#romeo and julio masterlist
xbadgerbearx · 3 months
chapter one: new hire
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summary: When a tall stranger is suddenly hired into the King's Club, your world shifts abruptly--whether for better or worse. As he unravels the threads of his history, you find yourself running from your own. Can you confront the shadows of the past, or will they ultimately consume you both in the end?
pairing: Kid x reader
word count: 2k
warning: spoilers!
notes: I did give Kid's character a name, but it came from an interview that Dev Patel did.
Redlight: masterlist ... [2]
There was a new man in the kitchen today. 
He seemed nervous as he made his way over to your area–you were washing dishes. He was here just the day before when he was escorted into Queenie’s office. It was surprising that not only Queenie didn’t immediately throw him out, but that she also gave him a job. His eyes met yours briefly before turning away to busy himself with some miscellaneous cutlery. You did the same, although you noted how beautifully big they were.
The peacefulness of working in silent tandem would be interrupted when Alphonso, your “manager,” showed up. “New guy, huh? What’s your name?” Your ears perked up, also wanting to know what the quiet stranger's name was.
“Bobby,” he answered unconvincingly.
Alphonso hummed before making his way closer to your station. “Wear your cap properly,” he chided one of the cooks. “We don’t want one of your pubes in the curry.” Alphonso stood next to Bobby–who was next to you–and only made it up to his shoulder. “Bobby,” he repeated with humor. “I think we’ve met before, right?”
“Don’t harass the new staff,” you reminded him impassively. The tall man quickly turned his attention to you. He hadn’t heard you speak until that point–he liked your voice. Alphonso waved you off.
“You like tequila, huh, Bobby?” Bobby walked around the short man to pick up a dirty pot to clean. “Patrón, Don Julio, the one with George Clooney in the photo?”
“I just want to clean the dishes, okay?” He took his place beside you, which was at the sink.
“Coke? Morphine? MDMA?” Alphonso continued. 
“Alphonso!” you snapped as your actual manager intervened. 
“Oi, Alphonos, eh, I’ve told you many times to stop hassling my staff.”
“Quality control, man,” he answered nonchalantly as your manager walked away. “You’re gonna thank me for this one day!” Alphonso got close to the new hire. “Stay cool, Bobby. Stay cool, hmm?” Alphonso turned his attention to you. Leaning against the sink, and right in your way, he laughed. “And how is it being in the kitchen today, hmm? Better than up there?” He extended a single finger up. 
“Alphonso,” you started calmly. “If you want to keep your finger, I suggest you get out of my way.” He quickly slid off to the side, but he was still leaning against the sink. You brought the newly dirtied dish to the sink to start rinsing it. 
“Okay, okay,” he smirked. “This is her on a good day, if you can believe it,” he said pointedly to the new hire. The tall stranger raised an eyebrow, but ultimately said nothing, “You should see her when she’s really on duty. She’ll have you-”
“Alphonso,” you interrupted, eyes glaring. “If you don’t leave us alone, a leg won’t be the only thing you’ll be missing,” you reminded as you walked past him and into another part of the kitchen, leaving Bobby alone with the short man.
“If it pleases her majesty,” he mocked while doing a small curtsey. The tall man looked at Alphonso quizzically. “Whatever Queen Whore wants, she gets,” he laughed, but Bobby frowned. 
“Don’t call her that,” he said quietly, eyebrows furrowed, but Alphonso wiggled his brows playfully instead with a smirk.
“Hm, what’s that, Romeo? You like her or something?” he grinned.
Bobby opened his mouth to reply, but no words came out as you strolled back into the area, this time holding a fresh set of towels. Alphonso laughed as Bobby scowled at him. 
“Alphonso, if you don’t leave this second, I’ll get Queenie myself,” you cooly explained, ignoring all eye contact and continuing to dry the dishes.
Alphonso tsked and swatted the air with his hand before deciding it would be wise to leave. “You better be careful with her,” he announced as he was leaving. “Five men entered a room with her, and only she came out-” he cackled. “Alive!” He then chastised a cook for bumping into his leg before exiting the kitchen. 
Quietly going back to work, you ignored Bobby’s glances and carried on with your day. He was quietly thinking about his earlier interaction with Alphonso. What did he mean by that? And Romeo? He had some things to ponder over… 
When your back was turned, he noticed that when you washed the dishes, you spent extra time cleaning your already clean hands.
The next time you worked with Bobby, he was tasked with preparing Queenie’s tea. He seemed a little lost, but you quietly helped him before sending him to her office. He was surprisingly in a light-hearted mood at the moment. A cook made you bump into a table and almost knocked Queenie’s favorite cup off, but he caught it. Instead of a snide comment or remark, he just laughed and handed you the cup. His positive mood improved your own, slightly sour one. You wore a small smile.
“I never got your name,” he said quietly after a while as he put the sugar bowl onto a tray. 
“And I never got yours,” you replied as you grabbed the small milk pitcher.
“Oh,” he chuckled. “It’s Bobby.”
“No it’s not,” you stated nonchalantly, as if it was a simple fact. Bobby looked at you confused, although his heart beat a little quicker, fearful that he’d been spotted out already. He was quiet as he gathered his thoughts. Then he had an idea.
“Okay, okay,” he chuckled nervously. “You got me. I-I’m Romeo. That’s my name” He was wearing a big smile, sure that you would buy this one.
You paused what you were doing and met his eyes. “Romeo?” you asked in disbelief and he nodded hesitantly. “Romeo?” you asked again. “So why ‘Bobby?’” 
His smile fell slightly and he shrunk into himself. He chuckled a little, seemingly to stall for time. “I, uh, well-” he shrugged as he tried to form a sentence. “You know Alphonso. I said that to get him to leave me alone,” he said unconvincingly. He was bad at lying. 
Staring at him for a few moments, a smile slowly formed on your face. “Sureeee your name is Romeo,” you drawed. “And I’m Juliet.” The tall man laughed, his smile reaching his eyes. He had a nice smile, you noted. “Anyways, Romeo,” you emphasized sarcastically, obviously not buying this name either. “Queenie’s tea is done. Probably shouldn’t keep her waiting too long,” you directed, handing him the finished tray. He took it gratefully and made his way to her office.
You didn’t expect to be interrupted so quickly after sending him on his way, but Sita–an escort–came over to your station. It surprised you seeing the state she was in; she had just been crying and was wearing a plain chemise. “Queenie wants you,” she murmured before hurrying off. 
Heading towards Queenie’s office, you could see the new hire and Alphonso already in there. You knocked on her door and she waved you inside. “See? How hard is it to learn some fucking manners?” She berated Alphonso. You waited on her couch and got comfortable. Bobby glanced at you as he was pouring her tea; he was surprised at how…confident you were in her office. Queenie went over to her safe. “Hey, you,” she snapped at Bobby. “Face the wall.” He turned around, which allowed you to discreetly admire him in his uniform. 
Queenie finished her discussion with Alphonso. “Tell Naqeeb that if the maal is good, we’ll buy some more for Chief Rana.” She handed a stack of cash to him. You could see Bobby stiffen. “Get it sorted by the weekend. He is coming with his boys. Remember, only the best serve the VIPs.” Alphonso left, and soon Bobby as well, although not before giving you a quizzical look.
Queenie sat behind her desk and got comfortable in her chair. “I need you to be on your best behavior this weekend, got it? No funny business, not like last time.” You scowled but nodded in understanding. “Good. And wear that little red dress you have, you know it’s his favorite.” 
Rolling your eyes, you sighed. “Okay. Anything else?” You stood up from the couch and made your way to the door. 
“Yeah. Watch over that little goat fucker. You seem to keep him in check.”
“Who? Alphonso?”
“Yeah, him, whatever. He seems to harass my employees less when you're around,” she smiled. 
“Yes ma’am,” you chuckled before leaving her office and heading back to the kitchen. You scanned the area for your Romeo, expecting him to be there, but he wasn’t. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Bobby was currently hurrying after the shorter man. “Alphonso! Hey, uh, good job with Queenie, huh? She really respects you.”
Alphonso scoffed. “The only person in that room she remotely respected was your little work wife. What do you want?”
“Um, look. If you- if you,” he stopped to calm himself before starting again. “Look, if you need any help with the VIPs…”
“Hey, new guy. You know what happens to earwigs around here? You hear nothing, you see nothing. Got it?”
“Look, I’m just saying. If you need someone to go and do the job…”
“Does it look like I need help from someone like you?” Alphonso continued walking, but the tall man grabbed his shoulder. “Hey! What the fuck, man?”
“Okay, okay. I’m sorry.” He was looking slightly more desperate. “Look. You want to make some money? Guaranteed?”
Alphonso humored him, but he did look interested. “Go on.”
The tall man quickly found a piece of paper and wrote an address. “Come to this place tonight…bet on Khan. You’ll make a killing.”
“How the fuck do you know?”
“I-I’ll be fighting him.” Alphonso scoffed before laughing at him. He obviously didn’t believe him and told him to fuck off. “The monkey will win the first two rounds and go down in the third.”
The shorter man became serious. “What’s in it for you?”
The tall dishwasher replied, “I want a promotion,” before patting him on the shoulder and leaving to go back to his job.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You didn’t see Romeo or Alphonso for the rest of the evening after what happened in Queenie’s office.  Your shift was over and you had just finished washing your hands when Alphonso strolled over. “Hey, baby-” he smiled.
“Don’t call me that.”
“Okay, okay.” He straightened himself before lowering his voice. “I need a favor. Well, not really a favor, but I’d appreciate it if you went with me to this place.”
“I’m not sure. That tall fucker–the new hire–gave me this address.” He passed the piece of paper with hurried writing over for you to see. 
“...And you want me to go?”
“Pass.” You hung up the towel and took off your apron before folding it over your arm. Alphonso followed you as you made your way to the exit.
“Aw, come on! You’re gonna make me go to this sketch ass place by myself?”
“No one is making you go.”
“Yeah, but aren’t you at least a little curious about Bobby?” You slowed to a stop. Alphonso smiled, seeming to sense his victory in winning you over. “I mean, come on. No one knows anything about that guy. He just keeps to himself and washes dishes. He said that if we go and bet on this guy named ‘Khan,’ then we’d make a lot of money.”
“I don’t even think his real name is Bobby…or Romeo,” you muttered to yourself, finger pressed to your lip as you looked away in thought.
“Soooo…” Alphonso looked at you hopefully. A few moments passed before you rolled your eyes and relented. “Yeah, baby! Come on, we’ll take Nicki!”
“Your scooter?”
“Hey, now. Nicki is not a scooter. She’s a classy rickshaw,” he huffed before smiling. “Let’s go before we’re late to the show.”
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ficnation · 3 years
Chapter 1: Behind the Bleachers
Series: ❝Romeo and Julio❞
Word count: 2487
Pairing: Riverdale x Male! Reader, Sweet Pea x Reader, (future, main), Kevin Keller x Reader, other minor pairings
Warnings: usual riverdale themes (e.g. drugs, gangs, violence, underage drinking and smoking), cursing, canon divergence
A/n: Sooooo... I actually liked the 1st and 2nd season of Riverdale and decided to write a series with a MC that’s juggling between being evil and being good. It's been a while since I wrote something and I hope I didn't make too much mistakes. I feel like my brain just turned into scrambled eggs.
Y/n’s outfit inspo can be found here if you’re curious.
Song I listened to while writing: Boys - Lizzo
*riverdale universe doesn’t belong to me // neither does the gif*
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Since you could remember, there was Malachai and you against the whole world. Having each other’s back, defending him from people who wanted his head on a stake, and him making sure you were protected from other gangs; it was like a life routine that you found yourself following since you were little brats. 
This time you were a bit apprehensive towards your older brother’s plan. It just didn’t make any sense. Your hand gripped the strap of your worn black leather bag when Malachai parked his car a street away from Riverdale High.
“You know, Mal, I’m always up for some adrenaline, but I’m not sure if this is such a good idea,” you protested, throwing your head back in exasperation. 
Malachai let out a deep chuckle before ruffling your hair. “Believe me, it’s a genius idea,” he assured you, reaching inside the pocket of his jeans to pull out a pack of cigarettes.
You looked out of the window, sinking further into the seat when a few students passed by the cherry red car, unaware of the gang members occupying it. Malachai’s brown eyes trailed after the teenagers, uninterested. Unlike him, you watched them with curiosity. The letterman jackets caught your attention; your gaze followed them, trailing down their figures, a smirk crawling up onto your face.
“On the second thought, I think I’m going to have a lot of fun here,” you said, turning your head towards your brother when the teenagers disappeared around the corner.
Malachai shook his head in amusement and partial displease. “Just remember, if you see cops, run as fast as you can. Can’t have you getting in any trouble now, can we?”
You shrugged off your Ghoulie vest, caressing the studs on the shoulder pads, already missing the feel of the cool leather against your skin. You placed it on the backseats of the car with a longing sigh, making Mal cackle.
“Don’t worry. I’ll make sure no one touches it while you’re mingling with sexually frustrated teenagers.” He patted your arm, encouraging you to get out of the car, but you didn’t budge. “Y/n, move your ass. I don’t have all day.”
You ignored his comment and started in a whisper, “So… No dealing until you give me the green light? Just making connections and collecting info?”
“We went over it like ten times, dude.” Mal shoved your arm with his elbow, lighting up the cigarette hanging from between his chapped lips. 
“Yeah, but where the fuck is the adrenaline in your plan?” 
Without waiting for his answer, you exited the car and started dragging your boot-clad feet towards your new school. Riverdale High School looked way too normal to fit into your comfort zone. You were used to graffiti-littered walls and smashed-in windows; this was all new to you. God, you haven’t even been in the north side of Riverdale for more than one hour before, and now you were going to attend the local school.
Entering the building, you could feel everyone’s heads turning in your direction. Their eyes raked down your body, noting the all-black attire and arms covered in ink. You didn’t fit there with your oversized Nirvana tee, pants hanging low on your hips, and a choker with a skull pendant clinging to your neck. You were a bigger revelation to the students of Riverdale than the newest member of the Pussycats. And damn, did you love the attention directed your way. With confidence, you crossed the hallway and disappeared into Principal Weatherbee’s office without even knocking.
“The cheek of this guy.” Veronica crossed her arms over her chest, turning to look at Kevin, who had his eyes locked on the door that you vanished behind.
She couldn’t help but grin at his stunned gaze and parted lips. The black-haired girl brought the tips of her fingers under his chin, closing his jaw. 
“Yeah, I think I’ve just fallen in love with a bad boy,” he mumbled out, his lips breaking into a wide smile.
“That sounds very cliché when you say it like that. Besides, it wouldn’t be the first time,” Veronica snickered, patting his arm before lowering her voice, “Aren’t you and Joaquin dating?” 
“We’re not exclusive… yet,” he explained, not ready to talk about his budding romance with the Serpent. “Do you think he’s into boys?” Kevin looked at her with eyes full of blind hope, praying to all the gods that existed that you were at least bisexual.
“I wish I knew the answer.” She sighed before continuing, “We can always find out. What do you say?” V raised one of her perfectly shaped eyebrows, challenging her friend to fight her on her already made-up decision.
She had to admit that you sparked her curiosity straight away. Your sexy smirk and the confidence in your steps were difficult to overlook. Maybe if you weren’t into boys, she could snatch you for herself.
When she lived in New York, she dated all kinds of guys, but surprisingly you didn’t remind her of any of them. There was something unique in your person, yet she couldn’t quite place her finger on it.
“It sounds a lot like ‘who’s going to date him first’ bet.” Kevin eyed the brown-eyed girl, biting his bottom lip in thought. 
“Hey, it’s not like we’re doing it only for fun, right? I think it’s pretty harmless.” She shrugged her shoulders, looking around the corridor. “The prize for the winner is the new guy’s heart.” The young Lodge smiled cheekily, excited for their little challenge.
“No winners and no prizes,” he demanded, making his friend roll her brown eyes but nod to assure him that she accepts the new rules. “Alright, I’m in.”
The bell rang, breaking their conversation. Veronica hugged Kevin goodbye before walking away to find the history classroom. The brunet boy stood there for a minute longer, letting other students pass him while his eyes found the door of Mr. Weatherbee’s office again. He was just about to drag his feet towards his next class, but the moment he took a step forward, the door that he stared so intently at was pushed open.
You walked outside with a slightly annoyed expression before catching his gaze, quickly switching your previously displeased frown into a smirk full of confidence. You stepped towards his person, only stopping when you were hovering over the blushing boy, hand firmly planted on the wall beside his head so he could hear you over the other students rushing to their classrooms.
“Hi, I’m Y/n. Do you happen to know where I can find Betty Cooper? She was supposed to show me around the place,” you explained, voice smooth like silk, making Kevin’s knees buckle.
He composed himself as quickly as he could. What if you already caught his red cheeks and the bashful smile that decorated his lips? He didn’t want to make a fool of himself in front of you, and definitely not on your first meeting.
“Hi, you’re new here, right? Kevin Keller,” the boy introduced himself, extending his hand for you to shake. He hoped his voice didn’t come out shaky or high-pitched; that would be even more embarrassing than his already red face. “Betty finished her classes an hour ago. I don’t think you’ll bump into her today.”
The green-eyed boy let himself relax, back pressed into the cold metal of the lockers behind him. The faint scent of leather mixed with tobacco and fresh apples made his head spin. He would never imagine that this weird combination could be so pleasant and unwinding.
“How about you?”
“What about me?” he blurted out, dumbfounded. He was so lost in his thoughts and your lovely smell that he didn’t register your words.
“Are you busy?” you repeated, noting Kevin’s lax figure and lazy smile.
Did you already win his heart over, or was he just intimidated by your presence and being nice to avoid becoming your enemy? Then you remembered they didn’t know about the Southside blood running through your veins. If you could only keep it a secret for the rest of high school, that’d make your task so much easier. 
You weren’t ashamed of where you lived or your affiliation to the Ghoulies, nor of being Malachai’s brother. You were always proud of who you were. It was the things you had to do that you were self-conscious about; the stealing and drug dealing, all the violence used against innocent people just because they were a part of the rival gang. Your uneasiness about some aspects of your life didn’t mean that you’ll stop being a Ghoulie and doing everything your brother told you to.
“No, not at all. I mean-”
“Mr. Keller, I believe you should be in class right now,” Principal Weatherbee’s voice sounded from behind your form, and you quickly turned around. You hoped you wouldn’t get in trouble before your first day of school really began.
Kevin opened his mouth to say something to defend himself from the scrutiny eyes of the middle-aged man, but he was quickly forced to close it when you put your hand on his shoulder and squeezed it reassuringly.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Weatherbee, I asked Kevin to show me around the school when I found out Betty Cooper already finished her classes,” you explained, sending the principal a bashful smile that was clearly fake, but he seemed to buy it.
“I apologize for my mistake,” he started. “Mr. Keller, you’re excused from the rest of your classes, and you’ll show our new student around instead of Miss Cooper.”
Kevin nodded his head with excitement. “With pleasure, Mr. Weatherbee.” He sent a wide smile towards the principal before the latter turned around and disappeared back into his office.
“Well, now you definitely aren’t busy,” you whispered near his ear, your minty breath fawning down his neck and making him shiver in anticipation.
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Kevin Keller turned out to be an excellent guide even though most of your attention was directed towards his plump lips, not the words that left them. The boy didn’t seem to notice your lack of interest in the actual building and the different classrooms. Thank god, he spared you and decided not to mention Riverdale High’s history. You didn’t look like a guy who would be interested in knowing the school’s founders and remarkable graduates either. 
And he found out that he was completely right when you pulled him behind the bleachers in the middle of the tour to smoke a cigarette and change the topic to something that wasn’t related to the school district. The Bulldogs were practicing on the field, and Coach Clayton’s instructions echoed in the distance.
“Let’s ditch the rest of the tour,” you proposed, leaning on the metal poles of the construction and putting a cigarette between your lips. Your hand clutched a neon green lighter and lifted it to lit the cancer stick.
“You sure you don’t want to know where the boys’ locker room is?” Kevin chuckled, shoving his palms into the pockets of his jeans before they could get any colder. 
“Watch yourself, Kev. I might take you up on that offer.” You send a cocky wink his way, crossing your arms over your chest. The nickname rolling off your tongue made his knees weak.
The bleachers partially sheltered you both from the chill September breeze, but while you seemed entirely unfazed by the cold, exhaling thick clouds of smoke from your lungs dressed in a short-sleeved shirt, the sheriff’s son shivered in his navy blue sweater. His cheeks were pink; he wasn’t sure whether it was from the cold or your suggestive remark. The fact that he was freezing his ass off just to spend a little more time with you was pretty ridiculous to him.
You eyed him up, finally noticing his chattering teeth and the rosy dust spreading through his face. “Are you cold?” you asked, the question sounding dumber than you expected it to.
“No! I’m wonderful,” Kevin protested quickly, visibly shaking. “I’ve never been better.”
You laughed openly, head leaning on the metal, your hips jutting forward. The green-eyed boy bit his bottom lip, trying to keep his eyes from darting towards the stripe of skin your shirt exposed when it rode up with the gesture. He couldn’t help but smile while you tried to catch your breath.
“No, but for real, you’re shaking like a leaf.”
You threw away the cigarette, stomping it out with your boot before walking up to Kevin. Your hands found his arms, and you rubbed them up and down to warm him up a little bit. The boy stepped even closer, the distance between your faces now nonexistent. Dammit, he wanted to kiss you so bad just to see if you were as good at it as he imagined you were. His face inched closer, your noses brushed, and somehow your palm found its way to the back pocket of his jeans. Kevin’s breath hitched, eyes closing and lips parting. 
“Hey, Kev!” Archie’s voice broke them apart, the brunet scrambling away from his newfound crush and turning towards his friend.
“Uh, hi Archie. What are you doing here?” He crossed his arms over his chest. The newcomer jogged up to the two of you.
“I think I should be the one asking.” The ginger-haired boy chuckled.
He was still dressed in his football gear, holding the white helmet under his arm. His brows went up in surprise when he noticed you standing next to his friend. Your face was new to him; in fact, he has never seen you before in Riverdale. 
Kevin had a tight-lipped smile on his face, obviously unhappy with the interruption. He was so close to kissing your pretty lips just minutes ago, so close that he could still feel your minty breath fawning over his lips, making them tingle in anticipation.
You extended your hand towards the ginger with a grin and introduced yourself, “Y/n, I’m new here.”
“That’s why I didn’t recognize you. Archie Andrews.” He shook your hand steadily, making your eyebrow quirk. “I’ve never seen you in Riverdale. Did you move here recently?” came the dreaded question, making you scream internally.
“Yeah, you can say so,” you said, nodding your head before withdrawing your arm from Archie, your pointer finger hooking through one of the belt loops in Kevin’s pants and pulling him closer playfully. “Thanks for the tour, Kev. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You left the two boys in a rush, trying to avoid more questions. You had to think of a lie to make your high school life more believable and find a group you could blend into until Mal gives you the green light. “Find someone who can be easily influenced,” your brother’s words echoed in your head; it was a good idea to begin before anyone started getting suspicious.
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@t-a-i-l-o-r-m-a-d-e @thatcucumberwhore @crimson-candle​ @donttelltheelf-x
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ficnation · 3 years
❝Romeo and Julio❞ Masterlist
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Summary: Malachai’s brother was supposed to be the Ghoulies’ eyes and ears on the north side of Riverdale. His mission: find easily influenced teenagers who will become the gang’s future clients. Y/n thought it would be easy to manipulate the students and earn their trust, but he didn’t predict he’d find friends and love in Riverdale High. Will he be able to go through with Malachai’s plan?
Pairings: Riverdale x Male! Reader; Sweet Pea x Reader; Kevin Keller x Reader; other minor pairings
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☠ Chapter 1 - “Behind the Bleachers” ☠
☠ Chapter 2 - coming soon! ☠
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