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439 posts
✿ Helloo I'm Mai, 27, she/her, also known as Veratrance on ao3 ✿ I'm mainly here for fangirling, shitposting, and fictalking ~ This blog contains 18+ content! Fandoms: AOT, jjk, haikyuu, tokyo revengers etc.
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veratrance · 8 days ago
in your opinion, who do you think is pining for the other, Levi or reader?
Definitely both, but in a different way. I’d say Levi is actually pining the most but in a more repressed angsty way, so although it’s less overt and obvious, he’s suffering more in silence. It’s a turbulent “what the fuck is happening to me send help” kind of pining lol. The “I’ve never felt this before and idk wtf to do” typa dynamic
Reader pines a lot too but I’d say it’s slightly less angsty and all-consuming. A bit more balanced, you know? Though still very intense
So in conclusion: it’s mutual pining but Levi is the biggest simp, though he represses the feeling and has a hard time coming to terms with it lol
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veratrance · 8 days ago
Reblog to give a headache to Elon Musk
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veratrance · 8 days ago
“you should be at the club” Brother I should literally be sent to the seaside for my health
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veratrance · 8 days ago
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veratrance · 10 days ago
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third wheel or third arm or
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veratrance · 10 days ago
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veratrance · 11 days ago
Girlyyyy good luck with the part time job!! I was browsing your page to download the fic and reread it again this weekend ✨️.
I totally get itttt im in the process of moving closer to my job :(
thank you so much I so desperately hope I'll get it!!😭 Good on you for moving closer to your job because commuting is such a pain in the ass omg, I feel you a 100%
Also: I hope you enjoy the reread ❤️😁
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veratrance · 12 days ago
the quiet intimacy and reverence in the way you cradle your lover's face & the way they instinctively lean into your touch, fingers wrapping around your wrist as they press a kiss against the palm of your hand
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veratrance · 12 days ago
One of the funniest things about enemies-to-lovers ships is how they’re almost always obsessed with each other. Like if a character actively chooses to interact with another character over and over again instead of simply ignoring them? Throw darts at it all you want, but you still printed out a picture of them to hang on your wall
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veratrance · 12 days ago
Girlie I just wanted to say that even though I'm balls deep in anything Levi related, and I've read many MANY fics, yours is probably the only one that truly portrayed Levi as Levi. The reader has an amazingly strong personality, while also embracing her femininity, something that makes her even more powerful . So yeah lol, thankss a lot for this and can't wait for you to post the next chapter ❤️
SCREAMING AND CRYING!!!! Thank you so much I'm so happy and honored that you love the characterisations ❤️😭 manymany thanks you kind soul<333
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veratrance · 12 days ago
Thank you so much for the tag @ohmypawsandwhiskers ❤️❤️ I LOVE THESE SNIPPETS!! I'm super intrigued 👀 Lozen sounds like a badass, I love it
Here's a snippet from Felines and Canidae:
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My mid-20th century cottagecore-ish Levi x Reader (By The Lilies in July), not posted yet but in progress:
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silly wip tag game!◝(ᵔᗜᵔ)◜
show us a paragraph, line or dialogue out of context from your current wip[s]. if you aren't a writer, feel free to share one from the last fic you read! ♡
these are from three different wips, the last one is something i wrote in december 2024 (those who remember me talking about nanami and a desi reader...yea), and the second one is something my aashi (@fushitoru) has been asking for since the beginning of time [hint: salaryman choso]
— npt: @gojocon @norikuna @sonnytoru @starmapz @aishi-toru @baepsays @gojosoups @indiewritesxoxo @madamechrissy + anyone else
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veratrance · 12 days ago
do we see any Noah and Levi beef because of Noah’s little crush on reader 😏
I'll give you a lil excerpt from chapter 37 so you can catch the vibe xx
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veratrance · 12 days ago
Is there a way we can know your progress? I will happily reread your fic time and time again and hope it never disappears. Even if it’s never updated just so long as I can reread it. But on the off chance that any of us could maybe know if and when an update could happen? The not knowing is so hard and I suck so much at not knowing stuff. I guess I’m just asking if you could give us any kind of time to look forward to? Even if a rough estimate? Again im sorry, I just hate the not knowing
I've been pondering over this question for quite some time because I'm SO bad at time estimations, like absolutely terrible. It's my nr 1 struggle at work because I always underestimate how much time I take to do things 😭 I used to give time estimations for fic updates but after continuously giving people false hope and taking 50 times longer than estimated, I stopped doing that llol
I totally get it though, not knowing is torture! No need to apologize, the way you asked this is super sweet and considerate and I'm beyond honored that you like the fic so much<33 Thank you!!
Here's what I can say: i'm at a tipping point in terms of writing. Atm I'm busy with work at least 11-12 hours a day because of commuting, so I have 0 time or energy to write, and it's really hard to find time during the weekends even tho I try to block it. HOWEVERR i applied for a part time job (3 workdays a week) close to my apartment, and I'm in the middle of the hiring process. If I get this job (which I'm 75% confident I'll get, fingers crossed) I'll quit my fulltime job & I'll have SOOOO much more time to write. Literally all my dreams coming true!!
So basically: as long as I remain stuck in my current job the progress is insanely slow. My neurodivergent brain can't handle this lifestyle so we're talking many many more months. Like, I wouldn't be surprised if it would take until end 2025
If I get the job (beginning of May the earliest) I think I'll start posting around the summer (June/July?). Just a rough estimate :)
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veratrance · 24 days ago
With 15 chapters to go, can we still get to see more angst? I love how you write Levi crash outs 🥲
Oh yes no worries there will be many more Levi crash outs 😉 if the angst is over the fic is over
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veratrance · 24 days ago
Today I'm feeling all soft at the idea of waking up next to Levi...
His tousled, dark hair that's just slightly out of place in bed - a familiar sight you'll keep locked in your heart, private and precious.
How his pupils dilate the moment he opens his eyes and sees you staring at him.
The light dust of pink that paints the tip of his ears.
The hoarseness in his voice the moment he answers your sweet "good morning," with words of his own.
And the way his hands fall on your waist when you lean in for the first kiss of the day, a peaceful sigh escaping him the moment your lips meets his.
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veratrance · 26 days ago
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Art by  maino_merry
Posted with Permission (reprint/edit and/or commercial use prohibited)
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veratrance · 26 days ago
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