#joshua hong ff
lvlystars · 1 year
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veni, vidi, cecidi (ad vos) — h.js
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pairing. uni student!hong jisoo x fem!reader
genre. fluff :3
summary. lost in translation...i guess? (i'm so bad at writing summaries wtf)
warnings. none. just joshua being bad at latin? mentions of wanting to jump off a building but it's unserious. jeonghan's a bit of a lil shit. im nayeon (she needs a warning entirely bcus it's nayeon <3). second-hand embarrassment incoming ‼️‼️
a/n. i didn't edit this. at all. i rushed this so pls bear w me 🏃‍♀️💨
wc. 934
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“y/n, i heard some guy from our year likes you.” nayeon teases, lightly pinching the girl’s arm as she hisses, rolling her own eyes at the bunny-toothed girl. y/n rubs her arm as she shoots nayeon an annoyed look, completely missing the way a certain boy was practically melting at the sight of her as she makes her way through the bustling cafeteria within the campus.
“dude, if you’re head over heels for her, then why don’t you go for her?” jeonghan snickers, catching the younger boy off-guard. joshua shakes his head profusely, attempting to hide his reddening cheeks by pulling his hoodie over his head and pulling at the strings, effectively engulfing his face within the soft material. jeonghan simply chuckles at his friend’s lovesick state. “don’t you take latin? why don’t you confess to her in latin? i’m sure she won’t get it, right?” joshua groans as he buries his face into his arms as he leans onto the cafeteria table.
“then she’ll be stuck on that note, wondering what it means, and basically that means you’ll be on her mind!”
“nuh uh.”
“yuh huh, she won’t easily forget you if you give her a little challenge, you know what i mean?” jeonghan nudges the boy, completely oblivious to joshua’s despair.
“what you guys talking about?” seungcheol, the oldest of the three, asks, sitting down and setting his tray on the table. “shua’s head over heels, and i’m trying to give advice, but this baby won’t fuss up the courage to do it!” seungcheol snickers as he eyes the latter, observing how he looks absolutely dead at the moment. “how come you easily flirt with 20 different girls in our biochemistry class, but you can’t even utter a single word to the one girl you like?” jeonghan huffs, leaning back as he crosses his arms in irritation.
joshua sits up, taking off the hood of his hoodie as he fixes his tousled hair, sighing as he stabs his fork into the salad he picked out, shoving the greens into his mouth before he chews, the crunching of the leaves drowning out the chatter of the many students sitting in the cafeteria. joshua thinks to himself, pondering over the idea of confessing to the love of his life in latin, despite the fact that she’s in his latin class.
“fine, i’ll do it.” joshua sighs, making the other two boys freeze as they slowly look at joshua.
“you’re serious?”
“yes, i am. and i’m going to do it now. watch me.” joshua pulls out his phone, pulling up google translate before ripping out a page of his bullet journal and scribbling something on it. as a final gesture, he nods to himself, getting up and marching his way over to y/n’s table, where she was busy chattering along with her friends.
right before the boy could even utter y/n’s name, joshua trips over his own feet, falling right in front of her.
“oh my god!” y/n gasps, rushing over to the boy and helping him, completely unaware of the fact that his cheeks were flushed bright red of embarrassment. clearing his throat, he fixes his posture before turning to her.
“are you-”
“this is for you.” joshua shoves the note into her face, surprising the girl. she slowly reaches for the note, grasping it and giving the boy a questioning look before opening the note, smoothing it out before she reads the 5 words written down, make her crack a smile as she reads the same words over and over again. soon enough, she breaks out into laughter, making the boy shrink as he wonders what’s so funny about the note. is it too corny? did it not make sense? was he not her type? is this stupid? wh-
“i’m sorry, that probably came off as rude. it’s just-” y/n breaks out into a fit of laughter as she bends over, catching the eyes of her friends.
“wh-what’s wrong?” joshua asks, making her calm down before she talks again.
“you wrote veni, vidi, cecidi ad vos, right?” joshua nods his head slowly, making the girl giggle before continuing. “you wrote, and i quote word for word, ‘i came, i saw, i fell to you’, in the context that you like me?” y/n asks again, and joshua nods again, the confusion arising more within him.
“well, cecidi is fall, just…not the fall used in the context of feelings…but the fall used in the context of, well…actually falling.” y/n giggles, making the boy’s eyes widen as he realizes his mistake, making him whine as he shoves his face into his hands.
“i knew this was a bad idea,” he groans, refusing to look at y/n in the eyes in the moment.
“the reason why i was laughing was because, you did exactly that, joshua.” joshua perks up at his name, the realization clicking in that oh shit, i did do exactly that, then further realizes that oh shit, she knows my name.
“i, uh, wow i’m actually going to jump off a building right now.” joshua sighs, y/n giggling to herself as joshua just stares at her, admiring the fact that she is just so pretty up close. being able to see her smile lines, her grinning lips, the way her eyes light up, and the way she just looks so happy as she talks to him—it gives him intense butterflies. what catches him off-guard is what she says after.
“if you do, then who’ll take me on a date?”
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tags 🏷️ —
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ⓒ lvlystars
182 notes · View notes
kyeomkuppie · 2 months
SVT when they notice you not taking care of yourself.
Genre: fluff, sort of hurt/comfort?
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Seungkwan, Minghao, Wonwoo
He is not impressed. He isn't the type to get mad at you, so when you look across the room and notice him glaring at you, you felt yourself shrinking. He'd get up close your laptop, snatch away your papers, make you a decent meal instead of the cup noodles you've been devouring since last week and just simply say "sit." Although right now he's giving you the cold face, the fact that he made you a meal and is watching you like a hawk so you don't leave a single crumb proves how much he loves you. Later on he'd guide you to bed and cuddle you to sleep, telling you work could wait.
Dokyeom, Mingyu, Jun, Hoshi
He'd immediately swoop you off your feet (literally) and turn on a movie, get the snacks ready and massage your shoulders, telling you to just enjoy and stop stressing yourself out. He'd tell softly tell you off but he wouldn't be too sharp with you because he wants your thoughts to be all sunshine and daisies.
Jihoon, Jeonghan, Seungcheol
I feel like he'd know what it's like to be overworked and exhausted but at the same time wanting to go on. You've always taken care of him when he overexerts himself so he'd definitely want to do the same. Unlike the others, he'd try to be more subtle at first. He'd tell you that you'll collapse if you go on and you just wouldn't listen so he decided to take matters into his own hands and do it himself. He'd probably remind you to take breaks and if you don't listen, oh you're in for a big scolding.
Joshua, Vernon, Dino
He's the type who'd definitely get you a warm cup of tea as you work. He knows it's necessary but he'll also try his best to take care of you his own way. He'd get you warm drinks and food to keep you going. When he notices the darkness under your eyes he'd offer you his shoulder to lean on and slowly pat your back as you drift off to sleep. He'd later carry you to bed and clean your desk for you.
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Reblogs and comments are appreciated!
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yjhzies · 2 months
“Not so bad.” — Hong Joshua
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⸝⸝୭ ˚. fluff . romantic . meet cute
⋆ pairings : joshua x f!reader ⋆ warning : none (let me know if there is ^^) ⋆ wc : 1.5k [✉️] · despite being constantly pestered by your parents to attend a blind date, you always found them pointless, until now.
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⋆ - note : I wrote this long ago but wanted to post other members before this so here it is 🥰‼️ I'm in love with this idea and I MIGHT continue this as a series ^^
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Maybe it was not so bad.
If nothing else, you have your parents' word that this will be the last one.
"You got it! Everything should go planned, okay? But unless the man is actually hot..." your bestfriend, Sera, on the phone teased while you rubbed your temples and scoffed.
"Sera, I swear to g-" "Okay, I gotta go, bye! love you!" The beep signaling the end of the call quickly followed the voice.
With a sigh, you took one last look around, admiring the trees that surrounded the restaurant as the sky cleared and showed no signs of impending rain. Then, you took large, but measured, steps toward the entrance.
It was going to be simple, the same old plan. Just sit there and show no interest so that the blind date will leave you alone.
For now, all that mattered was you, regardless of whether it made you appear strange and awful in their eyes. Simply put, you were not interested in going on a blind date to meet new people.
As the staff led you to your reserved table, you sighed with relief to see that your seat was right next to a window. At the very least, there was something to keep you entertained while you waited for your blind date to arrive because you were stupid enough to forget to charge your phone before leaving, and it was now only at 6%.
And to your surprise, your date showed up rather quickly. As your gaze moved to the door, you saw a stunning man walking toward your table. He was dressed in a white collared shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and his hair was perfectly falling over his face. And the cherry on top? His sweet smile.
He was so breathtakingly beautiful that it took everything within you not to freak out. You gulped and kept your eyes fixed on him, wide open. You were so engrossed in admiring him that you were oblivious to him speaking.
"Y/n, right?" With a mild grin still grazing his lips, the man stood before you, gazing down at you through those breathtakingly beautiful eyes. Although he already knew it was you, it does not hurt to double check. Not more than being embarrassed later, at least.
Noticing your gaze on him, he raises an eyebrow, reaching out to touch his cheek. "Is there something on my face?" He chuckled.
You blink and quickly shake your head, snapping out your thoughts. "N-no," you awkwardly smile, "Please take a seat."
And he does. "I'm Joshua Hong," he said, his smile never leaving as he reached into his jeans pocket to pull out his business card, which he then handed to you. "Please just call me Joshua, I don't prefer formal addressings." You flash a soft smile, nodding.
God, he was handsome. So handsome. And not only that, he was a CEO of a multi millionaire company. Speak of perfection.
When your eyes meet his, you can not help but feel a tiny warmth creep up your cheeks.
"I'm Y/n, I'm sure you know." Trying not to sound nervous, you say.
With a hum, Joshua moved the menu gently in your direction on the table and then turned to face you. "Should we order first?" Given that you had been waiting for a while, he inquired. You hesitate, but eventually nod because the growing sensation of hunger in your stomach was too strong to ignore.
Hours pass by, and you couldn't care less. The conversation lasted hours, and for the first time, you found yourself drawn to someone your parents had chosen for a blind date.
You glance at your watch, eyes widening as you realize four hours had already past. "It's sudden, but," you began, smiling sheepishly. "It's getting late, don't you think?"
With an eyebrow raised, Joshua took a quick look at his watch. He held back a gasp, surprised to see that it was past 10 P.M.
"Ah, I'm so sorry. I should've kept track of time..." Joshua apologized, sighing.
You suddenly widen your eyes, shake your head, and wave your hand in response to his apology, which takes you by surprise. "No, no! It's not your fault."
Joshua chuckles and flashes the familiar gentle smile. "You're so sweet."
Your heart gave a little thud at that, and you hastily raised your hand to shield your blushing cheeks.
"Let me drop you home, it's too late."
"Oh, it's okay," you reassure. "I can just call my friend to pick me up, don't worry."
Joshua nodded, getting up from his seat as you do too. "Alright, get home safely."
"You too."
As you both made your way out of the restaurant, you couldn't help but notice how flawless his side profile was. Just how perfect can someone be?
Just outside the restaurant, you two came to a stop and faced one another.
"It was," he began, smiling rather shyly. "Nice talking to you, Y/N."
Glancing away, you smiled shyly back. "You too, Joshua."
You pulled out your phone from your handbag and opened it, only to gasp as it read '1% battery remaining.'
You hurriedly looked through the call app, whispering to yourself, "Please don't turn off, please." But, to make matters worse, your phone turned off at the last minute, and you could not help but groan with frustration.
Joshua, on the other hand, stood by patiently until you called your friend because it definitely wasn't ideal to leave you alone, at this late hour. And the way you were panicking didn't go unnoticed by him.
"What's wrong?" He slightly leaned down, observing as you glanced at him nervously.
"Oh, uhm..." You chuckled sheepishly. "It's nothing,"
Joshua parted his lips to respond, but you were faster. "Why don't you leave first? I'll take a cab." He frowned, leaning back. "A cab?" he asked, confused. "Is your friend not available?"
You sigh, biting your lower lip as you gazed back at him. "My phone..." you began, embarrassed and waved your phone. "It's dead,"
Joshua tilted his head, his eyebrows raised as he held in a chuckle. "Oh, I see," he smiled.
"You can go, I'll take a cab." you assure, smiling in a sheepish manner.
He slid a hand in his pocket and took out his phone before handing it over to you. "Here, use mine."
You shoot up your gaze at him, blinking. "...can I?" you ask, just to confirm. Earning a nod from Joshua, you smile and gently take his phone before thanking him. You dial Sera, your bestfriend's number and internally thank god as she picks up the call.
"Sera, it's me, Y/N." you say, glancing back at Joshua who is looking around the area, patiently waiting for you to finish.
"Y/N? Whose phone are you-"
"I'll explain everything later, okay? Can you come pick me up fast? I'll send the address."
"Please. It's urgent."
"Ah, got it. Send me the address."
And you do, before handing the phone for Joshua to take. "Thanks."
But Joshua just looks at the phone and stays silent, looking hesitant. He clears his throat before choosing his words carefully. "Well," he began, smiling nervously. "Since we're got to know eachother, and maybe in the future we may meet again, why don't we..." he trails off, turning his gaze on you. "Exchange.. numbers?"
Maybe it was too early, but you didn't even think twice before agreeing. And as you both exchange numbers, Joshua couldn't help but feel so giddy at the thought of finally have met someone he was actually interested in, besides work.
Your bestfriend, Sera, arrived and spotted you. You turn to face Joshua for the last time, clearing your throat to get his attention.
"I hope we," you paused, searching for the right words. "I hope we can meet again, someday."
With a warm smile, he averted his gaze to meet yours. "I hope so too,"
And he definitely noticed the way your face lit up at his words, making his face soften.
"I'll get going now, have a goodnight,"
Joshua nods, pulling his hands out of his jeans pocket. "You too." he smiles.
As you made your way to Sera's car, you couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment at the thought of leaving. Nearing towards the car, you turn around one last time to see Joshua still standing there with a smile on his face. You wave him bye as he returns it gratefully.
And you wouldn't have thought about it, but he was feeling the same disappointment as he watched you leave.
With a sigh, he made his way to his car and took out his car keys once you were completely out of sight.
Never in your life did you think your parents' choice would be this good. You never liked the idea of blind dates despite being a hopeless romantic, until now. And it was as if you both were written and meant to be for eachother, it was the same situation with him aswell. If his parents never forced him to go to the blind date, he would've probably never met you, and he was grateful he did go that day.
You both couldn't help but smile at the thought of eachother. "Maybe it was not so bad."
And maybe fate would bring you both together again, or even forever.
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badalivie · 10 months
 when you faint on stage
warnings: unhealthy diets, cursing, and some mentions of blood 
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“I can’t. My performance is in a couple minutes” You huffed, almost tripping over because of the lack of feeling you had in your left leg.
“slow down” Seungcheol grabbed a hold of your waist and pulled you back up on your feet “y/n please.” Just as he tried to beg you again, your group was called to perform. He could only watch as you hauled yourself onto the stage and smiled brightly, waving and making hearts at the cameras. He hated seeing his members in pain during performances and not being able to do anything to help them. So imagine how he felt watching you, the love of his life, haul yourself onto the stage like a soldier with a duty to battle.
After 3 excruciating minutes, you were able to finish the performance. Seungcheol kept his eyes on you like a hawk throughout the performance. Biting his nails, tapping his foot, peeling the skin on his lips. He felt like his heart was going to burst from worry. The way your eyes began to close and the way your foot was fighting for balance didn’t go unnoticed by him. Just as the lights shut off, you lost consciousness. Seungcheol was fast enough to catch you before you hit the ground, tearing his slacks as his knees slid across the floor. “Y/n, doll, come on” He lightly tapped your cheeks and stroked your head “Fuck.” He cursed, picking you up bridal style and running to your waiting room.
“I don’t care what you think! I’m asking you why you thought it was okay to overwork y/n like this! Extreme diets, 17 hour schedules, are you out of your mind?! You think being an idol is easy?”
The voice of your boyfriend yelling slowly woke you up. “Baby..?” You muttered. Seungcheol’s head snapped towards you when he heard your voice and he instantly kneeled down to your eye level while you lay on the couch.
“Hey, how are you feeling?” He smiled sweetly while he waved your manager and other staff away with one motion of his hand.
“Dizzy” you replied, trying to get up
“hey hey, slow down” Seungcheol placed his hands on your back and helped you sit up. “drink.” He gently held your chin as he guided you to drink from the water bottle he had bought earlier, feeding you like a baby. You drank a good amount before pushing the bottle away. “Good girl.” Seungcheol cooed, stroking the side of your head and tucking your hair behind your ear.
“what happened?”
“you passed out.” He frowned
“Oh shit not again” you face palmed. Seungcheol’s eyebrows crashed together.
“again? how many times has this happened?” He grabbed your wrist tightly and pulled it away from your face, forcing you to look at him. “Tell me.” He pressed.
“Just like… three or four times”
A serious, yet worried, expression washed over his features. “I knew it. I knew something was up with you. Why didn’t you tell me?” You sensed a hint of anger in his voice even though he tried his hardest to suppress it. You knew how careful he was with you, always making sure you never bumped into anything or strained yourself too much (which you were grateful for), so you didn’t want to trouble him when you started passing out and kept it a secret.
“because I knew you’d react like this.” You sighed.
His face scrunched up in what seemed to be annoyance before he took a breath and relaxed “of course I’m going to react like this, y/n. I’m your boyfriend, all I want is for you to be happy, and healthy. You can’t expect me to be anything less than worried.” He sighed, eventually calming down, and rested his forehead against yours.
“I’m sorry,” You said, attempting to calm his nerves knowing he was probably exploding internally. You rubbed your hands up and down his arms, which you could feel made him physically relax. “It won’t happen again.”
“It definitely won’t. I’ll make sure of that. You’re gonna be okay. I’m here now.”
He’d definitely watch over you like a hawk for the rest of the month. He’d make sure you ate 3 meals a day and had a decent amount of sleep. Your manager adjusted your schedule to make it a bit lighter. How could he not? He was too scared to find out what Seungcheol would to do him if he didn’t ease up on you.
“so you think I’m weak and can’t handle it?”
“That’s not what I meant at all and you know it.” Jeonghan exasperated
“Yeah well, that’s what it sounded like to me.”
Jeonghan sighed and reached for your arm, rubbing up and down “I just worry for you... That’s all...” Before you could respond, your group was called to the stage. The heartbreak he felt when you shook his hand off was incomprehensible. It started off as a joke. He was teasing you about how pale you were, but when he noticed how weak you actually were, his mood changed. “You can’t go on stage like this y/n.” “You’re too... frail...” “Look at you! You look like you’re going to fall over any minute!” Were some of the things he said. Considering your exhaustion and all his prior teasing, you were not having any of it, which lead to a small dispute.
Jeonghan quietly returned to his seat by his members when the event continued. He kept his eyes fixated on you the whole time. Every time your balance faltered, and when your knees hit the ground too hard, he flinched in his seat. You managed to get to the end of the performance, but before you could strike the ending pose, you fell to the ground. The crowd gasped and the camera flashes went wild.
Jeonghan calmly stood up and excused himself from his members, who all understood where he was going. He heard the voices of your concerned members through the speakers, but he never sped up his pace as he made his way backstage. The pace he was walking at was driving him insane. When he got backstage, away from the cameras, his legs mindlessly began to speed up, taking him faster and faster until he was sprinting to your waiting room.
Jeonghan’s heart sank when he saw you with an oxygen mask strapped to your face. He immediately turned to your manager and lost it.
You woke up to the sound of your boyfriends voice and that irritating tone of his. You only heard it when you got in big arguments with him. It was that tone that made you think he wasn’t taking you seriously, like he was mocking you. It drove you crazy. But hearing what he was saying made your heart warm.
“So what did you expect her to do? Just take it and soldier though? Do you hear yourself right now? What do you want me to say? ‘You’re a genius!’ Pull yourself together dumbass. Look at the state she’s in! Did you not have enough brain to think this far? Do you think she’s a robot?! This is what happens to a person if you don’t let them rest!”
You gently reached your hand and grazed your fingertips over Jeonghan’s hand. A shiver crawled up his spine at the contact. “Baby…” Your boyfriend fell to his knees by your side, brushing your hair back. The staff all silently slipped outside of the room, partly because they were scared of Jeonghan, but because they also wanted to give you two privacy. “I’m sorry for earlier. I shouldn’t have been hard on you…”  He immediately apologized.
“I’m sorry too. I know you care for me… I shouldn’t have let my exhaustion rub off on you.”
Jeonghan shook his head and smiled sweetly at you “It’s okay. I know I have those moments with you too, and honestly I’d rather you be open to me about how you’re feeling. Okay? Don’t hide it from me.” He grabbed some water and a snack from the coffee table next to you. “Please eat something. You know how hard it was for me to just watch you eat only fruits at home?”
You sat up slowly and debated at first, but when you saw the way Jeonghan was looking at you with his worried, begging eyes, you had to say yes. “Just a small bag of cheetos. That’s it.”
“It’s a step” He chirped, popping the bag open and feeding you pieces of the snack one by one.
He’d watch over you silently but diligently for the next few months. He’d subtly try to up your food intake without you noticing and he’d always cuddle you after eating a large meal, almost like a reward.
"you’re bleeding!”
You felt blood trickle down from your nose, the droplets landing on your stage outfit. Joshua ran to your side and wiped your nose with a tissue. “This is bad, y/n. Really bad.”
“I’m fine. This happens a lot” You said nonchalantly, stuffing some tissue up your nostril. 
“a lot? y/n you need to see a doctor!”
“I’m fine, shua...” You tried to reassure him, but it obviously wasn’t working.
“y/n please.”
Just on cue, you were called to the stage to perform. Joshua grabbed your wrist, asking you to stay and take a break. He didn’t let go up until the very last second. He watched your performance from his seat anxiously. It was obvious to him that your blood was still trickling down from your nose. You kept looking up and wiping your nose when you walked to the side of the stage. You were like a ticking time bomb. 
Just before the last chorus could start, you dropped your microphone and fell onto the cold wooden floor. One of your members helped you up and carried you backstage with the help of some staff while your other members continued the performance. Joshua pushed through the crowd and burst through the backstage doors, booking it towards your waiting room.
“y/n!” His heart sank at the sight of you laid out on the couch. Grabbing a blanket, he threw it over your body and fell to his knees beside you. Joshua grabbed your hand and brought it up to his lips, pressing a gentle kiss on the back. After about 15 minutes, you regained consciousness.
“you’re awake... how do you feel?”
It took you a second to answer, feeling too drowsy to even evaluate your physical state “not so good.”
Joshua sighed and brushed your hair back,  whispering softly “we’re seeing a doctor tomorrow.”
“Joshua there’s no need-”
“No. You are not arguing with me on this. I should have been more stern with you.” His voice was sharp, yet his eyes were still gentle as ever, afraid of hurting or scaring you. “We’re seeing a doctor and that’s the end of the story. If there’s something wrong with you, I want to know, I want to help. I don’t want to regret not taking you to the doctor. I can’t take that risk. I can’t to lose you...”
You cupped his cheeks and planted a gentle kiss on his forehead “And you wont...” He melted upon hearing those words of reassurance, bringing his hands up to yours and pressing them closer to his face, moving his head to the side to kiss one of your palms. “What time do we have to go tomorrow?”
“After we get enough rest.”
The doctor said you were suffering from burnout and exhaustion and advised you to get lots of rest. Joshua was happy that you didn’t have any serious life threatening conditions and that helping you get better was something he had power over. He’d pamper you but also be strict with your recovery, scolding you whenever you didn’t eat enough saying “you didn’t eat a lot, you just ate more than usual.”
Jun was usually soft-spoken toward you. He always respected and trusted your decisions whatever they may be. So when you were depriving yourself of your basic needs and deteriorating your health, he had no idea how to talk to you about it. You’d never put yourself in a situation that needed his intervention before so he had no idea how to tackle it. His hesitation lasted weeks, with multiple occasions of him saying he wanted to talk to you about something that was concerning him but it ending up with him getting too nervous and changing the topic to something else.
“Love, can we talk please?”
“Of course Junnie. What is it?”
“Are you okay-“
Before Jun could finish you were called by your manager, telling you to get on stage. You told him you’d talk to him later and ran into positions. Jun bit his lip, frowning at how the outfit you were wearing brought out how much weight you’d lost. 
You were out of breath and wobbly on stage, something even the audience took notice of. Mid-performance, as your verse was coming up, you fell onto the ground, landing hard on your shoulder. Jun flinched and instinctively ran to you, propping you up on his lap and cradling your face in his hands. The cameras went wild, the flashes almost blinding him. Soon after, staff came to the stage, blocking the two of you from sight and lifted you onto a stretcher. Jun followed the staff that took you to your waiting room with his heart stuck in his throat. He knew that there would be consequences to coming on stage and letting the media see him with you like that, but he didn’t care. He just needed to make sure you were okay. After all, as long as he had you by his side, he could take on the world.
It took about 20 minutes to wake up. You blinked your eyes open to see Jun sitting on a chair across from you, head in his hands. “Junhui...” You called. He jolted when he heard your voice and knelt by your side in a flash.
“y/n! I was so worried! When you fainted I- I didn’t know what to do I-... I was so scared.” You cupped his cheeks and brought his face closer to yours, pressing a gentle kiss against his lips. 
“I’m sorry.”
“You can’t keep scaring me like this, y/n. I can’t keep watching you do this to yourself. I can’t take it. This is where I draw the line.”
“Listen to me, y/n” His voice was sharp and stern, a polar opposite from his usual gentle tone. After noticing the shock on your face, he took a deep breath and softened his approach “ Please... We’re seeing a doctor, and getting you a dietitian.”
“Junnie, I can handle myself. I don’t need a dietitian-”
“That wasn’t a request, y/n. I’m getting you one”
You knew by the way he was stalking to you that there was no changing his mind. Though, you did realize that if you hadn’t pushed yourself so far, he wouldn’t have been so stern with you. Deep down, you knew he cared about you.
“Okay... Thank you, Junhui...”
His eyes softened “I’ll never let anything happen to you. You know that right?”
“I know... But hey, on a side note, I like you being strict. It’s really cute~”
“stop it” He giggled, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you in for a kiss.
Jun would be very gentle and supportive in your recovery, making sure you knew he would be with you every step of the way. He’d send gentle reminders to eat the snacks he packed you with sticky notes of motivational messages and cradle you to sleep, smiling when he gradually felt your body gain a little more fat every time he held you.
“stop it.” Wonwoo chided
“Leave me alone, Won.”
“JUST GO!” You shook his arm off, stumbling as you did so. “if you’re not going to support me, just leave.”
“you can’t keep doing this. Your body can’t handle it.”
“I know what I can and can’t handle, Won.” The way you seethed his name left a bitter taste in his mouth. He exhaled and gently tried to reach for you again.
“y/n, please... I don’t want to fight.”
You sighed “me too... Just-... I’ll catch you after my performance”. Wonwoo wanted to reach for you again and say something, but no words were coming out of his mouth. The two of you almost got in a really big fight, he knew the both of you needed space. Still, he never stopped worrying about you, not even for a second.
Wonwoo could barely sit still while you performed on stage. Every time you fell too hard on your knees or twisted your ankle, he winced. Before he knew it, in the blink of an eye, you were on the ground, motionless and cold. He jolted up from his seat, watching in horror as the staff carried you backstage. He felt his legs take him to your waiting room where he found you laid out on the couch.
Wonwoo took deep breaths in an attempt to calm himself, loosening his tie and grabbing a chair to sit beside you. He couldn’t stay still no matter how much he tried, so he grabbed a bucket, a towel, and some iced water. He dipped the towel in the iced water and wrung it before placing it on your forehead. “come on y/n...” He whispered, brushing his fingers through your hair.
“Won..?” You blinked your eyes open
“Oh thank God” Wonwoo exasperated “You have no idea how worried I was. I just blinked and the next thing I knew you were on the ground! I-”
“I’m sorry...”
“huh..? for what, love?”
“for earlier...” You lowered your head “You were right and I... I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that. You didn’t deserve that.”
“Oh baby, you’re tired and stressed. I get it. I’m not upset because of that, I’m upset because I don’t like seeing you get hurt.” He rubbed your now bruised knees gently with his hands. “Listen, let’s get you help. Okay? You’re having problems staying up and eating and breathing and just… You need help, y/n, and I’ll give it to you. You just need to let me in. Let me help you help yourself. How does that sound?”
You stayed silent, letting Wonwoo think you were debating it in your head when in reality you already knew the answer. Of course, you would listen to him, why wouldn’t you? What kept you silent is how long it took for you to finally let yourself get help. “Okay… Let’s go to the doctor…”
“Thank you” Wonwoo wrapped his arms around you and held you as close to him as humanly possible. The two of you would have a long, thorough conversation about how you would be handling your health and what steps you’d be taking to get back to proper health. Wonwoo was patient and respectful throughout the whole process, hearing your concerns but also making his side known.
He’d say he trusted you enough to take care of yourself but he’d always be subtly looking after you even if you didn’t notice. Lots of small gestures like putting more food on your plate or getting you juice after practice and opening bottles for you.
“This is your fault! Look at what you’ve done to her! Are you proud of yourself?!” Your hearing was muffled but you could make our your boyfriend’s voice in the room, yelling. When you tried opening your eyes, you saw his figure facing your manager, who had a guilty expression on his face. “I told you time and time again that it was too much! You never listened! Now, look what happened! You sacrificed her health for magazine shoots! Are you out of your mind?! You watched her get worse and worse and did nothing! have you no remorse?”
“jihoon-ah...” You whispered, just loud enough for him to hear. Jihoon froze. “baby, come here” His head snapped in your direction, and when he saw you looking at him, the crease between his eyebrows immediately disappeared. His rage had disappeared into thin air, immediately replaced with worry.
“hey, you’re finally awake.” He fell to his knees by your side, smiling weakly. His voice had taken a total 180 from how he was speaking to your manager just a few seconds ago (who was now trying to leave the room without making a single noise, afraid of what Jihoon would do to him).
“what’s going on..? why am I here..?”
“You passed out on stage.”
“I did?” You tried sitting up, but you felt too tired to do so. Jihoon noticed and placed his hand on your back to help you sit up, placing pillows on your back to support you. 
“yeah. everyone was worried. I was worried.” Jihoon breathed, resting his forehead against yours. That was a habit of his whenever he was stressed. You indulged him, letting him hold you for as long as he wanted, knowing how worried he must have been. The silence was broken by a small sniffle coming from your boyfriend. “Jihoon?” You asked, partially worried but also shocked. He rarely cried. “Why are you crying?”
“I can’t take this anymore. Do you have any idea how scared I was?!” He raised his voice a little, a few tears streaking down his cheeks. “You come home at 3 in the morning with barely enough energy to give yourself a bath! You barely eat, you barely sleep, and you barely call anymore. Day and night I worry if you’re okay because you’ve started getting bloody noses often and you have a hard time standing and you don’t even want to eat your favorite foods with me anymore! It’s killing me seeing you like this. The worst part is you won’t talk to me about it! I have to find out through the staff and your friends! Do you have any idea how it makes me feel to find out that my girlfriend’s health is deteriorating right before my eyes and I barely noticed?!”
“Jihoon... I’m so sorry. I didn’t know it was affecting you this much.” You cupped his cheeks and wiped his tears “I’m fine, baby. See? I’m right here. I’m going to be okay”
“You say that but you haven’t shown me anything to back it up. You’re getting worse, y/n. I know your schedule has been hectic because of your comeback but you have to take care of yourself too. If you wont do it for yourself, at least do it for me... please...”
“I will, I’m sorry. I’ll fix it. I’ll make everything right.”
“we.” he corrected “I’m with you, remember? every step of the way. I’d appreciate it if you talked to me more. Let me know when you’re in pain, when you’re tired, or sick. I want to know everything.”
“I will, I promise. I won’t hide anymore. Thank you, love. For everything”
Jihoon didn’t say anything in reply and simply kissed you. He was very patient throughout your recovery and basically nursed you back to health himself. He would often push you but you knew he only wanted what was best for you. Every time you overcame a challenge he gave you he’d reward you with cuddles on the couch or a date. You’re so incredibly lucky to have him.
“It’s not healthy, love”
“I know but I… I need to lose weight. I don’t want to disappoint the fans”
“You don’t need to lose weight. You’re perfect. Anyway, your real fans would love you no matter how you look. Just like I do.” He stroked your cheek gently, unable to hide the concern on his face. “and you know I’m your biggest fan, right?”
After minutes of constant reassurance, Myungho finally let you join your group to prepare to go on stage. He watched the performance with his lip caught between his teeth. He doesn’t remember the last time he was this anxious. He knew your group had a difficult choreography, and he scolded you a lot at home for starving yourself to this extent. Myungho had watched your mental health spiral downwards after one particular meeting with your manager, where it all started. No words could possibly express how he felt when he noticed you getting smaller and smaller every time he hugged you. The least he could do was try to reduce your anxiety by cuddling you when you got home, cooking you your favorite snacks, making you tea, or even slow dancing with you to your favorite songs on the record player. He did everything he could, but he couldn’t help you if you didn't want to help yourself, which made it all the more difficult for him to watch.
You were a very sharp person, heck, you were the main dancer. You were a perfectionist, so when he saw you falter on one of the dance steps, he knew something was definitely wrong. You managed to finish the performance, but you were more out of breath than you should have been, and Myungho especially caught the way you couldn’t stand straight while your leader was giving a speech. “Y/n!” He whisper-yelled, which you barely managed to hear. You turned your head and looked at him dead in the eyes “come to me” He mouthed, opening his arms to you. You wanted to walk to him and just rest your weight on him, but you couldn’t seem to feel your legs. All you could do was smile before your vision turned black. 
Myungho instinctively ran towards you and caught you before you hit the ground. He could hear the gasps and camera flashes from the audience but he couldn’t care less about them. “Y/n, baby, wake up.” He silently pleased, cupping your cheek in his hand. One of the staff approached him and said they had to rush you to the waiting room where the medics were waiting. Reluctantly, he let the staff take over, following closely behind.
By the time you regained consciousness you were already at home. Myungho was sitting on a chair next to the bed, holding your hand while he rested his head on a pillow. “Myungho...” You whispered, stirring him awake.
“You’re finally up” He smiled sleepily, moving his hand up to brush your hair back. “I was worried. I’m... really upset with what happened, y/n”
“What happened..?”
“You passed out on stage before I could reach you...”
“Before you could reach me..? Are you saying you went on stage?”
“Myungho!” You jolted up, immediately regretting it once you felt a surge of pain through your back. Your boyfriend seemed just as surprised as you as he jumped forwards to place a pillow behind you to support your back. “So our relationship... It’s out?!”
“yeah. the public knows.”
“I’m sorry Myungho...” You sighed, letting him shift closer to plant a gentle kiss on your lips.
“You think that’s what I’m upset about?” Myungho stared at you with a mix of irritation and worry in his eyes. He took a deep breath before speaking again.
“Help yourself, y/n. Please. I can’t help you if you don’t help yourself. It hurts seeing you like this. Please let me help you.” His forehead rested against yours, he kept his eyes closed while he spoke gently. 
“Okay... I’m sorry...”
“You should be... Seeing you like that broke my heart, you know?”
It would be a slow process, but Myungho stayed by your side throughout the whole thing. When you couldn’t get yourself to eat, he’d support you, when you felt guilty for eating, he comforted you. He was always there, caring for you and whispering gentle reassurances in your ear until you were healthy again.
“Hyung? What’s up?” Mingyu stared at Seungcheol who was panting by the doorway of the restroom
“It’s y/n.” The older male fought to catch his breath “She passed out on stage.” Mingyu, who was in the middle of drying his hands, froze. 
Everything after that was a blur. He could vaguely remember Seungcheol’s mouth moving as if he were speaking but not actually hearing anything. He could vaguely remember bumping into other idols as he sprinted his way backstage. He could vaguely remember tripping on someone’s foot and falling to the ground but immediately picking himself up and continued running to your room. Though nothing would ever make him forget the image of you lying on your waiting room couch with an oxygen mask strapped to your face.
“What happened?” Mingyu’s tone was low and dark. The only other person in the room was your manager, who placed a water bottle on the coffee table next to you.
“She fainted in the middle of her performance. The members are continuing without her but-”
“No, I meant what happened for things to reach this point? Cause I heard you put her on a 1 apple a day diet. Isn’t that right?” Mingyu towered over your manager with darkness pooling by his face as he looked down on him.
“So it’s true? Now, why would you do something like that? What could you have been thinking, if you were thinking at all? Surely, you did think about the consequences, right? Of what would happen to her if you pushed her too far, and what would happen to you if she ever got hurt. Right? Do you see how skinny she is?” Your boyfriend harshly grabbed your manager’s shoulder, making him wince and groan. “Look. at. her.” Your manager turned his face to gaze at you, staring at your boney figure and feeling the remorse kick in. “Does the fact that you can see her ribs not concern you? What weight is there left to lose?”
“Gyu...” You groaned, slowly regaining consciousness. Mingyu dug his fingers into your manager’s shoulder and brought him closer.
“Leave the room, now. Y/n will take the rest of the day off to recover and she will not follow the ‘diet’ you’ve prescribed to her any longer.”
“Did that sound like a request? You do whatever you need to do to let her have the day off. I. Don’t. Care. She will go home and you will do your job properly this time. Am I clear?” Your manager shook his head up and down frantically before Mingyu finally loosened his grip on him. Your manager practically ran out of the room, fearing to stay in the same room as your boyfriend for another second.
"gyu...” You called for him again, voice louder this time.
“I’m right here, baby. Don’t worry” He sat on the floor to match your eye level, giving you his signature sweet smile. “how are you feeling?” You felt his large hands over your own, rubbing circles at the back of your palm with his thumbs.
“Not so good... I’m a bit hungry...”
“how about this, once you feel better enough to walk, I take you to our favorite tteokbeokki place near home. what do you say?”
You smiled at the thought of going on a date with your boyfriend after stressful practice and passing out on stage, but reality hit you soon after. “I can’t... I’m on a diet... Sorry, Gyu...”
“Don’t worry about that. I had a talk with your manager and he said he’s taking you off that diet. You lost a lot of weight, it wasnt healthy.” He caressed your cheek gently and gazed at you with nothing but love and sincerity in his eyes.
“Are you sure..? Am I not too fat..?”
Mingyu seemed taken aback by the sudden question “Don’t be silly. You’re not fat, stop saying mean things about yourself. And quite frankly, I don’t care what you look like. Big or small, you’ll always be the woman I fell in love with. There’s nothing more I could want from you than to be healthy. that’s all, y/n”
“Do you really mean that?”
“of course...” He tucked stray pieces of hair behind your ear and kissed your cheeks. Mingyu began sensing your insecurity a couple of weeks ago when you didn’t want to wear one of the favorite dresses he got you because you thought your arms looked too big for it. He felt the best approach was to be gentle and supportive, making sure you knew he didn’t care about your weight. Judging by your reaction, that was the right decision.
You never found out about the small altercation between your manager and your boyfriend. That was probably for the best. He didn’t want your perception of him to change. He was still that soft, gentle, sweet boy you always knew, and he would continue to be that to you and the people around you as long as no harm came to you.
Your schedule lightened up and you spent more time at home with your boyfriend, rebuilding your confidence back up one piece at a time.
When Seokmin asked if you were okay, you replied with ‘sure’. He didn’t believe you. Those nights he’d find you awake in the kitchen drinking endless amounts of water, when you almost trip whenever you stand up didn’t slip by him. Still, he didn’t want to pry into what seemed your personal business until you wanted to tell him yourself. Still, he kept a careful eye on you while trying to cheer you up whenever you seemed tired.
Seokmin had many regrets. He regretted not asking what was causing you pain, and not convincing you to turn down that stupid diet. All because he knew he’d never forget how he felt when he saw you fall to the ground in the middle of your performance. He froze. His ears rung from the sound your microphone made when it hit the ground. He couldn’t understand or see anyone else but you lying on that stage while your members called for help. He didn’t care about the cameras. Seokmin got up from his seat immediately and ran backstage to your waiting room.
When you woke up you found Seokmin holding your hand in his palms close to his face with his eyes closed. “Seokmin?” His eyes burst open and he turned to look at you.
“You’re awake. How are you feeling?”
“dizzy… and hungry”
He gave you a small smile. “Here, have this.” Seokmin fed you strawberries and opened a water bottle he bought for you. “Y/n.”
“Please don’t scare me like this again.” He kept his eyes on the strawberries he was picking from the box while he said that. Seokmin felt too guilty to look into your eyes.
“I’m sorry, baby” you whispered, but he still didn’t look at you. “Hey, look at me” You placed your hand on his cheek and lifted his head. “It won’t happen again. hm? I’m sorry.”
Seokmin sighed and wrapped his arms around your waist, digging his nose into the crook of your neck. “I’m here, y/n. Please stop acting like i’m not. Tell me when you’re having a hard time. Let me take care of you sometimes. I know you view me as this cheerful and funny boyfriend but you can come to me when you need help too. okay? Im here for better and for worse.”
“Thank you, Seokmin...”
He’d (endearingly) nag you for probably the rest of your relationship. He made it a habit to text you to eat and check up on you. Whenever he was around, regardless of what either of you was doing, when his alarm went off he’d grab a banana, some milk, and walk to you and say “snack time! you need your energy.”
Both you and Seungkwan were busy. With him going on multiple shows and you being in a hot new girl group, your meetings at home lessened and lessened. Seungkwan noticed you losing weight whenever he saw you, but he never really thought anything of it. That was until you fainted in the middle of your performance.
He’ll never forgive himself for not seeing the signs sooner. You two lived in the same house for god’s sake!
Seungkwan canceled all his schedules for the week and took you to the hospital. There he sat by your side, holding your hand while listening to the traffic from outside the hospital window. “I’m sorry. I should have known. I didn’t know you were getting this bad...” He sighed, placing his hand on your forehead, feeling your unusually high body temperature. You had a fever, were dehydrated, overworked, and burned out. You passed out from exhaustion and still hadn’t woken up after 13 hours. 
When you finally woke up, you found Seungkwan holding your hand while his head and arms rested on your hospital bed. He was asleep. “Seungkwan... baby wake up.”
“y/n, you’re awake...”
“What am I doing here..?”
“You passed out from exhaustion... you’ve been sleeping for almost a day”
It took a few sentences to process what your boyfriend had said. “Fuck... my schedules!” You tried tgo sit up in a panic but Seungkwan placed a hand on your shoulder.
“Slow down, baby. Everything’s okay. You’re on a break right now, I took care of everything. Just focus on resting okay?”
He rubbed your arms up and down, relaxing you. When you finally settled down again, Seungkwan smiled, kissing your cheek. “Hey uh... I’m sorry for not taking care of you better... We live in the same house but I didn’t even notice something was wrong.”
“It’s not your fault... I didn’t know I had already lost control of my health... I was too busy...”
“we both were...” You held his hand and intertwined your fingers with his own. “Listen, I want you to know that even if we both get busy, you can still talk to me okay? Tell me when you don’t feel well or need me and I’ll make time for you... I always will...”
“Thank you... I hope you know I’m here for you too. I know your schedule is tiring too...”
“You know, long days at work aren’t so bad either. It just means more excitement for when I get to go home and see you again” He winked, nudging your elbow in a playful manner
“Oh stop it~” You giggled, pushing his arm
You two laughed together for the first time in weeks. “Okay so here’s what we’re gonna do. We’re taking this week off and spending it at home. I’ll be attending less interviews, and your manager will be making your schedule more flexible. We’ll get you a dietitian too. Just so you can get back to a healthy weight.”
“That all sounds.... great, baby. Thank you.”
What happened to you traumatized Seungkwan, but he was also thankful for the experience. It was a wake-up call for both of you. Ever since then, you two spent more time together at home, talking about each other’s days and ranting and taking care of each other. Seungkwan never failed to make you smile with his daily checkups on you when he called. 
Vernon, who had just returned to Korea after touring for months, was more than thrilled to see you again. He sat with his group, biting his lip in a weak attempt to hold back a smile while you were on stage performing. But as soon as he saw you walk on stage, his smile faded. When did you get so thin? and pale? Your hair looked like it’d gotten thinner too... His members all glanced at him, seeing his shocked and confused expression. 
“Yah, is Y/n okay?” Seungkwan nudged Vernon's elbow
“I... I don’t know... She sounded alright over the phone but this...” He couldn’t even form words to reply to his member. You looked like a different person. All the members took notice of how much you struggled on stage. You were out of breath, tripping, and faltering at every difficult move. It was a miracle that you made it to the end of the performance. 
When the lights shut off, everyone heard something drop. The gasps of your members had indicated to everyone that there was an accident. While the lights were still off, Vernon rose from his seat and quickly made his way backstage. By the time he got there you were surrounded by staffs who were fanning you, placing ice packs on your neck and making sure the oxygen mask was strapped to your face.
Vernon took a deep sigh as he gazed at your frail state. When your manager walked into the room and saw Vernon standing in the corner of the room, a shiver ran up his spine. He immediately asked the other staff to step out of the room and give you space. Before he was able to slip out of the room, Vernon grabbed his wrist tightly. “I’m having a word with you later. Don’t think you can run from me.” He growled, harshly releasing your managers wrist and letting him scurry away.
Vernon pulled a stool over and sat by your side, gently stroking your hair before resting his head in his hands. “How did i not notice?” “I should’ve asked how she was doing...” “I should’ve checked up on her more.” “i should’ve-”
“Hansol...” You weakly called for him, pulling him out of his thoughts.
“Hey baby” He weakly grinned, tucking your hair behind your ear. “You okay?” He asked. You obviously weren’t, but he didn’t know what to say with the adrenaline still pumping in his veins.
“I’m fine...” It was a weak attempt at trying to ease his nerves, because you both knew you were lying.
“bullshit.” Vernon said sternly “how long has this being going on?”
“How long has what been going on?”
“Don’t play coy with me. You know exaclty what I’m talking about.”
You took a deep breath, this was going to be tough for you. “About a week after you left for tour...” If it wasn’t for the sound of your breathing, the room would have been quiet enough for you to hear Vernon’s heart shatter. “I just lost control... I didn’t know it was this bad... I was too busy to notice and I just... I wanted to be pretty. Not just for my group’s comeback but I wanted to be prettier for you when you came back too-”
“Y/n what are you saying?” Vernon’s comment made you glance up to meet his confused gaze. His eyebrows were stitched together with his lips slightly parted in disbelief. “Do you hear what you’re saying right now? You wanted to be pretty? Pretty for when I came back? What does that even mean?” He sighed, cupping your cheeks. “You’re beautiful, y/n. You always have been. if thats not enough and you still want to take measures to help you feel more confident in your skin, the alright, I’ll support you. But never at the cost of your health.”
Tears trickled down your cheeks and Vernon was there to kiss each one away. “I love you, Hansol.”
“I know. Do you know I love you?”
He’d be very gentle yet persistent in your recovery. He’d make sure you ate enough food even if you whined and complained about it. After particularly large meals he’d spend hours cuddling you in the bedroom and kissing your arms, stomach and legs just to let you know that he loved your body no matter how it looked like.
“I’m not letting you go out there!” Chan sighed
“who are you to tell me what to do!”
“Your boyfriend, who cares about you a lot.” He tried to gently plead with you. “I can’t let you go on stage in the state that you’re in. You just threw up, you’re dizzy, dehydrated, exhausted and it shows.”
“I can’t, Chan. This is the last performance for this comeback, I can’t let everyone down.”
“Y/n-” Before he could try reasoning with you again, you were called onto stage to perform. Chan was pacing around while keeping his eyes on the screen your entire performance. Other idols approached him and asked him if he was okay, to which he just responded to with a wave of his hand and a brief nod. Even his members came out of the waiting room and tried to calm him down because he had been out for a while. He wouldn't leave. Towards the end of your performance, Chan was already waiting by the side of the main stage, waiting for you. You made a big bow, waved towards the cameras and glanced at him. His face was pale with worry and his hands couldn't seem to stay still. You weakly made your way towards him but collapsed right before you were able to completely exit the stage. The crowd saw the lower half of your body hit the ground and murmurs could he heard in the audience. 
Chan cautiously kneeled down and pulled your body towards his own, out of sight from others. He cradled your head gently in his arms “Y/n, baby, wake up.” After you didn’t respond, he quickly lifted you bridal style and carried you to your waiting room. The staff tended to you as well as they could before they gave you and Chan space. He didn’t realize he was going it, but when he was sitting next to you he started to gently massage your palms. Pressing on the soft flesh with his thumbs.
“That feels nice...” You whispered as you slowly regained consciousness.
“Y/n! You’re awake!” He smiled, pressing a tender kiss to your cheek. “You worried me...”
“Did I pass out?” 
Chan nodded gently “You need rest. Please, take a break. And please eat.” He tucked stray pieces of your hair behind your ear while he spoke. 
“What if i gain weight?” 
“So what? What matters is that you’re healthy, and happy. Let me help you, hm? Let me take care of you for once...”
He’d be very gentle and tender with you during your recovery. He’d talk to you sweetly and praise you for every achievement big or small.
authors note: to the person who requested this, im sorry this took literally forever but i hope you enjoyed it nonetheless <33
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thedensworld · 1 year
Doesn't Mind At All | Hong Joshua
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Pairing: Secretary!Joshua x Baker!Reader (Ft. Boss!Junhui and Brother!Mingyu)
Genre: Romance, fluff, longtime crushing
Summary: Hong Joshua willingly agrees to pick up his boss's daughter from school, not realizing that this simple task would lead to an unexpected encounter with his longtime crush.
In the bustling halls of the company, Joshua was a familiar face. His presence was like a ray of sunshine, brightening up the office with his infectious smile and angelic personality. It was no secret that he held a special place in the hearts of many, having won the coveted title of "Best Office Crush" the previous year, even surpassing the CEO, Moon Junhui.
Joshua wore this badge with a quiet pride, knowing full well that his boss's concerns mainly revolved around the company's products and reputation. As he marked his sixth year as Junhui's faithful secretary and personal assistant, he couldn't help but marvel at the milestone. It was a record that stood unchallenged, a testament to Joshua's unwavering dedication.
Nobody understood Junhui quite like Joshua did, save for perhaps Junhui's own wife. When it came to the intricacies of Junhui's professional mindset, it was said that only Hong Joshua had the finesse to meet and exceed the exacting expectations. This was precisely why Joshua was regarded as the company's most precious gem.
Behind every successful CEO, there was an exceptional secretary, and for Moon Junhui, that shining star was none other than Joshua. Their dynamic was like a well-choreographed dance, a seamless blend of professionalism and camaraderie. They were the dynamic duo, the unsung heroes of the corporate world.
Joshua was renowned for his quick wit, tireless work ethic, and a personality that could charm even the most hardened hearts. His reputation had earned him a multitude of labels, particularly among the female officers, who couldn't help but marvel at the creation of such a seemingly perfect human being. Despite his friendly demeanor, Joshua was adept at setting clear boundaries, creating a distinct line and an almost impermeable wall when it came to romantic interests – a trait that some of the women officers considered to be his only flaw.
Approaching a group of women engrossed in a discussion (or rather, gossiping) about him, Joshua balanced a pack of coffee cups in his hands. With a gracious smile, he handed them out, congratulating them on the success of their recent event two days prior. "You're an angel, Mr. Hong," one of them swooned, to which Joshua graciously thanked her.
Another voice chimed in, "Mr. Hong, may we ask you a few questions? We've been discussing something about you, and it would be wonderful if you could satisfy our curiosity." Joshua settled into a seat, joining their circle. "And here I thought you guys were deep into discussions about our ramyeon drama project," he teased, eliciting chuckles from the others.
"We're actually really-really-really eager to know if you're single or taken," one of them blurted out, while another followed up with, "we've been speculating, and we have absolutely no idea!" Joshua's face reddened in response to the question, and he couldn't help but cover his face in playful embarrassment. What had he done to warrant such a query? Was he unintentionally giving off some sort of signal? The thought left him chuckling and slightly flustered, a rare sight for the usually unflappable secretary.
"Yeah! Absolutely. You gave us this. Yesterday you sent an email of appreciation to our rookie without her knowing that everyone received that as well and has been thinking that you like her. You've been committing a crime, Mr. Hong."
Joshua's brow furrowed as he listened to the explanation. "I can't do that?" he asked them, and they all simultaneously nodded in agreement. "Why?" he inquired once more, prompting a collective groan of exasperation from the women.
"You've been lavishing affection on the women in our company, the kind they haven't received from anyone else, all while displaying a sign that you have zero interest in dating any of them. That's just not right, Mr. Hong."
Joshua nodded, absorbing their words. "I'm sorry?" he offered, glancing down at the cups of coffee he had just handed out. "Should I take these back?" he gestured towards the beverages.
"Just stop sending affectionate emails and notes like this. At the very least, delete the heart emoticon," one of them instructed, holding up a note that Joshua had written, no doubt adorned with an affectionate flourish.
'Good job for the event guys! So proud of you🤍.'
"That's just a habit of mine! I'm sorry, I'll definitely work on that," Joshua offered, his voice carrying a hint of remorse as he mumbled his apologies.
"So, Mr. Hong. Are you single or taken?" inquired one of them. Joshua's smile widened as he answered, "I'm single."
To his surprise, this response was met with another collective groan from the group, leaving Joshua thoroughly perplexed. "Why? Did I answer it wrong? I'm not quite getting it," he admitted, his brow furrowing in confusion.
"You should never answer that kind of question with that kind of smile," one of them advised. Joshua nodded and hummed in understanding, contemplating whether he should spend more time observing and learning from this group of women. It seemed they held the key to deciphering the intricacies of office dynamics.
"Why are you single? I can't imagine it would be hard for someone with such an amazing face and personality to find a significant other," one of them remarked, their words laden with genuine admiration.
Joshua closed his eyes, momentarily overwhelmed by the shower of compliments. He joked that if they continued, he might just consider joining their group.
"I work really hard for the company, and I find it hard to make time for dating," Joshua explained, giving voice to their curiosity. "While I do find some women attractive, it's just that I struggle to strike a balance between my professional and personal life."
"Is there anyone you have in mind, perhaps?" another one queried.
As the seconds ticked by, a portrait of someone from his past suddenly emerged in Joshua's mind. He nodded slowly, acknowledging that there was indeed someone he had in mind. "Ah, my university crush," he quipped, breaking into laughter.
Joshua's gaze never wavered from his computer screen, immersed in the tasks that lay before him. The soft tap of approaching footsteps disrupted his concentration, and he turned to see his boss, Moon Junhui, standing beside him. Without hesitation, Joshua rose from his chair, a show of respect for the man who held a significant place in his professional life.
"I'm so sorry, but can you do me a favor?" Junhui's tone held a touch of urgency, a request layered with a sense of trust that Joshua had earned over the years.
"What time is my meeting next?" Junhui inquired, his focus on the packed schedule that dictated his day.
"At 2 PM, sir," Joshua replied promptly, the words rolling off his tongue with a practiced ease. He prided himself on his meticulous attention to detail, especially when it came to Junhui's demanding schedule.
Junhui nodded in acknowledgment, his mind already processing the logistics of the day ahead. Then, his expression softened, and he confided in Joshua, "My daughter, her school is off at 3 PM. I promised my wife to take her with me since her nanny is having her days off. I worry if I'm still in the middle of a meeting at that time." said Junhui about his 5 years old daughter.
Joshua's bond with Hara had grown into a heartwarming routine. It was a familiar sight for the office staff to see Joshua and Hara immersed in various activities. The young girl's intellect and remarkable patience made her a delightful companion, a rare gem in her tender years. Whenever Junhui found himself entangled in meetings, Joshua gladly stepped in to keep Hara company. They'd sit together at Joshua's desk, engrossed in creating art, crafting intricate bracelets, or simply sharing stories of Hara's adventures.
"I can pick her up, sir," Joshua proposed, eager to assist his boss and provide a helping hand.
Junhui's eyes reflected gratitude, a sigh of relief escaping him. "Thank you so much," he expressed, the weight of his responsibilities momentarily eased by Joshua's kind gesture.
"My wife is not feeling very well this morning, that's why I didn't want to trouble her. Thank you so much, Mr. Hong," Junhui reiterated, his appreciation genuine and heartfelt.
As the day approached for Joshua to pick up Hara from school, a mixture of excitement and nerves fluttered within him. This was uncharted territory for him, the first time he'd take on the responsibility of fetching a child from school. Determined to ensure everything went smoothly, he turned to the internet for guidance. His search yielded a concise list of tips, each one etching itself into his mind:
1. Make sure the school knows who you are and that the child is aware and comfortable with your presence.
2. Prioritize the child's comfort and well-being throughout the process.
3. While not obligatory, a snack can often be a reassuring gesture.
4. Engage the child in conversation about their day on the journey home.
With this newfound knowledge, Joshua prepared himself meticulously. He reached out to the teacher, providing them with his contact details and informing them of the situation. He wanted every precaution in place to ensure a smooth transition.
As the hour approached, he found himself behind the wheel, heading towards the school with a sense of determination. The address provided by Junhui led him to the school's gates, where he joined the gathering of parents. Amongst the mothers, Joshua stood.
Time seemed to stretch as he waited, the anticipation building with each passing minute. Finally, the school bell rang, heralding the end of the day. Joshua's gaze fixed on the entrance, heart pounding in anticipation.
Then, there she was—Hara, with her bright eyes and eager smile. Recognition sparked between them, a silent affirmation of the trust they had built. As Hara approached, Joshua's apprehensions melted away, replaced by a newfound confidence.
As Hara's small voice called out, "Uncle!" with uncontainable excitement, Joshua's face lit up with a wide smile. He knelt down, arms ready to receive the approaching bundle of joy. The little girl rushed into his embrace, her tiny arms outstretched in pure delight.
"Hi Hara!" Joshua greeted her warmly, the affection in his voice mirroring the twinkle in his eyes.
Hara, her eyes sparkling like stars, peered up at Joshua with a curious glint. "Is daddy busy?" she inquired, her innocence adding a touch of sweetness to the question. Joshua nodded gently, his expression tender. "Yes, sweetie. That's why I'm the lucky one picking you up today. Are you excited?"
Hara's response was a burst of unrestrained enthusiasm. Her head bobbed up and down like an animated doll, her voice a melodious chorus of, "Yes, yes, yes!" Her anticipation radiated from her like a beacon of pure childhood joy, painting the air around them with an infectious excitement.
As they strolled towards the car, Hara, her small hand nestled in Joshua's, turned to him with a curious look. She inquired about her father, Junhui, if he had his lunch this afternoon. Joshua pondered for a moment, recalling whether Junhui had managed to grab lunch before diving into the meeting. He was certain Junhui hadn't.
"Can we stop at the bakery near my school? I want to buy him and you my favorite cupcake," Hara proposed, her eyes wide with hope. Joshua couldn't resist her earnest request. After all, who could say no to cupcakes? It was a harmless indulgence.
Upon arriving at the bakery, Hara's eyes widened, a sudden gasp escaping her lips. Instantly, Joshua's protective instincts kicked in, a rush of concern washing over him. He swiftly turned to Hara, asking with a gentle urgency, "Are you okay?"
Hara's confession, delivered with the innocence only a five-year-old could muster, both touched and amused Joshua. She looked up at him, her big eyes filled with a mixture of vulnerability and honesty. "I don't have any money."
Suppressing a chuckle, Joshua crouched down to her level, his tone reassuring. "It's okay, sweetie. I'll take care of it." As his words washed over her, a radiant smile lit up Hara's face, the worry dissipating as swiftly as it had come.
As they stepped into the bakery, a hush settled over the empty space, the only sound being the faint hum of refrigeration units. They ambled through the inviting displays, each dessert a potential treasure trove for Hara. She nestled in Joshua's arms, torn between the allure of a cupcake and the temptation of a cookie.
"Why not both?" Joshua's voice, tender and reassuring, broke the internal struggle Hara was facing. Her eyes lit up with a mixture of surprise and delight. "Is that okay?"
With an eager nod, Hara's decision was made, and Joshua promptly collected both the coveted cupcake and the enticing cookie. The radiant smile that bloomed on her face was Joshua's reward, but it was the soft, whispered "thank you..." that danced in his ears that truly warmed his heart.
Just as they were immersed in this sweet exchange, a sudden, welcoming voice enveloped the bakery, pulling Joshua's attention away from the confections. "Welcome to Sweeties..."
Joshua's breath hitched, his gaze swiftly shifting from the colorful array of treats to the source of the voice. Standing a mere two meters away was a familiar face, one that sent a jolt of surprise and recognition through him. It was Y/n, his dear friend from college.
"Wait just a minute, Hara," Joshua gently set her down and took a step toward the woman, a sense of pleasant shock mirrored in both their expressions at this unexpected reunion.
"Y/n, it's been such a long time!" Joshua's voice bubbled with genuine joy, his smile growing wider as he caught sight of Y/n's matching grin.
"I thought I was imagining things. I had no idea you were in Seoul," Y/n admitted, her surprise blending with a palpable delight.
"Yeah, it's been 7 years since I moved here. How have you been?" Joshua inquired, his tone filled with a mixture of curiosity and genuine care. The air around them seemed to buzz with the energy of reconnection, weaving a bridge between their shared past and this unexpected present encounter.
"I'm doing great, and you? I've spotted her around a few times," Y/n mentioned, her gaze shifting towards Hara who was now engrossed in examining the colorful macarons displayed on the stall.
Joshua's eyes twinkled with fondness as he observed Hara's fascination. He turned back to Y/n, a warm chuckle escaping him. "I'm good too. Her school is just a few blocks from here. Can you believe it? It's like a dream come true," he remarked, a subtle nod towards the array of delectable pastries that surrounded them. He knew of Y/n's long-standing dream from their university days to own her own bakery.
Y/n offered a nonchalant shrug, but there was a glint of contentment in her eyes. "I know, right? It's been two years, and it's become my favorite job."
Joshua's gaze wandered to Y/n's hands, and there, he spotted a delicate ring adorning her middle finger. He couldn't help but ask, curiosity laced with a touch of surprise, "Are you engaged?" Their eyes met, and Y/n hesitated for a moment, her gaze flitting towards Hara before she softly affirmed, "Yeah," with a slow, affirmative nod.
The next question carried a weight of intensity, as Joshua inquired, "Are you happy?" His concern for Y/n radiated through his gaze. She met his eyes steadily, her response deliberate and sincere, another nod indicating her contentment.
As their conversation flowed, Hara made her selection of treats. Just as Joshua was about to pay, Y/n interjected, her voice carrying a note of generosity. "It's on the house."
Joshua's immediate response was to decline, insisting they were purchasing quite a bit and it wouldn't be fair to receive them for free. Y/n countered with a tempting offer, "Alright then, how about coffee? Still a fan of your Americano with two shots?"
A laugh bubbled from Joshua, the sound warm and genuine. It seemed Y/n knew just how to strike a deal that left everyone feeling content and connected in this unexpected reunion at the sweet haven of her bakery.
As they settled into the car, Hara's voice, laced with curiosity, broke the brief silence. "Do you know her, uncle?" she inquired. Joshua, his focus on the road, let out a thoughtful hum. The engine purred to life, carrying them away towards the office.
Then, unexpectedly, Joshua's voice filled the car, carrying a note of nostalgia. "She was my first love in college."
Hara's wide eyes sparkled with intrigue. "Really? Were you two dating?" she asked, her young mind eager for the details. Joshua, his gaze fixed on the road ahead, shook his head with a soft smile. "We were friends from the first day of college, but I never mustered the courage to confess. Seeing her again after all these years was quite a surprise."
Hara's curiosity continued to swell, her innocence driving her to probe further. "Why didn't you confess?" she wondered aloud.
A tender sincerity colored Joshua's voice as he explained, "I didn't want to risk losing our friendship."
Hara pondered this for a moment before pressing on. "But did you ever try to confess?" she inquired, her young eyes studying Joshua's face for any hint of what might lie beneath his words.
Joshua, his gaze softening, shook his head gently, the weight of the past mingling with the present. It was a silent acknowledgment of the unspoken feelings that had lingered.
Hara's little face contorted into a playful pout, her dad's wisdom echoing in her mind. "My dad says that trying might hurt but it'll be worth it," she mused, her voice tinged with a mix of contemplation and innocence. Joshua couldn't help but be touched by the profound simplicity in her words, a wisdom that belied her tender years.
Listening to Hara's musings, a soft smile played on Joshua's lips. He decided to seize the moment to seek her opinion on the matter. "Honestly, I have no idea what that means," Hara replied nonchalantly, the weight of her father's advice not yet entirely comprehensible to her young mind. Meanwhile, she nibbled contentedly on her macaroon, the pastel hues of the sweet treat contrasting with her contemplative expression.
Joshua, amused by her response, seized the opportunity to ask about the taste of the macaroon. "Is that good?" he inquired, his tone filled with genuine interest. Hara's enthusiastic nod affirmed her satisfaction, her eyes bright with the pleasure of the delightful treat.
"Thanks for buying me, Uncle. I'll pay you back once I grow up!" Hara declared, her gratitude expressed with a sincerity that warmed Joshua's heart. He nodded, deciding to play along with her lighthearted promise.
One time, two times, and then countless more, Joshua found himself in the routine of picking up Hara from school. What started as a simple request from his boss had evolved into a regular volunteer role for him. The smile on Junhui's face whenever he saw them together spoke volumes. It was clear that Hara cherished these moments with Joshua, and the journey from school to her father's office was transformed into an exciting adventure.
Reason number one for Joshua's eagerness was crystal clear. It wasn't just about being a reliable presence for Hara. It was the genuine joy he felt in her company. They laughed, shared stories, and sometimes even indulged in small escapades that turned ordinary errands into memorable episodes.
And then there was reason number two, which Joshua didn't mind admitting. It was the perfect excuse to visit Y/n's enchanting bakery. The aroma of freshly baked goodies, the vibrant display of pastries, and the warm ambiance—it was a slice of paradise in his day. As he'd open the door, he'd already know Hara's inevitable request, "Can I have my favorite macaroon from Sweeties, please?" It was almost a ritual. Her preferences would shift from cupcakes to macaroons, but Joshua didn't mind. For him, it was the smile on her face that truly mattered.
However, amid all these routines, there was another habit that had stealthily crept up on Joshua. It wasn't until the third visit that he became aware of it. Staring at his reflection in the rearview mirror, he'd question himself. "Is his hair styled just right? Is the suit impeccably ironed? Does his shirt complement his skin tone? And can she catch a whiff of his carefully chosen perfume?" These were the thoughts that occupied his mind.
He couldn't help but chuckle at his own introspection. "Who are you trying to impress, Hong? A stack of macaroons? An almond croissant sitting on the stall?" he'd jest with himself. But deep down, he knew the answer. His thoughts always circled back to Y/n, his college crush, who seemed to occupy a special corner in his heart.
With every encounter, every conversation, his feelings for her only grew stronger. It was a realization that struck him with a mixture of nostalgia and newfound hope. The crush he thought he'd buried long ago was very much alive, and in fact, thriving. Each interaction with Y/n was like a brushstroke, painting a vivid picture of affection that Joshua couldn't deny any longer.
"As expected, Y/n," Joshua chirped, his voice a friendly melody in the air. Y/n made her way from the kitchen, a tray laden with warm, freshly baked bread cradled in her hands. A gentle smile danced on her lips, brought to life by the sight of Hara's bright, shimmering eyes.
Setting the tray on the stool, Y/n felt a warmth spread through her. Hara mumbled something, a secret shared only for Y/n to catch. Sensing Hara's shyness, Joshua leaned in, his words a gentle encouragement, assuring her that she needn't be timid in Y/n's presence. "Speak up, Hara, she's as friendly as they come!" he added with a chuckle, infusing the moment with a touch of humor.
"Can I get that too, uncle?" Hara's voice was sweet and eager, breaking the air with innocence and curiosity.
Y/n's brows shot up in surprise. "Uncle?" she echoed, her curiosity piqued. It was the first time she'd heard Hara's voice, and the term caught her off guard.
Y/n struggled to find her words, the question hanging on the tip of her tongue, but not quite making its way out. This revelation left her momentarily speechless.
Joshua, noticing Y/n's bewilderment, turned to her with a questioning look. "She's calling you... isn't she your daughter?" She inquired, a touch of confusion in her eyes.
Joshua glanced at Y/n, his expression a mixture of surprise and realization. "Oh, I never told you?" he began, a soft chuckle escaping his lips. "She's my boss's daughter. I haven't tied the knot yet, Y/n." His tone was gentle, as though sharing a cherished secret.
A sudden chill raced down Y/n's spine, propelling her into swift action. She deftly gathered all the sweets that Hara had chosen. Joshua, startled by her abrupt shift in demeanor, watched in quiet curiosity, sensing that now wasn't the time to inquire.
A soft chime announced a newcomer. The door swung open, revealing a tall, sun-kissed man, his smile lighting up the room. Clutched in his hand was a bundle of meals, a simple offering of warmth and sustenance. What didn't escape Joshua's notice was the glint of an engagement ring gracing the man's finger.
"Ah, I should get going," Joshua murmured, a touch of awkwardness dancing in his smile. He gently informed Hara that they needed to head to the office. With a wave, Hara bid Y/n goodbye, her departure leaving a faint sense of longing in the air.
The newcomer, attuned to the change in atmosphere, turned to Y/n with concern etched across his face. He couldn't help but ask, "Who is he?" The question hung in the air, tinged with a hint of curiosity and a touch of wariness.
Y/n was willing to bet that Joshua overheard Mingyu's inquisitive words. With their departure, a weight seemed to settle in the air. She released a heavy sigh, her body finding solace against the worn counter.
This subtle motion didn't escape the notice of her concerned brother. "What's wrong? Who is he? Is he bothering you?" Mingyu's voice dripped with a blend of worry and slight irritation. He couldn't bear the thought of Y/n being bothered.
Y/n mumbled something, her words lost in the quiet ambiance of the shop. Mingyu leaned in, his gentle touch a balm to her unsettled soul. "What is it?" he coaxed, his voice laced with a mixture of affection and protective concern. With a tender gesture, he placed her meal on the counter.
"He's Josh."
Mingyu's eyes widened in surprise. "Joshua hyung? How could he not recognize me?" His disbelief was evident, eyebrows shooting up.
With a hint of annoyance, Y/n lifted her face to meet Mingyu's gaze. "How could anyone recognize you? Even your old self wouldn't," she quipped, a playful tease aimed at her brother's considerable transformation.
Mingyu let out a scoff, his lips twitching into a half-smile. "Then why are you like this? Aren't you happy to see him again?" he inquired, his concern tinged with a touch of gentle reproach. Y/n nodded, acknowledging the mix of emotions swirling within her.
"He's been around a few times. With that kid," Y/n murmured, her voice tinged with a hint of melancholy.
Mingyu's eyes widened in realization. "He's married?! Poor you, holding onto a long-term crush," he sympathized, his heart going out to his sister. "Come here, let me give you a hug." Mingyu's arms enveloped Y/n, offering comfort and understanding in this unexpected moment of emotional complexity.
However, Y/n didn't respond to Mingyu's attempt at comfort in the way he anticipated. Instead, a sharp slap landed on his arm, prompting a surprised whine to escape from him. "Why?!"
"He's not married," Y/n muttered, her voice tinged with frustration as she tried to untangle the complex web of emotions.
Mingyu's brow furrowed in confusion. "Then what? Is he divorced?" Another slap followed, this time landing on his other arm.
"Stop hitting me! It hurts," Mingyu protested, determined to put an end to the arm-slapping.
Y/n let out an exasperated groan, realizing how convoluted the situation had become. "Just listen!" she implored, her tone a blend of exasperation and urgency. "And don't you dare laugh." Her words earned a stifled chuckle from her younger brother. In a swift move, Y/n attempted another slap, but Mingyu managed to catch her hand, his grip firm yet gentle.
"I think I made a mistake," Y/n began, her voice tinged with regret.
"He started visiting the shop two months ago, and it's become a regular thing," she explained, a touch of frustration in her tone. "I assumed the child he always brought along was his daughter. I mean, who wouldn't? But it turns out, she's his boss's daughter."
Mingyu's brow arched in curiosity. "So, where's the twist?"
Y/n hesitated, her gaze dropping to the glimmering ring on her finger. "He saw this," she confessed, her voice a mixture of embarrassment and resignation. "And he thought I was engaged. He asked me if I was... and, you know what I said? Yes. I said yes because I thought he was married, and I was just protecting myself. I'm so messed up, Kim Mingyu." Her words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of her impulsive decision.
Mingyu let out a sigh, absorbing Y/n's explanation. "Why did you even lie?" he inquired, a touch of perplexity in his voice.
Y/n's eyes darted around, her frustration evident. "Because— I don't know! He saw my ring and I couldn't just blurt out, 'The ring has the flower you gave me and your name engraved on it.' Especially when he was here with a child who could very well be his daughter."
Mingyu couldn't help but be impressed. He let out a low whistle and applauded. "You're so witty and clumsy all at once. We really are siblings," he remarked with a grin.
Y/n shot him a sidelong glance, her expression a mix of amusement and exasperation. She reached for the meal Mingyu had brought, a sense of familiarity and comfort settling over them.
The atmosphere softened as Mingyu unwrapped the meal, confirming it was from their mother. He explained how she had hastily prepared it upon his request to visit the shop, and then suggested that Y/n pay their mother a visit soon. It served as a gentle reminder of the last time Y/n had seen their mother, at their father's funeral. Their relationship had been strained since the divorce.
Shifting gears, Y/n inquired about Mingyu's upcoming wedding preparations. He let out a sigh, expressing some of the inevitable stress that comes with such occasions. "You shouldn't get married!" he joked, sharing the minor hurdles in planning with a wry smile. "Nari changed her mind three times about the decorations. And now she wants me to ask you about changing the dessert menu."
Y/n chuckled softly, a warm affection in her gaze. "It's okay. These things happen for big events," she assured him, playfully ruffling his hair. Mingyu leaned in for an embrace, expressing a touch of nostalgia. "I wish I were still a high schooler," he mumbled, resting his head on Y/n's shoulder. Her hand instinctively rose to pat his back. "You're doing a fantastic job, Mingyu. I'm proud that you took such a brave step at your age. I'm genuinely happy for you."
Pulling back, Mingyu looked at Y/n with a sincere smile. "I'm happy too, just a bit nervous and exhausted maybe," he admitted, and Y/n nodded understandingly.
"Since Mom and Dad divorced, you've been the one raising me. I may not say it often, but I hope you know that I've always been thankful for your presence, noona. And I hope you're happy too."
Y/n closed her eyes, a mixture of emotions swirling within her. "Stop it! I have to face customers after this!" she protested, a hint of tears glistening in her eyes.
Mingyu's smile softened, his gaze filled with affection for his older sister. "Invite him to my wedding. I hope you find the confidence to express your feelings to him. Don't worry about his answer. Men can be trash, unless me." he teased, bringing a lightness to the moment.
As closing time approached, Y/n began the task of tidying up the stall. Her baker had headed home promptly at 5 pm, while she was committed to staying until 10. A handful of croissants remained, their golden flakiness begging for a home. Who could resist a few bites of almond cream at night? Certainly not her customers. And that bottle of wine, a thoughtful gift from Mingyu two years back, had been patiently waiting for an occasion. Tonight seemed just right. After the whirlwind of a day, a glass of wine was exactly what Y/n needed to unwind and savor the quiet moments.
As she finished adjusting the croissant and set the table, a chime echoed through her shop. "I'm sorry, but we're clos— Josh?"
Y/n's voice caught in her throat as she recognized the unexpected visitor. There stood Joshua, tall and commanding, without his usual suit. Instead, he wore a sharp blue shirt that effortlessly complemented his appearance. The sleeves were casually rolled up to his elbows, a style that defied the odds and only added to his allure.
"It's night, what are you doing?" Y/n questioned, her surprise evident. She quickly shook her head, a warm smile playing on her lips. "I mean, it's really nice to see you. But isn't it a bit late for something sweet?" Her words held a hint of confusion.
Joshua's laughter danced through the air, a familiar and soothing melody in the quiet of the evening.
"Not for an almond croissant," he remarked, his eyes twinkling with anticipation as he gestured towards the delectable pastries adorning the table. "May I join?" he asked, a polite request for permission.
Y/n hesitated for a brief moment before offering a hesitant nod. She swiftly fetched another croissant and a wine glass, setting them in front of Joshua. Settling herself across from him, she couldn't help but express her concern.
Y/n's care and curiosity were palpable in her inquiry. "How have you been?"
Joshua let out a heavy sigh, his response tinged with a sense of relief. "Yeah... Big work hit, but it's finally done. Had a team dinner around here. You know the Soba restaurant near the three section? It was good," he explained, a hint of contentment in his voice. Y/n nodded in understanding.
He continued, delving into nostalgia. "You used to like that soba from a shop near our university," he reminisced, a fond smile gracing his features.
"The one with the wooden chairs? We went there a lot," Y/n admitted, her own smile growing as she recalled those cherished moments. "I remember you ordered hot soba in the summer and I was like, 'What is wrong with her?' I remember laughing a lot that day," he recounted, a hint of playfulness in his tone. Joshua's words evoked vivid memories from their college years.
Y/n stifled a smile before adding, "It was when you just failed your exam."
Joshua's brows shot up in surprise. "Ah, really? I couldn't remember that. Yeah... I failed a lot of tests back in university," he admitted with a self-deprecating chuckle. His gaze softened as he looked at Y/n, a sense of gratitude and warmth filling the air between them.
Joshua couldn't help but let out an impressed coo. "You haven't changed much, Y/n. Talking to you like this feels like we've stepped back a decade," he mused, tilting his head as his eyes traced the familiar features before him.
Y/n responded with a soft chuckle. "Meanwhile, you've changed quite a bit, Josh. I would never have expected to see you in a dress shirt and suit like today. You always favored crewnecks and that one t-shirt with the rock band print," she pointed out, a hint of nostalgia in her voice.
Joshua joined in her laughter, acknowledging the transformation. "You're absolutely right! I've gone through quite the evolution. I ran into one of our friends from college a few days back, and he didn't even recognize me," he recalled, a touch of amusement in his tone.
"Even Mingyu couldn't recognize you," Y/n chimed in, and Joshua's brow furrowed in surprise.
"Mingyu? He met me? When?" Joshua was genuinely taken aback. He remembered Y/n's younger brother as a tall kid who matched his height back when he was still in junior high school, a decade ago.
Y/n's eyes widened, a chuckle escaping her. "The last time you visited. Mingyu was here," she reminded him. Joshua let out a small gasp. "It was Mingyu?! I thought he was your fiance!" he exclaimed, covering his face with his palm in embarrassment.
"It was Mingyu. He's grown a lot, hasn't he? It's not surprising that you two didn't recognize each other," Y/n reassured, a fondness in her voice.
Joshua let out a sigh, his fingers gently massaging his temple. "So, it was Kim Mingyu, that little rascal who used to pester you back in the early semesters," he recalled with a laugh, the memory now tinted with amusement and affection.
"How's your parent?" Joshua inquired, his tone gentle and concerned.
Y/n's lips pressed into a tight line, her expression revealing the weight of her words. "Not long after you moved to The States, they got divorced. We lived with our father for four years before he passed away," she explained, a somber note in her voice. She chose not to mention the years of estrangement from her mother.
Joshua's gaze softened, his eyes filled with regret. "I'm so sorry, I... I had no idea," he murmured, his heart heavy with the news.
"That's why you went out of reach," he concluded, the pieces of the puzzle falling into place. The sudden loss of contact with Y/n had always puzzled him, but now it made sense.
Y/n nodded slowly, her gaze fixed on the memories that played in her mind. "My father's company faced bankruptcy, and my mother..." she hesitated, "she was cheating. They got divorced, and I had to work at the bakery near our university because my father couldn't afford to support both of us. And here I am, now. Running my own shop," she said, her smile holding a mixture of pride and reflection on how the challenges of the past had shaped her present.
Joshua looked at Y/n, his heart heavy with unspoken words. Guilt washed over him, rendering him momentarily speechless. He vividly recalled the day he had to break the news to Y/n about his impending move to the States, just two weeks before his flight. His mother, a single parent, had raised him alone from a young age. After his graduation, she informed him about their relocation due to her work, leaving behind everything in Seoul. Leaving Y/n was an agonizing decision, as she was the only thing that made Joshua contemplate staying. But he knew he had to join his mother after her earnest plea.
"Do you remember when I wanted to become a jeweler?" Y/n's voice pierced through the heavy air, drawing Joshua's attention. He nodded in response. She rose from her seat and went to the counter. When she returned, a small box nestled in her hand, Joshua's gaze shifted to her ringless finger.
Without hesitation, he gently took her hand in his own, his eyes filled with a mixture of regret and tenderness.
"Your ring—" Joshua began, his voice catching in his throat as he beheld the contents of the velvety box. Inside lay a ring and bracelet, delicate and gleaming.
"I made these," Y/n revealed, her voice steady but her eyes betraying a hint of vulnerability. She settled back into her chair, carefully placing the silver jewelry on the table.
Joshua's gaze remained fixed on the pieces, his heart pounding in his chest. He noticed that his name was engraved on both the ring and bracelet. Y/n's words tugged at his emotions, each syllable laced with the weight of untold feelings. "I was going to give these to you before your flight. But I couldn't make it; my parents were fighting that morning," she confessed, her voice carrying a mixture of regret and longing.
As he looked at Y/n, then back to the jewelry, his breath seemed to catch in his throat. The significance of the moment weighed heavily on him.
Y/n produced a necklace, its centerpiece a ring that had adorned her middle finger for all these years. "Mine has your name on it too. I meant to engrave my own, but for some reason, I etched yours," she shared, a soft chuckle escaping her lips.
"It's crazy, isn't it? That I cared for you so much, Josh," Y/n finally confessed, her eyes meeting his, a blend of hope and apprehension in their depths.
"I liked you a lot, and i might still."
The weight of Y/n's confession hung in the air, her words barely more than a mumble. Yet, they carried a profound weight, echoing through the space between them.
In that moment, Joshua finally comprehended that his feelings were not one-sided. It was as if a veil had been lifted, revealing a truth he hadn't dared to believe. He stood there, looking at Y/n, his heart pounding in his chest. For the first time, the enormity of the situation washed over him, leaving him feeling vulnerable and exposed. He had been carrying this sentiment for so long, never imagining that it might be returned. A sense of humility settled upon him, a realization that he had underestimated the depth of Y/n's emotions. He felt like a fool, sitting there in front of her, unable to find the right words to express the tumultuous storm of feelings coursing through him.
Under the tranquil embrace of the night, with the park as their silent witness, Joshua's voice carried a weight that only a decade of silent longing could hold.
"Y/n," he spoke, his words deliberate and infused with a vulnerability that had been buried deep for far too long. "Tonight, hearing your words... it's like a floodgate has burst open within me."
Turning to face her, he held her gaze with an intensity that spoke volumes. "For more than decade, I've carried this in my heart. From the very beginning, you captured my soul in a way I never thought possible. You've been my sanctuary, the person I've turned to in my darkest hours, even from across the ocean."
The sincerity in his voice was palpable, each word a testament to the depth of his emotions. "I was so afraid of losing you that I couldn't find the courage to say anything. But now, knowing that you feel... something for me too, it's like a dream come true."
"I like you a lot. No, i've been in love with you, Y/n."
The air hung heavy with anticipation, the moment pregnant with significance. Joshua's heart raced, every beat a testament to the years of yearning he had endured. With bated breath, he waited for Y/n's response, hoping beyond hope that the feelings he had nurtured in secret for a decade would find their rightful place in the open.
On the day of Mingyu's wedding, the venue was bathed in a warm, golden light, casting a radiant glow on the beaming couple. Mingyu, standing tall in his tuxedo, took the mic with a mixture of excitement and nervousness in his eyes. The room fell into a hushed anticipation as he cleared his throat, preparing to address the gathered guests.
"Thank you all for being here today," he began, his voice steady but filled with emotion. "Today is a day of celebration, not only for me and Nari, but for the bonds that tie families together."
Mingyu continued his speech. As he spoke, Mingyu's gaze drifted to Y/n, his older sister, seated among the guests. Her eyes shimmered with unspoken pride and affection, a silent affirmation of their shared journey.
He continued, his voice carrying a note of gratitude, "Today, I stand here as a man about to embark on a new chapter of my life. And I owe so much of who I am to the incredible woman who has always been there for me, through thick and thin."
Turning towards Y/n, Mingyu's voice softened with sincerity. "To my sister, Y/n, you've been my rock, my confidante, and my source of endless support. You've guided me, protected me, and loved me unconditionally. Today, I want to take a moment to thank you, not only for being an amazing sister, but for being an incredible friend."
A swell of applause and affectionate murmurs filled the room, a testament to the love that emanated from this tight-knit family. Mingyu's words had touched the hearts of everyone present, leaving an indelible mark on this special day.
The wedding ceremony unfolded like a dream, an atmosphere of pure happiness enveloping the guests. Mingyu, the groom, approached his sister, Y/n, a vision in her lace gown, diligently overseeing the desserts from her bakery. He enveloped her in a warm embrace, their connection palpable even in the midst of the celebration. He pulled back, Y/n teasingly echoing Mingyu's earlier words, "Your confidante, huh?" A playful eye-roll followed, a testament to their easy camaraderie.
Y/n couldn't help but let out a joyful laugh, her eyes sparkling with mirth. "Well, I had to make a good impression on my new in-laws, didn't I? Let them know they're getting a true family man," he quipped in a conspiratorial whisper. Joshua, standing alongside them, couldn't contain his own chuckle at their banter.
"Thanks for coming, hyung," Mingyu expressed his gratitude, pulling Joshua into a heartfelt hug. Joshua extending his warmest congratulations.
A mischievous gleam danced in Joshua's eyes as he added, "For someone who's kept my girlfriend busy all month, you sure seem appreciative." His words were laced with playful sarcasm, a nod to the last-minute dessert changes that had kept Y/n on her toes.
Mingyu's expression softened, a touch of remorse etching his features. "I'm sorry, hyung. I forgot how much this meant to you. I promise, after this, I won't meddle anymore," he vowed, signing to the new relationship between his sister and Joshua that had been silent for over a decade.
As the joyous celebration continued, a voice calling Joshua's name interrupted their lively conversation. Turning, their attention was drawn to a woman standing behind them. Joshua recognized her as one of his colleagues from the company, and he extended his hand in greeting.
"I didn't expect to see you here," Joshua remarked, a pleasant surprise lacing his voice.
The woman nodded, a smile playing on her lips. "Nari is my junior from college," she explained, her eyes keenly observing the dynamic between Joshua and Y/n.
It wasn't lost on Joshua that his hand lingered at Y/n's waist. Suddenly, the realization struck him, and he made the introduction with a touch of pride, "Oh, please meet my girlfriend, Y/n. Those croquembouche were made by her." The swell of pride in his voice resonated with a warmth that emanated from him.
Mingyu, standing beside them, nodded appreciatively and offered a warm smile, extending his gratitude to the woman for joining them in the celebration.
The woman's words hung in the air, a statement that stirred a shift in the atmosphere. "I didn't know you had a girlfriend, Mr. Hong," she reiterated, her tone carrying a hint of surprise. Before Joshua could respond, Mingyu swooped in, feigning hurt over Joshua's apparent secrecy.
"Hyung, really? You've been keeping your relationship with my sister under wraps from everyone? Noona, you deserve someone who'll shout your worth from the rooftops!" Mingyu playfully chided, a glint of mischief dancing in his eyes. Y/n simply smiled, recognizing her brother's penchant for theatrics.
Joshua let out a sigh, a mixture of exasperation and amusement tingeing his voice. "I kept everything hidden," he confessed, a touch of irritation coloring his words. Yet, his smile only grew, his hold on Y/n's waist tightening. It was a silent declaration, an unspoken testament to the depth of his feelings for her, a sentiment that had been quietly growing within him. The unspoken connection between them, now brought to light, added a layer of intimacy to the moment, making it all the more special.
A fresh morning light bathed the room, infusing it with a sense of energy and possibility. Joshua entered, a warm smile gracing his features, bearing a circle of coffee and delectable desserts for the ladies gathered at the tables. Their eyes lit up with gratitude as they received the treats, a tangible token of appreciation for their successful drama project.
"Morning, ladies. I heard the drama project was a hit. Here's my treat," Joshua announced, his voice carrying a touch of genuine warmth.
As they settled into their seats, one of them couldn't help but voice the rumor swirling in the office. "Is it true, Mr. Hong?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued.
Joshua's smile remained steadfast, a hint of intrigue twinkling in his eyes. "What rumor?" he playfully deflected, his tone light.
"That you're in a relationship? There's a screenshot of your Instagram Story with a woman on the company community web," another woman eagerly elaborated, her excitement palpable.
Joshua let out a chuckle at their enthusiasm. With an air of showmanship, he unveiled the box of delectable desserts, their intricate designs and inviting aromas captivating their attention. "They look amazing, right?" he asked, a note of pride coloring his voice.
"These are from Seongsu-dong, just a block away from a kindergarten. The shop's called Sweeties. If you ever want to meet my girlfriend, that's the place to go. Please enjoy," Joshua shared, his words imbued with a touch of playfulness and sincerity. With a final warm goodbye, he left the group of women officers, their smiles and laughter lingering in the air. The morning continued, infused with a sense of camaraderie and shared enjoyment.
The end.
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junhui-png · 7 months
Boyfriend texts w wonwoo ✮ ⋆ ˚。🐈‍⬛
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kairoot · 9 months
❅ — ww. day 21: hjs . ✦ ₊˚
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day twenty-one: ❝ joshua gets a little tew flirty while you’re baking ❞
⟢ pairing : joshua x reader ➖ genre : fluff, established relationship ➖ requested : no ➖ warnings : flirty josh, petnames
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gripping onto the bright colored bowl, you mixed the last bit of cake batter you had left.
there was a slight tug on the string of your apron, causing you to jolt back.
joshua giggled at your surprised expression, placing a kiss on your cheek.
“hi, baby”
“don’t ‘hi baby’ me.”
he laughed again, “‘s there something wrong?”
you gave him an irritated glance, scoffing.
“this is literally the last of the cake batter, you could’ve knocked it over.”
“aw, i’m sorry. can i help?”
“why not?” he pouted, resting a hand on your lower back.
you gave him a look, raising your eyebrows.
“i don’t like your behavior.”
“what am i doing?” he tilted his head slightly, acting oblivious.
“you’re being too flirty.”
“hm.. am i?” he moved closer to you, his gaze growing more intense. he studied your expressions, the way you looked while you were working on something or were really focused.
“stop staring to distract me, shua!”
“oh, i’m not staring to distract you.”
❅ ❅ ❅
milan’s note: this wasn’t as detailed as i wanted but i really liked the ending so i decided to just stop there.
PERM. TAGLIST: @haechansbbg @contyynishimura @sasfransisco @kgneptun @m1ko-xu @keiipopped (message or comment to be added)
WW. TAGLIST: @keiipopped @luvjongseong (message or comment to be added)
© KAIROOT 2023 — please do not steal, translate, or repost my work.
winter wonderland masterlist
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rubyuji · 4 months
Go the Distance (Joshua Hong) ♫₊˚.🎧 ✩。
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Genre: Fluff, Comfort
Warnings: Nothing really except that this is like so sweet it makes me bitter at how adorable they are.
Synopsis: Joshua travels long distances just to see you, no matter how far.
Note: Another reworked fic from my pandora’s box of drafts / unfinished works, I wrote this while traveling so there might be typos or grammatical errors. Anyways, always remember to like + reblog as a way of showing support not only to me but also to other writers! Happy reading!
WC: 746
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“Y/n? Can you open the door?” Joshua said from the phone. You were so close to dozing off when Joshua called, but you were jolted awake by what he had said.
“Joshua, what the fuck? This isn’t funny, you’re all the way in Seoul and I’m in Japan, there’s no way you came all the way here,” You huffed and went back to working on your essay, which was due the next day.
“Y/n, your mom called me. She told me about how you’ve been stressed over exams and school lately. I came to visit so you could maybe relax a bit,” Joshua said as you heard bags dragging from the other line. ‘He really is here,’ your eyes widened at the realization.
“Joshua, did you really fly all the way to Japan just to see me? You’re a week early for fucks sake! Isn’t the tour next week?” You were practically bolting down the stairs in your cinnamoroll slippers, almost slipping during the pursuit, which Joshua could hear.
“Maybe open the door so we can have a proper conversation?” Joshua had ended the call and you had opened the front door just in time, immediately engulfing your boyfriend in a hug as he spun you around.
The essay could wait, what mattered right now was that your boyfriend, who you hadn’t seen in almost half a year, was here to see you. Long distance was hard, especially with Joshua constantly on the move and his every schedule packed with work, but you were grateful that you and your boyfriend were able to make it work.
“Josh, I can’t believe you actually came!” You giggle, and Joshua buries his face into your hair. “Of course, I missed you so much. Now get off your laptop so we can spend time together,” Joshua says while walking into the cozy town house.
He’s been at your house a whenever he visited Japan, and it just gets more comforting as time goes on, especially the person living in it.
If Joshua wasn’t an idol, he would be fully content with just being your boyfriend and being a college student with you in the cozy town house you currently resided in.
“You really didn’t have to, I could’ve managed and been on my merry way to Seoul during the break you know,” You say softly and snuggle into Joshua’s arms as you watched a movie together.
“It was the least I can do, and besides, it’s been months since we last saw each other. I decided to get a headstart,” Joshua replied and snuggled his nose into the crook of your neck, a habit of his that you had missed so dearly.
“What did you end up bringing me by the way?” You asked, and opened the duty free bag curiously.
“I got you your favorite snacks that you always tell me to get whenever I fly over,” Joshua smiled gently, to which you responded with a squeal. Your boyfriend is the best person you could’ve ever asked for.
A few hours had gone by in a flash and after finishing some left over pizza from the day before and two tubs of ice cream, you and Joshua were beat.
“Are you tired? It’s getting late already, and you came here right after landing,” You say, concerned for your boyfriend, who had just come from a long flight.
“A bit, but I don’t mind because at least I finally get to see you after months,” Joshua whispers and gives you a gentle kiss.
You smile into it as Joshua leads you both into your bedroom, the two of you falling into your usual night routine as if time hadn’t passed.
When you were done, you laid in bed with Joshua, drawing circles into his firm chest as he ran his hands through your hair while slipping in a few pecks on your face.
“You seem so sleepy already,” Joshua chuckled, noticing your eyes slowly starting to droop. You did almost fall asleep at your desk before Joshua had called.
“I might be, I’m just scared that this is all a dream and you might disappear when I open my eyes tomorrow” You replied, already dozing off but still feeling Joshua’s gaze on you.
Joshua chuckles again and shakes his head at you. “Rest up darling, I’m not going anywhere. I’ll be right here when you wake up,” he says, and turns off the lamp on the bedside table.
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© rubyuji 2024’ -. no part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any manner without the permission from the publisher.
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stormyjisung · 1 year
New year's day. H.JS
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Hold onto the memories,
They'll hold onto you.
Pairing. Hong jisoo x reader
Genre. Romance
Synopsis. Cleaning the aftermath of a new year eve's party just leads you to realize how much you love your boyfriend.
Inspo. New year's day by ts, and my evergreen love for Hong jisoo.
W/c. ~500, short sweet and lovely
Extra. Is this self indulgent? Very much.
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Fireworks were still exploding in the distance,
The light from the exploding sparkles trickled into your two bedroom apartment followed by a few handful of people yelling, "Happy new year! "
shaking your head you continued picking up empty cups your friends had left behind, clearing the floor of the glitter from the party popper that your friends had burst with your feet as you walked by,
the wall clock chimed thrice
"it's three am already?" your boyfriend's eyes wide with shock, he blinked a couple of times squinting at the clock, "wasn't it 12 am five minutes ago?!"
picking up the left behind polaroid's you turned to face him, "i know right? we've been cleaning up bottles and glitter since the last 3 hours."
"I'm gonna have a nice talk with them tomorrow" joshua's scowl made you laugh, his overly dramatic nature was something that always added a sprinkle of color in your life,
"Well you can always have a nice talk with them alright, but let's clean this mess up first, our house literally looks like a tornado hit it"
Joshua groaned, muttering a few colorful words under his breath as he continued picking up the equally colorful confetti.
The room fell into a peaceful stupor, with occasional bursts of fireworks and distant cheers, it was an atmosphere you couldn't really put into words.
It was officially 2023,
Another year had flown by, whizzing past you before you could even register it, leaving only memories and lessons in it's wake.
The confetti glimmered, lighting up the ceiling when flecks of light fell on it, for some reason the flecks of light reflecting onto the ceiling reminded you of joshua.
Hands still holding two empty beer bottles, you sat down on the couch, eyes drifting over to your boyfriend as if it was the most natural thing ever, how even in a room full of strangers your eyes would always search for his.
He was hunched over on the floor, scooping up glitter and paper onto his palm, lips pouted in concentration.
It was as if a record was playing on loop.
Something akin to deja vu, for this was the exact scene you'd seen last year,
And the year before
and two years ago.
It was as if one second you had just met joshua and the next second you had spent three new year's and three summers with him. Season's passed by, spring changing into summer, giving way to fall and bleeding into winter.
Flowers bloomed, and wilted and bloomed again, more beautiful than the last time they'd bloomed. Just like the love you and joshua shared,
It was resilient, strong and delicate.
It hid behind doors when monsters roamed the night, it stood tall and proud when dawn had broken through, it had cried with the both of you, but it stayed.
Through thick and then, through summer and winter.
You couldn't imagine life without him. He brought in colors, light and everything soft and nice with him.
Every memory of yours was permeated with his presence, his smile, his warm disposition, his soft words and his laugh.
His laugh which you could recognize anywhere, it was scary how much you'd fallen for him, but it was just as euphoric,
"Why are you staring at me?"
You smiled, walking over to go crouch beside him, softly kissing his lips and the blush that arose on his cheeks, looking into those soft, brown eyes that had become your refuge, "I love you" you whispered.
you wanted his dawns, you wanted his smiles, you wanted his storms, you wanted his midnights, but for right now you were more than happy to be picking up bottles with him on new year's day.
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A/n. Love is so beautiful when you've fallen for the right person
Reblog to show your appreciation!
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yxlnst · 5 months
Part 1
🎀 Summary 🎀 : After discovering Joshua's secret stash of information on classmates in a hidden library room, you face mounting threats and surveillance as he seeks to maintain his control and protect his secrets.
🧸 Word count 🧸 : 1.042
🧸 - - - - - - - - - - - - 🎀- - - - - - - - - - - - - 🧸
The threat in Joshua's voice was impossible to ignore. As you walked away from him in the crowded hallway, his words echoed in your head: "We wouldn't want any misunderstandings." It felt as if the walls themselves were conspiring against you. The chatter of your fellow students and the slamming of locker doors only served to amplify the sense of unease. You knew too much, and Joshua knew that you knew.
You kept your head down, trying to blend into the background as you made your way through the school day. You couldn't shake the feeling that eyes were on you, watching, assessing. Every corner you turned, you expected Joshua to be there, his unnerving smile masking the intensity of his scrutiny. It felt like the entire school was his stage, and he was pulling the strings.
At lunch, you sat with Sarah, who seemed to understand the weight of the situation. "Joshua's not someone you mess with," she said, her voice low as she picked at her food. "He's got people everywhere. You never know who's watching or listening."
"I didn't mean to get into this," you replied, trying to keep your voice steady. "I was just curious. But now..." You trailed off, not wanting to say too much in public.
Sarah nodded. "I get it. But if you're not careful, you could end up in a lot of trouble. Joshua doesn't like it when people step out of line."
As you glanced around the cafeteria, you noticed how Joshua seemed to glide from table to table, talking to different groups of students. He was laughing, shaking hands, and exchanging inside jokes. But behind that charming facade, you knew he was keeping track of everyone and everything. It was like he had a mental map of the school and could navigate it effortlessly.
After lunch, you went to your locker, trying to decide your next move. You couldn't just forget what you'd seen in that secret room, but you also couldn't risk drawing more attention to yourself. As you opened your locker, you found a small note tucked inside. It was a simple piece of paper with a single word: "Careful."
Your heart skipped a beat as you looked around. Who had put the note there? Was it a warning from Joshua or someone else? Either way, it was clear that you were being watched. You quickly stuffed the note into your pocket and closed your locker, pretending like nothing had happened.
As the school day came to an end, you decided to return to the library. You needed to understand what Joshua was hiding and why he had those dossiers on his classmates. But you knew you couldn't just walk into the secret room without being seen. You'd have to be smart about it.
You waited until the library was nearly empty, then slipped through the rows of books, keeping an eye out for anyone who might be watching. When you reached the small door leading to the hidden room, you paused, listening for any sounds. It was quiet, too quiet. You pushed the door open just enough to peer inside. The room was dark, but you could make out the outlines of the papers and documents you'd seen before.
Taking a deep breath, you stepped inside, careful not to make any noise. The room felt colder than before, and the dim lighting made it difficult to see clearly. You moved to the table where you'd found the list of names, hoping to find more clues. As you shuffled through the papers, you discovered a hidden compartment in the table. Inside was a small box, locked with a key.
Before you could examine it further, you heard footsteps approaching the library. You quickly closed the compartment and slipped out of the secret room, making your way back into the library's main area. The footsteps grew louder, and you could hear voices—Joshua's voice. He was talking to someone, and you didn't want to be caught in the library after hours.
You moved quickly but quietly, weaving through the rows of books until you reached the exit. As you stepped into the hallway, you glanced back and saw Joshua entering the library. His expression was calm, but his eyes held a hint of suspicion. You knew he was checking to see if anyone had been in the secret room. If he found out you'd been there, it would only escalate the tension.
You hurried out of the school and headed home, your mind racing with questions. What was in the locked box? Why was Joshua keeping secrets? And most importantly, what was he planning to do with all that information? You needed answers, but you also needed to stay under the radar. Joshua was clearly watching, and you didn't want to provoke him.
Over the next few days, you kept a low profile, avoiding Joshua as much as possible. You noticed that his network of loyalists seemed more active, almost as if they were on high alert. They'd watch you in class, in the hallways, even during lunch. It was like they were waiting for you to make a wrong move.
One afternoon, Sarah approached you again, her expression serious. "Joshua's been asking about you," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "He's trying to find out what you know. You need to be careful."
"I don't want any trouble," you replied, feeling the weight of the situation. "But I can't just ignore what's going on."
Sarah nodded. "I get it. But you have to be smart about this. Joshua's not someone to mess with. If he thinks you're a threat, he won't hesitate to take you down."
The days that followed were tense, with Joshua's presence looming over you like a dark cloud. You couldn't shake the feeling that he was always one step ahead, always watching. But you knew you couldn't back down. You'd seen too much, and you couldn't just pretend it never happened.
It was time to take action. You needed to find a way to expose Joshua's secrets without getting caught. It would be risky, but it was the only way to break his hold on the school and bring the truth to light. You'd have to be smart, careful, and ready for anything.
The game had begun, and Joshua was the opponent. Would you outsmart him, or would he crush you before you even had a chance to fight back? Only time would tell.
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lockburn-castle · 13 days
i need help deciding who will be the main male lead in my new fic
i wanna choose someone i havent written for yet (im leaning more towards minghao and joshua) but let me know what you think !
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doiefics · 1 year
bringing him home
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pairing: joshua x gn!reader
prologue: fear takes over you as you bring joshua to meet your parents, but he say’s you’re taking gratuitous stress
genre: fluff + established relationship!au
wordcount: 689
warnings: none
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Today was going to be a big day.
You’ve had this in your vision for a long time now and it couldn’t be refrained from, and even though were excited about it, it was accompanied by an unrecognizable worry. 
Human emotions can never be easily caught and understood, you see.
You were sat in the car, paying zero attention to the otherwise lively streets of the city.
It was your city, the place where you were born, raised, and probably conceived, too.
You had missed it all. The the swings in the children's playground, the aroma of the morning bakery on the other block, the back alley of the school that you vandalised, everything.
After a gruelling few years outside, you were back and that was all that mattered in the moment.
“Are you too emotional to talk right now?” Questioned the man seated next to you. Joshua, your boyfriend.
“Shua, Yeah, It’s just, you know.” You failed to put your thoughts into words.
“Is it because you’re too emotional that we’re here or are you afraid that I might screw it all up in front of your parents?” He let out an adorable little giggle.
Four years of being together and this man knew you better than yourself.
His coral black eyes teamed up with comforting and deep aura questioned once again.
Yes. You were afraid, not because Joshua would mess it up but only because it was only natural to feel that way.
He was the first man you were bringing home, he had had innumerous zoom calls and texts with your parents whilst the two of you still being in away, they knew him and approved of him.
Then, what was so special about this day perhaps someone who had to go through it could only understand.
It did not take too long to reach. They say there is no place on earth like home, the vibe welcomed you as you took steps further.
“Trust me, everything will go well. We just have to be ourselves right? They’re parents.” Joshua affirmed. 
“I know they'll love you.” You added to his affirmation. 
“Of course. More than they love you.” He teased, and his lips turned into a smirk. On normal days, you would hit him playfully.
You shook your head, returning back to the time and place as you now rang the doorbell. Taking few quick breaths to ease your tensed body.
You were greeted by your parents, and you instantly leaped up and went on to engulf them in a hug. Losing track of time you were sure you did not let go of them before a good few minutes.
“Alright, alright! My turn?” Joshua commented so as to ease the emotional environment. He made you laugh, even when you had tears rolling down.
The family now sat in the living room. Your boyfriend was completely engrossed in the chit chats with your family, as they went through your childhood photo albums.
Everybody seemed to accept him at an instant. It felt like it was him who was this family’s child.
“Noooo Y/N, you were so cute as a baby! Look at you in this pumpkin outfit. When is this from?” He kept on commenting while you just sat there, adoring him.
Honestly he was the type that anyone could take home and get approved of. You were lucky to find a man like Joshua, he tolerated your unbearable shower concerts. You thought to yourself.
The gathering soon ended after dinner, and there was more talking and sharing of old family anecdotes. You were the main theme today, though. It felt gratifying.
As the night grew deeper, you found yourself alone with the man, seated on near the same window pane you thought you'd get a highscool proposal from someday.
“Hmm, told you everything would turn out well. You were stressing over nothing” Joshua soothed.
"How could anyone not like you, Shua?” You defended yourself, teasing him.
“Ahhh, really?” He questioned sarcastically. A little roar of laughter now filled the air as he tickled you by the waist.
Well, he was right, everything would go well.
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masterlist please refrain from plagiarising, translating or posting outside of this platform
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kyeomkuppie · 4 months
Pairing: Joshua x gn!reader
Genre: fluff, hurt/comfort
Synopsis: Your boyfriend comforts you when you can't sleep.
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"Darling, why aren't you sleeping?" He groggily sat up. You'd been tossing and turning for the past 30 minutes, which led to your boyfriend waking up.
"Can't sleep."
"C'mere," He pulled you by your waist, your back against his chest. "We'll fall back to sleep together, hm?"
You turned around to bury your head in his chest. It felt so warm, the way his arms wrapped around you, pulling you closer to hear the sounds of his heartbeat.
"What's on your mind?" Silence. "Darling?"
"I'm just so tired— and sleep just isn't coming." You whispered.
Your voice was hoarse and exhausted, barely above a whisper. The exhaustion was eating at you and you were only yearning for a way to get you to sleep.
He gently patted your back. Silence engulfed the room but it was as if some unspoken words were going on between you two. He knew you had insomnia and that it was difficult— very difficult for you to fall asleep but despite that, he wanted to share your sleepless night with you even if it meant waking up tired like he had been sleeping on rocks
You were starting to feel drowsy as your boyfriend told you about his day and random things about the past "Remember when when you used to like me and you wouldn't look me in the eye." He chuckled "I used to think you hated me then."
You smiled to yourself, remembering how you used to act around him. Joshua had always been the one person who knew how to make you smile in the toughest of times, despite not being at his best either.
He was tired. It was apparent from the way he kept yawning every few seconds but he still insisted on keeping you company.
You were finally getting drowsy and your eyes were slowly closing on their own. "Love you Shua." You whispered before finally closing your eyes, drifting off to dreamland.
"I love you too darling." He smiled before his head finally fell back on his pillow.
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hanmi-xo · 11 months
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Our Ballad | (SVT Joshua x You)
M A I N | O N E S H O T S | S M U T | S C E N A R I O S
Status: Complete Post Status: Nov. 13, 2023 Pairing: SVT Joshua x You Genre: Angst, Romance, SMAU, One Shot Word Count: 900 Themes: Moving On, Unrequited Love
Note: This is a work of fanfiction. Please respect the real Hong Jisoo/ Joshua Hong Thank you for reading~
Sometimes a spark doesn't always lead to a flame. He was a song that she never finished listening to. Even seeing him on his special day was difficult to breathe.
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You were the reason for our beginning, but you were also the reason for our end. If loving you was going to leave a scar, then I wouldn't have let you in.
I remember how it all happened. The memory of us was like a song I couldn't stop playing.
You reached out towards me. You were everything I thought I wanted, but I wasn't what you needed. It's strange the more I think about it.
Were you the one that chased me or was I the one that followed after you? What happened before? Do you remember?
Do you remember what lead us together? Do you remember the clouds that filled the sky before the rain pour?
We were only in high school, but it felt like I knew you forever ago.
You held your hand out to me after I fell to the ground. I remember that look you had. The way your eyes widened with wonder and concern while your curled lips turned to a gasp.
It was embarrassing but I remember it.
You stuck by my side since then. Maybe it was because of our classes that destined us together, or maybe it was the fact that we couldn't ignore each other. All I remember was the way you'd pass notes to me in class and we would often get into trouble.
You'd goof around with me during detention and even when we had disciplinary exercises.
You could never stay up against the wall like I could and I could never hold that many books on my hands like you did. You were the memory that stayed with me, but your notes is what left your trail.
It was the highlight of my day whenever I would go home and find your random note in my backpack.
You always did let your presence be known with your signature smile with a musical note at the end of each one. You loved the reactions I would give you, and I would always love your attention.
You were a melody I couldn't stop humming. A song that I always wanted to sing but could never be sung.
You were my first love and you were my best friend.
You were always kind to me. You were always sweet. You did everything you can to make me happy.
But even so, it didn't mean you loved me.
Or rather, you didn't love me the way I wanted you to.
When I met you outside of school to watch a movie, you seemed nervous. I asked you to come along in hopes I would see a different side of you that day, but I saw more than I wanted.
And I heard a pitch change in the melody.
When you walked me home, that's when I heard the truth.
"I'm sorry. I never meant to lead you on..."
Your words were slow yet sharp. It was like I was impaled by a knife into my chest or being eaten alive by a monster. I shouldn't have expected more, but I did.
You stopped the tune that I wanted to listen to. What I thought was a ballad was just the blues.
I shouldn't have thought someone like you would love someone like me.
I was bitter when we went separate ways. Even more bitter knowing I won't find anyone like you. But I wasn't bitter enough to hate you. Nor was I bitter enough to take my own life.
But you did.
You weren't there for my birthday.
You weren't there for our graduation.
And you weren't there when you said you'd see me one last time before you'd go.
You never said where. You never said when.
All I remember was your message that you left. You wrote it as if you were going away and you'd see me far from now.
I remember the way your words were written like a poem. It was playful yet dejected. I wish you told me what was going on with you. I wish you told me what happened outside of school.
Outside of our safe haven.
But all I have is your message. All I have is this poem that just reminds me of your absence.
It's not fair. It's not fair that you could leave me like that while I was stuck in the darkness hoping you'd come back.
I have so many questions, but I know you won't answer them.
How could you when you're already gone?
Your mom was there you know? Your mom was there at your funeral. You looked just like her, but she didn't have that melody.
She was cold.
You never talked about her or about your father. He wasn't there. Did he know or did she not tell him?
Or did you not want him to be there?
I wish you told me your story.
I wish you told me all your flaws so I knew the process of your tune. The melody and notes I always listened and hummed to were cut short.
You ended it too soon.
And I know I'll never hear it again.
• • •
End | Thank you for reading <3
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aestaeticityshua · 4 months
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Dandelions | Xu Minghao
Synopsis: Choi Hyerin keeps receiving these sweet letters from her secret admirer. The only problem? She already has a boyfriend.
Pairings: Xu Minghao x OC Choi Hyerin x Joshua Hong
Genre and Tags: fluff / unrequited love / non-idol!minghao / highschool au / sweet letters / crush / first love / secret admirer
Author's Note: Just a small inventive outcome— inspired by one of my favourite songs, Dandelions by Ruth B. Not all stories have happy endings. Please leave your thoughts in the comments~
Rating: 13+
Word Count: 3.5K+
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AFTER THE TEACHER DISMISSED the class, Hyerin hurried to the classroom opposite hers, clutching a sheet of paper as she scanned the crowd for someone special. A brilliant smile lit up her face, celebrating her perfect score in Chemistry, a subject she typically disliked.
While her dedication played a significant role, her achievement owed much to someone dear to her heart—her boyfriend, Joshua Hong.
As Joshua exited the classroom, his bag slung over one shoulder, he ran his hand through his hair, oblivious to Hyerin's eager gaze. Finally spotting him, she dashed over, calling out his name. Startled, Joshua turned, only to be enveloped in a tight hug from Hyerin.
"Shua!" she exclaimed. He grinned as he embraced her in return, his eyes reflecting her excitement.
Breathless with enthusiasm, Hyerin shared her news. "Guess what? I, Choi Hyerin, just got a perfect score in Chemistry!" She handed him the paper, her eyes shining with pride.
Surprised but elated, Joshua scanned the paper, his smile widening. "I always knew you had it in you. I'm so proud of you," he said, gently pinching her cheeks.
Moved by his words, Hyerin hugged him tightly. "It's all thanks to having the best boyfriend," she murmured.
Joshua kissed her forehead. "No, I merely helped with the basics. The rest was all you. I'm truly proud, my love."
Hyerin's heart swelled with affection. "Really?" she whispered.
"Mhm," Joshua confirmed, holding her close. "And your mom will be thrilled. Show her as soon as she gets home."
Hyerin cherished the way Joshua looked at her—as though she were everything. And to him, she truly was. He was utterly captivated by her, and nothing else mattered in comparison. He was completely and breathtakingly fascinated.
Joshua had always been a man of few words, but since their paths intertwined, it seemed like there were a million unspoken sentiments between them. His eyes spoke volumes, effortlessly conveying his deep love for her. Their affection was palpable to anyone who observed them, revealing Joshua's complete adoration for her. Whether it was the sparkle in her eyes when he was near or the warmth of his affectionate smile, their relationship radiated pure love.
Even under a starry sky, their gaze remained locked on each other.
Lost in each other's embrace, they were oblivious to another pair of eyes fixated on them.
The onlooker's stare wasn't born of jealousy, anger, or resentment, but rather a bittersweet blend of pain and acceptance. Unintentionally, tears welled in their eyes as they continued to watch the couple from a distance.
"Hao, you shouldn't keep watching them. It'll only hurt you more," a voice spoke from behind, a hand resting on the observer's shoulder with concern.
"I know, Mingyu, but I can't help it. It's not that I resent seeing Shua with her. It's just hard not to imagine what it would be like if it were me instead of him," Minghao confessed, his longing evident in his voice as his gaze remained fixed on her radiant smile.
It always tormented him.
Her smile.
Minghao couldn't quite articulate why, but her smile brought him joy. He harbored just one wish — to be the reason behind her happiness. Yet, the realization that this dream would never materialize shattered him each time.
It remained his cherished fantasy, one he fervently wished would someday come true.
He often pondered if he could whisk her away, but did she harbor any desire to be with him?
However, Minghao could never betray his best friend, the one who stood by him from the start. He recognized that Hyerin meant the world to Joshua. Despite being the first to love her, Minghao knew he could never treat her as magnificently as Joshua did.
Joshua was incomparable, perhaps that was why she chose him. No one could dispute their compatibility, not even Minghao himself. Yet, witnessing her affection towards Joshua pierced him deeply. His only solace lay in his dreams, where she belonged to him and he to her.
Despite his unrequited love for his best friend's girlfriend, Minghao harbored no resentment towards Joshua; their friendship meant too much to him. He refused to jeopardize it for the sake of love.
"Perhaps confessing could aid your healing, Hao," Mingyu suggested.
"No, I couldn't do that to Shua. Maybe these feelings will fade with time. Until then, I'll find solace in merely witnessing her smile from afar," Minghao replied, a genuine smile gracing his lips as he watched them once more.
Mingyu couldn't help but feel sorry for his best friend. Though he couldn't change the situation, Mingyu always ensured he was there for Minghao, offering support whenever and wherever needed.
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"I'm just going to stash this in my locker. Be right back, okay? Meet you in the cafeteria," Joshua said, kissing Hyerin's temple before she headed off.
Joshua couldn't help but marvel, 'How did I ever deserve this angel?'
Turning around, he spotted his best friends and hurried over. Minghao swiftly wiped his tears at Joshua's approach.
"Hey, guys! What's going on?" Joshua beamed, earning fond smiles from both Mingyu and Minghao.
"Not much. We both aced Chemistry," Mingyu exclaimed excitedly.
"That's fantastic! I'm proud of you both," Joshua replied warmly.
Mingyu glanced at Minghao, then back at Joshua. "Hey, Shua, can I ask for your advice?" Joshua nodded, prompting Mingyu to continue. "I have a friend who's head over heels for this girl..."
Minghao shot Mingyu a warning glare, but Mingyu persisted, ignoring his friend's silent protests. "So, he's deeply in love with her, but she's in a relationship with his best friend."
"How did he develop feelings for his best friend's girlfriend?" Joshua inquired.
"He didn't plan it. It just happened," Minghao interjected, defending his friend. "Besides, he loved her long before his best friend did."
Joshua arched a brow, puzzled by Minghao's defensive stance. "Well, if that's the case, why didn't he confess before his best friend did?" he asked.
Minghao faltered, unsure of how to respond. Joshua had a point. Why hadn't he confessed earlier? Was it fear, or a belief that he wasn't good enough for her?
He didn't know. Sensing the tension, Mingyu intervened, "Well, for whatever reason, he didn't. But now he can't shake his feelings and it hurts to see them together. How can he move on?"
Joshua pondered for a moment. "If he truly loves her—"
"He does. Very much," Minghao interjected again.
"Okay, then it won't be easy for him to let go," Joshua continued. "And since she's his best friend's girlfriend, he'll likely see her often, making it even harder."
"So there's no way for him to move on?" Mingyu pressed.
"There is," Joshua replied, catching Minghao's curious gaze. "Rejection."
Minghao looked puzzled, while Mingyu shot him a knowing glance.
"If he doesn't express his feelings, he might hold onto hope. But if he confesses and she rejects him, it'll shatter those hopes, allowing him to move forward," Joshua explained. "But since she's his best friend's girlfriend, a face-to-face confession might be awkward and could jeopardize their friendship."
"Way to burst the bubble, Shua," Mingyu remarked, rolling his eyes.
"You didn't let me finish, you goofball," Joshua retorted. "He could write her a letter, confessing his love as a secret admirer. That way, she won't know it's him, and he can move on when she rejects him, without risking their friendship." Joshua grinned, pleased with his solution.
"But what if she tells her boyfriend about the letters? That would ruin his friendship," Minghao asked.
"She wouldn't. She would probably refrain from bringing this up to him," Joshua reassured with a smile.
"Thank you so much, Shua. You're the best!" Minghao exclaimed.
"You're welcome, I guess. Are you going to go tell him now or...?" Joshua queried.
"Yes! Joshua, we have to go. We'll see you later. Thanks again!" Mingyu exclaimed, grabbing Minghao's hand as they began to move away from Joshua.
Joshua shook his head, smiling as he saw his two best friends head inside the cafeteria.
'I might be the only boyfriend who would give his best friend permission to write love letters to his girlfriend,' Joshua thought with a sigh.
He knew.
Of course he knew. Joshua wasn't that naïve or ignorant to not notice the sparkles in Minghao's eyes whenever they landed on Hyerin. It would be impossible to miss the lovely smile on his face each time she would smile. But Joshua never said anything. Knowing this made Joshua value Minghao even more than he already did. He was surprised by how Minghao never once showed his anger or hatred toward him. No matter how hurt Minghao was, he always proved that his friendship with Joshua meant so much more than anything else. Even now, Joshua noticed how Minghao was keen and focused on not ruining their friendship.
Joshua was certainly scared.
Scared of losing her—his everything. But if being with Minghao is what she would want, Joshua would definitely give her up happily, knowing that she would be with someone who loved her deeply. Probably even more than Joshua himself. What mattered to him was her happiness. Nothing else. If she would be happier without him, Joshua wouldn't hesitate to let her go. His mother always used to tell him, "If you love someone, the best thing you can do for them is letting them go. If they are yours, they would always find their way back to you and if they don't, they weren't ever yours."
'I hope you get to tell her everything you wished to say, Hao. I hope it would help you move on. If you end up winning her too, I would be very happy for you.'
Joshua smiled tenderly, walking towards the cafeteria.
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"I don't know if I should do it. It feels wrong," Minghao sighed, his hands fumbling with the piece of paper in his hands.
"Hao, even Joshua himself gave you permission to write to his girlfriend. What more do you need?" Mingyu reasoned.
"But he didn't know that it was about me and Hyerin," Minghao frowned.
"But it's not like you're doing anything wrong, Hao. It's okay to be a little selfish at times like this, you know? As Shua said, the only way you can move on is if you get rejected." Mingyu placed his hands on Minghao's shoulders. "You might never get a better opportunity other than this."
Minghao sighed, his heart heavy at the thought of betraying his best friend. "I don't know if I can betray him like this. It's hard."
Joshua hid in a corner next to them, eavesdropping on their conversation. He sighed, feeling somehow happy that Minghao felt hesitant. Of course Joshua wanted him to be a little selfish and do it, but he felt very grateful to have someone as unique and special as Minghao in his life. Nonetheless, Joshua definitely wanted him to do it. Joshua never felt guilty for being with Hyerin; he just couldn't bear to see his best friend get hurt because of him.
Minghao took a deep breath, knowing that he had to do it either way. He inserted the paper slowly in between the small gap of Hyerin's locker. Joshua felt relieved and proud of Minghao for doing it.
"I'm sorry, Shua," Minghao whispered, his head against the locker.
Joshua smiled fondly at his best friend. 'It's okay, Hao. I'm happy you did it.'
"Let's leave before she comes, Hao," Mingyu suggested, earning a nod from Minghao.
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After a long and eventful evening, Hyerin was certainly exhausted but was still very cheerful because of her huge achievement. She happily skipped to her locker.
Minghao watched with a small smile on his face. He knew it was wrong to feel this way but his heart couldn't help but palpitate wildly for what was coming next. He was both nervous and excited. Minghao had already made different assumptions as to how she might react to the letter, and he was prepared to get his heart broken.
Hyerin opened her locker, only to find a small piece of paper. Confused, she grabbed it delicately as if she might ruin the paper. Noticing many words written neatly, she started reading it.
I couldn't stop my eyes from searching for every trace of you. I'm in love, alone.
I'm in love with the impossibility of me and you.
With a heart like that, you deserve the world, darling.
If only I had been a bit earlier, I might've been treasuring you in my arms now.
Maybe we were meant to meet but not to be.
- MH ♡
Hyerin looked around, hoping to find the writer of the letter.
She wondered, her mind recalling anyone and everyone she knew with the initials 'MH'. But to her dismay, no one as such crossed her mind. Hyerin wouldn't lie, the way her admirer worded his feelings definitely made her feel butterflies. If she weren't already in a relationship with someone she loved with all her heart, she might have been swayed.
She sighed, grabbing the paper before closing her locker. Scrunching her nose, she headed to her class. Though she was physically present, her mind was captivated by thoughts of who could have written her the letter.
"Hey, my love," Joshua hugged her from behind, kissing her head. "How was dinner yesterday?"
"Oh, yeah, it was great. Mom felt really proud," she replied nonchalantly. "She invited you over for dinner today. Can you make it, Joshie?" Joshua chuckled at the nickname, pinching her cheeks.
"I'll try, sweetheart. Do thank her for inviting me, though." Hyerin nodded, cuddling closer to him.
"Shua, there's something bothering my mind," she whispered.
"Really? You wanna talk about it?" he asked gently, rubbing her back.
"Never mind. It's nothing." She shrugged as he frowned.
"If you still want to talk about it, I'm always here, okay?" She nodded, pecking his lips. "I love you, Shua."
He smiled. "I love you more."
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These are the words I never thought I'd be able to let out.
Maybe it's the way you say my name, but it's so good. I've never known anybody like you. I've heard of a love that comes once in a lifetime and I'm pretty sure that you are that love of mine.              
Though I'm a coward for not saying this to you face to face, I simply just cannot bring myself to do it as you make my mind go blank every time I see you. Perhaps, that was the reason I couldn't confess sooner than he did.                   
I'm in a field of Dandelions, wishing on every one that you'd be mine. I see forever in your eyes, I feel okay when I see you smile. Wishing on Dandelions all of the time, I pray to God that one day, you'd be mine.
However, I'm happy you're with the best possible guy for you. Even if I had confessed earlier, I wouldn't have been able to love you as half as he does. 
I hope you stay happy with him always. I love seeing you smile.   
I always thought it was impossible for a person to have a smile much more beautiful than all of the wonders of the world but you proved me wrong, so never give it up for anyone. I'm so inspired with you; how special your heart is, how your mind works, how you live and especially how you love.           
Please don't search for me. I really do wish I could tell you who I am but I'm afraid I can't. 
Such a coward I am, aren't I? I already know what your reply would be but hearing it out loud would help me move on. Please come to the rooftop after lunch, though you won't be able to see me, I'll be there, listening to you.
I hope you'll come.                                                
- MH ♡
Quickly checking her watch, she widened her eyebrows. Shutting her locker, she ran to the rooftop. Hyerin hadn't been to her locker since morning and only checked just now after eating lunch.
Feeling guilty, she ran as fast as she could, hoping the mystery person wouldn't misunderstand the reason for her absence on the rooftop.
Catching her breath, she shouted, "I'm here!" hoping her secret admirer was still present.
Taking a deep breath, she started, "Hi, you already know that I have a boyfriend and that I love him a lot. I'm guessing the reason you're not revealing yourself to me is because I already know who you are. I just wanted to say, I'm sorry that I was blind to see how you felt about me. It must've hurt you a lot to see me and Joshua together. And you're not a coward; confessing to someone who is your friend isn't easy, there's a lot to take under consideration, so I understand. I just wanted to know why you decided to tell me now. I'm really sorry I can't reciprocate your feelings, as you already know, I love Joshua with all my heart and I can't even imagine being with someone who is not him. I'm really sorry. I hope we still stay friends. Thank you for all your beautiful words. If I hadn't already loved Shua, I would've definitely been swept off my feet. I hope you find someone better than me, someone who actually deserves you and loves you a lot. I just wanted to say this. Thank you for being my friend and for revealing your feelings to me instead of bottling it up forever. I wish nothing but the best for you."
She let out a sigh, hoping someone actually heard her words and that she wasn't just talking to herself. She slowly stepped out, heading to her class.
All the while, Minghao could do nothing but cry as he felt his heart break. He knew what she would say, but he was grateful that she tried her best to let him down politely. He kept crying until it satisfied his heart. Suddenly, someone embraced him, softly patting his head.
"It’s okay, Hao," Joshua whispered, his voice gentle and soothing. "I’m here for you."
Minghao looked up, surprised to see Joshua. "Shua, why are you here? You- you knew?"
Joshua smiled softly. "Yes, Hao. That's why I told you to do this and I wanted to make sure you were okay. I know this was hard for you, but I’m proud of you for telling her how you feel."
Minghao wiped his tears, feeling a mix of relief and gratitude. "Thank you, Shua. I don’t know what I’d do without you."
Joshua hugged him tighter. "We’ll get through this together, Hao. You’re not alone."
As they stood there, Minghao felt a sense of comfort knowing that despite everything, his friendship with Joshua remained unshaken.
The saddest word in the world is almost.
He almost had her, she almost fell for him.
They almost made it. And now, their 'almost' would always haunt him forever.
This is my last letter to you. I just wanted to tell you everything I wanted to because I wanted to have no regrets and what ifs. It's going to be a bit long so I'm sorry for that. One, I heard you yesterday, thank you for coming and telling me how you feel, I really appreciate it. Second, thank you for coming into my life and making me feel things I myself couldn't explain. It hurts like hell to have to forget you but now, I at least had my dreams and fantasies killed, it'll help me move on.
You are the love that came without a single warning and you stole my heart before I could even say no. It's very pathetic really, how much I hope it's you and me in the end. You and I, we were always just an almost—never something, never nothing but just an almost. It was hell realizing you only loved me in my dreams and I always woke up alone. At least now, I won't have regrets that I couldn't express just how much you mean to me.
Your happiness has become such an important part of my life now that it kills me to see you sad. Always keep smiling, you deserve it more than anyone. And, don't let him go, he's one of a kind. Just like you.
Goodbye, my almost first love.
- MH ♡
Hyerin softly smiled as she read the letter.
"Bubs, I missed you." A voice cooed in her ears, hugging her from behind as she giggled.
"Really? Should we go on a date today then? I already finished studying for my tests." She replied, turning around and wrapping her hands around Joshua's waist.
"Sounds perfect." He pecked her lips.
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Heyy!! This is the first oneshot! I hope you all like it and that the ending didn't disappoint you. Sometimes, the person you love may not be destined to be yours and that's okay. I would be very pleased if you all could leave comments sharing your thoughts, I'd love to read them and analyze the ways I can improve with my writing! Please let me know how you all felt~
The second oneshot is upcoming and my masterlist will be updated after I've published 5 oneshots!
Thank you all so much for taking your time to read this! I love you! See you soon~
-Hera 🤍
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junhui-png · 7 months
A day for you
𝗡𝗼𝘄 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴:
"wave to earth - bad"
01:22 ━━━━●───── 04:16
ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ↻ ♡
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summary: a cute and short date w joshua !
notes: hey y’all I really wanted to write something else but I didn’t want to start a whole other project so I decided to write this short ff! Hope u enjoy!!
genre: seventeen ff, seventeen fluff, Joshua as your boyfriend, some cursing, kissing, cuddling, touchy Joshua, some mentions of other seventeen members, cute nicknames (Babe, baby, my love, etc)
You were in the kitchen of you shared apartment, while your boyfriend was in the living room scrolling through his phone. As you were searching the kitchen for some sort of snack, Joshua's sweet voice calls out to you " baby do you wanna go on a date?" You turn around to look at Joshua, who was staring right back at you with his doe-like eyes. "Like right now?" You clarify "Yeah right now" Joshua gets up from the couch and makes his way to you "Anything you wanna do?" His hands naturally find there way to the small of your back, pulling you in just a bit. "there's that new restaurant down the street?" you suggested and your boyfriends replies with a simple hum "Whatever you want" A small smile forms onto Joshua's lips "Ok be ready in 30 minutes then" With that Joshua disappears into his room and you do the same.
You come back out of your room wearing a pair of washed flared jeans with a off-shoulder sweats complimented with some gold jewelry. When you walk into the living room you see Joshua sitting down on the couch on his phone. He was wearing a black sweatshirt with white writing on it paired with a jeans and a black bucket hat. Joshua noticed you presence and he immediately stood up and approached you "You look pretty" He smiles smugly, gently taking your hand and putting it into his. "You look pretty too" You let go of his hand and walk over towards the door to put your shoes on "I look pretty?" Joshua lets out a chuckle at your compliment. "yeah, pretty" You looked up at your boyfriend, who had a silly smile playing on his face "Thank you baby" Joshua slides his hand around your shoulder before walking out of your apartment.
You and Joshua walk down the street towards the restaurant you had mentioned earlier "Hey Josh?" You began, you voice a little hesitant. Joshua turned to face you, his gaze on you "hm?" "Why'd you want to go on a date so suddenly?" You asked. Joshua's lips curled into a tender smile. "Because I missed you." You look up at Joshua, the confusion very evident in your face "We live together though?" Joshua chuckles softly, his eyes still on you "I know that, but I just miss the romance of our past dates, you know?" You heart swells up a bit at the words your boyfriend has just spoke.
The two of you had arrived at the restaurant and you had to admit, the place definitely looked fancy. The place was decorated with beautiful vintage chandlers and vines and flowers covered the walls. A waiter greeted the two of you before seating you in one of the corner booths and handing you a menu. "How are things with you friends?" You ask once the waiter leaves. From what you knew it had been quite awhile since Joshua had went out with any of his friends, so naturally you were curious on how things were going "They're fine, Vernon texted me earlier asking if I wanted to hang out" Joshua answers casually "Why didn't you go?" "Because I felt like going out with you". You can't stop a smile from appearing onto your face at your boyfriends words "You should've gone though" you say but Joshua shakes his head "Its fine, I can go out with him another time" He gives you a sweet smile before the waiter arrives and asks for you orders.
You both finish you dinner and begin your walk home when a few minutes into your way back home Joshua stops in his tracks "What?" You stop and turn to face him. You boyfriend's face lights up a bit before turning to face you "Wait here baby, ok?" Before you can responds Joshua runs of into a farmers market, leaving you stunned. He comes back about 5 minutes later with a Boquete of pink and red flowers in his hand "Josh.." Joshua hands you the Beautiful Boquete he had bought for you "For you, my love" you take the Boquete and Joshua is quick to take your free hand and place it into his, intertwining your fingers together. "Thank you Shua, really" You smile up towards your boyfriend you smiles back warmly "Of course baby, Love you always" "I love you too."
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