thalfbloodloser · 2 months
i'm fairly certain recent snapedom doesn't remember me but for almost 3 years (jan2019-jun2021) i was there DAILY just silently reblogging so much snape stuff and doing so many ugly-ass fanart. my first username was "whatdidyousayaboutsnape" - that later became the one i'm using right now - and my first original post was an unfinished kid!snape doodle i made for his birthday but couldn't finish on time because i was literally hospitalized. doctor thought i was in pain but nope, no pain, just sad about missing snape's birthday. i had five favorite artists & three favorite posters (whom i bothered constantly. i'm so sorry) that i still remember by name/follow around like a kicked puppy: elenianz, drawing-cookie, lifeofapottedplant, madfantasy and danse-de-macabre (artists) + halfbakedsnape, snapeingturtle and otto-gatto (posters). i remember being so sad because every snape drawing i did looked completely different from the last - and every snape au i posted sucked ass - but these blessed souls told me it was okay and reblogged them anyways. i owe these (and others i haven't named) people my life. shame some disappeared/deactivated...well, i'm still wishing them the absolute best, wherever they are.
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inkdemon-whore · 3 years
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desorden-en-letras · 3 years
¿Y ahora qué hago con este amor que siento por ti?
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azuuuurin · 3 years
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deansraspberrypie · 2 years
Jun 2021 Tumblr Top 10
1. 162 notes - Jun 3 2021
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2. 140 notes - Jun 15 2021
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3. 125 notes - Jun 28 2021
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4. 106 notes - Jun 3 2021
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5. 100 notes - Jun 30 2021
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6. 94 notes - Jun 30 2021
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7. 84 notes - Jun 30 2021
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8. 74 notes - Jun 27 2021
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9. 63 notes - Jun 10 2021
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10. 62 notes - Jun 10 2021
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Created by TumblrTop10
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kimanhnghe · 3 years
TDDB - Thân khỏe Tâm an
Chạm đất chào mẹ, phơi nắng chào cha
Chào hỏi cha mẹ, phù hộ sống lâu
Cảm xúc dễ/khó chịu, muốn gần/xa lánh
Biết ơn trái bí nhỏ đã đến trong tháng 6, làm mình mỗi sáng đều ra ngắm xem bí lớn đến đâu, bí cần gì không, báo mộng cho biết.
Biết ơn những người mình đều muốn ở gần.
Vũ trụ xin gửi cho con một người bạn học.
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pozornicame · 3 years
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👩‍🏫Majka Tereza, rođena kao Agnesa Gondža Bojadži bila je časna sestra. 📌Rođena je u Skoplju 26. avgusta 1910. godine, a umrla u Kalkuti 5. septembar 1997. Osnovala je red Misionarke milosrđa.💗 📌Za svoj humanitarni rad 1979. godine, dobila je Nobelovu nagradu za mir. 💗Majka Tereza je vodila centre za siromašne, bolesne, siročiće i umiruće Kalkute. #jun2021 #pozornicame #citat #majkatereza #citati (na lokaciji Pozornica.me) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQfpOYTLSc5/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Louis the weatherman.
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janado · 2 years
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Davi in 10 (more) photos. 📷 Since Davi is about to turn 1 year old next month (he was 2 weeks old on these photos) and I have only posted 1 photo of this session, I decided to post some more. Loved to do this! 📷 Davi, Quinta do Anjo, June 25th, 2021. 📷 📷 📷 #canon #canon5dMK3 #35mm2 #50mm14 #RJC #color #colorPhotography #blackAndWhitePhotography #digitalPhotography #documentaryPhotography #quintaDoAnjo #portugal #25jun2021 #jun2021 #p3top #vsco #vscoFilm #kodakPortra400 #fujiNeopan1600 #mother #davi #baby #newborn #estouAquiPúblico #somewhere #burnDiary #burnMagazine #lensCulture #everydayEverywhere (at Quinta Do Anjo, Setubal, Portugal) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdtTioescFa/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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tnxarchives · 2 years
[V LIVE 30.06] Loud Practice Behind - Hyunsoo
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jdelrivero · 3 years
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Mood #rain #irban #urbanlandscape #fujiX100F #fujifilm_es #jun2021 https://www.instagram.com/jdelrivero/p/CXO84NKNzYi/?utm_medium=tumblr
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inkdemon-whore · 3 years
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'and they where cell mates'
"oh my god they where cell mates-"
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sexdrugsrocknroller · 3 years
portal post for tags
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azuuuurin · 3 years
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i’ve gotten into ffxiv, so of course i would want to draw my wol! i like her. i like to think about her
big thanks to adorkastock for the pose reference 
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turtlesphotodump · 3 years
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hellololla · 3 years
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An open door says, “Come in.” A shut door says, “Who are you?” Shadows and ghosts go through shut doors. If   a door is shut and you want it shut, why open it? If   a door is open and you want it open, why shut it? Doors forget but only doors know what it is doors forget.
- Carl Sandburg
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