#jung taekwoon fanfic
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amazegallery · 5 months ago
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Mais que amigos, friends!
Eu estava ouvindo VIXX quando lembrei desse dia kkkkk Não me controlei e acabei fazendo essa capinha. Disponivel para doação aqui, veja a disponibilidade das capas aqui. Post: 19/09/24
Dessa vez eu fiz um videozinho monatando ela, mas acabei esquecendo de colocar pra gravar a tela inteira hihi, mas ta ai pra quem quiser ver.
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onlyactivewhenexhausted · 1 month ago
If there are any Starlights out there who want to read a hybrid au Vixx fanfic, I'm writing one right now! So far it has 6 chapters and 32 000 words.
It's Wontaek centric with lots of hurt/comfort and trauma recovery :))))
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biasedwriting · 1 year ago
the finest gossamer [VIXX, Leo] M
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Characters : VIXX's Leo / OC
Regency! AU
Rating : M for smut
Plot summary - Taekwoon spends an afternoon with his wife in the sunroom.
It was a relatively peaceful afternoon, Taekwoon mused, watching Minah patter about the sunroom, sealing a letter to Haneul, who was now touring the highlands with Wonshik. The room was a little one with a teak writing desk overflowing with papers - letters, he assumed, knowing his wife’s propensity for words both written and spoken (which both vexed and delighted him no end). He eyed his wife blowing out the candle on her desk before stacking the carefully sealed letters into the pigeon-hole cubby above the table. He smiled, amused by her ink-stained fingers and the grumbling that followed as she dabbed at her fingertips with an equally stained handkerchief.
Leaning against the door frame, the man crossed his arms. Despite how busy his viscountcy made him, he tried not to miss out on the domesticity of these moments. To him, Minah was a wonder to be beheld in her natural habitat, in complete comfort with her surroundings. Which was exactly why he found himself hurrying home after a session at the parliament to gaze at his wife. He bit his lip to hold back the laughter that bubbled up his throat when she began humming, floating over to the window to fix the sunflowers held in a pale blue porcelain vase before gently unlatching the windows to allow some air in.
Taekwoon took a silent step into the little sunroom of his house in the capital. Decorated to the tastes of the lady so lost in her thoughts by the window, he couldn’t help but feel surrounded by her presence in the room. From the bookshelf in the corner overflowing with titles she enjoyed (and he enjoyed gifting her with) to the little portrait of the two of them perched on the mantle, or the small turtle-shaped paperweights she had bought on a whim and vehemently placed on the table by the deep green high backed chair he was standing by, the sunroom was secretly Taekwoon’s favourite place in the house because it just was, Minah.
The summer sun streamed through the translucent curtains illuminating his wife’s body draped in the finest muslin he could adorn her in. The rays caressed her face illuminating the lighter shades of brown in the soft ringlets of her hair kissing the tops of her collarbones. Her deep lashes threw shadows on her rounded cheeks that he loved pressing his lips against. Her countenance was blank and blissful in the sunlight as the summer breeze wound its way into the room. The man's eyes roved over her face with delight before his throat went dry at the sight of the thin muslin barely concealing the pebbled buds of her …
“Taekwoon!” A gasp broke his reverie as she spun around, finally aware of his gaze “How long have you been waiting there?” She asked, crossing her arms, immediately obscuring his vision while she hurried to the lace shawl thrown on over the back of her chair to wrap it around her shoulders.
“Not too long,” her husband mused, frowning at the offending piece of cloth as she rang the bell to call for tea before ushering him to the high-backed chair.
“I know you said you'd be back for tea, but Haneul had written such an exciting letter I just couldn't wait to write back and then I completely lost track of time! ” She began pacing around the room, ears red as her husband watched with an amused smile. “She said I'd love the cattle in the highlands, darling large coos! Oh, where is Jeffery?” Minah wondered out loud only to have the stately servant hurry in with the tea service. “Fantastic! Dearest, Haneul sent us shortbread along with her letter, I made sure Jeffery would bring some with tea” Minah continued while Jeffery set the service on the little table before Taekwoon raised his hand to wave the man away.
“That will be all, Jeffery, ensure we're not disturbed,” he said before turning back to his wife who frowned in confusion. The servant left the room, closing the door behind him and Minah reached for the kettle to pour out the tea cautiously.
“Is everything alright?” 
Taekwoon received the cup and saucer from her, eyeing her struggle to keep the shawl on her shoulders. Taking a deep sip, secretly scalding himself, he turned to set down the cup and reach across and yank the foolish fabric out of her grasp. 
“Yes, everything is fine,” he hummed as she tried to reach for the shawl again only to have it held far away from her. The more she leaned forward, the greater Taekwoon's delight grew as he stared unabashedly at his wife's unadorned skin which he knew from experience would feel like cream in his palms.
“Give it back!” She huffed, now getting to her feet and stepping closer to him, unaware of the trap her husband was setting for her. “You're vexing me Lord Jung Taekwoon!”
“Oh? Is that so?” He chuckled, holding the shawl behind his back and quickly grabbing her wrist as she reached for it, tugging her onto his lap. Her foot hit the little table between the two high-backed chairs making the tea service rattle.
“I honestly thought something had happened during the parliamentary session, now I see Viscount Jung Taekwoon wants to play games,” Minah grumbled, still trying to reach for her shawl “Now unhand my shawl or the tea will get cold.”
“What if I say no?” Taekwoon replied, tucking the silly fabric firmly behind his back while his other hand went to support his wife's derriere, giving it a quick squeeze.
“You're being naughty,” she glared at the taller man, tugging at his deep brown coat. 
“That I am,” he said, eyes fixed on her flushed skin, beaded buds now taught against the thin muslin, all he had to do was lean forward and…
Teeth sunk into his right earlobe gently as Minah gave it a quick nibble, sending blood rushing to his breeches. Minah quickly tried to retrieve her shawl which was firmly wedged between the back of the chair and her husband's broad back only to have him grasp at her jaw and fix his eyes on hers. She shivered, noticing his dilated pupils as he leaned up to join their lips. Remembering her initial mission, she turned her head away to look for the shawl only to feel his long fingers slip up to cup the back of her neck and guide her lips to his for a gentle kiss. 
“Open your mouth, darling,” he whispered against her lips, pulling her firmly over his lap by the derriere making her gasp, feeling his need for her. Sliding his tongue past her parted lips he savoured her like a delicacy, now feeling her ink-stained fingers sliding into the strands of his hair making him grunt as he chased after her lips before breathlessly trailing kisses down her throat as soft whimpered breaths gurgled past her swollen lips. 
Minah grasped firmly onto her husband's broad shoulders, the lace shawl long forgotten in his onslaught. Taekwoon's long graceful fingers slid the thin gown up her calves, pausing to fiddle with the garters holding her whisper-thin stockings to her body. She giggled at how ticklish it felt at first but threw her head back with a hiss when his lips surrounded her clothed nipple. 
“Ah, Taekwoon,” she whimpered into his hair as his fingers pianoed across her thighs caressing the skin 
“You're so soft, my love,” he mumbled against the now wet fabric before turning to the other achingly painful nipple awaiting his attention. His fingers played a wicked tune on the wet thatch of hair between her thighs as she gasped at the sensation of his index finger sliding over a throbbing bud of nerves over and over again till she gazed at him pleadingly with her mouth open and no words.
“What's that?” He hummed, speeding up his pace as his middle finger joined in to thoroughly stimulate her. 
She finally let out a moan of his name, gripping at the shirt under his coat, nearly ripping it wide open. Slumping forward, she leaned on his shoulders and breathed out his name, pressing open-mouthed kisses beneath it in a way that had the little string of sanity holding him together snap. 
Then he sank two of his fingers into her and set a quick rhythm that had her jolting pawing at the cravat and undoing his buttons to splay her fingers across his chest feeling his heart thud beneath her palm. Every touch had her hips moving frantically on his two fingers, pressing against the swelling bulge in her husband's breeches. She reached down to undo his bottoms grabbing at the now erect, throbbing organ with both hands making him rest his forehead against her chest with a groan.
“Minah,” he exhaled, curving his fingers within her making her squeeze around them as her hands came to a halt. She fixed her glazed-over eyes on her handsome husband, before reaching to tug his wrist away from her sopping core. There was a fire in her eyes that made Taekwoon feel like a man parched as he leaned up to tangle his tongue with hers. Her grip returned to his erection, firmly stroking till he moaned into her hungry lips.. Gently positioning her hips over his desire, she carefully lowered herself onto him and he scrambled to grasp her buttocks to support her ever-tightening descent. 
“Minah, please,” he whispered groaning when she rolled her hips.
“You started this Taekwoon,” she hissed, gripping at the lapels of his very crumpled shirt.  He eyed her as she lifted her hips and dropped them, tightening on her way down. Her gown was now clinging to her body with the sweat of her exertion as she frowned, scrabbling to rip the offending garment over the head and tossing it to the ground before moving in earnest while Taekwoon could only watch the majesty of his wife's form in the summer sunshine. Groaning, he gripped her hips thrusting up and watching her head fall back in pleasure. When his wife whined, rocking her hips to take him in deeper, he couldn’t help but oblige by picking up the pace till she shook above him, scrabbling at his chest, leaving streaks of red with her blunt nails. Panting at how impossibly tight she was getting around him, Taekwoon laced his fingers with hers thrusting up powerfully, emptying into her and keeping the pace till she spasmed along with him.
Pulling her towards his chest, he held his wife’s naked form, caressing her side as she took deep gasping breaths. 
“You’re a wicked wicked man,” she mumbled against his now sweaty chest. Taekwoon looked down and tipped her head up to capture her lips in another chaste kiss.
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ao3feed-keo · 2 years ago
by stromboli_cannoli
Taekwoon was used to getting dragged into Jaehwan's brainless ideas. Becoming his pretend boyfriend to weasel his way out of a date was just one of them.
Words: 5357, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Fandoms: VIXX
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Jung Taekwoon | Leo, Lee Jaehwan | Ken, Cha Hakyeon | N, Han Sanghyuk | Hyuk, Lee Hongbin, Kim Wonshik | Ravi
Relationships: Jung Taekwoon | Leo/Lee Jaehwan | Ken, Cha Hakyeon | N/Jung Taekwoon | Leo, Cha Hakyeon | N/Kim Wonshik | Ravi, Han Sanghyuk | Hyuk/Lee Hongbin
Additional Tags: Romance, Humor, slight angst, Happy Ending, background homophobia, Polyamorous Hakyeon, Established Relationship, Neo eventually becomes Keo, Alternate Universe, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Biting, Cheesy, Cliche
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directionlessfanficinspo · 2 months ago
Ravi is an enormous young forest dragon (over three hundred years old) living peacefully in his domain. He protects the area from poachers, deforestors and trophy hunters. He has no problem with hunters or wood cutters, who take only what they need without cruelty or greed
He spends most of his time sleeping, flying during the night or eating the offerings the animals of the forest bring him.
One day, a young human wanders into the forest and curls up at the base of a tree to read.
He's both very pretty and not hurting anyone, so Ravi stays away but keeps an eye on him.
The human keeps coming back, sometimes to read, write, play music or sing. Sometimes he even dances to a song that only he can hear.
One night, when Ravi comes back from a flight, the human is waiting in Ravi's favourite sleeping spot.
Ravi is astonished by how unbothered the human seems and gently asks why he isn't afraid.
The human shrugs and says that he's noticed Ravi following him for months, that it was hard not to with how large he is.
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j-a-nuary · 2 years ago
Sometimes, you just gotta kick a man out of his own house.
Cafe Au Lait
Part 2 | 3.2k words
There’s a pretty big fight at the end of this. Names are called, things are thrown, attempts are made to kiss it better.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 TW & TLDR | Part 7 | Part 8
Keep reading
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diverseinsertknet · 2 years ago
Navigation by K-pop Group Names T- Z and Numbers
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Look for the K-pop reader insert fic you want at DiverseInsertKNet with links organized by Group Names T through Z and Numbers below. This list will regularly add groups and idols as more stories are reblogged to the network. Entries without a link are currently in the queue and waiting to be published. Desktop/web browser users- the original version of this post on DiverseInsertKNet will always be the most up to date.
Our navigation page has links to groups with other names listed alphabetically as well as fanfic labeled by Gender and other kinds of diversity.
The Boyz- Jacob Bae, Choi Chanhee, Ji Changmin, Ju Haknyeon, Kim Sunwoo, Kim Younghoon, Lee Jaehyun, Lee Juyeon, Lee Sangyeon, Kevin Moon, Eric Sohn
The Rose- Kim Woosung, Lee Jaehyeong
Tomorrow X Together- Choi Beomgyu, Choi Soobin, Choi Yeonjun, Huening Kai, Kang Taehyun
Treasure- Choi Hyunsuk, Hamada Asahi, Kanemoto Yoshinori, Kim Doyoung, Kim Junkyu, Park Jeongwoo, Park Jihoon, So Junghwan, Watanabe Haruto, Yoon Jaehyuk
Twice- Chou Tzuyu, Minatozaki Sana, Yoo Jeongyeon
Victon- Choi Byungchan, Do Hanse, Han Seungwoo, Jung Subin, Kang Seungsik, Lim Sejun
WEi- Jang Daehyeon
VIXX- Jung Taekwoon, Lee Jaehwan
Xdinary Heroes- Goo Gunil, Han Hyungjun, Kim Jungsu, Kwak Jiseok, Lee Jooyeon, Oh Seungmin
xikers- Choi Hyunwoo, Choi Sumin, Ham Jinsik, Jung Yujun, Kim Junghoon, Kim Minjae, Lee Yechan, Papungkorn Lertkiatdamrong, Park Junmin, Park Seeun
XLOV- Chen Kuanjui, Kato Haru, Kim Jinhyung, Wumuti Tuerxun
ZEROBASEONE- Han Yujin, Kim Gyuvin, Kim Jiwoong, Kim Taerae, Park Gunwook, Seok Matthew, Shen Quanrui, Sung Hanbin, Zhang Hao
2PM- Nichkhun Buck Horvejkul, Hwang Chansung, Jang Wooyoung, Kim Minjun, Lee Junho, Ok Taecyeon
8TURN- Alex Moon, Yang Minho
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seawitch62 · 2 years ago
Obsession is what drives Leo. He will not be thwarted
Yandere, Horror
Word count 646
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Jung Taek-woon, known simply as Leo, sits and broods.
☆Everything is done and you got your wish
While I'm being swept away against my wish
Your predetermined words and feelings too
I’m used to it so never mind
You came in as you liked and filled my heart
Now you turn away from me to say bye bye
There's nothing left but the void you left behind and I, ooh☆
"Bitch!" His anger bubbling to a boil.
Recalling the flowers he sent and were returned along with his gifts.
Remembering the cold hard stare when she said goodbye, the words spoken cut deep and wound.
"I need you right here!" 
The tarot cards say you are mine!
♡Shoot me down, kill mе now
It's a fight I’ll never win♡
Sitting at the piano, memories invade tormenting and haunting him, standing he hits the  keys of the piano.
Pacing in silence, thoughts running rampant.
"Soon my love, soon, we will be together once more, this time you will not leave!".
He watches her, following her.
Through the lens of his binoculars he yearns  from afar.
She constantly infects his thoughts.
Sleep no reprieve as he dreams of the object of his obsession 
Everything and everywhere is a constant reminder of his loss.
"Soon" he mutters, watching  her sleeping.
From his parked vehicle, he sees her, eating dinner with her bitch Mother and  sister.
'Fucking bitch, dining out with others, in their restaurant!'
"I'll wipe that smile off their faces"
Hidden by trees and shrubs he does his surveillance .
Her smile and laughter only serves his resolve to carry out his plan.
He watches as the sun moves and the rays illuminating her glorious mane.
Knowing soon he will be running his fingers through her hair once again.
As the sun moves, his target does as well, placing her blanket under the shade the tree offers.
As she eats her lunch, chicken and a vegetable plate and fruit, he watches. As she sips on her iced tea, her lips caressing the aluminum can, "soon" he whispers "our lips will blend as one".
As she throws food for a curious squirrel, he recalls how she fed him.
Exotic food foreplay.
"Fucking squirrel. She's mine!"
As she lays on the blanket chatting with her Mother and sister, he remembers times they shared an afternoon bodies entwined. A moan involuntarily escapes his lips.
Knowing his love she will need a bathroom break soon.
That's when he will strike!
He waited patiently, devised his plan, nothing or no one will stand in his way. It's been a long arduous journey, mishaps and errors, the experiments finally came to fruition.
Today all his dedication and devotion will pay dividends.
"Right on cue" he smiles. As he sees her gathering rubbish and heading towards the bins, he knows her next destination.
He silently waits.
As she enters the park bathroom she is ambushed and dragged into a stall, a ketamine syringe quickly injected into her arm.
She quickly loses consciousness.
Leo kisses his love, gently swoops her into his arms and discreetly carries her to his vehicle, where he places her in the backseat.
"Now for stage two" he mutters.
The replacement is activated.
Walking towards the mother and sister.
Leo watches this all very important stage of his plan.
As the replacement takes his love spot, all seems well.
She is accepted.
The sister comments on the replacement's eyes. 
"The sun" is the answer the sister receives.
The sister accepts this, but an uneasy feeling prevails.
Smiling, he hops into his vehicle and drives away with his love.
Leo drives the object of his desire to her new and forever home. 
As he settles his unconscious love into her new home he kisses her forehead.
"This time my love. You will not say goodbye".
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squeallywrites · 5 years ago
On the Prowl - Leo Oneshot
A/N: Inspired by this post.
Oh good. He’s here. You land next to the black cat that’s relaxing on a branch.
‘Where did you go today?’ He asks. You were thankful that your master had gifted you telepathy after meeting her now girlfriend. That’s when you met him. The black cat was laying in the sun when you two arrived to trade with the rumoured witch that lived in the woods. They clicked right away, getting so animated you had to move. As soon as you landed on the ground, Leo had bounded right over to you, sniffing you with great interest before rubbing himself all over you. Beyond that, you would just sit next to each other, waiting for you master to finish her business.
Leo was normally just happy to lay around, sometimes annoying his master by knocking things over as he walked along the shelves in the cabin. However, she seemed to be at her wit’s end so he was stuck outside most of the time. This had been concerning to you at first, but after a quick reassurance that the witch had placed a protection spell on him, you were okay with this. In fact, that gave you two more time to get to know each other. So for that month, you would swoop in and you two would explore the forest together.
‘Beyond the forest. The human village is a peculiar place at look at,’ you say as you adjusted your feathers.
‘You’re always curious about humans. Why haven’t you asked your master to transform you for a bit? It’s not that bad.’
Sometimes you get to see him as a human since his master requires his help in carrying things to the market. But still, you’ve never been a human. The very idea tended to frighten you. You’re master didn’t specialise in spells. She worked mainly with potions.
‘Well, I was also trying to help Master find something. Let’s get closer.’
You were excited. Your master had finally managed to find the perfect ring and right as you land on the windowsill, you see your master being tackled with a hug.
‘What’s happening?!’ His voice is panicked as he cries while pawing at the door.
‘They’re having alone time. Come on,’ You fly off with him yet again not far behind.
Two Hours Laters:
“You know, I’ve always been curious but have never been able to do it. I want to see Y/N as a human,” your master says over a glass of champagne.
“Oh really?” Her fiancé asks, “It’s not that hard. Also, since she’s a familiar, it’s a little easier.”
With a wave of her hand, a weird shiver runs through you body. You flap your wings shake it, but suddenly you couldn’t get any air. Your eye line was high, but you were still on the ground.
‘Y/N, how do you like being human?’
You feel your eyes widen, moving your wings, now arms, in front of you. Your hands move as you feel the digits moving before running them all over your body.
“You too, Leo,” his master calls.
Right as you turn to face him, your eyes find his human ones. Oh. He looks different with these eyes. You could see every detail, even the small mole under his right eye. Is this really how humans see everything?? Maybe being human isn’t that bad after all.
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leolair · 7 years ago
[PMS] Chapter 1: Greetings
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You sat down in the middle of the chalk-drawn circle, positioning yourself in the dead center of the star that ran underneath your legs. A tremor of apprehension traveled through your spine, but it wasn't the first one. Oh no. You had been working for such a long time in this... thing, and not for one moment were you not terrified.
Was this the right thing to do? Was this really your only option? Maybe there was something else in the books. Something other than...
But no. Time was running out. You had already taken enough of it as it was. The materials on their own, had taken a whole week and most of your savings to get.  If this didn't work... Crap, you had a hard time only thinking about it.
You looked down at the summoning circle; the tar of Egyptian honey, next to the pile of expensive herbs and dried flowers gave an ethereal glint under the candlelight. The imported incense's scent traveled across the air and the smoke formed shapes before dissipating. That morning you had skimmed through a chapter on smoke divination but the adrenaline running through your head made it difficult to remember. Were big clouds the good sign, or...?
You took a deep breath. The most difficult part was yet to come. You took a knife out of your pocket, the moonlight flickered over its silver surface. You guided the blade over the skin of your forearm. Alarms were going off in your head. The most primal side of your humanity wanted to fight for its survival and you had to swallow the urge to throw the knife away.
This is it.
Your hand was shaking like an old woman’s and you were biting your lip in an attempt to hold back the tears. If... When you do this… everything would be over. All your dreams, all your carefully crafted plans for the future would all go to the garbage. Fuck. You were afraid. Afraid of the unknown. Of what happened after this point. The imagery in the books... They painted a bloodcurdling picture.
Was this really a good idea?
You were about to put the blade down when Ben’s bubbly laugh came from your memories. His eyes full of childish innocence, his pink cheeks that were many years away from burning the baby fat in them. If only he got the chance.
Fuck it.
Your grip tightened and in one swift motion, pain came roaring from your arm. You kept your eyes closed, trying, oh so hard, to block the pain away. Still, the feeling of blood spilling into your lap slithered it's way in. Fuck. That had to go somewhere.
You guided your wrist into a bowl. It was filled with gunpowder and although it was far enough from the candles, it ignited the second your blood touched it. The pain followed.
You gritted your teeth but a cry escaped from between your lips anyway. Your left arm was on fire; at least it felt that way. The worst was the weight, heavy and suffocating over your chest; you felt like you were going to pass out. Was this the price the books referred to? Was all of this pain a mere fee?
The world was growing dark. You felt like you were losing your mind but there was still work to do.
You started enchanting the verses from the books. The words felt alien in your mouth despite having rehearsed them for days. There were just too many consonants and your tongue had trouble moving that fast. It probably wasn't designed for human speech anyway.
Was this even working? The chant was over and all that was left was silence. You closed your eyes. No, no, no, no. Fuck. This had to work. It had to. You had invested so much. The tears that you had been suppressing this whole time came to your eyes. You were so tired. You just wanted this whole thing to be over. You just wanted to go back in time and never... never...
The blood loss was taking its toll on you. Fuck. You pressed the wound with your bare hand, ignoring the shooting pain. If you didn't find a way to stop the bleeding... Well... You guessed it might not matter that much after all. You breathed in deep and concentrated on what was really important.
Ben’s small nose and the way he worried sick when you told him you had stolen it.   
Ben’s chubby hands griping your sweater when he fell asleep in your arms.
Ben’s short legs running away from the nurse that one time she tried to change him.
Ben’s hysterical laugh when you imitated the voices in his cartoons.
Ben’s decaying heartbeat as the doctors worked a tube through his throat.
You heard footsteps behind you.
You were frozen in your place at the center of the summoning circle. Shivers were running down your spine and a cold sweat was sprouting in the palms of your hands causing the knife you were holding to fall to the ground with a loud sound.
You slowly turned around, having to place all your might in moving one centimeter after another. Your mind was running through all the folklore that you had recollected in your years, from goat faced creatures with gigantic horns to skinny red men with big tridents and spiked tails.
What you found was nothing of the sort. A few feet away from the many candles surrounding you stood a raven the size of a small dog and, maybe because you were mesmerized in the way it’s shinny feathers reflected the candlelight, the shock of its face stole a low gasp from your lungs.
It, him?, her?, sported more than a handful of red vicious looking eyes and all of them, every single one, looked straight at you, as if it could see right to your soul.
Not that crazy of a thought considering the situation.
You opened your mouth to speak, finding your throat completely dry. You coughed a little but stopped when the raven gave a sharp inclination of its head. Fear was consuming your courage and you were sure there was a thin layer of sweat in every inch of your body, yet, you forced yourself to swallow it down. "Are you-"
"She is not who you are looking for," a soft voice behind you made you give a squeak and turn your body as fast as your sitting position allowed it. So fast, in fact, that your bleeding arm knocked over the honey tar.
You cursed out loud, remembering your open wound. The cut was deep and the blood-flow had not slowed a tad since you first sliced it open. Placing your hand over the cut again, you looked up at the… man? as he spoke.
"You are ruining it…" A frown settled upon his dark brows and his red eyes looked in displeasure from the spilled honey to you.
You felt rage bubble inside you and if you were any less smart you might have promised him you would bleed to death somewhere more convenient next time; but no, antagonizing someone whose power you are yet to discover would not be a wise move, nor would it help Ben in any way. Taking a deep breath you started to work on applying enough pressure for the bleeding to slow down.
When you raised your eyes again you noticed him looking behind you. “Huginn.” The raven. You looked back and barely caught sight of the enormous bird taking flight towards his master’s shoulder.
The man in front of you looked intimidating with the animal perched on him and you had to force yourself to look from his dark hair to the bird’s oh, so many eyes. Only then did you realize the orbs hovering above his head. Completely black on the outer rim, though after squinting your eyes a bit you could see from the center of one of them something red and thick bubbling.
The other orb, the one suspended farthest from his head, had a bright center of pure white and you found yourself looking at it for longer than you deemed appropriate. It was hypnotizing.
A voice took you out of your stupor.
"You called." You could hear a hint of doubt in his voice as he gestured at the summoning circle.
You shacked your head to clear your thoughts. "Yes..." You hesitated for a second, not sure what the etiquette was. "I… want to make a deal?"
"I can see that", he extended his hand towards you. "Do you need help getting up?"
You inspected his hand, surprised to see that they weren’t hooves or claws; in all honesty you were a little disappointed that his nails were pinkish and trimmed and not the stereotypical three full inches, dripping blood mess that the Internet suggested.
Taking his hand, you stood up, careful of not getting too close to the many open flames on the ground.  
"What is it that you want to achieve and what are you willing to give me in exchange?" His voice had turned several tones lower and his tone reminded you of the actors in low budget movies; like he was straight up reading from a script. 
Ben’s face flashed in your head. "My brother. He is sick; has been sick all his life. I want him to get better, I want… I just want him to live a normal life," you looked around yourself, form the mess of honey and blood to the last candle surrounding the chalk circle. "No matter what it takes."
He started walking around the circle. "And are you aware of what it does take?”
"I am. Aware that is. You want my soul, don’t you?"
"Unless you want to give me someone else."
Somebody else? You forced down the knot forming in your throat. “You mean killing someone?”
“Not exactly. In theory, you could offer a soul you own. Husband, wife, children, life debtors too. I will take it to my people then, to value it’s worth and if it is okay you have your deal.”
Your stomach twisted at the idea of someone selling their kids to a demon.  "No. Not married. No kids" you raised your hand and pointed at your ringless finger for emphasis. As if it was necessary, you were yet to hit twenty.
As soon as the word left your mouth one of the bubbling orbs, the one flying at his left started over flooding, thick droplets falling to the dirt. He looked at it and frowned. "Shut up."
"Excuse me?"
“Not-” The demon hesitated, seemingly lost for words before picking his pace again. "We are getting side-tracked. We don’t have all night, if we don’t seal a deal before the last candle burns out this connection will break and you will not be able to make another call until the next full moon", you looked down, immediately regretting cheaping out on the candles of all things, the wax was melting awfully quick now. "There are some conditions we need to agree on before the contract is sealed."
"All right," you have read some stuff on the books. Surprisingly, Hell had some smart lawyers, because they closed every pathway someone would have to use their resources against them.
He started to recite, his monotonous tone gave you the impression that it was part of a script handed to every demon-to-be and a chuckle helplessly escaped your throat at the idea of Sunday school in Hell, were baby demons learned the up and abouts of candy stealing, back talking and grandma pushing, and in which a snake was the popular class-pet choice. You wondered if favoring teachers with apples was a cliché as well.
An exasperated sigh brought you back to earth. "Are you even listening to me?"
Oh crap. "Of course," he looked away, clearly annoyed; his sharp eyes drilled holes in the landscape. It was obvious he didn't believe you for a second, but he didn't say anything else. Fuck. You might just have screwed yourself. Hopefully it wouldn't come and bite your ass later on.
"What is your goal? I suggest you break it down. The contract doesn’t read intention as well as the ritual."
Whatever, this was fairly easy; you had run this part in your mind over and over. "My brother was born early and he got sick a lot. The treatments putted too much stress in him and now his body is shutting down.  I want all of his diseases to be cured. I want my brother to be able to breath, walk, run, hear, speak and learn properly. I don’t want any of his current illnesses to affect him later in life.
He nodded. "You need to understand something. Health related contracts take time, I can't cure your brother in the blink of an eye, I need time for research and testing. It might strike you as a surprise but the underworld is not so accustomed to… doctor calls,” His tone suggested that you didn’t want to know with time of “calls” they were used to.
You felt yourself deflating bit by bit. "How long?" Shit, no.
He shacked his head. "I'll need to see him, but if things go our way... a couple of days." Maybe that wasn't so bad, just some more days. "Do you have any conditions?"
"Only one. If... When Ben gets better. I want to stay for a while. Spend some time with him, say goodbye to my family, all that. Whatever comes after... well it comes after", you saw him mumble something that seemed a lot like “clever”, but when the orb by his head started bubbling like crazy he looked at you, harsher this time. The contrast made you realize that despite all the folklore you had swallowed in this time and despite the books’ many warnings... he was being quite pleasant.
"You need to specify the time"
"How long are you going to stay? If the contract senses you are trying to create a loophole it will rebound."
"I'm not", you really weren't; truth be told you hadn't thought about a precise time, you just wanted to be with Ben, with your family one last time.  "A day, two?" The demon didn't say anything, but he conveyed his opinion pretty well by raising a single eyebrow. "24 hours, how about that?"
"All right, is that all?" When you nodded he got closer to you. The scent of something rich and familiar mixed in with the smells lingering from the summoning ritual. The bright orb descended from atop the man’s head and placed itself on his stretched palm.
He started to chant in a tongue that you couldn’t recognize and after a while the orb in his hand started to get brighter and brighter. It looked an awful lot like he had just grabbed a star with his bare hand. Suddenly the chant stopped and his free hand grabbed the small on your back, pulling you against him.   
"What the-" When you were about to push the hell away from him, the hand that held the star was being pushed against the middle of your chest. Pain shot through your entire body and you were now grateful of him holding you. Something was tearing you apart and installing itself in the space between your chest. Fuck. It was so big. It hurted so bad. A scream bubbled its way through your throat and as the first gesture of kindness the universe had shown you in a while, you passed out.
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Vixx Smut Masterlist
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Updated: 12/22/17
Hakyeon (N)
Sanghyuk’s Anal Slut (ft.Vixx)
Taekwoon (Leo)
Sanghyuk’s Anal Slut (ft. Vixx)
Confessionals (ft. Wonshik)
Jaehwan (Ken)
Sanghyuk’s Anal Slut (ft. Vixx)
Wonshik (Ravi)
Sanghyuk’s Anal Slut (ft. Vixx)
Confessionals (ft. Taekwoon)
Sanghyuk’s Anal Slut (ft. Vixx)
Sanghyuk (Hyuk)
Do You Like This? 
BTS Masterlist || GOT7 Masterlist || Monsta X Masterlist || 
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witchakyeon · 2 years ago
❧ Honey | Xiuleo Oneshot
“Do you consider yourself attractive?”
Taekwoon rolled his eyes dramatically and set his wine glass on the coffee table. “Of course I do. Are we looking at the same thing?”
Minseok lifted his eyes from his cell phone and snickered, which made Taekwoon snicker, and before they knew it, they were laughing so hard their stomachs were sore.
“You’re a narcissist!”
“I am not! Don’t blame me for taking pride in my appearance!”
“That’s exactly what a narcissist would say!”
“Fine,” Taekwoon chuckled as he ran a hand through his messy curls. “I’ll let you answer this one for me, then. Do you think I’m attractive?”
Read the rest here 🧡 2022 Prompt Collection My AO3
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onlyactivewhenexhausted · 3 months ago
I'm writing a Hybrid AU fanfic about Vixx's Taekwoon and Wonshik and I'm really proud of how it's going so far. I've always loved subjugation whump tropes and it's genuinely so cool to be able to write one of my own.
Wonshik (my perception of his LR character) is such an interesting character. He comes off as so chill but passionate and talented. I love his outfits and glasses in Whisper (the mad chemistry in Whisper is its own separate can of worms holy fuck)
Taekwoon (also my perception of the LR character) looks like he's struggling with/looking for something, and I love the idea of Wonshik being the one to help him find that thing.
It's also interesting to balance my genuine desire to write for myself with my desire for validation lol
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thebiasrekkers · 5 years ago
Once Upon a Dream
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Pairing: VIXX Leo x Female Reader
Type:  One Shot
Genre: Dream!AU, Fantasy
WC: 3K
Warning:  None.
Summary:  There are people that are deep dreamers. The kind that have the ability to spin their nightmares into something else. So what happens when the Dreamer is apart of someone else's dream?
A/N: This is one of those dream within a dream scenarios. You know? The one where you have a dream - wake up, only to realize your ass is still dreaming? Yeah. I maybe had Shangri-La on repeat one day while I slept. 
She always dreamed in bright and vivid colors. Like a rainbow whirled in colors of deep space pulsating nebula. It was always like this, recently, that she could pick out each color blend. Every night as music drifted into her ears, and the calm settled over her mind - this dazzling display always seemed to be waiting.
One night something changed.
She didn't know the why or how of it - but something was different. The landscape of the dream had morphed into something...more. She could always see a tall figure looming ahead. A silhouette made more prominent by the shifting colors of the dreamscape.
She would always see him turn his head, ever so slightly, over his shoulder. It gave her pause after many nights of approaching this figure. Some nights she'd get closer, some nights it seemed as if she was walking in place. The distance between them grew - but she never gave up.
It never crossed her mind as anything but an overactive brain trying to settle after a hard day.
The next night came around and the day had been particularly difficult. Her emotions had swung from each end of the spectrum of good and bad. The stresses of family difficulties weighed heavily that night. She grabbed her earbuds with a heavy sigh. The music streaming app had paused on the last song she hadn't finished before waking for the day.
Music had always been an escape, a way to sway the torrent of emotions that she fought against daily. Music, next to writing, was a saving grace against the mental goblins of depression: a playlist created for each emotion, for the sadness, for the malaise, and the yearning of a lonely heart.
"For once, I just...want to sleep. No dreams." Her fingers curled around her phone as if negotiating with it. Like it held power to determine where her mind would take her tonight. Her fingers sunk into her blanket as she pulled it over her head. The music filtered into her ears as her breathing eased into a soft lull.
She could always remember when deep sleep started. It always started to blur the sound of the music, like she was traveling farther away from the melody. Like the connection between the waking world was playing through a layer of fabric.
Then she opened her eyes. "No." A hushed whisper as she stared up into the 'sky.' The whirling colors of the universe danced in front of her. An arm rose to cover her gaze, hiding from the intense display.
"What took you so long?" A surly voice echoed around her. For all that attitude, he spoke softly. Pushing to sit up, eyes wide, she looked around to find the source.
"You've got to be kidding me." Her gaze lifted upward. Of all the things, the places she could have had dancing through her dreams. Why...
Why HIM?
Draped in silk reflecting the colors above them, he was perched on a rock - staring down at her. "You really should stand up." A brow rose as she continued to stare up at him. The realization caused her to scramble to her feet.
She stared at him for a long moment before closing her eyes. "It's just a dream." An exhale as her hands pushed out in front of her. As if she could move the scowling vision from her sight. There was a swish of sound that tickled her ears before a strong grip caught her wrist.
"Don't do that." The tug was strong enough to throw her off balance. She stumbled forward into him and suddenly began to doubt her sanity. It was a dream.
It WAS a dream.
But, he felt too solid for her liking. "You're not real. I'm exhausted. I'm tired. This is a dream." He pulled her against him, staring down into her wide eyes.
"Is it?" He was so close to her. He was so very close. He was way too close! She wasn't a short woman by any means. He had enough inches on her to make that tilt of his head just enough to put them almost nose to nose.
"Is it a dream?" His breath felt hot against her face, against her cheek. So close to the corner of her lips.
"IT IS A DREAM!?" Her heart was beating furiously. She could feel a lump form in her throat. These physical reactions seemed too much. They were, in fact, too much.
Enough that she pulled away from him and the world seemed to open under her feet. She gasped as she fell into the darkness. The last thing she saw was the sudden darkening of his gaze and a look of silent rage as the muscle ticked in his jaw.
She woke up gasping, sweating, and clutching her blanket to her chest.
It was only 4 a.m.  
"Damnit." She hissed finally releasing the tension from her fingers. There was a thump as she slapped the edge of the bed, forcing herself upward. She shook her fingers as she padded toward the kitchen, followed by a trio of worried doggies.
The faucet rumbled as water filled her glass. It was raised to her lips before her gaze settled on the tilted heads of her pets.
"It's fine, guys. I promise." The glass was drained of its contents in almost two swallows. She set the glass in the sink with a sigh. Was it really fine? Another glance to the tilted heads caused her to shake her own.
If animals could speak? She was sure they would tell her - they didn't believe her.
Hell, she didn't believe herself.
She stared at her bed for a few minutes, as if contemplating whether it was worth it to try and sleep any more. "I think I'll just..catch up on some writing." Yeah, that was safe.
This continued for the next few days. She always woke up in that 'realm' greeted by colors and HE was always nearby. No longer a distance silhouette, no longer a mystery. Always waiting, scowling and surly, for her to arrive.
Always getting closer and closer to her. Always seething when she forced herself awake.
Today was no different. The day progressed faster than she realized. Before she knew it? Her phone screen blinked at 7 pm. Her hands stretched upward as her eyelids began to droop. These extended hours weren't new to her, but it had been a while since it had been consecutive in this fashion.
"Ugh. What's the point of eating now?" The heel of her palms dug into her eye sockets as she tried to blink the sleep away. It wasn't working. A nap would solve all of this. Just a short nap, to knock the haze off.
She didn't remember getting in the bed or bothering with the blanket. She didn't even remember if she put on the playlist. She just remembered the cool softness of a pillow - and then nothing.
She had achieved the nothingness she wanted, finally.
Or so she thought.
The vivid intensity of color was gone. There were lights like stars dotting the blackness beyond. She moved her from one end of the display to the other. And there he was, again.
She blinked, and he was suddenly closer.
"You're a strong  dreamer." His long fingers curled against her cheek. She could feel the metal of his rings against her skin. "...but that won't work tonight. You know that, right?" There was still that slight surly, scowl in his tone. Normally expressionless, you'd almost think that he..smiled? Smirked? There was a twitch in his lip that gave away to some emotion. His fingers unfurled as they tucked under her chin. He was right; tonight would be different. There's a difference between dreaming in a controlled state - and dreaming in an exhausted state. And she was in a state of utter exhaustion. Her body was running on fumes and had every intention of resetting its energy levels.
Which meant she would sleep like a log until someone or something woke her. How did he know? How did he know that?! Infuriating! He was absolutely infuriating.
He loomed over her, their faces close. She could feel the fingers sliding down the side of her neck. The fingers were cool as they put a possessive pressure against her throat. She made an unexpected sound, covering her mouth in embarrassment. A smile spread across his face as he pulled the hand away, pinning it above her head. "Who am I?" His voice was low, moderately as if he was mustering every ounce of menace in his very being.
"You're a dream."
There was that possessive pressure that sent shivers from head to toe. That sound escaped her again; he looked pleased. "Who am I?" His face was too close again. He straddled her knees pinning her to the floor.
"This is impossible." She spoke between clenched teeth.
"And yet here we are. Say my name." He urged again pushing her free hand into the ground harder.
It was stress. That's all this was. This was some music-induced stress dream. And maybe, if she just went along? It would end. Sometimes you have to go with the flow. She was constantly in the business of controlling the flow.
Fine. She'd let this go wherever it was heading. This fighting, this strange battle was becoming too deep nightly. It was causing fitful sleep. So, she willed herself to relax. She became soft and yielded beneath him. He sucked in a sharp breath through his teeth. "Say my name." There was a huskiness to his voice.
She took a deep breath, exhaled softly as she closed her eyes. And she said it. She said the name that linked him to the waking world. She said the name she had screamed at the computer during live broadcasts. She said the name she yelled in her car as her favorite songs came on. It was strange to feel the flutter of her lashes against her cheek as her eyes opened. He looked satisfied, hungry almost. He was too close.
His lips brushed against hers. Her eyes flew opened wide on a gasp - and he took advantage. He tilted her chin upward locking his lips to her own. It felt too real! The slide of their lips together, the teasing tip of a tongue daring entry. He went from straddling her legs to covering her body with his own. He still held the one arm captive above her head. She had forgotten all about it. Beads of sweat formed, her heart began to run a derby in her ears. It was too hot; she couldn't breathe. The weight of him was too real. And when the panic was growing? He finally let up allowing her to breathe uninterrupted.
"I've been waiting for you." He said. Her brow furrowed in confusion. This is a dream. His fingers slid through her hair as he searched the planes of her face. It was too hot. He frowned, recognizing external stimuli was starting to interfere. Pushing to stand he pulled her up with him. That weird blurring of the world caused a strange static in her ears.
Wait, no. I don't want to wake up yet! He was saying something. His hand was on her tight, for dear life. As if he could somehow hold her there. He was talking as she shook her head. She was waking up; a panicked look up at him as his lips moved.
"I..I can't  understand what you're saying!" Her voice rose in pitch as the world fell away. She could have sworn she heard a faint echo — something reverberating in the walls of her mind as she fell into the dreamless state. Maybe it was her imagination. Because the last thing she heard?
The dreams became more infrequent, more irregular as time passed on. Then they stopped altogether. She found herself sad, oddly, that nothing greeted her but that vivid nebula of colors. It was time to settle into the normality of things. Because she was sure it was just stress, right?
A friend called, out of the blue, with strange, yet fortuitous news. "So, I know you've been in a slump. I'm going to KCON and I think you should come with me. It would do you some good to get out of the state." Her friend sounded chipper, hopeful.
There was every excuse, and story of why she couldn't go - why she shouldn't go. And finally, a good fat excuse dinged in her brain. Like the sound of a microwave done zapping a meal. "You're right. Let's go." Wait, what? She shocked herself! And before she could change her mind? Her friend squealed with joy, rushed that she would figure everything out and hung up. Shit.
Barely a week had passed and she was on a plane, headed to L.A. Her friend rambled about all the things they would do. All the food they would eat. All the hi-touch, autograph and photo opportunities. It went into one ear and out of the other. She promised to not ruin this good time for her friend. They landed in California, it was bright and sunny. It was warm and loud. It was different from home and it invigorated her, just a little. They checked in, had dinner, and passed out. Tomorrow would be a long, packed day. She dreamed that night, but couldn't remember anything but fragments. Vivid colors. The sound of water. That distant silhouette.
She didn't dwell too long on it as they rushed to dress comfortably and leave. There were so many people! It was a sensory overload of scents and sounds. Her friend was rambling on about..something or the other. A word, a name caught her attention causing her to stop. Her friend turned to look at her, concerned. "What?"
"You - I'm sorry, where did you say we were going first?" Her friend laughed. "I thought I'd surprise you! You like that one group, right? VIXX?" The friend reached back and grabbed her arm to tug her along. "We're going to the fan event! Come on or we'll be in the back!"
It felt like the world went in double-time. They maneuvered through the throng of people to get, decent spots, in line for the fan event. Sure, she'd missed them when they were on the East Coast. But, this too advantageous.
Then it happened - the lights dimmed. The host came on the stage to mild applause. Everything seemed muffled like she was trying to listen with water in her ears. She could feel her nails digging into her palms. Using it as an anchor to keep her grounded, she watched as the group flood onto the stage. The applause, screams, and tears of fans rumbled the walls. They introduced themselves in typical fashion. Each stating their name and position, adding a smile, a wink or some type of aegyo at the end.
"They're doing a concert tonight!" Her friend nudged her excitedly. "We've got great seats for it!" She could only nod as they began their Q&A. The crowd yelled answers to questions. Laughed at jokes and silly antics, and then with the last chunk of time left? There was an opportunity to high-touch. Her friend dragged her to line squeezing in just at the cut-off. She turned to face her friend who gave her two thumbs up as she approached the stairs. I'm definitely going to kill her later.
The rough sound was louder than she realized, the girl in front of her turned with a questioning look. A small cough left her as she went up the stairs. She was the last one. Pictures really didn't do them any justice. They were really like mystical creatures.
The Leader smiled in that way that causes everybody to scream - it was intense.
The Rapper was charming, in a boyish way! It was a stark comparison to his bad boy rap persona in videos.
The Cute Main Vocal reminded her of a cherub. The slightly pudgy-faced, rosy-cheek messenger angels.
The Visual was stunning - what more could you say? The nickname Artwork fit him perfectly. You felt a sudden warmth at the width of his smile. He rightfully earned his title as bias wrecker supreme.
The Evil Maknae had grown so well! He was reaching the point where his height was starting to crest over the other members. She couldn't help but laugh as they high-five. This was good! This wasn't too bad, at all. She managed to get in words of thanks for their hard work in with each high-five.
There was a lopsided smile on her face as she continued on to the last member - her bias. She felt the smile begin to waver a tad but held up as she raised her hand to complete the line. A calming inhale as her eyes lifted to meet his. Her hand connected with his, "Thank you for your hard work. Good luck tonight."
His fingers interlocked with hers with that intense stare. "You."  
She knew that stare from her dreams. Her nostrils flared as the grip on her hand increased. "Impossible!" She was frozen in place.
He leaned down those few inches. The others members turned to look confused, shocked and stunned at Leo’s behavior. The sound of murmurs, gasps, and squeals flooded the room. There was that look on his face. He was pleased with her response. Their noses brushed as she stumbled into him again. "I told you I would see you soon." His lips brushed against hers again. The same strange heat and intensity. In front of everyone! In front of these cell phones and staff!
He broke their contact, releasing her hand causing her to stumble. Her arms pinwheeled as she fell backward. The world opened up beneath her as he watched her fall. He smirked as the world began to fizzle. "You're not the only strong dreamer."
Her eyes went wide as she fell into darkness...
....and woke up in her bed.
...and clutching her blanket to her chest.
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ao3feed-keo · 2 years ago
by commedeshyukdown Han Sanghyuk is the new student in town, and he enters a high school with a social system on the verge of collapse. Will his presence topple the social hierarchy, or will he be victimized by it just like all of his peers? Words: 5389, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Series: Part 1 of mean!au (working title) Fandoms: VIXX Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Han Sanghyuk | Hyuk, Lee Hongbin, Lee Jaehwan | Ken, Kim Wonshik | Ravi, Jung Taekwoon | Leo, Cha Hakyeon | N, Kim Jongin | Kai Relationships: Han Sanghyuk | Hyuk/Lee Jaehwan | Ken, Han Sanghyuk | Hyuk/Lee Hongbin, Jung Taekwoon | Leo/Lee Jaehwan | Ken, Kim Wonshik | Ravi/Lee Hongbin Additional Tags: High School, Mean Girls References, Gay Panic, Questioning, Coming of Age, kind of an americanized setting, Love Triangles, Love Confessions, Falling In Love, Not Beta Read, Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified, Mildly offensive humor, Internalized Homophobia, Implied/Referenced Underage Sex, Underage Drinking, Homophobic Language, Denial of Feelings
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prettywordsyouleft · 5 years ago
The Price of Freedom
Prompt: #189 for @just-existing1​ – “You’re gone… I watch you disappear…”
just-existing1 said:
Can you do prompt 189 with Taekwoon?
Pairing: Jung Taekwoon x reader
World: Contract (read HERE)
Genre: demon au / angst / fluff
Warnings: none, aside from the supernatural nature of the story
Word count: 1706
A/N: This story is part of a previous world created. Whilst you could read it without the previous context, I highly recommend that you read Contract, linked above first.
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A cold dread overwhelmed you and you snapped up from your slumber, choking on your sobs that were already wracking through your body. Clawing the blankets towards yourself, you peered around your room for signs of distress, other than your own. Your belongings merely stared back at you and you began to wail uncontrollably with the pain that clutched at your heart.
It didn’t matter how many times you had this nightmare, it was raw and crippling every time.
Throwing back the blankets, you padded out into the living area of the penthouse, stopping in your tracks when you saw a figure over in the kitchen. Despite the small sense of logic, you squashed it down as you rushed over to his side, throwing your arms around him from behind. “Oh thank god, you’re-”
You realised then that your arms had come up empty and you dropped your head, the tears dripping to the tiles beneath your feet.
“That’s right, you’re not here anymore.”
It was the one sentence you had repeated to yourself the most since Taekwoon’s demise. The price you had to pay for his freedom. It was ironic, the whole reason he had worked endlessly towards breaking free from his contract was so he could be free to do as he pleased with you.
Neither of you had expected his freedom to come at the cost of losing his body in the process. Within your pain, you hoped the man you loved was at peace now; even if you were anything but free yourself.
The house you stood within had been your shared apartment, and then your lovers’ nest. Now it felt too large, the emptiness without Taekwoon overwhelming you day in and out. The grief was unbearable and you had hoped for the contract you had made with the demon all those years ago to break as well. Then, you’d be riddled with your sickness again and leave this world behind like Taekwoon had done with you.
Moreover, you wished you hadn’t figured out the way to break the curse upon him. If he wasn’t free, he would be at your side still and you would never let him go.
Instead, the reality was bleak. You were still as healthy as you had become after Taekwoon had saved your life, living day in and out in a world that had no place for you anymore. You were neither human nor demon, a hybrid with no place calling for you outside of these walls. No one cared for you anymore, a simple face in a sea of others whenever you went out for necessities.
There was a small part of you waiting for Taekwoon to return, however. Surely there was more to life than what you existed through right now. A reason you were still here, outside of the eternal longing you barely endured. Taekwoon had always been someone who wouldn’t give up, and the denial you held onto insisted that he would still be out there somewhere, fighting his way back to you. It would make no sense for him to just give up now.
And yet, you had seen it firsthand. You were right there when he started to disappear, your hands falling short just as they had now in the kitchen. How could anyone survive through that? It was impossible and yet, you were clutching at all options deep down.
You could say the sentence over and over to yourself but it did nothing to comfort you.
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A year passed by in a blur. You had expected it to be longer, dragging your feet through each muddled and painful day. Although, life continued. You eventually left the penthouse for another of Taekwoon’s homes on Earthside, a small cottage in the middle of nowhere. You had always wondered why he had chosen to buy such a home, knowing the demon to spend more in a night than you had in a year. He lived for the finer things, you included, and the amount of dresses he had ripped from upon your body over the years would have easily been worth more than this place had been to buy.
He had never told you, of course. This place was one he would only return you when the most desperate, the times where not even your comforting words and gentle touches could ease his heart.
Moving here now felt the same for you. Without Taekwoon to calm you, working the land, tending to your animals and harvesting food for the local market kept you satisfied, busy. You had little time to dwell on the past with him. The gardens bloomed; the vegetables grew higher and larger than you had ever anticipated. Soon, you were talking to the milking goats as if they were your only friends you had remaining and sewing your own basic clothing that felt more flattering than any bejewelled gown of your past. You left Taekwoon’s fortunes behind, living for just what was in your means.
There was more fulfilment in your world working this hard. You had once believed being a lawyer would make you the happiest. And to some degree, Taekwoon had made you that at his side. You had negotiated more deals in this lifetime than you could begin to fathom with both humans and interesting creatures of the Underworld. You had talked your way out of death numerous times and convinced an entire vampire coven to change their outdated institution to one that matched a modern world. You had achieved a great deal at the side of your demon lover, and yet it wasn’t until you were sowing seeds for next year’s produce that you had come to realise it had no value. The time you were in now, creating something with your hard work, with the body that Taekwoon had healed from the brink of death, was the most valuable days of your life.
Still, the dreams followed you. Sitting up as the tears silently streamed down your face, you got up, walking outside into the cool night air. Staring up at the sky littered in a thousand stars, you willed yourself to calm down, to come back to reality.
Taekwoon wasn’t going to return now.
It took you some time, the colours of the sky beginning to brighten with the sign of a new morning on the horizon, before you could say you had stepped out of the nightmare and convinced yourself of your place in this world now. Turning, you went to go inside to prepare for the day when you saw him standing there, watching you intently.
Even if it was another hallucination, you smiled, soaking in his intense blue eyes, those that had guided you from the very start. They were your favourite thing in this entire world, and you allowed yourself the moment to admire them before the illusion disappeared, much like it always did.
“Do you plan to just stand there staring?” he wondered, and you frowned, blinking softly.
“This is new,” you murmured as you walked towards the conjured Taekwoon before you. He watched your movement precisely, his eyes travelling your body and arriving back on your face when you were in arm’s reach.
“Of all the places for you to come to. What have you done to my homestead?”
Still a little confused, you glanced around yourself. “This is my home. Doesn’t it look alive?”
“Do I look alive?” he asked softly and you shook your head. “Really? Why don’t you reach out and see for yourself.”
“You’re gone… I watched you disappear,” you told Taekwoon sadly, sidestepping around him and going into the house. Under your breath, you told yourself this wasn’t real repetitively, jumping when the door opened and closed a second time. Snapping around, your eyes widened. “What on…”
“You gave up on my return? Fickle human.”
“E-Excuse me?!” you exclaimed, uncaring due to your shock, whether you were talking to a man who was or wasn’t truly before you. “I waited for you each and every day! I still am waiting! Why do you think I’m here! This house… this house is a part of you!”
Pursing his lips in a way that made your heart ache and flutter simultaneously, Taekwoon stepped towards you. “And are you still a part of me?”
“Who else would take in someone under your contract?”
“I’m amazed Hakyeon didn’t ship you off to help with the elves Hongbin and Wonshik.”
Peering more closely at the man before you, slowly you reached out your hand, Taekwoon catching it midway. His touch was electric, much as it always had been and you felt your legs give way, right as Taekwoon pulled you into his arms.
You sobbed for what felt like an entire day. Nestled into his chest, his hand gently rubbing circles at your back, his words changing from comforting to irksome. This was the man you had fallen in love with, the demon who you sold your soul to.
Somehow he was back and you couldn’t stop the tears of relief that fell from your year-long heartache.
“Just know it was just as painful to be away from you, my love.”
“Why did it take so long?” you managed to ask when your emotions dried up, searching his face for all the answers to all of your questions. Taekwoon smiled softly, brushing your hair away from your face. You then huffed in annoyance. “Troublesome demon.”
“The most wicked of them all to have caused so much heartache to you.”
“Are you truly here? For good?”
“Well, the flowers need pruning and the cows need fodder, do they not? You can’t be expected to do it all. Besides, there’s a soul to collect at the end of all of this.”
“You breached our contract,” you retorted, Taekwoon laughing at your statement heartily. “Also, didn’t you collect this soul in an entirely different way?”
“Who said it was your soul that was up for grabs? It’s only fair if I’m to take yours then you must have mine when that time comes.”
“So you’ll be here forever?”
“Freedom comes with a heavy price to pay. Now that our debts are finally clear, we will have more than forever together.”
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