#josh null
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vodkaandsnakes · 9 months ago
On this day, May 31, in Type O Negative history:
Type O Negative appear on the Nulle Part Ailleurs program on French TV (1995)
Type O Negative play Ozzfest 1997 at the Alamodome with Black Sabbath, Ozzy Osbourne, Marilyn Manson, and Pantera in San Antonio, TX (1997)
Type O Negative play the House of Blues in Las Vegas, NV (2008)
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cartoonradfem · 1 year ago
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Shhhh, I made this for Null. ☠️
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theallyandhisbeast · 4 months ago
About bucktommy and 911 in general
You know, in the end, this just feels extremely cheap and cruel.
Showing bucktommy be incandescently happy in all the episodes but 8.6? Even in this ep you can feel how much they care and genuinely love each other. Audience was largely optimistic and excited about them, in a way we have never seen for other buck's LI.
Only to what? Throw it all away because you can't be bothered to write a satisfactory arc for them? Because Buck is the epitome of the guy who dates a lot but always gets broken up with? That to be able to decide if you want to be in a committed relationship if you are bi you have to explore first or else your decision is null and void?
What a way to waste potential and your characters arc.
The special thing about Tommy was that he was beloved by not only bucktommy fans, but GA, and most importantly he was a sort of representation we don't see all that much in media. People loved him because they saw themselves in him, they could connect to his journey and they were genuinely rooting for him to find love and family with Buck. To waste it all away, and to do so by basically throw at us all that we loved about them is unnecessarily cruel.
What hurts the most is that even buck and tommy themselves didn't want to break up. but instead they "must" because bowing down to harmful stereotypes about bi people who are "confused and so they must experiment before settling" is more important than telling a compelling story.
Even without bt break up, I feel like this season took a sharp dive for the worst about well thought storylines in a way that baffles him. Gerrard was reduced to a joke, as was Ortiz, both pgs that could have been used to create compelling arcs that intertwined the 118 even more but instead we got this cheap throwaway joke of a Gerrard, Ortiz was basically throw out of office in a single ep. Hotshot sl could have been fun but instead it's just.... there. And coming back too just for funsies, cause apparently that sl was more important to develop instead of a interesting queer relationship.
Athena once again doing copaganda. Bobby coming back to the 118 without any particular struggle or even guilt about dropping the bag. Things said in interviews that we expect to happen and never even made it to the screen (Eddie's loneliness? Chim and Hen having conflict over Mara? Buck feeling guilty about injuring Gerrard?).
The way Maddie cannot have any sl that is not either tied to a man or about motherhood. Madney having another surprise baby instead of them choosing on purpose to expand their family. Hen & Karen gaining trauma after trauma about their children and not having any other sl that is not tied to that. Josh just existing in the periphery and only becoming important as the "insightful token gay" but not having any type of meaningful screen time since Carson.
The other side characters like Sue, Ravi, Linda, Carla completely disappearing without anyone mentioning them. Ravi has not been given any important sl ever since he talked about having cancer and ever since reduced as a comic relief without anything to add to his character but he's a "landlord".
Chris is out of the picture for who knows how long, and is basically kept around to be traumatized over and over again. Eddie hasn't gotten any character development until first s5 and seemingly now, but i'd argue that the whole thing just felt rushed because what do you mean it takes one chat with a priest for him to do a 180° while he still isn't talking to Chris? And Eddie was the one who got the best treatment of all of them this season.
It's the way this show is slowly chipping itself away. It's the way they start a queer story line promising it would be impactful and handled with care and then half-assing it a best. It's the way the other queer characters are never explored and able to breath and revel in their queerness in the first place. Because, really, when was the last time Hen and Karen kissed on screen? When was the last time they went on a date? When was the last time their arcs were not about children or getting hurt, but just about them as individuals? And on this thread what about Maddie? Or Josh? Or Chim? Or Eddie?
Everything feels reused again and again and again without no real development than then starting the circle all over in half a season.
What a waste.
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fayes-fics · 1 year ago
Innuendo Bingo
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x fem!reader, modern AU
Summary: Crack fic. Modern AU. Someone knows a LOT of stupid synonyms for orgasms...
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Warnings: Teen and up. Sexual humour, a lot of stupidity. Non-explicit references to sex acts. Basically, I'm sorry.
Word Count: 0.8k
Authors note: Request fill for @sorryallonsy, who asked for Benedict crack fic with him coming up with stupid names for orgasms (ask HERE). I'm sorry this took SO LONG, especially as it is so short. However, I was in the mood to polish off (heheheh) something silly today, and this was just the ticket. Unbetaed cos it's ridiculous. Thanks, and err, enjoy, I guess? <3
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Bridgerton family brunch happens once a month and is always memorable. The family usually takes over some swish eatery in central London for a few hours with their unique brand of noisy, chaotic camaraderie. Being Benedict's girlfriend, you are now a part of this melee. It’s one such Sunday when you are finishing your quite delicious but oversized meal that Benedict leans in.
“I can't wait to have you naked again,” he rumbles right in your ear.
You almost spit your last mouthful all over the table. After a few beats, you recover enough to reply.
“Your mother is right there!” you chastise sotto voce, nodding imperceptibly across the table, pulling a pointed expression, even as your mind is filled with images of him waking you up just this morning with his tongue between your thighs.
“Please,” he withers good-naturedly. “I have seven siblings. Do you really think this libido isn't genetic?” he jests, a hand on your knee now. 
“Stop it!” you giggle, not wanting to think of his mother that way.
 “Also, she is not paying us any mind,” he points out, crowding closer. 
Indeed, she is engrossed in a chat with Kate and has one of Daphne’s kids ensconced in her lap, diverting all her attention.
“Besides, are you telling me you don't want to have another orgasm today?” he goads, lips warm on your neck as those fingers spider higher up your thigh, knowing precisely what your weak spots are and exploiting them.
“Well, now… I didn’t say that…” you counter, eyes fluttering closed briefly at his onslaught. “But I might need a few hours after all this food,” you mime a bloated stomach.
It's his turn to chuckle, a warm sound that skitters over your skin. “That's fair,” he assesses. “Can't be releasing the Kraken if you have a food baby…”
You can't help but emit a bark of laughter at that. Everyone at the table looking briefly askance at you before resuming their discussions.
“The what?” you wheeze.
“You heard me,” he quips warmly. “Don't like that? I've got a million more,” he vows, eyes twinkling with mischief.
“Don't…” you warn softly, but that just seems to goad him on.
“Making waffles? Popping the weasel…?”
“Waffles?” you frown, “I thought it was whoopee?”
“That too,” he smiles, eyes crinkling in that adorable way as he continues. “Petting the cat? Nulling the void? You can cuff my carrot, and I’ll dial your rotary phone?” each phrase is delivered full of mirth, close to your ear, and you can't help the stupid grin on your face.
“Stop it,” you protest weakly, nudging him gently with your elbow but having to muffle your laughter into his shoulder.
“I’ll stop when you stop finding them funny…” he counters genially. “Marching the penguin? Downstair DJing? Turning on the sprinklers? Debugging the hard drive?”
Each one has you hopelessly sniggering to the point you can't breathe, and little tears form at the corner of your eyes.
“What in God's name are you doing to your girlfriend, Benedict?” Anthony’s voice suddenly rings out from the head of the table. “It looks like she is about to die… hands where I can see them, please!”
Everyone at the table twists to look at you and laughs as both of you instantly raise your hands as if being held hostage; you mortified by the idea everyone thinks you might be up to things in front of them all, even though you know Anthony is joshing. 
But then Benedict murmurs a quiet parting shot out the corner of his mouth. 
“Chastising the family… jewels...”
And yeah, your loud snort is definitely undignified.
You are back at his place relaxing on the sofa a few hours later - When Harry Met Sally is playing on the TV - when he wraps an arm around your shoulder.
“Fancy doing a Meg Ryan?” he whispers, his tone laced with levity.
“Bit late for that. We left the restaurant a few hours ago,” you sigh in mock disappointment, a playful smile tugging at the corner of your mouth.
“I don't mind a private performance,” he breezes, trailing a hand over your neckline and nuzzling your cheek. “I rather like the idea of watching you paddle your pink canoe….”
Yeah, no, you definitely lose it at that one. 
Collapsing into him, your laughter does not even subsidise when he unzips your dress with his practised skill.
“Please… one ticket to the solo show just for me?” he implores, kissing along your jaw. “Visit that safety deposit box? Orbit Venus? A little double-clicking?”
“You are going to need to stop…” you object faintly, an odd mix of lightness from giggling so much and arousal coursing through you as his fingers circle over your underwear.
“Never…..” he teases in that gravelly tone that always persuades you.
“Fine, but only if I can watch you polish your bannister…” you throw back, pushing off your underwear with a comic flourish.
His laugh is deep and all-consuming, racking his whole frame as he suddenly scoops you up and strides towards his bedroom.
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Benedict taglist: @foreverlonginguniverse @colettebronte @aintnuthinbutahounddog @severewobblerlightdragon @writergirl-2001 @heeyyyou @enichole445 @enchantedbytomandhenry @ambitionspassionscoffee @chaoticcalzoneranchsports @nikaprincessofkattegat @baebee35 @crowleysqueenofhell @fiction-is-life @lilacbeesworld @broooookiecrisp @queen-of-the-misfit-toys @eleanor-bradstreet @divaanya @musicismyoxygen84 @benedictspaintbrush @miindfucked @cayt0123 @hottytoddyhistory @truly-dionysus @fictionalmenloversblog @zinzysstuff @malpalgalz @panhoeofmanyfandoms @kinokomoonshine @causeimissu @delehosies @m-rae23 @last-sheep @kmc1989 @desert-fern @starkeylover @corpseoftrees-queen @magical-spit @bunnyweasley23 @how-many-stars-in-the-sky @amygdtjhddzvb @sya-skies @balladynaaa @urfavnoirette
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oldiesstationlover11607 · 4 months ago
hiiiii hehe um I was wondering if you had any ideas about pre-banditos Torch!! I think about him a LOT and I always wonder what ppls interpretations of him are like ..... I was also curious how you'd think a pre-bandito Torchbearer might interact w Clancy in the same era :3
- ø (null anon)
Pre-banditos Torchbearer - Headcannons
Warnings: Some angst
A/N: Hey null anon! It's good to hear from you again hehe. I think this is probably better set up as a set of headcannons so that's how we're gonna approach this :) hopefully you enjoy it!
Note: all of these are my own headcannons and none of these are accurate to the lore but hopefulyl they're decent 😭
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The Torchbearer's name back in Dema was Josh. Everyone knew him as Josh. His name is so important to him that when he left Dema he decided to keep a secret and only go as the Torchbearer.
The Torchbearer's bishop would've been Nico (unlike Clancy's bishop being Keons). He kept quiet and wasn't a rebel at all, watching passively as the days went by.
Occasionally with his friends he would mention his thoughts on the repetitiveness of their days, their work, and Vialism but none of them understood him. He felt very isolated and like there was something wrong with him.
He eventually meets someone who ends up being his significant other. They're more of a rebel than him, venting about their views on the city, the origins, the history–all of it. He finally feels seen, meeting more and more people who want to leave.
However, this person is discovered to be a rebel by the bishops. They become a glorious gone which impacts the Torchbearer greatly, forcing him into the leadership position he is in as the leader of the banditos. He feels that he can no longer just sit around and let Vialism continue.
It starts with an underground group where he would hold meetings to discuss was to leave the city before leading to eventual escape plans from the group.
Clancy attends a few of these meetings but is clearly a lot more vocal about his rebellion. He reminds the Torchbearer of his SO which makes him frustrated. They bash heads, Clancy wanting to act now but the Torchbearer wanting to wait for the right moment to really crush the bishops. Clancy decides to not attend the meetings any longer and instead begins to write his letters and music, attempting to find his own way out of Dema – not fully aware that the Torchbearer is the leader of the banditos.
Torchbearer believes Clancy is a worthy person to be part of the rebellion and knows he will eventually play a key role in the downfall of Dema.
The Torchbearer is the first one to leave Dema and sets up camp while more and more banditos slowly trickle out from the catacombs.
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arriansarchive · 2 years ago
Regular Request Rules + NSFW Request Rules
Regular (non-smut) Requests Basic Rules
Request in the ask box
I am allowed to not answer (shouldn't have to be said but it is)
Do not request the same thing twice
I might add/change more rules and characters as time goes on because I'm forgetful
Just Notes
Why is my Miles Morales shit post getting reblogged pleeease pick anything other than that
Reader Rules (non-smut)
I will preferably do male reader
I might do gn reader
I won't do female reader so don't ask
I will accept reader being a characters sibling
Character Rules (non-smut)
I will do romantic female characters
I will do romantic male characters
Reader Rules (smut)
I will do dom!top!reader
I will do sub!top!reader
I will not do sub!bottom!reader
Kink Rules (obviously smut)
I will do degradation
I will not do praise (I'm horrible at it sorry)
I will not do pet names of any kind
I might do other kinks if you specify
Character Rules (smut)
I would preferably do m/m
I will try to do gn/m
I will not do gn/f
I will do m/f
Fandoms I Will Do
Spiderman Into/Across The Spiderverse
Miles Morales
Peter B. Parker
Miguel O'Hara
Pavitr Prabhakar
Hobie Brown
Gwen Stacy
Harry Potter
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Hermione Granger
Neville Longbottom
Luna Lovegood
Ginny Weasley
(depends) Draco Malfoy
Nymphadora Tonks
Fiona Gallagher
Lip Gallagher
Ian Gallagher
Carl Gallagher
Mickey Milkovich
Mandy Milkovich
Veronica Fisher
Kevin Ball
Possibly others if you mention them
Young Sheldon
Georgie Cooper
Mary Cooper
IT Chapter 1/2
Richie Tozier
Eddie Kaspbrack
Bill Debsbrough
Stanley Uris
Beverly Marsh
Ben Hanscom
Mike Hanlon
Eddie/Richie (movie/book)
Ben/Bill (book)
Bill/Stan (movie/book)
Stranger Things
Mike Wheeler
Will Byers (male reader only)
Dustin Henderson
Lucas Sinclair
Max Mayfield
Steve Harrington
Nancy Wheeler
Jonathan Byers
Jason Carver
Eddie Munson
Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children (book)
Alma LeFay Peregrine
Caul Bentham
Jacob Portman
Emma Bloom
Fiona Frauenfeld
Hugh Apiston
Noor Pradesh
Millard Nullings
Eleventh doctor
Twelfth doctor
Clara Oswald
Amy Pond
Rory Williams
River song
Fear Street
Kate Schmidt
Simon Kalivoda
Josh Johnson
Ziggy Berman
Cindy Berman
Sally Face
Sal Fisher
Larry Johnson
Ashley Campell
Todd Morrison
Travis Phelps
Top Gun: Maverick
Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin
Natasha 'Phoenix' Trace
Nick Nelson
Charlie Spring (x m!reader only)
Tao Xu
Harry Greene
Elle Argent
James McEwan (x m!reader only)
Imogen Heanley
The Fosters
Mariana Foster
Jesus Foster
Callie Adams-Foster
Jude Adams-Foster (x m!reader only)
Brandon Foster
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe
Darius the Great Deserves Better
The 13th Reality
Atticus "Tick" Higginbottom
Sofia Pacini
Paul (insert last name here since I forgot)
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possessionisamyth · 5 months ago
(... I can't remember where I read this or something but apparently Village wasn't supposed to be a mainline game it was supposed to be Revelations 3 I wonder what that story would be like)
I am currently playing RE5 with my sister not for awhile as technology is being a pain (also distractions) and sis only knows what RE5 tells us about code veronica is what RE5 tells us which is when it Code Veronica takes place and at the minute we are both of the opinion that we have to know the story of Code Veronica especially when Wesker shows up.
I am of the opinion that a way for a RE5 remake to work is to have it like Revelations 2 as in a dual campaign with different characters so Josh and Sheva could work together (more time with Sheva) then realise they're out of their depth or they get the info on Jill being alive and call Chris in themselves and then we play as Chris and Sheva with Sheva taking point because of her familarity with the area and level headed-ness also make it so when Chris meets up with her he has his RE6 team you know the ones? they all die at the start and it's just? sucks to be them? Basically make us care about them make us feel sad when they die.
Hello! Sorry! I forgot about this ask sitting in my inbox.
I agree with everything except about Chris having his RE6 team with him. Sheva and Josh's entire team gets killed in the original, so it feels disingenuous to have a bunch of white guys go into the country to save everyone. Chris being alone when he goes there does several things:
Firmly establishes him as the outsider and a target.
Reiterates that when Jill, who everyone else has accepted as dead, took that fall he was alone in refusing to let it go for years.
Keeps the cast small so we have a chance to actually delve into these characters and their motivations.
Chris not being able to blend into the crowd because of his whiteness works in the favor of people who want him dead. It won't take much to point him out when he leaves a building, find him on cameras, or simply ask a local "hey, have you seen this guy?". The fading into the crowd he would be used to in Europe, Canada, and the USA is null here, and that's such an interesting concept I know the devs would never capitalize on. If he had a group with him they could feign as a tourist group or something if they really needed a disguise, and that just isn't as interesting.
Secondly, Chris being sent in primarily alone not only shows his stubbornness but allows us to see the cracks of corruption within the BSAA.
Chris's line of "Do you ever feel like you're expendable?" after asking for back-up multiple times only to be denied? That's great! It works way better when he's the only white guy in the group! Sheva had her back up, and she lost it the same time as Josh did. Chris going there alone and having his requests denied to the frustration of everyone else, also probably means he's been wasting resources hunting for Jill. They don't want to spend anymore money or waste anymore time on his wild goose chases, so they don't.
The fact that the situation gets worse and worse, and the BSAA exerting a show of force would be helpful but refrains regardless? Wow! That adds a necessary layer for me to understand Chris in RE8 and how he works with the organization he fucking founded. It establishes there's something wrong. The BSAA had so much money and resources to spend on tech and weapons in Revelations 1, so with RE5 as the follow up you go "hmmm, where did that money go?" Bad places! It went bad places!
Finally, small casts in a video game work the best for the narrative. RE6 was overloaded with characters and that was another thing the game suffered for outside of the strange mechanics and required co-op(with or without ai) feature. Ada didn't need a damn partner for her run, not sorry. AAA games have decided to throw optimization out the window in favor of "realistic graphics" and if RE4R sits at a hideous 50+GB with their cast size, it would be worse adding Chris' whole RE6 team.
Sure them being there might develop their characters, but it would take attention away from Sheva and Josh. They definitely wouldn't cut off Wesker or Excella's screen time. They need to establish the baddies, and this includes that annoying little guy in the suit they were tailing for half the game. And since RE5 had such a mixed reception including game journalists going through efforts to find white professors who study race theory to "prove the game wasn't racist"....I just...let's not center more white people when they're killing a bunch of infected black people within an imaginary african country.
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xplrvibes · 1 year ago
since you seem to know the people in destination fear (now project fear), I need to ask two things: are they known for faking evidence? & is that tall guy (i believe his name is tanner)’s voice truly that deep? cause damn dude 😰😰. I’ve been watching some of their videos (currently watching pennhurst) and they seem to get a good chunk of evidence. i’m digging them so far, since snc haven’t been giving me the rush anymore with all their guests and dares and rituals and re-enactments, feels like i’m watching a fabricated reality show tbh. worth for the entertainment, completely null for the paranormal. i’ve watched other paranormal content creators, like paranormal files, twin paranormal (their personalities are SO stark contrast against their looks, makes me laugh every single time), Steve and Dylan’s channel (which I also really like and miss them collabing w snc), exploringwithjosh (though less now bc he collabs a lot w seth and after that incident and what his ex said, which left me completely nauseated, I can’t watch the guy anymore. shame bc I really liked his vibe investigating and how good he was at Estes), even kris and celina as well but I guess I’m digging paranormal fear more and more as I watch their content.
I don't actually know of anything controversial with them paranormal wise. I will say; however, that Dakota got his start on Ghost Adventures before Zak spun him out into his own show (which Zak was the EP of for many years)...so take from that what you will.
I truly don't watch any paranormal content on youtube these days, outside of snc (and that I mostly watch for snc themselves, tbh). I did watch a few episodes of Destination Fear over the years and didn't mind it, but to be honest, I tend to forget that they moved to YouTube and do their thing over there now. My brain is just so fried these days lol.
Now, Twin Paranormal is one who I will say I find extremely suspect, paranormal evidence wise. Anyone who uses a cell phone app for evp's is just...not for me 🤣.
I don't think you have to worry about Josh and Seth collabing anymore, anon. Josh made it clear that those days are over, from my understanding.
I believe he also made it clear that he's going back to urbex content because the paranormal community has gotten so out of hand lately, so I guess it doesn't really matter. But yea, Josh is flying solo these days.
Anywho, snc and Project Fear did recently film a collab (or maybe 2, not sure) together, so there is that to look forward to as well, if you're in to Project Fear and want to see snc maybe give the hyperactive streamer route a break!
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theraiderramble · 4 months ago
Confidence In Bloated Coaching Staff Hasn't Wavered For Raiders HC Antonio Pierce
All of the experience that was once coveted on the Raiders coaching staff has been null after a disastrous 2-7 start this season. Still, head coach Antonio Pierce is standing by them (unless your name is Luke Getsy).
All of the experience that was once coveted on the Las Vegas Raiders coaching staff has been null after a disastrous 2-7 start this season. Still, head coach Antonio Pierce is standing by them (unless your name is Luke Getsy). In retrospect, one could argue that the Raiders locker room would have exerted maximum effort for anyone other than Josh McDaniels during the previous season. But that…
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angelloverde · 6 months ago
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"Mo Soul" Player Playlist 20-26 August
Manuals - Mpg
Janet Dubois - Queen Of The Highway
The Soul Children - Who Is She (And What Is She To You)
Deep Heat - Do It Again
Deja-Move Feat. MsJames - Bring it Back
Jamiroquai - Cosmic Girl
Veronique Sanson - Bernard's Song (Il N'est De Nulle Part)
Marcio Alexandre - Eu Nao Passo Sem Dinheiro
Joe Bataan - Keep The Change
The Herbaliser - Takedown (The Gaff Salt Popcorn Remix)
Elektrons - Sunshine Love
Barry White - You're The One I Need (Remix)
Josh Milan - Your Body (Louie Vega Eol Mix)
DJ Mitsu - The Beats Hope (DJ Mitsu Remix)
Lauryn Hill - Lost Ones (Dj Inko Remix)
Womack & Womack - M.P.B. (Missing Persons Bureau)
Mr President - Bike Riding
Andy Gibb - Shadow Dancing (Dj ''S'' Remix)
The Soul Motivators - Throw The Bones
Chocolate Milk - Time Machine
Afternoons In Stereo - Saarinen In Dub
Jim Snidero - A Doll (Satin Doll)
Brother Mister & Christian McBride - Inside Straight
Ruby Turner - Love Was Here
Billy Jones - Here With You
Charlie Mars - How I Roll
Roachford - Ride The Storm
Me'Shell Ndegeocello - Call Me
Soulive Feat. Chaka Khan - Back Again
Angel Lo Verde - Freedom
If you really want to enjoy music and help musicians and bands, buy their lp’s or cd’s and don’t download mp3 formats. There is nothing like good quality sound!!!
(Angel Lo Verde / Mo Soul)
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cartoonradfem · 10 months ago
jersh streams on my jersh's monday and friday.
thankful lmao gati (glad at the internet)
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mitchbeck · 7 months ago
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christianpureofficial · 9 months ago
Culture of death advances in Spain with two new developments
Source null / Credit: Josh Applegate/Unsplash ACI Prensa Staff, Jun 19, 2024 / 17:30 pm (CNA). The culture of life suffered two setbacks as the culture of death advanced again in Spain: The government is proposing to extend euthanasia to people with mental illness, while the Constitutional Court ruled in favor of abortion for minors 16 and over without parental knowledge. According to the…
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oldiesstationlover11607 · 4 months ago
it's p obvious who I am w these requests bc I literally said so in the comments of my first request but THANK YOU SO MUCH IM OVER THE MOON!!!!!!!! you're a v talented writer I really like these so so much ///////
I've had a loose idea for hanahaki in relation to clancebearer + rebel red carnations / the yellow petals but I have. No idea what to do about that. Maybe you would have some clue LOL
Petals - Torchbearer!Josh Dun x Reader
Warnings: hanahaki + near death experience 😭
Word Count: 1074 - short and sweet
A/N: I don't write for joshler/clance-bearer but I thought I'd write something similar bc I thought this idea was interesting. I saw your other comment about using the null symbol bc you've liked it before tøp so i'm okay with that being ur anon symbol/emjoi thing. Hopefully you enjoy this and request a few more things :) I also have NO idea who u are btw lol.
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I never told anyone. It was too much to admit, even to myself. I thought if I kept ignoring it, it would just go away—that maybe if I swallowed it all down hard enough, I could force it back where it belonged. But emotions, like flowers, have a way of growing in the dark.
And it started with yellow.
It was always yellow with him. That color meant loyalty, protection, rebellion. Every time we stood side by side, I’d see the flash of yellow on his clothes. I wanted to ask him what it all meant, why he wore it with such conviction. But then, what did I know about loyalty?
After all, I couldn’t even stay true to myself.
I’d been with the Torchbearer for so long, following him through every battle, every narrow escape from Dema, through the endless fight to keep the torch burning. I admired him, envied him even. He was always so sure of what he was doing, so steady when everything around us seemed to fall apart.
But somewhere along the way, admiration became something else. Something more painful, more personal. And I knew that if I let it out, it would consume me. So, I buried it. Deep.
The problem was… it didn’t stay buried.
I felt it the first time a petal fluttered from my lips, a strange tickling sensation that I brushed off as dust or something in the air. But the petals kept coming, like little reminders that I was no longer in control. Bright, vibrant yellow petals—his color. Every time I coughed, I found more. I started hiding them, stuffing them into my pockets or crushing them beneath my heel when no one was looking.
I thought I could manage it. After all, I’d managed to keep my feelings hidden from him, hadn’t I?
But it was getting worse. The pressure in my chest was unbearable some days, like something had rooted itself deep inside my lungs and refused to let go. The more I tried to swallow it down, the more it seemed to grow, spreading its roots until even breathing felt like a struggle.
I couldn’t tell him. I couldn’t tell anyone.
Then came the day of the hike.
The Torchbearer had suggested it, saying we all needed a break, a moment to step away from Dema’s gray walls and the constant threat of the Bishops. Clancy had agreed, and before I knew it, we were hiking through the woods just outside the city limits. The air was fresh, the sky clear, and for a little while, I thought maybe this could help. Maybe I could breathe.
But I couldn’t.
Each step felt heavier than the last. I could barely keep up, my breaths coming in short gasps. My throat burned, and I could feel the petals pushing up, scratching at the back of my throat, begging to be released.
I stumbled, my vision blurring. The Torchbearer’s voice cut through the haze, calling my name, but it sounded distant, like he was miles away instead of just a few steps ahead.
“Are you okay?” His voice was close now, his hand on my arm, steadying me. I didn’t dare look at him. I didn’t want him to see what was happening.
But it was too late.
The moment I opened my mouth to speak, a cluster of yellow petals spilled out, floating to the ground between us. I froze, my breath catching in my chest as more petals followed—whole flowers now, bright and vivid and wrong. I couldn’t stop it.
The Torchbearer’s eyes widened, his hand tightening around my arm as he crouched in front of me. “What—what is this?”
I choked, trying to push the words out between the petals, but it was useless. My throat was full of them, each one sharper than the last, tearing at me from the inside. Tears stung my eyes as I doubled over, clutching my chest, my hands trembling as more flowers fell.
He didn’t let go. His voice was frantic now, his eyes scanning me, desperate for answers I couldn’t give. “Hey, what’s happening?” He looked at Clancy, who seemed to know exactly what’s going on. 
The truth was as tangled inside me as the flowers themselves. “It’s—” I coughed again, spitting out another petal, my voice raw and strained. 
“It’s Hanahaki disease,” Clancy started, “it happens sometimes in Dema, a–uh, side effect of repressing your feelings–romantic ones.”
The Torchbearer’s brows furrowed in confusion. “I don’t—what does that mean? Why is this happening?”
I squeezed my eyes shut, the weight of it all crushing me. 
“It means… it means she likes you.” The words fell from his lips like a confession, a release. 
The silence that followed was worse than the pain. It was suffocating, like the flowers had stolen the air from my lungs completely. I waited for him to pull away, to let go, to leave me there with my shame and the flowers that were killing me from the inside.
But he didn’t.
Instead, I felt his hand on my face, soft and steady, his thumb brushing away the tears I hadn’t even realized were there. “You—” His voice was thick, like he was trying to process it all at once. “You’re sick because of me?”
I nodded, unable to meet his eyes. 
“It happens when someone loves someone else, but they don’t think it’s mutual. The flowers grow… and eventually, they take over,” Clancy continued. 
There was a pause, and then I felt his arms wrap around me, pulling me into his chest. His voice was low, trembling. “You should have told me.”
I shook my head, words unable to escape my mouth.
“You’re not going to lose me,” he whispered, his breath warm against my hair. “You never were.”
I pulled back just enough to see his face, my heart pounding in my chest.
He smiled, a soft, sad smile that made my chest tighten. “I’m saying I love you too.” His thumb brushed over the yellow petal still clinging to my lips. “I’m saying you don’t have to do this alone anymore.”
The flowers stopped. Just like that.
As he held me, I felt the weight in my chest lift, the pressure easing as if his words had reached deep inside me and pulled the roots free. I could breathe again.
And for the first time in a long while, I wasn’t afraid of the yellow.
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reapers-sorrow · 10 months ago
I forgot that i could post my art on here so i give you my two oc’s from different stories, the first one’s name is Null (or Nicholas) and the second one’s name is Sludge (formerly Cyrus)
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Heres some lore for them both!!!
Null- hes a gay man who lived from 1967 to 1998, and lived with his boyfriend and best friend (Void, his boyfriend, and Josh, his best friend) after he left home at 17. He had bought the house at 18 after living with Void (they werent dating yet) and after he graduated High School, and when he was 20 and Void was 21, they met up again after losing contact and they began dating. Void moved in with Null six months later and then a bit after that Josh moved in as well and they lived together until Null’s untimely death at 31, after drunk driving and crashing into a tree.
Sludge- he was adopted at ten by a family in a small village, they treated him like a servant to them, and so he moved out as soon as he could at 18, going to college and then becoming a police man after working many other jobs, until his village was bombed and the radiation from said bomb turned him into the monster he is now. His overly serious attitude was replaced by a more carefree one as he lost most of his memories due to a coma he was in for about a week after the explosion. Hes one of the only 2 people who survived the bomb.
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grievedifferent · 5 months ago
he's waiting for what feels like the obvious — he's waiting for a blowout. at the start of her denial of him, josh backs away to give her space but stays near so that she might unleash on him. this is the part of forgiveness that's hard. he knows it's not really about him, not their forgiveness, and it's about them, but their forgiveness also ties into his own, and that's the truth.
without making some sort of amends, be it for himself or the other person, josh will never recover. he wonders how much of him is part of their healing, or if they ever think of him, and when they do, he wonders if there is ever a fondness that lingers in to fill the cracks and voids of his mistakes.
the japanese fill in their cracks with gold, so that even something born of a mistake can still be beautiful and worth loving. i don't think that's going to happen here.
it never comes, of course, this onslaught he's expecting. instead, ashley seems to fold on herself, and in this folding, she offers the chair beside her to him. should i really sit here? i mean, is that okay? for her? for me?
she hasn't actually accepted his apology, and he's figuring maybe during the session, she'll clear her head and have some sort of an answer for him. he's not expecting it, because honestly, he deserves nothing from her, but at the same time ... doesn't he deserve something from her, too?
do we owe each other? or are we just ... null and void now?
where does josh's loss start and ashley's anger at him begin? somewhere in the middle ... back during the year, i guess, and back on the mountain.
the mountain. it's been sold since, naturally, and condemned by the government the last josh heard anything of it. mount washington is no more.
back to black as far as i know. good. keep it that way.
a moment's hesitation overrides his decision-making, seeing two paths before him: sit or run. after a delay, he chooses to sit, legs spreading out at the knee as his wrists come to rest evenly on them, posture hunching as he awkwardly tries to balance both observing her openly and peering around the room. it'll start filling up soon.
❝ yeah, that guy? he is ... he's never on time. ❞
josh checks his phone as he waits for the meeting to start, and it does eventually with other lost souls who gather here to connect; to find meaning, purpose, redemption, connection, and anything else that kindred spirits come together over. he's not kindred, not yet, and he thinks he's more akin to kindling like a small fire ready to brew and spill over the moment things become unstable again when just enough gasoline is added from his own hand or the hands of others.
i'm burning, and i don't belong here. i should leave.
but he can't stand up quick enough, instead accidentally opting to address the room first. thems the rules. so, he speaks, and it's a bit clumsy, though well-meaning, and manages to be conveyed articulately with enough fluidity to provide its purpose.
❝ i want to be forgiven, ❞ josh tells the group. ❝ i want to know what that's like ... and i want to know what it's like to forgive. ❞
he can't help it. he looks right at her, stifling his own discomfort long enough to (almost) make eye contact. your turn, i take it? care to share??
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there's a very slow blink as ashley's eyes finally manage to focus on the man standing in front of her. ears ring with an unnaturally shrill pitch, loud enough to keep her from hearing anything he's trying to say until the word sorry eventually manages to break through. the way it makes her stomach lurch makes her wish the head-splitting ringing had lasted longer. ash finds herself studying his face for the evidence of the years passed against her own will, brow furrowed almost imperceptibly as she watches every flicker of movement in his expression. something's just... off. there's an odd, unidentifiable pang of feeling between her ribs when the thought finally solidifies : he looks the most, and the least, like himself than she's seen him, since... jesus, she realizes as another sting splits her chest, since the night the girls went missing. she folds and unfolds her arms uncomfortably, shifting on her feet as if preparing to run -- some small part of her tells her it's silly, to still be so easily upset at just seeing him after such a long time ( and after so many more traumatizing things she experienced that night, those some years ago ). a different part wonders if she's scared of him or for him, the moment she realizes that ( unbeknownst to her ) her hands have curled into knuckle - blanching fists.
she forces herself to breathe before her face can go purple, and the air she finally manages to release comes out more like a snarl. "things got out of hand?" she wants to laugh, but nothing in her is capable of making a sound even close to it. her lip quivers long enough for her to reel back, taking two steps in the opposite direction as she squares her shoulders. she's not going to cry. that isn't who she is anymore. of course, the well of tears gathering in her eyes that turn josh into nothing more than a formless blob in front of her would beg to differ. "no." the steadiness to ashley's voice is relatively surprising, given how everything else on her body is shaking. "no, you don't get to..." snippets of past conversations come to the front of her mind; countless arguments with chris and silent stand-offs with sam, discussions about how much culpability he truly deserved; about how much they still deserved.
her frustration builds -- at herself, at him, at the fact that she's in the one place where she's supposed to feel safe to talk about any of this and that's just fucked now -- until she feels like she's about to explode. and then she deflates, instead. she does her best not to flinch when she thinks of hannah -- god, poor hannah -- and once she's swiped at her eyes enough for them to clear a bit more, she could swear he looks so much like his sisters. the ghost of her guilt stands in front of her. if his fumbling apology ( what she heard of it, anyway... ) was any indication, josh felt similarly. instead of trying to find her words again, ashley simply picks up two of the lukewarm cups of coffee from the table behind her and shoves one in his direction, face tilted to the ground, and walks wordlessly to drop into one of the foldout chairs in the circle. she isn't sure, between the two of them, who she wants to hide from more at the moment. a moment of hesitation passes before she gestures to the seat next to her with an indignant sniffle. "you can sit down. gary comes in late on fridays."
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