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Mary, Mother of Jesus
Mary of Nazareth, the mother of Jesus Christ, is one of the most venerated women from the ancient world. Her most common epithet is "the virgin Mary." She is celebrated by Eastern Orthodox Churches, Catholicism, and various Protestant denominations as "the mother of God." In Islam, Surah 19 of the Quran, the surah of Maryam, is devoted to her.
Stories of Mary evolved over time. Our earliest source for Christianity are the letters of Paul the Apostle to the Gentiles. Written before the canonical gospels, Paul did not name her. We have only: "But when the fullness of time had come, God sent his son, born of a woman, born under the law" (Galatians 4:4).
Mary in the Gospels
Ancient cultures shared a conviction that great people often had a miraculous birth, usually with the mating of a god with a human woman.
The gospels of Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John (70-100 CE) are our sources for Mary. Confusing at times, there are many women named Mary in the gospels. Then (as now) people named their children after famous figures. The name Mary derived from the Aramaic Mariam, in koine Greek, Maria. Miriam was the sister of Moses.
The earliest gospel, Mark (c. 70 CE), began in medias res, with the adult Jesus beginning his ministry in Nazareth:
On the Sabbath he began to teach in the synagogue, and many who heard him were astounded. They said, "Where did this man get all this? What is this wisdom that has been given to him? What deeds of power are being done by his hands! Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary and brother of James and Joses and Judas and Simon, and are not his sisters here with us?" And they took offense at him.
(Mark 6:2-3)
Although not described as a follower in the earthly ministry, we know that his brother James was a historical figure because Paul visited with him twice, and he is referred to as "James, the Lord's brother" in Galatians 1:18. In Acts, James is one of the leaders of the new movement in Jerusalem. Early Christianity understood the siblings as other children of Mary after the birth of Christ.
Matthew and Luke both began their gospels with a nativity story (a birth story) of Jesus. The motivation was most likely to convince people that Jesus was the messiah, predicted by the prophets of Israel. They did this through references to the books of the prophets in the Jewish scriptures. At the same time, ancient cultures shared a conviction that great people often had a miraculous birth, usually with the mating of a god with a human woman.
Matthew's gospel describes the birth of Jesus as follows:
Now the birth of Jesus the messiah took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been engaged to Joseph, but before they lived together, she was found to be pregnant from the holy spirit. Her husband Joseph, being a righteous man and unwilling to expose her to public disgrace, planned to divorce her quietly. But just when he had resolved to do this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, "Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife, for the child conceived in her is from the holy spirit." All this took place to fulfill what had been spoken by the Lord through the prophet: "Look, the virgin shall become pregnant and give birth to a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel," which means, "God is with us." When Joseph awoke from sleep, he did as the angel of the Lord commanded him; he took her as his wife but had no marital relations with her until she had given birth to a son, and he named him Jesus."
(Matthew 1:18-23)
The holy spirit at this point was not the third entity of what became the Trinity in 325 CE. It was a reference to the spirit of God, which animated Adam when he "breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being" (Genesis 2:7). It was the spirit of God that possessed the prophets with the ability to speak in God's name and perform miracles.
Readers are sometimes confused with a reference to divorce, as they were not married yet. Both betrothals and marriages were done through a legal contract, exchanging the property of the father to the new husband. To undo an original contract, another contract, that of divorce, was required.
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Jump Wins By Dancer
17 Wins: Cami Vorhees
11 Wins: Kayla Mak
8 Wins: Brady Farrar, Brooklyn Simpson, Kya Massimino, Madison Taylor, Vivian Ruiz
7 Wins: Ella Horan, Kamryn Funk, Nicholas Bustos, Ying Lei Pham
6 Wins: Crystal Huang, Hailey Meyers, Katie McCleary, Kayla LaVine, Lily Gentile, Lola Iglesias, Rachel Quiner
5 Wins: Ava Brooks, Brooklyn Cooley, Christina Ricucci, Elizabeth Scott Lanier, Ellary Day Szyndlar, Giselle Gandarilla, Gracyn French, Isabella Jarvis, Jonathan Wade, Kaylin Maggard, Kylee Casares, Lucy Vallely, Mariana Rodriguez, Olivia Alboher, Sarah Moore, Sophia Lucia
4 Wins: Aimee Brotton, Ali Ogle, Ana Maria Zertuche, Ava Wagner, Avery Gay, Cambry Bethke, Camille Cabrera, Campbell Clark, Carly Thinfen, Christian Burse, David Keingatti, Destanye Diaz, Eliana Hayward, Emma Sutherland, Hailey Bills, Halle Lum, Izzy Howard, Jackson Roloff-Hafenbreadl, Jaycee Wilkins, Jayci Kalb, Kelsie Jacobson, Kensington Dressing, Lauren Yakima, Logan Epstein, Madalin Autry, Makaia Roux, Makayla Ryan, Mary Jordan Clodfelter, Mila Simunic, Patricio Lopez, Rosie Elliott, Sabine Nehls, Scott Autry, Sophia Frilot, Sophie Garcia, Stella Brinkerhoff, Sylvia Borash, Talia Gabriel, Taylor Worden, Tim Blankenship, Valadie Cammack
3 Wins: Addison Moffett, Aimee Smyke, Ali Deucher, Allie Andrew, Alyssa Robert, Amy Benedetto, Avery Lau, Bostyn Brown, Braylynn Grizzaffi, Britton Johnson, Brooke Cheek, Brooke Cox, Brooke Toro, Caden Hunter, Caitlyn Polis, Camila Cordero, Candace Vincent, Casey Tran, Chau, Chloe Madding, D'Angelo Castro, Dasha Waldemer, Dyllan Blackburn, Ella Dobler, Ella Jones, Ellen Grace Olansen, Emma York, Erin Bailey, Esme Chou, Findlay McConnel, Fiona Sartain, Fiona Wu, Grace Lethbridge, Harper Anderson, Hayden Hopkins, Hudson Pletcher, Isabel Ulloa, Isabella Lynch, Isabella Vorhees, Isabella Weidmann, Jazmine Raine Werner, Jessica Ferretti, Josie Lutz, JT Church, Justin Pham, Keagan Capps, Keely Meyers, Keira Redpath, Kennedy Anderson, Lauren Shaw, Libby Borash, Lindsey Weaver, Logan Hernandez, Lucia Piedrahita, Mackenzie Meldrum, Maddie Ziegler, Maria Jose Gonzalez, Mariandrea Villegas, Marion Norris, Michelle Quiner, Mini Preston, Miyah LaGrant, Morgan Higgins, Neala Murphy, Nicole Ishimaru, Payton Schultz, Preslie Rosamond, Rachel Louiselle, Reegan Francis, Regina Lozano, Ricky Ubeda, Ruby Castro, Samantha Falk, Savannah Folding, Savannah Manning, Savannah Manzel, Scarlett Ferrell, Selena Hamilton, Sidney Ramsey, Sienna Morris, Sylvie Win Szyndlar, Tessa Marr, Vera Escamilla
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L’hypocrisie est la plus grande grande forme d’injustice .
C’est un hommage que le vice a donné à la vertu et tous les vices qui sont à la modes passent pour une vertu.
Quand on y pense c’est pas la vie qui séparent les gens,c’est la méchanceté, la lâcheté, la trahison,le manque de respect.
ça le respect faudrait que l’on en parle mais un autre fois bon…
C’est sur que la vraie nature d’une personne ne se dévoile pas à première vu,mais portées attention je l’ai déjà écrit CHOISSISEZ BIEN elle se dévoile par ses actes trop gentille et la belle tromperie et le mensonge et dans lequels on accepte de vivre et qui donne mal au cœur qui donne parfois envie de vomir.
Allez allez vivre plus proche de la vérité,même si c’est difficile même si c’est différent de ce quelle est la vie des autres,
c’est le meilleure chemin à emprunter. sinon l’hypocrisie nous donne jamais un jour de repos.
c’est juste attirant comme une flatterie qui n’es pas apprécié et elle se manifeste chez les personnes qui vous aiment uniquement quand votre présence est utile,leurs loyauté prend fin quand il n’ont plus besoin de nous.
Eloigne toi de ceux qui cherche à te nuire et à te détruire dans le seul but de te manipuler.
Que ta vie sois prioritaire,
Ignorer les problèmes sa va pas les résoudre s’en inquiéter constamment non plus contrôler ceux que vous pouvez pour le moment,mettez les autres de côté vous pouvez pas les contrôler pour le moment et enlever les personnes hypocrites et manipulatrice dans votre vie
Avec VOUS. Mérité le vous le valez bien !!
Partager Textes à Josee Jo-anna ThompsonAvec amour 22 mai 2024
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Mes grands-pères ! Celui que j'ai photographié quand j'étais bébé est mon grand-père du côté de ma mère, Jose Meza. Il était charmant, intelligent et drôle. Nous l'avons appelé papa
Celui dans le fauteuil roulant est mon autre grand-père du côté de mon père, Luciano Herrera, nous l'avons appelé abuelito. Il était gentil, drôle et attentionné.
Ils sont tous les deux décédés et ils nous manquent beaucoup. Nous avons leurs belles histoires pour nous souvenir d'eux

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Saints&Reading: Sunday, November 5, 2023
october 23_november 5
The Holy Apostle James, the Brother of God (Adelph��theos) was the son of the Righteous Joseph before he was betrothed to the Most Holy Theotokos. Tradition says that Joseph had other sons with his first wife. Thus, James was called the Lord's brother. Saint James had been a Nazirite, a man or woman consecrated to God for a limited time. During the period of consecration the Nazirites vowed to to abstain from wine and other intoxicating beverages, they could not cut their hair, and all contact with a corpse was forbidden (Numbers 6:1-21).
When the Savior began to proclaim the Kingdom of God, Saint James believed in Christ and became His Apostle. Later, he was chosen as the first Bishop of Jerusalem.
Saint James presided over the Council of Jerusalem and his word was decisive (Acts 15). In his thirty years as bishop, Saint James converted many Jews to Christianity. Angered by this, the Pharisees and the Scribes plotted together to kill the holy bishop. They led him up on the pinnacle of the Jerusalem Temple and asked him what he thought of Jesus. The holy Apostle bore witness that Christ is the Messiah, which was not the response the Pharisees were expecting. Enraged, the Jewish leaders threw him off the roof. He did not die at once, but gathering his final strength, he prayed to the Lord for his enemies while they were stoning him. Saint James’ martyrdom occurred about 63 A.D.
The holy Apostle James composed a Divine Liturgy, which formed the basis of the Liturgies of Saints Basil the Great and John Chrysostom. The Church has preserved an Epistle of Saint James, one of the books of the New Testament. In it Saint James advises: "Let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, and slow to wrath" James 1:19) and "Be doers of the word, and not just hearers, deceiving yourselves" (James 1:22).
In 1853, Patriarch Hierótheos of Alexandria sent a portion of the relics of Saint James to Moscow.
The Church distinguishes between the Holy Apostle James the Brother of God, Saint James the son of Zebedee (April 30), and Saint James the son of Alphaeus (October 9).
Saint James the Apostle is also commemorated on the Sunday after the Nativity of Christ, with the Prophet-King David and Saint Joseph the Betrothed.

11 But I make known to you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached by me is not according to man. 12 For I neither received it from man, nor was I taught it, but it came through the revelation of Jesus Christ. 13 For you have heard of my former conduct in Judaism, how I persecuted the church of God beyond measure and tried to destroy it. 14 And I advanced in Judaism beyond many of my contemporaries in my own nation, being more exceedingly zealous for the traditions of my fathers. 15 But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother's womb and called me through His grace, 16 to reveal His Son in me, that I might preach Him among the Gentiles, I did not immediately confer with flesh and blood, 17 nor did I go up to Jerusalem to those who were apostles before me; but I went to Arabia, and returned again to Damascus. 18 Then after three years I went up to Jerusalem to see Peter, and remained with him fifteen days. 19 But I saw none of the other apostles except James, the Lord's brother.
MATTHEW 13:54-58
54 When He had come to His own country, He taught them in their synagogue, so that they were astonished and said, "Where did this Man get this wisdom and these mighty works? 55 Is this not the carpenter's son? Is not His mother called Mary? And His brothers James, Joses, Simon, and Judas? 56 And His sisters, are they not all with us? Where then did this Man get all these things? 57 So they were offended at Him. But Jesus said to them, "A prophet is not without honor except in his own country and in his own house." 58 Now He did not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief.
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TANGO ENGRAMPADO "Las garras del condenado" (2023 - disco completo)
Tango contemporáneo, de la ciudad de Rosario, Sta Fe, Argentina.
Se estrenó el 8 abr 2023 ROSARIO00:00 00. Presentación 00:52 01. SEMILLA DE CRÁPULA (intro) 03:32 02. BANDIDOS, TIRANOS Y RUFIANES 08:22 03. MUNDO CLONAZEPANEADO 12:08 04. MILONGA DE LA BICICLETA 15:23 05. EL ARPÓN 19:03 06. JARDINES DE ESCOMBRO 22:43 07. METAMORFOSIS ADOLESCENTE (Flema) 25:39 08. EL ESTIÉRCOL DE LAS BESTIAS 28:41 09. AMOR SIN FRONTERAS 33:14 10. MISMO MOMENTO (Mocchi) 36:18 11. LOS ANTIPOBRES Santiago Lagar: guitarras, programación, coros, acapella, arreglos Rodrigo Lagar: guitarras, bajo, coros, arreglos Daniel Kalbermatten: guitarras, coros, arreglos Mauro Gentile: letras, voz Sonia Carrion: Voz, palmas en “El estiércol de las bestias” maria jose jimenez: Palmas en “El estiércol de las bestias” Inés Kalbermatten: Voz en “Metamorfosis adolescente” David Solo: Coros en “Metamorfosis adolescente” Carlos Quilici: Bandoneón en “El arpón” Alfredo Tape Rubín: Recitado en “El arpón” Renzo Orlandini: Serrucho en “Jardines de escombro” Mauricio Palavecino: Percusión en “Los antipobres” Luis Beretta: Voz en “Los antipobres” Ramón Caribe: Diálogos en “Amor sin fronteras” y “Milonga de la bicicleta” Vic Cicuta: Diálogo en “Milonga de la bicicleta” Jorge Chango Contreras: Fotografías Grabado, mezclado, masterizado y producido por Santiago Lagar en UMA Estudio. Diseño, dibujos, arte de tapa, edición de video, escenas en La Hormigonera: Mauro Gentile. Todos los temas compuestos y arreglados por TANGO ENGRAMPADO, excepto "Metamorfosis adolescente" (Flema) y "Mismo momento" (Mocchi). Rosario. Santa Fe. Argentina. 2023
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"erasing jewish characters' jewishness and judaism isn't antisemitism because there are currently waves of physically violent antisemitism all over the world" is without a doubt............the coldest take i have ever seen
#jumblr#and this person is jewish apparently!!#when you say shit like that and slap on a 'jew approved' sticker#it gives gentiles permission to continue with their shit#but it's 2020 and i'm jose blocking the user and moving on#peace fam ✌🏽✡️
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I hoped I had discovered BKV’s forgotten masterpiece, but it’s just kind of ok
#Mystique#jorge lucas#oscar carreno#daniel perez sanchez#paul tutrone#randy gentile#joseph michael linsner#jose villarrubia#david perez sanchez#michael ryan#raul fernandez#adrian alphona#manuel garcía#matt milla#rus wooton#greg horn#mike mayhew#mike raicht#nova ren suma#teresa focarile#cory sedlmeier#jennifer grunwald#marvel#x-box#back issues
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Nunca pensei que diria isso aqui...

Mas a menina boba cresceu!
E está apaixonadissima, aquela menina mimada, filhinha de papai não existe mais, estraguei minha vida? Estraguei com mentiras e filhas da putagens mas beleza, estou escrevendo isso aqui como um desabafo, pois se arrependimento matasse eu já estaria morta, me desculpem Rodrigo, Cesar, Anhuar e uma puta galera massa que conheci e fiquei encantada com a maneira de ser de cada um, o Rodrigo é o cara mais engraçado que já conheci e que um dia me apaixonei, o Cesar é o cara mais locão que já conheci e o Anhuar... O Anhuar é maneirasso, menino inteligente, bom, gentil e do mesmo jeito vou falar do Jose Alberto, gente finissima, um bom garoto, bem familia na qual "quase" estraguei a vida e a carreira dele, menino tu vai longe, aliás já está indo... E agora tem o Biel, ah... O amor da minha vida, meu crush de quinta série, eu o amo demais e ele merece SIM a Taise de hoje, mais clean, mais focada, mais familia.
Acho que é isso. Obrigada pela compreensão!
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Alza su tersa frente, Juventud Filipina, en este día! Luce resplandeciente Tu rica gallardía, Bella esperanza de la Patria Mia!
Itaas ang iyong noong aliwalas, Mutyang Kabataan, sa iyong paglakad; Ang bigay ng Diyos sa tanging liwanag Ay pagitawin mo, Pag-asa ng Bukas.
Vuela, genio grandioso, Y les infunde noble pensamiento, Que lance vigoroso, Mas rápido que el viento, Su mente virgen al glorioso asiento.
Ikaw ay bumaba, O katalinuhan, Mga puso namin ay nangaghihintay; Magsahangin ka nga't ang aming isipa'y Ilipad mo roon sa kaitaasan.
Baja con la luz grata De las artes y ciencias a la arena, Juventud, y desata La pesada cadena Que tu genio poético encadena.
Taglayin mo lahat ang kagiliw-giliw Na ang silahis ng dunong at sining; Kilos, Kabataan, at iyong lagutin, Ang gapos ng iyong diwa at damdamin.
Ve que en la ardiente zona Do moraron las sombras, el hispano Esplendente corona, Con pia sabia mano, Ofrece al hijo de este suelo indiano.
Masdan mo ang putong na nakasisilaw, Sa gitna ng dilim ay dakilang alay, Ang putong na yaon ay dakilang alay, Sa nalulugaming iyong Inang Bayan.
Tu, que buscando subes, En alas de tu rica fantasía, Del Olimpo en las nubes Tiernisima poesía Más sabrosa que néctar y ambrosía.
O, ikaw na iyang may pakpak ng nais At handang lumipad sa rurok ng langit, Upang kamtan yaong matamis na himig, Doon sa Olimpo'y yamang nagsisikip.
Tu, de celeste acento, Melodioso rival Filomena, Que en variado concento En la noche serena Disipas del mortal la amarga pena.
Ikaw na ang tinig ay lubhang mairog, Awit ni Pilomel na sa dusa'y gamot Lunas na mabisa sa dusa't himutok Ng kaluluwang luksa't alipin ng lungkot.
Tu que la pena dura Animas al impulso de tu mente, Y la memoria pura Del genio refulgente Eternizas con genio prepotente.
Ikaw na ang diwa'y nagbibigay-buhay, Sa marmol na batong tigas ay sukdulan, At ang alaalang wagas at dalisay Sa iyo'y nagiging walang-kamatayan
Y tu, que el vario encanto De Febo, amado del divino Apeles, Y de natura el manto Con mágicos pinceles Trasladar al sencillo lienzo sueles.
At ikaw, O Diwang mahal kay Apeles, Sinuyo sa wika ni Pebong marikit, O sa isang putol na lonang makitid Nagsalin ng kulay at ganda ng langit.
Corred! que sacra llama Del genio el lauro coronar espera, Esparciendo la fama Con trompa pregonera El nombre del mortal por la ancha espera.
Hayo na ngayon dito papag-alabin mo, Ang apoy ng iyong isip at talino, Ang magandang ngala'y ihasik sa mundo, At ipagbansagan ang dangal ng tao.
Dia, dia felice, Filipinas gentil, para tu suelo! Al Potente bendice Que con amante anhelo La ventura te envia y el consuelo.
O dakilang araw ng tuwa at galak, Magdiwang na ngayon, sintang Pilipinas! Magpuri sa Bayang sa iyo'y lumingap, Umakay sa iyo sa magandang palad.
Jose Rizal, “A La Juventud Filipina“ (Sa Kabataang Pilipino) c1879
“A La Juventud Filipina“ (To the Filipino Youth) is an 1879 prize-winning poem penned when Rizal was a student at the University of Santo Tomas. An English translation can be read here.
#Jose Rizal#Filipino Writers#Filipino Poets#Philippine literature#Philippines#tula#Maligayang Araw ng mga Bayani!
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Today, the Church remembers St. James of Jerusalem, the brother of Jesus.
Ora pro nobis.
James the Just, or a variation of James, brother of the Lord, was an early leader of the Jerusalem Church of the Apostolic Age, to which Paul was also affiliated. He died in martyrdom in 62 or 69 AD.
Eusebius records that Clement of Alexandria related, "This James, whom the people of old called the Just because of his outstanding virtue, was the first, as the record tells us, to be elected to the episcopal throne of the Jerusalem church." Other epithets are "James the brother of the Lord, surnamed the Just," and "James the Righteous." He is sometimes referred to in Eastern Christianity as "James Adelphotheos" (Greek: Ἰάκωβος ὁ Ἀδελφόθεος), James the Brother of God. The oldest surviving Christian liturgy, the Liturgy of St James, uses this epithet.
The Jerusalem Church
The Jerusalem Church was an early Christian community located in Jerusalem, of which James and Peter were leaders. Paul was affiliated with this community, and took his central kerygma, as described in 1 Corinthians 15, from this community.
According to Eusebius, the Jerusalem church escaped to Pella during the siege of Jerusalem by the future Emperor Titus in 70 AD and afterwards returned, having a further series of Jewish bishops until the Bar Kokhba revolt in 130 AD. Following the second destruction of Jerusalem and the rebuilding of the city as Aelia Capitolina, subsequent bishops were Greeks. He was the leader of the Church at Jerusalem and from the time when Peter left Jerusalem after Herod Agrippa's attempt to kill him, James appears as the principal authority who presided at Council of Jerusalem."
The Pauline epistles and the later chapters of the Acts of the Apostles portray James as an important figure in the Christian community of Jerusalem. When Paul arrives in Jerusalem to deliver the money he raised for the faithful there, it is to James that he speaks, and it is James who insists that Paul ritually cleanse himself at Herod's Temple to prove his faith and deny rumors of teaching rebellion against the Torah (Acts 21:18ff).
Paul describes James as being one of the persons to whom the risen Christ showed himself, and in Galatians 2:9, Paul lists James with Cephas (better known as Peter) and John the Apostle as the three "pillars" of the Church.
Paul describes these Pillars as the ones who will minister to the "circumcised" (in general Jews and Jewish Proselytes) in Jerusalem, while Paul and his fellows will minister to the "uncircumcised" (in general Gentiles) (2:12), after a debate in response to concerns of the Christians of Antioch. The Antioch community was concerned over whether Gentile Christians need be circumcised to be saved, and sent Paul and Barnabas to confer with the Jerusalem church. James played a prominent role in the formulation of the council's decision. James was the last named figure to speak, after Peter, Paul, and Barnabas; he delivered what he called his "decision" (Acts 15:19 NRSV) – the original sense is closer to "opinion". He supported them all in being against the requirement (Peter had cited his earlier revelation from God regarding Gentiles) and suggested prohibitions about eating blood as well as meat sacrificed to idols and fornication. This became the ruling of the Council, agreed upon by all the apostles and elders and sent to the other churches by letter.
Pauline epistles
Paul mentions meeting James "the Lord's brother" (τὸν ἀδελφὸν τοῦ κυρίου) and later calls him one of the pillars (στύλοι) in the Epistle to the Galatians (1:18-2:10) . A "James" is mentioned in Paul's First Epistle to the Corinthians, 1Corinthians 15:7, as one to whom Jesus appeared after his resurrection.
Acts of the Apostles
There is a James mentioned in Acts, which the Catholic Encyclopedia identifies with James, the brother of Jesus (Acts 12:17), and when Peter, having miraculously escaped from prison, must flee Jerusalem due to Herod Agrippa's persecution, he asks that James be informed (Acts 12:17).
James is also an authority in the early church at the Council of Jerusalem (Acts 15:13–21)
After this, there is only one more mention of James in Acts, meeting with Paul shortly before Paul's arrest: "And when we were come to Jerusalem, the brethren received us gladly. And the day following Paul went in with us unto James; and all the elders were present. (Acts 21:17–18)
The Synoptic Gospels, similarly to the Epistle to the Galatians, recognize a core group of three disciples (Peter, John and James) having the same names as those given by Paul. In the list of the disciples found in the Gospels, two disciples whose names are James, the son of Alphaeus and James, son of Zebedee are mentioned in the list of the twelve disciples: (Matthew 10:1–4)
The Gospel of Mark and the Gospel of Matthew also mention a James as Jesus' brother. The Gospel of John never mentions anyone called James, but mentions Jesus' unnamed "brothers" as being present with Mary when Jesus attended the wedding at Cana (John 2:12), and later that his brothers did not believe in him (John 7:5).
Church Fathers
Fragment X of Papias (writing in the 2nd century AD) refers to "James the bishop and apostle".
Hegesippus (2nd century AD), in the fifth book of his Commentaries, mentions that James was made a bishop of Jerusalem but he does not mention by whom: "After the apostles, James the brother of the Lord surnamed the Just was made head of the Church at Jerusalem." Hegesippus (c.110–c.180 AD), wrote five books (now lost except for some quotations by Eusebius) of Commentaries on the Acts of the Church. In describing James's ascetic lifestyle, Eusebius's Ecclesiastical History (Book II, 23) quotes Hegesippus' account of James from the fifth book of Commentaries on the Acts of the Church.
Clement of Alexandria (late 2nd century) places James as one of the apostles by saying "The Lord after his resurrection imparted knowledge to James the Just and to John and Peter, and they imparted it to the rest of the apostles and the rest of the apostles to the seventy." Clement of Alexandria wrote in the sixth book of his Hypotyposes that James the Just was chosen as a bishop of Jerusalem by Peter, James (the Greater) and John: "For they say that Peter and James and John after the ascension of our Saviour, as if also preferred by our Lord, strove not after honor, but chose James the Just bishop of Jerusalem." But the same writer, in the seventh book of the same work, relates also the following concerning him: "The Lord after his resurrection imparted knowledge (gnōsin) to James the Just and to John and Peter, and they imparted it to the rest of the apostles, and the rest of the apostles to the seventy, of whom Barnabas was one."
According to Eusebius (3rd/4th century AD) James was named a bishop of Jerusalem by the apostles: "James, the brother of the Lord, to whom the episcopal seat at Jerusalem had been entrusted by the apostles". Jerome wrote the same: "James... after our Lord's passion... ordained by the apostles bishop of Jerusalem..." and that James "ruled the church of Jerusalem thirty years".
Epiphanius (4th century) , bishop of Salamis, wrote in his work The Panarion (AD 374-375) that "James, the brother of the Lord died in virginity at the age of ninety-six".
According to Jerome (4th century AD), James, the Lord’s brother, was an apostle, too; Jerome quotes Scriptures as a proof in his work "The Perpetual Virginity of Blessed Mary".
Relationship to Jesus, Mary, and Joseph
Jesus' brothers – James as well as Jude, Simon and Joses – are named in Matthew 13:55 and Mark 6:3 and mentioned elsewhere. James's name always appears first in lists, which suggests he was the eldest among them. In the passage in Josephus' Jewish Antiquities (20.9.1), the Jewish historian describes James as "the brother of Jesus who is called Christ."
Interpretation of the phrase "brother of the Lord" and similar phrases is divided between those who believe that Mary had additional children after Jesus and those (Catholics, Eastern Orthodox, and some Protestants, such as many Anglicans and Lutherans) who hold the perpetual virginity of Mary. The only Catholic doctrine which has been defined regarding the "brothers of the Lord" is that they are not biological children of Mary; thus, Catholics do not consider them as siblings of Jesus.
According to Josephus James was stoned to death by Ananus ben Ananus.
Clement of Alexandria relates that "James was thrown from the pinnacle of the temple, and was beaten to death with a club". Hegesippus cites that "the Scribes and Pharisees placed James upon the pinnacle of the temple, and threw down the just man, and they began to stone him, for he was not killed by the fall. And one of them, who was a fuller, took the club with which he beat out clothes and struck the just man on the head".
According to a passage found in existing manuscripts of Josephus' Antiquities of the Jews, (xx.9) "the brother of Jesus, who was called Christ, whose name was James" met his death after the death of the procurator Porcius Festus but before Lucceius Albinus had assumed office (Antiquities 20,9) – which has been dated to 62 AD. The High Priest Hanan ben Hanan (Anani Ananus in Latin) took advantage of this lack of imperial oversight to assemble a Sanhedrin (although the correct translation of the Greek synhedrion kriton is "a council of judges"), who condemned James "on the charge of breaking the law", then had him executed by stoning. Josephus reports that Hanan's act was widely viewed as little more than judicial murder and offended a number of "those who were considered the most fair-minded people in the City, and strict in their observance of the Law", who went so far as to arrange a meeting with Albinus as he entered the province in order to petition him successfully about the matter. In response, King Agrippa II replaced Ananus with Jesus son of Damneus.
The Church Father Origen, who consulted the works of Josephus in around 248 AD, related an account of the death of James, an account which gave it as a cause of the Roman siege of Jerusalem, something not found in our current manuscripts of Josephus.
Eusebius wrote that "the more sensible even of the Jews were of the opinion that this (James' death) was the cause of the siege of Jerusalem, which happened to them immediately after his martyrdom for no other reason than their daring act against him. Josephus, at least, has not hesitated to testify this in his writings, where he says, «These things happened to the Jews to avenge James the Just, who was a brother of Jesus, that is called the Christ. For the Jews slew him, although he was a most just man.»" Eusebius, while quoting Josephus' account, also records otherwise lost passages from Hegesippus and Clement of Alexandria (Historia Ecclesiae, 2.23).
Hegesippus' account varies somewhat from what Josephus reports and may be an attempt to reconcile the various accounts by combining them. According to Hegesippus, the scribes and Pharisees came to James for help in putting down Christian beliefs.
Vespasian's siege and capture of Jerusalem delayed the selection of Simeon of Jerusalem to succeed James.
Grant, O God, that, following the example of your servant James the Just, brother of our Lord Jesus Christ, your Church may give itself continually to prayer and to the reconciliation of all who are at variance and enmity; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever.

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AC Brasil Amateur 2016 (resultados)
Resultados amateur del Arnold Classic Brasil 2016, el prestigioso certamen de fisicoculturismo y fitness. Fantástica participación de atletas locales y países vecinos. Resultados AC Brasil Amateur 2016 Women's Fitness (Open) 1. Gissella Maria Dias Gracia (Paraguay) 2. Valentina Rodríguez (Uruguay) Men's Fitness (Open) 1. Rafael Magalhães (Brasil) 2. Rene Vanderko Dos Santos (Brasil) 3. Paulo Vitor Felipe (Brasil) Culturismo +40 1. Esequiel Alves Conceição (Brasil) 2. Ricardo Plata Duran (Colombia) 3. Martín Jose Lester (Argentina) 4. Jorge Ignacio Asp (Argentina) 5. Alderino Alves Dos Santos Filho (Brasil) 6. Alexandre Osmar Pamplona (Brasil) Bodyfitness +35 1. Tibis Araque (Venezuela) 2. Romina Lameiro (Argentina) 3. Sylvia Pennas (Brasil) 4. Sandra Liliana Martinez (Colombia) 5. Laura Raquel Saccomani de Bordon (Paraguay) 6. Maria Alejandra Carmona (México) . Cláudia Gentil (Brasil) . Bally Natalia (Argentina) . Cylene Pereira (Brasil) . Soledad López (Uruguay) . Saturnina Lugo Bautista (Paraguay) . Carol Grayer (Canadá) Culturismo 70 Kg 1. Ueliton Aragão Silva (Brasil) 2. Vitor Alves Porto de Oliveira (Brasil) 3. Jean de Amorim Machado (Brasil) 4. Soepe Amoetan Koese (Suriname) 5. Duvan Rodriguez (Colombia) 6. Maroun Michel Srou (Brasil) . Thener Lúcio Carmo (Brasil) . Carlos Eduardo Da Silva (Brasil) . Rodrigo de Mello Costa (Brasil) . Diogo Dalton Guedes (Brasil) . Hubert Fagundes Paul Turrini (Brasil) . Hernández Víctor (Argentina) . Christopher Queiroz E Silva (Brasil) . Fernando Oliveira (Brasil) . Mahmoud Mokhtar Mohamed (Catar) . Kelton Thomas Trinidad E Tobago . Rodrigo Gomes Da Silva (Brasil) . Juan Fernando Chambi (Bolívia) . Evaristo Cortes Valladares (Costa Rica) . Thiago Macedo Pinho (Brasil) Culturismo 75 Kg 1. Marco Antonio Cortez (Brasil) 2. Fabricio de Souza Moreira (Brasil) 3. José Carlos de Oliveira Junior (Brasil) 4. Francisco de Assis (Brasil) 5. Jesus Maria Britos Quintana (Paraguay) 6. Elianderson Freitas Barbosa Da (Brasil) . Cleiton Da Silva Oliveira (Brasil) . Edson Castilho (Brasil) . Lenio Anderson Rego Barbosa (Brasil) . Davi José Furtado de Jesus (Brasil) . André Luis Birk (Brasil) . Frank Giovanni Rocha Cardozo (Bolívia) . Julio Cesar Ferreira Da Silva (Brasil) Culturismo 80 Kg 1. Isaquiel Costa Balbi (Brasil) 2. Antonio Inácio Ferreira Santiago (Brasil) 3. Felipe Henrique Moraes Da Silva (Brasil) 4. Diego Spadoni (Uruguay) 5. Paulo Vitor (Brasil) 6. Rafael Ribeiro (Brasil) . Diego Viegas Pinheiro (Brasil) . Jackson Barros (Brasil) . Lindow Adrián (Argentina) . Gustavo Lira Camargo (Brasil) Culturismo 85 Kg 1. Cristian Molina (Argentina) 2. Luis Gabriel Rios (Colombia) 3. Adilio Veloso de Lima (Brasil) 4. Esequiel Alves Conceição (Brasil) 5. Marciel Cristiano Mendes (Brasil) 6. Andres Marcelo Lavesolo (Uruguay) . Martín Jose Lester (Argentina) . Francisco Pereira Silva (Brasil) . Damián Izquierdo (Uruguay) . Erasmo Vieira de Sousa Maciel (Brasil) . Fernando Castro Da Silva (Brasil) . José Claudio Aguiar de Freitas (Brasil) . Johnatan Sanchez (Colombia) . Manuel Jesus Angulo Alpire (Bolívia) Culturismo 90 Kg 1. Jorlan Vieira (Brasil) 2. Geremias Da Silva (Brasil) 3. Ricardo Plata Duran (Colombia) 4. Pierre Olivier Mckinnon (Canadá) 5. Leandro Bessa Da Silva (Brasil) 6. Willian Eduardo Sanches Chirinos (Venezuela) . Elcio Custodio Dos Santos (Brasil) . Cleber Geovane Correia Lopes (Brasil) . Rafael Braga Poggi (Brasil) . Dereck Tremblay (Canadá) . Marcelo Riesco (Argentina) . Willy Lizzon (Brasil) . Edgar Ivan Rodriguez Benavides (Colombia) . Harold Carvajal Nino (Colombia) Culturismo 100 Kg 1. Ítalo Ridney Rodrigues (Brasil) 2. Ponce José (Argentina) 3. Rodrigo Cortez (Argentina) 4. Oscar Antonio Zaracho Sanches (Paraguay) 5. Camilo Andres Diaz Garzon (Colombia) 6. Helizhandro Soares de Matos (Brasil) . Luis Gonzalo Arrua (Argentina) . Martin Escobar (Colombia) . Roberto Vitória (Brasil) . Marino Santos Da Silva Junior (Brasil) . Jorge Ignacio Asp (Argentina) . Perez Facundo (Argentina) . Wendel Djoemadi Rudolf (Suriname) . Vinicius Daniel Porto Matos (Brasil) . Marcos Deivison Vidal de Matos (Brasil) Bodyfitness hasta 158 Cm 1. Guadalupe Garcia Rodriguez (Paraguay) 2. Tibis Araque (Venezuela) 3. Nora Raquel Martinez (Paraguay) 4. Sylvia Pennas (Brasil) 5. Tatiane Souza Breda (Brasil) 6. Thaise Perichi (Brasil) . Simei Pimentel de Jesus (Brasil) . María Mernes (Argentina) . Simone Nesareth Machado (Brasil) . Tamires Luana Andrade Marques (Brasil) . Mayra Mendes Kreva Da Silva (Brasil) . Carla Helena Gonçalves (Brasil) Bodyfitness hasta 163 Cm 1. Luciani Lorena (Argentina) 2. Wagna Vargas (Brasil) 3. Laura Raquel Saccomani de Bordon (Paraguay) 4. Bianca Pimentel (Brasil) 5. Kelly Da Cruz Nogueira (Brasil) 6. Alessandra Sales de Carvalho (Brasil) Bodyfitness más de 163 Cm 1. Lina Maria Herrera (Colombia) 2. Patrícia Pízio (Brasil) 3. Marissol Amaral Rios Bisquolo (Brasil) 4. Natalia Vieira de Brito (Brasil) 5. Ivonne Gutierrez Bolívia 6. Andrea Prado (Brasil) . Maria Alejandra Carmona (México) . Romina Mamani (Argentina) . Pollyanna de Oliveira Rocha (Brasil) . Carolina de Almeida (Brasil) . Camila Antunes Coelho (Brasil) . Jessica Schilling (Catar) Bodyfitness 1. Guadalupe Garcia Rodriguez (Paraguay) 2. Luciani Lorena (Argentina) 3. Lina Maria Herrera (Colombia) 4. Tibis Araque (Venezuela) Women's Physique (Open) 1. Michelly Mattos (Brasil) 2. Paloma Calandrini Cardozo de (Brasil) 3. Rosane Gomes Braga (Brasil) 4. Evelaine Rocha (Brasil) 5. Alessandra Rocha Grimaldi Costa (Brasil) 6. Giovanna Tosta Faria de Souza (Brasil) . Laís Da Hora Da Silva (Brasil) . Melissa Pinheiro Fragnan (Brasil) . Alda Maria Reis (Brasil) . Alexandra Faria Lima (Brasil) . Valdirene Santana de Oliveira (Brasil) . Rocio Ana Iris Peguero Brea (República) . Leyvina Rodrigues Barros (Brasil) Culturismo más de 100 Kg 1. Regan Taylor Grimes (Canadá) 2. Franco Domínguez (Argentina) 3. Carlos Andres Ayala Caceres (Paraguay) 4. Fabiano Ferreira (Brasil) 5. Bernardo Henrique Cesarino (Brasil) 6. Luis Alberto Gonzalez (Paraguay) . Juan Gomez Manuel (Argentina) . Jose Ramon Tineo Martinez (República) . Isaque Porto Chaves (Brasil) . Vitor Lima (Brasil) Culturismo (Absoluto) 1. Regan Taylor Grimes (Canadá) 2. Ítalo Ridney Rodrigues (Brasil) 3. Jorlan Vieira (Brasil) 4. Cristian Molina (Argentina) 5. Marco Antonio Cortez (Brasil) 6. Isaquiel Costa Balbi (Brasil) . Ueliton Aragão Silva (Brasil) . Esequiel Alves Conceição (Brasil)
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Saints&Reading: Thu., Nov. 5, 2020
Commemorated on October 23_Julian calendar
The Apostle James, Brother of the Lord (+ 63)

The Apostle James, Brother of the Lord – was the son of Righteous Joseph the Betrothed (Comm. 26 December). From his early years James was a Nazorite, a man especially dedicated to God. The Nazorites gave a vow to preserve virginity, to abstain from wine, to refrain from eating meat, and not to cut their hair. The vow of the Nazorites symbolised a life of holiness and purity, commanded formerly by the Lord for all Israel. When the Saviour began to teach the nation about the Kingdom of God, Saint James believed in Christ and became His apostle. For his God-leasing life he was chosen first bishop in the Church at Jerusalem. Saint James presided over the Council of the Apostles at Jerusalem, and his word was decisive (Acts 15). In his thirty years as bishop the Apostle James converted many of the Jews to Christianity. Annoyed by this, the Pharisees and the Scribes plotted together to kill Saint James. Having led the saint up on the roof of the Jerusalem Temple, they demanded that he renounce the Saviour of the world. But the holy Apostle James instead began to bear witness, that Christ is the True Messiah. Then the Jewish teachers shoved him off downwards. The saint did not die immediately, but gathering his final strength, he prayed to the Lord for his enemies, who at this while were stoning him. The martyr's death of Saint James occurred in about the year 63.
The holy Apostle James composed a Divine Liturgy, which has formed the basis of the liturgies, composed by Saints Bail the Great and John Chrysostomos. The Church has preserved an Epistle of the Apostle James, which under his name is included among the books of the New Testament of Holy Scripture. In the year 1853 the Alexandria Patriarch Hierotheos sent to Moscow a portion of the relics of the holy Apostle James. The Church makes a distinction between the holy Apostle James, Brother of the Lord, from James the son of Zebedee (Comm. 30 April) and James Alphaeus (Comm. 9 October).
Saint Ignatius, Patriarch of Constantinople (847-857; 867-877)
Saint Ignatius, Patriarch of Constantinople (847-857; 867-877), in the world Nikita, was of imperial lineage. When his father, the emperor Michael I (811-813), was deposed from the imperial throne by Leo the Armenian (813-820), the 15 year old youth Ignatios was imprisoned in a monastery. Life in the monastery strengthened Saint Ignatios in faith and in piety. Soon he was made hegumen of the monastery, and later on he was chosen Patriarch of Constantinople. The emperor Michael III (855-867) was still a minor in age, and the country was actually governed by his uncle, Bardas – a man impious and unchaste. The holy patriarch urged Bardas to forsake his sinful life, and he boldly denounced him in his iniquity. When Bardas attempted to force Saint Ignatios to impose monastic tonsure upon the holy Empress Theodora, – mother of the emperor, so as to remove her from governance of the realm, holy Patriarch Ignatios did not only not consent to this, but also publicly excommunicated Bardas from Communion. They tortured the holy patriarch for fifteen days to force him to resign, and then they sent him off into exile. When the new emperor came to power, Saint Ignatios was recalled from prison, and was Patriarch for another 10 years. He died in the year 877 in a monastery.
All texts © 1996-2001 by translator Fr. S. Janos.

Matthew 13:54-58
54 When He had come to His own country, He taught them in their synagogue, so that they were astonished and said, "Where did this Man get this wisdom and these mighty works? 55 Is this not the carpenter's son? Is not His mother called Mary? And His brothers James, Joses, Simon, and Judas? 56 And His sisters, are they not all with us? Where then did this Man get all these things?57So they were offended at Him. But Jesus said to them, "A prophet is not without honor except in his own country and in his own house."58 Now He did not do many mighty works there because of their unbelief.
Galatians 1:11-19
11 But I make known to you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached by me is not according to man.12 For I neither received it from man, nor was I taught it, but it came through the revelation of Jesus Christ. 13 For you have heard of my former conduct in Judaism, how I persecuted the church of God beyond measure and tried to destroy it. 14 And I advanced in Judaism beyond many of my contemporaries in my own nation, being more exceedingly zealous for the traditions of my fathers.15 But when it pleased God, who separated me from my mother's womb and called me through His grace,16 to reveal His Son in me, that I might preach Him among the Gentiles, I did not immediately confer with flesh and blood,17 nor did I go up to Jerusalem to those who were apostles before me; but I went to Arabia, and returned again to Damascus.18Then after three years I went up to Jerusalem to see Peter, and remained with him fifteen days.19 But I saw none of the other apostles except James, the Lord's brother.
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Enero 9 2023
Hay una psicología que persigo en twitter. Se especializa en gente que crece en familias de codependencia tóxica. Muchas veces me encuentro como su publico.
Cuando comparte sobre las heridas que causa crecer en estos espacios, me pongo demasiado inseguro sobre mi manera de ser. Y pienso que correcta mente.
Me quiero portar mejor para estar bien con mi universo. Esto significa para mi, ser mas autentico con la gente que amo.
Mire a mi amigo Sebastian. Lo extrañaba mucho.
Cuando estaba con Sebastian tenia dificultad con la presencia.
Después que nos despedimos me puse mal. Me llego mi llanto. Trataba de controlarlo.
Pienso que un llanto es un coordinar del terreno de nuestra conciencia. Pienso que es un lugar sagrado y cercas al núcleo de nuestro ser.
Quiero ser gentil con critica de mi llanto. Me estado patologizando demasiado. Pienso que esto a causado mi dificultad con la presencia.
Sebastian took me to a reservoir of water product of the agricultural run-off found near the farming, and most recently data-center, community of Quincy Washington.
As soon as we got out of the car, we could smell the presence of a plant with aromatic structures. We followed it down a beaten snowed path. I harvested some to make a candles. Sebastian pointed out as sage to me.
My family is dysfunctional. I need to stop being concerned with finding a root cause of this. I now need to focus on not reproducing dysfunctional behaviors with people I love.
Mi tia yola found a way to do so. But it's based so much on an individualism only wealthy people have comfortable access to.
I'm going to make sage veladoras.
Sebastian, te voy a mandar una!
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Mardi soir on va au bar avec les copains il y a pas ma bière préférée du coup je prends de la chouffe et c'est fort et j'en bois beaucoup et il y a des gens qui viennent se servir à notre table et je leur serts des bieres un peu n'importe comment mais pas grave ey les copains essayent de me caser avec eux alors que je leur dit que je déteste les garçons en ce moment mais c'est un peu rigolo quand même après il y a un mec qui vient et qui nous parle de ses médailles qu'il a gagné et il les sort de son sac minuscule c'est risible et il parle pendant super longtemps et ça se voit qu'il est intéressé par ma copine alors qu'il y a son mec a 2 pas ça m'énerve le mec est trop chiant l'arrogance rend moche bref après il part enfiiiin et on est trop contente ahah après je sort prendre l'air et je leur parle de ce que je veux chez un amoureux et je leur dit que les garçons sont nuls et ils me disent que je vais finir par trouver mais ça m'énerve quand même et en fait je sais pas oû j'en suis dans ma vie à ce sujet faut que je réfléchisse. Ma copine me dit de demander au mec du debut si il faisait du crossfit (il avait de tres gros bras) et cest rigolo mais jose pas parce que il est un peu trop mignon et je suis apparemment pas assez saoul pour parler a un bel inconnu. Après je sais pas pourquoi ni comment mais j'arrive à motiver tout le monde pour aller dans un bar dansant (j'ai dit que c'était mardi et que le lendemain je travaille ?) donc en avant guingan on y va et c'est pas mal il y a du monde mais pas trop la musique est trooop bien on boit du rhum arrangé je sais pas combien de verre j'ai l'impression que je vais vomir mais je bois encore et c'est trop bien de danser avec ses amis comme ça on rigole trop on fait n'importe quoi c'est vraiment bien il y a pas de gros relous qui danse trop prés vraiment bonne ambiance. Mais après il est genre 2h du matin donc on se dit qu'on va quand même rentrer il y en a qui bosse in, et là un mec vomit au milieu de la piste c'est horrible après il y a des gens qui dansaient dedans beurkbeurkbeurk donc on décide vraiment de partir et mes copains trop gentil me ramène en voiture chez moi et je m'endors comme une tombe mais le lendemain matin c'est à moi de vomir ahha mais après j'ai pu aller au travail sans avoir peur d'être trop malade mais en étant très fatiguée et mal de tête. Mais c'était une trop bonne soirée génial je les adore j'ai trop de chance de les avoir dans ma vie
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“For seeing that in the wisdom of God the world, by wisdom, knew not God, it pleased God, by the foolishness of our preaching, to save them that believe.” —1 Corinthians 1:21, Douay-Rheims
Jesus has saved us through the foolishness of the message of the cross. This salvation applies to every aspect of our lives. Through the supposed foolishness of the cross, we can be saved from marital breakdown, financial insecurity, manipulation by fears, loss of purpose in life, anxieties, despair, self-hatred, enslaving addictions, bitterness, unforgiveness, and all other evils. We are saved always by the “foolishness” of the cross.
Thus, we can pray with St. Francis of Assisi: “We adore You, O Christ, and we praise You because by Your holy cross You have redeemed the world.” When we are redeemed from addictions, it is by the cross. When a marriage is a glorious sign of Christ’s love for the Church (see Eph 5:32), we should boast of nothing but the cross (Gal 6:14). When we forgive and love our enemies and ourselves, we should “speak of nothing but Jesus Christ and Him crucified” (1 Cor 2:2).
The cross is the only tree of life. It is a scandal to the Jews and foolishness to the Gentiles, but to those called by God, the cross is “the power of God and the wisdom of God” (1 Cor 1:24). Take up the cross daily (Lk 9:23).
Prayer: Father, when I make the Sign of the Cross, may it express the meaning of my life.
Promise: “The ones who were ready went in to the wedding with him.” —Mt 25:10
Praise: Not having received the Sacrament of Reconciliation for twenty years, Jose made a decision to do so monthly.
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