dirtbagdefender · 6 months
2, 7, 18, & 26? 💚
JOZ I AM LAUGHIN' SO HARD i love that we both sent these at like the same time 💜
what’s your feel-good movie?
OH there's so many!! practical magic. the man from uncle. charlie's angels. power rangers. the covenant. pac rim. king arthur. it truly all depends on what's bringing my mood down!
what color brings you peace?
hmmmm - juniper green! brunette brown! iris purple! watermelon pink!
do you still love stuffed animals?
i do! they exist purely for comfort - how could anyone dislike that?
what movie would you want to live in?
hmmmm. stardust? xmen? kingsman? practical magic? my neighbor totoro?
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wroteclassicaly · 5 months
fargo edition: gator, roy, dot, lorraine, wayne, & witt
This one is pretty easy. ^_^
Push off a cliff - Bye, Wayne. But don’t worry, you won’t get hurt or 🪦!
Kiss - Witt (He’s just so cute!)
Marry - Gator. I’ll take care of him!
Set on fire - Oh, I’ll set Roy on fire with MUCH pleasure!
Wrap a blanket around - Lorraine (she doesn’t need it, but I’ll do it anyways!)
Be roomates with - Dot! I could learn so much from that wonderful woman!
Give me 6 characters and I’ll tell you who I would:
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commander-krios · 8 months
Yellow, orange, and ruby!
Yellow - every time i see you on my dash you're always so happy and it's so lovely! Orange - if you were a fruit you'd be a orange. no explanation. Ruby - you are such a gem, you deserve so much better <3
Kisses to you joz, a thousand kisses! <3
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merrilark · 1 year
If you were in the Misfits universe, what do you think your power would be?
Oooh, that's hard.
I could see it being something similar to Tanya's power (S3E1), but less freezing people in place and more freezing time altogether. Something that would allow me to make moments in time last for as long as I wanted, so nothing would change until or if I wanted it to. Something that stems from my desire to have more time with people I care about, or to stop time from slipping away so quickly.
Alternatively, maybe something to do with an insecurity? Shapeshifting or something similar to astral projection because I struggle with feeling detached from my body/how I look fairly often.
I'd rather have something cooler like, I dunno, the ability to talk to animals or summon a flock of birds at will like a badass Disney princess, but we all know that people in Misfits rarely get what they want hahaha
(or it'd be super mega lame like... "can sleep undisturbed forever" because that is what I love, sleep.)
What about you?
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lace, delicate, wings, & sugarplum?
hope you’re having a good evening lex! 💚
Joz!! ily, thank you sm for the ask 💕
dreamy asks✨
lace; what’s your favorite plant/flower? Plant is monstera - I have a giant one that I love with all my heart; favorite flower is aster 😊
delicate; diamonds or pearls? That's hard. If I had to choose one, I'd say pearls. But usually, I prefer stones and crystals - I just rly like rocks.
wings; coffee or tea? I like both! But I drink coffee more regularly.☕
sugarplum; what’s the color of your eyes and hair? I have brown hair and brown eyes - it feels pretty boring, but that's just how it be lol.
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maerenee930 · 1 year
🎶✨️when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)🎶✨️
i am truly so sorry it’s taken me so long to reply to this! Thank you so much for sending me this, Joz!! 🥹🥰💙🖤🫂
alright, 5 songs i actually listen to:
1. Got My Mind Set On You by George Harrison
2. Five Years by Bo Burnham
3. I2i by The Animal in Me
4. Nonsense by Sabrina Carpenter
5. Famous Last Words by MCR
thank you so much again for sending/asking me this and i’m so sorry i didn’t do this sooner 💖 (my head has been all over the place the past few months 😣🤦‍♀️)
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rattkween86 · 11 months
Tagged by the lovely @castlexofxglass 💕 thank you sm for thinking of me! 🥰
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No pressure tags 💕 @jozstankovich @b1tchy3lf @bumblingwitch @destroya-hargrove @reidsbtch @stalactitekilla @bettyfrommars anyone else who wants to!!
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dirtbagdefender · 5 months
i feel like you all should know how much i adore @jozstankovich ! another one who is SO DAMN SUPPORTIVE! i'll post things that aren't even in the same zip code of the fandoms we're both in and they'll still say something nice about my coloring or the scene choice!
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wroteclassicaly · 5 months
Kristennnn! Just wanted to say hi and I hope you're doin well 💚
Hiiiii, babydoll! How’re you doing? 😚 Well, I hope? I’m okay!
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commander-krios · 1 year
🐭 only because I'm intimidated my most of my mutuals >w<
Send 🐭 for slightly intimidating
That's fair! But I'll be here if you ever want to interact <3
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merrilark · 1 year
Tell me about something you’re really interested in right now? Or something you’re working on?
To be honest, I've not really had much time or energy for personal projects! But I guess I've been very into taking care of my plants lately. Someone recently gave me a pilea they didn't want (somehow I acquire a lot of plants that people don't want??) and I'm really crossing my fingers that it will grow into something bigger and healthier than it is now.
I've also gotten weirdly into book restoration. There's so many cool videos about it on YouTube! Could I do it? No. Would it be a viable career in my area? Absolutely not LOL. But I am fascinated by the pipe dream of owning a book + tea shop that also does gentle book repair and re-binding. I am definitely romanticizing it in my head.
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The Eighth Child (~TUA AU~) - Season 4
Chapter 1: Your Dreams Came True, Now What?
Warning: Strong language, guns
a/n: Hello everyone! I really missed The Eighth Child and I hope you all have as well. We can all agree this season was pure bullshit, so here I am with a very short series of chapters to fix it. Welcome to the final show, hope you all like it <3 also thank you so much @jozstankovich for supporting me and being my guinea pig beta reader
(The Eighth Child Masterlist)
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"Of course we're coming, Dieguito!" Victoria said on the phone while trying to tame Fortune's big curly mane. "Tunnie is very excited to play with Gracie and the twins. Alright, see you later!"
"Lunch is ready," Klaus called from the kitchen. He wore a frilly apron on top of his completely normal and absolutely not flamboyant outfit. "No no no! Fortune, don't run, we don't wanna get hurt, right?"
"Right, a safe girl is a happy girl!" She repeated what her father always said.
Something about the pandemic mixed with Fortune growing into her own person, realizing Victoria was no longer indestructible, and Klaus staying fully sober, made him into a complete nut job. He was scared of absolutely anything and everything that could harm him and his family. The idea of dying and not being there to raise his kids was too much for him to even think about.
"You too, Liebling, you're in no condition to run," he caressed her baby bump.
Victoria and Klaus started off their married life as happy as can be, but the real world was right ahead and with his new sobriety and paranoia, it became harder and harder for her to... how should one put it... feel attracted to him.
Klaus was a completely changed man, his wife didn't necessarily like that. But alas, every once in a while, they still had some romance and of course she got pregnant by chance one of those times.
"I'm not sick, Klausie. Don't you remember when I was pregnant with Fortune and we would party all night in the clubs near campus? I was fine and so is she."
"I know, I know, but we were totally irresponsible! The world was different too, no COVID for starters..." He shivered before taking a bite of his risotto.
Victoria sighed, looking at the several cardboard boxes surrounding them. Right after marrying, she used her saved money to rent the apartment she used to rent back in her college days with Klaus, she loved that place and it was special to begin their new lives there.
After about a year, she made enough money with her bakery for a downpayment on the apartment. But now with their second child on the way, it wasn't viable to live in such a tiny place, even though it hurt to let it go.
"Something wrong, Mommy?" Fortune asked, seeing her mother's face. Sadness, conformity, longing, and a little disgust in her eyes.
"No, baby, I'm okay," Victoria sighed, but her husband also noticed that look. It had started about two and a half years ago when he was really focused on his sobriety journey, she seemed to simply lose interest in the person he was becoming.
Every morning, he woke up afraid she'd be gone. Every day when she left for work, he was scared she'd meet someone more exciting that would fill that void he unwillingly left behind. He was terrified she'd leave him like she did back when they were younger.
"Hey, Schatzi, since Fortune is having that sleepover with Gracie tonight, we should do something special," Klaus suggested.
"Like what?" She gave him that vacant look like she was dead inside.
"Romantic dinner, watching a movie, some... special cuddles," he winked.
"Sure," she sighed. Something horribly dangerous happens when your dreams come true... You're stuck with them.
"Die Hard!" Diego opened the door to Brigaderia Oito, Victoria's bakery. "How's it going? How's Klus?"
"It's alright, he's... sober," she mumbled. "Ah Dieguito, married life isn't what I signed up for."
"Trouble in paradise, huh? It's tough, marriage is hard work. I feel like everything I do is meaningless, but in the end, we're with the people we love, and we have amazing kids. We built something good."
"I guess so," she nodded, giving him his usual carrot cake with gooey brigadeiro on top. "I just wish Klaus would go back to being... Klaus. Not the drugs you know, but the wild nature, it's like he's broken. We barely ever have sex anymore."
"Ew! I don't wanna hear about that!" Diego pretended to gag. "My two siblings having sex? Barf!"
She rolled her eyes and placed her hand on her belly before turning to get Grace's birthday cake. She baked it and decorated it herself with cute jungle animals.
"Oh, it looks amazing!" He gasped. "How much do I owe you?"
"Nothing, it's part of her present. Only the best for my goddaughter."
"Thank you so much, Vicky," he smiled, giving her a hug over the counter and giving her belly a pat. "Already know if it's a girl or a boy?"
"Not yet, we'll get to know on the next ultrasound."
"Hope it's a boy this time, my little man needs more friends, he's drowning in estrogen."
She huffed and gave him a playful shove. "Keep the cake in the fridge."
"Thanks a million, Vicky! I'll see you later."
"See you later," she turned to pick up the phone. "Hello, Brigadeiria Oito, how can I help you?"
"It's me, Schnucki!" Klaus said into the phone. "I just picked up Fortune from school, she choked on the pulp of her orange juice."
"What? Is she okay?"
"Yeah, she's okay now, she just had a little coughing fit and was back to normal... it's just, that she got scared and wanted to come back home."
"Klaus! I can't believe you pulled our daughter out of school because she lightly choked on juice! You're gonna ruin her with all this coddling!"
"She was scared!"
"Because she sees you scared all the damn time!"
"We can talk about this later after the party. She's here now and listening."
"Why did you put me on speaker?"
"Holding a cell phone close to your ear isn't good because the temperature-"
"JESUS CHRIST! SHUT UP!" She shouted and only then she noticed there was a client waiting for her. "Just a second, I'll be with you in no time..."
"Why are you like this? Pregnancy hormones driving you crazy?" He asked.
"No, Klaus, you are! Talk to you later, I have to work... someone has to work in this household!"
"Why is Mama mad at you?" Fortune asked as she rode in the back of Allison's car with Claire and her father to the party venue.
"Mama is nervous because she's pregnant, that makes mommies a little angry sometimes," Klaus said, adjusting her seat belt for the millionth time.
"She said it wasn't because of the baby."
"Alright... you know, sometimes daddies and mommies fight, my Tunnie baby, but that doesn't mean it's forever and it doesn't mean something bad is gonna happen."
"What if you two split?" The little girl frowned.
"That's not happening, your parents have been attached at the hip since they were toddlers," Allison chuckled. "It was kinda disgusting."
"If you're Aunt Vicky's sister and Uncle Klaus' sister... does that mean they're siblings too?" Claire asked.
"That's a very long very lovely story for when you're a little bit older, Claire-bear" Klaus said before turning back to his daughter. "My little princess, don't worry about mommy, okay? I'm always here for you, and she'll always be here for you too, we love you more than the entire universe. It's just that things changed a little, but nothing that cannot be fixed."
"Hey, guys!" Victoria waved at them once they parked, she was bringing four boxes of party sweets, Brazilian style of course... beijinho, brigadeiro, bicho de pé, ninho e nutella, casadinho.
"Hey! Hey! Don't go around carrying that! You're in no condition!" Klaus took his car helmet off and rushed to help her with the boxes.
"Relax, she's pregnant, not dead," Lila came right behind with the huge bottles of soda.
"Leave it to me," he insisted.
Once they were inside, Grace and the twins came running to meet Claire and Fortune. Victoria hugged her nieces and nephew, as did Klaus before Diego gave them a look and pointed with his eyes to the doll house which was secluded and empty.
"We need to talk," she mumbled.
"Yeah... don't take your eyes off Fortune, Claire," Klaus asked. "Don't let her eat or drink anything with red 40 or 4-MEI!"
"You say as if we didn't sneak out at least three times a week to stuff our faces with doughnuts at Griddy's..." Victoria sighed as she pulled him to the doll house.
"We had superpowers and it was a different time, we were young and dumb."
"We enjoyed life," she sat down on a tiny pink chair. "We don't need to feed our child crack, but if she drank a little coke once in a while, she'll be fine!"
"What happened to us?" He looked up with puppy eyes. "We haven't fucked since we conceived this baby, you look at me like I'm a pile of cow shit, you turn your face when I go to kiss you..."
"It just hurts to see what you became. This isn't the man I married. You need therapy."
"This again? No therapy! I don't need it and we probably can't afford it."
"You're going insane!"
"Give me a chance, okay? I promise I'll make it right tonight when we get home."
She nodded, wanting more than anything to believe him. "Alright, let's see about tonight."
When the couple left the doll house, the entire family was already there, well almost the entire family.
"Oh give me a break... fake Ben is here? Who invited him?" Victoria huffed, she never really accepted Sparrow Ben as a part of the family, because he wasn't. She was even a little happy when he was arrested, meaning he'd stay away.
"Believe me, I didn't wanna be here either," he rolled his eyes.
"Come on guys, no fighting!" Luther emerged from the ball pit. "It's a family night."
"Yeah, you're right, can't let him ruin it... Cincooooo!" She went to hug Five. "Look at you, all grown up! It's like every day you get bigger, come here, little CIA man!"
"I'm not a damn child, you know?" He reluctantly hugged her back. "And I'm not little!"
"Where's Viktor?" She asked.
"He said he was coming," Luther smiled.
"Victoria, can we go outside for a little bit? I'm hyperventilating, this place is so full of people and nobody's wearing a mask," Klaus whispered.
She shook her head defeated. "Just take deep breaths, honey, it's okay. Did you see fake Ben is back? Look, our brothers are here, we're still waiting for Viktor though."
"Vicky!" Diego called from a corner while holding a piñata.
She was happy to leave Klaus to calm down for a moment and join her other brother. "What's up?"
"Does this look like a West Side piñata to you? I mean, it's clearly East Side, right?"
"Um... what's the difference?"
"The fringe, the eyes, the colors! And the fact that Lila told me she'd be on the West Side today and this looks like an East Side piñata."
"Oh Dieguito... don't overthink, it's probably a misunderstanding, let's not jump to conclusions, alright?"
"Maybe you were right, you know? I work all day and it kills me, the kids suck whatever energy I have left, and the in-laws... I'm glad they're alive in this timeline, but I don't want them living in our house."
Victoria nodded, understanding the feeling, but she didn't want their marriage to end because of her own doubts.
"Hey, cariño, come on... I know I didn't like Lila when you first got together, but she really grew on me. She's a good mom and she really loves you. It's just a rough patch."
"Liebling, please... can we step out just a little bit?" Klaus approached them.
Accepting her fate, she nodded and took his hand so they could get some fresh air. But the moment she stepped out, she knew something was wrong, there was a wrapped gift on the pavement and she picked it up.
"From Uncle Viktor?" She read the card.
"Why would he leave the gift on the street and take off?" Klaus wondered.
She started looking around for clues and after some inspection, she found a note on her windshield.
"Your brother Viktor has been kidnapped. Follow my exact instructions and no harm will come to him," she read the contents of the note. "Fucking shit cunt ass motherfucker... let's get the others."
After leaving Lila's parents in charge of the party, the old Hargreeves clan and Lila jumped into Diego's van and they headed to the address written on the note.
"Everyone stay behind me, I got a gun," Five announced, pulling his revolver as they entered the dry cleaner corresponding to the number they were given.
"Did you bring a gun to a children's birthday party?" Klaus hissed, his face covered by a gas mask. "Can you smell this? This place is a chemical wasteland."
"Says the man who made me swim in the fucking sewer six years ago," Victoria huffed.
"It's Viktor!" Luther pointed at the short man tied up to a chair with a bag over his head.
She ran and got the bag off. "Oh hey, Vik, long time no see!"
"Hey Vic yourself..." he mumbled as she started untying him with the help of Luther.
"Who kidnapped you? Dad and his goons?" She asked.
"I doubt it, this is amateur hour," Five shook his head.
"I apologize if my methods are a little crude, but it's my first kidnapping," A man came from the back. He looked harmless enough, but he held a gun, so out of instinct, Victoria stood in front of Klaus like a shield. "Hopefully it'll be my last, but I need your help."
"Kidnapping our brother and pointing a gun at us won't buy you much goodwill," Five murmured, pointing his gun at the man.
"It was the only way I could make sure you came here, all of you. I couldn't leave anything to chance, especially when it comes to the Umbrella Academy."
"Wow, haven't heard that name in years!" Victoria scoffed.
"Sorry pal, the Umbrella Academy doesn't exist," Five said.
"Only in our hearts," she completed.
The man put the gun down and opened a box full of artifacts, pictures, newspaper articles, masks, action figures...
"Oh look! The time we saved the Eiffel Tower! Remember?" Vicky smiled. "Zombie Gustav Eiffel!" She said in a silly voice.
"Where did you get this?" Diego asked.
"It was all in this box in the back of my daughter's car. Her name is Jennifer."
"Ugh, I hate that name," Victoria groaned, she had hated this name since the incident that took her brother's life.
"I don't know where she got it, but about a year ago she met these new friends and she started going to these strange meetings. Some very strange people, call themselves The Keepers. And then over time, she stopped talking to me, I believe something terrible happened, because we were very close."
Klaus picked Dave's dog tags from the box and frowned, which made Victoria's blood boil. She was very understanding of that whole thing when it happened, but lately, she didn't need much to get angry at him.
"Put that shit back!" She snagged the chain from his hands and threw it in the box.
"Sorry, sorry..." He mumbled.
"How did you find us?" Luther asked.
"I saw you on TV, Toss N' Wash," the strange man pointed at Allison.
"Ha! See? No small parts," Klaus poked his sister's shoulder.
"I've been watching you for a while actually and I apologize. I'm so sorry! I know you'd probably kill me if you could," the man looked at Victoria. "But she's all I have left, you must know what that feels like."
"I actually do," she sighed. "But we're not the same as we were, we don't have powers anymore."
"Yeah, we're not special," Diego agreed.
"Speak for yourself, tubby," Ben whispered under his breath and earned a punch in the shoulder from Victoria.
"I might not have powers, but I can kick your ass!"
"Give us 24 hours, we'll find your daughter," Five took the box quickly.
"Yes! Thank you!" The man cried. "Thank you very much, Umbrella Academy! I think you're special!"
"Five! What are you doing?" Allison hissed, following him outside. "You know we can't help, why did you do that?"
"Because... of this," Five pulled out a jar of marigold from the box.
"What I wanna know is how the daughter of a dry cleaner ends up with a jar of marigold in the trunk of her car," Five wondered.
The siblings decided to grab dinner at a Japanese restaurant and discuss their theories.
"Could it be something to do with Dad?" Klaus clumsily shoved rice into his mouth with the chopsticks (because of course, raw fish was too dangerous to eat with all the contamination risks)
"No, he took away our powers, and for good reason," Victoria shook her head.
"How do we know that's not just glow stick juice?" Diego teased.
"For the sake of discussion, let's say this is legit. Does anyone here actually want their power back?" Five asked.
"No way!" Klaus yelped. "For the first time in my life, I'm sober... and happy. And most importantly 100% poltergeist free."
"You're anything but free, you don't leave the house and you wear gloves and a mask in public," Victoria pointed out.
"At least I'm in control."
"Hmm I smell divorce," Ben taunted.
"Shut the fuck up! You're not even one of us, fuck off," she grabbed the jar of marigold and held tightly to it.
"It's a hard no for me too. I have a bar, a life..." Viktor quickly said to end the discussion.
"You're all such losers, we should be mainlining this shit right now!" Ben groaned.
"Whoever wants powers back, raise your hand!" Victoria stood up. Nobody raised their hands except Ben.
"We have everything we need," Lila shrugged.
"Damn right, and as much as I hate Dad, he's extremely intelligent. He took away our powers because they were the cause of apocalypse after apocalypse after apocalypse. This way we are safe and the world is safe. Majority wins and I'm taking this cause I don't trust you, little weasel." Victoria shoved her finger in Ben's face. "Now let's go home, and stop flossing in public, Klaus, fucking disgusting. You're not making me wanna have sex with you any more by being gross."
Tag List: @salvador-daley @seanfalco
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kissinvampires · 1 month
Url Change!
The other one was too long i am yet again asking you to look at a url change post.
So sorry. I'm back on my Joe Gilgun bullshit. Im rotating Joe's over here like rotisserie chicken. ✌🏻😌✌🏻
tangerinesteve -> -> -> whimsicalwadewinstonwilson -> -> -> irishvampireboy
@solvecrimeandjuicelimes @gayspacesprinkles @tinyboop @friendly-jester @imsodonewiththissite @the-not-so-silent-back-up   @1gurgi1 @legitcookie @sidekick-hero @jozstankovich @firefly-party @frankenstein-ate-my-left-shoe @waytoomanyships @hotluncheddie @freckledjoes @imhereforthelolzdontyellatme @offensiunculae @steddie-island @scoops-aboy86 @puppy-steve
And just cuz i love him...this is the vampire in question:
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melodymunson · 4 months
pic crew
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@inourtownofhawkins @munson-mjstan @jozstankovich @ofhawkinsandvecna @eddiemunsonfuxks
@unholy-church01 @lovemesomeeddiemunson
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stellamancer · 9 months
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a modified version of the tag game that @itoshisoup tagged me in where you share all your major blorbos/selfships you've had over the years and (only if you are comfortable with it) specify how old you were when you hyperfixated on them
i was already making this powerpoint but this tag game gave me reason to finish it. please note this is restricted to only characters i have written or read fanfic for (there were three characters on here who i deleted).
actually, in looking at this while my type is largely undefined i do think there are some common elements among them all.
tagging (with no pressure):
@jozstankovich || @shotorus || @mididoodles and anyone else who may want to play
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Fu the Family Friend
A/N: happy new year everyone! I started this september/october (i forgor) and found the motivation to finish it up. my lord i cant wait for the archivist model to drop.....
I want to preface this by saying I'm writing this fictional piece of work based off of a fictional character/liver. This does not reflect any sort of reality, nor does this reflect what Fulgur is like irl, etc. etc.
(I'm writing Fuu-chan as Archivist and not Legatus purely for How I Imagine Him purposes. And yes i know this outfit is legatus but just imagine archivist being his large sexy self in a pink shirt and leather pants with his hair pulled back mmk.)
CW: beeg tall man, nerdy talk, oral sex (fem! receiving)
Tag List: @super-unpredictable98, @jozstankovich, @rubberbutt69
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Ding Dong
"Welcome Mr. Ovid! It's so good to see you!" you heard from the couch, turning your attention to the front door. Your parents had informed you that there would be a guest coming in to stay in the Air BNB they own for a few weeks, but you had limited reaction to it. The most they'll be is a mild inconvenience for when I need a place to decompress.
"It's good to have a change of scenery. And plus, the more I can learn about different cities, the better I'll be at my job." he spoke smoothly, with a little chuckle at the end of his sentence.
My lord, what a voice he has. You whisper to yourself, standing up to get a closer look.
Peeking from behind the wall, you observe the new person. He's.....oh no he's handsome. He has a tall build, with a dangerously soft looking tummy and long silver hair that's pulled into a ponytail at the back of his head. He has a kind looking face, with stubble matching his hair color. There seems to be a red and black collar around his neck (Oh yeah, they did mention he's a cyborg.) and hands to match.
"Oh, hey there. Didn't notice you at first." he looked up at you (holy fuck, he has pretty eyes too), and went to shake your hand.
"Nice to meet you, Mr. Ovid." you stuttered, his hand warmer than you thought it would be.
"Oh, please call me Fulgur, Mr. Ovid makes me feel old." one of his hands went behind his head to awkwardly scratch his neck, and he looks away.
You nod in agreement and stand to the side as he continues talking to your parents. The way he spoke about his job ("It helps me stay in touch with what I lost, y'know. That way I can look back at everything in the future and not feel this pit of guilt from not knowing or remembering."), how he talked about his dog back home ("Oh, he's a very big boy. But very gentle. Trained and everything." as he shows them pictures of a very large, and very happy looking Caucasian shepherd.), honestly just listening to him talk was enough for you.
"Oh honey, would you show Mr. Ovid his room, we've gotta go handle dinner." your parents shout from the front door, closing it right as you respond.
"Uhh, you can follow me. Your room isn't up 10 flights of stairs or across an ominous bog. It's right to the left." you instruct, pointing in the general upstairs direction.
"So....the right or the left."
"Right to the......okay gotcha. It's to the left." you mutter before mentally facepalming as he walks into the room and sets his bags down. Now that's certainly a way to make a fuckin' impression. Being horrifically unclear. "I'll leave you to get settled, just let me know if you need anything."
You walk back to the couch, sitting in front of the television. Whatever was playing took your focus for all of half a second before drifting to....him. It's been a hot minute since someone actually caught your attention. Even if he is a little...older. It's just by a few years. And for all you know, he could be happily married....or not even-
"Uh, you good in there?' you ask, standing in the doorframe to his room.
"Yeah, I was just trying to get the window open and some stuff fell." he chuckled awkwardly and backed away from the wall. Surrounding him were a few books from the shelf above the windowsill, and the window sat half open. Easy fix, you say to yourself before walking over and taking a firm hold on the handle for the latch.
"It's ok. I've accidentally been a little too rough with it before, you just gotta lift it up and pull at the same time. It's all about being gentle." the window slots into place and locks.
Fulgur giggles from behind you, shoulders lightly shaking at the accidental innuendo. Ah, so that's his sense of humor. "I'll have you know that joke was purely incidental. It just slips out sometimes."
"Oh does it?" he replies, breaking out into fuller laughter, wheezing in a kettle like fashion. That deeply entertains you, as how could a man built like that let out such a charming noise as a laugh.
"You like how I laugh?" he stutters out, finally catching his breath. Shit, I said that out loud.
"It's cute. Almost the opposite of what I expected from someone so built." you say, bulking your shoulders up to imitate his form.
"How am I built?" an unreadable glint shines in his eye.
"Like a beefcake. A big British beefcake."
He hums and gets the residual laughs out before putting the books back on the shelf. You sit on the ottoman in the corner of the room and listen to him talk while he gets his travel bags unpacked. He really is an interesting person. From his friends back home (apparently demons, dragons, and aliens do actually exist) to how he talks about his job. Apparently keeping the world's history and books preserved is a much more hard job than you imagined.
"It's difficult, but a very rewarding job. Makes me feel like I'm doing good to help things exist for longer. Let everyone after me observe things just as they were." a small smile appears on his face and you feel a sense of relaxation wash over you. Hmm...he's nice.
"We're back! And brought pizza!" your parents yell from the front door.
Both of your stomachs rumble at the sound of that, and you both head downstairs. The setup is simple. Three pizzas, cheese, pepperoni, and-
"Oh, Hawaiian! I actually enjoy pineapple on pizza." he mutters, gleefully getting a paper plate and starting on his meal.
Dinner flows smoothly up to a point, up until Fulgur takes his jacket off. He revealed his arms, and he put a fist on his chin, listening to your parents talk about their upcoming trip out of town. All you could focus on was his stubble. The line of his neck and his hands... You start wondering what they'd feel like. Holding them in your own. Wrapped around your waist. Maybe even groping you from behind. Lost in your own thoughts, you find that he's been looking at you.
Ah shit. You cough and shake your head of the images of him over you, standing up.
"Let me get your trash." you offer, looking down instead of at him. If you had, you would've noticed a faint dusting of pink across his cheeks, going to his neck and ears when you bend over to get another trash bag. After washing your hands and sitting back down, you two sit in silence for a few more moments, and he almost says something, but is cut off by your parents announcing their departure.
"See you later. You sure you're not coming with us back to the house? Your room and bed are there, y'know?" they humor you, waiting for you at the door.
"I'm good. Just gonna make sure our guest is totally settled in." you reply nonchalantly, almost surprising yourself. Fu-chan turns towards you, a confused look on his face, but you don't notice...again.
You finally settle in front of the TV, Fu-chan joining you on the couch. Silence surrounds the two of you, and a good chunk of time passes before it cuts to a commercial. You stretch from your spot, neglecting your nightly "turn on the porch light" duties, as your parents handled that when they left. Your mind drifts to Fu-chan again. And everything you'd want this archivist to do to you. Your thighs cross and you zone out, shaking your leg. You only come to when Fulgur taps your shoulder, asking you a question.
"You good there? You look like you're distracted. And your leg's shaking...and they're crossed. And you've got your hand between your thighs," he crosses his arms, a smirk settling on his face. He sighs before continuing. "are you thinkin' of me? Because between how you look now and the stretching and you wanting to stay with me to "make sure I get settled in". I can't help but let my mind wander to what you want to get up to."
"And what if I am? Am I not allowed to think about your hands? Or what you look like tied up? How your stubble feels on my neck?" you look directly in his eyes and something in them flickers.
"Oh? So you have been thinking about me." he moves to get on top of you, slotting a leg between your thighs. You shiver at the contact.
"Just kiss me." you internally cheer and scream that it actually worked, and that you're about to have a lot of explaining to do as to why you stayed for the night, as well as the morning at the guest house.
With that, he surges forward and catches your lips with his own. One of his hands moves to the back of your neck, and you melt into the contact. He moans into the kiss and deepens it, letting you onto his lap. The hand that isn't on your neck is holding you still, fingers spread across your ribs. You break away from him and bite the spot where his neck and shoulder meet.
Fu-chan groans at that and does the same with your neck, hair tickling your skin. You grind against his thigh, the sensation of his cynets pressing against you seep into your brain. He sucks a bruise onto your neck and rubs his thumb over it, putting pressure on the spot. You suck in a breath of air, pushing him off you.
"Let's take this upstairs. I don't want my parents complaining about stains on the couch." and with that, you both get up, stumbling a little. The two of you practically run to his room, shedding clothes as soon as he closes the door.
You push him onto the bed and straddle him, dragging your hands along his toned chest and abs. God, his tits. You grope them, gasping at how soft they actually are, despite their appearance. You also pinch one of his nipples, delighting in the way he gasps at the feeling. You continue until he's red in the face, almost embarrassed at how close he was just from one half of his (enormous) chest being fondled.
"Mmm. Let me touch you. Don't wanna finish like this." he whines, gently flipping the two of you.
He takes a wide berth at your body from his position, hands squeezing and caressing along the way. What his fingers skip, his lips follow with kisses, trailing from between your breasts to right where you've been wanting him since he moaned over that damn pineapple pizza. With each descending kiss, your breath quickened, almost to a gasp. It didn't help that he was keeping direct eye contact with you, staring half lidded and full of lust. He gently flips the two of you,
He lightly nips at your thighs, rubbing his stubbly cheeks against the sensitive skin. His arms make their way around your thighs, fingers gently digging into the plush flesh.
"You're so beautiful like this. Gasping. Waiting for me to touch you. Makes me want to take my time just to see you fully come apart." he hums at the end, and settles in between your thighs. He takes a deep breath and groans afterwards, hips canting into the sheets.
Fulgur places a wet, open mouthed kiss to your clothed mound, followed by a much more pointed one, dead on your clit. Your hips involuntarily thrusted up, and his face remained in the same spot, letting you grind against him. He untangled his right arm from your thigh, and began making an outline of your lips with his fingers, teasing around where you wanted them. He gently pushed a knuckle in through your panties and you groaned, desperate for him to take them off. He continued for a few more moments before acquiescing, taking tender care not to yank them off your feet.
"Hmmm, what do we have here?" he whispers, breath tickling your mound. Fulgur gently spread you open with his fingers, smiling in an almost pervish manner when you clenched at nothing. He stuck his tongue out, giving your cunt a wide lick, ending at your clit. He repeated the action before sucking on it, tongue caressing the underside. Your head flops to the side, overcome with the feeling of finally, finally, someone getting it right.
Fulgur seemed to get more enthusiastic about your pleasure, his hips and damn that ass thrusting against the sheets. He was drunk off the feeling of you surrounding him. His eyes were closed and his glasses were foggy and askew. He moaned into you when you thrusted upwards, and when his mouth wasn't busy pleasuring you, it was spitting out praises that left you speechless. "You taste so fucking good." " I bet it feels good, huh." "Let me know how I'm making you feel." "I can't wait til I'm buried in you." Each one more encouraging than the last.
You were almost delirious by the time you noticed he added a second finger, tongue paying special attention to your clit. His fingers were slow at first, scissoring you open, but crooked and sped up to match your hips. You could barely think straight, barely registering the sounds coming from your own mouth. There was a moment where he hit a spot behind your pelvis, while simultaneously sucking on your clit and you yanked his hair, back arched.
"Right there, Fu-chan! Please!" you begged, eyes half open. He doubled down on his efforts, finding the right rhythm between your hips grinding against him and his fingers. You began letting out tiny "ah, ah, ah" noises, and you felt almost ill at the onset of this feeling.
"Don't worry baby, I got you. Just let go." he whispered, before closing his lips around your clit completely, his silver hair spread across your belly. Your body seizes up and you feel an overwhelming burst of pleasure curl in your stomach before it crests, leaving you limp. Fu-chan continues, albeit a bit slower, both his hands and his hips coming to a complete stop once you'd caught your breath.
"You alright there?" you ask, gently carding your fingers through his hair.
"Peachy." he says, moving his head so you can see his flushed face. His glasses remained off balance and his hair stuck to his forehead. The parts of his neck you can see are pink and dotted with the bite you gave him earlier.
After a few minutes of relaxing, he slowly gets up, legs shaky, and grabs the washcloth from the guest bathroom. He cleans your thighs, then your stomach, and you nod off for a moment when he walks back. You both get under the covers, the slight chill from the open window making goosebumps on your skin.
"One more question." he whispers, hands wrapped around your middle, thumb rubbing shapes into your skin.
"How do you like your eggs?"
Oh, he better stay here for the next 6 months.
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