting me over his shoulder and take me. Knowing Hoseok he was always over protective about me, part of me wanted to leave but I was the only one who could do something right now.
He looked at Yoongi behind me before a sight leave his lips and I watched as Hoseok left, closing the door completely this time. It took me a few moments before I turned back completely to Yoongi.
He stood there and as I took the first step to him he fell into his knees, I rushed to him lowering myself at his height. He didn’t look at me, eyes slowly turning back to is normal dark color. He brought his hand up to his mouth touching his lips, blood stain on his fingers he look at it before looking back at me.
Just like that I knew he was back. Something didn’t felt right about all of this.
- what happened? - he said, eyes shining as tears formed under his eyes.
- you don’t remember?
- I don’t… - he looked around as if completely lost - no…. Why….
- is okay… I’m here - I tell him, taking a cloth from my pocket I usually had it, to clean the blood out of his lips. - don’t worry okay, I’ll fix this.
He nodded and I continue to quietly clean the blood. If he didn’t remember what he did, the only things that came to my mind was that maybe he wasn’t even in control of his actions.
- I hurt someone again….
I sighted, I couldn’t change what happened today but if my assumption is right I can fix this.
- can you tell what you remember from last night?
- I had just taking my meds from Namjoon like usual…. Then I went back to sleep - he searched for my eyes, hand closing over mine holding the cloth.
Looking into his eyes now I was completely lost in this pool of night sky, relieved for him to finally be back to his senses. Just like the tiger hybrid yesterday Yoongi lost himself somewhere between the night, the only thing I could think of what it might possibly started all of this was the meds he was taking everyday. But i would have to make sure about them first.
- I need to make sure first…. - I said, trying to get up from the floor - I’ll have to talk with Jin first.
- please…- he said holding my hand, stoping me from moving- I’m sorry… don’t hate me y/n.
- I don’t hate you…. - I caressed his check, he rested his face on my hand eyes closing.
Deep down he was just someone who wanted to be loved and cared for, all this years he’s been locked up in here made him depressed and lonely. I know he wouldn’t do that out of nowhere, no hybrid hurts someone for no reason. I got up taking his hands in mine to help him get up as well.
- come with me, you need a bath - I tell him, small smile over my lips.
I’ll have to put his bath for earlier then it was scheduled, my mind was a mess mix it with tiredness and anger. I didn’t even bother to put the collar on Yoongi as I take him with me through the corridors, he fallowed me right behind close enough to let me know he was there holding the back of my coat. Like a child does with their parents.
No one was around at this hour so luckily no one bothered us.
Once we got there, I begin to prepare the water for him putting the medicine on the water to help treat his skin as well as some bubbles soap. It seems I won’t be able to fallow my schedule for today.
As I prepared everything, Yoongi stood there just watched. From time to time I would glance at him he seemed nervous almost, biting his lower lip and standing there. The sound of water filling the round tub was all we heard, no one daring to say anything. Once I notice the bath was ready i quickly separated a change of clothes for him a towel and a robe in case, putting everything neatly over the table beside the tub I checked if everything was fine before I turned to him.
- can I ask you a favor? - he nodded - I need you to stay here taking your bath while I talk with Jin outside, can you do that?
- yes….
- okay, I’ll be right back - I tell him, making my way out of the bathroom.
I closed the door of the bathroom resting my body on the wall, I took my phone out dialing Jin’s number. At this hour he should be coming to the clinic already, maybe it would take a while for him to pick up but luckily for me he pick up right away.
- hey y/n, what do you need? - he said cheerfully. I could hear the sound of door closing and the motor of the car staring in the back.
- I need to know what meds are you giving Yoongi? - I asked stray to the point, no more walking around the bush.
- what?
- just answer me.
Deep down I wanted to blame the meds, I just didn’t wanted to believe he would do something like that. Selfishly I hoped for it to be the reason, or else it could end badly for Yoongi.
- just the usual vitamins and some heat stimulants - he said.
Heat stimulants? We stopped giving the hybrids that for years now since it had major side effects on them, it completely ruined their natural heat and it could aggregate their instincts as well. If not managed well it could only damage the hormones structure of the hybrid.
- how much the dose? - I asked.
- we decided to start with one quarter why? - I almost wanted to punch him in the face for saying it.
That explains everything. Yoongi didn’t do it on purpose, the stimulants messed with his instincts and he probably didn’t even know.
- he’s been getting side effects from it, Jin you…. - I couldn’t even say it, i was so pissed at him. - he bite someone today!
- what but I thought…
- don’t you dare say that, I did my best and he did too you and I both know the side effects to apply such dose of stimulants on a hybrid could affect him negative.
- I’m sorry y/n… I was just fallowing orders… - he sighted - is the person okay?
- I think so, Hoseok was there at the time so he help the staff - I say, a sight leaving my lips.
- what about yoongi?
- he’s back, I’m taking care of him now - I tell him - I prepared a bath for him, we’ll clean him from the stimulants and stop with it from now on.
- yes you’re right, I’m almost there okay?
- okay, we’ll talk about it later then.
With that I turned off the call.
I was so angry at him now, how could he approved that? Knowing what it might cause, unless that’s what they intended to. Making Yoongi the bad guy just so they have a major reason to put him down, I was sick to my stomach. I won’t let that happen.
Sighting I entered the bathroom again.
Yoongi was already in the bathtub, arm resting over the edge cheek on palm of his hand as he looked ahead of him.
- hey… - I made my way back to him, getting his attention.
- this is nice - he said, playing with the bubbles on the water.
- yes it is - I tell him, taking a deep breath - I’m sorry, I didn’t know they were giving you stimulants.
- so that’s what it was? - he scoffs - as if I would need it.
He looked at me up and down as I walked towards him. I sat over the edge of the tub beside him, turning slightly to him so I could see him face to face.
- they thought you did - I say, tired smile on my lips - since is been years since you shown any signs of heat, they thought your weren’t going to get your heat.
- because they want me to mate - he chuckled bitterly - for a place that cares for hybrids you people sure know nothing about us.
- about you - I correct him, we don’t know a lot about him.
- how was your dinner? - I notice the mocking tone he said when he asked, not looking my way but the floor in front him.
- dinner? You heard that? - the conversation I had with Jin after leaving, he heard that? A blush rising up to my cheeks.
- hybrids ear - he said as if it was obvious, still not looking at me.
- why do you ask?
- that director guy… seems to like you - he murmured almost didn’t hear it.
Just what was this about?
- is that why you behaved like that when I brought your lunch with him? - I asked him.
- he… should know - he paused, playing with the bubbles over the bathtub.
- I don’t get it? You said it before but, what do you mean?
- that your mine - he said, this time turning towards me he lifted half his body over the bathtub to look at me in the eyes.
My breath got stuck in my throat. The drops of water sliding down his bare body looking like small diamonds, he smelled so good now body only a few centimeters away from mine.
- I’m… yeah I’m your doctor but-
- you’re driving me insane y/n - he sight, lifting himself up to get out of the bathtub.
I quickly turned to the side as he walked naked towards the table, taking the white robe to put on. My cheeks burned hot, I could hear the sound of cloth being shuffled and his fast breathing. I got up from the tub, standing there as I watched him back turned to me.
- sorry I just… - I didn’t even know what to say, was there anything to say at all?
- no, - he said, he waited a bit then turned making his way back to me he stopped only a few centimeters away from me.
His breath hitting my face, the wet drops of water sliding down his neck making his scales shine even brighter.
He held my white coat by the collar pushing me against him, sliding down my coat off my body, throwing on the floor.
- now you’re not my doctor… - he said, closing the distance between us completely - you’re mine…
- I can’t…. - I stop him by putting my hand over his chest - I feel like I’m taking advantage of you..
- then take it…. - he whispered, hand over mine on his chest. - take advantage of me….
I couldn’t stop myself from it, as he leaned down to kiss me so softly. One hand around my waist holding me against his hot body, the other sliding down over my side stoping at my hip scratching over my clothes sliding inside my shirt, i moaned against his lips to which he took advantage to slide his tongue against mine.
Fingers closing around his hair, giving in his touch I completely let go of any resistance I might have left. My head is pleasantly fuzzy, drunk on his lips and body begging for more. I gasp at the feeling of his hands slinging up my back under my shirt then down my ribs, he slightly scratched my skin with his short nails stoping at my hips holding me between his left leg guiding me dry hump his tight. He slide his lips agains my jaw till my ear leaving small bites and licks over my neck.
I moaned out his name grabbing the back of his hair tighter between my fingers, bringing his lips back to mine hungrily kissing him. Pushing him back as my hands carefully touched his neck sliding them against his chest, until we reach the table beside us. This time I was the one cornering him, the white robe did nothing to hide his body from my eyes, his pink nipples hard under the wet fabric. Feeling so high on the pleasurable feeling of hands on me, his wet tongue against mine.
I stoped needing to breathe, dark glossy eyes locked with mine. He looked so dreamy, all wet from the water body glued to the white robe that did nothing to hide his beautiful body and I was glad for it.
- you’re driving me crazy…. You always come see me with those innocent eyes - he whispered lowly against my lips, hands holding me tighter - smelling so good….
He slowly draws his nose against my jaw down my neck sucking harshly against it, a groan leaving my lips as he leaves a long lick over after.
- I’ve been holding myself every since I saw you for the first time… - he said breathlessly - your heat is driving me crazy y/n.
His words almost went through me, but I realized it quickly.
- my heat…?
He looked at me, eyes confused tilting his head to the side.
- you humans don’t know when you’re in heat? - he asked, genuinely confused.
- I mean…
I stoped myself as soon as I realized. He couldn’t be talking about what I thought he was, I didn’t know he could sense it too. I thought hybrids only knew when other hybrids were in heat.
Shit. He could sense when I was… ovulating?
- you can… sense it? - at that he chuckled.
- I might not have been active - he said, amusement dancing ove this dark orbs - but I can smell it from you, it’s like dripping sweat on your skin… your scent is so delicious.
- sorry I… - didn’t know what else to say. My cheeks burned hot.
- don’t apologize… I like it… - he murmured, hiding his face on my neck - I knew you were ready but I had to make sure, you’re so ready for me.
So this….
- so this is why…? - I murmured to myself.
- i don’t have heat y/n… - he held my checks with both hands - I take care of my mates heat. I can smell the arousal between your legs y/n let taste you….
With that he kissed me.
Evrything felt so overwhelming, I just couldn’t think straight anymore lost on the feeling of his lips over mine.
Our kiss was the seal to the mess we create.
Notes: here it is finally! I had some problems thanks to this app on writing this chapter so many times, I thought I was going crazy but is finally here! Sorry for any grammatical error! 😅😊💖💖
TAGLIST: @yoongiwantsme @effielumiere @glosstwn @danielle143 @confessionsofascientist @dragons-flare @shadowyjellyfishfest @savannahhsworld @crystallizedtime @fairywriter-oracle @rosquilleta @celticcountrygal @m4gg13-g @kpopmultistantrashsstuff @anaspectoflife @pandafuriosa60 @kimsonlyluv @slut-4-yourmom @itsskyvoltage @welcometomyworld13 @momnomnom @catlove83
856 notes · View notes
bteezxyewriter12 · 3 months
Be Mine
Pairing- Hobi x Named Reader
Word count- 4.6k
Includes- Fingering, oral, pussy eating, blow job, deepthroating, cum eating, marking, riding, missionary, multiple orgasms, fluff
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxminnie @yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana @tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa
@borntowalkaway @soulseobi05 @kpop-bambi @seokwoosmole @meowmeowminnie @realisticnotes @effielumiere @svnbangtansworld @pinkies-things @insomniacatiny @marvelfamily3000 @amyz78 @blueie-things
Masterlists- check out for more fics
📝Masterlists 📝BTS Masterlist 📝Hobi Masterlist
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Hobi POV
I stare at her
I can’t keep my eyes off her
She’s not even doing anything special, just sitting in my room at the dorm surfing the web
It’s just me and her here.
The guys went out to eat.
They asked me if I wanted to go and I did but I’m so far behind in writing my lyrics for our new songs that I decided to stay
She said she’d keep me company
So we’re in my room, me on my bed with my notebook and her at my computer
I can’t concentrate
I can never concentrate when she’s in the room
She’s unlike anyone I’ve ever met
She’s short and beautiful
Her black hair is long and her dark brown eyes always shine
She has a tattoo sleeve on her right arm and scattered tattoos on her left.
She also has double eyebrow rings on her right eyebrow, which I hate on everyone else but love on her
Her personality is nothing like I’ve see either.
She’s feisty and doesn’t take anyone’s shit.. She proved that the minute she walked into our photo shoot and was announced as our new makeup artist three years ago.
She came in looking tough and honestly scary.
That day Yoongi was in a bad mood.
When he made a snarky comment in English about BigHit being desperate that they hired an American makeup artist she snapped back.
“Really? I don’t see your qualifications to determine what makes a good makeup artist. From what I see BigHit did everything to make this job worth my while because of my skill. I left an amazing job on "The Walking Dead” to put make up on singers and rappers. And I don’t need lip from said rappers and singers on some thing they have no idea about. So how about you stick to rapping and let me handle my job?“
Then she started talking in Spanish.
To herself I guess.
All of us had our mouths hanging open in surprise.
Surprised that she had the guts to answer Yoongi back.
Usually no one says anything to us.
Yoongi looked just as surprised and pissed off.
I don’t know if he understood what she said.
I got parts of it but anyone can tell by the tone of her voice and her body language she was pissed.
"Look I really don’t care how famous you are. I don’t take shit from anyone and I don’t let people walk all over me. If you respect me, I’ll respect you ten times over and will bend over backwards for you or to help you. If you fuck with me, be prepared to get fucked back.”
“Well then, I promise not to fuck with you”, Namjoon said
She nods
“I was told to do Yoongi, Hoseok and Jungkook’s makeup?”
“Yea Yoongi’s the one who made the comment.”, Namjoon says
“Great I’ll start with him”, she smirks
Namjoon translated every thing she said and Yoongi paled.
After that none of us gave her a problem and were afraid to talk to her at first.
But after awhile Namjoon started talking to her since he spoke fluent English.
And she was friendly and nice
Turns out she meant what she said.
If we were nice and respected her she reciprocated ten times over.
Even Yoongi apologized and they were cool.
She became one of our best friends
She is tough but once you get to know her she’s very loving, caring, funny and sweet.
Just don’t get her angry because then there will be hell to pay.
And when she starts going off in Spanish, it’s best to steer clear
So I’m in love with her
I fell for her the second she walked into that photo shoot
So imagine my disbelief when I found out that she slept with Namjoon and Yoongi.
Apparently, as they say, because she didn’t tell me, they did, it was only a one night stand.
Namjoon was teaching her Korean since she moved here three years ago.
She wanted to learn and he really was the only one who could help her since he spoke English and Korean.
She picked it up quickly and studied a lot to become better.
She basically fluent in speaking it and getting better at reading it
Namjoon told me that it happened one night while he was quizzing her in Korean.
He just kissed her and it went from there
The same with Yoongi.
She was in his studio.
He wanted to play the song he was working on and get her opinion.
While she was leaning over him as he explained the song on the computer and looking at the screen,
Yoongi said he stood up and kissed her.
It wasn’t planned and neither was the sex.
It just happened.
All this happened the first year she was here and hasn’t happened since.
She didn’t sleep with any of the other members and she doesn’t have a boyfriend.
I just found this out a few weeks ago when Namjoon let it slip.
Of course I’m pissed off and jealous but she’s not my girlfriend.
She can do what she wants
I wonder why she never slept with me though.
We’ve been alone together a lot of times.
We’ve fallen asleep together and cuddled during movies.
I’ve held her hand, kissed her cheek and nothing, not even hinted she was interested.
And I can’t help but wonder if it’s something about me.
Is something wrong with me?
Or does she just not want me?
These are the thoughts in my head as I watch her
She giggles at something on the computer
I love her laugh.
I can listen to it all day
She catches my gaze and smiles at me
“You ok Hobi? Having trouble?”
“Uh, yea a little.”, I answer, looking away embarrassed at getting caught looking at her
“You want help?”
“No, I’m good thanks”
“Ok. Let me know if you want any help though”, she says
“I will”
She turns her attention back to the computer
I want her.
I’m not gonna lie.
I thought about what sex would be like with her a million times
I love her but I know she doesn’t love me.
Not like how I love her
But if the only thing I can ever get is one night with her, then I want it.
So I decide to go for it
“Uh Jo?”, I ask
Yeah Hobi?”, she turns her attention to me
“Would you uh, I mean do you..”, I stammer
I can’t do this
“What Hobi?”
“Uh nevermind”, I mutter
“C'mon Hobi. Tell me, you can tell me anything”, she urges
I look down at the floor
“Do you uh want to have sex with me?”
I should of known.
I shouldn’t of ever asked
“Neverm-”, I start to say right as she said, “Yes”
“Wait what?”, I asked surprised
“Yes Hobi. I want to”, she says blushing
“You do?”
I’m totally caught off guard
“Yes. I’ve wanted to for awhile”, she answers turning redder
She nods
I can’t help it, I smile at her.
She wants me.
I’ve never been more happy.
She gives me a small smile then comes over where I am on my bed.
She climbs on my lap, one leg on each side of me, straddling me, my hands going to her waist
Holy shit
This is really happening.
She looks at me and smiles, reaching up and touching my cheek, looking in my eyes
I stare at hers, drowning in the beautiful brown of her eyes
Her hand goes in to my hair and she runs her fingers through it a few times
I close my eyes and shiver from her touch.
When I open them, I see her watching me
Then she leans in closer and presses her lips to mine.
The second they touch mine, heat runs though my body and stars explode in my vision.
I’ve never felt this way when being kissed.
By anyone
I pull her closer to me and deepen the kiss.
She opens her mouth for me and I slide my tongue in, caressing hers
Fuck she taste sweet
She kisses me harder, her tongue sliding on mine, her hands flying up to my hair.
I groan when she tugs on my hair
“Hobi”, she moans, making me harder than I was before.
“Hobi, I want you now”, she whispers
I want her now too
My hands grab the hem of her shirt and I pull it over her head, my lips reattaching to hers the second the fabric is over her head.
My hands start touching her all over
She grabs my shirt and takes it of me while I unclasp her bra, taking it off.
I turn and roll so she’s on the bed on her back.
Sitting up, I finally look at her
Fuck, her body is so sexy
I see things I never knew she had and just stare.
She has her belly pierced which is such a turn on.
She also has a tattoo on her side that I’ve never seen.
It's large and takes up her entire right side of her torso and ribs.
I run my hand down it and she trembles at my touch
She has huge breasts, that are perfectly circular and her nipples are hard.
And both of them are pierced
That’s hot
I look at her and see the that she’s looking at me and my body the same way I’m looking at her.
I like that she’s looking at me like that.
It’s nice to have someone do that
To everyone else, I’m the funny, adorable sunshine J-Hope.
I’m almost never called hot or sexy as much as Jungkook, Tae, Jimin and Yoongi are.
I’m cute and adorable, not hot or sexy
But the way she's looking at me, like I’m the sexiest thing in the world, makes me happy.
She reaches up and touches my abs and then chest muscles that I happen to have now.
I’m glad I can be with her before they inevitably go away.
It’s hard to keep abs on my body
“You’re so fucking hot”, she whispers
“I have abs now”, I reply
She gives me a weird look then sits up
“Hobi..I don’t care about abs, if you have them or not”, she says
“You don’t?”
“No Hobi. Having abs doesn’t make you hot. The way you are, you’re personality, how funny you are, how sweet and caring and lovable, those things make you hot. The fact that you’re beautiful and have an amazing body, abs or not, is just a bonus.”, she explains
“I..I….”, I stutter
I can’t believe she’s saying this.
She’s the best girl I’ve ever known
“Anyone who cares about abs or looks is superficial and doesn’t deserve you. You have the best personality and that’s why I fell in love with you, not because of stupid abs.”, she says
I nod, freezing, realizing what she just said
She’s in love with me?
She feels the same?
Is this a joke?
Cuz it’s too good to be true
“You….You’re in love with me?”, I whisper
Her eyes widened, like she just realized what she said
“I..uh…I”, she stutters looking around
Then she sighs and mumbles, “Fuck it”
She looks back at me and says, “Yes Hoseok, I’m in love with you. I have been for the past two years”
I’m completely shocked and elated that she said this
“I know you don’t feel the same, and I was never going to tell you-”, she starts
“You’re wrong”, I tell her
“What?”, she asks confused
“You’re wrong. I do feel the same. I’m in love with you too. I have been since the second you walked in the photo shoot and told Yoongi off, three years ago.”, I confess
“Are you being serious? This isn’t a jokeright?”, she asks worried, “Because if it is it’s really not funny”
“No Jo. It’s not a joke. I love you”, I tell her
I can’t believe this is happening.
I’m getting the girl of my dreams.
If I ask her that is
“So does this mean you can be mine?”, I ask suddenly shy
“Yes Hobi. I want that very much”, she smiles
I feel my face break out in to a smile
I grab her and kiss her like I’m never going to let her go
Because I’m not
She kisses me back just as fiercely
I break the kiss and kiss down her neck to her collarbone, then to her shoulders.
She’s finally mine.
I’m so happy
I gently push her back so she’s laying down again
“I want to make my girl feel good”, I whisper to her
“Hobi”, she sighs
“Shhh Baby. I want to. Will you let me?”
She nods.
I’ve never felt like this with sex before.
I honestly don’t care about me or even if I cum tonight.
I just want to make her feel good and make her cum over and over
However I can
With every other person I just wanted to orgasm and then that was it.
Yeah I made sure they did too, I’m not an asshole.
I think I’ve only gone down on one girl.
But I can’t wait to do it to her
I want to make her shake and moan and scream in pleasure.
I want to watch her cum over and over.
I want to feel it.
And if I do, great.
But it’s not a priority this time
I pull at her shorts and slowly take them off.
She’s wearing some lacy panties thing that doesn’t cover anything and instead of taking it off, I just rip it off her body
“Fuck Hobi, that’s so hot”
I smirk at her, then open her legs.
I look down at her and see she’s so wet.
It’s one of the best sights I’ve seen in my life
“Baby is that for me?”, I ask
She nods
“Do I make you this wet?”
She nods again
I touch her and she jumps
“It’s ok baby relax”, I say
Slowly I push two of my fingers in her pussy and she moans.
Fuck, she feels so goddamn tight.
I start to move my fingers in and out and she groans
God I love the sounds she’s making
After a few minutes I take my fingers out and move them to her clit.
I start rubbing and massaging her and she yells out in pleasure.
I keep touching her until she starts shaking
“Are you going to cum baby?”
She nods
“Good girl”
She shouts out as she cums
I watch her pussy as she does, watching her cum soak my sheets.
Holy shit.
I’ve never be so turned on so much.
And my first thought is: I want it in my mouth
So I lean down and lick her cum off her
It tastes so good, so sweet and I want more.
I move her to the edge of the bed, then I kneel on the floor
“Hobi”, she says
“Shh. I want to lick you.”
“Hobi”, she says again as I lick her from the bottom of her pussy to her clit
“Fuck”, she screams
I move my tongue all around her, swirling around, up and down.
I flick her clit with the tip of my tongue and she screams so loudly
So that’s where she likes it most.
I put my mouth around it and suck
“Ahhhh”, she yells
Is that where you like it baby?”
“Yeah Hobi, fuck right there, don’t stop”, she whines
“Ok I won’t baby”
Then I suck her clit hard and she cries out
“God Hoseok!”
I keep playing with her clit in my mouth and she gets louder and louder
“I want you to cum”, I tell her, “Can you do that for me?”
“Yes fuck yes Hobi”
I lick her rapidly and I feel her getting closer
I hit the spot she likes on her clit and she screams, “Hoseok!”
She cums in my mouth and I can’t get enough of it.
I swallow it and go back to lick more.
I’ll never get tired of the taste of her
She’s screaming, “More Hobi, more, don’t stop, please don’t stop. More”, as she slides her hand into my hair and pulls
Fuck I love when she pulls my hair.
She wants more and I give it to her.
She cums again, then again and then a fourth time.
And each time I lick up her cum like it’s candy.
Because to me it is
She relaxes a little but I want more
“I want more baby. Please, I gave you more, can I have more?”
“Mm..mm..more what Hobi?”
“More of you’re cum.
It tastes so good and I want it in my mouth”
“Fuck Hobi, that’s fucking hot” she moans
“Can I have more?”, I ask again
I’m not asking to be hot, I really want more
“You can have as much as you want baby”, she replies
I look up at her and she’s smirking
Two can play that
“Good because I want a lot”
Then I go back to licking and sucking.
I get her to cum two more times and I’m working on the third time, when I get an idea of something I want to try as she cums
I hear her moaning louder and louder and I know she’s about to go.
Right before she does, I slide my tongue inside her pussy and move it around
“Hoseok” she screams and this time her cum soaks my tongue as her pussy clenches and pulls it
I moan at the taste and sensation.
I only take my tongue out when she relaxes and lets go of it
“Fuck Hobi, that was…fuck..”, she says
I smile at her
“You’re amazing with your tongue baby”
“Thanks. I’ve only done that once so its nice to hear I’m good at it”
“No shit only once? You’re like a pro”, she praises
“Yeah well I didn’t like doing it so I stopped quickly”
“Oh Hobi. If you don’t like doing it then you really don’t have to”, she says looking concerned
“No Jo. I didn’t like doing it to her. I love doing it to you. I can eat you out all day”, I smirk
“Are you sure?”, she asks looking doubtful
Positive. Why would I beg you for more if I didn’t like it?”
“I guess”
“I promise you Jo, I love doing it to you.
"Ok Hobi.”
She smirks at me
Then she tackles me and pins me under her.
She kissed my neck and I moan from how good it feels.
I can never get enough of her kisses
“Now I’m gonna make you feel good”, she says
“You don’t-”, I start but she puts her fingers on my lips
“No Hobi. I want my boyfriend to be satisfied. What kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn’t?”
Her boyfriend.
That’s me.
I’m her boyfriend.
I’m still in awe of that.
That she’s mine and I’m hers
She leans down and kisses me, her tongue in my mouth.
I moan and as she pulls away she grabs my bottom lip with her teeth and gently bites
That’s amazing
“I like to bite Hobi. Is that ok?”
“Yes, yes!” I moan so turned on, “You can bite me anywhere”
She kisses my body, gently nibbling on me but when she gets to my bicep she bites down harder and I groan in pleasure
It doesn’t hurt, it feels good
She continues kissing me down my body, her hands pulling at my pants.
She sits up and in one motion pulls my boxers and pants off
“Fuck Hobi”
“What?”, I ask, leaning up and seeing her stare at my dick
“You’re so big. Bigger than anyone I’ve been with”
For some reason that makes me really happy.
She’s still staring at it, while she licks her lips absentmindedly.
I almost cum from watching that and I know some pre-cum probably came out.
She doesn’t even have to touch me to get me to orgasm
It amazes me how my body responds to her.
And how hers responds to me.
I watch as she leans over and licks me from the base to the tip.
She wraps her mouth over my cock and she sucks hard
“Shit”, I cry out
She starts moving her head fast, sucking and licking at the same time.
She moves up and massages the underside of my head with her tongue
“God that feels amazing baby!”, I yell
Then I watch as she leans all the way down and takes my full length in her mouth, deep throating me
Holy shit
That’s fucking amazing.
She sucks and I feel my cock all the way in her throat.
I’m very surprised that she doesn’t gag, she just keeps on sucking.
She lets go and looks at me
“Fuck my mouth Hobi”
“Fuck my mouth. I want you to fuck me hard as you can. I want to feel your cock slide in and out of my throat.”
“I..uh..I”, I say incoherently, so fucking turned on
“Please?”, she asks and I nod
She takes me half way in her mouth and waits.
I snap my hips up and I feel my dick hit the back of her throat and go down a little farther
“Fuck!”, I shout as she moans
I start moving, in and out of her throat and it feels incredible.
She’s moaning while I do it.
I slide my hand to touch her pussy and feel that she’s all wet again.
Holy shit she likes this.
My other hand grabs her hair and wraps it in a ponytail around my hand and I can’t help but pull everytime I move
I feel her sucking as I move and before I know it I’m screaming her name, coming down her throat.
I feel her swallowing and it pulls on my cock, making me cum more.
I collapse when I’m done and she sits up.
“Damn Hobi”, she says, “You taste really good baby.”
I look at her and smile
She smiles, then looks down and says, “You’re still hard”
She climbs on top of me, hovering above me.
I feel her wetness slide down on my cock and I get turned on again.
I could have sex with her all day
“You want it Hobi?”
“Yes, baby, I want it”, I answer
She slides down onto my cock, so fucking tight and I groan as she does.
Then she starts bouncing hard and I yell out.
She tightens her pussy around me as she moves and the pleasure increase
God she knows how to work me.
I grab her hips and slam her down on me, going in so deep.
She cries out, throwing her head back and her body arching towards me.
I sit up a bit and I kiss her stomach, sucking on the skin and making a hickey on her
“Yea Hobi, mark me up, so everyone knows I’m yours”, she moans
I give her a few more hickeys on her stomach, her moaning for each one.
I lie back down and thrust my hips up so that we both meet when she’s coming down.
We both yell out and go faster
“Fuck baby you’re pussy takes my cock so well”, I shout
“Yeah baby, your cock belongs in me. Just yours and only yours”, she whines
“Yeah this is my pussy, mine to fuck, my to eat”, I growl
“Fuck Hobi!”
“Cum on my cock baby. I want to feel you pull on my cock like you did on my tongue”
She listens and as soon as I finish talking she cums on me, pussy tightening and squeezing as she screams my name
I keep slamming her on me, yelling, “Scream my name louder baby. I wanna hear you scream louder!”
“HOSEOK! HOSEOK!”, she shouts and she cums again
I slide out and roll her over on her back.
I grab legs and open them wide pounding back into her.
My bed hits the wall over and over as I ram my cock deep inside her.
I want her to cum again.
I love feeling the way her pussy grabs my cock and doesn’t let go.
I hear the door to downstairs open.
The guys must be back but we’re too far gone to care.
I slam her and shout, “Who fucks you this good?”
“You, Hobi, you!”, she screams
“Seriously?”, I hear someone downstairs
I keep fucking her as I lean down and suck on her skin leaving marks on her neck, her breasts, her shoulders, her chest, so everyone knows she’s mine.
Just like she wants me to.
I suck on her nipple and I feel her clench me.
I get back up, still ramming her hard, feeling her getting ready
“Scream baby, let everyone know who makes you feel this good, who makes you cum this hard”
“Hobi!”, she screams and I feel her cum
“Louder!”, I command
“HOSEOK, fuck, yes, HOSEOK”
I look down and as I’m moving in and out of her, I see my cock covered with her cum.
It’s so fucking hot to see
“Who is he with?”, someone else asks
“We’re not done baby”, I tell her
“Yes Hoseok, yes more! More! I want more baby!”, she yells
I put her legs on my shoulders and I get up on my knees.
From this angle I can hit her deeper.
I slam my cock deep in her pussy and she screams for more
“Harder Hoseok. Fuck me harder, don’t stop!”, she screams at the top of her lungs
“Whoever it is, he’s giving it to her good”
I move harder into her and she’s just screaming incoherently in ecstasy
I hit a spot and she shouts, “Fuck right there Hobi. Right there. Yes, fuck yes, don’t stop.”
I slam that spot again
“Right there baby?”
“Yes! YES!”
“He’s going to break his bed with all that banging”
“Is that going to make you cum again?”, I ask her
“But you came so many times today baby. You want to again?”
“Yes Hobi please! Make me cum again”, she cries loudly
“Ok baby.”
I pound her spot over and over waiting for her to explode
“Be a good girl and cum for me”, I yell
“Yes Hobi yes!”, she screams and cums again this time her clenching and pulling making me cum in her
I scream her name as her pussy sucks the cum from my cock, deep inside her
“Baby! Joanne! Fuck! God! JOANNE!”, I scream in pleasure
“Joanne? Oh my god he’s with Joanne!”, someone shrieks
When we both finish and I fall on the bed beside her.
She reaches for me and I go over laying on her chest.
Her arms wrap around me, and she strokes my hair
“They stopped. Did he really have sex with Joanne?”
I roll my eyes and shout, “Do you mind if I have fun with my girlfriend?”
She laughs
“Girlfriend? What? When is she you’re girlfriend?”
“Today!”, she yells, “Hobi’s mine and I’m his so get used to hearing us!”
She keeps playing with my hair and I start to fall asleep.
“I love you Hobi”, she says
“I love you Jo”
I lift my head and give her a soft gentle kiss
“Night baby”
I lay back down and fall asleep in my love’s arms
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ysljoon · 2 months
Too High | MYG, JHS
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♡pairing: dealer!min yoongi x reader x fwb!jung hoseok
♡wc: 1.7k
♡genre: angst, non-idol au
♡warnings: oc is lowkey toxic (sorry yall), mentions of drug use and smoking, oc has the nickname Peach
♡summary: you haven't moved on from your ex, can someone else pick up the pieces for you or are you going to keep yourself in the cycle of the failed relationship?
MINORS DNI (have your age in your bio or you're getting blocked)
You watched as the rain pattered against your window and the gray clouds rolled through the sky. You sighed, rechecking your phone to see if Yoongi replied to your message. As you swiped to the text thread between you two you heard two hard knocks against your door. Of course, he would be here without even replying to your message. You sauntered to the door and opened it without even looking, “You know it would be nice if you responded before just showing up.” You sighed as Yoongi slipped through the entryway and kicked off his shoes. “Also don’t get comfortable. Hobi is coming over later so I would like you out before he’s here.” He huffed as he dug through his bag to grab out the reason he even came here. 
“You act like that information is supposed to make me care. Anyways, here's your quarter bag Peach.” You grabbed the bag from the countertop and observed it to make sure he didn’t skimp out on you. “Relax, you know I never shortchange you Y/N. I actually gave you extra this time.” You raised an eyebrow in his direction. He started to grab things out of his backpack. From what you can see it looks like a grinder, some wraps, and a rolling tray. “Yoongi just because you’re my plug doesn’t mean you get to smoke here whenever you please” He rolled his eyes and sat down on the couch. His fingers started to diligently work at breaking down the weed to place it in the grinder. “I just bought some of my own so we can smoke a little. Consider it a dealer’s treat.” He sent you a smirk your way and you just scoffed. You weren’t one to say no to free weed.
The light that illuminated the room came from a single standing lamp that sat in the corner of your living room. There was a haze of smoke through the air as you guys were halfway through the blunt. Yoongi’s signature playlist was playing lowly in the background to fill the silence between you two. You stared at the ceiling, your brain swimming with thoughts of what it could’ve been if he didn’t break up with you. There’s still a sense of yearning that crawls its way out of the depths of your heart from time to time. It’s been a year since that breakup, but the feelings for Yoongi haven’t gone away, they’ve just settled on the back burner. You tilted your head and your lidded eyes met his and he gave a soft smile, but had nothing to say. You wonder if he’s thinking about the same things as you. You want to ask him so badly, but do you really want to know the answer? 
The doorknob started to jiggle and the clinking of keys alerted you that Hobi was about to enter your apartment and the realization cleared your high only slightly because Yoongi was still here. You don’t even know how much time has passed and you curse yourself internally for letting the time slip away from you so easily. Everything with Yoongi is so easy despite the slight rift between you two.
Hobi walks through the door and observes the scene in front of him. You’re sitting on the couch in one of his hoodies and a pair of shorts (they’re one of his favorite pairs too, but that’s neither here nor there). Yoongi is next to you on the couch, but there’s enough distance between the two of you that it’s respectable. Hoseok still doesn’t even like the fact that Yoongi comes over to your apartment when he’s not there. He trusts you, but he doesn’t trust Yoongi. 
You lazily walk your way up to him and greet him with a tight hug and kiss on his cheek. As you hugged him he couldn’t help himself from staring down Yoongi. A way of silently telling him what he lost the day he broke up with you. Yoongi rolled his eyes and prodded his tongue on the inside of his tongue in annoyance. Whatever show of dominance Hoseok was trying to show was contemptible. He did realize he did overstay his welcome and started to pack up his belongings leaving the other half of the blunt in the ashtray that you always have on your coffee table. You bid him goodbye, still clinging on to Hobi as he slipped on his shoes. “Enjoy the weed Peach, hit me up whenever you need more.” His eyes glinted as you saw the vein in Hoseok’s neck become slightly more prominent hearing the nickname. 
The door locked and Hobi sighed. You looked up at him with furrowed eyes trying to decode his expression in your inebriated state. He leads you to the couch and places you in his lap. His arms circled you protectively and you cling to him just as tight. “Why do you keep doing this to yourself Y/N?” You shrugged at his question pretending to not know what he was talking about.
The relationship you have with Hobi is a bit complicated. You guys started as friends with benefits and it has evolved into something more than that, but no official title in sight. It’s fine and it’s what works for the both of you. He was there for you when Yoongi broke up with you. He was there to pick up the pieces of yourself that you lost along the way and he’d be damned if he let Yoongi do that to you again.
Another sigh left his mouth. “Y/N, I’m serious. There’s no way it’s healthy for you to keep seeing him. He hurt you badly.” His words were stern, but the gentle rub on your back kept you grounded. You knew he was right, but it was hard for you to actually acknowledge it out loud. “I know, I know. But he really is good as a friend Hobi and I'm practically over him at this point and you know it.” You don’t know who you’re trying to convince more. He placed a chaste kiss against your forehead and gave you another tight squeeze. “Alright let’s finish this blunt though because even though I hate that bastard he has really good weed.” You giggled and grabbed the lighter as Hobi connected his phone to the Bluetooth speaker and played his favorite ‘high vibes’ playlist.
The ash of the blunt dropped into the ashtray and this signaled that you’ve reached the end. You felt light as a feather and exceptionally giggly and Hobi felt the same way. You rested your head on his shoulder and curled your body close to him as he scrolled through the food delivery app trying to decide what he felt for (the munchies made everything sound delectable). You groaned trying to hurry him up and he conceded and selected a pizza restaurant you both liked. It’s reliable for a reason. 
Placing his phone on the table he turned to face you. He’s not even doing anything, but the slow rise and fall of his chest and Adam's apple bobbing in his throat suddenly became the sexiest actions a man could do. With no warning, you pressed a kiss to his lips to test the waters and he pulled you closer and deepened the kiss with no hesitation.  He pulled back huffing for air and staring at you with admiration swimming in his mocha colored eyes. His eyes scanned your face and he saw the hesitation deep in your eyes. “Talk to me Peach, what’re you thinking about?” Your heart clenched in your chest.
“I don’t think I know what I’m doing Hobi.” A tear slipped down your cheek. “W-what do you mean? Y/N what are you talking about.” His heart rate started to spike. This outburst came as no warning. You and him were doing good, great even. You were breathless trying to make sense of what you were thinking. What’s funny is that all of this doesn’t even make sense to you, but it feels right. “Hoseok I’m sorry, but I need to go see him.” You rose from the couch heading to your room to put on pants and get your keys. Before you could get through the threshold of your bedroom he grabbed onto your wrist and forced you to look at him. “Y/N don’t do this to me. Don’t do this to us. Above all else don’t do this to yourself.” The tears were falling uncontrollably. You know deep down that he’s right and this isn’t a decision made from a sound mind. What were you to do if he were to hurt you again this time around? That will be a bridge to cross once you encounter it. 
Your heart aches seeing that you’re breaking his heart so selfishly. But when it comes to Yoongi you will always be a little selfish. “I’m sorry Hobi, I need to go to him. I need to see him.” You’re weeping now and you can tell from the shudder of Hoseok’s shoulders that he’s crying too. “If this is what you really want Y/N, I can’t stop you, but the second he hurts you again you can’t come run to me to cry in my arms.” Leaving those words in the air he walked out of your apartment. Your ears were ringing from the silence.
The heartbeat was thrumming in your ears and your fingers were shaking around the steering wheel as you drove over to Yoongi’s apartment. His address is ingrained into you. You never forgot it truthfully, even though it’s been a year since you’ve been there. You parked and hastily made your way hastily up the stairs. Curse Min Yoongi for living on the fourth floor. Once you were face to face with his front door your breath hitched. This was never a good idea no matter what way you spun it, but it’s too late to turn back now. You made your bed so now time to lay in it. You timidly knocked hoping that Yoongi was close enough to be able to hear it if he was in a different room. The door cracked open and Yoongi’s onyx eyes were able to realize something was wrong immediately and he swung the door fully open. You crashed into his chest and started sobbing. He cooed and pulled you even closer. His scent enveloping you is the only thing that could ground you right now. 
“Shh, you’re okay Peach. You’re safe with me.”
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minisugakoobies · 2 years
Day 5 ❄️ JHS
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Kinks: praise kink, Christmas cookies
Pairing: Hoseok x Reader
Genre: holiday, smut, Brother's Best Friend!AU
Rating: M (18+)
Warnings: swearing, kissing, just some good ol' fashioned fingerbanging in the kitchen, a bit of exhibitionism, praise kink, maybe a touch of sub/dom between reader and Hoseok, once again I am writing Stoner!Hobi with the addition of stoner himbos Joon Tae and JK, egregious use of the word 'cookies' as metaphor for reader's 🐱
Word Count: 3K
Disclaimers: NSFW, obviously I don’t own BTS - they just inspire me
Summary: Your brother’s best friend Hoseok really likes your cookies
A/N: I wrote this one in one shot, in a fugue state after watching Hobi's 2022 MAMA performance. Please picture that Hobi here. 🥴
Please don't be a silent reader 🥺 I'd love to know what you think! 💕
Day 4 ❄️ Kinkmas Masterlist ❄️ Day 6
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Grey snow slushes under your boots as you slowly make your way home from the bus stop. Another double shift down. Working as a server around the holidays is miserable. Between the irate shoppers making non-stop demands and the incessant Christmas music blasting through the overhead speakers, it’s enough to turn anyone into a Scrooge. 
But it’s fine. You’ll live. Just a few more days and the holidays will be behind you. And so will all these double shifts, hopefully. You’ve been saving up so you can have enough for the first and last month’s rent on a tiny little studio apartment a few blocks from here. A fresh start to the new year, in a place of your own. Where you can enjoy some peace and quiet for once. 
A place free from the chaos that greets you as you slip your key into the lock of your current home and swing the door open. Smoke floats past you into the hallway. Scrunching up your face, you peer past the clouds to find, as always, your twin brother and his friends crowded around the living room tv, absorbed in a mission in some stupidly loud, obnoxiously violent video game, laughing and shouting and throwing elbows (and occasionally, a fist or two). 
“About time you got home,” your brother calls out as you peel off your boots and puffer coat, hanging the latter on the broken rack by the door. Namjoon said he’d replace that four months ago when he and his friends broke it during a particularly raucous game of flip cup. You know he’s waiting for you to do it. You’re always the responsible one around here. 
“I told you I was working a double,” you remind him, rolling your eyes. He never listens. 
The others gradually realize you’re standing there. It’s like watching the world’s slowest wave undulate around the room. First Jungkook spots you from beneath his bucket hat and lifts a hand. A few seconds later, a very sleepy-eyed Taehyung notices Jungkook’s hand in the air and raises his own. Then Hoseok, the only member of the crew sitting quietly, splayed across half the couch in his oversized tee and dark joggers, rakes his eyes over your tired frame and gives you the chillest of nods, head barely tipping as his lips quirk in a silent smile. 
Ignoring the fluttering in your stomach, you nod back. “Hey guys.” You’re too exhausted to even bother to ask them to keep it down. They would, politely, for about five minutes, before the chronic blowing through their veins made them forget. So why bother. 
You shuffle into your bedroom, strip off your uniform, pull on some fleecy pants and a long-sleeve tee, and slide on a pair of cushy slippers. The act of physically removing your day brings a sense of relief, helped along by the comfy clothes. You’d love to climb directly into bed, but you can’t. Not just yet. 
Your brother and Jungkook are locked in a double headlock when you emerge from your bedroom. Probably arguing about something that one of them did in the video game. It’s never anything serious with those guys, but it does get messy sometimes, and as you stroll through the room towards the kitchen, you quickly grab the lamp from the end table and place it on the ground before Jungkook’s arm can knock it over.
Money’s been tight for a while, not helped by the rise in rent, the rise in utilities, the rise in everything basically, so between that and the little nest egg that you’ve been stashing away, you’ve had to get a little creative with your Christmas gifts this year. As in, you’re creating them from scratch. You connect your phone to the little speaker in the kitchen and put on a relaxing playlist as you wander around the small space, pulling out ingredients and tools until you have everything you need to make your favorite cookies.
The music drifting from the speaker isn’t enough to drown out the noise from the living room, but it doesn’t matter. You fall into a trance, measuring and mixing, turning mere ingredients into food, into love. Everything else falls away. Nothing else matters but this. Baking brings you zen. 
Unfortunately, your activity does not go unnoticed. The scent of baking cookies fills the air, and before long, you have visitors. Invaders, more precisely. On the hunt for your goodies. 
As you pull the first tray out of the oven, a head pops in the doorway. A hat, really, pulled down so low you see nothing but pink lips adorned with a silver ring. “You makin’ cookies, Noona?” 
“Is that gingerbread?” a low voice drones behind Jungkook, as Taehyung follows him into the room. “Smells so good.” Namjoon is right on his heels, mouth hanging open a little as he spies the rows of perfectly baked gingerbread people resting on the warm tray. 
“Yes, it is, but these aren’t for you, so hands off, okay?” You raise an eyebrow, looking at all three men. They nod, and you turn away to put another tray in the oven. “These are for my friends. If you’re nice, maybe I’ll whip u- HEY!” 
There are three gingerbread people missing when you turn back, and all three men are chewing while exhaling loudly, trying not to burn their mouths on the hot cookies as they devour them. As they all reach for a second, you grab a spatula and swiftly slap their hands. 
Whack whack whack!
“Mmph!” Taehyung protests, rubbing his hand. He chokes down what’s left of his cookie. “That hurt, Noona!” 
“Well, maybe listen next time and you won’t get smacked!” You brandish the spatula like a wand, pointing it at each. 
A gentle chuckle sounds from the doorway, where Hoseok is propped against the frame, laughing at his friends’ pain. “Tell ‘em,” he says, crossing his arms. “They gotta learn.” 
You bite back a grin, rolling out more dough. 
“Sorry, Noona,” Jungkook mutters. “But can’t we have a couple? ‘M so hungry.” 
“That’s because you’ve been smoking all goddamn night,” you grumble, pressing the cookie cutter in. “Namjoon, if you don’t get your friends out of my kitchen right now, I’m going to try making real gingerbread people next. Starting with you, Jungkookie.” You shoot Jungkook a look, the one that he always tells you reminds him of Namjoon, even though you’re fraternal twins and don’t look a thing alike, and he holds his hands up in defense. 
“Come on. Be happy she only used the spatula, she’s lethal with that rolling pin,” your brother informs his friends as he shepherds them out of the room. “Yo, Tae-yah, you still got that hookup with that girl at the dumpling shop?”
Hoseok remains behind, studying your work. You don’t mind. Of all your brother’s friends, he’s usually the most respectful, quietly observing the mayhem around him. You’re used to the sensation of his eyes on you. 
Sometimes it’s what you think about, late at night, lying under the sheets, hand down your panties, biting your tongue to muffle your cries. Those dark eyes, watching you. 
“These are for your friends?” Hoseok finally speaks, pushing himself off the door frame. Hands in his pockets, he strolls towards you, still watching as you prepare another batch.
“Yeah. Not a lot of money for gifts this year, so…” you shrug. The heat from the oven has turned the tiny room into a sauna. Your fleecy pants feel like a terrible choice. Wiping the sweat from your brow with the back of your hand, you look up at Hoseok, and he laughs. 
“You’ve got a bit of…” He trails off as he steps closer, and your breath catches in your chest as he raises a hand to brush across your forehead. His gentle fingertips come away with flour on them. 
“Th-thanks,” you stammer, quickly busying yourself with the dough again, cutting out enough to finish filling the tray. 
“So can I have one then?” 
“Uh…” Loud yelling from the living room tells you that your brother and the other two have started their game again. 
Hoseok leans against the counter, heart-shaped mouth set in a soft smile. “You said they’re for your friends. We’re friends, right?” 
Friends. Right. That’s what you are. “Yeah, sure.”
He beams then, a brilliant smile that flashes across his face in an instant and then disappears. Even though the cookies are identical, he takes a moment to examine the selection before picking one. 
“This one looks perfect,” he announces, and you hum distractedly, moving cooled cookies into containers. Even though you’re not looking at him, you know exactly when he bites into the cookie, because he lets out a loud moan. “Mmmmm!” 
You hum again, trying to ignore the fact that his effusive response went straight to your gut. You continue to pack the treats away, filling the tins you’ll be giving to your friends.
“Didn’t know you had this talent,” he muses, chewing thoughtfully. “Why’ve you been hiding it?” 
“I haven’t been hiding it,” you laugh, cocking an eyebrow. “I just haven’t had much time to bake lately.” 
“Yeah, I noticed you haven’t been around much,” he states, and you hope he doesn’t see the way you freeze momentarily at his words. “You’re working yourself to death. You gotta take time to relax, you know.” 
“Oh? Never heard that before, thanks for the advice,” you grin. “I just gotta get through the holidays and then I can relax.”
“In your new place, right?” He reads the surprise on your face. “Joon told us you’re moving out.” 
“Yeah, I am. I just need my own space.” 
He nods.
After sliding the last tray in the oven, you help yourself to a cookie. 
Hoseok grins. “There you go, that’s more like it. Enjoy a little treat. They’re really good.” He tilts his head. “Can I have another?” 
You have just enough cookies to fill all the tins you’d purchased, just enough batches for all of your friends. But what’s one more?
“Yeah, okay, but that’s it.” 
Again, he deliberates before choosing one. As his teeth sink in, he lets out another groan, and you clench involuntarily at the way his voice drops into a low rasp. “Fuck, these are so good!”
Is this what he sounds like all the time? Maybe it’s a good thing he’s always so quiet when he’s here. Because you’re wet enough that you can feel your underwear sticking to you as you start to clean up.
“Seriously, what do I have to do to get one of these tins?” he asks, tapping on a lid. 
You nearly bite your lip in half as you keep all your suggestions at bay. “Listen, if you really want some, I’ll just make another small batch, okay? I think I have enough ingredients left…” 
“Mmmm, you’re such a good baker! The best!” Hoseok moans around a mouthful, and you’re not sure if it’s his husky tone, or the words themselves, but something hits you like a bolt, and you swallow thickly. 
And then you whimper. 
Your eye is immediately drawn to Hoseok, like your body wants you to see his reaction even as your brain is cringing. He pauses with his hand to his mouth, little gingerbread legs in the air, and stares at you for a moment before he blinks. 
“Uh, this batch will just take a minute,” you inform him, nervously grabbing your spatula again for something to do. 
Hoseok just nods. “It’s nice of you to make some more. Thank you.” He shifts a little, comes closer so you’re between him and the counter. 
“Oh, that’s - sure. You’re welcome.” Waving your spatula to emphasize that it's nothing, you start to measure your ingredients again, hyper aware of his nearness. If you turned your head right now, you know you’d see those dark eyes watching you. It’s so tempting, but you keep pouring your flour. 
“You’re such a sweetheart, you know that?” he says, but it’s really more of a purr with all that bass rumbling through his voice, and again you feel that pulse of arousal hit you, and this time you clearly whine. 
Again, you glance directly at Hoseok as the sound fades, and can’t move as his eyes slowly wander down to your breasts and back. 
“You’re always so good to us when we’re here. Always taking care of us. Don’t think I haven’t noticed.” He moves towards you, slow and sure, his arms coming up to grip the counter on either side of you, caging you in. “Like tonight, cleaning up so we don’t break stuff. Or feeding us, even when you say you won’t. Such a sweet girl.” You’re gripping the spatula so hard, you think it might crack. If you leaned forward just the slightest bit, your nose would brush his. “Such a good girl.” 
For once, you’re thankful for the loud commotion in the living room, because it means your brother did not just hear you moan, “Fuck, Hoseok,” in the kitchen.
You’ve never seen such a wicked smile from your brother’s best friend as he gently peels the spatula from your hand. “You like it when I call you a good girl?” 
What is happening to you makes no sense. You spend all day getting called ‘good girl’ by patronizing customers and sexist assholes. And yet when Hoseok rolls those words around his pretty pink tongue, you become a whimpering, wet mess. 
Maybe it’s because he seems to mean it. Or maybe it’s because it’s him. Either way, you let out a strangled noise at his question, and his grin sharpens. 
“That’s what I thought.” His lips hover over yours. “Can I kiss you, sweet girl?” 
The only way to answer him is with your own lips, tilting your chin up to meet his mouth. The kiss is soft, lingering, like he’s taking his time studying your lips the way he’s always studying you with his gaze. Then he slides his tongue out, tapping at your bottom lip, and you let him in, let him press his body against yours, nearly gasping when his hard length pushes against your hip. 
“Hoseok, you want some dumplings? We’re getting some!” 
As if your brother’s voice were a bolt of lightning striking between you, you and Hoseok split apart. Hoseok looks at you for a moment, chest rising as he catches his breath. 
“Nah, man, I’m good. Got a sweet treat instead,” Hoseok shouts back. You roll your eyes and he smirks.
“Aw, did you get a cookie? That’s not fair!” Jungkook exclaims.
“Shut up, you had one too, dumbass!” With that, you hear the recognizable sound of your brother and Jungkook wrestling again. 
A sudden yank on the waistband of your pants draws your attention. Hoseok tugs again, and then he slips his fingers beneath. 
He doesn’t move his hand, just slides it into your pants, and stares into your eyes. You hold your breath as you hear another shout. 
“I want another cookie, Noona!” Taehyung yells. “Aren’t they good, Hoseok?” 
Hoseok crooks an eyebrow, just the slightest bit, and you nod. His fingers dip between your thighs, and when they find the wetness there, he hisses. “They’re so good, Tae-yah!” he declares, middle finger disappearing between your folds. 
Your hands grasp at his biceps as you pitch forward, moaning at the sudden intrusion. His finger is long enough to curl perfectly into your most sensitive spot, and he employs a rapid tickling motion that makes your knees buckle. 
“Hoseok, holy fuck!” 
Is this really happening? Are you really letting your brother’s best friend fingerfuck you in the kitchen? Where anyone could walk in and see him knuckle deep in your throbbing cunt? 
Yes, it is. And you know what? You deserve this little treat.
“Ah, sweet girl, I just love your cookies so much.” Hoseok licks his lips as he adds a second finger. “Can’t resist.”
Taehyung calls again. “Can I please have another?” 
“Focus on the game, hyung, damn!” Jungkook yells, but not a second later adds, “Can I have one too?”
The thrusting of Hoseok’s fingers makes it hard for you to think straight. Everything about this moment makes it difficult, honestly - the way his arms flex under your fingers, the way his cock keeps bumping against your thigh, the way his eyes haven’t left yours for a second. 
“Tell them no,” Hoseok whispers, thumb ghosting over your clit before he presses into the nub firmly enough to make your hips buck into his hand. “No more for them!” 
“N…” Hoseok pushes against your clit again and you see stars. “No, no cookies for you!” 
There’s a burst of laughter from the living room that perfectly covers the wail you let out as Hoseok fucks you with three fingers, hard and fast. 
“Good girl,” he whispers, free hand cupping the back of your neck to kiss you. “So sweet, so good for me.” And with that praise, you come with a muffled cry against his lips. When your cunt stops clenching around his fingers, he removes them, and brings them to his mouth to suck them clean.
You groan, lightly pushing on his chest. He laughs, taking a step back, and you suck in a deep breath, trying to regain your composure. “Don’t make me grab the spatula.” 
“Think you’ll do any baking in your new place?” 
Caught off guard by the question, you furrow your brows. “Probably?” 
“Good. You better text me if you do.” His gaze roams your body again, and you swear you feel an aftershock from your orgasm. “I definitely want more of your cookies.”
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Masterlist ❄️ Find me on AO3 ❄️
© 2022-23 by sunshinerainbowsbts/minisugakoobies. Crossposted to AO3. Please do not copy or repost.
Taglist 1: @babycoffeefire; @parkdatjimin; @reliablemitten; @yuugehn; @ut-dixisti; @hesperantha; @seokjinger-ale; @bangtanintotheroom; ​​@taeshuworld; @nch327; @hannahbee12719ficrecs; @7minsuga96; @dvalitaes; @thatlongspringnight; @miscelunaaa; @acquiescence804; @itsirisz; @velvetskize; @starbtslove; @ajw05; @bruisedscrewedandtattooed; @minesuga; @greezenini; @aznstoner; @jkkkkkay; @xuxibelle; @soeur-de-ame; @boraborabts; @signmybook; @bbl32; @codeinebelle; @here4btsfics; @itbtoblikethatsometimes; @kookprada; @addictedtohobi; @shatzkrinslinzki; @jaiuneamesolitaiire; @joonjulyagust-d; @jinsquishes; @btsgotjams27; @allamericanuniverse; @pleaseshutupsara; @guvgguk; @goodgollyitslolly; @laylasbunbunny; @goldensugarywaffles; @jadda98; @lovelye79; @moonacholy; @luaspersona
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daegudrama · 1 year
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Daegudrama’s Spicy Festa Special D-3
Title: Stress Relief
Pairing: Reader/Jung Hoseok
Summary: Reader is having a hard time doing their choreography and needs a little special help to finish strong.
Word Count: 1266 words
The same track you’ve been listening to for the past hour continues to blare through the speakers. Every muscle in your body wants to give up but you can’t. Jung Hoseok is watching you, scrutinizing every wrong breath and look of your eyes. 
“You need to relax or you’re never going to get this right.” He yells over the music before crossing the room to pause it. “Let’s take a break.”
You sit against the back wall with a bottle of water eyeing yourself in the mirror. The ponytail you came in with is disheveled and sticking to your forehead from the sweat of your efforts. Sometimes you wonder why you are doing this at all. 
Hoseok sits beside you with a cute smile on his face like he wasn’t in serious dance teacher mode two seconds ago. He’s not your dance teacher but you trust his opinion far more than anyone else’s in this world. There aren't enough words to describe the amount of respect and admiration you have for him. Hoseok has earned his right to scrutinize your dances. 
“Can you help me relax?” You ask despite knowing you shouldn’t.
Hoseok raises an eyebrow probably surprised you are being this forward. Usually he’s the one that suggests this and it’s only been a few times. Whenever you’ve done something it’s been on his terms. You’ve wanted more but never dared to ask, afraid of ruining whatever natural balance you have now. 
He doesn’t answer your question, instead locking the practice room door and pulling down the blind. This isn’t the first time this has happened here, but it has been awhile. Sometimes being sexually frustrated makes it so you can’t dance to your full potential. It’s like you can’t even focus on what you want to be doing. 
Hoseok pulls out a yoga mat and unrolls it several feet in front of you. Without thinking you move onto the mat and stretch to a position where your head is on the mat and your ass is in the air. He kneels behind you squeezing your ass through the material of your spandex shorts. 
“Are you ready? Let me help you.” He asks barely above a whisper.
“Yes, please.” 
He removes your shorts and underwear in one fluid motion letting them pool at your knees. Hoseok trails his fingers over your bare skin sending a shiver up your spine. You can feel yourself getting wet in anticipation. 
His fingers are warm as they slide down to brush over your folds. Hoseok collects your lust on his fingers, spreading it around. The moment his finger slips inside you it’s as if the knots in your shoulders release. You sigh watching yourself in the mirror in front of you. The man behind you is watching what he is doing intently. 
With one hand he grips your hip while he uses his other hand to push his fingers in and out of you at a leisurely pace. Heat shoots through your body as he seems to know just how deep to curl his fingers. You try to keep quiet but small groans slip through your lips. 
Hoseok easily distracts you from the turmoil that was going on inside your mind as you danced. You are thankful he didn’t protest because no one can make you feel quite as good as he does. Lord knows you’ve tried. Something about Hoseok makes this kind of relaxing better and you aren’t sure if it’s because of the connection you feel to him or his experience. 
“Do you want to sit on my face?” he asks, meeting your eyes in the mirror with his fingers still deep inside your pussy. You clench around his fingers involuntarily. 
He has a small smile playing on his lips like he knows how those words will effect you. Fingering is as far as this has ever gone between the two of you. You haven’t even kissed him which was a little weird to you at first, but now you just accept it as part of whatever this is. 
You nod your head slowly and he slips his fingers out of you wiping them on the edge of his tank top. You kick off your shorts and panties before standing. Hoseok lies flat on his back and gestures for you to sit. 
Hesitantly, you crouch over his face not putting your full weight down. In the mirrors you can see your apprehension. You try to hide the look as Hoseok pulls you the rest of the way down. You worry that you will crush his face but that doesn’t seem to be on his mind. He immediately sucks your clit into his mouth, earning a sound somewhere between a gasp and a moan. 
No one has ever done this to you. Never in your life has someone asked you to sit on their face. Especially not in the practice room of your company. Come to think of it, you aren’t sure anyone has ever cared to bring you pleasure the way Hoseok does. Even if this is happening for an entirely different reason. 
Hoseok puts his hands on your thighs guiding your knees down to the ground. With a flat tongue he trails his tongue over your slit in a continuous ‘S’ motion. He stops at your clit spending extra time to lap at it. Your body tenses when he lifts you slightly so he can speak. 
“Let me show you how you’re supposed to move your hips.” 
The older man’s fingers grasp your hips and he lies his head back. You let Hoseok guide your hips, dragging your cunt against his wet tongue. He must be crazy if he thinks you are going to be able to learn anything like this. There is no way this is going to help you learn that combo. Hoseok continues to move his tongue against you as he moves your hips. 
You are focused on trying not to make noise. These rooms are not soundproof after all even if they really should be. In the mirror you can see the strained look on your face as your baby hairs fall into your face. You are a mess and the expert move of Hoseok’s tongue is not helping the matter. 
He flicks his tongue across your clit quickly. Hoseok releases your hips and you try to copy the movement he just showed you. He hums against you in approval, sticking his tongue out and letting you grind yourself against his tongue. You let all thoughts leave your mind watching yourself in the mirror as if it’s stranger. 
There’s something so sexy about watching yourself ride your friend’s face. The way your legs shake as you come closer and closer to cumming is something you almost want to record. You grab his hair tugging it as you ride out your high on his willing tongue. He lifts you off of him when your muscles give out.
“Thank you.” You say lying back on the yoga mat as Hoseok hands your shorts.
Hoseok hums without saying anything just watching you lie there. You put your pants back on but it's several minutes before you stand to try the combo one more time before you give up and work on something else. Or maybe more realistically you should go home if you can’t do it. 
Of course, like every other time you’ve done, you nail the combo on your first time. Maybe he is transferring dance powers through his appendages. Hoseok has a proud smile on his face when you look back at him. 
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sugalaritae · 1 year
the safety zone (jhs) 1/?
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summary: it's been exactly 15 years since you saw jung hoseok, your brother's high school best friend and the one who's virginity you took; you don't expect to have anything in common with him least of all a list of things like: living in the same city, enjoying sex (some might say a little too much... judgemental bastards), music, and fashion (amongst so many other things). you definitely don't expect a friendship to bloom or how complicated that friendship could be.
pairing: jung hoseok x f! reader (with background jeon jungkook x the same reader)
genre: the big three: (eventual) smut, fluff, and angst
au: brothers best friend, friends to lovers, based off the movie sleeping with other people, aged up characters (everyone is in their thirties)
rating: 18+
word count: 2.6k
warnings: another fic taking place in canada (this time ontario...which sort of needs a warning), slight mention of anxiety about returning to the town you grew up in, also anxiety over driving, talk of virginity (it's a social construct and absolutely stupid!!), drinking, legal drug use (marijuana), high school reunions (*shudders*), discussion of teenage sex, indigo namjoon and this fucking devastating hoseok
author’s note: oh look griddle has decided to start another drabble series!! this time for our dear jung hoseok because fucking hell i miss him already. i watched sleeping with other people today and i have been wanting to write a hoseok romance (heat waves pt2 is coming don't worry), so this idea slid into my head and then i decided to make it a drabble series and here we are. some of the chapters might just be texting or phone calls, some of it might actually be things that happen, some of them will just be smut (mostly hoseok fucking randos and reader fucking jungkook) i'm sorry for whatever this is. i hope you enjoy it just as much as i do. this is only LIGHTLY edited bc ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
The road ahead of you is full of small hills. You’re fine with driving up and down them now but you remember what it was like to learn how to drive on these roads; the forest around you on either side, the long road down and then the seemingly longer road upward. It’s surprising how now, even years later, you can feel the slight bubble of anxiety in your chest. You can hear your brother’s voice from the backseat tell you that you’re being stupid for being anxious.
”Nothing is going to happen.”
”You do not know that!”
Still, you check the breaks as you’re going down the first hill and they’re working. So you take a breath and you remind yourself that you’re going to be okay.
You know the anxiety is also there because you’re returning home. For a stupid high school reunion, you can’t really believe that you let Namjoon talk you into this. Fifteen years is actually a stupid number that makes you feel old but still, you’re driving the three hours and you’re going to this stupid thing for at least an hour even if you don’t want to and even if you think it’s the dumbest fucking thing to do on a Saturday night.
Instead of concentrating on the anxiety you concentrate on the road ahead of you and the view that you have from the top of each hill. Slowly the town you grew up in begins to appear closer and closer.
You haven’t missed the town itself but you’ve missed the view.
Your phone beeps and for a brief moment you look down at it hoping that you’ll see a certain name flash across it but it’s only your Namjoon’s name. First a text and then the worst picture of him filling your screen. You press the green button on your car’s console.
“How far out are you?” he asks.
“Like twenty minutes, why? You said the thing wasn’t starting until seven.”
“It’s not but there’s a few of us that are getting together for supper beforehand and I thought maybe, since you’ve been driving you would be hungry.”
This is your brother, kind and considerate while also being an incredible pain in the ass for dragging you to a place that you swore you would never go back to.
“Who is a few of us? Because I’m not super interested in eating with a bunch of guys that all thought playing on the high school soccer team was the best years of their lives like a fucking Bruce Springsteen song.”
“Springsteen never wrote about soccer players only baseball players.”
You groan, “whatever.”
“It’s a few from the team but I thought you’d want to come because Hobi will be there.”
Hobi. Hoseok Jung, the man who’s virginity you took (who also took yours but that’s irrelevant) the night of your prom night. The man who you left still sleeping in the hotel room he had paid for before you flew across the country to study art history. The man who you haven’t spoken to since that night.
Even though, sometimes, you still masturbate to the thought of him. Fifteen years later.
“Hello?? You still there.”
Your brother does not know that there was ever a you and Hobi and you hope that he never will. He’s not protective, just one of those things that you would rather keep to yourself because Namjoon has never really been great at not involving himself in your life (that goes two ways but again, not relevant).
“Yeah, sorry. I guess I’ll come. However, I want it on record that I’m still pissed off you convinced me to come to this thing.”
You hear him clear his throat as he puts on what you like to refer to as his professional voice, “Noted.”
“Thank you. Can I at least shower and change before I meet up with you guys?”
“Umma has your room ready and waiting.”
You sigh, “that’s the only good thing about this whole weekend, Umma and Appa.”
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You miss dinner with Namjoon and his friends mostly because you don’t want to visit a restaurant that had been your regular hangout spot when you were a teenager, and you missed your father’s cooking; but now you regret it because instead of being in one of Namjoon’s friend’s car you are in being driven by your father to the school that you had sworn you would never return to. The whole situation makes you feel like a teen again. Well, except that you are dressed better than you had ever imagined you would be at 34.
“Have fun tonight. If you and Joon need a ride home because you’ve had too much to drink don’t be scared to wake Umma and I,” your father said with a smile on his face.
The whole situation is surreal and you laugh a little, nodding.
“Appa, if that happens then we’re going to walk home. I’m not going to wake you and umma up especially after she just said that you haven’t been sleeping well.”
Your father shakes his head and brushes the air with his hand.
“Don’t listen to her.”
He gives you a smile that he shares with Joon as he returns his hand to the steering wheel and nods.
“Have fun,” your father says with a softness in his eyes that make you feel guilty for not coming home to visit more. They’re good people, your parents, and you are the daughter who can’t return home because she’s too busy.
“Thank you, Appa.” you say as you grip the car’s doorhandle.
You open the door and step out into the night air. Walking a few steps before you fix your blazer and wonder if maybe you should have worn a dress instead of a suit. Looking down at your heels you remind yourself that you look like the badass bitch that you are and whisper the mantra that your therapist had told you to say.
“I can do this, I am capable and I can do this,” you whisper feeling just a little ridiculous.
“You can do this,” a deep voice says behind you.
You turn around with a smirk already playing on your face knowing just who will be standing behind you. Sure enough, Hoseok Jung stands in front of you, one hand in his trouser pocket while the other one holds a joint and you watch as he brings it to his lips and takes a long toke.
“At least I don’t need drugs to calm me down,” you say and you watch as he meets your smirk with one of his own.
“You sure?” he asks with an arched brow and then holds out the joint and chuckles as you take it carefully.
You take a smaller toke at first but then follow up with another slightly longer one before slowly blowing it out. You’re not entirely sure if you should be concerned you don’t cough because that only means that your lungs are used to it and you don’t really want that.
“How you been?” he asks as you hand back the joint.
“Oh you know… busy.” It’s such a lame answer but it’s all you have. “You?”
He nods in response, then slowly rips off the lit end of the joint and closes off the end before tucking it into his blazer pocket.
“You look good. We missed you at the restaurant,” he says as his gaze lazily drifts over your body an action that makes you feel just that except it italics — good.
“Your shirt is ugly,” you say playfully because you do think it is actually a little hideous even though he’s pulling it off in a way that makes you just a little furious.
He chuckles and shakes his head, “it isn’t though. You like it.”
There’s a buzz already between the two of you and you know that it’s not just the weed. It’s a feeling that has been waiting for fifteen years. It’s mature now, a little more subdued, but still makes you feel excited at the possibilities.
“Come on, let’s go inside. Joon is waiting for us.”
You feel the pressure of his hand on your lower back and you step away from it as you slap at his arm.
“Okay Jung, I think I need a few drinks in me before you get to do that.”
He chuckles again and you’re suddenly aware that it’s not the laugh you remember him having, this one is deeper like it’s coming from his chest instead of his head where the higher, excited laughter you remember came from. You know it’s still there and you hope you get to hear it again. You always liked that laugh of his; it made you feel bright from the inside out like he was pulling happiness through the anxiety and settling all of your teenage hormones.
Hoseok and Namjoon met when all three of you were sixteen years old. Hoseok, a transfer from Vancouver, had joined the soccer team and become instant friends with your twin brother and his soccer buddies. You had hated them a little because they were loud and always kicked you out of the living room to watch bad movies teen-boy movies. Except you got to know them because Namjoon was your other half and you tended to meld your friend groups together.
You hadn’t really noticed Hoseok until the night of your prom, in the school gymnasium, and suddenly it was like you both became aware of the other at the same time. Your eyes locked on the dance floor and half an hour later you were pulled into the darkened hallway and being pushed against a locker as his mouth found yours. You had to pretend that nothing had happened as you all packed into the limousine and while everyone was getting progressively more drunk in one hotel room, Hoseok fumbled with your dress in another.
It should have been more awkward than it was. He was gentle and checked in with you and used his hands more than you thought he would.
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“You know Hobi is moving to Toronto next month,” Namjoon says as the three of you walk in the general direction of your parent’s house.
Your system is still processing the mixture of alcohol with the weed even though it’s been three hours and you do not like the feeling that ricochets around your head with each step. Also your feet hurt. Heels are the devil’s creation.
You’re happy to be out in the fresh air though. Everything about the reunion was horrible, even though you only spent time at the table with your old friends, there were people there that you had never wanted to see again let alone make small talk with. You didn’t care how many children they had or how they had married their high school sweetheart.
“Oh? Really?” you ask turning to look at Hobi who is standing between you and your brother.
“Yeah,” he says with a wide grin, his gaze drifting just a little to your lips before he meets your gaze again. “I got a job there and I’m excited I think it will be a nice change from out west.”
You bump his shoulder with yours. “Congratulations. You’re going to have to take my number then because you need to know at least more than Yoongi, and Joon isn’t moving back for another two months.”
“I have other friends there,” Hoseok chuckles.
“No one as cool as me though,” you respond with another shoulder bump.
There’s a comfortable silence that settles over the three of you for a moment before Namjoon perks up and imitates Jessica Brookwood (one of the many annoying blonde girls you had gone to school with, who, at the reunion seemed just a bit too excited to have everyone together again) as he shouts, “OH MY GOD! The four of us all together in Toronto?! It will be just like high school!!”
The three of you burst into laughter and there it is — the laugh that lights you up. You grin wide as you watch Hoseok pause and bend backward as he laughs and gripping Joon’s elbow.
You’re surprised to realize that you missed him.
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Your head has finally synced back up with the rest of your body by the time you change out of your suit and into your pajamas. You need water though and so you wander down into the kitchen only to find Hoseok also doing the same thing, except he’s only in boxers and a plain white t-shirt. Namjoon had insisted he stay at your family house instead of at the hotel because he had walked you home and the hotel was five blocks away. Hoseok had agreed but you hadn’t expected to have a run-in with him.
“Hey,” you whisper as you open up the cupboard and grab a glass out from it. “Couldn’t sleep?”
He shakes his head, “cotton mouth.”
He hands you the glass he just filled from the brita jug.
“I haven’t drunk from it, promise.”
You settle against the counter as you take a sip and watch him.
“I mean it,” you start as you tap your fingers gently against the glass. “We need to get together. I know some pretty great places to eat.”
He smiles and nods as he puts the water jug back into the fridge.
“I would really like that,” he says softly as he moves to stand in front of you and holds out his glass to you. “To reconnecting.”
“To reconnecting,” you say as you tap your glass gently to his.
That familiar buzz slips between you and up your legs. You know that you could kiss him here, that he could press you against the counter and lift you up onto it so you could wrap your legs around his waist and pull him closer. You think about how he could slip his fingers into your cotton pajama pants and make you wet; and for a moment you think it might happen until your phone buzzes on the counter beside you breaking the eye contact you shared.
“Goodnight,” he whispers and gives you a nod before he slips out of the kitchen and down toward Joon’s room.
You take a deep breath to centre yourself before you look beside you and grab your phone. This time, the name you had hoped to appear on your screen all night is there.
Jungkook Jeon: Miss you. Can I see you?
Your palms are suddenly sweaty and you take a deep breath trying to calm down the excitement that he’s texted you for the first time instead of the other way around. You hated that you had followed your friend’s advice and had waited for him to text you before you texted him.
You: I’m out of town.
Jungkook Jeon: When are you back, baby? I miss your taste. I fucking miss you under me
You look around the room and listen for any movement that might surprise you, but the house around you is silent.
You: Tomorrow evening.
Jungkook Jeon: Can I see you? Fuck baby! It’s been too long and I need you
You let the mixture of self-loathing and desire you’ve long made friends with back into your chest as you type out your response.
You: I’ve missed you so much Kook. I need you more than you realize.
Jungkook Jeon: Good. Come back to my place before anywhere else
You: Ok!
Jungkook Jeon: Goodnight, baby. I’ll be thinking of you before I fall asleep
You: Tell me what you’re thinking.
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©sugalaritae. Do NOT repost, edit, or translate any of my work. I only post on ao3 and tumblr
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sugarushsuga · 2 years
Roses are Red
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Genre/Au's: Fluff; Stablished relationship; College Au; Hockey Au;
Paring: Hoseok x F reader
Words count: 665
Rating: 18+
Warnings: Mentions of violence during a game; implied sexual content.
Synopsis: It’s Valentine’s Day and Hoseok is handicap.
Author note: This year the only deadlines I’m following are the ones at work, all my personal life, therefor my writing as well, won’t have their deadlines fulfilled. That just means I didn’t finish this drabble on time for Hobi’s bday or Valentine’s day (we don’t celebrate it in February here so I couldn’t remember it).
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Jung Hoseok is a sweetheart. He is a human walking sunshine. He is the optimistic and cheerful friend in all his groups. He is the goodest of all the good boys.
And he got in a fight during his last game that ended up with blood, time out, game suspension and a dislocated shoulder.
He is not static of staining his perfectly pristine hockey career with a fight that was much more than just pushing or shoving an opponent against the rink glass. But what could he do when the guys spent the whole season provoking him? Hoseok is usually the one who talks sense into his teammates head, when talking doesn’t work sometimes he does some slaps upside the head or puts them on gear duty.
And that’s all the more reason why he is upset with how he lost his cool. Not that anyone on the team teased him, actually the boys, especially the younger ones, plotted a plan to get back at Hyungwon. Luckily, this time, Namjoon talked some sense into their heads and made them drop the idea, but only after Hoseok threatened to tell their coach about it.
Hyungwon’s broken nose is just some collateral damage he got from talking shit and sexual stuff about Hoseok’s girlfriend. Just the thought of it has him seeing red all over again, and the fact that you are nothing but a sweet angel that cares for him and all of the boys on the team makes him even madder.
He’s also upset about his immobile arm, it was just a dislocated shoulder but, it is better to restrain movements and avoid a longer injury for not being careful enough. So, no training or exercise beside the physiotherapy, better safe than sorry.
Hoseok feels like a baby, since his dominant arm is braced, surely he can take the brace off to sleep and shower, but he can’t do many things properly like clean up his room, cook or eat, take notes in class… Seokjin and Taehyung are the ones who are having the most fun with it. Whenever they need to help Hoseok with cutting his food they also try to airplane feed him, especially if it is at the cafeteria.
The last three days have sucked and because you know how your boyfriend is upset you propose a chill date for Valentine’s Day. Just both of you in your apartment, where no one can tease him about feeding him. You promised to take care and pamper him.
That’s everything you planned, his favorite dinner, all food pre-cut on eating bites so he wouldn’t feel like a burden. The new episode of the series you both have been watching together and chocolate cake for dessert. A relaxing bath before bed and a good night of sleep.
That was the plan.
Until after dinner, when Hoseok apologized for the grocery bought Valentine’s Day gift. A box of your favorite chocolates with a note.
Written on a terrible letter, one of someone with a braced arm.
“Hobi,” you say as you carefully straddle his lap on the couch. “Do you have different plans for tonight than the ones I made?”
His good hand quickly rests on your ass, hugging you to him. “Do I?” He asks slowly, lips almost brushing yours.
“Are you hopping on getting laid?” The giggle in your voice makes the corner of his lips turn up.
“Laid? I think I wrote that I’d like to get suffocated tonight.” His breath caresses your face.
You hum against his lips as you take them in a kiss. You keep trying to be mindful of his arm as his tongue invades your mouth and you rock your hips on his growing hard on. The note falling somewhere forgotten on the floor as you focus on making his wish come true.
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Roses are red,
The sun gives off the heat,
If your legs are tired,
Use my face as a seat.
Happy valentines day! With love Hobi”
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Feedback is always appreciated.
Ⓒ 2023 Sugarushsuga, do not copy, translate or repost.
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kyglover · 2 years
Hello does anyone know the hoseok (jhope) × reader fanfic and its a fwb to lovers au and also its a university au where reader is an accounting major and hoseok is a dance major.
In their fist encounter hoseok teaches reader to how to give head at a party and they keep seeing eachother and get closer and soon become exclusive. I remember he invites her over to the beach(???) over break where she works as a bartender and he as a life guard and she draws there and then when he tries to invite her to meet his family over Christmas she turns him down. In the end reader finds out she hates accounting and that she wants to draw and hoseok says he'll help her through it all and they end up together.
I liked that fic but now i cant find it anymore in my likes and idk if i accidentally unliked it or if the author deleted the post or the author deleted their account but i cant find it anymore. I also dont remember the authors handle or the name of the fic either 😭.
So if anyone knows what happened to the fic or to the author and they could tell me, it would be great.
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Bath me with your love
Side Characters: Namjoon/doctor, Seokjin/doctor, Taehyung/Hybrid Tiger, Jungkook/Hybrid Bunny, Hoseok/ Assistant medical.
Warnings: Smut, mentions of blood, sharp objects, rut, beast behavior, medical experiments, medical procedures.
Genre: Fantasy, hybrids au, smut.
SUMMARY》 Yoongi is a black mamba hybrid one of rarest species of hybrids, who’s about to be put down due to his lack of interest in living. But everything changes after the new medical assistance (y/n) takes a liking to him. Meeting after meeting he realise his feelings for her are not the only thing growing.
<< Previous Chapter. Next chapter >>
My head felt heavy, neck was sore and my entire body felt like it weighed a thousand pounds. Like when your under water and it keeps pushing you upwards to the surface but you can’t swim.
I opened my eyes with heavy eyelids taking into my sight the dark place I was in. I tried to get up only to feel the soreness stop me from it and the uncomfortable feeling of sleeping on my work clothes. It was never a good option, I must have been so tired last night to even change clothes before going to bed.
I groaned getting up to a sitting position over the mess of covers as a sharp pain over the curve of my neck made me completely regret it, another painful groan leaving my lips, i tiredly massage the part where I felt the sharp pain trying to lessen the painful feeling.
Running my eyes through the room, my body froze. Taking in every detail of it as the memories from last night filled my brain, reality was a bucket of cold water on my face.
I was still in the clinic.
Still in Yoongis room.
Hand still covering where he bite me last night as the sharp pain made my body shiver as my messy brain connected the dots, the late appointment with Jungkook the bunny hybrid who was in heat and how the smell of another male affected Yoongi negative, to the point he bite me.
At the thought of him my head turned quickly behind me, trying to find him over the mess of covers as the lights slowly turned back on. Immediately regretting the sudden move as the pain seemed to only worsen.
My eyes locked over his presence as he lays there still sleeping calmly, chest moving slowly up and down. A soft look on his features almost so innocent, so peaceful i almost forgot about the angry hybrid who had bite me.
This was my chance to leave.
My hands supporting my body at my sides as I tried to slowly make my way out of the bed, I heard him groan and turned around to look only to find him still sleeping peacefully, a sight of relief leaving my lips. He looked so calm and the way his scales shined under the soft light of the room as it turned back on made him look heavenly, so unreal how such a dangerous kind could look so beautiful.
He looked like a diamond shining under the lights at the way his scales were a soft gray and lilac, so soft it looked almost unreal to be stared at.
I needed to leave immediately, soon it would be time for his mornings appointments and Namjoon would be here. I still had to get ready to work, and then do something about this bite on my neck and his poison on my veins.
The poison. I still didn’t know the side effects of it. Only that besides the bite it didn’t hurt at all.
I got up after I was done recollecting myself, still a bit dizzy i made my way to the door but before I could take another step I heard his voice behind me.
- going already? - startled I stopped in my tracks before I could even move any further from him.
I turned around quickly almost tripping as I did so. He sat over the bottom of the bed, hand running through his massy hair tiredly he blinked a few times getting used to the light before his dark orbs locked on mine.
- you… - I said but stopped immediately as he stood up and began to walk towards me. No words came to my mind. To afraid to even utter a single world.
Stopping a few inches away from me, he had a tired yet serious expression over his soft features.
- I bite you… - he smirked voice low and raspy, dark yes running over the bite on my neck.
I covered it immediately, a warmth rising up to my cheeks.
- don’t worry it won’t kill you… - he said, one step closer and he was mere centimeters away from me, closing the distance to whisper his next words against my face - in fact, when used at the right time it could be very pleasurable….
He smiled.
I gulped down, eyes falling over his lips the tips of his fangs showing a bit as he smiled. My cheeks going even warmer I quickly turned around making my way out his room. Even though I felt like falling to my knees from the dizziness, I needed to leave that room.
- see you in my next appointment y/n - He said behind me, I could hear the entertainment in his voice. Dripping of second thoughts over it.
Like his poison.
The cold air of the clinic hitting my face was a reminder I needed to feel the relief flowing through me, I gulped down as I rested my back against the door. I couldn’t make any sense of what had happened, I needed time to clear my mind over the facts that had occurred in the last 12 hours, no thinking once I made my way to the elevators. Hand covering the bite.
He left a mark. I’m sure of it.
I had to wash up as soon as possible before Namjoon gets to the clinic, looking in my pockets for my phone I find it to check up the time. It was six in the morning. I still had some time.
Leaving the elevators i rushed towards the staff room on the first floor, I opened the door making my way to my locker grabbing my bag from it quickly locking myself in the staff bathroom. I took a few breathes as I stood in front of the mirror holding the sink, my eyes looking over my neck and the red spot was very visible still bleeding a bit from the bite, the two spots where his teeth sank into my flash visibly clear on my skin, I cleaned it with some ointment and covered with a badged.
Throwing some cold water on my face a let the late events finally sink in. I tried to make out what was happening but nothing came to me. For a moment I almost hated him for that, but I couldn’t. Not when his life was at stake, not when he’s been neglected for so long.
Maybe I was being selfish, why would he trust me so easily after all that he’s been through? Maybe I was just hurt that he bite me, me off all people.
I wouldn’t run away from it, the thought that maybe that’s what he wanted. For me to run away scared of him, because that’s what everyone else has shown him. What Jin and everyone else here did, gave up on him. But I wouldn’t.
I changed my clothes with some spare ones I had on my bag, fixing my make up and hair I sprayed some perfume. I didn’t have much time now so I made my way out of the bathroom only to find Hoseok already entering the staff room.
- oh hey - he says, walking to his locker as he took of his backpack - you’re here already?
- yeah I had to take care of something earlier today - i quickly make up a lie, putting my bag back inside my locker as I fixed my identification card over my white coat.
- oh… so that snake hybrid is giving you hard work? - hoseok said, a glint of playfulness over his voice.
But at the mentioned of Yoongi I could only feel the heat coming up to my cheeks.
- yeah, a little bit… - I say, walking past him to leave.
Thinking I was finally free from this conversation, Hoseok questioned the thing I was hoping he wouldn’t.
- what’s this on your neck? - he said, a confused look over his features he walked closer but I took a step back making him stop immediately.
- nothing, just a scratch - I lied, giving him a smile I tried to cover the badge on my neck with my hair.
- oh… sure then, if you say - he gave me a small smile, eyes still over my neck worry on his eyes.
I gulped down turning towards the door to leave, i rushed out making my way to the elevators to start my routine at the clinic.
Hoseok wasn’t dumb nor was he slow, I’m sure he was trying to connect the dots about my neck. The fact that he mentioned Yoongi was clear he already suspected him, I should have covered it better.
What if he tells Namjoon?
I sight tiredly, getting inside the elevator I press the third floor button. I’ll just deal with it when it comes, for now I need to work.
Is the only thing I can do to clear my mind from all this mess of problems and snake thoughts.
My first appointment today was the bunny hybrid from last night but, this time I wasn’t alone. I had my assistant help me today with his treatment, after last night’s events I thought I would be better to have some help with this case, I didn’t wanted to make Yoongi agitated again.
This morning I would start Jungkooks treatment with heat suppressants and vitamins to help with dehydration. He needed to be strong and healthy before we put him into mating.
Today fortunately he was more calm and quiet, I noticed he would look at me from time to time as I talked with my assistant. How would stare at the bandage on my neck, I was a fool for even think he wouldn’t notice. Him having a Uchoa higher sense of smelling sure knew another hybrid had marked me.
- well star with a small dose of suppressant - I tell the assistant as he gives the medication to Jungkook - also make sure he have balanced meals too.
- so… I won’t be able to have my rut now? - Jungkook asked annoyed, eyes staring over me impatient.
- yes, you will - I tell him - but before anything we need to make sure you’re healthy for it, you haven’t been getting the treatments as a hybrid normally would, from the exams results you’re anemic and dehydrated, well first make sure you’re healthy and then I’ll put you into mating processe.
- oh… mating processe - he asked, doe eyes down at his hands on his lap.
- yes, you’ll be able to meet some hybrids and mate - I tell him, the only reason he’s taking the suppressants is to make it easier for us to help him. Bunny hybrids are by far some of the most uncontrollable when on heat, is hard to stop them they would rut with any specie that is close if not taken care off. Is not their fault. They can’t really control it.
He nodded and we carry on with his appointment. The entire time I could see how akward he was as I came closer, checks red from embarrassment. After I was done with his treatment my assistant left first, I said my goodbye but before I left Jungkook called for me.
- yes? - I smiled at him.
- sorry about yesterday- he murmured, playing with his hands over his lap.
- is okay… I forgive you - I tell him.
- I didn’t know you had a mate already… - he said, brown reddish eyes staring deep into mine.
My heart skipped a beat at his words. Mate. Just what was he talking about? Did he perhaps read the scent of Yoongi on me wrong? What did that mean?
I simply couldn’t find an answer for it. But I didn’t had the time for as my phone stared to ring, my next appointment was sat for now.
I checked my next patient and carry on my schedule for the morning. Deciding to let any thoughts about a snake hybrid for later.
The morning stared calm, I didn’t know I would be so busy as time passed. Almost all of my patients today had exams done early today as well as some check ups with them i had to make sure they were healthy and getting their treatments done, some where low on a certain vitamin and some were ready to start the mating process.
Nothing out of the usual. Just busy.
Enough to make me forget about the appointment with Yoongi later, I felt my entire body froze when my phone began to ring Namjoons name shining on the caller. He began to call me nonstop from time to time, still remembering our discussion I didn’t really wanted to talk to him over the phone.
I rushed to the elevators finding Namjoon stading there phone on his ear as he kept calling me, I turned off my phone patting him on the back as I finally stood behind him.
He turned to me, putting his phone down once he notice my presence.
- sorry, busy morning - I tell him, he only nods and signal for me to get in the elevator before him.
As I do he fallows behind pressing the 6th floor buttom. A few floors pass and we don’t say anything, the akward silence inside the elevator was thick enough to cut it with a scissor. I looked at my feet, the sound of paper flipping as Namjoon looked over Yoongis treatments for today.
- he has to take his medication and vitamins as usual - Namjoon says beside me, finally cutting the silence - he will be having his medical bath too for his shedding.
- it’s today? - I turned to him surprised, I thought it would take a few more appointments before we jump to the most troublesome one.
- yes, he’s in a difficult situation, his skin is in a very bad condition - is what he says before the door of the elevators opened.
We both walk out, the way towards Yoongis room is quiet no one says anything. Not thinking much about our disagreement as my mind is filled with thoughts about Yoongis condition, how much he must been lonely all this time in such condition and the fact I would be in the same room while he baths.
Namjoon stops which makes me also stop, looking up I realize we are here already. I give him a small smile and before I can open the door he grabs my arm gently.
He looks troublesome, knowing him he was probably running through the words before saying anything to me, eyes staring into mine in a apologetic expression.
- I’m sorry… - he says, i look up to find worry and regret in his eyes -…. about yesterday, nothing I can say will erase what I said to you but, I’m truly sorry. I know you and how much of a great doctor you are, I’m sure you’ll do great with this case.
- thank you and I forgive you - i say, Namjoon must’ve thought about this a hundred times. I know he would never mean those things we all can get angry at times.
This case it’s the most delicate we had, not only that but is the first time we ever worked together. Everyone can have disagreements sometimes, Namjoon always had been the type to hold his emotions until he explodes and say a few things he might regret. But he’s not a bad person.
Giving him a smile I opened the door to the snake hybrid room, the hot air welcoming as I entered. Bringing memories from last night to the surface of my mind and heat to my face, but I hid it well.
I tried to play it cool as if nothing had happened, begging in my mind that Yoongi wouldn’t comment on any of it in front of Namjoon. It could only make things more difficult than it had to be.
Namjoon fallowed me behind preparing the medication and vitamins for me, the change felt weird for me. I was so used to being the one preparing medicine and tools for the doctors for the first time I was leading one.
At the sound of us and the lights being turned on Yoongi got up from his bed sitting a boring expression on his fratures as he eyes Namjoon behind me head tilting slightly to the side.
- today will start your medical baths to treat your skin - i began nervously, Yoongi looks up at me almost immediately. Glossy eyes and red cheeks. I look at him confused but don’t comment on it.
- here yn - Namjoon says beside me, I smiled at him taking the syringe from his hand.
- I’ll give you your meds and once your bath is ready well take you to it - I tell him stoping in front of him, he only nods brushing his long dark hair away from his face.
I opened his shirt a bit to expose his arm for me to apply the medication, this time Yoongi made a face of discomfort. Something felt off but I just brushed out of my mind, once I was done i returned the syringe to Namjoon. Before I could take one step away from him he held my wrist.
I turned slightly to him only to realize he wasn’t looking at me but the floor, a pained expression on his features eyes closing slowly as he began to fall from the bed.
I moved quickly to hold him before he could hit the ground, holding him tight in my arms he felt hot almost too much for his normal body heat. With my other hand I checked his temperature by touching his forehead, his body weighted over me making me almost fall.
- he has a fever - I tell namjoon. I hear him moving behind me.
- that’s not good - he says closer to me - i should take a few exams then. He should rest a bit before the bath.
- are you sure? - I asked him worried, it happened so fast I wasn’t sure of it.
- yes, trust me - he said. I only nodded.
I hold Yoongi upwards, getting up I take him back to the bed trying my best to lay him down as carefully as I could. Dark glossy eyes starting into mine when my right hand brushed at the back of his neck as I lay his head over the bed, feeling the scales on his skin at the tip of my fingers my breath got stuck on my throat.
I was so lost in his features to realize the delicate touch of his hands sliding up my wrists to my arms, completely mesmerized by him. As if I was being hypnotized, his hands closing over my shoulders to extend them over his head my knee that was between his legs keeping my balance almost giving in. My entire body felt the wave of heat coming from his, needing him, wanting him.
It was wrong. He probably didn’t even knew all of this was happening, he looked completely out of it.
In one breath I took all i had in me to lift myself from top of him, standing in front of him I see how his chest moved up and down as he sighted slowly, he extended his arms up over his head the shirt lifting up a bit as he did so exposing the scales on his hips. He was taking deep breathes, eyes still locked into mine his face was red and I could clearly see the arousal forming under his silk pants.
I quickly turned back feeling my checks hot, not being able to look at namjoon as I made my way to him.
- should we go? - I asked him.
- yeah… it shouldn’t take long for the symptoms to reduce - he says, fallowing me as I walk to the door.
Once I leave the room my body immediately calmed down at the cold air of the clinic, pushing my hair back as I sighted turning back to Namjoon my eyes searching for his in an attempt to forget dark glossy ones.
Even thought I was now out of his room I could still feel the heat from him, like he was inside every cell in my body.
- are you ok? - Namjoon asked, closing the door behind him.
- yeah… - I said, a sight leaving my lips.
He looks at my face for a bit, clearly confused at my reaction trying to understand it. I try not to give his inspection much mind as I see Hoseok coming closer from the other way of the corridor. His orange hair was a big contrast between the white walls, he had a bright smile on his face as he made his way to us.
- what’s this on your neck? - Namjoons voice brought my eyes back to his sharp ones once my brain realized his question.
- oh this… - my hand coming up to cover my neck where Yoongi bite me - nothing… I just burned myself with the curling iron.
- wow that must’ve hurt - he says.
- hey guys - Hoseok stoped beside namjoon giving a smile and I was thankful for him as Namjoon took his attention from me - we ready to take the hybrid?
- take? - I asked, staring at them both confused.
- oh, I forgot to tell you yn - Namjoon turned his attention to me - I won’t be with you for the Hybrid bath, so Hoseok will be your assistance.
He won’t?
- that’s ok but, why? - I asked.
- the female Snake hybrid just got here - he says - Jin told me to take care of her treatments so you’ll be fully in charge of Yoongi from now.
The female was here already. For some reason I get bitter about.
I got an anxious feeling with this situation, as thought I should be happy to be the one to take care of him knowing he trusts me the most between the doctors, the bite was making more nervous.
And the fact that the female hybrids was here only meant one thing, is was almost time for them to take him.
- don’t worry yn, I’ll be with you - Hoseok said, one hand over my shoulder a different light on his eyes but, I couldn’t decipher.
I was still completely lost on Yoongi. How am I supposed to help him?
We had our lunch break together to discuss the next steps for the mating process, I wish I could say I was happy but knowing they were going to put down Yoongi afterwards made me sick. Not only that but, the fact I would be fully in charge of him now made me even more nervous. For some reason he seems more comfortable around me, yet he bite me the next day.
His behavior was starting to make me confuse, his poison made curious as well. It couldn’t kill but definitely had some effects on the human body, he also mentioned something about it but my mind was so foggy I couldn’t really remember much of what happened or his words.
Looking at the males on the table, my face must’ve told them something was wrong.
- you look like you wanna say something- Hoseok said, taking a sip of his americano.
- no, I’m curious - collecting my thoughts thinking of a way to ask it - Yoongi being a snake hybrid and having poison on his bite… what are the effects?
- oh, that is a good one - Hoseok said, turning to Namjoon - lucky we have the expert right here.
- I’m not expert, Jin just told me something’s from the tests that were run over the poison - Namjoon said.
- what did he say?
- well, the lab didn’t found much on the results as it was like it didn’t have any negative effects except - he came closer to us, talking lower only for our table to hear - it wasn’t enough to kill but, once one of our staffs was bitten they found a change in the structure of the poison.
- Namjoon not everyone is a smart ass like you - Hoseok whispered annoyed - translate please?
- it takes a few days to leave thw body but till it’s completely out of your system, it’s painful - Namjoon said - like being electrocuted or something.
- the guy in the hospital wouldn’t stop moving from the pain and had to be sedated for his treatment - Hoseok said, making sense of Namjoons words who only nodded to him.
- oh… that’s very interesting - i said, looking down at my food.
But I didn’t felt any pain.
I was dizzy but not in pain. I can’t really explain what it felt like apart from tiredness and an intense heat, it was so hot and my whole body felt like in a high.
I couldn’t understand any of it, it seemed the clinic also doesn’t know much about Yoongi. I would have to get the answers from the hybrid himself. I have to know why, this could be important to save him.
After lunch me and Hoseok went our separate ways from Namjoon, we walked quietly through no one said a word and I was thankful for that.
Once we stopped in front of Yoongis door I turned to Hoseok before we entered.
- I have to tell you a few things first - I began.
- yn, is okay is not my first time treating him - Hoseok smiled.
- no you don’t understand, he… doesn’t like other males - I tell him.
- oh only the pretty doctor y/n he likes hum? - he chuckled walking past me, my cheeks went hot.
He moved so fast I didn’t get the chance to stop him, in a second he was inside Yoongis room. I rushed behind him closing the door quickly. My body was getting used to the warmth of his room already.
Standing beside Hoseok I looked at him angrily.
- long time no see Yoongi - he said to the hybrid.
- you must have a death wish then - Yoongi said groggy lifting half of his body only, he had a smirk on his face as he scanned the room.
- you - I said to Hoseok turning him to look me harshly, anger filling me - he is my patient, when I tell you to listen you listen I didn’t let Namjoon risk this and I won’t let you either.
Hoseok looked at me not saying a word, he blinked before swallowing.
- you friend was bitten, do you want to say hi to him in person? - I asked. He only moved his head side to side. - exactly.
I sighted, hand over my forehead. God the males in this clinic are driving me insane.
I turned back to yoongi who was now sitting in his bed, looking at us confused yet amused. The smirk still facing on his lips.
- you feel better now? - I asked him.
- didn’t felt bad before - he answered, eyes looked into mine.
- your bath is ready… - I turned my gaze away from his, the memories from his state before bringing a warmth to my face - Hoseok will help me today.
Turning to Hoseok he walked to me with a collar on his hand.
- here is the collar - he said, showing me the metal collar with a chain. I looked at him in disbelief - what? Is a protocol for red code hybrids no matter the species no matter the case he must wear it.
- okay… give me - i take the collar from his hands, feeling the weight of it before. It had a smart lock and it didn’t weight much, it felt lighter on my hands.
After making sure it wouldn’t bother him I made my way towards the hybrid, Yoongi immediately stood up once I stopped in front of him. Lifting the collar to his neck I could feel his slow breathes hitting my face, sharp eyes scanning my face as put the collar around his neck carefully. Ignoring the look he was giving me. The closeness of our bodies making my checks heat up, locking the collar around his neck making sure is not tight I looked at him searching for any discomfort but he seemed fine with it.
The ghost of the memory of his scales softly touching my fingers was enough to bring my eyes to his, dark shiny orbs looking stray into mine.
I swallowed hard turning away from him. I could feel the heat from his body already.
- let’s go then - i say making my way to the door, ignoring the smirk from Hoseok.
On the way to the baths Hoseok explains to me how the collar works and why is needed, turns out is a way to put the hybrid to sleep if he behaves in a threatening way or tries to scape. He will be electrocuted if he does so, the collar can sense if the levels of adrenaline of the hybrid are off and it will make a sound to alert the one responsible for him before he is electrocuted.
Knowing Yoongi made me cringe at the idea of having him on that collar but, at the same time i understood. I couldn’t deny the truth either. I didn’t know him completely. I thought I did and he bite me. I couldn’t risk it anymore but at the same time, I wouldn’t let him get to that point. At least I would try to.
Having him fallow me in a collar felt weird, holding the chain as he walked beside me between me and Hoseok had a weird affect on me. Hoseok kept talking till we get to the floor, I wouldn’t make any effort to keep the conversation going the heaviness I felt on my shoulders from Yoongis eyes on me was hard to ignore. Even if I try to I wouldn’t be able to make any sense of words.
I knew he was looking at me, I don’t know why though. I couldn’t decipher him at all. He was a mystery I couldn’t get any closer to resolve. Every time I thought I knew him he would change my mind completely.
Once we got there for the bath, Hoseok began to get all the medicine ready for me and I prepared a second hand of clothes for Yoongi. The bathroom was changed to accommodate his needs and it will be his personal bathroom for as long as his skin treatment continues or for as long as they let him live.
The bathroom was big, it had a closet for towels soap, bathrobe and everything might be needed. In the middle of the room was the bathtub, a round bathtub filled with warm water and medicine for his skin.
From his lasts exams the bad state of his skin was stopping him from shedding, making the skin get stuck with layers of dead shedding. We would have to apply the medicine over it and then with the help of warm water remove all the dead skin from his body.
- I’m done yn - said Hoseok behind me. I turned to him after gathering some towels and putting them beside the clothes over a small table that was closer to the bathtub.
- thanks, I’ll take care of it from now - I tell him, giving him a small smile.
- are you sure? - he gave me a look, walking over to me as he looked at Yoongi before whispering - are you ok, being alone with him?
- yes - I whispered back to him, although I wouldn’t mind his presence in the room as I treat Yoongi - and he has the collar right? I’ll be safe.
- ok… if anything happens I’ll run that door opened and get you - at his words I chuckled nodding to him. He gave me a positive sing and walked to the door.
After he left I made my way to Yoongi who still stood there in front of the bathtub not knowing what to do.
I wasn’t the best when it came to his kind of hybrid but, I was good at taking care of wounds.
- so you’re not scared to be alone with me? - Yoongi asked as I came closer.
- well, you did bite me but - I stopped, once my eyes locked with his the same look from before still on his features. Dark glossy eyes and red cheeks. I should hurry with this. It wouldn’t be nice to treat him if he behaves like before, specially when I know nothing how his behavior works. No one knows much about the snake hybrid.
- should a strip for you? - he said suddenly. My eyes staring into his surprised.
- what? - my checks went hot. He chuckled and I notice the amusement over his features. I only nodded.
Making my way to get the medicine for his skin on the other side, I took a few breaths before doing it so.
What was wrong with me?
Grabbing the meds I turned back to him, the sight of his naked back took a breath away from me. He had scales that came from the back of his neck down his hip like a pair of wings, amazed at how unique it looked as well as worried. He clearly has been scratching his back trying to get the dead skin off, marks of scratching and dry blood all over his back.
I swallowed hard as I came closer to him, it looked worst from this close. He’s must have been through so much pain and discomfort.
- I’ll start aplaying the medicine on your back - i state, he didn’t say nothing.
Putting some of the liquid medicine over the cotton clothe on my hand, I began to slightly press it over the parts where he scratched badly. As the skin was dry i first had to clean the wounds before treating them, the hot water would help a lot more.
He still had some shedding to do as a few parts over his scales were coming off when I touched, some could feel disgusted by this but I couldn’t. I was completely shocked at how much they haven’t been treating him right.
- ouch.. - he murmured.
I immediately looked up to check on him, his eyes were closed in a painful expression.
- I’m sorry… I’ll be more gentle - I tell him, which makes him turn towards me. My eyes being meet with his exposed chest.
- not you… - he said, i look up to his eyes - this thing…
He pointed at the collar.
- it’s scratching my neck…
His skin is lot more sentive when shedding no wonder the collar is bothering him so much, not thinking twice about it I move my hands up to take it off from his neck. The click sound of it opening as did so.
- better?
He only nods his head. Glossy eyes still locked with mine.
I blinked, turning to put the collar over the table.
- you should get in the tub now - I tell him - I’ll give you some privacy as you do so….
Before I can turn for him to take off his clothes he holds my wrist.
- you can look… - he said, lips turning up in smirk - I don’t mind you looking at me.
I swallowed before turning away from him. My face was burning hot.
I heard him chuckled before the sound of steps and clothes shuffled, I heard him getting in the water. A breathy moan leaving his lips as did so. A sound so sinful and full of pleasure.
- that’s heaven… - he murmured - you can turn now.
- ok… - I turned to him slowly.
The sight was something else, never would i thought for a second to be here right now being the one to have such mesmerizing sight to look at. He was just sitting there both arms resting on the tub, eyes closed and a relaxed expression on his soft features. A few strands of hair over his face.
Completely naked under water in front of me, his scales shined a lot more now due to the moisture of the hot bath. The smell of lavender filling my lungs as I stand there.
What was it about him that felt so enticing to me?
I never felt this before. I couldn’t explain how he made me feel. With just a few looks and words from him I was completely under a spell, no matter what I was always coming back.
Maybe because I pity him? Maybe because I don’t want him to die?
Maybe, I just like him.
Maybe, just maybe is the way he looks at me. How those dark eyes hold so much mystery, how he’s so comfortable around me and how he looked so heavenly beautiful now.
All wet and comfortable inside that bathtub, how his scales shined so much more now making him look like a diamond himself. As if he was bathing in stars.
All for my eyes only.
- you’re staring at me - at the sound of his low voice I came back to reality. Clearing my throat as I walked closer to the bathtub.
- no I wasn’t - I lied.
At my response he slowly opened his dark eyes to look at mine, a tired expression laying on his features his eyes looked me up and down in silence as a small smile formed on his lips. I tried to look anywhere but him, nervously switching side to side hands behind my back as I stood under his gaze.
Almost cursing myself at it. Why am i so nervous? This shouldn’t bother me this much, I’m his doctor I should be serious.
- come here.
I looked at him stunted at his request.
- what? - i asked.
Maybe I was so overwhelmed by his presence and beautiful naked body in a bathtub in front of me, I began to imagine things.
- you - he said, more demanding this time - come here.
- I’m here. - I said, still not moving at all.
I swallowed hard. Suddenly my feet felt stuck on the ground. I couldn’t move even if I wanted.
- why? - he chuckled, it was unusual to see him smiling like that and he looked absolutely beautiful his entire face lights up when he smiled - you want me to get you?
He looked down at the water then back to me over his lashes, his smile slowly drifting to a smirk. My checks felt hotter then ever. Not wanting to make things more difficult I made my way to him, his eyes never letting go of me. I sat over the edge of the bathtub beside him.
- closer… - he only murmured, eyes running over my face.
I didn’t.
I couldn’t move.
The bite on my neck burned at the thought of getting any closer, the memory was still fresh over my skin. He seemed to notice as his features soften while he came closer to me. Resting his left arm on the edge of the tub to place his chin over his hand. Dark orbs staring at mine as he lifted his right hand up to softly push my hair away from my neck, exposing the bite.
- did I hurt you? - he asked, sounding apologetic.
- a bit… - i manege to say, eyes locked with his - why did you bite me?
- humm… - he murmured, eyes traveling over the bite on my neck up my face - to send a message.
- message? - I blinked still not getting his words.
- you should know… not to come to me smelling like another males rut - he said, a bit of anger on his tone eyes stuck into mine - and he should know not to touch you.
- oh…
He meant Jungkook the bunny hybrid I treated.
Of course. Hybrids get extra sensitive to another’s male scent, Yoongi must’ve had mistaken the situation. Is normal for us doctors to be in contact with hybrids in heat as we must take care of their mating process, i just didn’t know they could leave their scent on me like that.
- well he got your message… - I tell him, akward smile on my face - he thought I had a mate.
I chuckled a bit. Yoongi didn’t laugh though, only looked at me down to the bandage on my neck.
- sorry i hurt you… it wasn’t my intention - he said.
- it’s a bite… I don’t see how that wouldn’t hurt - my voice was lower for some reason, I felt shy around him like this. As if his words had second meanings I didn’t know how to understand.
- mine doesn’t… - at his words I turned my eyes back to his - I could show you but, only if you ask me to.
- I won’t.
- that’s ok for me… - the smile on his face seemed completely different from before, it had a glint of indecency.
I gulped down looking at my feet, cheeks burning hot.
The sound of water turned my attention back to him beside me, he moved closer now on his knees on the bathtub. I looked at him surprised, trying to keep my eyes from darting down towards his body.
If my face was hot before now it was in flames, he tilted his head to the side dark eyes staring right into mine. Drops of water falling from his chin and hair sliding slowly down his skin and scales on his neck.
He looked so fresh and clean, not that he was dirty before but like a new him just emerged from that water.
My breath stopped at my throat at the touch of his hand on my face, the tips of his wet fingers sliding slightly against my chin down my neck and stoping at his bite cover by the bandage. He took it off my skin slowly till the bandage was completely off, throwing it on the floor.
- you didn’t treat it yet - he said as his eyes scanned the wound, eyebrows furrying and voice a mere whisper.
- didn’t have the time yet - I told the truth, the whole morning I’ve been busy trying to forget who gave me the bite.
- in this case I can help…
He brushed my hair away from my neck coming closer to my face, glossy eyes staring at the bite. I immediately stopped him, my cold hand rested against his warm chest from the hot bath. He looked into my eyes as if my action had hurted him, I gulped turning my gaze away from his.
Face warm from nervous, no more bites, not now. I was still recovering from the first bite, another from him and my body would certainly betray me, I could still remember the effects his poison had over me the first time.
- I won’t hurt you… - he whispered, his breath mere centimeters away from my face making me turn to him.
In a second he wrapped one arm around my body holding me down, the other he held the back of my neck.
- No, Yoongi…
I knew I couldn’t fight him, my hands kept sliding against his wet shoulders as I tried to stop him.
But I couldn’t stop him, so I just waited for the pain. For him to sink his teeth over my skin again.
Yet he didn’t.
All he did was leave a long lick over the bite taking my breath away, my hands searching for his shoulder for support afraid a might fall but he only held me tighter.
My entire body was trembling at the feeling of his tongue on my skin, he didn’t stop at one lick and continue to suck on my skin.
- Yoongi?…
His name felt different this time coming from my lips, no bite yet I was in high on his poison again. My body tremble from his hot wet skin over mine, a gasp leaving my lips as he continued to lick over the bite.
At this point I couldn’t find the strength to let go, finger closing in a fist over his wet hair as I held him against my neck. It hit me in waves, the pleasure from his lips on my neck down my entire body.
He groaned against my neck, hand grabbing my hair holding my tightly against his wet body. Nothing made sense to me but it felt so good.
His nose brushed against my neck up to my jaw as he left small kisses and licks against my skin, hand grabbing my hair to make me look at him in the eyes. Glossy dark eyes staring into mine in such blissful way, I felt light headed as I stared into his gaze.
He rested his forehead against mine, small breathes as his hands slides down my body and stoping at my hips.
For a moment we just stared at each other, the tips of my fingers traveling over his shoulders to the scales of his neck touching them slightly. I held his face with both my hands as i caressed his checks with my thumbs, he closed his eyes slowly resting over my touch.
Nothing made more sense to me then us like this now, lips slightly brushing against each other I don’t think twice before closing the distance between us completely.
He groaned against my lips holding my tighter, fingers sliding under my shirt caressing my skin with warm hands. I gasped at the feeling, he bite my bottom lip sucking on it after.
He proceeded to to leave wet kisses along my jaw and down my neck, leaving me breathless. Hands pushing my shirt up at the bottom of my bra exposing my belly, he began to kiss it pushing me against him by the hips licking under my bellybutton.
He looked up at me glossy eyes staring right into mine before letting of me, completely submerging under the water in a big splash leaving me breathless needing more of him.
Emerging afterwards after a few seconds under water, he pushed his now wet black hair back eyes locked with mine the entire time.
He rested himself on the bathtub, a sight leaving his lips my eyes drifting down at his exposed chest.
Only realized I was biting my bottom lip till I taste the blood, the sound of the door opening as Hoseok entered the room waking me up back to reality.
- is almost time… - he said, eyes staring at me then Yoongi - is everything alright?
- it was - Yoongi interrupted, voice low and raspy - till you get in.
Hoseok scoffed walking towards me.
- is alright Hobi… - I tell him, making my way to the table with the towels, making sure my hair is covering the bite on my neck.
I took one and bringing it to Yoongi lifting the towel up for him to take.
- here - I tell him - dry yourself and then put on the clothes over the table.
He lifts himself up from the bath making his way where I stood, completely naked and wet. Eyes looking me up and down, the memories from a few moments ago making my cheeks burn. I kept my gaze on anything besides him, still noticing how he smirked while taking the towel from my hand with wet fingers.
I cleared my throat turning to walk to Hoseok who stood there just watching, stoping in front of him who looked at me, as if waiting for me to explain. I smiled awkwardly at him.
I didn’t say anything and just stood there, waiting for Yoongi to dry himself and get dressed. It didn’t took long though. Thankfully.
- done - Yoongi said behind me, I turned to find him right behind me the collar on his hand as he gave it to me.
I looked at him, for some reason i didn’t wanted to put it on him. I wish I could just walk normally with him to his room but, I had to fallow the protocols. I sight left my lips while locked the collar back around his neck.
He only stared at me, no discomfort on his face he had a calm expression over his soft features.
- lest go then - Hoseok said.
He walked ahead of us the entire time till we get to Yoongis room. For the first time Hoseok was quiet and I wondered what might have been the reason, he usually was so bright and never quiet. It made me worry I might have said something or if something happened while I was with Yoongi.
Could it be…. Maybe he heard us?
My cheeks burned at the thought. Oh no. Not him. Not Hoseok…. He will never let it go if he heard it.
Shit I was in trouble.
Notes: here it is! Finally! Hehe, sorry for any grammatical errors! 🥹
Did you know? Snakes lick all over their potential partner for mating to know if they are healthy? Hehe now you know 🤭
Taglist: @catlove83 @mukeovernetflix @yoongislatinagff @illnevertrustmyselfagain @cuntessaiii @starrlo0ver @lopprhe @acquiescence804 @locket-hrt @glosstwn @prettytaesworld @myspi2010 @moonlightshostage @sarai-ibn-la-ahad @damiiworld @yoongiwantsme @armydgirl @jaxyy219 @limop
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bteezxyewriter12 · 6 months
Text Disaster
Pairing- Hobi x Named Reader
Word count- 3.2k
Includes- Oral, pussy eating, cum eating, dirty talk, cock riding, squirting, multiple orgasms, fluff
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxminnie @yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana @tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa
@borntowalkaway @soulseobi05 @kpop-bambi @seokwoosmole @meowmeowminnie @realisticnotes @effielumiere @svnbangtansworld @pinkies-things @insomniacatiny @marvelfamily3000
Masterlists- check out for more fics
📝Masterlists 📝BTS Masterlist 📝Hobi Masterlist
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"I haven't done blonde in awhile and ARMYS liked it last time so I figured why not?", he says
I nod, smiling at him, "It's light this time though. But still looks good"
He laughs, "Thanks. It was like a neon yellow for the butter video but it washed out and I'm left with this"
"I like it a lot", I compliment, my cheeks heating up
God, I'm so fucking bad at flirting
Especially when it's Hobi
He's just so... gorgeous and he makes me nervous
Even though I've known him for a few years now
Through my best friend Namjoon
Namjoon said the guys were going to a bar to hang out tonight and asked me to come
Apparently the guys were bringing friends
Hobi and I both wanted a drink so we went to the bar together
He got his drink while I'm waiting for mine
"Your hair is pretty too", he says, looking at my purple and blue hair, "Like the braid. The colors look cool mixed like that"
I blush harder, "Thanks"
"You're welcome", he smiles, making me swoon at those dimples
I hear my drink being called out by the bartender
"I'll be right back"
He nods
We wandered a bit from the bar to give more people room to order
Squeezing between people, the bartender hands me my drink
"Thanks", I say, then take out some money and put it in the tip jar
"Thanks!", he smiles
I nod, then move out from between two guys
I look for Hobi and when I spot him, my heart deflates
Some girl dressed in super revealing skanky clothes is flirting with him
Smiling, batting her eyes, her hand on his arm as she giggles
And he smirks at her as he talks
I wasn't even gone for two minutes and he's already flirting with another girl
Not that he can't but he made it seem like he was gonna wait for me
And I'm not interrupting them
It'd just be awkward
I'm pissed
Namjoon dragged me here, hyping me up to get with Hobi tonight
Or at least talk him up
I even dressed up
Black mini skirt, red lace tank top and heels
Clothes I had to buy for tonight because I so do not wear this on a regular basis
It was all for nothing
Turning away, I walk to the other side of the bar, sit at a stool and take my phone out
I'm gonna blow up at Namjoon
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Why the fuck isn't he answering?
I clearly told him he'd get sex tonight
Normally he'd be at my side immediately
We don't sleep together a lot
Only when one of us is very stressed or angry
Just to get the feelings out
And that's all it is
But he's not answering and I'm getting more pissed
Glancing up, I'm startled when I notice Namjoon across the bar
Engrossed in a conversation with a girl
His phone is on the bar, face down, his hand no where near it
There's no way he got into a conversation that fast
Especially not when I was offering sex
He would not stop to talk to a girl if we were going to leave
So that means I wasn't texting him
If I wasn't texting him, then who the fuck was I texting?
I open my phone and look at the recipient of my messages
And proceed to go into a sheer panic
Oh my fucking god, I was texting Hobi all that
He knows
Oh fuck, he knows I love....oh my god I need to get the fuck out of here right now
I need to go home and go AWOL for awhile
Until he doesn't remember this conversation anymore
Fat chance of that
Oh god, I can never hang out with BTS again
I need to go
I stand up from the stool and turn around, my heart jumping in my throat when I see Hobi standing behind me
Oh fuck
I can't do this confrontation right now
We just stare at each other for a few seconds then he comes closer to me
I feel like I'm gonna throw up
He reaches out, his fingers pushing some stray hairs behind my ear
He leans forward and suddenly he's kissing me, his lips so soft, so smooth against mine
I grab onto his shirt to steady myself as my head spins and the ground sways beneath my feet
Oh my god, this kiss is fucking perfect
It's just a simple sweet kiss and it rocks my world
All too soon he pulls slightly away from me, his eyes on mine
"You have no fucking idea how long I've been waiting for you"
I blink in complete shock
Which is what I say
"I thought you'd never notice me"
Is he kidding?
He's all I noticed
"Come home with me?", he asks shyly, then leans closer to my ear, "I'll let you ride me until all your frustrations are gone"
I swallow hard as he pulls back, suddenly smirking and the cocky Jay persona he has when he's in America comes out
I just nod, his smirk widens and he grabs my hand, dragging me behind him
And I follow him so willingly
He kisses me hard, his tongue playing with mine as his hands tear clothes off me
He made it to his apartment in record time
Once inside his apartment, his lips have not left mine as he carried me to his bed, laid me on it and got on top of me
I managed to get the buttons of his shirt open while he got my skirt and panties off
Shoving it off his body, I whimper seeing his hard muscles in his chest and abs
Fuck, I just got so much more wetter
He sits up, his hands grabbing the hem of my lace tank top, pulling and tearing it down the middle, the sound of the fabric ripping so satisfying
"Fuck, you're tits look so good in this bra", he murmurs, his hands cupping my boobs over the red lacy bra I wore to match the shirt, "Too bad it has to come off"
With that he lifts me up easily, taking the remnants of my shirt off, my bra following
He lays me back down, his eyes running all over my body, his eyes wide, desire pooling in them
"My god, you're fucking perfect", he murmurs, his hands squeezing my boobs, then running down my body, his fingers leaving fire in their wake
When he reaches my thighs, he opens my legs, his eyes immediately lighting up
"Fuck you're so wet", he says, mesmerizingly, "Is this because of me?"
I nod, "Yes Hobi"
"Is this all for me?"
"Yeah Hobi"
His eyes move to mine, "Are you all for me?"
"Always", I answer truthfully
He smiles, leaning over me, his mouth so close to mine
"I'm all for you Jo. Always"
Then he's kissing me passionately but the kiss is gone as soon as it was there
And his mouth is now pressed against my pussy, his tongue licking rapidly, his voice moaning into me as pure pleasure consumes my body
My hand slides in his blond hair, holding on as his tongue runs along my cunt then slides down and into my hole
I gasp at the bliss, my cunt squeezing his tongue hard, his moans sending vibrations up my spine
"Hobi", I cry
"Fuck yes", he groans, his hands digging into my thighs as he keeps them wide open, "Fuck moan my name baby. God, always wanted to hear you moan my name"
Shit, he wasn't kidding when he said he was waiting for me to notice him
His tongue moves fast, fucking into my hole, the sounds of him eating me out so messily so fucking hot
His mouth sucks as his tongue repeatedly slides in and out, both of us moaning the entire time
His wet tongue slides up then rolls over my clit, intense pleasure running up my spine as I cry out
"Fuck, your pussy tastes so good", he groans, lapping at my clit, "And your fucking clit baby, fuck. Throbbing so hard. Gonna let me suck on you?"
"Yes Hobi!", I yell, in so much bliss
Fuck, he can do anything to me as long as this euphoria stays
As long as it's him doing it
"Mmm good girl", he moans, now using the tip of his tongue to flick back and forth
"Oh god, oh god", I moan, feeling the pleasure building
Pulling his hair, he moans loudly his mouth latching onto my clit and sucking hard
"Fuck!", I shout, looking down between my legs to the completely erotic sight of Jung, Hoseok eating me out
He looks completely at home, like he could just stay there, eating my cunt all day
His eyes move to me, watching me as he continues, his hard jaw moving with each suck
My hips move involuntarily, fucking into his face and he nods, his brown eyes not leaving mine
We move like that together, my legs shaking around his head, my orgasm building and building
I'm so close and the next move of his beautiful mouth has me coming so fucking hard as I scream his name
I can't, the bliss is so fucking good, taking over every inch of me
He sucks me though it, moaning like he's getting blown
When I finish, his tongue moves to my hole, licking away, groaning loudly
"So fucking good. So good"
When he pulls away, he sits up, his face drenched in my cum and juice, making me blush
"Promise I can eat your cunt everyday", he demands
My mouth drops in shock at his words
"Promise baby", he repeats
"I...I promise", I answer
That will not be a problem
None at all
"Good girl", he smirks, sending a shiver up my back
I really like him calling me that
He gets off the bed, getting out of his jeans and boxers
I gape at his huge hard cock
Like really, that is so fucking massive
He just smirks, his hand wrapping around his length, stroking it a few times
"Ready to ride me?"
I blink, "Uh-"
"You said you wanted to ride Namjoon until you're not pissed anymore", he reminds me, "Sorry to say that you're not riding him anymore. Ever again actually. Not as long as you're mine"
I just nod, his words sinking in
This is more than just a one time thing to him
And that makes me so happy
"Whenever you're pissed off and you need to fuck away frustrations, you ride me"
"Ok", I agree, immediately
He nods, moving on the bed, kissing me softly before laying down
"C'mon aegi", he says
I smile and immediately climb in his lap
"There's my good girl", he murmurs, holding his cock up for me
Hovering over him, I move down, feeling his head right against my entrance
"Sit baby"
I push down on his cock, shivers of pleasure running up my spine as his fat dick spreads my cunt around him
"Oh fuck yes", he groans, his hands on my hips, helping me down, "So tight baby. Feels so good"
We are a tight fit, my pussy opening just enough to let him in
My cunt sucks his cock inside me as I move down, each fat inch pushed into me making me wetter and wetter
I have never been in such pleasure just getting a dick inside me
"Yes Hobi", I murmur, moving my hips in a circle to open my cunt more on his dick
"God, you're throbbing so hard already", he moans, his head pushed back into the pillow, "Fuck, you like my cock inside you this much?"
"Yes Hobi", I whimper, as I bottom him out, rocking on his perfect cock, his head in the perfect angle to rub against my spot, "So much"
"Mm I can see that baby", he murmurs, "You're moving on my cock already"
"So good Hobi", I moan, closing my eyes, grinding on him, "Fuck, big cock baby. So big"
I lean on his abs, starting to bounce softly on him, only sliding a little bit up his cock
"Yes baby. Keep going", he urges, as I slip up his cock more and more with every bounce, taking him deep inside, "So fucking pretty for me. Pretty little pussy taking my cock greedily inside her, creaming my cock like a waterfall. Pretty body out for me to watch. And you're beautiful face aegi, feeling so good because of me"
"Mmm hmm", I moan, riding him harder, his cock so deep I can feel him in my stomach
It feels phenomenal
I can hear how wet my cunt is, the squelching sounds mixing with the rhythmic slap of my ass hitting his legs with every move
Sex has seriously never felt this good before
His moans are so pretty, his hands gripping my thighs hard, pleasure all over his face
Pleasure I'm giving him
It's surreal
I keep moving faster, now sliding up to his head and bottoming him out over and over, the pleasure increasing
How does he feel this good?
Each bounce brings me closer and closer, the pressure in my stomach ready to snap
I take him in again, my body thrown into an utterly blissful orgasm, the ecstasy something I haven't felt before
"Hoseok!", I scream, my whole body shaking uncontrollably, "Hoseok!"
I vaguely hear him moaning about how good it feels but I can't concentrate on anything but the pleasure
When I finally finish, I open my eyes I didn't know I closed and look at him
He's gazing up at me in awe, "That was the most gorgeous thing I've ever seen"
I just raise my eyebrow, no longer shy
"And it felt so good too", he smirks
I giggle, leaning over and kissing his soft lips
He kisses me back and I'm in heaven
When we pull away, I press a kiss to the completely adorable and hot as fuck beauty mark on his lip
I always wanted to kiss that
Moving my finger over the mark, I murmur, "I love this. I hate when they cover it up in pictures"
His cheeks blush an adorable red , making me smile softly
I kiss the mark again, then sit up, ready to move on him again
Leaning on his abs, I start bouncing, watching the pleasure on his face
He's so fucking beautiful, his body drenched in sweat, his wet hair plastered to his forehead, his mouth slight open as he breathes
His hands move up my body, slowly touching my sweaty skin, his fingers feeling so fucking good
I move faster on him, his cock feeling so good, spreading me wide open for him
He's so hard, every clench around him feels amazing and I can feel every inch of him
My brain is turning off from the euphoria, my skin trembling
His hands move around my boobs, kneading them as his fingers pinch my nipples
"Hobi!", I cry, my pussy gushing around him as the bliss is turned up
"Mmm so wet baby. Love listening to this little pussy fuck my dick"
One hand drops to my clit, fingers rubbing, making me shout in pleasure
"Yeah aegi", he urges, "Cum for me baby. Wanna feel you gush around my cock"
I whine, leaning over, my hands on his shoulders as I ride him the hardest and fastest I can
"That's it baby", he smirks, "Ride my cock just like that. Fuck you feel so good. Pretty tight pussy so good"
His fingers keep moving as I bounce, his voice so desperate, his skin shivering under mine
He's close too
"Please cum around my cock baby", he begs, "I need to fill you with cum"
God, I want that so much and those words are just the push I need to fall headfirst into my orgasm
"Hoseok!", I scream, stars blasting in my vision as I squirt all over him, clenching on his cock so tightly
"Yes, yes yes baby!", he yells, "Fuck! Joanne!"
His cock throbs inside me, then I feel his warm cum filling me right up
I watch him orgasm and it is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen
He's so ethereal
"Baby", he groans as we finish, pulling me down on top of him
I lay on his shoulder, burying my face in his neck, holding onto him tightly
His arms move around my back, one secure around me, the other running in my hair
"I love you", he says softly
My entire body is shocked as I lift my head, staring at him in disbelief
I had no idea what he felt was love
Lust yes
Like yes
But love?
I didn't think he was there yet
"Don't look so shocked Jo", he says, smiling softly, "You're not the only one who unloaded your feelings on Namjoon"
"Namjoon knew?", I ask, surprised
"That I'm stupidly in love with you? Yeah he knows", he nods, "He told me he would get you to come tonight so I can talk to you. Maybe ask you out if I got the courage to"
Ok that's surprising
But what about that girl?
She swooped in right away and he didn't look for me until after I mistake texted him
"But I saw you with that girl-"
"That didn't mean anything Jo", he says, "She just showed up out of nowhere. I wanted her to leave me alone. The second I was able to get away from her I did. It was actually your texts that got me away from her"
That's ironic
"But you flirted with her"
He shakes his head, "No Jo. She flirted with me. I just smiled awkwardly to try not be rude"
I dunno
Maybe I thought he was flirting because I was so heated
I don't know
"Look at me baby", he says, his hands cupping my face
I raise my eyes to his, seeing the love in them
He really does love me
"How could I ever want anyone but you", he murmurs, "I never could. I don't want any girl but you. You never have to be jealous aegi. Never. I want only you. I love you. You're perfect. My perfect everything"
I can't help the smile that creeps on my face
"I love you too Hobi. You're kinda my everything too"
He smiles widely, his adorable dimples on display, "You have no idea how happy that makes me aegi"
Oh I know because I'm over the fucking moon
"Well this night turned out better than I expected", he laughs
I giggle, running my fingers in his hair, "So much better"
I lean down, kissing his perfect lips, so happy that he's mine and I can have his kisses all the time now
After the kiss, we cuddle into each other, his hand back in my hair, playing with it
"Sleepy time?", I ask
He nods, chuckling, "Sleepy time baby. Are you comfy?"
I nod, snuggling into him, "You're so soft baby. My Hobi pillow"
He laughs, kissing my forehead, "I love you"
"I love you", I answer
Closing my eyes, I lay in my boyfriend's arms, so happy I fucked up the texting tonight
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hobiiiiiworld · 2 years
Heartstrings | Chapter 3 - A New Perspective
Previous chapter
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Synopsis: You and Hoseok spend some more time together, and Hoseok grows fond of you.
Pairing: Jung Hoseok x female reader | Best friend Min Yoongi x female reader
Genres: Fake dating | Nothing to lovers | University AU
Word Count: 9,7K
TW: makeout sesh in the woods and smoking (not cigarettes)
Read on Ao3
Hoseok walks into the hall and spots his group of friends immediately, which isn't hard. They're standing bunched up together, rowdy as ever, talking loudly amongst themselves. As he walks up to them, he greets them hello before taking a place in the circle that has now formed, the conversation already resumed as if nothing happened. From here, he can see the whole hall. He doesn't look for you, but you're not hard to spot as you walk up to a blond man. Your steps are slow as you move, almost as if you're uncertain. 
"You coming, too?" Jimin asks, drawing Hoseok´s attention. He turns his eyes to the man beside him, giving his best smile to his best friend. 
"I´ll have to see." 
"See about what? What reason can you possible have to miss a party?" one of his friends, Brian, asks him. 
Hoseok doesn't answer. Brian's word annoys him, which isn't rare for Brian, who has the tendency to say necessarily mean and negative thing. Just like now. Hoseok, who would barely count himself as Brian's friend, should be able to sit out one party without Brian acting like a spoiled brat about it. 
"Come on! Are you a mute now? Tell me!" 
Hoseok bites his tongue and tightens his fists, trying all his might not to lash out like a toddler who hasn't gotten a hang of his emotions yet.  
"Dude, it's Monday. We went out three days ago, can you relax a little?" he replies with a playful smile. Brian nods and pats Hoseok´s back. Hoseok gets a bad taste in his mouth, leaning away from Brian as casually as he can. 
"I'm just exited!" 
"You should be, I am going, and I am not going quietly," Jimin moves the conversation away from him, much to Hoseok´s appreciation. 
"Do you ever go quietly?" another one of Hoseok´s other friends, Zelo, asks then, laughing teasingly.  
Hoseok´s eyes drifts over to you, still standing with the blonde man, who he has learned is named Yoongi. You're both looking down at your phones, and Hoseok wonders what happened between Friday and now. On Friday he saw the two of you laughing comfortably together during the lesson, completely relaxed. Now, he can feel the tension emanating from across the room. Yoongi suddenly says something, and you look up at him, offering him that same kind smile you're always willing to give, giving your reply. At your replay, Hoseok sees Yoongi´s faces suddenly turn from friendly to sour at your words. Your phones are forgotten now, laying lonely in your hands as you're clearly trying to appease your friend. You take a step towards him to place a hand on his arm, shaking your head. Yoongi really doesn't look happy. 
You're trying to tell Yoongi something, once again, when Zelo claps his hand on Hoseok´s shoulder. 
"Let's go in, yeah? Lesson is about to start." 
A part of Hoseok doesn't want to go in, leaving you alone while having this conversation, which is clearly not going well. During the weekend he saw how not fine you are deep down, and he wants to make sure you're alright before just leaving. 
A different part of Hoseok is telling him to calm down. This has nothing to with him, and he knows you can handle yourself. You definitely don't need him to defend you. With that in mind, he walks after his friends. Taking his seat next to Jimin on the far end of the row, he finds his notepad and pen before settling back against the seat, keeping an eye on the door. 
"How was the rest of your weekend?" Jimin asks. 
"Miserable. My hungover was so bad, man." 
"Last I saw you, you were pretty alright." Hoseok laughs. "Guess you kept on drinking after I left?" 
Hoseok hasn't told any of his friends about the deal he has with you, which means they have no idea he even left his apartment during the weekend. Some things he likes to keep to himself, especially when it comes this specific friend group. If there is something he doesn't want to be made fin of, it's best not to tell these friends. 
Jimin, however, is diffrent. Hoseok would count Jimin as his personal friend. If it was just him here, he could tell him everything. 
You enter the room, and Hoseok turns to the front, not wanting you to catch him looking. It's so stupid, the way he's acting like a teenager around you. Quickly, he scrambles for something to say in order to look busy.
"I did. I found some old friend, tried to catch up over a game of never have I ever. The only thing I took from that, was the question of when I had time to do all that shit. What about you? Did you leave with that-" 
"Shut up," Jimin says quickly, making Hoseok laugh. 
"I know, I know. What I was going to say was: did you leave with that hottie I saw you with?" 
Jimin blushes, but nods his head, confirming. Hoseok wants to bottle up the bright smile on Jimin´s face. "Got breakfast in the morning, too." 
"Sunny side up, I bet." 
In the corner of his eye, Hoseok sees you talking to the woman Jungkook is dating. She is gushing about something and making you laugh. He looks for Yoongi, but can't seem to find him. 
A thought enters his mind, a thought he wishes wouldn't penetrate everything in him. After a couple of seconds, he can't help himself, and takes out his phone. He already has an opening line. 
_____ _____
Jungkook asked if we wanted to tag along to dinner and some arcade-games with him and Dea on Friday…
You down to play? 😉
It's a surprise for Dea, so don't say anything! 
How sweet of him!
Jungkook, always the romantic 🙄
You dont think it's cute? 
No, it's cute! But he's making me look bad 
What you lack in creativity you make up for in cuteness
Now shush, the lecture is starting back up again 
It's not? 
Hoseok looks over, seing you grin down at your phone. The professor standing up to start the lecture again and Hoseok re-focuses, ridding himself of his own grin.
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Just like every other day, Hoseok is standing with his group of friend, wishing that it's time to go inside in order for him to escape this conversation. This morning, Brian managed to tell Hoseok he was a no good suck up. He didn't say it in those exact words, but the sentiment was still very clear, and now Hoseok is just done. He doesn't want to deal with this group today. It's been a long week, listening to the same conversation about the same party that is happening this weekend, over and over again.  
He looks around for a distraction and spots a very familiar figure. The only person he can imagine making his mood better in this room is you, and you're walking into the auditorium. Alone today.
"Bye," Hoseok says, removing himself from the group before they can make a move to stop him. Following you into the auditorium and down the steps, he stops and lays a hand on the seat beside you. 
"This seat taken?" He smiles, noticing how you look up at him and smile as you see him. 
During this week he has noticed you several times, greeting you in passing then trying his best not to pay it much mind, but also failing immensely. Tuesday you sat with Dea. He noticed the blonde haired man wasn't around, the conversation from Monday coming back to his head. That day, you still had your smile. Yesterday, however, he noticed you sitting with another man, a tall and bulky one, your bright smile dulled to a small one that wouldn't spread further than your lips. Even though this isn't the first time the two of you have knowledge each other, this is the first time he has approached you. 
You shake your head and move your backpack to make room for Hoseok before turning to your computer. Hoseok takes a seat next to you, turning to you. It looks like you're tired today, your cheeks a little more hollow than normal, eyes a little darker, and your hair in a high pony-tail. 
"Crazy night last night?" he ask. 
You smile and shake your head. "I wish! Long shift at the boring retail job." You're looking at him in that way that makes his mind spin, with your eyes roaming all over his face and taking him in. It's making him feel naked. "You're looking better," you comment. Hoseok can't stop the heat from forming in the back of his neck. 
"Thanks?" he jokes it away. 
"You know what I mean," you chuckle, nudging him slightly. 
"Yeah, I can finally relax now that I don't have a dinner with horrible, judging parents to worry about." 
"What horrible person would put you through that?" you fake shock. 
"Some random woman who just came up to me on street. She basically said she wanted to buy me. Insulted me, told me I was only worth a small cup of coffee." 
You shake your head and tisk. "Should have ran away." 
"Her offer was one I just could not pass up." 
You finally laugh before opening your mouth to speak, only to be cut off by lecturer starting the lecture. Hoseok looks away from you, wearing a stupid grin. Opening his notepad, he directs his focus on the lecturer.  
"I will take you all through the next five lectures, so I hope we will get along!" the round man says, scratching his beard. Hoseok leans into you. 
"Santa came early this year," he whispers, making you laugh silently into your hand. Hoseok ignores the leaping feeling in his stomach when he watches your eyes look up at him in delight, clearly appreciating his comment. 
"I don't think he will grand out wishes, though" you whisper back. 
"Better go and find out." 
You're about to get up, but Hoseok grabs your hand in panic, dragging you down. "Don't," he whispers.
"I just want to make my wish" you pout.
"Just sta-" 
Someone behind you shushes, making you giggle even more. He can't help but laugh with you, probably enjoying this a little bit too much. 
"Be quiet," you pretend to scold him, swatting his arm lightly. You turn and pretend to type on your computer, fingers going ham over the keyboard, not actually pressing down on any of the keys. 
Hoseok tries to get rid of his smile by clearing his throat, to no avail. Only when the lecturer starts his slideshow and Hoseok focuses, does his smile go away. 
The first hour of the lecture goes by quickly, and suddenly Mr. Santa calls for a break. Hoseok turns and sees his friends beckoning him over for their usual coffee break. He would rather just stay here with you, but coffee sounds too good to pass up right now. 
He stands up. "I'm going to buy a coffee with my friends, want to join?" 
Hoseok leads the two of you out of the auditorium, delaying the meeting between you and his friends by walking as slowly as he can. He doesn't particularly want to introduce his friends to you, afraid of what they might say. Afraid of how they might offend you. They're not necessarily the most favourable people, but they're the people  that he has, and they have never turned him down. At least some of them haven´t.
"Please don't judge me based on these people." 
"What?" you ask, confused. 
"It's just that… Please keep in mind that I don't agree with everything they say."
"Alright," you say, still confused but sending Hoseok a smile as the two of you walk up the group. 
"This is _____," he says. They take turns shaking your hand and introducing themselves. You smile extra when you recognize Jimin. 
"Nice to see you again," he says, kissing the back of your hand. Hoseok smiles at the theatricality of it all, always so charmed by Jimin. 
"Jimin," you say back. 
When the introductions are over and done with, which went way more smoothly than Hoseok anticipated, the conversation is turned back to this Saturday and the party happening. Hoseok is painfully aware that you're not invited, and wishes they would choose another topic to talk about. He is tense, really hoping you haven't take noffense, when Brian turns to him, placing his big hand on his shoulder. 
"Too bad this dickhead isn't going." 
"I didn't say I wasn't going, Brian," Hoseok sighs now. "I said I have to see." 
This is the moment Jimin decides to turns to you, sparking a conversation between the two of you. "I didn't noticed you leaving the party last weekend. Did you get home alright?" Jimin asks. His words sparks a new memory in your mind, one you didn't even know existed. 
Hoseok turns to you as well, consequently splitting the group into two.
"I think I saw you in the staircase, and if it was you, I totally understand why you didn't notice me," you tease, winking at Jimin, making him red in the face. So you know about Jimin, too, Hoseok thinks. Clearly you found out by accident, but judging by your reaction, you really don't care. 
"You saw us? Please, don't tell anyone, people don't know…" Jimin looks back at the group of men behind him, eyes wide. Hoseok notices your eyes fleet to him. "He knows," Jimin says, which clearly relaxes you.
"Sorry. I would never tell on you. I was just saying, nice work," you shrug.
The queue moves and Jimin has to turn and give his order, leaving you and Hoseok to yourselves.
"What do you want to drink?" you ask Hoseok, turning fully to him. 
"You help me out with my family, I buy you coffee, remember?" 
"Large black coffee is fine, but you really don't have to." 
Hoseok tries to collect his wallet out from his back pocket, but you stop him, your hand lingering on his."It's a coffee, Hoseok, please let me. As a small thank you." 
Hoseok takes a step towards you, that same playful grin on his face. He moves his hand slowly up your arm, feeling goosebumps rise on your arm. He watches as you swallow hard. More than anything, he loves all the clues that tells him you feel it too: the effect you have on him, he has it on you too. "You can always show you gratitude in other, more pleasant, ways." He watches you, your cheeks bright red now, your eyes trailing down to his lips. He goes on. "Or is that just a bonus?" 
Before he can react, you turn around and walk up to the lady at the stand, leaving him with a stupid grin he doesn't quite manage to pull back. Hoseok moves from the line and waits for you a couple of steps away. A minute later you approach him, a coffee in each hand. He doesn't mean to fumble with the cup, but when he notices you staring at someone in line, he turns to see who you're looking at. Yoongi is standing in line, forehead creased as he watches the two of you. The pieces are slowly added together, Hoseok´s suspicion growing now. 
Trying to not make this worse, he quickly grabs the coffee and steps away, creating the space he believes is needed. "Thank you." You look up at him and nod, face blank. The two of you walk towards the auditorium in silence. Hoseok is almost out of the hall when he notices you lingering behind, eyes going to the spot Yoongi stood. Hoseok can tell by your frown that Yoongi isn't there anymore. 
"_____?" Hoseok considers you as he waits for you a couple of steps ahead, wondering what would make you feel better. He lifts his eyebrows, wanting to ask but not wanting to overstep. Instead of asking, he takes a sip of coffee and half moans. "Ahh, the taste of being bought!" he says, making you smile. Your smile edges him on, giving hi courage to go on. "I was wondering if you're doing anything after the lecture?" 
"I start work at seven, why?" 
"Would you hang out with me?" He wants to convey more, but can't quite find the words. The silence feels heavy and meaningful. 
"What were you thinking of doing?" you ask. 
"I didn't think that far," he answers, looking down at the ground, his neck warm once again. It feels silly now. "Doesn't matter to me, you can decide." You and Hoseok take your time walking into the auditorium and down the steps towards your seats. As the two of you take your seats, you are yet to answered him. It's been almost a minute now, and the hope that you will say yes decreases by the second, creating this awkward tension in Hoseok´s mind.
He turns to let you know you can say no, and finds you, to his surprise, smiling brightly at him.
"Alright. Let's do something." 
Hoseok doesn't answer, only smiles at you as mr. Santa starts his slide back up. 
"Alright, friends!" 
For once, Hoseok is able to focus without the other guys whispering between themselves during the lecture. 
Once out in daylight, you continue to walk aimlessly, following the flow of your steps. Hoseok finds talking easy when he's with you, and he catches himself laughing at a story that you're telling, despite it not being all that funny. 
Turning the corner, Hoseok suddenly recognizes the house in front of him. The memory flows back, bringing with it all the excitement he felt back in that moment. 
"This!" he says excitedly. He walks over to the wall and you stay a couple of steps away as he speaks, watching him. "This is where I had my first dance performance in this town. Two years ago," he takes a stance in front of the wall, posing as he did before the dance started, "I stood like this, ready to give that one old lady on her way back from doing her shopping a real show." He does a part of the dance before stopping, sighing happily. "I guess you can't really call it a performance, we just decided to pick a random place and dance," he shrugs. 
"Did you really just dance out here?" 
"Yeah." He looks to you from his spot, still imagining what happened that day. "If you look up there, you can see the local elementary school. A lot of kids walked past on their way home, and some even joined us. It was a lot of fun."
"Did you collect some money, as well?" 
"We have little to no expenses, so we don't actually need any money. Over the years people have hire us, but we mostly do passion projects." 
You're smiling so warmly at him he thinks he might overheat. 
"It seems like this means a lot." 
He can feel the heat on his neck again. This time it spreads to his ears and cheeks as well, probably giving him a red hue. All words are gone, he can only focus on how he's feeling right now. How you make him feel: like his body is suddenly warmer; like his heart is beating a little steadier; like he should be dancing. 
"I love it." 
"What got you into dance?" 
"I'm not sure. When I was younger, I tried everything, but dance and tennis were the only things that stuck. I probably kept at it because people were so positive to it. If my teachers had told me everything I was doing was wrong, I wouldn't have the connection to it that I do now. Dance became this safe space. I was so happy when my parents boasted to their friends about me, telling them about the medals I won. That feeling transferred, and one day I found myself enjoying dancing and doing tennis, even if I didn't win or get positive feedback."  
"I suppose. It wouldn't bring you joy if people told you you're no good at it, or made fun of you for it. It validates you, makes you feel worth something when people thinks highly of you. Almost like you're not worth something if you have nothing to show." You shrug. 
Hoseok has been to one family dinner of yours, and he can guess how you're feeling right now. He can imagine how you have internalized that thought pattern you just described, based only on how your family are treating you, and he can draw the conclusion from there. 
He picks up his backpack and approaches you, considering what to say next. Considering if he should go there. "Do you feel like that?" 
Hoseok waits, but you don't say anything else. 
"It's not true, though. Even if I wasn't good at dancing or playing tennis, I would still be a good person. I would still be good son, a sturdy brother and a dedicated friend. I would still be me." 
"What if I'm not even those things. I'm clearly a horrible daughter, my parents hates me. I'm not any better at being a sister, the way even my brother can't stand me," you tell him as the two of you fall into steps beside each other. "I'm even a shitty friend," you mutter. 
"I'm sure it's got nothing to do with you, but sometimes people are just shitty for no reason. You're not a bad daughter and sister, it's them who are bad parents and and a brother. They should love you unconditionally, and definitely not treat you the way the way they do." 
You shrug. "If it's not me, then why is it only me? Why don't they treat Seokjin the same way?" 
Hoseok´s heart aches. 
"I don´t know." 
"Sometimes I wish I could have one thing I was really great at, or something I was really passionate about. Maybe thing would be better." 
"You should find it." 
"You passion. Not to impress anyone, but to have it for yourself. When it all comes to it, dance for me is a safe space I can go when I need it. You should have that, too." 
"You make it sound so easy," you smile.
"Isn't it? You try something new until you find something you really enjoy." 
"Maybe," you say. 
"I´ll be your coach." 
"Oh will you?" You ask, sounding more positive now. Hoseok nods. "What does this project entail, coach Jung?" 
"Don't worry, you're in good hands. I'll take it slow." He winks, watching as you're once again affected by the innuendo. In attempt to avoid his gaze, your eyes roam the surroundings. 
"Right there," you say, pointing to the bench in front of you as you walk towards it - away from Hoseok. "I remember I used to sit here with my friends. We bought ice creams in the summer and ate them here while gossiping. I heard some of the most shocking things out here, like that time Christina frenched a guy two years older than us, or like how Liam and Cole came out by making out in the cafeteria. And you can't forget that time I heard that Namjoon and his first girlfriend had finally had sex. They were the first ones in our year, so of course we interrogated her later." You laugh, taking a seat on the bench, patting it affectionately. "Right here." 
Hoseok takes a seat next to you, turning to you as he speaks.
"I remember one time when my best friend ran all the way from school to my place just to tell me he had passed a note to a girl he liked. We gushed about it for like an hour, acting like it was the biggest deal ever. The teenage years were something else. I remember I was walking a girl I liked home one time - now promise me you won't laugh - but I tripped and dragged her down with me, right into a mud puddle. It looked like I had shat my pants."
Hoseok realizes he would tell every little embarrassing detail of his childhood if it could make laugh like this. If it could make you lean into his like this. 
"I can't believe how big of a deal everything was back then. If anyone we knew had done something we had to know." 
"Everything was so new. Things we didn't think was possible was happening to people we knew. To us! How could we not talk about it?" 
There is a beat. 
"I have a question." 
"Is it a gossip bench kind of question?" Hoseok teases, surprised when you nod. "Oh, go ahead." 
"Why doesn't Jimin want people to know?" 
"That he occasionally likes to french," he raises his eyebrow teasingly at the term you used earlier, "men?" You nod, settling yourself back on the bench. Hoseok follows, relaxing against the bench with his arms propped up on the back of the bench. "I don't know. Maybe he's afraid of people treating him differently?" 
"Hm," you hum, lost in thought now. 
"He came out to his friend when he was younger. Didn't go so well, and now he holds the cards closer to his chest." 
"What did they do?" 
"I´m not familiar with the details, but from what I have gathered, she spread the word in the small town he lived in. Eventually, it came back to him. People didn't accept it and started avoiding his whole family. They ended up moving to my town. We became friends, but when I accidentally found out by walking in on him and his ex, he was really defensive, saying I would be an asshole if I told anyone, and that it's not his business to have an opinion, which it isn't. After a while, I managed to convince him that I didn't care, but he made med promise not to tell anyone." 
"I hate that." 
"So do I. And he does too. I wish I could tell him our friends would be alright with it, but some of them are real assholes who would probably turn it into a joke." 
"Why do you even hang out with them?" 
There is the big question. He can't actually answer it. Over time the friend group has evolved into what it is now, and Hoseok wishes he didn't have to hang out with all of them. But not hanging out with some of them means not hanging out with any of them, which isn't an alternative. 
"Good question." 
"You should find someone else to hang out with." 
"It's fine, really. I can hang out with them at school, I just don't like them enough to be with them on my spare time." 
"Is that why you sat with me today? To get away from them?" 
"Yes," Hoseok says, looking at you. You're so open like this, looking at him with your emotions emanating from you: your eyes shine with happiness; you mouth turned up in a teasing smile. "Yes and no." 
He wanted to hang out with you, which is why he sat down next to you. Because he likes you. It's as easy as that. Saying it in broad daylight isn't as easy, however, when he can be so easily turned down. So, he choses to say: "I have noticed you haven't been with Dea and what's his face most of this week, and wanted to know how you were doing." At them mention of Yoongi, you turn your head down. He waits for you to say something, and when you don't, he asks, "are you alright?" 
"Yeah." None of you believe that. With a small shake of your shoulders, you put on a smile. "It's alright. Things will work out the way they're supposed to." You clearly don't want to talk about it.
"Should we get going?" Hoseok asks, wanting to lighten the mood.
Hoseok follows your lead, walking in comfortable silence for a few minutes. As you walk, your surroundings turn quickly from tall buildings and paved sidewalks, to houses and alleys, and then to trees and footpaths. After ten minutes of walking, you walk up to a river. Hoseok is about to walk along the stream but stops when he notices that you've stopped. You're staring at the river with a shiny eyes, your lips turned to a smile. 
"Familiar spot?" he questions. 
"Me and my friends used to hang out here all the time when I was younger. I got my first boyfriend right here, even had my first kiss against that tree. We used to to do everything here," you tell him, amused. 
"Sounds like you were happy," he points out. 
"Yeah. Until he broke up with me after six months. Right here," you point to the spot beneath you. After a couple of seconds you go on. "Also, me and my grandma used to come here. She was the one who showed me this place." 
"Were you close? You and your grandma?" 
"She would call med every night to say goodnight," you say. "And every weekend I would go over to her house and we would bake cookies. She was my favorite person," you smile to Hoseok.  
"I bet. She sounds like a great woman," he comments. When you finally look up at meet his eyes with yours, he smiles. "I'm glad you had her growing up."
"And that boyfriend," you joke, to which Hoseok chuckles. 
"And you stupid ass of a boyfriend," he agrees. "How was he to you?" 
"He was alright to me, but he wasn't exactly great to my friends. Sadly that's the type of guys I'm attracted to," you shrug.
Can Hoseok be filed under that same category, he wonders. What was it about that guy that made you like him, and does Hoseok possess those same quality? He can't imagine ever doing something like that.
"And what are you attracted to, exactly?"
"Assholes?" you laugh.
"I´m not an asshole," Hoseok can't help himself, putting himself out there.
"I suppose not." 
You're too quiet, and not saying much is a bad sign, at least when it comes to you. And he knows he has come on strong - maybe too strong. His words somehow feels different than the light atmosphere that has been worked up between the two of you. This could be a time to come right out and say how you're feeling towards him, but you don't take it. Maybe you're not ready to put the attraction into a definition, which is fine. 
To avoid more awkward tension, he decides to speak again.
"Have you had many asshole boyfriends, then?" 
There is pause where your eyes roam Hoseok´s face, looking for something; he doesn't know what, but smiles encouragingly anyway. 
"A couple. After the fourth one I swore off guys, which is why I'm here, fake dating you instead of getting myself a real boyfriend." 
His whole neck and face is flaming hot. He hasn't kept it a secret that he's attracted to you, - on the contrary - but he thought you wanted him too. You kissed him back. You even kissed him first. When he's been openly flirting and hoping to make it into something, you've been on the opposite side, not wanting to go there. At all. It's embarrassing how blind he's been, because a kiss doesn't mean anything. Falling asleep together doesn't mean anything more than that, and now his face is flaming red, calling him out on his own feelings when there shouldn't be any. It doesn't matter what he says after this, because your eyes are watching him, seing how much your words have affected him. 
"I think I have been sending some mixed signals, so I want to be clear. I think it would be best if we're only friends. I got a little carried away this weekend, that's all." 
There is no point in playing it cool now. "What's stopping you?" You don't answer him. "Do you think I'm an asshole, as well? Because I'm really not." 
"All assholes says that," you tease, rolling your eyes. 
Suddenly he realize something. 
"Is it Yoongi?" 
You shrug. 
That's not a no. 
"Do you have feelings for him?" You shake your head, a clear no. "Are you afraid of how he will react, or something?" You shake your head once again. "I'm enjoying spending time with you, and it seems like you're enjoying spending time with me, too." 
"Can you stop pushing this?" you say, voice suddenly loud. 
"Right." Hoseok is quiet for a second, wondering how to put what he's thinking into words. "All I'm wondering is what's stopping us, when we're both clearly attracted to each other." 
You're staring directly at him now, eyes fiery. "I'm not attracted to you." 
He knows that's not true, and can't help but laugh a little as he takes a step towards you. You can deny it with words, but he can read your body like an open book. Wanting to prove something, he moves closer to you. Closer and closer until he's flushed against you. His hand is resting against you back, trapping you against him. He doesn't need answers, but he wants them. Just like he doesn't need to feel your lips on his again, but he wants to. 
"Really? So you don't feel anything if I do this?" he whispers, resting his hand on the back of your neck, putting pressure on it. "Or if I do this?" He leans in as if he's about to kiss you, and your eyes fall shut, welcoming him. He stops just as his lips are about to meet yours. You let out a deep breath when you realize he isn't going to kiss you. 
"No." Your voice is weak and full of doubt, eyes still closed. 
He moves the hand that is on your nape, to your cheek, caressing it carefully before moving his thumb to your lips. Those damned lips. He feels your arm as it moves around his waist, the other one clutching to his shirt. If this is you not being attracted to him, he needs to reevaluate everything he has learned in his life. "You're loving this just as much as I am," he says, putting pressure on your lips to part them. 
"Hoseok," you breathe out. 
"Yes, sweetie?" 
At the pet name he feels you relax in his arms. Now, a want has turned to the need to kiss you. Before you answer him he moves forwards, capturing your lips with his. As soon as his lips meets your, it is as if a band has finally snapped. You press yourself closer to him, dragging, pushing, clawing at him - anything to get him closer to you. It's as if his own attraction reverberates in you and is being pushed back into him, filling him with tenfolds of the attraction he had. 
You're getting lost in the kiss now, Hoseok setting a slow pace. He'll be damned if he wouldn't make this kiss last. Slowly, he starts to feel crazy. No matter what he does, it's as if he can't anchor his mind. He kisses you hard, then softly, quickly before turning it slower again. His finger that was on your lip is back at the nape, firmly pushing your face upward to him. All the longing he has felt finally has a place to go. If he was a better man he would have stepped away instead of pushing. Thank god he isn't a better man. 
Then, after what feels like way too short of a time, he pulls back a little, only for you to follow after him, kissing him more. He chuckles as he parts fully from you, breathing a little heavier than normal. You're laughing too, leaning to him and hiding your face in his chest, cutely ashamed. Hoseok holds you completely now, both arms around your waist. 
"Alright, so I'm attracted to you," you mutter. 
"Not shit, Sherlock." 
"Don´t push it," you laugh softly, shaking your head. 
"Then what's the problem?" 
"I'm just not looking for anything like that right now. I want to figure some things out first, which is why I want to stay friends. It's a door I don't want to open. Or, I want to, but I know I shouldn't," you say, looking up with a wicked grin. Hoseok looks at your pink lips, feeling that same pull and dips down once again, pecking your lips. 
"Alright," he says, kissing you again and again, making you giggle. 
Pushing him away, you force out, "I mean it," though your laughter. 
"Can we be friends that occasionally make out?" 
"Hoseok," you fake scold, your grin never leaving. 
"Please," he whines. 
"What am I going to do with you?" 
"Whatever the hell you want, that's kind of my point." 
You're smile falters now, and you think you might be crazy because you're saying one thing, but do the opposite. For example right now, you said you don't want to go there, but still, you're grabbing Hoseok by the collar to kiss him passionately. 
Hoseok smiles into the kiss, brushing your hair away from your face in an attempt to distract himself from the discomfort that is building. He usually isn't one for public display of affection like this, but you have in a state where he would let you do anything to him if you smiled at him the right way. The discomfort grows by the second, and he has to pull back. 
"_____, as much as I'm enjoying this, we should stop."
The two of you pull away from each other and catch your breaths for a couple of seconds. Hoseok tries his best to readjust without letting you see, and turns around in one final attempt. When he turns back, your fingers are brushing against your bright red lips. Meeting your eyes, that same smile comes to his face. His insides are finally calming down, and he can finally think, which gives room for the realization that he wants this so bad. He would probably agree to only hold hands if that's all you were willing to give. You, on the other hand, seem to be thinking like crazy. Your eyes go back and forth, not focusing on anything as you're lost in though. Hoseok wishes so badly he could read your thoughts, that way he would know what to do or say next. That way he wouldn't be standing here, awkwardly smiling, waiting for your judgement. 
"Friends don't make out," you say, making it sound final. 
And Hoseok doesn't get it. Then again, it's not his job to understand it, he just has to respect it. 
He can feel it, the disappointment settling deep down in his stomach, but tries to smile and nod. He respects your decision, muttering an "ok," because of course it is. It's up to you. That doesn't mean the sour taste taking over him isn't prominent to the point that he can't smile anymore. 
"It's alright. Of course, it's up to you." 
He realize that he has just been friend zoned, and he could probably cry if he wasn't with you. He wanted this with you, of course, and he wonders exactly when his feeling caught up to him. When did he catch these feeling, and when did they become strong enough to actually become sad to only be your friend. You turning him down is equivalent to saying you don't like him enough, which hurts him more than he would have thought. 
Maybe his imagination got the best of him, he tells himself, putting on a smile. 
"Should we call off the dinner with Dea and Jungkook tomorrow, then?" he asks. He thought the dinner was a good idea when he asked, but now he's unsure. A double date is probably something you don't want to go on now. 
He wonders if you realize it's a double date, but can't get himself to ask. Instead, he shrugs. "Never mind. Let me walk you home so you can eat before your shift starts." 
"That would be great. Thanks Hoseok." 
"Any time." 
"Just dont drag me down into a mud puddle," you tease, making both of you laugh. 
The walk back is spent in awkward silence, both of you having too much going on in your minds. At the door, both of you say your goodbyes, and Hoseok watches you get inside, sighing, and then turning away. He knows exactly what he needs, and dials Jimin´s number. 
Twenty minutes later he's on the rooftop, this time without you in his arms. Instead, he's sitting on the floor next to Jimin, Jungkook opposite to them. They're taking turns smoking up and passing it forward. 
"Spill it, Jung." Jungkook lightly kicks Hoseok, his eyes watching him intently. Hoseok hasn't said anything, yet they always seem to know when something is bother him. This time, however, he feels like a fool and would rather not talk about it. 
"You called Jimin asking for this," he holds up the blunt, "which you never do. What happened?" 
Jimin cuts him off. "It's that girl from last week, isn't it? _____?" 
"Who? Sleeping beauty? What, she finally woke up and decided to run far, far away from you? Wise girl." 
"She didn't." Hoseok pauses and lays down on his back. It's only Jimin and Jungkook, the two people he would trust his life with, maybe they can help him somehow. With a heavy sigh, he goes on. "Alright, yes, she friend zoned me. You know me, my feelings are fragile, and now I'm all sad and shit." 
"Sorry." Jungkook says. Someone places their hand on Hoseok´s foot. "It's never a good feeling getting rejected." 
"What happened? I thought she liked you, the way you were acting earlier." 
"You can't tell anyone what I'm about to tell you. _____ would kill me." 
"Wouldn't be that be something," Jungkook sighs happily, only for Jimin to hit his arm. 
"We won't say anything. Now, spill." 
"We´re pretending to date in front of her parents. I know, stupid, but she asked me last week and I said yes. Then Friday happened, but she left before we did anything. We had already made plans for Saturday, and I went over to her place. Nothing really happened, I kissed her as I left. Sunday came and we had dinner with  her parents, just as I promised I would, pretending to be her boyfriend. She wasn't feeling good after dinner and I took her to the movies before I drove her home. I wanted to make her feel better, I don't know… This time she kissed me as I dropped her off. Today she told me she wasn't interested in a relationship, and the whole thing is so stupid because we're so attracted to each other. It shouldn't bother me so much when we've only kissed a handful of times, but here we are, getting high and mending my hurt feelings." 
"Are you sure it's not just your ego that's bruised?" 
"You are a hopeless romantic, Hoseok. You take one look at a girl you find pretty and probably imagine your wedding. You have a crush, it's not a bad thing. But you also has to remember that some people want to protect their hearts and make sure you're in it for the right reasons. I, myself, find many people attractive, and there are many people I would make out with, but that doesn't mean I would risk getting my heart broken by anyone," Jimin says, his voice gentle. "Maybe give her some time and a little space to figure you out." 
"What I'm not getting is when dating became such a big thing. Going out for a date doesn't mean we're getting married," Jungkook asks, extinguishing the blunt. 
"Me neither. I know I'm a romantic fool, but I don't want to marry her. I want to take her out and get to know her. That's it. I'm not proposing."
"Are you listening to yourselves?" Jimin asks. "What about her? What does she want?" 
"Nothing. She wants me, but not enough, apparently." Hoseok can hear his own voice, sour and spiteful. 
"She doesn't owe you anything." 
"I know that, but there is an attraction there and I don't understand why she won't run with it." 
"She probably felt grateful and kissed you, then had a second to think and realized she doesn't want a relationship. Just respect it and let it go. Anyway, if she's pretending to date you she's probably not in the best place. I mean, she can't face her family alone. You're her buffer, which is putting her in a exposed position. Would you expose yourself even more if you were her situation? If you have just bared your soul for her, would you really be open for even more?" 
Would he? He can understand that you're probably embarrassed after the dinner, he would definitely be. But he doesn't care, it's just your family, which you can't do anything with. It doesn't have anything to do with who you are as a person. 
"I wouldn't care," Jungkook says after a couple of seconds of silence. "Sex is sex." He shrugs. 
"Oh, and to think I had a crush on you," Jimin rolls his eyes. 
"You did?" Jungkook asks, surprised. Jimin nods. "Best confident booster ever!" 
"It's really not," Hoseok says. "He even tried to kiss me once. He has a crush on anyone who has a nice dick and two legs." 
"Not true!" Jimin says, pointing his finger a Hoseok. "They don't have to have a nice dick." 
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Ever since the conversation with you yesterday, then the talk with Jimin and Jungkook, Hoseok´s head hasn't stopped churning. Today he spent thirty minutes in the shower, thinking. His head is actually starting to hurt. This is the first time since getting into bed last night, that his head isn't full of thoughts and uneasiness, replaced by a goal of finding you, Jungkook and Dea in the busy restaurant. Making his way through the arcade part of the venue, he spots you on the other side of the room. It's the first time he's seing you after yesterday, and his heart does a double beat. You're in the middle of a conversation, your face serious as you're listening to Dea. Hoseok is the last one to arrive. He forces all thoughts away as he approaches the three of you, smiling widely. He refuses to be a dick about the rejection, he knows that much. You've made your decision, and now he has to let it go. 
"Jk," he says, clasping his hand on his friend´s shoulder in passing. 
Hoseok takes the seat next to you, nodding his head slightly in your direction, earning a very small smile. He knows he is overthinking, but knowing he is overthinking doesn't stop said overthinking. It doesn't stop the questions running in his mind. Does she feel as awkward as me. Does she feel weirded out by me looking at her. Now that we're just friends, do I have to act differently? What do I say now?
None of you know what to say after yesterday, making for a couple seconds of awkward tension as you stare at each other before Hoseok surrenders first, avoiding your gaze by turning to Dea. 
"It's good to see you, Dea. How are you?" 
"All good here," she says over the menu. "Hungry." 
"Everyone, you have one minute to chose before she explodes," Jungkook jokes, pretending to be in pain when Dea hits his shoulder. "Ok, thirty seconds." 
"You're so mean," Dea says, pouting. 
"I thought you liked it when I'm mean." Jungkook winks. 
You clear your throat, drawing everyone's attention. Hoseok sees how red your cheeks are getting by the attention. Then he notices how high your shoulders are, and how hard you're clutching your bag, clearly a little on edge. He wants to do something to calm you, but grabbing your hand doesn't feel very friendly to him. Neither does giving you a hug. So, in the end, he only sends you a smile. 
"Should we go and order, Jung?" 
The restaurant is one of the ´do it yourself´ types of restaurants, where you order and collect your food at the register. After hearing what you and Dea want to eat, the two men make their way through the restaurant. Hoseok and Jungkook order the food, and Hoseok is handed a puck shaped object which apparently will light up when the food is ready. They make smalltalk while waiting for their drinks to be made.  
"This is so awkward," Jungkook says suddenly. 
"Yeah, wonder why," Hoseok answers, voice bitter. He should be
"Can you try to relax a little? This is supposed to be a fun little date, you're making it weird." 
"It's not a date," Hoseok mutters, spinning the chip between his fingers. "She doesn't want to date me, remember?" 
"Try to relax, man. Enjoy yourself. Don't think too much, you're weird when you think too much, ok?" 
The last drinks is being served, and before Hoseok can answer, Jungkook is turning around, a drink in each hand, and walking away. 
Taking a deep breath, Hoseok picks up the remaining drinks and makes his way back to the table. Jungkook is right, he needs to relax. From now on, he won't think too much, he decides before walking back to the table as well. Handing you your drink, he makes a point of asking you if you've been here before, which you have. In fact, when you were younger you went almost every weekend. 
While the four of you wait for the dinner, you talk about the the arcade and the games that are here. Dea proclaims she is going to beat Jungkook at the motorcycle game, which makes you all laugh. The conversation flows, and by the time the puck lights up, you're all perfectly relaxed. This time, you and Dea goes to get the food. 
Even as you're devouring the food, silence never fully falls over the table. It seems that the four of you always have something to say, a comment to make or a joke to crack. Hoseok can't remember the last time he has felt so worry free. 
You're all done eating when Dea stands up, saying "alright, I'll be right back." She disappears quickly behind the corner, an extra bounce in her step.
"Be right back," Jungkook says ten seconds after, grinning as he walks in the same direction as Dea. 
"Well, good for them," you say awkwardly, laughing at the two of them and their bunny tendencies. 
There is a second where you and Hoseok sit in silence, you taking a second to check you phone. Then, Hoseok turns to you, drawing your attention. 
"You wanna go play some games?" he asks, nodding his head in the direction of the arcade. 
"Yes, please." 
The two of you gather your belongings and make your way over to the arcade, stopping by the first game, which turns out to be a basketball game. 
"I suck at this," he admits. 
"Great! Let's play," you tease, taking your place by the machine. 
It turns out, Hoseok isn't just bad at the game, like he thought. He is absolutely horrendous. He makes one basket, by accident, while you're putting one ball after the other through the basket. The whole thing has him so mad, because how hard can it be? You're doing it, so why can't he manage to do it? This can´t be his own doing, someone has to be setting him up as a prank. By the time the timer runs out, his whole face is red, and not because he's embarrassed. The anger running in him is all-consuming, and it has to come out. 
Hitting the machine as hard as he can, he says, probably loud enough for him to be embarrassed later, "You stupid piece of shit." He kicks the machine, needing it to feel the anger he is feeling. "Fucking machine." 
He looks up when he feels most of the anger has seeped out, calm enough to take in your round eyes. You have your hand over your mouth. Now, his redness is due to embarrassment. You're watching him carefully, your hand covering a smile. 
"Sorry!" he apologizes quickly. Anger is never a good look. "I might be a little bit of a sore loser." 
Much to Hoseok´s surprise, you erupt with laughter. He watches as you gasp for air, your laugh bouncing off the walls for everyone to hear. Your laugh is enough to extinguish the last of Hoseok´s anger. In it's place comes joy. He laughs with you, not because he is embarrassed or because he finds this funny, but because your laughter is infectious. In attempt to stay upright, you lean against him, using his arm to support yourself. The two of you are still laughing together when Dea and Jungkook approach, smiling at the sight of you. They are clearly amused at the two of you, both of them chuckling as well. Or maybe it's their rendezvous that has them happy. 
"Ah, I needed that laugh. How do you always make me laugh?" you ask as you dry your tears. 
"You're just bullying me," Hoseok grins. 
"Hey, I am not! If you could see yourself, you would probably be laughing ten times as hard." Hoseok pouts. "It was funny. Cute, even." There is a slight pause where your eyes goes wide and you raise your eyebrows. "Do you think they would give me the CCTV if I asked nicely?" 
"I wanna see it, too! Should we go straight back and ask, _____?" Jungkook teases, trying his best to keep a straight face. He fails.
"Can you not edge her on?" Hoseok turns Jungkook, pretending to be helpless. "She is already merciless." 
"I think you brought this on to yourself, man. I told you we shouldn't go here, but you insisted. ´It'll be fun,` you said. ´I'll impress her by showing her how good I am at those games,` you said." 
Hoseok wishes looks could kill, because, yes, he did say those things, but he also said it in a joking way, and he didn't want you to know you ever said anything like that. It's one thing that he thought he could be decent at those games, but it's something else, completely that he wanted to show that to you. That he wanted to impress you. He said that about a week ago, and now you're just friends…
You approach them, and Hoseok manages to fix his stare just as you stand beside him. 
"Stop lying," Dea says, interfering. "You were the one wanting to come here. I remember you said, and I quote, I'll show you what a real alpha looks like, end quote." 
"I didn't say that?" Jungkook says. 
"You didn't, but it wasn't that far off." 
"Anyway," you cut in. "I think it's time for Dea to show you all her motorcycle skills." 
"Yes!" Dea almost jumps at the suggestion, grabbing Jungkook´s hand and dragging him with her. "I think this is the one game I can actually beat you in," she says happily, everyone following her. 
"I hope she can beat him," Hoseok whispers to you as you walk over to the machine.
"Just you wait. She's deadly on that thing." 
The two of you take your stance beside the machine meanwhile Jungkook and Dea take their seats on the bikes, already bickering over who is the best. They take a while deciding on their settings, but after they hit ready, the screen goes black. Then, a countdown starts. The fight isn't exactly fair; Jungkook tries to push Dea off the bike multiple times, but in the end, Dea crosses the finish line a couple of second before Jungkook. 
Hoseok is extatic, just having gotten a video of Jungkook cheating in a game, but still managing to lose. He sends the video in the group-chat immediately, showing you the responses as Dea is trying to lighten up a pouting Jungkook. 
The next hour is more or less the same. The four of you competing in different games. You all win some, and you all lose some, making a great vibe. That is, until Jungkook suddenly demands a rematch, wanting to redeem himself in the motorcycle game. You and Hoseok decide to grab something to drink at the bar instead of watching yet another intense match against the very competitive couple. 
Making your way over, the two of you settle down by the bar. 
"I have an idea. If you let me order something for you, you can order something for me." 
"Sounds fun!" You take a look at what they offer, trying to find the sweetest drink you can for Hoseok. 
You order the drinks, and take the first sip, you both giggle, enjoying the foreign tastes. 
"This is very good!" 
"If you think this is good, you should come with me at a bar down town called shots and giggles. Jimin brought me the first time I went, but they have the best drinks, I swear." 
"Do you take all your friends to gay bars, then?" you laugh, taking another sip of the drink. 
"Only the ones I'm interested in."
Hoseok doesn't even realize what he has said until five seconds later. He said it jokingly, but you both know there is some truth to it. He wishes the floor could soak him right up. 
The silence that follows is painful. He can feel it all down in his bones, and it's the way you´re fidgeting with your glass and turning back and forth in the chair. He has made you uncomfortable. 
A high pitched noise bring his attention to your phone. You pick it up and read the message. 
"Sorry," you say quickly, standing up. "It's Yoongi. Something happened and he needs me," you place your phone back in your bag and turn away. Not once did you make eye contact with him. "Sorry to just leave like this, but I'll see you later." 
And you're gone. Just like that, with a bad excuse. 
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minisugakoobies · 2 years
In Good Hands | JHS
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Pairing: Hoseok x Reader
Genre: smut, porn with the barest of plots, a tiny bit of hurt/comfort, Ranch!AU
Rating: M (18+)
Warnings: sex work, swearing, drinking, kissing, grinding, marking/love bites, humping, fingering, oral sex (f receiving), hand job, dirty talk, protected sex, riding, lots of orgasm talk, allusions to unsupportive/asshole exes/partners, Hoseok's a fucking pro (in every way)
Word Count: 8.5K
Disclaimers: NSFW, obviously I don’t own BTS - they just inspire me
Summary: Once again, another partner has left you feeling unsatisfied. Maybe it’s time to call in an expert. Don’t worry, Hoseok knows exactly what you need.
A/N: Well, this started out as a PWP and then a little bit of plot crept in there anyway. 🤷‍♀️ Whatcha gonna do? Thank you to @reliablemitten for taking a look at this one for me. 💜 And to the rest of the writers in the Bangtan Ranch collab, for inspiring me with your kindness and talent! 🤠
Please don't be a silent reader! 🥺 I'd love to hear what you think! My inbox is always open 💕
Bangtan Ranch Masterlist
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It’s over your second glass of champagne that you tell him. 
Hoseok’s eyebrows shoot up almost comically as he chokes on his drink, wincing when the bubbles tickle his nose. Not exactly the reaction you’d been hoping for, but at least he’s not laughing at you. And to be fair to him, the two of you were in the middle of a conversation about the amazing dinner you had just shared. Clearly, he hadn’t been expecting for you to blurt out, “No one’s ever made me come from sex!” when he’d asked, “Do you like to cook?”
This isn’t how you planned on telling him. It’s because you’re nervous. You’ve been nervous ever since you arrived here this morning. 
All of your friends had been rather surprised when you’d announced you’d planned yourself a little weekend getaway at Bangtan Ranch. You weren’t really an ‘outdoors’ type of person, as more than one friend felt compelled to point out. And it’s true - you much prefer the comforts of home to roughing it in the wilderness. But you shut down their incredulous questioning with one single word - glamping.
So as far as your friends are concerned, you’re here for a weekend of pampering, staying in a modern little yurt instead of a tent or cabin, with running water and electricity and a king sized bed fully furnished with plush faux fur blankets. The tiny space includes other luxurious amenities, such as a fully stocked bar and a hot tub on the deck around the back. It’s a true oasis, a place where you can unwind away from the stress of everyday life.
A self-care weekend. That is what your friends believe you’re on, because that is what you’ve convinced them. But the truth is far more complicated. And embarrassing. Because you’ve chosen to stay at Bangtan Ranch for one specific reason. Which you’ve just shared with Hoseok, accidentally, tongue loosened by the alcohol coursing through your veins, letting your anxiousness override your filter.
The day has been fairly relaxing so far. After checking in, you went on a little tour of the grounds, taking in the sights you recognized from online, like the corral where the horses roam, and the lake where fly fishermen launch their lures into the shimmering crystal waters. 
In the late afternoon, you’d scheduled yourself a massage, thinking it might help you loosen up a little. Your masseuse brought their portable table out to the yurt and did their best to put you at ease, but somehow you retained the tension you’d brought to the ranch with you, muscles stubbornly remaining tightly drawn, like you were shielding yourself, trying to keep your secret as long as you could. 
After the masseuse packed up and left, you took a shower, then dressed for your date. There was a knock at the door not long after that as Hoseok arrived, followed quickly by your dinner. The kitchen staff at the main house provided a sumptuous catered meal of steak and roasted veggies, with fresh strawberries and cream for dessert. And lots of champagne. After such a feast, you should feel content, but you’re still keyed up.
Hence the blurt.
“No one? Not once?” Hoseok has recovered from the drink flooding his lungs. He places his glass carefully on the table between you before running a hand through his chestnut hair. He’s even more handsome in person than his profile on Bangtan’s website suggests. And that’s saying a lot, because you’d literally gasped upon seeing his photo when you’d scrolled through the staff section of the site. 
You shake your head, gaze focusing on the half-empty flute in front of you. “Not once.” Unable to look him in the eye, like you’re divulging a shameful secret. You’re an adult who has had more than a handful of sexual partners in your lifetime, and not a single one of them ever gotten you off during sex. Not. A. One. After the first few left you feeling unsatisfied, you figured it was a run of bad luck. Just some lousy lays. But it kept happening. Over and over. In both relationships and one-night stands.
You learned pretty quickly not to bother bringing it up. That conversation never went well. Instead, you perfected the fake O - you knew exactly how to move, how to moan and yell, make it seem like you were awash in ecstasy. Eventually, though, you got tired of acting. So you stopped altogether. 
It’s been months since your last date. Occasionally, in your loneliest hours, you’ve thought about putting one of those apps back on your phone and swiping through your options, but any time you go down that train of thought, you inevitably arrive at the same question. So before you put yourself out there, you need to know first. Which is why you’ve hired an expert to help you out. 
An expert who is silently observing you now, waiting for you to go on. 
“I feel like I should clarify a few things. Um. I’ve had a lot of partners. Not a crazy amount, but more than a few. And none of them could get me off.” You glance up and find his warm eyes locked on your face. You can feel your neck starting to warm, embarrassment settling itself into your bones. Grabbing your flute, you down the rest of your drink before continuing. “And it’s not that I’ve never had an orgasm. I’ve had plenty, just always by my own hand. So I’m here because… I need to know. If - if it’s me.” 
“If it’s you?”
You nod. “Yeah. Like, if I am the problem.” 
His brows knit together as he stares at you. “You think you are the reason your partners have never brought you to orgasm? When you just said you’ve gotten yourself off plenty of times?” 
Another nod.
He sighs, plucking a strawberry from the bowl and swiping it through the cream. “You’re not the first person I’ve met who has told me something like this. Not by a long shot. Many people have come to me seeking the truth. And I helped them find it.” Bringing the strawberry to his lips, his tongue darts out and licks the cream off before he pops the berry into his mouth. 
You must have a strange expression on your face because he suddenly laughs, shaking his head. “Wow, that sounds pretty conceited, huh? Bragging that I’ve always brought all my partners to orgasm.” He pauses, dark brows furrowing again as he spins his glass in front of him. “Let me try again. I’ve been working at this ranch for a few years now, and I’ve met so many different people. All with their own wants. Their own desires. For me, it’s always been about discovering what the other person needs. That’s the key to making sure they enjoy the experience.” He shrugs. “Maybe that still sounds conceited, I don’t know. All I know is that anyone who has ever come to me with the same question you have has always left here knowing the answer.”
“And you think you can do that for me?” The alcohol has made you blunt.
Hoseok’s silent for a moment, scanning your face. Then he nods. “I know I can. If you’ll let me.” 
There’s a flash of something in his warm eyes that makes you swallow thickly before you reply. “Okay. So… how do we get started?”
“Leave that to me.” He pours the rest of the champagne into your flutes. “All you need to do is relax tonight. That’s your only goal. Does that sound all right?”
It sounds fantastic, but you’re not sure it’s going to happen, given how wound you still are. But you agree anyway, taking another sip. 
“Good. So. Back to my original question - do you like to cook?” 
Hoseok tries his best to engage you in normal conversation, asking you about your hobbies, what you do for a living, what other activities you’re hoping to get to on your vacation. It feels like you’re on a typical date, getting to know one another. But from the way your leg keeps bouncing, fingers drumming on your thigh, you’re sure he can tell it’s not working. 
“It should be starting to cool off outside,” he states as he stands to clear the table, putting the empty dishes back on the cart for the kitchen staff to collect. “How would you feel about moving this conversation outside, to the hot tub? We can take the rest of dessert with us, open another bottle of champagne - or I can make you a cocktail, if you’d prefer?” 
Moving to the hot tub might help. At this point, you’ll try anything. “Hot tub sounds fantastic right now. But, um, I think I’m okay on the alcohol.” You’re at the perfect amount of tipsy right now - there’s no desire to cross over into drunk. 
Hoseok goes outside to prepare the hot tub while you change into your bathing suit. When he returns, you grab a few bottles of water and the remaining strawberries and head around the yurt to the tub while he changes. The trees towering over the back of the yurt are tall enough to blot out the sun, so Hoseok has turned on the string lights hanging over the deck. By the time he joins you, you’re already in, reclining against the side, head tipped back to rest on the ledge, eyes closed.
The water is so warm and soothing. The jets aimed at your lower back feel like reassuring hands kneading your tension away. Maybe you should’ve skipped the massage earlier and just sat in the tub for a few hours, given how quickly your body is starting to unwind. 
“You look comfortable,” Hoseok informs you as he climbs in, water splashing over the edge of the tub. You pop one eye open a crack, noticing the darkened trail of hair on his toned stomach, heading down to the waistband of his shorts. He settles himself against the opposite edge, facing you.
“I am.” 
“Good.” He lets his head fall back. “I’m so glad you picked this yurt.” 
His statement catches you off guard and you open your eyes. “You are?”
“Yeah. It’s always so much nicer staying here than in one of the tents. I'm not really a tent person. Don’t care for sleeping on the ground.”
“Did you do a lot of camping before, um…”
“Before I started working here?” 
“I’m sorry, is it okay if I ask you questions?” Maybe he doesn’t want to talk about work. You shouldn’t just assume that he’s open to any topic.
“Of course.” His warm smile consoles you. “It’s such a cliche to say this, I know, but my life is an open book. You can ask me anything.” 
“Did you do a lot of camping growing up?” 
He laughs. It’s such a delightful sound. “Thankfully, no. My parents weren’t really into being outdoors. So I didn’t spend a lot of time outside as a kid, and definitely not in any tents.” 
Your hand glides through the water, playing with the currents. “We didn’t really go camping when I was a kid, either. I had an ex who liked to go, though, so I’ve slept in a tent a few times. And I’m with you - sleeping on the ground sucks. I don’t care how many futons or air mattresses you bring, it’s never enough.” 
“Right?? I don’t understand anyone who willingly does that. We’re humans! We evolved and invented mattresses! And nice beds to put them on! Why go back?” Shaking his head incredulously, he runs his hands through his hair, pushing it off his forehead. Damp tips drip water down the sharp planes of his jawline. “So other than the tent, did you like going camping?”
You shrug. “Most of it, I guess. I enjoyed going for hikes. And we always brought marshmallows to roast at night. I make a mean s’more.” 
Hoseok grins. “You know, the yurt comes stocked with marshmallows and roasting sticks, if you want to fire up the pit later. And I can get us some chocolate and graham crackers.” 
“Maybe.” Maybe if things don’t go as you hoped, you can cheer yourself up with some melted chocolate and marshmallows. “I guess these trips weren’t terrible, but they were never my first choice. Plus I almost died on one.” 
“What?” Hoseok’s a very animated person, you’ve noticed. When he reacts to something you say, he does so with his whole body. In this case, his jaw hangs loose as his wide eyes gape at you, and he launches himself off of his bench, crossing to sit next to you. “What do you mean, you almost died?!” He grabs your hand, bringing it up from beneath the surface and clutching it tightly. “Are you okay now?”
“Oh, no, Hoseok!” Despite feeling a brief flash of guilt for making him worry, you can’t stop the laughter that bursts from your lips. “I’m sorry, I’m just being overly dramatic. It wasn’t a near-death experience or anything like that.” You squeeze his hand quickly before pulling yours away to point at your other shoulder, twisting in your seat to show Hoseok. “We went hiking after a thunderstorm and I slipped on some rocks and cut my arm bad enough to warrant a trip to a nearby hospital and some stitches. But it put me off camping for a while.” 
He shakes his head, hand automatically reaching out to your shoulder. He stops an inch away. “May I?” 
You nod, and he strokes the scar on your bicep, long fingers drawing the line of the jagged cut like he’s studying the shape. The strokes turn to gentle caresses as he speaks. 
“I'm sorry that happened to you.” He turns so he’s facing you, his calf brushing up against yours. “You can barely see the scar, though.” 
“I know,” you reply, replacing his fingers with your own, rubbing at the mark on your arm. “But I can feel it.” 
He hums, propping his head on his hand, elbow bent on the ledge of the tub. “How did your ex take it when you told them you didn’t want to go camping any more?” 
“Oh, well, we broke up when we got back from that trip, so, uh, it wasn’t really an issue.” 
“Oh. I’m sorry.” 
“It’s okay. We weren’t a good fit, anyway.” 
He hums again, and you wonder if you’re boring him. You hate talking about your exes, the few of them there are. But then he smiles. 
“We don’t have to talk about your past relationships if you don’t want to. Like I said, you should be relaxing tonight. There’s no need to talk about anything stressful or upsetting.” Something skims along your knee and you glance down, finding his hand brushing against you. “Just let me know if you want me to stop. Anything we’re talking about, anything I’m doing. Say the word and I’ll stop immediately. It’s all about making sure you’re comfortable.” 
Your lip tucks itself between your teeth as you nod. His hand skims higher, tracing up your thigh a little. The heat from the hot tub can’t stop the shiver that passes through you. 
“I don’t mind talking about this stuff. There’s just not much to say,” you declare with a wry grin. 
Hoseok laughs, shifting in his seat to reach the strawberries. But instead of eating one, he offers it to you, holding the berry an inch from your lips. You lean forward, teeth biting into the tip. Tart juice splashes onto your chin as you tear the berry in half, and you squeak in surprise.
“Oh, juicy!” 
Your neck flames as you wipe your mouth, cringing at your own awkward reaction. Hoseok merely grins, hand reaching out to swipe at a drop on your jaw. His thumb lingers on your chin a few seconds longer than necessary for such a tiny bead of liquid. 
“Cute,” he declares, and the tub could be filled with icy cold water and you’d still be burning up. But now it’s not due to embarrassment.
Hoseok still holds the rest of the berry. Carefully, you wrap your fingers around his wrist and tug, bringing his hand back to your lips. This time, your bite is slow, eyes locked on his as you close your lips around the fruit. Even though you’re the one eating, he’s the one swallowing loudly as you finish the berry, tongue slipping out to lick your lips lewdly. Your chest swells with pride, knowing that you’ve had an effect on him with your actions. 
“Still cute?” Somehow, you manage to smoothly purr the question despite how shaky you feel under Hoseok’s gaze. He’s peering at you like you’re one of the berries and he’s holding himself back from just eating you whole. 
Hoseok barks out a surprised laugh, and you join him with an equally shocked gasp as he clasps his hands around your waist, yanking you into his lap. Your legs fall open into a straddle as he holds you in place with one hand gripping each thigh. 
“Yes. Still cute.” There’s no waver in his words. He looks up at you with hooded eyes, tilting his neck until his nose bumps yours. “Cute and sweet. The perfect combination, like strawberries and cream.”
“Mmm, am I sweet?” you wonder out loud. It’s not something anyone’s ever really called you before.
“I’m sure you are, but I’d love to find out,” he whispers, and surges up to catch your mouth with his. He kisses away your giggles, and you tangle your fingers in his silky locks as his hands on your legs slide you closer to him. 
“What a fucking line,” you exhale as he trails kisses along your jaw, back towards your ear. His tongue flicks out to trace the curve, making you shudder.
“Well, I am a pro,” he replies, grin evident in his tone. 
You laugh, head tipping back, and he immediately dives towards your neck, to suck at the sensitive skin there. Groaning, you curl your fingers into his hair more, keeping his head in place, urging him to mark you up. He understands your silent command and leaves a trail of bites down to your collarbones. 
Hoseok’s hot mouth is driving you crazy, and you rock forward, trying to find some friction, dragging your core against his groin. He’s hard, rutting his heavy cock against you, and you moan in tandem. A jolt of desire shoots through you, but there’s something else gnawing at your gut, something that makes your stomach flip. A voice whispers that tonight is going to end like so many others, the words striking you like a bolt of electricity. 
Lost in your anxiety, you go still in Hoseok’s arms, and he lifts his head before he straightens up. Dark eyes examine your face for a moment. “Too fast?” 
You start to shake your head no, stop, then nod, glancing down at his chest. His hands relax their hold on your thighs, pushing you back onto his legs a little. 
“Let’s slow it down a little. We’ve got all night to do whatever we want - we don’t have to rush into anything.” He ducks his head until he meets your eye line. “And we don’t have to do anything you don’t want.” 
“You keep saying that.” 
“Because it’s true. There’s no pressure from me for you to do anything at all. I’m perfectly happy to sit here and talk to you all night, if you’d like. Or I can shut up and we can just enjoy the view.” He nods towards the sky, and you look up to see a bright moon rising above the trees, flanked by several twinkling stars. “It’s all about you tonight. Whatever you want.” 
You nod, and then bite your lip. “Can I be honest, then?” 
“Of course! Anything you tell me will be just between us.” 
“The hot tub bench is kind of hurting my knees.” 
He moves so swiftly, diving forward off the bench, grabbing you by the waist again to guide you into a sideways sitting position, your ass pressing into his thighs, that you let out a shocked laugh. 
“That’s better, thanks.” You drape your arms over his shoulders again as he locks his hands behind your back. 
The heat of the moment has dissipated, and the two of you fall back into easy conversation. Hoseok keeps his hands on your back, a light, comforting touch as you try to relax again. He doesn’t try to kiss you or do anything else that you would consider making a move. He seems content just to talk to you, like he said, and you let the warm bubbling waters of the hot tub carry your tension away again. 
It’s tempting to just sit there all night in his arms, but eventually, you have to get out of the hot tub. Hoseok points to the steps leading down from the deck to the back of the yurt. “There’s a shower back here, if you want to rinse off.” 
Back inside the yurt, you find that Hoseok has laid out the two fluffy white bathrobes that had been hanging on the bathroom door. “Here,” he says, handing you one. “I thought this would be comfortable for you to wear after soaking for so long. You have to feel this - it’s so soft.” He rubs a corner of the robe on his face, eyes closing for a second in bliss, before he grins at you. You can’t help but grin back. 
Taking the robe into the bathroom, you peel off your wet swimsuit and hang it over the tub. Hoseok wasn’t kidding about the robe - it feels like you’re being gently hugged by the softest cloud. Before you step out of the small space, you glance at the mirror above the sink. This would be the time when you’d give yourself a pep talk, if you were in a movie. But pep talks aren’t really your thing, and there are no cameras here, just you and the calm face peering back at you. You look relaxed, at least. Maybe no pep talks are needed after all. 
Hoseok is sitting on the bed when you reemerge. He’s already wearing his bathrobe, perched on the edge, hands resting on his lap. He pats the space next to him, but you hesitate, standing in front of him. 
Here it is. The moment for which you planned this entire trip. 
“So…” you say, fingers playing with your belt. “Now what?” 
He laughs. “That’s up to you. What do you want to do?” 
Several scenarios run through your head, including the thought of sending him away for the night and just spending the rest of your mini-vacation alone, lying in bed, eating strawberries and watching movies. It’s not a bad backup plan, honestly. But you’re here for an answer, and that’s not the way you’re gonna get it.  
You climb onto the bed, settling yourself so your back is resting against the headboard. Once you’re comfortable, you crook your finger, inviting Hoseok to join you. He mirrors your pose, but doesn’t say anything, waiting for you to speak. 
Instead, you lean over and press your lips to his. He reacts immediately, one hand cradling the back of your head as the other caresses your cheek. Your own curl into his robe, gripping the plush fabric as you murmur, “Can we just do this for a while? I like kissing you.” 
Hoseok nods, nose bumping yours. “Absolutely.” 
Time seems to slow to a crawl as you and Hoseok make out, reclining against the bed with your arms wrapped around each other. He’s a fantastic kisser, taking your breath away with long, deep kisses that make your thighs twitch. He nips at your bottom lip, and when you gasp, slips his tongue into your mouth to tangle with your own. There’s a need building in you again, and before long, you’re dragging him down with you, sliding along the faux fur blankets to lie on your back. He follows without delay, covering your body with his own. 
Heaven. He feels like heaven, pressed up against you. You’ve missed this feeling so much, the weight of someone else on you, hands roaming your sides, cupping your face, lips trailing down your throat, over your collarbones. It’s been far too long.
Hoseok pauses at the point where the v of your robe lies on your chest and glances up at you with darkened eyes and kiss-swollen lips. His hair is messy due to your inability to keep your fingers out of it. He might feel like heaven, but right now he looks like an absolutely sinful dream. 
“Is it okay if I untie this?” he asks, lithe fingers tugging lightly on your loosely-tied belt. 
You nod, then find your voice. “Yes. Please.” 
Instead of making swift work of the knot, Hoseok pulls on the ends slowly, and your breath hitches in anticipation. Once the material slips free, he brings his hands up, each clutching a side of your robe to peel it back, exposing your breasts to the cool air of the room. Almost immediately, your skin pebbles, a rush of goosebumps rippling down your skin. Hoseok tuts. 
“Sorry, love,” he murmurs, eyes fixed on your hardening nipples. “Let me warm you back up.” 
And then he lowers his mouth to your breast, forming a warm, wet seal. 
“Oh!” you keen, head lolling back as Hoseok’s hands cover your chest, large palms doing their best to massage away your chills. His tongue dances around your nipple, tracing circles that grow larger and larger as he laves at your breast. Once it’s completely coated, he licks his way to the other breast, repeating his actions. 
He spends several minutes this way, going back and forth. The robe is still gathered shut below your navel, but as you writhe beneath his hot mouth, it shifts, granting him more skin to paint with his tongue. He trails down your stomach, kissing your belly button and laughing at your stuttered breath when the sensitive skin there spasms from the tickling brush of his lips. 
Still, even with your robe falling open, he doesn’t make any move towards where you want him most, until you finally moan, “Hoseok. Keep going, please.” 
He glances up at you for a second, and must see the need written on your face, because he smirks. “I’m sorry, love, I was trying to take my time. Am I moving too slowly for you?” 
“A - a little,” you admit, voice shaking as he kisses across your belly, from hip to hip. His pink lips are as plush as the bedding that surrounds you. “But if you’re, um, if you’re enjoying yourself, then you don’t have to… stop.” 
His laugh tickles your stomach, and you tip your head up to look at him where he lies, halfway down the bed, chin resting on your torso. “Oh, I’m definitely enjoying myself. But the question is whether you are enjoying it? Because I don’t wanna sound like a broken record or anything, but this is all about you tonight.” He beams, a bright smile sending a rush of warmth to your cheeks. “So if you want me to move a little faster…” his hand disappears beneath the folds of fabric covering your thighs, “then that is what I shall do.” 
Dropping your head back onto your pillow, you sigh as you feel his fingers grip the soft skin at the apex of your legs, urging them apart. The robe you wear is completely open now, hiding nothing but your arms, still tucked into the sleeves. 
“Can I ask you something? And feel free to say yes but then not answer.” 
You lift your head again. “You can ask me anything.” Hoseok’s earned your trust tonight with his kind words and actions. And besides, he’s right, you don’t have to answer anything that you don’t want to. You’re the one in charge here.
“When you’ve been with someone in the past, have they ever moved this slowly?” As he speaks, he lowers his mouth to your thigh, leaving a tender kiss behind. “Or is it usually just get you naked and then get going? Straight to the sex?” 
“Usually the latter.” None of your exes were much for foreplay. A few minutes of kissing, maybe, a little fingering to open you up, and then right to it. Sometimes, if you were lucky, you’d get a little oral with the fingering, but it never lasted very long. Honestly, sometimes it felt so mechanical, like you were a damn car they were trying to start. Put the key in the ignition, step on the gas, turn the key. Kiss, finger, fuck.  
When you explain all of this to Hoseok, he shakes his head, nose brushing your other thigh. “That’s what I thought you’d say,” he sighs, sounding disappointed. “Look, I don’t mean to disparage someone I’ve never met, but… well, frankly, all those people who had you in their bed and didn’t take the time to savor all this beauty laid out in front of them were complete idiots. Every last one of them.” 
“Ah, well, I don’t know if I’m a ‘beauty’ -”
“No no.” Hoseok cuts you off. “I wasn’t asking for opinions. I was stating a fact.” The protest forming on your lips dies away as he sucks a love bite into your skin, at the junction where your thigh meets your crotch. “You’re breathtaking like this. Not just the way you look lying here, but the way you react to my touch, the sounds you make.” He groans, dropping his forehead onto your leg. “God, you make the most gorgeous sounds. You’re telling me no one ever wanted to take their time with you, make you moan like this again and again?” 
And as he finishes his thought, he finally slides a finger into you, right where you have been dying for him to reach. You moan loudly, back arching slightly, trying to take him in further. 
He hisses as he explores the tight wet heat of your cunt. “That’s it, that’s what I was talking about. That beautiful little cry of yours. Wanna fill the room with it, love.” He adds a second finger, and then his mouth follows, gliding along your slit before he seeks your clit. When he gently latches onto the sensitive nub, you whimper again, fingers flexing in the faux fur. 
For several wonderfully long minutes, the only sounds coming from his mouth are the lewd sucking noises he makes as he eats you out. Meanwhile, there’s an entire symphony falling from your own lips, whines and moans and the occasional “Hoseok” or “oh my God” all floating into the ether. Thankfully, there are no shared walls for this yurt, so you can be as loud as you want, because the man between your legs is devouring you so enthusiastically that there’s no way you could stifle yourself right now. And he’s clearly delighting in the clamor, based on how he keeps groaning into your cunt and rutting his hips into the bed. Which only spurs you on more. To think that you could turn him on like this… it’s a total ego boost. 
Hoseok’s ministrations have you squirming, hips bucking as you feel that familiar band tightening inside you. Squeezing your eyes shut, you chase your high, focusing on what he’s doing and trying to block everything else out. Including the nagging voice in your head that pipes up again, fretting that you’re going to lose it, that it’s not going to happen, that this whole weekend was a waste of time…
“You okay, love?” Hoseok’s gentle voice pulls you out of your head, and you open your eyes to find him watching you with a concerned look. 
“‘M fine,” you say, flashing him a smile, but it’s weak at best. His fingers withdraw and you whine a dissent, but he’s already crawling up the bed to lay beside you, grasping your chin as he kisses you. You lose yourself in the sweet lushness of his lips for a minute before he pulls away. 
“It seemed like you were getting close there,” he informs you. 
“You could tell that?” 
He grins, that cocky lopsided smirk that you’ve only seen a few times tonight but have come to absolutely adore. “If you know what signs to look for. But something happened. You went somewhere. In here.” His fingers brush over your temples. “Where’d you go?” 
With a heavy sigh, you roll onto your side to face him. “I just… I couldn’t drown out the voice. You know. The one that always says exactly what you’re afraid of? That voice. It started talking and I couldn’t shut it out.” 
He rakes his hand through his hair, creating a fluffy brown halo around his head as he huffs out a sigh. “I almost hate to ask but… this voice you hear. Is it telling you what someone else told you?”
Eyes lowered, you give the tiniest of nods. Not just someone. Multiple people, their words blending together, but it’s all the same message: there’s something wrong with you. 
He lays a hand on your arm. You watch his long fingers as they gently stroke your skin. He speaks your name just as delicately. “I know we just met, but I can promise you that those people were lying to you. They blamed you out of their own guilt, rather than admit to themselves and to you that they weren’t able to satisfy you.” 
That’s what you want to believe, more than anything. It’s a bit hard to put it into practice.
“Yeah,” you reply quietly, giving him a brief smile. “I - I know. It’s just… their words are stuck in there.”
“Hmmm.” Hoseok’s gaze flits between your eyes as he contemplates your answer. “Tell me something, love. Before that voice chimed in, were you enjoying the moment?” 
His fingers gently brush your cheek as you nod at him. 
“And how do you feel right now? Is the moment over?” 
That moment is definitely over, but you’re still happy to have Hoseok here with you, and you don’t want to stop. It’s been ages since you’ve been with anyone, and you’ve missed the touch of another so much. 
“I’d like to keep going, actually,” you admit, head lowered shyly, and his fingers slip under your chin to tilt your face up until you lock eyes with him. 
“Say that again, love, a little louder,” he implores you.
“I want to keep going,” you declare, with confidence. And bring your hands up to his face to pull him in for a kiss. Hoseok hums into your mouth, his eyes fluttering shut, and you close yours as well, letting yourself fall back into the sensation of his lips on yours. When the need to breathe becomes overwhelming, you pull away, gasping. “But what about you?”
He frowns. “What about me?” 
“You wanna keep going?”
His laugh is a low purr. “If you’re asking because you’re afraid you killed the mood or something….” He gestures to his robe, where a tent has sprung up over his groin. “It’s not ruined for me.” 
He shuffles closer, pressing you up against his chest as he kisses you again. What lies beneath that tent presses into your thigh, and you marvel at the fact that he still wants you. It’s another ego boost, one you sorely need at this moment, and it’s enough to bolster you to take charge again and pull him on top of you as you roll onto your back.
He moves eagerly, happily rutting into your open thighs, the soft fabric of the robe rubbing against your bare cunt. 
“Hoseok,” you mumble, fingers plucking at the collar of his robe, “take this off. I need to feel you.”
Without hesitation, he tosses the robe onto the floor. As he hovers over you, skin shimmering like amber under the warm lighting of the bedroom, you trace your hands down his chest and stomach, running your fingertips along the dark treasure trail that leads from his belly button to his groin. He shudders, a tiny groan letting you know he’s enjoying the attention. 
He notices the way your eyes keep flicking to his cock. “Do you wanna touch it, love?” 
“Can I?” Your fingers twitch, wanting to wrap themselves around his impressive girth. He’s not the biggest you’ve ever seen, but he’s thick enough that you know you’re in for a stretch. 
“Of course you can. Touch as much as you’d like, I’m at your command tonight.” 
“Well, yeah, I know that but…” You run your hands up his muscular thighs, delighting in the way they jerk under your fingertips. Shifting closer, you cup his cheek and bring his mouth down towards you, barely an inch from your own. “Do you want me to touch you?” 
“Fuck. Yes, please, touch me,” comes Hoseok’s hurried response, as he closes the distance between you with a heated kiss. Just as your lips meet, you curl your hand around the base of his cock, lightly stroking upwards. He’s warm, velvety skin pulsing in your grip as you rub your thumb over the tip. He moans into your mouth, and you swallow it down eagerly. 
As you continue to roll your hand up and down, Hoseok drops his head to your neck, pressing sloppy kisses there. “Feels so good, love,” he whispers, and he drags his fingers down your lower stomach. You instinctively arch into his hand as he cups your heat, palm rubbing small circles against your clit. “Don’t stop.” 
“Ahh, Hoseok,” you sigh as he slips a finger between your sodden folds. He has such lovely fingers, so long and flexible, stretching and stroking inside you. 
“That’s it, love, keep talking. Tell me what you like.”
What you like? He should know that. When you booked his services, you’d filled out a little questionnaire with your likes and dislikes. Your wants and your turn-offs. 
“But I already ahhh fuck - already told you, oh god,” you groan, statement crumbling into babbled exclamations as Hoseok fondles your clit, giving the little pearl a good shining. 
“I know what you’re thinking,” he laughs, “and I did read your list, but I want you to tell me, right now, what you want. I wanna hear it from your sweet mouth instead.” He gently pries your fingers from his length, kissing away your pout. “Sorry, but you were starting to feel a little too good.” 
“But I want to make you cum,” you protest, and he closes his eyes for a second before fixing you with a dark stare. 
“Oh, you will, love, don’t you worry. But I’ll be damned if I’m the first to go tonight.” 
This time, when he kisses you, it’s slow and heavy, his tongue languidly teasing yours, teeth pulling your bottom lip into his mouth so he can suck on it. His fingers slide back inside you with no resistance, your arousal soaking them fully as he scissors you open. You feel his cock pressing into your hip and try to lift your lower half to give him some friction, but he’s holding you down too much for it to work. 
Again his fingers find that soft spot inside you, and your head snaps up. “Fuck, Hoseok!” 
“Ah, you like that? Right there?” He strokes it again, and you nod furiously. 
“Yes, god, I love your fingers!” You’d be embarrassed at your zealous response if you weren’t in the throes of bliss right now, toes curling as Hoseok’s palm caresses your clit again.
“I’m glad to hear that, love, because they can’t get enough of this beautiful pussy of yours,” he murmurs, head bent over your chest, breath ghosting over your breasts. “So warm, so tight. Just begging for them, sucking them in again and again.” His fingers plunge faster, stroke deeper. “Could do this all night if you wanted.”
The stirring in your gut tightens, warmth spreading across your torso, down your thighs. “Please. I need more,” you moan, bucking your hips to try to meet his thrusts. 
Hoseok grunts, propping himself up on his other elbow as he buries his hand inside you. The fierce look of determination on his face creases his brow as sweat beads on his forehead. It’s too much, watching this sex god fingerfuck you wantonly like this, so you close your eyes. 
Almost immediately, the voice speaks again.
And then you feel a hand on your cheek and you open your eyes to find Hoseok looking at you with a softer expression. “Hey, don’t do that. Don’t go away again. Stay with me,” he says, a command and a plea mixed in one. 
You nod, mesmerized by the warmth glowing in his eyes. His fingers find a new rhythm as he holds your gaze. “Are you still liking the way I’m touching you, or do you want something else now? Hmmm? Think you’re ready for my cock now?”
“Oh god,” you groan, “mmm, I think - I think I’m ready.”
Hoseok’s lips curl, dark eyes still studying your face as his thumb applies just the right amount of pressure to your clit to make you gasp. He lowers his mouth to your ear, nibbling on the lobe before he whispers, “Say it like you mean it, love. Tell me exactly what you want. Or do you want to hear what I want to do to you first? How I want to bend you over and fuck you so hard, the only voice you’ll hear is your own, screaming out my name?”
“I want that too, fuck, Hoseok, please fuck me!” The words explode out of you as if they were just waiting on the tip of your tongue the whole time. Which, maybe they have been. You came here intending to be fucked, and that desire has only grown through the evening. 
With a pleased laugh, Hoseok hops off the bed to rummage through his robe until he pulls a condom from one of the pockets. Then he climbs back on the bed, kneeling in front of you, one hand lightly gripping his cock as he looks at you. 
“Lay back and let me make you feel good.” He pauses at the expression on your face. “Unless you have something else in mind?” 
With a grin, you reach out and pluck the condom from Hoseok’s hand. He huffs a breathy laugh as you place a palm on his chest, pushing him back towards the headboard again. Leaning back, he grants you another smirk as he stretches his legs in front of him, erect cock bouncing against his firm stomach.
“Is this where you want me?” he rasps in a low rumble. Biting your lip, you nod, holding yourself back from leaping on him only long enough for you to commit his image to memory. Hoping you never forget the look in his eye as he waits for you to make your move. 
Still clutching the condom packet, you shuffle forward on your knees until you’re between his legs. Before you do anything else, you take his cock in your hands, giving him a few short strokes just to hear him moan again. He’s starting to pant when you finally release him, hands fumbling with the packet for a minute before you manage to rip it open. Your fingers move more nimbly as you sheath him. 
His hands wrap around the backs of your thighs, guiding you to straddle him. As you hover over his lap, hands on his shoulders, you take a moment to breathe. He smiles softly up at you, and with your next inhale, you sink down.
You were right. Hoseok’s thickness stretches you deliciously, hard length parting your tight walls, rubbing over every dripping inch inside. His tongue flicks out to lick his lips as you settle yourself on his thighs, reveling in the feeling of being so fucking full. 
It’s been way too long. 
“Doing okay, love?” he asks after a moment. 
“Fuck yes,” you reply, grinning at his giggle. His thumbs rub encouraging circles into your hips, but he doesn’t do anything else, clearly waiting for you to set the pace. 
“If you just want to sit on my cock for the rest of the night, I’m fine with that. You feel like heaven. Don’t even have to move. We can just stay like this.” 
A lock of his dark hair falls into his face as he beams up at you, and you push it behind his ear, shaking your head.
“Not that I wouldn’t love to cockwarm you all night, but…” Pushing yourself up, you slowly start to ride him. “Isn’t this more fun?” 
His response is a low groan and a squeeze of your ass. Laughing, you roll your hips, head kicking back as his cock brushes against your g-spot. Hoseok leans forward, the angle helping repeat the action, and you lace your hands behind his neck as you pick up the pace. 
“Shit, just like that,” he hisses, encouraging you to ride him faster. “Fucking taking me so good, love. How’s that feel?” 
“Feels, ahhh, feels so amazing, ‘seok.” 
But as good as he feels, it dawns on you that your energy is flagging. There’s no way you can keep this up for very long. 
When your speed starts to falter, and you fall silent again, Hoseok snaps into action. His hands grip your sides as he kisses you, nudging your nose with his own. “Focus on me,” he instructs you gently. Right before he begins to thrust into you like a fucking jackhammer. 
“Hoseok!” you yelp, eyes rolling back into your head. “Oh holy fuck!” 
“That’s it,” he grunts through gritted teeth, thighs smacking off your ass. “Let me take over. You don’t need to do anything now but sit here and enjoy this, okay? I’ve got you.” 
His cock is pumping into you so swiftly that you’re panting too hard to form a coherent sentence, so you don’t even try, nodding at his promise. When his arms wrap around your waist, you go pliant, letting him tip you backwards so he can pound into you at that perfect angle again, hitting your g-spot over and over. It’s so intense that you give up on words completely, just letting your moans communicate your thoughts. Which are currently along the lines of oh fuck oh my god so good so good!
You clutch at him, fingers leaving indentations in his skin as you urge him close enough to capture his mouth with yours. There’s a wild desperation in your kiss, which he must read as he matches you frenzied tongue for tongue, frantic bite for bite.
“I’ve got you, love,” he repeats, leaning forward again until your back hits the mattress. He slips out of you only momentarily to adjust your position, bringing both of your legs up to rest on his strong shoulders. “Don’t take your eyes off me for a second, okay? I’m still here, with you. You feel me?” He plunges back into your waiting warmth. 
You feel him in every inch of you, from your swollen lips to your shaking thighs. He takes your whimper for the answer it is. 
“That’s what I thought.” How the fuck is he able to pound into you like this and still speak? His prowess has your mind reeling. “I need you to know just how fucking good you feel, love. I hope you don’t mind if I fuck you all night, because I don’t want this to end. Any of it. Wanna taste you again, maybe have you sit on my face for a while?”
“Hoseok…” That tension is rising again. 
He shifts slightly, hands flexing in your thighs as he holds them to his chest while he drives into you. “Then I’d love to take you out back and make you bounce on my cock in the hot tub. Have you ever had hot tub sex? The jets on your clit will have you seeing stars. Or so I’ve been told.” He smirks. “Then I gotta hit it from behind, at least once. I need to see this ass dance up close.” His right hand slaps your cheek lightly. 
His filthy mouth is pushing you closer and closer to what you’ve been trying to find all night. It’s here, finally, your answer. Your high. This time, you don’t close your eyes, but keep them focused on the man confessing all the things he wants to do with you.
Hoseok’s control seems to be slipping as he swears loudly. “Goddamn, I want to do this all night, love. Just let me make you feel so good. I know you want it, love, tell me you want it.” 
“Ho-hoseok,” you stutter, your legs falling from his shoulders as you tangle your fingers into his hair, “I want it, I want it, kiss me, kiss m-”
He cuts you off with a passionate kiss, hot skin sliding against yours as he lies on top of you, fucking into you deeply. It’s exactly what you need, exactly what you want, and with a loud whine, you finally come. 
It’s not the same as any of the orgasms you’ve given yourself. It’s more intense, wave after wave of pleasure radiating from your core, spreading throughout your body. Goosebumps ripple down your thighs as you clench around Hoseok, and he groans, still thrusting away until his own euphoria arrives and he joins you in your wailing. 
It’s not until he collapses on top of you that your peak finally subsides. As thoughts start to filter back into your head, you hear that voice again. 
This time, you just laugh, and tell it to fuck off forever.
“What’s so funny?” Hoseok mumbles from between your breasts.
“Nothing,” you reply, running your hand through his sweaty hair to push it off his forehead. “I’m just happy.” 
He just grins, and you can’t stop yourself from kissing away his smile. After a moment, the kiss becomes a series of small pecks, before he rolls onto his side, fixing you with another questioning look. “So how do you feel, now that you have your answer?” 
“I feel fucking fantastic,” you declare, earning more of his musical giggles. “Thank you, Hoseok.” 
He shrugs. “I just helped you get there, you figured it out for yourself.” 
“So… do you have to go now? Or did you mean all of those things you said earlier?” You drum your fingers on his chest. “I believe there was something about the hot tub jets? That sounded pretty interesting.” 
That sexy smirk makes a reappearance. “I’m yours all night, love. What do you want to do now?” 
You tell him. All night long. 
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© 2022-23 by sunshinerainbowsbts/minisugakoobies. Crossposted to AO3. Please do not copy or repost.
Taglist 1: @playmetheclassics; @shameless-army; @babycoffeefire; @parkdatjimin; @/reliablemitten; @yuugehn; @ut-dixisti; @hesperantha; @seokjinger-ale; @bangtanintotheroom; ​​@taeshuworld; @nch327; @hannahbee12719ficrecs; @7minsuga96; @dvalitaes; @wonieclub; @thatlongspringnight; @miscelunaaa; @acquiescence804; @itsirisz; @velvetskize; @starbtslove; @ajw05; @bruisedscrewedandtattooed; @minesuga; @greezenini; @aznstoner; @jkkkkkay; @xuxibelle; @soeur-de-ame; @boraborabts; @signmybook; @bbl32; @codeinebelle; @here4btsfics; @itbtoblikethatsometimes; @kookprada; @addictedtohobi; @shatzkrinslinzki; @jaiuneamesolitaiire; @joonjulyagust-d; @highly-functioning-mitochondria; @btsgotjams27; @allamericanuniverse; @pleaseshutupsara; @guvgguk; @goodgollyitslolly; @laylasbunbunny; @goldensugarywaffles; @jadda98; @lovelye79;
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teenietinytangerine · 2 months
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sneak peek of hoseok's moodboard
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abloomingperiod · 1 year
nice. | i definitely know what casual means (part 1); jung hoseok
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total word count: 9.5k-ish
warnings: none but hobi is kind of a menace so brace yourselves
note 1: this is the firsssstttt chapter i'm so excited omgggg 💖💖💖 i hope whoever reads it like it! ngl i'm A Litlle nervous since it's my first one that's not 1 chapter long but also very VERY excited akjskjkjjks
note 2: if by any chance anyone feels like commenting on it or leaving questions PLEASE DO i would love to know your thoughts. enjoy it!
note 3: yes, picture jitb listening party hobi in this one 💖
"i disagree."
"yah, of course you do!" your friend daisy complains, following with a fake surprise at your words, "i'm shocked. please, care to explain."
you stare at her incredulously. not because your friend of 6 years is annoyed at you. that was just like any other noisy, alcohol-filled friday between you two. what makes you shoot your eyebrows up is what she wants you to explain. right in front of your other friends and their acquaintances.
you silently ask her to stop with your warning eyes, but just like always, daisy doesn't really seem to get the memo. so you opt for vague, quick answer.
"i don't think casual relationships suck. i just think men suck at it."
there. you gave it a try. there's your answer. she's gonna shut up now-
"what? it's an interesting take, don't get all quiet now."
you sigh.
here goes nothing.
"i just think men don't really get the concept of casual right and that's what kills it."
she blinks once, and twice, seemingly deep in thought, "...huh."
"and i think they see it as a form of being detached from any sort of commitment or empathy to the other person. they think only a serious relationship requires that, because they're dense and they're dumb and they don't see it as a two-sided situation. they don't think about the other side, and when the woman gets annoyed because, well, she's not really enjoying it or getting what she wants, and goes up to them, they get all 'woah you're getting way too attached that's not what this is'... they don't think they need to treat the woman right, because to them, caring about the woman's experience is a favor, and not something they want to do so, and that's why when the woman pulls out, they go to their buddies that are just as stupid as them and brag about the bitch who got attached and how women are too sensitive. they just don't get it. because they're stupid and superficial and they don't really like women."
silence. definite and instant silence.
you regret opening your mouth.
just as your mind told you before you left your apartment, you should've stayed at home, where your biased mouth wouldn't go on and on about past regrets and frustrations-
"damn, who bad laid you?" daisy's new girlfriend, sunmi, asks with a chuckle, and when the rest of you join, everything seems easier again, and your shoulders release from the tense grip your anxiety quickly held at you.
damn, that one was close.
except for one person, who seems to ponder as their eyes study your face, eyes squinting and lips slightly curving as your answer reach their ears,
"doesn't really matter, 'cause i definitely know what casual means", sarcasm dripping bitterly from your words.
the subjects changes, and that one person keeps staring at you every now and then, and you question whether he's judging, studying or straight up staring at you.
you don't know what has gotten into daisy's friend, hoseok, today. but he's definitely quieter than usual. waves and waves of high-pitched laughter long stored in the back of your mind, making space for a sudden quietness and a curious gaze.
you wonder if he has any objection for your words - which would, honestly, be a disappointment.
hoseok, from what you've seen, reads an interesting and easy going person, with a laughter so captivating that's capable of making others laugh until their stomach hurts without even knowing if there was ever a joke to start.
not that fun people don't have shitty opinions, but you oh so hope hoseok is not the case.
why, though? who knows.
probably him, by this point, because now you're staring back for what feels like a good minute.
god, you really lost your social skills.
"bathroom", you say to the table before getting up. it doesn't really phase anyone - is what you think is the case.
that is until you finish washing your hands, quickly shaking your head with a few "just fucking chill" leaving your mouth in whispers. as you turn around the corner that separates the rest of the bar from the bathroom, your eyes meet hoseok's, closer than you've ever been to one another.
you're two feet away from him, and you're sure the hot air touching your chin is coming from his slightly open heart-shaped mouth.
"hi", he sighs. was that tension in his tone?
"hey", that was definitely tension in yours, you note. you clear your throat, "is everything okay?"
"yeah, sure" he responds, "just... i'm sorry if that had anything to do with any experience of yours. felt like it did."
"oh." is the only thing that leaves your mouth, contrasting to the reasons for it. why is he saying sorry? why does he think he has anything to do with it? why is he so damn close? why do i find his words... nice?
say something, dammit.
"s'okay. it did, to be honest, but i already had my mind made up about it way before. s'fine."
he just nods at you, and your nice-filled thoughts return to tensioned ones when you realize he's waiting for more. what the hell?
"...i'm not talking about it."
"oh-oh right, right, of course! i'm sorry, i didn't wanna be invasive, sorry-"
"it's fine! don't worry, i definitely talked a lot about it on the table and-"
"no but even so what do i have to do with this- not that i wouldn't hear about it-"
at this point, you're barely letting each other finish your lame excuses for your lame anxieties, and it just turned into a mumbling and rambling festival, until both of you are curling your lips upwards like two dumbasses.
there you go. this too, feels nice.
yeah, that's definitely it.
you both chuckle, and when you look at the ground and lightly balance on your feet, you catch hoseok wrinkling his nose with a smile.
yeah, that's a nice smile.
"well... i don't mean to chime in, especially after that. but..." you return your gaze up and he's still looking at your face, "i agree with you."
"okay...?" you respond looking to your side, and nice turns into weirdness.
it was never typical of you to blindly trust men and their lightweight words. but after that one special occasion that you're pretty sure everybody back on the table is already speculating on or searching for instagram profiles back and forth, every hint of lies, manipulation or even interest coming from them annoys you to your guts.
your hurt, grudged and healing guts.
and you think he notices.
"i'm not trying to have my way with you."
"i didn't think you were" oh, but you did.
because they always do. and this is not in any way, shape or form, you bragging over attention from men. in reality, you've been despising it since everything happened merely a year ago.
they come, and they go, and all that stays is lies and hurt.
and yes, you did.
"yes, you did." his face turned serious just like it was back at the table.
you scoff, because now he's just being full of himself, "well, i'm sorry to pop your bubble but i definitely did not."
"popping my bubble?" he repeats your words with a smug scoff. god, is he enjoying this debauchery? "oh, honey, you're not popping anything."
your eyes couldn't get more narrowed at that, because now you feel like taking back every nice words you had about him. where did nice go? definitely far, far away. "oh but i'm this close to popping your nose open with my fist."
he sighs and softens his face. and as he looks both sides as if he's trying and seeing if any recognisable face is close to whatever this... thing is, you can't help but notice his perfectly curved nose. damn, it would be a shame to pop a bridge like that.
"sorry. that was not my point." he shakes his head slightly, "i'm sorry you went through that. we don't really know each other that well yet, so i didn't know about it, but it seemed... tough. you seemed kinda taken aback out there, which i don't blame you..."
you grin at his words. "she can be a menace."
"she can", he agrees, "but it's not out of malice. she's just..."
you both nod and grin at each other. he also knows her for years now and has definitely felt in his skin what daisy and her curiosity can do at the wrong place and the wrong time.
which is nice. hoseok seems to get where you and your shot up eyebrows back at the table came from.
which is probably why your shoulders relax, your arms hold each other on your back and you fidget back and forth on your feet now.
"anyways", hoseok says on a higher tone, "we should head back."
"we should", you agree. "but didn't you want to go to the bathroom?"
"me? no. i just came for you."
"'cause i wanted to have my way with you."
"i'm just fucking with you." his smirk comes back to his face and you accelerate every thought that goes through your mind about that, externalizing it with a loud scoff at his words that seemed way louder than a legit scoff should sound. you don't know if he notices it, but you do know his stupid smirk feels hot where it lands on your face.
so, with the dumbest come back you could grab from your lame collection, you retort.
"you wish!" you say to his back, as he's already making his way back to the gathering.
but then he turns around one more time, and as his teeth slowly lose their grip on his lower lip, he plain and simply retorts with amusement plastered on his lips and a seemingly darker tone on his eyes,
"and what if i do."
and your words fucking disappear from your throat. just like he disappears around the corner.
if only the sudden heat that rose up to your cheeks did the same.
and at this exact moment, you realize jung hoseok annoys the living shit out of you.
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vanillakook · 2 months
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synopsis: your big sister has a new boyfriend that you can’t wait to try
parings: jk x sister in law!reader
warnings: infidelity, reader is a heavy bitch, she doesn’t care at all, strained relationships, traumatic sibling rivalry, dom!jk, fat cock!jk, sneaking around, exhibitionism, voyeurism, penetrative sex, oral sex (m. and f. receiving), fingering, rough fucking, multiple positions, reader’s pussy is an OCEAN, all hyewon does is cry, reader is actually evil, jungkook is just as bad, if not worse
genre: smut, oneshot
word count: 5.4k
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nothing could have prepared jungkook for the influx of strange events that would take place over the next month. his time starts as it usually does: hyewon, his girlfriend, freaking the fuck out about every interaction he’s had and will have with her family. however, something was different this time. hyewon’s usual dread of embarrassment had shifted into full blown panic and anxiety. he was utterly confused since she had never been this bad. did something happen? he was sure her parents liked him, no? why would they let them date for nearly a year if that was the case?
jungkook had come to know why on the three hour long drive to her parents lake house. after prying he had found out it was you, her baby sister who is supposedly the devil incarnate. “i’m sure this is just a normal sibling rivalry hye, baby, my brother and i are the same way.”
“jungkook,” she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. “im telling you it’s not the same.”
she excused it when you were kids, but after a certain point of awareness she knew that this wasn’t a silly little rivalry, you hated her. despite you being younger by three years you had always went out of your way to make sure she was miserable. in your childhood years it started out as lying to your parents about her hitting you, or sneaking gum into her hair, breaking her dolls. these little things progressed to stealing her clothes and ruining her makeup products in middle school. once high school came around whatever she did you had to do it ten times better. clothes, shoes, sports, friends, boys. your parents had just seen it as a cute thing between a younger and older sister. little did your parents know that soon your behaviors turned cold with sinister intent, from ruining her friendships, straining her parental relationship, and fucking every single guy she’s ever bought home.
hyewon grew up with the same speech throughout her middle school and teenage years, even now in her 20s.
“she just admires you.”
“you’re her role model.”
“y/n has it all, have you ever thought that you’re the jealous one?”
your parents also weren’t shy about who was the favorite. although the two of you had done nearly every sport and form of hobby together, your awards were hung the highest, your interests were more funded, and you were taken more seriously. they insisted that it was just in her head for so many years, more like they were being heavily manipulated by you. now finally her boyfriend of 11 months was going go meet you in less than an hour to see for himself how fucked up you were.
the boyfriend that she so desperately has tried to keep away for so long. now her time was up.
hyewon was successful with that aspect for a while since you were dorming hours away at college. she successfully avoided holidays, family dinners, special occasions, all for almost a year. while she did limit how much she posted jungkook, she was never too sure with the extent you would go with things and has kept you blocked and hidden from all things him.
she could have avoided it for longer if this hadn’t been your first summer back from school in years and your parents were adamant on having the entire family together. usually you were able to make an excuse on why jungkook couldn’t come, work, family matters, etc. but everyone was to be at your family lake house for a full month, and that included jungkook.
“hye ill be there, all month. you have nothing to worry about.” he gave her thigh a soft squeeze and flashed his reassuring bunny smile.
jungkook couldn’t be more unaware about what exactly he was promising to. and as he rounded the corner and pulled into the hidden entrance and drove down the dirt road, hyewon grew more anxious and clammy. she felt her heart sink deeper as jungkook pulled into the driveway and parked. once she saw your sunglasses go up she knew she was fucked. skin tight red bikini, slurping on a melting strawberry popsicle, with her boyfriend ogling every curve of your body. she could have shot herself right there.
over the next month hyewon would watch her perfect relationship crumble to dust. if you were going to be trapped here all summer with your insufferable sister the least she could do was share her boyfriend. her first mistake was pulling you aside that night before bed for a talk. you followed her out to the patio and faced her, finally dropping the innocent facade you’re forced to have around others.
“what now hyewon?” you scoffed. “i haven’t seen you in a year and you’re already about to scold me about something?”
you were trying so hard not to laugh at her angry demeanor. “stay away from him. y/n i understand you can’t keep a man but that doesn’t mean you can help yourself to mine.“
you pouted at her, prying her folded arms open and taking her hands in yours. “but hyewonniee~ that’s not fair, we share everything, what would mommy and daddy say to you right now?” you tsked obnoxiously.
she snatched her hands away. “y/n, this isn’t the time to play your sick games. what the fuck don’t you get? i’m not asking you, im fucking telling your twisted ass to leave us alone.”
“come on sis live a little, i promise ill give him back,” she felt like she was going to throw up right into the lake beside you two.
“please y/n…” her voice cracked.
all you could do was give her that fuck ass smile as if you were clueless about every goddamn thing in the world. “i just wanna try him, no need to get fussy.”
that night at dinner she kept a close eye on you whenever you were near him. she allowed the small talk and conversations about his family and work, but was steadily getting annoyed when no one had been asking a single thing about what she’d been up to, obviously not you, not your parents, and not even jungkook, in fact her very far gone boyfriend was looking at you as if you had hung the stars and the moon with your bare hands. he hadn’t taken his eyes off of you as explained your college stories and travels. your sister on the other hand had her head down in her phone, earning a scowl from your parents and a few words from her own boyfriend.
“hyewon,” your father cleared his throat. “don’t you think it’s poor manners to not listen to what your sister has to say? she listens to you.”
“right, sorry.” she mumbled, putting her phone down to pick at her food.
“apologies jungkook, they’ve been this way since they were young. just a little squabble here and there.” your mother leaned over the table a squeezed his hand, to that he replied with a smile.
do little squabbles consist of fucking someone’s boyfriends and sending them the tapes of them doing so?
“trust me i understand, my older brother and i are sworn enemies but he’s my entire world.”
you decided to chimed in too. “hyewonnie doesn’t ever think i have anything interesting to say,” you pouted. “actually enough about me, sis how’s your desk job? still letting that old hag of a boss order you around?”
any normal boyfriend would take his girlfriends defense when a backhanded comment was made. instead jungkook, who was seated in between the both of you, pealed his eyes away from you for once and turned to his girlfriend. he was also waiting for her response to that. all eyes were now turned to her. you have her that knowing smirk, a smirk that knew since your lasting meeting a year ago, she had accomplished absolutely nothing but scoring a hot boyfriend. and even that was going to be ripped away from her shortly.
“i’m working on finding a new job.”
“work harder then hyewon, look at your sister.” ah here we go. your father was about to go on his comparison spiel. “y/n is set to graduate early after studying abroad and even has a job lined up for her after school, meanwhile you’ve been stuck at this little start up company for how long?”
“we love you honey, dearly. but it’s time to start being an adult.” your mom had delivered the final blow. hyewon stood up from her seat, fork clinging against the china plate.
“i need to use the restroom.”
no one tried to stop her, instead everyone fell back into a steady stream of conversation. jungkook however couldn’t even bring himself to have another thought other than you. he couldn’t have made his attraction to you more obvious. you were so fucking pretty, he hasn’t seen a being like you. sweet and delicate tone with hints of seduction. he wanted to feel bad for being more attracted to you than he was to your older sister, but fuck. your hair was pulled back into a neat bun and your dress had just reached below your ass. he tried his hardest to not stare for too long, but when you had suddenly dropped your fork and bent over to go get it he was in for quite the treat that couldn’t be passed up.
when you rose from your chair, slick trails followed behind. you hadn’t been wearing underwear and your pussy had been drooling all over the wooden chairs, leaving you with a pool of pussy juice in your seat. your cheeks burned, knowing his eyes were on you and your pretty pussy. he looked between you and your parents, hoping they weren’t seeing your antics so he could bask in it longer. luckily they were immersed in conversation.
“whoopsies, i’m so clumsy sometimes!” you sat down in your seat again, making sure he heard the wet plop! of your ass on the sticky chair. you flashed him flirty smile, once again starting small talk. “so you’re a personal trainer right?”
“mhm i am, you know anything about it?”
“enlighten me.”
“well it’s-“ his face dropped and went bright red at the feeling of your hands on him. your palm had sprawled out on his thigh, inching dangerously close to his hardening cock. “it’s um- it takes a while to um-“
“something the matter?” yes something was the fucking matter. your acrylic covered hand was now covering the growing tent in his pants. his girlfriends baby sister was palming his dick at the dining room table, in front of your fucking parents. “sounds like an easy job, maybe you could train me too, i’m a fast learner, and i haven’t worked out in ages…” your eyes narrowed, tone getting lower and heavier.
“hey we’re going to start cleaning up, you kiddos finished with your food?” your mom started confiscating the plates and dishes as you worked at jungkooks zipper, desperately wanting to get a look at the huge cock you were groping.
“we’re not kids mom, we’re in our early 20s.”
“oh fine fine, when your sister comes back from her mini temper tantrum tell her i put her food in the fridge if she wants to finish it.” once your parents were gone you could finally cut the small talk and get right to the point, except jungkook had halted your actions, removing your hand and holding it in his while you bit back a grin.
“what the fuck is wrong with you? do you know how much this would hurt your sister?”
“so? are you out of your mind?”
you rolled your eyes. “oh now you wanna play moral police after you’ve been eye fucking me the entire night and almost came in your pants from my hand alone?” if he really didn’t want it you were going to back off. you pulled away completely and scooted your chair over.
jungkook leaned in closer, pining you against your chair. “you wanna feel up on my dick? go ahead sweetheart, but not at the same fucking table your parents are eating at. hyewon could walk in any second too, you really wanna risk her seeing this? risk her ending this before i get to ruin you?”
oh. oh.
“you wanna ruin me? your girlfriends little sister? you really don’t care about her do you?” your eyes lit up once again.
jungkook looked around, peering around the corners of the house to make sure it was clear before what he did next. lust was fully taken over, any thoughts of hyewon were gone, and it was only a few hours into knowing your little minx ass but he wanted to be consumed by you. his hand went around your neck, gripping it to the point where your circulation was almost severed. “i just wanna try you baby, see if i chose the wrong sister or not. and anyways, whatever hye doesn’t know won’t hurt her right? now c’mere pretty.”
the stars had aligned in that moment for you. you had jungkook right where you wanted him.
however she did. hyewon knew exactly what would happen once she left the table, it was her way of accepting defeat. as hyewon sobbed in the bathroom she knew her sister and boyfriend were exchanging more than holy words and touches. she knew how quick you worked. when it came to ruining everything she loved and desired you were always quick. luckily she couldn’t witness the vile things happening at that dining room table.
“gosh, this fucking pussy,” he landed a slap to your sopping cunt. poor baby was crying down there for some action, clenching that tight hole around nothing and pushing out more and more thick ropes of slick. “damn baby i knew you wanted this dick, but fucking hell.” he couldn’t believe how soaked you were, he knew he’d slip his cock in with ease, nothing like your sister.
“aw kook, you must be so bored with her if you feel this comfortable with playing in my pussy. look at you throwing a year down the drain.” and you couldn’t be happier about it.
“fucking tell me about it. love my baby to death but a man has needs you know?” he took another glance around before unzipping his pants fully this time and placing your hand over his fat cock once again. “hye never knows what to do with it, but i’m sure a slut like you will.”
he tugged his boxers down and you watched his angry member spring up, slapping against his stomach with a mean, red tip that was throbbing for attention. your mouth gaped open at the sight of the pretty thing. lengthy, girthy, veiny, and in need of a tight little pussy gripping around it. “make it quick and i’ll make sure to take good care of you later sweetheart.” he guided you to your knees, sat back, and enjoyed your mouth. all while hyewon sobbed her heart out a few feet away.
later that night after you were coming back from a late night jog, hyewon was ready in the living room for you. she needed to put her foot down for once. every other time was different, but this was her chance to salvage her relationship. once you stepped in the door she stood, to which you didn’t pay her a second glance. “the hell do you want? you’re stalking me now?”
“if you keep trying your luck with jungkook im telling mom and dad.”
you let out a mocking cackle as you made your way to grab a glass of water. “what are we? fucking five? maybe if you knew how to pleasure your boyfriend we wouldn’t be in this situation,”
her mouth went dry. “what?”
“oops… well cats out the bag. when you decided to go be dramatic and cry in the bathroom as if anyone cared, jungkook was very quick to say how much of a bad fuck you were.” you provoked her farther. you were younger, you were shorter, but still you loomed over her, in every aspect, in every way, of every day of your lives. “you always pick the easy ones. the ones who hate you more specifically.”
“jungkook loves me, something you’ll never experience.” she spat.
you grinned, leaning against the counter nonchalantly before breaking her heart in two. “and he’s gonna love this pussy even more. he already loves one of my holes. ask him about it.” you shot her a wink before leaving for bed.
there was still a month to go and as the weeks progressed she watched his eyes linger more as your clothes got tighter. she watched your touches get lower. she watched your hangouts go from the three of you to just you and her boyfriend. she watched how you two would talk for hours then get silent when she entered a room. she watched you press your ass up against him when squeezing around tight spaces. it was only a matter of time before she was phased out completely, but she still wouldn’t go down without a fight. jungkook was the greatest thing to ever happen to her, he was worth fighting for, she felt it, she knew it.
yet obviously he didn’t see her the same. he couldn’t care less about his relationship more than ever now since you had given him the best head of his life. now every night, just like this one, he was nose deep in your cunt, devouring you. jungkook waited until hyewon was sound asleep before he slipped himself into your room in the late hours of the night. thank goodness she picked the ones who were skilled with their tongue, because this was just the stress reliever you needed,
cumming down her boyfriends throat for the third time tonight.
“f-fffuck!” your back arched upwards from the feeling of his tongue dragging down your slit. he simply pushed you back down, using the weight of his hand to keep you there. “too much, ‘s too much koo!” you pulled at his hair roughly, making him groan deliciously. how the fuck did you taste like this? you were becoming his favorite flavor.
“oh yeah too much?” he took two fingers, plunging them inside of your cunt and watching the disappear deeper with every thrust. “so fucking wet for me doll, look at how you’re drenching my fingers.” he kept his voice low while your screams went wild. part of him even hoped your cries awoke your sister. he was so fucked up for wanting this, wanting her to see how good he fucked her pretty little sister. he wanted her to see how he fucked her sister in every way that he would never fuck her. he was sick as hell.
his fingers rammed against your g spot roughly. your mind fogged up, making your words start to come out in nothing but incoherent babbles. your body went limp from the amount of times he had dragged your nut out of you tonight. “c’mon princess, gimme one more, right on my fingers. be a good girl and cum baby, cum.”
“holy shiiiiii- awh fuck fuck, fuck i’m- jungkookk!” you whined with tears streaming down your face. with one more clench of your hole and a few more angry thrusts of his fingers you were soaking your sheets and his face. once jungkook removed his fingers you released everything he was keeping inside. he dove right back into you nose first to catch all of the creamy slick dripping from your hole. you couldn’t handle overstimulation, trying time and time again to get him away from your pussy before you came again.
“stop, stop stop- fucking hell stop!” trying to push him away was useless, you were starting to realize he did this shit for his own pleasure.
once he decided he was finished his meal he pulled back, looking up at your flustered and tear stained face. he smirked to himself when he saw your needy pussy still clenching around nothing. it took time for your body to shake off the after effects of your orgasm, but he stood by and waited for you to come back to earth. “better get back before your sister wakes up, you good mama?” he sucked your essence off of his fingers, making you lick your lips at the action.
“already? one more hour, please?”
“it’s starting to get harder to say no to you.” he laid between your legs, trying his hardest not to accidentally push against your sensitive clit. you admired him from this view, his soft features and the various piercings that graced his lip and ears. he was so goddamn handsome, you felt bad that he had to settle for your basic sister. “what are you thinking?” he chimed.
“nothing much, just about how glad i am hyewon bought you home, it’s like she just knew you were right for me.” fuck, you were twisted.
“you’re going to get me in so much trouble doll, what will your parents think of me if they find out?”
you shrugged. “they could care less. everyone knows she can’t keep a guy.”
“and i’m guessing that’s due to you?” he smirked.
you tried to fight your smile but it was useless. “i wouldn’t say that. it’s just that every guy reconsiders when they see she has a sister.”
that was exactly what was happening here now. jungkooks brain chemistry was being altered to only think of you, to only want you, and the month wasn’t even over yet. the way he had pulled away would be the reason for hyewon’s nagging every night after bed from now on. she garnered argument after argument every night in bed, trying desperately for jungkook to see where this behavior was wrong. he was too far gone by now, getting defensive when hyewon would state the obvious.
“you’re acting fucking crazy!” jungkook fumbled out of the bed angrily, snatching a pillow and extra blanket to take to the couch. “she’s your sister, do you hear yourself?” he yelled, as if you didn’t just have a face full of his cock for dessert under the dining room table two weeks ago, as if he wasn’t knuckles deep in you the night prior. he knew it was wrong, he knew it was disrespectful to do it while staying in the same house as your parents. but fucking hell.
he felt like needed you more after tasting you once. he felt sick for not even being attracted to his girlfriend anymore. he felt disappointed in himself for letting almost a year go down the drain. but you felt better than anything.
“jungkook she’s trying to steal you from me, she’s- do you not see? has she manipulated you that far already?” hyewon was on the verge of tears, lower limp trembling as she stared back at jungkook. he gave her an annoyed look and sighed, getting ready to pull out manipulative tactics of his own.
“i understand you might envy her, she’s younger, she gets along well with your parents, but when you start making shit up out of jealousy it doesn’t look good hye.” what the fuck could you have done to make him so far gone? what the fuck had you been spewing to him?
“do you fucking hear yourself? you’re defending a bitch you’ve known two weeks!” she was losing her mind, truly. “you’ve been so distant kook, you don’t hold me anymore, you barely kiss me, and it all started when we fucking got here! you told me you be on my side for this trip, mine, not hers.” her voice cracked but he still couldn’t find it in him to care.
“until you sort your hissy fit out, i’ll be on the couch.” he shut the door behind him and she could hear shuffling down the steps growing fainter. her head was pounding from all this nonsense. she hadn’t had one normal day since stepping in this lake house. her family was indifferent to her and now another boyfriend of hers was trying to convince her she was crazy. jungkook did a terrible job however, because once she heard your door creak open in the middle of the night, she knew exactly where you were going.
and she followed.
hyewon crept her way down the stairs, careful not to let anyone hear. she could hear jungkook’s raspy voice and your soft giggles, along with a very smacking noises followed after. even though she has witnessed you ruin her relationships time and time again, nothing could prepare her for what she was about to see. when she rounded the corner her heart dropped to the pit of her stomach. there you were, on all fours in front of her boyfriend, with your pants pulled over your ass, and a big, heavy dick fucking you into the pillow cushions. her boyfriend, the love of her life, fucking you into the pillow cushions.
her hand flew over her mouth and she bit back tears, watching you and jungkook fuck her over in plain sight. it was over. everything she worked to salvage, it was gone. yet she couldn’t peel her eyes away from the sight. from seeing how much more intimate he was with you. she flinched when he smacked your ass harshly. she needed to stop this, but why couldn’t she? hyewon was frozen in place, forced to watch jungkook give himself to you.
“shiiiiitt- pussy squeezing me baby, control that cunt so i don’t cum quick.” he pulled out, pumping your slick up and down his shaft. you wiggled your ass around, smacking it against his pelvis in desperation. you needed your cunt filled again. “calm down mama, fuck.”
“can’tttt,” you dragged. “hmph. fuck me or i’ll do it myself.” you should have never said that. jungkook pulled you back by your hair, his hand gripping your jaw and forcing you to look at him. your back arched in a painful way and your pussy was leaking on he cushions.
“spoiled fucking brat, think i’m obligated to fill your holes? don’t get this twisted.” he removed his hand from around his cock to smack your tits around, mesmerized with how the perky mounds looked. “making me cheat on my girlfriend, making me fall in love with this pussy. all this is your fault, now get down and throw that shit back.” without warning he slid in. the stretch was painfully addicting.
“koo! you’re so fucking big- nnnnghhh shiitt,” once you were used to the stretch you started to move back on him, when he saw your hand moving to circle your clit he yanked it back. he held it behind your back to ensure you didn’t make the same mistake again. of course your bratty ass couldn’t resist pissing him off even more and tried again. now both of your arms were folded behind you with half your face being smothered in the couch.
“you know- hmph-“ he started saying in between strokes. “one thing about your sister? she knows how to listen. trained her well. guess you need the same don’t you?” you nodded with a bright smile on your face that would soon be wiped. hyewon sobbed softly around the corner, listening to the way jungkook carelessly spoke about her. “fuck, you’re perfect. i wanna see you baby c’mere.” you were flipped on your back now, switching from one position to the other.
when you didn’t think it could get any better, jungkook dragged your legs up to his broad shoulders and he was now face to face with you. you shook your head no repeatedly, something that just provoked him more. his big brown eyes narrowed as he slammed himself into you. “ohhhhh-“ you were so fucking done for. he hit your soft spot repeatedly, abusing your mushy walls with his heavy cock. you tried keeping your whines to a minimum but once jungkook saw a certain someone lurking he wanted to hear more.
jungkook had looked up and made direct eye contact with hyewon, unfaltering eyes burning holes into her skull. he picked up his pace, slamming his hips into you and knocking the breath out of you every time. what a dumb bitch was all he could think. did she really expect him not to indulge in her minx of a sister? she trusted him to keep his composure while you were walking around in little to no clothes? pathetic. jungkook kept stroking you mainly because he knew hyewon wouldn’t do a fucking thing. she would sit right there and take it, just how you were taking him. “look princess, got a visitor.”
your head whipped around, seeing your sister trembling. if you were normal this would hurt you just as much, betraying her in such a foul manner. however, you hated her. you’ve hated her ever since you figured you weren’t the only child. you had been ruining her life forever to guarantee she would get the hint and leave the family. that was why you started targeting her boyfriends, if she kept getting them taken then naturally she would stay away. but she didn’t, and now here we were again, you wished you could say you hated to do this, but she needed to learn. after this you were going to guarantee she’d be far from not only you and your parents, but jungkook too.
“hyewonnie!” a squeal sounded from you. jungkook slowed his pace down. “god he’s so good, i’m so fucking glad you found him big sis,” your hands went up and stroked his round cheeks, running your acrylics over his skin. “after he fills me up with some babies we’re gonna get married and have a nice big wedding that you’ll never set foot on.”
blow after blow. you knew how to make her hurt.
“baby…” he panted on top of you. he buried his face in the crook of your neck and pressed kisses to the sweet spot before mumbling into your skin. “no need to be so harsh, i think she gets it love.”
“i fucking hate you both. you’re nothing to me, this entire family is nothing to me.” she finally spoke.
“mhmm, right there koo, so fucking deep-“ your eyes rolled back and you tuned her out, focusing only on the sensual way you were being fucked. “want you to cum in me, fill my cunt up baby, make me a mama.” something feral snapped in jungkook. as his speed picked up his kisses became rougher, biting up and down your shoulders and your neck to mark you. hyewon watched as you two shared such an intimate moment, hating herself for wishing she was you.
“cum with me doll.” that was all it took for you to release all over his cock. plop! plop! plop! was all that could be heard once he emptied his balls inside of you. jungkook struggled to catch his breath. once he pulled out you both watched the waterfall of cum drip from your fucked out hole. he took his cock in his hand and with the tip, pushed it all back inside. “can’t let that get away now can we?”
that had sent hyewon over the edge truly. she stomped up the stairs and barged into her room, starting to repack her suitcase early. yet she was trapped. jungkook was her ride here. she could ask your parents but it was such a long drive back to where she lived. she was stuck here with the both of you for two more weeks. how was she supposed to explain this to her friends, her co workers, everyone who thought jungkook would be her final. this was the icing on the cake that made her despise you. any love she had was far gone now. she sobbed and sobbed while listening to yours and jungkooks shared giggles, hearing him run you a shower and talk the night away.
once jungkook was asleep in your bed, you stood in her door way, basking at how much of a wreck she was. she didn’t need to look up to feel your presence. “what now? what y/n? you’ve done enough and after this consider me gone from all of your lives.”
“you’re so dramatic oh god. you’re acting like i didn’t warn you.” you welcomed yourself into her room. “think i might keep him around, i actually like him. thank you sis.” your hands went over your heart.
she backed up farther onto her bed. “stay away from me you evil fuck.”
“hyewonnie, i told you from the moment i saw him, the boy is mine.”
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ruerecs · 3 months
fanfic writers NEVER contemplate or apologise for your fic being over 3-5k words long, we readers LOVE longer fics!! anyways have a good day/night 🙂‍↕️
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