#jtv 1x07
forbescaroline · 1 year
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235 FAVORITE SHIPS OF ALL TIME (ranked by my followers) 141. jane villanueva and rafael solano - jane the virgin
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vd-movies · 3 years
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Episode: 1.07, Chapter Seven
Gina Rodriguez as Jane Villanueva.
Justin Baldoni as Rafael Solano.
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mazqueen · 6 years
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mtvswatches · 6 years
Jane the Virgin 1x07 Chapter Seven
Spoilers disclaimer (please read before sending messages or writing comments.)
Stray thoughts
1) It’s nice to get a little more backstory to their first kiss.
NARRATOR: Unfortunately, as Jane described their magical talk, Xo had the distinct impression that…
XIOMARA: He sounds like a playboy, hon.
JANE: I know. I know. He seemed like he would be, but he wasn't.
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JANE: He seemed so sincere.
XIOMARA: That's what makes a good playboy. You never feel like you're getting played.
Of course, this was before the cancer, the marriage, Petra’s miscarriage (I’m assuming it was a miscarriage, although this being a telenovela, it could have easily been a fake pregnancy, we’ll see…), and everything that has happened since the show started. Rafael was a different person then, and so was Jane. She seemed to be much more naïve and gullible back then.
The part I’m not buying, though, is how they managed not to run into each other for over 4 years? Like, she was working at the hotel he owned, wasn’t there any awkward encounters like EVER? The show definitely makes it sound as if they had gone by almost five years without seeing or talking to each other…
2) I have to say, I’m with Xiomara and with the stop sign on this one…
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It does seem a bit rushed for them to get together, especially considering all the special circumstances that brought them into each other’s lives. And I’m sorry if I’m raining on the shippers’ parade, but they barely know each other? It seems they’re more in lust than in love, and the whole “meant to be” thing is more “meant to be in your pants” than fate. I really hope the show makes me feel different about this because I do enjoy their interactions so far, I like them as characters, and I can see the chemistry there, but I also need some depth to their relationship, you know?
3) Okay, so Rafael showed up and asked her out, and they almost kissed but Jane told him she needed some time and space, which, yes, good for you. But I don’t see that time and space thing lasting too long for some reason…
4) I have a feeling Petra would like to switch places with Jane right now…
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5) The fucking nuns are using Jane as a fucking fertility attraction or something. Without her knowledge.
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6) Did you know that I love Rogelio?
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7) We all know I’m not fond of Michael, but… he did ask Jane point blank if the breakup had anything to do with Rafael, and she lied. Even if there were things Michael did that contributed to her deciding to break up with him, Rafael had a lot to do with it as well. I guess she was trying to spare his feelings, but… she lied. And Michael lying to her was one of the reasons she was broke up with him, so… that’s a bit hypocritical Jane…
8) Rafael is being a bit too pushy for my liking…
RAFAEL: Have you had enough time? Ready to go on a date?
JANE: No. I came to ask a favor, actually, which is totally unrelated to our current situation.
RAFAEL: And what is our current situation?
The girl asked you for some time and space, and it’s been, what? 8 hours? Seriously?
9) OF COURSE, he’s going to be in the club and will continue to push things. That’s so not the way to go about this.
10) Now, these two? They really are meant for each other…
NARRATOR: What you are about to witness is two creatures who are inherently dramatic attempt to behave like they are - not dramatic.
11) Desperate times call for desperate measures…
MAGDA: We can't keep him here forever. We might have to consider…
PETRA: What?
MAGDA: I know people from the old country.They could take care of him for us.
PETRA: Mother, that's crazy!
MAGDA: It is realistic. Now, here are your options: You kill him or let him go, and risk Milos finding you and then you'll wish you were dead. Your choice.
I’m not sure Petra is capable of murdering someone. Magda, on the other hand…
12) AWKWARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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13) Oh my god, is he twelve?!
JANE: Michael saw the flowers you sent, and he was so hurt it was awful.
RAFAEL: Jane, that wasn't my intention.
JANE: I know. But that's why I'm saying it's too soon.
RAFAEL: What, because of Michael?
JANE: Yes, because of Michael. We were engaged.I was I was about to marry him.
RAFAEL: I'm sorry. But, Jane, he's kind of been a jerk to me.
He’s acting like an entitled rich boy, isn’t he? He wants Jane so he must have her now, it doesn’t matter that she’s not completely comfortable and it doesn’t matter that she still cares about her ex-fiancé with whom she broke up a day ago! And how does he justify not caring about hurting Michael’s feelings or disregarding Jane’s feelings for Michael? “Ugh he was a jerk!”
I don’t like this side of Rafael, I hope he understands why this is wrong SOON.
14) OMG
JANE: Do you by any chance know my father?
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15) And now he’s taking Jane’s request for time and space a little bit too seriously…
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17) Get your shit together, dude…
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Like, you want to date the girl who’s carrying your fucking baby, maybe don’t get salt licked by “a friend” right in front of her?
18) Well, it seems Petra has what it takes to be a murderer after all…
IVAN: Is that peanut sauce?
PETRA: I don't know. I just ordered chicken from room service.
IVAN: I have peanut allergy!
19) False alarm…
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He even thanked her, that’s progress.
20) Hmmm, I’m not sold on how the show got Rafael to “refute” each single of Jane’s arguments. They simply have different points of views, and both of their arguments are valid. The most important one, however, is the fact that they clearly don’t know each other very well. It’s one thing to start dating someone who you don’t know very well under regular circumstances. That’s basically what we all do, that is literally how you get to know someone and find out whether you can have a meaningful relationship with them or not. But… Jane is fucking pregnant with Rafael’s baby… so the dating thing could potentially backfire in the worst possible way, and even if they intend to “put the baby first”, they cannot be sure that’s what they’ll do once their hearts are broken and there’s resentment or bad blood.
21) I guess I was wrong when I said Jane had a good head on her shoulders…
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I’m sorry but I’m so not into this. It really feels like they’re in lust, and that’s just not my thing.
22) Rafael’s mom is totally going to come back, right?
23) Yeah, that whole “conversation that goes on forever”? I get it, I’ve had those. But it feels the writers are trying to fast-forward the most meaningful part of a relationship, the getting-to-know-each-other part, the slowly falling in love with someone as you learn more and more about them. It just happened overnight for Jane and Rafael.
I feel like I should like them, like I should be falling for them as they fall for each other, but it seems too… contrived. I’m not into it…
24) Oh, Petra, you deceitful SOB! You got me!
MAGDA: That was smart. Seeing his bracelet. You've earned his trust.
NARRATOR: Ah, yes, the classic "poison your hostage and then save him to earn his trusts" technique. Works every time.
MAGDA: I hope the rest of your plan works as smoothly.
What is the rest of her plan, though?
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26) And now I feel sorry for Michael? What is this episode doing to me?
27) Oh, this trick again, Petra… it didn’t work with Rafael, though…
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I’m guessing he’s going to sleep with her and not give her the money, to get back at her because of how she fooled him before…
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RAFAEL: Who are you?
ROGELIO: I am Jane's father.
RAFAEL: Oh, uh Oh, uh, it's nice to meet you, Sir.
ROGELIO: I wish I could say the same. Jane's mother was worried all night.
RAFALl: Oh, I am so sorry. We-we just kind of…
ROGELIO: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I know your game. I used to be just like you. Ridiculously good-looking, with charisma, with swagger, notching girls onto my belt.
RAFAEL: No, that's-that's not what's happening
ROGELIO: I have had sex with a lot of women. Way more than you, I'm sure!
RAFAEL: I am sure that that's true.
ROGELIO: But Jane is different. Jane is special. Remember that. Or face the consequences.
29) “Deferred payment plan.” Yep, you’re not going to see that money, Petra…
30) Nope. I don’t like this, at all.
XIOMARA: And you're not me, Jane. You make smart choices, sensible choices.
JANE: Exactly. Because I was always scared of repeating your mistakes. And, mom, I'm just realizing, because of that, I've been afraid to take risks. Real risks.
XIOMARA: You've been smart.
JANE: I've been safe. And I'm gonna be a mom. And moms put their kids first. You know that better than anyone. So this is my last chance I get to follow my heart. Do what I want. And, yeah, maybe the timing isn't perfect, but I want to be with Rafael. He's a good guy.
There’s nothing wrong with being safe, especially when you’re having a baby. And I really don’t get Jane’s logic here? “I’ve been safe my whole life and afraid of taking risks so now that I’m having a baby and will put it first is the best time to take risks”? Maybe don’t? Especially if you’re taking a chance with the father of your baby who you barely know and you could potentially ruin your relationship as parents and therefore create an unhealthy environment for your child just because you had a whim and you were hot for the guy?
I know that I’m probably in the minority here and everyone loves Rafael and Jane, but I’m just super NOT into this. It feels too sudden?
I just hope the show somehow manages to change my perception of them, idk.
31) If anything, Jane’s and Rafael’s recklessness has helped Xiomara and Rogelio become the grown-ups, so I’m thankful for that. They’re still over-dramatic and ridiculous, but they’ve proven they can adult like the best of them if the situation calls for it.
32) …well, for the most part…
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I ship this more than I ship Rafael and Jane hahaha!
34) Okay…
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I’m totally indifferent to this. *shrugs*
35) Hope you enjoyed my recap, and, as usual, if you’ve got this far, thank you for reading! If you enjoy my recaps and my blog, please consider supporting it on ko-fi.Thanks!
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bels2214 · 6 years
Okay, I am kinda sorry for Michael but JAFAEL.IS SO CUUUUUTE
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janevillanueva · 3 years
what's your favorite jtv episode?
1x07, my beloved. i also really love 3x20, 4x05, 4x10 and 5x14. and the finale ofc ����
sorry for the libra-ism of my answer lol
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hackerr00t · 9 years
I love Rogelio de la Vega on Jane the virgin!!! But i’m only on chapter 7 so who knows...
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vd-movies · 3 years
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Episode: 1.07, Chapter Seven
Gina Rodriguez as Jane Villanueva.
Justin Baldoni as Rafael Solano
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vd-movies · 3 years
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Episode: 1.07, Chapter Seven
Petra and Lachlan
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vd-movies · 3 years
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Episode: 1.07, Chapter Seven
Justin Baldoni as Rafael Solano.
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