#josie pye x reader
a-aexotic · 2 years
hh sorry to bother you!! if requests are closed or you don't wanna write this you can delete the request but
i don’t know if you watched Puella Magi Madoka Magica, but it’s a really great anime and i wanted to send this character, the anime looks cute but it really isn’t 😭.
can i request josie pye, Gilbert Blythe or Prissy Andrews with a S/O who has a Homura Akemi Personality? (She’s stoic, distant, independent, Homura also appears with her personality being that of a shy, timid, magical girl rather than her cold and strong personality, she also knows self defense since she was in a lot of battles you can watch it here)
Thank you a ton!! I wish you well<33
hey i’m so sorry for the late reply, but here’s a headcanons for both :) i hope you enjoyed
—cw’s: just fluff!!! i think gen!neutral but lmk!
josie pye
i feel like josie would like an s/o who’s generally stoic and is independent
she wouldn’t necessarily mind having a stoic s/o because i feel like josie is reactive and it would be nice to have a neutral energy to the chaos 😭
she likes that you’re calm and that you can solve issues with logic instead of emotions and she can depend on you in that sense
she likes the fact that you are independent because she doesn’t like the feeling of letting people down
so if she knows that you wouldn’t be let down by her, it feels like a weight would be lifted off her shoulders
she is kind of the opposite of you
she would intrigued with your persona and kind of feels like it’s fake at first 😭
she didn’t like how shy you were because she wanted to get to you, but you were hard to break and that pissed her off
most people open up to her very quickly (surprisingly) so she would find this weird
but she ended up cracking you!! AND she fell in love <3
gilbert blythe
he finds you VERY interesting
he loves that you’re not an open book, he wants to earn getting to know you if that makes sense
gilbert loves a good challenge 😭😭
he’s used to people depending on him, so he doesn’t know how to feel when he realizes you’re pretty independent & would rather do it on your own
he loves that you’re shy & that you’re not like this with everyone
he feels special knowing that you’re not just talking to him to talk to him, but rather because you genuinely want to
he just loves your personality and it goes with his perfectly
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mrsmikaelsxn · 2 years
New Girl
pairing: gilbert blythe x female reader
warnings: just fluff, somewhat love triangle with billy, some jealousy, kissing
summary: you had just moved to avonlea from london, you were a beauty with fancy clothes and a lovely accent, who just so happens to have two boys take interest in you
a/n: there is such a lack of gilbert fanfics on here, he is such a sweetheart and needs more attention
song: angeleyes - abba
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Walking up a hill from your new home, you follow a path you saw that helps lead you to school easily. You were dressed in a gorgeous light blue dress that somewhat stuck out around you. You had a ribbon in your hair and some jewelry with white gloves.
You truly didn't know what to wear, back at your old school this was the normal clothing.
You saw a pretty small white flower, you picked it and tucked it behind your ear. Smiling to yourself you continued down the path until you hear your name being called.
"Excuse me! Miss!" you stop walking and turn around to see a young boy, he seems to be around your age. Your eyes quickly scanned his features and you had to admit he was rather handsome.
"Hello, sir!"
"Gilbert- please, call me Gilbert," he smiles.
"Well then, it's a pleasure to meet you, Gilbert. I'm y/n," you smile at him.
"You're new here? You have a pretty accent"
"I am, and thank you. I just moved here from London," you blush.
"Wow, is it nice there? I've been wanting to travel."
"Well honestly I suppose it depends on where you are and what part you're talking about. But overall I like it," you explain looking at a squirrel you saw running in a tree.
Gilbert seemed to not be able to look away for you. He was in awe of you, he has never encountered a girl with such beauty as you.
"Perhaps you would join me in my walk to school? If that's where you're heading?" you suggest.
"I would love to"
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You both arrive at school and see everyone already there. You put your small bag on a hook in the cubby area. All the students turn and look at the two of you. It quickly goes quiet and they start to whisper.
You smile at them nervously and start to fidget with your gloves.
Gilbert leans over to your ear and whispers, "don't worry about them, they just don't get a new classmate that often." You nod and introduce yourself. The girls giggle at your accent and the boys ask you to say some words they think would sound funny with it.
Gilbert also took notice of Billy Andrews who was in the back watching the scene. Gilbert also noticed the way his eyes lingered on you, longer than he liked.
He then saw Billy start walking towards you as the boys started to walk outside and girls went to their little corner. They all told you to come sit with them but before you could follow, someone stepped in front of you.
"My, my, what a pretty girl you are. I'm Billy Andrews," he says holding his hand out. You put your hand in his with the intention to shake it, but to yours and Gilbert's he gently picks it put and places a kiss on your knuckles.
Perhaps you would find this sweet, if it were Gilbert doing it. But this boy seemed rather arrogant in your opinion.
"Oh- um- thank you and good to meet you... I must be going now, the girls are waiting for me," you nod your head over to the girls watching in the corner. You see Diana and Anne smiling at you waving their hands over for you to join them.
You slip away from Billy and go sit in between them. "I love all of your dresses," you say to them. They were different from what you grew up with but that's what made you like them.
"Ours? Look at yours! You are very beautiful and that outfit is miraculous!" Anne exclaims as the other girls nod their heads.
"Why thank you," you then lean over towards her when the other girls broke off into some converstations, "your red hair is lovely, did you know? It suits you perfectly," you whisper.
"Oh you don't know how much that means to me!" Anne smiles so happily you can't help but do the same.
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The day ended and Gilbert had a clenched jaw while he was thinking about Billy telling the other boys that you would be crawling to him in no time. Gilbert may or may not have accidentally stuck his foot out as Billy was passing by.
Gilbert saw you walking out of school and jogged over to you. "Hey! How was your first day?"
"It was magnificent, it was very different from what I am used to," you admit.
"Figured it would be, do you mind if I..." you look over at him as he continues, "walk you home?"
"Of course not!"
This then became a routine with the two of you, you both had grown very fond of each other and were very close.
Today, Billy was flirting with you again, and Gilbert mistook your actions for you flirting back. That day on the walk back, you got in a small argument.
"You were flirting back!"
"What? No I was not," you shook your head.
"Even if you weren't why wouldn't you?!" Gilbert didn't understand why you never went out with Billy, most of the girls had a crush on him.
"Because- because I fancy someone else!" you take a step closer to him, leaving only a few inches between you two.
Gilbert stops as his eyebrows raise, "who?"
"Oh Gilbert, you complete idiot," you sigh while shaking your head, but before he could respond you grabbed his collar and connected your lips to his. He quickly responds and puts one hand behind your head, and the other around your waste. You could have melted right there as you leaned into the boy. You reached up and ran your fingers through his hair, loving how soft it was.
Gilbert was about to faint, he had been dreaming of this happening since he met you. As you were pressed on him while your lips molded with each other, he prayed that you couldn't feel how fast his heart was beating. You slowly pull back and rest your forehead on his.
"You, Gilbert, I fancy you," you whisper to him, breathlessly.
"I like you as well, darling," he smiles connecting your lips again.
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fodenswhore · 4 months
🪴Spin the bottle
{In which a game of spin the bottle causes feelings to stir.}
help i wrote this when i first started watching awae in 2021. found it in my drafts on wattpad and decided to post it on here.
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Billy Andrews was insufferable. He was rude, irritating and extremely cocky. You hated him, and every little thing he did annoyed you - whether it was him tugging on your hair as you hung your hat and coat in the cloak room at school, or whether it was him simply breathing to loud. You hated him, he hated you, and that was that.
And so, when it was your turn to spin the bottle in Josie's childish game, you were utterly furious when the glass bottle landed on Billy. “No. No way. Absolutely not. I’m not doing this." You protested, shaking your head.
"Awww come on now Y/N, rules are rules." Billy smirked at you and stood up in the middle of the circle your classmates had created.
"Such stupid rules." You mumbled to no-one in particular, glancing over at Diana and Anne - both of whom gave you sympathetic looks. You stood up hesitantly and glared at the bottle on the floor.
You whipped your head to face Josie and gave her a pleading look, however she only raised her eyebrows expectingly at you. Clenching your jaw, you turned to Billy and shuffled towards him.
Once you were close enough, Billy leant in and whispered in your ear, "Come on Y/N, what are you so afraid of? It's just a kiss."
You narrowed your eyes at him and whispered back angrily, "I'm not afraid of kissing. However I am afraid of kissing you. You probably have some kind of incurable disease. I wouldn't want to catch it. It may give me your huge ego, or worse, your attitude."
Billy scowled and was about to retaliate when Josie cleared her throat and said, "Can the two of you hurry up and get on with it?”
Charlie, one of Billy’s friends, gestured to the rest of your classmates, “Yeah, we’re all waiting for you guys.”
Rolling your eyes you leant in close to Billy who cupped your cheek with his hand. You sucked in a sharp breath and glanced up to find Billy staring at you curiously, as if he was expecting you to back off and punch him in the gut. When you didn't back away, he allowed your mouths to brush ever so softly before capturing your lips with his.
As he kissed you, warmth filled you from head to toe, and butterflies erupted in your stomach. You allowed your eyes to flutter shut, and your hand instinctively travelled to the back of his neck - thus pulling him closer to you.
The kiss was soft and sweet. And because it was your first kiss, it was everything you had dreamt it would be like. You felt torn and confused, you hated Billy! However you couldn't ignore the feeling of bliss that fell upon you when your lips met his.
And then, as quickly as the kiss had started, it was over. You pressed your palms against Billy's chest and softly pushed him away. His face was flushed and his lips were swollen ever so slightly - you could only assume you looked the same.
Diana coughed quietly and you shook your head lightly as if to shake yourself from your daze. You quickly sat back down in the circle next to Ruby and began brushing invisible dust off the skirt of your dress, whilst ignoring the snickers from your friends. Billy swallowed thickly and wiped his hands on his trousers before sitting back down. He snook a glance at you quickly before moving his gaze back to the bottle.
“Okay," Josie said, clasping her hands together and allowing her eyes to travel over the faces in the room almost like a lion scouring for prey. A small smirk graced her lips as her eyes locked on the next victim of the game. “Anne's next."
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calummss · 3 years
Transcendent Love | Josie Pye
summary: josie pye folded her crumpled piece of paper into a heart and gave it to the person she trusted the most
requested by: anon
words: 1.4K
a/n: re-uplod
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Every one was different; that’s how people distinguish one another. And even if everyone was the same, the world would be boring and dull. Society loved change and even encouraged it, if it profited them in some sort of way, but not every difference was accepted. That’s why some people have to be quiet and blend in with the rest of ordinary people, causing no second glances when you look at them. Josie Pye was one of them. Even though she didn’t know it at the time, the feelings were there, ready to be tapped into and to be understood. Ready to be explored by some she would trust the most.
✰ ✰ ✰
Moody and you were on your way to school on yet another cold winter morning. Avonlea had turned into a beautiful winter wonderland. The winds were blowing fiercely from all directions and nothing but the dizzy whirling and the cold were surrounding you. Your arm was entangled with Moodys, afraid to slip and fall. You were stomping through the sea of deep, white snow when in the distance you hardly recognised the school’s tower. Trampling through the dusty parts of the snow you managed to climb up the hill with Moody’s help and were greeted by Cole who arrived at the same time. Opening the school doors you were greeted by the fire’s warmth that engulfed you in a big hug. You sat down at your assigned seat and turned around in order to engage in the ongoing conversation.
‘Well I think that we should meet at Diana’s house,’ Jane said. ‘Her house is the biggest and we’d have more room.’
‘I agree, but Diana’s mom has to give us permission.’ Anne replied.
‘What’s going on?’ you chimed in, still not knowing what everyone was talking about.
‘Haven’t you been listening? You have ears for a reason.’ Josie muttered.
‘Well I just got here haven’t I?’
‘Not my fault you can’t listen.’ Josie glared at you.
You never understand why Josie Pye disliked you. Ever since you moved to Avonlea you tried to befriend everyone in hopes of making loads of new friends, but Josie never seemed to budge. You remember talking to her on your first day of school and she ignored your presence as if you were invisible. You even tried baking a cake once; a lemon drizzle cake, one of your mother’s specialties, but she turned it down, making you walk back to your house in defeat. Josie had no reason to dislike you but she did. So you would just have to live with that.
‘I’ll ask mother and see if it is possible.’ Diana tried to clear the tension.
Everyone nodded in agreement and sat down for Mr. Phillips class.
Class ended earlier than usual today; probably one of Mr. Phillips’ weird days but you weren’t too concerned about it. Walking out of the school house you saw Jane, Ruby, Tillie, Diana and Anne taking their leave, leaving Josie behind. No matter how much Josie disliked you, you always walked back home together since you only live 15 minutes away and it was much safer to be a pair.
‘Can you hurry up? My mother's expectating me.’
You mentally rolled your eyes and tightened your grip around your basket, trying very hard to not lash out.
You walked side by side in utter silence. Nothing but the whistling wind and rustling trees were to be heard from afar.
‘Why do you dislike me so much?’
‘What?’ she turned to you with furrowed eyebrows.
‘Well it’s not a secret’’ you huffed, continuing your walk home. ‘You’ve had a grudge hold against me since I moved here. I am unaware of what I have done to cause you such negative thoughts and feelings but it’s getting ridiculous.’ Years of frustration rolled off your tongue effortlessly. Josie could tell you weren’t happy at all.
‘It’s not my fault you’re unlikeable,’
‘Oh, wow.’
The walk back home was silent and awkward. When you arrived at your house you didn’t say goodbye or looked back, you just headed inside, slamming the door shut.
✰ ✰ ✰
Josie arrived home later than expected. She spent the entire walk thinking and stopping every second. When she arrived through the door she was greeted by her father sitting on a brown leather couch and her mother reading the newspaper.
‘I’m back,’ she said bringing her empty lunch basket to the kitchen.
‘Mother?’ Josie peaked from the kitchen door corner. ‘May I have a moment? There’s something I need to ask you.’
Ms Pye nodded before folding the newspaper back in its original form and walked straight past Josie who closed the door behind her.
‘Mother, I was wondering if you might help me understand something.’
Her mother nodded, taking a sip of piping hot tea.
‘You see, we were talking about this in class with the girls and I was wondering how you feel if you hate someone, like someone, or love someone.’ Josie stared down at her feet in embarrassment.
‘Well, when you hate someone you wish them nothing but pain and misery. You cannot stand to see them happy. And well if you like someone you enjoy their company and do want them to be happy. And love,’ Ms Pye sat up straight. ‘Love is when you want to be the reason for their happiness.’
Josie sat in silence trying to process the information her brain was just delivered. She left the kitchen after their talk and thought hard about what she had heard and understood.
A few weeks after their talk, Josie went to the kitchen to make a homemade lemon drizzle cake.
If only she had realised sooner.
✰ ✰ ✰
When Monday came around you couldn’t be bothered to go to school, but with your mother’s yelling outside of your heavy wooden door, you managed to get up, even when you looked horrendous.
Grabbing your basket, you kissed your parents goodbye and saw that Moody was already waiting for you. The walk to school was still cold as the freezing wind whistled through Avonlea. Arriving at school you saw that the students were sitting inside the cozy room, fireplace burning hot. You walked around the school building to place your milk glass in the snow to cool it when you noticed the Take-Notice-Board. You were honestly still surprised at its occupation. Curious to see what hadn't been noticed yet, you stomped through the thick layer of snow, only to be greeted by a surprise.
‘Y/N is the nicest girl I’ve ever met and I’m afraid I scared her away for forever’
Your eyes went wide as sweat pearls started to roll down your face. You grabbed the piece of paper and tore it apart, letting the wind blow them away. You strut back to the building, through the door and stood in front of Josie who was very occupied with Tillie.
‘A word.’ harsh words left your lips.
Josie rolled her eyes, but stood up, following you outside into the chilly weather.
‘Are you insane?’ you glared at her.
‘What are you talking about?’
‘The note on the Take-Notice-Board? I know it was you.’
‘What note?’ Josie crossed her arms, trying to protect herself from what was coming.
‘Josie, I know you wrote the note about me. I recognise your handwriting and so does everyone else! Do you know what would’ve happened if it wasn’t me who found it?’
Josie stared at her feet not knowing what to say or do.
‘Are you going to tell everyone?’ her eyes glanced up from the white glittering ground.
‘Of course not.’
‘It’s just…,’ Josie started stuttering, trying to find the right words. ‘I was so mean to you for no reason until I realised I liked you. I like you more than a friend and I was so rude to you in order to protect myself.’
‘Are you the one that left that lemon drizzle cake at my doorstep?’ you furrowed your eyebrows, letting a smile slip.
‘Josie, we should talk about this after school to risk not being caught okay?’ you hugged her, trying to give her some reassurance.
She nodded.
You walked back into the building and when time came to go to your place, you were surprised with what a world with Josie Pye had to offer.
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harringtown · 5 years
keep your hand inside of mine
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requested by anonymous
Pairing: Gilbert Blythe x Reader
Summary: Billy catches Gilbert and the reader kissing outside the barn, and when the reader gets hate from classmates, Gilbert stands up for them
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: sexist remarks
The crisp, cold night air is a welcome respite from the barn slowly filling with body heat, packed tight with Avonlea residents swinging around and laughing, music pulsing like a heartbeat against the large barn walls. The moon hangs high in the sky, as if chaperoning the event, keeping an eye on the twirling, dancing townsfolk, an unwavering eye above them all.
You drag Gilbert around the side of the barn, bouncing on your toes, the excitement from inside still coursing through you. Gilbert twirls you and tugs you back against him, both rocking unsteadily and backing up against the barn wall.
“You’ve gotten quite good at this dancing thing,” you say, pressing you against the wood, hands tucked against the small of your back. Gilbert stands in front of you, eyes bright, hair a little mussed from the commotion inside.
“I had a great teacher,” he says, lips curving up in a smile. After a beat, he adds, “Mrs. Lynde.” You snort a laugh, tipping your head back against the wood. Gilbert steps closer, hands settling on your waist atop your skirts.
“And here I thought it was your partner who deserves your gratitude.”
His mouth quirks up in a playful grin, and he bends toward you, nose a centimeter from yours, his breath warm on your lips. You tilt your chin up ever so slightly to bump his nose, and he returns the favor.
“Perhaps there is another way I could give my thanks,” he murmurs, voice low. Your stomach rolls, electricity skating up your spine. The anticipation before the kiss, the half-second of sparks and buzzing air, is almost as good as the kiss itself. All leaping hearts and tumbling bellies and tiny smiles and downcast glances.
You find yourself impatient, his mouth taking too long to find yours, so you close the distance between you and press your lips to his. He takes only a moment to react, sinking into you and pushing you gently against the wooden slats of the barn wall. His arms wind around you, tugging you against him, and your fingers climb up his sleeves to settle on his cheeks. His lips are warm and soft, and they part lightly against yours, tongue flicking against your teeth.
You don’t think you’ll ever get used to kissing Gilbert Blythe. Each gentle jab of the chin sends sparks through you, each tender brush of fingertips lighting you up.
Only when you run out of breath do you pull away, your foreheads tipped together, both catching your breath and smiling against the other’s mouth.
You’re both too wrapped up in each other to notice the audience of one hiding behind a tree, Billy Andrews, who sees an opportunity and takes it.
The schoolhouse goes silent when you step inside, removing your coat and joining your classmates in the middle of the room. The girls - save for Anne and Diana, who appear to be chewing out Billy, which you’re sure he deserves - turn away from you, arms wrapped around a crying Ruby. The boys snicker, and your stomach churns at the realization that you’re the reason for the odd behavior.
“The brothel is actually down the street, Y/N,” Billy says, pushing past Anne and Diana to sneer at you. Confusion courses through you, and you survey the room and your classmates - Ruby, avoiding your gaze, Jane, with narrowed eyes, the boys, sick grins on their lips - an understanding slamming into place.
You swore you heard a branch snap outside the barn the night before, but you were too wrapped up in Gilbert Blythe to think more of it.
Oh, no.
Before you recover your senses, Anne sidles up beside you, face contorted in anger.
“How dare you spread such nasty rumors about my friend?” She asks.
“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” Billy retorts.
“Neither do you! You do not know what happened! Only Y/N and Gilbert know, and unless you’ve turned into her or Gilbert, you have no say in the matter,” she says, steam practically spewing out of her ears.
“We didn’t have to be there to see that Y/N has loose morals,” Jane says, choosing the wrong moment to stand up for her asshole of a brother.
“You shut your mouth,” Anne snaps, and you reach out to touch her arm, meeting her gaze.
“Thank you, Anne,” you say softly, giving her a reassuring smile, “but I can handle this.”
She looks like she wants to do more - say more - but respects your wishes, slinking back, though not before sending Billy another death glare. You meet Billy’s gaze again, turning your chin up.
“If you have a problem, you can say it to my face. Gossiping behind one’s back is for cowards. Are you a coward, Billy Andrews?”
Anger flashes hot in his eyes, and though you know you’re not taking the high road, or even walking anywhere near it, you can’t stop. You’re angry and hurt and full of hatred for men and their silly games.
“Don’t worry, you don’t have to answer,” you say. “I already know the answer.”
Billy attempts to compose himself, but the anger burning in his eyes is impossible to hide.
“I don’t have to listen to some backcountry harlot,” Billy snaps. “Save your nonsense for Blythe. At least he pays for it.”
Anger explodes inside you, and before you can stop yourself or even think twice about it, you’re slamming a fist into Billy’s face. His nose makes a sickening crack as it breaks, and blood rushes from his nostrils like an overflowing dam.
The room is shocked into silence, all staring wide-eyed at you and Billy in the middle of the room, no one daring to speak or move or even breathe.
The schoolhouse door swings open, and Gilbert steps in, tugging off his hat and hanging it, turning his attention to you, red-faced, hands curled into fists, and Billy, a hand slapped against his face, blood seeping through his fingers.
“Tip your head up, and you’ll choke on your blood,” he tells Billy, crossing the room, sliding into doctor mode. Billy levels his head again, clearly not thrilled at taking Gilbert’s orders but doing it anyway.
“What’s going on?” He asks, looking between you and Billy, then around the room.
“Y/N punched Billy in the face,” Josie says, the judgment evident in her tone. Gilbert’s brows furrow, and he meets your gaze, taking in your flushed cheeks and flared nostrils and the shaking hand at your side. He gently lifts your trembling hand and ghosts the surface of your skin with a thumb, checking for a break. Your hand throbs with the beat of your heart, but no pain sparks at his touch, meaning it isn’t broken, at the very least.
“Are you alright?” He asks softly, holding your gaze. You nod solemnly. He looks to Billy, eyes narrowed, and says, “What did you do?”
“Why do you assume I did something?” Billy sneers. Gilbert, unwavering beneath Billy’s bravado, doesn’t move, his watchful eyes burning into Billy, who does his best not to crack beneath them.
“What did you do, Billy?” Gilbert repeats. Whereas Billy has the cockiness and brute strength, there’s something terrifying about Gilbert’s quiet, calm anger.
“I just shared what I saw outside the barn at the fair,” Billy says innocently. Gilbert’s brows knit together and he takes a step closer to Billy. Billy has a few inches on Gilbert, but right now, Gilbert seems to tower over the other boy.
“And what exactly is it that you saw?”
Billy cocks a brow.
“You. Y/N. Fornicating two feet away from the entire town.”
You push forward, ready to punch him again, but Gilbert gently touches your hand before you pass, and you stop beside him. He meets your gaze, sending a pleading glance, one that says let me.
And though you don’t need a savior, you let him continue; it’s Gilbert who tells you that no person should live like an island; it’s Gilbert who tells you other people are all we have in the world. Having someone support you isn’t an insult, but a strength.
“What happens between me and Y/N is our business. Not the town’s.”
“But no one will marry her, now!” Ruby exclaims, seemingly sad at the prospect of your life as a spinster.
“Like Lavender Lewis,” Tillie supplies.
“She’s ruined!”
“I’m marrying her,” Gilbert says. His words drag the room back into silence, save for a little gasp that slips out of Ruby’s mouth. Gilbert surveys the room before his gaze settles on you, lips quirking up ever so slightly.
“I’m marrying her,” he says again, “so all of your judgment you’re attempting to pass off as concern is meaningless. You’re all hypocrites. Shaming Y/N, when I was just as involved as she was.”
“Billy was heedless and disrespectful, not Y/N,” Anne says in support, “and not Gilbert. Billy.”
“If anyone has any more problems with what happened outside the barn, feel free to bring it to me. If not, continue hiding behind your sexism and pretending its genuine concern,” Gilbert snaps. He meets your gaze and holds out a hand. With a tiny smile, you take it, threading your fingers together. He draws your hand up to his lips, lightly kissing your quickly-bruising knuckles.
“Are you alright?” He asks, low enough for only you to hear. You nod, squeezing his hand, lips curling up ever so slightly.
“Now that my knight in shining armor has arrived?”
He snorts. “Says the one who punched the dragon herself.”
You grin, and say, “Perhaps we’re both knights, then.” Gilbert’s smile mirrors yours, and he kisses your knuckles again.
“Perhaps we are,” he says.
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plxnetrae · 4 years
Quiet | G.B.
Gilbert Blythe x Fem!Reader
summary: Y/N goes to school with her friends Anne and Diana, but soon becomes quick friends with someone else even against the girls judgement.
genre: fluff
warnings: bullying, billy being a creep, shy reader
request: yes / NO
word count: 940
A/N: I feel like there is not enough Gilbert content on tumblr so, here you go! Hope you like it and enjoy!
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     Y/N was not nearly as excited as Anne was for school. She had been here longer than Y/N so she had gone near the middle of the school year. Y/N on the other hand had not been here tell school was well and over.
     “M-maybe i could just stay here?” Anne shook her head at Y/N, “No! I swear school is quite delightful!” Even with the reassurance from Anne, Y/N was still nervous, though she was always nervous about everything. Even talking to people was a struggle.
     Against her better judgement, Anne walked her along a dirt road to school. Y/N just walked in quiet whilst Anne blabbed on. Eventually they met up with Diana, she too joined them on their way.
      Once the school building was insight Y/N began to panic, again. Anne saw her backing and quickly grabbed her. “No. Come on Y/N!” Diana grabbed the other arm and they dragged Y/N to the river. “You put your milk in the river for lunch.” Diana clarified. Y/N only nodded before putting the jar in.
     After they were done with that they headed through the doors. Y/N went straight to the coat rake, putting her hat and jacket up. Once again her friends dragged her. This time to a group of girls.
     Before she could even get a hello in the girls had started asking questions. “Who’s this?” “Why is she with you, Anne?” “Yes, why is she with you as well Diana?” 
     Y/N tried to talk, but was interrupted every time she did. So she opted to stay quiet while Anne and Diana answered the questions for her. Finally everyone started going to their seats before the teacher got here.
     Y/N sat next to Anne while Diana was on the other side near the window. The teacher eventually showed up and looked around the classroom tell he set eyes on Y/N. “I presume you are the new student?” She only nodded a reply. 
     “I expect you not to fall behind your peers.” He said and again she nodded. All eyes were on her and she could tell. “Can you talk?” The teacher teased making a blush sprout upon Y/N’s face while everyone laughed. She looked down as the teacher went on with his lessons. 
     As the teacher dismissed for lunch, that's when the teasing began. First it was Josie, "Mr. Philip's is right. You don't talk. Can you even talk at all?" All the girls laughed making Y/N more red. She quickly headed outside away from the girl's torment.
     As she was getting her milk from the stream a boy came behind. "Hello beautiful." The voice rang out and once again Y/N blushed. Not because she was flattered but, because all she wanted to do was sit alone and eat lunch in quiet.
     Silently, Y/N tried to maneuver around the boy but to no avail. He just simply continued talking, "My name's Billy. Who might you be?" His voice disgusted the girl. Without saying anything she tried once more to move past him.
     "Hey!" Billy grabbed her arm harshly. "It's rude to not answer. Or maybe you're just mute. Can't talk can you?" The more he talked, the closer he brought her to him. By now Y/N was slightly trembling.
      "Billy!" A deep voice called out, "Let go of her!" Billy groaned before turning around. He made sure Y/N was behind him so she couldn't see the other boy.
      "This is none of your concern Blythe." The Blythe boy just shook his head and stepped towards Billy tell he was right in front of his face. "I said. Let. Her. Go." His voice was deep and fueled by anger. With that Billy let go of and stomped off, but not before giving Y/N a glare.
       She still does not dare look up at the young man now standing as close as Billy once was. “Hello there,” the Blythe boy said, making Y/N look up from the grass. “My name is Gilbert. Can you tell me yours?” He smiled down at her trying to comfort her which just made her more embarrassed. Even so, Y/N swallowed and talked as much as she could. “M-my name is Y-Y/N.”
     Y/N swears his smile got even bigger, “That’s a lovely name.” The little confidence she had left her at the comment, so she looked back down at the grass. “You’re very quiet aren’t you?” Gilbert chuckled at you. You heard whispering and looking over to see Josie, Ruby, and their group staring at you.
     Ruby looked like she was on the verge of tears which made you feel guilty for some reason. Gilbert saw what you were staring at along with your expression, “Don’t mind them.” You turn back to him on the verge of tears yourself. “Ruby says she has ‘dibs’ on me.” He scoffed before looking back at your teary eyes.
     “T-that’s stupid.” He laughed with a big smile making you join along. Once he was finished he just looked at your smile. “I like your smile.” He said it and warmth spread through Y/N. She went quiet again at that. He leaned closer, “Hey, don’t go quiet on me now.” 
     Y/N smiled again, “I-i’ll try.” He nodded, beaming down at you. “Come join me for lunch, will you?” Again she nodded, but then decided to actually respond. “S-sure.” With that he took you away and that’s how you became best friends maybe even a bit more than friends.
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koriiiandrrr · 4 years
Josie Pye Imagine : A Quiet Life
SEASON : sometime after season 3
SYMBIOSIS : they decide to runaway together and live the typical cottagecore lifestyle
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"UGHHHHH!" JOSIE GROANED flopping on the blue satin lounge couch in living room.
she laid there tracing over the blush pink and lime green flowers embroidered in the beautiful material, sighing to herself.
she felt her self sighing away the day more often, though she loved her partner so very much and admired their love of nature, she missed the city.
she missed being invited to extravagant parties and conversing with the upper class yet she knew that her reputation was in tatters as soon as she left against her parents.
her mind wandered the idea of "what if she stayed? made a name for herself?" she was starting to think "maybe her mother was right, maybe she this how she destroys her reputation..." she was knocked out of the thoughts when she heard a loud bang!
this was the sound of the door opening harshly, which caused josie jump in alarm and grab the nearest thing that possibly could be used for a weapon off the table beside her.
she began to sit up and creep behind the wall beside the door she got ready to whack whoever had entered but before she could do anything, a soft hand lightly grabbed hold of her wrist.
a familiar voice asked causing josie to look up.
josie began to awkwardly smile at her partner and began to turn red out of embarrassment.
her partner began to snort and start laughing hysterically.
"you really thought i was some sort of murder huh?" josie huffed and rolled her eyes at this.
"oh be quiet y/n! you startled me! honestly you're lucky that i didn't end up hitting you!"
this only made y/n laugh more
"it's not that funny y/n!"
"yes! it is! it's hilarious that you think that you could really hurt me with a cello bow!"
josie gave them shove and grumbled something. "what was that dearest?" y/n asked with a smirk of curiousity. "i said! i could very well have hurt you it ended up hitting your eye you nitwit!" josie sent a glare to y/n pushing the bow into their chest.
"well im your nitwit" y/n sent a smile pecking josie on the cheek, followed my josie's grumbling.
pulling away y/n began to grab the basket that placed on the ground earlier before josie proceeded to 'attack' them.
"what did you get from the garden?" josie asked while her eyes curiously wandered towards her partner beginning them to the basin and beginning to wash some of them vegetables off.
"you know just some carrots, tomatoes, corn, some beans, and beautiful flower... for my beautiful flower."
y/n said, making josie smirk. they put down the vegetables and dried their hands on a cloth, picking up the orchid that was carefully tucked in the basket, y/n careful made their way to josie.
brushing her blonde hair's out of her face, y/n carefully tucked the vibrant flower behind josie's ear.
they both looked in each other's eyes both of them melting.
"i can tell there is something on your mind" y/n whispered faintly, josie shook her head yet y/n gave her a look of disbelief.
josie sighed and quietly replied "i was pondering over what would happen if i stayed."
looking down, y/n let out a breathy yet quiet 'oh'.
"do you want to go back home?" the (brunette/ravenette/red head/ blonde) asked, yet they were met with josie's hands cupping their cheeks. josie lightly laughed and shook her head.
"no, because i have the whole world in my hands, you're my home y/n."
y/n looked up and was met with a tender kiss. her reputation and her status didn't matter to her anymore, not if she couldn't be with y/n.
"you're hands are cold."
"oh shush! you nitwit!"
tags :
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galaxyofmyown · 6 years
my sexuality is gilbert blythe fucking hyperlaunching himself off the couch the second he sees anne like if you agree
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a-aexotic · 3 years
okay, so I have a josie pye x fem reader request where the reader & josie are secretly dating, & the girls are hanging out and they keep shipping the reader with one of the boys and josie gets jealous with loads of fluff? btw my pronouns are she/her :) love your writing!
warnings: food consuming :) a/n: thank you so much sweetie! i added some extra fluff in the beginning just for fun, hehe. i hope you like it!
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YOU AND JOSIE HELD HANDS AND WALKED THROUGH THE WOODS BEHIND HER HOUSE. she let go of your hand, as she sat on the ground, patting the spot next to her. you pat down the area of ground, and sit down happily. 
you and josie had just spent the weekend together because your parents are out of town, and decided you'd spend the weekend with your "best friend."
you and josie had been . . . courting for almost five months now. of course, you hadn't told anyone and neither did josie. 
it was most entertaining weekend you'd had in a while. tomorrow was monday, and you were dreading it. "i can't wait for the summer,"
josie nodded as she laid her head on your lap. "me neither. i desperately need to leave avonlea as soon as possible, it's getting draining."
"where are your parents taking you this summer?" you ask, as you start running your fingers through her soft hair. she shrugged.  
"hm, i don't know yet." josie says, as you continue playing with her hair. 
"what about you? what are your parents doing this summer?"
"i don't think we're planning on doing anything,"
josie got up from your lap, facing you with a big grin. "why don't you join me to our trip!"
you laugh, "i don't know! i'll ask mother when she comes back."
"oh it'll be so thrilling to have you around! oh goodness, what if we go to new york!" her smile gets bigger somehow, as she takes your hand into hers. you and josie have always dreamt of living in new york city, as long as you can remember. 
"that would be thrilling!"
josie giggled as she sighed. "new york,"
"new york," you echo as she giggles again. "that would be amazing, living there."
"josie! y/n!" josie's mom shouted.you two glanced at one another with a smile and got up, holding hands. 
JOSIE SIGHS LOUDLY AS SHE SITS TO YOU, OPENING HER LUNCH. you smile at the blonde as she hands you a strawberry biscuit. your favorite. "um, me and mom were making pastries so i made you some . . . biscuits."
"thanks jojo," you had a huge grin on your face as ruby giggled at the old nickname. josie couldn't stop the blush from coming onto her face as you winked at her. 
anne and diana soon joined, opening their lunches as well. jane sat next to you, while tillie sat next to josie. ruby was seated next to diana, and anne on the other side of her. 
"y/n, would you like to trade your blueberry muffin for a few taffies?" anne asked. josie glared at her. you smiled at josie's obvious jealous, and nodded. josie has always been the jealous one in the relationship, but not to the point where she's posseivie - it's more in a cute and adorable way. 
"why of course anne." you say as anne's face lights up. she hands you her taffies, and you hand her your muffin. 
"girls, i have something i've been dying to share," jane giggles as the group faces her. 
"what is it, jane? don't keep us waiting," tillie says as she takes a bite of her cookie. anne and diana nod, too. 
"okay, i heard billy and charlie were talking about y/n the other night, calling her pretty!" jane exclaimed, as the girls erupted in a fit of giggles - other than josie. she looked - mad. "i have never ever heard billy call anyone pretty!"
"y/n is pretty, i don't blame him," anne says, her mouth full with muffin. you laugh, and mumble a "thank you."
josie rolls her eyes, "who does billy think he is? honestly, he can't just go around calling y/n pretty, she's never even glanced at him."
ruby widened her eyes. "i'm sure she's looked at him . . . once."
you laugh loudly. "yes, of course!"
"i think billy and y/n would make an adorable couple, if i'm being honest." tillie giggled, as ruby's eyes widened again.
"oh, yes. they would make such pretty babies-"
before she could finish, the girls laughed loudly again. j
osie groaned and took a bite of her biscuit, earning a sigh from jane. "what's wrong, josie? honestly, you can't see billy and y/n together?"
she shook her head. "nope, they'd make a horrid couple." you let out a roar of laughter as the rest of the girls looked at josie, wide eyed.
"i agree." you finally say, as you take a bite of the strawberry biscuit. "we'd make a horrid couple,"
"i still you guys would make a-"
"well she doesn't, so knock it off tillie." josie glared at her, earning the brunette to look away from the group. you smiled again. 
"anyways, enough about boys. these strawberry biscuit are so fluffy and amazing, how’d you make them, jojo?”
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mrsmikaelsxn · 1 year
Promise Forever
masterlist 1k celebration
pairing: gilbert blythe x female reader
warnings: kissing, fluff
summary: after his father's death, gilbert travels the world and when he comes back home, he goes straight to your house to give you a gift - requested by anon
a/n: ugh i agree! the lack of gilbert fics makes me so sad because i love him and want to read more of him )): but thanks for requesting !
song: runaway - aurora
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Dating Gilbert was amazing. He was such a lovely guy. Even your parents adored the boy.
He was so sweet, and you two had so much in common it was like you were made for one another.
Unfortunately, his father had gotten sick and later on passed away.
You, of course, were there to comfort him with open arms. When you were at his house one day, he told you that he wanted to explore the world for some time.
As much as it made you upset for him to leave, you supported him, as you always would. You assured him that you would be find, and that it would be a wonderful experience for him.
You spent the night with him, enjoying each other's presence before he left the next day. He promised to write to you about everything and you promised to write anything interesting that happens.
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"Ughh," you groan dropping back onto Anne's bed.
You, Anne, Diana, and Cole were hanging out at the redheads house.
"Y/n? What's wrong?" Diana asks.
"I miss Gilbert, it feels like it's been forever," you sigh.
Cole frowns, "Well, he can't be gone for much longer, it's already been months."
Anne nods excitedly, "Exactly!"
You sit up and your mood brightens a bit, "I suppose you're right. Now shall we bake something?"
They nod and giggle as they go downstairs.
"Hi, Marilla!" you smile happily at the elder woman you've grown close with.
"Oh! Hello, dear," she smiles back.
"Hi, Ms. Cuthbert," Diana and Cole wave.
"Hello. What brings you all down here?"
"We were wondering if we can bake your famous apple pie," you clap your hands.
"Oh, how can I say no to apple pie?"
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Gilbert runs a hand over his face as he sits on his bed next to Sebastian.
"What is the matter, my friend?"
Gilbert looks over to the man, "I miss my girlfriend," he sighs.
"Girlfriend?" He raises his eyebrows, "Is this the person you are always writing to? The one who send the letters that have you all red in the face."
Gilbert laughs, "Yeah, that would be her."
"Hm," Sebastian taps his knee. "You love this girl?"
Gilbert nods, "Very much so."
"So what are you doing here? Go back to her!"
"Gilbert, you are a great boy. You love her and I see how upset you are without her. So go," Sebastian smiles at him.
"You're right," Gilbert falls back onto his bed.
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You were reading your book when you heard a knock on your door. "Mom! Who's at the door?!"
She didn't hear you, apparently, because you got no response. You huff and mark your page, putting the book aside.
You get up and run your hands over your dress. You walk downstairs and to the door. You open it and you are crushed by a hug.
"Gilbert!" You squeeze him tightly in a hug. Both of your eyes water and you pull him inside, closing the door behind you. "I missed you so much."
"I missed you too, darling," he grabs your hands.
"How are you? How was traveling? How come you're back early? How-"
He cuts you off by kissing you softly. You melt into his hold and kiss him back.
You pull away and he grins. "I'm great, now. Traveling was eye opening. And I'm back early because I came home for you. I just got back and I came straight here, I haven't even gone to my own house yet."
"I love you so much," your lips curve into a bright smile.
"I love you so much more," he kisses your head. "I have something for you," he takes something out of his pocket.
You gasp as you look at the beautiful ring in his hand. "Don't worry," he laughs, "it's not an engagement ring. It's a promise ring. To remind you that no matter where I am, we are always forever."
"Oh, Gilbert, it's wonderful. Thank you," you blow out a breath.
He takes your hand and slides it onto your ring finger. He brings your hand up to his face and kisses your palm.
He looks up into your eyes with love, "One day, I'll replace that with a real ring."
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fodenswhore · 4 months
{In which you and Billy decorate a Christmas tree}
Billy was a bully and low-key irritating but he’s so easy to write for and he was sorta cute.
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Christmas had finally arrived in Avonlea. The whole town was buzzing with excitement and christmas spirit. A blanket of snow covered the usually crop filled fields and the lake was frozen with glittery ice. Residents of the town were baking cookies, making pies, decorating their homes, buying presents and your school was even putting on its own play.
As you didn't want to participate in the school production (much to the dismay of Rachel Lynde), you had been set the task of decorating the tree that would sit snuggled in the corner of the stage - a job you were more than satisfied with. However, your momentary joy was cut short when you realised Billy Andrews was to be helping you.
"Why do we even need two people decorating one small christmas tree?" You muttered to yourself as you collected a box of decorations from the floor and moved towards the tree. “I'm perfectly capable of doing it myself."
"What was that Y/N?" A voice called. You groaned quietly to yourself as Billy strode up to you, "Need help with that box? It looks rather heavy." He said, trying to grab the box of decorations from your hands.
You pulled the box away from his grip and scowled at him, "I'm quite alright. If I was in need of your assistance, I would've asked for it."
He held up his hands in mock surrender, "Right, right." Anne and Diana, who were practicing their lines a few feet away, giggled at your encounter.
Your relationship with Billy (if you could even call it that) was rather complicated. He adored you and you couldn’t stand him. Now, you probably wouldn't dislike him so much if he wasn't so irritating. He persisted in trailing around you like a lost puppy, delivering 'anonymous' love poems to your desk every morning and offering help wherever you didn't need it. Your friends (especially Ruby) thought it was sweet, you, on the other hand, found it both annoying and flustering.
And so it was just your luck that Miss Stacey had put you two together. Although, you were starting to wonder if maybe Billy had asked her to - oh you hoped not.
You settled on the floor next to the tree with the box of decorations and started to rifle through the box. Billy plonked himself down next to you and began to do the same. You had managed to sit in silence for at least five minutes and were just beginning to hang decorations on the tree when Billy pulled something out of the box and dangled it in front of your face. "Why look Y/N, mistletoe."
You swatted the mistletoe out of your face and frowned at the cheeky grin on Billy's face, "I'm not giving you a kiss."
"Why not?" He said with a smirk, holding the mistletoe above your head.
You furrowed your brows and shuffled backwards away from him, "Because it's you."
Billy held his hand mockingly to his heart and lowered the mistletoe, "I'm wounded."
He fake pouted at you and you rolled your eyes and shook your head, "You're quite impossible, you know that?"
Billy shrugged his shoulders lazily, "So i've been told, many a time, by you."
"If you weren't so intolerable I wouldn't have to tell you every time I saw you." You stated pointedly, pulling out some old candles from the box.
"You have a way with words Y/N." Billy chuckled lightly and smirked at you. He held the mistletoe up again and moved towards you, “Now, what about this kiss?"
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rosemarygardensgf · 3 years
hi love! i just noticed you write for anne with an e and i got so excited!!! :) could i request a moody x reader imagine? maybe a little something about how the reader is rebellious and always bringing moody along on her adventures, and they fall in love with each other? and then all of their friends are noticing and everyone believes they’ll end up married. and then moody’s very strict & religious parents (they were mentioned to be religious before) try to tear them apart? sorry if this is too much detail, you can totally change anything if you want! thanks so much! <3
Please Stay
Pairing: Moody x Fem!Reader
Fandom: Anne with an E
Disclaimer: angst, rebellious behaviour.
Hey hun! So, I wasn’t sure what pronunciation you wanted for the reader so I chose female for this one! I hope that’s okay:) I can write a GN/masc if you would like<3
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“You aren’t serious, are you?” She asked in disbelief. Tears were stinging her eyes.
“I’m sorry, Y/n!” He apologised.
“No, it isn’t your fault, Moody, it’s mine.” She sighed.
“Please don’t say that, Y/n.” He sobbed.
“I love you, Moody. One day, we’ll get our forever.” She cried. She gave him one last kiss and turned around.
She left.
Y/n lifted her hands slowly to her lips. She touched them softly and brought them to her eyes.
She ran over to Anne. The weather had changed, it was now raining. The clouds were grey and Y/n was all wet, her blue dress (that her mom forces her to wear) going almost see through.
“Anne! Anne, please open up!” She knocked on her door. Tears were streaming down her eyes.
“What is this ruckus about- Oh, my god, Y/n? What are you doing out here?” Marilla was the one who opened.
“Can I see Anne, please?” She asked. Marilla sighed and let her in.
“Y/n!” Anne gasped and ran to her.
“Anne,” Y/n sighed out relieved.
“Why are you here?” Anne asked Y/n after she had gotten Y/n to sit down and in some warm clothes.
“Moody broke up with me.” She trembled.
“What?! But you guys were the perfect love story! Even Josie Pye could see it!” Anne jumped up from her seat in surprise.
“It’s his parents. They thought I wasn’t ‘girly’ enough, whatever that means,” She cried into her sleeves.
“So Moody didn’t actually want to break up?” Anne asked her.
“I don’t think so, at least. You know what? I don’t care.” Y/n took a deep breath in. She then left out into the dark and stormy weather.
Next day the rumours had spread fast. A lot had come up to Y/n to ask her about which she would reply with, “Shove off,” like the real ‘lady’ she is.
Moody would stare at her from across the room, despair and regret filling his eyes.
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reidandweep · 5 years
Confident Confessions
Gilbert Blythe x Reader (female)
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A/N- This was requested by @spacemochi-x​ a few months ago and I have just been so busy with university and moving that all my requests were left behind. I’m sorry but the newest season has given me lots of inspiration.
Word Count- 2637 words
Warning- Angst and Fluff!
Request- I was wondering if I could make a Gilbert Blythe request where the reader is Anne's and Diana's friend and has major feelings for Gilbert but is too shy to tell him. She was telling Diana and Anne about them and got slightly carried away and started fangirling but when she saw the look on Anne's and Diana's faces she stops and realized that Gilbert was standing behind her and totally freaks out. He tries to talk to her later but she keeps avoiding him until he's had enough and shows up at her doorstep and forces her to confess and then he kisses her because he sees how shy and worried it is?
Love. Anne described love in words that Y/N wished she could. The young girl was a lot shyer than her friends and peers. Even though she had moved to the small town over a year before, Y/N was still very reserved. She was quickly taken under Anne and Diana’s wing. Silently following their adventures of story-telling and slight bouts of mischief. Y/N talked when necessary in front of her classmates and peers, but it seemed that when Gilbert Blythe was ever close, she became even more quieter than usual.
The young teens were scattered across the classroom; conversing in pairs and groups as they all enjoyed their lunches. It was a wet and dreary day in Avonlea; but that didn’t stop the laughter and joy that radiated from the young boys and girls.
As they all conversed, Y/N sat silently to the side of Anne. Her nose deeply buried in the book she held. Her eyes flying across the pages as she could not help but let a small smile grace her lips as she read the story that blossomed on the pages.
“His eyes have not left you for an awfully long time.”
Y/N lifted her head to look at Anne. The red-haired girl and the brunette were already staring back at Y/N; waiting for a response.
“Excuse me?”
Diana let out a small chuckle.
“Anne and I have noticed that Gilbert has done nothing but stare at you the majority of the lunch hour.”
The girls made sure to keep their words quiet.
“Oh Y/N. He’s been staring at you whilst you read. He looks at you as though you are the only source of light in the room. It’s quite romantic.”
Y/N was alarmed at Anne’s words. Her friends were unaware of her feelings for Gilbert. They hadn’t found out. Had they?
Ever so slowly Y/N turned her gaze back to her book. Only this time she could not help but to glance towards the direction of the boy that held her heart in his hands.
True to Anne and Diana’s words, there Gilbert sat, staring at Y/N in a way she had only seen once before. Gilbert looked at her the same way her grandparents looked at one another before they both sadly passed. With complete and utter euphoria.
Gilbert quickly noticed that he had been caught staring. Never one to back away or become shy, he ever so slightly raised his hand; sending the girl a small wave.
A squeak emitted from Y/N’s throat as she hurriedly shoved her face back in her book.
Before any more could be said or done, Miss Stacy re-entered the room to continue the day’s lessons. Halting any further questions or looks from Y/N’s friends. However, it could not stop the sneaking glances that Gilbert sent Y/N, as the girl herself tried her hardest not to look over at her dashing classmate.
“There’s nothing wrong with just admitting you like him Y/N. I have never seen Gilbert act that way with anyone else before.”
The school day had passed, and the three young girls were walking slowly home through the woodland area that graced the path between their homes.
“I do not like Gilbert Blythe.”
There was no belief behind her words. It was obvious to all that how Y/N felt for Gilbert was different to the other boys in Avonlea. She was indeed quiet- but could hold a conversation when needed. However, when that conversation included Gilbert, that was not the case. She would shy away, fidget her hands, and stutter her words; to the enjoyment of Josie-Pye and Billy who teased the girl of her actions.
Anne halted her steps, causing Diana and Y/N to do so as well. Placing her hands onto Y/N’s shoulders, Anne held her friend in a strong but loving grip.
“Y/N. You cannot run away from every twist and turn in the road that is life. Telling Gilbert how you feel can bring you fulfilment and a level of joy and splendour you have never experience before.”
Y/N’s head bowed to the ground. Fidgeting with her hands as her nerves began to increase.
“But what if I lose him?”
Diana and Anne couldn’t help but feel for their friend. The pair quickly moving to hold her in a comforting embrace.
“You could never lose Gilbert Y/N. Anne’s right. You don’t see the way he looks at you but everyone else does; even Ruby. Haven’t you notice she has ceased her advancements on Gilbert?”
Y/N shook her head.
“All of us can see what you two have. All of us except you. You refuse to see.”
Frustration filled Y/N’s body. Pulling away from her friends embrace, she moved to face them. Her back facing the direction of which they just travelled from. With her arms twisted across her torso, Y/N huffed at the sky; cursing whatever god or being had made her feel such a way.
“I do not refuse to see; I refuse to acknowledge. Other than you two, my dearest friends, and my grandparents, the only other person I have felt true comfort and acceptance from is Gilbert. My own mother and father couldn’t accept me for my shy nature. I like being quiet. Gilbert doesn’t force me to talk. He doesn’t pressure me to participate if I wish not to. But he always makes sure I know that he cares.”
She became more and more frustrated. Pacing back and forth along the path, Y/N’s voice rose in agitation.
“When my grandparents fell ill, I began to do poorly at school. Gilbert noticed. He tutored me every other day for weeks until they got better I caught up with you Anne. I never thought I’d be able to keep up with you in school, but Gilbert helped me do so. We spoke about his father and my grandparents. About life, Avonlea, our friends. And when life gets too loud, I know I can walk the short walk to Gilbert’s, and he is there. That we can sit in silence and I don’t have to say anything because he knows. He knows how grateful I am for him to be my friend. I cannot lose that. So, can we please drop the subject matter?”
Y/N ceased pacing and looked at her friends. Confusion instantly replacing her frustration as she stared at Anne and Diana’s shocked expressions. Quickly noticing their gazes were directed behind her, Y/N turned around.
It was Y/N’s turned to be shocked as the boy she was just fawning over slowly walked towards her. Before Gilbert could get any closer to the girl, Y/N picked up her skirt and bolted in the direction of her home. Leaving behind her belongings, her friends, and Gilbert. Their calls for her to return slowly fading into white noise as she focused on running home.
Gilbert came to a halt between Anne and Diana.
“Did you hear all of that?”
Gilbert looked towards Anne.
“Yes, I did.”
In perfect sync, Gilbert received a whack on both arms from the girls either side of him.
“Then why aren’t you running after her?”
Gilbert huffed at their words. He knew that if he ran after her that she would panic even more.
“If I go now, she will over analyse and think I followed her out of pity. If no one has heard from her by supper, then I shall discuss the matter at hand with her.”
And with his words Gilbert left Anne and Diana alone. The two girls watching as he briskly walked home.
“I so do hope Y/N does not overthink and she allows herself to fall into these feelings she feels.”
Anne linked her arms with Diana as they two began to walk home.
“So, do I Diana. So, do I.”
As Gilbert assumed, no one had heard of Y/N all day. She had failed to arrive for her story writing with Anne and the other girls. She had also falsely told her mother that she was feeling unwell and would therefore be skipping tea. The young woman sat in her room, perched on her windowsill, as she read the book in her hand. Her grandparents leaving to attend the monthly town meeting. The only person left in the house was herself.
A knock at the door startled Y/N from her reading. Slipping on her housecoat and footwear, she grabbed the candle that sat perched on her desk. Carefully walking down, the steps, she peered through the window of her living room.
Y/N huffed out a breath of annoyance. Moving towards the door, she slowly opened the wooden structure, peering through the small crack she had allowed.
“Good evening Gilbert.”
Gilbert lifted his head at the sound of her voice. A small smile gracing his face.
“Good evening Y/N. Would it be a bother if I were to enter?”
Y/N didn’t necessarily want Gilbert to enter at that moment. Not after what he had overheard earlier that day. But her grandmother and grandfather would roll in their graves if she did not allow the boy to enter. It had started to rain heavily, and Gilbert was already soaking wet.
Without a word Y/N opened the door most the way; giving Gilbert room to enter. Once the young man had done so, Y/N began to take off his coat and hat. Gilbert did not argue against her actions as he knew his attempts would be futile. In awkward silence, Y/N gathered Gilberts wet outerwear and moved to hang them by the fire to dry. As she went to collect a blanket to help warm her classmate, Gilbert removed his shoes, not wanting to get the Y/L/N residence covered in mud and water.
Y/N gestured for Gilbert to sit by the fire as she placed the blanket in his hands; not a single word being uttered from her lips.
Gilbert politely thanked the young woman. Watching her take her own seat by the fire; catching onto the fact that she purposefully sat in the furthest seat away from him.
The silence continued, and continued, and continued, until Gilbert could take no more.
“About what I overheard earlier this afternoon, I-“
“I wish not to talk about it, Gilbert.”
Gilbert closed his mouth at her words. He could tell Y/N felt extremely uncomfortable speaking about the subject. The young woman sat in an unlady like manner: her arms folded across her chest, her feet tucked under her knees, and her gaze refused to look anywhere near Gilbert’s direction. Gilbert did not wish to make Y/N upset, but he knew that if the matter wasn’t addressed then she would not speak to him for a very long time; maybe never again.
Wrapping the blanket tightly around himself, Gilbert stood from his seat. Walking towards Y/N’s direction, Gilbert grabbed the footstool and placed it by Y/N’s side. The young woman tensed up. Placing himself down on the seat, Gilbert took his time; not wanting to overwhelm her.
“What you were saying earlier-“
“You weren’t meant to over hear that Gilbert.”
Gilbert felt the guilt creep up through his veins and the tears that gathered in the corners of Y/N’s eyes.
“If I knew you was standing there, I would not have said what I did.”
Gilbert cleared his throat. Straightening his back, he sat up straight, determination knocking down the guilt.
Tears gathered in the corners of Y/N’s eyes. She mustered up the courage to look Gilbert in the eyes. She could see his worry and guilt. He need not worry. It wasn’t him that made her cry.
“Me saying what I said out loud made it real. It confirmed how I have always felt for you Gilbert. I was afraid for you to know and I still am deathly afraid. That conversation I had with you those mere months ago confirmed that how much you mean to me Gilbert and I would never want to lose that.”
Gilbert couldn’t help the adoring smile on his face. Even though he had heard all that she had said earlier on that day, hearing her say it to him as she stared into his eyes meant the most.
“I love you.”
Shock was evident on the young girls features. Her mouth agape as Gilbert raised from his seat and crouched in front of her. Slowly but surely, Gilbert moved his hand to hold Y/N’s own. His fingers slowly caressing hers. They both felt the butterflies swarm their stomachs and rouge paint their cheeks.
“You, Y/F/N Y/L/N, besotted me the moment I saw you walk through Charlottetown. I was grabbing supplies for Bash when you walked past the window. I was so enamoured that my money slipped from my hands and fell across the floor.”
Y/N grasped Gilbert’s hand; laughing in disbelief.
“You saw me before I started school. I had just moved here when I visited Charlottetown.”
“I thought I had seen a ghost when you walked in that first day. Slowly but surely, as the days moved on, I fell in love. I love you Y/N. Whether you or not you say-“
“I love you too.”
Neither could hide their gigantic grins spreading across their faces. Gilbert did not want her to feel pressured but she had said the words so loud and so confident, he knew the choice was her own.
The excitement and joy flowed through Y/N’s veins, causing the girl to leap from her seat and into Gilbert’s arm’s knocking the boy to the floor. They held each other in a tight embrace as they both fell into a fit of laughter. Joy and love bathed around them.
Ultimately, the laughter ceased, as they stayed entwined together on the floor. Y/N’s face above Gilbert’s as she slowly moved it closer and closer to his own until-
The lock on the front door started to turn. Both Y/N and Gilbert sprang to their feet. Taking seats on opposite chairs.
“Y/N dear, we’re home-“
As Y/N’s grandparents walked into the room, they were surprised to see Gilbert sat across from the young girl. Neither adults missing the blushes and frazzled looks on the two young adult’s faces.
“Oh, hello Gilbert, what a lovely surprise. What brings you here so late?”
Y/N shot up, pulling Gilbert up as well.
“He was just about to leave Nana. He came to inform me what I had missed at study this afternoon. He hasn’t been here long.”
Gilbert stayed silent during the exchange.
Y/N’s grandparents smirked at one another.
“Well okay then. Thank you very much Gilbert. Y/N’s grandfather will see you out. Y/N may I have a word please.”
Gilbert quietly said his farewells to both Y/N and her grandmother. As Y/N’s grandmother lead her to the kitchen, her grandfather walked Gilbert out the door, shutting it behind the pair.
Gilbert turned to say farewell to the older gentlemen.
“Yes, sir?”
Y/N’s grandfather smiled at the polite young man.
“I’m saying it now, but you’ve always had it. You have our blessing. We trust you to keep treating her well and loving her as you have.”
Gilbert smiled once more. Shaking his head in disbelief.
“Thank you sir. I promise you I will.”
Y/N’s grandfather smiled back at the boy.
“I’m sure you will. Now get home before you freeze to death. See you in the morning.”
And as the elder man walked back into his home and Gilbert walked the path to his own, Y/N sat in her kitchen with her grandmother watching from the window.
“You finally told him?”
Y/N turned her gaze from Gilbert and towards her grandmother.
Y/N’s grandmother held the girl tightly in her arms; placing a kiss onto her head.
“I am proud of you.”
Y/N’s mouth quirked up at the sides.
“I’m proud of me too.”
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simplyfandomish · 5 years
Sister, Sister (3/_)
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Older! Gilbert Blythe x Older Shirley! Reader
|| Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 ||
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Anne and Diana took the usual route to school as they did every morning. Both girls were conversing about the basic math assignment they were given as homework the night before. Ruby ran up to the pair from the pathway that led from her newly built home and joined the two girls in their discussion.
“The both of you got 25?” Ruby’s eyes widened slightly, then ducked to the ground in embarrassment, “I got 16...” She had a feeling she had gotten the answer wrong last night, but a piece of her felt confident in her ability in Maths, but seeing Diana and Anne - the two smartest girls in class share the same answer, its was written in stone that she had gotten the problem wrong.
“Oh, the both of you are just so smart! Like Gilbert Blythe…” Ruby sighed with heart eyes. Diana and Anne shared a look with one another, the redhead crossed her eyes in annoyance. Diana snickered.
“Don’t laugh!” Ruby defended. “He is the smartest out of all the boys! He wants to become a doctor, remember?” She stated proudly, now with a skip in her step. 
How her mood could shift so quickly from just the sound of Gilbert’s name amazed Anne. 
“Maybe he could help me with my homework! Oh, it’ll be a date!” Ruby cupped her cheeks, surely her mind wandering to what would occur during their study date. Anne and Diana watched as the blonde haired girl’s cheeks turned a blaring red and she hid her face within her pink knitted scarf, suddenly bashful. 
Diana sighed and changed the conversation, “How is your sister, Anne?”
Anne’s blue eyes sparkled, “She’s spectacular! We write to each other almost everyday - or whenever she has a chance. She’s been increasingly occupied with work, lately. But that’s just like my big sister, always been busy, busy!”
“Sister?!” Ruby gasped, “You have a sister?”
Anne nodded enthusiastically, “Yes! Have I not told you about her?” Her brows furrowed as she tried to rake her head if she ever mentioned her eldest sister.
“No! Oh, how exciting!” Ruby clapped her hands. “Why haven’t you ever mentioned her before?”
Anne played with one of her braids, suddenly bashful.
Diana piped up, “There was an incident with their letters and addresses, but we ran into (Y/n) in Charlottetown while we were visiting my aunt Josephine.” Short and simple. Anne nodded in gratitude. Diana nodded back.
Ruby suddenly sprung in front of the pair, blocking their path momentarily. “What’s she like?!”
Anne smiled, and her eyes grew distant, “Amazing. She’s really tough and knows how to throw a punch! She actually discombobulated a rude customer where she works. She works as a barmaid, but she always jokes about being security.”
“A-a barmaid?” Ruby stuttered. Her imagination drifted off to the cliche images of a barmaid. Tight corsets that supported large...ahem - bosoms, dark red lipstick that accentuated plump lips, hair teased high and tight with dirty curls, and a dark skirt that would be too tight around the bottom.
Could the man she had knocked out trying to be grabbing with her large bosom?? Ruby’s head nearly exploded.
Anne nodded. 
“Anne, you should invite her to Green Gables for tea!” Diana smiled widely. 
Ruby whipped her head to the ravenette with wide eyes, but she went ignored. 
Anne nearly lit up like a firework. “That sounds like a scrumptious idea, Diana! Let’s hurry to class so I can get some paper!” Diana nodded and both girls locked arms and began to scurry to the school house. 
“Come on, Ruby! We’ll be late!” Anne gripped the small girl’s elbow and began to drag her. 
Ruby was quite literally dragged as she felt numb like a wet rag doll as she still tried to grasp the concept that her dear, imaginative friend, Anne, was related to a busty barmaid!
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A pair of dirty, brown leather boots stepped onto the wooden platform of Avonlea Station, the passenger took in a breath of the fresh country air, much different than that of musty Charlottetown. They nodded towards the train conductor as their luggage was placed by their feet.
The passenger pulled out a cigarette and lit the end of the paper stick. The tobacco ignited and a puff of smoke drifted from the smoker’s mouth. “So this is Avonlea.” They muttered with a nod of satisfaction. 
The visit to this small town better be worth it. A large hand slammed on the smoker’s shoulder. “Avonlea...the pictures and descriptions do no justice.” The large man sighed with a smile. 
The smoker jerked his shoulder away, “We’re not supposed to be seen together, you moron. You want our plan to fail?”
“Right, sorry.” The large man stepped away from the smoker and put on his bowler hat. He tugged on the front of his jacket and picked up his suitcase. “Meet you at Green Gables then.” He nodded in farewell and walked towards the stables to rent a cab.
The smoked rolled his eyes and drew out another breath of nicotine. Then he dropped the cigarette onto the ground and stubbed it out. He ran a hand through his gelled hair and carried his luggage sack over his shoulder as he walked off. “So you’re here to surprise your sister?” A dark skinned conductor asked as he handled the redhead’s luggage. 
(Y/n) nodded enthusiastically, “Yes, sir!” She saw him bend over to place her luggage down, but she insisted she just take the case from his hands. He accepted and placed the heavy luggage into her hands. “Been working extra hard to save up some money to come to Avonlea. Speaking of, if you ever need a good place for good ale go to Emilio’s! Just say your a friend of mine and you’ll be treated like a king!” She was bouncing on her feet in excitement. (Emilio’s tavern was welcome to all genders of all races - after all, Emilio himself was a natural born Spaniard that happened to fall in love with Canadian woman and the country itself!) 
The conductor laughed and nodded. Never had he met such a white skinned individual who conversed with him like an equal. It was refreshing. “I wish you and your sister the best of luck, miss (Y/n).”
“Thank you, Maxwell!” She smiled at him and practically sprinted towards the stables to catch a ride. 
The conductor snickered and shook his head at the exuberant girl and hopped back onto the steps of a scarlet train cabin. He waved his hand towards the engine, giving the engineer the signal to depart. 
The train whistled cried and then the scarlet train chugged back to Charlottetown.
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“Anne, you have a sister!”
“That’s marvelous!”
“When can we meet her, Anne?” Cole asked with a small smile. 
Anne smiled widely at the small crowd that surrounded her and Diana’s table. 
“An older sister, yes! And she’s amazing! We just recently found each other again due to a mishap with our addresses, but we haven’t stopped talking to each other since!”
“I bet she was actively ignoring you.” Billy snickered from the other side of the schoolhouse. “Tell us about your sister, orphan. Is she just as ugly as you?” His band of boys snickered as well and began to throw in their own two cents.
“Dotted with freckles!”
“Same pumpkin hair.”
“A motormouth know-it-all?” 
At each insult Anne grew more sour, and then anger filled her being. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Hell runs in terror when its a redheaded woman scoured.
“You take all that back, Billy Andrews!” She jumped to her feet and slammed her palms on the desktop. “I may not be the prettiest one here, but my sister is absolutely breathtaking. And you better watch your mouth or she’ll knock you to the ground!”
Diana nodded in all seriousness. But a part of her would happily pay to see (Y/n) put Billy Andrews in his place.  
The blonde boy stood from his desk and squared his shoulders. “Is that a threat, mutt?”
“Let us just say that when she does come to visit, you better watch yourself.” She crossed her arms in defiance. If her dear, older sister can knock out a drunk with one kick, then perhaps it was high time Anne learned how to step up for herself! (Plus the fact, that Anne now had an older sister to hide behind, made her a little more reckless - but she would never admit that.)
Billy scoffed, “Whatever, orphan. Bet she’s as scrawny as you.” He cracked his knuckles as he sat back down in his chair.
The girls couldn’t help but gawk at Anne. As common as it was for the redhead to lose her temper, never before had she seemed so...confident in her argument? Yes, confident sounded like a good word. 
“Sooo, when can we meet her?” Tillie asked. Bringing the conversation bacl to Anne’s current favorite topic.
Anne tapped her chin, “I’m not too sure. Soon hopefully! She’s just been really busy with her job in Charlottetown.”
“Oh? What does she do?” Josie Pye asked. 
“Tailor dresses?”
“A nanny?”
“A waitress?”
“Close,” Anne answered to the last suggestion. “She’s-
“A barmaid!” Ruby squeaked out in sheer embarrassment. Her cheeks pink like her dress and hair ribbon.
All conversations halted in the schoolhouse as all the students stared at Anne with unreadable expressions. Some of the girls’ eyes widened and some of the boy’s cheeks heated up. Even Billy was silent. Guess everyone in Avonlea had the same image of a barmaid as Ruby had...
Anne picked up on the silence and rose a brow, “Yes, and?”
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Tagged List: [Open]: angel-in-the-roses 
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a-aexotic · 3 years
❜ 𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚𝐧 𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭.
josie pye
-> jealousy and strawberry biscuits.
gilbert blythe
-> closure.
-> soft gilbert headcannons.
-> making out with gil.
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fodenswhore · 3 years
🌿Remain calm
{In which a nervous Gilbert asks you on a date and you accept}
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Gilbert wasn’t nervous for your first date at all.
Actually, that's a lie.
He was so nail-bitingly nervous, that he had taken to pacing in his bedroom as a way to pass the time that seemed to be going so painstakingly slow. At one point, Sebastian had stormed into his room and told him, "Quit making such a noise, you'll wake Delphine." before he gave the boy a sympathetic look and a knowing smile, "Stop worrying Gilbert, you'll be fine."
When Gilbert had first asked you on a date it was a warm, sunny day and you were spending it down by the river with your friends Anne, Diana and the rest of the girls. Gilbert was so full of confidence that he had quite literally strutted over to you, showered you with compliments and asked you to join him for a picnic (to which you obviously said yes - you would've been stupid to refuse such an offer.)
But now, it seemed as if his confidence had been ripped out of him, stomped on, and hastily shoved back into his body.
So yes, he was very nervous.
You, on the other hand, weren't nervous at all. You were sprawled out on your bed with only Anne and Diana this time for company. The two girls were both furrowing their eyebrows at your seemingly calm state.
"Aren't you nervous at all?" Diana asked you curiously.
You glanced over at her from your position on the bed, "Not at all, should I be?"
Diana glanced at Anne, "I guess not, I just thought you'd be rather flustered."
"Yes Y/N, you do seem very calm." Anne stated from her position by your window. She observed your calm expression and tilted her head as if she was trying to figure you out.
You rolled your eyes fondly and sat upright, “Stop fussing, i'm quite alright. Now, will you help me get ready?"
As Anne and Diana were giving you some last minute advice, (some of which was quite absurd from Anne - due to the fact that she'd read an abundance of romance novels) you heard a knock on your front door.
"He's here!" Diana squealed excitedly.
Anne gave a firm nod of her head, "And not a moment too late, if he was any later I would've had to have given him a swift cuff around the ear for keeping you waiting."
Diana giggled at Anne's words before you she gave you a gentle push towards your bedroom door, "Go on Y/N, you don't want to keep him waiting."
You made your way down the stairs and to the front door where you slipped on a coat to keep away the spring breeze. You opened the door to see Gilbert standing there shuffling his feet anxiously, a picnic basket in one hand and some wild flowers in the other - you grinned at the sight.
When he heard the door open he smiled awkwardly and cleared his throat; this was not the Gilbert Blythe you were used to, he was usually so levelheaded, confident and, well, some people would even call him arrogant.
"Y/N! Uh- these are for you." He said, quite literally shoving the flowers into your hands.
The quick movement took you by surprise and you stumbled back slightly. You composed yourself and observed the flowers in your hand. "Oh Gilbert, did you pick these yourself?" You gushed.
Gilbert scratched the back of his head, "Yes." He said, squaring his shoulders slightly. "I did actually."
That was a lie. He'd gotten Anne to pick them for you, as he had no clue what flowers you liked and he certainly had no idea where to look for them. He had ran into the ginger haired girl earlier that very morning and hurriedly asked her if she could help him as he didn't want to disappoint you. Anne had stopped him mid ramble and agreed to help the poor boy for the sake of everyone on the island.
You gave him a toothy grin, "They're beautiful, I'll just go put them in a vase and then we can go." Gilbert nodded at your words as you shuffled back into your house. You grabbed a small vase, filled it halfway with water and carefully placed the flowers in it. Smiling fondly to yourself you placed the vase on the wooden kitchen table and wandered back outside to Gilbert, closing your front door softly behind you.
Gilbert, who seemed to have gained some of his confidence back in your short absence, held out his arm for you and grinned cheekily, "M'lady."
You laughed lightly and took his arm gratefully, "Lead the way Mr Blythe.”
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