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sarafangirlart · 1 month ago
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Hera deceiving Zeus by James Barry not only goes insanely hard, but it’s also so funny, Zeus’s expression here implies he’s suspecting that Hera is plotting something but is too horny to care and Hera looks so cold at him bc she knows she doesn’t need to pretend to be flirty anymore.
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incorrectsmashbrosquotes · 11 months ago
I'm taking a Classics course this year and it's extremely funny to me that, while some versions do make Kronos into Greek-Satan, in most versions Zeus eventually just... like... releases Kronos after a few centuries.
It's like "Hey dad, yeah, you and the other Titans can come out now. I think ya'll've learned your lesson, just no more eating your kids, K?" And Kronos just... accepts his son's rule. It's honestly hilarious.
From a historical perspective it's meant to be reflective of the Athenian banishment system where you got to return after ten years or so, but it's also endlessly funny to me. Zeus just has his ex-con cannibal father puttering around occasionally offering advice and its usually terrible.
It's even funnier in Roman mythology because in that series of events Saturn (Roman Kronos) and the Titans go to Italy and rule over a Golden Age while making ready for Jupiter and the other Gods to come over with Aneas once the Trojan War is over.
So, I'm proposing an alternative version of Percy Jackson. While the Greeks were fighting the secondd Titan War, the Romans just have to like, settle a dispute between Jupiter and his geriatric father over some bullshit. It's be hilarious.
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scopophilic1997 · 8 months ago
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scopOphilic_micromessaging_1027 - scopOphilic1997 presents a new micro-messaging series: small, subtle, and often unintentional messages we send and receive verbally and non-verbally.
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brimo5 · 5 months ago
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A silent comedy cartoon episode in which Hades spends all time with Zeus? I never imagined this to be real🤣🤣🤣
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heliosphere-underthesky · 10 months ago
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Heliosphere: Under the Sky [MAIN CAST]
This is the main cast of "Heliosphere: Under the Sky", an art project about personified / human versions of planets, stars, and more! It mostly focuses on our very own solar system.
Please check out their character profiles for more info!
Character profiles: Tumblr | Toyhou.se
(NOTE: These were made to celebrate Heliosphere's 1st webcomic anniversary! Because it's the webcomic series that pushed it to be a more serious project overall, having been stagnant for years.)
(Thanks for checking under the cut! Here's an Easter egg for you.)
BONUS: Neptune in true colour! Because plot twist: he's not really royal blue.
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moonyjumpers · 2 years ago
i present to youuuuuu:
Jupiter North
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you can't tell me he's not a Jupiter variant/the most Jupiter thing outside of the fandom
(i do not own any of the pictures used, credits to all rightful owners)
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jovialturtleface · 2 months ago
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Me when I'm tired
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pmdwildfire · 9 months ago
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PMD: WildFire – Ch.5 Pg.132
Read on: PTGigi | ComicFury | Tumblr
I thought this page was fun c:
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s-c-r-ee-ch · 10 months ago
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Battle of the Gods against the Titans
From A Popular History of Greece (1887)
[Upon Juno's encouragement]: "When they (Titans) tried to mount heaven, Jove with the help of Minerva, Apollo, and Diana, cast them headlong into Tartarus. On Atlas, who had been their leader, he put the vault of the sky; even now he is said to hold up the sky on his shoulders.". — Hyginus, Fabulae 150
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eaglewind13 · 1 year ago
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You ever just have a dream that inspires a character and then it spirals quickly out of control? Couldn't be me... Anyway's, here's Dr. Phillip Whittlepaw, his ex-wife Marissa Whittlepaw (her last name) and her new husband, Jove Whittlepaw (created by my partner @casual-necromancer ). There's a lot going on here but more will be revealed in time, for now, I just have a lot of art of cats!
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sarafangirlart · 11 months ago
She fights, however much a female can. (Juno, I wish you'd seen - you would be kinder.) She fights, but what man could a girl subdue, or who would conquer Jove? As victor, Jove returns to heaven. - Ov. Met. 2.471-5 myth of Callisto
Yeah I was kinda taken aback when I read this. Poor Callisto. I don’t think Hera would necessarily be “kinder” so to speak if she knew what happened to the women of Zeus’s “affairs” bc I think it’s more willful ignorance rather than actual ignorance bc the way a lot of these women behaved after their “fling” (like how Alcmene insisted that she didn’t know that was Zeus disguised as her husband) makes it undeniable that they didn’t consent to having a relationship with Zeus.
But this does remind me of how Hera appreciated Asteria and Thetis for rejecting Zeus. Well… technically for successfully rejecting Zeus.
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melody-of-colors · 1 month ago
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Modern au shenanigans for the main crew... or is it an au???
Who knows, I just really like putting my blorbos in cute clothes 😭
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rael-f-wae · 2 months ago
Forgive me, Jove, for any unintended harms -- forgive me, Muses, for that I twist your arms -- forgive me, Fates, that I misuse your thread, embroidering my image on the silent dead, writing for them, speaking what I would have said, as if I am half as good as them, who left such records with but pens, and I with webs, and access to all men, have eked so very precious little out, despite my words so high & sternly proud. We must remember, all those august thinkers started out like us, as little inkers, pushing precocious pens through parchment pages, giving little vents to all their little rages.
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brimo5 · 3 months ago
Possibly Philostephanus was not far wrong, when he described Adonis as the son of Zeus and Zeus alone. Cook, A. B. (1903). Zeus, Jupiter and the Oak. The Classical Review, 17(3), 174–186.
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Jackson, S. (1998). Callimachus’ Pupils and Adonis. Museum Helveticum, 55(1), 9–13.
Well… as Poseidon said, Zeus has a prolific head, and I guess Hera loses again in the "having a baby alone" contest.
For some reason, I think this "Adonis" is equal to Dionysus.
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heliosphere-underthesky · 6 months ago
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COMIC - What is the Heliosphere?
(Heliosphere: Under the Sky is an original solar system project with personified stars and planets)
Space facts!
The "heliosphere" is the giant bubble around the sun and its planets. It is made by its constant flow of charged particles called the "solar wind".
Traditionally, it was thought that the heliosphere's shape resembled a comet's; however recent studies say it could probably look like a deflated croissant.
Heliosphere | Deflated Croissants | Magnetic Fields | Earth's Magnetosphere
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carneirodemercurio · 5 months ago
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"Pro numinum vis summa, pro caelestium rector parensque, cuius excussis tremunt humana telis". Seneca. 'Cum tonas, Luceti, prae te tremunt' Highest of the divine powers, ruler and parent of the heavens, whose hurling lightning bolts make humans tremble' Seneca 'When you thunder, Jupiter, men tremble before you' Today I honour Jupiter Fulgur (Jupiter of the lighting). Quite aptly there are storms forecast for today. I have a severe storm phobia - so as well as my veneration today, I shall also be hoping that no thunderstorms come this way.
Polo máis alto dos poderes divinos, gobernante e pai dos ceos, cuxos raios lanzandos fan tremer aos humanos' Séneca "Cando tronas, Luceti (Xúpiter), os homes tremen ante ti" Hoxe honro a Xúpiter Fulgur (Xove dos lostregos). Moi axeitadamente hai previsións de treboadas. Teño unha fobia grande ás tormentas, así que, ademais das miñas veneracións, espero que non veñan treboadas por aquí hoxe.
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