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houserosaire · 6 months ago
Prompt #1: Steer
The hatchling was a sturdy little thing. Seraphin easily could see the promise of future strength and fleetness in his small but well shaped legs. The little bird’s eyes shone exceptionally bright and keen as they turned again and again toward the boy whose hands rested so gently on his sides. Seraphin could readily read the promise of future strength in those hands too, and all the rest of his younger brother’s rangy rawboned frame. What he could not quite see was just what Silvaineaux was doing.
He leaned over the door of the stall, peering in over his folded arms for a moment until Silvaineaux looked up from his place on the straw. “Look at him, Seraphin, isn’t he a clever one?”
Seraphin leaned a bit closer. “What am I looking at?” He asked indulgently. “What are you doing?”
“I’m training him.” Silvaineaux said, in a tone that suggested anyone ought to have known it.
“Don’t you think he’s just a trifle young for riding yet?” 
There was something that was not quite scorn in the mismatched eyes that turned on him. “Obviously. But he’s not too young to learn how to steer.”
Seraphin laughed. “He’s too small for a bridle.”
“The other kind.” Silvaineaux said. “Watch.”
“I can’t see much from here.”
“So come in.”
Thus given permission, Seraphin slipped into the stall and seated himself on the straw in the corner. “Alright, show me your wonders.”
“Watch him.”
Seraphin watched. Not just the little bird, but the rapidly growing youth who hovered over him, crawling about in the straw like a groom rather than a Baron’s son. Or rather, a Baron’s little brother. That thought was still fresh enough to wound, but he pushed it down. And watched instead the small shift of the hands on the little bird's sides, a little press of a forefinger and gamely the little creature shifted his direction, glancing upward with a small chirp. 
“Good, Joyeux.” Silvaineaux said. 
“Can you get him to do it again?” Seraphin asked, leaning forward.
“Of course.” Sure enough one small shift of a forefinger behind the little wing and Joyeux turned the other way. The little chirp that followed sounded a touch more certain. “Yes, Joyeux. That’s the way.” Silvaineaux said.
Seraphin thought perhaps it was.
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blisteringstar · 6 months ago
Prompt 10: Stable
"Now, I know I'm starting your life of crime early, but I couldn't think of anything more 'enriching' than bringing to you to meet Joyeux and Troubadour.," Inwa spoke to the bundle of baby viera in his arms. The little one babbled at Inwa in response as the elder Miqo'te reached out to open the gate. A quick glance was given down to his little partner in crime, and then over the stables.
"Not quite" he sighed in response to that babbling. "I know your father would oppose my taking you over the salt, but you're wrong, my little accomplice." he tsked, wagging his finger. "I also didn't tell the owners of this very stable that I was coming, nor that I was bringing someone along." Inwa brought a finger up to his mouth, leaning in close to the little one. "This must remain a secret between us and the giant birds you're here to see."
If he were to be honest, Inwa rarely if ever ventured to the stables. Without a chocobo of his own and no real clue how to care for them, he always made the choice to leave them to Silvain. Even with that in mind, it was easy to find Joyeux, the warbird greeting the familiar miqo'te warmly, nipping and preening at his hair. Troubadour's talkative warbling in the background also couldn't be ignored, calling out to the pair.
"Troubadour! How could I think I could sneak anywhere with you here…," Inwa smiled, holding his finger up again. "I will get to you in a moment. I just--" His words were cut off when the small bun came to realize the large creature that had come into view, taking deep breaths to work up a cry.
"He's very big, isn't he. Oh, it's okay, he's not scary." Inwa leaned down to kill the top of the baby's head, rocking him slowly. The arm that wasn't cradling him reached out to pet Joyeux's beak, "See? He's a good chocobo. You could also pet him, but…" Inwa winced when fussy fists balled into his hair and began yanking and tangling into it as he decided if he wanted to cry or not.
Joyeux rested his head down against the small one, large beady eyes on the long-eared baby. With luck, Inwa was able to untangle one little fist. Placing a finger under it, he guided the child's fist to Joyeux's beak. "There. You see? Everything is fine."
The Baby Bun splayed his hand on the chocobo's beak, wide blue eyes on the dark blue of the bird's feathers. The deep breaths calmed, the child reaching to put the tangled hand on the beak as well, curling little fingers and then opening them again.
"Thank you for being understanding, Joyeux," Inwa also placed his free hand on the chocobo, soothing at his feathers with a smile. "And please don't tell Silvain. I know the stable hands will, but I would appreciate juuuust this bit of secrecy."
A warble from Troubadour direction called Inwa's attention once more, turning to peer at the other chocobo in contempt, proverbial feathers ruffled.
"No, it's not mine! You especially better not run your beak to Honore."
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extrait-livre · 3 months ago
"Surtout n'oublie pas d'être heureux, on oublie trop souvent et c'est dommage."
Cecil Saint-Laurent - La bourgeoise
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detournementsmineurs · 1 year ago
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"La Ronde" de Max Ophüls - d'après la pièce de théâtre éponyme d'Arthur Schnitzler (1897) - avec Anton Walbrook, Simone Signoret, Gérard Philipe, Danielle Darrieux, Jean-Louis Barrault, Daniel Gélin, Odette Joyaux, Serge Reggiani, Simone Simon, Fernand Gravey ete Isa Miranda, mars 2024.
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darcksweety · 1 year ago
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ruemorinpointcom · 1 month ago
À Sainte-Rose-du-Nord du 4 au 9 mars prochain
Le Joyeux Carnaval du Sasquatch : de retour pour une 12e édition Continue reading À Sainte-Rose-du-Nord du 4 au 9 mars prochain
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primepaginequotidiani · 2 months ago
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PRIMA PAGINA Equipe di Oggi giovedì, 16 gennaio 2025
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khamohb · 2 months ago
Go listen to this 
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houserosaire · 6 months ago
Prompt #16: Third-rate
Silvaineaux ran the leather cording through his fingers thoughtfully. It was fine stuff and the color was truly a delight. It looked black until a step into the patch of Gridanian sun shining through the shop window revealed that it was instead a very deep blue. “I will take…” He began.
From outside came the loud and angry shriek of an irate chocobo. Worse, it was a shriek he recognized. Dropping the cording on the counter he turned and darted out the door.
Another shriek followed the chocobo’s as he did, this one the sound of a man in the throes of terror.
Silvaineaux  had not taken more than a step outside the door before he understood. Joyeux stood where he had left him, but he was no longer peacefully drowsing in the sunlight. Instead the warbird had drawn himself up to his extremely substantial height, every feather on his crest was erect and his wings half spread. His beak was open and he was making a low and menacing sort of rattling hiss at the man scooting away from him on his backside.
“Stand down, Joyeux.” Silvaineaux said, as he came down the shop’s step to put a hand on the side of the chocobo’s neck. The hissing stopped, the feathers of the warbird’s crest smoothed and his wings folded neatly back against his sides before with one last piercing look Joyeux turned pointedly away, contempt in every line of his feathery body.
Silvaineaux turned a look of nearly equal contempt on the man on the ground, then stepped over to grab his arm and yank him to his feet. “What  kind of a third-rate cutpurse would try to touch the saddlebags on a bird like him?” He asked, releasing his hold with a little shove in the other direction.
The man made no answer save running off in the direction he’d been pushed.
Joyeux whistled scornfully at his retreating back.
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lolochaponnay · 3 months ago
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missombrarouge · 8 months ago
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Ce qui se passe dans ma tête de temps en temps. Il manque plus que je chante la musique de Heidi... Ou fredonner l'air de la petite maison dans la prairie
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o-link · 1 year ago
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Joyeux Noël 2023
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detournementsmineurs · 1 year ago
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Odette Joyeux et Fernand Gravey dans "La Ronde" de Max Ophüls - d'après la pièce de théâtre éponyme d'Arthur Schnitzler (1897) - mars 2024.
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houserosaire · 1 month ago
Silvaineaux is not the WoL but I will still talk about his chocobo. Joyeux (short for his pedigree name which means 'Joyous in Battle') is Midnight Blue. He is a warbird bred and raised in the Rosaire stables (famed for fine warbirds for some five centuries). He has been Silvaineaux's dear friend since the moment of his hatching and is a quite large and glossy specimen. He fears neither man nor dragon and likes little snacks of fish along with the usual greens.
what is the name of your wol’s chocobo? what color are they?
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mndvx · 5 months ago
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plumedepoete · 2 years ago
Cils joyeux - Daroca Mikael
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La longue silhouette Cheveux de finesse Ardeur des douceurs Attention du silenc Saoulé des énergies Imaginer des ailleurs De fidélité à l ’ infni Pureté des harmonies. Songeur. Soleil de partance Cœur en bandoulière Êtres en démesure Irradiant long chemin. Rayonnement de grâce Soignent une habilité Points des œuvres Lovent belle existence. Immuable. Agencement du jour Accélère vrai temps Goût du moment De manière réservée. Souffle de taille Au rire d ’ ensemble Les regards bavardent Absorbent un ouvrage. Read the full article
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