#incase some of you thought they could “spoiler me”
hyperactivewhore · 22 days
I'm finally done with season six, which was one of my favorite tvd seasons... I'm afraid of what happens next because apparently everything goes downhill like damn 💀
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pigeonpeach · 2 months
Love behind the Spotlight
Aka Robin x fmab reader
SPOILERS BTW made before the most recent update!
Warnings: death, spoilers, suicidal thoughts, lil smut, reader is called girlfriend sometimes, not proofread
“Sorry I’m late! The paparazzi out there are ruthless!” You quickly pushed your back to the door and locked it just incase. You visibly relaxed upon hearing the familiar click.
“Its okay love, you’re one time actually, they have to fix the set so we have some time.” Robin said, getting up from her chair to give you a quick peck. This woman was a goddess in your eyes, how else could you explain how easily you relaxed in her company, how all the troubles of the world faded into nothing when her wings cupped your face while you kissed. A bottle of soulglad could never compare to a kiss from Robin to you. Dreamscape or not, Robin is what truly made your life magical. You could tell she was a little tense, she seemed worried.
“Is something the matter? Was someone rude?” You rolled up your sleeves but she placed her hand on your arm.
“No…its just those articles.. they say I’ve gained weight..” Robin’s smile faded.
“Gained? If anything you should! You’re quite literally light as a feather! Those journalists have their heads up their ass and gossip on the brain 24/7. You could get a actual trashcan to write a better article than most of them. They only want more attention, and you just happened to be the prettiest and most perfect punching bag for them to take it out on.” You gently petted her wings, not wanting to mess up her hair. She reminded you of your pet bird in the way her eyes would close a little whenever you tended to her like this.
“I know its just exhausting to constantly be a target. At least I have you… I hope that we can go public someday..” she looked at you with smile, that radiant curve that rewired your brain like a addiction.
“Someday, I’m going to kiss you right infront of those annoying fans who try to ask you out. And I’ll flip them off. I’ll give those journalists something to write about.” You smiled. She did as well..
“This.. this is your choice in partner?” Sunday didn’t seemed pleased. Robin seemed agitated at that.
“What do you mean by that? They’re nothing but loyal and honest to me!” She was on edge and he could sense that.
“I just simply thought you could do better. Even if you are into… well.. girls, there’s far better options for a celebrity like yourself. Not that I doubt you love them, if you’re relationship with them ever got out then it would be nothing but controversy. People would accuse you of taking advantage of them, lying to your fans, all sorts of things.” He sighed. “It’s just a disaster waiting to happen.”
“Well.. I’d rather have them by my side for that then. They make me feel more confident and assured. I feel safe in their presence. I already get unnecessarily criticized and wrapped into controversies regardless of what I do, At least this way I do so happily.” She huffed.
“I can see they’ve been a influence on you, although I can’t say its that bad.. just be careful. We’ll try to ease the public into it. Probably starting with the notion, then more public appearances, song’s mentioning the situation and then finally the announcement. How long have you two been dating?”
“A year actually.”
“YOU didn’t TELL ME!”
“I should leave soon, otherwise the media will be wondering why I’m sleeping over.” You sighed, starting to lace up your attire, your back turned to her, you knew if you just saw the top of her collarbone right now you would never be able to leave this room, but then the media would speculate. There was already rumors, you had seen it online of people joking Robin was into you even from your friendly interactions. If you didn’t leave soon then it would only add fuel to the fire. But you didn’t want to. Her bed was comfy, the sheets were silken and soft and the mattress cupped your body so lovingly, that’s not even mentioning the cuddle expert Robin is. How her gentle voice is better than the sleeping pills you have to take if you wish to get any sleep, how her soft hands hold you like otters drifting in the sea, and when you watch her wings twitch in her sleep. Her hand traced your back, like a hypnosis you had ceased movement, but Robin would never need to use the harmony on you, if she wanted something she could ask and you would comply easily.
“Please?” That’s all it took for your resolve to crumble. You could never say no to that face or that voice. You discarded your pants that hadn’t even been zipped yet, kicking them off to some corner in the dark.
“Who am I to refuse?” You smiled playfully as you rejoined her under the sheets. Her hands quickly yanked you into her embrace. She pecked your face with kisses, like a bird preening its lover, her hands smoothed the messy bedhair you now had.
“I love you.. I love you so much..” she whispered inbetween kisses. You could tell from her voice and demeanor then that you wouldn’t sleep that night.
Your hand found its way to her back, tracing the shoulder blades while she dotted your face with whatever was left of her lipstick. You would go through a whole packet of makeup wipes tomorrow but it’d be worth it. You wouldn’t leave this bed if your life depended on it. It would be nice to die in her arms afterall, you would die happy if you went out while she was eating you out. Her kisses trailed down and down until she was at your chest, without hesitation she swirled her tongue on your breasts like she knew you liked it. You gasped as you held your hand to your mouth.
“Robin? Robin?” A voice sounded from the door as you both froze. By instinct you dove under the sheets as she hurriedly put her night gown back on, meanwhile you covered yourself in her pillows and plushies to further hide your form.
“Sorry sorry.” She said as she placed one final pillow over you then opened the door. “What is it?”
“Your performance was cancelled due to a technical issue at the venue. Apparently some of the tech there broke overnight and they don’t have hopes itll be repaired in time. So you can sleep in tonight.” Sunday said.
“Oh that’s great!”
“Also has your assistant gone home? I didn’t see them take one of the guest rooms.” He asked. She paused before smiling a bit.
“Actually.. they’re spending the night..” she said quietly to him. He looked at her skeptically, but ultimately he just sighed.
“Just be quiet.” He left afterwards. You heard the door close and lock as Robin quickly pounced onto the bed, digging you out of your makeshift burial with a eager expression. “You won’t mind being quiet tonight right?”
“You’ll have to gag me.”
“Where’s Robin?” You approached Sunday confused, you had a week off work so you had been having some time to yourself, enjoying the festivities and atmosphere of the dreamscape. Sunday seemed different, usually he was more relaxed in a situation like this, where he’s simply standing around at the balcony, overlooking Peacony’s scenery like he is its god.
“She’s… a little busy at the moment. Your vacation has been extended. Enjoy your time off.” He said. You immediately didn’t buy it.
“Bull shit where the fuck is she?” You said, your heart starting to race. For once Sunday looked uncertain, panicked even. It was not pleasing or assuring to see, you felt dread building in your stomach. “What happened… why aren’t you saying anything…”
“Robin… is fine.. just enjoy your vacation. Its paid as well so you’ll have no worries.” He repeated like a broken record.
“She has a performance coming up, I’m supposed to go with her.” You said. “Are you firing me? What is going on?!”
“You are not being fired. You l.. lets take this inside..” he looked at you with a look you could only describe as guilt and sympathy. You felt only worse as you followed him into his office.
“There you are~” you felt relieved to hear her voice coming from behind. Robin smiled as always as she quickly engulfed you in a hug.
“Don’t be so silly brother~ I could always use a extra hand!” Robins arm wrapped around you confidently, something she only did in complete utter privacy. Your heart sank, this isn’t her usual demeanor. She’s playful in scenarios sure, where its just you and her, or sunday too sometimes, but she has some composure to her.
“Robin I’m so goad you’re okay.” You hugged her awkwardly, wondering if something was wrong. You could hear Sunday growing apprehensive.
“That’s enough you fool.. its one thing to play an act for appearances but to try and fool her lover?!” Sunday hissed, you immediately backed off looking at him then ‘Robin’ who now had a uncharacteristic smile on her face. Within a instant its like she was gone, now replaced by a twin tailed, scantily dressed, clothed in red lady with the most devilish smirk.
“You’re no fun, i thought we really had to sell this illusion.” She teased.
“What the fuck”. You backed up as you felt your world crumble. Sunday got s stand in… but why? What happened to Robin. He turned to you with a look of sympathy.
“Look I understand you’re confused but you can’t speak about this. The Family is trying to avoid a panic so we must keep this under wraps.. Robin is.. well..” you had always known Sunday to be the perfect guy, spokesperson, model, negotiator, whatever. His composure was pristine and his fake smile never faltered even with you. Now it did. And that devilish lady wasn’t helping.
“You’re little girlfriend is dead~” she said tauntingly. With that you felt a sense of numbness come over.
“Bu-but… people can’t die in the dreamscapes.. how..”
“That’s what we’re trying to find out. Now I ask you don’t react irrationally, I could use some help on the case and-“
“Robin is dead… she’s dead.. like.. I’ll never see her again?” You asked baffled.
“She got murdered by some weird black eyed creature~” The lady added, Sunday shot her another glare.
“Sparkle if you’re going to be so insensitive then I ask you leave, you are not helping this meeting!” He said.
“Hey, I’m not the one who can’t tell her the truth. She was your sister’s girlfriend the least you can do is tell her what happened!” She didn’t stand down one bit.
But you weren’t focused on them. They were to busy arguing to notice you were now crying. You thought about your last text to her. ‘It doesn’t feel like a vacation when you’re not here with me :(‘ she had responded with a heart, and a message assuring you that you would be reunited soon. Maybe even a joke about how she’d work you even harder since you liked your job so much. Such things that warmed your heart now froze it instead, tearing at the veins and flesh like a blender. You sunk to the floor as you failed to comprehend the world around you.
“Do you feel better now.” Sunday asked cautiously as you laid in the cushions in his office. Sparkle having been kicked out for her unhelpful comments. You had never known Sunday to be fond of you in any way. To be honest you didn’t think he was capable of of it. But you guessed he just wanted to share his pain with someone. You knew how the family was, you knew how secretive everything must be. You never took the job offer with the intention of falling for its shinning idol. In fact you initially thought of her as annoying. She was so perfect in the light with no flaws, but when you saw the person off stage and in the shadows you fell for her. You loved Robin, not the idol not the celebrity, the person. The person who’s wings would hide her face when she was shy, the person who was always so nice to you, who saw you as more than a hired help but a person. You had worked for many celebrities before, smaller and bigger and none were like her. Your love had been the slowest of burns, and you imagined it would be a eternal flame.
“I don’t… I feel like shit.” You replied. You would never feel her warmth, her presence, her love, her sudden boldness, anything Robin was now gone.
“I understand. Its why I wanted to give you more vacation time.” He explained.
“So you wouldn’t have told me?” You asked, you were too tired to yell or scream. You had always been a passionate person. You would curse out paparazzi and make rude remarks. You would play the villain so Robin didn’t have to ruin her image by standing up for herself, but now you could only be as you were. A corpse laying on the ground waiting to be engulfed by the earth.
“I wasn’t allowed to. No one is supposed to know of her death. The family.. is covering it up until more information comes out.”
“How did she die.. how can anyone die in the dreamscape?” You asked. He paused.
“She was.. murdered… as for death in the dreamscape, I’m just as puzzled as you are.” He said, but you felt he knew more. You had no more fight in you now though, he could shoot you right here and you wouldn’t budge or try to dodge.
“If death can happen in the dreamscape… could it happen to me too.” You didn’t mean to say that outloud but he heard it anyways.
“Are-are you saying that you wish to die!” He sounded shocked.
“I don’t have anything outside of work. All I have ever been is a employee for brighter stars, Robin was the only one who made life more enjoyable and lively. I haven’t. I promised to protect her till the end and I failed. The least I could do is join her in death.” You said. You didn’t bother to look at his face.
“I understand how you feel. I miss Robin too. I want nothing more than to find her murderer and drag them through the streets. I’d love nothing more than to just curse them out on live television. But i cannot.”
“I loved her Sunday. I loved her more than anything in this life, dreamscape, reality, nothing compared to her. I’d pluck the stars from the skies if she asked, I’d grovel at her feet and lay my jacket in muddy puddles if she asked. I’d do anything.. and now all I’m left with is this pain. I hate it… I hate it.” You sat up clutching your head.
“I understand. I never had any doubts that you loved her. Nor did I ever doubt your loyalty to her once. All my life I have been the protective brother, I felt like I had to be, the world was so cruel and she was so innocent. When you joined it made me worried, I did everything I could to find something against you, nothing weighed enough to prove my suspicions right. If anyone was a good fit for my sister, it was you.” He said. You sighed.
“How am I supposed to live like this then? What exactly should I live for. What use is life when no one gives you a reason to live.” You sighed.
“I don’t want to lose you too. Although we aren’t close, I don’t want to be the only one in this world who grieves for her. The loneliness I feel is so much worse without her.”
“Its hard to smile when you have nothing to smile for huh?” You added. “How do you plan on handling this, you always have a plan don’t you?”
“I do alright. I’ll make that.. creature pay…” his tone changed. You looked at him with a little surprise. You learned a lot more about your almost brother in law in this moment than you had the years you worked for his sister.
“Wouldn’t it be dangerous, if it can kill people in the dreamscape then how could you possibly.. handle it.”
“Rest assured I have my plans and theories. If you would like, I could use help enacting some.” He said. You sat uncertain. His tone was more unhinged, his hands were clutched at the table’s edge so tight you swore the wood creaked. The halo on his head shook as he attempted to steady himself. You were scared seeing him like this. He had been mad before but he never once let down that polite smile or mannered voice.
“Just get me a bottle of something and I’ll hear you out. I don’t want to feel this pain in my chest anymore.”
“That’s not an answer.” He said. You pondered for a minute. You weighed by grief, kept in the seat. But you knew you needed something to do if you wanted to live.
“I’ll help.“ you answered.
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sturniololoco · 6 months
Could you do a little sister fic where they find out she’s in an abusive relationship? (Maybe Chris goes to fix his hair and she flinches)
Sturniolo Little Sister (SLS) x The Sturniolo Triplets
warnings: toxic/abusive relationships, flinching, etc.
Note: This is based off of a couple different requests, but I’ll put them at the bottom just incase so there’s no spoilers!
I love him. Don’t I?
That was what I was thinking on my way back from Luke’s house today.
He kinda snapped at me before I left today, which was normal, but what really threw me off was when he smacked me on the leg, hard. It caught me so off guard, so I started crying, which only made him even more upset.
It was my fault, I’m too sensitive. I should have just agreed with him when he was talking to me the first time. I should have just-
“Someone’s quiet today. What’s on your mind kiddo?” Matt asked me, breaking my train of thought. He picked me up from Luke's house today, and we were now headed home.
“Uh-yeah, yeah I’m fine.” I say, as we pulled up to the house.
Nick made chicken Alfredo pasta for dinner tonight, and I could smell it as soon as I walked through the door.
“It’s about time you slow pokes showed up! I’m hungry!” Chris wined, banging his fists on the table like a child. Nick smacked him lightly on the shoulder, rolling his eyes as he set plates of steaming pasta in front of us.
After about two hours of eating dinner and talking on the couch, I decided to call it a night and head to my room to shower. I grab my towel and turn on the water to warm it as I undress.
I pull down my cargo jeans, but I find a big purplish-red mark on my thigh, right where Luke had hit me. The mark had a big blue circle in the middle, probably from his ring. I didn't mind the pain though, I was being too sensitive.
It's kinda like I have a piece of him with me now, I thought.
My shower was done and my hair was brushed, but I couldn't help feeling like something was wrong.
I should call Luke and apologize.
I went to his contact and FaceTimed him. No answer. I tried one more time. I heard the line pick up, but before I could start talking, I heard a voice that wasn't Luke's say,
"He's busy." Then ended the call.
I stared blankly at the screen, so many thought that I did.'t even comprehend going through my brain.
Who was that? Why was she with him? Does he have a sister? No.... Is he...is he cheating on me?
I feel tears well up in my eyes at that last thought. I quickly wipe them away, clearing my throat, thinking,
"What is wrong with you?! Do you know what he would do if he knew you thought of him that way?! You are so disloyal! You don't deserve him!
I pinched myself, hard, right next to the bruise from Luke.
He's probably just busy like she said.
I woke up the next morning to a text from Luke, and I immediately felt relieved.
Luke❤️: Picking you up @ 9 be ready
I sent him a thumbs-up and began to get ready, throwing on some leggings and a crew neck. I put my hair in a ponytail and threw on some mascara, then walked downstairs.
"Morning SLS/N!" I hear my brothers say. Nick had some bagels laid out. I quickly grabbed one and threw my Uggs on while eating it. As I finished I stood right by the door and stared out the window, waiting for Luke's truck to pull up.
I wouldn't wanna make him wait!
I shouted a quick, "Love you boys," to my brothers before climbing up into Luke's truck.
It reeked of perfume, one that I would never wear.
His Mom must have been in here recently.
"Why do you look so sloppy today?" Luke asked me, looking my outfit up and down as he pulled away from my house.
"Oh, I just thought-" I began to say, but Luke grabbed my ponytail and yanked my head towards him, shouting,
"I didn't ask for you to talk back!"
I quickly apologized and winced at the pain in my head. He let go of my hair and rubbed the side of my head. I leaned into his touch. he chuckled then let go.
I've been at Luke's house for about two hours, but all he's done is play his video game while I sat pretty on the bed, hoping for some of his attention.
"Luke?...Hey Luke?" I began to say his name hoping he would notice me.
He muted his mic and slammed his headset on his table, briskly walking over to me.
He crouched down in front of me, and just when I thought he was about to give me the attention I'd been waiting for, he smacked me on the side of the face.
"What is wrong with you? Can't you see I'm in the middle of something really important right now?" He yelled in my face. I feel the tears well up in my eyes I mumble an apology.
"Oh my gosh, now your gonna start crying like I'm the bad guy! I-" He started to yell again but was interrupted by a call. He pulled out his phone, checked who it was, and then answered it while stepping into the hallway.
Luke came back into the room, slipping his phone back into his pocket while saying,
"You need to get your brother to come pick you up. I've got someone coming over soon." He said, before going back to his game.
I quickly gathered my things and went to give Lke a goodbye kiss, but then thought better of it.
I called Matt as I walked outside and sat on the curb. He picked up on the second ring.
"Hey, can you come pick me up?" I asked, hoping he wouldn't ask questions.
He did.
"Why" Matt asked.
"Oh he-uh... had a meeting he forgot about and doesn't have time to pick me up," I said. It wasn't a complete lie, he was meeting with someone.
As Matt and I drove out of his driveway, a white jeep pulled in. A blonde girl, with long fake lashes and nails, stepped out of the jeep and walked inside.
My brothers and I got Pizza for dinner tonight, so we decided to watch a movie while we ate. I had changed into some PJ shorts and one of Chris's hoodies for the occasion.
I was in between Nick and Chris on the short part of the couch, drinking a Pepsi. As I was reaching to put the can on the coffee table, I accidentally spilled it on the floor.
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Chris put his hand up. I immediately crouched down, putting my hands over my head to avoid being smacked. I waited for the contact to hit but it never came.
I look up to see all my brothers staring at me with shocked and confused faces.
"Did-did you think I was gonna hit you?" Chris asked me, reaching a hand out to help me up. I cursed myself for flinching at that too.
"I-I...Well-you see I" I began to say but Nick cut me off.
"I need you to be honest SLS/N. Is Luke hitting you?"H said, giving me an I already know kinda look.
"N-no! He loves me, there is just a little love tap! He-"
"Then what's that giant bruise you've been pretending not there from?" Matt questions me.
I look up at him. And then it dawns on me.
Luke has been hitting me. And cheating.
At this I break down into tears, finally letting all of my bottled-up emotions out. Chris leans down and picks me up, bringing me into his lap and cradling me.
"Shh, your okay. Your safe here with us. We won't ever let anyone do this to you again. we gotcha kiddo." Chris says into my ear softly. Matt and Nick scoot closer and join us.
My thoughts change.
You never deserved him? Ha! More like he never deserved you. He used you, hit you, abused you. Fuck him.
All of these thoughts finally added up, and now they will never change, because my brothers will always be here for me.
"We gotcha kiddo."
So Sorry this took so fucking long! Here are the other requests! And I'm sorry if the story didn't completely line up with what you were asking, but if you drop another request I can try and mak a whole new one with that just by itself!
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khoipyan · 1 year
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ResidentEEL Business
After Yuu gives up your dorm as collateral, Floyd invites you to stay in his room instead. Given the housing circumstances, how could you possibly refuse?
gn!reader (you/your), reader is NOT yuu (+ yuu is a seperate character, is referred to using they/them), reader lives in ramshackle, book 3 spoilers ig??? still gonna put a warning just incase... 1.3k+ words
characters; floyd leech
notes; haii hello i decided to write another fic, hehe ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡ i have floyd favouritism....
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“You’re WHAT?”
Jade smiled, “If you want it in a more simplistic way for you to understand,”
“We’re taking your house for three days — and maybe even more — if you guys don’t complete that contract in time, Lil’ Fishy!” Floyd grinned.
This was quite the dilemma. Yuu smiled awkwardly at you, while Grim frantically rushed to fetch his things (would tuna really count if that’s all he might be saving?).
All if this had came to be a surprise. To think that you were just taking a nap, when suddenly you opened the door to two big eels, one cat and a Yuu. Since when did they get to make all the big decisions, exactly?
“Better get packin’, Shrimpy. You too, Fishy!” Floyd said, “Otherwise, we get to keep whatever you have lying around once the contract is over.”
As if there was anything of interest for him to keep. Still, rather than deciding to argue, you decided it was best to gather your things. However, this wasn’t even the main problem at hand—
For the next 3 days (and hopefully not any longer), where would you even stay?
“Look, I’m really sorry,” Yuu sighed, helping you pack up a box. It was basically all you really needed, seeing it was just your clothing, school supplies, and a few personal trinkets. I mean, it’s not like you could pack up your entire bed into a cardboard box.
You shrugged, “It’s fine, but couldn't you have at least called me first?”
“Next time, I promise.” they nodded.
As Yuu finished sealing up the cardboard box with some frail tape, they surrendered it over to you. Not surprisingly, it wasn’t so heavy. They took one last look at you before they left your room, leaving you alone with your thoughts and the semi-vacant room, just for a bit.
You flicked off your room lights and took one good look at your room. It looked only a little less bare than before, but it still looked like your room, nonetheless. You’d miss sleeping on the slightly terrible mattress of your bed, or the floorboards that creaked in the middle of the night whenever you got up to get a glass of water.
If you could, you would reminisce all night about the tales of your dorm room, but that wasn’t possible. In fact—
You felt two pairs of hands slam down on your shoulders, and a breath on your ear as a loud voice shouted:
On instinct, you dropped the box and screamed, stumbling away as your body tensed up. It took a few deep breaths and even fewer moments to realize that there was no threat: it was only Floyd.
Floyd laughed, “Gotcha! C’mon, we don’t have all night, Lil’ Fish. You gotta get out sooner or later. Shrimpy and Baby Seal already left ya, y’know.”
Groaning, you picked up your box of items and clutched it tightly to your body, slamming the door to your room behind you. You internally grimaced as you heard the door reopen gently, footsteps trailing behind as Floyd followed you.
“That wasn’t very nice, Fishy. What’s wrong?” Floyd walked beside you, escorting you out of your own home with a casual grin on his face.
‘Everything’s wrong,’ you wanted to say, but you didn’t. Where would you even go? That question struck your mind again as the two of you dragged on your mini—stroll around Ramshackle Dorm. “It’s nothing.”
“You don’t have anywhere to stay, do ya?” Floyd caught you by surprise.
You shook your head, “How did you know?”
“I mean,” he continued, “It’s written all over your face. Besides, Shrimpy has the same problem too!”
You didn’t reply to him afterward, nor did you plan on going to; it was too tiring to carry on a conversation at the moment. The hallways only seemed to get longer as both of you walked beside each other, floorboards creaking with each stride you took. Only, Floyd’s steps made heavier creaks than yours did.
Floyd decided he had enough of this silence, interrupting the awkwardness between you two: “Say, you can stay with me if you want, Lil’ Fishy.”
“You know I don’t have that kind of money, Floyd.”
“No, no! Fishy’s got it all wrong,” he smiled, “I want you to stay in my room, and you play with me for a bit in exchange.”
That sounds a bit… fishy, if you will. What choice did you really have, though? It was either search for a nice empty room (which they might not even have) in another dorm for 3 days, or stay with a menacingly tall eel—mer.
Sometimes it would help if your options were more open, huh?
“Do I really have a choice?” You asked, looking at Floyd. Did he always have this nice pair of mismatched—coloured eyes?
He shrugged, “I dunno, do ya? It’s not like I’m forcin’ you, right? So I’d say yeah!”
As you both reached the entrance (or, exit) to Ramshackle Dorm, you couldn’t help but to make up your mind so suddenly:
“Fine. Hopefully only for 3 nights, though.”
Floyd beamed as he held the front door open for you, “We’re gonna have so much fun together.”
As soon as both of you had arrived in Floyd’s bedroom, he seemed to be much more… burnt out? The moodiness from him was so sudden as he flopped on his bed, face digging into his pillow. He must be tired.
It seemed both the twins shared a single room, which was slightly awkward given your circumstances. By the looks of it, Jade wasn’t currently there, and thank goodness for that.
“What’re you waitin’ for? Turn the lights off and go to sleep, keep the lamp on if ya want.” Floyd grumbled, lifting his face from his pillow to look at you so sullenly. What happened to having ‘so much fun’?
You put your box of things down in a corner of Floyd’s side of the room neatly, and look around the floor for a nice place to… get comfy. Maybe you should have packed your pillows and blanket.
However, Floyd seemed to take notice and shot you a look of confusion, “You gonna sleep on the floor, Fishy? Just come sleep on the bed with me, I don’t mind.”
“No way,” you shook your head.
“Why not?”
“Well, isn’t it awkward to share a bed?”
Floyd grinned, “I already said I don’t mind. What, scared I’m gonna bite ya in my sleep?” He narrowed his eyes, “or are you gonna sleep with Jade or somethin’?”
You frowned, “I’m not sleeping on anybody’s bed!”
Rolling his eyes at you, he shuffled around the bed. “Fine, but I gotta show you something…”
Curiously, you flicked off the room lights and walked a bit closer to him, “What is it?”
“Closer,” he smiled.
Everytime, each step you took closer to his bed, he kept telling you to come even closer. You were practically standing over him by now (which is kind of funny, considering how tall he is), crossing your arms. What could he possibly want?
“Bend down,” Floyd smiled.
As you did, it was almost as if your life flashed before your eyes. Floyd had taken the opportunity to grab you and pull you into his bed. Even while you struggled, you were definitely no match for how much he squeezed you.
“You’re kinda silly, Lil’ Fishy! I didn’t think you’d fall for that so easily,” he laughed.
You huffed, “You’re kind of squishing me.”
Floyd only shrugged as he hugged you even tighter. His grasp wasn’t bone-crushing or suffocating; it was quite warm. Somewhat gentle, surprisingly.
It was quiet, silent, but peaceful. All your thoughts wandered as you were being used like a human body pillow; to Yuu, to Grim, to the contract— it was all so odd.
Before you spent the whole night reflecting even more, you decided to get comfortable and get some rest instead.
Closing your eyes, you took one deep breath in, and one deep breath out.
“Good night, Floyd.”
“Night, Lil’ Fishy.”
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( due to be edited at anytime )
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kuni-is-daddy · 1 year
Hi thank you for taking my request if it's all right can I please ask for a part two where he finds out the darling is good and stitching/customizing and
Where he find the darling making a doll of him
So they can hug it when he isn't there
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1.43k words. Scara masterlist
TW:? Signals of anxiety, Bl00d mentions, Threatening. Shameless manipulation
Featuring?: Childe. Mentions of scaras fatui life and backstory/Inazuma spoilers.
Scara's oufit for your 'date' ->> Link
First part -> Jirai Kai
Kuni pulled away from the kiss to observe your fragile body against the tree. "Hah. Never though you could make the taste of dango better my love. We should have more dates like this~" you blushed and looked away from him. "I-it wasnt a date! We we're just going to pick up your package. i-i didnt even want to come out.." "Oh really? but im sure you did enjoy the little show i put on for you, didnt you?" he snickered at your silence, then licked off the woman's blood from his hand.
"You liked talking to that sneaky youkai as well.. Why didnt you tell me those two humans we're bothering you. I would've got rid of them right then and there." He roughly cupped your cheek, Giving you no choice but to stare at his dead indigo eyes and bloodstained choker. Until You we're interrupted by the sudden roar of thunder. "Ugh. How irritating.." He then pulled away from you to look back at his 'masterpiece' "Lets head back through the way to tenshukaku darling. Then im sure you wont have to worry about anyone else~" you smiled at his suggestion, only to be startled by the sudden drop of rain. You turned and kneel'd down to open your pastel bag. It had a small umbrella inside, plushies, snacks, 1 energy drink and your empty sowing kit. You pulled out the small umbrella, sighing at your empty kit. Meanwhile, Scara was still in a daze. Wondering if one day he could show you his work within the fatui personally. You nervously tapped his shoulder. to which he immediately turned around to. "Hm? Whats that love?" the water and blood began to mix, draining down his overshirt. "…I brought an umbrella just incase..Do you want to walk together Sca- Kuni?" A warm smile appeared on his face. It was rare, but something about the way he'd smile would always warm your heart. It was a pure and innocent smile as if he never committed the 100s of atrocities he's done. He took the umbrella out of your hand and wrapped his arm around your waist. Holding you close while guiding throughout the path to tenshukaku.
You walked through the city again while getting a couple of stares and laughs over how kuni looked, making you cling onto him even more. The anxious pit in your chest felt as if it subsided a little. It was still their and it wasnt easy tuning it all out but you felt a mysterious comfort with kuni around. //The two of you first met at ogura muro's kimono shop as you we're browsing for dark sakura patterns to use as doll fabric. Your hoodie was still over your head. "Excuse me? Do you mind helping me pick out some fabrics. A friend of mine also has a interest in those colors you have but.. I cant seem to know which one is right." He smiled but you didnt reply. The counter woman giggled.
"Sorry dear, Y/N always has her headphones on." She smiled. 'So it is her.' Kuni thought. He already knew who you were beforehand but never intervened. He looked at your beautiful choice of style. In inazuma their rarely was any unique styles of clothing, being deemed as inappropriate. but he couldnt get over how astonishing you looked. from your stockings with little hearts that matched your black footwear, to your cute sanrio trinkets and keychains along your bag.
Fantasizing over the two of you walking throughout inazuma in matching outfits, exchanging tastes in music, or even coming to your house for dinner. He wanted you from the beginning. You lived in his head rent free while he was in schneznaya for a year. It pained wondering anxiously if something happened to you due to the laws. He wasnt the best artist but to calm his worries during breaks on missions he'd draw pictures of you in his clothes and the wet fantasys he'd have of helping you take them off.//
You browsed through your phone, hoping to distract yourself from directed stares. "Hmm. Your being awfully kind arent you? Im surprised you didnt let me walk in the rain myself." he looked down at you while you scrolled through your gallery of dolls. Tuning out his words just as you first met. Eventually walking past ogura mio at her textiles and kimono shop, You tugged at scara's shirt. Then pointed to the shop. "Of course, darling." You rushed with a smile on your face. Searching through layers of fabric while he was amused with your 'childish' reactions. After finally picking out things you liked, you walked towards the counter hoping to see Ms Ogura again. After all..It has been 3 years since Kuni kept you. Your smile turned to a frown after realizing she wasn't there. Her daughter, Mura Mio was lazily taking care of the family business. Headphones in ears and reading manga "Um..Excuse me.." Mura didnt reply, mearly looking you up and down with a tsk then turning back to her book. The pit swirled in your chest from the awkwardness. You held the cloth and thread in your hand then walked back to kuni. He looked up at your grim eyes and immediately put his cold hand on your shoulder, Bringing you back under the umbrella. "Whats wrong baby? They didnt have anything you wanted? I thought this was your favorite store." You looked down. "...l-lets just go home kuni...its closed." Kuni then gave the umbrella to you and walked back towards the store after looking then seeing mura. "N-no kuni its fine lets just go home please-" You shieled your face in embarrassment, Hoping he wouldnt make a scene.
He walked up to Mura's desk. Watching her look him up and down. "Hi welcome to ogura-" she glanced behind him to read the sign but saw you. Realizing the both of you had similar outfits on, She sighed again. "I dont know why your girlfriend had to send you in here to make a scene." Kuni leaned over the counter, resting one of his hands on it. "Are you deaf or just stupid?" "Ugh- Excuse me?!" Mura leaned back in her chair as he got closer to her uncomfortably. "My Wife, wanted to buy something from this-" He looked at the run down markings in the floor. "Store. But you act like you cant do your own fucking job-" Mura cut kuni off. "i dont even want to work here, And i dont really care what that…other freak is to you, and-" She bit her tounge. A faint smell of metal began to come from kuni. "What? You Dont have anything else to say to this Freak?" Blood countined to drip down his choker, Pattering onto the pages of her manga. Mura shivered as the metalic smell and taste from her tongue overwhelmed. She looked down at the picture then back at the male. His indigo eyes then began to glow with a purple tint, disappointingly looking at mura. "Humans like you truly are pathetic, A complete waste of space." Mura froze in fear as Kuni began walking around the counter and towards her. Still stuck in her chair. "You act tough and degrade a person behind their back or even to their face, Yet When I come around, People like you regret ever being like this to my darling." "P-please..i-..Im sorry. T-take whatever you want from the store! Bring her in and!-" "Orders? Hah. Your telling me what to do with my love? You sure have a mouth to run dont you? How about…I cut it? Watch you choke on your own sloppy-" He stopped talking to look back at his darling, sitting at another dango stall with the umbrella and eating. 'My love, Your so precious. Too delicate for this world. Why did you leave me? Dont you remember when we first met here' At the sudden thought he then remembered that this was ogura's daughter. The glow in his eyes faded, he walked throughout the store picking out things similar to the items you chose. loving how humans would fear him. Especially after an act like Mura's. He still paid for what he bought out of respect for Ogura since you actually cared about the woman. He looked back at Mura. Both knowing her demise.
Kuni walked towards you sitting with your umbrella closed, The rain finally stopped. "My love~" You shuddered at the sudden call. Internally sighing that the nice silence you had was over "Y-yes kuni?" "What do you even need this shi- this stuff for anyway? Do you make clothes or something?" He looked through the bags then glanced at your now starlit eyes. "Oh! i- i like making dolls. Even customizing! Some of the keychains on my bag I made them too! S-sorry if its a boring hobby.. I know hobbys are for 'idle bodys' as you'd say." He flashed the bags in your face, Insistingly. "Take it and have fun." "W-what..?" "I said, Take it and have fun. Do i have to repeat myself?" He sighed as you giggled and looked through the bag. "Back when I was kubuki- I mean, Traveling. I met a boy, A fledgling just out of the nest..He gave me a doll he made that looked just like me." He then sucked his teeth after realizing he started to get emotional. Reaching to comfort his eyes until you ambushed him with a hug. You didn't know why you hugged him, Countless thoughts we're telling you not to after he kidnapped you, killed your entire family and livelyhood but you didnt listen. staining your beautiful outfit against his bloodstained clothes. While the bags buckled against his back as you wrapped your arms around him. He immediately pulled you into a kiss. Ignoring the now tolerable taste of dango. "Your mine Y/n." Your heart swelled, falling into Kunikuzushi's trance once again.
"Turns out this Mura chick fled out to sumeru, Sucks.. She's kinda hot." Childe Breezed through the papers while the boat rocked. "Wouldn't expect anything less from you Childe, In love with the weak. Explains why your the 11th." Scara turned in his seat. Looking as the view of the tallest point of the academia was visible through the ocean waves. "Hey, At least ill be sure the one I have really loves me~ I wont have to go through any extra killing or-" "Living off of lies wont do you any good Childe, This is why your still single." Childe laughed 'thats ironic' he thought. "Comrad its called, Waiting for the right one. Besides, being this rude wont give you a free month of me doing your missions so you can hang out with y/n!!" he poked scara's shoulder as the boat rocked again, Making his hat tipple over a bit. "Do me a favor childe." "Sure comrade!" "Jump off the boat." "Aw cmon kuni, be nice. 3 more weeks with me will be fast." Kuni then glanced down at the electro crest on his fatui uniform, And the dangling feather his mom gave him when he was first born. He swore he'd never take it off, Along with the mini doll keychain you gave of him. Kuni was pouting as his hat was halfway hanging onto his head, Unlike the one the little boy gave him, it was if he was smiling this time, Human emotion. Something he'd only show for you. He smiled then looked back at childe.
"I look forward to that."
Authors note/ Thank you for reading if you made it this far :) Ive been posting off and on because I still have responsibilities, but summer is here babes so im free! Have a great day everyone :)
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buccig4ng · 7 months
Hii I was wondering if I could get a mista x reader lemon and he gives lots of praise cuz why not 🤪 anyway ty for taking the time to read have a good one 😌
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oh my god this is such a good ask! i added a little bit of plot as well, i hope you don't mind!
summary: mista and you are out on a mission, and he starts acting like a needy bitch. you accept his offer after a bit of persuation, and hoo boy, do you not regret it at all.
word-count: 1039
warnings: 18+ content, afab reader, pet names (baby, darling, sweets, etc.), language, a lot of praise, semi-public sex, softdom!mista, just a long blowjob really.
!! nsfw under the cut, minors dni !!
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You didn't know how it escalated to this. The last thing you remembered was you and Mista going on a mission together. Nothing too crazy; you just had to take out a couple of people. You both had arrived earlier than necessary, as Bucciarati had instructed you two to do so incase the targets arrived early. You suspected that Mista had had a crush on you for quite a while. Sure, he had always been a touchy bastard, but today more so than ever. Probably because of all the waiting you had to do; Mista had many qualities but patience was definitely not one of them. You had tried telling him off multiple times to stop doing that, reminding him that you were in the middle of a mission, but it seemed like he had no intentions to budge. "(Y/N)~" he whined, "The targets aren't going to arrive for another hour or so. What do you say about having some fun?" Mista winked cockily at the end of that sentence, making you cringe a little bit. Okay, maybe he was attractive as hell and you yourself had a teeny-tiny crush on him, but come on; Bucciarati would murder you both on the spot if he found out that you both had done the nasty on a job. "Mista. No." You replied sternly, hoping he would back down. Spoiler alert: he did not.
For the next 15 minutes or so, all you heard was Mista pouting and complaining, and your own agitated voice telling him to shut the fuck up. Finally, when he leaned down seductively and whispered in your ear, "C'mon (Y/N), I promise you won't regret it," did you widen your eyes and slowly pulled him closer to you, whispering back, "Okay, fine. But we better make this quick."
And THAT'S how it escalated to you being pinned against the heavily vandalised wall of the dark alley you were waiting in, all hot, flushed and sweaty. Mista was kissing you with a fervent amount of passion, and you reciprocated it to the best of your abilities. You felt his hands roam around your entire body, before dipping down to your hips and holding your body as close to his as was humanly possible. Your own hands rose up to his face, holding it tightly as you pulled away for a minute in order to catch your breath. Mista smirked at you, before nipping at your soft earlobe, eliciting a surprised gasp from you. He stopped, and spoke in a quiet, raspy voice, "(Y/N), you have no idea how long I've wanted to do this," He nipped at your ear once again before continuing, "You'll be a real good girl for me, won't you?"
You felt your panties getting soaked at his words. The effect his words had on you was surreal. "Mista," you whined, "I'll be as good as you want me to be." "Now, that's what I like to hear, darling." Mista chuckled, before pulling at your top, signalling you to take it off. Hurriedly, you rid yourself of your top and unhooked your bra, leaving the sight of your bare chest for Mista to take in and relish. "Holy shit," Mista exhaled, "You're so pretty, (Y/N). You're so fucking pretty." Feeling yourself blush at his words, you couldn't help but let a small smile form on your lips. Mista grabbed one of your breasts and licked its nipple, before taking it in his mouth and sucking it gently. You began to let out small whimpers and gasps; Mista was godly with his tongue. He switched his attention to your other nipple, sucking it a little harder now.
Is this what heaven felt like? You sure thought so. Just then, Mista stopped sucking on your nipples and said, "Playtime's over, baby. Shall we begin the show now?" You nodded, maybe a little too eagerly, and dropped down on your knees. "Damn," Mista cocked an eyebrow as you unbuckled his belt, "You're so eager to make me feel good, aren't you? Going to please me well, darling?" You nodded, once again, with the same amount of excitement. Once you stripped him of his pants, you could see his clothed erection, standing proud. You widened your eyes a little bit, and rushed to pull down his boxers. There it was, his cock in all its glory, red and huge and throbbing. You kitten licked the tip of his cock a few times and licked a stripe from its base to tip, making Mista grunt softly.  You managed to take most of him in your mouth, and used your hands for the little portion that still remained. You started moving your mouth, resisting the urge to gag as his dick went further and further down your throat. "Fuuuuuuck, baby," Mista groaned loudly, "Feels too good, never felt this good before. You're doing such a good fucking job, making me so happy." Mista ran his hands through your soft, silky (h/c) hair, with a look of pleasure on his face that you made sure to burn into your head. You wanted to remember this moment forever. You felt his cock twitch a little bit, before it unloaded a sizeable amount of cum into your mouth. You swallowed every little drop of it; it tasted a bit salty, but it definitely wasn't unpleasant.
Mista pulled his dick out of your mouth, and looked at you with a loving gaze in his eyes. "You did so well, baby. I'm so proud of you." You smiled a bright, genuine smile at him; Mista praising you made you feel butterflies in your stomach. He took one look at his watch, his eyes widening. "Fuck," he exclaimed, a bit of panic in his voice, "They'll be here any minute now." You stood up quickly, putting on your bra and your top. "Sorry about that, sweets," he said, a bit sheepishly, "I couldn't do much for you. Can you wait till this mission is over? I'll make you feel so good that my name will be falling from your mouth like a prayer." You chuckled, "How could I say no to something like that? Of course I'll wait, Mista."
Boy did he live up to his promise.
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edotvie · 7 months
BG3 Act 3 spoilers Content: Intimacy, pushing boundaries
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They were the first ones back in their rooms at Elfsong Tavern. It had been another long day in the city, hunting down murder victims for their own safety and battling shapechangers on the streets. And while Astarion and Tav indeed were the first ones back in the rooms, they had also been the last ones out. While the suddenly pouring rain had helped to cleanse blood and dirt from their skin, they were also the only ones soaked down to the bone.
"Gods. I can't believe everyone else was not only out of the splash zone, but avoided the rain, too," moaned Tav, already undoing the wet, tangled knots that held her hair together.
"Perhaps a detour to the docks was a terrible idea after all," reasoned Astarion while running hands through his own curls, trying to stop the soppy mess they were attempting to turn into.
"That's on me for caving to you. Again. I craved a bath the moment we got covered in blood in the first place," she mused in return, "At least you're a master of hidnsight." Her tone was light and teasing.
"Alright! We're here now, aren't we? The maid will run us a bath and you can wrap yourself in a fluffy, warm towel for the rest of the night," he hurried to answer, "Now, if you don't mind, I'll go peel off these wet clothes."
There was something unexpected in Astarion's statement that had left Tav momentarily staring at him.
"Did you say 'us?' As in, run 'us' a bath," she repeated, trying to make sense of it.
The High Elf stopped and turned to face his lover. His lips were parted when he did, but he closed and reopened them once before he actually spoke.
"I may have," he managed, "If that's what you want, Darling."
"I do. But do you think it will be too much?" she admitted, eyes wide and open with caution. Astarion flashed her a smile.
"Only one way to find out, isn't there?"
While Astarion withdrew to hang up his wet clothes, Tav was left alone with her thoughts. The maid came in to prepare the tub, and while Tav waited, she considered what was to happen.
Some time ago, Astarion had decided he didn't want to be intimate, indefinitely. At least, not in the only way he knew how. They stopped having sex since, their relationship redefined with nightly cuddling and soft kisses instead. Though there had been touching, it really hadn't been sexual, and they'd even avoided nudity around one another just incase.
A bath together could be innocent, if one exercised caution. And while Tav craved for the experience, she couldn't help but wonder if it was for the right reasons. After all, the tension between them had built in the time they hadn't fallen victim to their carnal desires. If they got involved now, would all the progress with Astarion's recovery be lost?
Before she could come to a conclusion, the bath had already been prepared. There she was, taking off the damp shirt below her armor, as Astarion strode in to the sight of her.
"I seem to have entered at the right time to catch a wonderful show," he purred, startling Tav since she had a blinding shirt over her head. He chuckled and stepped closer, gentle hands grasping the hem of the garment to help remove it.
She watched him, as breathless as she was topless. Astarion tossed her shirt aside and caressed her jawline with a brush of his fingers.
"I'll wait for you in the tub," he murmured, parting from her slowly. Tav watched him undo the towel around his otherwise bare form. She did wonder if she should be staring, but it felt like she was the one now being given a show. There was no glance in her direction until Astarion had sunken into the tub. Leaning on its edge, he smiled at her with intentionally half lidded eyes.
Tav turned to free herself from her pants, an awkward slide since they, too, were still damp. She tossed them beside her discarded shirt and ran a hand through her tangled hair, then approached the tub on its way to building infamy.
She climbed in beside Astarion, sinking into the warm water with a delighted sigh. Immediately a redness formed over her skin from the pleasant heat.
"This is exactly what I needed," she practically moaned, leaning her skull against the edge in a restful position. The water shifted and a touch was placed on her hip, causing Tav to lift her head suddenly.
"I almost forgot how beautiful you are," said Astarion, his eyes dark in the gentle candlelight. He hovered close to her, their bodies not quite touching, and brushed his lips against hers. It wasn't hungry, exactly. In fact it almost felt unsure, like he didn't know whether to add pressure or pull away. Tav was completely still beneath him, her heart beating faster by the moment.
"Would you like me to wash your back?" she spoke after a while, barely above a whisper. With all the uncertainty in the air, she felt it was best not to take chances. That meant keeping things more or less strictly 'business'.
"Yes," he answered after one moment more, eyes fixed on Tav's lips, "I'd like that."
He sat up and turned around, reaching for the soap and brush she'd have to use for scrubbing. Tav accepted and held both items with one hand while admiring the muscles of Astarion's back, the fingers of her other one reaching out to trace the lines of his scars.
At first she felt him tense, though not a word was said. Her touch was gentle and soothing, running over the raised marks and smooth skin alike. Though it felt as if he may relax into it with time, it also felt like another thing she needed permission for. So instead she stilled her hand, leaning in to peck him on the clear skin just above where the symbols ended.
Tav began running the bar of soap over the marble-white skin of her lover's back. He felt warmer to the touch than usual, the heat of the water raising his natural body temperature. The soap had a faint smell of thyme to it, a yellowish mixture left behind as it swiped over wet skin.
Astarion folded his arms over the edge of the tub and rested his head on top. His lower back was closer to the surface now, easier for Tav to reach as her ministrations slid downward. She ran the soap bar in circular motions, and after a moment, she heard a sigh.
"Enjoying yourself?" she asked with a smile in her voice, talking quietly as if to avoid disturbing the atmosphere. Astarion shifted under her touch, another noise of contentment his answer. He was being so adorable Tav could have scooped him up and eaten him.
She reached out to put away the bar of soap in favor of scrubbing him. This caused him to bristle at first until she lightened her touch. A fussy little thing, sure, but he was hers all the same. After finishing his back, she even made sure to lean in and place appreciative little kisses on his pointed ear.
"All done," she hummed to him.
Tav was forced to sit back when Astarion sat up properly. He turned to her and cupped the side of her neck, pulling her in close enough that her breaths touched his lips. The look on his face was stunning, almost sleepy with the momentary ease the bathing had weaved into him. Tav was at a loss for words, her lips parted uselessly.
"Your turn, Dove," he murmured at her, and her jaw clicked shut. She was grateful for the warmth of the tub since it masked the blush she would've sported either way. Astarion skillfully wrestled the brush from her hand before she had time to spare a thought to it, his hands softly guiding her to turn around. They met no resistance.
The slippery feeling of soap met her back and Tav leaned forward with a pleased noise. She used the edge of the tub as leverage much like Astarion had, her back an open playground for his care. It was surprisingly vulnerable, leaving herself blindly in his hands.
It didn't take long before she felt the distinct touch of his lips on her skin. It started from her shoulder and traveled down, occasional little pecks that were followed by soap being lathered over that spot. She huffed a happy little laugh at the affections, nuzzling her face into the crook of her arm.
The brush came afterward, harsh in comparison to the easy gliding of the soap. She made no complaint on her end, allowing Astarion to scrub her clean of the day's stresses with as much dedication as he liked. Of course he had to finish eventually, and the conclusion was highlighted by the sound of a wooden 'clack' as he placed the brush down on the side table.
Tav sat up, turning halfway to lay her lips against Astarion's. It was an efficient thanks, soft and quiet, perfect for the moment. And then she felt a tug on her hair, only slightly painful, but unexpected. It elicited a small grunt and she leaned back from her partner.
"I'm sorry," said Astarion hastily, withdrawing his hand from her hair, "I didn't realize how tangled it was. My fingers got caught."
"It didn't hurt, but, well. Admittedly, I'm a little embarrassed now," Tav laughed, averting her eyes. She felt his hand on her cheek and followed its guidance to meet his eyes.
"I have something that will help. Wait here."
The request was punctuated by a kiss on her forehead before Astarion was getting out of the tub. He dabbed himself dry half-heartedly before heading off into the direction of the beds, leaving Tav to wait on her own. She used the time to awkwardly try and undo some of those tangles with her fingers, but with her hair being wet, all they wanted to do in response was break.
A couple minutes later Astarion was already back, rounding the tub with a glass bottle in his hand. It was filled over halfway with something Tav didn't immediately recognize.
"Soak that lovely scalp first," he encouraged. She did as asked, briefly sinking her head in the water to dampen every remaining strand of hair. She was then guided to the edge of the tub, and heard the distinct sound of a bottle opening. The pleasant scent of vanilla filled the air, something Astarion may have well introduced to the concoction himself.
The cool feeling of an oily substance hit her scalp. She flinched at the initial touch, but was quickly soothed by Astarion running his fingers across her hair. There were pleasant shivers from how he gathered it into his hands and rubbed the "oil" over each strand. He had to pour more into his hand a few times, considering how long and thick Tav's hair was.
"Not that I don't enjoy how you wear your tresses, but have you ever considered cutting some of this off?" he asked in an exasperated manner while still working his magic. Tav chuckled and stole a slippery lock to twirl between her fingers.
"Every now and then, but I enjoy braiding it," she answered easily with a one-shouldered shrug, "I can pay you back for the soap."
"Conditioner, love. You needn't. I'll get you your own batch entirely so I won't run out in one wash."
Tav splashed a bit of water his way over the edge of the tub. Astarion flinched and glanced down at the damage done.
"Yes, when at a loss for an actual response, splash water at people like a child playing in the river. Of course," he chastised, though he'd have to get back in the tub soon anyway.
"It hasn't failed me yet," Tav stated with a grin on her face. His features quickly softened at the expression, hands releasing the long hair and letting it sink into the water. He hoisted himself over the edge, forcing Tav to move back quickly to avoid getting toppled by him.
"Hey!" she chuckled, almost indignant in her expression. Astarion smirked back at her.
"I thought you enjoyed having me on top of you, Sweet," he said playfully.
"You're impossible," she answered with poorly hidden joy in her voice.
They fell into a comfortable quiet shortly after. Both focused on lathering soap on their bodies and cleaning the parts of themselves there was no need for the other to help with. Tav washed the mysterious, good-smelling substance from her hair and marveled at the smooth feeling it left behind.
They climbed out of the tub one at a time, gathering their respective towels to dab and scrub themselves dry with. After finishing with his hair, Astarion wrapped the towel back around his waist, leaving the now messy locks to flop against his forehead.
Tav found herself staring once she'd caught sight of it. His hair, unstyled and damp, was cute in a different way to the usual manner it was done. Astarion always oiled and combed it back, likely thinking the curls too unruly otherwise. He hadn't seen them ever since turning into a Vampire spawn, of course, and Tav wondered if the habit had simply stuck through all those decades.
Their eyes met and she looked away to mask her staring. It was doubtful Astarion was fooled by such an amateur move. Barely a moment later he was crossing the distance to her, his hand slinking past her ear and to the wet hairs resting against her temple.
"I expect you're satisfied," he purred, leaning closer to her ear as he did, "Though I'm not certain I share in that feeling."
A pointed kiss where her ear and jawline met was the last word he gave before withdrawing toward the beds. Tav still felt her heart pounding in her chest, that devious little backstabber. The thoughts of Astarion lingered late into the night and bled into the following days. Sure, it didn't end up being too much for him, but poor Tav hadn't accounted for her own sanity in the slightest.
Still, even within the most outrageous of fantasies, a warmth lingered with every thought. It was a kind of closeness Astarion didn't know he could have until now. It was the kind they'd both craved for so long, and now it was theirs.
Nothing could take away those moments. And with every heartbeat drawing them closer to the end, they found more of themselves in one another.
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iamatrashbag · 11 months
In defense of Levi Fontana (SPOILERS FOR CHAPTER 2!!)
A very popular theory going around is that Levi is the chapter 2 killer. This is mainly because he is one of the few who hasn't had a secret revealed yet, and he's had relevance with Ace in this chapter.
The only secrets that haven't been revealed thus far are Levis, Veronikas, and Hus (I'm pretty sure but I could be wrong). Due to Hu having recent relevance and Veronika not having lived her full potential yet, Levi is the prime suspect. But I stand here today in defense of him.
I don't think Levi Fontana is the killer, I don't think he was even involved in the case besides a minor interaction with the true killer. Here I will discuss why it wasn't Levi, and who I think the culprit is
How do we know Levi is innocent
Its hard to know for sure if Levi is 100% innocent, but if he's the culprit, he got god damn lucky. Let me run through my thought process.
Arei was hung with her own weapon, the rope that referenced her whole birthday trauma (for those who forgot, Arei was given ropes on her birthday, people told her to hang herself)
This was only ever discussed that one time in the dining hall, and let me provide a screenshot on who all was in there
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4 people were not present in the dining hall at this time, the 4 were...
Meaning, these 4 would have no idea about the significance of Areis rope. But I'll admit this reasoning is shaky. There's no proof that the culprit even knew, and even if they did, Arei could've admitted it at some other point off screen to them.
So that means Levi is still a suspect, right? Wrong.
I have more proof that proves Levi innocent
We all know at this point that the murder method was hanging. Due to Areis broken neck, it's hard to imagine anything else being the cause of death (I'm not gonna get too far into the murder method here)
However, this method would be highly unnecessary for Levi. The creator confirmed that Levi is the strongest person among the cast in the chapter 2 part 1 ask box
He could've easily gone for something simpler, like blunt force trauma. The more steps you put into a plan, the more chances it has to mess up afterall. But he didnt.
The culprit instead chose an intricate way of killing Arei, a way that could be easily avoidable if your as strong as Levi.
Anyone else would need this method because Arei is imaginably quite athletic, due to being a bowler. It isn't immediately clear if Arei is stronger then anyone else except Levi.
He could've just invited her to the playground and whacked her over the head with a dumbell, but instead, there was a much more thought out plan done, why?
Simple, because Levi is not the culprit.
Still not convinced? I have one more piece of proof
The grippy tape
Incase you aren't aware, I'll go over what was found during this scene.
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While Teruko is investigating, you can clearly see the tape at the scene
Its in the middle of the box, but you can see it through the text box too
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But as soon as Ace wakes up, the tape disappears
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But you might be asking, how does this relate to Levi? He wasn't even in the room and we don't know if this was the tape the culprit used
Except we do know that this is the tape the culprit used. The proof is in the scene between Teruko, Arei, and MonoTV
MonoTV didn't want Arei throwing the rope out, because it'd be "such a waste"
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So if the tape wasn't taken by someone intending murder, MonoTV would've likely brought it back or even replaced it being as careful with inventory as be is (due to budget)
But he didnt
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If it wasn't being used for a murder, MonoTV wouldn't have wanted it to go to waste, therefore it would've still been there.
But it isn't, which means the tape that was at Aces murder scene was the one used in Areis murder.
And that in turn proves Levis innocence, because he was in his room at the time of Nicos attempted murder against Ace. He couldn't have taken the tape.
...so who did?
The true culprit
The tape was taken at Aces crime scene, which means the 4 people there are our prime suspects
One of those 4 had to have been the one to take the tape and kill Arei, but which one? We can figure it out by process of elimination
First off, we can rule out Nico pretty easily. They left almost immediately after Teruko and Eden walked in, and the roll of tape was still there after they left
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That leaves 3 suspects, and I think I know how to prove 2 of the 3 innocent
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Rule 10 states the BDA will not play until 3 people who didn't witness the murder find the body.
Now, without knowing the murder method, it's pretty clear the killer could've just looked away and not looked at the murder by technicality.
But, Eden was already framed by the note, and showed that it wasn't in her handwriting, why would she change her handwriting just to frame herself?
So that leaves 2, and this wasn't Teruko since she's the god damn protagonist, but if you need proof, she doesn't even know what her secret is, and wasn't paranoid enough to kill for it by any means.
So that leaves one suspicious individual
Ace Markey.
Why the culprit is Ace
I have multiple reasons for suspecting Ace, even beyond process of elimination.
Starting off, the tape disappeared right after he woke up, it's a weird detail to include, especially seeing as Eden got knocked over, and (once again) Teruko is the protagonist and wouldn't have taken it. So it only could've been Ace.
But is there proof of Ace taking the tape? We didn't see him take it, so it could've easily been Teruko despite her being the protagonist.
Yes, yes there is, and it comes right after they leave the gym
Ace refuses help to heal his wound from Levi, Eden, and Teruko.
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One would think this could just be Ace being his Ace self, but I disagree.
I think Ace didn't accept help because he didn't want them to find the tape on his person. Granted, there'd be no reason for them to search his pockets, but Ace has always been a paranoid person, I doubt he'd want to take that risk.
If he didn't have tape, I bet he would accept help from atleast Eden. He may be obnoxious but he's not an idiot (when it comes to self preservation)
So if Ace had the grippy tape, and the culprit had the grippy tape. That means Ace is the culprit.
But I still have more pointing to Ace
Recall back to episode 2 of chapter 2
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Ace took the band used for physical therapy, look at the width of that band
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It sort of matches the width of the marks on Areis wrists, almost as if that's what she was restrained with.
And even besides both of those points
Ace offered to protect the body first, he could've very easily manipulated something with it
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These could both be seen as coincidences (especially the guard duty one), but when you add the grippy tape point to it, the coincidences start to put together a scary picture
I have one more piece of evidence pointing towards Ace as the culprit, the motive.
I don't mean this in a bad way for anything, but an eating disorder isn't a secret to kill for.
Dont get me wrong, eating disorders are serious issues and deserve to be taken extremely seriously, but I don't think it's worth risking your own life and attempting to kill everyone else in your proximity over (I really hope this doesn't sound insensitive!)
But a big point of this motive is that; the cast didn't know what their secrets are
Ace was a paranoid person to begin with, and with secrets being revealed, he likely thought the worst out of the situation, thinking his life would be ruined if his secret was revealed
But why? If his darkest secret is his eating disorder, how could that ruin his life?
2 points help me explain that thought process
First off, once again, Ace had no idea what his secret was
And second off, he didnt even know if he remembered his own secret.
It's already a fact that the cast lost alot of memories, that was confirmed way in the beginning. But it was confirmed that the cast doesn't need to remember their secrets
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Ace likely thought he could've forgotten something horrible about himself, and killed to prevent it from getting out
In conclusion, Levi Fontana is not the killer, there were aspects of this crime unnecessary and unavailable to him. However completely avaliable to Ace, and with everything stacking up, it's safe to assume he's the culprit
This is my first time writing a big thing like this, so if you have any questions or critiques, I'd be happy to answer!!
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They got what they wished for
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I was wrote this all at once so yea... Reblogs and Comments welcome and appreciated
A sort of Bryce origin story
Warnings: might be triggering for some as it does mention car crash drugs and drinking mentioned Just angst and a tiny bit of fluff. Some spoilers. It mentions injury boarding school that is very strict surgery and hospital
18+ just incase do not repost or publish anywhere
It was truely an an accident
Sure he was drinking they both had been but he had drugs in his system he shouldn't have been driving. But he was. He was and he was the cause of it all. He had opened his eyes and the first thing he did was claw and paw around for her. His first thought truely was of her. There was blood. But it was warm she was warm and then he finally breathed. He had looked and she was pale he was following her body down until- until it was just metal and plastic and then he stopped breathing again.
He was hurt too but....he had tried so hard to get out that night to get out and walk to her to closer but he couldn't. He almost didn't take her hand of of fear of hurting her but he wanted to. More than that- he needed to. Phones were smashed and the antique car as he called it didnt have an onstar. He stopped screaming for help when he realized that no on heard him and it settled on his mind that no one would ever save for her. And he didn't wa to her to hear that. He held her hand close to his face. Its going to be ok baby. You're ok you'll see. Just hang in there. It's ok. I'm right here. I'm right here. I love you im right here." He had tried not cry to but….
"Wake up will you please wake up" his soft voice had now been replaced by a pleading one.
He had gotten tired and had tried to stay awake for her but he couldn't.
It wasn't until he was being strapped to a backboard he woke up. He wasnt sure what was going on or where he was. But then it all hit him. It hit him as fast as he had hit well he wasn't even sure. He aw the light and reduce vehicles even spectators.
"No .no no! Her get her." He was ripping and pulling at the velcro trying to get it off he was pleading for her first. Eventually they had tied his hands down harder as his cried had fallen on deaf ears.
"Is she ok please?"
The EMTs had only glanced at eachother as they were loading him into an ambulance.
He had hard a fireman just before the doors were closed say "her legs got crushed should've been the rich kid."
"No no please take her first. Why why are you taking me
"Because we couldn't get to her you were in our way. Always in the way" One of them finally lashed out.
He had begged even more to just then let him wait he'd wait to leave him on the side of the road and go back.
The EMTs had called the hospital and gotten approval to give him Haldol to stop him from talking. He was never the same after that. Maybe it was a side of effect of the medication or he had hit his head in such a way that something broke and cause him to snap or maybe maybe he was truly a monster all along and he never realized it. He of course didn't notice the cba he right away.
By some miracles her legs weren't as smashed as they could have been...as they should have been.
He had only spent a few days in the hospital. He was transferred to a better hospital with better care and he recovered faster. But she she stayed in a smaller one. His family had only moved her to a better one to shut him up.
All anyone had ever told him was that she was paralyzed. Was she in a coma for a week and the moment he was released from his hospital he went to her. He had sat with her every day and had sneaked in at night or rather thats what people let him believe.
Her parents overall weren't happy that thier daughter was with him. But he had money and that was a promising life style. After all all parents could do is hope that thier children will be taken care of. And he did love her. Everyone knew it. And to his parents it was a nuisance. Only his grandfather saw the love he had for her. And idiotic moment that's he'd once rid himself of once he realized that her station was to serve him not sit with him. This accident didn't change this. She had surgery for one leg at a time and each time he sat there with them waiting even more nervous than they were. His eyes were red and watery the whole time. Each time the surgon came out he had held his breath his hand holding or rather gripping his shirt. And when the surgon had said everything was fine he let out
The biggest breath of air and cried in happiness.
He didn't want her to focus on her legs or the long road to whatever recovery there was so they had never spoken about them even if it was good news. She would say I'm getting better. And that was all. They talked about other thing they played gin rummy bargain watched movies talked about any and everything else. A few times even marriage
" did you Know my motherr and father own nothing no house but I would want nothing more than to have Mr.. and Mrs on the deed. Next to our signature.What do you say?"
"Id say it sounds good not that our parents-"
"screw parents mine can go to hell for I care but yours are warming up to me."
Shed give him a small smile
"I think k they appreciate they thingsyou've done. Well almost everything."
Then another time
"How would you feel about a while fence. No giant gates but a simple white fence with a large ranch house houses for our kids."
"Of course and we can't forget osrtraches."
"Or lamas"
"Can it have a large porch and a sunroof ive always wanted that."
"Then thats what you'll get " he had sealed the promise with a kiss.
"But no ostriches."
And then the lawsuit came and he truely had to sneak around. She had been somewhat shielded against it while he was grilled relentlessly. Lawyers had only asked her a few questions but he. Well he didn't think about it when he was with her. And he had only tried to be with her. But it didn't always work.
It had became harder and harder for him to see her. Once details had been "leaked" about certain things in news and gossip the nurses which once saw him as a loving ad caring boyfriend now just saw an evil rich kid on a dalliance stringing her along to make it look good for the lawyers a d the court. Only a few, on the night shift who had seen him sleepily some in and out when no one was around to know could trust the love in his eyes
One night he had said
"I love you I promise that I'll be back." He had kissed her tender and hugged her.
"Stay until I fall asleep. Please?"
"Of course my love."
He held her hand.
"There is one thing you forgot about your parents money- you can do whatever makes you happy, anything you want."
"I just want you."
"You have me."
"you have me, too." He wispered close to her lips and kissed her.
She smiled as she fell asleep. He really did love her so much at that moment. He had given her one last kiss after he turned the TV off. Right before he left.
The promise was never kept.
She never saw him walk out of her life. And he decided it was a good thing. Perhaps it was a good thing.
The next day his parents had sent him away to some boarding school in Colorado.. he had gotten home too late and was too tired to notice his bags had been picked. But then again he had also been taken rather roughly. He didn't even get a chance to say goodbye. And he had begged but once again his pleas fell on deaf ears.
His emails had bounced back. Calls were strictly monitored but he hadn't memorized her number. But He had written her letters but he got nothing back. He'd never know she never got any. But he had to know something happened. He never spoke with himself about what.
When he had found out about the settlement he was told one stipulation was he was never to have any sort of contact with her again. He was told by his parents they take away everything from her if he did. And he'd go to jail. Jail he didn't care about or about himself. But her well being? Was everything to him. And that never stopped not once.
On her birthday he had always sent flowers anonymously. She never knew who sent them. And she would never.
Bryce never did find out she wasn't actually paralyzed once the swelling went down and perhaps which his parents did keep up thier end of the bargain none of which hinged on Bryce staying away. If only he had known.
So he had changed. He wasn't the Bryce she had loved. But she would never find that out. The Bryce he was, was pretended to be the same ol but charming still he fooled everyone but himself not that he ever admitted anything to himself . The Bryce he was was the one everyone else hated but supposedly tolerated more than the one he had been with her... they apprently oppposed his in-love-do-anything-for-her-because-he-was - i e happy- and-in-love-Bryce to this one the one he hated not that hed ever admit any of that that to himself.. he only did what he did.. when he had returned home he never went looking.. once he asked if she was happy. If she was safe. He used her name. Not her or she.. but the name he had loved the name he had planned to say forever when he would come home when he'd call when he held it seemed to be erased the hopes were erased as he was told by his father that she was not to be a concern for him any longer. She was his past and he had a future to look to a future without or lest he forget the arrangement- did he want her to not have the care and money to help her withdrawn forever? No. "Then her name was not to heard this house or from his mouth again" and he better not hear anyone tell him or his family diffrent. She was simply a she Bryce needed to forget that he would forget. Every she and her was spit out full of venom and hate. He never forgot that tone on his father's voice. A tone and side only Bryce saw not his sister. Just Bryce.
So Bryce changed to study bones and dust feeling that thats what his life had become no one could judge him if they didnt know his name. If they couldn't Google him. Drugs dampened pain so did the numerous women who he imagined and he really did imagine and it worked that it was her so it allowed him some semblance of happiness and joy and carefree. Short-lived but then there was another he had imagined all the same. The women never cared. Only 1 person ever did and he couldn't ever be the cause of her pain again.
He had folled almost everyone. But he never had... but it didn't matter.
He never remembered what truely happened the day his father was shot. But his father did call him a monster for what had happened that night with the car. The car was destroyed and it was a beautiful car. A girl injured causing trouble. Nothing was said of the girl herself minus what he had no business being with her in the first place that, "she has no place with our people she isn't fierce enough. She'd be eaten alive." And so she had been.
His grandfather had believed thats why he had shot his father. His father had rampaged about it again and he just lost his cool in a moment. But it was still an act. One he swore to himself he didn't do. Thats what his Grandfather had believed- that Bryce was good at heart. If he had been he wasn't anymore not since he lost her. But not even his grandfather saw the change in him. No one did. But she would have.
No matter what act of kindness he did to right any wrongs Bryce could never fix it. Never fix him. And he knew but he tried Maybe he was truely evil.
And maybe everything the kind and caring moments and love he felt was truely imagined. Maybe it was all imagination. All he knew was they wanted- they saw a monster and now they got a monster.
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vanillaheartzxx · 8 months
(very very long post! i tried to section everything incase there is only certain things you care about hearing my opinion on.♡︎) and i did put the name of the video(s) i was mainly talking about at the top, but i’m talking about other videos as well, so please be aware of that! and apologies for any grammar mistakes, i tried to read through it, but i like to have inspiration af late hours of the night where i can barely type 🙂 (i also won’t be talking about project meridian just because i haven’t even caught up to the most recent video, nor vega because i don’t feel like rewatching atm!)
1. hush
2. avior
3. brachium
4. solaire clan
1. HUSH⇩
•You Save A Mysterious Stranger’s Life
•There’s A Stranger In Your Apartment
•Getting To Know Your Mysterious Stranger
okay i absolutely adore the voice erik has been using for hush like it’s super like ‘plain’(?) but it’s like perfect for his character. it’s not crazy deep, high, monotone or anything like that. (it’s sweet!)
when his first video came out i wrote some things about it, and here’s what i said (with a couple of edits LOL)
(intial thoughts!)
hush is very, VERY intriguing. but most importantly,
(i was feral??)
anyways my hush first episode deep analysis 🤗 (bullshit)
now for hush, i feel like we’ll guess everything under the sun, from that he’s a sovereign, he’s a shade, he’s a demon shade hybrid whatever, and then come to find out he’s actually david’s left asshole hair but i do have some small theories of my own
i feel like he is genuinely a part of the meridian. like a chunk of it. i don’t know what he looks like, (probably a human like body, obviously, or the listener wouldn’t have tried to help). the only reason i say this is because when he was giving the ‘complicated’ answer of what he was, i couldn’t even begin to tell you what the fuck the visuals might have been. (if there were any) i don’t know what the meridian looks like, but maybe that’s what it sounds like? also he has no core.
i would like to mention when the video might have taken place. we have no clue is what i wanted to point out. this could be before the inversion, the day after, the next decade after, the decade before, hundreds of years before, etc. it has become a bit troublesome in that department as erik likes to drop random time and date drops in his story push videos. (ex; avior and elliot, which is very convient i might add)
i’m scared of hush’s intentions like he tied us up after we saved him and i hate when i like evil kind of guys 😭
i didn’t finish writing everything i was thinking, but with the most recent videos this is what i have to add on.
hush literally told us straight up ‘i can understand why they think (the articulates, chorus) they have to (send articulates to kill him). oh that’s easy. because they think i’m going to free their god from the prison they’re in. well they think that because that’s *exactly what i’m going to do.*’
UHM OKAY?? huge bomb dropped on us. BUT that solidified to me he was a chunk of meridian. no core, not exactly human, not a demon. (okay thats probably wrong but what the fuck else 😭)
and besides that all i have else to say is for the timing thing, i still have no idea, i want to think it’s after inversion but i’m not sure. (if you have any theories on the timing please let me know what you think!)
but besides all that i think he’s sweet and its cute he’s trying to learn stuff for doc especially cooking 😭💓
•Facing a Disaster With Your Demon Lover
there was definitely a lot happening in one episode. (also i watched it when it was released so my memory of every detail is bit iffy, spare me 🙏) it was like heartbreak all over again, hearing lasko stressed out and all the people screaming and yelling definitely wasn’t pleasant, but it was interesting seeing what else happened on the outside besides what we already know.
also, the inversion has been almost two years ago now. so i really wonder how starlight and avior are doing in present time. i would say ‘hopefully peaceful’ but present time isn’t even peaceful 🙃
honestly its been a while since i’ve watched all avior lore, and i think when the next lore(?) video of him comes out i’ll theorize a bit more, this post is definitely long but i don’t want it to be too extensive. (bullshit)
•What Lies Below
my heart broke when he agreed to that ‘deal’ just to find out why blake’s lover would die and HE DIDNT KNOW WHAT HE WAS AGREEING TO. AND THEN TO FIND PUT HE HAS TO HELP THEM?? WHY
now he has to do whatever they say to help?? why 😭
and why do the sovereigns need to use blake and bestie(?) i only ask because is hush not going to free them? well to be fair we have no idea when this thing with hush is even taking place, or when bestie is set to die, or what blake is even going to do when he ‘breaks’ to free them.
and what if his will is strong enough and he doesn’t break? or his listener doesn’t die? 🤗 (wishful thinking guys!)
but actually going back to the audio whoever brachium was talking to DID say,
‘He is a tool. One that has to be broken so that it can be refashioned to a new purpose.’
KEY WORD: REFASHIONED. maybe hush is a chunk of meridian, but with blake’s body..? but he has not core. OKAY IDFK BUT he must be related to hush somehow i just don’t know how. i’ll think on it more. but blake is only a seer so i really don’t know what he could do with his current power, but who knows really.
also the entity (that’s just what i’m calling him idk) brachium was talking to said (in response to: ‘Accept a deal that I have no details of?’) ‘You’ve done it before. The blind choice to become a deathwalker.’ that has me so very curious on what the process of becoming a death walker was like. (okay it probably was explained sort of somewhere, but i don’t remember.) the entity also said ‘You say it was in service of lives.’ whose lives? i have no idea! wow great! 😀
but actually i have no ideas so hopefully everything will be explained eventually 😭
•Supporting Your Vampire Prince Lover
•Drawn In By An Alluring Vampire
•The Vampire Boys Have It Out
•The Monarchal Summit
i’ll start with first vincent’s video regarding the summit. WILL IS ACTING FISHY AS FUCK?? he’s hosting the monarchal summit, but he’s just NOT GOING TO BE THERE?? and is leaving everything to vincent?!? how does that even equate?? and then his fishy attitude towards ALEXIS?? that just seems sketch. (i want to get into william more, but talk about porter rq, ig.)
porter solaire. HES BRITISH.(🎊🎉) he’s quite charming, (when he wants to be,) but i can see where vincent and porter’s disagreement came from, but it was semi-resolved (they still have a bit of conflict) so i’m not going to go into and i’m just gonna dissect the summit!
okay the beginning made me so freaking happy to see the boys hanging out with each other!! and especially the friendly banter 😭💓
and idk if michaela (william’s secretary!) with have anything to do with the story but it’s cool when characters have names even if you don’t know them 👍
anyways into the more not so heartwarming parts, alexis solaire.! SHE HAS THE PERFECT PERSON TO VOICE HER. that is EXACTLY how i’d imagined she’d sound. and honestly how’d she act as well. i didn’t think she’d be nice to darlin, but i was definitely thinking more of a nasty glare, growl, show of teeth or something and not full on banter, and insults, but i guess that’s just how she acts.
WHERE IS WILLIAM SOLAIRE?? WHERE. like there is no way he just was like, ‘yes vincent, take of the entire planning of the summit, that i’m supposed to be hosting. 😊 and also, i’m not even going to tell you why! and the day of i’m not even going to talk to you! let alone on the phone! 🥰’ LIKE?? AND THEN SOMEONE DIES?? (we’ll get to that.) SERIOUSLY?!
and then ‘House of Baz(?) (truly not sure how it’s spelled) starts saying ‘Make sure Quinn burns.’ ‘It’s not only your pack who wants him dead.’ ‘Quinn has friends and you can’t count on William to keep them at bay.’ (not quotes btw just a summary!) EXCUSE ME??? 😭 WHAT DO YOU MEAN?? DROPPING BOMBSHELLS AND WILLIAM ISNT EVEN THERE TO SAY ANYTHING. AND NOT ONLY BUT HE HIS DISSING ALL OF THEM 💀 ‘Even the golden prince Vincent has spent most of his afterlife as a covert risking menace to the region.’ AND THATS A DIRECT QUOTE. HE IS FLAMING THEM 😭 and with each sentence i swear he is backhandedly insults William and he can’t even be there to defend his name LMAO
but, it does say a lot about him. (i guess if this guy is a semi-reliable source.) ‘William is a horrible judge of character.’ ‘He can throw a fabulous party but can’t surround himself with the right people.’ ’He shields and excuses Alexis and her misgivings.’ ’He apparently delights in trusting the wrong ones.’ HE IS VIOLATING HIM. VIOLATING. this is not me saying all that is not potentially true, but damn 😭 i mean he’s 500+, give him a break? but then again WHERE IS HE??? (lowkey concerned for his safety)
a small little thing with alexis and porter, then the main event.
alexis and sam still must have a small little understanding since she decided to leave darlin alone (as she said at least) but alexis full on said that darlin was dog and he didn’t say anything 😭 i mean i guess he wasn’t trying to argue further but i just took notice.
i was trying to theorize where porters info came from, and all i can think of is a seer. (boring way out ik) now if it was a seer he talked to before the event, (which is why he came back in the first place, possibly, maybe.) he knew they were going to have that conversation, and so he told sweetheart to spy, but then im not sure if he knew that death was going to to happen, but im not sure. or maybe he heard rumors, or overheard them saying they may had that conversation which makes more sense, but hopefully more will be revealed.
‘If we had waited for you to make decisions two years ago “King” then the entire Inversion would have been for nothings” EXCUSE ME??! okay, okay, i kinda don’t believe this. maybe they had some connection to it. and yes i skipped some so let’s talk about them funding closeknit.
okay so they are funding closeknit because they want to people to join, but the amount of people joining and staying are plummeting because the inversion was two years ago. i have a sneaking suspicion that the reason they were like ‘the inversion was for nothing’ was because closeknit had convinced them somehow that they were the cause, and it would draw people in, and then they’d(house of bennett) would have power. there isn’t a lot of context, but definitely eye openers.
the only thing we have right now to go on is that the sovereigns caused the inversion, (releasing the dead ig? idfk too much shit to keep track of) and i don’t know if they have the power, (or closeknit even) to cause the inversion.
also regarding the timing thing i said about hush earlier, i do believe his whole shabang is in present time because nothing is happening. everything inversion related, sovereigns related, whatever is happening is IN THE PAST. which means in present time blake’s listener could already be dead AND he could have already have ‘broke’ and has something to do with hush (possibly) to help free them.
i was trying to think if closeknit didn’t actually cause the inversion (what i think) but tried to convince the house of bennet to fund them, (if they weren’t already,) it would be showing them the shade. idk bro im grasping onto loose strings here 😭 but PLEASE let me know your theories (that might be the case that blake ‘broke’ in maybe 2022 and he was being kept for a while like the articulate who came to doc’s apartment said.)
(back to the summit♡︎)
okay so the obvious suspect is sweetheart right? king of bennett and prince(?) of bennett having a VERY interesting and PRIVATE conversation, sweetheart goes in to spy on said conversation, those two hear a sound, it wasn’t just a mouse, and then the king of bennett is dead. i think it’s easiest to assume murder. and what could have naturally killed him…? nothing. to my knowledge. 😊
MURDER ( only viable option..?)
first i want to quickly talk about porter and vincent’s interaction before i talk about how the king may have died. porter tried to start a fight with vincent which i assume was for one of two reasons. one, to make a distraction so people would pay attention to them and sweetheart had a chance to leave, OR because he had something to do with the murder and maybe a distraction was apart of the plan. i think the latter.
i don’t think alexis is the killer. ‘but she knew he was dead before anyone!’ what motive did she have? none that i know of, and neither did porter(well maybe he knew that conversation was happening could be one but whatever.)
BUT i guess sweetheart may have had a tiny ass motive as they might have been angry at what they heard, (after all milo went through) BUT i don’t think they would do that. and even if they got caught they would have to murder both of them for them not to get in trouble. now my tiny theory is that sweetheart DID get caught spying and maybe the prince thought the king sent someone to assassinate him and then yk but whatever (far fetched 😔) IDFK we don’t even know the cause of death. 😭 Alexis just said he’s dead, not ‘the king of Bennett was killed’ or some shit so we don’t even know. and as a vampire, how many causes of death could he really have? does garlic and wooden stakes apply?? can he get murdered in regular human fashion?? WAS HE EVEN MURDERED??
as you can tell this post has many questions and zero fucking answers. like could he have been poisoned?? what can vampires be killed by in the redacted universe?? i’m guessing the number one suspect is the person who was in the room with him ‘alone’, but i feel that’s too obvious. and i mean we don’t know the exact time jump from when the king was killed, from when porter was trying to instigate a reaction from vincent, from when alexis found the body, when sweetheart went to spy, etc. we don’t even know exactly where the body was found. 😭 so i’m not going to settle on any one person being ‘the killer’ for now until another video is released but i have a feeling it won’t be like an exact continuation of the summit and maybe like an aftermath type video. idk but we’ll wait and see i guess.
Random(er) Thoughts + Conclusion
(calm before the storm, great!) 💔
also credits to kilarthmac in the youtube comments!! i don’t know if you have a tumblr but your comments helped with this post immensely, (and many others,) thank you! 💓
im also interested in when the wedding might be!! i know the timing is usually around a year of engagement before marriage so maybe in early spring 2024!! just a thought! (super exciting)
anyways i hope maybe my thoughts and opinions could help you with any of your theories or anything, maybe expand them or something idk. if you read the entire thing thank you for doing so! i hope it was somewhat enjoyable 👍 (and my apologies for it being so long ♡︎) i’m excited to see what comes next with everything, erik is very talented with his writing and acting so we’ll see what’s to come. if you have any comments about anything i said (adding on, reasons why things may or may not be true) PLEASE SHARE THEM WITH ME!! i would truly love to hear them! thank you!!
BYE BYE!! ♡︎
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oqlixsreads · 2 years
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summary// y/n can see eddie drifting away so easily for someone else, how would he feel when he has to watch you go through what he saw with chrissy? or could he possibly prevent it?
warnings + content warning// angst, fluff, break ups, cursing, mentions of drugs, death, SPOILERS FOR s4, Imk if i missed some
a/n: i am so so sorry this took so long for me to post, also this isn't an insanely long fanfic. sorry if your tag isn't there for some reason usernames ain't popping up. this is gonna stretch to vol.2 bc i like being in pain.
please share this lol, i didn’t put tags at first i forgot, so it’s not gonna be underneath any tag lmfao
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y/n wrote quickly, they had many notes to write with who knows how long time. finished with most of them, making sure to leave one for both grandma, and dad separately.
eddie’s note was saved for last, there’s not telling how long it would possibly be, and how much time it would take to write. so many words went through their head, that they would only be able to put on paper than say it out loud.
robin and nancy agreed to meet this Victor Creel, in order to see how he survived Vecna. “What do you think they’re writing?” steve said eyeing Y/n as they jotted down words, letter after letter. “Who knows. let’s just, leave them alone. for now.”
the two girls had left and then their were stev, max, dustin, lucas, and y/n. till they got up giving each of their friends a letter. “what’s this?” max questioned staring down at the envelope in her hands. “it’s just incase-” y/n took a deep breath in. “uh- just something’s i want you guys to know before i uhm. y’know.. die.” they swallowed the lump in their throat.
“y/n it’s going to be ok-” “no max it’s not. i’m going to die today, and there’s most likely nothing we can do about it but accept it.” “steve i need you to take me to my house then to lovers lake” he cocked an eyebrow. “uhm why?” they held up the remaining three of the letters. that said ‘grandma, dad, and eddie’. “no.” “no?” he shook his head. “the walkie-talkies might not reach to lover’s lake.” “yes it will.” dustin joined it.
y/n smiled at him. “no.” their smile dropped “steven i’m not going to spend my last day on earth in the armpit of mike wheelers basement.” “i don’t care.”
the group followed behind as they quickly walked out onto the street with the intentions of getting to their family, and eddie. “YOURE NOT GOING!” steve yelled after them. they stopped dead in their tracks beside his car. “unlock the door then.” steve sighed, when the car doors locked with a loud click.
as everyone was settling into the vehicle y/n could hear noises in the background, turning their head a bit they saw a clock staring back at them. they’re running out of time.
y/n walked through their home finding their grandmother cooking some food. “hey sweetie, i thought you were out with your friends today.” “yeah i was- i am. i just came to grab my uh walkman. i laid some letters on the table for you and dad.” their grandma looked confused. “letters? for what?” “just with everything going on i just-” they were cut off with while being pulled in by a hug. “there’s nothing to worry about.” y/n smiled sadly “yeah grandma, you’re right.” they tried pulling away but failed.
“can you let go now please?” trying to get away from her grip. “you’ll be gone soon y/n, make the most of it while you can.” “let go of me.” y/n’s body trembled with fear. they looked up only to see the creature? inside out human? the thing that would soon kill them.
“I SAID LET ME FUCKING GO.” wiggling out the grasp they fell onto the floor with a loud thud.
only to see that grammy wasn’t there, y/n was met with an empty and quiet house. they had been alone the whole time.
they quickly walked out the front door, not wanting to be there any longer. lucas caught onto their discomfort. “you ok n/n?” he placed his hand on their shoulder before they entered the car. “yeah, thanks lucas.” y/n turned their attention to steve. “you can go now.”
eddie heard a car pull up, and a door slam shut with a “make it fast.” coming right after. he saw his ex walking towards the house with something in their hand look anxious as ever. “hey, hey, hey. what’s wrong y/n?”
y/n took a deep breath, and took off their headphones trying to prepare themselves to give eddie this letter. their body shook slightly when they held their arm out. his wash was painted with a confused expression. “this is for you.” he took the envelope from their hand slowly opening it. “what’s this for? you- you’re scaring me.” his voice was shaky.
y/n took a seat on the steps with eddie following the action. “i’m gonna die today.” they tried to keep their composure, but to be fair how could you even say that without breaking down? but there was no point in sugarcoating it.
he looked utterly mortified, didn’t know what to say, couldn’t form words. the only thing that happened was tears forming the brim of his eyes. “what happened to chrissy, yeah. i’m next.” eddie couldn’t do anything but engulf them into a hug, squeezing them until they couldn’t breathe. “no. i can’t- i can’t lose you y/n”.
y/n hugged back, crying in the crook of his neck. “i’m not ready to die eddie.” both of their bodies trembled of what was next to come. neither of them were ready. none of their friends were ready to say goodbye to y/n.
eddie was confused, he felt helpless, how could anyone stop this. yes robin and nancy are trying to find a way to stop this but there’s no say in whether or not it would work.
he sat there trying to process the whole situation. was he really going to lose the person he loved the most?
y/n pulled away. “i need water, you can read the letter.” as they stood up the world around them changed. it was dark. it was scary. “y/n” it sounded like a voice was above them, beside them, in front of them. it came from every direction. but moving around in one circle there was nobody to be found.
i’m the distance they could make out a figure walking towards them. it was him. it was eddie. but deep down they knew that wasn’t their eddie. they knew the words that were to come out of his mouth are fake. “it’s finally time.” he was itching closer, with every step forward y/n took a step backwards.
they couldn’t keep standing there, they had to run, and fast. however the further they went the louder the voices got. y/n pasted by too much, to process where they were even at.
eventually running down some steps leading to a cemetery. they tried to catch their breath but had to stop for at least a few seconds, hiding behind a wall. seeing how much distance they got from “eddie” they turned their head around the corner only to vecna. “you can run all you want. there’s no escape.”
“Y/N? WAKE UP.” y/n’s friends stood around them shaking them violently. “C’MON SNAP OUT OF IT.”
eddie’s eyes were bloodshot red, he was shaking with fear as max, lucas, dustin, him and steve screamed at the top of their lungs trying to get y/n back to them. “CALL ROBIN AND NANCY. CALL ROBIN AND NANCY.” dustin never ran faster in his life to snatch a walkie-talkie yelling code red into it.
y/n carefully walked around the opened graves on each side of them.
they thought they were in the clear, and picked up the pace. y/n loss touch of the ground beneath them and started to fall insanely fast. falling onto presumably blood, now in a red area with random junk on the ground where two teenagers were plastered on pillars. fred, and chrissy. sat right there, eyes missing, jaw popped out of the socket, and limbs contorted.
y/n felt sick to their stomach, it didn’t help when things started taking them, and pulling them closer to a pillar. they struggled and tried hard to get out of the hold. but they were tired of running.
dustin ran to the group with cassettes in his hands yelling at max and eddie. “WHATS THEIR FAVORITE SONG?” he threw the songs onto the ground shuffling hoping to find a song that y/n loved. “what does this have to do anything.” dustin sighed angrily. “ITS JUST WHEN SOMEONE- ITS TOO MUCH TO EXPLAIN. TELL ME THEIR FAVORITE SONG.” “BILLIE JEAN, BY MICHAEL JACKSON.” both of them yelled at the same time.
y/n was wrapped around a pillar as well, their ears perked up when music started playing around them, i get to listen to my favorite song as i die?. reminding them of the time they and eddie listened and danced to it a while back. vecna was now in front of them inching closer and pointing at them.
“i told you i would catch up to you.”
in the distance behind him there was an opening showing their friends all in distress while they were lifted into the air. their eyes widened at the sight. he was directly face to face with them. “it’s time.” y/n couldn’t die without at least putting up a fight.
their heart was pounding with fear. they noticed a wooden plank out of the corner of their eye. snatching it and hitting vecna in the face with it making him stumble over, and making the vines go weak allowing them to get free.
hitting him one last time and spitting in his face. “screw you.” y/n ran for the last time seeing the people they loved afraid out of their minds. it didn’t matter how exhausted they were, dying was not an option.
random things started to fall from the sky, with hopes from vecna wanted them to fall only for blood to splatter onto their face and clothes. they could only think about the memories they had with all their friends.
lucas, max, will, and mike walked into Scoops Ahoy for y/n and steve to sneak them into the movie theater. “if anybody finds out about this-” “we’re dead!” the two older kids scoffed and looked at each other. “why do we still do this for them?” “because we love them steve.”
the time eddie and y/n danced witch each other in their room.
“i want to love you! PYT, pretty young thing!” y/n stared at eddie as he smiled at their enthusiasm towards this song. “you need some lovin’. tender love and care!” he joined it with them. sure this wasn’t his type of music mostly was the opposite, but he would do anything to watch y/n stay happy like this forever.
y/n curled up into eddie’s side when the music ended, and he tried to pull them closer to him, if that was even possible. “what song now?” he hummed at the question. “what’s that other song you go crazy for?”
y/n cocked an eyebrow. “Everybody wants to rule the World? Billie Jean? Rock with You? take your pick.” “mm i’m thinking Billie Jean.” y/n gasped out of shock “that’s my favorite song. good taste ed’s.”
the first time y/n officially got comfortable with eddie and allowed themselves to be free around him was the first time was when they played that song. Billie Jean.
“eddieeee dance with me. pleaseeee” y/n pouted at his stubbornness when he continued laying on the bed. he groaned but deep down inside he was nervous and all giddy at the fact y/n wanted to dance with him.
y/n was so close to the opening leading to their friends.
they were a mess. watching y/n sit in the air helplessly, all they could do is beg that this worked. y/n’s body dropped to the ground, eddie scooping them into his arms while max tightly gripped their arm and everyone else crowding around them.
they shot up, sucking in a huge breath of air with tears streaming down their face clutching onto eddie. “i thought i lost you” they tried to process what they just experienced, they nearly died. their body shook in his arms. “i’m here, i’m not gone.”
they all stayed at reeder ricks house for the night. eddie volunteered to stay up all night watching y/n, just in case something happened, he looked at them softly snoring, along with loud snores coming from the other side of the room. with that letter still in his hand,
slowly opening it.
dear eddie,
hi eddie, i’m not sure where to start with this. but i want to start off by saying i’m sorry, i’m sorry when you were trying to tell me how you still felt i dismissed it. i thought maybe, you were still confused about your feelings. you’re probably scolding me right now because i’m apologizing, and saying “it’s not your fault.” i feel like part of it is.
i wish i was able to say this out loud, but i can’t. it’s too hard to say it without breaking down. to be honest, i walked away because i was scared. i was scared that it would happen again, that you would find someone else and scared you would tell me that you don’t love me anymore. i wish i could read your mind because i never know what you’re thinking, sometimes i feel like you don’t want me, then you do, or you see me as just a friend.
i know. it’s stupid. i really do love you, more than anything. when you said you didn’t love me anymore, i honestly did not know what to think. i panicked, i was confused and hurt. by how blunt you were and how you said those words so easily. i didn’t know what to say. but i couldn’t stay with you, and i really wished that i could hate but i think we both know I’m not capable of that. however i do hate that i still love you. that i can’t stop loving you. it’s pathetic, i know.
if i die, and you’re reading this. please ed’s. move on, be happy. i don’t know if i’ll get the chance to say it in person, but eddie. i love you. if i die, i’m glad it’s going to be me.
if i’m being honest, i can’t live without you.
i’m sorry for all that sappy shit. do you remember when you took me on my first date? or our first official date. we went to the movies, Happy Birthday to Me. i was beyond nervous and excited at the same time. that was the first time you kissed me. thanks for head butting me by the way. i really appreciate it.
what about when i kept playing that one song over and over, until you eventually got annoyed, don’t lie you know it was getting annoying. it’s still my favorite song, i mean it’s been my favorite since it came out in. Rock with You by Michael Jackson. such a good song. how could you ever get annoyed? let’s not forget PYT now always a good one.
do you remember us dancing to Michael Jackson?! well i mean. what about that time where we snuck into a drive in movie, the movie SUCKED. at least we had fun watching the people around us scream for no absolute reason.
or when you let me dress you up in different types of clothes.
i practically forced you, but the two of us know you have fun doing it. i guess this is goodbye though.
thank you for the best months of my life.
i love you, more than you’ll ever know.
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tags: @eddiescorrodedcoffin86 @httpjiikook @heizenka @capybaraluverfr @marisans @beepboop900 @eliangooxx @the-one-fee @chrissysgf @lovelyladymayyy @hotdilfworld @missgay15 @surfsupbrahh @trinatiger @simp4rengoku @stitchity @kozykenma1102 @zealouslibrariesparadiselight @eddiemunsonsfrgf @cam-peggio @iveofficallylostmymarbles @eddiemunsonsbitch2000 @jay-swoohoo @lostinwonderland314 @erikaar @lokigirlszendaya @preciousbabypeter @prettyplant0 @nooneadoresdotcom @jaz-444 @fairykiss32 @grimmbunniee @wren5650 @mess-is-my-aesthetic @fredskum @a-dot-ham-24601 @spoookyconsultingcriminal @parker-natasha @mopey-thicc @sarahwasfound @magnus-lightwood14 @munsonsquitar @boobielover2800 @imjustheretryingnottodie @henhouse-horrors @klitzgetsfreaky @urleastfavemilf @p1ss0ffgh0st @todoroki-slut @siren-melodies @sidekickforlife @bite-anon @platonic-greek-lover @gwendolyn3019 @notbeforelong @baby-bearie @grannyrosita @fujiihime @heeyitsg @slasherfvker @josephquinnswhore
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143 notes · View notes
Requesting B, F, I, and/or Y from your latest reblog
Thanks for the ask!
Ask me about my writing.
I answered these out of order so I could put F under a cut incase of spoilers.
B: Any of your stories inspired by personal experience?
Not exactly whole stories, but there are a lot of elements across my stories that I've pulled from my own life. Especially in terms of conveying character emotions or relationships, I tend to pull quote a bit from my experiences. For example, whenever I'm writing about character experiencing anxiety, I do draw from my own experiences with how my anxiety manifests itself and the strategies I use to quell it. Or, when I'm writing Juleka and Luka being the Chaos Couffaine siblings. I don't write Luka and Juleka's relationship to be exactly the same as my relationships with my sisters (in fact, they're very different), but I'm able to pull from my own experiences of having sisters who I love and would do anything for, but also love to annoy (just like they do for/to me) to enrich the dynamic between Luka and Jules in my own writing. So it's not so much that things are inspired by my personal experiences, but I use my experience to flavour and enrich my writing.
And of course, there are things in my life or moments that spark ideas (for example, I love playing D&D so that's sparked a few ideas, but I wouldn't say it's inspired by my personal experiences).
Honestly, I think a story based on my personal experiences would be pretty boring 😂
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
This will come as a shock to absolutely no one, but writing Jules and Luka teasing each other and just being siblings is easily one of my guilty pleasure (except I don't feel guilty about it 😂). I also love writing fluffy moments, and I always have a great time writing Kaalki and Sass playing off of each other, but again I don't know if I could really call that a guilty pleasure. I enjoy what I enjoy 😂
Y: A character you want to protect.
Can I say all of them? (except that characters I can't stand)
I have to say Juleka because I love our resident Queen of Darkness. And of course, Luka and Marinette. And Tom and Sabine. And Kim. And the kwamis. Not going to lie, I'm also throwing my OCs in here.
That being said, I do make them struggle (and sometimes suffer) for the sake of the story, but there's always a reason!
F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
Ok, I'm not going to lie, this one was really hard to answer. Even in just a single story, there are always multiple pieces of dialogue that I love and/or am really proud of. And if you could see the state of my hoard...
So I'll cheat and do two! 😁
This is from chapter 3 of I Should be Asleep (which I need to do some more work on)
A series of loud thumps on the door, accompanied by a very annoyed voice broke him from his thoughts. “Are you done in there or what? Some of us need showers too, you know.”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m-” he started to call back, but Juleka didn’t wait for him to finish. The door swung open to reveal his irate sister, her long hair braided and piled on top of her head, with her towel , shower cap, and a bundle of black he assumed was a change of clothes in her arms. “Come on in,” he sighed sarcastically, gesturing in invitation as she barged past him. 
“You’ve been in here for half an hour.” 
“Sorry.” He hadn’t meant to be quite that long. It was just… “What?” 
Juleka was looking at him with a raised brow. “This is the part where I kick you out so I can shower, remember?” 
“Yeah. Right. Sorry,” he said sheepishly, his ears growing warm as he hurried out. 
He made his way back to his bunk as the door to the bathroom slammed shut behind him. Why his sister insisted on doing yoga in the mornings when she was not a morning person was beyond him
This is a piece that's in the hoard, and I think it's actually the first time I've shown it to anybody besides @verfound (but I'm kind of banking on her having forgotten about it by now). Sorry about the redacted, but I don't want to spoil anything too badly!
“I- it is just… last night brought back memories. It has been a long time since I danced…” 
“I believe [redacted] would disagree with that statement.” 
“You know perfectly well what I mean.”
“I do,” he admitted with a smile. “Then may I ask you for this dance?” He held his hand out to her, hoping his face and the beating of his heart would not betray him.
“I- there is no music.”
“That did not stop you before,” he said with a smile.
Her face softened into a smile. “Then you may.” 
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battlemaiden13 · 1 year
Hiiii BattleMaiden13! I had a thought so now I gotta ask! Or at least share this thought! Possible spice if you wanna do a spice vers, or you can do spice vs non spice vers
What would all of HND!MC Love interests think if MC design a whole outfit, hairstyle, dyed hair, accessories, jewelry etc, for them?
Like has they're favourite things on the outfit, fav type of clothing on MC, they're magic colour as the main palette etc! Like say for sans has magic colour dyed, star and constellations in hair clips and on outfit, thigh highs, big jacket like his, but more star or science or puns designs, little ketchup zipper keychain, hair in space buns, moon and sun earrings. Pretty much all they're favourite things and maybe fav clothing wise turn ones (socks/knee highs for those Skellies ;)), blue with sailor faintly in the design or clothing 180, edge with lingerie faintly showing but defiantly eye catching)
Maybe if possible for all love interests incase your unsure or a new fan is unsure, neighbour Skellies(sans, papyrus, blue, orange, red, edge, Berry, syrup), hotel skellies(axe, crooks, ink, error, dream, nightmare, day(daydream), killer), mafia Skellies(roulette, sniper, carbine, rifle, colt, musket), and Mint + Mango(technically also hotel Skellies in a way-) if you do mango the friendship bracelet is very easily seen, like cute sleeves rolled up above elbows or short sleeves)??? And if willing to do spoilers, the new (6?) Skeletons?
Hehehehe, if ya can't tell, Hiiiii it's meeeee
Thank you for being my main inspiration for writing again, I’ve been struggling with writers block and gave up on many projects because just didn’t have motivation or inspiration or just fell outta love for my own projects, and for giving me inspiration to start Cosplay and outfit designing and just fashion again, and thank you so very VERY much for getting my artistic side going in every way and far more then before that I never had ideas on how to start or get into it, you are really amazing, and l'm so happy I found you! And I absolutely love all your writing, art, etc! Thank you so very much! Honestly and truly, I adore you and your works, I hope you get amazing weekend, week, month, year, everything! You truly deserve it and words can not express how absolutely fantastic you are!
Remember to get some rest, take breaks, eat, drink water! To you and anyone! Have an amazing weekend My Fair Maiden!
OMG THEO!! Same page gang!
I actually have plans for this later on. Like Mc will coordinate her outfits on dates with the skeletons so she matches and now I want like Magic Hair dye that can change colors super easily with a mist spray or something. AHHH.
The Sans outfit you have described here is super cute! with the space buns and big jacket with the detail! AHHHH I want all of it.
Since I will be like doing this in later chapters I don't want to give too much away but MC has even started this. When she went on her double date with Blue and Orange (and Myra I guess) She picked out Blue's colors and a modern outfit that she thought he would like and would match.
I have a plan later for Red which is going to drive him wild. One of his thick jackets, Short ass black skirt with a red belt that has gold chains hanging off it, a red bralette, no shirt, Thigh high socks, Red and black sneakers with gold accents and a choker/collar. My favourite part about this outfit that is so totally up Red's alley is she won't be wearing it for him, even though she borrows a jacket XD I am very excited. It's one of the chapters I've had planned for a while.
I have some plans for the others too like MC classic Skulls outfit for Colt, a goddess cut dress for Nightmare and Dream, A dark purple lolita dress to mess with Berry, Orange's hoodie with underwear and nothing else for Orange. There is so much we could do both spicy and not. I am now very excited about these possible outfits.
Thank you. You are so sweet and I'm so happy to hear my work can help inspire others. I want to see everything you make/do!! Thank you so much for being so nice to me! I will look after myself and you need to as well!! Have a great, day, week, year, life!! Thank you!!
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dulcesiabits · 6 months
heyy it's cafe enchante anon here again (incase you don't remember me😭: https://www.tumblr.com/dulcesiabits/695412570616643584/yahoo-cafe-enchante-anon-here-i-just-woke-up-and ) i see you post abt virche sometimes and i was wondering if you can talk abt it indepth?? (i dont mind slight spoilers)
ive been meaning to get a new otome game but i think it would be nice to know your thoughts on it before buying it,,, all ik it's pain but not the specifics
Oh my gosh!!!!!! Hi cafe enchante anon ^_^ it’s been a while! It’s nice to hear from you again <3
I don’t mind going more in-depth with my thoughts on Virche!! I’ll give my general opinion and also try to break it down by category and individual characters while trying to keep it as spoiler free as possible, with some vague allusions to events in each character’s route. Under the cut for length ^_^
As a caveat, Yves is locked until you finish Mathis, Lucas and Scien (can be done in any order), and La Salut (Ankou/Adolphe) is locked until you finish Yves.
Recommended route order (in terms of plot progression): Mathis -> Lucas -> Scien -> Yves -> La Salut (Ankou/Adolphe)
My personal favorite characters (ranked from favorite to least): Mathis, Lucas, Yves, Ankou, Scien, Adolphe
Overall: I actually really enjoyed my play through of Virche and I would recommend it to people if they enjoy angst/having to play bad endings first. It’s the first otome game in a while that I had so much fun with that I ended up playing it for 12 hours straight!!! I would rank it up there with games like code:realize, cxm and cafe enchante (in fact, the main scenario writer for CE is the same one for Virche… and you can really tell lmao). I had some minor complaints in regard to writing and character choices, but overall, I would rank it 8/10!
Music: The music was very gorgeous! The OP in general was so good I would listen to it every time I opened up the game, letting the opening video play in full, haha. I found myself going to the soundtrack list so I could replay some of the songs.
UI: I feel like otomate has gotten a lot better with UI. I love the “skip to unread section” feature, the flow chart, and the scene list! It made it easier to keep track of what I had to finish (bc I am a completionist), and the flow chart even tells you if a section has an unread piece of dialogue. The design of virche in general was pretty and neat, and never felt overwhelming or distracting. I wish there were afterstories, or bonus content, but that’s just a personal preference. I wanted something to soothe the angst, haha.
Voice acting: Listen. I’m one of those people who love to skip voice acting before they finish speaking because I read faster than the characters talk. However, the VAs (ignoring the fact some of my favorite actors were on there) really knocked it out of the park. I would replay some of the emotionally charged scenes just to hear the actors scream their lines!! The acting really helped to bring the characters to life!
Art: I’ll be real. I don’t think I would have liked virche quite as much if Yomi wasn’t the artist for it. Her art is gorgeous, hands down. I honestly open the game again just to stare at the CGs for Lucas and Mathis!! I was also pleasantly surprised to see that the characters blinked and their mouths moved in time to the voice acting. My only complaint is that outside of a few CGs, a lot of the ones for individual routes felt… very similar, at least in terms of the fact they always seemed to be static waist-up poses for the LIs, haha.
Plot: The mystery and suspense were extremely gripping, and I was impressed by how most things fit together. I also noticed all of the routes tended to have the fluffier and sweeter moments in the beginning of the chapter before it transitioned to angst and horror and started throwing issues at the characters as fast as it could. My only issues here were the way some of the science logic didn’t quite make sense and made me go “I don’t think it works like that…” though I was willing to suspend my disbelief because the writing was strong enough. Additionally, the good endings sometimes felt more like after thoughts, the way bad endings in most otome tend to feel, and some of them just didn’t provide enough cope for me.
Ceres: Ceres felt like her own character, with her own motivations and personality! I don’t like self-inserting into otome protagonists, so I always appreciate it when they can stand on their own. I think her motivations and development made a lot of sense considering her circumstances!
Mathis: My absolute favorite character because I adore the shy bookworm trope and he was so cute and sweet. I admit the romance felt a bit rushed, but his dynamic with Ceres was adorable. I also felt like aspects of his plot could have been changed to make it run a bit more smoothly for me. I feel like the writers didn’t like Mathis, or knew what to do with him sometimes, and his particular skill set could definitely have been more relevant/they could have made him a bit more involved in the other routes. Additionally, there was a character in his route I simply despised and I hated how the writers tried to redeem them. Some thematic elements of his route could have been elaborated on/carried through some more.
Lucas: Lucas is my other favorite, though I feel like he’s a bit more of a controversial choice in that regards due to certain… reasons. His route definitely felt the most horrific and tragic, but similar to Mathis, I felt like the romance was rushed, or at least needed more development. I didn’t get why Lucas liked Ceres, though I could see why she liked him. His route definitely could have benefitted from more time or even an extra chapter, and some scenes should have been extended instead of being left in summary. Certain thematic elements didn’t quite carry through either.
Scien: Scien is THAT bitch and he’s the most popular character for a reason. His writing was definitely the most solid out of the initial routes, with the plot and romance progressing smoothly without feeling too rushed or like it was dragging. I loved his development and his endings really tied up the thematic elements introduced in his route in a satisfying way. He’s really fun, even if he’s not my favorite!
Yves: Yves is super sweet! He has a bit of a longer route than the others, but I loved his character a lot. He’s definitely the one I think suits Ceres the most, and I loved his development and his motivations. The endings were satisfying, and the way he subverts typical tropes had me SCREAMING. It was so delightful and cunty of him, and I think when the plot kicked up, it kicked UP and I was on the edge of my seat the whole time!
La Salut (Ankou/Adolphe): The beginning of the route felt liked it dragged a bit especially because it was rehashing the common route, and I admit, I wasn’t quite sold on Adolphe as a romantic interest and character until much later in the route. I did love Ankou a lot, and I cried several times when I was playing this route. It’s the final route so it ties together all of the plot points in previous routes and introduces answers to overarching mysteries in a really satisfying way, I believe. There are several tropes here that I particularly adore (and can’t mention for spoiler reasons), and I think it was a fitting end to virche!
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thekinkyleopard · 1 year
A Canon Remi x Levi One-Shot
⚠️Content Warning⚠️
Lemons, and more lemons and some fluff
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Author’s Notes: If you haven’t read the canon storyline between these two…you’re gonna be kind of confused by how they got here but otherwise @aller-geez is grounded from RP smut because it takes her 5-10 business days to respond and get the scene done. So I’ll be writing them as separate pieces 😮‍💨 Enjoy 🥵
Description: After being convinced they’d lost the loves of their life forever, they’ve been reunited in the same rehab facility. Which, has a curfew. Remi, unable to see, or do anything about where he’s at, Levi is the one who goes to be by his mate’s side in secret. Sneaking into his bed.
This was stupid. Why couldn’t he be in the room with his lover? Why did he have to sleep in this stupid empty bed? This was unacceptable, his poor wolf was probably laying there, missing him…blinded, uncomfortable from the detoxing. He couldn’t handle the thought of it. He refused to allow anything from keeping him at the side of his wolf. Levi slid slowly out of his bed, trying very carefully not to wake his sleeping roommate, Draeko, who was splayed openly out on his bed, snoring loudly. Looking behind him to make sure the mutt was still asleep, he continued his way to the door. His hand crept up to jingle the handle, and pull it down to open the door slowly. He walked out of his room casually, he knew there were cameras in the hall, however he also knew, where the blind spots were.
Was this something Levi discovered himself? No, but Draeko went on and on and on about them and showed him every time they made a trip to the cafeteria. The reason Draeko knew this? Nothing something Levi retained during his first few days in detox. He carried the knowledge of the blind spots, however, INCASE he needed to escape, but now they would lead him straight to Remi’s room. He just had to make sure he didn’t run into a night time orderly. He moved with the stealth of a mountain cat, tip toeing silently down the hall, making a quick hang to the right. Slyly he slipped the knob of Remi’s door and very carefully pushed himself inside the dark room and shutting the door quietly behind him. Immediately greeted with the swift sound of Remi sitting up and growling low in his chest. “Who is that?” The leopard’s heart fluttered before he quickly answered to reassure him.
“It’s me baby…” his voice came out in a soft whisper as he carefully moved his feet towards the edge of the other’s bed. Remi instantly relaxing the moment he knew it was the leopard and not someone coming to cause issues. He was having enough of those sweating his entire life away in this dark ass room.
“Kitten, what are you doing in here? You’re gonna get us in trouble…” though he couldn’t exactly see it, the cat could definitely sense the grin that spread across his face in the dark. Remi found it absolutely adorable his little leopard had come sneaking into his room. Giggling gently before pushing at Remi’s blankets to make room for himself, the wolf scooted in, instinctively wrapping his arms around the smaller despite how sore his body was.
“I don’t care, I’m not spending another minute away from you anymore…” their voices were low, not wanting to tip off anyone who might walk by the door. Neither were sure exactly how “soundproof” the rooms were. Levi faced the wolf as they both laid on their sides, arms comfortably engulfing each other.
“I won’t argue that…I was already starting to miss you too much…” his voice was slightly sad now pale greens shook almost unnoticeably as they tried so hard to push past the darkness. Noticing the distress upon Remi’s face, with a movement so tender, the cat brushed the tips of their noses lovingly past the other.
“Don’t miss me anymore…I’m right here,” the smaller whispered before pressing his soft lips to that of Remi. Who immediately took the opportunity to return the action, their mouths sliding together with a compassionately tender pace. Nothing prepared either of them for the explosive rapture that was freed within them. For countless days. Remi thought this man was dead. For countless days. Levi thought this man abandoned him. Now they both knew the truth. The younger whimpered pressing his body closer to the man, unable to hold back the need that built so heavily inside of him. The wolf just barely winced as his sore body was urged up against. However, there was no amount of physical pain he felt right now that could stop the insatiable craving they were both experiencing at this very moment. As tongues started to shyly slide past one another and dance amongst open maws, Remi’s hand snaked up the middle of Levi’s back. With the base of his palm he pulled the leopard in closer, not that it could really make any difference in distance, the two were chest to chest. Levi didn’t need much more permission, before he wrapped a thin leg around the wolf’s hip, grinding himself softly up against him.
“Whoa whoa…if we are gonna do this…” Remi pulled away, panting against the other’s now swollen lips, still unable to see, but he could simply picture Levi’s needy little face, and it fueled him. “You have to be quiet..kitten, okay? And gentle…As much…” his fingers gripped tight to the thin man’s back. “I wanna hear you scream my name…I can’t have them trying to keep us apart…and also…everything kind of hurts…” with a breathy chuckle before he hungrily captured Levi’s lips once again with a soft but passionate movement. The leopard nodded to affirm he would do his best to keep them from getting caught and to avoid causing any damages.
With nothing else holding them back, the two began to gently tangle into each other, closing soft fingers around any exposed areas of flesh and tee shirt covered places alike. “I missed you so much…” the leopard whispered in between kisses, his desperate hands sliding down the front of his chest, causing the larger to shudder at the tender action.
“I am just so happy you’re alive…I love you…I love you so much…” they gasped their sentimental whispers of affections between gliding lips. Eventually, Remi slowly slid his mouth down the other’s thin jaw, he may not be able to see, but he could remember every twist and turn of the little cat’s perfect body. You never forget home.
“I love you..Remi..” he whimpered like a soft breeze in the wind, back arching into every touch and kiss as he felt the man’s wet tongue on the crook of his neck. Levi’s body shuddered and his fingers clutched tightly to the wolf’s biceps now.
“God…I love you so fucking much…” the raven haired man huffed against flushing freckled skin. Quickly he made work with his hands, stripping the leopard of his shirt, and then his own while they were at it. As if magnets, they gravitated back to each other, allowing this sloppy dance of remarking once fading hickies. Not before long, Levi with thoughtful care pushed back on the wolf making him smoothly return onto his back, Levi crawled ontop of him, sliding his palms up against the man’s bare chest. His eyes gazing down, adjusting easily to the darkness due to his genetics, he lovingly surveyed the flesh of his mate. “I hate that I can’t see you…” Levi watched as his lover’s face turned down with disappointment, those pale green eyes staring blankly into the space ahead. The leopard grabbed a hold of Remi’s hands and placed them at his delicate waist.
“Just feel me…you don’t need to see me…just feel me..” Levi’s breath slightly hitched in his throat as instinctively the older began to run his warm fingers and hands up familiar creamy skin. Allowing his head to loosen, it fell back while he clung to his bottom lip, trying his very best to keep back the moan that threatened to spill. Levi knew they had to be quiet, but his body was overflowing with euphoria, he rolled his hips gently downward into the man below. Letting out a long loud exhale, while his mate ground their growing clothed lengths together, even just barely making it to the main event, Remi couldn’t believe he wasn’t in heaven. His hand slid up only to slide down and take a tight grip against the leopard’s narrow haunches. He brought him back down, smoothly grating themselves together, slow, passionate, but consistent motions. Both of them losing the ability to breathe calmly, the room shortly turned into an echo chamber of gasps and muffled grunts. Leaning down at an angle now just so Levi could reunite their lips lustfully, both consumed by the sense of fire between their unbridled craving for each other. “I need you so badly…,” the cat sniveled, their lips slipped against each other messily, Remi slipping their clammy foreheads against each other as he swallowed the hungry growl inside of him.
“Tell me again..” he huffed into the leopard’s mouth licking the corner’s of his lips, begging to hear more.
“I need you…Remi…please,” his whispers sounding more pathetic as his hips rutted against the wolf’s.
“H-Hah…Again~” the raven haired man gasped sharply before bucking upward, wanting so badly to be buried deep inside him. He couldn’t see, and he wasn’t allowed to hear the smaller scream his name, but at a low decibel he could make the leopard beg.
“F-fuck…Baby I NEED you…” his voice broke as he tried to remain silent through the euphoric torment he was experiencing. He would give anything right now to achieve his goal. The raven haired man grinned, genuinely with that same sexual prowess he once had before the storm. The other’s insistent begging surged volts of electricity straight to the wolf’s groin. That was medicine. 
“You’re so good for me…” the man licked at Levi’s open, panting mouth before lips were instinctively sinking back into one another, clumsily fumbling with each other’s waist bands. The devotion he felt for the small leopard poured out of him as he fervently tugged and pulled at his grey hospital pants. Levi giggled quickly shimmying out of his bottoms, Remi doing the same with his, with some slight help. Returning to straddle the taller male, Remi tried to stop him and was trying to take charge, but suddenly cut off by the smaller. “No…” Levi pushed back gently, fingertips digging into the flesh of his chest. “Let me take care of you…” biting his lower lip shyly, though he knew the man couldn’t see the embarrassment on his face.
“Baby are yo…” Levi brought a finger to the other’s lips.
“Let me…take care of you…” re-emphasizing what he had said, now sliding his bare delicate ass against Remi’s painfully hard shaft. The man returned with another sharp heave when faced with direct skin to skin, instinctively returning with a gentle nudge of his hips. Nodding his head now, no longer trying to win this battle and just easing his way right in. It felt astronomically good to have the other back, giving him feelings of pleasure…bliss…comfort. None of that emotional pain of the past lingering here as their bodies passionately slid against each other. Not just due to unstable health conditions, but to the ever increasing passion around them, caused the room to feel so insanely hot. Levi slid his hands downward, they rested right under the wolf’s rib cage. He used this as leverage to push himself down, rubbing himself against the other needlessly. Another chorus of ragged puffs, gulps and gasps echoed inside their ears as hips continued to clash in a slow rhythmic fashion. Remi couldn’t handle it anymore he was frantic, absolutely frenzied to be inside the leopard at this rate. He brought a hand up to spit a handful of saliva into his palm, haphazardly slopping it around his cock, pumping awkwardly from behind the still twitching cat. “You want this? Hm?” Remi whispered into the darkness, as Levi purred quietly he whimpered in response.
“I absolutely need it baby..” begging with a sincerity that caused the wolf to grit his teeth, holding back the urge to devour the mate. He really was doing his best to maintain the roaring monster inside him. He could easily blow their cover in here with the…you know pools of blood. However, he could keep it in, mostly due to sheer exhaustion over the whole ordeal of everything that just happened. However, the passion, the adrenaline from being reconnected with the love of his life…was more than enough for this, and that needlessly pathetic voice begging for his cock? Had him in an absolute chokehold.
Slipping the tip of his shaft feverishly in between Levi’s perfect cheeks before the cat was swatting his hand away, insisting he do it himself. He hissed under his breath feeling the other’s puckered hole against his sensitive head, wishing so badly he could watch the other use him. This whole week in itself was a giant tease to his life, he didn’t want to take much time as he impatiently pushed his length upward. Breath hitching at the sensations, Levi shuddered again before aiding the member carefully inside of the awaiting hole, who felt like he could cry with relief.
“Hnn…m-mm…” he maintained his best composure not to cry out at the top of his lungs and start going crazy like they normally did. No, time and place…he knew what was at stake if he pushed the older too far…he also knew that the man was in a delicate state, but god it felt so good to feel the wolf slowly push his cock up to fully sheath himself inside. Remi brought a hand up to comfortably cup the struggling younger’s freckled cheek, he would give anything in this moment just for a peak. His other palm gripped tightly to the man’s hip as he laid comfortably, Levi slowly rolling his hips upward, and cascading them back down with a compassionate softness.
“My good boy….I missed you…” panting quietly his hands only tightening their hold upon his mate almost tortured by how slow he road the throbbing member. Levi kept one palm flat against the wolf’s chest, the other came up to lace fingers that rested on his cheek together, passionately riding the thick, pumping cock.
“F-feels…so good…” though he was really trying to achieve the illusion that he could quietly respond, the cat whimpered with a high pitched sound that caused Remi to growl deep in his chest and snap their conjoined hands over his gaping mouth.
“S-shh!” Unable to contain the grin that spread across his cheeks while silencing the moaning cat. He was more than aroused by the fact his little mate couldn’t contain himself, the once virgin, now a sultry little cock slut. His, little cock slut. Tightening his hold down on Levi’s mouth, he now started to forcibly guide the smaller’s haunches in a faster, much more fervent fashion, pushing back the concerns for his sore muscles. The smaller closed his cerulean orbs tightly but it didn’t stop a small line of tears to leak through the cracks. Short, repetitive huffs of air came bursting through Levi’s nostrils as Remi started to pick up their speed, thrust by thrust, trying so hard now to keep his sounds to a minimum. He was finding it the hardest task to accomplish while feeling his mate pound into his sensitive little bundle of nerves. “Hmphhff~~” His whole body twitched uncontrollably and Remi could feel it under his fingertips, causing his dick to twitch more inside the cat as his walls clasped around him.
“Shhh..kitten..” his voice raspy and tired, panting as quietly as he could manage, but due to the impact of the last few days, and his current condition, it was quite the struggle. He continued his motions meeting Levi in with every thrust and bounce. The leopard slapped both his palms down now onto his mate’s chest and began to ride the wolf with a desperate effort. Allowing his little kitty to take full control over his cock, Remi sunk further into the bed, slipping his hands back down to those soft slender hips, bucking upward every third measure, forcing the smaller to inhale sharply, biting his lip to keep the noise down.
With hooded eyes, Levi looked down at the panting wolf as he continued to lift and collapse himself against his very favorite cock. Remi’s hand moved over just slightly ghosting past flesh to wrap his palm around the leopard’s leaking length, gently pumping the organ to the rhythm of Levi’s bounces. The cat mewled just barely as he felt his needy cock being stimulated and cranked. “R-Remi…h-hnn…” his gentle voice echoed inside of the larger’s ears, causing a quick spark to ignite deep inside his already boiling groin.
“Mm..come here…” he whispered back into the darkness before Levi sufficiently leaned forward, pressing their foreheads together as hot breath collided together within the space. One strong hand now threading through the long shaggy strands of white hair as he forced the little cat harshly down on his thick length. He sucked in a sharp gasp, he knew he was almost at the finish line. “You’re going to make me cum like that…” his mouth at the cat’s sensitive ear now, his body crinkled, chills ran down his spine. The both of them fully consumed in lustful passion as their bodies slid and rolled desperately into each other.
Between the strong hand pumping his leaking length, and the cock pounding into his delicate little spot, the leopard couldn’t even register where they were anymore as soft pants and moans started to leak out exponentially. “Shhh-ush! Shutthefuckup,” Remi growled in a whisper with slight frustration, as much as he didn’t want to get caught, he couldn’t ignore the fact every little sound felt amplified, his hearing making up for the lack of sight. If the leopard kept this up it might just awaken the very thing that would solidify their exposure. The hand that once held onto those slickening white strands, returned to clasp around the cat’s now gaping mouth. “You wanna cum for daddy?” Much better at managing his volume than the weeping mess above him, who could only nod gently in response.
“Mh..mmm..” muffled into the darkness of the room while Remi continued rough, impatient shoves upward, working his hips into overdrive, fighting the pools of blood than threatened to pour over. He swallowed it, as much as he could, a few drops escaping the sides of his mouth, but not enough it could cause concern. He promised he would let Levi take the lead on this but, despite the withdrawal, the soreness, his primal urges could only be fought off so much. The cat truly pulled the most feral parts of him to the surface.
Suddenly, Levi’s body began to stagger, the action of rolling became much more sporadic as he could feel the heat rising to the surface and threatening to burn. Knowing these very calculated, specific movements, Remi was sure of how close his little kitten was to blowing over.
“S’right kitten…cum for me, show me how much you missed me, baby,” his tone was sultry and hot against the cat’s flesh before their mouths clashed in a desperate attempt to hide the scream his body ached to release. With one final stutter of his hips, Levi blew his load into the wolf’s fast working hand, and sweat littered chest. He let out a long, drawn out moan into the other’s mouth as Remi did what he could to swallow the sound with his tongue sliding past swollen lips. Their bodies clashing in a whirl of staggered motions and movements.
Within seconds, the wolf’s haunches flung themselves up, froze fully sheathed inside within his lover and came, hard along those pulsating and tight walls. The kiss turned from a feverish need, to silky supple pecks, their bodies trying to recover from the intense emotions that had taken over. Levi slowly slid the softening length out of his ass. Both panting, trying to catch their breaths as they adjusted their position to a full on naked spoon. Remi buried his face into the messy strands of Levi’s mop, arms laced protectively around him. “Never thought I’d get to do that again…” huffing a slightly sheepish chuckle.
“Me too…which would have been devastating…” the leopard panted still struggling as his heart beat continued to race in his chest.
“Truly…” another breathless chuckle before he nuzzled the little cat. “I love you…I never want to lose you again….” Fighting the urge to slip back into that dark place, knowing the last time he truly saw his face it was lifeless.
“I love you…Im right here…” whispering tenderly into the capacity of their tangled spooning bodies. All the wolf could do was smile gingerly before comfortably burying his nose into the younger’s thin neck, leaving behind just a gentle peck.
“Goodnight, kitten…” voice sleepier, almost distant as Levi could tell this was probably the first time in a while, the wolf felt safe and comfortable enough to fall asleep. He was grateful. So incredibly grateful, as his arms tightened around that of Remi’s that encased him. Finally shuttering ocean blues to a close, he too felt safe for the first time in days. Satisfied knowing tonight, he wouldn’t be wishing for this very man. He already has him.
The End.
Ugh. Gave me fanny flutters the entire time I was writing this scene. You really have to read the lore story to understand the passion behind what happened to these two, but PHEW 🥵 this was a good’en. Hope y’all enjoyed! (PS I haven’t forgotten about the other pieces I promised! I just needed to get this out cause it was a mighty craving)
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kingbyx · 8 months
The Snowfury
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Im writing a bsd Httyd au, because I have an inescapable obsession with both series.
To summarize without many spoilers (incase I ever do finish any fic in the series instead of just planning to write them), ADA are dragon riders, they love dragons, dragons love them, basically the main riders from Httyd in RTTE. Their island is just covered in rescued dragons. PM are dragon hunters who, under Moris guidance, have learned to ‘tame’ dragons through fear and abuse. Chuuya is not in the PM, he’s off being awesome and thinking everybody he loved is dead you know how it is. Atsushi (since Chuuya is not the main charcter even if I love him in this au) is a guy, who, through a series of unfortunate events, ends up with the ADA. His dragon, his bestest friend (Named Byakko, after his ability), is a lightfury (and Akutagawa had a Nightfury names Rashomon of course)
The problem with this is that I have a bit of a problem with the Lightfury. Her concept was cool, and some fanart of her is so nice! But her canon animation was just, eh, and overall I feel like her design could have been better. Some parts just don’t make sense, and really I think they could have done the ´sleek, feminine Fury species that is similar but very different than the nightfury’ idea without having her look,,,, squished. And oddly fem for a DRAGON. I always thought she felt out of place in the world of HTTYD.
So, in my efforts to slightly change her design so I could have a lightfury in my au without using the full canon design, I got carried away and now here we are, I made an entire species, for some reason.
Allow me to explain.
Lore/General Info
The ‘Lightfury’, actually known as the ‘SnowFury’ by the groups that live around them. Though even they don’t see them much. ´Lightfury’ is a term used by cultures who do not naturally have these dragons, as they mistook them for ´daytime NightFurys’ instead of arctic dragons. The dragon eye lists them as SnowFurys, but as artwork of them was limited due to their stealth, few have made the connection between the ‘two species’.
Snowfury’s share a common ancestor with the Nightfury, but evolved in an entirely different environment. While NightFurys are known to prefer forested habitats, preferable near lakes, beaches, rivers, etc, Snowfurys are found only in the snowy wastelands far to the north and far to the south. Though they are now nearly extinct in the south, that is where they were originally named aswell, and no humans are known to inhabit the north.
Just like NightFurys, they are few and far between. In the south, hunted to near extinction (perhaps they truly are gone?) and no one knows if they live in the north. Perhaps they fled there, perhaps they all died in the journey across the ocean, perhaps they have existed there forever and we will never know. Perhaps we are wrong entirely, and they have simply become even better at hiding? Some have heard they can turn invisible, not just blend in, but truly invisible
This will be explained further in the design details, but Snowfurys are larger and bulkier than NightFurys, and though still one of the fastest dragons, they fall just slightly short of the Nightfury. They have a layer of not-quite-blubber, it keeps them warmer but isn’t quite as squishy or heavy, as they still need to be sleek to fly at such high speeds. They can swim in freezing water and walk through blizzards barely noticing the cold.
Their shiny white scales make them nearly impossible to make out within the snow and ice, during a blizzard they are even more deadly. They are known to dig burrows in snow, both as nests/dens and for hunting/stealth purposes.
Changes I made and why/ cool design element of the species
No blue/pink undertones, their stark white but slightly sparkly coulouring is an amazing camoflauge, they are deadly in the snow. Though I couldn’t portray it well (can you tell ive never edited something before and am not at all an artist?), similar to the NightFurys faint stripes, they have a faint rosette pattern, almost like a snow leopard.
Not sure how visible it is, but head is less squished. Proper muzzle for fishing! And carrying babies! All those good things!
Their tail fins do not split at the end, they are known to use it almost like a shovel at times
Their claws are longer thicker and sharper than a NightFurys, they use them to grip onto ice and climb mountains with minimal effort.
Their eyes range from various blues, light teals and pale purples, nothing too vibrant though, they have very pale eyes (while nightfurys have more vibrant eyes, in bright greens and yellows and organes, even red perhaps)
Again, they are bulkier and stronger. Sacrificing a tiny bit of speed for higher strength. Still the second fastest dragon though, just slightly behind NughtFury. This extra bulk not only keeps them warmer but allows them to power through blizzards and scale icy mountains without blinking, they can swim in freezing water without getting cold and walk through deep snow. I made the Snowfurys legs a bit propertionally thicker, aswell as their neck.
Still less ear nubs, but i added a third set. They are shorter but wider than Nightfurys, it’s cold!
Back fin is rufflier and there is a smaller one on head, I mostly just liked the look. The fins on legs and back/head/tail help with aerodynamics, and swimming. They are surprisingly durable, as they need to hold up against freezing temperatures and crazy wind.
More scale definition, though not as muh as a NightFury. They have thick protective scales, but retain a smoother look, not only are they better swimmers than NightFurys but it makes them even harder to spot against the smooth shiny snow.
I made the other two tail fins larger to match the main one
Other little bits
Female Snowfurys are larger than males, and male Snowfurys are about the same as Female Nightfurys if a bit larger and male night fury’s are smaller than female nightfury’s
They have all the same ability’s as Lightfurys, retractable teeth, plasma blast, invisibility, you get it.
You could just say the Lightfruys don’t exist in this au, and Snowfurys are an unique species, but they are still called Lightfurys in most places (Americas, Yokohama seas, United Kingdom’s, etc. Only the southern frozen islands (where Fyodor and Nikolai are from in this au btw) call them Snowfurys, but they found them first so it’s the ‘true name’. It is also what’s in the dragon eye.
Do canon Lightfurys exist? Maybe, how am I supposed to know?
They swim very well as I think I mentioned, better than Nightfurys but not quite like a true tidal class dragon. They eat a lot of fish like Nightfurys, though they will eat basically anything, this would have one day perhaps included humans, but any living ones are sure to avoid humans now
They’re basically cold proof, on land and in water. They can do it but aren’t usually fans of extreme heat, since they have a natural layer of fat (not quite blubber but close) meant to keep them warm. They get hot quick and retain that heat well, they have never been seen in a warm place, though who knows if they go there or not. You rarely see them anyways,
They basically have the same reputation as Nightfurys, but since they don’t live most places even more mysterious. Nobody really knows anything about either species, even the Dragon Eye has rather vague drawings, though it’s still more info than anywhere else. It’s believed that more detailed records exists, but either nobody has found those lenses or the information wasn’t put on a lense
I’ll probably make a more detailed ref sheet with wings (same as canon LF,smoother than Nightfurys and a bit shorter and broader) and eye colours and stuff someday
Pack orientated species, just like Nightfurys. Though adults almost always hunt alone for stealthyness, they always live in groups, it’s important. They are social!
No I will not tell you what is in the north, that is a SECRET! Yes it is awesome and plot relevant and angsty but fluffy at the same time and I will make my readers cry when I write it!
I Hope this was at least somewhat coherent, I’m tired but brain won’t sleep until it gets to share its thoughts.
Will i ever actually write this? Yes probably but like, I’m currently on my avian au, Ranpo bad things happen bingo (I’m on prompt 15/25 now, whoo!) and that unfinished SKK au I’m writing (it’s like, 10k and I’m not even at the main plot what am I doing?? It’s based on a one of my favorite movies ever and includes wolves and feral woods child Chuuya btw). Someday, I will write Httyd au, eventually.
Any ideas for rider dragons are lovely,,,, you know incase you want to. I have most but there’s a few that I’m just, aaaaaah
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