#jshk new chapter ended me.
momopien · 8 months
He is not alone 💌
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amanitacurses · 10 months
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makshu · 6 months
Ok. There's something going on and I need to talk about it.
We've all seen that AidaIro is posting new art every day, and on the 18th there will be a new chapter.
But I noticed something, all these arts are about the last arc and are telling the story of it again.
Let me show you
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The first one we had was on chapter 111, which shows Yashiro. Everything is normal, but behind her we can see typical theater spotlights, it could just be something mundane or reference her school play rehearsals. Well we started with this.
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So we have this art of 12y Tsukasa. Referencing when Yashiro and Mitsuba ended up in the past and found 12y Tsukasa talking to them. He said a rumor about the big clock that further opened the theme of this arc, really an omen for everything.
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This art by Sakura is worth mentioning, as she is part of the broadcast gang. She is behind everything, and theories about her being the god or something powerful are increasing more and more. It's worth mentioning that she wished something for Tsukasa, everything he's doing is because of her (because of Amane too, but he has a bond with Sakura). Sakura is an extremely important piece in this puzzle.
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Let the fun begin! Next in the series we have Mitsuba and Kou enjoying their time at the festival. Eating and playing together. We were informed, the festival has started.
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More moments at the festival. This scene happened in the manga, it is the beginning of the festival that we see. Hanako and Yashiro in the haunted house made by Kou's class. Until that moment everything was normal (or so we thought).
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This one is curious. We only see seal Tsukasa in this arc after the plan is initiated. But I believe he was also out there enjoying his last moments. And you can tell that it's really Tsukasa and not the creature. Well, now we're getting close.
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Ohhh look what we have here! President and vice-president enjoying the festival as well, despite their work they still managed to find some time to have fun. Natsuhiko had already confronted Akane earlier and Teru had already discovered the black crane, they were probably already alert for anything suspicious. But, everything's still normal.
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We return to Sakura, now in her maid outfit. We also have Natsuhiko's first appearance in these arts. This was possibly before or during the festival, but following the chronological line it must have been during. Note that until then this was the only art that did not have a black border (I will talk about this later). Moving on to the next...
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From here things started to get serious. The plan had begun. This moment happens in chapter 105. Blood had started to spread throughout the auditorium and Hanako noticed that something was wrong. We are just a few steps away from entering No.1 boundary.
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And finally we have today's art. The revelation of the immortal human, Natsuhiko. Breaking the timeline, in this art we go back to chapter 104, where Natsuhiko spreads his blood across the clock, thus executing the plan to go after the last yorishiros.
And these were all the arts released so far, the arts that reference the arc in this case. They all seem to be retelling the story of the Festival arc. Now why? Why would AidaIro be recapping the last arc?
We know that the past has changed and everything has a chance of being different from what we know. We go back to the beginning of the festival, where nothing had happened yet. Therefore, none of these events had happened, if everything really changed, the arts are telling an alternative version of history, the version we know.
Moving from analysis to theory... did you notice that almost all arts have a black border? Black borders are used to indicate flashbacks, the past in JSHK. Now, why would they be using this artifice? Assuming the present has changed, this would be the past. But not a past like something that happened years ago, but a past that no longer exists, in the sense of what it was before this current one. That's why the black borders, indicating that this would be the past.
What breaks this theory is Sakura's art in her maid outfit, as it doesn't have a black border. Maybe the borders are part of the new AidaIro style and are something made to style the arts, or actually have a connection to something. Well, that part is just a crazy theory.
But what do you think of this analysis? The images seem to be telling the arc of the festival all over again, and for what reason? Maybe we'll find out on the 18th, when chapter 112 comes out.
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thelunarfairy · 11 months
Holaaa, First of all I want to tell you that I really like your account and your analysis💖Your points of view are very accurate and you give me my daily dose of hananene, so thank you 🫶
Now let's get to my question, it is not new that AidaIro makes "jokes" about Hanako harassing Nene, however this usually reaches strange limits, let's say, that Hanako tells Kou that he has touched Nene's breasts (clearly a lie) wanting to see up her skirt in a final comic of the Guardians of the Clock arc, hinting at her a lot, in another final mini comic he imagines what it would be like Nene if the water won't affect her (She would clearly be naked and he knows it) I even once saw a user of this app talking about how there is a fairly old mini panel drawn with a pencil in which Hanako wants to imitate a scene with Nene from the romantic movie Ghost (a scene that ends in something sexual) and the most famous imagen:
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Clearly if you see this scene without having some context you are going to think badly, everyone thinks badly, the link I am leaving you is an analysis in which it is mentioned that eating and sex go hand in hand in the manga.
And so we could continue talking about the many times that Hanako makes advances to Nene, to which I asked myself this, is Hanako sexually attracted to Nene? Maybe my question makes you uncomfortable, so if so, don't answer it :), even I feel bad and uncomfortable asking you this, I would just like to know your point of view, I also analyze these characters.
Many greetings from Mexico ☺️
Aww I'm the one who thanks you for your kindness, I'm very happy that you're enjoying my posts >.<
This answer was a little long, so I'm going to put fewer images to avoid making it twice as long, I'm going to rely on your memory on this one haha
Finally someone asked about this, and I'm immensely happy because it's a subject I've wanted to address for a long time. It turns out that I never really went into depth about it because I didn't know if people would feel uncomfortable.
JSHK has very strong and heavy themes, so I try to be cautious when talking about some things, even if I have theories about the topic. But to be honest, I'm thinking about talking to people about it.
Some of these themes are important to the main plot, and their analysis has a very important outcome for us to draw some conclusions about the characters' behavior, but anyway, returning to your question, let's talk about two of these themes, and one of the most controversial.
Hanako died at age thirteen, but he maintained his consciousness and physical presence for over fifty years. People still debate his mental age today, some say he has a mental age equivalent to the age he died, others say he already thinks like an adult.
Hanako has a duality, he will never be just "one" thing always, he is not just a good boy, but he is also not just a bad boy, I can spend hours exemplifying this, but that is not my intention, making it clear that this applies to most of the characters, so since we're talking about his mental age, this applies too.
He acts like a child, not like Tsukasa, but you still see him playing with toys or playing with other people, Hanako likes to have fun. He also has some childish thoughts about some things and does wrong things like a child. Tsuchigomori is sometimes seen teaching him things, as if he were responsible, like when the boy wanted to sell Tsuchigomori's objects without permission to buy a hat, the teacher teaches him that this is wrong and he understands.
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We can clearly see that there is a very childish side to him, but at the same time he also has a more adult side. Let's consider him to be a side younger than an adult properly speaking. Hanako was thirteen years old so he was in puberty, about to leave pre-adolescence and enter adolescence. In fact, sexual desires are common and very latent at this age.
But, we are already talking about two topics, I will separate them so that we can better understand the connection that sex has with hunger.
Let's start by talking about sex.
Hanako clearly has strong and very latent sexual desires, this was made very clear from the beginning, what happens is that the "comic" side of the series leaves this as a situation that is supposed to be "funny" as if it were just a joke. It is common in works to see perverted characters being used as comic relief, but this does not apply to JSHK.
Hanako does indeed have latent desires, the way he acts, the way he behaves and the way he looks at Yashiro is almost always with a lot of desire. Just look at many panels of the manga, the way Hanako looks at Yashiro with desire, as if he was always about to kiss her, the way he is always touching, hugging, putting his arms around her, it's because there is a desire he tries to control.
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The face he made when she was touching him
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I talk more about his desire in this post here
Make no mistake, Hanako has actually touched her breasts a few times, I talk about that in this post here
Hanako doesn't just feel desire for Yashiro, he has a sexual desire that is natural to him, that is, this desire didn't start because of her. He always walks around or finds some suggestive items.
Erotic books (whether with girls in bikinis or magazines teaching what to do at "the right time" such as the magazine that teaches how to reach your girlfriend's G-spot)
Books teaching how to win someone over (like the one he used to help make Yashiro's wish come true) the book was very worn out, which means he read it very often. This indicates that he was wanting to learn to do it with someone (conquer someone).
The Kokeshi doll.
Let me tell you about this doll. There are some meanings behind it, such as the fact that it is used as an amulet to guarantee the protection of children, but at the same time the doll is also associated with sex and the sexual desire of boys, due to its shape.
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On some Japanese sites I found it being linked to use for boys' sexual "relief", if you know what I mean. Not only does Hanako have a kokeshi doll, but he also thinks it's "Sexy." Again, people associated this moment where he says this as comic relief, but the signs are there.
See other examples
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So, let's move on to the sexual desire he feels for Yashiro.
When Hanako was a child, he said that Yashiro was his type, that is, he had been attracted to her since that age (even though he was so young). When Nene met him again when he was older, the first thing Hanako did when they formed a bond was flirt with her, and he flirts very often.
His flirtations are different from those we usually see in other works. He always uses touch when he does, and Nene has noticed this to the point of claiming that he sexually harasses her. Do you see that Yashiro herself noticed this? At first Hanako had no criteria, he actually didn't care about touching her or imagining her naked, trying to look under her skirt or watching her take a shower (despite her turning into a fish).
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And he didn't care because it was purely physical, he actually felt a strong sexual desire for her, even though she wasn't the only one. Yes, Hanako has also touched Aoi-chan, and even talked about the size of her breasts.
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Then, Hanako falls in love with Nene and his way of acting subtly changes. We saw how he was reluctant to go after Yashiro when she went to take a shower with Sumire because he was afraid Yashiro would be mad at him. Do you think he would do this before? Hanako now has feelings for her, so he starts holding back.
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Holding back is something that represents Hanako well.
And we see this all the time, the confirmation that he holds so much back came precisely in the chapter on the mokkes of the dead. Hanako doesn't have his normal consciousness, he's letting himself be carried away by his desire, in this case for sweets, but did you notice that he recognized Yashiro's voice when she called him? And the way he "attacks" her is different from the way he attacks Kou. We clearly see the sexual connotation here, Hanako's desire for Yashiro, and he pursues her until the end.
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The way he "attacks" Yashiro
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the way he attacks Kou
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see his eyes of desire in this last panel
In this chapter we see that just by "relaxing" a little, he already tried to fulfill one of his own desires. Hanako already had several opportunities to kiss Yashiro but he was always holding back, he couldn't hold back any longer during their reunion because he hadn't seen her for a long time, because she risked her own life to see him, she saved him from Teru and She still confessed that she loved him. He couldn't hold back any longer and kissed her.
So, I've been thinking about this whole situation and whether Hanako would start putting pressure on Yashiro if they started dating. If Nene is his girlfriend, he'll be able to tease her, right? I was wondering if this possibility could happen and I started to think so after what happened between Hakubo and Sumire.
So, after an intense kiss between the two, would we see Hanako trying to touch Yashiro? Or even succeeding? Nene is not difficult to convince, and she must know that when she wanted to have a boyfriend, sex would be part of the relationship, the question is, how long could Hanako stay before he started wanting to consummate with her?
This is where I start to talk about the second theme, "hunger".
You sent me the link to a post (very good indeed) talking about the relationship between eating and sex, which are directly linked to JSHK, and it actually makes perfect sense. Aidairo made it very clear that this duality exists and the constant use of this metaphor.
That's because sex and hunger have one thing in common, desire
Everything in JSHK is about desire. Make wishes, fulfill wishes, always wishes.
Hunger and Sex are represented by the desire to obtain, to consume, to obtain something at will. Or are you going to tell me that you don't feel pleasure when you can eat delicious food when you're starving?
Eating is a word that actually has a sexual representation not only in JSHK but also throughout the world. I'll give you a personal example here.
In the country where I live (Brazil) the word "eating" is almost a synonym for sex, depending on the context in which you use it. If you say that you desire or want to "eat" someone, the person listening to you will SURELY understand that you are going to have sexual relations with the other person and that you will be the one who will be on top (active). So, if you come here haha, don't use that term because people will interpret it as being about sex.
I want to eat someone is the same thing that I want to have sex with someone. It's a very popular term even though a lot of people hate it (especially women).
I imagine that in other places in the world the word "eating" could be related to sex too, not just here in Brazil.
So back to JSHK, let's talk about hunger. We know that cannibalism is present in the work too, in addition to the extra arts in which the characters are represented as food or something like that.
We see Hakubo and Sumire's relationship, and we have to admit that the moment Hakubo went to "destroy" Sumire, he ate her. It was very obvious and very clear that it was a sex scene.
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Obviously not in the most common way, but remember that Aidairo literally uses eating to represent sex itself. This is the most explicit example we have in the work (for now).
So let's move on to another topic, the way supernaturals relate to humans is different, of course it's different. Supernaturals like to devour humans and the way they deal with feelings is different but at the same time similar to that of humans.
Hakubo was a supernatural, he was born that way, and he reflected what was part of his nature. He did it the way he liked, he could have destroyed Sumire in any other way, but he chose to eat her, to consume her.
Do you know who is also a supernatural?
Even though he was a human and understands better how relationships between humans work and that he can actually fall in love, he is still a supernatural.
Hanako is also hungry, and the whole time he is next to a kannagi girl, and he said that kannagis are delicious for supernaturals.
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Hanako feels desire for Yashiro, he is a supernatural, she is a human with that title, with the blood that supernaturals desire. So, Hanako wants to eat Yashiro?
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What if in the end Hanako has to "consume" Yashiro in the same way as Hakubo and Sumire? It's a possibility.
He has to stop himself from doing that. Which brings me to another point that people don't really like to think about
Hanako's relationship with Tsukasa.
Have you ever stopped to think? Tsukasa is Hanako's yorishiro, and if Nene doesn't remove Tsukasa's seal, will Hanako have to "eat" Tsukasa too?
Tsukasa seems to be looking forward to it.
What kind of relationship did these two have?
I won't delve into that now, let's get back to Nene and Hanako.
Their relationship is troubled, not only because he is supernatural and she is human, but also because of the way this relationship develops. There is a supernatural side to dealing with "love" and "desire" that we don't know about, but which is dangerous.
Hanako desires Yashiro in human form (sexual) and also in supernatural form (hunger), he wants her in the same way that Hakubo desired Sumire. Hakubo was supplying both, wasn't he?
It could be the same thing with Yashiro, it will depend on Hanako and how much he can control himself, which side of him will speak louder? the human side or the supernatural side?
This is the question he fears so much, he is afraid of his supernatural side, and the proof of this is the desire he has to remain sealed because he can control himself.
Hanako's human side wants to touch every part of Yashiro's body, wants to take her as a wife, wants to give and feel the purest pleasure with her, but the supernatural side actually wants to consume her, wants to devour her.
Which of these sides will be able to win in the end?
It's like I said, everything always begins and ends with a wish.
Hahaha the answer was longer than it should have been, sorry, but I loved finally being able to talk about it. There are a lot of things I think about these topics, but I'm still thinking about whether I'm going to talk about it or not, I need to know if the public is okay with it.
A big hug to Mexico from Brazil \o/
I hope you liked it, thanks for the ask! ♡
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sillyyuserr · 5 months
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BRO WHAT literally kill me why are they getting married
ion have much to say bout this other than wtf changed that made them ENGAGED?? Like thats so random i dont even think i can be mad about that
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also its kinda nice how this almost confirms my suspicion of teru not liking aoi. I mean for one his initial reaction is to tease akane, and he blushed more when being held back by akane rather than when he found out he was ENGAGED to her
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Which kinda confuses me, if this confirms he doesn’t like aoi, does that also confirm my other ‘suspicions’?
was this like actually a look of longing, rather than a look of fear, of ‘loosing akane-san to aoi’
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Was this really a look of ‘he knows i like her, and he’ll do anything to stop us from being together’ rather than a look of ‘no idiot i don’t like her, i like YOU why can’t you see that’ a look of him knowing he can never really have him?? Aidairo shoving platonic teruaoi in your face can mean alotta things
Suggests teruaoi probably wont be canonized
Genuinley raises the question of why did he pretend
What does this mean for teru, akane & aoi
Also i feel like aoinene is getting more and more real but only on aoi’s end. old aoi wouldnt do the gay shit new aoi’s doing
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Aoi has a light blush on her face when greeting nene, yet as soon as her attention is turned to that of two guys and or the only other ppl in the room (away from nene) the blush instantly disappears??
↓ Greeting nene Greeting teru/akane ↓
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Her composure almost completely changes too, going from lovely and worried for nene’s wellbeing, to literally yelling at an upperclassman. Also the inclusion of flowers with the fancy frame on the left panel is gay asf like that shit only happens in shoujo romance mangas
also not to mention she had COMPLETELY forgotten why she even came to the student council when she saw nene, like she swept her from her feet
Anyway gay people REAL
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nanabansama · 3 days
Hello once again. My wife and I discussed who also enjoys reading JSHK with me were discussing Chapter 118, and she came up with this theory: If the supernatural that kidnapped Kou and Mitsuba turns out to be indeed Yugi Amane in the end, what if he is doing what he does because he is now aware of his original iteration from the Original Timeline and he is kidnapping people who have knowledge of the original timeline so that he could retain the New Timeline that he's in.
Hi again!!!
Your ask made me remember something important: This new version of Amane Yugi is highly mysterious and we shouldn't take him as Amane Yugi at face value, certainly not when he has tentacles coming out of his face. There's a possibility he's been corrupted by the entity, willingly or not, and that he's nothing more than a water god's puppet now.
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...that being said I really hope Amane is still in control of his actions!!! While I like the idea that he brought about his own downfall by becoming a puppet, too, I think it's very in-character of Amane to do awful things for some greater good... or at least what he perceives to be a greater good. So it does not surprise me at all if Amane is kidnapping and sacrificing children since that's basically stuff he's done as Hanako anyway.
Anyway, I love your wife's idea! I am also theorizing that Amane is still himself and not the entity, and that he's doing what he's doing to benefit himself. I could also 100% see him wanting to protect the current timeline for several reasons. For one, I still think Amane is the reason why the timeline changed. I think the Clock Keepers helped him fix the Big Clock and allowed him to go back in time and change something, whatever it was.
Nevertheless I am still under the impression that this Amane is chasing the "real" Tsukasa. So when I read the chapter I imagined he might be doing all this to get Tsukasa back. :) I could definitely be wrong though!!! But maybe he's kidnapping people to sacrifice them to the entity to grant his wish, whatever it is...? In this case, the wish being to reunite with the real Tsukasa. But again, could be wrong on that. (Just remember, Amane said he wouldn't sacrifice Tsukasa to get his wish because he'd rather stay with Tsukasa... so Amane wishing to be with Tsukasa is a very real thing!)
Though you imply Amane hates the original timeline and I honestly just love that idea! I'd love for him to know about the original timeline and despise it... I mean, there's so much to hate, isn't there? I like to imagine the part he hates the most is that he killed Tsukasa and robbed him of his future. It's really an awful timeline when you look at it that way, isn't it...? Awful for Amane, anyway. I know many of the TBHK characters and even the fandom are so much happier without Tsukasa, hahaha. Ironic our titular character is so attached to him.
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2n2n · 1 year
What is your theory on how you think the manga will end? And how many chapters do you think the manga will have? Kind of cliché questions, but I think you must have an interesting theory 😁
It feels like peeling my body apart whenever I try to think about it … but I guess I feel like we have so much more story left to go. I think we've only just begun, with a few things...
I think we are going to go all around the bend, for one thing. Nene-chan has only just come to terms with loving Amane, in the Far Shore arc, but I don't think that is the 'endgame'…. I mean, it can't be, we have much left to learn and do, so that already happening makes me feel like "my God …" ... I do not think HanaNene, alone, is the story.
Somehow, I think Amane and Nene-chan will have to work together to try to save Tsukasa, eventually.... first-- Tsukasa and Nene-chan working to save Amane ... and then , there's someone left behind. the one whos fate was never to live, the one who has never had a wish for his future…
I kind of think of the structure of the entire series as a visual novel, where you're continuously trying different combinations and actions to get the ending you want, haha. Iro-sensei spent so long writing their VNs, I think that's how the mind works ... and why 'timelines' is the structure of JSHK.
I see the series as it is as… maybe … Tsukasa trying to use Nene-chan to unEarth Amane's wishes, dreams… and to try to open a new future for them...? To get Amane to refuse hopelessness?
If I think about Tsukasa … I feel like just growing up with Amane really was "all he ever wanted"; but, I think, Nene-chan would probably find that sad. That he wouldn't imagine anything more … maybe between Amane and Tsukasa, they couldn't figure out 'more'. Both always waiting for the other to confess to something, to beg the other to stay forever. I think Nene-chan has the hope inside of her heart to want to save both of the Yugi … and ah, to understand that saving one, has to mean reaching out to both, refusing to leave any behind.
I think the crux of the manga is something like 'hopefulness', believing in something to be better, wanting something better....
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which feels like it ties well into rumors; belief in something can effect its reality. Ties well into the Minamoto's dogma, as well. Lots of rules and systems in place, which are most challenged by different people from different walks-- kaii and human-- coming together to dismantle them.
I think the way rumors work for kaii, is perfectly relatable to how rumors work to living humans, too ... effecting your reality, your life, how you're seen-- and then, in cases like the Minamoto legacy, how your story is told, what you become, etc. You 'are' what people think of you. Ties in to Tsukasa, of course, whos mom rejected his humanity, while his brother embraced it.
Nene-chan, our main character, really exemplifies this philosophy of hopefulness....
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secondarily, Kou....
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while Amane exemplifies the polar opposite; hopelessness, resignation....
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secondarily, Mitsuba
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I suppose in some way, I see Tsukasa as a little bit of both ...
wishes, possibility, destruction, fate....
I think, we've spent a lot of time learning more and more about Amane ... we're about to finally see some more of young Tsukasa, maybe talk to him more.
I think Nene-chan needs to find a way around both the Yugi's ways of thinking ...
I kind of ... hope for an entire total timeline reset, something crazy like that, haha. Maybe Nene-chan CAN change the very laws of this world ... through the unlikely union of kaii, human, and God together. As a trifecta, I think Tsukasa, Nene-chan, Amane have everything the world has never planned to see united towards a goal ...
I've also thought of crazy but fun things, like Tsukasa and Nene-chan becoming one person as some kind of hack lol ? or both of the Yugi becoming one person... in any case, I think Nene-chan understanding she loves them both, and Amane understanding he loves both Nene-chan and Tsukasa, are essential for any ending. I don't think Amane will ever have to give up one for the other ... I don't think he ever WOULD. And I don't think Nene-chan would, either!!! Refusing compromises seems essential, since Picture Perfect was already about saying 'no' to a compromise.... we can't leave anyone behind, or give up on someone we want to be in our future.
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I don't think my brain works as crazy as Iro-sensei's lol, the world is so vast, but I think the set-up for everything is already completely there... SOMEWHERE....!!!!
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7ban-sama · 1 year
Heyy ;) JSHK is heartbreaking isn’t it? As for me I cried 4 times over the manga (which is a miracle because I NEVER CRY THAT MUCH IN A SERIES), sooo have you cried over some chapters?
Oh I've cried soo many times for this series, it's kind of hard to count. Though I can't say it's a rare or uncommon thing for me... I'm honestly quick to cry over the littlest things. 9.9; So it's not surprising for me, that I've cried multiple times. I get choked up easily too... ah, I'm very emotional, and just tend to respond to 'emotional cues' easily. If the movie is playing sad music, and wants me to be sad, I will be sad... I can't really resist that.
But while it's not hard to get me to cry, I will say that JSHK is unique in that, I think it makes me feel a very deep sense of agony... Since making me cry is very easy to do, I don't think of it as an actual testament to whether or not the scene was good, or well written, and I can shake it off and just move on easily enough. It's different when the sadness feels like it sinks into my bones... makes me writhe and twist... And ah, sometimes it just flat out stings more, instead of just making me weepy — hurting my jaw, throat, palms...
I'll list some specific chapters... I think I'll also break it up between things that made me cry on first read vs. rereads.
yosh... ikimashou!
Vol 1 / Ch 1: Hanako-san of the Bathroom
This is actually more of an 'honorable mention', since I wasn't full blown weeping or anything. But I had a lump in my throat and got wet-eyed over it, which feels notable, just starting off.
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I remember being really surprised that we get into Nene's head like this... I wasn't expecting it-? It feels very brutal, honestly, to watch her reflect on her shallowness like this. Having to realize this 'crush' was more of a self-serving fantasy, than anything, and she wasn't really thinking about who Teru was as a person... This is a foible I think many people go through, more than they're willing to admit. More than they can even recognize...? So it was pretty surprising to see it laid out like this, at the start of the manga. A premonition of what was to come... (this manga surprising me again and again!)
Vol 2 / Ch 7: The Misaki Stairs (Part 4)
Now this... is a testament to how 'contained' a narrative can be, yet how much I can be enveloped in the feelings of it. I think Yako isn't a very central character, and I don't especially favor her or anything, but I like her introduction. I like her circumstance...
The childish writing of young Yako, who seems very new to the world, and unused to deep interaction with humans. I honestly love this sort of 'interspecies' relationship... along with age gap (lol) ; it provides a contrast I enjoy. I like that Yako is being taught how to read and write by Misaki... simply tasteful. Praise to Iro-sensei.
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I feel my heart sink, alongside Nene's, once we get to these entries...
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And by the time we get to the yorishiro memory itself, I can't help crying. I cry a little almost every time I really immerse into reading these chapters... The Yako who is hunched over, saying, I want Misaki to yell at me again really gives me chills... I understand what she is feeling here. Wanting your love back at all costs... ahhh. :'I
Vol 4 / Ch 4: The Little Mermaid (Part 2)
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a small, choked up feeling, a small cry. but a cry nonetheless... the visual of their pinkie promise gets to me. Nene's sparkly eyes... for this whole scene, her horns are droopy because of being wet, and it gives her an innocent quality. like a dumbo rat... baby girl
Vol 12 / Ch 58: The End of a Dream (Part 3)
the closing chapter of the PP arc... an arc lasting several volumes, sending one through a roller-coaster of emotions-!! my first read of PP made my heart race, doki doki. I was actually mostly psyched up by it, very excited by the events. Not so weepy. Buut, it's only appropriate that the closing chapter is what gets to me.
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this panel honestly shakes me to my core. knowing that Tsukasa is metaphorically the moon... and that Nene is the one saying this... something about it feels like an omen. I think it's a good omen, and yet, it frightens me deeply anyways. I feel like I have great reason to be afraid lol... like, oh, god, the moon IS closer than it's ever been, isn't it... (dread)
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ugh, trying to not post every panel from this scene... but Nene is so pristine and angelic and well meaning in this all. her end of it is SO SINCERE... up here, in the clouds together, whirling all about... declaring her dreams... sigh. It's not fair it's like this all loads into a gun to hurt her for the Severance...
(I feel like it's around here that I really am falling for her, as a character... *sigh* *touches screen...*)
Vol 17 / Ch 81: The Red House (Part 6)
I'm sure this isn't a surprise by now, but, yeah... this one really tore me apart. by this point, my feefees for Tsukasa had incubated long enough that it was really devastating to learn so much about his child psyche. (it's getting so real for my crushes on the girlies by now.)
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it's devastating that Tsukasa is capable of feeling this. meanwhile, earlier... this scene.
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it always hurts to get to the confrontation... it never stops hurting. it'll hurt forever, I'm sure.
I've also struggled with chronic illness and disability as well. so... ah, I understand what Amane is going through here, profoundly. At your gd limit... just, can't keep doing this... yeah
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would you believe that my wife would lick my tears, early in our relationship...? I was once a very miserable, depressed, lonely person. I used to think no one would ever love me, and that I cried so often it was annoying. At times, when overwhelmed by our early interactions (they were so amazing, and I felt so lowly and undeserving) I would just break down. she'd just kiss and lick my tears and eyes...
In general I just have a lot of personal reasons to be sentimental about the gestures / dialogue throughout this chapter.
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a panel for the ages... cementing Tsukasa's role as an angelic, wish-granter. I LOVE YOU BAYBEEEE-!! love you forever.
Vol 18 / Ch 89: Oni (Part 2)
Now, let it be known... I love.... LOVE-!! Everything about Hakubo and Sumire's story... I feel so much for each of them, their circumstance, it's soo painful! I pretty much always feel the 'drop' as I read these chapters, but this is the one that got me upon first seeing it.
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it's the helplessness of Hakubo... the way he just doesn't know what to do, the way his inhumane treatment by humans has made him never consider that he can love, the way he can't make decisions on his own. He wishes to be commanded... it's all he knows. Why won't she just tell me to save her...?
The way he describes not feeling anger, sadness, or hatred / alongside the panels of him getting hunted down by humans… Only left with the sense of regret that he should have done something for her, that night. Ahh... it's incredibly beautiful and painful... thank you AidaIro for this perfect blend of beautiful visuals and painful prose </3...
Vol 20 / Ch 101: Omen (Part 1)
For our final entry in this category, it's a record breaker. the mere sight of this living Tsukasa made tears well up in my eyes.
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it's too much for me… this specific age of Tsukasa, in canon, has been so elusive and rare. We've only had a peek at him through a Hell of Mirrors illust. and that is still his corpse... the LIVING, breathing, pre-shinjuu boy, is divine to be met with. I really couldn't believe we could see him now.
now that I know he is singing 'Over the Rainbow', there's no saving meeee...
Vol 2 / Ch 8: The Confession Tree
ok. this is one of those things where, I know I'm not gonna make a lot of sense as I explain... since this is a raw, kinnie-brain thing, but my disclaimer is that i'm self aware about how unreasonable this is-!! ok.
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when I first read through this chapter, I was still in my 'getting to know her' phase, with Nene... thus, I was endeared by her romantic heart, but wasn't (for lack of a better term) in love with her. I think I experienced this chapter more like 'an audience member'.
after coming to terms with Being Amane... this chapter is very difficult for me. It's gone from me feeling like an audience member, to feeling like an active participant — like, responsible for hurting her.
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I failed such an innocent girlie. it is hard to cope with. sometimes I feel like she should never forgive me for this...
metatextually, it's like, when I was first reading this manga, I didn't think I would care so much about her / much like, I think Amane is not aware at all how much he is going to be heaving and crying over his feelings for Nene, so many volumes later... We don't know how special this girl is, yet.
I've cried over this scene and have fallen into a terrible depression for like, weeks, over it, LOL.. these things, you just have to take my word for it, that it's part of being Amane. It's hard to forgive your own carelessness.
Vol 9 / Ch 45: Picture Perfect (Part 5)
oooh. what can be said... it both makes me emotional that Tsukasa looks so lovely here / and that Tsukasa is allowed to have full page spreads, as the focal point...
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having just dropped the telescope. stiff-legged, shirt billowing... she is a captivating specimen.
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dazzling... gorgeous... and so earnestly experiencing the pretty sky, the shooting stars — eagerly turning to amane to announce this! ahh... that after all these years, tsukasa can have a moment like this with amane... hurts me so.
Vol 10 / Ch 50: Picture Perfect (Part 10)
my first reads of PP felt thrilling... I was so excited to see how far this manga could go. and for an arc to last so long, it was very captivating. I suppose though, this is another one of those things that has steadily weighed heavier on me as I connected more and more with Amane.
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The expression here... it's the weight of everything coming crashing down on him, in real time, I think. Again, he was not... prepared for how much Nene was going to mean to him. He's spent so long not caring about who lives, dies. He's becoming unraveled by this all...
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and this framing of Nene... it twists a knife in my heart. combined with how it echoes the way Amane is starstruck from Tsukasa in the earlier chapter... sighhhh!
Vol 11 / Ch 51: Perfect Empty Ideals
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It just hurts so mmmbad-!!! man I can't be deep about it all, this just makes me SAD-!!!!!! I LOVE YOU GIRL!!! SORRY ABOUT EVERYTHING.
Vol 14 / Ch 66: Sumire (Part 1)
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After learning everything about Hakubo and Sumire's lives, this vignette is very heart-wrenching. This is the cave they took refuge from the rain, once, that their final moments are then in.
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Such a beautiful ship... such beautiful drawings... again thank you AidaIro-sensei...
Vol 16 / Ch 78: The Red House (Part 3)
This chapter was of course VERY PAINFUL!! when I first read it, but I think by now it's settled into my gut heavier than ever before. And basically all of the Red House arc scenes related to the Yugi rend me apart... I can't push the image limit any more in this post though, so I'll just represent it with this. But just know all of it makes me roll around in my grave...
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What could Tsukasa have felt in this moment, learning about Amane's imminent death... Knowing how much Tsukasa loves Amane, I think a future without him was just pointless. I get the impression he was spending all his time running off and procuring Amane presents, now that Amane has become too sick to play with him.
Sometimes I'm in such awe, still, that we learned Tsukasa would come to Amane's bedside and provide him little gifts. As much as his little 3 year old self was capable of... and, he's capable of feeling lowly/worthless, and like Amane hates him… urgh-!! *commits seppuku*
Anyways I hope this list... well, conveys that I'm emotional and unstable LOL... (nah, but really, I hope it was interesting!) Here's to more crying over this manga, again and again!
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buttsay · 1 year
Just a small post (lol) to explain my love for JSHK because I’m obsessed with this manga since 3 years and I have to ramble about this wherever and whenever I can.
Also I’m French so my English is probably bad but at this point I don’t care about it.
Back then in March 2020 I wanted to watch a short shojo-like anime. I was depressed af, made attempts and felt unloved, unlikable, and unable to like anything since I had watched some animes and I always ended up disappointed for some reason.
I felt unworthy of love so I just needed to have a good time by watching two idiots in love (that’s what I thought about shojos and it’s a part of the truth). The op of JSHK just popped in my YouTube recommendations, I didn’t understand anything but I saw it was classified as romance, supernatural, school-life comedy with only 8 episodes (I discovered it before the end of the season) and I thought "great, I’ll have a good time not to think about my messy life, I’ll forget quickly about this — it happened the day before an exam so I had to be focused on the exam *cough* — and everything will be fine !"
Oh God.
When I watched 5 episodes many thoughts came to my mind like… I thought at first I’ll get to hate Nene and Kou because of how annoying they were, and I stopped trusting Hanako when he said not everyone could summon him THIS SENTENCE WAS A HUGE REDFLAG FOR ME! Also I recognized myself a lot in him and it didn’t make me feel very good, but I enjoyed it anyways, I was genuinely surprised to like this cutie show!
But I also felt something was wrong. Like. It can’t be THAT cute. I had a bad feeling, I couldn’t identify it I just felt scared for the main cast for some reason.
Then we got a bit of Amane’s backstory and it crashed my soul. I thought "oh ok it will be THAT angsty sometimes but… it won’t be often right?" I was soooo shocked I shut down for almost an hour after the episode.
Then there’s Mitsuba and Kou and THAT moment made me cry. I was afraid Mitsuba’s case would be solved by some power of friendship mess and I did NOT wanted that in this cute-but-angsty series. I absolutely despise power of friendship almost everytime I see it in a manga.
Tsukasa broke my heart in a million of pieces, I felt betrayed because I just wanted to have a good moment with cute characters and HERE I AM CRYING FOR THE DEATH OF AN ALREADY DEAD PERSON EVEN THOUGH I CANT REMEMBER THE LAST TIME I CRIED BECAUSE OF AN ANIME OH MY GOOD THIS IS SOO GOOD.
I wanted to know the end of the story because I thought it would be a short one. I live in France and the manga wasn’t published yet, there were no scans so I looked for the English scans, there were 65 of them at this moment.
I’ve read everything in a single night. Before my exam. I didn’t sleep well though.
This was such a new feeling for me. To finally discover a story that matched my tastes so much, that made me go through so much emotions I can’t even describe. I fell in love with JSHK and I was so happy. Because I saw some foreshadowings that worried me (Nene’s charadesign especially) and the manga told me HELL YEAH YOU HAVE EVERY REASON TO BE WORRIED ABOUT THEM AND ILL GIVE YOU MUCH MORE REASONS TO WORRY FOR THEM.
Picture Perfect Arc especially was a masterpiece to me at this point (it was 3: AM I felt still tired). I loved every moment, every character development… I thought "will the next chapters be as good as those? I don’t know how".
Then chapter 71 crashed my heart again. I cried again, for almost an hour which never happened in my life before.
Still the manga gives me everything that I need. I wanted so badly to see a character development such as Nene’s and Kou’s, to read such a wonderful story that will gives me the inspiration to theorize on it, to admire an art style so unique and distinct from everything else… but the more I read it the more I realized I needed to go on therapy because i recognized myself a lot only in ghosts. Even now I still kin Hanako, Mitsuba and Shijima (less than it was lol). Also I discovered the feeling of kinning a character, it never happened to me before I read JSHK.
The more I think about it, the more I fall in love with it, the more I’m worried because the manga matches my tastes so much and I’m a sadistic person especially with fictional persons so I’m awfully scared, but UGHHHHH THIS IS SUCH A GREAT FEELING!
Anyways, I’m just some random young adult rambling about the manga that made me realize I have great tastes, that’s why I’m a picky eater. Thank you AidaIro for making me laugh and cry a lot.
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smol-stardust · 2 years
Ch. 92 is out :)
Sakura is back with some well deserved screen time, and she's as mysterious as ever. But some new information from the chapter seems to point to Sakura being a...
(Spoilers for TBHK/JSHK: read at your own risk)
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So, I'm convinced Sakura is dead/ a ghost or a supernatural of some sort. There's been some subtle hints throughout the chapters.
I've always thought there was more to Sakura than meets the eye, I think this chapter has confirmed that.
I mean, we've all known since the Mitsuba arc that Tsukasa grants the wishes of the dead.
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Then we found out that Sakura is bonded to Tsukasa as the price of a wish that she made.
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That didn't really add up for me. If Tsukasa really only grants the wishes of the dead, how could he have granted Sakura's wish? How could they be bonded then?
And so I've been under the impression that Sakura isn't human as she stated, but is rather, a dead person that wished for a chance to live again. (I've also heard the theory of Sakura making a wish to be loved, and somehow Natsuhiko ended up falling in love with her)
Anyhoo, this panel in chapter 40 also seems to suggest Sakura is a ghost When Mitsuba stated he didn't fit in with the ghosts or the humans. You can see Sakura being grouped with the ghosts.
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There was a lot of speculation back then, but come chapter 92, and I think the Sakura is a ghost theory is more plausible.
This panel especially:
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Sooo, Sakura is over 100 years old and her wish is to be granted soon.
I'm getting ghost vibes here, like at this point, I'm fully convinced Sakura isn't human
Furthermore, Tsukasa's words kinda spook me. I mean now that I think about it (and correct me if I'm wrong) but I feel like Sakura is usually seen inside the broadcast room reading or somewhere on school grounds. So, I'm inclined to believe that Sakura is bound to the school in someway and can't leave the school grounds.
So now I'm just intrigued, she's definitely not human (in my opinion) so who is she really? I mean she's always been mysterious. She's the pretty, calm and smart assistant of Tsukasa. We know her as the broadcaster girl that spreads the rumors of the 7 school wonders but who is she? What's her story, and is she in someway connected to the 7 wonders and seeking revenge?
So I guess what I wanna know now is, how she became bonded to Tsukasa and what her real wish is? And if Im taking Tsukasa's words literally, why can't she go outside, what's the history behind Sakura?
Tell us Aidairo!! I need answers
Anyways, that's my TBHK/ Sakura brain-rot at the moment.
Any thoughts and opinions welcome :)
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alexiethymia · 3 years
Bittersweet Ending for JSHK
I really hope I’m wrong, but with the new developments as of Chapter 78, the ending might be Amane and Tsukasa properly passing on together and resting in peace. It makes me think that Nene really will end up with Kou (because Kou is honestly such a good guy), but acknowledging and remembering Hanako as her first love, and living her life to the fullest, the life that Amane should have lived. I mean if it’s all about exchanging lifespans, what’s to stop Amane from giving up the lifespan he should have lived thanks to Tsukasa, to Nene? 
Or just an open-ended ending focusing on Nene. Or who knows maybe Tsukasa’s wish really will trump all allowing Amane to come back to life?
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larathia · 2 years
I just read your recent chapter 90 jshk analysis and this may be a 2am thought but I wonder if Hanako would oppose Kou when his priorities have, I’d say change through the course of the Severance
Originally, from the earlier chapters he’d set a course to serve as No.7 under “God” to redeem himself from guilt/crimes of killing Tsukasa then implied to Kou once he was a powerful enough exorcist he’d willing allow himself to be exorcised. (Plus, when Teru firstly attempt to eradicate Hanako, he used a lot of energy to not be when “having a lot of things to do” and being exorcised would “only be a release”)
This next part is also coming from a Hananene stan but hear me out. We can say Hanako has fallen for Nene and doing so, he allowed the Severance to happen which removed step one of his original duty to serve as a mystery/ protector to the school. Secondly, right after Nene and Hanako have their little escapade, he says something along the lines of “it doesn’t matter what happens to me if I were exorcised by Teru or No.1”
So yeah, sorry if this was a long post. Thank ya if you read my little thought blurb because your post did get me thinking if Kou became a supernatural how would Hanako or Nene react and what does this mean for the future of events~ Hell, maybe this “God” mentioned will have an appearance
It's a good point, and I do wonder - but I think what it comes down to in the end is what kind of being Hanako struck that initial bargain with.
Because yeah - he did say "it doesn't matter if Akane and Teru exorcise me as long as you get to live". Buuuut. We also know, because he's run up against Teru before, that 'exorcising' him grants him oblivion. No Heaven, no Hell, no 'go round the wheel again' - just oblivion.
Now, if you're someone who genuinely thinks you deserve a lot of punishment...well. "Oblivion" is getting off lightly, you know? It's a away of getting around what 'should' have happened.
Hanako's been going 'off the rails', in terms of his duty as Number 7, for some time - you're right. But if Kou takes over as a new Six, not only would he become Yet Another Thing that Hanako's supposed to deal with...he'd end the Severance. Which may well mean that whoever Hanako struck that initial bargain with, that being could now reach him and dish out some punishment.
...Seriously, I really do hope Kou does take on the powers of Six. The more I think about it, the more interesting the consequences become.
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wearepurplejackets · 3 years
So... #JSHK chapter 79. Impressions.
Okay listen... All. The f*ckung family... Died. All of them quit their lives... Together. At a very young age.
I'm just... Look. Give Hanako-kun like 7000 hugs if you don't mind it, please. Please. PRETTY F*CKING PLEASE.
Wtf... with this chapter. God Im so sad. POOR KID. Poor Amane/Hanako whatever the hell he wants to call himself. His life was a completely mess from thre start. To the end. To almost die at 4. To your brother dissapearing. To that brother coming back as the f*cking Belcebú. To your house being enchanted. To commit suicide with your parents... God I need a break of this suffering uh.
This manga is about destroying your feelings to pieces every month.
AidaIro answer you like.. ONE THEORY. And then open a can of 25 new ones. They are just... you know, chilling. (players..) But well, we got these panels of Teru like this and I think that represents me more than anything while I'm reading #JSHK.
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justflushme · 4 years
Fandom’s (that’s a me) Analysis on Chapter 76 TBHK/JSHK
Written: March 19, 2020
Let’s do this y’all (Navigation to previously written chapter analysis is linked at the bottom)
Ok first off, this chapter I found hella confusing I’ll say that but I think I made some sort of connections that could lead to some sort of theory. Alright let’s start! I’ll be going chronologically in the chapter with my reactions.
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Ok this is what really tripped me over. The kid has a pulse and is warm meaning that he is in a human body. Of course Nene and Kou beleive this is Hanako’s descendant but honestly this kid could just be Hanako or Tsukasa. If it were a descendent, then maybe the whole Yugi family didn’t die? I thought the family suicide was about them but maybe it could have been another family.
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OK WHY DIDNT NENE SAY “AMANE’S DESCENDENT” I bet the kid would have faltered then and would have given off more info! Also Kou is thinking in a good direction. I think the chapters forward are just going to keep causing Nene and Kou to think whether it’s Hanako or Tsukasa.
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Did anyone else notice that the face on the phone looked like an adult type figure? The eyes were drawn in a style that resembled the adults in the manga. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was one of Hanako or Tsukasas parents.
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I can’t, for the life of me, properly decipher that song. One night... Two dawns. Lowkey makes me think Hanako/Tsukasa was one person and the two dawns are his two personalities that got split when he became a ghost. But I doubt this is is true. Or one night could be a parent, two dawns could be a sibling, and all three are waiting for the morning. But what is to come at morning?
Also what happened to the other voice? In Chapter 75, there were two speech bubbles but Kou only sees one kid in that room. What happened to the other??
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Ok this is interesting. These two moments in the chapter resemble certain school mysteries. In the second panel, we can see all the clocks on the ceiling resembling No. 1, the Clock keepers. In the first panel, this may be abstract, resembled the door Yashiro and Hanako were sucked through in No.6’s boundary.
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The bugs in the trash pit of the boundary resemble the bugs that come out of the door Yashiro gets sucked into at “The Red House”. This may be a coincidence but I feel this is worth looking into. Maybe Yashiro is now going to be trapped into the pits of No.6’s boundary where Akane and Aoi were in chapter 69?
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LMFAO KOU’S FACE AT THE END PFTTT. Also, WHAT A TSUKASA MOMENT. I know its up to interpretation so far on whether this kid is Hanako or Tsukasa, but what a perfect parallel of the earlier chapters where Yashiro was kidnapped. Here is the anime scene below.
I really want to believe this kid is Tsukasa but honestly its still too early to say. (I wrote a theory on the kid being Tsukasa which you can find if you look up “fandoms theories” on my blog :))
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So this chapter was pretty short, I’m guessing this is the start of a whole new arc where Kou has to save Yashiro. I will be confused if Yashiro is not heard from and it is just Kou centric because in the very first chapters of JSHK, Yashiro was seen as the narrator. I wonder if the authors just decided to ditch the concept or they swiftly changed narrators in the middle and the fandom didn’t notice.
As to whether the kid is Tsukasa or Amane, I don’t want to give up my position on the kid being Tsukasa but I am not cutting out the possibility it could be Amane. I’ve heard some theories that one twin is with Yashiro and Kou is dealing with another but I don’t know if that could be the case. The kid seemed to be exact same kid Yashiro took with her before she got sucked in. Maybe it is a scheme and a twin is acting like the first child but since the people who don’t want the kid to leave seem really protective, I think it is the same kid that got put back into the room Yashiro and Kou originally found him in.
I think the house isn’t centric to just Hanako or Tsukasa. I am going to go with the notion that this house is the one connection to all the seven mysteries. With the clocks (No. 1), the faucets (which could be a nod to Hanako’s bathroom), and the door bugs (No.6), maybe all of the seven mysteries have some belonging to this house. I used to think that the family suicide included Amane, Tsukasa, and their parents. Now, I don’t really know what to think. This chapter gave possibility to so many things that it is tough to find a theory that interlocks everything.
If I am correct (which idk) about Yashiro being sucked into No.6’s boundary, Aoi might show up in later chapters which could be interesting to see. I wonder if the house is a sort of time trapped loop or reality in which Amane/Tsukasa didn’t die and they live on in a human body stuck as a kid forever. Other than that, I am still way too confused on how the kid has a pulse.
Other random theories/questions (with not much basis for proof but interesting to think about haha):
- What if everyone who died in that house became one of the school mysteries. I mean of course this would be a weird mother and father thing to figure out but damn dude what if
- If the house is connected to all the seven mysteries, how did Mitsuba get roped into this? He became a school mystery when Tsukasa shoved the heart in his mouth so was it always planned that Mitsuba was to become a mystery? He has some sort of relation to the house as he took a photo of it but that could just be a coincidence.
- YO- ok ok. So what if that kid truly is Amane or Tsukasa right. He is one of the two. Let’s say the kid is Tsukasa (jus stick with me here) and Tsukasa is kept away to be with his toys. Amane was the one abused by the parents hence why the people who don’t want Tsukasa to leave are so protective of him staying in that house. If Amane was abused and Tsukasa was kept away, it might explain pent up resentment which could have led to Amane killing Tsukasa. I have no proof for this, I just think it could be interesting to think about. Of course it is tough to prove though because in Chapter 75, there were two voices in the room so maybe both twins were kept there.
I know I was all over the place with this analysis but I hope you enjoyed it! Feel free to send me asks/chat with me on anything! I would love to hear your thoughts!
-> Chapter 77 Analysis (In construction)
<- Chapter 75 Analysis
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thelunarfairy · 9 months
I've been seeing some posts lately regarding aidairo's favoritism towards Tsukasa because he literally did damage to the clock keeper in their OWN boundary without getting attacked in the latest chapter and ykw? I was so blinded by this boy's charms I DIDNT NOTICE ANY OF THAT- 😭😭
But yeah what would be your opinion, if you had any, towards this??
I saw some too and I stopped to think about it a little, and well, there are some possibilities, the first is that there really could be favoritism and the second…
Ahem, let me explain. Tsukasa is a character who was built to be very intelligent, I've already talked about his intelligence in several posts and even about how he influences almost all events in the story so far, that is, Tsukasa tends to plan what he's going to do.
And he does so cautiously.
So, in the last chapter I saw several people talking about how Tsukasa was breaking character, and it really was what it seemed like, so after I saw this chapter I had a brief conclusion
What if Tsukasa planned to be captured to get to the timekeepers faster? He said, "if yorishiro is nowhere on the boundary, then he must be with one of the guardians"
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Did he allow himself to be captured on purpose so he could attack at the right moment?
Hanako's joudais are working, and so are Tsukasa's, so he lied and let himself be captured on purpose.
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Is this something strange coming from Tsukasa? Weren't people complaining that he was strangely vulnerable in the penultimate chapter?
When we analyze a character's action, we have to analyze the whole, from the beginning, we cannot forget his essence. Tsukasa has been this way since before he appeared to Amane, this shouldn't be news.
Don't forget the character's past! Tsukasa didn't escape for no reason at all, he apparently planned everything from the beginning (he can travel through the time stream too)
About him attacking Kako on his boundary, didn't Tsukasa do the SAME thing with number three? AND IN HIS BOUNDARY TOO.
And this happened at the beginning of the story, WHY ARE PEOPLE SURPRISED BY THIS?
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But, however, this is a temporary conclusion, because yes, there may be favoritism since Tsukasa has apparently never been defeated in the present, either that or there is something much bigger being planned.
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elizabeatrice · 4 years
Episode 12 - The Little Mermaid
Let’s Talk About JSHK Anime #3
Warning: Manga spoilers for The Little Mermaid arc, The Clock Keeper arc, and chapter 64!!! (just a bit, skip point no. 5, 6, and 10 if you don’t want to get spoiled) Also … this ended up way longer than I intended.
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Well that was one heck of a feels trip. It’s probably my new favorite episode, just because everyone is here being wholesome lmao.
This is mostly hananene meta I ain’t even gonna lie.
Before we begin, shout out to Black Canyon, our newest anime cutie pie. Just look at him, folks. Just chilling with his sunflower seed.
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He has no idea the kind of life his owner leads.
I said before that the best part of episode 12 is how it made Daydream worse, so now I’m gonna ramble about it.
“Maybe different species can’t understand each other after all.”
“Maybe it would be better if I were an apparition too.”
This is my favorite part of the episode. And no, not in the sense that I want Nene to die just so that she and Hanako can be together. But because of how Lerche actually explored deeper what was said only once in the manga.
Well, both in the manga and anime Nene ended up accepting the mermaid’s blood because of her desire to be popular, but the anime decided to revisit what she said earlier in the episode.
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Not only did that make her decision kinda less selfish, it’s also just … sad. Thinking that your friend, someone you really cared about, doesn’t trust you enough to tell you things about themselves, to the point where you’re willing to go to such lengths as turning into an apparition just to understand them.
And if you think about it, isn’t this part of her true wish? To have her feelings be reciprocated? Man I just realized that as I wrote this and I am mindblown.
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She thought she finally got her wish with Hanako. I mean, he said it himself in the first ep (”You wanted someone, anyone, to return your feelings, right? And as far as you’re concerned, sharing a bond with someone is the same thing, right?”). So it must’ve hit her really hard when she thought he didn’t trust her. Especially with all the wrong ideas the fishes were feeding her mind.
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Then we got this little flashback. At first I was like, “Girl, you really be thinking that he doesn’t care about you while recalling the moment he apologized to you and hugged you? Are you insane?”
But after some thinking of my own, it occurred to me. Maybe she was too used to having her feelings not reciprocated, she couldn’t believe it when someone finally did. Not to mention Hanako did kinda trick her with his fake confession a while back (heh, he’s not the only one with trust issues, eh?). And that just made the entire thing even sadder.
So when Nene said, “But I thought, if I were an apparition like you, I could get closer to you. Then, maybe I’d be able to understand you, Hanako-kun. Although I know I probably don’t mean anything to you.”
That was a harsh wake up call for Hanako.
(Btw even more full circle, Hanako brought up Nene’s wish to become human again in the first episode. Nice.)
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So. We got one daikon girl who’s afraid of not having her feelings reciprocated, and one ghost boy who’s afraid that daikon girl wouldn’t be his friend anymore if she knew about his past.
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While in actuality, said daikon girl already decided she wanted to and would be his friend no matter what, and ghost boy had grown to care about her more than he thought he would.
He heard what she said to Tsuchigomori. He knew all about regret, too.  I mean, honestly, I think if she had said no, he’d let her walk away right then and there, no questions asked. But she didn’t.
Nene’s wish finally came true here. And the best part? It wasn’t the work of magic or curses. Just Hanako finally shoving his fear aside, offering himself as he was, and letting her decide.
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And she still chose to be with him.
Heh. Lemme just. Sob for a bit.
Is my hananene trash brain reading too much into this? Idk. Maybe.
So props to the production team for managing to add even more weight to this arc. Which, they had to, since it’s the season finale and all. But I love what they did!
Onto my commentaries!
1. The KouNene
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Good shit. She was worried about him but he didn’t want her to worry so he just smiled it off? These two are precious. Thought they were gonna interact. Sadly not. Buuuut! (see point 12)
2. Hanako’s classroom visit
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He. Is. So. Adorable. Someone please take his babey license away he’s too dangerous.
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Hanako’s classroom visit is like my absolute favorite clingy Hanako moment, so I’m really happy I get to see it this season. Ugh. My kokoro. Hugging her from behind, that semi confession vibe … Smooth mf.
The Mokke brushing Nene’s hair!!! The radish hairdo tho lmao.
On a sidenote, as a history nerd I appreciate that they’re actually putting lessons in the background. And the teacher talked about Apollo 11 again??? While my boy was in the room? That ish both hurt and pleased me.
3. The Clock Keeper rumor drop
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Heeeeeehhhhh? What’s thiiiiiissss?
4. This freaking thing
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*flips table* Darn production team been knew I’m hananene trash how dare they do this to me.
And lookie here there’s Kodama chilling.
5. Fishies! (!!!manga spoiler for The Little Mermaid arc!!!)
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Pufferfish didn’t die. Well, good for him. Also I can’t believe they just call the other fish ‘yeah yeah’ lmao what the freak. Has it always been like that in the manga?
6. AOI AND AKANE (!!!spoilers for chapter 64!!!)
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I swear I did not intend this numbering coincidence.
*claps* Boi. Nene asking Aoi about cutting ties with someone she’s interested in? And then Akane just swooped in and say he’d rather cut his head off than cut ties with Aoi? What about getting impaled, huh, boy? Would that do?
The not-so-subtle call out to these two pairs’ parallel? BOI.
7. Nene and Yako
These two just chilling together having girl talk, and Yako let Nene pet her? That’s some adorable shit right there. Admit it Yako you like her.
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Yako also be really hitting home with what she said. It was extra heavy coming from her, considering what happened to her and Misaki. Boiiiiii.
8. Tsuchigomori
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Oh my God, his laughter. Just … oh my God.
Tsuchigomori in dad mode is always one of the highlights of the episode/chapter.
By the way, in this scene according to the sub, Nene asked Tsuchigomori who Tsukasa is. But she knew who he is already. Is it possible that the sub misinterpreted it? ‘Cause I think what she actually meant was, “What happened to him and Tsukasa-kun in the past?”
If someone who speaks Japanese could share their wisdom, please do!
9. The 5 pm bell and twilight
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Look how pretty they are!!!
Lo and behold, another important hananene interaction while the 5 pm bell plays in the background. Also, twilight? Y’all giving me Kimi no Na wa flashbacks.
“Twilight, when it’s neither day or night. When the world blurs and one might encounter something not human.”
Huh … kinda fits the ‘boundary’ concept but it still hurt.
Anyway they still had Hanako tell her what she already knew. And I did say in my ‘Walking Blind’ post that it’d be redundant. But since the episode kinda emphasized Nene’s desire to understand Hanako, having him actually tell her himself, even though she already knew it, was a big deal. It’s not about what she knows, it’s about him opening up to her. So I’m super cool with it.
10. The Broadcasting Club (!!!spoilers for The Clock Keeper arc!!!)
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I love how Natsuhiko and Sakura are actually decent people. When he told Mitsuba that he was free to choose to stay with them or not? That’s solid, man. Though, of course, Tsukasa might not be as kind.
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Speaking of, I know it couldn’t be anything else, but I’m still not sure if Tsukasa’s drawing was confirmation for season 2. Don’t wanna get my hopes up. Imma just enjoy what I currently have.
Kinda curious, though. Because Clock Keeper wasn’t Tsukasa’s doing. Maybe he was the one who released Mirai? But tbh I’d prefer if it wasn’t so. Because having more cases of supernaturals going loco without it being one of Tsukasa’s games is interesting, and kinda underlines the need of The Seven Wonders to keep supernaturals in check.
11. Kodama just chilling
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12. The Adventures of Minamoto and the Summer Vegetables
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You go, Kou! I’m rooting for you oh my God you’re so precious.
And look at that ikemen smile! Him supporting Kou is just top notch sweet y’all I can’t-
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Ngl this was the biggest surprise of the episode. Teru finding out that summer vegetables = Nene? Broooooo. Interesting. I don’t think this little addition warrants any changes to their future interaction, so it should be safe. Clever replacement, too, those veggies.
It’s so sweet that Nene delivered those veggies to Kou! Just imagine the Minamoto family having veggies for dinner. Awww.
(Also, Nene wrote her name in hiragana instead of kanji. Is that a reference to how bad Kou is with kanji? Lol, so sweet)
13. The Coda!!!
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Look at him. Just look at him. Look how lovesick he is y’all I can’t-
All in all, I love this episode. Sorry for how long this post is. I’m just dealing with so many feels right now. Gaaahhhhh.
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