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yasssgiveusnothing · 11 months ago
Radiohusk Analysis: Husk Cares or Nothing Makes Sense (Part 2)
Husk cares about Alastor. It makes no narrative sense otherwise.
Let's talk about it!
Husk goes out of his way to help Alastor when it would be in his best interest to not care AT ALL about that man:
Husk goes to Al to warn him of Mimzy and ARGUE with him for Al's benefit.
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Husk gets frustrated when Al doesn't heed his warning and thinks Al will get hurt.
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These screenshots are from season 1 episode 5.
Here's the scene:
Let's delve deeper into it!
Narratively, that whole scene serves three purposes:
1. To tell the viewer Al is also on someone's leash.
2. To tell the viewer Husk worries and cares about Alastor.
We are shown Husk going out of his way to help Al, only for Al to tell Husk that he does not need to worry because Al has everything under control. We then see Al was correct as he jovialy kills and consumes his enemies without effort. In other words, what the viewer learns from this scene is that Husk needlessly worries about Alastor's well-being.
3) To draw parallels between Angel & Valentino and Husk & Al.
You might be thinking, Exactly! If Husk and Al are just lke Angel and Val, why would Husk care for Al or vice versa?!
Vivzie has been pushing this narrative that Al and Husk are parallels for Angel and Val this entire season. I don't think there are enough words to describe how this parallel doesn't work, but I'll try anyway.
A) Angel does not care for Val's well being.
Angel would not go out of his way to help Val like Husk helps Alastor.
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B) Val does not care for Angel's well-being.
Val doesn't need to bribe his soul contracts to work with him.
Val straight up gives Angel no free will. (Unlike Al who does not force Husk to attend the bar, instead chosing to bribe him).
If Angel gives the slightest of attitude, Val does not hesitate to get physical immediately. (Unlike Alastor, who not only lets Husk shove a finger into his chest, but let's him speak his mind and does not immediately maim him for disrespecting him.)
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C) Husk is not afraid of Al.
A man scared of Al would not argue with him or his benefit, nor go up to him and jab a finger in his chest. And yes, Husk was scared of Al when Al threatened him, but Husk fucking started it! He literally made a jab at the guy where it would hurt! If you made a jab at your pal and they start foaming at the mouth, you'd be scared too, but also know you lowkey deserved it and shouldn't be surprised it happened. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Al and Husk sit together without Husk shitting himself. Could you possibly imagine Angel sitting next to Val without wanting to disappear through the floor? Nope!
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D) Al trusts Husk. Refer to my previous theory for more information.
E) Al does not regularly assault or overwork Husk.
Husk chills at the bar all day with access to infinite alcohol. This is the closest Husk will ever get to Heaven.
Alastor has not assaulted Husk ever. Unless we're calling the time Alastor pulls on Husk's chain and makes him fall to the floor an assault. Which, sure, fine. But that ONE push that left NO INJURIES was the only time Al has ever gotten aggressively handsy with Husk. And funnily enough, Husk was the first one to put hands on the other.
This 'assault' in comparison to the treatment Angel gets from Val pales CONSIDERABLY. In fact, the two duos are NOTHING ALIKE beyond there being a Overlord owns your soul dynamic, but with Radiohusk, that dynamic barely takes place as Alastor treats him more like a trusted pal than an object to be abused.
I also want to quickly go over how I feel Husk is out of character for the second half of this scene.
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Husk is perceptive. He understands other people extremely well, which has been shown numerous times throughout the show as he reads the entire main cast and Mimzy. He is also a gambler, which means he knows when to bet and when to fold.
So you expect me to believe that Husk would say THAT to Alastor and expect him to take it well, especially when Husk knows it is a sensitive subject to him?
And Alastor's reaction is kinda valid. I mean, someone who you trusted with this information weaponizes it against you by spitting it back in your face! If Angel can have a meltdown over being someone's bitch, why can't Alastor? I mean, Angel throws a broken glass bottle at Husk's head, but Alastor pushes Husk and suddenly Al is as bad as Valentino?
With this, I conclude thtat:
Husk cares about Alastor
Alastor cares about Husk
Angel & Valentino's relationship does not parallel Alastor & Husk's.
Husk was out of character during the second half of that scene and was possibly a result of Vivzie desperately trying to parallel Valdust with Radiohusk.
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algebraicvarietyshow · 3 months ago
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erdekes negy ev lesz ha nyer. minden bidennel kapcsolatos aggodalom + mindez egy kiszamithatatlan fasisztaval a kozeppontban egy jovialis nagypapa helyett.
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mythgirlimagines · 1 year ago
Here's a funny one. Hajime/Hiyoko siblings AU. Hiyoko and Mahiru announce they're together and as everyone's congratulating them, Hajime gets Mahiru into a friendly headlock, jovialy. Then, she feels it just get <i>tighter</i> and he suddenly turns from his normal nice guy self to <b>terrifying</b> saying "If you hurt her, pray that whatever god you believe in will grant you mercy, because I won't." Then, he just smiles and goes back to normal, going over to congratulate Hiyoko.
please that's so funny, like Hajime doesn't exactly seem like the kind who would give someone a shovel talk, especially not to Mahiru, but that just makes this even funnier
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bug-duo-gyne-and-jewelia · 11 months ago
[why in hell would i be mean to some bugs i was a perfectly fine 'glitch' myself]
*they chuckle jovialy despite them talking about something rather grim to them
[+ 1 bag of sunflower seeds you could probably roast them as well as planting them]
⁜ Whoah, REALLY??? How have the Devs not patched you out, yet?? ⁜
⁜ We’ve uh… Been hiding with some other bugs in a secret colony. Mostly from… Zem. That Dev, if you know who I’m talking about. ⁜
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nunoxaviermoreira · 5 years ago
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The Quick and the Dead by tessab101 Apricia jovialis consuming what I think was a Two-Tailed Spider. https://flic.kr/p/2iShEZd
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ao3feed-lokiangst · 3 years ago
"Thank you for being here..." | Oneshot
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3Cs0EO4
by jovialis
After a rough familial encounter, Loki appears and comforts the reader as they struggle with negative and intrusive thoughts.
- TW: Mentions of self-harm and intrusive thoughts - No pronouns are used for the reader
Words: 625, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Thor (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Loki (TV 2021), The Avengers (Marvel Movies)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Other
Characters: Loki (Marvel), Loki
Relationships: Loki (Marvel)/Reader, Loki (Marvel)/Original Character(s), Loki (Marvel) & Reader, Loki (Marvel)/Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: Fluff, Intrusive Thoughts, Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Good Loki (Marvel), One Shot
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3Cs0EO4
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whoiscatherine · 2 years ago
So, I phoned the doctor and he gave me the actual number of the mental health team instead of emailing them.
Phoned and they told me to phone my gp back and ask for "Rapid Intervention".
So, eh, the wheels are turning at least 😅
Got sent home and my colleagues were wonderful. They got me my staff meal before I left and comforted me ❤
It was so funy though, an engineer was in and he saw me eating in the back and jovialy said "what did you do to get a break?" In a purely kind banter way tho! I just kinda giggle coyly and said, "magic" 🤭🔮
There's a joke about late stage capitalism in there I sure. I just can't word it 💀
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lovelypieceofchocolate · 3 years ago
Atunci am gustat libertatea
Partea I Atunci am gustat libertatea. Am privit-o în ochi și i-am vorbit cu patos. Limba, urechile și celelalte instrumente devenise instant independente de creier. La prezența lui, fiecare parte a corpului a renăscut și și-a recăpătat identitatea. Marșau cu voința Universului de a fi și ardeau cu nebunia a o mie de sori. Zâmbetul se alungi de la o ureche la alta, iar ochii... Ochii viu-colorați revedeau și deveneau aceeași după-amiază a ultimei veri demult uitată; cu un cer pururi albastru aflat la începuturile timpului și a lumii - abia născută. Cu capul lăsat spre umărul meu drept, priveam singurul tablou pe care îl port în infinita goliciune a inimii mele: o pictură din toiul verii, în care, eu, copil, stăteam pe câmpul verde, pe un colț de pătură cu grijă aranjată pentru a nu strivi vreo margaretă. Priveam cu aceeași ochi joviali și ficși spre buzele lui cum priveam atunci, demult, petalele albe cuibărite în iarba verde; cu tâmpla dreaptă mângâind pământul. Apoi, plecase. Ca dintr-un vis, creierul s-a trezit, iară fiecare părticică din corp îi reveni în control. Mi-am ridicat chipul și ochii priveau spre baza spiralei fără trepte pe care oameni îmbibați în feromoni și alcool defilau - unii melancolici, alții plini de speranțe. Zâmbetul se scurtase ușor, limba se îndepărtase dinspre dinți, gura se deschise larg iar creierul, în timp ce privea cerul din acea după-amiază începu să cânte din străfundul plămânilor o nouă mantră; fără cuvinte, doar cu interjecții de bucurie. Partea II Eram precum lumina. Pâlpâiam. Mă stingeam aici și mă aprindeam acolo. Mă stingeam acolo și mă aprindeam aici. Eram fugitiv între 2 lumi; nu opuse, ci 2 adunări de stări și evenimente din trecut ce se întâmplau simultan, iar eu participam aproape în timp real în ambele. Precum lumina, viteza mea era constantă; nici mai mult, nici mai puțin. Un timp aproape infinit de mic era pierdut călătorind între lumi. Eram cursiv ca o sinusoidală pe axul dintre lumi, dar sacadat privit sub microscop dintr-una dintre lumi. Lumea cu care am început visul a fost în lumea întunericului, lumea fricilor, lumea perturbată constant de disconfort și teroare. Era un vechi castel, cu ziduri de piatră rece și mici pete de lumină estompată scăpată prin geamurile diafane zgâriate, prăfuite, împroșcate cu smoală cu un gest de indiferență, scârbă și sictir. Lumea mea, casa mea - îmbibată cu mireasma melancoliei, cu izul tristeții, cu duhoarea morții iminente. Lumea diabolicului și a bestiilor ce mișunau pretutindeni și mereu în umbră. O lume cu aer greoi cât un bolovan pe care îl porți atârnat de gât. O lume în care corpul este într-o tensiune permanentă de luptă sau fugă. În umbră, simțeam privirea impunătoare și superioară a creaturilor cum îmi era gravată pe ceafă. Auzeam saliva de pe vârful limbilor cum se lovea de dinți ca de ferestrău, aidoma valurilor mării care se izbeau de pietre ascuțite, alunecoase și tăioase în timpul unei furtuni în larg. Tresăream la fiecare vuiet stors printre crăpături, la fiecare urlet amuțit, fiecare strop de bale picurat pe podea. Simțeam plămânii înghesuiți în stern și fața tremurând. Mă priveau, analizau și controlau doar prin prezență, așteptându-mă pe mine, prada, să am prima deviere din tipar, prima sclipire de speranță, prima izbutire la viață, prima scânteie de voință. Lumea cu care am continuat visul a fost în clasa de liceu în care eram înconjurat de sute de chipuri pe care le-am întâlnit de-a lungul vieții. Mă priveau, mă judecau, îmi adresau întrebări până reveneam în lumea cealaltă; lumea cu care am început visul. Partea III Am izbutit primul pas și am fost eviscerat. Am cugetat- am răstignit suflete, am mințit, m-am mințit, mi-am răstignit sufletul și am continuat. Am cugetat- am îndepărtat, am cerut, am primit, am oferit, am iubit, am urât, am nimicit, am plâns și am continuat. Am cugetat- am râs, am clădit, am distrus, am omis, am evitat, am ezitat, m-am biciuit, am ignorat, am renegat și am continuat. Am păcătuit, m-am abătut, m-am pierdut, și m-am regăsit, m-am primit, m-am privit, m-am îmbrățișat și m-am acceptat. Simt- și iubesc. Lumea cu care am sfârșit visul a fost lumea cu care am început visul. În castel nu mai era pic de groază, de întuneric, nici un suflu de monstru. Am alergat pe holurile lungi și nesfârșite care acum erau pline de lumină. Am intrat în fiecare cameră, m-am uitat prin fiecare crăpătură, am privit de pe fiecare geam, am deschis fiecare ușă și am privit lung și suspicios spre locul unde obișnuiam să-mi legăn nebunia în brațe. M-am dus și în lumea cu care am continuat visul și, din clasa de liceu, o ultimă siluetă feminină tocmai plecase. M-am apropiat de banca mea și am privit lumea cu care m-am trezit. Atunci am gustat libertatea.
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the-firebird69 · 4 years ago
Wehit the fat bitch he wouldn't follow or unblock she's an idiot threatens him like mad all day never gets one teeny thing at all nor is motivated by it we grab her crucify her. Fat lulu no it's her sister crap asses bastard. An imbicile. We rip most of them out now
Uriel and Goddess Wife
We pull the rest around the huge caverns rip out the daimonds and install the Towers left by the caverns there are 4. We clear both sides of Appalacia using it.
Huge calls for his arrest here. Huge we invaded used the comicon ploy. Trapped them there Ate them up kept it going all night long due to the talk. It's huge cruise goes up for the real show. Mountains are still there yes some nearer the city where it was. Buried. Yes we left parts of it. Well we put parts back buried them yes on purpose for now
Huge epiteths yes now will disappear
Nuada Arrianne what fun it us yes so jovialis interesting and this...you know thier rank is higher...staring contest. He kept up yelled your dead I killed you. Sat as he heard no no your son acted as I. Felt bad. My daddy was right. Moped around left and said I kill him he embarrassed me tonight. Then laughed you did he said. And he requested I take care of him I did he died in my arms. Finally he can rest. Him too. We revived him but he sees. Wec are very powerful soon extremely.
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A topic so somber as the Second World War may not conceptually mesh well with jovialy marketed virtual reality systems such as the Oculous Rift- which are often used for at home immersive gaming, however the makers of the Anne Frank house Secret Annex VR app have found a way to intermingle the two worlds. At the Anne Frank house museum in Amesterdam, the secret annex is left empty (the Nazis had removed the existing furnature upon finding the family hiding in the annex), as that was how Otto Frank had wished the space to be preserved. The VR app allowes users to move through the space as it would have been when fully furnished and occupied by the Frank family between 1942 and 1944, complete with 3D modeled furnature and small possesions. In this manor, the app serves both educational and convenience purposes, as it provides users with the emotional sensation of wandering through the annex from any Anne Frank museum locatins without disrespecting the wishes of Otto Frank. The app made sure that users of many backgrounds could partake in the historical experience by offering the tour in seven languages and compatibility with multiple VR headset brands.
- Maya Shapiro 
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bryonydunnphotography · 4 years ago
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Jovial Jumping Spider (Apricia jovialis) #nature #macro #garden #wildlife #spiders #australianwildlife #australianspiders #arachnid #spiderwebs #spiderphotography #wildlifephotography #gardenphotography #macrophotography #naturephotography #charming_nature #flowersandmacro #etoe_2 #top_macro #macrogrammers #topmacros #mynikonlife #E2E_Halloween #discovermitchell #ABCmyphoto #ausgeo (at Broadford, Victoria) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGRbINJAiaB/?igshid=10qe7iim86fxb
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got7-texts · 7 years ago
Can I request Reader x Jackson with quote #27 since I've never been trick or treating 👻👻👻
 “Coming!” you called out as you jumped of the couch andgrabbed the pointy hat that was on the chair, throwing it on your head. Youpicked up the bowl of candy and walked over to the door, ready to hand out thetreats but then stopping when you saw who it was.
“Trick-or-treat!” Jackson exclaimed with a grin. You rolledyour eyes and chuckled, motioning him to come inside.
“Get in here, you goof,” you said jovialy, shutting the doorbehind him.
“Wait, I don’t get candy?” he asked, pouting. You laughedagain but called out from the living room.
“There’s better stuff in here, come on,” you called out fromthe living room as you plopped back down into the chair in front of the tv. Youwatched as Jackson rummaged through the bags of candy you had bought and youtook a moment to admire him.
He was dressed as a vampire – a tight fitting black suitwith a white shirt underneath and a flowing, blood red cape around him. Youhadn’t noticed before, but he was wearing red contact lenses and donned twopointy fangs that almost looked real. His blonde hair was parted perfectly andhe had on one of those black chokers.
“Babe, you’re staring,” he said, pulling you from yourthoughts as you blushed slightly and turned back towards the tv that wasplaying Nightmare on Elm Street.
“Shut up,” you mumbled as Jackson chuckled and sunk into theseat next to you.
“Hey, when are you gonna put your costume on?” Jacksonasked. You gave him a blank expression and then pointed to your hat.
“It’s already on, see? I’m a witch…or a wizard…or something,I don’t know,” you exclaimed, grabbing a handful of popcorn and stuffing it inyour mouth. Jackson looked at you with distress and you knew he was going tostart whining almost as soon as his mouth opened.
“But Y/N!” he whined. “You’re not gonna get any candy if you’renot actually dressed like something!” he explained, motioning to his owncostume.
“I have plenty of candy right here, why do we need more?”you asked, shrugging slightly.
“You don’t want to go trick-or-treating?” Jackson asked in asmall voice. You looked away, slightly embaressed before mumbling to yourself.
“It’s not that I don’t want to go…it’s just…I’ve never…” youtrailed off, refusing to look Jackson in the eyes.
“YOU MEAN YOU’VE NEVER BEEN TRICK-OR-TREATING?” Jacksonshouted, practically leaping off of the couch. You turned even more red andsighed heavily.
“It’s not my fault! My parents weren’t around a lot when Iwas younger so I always had to stay at home and stuff. I’ve definitely dressedup before I’ve just…never really gotten the candy,” you explained, feelingvulnerable.
You hadn’t told Jackson because you didn’t want him to feelupset. You knew that he loved Halloween and you were worried how he would reactif he knew you had never indulged in his favorite holiday.
“Y/N,” Jackson said softly, looking at you with seriouseyes. You gulped and looked at him. “You know what this means right?” he asked,making a pit appear in your stomach as you tried to remain calm.
“I…” you began, but you cut yourself off for fear of sayingsomething else wrong.
“It means we HAVE TO GO!” Jackson shouted, pulling your armand dragging you off the couch. “If you’ve never been trick-or-treating beforethen it is my solemn duty to help you with your first time! I know it might bescary but don’t worry! I, Jackson Wang, will be there the whole time!” he exclaimed,dramatically.
You looked at him in amusement before breaking out intolaughter and shaking your head.
“You’re crazy, Jackson,” you said, grabbing your pointy hatonce more and putting it on your head.
“That’s a yes, right? You’ll come trick-or-treating with me?”he asked, nodding in excitement. You held back another laugh as you smiledwidely.
“Yes, alright, fine. Let’s go get some candy.”
Check out the list of spooky AU’s/Quotes here and feel free to request! These are the numbers that are left~
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stiri-noi · 6 years ago
HOROSCOP de weekend, 20 - 21 aprilie 2019, cu Anca Martin: Zodiile cu nativi încrezători în forţele proprii şi mai joviali ca oricând
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tayegi · 8 years ago
btsstoriesand-astrology(.)tumblr(.)com/post/158929472957/jovialy-mr-worldwide-i-dont-know-what-to THIS ONE LOL
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hobiboo1 · 8 years ago
9, 10, 32
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
Any combination between my biases (any members of bts tho lol)
- Stella x
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"You'd be surprised what im capable of, Sir~ Her Grace doesnt trust me blindly you know" she stated jovialy, continuing to circle him. 'If I keep close enough, my semblance will start to make him hallucinate, and its smooth sialing from there~' she thought, a quiet giggle escaping her lips in anticipation.
"So you're the baron that her grace has told me about. Im here on behalf of Lady Salem~" the young girl sang, bowing lowly to the man. (YA BOI GLACE)
Pogoda looked down to the girl. “A child? Interesting..”
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