#journeyman protectors of concord dawn
chocobothis · 1 year
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Etsy: Would you like a five dollar credit? It's you anniversary with the site.
Bo-Katan/Nite Owl things are really easy to find now. But, finding something with Fenn Rau/Journeyman Protectors of Concord Dawn? Unheard of. I love my Spicy Pilot so much even if I rarely post about it.
The coins are both far bigger than I imagined; like the size of my palm. I have to figure out how to best display them but I definitely want to get the ones with Hera and Kanan too.
Everything from SpectreSurplus on Etsy.
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mearchy · 7 months
I’ve almost no understanding of linguistics. But this post and also @thefoundationproject ‘s fics, which include bits about how the Journeyman Protector dialect might be related to Standard Mando’a, have me trying to hypothesize Mandalorian language trees. based on what we know about Mandalorian history.
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I KNOW some of you are language nerds and I also did this in fifteen minutes please yell at me about your own headcanons and also about everything I got wrong/missed/forgot. It would be cool to turn it into a real graph to reference eventually (:
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fearmypaintbrush · 1 year
Sometimes my brain reminds me that, out of all the mandos who tried to put to words what it means to be a mando, you have the original resol’nare aka the 6 actions, which inspired the canons of honor, which in turn was inspiration for Tor Vizla’s Kyr’tsad (Death Watch) Manifesto, and Jaster Mereel’s Ori’ramikade (Supercommando) Codex.
And I think about the LENGTH differences between a single phrase of six core values, a group of canons, a manifesto and a codex. Like, I can’t stress enough that the reason we don’t have a canon Supercommando codex is because a codex is an entire book, a compilation of rules, lists, values, and priorities grouped together, organized, and put into book form.
And I think of the man who, upon seeing corruption right in front of him in the system he was apart of, his first response is to kill the superior officer who was apart of that corruption. Then when he’s been kicked out for killing a superior, and he sees that the corruption and injustice and dishonesty spread far beyond the Journeyman Protectors of Concord Dawn, that its everywhere in the galaxy, his response then is to write a fucking book.
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skybreakprimeonao3 · 1 year
That feeling when you’re flipping through the 1998 Star Wars Encyclopedia and come across this:
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Image ID:
Concord Dawn The birthplace of Journeyman Protector Jaster Mereel, who later changed his name to Boba Fett after being exiled from the planet for killing another protector. Mereel was imprisoned on Concord Dawn and unsuccessfully defended in court by the Pleader Irving Creel. [TBH]
(TBH refers to Tales of the Bounty Hunters, Edited by Kevin J Anderson, Bantam Books, 1996)
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twinterrors29 · 1 year
Cody was about 6 (physically 12) when he and his batchmates started looking up Jedi they might be assigned to on the holonet, ostensibly gathering intel on preferred tactics and planning maneuvers that play to the different Jedi's strengths
Cody, of course, saw some footage of Obi-Wan, looks up his profile, and immediately said 'that one, he's it'
Wolffe told him that he's insane, that there's no way he can know who he'll be assigned to work with when the time comes, and also that Kenobi wouldn't care in the slightest anyway
Cody, of course, replied simply: 'Challenge Accepted'
he snagged Obi-Wan's space-email address and sets himself up as a penpal
again, Cody was Baby, but he'd already started training to write like a Commander of the GAR
Obi-Wan, for his part, was initially very confused about this stranger emailing him and their very confusing way of speaking, combining intense military jargon applied to all areas of life with very childlike topics and focus
then he concluded that this stranger is an older teenager, ie an 18 year old, who just graduated from a military academy and into service, looking for someone to talk to with shared life experience
and well, he'd been feeling a little isolated, spending most of his time with only an increasingly moody Anakin for company away on missions, so he responded, and continued responding
they became friends, and as Cody grew older, he definitely developed a bit of crush on the cute older guy who was giving him positive attention
he expressed this affection primarily through stronger exhortations for Obi-Wan to wear armor on his missions, and suffered a lot of teasing from his batchmates for blushing while checking his messages
when Obi-Wan was assigned to the Padme protection mission, he told his penpal just enough detail that Cody was able to figure out who it is Obi-Wan was after
and he had just seen Prime's ship landing...
so Cody messaged Obi-Wan back immediately, over voice for the first time, telling him to stay put on Coruscant because he had a lead to offer
then staged a minor coup, captured Jango, and brought him to Coruscant to present to Obi-Wan as a gift
Obi-Wan, meeting the seemingly-early-20's Cody in his armor, had all of his assumptions about his penpal apparently validated: clearly, the man he'd been talking to for the past four years was about 18 at the start, and had grown into a confident and attractive young man
so he decided to flirt a little
Cody had never been so tongue tied in his life
however, he managed to rally, focusing on handling off Jango as the suspect in Obi-Wan's investigation
Jango, of course, immediately refused to give away any useful information, only opening his mouth to call Cody a traitor, which gave Obi-Wan the further wrong impression about Cody and Jango's previous connection, suggesting that they were members of the same military organization (their armor looks Mandalorian? or Mandalorian inspired? Satine was always fretting about some terror cell or other, and the Journeyman Protectors on Concord Dawn did still wear armor he recalled)
Cody agreed to be taken out on a sort-of-date while Judicial started processing Jango, and they both had a great time and expressed a desire to continue this relationship
but then Sidious insisted on getting his plan back on track, the whole clone-army thing came to light right as the war started, and Cody turned to Obi-Wan and asked if he can be assigned to his battalion
Obi-Wan agreed despite his concerns about conflict of interest; after all, he's still assigned to work with his Padawan all the time
Cody was very smug at having finally fully proven Wolffe wrong
and then, of course, Obi-Wan heard about the double aging, did some hurried mental math, and had a completely different set of moral crises to fret over
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tinky-dinky · 10 months
The Cuy’val Dar
Following on from my Jango post, I want to talk about the Cuy’val Dar.
The same warning as that post applies. This is largely my speculations based on canon, but not actually canon.
A note about Legends canon: Unless it is directly contradicted by the current canon, I choose to include Legends canon as canon.
So, the Cuy’val Dar (Mando’a meaning those who are lost) are the trainers Jango recruited to train the clones on Kamino. There were one hundred of these trainers, and seventy five of those one hundred were Mandalorians. The other twenty five were probably bounty hunters and general mercenaries.
Of the seventy five Mandos, we only know the names of 12 of them. Two, Isabet Reau and Dred Priest, were Death Watch sympathizers if not full on members. The other 10 have no stated allegiance but it’s my speculation that at least some of them were True Mandalorians under Jaster and Jango.
There are two whom I am almost certain were True Mandalorians. Kal Skirata is said to have known Jango for years, so he was obviously at least affiliated with the True Mandalorians. He was found by his adopted father, Munin Skirata, when Munin was on a mission with a group of mercenaries. My guess is those mercenaries were Jaster’s people, and possibly even included Jaster himself.
Rav Bralor was a close friend and comrade in arms of Kal Skirata’s long before Kamino, so obviously if he is a True Mandalorian, it stands to reason that she must have been one too.
There are two others who are potentially True Mandalorians. Llats Ward isn’t stated to have any particular affiliation but his chest plate has a whacking great mythosaur skull on it, which is the sigil of the True Mandalorians. Of course, it’s also just a generally important symbol in Mando culture, so Llats could have it on his armour for entirely different reasons.
Miij Gilmar, the trainer of the clone medics, wasn’t born a Mando but became one after he married a Mandalorian woman. She was murdered, unfortunately and he vowed revenge. It’s noted that he had a deep hatred for the death watch allied Dred Priest and Isabet Reau. My speculation is that his wife was killed by Death Watch and he may have joined (or already have been part of) the True Mandos to avenge her.
There is one more trainer I want to discuss in detail. His name is Cort Davin, and he was a Journeyman Protector on Concord Dawn. Obviously this is the same profession as Jaster and Fett Sr, so this suggests he may have been a colleague of theirs. It does seem that he stayed in the Journeyman Protectors until he was recruited into the Cuy’val Dar, so I don’t think he was a proper member of the True Mandos, but he could have been their ally.
We know virtually nothing of the remaining five named Mandos of the Cuy’val Dar, B’arin Apma, Swart Swifto, Wad’e Tayhaai, Vhonte Tervho and Walon Vau. I have no idea if any of these people were True Mandalorians. It’s possible.
A side tangent about Wad’e Tay’haai: one of the few things I could find about him is that his preferred weapons were a traditional Mando spear and a bes’bav. A bes’bav is a Mandalorian flute that doubles as a stabbing weapon. Of course the Mandos have a musical instrument that is also a weapon. Of course they do. It makes me wonder how many other musical weapons exist in Mando culture. And how many other things Mandos have made into weapons. Many, many things probably.
Anyways, this brings me onto the point of this post: why would any True Mandalorians would agree to train the clones despite it going against their well established code of protection over children? And how did Jango feel about these people that were once his?
It’s my personal speculation that any True Mandalorians that joined the Cuy’val Dar on Kamino did so for a number of reasons. The New Mandalorian pacifists were in charge on Mandalore, so anyone wishing to keep their culture couldn’t stay there. I can’t imagine that Mandalorians are welcomed in many places in the galaxy, so it’s possible some of them joined because it guaranteed a place to live and a source of income and food.
Some might have joined out of loyalty to Jango. Perhaps they thought he wouldn’t allow the clones to be treated badly and by the time it became apparent that he would, they couldn’t back out. Perhaps they wanted to help him and therefore help the clones.
I doubt any of them were actually told what they were being recruited for. It was a secret, after all, and I don’t think telling a bunch of Mandalorians ‘there’s a facility where they’re cloning children to be trained as child soldiers for a war in which they’re likely to die’ would go well.
Honestly, I just find the Cuy’val Dar quite interesting. Who are these people? Why did they agree to come to Kamino? What did they feel about the clones?
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padawansuggest · 5 months
Someone needs to just start hitting me for my crimes.
Every time I think to myself ‘oh, I should work on the next chapter for — series’ I go to google docs (yes I am recently learning they are bad and I need to transfer things to a new writing library cause wtf) and I search some key terms or character names into the search and I’m all ‘I don’t remember what I titled this doc let’s just see what’s there’ and instead of. Writing the next chapter. Of the work I was looking for.
I find.
A new.
First chapter to a new fic.
That I forgot about.
And then I finish that one and post it instead and then I have even more readers asking me to update a new series. It’s. It’s so rude. Bam stop writing new shit challenge!!!! 😡
Anyways. Anyone interested in an AU where Stewjon and Concord Dawn are very close neighbors but Stewjon is too far into Mandalorian space for the senate to allow contact with the Jedi so they aren’t allowed to contact them when they got new kids to send to them but it’s much easier to travel if you have towns/cities on other planets (like Little Keldabe, which basically acts as an embassy for their people on Coruscanta, and other places like that) but also the Stewjoni foster system worker that contacts Journeyman Protector Jaster also has neither the time nor resources to make the trip and also Stewjon doesn’t have an embassy on Coruscant so the closest they can get are onto neutral docking ports around the galaxy but if they ask too many questions about the Jedi they’ll get blocked and so Jaster agrees to bring their kiddo to the Jedi but also to keep him for a couple months to get him to calm down in a place where he can have a dedicated caregiver (and two annoying ori’vod in the form of Jango and Arla, one of whom tries to give him A Knife and the other who isn’t stupid) and then bring him to the Jedi so he’s less traumatized by the trip there and then instead of leaving him they Come Back with some Jedi (probably in my drafts Obi isn’t even with them yet lol they’re just talking with the foster care worker rn) and it’s gonna involve a lot of toddler Obi and big brother Jango????
Anyways. Who knows what I’ll write next 🤷‍♀️
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panther-os · 2 years
After the war, Gree says the riduurok with his husband then goes to university and majors in sociocultural anthropology, eventually becoming an ethnographer - living among different cultures for often several years to learn how they work and what they value from the ground up. He’s known in the academic community for a unique perspective as a first generation clone commander who already greatly contributed to the birth of a culture, and he’s known between sister cultures he visits as someone who is respectful and enthusiastic to learn. One of the planets he visits as an ethnographer is Mandalore, and there he is formally adopted by the remnants of House Mereel and given the apellation “Miitgaana’mandad” (”writer of the collective soul”), which he shortens to Miitganda and uses as his clan name. After he retires, he writes a sociocultural treatise on Vode culture, with input from his batch and Rex and the rest of the 41st Elite. It becomes the top selling nonfiction book for nearly a decade, not only for the peek into clone lives, but also for the exposure of Kaminoan child abuses during the creation of the clones. He and his husband adopt a daughter and he uses his combined military and academic pensions to send her through uni and she becomes a well-known art historian. After she graduates, he allows himself to be pulled out of retirement to teach as a tenured professor at a Mandalorian university. His students know him for his ugly sweaters, his animated teaching style and infectious enthusiasm, and his ability to toss anything directly into the trash can from any distance. He becomes a grandfather and when his daughter asks him for name suggestions for his granddaughter, he thinks for a long moment before suggesting Luminara or Barriss. Luminara “Mina” Miitganda grows up to be a Journeyman Protector on Concord Dawn like her other mother and names her son after her grandfather. Gree Sr lives to become a great-great-grandfather and known academic cryptid before he and his husband pass peacefully away together in their sleep, still embracing.
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blxsscd-x-fxrsakcn · 2 years
star wars verse random hcs under the cut
so, there's a canonical(ish) "angel species" in SW- diathim
-full name: jibr'iil tionas rook
- would be a force-sensitive diathim-human hybrid ( illegally created after clone banning )
◇ verses: post-Order 66 & TFA / TLJ / TROS compliant
- when using thermal vision / force sight, eyes become yellow with black sclera ( normally blue-gray )
- got wings ( not feathered, more fairy-like / connected via extra tissue and muscle ), three sets each, made denser and stronger by genetic tampering
- grew up aboard various spacer vessels under death watch loyalists' control ( ex-clan rook ), before being deposited on concord dawn, training with the journeyman protectors. as a foundling he was generally ignored ( the elders hadn't felt he'd fit when returned to his " parent " species ).
- apprenticeship as a medic ended in failure, but learning more about alien / human anatomy, er, helped
- once gaining enough credits / access to ship parts in adulthood, moving to black spire outpost, skipping around various 'rim territories for "jobs" ( bounty hunting )
- personal ship was a former x-wing, but lost in a skirmish; 'borrowed' a gauntlet starship after
- known as the "Ghost of Iego" / "Wraith" due to phasing ability
◇ abilities ( natural & force ) - flight ( wings ), phasing ( solid matter only ), telepathy, telekinesis, force barrier, alter environment ( heat, smoke / ash ), force absorption / redirection
◇ weapon(s): vibroblade / smaller knife, both with cortosis weave to deflect lightsabers & blaster fire
- armor is made of songsteel / beskar combo, NOT cheap in the slightest
- fingertips always a strange color due to the type of material he smuggles ( radioactive minerals, rocks and other alien fauna / flora for dyes, kyber crystals / lab grown kyber, droid parts, etc )
- civilian outfit includes dark, neutral, and / or earthy tones; leather jacket and pants, along with boots, longsleeved shirts from simple, lightweight fabrics
- hair isn't naturally blond, bleached with dark roots ( likely brown ), facial scruff left alone ( hair does have a silvery sheen in certain light )
- always has a packet of cigaras (cigarettes) on his person, or smoking one
- practices are much like fetts' own: "for the highest price / most interested buyer"
- serves himself, and only himself. not happy about the republic / empire / various guilds hounding to "ally" with
- does he know he's diathim? no, not in the beginning, just thinks he's one of galactic society's many outcasts ( he does long for that knowledge anyways and what it means )
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curvedlightsabers · 2 years
yeah sabine's one of the best characters in star wars tbh, she has such a unique relationship with being a Mandalorian, what with her family's history with death watch then reluctant imperial collaboration, then their involvement with the rebellion and uniting the clans, and her personal experience with having her cultural and personal identity and artistic expression suppressed in the academy, and feeling betrayed by everyone in her life leading to her trust issues especially in seasons 1 and 3
weirdly i wouldn't super mind if she's been staying on Lothal all this time tho
way back when, in the old eu, a big part of being a mandalorian was being a "journeyman protector," whose job was to protect fringe towns on places like Concord Dawn. The little blood leaf sigil on boba fetts chest was a journeyman protector sigil, and Fenn Rau's Protectors are a sort of remnant of this concept.
I think sabine Becoming a Protector could be an interesting sort of rite of passage for her, and dedicating herself that particular mandalorian tradition after having so much time at a distance from those ways. if its done as an outgrowth of her own character rather than something she does cause someone tells her to, thatd be pretty nice. it wouldn't even necessarily preclude her from having a life outside of that as we know she was a bit involved with the arts in the new republic
that being said they're not going to do any of this they're just gonna say "she was there 10 years For Him and did nothing dont worry about it she's basically an extension of that guy they're looking for"
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nieithryn · 7 months
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An Anon asked: Meta + Sintas [For Boba? You seem to use his Legends canon]
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Nonny, I want to give you a lil smooch, because this is such a thoughtful lil thing to send me, and you're right, I do mainly use Boba's Legends canon! Partly because I haven't actually seen Book of Boba Fett as yet (...I'm working on it) and partly because I actually think it's an important and meaningful storyline that gets misinterpreted (willfully or otherwise) by folks a lot.
Boba loved Sintas. Wholly, unconditionally. After he got out of prison, she was another youngster in the outlaw scene, and she didn't want to be there any more than he did. She said she wanted to get out of the life, and Boba had never really wanted to be in it. She said she wanted to be normal, to have a family like they never had. And Boba agreed.
There were red flags he probably should have noted, but he was only 14 when they started sort-of seeing one another. It didn't seem weird to him that she made their encounters more about her than him. He didn't notice how she corrected him frequently, shaping their shared future into her dream rather than a collaboration. But he didn't realize that those weren't healthy. She stayed, she said she loved him, and she asked him to take her away from their life, to build a new one with her, and he did.
Boba got a real, stand-up job as a Journeyman Protector. He married her. He was so excited to be a father, to raise Ailyn. To be a normal person, to have the life his father couldn't have or give him. To give his daughter that life. He loved his wife, and he wanted her to have that life too. Normal, quiet, peaceful.
Sintas didn't love their life that much. She loved the idea of being a family woman, but she resented being at home on the farm while Boba worked. She left him to care for their daughter when he got home, and they fought frequently about that and many other things. They fought over everything, really, but he thought they could work things out. He always thought they could work things out.
Boba would have done anything for his family, and he did. He killed a man for his wife, and rather than seeing it as the love he bore her, the urge to avenge her honor and protect her and their daughter, Sintas accused him of ruining their lives. She refused to join him off of Concord Dawn after his exile, instead staying where he could never go back, effectively cutting him off from his child. She told him she never wanted to see him again.
He grew to resent her. He resented being denied his daughter, being told that he could never see her, that he was the reason Ailyn would have no father. He resented Sintas acting as if he abandoned them, and he resented her becoming a bounty hunter again after she sent him away, when she could have done any job to raise their daughter. He resented her making everything his fault.
He also believed everything she said. He never remarried. He never tried for another family. He believed he did ruin their life, but he was barely more than a child himself. He felt responsible.
And he still loved her.
Boba held onto the flame of that love for decades. Loved her from afar, with pain, even after learning she turned their daughter so far against him that she wanted him dead. Still loved her even after learning she left their daughter alone in the galaxy.
Boba Fett died still loving the woman he fell in love with at the age of 14. Despite the insecurities she caused in him, the pain. Despite the wounds she inflicted that never ever stopped bleeding. He never stopped loving her. He never thought himself worthy of anyone's love ever again, but he still loved her, even into his sixties, seventies. Even after she was freed from carbonite, a fraction of his age, he gave her a culturally significant gemstone necklace to let her 'catch up' with his memories (Sintas is a kiffar with psychommetry) from the time after they broke up. He still loved her, despite it all. Wanted her to catch up with him, opened his soul to her.
Theirs was a horrid, toxic love, traumatized teenager and pre-teen romance that should never have gotten past a crush, but for his part, Boba loved Sintas truly and deeply.
(Anyway, if you want a good overview of the Vibes of Boba and Sintas' relationship, these songs, in order: Take Me To Church Abracadabra The Dreamin' That's All My Life Hope you enjoy the suffering!)
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bylightofdawn · 1 year
Hrm....I'm writing this scene which...not gonna lie I'm kinda hesitant to include but it also kind of speaks to Jaster's whole backstory and why he's been acting certain ways in this fic. A million years ago in one of the short stories you have this story that opens with Boba Fett under the name of Jaster Mereel, a young Journeyman Protector. He is rotting in jail having murdered another Protector, a man who they later expound upon in a different story who raped his wife because it's the 90's. Anyway they then gave Jaster a similar backstory of having murdered a superior officer which made things SUPER murky and confusing for a while there.
So I've been writing Jaster as someone who stands up for the abused, downtrodden etc because he's borderline ridiculous at times and is a little wrong genre savvy. And I've long established in my headcanon and hinted at somewhat that he was in love with someone back on Concord Dawn who died around the time he was exiled. I'd kinda had it in the back of my mind that their death combined with the whole corruption thing was why he ended up murdering said superior officer.
Now I'm debating having it be more than that, they were the wife of said superior officer who got sauced and would beat her up. And Jaster kept trying to help her escape but she kept forgiving him and going back until he finally does kill her. And that's why Jaster ended up killing him in turn but thin blue line dictated they couldn't let it out this high ranking member of the Protectors was an abuser so they just pinned the whole corruption thing on why Jaster did it and offered him exile just to get him far, far away. Cause NGL it's always been a little weird he straight
But domestic violence is so triggering. Hell, I went through it with my mom and her constantly going back to her abuser so it's kinda rough to write. But it kinda of explains why he's been doing the things he's been doing with Arla etc. And....I dunno. I mean I can always remove it don't the line but keep it in for now.
-rolls around uselessly-
I dunno, I'm also debating if I am going to do WIP Sunday. I just returned from my step-father's birthday dinner at my mom's house and I am full of ribs + brisket and cake and ice cream so I am very much going a Hutt impression right now and being productive sounds like a lot of work. LOL If I do, it'll be later near midnight though it's already 10pm.
Woof where did today go??
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ollovae3 · 3 years
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Sketched this a couple days ago and wanted to post!! A lil redraw of my old (2020) bust art of Bacara, had a bunch of fun with it??
Super happy to see the improvement in faces and also in line work/expressions?? Now tempted to draw Neyo again cause my brain says they're batchmates— 👀
Hope y'all like it!! Time to catch up on Study Week for mARTch and then the work for Contrast Week 👌💖
Old art below!
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bisexualmikisayaka · 3 years
this is just quite frankly bizarre, but i want to see more mandalorians in mando s3. i want to see the wren clan, i want to see fenn rau. i want whoever those clan heads who pledged allegiance to bo-katan were. i wanna see bkk get reamed out in a cantina by an angry scottish space warrior yelling at her about how sabine should have kept the darksaber because clearly the literal teenager had a better chance at keeping the ancestral weapon of their people away from their enemies than the lady who lost it twice, and then turning to din and boba like hi mand’alor, hi jango fett’s son, how are you both doing today
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eventfulpanic · 4 years
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So I’m sure someone has already pointed this out, or everyone just already knows it and I’m late to the party because I literally just noticed this when I scrolled through the ‘Boba Fett’ tag for the millionth time
But, the sigil Boba puts on his chest piece (circled and zoomed in above) is Jaster Mereel’s Journeyman Protector sigil
I’m sure all of you know that Jaster (as deciphered from Boba’s chain code) is the Mandalorian who took Jango in
The Journeyman Protector was the law enforcement agency of Concord Dawn (home to Jaster and where he later took Jango)
Fenn Rau who was the Mandalorian Kanan spoke to and later teamed up with and discussed the Darksaber when Sabine obtained it in Rebels, he’s the current leader of Journeyman Protector
I just think it’s really cool that Boba put this on his armor because it pays homage to Jango’s founder and his grandfather
((EDIT: The Journeyman Protector sigil was on Boba’s armor since the beginning ☺️))
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tinky-dinky · 1 year
Okay, so I need to calm down from some fury inducing obikin shit, so I'm going to ramble about Jango Fett and my belief that he is a Mandalorian by birth as well as by adoption. Here goes.
Jango's parents do not have first names so we'll just refer to them as Fett Sr and Mrs Fett.
Fett Sr served in the Journeyman Protectors alongside Jaster Mereel, who is definitely Mandalorian by birth. Jaster is from Concord Dawn, as are the senior Fetts, their daughter Arla and, of course, baby boy Jango. Concord Dawn is a planet in the Mandalorian sector, and appears to be home to a lot of Mandalorians. My theory is that it is probably a colony of Mandalore's from its Empire days.
If Jaster Mereel, born on Concord Dawn and member of the Journey Protectors, is considered Mandalorian by birth, then it follows that Fett Sr, also a Journey Protector and also probably born on Concord Dawn, is also Mandalorian by birth.
We know next to nothing about Mrs Fett. However, the main thing we do know is that she shot a fully armoured member of Death Watch with a blaster rifle to save her son. Saving one's child by way of suicidally reckless fit of parental instinct is exceedingly Mandalorian.
Therefore, Fett Sr and Mrs Fett's bouncing baby boy Jango is, in fact, Mandalorian by birth.
Now why is this important, you may be asking?
Simple: Jango Fett did the most Mandalorian thing ever recorded in the history of Mandalorians and produced millions of warrior babies.
Are those warrior babies (and, yes, the clones are babies, the eldest of them is, what, 10 at the start of the clone wars. babies. all of them.) Mandalorians?
Yes. By the simple logic of: Jango, Mandalorian twice over via birth and via adoption, considers Boba, a clone, to be his son. Boba is, therefore, Mandalorian by birth (by decanting?), by the logic of shared parental ethnicity. There is not a single valid reason why the other millions of clones are not also Jango's sons (if one clone is his son, the others are too) so, therefore, they are all also Mandalorians by birth/decanting.
The main point of this is that if they were able to and wanted to, the millions of highly trained, armoured and armed warrior babies could turn up on Mandalore with every right to citizenship. Satine cultural-genocide-is-okay Kryze's face would be hilarious. Proud Grandpa Jaster is beaming from Mando Heaven.
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