#june fowler
mercurygray · 10 months
I just read Chapter 51 of TDS, and I'll leave comments soon. I knew Chuck's shooting would be in the chapter, and I'm sure there will be more to follow in Chapter 52. I'm glad Connie was with him, as she's such a reassuring presence and someone who can complete a job when something needs doing. But I was curious if you thought of having June in the scene or did that seem too contrived?
This is an absolutely fabulous question, and I'm going to try and articulate a real answer.
From the first time that the relationship between Chuck and June has been brought up, which was in a Thirsty Thursday drabble a loooong time ago, I've tried to emphasize that June is here for a good time, not a long time. She's not interested in the traditional trappings of a relationship - she is not a woman who needs to have a boyfriend to show off to her friends. And from the very first, Chuck has been the one who is taking this a little more seriously than she is, who really is thinking that maybe this could be something after the war. And maybe it could! But the simple fact is that he gets shot, and in the immediate aftermath of that, June is faced with a relationship that will not be fun any more - it will be work. Hard, unglamorous, possibly unrewarding work. And she is not about that.
There's this trope, in BoB OC fics, that everyone ends happily. There's a cute wedding in Austria down by the lake and they go home and the war is a bad memory they reminisce about at barbecues. When I first started writing TDS, I knew I wanted to write a bunch of relationships that would go in a bunch of different directions. Marj and Allen were going to be the only couple that made it to the end unscathed - and then Marj and Lip were sort of perfect for each other, so I torpedoed that idea and turned Allen into a man everyone is going to punch in the face the next time they see him. Lew and Kathryn, Frankie and Dave…they were all doomed from the start, and so were Chuck and June. It's not that June's a…a bad person, per se. She's just…not ready for a relationship that asks that much of her. When the going got tough, she was always going to run away, because there are people out in the world who do that, and I'm always afraid I write too many saints.
I wrote most of that Chuck and Connie scene yesterday morning, and I hope it conveys that Chuck is a genuinely good guy - someone who would, in a perfect timeline, actually give June the life she wants, someone who's not going to tie her to a stove the way her mother was. But she doesn't hear any of that - and that's what makes her eventual abandonment hurt even more.
So in the next chapter, she is going to come in, the next morning, and she is going to see what is directly in front of her - a man with a long road to recovery ahead - and it is going to terrify her, and she is going to run.
And that's why she's not in the scene, and Connie is.
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thatturtleleon · 17 days
TFP Game Night HCs
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note: getting back into writing and stuff on here! aka procrastinating studying and yapping about transformers instead
Game night hcs! -
Miko and Jack pretty much fight every game
Jack's pretty chill until he loses multiple games
Rafs just sitting there watching them fight (grabs popcorn bucket)
monopoly ends with at least 2 people crying
the humans introduce twister and Ratchet is horrified at the way human bodies can twist and turn like that
uno also ends with at least 2 people crying
Miko wanted to make a bot sized jenga game
Bulkhead considered it but said no bc he was afraid Miko would get squished if it fell
Ratchet enjoys scrabble until it turns into an argument if cybertronian terms count
Optimus enjoys chess or checkers w Jack, sometimes Raf will walk over and observe, Miko could give less of a fuck
frisbee was immediately banned when Arcee flung it into the tv accidentally
Bumblebee enjoys charades, he and Raf always win
the kids and younger bots get agent Fowler and June to join even if they were hesitant at first but they have a lot of fun
Miko is banned from monopoly, no i wont elaborate.
matter of fact monopoly was banned a few game nights in
later on Smokescreen asks why and gets no answer, forever wondering what the forbidden monopoly game is
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kittycookiesuwu · 10 months
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The art is finally finished, and I'm very proud of the results :]
Also have a bonus art, aka a funny joke during the progress of this art
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witchofthesouls · 2 months
I really love the thought that cyberformed humans still have human biological hangups, so-
Imagine the Autobots panicking over the sparklings "excessive" levels of sleep because humans run on a far shorter time shift (aka 24-hour days). The kids are cranky as hell because they need their Earth daily naps, but the Autobots are poking them awake since the 'bots are still running on Cybertronian time.
No one is surprised by Miko or even Raf biting hands, but it gets to the point where the sparklings start hiding for uninterrupted naptime in tight, dark spaces where 'bots can't easily reach. Like inside a seal vent shaft, behind the shelves of berths, and a really deep, well-dug hole under the main computer.
Unfortunately, that freaks out the Autobots further since that behavior is seen as a bitlet stress response. Made worse since the kids are Seekers or close to it as Miko is a Seeker sparkling, Jack is capable of flight, and there's a theory that modern Seekers are descendants of Predacons. Basically, Seekerkin sparklings have innate drivers to stay with their flocks and units, to consistently touch their guardians/parental bonds, so for the kids to ignore the Autobots can be taken as a major sign of abuse or something really wrong as Seekerkin are a very social frame-types.
Cue Agent Fowler to the rescue as he has to use plain English to explain that the kids just want uninterrupted naps because, well, they're babies. It's good for them. A necessity. No one wants to be sleep-deprived.
Because Agent Fowler has a gut feeling that if June Darby gets a word about this, then she'll raise hell and give Ratchet so much grief as the medic is taking it so personally. She'll move in and become a domestic menace.
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lonely-paracosmos · 1 year
Tfp storyboard
Im not gonna upload all of them, but i will upload a couple. Sorry i just have the energy to download em all. The source recorded it this way, there is no better quality version sorry lol
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lets-try-some-writing · 8 months
Heaven forbid any of the kids crack their necks or their backs.
Also imagine June and Fowler since their older their bones pop and crack with out them even trying
Good gracious yeah, the team would FLIP if they saw someone cracking their neck. June is going to be put in a cone of shame just so that Ratchet can be sure she doesn't try anything.
I imagine poor Fowler is going to find wheelchair ramps absolutely everywhere in the base after the team grow too unsettled with his knees and back cracking all over the place when he attempts to go up and down stairs.
The kids find a sign hung over a small part of their platform that reads:
"Bone cracking area. Keep all bone cracking here. - Ratchet"
NO ONE likes the bone cracking.
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wyrm-with-a-why · 3 months
The tfp I love fat bitches club with Soundwave about megatron, knockout about breakdown, wheeljack about ratchet and a shy June Darby about Fowler
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in1-nutshell · 11 months
Bot Buddy who is Bulkhead's older sibling, member of the Elite Guard, interacting with Team Prime
SFW, familial, platonic, Cybertronian/ Bot reader
Transformers Prime
Part 3 of 3
“… Bulkhead did you adopted this one or something?”—Buddy
The team is surprised to see Buddy get on their knees to pay more attention to the humans. Buddy later gets an altmode with them and gets to hang out with Bulkhead.
Speak of which has not left Buddy’s side since the tackling. He wants to catch up on everything with them. Bulkhead is a bit hesitant when they are put out on the field without him. It makes him antsy. Not because he thinks that they can’t handle themselves. Mainly because his deep fear is them disappearing like last time and it being permanent.
“Buddy just promise me to not take on anything you know you can’t handle, okay?”--Bulkhead
“Don’t worry Bulk. Anyways it’s my job to worry about you not the other way around.”--Buddy
“Can we both worry about the other?”--Bulkhead
“… Alright.”—Buddy
He nearly had a spark attack seeing Buddy launch themselves straight at Predaking.
“Get off of him!!!”--Bulkhead
They did well by themselves for a while too. Whenever both are paired together, it is the equivalent of several semitrucks ramming into one another.
They do have their little sibling spats, mainly over little things like where to play lob or if it is necessary to break some things.
“Why are Bulkhead and Buddy not speaking this time?”--Wheeljack
“Bulkhead accidentally knocked down Buddy’s Jenga game.”—Miko
Miko via osmosis was now Buddy’s other sibling/charge. If Miko isn’t with Bulkhead or Wheeljack she is most likely with Buddy. Miko likes doing trust fall from Buddy’s height. Buddy has expressed the displeasure of the action, but they are powerless against Miko’s puppy eyes. Absolutely loves her to death though.
“Am your new charge now?”--Miko
“Miko you aren’t my charge.”--Buddy
“You’re my child now.”—Buddy
Jack is a bit wary of Buddy due to their giant size but gets used to them after a bit. Doesn’t hang out with Buddy that often but knows that he can trust Buddy.
“So, how’s things at school working out?”--Buddy
“There okay. I got a B in today’s Math test.”--Jack
“That’s nice.”--Buddy
Raf loves telling Buddy stories about his day and what has happened before their arrival.
“Then what happened?”--Raf
“I got his shaft and rammed to the side of the build to stop the both of us from falling off of the exercise course!”--Buddy
When June and Fowler see Buddy they think that maybe Buddy was a former Decepticon turned Autobot. They are a bit shocked to find out that they are related to Bulkhead. They don’t mind Buddy. Often if the three of them are alone they are often found talking about the stress of looking after others.
“So, I’m not the only one here that dies a little inside when Miko starts running to the ground bridge?”--Buddy
“That’s right.”--June
“Yes.”—Agent Fowler
Has told both June and Fowler that if any harm were to come towards the kids that they would do whatever it takes to get them to safety. It’s a bit of a reliever but they still worry.
“I would die for them.”--Buddy
“Well that’s nice for you to look after the kids.”--June
“I. Would. Die. For. Them.”--Buddy
“…”—June and Agent Fowler
Buddy has already told Arcee, Bumblebee, and Bulkhead that they could be a sub and would absolutely lay their life down to make sure the kids are okay.
Bumblebee doesn’t like the way they talk and later asks if they want to talk about it.
Bumblebee via osmosis is now small sibling.
“Mine now.”--Buddy
Arcee tries brushing it off, but deep down is a bit concerned and relieved knowing that Jack has another pair of optics on him.
“I would die for Jack.”--Buddy
Bulkhead understandably is the most upset of the three because he knows that Buddy is dead serious. Don’t get him wrong, having another pair of optics on Miko from going into the ground bridge is a huge relief but he also doesn’t want to lose them.
“I would die for you and Miko.”--Buddy
“…please don’t…”--Bulkhead
Buddy and Smokescreen surprisingly get along well. The team later finds out its because he was constantly following Buddy during their time in the Elite Guard.
“Remember when I put a bunch of bolts in some of the stun guns?”--Smokescreen
“Remember when I beat you in the shooting range on the bet of a couple of rust sticks?”--Buddy
Ratchet is a bit hesitant with Buddy. Mainly because he is worried, he has to deal with another Bulkhead that’s twice as destructive. But is surprised in how gentle they are and how they manage to keep others from bothering Ratchet for too long, has respect for Buddy.
“Miko how about we go on a ride together and not bother Ratchet.”--Buddy
“Thank you.”--Ratchet
Optimus is just glad that he has another member join their forces. And sometimes engage in some small talk.
“Did you ever sit on that one bench in Iacon that always seemed tittering whenever you’d put any weight on it?”--Buddy
“… yes, I remember that bench.”—Optimus
Wheeljack constantly tries to break Buddy out of their shell. He wants to see the bot that annihilated those cons constantly.
“C’mon just go berserker one more time.”--Wheeljack
“For the last time Wheeljack no.”--Buddy
“You’ll end up like Magnus if you keep having a stick up—”--Wheeljack
“If I do it one more time, will you stop it?”--Buddy
Ultra Magnus to everyone he looks like he has a strict coworker relationship. But really, he has one of the closest relationships with Buddy. Absolutely has Buddy’s back on the battlefield and at the base. Has bend rules a bit if it’s for Buddy.
“Ultra Magnus sir.”--Buddy
“How are this evening’s reports coming along?”--Magnus
“All written down, except the most recent one.”--Buddy
“That was our patrol, no?”--Magnus
“Yes, sir. It should get done as soon as I finish with Miko’s music practice.”--Buddy
“No need to do that report. I will handle it.”--Magnus
“Oh? Thank you, Ultra Magnus, sir.”--Buddy
“Please, Ultra Magnus is perfectly fine.”--Magnus
“Then, thank you Ultra Magnus.”—Buddy
“…What was that?!”--Miko
“Miko?! What have I said about eavesdropping?”--Buddy
Bulkhead doesn’t know what to think about it.
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inhumanetrash · 10 months
SG! Fowler and June (I wanted to draw Silas but lost the motivation lol)
So I had this idea to swap the hairstyles of the there adults like,,giving Fowler the mom™️ long hair,June a buzzcut and Silas like a military hairstyle fowler like but on his hair texture
And June gets the facial scar cause in SG she’s probably an ex military person like Silas.
They’re both unhappy god 💀
I headcanon fowler to be stuck in a loveless marriage he’s unable to get out of and June to be the mom who won parental rights because she’s a woman lmao
Fowler in this au has very little assertiveness lol
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bad-tf-fic-ideas · 5 months
(237) June Darby and Optimus Prime actually do date — just as Agent Fowler is trying to figure out how to ask her out.
Fowler is trying to manage his feelings of rejection and inadequacy. But it turns out it's hard to be the bigger man when the other guy is the size (and shape) of a semi.
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dragonskulls · 2 years
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ok but what if instead of being a bobots they were a kitty cats 🤯
ok so um. yeah. basically tfp warrior cats au of an au (im changing events too here fuck canon; as well as some characterizations). i'll designing the other characters too and maybe give bits of the story im giving it. giggles. Also i haven't read warriors in years i only got to half of the second arc lmao
but anyways this is still on early construction but what i have is that there was this massive as shit colony of cats living in a huge ass territory and idk there was something like the inequality in canon (i haven't read the Aligned books so im making this up on the fly) and yadda yadda war happens tons of cats leave even more die and the territories get ravaged, probably there was a wildfire that was the final nail on the coffin for the old territories (cybertron). The main story would take place in a run down abandoned city where resources are very scarce (which would be earth, also humans sorta disappear here lol) where the brightsparks (autobots) are hiding from the shatterclaws (decepticons) while looking for ways to restore the old territories as well as a stronger connection with Goldenspark (primus) and instead of tech maybe its like,,, starclan magic or something lmao. the humans are mini rats here and are in danger from the shatterclaws just like, killing them or something idk (also also the humans here are NOT up to scale they'd be a bit smaller compared to the drawings here). so some quick stuff:
-shriekingsky is starscream (i wouldve kept the original name but it wouldve ended up being Starstar) who's the traitorous deputy of the shatteredclaws
-shatteredstar is megatron. no one likes him. he made a pact with the devil (unicron for whom i have yet to come up with a name) in an attempt to use the dead souls in the dark forest as pawns for his faction or something and also to get the nine lives (but evil and fucked up)
-crimsonstrike is knockout. medic of the shatteredclaws and while being on their side isn't particularly loyal to shatteredstar. he and shriekingsky were the equivalent of highschool mean girls as apprentices bc i thought that would be funny
-brokenstone is breakdown. originally part of the brightsparks, but something something happened that made him not really trust them anymore, that plus probably crimsonstrike accidentally helping him out caused him to switch sides
-owlglare is ratchet. goofy ass eyebrows. really REALLY wants to restore the old territories, which causes some slight conflict with the others who also want to protect the city (bc of the mice as well as other rogue cats i dont know yet)
-sparkstar is optimus. god damn i struggled so bad with his design. you know him.
-bumblepaw is bumblebee i couldnt bring myself to change his name. he's a baby sparkstar found in the trash. like in canon he wants to get his warrior name back home so hes keeping the apprentice one for now
-the rats the humans. most of the population dont know about the cats and if they did they'd probably panic a whole lot. these had me looking up rat color morphs
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mercurygray · 1 year
For the prompt, #81 present for Chuck/June
Played a little bit on present as gift and present as 'accounted for' with this one.
It was a fine night for a phone call.
They were just finishing the dinner dishes when the phone rang, and Chuck dried his hands on a towel before going to answer it - long distance, sir. From a…a Mrs. Heffron? In Atlantic City?
Must be on vacation, Chuck thought to himself, leaning against the wall and tucking the phone into his shoulder.
And so they were - before the girls went back to school, Niamh explained, once the call came through. They were finally in bed and she was catching up on some postcards. Chuck could picture them, a trio in pigtails on the Heffron family Christmas card. Cute kids. "How's the beach treating Babe? He burnt to a crisp yet? You should have told me before you were going - would have bought stock in Coppertone."
"Very funny, Chuck." He could nearly hear her rolling her eyes. "He's doing just fine. Weather's nice, and the girls like the beach." She paused. "You wouldn't guess who we ran into this afternoon."
"Oh?" He wondered who she thought he would know in Atlantic City - Bill and Joe had both been at the hospitals there, but they'd sent him back to Letterman, since it was closer to home for him. Was it someone else on vacation - one of the old gang?
There was a crackle over the line, a terrible silence. He realized it was his turn to speak now. "Oh."
How long had it been now - ten years, or was it twelve? And her face was still as clear to him as anything. June, with her loud laughs and her jokes and the slight hitch in her step that she tried so hard to hide. Other things, too, little things - her face in an unlit supply closet in North Carolina, a church in Belgium. And then there was a break - an empty space between the then and the now. He touched the scar on his forehead absently. There were many things he did not remember, from those first few days, things he'd forgotten, or that the pain had simply blotted out. You didn't forget, Chuck, Billie had told him, months later. You didn't forget because she wasn't there.
The line on Niamh's end crackled - rearranging the phone cord, most likely. "Yeah, she - she's managing a restaurant here, at the boardwalk. Doing real well for herself, she said."
"And she - she looked okay?" There was a pause on the other end of the phone. "You don't have to tell me she was ugly, Niamh." Still trying to stick up for the underdog, aren't you?
Niamh made a noise indicating what she thought of having to tell the truth. "Yeah, she looked okay. Older, you know, just like - all of us."
He wasn't sure what that would have looked like, for June. "Married?" He played idly with the phone cord, the wire bumping against his own hand and the circle of gold on his own finger.
"Wasn't wearing a ring."
Chuck nodded to himself. "She wasn't ever the kind."
Another noncommital noise from Niamh's end of the line. "She - she asked about you." Chuck couldn't help the deep breath he took, picturing Niamh's face as clear as day. "Don't you make that noise at me, Charles Grant, I'm a grown woman and I know how to mind my manners. Told her you were out in Cali, that you were doing well, that you'd …found someone. She said to say hi, from her. That she hoped you were doing okay. Couldn't look me in the eye about it, though, could she?"
He had to laugh. "How could she, with you staring daggers at her?" She'd made the same face at David Webster, more than once, and anyone else she thought was being an idiot. He could see that face plainly, too.
"I was never," Niamh shot back, and he heard, very distantly, as if from across a room, a "You were so!" from her husband.
"And dinner was okay?" Chuck asked, trying to bring them back to the matter at hand.
"Dinner was fine." Niamh assured him. "It was a nice restaurant. Anyway, just wanted to - wanted to call. Pass it along."
"I'm glad you saw her."
She took a deep breath, and he could imagine her nodding. "I should go - stop spoiling your evening. Tell your wife hi from me," she added. "Tell her she's a gift and a treasure."
"Will do," he promised with a smile. "Same to Babe and your girls. Good night!"
He laid the phone back in the receiver, catching his wife's eye. "Something I need to know about?" she asked, quietly curious.
"Just someone we used to know," Chuck said with a shrug. That was all it was - all it needed to be. There were dishes to be done, and lunch to be packed for tomorrow. Atlantic City could stay where it was - everything he needed now was right here.
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donut-doodles-doodles · 8 months
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June Darby in her wedding dress, fowler is a very luck man
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earthstellar · 2 years
just thinking about how fucked it is in TFP that June is unaware that Jack escaped the attack on the base for a decent period of time
so like for at least a few days, she is fully fighting off the despair of the very real possibility that her only child has been ground into human paté by an evil space robot warlord who is actively (and thus far, mostly successfully) attempting to violently take over the planet
yeah Fowler is there but I cannot imagine the amount of government shit he was buried under the entire time
she would have to cope those few days (longer than a week? can't rewatch atm to establish any rough timeline) of just thinking "my son was the first human casualty of an impossible war against giant mechanical alien invaders"
if she believed him dead, if her hope slipped for just a moment, the mental gymnastics needed to cope, even if just to assist Fowler the best she could, would be devastating-- the hospital is gone, the town has been evacuated, has anyone else been killed? is it just Jack? what about the other kids?
it would be easy to start thinking down a dark path, and I think Fowler kept June around instead of evacuating her because not only is there no way she would go, but because he realises that she very seriously may have just lost her son. she needs distractions, support, someone at least somewhat familiar, a sense that her input is needed and will be genuinely considered in order to gain any semblance of control over a situation that just took her son away from her. either for now, or forever.
realistically, Fowler is military, and could have forced her to leave. but he didn't. there are pros and cons to that approach, but given the circumstances, it was almost certainly the right call. good guy Fowler!!
Fowler knew Jack. Fowler did his best to keep them safe on base. She doesn't blame him. He might struggle with some guilt himself, though.
There's no blame, really; What can anyone do when giants from the sky descend and touch the Earth with pointed metal claws, raking at the ground and the people on it, like pulling weeds to clear the land for purposes beyond them?
the situation in general may have been so overwhelming, and both June and Fowler are fairly stubborn, that combined with their need for proof before mourning all of the general stress may have been enough of an active focus to keep them going
but there is no way June didn't have a complete fucking breakdown over the possibility of Jack's death at some point during all this
which is why I can sort of accept Jack's dumbass move of trying to call her
given how anxious we see her on screen most of the time when it comes to the kids (and not unreasonably so), and how little we know about the Darby family history, we can assume Jack could easily imagine how distraught his mother might be
that's a lot of emotional stress to place on a teenager who almost got extremely killed not too long ago and is currently on the run
so yes, it was a bad call (literally), but one that is totally understandable. I would expect a teenager with a close and generally positive relationship with their parent to want that parent to know they aren't dead, that there's still hope, that they're ok.
it's easy to shit on Jack for making the call when he did, but realistically, he's a teenager and real serious shit is happening and there are emotions and worry and who knows, the deceptions might get him soon anyway. it's hard to stay hopeful. and his mother is really the only relation he's got, in terms of direct family, that we ever see or hear about.
he had the opportunity to risk a final call before things may have gotten even worse no matter what, regardless of anything, and he took that chance to call his mom.
I can understand that, even if it was a dipshit move given the risks. Not a great idea, but a totally understandable one.
they couldn't play up any of this on screen for obvious reasons, not just time constraints, but because this is heavy shit for a show aimed ostensibly at a majority youth demographic, and it's understandable that they didn't focus too much on the darker aspects of this whole arc
but still, it reminds me a lot of what it's like after a bad hurricane. lots of people who are missing family members, no homes to go back to, lots of confusion and injury with no communication, it sucks. the destruction of Jasper definitely has that vibe.
I'm willing to bet June, at some point, was crying in the shower of some military temporary barracks or even shitty FEMA accomodation (I hate those fucking trailers, I've had to deal with them myself) thinking "my son is dead" over and over in a moment of despair, until walking out and thinking to herself, "he's not dead until we know he's dead" (even if she increasingly struggles to hold on to hope) and putting her clothes back on--
--they might be dirty, and Fowler may have offered some spare uniforms for her to wear from whatever soldier gear they might have had peppered around-- but Jack would recognise her scrubs, so she put them back on no matter how gross they felt
and just doing whatever she could to back up Fowler when dealing with his superiors, anything she could think about or do or focus on
either to find her son, or confirm that he had died
just really grim
anyway my break's over! back to work
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witchofthesouls · 2 months
I love how you explained Fowler reaction honestly is freaking hilarious. Do you think sometimes he be saddled with sparkling sitting the kiddos and the bots being like it’s an honour but now he got them trying to chew/explore his office if they fit in it.
It's most definitely an honor, and they're sore losers that it's the resident human the sparklings are constantly napping around.
Less of a babysitter because that implies Agent Fowler does direct care for the sparklings. He's more like a Sleep Supervisor or manager, considering he's the one yelling at the 'bots to leave the kids alone from their snoozing. He's not surprised that Ratchet is the one that gives him the hardest time. The medic holds grudges like no one else.
Agent Fowler is a man that's willing to work with giant, metal aliens, but he's only a man and a mortal one to boot. He draws a line on magical bullshit.
And by that, he doesn't question too much about how the kids managed to dig a deep, dark hole beneath his desk. He doesn't. He looks the other way on how the reinforced cots had disappeared and the distant happy squeaky sounds of Miko's squishmallow beneath his feet. What he does is place down two sturdy planks for his own comfort because it's discombobulating to be seated and dangling at his own desk and, with Jack's help, set up a camera down below.
One, keeps an eye on the sparklings. Two, gives him peace of mind as it becomes a comfort AMSR for the 'bots.
He didn't think that ancient aliens would use emoticons, but here is his life: getting notifications of 💞 🥲😚🤫🥺🐶🐱🐥 and binary code.
Of course, Bumblebee discovered GIFs. RIP Agent Fowler's notifications because now the 'bots comb through media to apply their feelings on the sight from anime to popular kids movies to reality TV to nature documentaries.
(Optimus posted a screenshot of owl fledglings, and it's on point. The kids' optics reflect, and, for some reason, the kids look fluffy down below.
Agent Fowler preemptively silences his cell when June Darby hands over a basket of hooded blankets. The entire base had a collective 'Awwww' moment. He went deaf for a moment.
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pax-former · 2 years
I’ve just thought about this while writing about another head canon about tfp Optimus.
Optimus used to have sparklings of his own during the war ( sparklings which lost their parent, or were abandoned / left for dead.) the sparklings meant EVERYTHING to him.
Though, during the exodus, the soldiers left the sparklings behind WITHOUT Optimus’ consent. He went ballistic. Leaving the future generation behind. HIS SPARKLINGS. Ratchet had to put him under anesthesia to calm him.
Optimus shut everyone out for a few months, but eventually just stopped… feeling. He knew war was cruel, and resources were running low.
There was no choice.
He became more of a dead mech as time passed by. He became numb by the second. That was until, he met the human children.
When Optimus was introduced to Jack, Miko and Raf he instantly clicked with them. They were so small, and fragile, and- HOW DID THEY EVEN SURVIVE?!?
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 Optimus just instantly adopted them without any hesitation, and the children didn’t even mind that a million year old robot adopted them, they’re just chill about it.
June and Fowler were somewhat concerned about this, but they passed it aside since it seemed the children didn’t have any problems with it. (Though, June isn’t having any of it and did talk to Optimus about it rather rudely, which caused a huge argument between them.) June and Optimus aren’t in good relations with each other. (Whenever they see each other, June brings it up and they both have a quarrel until someone stops them. Mainly Ratchet has to deal with it.
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The team is somewhat happy to see the prime more lively and happy. Though they are quite concerned about Him and June’s relationship.
Ratchet is just happy to see Optimus so lively again after the devastation during the Exodus. Though, It’s quite annoying when he has to be the one to stop their argument. It stops him doing anything productive.
And they’re LOUD.
The children are NOT a fan of the argument, but they love Optimus just like a dad and June isn’t going to take this away from them. Jack loves his mother, but wished she would just hear him out instead of going full rampage on him.
That’s just it lol.
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