#josie salvatore
fandoms--fluff · 9 months
Road Trip
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Flufftober, October 1st.
Vampire female Salvatore reader x Hope Mikaelson
Summary: Lizzie and Josie set you and Hope up on a road trip, knowing the wherewitch (unactivated vampire side) has had a massive crush on you since she was nine.
Reader goes to the school only to look out for the twins and to throw insults at Alaric, otherwise, you wouldn't be there. You don't actually do any work...or go to any classes either or teach any classes since you got turned at 21. You're also there to look out for Hope, as per request from Klaus before he died. Considering you and Stefan are the only ones in Mystic Falls he actually liked and secretly cared about.
Warnings: swearing,
a/n: Even though it's basically irrelevant to this fic, Stefan is alive and no one took any cure. And Damon never gave his car to the twins - this one kinda is, idk. And the other side was never destroyed.
Hope stares at you as you're reading Peter Pan, across the library. "Subtle" Lizzie says from behind her.
"Did you know, she's reread that book three times already this year" Hope says, aware of how stalkerish she sounds. "So the girl likes Peter Pan, she probably met the author in the fifties when it came out." Lizzie shrugs, smirking at her frenemie
"It came out in 1911 actually, and there's nothing saying I can't read a book more than once" You look up from the book and over to them.
Hope immediately blushes, knowing you were listening to their conversation. She pulls Lizzie out of the library with her quickly. "You knew she could hear us, didn't you?" Hope whisper yelled to the siphoner.
"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. It's so obvious you like her!" Lizzie explains, whisper yelling back. She walks up to her and Josie's room, leaving Hope standing there embarrassed.
Lizzie walks into her and Josie's room. "That's it, I can't take it anymore. We need to get Hope to admit her feelings to y/n before my head explodes!" Lizzie exclaims. "Finally, let's do this" Josie stands up from her desk. She walks over to Lizzie's bed, where they start planning.
"Lizzie, why did I have to pack a bag?" Hope asks her, duffle bag slung over her shoulder. "You'll see" Lizzie smiles as she leads Hope over to Damon's car, that which is here without his knowledge, thanks to you.
Josie walks towards them, also with a bag slung over her shoulder. "Are we going on a trip or something?" Hope asks, confused.
"Well, we aren't," Josie tells her and points to herself and her twin. She drops the bag on top of the trunk.
"Where exactly did you need us to go again?" You ask eyebrow raised. You have the keys to the Camaro in your hand.
"Oh, right, here" Lizzie hands you a map with a location circled in black marker.
Hope's eyes widen slightly, figuring out that she and you are going to be on a road trip. Together. Alone. She wants to kill Lizzie and Josie right now, she groans in her head. She already knows somehow she's going to make an utter fool of herself. Why did she get out of bed this morning, why? she thinks before zoning back into the conversation taking place.
"A campsite? In Atlanta?" You ask with an eyebrow raised. "Yep, mhm" Lizzie nods her head.
"You know, if I could tell when you were lying when you were a child, I still can, right?" You cross your arms.
Lizzie and Josie share a surprised look before quickly leaving. "Love you, auntie y/n" Josie says before slipping into the school with her sister. You roll your eyes playfully at her way of trying to be cute so you don't hunt them down and lecture them later.
"..We don't have to go if you don't feel like it" Hope hesitates before speaking. "No, it's fine. Besides, you and I both need some time away from this damn place. I can tell. Plus I don't know how much longer I can take having to see Ric's face every day." You unlock the car, and open the trunk, placing the bag Josie packed for you in it. Hope softly chuckles at the last part you said as she also places her bag in the car.
"Okay, Atlanta here we come," You say once you're both inside the car and you start the ignition.
The radio plays as Hope looks out the window, watching as everything seems to fly by as you're driving. It's been around three hours since you guys left. Hope's calmed down a bit, knowing all she has to do is make it through the next 2-3 days at most and then her secret is still all safe.
However, it doesn't help that you look absolutely beautiful as your eyes concentrate on the road and your fingers sometimes lightly tap along to the song playing. She's been trying her hardest to not just flat-out stare at you for the past two hours. You're wearing a black fitted v-neck top, dark wash jeans, and a leather jacket. And she can't stop thinking about how good the outfit looks on you.
By hour four, you pull over into a gas station. You're not stupid, you know exactly why the twins set you and Hope on a road trip. You've known for a while about how the youngest Mikaelson has a crush on you. Now you could always just confront her and all that, but you're not going to make it that easy. You're seeing how long it'll take until she finally spills it out to you.
You've been smirking on the inside most of the drive, noticing the not-so-hidden looks and eyeing Hope's been doing.
"Why don't you go pick out a couple snacks while I fill up the tank" You smile. You pull your wallet out of your pocket and hand her a twenty dollar bill. "Y-yeah, okay" she grasps onto the bill and walks into the small store.
Once you pay for the gas with your card, Hope is back in the car, a bag of snacks in her lap. She stopped in the bathroom there, making sure her face wasn't bright red from blushing. The good thing is her cheeks were only slightly flushed, so wasn't as bad as she thought she looked.
You guys munch on the snacks for the next leg. Hope soon realized that having something in her mouth to constantly chew on is settling her nerves a bit. Thank god she got a pack of gum at the counter before paying.
"You look glum...Wanna know a secret that your father and my brother would most definitely kill me for if they find out I told you about it?" You look over to her at a stop light. Why are there so many stoplights here? You guys are the only ones on the road for petes sake.
"Really? Yeah" Hope looks up at you, her eyes widened. Before you spoke, she was staring at her shoes with an expressionless face.
"Well, Chicago, 1920's, Nik and Stefan were close. Too close it seemed to me, so I did some investigating one night. Let's just say when I broke into Stef's apartment because he wouldn't give me a key, my precious eyes were traumatized. There I saw, my baby brother and my good friend, Nik, naked on his bed in the middle of a hook-up sesh" You tell her, you smile seeing the disgust on her face.
"You just told your friend- enemie's? daughter about him and your brother having sex! Why?!" She exclaims, a disgusted look on her face.
"Because you said yes you wanted to know something" You smirked, happy to see her no longer glum. "I thought you meant something like, I don't know, an embarrassing story where they were drunk and had a stupid conversation, not a- wait, were they like...together?" Hope broke off from her sentence.
"Ah, now I was hoping you'd ask that, this will tell you all you need. Probably in a more censored way," you reach into the backseat and pull out a worn-out leatherbound journal. "My baby bro's journal, doesn't know I have it, so keep it on the hush and don't tell anyone." You wink at her. "I nicked it from him when Klaus came to town to sacrifice Elena. Such a dork, even when he was humanity-less, he still freakin wrote in a diary" You playfully roll her eyes and her the old diary.
"Do I even want to know how much blackmail you have against basically everyone?" She asks you, opening the diary. "Oh, sweetie, you don't even want to know who and how much" you chuckle.
Hope immediately feels butterflies in her stomach when you call her 'sweetie'. It slowly falters off though, "Wait, do you have anything on me?" She asks, alarm on her face.
"Hmm, good question" You pretend to think for a second before pulling off a very damon-impersonating smirk.
"I'll make sure not to get on your bad side then" Hope says. "Good idea, your uncle didn't do a very good job with that. Oh what am I saying, he still doesn't. If you're ever pissed at him and something to hold over his head, I've got you."
"You know uncle Kol?"
"Yep, we crossed paths in 1872 and just stuck together since then, even when Nik decided to dagger him for a century," you tell her. "And when he died...twice" you both chuckle at the way you held off on the dying part.
"He's never mentioned he knows you," Hope tells you, not remembering her uncle ever bringing your name up.
"Has he ever mentioned a 'she-devil' or 'crazy scary woman'?" You raise an eyebrow. "Yeah, a bunch" she tilts her head. "Then he has, wow, so rude of him to never actually say my name and just those disgusting ones," You tell her in a joking tone.
"That makes so much sense," Hope says, earning her a flick to her thigh from you.
"Uh-huh, I bet it does" You smirk at her gasp. "We'll be there in forty-five minutes, so you might want to read that or I can give you a very detailed version instead," You tell her, turning without signaling because you guys are the only ones on the road. still.
"No thanks...I thought we had another two hours left?" She started reading until your info fully sunk into her mind.
"I mean we should, but I have no mind for speed limits, and we'll get there before dark. That means no bears or coyotes to sneak up on us in the dark." "What?!" she looks alarmed again.
"Just kidding, there's no bears or coyotes within 10 miles of the campsite unless it changed in the past year" you reassure her. "Oh, okay, thank god" she lets out a relieved breath, continuing on the page she was on.
Hope looks up from the page she's on as you park the car in a clearing beside a massive pine tree. "There are things in here that a daughter should never know about her father and ex-lover? best friend? friends with benefits? I don't know, but it's gross" She puts the diary on the backseat where you grabbed it from earlier.
"I'm surprised you made it that far, honestly" You chuckle, getting out of the car.
Hope follows you to the trunk and pulls out her bag. "So where exactly are we going in here?" She asks as you sling your bag over your shoulder.
"A site that was abandoned twenty years ago and no one has visited besides me. I never thought there were any bad reasons to tell my wonderful nieces, but they for some reason want us here, so I'll just go along with it" You answer her question.
Hope's stomach fills with butterflies again, knowing that she and you are going to be the only ones here. She watches where she's going, not wanting to trip and then you probably going to ask her if she's alright and then she'll most definitely say the stupidest answer, and then you'll probably figure out her huge crush on you. How is it that her mind can rant like this whenever she's around you, is her question.
Hope's eyes widen when she looks at the place you guys stop at. It's a beautiful clearing with no trees littering the circle and the clear sky shining down. There's a river a couple hundred meters forward and it just seems so peaceful.
"This looks amazing" She finally says. You chuckle at her ogled state, "Yeah it does, there's a barrier around us that'll only allow people I want in here. So there are no enemies and now only five others know about it, you, Josie, Lizzie, Kol, and Katherine" You explain, and motion for her to place her duffle bag down on the log, beside your bag.
"That's so cool," she says, looking around again. "How long are we staying here again?" she asks.
"Maybe like two or three days before heading back if that's alright with you," you say while pulling a tent to assemble out of your bag. "That sounds good" Hope smiles, walking back over to you.
"I hope you don't mind sleeping in the same tent, it's the only one I have that's not broken, thanks to my brothers, but it's fairly big" You lead her to around the middle of the site and start taking all the pieces out of it's bag.
"N-no, I don't mind" on the inside, she's screaming. This is literally too good to be true. She going to be sleeping in the same tent with you, for three nights at least. She's literally jumping up and down on the inside, she's so happy. No way her overthinking is going to stop her from feeling joy, not at this moment at least.
You smirk to yourself, knowing exactly what's going on in Hope's head, maybe she'll realize that it's okay to tell you about her crush during this time before Josie and Lizzie plan another surprise trip or plan for you two.
You build the tent, giving Hope instructions for some parts considering this is her first time building one. It's up and ready not even fifteen minutes later, all the pegs hammered into the ground and all the zippers working.
"And we're done before sunset, good job us" You give her a high five. You guys bring your things into the tent and set up the two sleeping bags that were in your bags because Josie packed them both in your bag. Probably so Hope wouldn't get too suspicious before leaving.
It's been two days, you guys are leaving tomorrow. And Hope can't even count the number of times she just wanted to go up to you and kiss you. But her self-consciousness stops her before she gets up to do it. every. single. time.
Not this time though. They can go fuck off while I go make a stupid decision, but it'll hopefully be worth it, Hope fights with herself. She stands up as best she can in the tent and walks over to where you're sketching.
You look up at her, but before you can utter a word, Hope goes on her knees and presses her lips to yours. She pulls away, eyes widened.
Hope cannot believe she just let herself do that. How stupid can she be?!
"I- uh, s-sorry. I have no idea what I was thinking" She goes to stand up, but you pull her back to you and bring her into a soft yet passionate kiss.
"You knew exaclty what you were doing. And I'm glad you did. It may have taken you a while, but you did and I'm proud of you, and I might just also have a huge crush on you too" You tell her everything going on in her scrambling mind.
"You do?" She asks, shocked. "One hundred percent" you smirk.
It takes her a second to realize, "Wait, you knew I had a crush on you this entire time and just let me almost make a fool of myself countless times over the years?"
"Pretty much, yeah" You nod with a faux thinking face.
"I guess it's worth it though" She mumbles, looking up at you this time. "Yeah, I strongly agree. Why don't you try being my girlfriend to find out for yourself though" You set your sketchpad and pencil down and place a hand on her thigh.
"Really? Yes!" she smiles, lighting up her face.
You bring her into another kiss, and it ends with you both doing absolutely nothing for the rest of the day besides cuddling and you telling her embarrassing and some disgusting (she thinks at least) stories about her family and yours and some of the mystic falls gang.
There's no doubt that Klaus is watching from the other side and sighing as his daughter falls for you even more. At least he doesn't despise you, and you never tried to kill him. You better not corrupt his sweet daughter too fast, he thinks, knowing it's bound to happen, just hopefully not all at once.
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drakoneve · 10 months
The Vampire Diaries Universe Masterlist
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Requests are OPEN. Who I write for listed below the cut;
Damon Salvatore
coming soon...
Stefan Salvatore
coming soon...
Tyler Lockwood
coming soon...
Kai Parker
coming soon...
Klaus Mikaelson
coming soon...
Elijah Mikaelson
coming soon...
Kol Mikaelson
You've Never Seen Halloween Town?
Rebekah Mikaelson
coming soon...
Hayley Marshall
coming soon...
Jackson Kenner
coming soon...
Marcel Gerard
coming soon...
Hope Mikaelson
coming soon...
Lizzie Saltzman
coming soon...
Josie Saltzman
coming soon...
Milton Greasley (MG)
coming soon...
Kaleb Hawkins
coming soon...
Rafael Waithe
coming soon...
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aetheriumnoctes · 2 months
i could type whole ESSAYS on my tvdu opinions so ask me anything and i’ll provide you with a three paragraph response that you did not ask for 😍😍
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imaginefan · 9 months
The New Baby *Part 4*
All Platonic Relationship Characters involved or mentions are - Asher (OC), Jayleen (OC), Hope Mikaelson, Jodie Saltzman, Lizzie Saltzman, Klaus Mikaelson, Katherine Pierce, Damon Salvatore and Jeremy Gilbert.
Word Count: 1015
Requested: @emaz-0225
Request: Original Request
*Part 3*
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No one had expected your death and everyone was hit hard, you had been protecting the twins, Katherine had come to Mystic Falls to visit your grave cry. She hadn’t expected to see anyone but ended up running into Damon who was placing flowers on your grave, they spoke for a while and finally agreed that she was allowed to see the twins considering they needed all the family that they could get. For the first couple of months they didn’t hear anything from Klaus either, he chose to mourn your death on his own only reappearing when the twins or specifically when Asher was in danger as the first born, however much like any other danger it passed.
The twins themselves had always struggled with your death. They were still young when you died, only three, Jay had taken a quieter approach to her grieving receding into herself, she didn’t speak to anyone apart from Asher, who took a more aggressive and angry approach to grieving. For a long time they were on their own only because they chose to be, Jay was the first to let Damon back in Asher following suit, then Stefan and finally Kathrine and Klaus. Jeremy was there but after a few years he found someone else, someone that he wanted to settle down with.
It took about 10 years before the twins had friends of their own age, with the supernatural school finally in place, they attended with Hope, Lizzie and Jo. They seemed to be getting on well unfortunately on the 13th anniversary of your passing Jeremy decided that he was going to tell them both something.
“I needed to talk to both of you.” Jeremy said as he looked at them, they were both sitting on the beds in the room that they shared as they waited for him to tell them what he needed to. “What?” Asher asked, he was far less forgiving of Jeremy, feeling abandoned by his father, all of his grandparents coming to the rescue. “It’s about Jessica.” Jeremy said. “Honestly I don’t want to talk about your new girlfriend.” Asher said as he leant back against the headboard of the bed. “Fiancée.” He corrected. “Excuse me?” Asher asked. “Fiancée.” Jeremy repeated. “So what do you expect me to call her mum and play happy family every holiday?” Asher asked. “Not gonna happen.” “Do you want to hear why we’re getting married?” Jeremy asked. “Because you love her or something?” Asher asked, putting air quotes around the word ‘love’. “I do love her but there’s another reason.” Jeremy answered. “She's pregnant.” “Oh so you’ll marry her but you wouldn’t marry mum?” Asher asked. “Asher, that was different.” Jeremy argued, Asher sat up, his feet falling to the floor as he stood. “Honestly I could care less that you are having a baby or getting married, I don’t want anything to do with it so if you don’t mind will you kindly leave me the fuck alone.” Asher said before disappearing from the room. “You couldn’t have picked a better day for this?” Jay asked. “You know what this day means to him and yet you would tell him that you are moving on and you expect him to do the same.” “That’s not-” “No it’s not what you meant but that’s what he heard.” Jay sighed before standing up and walking out of the room to find her brother.
Asher found himself at your grave as he always did on the anniversary of your death, he’s cry, tell you everything that he had achieve that year and even brought Hope Lizzie and Jo to see you one year, they had all asked to come pretending that they were there for Jay but they had come for him to, he knew that but he couldn’t bring himself to thank them. “Do you know what he said to me today?” Asher asked, the silence that answered him was no unfamiliar “he said that he’s getting married and she’s pregnant, I think he was hoping that we would be happy for him but I was just angry because somehow after everything he still manage to come out on top, like he did every other time, you looked after us when we were younger and he was able to do whatever he wanted, he only ever looked after us when he wanted to and he’s the one that gets to move on while rest of us are still hurting.” Asher wanted to be able to see a picture of you without feeling angry or like he wanted to cry. “You know with all of the friends that I’ve made I shouldn’t feel this way, I don’t feel as lonely as I was before but you're still not here and I can’t bring you back, no one can.” “Your right no one can bring her back so we have to live for her.” Jay said as she sat in front of him. “Mum wanted us to live so the best thing that we can do for her past bringing her back is living the way that she wanted and showing her everything that we can become.” “What if we don’t do what she wanted?” He asked. “I think we have, you know, making friends that would do anything for us and we would do anything for, you know I think that if we never did anything for the rest of our lives she’d be proud as long as we were happy.” Jay explained as her eyes moved over to the girls that you’d say were your closest friends each of them taking a seat so that you were making a semi circle around the grave. “We’ll stick together no matter what.” Hope said “you can rely on us.” “We promise.” Josie said. “Always.” Lizzie added. “Thanks guys.” Asher said softly and while he knew that it was still going to be a long time before he was okay, he had the perfect people around him to make sure that it happened in and out of the school.
Requests and general question!
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nattinatalia · 7 months
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hyperactivewhore · 20 days
I'm finally done with season six, which was one of my favorite tvd seasons... I'm afraid of what happens next because apparently everything goes downhill like damn 💀
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alexsshittyworld · 2 years
7 year old Lizzie: I want to be just like my mom when I’m older!
Damon: I think that’s an amazing plan, little one.
Also Damon, 10 years later, watching Lizzie in a committed relationship with Hope Mikealson: I didn’t think she would take it this far…
Josie standing next to him: You definitely should have.
Caroline: Yeah that one is on you honestly.
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girlkisser13 · 24 days
legacies masterlist
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elizabeth "lizzie" saltzman
ethan machado
hope mikaelson
jade salvatore
jedidiah "jed" tien
josette "josie" saltzman
kaleb hawkins
landon kirby
milton "mg" greasley
penelope park
rafael waithe
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heartcutie212-blog · 5 months
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Does anyone know of any Vampire diaries Fanfics with a supernatural broker like someone to procure objects like daylight rings, moonlight rings, etc?
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lesbiansaltzman · 9 months
ROUND 3, BATTLE 56: Steroline VS Hosie
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tvdupolls · 2 months
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darlingmurdock · 1 year
unpopular opinion but i think at the end of caroline’s journey, she should have became human…. and i know it sounds odd but it makes sense in my mind ?
i honestly think caroline completely thrived as vampire but inside her heart when she became a mother; is when she would have been better as human!
vampire taught her about her own skin and being her own person but being mother taught her how short life is and for me that is when being human would have been better for her !
when lizzie became heretic is good for her but there is still that pain knowing josie won’t choose that type of life (i don’t see josie choosing to be vampire tbh) anyways then everyone she knows is growing old or they are either dead…
her mother, stefan, tyler (we can not lie she cared for him after everything they been through they stayed as friends) then enzo and klaus are all gone….
bonnie, elena, damon, matt are all growing old !!
she is always been attached to her humanity but is no lie she gets that from being protective over the people she loves the most !!
i feel like if caroline did go back time with her girls somehow she would have stayed human and moved far way living the calm life of morality with them.
maybe even marrying someone and having her own kids while growing old and being content with her life…
idk that’s just my opinion what do you all think?
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stargazerexo · 9 months
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freddieslater · 2 years
I couldn’t stop thinking about step-dad Stefan and also Jade being Stefan and Valerie’s child who actually did survive, so this is Stefan’s happy family in my mind.
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carebooks · 10 months
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alexandra980615 · 10 months
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