#jughead x brother! reader
chloe-skywalker · 3 months
Bulldog's Or Sister - Sweet Pea
Sweet Pea x Jones Fem!reader
FP x Daughter Fem!Reader
Jughead x Sister Fem!Reader
Fangs x Toni x Fem!Reader (Friends)
Warnings: mention of near death bullying
Word count: 966
Summary: Reggie beat’s up Y/n and Sweet pEa isn’t ok with it. Neither is Fangs and Toni or FP. BUt Jughead her brother thinks there must of been some type of misunderstanding. Which makes things wrose between him and the Serpents. Y/n’s been one of them way longer than him.
Riverdale Masterlist
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“This is going to far.” Sweet Pea shakes his head trying to control his anger.
“Agreed.” Fangs stated crossing his arms.
“They hurt Y/n. I don’t know about you but I want revenge.” Toni all but growled in defense of her friend.
“I’m right here Toni.” Y/n smiled gratefully at her best friend before turning her attention back to everyone. “And I want revenge to.” Y/n stated from her seated position, still hurting all over from the beating.
“We’ll get it princess. We will. We all will.” FP promised his daughter as he walked over to her, he leaned down and kissed the top of her head.
Seconds later the door to the Wyrm burst open and in walked the beanie wearing teen that everyone had been trying to get ahold of.
“What happened?” Jughead said once she was fully in the bar. As he looked around he noticed pretty much everyone was there.
“Where have you been?” FP turned to his son, fuming in rage.
“I was with Betty, we had to look into something. I came as soon as I could.” Jughead shrugged his shoulders, not getting the urgency.
“We called and texted you hundreds of times.” Toni spoke up glaring at Jughead. How could he just ignore everyone trying to get a hold of him.
“Not to mention hours ago.” Fangs joined Toni in glaring at the beanie wearing boy.
“Sorry. I was busy.” Jughead furrowed his eyebrows in confusion on why everyone seemed so passed at him.
“To busy to come to the aid of your bleeding sister?!” Sweet Pea yells enraged, he took a step forward. How could he not care about his own sister then again Sweet Pea felt he shouldn’t be surprised. Jughead always seemed to only care about his Northsider friends, more than he cared about anyone else.
“We had to take her to the hospital.” Fangs added, he to stepped forward off the wall. Fangs stared at Jughead, pissed off. “You didn’t even get here till she was already discharged.”
“Do you even care?” Toni narrowed her eyes as she put the question out there.
“Of course I care.” Jughead scoffed looking over to his sister seeing her all bruised and bandaged, cut’s littered her face and neck. He could only imagine what was under her clothes. “What happened anyway? Who hurt you?”
Jughead’s lack of concern on his face and in his tone were shocking to everyone.
“Reggie and the rest of the bulldog’s. That’s who.” Y/n spat at her brother. How could he be so nonchalant about this?!
“Are you okay?” he asked although there wasn't any concern in his voice. That’s obvious.
Do I look okay?!” Y/n yelled not believing her brother just could stand there in front of her looking at her all injured and not seem to care at all. “I’m hurt, bruised, bleeding and broken. I’m in pain and one of the people I wanted here for me was my brother and he couldn’t even bother!”
“Why’d they attack you?” Jughead asks, pointing at his sister.
“Why?” Sweet Pea copied Jughead’s words while clenching his fists.
“Yes, why? I’m sure it was a misunderstanding.” Jughead himself narrowed his eyes at the taller serpent.
“They targeted me, Jughead.” Y/n spoke up, getting more upset with her brother by the minute.
“Did they think you were someone else?” Jughead was trying to find a solution as to why the Bulldogs would do this.
It shocked and amazed all the serpents and not in a good way that Jughead instead of seeing his sister and caring or wanting revenge he would try to defend the one’s recognizable for almost killing his own sister.
“Stop trying to make excuses for them!” Sweet Pea yelled, slamming his hand down on the nearest table. Which happened to be the table Toni and Y/n were sitting at.
Y/n reached for Sweet Pea’s hand, hoping to calm him down. To reassure him she was there. Before Y/n turned her gaze back to her brother.
“They followed me, they conquered me and they attacked me. They knew it was me, I was the intended target for their attack… And you don’t even care.” Y/n had tears welling up in her eye’s at recalling what had happened to her and that it seemed her brother could care less about her.
“What happened to my son that loved and protected his sister? Cause that’s not what I’m seeing.” FP shook his head, eyes filled with disappointment.
“Dad-” Jughead start’s with wide eyes at his father’s words.
“They hurt her and you're defending them, trying to find an out.” FP stated raising his voice, anger and pain obvious in his words as he spoke. “Get out Jughead.”
Jughead loaded at his dad like he was crazy. He wants him to leave! “What?”
“Get out of my home. Get out of my serpent den. Till you can care about your family again, get out.” FP had made his decision. He didn’t recognize his son right now.
Jughead looked around seeing how no one is opposing his fathers statements of kicking him out.
“Not that you care but they did this to send a message.” Toni tells Jughead before he turned to leave.
“They left a letter with me when they left me to wither in pain and almost die. It was a threat, and doing this to me was only the beginning.” Y/n told her brother with anger and sadness in her eye’s. Letting out an unamused laugh shaking her head. “Hope you enjoy your Northside friends Jughead. Since you apparently care more about them than your family.”
A tear ran down her check as she looked at her brother like a stranger.
taglist: @padawancat97 @gruffle1
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fanfics4all · 9 months
Unexpected Snowstorm
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Request: Yes / No List was made by @alpaca-clouds 
Requests are open only if its CHRISTMAS/HOLIDAY/ WINTER related <3 Have a nice day/night
Sweet Pea x Fem!Jones!Reader 
Word count: 759
Warnings: Nothing! 
Y/N: Your Name 
Y/N/N: Your Nickname
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If you want to be on the tag list for anything (My series fics, specific character fics, or just all of them) All you have to do is send me an ask and I will add you! 
If you enjoy my work, you could also show support by buying me a coffee! 
(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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It was dark on the cold december night. I was hanging out at Sweet Pea’s place when the snow started coming down hard. Neither of us noticed, until we started getting cold. I felt the shivers and looked over at Pea, who was also slightly shivering. 
“It’s cold in here.” I mentioned and Sweets nodded. He got up and checked the head, which was on. He looked out the window and his eyes widened. 
“Uh, I guess it started snowing.” Sweets said and I got up to look. 
“Oh my God…” I said as I looked at the snow quickly piling up. I heard my phone ring and quickly went to answer it. 
“Hello?” I answered. 
“Y/N? Where are you?” My brother, Jughead asked. 
“I’m at Pea’s place.” I answered. 
“Dad! She’s with Sweet Pea!” I heard him call out. 
“Darlin’? You’re still at Sweet Pea’s place?” Dad asked and I nodded, before realizing he can’t see me. 
“Yeah.” I answered. 
“Stay there tonight, there’s a bad storm outside and it looks like we’re gettin’ snowed in.” He said. 
“Yeah, Sweets and I didn’t realize it even started snowing until we both felt how cold it was getting.” I said and looked over at Sweets. 
“You both are gonna be able to stay warm, right?” He asked. 
“Yeah, I think so.” I answered. 
“Good, alright, try and keep your phone charged. We might lose power.” He said. 
“Okay, Daddy.” I said with a nod. We hung up and I turned to Sweet Pea. 
“Guess we’re stuck here until the storm is over and people can start digging us out.” I said and he nodded. 
“Fine by me.” He said with a small smirk. I rolled my eyes and started to rub my arms. 
“Dad said he thinks we might lose power.” I said and Sweets groaned. 
“We’re gonna freeze to death.” He said and I giggled. 
“I might freeze first, so you can eat my body if you need to.” I joked. Sweets chuckled then noticed me shivering harder and rubbing my arms. He walked off and returned with a warm looking sweater. He tossed it to me and I happily put it on. 
“That looks better on you then it does me.” He said with a wink and I blushed slightly. Sweets and I returned to the couch and started watching another movie. 
Maybe half way through the power cut out. Pea groaned and I sighed. It almost instantly got colder. I checked my phone and saw Jughead had texted me. He was making sure my phone was charged and we were okay. I texted him back and told him that my phone was charged and that Pea and I would be fine. I started shivering again and Sweets looked over at me. 
“Sweets?” I asked. 
“Yeah?” He asked.
“C-Can we move t-to your bed?” I asked. He nodded and we both quickly went to his room. I rushed to his bed and wrapped the blanket around my body and felt a little warmer. Sweets left the room and came back a few moments later with extra blankets. I smiled and moved over to make room for Sweets. He got under the blankets with me and wrapped the extra ones around us. Sweets laid down and pulled me to lay on his chest. I smiled as I felt the warmth of his body. 
“Imagine Jugs face if he saw us frozen like this.” I joked and Sweets laughed. 
“He’d find a way to bring me back just to kill me again.” He said and I giggled. My brother was alway protective of me when it came to guys. When he found out me and Sweet Pea were dating, Dad had to stop him from killing my now boyfriend. Dad wasn’t exactly happy about me dating Pea either, but he could tell how happy I was with him. That’s the only reason he was a bit more lenient with us. 
I could feel myself growing tired, but I didn’t really think I should sleep while being this cold. My eyelids were growing heavier and heavier, I could hardly fight it. 
“Get some sleep, babe, it’s pretty much the only thing we can do right now anyway.” He said and I sighed. 
“I don’t wanna freeze to death.” I mumbled. Pea chuckled and pulled me closer. 
“I’m not gonna let you freeze babe, I’ll keep you warm all night.” He said and my eyes finally closed. I mumbled something in my sleepy state as I finally lost the fight.
Tag list: @les-bio-lie @tashy-bear @ashwarren32 @hollie-blogs-blog1 @lover-of-books-and-tea @nerdygaloresposts @teenwolfbitches28 @kmc1989 @drw0301bieber @lady-of-lies @ravenmoore14 @ravenempress101 @cillianchamp @rowanthomasknapp @rachelxwayne @ready-4-fanfiction @emo-godess-loves-you @hiya-imthatgirl @mindsetjupiter @averysinclaire @mittelerde1999 @sweetest-peas @rousewriter @camiconfessions-blog @thecaptainsgingersnap @cenyddtheunicorn @jacksxsouthsideserpents @lover2448 @mamacobie13 @staygoldsquatchling02 @wanderlust-and-poetry @hiighdeex3 @ayeitsjaz @skeletalwolfcat @scarrasco1325 @reblogserpent @darkestbeforethedawn16 @fandom-princess-forevermore @will-noble-owns-my-ass @t-a-i-l-o-r-m-a-d-e @madebyleftovermuses @liz-owl
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itsnotyouithink · 2 years
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pairing: fem!reader x cheryl blossom
summary: reader goes to a halloween party and her crush on cheryl blossom continues.
warnings: smoking, underage drinking, parental abuse
a/n: happy halloween to all who celebrate & please be careful tonight!!
not my gif!
Riverdale has spooky Halloweens. It may be from the haunting spirits that walk the streets and get a booth in Pop’s Diner on the daily, or just because it’s Riverdale — and Riverdale is spooky. The Devil’s holiday was a year long thing in the town. Everyday felt like Halloween for civilians of the small town. You felt like your life was the holiday on repeat — you were just dressing as yourself with a fake mask.
You felt like Halloween wasn’t much of a big deal. The only thing you truly liked about it was the dressing up. The iconic Mean Girls quote bounced off the walls of your brain when you argued with your brother as you two got out of the car, “In Girl World, Halloween is the one day a year when a girl can dress up like a total slut and no other girls can say anything else about it.” You quoted to yourself and your brother beside you who rolled his eyes.
Your brother, Sweetpea, had been ranting about how you dressed too sexy and exposed, afraid some guy was going to try to make a pass at you. You were dressed as Lola Bunny from Looney Tunes, a character you had admired since you heard about her. The costume was more exposed than you generally dressed from day-to-day. Short shorts, a crop top that was basically a sports bra and bunny ears. “Come on, Sweets! Stop being like this, you know I never dress like this.”
“So why are you starting now?” He squinted his eyes at you. You know his argument was coming from a place of kindness and being the protective brother he was, but it was still annoying.
“Just give me a break, please?” You huffed, “By tomorrow, I’ll be back in my cute little Betty Cooper dress with a Serpent jacket, don’t you worry.” You rolled your eyes and poked the sides of your brooding brother who just rolled his eyes once more.
Then a thought popped into his small mind.
“You’re dressed like that for Cheryl Blossom.” He snapped his fingers in front of your face. The two of you were walking down the crowed driveway of Thistlehouse. It was the night of Halloween, and Cheryl Blossom had decided to throw a Halloween bash.
“I’m not.”
“You so are.”
“No I am not!”
“You’re blushing and everything!” He laughed and pointed at your blushing cheeks at the thought of your crush on the schools most popular girl. You have had a crush on Cheryl since the closing of Southside High and the enrollment to Riverdale High. You were expected to hate her because you were a Serpent, but you couldn’t help but be completely drawn in by her.
You never said anything about liking her to her ever, especially once she started dating Toni Topaz — one of your old kindergarten best friends. Your friendship had died out even if she was best friends with your brother and mutual friends.
The two of you got to the front door before inviting yourselves in, quickly seeing your close circle of friends by the corner.
“Y/N! Look at you!” Kevin whistled as the duo got closer. You blushed as your friends complimented you each, Veronica squeezing your arm, “Damn, you look hot!”
Archie rolled his eyes before taking Veronica by her hips and back into his chest, “Yeah, Y/N you look good. Great costume.” Him and Veronica dressed as Hercules and Megara.
“Thanks, Arch.”
“You look amazing, Y/N/N. I see you’re getting out your comfort zone.” Betty commented playfully as she took a sip from her red cup. You lightly chuckled before noticing her outfit as well, her and Jughead dressed as Sandy in the latex suit and Danny Zuko from Grease, “I could say the same to you, Betts. I see you’re in the last musical number of Grease.”
“Don’t I just look positively dashing in my costume?” Jughead sarcastically said, pushing out jazz hands towards you, referring to his Serpent leather jacket and sloppily slicked back hair. You rolled your eyes before taking the drink Sweetpea handed towards you, “Sure, Jug. Sure.”
After that, the group fell into light conversation that was filled with laughs and jokes. “I see Choni is back together.” Veronica commented, taking a sip of her alcohol as she eyed the ex-couple.
“What?” You furrowed your brows before glancing towards Sweetpea and looking behind you at the sight. You knew you never had an actual shot with Cheryl, but the fact she wasn’t dating Toni anymore helped the hope that filled in your chest that maybe, just maybe, she would like you back.
You felt like you couldn’t compete with a girl like Toni Topaz, who was perfect in every way.
Cheryl and Toni had a couples costume. The redhead was Poison Ivy while Toni was Harley Quinn. They looked perfect.
And yet.
You sighed and turned back around with a shrug, “They’re Choni, how could they not?”
No one else knew about your crush on Cheryl besides Sweetpea. It was stupid for you to tell him because he constantly made jokes about it and teased you til the sun rose. You expected him to hate you for it, but it was the opposite. He hadn’t seen you so head-over-heels for someone since your ex-girlfriend from Southside High, who thankfully got transferred to Seaside High. That relationship was the definition of a heartbreak mess.
“Have you guys seen what Ethel is wearing?” And just like that, the topic was dropped.
After you danced with Veronica and your friends a few times, you went outside to get fresh air and away from the sweaty bodies and atmosphere that surrounded you. You found a door by the dining table that lead to the quiet outside porch. When you slid the door open, Cheryl Blossom was leaning against the wooden railing with a cigarette between her fingers and a face of confusion.
You thought about going inside but as soon as you turned, she spoke to you. “You can join me, if you want. I don’t bite.” She took another hit from her cigarette before her arm hung over the side of the railing lazily, she blew the smoke with a soft cloud.
“I didn’t take you as a smoker.”
She shrugged, “Daddy smoked all the time before he died. So did Jason.” she cleared her throat, looking off to the dark, midnight distance, “I don’t usually smoke.”
You nodded before taking your spot beside her, your forearms leaning against the wooden banister like she was. She held the cigarette in front of you, offering it to you. You took it before placing it in your lips — you felt her watching you. “I didn’t take the golden girl of the Southside as a smoker either.”
You blew the smoke from your lips easily, “I grew up in a biker gang, what did you expect?” The two of you lightly giggled before you shook your head, “I actually got smoking from my father too. He does it everyday, all the time. Our trailer, clothes, furniture — all of it, smells like his cigarettes. They’re so normal that you even get burned with them.”
The redhead rose her eyebrows before glancing towards you, who now looked into the midnight distance. You glanced at her, her brown eyes melting into your own. “I tend to overshare.” You airily chuckled before passing the cigarette back to the redhead.
“According to Toni, I don’t share enough.” She quietly scoffed. You smiled towards the redhead with a smirk, “Aw, trouble in paradise?”
She rolled her eyes at you, “Shut up.”
“I was just joking, Cheryl.” You laughed at the small pout on her lips. “If you, like, need to talk .. I’m here.”
She looked over at you and sighed, a few beats of silence, “I broke up with her because I was attracted to someone else and I couldn’t disrespect Toni with having feelings for her and someone else. And .. we didn’t plan on going as Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn together it just . . . happened.”
You couldn’t lie and say your heart didn’t sing at the fact she was indeed single and she had a crush on someone that could be you. “What’s the problem besides an accidental couples costume.”
“I’m not sure the girl I like, likes me back.” She looked at you with masked hopeful eyes. She wanted some type of clue to see if you liked her back, but you kept up tall, guarded walls around you when it came to romance and relationships. There was a rumor you had a thing for Veronica, but that was quickly denied. But even after that, the towns most strategic and sneakiest gossips couldn’t get to the bottom of who the golden girl from the Southside wanted to truly date and fall in love with.
You glanced at her with a shrug, “Tell her you like her. If she doesn’t, then she’s simply a fool.” You left it at that and walked back inside where you felt like you took your first true deep breath.
“Y/N! Where were you? We should dance!” Veronica took your hand and tried guiding you into the pool of sweaty, drunk high schoolers but you were pulled away by your other hand and pushed into someone.
You were pulled into Cheryl’s chest, you hands on the side of her shoulders to catch yourself.
The next thing you knew, she had her hand on your cheek, a hand on your waist and her lips on yours. It was warm, and gentle, a kiss you had been dreaming and imagining about since the middle of sophomore year. “Are you a fool, Y/N?” She mumbled when the two of you pulled away.
You cheeks were red, your pupils were dilated and your skin burned with her touch. “I suppose not, Blossom.” The two of you smiled before she kissed you again, and again, and again.
The entire night was filled with dancing, Cheryl Blossom with her hands on your waist as you refilled your cup of alcohol, and the never ending teasing of your friends.
Maybe Halloween wasn’t as terrible as you thought it would be.
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6rookie-writer0110 · 1 month
male reader x FP Jones
reader is Betty’s twin or younger brother.
when Betty is trying to convince FP to attend Jugheads birthday party, Betty leaves and reader stays back.
“What does it take for you to come?”, y/n
“you bend over and me coming in you”, fp
“You fucked me last night FP, you Owe me”, y/n
“I do, I guess I can come as a favor to my boyfriend”, fp
“Thanks FP, now about that creampie you promised me”, y/n
FP then pounds reader over his desk and as promised cums in him
“cant wait for the birthday party, this ass is looking good with cum oozing out”
at Jugheads party, FP sees reader and nods for the stair so reader goes up and into Archie room, a knock is heard and FP enters, and pulls his cock out quickly.
“suck my dick baby”, fp and quickly goes over to y/n and shoves his cock in his mouth, “just like daddy likes if”
FP shoots his cum in readers throat and he just watches reader swallow it and shows FP his toung, “Jesus baby, im already hard again, go lay on his bed”
“yes daddy, breed me”
and FP pounds reader on Archie bed and FP cums in reader.
the party is broken up by a fight and reader goes home with FP and gets pounded into the couch and he has cum leaking from his ass, readers cums on his stomach, FP licks it up and then FP eats readers ass and they then make out and swaping the cum between Them
And its ends with breakfast where they jerk eachother off so they Can have some creamer for the coffee
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bumblesimagines · 5 years
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Request: Yes or No
Short and sweet.
"Hey, Jug, wanna have lunch with us at Pop's?" Veronica asked. Jughead shook his head.
"I can't. Sorry, V." He replied, turning around and heading down the hall. He got on his motorcycle, driving off to the hospital. Jughead parked, quickly heading inside. The lady at the desk recognised him and greeted him. Jughead nodded, using the stairs. He got to the room and peeked inside, knocking on the door. He placed his bag on the chair as (Y/N) looked at him.
"Hey." He greeted with a smile. Jughead smiled back, pulling up a chair.
"How are you? Did you eat yet?" Jughead asked, glancing at the tv. (Y/N) nodded.
"Did you eat yet? And don't lie I'll know." (Y/N) cocked a brow. Jughead chuckled, nodding.
"Yeah. I ate the most delicious apple slice ever." He replied. (Y/N) weakly punched him. Jughead grabbed his hand, sighing.
"The doctors say I'm getting better... I know they're lying. When I die, promise you won't cry." (Y/N) gently squeezed his hand. Jughead frowned.
"You're not gonna die, (N/N)."
"We all die eventually, Jug. Some sooner than others." (Y/N) reminded.
"People with AIDS-"
"Don't typically live long." (Y/N) cut him off, looking back at the screen.
"Tonight, I want you to go home and sleep well. Don't blame dad, or mom, or anyone. I'll be fine, Juggie." (Y/N) gave his twin a reassuring smile. Jughead nodded and stood.
"I got you your favourite book." He said.
"I'll read it to you."
Jughead felt dread set in his stomach and he felt unusually cold despite the covers. He shivered and sat up when his dad entered the room, face blank as he slowly let his arm fall to his side.
"Dad? What's up?" He asked, rubbing his arms.
"The hospital called. (Y/N)... (Y/N) passed away in-in h-his.. Sleep..." FP's voice cracked and he stuttered, tears falling down his face. Jughead stared at his father. He stayed silent and emotionless. Finally, he let out a shakey breath. Jughead tightly held the blanket, clenching his jaw.
"I promised not to cry." He whispered, blinking away his tears but they kept coming. FP sat down, pulling Jughead close and crying on his shoulder.
"God, how am I gonna tell the girls?" FP asked, whimpering afterwards. Jughead swallowed and licked his lips.
"I'll tell them." Jughead said, the promise repeating in his head to keep him from having a breakdown.
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ficnation · 3 years
❝Romeo and Julio❞ Masterlist
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Summary: Malachai’s brother was supposed to be the Ghoulies’ eyes and ears on the north side of Riverdale. His mission: find easily influenced teenagers who will become the gang’s future clients. Y/n thought it would be easy to manipulate the students and earn their trust, but he didn’t predict he’d find friends and love in Riverdale High. Will he be able to go through with Malachai’s plan?
Pairings: Riverdale x Male! Reader; Sweet Pea x Reader; Kevin Keller x Reader; other minor pairings
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☠ Chapter 1 - “Behind the Bleachers” ☠
☠ Chapter 2 - coming soon! ☠
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artemisferris09 · 4 years
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The Sea Titaness and The Serpent's son Headcanon
Y/N Jones is the son of Tethys, the Titaness of the Seas, Freshwater, and nursing mothers and the clear-sighted mortal Lucas Jones, FP's younger brother. Y/N's father love to reads Greco-Roman mythology, FP always teases his little brother about it.
Y/N has close relationship with his father and mother, when he was younger, it's unknown what his relationship with his paternal uncle and cousin.
Lucas never tell his older brother about his son's existence, because he wanted to protect his little boy from dangers, when Tethys introduce the Greco-Roman world to him, instruct him to protect their son from the Gods and their children, She didn't know how the Gods will react towards a Demi-Titan being born in the modern era.
Tethys was an kind and caring mother, she make sure that Riverdale's stream has a Potamoi God in it, to protect her Demi-Titan son.
Tethys has always remain neutral in the first Titanomachy war with her nieces and nephews, but Tethys can be protective over all of her children including you.
Lucas and Tethys first meet each other, he use cheesy flirting with Tethys, much to her amusing. Both of them fell in love with each other, at the end of the month of them are dating. When Tethys and Lucas was dating, she reveal that she is an Titaness, he was amazed that the Greco-Roman world exist under his nose, Tethys was scared that he will leave her and thinking that she is crazy, instead he proves her wrong by giving her, a soft kiss on her lips, telling her that he loves her for who she is, Tethys was happy to find a man that loves her for being herself, the only man that loves her is her husband, Oceanus, but since Oceanus and her haven't been together for centuries, but they still act civil with each other, Lucas is the first mortal man to win her heart, they decided to continue their relationship. In the year 2000, Months later, Tethys has given birth to their first and only child, a boy, named Y/N Jones, Tethys immediately grow to love her baby boy, since Tethys's 6000 children (all of them) are adults, she can't baby them anymore, but she always helps them in raising their children, always gives her children advice on how to raise their children.
Tethys's nieces, The Fates, themselves allow her to raise her son with Lucas, as the Fates decided to allow most of the Gods/Titans to raise their demigod or Demi-Titan children, because they believe that if a immortal raise their child/ren together with the mortal parent, that child will develop a strong connection to both world (the Greco-Roman and mortal world), they can help their immortal parent to understand the mortal world more.
Tethys and Lucas lives in Riverdale, but since Tethys is a Titaness, she often visit if she comes.
As Y/N is the son of one of the Twelve Elder Titans (Tethys), making him powerful than those of his cousins (6 Elder Olympians) demigod children.
Author notes: Do y'all want me to make a part series for the Sea Titaness and The Serpent's son.
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Upside Down Chapter 13
Pairing: Sweet Pea x Reader
Summary: You don’t know much about Sweet Pea, except for what you hear in the hallways around school. You pass him on your way to and from classes and you’ve perhaps brushed his arm a hand full of times. You don’t know him and he doesn’t know you.
That is until you save his baby sister from the Ghoulies all while simultaneously getting involved in a world you want nothing to do with and events you would rather stay out of.
Too bad the Ghoulies have other ideas…
Get caught up with the Masterlist!
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Chapter 13: Girl Meets Terror
Fear. Fear can do a lot to people, especially in a place where fear rules the world. In the town of Riverdale the Northside and Southside may as well have been different worlds. News of the Blackhood had spread to the Southside, moreso, news that the Northside thinks someone in the Southside is actually the Blackhood. Sometimes living in Riverdale is like living the plot of a bad movie, where even when you are innocent... you are guilty. In the end… it all comes down to one thing...Fear.
Gazing at Sweet Pea’s black eye you just shake your head.
“What does Monty look like?” you question with a barely there smirk.
He smirks back, “Way worse…”
You roll your eyes as you sit down in your usual seat. A moment later when Jughead Jones walks into the room you whip your head towards him in complete confusion.
“Umm… Jughead… I think you’re in the wrong school…”
“Oh… right…. I forgot to tell you…I go to this school now,” he says looking around distracted by how different everything is.
“Well thanks for telling me… When did that happen?”
“You know what I mean…” you say in exasperation.
A moment later your teacher walks into the room and starts the lesson.
“Fahrenheit 451, by one of my favorite authors, Ray Bradbury. Start with the title, can anyone tell me it’s significance?”
“WHAT? Damnit!” yells Sweet Pea as he kicks the chair out of his way and storms out of the room.
You just roll your eyes and ignore his outburst like the rest of the class. Perhaps you are getting a little too used to it?
“People… there is a burning book on the cover,” you teacher says sounding exasperated, you aren’t sure if it’s from Sweet Pea’s outburst or the silence in the room.
Jughead squeezes his eyes shut in annoyance at the silence before he says, “Fahrenheit 451 is the temperature at which paper burns. It was a pleasure to burn.”
“Good job Mr. Jones... Welcome to hell.”
Jughead glances over at you before a paper wad is thrown at him. You just shrug and mouth ‘keep your head down.’ He frowns at you before he turns back to the front of the room.
When the bell at the end of class rings you rush off to find Sweet Pea when Jughead waves you off telling you he’s going to talk to the teacher about opening up the Red and Black again.
Walking down the hallway you see Sweet Pea leaning against your locker waiting for you.
“Take care of business?” you ask as you join him.
“You know it,” he says with a sigh as he leans back against the locker, his head falling back with a metallic thud.
“What’s wrong?”
“Don’t lie to me…”
“Just not sure how I feel about that Jones’ kid being here that’s all.”
“Why is that?”
He just shrugs in a non committal way.
“This isn’t about…”
“Okay… but be nice to him okay? He’s my friend and he’s obviously been through alot.”
He rolls his eyes as he seems to physically pull himself from the locker.
“Whatever… Second period is going to suck…”
“Did you do the homework?”
“We had homework?”
“Toni didn’t tell you?”
“Would I have done it?”
“Then why would she have told me?”
“I don’t know Pea… that was a mistake on my part… sorry…” you with sarcasm as you hold your hands up in a surrender pose.
The two of you head off down the hallway to class and end up having a relatively peaceful day, all things considered.
Sweets: Ready to go to the quarry?
You: Sure! Do we have backup this time??
Sweets: Yeah… a bunch of guys are going
You: Sounds good! Did you invite Jughead?
Sweets: He doesn’t want to go.
You: Did you actually ask him?
Sweets: YES! And he doesn’t want to go. He’s so fucking ungrateful!
You: Ungrateful?
Sweets: Yeah ungrateful.
It’s at that moment you see Sweet Pea coming down the hallway and put your phone in your pocket.
“How is he ungrateful?” you ask picking up the conversation where you left off.
“He asked the Serpents for help with his dad and now he thinks he can just throw us to the side now that he has what he needs.”
“Why would he ask the Serpents for help?”
“He’s FP Jones’ kid…”
“The Serpent King.”
“Does he have a crown?”
Sweet Pea turns to looks at you in annoyance and you just hold your hands up in surrender.
“Sorry I asked…”
“It just pisses me off because he’s treated like some kind of prince and he doesn’t even want to have shit to do with us. Like we’re some kind of embarrassment.”
“It probably has less to do with the Serpents and more to do with his dad…”
“Okay well… The quarry sounds nice today.”
“So much attitude and so little time…”
He rolls his eyes at you but smirks anyway. It would be the first time that you are really hanging out with everyone after what happened a week or so ago. You couldn’t help but feel a little nervous. You try to shake the feelings off as you make your way to your locker. Sweet Pea leans against the locker next to yours as you open the door and you take a tiny jump back as something falls to the floor. Sweet Pea looks down at the small square that is on the floor and furrows his brows in confusion and concern. You reach down to pick it up and inspect the outside of the red paper in your hands. You open the paper and a chill runs down your spine. Written in a black bold sharpie are the words “YOUR NEXT PRINCESS.”
Sweet Pea grabs the paper out of your hands and crumbles it up.
“This isn’t fuckin’ funny,” he says with barely contained rage.
“I’m sure it’s just a prank Pea…” you mutter but can’t keep the trimmer out of your voice.
“I don’t care. We’re showing the others.”
You just nod as you follow him down the hallway.
You get to the quarry and Sweet Pea wastes no time in gathering the others.
“We have a threat against (Y/N),” he says as he throws the note down on the ground.
“You think it’s that Black Hood guy?” Questions Fangs as he picks up the note to look at it.
“Probably not…” says Toni popping her gum, “They didn’t even use the right ‘you’re’, it’s probably just a Ghoulie.”
“Should we care though?” questions a Serpent you didn’t know, “I mean… she’s not an official Serpent and she’s caused plenty of trouble.
“What did you say?” questions Sweet Pea with a dangerous tone.
“You heard me dude… that fight between you and Monty will have consequences.”
“Just because you’re up her ass doesn't mean we have to be…” interjects another.
“Seriously guys? She’s Serpent by association now. Besides… you all know that was Monty’s shit not hers!” chimes in Tori a chorus of ‘yeahs’ going up from several members.
“Whatever… I’m not getting involved with her shit… between her and Jones we’ve done enough charity work for one year.” With that several members turn and walk away leaving you and your friends.
Sweet Pea turns to you a moment later, “Don’t worry Babydoll, you’re going to be fine.”
You look up at him not sure if you will be for the first time since you met him.
“You know you haven’t hung out with Gumdrop in a while, want to go home and chill for the day?”
You just nod, the reaction from the other Serpents confirming your fears and making you feel self conscience and scared.
You’ve never really talked with Sweet Pea about your anxiety, but it is getting the better of you today. You’re in a daze as you sit at the kitchen table with Gumdrop to your left. A variety of paints sit between the two of you, but you just gaze down at the white paper before you.
“Are you okay?” Gumdrop asks quietly shaking you from your revery.
You glance up at her startled from your thoughts and just send her a small smile and a nod.
“It’s okay if you’re scared… but big brother won’t let anything happen to you. He loves you too much for that.”
“Gumdrop you ready for dinner?” Sweet Pea interrupts. You can see the slight blush on his face as he avoids your eyes obviously hearing what his little sister said.
You smile softly at the thought of Sweet Pea loving you, “Need help Pea?”
He glances over at you but shakes his head ‘no.’ You just nod in acceptance before picking up a paint brush and starting to put down color. You barely acknowledge when a plate of spaghetti is set down beside you and Sweet Pea drops into the chair across from you. It’s silent in the small kitchen for several moments as you finish your painting. A vision of colors dance on the page in various tones of blues, teals and greens with a splash of silver as the moon. In black pen you outline two figures standing front of the water.
“I’m taking the note to the leaders. You’re not going to deal with this by yourself.”
You glance up to see an intense look on his face.  
“I should tell my parents…” you say softly as you take a bite of the food beside you absentmindedly.
He nods as he continues to look at you with that intense look, “You know I’m not letting anything happen to you right?”
“I know Pea… It’s going to be okay…” you say to yourself as you gaze down at the picture.
“I just haven’t seen you this scared in a while.”
“It’s anxiety… Sometimes it just hits harder than others and I’m plagued with these obsessive thoughts. Like I can’t stop seeing that note. It’s honestly so hard to focus and I’m practically vibrating with effort right now. My chest feels tight and my head won’t stop and I know if I let it… it’s going to be a full blown panic attack.”
“What do you need?” he asks his voice tight with repressed fear masked with concern.
“Quiet… and reassurance.”
He just nods as he looks at you.
“I’m scared he’s going to come for Sweet Pea…”
“Who? The Black Hood? Let him try.”
Looking up into Sweet Pea’s eyes you see the vindication there, and for the first time in hours you feel truly safe.
Hey everyone! I hope you enjoyed this! Once again I’m not doing a taglist anymore... However you can turn on notifications for my blog or check out the story on Archive of our Own here! You can subscribe to the story and get updates!! I will continue to update on here, it’s just easier to keep up with the chapters that way, plus the taglist would be giant! If you have any questions feel free to message me! Otherwise, I would love to hear from you in the comments! I like to know how you like the story! (It also may be some great motivation... Just saying...)  
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crackheadenergy101 · 5 years
Dear brother...
Jughead has a older brother who's never been spoken of in the group for personal reasons but when you come back and figure out what's going on will jughead finally speak out about how hopelessness he feels.
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jughead-" jughead groans at his dad " what" " someone's here to see you " jughead smirks " hey juggy!" You smile at him.
Jughead face goes suprised then worried then angry. " you go somewhere and never call you're a asshole " he says hitting you .
" thank you, so dad said you have friends where are they " jughead bits his lip " where were you " you smile " you know where " you say messing with his hair " yea yea I know jail " you punch his arm .
" so how's it going champ after 8 years "
" g-great just great " he sighs
Will continue I promise
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stan-joonies · 5 years
Half and Half (Part 2)
Part 1
Requests Are Open!
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Y/N jones sat on the concrete steps, inhaling the poisonous fumes into his lungs.
"What will FP say?" Penny teased, clicking her tongue mockingly, causing the eldest FP son to roll his eyes.
"Shut the fuck up, Peabody,"
The woman hissed.
"That's no way to talk to me, boy." She growled. "Especially when i can help get your old man out of jail."
The boy's head shot up, eyes widening at the blonde woman.
"You can get my dad out?"
Penny hummed in response, peering down at the male.
"I have connections, i could get your dad out in a week," He looked at her, opening his mouth to ask her to help him. "For the right price, of course," She added, eyes sparkling amusedly as a frown etched onto the male's face.
"Of course, there's always a catch with you," he retorted, rolling his eyes.
"Nothing is free in this world," she shrugged.
Y/N huffed, burning out his cigarette before turning to the older serpent.
"What's your price? " He questioned, reaching for his wallet .Penny grinned, a dangerous glint in her eyes.
"I don't want your money, Jones," she denied.
He rose an eyebrow.
"Come on Penny. I got a multi-millionaire company back in New York, just name your price."
"I don't want your money," she repeated sternly "I've got enough people giving me that nowadays. However..." a smirk crawled onyo her wrinkling face. "What i don't have...is transport,"
Y/N's eyes widened.
"You want me to pay for your taxi?"
Penny was silent, staring at him in disbelief before murmuring under her breath.
"New Yorks made you soft, or just plain dumb,"
"Nothing," she shook her head. "I don't need a taxi. I have...precious cargo in my possesion that needs to be transported from point A to point B, i was hoping you could help me."
Y/N's eyes widened before scowling.
"I'm not being your drug dealer Peabody." He growled.
"Oh no!" She exclaimed. "Of course not...you can be my Pancake mix dealer."
He shot up, stalking away.
"Jones!" She called. "Think about it! It's a one time thing. And you get to see your daddy again!"
Jones sighed, ignoring her in favour of going home.
He huffed, playing with the rings on his finger.
One job. Just one. And his Dad would be a free man.
He groaned, head banging against the headboard of his bed, a string of cusses left his lips.
He sat up, hair a messy mop on his head.
He reached a S/C hand to his side and clasped his phone into his hand.
His heart clenched and his stomach dropped when he saw her name in his contacts, she pressed the green button, pulling to reluctantly to his ear. A few seconds and she picked up.
"Well, well, make up your mind, pretty boy?" Her voice sent shivers up his spine.
"Don't call me that again, and yes." He scowled. "I'll do this one job for you, but on one condition,"
"Normally, these type of deal are on my terms,"
He ignored her.
"Nobody can ever know about this," he declared. "Nobody."
"Mmm," she hummed. "I'm afraid to say that my silence isn't free, that's gonna cost ya more."
"How much?"
"One thousand for my silence,"
"Deal," he accepted, no hesitation.
"You sound confident," she stated.
"What person would i be to cowar infront of a decaying druggie lile yourself?"
"A wise one,"
Part 1
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lovingdelusions · 6 years
Car Hop (Kevin Keller x Male! Jughead’s Brother! Reader)
Word Count:1,799
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Kevin Keller was your everything. To him, you weren’t Jughead’s brother or Archie Andrews’ other best friend, you were you: someone who he loved so much that it hurt. Kevin had no problem showing anybody that he loved you, and that’s why you had to get him a promise ring. You had every intention of marrying Kevin Keller, and you wanted him to know that. 
Unfortunately, you were a bit tight on money. You had taken a job at Pop’s to earn some extra cash. You hadn’t told your brother or his friends because they were the worst when it came to keeping a secret. They thought that just because they got away with a few things meant that they were amazing liars. The only one who even held up a chance at keeping a secret was Cheryl. 
Tonight was going to be your last night working at the diner, but you loved this job. It paid decently, and skating was fun. Plus, it didn’t hurt that you got free milkshakes. 
“Y/N is-” Kevin started. The gang groaned. They knew what he was going to say. Kevin gushed about his boyfriend at every chance he could, and each time he’d start, it got more descriptive.
“Yeah, Kevin. Y/N is so sweet and sooo hot. He’s amazing, and nobody will ever treat me better than he does. He’s too good for me. The little dips on his chest make me want to melt,” Cheryl said, rolling her eyes. Kevin pressed his hand to his chest and pursed his lips, clearly offended. 
“I was trying to say that Y/N won’t be able to make it tonight because he has homework to do,” Kevin said. He flipped off the amused eyes of everybody in the room. 
“Hey, what’s up with that?” Jughead asked. His brother had been skipping out on every plan they’ve made within the last month. It wasn’t like him to cancel out like that. 
Kevin shrugged. He thought nothing of it. Your last days at Riverdale High School were rapidly approaching, and you had yet to choose a college. Throughout most of your time in school, you didn’t focus much on grades but focused on your brother and Kevin. However, you knew that your grades were the one thing that would get you and your friends out of Riverdale, so you spent many weekends studying instead of getting caught up in the town’s drama. 
“You know, he has been acting a little suspicious lately,” Betty said. 
“His car wasn’t in the driveway when I left,” Jughead piped up. 
“Okay,” Kevin said. “Are you guys trying to convince me that my amazing and wonderful boyfriend is up to no good?”
The Northside gang looked at each other, glints in their eyes. Kevin groaned. He hated when they had ideas. Their ideas always led to laws being broken or immediate danger. Most times it was both. 
“We’re not saying that he’s cheating on you, but-” Veronica started. 
“No.” Kevin glared at them. “There’s no way that he’d ever do that. Don’t even suggest it.”
“But he’s probably doing something stupid and illegal,” Jughead said. Everyone looked at him, a bit shocked. Jughead and his brother were tightly knit, and out of the two of them, Jughead was the more mischievous brother. “What? Just ‘cause he’s the good child doesn’t mean he isn’t a Jones. The Jones’ are always up to something. Always.”
Kevin sighed. Before he could speak, Cheryl pitched in. “I already texted Toni to see if any of the Serpents have seen Y/N. And look! I’ve got an answer.”
It was too late to back down now. Everyone was already deeply invested in this, including Kevin. 
“What the fuck? Is that Joaquin?” Archie asked, squinting to make out the low quality picture. You and Joquain were sitting together in the corner of the Whyte Wyrm, and your faced was scrunched up. It must’ve been pretty serious.
Whenever Kevin talked about Joaquin, he could never look you in the eyes. Instead, he focused his attention on his shoes and unconsciously tapped his fingers against his thigh. He would sigh and take your hands in his. It broke your heart to see a usually confident person so vulnerable and frankly a little heartbroken. You never got angry at him even though he was still hung up on his last break up. Instead, you held him and peppered kisses to his face because you wanted him to know that you weren’t going anywhere anytime soon.
“Guys,” Kevin said. They looked at Kevin, waiting for him to wave it off as nothing, but he didn’t. “You now what this means, right? We have to go to the Whyte Wyrm right now.”
They smiled at him, knowing that he would come around. Quickly, the gang all piled into Cheryl’s car with Archie sitting in the trunk and drove to the southside.
“Where is he?” Kevin asked, grabbing Fangs by the collar of his shirt. Their noses were touching, and Fangs began to sweat. He wasn’t supposed to reveal anything about your plan, and if he did, he’d probably end up like Jason Blossom. 
“Where is who?” Sweet Pea asked innocently. He was slightly amused because he knew Kevin meant no real harm. 
“You know who,” Veronica spat. “Y/N.”
“How daring for a Lodge to be here at this time of day,” Fangs said, avoiding eye contact with Kevin, though it was nearly impossible. 
“He said something about the sheriff,” Toni said. Sweet Pea and Fangs shot her a look, but she paid no mind to it. “I don’t know what Y/N has in store, but if it involves the sheriff, then it must be something really illegal or dangerous.”
“Thanks, babe,” Cheryl said, pressing a kiss to Toni’s cheek before they departed. 
“What?” Toni said. Fangs was looking at her incredulously. Was she afraid of anything? 
“Heyyyyyyy, dad,” Kevin said, stumbling into his office. Sheriff Keller stared as his son and his nosy friends all clambered into his office. Knowing them, they were most likely getting into business they didn’t need to be involved in. 
“What is it?” Sheriff Keller replied gruffly. 
“Have you seen Y/N by any chance?” Archie asked, trying to be nonchalant about it. He was leaning against a filing cabinet and lost his balance, falling and taking a whole drawer of files down with him. 
“No, I haven’t,” the older man sighed. “Andrews, will you please stop trying to destroy everything?”
“Officer Keller, please,” Jughead said. “We’re afraid that my brother may be getting into something that could get him killed. We just want to know that he’s safe.”
The older Keller recognized when he was being played, and Jughead Jones had just pulled the sibling card on him. Unfortunately, he didn’t want to wait all night to keep them away because now he had a case to solve and a filing cabinet to rearrange. 
“I assure you that whatever Y/N is doing is perfectly safe. Now, please, go to Pop’s and get a burger or something. You can’t cause trouble if you’re eating,” Sheriff Keller said, subtly hinting at your location. 
“Fine,” Kevin huffed. 
“What am I going to do with him?” Officer Keller said, rolling his eyes. 
“I’m starving,” Archie complained. “Can we actually go to Pop’s?”
“When are you not hungry, Andrews?” Cheryl said, glancing at him in the mirror. “Alright, we’ll go. I’ve been craving a strawberry milkshake anyways.”
It was almost midnight by the time they arrived at the diner, so they called in their orders and waited for someone to come out. 
You yawned, happy that your shift was almost over. You would be able to cuddle with Kevin and sleep for a few hours before beginning your next shift. Right as you were about to leave, Pop Tate whipped up the food and put in a bag for you to bring to the customers. 
You skated out to the parking lot, not paying attention to whose car it was and knocked on the window. You began to repeat their order to confirm if it was correct when you were interrupted. 
“Y/N?” Betty said. You snapped your head up from the receipt. 
“Uhhhhhhh,” you said. You were at a loss for words. “Double cheeseburger with three strawberry milkshakes and two orders of fries?”
“Since when do you work at Pop’s?” Kevin asked. 
“Hey! Kevin!” you exclaimed. There was no use in denying it now. You had been all over town, trying to make sure that the ring you had in your pocket was perfect. Even though you had a slight grudge against Joaquin, he was really close to Kevin, and he would know if this was right for him. You knew that Kevin’s dad loved you as if you were his own son, and he respected you more when you asked his permission to give Kevin a promise ring. “Baby, can you get out of the car for a second? I need to talk to you.”
Kevin dreaded this moment. He knew that your relationship was too good to be true. You would leave him like Joaquin. Wait, were you going to leave with Joaquin? Although he was internally panicking, he kept a blank face as he stepped out of the car. 
You got down on one knee, bringing the jewelry box out. 
“Holy shit,” you heard your brother mutter. 
“Kevin Keller. I love you so, so much. You are the light of my life, and everyday, I find something new about you that makes me fall more in love. Your eyes sparkle brighter than any star, your lips are softer than any flower petal. You’re so confident and sarcastic and amazing. I know that we’re too young to get married now, but I promise you that one day, Kevin Keller will become Kevin Jones. So. . . .” you trailed off, not knowing how to end it. Your heart was close to jumping out of your chest as you waiting for Kevin’s reply.
“God dammit, Y/N,” Kevin sobbed out. How could he have ever thought you were going to leave him?
You panicked, scrambling to get off of your knee, but Kevin wouldn’t let you. He took you in his arms and buried his face into the crown of your head. 
“Yes,” he said, through his tears. “I love you, my handsome Prince.”
The gang cheered as you two kissed. Sliding the ring on his finger, you lifted him off the ground without separating and carried him to your car. You were going home to sleep with your future husband. 
“Uh, guys?” Archie asked, still in the trunk. “Don’t get me wrong, this is touching and everything, but I’m still pretty hungry.”
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fandomtrash713 · 6 years
New Girl In Town - Part One
Summary: You just moved into the Southside, kicked out of your home. Now it’s time to join Southside High and find your place. Suddenly, you’re thrust into the world of Serpents, Ghoulies, and Riverdale drama.
Pairings: Fem!Reader x Sweet Pea, Brother!Jughead, Father!FP
Warnings: Swearing
Author’s Note: This is will be a longer story, I hope you enjoy it!
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The trailer was quiet and dark. You knocked on the door gently, repositioning the duffle bag on your shoulder. You jiggled the handle, finding the door unlocked. 
“Dad?” You called, stepping into the living room. “Jughead?” No one answered. You slid your shoes off and shrugged your jacket off and tossed it on the couch. The duffel bag fell with a dull thud, but no one came out of the rooms. No one was home. 
With a sigh, you sat down on the couch and pulled the blanket down over your legs and laid your head down. You slid your switchblade from your pocket, tightening your fist over it. After a few quiet minutes, you fell into a light sleep.
“Y/n?” Someone was shaking your shoulder. “Y/n, wake up.”
You instinctively grabbed for the blade and sat up, but quickly stopped your attack when you were met face to face with your brother, Jughead. 
“Jug.” You threw your arms around your brother, whom you haven’t seen in forever. 
“Y/n, what are you doing here? I thought you were living with mom?” 
“No, she kicked me out about a month ago.”
“What? Why?”
You slipped the knife back in your pocket and pulled the blanket over your shoulders. “She was sick of having two kids in the house,” you lied. “It was between Jellybean and I. Obviously, I won the lottery.”
Jughead nodded slowly. “Well, you can have my bed for tonight, I’ll sleep on the couch,” he started to pick up your bag.
“No, Jug, really,” you said, “it’s fine.” He ignored you and continued to the back of the trailer. You followed after him. His room was fairly tidy, nondescript. He dropped your things on the chair and pulled you into another hug.
“Make yourself at home. And be careful with that blade,” he added, leaving you. You rolled your eyes and changed into your pajamas. His bed smelled like cologne and boy, but you didn’t care. You closed your eyes and fell asleep.
                                                      *           *         *
Southside High was by far the shittiest high school in the history of high schools. Back home, high school was bad, sure, but not as bad as this place. You stepped through the metal detector and grabbed your bag, pushing through the crowd.
“Y/n!” A familiar voice called your name and you turned, coming face to face with your brother, Jughead. He had left earlier than you and dad was no where to be seen.
“Hey Jug,” you said, pulling him into a quick hug. He smiled. “Where’s my locker?”
“I don’t even know where mine is,” he said, laughing. “Just keep all your crap in your backpack. It’s best to keep moving here.”
A tall, skeleton-thin boy whistled at you, smoke trailing from his mouth. “Hey pretty girlie,” he drawled, cackling.
“Back off, pot-head, before I bash your head in,” you snarled back. Jughead pulled you back, his hand digging into your upper arm.
“Calm down, (y/n),” he said, “keep your head down, stay out of the way. I don’t want you getting hurt.” You pulled your arm away.
“If anyone’s going to get hurt, it’s anyone who dares to talk to me that way.”
“Just get to class,” he said, handing you a piece of paper. “And if anyone bothers you, tell me.” I glanced up at him. “The Serpents will take care of it.” You snorted.
Jughead left you outside your first class, English. You walked inside and found a seat in the back. Reaching inside your backpack, you dug around for your brass knuckles, for protection. They didn’t set off the alarm because you had made them yourself, carving them out of animal bone.
You slipped the knuckles into your pocket and looked around the classroom. The bell had rung, but the teacher was still sitting at his desk, listening to something through his headphones.
“Y/n, right?”
You looked up and saw a girl with red-dyed hair wearing a leather jacket and old band tee. “Depends on who’s asking,” I replied, sitting back. She smiled.
“I’m Toni, one of Jug’s friends.”
“Ah,” you said. “Yeah, he told me about you.”
“What are thoughts on Southside High so far?” She sat down in the seat next to you. You replied, “Hellish.” She nodded. “So, what’s with the fancy jacket?” She turned slightly, exposing the large Serpent logo on the back.
“We all have one,” she explained.
“You probably have one waiting for you.”
“Because you're of Serpent blood.” You rolled your eyes.
“I’m more of a lone wolf type, but of course, so was Jughead.” She laughed. “I don’t know, I’ve looked out for myself my whole life and I’m still alive. I think I can handle another year or two of high school.”
She looked at you, full of doubt. “You can try, but the Ghoulies like to play with fresh meat, especially if they’re all alone.”
The teacher finally stood up and started talking. You turned away from Toni. She said, “I’m just saying, sooner or later, you’ll be on our side.”
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cruciatuscurse · 6 years
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·         Rating: All
·         Warnings: Slight mentions of abuse. Sweet Pea is 17 and his sister is 15.
·         Pairing: Jughead/OC
·         Summary: Sweet Pea’s sister helps Jughead’s transition to the Southside.
“You’re a loser, you’re never going to amount to anything!” Their father screamed, the smell of alcohol lingering on her breath.
“You’re a drunk, you don’t even know what you’re saying half the time,” Sweet Pea snarled in return. “How about laying off the Jingle Jangle and getting a job? Actually take care of your children.”
“You think you’re a tough guy, is that it?” He stood up from the tattered armchair, swaying slightly, his eyes filled with rage. “You’re old enough to get the hell out. You think you can do it on your own, be my guest. But don’t ever come crawling back here, you worthless-“
The words were deflated on his lips as Sweet Pea punched their father in the gut, making him fall over. The two were rolling on the floor, with Sweet Pea on top, letting his anger out on the source of his growing aggression. Only the cries of his sister silenced him, as he looked up and met her fearful eyes from the doorway of their room. He immediately got up, slowly approaching her, ignoring the groans of the broken man on the floor.
“Hey bug,” he said quietly, taking her in his arms. “You should be asleep. You’ve got school tomorrow.”
“What’s going on, Pea?” She asked softly, the tears dripping down her cheeks.
“Don’t worry about it, kid. We’re finally getting out of this dump,” he promised, guiding her back to their bed.
She laid down hesitantly, allowing him to cover her body with the large quilt. He tucked her in silently, his dark eyes pensive, and she found herself looking up at him. He brushed her bangs out of her face, planting a kiss on her forehead.
“Are we really going to leave?” She whispered hopefully and he nodded.
“Yes. I’m moving out, and I’m taking you with me,” he promised her, standing to his feet. “I’ve got to go for the night. I’ll be back for you tomorrow, okay?”
“Okay.” She still felt uneasy, with so many unanswered questions floating around her head, but she trusted him. They were all they had.
“If he comes in here, you run, okay?” He instructed and she nodded obediently. He let out a sigh, nodding to himself, before he grabbed his duffel bag from the floor. He locked the door before he closed it, leaving her in darkness. She couldn’t help the tear that escaped her eye.
“Wake up, lazy.” She awoke with a start as he hit her with a pillow. Groaning, the teenager fixated her dark eyes on her smirking older brother.
“It’s Saturday. What the hell are you doing waking me up before noon on a Saturday?” She complained, sitting up and rubbing her eyes.
“Jeez. Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed,” he joked, sitting down beside her. “I’ve got business to take care of. You need to stay safe and keep your head down. Maybe clean this place up, go grocery shopping..”
“What am I, a housewife?” She groaned and he rolled his eyes.
“More like a drama queen. You said you wanted to pull your weight around here,” he reminded her, reaching into his back pocket.
“I meant getting a job,” she replied pointedly and he shook his head.
“No way. I’m not letting my kid sister get a job at fifteen, that’s embarrassing.” His chest puffed up and she rolled her eyes. “I can take care of the both of us.”
“Yeah, yeah.” She leaned her head on his shoulder, her mind drifting, and he smiled.
“Here.” He handed her a few hundred dollar bills. At her eager look, he said pointedly, “for groceries.”
“I heard you the first time.” She accepted the bills, counting them. Her eyes glanced up at him. “How long are you gonna be gone this time?”
“Not long,” he assured her, standing up. “I’ll be back, probably early this morning. Just don’t do anything dumb while I’m gone, and try not to wreck the trailer, okay? We don’t need anymore holes in the walls.”
“That was you,” she pointed out, standing up too.
“Exactly. Learn from my mistakes.” He grinned before heading for the door. “Love ya.”
“Love you too,” she called back, glancing at herself in the mirror before she sighed. “Groceries.”
After a hot shower (a long one, since Sweet Pea wasn’t around to bug her about it), she changed into a pair of ripped up jeans and a black tank top. She tied her long, bone straight black hair up into a ponytail, exposing the many piercings in her ears, and she slipped her feet into a pair of beat up black Converse by the door. She slung her purse loosely over her shoulder, stuffing the money and a small paper into it before she pulled the door open. She squinted at the sunlight, locking the door behind her before venturing into town.
The store wasn’t too far, thankfully, and they didn’t need much. She pulled the paper out of her purse, reading the small, neat handwriting listing all she’d came for. Forty-five minutes later she walked out, gripping four full bags in her hands.
The walk back to Sunnyside was uneventful, with most of her neighbors most likely sleeping the past night off, and she walked with a lazy saunter. She unlocked her front door, ignoring the sound of another door in the lot opening, until she saw a flash of black fur escape from behind it.
“Bartholomew!” She shouted, quickly setting her bags down just beyond the door. “Get back here!”
The door billowed in the wind, slowly closing itself, as the girl ran after Bartholomew. She was headed straight for the neighboring trailer, where the furball seemed to become interested. Standing in the doorway was a boy, who wore a beanie over his dark hair and a puzzled expression. The black cat was in his arms, purring, and he glanced from it to the girl. He was cute.
“Sorry, Bartholomew gets ahead of himself sometimes,” she said sheepishly, standing on the step below him.
“No problem. He’s a sweet guy,” he offered in turn, scratching behind Bartholomew’s ears. “I’m Jughead Jones. I don’t think I’ve seen you around here before.”
She looked mildly surprised. So this was Jughead. She gave him her name before pointed to her trailer. “I live right over there with my brother. I didn’t know you lived here.”
“I don’t,” he admitted, gesturing to the bag slung over his shoulder. “I was just getting some stuff.”
“I see.” She had heard rumors about the Serpent King, but she was mostly kept in the dark about that sort of thing. She wondered if maybe the rumors were true. “Well, I’ll take him off your hands. I’m sure you’ve got more important places to be.”
“Sure.” Jughead chuckled, handing the resting cat over to its pretty owner.
“I’ll see you around then,” she replied, giving him a coy smile before she began walking to her trailer.
“See you around,” he called back, watching her until she went inside. With a sigh, he shut the trailer door and began walking.
The next time she saw more than a glimpse of Jughead Jones, he had a tray in his hands and a frown on his lips. His hair was longer and the bags underneath his eyes gave him a brooding look. She knew all about his less than warm welcome the other day when Toni was showing him around, but she had a good feeling about the resigned look on his face. She exchanged a look with Toni, one that the other boys at their table couldn’t read, before standing up.
“Jones,” she called, attracting the attention of the boys surrounding her. A smile spread across her face as she gestured to the space beside her.
A grateful smile tugged at his lips, perhaps at seeing a familiar face or a space among the chaos, and he was soon taking a seat with the other Serpents.
“Smartening up and sitting with the good guys, I see,” she teased, making Toni laugh.
Jughead playfully rolled his eyes. “I may have seen the logic in Toni’s reasoning.”
“Good.” She drummed her fingers against the tabletop, black nail polish contrasting with her lightly tanned skin. She noticed how Sweet Pea was eyeing her, clearly trying to read her motives, and she avoided his eyes. “You blending in with the Southside yet?”
“Well, I’m not sure if what I’m eating is a solid or a liquid,” he began, wrinkling his nose as he pushed the tray away from himself. “But you are looking at the newest member of the Red and Black. All I need now is a photographer with an amazing eye and a hunger for social justice.”
“Sounds like someone we know,” Toni said with a smile, and the three shared a laugh.
Jughead’s attention turned to her as he added, “I don’t know if you’re interested in writing at all, but..”
“Maybe,” she surmised, before she stood up. “Come on.”
He quirked an eyebrow but did as she said. She led him outside the back entrance, where they were completely alone. There, she reached into her pocket, pulling out a cigarette and a lighter. She raised the cigarette to her mouth, lighting it and slowly taking a drag. As Jughead hadn’t taken his eyes off her, she held the cigarette out to him.
He almost seemed like he was going to decline, before he took it and copied her actions. Unlike her, his drag was not so smooth and resulted in him coughing repeatedly.
Laughing to herself, she patted his back. “Not a big smoker?”
“Not exactly,” he replied, handing the cigarette back to her.
She continued to smoke, allowing the smoke to cloud above them, before she asked, “now how are you really doing?”
Jughead hesitated for a moment before he sighed. “It still feels like my life is falling apart,” he admitted. “Things with my dad…it’s bad. The Ghoulies attacked me, I don’t fully fit in with the Serpents or the Northside, and it feels like I’m drowning in my own head.”
She nodded sympathetically. Looking pensive, she questioned, “does anyone really ever fit in? I think we’re all trying to earn our stripes,” she quoted Fangs. “Even if we’re trying to earn them for different reasons. Everyone’s got a struggle, some are just better at hiding it than others.  Know what you’ve got to do? You’ve got to own it. Secure your own spot.”
He was quiet for a moment, seemingly digesting her words.
Putting out her cigarette, she motioned for him to follow her again. “Come on.”
This time, he asked, “where are we going?”
“A little skipping is healthy now and then,” she replied, and at his hesitant look, she laughed. “You’re not seriously going to tell me you’d rather be here, are you?”
“It’s not that. I haven’t been a student here very long and I’m trying to blend in,” he reminded her, making her laugh.
“If you want to blend in, then you’ll skip. That’ll blend you right in with the current student body,” she joked, making him laugh.
He admired her side profile as they exited the campus. Her dark hair was down, though tucked behind her ears, and he noted the jewelry adorning them. He could tell she was wearing makeup, but it wasn’t the amateur cakey kind. It drew attention to her dark eyes and full lips.
His attention was drawn back to their surroundings when she led him to Pickens Park, making him raise an eyebrow.
“You’re not planning on killing me, are you?” He joked and she rolled her eyes.
“Please. If I was going to kill you, it wouldn’t be in a park.” She smirked at him, dropping her backpack on the park bench, and he deposited his beside it.
She ran to one of the swings, sitting on it immediately, and he snorted. “So the cool girl at Southside high likes to relive her childhood at local junkie parks? Interesting.”
“Hey, you’re never too old to swing,” she defended. “Now get over here and push me!”
Laughing, he rolled his eyes and complied. He could feel the warmth of her skin beneath her the thin fabric of her black tank top. She’d taken her old flannel off, tying it around her waist, and he could see a tattoo on her shoulder. She looked genuinely happy, kicking her legs as he pushed her on the swing, and it made him wonder. Without warning, she jumped off, landing hard on her feet.
“Whoa. You could’ve hurt yourself,” he scolded and she laughed.
“Maybe,” she agreed. “But the thrill of that moment, being free..it’s addicting.”
He felt a shiver run down his spine and the words automatically fell from his lips. “How’s Bartholomew?”
She laughed. “He’s good. Still being a bad cat, but I think that’s a trait learned from his owner. You should stop by sometime and see him, whenever you’re in the neighborhood.”
“I live in Sunnyside again,” he confirmed, and she looked pleased. “So maybe you could bring him over.”
“Yeah, maybe.”
They sat on the small jungle gym, side by side, discussing life on the Southside. He liked watching her expressions. Her eyes truly were the windows to her soul.
“You’re not a Serpent,” he observed, and she laughed.
“I’m not,” she admitted, shrugging her shoulders. “My brother would kill me if I joined a gang.”
“You seem so close with them, though,” Jughead pointed out and she looked at him.
“Joining a gang is serious business,” she explained. “It’s not just a club or after school function. It’s a commitment you have to make for life. My brother..he had his reasons for joining, but he doesn’t want me to be apart of that. I can’t say I blame him.”
“But if it was your choice?” Jughead pressed and she smiled.
“I’m already an honorary Serpent. I’m bound, whether I have a jacket or not. It might be in a different way than he is, but I’m bound nonetheless,” she revealed, looking wistfully into the distance. The sun was shining their way and he could see the flecks of amber in her eyes. “Does that answer your question?”
“Yeah.” He seemed satisfied, but she could tell something was still on his mind. Though from what she knew about him, he seemed to always have something on his mind.
“I should walk you back home,” he announced, as the end of school was upon them.
“That would be the gentlemanly thing to do,” she teased, taking his hand and letting him help her stand. They retrieved their backpacks from the park bench and started the walk back to Sunnyside. The walk was quiet, but not unpleasant.
As they reached her door, Jughead said, “thanks for all this.”
She nodded. “Any time.”
“I think I’ve made my mind up,” he called, and she smiled.
“Yeah.” He nodded, shoving his hands in his pockets. “Just figured you’d like to know.”
She smiled appreciatively, glancing at him as he looked intently at her. “Bye, Jones.”
He chuckled. “Bye.”
As she shut the door he wandered over to his trailer, his head spinning.
“Good luck tonight,” she was telling Jughead, fixing his collar.
“You’re all dressed up for the occasion,” he noted, eyeing her in the little black dress and boots she wore.
“I always dress up for initiations,” she assured him with a smile, He easily returned it. “Go get em, tiger.”
With her blessing, he went to stand and wait for the gauntlet to start. Toni joined her friend, who was eagerly looking on.
“He’s something,” Toni said casually, to which she agreed. Glancing at her, Toni added, “you guys have been spending a lot of time together, haven’t you?”
“Shut up, Topaz,” she said with a roll of her eyes and Toni laughed. Toni handed her his Serpent jacket, raising her eyebrows, and she snatched it from her hands.
She wandered over to the bruised up new Serpent, who turned to look at her. A smile spread across her face. “Welcome to the family, Jones.”
He took the jacket gratefully, sliding it over his shoulders as the Serpents cheered. She admired him in the leather before rejoining Toni at the bar. The two girls talked quietly, until she heard the clearing of a throat behind her. She turned, seeing Jughead with a sheepish look on his face.
“I need to get cleaned up,” he told her. “Do you mind helping me?”
She smiled. “Not at all.”
He nodded, slowly walking away, and she turned to exchange a look with Toni, who promptly offered her a shot. After downing it, she sauntered after Jughead, ignoring her brother’s watchful eyes.
Jughead led her into the empty trailer, walking to the fridge and getting ice for his bruised face. She sat at the table beside him, studying him carefully. Breaking the silence, she asked, “do you think you did the right thing?”
Nodding, he turned to look at her. “Yeah, I do.”
“Good.” She smiled in satisfaction.
She moved closer to him, gently grabbing the ice bag from him. She sat on the table in front of him, looking at his bruises carefully as she gently applied ice to them. His eyes traveled up her body, lingering on her face. His palms gently came to rest on her warm thighs and he leaned up, pressing his lips against hers.
For a moment, she froze. Then, she let the bag fall to the floor with a hard thud as she raised her hands to his face, kissing him back. His hands gripped her thighs, tugging her close, as they kissed deeply. There was a fire in their eyes when she pulled away, and a devious smirk made its way onto her face as she hopped off the table, taking his hand and leading him to the bedroom.
The next morning, she woke up beside Jughead. He was snoring soundly, his black hair a mess, shirtless but with his jeans still on. She sat up silently, stretching, so as not to wake him. She reached for her phone, making sure she didn’t have any calls or texts, before she heard a knock on the door. Not wanting to wake him, she quickly hopped out of bed and made her way to the front door. She quickly ran her fingers through her dark tresses, making them settle. She was only wearing Jughead’s shirt, which she was painfully aware of as she pulled the door open just a bit.
On the other side of it was a wide eyed blonde. The two stared at each other for a moment before she spoke. “Can I help you?”
“I was looking for Jughead,” the blonde said with a forced smile. “But I guess he’s busy at the moment.”
“He is,” she assured her, immediately placing her as the elusive Betty Cooper, aka Jughead’s Northside ex. She crossed her arms, an amused smile on her face. “I’ll be sure to tell him you stopped by.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Betty said quickly, turning away from her.
Biting back another sassy remark, she rolled her eyes and shut the door. That was a problem for another day. She had begun to walk to the bedroom when Jughead emerged, rubbing his eyes.
“Who was that?” He asked with a yawn, and she shrugged.
“Wrong house,” she replied, approaching him and giving him a kiss. He seemed surprised, but he placed his arm around the girl. Pulling away, she said, “let’s get you cleaned up. We may have neglected that last night.”
Chuckling, he followed her to the kitchen.
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Sneak peek for the upcoming story. 
Story is out now read it here
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bumblesimagines · 5 years
Bad boy, Rich Girl
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Another request!
(Y/N) blew the smoke of his cigarette out into the air, watching it be whisked away by the wind. He dropped the cigarette, stepping on it as he approached the school. His predatory eyes flickered among the students, seeing old and new faces. (Y/N) entered the school, some people looking at him. Girls and boys started to whisper. Gossip spread like wildfire. He was sure the whole town would know he was back by that night. (Y/N) spotted ginger hair and grinned, stopping in front of the group.
"Dumb and dumber! Hey, Betty, how have you been?" (Y/N) greeted them. Betty giggled, a small smile on her face as Jughead rolled his eyes.
"I've been good. How did jail treat you?" She asked, tilting her head. Sweet as always.
"Eh. Made some friends." He shrugged.
"Am I missing something?" (Y/N) shifted his attention onto the girl in fancy clothes. He grinned.
"Veronica Lodge."
"(Y/N) Jones. Jug's cooler and hotter older brother." (Y/N) took her hand, kissing the back of it. Archie cleared his throat, wrapping an arm around her. (Y/N) raised his hands in mock surrender.
"Didn't know, Andrews." He said.
"It's cool, (Y/N)," Archie said, glancing at Betty and Jughead.
"Well, I've got some catching up to do. I'll see you around." (Y/N) winked, walking past them. He glanced back, smirking when he saw Veronica watching him. One way or another, Veronica Lodge was gonna fall for him.
It had only been two days since (Y/N) had been back and he already had a girl on his lap. Veronica watched them make out, a tingle of jealousy going through her. What was worse was that the girl was a Vixen. Veronica knew her. (Y/N) pulled away from the girl, smirking. Veronica shifted, taking a sip of her water.
"V? Earth to Veronica." Veronica blinked as Betty waved a hand in her face.
"Welcome back." She smiled.
"Where did you go?" Betty tilted her head, brows furrowed.
"Has your brother always been a bit of a fuckboy?" She asked, looking at Jughead as he stole some of Archie's chips.
"Yeah. Started in freshman year. He always had a girl wrapped around his finger. You shouldn't be surprised if he goes out with like fifty other girls." Jughead replied, glancing back at his brother. (Y/N) stood up, giving the girl one last peck before he walking over to them.
"Hey, gang." He greeted, sitting down.
"You have a little..." Betty pointed to her face. Veronica looked through her bag before giving him some wipes so he could wipe the lipstick stains off.
"Thanks, Doll." He took them from her. Veronica glanced at Archie, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
"What were you saying about Mr. Lincoln, again?" Betty looked at Veronica.
"Oh! He's so annoying, it's like he's trying to embarrass his students." Veronica sighed.
"Wait for him to ask an easy question and answer it. He won't bug you again if he's in a good or neutral mood." (Y/N) adviced as he wiped the makeup off. He tossed the dirty wipes into the trash.
"Had him. You just gotta learn to cheat the system." (Y/N) shrugged. Veronica stared at him.
"Thanks, (Y/N)." He hummed and nodded.
"No problem, Doll." (Y/N) stood up, catching a girls eye and going over to her.
"Doll?" She raised her brows.
"He gives everyone nicknames. Called me Goldilocks for years." Betty told her.
"You also had a crush on him during those years." Jughead reminded.
"What? He was a cool bad boy. What girl could resist?" Betty giggled. Veronica looked over at (Y/N), watching him. Archie looked at the time.
"I should get to practice." He stood up, kissing Veronica's temple before leaving.
"We have to cover a story for Blue and Gold," Betty said, standing up with Jughead.
"Hate to leave you alone, V-"
"It's okay." Veronica interrupted, standing.
"I'll find something to do." She smiled. Betty and Jughead nodded, walking away. Veronica's gaze locked onto (Y/N) and she made her way over to him. He looked up, lighting a cigarette.
"Hey, Doll." He greeted.
"Those are bad for you." Veronica crossed her arms.
"Aw, you care about me. How sweet." (Y/N) smiled.
"Aren't you supposed to be 18 or 19 to buy those?" Veronica asked.
"Yep." (Y/N) replied, tilted his head back to blow the smoke into the air. Veronica glanced at the purple bruises on his neck.
"Give me the pack." Veronica stuck out her hand. (Y/N) looked at her, grinning slowly. He handed her the pack, watching her dump the remaining sticks into the trash before dropping the pack itself. Veronica looked back at him, shivering when he let out a throaty chuckle.
"Nice of you to look out for my health, Doll." (Y/N) said, giving her the one he had been holding. Veronica glanced at his face before taking it and butting it out, flicking it into the trash. He took out his phone, sighing softly. Veronica moved to sit beside him, looking at his phone screen.
"Nudes, seriously? What are you gonna do? Send it to your friends?" Veronica asked, itching for a reason to hate him. She watched as he deleted it from his gallery and shut off his phone.
"Not that type of guy." (Y/N) mumbled, staring forward.
"What type of guy are you?" She asked softly, looking at his face.
"The type who'd seduce your mom and make your dad bring out the shotgun." He grinned, looking back at her. Veronica rolled her eyes, fingers running over his hand tattoos.
"What'd you go to jail for?" She asked.
"Vandalism." (Y/N) replied, eyes flickering to her fingers.
"Almost for assault but Keller let it slide cause it was justified."
"Assault?" Veronica raised an eyebrow.
"Some dude was trying to take a drunk chick home. He said some stupid shit so I punched him. Easy as that." (Y/N) shrugged. Veronica touched the rings on his fingers.
"You're a good guy. Despite the bad boy look and attitude." Veronica said with a small smile. (Y/N) looked at her.
"Thanks, Doll."
(Y/N) rubbed comforting circles on Veronica's back as she cried. Her breakup with Archie hit her hard. (Y/N) sighed.
"Do you want me to beat his ass?" He asked as Veronica pulled back, wiping away the tears.
"No. It... It was gonna happen. Sooner or later." She said, clearing her throat.
"Thanks for letting me cry and rant." She mumbled, sniffling.
"No problem, Doll." (Y/N) replied, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. Veronica looked at him, shifting so she was fully facing him.
"Can you make me forget?" She asked. (Y/N)'s brows shot up.
"V, fucking some guy-"
"You're not some guy, (N/N). I don't feel like drinking, either." Veronica said. (Y/N) stared at her.
"You're not in a good mindset."
"I don't care." Veronica breathed out, placing her hands on his cheeks and leaning forward. (Y/N) hesitated in wrapping his arms around her.
"Fine." He nodded.
(Y/N) played with his rings, staring up at the ceiling as Veronica shifted, yawning. He glanced down at her.
"You should get dressed. We have school." (Y/N) said, plainly. Veronica blinked a few times, remembering what had happened.
"Yeah." She cleared her throat, sitting up.
"There are some clothes over there. Sometimes chicks leave there shit here." (Y/N) sat up, motioning to a cupboard. He picked up his boxers, sliding them on and getting some clothes.
"I'll give you a ride." Veronica frowned.
"Is this how you treat all your booty calls? Fuck them, let them sleep for the night, and then never speak to them again?" She was hurt. (Y/N) acted as if they had just had a sleepover. He sighed.
"It wasn't my idea." (Y/N) reminded, entering the bathroom to brush his teeth. Veronica got dressed, fixing her hair.
"Spare toothbrush in there. It's the green one." (Y/N) told her as he left the room. Veronica brushed her teeth and silently followed him outside. The ride to school was quiet, neither making small talk. (Y/N) stayed on his motorcycle as Veronica got off. 
“(Y/N)-” She watched him drive off. Veronica looked away once he disappeared from sight. She turned her head, spotting Toni.
“Toni!” She called, rushing over. 
“Do you know where (Y/N) goes when he doesn’t go to school?” She asked. Toni thought about it.
“Either back to his place, Whyte Wyrm, or by Sweetwater River,” Toni replied. 
“He says going to the river helps him clear his mind. Always such a nature freak.” Toni said with a small smile. 
“Would you mind taking me there? I need to talk to him.” Veronica stared at her. Toni nodded.
“Hop on.” She said, handing her a helmet. Veronica thanked her, getting on the bike, much to the confusion of Betty and Jughead. Toni drove out of the parking lot. Veronica thought about what she was gonna say to him. They got to the river in no time and Toni parked. Veronica got off, glancing at (Y/N)’s motorcycle. She spotted him and walked over.
“(Y/N)!” She called out. (Y/N) turned around, looking at her. 
“V, what the hell are-” He was cut off as Veronica threw her arms around him, kissing him. (Y/N) was taken aback but kissed her back. Veronica pulled back, staring into his eyes.
“I’m sorry if I made you feel like a rebound, It really wasn’t my intention. I really like you, I have since we met and I knew I shouldn’t have because I was with Archie but I couldn’t help it so I chose to just be friends with you. I’m sorry-”
“V, it’s fine. I like you too.” (Y/N) cut off her nervous rambling. Veronica breathed out.
“Really?” She asked. (Y/N) nodded.
“Hey, lovebirds! Hate to break up this touching moment but we have school.” Toni called out to them, a smile on her face. (Y/N) chuckled.
“I’ll drive you.” He said, walking back to his bike. Veronica relaxed, the anxiety and guilt she felt washed away as she got on his bike. 
“Wonder what the school’s gonna think.” He chuckled. Veronica sighed loudly.
“Don’t even start,” Veronica mumbled.
Part 2 coming soon!
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imagineshere-forall · 6 years
Archie Andrews Imagine
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Pairing: Archie Andrews x Reader, Brother!Jughead Jones
Warnings: Probably some swearing idk
Word Count: 1.2k
Request: N/A
It’s pretty predictable with what is going to happen, but I’ll probably make this into a series anyway oops. Requests are OPEN. I love writing requests! They make me more motivated to write :)
Prior to this current night, you and Archie Andrews had been friends with benefits for a few months. Nobody knew. People knew you were seeing someone due the purple bruises that decorated your neck, although no one had suspicions it could be the red head who sat next to her every day, his fingers toying with her clothing.
As Jughead’s twin you were had always been friend with both Betty and Archie, and Veronica when she came along. Since the arrival of the luxurious Lodge, it had been more and more difficult to hide your secret. Ronnie was always trying to figure out who the mysterious boy who raised your heart rate.
People had learnt to not mention it as they knew you were quick to dismiss any guys they came up with. This was until today. Ronnie came over, lunch tray in hand. Her tray was steaming with hot mash and broccoli. The smell of hit caused you to feel a wave of nausea, you leant over the side of the outdoor table and emptied the contents of your stomach.
You thought that was all there was but as you sat back up you felt bile rising in your throat causing you to power walk to the nearest to the toilets.
Within seconds of getting into a cubicle, not bothering to shut the door, you heard your brother run in calling your name. Jughead held back your lengthy hair rubbing your back. Once you were satisfied with how much you had thrown up you fell back on your butt, you leant back against the wall of the cubicle, your twin doing the same opposite you.
“You okay?” Jughead spoke, you just nodded slowly as a response. You were cautious not to open your mouth in case more vomit was to surface.
Jughead lifted himself off of the dirty white tiles, offering a hand to help you up. After being stood up the wave of nausea completely abandoned you and you felt back to normal.
You breathed a sigh of relief as you began washing your hands. Your brother was eyeing you suspiciously as you had recovered as though you had not just thrown up enough to fill an ocean.
“I’m fine Jug, I swear,” you said, but he still was not satisfied with your response.
“Are you sure? Last time you were sick like that, you were in bed for weeks getting better,” you weren’t quite sure what Jughead was getting at as he spoke to you.
“Honestly, Jug, I’m sure I just ate something funny. My stomach has been unsettled for a few days now,” After you finished you speaking you left to go get your bag from the now abandoned table as it still had the waft of vomit loitering.
You joined Betty and Ronnie at the lockers in the hall, interrupting their conversation.
“Hey guys, sorry about earlier,” you said as the air of girl turned to face you.
“Its fine y/n, I was just worried about you,” Betty spoke, you could hear the anxiousness in her voice.
“Yea, me too,” Veronica spoke, although not in a believing tone.
As you began walking to your next lesson you came over all wobbly and disorientated. Stumbling you fell into the large body of your ex-boyfriend, Reggie Mantle. He was quick to wrap his hands round your waist, saving your from laying on the manky floor.
“Oh god, y/n, are you okay?” He said, his voice laced with concern.
“I’m fine,” You spoke with bitterness radiating from your voice.
Ronnie and Betty were quick to come and help you from the growingly awkward situation. They grabbed an elbow each and walked you away from the situation. Leaving Reggie in a daze staring at the three girls evacuate the hallway to the nearest toilet. He then saw other girls being ushered out the toilets you had just entered.
As soon as you got in the toilets Ronnie shouted to all the other girls in there to get out, girls quickly picked up their make-up littering the sinks and left.
“What’s going on y/n?” Ronnie was very confrontational
“What do you mean, nothing is wrong?” You were slightly confused. Betty looked as equally as dumbfounded sat on the windowsill of the bathroom. Her legs were distracting as they were flying everywhere.
“We know you’re hooking up with a guy and now you’re suddenly throwing up everywhere.”
As soon as the words left Ronnie’s lips, it all clicked in your head. You had been so oblivious. You were 6 weeks late. You and Archie had been having a lot of sex.
Over 15 minutes had passed and you were all sat in the toilets discussing a plan. You were to go to Veronica’s, and grab a test each on the way home. It was better to do multiple just to be sure.
When you were at the pregnancy section, you saw a couple. The man had his arm wrapped around the girl’s body, who had a protruding bump through her tight top. As you looked at the pair you realised you would never have that. You and Archie had no strings attached, you were only 17. It would screw everything up.
Fighting back the tears, you grabbed a pregnancy test, and paid on the self-service machine to avoid any awkward confrontation. You placed the rectangular box inside your school bag, and made your way to Veronica’s.
By the time you arrived Betty and Ronnie were already waiting for you. You quickly bustled into Ronnie’s en-suite, they both took out tests from their bags and handed them to you.
Eager to get the moment over with, you peed on them all quickly. You placed them over the sink so they could dry.
As you emerged from the bathroom, the timer was started. Only 3 minutes, yet in this situation it felt like a life time.
The marimba tone emitted from the iPhone placed on the table. You knew what this meant. You held both of the girl’s hands, anxious for the results.
This could change your entire life.
You went over to the sink and changed over the first stick.
You let out a sigh of relief. As did the two girls beside you. As the first came out negative you turned around the other three carelessly, not expecting what your eyes were met with.
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