#june 6 1944
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theworldatwar · 20 days ago
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US soldiers take cover by some cliffs after managing to get a foothold on Omaha Beach - D-day, Normandy, 6th June 1944
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liberalsarecool · 10 months ago
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Republicans in 2024 see Hitler and Nazi Germany as aspirational.
Trump would have praised Hitler in 1938 and bragged about love letters.
History has the facts of fascism. It was horrible. It targeted and killed millions. It was crushed by democracy. The end of fascism and victory by the US in WWII, along with strong domestic social policies like social security, GI bill, and tax rates that provided all the spending with no deficits or borrowing, ushered in the strongest economy ever seen.
80 years after D-Day, lazy, crass Republicans have failed so horribly at personal growth and histroical awareness that they want to regurgitate fascism. Fcuk that.
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newyorkthegoldenage · 10 months ago
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D-Day services at Congregation Emunath Israel on West 23rd Street, June 6, 1944.
Photo: Howard Hollem et al. for the Office of War Information via Shorpy
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iceman-kazansky · 2 years ago
On this day, 79 years ago, 326,547 troops and 54,186 vehicles were deployed to the beaches of Normandy.
This day is better known as The Day of Days or D-day, codenamed "Operation Overlord."
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musewrangler · 2 months ago
Every time. EVERY TIME. I can be doing anything and listening to my favorite playlist and the Band of Brothers piece—-The mission begins—starts playing, I stop it all to listen and remember.
The COURAGE of those young men. The greatest invasion the world has ever seen. To save people from awful darkness.
Just. Taking in the Greatest Generation once again.
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footprintsinthesxnd · 2 years ago
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Operation Overlord - D-Day - June 6th 1944
On this day 79 years ago allied troops began landing on beaches in Normandy for the D-Day invasions. The beaches were given the code names UTAH, OMAHA, GOLD, JUNO, and SWORD. The invasion force included 7,000 ships and landing craft manned by over 195,000 naval personnel from eight allied countries. Almost 133,000 troops from the United States, the British Commonwealth, and their allies, landed on D-Day.
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pagesofthesea · 2 years ago
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"Here in a jumbled row for mile on mile are soldiers packs. Here are socks and shoe polish, sewing kits, diaries, Bibles and hand grenades... Here are toothbrushes and razors, and snapshots of families back home staring up at you from the sand..."
Ernie Pyle, June 6, 1944
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usarmytrooper · 2 years ago
Today is the 79th Anniversary of Operation Overlord
On June 6, 1944, nearly 160,000 British, Canadian, and American troops crossed the English Channel to attack Hitler’s Fortress Europe at Normandy. It was the largest amphibious operation in history.
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Above: Map depicting the D-Day landings by Allied forces.
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Above: The text of the Order of the Day for 6 June 1944 issued by Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF) and General Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Prior to the assault, the United States’ 82d and 101st Airborne Divisions were assigned objectives on the Cotentin Peninsula west of Utah Beach, while the British 6th Airborne Division was assigned to capture the bridges over the Caen Canal. The Airborne operations were intended to impede the German response to the beachhead. Supreme Allied Commander (European Theater of Operations) had been told that casualties among the Airborne units could be as high as 80%. They jumped into Europe anyway.
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Supreme Allied Commander General Dwight D. Eisenhower speaks to men of the 101st Airborne prior to their boarding lanes that would take them to jump into Normandy. Eisenhower stayed at the airstrip until all of the planes had taken off safely before returning to his headquarters. Happily, casualties among the paratroopers were much lower than predicted. Of approximately 13,100 paratroopers who jumped into battle, approximately 2,500 (19%) were killed, wounded, or missing by the end of D-Day.
Approximately 3,000 landing craft and 2,500 ships were used during the invasion. Preliminary naval bombardment of German positions commenced at 05:45 and continued until 06:25 from five battleships, twenty cruisers, sixty-five destroyers, and two monitors. Infantry began arriving on the beaches at around 06:30.
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Above: (Top) The Battleship HMS Rodney fires on German positions at Caen, (Lower Left) Battleship USS Arkansas engages the enemy at Omaha Beach, (Lower Middle) Battleship USS Nevada fires her ten 14-inch guns in support of the Invasion, (Lower Right) Battleship USS Texas underway en route to England to participate in the Invasion.
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Above: US Troops begin to establish a beachhead, signaling the beginning of the end of the Nazi occupation of Europe.
On D-Day, some 132,000 men were transported to the beaches by sea, and a further 24,000 entered France by air. The battlefield conditions were brutal and the Allied hold on the beaches was tenuous, particularly at Omaha Beach, the sector most heavily defended by German troops. But they held on. By July 25, 1944, the Allies had landed approximately 1.5 million troops in France and were ready to implement Operation Cobra, the Allied break out from Normandy. By the end of August, approximately 2,050,000 Allied troops had landed in France and resistance by Hitler’s Wehrmacht was crumbling.
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Above: US Troops exit a landing craft to attempt to establish a beachhead at Omaha Beach.
The Allies suffered approximately 226,000 casualties during the period from D-Day to the end of August: the American armies suffered 124,394 casualties, of whom 20,668 were killed, and 10,128 were missing. Casualties within the Canadian and British Armies are placed at 83,045: 15,995 killed, 57,996 wounded, and 9,054 missing.
During the same period, Allied air forces flew over 80,000 sorties in support of Operation Overlord, suffering approximately 17,000 additional casualties and the loss of over 4,000 aircraft.
They truly were the Greatest Generation. After what they did for all of us, it is only fitting that we pause for a moment to remember and reflect on the sacrifices they made at the altar of freedom.
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oldschoolfrp · 2 years ago
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D-Day, designed by Charles S Roberts for Avalon Hill, 1961 -- Credited as the first "hex and chit" wargame, D-Day was published only 17 years after the events of June 6, 1944. My copy of D-Day appears to be the 1962 first revision, aka "1961B." The annual Charles S Roberts awards are named for the pioneering designer and founder of Avalon Hill.
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royalpain16 · 2 years ago
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Thank you
D-Day June 6, 1944
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nazuuuhistory · 10 months ago
• Radio operator Marie Scott provided a link to D-Day beaches at age 17.
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• Marie Scott experienced British forces landing on the Normandy coast through her earphones.
Stationed in an underground tunnel below the south coast of England, Scott was safe from the carnage.
« You realize the reality of war, what it really involves. It's not a word. It's an action that affects thousands, millions of people. »
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theworldatwar · 2 months ago
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US soldiers on board ship get ready for the D-Day landings - June 1944 CREDIT IWM
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theessentialshandbook · 10 months ago
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// D-Day, aka Operation Overlord. June 6 1944.
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deborahdeshoftim5779 · 10 months ago
A wonderful and emotional excerpt from History.com's documentary about D-Day.
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wanderer-chronicles · 10 months ago
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tatmanblue · 2 years ago
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