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jrumwork · 2 years ago
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basswood ear cuff (self portraits) 
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bangingthedrum · 11 months ago
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sarcosmiiic · 9 months ago
yall are so right rn, could not be more right but also tongues and teeth by the crane wives
genuinely i don't really- get? regular hc scarian, like third life desert duo has a special place in my heart, but regular hc scarian is just kinda- "they're friends and mischievous and silly :3" which like, is great don't get me wrong, but- thats kinda grumbo's base, but then grumbo has so much more-
idk man to each their own, both great ships :) no hate at all aha
I see you are a gumbo fan? Thank you. I don't hate on people who ship, but I legitimately do not understand scarian... Like... What? (Mumbo and grian quite literally have a... No, TWO cannonic sons and chemestry infinity... Grian and Scar is just haha funny.)
Erm not to be a nerd or anything but Grian and mumbo have 5 SONS
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ask-grian · 6 months ago
Dad1 ?
. . .
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hmshermitcraft · 10 months ago
crackship: gigacorp got sidelined because rosie was too busy romancing grumbot and jrumbot on the hermetheus to give ren any more missions or anything
Look, there's not a whole lot for them to do between seasons. And you keep robots in an enclosed space for a little while and... Things happen. Grum and Jr are about the same age as Rosie, and really the worst thing they're doing is the occasional holding hands! Most humanoid love things are gross (bodily fluids? Ewww.) But hand holding they'll steal!
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mochiwrites · 2 years ago
from songbird, are there any grum and jrum thoughts you can share? I just think them and mumbo’s dynamic is so interesting
em beloved!!! :D
and also grum and jrum my beloveds 🥺🥺
some fun facts for you! grum is the older of the pair, he was 13 when mumbo was forced to turn him. and jrum was about 10. obvi they’re way older, but that’s the age of their physical appearances.
between the two of them, grum is the more reserved and quieter one. he’s very polite, respectful. big on rules. he’s very protective of his brother and mumbo. meanwhile jrum is very much happy go lucky. he’s loud and energetic and too trusting. he’s the type that makes silly little hand made cards for grum and jrum during holidays and special occasions
( jrum made mumbo a card for father’s day once. mumbo cried. a lot. )
their parents were pretty well off for their time. but due to an unfortunate accident, they passed away, leaving grum and jrum alone. they had no living relatives so into foster care they went and they uh. ran away.
which is partly how they met mumbo! and they were really curious about him and stuck around until mumbo grew to care about them.
grum and jrum see mumbo as their dad, but they also know how guilty he feels for turning them into vampires. they see how he looks at them like his heart has just been broken. so to ease mumbo’s guilt, they try to help him however they can. they do chores and take care of the house, and try to stop mumbo from punishing himself ( hence why jrum brought grian (and other humans in the past) to the manor <3 )
they don’t call him dad ( even if they do want to because mumbo just. is their dad ), but there have been a few times where the title slipped out. mumbo never spoke about it with them.
I think deep down, mumbo really does see grum and jrum as his kids. but he feels like he failed them and he doesn’t deserve to be their father. but he’d do anything to keep them safe and happy.
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mogspawner · 1 year ago
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Jrumbot appreciation post. Everyone forgets the little sibling of Grumbot. RB if you love JRUMBOT. Need more art of little sibling Jrum following along!!
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appleblocks · 5 months ago
I need to see either Mumbo, Grum, or Jrum in steampunk outfits. I dont see enough Mumbo in steampunk and I NEED IT
A steampunk Mumbo Jumbo coming right up!
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You caught him doing maintenance! :D
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ludolka · 14 days ago
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Someone on TikTok asked for some content with these two and who am I to say no to that
Anyways, Junior (Jrum) is at the age where he just follows his oldest brother everywhere like a puppy and copies him in everything bc he looks up to him a lot :’)
Also regarding sibling relationships, Junior is the closest to Grum, who is patient and nice with him. Em (Emperor Grumbot) and Prime (Grumbot Prime) are basically twins, they have a lot of rivalry and often get into fights, but they also have each others’ backs. Grum being the oldest is the most mature, he likes keeping the peace. Em and Prime being the middle children think they are too cool to play and hang out with Junior (and they also affectionately bully him like siblings usually do). And Junior being the youngest is the most childish
Just idk, I love them oh so much and I love talking about them
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firequeenofficial · 4 months ago
I'm actually obsessed with the trivia bots wearing a red sweater over a suit. I think it was in Pearl's episode that someone said this was a grumbot variant. @appleblocks do you see where I'm going with this. You see the vision. Third gumbo robot child. Give Jrum a baby sibling to be protective over, I beg. Doesn't even need to be canon!
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gunpowder-tim · 1 year ago
jrum is so cuuute and !!!! worm!!!!!!
pspsps followers who do crochet show me cool things u have made
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jrumwork · 8 months ago
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one of the things i’ve loved most about this experience is confirmation that thoughtful curiosity still lives. this sculpture was inspired by a light cone, and i’ve metaphorically linked the physics concept to the idea of information and influence spreading across time and space through 3 generations of afro-caribbean women (myself, my mother, my grandmother). the sculptural sound system serves as a physical representation of this interconnectedness, intuitive knowing and energy through sound waves. just as light conveys information in physics.
Can you feel what I hear? 2024 18x10” ebonized hand-carved pine
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ask-grian · 10 months ago
Why the hell you got four kids with Mumbo
Tax purposes.
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sporelings-au · 2 years ago
With the introduction of grumbot, it's now making me think of jrumbot (i love the bots too much, don't judge me). Grian built jrumbot on his own, and he didn't really have redstone, so I'm just imagining in this au that, idk, maybe Spore's a little upset or jealous from all the sporelings liking his ex's creation, and then tries his best to make his own grumbot. and then you get a version of jrumbot that's a cross between a potato battery experiment, and one of those synths that got a mushroom plugged into to have the electrical signals make music. Somehow this works in the opposite way he wants, and the sporelings aren't as enamored by jrumbot, but grumbot is like 'oh my gosh i have a sibling!!!'
well, i know that Mother Spore's vibe in this au probably wouldn't cause him to act that way, you or someone else could probably think of a better excuse. I just think using a real world example of 'mushroom plugged into machine' would be perfect for the Grian-built Jrumbot.
Interesting take, i do agree that this m.spore wouldnt be likely to make jrum but i think he would be curious if her mushrooms can like power a redstone machine
Maybe he would mention it to doc at some point and doc would be the one to make jrum to test that theory out?
Or maybe she and mumbo were talking about this when they were together and mumbo would made jrum in the future for HEP as some sort of machine that would go undetected on mother's island to collect data?
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transfemzedaph · 3 months ago
to clarify. only the first grumbot is a trans girl. and also she is not stuck in s7 at all anymore. but like. she had a crisis abt her whole reason for living and then came out the other side a girl. grumbot prime is actually technically her twin brother. they kinda hate each other a little in that ugh annoying sibling way but also. gp is such. protective older brother sometimes. even though. its unclear who is actually the older one of the pair.
she actually came out to him first bc like whilst she like. realistically knew that her dads would be okay with it all she was still anxious about it so. she told gp first. and he supported her with coming out.
hey besties. who wants to hear my thots abt trans girl grumbot.
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mochiwrites · 10 months ago
Hello amazing you I am rereading Enchante and this line:
"Scar scoffs, 'Is he really a victim if he’s hurt you? People you care about?'"
Breaks me /pos not just because of Taurtus but also because of the double meaning I think of Scar and how he's been blackmailed by Scott and so does that make him a victim too? But is he a victim if he's hurt Grian, Mumbo, and Pearl and Grum and Jrum? And how Grian hesitated and didn't know how to answer, and now that Scar's revealed to have been working for Scott, would Grian still hesitate to answer that question if it was asked in regards to Scar? And what would his answer be? And and yeah 👍 those are my thoughts. Insanity is me /pos
OUGH…. enchante makes me insane and this is just another thing to throw in to drive me totally bonkers
opening this with how much I love sb!scar. he’s such a fun character and enchante really highlights so much of him. and that line…. we get to see some of scar’s thoughts and how he doesn’t see taurtis as a victim because to him, taurtis brought everything onto himself (as did scar)
and so through his thoughts on taurtis, we get a glimpse of how scar views his own situation: no, he’s not a victim. he’s hurting grian and mumbo. and later we see that scar views himself as the villain, as a monster. he views himself quite similarly to how he views taurtis
then flipping it to grian… his hesitancy to answer in enchante comes from the pure disbelief he holds for scar. I mean, we see in the following chapter how he explodes at scar for his apathy, and it only builds from here. but then you’ve got grian who sees taurtis as a victim, and who later sees that scar is a victim as well ;w;
they make me so insane. this fic makes me so insane
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